#and rose just has to quietly admit in an aside that she doesnt know. she doesnt know. so please dont ask again‚ because she doesnt know.
tamaharu · 7 months
ten telling rose that jack was "busy rebuilding the earth" is sick and twisted ill give him a slight pass because he told her that while in the throes of a bad regeneration but you knowwww she asked to go find him immediately after the christmas invasion and ten just shot her this look of indescribable, unfamiliar empty darkness, then looked away and told her they cant. jacks too busy. hey, what do you think about new earth? new new earth! get a little past the great and bountiful human empire, see how it all turns out, safe and sound after they fixed it! and normally rose would try and get a real answer out of him, but she doesnt recognize that awful look on his face. she doesnt recognize the easy way he moves on. and it terrifies her. she just spent a whole adventure doubting him, and he terrifies her, and she needs to get over it. so she does. and so she doesnt ask about jack again.
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hotknifr · 6 years
Peter Parker x Reader
wc: 1.5k
a/n: This is all just really hardcore pining. Plus a ton of obliviousness.
summary: You're in love with your best friend and think its completely one sided. Peter is in love with you, oblivious to your pining
warnings: none!
requests are open
master post
Burning. The sensation wasn't like anything you had felt before. His words caused you to ignite, his soft touches leaving invisible burn marks on your skin. He caused your world to set on fire. You didn't understand it. Maybe you did, but were too scared to admit it. It was a feeling you had shoved deep down for years now. For too long. And now it was burning you alive. What made it worse, was there was no escaping him. He was a part of your life for too long, and now, you revolved around each other. You were stuck with him at school for hours on end, you hung out during the weekends. He was always just there, a part of your memories, or in the present.
It was a Friday, the last class just ending. You made your way, grabbing what you needed from your locker, putting away all that you didn't. When shutting the door you noticed the all too familiar face looking at you. His face was etched with worry, which made the burning feeling simply sink down.
“Hey, Pete.” You smiled, shoving books into your backpack to avoid his gaze.
“Are you okay? You've seemed just, off, lately. Not- not to intrude. I just, I worry- about you.” You looked back up to face him, seeing his genuine expression made you want to hide, to be somewhere else.
“Im okay. I promise.” You tried your best to sound reassuring, but you both knew it wasn't exactly working in your benefit.
“Are- are you sure? Just, you know you can always talk to me. I care about you and I-” You cut off his worried rambling by shoving your hand in front of his face, your pinky finger sticking out.
“Pinky promise.” You said, waiting for him to interlock your fingers and shake on it. You never broke a pinky promise with Peter, it was a friendship rule not to. Technically you were okay though. You were just in love with your best friend since grade school. Nothing major. He hesitated for a minute before interlocking your fingers together The second he did so you immediately regretted your actions. You thought about how easy it would be to interlock your hands fully, holding his. How simple that would be. But before you knew it, he let go and you were stuck with the burnt feeling once more.
“Alright. I’ll see you later? We’re still on for movie night? It’s MJ’s turn to choose a movie so it has to be something really good.” Peter asked, wanting to be reassured of your presence.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Peter.” You assured him, knowing that if you missed movie night you wouldn’t hear the end of it. Plus, MJ did always have great taste in movies.
“Great! I’ll see you later then.” Peter smiled brightly before rushing off. Once you two separated ways, his smile faltered. If you hadn’t interrupted him earlier you would’ve heard him say ‘and i love you’ words that seemed to want to fall off of his tongue more and more often these days. He didn’t know whether or not to be thankful you interrupted him. Whether those words would have changed something between you. But it was too late now.
The time you spent after school before heading to MJ’s was all one big haze. Everything seemed hazy more often. Losing yourself in your daydreams, leaving surroundings to continue outside of your own little world. The only parts of your day you could remember in detail, were the ones where you were with Peter. Peter, Peter, Peter. He never seemed to leave your thought process lately.
Knocking gently against the door frame, you waited outside of MJ’s home.  The door swung open in seconds as the familiar face of one of your close friends, MJ, appeared. She gave you a small smile, stepping aside to let you in. The smell of popcorn filling the space as your entered the room.
“Ned is making popcorn, declaring it’s a movie night necessity. Peter texted saying he’d be a few minutes late.” She said whilst shutting the door behind you.
You hummed a response, kicking off your shoes at the doorway. MJ made her way onto the couch, plopping down onto the cushions. Ned then entered the room with two bowls of popcorn in his hands. He set them on the small coffee table before sitting down and joining MJ.
“Alright, movie, popcorn, now all we need is Parker.” He concluded.
“I’ll text him again-“ MJ announced before a knock was heard at the door. You walked over, opening the door to a heaving Peter.
“Woah, Peter are you- you all good?” You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder without thinking as he tried to catch his breath. He just nodded his head and swallowed before trying to speak.
“Didn't- I didn’t wanna- hold you guys up.” He panted between breaths. After a moment or two he finally caught his breath and walked inside. When the two of you walked into the living room, you noticed the weird look MJ was giving you. You brushed it off thinking it was typical for MJ.
“I found him.” You joked, sitting down at the edge of the couch, curling your knees to your chest. Peter sat next to you, the light brush of shoulders shooting electricity throughout your entire body. Burning.
“Alright!” Ned exclaimed. “Now that Peters here we can start the movie.” His excitement was contagious as you noticed Peter perk up. MJ started the movie, grabbing one of the bowls to share with Ned. Peter grabbed the other one, placing it in the space between the two of you.
Caught up in the moment of the scene playing on the screen, you subconsciously went to reach for a handful of popcorn. Instead you felt yourself accidentally grab Peters hand. Instantly you retracted your hand, bringing it close to your chest. Peter felt his heart drop, seeing your reaction badly. As if you didn't want to hold his hand. As if touching him burnt you.
“Ill- ill be right back.” You muttered quietly, getting up from your seat and rushing out of the room. You made your way to the bathroom, using it to simply just stand in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection you thought over every reason that stopped you from confessing. The fear of rejection, the fear of losing Peter. He’d claim everything was fine and normal if you confessed.  You knew it wouldn't be. After spilling your guts, everything would change. And you hated the idea of that. A soft knock then pulled you of your spiraling thoughts.
“Hey, can we talk?” Peters voice was soft and muted from the closed door. You sucked in a breath, bracing yourself for the conversation you were about to have. Opening the door, you noticed how Peter played with his fingers. Shifting his weight from one foot to another. His shoulders rose as he took a deep breath before speaking. “Listen, okay- I just need to get this off of my chest. I know you probably don't feel the same. But I can't just not say this. It's almost slipped out hundreds of times before, so if I don't say it now, it's bound to happen some point soon anyway. Okay-okay, here it does. I like you. No-no I love you. Yeah. I love you. That’s-that’s it.” He let out all in one breath, the rushed words fumbling together, though you still understood what he was saying. It felt unreal. Like your body was being burned alive, but instead of searing pain it was fuzzy. Everything felt fuzzy. Mistaking your silence as a rejection Peter began to ramble once more. “I hope this doesn't ruin anything. I swear i'll move on,-” His rambling instantly stopped when you pressed your lips against his, chastely kissing him.
“Please, don’t move on.” Your voice was breathy but clear and understandable.
“I pinky promise.” He smiled brightly, brighter than you had ever seen before. His smile reminding you why he caused you to burn. You brought your pinky finger up to interlock with his, thinking over how just earlier this morning you longed at the thought of holding his hand. And now, you had permission to. So you did. Instead of letting go, you simply held his hand.
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