#and regardless of that being a lil bitch move
ermuellert · 1 month
hakimi what the actual fuck ?
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snekdood · 9 months
personally... i only cringe at myself when i do something outside of my own morals. i dont see the point otherwise. why punish myself for something other ppl are already gonna punish me for, and also, why do they punish me for it in the first place? is it really something justified enough to punish me over? me expressing myself with emo music? is that really worth the social punishment? is it truly deserved? or am i simply just... doing something you wont do and are too scared to do?
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silentcryracha · 5 months
❍ ‗ SKZ + What they love on you (fashion) ‗ ❍
Pairings : OT8 x reader
Genre/warnings : skz simp agenda. Fluff, lots of compliments and sweet boys. no smut but it's definitely suggestive (18+), boobs and ass are mentioned and reader is female presenting
Summary : Which items of clothing (or related things) I think would drive the boys insane when you're wearing them
Word count : 1.8k
A/n : None <3
ps: No beta'd. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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Chan ‗ ❍
- This man would adore you regardless. He's one of those guys who would find it 10x times more sexy or romantic seeing you just being yourself in an intimate setting, like a house, some sort of trip, going grocery shopping and so on. Plus 10+ points if you happen to be wearing something of his.
- Yeah, wear one of his hoodies or shirts and he's already GONE. He's a (simp)le man. Or his beanie, jackets, scarf, anything that could look good on you tbh.
- But hear me out: also his accessories like his famous stay bracelet, or you could even be lovey doveys and share one earring each.
- NAIL POLISH!! Let him paint your nails for you and do silly little designs on them! You'd have so much fun, he'd giggle so much and end you playing with your hands at random times reminiscing the memories.
- Now onto what would ACTUALLY get him going: I think that either a really really nice dress (like a cocktail or party dress) would make Chan go CRAZYYY
- Bonus points if it's black and hugs your body perfectly. Even more if some skin is showing. V neck, shoulders, low back. He LOVES seeing you dolled up and confident and would make sure to boost the energy as much as he can because you deserve it and he wants to make his girl the most beautiful in the world <3
- Okay now hear me out, seems quite specific but random at the same time BUT, what about side boob. You know those loose sleeveless shirts/tank tops? Like the sporty ones? If you ever wore one of those he would NOT be able to control himself. Imagine if you're not wearing anything underneath tho 🫠
- The side boob + nipple shadow peeking...oh he's HARD and only an emergency fuck can fix it for him I fear
Minho ‗ ❍
- Anything that shows your skin is free real estate for this man. Shoulder? Neck? Collarbones? He's gonna BITE.
- Oh but not only. Imagine wearing something that exposes your legs (and maybe some thighs) like shorts or a mini dress, skirts and so on.
- He's so unhinged like he would purposefully drop his keys or something and leave a bite on the side of your thigh when he crunches down. If he's feeling romantic he'd go for a lil kiss but his goal is to make you flustered nonetheless.
- Speaking of touch and kisses: he'd make sure to get his mouth literally everywhere. Picking up your hand to linger his lips on your palm, back, wrist or forearm, fingers.
- Moving your hair to the side to kiss the back and side of your neck. Yeah 🤒
- In general I don't think he has specific preferences in fashion? I just think that he'd love to see you confident and comfortable in whatever you want to wear.
Changbin ‗ ❍
- You're either his little precious porcelain doll or his emo bad bitch. Nor in between. Man CAN do both and can HAVE both.
- I feel like Changbin (like all the others tbh) would be happy seeing you comfortable and confident. Which doesn't necessarily needs to tie with fashion or your looks.
- BUT☝🏻 he'd be a sucker for a good aesthetic look. He'd lose his mind fr, worshipping the ground you walk on, being loud about how HOT his girlfriend his and all that. As he should!
- As I was saying, he'd like both someone who's extremely feminine and delicate, doll like almost. Soft make up, lots of girly clothes, dresses, skirts, stockings, cute hats and accessories.
- But also someone who gives off the same 'dark/emo' vibe that he gives off at first glance. Lots of black, leather, dark colors, laces, a stronger make up, some edgy accessories.
- And a resting bitch face that would make anyone run but NOT HIM! You'd look like a cupcake to him regardless. He'd go around gushing and fighting his cute aggression for you by just existing.
- Now, a little treat that would most likely (and fortunately for you😵‍💫) get him turned on would be a GOOD pair of jeans. Either some very tight jeans or some cargo style ones, as long as they show off the delicious curve of your ass he's gone. It's literally over for him.
- Trust him to be EMBARRASSINGLY turned on by this, to the point where he'd ask you to wear some just for him, he'd buy them for you and so on. Your body and your ass are already his constant thought and motivation while he works out so might as well fuel his own delulu fantasies by providing the material, am I right?
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
- Once again, he loves you as you are and would be happy just knowing you comfortable in your own skin. But that won't stop him to try and dress you up like his personal model.
- He would never force on you something, especially if it was something that would make you uncomfortable. But he would give you some suggestions here and there, on how to mix and match some items, which colors he thinks compliment you the most.
- He would love to see you being so confident and happy in the results, too. Just like a painter adding details to his masterpiece.
- I lowkey feel like, since we got Mr. Romantic and artsy boy on our hands, I kinda feel like he'd lose if he saw you wearing something more... ethereal? Like a specifically made dress. It could be the soft palette, the delicacy of laces and pearls, the perfect way that the draping compliments your body and falls perfectly.
- His own personal princess. Yes, I think that he would love to either have you as his personal hot catwalk style model or a literal princess that came out of a painting.
- Speaking of art. You're also his muse, of course. And few things to him are equally as aesthetically pleasing as certified turn on for him like your chest.
- He does love lingerie on you, BUT, if you really want to make him drop on his knees on the spot, just wear one of those pretty corsets. You know, the ones with laces, and ribbons. This is for the bedroom though.
- He'd get equally as horny with any type of garment that gave the same effect though. Like a sweetheart neckline paired with a good bra. A low v neckline dress, a slightly unbuttoned plain shirt. Oh yes.
- Hyune tits man agenda going strong and I'll die on this hill.
Jisung ‗ ❍
- He's a homebody. Being at home and domestic is probably his favorite place after being on stage. I feel like his perfect day would be chilling and having fun at home, where you're most free and comfortable.
- Which is why, while I of course think that Jisung would foam at the mouth with you being all sexy and dressed up, he'd as easily get turned on by a simple home outfit.
- Yoga pants showing your ass, shorts showing your thighs, long oversized t shirts showing legs AND thighs. Bonus if the stuff is his. Bonus X2 if you're not wearing anything underneath.
- Yes absolutely that's enough for him. He loves a nice put up together outfit but would that allow him to take you on the nearest surface and make an absolute mess of you without a care in the world? Probably not, so there you go, you got yourself a winner
- You wearing his old glasses (since he doesn't need them anymore) or even your own glasses get him turned on. Don't ask, he's a pervert.
Felix ‗ ❍
- Felix seems like he has a taste for expensive things. Especially fashion and accessories wise.
- He'd drool seeing you sport a very high fashion item, like peculiarly cut out dress or jacket, something quite unique. He loves seeing you looking like a literal model straight out of a magazine. And would love even more to match with you.
- The matching would be valid for the accessories too. You would share pretty much everything, from the earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, hats, gloves and so on. He'd insist to have always something matching with you.
- In a more intimate setting though, something that you can never go wrong with are pretty sleeping gowns, lingerie sets, silky and lacy pajamas. Something very girly, dollish, delicate, almost innocent. Strictly in pale and pastel colors. He would love to buy them for you, too. As his personal treat.
- The sight of you wearing such a delicate but expensive as fuck bralette and panties that he knows he could rip off of you with his own teeth just makes him nearly cum in his pants.
Seungmin ‗ ❍
- Seungmin would get off on the confidence that you show to others. Whether it is a façade or you're really just a bad bitch, he finds it extremely hot.
- He goes crazy when you dress up smartly, elegantly, and maybe, just a tad provocative.
- A normal blouse, elegant. But that shows just enough cleavage when you move or bend in certain ways. Cigarette pants perfectly ironed, peofessional. But that make the curve of your ass so delicious. A normal pair of black Louboutines, with that sexy red heels.
- It makes him hard because he feels superior in knowing exactly what's behind that façade and that he's the only one that you'd be willing to drop it for.
- Extra points if he saw you getting ready and you're the only two people in the room who know that a pretty, lacy red lingerie set is hiding under all those elegant and composed clothes. You'd get him thinking about it all night.
- I also feel like he'd have a thing for your legs being shown off and your nais being done, maybe even when you're wearing a particular perfume. Maybe HIS, perfume.
Jeongin ‗ ❍
- Jeongin would be a sucker for you acting cool. Like standing there with some sporty clothes and a pair of sunglasses and a nice perfume. That's enough for him to simp HARD.
- He'd love to go shopping together and purposefully buy stuff that you could easily switch and match with each other. You're boyfriend and girlfriend yes but you are COOL boyfriend and girlfriend ykwim.
- In a more formal setting, he particularly loves when you wear dresses that have low cuts. Somewhere. Whether is a frontal low cut, a side low cut, a back low cut, or a high slit on the bottom part.
- The idea that all it would take for him to take it off you is just a flick of his fingers gets him CRAZY. Especially if they are dresses that require to not wear a bra.
- All that bare back, shoulders, neck, chest...idk man in his opinion it should all be covered in kisses, licks and bruises IMMEDIATELY.
- Bonus if you wear a high slit dress and you make him understand that you're not wearing panties underneath. Now you're in for a treat...
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momobani · 6 months
&TEAM hyung line + [semi] public sex
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!| smut under the cut| 0.6k
a/n: as an apology for being MIA lately, i'm dropping a hyung line post in addition to TWIHY chapters <3
oKay, mans is a freak and an exhibitionist for sure; would fuck you on the balcony in the middle of the night, attempting to wake the entire neighbourhood (later, neighbours might be taking measures about wild foxes they heard in the night, who knows). Doesn’t even have to be your balcony, like a hotel balcony might be even better since you can, in his words, ‘enjoy the view’ lol. Maybe would try one of your building’s staircases, or restaurant bathrooms, and shop changing rooms are also not out of the question cuz when you two need to fuck, y’all need to fuck right now, regardless of who might be around. Sometimes he gets off on the idea of other people knowing you’re fucking and he’s making you feel that good and no one else is allowed to, but you get embarrassed easily so you really try to keep quiet, which only makes K fuck you harder.  
Probably the least likely to be into anything remotely public but stuff like the apartment, shared bathroom or shower when his roommates are out would definitely be an option, would feel bad for contaminating the couch so would bend you over the counter or any other furniture that could withstand the force (or the walls since he could hold you up with no effort lol). Would be open to car sex in a mostly empty parking lot - would get him so freaking hard if you suggested a quickie after your grocery run but would be real quick and intense cuz you have fridgeables. Here’s the real kicker - at a camp site since our guy loves camping so much where there’s other people in their tents only metres away from yours so he clamps a hand over your mouth and moves so incredibly slowly to keep the noise down. Or a caravan that everyone can see shaking from the outside oof-
Oh hey freak number 2. Would shamelessly fuck you in the apartment regardless of whether his roommates were home or not, maybe on the beach when you’re on a night date (oh wait a minute, who wrote that?), under the moonlight, scaring all the seagulls (good, fuck seagulls, nasty bitches). Would ask you if you wanted to fuck in front of his friends (K, Fuma, EJ), just cuz he wanted to show off how gorgeous you were when he destroys your cunt, would definitely get a kick out of it when you say yes and enjoy putting on a show but no one else gets to touch you, they can just watch and drool. Also hotel pools, after everyone’s long gone and it’s horribly quiet, your swim turns into a makeout ses, which turns into fucking and avoiding the security guard lol. 
Might not look like he’d be into anything too public, but honestly, he’d love a good romantic rooftop picnic fuck. Oddly specific but yes, just something about being outside albeit on the roof where everyone can hear you even if they can’t see you. Also bonus, you can watch the sunset as you cum, very romantic haha. Gets into it more often and would pull out a condom out of nowhere, and you just smirk at him and call him a ‘boy scout’. Would probably also be into either a quickie or oral in his laundry room where any of his roommates could walk in at any point. For sure finds it thrilling that you could get caught, his dick in your mouth or buried in your cunt, might even subconsciously want you to get caught so he starts suggesting riskier places (this lil adrenaline junkie i swear-).
a/n: thanks for reading and thanks for being patient <333
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penny-for-thots · 15 days
Babe I'm gonna be honest this is gonna be a spicy req and I hope you're okey with it (but if you're not then it's okey too! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable :''<)
So I've been listening to Obsessed by Mariah Carey. And I had a thought where fem!reader got pissed off with Suo coz he let another girl touch him (to make our reader jealous) or vice versa 😉 maybe a lil nsfw Owo sjfjksjdkskxj
Thank you!
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ⓘ BOTH YOU AND SUO KNOW HE'S NOT SLICK. f!reader — spicy. teasing, jealous!reader, dom!reader, suo being himself, kissing, clothed grinding, light cursing, ear licking, referenced or almost hand job lmao, + lmk if i missed any.
girl- pls don't apologize cuz i fucking love suo and topics like this. (got a lil excited w/this one, had to stop myself). im 100% cool with spicy requests! they don't make me uncomfy at all <3
i need more of them actually, but im going to settle and get the ones out of my inbox first. the ear-licking part was inspired by 'just like putty' by @brainrot-of-a-thot ; hope you don't mind :]
should i do this prompt but reverse? thinking abt revenge pt 2 rn...
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suo is an asshole.
however, he's a huge one right now and he fucking knows it. that stupid, sweet- kinda- sorta- hot, charmer.
it wasn't rare for him to tease you or others, it was in fact, extremely common. it seems his antics have increased since the two of you have started dating. he never crosses the already set boundaries, but he does tend to step on the line.
he's a 2-year-old, he purposefully stares at you while he's doing something bad, daring you to come get him.
suo makes sure to apologize afterwards, buy you something, give you kisses, whatever you wish. its normally harmless things, but today suo just decided to strike a nerve. talking to that bitch.
of course, he's a gentleman, but he's actively avoided her for quite a while now. he has a girlfriend, and she's strangely obsessed with him. ever since that day he saved her from some thugs and handed her groceries back to her, she's been hooked. she is around your age, so she has a chance, which only pisses you off further.
regardless, the both of you are confident in your relationship, trusting eachother wholly when it came down to it.
you still do! though there's some irritation seeing her touching him.
like usual, bofurin saved the day! suo was walking back with sakura and the rest when he got stopped. he pondered if he should shut the conversation down, or should he indulge. then he remembered that you'd be doing your weekly grocery shopping right about now.
he smirked to himself and indulged in the girl's completely dreadful talking until he caught a glimpse of you in the corner of his eye.
he wonders what you act like when your truly jealous. what exactly would you say? do to him? suo nods like he's listening indulgently, letting the woman squeeze his arm, even hug it for a bit before he moves to push her off. then again, you were already doing that.
suo's eye watches you shove her off of him. "number one, back off bitch," you glare at the woman before turning to suo.
"number two, hayato suo."
suo swallows, having to prevent himself from smirking. that's the voice you always used when angry at him, and fuck- it's sexy. especially, with you're bossy demeanor, ugh.
"you might want to tell sakura and the others that you're coming to spend time with me tonight," you speak, staring up at him with a frown, your voice turning stern, "we have to talk." suo nods, swallowing his saliva as he watches you walk off with your groceries.
"yes, ma'am ... "
he chuckles to himself, whistling. his friends look at him weird. he hums with a smile. "it seems i've gotten myself in trouble with my pretty lady. im afraid i can't join you today!" suo winks.
sakura blushes, blinking in 2nd hand embarrassment at the thought of dating, though he wonders what suo meant.
nirei whispers in sakura's ear, albiet loudly. suo could almost see the steam leaving his ears. "nirei, i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't describe it to him that way," suo smiles, "regardless, i'll see the two of you later."
suo leaves with a wave, wondering what exactly you could have planned. it couldn't be that bad. it's not as if you have some secret sadistic side, at least that he's observed. then again, he's also never seen your cheeks that puffy. nor that strange look in your eyes. he shrugs, walking calmly to your apartment, making assumptions.
and whatever assumptions he made were wrong.
"letting her hang on you, really hayato?" you whisper in his ear, blowing on the already reddend skin.
your plump lips kiss everwhere but his lips. his cheek, his chin, right below and beside his lips. you just wouldn't kiss him on the lips. suo chuckles both from annoyance and amusement. "aw, come on, i was just teasing," his eye follows your movements.
a grunt leaves his chest when you sit down, rubbing your lower half on his lap as if to sement it there. "really?"
normally, he'd have no problem. however, his cock is out, a pink ribbon tied at the base of it. you feel it twitch beneath you. feigning ignorance, you tilt your head, "really' what? im not understanding, hayato?"
he chuckles with a nod, "alright, payback. i get it." his hands are squeezing your hips, he's lucky you allowed him touch, had you not, he'd be insane by now. "what? you feigned such ignorance when you let that bitch hang on your arm. you know i don't like her." suo smiles, "i just wanted to see what you'd do. i wanted to make you jealous."
he leans up a bit, "and i succeeded."
"mm, i guess. well- you're certainly going to see what im going to do," you smile. "i mean, im even willing to help with- this."
his eye watches your manicured nails ghost along the length of his leaking and twitching cock. "you need help don't you," you whisper, your lips centimeters from his, "hm?"
suo nods, his eye fluttering. "yes- " your eyes are staring into his as you feel his legs twitch, your hands cupping his balls to trailing up the length. "yeah?" you smirk, your painted lips smacking, dragging on his skin to meet his ear. you lick a stripe up his ear that has him shuddering, his grip haltering.
you smile as his lashes flutter, the tip of your tongue exploring inside and out of his ear. a breathy moan leaves him as the tip of your tongue swipes along the piercing. "swe- sweetheart," he gulps, near whimpering when you nibble on the skin. "please- "
"hm?" you lean back, admiring your work. his blushy red face, shuddering breaths, and angry red cock.
"i am going to help you because i am a gracious girlfriend ... " you sit down on his lap, hand wrapping around his length. "in return, i better not see her touch you like that, ever again."
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chrollohearttags · 2 years
When I Pull Up • Connie Springer
wc: 4.0k
author’s note: plug!connie (and the aot men in general) has been rent free in my frontal lobe for a while and I had to do it, even though a bitch don’t smoke. it’s just sum bout this hc.
cw: drug use/weed, car sex, constance getting a lil possessive over his fav buyer like ugh, choking, fingering and pussy play, breeding, squirting
"Ugh, I wish he'd hurry his ass up."
a very irritable and impatient (y/n) muttered from the comfort of your soft bed as you glared up at the ceiling of your room.
your iPhone lying flat against your ample chest as your folded arms cradled it.
it was currently eleven p.m and time was passing just as quickly as your will to wait was.
frequently lifting the device from your torso to check for any signs of a notification...
hoping the sought after text you had been waiting on would pop up.
you were listening to music, red LED lights strewn across the ceiling and the rest completely dark.
honestly, you had been bored out of your mind when out of the blue, your plug hit you up asking to chill. He said he'd smoke you out and you didn't pass up the offer.
truth was, he was fine as fuck, an absolute sweetheart to you and always have a little extra so you loved being around him.
finally, your phone illuminated and the name you wanted to see most appeared on your screen.
Connie  🍃🥺
I'm outside
instantly, you perked up and shot out of bed. Making sure you were decent, you'd go over to take a glance in the mirror.
long, jet black bundles hung down your back, a strapless neon green dress wrapping your frame and gloss covering your plump lips, you were set to go.
it was late and your roommates were either out in the streets or sleeping peacefully. Regardless, you'd creep through the dark living room and out the front door.
parked on the curb was an all black Charger; chrome rims and tinted windows on the exterior.
walking the short distance from the steps to the passenger side, you'd fling it open and be greeted by faint traces of smoke and cologne, along with that handsome face you had been waiting to see.
"Aye, gorgeous.
"Hey, Connie!"
from the moment you sat down, you felt pangs in your stomach and your body burning up.
dressed in a black muscle shirt, grey sweats, tattoos all down his arms, stud diamonds in his ears, gold watch on his wrist and gold slugs on his bottom row of teeth, Connie greeted you with a hug and nearly made your heart explode.
he looks so fucking good! And that voice, oh my God! Why is doing this to me? This man is trying to turn me into a slut so bad.
it was all you could think to yourself; so spaced out that you didn't even hear him talking to you.
his smooth voice snapped you out of your trance and you'd whip your head around towards him.
"Oh! Sorry.."
"You good, mama. Was just asking how you been. I missed you..ain't seen you in 'bout a week."
every time he spoke, you felt yourself melting into the bright red leather seats. He was so damn sexy, it didn't make sense!
brushing your hand across your arm, you'd glance down at the floorboards as you nervously answered.
"Yeah, just been busy. Staying out the way, you know how it is."
all the while, his eyes were glaring you up and down before he reaching down to grab something from the glove compartment.
"I feel you though. Well I'm glad you came to chill with me tonight. 'Preciate it."
"Of course, I'm glad you invited me."
in his hand, he held some papers, and a lighter, taking them out to start your session. Music was thumping quietly from the speakers and the hum of the engine were the only things you heard.
you didn't even want to move around him because he made you so flustered.
taking out the buds, he'd break them down as he spread the crumbs across the papers. The green flakes filled the brown sheet until it couldn't fit another ounce.
you'd watch his perfectly manicured fingertips move delicately across it; he was a natural.
even when doing the simplest task, he managed to turn you on. He'd run his tongue across the crease and you had to squeeze your thighs together!
flicking it around so casually..made you wish it were you..
suddenly, you were broken out of your trance by him calling your name.
"Here, you go first, beautiful." taking the blunt and letting you place it between your lips, he'd grasp the lighter to ignite it.
you'd take a drag, letting the smoke fill your lungs before exhaling and releasing a cloud. He was mesmerized, watching you closely.
eventually, the two of you went back and forth, passing and taking hits until nearly half it had disintegrated.
by that time, smoke cloud had filled the car and your lungs.
your heads lie dormant on the cushioned rests as your seats reclined back and you'd just glare up at the ceiling in your euphoric haze.
he always had the best shit and it didn't take long for you to get high.
during the smoke session, you'd tell him about everything that had been happening in your life: from school to your new job, even how you had started your new fitness journey.
that's what he always admired about you..how goal oriented and smart you were.
it was so attractive and if he wasn't out here, doing all of this shit, he would've been tried to cuff you..even so, it didn't stop him from wanting you in the slightest.
especially now; looking so cute slouched down in the seat, eyes glazed over but still just as beautiful.
"Y'know I'm always proud of you, (y/n)..always making shit happen, never depending on nobody for anything. I like that."
his head was turned, glaring you up and down with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
he couldn't even hide it anymore. You had his attention in more ways than one and he was hoping you'd felt the same.
he couldn't stop staring because you looked so damn beautiful sitting next to him.
but he wouldn't have to worry in the slightest because you wanted him so badly, even if it was just one night. He couldn't be your man but you'd take him right here if that's what he wanted.
"Yeah? For real?"
scooting over in his seat, Connie leaned over the console and brushed his fingers across your temple and down your shoulder blade.
"Hell yeah..smart and you fine as fuck? I know these dudes stay pressing you, huh?"
honestly, you didn't pay them any mind! None of them really caught your attention quite like Connie and you weren't concerned with what they thought.
shrugging your shoulders, you'd just laugh it off and stare up at him.
"I mean..sometimes but I ain't thinking about them. Got more important shit to worry about."
all the while, you'd hadn't take your eyes of each other.
right now, you wanted to feel his lips..his hands rubbing up the curvature of your body..and that's exactly what would happen when he leaned further and got only inches from your face.
"Mmm..well lemme help you relax for a lil' bit, take your mind off all that shit.."
his voice had dropped to a low growl as he began to brush against your soft lips. You weren't even trying to stop him, instead you'd bring your hand to the back of his neck and pull him closer.
"Really? How?"
"I ain't much for talking, but I can show you.."
nothing else needed to be said because before he could get the rest of his words out, you'd begin kissing gently.
getting acquainted with the taste of each other's tongues. Swirling them around, smacking your lips together in slow, sensual pecks.
your hand resting on the cusp of his jawline while slowly curled the side of your throat.
your voices meeting in low hums and moans as you'd continue to make out. This was all you had been hoping for and with the feeling of the weed pumping through your veins, who knows where things would go.
"..I need you so bad."
and he'd show you just how irresistible you were when he'd bring his own to your neck and begin suckling on the tender part of it.
your fingertips caressing the back of his shaved head as his tongue piercing rolled off of your jugular vein, making your legs tremble.
(Y/N) could feel a throb between your legs and you'd try to squeeze them close but he wasn't having it.
"Nah, go ahead and open them legs for me, baby..it's alright.."
whispering with a low tone to his voice that made you even wetter.
you were already whimpering in his ear but when he brought that free hand up to your thighs and parted them, you'd release a sharp gasp.
chest rising and falling between heavy breaths as you held him close. All he could do was laugh because he hadn't even gotten started yet!
even though you had just been smoking, you were practically salivating at the way he handled you so carefully. He was like a completely different person right now..
finally, he'd reach that spot you had been longing for him to touch and he'd be greeted by wet warmth on his fingertips.
that made him grunt and suck his teeth.
"All this from a lil' kissing, just for me?.."
nodding your head as you chewed your lip, waiting for him to do as he pleased. That definitely put a smile on his face so he didn't keep you waiting any longer.
with the bezel of his watch shining underneath the dim lights, he'd bring his hand to your mouth and stick those two fingers inside.
as you'd gently run them across your tongue, big round eyes glaring so innocently..he'd prompt you to lift your legs in the seat so he could get a better view.
that beautifully shaven mound, dark and glistening with slick, spread open to a bright pink like a delicate flower.
right then and there, you could see a tent forming in the center of his pants and see him mumbling under his breath.
"Tell me something..how long you been waiting for us to do this?"
removing the digits so that you could answer him.
"Since we met..shit." garnering him a very honest response and he wasn't surprised.
he too felt the same way. So there was no need for either of you to hold back. Bringing his dampened fingers down to your warmth yet again, he'd began stroking your clit before slipping them inside.
"I'm glad to hear that..because I been wanting to fuck you for a minute now."
your mouth suddenly fell agape and your head fell back against the door as he explored your insides with those digits.
the sounds of your squishing flesh driving him absolutely crazy with lust but he held it together for now.
he hadn't shifted his gaze once and yet, you were crying out, squeezing your eyes shut as you rocked against his fingers.
your knees pressed into your chest and your back against the door handle.
"..so you gon' let me have it? Can I make this pussy mine?.."
there was no doubt or question about it!
"Y-yes! Take it.." with that notion, he'd shove them deeper until it reached the sensitive pad of flesh that made you tick.
squirming in the seat, he'd wrap that ink covered hand around your throat and choke you as he fingered that leaking hole.
it had begun to stain his fingers with a sheath of milky white but he wouldn't stop until you made a mess of the entire front seat.
moaning and whimpering, you'd beg him for more, knowing you were close to a climax.
"Connieeee! I'm gonna come..please."
but he couldn't allow it just yet. You'd peak down at his pants and notice that his bulge was barely able to be contained.
if you were going to release, you'd have to do it with him inside of you. Withdrawing his fingers yet again,  he'd rub your thighs momentarily to soothe your trembling legs.
"Get in the backseat, baby..on your back, right now."
he had to feel that for himself now!
so you'd do as he instructed and crawl to the open seats. Luckily, it was fairly spacious enough for the two of you to move around and he was about to take advantage.
climbing in behind you, Connie pinned your legs against the passenger door and tugged your dress down to your stomach.
he couldn't help but to be fixated on your breasts as they popped out of the thin material..
the cool air of his AC hitting your nipples and stiffening them up.
bending his six foot frame down to hover over (y/n), he'd bring his tongue across the buds and suckle on both of them.
"..You gotta hurry up and fuck me. I can't take it."
it wasn't exactly the most savory thing to say but it was the truth. You had to feel him right now or you were going to explode.
that throbbing heat was begging for something to puncture it.
laughing before leaving one last kiss on your right breast, he'd lean up and shuffle his sweats down his waist.
you could tell just by the print that he had a lot to work with and he planned to show you just what he could do.
when he pulled it out and laid it across the lower half of your stomach, you'd let out a gasp without realizing. Could you really even take all of that?!
"Don't worry, mama..I'm not gon' hurt you. Just relax and keep your legs pinned back for me."
he sounded and looked so focus. Maybe you weren't the only one struggling to handle this but the second you felt his tip grazing your clit, you'd start whimpering and pouting.
it was too sensitive from the teasing to stay idle.
"Can I put it in now, baby? You gonna take it for me?"
"Yes! Whatever you want.."
"That's my girl.."
he had to admit, it was cute seeing you plead and cry out like that but he wasn't one for making a lady wait so slowly, he'd push himself into your aching heat.
right then and there, he nearly lost composure but he held himself together to buck his hips forward.
his body was a little contorted but he was going to make it work and make love to you no matter what.
"Nah and you was holding this shit from me all this time? Goddamn.."
never in his life had he felt pussy like this! That grip you had on his fingers was nothing compared to the way you were clamping his dick right now.
he'd gradually gain his pace and eventually, the two of you were moving in rhythm.
for now, he'd feed you slow strokes so he didn't bust too quickly but you were nutting all over him..making a creamy mess everywhere.
"You could've been gotten this pussy, all you had to do was ask for it.."
smiles were wide on both of your faces as your frames swayed back and forth, connecting as one and as if you belonged to each other.
"You're too good to me, baby. Well..now that I got it, I'm 'bout to fuck the shit out of you. Hope that's alright."
he was so cocky yet done it in the most charming way..one that made you throb against his shaft yet again. By now, he had sped up and gotten a little more fitted to your walls.
each thrust coaxing out more of that warm, silky fluid that he loved so much..
"You're stretching me out..oh my God, yes." crying out in pure pleasure when you felt him go deeper.
"Here, take my hands, sweetheart. Let me know if it's too much for you, okay?"
he was probably the biggest and undeniably the best dick you had ever had!
but you had him feeling equally as amazing and by now, he had reached pretty deep strokes. Your tits were bouncing, legs shaking and mouth agape.
"Ahh!—you look so pretty, (y/n)..letting me drill your shit like this. I'm so proud of you..taking my dick so good."
with your fingers intertwined, he'd lean down and slide his tongue into your mouth, letting them twirl as well. Subtle moans humming through your pressed lips.
"And you're so fucking tight..but look at how quick you opened up for me..oh shit."
being doted on like this was causing butterflies to swell in your stomach and your cheeks to burn. Especially when his voice was ascending to a high pitch.
he wasn't ashamed to admit that you had him weak though.
soon, those laced hands creeped up to his shoulder blades to claw into his back.
he was pounding your sensitive pussy, going deeper and you didn't know how much longer you'd be able to withstand it.
that pressure was swelling and growing harder to contain by the second.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck...I'm gonna come, daddy! I can't hold it anymore, please!"
faint tears were streaming down your puffy cheeks from the restraint of being edged like that and you'd make one hell of a mess.
you tended to wet things up and quite a lot when you climaxed!
but all that did was make him more excited and rather than stop you, he'd press his thumb pad to your clit and stroke it while glaring into your eyes.
"So do it..the fuck you waiting on, mama? Get your nut, go ahead."
encouraging you to release. He could still feel you squeezing him pretty tight though. So he'd lean down and kiss your forehead with a smile to soothe you.
"If it's these seats you're worried about, don't. Squirt on this dick and you ain't ever got to worry about paying for my shit ever again, baby. Hell, I'll buy you whatever you want."
he'd keep feeding you long strokes and tracing circles on your clit until he felt wetness all over his shaft and watched you splatter his leather interior.
droplets of sticky rain all over those red cushion and it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
"Fuuuck! Connieee!"
"Let it out, I know! Look at all that cum!"
crying out and calling his name as you granted his wish.
needless to say, he was in awe of your little display.
"Yeah! That's it, baby..that's my good fucking girl, yesss!"
coaxing out all that he could until you were shaking and reeling from that pent up orgasm. Leaning down to kiss you, he'd first scoop some of your juices onto his tongue before spitting them into your mouth.
it would appear that you had turned him into a deviant..completely unhinged and crazy for you!
but now it was his chance to return the favor and fill you full of his cum.
"You're not getting rid of me now, you know that, right? You my girl now.."
whether he was serious or not, you knew you couldn't be done with him that quickly and he felt the same so he'd plop down onto the seat and pat his thigh.
"Is that right?" questioning as you readjusted to climb atop his lap and onto that still hard erect.
it was touching his bellybutton when he sat up like this and it had to be eight inches at least. You could get used to having dick like that in your life!
slowly, you'd get adjusted and impaled yourself on it.
"Hell yeah, so tell the rest of them motherfuckers to fall back unless they' tryna die 'bout this shit."
and you knew then that he was serious. You were definitely about to have a time on your hands but right now, you were only focused on riding him.
little did you know, you were about to put your claim on him too!
"Well you ain't got that to worry about, daddy..it's all yours."
you'd gently stroke his cheek as you got into position and pecked him once more.
you'd slowly ease yourself up and down while looking back and arching for his viewing pleasure. The grip you had on him made Connie toss his head back and just admire your work.
his voice was cracking and his fingertips were clawing into your bare hips.
it sounded so sexy hearing him moan and cry out for you.
"Aw damn, baby. You riding the fuck out of this dick..I love it. All this ass bouncing on my shit.."
meanwhile, you were winding your waist and bouncing up and down on his cock as if it were nothing.
you were just focusing on making him come this time around, wanting to feel that warmth inside of your womb.
"You like that? It feel good for you?" you'd ask as you glared at him with lustful eyes.
a rhetorical question for sure because his toes were curling inside of those Jordans and those moans were growing louder.
no one would ever guess you had a drug dealer crying like this! But he was egregiously desperate for you to keep it up.
"Yes! You're fucking me so good, (y/n). I'm all yours now.."
he was losing it by the second and when you decided to balance on your tip toes, hands pressed to the ceiling, he damn near flatlined right there!
"So come in me..come in this fucking pussy, daddy."
begging for him to release, you'd speed up and take him to the hilt as you coated him in more of those warm secretions.
he was trying to hold out but there was no need to because seconds later, you felt his hands clutching your frame and you were being impaled.
"Hold still! I got it.."
the pure helplessness in his voice was such a turn on but you were about yo get exactly what you were hoping for.
frozen, you'd stay in that position as he began thrusting upward and filling your tummy with his large member.
you'd sound off, trading moans and please, cursing as the intensity became too much to bare.
as he pounded your swollen cunt, you'd rub your clit yet again until you heard his voice fade off into a faint moan.
"Oh God—I'm coming..Imma nut—"
before the words could even finish making it out, he'd make his finish inside of you and pour every ounce into you.
and it wasn't just a little droplet..he dumped every ounce of that pent up cream into your womb, just as you asked.
and when he climaxed, his whimpers were absolutely adorable. You had never seen him so vulnerable before in your life.
finally, he'd collapse against the seat and as his chest rose and fell, he'd pull you back against him.
held tightly in his arms, he'd proceed to make out with you one last time and it was undoubtedly, the best night you had ever had.
"You my girl..my baby now so don't you ever forget that. You hear me?" Nodding as he spoke with such conviction even if he were out of breath.
you couldn't get over how cute he was like this.
the way he stared at you, it was more like love rather than lust.
"All yours. For sure." tracing tiny circles in his chest to quell his harsh breathing.
needless to say, your plug was about to be supplying a little more than weed from now!
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industriallyinsecure · 10 months
Sorry for another "reader is awake at like 3 am request" but this one's a lil more wholesome xD what would each la squadra member be like if they found their s/o wrapped in blankets on the couch watching comfort movies late at night? Who's all for a sudden movie night date? Who's dragging the reader back to bed no matter what it takes?
Risotto plods down stairs in search of you (he woke up because his human teddy bear wasn’t there) and finds you curled up in blankets, watching one of your favorite movies very intently. So intently, in fact, you don’t even notice him approaching, though not many people would anyway. You yelp when he plops down next to you, pulling you into his arms. He dozes for most of the movie, only reacting if you get startled or start to laugh. Overall, he’s nice company to have, but don’t expect him to interact very much. He’s had a history of not sleeping well, and you’re essentially the only remedy. If you try to get him to talk, he just mumbles sleepily and gives you kisses.
Ghiaccio would drag you back to bed regardless of how tired (and blind) he is. He’s a firm believer in getting a healthy 8 hours, and you’d be hard pressed to convince him otherwise. And because he cares about you, he wants the same for you. He’s just really really bad at expressing it. Because it’s so late (early?) he won’t raise his voice but instead gives very threatening grumbles as he shuts the tv off and pulls you behind him. Doesn’t really want to fight you about it, and won’t feel bad for pulling you away.
Melone is probably awake already to tell the truth. He’s heading to the kitchen for a late night drink, but finds you curled up watching a movie. He’ll coo about it to himself before joining you, snuggling as close as possible to you. Offers to get you snacks and drinks, or even to find another movie to watch after you’re done. He thinks it’s very romantic that you two are night owls and can stay up together, even if you sleep the day away. As long as he’s with you, he doesn’t mind.
It depends how moody Proscuitto is at the moment. If he’s gotten enough rest, he doesn’t mind staying up, but still lightly frets over you and scolds you a bit. But he does remind you to rest and tries to not so subtly convince you to come back to bed once the movie is over. If he’s tired and grumpy, there’s no question about you being dragged back to bed. He doesn’t even say anything to you, just snatches the remote up and turns the tv off, ushering you back to his room. It’s under the guise of him wanting you to be healthy, but really it’s because he’s selfish and has gotten used to you sleeping in the same bed and gets a bit anxious if you aren’t with him.
Pesci would want you to go to bed for your health but gives in to you way too easily. He just loves you so much that he has a hard time saying no. Even if you decide to go back to bed, he’ll gently insist that you don’t have to just because he wants to. If you end up staying up, he might fall asleep cuddling with you, but that’s only if you aren’t engaging him in some way. Offers to get you things and dotes on you the whole time until you both inevitably fall asleep together on the couch.
Illuso would bitch at you for keeping him awake, but would sit down next to you and watch. In truth, he doesn’t mind staying awake to spend more time with you, but he’s be damned if he had to admit it. He would whine and cry about missing beauty sleep the entire time while making no moves to get up and go to bed. But if he decides he wants to sleep, you better be ready to put up a fight. He’s not above taking you into the mirror world.
Formaggio sleeps like the dead, so it’s difficult for him to wake up during the night if he’s already been sleeping. Usually when he finds you awake at night it’s because he was out clubbing, not that you minded of course. He can only stay up for so much longer until he passes out in your lap and starts to snore. Depending on how much his snoring bothers you, you can either shut off the movie and cuddle up with him, or suffer through it. Either way, he’s pretty content.
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stevebabey · 4 months
You don't have to answer this I'm just gonna bitch in your inbox about the x reader post you made because I felt this in my bones.
Like you really can't go in the tag for quality stuff lately. Everything is about sex. I'm not a prude. I read occasionally stuff, but omg, not everything has to be like this. Sometimes stories begin hopeful, but they end the same way. I'm just sick of it because it's all there is. And because it's so oversaturated, "normal" fics don't stand a chance because people don't click on that anymore. So yeah, as a creator, if I wanna get attention for my work, of course, I will produce stuff that people will read.
Also what you said about minors, how are they supposed to interact with fics if everything is porn.
In general, people are sooo fixated on "spicy" content. On tiktok, all people read is smut, or they can't handle other stuff. Literally, smut destroyed their brains. How is it any different than guys having a porn addiction?
Also, the tumblr tagging and searching functions are shit. I wanna find new fics from like 2020 or 2021 (before s4 bc I miss those vibes). When you go to the popular tag thing, the earliest you get is 2022. Like tumblr needs to fix that, so content from years ago can still be found. People also need to start tagging accordingly. It's such a pain.
Again sorry for the rant.
HOHOHOHOHO NO APOLOGIES NEEDED NONNIE i love having a bitch and being on my hater shit and i think more people than you might think agree with all of this + its a whole buncha opinions under the cut u have been warned
to some degree to decrease in quality fics will be due to the lull between seasons which always happens- some of the fantastic writers move onto other obsessions for the mean time and truly, i can't fault them for that.
but yet somehow i know it's more than just that - a smut piece will get more attention and notes regardless of the quality of the fic. it's so tough to complain about cos like sigh its all free writing produced by someone so to moan and bitch about stuff getting more attention than others is like. not very nice and being hypercritical but also
not everyone wants to read smut!! and its fuckin everywhere!! wouldn't it be darling if there could simply be a tag that was smut free but noooooo every post gets tagged with as many fuckin things as possible for 'reach' which is the stupidest fucking thing i've ever heard before
and ur absolutely right, because of it fics with no smut get drowned before they get a chance to get noticed. and sorry to say it, but its very rarely that i've read a fluff piece and been like ah, that seemed like it was just thrown together like no its always crafted to some degree- but i cannot say the same for smut in the least. again, often u can mentally sub in different characters and the fic still works which to me = bad writing (if its a steve fic i shouldn't be able to slot in eddie and have it work? ok cos then its not a STEVE fic its just a porn fantasy which is like fine but GOD this is a whole nother can of worms but if u just write smut and then cycle thru joe keery characters its like half a step from writing rpf cos its obvious u just think he's a hot guy and not so much into his characters 😭 maybe im being autistic levels of protective over my lil guy but i also think im right lmao)
and ough trying to write for an audience is so hard, its a vicious cycle of: wants to produce content ppl will read and interact with -> doesn't enjoy writing it as much -> writing isn't as good as u know it could be -> if it flops for whatever reason u feel like asshole. anon babey please dear god write the ideas you want to <3 i can promise you they will be 100x better than trying to cater to an invisible audience ! ppl follow you for your writing !!! and feel free to tag me!!!! i always want to read good steve x reader fics!!! (i just can't be assed hunting them down half the time)
the minors thing is just. god its - i remember hearing the phrase 'virgins write the best smut' and it was when i was 14 and now im like god don't say that they write like porn cos they have fuck all idea what they're talking about. i read so much fanfic when i was 12 years old and what u said is so true, it just used to sneak up in stories and ruin things. its the internet tho so its impossible to truly moderate
omg ur tiktok comment so fucking true babe. when smut is prioritized over plot, u can tell and so many of the booktok rec's they have are just that. there are ways to write smut and have it still be a story. there's also ways to write pwp and still craft it and yet, u dont see that often. also what happened to being excited when two bitches hold HANDS??? AND KISS FOR THE FIRST TIME?? it's appalling the way they thirst for that content but write their captions like "and they have s3x!!! and f@&k in the bathroom hehehe" like what. its such sanitized and shit content honestly
god ur so right i hadn't even thought about hunting down old fics - and it would make such a difference if you could do that because otherwise SO much weighs on when u post it and if it shows in tags and yada yada
this is so much omg u don't have to read all that but genuinely the reason i started writing more steddie and less x reader is the difference in reception and general support. i dont feel like i'm competing against my mutuals, but more like we're here to just hoot and hollar at each other and unless u have a tight knit group of friends on here, u don't get that on x reader fics ://
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
Favorite things I've manifested using the law.
Dating my sp There was a third party and "challenging" circumstances but I truly did not gaf. I persisted by saying that's my boo anytime I saw or thought of him, ofc seeing him all the time helped.
Desired apartment When I was moving with my mom, I fell in love with the first apartment we toured. I told her that's the one and despite her doubts and concerns, I didn't care. There was no way in hell I was going to live anywhere else. The application and move in process was extremely easy.
Desired jobs Pretty much every job I worked at, I manifested. Whether it was me simply imagining myself working there, "hearing" the call back that I was hired, or also "hearing" a family member saying they were proud of me.
$200 I felt like I had "blocks" in regards to money so I chose a small amount to manifest. Just claimed it and thought about what I was going to do with it. Came in less than three days. Randomly saw the amount around $300 added to my bank account from the government I think??
Desired friend Despite both of us being in two different cliques and having only a few classes together, I thought she looked so cool and just wanted to be friends with her lmao. I think I initiated conversations with her at first but then before I knew it, she was coming over to my house and we would hang out after school a lot. We are still close to this day.
Free drinks/food This is easy since I already had people always buying me free shit. So whenever I wanted to eat but didn’t want to pay, someone somehow always came through!
People's response/reactions These are usually instant because I'd immediately assume what they would say before they even get a chance to. I would simply imagine their response in a way that felt real and go from there.
Braces This one took me so long to manifest because I would not let it goooo! I wanted to fix my teeth so fucking badd. But after finally giving up and not caring about it anymore, randomly my parents just said they’ll pay for my braces.
Beauty I was hella insecure even though I always been told that I was beautiful. I didn't want to be beautiful tho, I wanted to be hot, cool, and sexy. I wanted to be desired and pull people left and right. I started to just tell myself that I was hot regardless of my insecurites. Now, while I didn't manifest any major appearance changes, just my mindset and confidence (maybe a lil makeup too) helped. I now can pull anyone and have people constantly staring at me, calling me hot, gorgeous, stunning, etc.
Desired School I was in my senior year and happened to tour a prestigous fashion school. Even though it was hella expensive and not everyone could get it in, I wanted to go to school there just for status lmao. I persisted and got accepted! Now, if only I could've manifested my parents to not force me to go to college...
Desired Sister I used to bitch and complain about how my sister is irresponsible, inconsiderate, and rude all the gotdamn time. But I learned EIYPO and I stopped. Whenever she pissed me off, I didn't react the way I usually would, I would leave it alone and maybe affirmed in my favor at times. Then her whole demeanor changed, she more kind, caring, and dependable and we don't fight anymore. She still be getting on my nerves sometimes tho.
My old friend to reach out This one was a doozy. So I was bored at 2am and watched a Youtube video about the 369 method. I decided to try it and chose a friend I haven't spoken to in a year because of a bad falling out. I kinda missed her so I used her for the method and went to bed right after. I get up a few hours later for work and I check my ig and she dm'ed me exactly what I wrote! I thought I was in a twilight zone, I couldn't believe I manifested it so fast!
My “perfect” partner I wrote a long ass list of things I wanted in a partner. But here's the thing, I admired my sister's relationship with her bf because they were so in love. So when I finaly met and started dating my bf, he checked off almost everything on my list AND the qualities of my sister's bf, the good... and the bad, which is why he's my ex now lmfao.
My dream car Way before it was time for me to get a car of my own, I always wanted a Jeep wrangler. Anytime I would see it on the road, I would claim it as my car, I would tell people it's my dream car, and I had it on my vision board. I even went to a dealership to test drive one, it was so fun! I also visualized myself driving it. When it was time to find one, I did get scared I wasn't going to find one I liked at a good price but I persisted and now I have one!
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lee-aveyourmark · 2 years
besties with nomin!
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∘.∙°. masterlist Pairing: Lee Jeno x reader x Na Jaemin, nomin x bestie!reader Genre: sickening fluff, a whole lotta crack Warnings: mentions of food Wordcount: 767
A/N: I'm back bitches
- nomin are like a bonded pair of pets - you befriend one of them and just couldn't avoid befriending the other
- you're definitely the middle ground in this relationship, bc these two boys can be quite the opposite of one another
- being very open and accepting of jaemin's physical affection while understanding jeno's feelings and concerns through his gazes and jumbles of words is a massive feat but they absolute treasure you for it
- it means that jaemin can randomly give you hugs to feel comfort at the physical contact and not really say anything at times, allowing his nonverbal cues to communicate his intentions as his embrace is ever so gentle and his eyes ever so soft
- it also means that jeno can freely express his emotions and frustrations without judgement, gaining release from negative internal thoughts, and gets excited at the thought of catching up with you to ramble on about how his day went, regardless if it was enjoyable or utterly crap
- haechan has shared about how jeno literally hates anything cute and being associated with cuteness, but i know full well that you and jaemin still coo and baby the living daylights out of him not because you're trying to annoy him, but because you two believe with your whole hearts that he is a d o r a b l e and deserves to be showered with affection and praise
- the amount of pure satisfaction gained from seeing jeno blush
- nomin has money and they know it, so they like to buy you gifts from time to time (it's also a way of them showing their appreciation for you putting up with them lol)
- perfumes are a go-to, with jaemin carefully selecting a new fragrance each time while jeno opposes many of his selections and chooses one that he sniffed once
- rip jaemin when you're given the two fragrances and then end up wearing jeno's selection more often
- playdates are random late-night baking sessions together with jaemin making sure that you and jeno don't burn the kitchen down, becoming distracted himself as he accidentally adds 3/4 tablespoon of salt instead 3/4 teaspoon
- "did someone cry into the brownie mix? why is it so salty?" jeno frowns, reaching for a glass of water to cleanse his overwhelmed palette
- "it was me, i cried when fishing out all the broken eggshells from the batter" jaemin deadpans
- also, imagine just happily enjoying a day off together, walking in a park while your arms are linked with theirs, feeding each other bites of street food and taking the cutest pictures together
- after the first time one of you gained the courage to link arms with the other two, it becomes a little quirk of your relationship
- whether it be strolling around late at night or trying to encourage each other to hurry up in getting to a certain place, linking arms makes it just that lil bit better huehue :)
- until, you guys run into a doorframe and suddenly you're all turning 90 degrees like a blade on a fan to fit through sideways, not even bothering to think of unlinking arms
- your group chat is used mainly for memes and confirming deets on your next get-together
- oh, it also consists of jaemin writing in paragraphs about the most random things and jeno responding with 'k' while you try to respond as empathetically as possible to prevent jaemin from moving out of the dorm lmao
- aND, sometimes with jaemin ignoring jeno's questions followed by jeno sending some words that seem very vulgar but surprisingly none of which are profanities, all ending with the (.◜◡◝ ) emoji
- i'd imagine you guys would facetime on a regular basis, but the timing is always really odd and, more often than not, at least one of you are in a less than publicly decent situation
- most calls aren't even proper conversations - it's just you guys showing each other something cool and then quickly cutting off, or jaemin calling you to tell jeno to turn the lights off
- "jaemin, i swear, it's 4am" "exactly, that's why i need you to tell jeno to turn the lights off so i can sleep" "newSFLASH, I DON'T LIVE WITH Y'ALL"
- but yet, you call the gamer boy anyway
- and alas, gamer boy jeno didn't pick up as he was, as expected, gaming, leaving you to give up and ignore jaemin's calls
- sigh what a lovely friendship <3
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muffinrecord · 6 months
Updates! YouTube Stuff
Howdy folks! Just a few updates for the youtube channel
Videos Names
Short and quick-- I ended up changing the name of the sprite animation videos into battle animation videos. I was thinking of calling them "Sprite Animations, Magia, and Doppel" but that felt too long.
To be honest, the videos don't get a lot of views or engagement-- which is fine. I think that archiving them is worth it, and I don't think these are the kind of things people will watch over and over? But I do wonder if they're not viewed as much because people might think that they are only sprite attacks and not magia and doppels and stuff. I'm kind of hoping that "Battle Animations" will clear things up, because I don't wanna add the "Magia and Doppels" part to it.
If it doesn't, then I'll leave it as is. It's a little sad if they're lesser viewed but that's fine ultimately.
TO BE CLEAR THIS IS NOT ME BITCHING ABOUT VIEWS, I WOULD STILL DO THIS EVEN IF THEY GOT LIKE 5 VIEWS IN TOTAL. Just, more that I was thinking that maybe I'm not being very clear about what's in them? ANYWAYS
So! I've been trying to finish up my animation project so that I can devote my time and energy to other things~
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This is how much is left to record! Naturally a lot of the collab girls are kind of. Well it's going to be a bit.
Chisato and Haruka are giving me pause. When I started recording about two years ago (and then deleted all the files and started over and then deleted them all gain and started over again), I kinda assumed that Suzune would get a rerun, and I could nab those two and easily record their non max-ascended forms but uh. Not sure if that'll ever happen? I'm wondering if I should just record them regardless and release an updated version if we ever get a banner for them again. Lots to think about.
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Meanwhile, the above is a short screenshot of how many I've completed. Yeah... 194..... This isn't including the girls who still need to be uncapped either. My computer has more space now, it's amazing to move them permanently to the backup now.
These are all the ones that have completed recordings that still need to be edited and uploaded:
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Editing doesn't take too long, it's just that my computer slows down and it starts to take a long time when you have like tens of them to do. But I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! ...Still need to record a bunch, but I have lots of queue so things should be fine.
I kind of wish I had done some things differently, but oh well. When it comes to my channel, I feel like... well, you don't really get quality, but you do get quantity. Even if that's not technically as good, I think there is still value in it. idk.
My stupid ass was looking at the channel and decided to redo a bunch of thumbs, and hey did you know that there is a 100 limit on how many thumbnails you can upload in a day? Sucks man.
Anyways, the transformation thumbnails are mostly updated and I just have about fifty left to upload now:
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A while ago I started to make the characters' names a few pixels larger than the rest of the text, and it's been bothering me for a while that some vids had the bigger text and other vids didn't, so uhhh. Yeah. I also ended up changing a bunch of thumbs so that they show the end shot. Is that the better choice...? I'm not sure. I think it might make the thumbs more boring, but I think it's also more upfront about the fact that they're transformation videos.
More importantly, I also decided to redo the battle animations thumbs!
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At first it was because I wanted to put "battle animations" in the thumb but I ended up deciding that plain old "animations" looks better. So why am I still changing all of them? Well...
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I'm super honored that my stupid lil channel is getting used for the gallery section for the girls! See here on the fandom wiki. But then I was looking at it and man, that thumbnail sure does look fucking ugly when it's all blown up in your face like that. And if people are gonna use my stuff (🥺), I'd at least like it to look nice on their site...?
So I'm using the sprites from the magireco sprite viewer (rip), although unfortunately it's missing some/doesn't have new stuff/won't be updating anymore. But at least some of the new sprites will look better.
I know how to get some stuff off of Rika.Ren for datamining-ish, but sprites aren't one of them, and tbh I'm kind of not interesting in learning new things atm. So stealing off the Puella Magi Wiki is the best we'll get. But still! Older videos will have better thumbs. And oh man, some of them were ugly as fuck.
...I still need to make uhhh 200 more of them ish but I'll work on that tonight.
Much to my displeasure, the results for the poll I made pointed towards folks deciding that more videos in a playlist is better, so I'm redoing all the playlists I had foolishly trimmed (this is also how I noticed some thumbnail problems and then got obsessively focused on fixing them last night instead of the playlists).
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A couple of playlists still need to be redone-- I basically deleted everything in them, 'cause it's easier to just start over instead of dragging things around (especially when you get past 100, as it'll stutter and boot you to a different place). But I'm slowly getting there, and they should all be back up by tonight? The Madoka one will take the longest I think; that was easily 150+ videos if I recall correctly.
I also put all the battle animation videos currently uploaded into the battle animation videos playlist.
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Originally I was trying to upload the videos in order of release, to make it easier on myself when putting it into the playlist. But that was kind of frustrating, especially when I had already released some out of order and then you factor in holidays... So fuck it! They're all in there now, even if they're private.
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This is what you see when you're not on my channel (and you select to see hidden videos). Woops. Oh well!
But this means I'm more willing to go out of order in the uploads :)
I really wanted to get this all wrapped up so I can start to move on to other things! Like, ya know, my webcomic project. And also liveblogs!
Oh speaking of which... wait maybe I should make it a separate update... hmmmm. Yeah I'll do that.
Anyways, yeah! It'll be nice once I no longer need to upload a video every day, but it's also not too bad. I'm just glad I have a huge amount of queue, which'll give me time to look for some of the older collab characters. I'm not entirely sure how I'll film their little poke animations... Maybe I'll have to ask around, or perhaps use the kyugay sprite site? I have no idea how to record my screen. Ah man.
But I think the channel is heading towards a decent place, and I'm excited to finish everything up :)
Hope y'all aren't too bothered by the spam of videos! It's gonna be a couple more months at least....
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panie-wanie-dean-bean · 9 months
Thank u so much for the lore answer, I love the cotton candy sweetness of fluff but ima lil drunk right now, so i wanted to share a f-ed up question if that's okay, (you'r free to not answer if not,) but since Bo is so determined to like not fuck upnot be sent back n stuff what kind of stuff would he avoid doing around MC 4hat he used to do around his previous masters?
and like, if its related or not, i had this headcanon that im glad u gave some bo backstory for bc where it was like, wat would happen if he accidentally caused a accident with all his adorbs puppy energy, like he's playing tag with Jack or somethin and with Bos megahuge beach boy buff arms just knocks MC down the flight of their fancy imported italian marble stairs edged with silver (they say this as they're fallin down btw 'ah! Im falling down my fancy imported italian marblestairshks Im stupid)
but anyway yea they break something or get like super injured or something and ofc the ambulance has to be called and they're taken ro the hospital to stay for awhile, which sucks bc like ofc society looks down on hybrids so everyone is side eyeing this adorable zoo mansion bc they're lame and 1 brain celled and like "thats wat happens when u have a house full of wild animals they should be put down if u ask me" and MCs attitude is like a grim but professional "if i had both my arms Id beat ur ass bitch, wats ur @? Soon as this morphine drip is done its over for u hoes" but like they probably have a cast or somethin . Anyway MC's worried about the boys, and me the OP is worried about Bo bc like Trauma city would hit his brain harrd, and i dont even know if the other guys would be so forgiving and stuff bc i mean they Should they're a family, but that was two(2) flights of imported italian marble dude, fuck, why play football tag,, in the house?? And idk i just felt bad bc jack n Bo esp probably would feel double bad even tho MC loves him so much he's just a hyper guy, he cant help his zoomzooms, i dont/cant fathom wat he and the boys would do in this situation probably pack his one thing (an old mc shoe) ina rucksack n try to run away miserably or maybe 24/7 at the hospitsl despite all the nasty looks and comments bc they're hybrids or magbe even hiding away bc he absolutely believes that mc will send him away once they lock eyes again, but regardless of either of those things, if MC has to roll up to the house in that (yknow that spongebob character guy who was born with glass bones and paper skin ass Giant ass full body cast on rollers??) To go find that boy and over the grand table firmly tell them not to harbor any horrible thoughts about themselves or each other, bc it was an accident and about lovin them unconditionally and being a family, i might cry or somethinf, the table is also imported italian maple btw MC-s parents had a thing i think they fucked an italian architect guy, or somethin anyway i luv u, im gonna eat a burrito so let me know if u want any thing from the kitchen luv u
Lemme know if tuis text is broken up enough bc i skimmed over it and i was like this is like the stat wars openin or some shit i put gaps in
First of all, sweety, for me, take a sip or two of water, ok? And make sure you sleep on your side if you're still drunk by then, forehead kisses all around
Anyways, Bo would just mask everything that brings him joy by the time you adopt him. No bouncing, no stimming in general, no talking unless asked, no indulging in his hyperfixations or special interests, he even tries to limit his tail wagging. He's come to correlate his own joy with bad behavior so he's just straight up not him when you first meet him
Holy shit, this is good, but fuck man. Bo wouldn't know what to do with himself. Once the ambulance takes you away he thinks you died. He's in full shutdown, no talking, no eating, no moving off your bed and your scent
Jack would also be distraught, both because he was playing with Bo and because he cleans those stairs so often they're just a little more slippery from how clean they are. He stays with Bo most days, Rory coming in with meals to make sure they don't starve in there. Jack eats a little. Bo doesn't
Rory feels bad for Jack and Bo, he knows they didn't mean it and trusts Jack's recount of events. Nick keeps himself busy by visiting you in the hospital, Shaun wants to go too but since cat's are a popular allergen he's not allowed in unless he needs care. Ian goes as often as he can so he doesn't have enough time to plot Bo's death. Jean and Berry are pissed and openly talk about kicking Bo out. They know better than to talk about Jack like that with Rory around. Joseph is stuck as peace maker until you get back, making sure that no fights break out and they Jean doesn't poisons Bo's food with onions, not that he'd eat it anyhow
When you finally get home and tell everyone that you forgive Bo seeing as it was an accident Bo finally lets everything hit him and cries. He's on his best behavior the months following, you'll have to reteach him to drop his "good boy" mask and be himself
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theintrovertbean · 2 years
The Arcana Main Six + MC as The Phantom of The Opera Characters
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It's Masquerade time, bitches.
I must admit, I have an unhealthy obsession with The Phantom of The Opera. And therefore, it was only a matter of time before I came up with this idea. The 2004 movie is like one of the best things I've ever watched in my entire life (but I also like the theater plays), and Gerard Butler is incredibly hot (have you seen those thighs?). This was the straightest thing I've ever said.
If you haven't watched the movie, then this is your sign to do it.
As I stated in my previous post, there's something going on with my left eye, and I'm in pain whenever I look at the screen. Right now, I'm feeling better, so I wrote this real quick. With this eye issue going on, it takes me longer to write the requests that you all have sent me, but I'm working on them. My requests are still open if anyone has ideas, but yeah, I'm taking my sweet time.
I would also like to thank everyone for their support and for all the requests you've sent me. It feels incredible and very motivating.
I'm not sure if anyone in the Arcana fandom is interested in POTO, but I had fun writing this, so it was worth it.
With that being said, we shall now progress to the good stuff before my cat sits on me and prevents me from moving.
And don't take this seriously. It's all just silly fun.
MC - Christine Daaé
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Come on; it's the obvious choice. 
Everyone wants to date MC, and MC loves everyone. Christine loves everyone regardless of their flaws, even the Phantom.
A bit of a dumbass, tbh.
Could probably solve world hunger with a kiss.
Asra - Viscount Raoul de Chagny
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Raoul would die for Christine (and he almost did), and Asra gave half his heart for MC. See the connection?
Pretty boys.
Has a few flaws, but is the obvious choice™
Raoul was Christine's childhood sweetheart and love interest. Reminds me of Asra and MC's relationship.
First love™
Brings stuff for their s/o.
Everyone thinks they slept with the protagonist.
Julian - Ubaldo Piangi
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Clumsy drama boys.
Gets hanged but also pegged. 
Do they like to sing? Hell yes. Should they sing? Hell no.
I'm sorry, I don't have much else to say.
Nadia - Carlotta Gudicelli
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Mommy. Fancy ma'am.
Is this even a question?
Actually, it is. I was torn between Christine, Madame Giry, and Carlotta, but I decided on the latter.
Carlotta played the role of Countess in Il Muto, so it has to be.
Also, Carlotta is a fucking leading lady and Prima Donna, and so is Nadia.
They both pegged their husbands, and they know their worth.
Husband is dead™
Professional girlbosses. 
Amazing taste in clothes.
Tired of everyone's bullshit.
Also, the actress who plays Carlotta in the 2004 movie (Minnie Driver) is the same height as Nadia. Tall women 😍
I am a slut for them, and I want them both to step on me. 
Prima donna, first lady of the stage! Your devotees are MC is on their knees to implore you! 🎶🎵
Portia - Meg Giry
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Lil girlboss™
They both look cute and innocent but would slap a bitch without hesitation.
Curious and sweet. 
Gives warm hugs. 
Secret passage girls.
Muriel - Madame Giry
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Sweethearts who take care of others. 
Madame Giry worked for the Phantom, and Muriel worked for Lucio. 
They run away when people try to talk to them.
They both look depressed until we see them in their Masquerade outfits.
Lucio - Erik/The Phantom
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Sexy drama boys with many issues.
They are tragic, they are violent, and they are ridiculously handsome.
Thighs. Look at their fucking thighs. 
Raoul hates Erik. Asra hates Lucio.
They are supposed to be the antagonists, but for some very understandable reason, a lot of people simp for them.
Dramatic cape swinging.
Rose lover plague boys.
The Phantom troubles Carlotta, and Lucio does the same with Nadia. 
They both show up at the Masquerade. Suddenly and uninvited. 
Everyone in the movie/game hates them.
But mama I'm in love with a criminal.
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
Okay so yeah as I said I'd be back later, and I am back ( yeah very late lolz) So how are you???? Hope everything is alr? Okie so god, Jake seems pissed, the fatherly rage and all. He gon fuck up the person that dare interrupted this moment. Like my man was finally having a heart felt moment and finally realized his mistakes ( at long last) and was trying to correct them, but no, it can't happen not so soon anyways. Like this guy, I kinda feel bad for us when this old father was finally admitting his mistakes, some douchebag had to ruin it. like I can imagine the us goin "Aye U mf, this bish was finally, finally apologizing and u had to ruin it didn't you? Leave my father man I'll fuck you up, dumb bitch couldn't handle bein humiliated by dad and mom once that you come back again for more?"
I WANT NEYETIRI'S REACTION FOR THE NAME JACK, AND I SAW SM1 IN YOUR ASKS SAYING THE NAME JACK THE CANNIBAL. AND I LOVED IT WHOEVER HAD THAT IDEA. I CAN IMAGINE NEYETIRI GOING- SHE'S TOO MUCH OF A COPY LIKE HER FATHER- Like bro but god I re-read it again all the parts and I cried, an emotional wreak, the lucid dreaming? oh it felt so true, like it was not a part of ur fiction but the actual movie. This is how good your writing is. Okie so as you said we are heading to the Metkayina Clan. I want a lil info if psbl. Is she gonna fall in love with one of the Metkayinan Boy or Girl? I've never, ever been obsessed with a piece of Fiction so damn bad as this one. I'm addicted to this man, what you write hits right in the damn feels. Love you <33 AND YEE PAY FOR MY AND OTHER'S THERAPY BILLS. IMMA SEND MINE NEXT.
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AND totally uncalled for TMI but i wanna complain a bit,,,, I started my period today and things suck it hurts. the radiator in my room also broke down and im cold its winter here. but like. im happy regardless bc i have you guys<3 constantly am reminded there's a small crowd out there on the internet who love me (maybe) and my writing so im cheered up instantly. yes im being cheesy im on my period EXCUSE ME
MOVING ON THOUGH i want to say that man was one of the recombinants in quaritch's squad that wasn't quite killed and only wounded. the rest of his squad got extraction but he didn't, so that's how he made his way to the tree of souls trying to navigate the forest. i didnt really gave context to how sister!reader's rescue went because she was very focused on herself and her claustrophobic panic at the moment but YEAH I thought it'd be cool to establish a bit of a butterfly effect HSHSJDS ur gonna see what jake does with him it's going to be interesting
OOF to be honest i only have bits and pieces for the metkayina plot. if i were to write about it i think i'd do just headcanons? i dont have a lot tbh,,,,, nothing is set in stone at the moment. for the romance i have ideas i entertain, sister!reader is a character who can have interesting dynamics with everyone due to her personality. i havent really planned anything at all so i just dont know. i really am planning to leave the ending ambiguous sorry AHAHAH
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vacantgodling · 2 years
i couldn’t sleep so have these gays and im gonna force myself to dream about them
wip: vampires don’t take road trips
character(s): darren de leon (mc/pov), gabriel “gabe” batari ; mentions of other characters
warnings: none! just confused gays being dudes! tl;dr darren is bi and thinks gabe is playing hard to get and gets a lil annoyed bc he doesn’t get why gabe won’t take the bait. in actuality, gabe is actually demi and has not experienced feelings for anyone before so clams up when directly flirted with. they like each other they just need to communicate lmao. chaos ensues.
early autumn skies and getting closer to someone you’re painfully attracted to…
The city lights were brighter than the stars out here, so far away from them.
I’d offered to take first watch since I don’t sleep anyway. My eyes continued to sweep across the desert surrounding around us, seeking anything unusual but finding nothing. I’d never been to a place before that didn’t rain; even in a brief trip to California summers and summers ago, I remembered the all-encompassing sheets of moisture that cut Dave and I’s trip to Disneyland short.
I wouldn’t say that I was surprised when Gabe came out to sit next to me. The novelty of it though, lingered. He should’ve sat further from me if he didn’t want our shoulders to brush; the nagging suspicion that he purposefully underestimated his broad wingspan to be in my proximity was growing stronger with every incident. I didn’t turn to face him right away, instead I kept admiring how I could pluck out the sheen of metal of a lone street lamp at the edge of the city from here.
“Not smoking?” He finally asked. I huffed out a laugh through my nose. What a conversationalist. “I ran out of weed two days ago. I don’t even think it’s legal in this state.” I glanced at him. His golden eyes were trained on me, little attentive crescent moons, like always. I looked back towards the city. “But, I think I’m starting to feel the merits of being sober.” I was giving him an “in.” As usual, Gabe didn’t take my bait. “I think Marco has some. Weed, I mean.”
“Yeah? That’s his stash though.” Growing bored of the city and not wanting to look at Gabe yet, I flopped on my back to study the stars. I didn’t know shit about astrology. I could probably ask Vlad and he’d name every constellation. Demi would probably bitch about his storytelling. The thought made me smile.
“Slacking off?” Gabe’s voice brought me back, I hadn’t realized I’d closed my eyes. I looked up at him where he was peering at me with a grin and bumped my shoulder against his knee. “I got you here keeping watch with me, big guy. You’re only enabling me.”
“Should I head back to the tent?” He asked. I could tell he was pretending to be unamused, I saw the tiny sliver of his mouth quirk up into a grin before his lips turned back into a frown. Brooders gotta brood. Either way, it was fun pressing buttons to see which one would break his facade. I was winning regardless.
“You wouldn’t.” I said, matter-of-fact. Gabe snorted, yet, he made no effort to move. Instead, he grasped my elbow with his free hand and gave it a light squeeze. “You’re right.” He met my eyes, then blindsided me with a devilish grin. “I don’t trust you.”
“Okay, rude.” I put my hand to my chest, but I couldn’t tell if it was in indignation or to keep my heart from rabbiting out of it. “First of all, what have I done to ever make you distrust me?”
“Tried to bite me when we first met, for one.” I rolled my eyes. “I thought we were past that Gabe, baby.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and ignored the way the tips of his ears turned pink. “You can’t keep holding that over me—you smell too good. Even Vlad agrees!”
“Keep your fangs to yourself.” He poked my cheek. I lunged at his finger for a nibble, but he pushed his hand against my face to keep me back.
“You really want me to keep them to myself?” I pushed myself up on my elbows to give Gabe my best, suggestive-yet-unimpressed stare. But as usual, whenever my flirting attempts got too bold, he stonewalled me. I cursed myself in the only language I knew when I saw his easy mask slide back into place, his grin dropping like ice shards. And he’d opened up enough to smile dammit—! Frustrated, I huffed, blowing stray bangs from my face.
“Do you get off on torturing me or something?” And he had the gall to look confused. “You’re really gonna make me say it?”
“Say what?” He asked.
“Oh you fucking— Don’t worry about it.” I waved my hand, dismissing it. I couldn’t do this conversation right now, and it wasn’t fair for me to get mad at him. Maybe he didn’t know how I felt—what I meant—and I was looking too far into things. I was being pretty obvious but it wouldn’t be the first time. This time would just hurt more.
I’d get over it.
Sensing my irritation, Gabe decided not to say anything. We sat in silence for a long, long moment.
He surprised me by breaking the silence first. It started with a point.
“Do you see that star there?” I turned my gaze back up to the sky, following his finger to a particularly small but bright cluster. It was hard to make out each individual element; they must be stars further out and even with my vampire enhanced eyes, my innate humanness bogged down my clear view. Still, I peered for a moment longer, then nodded. “My mother tells me she was born somewhere around there.” I looked to Gabe in surprise. It was easy to forget; how Earthbounds like the rest of us were truly on a different scale. Even though I struggled to see those stars, did Gabe see them clearly? Unclouded, with eyes meant to see through the depths of space. Only hindered by the Earth’s unusual gravity and atmosphere? Did he feel a sense of longing for out there… or was he content since this was all he knew? I wet my lips, searching for something to say. “Is it… common for Celestials to be born here?”
“On Earth? No.” Gabe wasn’t looking at me, and somehow it felt like the wrong thing to ask. “I’m… pretty rare, I guess.” He shrugged, then seemed to think for a moment. “… Where were you born?”
“Me?” A startled laugh I couldn’t help bubbled from my throat. “I um… New York, I think? Actually—“ I scrunched up my brow. “I don’t know. Dave hasn’t told me much about it and I haven’t really asked Liz. But New York feels right. It’s where most of my early memories are, anyway.”
“I was surprised when Vlad told me you lived there.” Gabe met my eyes again. The smile he gave me this time was softer, more genuine. He really was going to make my heart beat out from behind my ribs. “You don’t really have much of an accent.”
“Really? I’ve been told I sound like a New Yawker.” I beamed when I saw the hints of a smile tug at his lips again. “You expecting me to sound like a 50’s mobster or something?” His laugh was soft, but bright. The moon was envious. “Maybe. That’s all my knowledge of New York.”
“I’ll take you someday.” Once this is over. “You’ll hate it. It’s so loud and full of people.” Gabe rolled his eyes, but it looked fond. “Great.”
“Where were you born?”
Our conversation strayed until near dawn. Covering every topic from our birth places and dates (I can’t understate how elated I was when I found out his birthday is 4 days after mine. That, and the way Gabe deadpanned when I told him my birthday was April 20th—I wish I had Awilda’s camera), to the desert, plants, more vampire lessons. I wasn’t even tired when Vlad came stumbling out of the tent, rubbing his eyes from sleep, to let us know we could go back in the tent to rest. Moonglend and Awilda were going to find breakfast. I ruffled his hair when I passed, and his tired smile spread a comfortable warmth throughout my body in the form of minute tingles.
“Sweet dreams.” I told Gabe over my shoulder once I settled down into Vlad’s vacant sleeping bag. He didn’t say anything back, so I closed my eyes, settling down to sleep.
I was sure I imagined the ghost of warmth across my forehead before I truly drifted off, but at least it’d be a good dream.
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filthforfriends · 1 year
Context: thinking ab Victoria in Mamma Mia MV
No bc they could've picked ANY OTHER GIRL for Victoria to kiss in the Mamma Mia MV and they picked a WOC? Melaninated AND textured hair?????? TEXTURED HAIR😫❤️
😫😫😫😫 ❤️
There's hope må kinky/curly girlies of color THERES HOPE like so u mean I have a CHANCE??? ❤️😫🙌🏽
¡sí se puede! THIS is what movement leaders of the past fought for (joking)
Ahahaha how many racist ass må fans were pressed as hell seeing that aha stay mad bitches
In all seriousness ik that can be a whole fuckin thing bc yea with everything they've done in the past , this could be seen as like tokenism or like "see we're not racist!1!!1!" But I see it as like making an effort and not caring what racists might say and how it was so well received (as far as I know 😶👉🏽👈🏽) makes me feel 🤏🏽 this much safer in the fandom kinda bc ugh yes queer wlw representation that's not just (I say this respectfully) 2 white bitches and the fact that she was darker skinned too with at the least 3C curly pattern
Say what u want I love the effort and how esp for Europeans and esp in Italy this was a bold move considering how racist and homophobic it is over there, only imagining the level of hate straight interracial couple face and noninterracial queer couples face there a queer wlw interracial lil kiss moment in the MV is bold and an effort and was a statement of exactly what they (at least try to) stand for and I enjoy it
If any racist må fans were pressed y'all can leave the fandom and either stay mad or educate yourselves away from hate and unlearn all that stuff (from what I saw probably no one was pressed but I don't know bc I'm on the American side of the må fandom socials and we didn't care here we loved it)
This is why artists need to be outspoken about these things this is why representation matters
I remember there being a shift in media representation when Obama was elected where commercials went from exclusively white to including POC. It’s no coincidence that Glee came out a year after his election. I don’t know which European countries have had a similar cultural shift. For me, employing POC as a “woke” artist is the bare minimum. It’s simply what I expect at this point, regardless of the demographics where they’re shooting the footage. Obviously I am very privileged to grow up in a part of the US so liberal that I can have this expectation. I also recognize that Vic's love interest being a WOC was a conscious choice and that the representation was incredibly important. I wish they’d kept that energy for other videos but they didn’t
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