#and pfp changes and conversation about it etc
lesbianspeedy · 2 months
this is like incredibly niche but was anyone here on reneetwt like what. a month ago? when #That pic dropped and the subsequent hour before it was revealed it was kinda a leak?
bc i think about it at least once a week. not even the picture itself, just the EVENT it was on twitter. i have NEVER, NEVER. seen a fandom assemble so quickly to erase all traces of conversation. i saw the pic get posted while on the tube and by the time i arrived home it was nowhere to be found. i genuinely think if i wasnt there during that (and if the occasional bad faith tiktok didnt get posted) i would have no fucking clue it exists, i havent seen it posted or even MENTIONED a single time on twitter since. its like insane.
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gunsandaprons · 4 months
Rules and FAQ
Welcome to Guns and Aprons! Let’s get acquaintanced.
Rules and Regulations
While this is an ask blog at times, the ask box will not always be open. When the ask box is closed, do not find creative ways to ask questions (reblogs, replies, etc.). Any questions sent while the box is closed will be ignored.
In addition to the above, when the ask box is open, please follow the theme of questions being asked if an event is in progress. Events will occasionally come about where you will be encouraged to ask questions related to what’s going on in the story. Please follow the theming whenever an event is active.
This blog is PG-13. While swears are okay (in moderation), there will be no sexual or graphic content on this blog. Our protagonists are children, so please refrain from sending them inappropriate questions.
Clover uses They/Them pronouns exclusively while Robin uses She/They pronouns. Please only use these pronouns on the respective characters. Your question may be ignored otherwise. (This is a very easy thing to keep in mind before typing an ask.)
Any asks involving bigotry will be entirely ignored and deleted. This includes Racism, Queerphobia, Ableism, Xenophobia, etc. This isn’t a place for that kind of behavior and you will simply be blocked.
Keep the questions related to the official characters of the blog, the Undertale franchise, and the fangame, Undertale Yellow. It makes answering your questions easier when they’re connected to the story. There will be no focus on AUs outside of the AU of the blog itself to avoid complication of plot and confusion.
This isn’t a roleplay blog. Please do not send messages in hopes of a roleplay conversation outside of your asked questions. This blog is focused entirely on Clover, Robin, and any characters that will make an official appearance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. The ask box is closed and I can’t ask a question. Why?
A. If the ask box is closed, we are not accepting more questions at that time. Please be patient and wait for when the ask box is reopened.
Q. My question wasn’t answered with the last batch of questions. Why?
A. There’s a number of reasons why this might have happened. Perhaps your question was one already answered in the past? Or maybe there was no good way to reply to your message? Either way, the moderator is doing their best to answer as many questions as they can muster. If your question isn’t answered, it isn’t the end of the world. Try asking something new and different next time!
Q. I don’t personally agree with this headcanon/theory you’re working with.
A. That’s sad to hear! Well, we’re all entitled to our opinions. Please don’t go out of your way to tell the mod this? It won’t change the blog in any way and will be ignored.
Q. Can I repost your art to other social media sites?
A. Absolutely not! This blog is the only place you will be seeing answers and comics related to the blog! If you see someone on another social media platform reposting art from this blog, it most likely isn’t the blog moderator, RheaKira.
Q. Am I allowed to use any art on this blog as my PFP/blog header?
A. Sure! How flattering! But please be sure to credit the blog or the artist if you plan to do this.
Q. Am I allowed to make fanworks related to this blog?
A. Absolutely! We’re more than happy to get fanworks of any kind! Please be sure to @ the blog so that the moderator can see and reblog it for everyone to see! Please keep the PG-13 rule in mind and do not send anything sexual or graphic. Thank you!
Q. Am I allowed to voice over or make comic dubs of works on the blog?
A. You absolutely may! However, please credit the blog properly if you do so and I politely ask that you do not monetize the video or profit off of it in any way. I’m making this art for free and it would make me uncomfortable to see profit being made off of my work. If this is an issue for you, please simply do not use my works for your videos. If you do use our work for dubs, please let us know!! Thank you!
Q. Can I mention characters from the UTDR AU multiverse on the blog, like Ink Sans or Core Frisk?
A. Nope! We’re not interested in doing anything related to other AUs on this blog, let alone an entire multiverse. Please don’t send messages related to this. They will be ignored.
Q. Why are Clover and Robin so adorable?
A. IDK man. Let’s enjoy them and their friendship together!
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hi :D!!! was wondering if you were still doing matchups? if so, i would like to request a bg3 match up with any of the ladies :3 also i wasn’t sure if i was supposed to describe me or my tav, but its pretty much a self insert so i hope this is ok hehe THANKS AGAIN OK LOVE YOU BYE <3
gender: trans man
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: i honestly have no idea lol, i prefer woman by a longshot though!!!
appearance: i’m 5’8” ish (~173 cm) and about 200 pounds (~91 kilos), olive skin with a bit of facial hair/stubble. i have kinda built arms and legs and a nice loveable tummy. pre top surgery though so i am always in a binder and baggy shirt. i’m growing out my mullet atm so my hair is kind of a mess but! it’s dark brown and curly :) i have lots of tattoos and piercings! my clothing style is usually some giant graphic tee and work pants with some converse or something. if i’m actually trying though, i kind of dress like a grandpa hehe
mtbi: infp, enneagram is either 2 or 4, it changes every time i take it lol
personality: gemini sun virgo moon gemini rising (don’t really care for astrology tbh), initially i am very reserved and quiet, but not like cold or aloof or anything! im just extremely nervous and shy!! i have been described as intimidating but i dont see it at ALL so take that with a grain of salt i suppose. once i’ve opened up though, i really enjoy making others laugh so i will take every opportunity to do so, even if it makes me look like an idiot lol. i tend to miss a LOT of social cues, so i usually come across as very awkward and weird, but i’ve gotten pretty good at playing it off
likes: i LOVE everything about music!! i play over 5 instruments, i listen to every genre (yes even country), and i’ve been playing in either ensembles, orchestras, or bands since i was 11. i was even a music major once upon a time! outside of music, i like cats (my cats are my favorite lol but i don’t discriminate!), video games, and occasionally reading
dislikes: i have pretty bad sensory issues so i fucking HATE places like malls, grocery stores, large department stores, etc. i also don’t like a majority of social situations with people i don’t already know, i always feel so awkward and get anxious. this one really gets people, but i don’t like a lot of foods that are widely considered to be good. for example, i dislike mac and cheese, potatoes, ketchup, and most fruits. every time i tell someone this, they literally act like i just confessed to murder
extra fun fact: i am a giant nerd. like i cannot state it enough I AM A NERD! my friends use me like human google all the time, and most of the time i have the answer 😭 not trying to imply that i’m a genius or something, i just hear a fun fact or random piece of information and then never ever forget it (did you know that for a majority of the year, the closest planet to earth is not venus or mars. it’s mercury!!)
BG3 extra:
race: half wood elf
class: wild magic sorcerer
alignment: neutral good
Don't Worry—I still have yours!! I was perplexed when I saw your PFP twice, lol. Sorry for the long wait, but here is your Match!! Also, as a Midwestern/Southerner, I enjoy the genre of Country, lol. ( I, too, am a nerd; I am my family's personal Calculator, though, lol)
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
Baldur's Gate 3
Tumblr media
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Shadowheart is one to keep to herself as well. She likes the mysterious quiet. However, she did not oppose the notion of you being the group's leader.
She sees your anxiety around new people as a hindrance and a diversion. While you are awkwardly talking to others, she can use this time to gather hidden information or send Astarion on a pickpocketing hunt.
Your tics and antics may have frustrated her initially, but as you all grew to know one another, she found them sweet and endearing.
Soon, whenever a passerby points out your flaw, she is the first and last to defend you. (Miss Ma'am always has to get the last word in)
Shadowheart worked hard to earn your trust, and you worked hard to earn hers. Soon, you two were inseparable, for good or bad.
Shadowheart took your courting very seriously and ensured everyone at camp knew you were hers. She is a princess, after all, and gets what she wants.
If you are having a tough day around people, Shadowheart will be there to help. She has no problem leading things whenever you need her to.
When you two fight enemies, it is like watching the ocean move. You two are constantly in sync, and your health never drops below 50.
When you two officially start dating and make it public to everyone, she enjoys holding hands and soft pecks on the cheek. She is still a private person, but no harm in making sure the world knows she loves you.
When you two part ways from the others after the final battle, Shadowheart and you take on a tavern of your own in Baldurs Gate. She runs the finances and shipments while you run the entertainment and bar.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The grove had been successfully saved. However, not every person at your party was ecstatic that you had made this choice; however, you knew you had made the right choice. With your camp full of new and old faces, you smiled, knowing that this was what you were made for right then. Though saving everyone was great and all, the loud, drunken party happening was the last thing you cared to participate in. You make your rounds to your companions to tell them when you will pack up and head out; you spot Shadowheart pouring herself a glass of wine. As you finish speaking to Karlach, you stand before the princess of the night.
Shadowheart smiles at you, gently extending a glass to you before speaking, "I knew you weren't quite the party type. I am surprised you even allowed this to happen at our camp." You laugh gently, nodding along, taking a swig of the wine. Looking out on your camp, you may not be one for large gatherings, but this was wholesome for the journey ahead. You turned back to Shadowheart as she spoke again, "We could escape from here for a while, allow you time to have a real reprieve from an intense battle versus throwing yourself into more uncomfortable situations." She always knew when you grew discontent with situations and quickly altered your group's direction. Though you may be the leader, your love and compassion for Shadowheart soon made her your second in command, much to Lazel's displeasure.
You nodded briefly to Shadowheart as she gently grabbed your hand and led you to a rock face far from camp. Privacy was excellent, and it allowed your mind to run freely for once since you were tasked with killing the Goblins. As you lounged back, sipping on the wine, Shadowheart looked at you. A simple conversation between you two led to something more intent and kind through the night. That night, you two decided to flourish in your relationship and walk through life together. Once dawn approached you, Shadowheart sat in your lap, staring out into the horizon. You gently moved some hair from her face. You smiled gently, whispering, "Because of you, my world may now be complete; fight with me, Shadowheart, and let our hearts beat as one once we are free again."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and Shadowheart had broken off from the group for the evening, taking a short stroll through Baldurs Gate. Thinking about what the future will have in store for you two as you approach the final battle)
Y/N: Princess, what if a life without Shar is genuinely not what you want. I do not want you to feel forced into a life of tavern-keeping with me.
Shadowheart: My goddess has already abandoned me since the trials. I am content now as long as I have you by my side, my love.
Y/N: When did you become so romantic? Weren't you always the brooding, icy-hearted mystery girl?
Shadowheart: That may have been me in the past, but as I have helped you through your trials, you have helped me, and I am grateful for that.
Y/N: (Smiles softly at the woman and leans in to kiss her)
Shadoheart: (places a hand on Y/N's lips, a large smirk evident on her face) However, since you seem to want to pick on me this evening, I could always return to being a brat.
Y/N: Oh, is that so? I am very sure I can handle it, my sweet. (Sweet kisses intensify)
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pandoraslxna · 7 months
Hey Luna,
Does your boyfriend take pictures of you or at least post you once in a while? I've been asking my boyfriend to post me on special occasions and take pictures of me sometimes because that would make me really happy and i want to be shown off just like any other girls. We got into a big fight recently because at our date he took out his phone and rolled his eyes at me and told me "since you like me taking pictures" and that made me feel really bad about myself. I told him how it made me felt and he just said that he felt force that he had to take a picture of me cuz that's not the type of guy he is. I just told him don't take pictures of me anymore since it makes you so unhappy. But it sucks because it makes me happy for him to take pictures and post me once in a while (also he deleted his facebook and Instagram because he said it was too toxic but i feel like its just an excuse for me not to keep begging him to post me/us more)
Hii pookie 🩵
My bf is exactly the same. He doesn’t use any social medias and never posts me anywhere. He has Instagram to watch my stories and see what I’m up to (but not in a weird jealousy type of way) and TikTok to send me funny shit but that’s it. He doesn’t even have a pfp there and both of his accounts are private with 0 followers and 0 posts. During the 8 years of our relationship he has never posted me anywhere. In the beginning it definitely bothered me, especially because I wanted to show him off and I also wanted him I show me off too. We also had several conversations about this and he basically told me the same as your bf did, that he doesn’t want to feel forced to post us, that social media isn’t everything and we don’t need to make everything public, social media is toxic anyways, etc. bla bla.
The thing is, my bf just genuinely hates taking photos of himself, with or without me doesn’t even matter. (We do take pictures together but usually just in a silly way or in a way that’s not meant for the public lmao). Anyways. It did bother me for a while because it made me insecure too and obviously people were talking shit about us (because apparently not being posted means that he must be cheating lol). But at some point I just learned to respect that he hates taking photos of himself and hates social media culture in general and learned that this has absolutely nothing to do with me or our relationship. He just doesn’t use social media and isn’t a fan of making everything public, that is all. If this is something that truly bothers and upsets you, try talking to him again. Maybe find a compromise that will make both of you happy. And if he doesn’t change his opinion you should figure out if this is something you can learn to live with or not. What helped me a lot in this decision was to ask myself, does he accept things you don’t want to do or are you always the one giving in?
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returning from my slumber with a question for the trans people of tumblr; i have a friend who i am essentially certain is trans (not just an assumption! trans flag pfp, username is different to their birthname on spotify and has quite literally said the words "im not a girl" within my earshot etc. etc.) but they haven't officially come out to me or let me know whether they wanted me to change how i talk to/about them. originally i didn't want to push it because i figured they'd tell me when they're ready but since they don't seem too uncertain about it or uncomfortable talking about it (we had a pretty lengthy conversation comparing testosterone vs. estrogen and the logistics of bottom surgery) im wondering whether they just dont know how to bring it up? should i ask about it or leave it alone until they tell me themself? if i do ask how should i approch the conversation?
other details that seem relevant
- they dont correct people who use she/her pronouns or their birthname (in & out of school but around the same people)
- i've known them >year but we get along really well
- we are both autistic, not entirely relevant but im throwing it in there incase it might change how i would ask about it
- our mutual friends, even those they have known for years longer than me seem to be in a similar situation, though we haven't discussed it
sorry if anything is worded oddly, this is the first time i've encountered a situation like this, obviously, and i just want them to feel comfortable around me. thank you <3
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teneriadvos · 10 months
Teneri ad Vos
meaning "enthralled by you" in Latin.
Vos || 18 yrs || He
💜 Fun Vos Facts! 💜
- College student
- Writer
- Total nerd (D&D, Video games, etc. Ask me about my collections!)
- In case you can't tell, I'm a Latin nerd too :)
- More holes than the average man
- Bi guy
- Happily taken :) I have a lovely girlfriend and she smokes weed
All of the other stuff is going below the cut. One more time, MINORS DNI. FINAL FUCKING WARNING. THANKS.
okay, let's get into the meat and potatoes of it all. i basically only log in to this acc when im bored out of my skull or looking to jerk off. there's like an 18% chance i'm asexual and i have days where the very concept of sex makes me feel physically ill. bear with me. whatever. here's what you're all looking for.
💜 Sexy Vos Facts!! 💜
Okay, green for giving, blue for receiving. Purple for both.
I'm switchy as hell but I'm really only going to be thinking subby thoughts on this blog. I might make the rare dom post or two but I will not play dom. Thanks 💜 Okay now let's get into it:
- Raging hypnosis / brainwashing kink. Love getting tranced out 💜
- Dumbification and stuff like that :) I guess it kind of goes hand in hand with the hypno but sometimes it's just so nice to not Think about Things
- Praise kink my beloved. To care and be cared for is always really nice
- Denial and edging. God it's so much fun but I'm so bad at it lol
- Bondage!! Tie me up in ribbons and rope! Plus, I want to learn shibari so bad...
- Puppy play stuff!! Ask me to bark and I go woof!!
- Mommy kink :) Sometimes it's just nice to be mommy's baby boy y'know?
- Royalty kink. I'll gladly be a knight or prince of your kingdom hehe
- Blasphemy and the corruption that comes with it. Turns out there's a reason I like being called angel so much :3
- Plus some crazy fantasy stuff. Y'know, tentacles and aphrodisiacs and monsterfucking and holding hands with someone who really really loves me, etc etc
- Uhhh recent development I wanna get pegged and / or actually railed??? I want cock or strap in my hole??? ASAP??? please and thank you???
[This list is subject to change or expand depending on what Tumblr does to me.]
💜 What Vos doesn't like. 💜
- If you're kind to me, I will be kind to you. That's the golden rule on my blog. Don't be a dick, and don't be a creep.
- ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ASK FOR PICTURES OF ME. I know I'm whoring myself out on the internet but I'd like to keep it to just words.
- Please don't open conversations by sending me nudes or spirals. It's kind of weird to me. Say "hi" or "hello" or even just ask me first!! Thank you!!
- Please keep your sissy, detrans, forced-fem, and misgendering stuff to yourself please.
- Additionally, no thanks on piss, scat, race, and gainer/feeder stuff! It is NOT for me. Also, I'll probably block you if it's your whole account.
- I block empty, no-pfp no-name no-description etc. blogs on site. At least make your profile look a little lived-in.
- I'm not looking for a long term dynamic. But DM me maybe and we can play around?
[These boundaries are also subject to change. If you're freaking me out, I will tell you. If you continue to freak me out, I will block you. If you're a robot, uh, go fuck yourself. Idk.]
💜 Vos Terminology Index 💜
Please call me...
- Masculine terms; man, boy, guy, dude, etc.
- Pretty, good, sweet, and baby boy.
- Dumb, empty-headed, pathetic, needy.
- Prince, puppy, dog, toy, angel, doll.
- Chest, dick, and hole to talk about my anatomy.
If you're unsure about something, pop in and ask!
💜 Closing remarks! 💜
I'm a total nerd with a writer's background, and I tend to get really wordy. If I write some nerdy or horndog ramble, just bare with me. I like talking lol
Okay, that's all from me!! I hope all of this wasn't too boring! Remember, be kind and receive kindness in return.
Vos out. 💜
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kittyirked · 2 years
Eugh fuck it. I'm bringing my one twitter post here for yall because a lot of you newbies really dropped twt like a hot potato, huh
before you got stumbling around Tumblr with no damn clue how shit works note that things work very VERY differently there as compared to the old twitter machine.
Firstly, tumblr is VERY anti-ads, anti-capitalist, and anti-brands. Go into this KNOWING that. Don't go using the monetization options without in-site research. A vtuber has already done so to MUCH backlash. Blaze is used for shitposting and pet pics or if you wanna fight god.
tumblr is all about customization:
you MUST search out what you want on your own. you curate your experience there. You have to reblog things you like. Keep the ecosystem alive. Likes are nice and extra. many people use like for bookmarking things (I'm talking abt me)
change your pfp ASAP when you get there. Tumblr has a bot problem and tumblr oldies will block on-sight if they see a default icon, lack of reblogging, etc
one more thing to customization: THERES SO MUCH OF IT!! Make your blog your own!!! I'll give you all my blog customizing resources for fucks sake. It's your space, make it such :3
More on courtesy:
talk in the tags! unless you are adding to a shitpost, conversation, or such, it can be seen as audacious to just add text to a random post. It can be considered hijacking. Tags are not only for organization but also screaming in the void!!!
Once you set up who you're following I recommend fiddling with settings! Just like twitter, tumblr has a chronological vs "best" setting! Fuck with it so you can see more of your new friends' posts!
Tumblr media
You can make multiple blogs from the same account (with a bit of limited usability) they're called side-blogs and they're REALLY good for if you want a personal AND an art account! very useful. Not sure if there's a limit to the number of side blogs you can have.
there are so so many ways to further better your tumblr experience with the plugin. It's on chrome and firefox. I don't know if its on any other browser. It's a godsend, I tell you!!!
when it comes to tags or mentions of things:
just tag it, don't censor it. People have blacklists for the website that help them to not see things so for instance put blood, not bl00d or anything else. by fucking with the word, you mess up their ability to block it
if you want more eloquent and direct help, there are many many posts that I've been reblogging over on tumblr to help you out!! I hope these little tidbits help
that's all of it-- if you wanted to rt the post over on twt for the homies, here's the link
See ya on the flippity flop. have fun!
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kitnita · 1 year
Robo/otter for the ship ask thing bc I’m kinda slightly obsessed with the way that you write them about them in fics/tags and this way you have to say more stuff. (Insert evil laughter)
god this is almost too open ended ........ my brain is exploding with everything i could say about their vibes & why they work for me as much as they do. this is really like. the essayiest essay of all of these so it is MOSTLY under the cut & i hope it appeases your evil laughter <3
i think the basis of the appeal of them for me is the same of any ship you build up out of people in the same draft class — whether you're looking at preexisting besties who get broken up or strangers who become insanely important to each other in an instant, there's a very real hand-of-fate quality there & that makes everything about the 2017 draft class in particular feel kind of fairy tale.
and otter is SO aware of it. they both give insane quotes about each other on the reg & have since their rookie season (the fact that it's Their Rookie Season is both another point & part of the same point; like, that was also tydel's rookie season, but also, he's not part of their conversation yk?) but otter especially is always talking about how happy he is that robo plays in dallas with him & how he hopes he continues to never have to play against him, etc etc etc.
otter's almost ...... intensely introspective. like, his quotes on the podcast he did for pavs' company about wishing he could go back & play just one more game with every old team of his are insane. BUT both of them have spent soooo much time this season talking about how they still look at each other as the same guy they came up with in the ahl which gives me absolute brainworms. i think it really started in earnest w media asking robo about otter at the all star weekend, but then they both had carte blanche to keep talking about growing up together & how they don't look at each other any different now.
they're both just so aware of the narrative & their respective places in it (otter always calling himself the best & his teammates the best as a way of shouldering his own high expectations; robo always tempering people's praise of him by calling out his weaknesses & what he does to offset them; etc etc etc). BUT they both seemed to have readily accepted that they come as a package deal, narratively, which i just think is the height of romance in sports. agreeing that you come as a duo with someone ..... that you shouldn't be separated ....... that you've been together for long enough that the other person's changes simply do not register .............. Peak Romance!!
when robo finally got a contract signed last season, the first thing he did was change his pfp to a pic of him embracing otter & looking at things from a shipping lens it's like. well obviously. to both of them, being part of this team means being together. all other vibes can be built from there.
there's also other less Foundational aspects of their vibe that really work imo!!
like obviously they're both different flavors of weird-normal, which i love. they're both so proud of being Normal Guys but it's clear that they are also, yk. freaks. i think they should be freaks together because they're obviously complimentary flavors of freak. also the jakey nickname!! i know a lot of the guys use that for otter now but robo started it. razor even called out that jakey was a robo-ism. that their love language is being assholes to each other at practice is so fun. robo's just obsessed w goalies & i think it was soooo nice of jim nill to draft a lil freak goalie at the same time as him so they could just be a matched set forever.
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mrkanman · 10 months
ooughhh had that issue the other week with a discord server. I hopped in and asked what happened to the pfp and all names being changed etc, it looked like an april fools event or something. Was told to just check the announcements... I just wanted to like talk and invite conversation too... whatever tho
its so like
*grits my teeth*
maybe i wanted to hear your thoughts about the announcement. maybe i wanted some commentary. say something beautiful and true to me.
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thebrokengate · 2 years
I need Byler to be canon for lots of reasons but one of the biggest is because I’m petty and the idea of the menace the dennis shippers being right after all and feeing fully smug and vindicated in 2024 is nauseating. Like I know it’s just a shipping war but like when compared with j@ncy vs st@ncy it’s night and day. Whichever way the wind blows for Nancy won’t have any larger social implications at the end. But atp Byler vs. Muddy Waters feels like good vs. evil. Not because Mlvn as a ship is inherently evil- there are obviously lots of good Melvins- but because of the vile and cruel homophobic rhetoric- wishing aids on Will and so much worse- that has become the norm. The obnoxious Twitter mids with Millie PFPs who are genuine bullies and just rotten rotten people. The Melvins who send us vile anons on tumblr, etc. There’s some really dark shit, and yeah fandom is filled with all kinds of nonsense, but this is on another level. And to think those people would then be smug and move onto other fandoms and bring the same B.S. and cruelty there. It would set queer representation back so much and genuinely be damaging socially. And maybe that’s absurdly dramatic cause it’s just stranger things but idk I feel strongly about this at this point. good Lord I hope the duffers actually know what they’re doing and the kind of homophobic hornets nest they’ve sadly unleashed …
I'm going to take a few seconds to laugh at Menace the Dennis first, lol.. but yes, I very much agree. They would call us delusional forever and ever and continue spewing homophobia until the day the fandom dies out. I know they still will even if the Duffers pull through and make Byler canon, but it'll eventually fade because they can't do anything to change the outcome and they always have more straight ships to latch onto instead. Good queer rep is harder to come by, especially in something mainstream like Stranger Things, and Byler would be some of the best queer rep of childhood friends to lovers that I've seen. If Minecraft Steve was endgame, the toxic ones would lord over us 'till the end of time, gloating about how right they were instead of having sympathy for people who were queerbaited. And yes, it would be queerbaiting because of the romantic tropes literally used in the show (for example, like getting startled out of staring at each other where they were both startled which shows reciprocation, and interrupted conversations, both of which were used for other couples in the show itself and have been romantic tropes in media for years). It would send a terrible message narratively, that gay people can never have the same happy ending that a straight person can. It would've used Will's pain and his feelings only to further Milkvan. Not having Byler be endgame at this stage and caving to the homophobes would absolutely set us back at least a decade in queer representation, and it would make at least half of the narrative they've set up for this part of Will's story arc fall flat. But, as we keep saying, who really writes a slowburn rejection over 5 seasons? And why would they elect to avoid the typical ending for this kind of love triangle just to subvert expectations for an ending that's mediocre? Nothing else makes sense at this point.
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hellofears · 1 month
gender scary and unknown sexuality scary and unknown. idk jack shit. i just say hey queer and only recently i’ve been trying and just like starting to try and be like i’m afab. i am. that’s fine. what does that change. like i obviously don’t need to give my life fuckn story in my bio. i over think shit why r u yelling at me!!!!!!!!!!! i know u r 🫵.
idk when u live a life of i don’t feel like enough i care too much i care too little i’m too vulnerable i’m too open too forthcoming she’s mature but she’s too serious etc etc it’s like validation of yourself to yourself was never in question. i seek others to know when i’m enough of something. and it’s not like i’m being gucking outrageous pretending i’m a whole different ethnicity that i’m not. but it’s a self doubt of you have no reason to feel the way u feel and i just throw up my hands and like i try and have tried even without my knowledge all my fckning life to find when to stop and when to start from others when i counted and when i don’t and it’s a mess.
why would anyone be mad at me for saying i’m afab it’s ridiculous. then i’m like maybe it’s transphobia maybe it’s internal transphobia i’m iffy on that because i don’t like ‘picking’ something online or irl my life in person hasn’t changed at fuck all. i don’t call myself trans because i don’t know. i’ve been hesitant to talk about yk sex issues just what i’m feeling or my perspective just because i was like what if i seem like i’m talking about something i don’t know jack about what if i sound like,, oh no……. 😱 animal crossing noise emote thing, a cis white straight man joining a conversation with a sense of superiority and knowledge/inner secret and true meaning that only he knows👨 yeah that’s the simpson guy with the moustache. just decided. in one case it’s like you can just put it clear anyway is it that serious and i’m like ik but then i feel the need to be like guys…… i’m sorry to disappoint like, not even maybe some but i’m sorry for what i have done. i have not disclosed about my lack of dick at birth. it has hurt the fans they are crying choking throwing up the whole thing. 🤕
me “what if i don’t know enough 🥺 what if i don’t have enough to share what if it’s a conversation i should sit for”
also me “GIRL BITCH. you lived 18 years a girl and still perceive that way plus you have 0 any real substantial social changes to this day other than discussing it with fam and therapists etc even then not completely. u lived it and are living it” LOOPS. HOPPING LOOPS SOMEHOW c l a w i n g my way back up water slides like bitch get down! idk. i think i always think i’m out the loop and i’ve always got more to learn or to give, my biggest mistake was ever thinking my personhood stops at others word of mouth. That my life my experience changes at all just because some fucker with a big capital S or a car as a pfp user held the belief i don’t meet criteria needed for the way i am the way i feel, if i really feel lost or not. it was like i was scared to out myself or smth and it’s like for what???? idk. i think it comes down to being reckless probably, immaturity.
Intrusively it’s like i feel so small and i always just like connecting with ppl is hard feeling understood is hard not even those just like feeling like life isn’t being lived in alone. That there’s no one to check the world with its hard. Sense of self is so shit i’ve felt alien i feel like a shithead sometimes who’s off the wall and i think there’s a lot of work endless it feels like for me to do. i need to cement that yk what it’s everyone’s world. i have to live in it. i live here too. i deserve say. and that’s that!
sos if this is a lot cause it is here
🛟——————⚓️🛳️ HONK HONK GET IN
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silentexplorer18 · 5 months
Regarding the future of this blog
Hi folks! This one got a bit long, so I'm putting it under a cut.
TLDR: I've been really unhappy blogging for quite a while, so I'm finally embracing being a messy, multifandom blog that posts things without tagging them well, posts more personal things, mostly focuses posting my own fic on AO3, etc. If you're not into that, feel free to eliminate my presence on your dash. XO -Silent
When I started this blog a few years ago, I was essentially starting with zero knowledge of the social side of the internet.  Sure, I'd read stuff on tumblr blogs, but I’d never used tumblr or looked at anything besides what was listed directly on a masterlist.  I’d never used other social media sites, either.  So, when I started using things like tumblr and instagram and even discord, I was trying to follow along and do whatever everyone else was doing.  I tried to post clearly tagged stuff and keep my blog super organized; I posted cutesy photos with whimsical captions; I tried to find my footing in conversations that were hard to follow.  But I always felt like I could never keep up.  I was trying to follow the motions to make my online spaces what I thought they needed to be, but I never could do the motions quite right, so I kept getting more and more discouraged.
Why am I telling all of you this?  Because I think 2024 is the year something needs to change.
I started off wanting this blog to be super pretty and aesthetic.  I wanted my fics to be clearly organized and have easily navigable links.  I wanted to only reblog fandom-specific things.  I wanted to keep everything very on topic.  And I wanted to be active in fandom (interacting with other fandom readers, makers, doers, etc.).  But in trying to do all of the former, I’ve spent so much physical and mental energy that I don’t have the time, energy, or ability to do the latter.  I felt like if I couldn’t do all of that, I shouldn’t do any of it, and, well, that’s plain not true.
The truth is this: I’m messy, and I write slowly.  I like so many things, and I actually love to talk a lot.  Keeping tags organized is hard and it makes me tired.  Posting on tumblr (instead of just ao3) is hard sometimes because it makes me tired.  I like talking to people and reccing fics and gushing over art, but I can’t always make it picture-perfect or aesthetic or linked so it’s easily navigable.  Life is hard, and using social media should be something fun, not something to agonize over.
So, I’m making some changes:
I’m gonna be posting a lot more.  Rambling about life.  Sharing writing updates.  Making you all privy to my shower thoughts.
But the writing projects I have will still be long hauls.  Strap in, folks, ‘cause we’re probably looking at months-long to years-long updates.  (Nothing is ever dead, just, you know, aging like fine wine or something.)
I’m not sure how many writing projects will be posted here, either.  I enjoy posting on AO3.  I like the format.  I like the way it works.  I like that it organizes everything for me.  If I post something there, I’ll obviously share the link here, but I don’t know how many fics I’ll be posting here moving forward.
Also, I’m just gonna start reblogging shit like crazy.  Anything!  Everything!  All at once!  The tumblr is my oyster!
Despite reblogging more, I’m just gonna let this blog become more disorganized.  If I have the energy to tag stuff, I will, but I think I’m just gonna focus on sharing things rather than sharing things in a way that’s particularly organized.
I’m gonna start reblogging more fic recs here, too (and sharing ones from AO3!).  I will, of course, be keeping my fic rec blog, and it’ll get its own small update post, but the goal is to just give myself the permission to be less organized so I have more energy to enjoy and share fic.
Related: the blog might get a makeover.  I’m not sure yet because I’ve had roughly the same colors/theme/pfp for all the years I’ve had this blog, so changing it will be hard.  (And I have no idea what exactly to change to!) But we’ll see.  Ideas are welcome.
I feel a little melodramatic making this big, long post about this, but I feel like the folks that are still hanging around my blog (you lovely, few and far between, who are neither bots nor dead blogs, I adore you all immensely) are hanging around for a reason, and I want to give fair warning that the activity levels here will be changing, the tagging system/findability of things will be changing, the location of fics being posted will be changing.  It felt right to warn people so they could unfollow/block if they so desire.
But anyway, happy (late) 2024!  I hope this post finds everyone well, and I’m excited to see what the future holds!
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alexwatchesshows · 7 months
Big pinned post with all the important stuff (version 2.0)
What is this blog?
This blog is exactly what it says on the tin. My name is Alex, and I am going to watch shows and post about them. Why? Because I'm bored. Also because I do love to analyse a bit of media.
How am I doing this?
I'll watch one show at a time. I will watch it one time for enjoyment and to judge whether I can/want to actually post about it, then on the rewatch I'll actually cover it on this account.
This coverage will start with an introduction post (no spoilers), which will introduce the genre & plot of the show. I'll give some info on what I thought were the key themes and also what my general thoughts of the show were. Then I'll begin an episode-by-epsisode analysis. I'll try to do one post per episode, but the lengths of these posts will likely vary hugely. Each episode post will spoil up to and including that episode, as they are meant to be read as or after you watch the show. I'll also do season wrap-ups. Then, once I finish the show (or what has been released of the show), I'll post both a spoiler and non-spoiler conclusion. The spoiler conclusion will be in conversation with my introduction post, looking at how my feelings on the show have changed and how I now see its key themes but also generally overlooking the plots & characters across the seasons. The non-spoiler conclusion will act as a selling (or not selling) point for the show. I'll look at why you should or shouldn't watch the show, who the target audience is, what the themes are, what the diversity/representation is like, etc.
What shows have I covered:
The only show I have covered all of so far is Grace & Frankie. You can search the hashtag #grace and frankie to see all my posts for this.
What shows am I watching?
I will only post about one show at a time (with the exception of the occasional liveblog). Currently, I am covering Black Sails.
What shows will I cover?
Awaiting first watch: Wynnona Earp Galavant
Coming soon: Warrior Nun Our Flag Means Death
Please recommend/suggest any other posts you'd like to see. I'll watch almost anything and will try to respond to any suggestions, so just drop me an ask!
How to naviate this page?
Here are some of the key tags you can search by (or block).
[show name]: anything I've posted about a show [show name] spoilers: any spoilers for a show. each post will also have episode-specific spoiler warnings [show name] non-spoiler episode review: the episode-by-episode review introduction conclusion season wrap-up: my end of season wrap-ups spoiler: any spoilers for anything non-spoiler: no spoilers for anything recommendations: my responses to your recommendations
Where else can you find me?
I review books on instagram (@bookshelf.monkey), and have a currently neglected, but hopefully soon-to-be-active writing account (@alexander.j.m.writes). My other tumblr blog that serves as both a book reviewing and miscellaneous posting account is @bookshelfmonkey (please note, I might not tag for show spoilers on this one). I'm also on storygraph (bookshelfmonkey).
Other notes:
I don't really like my current username, but it's the best I can think of at the moment, so any suggestions are welcome. The same goes for my pfp, so if anyone has any suggestions for fantasy-inspired picrews that actually do loosish curly hair as an option (like short 3a/3b), please let me know (bonus points if they have options for mullets and unnatural hair colours).
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rainbowintheclouds · 2 years
Hello peoples, I’d like to talk about my persona, Irl Rainbow or Rainbow! Just wanted to talk about it because yes- 
Now first off just to get it clear and outta the way the reason why I call my persona “Irl Rainbow” is because I have another character called Rainbow which in perspective would be C!Rainbow. So there’s Irl Rainbow, me and C!Rainbow, the character. You’ll see that I have C!Rainbow as my pfp picture and Irl Rainbow you can see them in the first ever art I posted here on this account. Ok now that, that’s outta the way lets get on with it! 
What is Irl Rainbow?
Irl Rainbow is my persona, yeah thanks for sharing the obvious- The persona mostly follows a lot of Undertale multi-verse lore. They’re a creator as they get to visit or create AUs and other universes. They’re immortal and not technically a human as they have other features that would explain why. They have a yellow dandelion on the top of their head as it can show Rainbow’s emotion. They also have white feathered wings about the size of their torso just a bit smaller. They also have elf like ears. As a creator, they have three types of magic. Creation, destruction and illusion.
Now that we got what Rainbow actually is, now we could move on to headcannons yayyyyy
As they’re immortal they can’t die as we know but they don’t have much pain endurance so if you do cut their arm off it’ll still hurt immensely for them
Since their flower can tell their emotions here are examples of that. If their happy, it’ll start wiggling around like a dance. If they haven’t been being rather healthy with themselves, it’ll look like a flower that’s be dried up or untaken care of and etc and more feelings.
The type of flower can also change depending on strong emotion.
If nervous, their flower will start to release pollen, the bad part is that Rainbow’s slightly allergic to pollen so you can guess what happens.
They’re a really anti-social person.
They don’t leave much out of where the creators are to not interfere with the AUs and universes. 
When they do it’s only to explore and gather data on it
Only time they’d get out other than data gathering is with their lover and friends like hanging out.
Doesn’t do much in where the creators are so is bored a lot of the time, leaving them with their thoughts.
They’re mind is so opposite and undecidable where they made them into two separate parts. Their positive emotions, Tint and negative emotions Shade.
Tint and Shade are only the voices that decide what Rainbow does but these voices fight so much to the point where Rainbow wishes they weren’t even there.
They’re nickname is panda because of how similar they are to one.
They’re a heavy sleeper but is still aware of their surrounding and will wake up if needed (but for their own needs. They need to consider if it’s important enough for them to wake up)
Is very touch starved.
Because of them being touch starved if you do hug them, they will most likely cling onto you for a while.
Will do different funny voices for different reactions they do. 
If they’re not feeling well or just upset in general, they’ll wanna stay distance or not try to make conversation as much as they would normally do.
When they destroy something, it turns to rainbow goo and then fades away.
When they use their illusion magic they could choose which person they’d like to put the illusion on and make them see anything they want them to see.
Can put multiple people in one or multiple illusions.
Has past self harming scars on both arms but mostly the left.
Isn’t ashamed of them but they do wear long sleeves so that much people don’t ask about it
Is a very smiley person so you’ll see them most likely smiling a lot
Even if they smile a lot they can change to a :I face in an instant 
Tword HCs!
Most of the time they say tword because saying the word flusters them but other times they can say it like if it’s nothing.
They’re a switch.
If they find your worst spot, they’ll wreck that spot until you’ve at your limit.
Is a ler that could wreck you if they wanted to.
Teasey ler and will play around with you before tickling.
Because of their creation magic they can make restraints for you whenever they need
If you ask for tickles, they’ll gladly give them.
Better at giving rougher tickles than softer but still are good at both.
Likes to put your hopes down by saying things like “You don’t wanna laugh? Don’t worry I can change that~” or “It’s funny you think your gonna get away~” 
Dishes out a lot of “coochie coochie coo~” and does it in somewhat of a sing-a-long voice.
Knows exactly what to do after they tickled their lee and will comfort them if they did hard tickles.
Loves hearing lees’ laughter, it fills them with joy. 😌
With all of this they are a very flustered lee.
Any sort of teasing will get them blushing and denying everything.
Not the most ticklish person but the tickle spots they do have are bad.
Likes to be tickled on their neck, back, wings, ears and belly. 
As much as they deny or try to push off their ler, they actually really want the tickles.
Because of elf ears, it’s a very sensitive spot and blowing into it will get them a giggling and blushing mess.
Whisper teases will kill them.
They avoid whispered secrets because of the person talking in their ear. It tickles them and can feel their breath on their ears so they always tell the person to tell them later when they’re alone or they stay a curtain distance away. 
They absolutely adore it when people blow in their ears despite the whispered secrets. The thing is they only allow people they trust to do it and will never admit that they like the ear blowing. 
Their ears twitch and wiggle when it’s being tickled, as if it was going to escape-
Squirms a reasonable amount. 
They base and very tips of their wings are ticklish and just soft tickles there would turn them into jollo.
Their worst spot is the base of their wings where it connects to their back. 
When you scribble where their shoulder blades and shoulder connect as well are their spine, they just are a pile of snorts and a whole bunch of them.
Neck raspberries will leave them in happy tears.
loves getting raspberries, it gets them really flustered though instinct tries to push the ler off even if they don’t want to. 
Besides from raspberries, they adore nibble and kisses especially on their neck, ears and belly. They’ll just go into squeaky and snorty giggles.
Compliment teases flusters them a lot and will whine while gigging or laughing.
In a lee mood they are a very giggly person so if you just tell a joke or really do anything that is barely funny they’ll just start giggling.
A bit feather sensitive. 
Cuddle tickles are the bliss for them, especially when their just soft and relaxing.
Since they’ve been through trauma and didn’t have much of a childhood, they love it when they feel like a child while being tickle, baby talk and teasing just drives them nuts.
Has a strong tickle entrance and can take it for a while but will be huffing and giggling a lot when done.
Loves it when it's really hard tickles because it doesn’t make them think straight so they have no time to process any worries or anxiety they might be thinking. Of course soft tickles are fine no worries there, normal tickles are also fine but they just start body shaming themselves (caused by Shade) So when it's tickles that can’t make them think, they adore it.
The winner of every game of keeping their arms up.
Sometimes would whine quietly if a ler stops tickling them.
There we have it! I might add more or change stuff in the future but whatever. Hope you like my persona and I’m open to rp but I think I might change it to only dms, dunno we’ll see-
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blueheavensims · 2 years
Check-in tag
I was tagged by @gphoenixsims.! Thank you kindly.
• Why did you choose your url?
So, way way back in the late ‘00s, I was still on Sim Trek 2 Boldy Go (RIP), and creating my first Sims 2 Story, Blue Heaven Sims. I wanted to extract a few of the Sims to share, and so I made a new home for them, originally a Blogspot blog called Blue Heaven Sims. It seemed appropriate, and as I created more, unrelated content and Sim Trek 2 was soon shuttered, I needed a home for it all. The name had what the kids these days call “brand recognition”, and since it wasn’t broke, I didn’t fix it. I created a tumblr account for personal stuff I think around 2014, but never used it (this is my primary) and created the secondary account to promote my work and that of other Sims 2 creators.
• How long have you been on tumblr?
Since August of 2018. I came to the party late. Right before the Tumblrpocalapyse, in fact.
 • Do you have a queue tag?
• Why did you start your blog in the first place?
More visibility. I try to keep an eye on which types of the content I create are popular, which get more downloads, and so on. Publishing updates on Sims Cave wasn’t really pulling in the new visits to my blogs, so decided to try this new site that all the kids were talking about.
• Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s me chilling with Ophelia, my tortoiseshell goddess.
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• Why did you choose your header?
I didn’t.
• What’s your post with the most notes?
I had to research it, because my memory’s a bit cloudy. It’s the Comfort Me Too posebox, with 148 notes. The note thing can be super deceptive, honestly. Typically, my original creations garner around 20-30 notes, whereas derivative content (bodyshape conversions of other creators’ outfits, reposes of janky poseboxes, etc.) tend to do much better. The vast majority of my content is niche, typically made for one specific genre of game (the Midnight at… series, Combate Moderno, Merrie Minstrels, Barbarians at the Gate, etc.) whereas the content that seems to be really popular is 4t2 clothing conversions and Maxis Match hair recolors where one creator’s post is almost indistinguishable from the next.
 • How many mutuals do you have?
Probably fewer than I should, honestly. I have a few people who I engage with frequently and I care a great deal for; they know who they are.
• How many followers do you have?
600 and some change. Tumblr nerfed a bunch of bot and inactive followers recently, but I’m slowly approaching 650 again.
 • How many people do you follow?
251. I only follow Sims 2 blogs.
• Have you ever made a shitpost?
• How often do you use tumblr each day?
I check it a few times a day. I post content 2-4 times a week, and occasionally make reply posts, comment on friends’ posts or rant.
• Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
A few. I have a reputation (deserved or not) of not putting up with anyone else’s bullshit. I had, not exactly a fight, but a disagreement with MDP a while ago. I don’t remember exactly what it was about. Probably not of very much consequence. There was the time I stood up for Nobe (devotedlyghostlyenemy) when someone called her a bunch of names for converting a teen crop top to for children. Yes, there are still people like that on tumblr.
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I have a PM of telling Klira to pound sand after she PM’d me to ask me not to remake her janky poseboxes. I have the screenshot saved to my desktop.
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I had a funny exchange with the “underwear anon” a few months back; I’m pretty sure that I got the better end of that one.
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I’ve jumped into a couple of pissing matches about Patreon content creators for TS2 having their content redistributed and that Brazilian site that was redistributing free content, I had a few things to say during the discussion about Cindy/PleasantSims’ Discord, and I’ve called out a few people who were bullying other creators. 
But Tumblr is the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been active in the community (not just tumblr) for 15 years now, and for better or worse I’ve interacted with a lot of people. For a complete history of me not putting up with other peoples’ bullshit, THIS post is worth reading (sorry; it hasn’t been updated with the latest crap about the Sims Crafters Discord yet: I’m working on it).
• How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
The only correct answer is “No the fuck I don’t.”
• Do you like tag games?
Yeah. It depends on the tag game, really, but most of the time they’re fun and I’m happy when my friends tag me.
• Do you like ask games?
Yes. I don’t get a whole lot of asks, but I’m happy to respond when I receive them.
• Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I try not to compare my work to the “big names”; obviously they’ve been here longer, create more mainstream content, and have much more ample follower bases. Without access to the follower counts of every single mutual I have, I’d be hard-pressed to provide a response.
• Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m a boring old married person. I don’t have crushes.
Tagging: I think most of the folks I follow have already gone. Ummm… @nixedsims​, @criminalmiik​, @iamg-knee​ maybe? If it’s not your thing, I’ll happily fuck off.
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phantom-nen · 4 years
Hi hi!! Can I get A,D,E,J for Uvo on the sfw prompt list??
a/n: hi!! i love your pfp!
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A = Affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
  Uvogin is incredibly affectionate. He loves you more than you could even fathom, and showing his love through acts of affection is the best way to show his love.
   Be it helping around the house, telling you how pretty you look, or even just holding you longer than he normally would, etc., he just really loves you and wants you to feel loved.
D = Domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
   He settles down in the best way he can. Uvo can’t exactly leave the troupe, so he keeps his personal and work life somewhat separate. Although you’re familiar with his friends and are aware of what he does, the two of you have silently agreed not to talk about it unless it’s needed. 
   Do not ask this man for help in the kitchen or ask him to get cleaning supplies. He always makes a bigger mess and somehow makes the food inedible. Even though he has shit domestic skills, Uvogin will still ask if you need any help.
E = Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
   The only way that Uvogin would break ties with you is if he absolutely had to. He never wants to leave you and has imagined a quiet life with you. The most likely reason that leads to your breakup is that you’ve become a target to troupe enemies.
   He leaves you while you’re sleeping, and takes anything that belonged to him with. Uvo knows that this is the least painful way to do it; and he goes against his better judgment to kiss you one last time before he leaves, which will be the last think he thinks about before his death.
J = Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
   Uvogin trusts you. He knows that you wouldn’t go behind his back and fuck around with someone else, but he also respects your want to be social and be friendly with anyone who strikes up a conversation with you. 
   He doesn’t get jealous per say, but it all changes when someone starts bothering you. Uvogin can and will loom over you with a deadly looking sneer on his face. If the person bothering you doesn’t back dow by that point, he wraps a thick arm around your waist and growls at them. 
   When you two get home he’s all over you with kisses and hugs.
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