#do you ever think of him doctor? do you ever think of how jack harkness kissed you‚ then me‚ and then you left him? you left me? you left?
tamaharu · 10 months
ten telling rose that jack was "busy rebuilding the earth" is sick and twisted ill give him a slight pass because he told her that while in the throes of a bad regeneration but you knowwww she asked to go find him immediately after the christmas invasion and ten just shot her this look of indescribable, unfamiliar empty darkness, then looked away and told her they cant. jacks too busy. hey, what do you think about new earth? new new earth! get a little past the great and bountiful human empire, see how it all turns out, safe and sound after they fixed it! and normally rose would try and get a real answer out of him, but she doesnt recognize that awful look on his face. she doesnt recognize the easy way he moves on. and it terrifies her. she just spent a whole adventure doubting him, and he terrifies her, and she needs to get over it. so she does. and so she doesnt ask about jack again.
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
you ever think about how much rose tyler loved jack because i do. she loved him so much. she saved and unmade him in the same breath, she loved him so much. whoever jack harkness was, folded into the thing he became after rose breathed life back into his lungs, abominable and glorious, so much that the doctor can barely look at him. rose loved him so much that she fixed him in time, but not in hers. she destroyed every dalek for love of the doctor, but she brought jack back from death and held him there for love of him.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
watched the mad woman in the attic. maybe i’m babybrained cocomelon brainrotted or something but why is this legitimately better than torchwood like?? or at least equal to it in complexity and subtext.*
but jesus christ… what a message about possessive friendship and the inability to let go — the parallels between eve mind-controlling the homeless people to do her bidding because she “just wants friends”, sam doing the same to rani (thinking she abandoned him after he stopped being her only friend, and trying to guilt-trip her into coming back) and rani doing the same to the bannerman road gang (becoming overly paranoid and gaslighting herself into believing she’s not good enough for them because they dare mention maria). THREE LAYERS of mirroring… “maria’s the new sarah jane” being salt on the wound of rani’s aspirational “sarahjaneification” … parallels with martha’s early-s3 complex of being unable to live up to rose, too …
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^the ship interface is saying this about eve, but it can just as well be interpreted in a metaphorical sense: rani is a child trying to be an adult, rani is trying to become sarah jane, and it will hurt her. funny how the ghost of doctorification haunts the narrative even in his absence, it’s that powerful. The Doctor is a sort of memetic virus that is passed down from mentor to student, and although its intensity diminishes over time, it can still be fatal. gwen wants to imitate jack harkness. jack harkness wants to imitate The Doctor. rani wants to imitate sarah jane. and sarah jane wants to imitate The Doctor
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^eve’s Not-Regeneration — proof of convergent evolution among time-active species? river song’s existence says “yes”. potentially, exposure to the vortex itself gives you the “golden energy emanating from your outstretched limbs” perk
also, from a lore perspective… eve’s species are fascinating aliens. a time-sensitive AND time-active people that’s not connected to the timelords in any way, we don’t see that nearly often enough! as for their backstory (being subject to a genocide as collateral damage because a race that can see the outcome of a conflict is dangerous to both warring parties), that’s definitely a main-show rather than kids-spinoff type concept. wonder what they were doing during the War, not the war on their planet, but the universe-spanning one. judging by the capabilities of their spaceships, the time technology they used is pretty advanced. eve may have been lying by omission: maybe the species that genocided them were none other than the residents of a certain planet that tries by all means to maintain a monopoly on time travel. they don’t like other species messing about with the web that they so carefully wove… ah, now THAT’S a plot seed for a short story in a faction paradox anthology if i ever saw one
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Old Rani’s plot was also all incredibly 73 yards. the more i watch, the more i realise just how intertwined ruby sunday’s story so far has been with various callbacks and parallels to sja… it’s gotta mean something? something something trickster pantheon something somehow one who waits
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*i almost hesitated to post this because the internet Hates people that analyse kids’ media with any degree of sincerity (im usually toeing the line anyway; the main show isn’t really Aimed At Adults either. which we sometimes forget)
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tamlinrose · 10 months
NuWho Characters as The Entities (TMA)
9th Doctor- The Desolation.
He is fresh off the time war, where millions were sacrificed in flame. He is the main cause of death of his entire people and rose like a phoenix from the ashes. DEFINITELY the desolation
Rose- The Eye.
Come on, she becomes an all knowing goddess of Time. How could Bad Wolf NOT be the Eye??
Captain Jack Harkness- The End.
He literally dies over and over and over. Even though he can’t permanently die, I’d say he’s feeding The End some good cosmic horror
The Tenth Doctor- The Lonely.
Pretty self explanatory. He desires companionship so much, but everyone leaves him, whether by choice or force. In the end, he is all alone. And regenerates knowing that for all the connections he made, none could stay. Sad wet boy
Martha- The Hunt.
I debated this one, but I think especially her traveling across the world with the sheer determination to defeat the Master shows her becoming the predator instead of the prey. She also becomes a unit soldier, and her arc is her adopting the soldier mentality the doctor so hates about himself onto herself out of survival.
Donna- The Spiral.
Her whole arc is around not being able to trust herself, her own mind because she’s been told she isn’t clever or worthwhile so many times. Not to mention Fear Her, where everything about the World is Not Right and she’s at the center of the wrongness vortex.
Sarah Jane- The Web.
She’s a journalist, she’s constantly picking at threads, finding out information she shouldn’t have, weaving it to her will. I also think that the doctor dropping her off and ditching her without her consent is playing into the fear of having your life puppeted by forces outside of your control.
11th Doctor- The Stranger.
Idk something about him… his penchant for theatrics, his burning desire to be human but always being just slightly left of human behavior, mannerisms. It’s like he’s mimicking the humanity he wants so bad, but it just gives him the uncanny valley affect that makes him even more alien than ever.
River- also the Web
She is scared of being controlled by forces beyond her. She was brainwashed into wanting to kill the doctor and ultimately it is not her will that pushes her to do so. She lives to be free of influence but she is controlled by the outside forces of the time stream discrepancies that keep her and the doctor apart.
Amy- The Flesh.
Okay this is for silly goofy reasons, but the fact she was LITERALLY a flesh avatar for like a full season really sells it for me. Not to mention a lot of her arc is very centered on body horror (pregnancy without her knowledge, giving birth, not being able to have kids, etc).
Rory: Also an avatar of The End.
He just dies so many times man, him and captain Jack should go to couples therapy or smthn
12: The Dark.
Okay hear me out. It’s the oldest fear entity, which I think really folds in with 12s general air of wisdom and the fact he’s been around a fucking long time. Also, he has that entire episodes where he tries to find out what lives in the dark at the end of the universe, and what lives under the bed that absolutely does not wish to be seen.
Clara: Also The Desolation
She is sooooo self destructive man. Especially after Danny Pink dies, she’s willing to burn it all to the ground. Her eventual demise is because she is impulsive to a fault, and in some ways it could be argued she has a death wish.
Bill: The Vast
She just gives me that childlike wonder for new worlds and the open sky. IK this seems like pretty vague reasoning but I think like Simon Fairchild she just loves the vastness of the universe so much that she eventually goes travelling with star eyed girl to see it all.
13: also The Vast
Citing that youthful wonder again. Honestly I don’t know much about 13 or her companions so if you have Headcanons for Yaz, Ryan, Graham and 13 hmu! Tag them below
The War Doctor: The Extinction
Self explanatory. He’s the doctor who ends it all, his entire species. And that choice defines and haunts him into future incarnations.
The Master: The Slaughter
Senseless chaotic violence for the sake of violence. Sounds pretty on brand.
If you have any contradictions, additional thoughts, or help on 13s era I’d love to hear it in the tags!!!
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Falling feels like flying (till the bone crush)
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor x Reader, Tenth Doctor x Reader, Ninth Doctor x Reader
Word Count: 2, 243
Warnings: All angst, no happy ending
Summary: Reader is faced with a gross realisation. What everyone has been saying about her is true, she's a flight risk. Now it's up to her to show the Doctor that.
A/N: This entire thing literally only exists because I read Flight Risk by @storytelling-timelord so from one Elle to another, thank you for giving me the jump start I need to get to writing again!! For everyone else, I super recommend reading her stuff!!
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On a day that wasn’t then, but long before today, you would wonder why Jack Harkness would call you this. Why, saddled up in the console room, giving the Doctor a private, sad smile, he would map the words onto your skin, a brand of hot iron at the base of your neck.
“She’s a flight risk,” he would say. He would warn.
And the Doctor would scoff, his Northern drawl spilling from him with ease, with the confidence of a man who was used to being right, of reading people right.
He would say that’s absurd, that you were human, too human. The kind of human who would look just as quickly at a lone daffodil in a field, or a new-born nebula, and see nothing but the beauty in the matter that formed it, of the star dust that danced around you in every bated breath.
No, he would say. You ran because you ran with the Doctor. You wouldn’t run without him.
And Jack would move to reply, his eyes far more honest that the rueful grin he forced his features into, but you would skip into the console room, curious, but unspoken. It had been some time since you established this little tradition with the Doctor, a dance just shy of moving in.
Every month – maybe, time was never accurate on the TARDIS – you would gather more of your belonging, tucking them into the space that made up your room.
And the Doctor would grin, look at you with an expression you wouldn’t be able to name, but would later learn, and ask if you were ready to go.
And Jack would grin, eyes dark though smile bright, pat the Doctor on the shoulder and ask for his own pit stop.
Today however, you roamed the TARDIS’ ever sprawling library, greeting each hard bound book, each fraying paperback, like an old friend.
And there, in golden letters, printed in the grain of an old bookshelf sagging under its own weight, was what you had never thought to be afraid of. Your name.
Your fingers ghosted over the imprint, trailing every stroke, every curve.
Your body went cold.
You knew these halls, floated through them like ink flows on paper, yet you had never seen this. Did you dare ask how long it had been there? Breathe your knowledge of this into the air? What would the Doctor say? Would he tell you he had been the one to do this? Would he see how terrified it made you feel?
Your free hand went to the back of your head, fingers trailing over the fine hair from where your skull met your neck. Your hand stopped as it met the base of your neck. In an instant you gripped tight.
Flight risk.
In the beginning, you found falling felt rather like flying. The Doctor didn’t steal your breath, he would snake into your lungs with an easy grin and bright laughter, and you found yourself giving it to him.
You hadn’t known yet, how easily Sarah-Jane Smith saw things. You didn’t yet know about the knowing. How important knowing was when it came to love.
But she knew, you think now she always had.
You only knew four things at that point, which you had thought was enough. First, you loved the Doctor. Second, he loved you. Third, loving one another was hard – harder than anything you had ever done.
Fourth, it was worth it.
But Sarah-Jane Smith had gripped onto the Doctor's arm, eyes wide and afraid as she spoke to him. She was speaking from experience, recognising him in you. Recognising why he loved you.
“She’s a flight risk,” she would say. She would implore.
And the Doctor would laugh, a full body movement that would sweep into his coat. He would say that you were fast, that lighting crackled beneath you, and he was the thunder – hand gripped tight in yours. That flight was fine because he was flying with you.
And you wouldn’t intrude on the way their conversation would unfold. You would turn off the monitor in the console room, toying with the idea of flight.
Because the Doctor was right, wasn’t he? You were already flying, where was the risk if the flying was for him?
Today however, you stumbled into the hallway, tripping over the slippers you had left at the foot of the library door. Your hand grazed the nearest wall, fingers mapping the grooves and nubs that you had tracked thousands of times.
Thousands? Had you really been here long enough for thousands?
You twisted down the hallway, finding your bedroom. You pawed for the light switch, a thin smear of dust pressing into your fingertips. Under the soft light, it barely looked familiar.
Trinkets you had long forgotten about sat on makeshift shelves, detailing adventures you would so often bring up in soft jokes and old laughter. An old journal sat on a desk, framed by photographs and pressings from flowers and leaves of various planets, untouched. Even your bed was locked in time, the sheets firmly tucked in all corners – unslept and well kept.
It had been so long since this had been your room, the room you spent your time in, the room you slept in. The evidence was clear as day. This room, which had once been yours, inviting and warm, was foreign. You were a stranger in your own space.
Had you lost yourself?
Flight risk.
Three faces you had known him. Three lifetimes of learning – of cataloguing and developing your very best knowing. Because it was the knowing that was key to any good relationship.
Like the knowing in how the Doctor took his tea, always with a dash of milk, always two sugars.
And in the knowing of how the Doctor looked at the stars, with the sort of wonder you had thought unparalleled, until he looked at you.
Or in the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled – always.
It never was a matter that the face had changed, that the eyes were new, and the slope of his jaw would bend into each new shape. The Doctor, you had come to find, was familiar, the extraordinary bottled into skin and bones with two hearts.
River Song was next, with a curious expression you have yet to unravel. She would take the Doctor’s hand, draw his eyes into her own, her voice low when she spoke. She would tell him how he was playing with fire, how – for once – he was the one who was about to get burned.
“She’s a flight risk,” she would say. She would mourn.
And the Doctor would shake his head, because River had seen, same as him, how cemented you were by his side. He would tell of her of the obstacles you had overcome, of the fears you had faced within each other, of the fate defying feats you had both pulled to keep one another in your orbit.
Then Amy – or maybe it was Rory, would call out to you, and their conversation would be lost behind you as you planned for the next adventure.
But the comment would linger, eat away through the goosebumps that would rise when Rivers gaze turned to you.
And it was then that you would wonder about Jack's first comment. It was arrogant, foolish. What did any of them know?
But the Doctors gaze would follow, it would wrap against your throat and claw into your skin.
But as always, you kept your thoughts onto the next adventure.
Today however, you gripped a photograph left on the desk. It was you, grinning into the camera, Martha Jones on one side, the Doctor on the other. You were young, your smile brighter, your eyes wider.
Your hand found itself on your cheek. Your fingers paved over your skin, over the new lines that had formed around your eyes, the creases in your cheeks, the weariness in their colour.
You were older now. So much older.
How many years had gone by? Would you ever be able to count them?
The photo fluttered out of your grasp. There was only one choice.
Flight Risk.
Permanency wasn’t a luxury you afforded yourself. Love was hard, and the knowing was harder. You loved knowing people, loved recognising the things that made them smile, made them laugh.
But the knowing in turn was ruthless.
The Doctor was changing, it was a knowledge that wrung itself in your chest, twisting into your veins and clotting itself into your arteries. If you had been self-aware, you would have seen the change you brought with it, how you drew yourself in, built around you more walls before the Doctor could find a jackhammer to carve them through.
You wondered if loving the Doctor truly was good – if the flying was true. How long until the flight was the Doctor leaving, once he saw too much of you?
Madame Kovarian would give you a lazy grin, the eye not hidden by the eye-patch toying with the way she looked at you and the Doctor. It was slow, languid, revelling in all the time she had to unravel you.
It only took her a moment, a cat like pause before her grin would stretch and twist into something wicked.
“She’s a flight risk,” she would say. She would applaud.
The Doctor would waver – he had never done that before. His voice would shake before falling firm. He wouldn’t mention you, he would talk of her, of the tricks she would pull, of the grip she held on to the universe.
And you would tell yourself that was enough, and you would forget it, hyperfocus on the need to fix this, on the need to win. This is what you did with the Doctor, fall into step, a routine so focused your body and his weren’t their own.
Today however, you fumbled for the vortex manipulator you knew was hidden here. You weren’t sure who the one who hid it was. Maybe it was Jack. Maybe it was River. In the end, it didn’t matter.
Your fingers curled around the worn strap, hidden deep in the console. For a moment you marvelled at the memory of the others, of the people who had left their own mark on the TARDIS.
The thought soon soured.
Because how could you think of a mark in the TARDIS, without thinking of yourself. You could see the evidence of you in this very console room. Your jumped hung over the railing. The book you were currently reading sat by the controls. An old mug, paired with the Doctors, sat by the staircase.
It sprawled out in front of you.
You. You.
You tried to place the change, the moment where the you in your bedroom had spilled into the TARDIS. The moment your space was the Doctors.
You were everywhere.
There you were, your sunscreen stuck by the TARDIS front door. You were in the kitchen, tins of your favourite teas lining the shelf by the kettle. Your footsteps marked the hallways, old shoes you had kicked off before reaching your next stop, the scuff from old boots.
Your breath came in shaky, knotting in your throat.
Flight Risk.
The Doctor would rip the last page out of every book, all to avoid the ending. It was a quirk of his you knew well – you knew all his quirks well.
And although you knew it, you didn’t understand it.
Leaving was an inevitability for you and him. An end for all endings, even this. There was no permanency here. No proof that things would last, that he would stay. That you would stay.
There couldn’t be. Time was fickle, time was fleeting, and it was flying. Just like you were flying – you were sure of it.
Falling rather felt like flying. Until the fall was less flying, and more bone crashing into cement.
You couldn’t see the Doctor before you left, you had half the heart that he did, and that wasn’t accounting for the physical accuracy of the statement.
It was a rash decision, the logical part of you, the part screaming for you to slow down, knew it was rash. But wasn’t rash what you were known for?
Rash was jumping into a time machine with a man you just met. Rash was dancing with the stars, chasing time figures in the night. Rash was the running, all the running.
So, this time it was you. It wasn’t River, Jack, it wasn’t even the Doctor. It was simply you.
You scrawled a note, leaving it against the final lever on the console, the one the Doctor would throw before his next adventure. Alone.
I’m a flight risk, you had said.
You were gone.
If you had stayed, you would have seen it. You would have seen the way the Doctor stood – silent, alone – the note gripped in the palm of his hand.
The Doctor shattered.
His body splayed the TARDIS floor like ceramic before the mosaic, hauntingly tragic, ripped into the seam of the canvas.
By his side lay the ring, the reason he had left the TARDIS at all. It clattered against the railing; louder than the question he could now never ask you.
And it was the Doctor who now knew, who had learned. That the flying, that the falling? Was bone crushingly broken.
A/N^2: I really loved playing with prose while writing this, seriously, it was so fun. Thank you so much for reading! For the regulars, I've got a lot of unfinished wips that should I get the motivation are almost done, so hopefully I'll get to posting again more regularly!
EDIT: I'm writing a happy ending sequel! Lemme know if you'd like to be tagged when it comes out!
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nat-20s · 9 months
For the ask meme: pov?
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
MARTHA TIME BABEY!! this is set in season 3!! also this got longer than i was anticipating so uh readmore time <3
Martha knew about the (in her opinion, a bit on the nose) rosebush that resided splayed across The Doctor’s ribs, and how it didn’t used to have thorns wrapped around it. She obviously knew of and thought fondly about the caduceus snuggled to his clavicle that matched her own. (and oh, how she remembered that day, him and his confusing heartbeat and his eccentricities, including pulling down the collar of his shirt with an enthusiastic “This one is you, isn’t it!”.) She was even aware of the swirling vortex wrapped around his wrist that faded in and out, belonging to one Captain Jack Harkness. That one was..interesting, to say the least.
But The Doctor tended to stay rather bundled up. Logically speaking, it was entirely possible that he had several more marks that she would never bare witness to. She just kind of assumed otherwise, though. The Doctor hardly seemed the type to accumulate soul marks willy nilly, and even when he did, they didn’t seem like they would be all that private. Definitely not a soul mark on the upper thigh type bloke, by any means.
Then he had to go and get himself shot. Sure, she wasn’t an expert in xenobiology (yet- she had some plans), but generally speaking, large wound treatment was the same regardless of species. Step 1: get them into a position where you can accurately assess the wound, for the love of god, Doctor, stop being a baby, take off your shirt, and stay STILL. Step 2: Stop the bleeding. Luckily the shot through the shoulder had been from laser fire rather than a bullet, cauterizing the wound. Clearly meant to injure rather than kill, thank god. Step 3: If bleeding is under control, clean the wound. She didn’t have all the resources she’d like, but the Tardis did provide a fairly extensive first aid kit, including sterilizing wipes that The Doctor, uh, probably wouldn’t have a bad reaction to. Hopefully. Step 4: Make the open wound no longer open: aka bandage it up and threaten to put a cone on him if he starts messing with it.
The final step, which was really only in this specific case, was stop focusing on the wound and see a large dark spot out of the corner of her eye. Curious, and just a tad worried that there was some Other thing going on, Martha actually studies the blotch between his shoulder blades. It’s not a blotch, or a wound, or a rash, but rather the spitting image of a beetle. Oh, interesting. Clearly a soulmark, though the color is slightly faded, and she couldn’t think of who it might go to. Swallowing down just the ever so slightest twinge of jealousy over The Doctor being connected to yet another someone, she couldn’t help but ask, “So who’s this one then?”
She even threw in a slightly cheeky grin, because she genuinely was more curious than anything. Instead of direct response, of course, The Doctor only replied with a “Huh?”
“The beetle? Smack dab in the middle of your back? You know the one!”
With a scoff, The Doctor hastily puts his (first) shirt back on, and sucks in a breath through his teeth as he pulls on the brand new bandaging. “I most certainly do not know the one. I don’t have a mark on my back!”
Martha rolls her eyes at him. “Do you really not know? It’s not exactly subtle.”
The Doctor turns to face her, stares for a moment, then...sonics his own back. Apparently that does something for him, because as he squints down to the readout? he lets out a classic, “What?”
“I mean, it’s not that odd of a mark, is it? Almost terrestrial, for you.”
“No, that’s not. It’s not the mark itself, it’s, well, I don’t know who it belongs to.”
“Wait, I thought you had this sort of thing all, I dunno, cataloged out? Filed and color coded and everything.”
“Yeah, I mean, it could be her-”
Martha’s eyebrows raise and she covers up another of the littlest, ittiest, bittiest pang with a teasing, “Oh her? You’ve got a mystery woman out there? Or should I say another one?”
“No, no, no, not like that, just someone I ran into-”
“Yeah, right, someone you ‘just ran into’ is someone you have a soulmark with.”
He grimaces ever so slightly, at it’s not from that stupid shoulder of his. “Yeah, you’re right. Can’t be...Well, should be interesting to find out, anyway. Now, where were we? Trensalor, right?”
He’s dashing off to the Tardis console before she can respond, and she lets out a sigh. She knows full well this conversation isn’t getting anywhere any time soon, so might as well go with it. Privately, she hopes that whomever this mystery person is that is now written on The Doctor’s skin is decent. Maybe even someone she could get on with, ideally.
She hasn’t yet discovered the beetle wing on her back.
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whoficky · 2 months
Until Morning
Rating: Mature (I think?) Maybe explicit? Definitely NSFW.
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter summary: Blimey, this was happening. In a dive of a room in a crumbling old jacket factory with heartbreak nipping at their heels. It was nothing like she’d ever imagined. She really didn’t care.
Chapter 7
The prickly feeling on Rose’s skin from earlier quickly fanned back to life as the Doctor did things with his tongue that set her blood on fire.  She felt everything with startling acuity - the friction of the fabric of her clothes against her skin, the slight eddies of air in the room against her tearstained cheeks, and most of all, the perfect roughness of his tongue as it caressed her own.  He was chasing away her fears and foreboding, bringing her back into the moment - back to just this, just being with him.   
She shivered when he slipped his hand under her shirt to sweep a featherlight touch across her stomach. 
“Still cold?” He asked in a husky voice.     
“You know I’m not.”
She felt him grin against her lips as he repeated the motion and started drawing little circular patterns around her navel.  
As marvelous as it felt, her neck was suffering from the awkward angle of their kiss and her hands itched to touch more of him.  He made a low sound of protest as she pulled away.  
“I was busy.”
“Patience, yeah?” she said, spinning around so she could face him.  
After a bit of awkward shuffling that left them both in breathless giggles she found herself straddling his thighs with his hands steadying her at her hips.  Her eyes met his and any trace of tears or laughter faded as she saw her own need and desperation mirrored there.
“Rose,” he breathed her name before pulling her back in for a heated kiss.  With his help, she quickly shucked her leather jacket and as soon as her hands were free, she plunged them into his hair.  She ran her fingers through his soft locks, teasing a groan from him when she scraped her nails against his scalp.  His hands did their own exploring, stoking fire everywhere they went - up and down her sides, running through her hair, exploring the thin strip of skin between her shirt and trousers.  His touch was driving her mad, but it was still not quite where she needed to feel him.  She was tired of dancing around this, and it seemed he felt the same.               
“C’mere love,” he growled as he hooked his fingers in her front belt loops and brought her down firmly onto his lap.  They both gasped at the intimate contact and something deep inside Rose clenched in anticipation when she felt how much he wanted her.
“Doctor,” she said breathlessly, smiling against his lips, “You do dance.” 
“Told you I did,” he panted, pulling away from her mouth to trail hot kisses down her neck.
“But we’ve been close before.  Shared - god, don’t stop - beds and...and all those tiny hiding spaces…snuggled in the library.  I never felt…” he cut her off with a searing kiss before he mumbled, “Time Lord.  Have a bit more control than humans.  Was trying to be a gentleman.  Follow the rules.”    
“And now?” She shifted over him, her eyes fluttering shut as he groaned and bucked up into her where she was aching for him.
“Long past that,” he growled, “That ok?”
“More than,” she breathed.  
Blimey, this was happening.  In a dive of a room in a crumbling old jacket factory with heartbreak nipping at their heels.  It was nothing like she’d ever imagined.  She really didn’t care.         
 The Doctor’s lips trailed down the other side of her neck until he nosed her shirt aside to nip at her collarbone.  She whimpered at the sharp feel of his teeth, holding him close by the back of his head as his tongue came out to sooth the mark he’d left on her skin.  She started a slow undulation against him, relishing the feel of his desperate groans vibrating into her skin as he continued to suck and nip at her chest.  But it wasn’t enough.  The friction was delicious, driving her absolutely mad, but she wanted to feel his skin, all of his skin against her own.  And there were still too many damn layers in the way.  
“Doctor, please,” she whimpered,  “I…I need…” 
She didn’t have to finish the sentence.  In a move that left her ears ringing and black spots dotting her vision, he jumped to his feet carrying her up with him.  He spun them around, pinning her against the wall and snaking a leg between hers to hold her up when her knees couldn’t quite support her weight.  He was back attacking her lips before she’d fully gotten her bearings.  She moaned into the kiss and ground against his leg as her hands got to work.                
“This off,” she said, tugging at his suit.  It was all she could do not to tear it off him, buttons be damned.  But she knew she couldn’t.  He only had the one, after all.  She didn’t want to send him off into an apocalypse with his suit and shirt flapping open.  Not if she couldn’t be there to watch.  She giggled against his lips at the image.
“What?” he asked, looking down at her, dazed and lovestruck and so damn sexy she’d thought she’d combust.
“Just picturing you swanning in to save the world tomorrow with a bare chest after I rip this bloody thing off you.” She managed to rid him of his tie and work a few more buttons free as she spoke.
He laughed, and she felt it puff against her lips and rumble through his body into hers.    
“Can’t have that.”
He helped her with the remaining buttons of his suit and shirt, stealing kisses as they went, until both items were strewn somewhere among the factory jackets on the floor.  Instantly, her hands were on him, exploring this new bit of Doctor revealed to her.  She mapped the planes of his abdomen and chest, his strong, wiry physique better than any fantasy she’d imagined when she had contemplated what he hid under all those layers.  Rose raked her hands through his smattering of chest hair and rubbed her thumb over a nipple, delighting when he hissed and bit her lower lip in response.  But as soon at she ventured lower, feeling his stomach twitch under her teasing touch, he growled and captured both of her hands to pin them up over her head.      
“Your turn.  Need to see you.”
“Yes,” she agreed, keeping her arms up just long enough for him to tug her shirt up over her head.  Her bra quickly followed although she wasn’t quite sure if that was her work or his.  With their chests now bare, she was desperate to feel his skin on hers, but she managed to hold still, letting his heated gaze rake over her.  
“Gods, you’re so beautiful,” he said, tracing a single finger up her waist and across her chest.  She shuddered, feeling her nipples pebble in response to his touch.  She was entranced as his eyes darkened even further at her responsiveness, marveling that her body, that she could elicit such a look on the Time Lord’s face. 
“Can I?” he asked, his fingers continuing on their slow, tortuous path of light touches.
“You better.” 
His touch became bolder, more firm as he finally cupped her breast, kneading her flesh and brushing his thumb in tantalizing circles that shot heat right to her core.  
As her mouth traveled along his jaw and down his neck, he began to babble in a low, dark voice.
“Wanted this, wanted you for so long.  You’re so warm, so perfect…ah!” He gasped and bucked into her when she sucked hard where his neck met his shoulder.  He pressed her into the wall with his whole body and she moaned and shuddered at the feel of his cooler skin on her burning flesh.       
“Tell me,” she whispered in his ear as her hips moved against him in a slow, deliberate rhythm.  “Tell me what you wanted.”  
“You.  Always you.  Wanted to touch you, feel you hot and tight around me, hear you screaming my name when I make you come.  Thought about it all the time.  You’re bloody distracting, you know that?”  
“Yeah?” She encouraged, needing to hear more of his husky voice as she busied her self with leaving a string of love bites across his chest - something else he could take with him tomorrow.  But no, she wouldn’t think about that now.  Wouldn’t think about anything but him and the last barriers that were finally dissolving between them.  
“Oh yes,” he husked, “Thought about what I’d do to you on the jumpseat, against the console, library sofa, in a dozen different prison cells, that room on Klop Tor, my bed.  Gods Rose, the thoughts I’ve had of you in my bed.”
“Mmmm,” Rose hummed in agreement against his skin, “Should have taken me there, Doctor.  Thought about you all the time too.  When I was alone.  In my room.”
“You…you did?” he asked in amazement.  As if she wasn’t currently doing her best to shag him through their clothes.  “You thought about...”  
“Yes Doctor,” she hissed as a wave of pleasure shot through her when he moved against her at just the right angle.  God, she was already close and they still had half their clothes on.  He hadn’t even touched her where she needed him most.  But his voice, the taste of his skin, and the delicious friction between them was tightening the coil deep inside her.   
“Daft alien.  Told you, you had me since ‘run.’  Don’t make me wait any longer.  ‘M so close and I wanna come with you inside me. Please.”
The Doctor swore in a lyrical language that didn’t translate and stepped back so they could both strip out of their remaining clothes.  She was so intent on figuring out how to kick off her trainers while her trousers tangled around her ankles that she shrieked in surprise when he swept her off her feet with an arm under her knees and one cradling her back.
“Shhhh,” he admonished, his warm breath caressing against her ear as he moved them away from the wall, “Soundproofing in these old buildings is rubbish.”
She pulled at his hair, tilting his head until their foreheads were touching. “I make no promises.”
“Minx,” he chuckled darkly.
Then he kissed her deeply as he lowered her down into a nest of down and jackets before sitting up on his heels at her side.  He was gorgeous, bare before her in the moonlight.  She only got the briefest moment to take him in before he bent down to tug off her trainers and the rest of her clothes, tossing them somewhere behind him.  
“I wanted to go slow,” he said as he kissed a trail of fire up her stomach, pausing to nuzzle and suck at her breasts, “Don’t think I can.”  Thank god for that.  She needed to feel him inside her now, more than she’d ever needed anything in her life.  
“Mmmm, I think years of foreplay is more than enough, don’t you?”
“Oh yes!” he growled, finally nudging apart her thighs to make room for himself where he’d always belonged.  “And there’s always next time,” he promised, sending a wave of warmth through her that went far beyond lust.  God, she loved him.  And the promise of more with him, a future, even if it was just tonight soothed some of the ache inside her.  Next time.  She pulled his head down to hers and poured all she was feeling into the the press of her lips and the dance of her tongue against his.               
Rose groaned and writhed underneath him when he reached down to part her folds and circle a finger around her entrance.  Another strain of that lyrical language came from his lips when he felt how ready she was for him.  She’d never heard anything like it before this night, and she wondered how something so beautiful could drive her so mad with want.  He rested his forehead on hers as he took himself in hand and she felt him nudging her entrance as something warm and bright nudged at her mind.  
She’d always wondered if there would be anything alien about making love to the Doctor, and she’d decided long ago what her answer would be if there were.  
  “Yes,” she said to both, opening to him completely, body and mind.  Then the words he was babbling were reverberating through her very soul as he thrust in to fill her completely.
Rose cursed and then bit down on his shoulder as she was overwhelmed by sensation, by how right he felt inside of her,  by the love she felt reflecting back and forth between them.  He stilled just long enough for her to adjust and was moving before she could get out the worlds to let him know she was ready.  At her first thought of his fingers on her, his hand snaked down between them.  
So this was sex with a telepath, her every want, every desire communicated to him instantly.  And as she pushed deeper into that glowing tempest in her mind that she recognized as him, she felt what he was feeling too.  She felt the white hot pulse of pleasure that came over him when she clenched around him, so she did it again.
“Gods Rose,” he said out loud, “Not gunna last if you keep that up.”
“M’ close,” she assured him, “So close.  Fuck you feel so good.”
She wrapped her legs around his lower back as she begged him to move faster, deeper.  Let go she sang into his mind, needing to feel him lose all remnants of control.
She was hovering on the edge, meeting him thrust for thrust and then with a sound that was pure hunger, he changed the angle so he could hit even deeper inside her.  With a cry of his name her world exploded in a pleasure more pure than anything she’d ever experienced.  It seemed to go on forever as he pounded into her and sang beautifully desperate words into her mind.  She was still pulsing around him when he stiffened above her and cried out his own release.  In that moment she was rendered completely insensible, blinded by the white hot light of their shared ecstasy.    
A small eternity later, the Doctor collapsed on top of her as they shuddered through the aftershocks and came back down from what, for Rose at least, surpassed her wildest dreams of passion and pleasure.  
“Mmmm, me too,” he said in a gravely voice, as he rolled them until he was on his back with her snuggled into his side.
“Still in my head, then?” she hummed, floating in a happy daze, “How long will that last.”
“Not long,” he said, and she felt his regret through the slowly fading presence in her mind.
Rose bit her lip, debating, but then decided there was no sense in holding back now, “S’ there…is there a way it could be?  There longer I mean?”  Permanent, she thought, surprised to be wishing with all her heart for something she didn’t even know existed until a few minutes ago.
He propped himself up so he could kiss each of her eyelids and then the tip of her nose, “No, love.  Not with us going back to being stuck on opposite sides of the void.”
Oddly, the words didn’t bring the sorrow she braced for.  Instead, she felt an unexpected sense of hope, though she wasn’t sure who it belonged to as they continued to drift around each other in a blissful, sated haze.
“But…someday?” She asked.
He smiled down at her and the hope in her mind, his hope, brightened with all the beauty of a sunrise, “Oh yes, Rose Tyler.  Someday.  Definitely someday.”
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doctorwhoisadhd · 9 months
okay also the idea of captain jack harkness getting pregnant is SO fascinating to me because like. that is such an interesting position to put THIS guy in right?? he's immortal, can survive ANYTHING, hes from the 51st century, deeply in love with an immortal time traveler who abandoned him, he's flirted or kissed or had sex with practically everyone ever, he's always surrounded by danger, and he's a repressing self sacrificial asshole.
like first of all, would his immortality affect his pregnancy at all? does he get morning sickness? does it make giving birth easier? does it make birth less risky for the baby? he's sturdier than a mortal person obviously, does that mean its ok for him to do stuff that normal pregnant people arent supposed to do? its probably affected by how far along he is, but if he's dead for a very very short time and the baby wasnt physically harmed by the cause of death, would it be possible for the pregnancy to continue?
second of all, would he be able to tone it down and stay out of danger if he needed to? on one hand, i think he'd probably need to be forced in a lot of situations — but on the other hand, im definitely not completely unable to see any way he could get through it. if he really loved someone, then maybe. the other way, which i think is probably more likely, is if him being pregnant turns him into an even bigger hedonist than he already is (aka he... spends most of his time... well. you know.)
third of all imagine what the doctor would fucking say lmfao
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
🏷️💘🎞️ for Captain Jack this time ehehee
What if I didn't answer this hm? What if I exploded this ask. 💥💥💥!!?
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
Okay I can't actually answer this because I don't know, and I also don't think they'd have a cool ship name. Fans might make their own (much like how some people have custom tags for fandoms/ships), but I don't think there'd be a fandom wide used one. Just Jack x Tricks or perhaps The Captain x Tricks for when fans want to pay homage to Tricks' choice to not call Harkness by his name.
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
People would like the ship because of the buildup between the two. Since Tricks would've been traveling with Nine, he's there to first meet Harkness. And each time he shows back up, the two would have scenes together. People would absolutely point out various times where "THE WRITERS WERE TELLING US SOMETHING HERE" and read the subtle interactions or even things that happen "in the background" of shots.
Additionally, people would like the ship because Monster Fucking. And also for the fact it's another very gay ship. While I don't think Tricks would be confirmed as trans I do think MANY fans would take how he's written and view it directly through a trans lens. And so, Harkness flirting with and wanting a (trans) man means a lot to many fans and it helps them feel seen.
People wouldn't like the ship because it feels forced and takes away from Harkness' character. Especially when demon lore is rewritten and is clunky and patchy.
Fans against it would argue that shipping Harkness and Tricks takes away from Harkness' character because it's cheap to "suddenly" have him know and love a character who's like him in some ways. Those fans would say that it completely takes away from Harkness' unique pain of being the only one who can't die amongst his various partners.
I think also people would say that everyone is making up the romantic undertones and that Harkness is only flirting because. He doesn't REALLY view him as a romantic partner.
Additionally, re: like him, fans would argue over this a lot. Fans of the ship would get increasingly mad about people saying it's stupid that Harkness suddenly got a new guy in his life that can't die. Because, technically demons CAN die. And that Tricks' story is supposed to mimic The Doctor and that Jack and Tricks have MORE in common and you should ship them because of the shared experiences
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
One of THE scenes that would be used as "THEY'RE LITERALLY DATING OFF SCREEN" would be something throwaway where it's confirmed they hang out when Tricks isn't with the Doctor.
But also? Everytime Tricks says Harkness' name and not his title. A favorite scene would be the one where Tricks is holding a (dead) Captain Jack and when he shoots up and goes to flirt Tricks drops him and scoffs about him being "the same as ever".
Also, the time he's absolutely flirting and Ten tells him to knock it off. Jack would make a cute little comment on "Well, dad doesn't approve. But that's never stopped me before" and the fans went fucking WILD
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MARTHA: Here we go. Get out of the way. It's a bit odd, though. Not very hundred trillion. That coat's more like World War Two.
DOCTOR: I think he came with us.
MARTHA: How do you mean, from Earth?
DOCTOR: Must have been clinging to the outside of the Tardis all the way through the vortex. Well, that's very him.
MARTHA: What, do you know him?
DOCTOR: Friend of mine. Used to travel with me, back in the old days.
MARTHA: But he's. I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat. There's nothing. He's dead.
(Jack gasps and grabs Martha, who screams.)
MARTHA: Oh, so much for me. It's all right. Just breathe deep. I've got you.
JACK: Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?
MARTHA: Martha Jones.
JACK: Nice to meet you, Martha Jones.
DOCTOR: Oh, don't start.
JACK: I was only saying hello.
MARTHA: I don't mind.
(She helps Jack stand up.)
JACK: Doctor.
DOCTOR: Captain.
JACK: Good to see you.
DOCTOR: And you. Same as ever. Although, have you had work done?
JACK: You can talk.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, the face. Regeneration. How did you know this was me?
JACK: The police box kind of gives it away. I've been following you for a long time. You abandoned me.
DOCTOR: Did I? Busy life. Moving on.
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bookwermthings · 2 years
My Jack Harkness Playlist
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the post where I explain my Jack Harkness playlist and how my (currently) 73 songs relate to him and his life!
This will be a long post. Spoilers for Torchwood, and for the audio Mighty and Despair. You have been warned.
Also the songs are mostly in chronological order of his life events.
Also sorry for the inconsistency between lengths of descriptions for each song. I was determined to finish it all in one night, but I got tired and started using less effort to explain. Took me over two hours to make in the end. If you have any questions, I’d love to elaborate on my feelings for any of the songs!!
So, here we go!
1. Jack’s Love Theme
(this is such a beautiful theme) Ever since a young age, Jack has expressed love deeply, loved everyone with his whole heart. Until his heart gets broken by his guilt at the loss of Gray and he keeps everyone at a little more of a distance, and further down the road after that, keeps everyone at a distance because he is immortal. For Jack, love and life are the two constants
2. No Roses by The Builders and The Butchers
For this, I have @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe to thank! This is an amazing song for Jack’s childhood, losing Gray, and in general his relationship with Gray and I love it a lot.
3. American Healthcare (Glitzy) by Penelope Scott
The lyrics to this give me the feeling of being stressed and traumatized but joking about it because it’s the only thing you can do. Wanting to help people and keep people alive but realizing that everything is corrupted. This brings to mind Jack in the Time Agency years to me.
4. You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate
This is a very simple song that I believe showcases Jack’s tendency and ability to charm anyone he meets.
5. YES MOM by Tessa Violet
This is a song that encapsulates Jack’s vibe in the Time Agency. He loves himself (or at least pretends he does). He can be his own hype man. If not doing terrible, he’s at least doing well compared to later.
6. Weak by AJR
Jack being a lot like John in these days, drinking, partying, drugs, the whole lot. Sure, it’s bad for him, but he doesn’t care. Not enough to do anything about it.
7. I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper by Sarah Brightman, Hot Gossip
I included this one because John Hart had to claim it was their song, and I fell in love with it. It’s a good song to reference John and Jack’s relationship, along with this next one.
8. Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer
The John vibes! The Jack and John vibes! Their relationship can be encapsulated in these lyrics, really, the whole song would have to be quoted if I started quoting it. I love it!!!
9. The Funeral by YUNGBLUD
Jack is not taking care of himself, not at all, as shown by the beginning of the song. He’s not eating right, not sleeping right, has no clean clothes. He hates himself, he loves himself, he tells himself it’s alright that he dreams about the day he dies. This is Jack after the Time Agency. He believes that if he dies, no one would come to his funeral, so he is doing everything he can to distract him from that fact, doing con after con. Until Rose and the Doctor show up.
10. Build a Bitch by Bella Poarch
Kind of out of order but a good song. I love the message, and Jack would definitely have this kind of attitude if someone criticized him.
11. Michelle by the Beatles
A soft, old fashioned love song. Jack in a heartbeat.
12. Die For A Night by YUNGBLUD
Thoughts Jack had before he met Rose and the Doctor, that would become very ironic as he later came to see. 
13. Victorious by Panic! At The Disco
A happy day. The day that everybody lived. Encapsulating a feeling of unhealthy happiness that would eventually become something new with his newfound Friends.
14. I Think I’m In Love by Kat Dahlia
The moment he falls in love with the Doctor and with Rose are both so early on, and they hit him so hard, he doesn’t want to admit. But he does. He’s happy.
15. CASTLE OF GLASS by Linkin Park
Feeling insignificant next to how amazing his partners are sometimes, but realizing how much better they all make each other. Realizing who he is is alright. A song about holding each other up, showing each other how to be whole again.
16. Talk To Me by Cavetown
Feeling like he can be himself, Rose and the Doctor reassuring him about all his faults, being there for him. Being able to talk to each other. Nothing is easy, it will never be, that’s alright, let it out, talk to me.
17. Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Jack and The Doctor. Two birds on a wire. The Doctor says there is nothing he won’t understand, says he won’t let go of Jack and then he FUCKING LIES. He leaves him, and doesn’t come back. This song is feels. This event is feels. Uergh.
18. Why Am I Like This? by Orla Gartland
Jack, left on the Game Station, and down on the planet below after the first few deaths, wondering what he did to deserve this, and wondering why he is like this. Thinking through every word he ever said, everything he ever did. Why did the Doctor leave? Mistakes on loop inside his head.
19. Alien Boy by Oliver Tree
He feels like an alien among the human beings in the 1800s.Sure he was a time agent, but he’d never had to be among a different time period for this *long*.
20. Wishful Drinking by Tessa Violet
Wishful thinking while he’s drinking. Dying repeatedly, drinking himself to death, thinking about how he could drown? None of it’s a problem if he doesn’t get caught. He’s sprialing.
21. Tubthumping by Chumbawamba
A slideshow of death. He gets knocked down, and he gets back up again.
22. Captain Jack - Short Mix by Captain Jack
He gets “conscripted” by Torchwood. This song is happy and sad. At least he’s found a way to get to the Doctor again - wait. It’s also just a really catchy song. I found it when watching video edits.
23. WWIII by grandson
Being in World War I and World War II he just feels so, so tired of death.
24. Which Side Are You On? by Pete Seeger
It’s an old song. It feels like a Jack song. Idk why, though, sorry. And I felt like he could really use a union with how he was treated.
25. Being Alive (from “Company”) by John Barrowman
A soft, slow song about being alive, about being hurt, about living. Celebrating being alive, because he’s starting to live again.
26. Cat’s In The Cradle by Harry Chapin
Having Melissa/Alice. Fearing she would grow up just like him, but loving her all the same. The pain as she grew older and he couldn’t see her anymore. Hoping she was better off without him.
27. Ur Gonna Wish U Believed Me by Cavetown
Jack after Alex kills the whole team on New Year’s. The 21st Century is when everything changes. You’re going to wish you believed me.
28. The Trick by AJR
He lies. He omits truths. To everyone. His trick is he can be anything he pretends to be. But one day he’ll run out of lies, one day he’ll run out of things he’s proud of. One day he’ll have to face the truth, that he’s screwed.
29. We’ve Got A Score To Settle by The Dear Hunter
A Torchwood badass song, once Jack is the leader of Torchwood, he’s hurting but he’s getting better. They’re doing something together, and he’s going to make a change. Torchwood has had so much blood on their hands, and so has he, and he’s going to do everything he can to fix it.
30. Girls/ Girls/ Boys by Panic! At The Disco
Something to spice things up. To me, in this playlist, this is about pride, and its origins and how Jack celebrates it after living through so much of the time where you could be hurt, killed, arrested for being gay. I should write a fic about that, really.
31. Riptide by grandson
He’s done bad things to good people, been caught up in it and these feelings for too long. He’s had to make so many hard decisions that no one else has had to make and sometimes they come back to bite him in the ass.
32. Torchwood Theme
This is where the show starts in the timeline of this playlist. So I put this theme here.
33. Tissues by YUNGBLUD
He knows he’s falling in love with Ianto. He knows this will end in tragedy no matter what happens but he also knows they both want, Need, to be loved. He can’t keep holding his breath on this forever.
34. Carried Away by Passion Pit
Just being so happy, being with his family slowly growing closer together. Getting lost in the feeling. 
35. Bike Dream by Rostam
Another Ianto love song. There is a Jack he does see and a Jack he doesn’t see, but Jack loves him so, so much. There is a side of Jack he might never get to meet. Not Yet. Not until after he comes back from the Year That Never Was.
36. Who We Are by Imagine Dragons
Another badass Torchwood team song. This is who they are. 
37. Voodoo Child by Rogue Traders
This is the Master’s song that he plays, it haunts me, and it might haunt Jack, as everything about that year does.
38. Gagging Order by Radiohead
A feeble protest against what the Master has been drilling into him form the very beginning - “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not your property, no matter what you say”. He feels like he’s just a body after so long of hopelessness, of death.
39. All Time Low by Sam Tsui
Thinking of Ianto, during his year away. Maybe Ianto dies in front of him. He’s at an all time low. He can’t fix his pride, he can’t fix anything.
40. Amsterdam by Coldplay
Everything is terrible, everything is painful, but you know what? Time is on his side. 
41. 50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train
A good fun, upbeat song, about all the different ways one can die. Possibly also how Ianto feels about Jack leaving for months right after coming back to life and kissing him.
42. Twenty Twelve by Matt Maeson
Wanting to stay with Ianto forever, adjust to adjusting forever. Wanting to open his heart to him, but knowing how hurt Ianto feels. Knowing he can’t leave anymore, now that he realizes what is here for him. He can act like his act is together, but in the end, Ianto sees through it, and will patch him together.
43. Tightrope by Michelle Williams
A Jack/Ianto love song about wanting to follow Ianto anywhere, knowing he can’t. Knowing it’s dangerous, never knowing when it will end, but it comes with a breathtaking view.
44. Yesterday Was Hard On All of Us by Fink
About the episode Meat. That day was hard on all of them, so stressful, and bringing back traumatic memories for Jack. Probably bringing back cannibal memories for the rest of them, too.
45. Walking The Wire by Imagine Dragons
Honestly, pretty similar to Tightrope, but I like it. More emphasis on the danger, and dealing with everything as they get to it.
46. Wanted by Hunter Hayes
He wants to make them feel wanted. <3
47. Two by Sleeping At Last
Giving up everything, not taking care of himself, to protect everyone else around him. Everyone he loves. Two.
48. Undisclosed Desires by Muse
A careful, loving, sexy song for Ianto Jones and Jack.
49. The Ballad of Ianto Jones 
I love this one so much, and it breaks my heart.
50. This Is Gonna Hurt by Sixx:A.M.
He always knew it was going to end but as the 456 say those dreadful words he realizes how short it really was. This is way too soon, and ironically, there is nothing he can do. This is gonna hurt.
51. All The Angels by My Chemical Romance
Blaming himself song.
52. Take It All Back by Judah & The Lion
“I’d take it all back, take it all back, take it all back, just to have you” I laugh sob every time this song comes on…
53. What I’ve Done by Linkin Park
54. The Unforgiven by Metallica
55. Wrong side of Heaven
All three of these (53,54,55) are about Jack blaming himself for everyone’s deaths. Tosh, Owen, Ianto, Steven. I couldn’t just pick one song, sorry. He spends a long time feeling guilty.
56. You Or Your Memory by The Mountain Goats
Starting to grieve in a more healthy way.
57. Used To Haunt by The Mountain Goats
All his old friends are always welcome in the hallways they used to haunt now, whether the memories or painful or not, he’s just glad to remember them.
58. Jack, You’re Dead! by Joe Jackson
When he doesn’t respond, when he doesn’t even initiate flirting anymore, he feels more dead than if he was, and he doesn’t care. But also this is a really fun song!!
59. Don’t Feel Like Feeling Sad Today by YUNGBLUD
Deciding that today, even if he is sad today, he is not going to sit in it. He is going to start living.
60. Breaking The Habit by Linkin Park
Breaking the bad habits he has built up in all the years since Ianto’s death. It’s hard, it is oh so hard, but he needs to. No more drinking just for the sake of it, no more dying just for the sake of it. He is breaking the habit tonight.
61. A Thousand Years by John Barrowman
Loving people and remembering them for a thousand years or more. It’s hard, but he wouldn’t want to forget.
62. What’s My Age Again? by blink-182
Honestly it’s about the mood of the song, and the name. He forgets his age, really does it matter? He should act his age, but really does it matter? He should live, and love, and do what makes him happy.
63. 42 by Coldplay
This was originally the 42nd song… anyway, this for me references him living on the planet he lives on in Mighty and Despair, trying to find a way through the veil. Those who are dead are not dead, they’re just living in his head. There must be something more.
64. Wild Sage by The Mountain Goats
A soft nice song about the first while when Carla and Persis are there.
65. Good King Wenceslas by The Oxford Trinity Choir
Christmases with Carla and Persis. A good reminder that life can be good.(for those not in the know, Carla and Persis are from Mighty and Despair, a Lives of Captain Jack audio)
66. You Are Enough by Sleeping At Last
Feeling like he is enough, those simple words can do so much. Helping Carla and Persis to see that they are enough, too.
67. Don’t Go by YUNGBLUD
Realizing that Persis is going to grow old, is growing old, not wanting her to go, not wanting her to leave him, almost not being able to handle how close they’re all getting.
68. Woke Up New by The Mountain Goats
The first time in decades, in thousands and thousands of years in a way, that he had woken up alone. It hurt, it fucking hurt, and he didn’t know what to do. Just… read all the lyrics to this. Please. IT FITS THIS SO WELL I’M GOING TO CRY. “What do I do without you”
69. You Are A Memory by Message To Bears
A slow, soft song about the fact that everyone he has ever lost is eventually nothing but a memory, and even that might fade.
Wanting to let go of the painful memories. Knowing every time he falls asleep he will wake up alone. “Cause when I said forever, I meant forever.”
71.  Yellow by Jodie Whittaker
Appreciation for mortal beings. Made of skin and bone, but they are so beautiful.
72. Welcome To The Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch
Jack Harkness is not happy yet, but he is way less sad.HIs life is a constant cycle of loving, losing, and learning to love again.
Being loud and proud about not being ashamed, not being afraid, not being ok. About everything that he is and is going to be.
73. Way Less Sad by AJR
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
god it's so. funny/fucked to me that 10 gets jack alonso like. what was it. around 2 months after ianto dies in his fucking arms PLUS he has to kill his grandson?? girl you could have looked at his timeline or some shit to see how he was doing. maybe gotten him a therapy gift card or smthm. ur boyfriend dies in your arms and you ruin your relationship with your friends+family and then two months later your dying ex who you have always been and will always be still in love with shows up in the same bar you're in, and instead of talking to you or asking you to come with him or literally interacting directly with you at all, he gets you a one night stand. and then leaves and "dies" alone. jack harkness needs an award for being able to hold it together all the time
consider: the doctor is thinking damn what made me feel better after my boyfriend died in my arms in a way that was fucked up and traumatizing and i couldn’t have prevented and i was once again the only survivor of the genocide i caused. i know! donna! i’ll find jack a little buddy to keep him company! that’ll fix him! (<- translates that to jack language by getting him a one night stand and then ghosts assuming this will be fine now 👍)
hey wait god does anyone ever fucking tell jack that’s what happens to the doctor after he last sees him. like i know he shows up in 13’s run but it’s 13 she’s not gonna say shit about that time she wingmanned for him on her deathbed that sounds too much like emotional vulnerability.
oh my god he doesn’t know that donna got mindwiped. oh jesus christ what if he got suspicious and went looking for clues and started with her because u know. doctor’s bestie. but she doesn’t know anything. he tries to ask her and her mom and granddad freak out and donna looks like she’s going to pass out before saying she doesn’t know who the doctor is, leave her alone. and cue wilf taking him off to the side to explain Everything. jack’s growing horror as he realizes that his doctor is gone again. he didn’t say goodbye. again. he just left. and he just found this one, he was just getting to know him again, and he’s gone, forever.
someone get him fourteen stat that’s the only thing that could fix this emotional wreck alsjfkgjs
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psychicwound · 2 months
doccy who... tumblr...
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this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes are bad] bring back the golden age
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timey-wimey-stuff reblogged:
it's always 'jack why do you have a severed hand in a jar' or 'jack whose hand is that' and never 'wow jack it's so clever that you have a doctor detector' or 'wow jack i bet the doctor will definitely want you back and fix you whne he sees your doctor detector!'
what the fuck
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UNIT-official reblogged:
Kind if homophobic that UN.I.T spends all of their time chasing around a genderfluid queer person.
Have you SEEN our staff.
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captain of the dinosaurs reblogged:
you travel with a man for what feels like eternity and he leaves you in ABERDEEN . he has to go home so he leaves you in ABERDEEN like is tbis even REAL.
#this is the most doctor thing he's ever done #sorry sarah. #it's the doctor.
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just learned jamie thinks tge doctor is a...fairy? like, he doesn't think the doctor is an alien, he thinks the doctor is a fairy. this explains a lot.
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it's your last chance of living and your last chance to die... it's your last chance of boozing when there's no one to find...
#lyr #absolute bop !
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#clara.txt #he said he'd always see me. but
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stop it i cannot continue showing up to the immortals brunch if jack keeps carrying the doctors severed hand around in a jar . it's embarrassing enough being around jack as he is
#me speaks #HATE him . jack harkness dni
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one minute the guy you're traveling with us an old man in a little hat and the next... he's a twink running hand in hand with a scottish piper... oh how time flies
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what if we killed the taxes
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protectxthem · 2 months
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go?
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
🍍 - How many drafts are you stalling with this meme?
🍅 - Have you ever had a case of mistaken identity for your muse or another?
🥒 - Are you thinking about reviving old muses? Who?
🥕 - What do you think about the current theme trends?
🌽 - Is there a fandom you’re too intimidated to join?
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
MUNDAY MEME | Accepting
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
Answered here
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
Mostly complain about the kids (muses) moving in.
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
Depends on the fandom? But the one I've been in the longest, Doctor Who/Torchwood first time I saw a guy kiss another guy on tv. Plus my high school friends were talking about it so I figured I'd check it out and I fell in love with it.
🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go?
Depends on the muse, but most likely the future.
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
When one of my muses gave his adopted/stepdaughter her mother's ring on a necklace since her mom was assumed to be dead.
🍍 - How many drafts are you stalling with this meme?
too many
🍅 - Have you ever had a case of mistaken identity for your muse or another?
I was mistaken for another Jack Harkness rper because they had a similar URL but no my muse has never had a mistaken identity.
🥒 - Are you thinking about reviving old muses? Who?
Ryder Barton, Clin Barton's twin brother who was captured by HYDRA and turned into a sleeper agent and yada yada. I had him as Clint's clone but I guess that could be a verse for him.
🥕 - What do you think about the current theme trends?
To each their own with their theme trends.
🌽 - Is there a fandom you’re too intimidated to join?
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
Ooh ooh! It was after I first saw Deadpool. I had my muse, Jack Harkness, break the fourth wall for a whole thread. It had me and my partner laughing so hard.
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thedemonastrophel · 3 months
for the Doctor Who ask game, answer all the multiples of eleven.
11) Who is your doctor
13, ngl I started watching 10 first cause David Tennant was in Good Omens and I saw that first, but now being caught up on nu who I can safely say 13 is my doctor. I will defend her forever and always, I absolutely love how much heart her run has in it. Yeah I'm a bit sad there's no x-mas specials for her but honestly I didn't notice when watching. I just love everything about hers run. The feel of it, her acting, the relationship with the Doctor and Yaz, just all of it.
21) Favourite Companion?
Honestly my favourite has to be Ruby! Surprising to me as well but the way she's written- there's just something about characters that have trauma and are just fully willing to accept that someone suddenly left them for no reason (the doctor, 72 yards), and not even be mad about it. Also I adore her outfit design.
31) Favourite Episode ever?
Ooh probably The Midnight Planet. It's one of the few episodes that the doctor actually feels like they're about to perma die and no one can do anything about it. Idk I just love the position it puts them in.
41) Classic Who or New Who?
I love the vibes that classic has but I think because I started with new who (and that's where 13 is) I'd have to go with that one. I do love the janky CGI classic who has though.
51) Favourite monster/villain?
The weeping angels. Gah I love them, their into episode is so well done. Not a fan of how they're handled in that one episode with Amy in the forest, but not much can be done about that. Either way I love how terrifying they can be, the potential for indimitadion factor is incredible.
61) Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventure?
I'm gonna be so honest I haven't watched either but I'm extremly bias towards Jack Harkness because of the him Rose and 9 thing, I got so excited the first time I saw that lmao
71) Favourite peice of alien tech?
Kerblam man, there's something so funny about those guys I love them sm (and if that's not a good enough answer uhhh those space age clockwork robots from 10's season)
81) Time period you'd want to go to with the Doctor?
Far future earth! I wanna see the shiny evil capitalism! :D
91) What historical event would you like to see?
I want to see the reactions of people when the Wizard of Oz premiered for the first time, I wanna see how people reacted to colour in a movie like that.
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taleswrittena · 1 year
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@multusmusae sent “ you and me, we make a pretty good team. “ ( @ rose tyler from jack harkness. )
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Rose has always had a fondness for Jack, ever since she met him. There's something refreshing about him. Maybe his carefree attitude he tends to have from time to time. Sure, he flirts with her on occasion but that is just who Jack is. It's always harmless and if it truly bothered her, she knows Jack wouldn't do it.
He's a good man, there's a reason The Doctor trusts him, she thinks with her lips curling up in a small smile as he tells her that they make a fantastic team.
She doesn't know how well of a team they'd made this time around when honestly, they'd been more running for their lives than actually doing any teamwork but the sentiment rings true all the same.
"We do." Rose agrees softly, "There's no one else I rather have watching my back when The Doctor isn't around." It is almost instinct to ask if he is alright before she remembers that he is immortal.
"I suppose it's time to put our teamwork skills to the test to find the TARDIS."
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