#and rainbow rocket was born
bunnygirl678 · 5 months
Cute hc
Silver ends up joining TR (want to know why I think he would feel free to dm me lol), Gold goes with him, cause he’d follow Silver anywhere,
As a signing bonus/gift from daddy, Giovanni bribes and blackmails all the Johto/Kanto leaders/law makers to pass a gay marriage law, then throws Silver and Gold a huge wedding
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k-chips · 2 months
I lobe that my entire feed is currently oras based ,thank you for this gift. Alpha sapphire is my entire childhood
Always ready to bring back Oras and the divorced ecoterrorists old men
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erikiara80 · 6 months
March 22nd and all the birthday references in ST
Will's birthday has always been important.
A birthday mug in episode 1
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Same mug in Mike's basement. We see it in scenes with El in S1 and Will in S2. Yeah, I think birthdaygate could be about her, too. Will is the only character whose birthday was used to literally save him and the whole town. And we've seen El's birth and birth certificate, but we still don't know when she was born? Strange
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The I forgot your birthday card in Will's room in S1
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But in S2 we only see it when Joyce looks at the Will the Wise drawing. In all the other shots the card is not there, and the drawing is on another wall. This could be a hint at different timelines (of a timeloop?) More screenshots here
Basically, I have two theories about Will's birthday: either people really forgot it in S4, or the Will who was born on March 22 is the brown-eyed Will in the Missing poster, in the timeline we see in the shed scene, and not the hazel-eyed Will we see in the rest of the show. Maybe they hid the truth in plain sight, they let people believe that his eyes were different because he was possessed. But then in S3 they show that Billy's eye color never changes (here) Can't wait to see what this means
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No birthday card in these shots
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Lesbianmindflayer found a video posted on the official IG account in August 2017. At the time, they had already filmed S2, they knew there was an important scene about Will's birthday, so why posting the wrong date? Is it actually a mistake, or that's really his birthday in another timeline? We'll see!
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The amazing shed scene. One of my favorite! Joyce talks about Will's 8th birthday. That was in 1979, the year of the massacre. She also mentions his rainbowship, a hint at his queerness, but also a reference to the lab. And I think there's a connection to the "rainbow rocket" near Creel House, and the ship of Brenner's father, who was involved with Project Rainbow, and the first man to wind up in Dimension X. This scene is so important!
Will drawing a spaceship could also be a parallel to Olivia Dunham (Fringe), who drew what she saw in another universe. A Zeppelin
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Olivia's drawing (Byler-Polivia parallel and Subject 13)
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3x03. Happy Birthday and '76 on the poster. The lifeguard is talking to El and Max here. My theory about what this could mean and what might have happened in 1976 here and here
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The original title of episode 3x06 was The Birthday. There is no birthday in that episode, but after the intro, the song that plays is Stand up and Meet your brother, and then El meets the Mind Flayer/Vecna (as a lab kid, Henry is kinda her brother), who is possessing a boy named William. A surfer boy.
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Episode 3x08, posters of Firestarter and Sixteen Candles. Will is associated with fire, and in Sixteen Candles a girl hopeful thar her 16th birthday is the beginning of a great year, is shocked when her family forgets it because her sister is getting married the next day.
Sixteen Candles and a boy's 16th birthday are also mentioned in S4, and it is likely that S5 is set in 1987, after the time-jump, when Will is 16.
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S4. There are so many mentions of birthdays in this season, it's crazy to think that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
Mentions of birthday and stolen thoughts in the opening scene.
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Birthday party at Rink-o-mania. I could be wrong, but it looks like a party for two people, to me. And there's a hidden reference to the massacre. The game Asteroids was released in 1979 (here)
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The scene that made many people believe that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
March 22. The Rink-o-mania scene is a parallel to the lab scenes, Asteroids was released in 1979, and the day of the massacre El remembered her birth. Maybe a hint that her birthday is also on March 22?
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They call her little baby, and two of the bullies are twins.
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Murray says that a one-year-old won't remember their birthday
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Also, the wallpaper reminds me of these birds we see in his house, when Alexei explains how the two keys open a gate
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Murray says that his "son" is almost 16
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Mention of Sixteen Candles
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Mike's Happy Birthday mug
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At Suzie's, Will mentions Dustin's birthday
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Yeah, I think something will happen to Will in 1987, when he's 16. And it won't be funny, lol. But he'll get his happy ending.
Happy birthday, Will!
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vodika-vibes · 12 days
Throwing this thought at you like a paper airplane after I saw the corri dating pole, admittedly the first clone I felt in love with was Rys right off the bat from episode one. The smooth personality and tattoos got me like a bear trap immediately, then there was the hair and the color scheme and the way he was just toteing around a heavy ass rocket launcher the whole episode. I was also 16 when I first watched that episode and I do not digress, he’s still fine af. Uhg, he’s just so cute.
We Belong Together
Summary: You have your eyes set on a boy. And not just any boy, but Rys, a member of the Guard. A surprise power outage from an even more surprise storm gives you a chance.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Rys x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1805
Warnings: None
A/N: I had so many ideas for this, but this is the one that I eventually settled on. I hope you like it!
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“You’re staring.”
You don’t pull your gaze away from Rys, even when your friend elbows you roughly. “I’m not staring. I’m…admiring.”
“Yeah. Which translates to staring.” 
You finally pull your gaze away from Rys and glare at your friend, “He’s gorgeous and I love him.”
“Girl, you don’t even know him. Maybe he’s a prick.”
“He’s not.”
“Why, because your imagination says so?”
You huff and fold your arms over your chest, “Because he’s nothing but polite when I talk to him.”
“Oh, so you’ve talked to him before?”
At that, your face burns, “I…well…”
“Ah, he comes to you for tech support.” Your friend has a slightly smug smile on her face, and you pout at her and look away.
“It’s…a start.”
“Oh, yes. Everyone knows that all of the greatest love stories start when one part doesn’t even know that the other one exists.” She teases, and then she drapes an arm over your shoulder and hugs you lightly, “Maybe you should set your sights on someone who actually knows you exist.”
You shoot her a dirty look.
“You know…like that nice man at the shipping store?”
“You mean the one that smells like rotting meat?”
“Thanks but no thanks,” You scrunch up your nose at the thought, “I’m done with lunch and heading back to my office, you?”
“Mm, I have an extended lunch today since I’m staying late this evening. I’ll see you later, though.” She turns back to her lunch and you shake your head, though you push out of your seat and throw your trash away before you slip out of the cafeteria and head towards the stairs that will take you to your office.
You could take the lift, probably, but the last thing you want is to end up on the lift with some snooty senators.
They always say the same things, “Is that your natural hair color?” No. Humans aren’t born with rainbow hair. “Are those tattoos permanent?” Yes, tattoos generally are. “Are those face piercings religious?” No, they just look pretty.
Honestly, with few exceptions, the Senators are so annoying.
You head down the four flights of stairs and then push open the door leading to your level, and you have to side-step a group of senator aides who seem to think that they own the Senate building, before you key in the code to your office door and head back into your office.
“I’m back!” You call to the office, but there’s no response. There never is.
You work alone, after all.
An almost silent sigh falls from your lips, and you reach over to flip the lights on, only for a light in the back of your office to flicker, and go out.
A second, louder, sigh falls from your lips.
“You should work for the senate,” You mutter under your breath, mocking your old guidance counselor, “They need an IT person, and it’s high paying. Just like you require.” You climb onto a spare desk and pop the lid off the light, and scowl at the dead bulb, “I might be high-paid, but this place sucks.”
You are, after all, required to do your own maintenance.
About fifteen minutes later, the door to your office slides open. You don’t look away from where you’re, carefully, trying to maneuver the light into place. “I’ll be right with you.”
There’s silence for a moment, and then heavy steps, “Do you need any help?” The voice is familiar in the way that all of the clones' voices are familiar, and you spare him a glance over your shoulder.
It’s Rys.
For a moment you just blink at him in bewilderment, and then you shake your head, “Ah, it’s nice of you to offer, but I’m almost done.” You slide the new bulb into place, secure it there, and let out a triumphant noise as the light comes back on. “There! Perfect!”
You swiftly pop the covering back into place, and then climb off the table so you’re standing in front of Rys, “Sorry about that! How can I help you?”
He stares at you for a moment, and then offers you his datapad, “It stopped working.”
You take the small device and open your mouth to ask what happened, exactly, though you’re cut off by a low, deep, rumble from outside the building. And then there’s a loud crack that makes you jump, and the entire room goes dark.
The room remains dark for about thirty seconds before the backup generators kick on and the room is lit by eerie red lights.
“Well, that’s not ideal,” You murmur as you move to your desk and set the datapad in your hand on the edge.
“No, it’s not.” You turn to look at Rys, who’s frowning at his comm, “The Commander says to shelter in place until they figure out why the power is out.” He moves to an open chair and drops into it, kicking his feet up on an empty desk.
Well, you’re not going to complain about being stuck in a room with the man you’ve been crushing on for months, so you drop into your chair as well, and then dig around your desk to pull out a deck of cards, “Wanna play?”
“Yeah, alright.”
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Two hours later, the senate building is still running on emergency generators, and you and Rys have long since moved away from Sabbac to just chatting with each other.
He’s removed the top part of his armor and is sitting on the floor next to you, taking turns throwing the cards across the room into a box.
“So, I have to ask,” Rys says after a moment, “How does someone like you end up working here, of all places?”
“Someone like me?” You repeat with a laugh.
“You definitely don’t look like you should work at the senate,” He points out, as he lightly tugs on a strand of your hair.
“That’s fair,” You agree, “I was encouraged to apply here after college, they hired me sight unseen.” You shrug, “And I’m good enough that they look the other way when it comes to the dye and piercings.”
“Well, I’m glad.”
You glance at him, but he’s not looking at you, “Well, me too. I wouldn’t like to be jobless.”
He glances at you, and his smile is one you’ve never seen aimed at you before, “I just meant that you add some color to a pretty dreary place. Plus, I can always pick you out of a crowd.”
“Why would you need to pick me out of a crowd?” You ask, genuinely confused.
He throws another card into the box and you frown at the box, wondering if you should move it further away, “No reason,” Rys replies quickly, “And if my brothers ever tell you anything different you need to know that they’re all horrible liars.”
You laugh and lean against the wall, “Okay, so what would they tell me?”
He still won’t look at you, “They’d probably say something along the lines of me having a crush on you.”
You blink at him, having not expected those words to come out of his mouth, “But, since your brothers are liars,” You say slowly, “It’s not true.” You fold your arms, “Huh, that’s a shame.”
His head snaps towards you fast enough that you genuinely worry about his neck, “What’s a shame?”
“Oh, well,” You shrug, almost nonchalantly, “If you did have a thing for me, we could have tried seeing how we were together, but since you’re not—” You shrug again, and then place your hands on the ground to propel yourself to your feet to collect the cards from the floor and the box.
You don’t manage to get to your feet.
Rys’ hand wraps around your wrist and he tugs you so that you topple over onto his lap, and then his lips are against yours. You adjust yourself so that you’re straddling one of his thighs, and your arms snake around his neck so you’re able to play with the hair at the base of his neck, as you kiss him back, just as enthusiastically. 
For someone who, you assume, has never kissed anyone before, Rys is a really good kisser. Or, maybe, all of the people you’ve ever kissed before have just been really bad.
Either way, he’s a very enthusiastic kisser, angling his head so he’s able to deepen the kiss without forcing you to stretch, his tongue sliding against the seam of your lips, and then against your own.
And the kiss only breaks when the lights overhead flicker back on.
His hand moves to your cheek, and he has a very small, very smug, grin playing on his lips as he adjusts you so that he can press his forehead against yours. 
“You’re really good at that,” You say, slightly breathlessly.
His smile becomes even more smug, “I must be a natural then.”
“Must be,” You agree, leaning in so you can brush your lips against his, and he tilts his head back slightly so he can catch your lips in a proper kiss, only to have to stop when his comm chimes.
There’s a glimmer of annoyance on his handsome face, but he grabs his comm and reads the message on it. And then his head thumps back against the wall.
“Time to go back to work?” You ask, sympathetic, even as your fingers move to the tattoo on his jaw and you trace the shape lightly. 
His gaze lingers on your face for a moment, “Unfortunately. If I don’t go, the Commander will come and look for me.”
“Well, we can’t have that.” You joke lightly, already moving to get off of him, though his hands tightly grip your hip, as though he’s not ready to let you go.
You grin at him, kiss him quickly, and then slip off his lap. “You know,” You muse thoughtfully as he gets to his feet and starts pulling his armor back on, “There’s a nice little restaurant not far from my place, delivery or pick up only.”
“That right?”
“Mm, they have really nice food,” You continue, “If you wanted to come around to my place after work?”
His fingers fumble on the latch to his armor, and his gaze locks with yours as a wide grin crosses his face, “It’d take an act of god to keep me away.”
You grin right back at him, “It’s a date then.”
Rys finishes strapping on his armor, and then lightly taps your chin with two fingers, “I can’t wait.” He drops a kiss on your cheek, and then he’s gone, back to work.
And you’re left to try not to erupt into elated giggles as excitement wells inside you.
You’ve never been so happy in your life.
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @n0vqni
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fallershipping · 4 months
Team Rocket is still a thing, just heavily restricted to Kanto, under a different name, and mostly in the shadows with their shark fins popping out in the red light districts like Kabukicho. They also own some Rapidash in horse racing.
... Actually it's kinda weird how they tried to take over Johto of all regions, since Johto basically the countryside while Kanto is Tokyo and a capital hub of economics. That's one way to make a very failed comeback... No wonder Giovanni never responded.
Their shadowy nature is also why Looker heard rumors about them in Alola during USUM, but couldn't do much because he thought it was the typical shady business that was so minor and secretive, he'd need to investigate for a long while before knowing if he had the right to make an arrest. Plus it was just sightings, and it could have been vacation.
But let's be honest here, Looker Anabel and Nanu should have been involved in Rainbow Rocket at the very least. Could have revealed Nanu's connection to Giovanni, but it's not the same Giovanni as the one in their dimension... It's very realistic for RR Giovanni to dimensional travel because if he gained control of Kanto's capital and research, he could have funded some interesting things.
He's done it once before with Mewtwo. He'll do it again. Do note that Porygon was a Kanto born Pokemon made to travel dimensions, only found in an establishment owned by Team Rocket.
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Dear Stanley Parable community, I president to you: this incredible abomination
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This came into existence because I needed a jersey, but because I don’t really care about sports I didn’t have one. Instead of just buying a normal one like a person lacking in brain rot, I decided I need to create my own with a blank baseball jersey and help from my Mom, who has a cricket that can cut out vinyl decals. And so, this absolutely incredible monstrosity was born.
I would like to point out some of my favorite details:
The numbers on the front and back do not match
The back is composed of only completely different fonts
It’s difficult to see in the pictures, but the vinyl has reflective rainbow sparkles
The text on the front is a direct quote from The Narrator, from the Rocket League section of the Games Ending
This was made in one sitting, over the course of several hours, because despite knowing about needing a jersey several weeks ahead of time I procrastinated until the night before I needed it
Also, shout out to my Mom, without whom this wonderful affront to god, man, and nature would never have been created
Bonus pictures:
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Ok ya'll know who ever one else is or you should at least but time for me to introduce the main star of the blog ✨Faye✨
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Just gonna info dump here:
Faye was born at Hau'oli City on Melemele Island, but currently lives in Po town, Ula'ula Island.
15 years old.
Last name is Cruz. 👈 that's my last name😉
Member of Team skull though she doesn't look the part.
not exactly a grunt, same rank as Plumeria or maybe just a bit lower.
She calls Plumeria big sis like all the other grunts do but will also call Guzma big bro because she knows it annoys the hell out of him and she thinks it's hilarious.
Her name Faye means mischievous so you can already guess her personality.
Also part of Team Rainbow Rocket but once again just at least a bit higher than a grunt but not a Boss/Leader.
Sylveon is her main Pokemon.
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Rules: please be respectful to everyone, no being mean I just don't like it. remember i'm a minor so no Nsfw asks or anything please, it's ok if you flirt just not with the younger characters and please have at least a little filter and don't go too far or crazy with it. I do take art requests and stuff but no weird or inappropriate stuff and please don't rush me it takes me a while to do the task, Adhd here so I rarely ever focus on one thing for long. Three strikes and you get blocked, but I hate blocking people and I trust all of you not to break any of the rules. Thanks for reading and I hope you have an amazing day💖
Main blog @loki104-uwu, you can message and contact me there too
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krinsbez · 2 years
Presenting...Pulptober 2023
A few months late, and I’m not quite happy with it, but behold:
1-The Shadow/Master of the Mind
2-Doc Savage/Famous Name
3-The Green Hornet/A Rainbow of Justice
4-The Avenger/With A Little Help From My Friends
5-John Carter/All For Love
6-The Lone Ranger/The Mask Does What The Badge Couldn’t
7-The Spider/Tortured Justice
8-Nita Van Sloan/Remember The Ladies
9-John Blacksad/Heroes Don’t Have To Be Human
10-The Grey Seal/Gone But Not Quite Forgotten
11-Domino Lady/Born From Vengeance, Driven To Justice
12-The Punisher/Veteran Justice
13-Hellboy/Hero With Good Publicity
14-Arsene Lupin/The Lawless Bringing Law
15-Tintin/Humor and Heroism
16-The Blackhawks/Men of War
17-Dejah Thoris/Beauty and Badassery
18-The Rocketeer/Average Joe Justice
19-Ogon Bat/Weird Justice
20-Solomon Kane/Learning A Lesson
21-Conan/Adventures Finds You
22-Sheena/Justice From The Jungle
23-The Question/Find The Truth
24-Shang Chi/Master of the Martial Arts
25-Nycatlope/Better Crimefighting Through Science
26- The Phantom/Justice Never Dies
27-G-8/Brushes With Horror
28-The Green Lama/Where Science and Supernatural Collide
29-Jules De Grandin/Ghost Breaker
30-Athena Voltaire/Throwback Heroes
31-Batman/Gizmos & Gadgets
G-D willing, I will self-Rb tomorrow to make sure everyone gets properly tagged.
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ofheartandsoul · 3 months
PUBLIC (easily accessible on her Poképedia page)
She's currently 24 years old, and has held her title for 12 years straight!
She was born and raised in New Bark Town.
She's strictly vegetarian!
Her six main team members are Meganium, Furret, Donphan, Togekiss, Mantine, and Tyranitar. The rest, outside of Flareon and Scizor who are rarely used, simply aren't battle-fit. She only brings Ho-Oh out in case of emergency or in private; as such, its capture isn't incredibly well-documented and is largely speculation by the public.
She struck down Team Rocket's resurgence on her journey. Ever since, she's always seemed to put an end to greater chaos in Johto and even Kanto at times as well, wherever possible. She's seen as a protector by the people, which is a title she wholeheartedly embraces.
Despite this, after becoming Champion of Kanto, she actually stepped down from that particular position, allowing Lance to take it up again. Having that much responsibility was too overwhelming for her at the time.
She's a total shopaholic. While most of her earnings go to charity, the rest often go to adding new members to her hoard of Poké Dolls, or cute clothes. Because of this, she's often swarmed by salespeople (and has a tough time saying no to them).
Lyra makes a lot of public appearances! She loves meeting her fans more than anything else in the world.
SEMI-PUBLIC (knowledge friends can have or learn)
She has a couple of celebrity crushes! Namely Brendan, Dawn, Piers, and Grusha. She also has a little crush on Bugsy, and a huge one on Silver.
Ethan and Kris have been her friends for as long as she can remember! She regards Kris as a sister.
Her father was half-Unovan. Ultimately, the name he picked out for his daughter won over his wife's. Lyra takes after him, often naming her own Pokémon Unovan names and words.
Her father passed away a few years before she started her journey.
Lyra heavily latched onto Lance. He's the closest thing she's had to a father since her own passed. He's also her mentor, and #1 idol.
She LOVES contests! Lyra might not be able to keep up with the scene like she did when she was a kid, but she's competed in a couple in Hoenn and Sinnoh over the years! She's a huge fan of Fantina.
Even after collecting all the badges and climbing up Mt. Silver, she wound up losing to Red. She's determined to beat him someday, and sees him as a rival.
PRIVATE (knowledge only she has; must be pried out)
She loves Johto so deeply, and loves being its protector. But the truth is, as it would with anyone, the responsibility is often too much for her to bear on her own. She doesn't want anyone else involved in this however, so she often tries to hide how tired she is from those around her.
In private, ever since Giovanni reappeared, she's been investigating Rainbow Rocket. While she may not know that he's actually from another world, she does know that he's been opening wormholes across her own, and intends to put a stop to him. This also isn't something she brings up to anyone, not even those closest to her.
To keep herself awake when she has a lead, she often drinks coffee. She can't stand the taste anymore.
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twelvegate-blog · 1 year
Willel and swing sets
I have many analyses in my drafts. I’m gonna start with this.
Swing sets = twin imagery. But I think they also use them to imply that something bad happened to one of the twins. Or simply that Will and Eleven couldn’t grow up together.
Season 1 (Jo noticed the swing set in this season!)
Edit: a junk yard with cars. Kayla thinks this connectes Lonnie, who dresses like a mechanic and likes fixing cars, to the twins and the original timeline
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Interesting that this is the only time both swings are gone. In fact, this is when the kids can’t find Eleven and Will is lost in the UD. Both twins are missing.
Season 2
The shed scene is not the first time we hear about swings. And what happens when El sees this mom and her daughter imo proves that this is about her.
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The swing that “disappears” is the one the little girl was swinging on.
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Then, in the shed scene, Mike says that Will was swinging alone. Another hint. Will wasn’t supposed to be alone. 
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Also, Will and Mike met the first day of kindergarten, so when they were five, right? In 1976. The year a body was found in the quarry. The year Will was scared about something (S1 flashback)
I’m not sure what it means tho, because I think El was taken when she was born and never grew up with Will. I don’t know. I’m still trying to understand why 1976 is important.
Season 4 (I don’t remember any mention of swings in S3)
Another swing set, plus a “rainbow rocket(ship)” in the playground in front of the Creel House. This is definitely about Will’s memories.
Once again, something’s wrong with one of the swings. It’s broken.
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octaviaaxford · 1 year
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She is the youngest child of the Axford family from Staten Island, NY, and the granddaughter of Mylene Tillyman. She is the only human in her family which consists of mostly witches. She works at the roller skating rink, Roller Rocket, under the name DJ Venus. She lives with her grandmother in the downtown area of Lunar Cove. Her main goal is to get out of Lunar Cove as soon as she can. 
(trigger warning: child neglect and divorce)
She is a free-spirited, chill, and music-loving human woman who cherishes her peace. She is into Record Collecting, Yoga, and DJing. She is a bit guarded around people and has a difficult time letting people in, but that's because she has a big heart that sometimes gets the best of her.
She has brown skin with warm undertones, a small round nose, dark brown oval eyes, and black wavy hair that was manipulated with heat. She dresses her slim figure in retro, thrift clothing. She takes inspiration from the 70s and 80s when it comes to her fashion style. Her faceclaim is Shannon Thornton.
Octavia swore that she was cursed. At least, that was what it was like growing up as the only human in a family filled with witches. Her parents, Raymond and Deborah Axford, were exceptional light witches who fell in love during their college years at Cheyney University while majoring in business. They were both ambitious and calculated to the point where they were considered the ultimate power couple to their peers. To this day, they are still the power couple their peers claimed them to be when they went to create the flourishing cosmetics brand known as Phadera. In their lavish home in Staten Island, they went on to have many talented and magical children who could carry on the proud Axford name both among the humans and their witch kind. That was until little Octavia Axford was born. 
Her parents didn't know what to do with her once they realized she was their human child. There was nothing magical about her. She was not of much use to the Axford name as a human other than molding her to be someone exceptional to the general public. But that was not what Octavia wanted. She always had a curiosity about the supernatural world that she was denied being a part of by birth. Her own humanity was a curse to her, her parents, and even her seven older siblings. She did not want to be just a human. She wanted to be magical. She wanted to be exceptional like her family. It was not fair to her. 
But as Octavia entered her teen years, her innocent curiosity toward all supernatural evolved into a cynical perspective thanks to her unfortunate upbringing. Her parents were strict on her to make something of herself to make up for what she lacked. Her siblings hardly interacted with her because they were busy trying to be the perfect witches for their parents. Octavia witnessed how awful supernatural beings can be. How magic was not all sunshine and rainbows like books and tv shows made them out to be. At the age of sixteen years, she started to learn that maybe her so-called curse was a blessing in disguise. So, she ignored her childhood disappointments, her parents' wants, and the supernatural to begin to figure out who this painfully average human girl is. 
Octavia never did make a name for herself by the time she hit her 30s, but she was content with herself. She finished college with a degree in education, became a music teacher, and got married to the woman of her dreams. Everything she could ever want was all in the arms of her wife and their little house in Sedona, Arizona. She was far, far away from her family and anything dealing with the supernatural. She was at peace. Though, it was a peace that ended up being, unfortunately, short-lived. Octavia did not know how it happened or why, but her beloved wife got turned into the one thing she wanted nothing to deal with ever again. A supernatural. Octavia tried to make the marriage work. She really did but there were too many issues that arise in their marriage because of this sudden change. Her wife did not seem like the same woman she once fell in love with. She could still remember the night she broke down, tears streaming down her face, and begged her wife for a divorce in a tired voice.   
Octavia pushed to forget her past and her complicated issues with the supernatural once she agreed to go live with her erratic maternal grandma, Mylene Tillyman, who happened to be the only member of the Axford she could tolerate these days. Octavia promised herself that she was only going to stay until she could get back on her feet. Though her dear grandma failed to explain to her the true nature of Lunar Cove and its people. 
Octavia's birthday is February 20th and her zodiac sign is Pisces.
Octavia doesn't like anything supernatural at all.  
Mylene Tillyman is an 87 years old woman who has a flair for drama and fashion. She used to be a well-known singer in the late 1950's.
 Octavia's favorite hangouts in Lunar Cove are WORE-DROBE, BLISS YOGA, BROKEN RECORD, & HEADS OR TAILS.
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mysmashplaythroughs · 2 years
Mewtwo Playthrough (Pokemon Y)
Fighter: Mewtwo.
Game: Pokemon Y, Nintendo 3DS. First Released on October 12th 2013.
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Fighter Bio.
Created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering, it’s DNA is said to be the same as Mew’s but with a vastly different size and disposition being a vicious psychic Pokemon with cold glowing eyes. Said to be the most savage amongst all Pokemon, it was bred for and therefore only cares about battling without compassion. Mewtwo is one of only two Pokemon known to be capable of Mega Evolving into two different forms, Mewtwo X and Mewtwo Y. Mewtwo Y takes on a smaller appearance with its tail seemingly becoming a tentacle attached to its head, it is said to have grown its mental power immensely in this form at the expense of its physical body. Mewtwo X in contrast is bulkier with a smaller tail, it is said to have augmented its muscles with its psychic power in this form becoming Psychic Fighting type.
Mewtwo is fairly unique in that within the games canon it seems there is only one Mewtwo. Due to this it has a specific backstory detailed in scientific logs found in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island. The logs claim that Mewtwo was born from a pregnant Mew who was found deep in the jungles of Guyana. It was tampered with in the womb to alter its DNA and following its birth further gene experiments were performed by a scientist in order to make it the most powerful Pokemon ever. In turn this had the side effect of making Mewtwo vicious and with its great power it broke free from the Pokemon Mansion where it was held, leaving the place a burnt out wreck. The scientist regretted his actions and disappeared. It is implied this scientist may be Mr Fuji, a kindly old man who dedicates the rest of his life to supporting Pokemon in need in Lavender Town. Mewtwo took up residence in Cerulean Cave, known for being the most dangerous location in Kanto with Pokemon there only qualified Champions have a chance of dealing with. Eventually canonically Mewtwo is captured by either Red or Leaf, the new champion of Kanto after a fierce battle. A couple of years later, Johto’s Champion, Gold or Kris arrive at Cerulean Cave to find it collapsed, but a remnant of Mewtwo, the Beserk Gene can be found there. Following this Mewtwo would not appear in later games beyond being transferred from Kanto (or being an event Pokemon given away). However in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Cerulean Cave seemingly hasn’t collapsed and Mewtwo can be found inside by Ethan or Lyra. This would therefore imply in this canon that either Red did not capture Mewtwo or released Mewtwo prior to the events of the game. Following this, in the Kalos region there is a place known as Pokemon Village and to the north is a cave known as the Unknown Dungeon. Pokemon hiding from people due to various reasons are said to reside within Pokemon Village which is why it’s so far away from civilization and only those who have earned the Pokemon’s trust may enter. Within the cave resides Mewtwo, how it got there and whether it’s the same one from Kanto is never said, however it holds a Megastone which is capable of Mega Evolving it into either Mewtwo X or Mewtwo Y.
Beyond this appearance there are a few other appearances Mewtwo makes in the games, however in many of these cases such as the Ultra Space Wilds, Max Lair, Ramanas Park and under Giovanni of Team Rainbow Rocket’s command it is implied these are all Mewtwos from other dimensions. Due to this and Mirage Spots appearing in Hoenn during the events of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire it is plausible that some of the previous appearances of Mewtwo such as in Kalos (which has Mega Evolution therefore implying it exists within the same world as ORAS) could be alternate universe versions rather than the same one from Kanto. Therefore, overall it is my belief that the only absolute certainty with Mewtwo in the canon are the events on Cinnabar Island and it residing within Cerulean Cave.
Crossovers with other Smash characters: Similar to Pikachu and most other Pokémon, Mewtwo hasn’t really had any crossovers with other Smash characters outside of its series. There was a cameo of the game Mario & Wario in the Kanto games, appearing on the tv in the character Copycat’s house, but that is the closest there has been to an actual crossover. There is one unique factor to Mewtwo however. Creatures Inc was the successor to Ape Inc who were involved in the Mother series. Because of this it has been heavily speculated but I believe never outright confirmed that Mewtwo’s design was at the very least influenced by a prominent character in the series, Giygas the main antagonist of both Mother 1 and 2 (aka Earthbound Beginnings and Earthbound which Ness is from). Whilst in Earthbound Giygas has a very unique design to put it mildly, in Mother 1 he had a specific visual physical design. The main issue with this is that, from what I’ve found looking into it the only official appearance of Giygas is in sprite form in Mother 1. Due to this, how he looks is mostly down to interpretations of the sprite. The sprite for Giygas is a thin white body with what seems to be two arms and two legs that are thin like tentacles, a long tail behind him and a head with two black eyes and what look like two ears or horns that give him a bit of a feline-like appearance. Due to this there have been similarities drawn between Giygas and Mewtwo’s designs with similar proportions, a tail and the two cat-like ‘ears’ on top of their head. How true this actually is I don’t think has ever been proven or disproven, however it is a theory I see mentioned a lot so I thought at the very least I would mention it, besides there wasn’t anything else to really add into this section beyond it.
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Why this game?
The reason I went with Pokemon X and Y for Mewtwo rather than it’s debut game is because this is the game where it gains the ability to Mega Evolve as well as the capability to learn most of the moves it uses in Smash Bros. I have caught Mewtwo in playthroughs of other games later down the line such as Pokemon Yellow, but for this playthrough I decided this game was the best choice.
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My past with this Pokemon.
So, when it comes to Mewtwo and my memories of it there’s two things that come to mind almost immediately. The first is its role in the original games appearing in Cerulean Cave as the highest levelled Pokemon in the game. In a real sense despite not being a trainer, Mewtwo is the final boss of the game since it is of a higher level than any of the Champion’s Pokemon and it can only be accessed after you have become the Pokemon Champion, which in Gen 1 meant there was nothing else to face since you were now the most powerful Trainer in Kanto. Adding to that of course is that whilst the other Legendary Pokemon, the bird trio did have one or two references to them in the game, Mewtwo had a lot of books in the Pokemon Mansion visited earlier which could be read to find out about its creation and power, making it unique from any other Pokemon in the game since it was the only one and it had a backstory. The second thing I think of and I’m sure the wider public as a whole around that time think of is the movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back. I didn’t mention this in earlier sections, but when it comes to Pokemon in Super Smash Bros, honestly the anime tends to have more influence on certain aspects of their portrayal, from the voices to certain elements of the characters themselves. Mewtwo is a big example of this, it speaks seemingly through telepathy and it uses Shadow Ball, a move which appeared first in the movie before then becoming a move in the next games.
Since this is probably the Pokemon most inspired by the anime when it comes to its portrayal (although, there’s another contender for that crown later down the line) I think this is the best time for me to really delve into my history with the anime. If you are purely interested in the games I suggest you skip ahead to the My Smash Playthrough section as this is going to be the rest of this section. So in Pikachu’s entry I mentioned how I got into Pokemon after seeing a Raichu figure and getting interested. From what I remember I don’t think I saw the anime fully but I definitely knew of it before getting actually interested in the franchise. Back then I remember on Saturday mornings my Sister and I would go into our parents room and sit on the bed and we’d all watch the kids tv lineups. I remember watching a kids block over here called Diggit which had various Disney cartoons such as Recess on it. When Pokemon was first coming over I believe Pokemon actually had some episodes air on it, this was towards the end of Diggit’s run so I didn’t see many of them through that, still I remember fairly vividly the first episode I ever saw which was ‘The March of the Exeggutor Squad’. It was a filler episode although I think it was one of Charmeleon’s few appearances and I remember my Dad mocking it which made me overly defensive about it and not really want to watch anymore episodes with my parents at any rate. Still later on I believe we got Cable with the channel Sky One which would air Pokemon episodes every morning before I went to school. I believe my Cousins would come over before we went to school (my Mum would take us all in each morning as my Aunt worked in another school elsewhere) so we’d watch through the episodes together before we left. This was the era of VHS and so I believe I recorded a lot of the episodes to rewatch. Going off of memory they’d often show the episodes in order each day and go back to the first episode to restart the run when the latest episodes weren’t available. Due to this I managed to mostly watch it in order eventually from the start to the end of the Kanto season.
Now, I forget if I played the games long after I saw the anime or not but it was definitely a unique experience for me having this cartoon show that was essentially translating what happened in the games onto the screen. Before now there had been Mario Cartoons and Sonic Cartoons which I’d enjoyed but whilst they’d have elements of the games (moreso in the Mario ones than Sonic) they didn’t directly translate the story of the games into the shows like Pokemon did, so to me this was definitely the superior videogame cartoon (not that that was really a high bar looking back). I loved the anime, it showed this world with so many possibilities and all the songs and everything else just defined those years of my life to the point that hearing them again will always bring back that nostalgia (which looking back, my actual life at school at the time was probably one of my most miserable so it probably was the main positive part of it back then.) The highlight to me in the show was the Pokemon League. I’d not been really into sports, only having a very brief enjoyment of football due to the World Cup in 1998, but I soon lost interest and the fact that to a lot of people here Football was life helped kill my enjoyment even further. Either way, this tournament arc was one of my favourite things I’d seen in a cartoon. There were the battles of course but I think the stuff that stuck with me the most were the scenes of Ash preparing for the tournament and the scene of him at the stadium at night looking at the battlefield that would be used in the morning, before any battles in the tournament had taken place. It stuck with me even though I can’t remember what happened or was said, that atmosphere of being in a place that in the morning will be full of people but for now just had Ash thinking was just great to me. Another big thing with the Pokemon anime for me was it was the first time outside of Disney movies that I’d really seen a cartoon series that had emotional storylines (although, maybe the Simpsons was similar but that’s a whole other story), I don’t know if it made me cry then but I will admit there’s times I’ve looked at certain parts of the anime and it’s brought a tear to my eye definitely. Finally, and perhaps the most important and typical thing when it comes to people my age and Pokemon, it was not actually my very first anime, but it was definitely my first series. My Dad had a VHS recording a client had given him slightly before I first saw Pokemon which had Laputa Castle in the Sky on it which is my first anime and a film that holds a special place in my heart to this day. Because of this I actually was constantly thinking of that movie whenever I’d see the Pokemon anime. It wasn’t until Dragon Ball Z a couple of years later that I really started to get more of an idea of anime. Finally I guess to conclude talking about the original series, the point where I stopped was in the middle of Johto Journeys, something I think is relatable to a lot of people, even big fans of the series. I’ll come back to other parts of the anime later down the line but for now that’s the main thing I wanted to say about it.
The movie however deserves its own mention. Of course, for the sake of this post it’s important because it not only featured but defined Mewtwo for a lot of people, including arguably the Smash Bros incarnation of the Pokemon. The other important thing about it however is a somewhat interesting one to me, I’ve seen recently a video by WTP Productions about what killed Pokemon Mania and whilst not saying it was the direct cause of it, they brought up an interesting point of just how much of an influence the Pokemon Movie had on the franchise’s fortunes. With this being a film in the cinema, kids who wanted to go and see it would not usually be able to take themselves, meaning it’s the sort of thing they’d go to with their parents. Due to this it arguably had the side effect of forcing a lot of parents who arguably were already confused by what their kids were doing into having to sit through a movie that, regardless of your views on its quality, I’d say was pretty dependent on knowing at least the basic premise of Pokemon to not be completely lost with. Due to this, unlike with Disney movies that were probably more familiar to a lot of parents at the time and were most often standalone, it left a lot of parents not only more confused but probably growing sick of the franchise that just seemed stupid to many of them and on top of that they already couldn’t get away from. I personally remember at the time, there was a topical news comedy show at night I’d watch with my parents (Not really getting most of it) where one of the people on it was saying about how awful the craze was, that he had to watch the movie with his kids which was probably the worst movie of all time (which got a response from one of the others he clearly hadn’t seen “Kevin and Perry Go Large” then). Either way hearing that always stuck with me as to just how big Pokemon was since I’d never heard Nintendo referenced beyond simply calling kids videogames “their Nintendos” or perhaps a joke about someone looking like Super Mario. Either way, the point I’m making is the Movie arguably was the thing that forced a lot of the audience that really weren’t receptive to in into having to see it and perhaps it could be argued made the backlash to it go beyond annoyance into a lot of adults at the time being absolutely sick of it.
So that was the general situation with the movie, how about for me then. Well, I don’t believe I went to see Pokemon the Movie in the cinema, despite the promise of the Ancient Mew card when going. It’s entirely possible I’m misremembering but if I did go it was with my Cousins or something, still honestly due to what I said before, I think I’d have been too embarrassed to go to the cinema with my Dad to watch it, nor really any other adult. So the main thing for me was getting it on VHS (Which, I think included the Mew card but I’m not sure). I loved replaying it a lot, a lot of the music and just the general animation is nostalgic to me, despite the criticism I remember it having for looking ‘ugly’ at the time, it definitely wasn’t something amazing looking though I’ll admit. I also think it was one of those movies I watched enough that if I were to watch it again I’d probably remember the vast majority of the lines when I heard them. With that said, I think the second movie, Pokemon 2000 was probably my actual favourite Pokemon movie and of the two was the one I ended up rewatching the most and have the most fond memories of. Still I definitely remember finding Mewtwo interesting seeing as it was the only Pokemon (besides Meowth in the anime of course) who could speak. Honestly the idea of this thing being caught like a regular Pokemon felt impossible to me which would make it feel more interesting when I actually did so in the games. Anyway, beyond that I guess the only thing I want to note finally is that earlier I mentioned watching Dragon Ball Z. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t unique in this experience but when I saw the Namek Saga and Frieza entered his final transformation, Mewtwo’s design immediately came to mind, which is funny seeing as Frieza definitely came first. Beyond that, Mewtwo never overly stuck out to me in games later down the line. I really enjoyed its appearance in Pokemon Origins, a small anime miniseries based more on the games than the main Anime Series was and in which Mewtwo was a lot more like the savage powerful creature it is in the games than the highly intelligent and philosophical character from the movie, but that was really it for me when I think about the impact Mewtwo had. Overall it’s easy to think of Mewtwo as ‘overrated’ since it was always pushed so much, but really it was cool and of the original 151 filled a unique role, definitely one of my favourite Legendary Pokemon at any rate.
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My Smash Playthrough.
Currently, on my team in Pokemon Y, Mewtwo is at level 72. It has a Timid nature, is Alert to sounds, was met at the Unknown Dungeon at level 70, has the moves Recover, Confusion, Disable and Aura Sphere. It holds Mewtwonite Y which allows it to Mega Evolve. The main issue with this playthrough is that it wasn’t really a Smash Playthrough, in fact this predated the whole idea for this since it was from 2013. In this case I used my own personal playthrough file to capture various Pokemon from Super Smash Bros in preparation for the list idea. I did later do an actual playthrough for Pokemon X in which I went with a specific team related to Smash Bros, however since that’s Pokemon X the Mewtwo in that game wouldn’t be the one I intended to catch for my list as it would have Mewtwonite X instead. The main reason this honestly isn’t that big of a deal to me is because either way, unlike with other Pokemon, Mewtwo won’t really have a ‘playthrough’ as such. Even if I went with it’s original games Red and Blue or Fire Red and Leaf Green, in every appearance Mewtwo makes outside of random event distributions etc, Mewtwo is meant to be the final encounter of the game. Due to this, I didn’t have any Mewtwo on my team playing through the games, at most as with this specific Mewtwo I tried it out a bit at the Battle Chateau. Since I caught it at level 70, levelling up Mewtwo was a lot slower than if I’d gotten it at a lower level, therefore that’s why really I only managed to raise it two levels before stopping. As for the moveset, I’ll go over that more in the next section but it wasn’t until I played Ultra Moon years later I really got the hang of using heart scales and things to get the moves I wanted. So yeah, the only thing of note was catching Mewtwo which was so long ago I don’t really remember anything about it. The only thing I can say about it is that it was caught in an Ultra Ball. Normally this is something I’ve tried to avoid, however I do have a reason in this case perhaps I can excuse myself at least, which I’ll detail next.
Specific aspects about the game relating to Mewtwo in Smash.
Mewtwo’s moveset was the best attempt I could make back then to replicate it’s Smash Bros moveset. Aura Sphere stood in as a replacement for Shadow Ball, Confusion and Disable were both there, however Recover was simply a placeholder because Teleport is from what I’ve looked up only possible for Mewtwo to learn in Gen 1. Psystrike being part of Mewtwo’s Final Smash would be best to replace Recover, however the only way to learn that is getting Mewtwo to level 100, something I’ve not done in any Pokemon game before. The other part of Mewtwo’s Final Smash, being the Mega Evolved form Mewtwo Y was something I had since it was holding Mewtwonite Y. Beyond this the final aspect of Mewtwo which I mentioned in the previous section is it’s Pokeball being an Ultra Ball. Normally I try to capture every Pokemon with a regular Pokeball since in Super Smash Bros the only Pokeballs that appear are Pokeballs and later Master Balls. It would have probably made sense to have caught Mewtwo in a Master Ball, however in Mewtwo’s intro animation in Smash, unlike most Pokemon Mewtwo doesn’t actually appear out of a Pokeball. Therefore due to this, technically it doesn’t really matter what Pokeball I used as the Smash Bros version if anything is most likely meant to be a Wild Mewtwo. With that said, next time I go for a Mewtwo in a Smash playthrough, the Master Ball’s most likely what I’ll go with. Since I realise this entry isn’t that satisfying as there’s a lot of things I did with this Mewtwo that don’t match up with Smash Bros, I think it’s best to go over my plans specifically regarding Pokemon. Currently I have played through some of the games and used Pokemon on my teams with their Smash moves etc. In a regular playthrough, beyond all sorts of trading in advance etc it’s not been very often I’ve managed to actually play through the games with a perfect team based on Smash Bros. On my list following a lot of other things such as Mii costumes and items, I have the list of every Pokeball Pokemon, Pokemon who appears in a stage and Trophy Pokemon. My plan when I reach that stage is that I’m going to try and catch every single Pokemon that’s appeared in Super Smash Bros in their native region, transfer them to Pokemon Ultra Moon and get the special photo of them available when you have a Pokemon from its native region (I’ve got a screenshot in this post of a Mewtwo caught in Kanto and transferred to Ultra Moon.) I then plan to make that version specifically as close as possible to their Smash Bros incarnation. I might come back and update these posts at that time but I just want to be clear these posts are meant to be going over more the Pokemon I used in my actual playthroughs and where possible (since it didn’t happen for Mewtwo) what their journeys were as such. Anyway, that’s it pretty much for Mewtwo.
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For information on this game including dates of releases I must give credit to Bulbapedia and Serebii.
The screenshots in this post are taken by me using the screenshot feature on Nintendo Switch and in Pokemon Y.
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
FayFamFlowFoRIch For Rich Formation Flamingos 🦩
FayMenGos; Gay Gargoyle Garden’s
🧠 Esp
🧠 Psy
🧠 Scry
🧠 Spell
🧠 Invoke
🧠 Project
🧠 Séance
🧠 Enchant
🧠 Telepath
🧠 Summon
🧠 Divination
🧠 Clairvoyant
🗣️ Free The Free All 💕
24/777 (24/7)
411 Free Super Highway
ProLife99. VVV. live
“Nickname Internet Blood”
❤️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
⛑️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍒🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍓🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧨🚂🚇: Red Health Line
💄🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🌹🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐙🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐞🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🚁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🥁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
☎️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧰🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍷🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🙏🏽 Prayers & Hearts
✨ Stars & Planets
🦜 Parrot Flocks
🕷️ Spider Hives
🐝 Bee Hives
🐜 Ant Hives
🦴 Fossils
🌋 Lava
✌🏼 Victory Violins 🎻 & Irish Harps
🇮🇪 🍀 Save The Irish ☘️ 🇮🇪
🙏🏽🌎 Corey & Torey 🤲🏽🌟
🧚🏻‍♀️🧝🏽‍♂️ Elfie & Alfie 🧝🏽‍♂️🧚🏻
💚🍀 MayAnna & SueAnna 🧡🛡️
💖💪🏽 Tiffany & Trisha 🌸🌺
🤗 Hug & Honor Trees 🌳
💪🏽 Keep Strong Tools 🧰
🎶 Sing to your Keys 🔑
🌹Roses In Your Backpack 🎒
🏰 Keep Healthy Thoughts 💭
🌏 Planets & Life Schools 🏫
💁🏽 Don’t Lose to Fools 👀
Rainbow 🌈 Gothic 🖤
🌈🖤 RainVOW GOth
Straight; Gay; Bi; Trans, Lesbians
Bunnies 🐰
Bats 🦇
Black Kats 📞🐈‍⬛ 🧨 KKK 👻 gHostFoeNEss
Ladybugs 🐞
🧹🧳👙 Portfoilo Travel
🖼️💼🧳 Portfolios Travel
My commonwealth beloved tropes
anyone free to healthy pathology
My bunny 🐰 beat 🥁
My bat 🦇 eletric ⚡️ heart ❤️
My snake 🐍 coiled cords 🪢
My cat 🐈‍⬛ called cool 😎
My royal 🤴🏽 scale ⚖️ exports 🚢
My divine 💖 nature ✨ tree 🌲
My ant 🐜 pleasant 😌 protest 🪧
My bee 🐝 busy ⏰ body 🧍🏼‍♂️
My belief 💭 by relief ☺️
My flamingo 🦩 flow 🌊
My holy 👼🏽 bestow ✨
My bird 🦚 brilliant 👐🏽 I heard 👂🏽
My bird 🦚 feather 🪶 I fly 🕊️
My blue jay 🐦 to say stay free ⛅️
My praying-mantis 🪲 prayers 🙏🏽
My insect 🐞 smallest I see 👁️
My spider 🕷️ I www. WEB/spy syphite
My porcupine 🦔 quills to class-cup questions ☝🏽
My elephant 🐘 my memory 🧠 element ⚛️
My alien gray 👽 survive x-ray 🩻
My angel 😇 at best heights ⬆️ & angles 📐
My going🚶‍♂️ forever ♾️ green 💚 speakup 📣
My windy 🌬️ storm ⛈️ stories 📖 of
My victory 🥇 rebegin 🔂 reign 👑
My salute 🫡
My salutations 👋🏼
My solutions ✊🏽
My soul 👁️‍🗨️
My questions 🤨 my quests 🌍
My mighty 💪🏽 moon 🌙
My good night 🌚 💤 knight 🛡️
My sun 🌞 sacred 🛐
My rex 🦖 rapture rockets 🚀
My ghost 👻 boo book 📕
My dinosaur 🦕 to not die too sore 💀
My skunk 🦨 to base bunk 📡
My frog 🐸 to transmog ⚧️
My owl🦉to see ‘who & how’ 👀
My mouse 🐭 mystery 🧐
My cricket 🦗 cherp church ⛪️
My lion 🦁 lords
My camel 🐫 cam era 🧬
My camp 🏕️ campaign 📈
My genie 🧞‍♂️ genetic 🧬 magnetic 🧲
My bull 🐂 noble 🤴🏽 taurus ♉️
My kangaroo 🦘 can-go-around-you-&-over-kangaroo-court-contorts 🫰🏼
My doG 🐕 my OG 💯 on God original gangsta 💅🏿 mans best friend 🫂
My dragon 🐉 justice loud & proud drag 👗
My squirrel 🐿️ faster to quarrelsome
My squid 🦑 squirt 💦
My octopus 🐙 puss 😸
My tiger 🐯 growl grr 😼
My May 📅 flower 🌸 (born May 6th) 6️⃣
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Lives Life with minimal regret 🤗
Living Life quality survival war vets ⛑️
decided I loved 💕 you ever since we met 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾
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“test TIL.”
🇺🇸🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: America German England
🔵⚪️🟡: Blue, White, Yellow
🇮🇳: “blame Indian Chicken Hen Tye mix asain”
🏯: Blame any asain country ass PAN cUNtry
🪑🛏️: Red Indian Leather Jerk Pan Try Key 🔑
🪑🛏️: Red Irish blame greedy red cherrywood
🪑🛏️: African, can metal tin foil pan, star fish.
🪑🛏️🦖: Fossile Steel Sickle Foils Oils Ink
👳🏽‍♀️🕌⛽️: Blame Ass Odd Muzzle Fizzle
🌽🚌✏️: Corn KKK Kob Lore Door Knobs
🦈💉🚪: Vacuum Door Salesmen Genocides
🐢🕊️⏲️: Turdle and Dove Blender Horrors
🍎🍏🧃: Wear Down Programs, App Reels
🐺🐑🐏: Perverse Culling Cycles Genocide
🐻🐻‍❄️🐼: Bear Brothers Bully Gang
💩💰🐥: Cheap Chicken Checker Board Shit
🥖🏄🏽‍♀️🛋️ : Bread Basket Shopping Cart Box
🐓🏭🦠: Coop Co-Op Perverse Farm Cycles
🧊💉🐓🦠: Shingle Pox Chicken Pox
🧊💉🦆🦠: Shingle Bux Duck Pox
🧊💉🦢🦠: Shingle Gox Goose Pox
🧊💉🐖🦠: Shingle Swine Spawn Pig Pox
🧊💉🥤🦠: Bubble Box Soda Pox
🥾👅💩: Boot Licker Desk Maggots
🍧🍦🤡: Crazy Clown Society Shop Programs
🧻🦟🪝: Blame Italian, Asain, Count Lich
🥸🤓🤓: Rich 🤑 Extortions
🦠🐷🐹: Hamster Gerbill GerBall
🐗🦈🐬: Horror Cycles 🔁
🐿️😵‍💫🌀: Hynotis Hype Notice “Spells”
🐚🦴🥟: Deflections, Clams, Deaths
🧊🥛🥤: Death ☠️
🍢🍡🍭: Lolly Gag Stunts
🍿🍩🍭: Death Camping Murder Routes
🥄🧽🚿: Metal Laundry Washing Alchemist
🍽️🫖🍾: Murder Schemes
🦅🦉🦆: Play Dumb Perverse Sportsmanship
🍋🧀🧅: Lemon, Cheese, Onion
🥒🫒🌽: Sell “Genocide” Routes “que, olive.”
🥔🍎🌭: “pot of toes water office cooler”
🎬💿🍆: Movie “Show” “Set” CUTSCENES
💈💇🏼‍♂️🦁: Cut Scenes, Humiliation, Programs
🎤🐭🪤: Micro Mouse PC MAZE LAP TOPS
🍳🪺🧺: Bleach Brain Scrables Eggs
👟🧦🚾: Rubber, Shoes, Socks, Office Cooler
🧱🫖❄️: Throw Tea Pots, Snowglobes, Bricks
🛹🛹 🤕: Skat Skare skate Board Headache
🛷🛷 🤕: Slay Fray Dismay Speed Hate Rate
⛸️⛸️ 🤕: Ice Skate Blade Secret Assaults
⛳️⛳️ 🤕: “go off” “offline” escape to false lay
⛵️🤑🕳️ : “rift raft war raft send post broken.”
🏅🎟️🏅 : False Paper Badges, Stolen Honors
🚑🏴‍☠️🧩: Ice Fridge Clown Pirate Genocides
🩼🛵🦽: Cripple Cry Pull Mistreatments
🤿🎣🛵: Scoopa Butt Tiny Scooter Insert
🎲🎲🎲 : Gambling Horror Box Death Bets
🍯🥄🫘 : Thumbs Beans Jack Thump Spoon
⛓️🗑️🪚: Chainsaw Office Desk Profiles
🤌🏼💶🐐 : Micro Bill Escape Key Goat
🤡🃏🪪: Retard ID 🆔 Cards
🎟️🎪🎟️ : TwERL Crazy Cricket 🦗 Sir Cuss
🛖🥾🍕: Genocide Hospitals Factory Fronts
🤐🪩🦭: Sea Lie Seal Rubber Shoes Zip Mitts
📼🎄🧵 : Death Wrap Christmass Organs
⛸️🏄🏽‍♀️🛹: “skat pans, boards splitting FRAYS”
☠️🐟🪣: Blue Poison Chum Desk Buckets
🔵😰🥞: “blue bed pans down syndrums.”
🥷🏼🥷🏼🥷🏼: Keep Ninjas, Nanny, Manny, Nano
🦇🦇🦇 : Bitty Batty Cute “non Bets Binary”
💚🧡❤️ : Green Teal Orange Red Ruby
🍀🌹🎒: Brave, Bravo, Honors, Survivors
🔭🏐🎒: Telescope, Sports, Studies.
👑🐸🪙: Frog Pockets
👑🚀🪙: Space Rockets
🇮🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷: Ireland Italy France
🧡🤎🖤 : Orange Tan Brown Black
🙏🏽💧🌊 : Welsh
🙏🏽🍀 ☘️: Irish
🙏🏽🌳🌿 : Celtic
🙏🏽🧞‍♀️🧬 : Genetics Healthy Gins and Gingers
🍓🍒🍉 : Healthy Reds Fruits Vitality Life
🌈🦜🗣️ : Parrot JA MIC Speak Up Healthy
🪞🛡️🪞 : Mirror, To Each Their Own
🥝🔑🥝 : Healthy Kiwis, Key Wi, Key We
🌶️🥭🥭 : Spicy Mangos, Healthy Vitality
🍫🚎🚂 : Chocolate Bus, Public Supports
🍻🍺🍹 : IRISH PUB, Public Wealths
🍃🪢🍷 : Twine Red Wine Vineyards
📞🍇📞 : Grape Vine Life+ 411 Lines
🪀🧘🏼‍♀️🪃 : Karma Health
⚡️🗳️🪁: Eletric Key 🔑 Kite Vallet Box Vote
📞🥌☎️ : Shuffle Sand Telephone System
📞🐍🚰 : Sink Sand Ink Sir Pens
🎻🎻🎻 : Violins and Irish Harps
🖼️🕷️🎹 : Healthy Life Recorders
🧨🖤🐈‍⬛ : KKK Black Jackkk Kat
💋💄🧐 : Bio Lense Cyborg Eyes 👀 Health
🌪️👃🏽🌪️ : Two Tiny Wind Tornado Nasal Pass
🎀🍆🍬 : “mini peninsulas.”
🧍🏼🧾🪡: Puppet Tree
🦨🍄🌈: Bunk Base Buddy’s
🍹 🥃: Warm Rum War Thumbs
Brandons Health Upkeeps
Public News: 📰🏳️‍🌈🇮🇱🐰🐸
A brief environmental scan.
Environmental; Tacoma Washington
Seattle Washington
Bad News: 🤑🐁🦠🐹🦠🐓🦠
2 notes · View notes
golden-hourz · 2 months
Good evening from Johto, I'm your host..
Ethan "Gold" Hibiki! No matter your timezone, whether morning, midday, evening or night, we're coming to you live everyday for your regional wide news and talk!
Learn more about your host!
17 years old and the champion of both Kanto and Johto! As great as being a champion is, it can get boring, and from that boredom, this radio show was born!
Now, about asks.
Asks are more than welcome, but lets set sime ground rules!
NO NSFW ASKS! We want to be friendly for all ages in our audience.
Wanna be featured in the talk show? send your ask with a 🎙somewhere in it!
I also use this as personal babbles since this is a personal blog that I just wanna use to boost my radio show as well!
//It also takes 5 hours to write one radio broadcast post.. thats a lot for a daily thing so yeah.
Hey! @suyik0w0o here with another rotomblr blog! This also ties in directly with the universe that @molten-scars is in!
I am 15, no NSFW messages or asks as stated.
Most posts will be pre-written and posted around 5-6PM US New York time!
MAYBE lost silver / snow on mt silver mentions??? MAYBE... only if you guys want pokepasta mentioned.
pokepastas featuring Gold are all nightmares he has!
There will be some mentions of Silver x Gold, though not often.
Members of the Rainbow Magma discord can directly engage in the radio show! [15+] -
#radio talk <- radio related posts
#golden nuggets <- non radio related posts
#silver spoon <- silver mentions
9 notes · View notes
ink-tank · 8 months
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Forty-two hours ago a message came through over the comm, hard to decipher against the background of static: “This is Doctor Aguillard of the Earth-registered spaceship Baldr, requesting emergency medical assistance. All passengers and crew are quarantined due to an outbreak of an unidentified disease. Morbidity rate unknown. Two fatalities.” Interference from the roiling debris of the Kuiper Belt made the rest of the transmission unintelligibly choppy and distorted.
So now I'm piloting my little medical research rocket to intercept the ship. As the head of the Solar Community Communicable Disease Centre on Charon, asteroid-borne diseases are my speciality.
Zephyrius, sitting in the co-pilot chair, swivels their spherical head to look at me. The digital display the robot has for a face shows its characteristically cheery grin, despite the situation. “Doctor Forrest, we're fifteen minutes from interception. Magnifying on the viewscreen.”
In the lonely darkness here in the back end of nothing, I don't expect to see a big tourist cruise liner covered with twinkling portholes, topped with a sun-deck under glass, and with a rainbow painted across the whole length of its hull. Its engine exhausts flare purple as it speeds towards the edge of the solar system. What are they even doing all the way out here? It isn't like there's any sightseeing, and nobody's getting a tan seven billion kilometres from the sun.
“Scanning the ship's registry," Zee says. “It's got three pools, six bars, eight restaurants, and a spa.”
“All good vectors for disease transmission. People pressed up against each other in horribly moist environments.”
Zee's digital smile broadens. “No, I mean you can finally get the rest and relaxation you need, to avoid the workplace burnout you are currently hurtling towards!”
“This is a medical emergency. We're not here to have fun.”
“I only mean that you might want a dip and a dance after you quickly and effectively deal with it. After all, there's nobody more qualified than you in seventeen-hundred million kilometres.”
This is technically true, although out here it isn't saying much.
“If anyone's still alive on there.”
“It's been less than two days. Chances are good!”
0 notes
doughisaur · 1 year
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Finally, after two months of work, I am over-the-moon proud to show off something I quickly became passionate about: designing a fursona. And not just one, but two!
Over the past three years, I've surrounded myself in a new group of friends that have been so wholesome, friendly, caring, kind, just about any positive synonym you could think of. When I first met them, they were all mostly Nintendo fans, and dominantly represented themselves by Yoshis and Koopas; it actually became a running gag of how many Yoshis there were. However, as time went on, one by one members of this group were exploring new horizons, not out of requirement but by curiosity. What was a group of dinosaurs and turtles became a varied and vibrant group of animals: a duck, bunny, giraffe, crocodile, among many others. The thought never really came up for me much at all to try it myself, I was happy with what I had and I wasn't being forced to try anything else.
A couple times when the topic of furries came about, I expressed interest in trying to design a pig for myself if it was ever pushed upon me that I could no longer represent myself with a Yoshi anymore. Of course, I don't find myself in any position where that would happen, so I didn't need to think much of it. However, that changed while I was on vacation in New Mexico, staying with my boyfriend LilArrin. While in a Discord voice call with these friends, the subject of fursonas came up. While I don't remember the context, I once again shared my interest in trying to make a pig for myself. By this point in time, I had tried to sketch one out, but immediately disliked the look of it once I finished, and told myself I would come back to the idea later when I feel like I could do the idea the justice it deserves. However, I was also right next to Zergy during that call, and he heard me talk about it out loud, and even asked me about it; my response was what I gave above. Little did I know what he had in mind for me, and how far it would go.
Yesterday, I uploaded a six-panel comic that Zergy had drawn for me shortly after I had gone back home, featuring my Yoshi as a piggy, and that caused my brain to fire off like a rocket. Through the next day at work, all I could think of were ideas for this, and what else I could do, how I could draw it...   and unfortunately, what else I was interested in. I've always had an interest in pigs, at least the full pink domestic variety you'd likely see on a farm. Most of their cartoony appearances in children's books or cartoons always stuck with me, I was interested in the design and had been most of my life. I was born in the Year of the Pig. However, Zergy was interested in cows, as early as his own childhood too. Getting to stay with him, I was able to see some of his doodles, which included a couple of designs of a cow character that I really loved. That thought entered my mind that day, and the prominence of having a piggy as a fursona started to shrink, and up came a cow. These two ideas swirled and battled for dominance until I just decided...
Why not both?
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Later on, Zergy makes an attempt to give me a visual of a cow fursona for me, using the pig's body. This process just kept me going and wanting to really nail down what I wanted, and knowing it could be accomplished on the same canvas, I spent almost all of August sketching the two furries you see above: a cow, and a pig. I'm so proud to show these off, I've become really happy with both of their designs and what they mean to me...as well as what they've already given me!
My Yoshi is also not being retired or demoted, he is still the face of me and my main representation. However, in the event that he can't be used or is not preferred, I offer a cow form and a pig form for him to turn into. Accomplished by the power of the Rainbow Scale, it transfers down to the tail of the latter two when he turns into something else. Therefore, these three are not separate characters or beings but are the one. Each of them have "code names" to them, sorta like project files. The Yoshi is known as Cookie, the cow is Milkshake, and the pig is Mochi, but these are all me: Kyle! However, in contradiction, I think it might be best for me to retract those later on and just keep my real name as a form of addressing, with my nickname being Cookie (I seriously love being called this).
Once again, these are not individuals but the same person in a different form. They all share similar details about each other: same hair color, eye color, skin and body color, and the presence of a rainbow somewhere on the body. Originating on the Yoshi, the Rainbow Scale allows forms to be "saved" to it and allows Cookie to swap between others at will. When he transforms into a cow or pig, for example, that transitions to his tail. However, this is also falling in line with Cookie's Softie nature and the ability to manipulate his body either by choice or not. As such, that portion of the body can be humorously yoinked off of him and taken away. Without it, Cookie cannot return to his Yoshi form, nor can he turn into other forms as a Yoshi.
Additionally, because he can be easily flattened, inflated or otherwise, using the Rainbow Scale to turn into other forms doesn't help him out of being misshapen. All three forms use the exact same color palette and feature clothing and outfits that are mostly interchangeable between the three. All of them wear the same circular glasses, can wear the same neckerchief with Royal Emblem pin, have a smartwatch worn on the left wrist and wear the simple Yoshi boots...which somehow stretch and grow for the cow and pig because they are bigger than the Yoshi!
In time, I plan to make new, individual references for all three forms, since the Yoshi portion reuses older art and all three have new and updated outfits that I'd like to show off, and I think it's important to show off details of each. I also think I might end up redoing this reference as well as I feel it could be better laid out and provide more details. In the end, I'm super excited to have these here and I hope you all like it too! This is a new chapter for me and one I'm excited to embark on with all my friends! 🍪🐮🐷
0 notes