#i realized that i once had wrote a fic almost like that on wattpad
gxtzeizm · 1 year
that feeling when you found a local drama series that being originated from a local streaming platform in which the plot reminds you of a fic that you wrote 6 years ago
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k0koii-yu · 22 days
I can’t believe it took me 3 years to be able to say it out loud but—
Old woman yuri.
(Or at least one-sided gay pining at the very most)
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(Apologies for the lack of good screenshots, I just started replaying WE recently since my Angela brain rot is coming back)
Okayy so I want to confess: I initially wrote a fic about them because I wanted a wlw equivalent to Jars from S3 so then I thought about them— and thus came a slow burn fic (actually a 1k word one shot because it was part of a one shot book in Wattpad I had back then) I made of them in 2021 in an AU where Lars was the mole for the sake of making the ship sail. The one shot has been deleted, unfortunately, and as of now I might not have plans to rewrite it : (
Anyways I started shipping them seriously after I wrote that fic (I still like Angelars and Carchelle tho!) and the more I read into their interactions, the more I realized just how much untapped potential their relationship has (PS knew they would be too powerful so they had to make Angela the mole with little to no buildup until literally two cases before IPS/s). Also incoming ramble about them since barely anyone talks about them:
Their interactions, while few, are super wholesome and have a special place in my heart as someone who’s skimmed through the transcripts for either Angela’s appearances OR their interactions. No one talks about how Carmen, while usually hotheaded and quick to action, constantly praises Angela and is really patient with her enough. And as @celestiarambles has pointed out in their analysis of their relationship, Carmen has only gotten mad at Angela ONCE for a reason that wasn’t out of concern for her well-being and it was because she was flirting with Lars in front of her. (Could it be because she wasn’t being serious? Or could it be out of envy? We may never know, unfortunately…)
Likewise, I see so much potential to be explored when it comes to their interactions: Carmen teaching Angela photography after having very nicely for some reason (I bet 50 bucks that if it were Jack or Lars it’d be different) told her she sucked, them discussing parenting tips, and character studies of their relationships. Or if we were to enter fic territory, their pre-canon/post-canon dynamic is also an interesting idea to think about, or maybe an AU where they could end up together (Mole!Lars seems like the easiest way tho). Fic writers, I call upon thee to make this wish of mine come true/j
Their personalities also complement each other very well : D. While both show clear work ethic and seriousness in their work, they also complement each other. Carmen is tough, hotheaded and started off as distrustful at us in the beginning of WE, being focused on her work first and foremost, while Angela is much more calm, patient and initially warm and family-oriented. This also leads to some interesting parallels as they almost become each other’s core traits by the end of WE: Carmen having grown more motherly and caring after having Sanjay, whilst Angela grew distrustful and cynical, likely due to her pledged loyalty to SOMBRA, which lead her to follow their orders so devotedly that she was actually willing to blow us up.
The fact that the transition from the main plot of IPS to the AI has Carmen change facial expressions from holding a straight face to being sad/disappointed. It could’ve been Ripley, who was upset at the loss of one of their most competent members by the hands of the organization she swore to destroy. It could’ve been Jack, who was upset for Lars— his best friend, and they did have some nice interactions, too. But the fact that Carmen of all people was chosen for this, despite the fact that her relationship with Angela wasn’t either of their most important (Lars to Angela and Sanjay/Elliot to Carmen /platonically btw), did make for an interesting choice.
Also not related to canon but fun fact: my hc of Carmen nicknaming Angela “Angie” actually came from that one fic I wrote XD
And don’t get me started on the way they also fit into so many tropes at once:
Birds of a feather: Both of them are hardworking, serious and devoted to their work, but are shown to also care about the people around them, especially children and young people.
Red oni, Blue oni/Opposites Attract: Despite their similarities, Carmen is more hot-tempered and impatient, while Angela is known to be more calm and reserved.
Coworker yuri: do I even need to explain myself…
Brains and Brawn: Angela is shown to be really intelligent (you do not just forget a Nobel prize in biology) and it is also shown when she almost succeeded in deceiving us into thinking anyone but her was the mole. On the other hand, Carmen is more prone to action and violence (the fact that PS barely put out a moment in which she lets her badass personality shine and is almost always rescued by Jonah is a huge sin against humanity). Their jobs also reflect this in a way.
Pair the smart ones: Angela with her academic expertise in biology and Carmen with her field experience in journalism.
Battle couple: Most of the points I stated for Carmen earlier apply, along with the fact that we learn that Angela takes military training in the finale.
Dating Catwoman: Can somewhat apply post-canon, or after Angela has been outed.
Morality pet: To Carmen, since Angela is one of the few people she rarely ever gets mad at that wasn’t a child or teenager.
You (he) never did that for me: For Angela. An example was in Case 8 where she had went missing for hours and Lars was only like “hey guys my wife went missing” while Carmen actually went to go look for her.
Not so Different: Aside from their personalities, their character arcs also reflect this as discussed earlier. Carmen’s warm and motherly side gets to show itself later on with Angela still around, while the finale also shows Angela loyal to SOMBRA and being colder and meaner towards the Bureau, showing this sense of superiority(?) over their respective allegiances similar to Carmen in the early cases (and also throughout, to an extent) of the season.
Complementary colors: Red and green. Need I say more?
OKAY THIS WAS A LOT— it took me a whole hour to type this up but I wanted to get these two out of my head rq also as a means of unwinding from exam stress (will probably disappear into the shadows again after this). Please do correct me for any inaccuracies, though ^^
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xoxiu · 1 year
twinkle - ot7 x reader
chapter 05 table of contents masterlist
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summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
a/n: i wrote this fic in 2018 on ao3 and wattpad, but im putting it here for archival reasons ♡
Warmth. A comforting heat surrounding her was the first thing Ophelia felt as she slowly came back to reality. The softness of where she was laying alongside the warmth was enough to nearly lull her back to sleep until the realization that her bed at home should not be this comfortable held her back. But still, her eyes felt too heavy to open just yet.
While her current comfort never came from her own bed, it was a feeling she felt on frequent occasions. She and her friends often had sleepovers together, all of them cuddled up on one bed with piles of blankets surrounding them. Maybe that's where she was- she just had too much to drink and ended up blackout drunk with all her friends. She reached out her arm, which felt much heavier than normal, and attempted to hit one of her friends sleeping next to her to wake them up. Except her arm didn't come in contact with skin, only what felt like a wooden bar. 
A wooden bar?
Turning her head towards where she threw her arm, she could see through her barely open eyes that this was not, in fact, any of her friends' bedrooms. Ophelia went to rub the sleep out of her eyes and her arms were sore, almost as if she had been working out all night. Once her hands met her face, she left them there even after rubbing her eyes; they felt too heavy to move. 
Ophelia groaned and tried to sit up to see her surroundings better. She eventually sat up by putting her weight on her arms behind her to push her up, but soon fell backward, hitting her head on the bars on her short way down. Hissing in pain, she continued her attempt. Eventually, she sat up and rested her back on the white bars. 
The room surrounding her was dimly lit, with a light hue of pink due to the early morning sunshine shining through the sheer pink curtains. As her eyes adjusted, Ophelia noticed that the room had a pink and white theme to it- white furniture with baby pink accents. She looked down at where she was sitting; a crib with white bars, pink comforter and pillow, and white sheets with small cartoon pandas on them. Ophelia would've thought it was cute had she not been trapped in it. 
The crib was in the corner of the room, with a walk-in closet in the corner diagonally. A dresser was straight ahead of where Ophelia sat- it had multiple stuffed animals atop it. To the left of the crib, also in a corner, was a changing table with cupboards above it. A large sliding door was on the wall between the changing table and closet, covered by the pretty pink curtains, and Ophelia could see that it led to a balcony. 
Besides the balcony doors, there were two other doors in the room- one in front of Ophelia, to the left of the dresser, and another on the wall to the right of her. This gave Ophelia three potential options to escape this strange room she was in. She didn't know where the two wooden doors led to, but she knew the balcony doors led outside, guaranteeing her an immediate way out. Now her only problem was getting out of the crib with her weak limbs. 
Gripping onto the bars, Ophelia attempted to use them to pull herself up to her feet. After many attempts, she finally managed to stand on her shaky legs. Most of her body weight was on the bars of the crib, trying to flip herself over. The bars went up to her waist, making it rather difficult to just flip herself using her own weight, but she persisted. Once she managed to lift a leg up and over the rails, she quickly fell down, loud and hard, onto the white carpeting. 
She winced and opened her mouth in a silent scream as she landed on her back. After the majority of the pain passed, Ophelia rolled herself onto her forearms and was about to sit up when one of the doors open. 
Jimin had woken up when he heard a loud bang from across the hall. He didn't think much of it at first, assuming it was only Jin or Tae working on the baby room again. Once he remembered that Ophelia was now in the room, he shot up out of bed not caring if he woke Yoongi up or not. After the short rush to the nursey, Jimin opened the door, revealing his baby laying on the floor.
"Good morning, baby. You're up early," Jimin said with a smile, bending down to the ground so he was eye-level with Ophelia. "What are you doing out of your crib?"
Ophelia only stared at the stranger with a look of confusion and fear. Her trance was broken when the man picked her up, causing her to instinctively scream and attempt to get down. She pushed against his chest, kicked her legs, and squirmed as best as she could with her weak muscles, but it had no effect on Jimin's hold on her. 
"Let me down," Ophelia said, continuing her efforts to escape. 
Jimin wasn't phased by the girl's squirming. He actually found it cute. "Someone's fussy this morning," He said, continuing to gently bounce her on his hip. Ophelia quickly tired herself out and threw her head back with a groan. Jimin had to readjust his hold on the small girl so that she wouldn't fall backwards out of his arms. 
Once she was settled in his arms, Jimin gave a smile and began walking out of the room. Ophelia panicked at the sudden movement, instinctively grabbing onto Jimin to ensure she wouldn't fall. She dug her nails into the side of his neck, causing Jimin to wince at the slight pain. He grabbed Ophelia's smaller hand and held it in his own to keep it from harming him further.
"Don't hurt Mommy, baby- It's not nice,"
Ophelia stared at Jimin as if he had gone insane. "What the fuck." She said, confused as to why he had referred to himself as 'Mommy.' From what Ophelia could see, he was a young man not much older than herself; definitely not her 'Mommy.'
Jimin gave an overexaggerated gasp and released Ophelia's hand to tap his own against her mouth. "We do not use that kind of language, little one."
Ophelia continued to stare at Jimin, silently judging him. 'Did he just scold me?' she thought. Wanting nothing more than to get out of his hold, she reached up to scratch him again until she felt him walking down the stairs. The sudden bouncing and fear that he could potentially throw her down the steps caused her to hold back on harming of Jimin and instead hold on tighter.
Once they were down the stairs, Ophelia could see outside through the window, which was large and took up the entire front wall. The sun was rising, which coated the grass and trees outside in a sun-kissed, orange hue. Ophelia also noted that there were no other houses nearby, slimming her chances of being discovered by a neighbor. 
Ophelia kept her attention on the windows and front door, so she didn't even hear Jimin speaking to her until he gently bounced her, taking her out of her thoughts.
"Are you watching the sunrise, baby?" Ophelia ignored him again.
The front door didn't have an obvious lock, so all Ophelia had to do to get out would be to twist the doorknob lock. Or, at least she hoped. From all the murder and crime documentaries she's watched, she knew there was always a catch; it couldn't be as easy as twisting the doorknob. 
The only thing on her mind was getting out of the strange house, so when she felt herself being lowered from the man's arms, she started to make a break for the front door. What she wasn't anticipating was to be sat down and buckled into a highchair. 
A highchair, of all things.
This brought her back to reality (somewhat), and she immediately began to try to take the tray off the highchair, since she couldn't reach the straps with it on. She didn't expect it to budge, anyway- she couldn't even take the tray off of Rose's highchair. After many failed attempts, Ophelia let out a frustrated groan and began yelling at Jimin to take her out of the chair.
Jimin, however, ignored her fit and continued to pour her cereal into a small bowl. The milk was being heated in the microwave, and once it was out Jimin poured in a bit of powder into it. It was a drug Taehyung had said would make her calm and compliant, something Ophelia really needed to be right now. Jimin wasn't too sure how much to put in, since Ophelia was small and Jimin didn't like the idea of drugging her, so he only put in a teaspoon of the white powder.
Taehyung was a genius when it came to creating drugs and medicines. He knew exactly what nearly everything did, and how much would be lethal (very handy when you're involved in mafia business). He really prepared for when Ophelia came; he knew she wouldn't naturally adjust, so he prepared powders to make her sleep, calm, excitable, heighten her emotions, and many others. Some were impractical, while others they had considered using daily- the calming one to be exact.
Jimin shook the bottle while walking back over to Ophelia, who had now calmed down but was still working on taking the tray off. The highchair was placed at the head of the table, so Jimin took a seat to the girl's right. Once Ophelia noticed Jimin was back, she stopped her attempts at escape and glared daggers at the short man.
"Take this off," she said, her voice low and menacing, "Now."
"You're so cute," Jimin cooed, placing the bowl of dry cereal on the tray, bottle still in his hands. "Do you want to eat your cereal first? Your bottle's still a bit too hot for your little mouth."
The glare never left Ophelia's face as she diverted her attention from Jimin to the pink plastic bowl of colorful cereal. Honestly, she was starving. Ophelia couldn't remember the last time she ate anything, but she was sure she could go a little bit longer without food- she's done it many times before.
Realizing she wouldn't eat the cereal willingly, Jimin grabbed a piece and held it up to Ophelia's mouth. "Open up, baby." Ophelia only continued to stare at Jimin with disgust, and occasionally looked down at the purple Froot Loop held to her lips.
"You want your bottle first?" Jimin asked, testing the temperature of the milk on his wrist. It had cooled down to a decent temperature now, and with a smile, Jimin now held the nipple to Ophelia's mouth. 
Ophelia's eyes went wide as the bottle was brought towards her mouth, and began to violently shake her head back and forth. In her thrashing, she swiped the bowl of cereal onto the ground, the noise causing her to stop her squirming. She looked towards Jimin, who now lost his smile and seemed pissed.
Oh no. 
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mossyinkynebulous · 2 months
I'm sorry, I was just looking over the Watty's stuff and like wtf.
Disclaimer: I've been on Wattpad since 2015, so like 9 years now (makes me feel old) and never once participated in their awards competition, the Watty's. Wasn't there to win awards, was there to win hearts. (even if I update as slow as molasses) Anyways gonna ramble under cut
So, Wattpad. Ya know, that site that's known for fanfiction. That site that was built up by fanfiction. That site that has decided that fanfiction is no longer acceptable to be submitted to the Watty's... Oh ya didn't know that. Yeah, apparently this is the second year that they haven't allowed fanfiction to be submitted. Was skimming comments and supposedly to staff, most stories on Wattpad are original works. Which I feel they're about as original as a fanfic work when I'm pretty sure a good section of that is built up by werewolf fics that almost always read about the same and are as predictable as can be after you read like 3 of 'em, but oh no most of the works are og. Sure copyright is an issue, but ya wanna know something? Fanfic writers usually don't want money or anything for what they've written, they just want their work to be acknowledged and appreciated. So like, idk, there could just be no prize besides like a hey this work won the fanfic category congrats to it.
Two more qualms about the Watty's: poetry and short story collections aren't eligible either. Why? No reason in particular given. Guess is that 500 word minimum per "chapter" that amounts to 50,000 words is just /too hard to judge\. As someone who has managed to acquire honorable mention and have a poem I wrote published in a book of poems by others, I find this disheartening that this website that encourages creativity is removing two forms that many people work extremely hard to do. Do they realize how hard it is to write a series of poems? Do they realize how hard it is to tell a full story in only a few words, much less multiple? Do they realize how disheartening it is to be reading over the guidelines thinking hey I may be able to actually enter this year only to read at the end that the genre you write isn't accepted?
I knew I couldn't enter regardless of the genre limitations. For completed works, it's had to have had its first chapter published after January of 2022, and all of mine that are completed were years before that. For ongoing works, you have to have had updated once a week for 8 of the 10 weeks prior to entering and I update like once every 3-6 months if lucky.
Another complaint about Wattpad I have is that they took away my dm's. Unhinged, I know, but I actually used them occasionally. Like if I wanted to have a conversation with someone instead of in the comments section of a story we could just dm on the same site and not have to worry about putting a social media or contact to where anyone could just come dm you and you have no idea why. I enjoyed reading over past rp I did with someone back in like 2016 because we fell out of touch and it was the only rp I did with someone that wasn't pencil and paper being passed back and forth in someone's room, that happened like twice btw.
Wattpad has slowly become a site that I don't know anymore. It's become a place where I've stayed only out of nostalgia (and I'm used to its formatting). A place where a part of me grew up at and called home. A place that is now a shell of the home that it used to be. It saddens me to see it slowly deteriorate from what it used to be. No one I know uses it anymore, and those that I mention that I still do almost always ask why, why haven't I moved to AO3 or another site, or are surprised that it's still being used anymore. Wattpad was there for me when I started to slip. It was there for me when I was at my lowest. It was my escape...but I don't think it can be anymore. I'll try to finish the ongoing fic I have there and uphold the promise I made with myself, but after that I don't think I'll use it anymore. Not after all of these changes that keep happening and honestly, saying goodbye to it is like saying goodbye to a long time friend.
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giigil · 4 months
how did you start to write? kinda curious to know your trajectory
story time! (really happy you asked, hehe.) note: if anyone's interested in going through my past writings, let me know and i'll probably make a google drive folder lol.
I've been addicted to gaming ever since I was younger and I've always had hyperfixations that would come and go. Middle school was when I realized I had a love for reading books (mainly young adult, romance, fiction + manga) and I used to always spend my time in the school library during my lunch breaks.
2012: I was 13 and almost graduated from middle school. I adored Zelda/Link as a ship so much that I Googled 'Zelda x Link' to look for cute art, only to stumble across a website: Fanfiction.net. Yep. That site.
I read through a couple of stories and found myself hooked. I made an account, and I decided to start writing my own stories.
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Super Smash Brothers Brawl had a huge impact on my life and holds a special place in my heart. It was all I'd ever written and thought about when I first started.
( putting a read more to elaborate further on my writing journey. )
Around 2013, though, someone put a wrench on my Fanfiction.net journey by reporting my story -- it wasn't anything horrible, it was just a cringe Truth or Dare fanfiction that someone and their group said was "against" Fanfiction.net rules. That story got deleted, and out of impulse and feeling depressed, I deleted every single fanfiction I'd ever posted on my account.
I deeply regret doing so, because there were so many ideas that I can't look back on because my memory isn't able to recall a whole lot of them.
At least a few weeks after, though, I got onto Tumblr and got into Tumblr roleplaying! Fairy Tail was my next huge fixation and I made a roleplay blog focused on Edo-Cana from the Edolas arc (after I spoke with an Edo-Lucy blog). After I lost my inspiration for Edo-Cana, I moved on to Evergreen, and then Lucy Heartfilia.
I believe I lost interest in roleplaying on Tumblr around 2014.
2014: I was still writing on Fanfiction.net, but as usual, I would delete my fics when they didn't satisfy me. I wrote for a couple of other fandoms ranging from Big Hero Six, Rise of the Guardians/Young Justice, and more. I'd also joined websites like Quotev and Wattpad.
2015: In my junior year of high school, I made a friend who also had an interest in roleplaying. She introduced me to this one roleplaying website which allowed me to continue with writing.
However, as you can probably see, I have the absolutely terrible habit of losing interest in things quickly. I ended up quitting roleplaying due to that.
I also joined Archiveofourown. I don't remember if I'd ever posted anything around the time of joining. This is the one year I don't remember much for.
I also continued to post on Fanfiction.net:
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As per usual, it lasted for *almost* a year.
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November 10th, 2016 was the last time I ever posted on my Fanfiction.net account.
I had a dry spell when it came to writing for a good year and a half from 2016-2017.
April 21 2017: I played Final Fantasy XV and (it's what I hyperfixated on for a good 2 years). Around April 27-28, I already had a hankering for wanting to write fanfiction for it. I have so many ideas that haven't seen the light of day, and probably never will.
There's so many drafts, mostly unfinished, just sitting in my Google Drive.
August 2018: I posted a Prompto Argentum x Reader fic on archiveofourown, but eventually orphaned it and everything else I had posted.
October 2018: My hyperfixation for Red Dead Redemption 2 started. I thought up of ideas, plotlines, etc.
February 2019: I posted 3 Arthur Morgan x Reader fics. Which, you can probably already guess what the fuck happened to those. *orphaned. woooow.*
March 2019: I swore off writing anything else for my old Fanfiction.net account, and have left all of my fanfiction saved there.
2020-2021: Once more, I stopped writing and focused on trying to get through day by day life considering it was the COVID outbreak and I was only ever working. I never stopped reading fanfiction though. It's what's kept my writing decent -- at least, that's what I feel like. 2020 was when my hyperfixation on Final Fantasy 7/Remake started. I would think up of things.
March 23, 2022: (Not a writing thing, but I like to make note of it.) The start of my hyperfixation on Jujutsu Kaisen and Gojo!
December 2022: I finally posted a fic after so long. Haven't deleted it, and I swear I won't.
January 2023: Wrote my first ever M rated fic for Nero the Sable from Final Fantasy 7 Remake x Reader, and told myself I'd go back to writing. I haven't posted anything else on AO3 since then.
August 11, 2023: I learned of and created an account on character.ai!
September 18, 2023: I started making character.ai bots!
As you can see, I'm an inconsistent person and have occasional moments of inspiration and eventually get tired of things. There will be times when I need a break from writing, so I apologize if it takes me a bit to get through all of my requests.
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chloerie · 1 year
(Soo like that SiX fic I mentioned like once? Yeah chapter one is done, this is it)
“Listen up let me tell you a story” SiX reincarnated AU
For a little more context: The kids were reincarnated 4 years before the Queens were and Mary found a place to stay and got a job with Lady Jane Gray(A/N: More commonly known as “9 Days Queen”)was reincarnated with the kids also: I don’t have a update thing 4 this one. Ao3 Wattpad & tumblr
I wrote some of this while ao3 was down lmfao
Yeet let’s go Jane Gray’s POV
I had just walked downstairs to make some coffees for myself and my cousin Mary(Cousins through Henrat’s sister or aunt Idek lmao) and saw… The ex-Queens!?
“J WHAT HAPPENED!?” Mary yell-asked
“Mary? Janie? What’s going on?” Elizabeth asked
“Nothing Liz. Is Mae asleep? Do you need anything?” Mary questioned
“Mae is sleeping I’m fine.” Elizabeth answered
“Okay,” Mary replied glancing at the women in our living room “But if you need anything I’ll be here.” She continued
“Wait where’s Edward,” I said glancing panicky at Mary “Mare do you know?” I asked her
“Eddie is sleeping too,”Elizabeth said hugging Mary “Don’t worry Mar-Mar” She said giving her a-Sleepy-but-adorable smile(Author note: I’ll take any advice/art <3)
“Okay what is going on!?” A Queen asked
“Right. I’m Jane Gray Parr,” I said gesturing to said people(Myself and Catherine Parr) “Paid for my education”
“My name’s Elle!” Eliza said cleverly using the name we taught her to use if she was asked her name by strangers(A/N: BYE A LITERAL LIGHTING STIRCK JUST HAPPENED OUTSIDE MY WINDOW IT ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK AGAIN IT HAPPENED)
“Hm. Your highnesses,” Mary said curtsying to them “I am Mary”
“Janie Betsy Mezza? What’s going on?” Edward asked
“It’s nothing Edward don’t fret over trivial matters-“ I said before remembering I was talking to a 4 year old “Right you’re a toddler. Don’t worry Ed it’s nothing.”
“Eddie! How was your nap?” Elizabeth said
“Excuse me,” A Queen said standing up and grabbing our attention “Who are you children and where are we?” The Queen whom I quickly realized was Queen Jane Seymour
“Well you’ve got me Jane Gray call me J,” I said picking up Edward rocking him and humming a Scottish lullaby to get him to sleep “This is my cousin Edward and his sisters Mary and Elizabeth.” I answered
“We also have another sister not biological though,” Mary said taking Edward from me “Her name’s Mary or Mae we just call her that to differentiate between me and her.” Mary explained, smiling
“Right. I am Queen Catherine of Aragon”(A/N: I don’t think I have to say who said this lmfao)
“Mami.” Mary said softly
“Mami?,” Another Queen asked hugging Aragon “Mary?”
“Hello Cat,” Mary stated smiling softly at Parr and Aragon “I need to put Edward to bed now so I unfortunately cannot stay here J can you help me out here please?” She asked me
“Sure” I answered sighing exasperated with the Queens already
“AH!” A Queen yelled, I was quick to notice, they had a beheading scar, like me. And had no head. Oof.
“Does anyone here know how to put a head back on!?” Another Queen, who looked like Her Royal Highness Princess Anna Von Cleves(A/N: Anna was literally paid to not say she was Queen and she was considered the King’s sister after her divorce, so I figured I’d give her that title lol)
“I can help? I was beheaded too.” I suggested, taking off my choker necklace and gesturing to my beheading scar, Mary looked down guiltily at the sight of it
“Mary, it’s fine you apologized, that’s enough for me.” I sighed exasperated with my cousin.
“I know J, I’m still sorry though..” She muttered, looking down in embarrassment
“Mare you’ve been forgiven, now that’s enough apologies from you young lady.” I scolded
“J, I’m older than you-“ I got as a response
“Oh, shut it Mary.” I muttered, rolling my eyes
A/N: I’m ending this chapter now bc I’m tired, it’s 11:40PM and I need to work on Reincarnated Maria Reynolds anyways this’ll be posted on Wattpad later
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earthtoplum · 2 years
hellraiser. // eddie munson.
pairing: eddie munson x female!reader
summary: Between school, band practices, D&D nights and shitty parents, you and Eddie have created the perfect little secret life together. The town of Hawkins despises him, but not you. You're head over heels for the son of a bitch. About to graduate, the two of you are ready to run out of Indiana the moment those caps go in the air, but the inevitable Hawkins Curse creeps its way back into town, and takes hold of what you once thought was untouchable.
word count: 4.5k
warnings: almost none for this part, almost sex at the end just foreplay, parents suck, parents argue, thats it, more to come
a/n: hi, I wrote this in about an hour I believe and I'm loving it. Not sure if I am making this a full fic but I definitely want to continue it- this is deff set up for a fic. Follows the storyline of Season 4! Beware of spoilers in case you haven't watched the masterpiece.
*gif not mine, creds to whoever owns*
visit me on wattpad!
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one. eddie the freak
Legs stretched out in the back of your parents tan station wagon, you and Eddie were finally able to hold hands.  His ring-clad fingers grasped yours gently, carefully, like it was the last time he’d get to hold them.  It was the first time tonight however, you’d been hanging around your family for a few hours, and you and Eddie both knew he wasn’t your parents favorite person.  Secrets and sneaking around soon became the game, and shit, was it a damn good time.
The two of you have been best friends since middle school, inseparable in every way, which was where your parents' Eddie aversion began.  They once told you that he had swindled their little girl, as if he was some kind of unstoppable disaster that had destroyed you- or, rather their idea of what they wanted you to be.  You’d grown up around Madonna, pure bubblegum pop, and you used to go to church on Sunday’s with your parents and brothers, but when you started middle school you changed entirely.  You were interested in new music, and new people with a different style to the pop princess’s you were used to. When you met Eddie he rocked your entire being, opening your eyes to a much bigger world that existed than you were led to believe.
By eighth grade you weren’t wearing little purple dresses or hanging out with Nancy Wheeler and Barb Holland anymore.  
Eddie’s first appearance around your house was a shock to the other four beings who lived there, you would never forget that night.  You and Eddie used to laugh about it before it became too much to handle. 
With a buzzed haircut, dressed up in ripped jeans and a cut off tank top with Metallica’s logo slapped across the front of it, he was hard to forget.  Your mother had nearly dropped the dishes in her hand when the two of you came into the kitchen after walking home from school, Eddie’s boots were what alerted her first.
“Hi, ma!” Your used-to-be chipper attitude greeted her shocked expression happily, not realizing why she was malfunctioning. Amongst the flowery decor of the living room that flowed into the stunning patterns of the wallpaper in the kitchen and your mothers yellow checkered dress that she wore with little white heels that were pointed at the toe, you couldn’t piece together what didn’t belong.  At this point in life, you were about to learn.
Eddie isn’t any good, they told you, he doesn’t seem like a nice person.  For an hour, after he had gone home, after the dishes were washed and your little brothers were in bed, your parents sat on the end of your bed word-vomiting these thoughts into your very impressionable, still developing brain.  You couldn’t imagine where they’d gotten these facts from, you knew the best that Eddie was a very nice person.
Fighting back solved nothing, and if anything, made it worse.  The next day when you found Eddie at his locker in the morning you spilled everything, watching his smile that appeared when he spotted you start to fade.
“It doesn’t make sense,” Your eyes were wide while you spoke, worried what might happen if you tried to go back over to your house together.  Slamming his locker shut without grabbing the books he needed, Eddie’s discourage turned into a wicked grin, filling your insides with butterflies for the very first time.
“Guess we’re goin’ to Uncle Wayne’s,” He said, his voice boisterous and full of something new… Something exciting that would soon get the two of you into a lot of trouble.
Tonight's mandatory night out to dinner was planned against your will.  A plot to keep you on a short leash at arms length away from the thing your parents didn’t know you loved most.  The long haired, tattooed, tall, lanky son of a bitch who sneakily slid his hand across the leather seat of their very own car to lace his fingers with their daughters.
On opposite sides of the car you both stared out the windows, sitting quietly and patiently, keeping your cool as to not stir any attention toward you- though that used to be what you two loved most.  Your brothers who were now in middle school were in the row of seats in front of you running their mouths about how they weren’t happy with the food they ate.  One of them was still hungry, and the other almost never wanted anything to eat unless it was something sweet.  It amazed you how the three of you came from the same parents, but still ended up completely different.
“Jeffery, please, I can cook you something up when we get home, okay honey?” Your mothers head was turned over the seat, beckoning the boys to settle down, “Marshall, Reeses Cups are off limits. I mean that.  I better not see you in that candy drawer tonight.”
“Tina,” Your father sighs from the driver's seat, eyes on the road, “Let the boy have a treat, would ya?”
Scoffing into oblivion, your mother whipped forward, her neatly permed hair bouncing around her blushed cheeks, “And will you be getting up at three in the morning to aid him through his stomach ache, Neil?” Nasty emphasis on Neil.  Glancing to the side you found Eddie doing the same. You quickly snapped your necks the other way, fighting away the smiles that threatened to expose your amusement at the argument a few feet in front of you.
No matter where, no matter how, your parents found a way to pick at each other, thus beginning your affinity with wondering why they were still together. It didn’t end at tiny car arguments about midnight snacks.  There were nights you’d wake up to them shouting at one another in their bedroom, voices raised to a volume you would only hear when their environment was louder than themselves. 
They were high school sweethearts.  The prom king and queen of their graduating class, and not long after the caps were thrown in the parking lot of Hawkins High, Tina was smiling ear to ear taking graceful strides down the aisle of a church dressed in white.  Arm in arm with her own father, she kissed him on the cheek before her dainty legs delivered her to the spot beside Neil who donned a black tuxedo they had chosen together. One kiss and seven months later, there you were, a new beginning in their doomed happily ever after.
That math never did add up, but god forbid you question it.
“Am I dropping you at home, Edward?” Neil’s eyes turned up into the rearview mirror, panning between the two of you in the backseat. Your fingers tensed, Eddie feeling your joints cramp up.
“Uh, it’s just Eddie,” Came out of him in a half whisper. You turned to look at him, then at your father, then back to Eddie, watching this play out. “You don’t have to, I walked over, I can walk home.” His thumb started to draw circles on the back of your hand, smooth and slow.  The corners of your lips were going to doom you if you didn’t get the warmth you were feeling under control.
Marshall turned to look at Eddie, eyebrows nestled firmly above his bright eyes, “It’s nighttime outside,” He expressed concern. Eddie leaned forward, inches away from your brother's face.
“Afraid of the dark?” His whisper was eerie, getting a shiver from Marshall who hurried to turn away.
“It’s a two minute drive from our house, Neil can drop you off,” With a suddenly sappy tone, and an ignorant ear to what had just happened, your mother waved her hand once to establish the simpleness of the task at hand.  Looking at Eddie again, you smiled this time, nodding your head to agree with her. The petty act you played to keep you on her good side until you finalized your plan to move out of their house.
“Neil can drop you off,” You repeated in a whisper to make him smile. Dark eyes dancing around yours for no more than a second, he flashed a charming grin to your mother who was now turned over the seat once more, and shrugged his shoulders. 
“Sure, yeah, thanks,” He says, then after your parents were preoccupied by your brothers like they were mere minutes ago, he leans over toward you and whispers four words that send chills down your spine, “See you at twelve.”
Appreciating that your parents were doing something nice for Eddie that happened once every blue moon, you despised that it had to be this.  Not even turning into the trailer park yet, your brothers were audibly expressing their confusion.  Comments were thrown willy-nilly that should’ve been kept to themselves, ones that your parents didn’t even dismiss.  You knew that they were thinking the same things, they were just keeping it in.
“This is your neighborhood?”
“Why are the houses so small?”
“Are these people poor, Dad?”
“I’m scared, it looks spooky.”
Eddie leant forward again, Marshall unknowing his fate. With a swift gust of air blown from Eddie’s lips to his ear, he whispers a swift, “Boo!” and the boy jumps, clutching his chest with eyes the size of quarters.
Laughing with Eddie, you use your unoccupied hand to flick them both in the back of head, mumbling to them, “Can you children shut up?” Your mother promptly whips her head around as a chorus of whines breaks out.
“Hey!” She presses her red lips together firmly, her eyes cold, and digging into yours.
“What?!” You sneer, “They’re disrespectful!” 
“Enough,” She says as you shrink back in defeat. Eddie squeezes your hand, possibly a thanks for defending him, or a message to tell you to back off so you’d be in the clear to sneak out tonight.
“This what you’ve been driving?” Your father gestures to a van parked in front of Eddie’s home as the station wagon pulls up next to it.
“Yeah… Yup,” Eddie nods, “Hasn’t given up on me yet.”
“If you drive, why did you walk to our house?” Jeffery asks, his head the only thing to be seen over the seat. Every pair of eyes in the car were pointed at Eddie except for yours.  Yours were taking in the sorry scene of the cookie cutter family you were oh, so lucky to be a part of, and you were embarrassed.  It’s been years, so Eddie reassures you he’s used to it, but that doesn’t take away how incredibly painful it was to watch a group of people associated with you be total dickheads.
Knowing your parents were watching, Eddie takes a deep breath and sighs, “Because I just… love the outdoors.” He smiles partially sarcastically, making you huff a laugh under your breath. 
He walked over because it was the last day of his license suspension. Apparently you can only get away with speeding so many times before they eventually get you. Eddie usually drives like a maniac. Your heart was pounding in your chest as the cop approached the van that day, and you thanked whoever was up there in the clouds that it was the geeky cop and not the one that was actually good at his job- the one who knew your dad.
“Munson,” The cop tried his hardest to come off as rough.  Turning your chin as you giggled, you hid your face just in case.
“Officer,” Eddie charmed, perking up a brow cheekily.  The cop sighed heavily, annoyed.
“I don’t get paid enough to deal with you,” Officer Geek said, glancing your way for a moment, “Has he been drinking?” He asks you, “Wait a second, your that guys daughter-”
“You have no idea who she is,” Eddie raised a hand, waving two fingers to the left in front of the cop's face who was utterly unamused, “You’ve never seen her a day in your life.” Eddie goofily lowered his voice and waved his fingers again like a Jedi, making you laugh again.
“Would you- Please! Out of the car, let’s go, don’t make me cuff you,” The cop says, stepping away from the window. Eddie looks at you, then the cop in surprise.
“Is that a promise?” He excites sarcastically, “If I get out, you’ll cuff me?” Dropping his hands at his side, the cop rolls his eyes and groans.
“Let’s go, Hellraiser!” He spats, “Out of the car!” 
Finally looking over at him, Eddie leans into you and blows you a kiss with just his pursed lips before swinging his door open and jumping out onto the gravel.
“Ozzy fan, and you wanna cuff me?” He nods to the nickname he’s been given by the entire station and raises his hands in defense with a sly smirk written on his lips, “Officer, don’t get the wrong idea, I have a girlfriend.”
Back at home the clock in your dim bedroom read nine fifty six, which meant there was a half hour until your parents were in bed, and an hour and a half till you’d slide your way out your window, onto the roof and down in the bushes in the backyard where your father hasn’t realized that his plethora of garden tools and the shed he keeps them in makes for a perfect landing pad for quiet feet.  Then you’d climb over your fence, and walk eight minutes to Eddie’s.  Foolproof plan, worked every time.
The car ride home was just as insufferable as the entire night had been. Marshall and Jeffery started asking questions again, this time your parents answering with the suspected answers one would think they’d say, and each time your father looked at you in the mirror like he was trying to prove a point.
Jeffery’s eyes peered over the cushion curiously.
“What?” You muttered almost incoherently. His eyes that matched your mothers narrowed.
“Why were you holding hands?” He asks, and your heart plummets to your stomach.  Maintaining face, you quirk your head to the side in question.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I saw you,” He eggs on. Thankfully Marshall had your parents in a separate discussion.
“Think you might need glasses,” You dig, scrunching your face in demise, “Awh, you’re going blind.” Jeffery rolls his eyes.
“You try to be scary like him, but it doesn’t work. He’s Eddie the Freak, nothing can top that,” He says, then after a moment of shocked silence from you, he faces forward.
Eddie the Freak. Eddie the Freak, you repeat to yourself where you lay on your bed staring at the posters and photos you’ve stuck up there over the years of living in this space. Tina and Neil won’t let you paint over the baby pink walls, so lining them in band posters and pictures of your own was your solution.  Some of these photos you took yourself, a random hobby you enjoyed every now and again when you could get your hands on a camera.
Last year you had the chance to work with a guy in school who was crazily skilled in the art of photography. Jonathan Byers, the brother of the boy everyone was buzzing about a few years prior. He was a grade above you, he graduated last year, so you got lucky to get to work with him before he did. His family moved out to, you think, California. At least that's what the halls of Hawkins High told you.
Jonathan was pretty cool. A quiet guy, but if you sparked his interest he knew how to tell a story. You knew he loved two things; his mother, and his brother, Will.  You had mentioned to Eddie a few times how you thought that he and Jonathan would get along, that it might be nice to hang out with him outside of school sometime, before he moved.
“He’s a little strange,” Eddie had crinkled his nose.
“And we are…?” You raise your eyebrows. He smiles.
“Right,” He chuckles, “Uh, doesn’t he date Wheeler?” His tone was hesitant, almost afraid to bring up the name of the girl who used to be your best friend. That ended the ‘hang out with Jonathan outside of school’ fixation.
Looking at the photos you developed with him in the dark room, you purse your lips and blow a raspberry. You wonder if Jonathan figured out what he wanted to do in life, he seemed indecisive most of the time when you’d ask him about his plans for after graduation. Maybe California had something waiting for him, and hopefully Will was able to get some peace that Jonathan was always talking about finding for him.
“He needs to get out of here,” He would say amidst the red light of the dark room, “Kid hasn’t gotten a good night's sleep since nineteen seventy one.” And you both would laugh tentatively, because that’s the year the kid had been born.
The Byers brothers' relationship became so interesting to you over the time you and Jonathan shared.  He told you so many stories, shared so many details that seemed sacred, and it always made you think… Why weren’t you blessed with that same relationship with your own siblings?  Your brothers were a year younger than Will, they were in eighth grade, which gave you the same age gap as the Byers. 
Maybe it was because they’re twins, you thought.  Twins alone share a bond that no single sibling can begin to even imagine is like, but still, even as regular siblings you sometimes wished there wasn’t such a rift between the three of you.
Eddie the Freak.  Where in the actual hell did he learn that? You didn't hang around anyone else from school, nor have you brought anyone else home except Eddie occasionally. People in high school called him that, people in Hawkins High.  Your brothers went to Hawkins Middle School- unless the other students are hearing it from their older siblings… and Eddie did have quite the reputation around town… and your parents weren’t too keen on the overall idea of Eddie… Maybe they were the ones saying it.
Taking another peek at the clock, you didn’t notice as your mind took all these twists and turns that your eyes had fluttered shut, sending you for an unsuspected, happy jump in time. It was eleven fifty five, time to climb.
Pulling your window open slowly, you exit with your legs first, landing on your feet about a foot down onto the roof of your living room. Luckily your bedroom was at the end of the hall, the furthest from your parents room.  Tip toeing to the edge of grey panels, you spot the toolshed, squat, then drop down almost three feet onto it. The first time you did this you forgot to bend your knees when you landed on the shed and you stumbled off of it right into your mothers shrubs.  Eddie teased you about the scar on your elbow for weeks.
Scaling the fence was the easiest bit of this operation, then you popped your hood on your head and hurried down your street to make it to Eddie’s in good time.
The streets of Hawkins were quiet this time of night, leaving plenty of open air to escape in, to get lost in. As dreary as this town can get sometimes, you often appreciate moments like this. Where it seemed that while the people of Hawkins slept, the town itself could breathe. A moment of relief from the high tensions that loved to run around these streets, and terrorize it’s people. Like the people themselves were what caused this godforsaken place to be shaken to its core every single year… since Will Byers disappeared. This was the time of night everyone got a break.
Heading into Eddie’s neighborhood you walk past a couple sitting on the bench by the small park, giving them a nod. They simply smile back and offer you a cigarette which you thank them, then decline.
“That’s that Munson boys girl,” The older woman tells the man after they share a look. Her voice was gravely, but gentle.
Smiling to yourself, you nod again, “Munson boys girl,” You declare happily, whispering to the air.
Eddie’s place was next. Passing by the green van, you dash up the stairs, your converse slapping on the concrete in anticipation. Pulling open the screen, your hand reaches for the other door handle, but it’s yanked open before you get the chance to grab it.
“Right on time,” Eddie says quietly, his dark eyes already eating you up. Opening your mouth to say something smart back to him, your brain renders thoughtless, standing here holding open his front door while the March breeze blows behind you. He hesitates a second, only to see what your next move was going to be. Parts of you cowered in front of Eddie when he looked at you this way, and not out of insecurity or fear, but submission.
Eddie licks his lips, having a natural tick with tongue regardless, and lowers his tone, “You gonna come inside? Or you want me to bend you over this railing… I’m sure Paul and Deedee would love a show,” He peers over to where his neighbors werewatching, “And now that I think of it, we’ve never fucked outside before…” Cutting him off after giving him a laugh, you step forward into his house, throwing your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his in a feverish kiss that was long overdue.
Slipping one hand around your back, catching you as you latched onto his body, Eddie used his free hand to slam the door shut, locking it behind him. Pressing you up against it, both of his hands gripped your hips, giving them a generous squeeze as his tongue swiped across your bottom lip.
Sighing as he touched you, your hands slid up into his hair, giving his curls a slight pull that you knew would drive him crazy. Parting your lips for him, you smile when he groans at your ministrations, jutting his hips forward into yours.
“Wanted to do this all night,” He whispers, moving his lips to your cheek, then down the side of your jaw.
“Me too,” You say, letting out a whine as his hand grips underneath your jaw to tilt your head to the side where his lips went to work on your neck. Pressing open mouthed, round kisses, he sucks at your skin gently, triggering a soft moan from your chest that he loved, but he needed more. Nipping at the spot he’s started to make, he sucks at your skin harshly, circling his tongue over the spot three times, pleased with the sounds coming out of you because of him.
“Parents… gon’ kill me,” You manage to whisper. Lifting his head with a devilish grin, he winks and kisses you deeply.
“What’s a hundredth reason to not like me?” He says swiftly, “Now, talk about them stops,” He lowers his chin as if he’s disciplining you, “Make some more of those pretty sounds, yeah?” Taking his hand off your chin, he uses a finger with a chunky silver ring on it to tug on your bottom lip as you nod your head to his request.
“Make me,” You smirk, growing the biggest pair of balls to talk back to him in this moment. Eddie’s smile grows slowly, shaking his head at the same pace.
“Oh, you’re gonna regret that!” He snatches your waist before his sentence is even over, lifting you up and over his shoulder, barreling through his home to his bedroom. Shouting playfully as he manhandles you, he pauses in his doorway and waits for you to shut the door for him.  As soon as it was shut, Eddie smacks your ass once before carefully dropping you onto his bed.
Sitting attentively, you watch happily as he strips off his t-shirt, tossing it to the floor without a second thought. Tattoo’s littered his skin, stirring up that familiar feeling in your chest.  Shamelessly eyeing the art, Eddie laughs, then places a finger beneath your chin, lifting it so you were looking up at him.
“It never gets old,” You say quietly, and he questions you with a tilt of his head, “Tattoos,” You whisper. Bringing his bottom lip between his teeth with a cocky smirk, he closes the gap between the two of you and kisses you.  Softly at first, his lips met yours, moving with all of the time in the world sending the feeling in your chest straight down the center of your body.  Pressing your thighs together after feeling it spark, you moan quietly against his lips, asking for more.
Pressing his forehead to yours, he parts your lips. Glancing between your bodies he smiles again seeing your frustration before him. Nothing got you hotter than the tattoo’s… Those, and the haircut you begged him to keep, quite literally on your knees for him.
Eddie uses his hands to slide off your denim jacket for you, disposing of it the way he did his t-shirt. Keeping your eyes on him, entranced by his every move, you let him pull off your top and push you backward onto the mattress.  Gripping your wrists and pinning them above your head, you giggle on instinct, feeling Eddie’s grip tighten.  He lowered his brows, face centimeters from yours.  You quickly press your lips together and look up at him with the wide, innocent eyes you pulled earlier and he groans.
“Keep looking at me like that and you’ll never walk again,” He mumbles.
“You’d just carry me everywhere,” You kiss the tip of his nose and he laughs.
“Yeah, I would,” Silence falls around the two of you. The only thing to be heard are the crickets outside, and if you listen hard enough, the rapid thudding of your heart in your chest.
“Touch me,” Your voice is a sultry whisper, one Eddie’s wishes he could hear every hour of everyday, and he moans from his chest, smiling growing wider.
“Anything for you, princess.”
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Enhypen reacting to you cheating in a game to win
More enha timeeee I've got more stuff in the works for them so soon I'll make a masterlist! Doing a mixture of both video games and arcade games in this. If it's not obvious to tell from my past fics I love me some video games I'm now super into Genshin atm!! Heeseung is absurdly long btw sorry about that he's the only one I actually had an idea for from a random tropes list on Wattpad the rest I wrote the prompt games and ideas for sitting through a school lecture
Pairing: Enhypen x reader
Genre: fluff, crack
Warning: swearing!
Gif credits to rightful owner ✨
Thinking of a way to spend time with your boyfriend and have a fun date
You went to play laser tag, there's no physical harm in laser tag
Problem here is you're both competitive
And deciding against being on the same team
Decided to go being on opposite team
Whoever lost has to buy lunch
So going into the game in the black out neon room full of obstacles you both had one thing on your mind
"I'm going to win" was the one thought racing through both of your heads (spoiler alert you won in the end)
Protecting your chestplate for your life in fear of someone shooting you
The game got very heated but you thought strategically
You didn't try to find him (that was his goal to find you, but by his height yells or cheers of success eliminating a player you knew where he was 99% of the time) you actually avoided him
You went to get out all of his teammates
It wasn't hard you where in it to win it
You realized there's no way it's not just you and Heeseung now
An idea came to mind
Yelling to him you said
"Heeseung I have an idea to make this fun for us , meet me at the middle since I don't want to yell"
You both made your way to the middle very cautious of eachother but he was very curious of the challenge
Quickly you explained that you two should go on opposite ends of the laser tag maze but each step you take you have to do one shot no matter what
Due to your limited amo this intrigued Heeseung
How he could strategically move his lanky body around the maze without loosing tok much amo
He agreed
And you leaned in for a kiss before "putting the plan to action"
He quickly accepted the kiss closing his eyes taking in the moment before having to head to the opposite corner
That was until he heard the "Defeated" noise come from his chest plate as you shot him in the chest neon red lights covering the what used to be blue chestplate
You giggled as you broke the kiss
"UNFAIR" Heeseung yelled
"We can talk about it over lunch" you said putting your hand in his
You explained your true strategy to him at lunch and how you made that plan up just so he wouldn't kill you on spot
He peas so pouty
Just ate his food and sulked
"You owe me a fist game and next time let's try that challenge I was excited baby"
He'd say with just 🥺 eyes
Pls win this boy some sort of gift he deserves a pick me up
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You guys where having a great time having an in home date
Then you disrespected man's gaming skills
Oh all hell broke loose into a heated argument
"I totally bet I could beat you in Tekken"
"Oh you fucking wish"
"Who do you main"
"Roger" (Roger is a Kangaroo)
"What the fuck are you doing? Representing Jake's home? That character takes no skill to beat people as"
"Yeah well who do you main"
"Is that even a question? Alisa Bosconovitch. A cyborg robot lady with fucking jet legs and chainsaw arms you can't tell me that's not cool"
"You're telling me I'M the one that plays someone that takes no skill to play as?"
You both knew there was only one way to settle this
Jay got out Playstation and everything for it and put it as a 5 match game
Settling yourselves into the game you both where doing actually really well
Way too well actually it was 2 to 2 so whoever won this round one the game
Your anxiety got too high
You where not gonna let this dude win
He'd be too cocky for his own good holding it over you
Quickly you had an idea as you saw his health was only 50% of the way nearing death and your ultra power and held up enough exp
"BABY IS THAT A SPIDER" you yelled looking at the ground near his leg
Causing him to roll away from his spot fearing a spider near his leg loosing focus
That's when you charged at his character
You could see the soul leave his body
When he saw the pink and magenta hair move speedy across the screen straight to his sweet little kangaroo in boxing gloves and a neck tie
"K.O" filling the screen you knew his yell was coming before he even did it
"No baby I just had to through you off your rthym"
Man he was HURT
"I can't tell if that was foul or not. I'm going to talk with Niki on if what you did was fair or not"
"Babe it's not that deep-"
"No No No you owe me a rematch, kiss and patience as I consult with Niki"
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Gosh this sweet boy
You two where playing dead by daylight on switches laying on opposite sides of the couch so you couldn't see eachothers screen
And you just kept scaring Jake coming up out of no where behind him
"Baby please just kill me you don't have to run up behind me" he was so scared please(〒﹏〒)
He was giving you puppy dog eyes that quickly went to fear as he shrieked from you running up behind him as he tried to start the car for the 18478282 time
You realized he was actually almost done fixing the car due to his pears so you went on a killing spree it was just you, Jake and some girl who was searching for fuel that you couldn't find
Getting back to Jake you realized he actually started the car and was ready to drive it and win the game
You hid behind a tree so he wouldn't see you
So in that moment you said "Jake can you toss the blanket I'm really cold"
Jake is too much if a gentle men he did so immedietly with a smile on his face you felt a little bad for what you where doing ngl
You took this chance and killed Jake's character
He knows that's how the game works that you you still could've done that without
But boy still yelled that it was unfair
Another boy who would just pout
Beware next round he's not going to be nice and will play the murderer
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Who knew a game of thumb war would get so aggressive
You where just waiting for the time to pass for a cafe to open up since you guys where too early before opening
The glares you shot eachother where unreal
Neither of you wanted to loose and both where confident in winning
But one thing was tempting you
The sign flipping over to open on the front door
So in that quick moment you felt really bad
But you stepped on his toe as you lifted your arms down and quickly put your thumb over his
"12345678910 I WIN"
He was so upset omg
The glare on his face
You know the look like just 😐 but definitely angry
But he couldn't hide the smile on his face when you leaned in to kiss his cheek
"I needed the game to end the cafes open now baby,,,"
He went blank for a second confused then
A smile filled his face and he moved your hands to be in an actual hand holding way as you too went in
But don't get me wrong
This boy getting a rematch
And if you playing dirty he'll play dirty too
But for now he'll be fine having this cafe date of coffee/tea and pastries with you
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Rthym games aren't a competition
But you guys made it one-
Who could get a higher score??
Originally a joke gone TOO far
Since here you are playing one song from Superstar Woollim, Superstar SM and Superstar JYP
Just 3 main and random superstar rthym games
Each thing was going alright then you got to Woollim
You both played the same songs but each got to choose a song
Woollim you knew The Eye was hard so you chose it and had him go first
He was doing surprisingly well though
Too well🤔
But suddenly Jungwon entered the room
You knew what to do
Make that boy jealous
"Hi bubs! How are you?" You said looking up to Jungwon
Jungwon was very polite asked you how you where
And Sunoo was not having it
He's fine with you being friends with all of enha
He encourages it!
But bubs is a pet name that's for him and him only😔😔
This caused his attention to tare away for a second
Suddenly in the blink of an eye his heart dropped as the "missed" noise came through the phone
The yELL
He was so mad
Once the song was done he immedietly went
"Did you do that on purpose?"
"Sort of"
And then you just did your turn and this boy gasped and look at you likeヽ༼⁰o⁰;༽ノ
He would be pettyyyyy
He'd be so mad
Pouting and glaring at you
Just completely done
You'd have to go in with a LOT of cuddles and affection
But he'd still not budge for a while
You got a better score than him so you won
But he will hold this over you whenever he wants something he'll be like
"remember when you cheated in a game we where playing by making me jealous? That was a little too much don't you think? Now grab me one of the ice cream bars from the freezer"
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Wonnie this precious boy
Ppuyo ppuyo Tetris is not a game to play with others
It ruins relationships, friendships, family bonds (from personal experience as someone who got grilled on their Tetris skills while playing 1v1 while my friend was also doing terrible)
He got it since the characters looked cute
And Tetris is fun!
So why not??
You guys started playing it on the switch and everything was fine at first
Then it started getting faster
Wonnie chose the annoying little wizard guy that just yells every 5 seconds
It was driving you both up a wall ngl
So you where like how do I cheat in Tetris,,,
You realized you where gonna get a 5 in 1 move so it was gonna fuck up his play real hard
But if he realizes that's your move he can make one just as strong if he puts his brain to realize what spots he has open and he's good at coming back from riskfull moments
So you digged deep in your brain to think of something quick
It hit you then
"Wonnie did I ever tell you who my Enhypen bias was"
His face just sort scrunched and he was like ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ I thought it was me? Moment
"wouldn't it be me? I never thought to ask"
"Oh okay" legit you had gone in with the 5 in 1 move and he hadn't looked at the silver blocks that quickly started to fill his screen he wanted to know
"nonono who is it?" Turned to you he didn't even see the mess that was on his screen
Until he heard the god for saken wizard just yell in defeat
"wait no that's unfair you can't drop something like that on me while we where in a 1v1 match"
His eyes he would just ಠ︵ಠ
Boy so sad :((
He lost the game and now he doesn't know if you bias him or not
If you do bias him you'd just tell him and he'd be like you stressed me out for noThing??
If you didn't bias him he'd be fine with it but he'd need a little moment of confirmation
Idk give this boy some kisses you stressing him out
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Intense DDR fight let's go
This boy don't go down without a fight
Neither do you
But as the levels kept going and the energy got more and more intense
You know it was very likely Niki could win
That boy is dancing prodigy type of guy
So he be doing these steps while also the hand work of the dance itself just to flex
Done with the cute boys snarky behavior
You did the one thing that would throw him of his rthym
Pretend to get hurt
You crouched in a way and made it seem like your knee was in pain but you where still doing the steps
Niki was gonna look over to you to be snarky and witty
But you looked in pain and this giant baby got panicked
"nononono baby are you okay? If you're in pain don't worsen your injury we can stop playing, what about your knee hurts?" He was panicking and you immedietly felt so bad
He stopped moving and so his score got worse and worse
You felt so bad you pretended to just act it out a lil more
"no don't worry Riki it's okay I'll be fine"
"don't say that you're in pain you could worsen your condition, let's find out what happened maybe you just buckled your knee? I've done that, be more careful please"
He legit went over to your board and tried to just stop your movements and left a kiss on your forehead
The song would end and your score would be higher but you would never do that as a cheat again
You didn't even have the courage to tell Riki after
He continued to be just so sweet and caring throughout the date
Would probably even text you afterwards like "Im sorry you injured your knee a little but I'm glad afterwards you felt better and I had a lot of fun :))"
Pls you better keep that all in till the day you die or tell him it's up to you but don't mess with this pore boy again like that pls(〒﹏〒)
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
I've started writing and It's been....interesting (if I can say that). It's not the finding the right words to write or coming up with the plot that's difficult. It's somehow "unfulfilling" to me. I enjoy it and getting all my ideas down, but I'm reading back my work I realize that I'M the one who wrote it. Obviously I'm aware that I'm writing it, but It just hits me all at once when I'm finished writing and reading everything back. I already know what's gonna happen and if I don't in that moment, I know it's gonna come to me eventually. I could share it with people, but I feel like it's so specific that I wouldn't get the reaction I wanted. It feels like a very peculiar hobby. Almost like I should just stick to daydreaming. (Hopefully I've explained that in a clear way.) I've always wondered if this happens to other people. Do you ever feel that way?
i have never felt this way personally, but i'm sure many writers have had this experience before when it comes to writing. especially that gut feeling and fear that no one would read your work. the crowd on tumblr is a quite wavy crowd to try to tap into writing for. it kinda reminds me of double dutch and you're just waiting for the perfect opportunity to jump in. if i was to give you advice, you don't have to listen to me cause i'm just a regular degular person on this app...but i would always say post your writing to the public when you're ready. i'm sure this site and other sites like ao3/wattpad/etc will still be here when you are ready to post your work for all of us to say. like i said tumblr is a tough crowd to crack, no one is getting reactions on their work just like that. it takes time and patience. believe me, i didn't start getting likes and notes and stuff until after i was shadowbanned. just continue to write and let your creative juices flow even if you're the only audience of these stories/fics at the moment. you have to also remember, you're writing for you. the validation and notes on posts are only a bonus. <3333
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ghostjellyfishheart · 3 years
@transiconlink​ what follows is me fighting the urge to scream over the powerpuff girl script
My expectations were low.  Screenshots I had seen of the script lowered them.  Somehow this is worse than I imagined.
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Starting off strong with once upon a time.  But unlike regular once upon a time stories, this one is set in the early two-thousands.
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I dont know if this is a warning not to worry because we will get to see more of the three-headed pegasus monster or a “don’t worry the monster isn’t actually scary we only see it briefly.”  I also don’t know which is funnier
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So Mojo Jojo was the professor’s lab partner.  The powerpuff girls were born seven years old.  Sure, why not.
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Powers he’d use for good, like Elon Musk, but also for his own personal gain, like Elon Musk.  This is an actual line.  Someone was paid to write this.
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Bubbles broke into the zoo to make the flamingos get drunk.  This was not the first time she has done this.
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I had seen this line in screenshots before.  I was not prepared to read it in the actual script.
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Since I do not know what a character bible is I am going to pretend it is the character wiki page.
Sara seems like a decent person.  She feels bad for the teenagers who regularly fight giant swamps.  Can’t wait to see what plot twist cw has in store to make her a monster.
Drake then proceeds to tell his girlfriend he has been living with for over a decade that she is not part of the family.
The powerpuff girls accidentally kill mojo and the band breaks up.
Buttercup is a firefighter.  Good for her.  Shame this is going to get ruined very shortly.  Bubbles tries to make it in Hollywood.  It does not work.  Blossom goes and gets a bunch of degrees.
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I would rather watch Bubbles With a Chance of Bubbles then this show.
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Jojo is doing well.  He took over as mayor and helped improve Townsville.  He will become a villain, not to avenge his father’s death, but because of reverse discrimination and a lack of free gelato.
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Again these are actual lines that people were paid to write.
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After failing to conquer Hollywood, Bubbles decided to become a professional vlogger.  Not what actually happened, but if they wanted Bubbles to be doing all the “do it for the camera” stuff it would be funnier if she was telling people to like comment and subscribe.
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Good for Sara.  I’m glad she got away from that.  I am going to hope she’s out there living her best life and not about to get dragged back into this bullshit.
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Another classic screenshot that I saw before deciding to read the script.
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Chem X prevents people from camping.
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This right here is the first image I saw of this god forsaken script.
I looked it up.  moveon.org is an actual website.
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Blossom: I hope I don’t have a panic attack
*has a panic attack almost immediately*
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I don’t know why I decided to make a reaction post when the entire script just makes my brain do static noises.
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The Monster Mash deserves better than this.
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I’m not even halfway through the script.  I’m going to cry.
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No thoughts.  Head in great pain.
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Buttercup is done wearing dresses of compulsory heterosexuality and playing straight for the cameras.
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Gonna be honest, realizing the Volcano is a dive-bar and not an actual volcano has been the most disappointing part of this script so far.
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Bubbles sells engagement rings for drug money.  Y/n’s mom could never.
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When I first saw this screenshot I didn’t know Drake was the professor and assumed Blossom was avoiding the rapper.  I did not question this.
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This is the second time the script has mentioned gogurt.  This means the gogurt is almost certainly product placement.  I am disappointed in gogurt.
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I would rather read fanfiction written in first person than watch this show.
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Jojo is worried about his political career.  He decides that breaking into the homes of little girls will help solve the problem.
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Crazy dude with Scorpio energy.  Seems about right.
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I can feel my brain turning to mush.
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The cells are dying.  My brain goes smoother with each line I read.
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I have to live with the knowledge that there will be fans of this show who will ship Buttercup and Macy and create a bunch of fan content where they take a u-haul to buy a three acre farm and raise chickens.  I can see it.
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If you want a show about child heroes learning to cope with their trauma, watch Steven Universe Future.
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Sara makes a comeback.  I am sad that the life I had imagined for her where she got out of Townsville and avoided the cw’s plans for her is ruined.
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I can see the cw’s plan.  It involves Sara getting back together with Drake.  I am furious.
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The first guess these people make when they don’t find an evil lab is a mass hallucination.  The second is aliens.
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Drake invested the trust fund in fidget spinners.  I wish I was surprised.
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Is... is this trying to say the original cartoon was a whitewashed version of this story?   Is that what’s happening here??????
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This makes the wattpad fics I used to read look good.
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I appreciate the use of exclamation points to try and get me excited.
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HOW IS THIS REAL??????????
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The puff-mobile sprinter van.  Someone wrote those words.  Other people read those words and approved them.
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If they kill Drake that means Sara can’t get back with him.  Come on Jojo.
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They didn’t reject you for misogynistic reasons.  They rejected you because they were tired of rebuilding downtown every week.
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I am losing my mind.  The way this is set up makes it sound like owning furniture from West Elm is what prevents Blossom from being a Powerpuff Girl.
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If a quick conversation with an imaginary version of her younger self cures Blossom’s ptsd I am going to through a riot.
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Damn it.
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i can no longer form coherent thoughts
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No.  Absolutely not.  You will stay away from Sara and let her move on with her life.
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I have reached the end.  Reading this took years off my life.
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sweetsubharry · 4 years
hiiii, do u have any fic recommendation for highschool aus?
Hiya! 💕 yes I do! It’s one of my favourite classic aus :) Just as a warning! There’s 36 fics under the read more tag so it’s a longer style post! I hope you like these! and just in case no one reads it at the end I’ll say it up here too! Make sure you read the tags and stay safe!
I was also unsure if any set in hogwarts counted? or any with a/b/o elements so I left them out but if anyone wants those too just send in an ask :)
You Can be My Cliche by DreamWeaver14
Basically Lou and Hazza are best friends and Louis is jealous and overly protective... But it all works out in the end once Lou and Harry have movie night. SMUT
Free with You Tonight by sunniskies
Harry's 16 and sophomore, Louis is a senior and his best friend, but somehow Harry's not sure that's enough anymore.
Essentially, high school au fluff involving first kisses and Niall mixing bad drinks.
A Real Work of Art by lululawrence
“I don’t understand,” Liam said for probably the fiftieth time in ten minutes. “You have to explain again how this is a bad thing.”
“Leeeeyummm,” Harry whined into the phone as he leaned his head onto his desk. “I felt like this year was my year for getting his attention, you know? That senior year I would finally get Logan Thompson to realize I exist! But he’s in almost every single one of my classes, Li. How am I supposed to survive that?”
“Easily,” Liam answered, with the same matter of fact tone his voice always took when Harry was in one of his fits. “He doesn’t know you exist, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Right?”
Or the one where Harry calls on an old friend, the super popular Louis Tomlinson, to help him change his look to capture the heart of Logan. Things only mostly go as planned.
into another (another) serotonin overflow by mercutionotromeo
Harry wants this year to be different - wants it to be the year that he finally gets over this stupid crush. He’s going to uni, he needs to decide what he wants to do with his life.
Instead, he’s deciding what he wants to do to Louis Tomlinson.
Or: Sweet first time sex wherein Harry's adorably awkward, Louis is achingly cool, and Harry rides Louis wearing his jersey.
My love, he makes me feel like nobody else, nobody else by SilverShadow1
Harry was invited to a high school end-of-term party where he's ready to let loose, get drunk and perhaps regret his choices, or not.
The one where Harry screams, 'Daddy!' at a party and what follows is the best night of his life.
Kiss me by carebearlarrie
Where Harry does a TikTok challenge and kisses his crush (Louis) ft. sweater paw Harry.
Because We Can by KrisStylinson
Harry's the bizzare new kid who likes flowers too much, Louis' the epitome of punk who's not as smooth as he seems. Those two things shouldn't mix as beautifully as they do.
A nice, long journey through Harry and Louis' intersecting lives, starting with the day they meet in high school—including meddling friends, a Styles-Tomlinson family Christmas, a first time, and a couple's holiday in Paris.
You're Still The One I Run To. by brooklynbis
Harry's favourite weather by a mile was snow. There was something about the cold flakes of snow that was just so peaceful. The few times he had experienced snow, everything just stopped for a few days.
There was one thing Harry hated about the snow, however. Having to try and get home in it.
AKA it snows and Harry and Louis get stranded at college. Fluff and lots of cuddling ensues.
Way to Your Heart by fallenflowercrowns
High school AU, where Louis is in a band and Harry likes to come to the rehearshals for no particular reason. Punk Louis with a lot of tattoos and everything. Shy Harry with an angel face and not many friends. Strangers to lovers. Quick sex in the rehearshals' room (just handjob or blowjob) Happy end.
Harry pines but is oblivious, Louis is a punk with a big heart, Ziam shag behind everyone's backs and Nick is actually not in love with Harry.
All I want for christmas is you by Tita
The one where Louis is a pining punk, Harry is the school’s sweetheart, and a miss sent text at a Christmas party turns out to be the best possible present.
Can I Walk Your Cute Face To Class by orphan_account
It's Harry's first day of High School and he's nervous. He meets Louis.
They meet and they have lunch together but they don't actually eat anything. (and it's not because I forgot that's what people generally do during lunch.. not at all)
Touch by kotabear24
Harry's shy and virginal with a past, new on the football team; Louis' the (experienced) popular star of the team and Harry's new mentor.
All I Need is Oxygen (and You) by lululawrence
There are only two ways to navigate Bloomfield High School: become popular or make yourself invisible.
With the help of his best mate Niall, Harry’s introduction to high school hadn’t been half bad. Despite being a “bandie” – the lowest of the low in the ancient hierarchy of high school –Harry had somehow managed to survive freshman year relatively unscathed. So naturally, Harry would have been perfectly happy to resume his position of invisible trombone player number four for the remainder of high school. But one day something drastic happened, something that would change the course of Harry’s entire existence (probably).
It was the last football game of his freshman year, and the band was back in the stands after performing a rousing rendition of Bloomfield’s alma mater during half time. Harry was gracelessly wiping the slobber from the mouthpiece of his trombone when he saw him.
Louis Tomlinson.
Or...a High School AU where Harry is a bandie and Louis is the epitome of cool, so naturally, Harry must find a way to get his attention and win his affections.
I don't care where we go, just keep me close by Eversincefiveboys
Louis has to go on summer camp and he absolutely doesn't want to because he is 16 and too old for this. Then he meets the boy with the curls and the dimples and suddenly he doesn't want this camp to be over 
Maybe it's All Part of a Plan by promisingstyles
Christmas High School AU. Harry is sick, Louis talks way too much and much too fast. They meet in the toilets. 
I made a map of your stars by brightbluelou   
Harry does not have a crush on Louis Tomlinson. Yes, Louis is very pretty and funny, and Harry may have had more than a few inappropriate thoughts about him, but he certainly doesn’t like him. (Except for the fact that he totally does.) or, Harry is the shy boy in the back of the class that no one really notices. Louis is the loud, outgoing football player that everybody likes. 
All Part of the Plan by alwaysinmyheartlarry   
Harry Styles is a member of the marching band who has an insane crush on Louis Tomlinson--the amazing senior who plays on the varsity football team at school. 
We’re on Fire Now (And I Could Burn in it All Day) by orphan_account   
“Thanks, Harry.” His voice is as soft as silk when he replies and Harry is so tempted to kiss him there and then, but would feel too much like he is taking advantage of Louis’ vulnerability in that moment. “Now let’s bake some fucking cookies.” He removes his hand and Louis lets go of his wrist, laughing. “Hearing you swear is so wrong. It’s like an angel punching someone in the face. It just doesn’t fit.” Harry gasps in mock offense. “I’ll have you know I swear all the time. I’m a right rebel.” Louis laughs again, bright and beautiful, and Harry smiles down at him.
A shameless high school AU where Louis is a footballer, Harry is a photographer, Liam is blissfully unaware and Niall is his usual self.
first position, the mood is set by hiswittlehands
Louis bites down on his lip. "You...god, they look so good on you. Shows off your arse and your...your thighs, Haz." He runs his hand along the skin there then, relishing how soft and pliant it is even with all the muscle. "They shouldn't have even let you play. Should, should have sent you straight home for...fuck, indecency or breaking the dress code or summat."
Or, I literally have no idea what the fuck I just wrote but it involves dodgeball, short shorts, and thigh fucking.
(i didn't mean to) fall in love tonight by zouisclimax
Harry texts him back a thumbs up emoji before leaning forward and throwing up again. He groans, but stands after he’s done, wiping his mouth with toilet paper, and flushing the toilet.
He washes his mouth out as best as he can before steeling himself and heading back to class, trying his best not to cry. He tells himself that there is no point in worrying when he doesn’t even know if there is anything to worry about yet.
He still feels sick.
[or, the American boarding school AU where Harry's infatuated with Louis and one night flips his whole world upside-down]
falling for you, i can't keep away by hegotthedagger
Harry wants Louis really bad and Louis might want him just as much.
I see the love light in your eyes by larrycaring
For as long as Harry can remember, Louis has always been his best friend.
There are a few constant things in Harry’s life: his family, this town he’s grown up in, and Louis.
He had his other friends, of course, but Louis had always been and still was the person that Harry was closest to. Maybe it was due to the fact that they live next to each other, and that, since the first night they’d talked, when he and Louis shared a conversation on their conjoining roofs, they instantly hit off, and a friendship developed. Or maybe it was that Louis was always so cheeky, almost the opposite of Harry, but it complimented Harry’s slow and thoughtful way of life perfectly. Either way, it just kind of happened.
or an AU where Louis and Harry are very much in love. Featuring football & late night rendezvous.
Translation of the fic in spanish by @lachrimose_: click here (wattpad) In russian by Hewassixteen: click here (ficbook)
You Have Bewitched Me, Body and Soul, and I Love, I Love, I Love You by Storyofmythigh
Harry is quiet. Louis isn’t.
Louis hates reading. Harry loves words.
They find a way.
Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by 1Diamondinthesun
Harry spends most of his time in an empty house or a lonely darkroom, dreaming of leaving his small town for art school. He's invisible to most people. And then Louis Tomlinson sees him. Life will never be the same.
Or, the American high school AU loosely inspired by She's All That.
Kiss me (this feels like falling in love) by Ambros
- Five times Louis wanted to kiss Harry (and one time he did).
In This Light by kiwikero
Harry gets a position on the school yearbook staff, which is fine until he falls in love with Louis Tomlinson through the lens of his camera.
❤ For Effort by FallingLikeThis 
When Harry Styles lets his team down during gym class, resulting everyone having to run laps, he expects the worst. But the backlash never comes.
Harry's crush, Louis Tomlinson, may or may not have something to do with that.
Last First Kiss by Kikacat
High School AU in which Harry is outed and can't work out why no one seems to care, whilst also dealing with his crush. Super supportive family and friends. Trigger warning for some of the social media comments Harry receives. If I've missed any tags, let me know
let me get your heart racing by orphan_account
Even asleep, Harry finds himself so hooked to this boy. It’s crazy. Months ago, Louis wouldn’t have noticed him. He’s just an ordinary guy, so that’s no surprise. And Louis... Louis is everything.
Harry leaves immediately.
or a highschool au where Harry's sure that Louis will never fall for him, and where he's also wrong.
i’d burn this city down to show you the light by you_explode
Harry's a sheltered rich kid and Louis's a punk with a heart of gold. They meet when Louis breaks into Harry's house, Harry obtains an instant and all-encompassing crush, and they spend the summer falling into a whirlwind romance.
put your head on my shoulder by wayfared
Niall gives Harry until the end of marching season to either a) make a move on Louis Tomlinson or b) get the fuck over him. Either is easier said than done. Basically, your High School AU with a drum beat.
My Only Sunshine by DontLetHimGo
Harry and Louis have known each other since the start of everything.
When Harry is only a few weeks old, and Louis is two, the older boy is immediately intrigued by the little person in the carry cot. Jay knows that it will be difficult to keep her son away from her best friend's little boy.
Completely unaware (you make me smile) by deblond
Five times everyone thinks that Harry and Louis are dating (and the one time they are).
it's kinda hot in here by ballsdeepinjesus 
“Is that a moth on your stomach?”
or nerdy harry is hiding some stuff under his dorky clothes and louis fucks him in a locker room
we should get jerseys, 'cause we make a good team by ellisaco
Harry's not very good at football, but he's aces at cheering Louis on.
Youth Meant to Be Beautiful by Turtles
Highschool AU, Louis is the footy captain and Harry is a cheerleader. Cliche ahoy!
every december (your star lights the sky) by larrystomlinsons
Louis needs a date for the Christmas dance and Harry is the wingman that has feelings for him.
The Birds Still Sing by orphan_account
The thing is, Louis thinks he already knows Harry's secret. He just doesn't know how to tell him he knows.
every december (your star lights the sky) by larrystomlinsons
Louis needs a date for the Christmas dance and Harry is the wingman that has feelings for him.
Stay safe and read the tags guys!! ❤
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Wizard of Oz Queen x pre-teen reader Chap. 1; Somewhere over the rainbow
*Author’s note*
And here it is guys my next MOVIE AU fic series. This time this fic based on the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz”. Now I realized something, I was copying and pasting what I wrote in my author’s notes on my Wattpad when I was mentioning this. I know I didn’t really ask you guys about casting choices for this fic, it was only on Wattpad but I think you guys are gonna love whom I’ve chosen to be each of the lovable Wizard of Oz characters that we all probably grew up with.
Warnings: Dog bites, mentions of putting down dog, bit of angst, Paul Prenter, but there is 70′s Queen fluff so expect that.
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The summer of 1975 would be a year I would never forget for as long as I live.  Not only did I see history come to life, but I also experienced something that almost seemed right out of my favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz.  But before I begin, I would like to tell you who I am.
My name is (Y/n) Gale and I live at Rockfield farm studios with my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry.  My parents died in a car crash when I was just 4 years old, so my uncle Henry (my father’s eldest brother) took me in and he and Aunt Em became my parental figures.
The only thing my parents left behind was my fateful Welsh Corgi that I named Toto (yes I named him after the dog from the Wizrd of Oz, deal with it).  He’s literally the only thing I have left to remember my parents by and he’s always been there for me when I needed him.
I was 12 years old when the famed band Queen came to our home/farm to record their next big album.  And throughout that time I grew close to them, and like I mentioned before it was also the day that would change my life forever.
And so our story begins.
It was mid-July and I was running back towards the house with Toto at my side.  I had been asked by my uncle to go to the market to grab some food for the guys, however I was forced to go along with the band’s ‘manager’ Paul Prenter.
God that guy just really pisses me off.  He’s creepy, manipulative, and wicked.  Toto always sensed something off about him cause whenever he came around, Toto would bark and try to bite him.  This time he did manage to finally bite Paul on the leg after he snapped at me for not grabbing the right apples for Freddie.
After he bit him, I took Toto and ran right out of the store with Paul threatening to get the police involved.  We stopped just a few feet from the house and I knelt down to Toto and said.
“I think we lost him. He didn’t hurt you did he?” I checked him over and felt no bumps or cuts.  I hugged Toto close to me and sneered, “He tried to though. But we better go tell Aunt Em what happened. We can’t let the police get involved. C’mon Toto.”
We took off running the rest of the way home. I hopped over the fence that surrounded our home and raced down the hill with Toto running just ahead of me.
“Aunt Em! Aunt Em!” I soon came up to the farm to see my aunt and uncle near the old incubator counting the freshly hatched baby chicks. “Oh Aunt Em you won’t believe what happened at the market! Paul said……”
“(Y/n) please dear we’re trying to count.”
“But Aunt Em Paul said that he’s gonna get the police to take…..”
“Not now (Y/n)! This old incubator finally died out and we’re more than likely to lose all of our chicks.” Uncle Henry said to me sternly as he placed some of the chicks into his hat.
“Aww the poor little things.” I grabbed on chick and held it close to my face so that it wouldn’t die of pneumonia.  As Aunt Em placed some of the chicks in with their mother in a small chicken cage, I continued to tell them. “But at the market place Paul was yelling at me and Toto was just defending me! Now he’s gonna get the police to take Toto away! But like I told you he was just protecting me cause Paul was yelling at me for picking up the wrong apples that Freddie likes!”
“Now (Y/n) we’ll discuss this matter later. Right now go find that young lad who said he was an electrical engineer and ask him if he could have a look at this incubator.” Aunt Em told me.
“No buts. Right now go!” she ushered me away before going back to the baby chicks.
“Yes Aunt Em.” I spoke solemnly before turning away from the farm and walked towards the studio building where I saw John Deacon before I left for the market.
As I walked along, I felt like something was following me.  I looked down to Toto who kept walking beside me before getting ahead of me.  Suddenly I was picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder.
“And he finally takes her by surprise and hauls her over. The fierce hunter finally gaining the upper hand!” that soft, slightly raspy voice came from none other than Roger Taylor.  I could hear Toto’s frantic barking and he even hopped up and down.
“Roger put me down!” I laughed.
“Fine, fine. But first a little payback.” Suddenly I was spun around like a helicopter.  The two of us laughing and shrieking before I was finally tossed into the hay pile. “Victory and Vengeance is mine at last!” he then collapsed into the hay right beside me, the two of us laughing.
“You’re nuts Roger Taylor, you know that right?”
“And what’s wrong with that? Nuts are like your Aunt Em’s cookies it’s the nuts that makes things interesting.” He said as he hovered over me grinning.
“Yeah. Nuts, handsome but brainless.”
“Oi I resent that! I do have a brain! I got my degree in biology after all. So I’m more than just a handsome face.”
“I thought you were a dentist?”
“I was never a dentist and you know that. God I can’t believe Brian and John told you about that.” He said as he bopped my nose with a strand of hay.  I raised my hand up and took some hay out of his blonde hair and retorted.
“I’m glad they did, cause now I can brag to my friends about how the drummer of Queen could’ve been their dentist.” It was then Roger began to tickle me.
“Swear you won’t tell that to anyone and I’ll stop.” He threatened as he tickled my stomach.  I was kicking up hay until I finally gave in and told him I wouldn’t. With that he stopped and grinned down at me while I tried to regain my breath.
“You’re insane Roger.” He shrugged cheekily.
“But you love me for it.” He said as he bopped my nose again before laying down close to me again.
“Yeah I do.”
“So—do you want to tell me just why you looked upset earlier?” I looked down sadly towards Toto and finally sat up and said.
“Paul’s threatening to have the police take Toto away just because he bit him.”
“He did?” he shot up and looked down at Toto who looked at us with a soft wag of his stub tail. “Atta boy Toto!” he cheered. He patted his leg and Toto soon tried to make his way up the hair pile.  
But he sunk down into it due to his size so Rog quickly grabbed him and held him in the air.
“It’s about time someone gave that irritating, self-absorbed bastard a good bite ehh?” Toto barked and tried to lick Roger’s face.  Roger brought Toto close to his face and he then began to lick the blonde drummer’s face. Rog softly chuckled as he ruffled through Toto’s fur.
“But Paul said he’s gonna get the police to take him away. What if that really happens?” Rog turned to me and handed Toto back to me as he said.
“I wouldn’t worry about that prick. He’s all talk and no bite. He’s threatened me once or twice about having me being kicked out of the band cause of my constant groupies. But Fred and the others wouldn’t dare replace me.”
“They’d be crazy to.”
“Indeed. But—if by some miracle he’s serious, I’ve got your back. Okay?” I nodded as I stroked through Toto’s fur.
“Thanks Rog. Toto’s—he’s the only thing I have left of my parents. If he’s gone then so are their memories.” Roger brought me into a one armed hug and rested his chin on top of my head.
“I know love. I know.” We stayed there for a moment before I asked him.
“Rog? Is—Deacy still in the studio? I almost forgot that my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry want to talk to him about our broken incubator.”
“Yeah. He’s still working on that song of his. Still won’t tell us what it is but that’s how John is.” I slide off the haystack and set Toto down and told him to come with me. “Oh hey!” I turned around and Rog continued, “I forgot to mention Brian and Fred are in there. So if they’re arguing, you now have a heads up.” I nodded and Toto and I raced to the studio.
The first thing I heard were Brian and Freddie’s voices talking over one another.
“I think Brian dear, this guitar solo you have for my song is beautiful but it needs more…...more…..You know rock and roll feel.”
“Well you know I’m always up for that Fred.” I shook my head at the two of them and that’s when Toto went on ahead and met up with John who was sitting in the corner with a clipboard and a stack of papers around him.
Toto immediately hopped up onto his lap.  Ever since they came, Toto’s always been more driven towards John Deacon than any of the other guys.  It might be because of his quiet personality, or some kind of aurora about him that only Toto can tell but any chance he gets, Toto will always want to hop onto Deacy’s lap.
“Well it would seem we’ve got a surprise visitor.” John soon spoke up as he set his stuff aside and rubbed Toto’s head. Brian and Freddie soon turned towards me and Brian said.
“And another.”
“(Y/n) my darling don’t be shy, you know you can always welcome here.”
“Sorry guys I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”
“Oh nonsense dear come on in!” Freddie gestured with his hand gracefully.  I walked into the studio when Brian said.
“(Y/n) come here.” He gestured with a come hither of his index finger.  I walked right up to him and he immediately began going through my hair and removed a strand of straw in my hair. “How on earth did you get some much hay in your hair?” he asked as he kept going through my hair for more strands.
“Two words. Roger’s revenge.”
“Ahhh. Blondie got back at you from when you scared him into the chicken coop.” Freddie said.
“I tried to tell him that our hens were defensive over their chicks but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“That was rather funny seeing those hens chase after him. And that one that even got on top of his head.” Brian laughed.
“Yep that’s our Gloria. The most protective mama hen of them all.”
“Roger must’ve looked like a tramp to them. So Mama Hen’s gotta do when mama Hen’s gotta do.” Freddie spoke.
“That’s the natural instincts of a mother. I already know Veronica’s feeling that for our son.” John said as he kept petting Toto who was now lying across John’s lap.
“Here one last strand and then you’re free to go.” Brian told me.  This one was the most difficult one as it actually pulled against my hair.
“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!”
“Sorry.” Finally the hay strand came out and he gently massaged my scalp to ease the tension. “There, all done.”
“Thanks Brian. Hey Deacy, my aunt and uncle are wondering if you could have a look at our old incubator. It broke down and they want to know if you could fix it.”
“Yeah, I can have a look at it. I can come back to this song later.” He stood up and folded it into his back pocket when Freddie spoke up.
“Deacy dear when can we see this new song you’re writing?”
“You’ll see it once it’s ready. And not until then.” Toto followed at John’s heel as the three of us now stepped outside and walked towards the farm.
“So what is your song about anyway?” I asked.
“Oh no I get enough baggage from Fred, don’t you start now.” He groaned with a playful grin.
“I’m not. I’m just asking out of curiosity.” He sighed and looked down.
“Even if I told you, I doubt the others would allow it to be on the album.”
“Why’s that?” we stopped and that’s when he took his lyric sheet out from his pocket and looked down at it before handing it to me. I took the papers in my hands and unfolded them and right across the top in large handwritten font was the phrase.
YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND (For Veronica and Robert)
“You’re my best friend?” I questioned.
“I know. Not the typical hard rock title song that a rock band would call a song. But I—I really wanted to write this song for Veronica. After……everything’s that’s happened with the sudden pregnancy, her parents utter disapproval of us having the baby before marriage. I really wanted her to have something happy for once in her life. Plus—she’s kept me grounded when the fame of rock and roll gets too much.”
“I think it’s a pretty song. I love the lyrics. I would probably listen to this song over and over again.”
“But it’s not really a song that a rock band would do. God I can already hear Roger’s complaints about this song. Especially with the line ‘I’m happy at home’. Sounds corny doesn’t it?”
“To some yeah, but I think it’s sweet. I mean I don’t know Veronica but the way you talk about her and your son it’s—it’s sweet Deacy. I think you should show this to Freddie and he’d back you up 100 percent.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so, right Toto?” Toto let out a couple of barks as he looked up at Deacy wagging his tail happily.  He smiled and ruffled both my head as well as Toto’s as he said.
“Thanks you two. At least I know two fans of this song already.” I smiled but it soon dropped as I saw what was coming up the trail of the house.
Riding up on the bicycle I had left behind was Paul Prenter and right behind him was the sheriff’s car.
“Oh no.” Deacy turned to see just what was going on and he muttered.
“Oh great now what did Roger do?”
“It’s not for Roger, it’s for Toto. He actually went through with it oh my god he went through it!” I panicked as I grabbed Toto.
“Hey, hey, hey poppet calm down.” Deacy assured me as he cupped my face in his hands. “Whatever happened we’ll fix it okay?”
“Will you?”
“We’ll do our best.” John assured me with a kiss to the center of my forehead as his thumbs stroked my cheeks.  Paul hopped off of my bike and the sheriff parked his car before stepping out.
“Right there officer. There’s the dog that bit me!” Paul proclaimed as he pointed at me.  Roger who soon came up to see what was going on stood right by my side as he said.
“Prenter how dare you call this sweet little girl an animal!”
“No Roger I meant the beast she’s holding!”
“Alright Mr. Prenter let me handle this.” Sheriff Hooper soon said as he came up to us.
“Officer whatever that man has told you it’s utterly false.” Roger demanded.
“Step aside son, the both of you. I just wish to speak with Ms. Gale and get her side of the story.” Sheriff Hooper said firmly.
“You can’t interrogate a minor. Not without her guardians present.” Deacy spoke up.
“Very well son. (Y/n) is your aunt or uncle home?”
“They should be inside the house by now.”
“Alright, let’s move this discussion inside.” Sheriff Hooper walked towards the house while Paul glared down at Toto and I but Roger and Deacy stood protectively in front of me.
“You got something smart to say, you say it to me first Prenter.” Roger sneered.  Paul didn’t speak a word as he slunked away behind Sheriff Hooper.
Inside my aunt, uncle, Paul, Sheriff Hooper, and myself and Toto were in the living room.  Sheriff Hooper told the band to stay out of the affair since it wasn’t any of their business.
“That dog is a menace to this household. I’ll forever feel unsafe until we take our leave unless that thing is taken away and destroyed!” Paul demanded.
“Destroyed? Toto! You can’t do that. Auntie Em, uncle Henry you wouldn’t allow that to happen will you?” I pleaded to both my aunt and racing up to my uncle as I held Toto in my arms.
“Of course we won’t sweetheart, will we Em?” Uncle Henry assured me.
“Oh please Aunt Em,” I raced back over to her chair and pleaded, “Toto didn’t know he was doing anything wrong. He was protecting me. I’m the one who should be punished cause I didn’t catch him in time. You can send me to bed without supper and have me do twice as many chores for the next week.”
“If you don’t allow Sheriff Hooper here to take that dog, I’ll threaten to have this whole studio be taken away from you! There’s a law that protects people against dogs that bite!” Paul threatened.
“How about if she keeps him tied up? He’s really gentle, around gentle people that is.” Aunt Em said.
“Well that’s for the Sheriff to decide.” We all turned to Sheriff Hooper who took a drag of his cigarette.  He exhaled a large puff of smoke and cleared his throat.
“Unfortunately with the evidence of a pretty severe bite I cannot let it slide. I’m afraid by law I will have to take the dog and have him be put to sleep.” He said grimly.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no they can’t do this! It was just one bite and it was in self-defense! Toto was just trying to protect me since Paul tried to hit me.
“Well we—we can’t go against the law (Y/n), I’m afraid poor Toto has to go.” Aunt Em said sadly.
“Now you’re seeing reason.” Paul said as he stood up.  Sheriff Hooper then took out combined leash and muzzle.
“I’ll have to put this on him so that he won’t attack anyone while I put him in my car.”
“No! No! I won’t let you! BACK OFF! YOU BOTH GO AWAY or….OR I’LL BITE YOU MYSELF!!!” I screamed out.
“(Y/n)!” Aunt Em scolded me.
“Paul Prenter you’re a wicked old witch! Please Aunt Em don’t let him take Toto!” I then felt Paul trying to reach over me trying to grab Toto.  I struggled as I pleaded, “DON’T LET HIM TAKE HIM!!”
“Take him Henry!” Aunt Em said gravely.
I watched helplessly as Uncle Henry took Toto out of my arms and held him while Sheriff Hooper put the muzzled lead on him. Toto whimpered and groaned as he swayed his head side to side due to the muzzle.  My uncle then handed Toto over to the Sheriff and he tipped his hat and said.
“I’m sorry. Good afternoon Gales.” With that Toto was gone.  Tears poured down my face as I quickly raced out of the living room and slammed my door shut.
I raced over to my bed and wept hysterically into my pillows.  How could they do this? Grown ups ruin everything! Why did they have to take the one thing that reminded me of my parents.  
I’ve forgotten what they look like, how they acted towards me, and all the memories I had with them cause I was too young to remember them.  The only thing I did remember was when they gave my Toto as a birthday present.
“(Y/n)?” I heard Freddie’s soft voice call out to me from my window.
“Please……I don’t wanna see anybody.” I whimpered.
“We’re so sorry (Y/n). If we could intervene we would but—” Brian said.  It was then we all heard Paul’s horrid voice call out.
“Freddie! Boys! We’re going to our next recording location. Pack up your things and let’s get going now!”
“Hold on we weren’t supposed to leave till three days from now!” Roger exclaimed.
“Plans change. Let’s leave. Pack up and get into the cars.” Great, as if things couldn’t get any worse I was now losing my new friends.  The only ones who really understood the situation I was in and stood at my side.
“Well—I guess this is an early goodbye dear.” I felt Fred’s hand gently stroke head.  I curled up into a ball refusing to even give the guys a final goodbye.
I heard a solemn sigh from the guys and soon all was quiet except for my sniffles and crying.
*3rd Person POV*
The boys packed up their stuff and packed them back into the cars.  Meanwhile Paul had given his last statement for the Sheriff against his dog bite. Roger turned and glared at Prenter and growled.
“You know Toto should’ve bitten him in the mouth, that would’ve shut him up.”
“Rog. Look I hate this as much as you do but the law is the law.” Brian said.
“Well the law is bollocks!”
“Darling I agree but Brian does have a point. A dog bite is serious. I mean if someone else’s cat came and attacked one of my darlings I’d damn well sue the owner’s for neglect. But Toto is a sweet dog, at least between the four of us.”
“I just feel bad about (Y/n). Toto was the last thing she had of her parents. With him being—you know….it’s like she’ll lose everything about them.” Roger spoke solemnly.
“She’ll be alright.” John said as he soon walked across the three of them and placed his bass guitar into the back of the car.
“And how do you know that?” questioned Brian.
“I just know.” Freddie raised a brow and could tell his little Deacy had done something very naughty.
“Alright boys. On we go to Ridge farm. There we’ll finish this album and deliver it to EMI.” Paul said as he got into the front seat of one of the cars.
Then each of the boys piled into the cars they came in and soon they as well as the Sheriff drove off.  When all was clear, peaking out from the grass was a now unmuzzled Toto.
Earlier while the Sheriff was with Paul, Deacy snuck up to the cruiser and unlocked the door and had freed Toto.  He removed the muzzle from him and told him to go hide and not to come out till everyone was gone.  Loving John as much as he loved (Y/n), Toto obeyed and now he was free to run right back to his master.  He let out a few barks before coming through her window and standing right at her side.
*My POV*
I heard a familiar bark coming from my window but I thought I was just imagining things.  That was until I felt a weight beside me and a lick at my fingers.  I looked up and gasped.  Toto was back!
“Oh Toto darling! Oh you came back! You came back!” I hugged and stroked through his fur, leaning my head against his. But then reality hit me.  I held him close to my chest as I said, “Sheriff Hooper could come back for you if he finds you gone. We’ve got to get away. We’ve got to run away!”
I quickly grabbed my suitcase and packed the first things that I touched.  My clothes, a picture of me and Aunt Em, a flashlight, and a shawl to keep warm.
Once I was packed up, Toto and I snuck out the window and we raced out of the farm and walked down the muddy road trail.
It felt like hours since we started walking. The once clear skies now grew dark and grey and the sun was long buried underneath the dark clouds.  Toto walked right at my side when we came across an abandoned car along the side of the road.
It looked freshly new but why would anyone want to abandon a car like this.  It looked in good shape and looked like it could still run.
“Hmm? Now why would someone want to abandon a car like this?” it’s nice black coat gleamed even through the cloudy weather.
That’s when a man around my uncle Henry’s age, maybe even slightly younger came walking back with a tank of gas in his hands.
“Ohh well. And here I thought I was going to be stranded all on my own.” He wore a nice black suit, had short dark brown hair, and green eyes.  He looked like a nice man with a good head on his shoulders.
“We didn’t mean to impose sir. We were just walking along the trail here.”
“Pretty young to be traveling alone aren’t you miss? I mean it’s none of my business, I just seem concerned for your safety.” He said as he came up to the car and set the gas tank down.
“I can look after myself.” I sassed.
“Oh I don’t doubt that. I’ve got a daughter around your age who acts just like you. God that child will give me an ulcer one of these days, but I love her just the same. Sorry, Jim Beach. Although one of my clients insist that I’d be called Miami.”
“Wait—would that client be named Freddie Mercury by any chance?”
“Indeed. You know of him?”
“He and the rest of Queen were staying at our farm for a while completing their album.”
“Ahhh so you must be one of the Gale’s we were told about who owned the farm studio.”
“Yes. I’m (Y/n) Gale.” I extended my hand and he took it as we shook hands.
“As I said earlier, Jim Beach. I’m the band’s lawyer. I only came by to check and see how the lads were doing. And to see if they hadn’t killed each other yet.” He muttered the last part to himself.
“They’re doing good. Well last I saw them. They left the farm earlier this afternoon.”
“Already? But we had them scheduled to stay at your family’s farm house for three more days.”
“That’s—a long story.” I said as I looked down at Toto.
“Hmm. Let me guess, Paul’s idea?”
“How’d you guess?”
“I’ve had my suspicions of Paul Prenter. He’s never really had Queen’s, especially Freddie’s, best interest at heart. But unfortunately there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m not their manager. John Reid is.”
“Well—if I may say Mr. Beach I hope eventually you do end up managing them. You seem to really care about Queen.”
“They’re—a unique bunch. Chaotic and insane. You almost want to pull your hair out at times but……they know what they want and they work together for being 4 completely different people.” I nodded.
“Mr. Beach. Would it be alright with you if Toto and I came along with you to tour with Queen?”
“Umm……I don’t know. What would your parents think?” I looked down sadly.
“They—they died when I was 4 years old. The grownups that own the farm are my aunt and uncle.”
“Oh I’m—I’m sorry.” I shook my head telling him it was fine. “But if I may ask—why do you want to come along with me?”
“My aunt Em and Uncle Henry don’t really understand me anymore. They agreed to have Toto be taken away and be put to sleep all because Paul says he bit him. Ever since the guys came to the farm I’ve had more fun than I’ve had in years. Plus I’ve never been anywhere outside my farm or the nearby market. I want to see the world, go where Queen goes.”
Hearing the stories from the boys about all the places they’ve gone on tour from Japan, to America, all over Europe, and even Australia (even though they were booed off the stage) it’s still amazing to think they could freely travel around the world.
And I want to have that experience.  Travel the world, see new places, meet new people, and be with the people that really love and understand me.
“Hmm…..are you positive that’s what you want?” I nodded. “I mean, if it were up to the guys I’m sure they’d probably let you come but I…..oh nothing. You probably wouldn’t want to hear about it from an old man like me.”
“Hear what?”
“Well. I know that around these parts everyone knows everyone.”
“That’s right. Even though the closest house to our farm is miles away, everyone’s friendly to one another when we see each other.”
“Well. On my way back from the gas station, the clerk there had gotten a call from a frantic aunt who was calling about her niece running away.” I gasped.
“Well I didn’t hear a name but the clerk was very concerned for the frantic aunt. I think I even heard him asking her if she was okay. She might’ve sounded sick.”
“Again I didn’t pay much attention but he did sound worry. But if that is true I really hope she’ll be okay.” What have I done? Could my running away really have made Aunt Em sick?
“Come on Toto we’ve got to go home right away!”
“But wait I thought you wanted to come along with me and the boys?”
“Oh no, no, no I’ve got to get home as soon as possible. Come on Toto!” we raced back up the trail and I exclaimed, “Goodbye Mr. Beach and thank you!”
*Jim Beach’s POV*
Worked like a charm.  I grabbed the tank and began filling my car up with gas when the wind suddenly started to pick up.  Leaves were blowing high up into the sky and the clouds grew even darker.  
I ceased my gas filling and quickly turned on the radio and heard along the weather station.
‘It would seem for the first time in over 30 years we’re seeing signs of a Tornado reaching from Monmouth to Bristol. Winds traveling at over 180mph. Please be advise to go into your storm cellars, keep away from the windows and stay out of the open fields.’
Oh god.  I quickly got back in the car and started up.  Oh that poor kid I hope she makes it home in time.  And if the boys are still on the road, hope they can get to a shelter in time.
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monsters-n-ponies · 4 years
I really need to take commissions for fanfiction.
If you have any Steve X Peggy, Steve X Bucky or Peggy X Angie fanart that you'd like a fanfiction of or any ideas/prompts for a fanfiction but can't write it for whatever reason (Confidence issues, bad mindset, no free time, etc.) Please dm me on this account or @lgbtfantasy.
DNI: stony, iron winter or any ship that has to do with Tonk Stark.
DNI: if you're under 18. I realize I don't write smut well but I refuse to take money from children. (That and you have to be 18 to have a PayPal account anyway.)
We can discuss prices. I've seen people do $10.00 USD and up. *I live in PA but if you're in a foreign country from the United States please figure out how much is = to $10.00 or more depending how much you want, what kind of fic and how long you'd like it to be. I can write about 2,000 words in an hour, so it depends on the length of the fic and how many hours it will take me.
I will accept half of the agreed upon price before I start writing and half once the fanfiction is complete.
ONE MORE THING! Please do not request agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fanfiction or Daniel Sousa either, I'm barely into season 2 of AOS and in case it isn't very plain to see, I genuinely hate Daniel Sousa. (Not the actor tho. Enver...I'm not even gonna try to spell his last name it's 3 something am and I'm too lazy to Google it. But he did a good job. Its the character who I hate with a passion and that usually means the actor did a great job. I.E. Chad Michael Murray as Jack Thompson is universally hated but that just means the actor did a good job.)
(I also kind of got into winterhawk and Gay! Michael Carter recently. Thanks, @captainpeggycarterismysexuality. I think you're the one who wrote "in the hands of a yank" but I could be wrong.)
**edit: I'm agentLadyAmerica on both wattpad and ao3. If you need to find my fics the ao3 ones are linked somewhere and I can link my wattpad profile in a later post if you guys like...want that. (Fair warning: I've been on wattpad since I was 13 and have had the same page since I was 13 and its almost been 8 years. Please be prepared to cringe at my earlier stuff.)
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anonbebe97me · 4 years
𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜 (Ch.3: Lunch Time.)
A/N: This was a fic I’d originally posted on Wattpad last year. Hope you guys enjoy!
Description: Working for Mr.Yoo Kihyun was an absolute nightmare; Y/N hated everything about him, and was convinced he was either part demon or at least some sort of reptilian hybrid- never in a million years would she have expected to learn that he was, indeed only human, and even worse; that he might even be…likeable?
Link To: || 1 || 2 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7
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The weekend came and went- too quickly, unfortunately, and Monday seemed to materialize out of thin air.
"Ugh..." I groaned as my alarm went off.
After five minutes of 'Maybe I should just become a stripper', I finally sat up on the edge of my bed and glared at my dresser, knowing full well that I'd spend the next forty-five minutes agonizing over what clothes to wear.
I chose my outfit- black pants, a black blouse, and a gray blazer with a grid design on it. I didn't get dressed right away though, trying to avoid getting it dirty while I diid my makeup or ate.
I got ready in the bathroom, and then got dressed.
On the ride over to work, I wondered how I would act when I saw Kihyun. Would I be able to look him in the eye?
Hell, I can't even do that now...
As I pulled up the building, I stepped out of the car and thanked the driver before grabbing my purse.
I made sure not a hair was out of place and I licked my lips, preparing myself in case I saw Shownu. I walked into the building and quickly spotted Shownu at the bar. I hid my excitement as I walked over.
"Good morning," He said with a smile.
Once again, I was reduced to a ball of nerves as soon as he spoke.
"H-hey..uhm, I don't have my coffee cup today," I said, "Can you just give me a large black coffee?" I asked.
He nodded and pulled a reusable cup out from a stack, "Name?" He asked.
I stared at him, unsure of what he was asking, "I'm sorry?" I asked.
"Your name? I need it for the order," he said with a polite smile.
"Oh- yeah, it's Y/N," I said.
He nodded and wrote it on the cup, "$2.50 please, Y/N" He said, the politeness turning into slyness. I blushed at the sound of my name coming from his beautiful, thick, pink lips.
I handed him the money and then stepped to the side when I realized there was another woman behind me. She walked up, and immediately there was a familiarity in the way she was behaving toward him. She twirled her hair, smiled a lot, and even popped her leg up when he'd ask her a question about her order. I rolled my eyes.
Look at her, throwing herself at him. How embarrassing.
"Oh God..." I said, realizing I sounded like Kihyun.
"Name?" He asked her.
"TIffany," She said, much more boldly than when I'd said my name.
He gave a small, polite smile, "That'll be $4.00, ma'am," He said.
Hm...he didn't act the same with her as he had with me...
My heart fluttered at the realization, but I quickly shoved that thought out of my mind, choosing not to read too much into things.
Tiffany stood off to the side where I was, thought she kept her distance.
"Y/N, your coffee's ready..." Shownu said, holding my cup out for me to take.
I smiled and reached out. As I grabbed the cup from his hand, my fingers accidentally brushed his.
"Oh, sorry," I said, almost positive that he could see how red I was in that moment.
He chuckled, "It's alright..." He said as he looked down, seemingly just as flushed in the face as I was.
It seemed like he was into it, but I decided not to linger, "Have a nice day," I said before turning to walk toward the elevator.
"You too...Y/N," He said, repeating my name once more.
I smiled, not turning around until I was in the elevator- and once I did, I immediately regretted it because of course, who else would walk in to the elevator but Kihyun?
I straightened up, "Good morning, Mr.Yoo," I said, looking straight ahead.
Flashes of Friday night came into my mind, and I tried my best to ignore them. He had walked in staring at his phone, and stayed that way even as I spoke to him.
"You've got your coffee. I don't want to see you down here again until your lunch," He said.
Uhm, excuse you? Are you someone's dad around here? Who the hell do you think you are? I'm so sick of you ordering me around and treating me like trash. You don't want to see me down here? How about, I never want to see you outside of this hellhole again. You idiot douche bag jerk.
"Yes, Mr.Yoo," I said.
The doors opened up on our floor and he walked out first, headed straight for his office. II practically dragged my feet behind him. When I got to my desk, I dropped my bag onto the floor and plopped onto my chair. I took a gulp of my coffee and started up my computer.
I had tons of emails and a few missed calls- of course, all regarding his royal highness.
I spent the majority of the morning planning meetings and forming Kihyun's schedule for the next two weeks. I wanted to get it all done at once, so once I finished my work- and my coffee- it was time for a trip to the ladies' room.
I chose a stall and sat down.
A brief moment later, someone walked into the bathroom shortly after me.
"-But is he like, relationship material? Or just a good night?" The voice of a woman asked.
"Look, I'm not saying I'd marry the guy-" A second voice answered. Her voice was familiar, "I mean, it's not like you make a whole lot working at a coffee bar, but... come on, you've seen him!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Of course, he's no CEO, but, he'll do...for now," Tiffany said.
As if seeing her flirt with Shownu wasn't enough, I have to hear her demean him privately?
"For now?" The other woman asked, "What do you mean?"
There was a pause, "Well... guys like Shownu, see...they're good enough to look at...maybe even good enough to eat," Tiffany said, causing the other woman to laugh, "but I have standards. I really want Mr.Yoo," She said.
"Yup. I know what I want," Tiffany said, "And he can buy it".
Soon, I heard their footsteps go back out the door.
I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my desk. I scanned the room, and sure enough, Tiffany was all the way across the room.
She's only been here a few weeks and she thinks it'll be that easy?
Good luck.
"Y/N," Kihyun's voice tore through my thoughts, "Come in," He said, holding the door open for me this time.
I was surprised, but was obviously not going to point out the small detail.
Wait...why'd he hold the door open this time?
Why is he inviting me into his office? He doesn't have a meeting until tomorrow...
Does he know I saw him at karaoke the other night?!
"Y/N?" Kihyun narrowed his eyes at me, "are you okay?" He asked.
I swallowed, "Yes...?" I said.
"You seem unsure," he said, sitting back in his massive chair.
I cleared my throat, "Sorry, yes. I'm alright, just didn't...sleep very well," I lied.
He waved dismissively at her, "You're lying but let's move on," He said.
Her heart dropped a little, nervous for the next part of the conversation.
"I need you to clear my schedule for next week," He said.
"You...want me to clear all your meetings and calls?" I asked.
He nodded, looking down at a document on his desk.
"So, the whole schedule I just finished making?" I asked, irritatedly.
He looked at me from the top his glasses, "Excuse me?" he said.
You're right. Excuse you.
"Nothing...I'll get right to it, then..." I said, standing up.
"I'm not finished," He said, though he wouldn't finish until I was sitting down.
I sat down, trying with all my might not to jump across the desk and choke him out.
"I'm going on a trip to South Korea, and I would like for you to go with me," He said.
"Me?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes, "Calm down, it isn't some luxurious vacation. I just need you to help me out there. Your meals and sleeping arrangements would be covered. That is, if you're interested in coming," He said. I took a moment to think about it.
A trip to South Korea... on business?
An all-expenses paid business trip...with Kihyun.
"Alright, I'll go," I said.
He nodded, "Alright. We leave Monday. You may go."
I stood up from my seat and walked over to the door.
I hesitated to open it.
Something inside me was rising...
I turned ever so slightly, "Mr.Yoo?" I asked.
"Mm?" He grunted, not looking up from the document.
"There's this Korean song...Hyeya. Ever heard it?"
He didn't look up, but I could see that his eyes were no longer focused on the paper.
"Never heard it before," He said.
I smiled, "Oh... okay. II'm gonna take my lunch now," I said, walking out of his office and closing the door.
I smiled to myself, grabbing my wallet as I headed off to find some food.
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vias-words · 4 years
Ask Game For Fan Fiction Writers
Thank you @mygeeknessisa-quivering for tagging me!
1. What fandoms do you write for? 
Usually The Cursed Child but I’m starting to write for Julie and the Phantoms too. I used to be a big Marvel writer as well and I have one Miss Peregrine’s fic that I’m really proud of. Had a bunch of other fandoms that I wrote for when I was younger but these would be the main ones. 
2. What parings do you write for? 
Scorbus!! Then I used to write Stucky and Clintasha when I did Marvel fics
3. What is your most popular fanfic? 
Albus Potter and the Cursed Legacy on AO3 but my most popular of all time was a Stucky fic on Wattpad called Coming Back Home 
4. Do you write original stories as well? 
Yes! But none are published
5. What is a fandom you will never write for? 
Probably just ones that I’m not interested in or don’t know that much about. 
6. Which platform do you prefer? 
AO3 for sure
7. What are your favorite fanfics? 
There are so many amazing fics that I forgot to save but here are some of my favorites that I have book marked
Scorbus: Blood, Ice, Water ; Paper Dragons ; Beneath the Wisteria 
General Harry Potter: A Future Beyond 17
Jeddy/Scorbus: King and Lionheart
JATP: The Ghosts of My Past
8. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started? 
Definitely getting feedback helps. And just staying invested in the story. I take breaks when needed so I don’t burn out. 
9. What’s your longest fanfic? 
Albus Potter and the Cursed legacy is almost 200,000 words which is absolutely insane to me but I love it dearly
10. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics? 
Sometimes! Usually just for shorter fics. But I incorporate fandom headcanons into longer fics as well. Basically my fics are based on fanon most of the time anyway
11. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts? 
12. What’s your shortest fanfic? 
Borderline is just under 4,000 words
13. Do you listen to music during your writing process? 
Yes, it helps me focus. I like atmospheric music to match the story. There’s a lot of great youtube videos for that but also instrumentals and movie scores on spotify are great.
14. What is your favorite writing prompt? 
Can’t say I have one
15. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics? 
Here is a link to my AO3! I have some reaaaallly old ones on Wattpad too if you want to see how 13-15 y.o. me wrote haha the user is via_words
16. Long chapters or short chapters?
Long. I notoriously write a lot.
17. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got? 
Too many...I’d say a solid 8 but a lot of started fic ideas that never took off
18. Do you take requests? 
I’m open to hearing them but I usually struggle to write someone else’s ideas 
19. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work? 
Original work for sure, which is very frustrating to me. I’ve written a novel length fic before I can even get halfway through an original. I think I just know fic characters and the world a whole lot better and I know my audience will too, so there’s not stress about making sure everything is clear.
20. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
I can’t even remember. I think I got on Wattpad through word of mouth when I was 12 but didn’t start posting until I was like 13 or 14.
21. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? 
I try to! 
22. Does fanart of your fanfic exist? 
Yes!! Which is AMAZING! I’ve got a small folder of drawings people have made inspired by or for my fic. I even got a video edit and vine comp once which I could not stop watching and smiling. It’s honestly so incredible that people have done that for something I wrote and I’m so thankful.
23. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist? 
No I didn’t even realize that could be a thing. I’d say if you’re using someone’s OC’s or ideas, do be sure to ask them first.
24. What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic? 
Oh gosh this is hard. One that’s always stood out to my is this line from Draco in chapter 18 of the Cursed Legacy
"Do you really think I wanted to be evil? That I set out to achieve that goal? No, that was never my reasoning to join the Deatheaters. No, mainly I wanted to fit in--to be a part of something greater. And to a naive boy who faced nothing but pressure from his parents to conform to their ideals, this," He forced up the left sleeve of his cloak to reveal the faded scar of where his dark mark once branded him, "seemed like that answer.”
25. Where do you draw inspiration from? 
A lot of music or photos/art. Whatever get’s me in the right mood to delve deeper into these characters. 
26. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter? 
Here’s the one I used in a recent ask game for the next chapter of the Cursed Legacy!
"I think we're all a little afraid of the unknown. But that's what makes life exciting, right?"
James eyed Albus up and down, "Who are you and where's the pessimistic Albus I know?"
Albus gave his brother a small shove but cracked a smile, "You're a git."
No tags for this one since I would probably end tagging people how have already been tagged. But feel free to do this as well if you want to and consider yourself tagged by me :)
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
The Apples (Penntin)
Author (as known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: The Magicians
Pairing: Penny Adiyodi/Quentin Coldwater (Penntin)
Length: 3.3k
Warnings/tags: Fluff, Getting Together, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Confusion, Marriage Proposal, Accidental Marriage, accidental Marriage Proposal, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Penny is pretty soft here, Banter
Summary: It was all in the apple. If only he hadn't been holding it... but, was marriage really that bad? Penny was surprisingly calm for someone who had just proposed to a nerd he had hated four months ago. Maybe everything would be alright.
Author’s Notes: Taking a break from my other Penntin fic to write this one -- it was one of those amazing daydreams us writers have that rarely get written down, but I thought this was worth getting out of bed and typing up. I should note that I decided to really diverge from canon because it just makes sense for this to be happening under different circumstances than what actually did. So, Julia managed to kill Reynard and the Beast, Penny's hands never got fucked up, the wellspring was replenished, and both Alice and Kady are more or less out of the picture, romantically. Enjoy!
AO3 link right here! 
Quentin sighed and warmed his hands on the fire in front of him. He looked up at the night sky in between the tree tops and grinned, wondering how he managed to land himself such a great life in Fillory of all places. It was so unbelievable, and yet he had never been more awake. Maybe it was the opium air.
He snorted and took a bite of the apple in his hand, gazing around the fire at the four other men with him. Penny was busy roasting some pheasants he had caught, an orange glow reflecting his concentrated, furrowed eyebrows. The other three were servants of the castle - his servants, technically - that had come along to help with their quest.
“We should reach the edge of the woods by noon,” one of them said. Quentin was pretty sure his name was Malke.
Penny grunted and shook his head. “If you’d just let me travel us there…”
“You know we can’t. There’s old magic ruins there, the wards are still up and we’ll bounce off. Have to go back to the beginning.”
Penny and Quentin eyed each other for a minute before the other man grumbled and conceded, going back to the birds he was slowly turning with magic over the fire. Quentin sat back and took another bite of his apple, then accepted a sip of wine from Malke’s flask. The stars twinkled and the trees rustled softly; he let the night’s atmosphere enveloped him.
He jerked and looked up when his knee was tapped. Penny had finished with the pheasants, apparently, and had a bit of the meat speared on the dagger he had been using to pare them. Quentin eyed it suspiciously but Penny just chuckled and shook his head, urging the food closer to his face.
“Trust me, white boy, it’s not gonna kill you. The yellow is turmeric powder. Try it.”
Quentin sighed and did as was prompted. He leaned forward and took a bite, moaning a little as flavor exploded on his tongue.
“Wow, that’s good,” Quentin mumbled, mouth still full.
Penny grinned and nodded, picking off a piece for himself to try. He groaned his own approval and gave another bite to Quentin, snorting and brushing his thumb over his cheek when a bit of food got on it.
Quentin blushed and looked away, a warm feeling running through his veins. He knew that Penny was just messing with him - he flirted with everyone, and especially loved to make himself squirm - but that didn’t stop the pleasantness of the action. But it didn’t matter; they were finally becoming friends, and he wasn’t going to ruin that.
“Full moon tonight. Think we’ll run into any werewolves?” Penny asked, tilting his head up to look at the sky where a brightly glowing moon shone in between the trees.
“Hope not, I don’t really want to hear anymore complaints to bring back to court.”
Penny laughed. Everyone they ran into seemed to notice Quentin’s crown right away and asked him to do something -- about their crops, their children’s education, the mice in hats invading their house. There had been some weird problems. But Quentin had heard it all graciously, and dutifully wrote them down in a notebook to deal with when they got back to Whitespire castle.
He was trying his hardest to be a good king and do the right things, but he was also tired. They’d been on this quest for a specific type of berry bush for several days now, and he already had four pages full of requests and complaints. Everyone seemed to have a million problems to fix and no directions to the berries. Quentin couldn’t say he blamed them; Fillory had been fucked over by The Beast for a long time, and there was a lot that needed to be fixed. Plus, the berries only had one specific, uncommon use, so he supposed that most people ignored them.
“Lighten up, man. We’ll find the fucking berries,” Penny sighed, quickly tugging a strand of Quentin’s hair like he did when he was getting tired of listening to moping. “Come on, you need to get your mind off of everything. Drink.”
Penny handed him his own flask - full of smuggled in Earth scotch - and Quentin took it, getting a good mouthful. He watched as Penny started the motions for a fireworks spell and joined in, that warm feeling growing inside of him again. They really were becoming good friends; Penny would never have tried to cheer him up a couple months, or maybe even weeks, ago. But now they were sitting side by side, eating pheasant off each other’s knives, sharing alcohol, and watching the mini fireworks display above the fire.
He rolled the apple in his hand and took another swallow, trying to reconcile the uncomfortableness in his gut with the delicious taste. It didn’t add up; the bird was good, he was happy, and Penny was actively being friendly with him. There was nothing wrong, except -- this was the feeling of being watched.
He worriedly gazed around for spying eyes in the trees and realized that everything was very still. The servants had stopped talking and moving quite a while ago and were staring at them strangely. Quentin tried to subtly nudge Penny with his mind, gaining a glare for the detested Taylor Swift song then a worried look as the man also realized.
“Uh, guys? Is everything good?”
Malke coughed and cleared his throat. “Of course, Your Highness. It’s just that- well, I mean… are you certain, Sire?”
Quentin could only guess that he was nervous about the quest and he relaxed. No one in Fillory had been on anything like an adventure for a long time; afraid of the beast, kept to their small homes and villages by a desperate lack of resources as magic unknowingly withered away. He smiled, big, and tried to reassure them.
“Yes! I’ve never been more sure about anything. It will go great, and life will be much better once this happens.”
“He’s a good king, he knows what’s best,” Penny added on. Quentin figured he had caught the thought of what was happening from his still open mind. “Sometimes things can be uncomfortable if they’re unfamiliar, but we do what we have to for the good of the kingdom.”
Penny sat back after his turn at inspiring the men and gnawed at a wing. He shot Quentin a look, understanding (or so they thought) passing through both of them. He held out a pheasant thigh and Quentin gladly took it, nudging him for real this time with his shoulder.
“You could be a good king, too. I feel inspired by that. I’d follow you anywhere.”
“Yeah, well,” Penny laughed, “You’ve always followed me around, even when I didn’t want you to. Like a little lost puppy, Coldwater, sulking right behind me and complaining when I told you to fuck off.”
“Hey, look where it lead us!”
“True,” Penny conceded with another nod. He tossed his bone on to the fire and watched the remaining string of fat sizzle. A waft of smoke blew into their faces and they both turned their heads.
Quentin looked down at the forgotten apple in his hand and brought it to his mouth, taking a large bite. He never would have thought that magically grown purple apples and tumeric pheasant would make a good meal, but a lot of things weren’t as he was expecting anymore. All of Fillory, for example.
“You know, I’m glad you don’t hate me anymore,” he said quietly, turning to look at the man sitting next to him.
Penny met his eyes, an almost sorry look in his own. “I never hated you. Hearing you singing all the damn time, sure, and you get on my nerves, but… you’re not bad. All things considered, I like where we are now. I’m glad this is happening,” he said, referring to their growing friendship and the list of epic quests they were slowly collecting under their belts.
“Me too.”
Quentin realized that Malke and the other two servants were staring at them, still, but it looked to be more out of respect and some odd, growing happiness than uncertainty. Weird, but good. How long had that been happening? Since he’d been king, or just starting now?
He kept getting so distracted by Penny that everything else seemed to fade into the background; it was never a feeling he had gotten with just a friend before, but it wasn’t bad. Maybe dangerous, in high-risk situations, but he could probably turn it off. Besides, Penny was observant enough for the both of them.
“Doesn’t mean you still don’t have to try, Q,” he whispered.
Quentin grinned and looked back up at the stars.
“Uh, hey, can we talk?” Quentin asked, poking his head around the corner into the Armory.
Penny looked up from his book and sighed. He marked his page with a strip of ribbon and set it onto a stack of more leather-bounds he had obviously been perusing. The Armory was slowly and surely being built up again after its contents had been ransacked by The Beast; citizens who had taken a book or two for safe keeping returned them, Brakebills gave up a few extra copies, and new volumes of knowledge were even being written. It was a place the whole group ended up in quite often, for its resources and relative solitude.
Quentin walked inside and cautiously sat down on one of the wooden chairs they had moved in there. He gazed at the materials Penny had spread around him -- a modern notebook and pen, yellow sticky notes, the royal symbol on a sash that let him access the Armory, and five books on Fillorian customs.
“So you know, then,” he sighed.
Penny nodded his head, containing the grimace his face wanted to make to just a slight scowl.
Quentin didn’t mind; it was a huge improvement to how they used to interact. Their first few months of knowing each other had been rough in many ways, particularly involving Penny’s anger and Quentin’s cowering personality. They had clashed on a near daily basis in a volatile way that just left them both more resentful.
He couldn’t pinpoint what exactly had changed when, but the fights had become less frequent and less extreme recently. It seemed they had both realized the size of their problems with each other was much, much smaller than the size of the problems with the worlds at large. Their quests together had certainly helped too, as had getting drunk and stumbling through the halls hanging off of each other’s shoulders on an almost weekly basis.
Too bad it might not last.
“Did you know that’s what it was?” Penny asked him. There was a slightly accusing look in his eyes, like Quentin had just let him (possibly) fuck up their lives without sayng anything.
He shook his head quickly. “No, no, of course not! It wasn’t in the books, I had no clue that was a thing.”
Penny sighed and nodded, silently passing his notebook to Quentin so he could see his research.
At the top of the page, it read “Fillorian Marriage Customs” in big letters. Underneath, there were outline-style notes on various concepts that would hopefully help them figure out the whole mess they had accidentally gotten into.
Quentin looked over the most important section -- Marriage Proposals. He brushed his hands over the smooth paper and read aloud from Penny’s surprisingly nice handwriting.
“Four common ways of proposing: classical arranged marriage through parents, asking for political marriage, bargaining, or proposal ceremony.”
“That’s what we did,” Penny interjected quietly.
Quentin looked up to find the man closer to him than he expected. His breath caught in his throat as he watched dust and sunlight glint on Penny’s long lashes, his whole face awash from the window so he looked like glowing caramel.
Penny took the notebook back and explained, not seeming to notice Quentin’s staring -- or maybe just being used to him “spazzing out”, as he often said.
“A proposal ceremony is this complicated, really fucking odd ritual that is traditionally done between two high-ranking magicians, apparently. During a full moon they have to share food, then share wine, and then perform magic together in front of three witnesses, all while the recipient of the marriage proposal holds an apple. Which we did.”
“In fucking order. God,” Quentin sighed, slumping back into the chair.
He wasn’t sure what to think. On one hand, he wanted to immediately call it off because obviously they weren’t romantically involved and it wouldn’t be a good idea. On the other hand, the servants had gossiped and now practically the entire kingdom knew. Calling it off could be really bad press. Quentin could still hear Margo’s voice in his head as she pulled him aside to chastise him about something he didn’t understand in the moment; “The apple , Q, the fucking apple. You idiot. Make a decision, and make it fast.” Then she strutted away with her long, pink dress swishing around her legs. It had left him in a daze of confusion until he’d heard some guards chatting as they made their rounds -- and then everything had started to make horrifying sense.
Penny snapped him out of his thoughts, like he always seemed to do. “So, we need to talk about this. Dinner?”
A level conversation from Penny was not what he had been expecting, but Quentin took it. He also took the offered hand to pull himself up, helping Penny clean up the space before they pulled the heavy doors shut behind themselves and parted ways, agreeing to meet back up at the castle gates. From there, Penny traveled them to a tavern that had become one of their favorites.
They ordered food and beer, settling down against the rough bark of a large tree right outside. The sun was just setting and the air was still warm, so they sat in silence and watched the sky darken; both thinking.
A bar wench brought their food and Quentin took a drought out of his cup, trying to ignore the eyes she was making at Penny.
“Alright. So, uh…” He trailed off, uncertain of what to actually say. What were they supposed to do about the situation? There were so many variables, and yet so few options and even less time. Margo had warned him about the deadline for cancelling before it became absolutely politically devastating; Fillorians did not take divorces (or ended engagements) lightly.
Penny cracked a wry smile like he knew what Quentin was thinking - he probably did - and chugged his beer, setting down the empty stein on the grass. He wiped his mouth and trained his eyes on the emerging stars.
“We have two options: be married for the rest of our lives, or not.”
Quentin snorted. “Well, when you put it that way. I mean, why not?”
“Yeah. Seriously.”
“Wait, what? Really?”
He turned to look at Penny -- that was supposed to be sarcastic. The other man was staring straight up at the rising moon, eyes stealy but voice soft. He didn’t sound like he was kidding.
“Really?” Quentin tried again, matching his voice to the one Penny had used. “You see marriage as an option? You know that it’s lifelong and monogamous, right?”
“I know. And yes, it is technically an option. You don’t wanna marry me, Coldwater?”
He faltered. “Well, I mean- okay, yes it is an option. And yes, I kind of don’t want to marry you. We have about a day to call it off.”
Penny looked at him strangely, and it was all Quentin could do to look at the sky and eat his stew. What was he thinking? It was times like these where he wished he had the psychic powers Penny did.
“Trust me, you don’t.” And his wards hadn’t been up, great. “But why don’t you want to marry me? We’ve been getting along.”
If he wasn’t mistaken, Penny sounded almost offended. Not mockingly indignant - he knew he was hot - but actually a little upset, like he had been considering the marriage.
“I have. It’s a viable option.”
“Stop reading my fucking mind!”
“Then close it!” Penny snapped right back, crowding Quentin against the tree so suddenly he couldn’t breath.
They were both breathing hard, worked up with worry and lust and thoughts of the future. Quentin stared at Penny, trying to read the look in his eyes; what was he thinking? About all of this? A sudden kiss was pressed to his lips and then Penny’s face was back in front of him like it had never left, staring intently.
Quentin sighed and tipped his head back. He could still smell the beer on both of them, and feel the brush of Penny’s beard -- it was more pleasant than he would have thought. Penny’s eyes slowly closed as their foreheads were pressed together. He understood a little bit more now.
“Say we did get married. Are you really willing to be celibate, or only have sex with me, for the rest of your life? And what about Kady?”
He thought that Penny might get angry - bringing up his ex-girlfriend usually did the trick - but he only shook his head. “Kady isn’t coming back. Or, if she is, I’m moving on. Too much happened. Besides,” he said, opening his eyes and smiling until Quentin felt his knees shake, “I’d have you. I don’t know what it is, but something is telling me that I actually wouldn’t mind it that much. You’re not bad looking, Q.”
He knew he was blushing, but Penny also looked like he wasn’t sure why he said what he had, so it was fine. This whole marriage and friendship business with Penny was odd and confusing but it was also really, honestly fine.
“I don’t think I wouldn’t mind either. I mean, we’re actually pretty similar.”
“What?” Penny scoffed, “How? Have you taken another walk in the flying forest, Q?”
The Penny he usually knew was still in there; that was good. Quentin shrugged his shoulders in the small space he had between the tree and his fiance (and that was crazy). “Well, we’re both magicians, and we more or less discovered Fillory together. We both like beer and food, and traveling, and our friends, and I know that you like some nerdy shit underneath all of that tough guy-ness. And, we’re both getting over stone-cold girlfriends, so.”
So, we should get married, he thought with a quirk of his eyebrows. Penny’s eyelids lowered in agreement and he leaned in again, asking for another kiss.
Quentin granted the request, slotting their lips together. It was nice -- warm, stew-flavoured, slow and gentle in a way he enjoyed more than he could have guessed. Penny was constantly surprising him, his soft kisses being even the least of the things Quentin was discovering about him.
“Husband,” he whispered, pulling back.
“Not quite yet,” Penny rejoined, giving him one more peck before standing tall like the tree they had been resting on.
He smiled and stood up, helping Penny gather their bowls and cups to bring back inside. It wasn’t going to be smooth going, falling into a romantic relationship and then marrying so soon after being almost enemies. But he was willing to try, for the good of his country (they liked monarchs in stable marriages) and for the good of his personal life. Penny could make him happy, he thought, and he would try, too.
“Hey, Q, we need to have apple pie at the wedding,” Penny whispered in his ear, leaning down to give him a smooch on the cheek before striding away. Quentin grinned without restraint and followed after him like the puppy he was.
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