#and praying it's in comprehensible english
el-smacko · 2 years
Hear me out. Arguing that singular “they” has been used as a gender neutral pronoun forever is buying into the premise that human patterns of behavior have to not have changed to be legitimate. It’s kind of like how conservatives are just as happy to call us “progressives” as we are? Because in their mind there was a proper way of doing things in the past that we are straying from. The linguistics never mattered. They didn’t say incorrect things and that made them queerphobic, they were queerphobic and found incorrect things to say. Anyway, I’d like to actually address the linguistics now if that’s okay, because now that you know *they’re* wrong regardless of the facts, I can say that *we* don’t have the facts. Hear me out. A conservative could argue “‘they’ was gender-not-specified, not ‘nonspecific,’ it always referred to ‘someone of either of two genders,’” and they wouldn’t be wrong that humans always fell into one of two grammatical genders, BUT IT IS CONSERVATIVE PROJECTION that those two grammatical genders narrowly corresponded to two specific gender identities. Gender neutrality in Greek and Latin isn’t the third gender called “neutral” because people are always one of two genders, so despite already having a grammatical neutral, gender nonconformity (which we can easily observe) was described in-pronoun rather than out, so masculine was not specified AND non-specific. That’s why latinx was a white thing, Spanish-speakers didn’t need “enlightened” anglophones to dictate to them what was gender-sensitive in their language, as if they had never considered queerness linguistically. That’s kind of the problem with saying history is a bunch of old white guys. Whiteness as it exists now was invented LAST CENTURY. Our system of classification that makes historical figures or even entire populations “white” or “non-white” is a frankly irrelevant projection ethnographically. It’s like sorting fish species by color, it’s irrelevant cladistically. We do not have LGBTQIA+ patterns of human behavior because we have a more tolerant benevolent society than ever before. That is a Western-centric idea of progress that happens to put a lot of non-whites lower on the trajectory, which looks suspiciously like the hierarchy that conservatives wanted anyway. We need to consider the possibility, actually, that we had a uniquely INTOLERANT society very recently and history is in fact quite tolerant. Just because the mechanical minutiae were different doesn’t mean that human patterns of behavior are so significantly different now than they have been before. Our ancestors weren’t unenlightened rubes who thought there were only two genders. One country of “White people” had radically puritanical ideas and the past three centuries have been the story of its rising hegemony as it exports those ideas not just into the current global populace, but onto the past as well. The entire premise has to be rejected that history is conservative and that queerness is progressive. Queerness is human, their cisheteronormative projection onto human history is a denial of humanity that we shouldn’t buy into in the process of denying it. We have to accept the possibility that the method of expressing ourselves may be new and unique to our culture and constitute a definite *change*, but it would be unfair to deny our ancestors the same breadth of expression we have. In other words, we can be idiosyncratic without the past being worse for not matching us.
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cripplecharacters · 6 months
hi! long ask up next.
I'm not sure if this is the right blog for this question, i'm really sorry if it's not. I'm part of a theatre class/group that is putting on Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. The teacher has a very specific vision in mind that i generally vibe with. However, she's asking me to play a character in a way that might be offensive. I play two characters, one of them is Snug. There's a play within the play that an incompetent artisan theatre troupe is putting on, which snug is a part of. In our version, snug is meant to have a speech impediment (the teacher hasnt given me more specific directions on how to talk). I did a bit of research and decided that my version of snug has dysarthria (no dysphasia or aphasia) from a degenerative disease that he inherited from his dad. Im trying to play him as having distorsion and omission type articulation errors, in the initial and medial positions respectively, but it's been very hard for me to consistently play him like that becuase i dont have his disability. The only correction the teacher has given me so far is to speak slower so my dialogue is more comprehensible.
Now, i shouldn't have, but i did watch some scenes on youtube with snug in them. And none of the versions i saw give him a speech sound disorder, from what i could tell. What most versions do have in common though, is that the artisans who are putting on the play are, for lack of a better term, meant to be "dumb". Snug specifically has a line which i didn't realize was supposed to be a dig at his own intelligence until i saw a clip. The line is:
Have you the lion's part written? pray you, if it be, give it me, for I am slow of study.
In the video i saw, the actor paused briefly after saying "slow", for emphasis:
for I am slow... of study.
I'm autistic and i know what it's like for people to assume i'm "slow" because of how i talk, and i don't want to promote those stereotypical views.
What makes this whole conundrum more complicated for me is that our version is going to be (sort of?) a musical. And my teacher is adamant on me rapping an eminem song. I thought this would be fun but thinking about it more carefully i worry that the joke might be that snug is faking his disability for some reason, and that he can actually speak "normally".
sorry if some of this isnt clear, english is not my first language.
Anon S
Hello! I wanted to address this ask as a former actor and current student studying speech language pathology as well as someone with an articulation disorder.
You can give a backstory in your head as detailed as you want - and as an actor this is a good thing, and something you should do with every role no matter how complicated or simple - but the unfortunate truth is most audience members are not going to interpret it exactly the same way without the same context. You may be thinking of portraying a mixed dysarthria (and there are many types of dysarthria, from spastic to flaccid to ataxic, to mixed that will all have difference in sound quality, articulation, and rate) but unless it's written somewhere the audience, who is just noticing a slow rate and articulation errors, and who may not even be aware of what dysarthria is, may think your character has some dialect or strange difference they don't recognize.
From my knowledge of the play, the Rude Mechanicals are meant to be laughed at and this falls into the idea that people with certain speech patterns or disorders are funny or silly or even, yes, stupider than others. However, there's not much you can do about this if your director is insistent other than refuse to treat your character as a joke. I would feel better about a character with consistent errors and whose disability was thought through than one who wasn't, even with a character like a Rude Mechanical.
As for a disability disappearing during a rap, for something like stuttering that would make sense but not for an articulation disorder and certainly not for dysarthria, which causes a slower rate normally and can cause articulation issues due to coordination of the parts used to speak (not only the mouth but also the soft and hard palates and the lungs, for example). I would talk to your director about what the point of the rap is - is it to be funny? is it to show another side of him? why does this character need a speech disorder? why does this character need to rap, and why does the speech disorder need to be dropped during the rap?
If you can talk with your director and figure out what the vision is for some honestly bizarre choices it may help you figure out if you're on the right track (and if dysarthria is the right choice for a disorder for your character, as well). As always, if anyone has advice or input please feel free to add it!
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agaypanic · 1 year
omg i love ur writing i was wondering if you could make a reset wilkerson x female reader where reese gets into a fight, and the reader cleans his wounds, and they are both embarrassed due to them being so close, and the tension is really high owo😍😍
The Lover and the Fighter (Reese Wilkerson X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Reese shows affection by beating up people that bother you. You show affection by cleaning his wounds.
Being Reese’s first (and sometimes only) friend, you were very important to him. You didn’t make fun of him besides light teasing occasionally. You helped him with homework and pranks. And in return, he’d make you your favorite foods and would beat people to a pulp if they messed with you. It got to the point where everyone knew not to mess with you.
Sometimes, new people don’t get the memo.
His name was Eric, a new kid in your English class. He was put in the empty seat next to you and was a non-stop talker. He was friendly, but that kid did not know how to shut his mouth. You could deal with it at first; English was only an hour long. But then he’d find you during lunch and after school.
Like now.
“Stevens was so annoying today. Like, we get it; you’re getting a divorce. But stop taking it out on us.” The boy laughed, not noticing your disinterest.
“Uh-huh.” You said, looking around the quad for Reese so he could drive you home. He must’ve gotten held back by a teacher or something. He’s usually out here by now.
“Hey, Y/n, can I ask you something?” You sighed, turning to face Eric. You might as well try to get through this conversation while waiting for Reese.
“Do you wanna go out sometime?” That caught you off guard. 
“Well, I just thought we get along really well, you know?” This guy had to be delusional. “I like hanging out with you, Y/n. So what do you say?”
“Oh, Eric…” You prayed that Reese would turn up and get you out of this situation. “No.”
“No, Eric. I don’t wanna go out with you.” He scoffed.
“Why not? I thought you liked me.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t laugh at me! I’m a nice guy, Y/n.” 
“God, don’t pull the ‘nice guy’ thing, dude.”
“You okay, Y/n?” You jumped at the sudden new voice, turning to see Reese, who was already glaring at Eric. “Is he bothering you?”
Eric looked startled at first but then put on a brave face.
“We’re in the middle of something, Reese.” He rolled his eyes, trying to brush Reese off.
“No, we’re done, actually.” You corrected. “Come on, Reese.” You went to walk away, but someone grabbed your wrist.
“I’m not done talking to you, Y/n,” Eric said. He made a move to tug you towards him, but something stopped you. The grip on your wrist was gone as soon as it was there.
“Don’t touch her!” That was the last comprehensive you heard from Reese before he started throwing punches. The scene became a debacle full of fists, kicks, and yelping. The yelping mainly came from Eric. 
“You didn’t have to do that, Reese.” You sighed, grabbing the first aid kit that was in his bathroom. “I could’ve handled it.”
You were honestly surprised that any school admins didn’t catch Reese beating the shit out of Eric. A couple of kids waiting for their parents to pick them up had crowded around the boys. You couldn’t decide whether you were embarrassed that the fight was because of you or flattered that Reese felt the need to defend you against that jerk.
“He deserved it,” Reese mumbled when you sat on his bed next to him.
“I’m not saying he didn’t.” You took his hand and a washcloth to clean up his bruising and bloody knuckles. You’ve been through this before, even when Reese didn’t beat someone up because of you specifically. But for some reason, it felt different. “You know, you were a bit more violent with Eric than you usually are with people. Why?”
Reese cleared his throat, looking at his bedroom wall.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Fine, don’t tell me.” Neither of you said anything else as you continued cleaning him up. After his hands, you went to his face. Eric got some good hits in. Sure, he still lost the fight by a long shot. But before he did, he gave Reese a cut lip and a black eye. You decided to start with the lip.
That was a mistake. You’ve cleaned Reese up from a fight before, but you never had to get this close to his face, especially to his lips. You tried to distract yourself by getting an alcohol wipe.
“This is gonna sting.” You warned, but both of you knew he knew the drill. The second the wipe touched his wound, he hissed and squeezed his eyes shut. “Sorry, Reese.” You knew the quicker you got it over with, the better. When you finished wiping over the cut, you grabbed the washcloth to get the extra alcohol off his lip.
“You’re fine, Y/n.” Realizing you no longer had the alcohol wipe, and he didn’t have to cringe in pain anymore, he opened his eyes.
That was another mistake. Reese opening his eyes made you realize how close you were to his face. You gulped and tried to brush the proximity off by wiping the small amount of dried blood off his chin. 
But you’d keep getting distracted by his lips. And when you tried looking away, you kept catching his eyes. Then you’d go back to cleaning up his face. It was a never-ending cycle.
“Y/n?” Reese was quiet, but you heard him loud and clear with how close you were.
“Yeah?” You put all your willpower into focusing on the task at hand. You waited for Reese to say something, but he didn’t.
Instead, he put a freshly cleaned hand on the side of your face. 
“Y/n, look at me.” His face was pink. He seemed nervous, and at first, you didn’t know why. But as you watched him take a quick glance down to your lips, you figured it out. You took a deep breath, debating what to do.
‘If he looks again, maybe I’ll kiss him.’ He tucked a bit of hair behind your ear, playing with the end of it. And then he looked down again.
So you leaned forward, dropping the washcloth. Reese’s hand grasped onto your hair, making your breath hitch. You kissed him harder, and even though he winced, he didn’t seem to mind.
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forhisgrace · 6 months
Studying the Bible Effectively: A Beginner's Guide
Studying the Bible can seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and tools, it can allow so much spiritual growth!! Whether you're new to the faith or a seasoned believer, having a structured method can improve and ease your experience. Here's a straightforward guide to help you get started on your Bible study journey!
Choosing a Translation
One of the first decisions to make when studying the Bible is choosing a translation that suits your needs and preferences. There are several translations available, each with its own approach to translation. Here are the three categories they fall into.
1. Word for Word Translation: These translations, such as the King James Version (KJV) or English Standard Version (ESV), aim to follow the original texts as closely as possible, offering a literal rendering of the words and phrases. They are great for detailed study and analysis of the text.
2. Thought for Thought Translation: These translations prioritize clarity and readability, conveying the original meaning in modern language by updating language to be mor relevant to modern readers. They are ideal for easy comprehension, especially for beginners or those looking for a straightforward understanding.
3. Paraphrased Translation: These translations capture the essence or gist of the message rather than focusing on precise wording. They are often easier to understand and are suitable for new believers or younger children. However, they are most likely to stray from the original text and can sometimes be slightly inaccurate.
When I am reading to spend time with God (such as my daily reading) I use NLT, which is a thought for thought translation and therefore easier to understand. However, during bible study it is advisable to keep a word for word translation on hand (I use the KJV translation in the YouVersion bible app alongside a physical copy of the NLT).
Establishing a Study Routine
1. Prayer: Before sitting down to read, it's essential to prepare yourself spiritually and mentally. Begin your study session with a prayer, asking God to open your mind and heart to His word and guide you in your understanding.
2. Reading the Passage: Start by reading the passage without taking notes or annotating. Try to grasp the overall message and what God is communicating to you.
3. Annotation and Reflection: Read the passage again, this time making notes of any observations, questions, or insights that come to mind. Consider who is involved, what is happening, why, when, and how. Reflect on the message God is conveying through the text.
4. Consulting Study Tools: Dive deeper into the passage by using study tools such as Bible commentaries, online resources, or cross-referencing different translations. This helps gain a broader perspective and insight into the text. They often also include historical context and reasons for writing.
5. Application: Reflect on how the passage applies to your life. Identify one or two key messages and think about how you can incorporate them into your daily life. Is the scripture challenging you to change certain behaviours, draw closer to God, or strengthen your faith? Pray for guidance on how to apply these insights. Personally, I like to make an extra effort to apply these in the upcoming week.
Studying the Bible is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about cultivating a deeper relationship with God and living out His word in our lives. By choosing the right translation, establishing a study routine, and seeking guidance through prayer and study tools, you can embark on a fulfilling journey of spiritual growth and understanding. Remember, consistency and patience are key, so keep seeking God's wisdom as you delve into His word.
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bonefall · 1 year
what cats are still prayed to and revered by the clans besides firestar or skystar? i fuckin LOVE the patron spirits thing you have going on in this rewrite, it’s so cool to see what cats are worshipped and why
There's a lot of them! I don't think there could ever be a "comprehensive list" without just listing most of StarClan. See, most cats will typically value their own family over others, leading to the patrons "waxing and waning" in popularity over the generations.
But here's some of the ones who are pretty consistently popular!
Thunderstar = Justice Comeuppance, fair judgement, and mercy are also things he can be invoked for. Remember that a Patron gains its power from belief. Much like how Saint Michael was once a patron of healing as well as war, associations for BB!StarClan cats can shift over time.
Bumblemumble = Speech, Diplomacy She became less popular in the Chivalric Period, but was a favored patron for Pinestar to invoke. She never totally went away, even though her name has become "Bombolmlemlaan," 'Sentence-Tonguetwister,' over time. (Her name is also used in reference to "being tongue-tied." Fitting that she's a bit hard to translate into English!)
Acorn Swoop = Prra A Clan culture-specific value. Perfect timing, promptness, coincidences of good planning. Arriving in the nick of time. Acorn Swoop is a good example of how cats can wax and wane as well; when Hallowflight dies (he is alive to the current arc in BB), RiverClan will probably prefer invoking him over Acorn for a while.
Sparrow Heart = Loyalty and Fidelity. This BURNS her a new one, btw. Many of the other spirits as old as her have begun to lost touch with their mortal lives, but she didn't join Clear Sky because she loves him. She didn't serve him for his own ends. She wanted his power, and in death she's been reduced to his eternal stooge. She craves his throne. (And I have to leave it there until we find out what the next few arcs have in store :3)
Speckletail = Protection Against Natural Disaster Storms, deforestation, pollution, whatever. Speckletail is invoked to defend Clans against oncoming doom, because girlie took out a bulldozer and the battle culture is obsessed with that
Stonefur = Winning the War/Losing the Battle An important god for lost causes. When you aren't able to win, he is invoked to make your death mean something. Needletail, for the first time in a long time, requested for StarClan to call down his strength.
Blackstar = Redemption And change in a better direction. Said to be reflected in frogs in particular, how they go from tadpoles to full creatures, associated with wetland health thanks to his ambitious Bog Project.
Sundrown Patrol = Directions Most of them are not dead yet. Feathertail is currently the only one in the role and protects travelers generally, but eventually her and her Cohorts will comfortably divide up the cardinal directions. Feathertail is South (Towards the Mountain), Tawny is West (Towards the Ocean), Bramble is North (Towards the Lake) and Crowfeather is East (Into the Wilderness).
Leafpool = Clarity Leafpool Moonpool is one of the most popular young spirits. In difficult situations, she is invoked for StarClan to see your sins and understand that you are trying to find the holiest way through them. The Firekin family is going to be a very strong pantheon eventually.
Palefoot = Bodies that Can't Be Recovered/Closure Anon suggestion that is canon now. Palefoot was murdered by Batear for killing Fenneldust and shoved into a bog where his family would never find him, because Batear was not allowed to go to ThunderClan to sit vigil for his best friend. When someone is lost and can't be buried, Palefoot is often invoked for comfort. He is actually sort of displacing Turtle Heart, who used to function in a similar way. She is being pushed into a more specific role for Lost Parents, not bodies or closure in general.
In addition, Dark Forest Spirits are also powerful... and thanks to the fact you have to use a direct line to get to them, quite capable of granting strength without holding back. They have no StarClan to answer to if they blessed the plans of the wrong cat.
So they can do curses for you, if THAT is what you're seeking. A whole lot of these cats tend to provide various types of revenge lmao... "We serve Vengeance here, sir."
Batear and Fenneldust = Retribution Evolved from a mix of how Batear's target went BEYOND his victim to deny closure to the family, and also the Fepfr which he was named for, Long-Eared Bat, which in Clan culture is said to have a modest song of mourning for every bat wrongfully killed. Fenneldust actually LOVED that he was willing to be so spiteful for her, and followed him to the Dark Forest. So if you want, you can call for them to cause pain to people who wronged you. If your case is bad though, they'll fuck with you instead. They aren't MALICIOUS spirits though... just mischievous.
Mapleshade = Revenge If you want your target to DIE, you give her a call. She is ACTIVELY malicious. She will stop at nothing to kill someone she agrees should go, even going as far as to fight a Fetcher to drag the target down with her. If you're just miffed at someone and want them to get karma, you talk to Batsy and Fenfen. If you want BLOOD, you talk to Mapleshade. But be prepared, because she is just as dangerous as that implies.
Cloudberry and Ryewhisker = Secrecy An obvious one, but one of the gentler requests of the Dark Forest. They will help you hide forbidden love from your Clan, and can be prayed to when you're having a close call and may be discovered.
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quigonswife8 · 2 years
Drowning: Namor x reader
Tumblr media
Namor saves your life
Warnings: swearing, near death experience, talk of mild concussion.
Gif creds: @mndvx | Couldn’t really find a gif that worked best but since this gif is near the end of the film, when this is set, I thought I’d use it :)
Translations [used from a yucatec maya to english translator I’ve been using]
Paach teechi': Behind you.
In yakunaj: My love.
In yaakunech: I love you.
In the distance Shuri and Namor come to an agreement. She'll promise to protect his oceans, will make sure no one will bring harm to him and his people. The wakandan's will keep the location of Talokan secret. They will work together from now on.
Where you are, however, none you are aware of this happening, so the battle wages on. More people die, more lives lost. It's hard to decide who's winning because it's even on both sides- well, almost even.
"(y/n)!" One of the talokanil’s toss a weapon your way, and you catch it with a nod.
"Thank you."
Just in time you turn and cut down one of the enemies before moving onto take down more. To be honest you wish an agreement was made between the black panther and your love because you can't bare losing him.
You want nothing more than to go and help him but you’ve been unable to leave, stuck fighting.
“Paach teechi'!”
It's too late: when you turn you're struck over the head and sent overboard. Their yelling soon fades away as they falls back into the battle, and you're fully submerged into the water. The sudden impact from the hit and from hitting the water leaves you dazed and confused unable to process what's happening.
You don't swim back up, you just watch as you begin to sink. As you sink faster that's when you start finding it hard. Hard to breathe.
You can’t breathe. The water is so heavy it’s suffocating you, then you squeeze your eyes shut to stop the pain of the water in your eyes.
You're drowning. The water greets you like a long-lost friend pulling you further and further until it will have wrapped it's invisible arms around you.
The fight above becomes more distant as you sink futher. It's hard to fight against water that has already claimed you, hard to swim to the surface when you're so weak and still unable to grapple with everyone. It's so cold and you grow sleepy, finding that urge to slowly drift away with the water's giving you it's death kiss.
Is this it?
Of your [age] years on this earth you have experienced things beyond comprehension. Been through a lot that has shaped and changed you. Met and fell in love with the winged serpeant god.
Now you're going to die and hell it's extremely scary and you want to be saved, but if this is it then you're happy to have lived this life.
K’uk’ulkan pops into your mind: the memories you shared with him, and that eases your worries.The water pulls you away, white dotting your vision. The pull is stronger and you feel yourself slipping away.
Before you do though you can swear you see someone floating in your direction and then everything is blurred.
"Come on my love."
He lays you down on the sand, quickly moving his hands to begin CPR. Up and down up and down and he repeats your name in hopes it will do something.
"Come on."
You're still not responding. So he lowers his mouth to give you mouth to mouth. Your freezing body against his, your eyes shut- you need to wake soon.
He breathes in, and out, giving you air. In, and out, desperation clcinging to him like the water that already clings to him. His hands shake but he doesn't stop giving you CPR- he can't.
He prays in his mind
I cannot lose them too
Namor repeats breathing in and out, his heart hammering in his chest. Still nothing. That’s when he pleads again.
Please, I am begging you. … … …
You jolt up, eyes wide: turning to your side you start coughing up water which snaps him back to reality. Throat, scratchy, in so much pain, and that pain in your head makes matters worse. At least you don't feel as dazed as you were when you fell under.
Hands shaky digging in the sand in front of you, while you throw up more water. It's...still hard to grapple with what's happening. The last thing you remember is falling into that water after being struck over the head.
Am I in heaven? or maybe, it's hell. If it was heaven you wouldn't be feeling like shit but on the other hand why would hell still look like the real world?
Tears fall from your eyes soaking your cheeks. You had died…right? There's a vague image of someone swimming towards you but that was the last thing you remember. Ugh my head hurts
Before you can think anymore on that, that's when you hear it. A voice…his voice. It's so quiet, unsure, but you'd know it anywhere despite feeling how you are. A shaky sigh and then your eyes flick to him…and your mouth falls open in surprise.
K'uk'ulkan “Am I…in heaven?"
If he's there you have to be in heaven. "No.."
He crawls over to you and then he stops in front of you.
"You're…" Namor's eyes soften and he searches yours. "…you're alive, in yakunaj."
Alive? So…you didn't die?
"Are you sure…?"
He slowly takes your hand in his, and presses it to where your heart is.
"Do you feel that? Your heart is beating, you are alive."
Then he takes it and presses it to where his heart is, and smiles softly.
"…and so am I. I'm here with you, you're alive."
I'm actually alive
That figure was K'uk'ulkan. The figure who had swam towards you was your love, and it all makes sense. He had saved your life, you owe everything to him.
"Thank you…"
Through tear-filled eyes you take his other hand in yours, rather than press your head to his. This means more than a kiss: it's more intimate. He's a bit caught off guard by your action but finds himself squeezing your hands.
"…for saving my life."
"You're welcome in yakunaj…"
To hear him say this after such a traumatic event? Means more than anything to you. You're surprised you're taking this so well though, that you haven't cried or even broken down. By this point people would if they were faced with death and had survived.
It's better to have him there comforting you because you really need it. It's like he's your anchor and he's keeping you grounded otherwhise you're not sure what you wsould do.
"I'm happy that you are alive…"
Though while he isn't fully able to communicate just how happy he is at the moment, you know. You can tell and that only makes you happy to know that he is, 'cause if he lost you he's not sure what he would do.
You're his heart- his purpose- his love- who he lives for. The person who understands him better than anyone and who is there to let him know how much you love him.
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phxntomhives · 5 months
"The parade of battlers" analysis
Hopefully my wrong takes will trigger someone and you all will get a decent analysis
Eng lyrics because I don't know japanese are from the official music video! Also warning, English isn't my mother tongue.
Lost in an unacceptable tragedy
An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes
Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and
Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back
Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit
All I want to do is lead a beautiful life
But why can't you hear
Me telling you not to stumble
Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle
Say bye bye to mundane concepts
See how the compensated formless stand imposingly
Their presence is a sight to behold
Rip apart, drag and reveal
Throw away all inferiorities
Even the raw emotions of cursing someone
Take them in like an offering
Just skilled at pretending to be human
Searching for those other than monsters
Like the blue shimmer of
A star of the first magnitude
Far from having enough faith
This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat
Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots
Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now
Everything in this world, there isn't much
Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections
To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld
Though we have prayed and knelt down
Our prayers have been cremated
And ignored with a "So what?"
So kind
A colorless encounter, pupils of glass
Thought they may shatter to pieces,
You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"
You give the finger as you spew poison and let it all out
Scorched, boiling and trembling
A blazing fire from the past still smolders
That remorse still within me
I'll burn and retaliate in full
There is no such thing as eternity, so
There is no ending until all turns to ash
Then why not play
With fire in a refined manner?
No more need for empty rhetorics
Such hollow, scathing criticism
Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing
The parade of the lonely ones has just begun
There's no love, no love, there's no love there
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth
There's just one, just one
In this world, just one person, one person
Question fanatically and
Live the shit out of this world
Yana, dear, are you sure this is the intro for the Weston college arc??? And not the blue cult??? LIKE, REALLY REALLY SURE??? My comprehension of text can be lacking in more than one way and I just followed the vibe but... I don't think I am that wrong on some points? You are seeing it too, right?
I feel like the song has a mix of present, past and future along with different POVs and I hope I have been able to separate them well.
The colors are just to show the lyrics and i changed it because pretty.
What I can actually connect to Weston Arc
"Then why not play with fire in a refined manner? / No more need for empty rhetorics Such hollow, scathing criticism. / Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing" Which could very much be related to O!Ciel's pyromaniac episode lol. He didn't forget
"The parade of the lonely ones has just begun" : at this point the "parade of the lonely" could very much be the parade of the bizzare dolls considering the amount of reference there is to them. And it would be nice considering in this case the sentence is right after the stone-throwing Purple house, since the students were "transfered" in the there.
If the previous point is correct then also here, we are talking of the bizzare dolls: "This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat / Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots / Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now". I guess the "echo of the marching boots" could be the sound the dolls made before getting free during the midnight tea party? As for why they don't retreat well, we have seen they aren't exactly rational for now.
"Scorched, boiling and trembling / A blazing fire from the past still smolders / That remorse still within me /I'll burn and retaliate in full": this could be a description of what O!Ciel is feeling in general. His determination coming from everything that happened is still going strong.
Onestly, these are the only thing I can see strictly related to the present and this arc in particular lol. Everything else goes deeper.
Memories of the past
This part will likely make the least sense, because I am still sobbing over the whole past ok.
"Lost in an unacceptable tragedy Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back": We all know the past. The safest bet is that O!Ciel is mourning, but is he? He never had the time to mourn, he moved immediately to revenge and working for the queen. So either this is just to hit us in the feeling, or maybe it's my favourite victim of this analysis: Undertaker. Could it be him? Possibly, but this being O!Ciel breaks my heart more. I am excluing R!Ciel because at the moment of Weston arc his version should not be that complex. And Sebastian is Sebastian.
"Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit /All I want to do is lead a beautiful life / But why can't you hear / Me telling you not to stumble": I feel like this either O!Ciel talking to himself, admitting that he would like to just be happy but still forcing himself to be strong and act to revenge his family. Or, high on copium, the first part is O!Ciel's wishes and the second part is O!CIel using the R!Ciel allucination make himself stronger (I doubt it, but it adds to the sadness).
"Rip apart, drag and reveal / Throw away all inferiorities /Even the raw emotions of cursing someone /Take them in like an offering": I got the epiphany after several times of reading this and yes it's about revenge hatred yadda yadda yadda. But what if, in particular, it's related to the moment when O!Ciel summoned Sebastian? I think it's the only time I remember "offering" being mentioned/relevant in the manga. O!Ciel is throwing everything away for revenge, assuming a new identity. So this could be either O!Ciel talking to himself during that desperate time. Or, just to hurt myself more, him allucinating again a conversation with R!Ciel where R!Ciel is the one that is saying all this. I will go cry now, brb.
"Everything in this world, there isn't much /Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think / Though we have prayed and knelt down / Our prayers have been cremated /And ignored with a "So what?" " : God, this section is killing me. Memories of when the twins were captured, For them and all the other children, it was an atrocious experience, while the nobles were truly thinking they were in the right, that there was nothing wrong in what they were doing. They believed to be noble enough to be above everything and ignored absolutely everything in regards to the children.
Undertarker is not being subtle. Like at all.
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections/To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld: here I am conflicted. Undertaker is sure making selections when he is creating the bizzare dolls "you get to be revived. you don't". But at the same time he is not uphelding anything. He is doing the opposite infact. Unless this is supposed to just describe the Shinigami's role to show how Undertaker is going in the opposite direction.
There's just one, just one/In this world, just one person, one person/Question fanatically and/Live the shit out of this world: we only really see two characters question stuff: O!Ciel with the murder of his family and Undertaker with the Cinematic record ways of working. Now, i don't really see O!Ciel "question fanatically" and "live the shit out of this world", while we can debate about how "fanatically" he is searching for the culprits, how are you telling me he is living his best life? He is surronded by trauma, has to go on a mission for the queen every other day, has to live as his dead twin and in this specific arc he has to act all cutesy and adorable when he hates it. He is far from any best life I am more surprised he didn't become histerical yet honestly. The one that IS living his best life is Undertaker (well... more or less). In the Weston Arc he did say he was enjoying being the headmaster. Plus he could make some more esperiments on Derek&co which, on top of that, were mostly successful! Do you know how much serotonin a succesful experiment gives you? A LOT. TRUST ME.
Bizzare Dolls (BD for short because I am lazy)
Well, ofc they are the protagonist of the animation, they are everywhere in the song too.
"An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes / Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and": Are the BD warm? Idk, but I don't think so? A body is warm when the blood is running because the heart is pumping it. Do BD have a working heart tho? I doubt the original version do, but what about the new and improved versions? Agares could have probably be our best bet but he always wore gloves (even when he was alive) so we don't really know.
Warmth aside, what I am quite confident IS a reference to the BD is the keloid scars. I did a reseach and a keloid scar is a "scar keeps growing and becomes bigger than the original wound. They are developed after a skin injury". The scars we have seen are O!Ciel's scar from when they marked him, or the BD's "surgery" scars?
Ofc it could be just metaphorical about the trauma just keep on growing in O!Ciel. Maybe it's more this one but again, I am take things directly
"Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle/Say bye bye to mundane concepts/See how the compensated formless stand imposingly/Their presence is a sight to behold": cambridge dictionary say that "turn something on its head means to cause something to be the opposite of what it was before". Apparently, there are many things that are the opposite of love, depending on your source: hatred, fear, indifference. I think in this case, since we are talking of the BD, we can use indifference. They aren't moved by real emotions at this moment (Weston arc) and even later, they are probably fake emotions based on fake memories (from the orphanage children but I will not elaborate, other theories have done it better). Fear could also work since well, most people are rightfully terrified of them. Being far away from mundane concepts? I would say they fill this box. And they sure are a sight to behold, nothing against it. What confuses me is the "compensated formless" I don't have any idea of what it could mean
"Just skilled at pretending to be human / Searching for those other than monsters + Like the blue shimmer of / A star of the first magnitude / Far from having enough faith": We are looking at the current arcs here in the first lines. The one skilled at pretending to be human and searching for things is Sebastian (it can't be O!Ciel because he isn't pretending to be human). What he is searching is the headmaster, that we know being Undertaker and it ends up bringing with him, again, the BD. In particular, it specifically mentions R!Ciel. You know what is the name of the biggest star of first magnitude that is currently known? Yeah, you are correct, it's Sirius. And we have known Ciel is Sirius for a while now. As to why the star does not have lot's of faith, do I have to remind you "Dear God, why are you smiling?".
"So kind /A colorless encounter, pupils of glass /Thought they may shatter to pieces,/ You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"": Listen, I have seen a couple of people mentioning "oh it's a reference to monochrome no kiss". But I don't think that's the case, not completely at least. I think this is a parallel of O!Ciel and Sebastian's meeting to R!Ciel and Undertaker. First because one of the people involved is laughing, and Sebastian smirks but has never really laughed out loud, the one that spends his time laughing is Undertaker. Second is the pupils of glass that can shatter to pieces. I wonder if it means that R!Ciel could be using glass balls for his eyes? When we have seen his not-completed form they look pretty empty and they are made of soft tissue, so maybe Undertaker changed the "real eyes" with glass? Idk. The shattering could also indicate the fragility of the BD that are still far from perfect.
There is no such thing as eternity, so /There is no ending until all turns to ash this made me scream Undertaker's BD because we know he needs a full budy for the creation of his dolls and bringing back to life his loved ones. And we know he can't bring back Vincent because his body was too ruined by the fire. So fire IS the only ending in which a person can just die with no possible interference from a Shinigami with resurrection intent.
Tragedy twins
I had no idea of these lines other than, it just fits the vibes. Until I remembered how much Yana likes to mirror the twins.
There's no love, no love, there's no love there: this one is R!Ciel singing. Undertaker may have started to work on the BD out of grief for his loved ones, but it feels like it turned into an obsession.
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth: let's add some angst because this one was not enough. O!Ciel never gets to discover the truth behind the murder of his family before he dies. Maybe we, as readers, can see it. Maybe from Sebastian's eyes. But yeah, we don't have a guarantee that O!Ciel will ever know anything, he could just die with Sebastian being unable to prevent it (either because it happened due to a Shinigami, or maybe an angel or god knows what).
But of course, we can also swap them! O!Ciel was so confident people wouldn't have liked him coming back alive and so started the whole identity swap, so he could still feel like the love he is receiving now is fake, since it's built on a lie. While R!Ciel's truth could now be either the murder or the family again, or the fact that he isn't "real" now. He is a BD, his action and thoughts are based on memories that are likely not his own. He has become a fake, a lie. "There is no truth" because that is a BD similar to him, and not necessary him.
I am exhausted I haven't thought about something this much since my thesis. Yes some of them are quite the stretch, hopefully I will trigger a smart person and finally we get a good analysis. Meanwhile you have to deal with me. Feel free to add your opinions pls, I love hearing theories.
PSA: I have formatted this half on computer and half of phone so idk how weird the formatting is I will check again tomorrow, now I'm tired of rereading it.
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chibishortdeath · 8 months
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I redrew something from 2022 :3! Yippie, now you guys get to see the old one and the new one next to each other heck yeah.
I’m gonna rant like absolutely bonkers length about Simon’s Quest and the endings and story under a cut for anyone interested:
The original version (the last image) had this like long rant about how I see the endings of the game, but it wasn’t as comprehensive cause I was still kinda new to things and well instagram character limit lol.
The endings of the game are a really really cool topic to me because of how ominous and vague they all are. They’re all left pretty open! But I’ve always gotten some sinking dread even when getting the fastest “red sky” ending. The game really sets up the ending with a lot of empty areas and suspense beforehand, especially with the still present but now more pressing clock still ticking ya know, and the final battle is kinda just there, but it ends off all this tense build up with
A eulogy. One definitely written for Simon too. In every ending.
The first ending (grey sky) is really vague, just a general statement that “Simon you will always be remembered for your bravery and courage” and that “Peace and serenity have been restored to Transylvania and the people are free of Dracula’s curse”. Which is really odd for what would be assumed to be a “bad ending”. This generally sounds like a pretty good outcome and it’s primarily the same in the Japanese version just slightly worded differently. Heck, it’s not even stated in the text outright if he died. But the visuals, oh man. Dreary greyscale and Simon doesn’t even appear on screen in front of Dracula’s grave. Did Dracula even get reburried? It’s some really bleak imagery compared to the otherwise pretty unsuspecting text.
And second ending (blue sky) is very interesting. Simon appears on screen with some nice bright generally cheery colors, but the text deliberately mentions his death in both versions. The English version however says something the Japanese version doesn’t: it says the curse wasn’t broken. The original text says “until a young man to fight against evils like him comes again to this world, Transylvanians will keep praying forever.” Which I guess you could assume means that something went wrong and the curse still exists, but it could also be taken as a general “there’s no cool badass vampire hunter guy to kill any other general threats, so we hope another one comes along”. So, again, it’s so extremely vague.
So far the first and the second don’t really have all that much different as far as implications go: Simon beat Dracula but he died.
So what about the third ending (red sky)? Would it shock you if I said there’s not much difference from the text of the first ending? It’s essentially just another eulogy text with nice things to say about him. It says “Simmon Belmont put an eternal period to the legend of Dracula” (yes the Japanese version says Simmon lol it happens), which is something we know isn’t true because well more games got made later. Also because Dracula’s hand pops out of the ground afterwards! Which is hard to say the meaning of, is it just a teaser like “to be continued” or is it actually meaning that Dracula wasn’t put down properly and will be back really soon? Because that still is in line with things since yeah Drac did kinda sorta come back early in Harmony of Dissonance. Anyway— But it’s just another way of saying “he killed Dracula” and probably “he ended the curse”. The last section is just “his blood and sweat have penetrated into the ground of Transylvania and will bring us full-blown flowers with happiness in next spring”. Which is, again, just a really pretty, poetic way of saying “we’re never gonna forget this guy”. And again, this ending never outright says if he lives or dies!
Which is so!!!!! Weird!!!!!!!!!!! Why have multiple endings in a game if they’re all so vague that they’re almost completely interchangeable and can all be argued to be the ending of the game? You could genuinely make an argument for each of the endings being the canon ending and it would affect essentially nothing. They’re so vague to the point that a lot of people assume that they were mixed up at some point in development, which I find unlikely coming from the dev team of the guy said to want his games to be a cinematic experience. But it’s so strange! Why!?!?!
But I think that this vagueness and sense of idk how to put it— um ya know when something builds something up to get you all excited and convinced it’ll go one way and then it pulls the rug out from under you? Like when it’s set up to where it feels like the protagonist is finally going to get something and then it just doesn’t happen completely unceremoniously? Like a hope crushing twist?
Idk what I mean is, to me, it feels completely intentional. It feels to me like the game is just ramping up the tension and the suspense and the dread just to cut it off with vague, bittersweet endings that just seem to imply sad things and don’t sit right. It’s like as if the game wants you to get the first ending, see that it’s really gloomy, try to figure out the game more and get the second ending, see that that one outright says he’s dead, then try to get something better only to run into another awkward seemingly negative ending and a realization that you can’t do anything about it.
And I was thinking about this again a bit ago and realized that it really fits with the rest of Simon’s story. Simon kinda has this general “hero goes to save the day” plot in the first one with some slight mention of Christopher before him and the fact that this is a clan and a repeating 100 year Dracula cycle right? But things go wrong and he gets cursed and presumably either struggles to figure out what to do or just puts it off for like 6 ish years. Add the general vibes of “will I ever be as good as my ancestors?” and repeating themes of being alone and then compare that with Dracula’s Curse that comes out not long later and this game is suddenly the most “power of friendship” “seeing the good in people” “together we can overcome this” kind of story in the whole series and it hit me: Simon feels like a subversion of the lone hero trope. Like this super uplifting, unlikely band of heroes story coming out right after the solitude if it were personified as a 1600s vampire hunter story feels so so so so important to me. And then The Adventure and Belmont’s Revenge come out and what are they about? Christopher goes into the castle alone and something goes wrong! And I’ve noticed how other Belmonts and protagonists in later games get companions or friends or helpers or somebody else, and oh boy does that make how alone Simon is that much more noticeable.
It just all comes together in a messed up way. I really feel like Simon dies in all of these endings. And I didn’t even get into weird symbolism discussion lol—
And maybe this is just me looking too hard into an old game from a modern used to stories in games being detailed perspective, but idk man, I love the Simon’s Quest because it never fails to baffle me. Honestly so much of Simon’s Quest genuinely haunts me (affectionate), like I’ll just be sitting around and think of another possible answer to something and it’ll end up just as vague and full of holes as any other speculation, it’s wild. This game will have you sitting around looking for answers only to consistently run into dead ends with sad or nonexistent implications. I hope any of this makes sense, this game drives me insane I love it debating replaying and overthinking it again hmmmmmmm—
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notetaeker · 1 year
Assalamualaikum, hope you are doing well. A fellow muslimah here, I want to start understanding Quran in depth, know and understand it's word to word meaning like Quran journaling. I do listen to online tafseers of Sheikhs but I want to know it myself. I have seen your journals pics about the same. If you don't mind, can you please tell how you do Quran journaling. Like the steps or guides as to how to collect all those tafseers and organise them. Please tell us about the resources too. Books,YT etc you reach out to make those journals.
Please sister, help us in connecting with the Quran. May Allah SWT bless you.
Jazakallah khair
Wa alykum assalam! I hope you're well too! That's so nice to hear that you're interested in Qur'an journaling alhamdulillah it's such a beautiful intention and I pray Allah will put barakah in your efforts.
I think most of my posts about tafsir are either from my own studies (using translations of Tafsir ibn Kathir, or from Towards Understanding the Qur'an). I personally use those two because they are the ones I'm most familiar with, those are the ones I physically have in my home, and because they usually include all the opinions of scholars about the meanings of things. Like for example if there was ever any discourse about if a surah was makki or madani then they go into who said what and what their evidences were etc. So they're definitely very comprehensive.
I do also often take notes from tafsir classes I'm attending as part of the Miftaah Online program (this semester's tafsir class is for Surah Nur). These are usually done by scholars who have studied in the islamic world and are directly teaching (in english) from the arabic tafsir books.
As for youtube videos/lectures, there's a variety of scholars but I would encourage you to look up the speakers credentials, and what tafsir book they're using as a source etc.
Since I'm in a sisters halaqah group (which i strongly recommend joining if you can find one) many times I'm taking notes with the intention of being able to explain the surah from my notes (which helps when trying to decide what I should write down and what I leave out)
I follow the same format that's found in Towards Understanding the Qur'an which is:
Naming of the Surah - what does it mean? Where does it come from? What is the etymology of the word?
Place / Circumstance of Revelation / Historical Context - Is it makki or madani? Were any parts of the surah/ the whole surah revealed in response to a specific event? What the situation when the surah was revealed? What was the culture, situation etc.
Bigger themes and subject-matter - What does the surah talk about? which ayahs focus on what topic? If you're interested in just the meaning of the qur'an, I would definitely recommend The Clear Qur'an translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab. It's also divided very nicely into themes and the language is very clear (lol)
Ayah by Ayah explanation - detailed information about each ayah (one of the most interesting parts to me to be honest. The arabic language is so rich with meaning and connotation so even small ayahs have multiple layers of meaning) - This section can be extremeeeely long lol - depends on how many ayahs you want to study at a time - I also use this section to write the meanings of any arabic words I want to remember the meanings of (especially for short surahs)
Personal lessons/Reflections (Considered tadabbur - NOT tafsir) - how do I myself relate to these ayahs? Does an ayah remind me of something? What lesson do I get out of it? How can I possibly apply this ayah to my own life?
Dua - I mean you don't have to write it but it's nice to always make dua that the knowledge you wrote will be useful to you and that Allah gives us the tawfiq to benefit from it and protect us from this knowledge testifying against us.
Inshallah I hope I was able to be of some help! I'm no expert in the matter, just another student of the qur'an just like you, just sharing my experience. May Allah bless you sister for your desire to connect more with the Qur'an. I make dua that Allah makes all of us companions of the Qur'an so that we can be comforted thru it in this dunya, in the grave, and on the day of judgement. May Allah guide us and grant the correct understanding. Ameen.
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theilustrado · 2 years
Road to US Pharmacist as a Foreign graduate (Philippines):
After numerous hours spent on studying, working, crying, doubting myself, finally I PASSED THE FPGEE 2022!!
Dati pinapangarap ko lang to. 7 years ago, I graduated BS Pharmacy (CEU MANILA) and I really had to wait for my turn for this moment to come kaya big deal sa akin.
Took me so long because it was quite difficult to adjust life situations sa America from getting a job, being comfortable with the culture, language, getting an apartment, getting my mom to come here in the US, to studying again 1 plus year (Clinical pharmacy at UIC DAVAO) to meet minimum education requirements.
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Still can't believe it. What a good way to end year 2022. It takes 2 months for them to release the results and guess what happened sa 2 months while waiting? lots of crying. CRYING EVERYDAY literally. I'm a true cancer sign Lol.
Anyway, here's the US Pharmacist as a foreign graduated (Outside of US) timeline:
Step 1: Make sure you have at least 5 year pharmacy education. Proceed to clinical pharmacy if you can! (PharmD as 6th year not mandatory). They'll not accept a 4 year degree except if you graduated before January 1, 2003.
Step 2: you need to be a licensed pharmacist in your home country. Let's go PhLE!
Step 3: Pass the TOEFL first. (English Test). Be sure to get the minimum scores required by the NABP. Be sure to take it only in the US territories and some part of Canada or else NABP won't accept it.
Step 4: Pass the FPGEE (Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Exam). Passing this exam will earn you a certification to proceed with US Internship, Naplex, and MPJE (Law exam). This is exam is only offered once a year. Kaya big deal talaga kasi from being offered twice a year, they offer it once a year na lang. I was really praying to pass this exam kasi ayoko na umulit at maghintay ng 1 year.
Step 5: US Internship. Hours depend on the state where you want to work. For me, in the state of Texas, 1,740 hours.
Step 6 and 7: NAPLEX and MPJE. Ito mismo yung US pharmacy licensure exam (Mostly clinical based questions) and Law exam. And US Pharmacist ka na!
In my case, US Internship, NAPLEX, and MPJE happen at the same time. My state requires me to pass the NAPLEX and MPJE habang nag iintern. So, my estimated timeline to become a US Pharmacist ay December 2023 kasi medyo mahaba rin yung internship. Puhon.
PS: I'm also in graduate school though. I'm expected to graduate MS Pharmacy in July 2023 . It means while studying for the Naplex, MPJE, I'm also taking the comprehensive exam, and finishing and defending my (solo) Masters thesis.
I'm really thankful for the amount of people who wished me luck and are rooting for me. Kahit yung mga nakakakilala lang sakin virtually. With that, I want to help aspiring pharmacists as much as I can.
Sincerely yours, Franchesca
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I’m more of a monogamous person so I’ll go with Hyunjin alone 😅 btw English is not my first language so I’m sorry in advance for any mistakes. Also I’m a little sick and suffering a headache that pounds like a motherfucker and I’m not in the best shape! Hope you’ll enjoy!
After the first time with you, Hyunjin questioned himself, his faith, his strength and devotion. This shouldn’t have happened. He’s a changed man at this point, not some weak boy who gives in his desires.
So he blames you. He believes you’re the devil incarnate who was sent to test him. And he hates it. He hates how easily you made him crawl to you and how easily he put his new life at risk for a soul so dirty.
He’s pissed beyond comprehension. And he hates you. However, the sinful thoughts won’t leave him alone. He wants more and you’re not there. He hasn’t seen you for some time which makes him pissed. He sees red.
And he finally gets you.
On your knees, hands behind your back tied with a rosary you normally wear on your neck. The cold metal of a crucifix touching your bare skin feels like a river of fire. Tears streaming down your face as he shoves his dick down your throat with such force it’s hard to breathe. Which he knows but doesn’t care. You’re a sinner after all. So he fucks your face without mercy until he can’t take it. Cum dripping down your lips and chest, face covered in tears. Glossy eyes looking up at him because you want more. You’re a sinner.
You’re a sinner for tempting him like this. He wants to hate you but he wants to have you. And he has you. Stealing a peace of your soul with every bite, every lick. Devouring you like a dead man walking, licking a cross between your folds. “Pray to me y/n” Because you’re a sinner.
And you’ll pay for his sins. Each and every time.
“Show me your god and I’ll show you mine”
Oh, no worries!! You have nothing to apologise for and your English is really good. I hope you feel better though :/ I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
I'm not going to lie, I'm typically not all that into hard dom! Hyunjin but, the way you wrote him here is so 🫠🫠🫠
Using the rosary for restraint????? Fucking insane. Holy shit. I had to pause my reading when I got to that section.
Him knowing that he should be focusing on his duties. Trying to become a priest. He's been working at it for ages. Working at his redemption for ages but, he just can't help but, fall back into old habits so easily with you.
And who can blame him, really? When you smile at him like that and, bat your eyelashes at him like that. It's a wonder he's held out for so long as it is.
He thinks he understands how Eve felt in this moment.
And now as he watches you under the moonlight, the rosary glinting when the light hits it, he knows he can never resist temptation.
Never resist you.
Curses that should definitely not be uttered in the church falling from his lips freely as you choke around him. Spit and pre-cum dribbling down your chin and your beautiful, teary eyes looking up at him while you let him use your mouth. He doesn't think he's ever seen anything more divine.
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silverxcristal · 2 years
Did you learn english so you could talk with Octy ? /gen
TL;DR: No, but thanks to her I speak it more fluidly (debatable)
Oh no, I already (sort of) speak English before I met Octy; In school English is a obligatory class from Kindergarten to Cuarto Medio (last year of high-school), I knew the basics from there- although I was always a mediocre student in school (I never learn past verbs correctly, I will slap an -Ed and pray for the best)
When I was a pre-teen I used to post my art on different Spanish speaking forum websites AND Deviantart, English text website. The actions and clicks were a trial and error to know new words and I did met a few users who speak spanish too (mainly from the forums) so it felt like a practice English reading comprehension but I mainly speak spanish. There were also many videogames that never got a spanish translation and I had to just- play without knowing whats going on until I'm stuck, or trial and error and see what happened, learn and assimilate words or get that teached at school
When I shift to Tumblr in 2011... well Tumblr didn't had a spanish version back then, and all the fandoms and stuff I liked were mainly English territory. I grew apart from Latino fandoms (and friendships...) growing up as I saw the English one more appealing to what I like.
But again, my English was mediocre, the education we get about the language is "to serve"; we can read and understand but we can't write or speak to communicate, if you want a better english you have to pay for private classes (school did offer kids those classes with discount to thoses who had potential in english. But again, I was a mediocre student)
I have been surviving with that english over here for a whilensjsjaosbsi mainly alone, talking to myself bc the content i made was always oc related or mediocre fanart, it wasn't until 2014 when my art was rebloged by somebody important to fnaf fandom that my blog reached the 100 followers and I got eyes on me and that sort of boosts my stupid confidence and I just keep posting and writing in broken English and shifted to fandom art and stuff
When I was in the middle of that I met Octy, i gotta remark that ever since I became her friend and later girlfriend I've been able to practice almost daily my written and speaking English, my pronunciation sucks and I struggle with the way vowels sound different in both languages, but sometimes I caught myself thinking in English or not struggling thinking on translating my thoughts and I think that's cool
Octy is a english minor and oh boy she must suffer reading some of my wording sometimes, but she also remarks I am being understood with how I talk. The other day she said my English is way better than when we first met and that make me happy, not only I don't see my own progress but she also remembers that
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shamelesslymkp · 2 years
The Cask of -Amontillado- I mean, Destiel
for @newleasemylove!
(this was intended to have more but i'm using the beta post editor and it's giving me a headache, i need to switch back but i already added a bunch and don't want to delete everything i already put.)
(please check out my pinboard for moar.)
N.B. these recs are not in any way comprehensive or exclusionary of any of the other amazing destiel and spn fics in existence; this is quite specifically a list of fics meant to entice the 'i don't even go here' crowd, as tested on my dear friend @arrows-for-pens
Come here, dear reader. I have some lovely and completely non-life-destroying fics to recommend to you.
Let's start off a few universes over from canon.
bendingsignpost - Cinderwings - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]☑ https://archiveofourown.org/works/12847041
Under the cover of a masquerade ball, Castiel has five nights to recover the key to his people's freedom. The world has changed greatly in the six centuries since their banishment into the void, but the task isn't impossible. Unfortunately for Castiel, this is going to involve talking to people - especially the Knight Prince who has taken an interest in Castiel and his "costume" wings.
bendingsignpost - [SERIES] talk - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]☑ https://archiveofourown.org/series/1380490
As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean's constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he's finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties. What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can't figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right? (It's probably a bad idea, but he really can't help himself.)
And now let's start moving back.
bendingsignpost - Dean Winchester and the Goddamn Kill-Steal - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]☑ https://archiveofourown.org/works/20837732
Another raid on a hub of demonic activity, another case of Dean finding every last one of the bastards already dead with their eyes burnt out. The new and unnerving trend is royally pissing him off, but at least he's always able to blow off some steam these days too. Hooking up with that traveling business guy was an awesome move.
Amiril - The Mixtape, Or: Six Things You Learn in Thursday School - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]☑ https://archiveofourown.org/works/30585971
History passes into legend— but without the Winchester Gospels, that legend must be assembled from the notes of Prophets and Hunters. Human society and the English language may take a few wandering turns along the way, but one thing is a constant: people will always argue about Canon. Or: God got beat up and replaced by his grandson. You could make a religion out of that. (Words: 6,240)
sobsicles - according to all known laws of life - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own] https://archiveofourown.org/works/29207901
Cas comes back. It's not exactly the reunion that Dean is expecting. ~~~ Dean stares at him, flummoxed. Cas quite literally poured his heart out to Dean, gave a truly sappy and distressingly romantic speech and everything, then proceeded to give his life so that Dean could live his. And he wants to act like he doesn't want to see Dean, be around him, touch him? Actually, Dean's ninety-nine percent sure that Cas probably wants to fuck him, and while he has no clue how he feels about that, he's pretty goddamn sure that means Cas doesn't get to act like this and make it authentic. It feels strangely real, though, as if Cas wants nothing more than to get as far away from him as possible. This is a blatant contradiction. Even someone as weird as Cas doesn't want to get away from the person they have the desire to fuck five ways to Sunday, that they're in love with. That's not how these things work, so Dean isn't buying it.
adaille - Pray for What You Need☑ https://archiveofourown.org/works/14674776
Asmodeus imprisons and impersonates Castiel, forcing Dean to confront his feelings and figure out what he needs from the angel.It takes him a while.### Cas was angry, Dean knew that. He’d been angry ever since Dean fought with him over his re-involvement with Lucifer. The whole I’m-gonna-go-off-alone-and-search-for-the-fallen-archangel plan seemed ill-advised, and perhaps Dean could’ve toned his protest down, but the sentiment stood. In Dean’s defense, they just got him back. It wasn’t fair that the universe needed saving, again. Always again, and again, and again. Cas was dead not even a month ago, lost to the Empty, and Dean just wanted him to take it easy for a bit. Stay safe. Stay here. With him. With him and Sam, that is. Or you know, just him. Whichever. Either, or. (Words: 26,648)
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theguestblogging · 2 months
Understanding the Hanuman Chalisa in English: A Comprehensive Guide
The Hanuman Chalisa, a revered devotional hymn, holds a significant place in Hindu spiritual practice. Composed by the poet-saint Tulsidas in the 16 century, this hymn is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the divine monkey deity renowned for his unwavering devotion, strength, and courage. While traditionally recited in its original Awadhi language, the Hanuman Chalisa has found its way into the hearts of many English-speaking devotees. This article explores the Hanuman Chalisa in English, delving into its meaning, significance, and the impact it has on its practitioners.
The Essence of Hanuman Chalisa
The Hanuman Chalisa consists of 40 verses, known as ‘Chalis’ in Hindi, which are rich with praise and adoration for Lord Hanuman. The text encapsulates the virtues of Hanuman, recounts his heroic deeds, and seeks his blessings for strength and protection. Tulsidas, who authored the Chalisa, is widely celebrated for his poetic and devotional contributions to Hindu literature, particularly his works centered on Lord Rama and Hanuman.
Translating Hanuman Chalisa into English
Translating the Hanuman Chalisa into English involves not just a direct translation of words, but also a nuanced understanding of the spiritual and cultural context. Each verse of the Chalisa is a prayer that conveys deep respect and reverence. For English-speaking audiences, the challenge lies in preserving the original essence and devotional intensity while making it accessible.
Here is an overview of some verses from the Hanuman Chalisa in English:
Verse 1: "Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij mane mukure sudhaari, Barnau Raghuvar Vimal Jasu, Jo Dayaku Phal Chaari."
Translation: "I cleanse the mirror of my mind with the dust of my Guru’s lotus feet and narrate the pure glory of Lord Rama, which bestows the fourfold fruits of life (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha)."
Verse 2: "Budhi heen tanu janike, Sumirau Pavan Kumar, Bal budhi vidya dehu mohe, Harahu Kalesh Vikar."
Translation: "Knowing myself to be ignorant, I remember the son of the wind (Hanuman), and pray to grant me strength, intelligence, and wisdom while removing my troubles and imperfections."
Verse 3: "Jai Hanuman Gyaan Gun Sagar, Jai Kapis Tihun Lok Ujagar."
Translation: "Victory to Hanuman, the ocean of knowledge and virtues, and to the Lord of the monkeys, who illumines the three worlds."
The Significance of Hanuman Chalisa in English
The Hanuman Chalisa in English serves multiple purposes for devotees:
Accessibility: For many non-Hindi speaking practitioners, an English translation makes the devotional content accessible and comprehensible. It allows individuals to engage with the text in a language they are comfortable with, thus deepening their spiritual connection.
Enhanced Understanding: The English version helps in grasping the meaning of the verses more clearly. Understanding the context and essence of the verses enhances the devotional experience and practice.
Wider Reach: Translating the Hanuman Chalisa into English broadens its reach to a global audience. It enables people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to connect with the spiritual teachings of Lord Hanuman.
The Impact of Reciting Hanuman Chalisa in English
Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa, regardless of the language, is believed to bring numerous benefits to devotees. These include:
Spiritual Empowerment: Regular recitation is said to strengthen one’s faith and devotion. The Hanuman Chalisa is considered a powerful prayer that invokes the divine presence of Hanuman and brings about spiritual upliftment.
Mental Peace and Clarity: The rhythmic chanting of the Chalisa can have a calming effect on the mind, promoting inner peace and mental clarity. It helps in reducing stress and anxiety.
Protection and Strength: Hanuman is revered as a protector and symbol of strength. Devotees believe that chanting the Hanuman Chalisa invokes his blessings for protection and strength in times of difficulty.
Practical Tips for Reciting Hanuman Chalisa in English
Find a Reliable Translation: Choose a translation that captures the essence of the original text. Many translations are available, so select one that resonates with you.
Create a Sacred Space: Recite the Chalisa in a quiet and clean space where you can focus without distractions. A dedicated place for prayer enhances the spiritual experience.
Practice Regularly: Consistent recitation is key. Set aside a specific time each day for chanting the Chalisa to cultivate a regular practice.
Reflect on the Meaning: Take time to reflect on the meaning of each verse as you recite it. Understanding the verses deeply adds to the devotional experience.
Incorporate in Daily Routine: Integrate the Hanuman Chalisa into your daily routine to make it a part of your spiritual practice. Whether in the morning or evening, regular recitation can foster a deeper connection with Lord Hanuman.
The Hanuman Chalisa: An Overview
The Hanuman Chalisa comprises 40 verses (Chalis) that extol the virtues and heroic deeds of Hanuman, the monkey deity known for his pivotal role in the Ramayana. The hymn is not merely a collection of praises but a profound expression of devotion and faith. Tulsidas crafted this hymn with a deep understanding of Hanuman’s divine attributes and the transformative power of devotion.
Translating Hanuman Chalisa into English: A Delicate Balance
Translating the Hanuman Chalisa into English involves more than mere linguistic conversion. It requires preserving the hymn’s poetic beauty, devotional fervor, and spiritual essence. Each verse is imbued with layers of meaning that reflect both the context of the original language and the cultural background of its composition.
Here’s an exploration of the Hanuman Chalisa in English, highlighting its core messages and spiritual significance:
Verse 1: "With the dust of my Guru's lotus feet, I cleanse the mirror of my mind, I describe the pure glory of the Raghuvar (Lord Rama), which bestows the fourfold fruits of life."
Verse 2: "Recognizing my ignorance, I remember the son of the wind (Hanuman), Grant me strength, wisdom, and knowledge, and remove my sorrows and imperfections."
Verse 3: "Glory to Hanuman, the ocean of knowledge and virtues, Hail to the Lord of the monkeys, who illumines the three worlds."
The Impact of Hanuman Chalisa in English
The translation of the Hanuman Chalisa into English serves several important purposes:
Universal Accessibility: English translations make the Hanuman Chalisa accessible to a global audience. Devotees who may not be familiar with Hindi or Awadhi can now connect with the hymn’s profound spiritual teachings.
Enhanced Understanding: For many, understanding the Hanuman Chalisa in their native language allows for a deeper grasp of its meanings and messages. This understanding can lead to a more profound spiritual experience.
Cultural Integration: The English version helps integrate the rich spiritual heritage of the Hanuman Chalisa into diverse cultural contexts. It fosters a cross-cultural appreciation of Hindu spirituality.
The Spiritual Benefits of Reciting Hanuman Chalisa in English
The practice of reciting the Hanuman Chalisa, regardless of the language, is believed to offer numerous spiritual benefits:
Devotional Connection: Reciting the Chalisa in English allows practitioners to engage deeply with the hymn’s devotional essence. It helps in fostering a personal connection with Lord Hanuman.
Mental and Emotional Healing: The rhythmic chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa is known to have a soothing effect on the mind. It can alleviate stress, promote mental clarity, and foster emotional well-being.
Divine Protection: Hanuman is regarded as a powerful protector. Devotees believe that chanting the Chalisa invokes his blessings for protection and guidance in times of adversity.
Practical Insights for Engaging with Hanuman Chalisa in English
Choose a Faithful Translation: Opt for an English translation that remains true to the original text’s spiritual essence. Look for translations that offer both literal and contextual meanings.
Create a Sacred Space: Designate a serene and sacred space for recitation. A calm environment enhances focus and allows for a more profound spiritual experience.
Consistent Practice: Regular recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa, even if it is in English, helps in cultivating a steady devotional practice. Consistency deepens the connection with Lord Hanuman.
Reflect on Each Verse: Take time to reflect on the meaning of each verse. Understanding the spiritual significance of the verses enriches the recitation experience.
Integrate with Daily Life: Incorporate the Hanuman Chalisa into your daily routine. Regular chanting, whether in the morning or evening, can become a cherished spiritual practice.
Bridging Spiritual Traditions
The translation of the Hanuman Chalisa into English is a testament to the hymn’s enduring relevance across cultures and languages. It represents a bridge between traditional Hindu spirituality and contemporary global practices. By making the Hanuman Chalisa accessible to English-speaking devotees, this translation fosters a broader appreciation of its devotional and spiritual dimensions.
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tj-van-heerden · 3 months
Prophecy 90 by Raymond Aguilera.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 June 1992 at 12:55 AM. in English.
I love you Ray. Since you can't sleep, let's talk. Let Me tell you a little bit about the War, the War of the future. The Saber tooth Tiger will be conquered but the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments. In such a manner that there is more corruption going on underneath the tables with these Political Officers who ran these Governments that you could ever have comprehended. When he gets control of the oil and the finances he will use this leverage and this blackmail. He will use anything that he can to get his way and he will get his way.
But I am preparing a place for him. He thinks he is going to have the World in his hands but all he will find is the Pit. The Antichrist is going to be one of the most fierce, the most dreaded tyrants the World has ever known. To you they are simple words that have no real meaning; outside of words. You have not experienced tyranny of such terror but that's how the end is going to come.
There are going to be explosions in the Big Capitals, in the Big Cities, all over the World. There is going to be a Police Force that will have no law. Only the law of the Antichrist, which is the law of Satan. He is going to develop a Kingdom, a source of Power where he can control what People buy, what they sell, who is living in their house, who and where their family members are, what they do for a living, where they go to church, where they don't go to church. He's going to have that kind of control.
Then he is going to implement the Seal which is going to be placed on the foreheads of his puppets; which He'll control and manipulate to do his bidding. If you value your Spiritual Life do not take the Seal of the Beast. For the Seal of the Beast will mean the end of the end for you. So beware of the Seal that will placed on your hand or on your forehead. It doesn't matter where, if you receive it you will never see the Kingdom of God, Jehovah, the Heaven, or the Mansion that I have prepared for you. Because My Son Died, for you for a reason, to bring the Flock home to Heaven. But the choice is yours.
DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, the Creator, the Maker of the Universe. For I am bringing to a close a defiled Planet that has gone sour, which will be eliminated with everything else that is not Pure, Righteous, and in Line with My Word, Jehovah.
So make yourselves strong My Lambs, My Sheep. For the hour is at hand, go in that room, close that door and pray. Pray like you have never prayed before, for the hour and the day is right outside your door.
Protect yourself, get in the Body of Christ, and Jesus will Protect you, but you have to be Clean and Pure and Repent. Just because you call yourself a Christian means nothing. I want what's Clean and Pure, in Heart, in Spirit, in Mind, with their focus on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Me.
For the rewards are beyond your comprehension. So Just have Faith and Trust in your Lord and Savior. For He will Rule and Govern, and protect My Sheep, My Lambs. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah the Creator, the Maker of the Universe. Peace be with you. Peace be with you. The love of My Heart. The love of My Son. The love of the Holy Spirit. Peace and love your fellow Sheep, your fellow Lambs. So saith Jehovah.
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testormblog · 3 months
False Promise
It was the end of 1959.  I was sixteen years old and needed to fund my existence.  There was no question, or choice depending on one’s opinion, about the job opportunities available to me.  Pop had and Dad still did work for the Railway; thus, I should too.  My only other option was casual labour on the local farms.
Dad asked George, his drinking mate, how I should apply for a proper job with the Railway.  George, being the Assistant Secretary to the Commissioner of Queensland Railways, was an important man.  He was Reggie’s father too and had a bit of a shine towards me.  He also knew I had buckled down when I had covered Reggie’s holiday leave as Beenleigh Station’s porter.  I had swept the trains and the platforms with super efficiency.  The Station Master had been astounded that I had wanted more jobs and handed over his paperwork to do.
George said I had two options: apply for a porter’s position at a station or sit the annual exam and hope to secure a trade apprenticeship.  Back then, the Railway was an organisation built on longevity where one started at the bottom.  My stint as a relief porter was enough time at the bottom for me!  So, I decided to sit the Railway exam.  Any apprenticeship would do; just a chance to jam my toe through the metaphoric doorway.  My situation was dire!  Otherwise, I’d be shovelling animal crap for a living.
I sat down amongst hundreds of young men in the Brisbane Central Technical College’ massive gymnasium.  Like me, most sweated with nervousness.  The morning, a hot Saturday in December, didn’t help.  Air conditioning was yet to be invented; the reek of body odour was putrid.  I noted the written exam was split evenly between Mathematics and English questions.  Whilst the Mathematics component wasn’t a worry; I had the willies about the English section.  If I had to write an essay, I was doomed!  Thankfully, it comprised of a dictation test and another for reading and comprehension.  I wasn’t a wordsmith but I could listen, recall what was said and read well.  I scribbled my answers quickly and prayed that my legibility and spelling were sufficient.  Afterwards, I put the wretched exam out of my mind and went birding to earn a few pounds.
Early in January, George strolled up to home smiling.  He told Dad my results and that I had placed fourth in Queensland, out of all the state’s testing centres.  My father was flabbergasted!  He didn’t know I had achieved an excellent Junior pass from high school.  Fourth meant I was fourth in line to choose from approximately one hundred apprenticeships on offer.  I was elated!  This was a huge step towards a solid future.  Better yet, I moved up to second position when the two top applicants chose options elsewhere.  I chose the second highest paid apprenticeship, that of an electrical fitter; the first being already taken.  I figuratively kissed those cows’ arses goodbye!  The four year indenture meant a meagre yet steady wage if I watched my own arse.
I started work at the Ipswich Railway Workshops.  I also took a room at a men’s boarding house in Ipswich and ate slop and potato during the week.  This rundown establishment was little more than a half way house for reprobates, who slept with their rum bottles.
Each morning, I caught the Workshops train with a thousand other men.  Unlike me, many didn’t pay their fares.  They jumped aboard from a disused platform when the train reversed to change points onto the Workshop Line.  Sometimes, they played ‘cat and mouse’ with the ticket snappers and risked penalty fares and fines.  To me, this exercise seemed counterproductive to the Railway as it delayed the train and the jobs scheduled that day.  Yet everybody still received full wages.
Upon walking through the Workshops gate, I discovered a place beyond my imagination.  The Workshops were a large sprawling complex of buildings.  Some were tall and long.  These accommodated massive steam engines, carriages, good wagons and overhead gantry cranes.  Many were built during the prior century although the machinery housed inside them was now powered with electricity.  Every trade had their designated workshop.  There were smithies, electricians, carpenters, upholsters and mechanical engineers to name some of the trades.  Here, steam engines and rail motors were serviced whilst carriages and goods wagons were constructed and repaired.  I was bedazzled by the locomotives, I’d see there: the Beyer Garett, PB15, C16, C17, C19 and tank engines.
The Workshops were regimented by Railway rules.  However, an underlying culture existed amongst the workers where nobody dobbed anybody in for breaking these.  The supervisors were incompetent; ignorant of their responsibilities to their jobs and their employees.  Given the Workshops enormity, men easily and purposefully lost themselves from 7 am to 4 pm.  Nobody looked for them.  On payday, they appeared.
The workshops were hot, noisy, dirty places and often smoky.  The foul smell of sulphur fumes intermingled with other noxious odours from metals and humans.  Men crafted by hand all the parts and tools their specific workshops required.  Safe work methods weren’t practiced.  The tasks were monotonous.  Men plodded along with the same task all day.  That was unless a foreign order arrived.  A foreign was somebody’s personal job like to rebuild their truck’s engine block.  I did what I was tasked to do; that being to manufacture small metal parts.  I was bored!
Accordingly, employees avoided constructive work wherever possible.  They pulled pranks in abundance.  Every new worker was initiated by a dunking in the water trough.  This was a frequent occurrence.  If the rookie resisted, he earnt a worse dunking and would be almost drowned.  I suffered my turn and miserably slogged around in my heavy wet overalls for the whole day.  However, far worse for us rookies were the unexpected dowses by the senior apprentices with their illegally manufactured water cannon device that they connected to the water fountain.
One day, when I was melting lead in a crucible, such an idiot appeared with the water cannon ready to dowse me.  His intention was exceedingly dangerous, potentially deadly.  I knew if water touched molten lead, the lead would explode!  Without any thought (I didn’t have time to think!), I threw a lead ingot round, about ten centimetres in diameter and a kilogram in weight, at him to divert his attention.  He didn’t catch it!  Yet, my throw, me being a cricket bowler, to my dismay was too accurate.  The ingot hit his arm and cut a deep gash.  Blood streamed from this.  He collapsed!  I was horrified and certain I’d be sacked.  His mates, who had looked on, carted him off to First Aid.  Later that day, he and his gang returned.  His arm was in a sling with the wound stitched up.  He commented that everybody should watch out for ingots falling off the bench.  The incident was buried!  Nobody targeted me with the water cannon again.
I thought Dad’s lot out on the train track was better than mine.  He worked in the fresh air and sunshine.  This fallacious promise of a decent future was really the shackle to lifelong drudgery in disguise.
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