#and realizing what the logical answer of the identity of the being under the cloak who led them would be
morethansky · 5 months
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The TBB finale posits that Echo is a foil to Darth Vader, and I am eating it up! Hear me out.
The doors open on Echo. The doors close on Vader. Past the threshold in both scenes lie the dead bodies of their enemies, who belong to the two key opposing factions of this era. Vader wreaks havoc on the rebels on behalf of the Empire. Echo wreaks havoc on the Empire's stormtroopers on behalf of his rebel cell.
Echo walks toward us, and in the following scene, he bends down to retrieve a weapon. Vader walks toward us, and in the next scene (at least in the trailer), the Inquisitors, who are his weapons, bend down to kneel before him.
Anakin was a hero in the war, risking his life by leading his clone battalion from the front to help them make it through. Then he was put under the thrall of the Sith. When that happened, he killed his own people—the Jedi.
Echo was a hero in the war, risking his life in hopes of helping the Jedi escape the Citadel. Then he was put under the thrall of the Techno Union and the Separatists. When that happened, he caused the deaths of his own people—the clones.
Anakin lost his right arm in a feat of reckless courage, when he rushed ahead to take on Dooku alone (Obi-Wan: "No, Anakin, no!"). Echo lost his right arm in a feat of reckless courage, when he rushed ahead to fight the commando droids alone (Fives: "Echo! Look out!"). Vader and Echo are also two of the characters who have suffered the most extreme bodily harm and survived.
Anakin had a slave chip put in him when he was a baby. Echo had an inhibitor chip put in him when he was a baby. Echo was eventually liberated. Anakin spent the majority of his life enslaved.
Vader recruits and trains the Inquisitorius, which includes Jedi children he tortures into serving the Empire. Echo recruits clones for his rebel cell, and trains a clone child who, inspired by his teachings, joins the fight against the Empire.
At the end of Vader's story, he does a good deed by ruining Palpatine's plans, and dies. At the end of Echo's story (for now, I pray), he does a good deed by ruining Palpatine's plans—and lives.
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tarithenurse · 3 years
In the eyes
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Uchiha Itachi x fem!reader Content: Feels. Angst. Loss. Love. Reference to killing (war and murder). Captivity. Sorrow. Hope. Anger. You name it, it’s there. A/N: I just want to say in my defence that this story isn’t my fault. Blame @maladaptive-ninja-returns​...it’s her birthday present (yes, I’m late)!
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In the eyes
The steam is long gone together with your interest in the drink when you drain the cup of tea as the black-haired man gets up to leave. The cape hides what he’s missing – if only it was his leg instead – that way you wouldn’t have to keep the distance to the bare minimum, constantly risking him discovering that you’re following him. It doesn’t help to complain, though: he’s alive and mobile...and you have to watch your every move.
Volunteering for the assignment has probably been one of the more masochistic choices you’ve made, but you just couldn’t let the last Uchiha go yet.
For years, watching the kid grow older had kept a wound alive that no one knew about. It festered, saturating you with a sickening, rotten, sadness that never washed off but wasn’t detected by your peers. You should have let it heal. Should have moved on. But there had always been something keeping you from accepting what everyone else had decided must be true.
You weren’t the only one dealing with grief, of course. The life of a Leaf ninja was to say goodbye too soon and then to live with the numbing ache, renewed each time memories stirred.
Before the fourth war, the newfangled gossip of the dead returning was treated as ghost stories by most people until the climax of it all, when too many stood face to face with loved ones. Lost ones. And you were too weak to prevent the hope from being rekindled, so once peace was a reality and all the shinobis prepared to celebrate in the chaotic haze of the aftermath, you made a decision.
That is why, three seconds after the door closes behind Uchiha Sasuke, you get up...
...and sit right down again to avoid pressing against the sharp blade of the person suddenly appearing beside you.
The newcomer’s face is hidden partially under the wide-rimmed hat and the rest behind a dark and tattered cloak. Glancing down, a hand with purple-painted nails slips the kunai into the darkness of the cloak, leaving you with the knowledge that it’s there.
There’s no doubt in your mind that this is a shinobi. Where did you come from? Admittedly, there are others frequenting the little tea house because it’s a popular stop at a major crossroads...even if it mainly services those without national affiliations. None of the rest of the clientele reacts to the scene unfolding discreetly and you have no wish to catch their attention before you know what and who you’re dealing with.
“What do you want?”
It takes a second before you realize the question isn’t asked by you. Another one to recover from the smooth dusk that is the stranger’s voice. A voice with a hint of familiarity in the timbre which you decide must be your mind playing games.
“Nothing. I’m no enemy of yours,” you try to placate them, silently counting the seconds worth of head start separating you from Sasuke, “and I hold nothing of value...you should let me go.”
The tickle of a laugh surprises you. “If I’d wanted your possessions, they’d already be mine. I want answers, Konoha-girl.”
The headband you carry is hidden under your clothes, well out of sight from any prying eyes. Finally giving up on stalking your initial target, you turn your undivided attention to the person who has seated them-self before you.
The little skin you can see is pale, and a few black strands have escaped the slack ponytail and fallen in front of the face where only chin and jawline is visible. As if knowing your annoyance, the head is tipped slightly, allowing you to glimpse soft, gently smiling lips. Kissable. The thought jars you.
“I recommend you give up that wish.” No one should be able to hear the nervousness in your voice...but the stranger smirks. “My business is my own.”
“Not when it involves him,” they says, inclining the hat towards the door where Uchiha left.
You’re out to get him? You almost feel sorry for this fool who clearly doesn’t have a clue about the one-armed ninja’s identity.
“Don’t be mistaken,” the person smiles as if reading your thoughts, “I know who he is and what he’s capable of, after all...he’s my brother.”
Calmly meeting your gaze, the eyes meeting you flash red.
“Don’t look an Uchiha in the eyes”. It was the warning that was whispered into your ears as soon as you were big enough to run errands on your own. Naturally, you had to do it, and what met you was not as demonic as the warning stories had made you think – rather, they were kind, and wiser than the smooth face hinted at – although you never looked another Uchiha in the eyes just to be on the safe side.
It was impossible to discern the colour. Some days, they seemed leaden as if the rain clouds were gathered inside the boy too. A few times, in the morning when he watched where his fists struck the wood, the sparks from the cozy fire of the evening before still lingered in the warmest of black. What you loved the most, though, was when the gaze was locked onto infinity and they were soft like liquid.
Everything is different: the stuffy tea room with its noisy patrons has been replaced by somewhere deserted that seems to be carved out of grey stone.
How did I get here? Careful to move as little as possible, you take in the new surroundings only to find the place empty and with only one way in and out. A dull cold has already seeped into your feet as you stand there, lost as your bearings have nothing to latch on to – the only light is a torch in a wall sconce to your left.
Feet. They are bare, and a quick pat-down reveals that all of your weapons, your belt, and your headband have been stripped from you too. The sensation is uncanny, akin to nakedness. The logic behind it is obvious as it reduces the chances of a successful escape even if you were to make it out and establish a route.
On the other hand: you’re unharmed and unbound.
Turning, you have no doubt that the wooden door is locked but of course you go over to try, heart frozen near your throat when you push against it with your shoulder. Surprisingly, it does open and the screaming hinges sets the tiniest hairs on your body on end.
“Not wasting any time, Konoha-girl.”
You recognize the voice and the decorated nails on the hand that appears to pull open the door completely, and not just from the rest stop but from years of aching recollections that have been warped by watching Sasuke grow up with this man’s shadow lingering over his life. Over your life.
No. There’s no way. He died. Now your heart jackhammers a frenzied rhythm.
It’s a fool’s hope that powers the jab towards his neck. An idiot’s dream urging you to sprint past him. At least I tried, a bitter thought comments the moment both attempts are thwarted as a rib-crushing kick sends your tumbling backwards and you land sprawled in the middle of the room.
The ceiling is still spinning, it seems, when you sense the man’s presence loom over you. The fingers are cool (and surprisingly gentle) as the curl around the back of your skull, fingers digging into your hair to grant a tight grip to pull you closer by. Very close. A hand’s length separates the tips of your noses and you want to be oblivious to the way his mouth curves softly.
“You’re not leaving,” he whispers, “until I say so.”
Feeling and strength are beginning to return to your arms, including a sharp ache in your chest that grows with every shallow breath which you try to ignore. Should have restrained me, fool...and the thought dies there as everything shifts and the ground swallows your limbs.
“N-no...how...? No!”
He watches your struggles lazily before releasing his grip and sitting down next to you on the hard floor. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
But you did. Wait...no! You haven’t...it wasn’t you...it can’t have been...
“You lie about your identity,” you scoff, regretting the outburst immediately as pain stabs coldly into your side, “so excuse me for not trusting you on this either.” There is a little smile there on his lips, full of sadness and regret that makes your insides cringe momentarily until you have the breath to explain to him (or yourself) why it can’t be true: “Uchiha Itachi has been killed!”
“Yes...and then I was brought back.” He’s impossibly calm as though he’s simply discussing the weather. “Twice.”
Double reanimated? As if! The war had been a horror to live through and would have been without people facing their deceased comrades and family members on the battlefield. However, once destroyed or sealed, none of the animated dead had walked again and all of them had been dealt with properly in the end.
Looking at the ninja, none of the signs of reanimation are prominent. On the other hand...even if they had been, you might not even notice it now that you meet the man’s gaze and the liquid infinity there.
“I could show you...but I’m afraid your mind can’t take the strain in your current state,” the so-called Itachi explains.
Mind, your aching heart still reels from fear of being broken once more, this is all in my mind.
Zoning out everything else, you focus on the flow of chakra within. Calming it, soothing it, until abruptly forcing the flow to revert. It feels as if your very soul drops for a second but the moment it returns to its place, the world is no longer made up of lies and imaginary sensations...and you’re still lying on the ground in a room made of stone, your ribs feeling as if they’re speared by frost. The only improvement is that at least your limbs are free.
And Itachi? Yes, you have to call him that because deep within you can’t deny it any longer.
The official reports hadn’t been released by the time you left Konoha and you’re not high enough up in the ranks as a shinobi to get the juicy information unless it’s necessary for a mission – and since your missions tend to be B or simpler A rank...well, I guess my current mission’s a bust but this is an important discovery!
A silky chuckle refocuses your attention. “Very good...I suppose I must strengthen my genjutsu against you.”
He’s so close, you could touch him. Shifting to lean against the wall, he rests his arms casually on the knees and begins to pick at the chapping nail polish.
“No need to,” you bite back a groan as you roll over to sit up, “I take it that’s how you got me here?” Pretty eyes are watching your every move as he nods in agreement. “Hm. It’ll probably be useless to ask where we are, so...why? Why show yourself now?”
Sitting cross legged, you find the pain lessens if you pull your clothes and arms tightly around your torso, restricting the depth of your breathing. Broken or bent ribs? Not that it really matters. First of all, he would be able to beat you in a fight anyways; secondly, even if you got out of here you wouldn’t know where “here” is; and third (but not least), you don’t really want to run from him.
Rather than answer, Itachi stands up and holds out his left hand for you. Puzzled, you take it. Soft fingers curl around yours and he pulls you to your feet, studying your movements and the twisting facial expressions.
He doesn’t let go.
Not when he guides you out the door and into a hallway shaped of the same kind of stone as the room was made of. Carved from.
Not when he slows down at the sound of the squeaky breathing the pace forces from you.
There doesn’t seem to be many rooms along the winding path. Here and there a door bars the way or you catch a glimpse of a dead-end that looks as though the excavation was abandoned or even disrupted by cave-ins.
You do your best to memorize the path, but frankly, your mind is getting fuzzy from pain and exhaustion. You have no sense of time, just hunger and tiredness weighing you down to indicate the loss of many hours.
“Just a bit longer, [Y/N],” Itachi soothes.
When did I tell him my name? You want to ask or at least protest, but it would be a choice between talking or getting to wherever he’s leading you...and you doubt he’ll let you pause.
A few dozen steps later and a short flight of stairs up, he ushers you through a door into a room that looks like a mix between a kitchen and work station. A fire is the only light and heat source (the smoke venting up through a chimney too narrow to be an escape route), casting a warm glow over the solid wooden table and chairs. Everything else is hewn from whatever mountain you’re inside.
“Sit,” your captor finally releases the grip and points at a chair near the fire and you obediently do as you’re told.
There are shelves and niches almost hidden in the dancing shadows at first holding with boxes, bundles, and various utensils. He knows where everything is, grabbing a few items before returning and laying it out in the light. Bandages. His movements are fluid and elegant, just like you remembered.
He motions towards your upper body, then turns to tend to the fire. “Strip.”
“That’s really not -”
“Some of your ribs are broken. Restraining them will minimize the pain.”
He’s right. Of course he is.
With clipped movements, you pull off the layers until you hesitate at the poor excuse of a bra. Despite the now roaring fire, the cold from the stone still seeps into your body and raises waves of goosebumps and tightens your nipples. It would be easier to apply the bandages correctly without the last bit of clothing in the way, but right now it feels like the only shield left at your disposal as Itachi turns back to you.
“We’ll work around that,” the man offers softly.
He works quietly at first. Hands winding the linen bandages around you adeptly, pausing each time the ministration intensifies the pain and causes the discomfort to escape as stubborn hisses. The purple nail polish is mesmerizing – simultaneously a contrast to the horrific stories of a killer and perfectly fitting the pretty, nearly feminine, traits you see. Especially the eyes. Sure, they’re filled with a bottomless sadness that you don’t feel comfortable acknowledging, but they’re beautiful. Haunting.
“You’re staring,” he hums without looking up.
Shit. “No. I just -...let’s say you’re who you claim to be,” you try to recover, “why’re you back?”
“To be his watcher.”
“Says who?”
This time, he stops and looks you dead in the eyes. “Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths.” There are very few proper comebacks to that, so your captor continues without giving you a chance to think of something, “Otsutsuki told me about the bonds of families and that it can transcend blood. He knows hatred can cause – and has caused – too much harm...but something rekindled his hope that it can be overcome.“
I don’t have an eye on Uchiha constantly, but... “Does Sasuke know?” Returning to his work, Itachi avoids your gaze. “He doesn’t...”
“He’s finally found peace and is on the right path...I can’t risk undoing it.”
Bullshit! “Or you’re a coward who doesn’t have the guts to fa-” the rest is cut off as soft fingers tighten around your throat.
Blood-red eyes pierce your mind, numbing you for an eternity or a millisecond.
They were a means to reach the goal but their words still hurt as you followed meekly in their footsteps. Snobbery. Disdain. Considering how proud your two team members clearly felt, they had very little to show for their reputation as Uchihas and frankly, it was your skills rather than theirs that ensured successful missions and still, you never once looked them in their face. Instead, you kept an eye out for two other of the clan.
Where one was, so would the other be. Thick as thieves, the boys had found a companionship that complemented their differences in the same manner as the sun and the moon. But as opposed to your teammates who swooned at the brightness of the sun, you were drawn to the night and the calmness it brought whenever that boy was near – each time he met your eyes, time became meaningless.
The two of you sit in silence as the steam from the soup caresses your face. Your mind is blank, slowly starting to pick up on the absence of stone walls – wood has replaced the cold surfaces, making it almost unbearably warm with the bandages underneath your layers of clothes – and a plethora of questions begin to press against your conscious only to be held back as most of your thoughts get derailed whenever you look at the man before you.
Without the hat and cloak to conceal him, it’s impossible to ignore all the details you’ve nurtured in your memory for ages, such as the slight pull of his lips as he thinks or the elegance of his movements now that he gets up and refills his bowl from the pot hanging over the fire.
“Why are you following Sasuke?”
You should be diplomatic. “I could ask you the same.” You’re not.
“I already told you,” Itachi shrugs.
“Well I...I don’t believe you.”
But you do. There’s no denying anymore that this man is who he claims to be and so, why would he lie about his purpose? The sad smile. The quiet mannerisms. The idea that Itachi would somehow transcend death to watch over his little brother? That’s a mysterious intricacy that fits with your memories of him from before that night.
“You do...but something else is bothering you.” It’s a statement, not a question. “Am I not what you expected?”
No, you’re not. However, he’s what you remember with a layer of sorrow added on top. He doesn’t get to be sad. The little spark of anger is what you need. You nurse it, feed it until it flares up hot and bright and consumes your regrets and self-pity.
“Expected? I don’t know what I expected from someone like you!” Your voice is rising, shaking with years of frustration. “Clan killer. Murderer. I never told anyone but I was in love with an Uchiha! That night, I’d gone to bed, finally sure that I was gonna tell him but when I woke up...” Something inside you had broken that day and it still hurts now. “They told me how you’d left Sasuke alive...but the boy I loved was gone and no one knew I was mourning. Each time I saw him -” you can’t hold back a strangled sound and you realize, you’re crying -”I saw the ghost of...” The bowl of floating vegetables looks blurry until you blink angrily. “Ugh! But what does a teenager know of love, right? They’ll grow up. Get over it. Except I knew you were out there still and that you had all the answers. Why? The Itachi I remember wasn’t a mindless monster! I was told a story, but it doesn’t make any sense. If all the monster wanted was power then why spare Sasuke? Why did everyone else have to die?”
The inhalations are shallow and rapid, making you dizzy as you cling to the table and the spoon. It burns in your lungs and cheeks.
“I am sorry for the pain, I’ve caused you.”
Your gaze snaps to his face and you know he’s speaking the truth but it doesn’t matter right now.
“Sorry? Sorry?! You don’t get to be sorry! I missed y-...the boy, I loved was gone and it took ages before I could let go and stop mourning, finally accepting the truth had died with you and now...now you’re here? And it’s all back and I don’t understand! How could you?” Itachi doesn’t flinch as you launch the bowl towards him – he doesn’t have to because your aim is off and it clatters to the floor in a shower of shards and wasted food after hitting the wall behind him. “How? The boy I loved was not a monster! He wouldn’t do what they s-”
The echoes of your wheezing shouts ring through the room after the abrupt stop. Holding your breath, you wait for the ground to swallow you whole or for the man at the other end of the table to react and the fear is colder than the burning in your chest.
“Things aren’t always what they seem,” Itachi eventually whispers, “they were just people who had been wronged and misguided until their arrogance made them blind.”
What? That’s not exactly what you had expected. Without explaining further, your captor gets up, handing you his bowl of food before beginning to clean the mess you’ve made.
“Don’t...I’ll get tha-” you begin.
He only has to look at you.
The dew had soaked your toes, cooling and soothing them after each kick that you landed on the wood stump. Pine. The new splinters refreshed the scent as they fell to the ground and you knew that birds would rummage through them in the hope of finding a morning snack once the training grounds were free of people again – they were already gathering at the edge of the clearing except for where Itachi stood.
The realization made you stop mid-kick, gaze locked with his and heart fluttering in your chest. How long had he stood there?
“They’re wrong.” You could barely believe he was talking to you. “Your teammates...don’t listen to what they say.”
Before you could ask what he meant, Itachi was gone and maybe it had all been your imagination running free.
Sitting up abruptly, it takes a few seconds for your eyes to get used to the low light of the dying embers. Where am I?
Salt and drying seaweed is heavy in the air, somehow worming its way into what appears to be yet another room of stone. No...it’s a cave. You’re sitting on a bedroll splayed out onto the sand filling the place and you have no memory of arriving.
The dark form on the other side of the fire pit makes no move as you slip a hand underneath your shirt to confirm what you already know: the bandages are gone and there’s only a muted tenderness as you prod at the ribs. How long has it been?
“You’re safe,” Itachi’s gentle voice assures, and you feel your pulse slow despite the ominous situation, “go back to sleep.”
Yes. Sleep...hang on! Shaking your head, you fight the urge to succumb to the fuzziness that weighs your thoughts. “Why’re you doing this?” you mumble.
It doesn’t make sense why the man wouldn’t simply get the answers he want and then dispose of you or at the very least leave you locked up somewhere while he keeps following Sasuke from the shadows. Instead, your captor has put an effort into keeping you comfortable. Feeding you.
“I remember you.” His eyes reflect the red coals as they burn into your soul all over again. “Memories don’t do your justice, though.”
There is no world beyond the walls of the garden but a red sheet of sky dotted with storm clouds. The sliding doors have been pushed aside, opening the hallway to the view, and you know the wood beneath your bare feet should be silky from decades of use. You can’t feel it. There are no scents either, no breeze to toy with the soft fabric of your yukata, nor insects clicking from the rhododendron.
“This isn’t real.”
“No,” Itachi confirms from behind you, “but here I can create what you need. Who you need.”
Turning at last, there’s no reason to shy away from meeting his gaze even if it matches the fake sky. He looks real – as opposed to the familiarity of the home of your childhood that surrounds the two of you – and the ghost of a smile kindly tries to hide the sadness.
“...need. For what?”
The black strands falling into his face are strangely dull in the nightmarish light. “Closure.”
“That’s not possible.”
Wanting to leave, to run away and avoid what Itachi intends, you find yourself rooted in place by an invisible force. Even turning your face away is impossible and you pray that he doesn’t understand the well of emotions he must be able to see in your eyes.
“This is a chance for you to say goodbye to the one I killed. The one you...love,” he pauses to scrutinize your expression and you try to remain neutral, “because you do. You still love him.”
“You have no right...” swallowing hard, you fight to keep the words back, “no right t-to claim to know what I need!” Finally, you manage to close your eyes but they snap open again at the touch of his fingertips on your forehead. “This isn’t something you get to fix like -”
The world has shifted again and you’re back in the ocean side cave. You can feel how uneven the sand is under your knees and shins even with the bedroll to soften the press and some some the grains have found their way in between your toes...but none of that matters because Itachi is still right before you, his fingers gently resting on your brow.
A pop-and-crackle from the fire pit is the only sound other than your shallow breathing. You know, he knows. Eyes widened in nigh-comedic understanding, it’s as if he sees you for the first time.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
You barely manage to whisper, “for what?”
His fingertips send shivers along your spine as they trace a path, allowing him to cradle the back of your neck in his palm.
“Everything” Itachi’s lips brush your cheek, “for breaking your heart in so many ways and for making you think your love was unrequited.”
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miguel-manbemel · 5 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 28: A Side is Born Part 3: The Dark Truth about Patton
New entry of this fic inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg Team. The story goes on. After the angsty end of the previous part, it’s time to dive back into the past and learn all the secrets in Patton’s life. Like in previous parts, the beginning is a reminder of the most important segments of the previous episode. I hope you enjoy this new entry and see ya next week.
SYNOPSIS: After discovering the truth about his real father, Virgil is in shock and it’s hard for him to accept it. Patton, now that his memories haven been restored, gets ready to tell them everything about his past, from Thomas’ conception itself and the very creation of the Mind Palace, and how the Dark Master managed to become Virgil’s father.
WARNINGS: Angst featured in the episode. Romantic prinxiety and logicality, visual depictment of the aftermath of physical mistreatment to Virgil in the past.
[Roman is writing in his diary, his voice is heard and his narration is combined with flashback images from the previous episode]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: So many things have happened yesterday that I don’t know if I’ll be able to make a summary in these few pages. Virgil and I had our first son, Thomas’ Side of Angsty Creativity and we named him Chris. Then a few hours later…
PATTON: Who’s that boy?
VIRGIL: It’s Chris, dad. Your grandson.
ROMAN: He has just aged three years in a matter of a second and we don’t know how.
LOGAN: Oh, wow… I didn’t expect that…
NARRATOR-ROMAN: It didn’t stop there, though. It was in front of our very eyes that he grew again until he looked like a twelve year old. I was so excited about it, that I decided to take him to Sandersia, because I wanted him to meet my brother Roland and Ira before he turned into an adult. And so we went there. They reacted just as I expected.
CHRIS: Well, my name is Christian Gerard Sanders. And I’m the Side of Angsty Creativity. But you can call me Chris.
ROLAND: Angsty… Creativity?
IRA: Hold on, weren’t those two concepts assigned to Virgil and you earlier? [face of realization and shock, then he smiles widely] Oh! Oh, my goodness, I get it! Congratulations, Roman!
ROLAND: What? What’s the matter?
IRA: Don’t you see? This boy is the son of Virgil and Roman! Angsty Creativity!
ROLAND: Oh, my goodness! How…? When…? Congratulations, guys!
[Roland and Ira hug Roman and Virgil, then they also give a quick hug to Chris]
ROLAND: I should have paid more attention. Of course he’s your son. His shield his a mix of both your insignias. I’m so happy to meet you, young man.
CHRIS: I’m happy to meet you too, uncle Roland.
ROLAND: Oh, that’s right. This boy is my nephew. And as your son… he’s the new heir to the throne of Sandersia!
NARRATOR-ROMAN: And just in front of them, Chris completed his growth and became an adult. It was all fun and games… until things suddenly and unexpectedly turned really, really bad. A force-field appeared around Chris.
CHRIS: What gives!?
[the door opens and the Dark Master enters in, wearing a black cloak with silver ornaments on the shoulders and the hood. The dark bubble flies next to him with Chris inside]
THOMAS: You again? How many times do we have to defeat you, boy?
DARK MASTER: Long time no see, Light Master.
ROMAN: [pulling out his samurai sword] Release our son! Right now!
DARK MASTER: Release him? Oh, sure, I will release him, as soon as I’m done with him.
VIRGIL: If you touch just one hair of him, I swear…
DARK MASTER: Oh, don’t worry emo, I’m not going to harm him. I need him in one piece for my plans.
VIRGIL: [progressively angrier and more hysterical as he speaks] What plans? What are you going to do to him? Let him go, you bast**!
DARK MASTER: Let him go? After all the time I’ve been waiting for one of his kind to appear? Never.
PATTON: What’s so special about him? I don’t understand.
DARK MASTER: [giggles evilly] I certainly did a good job with you, Patton.
DARK MASTER: Erasing your memories was so easy. It wasn’t a perfect work, but nevertheless it worked. You wouldn’t even try to get your memories back. You just got contented and started behaving like the stupid father figure you are right now.
PATTON: I don’t understand…
VIRGIL: Neither do I, but I don’t care! Release him!
DARK MASTER: It’s your only fault that I’m taking your son right now, Virgil! You brought this onto him!
DARK MASTER: The original plan was to take you instead of him. You were born for that only reason. But you had to escape to the Light Realm and ruin everything.
VIRGIL: What would you know about my birth?
DARK MASTER: Oh, everything. I know everything about it. I even had you in my arms not long after you were born. You looked so tiny, so vulnerable. So suitable. You just needed to grow until you were mature enough. But Patton had to be a goody daddy and the Light Master had to ruin it all!
THOMAS: Me? What…?
VIRGIL: What is he talking about, dad?
PATTON: [confused] I promise I don’t know, kiddo. I don’t remember…
DARK MASTER: Perhaps I can help with that.
[The Dark Master points at Patton. A light blue sphere appears on his hand]
DARK MASTER: This, on my hand, are your stolen memories. You’re no longer a worthy enemy, so I won’t be needing them anymore, and I need to make room for… another procedure. Here, take them back.
[the light-blue ball is projected at light-speed and impacts into Patton’s head, making him walk two steps back. The light enters inside Patton’s head, who holds his head with both hands and groans as if he was suffering the worst headache ever, as if his head was about to explode right there.]
VIRGIL: [scared] Dad!
LOGAN: Patton!
[in a few moments, Patton adopts a serene face. He stops holding his head and looks fiercely at the Dark Master]
PATTON: [serious deep voice, never heard before from him] Now I remember… everything.
DARK MASTER: Good. Then now you know it all. How does it feel? Please, tell me that it hurts you, it would be so rewarding for me.
PATTON: Yes, I remember. Yes, it hurts. And no, you won’t get away with your plans.
DARK MASTER: [evil voice] I challenge you to stop me. If you want to find me, you know where to look for me… sweetie.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: And so, the Dark Master fled away, taking our son with him. Later, Patton confessed the truth he had forgotten long ago, a truth no one could have prepared us to hear.
VIRGIL: Dad, you are my father. Nothing you could have ever done could be so bad that I couldn’t forgive it.
PATTON: You don’t know the truth yet, son. Once you know, you won’t be able to say that again with conviction.
VIRGIL: Then tell me dad, to prove you that you’re wrong. What is that truth that is so unforgivable?
[Patton sighs]
PATTON: The truth about who your father is.
VIRGIL: You are my father, what do you mean?
PATTON: I mean your other father.
VIRGIL: My other father? You remember now his identity? Who is he?
PATTON: You already know him too well. You’ve lived with him for years in the Dark Realm. You lived under his yoke and his tyranny for many years, and I couldn’t save you, may God forgive me.
[Virgil looks at Patton. A grimace of horror slowly starts appearing]
VIRGIL: No… that’s not true… that’s impossible!
PATTON: Yes. As painful as it is for me to admit it, but it’s true. The Dark Master is your father.
VIRGIL: [progressively more hysterical as he speaks] I can’t believe you! He can’t be my father! He can’t! If he was my father, he would have never treated me the way he did in the Dark Realm! He would have never taken my son away from me! It’s impossible! No! I refuse to believe you! You’re a liar! You’re no better than Deceit!
ROMAN: [holding him by the shoulders and shaking him] Virgil, calm down! You know he would never lie to you, especially in a matter so serious!
[Virgil sits down. He can’t look Patton in the face]
PATTON: [sad] See? I told you you would hate me.
[Virgil doesn’t answer. He just stares at the infinity, with rivers of tears running down his cheeks, in complete silence]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: And this is how we ended in this situation. Thomas had to go to sleep because he couldn’t face the Dark Master if he wasn’t well rested, and we needed a good rest too. Now, it’s morning. Thomas is in the bathroom having a quick shower. He never was a morning shower person, but he thought that maybe that could help him open his mind and think on some plan. When he’s ready, we’ll start thinking about what to do. I’m worried about Virgil, though. When I woke up, I found him awake, looking at the ceiling, still crying. If I could have resisted Thomas’ slumber as he can, I would have probably done the same too. It’s funny how much you can get to love a son at first sight. Even when it’s been literally a few hours since we met him, I think we could never live again without him. I pray that it’s not too late to save him.
[intro sequence]
[Thomas and the Sides are in the dining room, finishing their breakfast. Deceit and Honesty have joined them and have already been informed about everything during the meal. Virgil just stared at his plate not able to take a bite.]
ROMAN: Virgil, my love, please. You haven’t eaten anything. Do you think you’ll be of any help for our son if you let yourself starve?
[Virgil looks at Roman]
VIRGIL: Why should I eat? Why should I be here clowning around with you in this stupid… social gathering, when my son probably is suffering the worst of horrors and I’m not there to help him? He probably hasn’t eaten anything either! Why should I!?
PATTON: Virgil, please. Roman is right. You’re not gonna help Chris with that attitude.
VIRGIL: Leave me alone, Patton! I’m not in the mood for one of your daddy lectures!
[Patton shows a face of hurt over being called Patton instead of dad for the first time in months. He overcomes this sensation to show a firm scolding voice]
PATTON: Well it looks like you need one and you’re gonna have it!
VIRGIL: [yelling, angry] How dare you!? You have no right to speak to me after what you told me yesterday! In fact, I shouldn’t be here altogether! You all are doing nothing but hindering me! I should go get my son back on my own! Maybe I will!
[Patton rises up, with a face full of ferocious anger but also with his eyes full of tears]
PATTON: [yelling] Hold up for a second! I may not be a perfect person by any means, and you have a right to be mad at me, but in spite of that, I’m still your father and demand some respect, both to me and to all of us! I know you’re having a horrible time. Probably the worst time you will ever experience in your life, but that doesn’t give you the right to mistreat us like that! We’re not the enemy! We’re your fam and we’re here to help you! So hold your tongue, mister!
[Virgil looks at Patton without saying a word]
PATTON: [with a softer voice] Virgil, please, react. You must get out of that state you’re into. If not for us, do it for Chris. He needs you strong, both of will and of body. Grab any strength you have left in yourself and fight against your grief, so that you can get into the battle that awaits all of us. We’re gonna need you, so, please, I beg you, listen to me.
[Virgil looks at his plate still full. He needs a few seconds to start speaking]
VIRGIL: I… I’m sorry, dad. I’m sorry, guys. It’s just that… this is all too much for me to overcome.
PATTON: Would you let me hug you, please? I think we both need it at this point.
[Virgil looks at Patton, then he stands up and hugs him. He starts crying on his shoulder for a whole minute, while the others look at them without saying a word. Then, when Patton releases Virgil, he kisses him on the forehead before they both sit down]
DECEIT: It hurts me so bad to see you like this, Virge. I wish I could have been there to help you.
HONESTY: Me too.
VIRGIL: Thank you, guys. You wouldn’t have been able to do anything, like we weren’t, but I deeply appreciate the sentiment. I apologize again for my rude behavior. I hope you know I didn’t mean what I said.
DECEIT: It’s okay, Virge. We understand.
THOMAS: Now, before we start a plan of action, we need to understand everything. So, Patton, yesterday you promised that you would explain everything to us. I think the moment has come, if you’re ready.
PATTON: I am ready, Thomas, and you’re right, the moment has come. I’m gonna tell you everything that happened. It’s been 30 years…
THOMAS: Oh, we don’t need all the details, just stick with whatever you can remember…
PATTON: Do you wanna hear this or not, Thomas? Or would you like to watch Titanic instead, since you like that meme so much?
THOMAS: Sorry.
DECEIT: Oof… I’m not accustomed to see Patton so salty.
PATTON: As I was saying, it’s been 30 years ago, but for me it was like yesterday.
THOMAS: But I was a baby back then. You mean that you were already there by that time?
PATTON: I was there even before you were born, Thomas.
THOMAS: What? But how? I don’t understand…
PATTON: Let me explain. When a human starts having a cognitive system mature enough, something that happens around the second trimester of their development during pregnancy, if their brainwaves are compatible, like yours are, a Mind Palace dimension appears linked to these brainwaves.
LOGAN: It is so weird hearing Patton use that technical language. I am the one who is supposed to speak like that…
PATTON: That Mind Palace initially consists of a Core, which is a huge source of light, bright as the sun but safe too look at, where every trait, every aspect, everything that the human has ever been or will ever be is stored in raw form… I can see in your faces that you don’t understand me. I’m sorry, there are no words to describe it in any human language. Not even if you saw it for yourselves you could begin to understand what it is. And around that Core, when human development is advanced enough, the first room ever in the Mind Palace is generated, the Mind Palace Center. It is a bright silvery room with three double doors, one made of gold, one made of two huge solid slabs of diamond that is transparent but shines like a rainbow, and a third one made of hard coal and ebony. In front of each door there’s a pedestal, and there, from the Core itself, two Masters are born. The Light Master is born in front of the diamond door, and the Dark Master in front of the coal door. Then, a third entity is born in the third pedestal in front of the golden door. It is a Side, but a Side stronger than any other Side that would ever come later on. The Side of Raw Feelings and Right and Wrong. You could call it… a Master Side.
ROMAN: Is that… you?
PATTON: That’s right, that’s me, although now I’m not stronger than anyone of you, by any means. I was the first Side to be born and my task in that tiny Mind Palace that existed back then was to act – and I’m sorry I keep using your kind of speech, Logan – as an input/output device of feelings for Thomas. I analyzed the stimuli that arrived from Thomas’ surroundings and classified them as good or bad, and then sent them to the Masters for further analysis and classification. Then they sent me their results and I sent a response to the outside world for each original stimulus. The more stimuli I sent to one or the other, the bigger the Light Realm or the Dark Realm became, which as you, Thomas, may have deducted, were hidden behind their respective doors. As a result, the Mind Palace started growing around the Center, paralleling your mind growing during the beginning of your existence. Equilibrium was the norm back then and I tried to keep it as much as I could. And it worked, for the first two years or so of your existence. Until I made the mistake that started all this mess we’re facing right now.
VIRGIL: What do you mean?
PATTON: My life was pretty simple back then, so simple it became monotonous, and pure routine. You may say that I had a lot of stimuli from the outside world and that should have been exciting, but it wasn’t, cause back then I couldn’t understand what I received or sent and therefore it meant nothing to me. And I never got out of the Mind Palace Center except to sleep at night in my room behind my door and then wake up for another day just like the one before, again and again. And even though I was in constant contact with the Masters, this contact was really superficial. We did not get to have conversations with each other that were not related to our work. Monotony lead to boredom and boredom lead to longing. I didn’t know what I was longing for, I only knew that I longed for it. And the Dark Master knew about my feelings. He had also started longing for something: power, even back then when there was not much to fight for in the Mind Palace, but he wanted to take control of it. And he decided to use me as a tool for his plot. And so, he started to speak to me. Not trivial boring conversations like before, but more deep conversations. He got interested on me, on my work, and how did I do everything. And I obliged, I talked about my job, the tasks I had to do, stuff like that. He didn’t miss an opportunity to compliment me, to tell me how much he admired me, how much talent I had. And I got flattered and happy. Suddenly my longing had found an answer. And slowly but surely, he seduced me, until I fell in love with him.
VIRGIL: You and the Dark Master…? Wait, I suddenly remembered that you already told me he’s my father, so this question is stupid, sorry.
PATTON: Yes, Virgil. He acted so sweet, so kind… and I was so vulnerable, so naive back then, even more than recently… that one day I could no longer resist and completely surrendered myself to him. It was only one time, but it was enough. What happened next was fast, just as fast as it was for you, Virge. Even so, I was conscious from the start that a new life was growing inside of me. And it was then when the Dark Master showed his true face. He believed that he had me in his arms, that out of love, I would do anything he asked from me. He told me that he wanted to take control of the Mind Palace, and that if I helped him, I could be in charge by his Side. I refused, cause I knew it was wrong and breaking the equilibrium in the Mind Palace could create disastrous consequences for Thomas’ well-being. He fled away, for the time being, and I told the Light Master everything that had happened.
THOMAS: You talked… to me?
PATTON: No, Thomas. Back then, the Light Master was a complete entity of his own, just like the Dark Master and me, and he had his own consciousness. You were, and always have been, the Mind Palace itself as a whole.
THOMAS: I don’t get it.
PATTON: Every human is a Mind Palace. Almost anyone can wander into their mind when they need it or when reality, for one reason or another, is harsh on them and they need an escape route. But a few chosen ones, the very few in this world who share a specific pattern of brainwaves, can do what you do. You can physically wander into your own Mind Palace. That’s why we, the Sanders Sides, exist and can interact with you. But your capacity is strong enough so that you can completely tear off the veil between the Mind Palace and reality. That’s why we have a physical presence in this world and you can get objects in and out of the Mind Palace. Someone of us strong enough could even detach himself from you if he gathered powerful enough, like the Dark Master tried to do a while ago, although it would have disastrous consequences for you as you already know. That’s something extremely rare, though. It’s a unique ability the one you hold Thomas. It can be terrifying sometimes, but it’s beautiful nonetheless.
THOMAS: Yes, I agree. I never asked for this to happen. It just came to me as I child and I accepted it naturally. It’s true that sometimes I’ve experienced fear, and there was that one time you mentioned when my own life was endangered, but still, I would never trade off this ability. Everything I may go through is worth it, if it allows me to keep sharing your company, guys… But we are diverting. Please, continue, Patton.
PATTON: As it happened to you, Virgil, my pregnancy ran fast and it was soon that I went into labor. The Light Master was there to help me deliver you. He identified you as the Light Side of Vigilance, and so I named you Virgil. I’m sure you’re going to understand the next I’m going to say, Virge, now that you’re a father yourself. I loved you so much from the very first moment I looked into your eyes and you returned a little giggle to me. I still love you just the same today, and even when my memories got stolen from me, that wasn’t enough to break that bond of love we’ve always shared. That always was, and will always be, unbreakable, at least on my part.
VIRGIL: On my part too, dad. I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise earlier. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
PATTON: [petting Virgil’s cheek] It’s okay, I know, son. Around half an hour after you were born, the Dark Master returned. He asked me once again to join him in his plans. But I don’t think I can make justice just by telling you aloud. Roman, can you conjure a flashback from my memories?
ROMAN: I think so. Hold my hand and we’ll do it.
PATTON: Thank you.
[Patton holds Roman’s hand, and a flashback appears]
DARK MASTER: Patton, I’ll give you a second chance to think. Join me.
PATTON: Never. You cheated on me, and I will never forgive you for that.
DARK MASTER: Fine then. Then, give me my son and we’ll do it on our own.
PATTON: Are you nuts? Do you think I’m gonna give my Virgil to someone like you? Never!
DARK MASTER: He’s my son too and I have the same right…!
PATTON: You don’t have a right for anything! I will never let you corrupt my son to be like you!
DARK MASTER: Corrupt? Don’t you think that corruption is already present in his heart from the moment he was born? I’m his father! He has my essence in him! It’s part of him and there’s nothing you can do about it!
PATTON: You’re his father, unfortunately, but the Light Master has already told me that Virgil is a Light Side, and he will stay with me. I will educate him in love and compassion and you would only give him pain and horror. You’re not good enough to be his father and I will never allow it!
DARK MASTER: I’m afraid you didn’t understand one thing. I’m not asking you for permission to take my son with me. I’m commanding you!
PATTON: Then that’s a command that I will never fulfill!
DARK MASTER: As if you had a choice…
[The Dark Master points at Patton, and he gets paralyzed]
PATTON: I… I can’t move! Let me go! Don’t you dare!
DARK MASTER: Do you want to see proof of how much my son looks like me? Just watch.
[The Dark Master points at Virgil and shoots a black ball to the baby. The baby floats from Patton’s arms and a dark aura forms around him, while Virgil starts desperately crying]
PATTON: [distressed] Stop! Give him back right now! What have you done to him!
DARK MASTER: [grabbing Virgil] I’m sure if the Light Master checked Virgil right now, he would get to a very different result. Now Virgil is a Dark Side, the Dark Side of Anxiety and Fear, and he’s mine now! He’s too little yet to be useful, but he will grow, and when he grows… you’ll see. For now, off to the Dark Realm with you, my child. Your education will start soon.
[the Dark Master summons Virgil away]
PATTON: [yelling in despair] You bast**! Give me my son back, right now!
DARK MASTER: You should have accepted my offer. You could have ruled by my side and educated the child as your own. Now you’re gonna pay the consequences of your mistake.
[the Dark Master points at Patton and shoots a black ray to his forehead. Patton groans in pain as blue light starts coming out of his head running through the black ray. It starts forming a light blue ball of light on the Dark Master’s hand]
PATTON: What are you doing!? Stop it!
DARK MASTER: I’m getting your entire memories out of you. When I’m done, you will only be an empty casket and you will obey my will as my puppet. With my son’s abilities, one day, I’ll overthrow the Light Master and this whole Mind Palace will be mine!
[Patton doesn’t answer anymore, as he has fainted. Suddenly a rainbow thunderbolt hits the Dark Master and makes him fall. The black ray disappears and Patton falls to the ground, but the Dark Master still holds the light-blue ball of light with what he’s been able to extract from Patton’s mind. He hides it under his cloak. The Light Master appears]
LIGHT MASTER: What have you done to Patton, and where is Virgil!?
DARK MASTER: Virgil is out of your reach, Light Master. And Patton is of no use for anyone right now. After what I’ve done to him, he’ll never be the same again.
LIGHT MASTER: Why do you have to do this? You’re disrupting Thomas’ personality towards evil! You’re breaking the equilibrium!
DARK MASTER: To the f*** with equilibrium! I don’t need you or that stupid Patton. I’m more than capable enough to be Thomas on my own, and I will be!
LIGHT MASTER: Not if I can do anything about it!
[The Light Master shoots from his hand a white ray of light to the Dark Master in an attack so quick that the Dark Master can’t even see it coming. The light soon disappears, but the Dark Master seems unaffected. However, he soon finds out he can’t move]
DARK MASTER: What’s this? What have you done to me?
LIGHT MASTER: Consider yourself lucky that you’re needed for Thomas to keep on living. From this day on, I banish you from the Mind Palace Center and the Light Realm. You will no longer be able to come here, and you will never be able to get out of the Dark Realm.
DARK MASTER: [already starting to sink down slowly] This is not the end, Light Master, it’s only the beginning. Virgil is already in my possession and when he’s strong enough, we together will be powerful enough to overthrow you, and then the Mind Palace will be mine!
LIGHT MASTER: That’s what you think. If and when the moment comes, the Light Sides that will surely come will defeat you, no matter how hard you try. Now, begone!
[The Dark Master sinks down with an evil laughter]
LIGHT MASTER: [leaning towards Patton] Patton, are you okay? Can you hear me?
[Patton wakes up. He looks at the Light Masters and smiles at him]
PATTON: Oh, hello kiddo! How may I help you?
PATTON: Yes, because I’m Dad, and my mission as pop is to pop out whenever you need me to take care of you!
LIGHT MASTER: [speaking to himself in a theater whisper] This is the work of the Dark Master. He couldn’t take all of his memories from him but he took enough for him to forget everything about Virgil. However, there must be traces on his mind that remind him somehow that he’s a dad, although he doesn’t know who his son is, so the hole in his mind is filled by acting like a dad with whomever he befriends. Well, perhaps it’s better this way. It would be a worthless pain for him if I told him the truth about his stolen son. If only I could get to the Dark Realm and bring him back… But I guess there’s only one thing I can do.
PATTON: Did you say something there? Secrets, secrets are no fun!
LIGHT MASTER: [helping Patton stand up] It was nothing, Patton. Now, listen. I want you to go to your room in the Light Realm and wait there.
PATTON: My room? But we never use the Light Realm rooms, they’re too far away from here and our rooms here are more convenient. Don’t we have a lot of work to do? You, me, and… [stops to think] that’s odd… I think there was another one, but I can’t put my finger on who they are…? Well, maybe it’s just me imagining things.
LIGHT MASTER: Yeah, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now, listen to me, Patton. I will be gone soon and I want you to welcome the first Side that is about to come. Tell him the basics of the Mind Palace and Thomas.
PATTON: The first Side?
LIGHT MASTER: Yes, I can sense that the moment of his arrival is approaching. Thomas has already started learning how to speak, and with that, imagination and creativity will make an entrance in the Mind Palace. When he arrives, I want you to tell him everything about the Mind Palace and how it works. Tell him… [makes a pause, then takes a deep breath and continues] tell him also that Thomas is the Light Master.
PATTON: But you are the Light Master, kiddo. What are you talking about?
LIGHT MASTER: I’m going to fuse with the Mind Palace Core, so I’m not misspeaking. I’m gonna be a part of Thomas so, he’s gonna be the Light Master.
PATTON: [suddenly sad and scared] But why? Why are you leaving me alone? Did I do something wrong?
LIGHT MASTER: [waving his hands quickly] No, no, no, of course not! I’m doing this for you. I cannot tell you the reason behind it for now. But there will be a time when you will understand. And I promise that you won’t be alone in the Mind Palace for long. Until then… [the Light Master kisses Patton on the forehead and continues speaking with a slightly emotional tone] know that I appreciate you very much, and that I’ll always be there with you. Just look at Thomas and you’ll see me as part of him, always taking care of you. But don’t let him know until he’s ready to bare the burden of being the Light Master. Now, go to your room, Patton. Farewell.
LIGHT MASTER: Farewell, Patton.
PATTON: Farewell, Light Master. I love you.
LIGHT MASTER: I love you too.
[Patton sinks down in tears, then the flashback ends]
PATTON: That was the last time I saw the Light Master. I presume he fused with the Mind Palace Core as soon as I left, and as such he is part of you now, Thomas. I didn’t understand why he did that back then. Now I know that, to assure that the combined forces of the Dark Master and Virgil wouldn’t be powerful enough to overthrow him, he fused with the Core so that you could defeat him if battle arose. In the end, Virgil ran away before the Dark Master was ready to fulfill his plans, but still, his sacrifice was not in vain, as now you’re gonna have to face him for real, Thomas, and the Light Master power is gonna be vital to defeat him.
ROMAN: Wait… I suddenly remembered something. When I first came to life in the Mind Palace, someone approached me, welcomed me and talked to me about how the Light Master was Thomas… something I didn’t understand at all back then. But he didn’t look like you at all. He was this venerable man dressed in an all gray tunic with light blue sapphire ornaments on the shoulders, not even wearing glasses… And now that I think about it, I never saw him again, and it happened so early in my life that I ended up forgetting him until your story brought him back from the bottom of my memories. Are you telling me that this strange man was you all the time, Patton?
PATTON: It was me, Roman. Only that in my original form. I noticed that you pictured me in the flashback with my present outfit but in reality I looked like you saw me as a child. After I delivered my message, I retired to my room, feasting on the memories that Thomas was creating in his life, delighting on them, and learning about the outer world and preparing myself for my new task in Thomas’ life, which was going to be helping him to distinguish between right and wrong. However, I still had this idea stuck in my mind of being a dad, and so, when I finally thought myself ready, I took the shape of a father figure when I first came out, when you had that first moral dilemma about if it was right or wrong having a crush for some other boy at school, remember?
THOMAS: Yes, it was the first discussion I had with multiple Sides to work out an issue. It was Roman and you, and he didn’t recognize you. I remember that Roman back then still looked like a child like me but you already looked like an adult from your very first appearance. You said that you wanted to represent an adult with an inner child inside, but now I understand the truth. You never were an ordinary Side. You were something else entirely. You had been an adult all of your life, but you came to that explanation yourself because there were too many holes in your memory and that’s the best you could come up with, am I right?
PATTON: Yes… you’re right. Okay, Virgil. Now you know the whole story. What do you think?
VIRGIL: After all you have told me today… I see it crystal clear.
VIRGIL: I only have one father and that is you, dad. The Dark Master may have put his seed onto you so that you could have me but being a father is much more than leaving your DNA. What really makes a father is the amount of love he’s willing to share with his child, how he would put himself in all sorts of dangers to protect his son. How he would even sacrifice his life if needed be to save his boy. Now I’m a father myself and I know this very well. The Dark Master only conceived me and took me so that he could use me as a tool for his plans. He didn’t care at all about my well-being. Wanna see what he did to me instead? Take a look.
[Virgil unzips his hoodie. Underneath, he’s still not wearing his shirt as he forgot to put it back on after pregnancy forced him to take it away for being too tight. He turns back and lowers the hoodie down, showing his back. Patton and the others are horrified when they notice the numerous huge, deep scars of whipping that fill the whole of Virgil’s back. Deceit and Ira just sigh as they also suffered the Dark Master’s methods and know very well these scars because they have them too. Virgil puts the hoodie on and looks at Patton, whose eyes are red and full of tears.]
VIRGIL: He mistreated me, beat me and filled me with fear. He called it respect, I call it apprehension to his presence. And this was only in the few years I was there, before I ran away to the Light Realm. I can’t even imagine what Deceit and Ira had to go through, trapped with him till adulthood. No, he behaved in the totally opposite way a father should behave. [grabs Patton’s hands] You, on the contrary, cared about me from the very first moment I was born. You loved me and wanted to take care of me from the beginning. And if that monster hadn’t wiped out your memories about my existence, I’m certain you would have moved heaven and earth to rescue me from his claws back to the safety you wanted to provide me. Heck, even when you didn’t remember me, your first instincts when you saw me again were to fill me with the love you couldn’t give me in the past few years and being a father for me. As true as my eye-bags are covered with black makeup, [titters] even if little watery now perhaps, you, Patton Sanders, are my father and no one else. And I love you so much.
[Virgil hugs Patton who hugs Virgil back. Thomas can’t help crying out of emotion]
PATTON: I love you too, Virgil. And I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you. I’m so sorry…
VIRGIL: Dad… why don’t you call me kiddo anymore? You haven’t used the word “kiddo” since your memories were restored.
PATTON: Well, you’re a grown-up adult with a child of you own. How could I call you kiddo?
VIRGIL: I don’t care, dad. I told you before that I’ll always be your kiddo. I want you to call me kiddo until my teeth fall down and my hair goes white. And I don’t want you to stop delivering your dad jokes. They always made my day a thousand times brighter, even if I never told you so. And I need your light in my life in this moment of darkness.
THOMAS: He speaks for all of us, Patton. We don’t want to lose the happy, adorable father you were for all of us. When this is all over and we all have reasons to be happy again, we also want to be called kiddo and hear your dad jokes. Only if you want to, though. We’ll understand if you think otherwise.
[Patton makes a pause, then he sighs and speaks]
PATTON: To be honest, I don’t want to lose that either. Right now I’m currently pretending again, pretending I’m no longer the “child” I used to be, repressing any and all dad jokes that I come up with. It’s just that… [hesitates before going on] I feel that I behave like that because of the Dark Master. I would have never been such a manchild if it wasn’t for that. I think going on with that personality is gonna be delightful for the Dark Master, and I don’t wanna give him that satisfaction anymore.
VIRGIL: To the he… [bleep] with the Dark Master! You must do whatever makes you happy. And if it makes your family happy too, all the better!
LOGAN: You know I never liked the dad jokes and the puns… but I don’t want them gone at the expense of you repressing yourself to an unhealthy amount. You come first, and my own stupid comedy tastes don’t matter at all.
PATTON: I think you’re right… kiddos. [determined, returning to his traditional attitude] You’re completely right! I don’t wanna hold it back and I’m not gonna do it for just a stupid… ex! Kiddos, your happy papi Patton is back to stay!
ROMAN: That’s the spirit! I’m proud of you!
VIRGIL: Okay, now, back to the present. What are we gonna do to rescue Chris? Dad, the Dark Master said you knew where to find him.
PATTON: Yes, kiddo, I know.
VIRGIL: Well, where is it?
PATTON: It’s gonna be a dangerous trip, guys, because we’re going to a place I haven’t gone to since 30 years ago. We’re going back to where it all began, back to the Mind Palace Center.
[a sign reads “To be continued, guys, gals and non binary pals”]
[end card]
[Remus appears in the middle of the room, standing on top of the table]
REMUS: Oh, hello, everyone!
ROMAN: Remus, you’re late.
REMUS: Oh, I know. It’s just that I’m not used to be so much sought-after. You know, usually you want to get rid of me and such.
ROMAN: Well, you could have come earlier. We’re on a crisis.
REMUS: Welcome to my world. What crisis?
ROMAN: Our son has been stolen away.
REMUS: [suddenly serious and concerned, jumping off the table and approaching Roman] What!? What happened!? Who’s taken him!? I’ll beat the sh** out of whomever dares to harm him!
ROMAN: This was… unexpected. I didn’t realize Chris meant so much to you.
REMUS: Of course he does! He’s my nephew, and if anyone touches him, the next thing he’s gonna touch is this mace, with his head and several times! Now tell me what happened.
PATTON: Guys, there’s no time. We need to get moving right now.
ROMAN: We’ll better get going. I’ll tell you on the way, brother.
REMUS: I love when you call me brother.
[The gang gets out of the room on their way back to the Mind Palace]
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deafchild2000 · 5 years
Hope Mikaelson Imagine: Hope's Twin sister, Harmony.
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Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson
Phoebe Tonkins as Hayley Marshall
Danielle Rose Russell as Hope Andrea Mikaelson
Laneya Grace as Harmony Eve Mikaelson
Everything is pretty much canon all the way up to season 5 of TO.
Hope and Harmony are fraternal twins, both gorgeous like their mother, but each taking after their perspective parents.
Both are powerful tribrids in their own right.
Hope was born 2 minutes before Harmony, making her the first born.
Basically, everything that happened in The Originals still happened, but add in a second child.
For reasons unknown, when Hayley was kidnapped and gave birth, everyone was shocked to see her deliver a second baby girl, completely undetected in the womb. Hayley still dies and the witches just see this as double the sacrifice.
After Marcel rescues the twins from both witches and werewolves, he makes a comment on how he started humming a jazz tune to keep them calm and the second twin started to cry along to the music, saying they were creating the perfect Harmony.
Klaus: Harmony...(stares at his daughters before holding the first twin).
Amongst planning their next move after learning how the witches and werewolves are gunning for the twins, Hayley suggests they send them away until it's safe for them to return. Before they sent them away, Klaus and Hayley discussed names, leading their firstborn to be named Hope Andrea Mikaelson (for she would be the hope of the Mikaelson family and lead the beautiful life Hayley was unable to have as a Labonair) and their second-born to be named Harmony Eve Mikaelson (musical reference from Marcel, the foreseeable peace in the Mikaelson family, and named after Eve, the late untriggered Crescent wolf Hayley befriended who helped her learn more of her family heritage before her untimely death.)
Fast forward to season 2, when the twins return to New Orleans, Ester's surprise of Harmony existence leads her to believe that while Hope id the firstborn, Harmony's use magic in the womb, cloaking herself for the 9 months, thus leading Ester to believe Dahlia wouldn't just take Hope, but her sister too, for she was possibly more powerful than her sister. Luckily, Klaus's master plan saves the girls, while cursing Hayley and her pack for testing to take them away from him.
Season 3 and 4 are skipped ahead with the Mikaelson sibling living with pieces if the Hollow inside them.
Fast forward to season 5, in which both Hope and Harmony are 15. Despite the limited time she had with her father, she never brought in the the "All-powerful Witches" pitch Klaus and her family were selling, unlike her sister. To her, results are reflected by actions and after she and her sister were both possessed by the Hollow, she was almost afraid the practice magic for a time due to fear of misuse.
Harmony's personality is similar to her sister, but a stark contrast. While they both known for their good hearts and generosity:
Harmony is surprisingly Empathetic to Klaus's absence. When it comes to her feelings on her father's absence, she's a lot more understanding why most of her family had to stay away from her and her sister. Being partially possessed by the Hollow as a child left something dark behind, and as learning her family wonderful and horrible past, leaves leaves Harmony somewhat content with the idea it would never touch her again.
Takes after both her parents in Sarcasm
Unlike her sister, Harmony has no problem making friends in the Salvatore school, bordering a friendship to Josie.
Harmony never does anything impulsively without thinking of the consequences. And considering her whole life was started with a serious of impulsive actions, she finds no harm in thinking things through and seeing a rational side.
If Hope is Daddy's Little Girl, then Harmony is Mama's Girl. Hayley loves both of her girls, but Harmony stays by her side the most. She considers Hayley her role model and likes to believe she's invincible.
Harmony is crazy for knowledge. She loves learning new spells and, if possible, applying them to her hobbies.
Harmony takes a loving to music just as much as painting. Living in New Orleans has given her a love for colors and jazz music and applying them to music.
Where Hope is more easily capable of Forgiveness after being wronged , Harmony can hold a grudge. Because Harmony is extremely loyal to those deemed worthy, she doesn't just trust anyone.
Out of the two, Harmony's rage is worse than Hope's. Due to her magic and her fierce loyalty to loved ones, Harmony's anger is silent as it grows, making her keen to a timebomb that detonated when she chooses.
For all their bonds, Harmony is NOT afraid of Hope and doesn't hesitate to call her out on her actions, especially when she becomes restless for their father.
Taking in Harmony's personality, season 5 went like this:
Harmony was truly unaware that Hope was dealing in her blood until she gets expelled. Which pretty much leads to Harmony yelling at her for being so thoughtless about her identity as they were both were attending school under "Hope and Harmony Marshall" for their own protection, a similar scolding Hayley uses against Hope upon suspension.
Harmony, upon hearing that Hayley was missing, nearly killed herself upon teleporting herself from Virginia to New Orleans, where she found herself reunited with Klaus, who was less than pleased at his daughter's dangerous actions but understands her reasoning.
While both are worried for Hayley, Harmony feels suspicious when she realizes that their mother's disappearance and father's return was almost perfect timing, and doesn't help when Roman pops in, breaking into their home and getting closer to her sister.
Harmony loses it on Hope when she learns what she did to Hayley. Saying that she's completely become selfish, thoughtless and undeserving of their Mother's love, which Hope replies that she does, but Harmony quickly relays you don't play a dangerous game of "Would You Rather?" with the ones that love you the most. As pissed as she is, agrees to help her find and undo the cloaking spell on Hayley.
In regards to triggering their respective werewolf curses, Harmony states that her odds of actually triggering regards to whether or not it's out of self defense. It's her only consolation if she does kill someone. She also tells Hope she doesn't HAVE to activate it and just be comfortable being a witch. She also adds in how their parents have almost painless transformations, so it might not be so bad if it comes to it.
Once again, Hope and Harmony argue when she learns that Hope tried to bind her wolf side. Harmony, having extended knowledge about the ritual as it was done on Klaus, tries to tells her it's not worth it and that being a werewolf was a lineage inherited from both their parents, therefore shouldn't be thrown away because of fear.
When Hope and Roman run away from the Salvatore school, Harmony uses a spell that inadvertly leads her to the truth of who really has Hayley, causing her to follow in pursuit of her sister. When she finds them, she's too late as Hayley was reduced to just a vampire and in anger, helps Hope snap Roman's neck and rescue Hayley. Realizing that their mother could burn in the sun, Harmony starts thinking of spells to solve it when Hayley tells the girls to run, as the Purists will stop at nothing and they can reunite the Factions one day. However, before they can escape, Greta knocks them out.
When they awake and learn that Hayley was dead, Harmony distanced herself and left the room. She decided that since their mother's death was all Hope's fault, she wanted nothing to do with her anymore. She tries to argue this at her mother's funeral parade, but Freya convinces her and Hope to just keep up the appearance of grieving sisters/daughters. When the Nightwalkers show up, it's Hope's anger and pure Fury on Harmony's part that they destroy vans filled with purist vampires for disrupting Hayley's funeral. It becomes too much for Harmony when Hope yells at their dad's astral projection for not coming to the wake and yells at her, telling her that she everything that has happened was her fault due to her wanting answers to why Klaus ignored her and disregarding that Hayley was all they had until her selfish choices costed them their mother. Hope cries and yells in admittance that her sister is right and that she feels just as responsible and that Harmony isn't telling her anything she doesn't already feel. At the Bayou upon Hayley's burning, the sisters try to set aside their difference in saying goodbye to Hayley, resulting in Harmony taking her mother's moss agate necklace in remembrance (and after lowkey noticing Hope eyeing it, thus taking it first).
Harmony did not want to help Hope trap the Mikaelson siblings is the Chamber de Chasse to take and share an intake of the Hollow. For starters, she didn't want to touch the darkness it left behind inside her and it would defeat the purpose Hope's lesson on why meddling was bad enough. Hope rationalizes that if seeing this as a further punishment for her involvement if Hayley's death convinces her enough, then it won't be a problem. Conflicted as she's still angry but doesn't want that spirit to overtake her twin completely, she helps extract the Hollow and they split it.
Regarding Elijah's role in Hayley's death, from what she was told, unlike Hope, she doesn't blame him as she logically states how could he had helped someone he had no memory of knowing. She knew he was compelled to forget everyone for their safety and felt through the spell that, like Hope, he's just as tormented as with grief and guilt as she is. However, the Hollow is causing duress on both of them as it never stops talking and drives them insane. Realizing that what settles the Hollow is violence (from Hope clawing at Elijah magically and Harmony magically throwing her across the room at his defense), Klaus offers to help them. But upon realizing that they don't want to hurt him, Klaus brings them someone they do want to hurt: Roman.
Locking him in a dungeon in chains, Harmony watches in silence as Hope reels into him what they took from them in Hayley: Their best friend, grandmother of their children, and loving mother. However, as Hope is unable to kill him, Harmony steps in and magically brands him, inciting that, she'll never forgive him and ensures that branding be a permanent reminder of his actions as well as it burning him whenever Harmony's nearby. Both girls let him live. Later on, with the help of Antoinette and Elijah, the twins unleash a powerful pain affliction spell (with the Hollow's help) upon the remaining Purist vampires, killing them all. However, they soon learn that a human had been amongst them, thus activating their curses. It was Pastor Bill.
Klaus discovers that the Hollow is killing both of them, thus needing help from Davina and Carolina's twins to help safe them.
Upon their near death experience, they're reunited with Hayley, who tells them she's at Peace and forgives Hope. Harmony retorts that she'll never deserve it, which Hayley quickly shuts her down and says that they need to forgive each other as they only have each other for siblings, essentially asking her to forgive her as she knows she still loves her. Harmony can't, only able to tell her mother and Hope that while she can move on from her death, forgiveness isn't something she can grant Hope. She jokes about doing it in a few centuries before they return to the Land of the Living. They are able to at least ignore their problems at their Aunt Freya's wedding.
The night of their first Full Moon, Klaus helps them into the woods as they go through their first transformations. The Saltzman twins end up extracting the Hollow and the Mikaelson twins turn wolves, White and Gold respectively.
Upon learning that Klaus intends to die with the Hollow inside him, Hope is despairing that she'll be an orphan at 15. Harmony ridicules as she's not the only one who'll suffer, admitting that despite missing Klaus for years like her twin, she preferred to make the best of it with their mom. Harmony tells her while she agrees that nearly everything that's happened is almost the Perfect Punishment for the firstborn witch, she still loves her and that she'll lose just as much as she had regardless. Hope finally understands where her sister's anger comes from, as she truly had disregarded Harmony's wishes and feelings countless times for her own self pity and apologizes, which she accepts, even if it's not enough.
During the last goodbye dinner, Hope promises Klaus she'll make him proud and he and Harmony have a heart to heart, stating that while she is the vengefulness to her sister's mercifulness, he told her how surprised he was to learn she existed, as if a second chance to respond happily to a surprise pregnancy and though both twins share qualities from their parents, he tells her in confidence that she will be the of Harmony to emerge from years of chaos he and his family left behind. He's proud of her, mostly for keeping faith in him even when her sister didn't and sticking by her side regardless of her own pain.
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Bloodbond - Chapter Two
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Part two of my entry for @ts-storytime!!
Chapter Summary: With no one else to turn to, Roman goes to the Royal Librarian's son, Logan, for answers. But he — and the demon he dragged along — might not like the answer he gives.
Warnings: blood/injuries, self-deprecating thoughts
pairings: pre-established logicality, eventual prinxiety
Read on A03
{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 }
art by @pattykrabbies {here} and @vdkstar {here}!!!
(cover by @vdkstar <3)
“I warned you Roman, time and time again, and yet you refused to hear me through that vexatious veil of stupid self-confidence of yours. Casting a spell that you’ve only half translated is dangerous. And now look at the mess you’ve caused!” Logan shook his head angrily as he lectured Logan, his eyes flashing with anger behind his glasses. “And now I suppose you’re going to ask me to clean this up?”
“No!” Roman protested, jumping to his feet. The sudden movement activated the invisible “rope” between them, and the demon was yanked forward, stumbling away from the wall with a muttered swear. Roman sucked in a deep, annoyed breath. “...yes,” he admitted, after a moment of silence.
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, setting his cup down on the table. “Why am I even friends with you?” he asked as he turned and walked back up the stairs, presumably to grab one of his many books.
“... because you love me?” Roman offered, and was met with charged, angry silence. He sighed dramatically, falling back down into his chair and running a hand through his hair. Patton smiled sympathetically, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Don’t worry, kiddo, I’m sure Lo will think of something! You’ll both be back home in no time.” With that, he turned to the demon lingering in the corner of the sitting room. The demon’s face was dark as he worried the hem of his tattered cloak, glancing between Patton and Roman as though afraid either might attack.
But Patton wasn’t one for attacking. “Hello! I’m Patton, but you can call me Pat. What’s your name?”
There was a moment of awkward silence, thick enough that Roman wouldn’t have been able to cut it with the sharpest of swords. The demon glanced around himself, as though wondering if Patton was even talking to him.
“It’s… I…” He floundered uncertainly, his face scrunched up like he was unused to being treated with kindness. Roman watched the scene play out with one eyebrow raised, glancing between Patton and the demon, the corner of his mouth quirking up into an amused smile.
“Pat, it’s a demon. You don’t have to be nice to it,” Roman pointed out flippantly. Patton gasped, offended, and fixed Roman with his patented Dad Glare.
“Roman! I’m surprised at you! Everyone deserves kindness.” He held his glare for a moment longer before turning to smile warmly at the demon in the corner, who was looking very conflicted, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in a little ‘o’ of surprise. He fidgeted with his hands, lowering his gaze.
“You… uh… you can call me Anxiety,” the demon — Anxiety — said, his tone quiet. Roman scoffed at the unusual name and Anxiety glared, his wings shifting beneath his cloak.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Anxiety. And I’m sure —” Patton shot another look at Roman. “— that Roman feels the same. Right, kiddo?”
“Uh. Yes, it’s absolutely grand to meet you.” He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm.
“It’s… ni — uh, okay meeting you too.” Anxiety paused, regarding Roman with narrowed eyes. “Well, most of you.”
Roman gasped, offended, as Logan walked back into the room, struggling under the weight of a heavy, dusty tome bound in ancient-looking dragon skin. He dropped it on the table with a dramatic flourish that Roman would have been proud of, had he not feared the answer he knew he was about to get.
“This particular kind of magic is incredibly rare,” he began, adjusting his glasses as he sat and flipped open the book. A cloud of dust puffed up as he turned the pages, and Roman rubbed at his nose absentmindedly as he leaned closer. “You’re lucky I was even able to find something on it. It’s especially dangerous as well, lucky for you.”
He landed on a worn page scribbled with runes and met Roman’s eyes. “From what you described, I believe that what you have enacted is… a Bloodbond.”
“A Bloodbond?” Roman wracked his brain, trying to remember if that was the name of the spell in the story he’d heard so long ago. Meanwhile, the demon paled, his eyes going wide.
“It’s… we’re…” He seemed to know what was going on, and judging by the look on his face, Roman had been right all along. His stomach dropped. “Our souls are linked.”
“Yes, that’s exactly right,” Logan said, regarding the demon with interest. “I assume you were both injured when the spell went out of your control?”
“How do you know it went out of my control?” Roman asked, offended. “You can’t just… assume…” Logan shot him an annoyed look and he caved, rolling his eyes with a dramatic huff. “Ugh, fine. Yes, I was injured, but I healed myself!”
His arm twinged in pain, and he could practically feel Logan eyeing the obvious wound on his leg. He winced, averting his gaze. “...mostly.”
“What about you?” Logan returned his gaze to the demon. “Were you injured enough to bleed?”
Anxiety said nothing, merely shifting his cloak aside to reveal a long cut spanning the length of his forearm, stark red against the pale white of his skin. Roman’s blood ran cold; the demon’s injury was identical to the wound on his own arm. And he had been limping earlier, too, which meant…
“That confirms it.” Logan nodded to himself as red-hot regret seeped, unbidden, into the pit of Roman’s stomach. He opened his mouth to speak, but Patton stood before he could, ignoring Logan’s inquisitive look and approaching the demon. His eyebrows were drawn together in worry, his mouth turned down in a concerned frown.
Anxiety’s eyes widened and he took quick steps backward, yanking his injured arm back beneath his cloak and baring his teeth in a cornered snarl.
“Show me your arm, kiddo,” Patton said softly. “I won’t hurt you, I promise! Obviously Roman —” He paused to shoot another Dad Look at Roman, who was feeling quite attacked on all fronts. “— wasn’t planning on healing you, and I might not be a mage, but I know a thing or two about healing!”
“But —” Anxiety, for his part, seemed just as shocked as the rest of them at Patton’s kind boldness. There was a moment of charged silence — an argument between eyes; soft and gentle browns chipping away at the guarded uncertainty hidden in the deep purples — and then slowly, stiffly, the demon held out his bleeding arm.
Roman felt the pain in his own arm disappear as Patton quickly finished the healing charm, plopping back down on the couch with a satisfied sigh. “That better, kiddo?” he asked, and the demon nodded stiffly, his face carefully blank. “Good! Okay, honey-bee, you can continue,” he said to Logan.
“Ah. Right. Um…” Logan blinked, glancing at Patton and then at Anxiety as he composed himself. “The explosion of magic brought on by your inability to complete such a half-assed spell —”
“ — must have injured you both. Thus, your blood was mixed within the spell. Upon summoning… Anxiety… your souls were linked because of this. That is why you cannot walk away from each other without being tugged back together, and why Anxiety cannot return to his home realm. As of now, you are soulmates.”
“How the hell do we fix it?” Anxiety asked, his eyes narrowed as he shot Roman a scathing look that the prince was only too happy to return. “I don’t want to spend any more time around this idiot.”
“Well good, because I would rather die than have to spend any more time around you!”
“That can be arranged.”
“Are you threatening me?”
Logan slammed the book shut with a deafening bang, sending dust flying and stopping the argument in its tracks. “We cannot fix anything,” he said, glaring at both of them in turn, like an angry mother would glare at bickering children. “This kind of magic is nearly impossible to reverse without the correct resources. And, of course, the correct abilities, which I believe you’ve already proved you possess none of.”
“How dare you?” Roman gasped, clutching a hand to his chest as Anxiety snickered. Logan readjusted his glasses and continued, ignoring Roman’s Offended Prince Noises.
“In fact, the only person that I know of who might be able to undo this calamity is the Royal Mage, and, if I’m being honest, I’m not entirely sure he’d even know how. This magic is incredibly ancient.”
“But you know about it!” Roman said, his stomach churning with regret, his hands clenching into fists. “Couldn’t you undo it?”
“Roman, I am not a mage. I am simply a bookworm.” He got to his feet and hefted the heavy book back into his arms with a grunt. “Oh, and when you get to the capital city, would you mind collecting my notebooks from my old room?”
And that was when it hit Roman like a ton of bricks. He had to go to the capital. He swallowed, hard, trying to hide how his hands began to shake. If his mistakes were kept confined to this small village, known only to those he trusted, then it would have been fine — but to travel to the capital city would be to reveal his stupidity to his kingdom.
It would be to reveal his stupidity to his father.
“I… yes, I suppose I can do that.” He took a breath; he would not show this weakness in front of the demon. But the demon seemed to be in the same boat; his breathing was quick, his hands shaking beneath his cloak, his wings shifting nervously. It was then that Roman realized: they were fearing the same thing.
King Odin, his father.
King Odin, the demon-slayer.
He shook his head, narrowing his eyes. No. It wasn’t the same. They weren’t the same. “Who knows?” he began, pushing his uncertainty down and shooting a glare at the demon. “Maybe he’ll die on the way there and I just won’t have to deal with it anymore!”
Anxiety snarled, his face darkening. “Trust me, your highness, if anyone dies on this little trip, it won’t be me.”
“Actually, you’re both wrong,” Logan said, pausing on his way up the stairs. “There is… one more aspect to a Bloodbond, a particularly dangerous trait. If one of you dies… so does the other. Your souls are linked, after all. So if anyone dies on your ‘little trip,’ you’ll both end up dead. You need to be careful.”
Patton gasped and the demon growled and Roman breathed deeply, trying to ignore the horrible feeling in his heart. Princes don’t get scared, he told himself silently. Princes don’t get scared.
“Great. Wonderful. Aren’t you glad you’re such a screw-up, princey?” Anxiety said angrily, nose twitching in rage and worry. Roman glared back, a thousand angry retorts dying on his tongue.
The demon was right.
“Now, now, c’mon. No fighting.” Patton got to his feet and Agatha jumped to attention, barking once happily as she curled around his legs. Roman and Anxiety glared but stayed silent, and Patton smiled, nodding. “Now, you’re both staying here tonight, okay? And I don’t want any arguments from either of you. I… I don’t trust you enough to leave you alone together.”
“That hurts, Pat,” Roman said, only half-joking. Anxiety remained silent, glaring at the ground. Patton shrugged, absentmindedly running his hand along Agatha’s soft fur.
“I hope you both like stew!” he said by way of farewell, offering them both one last smile before retreating to the inn’s kitchen, Agatha on his heels. Logan nodded sharply to each of them in turn before retreating up the stairs, heavy book in hand.
Roman regarded the demon, his heart pounding an angry mantra of unbidden regret.
Your fault your fault your fault —
“I… suppose…” He stopped, took a breath, and the words got stuck in his throat and refused to budge. He cleared his throat, glaring at the floor. “I suppose I… should… ugh! Alright, it was not very… prince-like… of me to get you caught up in all of this. So, I… I apologize for any inconvenience I may have brought.”
There! He’d said it. At least now he could rest easy, his conscience appeased. Patton would be proud of him.
Anxiety raised an eyebrow, looking him up-and-down. “Save it, princey. Don’t like just to appease your stupid human ‘conscience’ or whatever.” He turned towards the window and ignored Roman’s half-hearted attempts at denial. Roman let out a long, angry sigh, glaring at the demon’s turned back.
This was going to be a very long trip.
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the-traveler-errant · 6 years
100 Character Questions  for Dust
So there was a thing I saw a while back that was supposed to be one of those things where someone sends a number, and you answer a question for it, and instead of doing that, I just went ahead and filled all of them out for my reaper character, Dust, an extremely apathetic hitman for the forces of The Divines and the Abyss who goes after necromancers and undead creatures. 
I spent too much time on this. It’s going under the break. 
1. What do they smell like?
He smells faintly of lemons and gunsmoke.
2. What is their voice like?
He doesn’t have a voice, and speaks through sign language, writing, or occasionally telepathy if in the presence of a mindreader/psychic.
3. What is their biggest motivator?
He exists almost completely for his job, that of collecting escaped or kidnapped souls and executing necromancers on behalf of the forces of The Divines and The Abyss. He comes to realize that he truly believes the dead should rest in peace, or they should endure whatever torment they’ve earned in the afterlife, and those who disturb them need to be put down.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
He has no memory of his life before he became The Reaper, and due to his uncomfortable amounts of apathy toward anything that isn’t his job. He’s basically a supernatural Terminator.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
One of the perks of being The Reaper is having an extraordinarily high pain tolerance, to the point where broken limbs are just inconvenient because they keep him from moving properly. However if he takes too much damage, he temporarily fades into a different dimension where he starts to rebuild himself, before reappearing at something he calls a “Sanctuary”, a place that connects him to the mortal plane, and potentially other realms as well. It usually takes him about an hour or so to reform, depending on how messed up he is.
6. What do they like to wear?
Loose hoodies, jeans or sweatpants, sneakers. After he finally starts making friends, they start to encourage him to try finding a better style, and he starts wearing actual outfits that aren’t just lazily put together.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
An angel and demon, who are his connections to The Divines and The Abyss, eventually befriend him and convince him to start acting with more of an identity and personality outside of his job. They offer him advice, and he starts to help them with personal issues that they’re otherwise unable to perform themselves due to certain laws.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
The first time he tried baking, it didn’t go very well for him. It was especially weird because it was the first time he had tried eating since becoming The Reaper and returning to the mortal realm. He did discover that he actually has a preference for food: lemons.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
He doesn’t. Instead of sleeping, he reads or practices certain tricks that he feels will help him do his job more efficiently. Later on he starts baking, and learns how to play the cello.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
Anything with lemons, or anything lemon flavored.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
Nothing that really comes to mind right now.
12. How do they like to dress?
Once he gains a sense of style, he likes to wears grey pants, a black turtleneck, and a black coat.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Confusion mostly. He doesn’t really know much about being close enough to someone to feel bad if he’s wronged them, and has a sort of blunt logic about all his actions. Though he does try to apologize and understand why what he did hurt them, or why he should feel bad.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
He’s unsurprised and sort of takes it as a minor inconvenience that he expected. Everyone wants a chance to cheat death afterall.
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Taking down a revenant that had been summoned specifically to slay him, every time he regenerates, thus allowing a prolific Necromancer to work uninterrrupted for an extended period of time. It took a lot of cunning and trickery to take it down, but he managed it.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
Noir-styled jazz music and piano solos.
19. Are they right or left handed?
20. Fears?
Losing his only friends now that he actually has something he cares about, and failing to live up to the reputation of the previous Reaper.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Windy nights.
22. Favorite color?
Black and yellow.
23. Do they collect anything?
Non-fiction books, antique weapons, occult texts.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold. He likes having an excuse to wear long coats and scarves and give himself that ominous look of Death waiting with their cloak in the wind.
25. What is their eye color?
He doesn’t have eyes, but his eye-sockets glow with light-blue embers that act as a sort of pupil.
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
His actual body is composed of solidified shadows and smoke that resemble something humanoid, and his head is a skull missing its lower jaw. So, uh, I guess his race is “Grim Reaper”?
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
He has friends, a purpose, and a cat. He is content.
29. Are they a morning person?
Can you technically be a morning person if you never sleep?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. That’s the time that most Necromancers begin their work, and that means he gets to go to work against them.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
Organized to a fault.
32. Pet peeves?
Anyone who thinks they can tempt him with knowledge of his previous life, or who call themselves the masters of life and death, and people who make excessively long megalomaniacal speeches.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His pistol that he carries around nearly everywhere. It was his first weapon, and it has the word “Taxes” engraved in the barrel. It was the first clue to his friends that he actually had a personality lurking in that not-so-empty skull of his.
34. Least favorite food?
35. Least favorite color?
36. Least favorite smell?
Burned lemons or gasoline.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Not since he became The Reaper. He just feels a sort of hollowness now if he ever feels anything close to sad.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Nope. Utterly alone.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
That aforementioned revenant broke his arms and legs and kept him damaged enough to not move, but not regenerate somewhere else. If it weren’t for his Demon contact dragging him out and forcing Dust to claim his mortal home as a sanctuary, he would have been completely boned.
40. Do they have any scars?
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Workaholic, he hyper-focuses on tasks, and isolates himself too much.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He’s almost too robotic, he’s creepy and silent, he’s literally Death, he’s not very social or good at anything involving social activity, and his humor is very dry since he’s not used to telling jokes or understanding them.
44. Why might someone love them?
He’s studious, loyal to what few friends he has, starts to genuinely care about his purpose and the principles of freedom and rest associated with it, and he’s trying to be better and improve himself outside of just his job. He also never really lies, as he has no reason to most of the time. He’s also nothing if not a professional when it comes to his occupation.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Ahem. He is The Reaper. Who hunts undead. And necromancers. And trapped spirits.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
The Angel and Demon who still need names.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Not right now.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
49. Do they like surprises?
50. When is their birthday?
November 1st.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
He’d ignore it, but his friends usually drag him out for something, even if it’s a quiet affair like a trip to a museum or antique store, maybe a restaurant or bakery.
52. Do they have any family?
53. Are they close to their family?
54. What is their MBTI type?
No idea.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
Apparently it’s “Scorpio”.
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Ravenclaw, probably. He doesn’t have the ambition for Slytherin.
57. What D&D alignment are they?
Lawful Neutral, later Lawful Good.
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
59. What are their views on death?
Depends on how clean the mirror is. He does believe that souls should be left alone where they are, and the dead should rest in peace, or the damned should endure their punishment until further notice. Anyone who thinks they can rule over Death is sorely mistaken.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
He doesn’t really laugh, but he can give the impression of a small smile sometimes.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
More work, weapon maintenance, target practice, or reading books on new techniques he might incorporate into his own work.
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
It’s too open for him. Too easy to be spotted.
63. Do they have an accent?
He signs, so not really.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
No lemon, no interest.
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Sigh very heavily and focus on a sanctuary to return to.
66. How do they feel about sex?
Not his thing.
67. What is their sexuality?
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Not really?
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
Man I am seventy questions into this, I’m gonna go ahead and pass on this one.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Not really, unless it’s something his friends ask him or if it lays souls to rest.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
He has a fluffy orange cat with a very flat face that he’s named Pluto.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they lose their temper?
Nope, he’s too apathetic and tired for that.
75. How patient are they?
As patient as Death. God that came out ediger than I intended.
76. Are they good at cooking?
He’s okay at baking, but he’s practicing and getting better.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Doesn’t really insult others at all.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
He doesn’t show it very well, but he does tend to move a little lighter and allows himself to do some more recreational stuff, like reading a book or practicing his music.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
Remembers it for later.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Unless you’re a necromancer or escaped soul, then yes, you can trust him completely.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Nope! He’s just very apathetic and not really good at even expressing his emotions.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Another perk of being the Reaper is having very good physical prowess. Something just around an Olympic athlete's level of physique. He’s not the strongest or fastest, but he can at least go for silver and gold most of the time.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
As comfortable as one can be when you have a body that’s literally shadows and a skull.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
Nothing really.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
He just doesn’t really have a type, but he’s quicker to befriend others if they remind him of his Demon and Angel friends.
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Only if it’s lemon flavored.
87. What is their age?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
Short, somewhere just a hair under 5’3’’
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
Doesn’t really care.
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Very dry and a little too subtle. He doesn’t make many jokes, but he appreciates gallows humor and some references that he might actually understand. He usually surprises everyone if he ever cracks any kind of joke.
92. What mood are they most often in?
Neutral, or he’s either curious or confused.
93. What kinds of things anger them?
Disrespect toward the dead, anyone who threatens his friends.
94. Outlook on life?
To serve his purpose and find another one that he can choose for himself. He feels like the actual point of life is to live it and earn whatever you do in the afterlife. Wouldn’t have considered that question before he started befriending people.
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Nothing really, until he’s made aware of just how lonely he actually is. He just kinda forgot what it meant to be anything other than isolated and alone.
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He’s not good with any sort of socializing, and he’s bad at reading people and can be lied to easily. He focuses on his work too much, and ignores the fact that he was once human.
97. What is the greatest strength?
His ability to learn and adapt to any given situation, as well as his perfect memory. He can improvise in just about any situation.
98. Something that they regret?
Ignoring his friends’ invitations and attempts to befriend him for so long.
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Stopping a Lich from ascending to godhood and wiping out his army of undead near single-handedly, but that’s something I’m still tinkering with for the future.
100. Create your own!
He can be completely silent when he wants to be, and uses that to set up traps to make his job of assassinating undead creatures and necromancers much easier, and sometimes even flashier to spread his reputation and use that to prevent future Necromancers from trying anything.
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