#and she brought enough of it for the whole dining room to have some if they wanted because they made a full kettle
🎤 with Zero!!!
Thank you so much for sending this, friend!!
(source: this post by sosawl)
send me a 🎤and I'll attempt to voice act one of my F/Os, either using a canon line or a custom line you provide to me - of course it had to be this bit (it's from 6.4 but nothing about it is spoilery)
I cannot match her intensity here, I apologise. But it was fun to try! Even if I nearly headbutted my laptop in the process by trying to copy the movement she does at my desk and leaning in too far. Here is the actual line from a video I found online.
I hope that this was alright! Thank you very much again for taking the time to send this in, it really means a lot~
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all-pacas · 2 years
I finished my Rome book and have now begun one about Pompeii. I’m 65 pages in and I already love it: yes, it covers the volcano, but most of the book is about “this is what the town and daily life of it would have been like, actually.” Fascinating stuff. Things I’ve learned so far:
- The streets in Pompeii have sidewalks sometimes a meter higher than the road, with stepping stones to hop across as “crosswalks.” I’d seen some photos before. The book points out that, duh, Pompeii had no underground drainage, was built on a fairly steep incline, and the roads were more or less drainage systems and water channels in the rain.
- Unlike today, where “dining out” is expensive and considered wasteful on a budget, most people in Pompeii straight up didn’t have kitchens. You had to eat out if you were poor; only the wealthy could afford to eat at home.
- Most importantly, and I can’t believe in all the pop culture of Pompeii this had never clicked for me: Pompeii had a population between 6-35,000 people. Perhaps 2,000 died in the volcano. Contemporary sources talk about the bay being full of fleeing ships. Most people got the hell out when the eruption started. The number who died are still a lot, and it’s still gruesome and morbid, but it’s not “an entire town and everyone in it.” This also makes it difficult for archeologists, apparently (and logically): those who remained weren’t acting “normally,” they were sheltering or fleeing a volcano. One famous example is a wealthy woman covered in jewelry found in the bedroom in the glaridator barracks. Scandal! She must have been having an affair and had it immortalized in ash! The book points out that 17 other people and several dogs were also crowded in that one small room: far more likely, they were all trying to shelter together. Another example: Houses are weirdly devoid of furniture, and archeologists find objects in odd places. (Gardening supplies in a formal dining room, for example.) But then you remember that there were several hours of people evacuating, packing their belongings, loading up carts and getting out… maybe the gardening supplies were brought to the dining room to be packed and abandoned, instead of some deeper esoteric meaning. The book argues that this all makes it much harder to get an accurate read on normal life in a Roman town, because while Pompeii is a brilliant snapshot, it’s actually a snapshot of a town undergoing major evacuation and disaster, not an average day.
- Oh, another great one. Outside of a random laundry place in Pompeii, someone painted a mural with two scenes. One of them referenced Virgil’s Aeneid. Underneath that scene, someone graffiti’d a reference to a famous line from that play, except tweaked it to be about laundry. This is really cool, the book points out, because it implies that a) literacy and education was high enough that one could paint a reference and have it recognized, and b) that someone else could recognize it and make a dumb play on words about it and c) the whole thing, again, means that there’s a certain amount of literacy and familiarity with “Roman pop culture” even among fairly normal people at the time.
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yaymiyas · 6 months
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warning: yandere!isekai!crown prince, he is very mean in this, female reader
a/n: this is TECHNICALLY not a part two to the introduction but it sort of is….. it jumps from the conversation to the breakfast……..enjoy! ALSO ALSO ALSOOOOOOOO technically its female reader bc you got reincarnated blah blah
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looking at the fragments of bacon he didnt want to eat, he let his fingers drum against the edge of the white plate. the fact that you, the daughter of a whore, lover to none, and nuisance to all, was right beside him made his food hard to swallow. the two of you sat in the dining room, and while he sat at the very end of the table with his back facing the door to the kitchen, your usual spot would be that of the opposite side. right across from him, back facing the entering door, but it seems after the poison didn’t hit quite deep enough in your veins, it did affect your brain because, for some reason, you thought it was brilliant to sit directly next to him. you weren’t as talkative as he would have thought of you, ever since you have learned of the activities he had decided to partake in, you started to demand his attention. at first, it didnt bother him much, since he himself started to believe that he was focusing solely on gracie that your suspicions were bound to grow, and grow they did.
for weeks, months, up until the poisoning you were all up on him. he was certain that you were attempting to skin him alive and wear him as a coat it was all mildly unpleasant but more irritating. saer never had a taste for you; rather, he actually hated you. to no one’s fault but his own fathers, he was forced to marry you out of pregnant promises. your father, sir tudor, wasn’t the poorest dope saer’s father has ever seen, but he was the loyalist. he worked on the gwynn estate, doing a multitude of things for the family, automatically gaining the trust of the duke and then the king himself. at the time, king gwynn was more fascinated with how a man with such little knowledge could become his most loyalist man, but that he did. following the pregnancy of both the queen and your mother, he decided that the best course of action was to marry his second unborn son off to the unborn daughter of a freeloader.
an icy shiver runs down saer’s back, forcing him to shake his shoulders and head. looking up from your half eaten plate, raising your head to the sudden movement. he was quiet the whole time, poking at the small slivers of bacon like they were the nastiest things on earth. you werent surprised that he wasnt talking; no, you were actually relieved. it wasn’t because he wasnt attractive or anything, he certainly does look like the main lead; its just the talk you had prior to the breakfast that was replaying in your head. cynthia and amanda didn’t give you much information, since, from the looks of it, they didn’t want to say too much. either their heads were on the line or yours were. you never thought about asking tily, even though she was the one that brought you down here. it just felt too weird knowing she was the one who weirdly had something against you. from your fading memories of ‘obsession falls’, you remember reading online forums and tweets about the whole thing. it seemed like the only real crime edina committed throughout the whole book was wanting her husband to love her. she did everything he had asked of her, from the way she talked to her style of clothing, even to what letters she can reply to. in olden standards, she seemed like the perfect obedient wife. this might have been your first mistake, but you didn’t read too much on saer or his backstory, so you never really understood the reasoning for his hatred of his wife, but you knew it was deep and it was boiling.
clearing your throat, you believed it was a better time than ever to clear the air and get to your point. you never understood why edina allowed things to get as deep as they were, but she was made just to be killed. it sucks that no matter what you do or say, saer will always hate you because you are edina.
that stupid nickname. shutting your eyes tightly and fighting back against any light to seep through, you sighed heavily. the whole time, saer had been watching you carefully. even though it was from the corner of his eyes, he was indeed trying to calculate your next moves. it was kind of silly that your sudden change in physical response is making him antsy, but how can anyone fault him? the last time the air-headed cunt decided to change the way she was reacting, gracie was suddenly engaged to alastair and smiling in his face about it. it was enraging. other than the fact that you were in his life to begin with, knowing that the reason he couldn’t slit the throat of his ex best friend was all because you decided to breathe. those two minutes were the longest two minutes of his life. he watched as your head dropped down on the table, making a very sudden and loud noise with it. saer had sternly told any and all servants to leave the two of you be if any loud, disruptive noises were heard. he even double checked that he sent your nosey maids, cynthia and amanda, home around that time. he knew that if they were present in the building, you weren’t going to eat that poison.
it was infuriating to watch them care about someone as lowly as you. not just them, anyone. reading gracie’s letters, asking how you’ve been and to see you before she even utters a word about him, was beyond hurtful. it felt as if his whole world was falling apart, all because you decided to have superpowers and not die. this was the only way to get back at you. he has tried strangling you. he has tried slaying you. each attempt was caught by either maid, cynthia, or amanda. it made him sick to see you get dotted on. seeing the frilly outfits they were making you wear, as if you were a porcelain doll not worth anybody’s touch. you were disgusting. a disgusting being that deserved to die. so why. why were you here? why were you looking at him like he had done something wrong. 
“enough with the causalities, i would like a divorce saer.”
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jjkamochoso · 3 months
Nobody Got You the Way I Do
Angst, Fluff
Soshiro Hoshina x gn!reader
No matter what problems you run into, big or small, you and Soshiro are always there for each other :)
Inspired by the Kaiju No. 8 outro song “Nobody” by One Republic
Warnings: light cussing, violence, mentions of blood, dead bodies, and people getting eaten by a kaiju
It's a bit of a long one so buckle up and enjoy! <3
[I'd take the fall/I got you covered when there's no one at all]
“There’s one more report that someone failed to turn in last night. Does anyone here have an explanation? Officer L/n?”
Your heart sank in your chest as you desperately tried to keep the internal freak out you were having from showing externally. You had forgotten to finish the last report of the night—well actually, morning, since it was 5 am when you finally left the office. You had written 10 other reports in a record time yesterday, somehow being on the recieving end of the Operations team’s grunt work even though you were a seasoned officer. You wanted to grip Captain Ashiro by the shoulders and force her to get a good look at your sleep deprived face so she understood that your forgotten report was a complete accident, brought on not by carelessness but by exhaustion, and then you would gladly grovel and beg for forgiveness so you wouldn’t get written up for your mistake. Before you could even move a muscle, though, Soshiro spoke up in your defense.
“My apologies, Captain, I had Officer L/n occupied as they helped me recount the details needed for my own reports. By the time we were finished, it was daybreak and I released them from their duties. You’ll have their report by noon today.”
Captain Ashiro gave a curt nod of acknowledgment before moving on to the next topic. When her back was turned toward you, you mouthed a thank you to Soshiro, who, in turn, shot you a wide smile.
[Oh, yeah, and I'd stay through the night/When you got demons tryna break through the walls]
You yawned, putting your feet in the slippers by your bed as you got up in search for a late night snack. You were having trouble sleeping and you figured a little walk and some food might help you relax. You padded through the quiet, dim hallways of the Defense Force base, your muscle memory taking you straight to the dining area without giving it a second thought. To your surprise, there was somebody already in there. You recognized the figure as your close friend Soshiro, but his body language was unlike anything you’d seen from him before. He had his arms outstretched in front of him, his fingers gripping the sides of the communal kitchen sink like it was a buoy in the open ocean. His chin was hanging low against his chest and you tried to make your footsteps a little louder so you didn’t sneak up behind him and accidentally scare him while he was in such a fragile state. You debated just leaving him be and heading back to your room so as not to bother him, but it seemed like he really needed someone there for him and you’d be damned if you let a friend suffer for no reason.
“Soshiro? Are you… is everything alright in there?”
You called out as softly as you could, but you saw the way his shoulders tensed up at your voice and your heart broke a little. The seemingly unshakable man you admired was seriously hurting and you were determined to help him get through whatever it was.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”
He flashed you a grin and a thumbs up to prove he was alright but his shaky breaths and dark circles under his eyes were telling a whole different story. Both of you knew you weren’t going to fall for such a blatant lie—you were much too observant and knew him well enough to know something was wrong. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to keep trying to push you away, though.
“Are you sure? No offense, but you don’t look it.”
“Really, y/n, I’m okay. Go back to bed, every good soldier needs their rest.”
No matter how long he kept up this act of nonchalance, you wouldn’t believe it for a second. Whether he wanted to fess up an explanation for his distress or not was his choice, but you were content to just give him company for a little while so he wasn’t alone.
“I think an impromptu hangout session would do us both some good right now since neither of us can sleep. My room’s a mess so we’ll have to go to yours if that’s cool.”
Soshiro’s eyebrows raised in a playful manner. “You want to go to my room after hours? If anyone sees us… they might get the wrong idea. People talk, you know.”
“So?” you questioned, grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinet. “Let them. I just want to talk with a friend and if that bothers someone, I couldn’t care less.”
He was too exhausted to argue so he let you lead the way out of the common area. When you made it back to Soshiro’s room, you both sat on his bed and munched on the food you brought. You kept the conversation lighthearted for a while before diving into the whole reason why you were there with him as the moon shone outside his window.
“So, do you wanna talk about earlier?”
“I do, but… it’s silly. Juvenile.”
“Who’s to say? I certainly won’t judge you,” you told him.
A few seconds passed, silence washing over you.
“I had a nightmare. Another one. They’ve been nonstop all night.”
That explained his jumpy demeanor and tired gaze.
“I’m sorry that’s happening to you. You deserve a time where you can escape all the shitty things you deal with in real life. It’s not fair you’re haunted at night, too.”
Soshiro was quiet as he nibbled on a chip, lost in thought.
“It’s the same one over and over again,” he continued after a bit, “the nightmare. I train, I fight, I lose, people die. It’s an endless cycle of my failure.”
You leaned in a little closer, sitting up on one arm while you rested a hand on his shoulder. “You’re hard on yourself for no reason and that stress is probably what causes the bad dreams. You’ve been a wise vice captain and a fierce fighter, taking down every kaiju you’ve come in contact with. I know you can’t will the nightmares away but just know that they couldn’t be further from the truth. The division puts its trust in you for a reason.”
Soshiro met your eyes as you sent a small smile his way.
“I put my trust in you for a reason, too, as you trust in me,” you explained. “There’s no one else I’d rather have by my side during hard times and I hope I can be that person for you as well.”
You gave his shoulder a final squeeze and moved your hand back to the soft comforter. His hand was ready to dash out and find purchase on your own, as a sign of comfort or something deeper he wasn’t sure, but he hesitated. The call of your bare skin wasn’t his to answer; he didn’t deserve your softness. He didn’t deserve this kindness and selflessness you were showing him as you listened to his foolish woes without judgement. What made him special enough to think he ever had a chance at seeing your enchanting figure at this hour every night for the rest of his life? If you weren’t in the room, he would’ve scoffed out loud. He was delusional. He was overly tired and emotionally drained, that’s all. There was no way he’d find himself as head over heels for you in the morning. You two were just close friends, that’s all. That was enough for him, wasn’t it? Why did he feel the burning desire for something more?
[There ain't no, no kinda line/That I wouldn't cross if you need me to/You're out here searchin' for signs/So I think it's finally time that you knew]
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, you know.”
“That’s kinda hardcore considering we’re talking about a bottle of water.”
“Way to ruin the moment, L/n.”
Soshiro handed you your drink and you gulped it down gratefully. Actually, now that you’d given it more thought, you hadn’t even asked him for the bottle in the first place. Rather, you had made an off handed comment that morning during breakfast about wanting to be more hydrated throughout the day and Soshiro must’ve taken on the responsibility of making that happen.
“While I very much appreciate this gesture, aren’t you supposed to be in training?”
“I wanted to see you instead,” he said, a playful glint in his eye. “Besides, we can’t have our best operations officer wither away from dehydration. I’d be too lonely without you.”
He jutted out his bottom lip, making you laugh as you went back to work.
“Whatcha working on?” he inquired, spinning around in a chair.
“Strategic planning and city evacuation plans.”
“How thrilling.”
“S’not so bad,” you murmured, deep in thought. “And actually I’m glad you’re here because you’re the perfect man for this question.”
“You could’ve stopped at ‘perfect man’ and I would’ve suggested to the brass you needed a raise,” Soshiro teased, instantaneously on his feet to peruse the papers you had sprawled on the table.
“You could’ve omitted everything in that sentence except for the part about the raise,” you shot back, Soshiro sticking his tongue out at you. When you got to talking about work, it was like a flip of a switch with Soshiro. He immediately turned from joking to serious, listening intently to your question and helping you find the most logical solution. As he pored over the map in front of him, you noticed he was standing close to you so you took the time to observe the finer details about your friend. His violet hair was hanging loosely and framing his face perfectly. His toned arms were on full display from where the short sleeves of his tight training shirt ended. Speaking of tight shirt, it was ridiculous the way his broad, muscled back was having you almost gasp for air. However, it certainly wasn’t only his physical appearance that left you breathless. It was the way he made plates for you at meals when you were running late. It was the way he encouraged you to try your best during physical training, even if you were nowhere near having the prowess of soldiers on the front lines. It was the way he sought you out at any given moment. It was the way he was always there for you no matter what. You groaned inwardly. Your life would be so much less complicated if you didn’t realize you had caught major feelings for your close friend. Relationships were strongly discouraged in this line of work due to the danger you were constantly in and the lack of a promised future for any members of the Defense Force, but there was a nagging voice in the back of your mind saying that it was how you felt in the present that mattered, not what the future may or may not bring. Still, no matter if you thought about Soshiro romantically or platonically, there was one undeniable truth he needed to hear from you.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, either.”
Tearing his gaze from the map, Soshiro turned to you, mouth opened in surprise at your admission before quickly closing it again, his eyes softening as his heart swelled in his chest. You said the words with such conviction that it made him want to marry you on the spot.
“Vice captain!”
The wheezing voice of Kafka Hibino rang through the room, breaking the eye contact between you and Soshiro.
“Y-you’re needed… at the training grounds… right away.”
Kafka looked like he was a second away from passing out with the way he was clutching his chest and gasping for air. You quickly came to his aid by dumping the contents of your bottle into his mouth as he drank it greedily. Spilled water dribbled down his chin as he thanked you profusely, looking at you like you hung all the stars in the sky.
“Hibino!” Soshiro’s eyes were narrowed more than usual as he addressed his soldier. “Go refill Officer L/n’s bottle. If you take longer than 20 seconds, you don’t get any more water breaks for the rest of today’s training.”
“Yes sir!”
Kafka ran with the speed of a cheetah and you swatted at Soshiro’s arm lightly.
“The poor guy was on his deathbed, cut him some slack. I could’ve refilled the bottle myself.”
“I know.” His lips curled up slyly. “But it’s fun to mess with him and I like taking care of you.”
You wanted to explore that sentiment a LOT further but your moment with Soshiro was over as Kafka burst through the door again, your water bottle filled to the brim. You thanked him and the men were on their way out, Soshiro sending you a wave that you gladly returned.
“You’re always happy but you look more smiley than usual, sir. Was it because of y/n?”
Uh oh. Did I say that out loud? thought Kafka.
“15 laps around the building for being nosy and 100 push ups for referring to a superior improperly.”
“20 laps and 150 push ups. Or does 25 laps and 200 push ups sound better?”
“N-no, Vice Captain! I’m sorry!”
Kafka took off at full speed, not wanting to incur any more punishment as Soshiro just shook his head, laughing to himself.
[Nobody got you the way I do/Whatever demons you're fightin' through/When you need somebody to turn to/Nobody got you the way I do]
You were having a really, terribly, horribly shitty day at work. Nothing was going right: all of your coworkers were in a bad mood, the computer system kept crashing and losing your saved data. You were beyond ready to clock out as soon as time allowed, but you were ordered to stay behind and go through computer files to double check none of the information had been compromised. You didn't know what divine figure you must've upset because there could be no other explanation as to why you were always being punished like this. Competency was truly a curse, and since you were the best at your job, along with everyone else's, you continuously got the task of making sure the Operations team didn't fall apart. It was an honor to be seen as responsible and irreplaceable in the eyes of the higher ups, sure, but not at the expense of your mental health. By the time you were finished, it was another late night at the office for you, but at least it was over. You gathered your things and trudged toward your room, eager to lay down and give your tired eyes a break. You rounded another corner of the building but stopped in your tracks when the light of the training room practically blinded you from down the hall.
"Waste of electricity," you grumbled to yourself, walking over to turn off the light. To your surprise, you heard footfalls and grunts from inside. Who would be up training this late? Your question was answered as you observed Soshiro fly around the room, swinging his practice swords with precise movements.
"Y/n!" he greeted when he spotted you in the doorway, ceasing his training, "I missed you at mealtime. Don't tell me you found another table to sit at."
He wore a fake frown that was replaced by his signature smile in an instant, his canines peeking out of his mouth.
"I'm glad you came away unscathed today. I heard it was brutal in the office."
"Brutal is definitely one word for it," you said, sitting on a weight bench. "I want to cry for hours on end but I think my body's too tired to let go of the tears."
Soshiro set his swords down and took up the spot next to you, his leg brushing against your own.
"You wanna talk about it?"
You would've loved nothing more, but you didn't want to bother him with nonsensical babbling about how sucky your day was. His work was vital and you refused to be the one preventing him from continuing it.
"I appreciate the offer," you said, standing up and already missing the feeling of his leg on yours, "but I should let you get back to training. Ranting about my work annoyances aren't crucial to humanity's survival like your training is, so I'll see you later."
You turned away, ready to walk to your room, when the vice captain hurriedly took hold of your hand to stop you from leaving.
"Wait," he said, his tone affectionate yet pleading, "let me be there for you like you were, and always are, there for me. I want you to know you can turn to me at times like these. I won't push you away."
You stared at each other in silence before he spoke once more.
"Please don't go."
Your dam of tears burst.
You didn't know who pulled who in first, but it was of no importance--the only thing that mattered was that Soshiro was offering you a safe space to let go of the misery you'd been holding in for much too long. Your tears were easily escaping down your cheeks, soaking the back of Soshiro's shirt.
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm here," he soothed. The feeling of safety and security in his arms was something you hadn't felt in a long time and was almost too much for you to bear, making you cry even harder. As more tears fell, you felt his grip on you tighten and you returned the favor, hanging onto him like he was your lifeline. His nimble fingers slowly worked their way up and down your back, sliding around in a comforting manner. His familiar scent wafted up your nostrils, doing wonders to calm you down after your outburst.
"Shh, you're alright," he cooed, his voice as warm and gentle as a summer breeze. "Today was a bad day but they don't last forever. Tomorrow will be better, I promise. You'll get though it. And if you can't get through it on your own, then we'll get through it together, okay?"
You sniffled and nodded your head, making Soshiro relieved that his comforting skills weren't as bad as he thought they might've been. You didn't know how long you stayed with your arms wrapped around each other but you wished it could be forever. You finally pulled away from Soshiro's embrace when you felt like you were about to fall asleep on his shoulder.
You let out an awkward laugh as you wiped away a stray tear. "Soshiro, I... I'm sorry you had to see that. But thank you."
He was completely unbothered, it seemed, as he brought you in for one last hug. The temptation to press a chaste kiss to the top of your head was strong, but his will was stronger, opting to leave you with some final words from his heart instead.
"Don't worry about it, y/n, you know I always got your back. Nobody's got you the way I do."
[When you go dark and the night gets so cold/I'll be on my way to you/You know I ain't tryna lose you, oh, no/If you're in Hell, I'll go there too/There ain't no, no kinda line/That I wouldn't cross if you need me to/You're out here searchin' for signs/So I think it's finally time that you knew…]
"Vice Captain! The kaiju is exhibiting strange behavior! It's headed for the train stati-"
The communications line went dead.
"Operations, do you copy?"
No answer.
"This is Hoshina. Is anyone there?"
Static crackled in Soshiro's ear and he growled in frustration, fighting the urge to rip out the useless earpiece and trample it. Did they say the train station? This kaiju was being a real piece of work. Their kind is usually predictable and easy to understand, but this one just had to be unique, didn't it? Soshiro sighed, running to catch up to other members of the Third Division to regroup and strategize.
"Nakanoshima! Do we have eyes on the kaiju?"
"Yes, sir!" the pink haired woman said, "it's like Ops said, headed toward the train station. They're trying to evacuate right now."
"Right. Thanks."
This was NOT good. A kaiju, especially the honju they were dealing with, could kill a lot of people in a short amount of time and the stations was always jam packed at in the evening. Since comms were down, Soshiro figured cell service was too, but it didn't hurt to check. He pulled out his phone and glanced at the screen. Nothing. However, he had one unread message from earlier that must've come through before the signal cut out.
Y/n: That meeting was sooo boringgg :((( but my train got here earlier than expected so I'll get to the station around 5:15! When I'm back on base I'll treat you to dinner... at the dining hall lol
He felt the air leave his lungs when he spied the current time: 5:20.
Soshiro was desperately trying to do the math in his head to see if you were still at the station. The kaiju attack started 10 minutes ago, you've would've been here 5 minutes after that, but if they just began evacuations from the trains...
He hauled himself on top of the nearest building, desperately looking into the distance for an answer to quell his worries. There wasn't a train stopped in the middle of the tracks anywhere so that meant the train you were on made it to the station and was probably the one that people were currently pouring out of in a mad dash to escape from the monster headed their way. Soshiro cursed under his breath as he jumped back to the ground, now surrounded by his soldiers.
"Vice Captain! We figured out the kaiju seems to be attracted to huge groups of people, more so than usual! That's why it's going to the station!"
"Good work, Reno," replied Soshiro, his face hardening as he addressed everyone. "You guys heard him. We work together as a group, got it? Nobody goes off on their own. We have to get this thing interested in us instead of civilians."
The Third Division set off in a hurry, making their way toward the rampaging Kaiju.
Well, this was new.
As you heard the announcement about a kaiju barreling toward the train station you'd just arrived to, you thought about how you'd somehow managed to never see one up close-- until today, most likely. The screams of the passengers around you got louder as you all heard the kaiju's steps hit the ground in a frenzied state, emboldened by the prospect of a large meal, and you found yourself getting jostled in a sea of bodies as people desperately tried to escape the train and underground station. You decided to hang back for a moment, not wanting to risk getting trampled. You looked out the train window, trying to stay calm.
"Kaiju ahead! Prepare to engage!"
Soshiro, for once in his life, was nervous to fight a kaiju. When he found you, he'd have to scold you for making him worry like this.
Yes, that was a when, not an if. He will be finding you, alive. He couldn't lose you. Not today, not ever.
"Vice Captain! Yoju are headed this way!"
Soshiro followed where Kafka's finger was pointed. The little kaiju were running toward the Third Division while the honju was still dead set on terrorizing the train station.
At least some of them took the bait.
"You guys take care of the yoju. The honju is mine," snarled Soshiro, running as fast as he could.
When the train eventually cleared enough for you to make a run for it, your chance to escape the station was getting slimmer by the second. The honju's steps were making the ground shake and you could barely stay upright. You and a few other passengers were the only ones left below the surface and were now following the emergency signage, hoping the kaiju wasn't overhead. You were feeling better about the distance you had put between you and the kaiju when all of a sudden, the roof of the train station began to rumble. You knew immediately that it was about to collapse so you yelled out a warning and ran as fast as your legs could go, heading above ground. Sure enough, as soon as you got up the stairs, the pavement next to you caved in and left a huge gaping hole in the middle of the street. Along with the other passengers you made your escape with, you put your hands on your knees, panting and trying to catch your breath. You were lucky you didn't get caught up in wreckage because it was a certain death sentence, much like the kaiju licking its lips in front of you. You wanted to scream in frustration as you realized you had run right into the trap it set. Somehow the kaiju had known hordes of people would run from the station and right into the area it was using as a plate. You had to give this thing credit for its intelligence as you were at a loss of what to do next. Most of the people you had boarded the train with were dead, save for the lucky few who evacuated the station right away. You knew this because of the numerous bodies and bones strewn about around you. The only thing left of the people you ran up here with was their blood soaking the street as the kaiju dined on their corpses. You were resigned to the fact that you were about to die and you just hoped it was quick. In a blink of an eye, you were picked up in its claw, the smell of blood overtaking your senses and making you want to puke. The kaiju growled at you in a mocking manner as you were raised to its lips, its razor sharp teeth about to bite down on your head.
"No you don't, you greedy piece of shit."
Soshiro's voice rang out, echoing in the bloodied remains of the street. The kaiju roared, upset at the intrusion of his meal. The big beast threw you down in a tantrum, intending to end your life on the pavement, but a flash of purple and two seconds later, you found yourself safely on the ground with minimal injuries.
"Soshiro," you breathed out, "how did you..."
"I thought I told you," he stated firmly, but with his ever present boyish grin, "I always got you."
He then addressed the kaiju directly. "Looks like you had enough dinner, hmm?" He pulled out his swords, the light reflecting off the sharp edges as he made a glorious display of his specialty weapons. "What do you say to me giving everyone a show?"
Soshiro was in the air in an instant, engaging in the ferocious clash between beast and blade. You could only watch with awe as Soshiro's lithe movements easily evaded the clunky kaiju. At certain points, it almost seemed like he was toying with the large monster to prove the point that he was superior and you would've felt bad for the kaiju if you hadn't just watched it devour humans a few minutes ago. Soshiro then brought the battle to a close, laying the final blows, and the defeated kaiju fell to the ground.
"Are you alright?" he asked, giving you a once over as he extended a hand to help you up.
"I'm perfectly fine thanks to you. Seriously, Soshiro, you saved my life. I don't know how to thank you."
"Thank me? No need for that, it's my job to keep people safe." His voice dropped low, indicating he was about to tell you something serious. "But I knew I couldn't lose you. You mean much more to me than you could ever know. Y/n, I..." He didn't finish his sentence, afraid of telling you how he truly felt for you. It wasn't that he was afraid of rejection so much as he was afraid of the emotional vulnerability that came with telling someone you loved them. Thankfully for him, you understood perfectly what he was trying to get at.
"You always got me?" you suggested, wearing a cheeky smile.
"Yeah," he said, a mix of determination and pure love present in his features as he looked upon you. "I always got you."
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nayedoll · 12 days
About you (Part 2 of Baby Came Home)
joost klein x fem!reader
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rpf below, please don’t read if ur uncomfortable!!!
this is part 2 to baby came home // i highly recommend reading part 1 for context on this fic!!
cw: 18+, nsfw, smut (f!receiving oral, protected piv), angst, some jealousy ig, reader is kind of a bitch lol
word count: 5k
a/n: some songs that fit the vibe: about you - the 1975 / right - mac miller / thinkin bout you - frank ocean / needy - ariana grande
You sigh anxiously, tossing your phone onto the big pillows of your bed as you lie down on your soft comforter; it helps soothe your nerves a bit, being in your old bed again, surrounded by your stuffed animals and the girlish decoration of your room that has not changed in the slightest — except maybe it’s a little cleaner now, thanks to your mom.
You really shouldn’t be this stressed about today.
If anything, it should feel nice that your old friends were kind enough to invite you out to dinner, a reunion as they had called it to celebrate the fact that you finally stepped foot in the Netherlands after four years. But whatever emotion you should be feeling right now is subsided by the anxiety of meeting Joost again.
After he left New York, you had been texting and calling each other, neither as friends nor as something more, just enjoying the comfort you brought to one another. And for a while, it really seemed like this was going somewhere, like things could work out again if you tried. But of course, everything had to be ruined; all it took was one question— “Why did you leave?”— before a small argument erupted, one that was enough for you to distance yourself from him again.
Joost was trying to find a reason to why you left, why you didn’t want to come back and be with him and frankly, you didn’t even know what to tell him. You said you needed some time, a few days to think which turned into weeks and months of barely any communication— and now here you were, in the four walls of your old bedroom, getting ready to face him again.
The whole situation sort of reminds you of your first date with Joost; same room, same bed, trying to calm yourself down and pick out an outfit but nothing looks good enough. Your dad still has the TV on too loud downstairs and your mom still comes in your room without knocking. The thought eases you down a bit, makes you laugh as you finally make the decision to leave, already running late.
The restaurant is small but pretty, soft lighting falling on the adorned walls as the sound of jazz music and people talking fills the air, helps you relax a little. It’s the same one you used to drag Joost to all the time, the one he would always complain about but secretly loved despite not being the “romantic type” in his own words. You wonder if he picked it out, if he even played a part in the planning of this; the thought is unlikely but still brings a smile to your face.
You walk further into the dining room, overtaken by the loving atmosphere of people laughing, talking, genuinely enjoying themselves as you look around for your friends. You eventually spot them at a table towards the back of the room, all the people you cherish so deeply; Alanis, Apson, Tantu, Lyon and of course, Joost.
With a sweet smile on your lips, you approach them slowly yet nervously. Alanis is the first one to notice you as she rises up from her seat, pulling you into a warm, tight embrace.
“Missed you guys!” You exclaim, hugging everyone one by one, slowly, to put off coming face to face with Joost as long as possible. Inevitably you reach him and god does he look good; the same blonde fluffy hair, same baby blue eyes, an outfit that fits him infuriatingly well, of course coupled with his usual smug expression.
The tension in the room immediately shifts as your friends share knowing glances between them— you get the idea that they have all been informed about your little… reunion with Joost in New York, the memory of him on top of you flashing through your mind and making you swallow deeply.
He beams at you, the knot in your stomach loosening as he hugs you, a small confirmation that things are still okay between you.
“Hey,” You hug him back, maybe for a little longer, a little tighter, something that he doesn’t seem to mind as his big hand caresses your spine. He smells like cologne, it’s the one he was wearing that night in New York, that had your apartment smelling like him for the days afterward.
He pulls back, small smile on his lips, “It’s nice seeing you again,” It makes you smile too as you stare into each other’s eyes wordlessly.
“Alright lovebirds, maybe it’s time to sit down?” Apson says, making you and Joost chuckle awkwardly, reminding you of why you’re here in the first place.
After some more catching up with everyone and a few glasses of wine, you can confidently say you’re relaxed and having fun— once again proven to have been overthinking. You’re sitting across from Joost, unintentionally noticing every tiny detail about him, the little smiles, the dimples, all of his mannerisms that you adore so much.
He’s oblivious to it but you’re not the only woman who keeps eyeing him tonight. In fact, the girl next to you has been practically burning holes in his face by staring so hard— and needless to say, it doesn’t go unnoticed by you.She’s pretty, her long blonde hair styled in loose curls and her maxi black dress so simple yet so perfect on her. It makes you sick, even though it shouldn’t be and you know it— but you can’t help the growing jealousy within you the more you stare, her eyes hungry for him and every one of her moves deliberate to make him acknowledge her but he never does.
“I’m going for a smoke,” Joost says as he stands up from his chair, hands digging into his jacket’s pockets to find his pack of cigs.
The blonde girl looks up at him with a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement, once again getting on your nerves— to be fair, you shouldn’t be mad at her, letting your envy consume you like a little girl but the alcohol makes it a little hard for you to control your emotions in the moment.
“Are you coming?” He asks, knowing you haven’t smoked yet tonight.
You sigh a little frustrated, not thinking about it much “Not in the mood.”
Joost pauses for a moment, the tilting of his head showing his confusion about your sudden change in attitude. Nevertheless, he gives you a small nod and leaves… you feel somewhat bad now, maybe you should go out there and keep him company.
But before you can even get up, that same blonde girl is already making her way to the exit door, her floral scent pervading the air along the way.
You take a deep breath; okay now you definitely feel like smoking. All the possible scenarios run through your mind at once— what if Joost gets her number? Or worse, takes her back home with him? You don’t think about it much longer and walk towards the door and out the restaurant.
The street is almost empty by now, cold air blanketing your body. Joost is just a few meters away, back rested against the brick wall as he lights his cigarette and— as expected— the girl is standing in front of him, making conversation; you can’t hear what she says but it makes Joost smile, giving you enough of a reason to feel even more jealous, a horrible feeling in your throat.
He doesn’t notice you, says some joke that causes her to giggle; you contemplate going back inside, whether this is embarrassing for you— after all it’s none of your business, you’re not his girlfriend anymore. But the pure idea of Joost taking another girl home, kissing her, fucking her the way he did you makes you want to puke, it fills you with rage.
You walk up to them, the sound of your sharp heels on the ground catching his attention. The girl turns around, obviously bothered by your presence and you notice the unlit cigarette on her hand; classic way to approach someone, you think.
You glance at her, bitter smile on your lips. “Can I have one?” You ask Joost, standing closer to him.
“Thought you didn’t wanna smoke right now,” He says but still hands you the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. You pull one out, coaxing him to light it for you as the girl watches.
Now that you came here, you don’t know what to say exactly, the awkward silence making you nervous. Jealousy has always been a bad trait of yours, though really you’re all bark and no bite, never actually acting upon it; if anything Joost always found it cute, teasing you about it endlessly.
“Is zij je vriendin?” (Is she your girlfriend?) The girl asks, pointing at you.
Joost giggles at that, causing you both to glare at him as his laughing comes to a halt. ”Was vroeger,” (Used to be) He replies, taking a short puff from his cigarette, “Het is ingewikkeld.” (It’s complicated)
You slightly furrow your brows, trying to translate the words in your head but to no avail. The girl nods, less confident in her attitude now as she hands the cigarette back to Joost and slowly leaves, mumbling something which you assume to be goodnight.
You’re left alone with Joost, remaining silent as all kinds of thoughts race in your mind. Once again, it’s you and him smoking against a wall, tension filling the air, almost like you’re having deja vu.
“What a nice girl,” Joost says, his tone an exaggerated delight. You nod quietly and take a deep inhale of smoke, nicotine filling your lungs— he’s obviously teasing you and it annoys you how well he knows you, always making it impossible for you to hide from him.
With a simpering smile, he looks down at you and asks, “And really pretty, don’t you think?”
“Yeah she’s cute,” You say as nonchalantly as you can, peering at Joost when he lets out a low laugh as if he’s mocking you. “What?”
He looks back at you with a cocky smile, “You’re jealous,” He says with such confidence it drives you insane, makes you want to punch his pretty face (and kiss it better afterwards).
You scoff, “No I’m not,” You avoid his eyes, the uncertainty evident in your words.
“Admit it,” He smirks, you feel his eyes scanning your face that has a pinkish blush on it from his teasing, though you’d like to think it’s because of the cold.
You glance at him as he raises an eyebrow, waiting for your response. “You’re so full of yourself,” You chuckle, blowing the smoke away from his face.
Joost giggles, more so amused than anything else by the way you’re acting, so timid for nothing.
“And you’re jealous.”
You roll your eyes, suppressing a smile. “Fine,” You sigh as he puckers his lips a little, a sly smile hidden behind them. “I admit I was a little… bothered by a girl flirting with my ex. So sue me for that.”
Joost crosses his arms, grinning widely. “Really?” He emphasizes, taunting you.
“Yes, really.” You repeat his words back to him with the same assertive tone.
“Is bothered the new way to say jealous?” He feigns confusion, his finger scratching the top of his head.
Unbelievable, you think. You groan, stubbing out your cigarette with your shoe,
“You know what, I’m going back inside.”You’re not actually mad with him but more so matching his playfulness and teasing him back.
When you turn around to leave Joost gently tugs at your arm, pulling you back to him as he throws his finished cigarette away.
“Hey, hey, hey, come on, I’m sorry.” He giggles, using this as an opportunity to grab you by the waist, bring you closer as you pout your lips at him. “I get it,” He murmurs.
“You get it?” You raise an eyebrow, unsure of what exactly it is that he’s getting. His touch on your skin is strong, it makes you lightheaded as you look up at him under the yellowish street lights.
He nods, “I’d be jealous too if some guy was flirting with you,” You smile a little, fighting to keep your composure. Joost was never the toxic and overprotective type, but you loved it whenever he got a little jealous, expressing it in petty but cute ways be it kissing you more than usual or being clingy with you in front of other men.
“Yeah?” You ask him.
“Mhm.” His lips are close to yours, the tips of your noses brushing together. “Although I bet tons of guys have flirted with you since I left New York, am I right?” His voice is lower, raspy sending a warmth through your body even in the middle of the cold night.
“Maybe,” You bite your lip, slowly sliding your hands up the sides of his neck.
Some men had indeed approached you in those months, none of whom you bothered giving a chance to. It didn’t matter how attractive or successful or charming they were— they weren’t Joost and that was enough for you to turn them down.
Joost presses a few kisses on your jaw and the crook of your neck, his lips wet and soft on your skin. “I bet you flirt a lot too,” He mumbles against your neck as tingles erupt all over your body. “Talking to anyone but me,” His words are bittersweet, petty as he nips at your skin and makes you moan quietly. You didn’t text me either, is what you want to say but bickering right now seems a little pointless.
“Let me make it up to you,” You whisper, holding his face in your hands as you lean in to kiss him. Your lips press together hungrily, savoring the taste of wine and cigarettes on his tongue. His hands grab your ass tightly, squeezing it as you let out little sounds into the kiss, sounds that make Joost crumble into pieces all the more. Your sweet scent stimulates his senses, makes him go crazy as he feels himself grow harder.
“Oh damn,” You cut the kiss short, turning around to see Apson and Teun, a shared amusement on their faces— definitely not awkward.
“Okay! I guess we’re not smoking after all,” Apson says, urging Teun to go back inside as you hear Joost laugh behind you.
“No, it’s okay. We were gonna head back inside anyways,” You step back from Joost, fixing your skirt as you wave them over to where you are.
“We were?” Joost asks, you slap him on his arm smiling. “Okay,” He nods, following you inside as he mumbles something to the guys which makes all of them laugh; you assume he scolded them for interrupting your heated moment, seeing as he playfully hits Tantu on his shoulder.
“Wait,” You stop him before he pushes the glass door open, gently grabbing his chin in your hand. Joost looks down at you like a confused puppy, it almost makes you laugh as you brush your lip gloss off his lips. “There.” You smile as he thanks you.
“My place tonight?” He whispers softly, brushing his thumb against your cheek and you nod.
Alanis and Lyon are still in their seats, talking when you come in. They look up at you, smile knowingly at each other because it is so obvious what you and Joost were doing out there, your faces flustered and Joost’s hair unruly.
Joost, as always, breaks the awkward silence, says something about how his steak is shaped like Belgium… which works well enough to switch the subject. Peeking at your right, you notice the blonde girl from before— she seems fairly disappointed, not looking at Joost anymore and it gives you a weird sense of pride, knowing he picked you again, that you’re the one going home with him tonight; hopefully you’ll talk to him later, tell him the thing you’ve been meaning to say all night.
Your friends ended up going for drinks after the dinner which you and Joost politely declined, opting to walk the twenty minutes back to his house.
There’s a light breeze in the air, giving you enough of an excuse to get closer to Joost and hug him from behind, your arms around his stomach— maybe it’s too romantic of a gesture but he clearly doesn’t mind as he keeps on fumbling with his set of keys, a small smile on his lips.
Finally unlocking the door, he ushers you inside his house; it’s different to his old one, bigger and surprisingly cleaner than you’d expected, though still cluttered with random objects here and there.
Joost notices the way you look around the dark room, the soft moonlight coming in through the big windows. “Like it?” You feel his hand on your ass, his body pressing you gently against the door.
Placing both arms around his neck you smile, his chest warm against yours. “Yeah. You have good taste in furniture,”
“You should see my taste in women,” His words make you beam against his lips, teeth knocking together as he leans in to kiss you. You deepen the kiss, helping Joost with taking off his jacket that is quickly thrown somewhere on the floor behind him. He does the same for you, kissing along your jaw to your exposed shoulder as your leather jacket falls down to your feet.
Your hand travels down to his crotch, palming his erection which earns you a small sigh from him. Joost pulls you closer by the waist, strong hands caressing your curves as you continue teasing him, your fingers playing with the metal buckle of his belt. In the meantime, you start placing wet kisses on his jaw and neck, your little bites in between making him groan quietly.
“Those are a lot of hickeys,” Joost says.
“Just making sure no other girls approach you,” You mumble; it’s half serious half teasing, you know it turns him on when you’re possessive over him.
Joost smirks, fighting the urge to call you out for your jealousy once again, though he makes a mental note to tease you about it later. He’s too flustered to speak right now anyways, with the feeling of you everywhere; your lips on his neck, one thigh between his legs all while you’re trying to unbutton his shirt (and failing miserably at doing so)— you’re hungry for him and he likes that, likes knowing you’re as weak as he is on the inside, as your hot breath trembles on his neck.
“Let me help you schat,” He pulls back from you, focusing on the buttons on his striped button-up which he takes off at a tauntingly slow speed, biting back a smile when he hears you whine at the loss of contact. Your hands roam around his stomach and chest under his loosened shirt as he fully removes it, then blindly tosses it somewhere behind him.
He clicks his tongue, “So impatient,” He kisses you again, finger on your chin to bring your face closer.
“Yeah because I need you,” You breathe out, feeling his sly smile grow on your lips; it comes out more desperate, more whiny than you intended it to sound, your neediness making Joost’s cock twitch in his pants.
“Fuck,” He murmurs, biting his lip. “Come on, this way,” Taking your hand in his, he leads you to his bedroom— small and messy, full of his scent.
He sits you down on his poorly made bed, the back of your thighs meeting the cool wrinkled sheets. You watch as Joost begins to undo his belt, rubbing your legs together to loosen some of the tension in between them but it does nothing for you— the image of his big tattooed hands on the small metal letters of his belt, Albino, only adds to your arousal. You raise your foot slightly, nudging his calf as he glances at you, your doe eyes looking up at him, practically begging him to hurry up.
He chuckles, pushing his pants down. “So damn needy,”.
He kneels down on the carpet in front of you, the tender touch of his hands down your legs and his tight grip on your calves giving you goosebumps. He takes your high heels off, carefully putting them aside before his lips start littering your legs with kisses.
“Such a gentleman,” You coo, your breathing deepening with each peck on your skin as Joost gently pushes your legs open to gain more access to your inner thighs. There, he sucks on the sensitive skin, coaxing you to gasp; he hasn’t even fully touched you, yet you’re already melting under his touch, aching with need.
Joost stops at the hem of your skirt, his light blue eyes looking up at you from between your thighs, an image you wish you could capture. “Baby can I eat you out, please?”
A small smile forms on your lips. Who’s needy now?
You nod down at him, “Since you asked so politely.” Joost motions for you to stand up, sly grin on his face; he strips your skirt off, his palms aimlessly stroking your legs, giving you a small squeeze on your ass. He gently pulls your panties off, the lace fabric slightly sticking to your skin due to the wetness in your folds.
“Zo mooi,” His compliment sends a warm smile to your face as you stroke his hair. He plants another quick kiss on your clit, the tiny tingling sensation causing you to hiss, then guides you backwards against the bed until your back hits the comforter. Involuntarily, you bend your knees for him as he climbs into the bed, slightly hovering over you.
He leans down and kisses you hungrily, his thick fingers rubbing small circles on your clit as you moan loudly into the kiss from the sudden wave of pleasure. You feel him smile against your lips, a cocky smile at that.
He slowly pushes one finger into your slick folds, “You like that?” He purrs against your jaw. You nod repeatedly, muttering a soft yeah in between shallow breaths. Joost goes lower as he lies on his stomach, burying himself in your thighs, deep purple marks all over them from his previous kisses. Withdrawing his finger from you, he licks up your entrance, making you suck in a sharp breath as your thighs close together ever so slightly, pressing on his head.
He starts soft, his tongue flat near your clit making your skin prickle before he moves down, teasing your hole with just the tip of his tongue.
Impatiently, you push your hips forward, desperate to feel more of him; he nuzzles your core as you both let out a small laugh. “You want me to suffocate down here?”
You giggle, “I will suffocate you if you don’t hurry up,”
He grins, delving his tongue into your slit. You moan as you feel it swirling inside you slowly, making you clench. “Faster,” You breathe out, entangling your fingers in his hair, softly pulling at his golden hair strands. Joost picks up the pace as his tongue explores you, nudges your clit a few times to hear more of your breathy moans. He holds your legs open that are trembling as you chase your climax, your body burning with overstimulation. His thumb is stroking your clit in fast motions, causing you to whimper continuously and grasp at his hair to which he hums sending a vibration through your core.
With that, you come undone on his mouth as you let out a loud mixture of cries and curses. Joost lets you ride out your high, sucking at your lips and your clit. His chin is glistening with your release as he pulls back from you, plants a few gentle kisses on your thighs, letting you catch your breath.
You gaze at him as he sits up a little and grabs a condom from the nightstand. He’s a little sweaty, his face flushed and his hair looks messy as he runs his hand through it, He’s perfect.
“Don’t look at me like that,” He says as he takes off his boxers— your eyes flicker to his hard cock, the tip swollen and leaky with precum. You feel a little guilty, want to take care of him like he did you.
You giggle, narrowing your eyes at him, “That’s how that girl at the restaurant was looking at you, just so you know I’m not crazy or anything,”
“You’re still on that? Baby, I’m here with you now, you don’t have to worry about it,” He softly pulls your hand, making you sit up next to him, kissing you on your cheek.
Smiling softly, you take the condom from his hand, opening the wrapper with your teeth. “Joost?” You ask him as you carefully slip the condom on, feeling his veins along the way. He hums, coaxing you to keep talking. “Can I ride you?” You’re a little shy when asking him that and you don’t know why; today in general, you’re kind of nervous around him and he finds it funny, cute nonetheless.
“Hell yeah,” You look at him again, his warm smile comforting you.
He crawls past you, sitting against the plush headboard as you move to sit atop him. Your face is also flushed, beaming with the afterglow of your orgasm and Joost can’t help but kiss you again, slowly, whilst fully removing your top.
You take his shaft in your hands, adjusting yourself above him so that his tip is right at your entrance before you push yourself down onto him; the residue of your arousal makes it easier for him to bottom out, a drawn out groan leaving his mouth as he does so, feeling you tighten around the veins on his cock. You lift yourself up slightly until only the tip is inside of you before quickly sinking down onto his cock again— you continue this pattern, noticing the breathy moans that Joost lets out, his mouth opened ever so slightly and his brows furrowed.
You pick up your pace, placing both hands on his shoulders for support as Joost squeezes your tits in his warm hands. Locking eyes with him, you almost want to cry with how beautiful he looks, how good his cock feels inside of you, how perfect you are for one another.
“What’s on your mind liefde?” He breathes out, a grunt slipping from his lips.
You bite back a moan, “Joost I want you,”
“You have me,” He chuckles.
“No,” You mutter, “I want you all the time. I love you,” You speak fast, desperate to convey your feelings to him. “I love you so much,” You repeat, burying your face in his neck.
“Shit,” He groans as he starts thrusting into you, noticing that you’re growing tired. “I love you too,” His hands are tightly wrapped around your body, holding you in place as he slams his shaft against you— it’s fast and sloppy, makes you dizzy with pleasure, unable to suppress your loud moans. Your eyes tear up a little at the confirmation that he also loves you— it’s not the first time you hear it from him but you’ve missed it, you’ve missed him and this stupid city that you grew to love because of him.
The pressure is too much, easily leading you to your second orgasm tonight as you dissolve into pleasure, moaning Joost’s name repeatedly. He’s now the only one doing the work, pushing himself into you relentlessly as you kiss him softly on his face because that’s the most you can do right now with how much your legs are burning.
A little later, Joost comes inside of the condom, the sound of his deep moans (and a few whimpers he tries to suppress but fails) filling the room.
You collapse next to him and onto the bed, breathing deeply, your eyes heavy with exhaustion. Joost gets up wordlessly to put his boxers on again, coming back with a shirt on his hand and your panties. He sits down in front of you, gently pulling your tired body up so that he can redress you. “You’re gonna get cold,” He mumbles, his thoughtfulness bringing a sweet smile to your lips.
“Thank you,” You coo, enjoying the feeling of his shirt on your body; it’s warm and big, carries his scent that you love so much. “I like this shirt,”
“Yeah? Keep it. Y’know to have something remind you of me when you go back to New York,” He chuckles a little as he says that. You take a deep breath, looking at him with eager eyes. He senses a hesitation in you, tilting his head in confusion, “What is it?”
“I’m not going back,” You say, your voice close to a whisper. “To New York, I mean.”
Joost grins, “Don’t play with me dude,” He says, shaking his head.
“I’m not,” You chuckle, gently placing your hand on top of his. “I got offered a job here and I’ve been thinking about it,”
Joost’s eyes light up, his dimples prominent. “Liefde that’s great news,”
He hugs you, presses some kisses on your hair as you stroke his back— he never wants this feeling to go away. “Date tomorrow?” He asks in your ear.
“Mhm.” You smile and kiss him softly, staying in the comfort of his arms. You get a good feeling, one that you haven’t had in years; you will go on that date and things will work out between you and you will never let him go again.
“I love you.”
thank you sm for reading!!! i hope this met everyone’s expectations lol 😭🥹
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al-the-remix · 1 month
BuckTommy Whump Week Day 1: Canon typical injury // Wound neglect
Thank you to the @bucktommywhumpweek mods for putting this together (and sorry it's a day late!) uhh...I have no idea how to tag this one, so just enjoy! Again, please excuse any grammar/spelling errors, they'll be all fixed by the time these make is to Ao3.
It was a pretty house, with arched windows and the pristine white walls of a Spanish revival that had recently had some love and attention given to it. Evan had told him some meandering tale that Tommy had had a difficult time following about ghost phone calls and haunted desolate suburban homes. It was one Tommy couldn’t quite believe, but enabled nevertheless; he’d overheard stories about the Loz Feliz murder house, scuttlebutt around the water cooler and during lulls between calls. He’d never given the stories any real consideration, and gave them even less now that he was faced with what looked like a totally innocuous family home. 
Maddie had settled herself at the end of the dining room table, her whole body angled towards him, hands folded around her coffee mug, radiating warmth as she waited patiently for him to spit out what exactly it was that had brought Tommy to her home on her day off.
Tommy hadn’t really known what to expect when he had called her. They’d never had the chance to spend much time one-on-one, whether it was Evan or Howie, there always seemed to be someone else hanging around, dividing his attention. Now he wishes he’d reached out sooner and under more pleasant circumstances. 
“So, what is it you wanted my advice on?”
Tommy drew his own mug closer to his chest, lacing his fingers around it to keep himself from fidgeting. The steam from the tea felt warm on the underside of his chin and he had to bite down on the skin of his inner cheek to quell the sudden swell of emotions that rose inside him. 
“Evan wont let me look after him.”
The corner of Maddie’s mouth twitched up in a moment of brief amusement, then tugged down in a sympathetic half-smile. “Welcome to the club.”
Tommy found himself laughing despite himself, the noise thick and a little wet in the back of his throat. He hoped that part was quite enough to slip beneath her radar.
If Maddie noticed she didn’t acknowledge it, much to Tommy's relief. He already felt foolish showing up here to needle his boyfriend’s sister for relationship advice, even if he had been invited, he didn’t need to get all emotional about it too.
“Have you talked with Evan recently?”
“I have, but I can’t say that he was exactly forthcoming. Not that he ever is when he’s injured.”
“Right,” Tommy looked down at his hands. “Which I understand, I’ve had strains before, they’re a drag and it’s annoying having to be on the bench for three weeks, but they’re worse if you don’t let them rest.” She was watching him with clear understanding as he rambled. 
“What happened,” Maddie asked gently.
Tommy rubbed at the side of his nose, feeling a little sheepish. “You’re a nurse so you know. Anyway, it sounds silly now, but he wanted to go to the gym the other day–which it’s way too early for–and we got into an argument about it. I wanted to give him space, but now he hasn't texted me in three days and I don’t know what to do. I tried to call him earlier, but he didn’t pick up. I just don’t know how much to push.”
In Tommy’s experience, the line between caring and overbearing was a thin one. 
Evan had never seemed to shy away from going after Tommy’s attention when he had wanted it, whether that meant asking for tours he didn’t really need, or playing sports he didn’t actually like, or organizing a coffee date to apologize when he hadn’t needed to. Maybe it had been presumptuous of him, but Tommy really had expected Evan to reach out sooner rather than later; and the longer the silence went on the more deliberate it felt, like maybe he’d overstepped some invisible boundary Tommy hadn’t even considered looking out for. 
Maddie watched him with a kind, sympathetic expression. Maybe at first glance most would say she and Evan didn’t look much alike, but to Tommy it was clear in their eyes, and their smiles, and their big hearts. 
“I don’t know how much he’s told you yet about our parents or our family situation.” She spoke carefully, as if weighing each word with her consideration. “But I think you might find that he does want someone to look after him, he’s just worried that once you see it, all the raw, messy bits he likes to hide, you won’t want to stay.”
Tommy was all too familiar with raw and messy, not that Evan knew that yet. And maybe that was part of the issue, he’d been so preoccupied with letting Evan set the speed and seeing where it took them, that he’d allowed his own role in this dance to fall to the wayside. He’d told Evan that he was interested, but did Evan know to what degree? Maybe he’d been too concerned with scaring Evan off to really open up the way he should have by now.
“Has that happened before?” Tommy asked when he’d worked the words past the frog in his throat.
She tilted one shoulder up. “He thinks it has, and that’s enough.”
Tommy considered that, staring down into his milky reflection in his untouched tea. 
“Here, have a biscuit,” Maddie offered, pushing the plate of neatly arranged shortbreads across the table at him. 
Tommy gladly took one. In spite of what Evan had suffered through with his parents growing up, he was lucky to have her. 
For once the afternoon L.A. traffic didn’t get under Tommy’s skin. He gladly welcomed the prolonged drive home to turn Maddie’s words over in his head. 
In many ways Evan’s body was sort of like a haunted house: possessed by a ghost that wasn’t his, neglected because of it. 
In Tommy’s pocket there was an extra key on his keyring, freshly cut and matching his own. It had sat there for a week, fucking with his head while he’d waited for the perfect opportunity to offer it to Evan. Sure, it was fast, but there was just something about the way Evan had weaved so snugly into Tommy’s life that had made him want to forgo all of his usual hesitancies and firmly erected walls in favour of having Evan be able to come and go from his house as he pleased. And Tommy liked the idea of finding Evan already in his home at the end of the day. He’d hoped that Evan might take it as the signal it was: that Tommy wanted him around permanently, taking up space and leaving his dirty socks all over Tommy’s house. 
Most of all, Evan made him want to be brave. Now Tommy wasn’t so sure. 
Evan had navigated their first few months of dating with his foot pressed firmly on the gas and very little inhibition, leaving Tommy reeling in his wake. He wasn’t accustomed to being pursued with that much earnest persistence, especially by men who up until very recently considered themselves straight.
Maybe he’d overlooked the very real possibility that all that inertia may be overcompensation for something lurking below. That when all that confidence melted away and all the forward momentum Evan had built up hit its peak, Evan wasn’t fully prepared to handle the descent that lived on the other side, not on his own.
That was okay, Tommy was a pro at handling those. If only Evan would let him. 
Tommy tossed his keys in his hand as he made his way to the front door,  thumbing the rough edges of the newly cut key. He wasn’t sure how many things Evan truly had of his own; he’d heard about the bicycle and the brother, and he knew that what Evan did have he fiercely guarded, his own space and his bodily autonomy were at the top of that list. 
Tommy had witnessed the way wounded and sick animals could go from gentle to aggressive in a blink of an eye out of fear and pain. He wanted Evan to know how invensted he was in this relationship, but also didn’t want to be the one to corner Evan, to make him feel trapped and like he needed to lash out to be understood. 
It was a fine balance. 
The house was dark and quiet, he hadn’t expected anything else, but still he tried not to let his disappointment settle in the pit of his stomach and make a home there. That wouldn’t help anything. 
 He made his way to his room, not expecting to find a big formless lump on his bed or that it would groan when he flicked on the lights. 
Tommy just about jumped out of his skin, swearing black and blue. Evan was lying on top of the bed covers, his sneakers still on his feet. It looked like he had half-heartedly attempted to undo the laces on one before giving up. 
Evan lowered the arm he’d flung over his eyes against the light, squinting at him where Tommy still hovered in the doorway. 
“Hi,” Tommy said, at a loss for anything else. As far as Evan’s expressions went, the one he was wearing was fairly unreadable.  
“Hey–So, you’re going to be mad at me.” Evan let the words out in one big sigh, like they had been pressed up tight against the starting gate of his teeth. 
Tommy risked taking a step closer to the bed. “I promise you I’m not.” 
Evan let his head thunk back against the mattress, eyes locked on the ceiling, and muttered: “I think I strained my strain.”
Caught off guard, Tommy had to press his lips together tight to suppress the laugh that bubbled up in his throat. This wasn’t exactly the moment for it. 
Evan was still staring at the ceiling, looking miserable, even after everything Tommy couldn’t help but feel fond. “Stay still, I'll go get the ice pack.”
“That won’t be hard.” He heard Evan mumble as he went to dig the gel pack out from the back of his freezer, grabbing a bottle of Advil and one of the water bottles Evan had left in his dishwasher for good measure. 
When Tommy returned Evan had indeed not moved. He settled himself on the foot of the bed, pulling Evan’s skinny ankles into his lap as he began working away at the laces. “How did you get into my house?” Tommy asked as he worked. That really should have been his first question, he could feel the heavy presence of his eyes in his pocket. Well received or not, he probably should have offered it to Evan a week ago.   
“You’re a firefighter, you should know those little fake rocks are a dead giveaway to anyone trying to break in,” Evan huffed, sounding more like himself. “At least invest in a garden gnome or something to throw them off.”
Tommy chuckled, catching Evan’s eye. “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time my boyfriend decides to break into my house.”
Evan’s gaze dipped down to where Tommy was working the first shoe off his foot, quiet for a few moments before he said, softly: “Thanks.”
Tommy just grunted as he started working on the laces of the other high top. Evan really needed to invest in some proper weightlifting shoes, but Tommy wasn’t exactly raring to get into another gym centered argument so soon. 
When he’d finally wrestled both shoes off, Tommy got Evan sitting up against the headboard, and situated himself on the edge of the mattress at his knee so he could slip the ice pack under the meat of his calf and hold it there.  
“I can do that if you want.”
“It’s fine. I’m happy to,” Tommy said simply, giving Evan’s ankle a squeeze where his other hand rested. He wasn’t expecting Evan’s eyes to dart off to the side, a rush of air leaving his lungs with a hitch that snagged Tommy’s attention. 
“Fuck, I didn’t want to do this,” Evan said, his hand coming up to rub at his eyes. 
“Be a mess, you know, a nuisance.”
“Do what? Evan–”
“Evan, I don’t think you’re a nuisance,” Tommy said, trying to catch his eye. 
Evan shot him a flat, red rimmed look. “I broke into your house. I was stubborn when you were just trying to look out for me, and then too much of a chicken to call you back when you were worried about me.”
Tommy stroked his thumb over the exposed bulb of Evan’s ankle bone. “I shouldn’t have pushed,” he said softly.
Evan shook his head. “I want you to push–you weren't even pushing–not really. I just, I really like you.” 
Tommy felt a sappy smile spread across his face. He let go of Evan's ankle to take his hand instead, giving it a squeeze. “I really like you too.”
Evan let out a wet sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh, his face a startling red. “I really like being your boyfriend.” 
“Good,” Tommy said, “because as your boyfriend I want to ice your leg for you, even when you’re being stubborn about it, even when you don’t call me back.” Evan’s eyes dipped away to the side like he was preparing to sidestep Tommy’s sentiment again and he figured this was his moment to lay it all out there. “This isn’t too much. You’re not too much for me, but if it’s too much for you, too soon, you need to tell me, because I’m serious about this Evan. I want you to be around even when things are messy.”
Tommy reached into his pocket, pulling out his keychain and began to work the new key off the ring. “Maybe this isn't the right moment, but I had this cut a few weeks ago, and so if you'd like, you can just let yourself in next time instead of having to hunt through my garden for fake rocks.”
Evan stared at the key Tommy held out to him, a dumb founded expression on his face. “You got that made for me?”
“You don't plan on going to Ireland any time soon do you?”
His eyes were like big wet saucers, infinitely vulnerable and Tommy frowned. “What?”
Evan's face crumpled, one big hand snapping up to cover it as he muffled a sob. 
“Okay, okay,” Tommy soothed as he climbed gingerly over Evan's legs to sit properly on the bed beside him. “Come here.” 
He was relieved when Evan let himself be pulled against his chest, wrapping his arms snugly around Tommy's neck.
“I'm sorry I was a dick and for the crying, my leg just really fucking hurts,” Evan mumbled into Tommy's now soggy shirt collar.
Tommy rubbed his back in calming circles. “It's okay, I don't mind, and I forgave you pretty quickly. Just next time please call me back so I know you're alright. I want you to.”  
Evan moved just far enough away so he could get a good look at Tommy's face. “Me too–all that stuff you said–it's not too much for me either,” he said and pulled Tommy into a wet, kind of snotty kiss. 
Tommy cradled Evan's face in his hands, it was short and sweet, Evan's sinuses too blocked up for anything more than that, but at least he was smiling when he broke away from the kiss, out of breath.
“I was kind of worried you were going to break things off with me, that's why I didn't call you back," he admitted.
“Evan–” Tommy tried, but was cut off.
“Look, maybe I have a penchant for self-sabotage, but I'll, uh, try to be better with that.” He laced their fingers back together, resting them against Tommy's knee. "I haven't wanted something this badly in a long time. It's kind of scares me."
"Me too," Tommy admitted, "I meant it when I said I was serious about you."
Evan's smile did something that made Tommy's heart jump in his throat. "Good, because I think I'm going to need a ride to the doctor's tomorrow."
"I think I can manage that," Tommy said and reached for the ice pack where it had been left forgotten on the mattress. And maybe after that Evan would want to come back to his house and stay a while.
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tyudearyous · 1 month
pride and prejudice - j.yh
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pairing : jeong yunho x (f) reader
very much inspired by pride and prejudice with some plot changes
word count : 5.8k
genre : fluff, angst
living as a fallen royal has not served you any happiness. in fact, it has only brought sorrows after sorrows, one you were overwhelmed with. but none of those sorrows would ever be lifted off you, not until you die, you suppose. why is that? because you were the eldest daughter out of the five, the only anchor in your already broken family. the only sane person between your reputation crazed parents.
“mother!” you grabbed your mother’s arms to make her face you. disgust filled your face and you couldn’t even process what just happened.
it was three days after your sister’s seventeenth birthday, she was the second born and she was three years younger than you. however, your parents had the audacity to go and basically wed her off to a nobleman in efforts to dignify the family’s name.
“mother! she’s just seventeen. what are you thinking!?” you screamed slightly making everyone in the house notice. “you. have no rights to say anything towards me young lady.” your mother pointed to you with seething anger on her face. her behavior only baffled you even further. “must you go through these lengths? she is just seventeen mother! she still has her lif-” “exactly. she is seventeen, a marriable age. unlike you, twenty yet unwed. it is embarrassing enough for me to have an unwed daughter like you” you were speechless. there was no way your mother just said that in front of you and left. just as you were about to catch up to her, you were held back by your sister.
“angela, we can talk after this okay” you try to make her let go of your arm but she was persistent. “sister, i am fine with this” her eyes gazed straight at you with her desperately trying to hold you. “no, you still have so much to see and learn. it is not your duty to marry, i will find a way for you alright?” you grazed her cheeks slightly to reassure her. “no, i wish for this. it is the only way our family can be stable again. i am fine with this sacrifice. no, i even heard that he is a good guy, so fret not my sister. fret not, alright?” she leans onto your embrace making you hug her. this whole ordeal is breaking your heart. was it your fault? why was the universe so cruel?
“my daughter angela, a carriage will come over to pick you up today at noon and i want you to go with her as well, y/n” your father said on the dining table. your appetite immediately gone and your face soured. “listen, y/n. i am not pressuring you what so ever. however, you are twenty this year darling. soon you would be past the marriable age and it would not be good for you” your father held your hands but none of his words felt like a concern for you, instead it all just feels like salt to an injury. “alright, i will prepare myself then” you immediately stood up from the dining table to go to your room.
“oh? have you finished getting ready?” you asked your sister who was sitting on her bed next to yours. “yep, you are coming with me right?” she asked you in which you nodded. she was wearing her favorite pink gown adorned decorations that made her beauty unmatchable. you had to admit, out of the five sisters she was the prettiest. it was as if a white rose suddenly appeared in a garden of red roses, that was how she was.
“you look great, i’m sure he would fall in love with you as soon as he saw you” you smiled to her widely before getting ready yourself. you opted to wear a rather normal gown in the shade of jade. you didn’t want to overdress your sister, nor did you want attention on you.
love has always been a difficult topic for you. you didn’t want to sell out your future to a man in the name of marriage and also, woman generally wasn’t given any freedom post marriage. you had to either be an obedient doll for your husband or you’d be divorced and thrown away in a second. it was either in between and that is why, love scared you.
but either way, it was your mission to at least be a good companion for your sister. to cover up all the ugly side behind her and your family, to be a good guardian for her.
soon, the carriage bell rang. notifying its’ presence and urging you both to go inside. your sister excitedly runs down the house and bid goodbyes to your parents who were waiting out the door.
“take care of her okay?” your father bid goodbyes to you by squeezing your hands while your mother only looked at you. “i will, goodbye” and with that, the two of you were in the carriage off to the Northwestern Palace where her future husband is waiting for her.
“sister?” your sister called out to you, breaking you out of your daze. “yes, my angel?” you scurried to sit next to her and held her hands. “i am scared” your sister starts to tear up. “darling, it’ll be alright. it’ll be alright.” you brought her in to hug and comfort her. just why, why would an innocent soul like her have to go through all this.
“ladies, we have arrived at the Northwestern Palace” the coachman knocks on the carriage door before swiftly opening it, making a way for you and your sister to exit the carriage. the whole ride was pretty serene. nothing much happened, except for the fact that your sister felt worried about the whole meeting. it was inevitable, love is scary. however she immediately recollected herself and is back to the usual happy go lucky sister you have.
after a small walk, a luxurious white pavilion is visible where two (seemingly) esteemed gentleman were sitting. the two then stood up noticing your presence before bowing to greet the two of you. you also curtsied to greet them together with your sister before walking even closer to the pavilion.
“greetings, i am y/n from the house of brigitte and this is s/n. very delighted to make your acquaintance” you and your sister curtsied to greet the two men in front of you. “oh yes, i am san from the house of choi and this is my companion, yunho from the house of jeong. thrilled to make acquaintance with you both as well.” he greeted you cheerfully before ushering you to take a seat on the table in the pavilion.
for a second, you felt small. this whole place, the pavilion, the table, their presence, all felt overwhelming. if it weren’t for your sister who was chatting delightfully with san, you think you’d suffocate from stress.
while san and your sister chatted well together, you decided to talk to yunho for a little bit. “um, so how did you get acquainted with mr. choi?” you ask while taking a sip of your tea. “i’m sorry but is that your business?” he responded coldly. you were frozen for a second, unable to react. “oh, i apologize, my curiosity got the better off me” you laughed it off before taking another sip. it was clear enough, this guy in front of you has zero interest in forming acquaintances with you. it was fine, as long as your sister was happy it was fine. soon the afternoon went by a flash. it was an enjoyable experience for your sister, it was all that matters.
“how was it?” your vivacious mother asked your sister once you arrived back home. “it was great, mother. he was a gentleman, anything i could ask for” she replied, making your parents exhale a big sigh of relief. they seemed so happy, and you were too but there was a hint of bittersweetness in your heart. after all, you were the disappointment for them and did you even have the right to be happy? but you digress. “i will be off to my room now, if you need anything just call me” and with that you went upstairs to your room.
“sister!” your youngest sister came up to you. “hi sweetheart, what’s wrong?” you crouched down to ruffle her hair slightly. “is it true? sister angela is getting married?” she asked you and you nodded. “yes, angela has met her prince charming you know?” you smiled to her. “but what about you? have you not met him?” you froze slightly before shaking your head. “it’s late already, let me tuck you into bed okay sweetheart?” you ushered her to go back to her room to rest up. you just didn’t want to answer much because it’s all too conflicting for you. it’s all too much for you. even so, you did wish to meet your prince charming, you wished but it was just a mere wish. a mere wish that has very low chances of getting granted.
“y/n! prepare the guest room please!” your mother called out to you in the middle of the morning. you were confused, why would they need the guest room ready, for who? and why is she asking that of you this early? “mother, who is coming?” you asked as you went down the stairs. “it is your father’s colleague. he is coming over with his son” she explained to you. “and who exactly?” you asked while you start to dust off the room. “the house of park” oh, it was seonghwa. he was once deeply infatuated with your sister, so obviously you knew him. he wasn’t a bad guy, per se. however, you just don’t feel good about him sometimes.
as you were cleaning, the day started to go by and it was now afternoon when the esteemed guests came by. your parents greeted them with extreme joy and they also greeted everyone back. you led them to the guest room where your parents and them chatted off. you stayed at the door, tending to their drinks and snacks when seonghwa snuck up on you.
“um, so, where’s angela?” he asked. “oh, she’s going to come down soon” you replied before he went back to his seat. sure enough, your sister soon came down and it was as if seonghwa just saw an angel. his eyes immediately lit up and a big smile adorned his face.
“so, mr and mrs brigitte. the purpose of our visit today is actually because we want-” “no father, i will say it myself” seonghwa cut his father off before clearing his throat. “miss angela brigitte, i have taken a great liking towards you ever since the first day we met. will you do me the honor of being my wife?” seonghwa knelt down in front of angela and took her hands to kiss it slightly.
“i must apologize” angela took her hands off seonghwa’s. “i am already engaged to mr. san from the house of choi” and the entire room fell into a tense mood. seonghwa quickly reassured angela that it was alright and your parents ushered you and angela out of the room to not make the room even more tense. thus, you brought angela back to your shared room where she cried.
“i feel like a horrendous person. i feel bad” angela cried out to your shoulder. “shush baby, it’s alright. i am sure he would understand alright” you comforted angela throughout the night but unbeknownst to you, the park family and yours agreed on an alternative. an alternative you wouldn’t even want.
somehow seonghwa kept going to your house, despite getting rejected by angela. you were confused on why he was doing all this. on an instance even, he brought you to meet one of his longtime friends, hongjoong from the house of kim. it was all confusing but creating relations wasn’t something you were against.
“i heard you are acquaintances with san from the house of choi?” hongjoong asked. “yes, he is about to be wedded to my sister after all” you replied with a smile. “then, may i assume you are also acquainted with jeong yunho?” your eyes shot up and you froze slightly. “not exactly, why?” you asked. “i should warn you about him. he is not a good man. the kim family has been the greatest supporter the jeong family could ever ask but what did that guy do? deny us from our rights” hongjoong took a sip of his tea angrily. “hongjoong, let’s not-” “no seonghwa! i am merely stating facts. i had to work like a dog to save my family from bankruptcy when we were exiled” hongjoong explained further. “why were you exiled?” you asked. “because we didn’t have one vision thats all. either way, be careful of him”
you weren’t the type to trust someone immediately. after all you were a big skeptic, however because seonghwa trusts hongjoong so much, you just couldn’t help but feel a slight empathy. how could someone pay literal dust to someone who has been loyal, and even if there were differences of views, shouldn’t it be talked over? you didn’t want to involve yourself though so you just decided to stay neutral. one thing is for sure, jeong yunho did not seem like a good guy at all.
it was the night of the ball in the Northwestern Palace and sure enough, you had to dance with the man himself, jeong yunho. you didn’t hate him but that did not mean you liked him. he has been nothing but rude to you ever since the first meet. however, you cannot deny. he is a great dancer.
“i am surprised you are good at this” you said in attempt for a small talk. “it is merely the basics my lady” he said as he let you go to twirl and held you by your waist again. “sure, basics” and you both danced until the music ends. what you didn’t expect was for him to initiate a small talk.
“would you like to take some time in the garden?” yunho asked as he took a sip from the glass of champagne he was holding. “sure” and with that the two of you went down to go to the garden. this did not go unnoticed by san and angela. “look, your sister” san pointed towards your direction to your sister. “let them be, let’s just hope for the best” she laughed before resuming to their own conversation.
“i did not strike you as someone who would ask a lady” you joked. “i am merely doing this as an apology for last time” yunho waited in front of the stairs, offering his hand for you to take while you go down the stairs. “thank you” you said before he led you to the garden of the palace.
“so, what did you want to talk about?” you asked him as you took a seat on bench nearby. “i was wondering on a few things actually” he sat next to you.
“how are you alright with your sister overstepping you?”
“in marriage?”
you sighed and stayed quiet for a moment. of course people would ask that. of course it would be a topic in your conversation. after all, people deemed it to be rude but you couldn’t care less.
“perhaps i just do not care? all i ever wanted was happiness for my sisters and it is not her fault for finding love before me. and if you ask me how did it came to this, i also don’t know. perhaps it’s just the universe’s will? either way, i don’t have a problem with that”
“i have heard that you rejected several marriage offers”
“yes, just one though to be exact. i do not find myself ready when i got that offer. i was still sixteen after all. now that i am twenty, i couldn’t thank my sixteen year old self more than anything”
“and why is that?”
“because i got to experience life. if i got married, i wouldn’t be able to do that”
“how? you still have your life even after you marry? it is not the end of the world”
“to you yes, to me no. i would have to be entangled with housework, wifely duties, and when i have a child as well, i can’t do anything freely. i am not saying i don’t want to get married but i still find it to be not something i highly desire.”
“let’s say, someone proposes to you today. will you accept it?”
“i do not know. if i could see myself loving that person, perhaps i would but if i couldn’t i think i would reject it once again”
yunho nodded understandingly. turns out, he wasn’t too bad. he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was. he was a good listener and also a very logical person. the conversation actually went well because he was actually a good conversationist. perhaps this person wasn’t that bad but you digress.
it was as if the universe was playing a joke to you, seonghwa decided to propose to you in exchange for not getting angela. of course you rejected it. how could you be used a replacement? it was a disgraceful move on its own. you were even more flabbergasted when you knew it was your parent’s idea. what the actual hell are they thinking?
“do you perhaps not possess a brain to think?” you angrily opened the door to their bedroom
“honey, what is this behavior!” your mother shouted
“what is this behavior? you have the audacity to ask me that? am i an easy thing to use as a replacement for my sister? are you planning to sell me out?”
“y/n please calm down”
“y/n! we are doing this for your greater good. what future lies beyond you if you refuse him. we are doing this because we love you. we are doing this because we wish for what's good for you”
"but that is not how you do it!" you screamed into the room
you couldn’t even talk anymore. you felt so incredibly betrayed. how could they treat you like this? how could they treat you this horrible? you knew they were slightly insane after they lost their estate to debt but this was beyond your limit. your entire dignity crushed into pieces, ground up to the floor and thrown away six feet under the ground. it was shit, completely shit.
“my daughter, can we talk?” your father came over to the dining room where you were crying profusely. “what more do you want? do you not understand how that made me look? i look like an easy woman, father. i look like an easy shit to trampled upon” he shushed you before bringing you to a hug to comfort you. he didn’t say anything, perhaps too guilty to even say anything. at least he knows his mistake.
it has been several months since everything happened. you decided to do things like how you are used to. forgive and move on. seonghwa even got married already because one of your friend was scared she’d become a spinster. you apologized to seonghwa and seonghwa thankfully was a good man. he understood your rejection and reaction, he understood everything.
however, angela’s relationship with san was something else. choi san was a busy man and it was a given he wouldn’t have much time. but if he was determined, he could at least spare just a few minutes with angela but that never happened. so when his party left for a neighboring country, you told angela to go to your relative’s house since they live in that neigboring country and she did.
now, with nothing to do on hand, you decided to visit seonghwa and your friend. after all, there was nothing wrong with a small catch up session between friends. it was quite a long walk but not one you’d complain about and when you arrived, it was a small yet comfortable bungalow they are living in. very suited to seonghwa’s love for simplicity.
they invited you for dinner and you chatted away quite happily until seonghwa brought up something he heard a few days ago during a party.
“i do not know if this is for sure or not but i heard yunho has been trying to separate san and your sister because your family is “unsuitable” for the chois”
“what?” you were confused.
“who said that?”
“colonel song, a close friend of his”
oh. that was the nail to the coffin you suppose.
after hearing what seonghwa said, you immediately took the train to go to the neighboring country to meet your sister. you went there not to meet your sister, but to meet jeong yunho instead. once you arrived, you immediately went to the jeong estate. it was raining but you couldn’t care less. but as you were on your way, you spotted him near his estate.
“miss y/n, it has been a while. i have been looking for you”
“good you’re here. wait, pardon?”
“i have been searching for you ever since i knew of angela’s presence here in this country”
“why? for what exactly?”
“i have thought about this day and night.”
yunho cleared his throat before continuing.
“in vain i have struggled, and it just will never do. my feelings have gotten to my better judgement. allow me to tell you how ardently i admire you”
“i don’t understand”
“i love you. will you please do me the honor to be mine?”
“no. i cannot”
you were beyond confused. this man separated your sister, deeming your family unfit for his standards and besides the garden conversation, he never paid any attention towards you. so what is this sudden confession.
“didn’t you say my family is unsuitable? so why are you acting like this?”
“i cannot care less. i cannot care less about statuses right now”
“so why did you separate angela and san?”
“didn’t miss angela not want it? she was being very passive and i did not want san to get heartbroken any further”
“you have no rights to do that! and no. angela loved him. the reason why she is even here is because of choi san. you have no rights to do that, mr. jeong”
“i apologize”
“is that all you could think of?’
“what more do you ask from me?”
“i don’t know. i just cannot accept it. you have always acted so cold towards me and now suddenly you’re professing your love towards me? mr. jeong, respectfully, that is not the way to get a woman’s heart. in fact that is a way to drive a woman away”
“for ever since i was born, i was raised to be indifferent. i have always been indifferent but this. this is the first time where i let all my logics out the window. this is the first time i had ever let my feelings control me, my lady. i am not asking for much.”
“right, you are an indifferent individual. then care to explain your decisions regarding the kim family?”
“what sort of decisions?”
“i don’t know, you were the one making it. why would you do that to a family that has been nothing but loyal to you, mr. jeong?”
“i am afraid you do not know anything, miss brigitte”
“oh? so i don’t know enough do i?”
“the kim family embezzled the jeongs. do you know that?”
“miss, i did not take you for someone who blatantly believes lies. however, i do hope you would think twice before believing someone and i believe that this proposal has not come to a good ending thus i will leave now. i have gotten a carriage ready for you. my feelings have not changed at all, however i think that you might need some time, so i am granting you that time”
oh, you did a big mistake didn’t you?
“y/n, a letter has come for you!” your sister screamed. “angela it’s 9 PM, who would even-” you recognized that seal. that seal is not from a mere family, it was the seal of the jeongs. “when did this arrive?” you asked angela after taking the letter from her hands. “a guard sent it just now, is it from the-” “i will be in my room, alright?” you scurried to go inside of your room and quickly took your letter knife to open the letter.
to miss y/n of house brigitte i am writing,
i apologize for the disturbance as it is very late right now. however, my heart is at unrest.
i do not know where or who told you regarding what happened to the kim family however, i do hope that you would trust me more than them.
the kim family followed the jeong from the start, however the last generation of the kims has been nothing but a problem for the jeongs.
they have embezzled us out of our own mines, land, field, and everything.
as the current head of the family, i had to do what was necessary and that is to protect my own family. it was not an easy decision but ultimately, i had to exile them.
they have been getting support from the parks now, which i am grateful for.
i do hope you will stop seeing me as a horrible man, for i am serious about my feelings for you, lady brigitte.
i am sorry for the lengthy disturbance but i hope this clears out the misunderstanding between us.
good night, may you have sweet dreams.
signed, jeong yunho
it has been two weeks since you and your sister went to your nephew’s house and it is now time for you both to set home. this time though, your relatives are the one visiting your country. however what you didn’t expect is for you to run into yunho out in the wild.
“what are you doing here?” you asked, confused. “i was just having my stroll, greetings i am yunho from the house of jeong” he introduced himself to your relatives. “ah yes, the esteemed jeongs. we are the gardleys from the south” your uncle and aunt bowed to greet yunho which he returned in another bow. somehow, you and your party ended up in the Westnostern Palace which is a closed off territory of the jeongs. yunho offered a brunch for you and your relatives, this was out of nowhere.
it was truly a brunch for the royals. the meals served were meals only high status-ed families would eat. you were grateful but all of this felt like it came out of nowhere. perhaps this was his way of trying to win your heart and you couldn’t help but smile at it. while your relatives and yunho were chatting away, you excused yourself to go to the washroom when in reality, you wanted to take a stroll around the palace. that was when an elderly lady suddenly came up to you and struck a chat with you.
“oh my, you must be the miss brigitte everyone here is talking about!”
“oh silly old me, i am margareth”
“oh, yes. i am y/n from the house of brigitte. it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance”
“yes, our little yunho has been talking about you” she said while laughing slightly. you were frozen, what is that even supposed to mean?
“talking about me?”
“oh yes, he has been going around the estate asking for advices on you know” she nudges your shoulders slightly. you didn’t know how to reply so you just laughed along.
“either way, i am glad” you stayed quiet, to listen to her.
“i am glad he has finally found love. he has been keeping his heart at such guard to the point even i, as his former caretaker, was very worried.” she continued before she held your hands gently.
“child, i know love might be scary for you but trust me. yunho is a good person, he is just a little rough at first. child, he can bring you the happiness you’ve desired since forever. i hope you can be happy with him” words could not leave your mouth, you only stared at her while she smiled at you.
“granny margareth!” you snapped out of your daze after hearing yunho’s voice.
“oh-ho, that is my cue to go now. i wish you the best of luck, child!” she said before leaving, giving you time with yunho.
he soon joined you to gaze upon the garden of the palace and stood next to you. yunho cleared his throat, making you gaze at him.
“have you finished chatting with my relatives?” you opened the conversation.
“ah yes, they were very enthusiastic people. i had a great time” his sudden soft demeanor makes you want to laugh honestly. it wasn’t a bad thing, just very out of character for him.
“i see” you replied but you couldn’t hold back your giggles
“oh, no. it’s just funny to me”
“what’s funny?”
“you, right now.”
“right, i must look like a lovesick fool”
yunho admitting it himself just feels way too funny for you, causing you to go on a fit of laughter. he only stared at you, with a slight smile. taking in how he made you laugh, how your smile completely lit up his whole world. oh, he was so in love.
“lovesick fool, oh dear. i’m sorry” you try to regain your composure.
“no it’s alright, i like watching you smile” he replied. you only raised your eyebrows before one of his guard men called out to him, informing him that your relatives had finished touring the palace with his butler.
“let’s go back shall we?” he offered his hand to guide you, in which you accepted this time.
yunho isn’t as bad as you thought.
as if the universe is finally giving you a break, san came by the brigitte’s estate to propose to angela. you also soon found that yunho helped san get the permission of the choi family. he persuaded them to let him marry angela despite your family being inferior compared to the chois. yunho was such an enigma to you. however not one you hated, in fact one you’d love to figure out. his entire demeanor and how it changed almost in one night. how he suddenly became this soft and kind individual despite his reputations being the absolute opposite of that.
thus when he visited your estate, you couldn’t help but welcome him with open arms for what he has done for your sister.
“greetings, um” yunho stuttered slightly. he was visibly nervous and he didn’t know how to properly act this time. you couldn’t help but smile endearingly at him.
“greetings, mr. jeong. how can i possibly help you?”
“may i invite you to go on a walk with me, perhaps?”
yunho never struck you as a big romanticist. however, all of his actions recently show otherwise. this guy was a big romanticist. he is definitely a firm believer of soulmates and it is adorable. beyond the cold expression he wears, the fancy suits and coats that make him unapproachable, he is just a plain guy who loves hard.
you both strolled around the Northwestern Palace, the place you first met each other. though the first encounter was rather lukewarm, your current relationship was much better than that. when you reached at the end of the palace’s park, a glistening lake could be seen. the atmosphere was incredibly soothing and heartwarming. seeing swans nurturing each other, you couldn’t help but smile while gazing at the scenery.
“so, um. miss y/n” yunho cleared his throat.
“i would like to take upon this chance, to… try once again” oh, so that was what he was after.
“miss y/n of house brigitte. i, jeong yunho, have simply fallen for you. i cannot contain these feelings within me anymore. i apologize if i have ever made your heart hurt from before, however i can promise you one thing. i will devote myself to keeping that smile on your face. i will make sure your days ahead are nothing short of happiness. miss y/n, would you do me the favor of letting myself become yours?” he knelt down in front of you with a small box on his hands. it was a ring, he was proposing you. you have been in this situation several times, but none have made you this glad to receive one.
“yes, i would” you replied. this time, it was different. perhaps it was yunho’s magic finally working on you, but you couldn’t be more glad that it was him.
he quickly smiled and slipped the ring into your finger then he lifted you up in an embrace. “hey!” you laughed. “thank you” yunho gazed straight at you before pulling you in for a kiss, your first kiss.
finally, love found you.
“y/n, are you serious about this?” your father asked you. he had received a formal letter from the jeongs, inquiring him about their plans to officially propose you.
“yes father, look” you showed off your ring finger, now adorned with a ring that had a small aquamarine gem.
“did you not dislike him before?” your father asked you once again. he was well aware about how you felt regarding yunho since the first.
“yes but those feelings have changed. father, are you questioning my decisions now?” you replied with a grin on your face. this made your father give up and accepted the situation.
“i am glad you finally found the one” your father got up from his seat to hug you and you hugged him back.
“From the very beginning— from the first moment, I may almost say— of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.”
Jane Austen,
Pride and Prejudice
the end.
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Hello, could you write something about Thranduil if you would like? About how I take care of an elf who was cut short as a punishment and her hair was cut very short, even though she was innocent. This is a trauma for her, because for elves, and especially for elven women, hair is something very important. Of course, if you feel like it.
Since you haven't specified a timeline for when this could have occurred, I took some liberties with the HCs below. I hope you don't mind.
Pairing: Thranduil x Fem. Reader
Themes: Angst | Soft
Warnings: Hair loss as a form of punishment | Bullying/Thranduil being a bit of a bully in the beginning.
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🌿You were one of the Ñoldor, born years after the Kinslaying at Doriath, but still, you had been tarred with the same brush. You were forced to wander through the land as other elves wanted nothing to do with you and your kin.
🌿Your situation worsened after you found yourself in Greenwood the Great. You were captured after having gotten lost in the forests and brought before Oropher. As a survivor, he refused to believe your pleas of innocence, that you were born during a different time and played no part in the slaughter. He decides to make an example of you and orders your hair to be cut off. This was a horrific experience. Your hair was thick and fell past your waist. You took great care of it, styling it with flowers and what little you had for adornments. All of it was taken from you and you were put to work as a servant in his household.
🌿Oropher's son, Thranduil paid you no mind most of the time. The other times? That was when you saw another side to him. He was not overtly cruel, but he did not hesitate to throw hurtful barbs your way. You kept your head and endured. Having a roof over your head and decent food in your belly was more important, and you didn't know what kind of fate awaited one who insulted a prince of the realm.
🌿Once, during supper, he did go too far and your veneer cracked. You fled the dining room in tears. There was no apology, and you knew better than to expect one. However, the barbs stopped and all you got were icy glares.
🌿This continued until one fine day, evidence of your innocence came to light. Oropher learned you were born years after the Kinslaying and had nothing to do with the tragic events that unfolded in Doriath. The king, not wanting to be seen as unjust, apologized to you in front of his court. As for Thranduil?
🌿Thranduil avoided you, and when he could not do it, he avoided looking at you. It was a reprieve, a welcomed one, and you grabbed onto it with both hands.
🌿Then one day you found yourself being moved to better rooms, given better clothes, a handful of jewels, and even your few adornments. When you asked who was so kind, the servants refused to answer. All you were told was that you were to ask for anything you could ask for and that it would be given to you.
🌿 Despite this change in fortune, you kept to yourself, asking for very little and staying out of everyone's way. You did not trust the elves of Greenwood. Not them or their king or their crown prince. You were, however, all too aware of someone looking at you the whole time whenever you went about your day. When you turn, you'd find Thranduil looking away quickly, his cheeks turning bright pink.
🌿Then he came to you while you were in the gardens. He stumbled over his words, asking about your day, and whether your new accommodations were to your satisfaction. You were polite but cool, and could not get away from him fast enough.
🌿Little gifts would show by your door every morning. Little notes too. One of your gifts was an herbal hair tonic. The note that came with it encouraged you to use it, that it would make your hair grow faster.
🌿Thranduil will seek you out more often now. You kept up a wall, remembering the things he said and how he made you feel. Still, he was a lot kinder to you, introducing you to the other elves, and showing you around Greenwood.
🌿He would later offer to help you with your hair, when he came upon you in the garden, struggling with a braid. Frustrated and left with little choice, you accept his offer, albeit very reluctantly. He would take his time, weaving flowers and ribbons into your hair and telling you stories to keep you entertained.
🌿This too became a ritual, but a pleasant one. The two of you would go off into the gardens, and Thranduil would braid your hair while telling you stories. You find yourself looking forward to spending time with him. You finally open up to him, talking about your family, about your life. He would talk of Doriath, of what life was like under the reign of Thingol and Melian.
🌿He finally apologizes and asks for a chance to earn your forgiveness, for not believing you and treating you with little respect. You finally learn it was Thranduil who had you moved to your new chambers and had your belongings returned to you, and made sure you were looked after.
"Keep braiding my hair," you proposed, wanting him to put in the effort in earning your forgiveness, "And we will see."
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ravenssilver · 10 months
Maybe something with Phantom getting left out of dinner in the beginning? Started with someone intentionally or accidentally leaving his plate off, and he's too nervous to ask why he doesn't get one when Aurora does. He eventually stops coming to dinner, and someone starts to notice just how sickly, and dizzy the smaller ghoul looks because he's too afraid to ask for any food or take any yet
unfortunately this is is part one of two :( i got super caught up in writing a whole mini story, and i felt bad for taking so long, so here this is!
1.4k words of phantom being neglected because i can’t get enough of the heartbreak
cw: mention of body issues, phantom is nervous about being around the pack, small scene of phantom vomiting, i guess some of this could be seen as an ed? the ask is a good wrap of cws!
also, ‘quint’ is used in this instead phantom or aeon, and will likely be that way in the next part :)
under the cut, if you please<3
He didn’t have a name. At least, he hadn’t come up with one.
The others referred to him as Quint, just to get names straight among him and his summon buddy, Aurora.
He stared at the ceiling as he laid in bed, his eyebrows furrowed.
Aurora had a name. Did she pick it out? Or was it Cirrus and Cumulus? Why didn’t the others pick out a name for him?
He sat up with a sigh, feeling hungry.
He glamoured himself as best he could, only having enough of a grasp on the ability to hide the different color splotches in his skin.
As he walked out of his room and to the common area, he stared down at his arm which was buzzing with his quintessence induced glamor.
Aurora’s markings were beautiful. The subtle yet bright flows of pinks and purples and blues blended perfectly with her skin. The small swipes of green made her look like a perfect painting that had hours of detailed brush strokes put into it.
His markings just looked like splotches. Random globs of paint flicked at a canvas in a half-assed attempt to make art.
He wondered if Aurora ever tried to glamor away the markings of her skin. Surely not, as she was gorgeous. The colors of her skin showed her personality and her connection with confidence and self love. Her mental state flowed healthily through her skin, the beauty of security blending in with her vessel.
He sighed and dropped his arm back down to his side, trying to focus on his pack’s laughter just around the corner and the scraping of forks against plates.
His steps slowed for a moment.
Dinner had started?
Confused, the newly summoned ghoul sped up only to slow down again. He peaked around a corner, seeing his pack at the dining room table. All the chairs were full, all plates had someone behind them and were stacked with the delicious cooking of Swiss and Mountain.
Every chair was full. Every plate was stacked.
There was no space for him.
A little ball of anxiety formed in his stomach, making his quintessence spark. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he stepped around the corner and shuffled to the kitchen to fix himself a plate.
Though, he was quick to realize all the food prepared was on the table.
Mountain and Swiss had prepared a feast in celebration for the pack’s first dinner together. Dew and Rain had just returned from a small trip away with Copia for business, of course everyone would want to celebrate.
He looked at Dewdrop and Rain. He took in their appearances, memorizing his first in person encounter with them as he was simply used to seeing them over FaceTime.
His eyes traveled to Swiss and Mountain as he set his plate back in the cupboard.
Maybe they were just swept up in the joy of being reunited with their partners and that’s why they forgot to prepare a plate for him.
He nodded to himself and snuck out of the dining room.
That’s okay. He can eat leftovers tonight and he’ll have a plate tomorrow.
He sighed as he brought his fifth night of leftovers to his room. It was long after dinner, and it was long since the others had retreated to their rooms.
Tomorrow, he told himself, I’ll have a plate tomorrow.
He knew, deep down, that he had been forgotten. Of course he knew. Twice was an accident, a coincidence, maybe. Three times, if you had self respect, was a pattern.
But for the young quint, it was an accident.
It was an accident just like the fourth time, and now, this time.
He slowly ate his potatoes, his churning stomach fighting against every bite he took. He was lost in his thoughts, off in his own world of anxiety and the pain of knowing he was being left out of his own pack.
He hadn’t been able to keep food down when he realized that he had been forgotten. Every night he would eat a meal long after dinner, only to be bent over a toilet not long after.
He celebrated every bite he took and could swallow, having not been able to get this far the night before.
Though, his food was quick to come right back up when he heard Rain’s laughter in the next room over. He tossed his plate down and rushed to his bathroom, which wasn’t helpful since it was right next to Swiss’ room, which Rain was in.
He hurled into the toilet as Rain’s laughter continued, now accompanied by Dew and Swiss’. And once his stomach had no more food to send back up, it sent its own acid instead.
He felt like he was dying. He was light headed, his body was trembling, and his throat burned and felt like it was closing up. He sobbed as he flushed the toilet, struggling to close the lid due to how shaky he was.
He knew Swiss, Dew, and Rain couldn’t hear him over the sounds of their laughter and Swiss’ record player. He knew that he hadn’t bonded enough with Aurora, Cirrus, Cumulus, or Mountain for them to feel his strife.
That just made him even more sick.
He gave up on even going to dinner a week ago.
He also gave up on leftovers after Swiss and Mountain started cooking smaller portions after having a conversation about how they always had “too much leftovers.”
He sighed as he pulled on a shirt that was too big for him. He thought it was the shirt Swiss had given him when he was summoned, but after staring down at it for a few moments he realized that it was his shirt.
A shirt he had bought with his own allowance money from Copia.
Why is it so big? Did the dryer stretch it? He asked himself, messing with fabric for a few more moments before he left it alone, opening his door and leaving his room for practice.
He sighed to himself as he walked into the practice room early, seeing Copia sitting in a chair as he waited for the ghouls.
“Ah, hello, Quint.” Copia smiled at him as he looked up. “Hello…” He choked out, not realizing his voice was so hoarse. Copia’s eyebrows furrowed and he stood, watching as the new ghoul struggled more than usual to pick up the Fantomen.
“Are you alright…? You look, how shall I say… pale? Worn out?” Copia asked, looking concerned for his ghoul.
The quintessence ghoul looked up, apparently a bit too fast for his body’s liking. His head spun and he stumbled back slightly, eliciting a slight exclamation of surprise from Copia. The ghoul stumbled back into a chair and sat ridged for a moment before sloppily acting like he had meant to fall.
“I’m fine.” He stated, his shaky fingers doing a run up the A string.
Copia stared at him for a moment, a bad feeling swirling around in his stomach.
“You will tell me if you are not, yes?” Copia asked, worried about his ghoul. “Yes, Papa,” the small quint nodded, shaking out his hands to try and make his trembling go away.
Copia’s frowned deepened as he went to say more, only to be cut off by the loud clamor of the rest of his ghouls crowding into the practice room.
Copia sighed, knowing the conversation would have to be put up on a shelf for the time being.
The fire ghoul turned around as Copia called his name. He watched his pack slow down for a moment, only to be reassured with a soft smile from their Papa that Dew hadn’t done anything wrong.
Dew watched as the pack nodded and walked out of the practice room, Quint following behind and slipping out of the room just before Copia called for him.
The fourth Papa sighed deeply, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Is everything alright, Papa?” Dew asked, sensing Copia’s worry. And though it wasn’t far off from the man’s usual demeanor, Dew could tell this was different.
“No.” Copia sighed, knowing he had to be blunt. “I am worried for our young Quintessence. Have you noticed anything off about him?” Copia asked.
Dew’s eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head, going to say something, only to realize just how much of a ghost the new quintessence had been.
“I… I haven’t seen much of him at all, actually. He’s never shown up for dinner and he stays in his room all the time.” Dew responded, now realizing where Copia’s worry was coming from.
“Keep an eye on him, yes?” Copia requested. Dew gave a curt nod and walked out of the practice room, quick to catch up with his pack.
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dark-frosted-heart · 11 months
Roger's Wicked Birthday - 1st -
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The story's in his POV. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Nsfw. Awkwardly translated smut.
They say that something predestined, something that cannot be changed or avoided, is called fate.
Being born male, female, or otherwise.
Where and when you were born, how long you'll live and when you'll die, all of these seem to be predetermined.
I've always been looking for a way to fight against all of that.
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Roger: Hey, Jude. Cut back on those cigarettes. You don't know when those lungs of yours will fail.
Jude: Quit yer yappin'. Are ya my mom or somethin'?
Roger: Don't remember givin' birth to an arrogant, swearing bastard like you.
As I walk away after finishing up Jude's regular check up, my ears pick up the hustle and bustle of the dining room.
Roger: Huh? They're bein' awfully noisy.
As expected, when I entered the dining room, I found Harrison listening to a distraught Liam.
Roger: Hey, what's up? Did somethin' happen?
Liam: Kate isn't back yet so I want to go look for her now.
(The little lady?)
Roger: Calm down... You're not gonna find anything if you run out in the dark.
Harrison: Yeah, Roger's right. You were the last one to see Kate, weren't you Liam?
Liam nods.
Jude: You were supposed ta be watchin' 'er. Why'd ya let 'er go about as she pleases?
Liam: Tomorrow's Roger's birthday so we went out shopping to celebrate in advance. I thought about dressing up a bit and doing some stuff that'll surprise Roger.
Harrison: Liam, I now there's something you don't want to tell us, but now's not the time.
Liam: After we finished shopping, we parted ways near Leadenhall Market. Kate told me to go home first because she wanted to buy something in secret.
Harrison: Where'd you and Kate part?
Liam: At a bakery called "Harmony". Around there.
Harrison: If it's around there then...flowers, huh?
Liam: Flowers?
Harrison: Did she go by herself to get flowers for Roger?
Roger: Me?
Harrison: Yeah. There's a popular flower shop in alley where Liam and Kate parted ways. She probably knew about it.
Jude, who was quiet this whole time, muttered something troubling.
Jude: Tha's right, there's been some strange incidents lately. The naïve princess must've gotten mixed up in it. That woman (the queen) must 'ave some kind of info. Maybe.
Roger: I'll go get Victor...
There's been some kidnappings recently where Kate was now alone.
All those kidnapped were women, and those who were lucky enough to escape only had their hair cut, so it seems like they were kidnapped to sell their hair at a high price.
Based on the information from Victor, it was decided that Crown would search several hideouts of the criminals.
Harry and I ran through the back alleys of London in the dark.
Roger: ...? Hey, Harry. I can hear a man...and the faint voice of a woman through this door.
Harrison: May that's it. Let's go.
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The man's voice gets clearer as we head down the path leading to the basement.
Men with guns and knives gathered in the dark.
(I see. So a bunch of thugs were kidnapping people)
Bearded man: After our watch is done, let's go for a drink- Huh, who're you?
In the dim light, Harrison and I exchanged glances. In times like this, a liar and traitor's quick thinking is useful.
Roger: Don't be so guarded. We're your buddies. We thought we'd take part too.
Bearded man: Huh? What're you on about? We'll lose our share with more people.
Harrison: Don't be like that. The police have been sniffing around lately.
Bearded man: The police...?
Harrison: We got contacts in the police. I got info on how to escape them.
Man with a gun: Hey... Wouldn't it be better if we brought them in?
Roger: Oh, we got a right to choose though. Let's hear some details about what you guys are doin'.
Bearded man: It's simple. You kidnap a woman to sell her hair and if she gets out of line, you kill her. That's it.
Man with a gun: In this day and age, a corpse has some value so it's like killing two birds with one stone.
(Yep, these are definitely the guys. Can't mess this-)
Harrison and I fire at the same time.
Criminal: Guh...
Roger: What's up? You're bein' unusually aggressive Harry.
Harrison: Yeah, wel... Anyway, I'll take care of the rest. You go ahead.
Roger: Yeah, I'm on it. Can't help but hear Kate's voice in my ear. Don't die Harry. Bringing you back will be a pain.
Harrison: Gotcha...
I head into the darkness, the sound of gunfire behind me.
(Multiple female voices...One of them...sounds like Kate)
I thought Kate would be sobbing in fear-
Kate's voice: -ight... It'll be alright. Help will come. It'll be alright...
My ears picked up Kate's voice, who was assuring the other women with her.
Roger: Geez... You're even worryin' over others in a time like this.
I run and run toward the voice, open the door in the dark, and head up the stairs.
Muscular man: Hey, who're you- Gah?!
I shoot and kill the criminals that come at me as I keep going.
(Found her...)
Among the women bound in rope is Kate.
Kate: Roger...
(Why're you trying to smile at a time like this?)
(You're not fooling anyone...)
As I go up to her and cut the rope with a knife, I notice flowers that fell at Kate's feet.
Roger: ...
Seeing them, I impulsively-
I held Kate tight in my arms.
Roger: Are you hurt?
Kate: Nothing serious. Just some scratches...here and there.
It's so like her to not count scratches as injuries.
Roger: I see...
Kate: I was sure...
Roger: Hm?
Kate: I was sure that Crown...that you would come and save me.
Kate knew about my curse as the "treacherous huntsman".
Still, she believed in me and fought against fear and anxiety.
(Damn. You're so cute and brave)
Roger: You're my birthday present, got it? Not letting anyone take you away from me.
Kate: Got it...
Kate's body starts trembling as if finally letting go of all the pent up fear.
I pat her back as if soothing a baby.
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Roger: Scary wasn't it...
Kate: Yeah...
Roger: You did your best. You were great.
Kate: ... Roger... I-I...
Kate bawled so loudly that I couldn't help but smile.
After taking care of everything, I brought Kate back to the castle and tended to her wounds.
Kate: O-ow. It hurts...
Roger: It's supposed to hurt. Otherwise this wouldn't be moxibustion.
Kate: I'll accept it...
Maybe because she was still feeling guilty, Kate endures the pain without a fuss.
As I watch her in amusement, a thought appears in the back of my mind.
It's said that those cursed will meet an equally tragic end.
That's a solid conclusion I came to after years of researching curses.
(That's what's supposed to happen to us)
(I wonder what Kate's fate's like)
Kate's a curious woman who's aware of the fact that the world isn't pretty, yet still retains some purity in her heart and eyes.
Even those in Crown with strong personalities seem to be moved by her.
(A miserable fate doesn't suit Kate)
A long life's better than a short one, better to be surrounded by people than alone, and a warm place's better than a cold one.
(The kind of fate that suits someone who's able to smile so peacefully)
It was out of character for me to think of that for Kate who trusts others so easily.
Roger: Alright, done.
Kate: Thank you so much. Sorry for bothering you so late. Then...
Roger: Hey now, who said you could go?
Kate: Huh?
Roger: The treatment's finished, but the punishment isn't, little lady.
I sit down next to Kate on the bed, who makes a sound in her throat.
Kate: Punishment...
Roger: Thinking you'll get an answer right away just by asking's a bad habit of yours. Ask yourself why you're getting punished.
I whisper in her ear as I swipe my thumb across her lips.
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Roger: I won't stop until you get it right.
Kate: Um, uh...
Kate jolts when I nibble on her ear before capturing her lips.
Kate: Nn...Roger...
(Soft as ever...)
Roger: Mm...Come one, answer me.
Kate: Because I got hurt...?
Roger: Wrong.
Even after releasing her wrists after kissing her repeatedly, Kate lets me do as I please.
Kate: Nnn... Hm? Ah...
(Hmm, not runninn'? Ahh...you obediently did as you were told)
The way she accepts my kisses while thinking fills me with sadistic desires and I hook my fingertips on the neckline of her dress.
Roger: That's it, think about it.
Kate: You don't need to tell...Ah...
Her breasts spill out as I pull down her dress and my lips are on her.
Roger: Hm? Givin' up?
While licking a nipple, I tease the other with my fingers.
Kate: ! I'm not...
(Ah~ That's a good look. You look so frustrated...like you're about to cry)
Kate: Ah...Is it...because I wandered off on my own?
Roger: Nope.
Kate: Huh...Ah....
I roll the peak in my mouth and Kate lets out a faint gasp.
(I'm disgusted at the thought that other men did that to her...)
I continue to suck and nipple as I slip my fingers in the wetness between Kate's legs.
It was already so wet and like with her nipple, I flicked her bud with a finger.
Kate: Ah...Nngh...Roger...
The moment I saw tears welling up, the irritation I felt within me finally subsided.
Kate: I...give up...
I grab Kate's chin and look at her as she muttered in frustration with tears in her eyes.
Roger: Hey, Kate.
Kate: Yes...?
Roger: I can't stand it when others make you cry. I'm the only one allowed to do that...Right?
Kate: Ye- Huh?
Roger: What's up with that response.
Kate: I just didn't expect it... I'm...not Roger's or anyone else's!
Roger: Then why're you squeezing my fingers so tightly?
Kate: That's because...Ah...I can't...
Roger: I'm not gonna last so let me enjoy your tears for a little longer.
Kate: Ah...wait...Roger
After that, I made Kate cry out a lot before having her finish me with her hand.
Satisfied, I went out for a drink with Jude.
Using my birthday as an excuse, I made him buy me a drink.
(I drank too much last night...)
I was lying on a sofa in the lounge with the aftertaste of alcohol still lingering when I felt a shadow over my face.
Kate: Roger...? Are you dead?
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Roger: I am. So what do you want with a dead man? I'm not taking any complaints about last night.
Kate: It's not that. I have something for you.
When I sat up, Kate shyly held out a bouquet.
Kate: Happy birthday Roger. Also... Thanks for being born.
Roger: O_O ...
(Thanks for being born... That's the first time I've heard it since my curse)
(Kate...Only you of all people would say that without any hesitation)
Kate: Roger? Um...I went shopping with someone this time?
Roger: Haha, I know. Thanks...
Kate smiles happily like a puppy.
(Her crying face is the best, but her smile- it suits her)
Her smile's so cute that I can't but want to tease her again.
Roger: Hey, Kate. I must've fallen for you if I'm always thinking about you right?
Kate: Excuse me........ I-I don't know!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. How cold.
After that, while I was walking with the bouquet Kate gave me, Victor suddenly told me what those flowers meant.
Anemones meant "fleeting love".
Kate probably didn't know what the flowers she gave me meant, but it's ironic.
My fate's a future ruined by guilt.
The worst fate lies before me, but I'm not gonna let it get me down now.
Trampling on fate, I-
Roger: Now, let's fight against it again today.
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embyrinitalics · 1 year
Have a fun little prompt:
TP Zelda gets a dog. Link is unimpressed. She calls the dog Link. Chaos ensues.
That's it. That's the prompt.
— Replaced —
“What is that?”
“The latest taxation proposition for Lanayru province.”
“Not that. That.”
The queen set the top page of her report aside, not deigning to glance beneath her desk.
“It’s a dog.”
“Yes. But what is it doing here?”
“It’s mine.”
The captain of the guard waited a beat. She turned another page.
“You got a dog.”
“May I ask why?”
“Dogs are good companion animals.”
He folded his arms, frowning at it. It laid down and folded its paws, unmoved.
“And why do you need a companion animal?”
“You seem needlessly fixated, Sir Link.”
“You’re avoiding the question, Your Majesty.”
“Why? Does it pose a threat to my security?”
“It’s unlike you.”
“Not so. I’ve always liked dogs. And companion animals can be very soothing.”
“You already have—”
Her eyes met his at the same time his teeth met each other. Her gaze lingered, and he strategically uncrossed his arms. Beneath the desk, the dog sniffed.
She turned another page.
“Did you have something for me?”
He did. He fished the envelope out of his breast pocket and stepped closer to hold it out to her across her workspace. She reached for her letter opener and sliced it neatly down the seam, and he let his eyes drift down near his boots and bared a tooth.
“Thank you,” she said, and leaned back in her chair to read.
It was as polite a dismissal as he was liable to get. He saw himself out, glancing back from the shadow of the door.
The dog looked smug.
The delegation arriving that afternoon was large, and the staff had been agitated as a cucco swarm seeing to the last minute preparations. Fortunately, the captain had some experience with cuccos, and was adroit enough to stay out of the way as he oversaw the finishing touches on the security measures.
One of the kitchen maids, sheen on her forehead and pink on her cheeks, came out of the dining room with a platter big as a Hylian shield balanced against her shoulder. The frustration on her face melted a bit when she met his eyes, giving way to an exhausted half-smile.
“Hello, Captain,” she said, breathless, and he nodded.
“Miss Tilly.”
“No room for a fourth platter of bouchées,” she sighed, dragging her wrist against her brow. Her eyes sparkled beneath. “These’ll have to go back down.”
“Pity,” he said.
She plucked an hors d'oeuvres from the top of the arrangement and held it out for him.
“Care to lighten my load?”
The pastry hovered between them a moment—unassuming, bite sized, glistening with eggwash—before his fingers finally lifted along with the corners of her mouth.
If anyone knew how to tempt the otherwise impervious captain of the guard, it was the kitchen staff.
He was halfway to biting into it when the queen’s voice, raised, urgent, startled him so badly he pulled it out from under his teeth and whipped his head aside.
“Link, no!”
A blue-eyed shepherd bounded down the hallway like a shot and back up again, twirling a circle by the trailing queen’s skirts and hopping a bit until he pulled a smile out of her. He let his tongue loll out and pranced at her heel as she walked.
The captain’s teeth hadn’t quite found their way back to each other.
“You—” he started, and then closed his mouth at her sudden, innocent attention.
She waited, elegant. He tried again, off kilter.
“You named the dog Link?”
“It’s a heroic name,” she reasoned, fingers feathering the silky top of his head, and Link preened. “Don’t you agree?”
Miss Tilly ducked her head and scurried off, hiding her toothy smile very poorly.
The captain shoved the whole pastry in his mouth and stomped off.
The queen brought Link to the reception.
He was bouncy and very good at manipulating his eyebrows to swindle the guests out of treats. He was light enough on his dainty paws that he stayed out from under the foot traffic, and small enough that he could slip under tables with ease. The Zora also found him novel and charming, which made absolutely no sense.
His good behavior did not keep the captain from glaring at him whenever they crossed paths.
After dinner the queen stayed up late entertaining and listening to informal presentations of the Zora’s concerns. Link laid at her feet, occasionally offering his chin and ears for scratches. The captain of her guard stood stationed at the far end of the room, where he could keep an eye on all the entrances and wouldn’t eavesdrop.
It was his usual spot at functions like these. But tonight he felt leashed up outside.
When the guests had finally gone to bed, the queen glided towards her chambers, trailed by two shadows. It was a sleepy procession. And as the delegation was staying for the better part of a week, there would be more of them. The dog whined.
“You poor thing,” she murmured, reaching down to stroke his chin. “You haven’t had your supper yet.”
Neither had the captain. But he refrained from whining about it.
They reached her room and the queen went inside. Link followed, nails dragging noisily on the carpet, but stopped wedged in the doorway to look pointedly over his shoulder. The captain felt his hackles raising.
“Was there something else?”
“Nothing else, Your Majesty. Get some rest.”
“You as well,” she nodded, swallowing a yawn. “Come to bed, Link.”
The dog trailed her inside, making a beeline for her mattress.
When the door closed, the captain bristled so hard he felt the need to shake down to his tail.
The next few days were more of the same: crowded meals that lasted for hours, long walks through the castle grounds speckled with talks, and tired evenings brimming with wine. The queen’s captain and her dog liked each other less and less.
The last morning of the visit, nerves frayed, tension wound tight, Link growled when the captain wandered too close to the queen’s desk, and without thinking the captain bared his teeth.
“Link!” she scolded, and they both flinched, tails tucked.
The envoy met with her one last time for what was sure to be a long negotiation, and the captain took the opportunity to attend to some pressing business.
He snatched the dog by the collar and dragged him, nails scuffing everywhere, to a broom closet, and locked them both in. He changed, and the dog screamed.
“Stop barking! Stop—shut up, shut up!”
Link hesitated from where he had reared back on his haunches, breath puffing and chest fluttering, before he took an uncertain sniff. The whites of his eyes receded a bit, his forepaw meeting the ground and his nose drifting closer as he investigated. And then his eyes—as much as a dog’s eyes can—rolled.
“Oh. It’s you.”
The wolf let his lip curl, and while Link’s ears drooped, he planted his paws and raised himself a little taller, not to be intimidated.
“Let’s have it out,” the captain growled, “before this becomes an issue for her.”
“Well I certainly have nothing to apologize for,” he snuffed. “I’ve been nothing but well behaved!”
“You took a snap at me under her desk this morning.”
“You were asking for it.”
If the captain had a palm to drag across his face, he would’ve. Instead he pinned his ears down and huffed, glowering, “The safety of the queen and her household are my responsibility. You don’t need to like me. I don’t need to like you. But I am going to protect her. So stay out of my way.”
Link snorted. “That’s what she keeps you around for? Protection?”
“At least she has use for me. I can’t fathom why she’s kept you as long as she has.”
“Because I am the best boy. And the goodest boy. And the prettiest boy—”
“All right, shut up, shut up.”
He planted his tail on the ground, trying to think. It swished like an irritated metronome.
Link’s ears perked, head tilting and eyes going horribly wide with realization.
“You’re jealous!”
The wolf sneered. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“It all makes sense now. You’ve been unwelcoming from the moment I arrived. And at first I thought, Perhaps he’s one of those unpleasant people who simply doesn’t like dogs—insufferable, yes, but mostly harmless. But it couldn’t be clearer now what this is about: territory.”
“The queen is not territory.”
“But the place beside her throne? At the foot of her bed? Those certainly are, and I’ve never seen you in any of them.”
Link put on his best smug face. The captain entertained thoughts of cleaving his head clean off his shoulders.
“So, what did you do to get yourself ousted?”
“I haven’t been ousted.”
“Fine. Replaced.”
“I haven’t been—!”
“Well you must’ve done something wrong. How else do you explain my arrival? Were you too noisy? Too big? Too intimidating? Do you give subpar cuddles?”
His eyes narrowed. “The queen and I have never cuddled.”
Link looked mortified. “How can you even be a lapdog and not give cuddles?”
“I was never her lapdog! I’m her head of security!”
He hesitated.
“She does… know you’re a dog, yes?”
The wolf huffed again. “Yes, she knows.”
“Because I’ve never seen you like this in front of her before. And we’re mostly inseparable.”
“It’s been a while,” he grumbled.
“But you used to.”
One of his ears went sideways.
“And you liked it.”
Both of his ears went sideways.
Link beamed. “Doesn’t she give just the best scratches?”
“Listen, lapdog,” the wolf snapped, teeth meeting loudly, and Link shrank back against the wall. “The point is we’re stuck working together, and there’s nothing either of us can do about it. Deal with it.”
“You could ask for reassignment.”
He snarled, “Excuse me?”
“You can talk to her,” he explained, reaching with his back paw to scratch an itch. It made his collar twirl. “Tell her things. I envy you that, though I do a fairly good job of getting what I want besides. But you could tell her you don’t want to be her head of security anymore. Tell her you’d rather be a lapdog instead.”
“I don’t want to be her lapdog!”
“You just want to be closer to her.”
The wolf’s ears pinned back and his lips curled. “Why am I even having this conversation with you?”
“Because you locked us in a closet!”
His growl rumbled so low the brooms rattled.
He waited.
So did Link.
Finally, he murmured, “I can’t tell her that.”
“Why not?”
“It’s complicated.”
Link tilted his head at him again.
“Is that common among humans? They can’t say what they want?”
“I’d say so.”
He considered that a moment. Then he glanced up at him, eyebrows quirked.
“I think you’re dense.”
The wolf looked suddenly ravenous, but Link was unbothered.
“You’ve been outside wolfshape for too long, Captain. What do your senses tell you?”
That made him hesitate. He sniffed reflexively. “I don’t follow.”
“She got a dog to keep her company. With blue eyes. She named me after you. And you think you’re the only one who isn’t saying what he wants?” Link did his dog impression of an eye roll again. “Let me out of here. Your stupid might be contagious.”
The wolf blinked at him. “I’m going to let that go.”
“Well you know what else I think—”
The captain shifted, fur and teeth and claws melting back into softer shapes. The dog in the broom closet with him yapped incomprehensibly for another five seconds.
He smirked, “I think I like you better like this.”
That night, when the door to her boudoir opened, the wrong sort of animal stepped through.
The queen looked up from her book from her seat on the couch. A wolf stared back.
After a beat he set his jaw, crossed the room with purpose, and dropped his snout into her lap.
Her lips twitched. The weight of his head didn’t let up in the slightest; if anything, her hesitation only made him sag harder.
“Link,” she murmured, carefully lifting one hand to trace a slow line from between his eyes to between his ears. “What have you done with my dog?”
I ate him, he thought smugly.
Her fingers dug a little deeper, and he leaned shamelessly into it. Because she gave excellent scratches.
“It’s not really appropriate for me to be overly familiar with my staff,” she mused, fingers sliding down, down, toward that spot behind his jaw. He stretched his neck to help her reach. Her smile turned pensive, and then faded just a little. “And even if I wanted to, that’s a lot of pressure to put on someone. It isn’t easy to say no to the queen.”
That’s sweet, Your Majesty, but I can handle myself.
She smoothed the fur around his ears, as though she’d mussed it. The wolf looked up at her out of fluted blue eyes, waiting. Expectant, more than hesitant. It made a smirk twist at her lips.
“It does get lonely, though,” she admitted. “Which is why I got myself a dog.”
Right. Because you didn’t already have one.
The wolf sniffed. He lifted his head from her lap and circled the couch, calculating, and then leapt onto the cushion beside hers with great care and laid down, tucking his legs so he’d fit. He plopped his head meaningfully on her shoulder.
“I can’t very well get rid of him now,” she argued.
He pushed his nose into her neck, and then wriggled to press in with his chest, encroaching as much as possible.
“Link,” she complained, puffing fur away from her mouth. “You’re too big.”
He only had two shapes to choose from, and wasn’t sure she’d be much happier with the other one. But neither was he about to call off his offensive after he’d come this far.
He shifted in a flurry of shadows. His elbow was planted on the camelback behind her shoulder, his temple planted on his fist. He was still very much in her personal space.
She arched an eyebrow, but made no move to pull away. He tested the waters, drifting closer. Her eyes twinkled, the way only hers could, and the grin that spread over his lips was probably too wolfish.
“I know a ranch in Ordona that would love a shepherd.”
On ao3 | masterlist
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callie-the-creator · 1 year
sfw. warnings: one mention of titans, but that’s about it! there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
author’s note: the reader is gender neutral and the pronouns that are used are you/your.
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you, eren yeager, levi ackerman, and the rest of squad levi had just finished an old scout base where they will prepare for the upcoming scouting mission. but that wasn’t important now. what was important was that you— along with many of the others— were exhausted from a hard day’s work of cleaning and captain levi’s strict demands for the place to be spotless didn’t necessarily make things easier.
“hey, y/n…” petra spoke up, tearing you away from your thoughts. “you don’t look so good, is everything okay?” she asked which prompted the others to stop eating and stare at you for some sort of response. levi was at the far end of the table, lifting his cup to his lips to drink some of his tea, and once he heard that you weren’t up to par, he stopped.
“yeah.” you let out a small yawn. “i just think i overworked myself,” you reached over and messaged one of your shoulders, groaning. “that and i feel a headache coming on.” you wished that you were back home and have someone like doctor yeager to give you proper treatment, so you didn’t have to suck it up.
“oh, boohoo!” oluo said, suddenly. “we faced man-eating creatures and you’re worried about a little ol’ headache?” oluo bozado has a reputation for trying to copy their dear captain levi, such as his rough speech and confident attitude, which caused him to be at slight odds with petra. but you know what they say: imitating is the best form of flattery. despite knowing this, it didn’t make his comment any less humiliating.
you decided now to bite your tongue. for now.
“that’s enough.” levi bowed his head. your undivided attention snapped toward the captain and watched as he, slowly, stood up which caused the wooden legs of the object to slightly scrape against the ground, the noise echoing in the rather empty place. “y/n,” his cold and unreadable fell on you. you tensed. “i suggest you go to bed. i’ll make some tea for you in the meantime.”
the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop if it did. the only sound that accompanied the main hall was the heels of levi’s boots clicking against the ground which only grew quieter when he left the table before he opened the door with a loud crrrk and then left to prepare your tea.
“what was that all about?” eren mumbled under his breath, looking around innocently once there was no sight of the captain.
“i think it’s pretty damn obvious what it was.” gunther smirked mischievously before suddenly pressing his weight against you, resting his side and head on you, in dramatic fashion. “looks like y/n’s got themself a little admirer. better watch out, petra. you got some major competition.” the blond joked.
“you jerk!” petra scowled once her devotion to the captain was brought up.
because of gunther’s little comment, a small spat broke out between him and petra. he tried to reassure it that he didn’t mean anything by it by raising his hands whilst petra continued to take it personally. while this was happening, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was some truth in the whole ‘levi having a soft spot for you’.
but there was one thing you knew for sure: the raised voices of petra and gunther sure as hell weren’t helping out your headache. if anything, it just caused it to worsen. making you seethe and wince at the pain. “hey, uh, guys?” you spoke up. “i think i’m going to head to bed. i’ll see you all tomorrow, yeah?”
“oh…goodnight then, y/n!”
“sleep well.”
“cya.” oluo dismissed your goodbye. again: he tries too hard to be like captain levi.
“see you later!” petra shouted, trying to be louder than the rest of the boys.
“yeah…get better soon.” eren said.
letting out a small huff, you hurried out of the dining hall and made a beeline toward the barracks. once inside your room, you stripped off your day clothes and slipped into your more comfortable night ones. sinking onto your bed, you sighed in relief as the tension slowly ebbed away.
but before you could find any solace, a knock at the door startled them.
"come in," you called, your voice a little groggy from the pounding headache. the door creaked open, and there stood levi, his usual stoic demeanor intact. he held a steaming cup of tea in his hand, and without a word, he approached and handed it to you, being cautious not to spill a drop. “oh…thank you.”
you accepted the tea but hesitated to drink it. gunther's earlier comment about levi still lingered in their mind, casting doubt on the situation and your relationship as a whole with the captain. it’s no doubt that you had grown to have feelings for the man, but you always thought that you were good at hiding it…
levi noticed your reluctance and broke the silence, his voice crisp and unreadable, "what’s the matter? you don't want it or something?"
quickly shaking your head, you took a few tentative sips of the tea to please him. it was soothing, the warmth spreading through Your body and providing a momentary respite from your headache. after seeing that you at least had something to help your headache, levi, almost begrudgingly, turned to leave the room.
but just as he reached the door, you couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer. “captain?” you called out his name, stopping him in his tracks, but he didn't turn around to fully face you. he simply wanted to hear if you had any departing words before he too turns in for the night. you, however, had other plans since you decided to confront the unspoken question that had been hanging in the air. "what do you think of me?" you asked, your voice trembling ever so slightly.
the captain, at first, didn’t do a thing. just stood there. was he trying to think of the right words? what if the thought of your relationship hadn’t crossed his mind? after a moment of silence, levi shifted his body, turning to face you. his expression, as always, remained inscrutable.
you felt almost stupid for asking such a thing. “you know what? just forget i said anything…” you trailed off, looking away bashfully.
without a word, levi stepped forward and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. it was a brief, soft touch, but it conveyed a depth of emotion that words often failed to express. he whispered, "get some rest," before straightening up and leaving the room, leaving you with a mix of emotions and a much lighter heart.
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what he deserves, chapter 4
Sanji x Reader, a bit of Law x Reader
Warnings: angst, one-night stand, not really a love triangle – law and reader are mature about the situation. Some implied smut. WANO SPOILERS.
a/n: this will be several parts. Leave comment for tags. ONE MORE PART TO GO!
Summary: Witnessing all the suffering Sanji went through on Whole Cake Island, all you want is for him to be truly happy…even if it means not with you. Set after the fight in Wano, you go through the motions of an endless fight and end up in bed with the Hearts Pirates’ Captain to distract yourself from the one thing you want the most – Sanji.
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The morning brought many bounds of regret as you woke up hungry with a headache. Resting deep into the soft cotton filled mattress, you stared up at the ceiling and wondered what the rest of the crew was doing. Had Luffy gone back to see Otama? Was Nami getting things ready for the voyage out? Was Zoro lost somewhere or perhaps he too found comfort in sleeping in the shading forests…
These thoughts beckoned and stole your attention, occupying your mind as to not think of Sanji and the awful conversation the two of you had. Maybe he didn’t know…maybe he didn’t realize he further fractured your already fragile heart. Or maybe you were taking this too far, felt too sensitive about what had happened on Whole Cake Island. Maybe things were fine just as they were, and you didn’t need to rock the boat any further.
Getting out of bed, you moved to the small vanity across the room and stared into the mirror – horror filled your eyes, hair sticking in all directions and in the morning light, it was shorter than you remembered. Collapsing onto the vanity chair, you picked up a brush that laid on the tabletop and began to tame it down. It took ten minutes to get it neat enough to leave the room; a new kimono laid on a lounge chair near the door. Folded neat with a small note resting on top of it; you picked up the note and saw that it was a gift from Nami. It was dark green with yellow flowers petals, the fabric a rich silk and you wondered how much Nami had to haggling to get it down to a reasonable price. Inhaling in the morning dew that came from the gaping window, you began to undress.
The inn was a bit quieter than the previous morning; Robin and Franky were having tea in the main seating area. Both greeting you with warm smiles and the latter mentioning that the rest of the crew had gone off to the Sunny. “We’re on our way over after this,” Franky grinned. “Gotta make sure she’s ready to set sail.”
Robin offered you a cup of tea and you sat down next to her, listening as Franky listed off check points for the Sunny. You asked if he needed help, but he told you not to fret – he had everything under control. Robin asked if you were ready to leave Wano and you sighed. “It feels like we were here for so long but now that things are settled, I wish we had more time to really see the country.”
“I agree but Luffy wants to keep going, so we shall.” The archaeologist’s smile was so sincere and warm, you settled against the chair and sipped the tea, listening to the duo exchange conversations, not pipping in but just glad to just be around them. Robin and Franky had always been a relaxing pair to be around, and you often wondered if it was their age – but Brook was older than everyone and he was pretty chaotic. The conversation quickly changed to lunch, and your stomach growled in response, that’s when Robin snapped her fingers gingerly. “I forgot to tell you; Sanji left you a plate of food in the oven. He said it should still be warm because he wrapped it up.”
The mere mention of his name guilted your bones, but you thanked her, excusing yourself to the kitchen. You held the tea saucer in hand and walked through the dining hall to the kitchen, placing the cup on the island. Moving to the oven, you opened it and saw a plate waiting for you – wrapped in beeswax paper. Bringing the plate down onto the counter, you unwrapped it and saw that it was rice balls. Delicious looking rice balls and your hands clapping together in excitement. Everyone knew Sanji’s rice balls were the tastiest in all the seas and it took seconds for you to devour four of the dozen set on the plate. A little groan escaped your lips, and a chuckle came from the doorway of the kitchen.
It was Law – standing in his familiar jeans and yellow long sleeve shirt with a blue coat with a fluffed collar. If Law was anything, it was well dressed. You chewed quickly, beckoning him over and offering up the plate. He declined a rice ball and you shrugged, swallowing with a loud sigh. “Sorry. These are exceptionally good.”
“You sound just like Luffy.”
“Did you just come here to grace me with compliments, because I take that as a compliment.”
“I’m sure you do.” Law leaned against the island and said he had come to see if you had made it back from being lost. You laughed explaining the whole silly ordeal, noting that his eyes lingered a little too long on your hair. Touching a few strands, you clarified that it had been a last-minute decision. “All you Straw Hats are the same…”
“Brilliant? Strong? Incredibly mesmerizing?”
“No, impulsive.”
“Another compliment, thank you.” He gave up and asked when Sunny was due to depart Wano and you asked why he cared so much. “Not trying to figure our next big move, are you? Because I have to say, you hit it right on the nose – we’re an impulsive group of people, so our plans are never definitive. You should know that by now.”
“Far enough,” he concluded, dropping the subject. Instead, he asked if you were going to the final banquet. “Bepo and the others haven’t shut up about it all day.”
Right, the final banquet; you remember Luffy mentioning it on the way to Otama’s village. Another party seemed a little much and you worried that there wouldn’t be enough resources left for the people of Wano, but Kin’emon and the others insisted. Wano was to be a free country again and they wanted to thank the people responsible for making that happen. Devouring another rice ball, you shrugged. “I guess I have too. I take it I’ll see you there?”
That’s the spirit, you told him, and he half-heartedly laughed. Covering up the remaining rice balls with the beeswax paper, you mentioned you needed to go with Robin and Franky to the Sunny. Law said they had left. “I passed them on my way in.”
“Oh, well, care to walk me over? I actually have something for you…”
The man pushed away from the counter, curious to know what it was and when he asked, you refused to say. “It’s a surprise, but it’s worth the trip. Are you busy?”
Law gave out a low, exhausting sigh and you laughed. “If you’re too tired…”
“No, no, it’s fine. I can’t be gone for too long; I don’t need those guys giving me a hard time.”
Understanding what he was talking about, you mentioned how Chopper was in tears when he thought you were leaving to join the Heart Pirates. Law shook his head, a bit of warmth in his cheeks – he was embarrassed, and you found it hilarious that such a cool tempered could even fathom that emotion. Or easily display it on his face. Nonetheless, the two of you quietly left the inn and started toward the direction of the Sunny. The excursion was a good thirty minutes from the center of the town, but the conversation flowed easily and filled in the time spent walking. He talked, vaguely, about his plans for his crew but you didn’t blame him – after all, every crew had their own goals. You had never heard him outright say he wanted to be King of the Pirates, but he did openly talk about beating Kaido. His alliance with Luffy was surely coming to an end, but you had a hunch he wasn’t going back to enemy status any time soon.
“Isn’t she beautiful!”
Law glanced up toward the Sunny. “It’s obnoxious.”
Even though you ignored his comment he followed you up the ramp, watching as you practically raced up onto the ship. He stalked behind slowly and as you interacted with your fellow crewmates. It was obvious how happy you were to be back on the ship, and he again followed when you started toward the upper deck. “The library is this way.”
“There is a library on this ship?”
Sensing a bit of envy, you climbed the steps toward the observation room before turning to him with a prideful smile. “We do, everyone but Luffy has books in it though…”
“I’m shocked.”
The two of you made your way to the library; you opened the door for Law and followed when he walked in. His eyes moved around the room taking in the shelves lined across the walls, filled with books. The small desk in the middle and the seating that also lined the walls. Opened books were scattered around all surfaces and he picked up the nearest one. It was a book of old fables and you laughed, explaining that it was Chopper’s favorite. “He’s a doctor but he’s also very young.”
“I see.”
“Anyway, I have something for you.”
He glanced around at the library once more, before following you to a shelf on the wall. He watched as you thumbed through the spines of several books before plucking one out of its place. You opened it up and pulled out a comic. His eyes widened and you laughed, holding up a Sora, Warrior of the Sea comic. “You should have this; Sanji doesn’t know I’ve had it all this time. I was surprised as much as you were, finding out about his family. I don’t want it on the ship where he could find it. Plus, I saw the way you practically drooled over Sanji in that suit.”
It had been shocking to hear the true origins of Sanji’s family line and to put faces to the people that hurt him so much. You were there when he used the raid suit and hated the way it made him look like the rest of those people. Then later, you saw how hard he was resisting being like them.  Law carefully took the comic, flipping through the pages and you could see a child in his eyes. He looked up from the pages. “I still can’t believe he’s a part of Germa66.”
“He isn’t,” you reminded the man, plucking the comic out his hand. Staring down at the cover, you frowned. “I used to love this story when I was a kid, one of the few luxuries my family allowed me to have. But when I saw the real monsters…saw how they treated Sanji, I wanted to kill them all.”
“You didn’t though.”
Letting out a deep breath, you handed back the comic and moved toward one of the bay windows. Staring out, you saw Robin and Nami on the grass – they were talking amongst themselves and when your eyes lingered to near the right of the ship, you saw Sanji. He was leaning against the ship’s railing, smoking a cigarette, and staring out at the ocean. “The restraint I had to pull from the deepest part of my soul. If had my way, I would have killed them slowly…painfully…”
“I couldn’t see you doing such a thing.”
This prompted you to look over to Law and laugh. “We’ve slept together, Law, but you hardly know me. I would have enjoyed killing them because their cruelty to a child matched that of my parents. It didn’t matter in the end, Sanji asked us all to help save his family.”
A small breath released from Law’s throat, and you expressed amusement at his shock, giving him an look that told him you understood his surprise. Eyes moving back to Sanji, you stared at the man – painted a portrait of him in your mind, for later consumption. “Do you know what kind of person asks for help in saving their cruel family? A family that has abused them their whole life. Discarded them like trash? A kind person, Law. Sanji is a kind person, and he deserves more than what life has given him.”
The library went deathly quiet, eyes now on Zoro – who had joined Sanji. Those two always acted as though they hated each other, starting arguments over nothing. Brothers. You watched as Luffy joined the duo, the three of them together only took seconds before bickering started among them. Then the others appeared and before you knew it, right before your eyes, your family was all together. Smiling down at them, you noticed from the corner of your eyes, Law staring too. Arms across his chest, he studied your eyes and the way they seemed to glisten as you watched the crew interacting.
“Life has given him this crew.” Law’s hand fell onto your shoulder, and he said he had to go. Moving your eyes from the window, he thanked you for the comic and said he had something for you too. “We’re leaving tomorrow morning, but I wanted to give this to you before we go our separate ways.”
He pulled out a small torn piece of paper from his pocket, holding it out between two fingers. You stared at it for a moment, trying to understand but then it registered, and you carefully took it from him. It was his vivre card. “Are you sure you want me to have this? Shouldn’t this go to Luffy?”
“I can’t trust him to keep it safe, besides, I want you to have it.”
You stared at it thoughtfully. “It’s not because we slept together, is it?”
“No.” he was a matter of fact. “It’s because we’re friends.”
The main deck was busy, Nami instructing where to put the crates and barrels of supplies Zoro and the others were hauling up the ship’s ramp. Law, at your side, walked toward the ramp and turned to you. He again thanked you for the comic, he now had it tucked in his coat pocket, and said he’d see you at the banquet. “Save me a drink,” you smiled, and he nodded, the two of you reaching for one another’s hand. He gave you a tight squeeze and leaned in to whisper something in your ear; you were very aware that the two of you were direct line of sight of the whole crew.
“Talk to him, you’ll figure it out.”
Law pulled from you, hand still on yours and smirked – it was the first time ever seeing him look so devious and seconds later, you knew why. He planted a kiss onto your forehead, promptly released your and strolled down the ramp – narrowing missing Franky carrying two large crates. You knew he did that to make your life a little harder and he was a certified little shit for that but watching him leaving a good friend of yours and a piece of his vivre card in your pocket made you feel at ease. He disappeared back through the trail that led to where the Sunny was docked and you yelled down to Zoro, asking if they needed help bringing up more supplies.
“Nah, we got this.” He shouted back and you left the men to their busy work. Moving back to the grassy area, Nami gave you a smile and pointed her pen at your hair. “It’s shorter than it looked last night, but it’s still very cute! I bet Law loves it.”
“It’s not like that,” you retorted, snatching the clipboard from her hands. She frowned but you pretended to be invested in the list in front of you. “I’d appreciate it if everyone stopped talking about Law and I like that. It really isn’t what everyone thinks…”
“Sanji thinks you two make a nice couple.” You gripped the clipboard, and you asked when he said that. “This morning when we were all walking over. We were discussing the two of you – you’d be surprised how we all agree Law and you totally make sense!”
Your eyes moved to the ramp just as Sanji appeared, rolling a barrel onto the ship. He caught your attention real quick but you looked away and stared back at Nami. Shoving the clipboard into her hands, you told her there was never going to be anything between Law and you. “We’ve come to a mutual understanding of friendship. If I hear anyone discussing us again, I’ll really join the Heart Pirates, got it?”
Nami’s smile faded and she quickly apologized. “I’m sorry…it’s all in good fun, really.”
“Yeah, well…” Sanji started toward the kitchen and a sense of resolve washed over you. Starting toward the kitchen door, you gave Nami a smile. “…the good fun is getting real old.”
Leaving her to that, you flocked over to the kitchen – taking one real deep breath before barging in like a hurricane. Sanji looked up from unpacking fish into the freezer and it felt like the air was vacuumed out of the room; his eyes stared unknowingly at you and your heart was racing a thousand times in the same divine rhythm it always did when he was around. Standing in the doorway, a halo of light lit around your body as you shouted you needed to talk to him, and he felt something entirely new.
Was it a mix of terror and relief? Was that emotion even possible? A thousand things ran through his head, but they were all dismissed, cleared away when he saw the way you smiled at him – as if, after a long journey, you were finally home.
In that moment, Sanji was breathless.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 22 days
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 47/Epilogue: Mikey Done Good
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
It has been a month since Mikey's second rescue from the TCRI.
The lair is bright again. There is laughter again. Everyone smiles and jokes and has fun again.
It's a home again.
Casey Jones Jr. smiles as he works to tidy up the lair, moving the empty and flattened cardboard boxes over to a side tunnel so they can be placed in a dumpster later. Usually, none of them mind the clutter or the mess from moving, but they're having guests over tonight and Casey wants to make a good impression.
Speaking of, CJ gets a notif from the security system that April has arrived. She waltzes in moment later, smiling brightly.
"Whattup, family!" she yells loudly, announcing her arrival to all who didn't get the notification. "It's your favourite person! Apriiiiiiiiiiiiil O'Neil!!"
CJ rolls his eyes as Donatello and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.2.0 come out to greet her.
"Hey, April!" Donnie responds, quickly fistbumping her in greeting. "How was class?"
"Pretty good. My report got an A, so I'd think I'm a shoo-in for the competitive writing finals this year. I heard the winners get to intern for Channel 6!"
Donnie rolls his eyes and smiles.
"You always did like the news."
"Congrats, bromigo!" S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.2.0 cheers, activating a few streamers and confetti, much to Casey's annoyance at having to clean the hall again.
"Where's everybody else?" April asks, glancing up and down the halls.
"Raph is still getting the dining room set up," Donnie says. "And Mikey's making dinner."
"Mikey is?" April asks, eyes wide, yet nowhere near as wide as her smile. "He's cooking again?"
"We've been practicing a few recipes," Casey announces proudly. "He felt confident enough to try making some of the food tonight."
"Lemme guess... pizza?" April chuckles as she follows the others into the living room to help Raphael set up. "I can't wait for another Mikey original! So, is everybody coming tonight?"
"My mom said she'll be here in a bit," Casey answers as he starts wiping down the table for the fourth time. "Agent Bishop and Honeycutt will be arriving within the next fifteen minutes, I think."
"Pops and Draxum are still waiting for Leo to wrap up his appointment. They're cuttin' it close, but Leo promised to be on time," Raph says as he carries a stack of plates into the room. "Which means he'll be fashionably late again."
Donnie sneers.
"You'd think a guy who can make portals to any place on earth would understand how to be punctual."
"I still can't believe it's been a month," April awes. "Everything flew by so fast!"
"And it doesn't help that the one day at the TCRI felt like a whole week," Raph groans. "Hey, who's in charge of silverware?"
"I got it," Casey offers, running into the kitchen and returning a moment later with the cutlery. "So, Mikey made pizza, Raph made breadsticks, and I made salad."
"I brought mini shish kabobs and dip," April offers, holding up a tupperware with grilled veggies on skewers.
"Sounds great! Mom mentioned bringing brownies..." Casey recalls, "Bishop and the Professor offered to pick up drinks, and Master Splinter and the Baron said they'd grab some Yokai hors d'oeuvre from the Hidden City vendors. So I think we'll be good!"
The group continue to set up the dinner table just as three more guests enter from the subway tunnel.
"I HAVE ARRIVED!!!" Cassandra yells loudly, waving her hockey stick around like a crazed chimpanzee as she runs.
Cass rushes forwards and wraps her arms around CJ as tightly as she can. He reciprocates with a laugh.
"ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴀʀʀɪᴠᴇᴅ," Fugitoid remarks as he and Bishop walk in next, "ʙᴜᴛ ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ꜱᴏ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴄᴀʟᴍᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴɴᴇʀ."
"Hey, Professor!" Casey greets with a smile. "You're looking good. New upgrades?"
"ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄɪɴɢ. ᴅᴏɴᴀᴛᴇʟʟᴏ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇʟʏ ʜᴇʟᴘꜰᴜʟ ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ꜰᴇᴡ ᴡᴇᴇᴋꜱ…"
"Anything for a fan of my work," Dee jokes. "And you've brought drinks. Any flavourless juice?"
"Sorry, just sodas," Bishop says, holding up a few grocery bags filled with large liters of name brand seltzers.
"We can't expect you to be perfect all the time," Donnie grumbles.
"Where's Mikey?" Bishop asks.
"If he heard Cass's war cry, then he should be here any second --"
Almost on cue, Mikey comes bounding out of the kitchen at full speed, pouncing at Cass and zipping around her waist and shoulders in excitement like a hyped-up cat. He eventually perches just above her shoulders, chirping excitedly and giving her a noogie. She laughs as she reaches up and pulls him down, matching his energy and nooging him right back.
Mikey laughs before releasing his hold on her and running over to Bishop and Fugitoid, reacting much more calmly and rising to stand on two legs for them.
"Hi, guys!" he says, a smile growing across his doughy and flour-caked face.
"ꜱᴏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ᴍɪᴋᴇʏ!" Fugitoid greets. "ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴡᴇʟʟ."
"Thanks! I'm all patched up now, see?" Mikey says as he enthusiastically shows off the large scars on his abdomen and neck. "My only complaint is the physical therapy's boring; but it is helping me to get back into my old hobbies!"
"I see you've taken up cooking?" Bishop asks, pulling a small chunk of sticky dough off Mikey's face.
"Oh, yeah. Whoops! I got a little carried away... but the pizza should be done in a while! Just enough time to talk about stuff and wait for the rest to get here! We can catch up!"
"Yeah, how's it going with the whole TCRI business?" Casey asks as he takes the brownies and sodas into the kitchen, the rest following after him and Mikey.
"Going really well," Bishop nods with a smile. "Which is surprising, considering everything. You'd think an evil corporation would try to hide their misdeeds, but what with all the leadership gone, everyone's turning on each other and revealing the truth!"
"Seriously?" Raph asks, eyes wide. "That's awesome!"
"Why haven't we heard anything about it on the news?" April asks.
"I doubt the local police will let any kind of news about a failed government study get in the public eye," Bishop sighs. "But they're handling it pretty well. Most scientists want to plea bargain, and from what I've heard the TCRI will be completely and permanently shut down within the next few days. Not just the sites stationed in NYC, but all over the globe! Then there's proceedings, court hearings, lawsuits from disgruntled employees for harassment, assault, and unfair work environments, just to name a few."
"Sounds like you have your hands full!" April laughs, moving aside as Mikey skirts behind her to retrieve a bottle of tomato sauce for the pizza.
"ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ!" Fugitoid chimes in. "ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴄʀɪ ɪɴ ꜱʜᴀᴍʙʟᴇꜱ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇꜱ ɢᴏᴠᴇʀɴᴍᴇɴᴛ ɪꜱ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ!"
"And that's where you two come in, hm?" Donnie asks with a smirk.
"I think it's time we rebuilt the Earth Protection Force from the ground up," Bishop nods. "Make it the way it was supposed to be. Something we can actually rely on."
Mikey smiles brightly at the agent as he shreds the cheese over the pizza dough and tomato paste. Though in his distraction, he accidentally spreads the cheese onto the countertop rather than the pizza itself. He hastily scoops up the cheese and sprinkles it back wherever it looks needed.
"Well, you're perfect for the job!" Casey beams.
"And I know a few girl scouts who would be VERY EXCITED to help!" Cass exclaims, forgetting her inside voice for a moment.
"I'll take that under consideration," Bishop responds with a roll of his eyes. "I could use some extra help. There are a lot of bad guys out there..."
"Speaking of," Raph slides in, clearing his throat. "Any updates on a certain 'you know who' and her location?"
"Abigail Finn is still incognito," Bishop sighs. "Though, Donatello's facial tracking system and security measures have helped us to keep a few tabs on her. But she's staying discreet, keeping a low profile and avoiding anything illegal. Which is good."
"Just give me a reason to annihilate her," Donnie whispers to himself. "Or to at least let me go semi-lethal..."
"Have you made any attempts to arrest her?" Casey asks.
"We... considered it," Bishop sighs. "But we felt that it would be better to let it slide. If we did make any attempts, you can bet she'd try to twist the truth and reveal everything she knows about you guys."
"So essentially, you're at a stalemate," Casey grumbles.
"Pretty much. We know dirt on her, she knows dirt on us. So long as we stay out of each others' ways, we're fine."
"ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʜᴇʀ. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ?" Fugitoid asks.
"Mostly helpin' with recovery," Raph answers. "In different ways."
"ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ɪꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀʏ ɢᴏɪɴɢ, ᴍɪᴄʜᴇʟᴀɴɢᴇʟᴏ?"
Mikey sighs as he shoves the pizza into the oven. Not a begrudging sigh, but more of a 'where do I start' kind of sigh.
"Well... it's been a lot. First was the whole bedridden thing. Then the physical therapy started. Case was a HUGE help with that, he's an expert on it! And after that... it was a mix of stuff. My memory's gotten better, thanks to Draxum's mystic goop. He said by the rate I'm healing at, all my memories should be back by the end of the month!"
"ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅꜱ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ!" Fugitoid remarks, though the 'mystic goop' comment flies right over his head.
"Yeah... but it's not always easy," Mikey admits. "I have some bad days, a few relapses. Sometimes I still forget names and call one of my brothers by their life-colour instead. Sometimes I talk in the third person instead of the first. Some days I can't talk at all! Walking is... still wacky and tough to get used to. I'm comfortable doing both two legs and four, but I'm faster on four. My vision still acts up, but I've learned to control it a bit better. Dee and I have been training it to shift on command instead of in reaction to light! All in all, adjusting is weird."
"I bet," Bishop nods.
"Wildest thing -- pun intended -- is the whole 'animalistic traits' junk that happens. Like, I still don't get some social cues?" Mikey admits. "Like most people shake hands, but I'll smell or sniff a person first. Most people hug, I climb on them and wrap my whole body around them like a snake. I'll growl if I'm angry. Sometimes I bite when I get startled. Stuff like that."
"Don't forget that one week where you kept making nests all over the lair and storing food in your room," Donnie chimes in.
"I'm just glad you haven't tried to mark your territory or anything," Raph jokes.
Mikey gives him a joking side-glare before continuing.
"Well anyways, it's been weird and confusing but I'm doing a lot better now. I'm really happy again! Which, I'll be honest... surprises me sometimes. The nightmares aren't as constant. They happen, and sometimes I wake up and I don't know where I am. But my family's there to help whenever. I didn't think I'd be this happy this much for a long time... But here we are!"
April starts tearing up out of joy and goes to hug Mikey, who laughs and hugs her back.
"ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴏɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ʏᴇᴛ?" Fugitoid wonders.
"One or two," Mikey shrugs. "Though Raph would rather I wait a little longer. I'm kinda glad I kept the mutations, they really help with tracking and stuff -- and the looks on the villains' faces when I start climbing the walls is priceless!" Mikey cackles.
"ᴀɴᴅ… ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴜꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ?"
"Not as bad," Mikey explains. "Practically gone. Sure, Instinct pops up every once in a while. He really likes to talk during fights and junk. But Raph's been helping me out with him."
Raphael smiles proudly at the mention.
"Therapy's been good too," Mikey continues. "It helps to just... talk it out with someone."
"You've been doing therapy?" Bishop asks in pleasant surprise. "With who? A human therapist?"
"Actually, there's a Yokai clinic in the Hidden City," Mikey smiles. "Draxum recommended it to Leo, and Leo recommend it to all of us."
"Ohhhh, so is that the appointment Casey mentioned?" April asks.
"Yeah," Mikey says with a grin. "I'm really happy that Leo took the initiative to go, that was huge for him. And he's doing a lot better, too!"
Mikey continues to explain their experiences with their therapists as he works with the pizza, pulling it from the oven and sprinkling garlic and herbs into the crust before setting it back in for a few more minutes...
"Leo's therapist has been giving him tips on how to improve his mental health, gain more self-worth, and deal with his own intrusive thoughts. He said I'd like talking to them, so I went in for a sort of trial run. It was... a little awkward at first. The initial couple of sessions were just us getting to know each other and my therapist asking about my family and some hobbies, which I kinda didn't expect at first? I guess I figured that we'd jump right into the issue... But the more we talked, the closer we got and the easier it was for me to open up about my traumas and problems. So, uh, there's that!"
Mikey chuckles as he checks on the pizza again. Five more minutes, maybe... He sighs as he leaps onto the kitchen counter and perches there.
"So, I guess this is our new normal," April notes. "Everything seems to be all wrapped up for the most part."
"Except for one thing," Cassandra grumbles. "The blue turtle and his fathers aren't here yet! I want to eat the pizza already!!"
"It's not even out of the oven," Raph scolds.
"Uh-huh, suuuuuuure," April jokes.
"When is Leo getting back, though?" Mikey asks.
"By my calculations, he'll be here in the next three minutes," Donnie declares. "My tracker says he and Papa and Draxum just left the Yokai clinic and should be getting their contributions for dinner right about now."
"Great! They'll arrive just in time for the pizza..."
The group continue talking about whatever they can until Leonardo's portal illuminates the outer room. Warm welcomes, questions on how the session went, how Leo's doing, what Draxum has been up to, and so on until everyone decides that they are starving and sit themselves down for dinner.
The group catch Leo up to the discussion through the salad and appetizers. He huffs at the mention of Dr. Finn. Draxum catches the others up on the recent finishes to his home and how Huginn and Muninn have come back to work for him again.
Fugitoid pretends to eat the food, which causes Casey Jones to snort his soda through his nose and the entire table laughs, even John Bishop.
Mikey uses his mutated tongue to snag an hors d'oeuvre off of Leo's plate when he isn't looking. Splinter sees and snickers loudly, which alerts Leo to Mikey's second and third attempts.
The pizza comes out a few minutes later, hot and ready. The crust is a bit warped and has strange knots, the cheese is mismatched and looks odd, and the toppings are strangely arranged. It's the wackiest-looking flatbread the world has ever seen.
Yet when each guest takes a bite, they are wonderfully surprised. It is quite possibly the most delicious pizza in the world, despite its flaws and outward appearance.
"Mikey, you made this?" Leo asks with shock as he chows down on the slice.
Mikey nods as he eats his own cheesy triangle.
"Wow, dude! This tastes awesome!"
Mikey's smile stretches across his face as Leo pats him on the back.
"You did good, Mikey! You did really good."
The End.
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
The Big 5-0-0
(Or, Glorfindel has a gift for his husband)
[for Glorfindel Week, hosted by @glorfindelweek, Day 7]
“Five hundred years!” Exclaimed the shocked tavern keeper.
Glorfindel shrugged as he helped the Man lift the roasted lamb from the cooking fire that also heated the dining room. “Five hundred years is not so long for elves.”
The Man scoffed, taking up a towel in one hand and pushing the steaming carcass from the spit. She wagged a finger at him. “For an Elf with a thousand years ahead of him, maybe, but any marriage that endures longer than kingdoms ought to be celebrated to the fullest.”
A thousand more years felt like pitifully little time to Glorfindel. He certainly would take every opportunity to celebrate every memory if he knew his time in Arda was so limited. How Men, who were lucky if they lived within a stone’s throw of one hundred, went their whole lives without bursting into song and dance in celebration of existence, he’d never understand. 
“I saw that horse you rode here on, so don’t bother saying you don’t have the means to throw a proper party.”
Asfaloth, being an Elvish steed, demanded a certain level of finary when he went out. The bells, however, were entirely Glorfindel’s idea.
“Erestor detests parties, and he says adorning a horse in gems and bells will get me killed—again!” 
She snorted at the jest, passing Glorfindel a platter for the meat he was stripping from the bones, unbothered by the heat that would burn her hands. “And in five hundred years, have you learned only what he dislikes and nothing of what he likes?”
He smiled softly. He knew much of what his beloved liked.
“Should I call all those men back in and ask them to recount tales of wives whose husbands didn’t bring them an anniversary gift?” The tavern keeper threatened. 
She’d cleared the dining room of local patrons until the meal was ready. The gleaming Elf-lord had garnered more raucous attention than she liked when it was her building, table, and chairs at risk, and it hadn’t felt right to ask him to wait in his room until everyone was distracted by good food. The other Men went willingly enough, though Glorfindel could still clearly hear them milling about outside.
“That won’t be necessary, good lady,” he said. “Duty brought me this way, but I made time to find something he will treasure.” He patted the purse tied to his belt.
She shot the purse a dubious look, doubtlessly skeptical that anything that fit in a small bag could adequately encompass the magnitude of a couple’s 500th wedding anniversary. 
“Well,” she settled on. “Don’t say no one warned you if he kicks you out on your ear.”
When Glorfindel finally arrived in Imladris, Erestor met him in the narrow pass leading down into the valley, too impatient to wait longer.
“My brightest night star!” Glorfindel said, alighting from Asfaloth’s saddle to sweep the loremaster into his arms. He planted a kiss on his forehead, thrilled by the absence of an audience to their reunion: Erestor disliked people kissing in public almost as much as he disliked parties. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.”
Erestor huffed but did not pull away. Reaching up, he pulled Glorfindel’s head down to return the kiss, leaving his husband blushing with excitement. 
“You took your time, Dandelion,” the black-haired Elf accused when they separated. “Elrond expected you back a fortnight ago.”
“I admit to tarrying longer than needed for the task he gave me,” Glorfindel said, leading the dusty stallion as the lovers continued down the path hand-in-hand. “But I promise it was not without reason.”
“It had better be a good reason, and not just that you had to climb some mountain to return one of Manwë’s foolish birds to its nest.”
Erestor was with him on that particular occasion, about fifty years before they married, though he had no interest in scaling the last cliffs to return the unfledged eagle to her home. Glorfindel insisted on it, knowing the young bird couldn’t survive the fast-approaching thunderstorm alone in the open and was too wild to keep in with them until the weather cleared. Trusting his skill and light step, Glorfindel climbed alone, the bird wrapped in a cloth to keep her wings and talons contained and secured in a sack over his shoulder, only her head poking out. The task wouldn’t have been challenging if not for the storm. He made it back to the sheltered test just fine, reassuring the flustered eagle parents with a song as he freed their lost eaglet. On the way down, however, his hands split on the rain-soaked stones and fell—only a few feet down to the next ledge, true, but it was enough to leave his heart pounding and senses ringing with the echos of dragon-thunder and flash of balrog-whips overlaying the storm. 
Erestor threatened to knock him out and tie him up the next time such madness came over him when he eventually made it back to safety, dripping wet and jumping at every clash of thunder that came too close. Glorfindel agreed to let him.
“Oh, no, you will find this delay was entirely to your liking,” he promised.
“A lofty claim, indeed,” Erestor said. “I will require proof.”
“When we are both safely home and done with our duties, I will show you.”
Glorfindel was sitting, comfortable and cozy, in bed with his embroidery when something hard bounced off his head and landed on the covers next to him.
“I cannot believe you!” 
Erestor’s sitting in an armchair by the window, using the last rays of the setting sun to inspect his gift—Or he had been. Currently, he was standing, slate tablet in one hand, the other still extended from slinging the little dog figurine from the side table at the golden-haired fool sitting in bed. His face was scrunched up, mouth pinched like he’d bitten into a lemon (except he usually had too much self-control to ever react to the unassuming citrus, but the comparison was good enough). 
“Where did you find this? How did you find this?” He brandished the old slate aggressively, for a moment looking as though he might throw it too.
Glorfindel set aside his project. “Is it not to your liking?” 
Perhaps he’d misjudged entirely and he would end up out on his ear just like the tavern keeper warned.
“Not to my liking? Not to my liking?” Erestor lifted the tablet high, gesturing to the small drawings on it with his other hand. “Sunflower, The elf who made these stories died four thousand years ago. How did you come by this?”
He sounded more shocked than angry, and Glorfindel relaxed. “Through much patience and the exchanging of many letters with various collectors of first age relics. I made a detour to collect that on the way back. That’s what delayed my return.”
“Did it not cost a small fortune? I spied no gems missing from your horse’s daft accoutrements.” 
A grin broke across Glorfindel’s face. “I dare say it is worth as much to you.”
Softness spread across his husband’s face and he touched the old slate now with tender, almost reverent fingers as he caressed the time-warn drawings. His eyes clouded with old memories of the past rarely recalled from the careful places he stored them in. “I laughed over this depiction of Lords Celegorm and Curufin when it was only days old! I helped Vekkawë hide his collection in our mattresses when Captain Crímainya came to destroy the ‘defaming misinformation’. I thought I’d never see one again after the Valar sank Beleriand.”
Eyes clearing, he brought the tablet, with its child-like depiction of long-gone beloved lords, to his chest and said, “This is a great treasure. No fortune can take it from me.”
Glorfindel laughed. “I’m glad the Dwarf I bought it from did not know the true value, then, for I am not sure I could have gotten it honestly for that price and would not have departed without it.”
Erestor snorted, muttering “Six pounds of that hideous tack you insist on dressing your horse in would have covered it, no doubt” as he turned away for a moment of privacy to wipe his eyes clear before he accidentally shed tears over the small remnant of his past.
“Asfaloth cannot be parted from his gems when he is afield.” 
Glorfindel opened his arms, and Erestor—after setting the tablet carefully on the side table like it was as fragile as a hollow dove egg and not slab or stone almost as old as the world itself that had survived devastations and travesties unnumbered—fell into his embrace. 
They spent the rest of the night in bed, though neither got much sleep.
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waytooinvested · 1 month
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 23
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Lena laid her suitcase down on the thoughtfully provided stand and took in the space that would be her home for the next couple of nights.
The room was decorated in neutral shades of white and grey, with small pops of colour provided by a couple of throw pillows and a large arrangement of flowers on the desk. The entirely of one wall was made up of a window overlooking the city skyline, with a sliding panel door out onto a balcony that had been set with a table and chairs, so that guests could dine under the stars if they so wished. The over all impression was clean and uncluttered, a blank canvas to allow her the space to think without all the noise. Impersonal yes, but that just made it feel like home. After all, Lena had grown up in rooms like this one, and being here brought her back to the part of herself she had been neglecting of late.
This was the first stop on the long awaited launch tour for L-Corp’s about-to-be-released combustion emissions converter, which meant that she would be away from National City for a full week of press conferences, demonstrations, stakeholder events and corporate networking opportunities in various major cities across the country. It was the first time since Kara’s kidnapping that she had been out of town for more than a night or two, and it felt strange to be stepping away now, for all Project Atlantis was still stalled and she wouldn’t have been doing all that much on it even if she had been there.
Well... except seeing Kara. But Lena was long past the point of being able to convince herself that that had anything to do with ‘maintaining positive relations for the project’. If she had been there to spend time with Kara, it would just have been because she wanted to. And she would have wanted to. It was months since they had gone so long without at least a quick morning coffee catch up on the way to work.
But even so, there was something nice about stepping away for a while. Both she and Kara had been working through so many big feelings, and while Lena felt lighter for it, more complete than she had felt in years (possibly ever), it was exhausting. Having seven whole days where her only job was to do her actual job, without all the complicated emotions and Atlantis work on the side would be almost like a vacation (and alright, it was a vacation filled to the brim with press scrutiny, speech prep and making nice with very important, very stuffy business men, but she would take what she could get).
Besides, she was excited about the emissions converter she had worked so hard to build, and wanted to give it the attention it deserved. She had actually come up with the idea almost by accident, while trying to find a way to scrub the lead she had released from the atmosphere. Instead her research had taken her in a different direction, and the end result was a deceptively small device that could be paired with just about any type of combustion engine to effectively capture and neutralise 99.99% of carbon dioxide emissions, converting them harmlessly back into their component elements. It used a technique of Lena’s own devising to split CO2 that neatly avoided the usual high cost and/or energy intensive processes required by more traditional methods, as well as successfully producing pure carbon and oxygen rather than carbon monoxide. What was more, her device could also deal effectively with carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, benzene and a whole host of other pollutants, and would beat the efficiency of existing catalytic converters by several orders of magnitude.
Of course it was at best a stop gap measure in the fight against climate change, but if it could be adopted widely enough it could certainly buy the planet some time while humanity weaned off their reliance on fossil fuels. After her failure with the Q-wave generator and subsequent inability to find a way to armour Kara against the trauma of her memory barrier, it was nice to take some time to acknowledge her successes and take another step towards making the Luthor name stand for something good.
From tomorrow morning almost every minute of her time would be filled, but for the next few hours her schedule was clear, and Lena was free to celebrate in whatever way she chose. She considered going down to the bar, or even out to see the city sights, as it was still early, but she felt a strange reluctance to do so.
Honestly, she was just so tired.
Bone achingly, soul crushingly, painfully tired.
A quiet night in then.
She made use of the clothes press to get any wrinkles out of her outfit for the next day and hung it up in the closet, then went to investigate the bathroom. It did not disappoint.
The tub was frankly ridiculous, even by her standards. It was almost big enough to swim laps in if you really put your mind to it, and covered in little circular openings that hinted at jacuzzi jets, as well as boasting a vast selection of tiny shampoos, shower gels, bubble baths and moisturisers lined up on the tiled ledge behind it. She skimmed the labels, then dumped a bottle of Sisley Soir de Lune into the tub and filled it with water just on the right side of painfully hot.
As soon as it was full she stripped off and sank gratefully into the fragrant heat and mounds of silky bubbles, almost groaning as her travel-weary muscles relaxed into it.
God, she needed to take more baths.
Most days Lena settled for a quick shower, having more pressing demands on her time than lying about in warm water, but when she did she remembered just how much she enjoyed it. She felt all her nerves about the coming week melting out of her and evaporating away with the steam as she drifted, eyes closed and hair floating on the surface. She stayed there, doing nothing but experiencing the sensation of being wrapped up in a warm embrace (even if not that of another person), until finally the water began to cool and the bubbles had mostly popped. She considered topping it up for a second round, but her fingers and toes were pruning, and now that she had worked out her tension, her book was calling out its siren song from her travel bag.
She finished her ablutions quickly and then got out, opting to pull on one of the two fluffy robes that had been provided rather than bothering to get properly dried and dressed, then helped herself to some of the complimentary mixed nuts and a not-so-complimentary miniature bottle of Talisker-25 from the mini-bar. The super-king bed was obscenely comfortable, and Lena settled down amidst a heap of pillows to the serious business of reading, luxuriating in the feeling of having absolutely nowhere she needed to be and nothing she was supposed to be doing.
She was only a couple of chapters in and fully absorbed in the story when her phone buzzed on the night stand with a text. She tutted, annoyed at the intrusion into the her brief respite from the world. It would be another nudge from her Head of PR, ‘politely’ suggesting that she really ought to make an appearance at the bar because XYZ important person was there and it would be an oh-so-perfect opportunity for a bit of impromptu schmoozing; or else a panicked message from the product demo team with a last minute crisis they needed her to solve that would inevitably keep her up until the small hours of the morning.
So much for her early night.
However, when she unlocked her phone she found it wasn’t a work emergency at all, and her irritation evaporated immediately to be replaced by a little leap of gladness in her chest as she saw who the text was from.
Kara: you’ve been gone less than 12 hours and I already need you back
The short message made butterflies stir in Lena’s belly as she tried to work out exactly what it meant. If she was in some kind of trouble and actually did need her back she would have called rather than texting, or at least been more specific, so… what was she saying? Lena had time to consider all the possible-unlikely-wishful-thinking scenarios in which Kara had suddenly realised her feelings and couldn’t bear even one more night of not kissing Lena, when a second text followed the first.
Kara: Alex and Kelly are destroying me at game night
Ah. Well that made more sense. And was a much better answer given that she had resolved not to act on anything for as long as Kara didn’t know the truth of their history. Lena tried to tell herself the heat in her cheeks was just in response to the hot bath she had taken as she tapped out a reply.
Lena: How is that possible? You’ve trounced them the last two weeks in a row.
Kara: That’s only because I had you there. You’re like my perfect game night partner
Kara: we are unstoppable!
Kara: not so much when it’s just me. And Alex is being SO smug about it
Kara: I think she’s about 5 seconds away from doing a victory dance
Lena smiled to herself, picturing the scene even as she pressed her whiskey glass to her face to cool her still-burning cheeks.
Lena: Well that would be only fair after YOUR victory dance last week
Lena: And the winner song that went with it
Kara: hey! You’re meant to be on my side here!
Lena: I’m always on your side
Lena: Anyway, who was it that came up with half the rhymes for that song? I didn’t say I didn’t love it.
Lena: And we will make Alex pay when I’m back next week
Kara: DEAL!
Kara: How’s your night going so far? Are you still working?
Lena: Nope – I got all my prep for tomorrow out the way on the flight, so I am being 100% indolent tonight. I just had a bubble bath and now I’m curled up on my bed reading a book.
Lena: I’m not QUITE in my pajamas at 8.30pm, but I’m not sure if a fluffy hotel robe is actually any better?
Lena: I’m basically an old lady
Kara: psh, no way. You have to make the most of a night in a five star hotel or what’s even the point of paying for one? And I bet the bed is SO comfy.
Lena: It is. It’s also HUGE
She snapped a quick photo of herself sitting in the middle of the bed, one arm extended to show how far she was from being able to touch the edge, and sent it to Kara.
Lena: If you were here we could both spend the night stretched out without ever managing to meet in the middle
As soon as she hit send, she regretted it. She hadn’t even meant anything by it, but on a reread, and sent immediately following a photo of herself on said bed, all the important bits fully covered but still knowing full well that she was naked under the robe, it seemed imbued with subtext that she couldn’t allow herself to mean. She felt the tips of her ears getting as warm as her face as she tried to think of a way to minimise it or take it back without making things worse.
Before she could however Kara’s reply pinged in.
Kara: wow, it’s like an aquarium!
That was… not the response she had expected. Lena stared at her phone, brows furrowed as she tried to decode the meaning of the statement.
She gave up.
Lena: Sorry you’ve lost me. An aquarium? As in… fish?
Kara: Yes, because of how many starfish it could hold! [laughing face]
Kara: you know… like when you spread out your arms and legs in bed
Kara: so you look like a starfish
Kara: and because it’s a big bed you could fit multiple starfish on it
Kara: like at an aquarium
Lena couldn’t help laughing. Not because the joke itself was funny (it was terrible), but because it was so Kara, and made all the more so by the elaborate explanation she had given for it. She smiled fondly at the text chain, as if it was Kara herself she was holding in the palm of her hand.
Lena: you’re right, it is just like an aquarium
And then because this was Kara, and she was allowed to be a dork to Kara without feeling silly, she added:
Lena: You could say I’ll be sleeping with the fishes tonight.
Kara sent back a string of laughing-crying emojis, then a fish emoji, a sleepy face and a heart.
Kara: I’d better go back and join the others before they think I got lost on the way to J’onn’s kitchen
Kara: I was only meant to be fetching another bottle of wine, but I wanted to take a moment to lick my wounds and get a morale boost from my favourite gaming partner after my latest defeat.
Kara: sweet dreams, and good luck tomorrow, you’ll be amazing
Kara: I’m so proud of you <3
Lena: Thank you <3
Lena: Sweet dreams to you too, and I hope you manage to obliterate Alex and Kelly in your next game xxx
Kara: xxxxx
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