#and rich fuckers!
ktstrophic · 6 months
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Spider-Man 2 but instead of getting hit with suncharged shrapnel Alfred Molina gets hit with some cosmic blue jizz
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duskymrel · 1 year
The interesting thing to me is how symbolic the fact is that this submarine imploded in the same spot the Titanic sank. Both involved corporate greed and the wealthy thinking there was no way they could ever sink. Its funny how rich people always think they can get away with anything and that they're immortal. Quite literally, actually. The CEO called the Titan indestructible. Sound familiar? And yet they did sink and both are tragedies. Kind of poetic, in my opinion.
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lemonisntreal · 14 days
okay @biaweck brought this old piece to my attention in their recent post, and also made me go through all my old uploads to double check [horrific]. But apparently I never actually uploaded this one, so:
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My bad! 😛
This was started all the way back on January 27th of 2023, so it's like a whole year and a half old. Honestly, didn't age too horribly, I might redo this one at a later date [also Mike smokes, and you can't convince me otherwise [well kinda [see tags]]]
This redesign also REALLY needs an update or two, it was really hashed together at the time [which is a reason why it wasn't ever uploaded, if I were to guess]
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cometblaster2070 · 4 months
it's currently like 5 am but all i'm saying is that there needed to be an eah webisode where raven got to beat up headmaster grimm with a baseball bat for the whole episode.
i don't even want any magic bs going on yk, just at least 5 minutes of raven beating the shit out of him with a baseball bat that maddie probably pulled out of her hat.
she went through a lot of shit okay; girl deserved to at least have SOMETHING. and personally speaking, i think it's something we all would enjoy so it's a win-win for everyone here.
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pigglepiephi · 12 days
Maybe if they had had an Inception-style end to the last ep of 4 Minutes, where you didn’t know for sure if Tyme & Great were still in the ‘4 minutes experience’ or not, then maybe, just maybe, some part of that last episode would have made sense…
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yearningaces · 5 months
Like you don't need actors and artist for entertainment? People need a break from depressing stuff, that's why people are so excited about the gala
Oh do you need a break? Is it so depressing seeing what's going on in Gaza?
Don't you think the people living through it deserve a break? The parents burying their children, children surrounded by dead families, starvation, dehydration, dehumanizing and animalistic barbarity being shown towards people who were accused of the sin of living in a land Israel wanted as their own?
Must be so hard for you to have to hear about it poor baby boo, so now you get to watch these rich fucks pay tens of thousands for a ticket alone then an elaborate costume to be worn for a few hours then to prattle among each other rich and spoiled by the decadence of food like most people would never get a chance to have.
And they do this while average people, are screaming, Palestinians are screaming for aid for help for life. Those rich fucks could singlehandedly pay for family after family to escape that hell and they instead waste money on overpriced fabric to be worn- again I reiterate- a few hours before hanging it up again. How many lives could have been saved instead?
Fuck you. Fuck the bloody diamonds and silks of the met gala, keep your eyes on rafah, free Palestine.
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eliza-the-hunted · 15 days
I want grab Dale Dimmadome by his dimmashoulders and kiss his dimmaface and then dump his dimmabody in the dimmaditch.
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mrsoharaa · 29 days
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Satoru walks out from the school grounds to his car, only to find it rocking back and forth rigorously. Grins mischievously to himself as he waves off the others, telling him that he's in a bit of a hurry to get home, urgent even. Only then when he enters the car, he finds you and Suguru going at it like rabid animals. Steaming up his windows, making and clawing indents onto his expensive lathered seats.
Jealousy obviously stirs in his chest and ego of course, so he simply takes the initiative and joins in on the steamy fun.
"Having fun without me I see, how rude...and in my car too? so shameless" he'd deeply chuckle, kissing behind Suguru's right ear as he fondles up on your legs from behind Suguru's broad back, grinding against him with slow, impending prods of his groins.
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
Lily' birthday- jily snippet
"You're spending your birthday in the library?"
Lily ignored James, carrying on writing her notes for Potions as James sat down opposite her.
He placed his head in his hands and peered over at her work, "Interesting, interesting."
Lily huffed, looking up, "You don't even take potions, whilst I love it; yet I am finding this specific topic excruciatingly boring, so how is this interesting to you?"
James grinned, "Your handwriting is just really shit. I can't read a word of it so I'm imagining you're writing about transfiguration."
Lily snorted, "Well, I'm not."
"What a shame", he sighed.
She nodded in agreement as she glanced back down to her work. He sat quietly opposite her as she did so.
After almost ten minutes, she glanced back up with a frown.
"Are you just going to sit there?"
"Until you finish."
"Well what if I'm planning on working until the library shuts at nine... in about seven hours."
James shrugged, "I can keep myself entertained."
Lily groaned and shook her head.
James let out a laugh, "I did not think you were so dirty minded, Miss Evans. Merlin, I meant I'll do some doodling or something."
"For seven hours?"
He leaned back in his chair, hand coming up to brush his hair out his eyes, "You don't want the company?"
"No, I'm happy for the company. But shouldn't you be practicing quidditch or corrupting the youth with Sirius?"
"No, it's your birthday. If you're set on studying until the evening then I'll happily keep you company."
Lily smiled, "Well, I'm not actually going to do that. I'll only be here for an hour or so more and then Mary and Marlene are taking me rollerskating... Do you want to come with us? I was planning on inviting Remus anyway, and so you, Sirius, and Peter by extension."
James nodded, "Yeah. I'd- I mean we would like that."
Lily beamed, "Okay."
Lily smiled at him again before slowly moving her gaze back to her notes. James stole one of her sheets of paper and doodled as Lily worked. As Lily began to pack away, James folded then slid the paper into her bag. His doodles of Lily as a jedi surrounded by hearts now resting in Lily's bag.
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
is there any actual catharsis in the boys or is it all just suffering and scrambling for a crumb of relief
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desire-mona · 1 month
am i sexier for having a twitch streamer saiki k oc in a qpr with Kusuo Saiki say yes
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kalcifers-blog · 5 months
Low-key wanting to be hunted for sport now
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anotherwrld · 8 months
oh he is not having it
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hockeynoses · 11 months
Hot Tub Snzs (R/oy x Ja/mie)
Summary: Jamie suggests Roy get into the hot tub to clear his sinuses. Roy's hands are wet and Jamie ends up holding the tissues for him.
Notes: <900 words. Some mess. Not really any other warnings. Pure fluff. This came to me in a half-dream yesterday morning when I was trying to fall back asleep, and I had to write it. I'm not usually a Roy girlie, so I surprised myself.
Roy and Jamie drive up to their vacation home for a long weekend. They bought it a while back when they realized this thing between them was real, and they were both in it for the long haul. The property has a couple acres of land, and it’s surrounded by trees; one of the few places where they don’t have to worry about being hounded by paparazzi.
The house has an upscale cottage vibe, with a large hot tub on the back deck. It’s a crisp autumn afternoon, and the forest around them is lit up with vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds.
Roy’s on the tail-end of a cold that's been annoying him for the past week and a half. At this point, he’s feeling better, but his body is still trying to eject all of the gunk that has built up in his head. He’s so fucking congested and wishes he could speed up the process.
Jamie, who has grown tired of his constant complaining, suggests he go in the hot tub because, “Maybe the steam will help.”
Roy almost puts up a fight just for the hell of it, but they’re on vacation, and Jamie has his best interests at heart. Roy does love a good soak.
“Go on,” Jamie says. “I’ll join you in a bit.”
Roy grumbles, but does as he’s told. The heat feels amazing on his muscles, and the view can’t be beat. He relaxes into the water, steam coiling up into the air, bringing with it the burning smell of chlorine. The effect is two-fold: the steam loosens his congestion as the stinging itch of the chlorine sets off pinpricks of sensation in his inflamed sinuses. “Hah…HA’AAIISSHHH! Hih’EEHHHSSHH’IUE!” He doesn’t bother to cover them, openly sneezing down onto the surface of the water.
Catching his breath only works the steam deeper into his airways, and he gears up for another clearing, “huh’GGKSSHH’AH!” He tries to snort up the mess that has run out onto his cupid’s bow, and has no choice but to swipe at it with his wet hand before returning it to the water. The powerful sneezes have worked to clear some of his congestion, but he needs to blow his nose to really finish the job.
“Christ, I can hear your Grandad sneezes from inside the house,” Jamie says as he opens the back door. He’s in his speedo with a box of tissues under his arm.
Roy gives a pointed, productive sniff. “Should be used to it by now.”
“Just sayin’. You’re gonna scare the wildlife, goin’ on like that.”
Roy just grunts in response, lifting his wet hand to rub at the tip of his itchy nose.
Jamie steps into the hot tub, making sure to keep his hands dry. He sets the tissue box on the ledge next to them.
Roy’s eyes flutter shut and he turns to the side, half-heartedly holding up a hand to his face that does absolutely nothing to cover the wrenching sneeze that bursts from him. “haa…HA’AAEISHH’OO! Ugh.” When he turns back to Jamie, there are twin streams of clear mess coating his upper lip.
“Disgustin’!” Jamie teases. Roy knows he’s only joking. Having grown up as professional footballers, they’ve both seen men do far more disgusting things on the regular to be offended by a little snot.
“Give me a fuckin’ tissue then!” Roy gripes.
“Nah, your hands are all wet, mate. Come here, I’ll do it.”
Roy looks at him hesitantly as Jamie readies a couple tissues.
“Yeah, come on then.” Jamies gestures him forward. Roy rolls his eyes and leans closer.
His nose, chilly from the crisp fall air, is enveloped in the soft heat of Jamie’s cotton-covered hand. He starts blowing, only slightly embarrassed to hear the heavy crackle of it as it fills the tissue. It must be soaking through to Jamie’s skin, but the other man says nothing about it.
“Better?” Jamie asks. Roy pulls back and gives a tentative sniff, relieved that he’s finally able to get some air through.
“Yeah, actually.”
“Good!” Jamie graces him with a beaming smile. Roy resolves to do something special for him after he’s put up with his grouchy ass this whole week.
Even after all that, the pesky itch deep in his nose refuses to leave him. Roy blinks and scrunches his nose up, rubbing it in circles against the back of his wet hand. Jamie watches him and grabs some fresh tissues.
“You done?” Jamie asks, amusement twinkling in his eye.
“N-no…” Roy’s nostrils flare as he sucks in a quick breath, his head rearing back. His eyes close and he snaps forward “iihh…HNG’KSSHHHuh!” – into a waiting bundle of soft kleenex.
Blinking his eyes open, he meets Jamie’s surprised gaze. Jamie nods at him and Roy buries his face deeper into his hand, releasing a long, thick blow until the soggy tissues can’t hold any more.
He pulls back with a groan as Jamie gets after any residual mess still clinging to him.
“Thanks,” Roy says, relaxing back against the tub. “I think that was all of them.”
“Got you covered, Coach,” Jamie says with a wink. He brushes a kiss against Roy’s cheek before settling in next to him, happy to while away the rest of the evening by his side.
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nanoa1foryou · 11 months
Do we know what private event Jere will be performing at today or are we just waiting in terror to see?
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The one thing all Dragonvale fans can agree upon:
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We all hate this fucker
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