#and she didnt seem to understand 'go lay down' when i told her but then like
jojotier · 7 months
can dogs get dementia or is my elderly little dog just pacing around bc titi isnt home so she doesn't want to sit
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bomber-grl · 11 months
Mike Schmidt relationship headcannons !
Pairing(s): Mike Schmidt x Gn!Reader
Note! Has some plot | This is my relationship headcannons for movie Mike, stating this because I just might make video game Michael Afton headcannons aswell in the near future
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Very closed off and not looking for a relationship
He had hired you to take care of Abby when he was away and that’s how you two began getting closer.
Not the best conversation starter, however when you gave him the opportunity to speak about the dream theory he starts going on about it.
Then he apologizes and begins feeling a bit unsure and awkward.
It never really advanced from there and he’d almost constantly apologize and reassure that he’d pay you soon, but you never really cared for it.
Really peaked his interest when he realized that Abby had really grown to like you and began inviting you to do things with the both of them.
You, of course accepted and eventually Mike had started developing feelings for you.
Just as you did for him.
He didnt act on them at first.
Primarily Because he doesn’t see himself in a relationship, especially not with someone like you with him.
You were amazing, and he was a sad grown man who had to care for his little sister, and not even in a way he saw proper.
So of course he shuts it down, telling himself it’d be better off that way.
However, some way, somehow you got involved with Freddy’s pizzeria and you not only managed to save him but also Abby.
Then from there it just went uphill.
He got a better job, better pay, and is able to connect with Abby easier.
Not only that but the custody battle has been leaning in his favor.
He had no one to thank but you.
You’d take Abby to school, occasionally cook for them, and you were always reliable.
One fateful evening you and Mike were just hanging out in the living room.
Talking and just watching whatever was on TV.
Then he brought up your relationship, and stated that he’d really like to start one with you, a romantic one, that is.
You of course, said yes, and he was relieved and happy at your reaction.
But then Abby came to mind, what would she think?
You asked him this almost immediately.
But he reassured and said that the final push was actually when Abby hinted/teased her older brother about your potential relationship, then ran off.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and an awkward atmosphere hung in the air but then Mike went to hold you hand and it made it semi better.
The next morning you almost immediately told Abby and she was so happy.
Which really relieved the both of you.
Things had changed, albeit subtly.
And although Mike wasn’t the most physically affectionate, probably due to him being pretty much touched starved and traumatized.
He tried his best to convey his affection towards you with teasing and joking around.
You’d often just enjoy the others company and bond mostly with Abby around.
If you were to ever do something even a little bit flirty around her she’d immediately be grossed out.
Which was funny, and was mentally noted to ever do again in her presence, even if it was just a kid friendly comment.
Your guy’s first kiss was pretty intimate
I mean Mike had never seemed much interested in kissing or doing anything further down the road.
However, after a particularly draining day, and horrible weather outside, Mike had offered you to stay for the night.
Abby was so excited and the three of you played with her just a little bit over her curfew then sent her off to bed.
When you were finally able to be alone, Mike, very awkwardly and a bit bashful, offered for you to sleep in his bed.
You, like the amazing person you were, rejected and said that it was fine and that he should just sleep there.
Not completely understanding that Mike didn’t mean separate, but together.
Once he bashfully explains that all you can do is mutter out an “oh” and go along with it.
Pretty awkward as you both just lay down as stiff as rods in silence.
Then you guys begin talking.
And it’s just you two talking about whatever at like 2 a.m, trying your best to keep it down.
If you decide to be bold and make a move by asking if you could cuddle with him, then he’d hesitantly agree.
Again, not because he hates you, but because he’s an awkward guy.
So once you’re settled in each others arms you start talking about each others traumas and mostly hidden things.
It’s the sleep deprivation getting to you guys.
Well once you’re both finished venting and just being vulnerable you decide to make a move and lean forward, giving him plenty of time to move if it’s not wanted.
But he didn’t, and the clash of your lips followed soon after and how drawed out it was won’t be mentioned by either of you either.
Things not only start changing and he’s side hugging you more (publicly)
Although not really into pda
And be more affectionate (as he can)
I’m sure at one point you get so comfortable with one another that although awkward moments occur, most of them spent together is just you saying cringe stuff and making him regret ever making it out alive of Freddy’s.
From then on, not only do you tease and get a worthwhile reaction but he’s always hugging and giving you cheek kisses in private.
He’s also grown fond of cuddling, just because of how close he gets to be to you.
If you were to ever tell him he’s hot.
He’d get really taken back but then laughs it off and says whatever.
(Saying this because I know those fans of him exist 😭)
Honestly it’s kind of hard for you to tell when he’s being sarcastic or not😔
He’s always making snarky and joking remarks and hard to tell when he’s just being his sassy self.
Honestly home dude is just trying his best and his relationship with you really lightened up his life even more.
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Note! Should I make a pt 2 with Mike as your husband?
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tim-shii · 7 months
a blessing in disguise.
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a/n: dad!sae and husband!sae in one post? more likely than you think. timmy being down bad for sae for the nth time, what's new? i didnt know where this story was heading while i was writing it halfway but the idea is dad!sae and husband!sae. also this is cute i love this work i will cry over this for months.
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“sometimes, i’m pretty sure you’re only with me out of pity. how dare you? my love for you is sincere–”
“what are you babbling about now?” sae let out an exasperated sigh. you two are lounging in the living room. him, watching a soccer game of the rivaling team they’re going up against next week, and you, laying down on the couch with your feet on his lap, just blankly staring at the ceiling.
“…like i would even lay down in front of a moving train for you. or! i would, without a doubt, drink a poison that’s specifically for you. if you ever get in a coma, i would stab myself, juliet style, absolutely no hesitation. you don’t understand the lengths i would go through for you–”
“oh my god,” sae drags his palm down his face quite dramatically. “is this because i forgot to say ‘i love you’ this morning?”
“see? this is exactly my point. do you even like me?” you nudge his side with a sock clad foot.
he grabs a hold of your ankle and settled in back on his lap. “we’ve been married for five years. our son is literally five meters away playing with his sister.” sae replied with a pointed glare, visibly done with your antics. someone give him a break, he’s experiencing this exact predicament for the past seven years. he’s annoyed, yes, but it’s one of the reason he’s highly and deeply infatuated– in love with you.
you were about to retaliate but rushed footsteps and a sudden weight on your chest prevented you. “mommy!” speak of the little devil and he shall appear. kio, your 4-year-old son. behind him is kiho, your 1-year-old daughter, crawling as hard as she can trying to reach her older brother. immediately, you sat up on the sofa, pulling kio to your lap. “what– baby, are you crying? what’s going on?” you coo as you wipe the tears off his chubby cheeks.
“kiho bit me! we were just playing and then she suddenly–” while you were occupied with kio, sae abandoned his spot from the couch and opted to slide down to the floor instead. his eyes were focused on the adorable infant who is now crawling towards her beloved father. as soon as she’s only a foot away from him, sae scooped her up in his arms and retreated back to your side on the settee, “you bit your brother, kiho?” to which the infant just babbled incoherent with a wide grin.
sae smiles back at her before furrowing his brows. and it seems like you had the same thought as him when you looked at him with a confused frown.
“bit you?” you asked kio.
“yes, she did! it hurts! i think her bite left a mark!” he showed you his left forearm and there you see. the mark of a small baby tooth.
“she’s teething!” you exclaimed happily after kissing your son’s forearm. (“kisses make the pain go away.” you once told him when he tripped and scraped his knee at the park.) sae gently lift up kiho’s lips to peek at her gums, and ta-da! a cute tooth peeking back at him.
“she’s growing up too fast.” sae hummed, kissing kiho’s head, making her giggle.
“mommy, why did she bite me?” kio patted your cheek to get your attention back on him. “did i do something wrong? i thought she was having fun when we were playing together.” your heart felt stabbed, squeezed and stepped on ten times as kio looks at you with tears in his eyes.
“she was just showing affection, ki. she must’ve felt overjoyed with you but she didn’t know how to express it. she is a baby after all.”
“did i bite when i was a baby, too?”
“oh, absolutely. you bit your dad mostly.” you laughed at the memory of sae wincing in pain as his son decided to sink his growing teeth onto his father’s shoulder as he carried him.
“now. kiho, baby. say sorry to your brother.” sae held her in the middle of you two like a cat, his hands supporting his torso under her arms. however, instead of a garbled apology, kiho blew a raspberry to kio.
“hey, that wasn’t nice,” the little boy frowned.
“mom, don’t laugh– dad, stop laughing, too!” kiho followed the two of you and let out a gleeful squeal. all the while kio rubs the saliva off his face with your shirt.
“kio!” sae laughs even harder. kiho, too.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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spaciebabie · 5 months
🌺 In what situation would your OC be pushed to commit an act of violence? Would they go as far to kill someone if they had to? How would this affect them and their relationships with others?
🌼 Describe one of your OC’s worst nightmares.
🍃 Describe a regular day for your OC. What is their schedule (if they have one).
ive been hyperfixating on katherine lately so all three answers will be about her :3
🌺it would take a lot for katherine to hurt someone. shes non confrontational and a pacifist at heart. later on in two she is eventually forced 2 use violence against others just for self defense, and she promises herself that the only time she will use violence is when shes defending herself for survival. she also takes up a vow not to kill anyone, although this will prove to be. quite difficult. moreso than she thinks it should be. her friends and family would understand, maybe they'd even think it was justified, but it would still be something she could never live with. something that would eat her from the inside out.
🌼for this one i wrote a little scenario that ive been thinking about for the past 2ish years? i put the rest of this under the cut since its kind of long. please be gentle with me when it comes to reading the next portion of my writing! i havent written in quite some time
katherine found herself standing in the very center of an almost pitch black room. as her eyes adjusted, she soon came to realize the room was that of her parents. she warily casted a glance around the room, feeling unnervingly uneasy in a space where she normally felt safe and at home. a quick glance at the clock on the wall told her that her parents should have arrived home hours ago, and yet they were nowhere to be seen. perhaps if she wandered the house she would find her mother and father cooking dinner and talking loudly about how the day was at the cafe, who came in, and what customers managed to infuriate them for the day. she hoped that's what she would find, the silence around her almost felt deafening. with no clanks of pots and pans or chatter coming from behind her, she had the sinking feeling she was very much all alone. as much as her brain willed her to leave the dark room her body did not seem to want to obey. instead, she came to realize that she had moved from her previous position in the center of the room, to being directly in front of her parent's mirror slated on their bedroom wall. she looked down to notice crimson light spilling through a crack under the mirror and felt her heart skip a beat. all of the sudden everything felt so wrong, so extremely dangerous, she was so certain she was not supposed to be here, and yet her body didnt move. she attempted to cry out to her parents, but found herself unable to speak, choking on her own words. it was then that the mirror began to slowly slide open, spilling more of the red light out into the open room. panic ravaged her insides. she willed her hands, her legs, her fingers any part of her to just move, move, move! the door seemed to open too fast and too slow at the same time, almost mocking her panicked state. outside of her own volition,as the door opened, she found herself staring directly into the bright light. it burned her eyes, causing a waterfall of tears to cascade down her cheeks. she blinked them back with ferocity, and eventually was able to catch a glimpse of what lay inside. encompassed in the light, almost blocked out by it entirely, she could make it out, almost, if only there weren't so many tears in her eyes! it was so close and so recognizable, she just needed to stop freaking crying so she could fully make it out! she continued to squint into sea of red light, trying in vain to make sense of the various blobs that were casting shadows within the room. in an instant, a switch flipped in her brain and she knew all too well what she was looking at. horror flashed across her features, and her breath caught in her throat.
katherine startled from her nightmare a very sweaty mess tangled up in her own sheets. blood pounded in her ears and her breath hitched with every intake of fresh air. she gulped in breath after breath, taking it in as if she had just come up from almost drowning. she took a moment to lay in bed and calm her breath and mile a minute heart rate. after she no longer felt like she was hyperventilating, she attempted to get her bearings. she was in her room, it was a school night, and she should probably at least try and get some rest before the next day arrived, nightmares be darned. she turned over to her side and adjusted her sheets, nestling into her bed once more. her thoughts drifted to the nightmare she had apparently had, and her stomach twisted with anxiety. she tried to recall what exactly had happened, but came up empty. her brain had just chosen to forget it she guessed. not that she was complaining, she didnt want to remember what had gotten her so worked up in the first place.
🍃a relatively chill day for katherine quin in part 1? you betcha! katherine usually wakes up, goes ta classes and then does some sort of history club meeting (of which she is the president). afterwards she goes home and does homework, hangs out w/her friends and parents, and then starts the day all over again :D
one thing katherine quin needs is a routine!
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blackout-criminal13 · 1 month
the 4th born gallagher has a fight and a mental break down from her family and she leaves. they all know she is an addict so they try to call her dealer
but he won't even answer when she needs something. they try to call her therapist and he won't help her either.
your name in this is: Chloe
⚠️ cussing, Arguing, breakdown⚠️
i was currently standing in my living room screaming at my older brother Lip and My older sister Fiona. "YOUR NOT FUCKING LISTENING!!" i screamed, "CHLOE YOU DO UNDERSTAND YOU GOT CAUGHT WITH COCAINE IM YOUR BAG RIGHT?" Lip yelled back, "YES! I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF TONY ARRESTED ME OR NOT!!" I ANSWERED. "CHLOE YOU STUPID FUCK!!" FIONA YELLED, carl and debbie ran down the stairs, "What did she do this time?" carl asked. "SHE GOT CAUGHT WITH COKE!!" Fiona yelled,  great now everyone knew. "YOU DUMB FUCK!!" Debbie and carl yelled at the same time. I had tears pouring out of my eyes, "DONT MAKE THIS SEEM LIKE YOUR INNOCENT!! CUZ YOUR NOT, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!"  Lip yelled. i wiped my tears, smudging my make up, "i-i can't deal with this right now." i said as i grabbed my bag and walked out the door. Lip ran out to the door and stood at the fence where  i had stopped to light my cigarette. "DONT WALK THE FUCK AWAY!! YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF!!" lip yelled as i kept walking. he ran back in and i just kept walking.
(Lips pov)
I watched my little sister leave in tears. i felt bad for yelling at my baby sister, she didn't deserve to be yelled at for that, i know that she  didn't mean to get caught but in the moment i was so mad at her i couldn't help it. i walked back in the house and fiona instantly spoke "where is she going?" she asked, "i don't know but we should try her dealer first."  i answered, everyone looked at me. "how do you know she has a dealer?" ian asked. "yeah, and how long have you known?" carl asked. i sighed knowing if i told them the truth they'd get mad, but i would have to deal with it. "i've known for 6 months. she told me when she first started buying them." i answered, everyone gasped "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US?!" Ian yelled, "BECAUSE SHE TRUSTED ME!" i yelled "she knew you would all yell at her and make her feel bad." i said lowering my voice. "ok, guys we need to call her dealer." debbie said. we all agreed and we all sat down and i started to write down the dealers number. "lip how do you know her dealers number?" kev asked. "she told me it, even had me write it down" i answered as everyone nodded it. i found the paper and place it on the table.
the note said
chloe's dealer
mark bell.
number: 555-927-5555
- Chloe
i called her dealer and he didn't answer, "what happened?" ian asked.
all circuits are busy. goodbye
was all that the phone said before it hung up. "GOD DAMN IT!" i yelled. fiona took the phone and filed the number in again only to get the same response.
"what about her therapist?" V suggested. "good idea!" i said as i called her therapist.
Lip: hi is doctor Kline in?
Resectionist: he is unable to take any calls right now. can i take a message?"
lip: no thank you goodbye.
hang up
"he won't take any calls." i said. we all sighed and decided to split up and look for her.
i searched everywhere until i found i a strawberry blonde haired girl laying in the ground underneath the train station. i ran over to her and sure as shit it was my sister. i quickly looked at her body to see what happed and found an empty pill bottle in her pocket. she tried to kill herself because of what i said to her. i felt awful but tired to put it off until i could get her to help. i picked her fragile body up bridal style and walked her to the house. kev and v were the only ones there right now. v was on the phone with fiona but hung up and told her i had  walked through the door with her. "where was she.?" kev asked as he took her from my arms. "laying on the ground underneath the train station. tried to kill herself with sleeping pills." i said as everyone looked at me "fill up the tub with cold water, and me and kev will bring her up." v said. "what's that gonna do?" i asked, "revive her, now go!" she said as i ran upstairs and filled the tub up with cold water. kev brought my little sister up and slowly placed her in the bath. 30 seconds later she shot up and was hyperventilating. i took her out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel and hugged her. "your ok, your ok i got you." i said as she broke down into my chest. "lip im sorry. i'm sorry for upsetting you!" she sobbed into my chest as i comforted her. everyone else ran into the room and hugged her "thank god your ok!" they all said before handing her back to me. i carried her out room and let her change. then i wrapped her in a blanket  and left her fall asleep on my chest. i'm never yelling at my sister again, i can't risk losing her.
i thought you myself.
hope you guys enjoyed, there will be pt2
ok love you guys tn!!
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gurotm-blog · 6 years
do  u  ever  just  have  those  mornings  where  u  wake  up  and  it’s  like  fuck  i  actually  have  to  exist  today ;  bc  thats  me  this  morning
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mp3chan · 2 years
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saving up [F & S]
plz reblog/follow if you enjoy this! <3
pairing: seungmin x fem!reader
wc: 2.1k
tw: semi perv!seungmin, y/n works in a hospital (and overworks herself), unprotected sex (plz wear condoms I beg), seungmin is best bf, MINORS DNI
an: this is for my proofreader madi! happy bday bffie! ily <3 (no I did not proof this that well oops)
© copyright mp3chan 2022 (don’t repost, steal, or translate!)
“hasn’t she been working like everyday this week? and going to classes?” chan asked, starting to worry about you himself. they were all worried about you.
“yeah.” seungmin sighed, pushing his kimchi around on his plate. “i’ve told her to cut back on all the working but she just says she needs to pay for her tuition and rent.” he explained, not fully understanding your reasoning since you had a scholarship and financial aid.
“maybe you should go check on her?” minho suggested with his mouth full.
seungmin paused for a second, he had a key to your apartment, but you told him it was for emergencies and letting himself in when you were there only. then decided fuck it this is an a emergency to him. “yeah im gonna.” seungmin said, gathering his textbooks and shoving them into his backpack and making haste to his car.
the drive to your apartment seemed shorter than normal, probably because seungmin was speeding, he was that worried. seungmin left his bag in his car and booked it for your apartment, feeling a little relieved when he saw your car in the parking lot.
seungmin stood in front of your door for a second, still debating using his key. shaking his head he unlocked your door. immediately seeing your scrubs scattered in a trail leading to your room.
“y/n?” seungmin called out to you. “baby?” he padded as quiet as possible into your place, heading towards your room. seungmin saw your homework scattered on your living room floor, snack wrappers and energy drinks and coffee on almost every surface in sight.
“y/n? im worried about you.” seungmin sighed, slowly pushing your cracked bedroom door open, not sure what to expect when he walked in.
there you were, in your underwear, hair still tied up and sprawled out on your bed, completely asleep. seungmin sighed heavily, smiling at your sleeping figure. he felt better knowing you were just asleep, but he still didnt like how much you were overworking yourself.
seungmin didn’t want to wake you but he wanted to just look after you for a bit. he quietly started gathering your scattered clothes on the floor and tossing them into your hamper, then beginning to tidy up the sprawled out papers on your desk and organizing them by each subject you studied, and putting pencils and pens into your cup.
he didn’t even realize how much time had passed as he was tidying and just watching you rest every once in awhile.
seungmin froze when you began to stir in your bed, quietly groaning from the aching in your back and legs. you slowly opened your eyes, looking at him confused when his figure became clear to you.
“min?” you quietly called out to him, leaning up on your forearms. “why you here?” you yawned, watching him stand from your desk chair and sit on your bed with you.
“you never texted me after you got off. i was worried about you. you’ve been working too much, baby.” seungmin explained, reaching over and brushing the hair that fell out of your ponytail out of your face.
“just need the money for -“ you started to reiterate your reasoning, only to be shushed by him.
“i don’t care. you can’t be overworking yourself like this. you’re exhausted. i can see it on your face.” seungmin started to scold you, watching you shrink back into your bed, laying down.
“im sorry.” you apologized, you hadn’t meant to worry him. you were actually trying to save up for a down payment on an apartment for you and seungmin to live in, but you just hadn’t told him yet.
“don’t apologize…” seungmin whispered to you, laying down next to you, petting your head gently, trying to ignore how pretty you looked in your underwear. he’d actually been trying to ignore that this whole time to be honest.
“can i tell you something, min?” you said after a few minutes of silence, just enjoying seungmin being here and just petting your head gently.
“you can tell me anything, you dork.” seungmin chuckled. “but if you killed someone dont tell me so i can pass the polygraph.” he added, grinning when he heard you laugh audibly.
“i didn’t kill anyone!” you giggled, rolling over and straddling his lap, finally sitting up fully for the first time in hours.
seungmin tried to keep his composure, you looked so beautiful like this. you looked so innocent but everything going through his head wasn’t. your tits starting to spill out of the cups of your bra from tossing and turning in your sleep, your underwear riding up on your thighs. man he hated being such a pervert sometimes.
“minnie!” you shouted at him, noticing he was completely spaced out and not paying attention.
“shit. sorry. what’s up baby?” seungmin pushed his perverted thoughts into the back of his mind for the moment, they’d pop back up eventually, and turned his attention back to you.
“well the reason i’ve been working so much is because…” you blushed, shifting in his lap, making seungmin go insane for about the third time today. “well basically… i found an apartment.” you said, praying he’d just understand.
“you’re moving?” seungmin looked serious and almost sad immediately. he didn’t want you to leave him. were you moving far away? out of town? out of the country?
“well….we could be moving.” you smiled shyly, sighing when seungmin just looked absolutely confused.
“baby i can’t move right now.” he told you and you sighed again dramatically.
“minnie! i found an apartment! here! for us!” you told him, lips jutting out into a pout at his obliviousness. “if you wanna move in with me, that is. i know we’ve only talked about it a little but i found an amazing place right by campus it’s only a -“ you started to ramble, only to have seungmin flip the two of you over and pinning you to your bed.
“i can’t wait to live with you.” seungmin smiled, leaning down and kissing your forehead, smiling more when he saw your cheeks turn red with a blush.
“really?” you beamed, so happy that seungmin actually wants to live with you.
“of course. i can’t wait to wake up to you every. single. day.” seungmin whispered, kissing you between every word at the end. “can make sure you don’t overwork yourself. can take care of you properly.” he whispered, his hands starting to rub your sides gently.
“minnie.” you whispered, your skin tingling from his touch and your body heating up from arousal.
“you tired?” he asked you, wanting to make sure he wasn’t forcing anything.
“yeah…but want you to take care of me.” you replied, reaching out to pull him closer. “don’t wanna do any work.” you pouted, hoping your cuteness would get you what you wanted.
“my little pillow princess.” seungmin whispered in your ear, kissing from below your ear, down your neck and over your collarbone. “you asked so nicely too.” he teased.
“no teasinggg.” you whined. “it’s not fair.” you pouted more, it quickly fading as seungmin started to kiss down your chest.
“can’t wait to live with you baby.” seungmin told you, reaching behind you and quickly unclasping your bra, his mouth almost watering upon seeing your breasts. he was an absolute tit man, he couldn’t help it.
you let out a quiet moan when seungmin wrapped his lips around one of your nipples and swirling his tongue around, the sensation quickly causing the flesh to harden and protrude more.
“can spoil you like this every fucking day.” seungmin groaned hearing you moan already, his hands still roaming your body, going lower and lower as time went on. “can fuck you every day if you wanted. gonna spoil you so much.” he rambled, not expecting you to arch your back and reach out to him.
“want you to fuck me every day, min.” you whimpered, feeling your arousal begin to fully soak your underwear as seungmin got further and further down your body.
“yeah?” seungmin teased, looking up at you, seeing how flushed and desperate you look, his cock hardening just a little more in pants, which he didn’t know was possible.
“mhm. min please. want you.” you panted, tugging at the shoulders of his tshirt, trying to yank it off him as much as you could with his face being pretty much next to your clothed cunt.
“so cute.” seungmin chuckled, tugging his shirt off quickly and taking his pants and underwear as well while he was at it, then turning his attention to your panties, quickly pulling them off with his teeth.
“as much as i want to eat you out right now, i need to fuck you more.” seungmin groaned, standing over you again and spreading your legs with his knee. “fuck you’re so beautiful.”
you blushed dark red, as if you could get more flustered, and threw your arm over your eyes in an attempt to hide yourself.
“none of that baby.” seungmin growled at you, pushing your arm away from your face and pinning it above you. “wanna see you. all of your beautiful self.” he whispered, aligning his cock with your cunt, looking for any signs you didn’t want this.
“please…please.” you mumbled, reaching out to pull him closer as you felt seungmin slowly push inside your tight heat, groaning as he stretched you out.
“fuck….you take me so well baby” seungmin mumbled against your lips during the short time you both pulled away to breathe.
your brain was completely clouded, only thoughts were seungmin and how good this felt. his handsome face, the loving look in his eyes, the way his muscles flexed as he thrusted into you, how his cock throbbed when you clenched around him. just seungmin, seungmin, seungmin.
you couldn’t form any words, just incoherent mumbling, along with moans and whines.
seungmin smiled down at you, gently caressing your cheek. “i fuck you that good huh?” he chuckled, teasing you, only getting an immediate nod in response.
seungmins rhythm of fucking into you began to become irratic and rougher. you wrapped your legs around seungmin’s waist and pulled him as close as you could.
“fuck!” you were finally able to get out, the heat of your climax quickly rising inside.
“me too baby.” seungmin groaned, feeling your walls clench harder around him and your nails rake down his back, sure to leave marks.
“min! close!” you whimpered, pulling back to kiss him clumsily as you felt your orgasm take over, cumming around his cock.
“fuck! y/n…” seungmin groaned hearing your arousal only increased the sound of the wet skin slapping noise as he fucked into you.
“love you.” seungmin mumbled into your neck as he finally reached his high, his cum coating your walls and filling you up perfectly.
it took a minute or two for the both of you to calm down and catch your breaths. seungmin still atop you, petting your head gently, even in his exhausted state.
he finally pulled out and collapsed next to you. that’s when you realized he told you he loves you. for the first time, even if you already knew deep down he does love you. you knew you loved seungmin for awhile now, but you also knew he wasn’t one to say that very quickly.
“min…” you whispered, turning onto your side, ignoring how sweaty and sticky you both were.
“mhm?” he mumbled, half awake next to you, reaching out and pulling you up to his side.
“i love you too.” you smiled up at him, seeing him sleepily smile back at you.
“ill get to tell you that every day now too, since we’re moving in together.” he chuckled. “im gonna help you with the down payment, baby. i can’t stand seeing you run yourself ragged like this.” he told you, starting to drift asleep.
“alright min. thank you.” you giggled, not even bothering to tell him that your last shift was the last one you needed for the payment. instead just snuggling into his side more and shutting your own eyes.
you couldn’t wait to snuggle with seungmin every day. no more overworking, not if seungmin had anything to say about it.
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outivv · 2 years
this is kinda of a senerio i randomly thought of BUT YA PLSPLS WRITE THIS
so y/n and scara have been dating for a month and he forces her to move in with him cuz the fatui made him go to lyuie and he didnt wanna leave y/n so he took her with him. ANDDD Y/N NEVER SLEEPS IN HIS ROOM. she sleeps in a 'guest room' or living room couch when she wants to watch movies all night right?? so one day y/n goes on tt and sees a post ab something someone saw on a twt account that was scary and y/n was like supeerrrrr curious so she looked at the twt page and she INSTANTLY GOT SCARED. during night she had trouble trying to sleep so she went to scaramouches room and asked if she can sleep with him and he was all tsuandere like ab it and calling her a dumbass for scaring herself like that then eventually he feels bad and just lets her sleep in his bed BUT he said u have to sleep on the other side dont touch me. and y/n didnt care bcuz at least she was not going to be alone…but then y/n couldnt rly sleep bcuz she still felt scared and asked if she can scoot closer to scara which he obviously said no to and after 5 minutes of aruguing scaramouche finally cuddled with y/n
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Synopsis: [name] is a lil dumb (lovingly) and decided to scare themself before bed, to which they seek Scaramouche out for comfort. Only for Scaramouche to tell them no… until he doesn’t.
Warnings: none this is pretty lighthearted, it just isn’t proofread
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Character: Scaramouche
Note: modern au
Pronouns for reader: not mentioned
A/n: Scaramouche my beloved <3 I just wanna give him a kith, but he’d probably punch me
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The night breeze lightly made the curtains sway, the beautiful light of the moon shining down into your room. You never knew liyue could be so pretty at night. You moved here at least temporarily, since your boyfriend Scaramouche invited (told) you to, and you happily obliged! Now… you and Scaramouche haven’t been dating for long, but you’ve known him for a while so you were comfortable living in with him… but not comfortable sleeping with him.
You wanted to take things in your relationship slow, which is completely understandable, and scara tried to respect that, but he clearly was kind of frustrated. He wanted so bad to have that blissful morning with you where you would just relax in bed until his subordinates came knocking on his door, and forced him to get up. But that would never happen since you slept in a separate room. So… he was… kinda pouty about it.
While Scaramouche lie awake longing to just cuddle you to sleep. You however, would be scrolling on tiktok. Yeah. Tiktok. Instead of laying in your boyfriends arms, you scrolled on tiktok. [name] you fool. Anyways, there are always creepy videos on tiktok, some are actually really awesome, while another’s are… actually horrifying. You just so happened to stumble upon a horrifying one. You threw your phone onto the other side of the bed when you saw it, horrified at the image on it.
You calmed yourself down, and tried to sleep since that was the logical thing to do. But after tossing and turning for what felt like hours, you got up, and waddled your way over to Scaramouches room. Knocking on the door, you could hear a groan on the other side, he must’ve thought you were oke of his subordinates since when he opened the door he answered with a harsh, “what do you want.” Seeming it was you however made him… embarrassed. “Sorry for bugging you scara…” you said sheepishly.
The sigh that he let out made it clear he was sorry “no no, it’s alright.” He pinched the beige of his nose trying to wake up “what is it?” You cuddled with your fingers, Scaramouche had always been kind to you… for the most part, he treated you with utmost care as you were oke of the few people who viewed him as a person. Not a toy. And yet, you were still so nervous around him. “I uh… I cant sleep cause… I just watched something scary you know” you said letting out a nervous chuckle at the end.
You looked at Scaramouches unamused face, “you know you’re stupid right.” He said lovingly. “Yeah…” your shyness never failed to amuse him. “Good. But no you’re not sleeping with me.” He internally cursed at himself for saying that. He was the stupid oke here! He was so close to having you in his arms sleeping peacefully like he’s wanted for weeks, but no! He just had to open his big mouth, and say something so??? Dumb! The disappointment on your face broke his frail heart.
“Please! I really can’t sleep and I’m really scared, I know it’s stupid but please scara!” You begged, you knew you were being childish, but you genuinely were afraid. Another sigh left him, “fine. But you stay on your side do the bed.” Scaramouche said opening his door wide so you could enter. His room was nice, but it had very little… life. His large bed took up a fair amount of space in the already fairly large room, so you would have no problem sticking to one side. Oh foolish [name]. This is the second time I have called you foolish in this one scenario so you know it’s bad.
You laid down. And tried to sleep. And couldn’t. Why? Because you were cold, because you were nervous, and because you were still scared. You wanted to turn around and scoot closer to Scaramouche so he would cuddle you but this is Scaramouche alright? You think that he wouldn’t cuddle you in a million years. You’re wrong, however that’s fair of you to think that with his attitude. “Um… scara?” You said looking over your shoulder at him.
“Yeah.” He responded, he couldn’t sleep either, too nervous with you right next to him. “Do you mind if we uh… cuddle?” You could hear a sharp inhale of air coke from him, his reaction clear. “No. Go to bed.” He was so stubborn, pretending like he didn’t love having you near him, and trying to be mean when in reality he never could be mean to you. “Please…?” Was all you had to say to have Scaramouche turning around and spooning you. “Happy now.” He said harshly but you knew there was no malice behind it. “Mhm…” you said sleep finally taking over as you turn around into his chest. Scaramouche didn’t get much sleep that night, too happy with you peacefully cuddling each other.
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387 notes · View notes
Pairing: Sam Winchester x F!Reader
Warning: angst, fluff, drinking alcohol
Summary: You've been hunting for years with Sam and Dean. You caught the monster, but you almost died, And sam is pissed.
A/N: masterpost & links are pinned on my tumblr.
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You came into the bunker sighing and sat down, Sam stopped and looked at you "How could you be so careless y/n?" he spat "Don't you know how much you mean to us?" he continued. Dean walked over to you guys with beer "Hey! Everyone is alive!" he said giving you guys each beer, you accepted the beer. "Y/n apologized tons of times, but the most importaint thing is that the monster is dead and without y/n input It might have gone the other way" He said to Sam, "She is a hunter Sam, she knows what she's getting her self into" he took a deep breath "she's okay!" Dean reasured him.
"the bitch is dead!" he joked while he cheered. But Sam did not seem to laugh. "Sam-" you trailed off, wanting to apologize again. Dean stood there still trying to hand him an beer. You looked up at sam and saw how pissed off he was. He shrugged it off and said "no thanks, I think I'll just go to bed" He spat, and began walking away from you. Dean tried to stop him, "Sam!" you saw him walking over to his brother. you could see them talking but had no Idea what they were talking about.
You just froze, thinking about the monster who almost killed you. You didnt quite understand the situation with Sam, since you've been hunting for a long time with Sam and Dean. You could'nt understand why this time was so different, Why was Sam so pissed? You felt so bad, but couln't help but wonder if there was something you didn't know. You were scared cause you were madly in love with Sam. The look on his face went on rewind in your head, you felt like you were not welcome anymore. Maybe it was your time to leave.
You just wanted to go over to him and just hold him and make him smile again, but maybe he'll never see you that way. Dean gave his brother an reasuring look on his face said something to him, Sam just nodded annoyingly and then he replied "please just let me deal with this by myself! I just want to sleep." he said to dean. "Ok" Dean answered and backed off. "I'll se you tomorrow" he said to me and Dean and walked away.
Dean walked over to you and sat down, "Don't worry about him, He'll be fine" he began and took a sip of his beer. You just sat there feeling like crap "I didnt mean-" you began, Dean caught you off, "hey, y/n" he gave you a smile, trying to cheer you up. "Don't worry about it." After drinking up your beer, Dean had tried to cheer you up but you couldn't shake Sam out of your head. So you thanked for your beer and went to bed.
The morning after you woke up, You wanted to stay in bed and just hide from everyone and not face the world, but you got out of bed either way. When you were finished dressing up you stood infront of the door. You took a deep breath and counted to three before opening the door.
You walked down hall finding the kitchen. Sam sat there, you told yourself to just go in and face the music. You walked over to the coffee station "hey" you said grabbing a cup of coffee. "hey" he answered. "Where is dean?" you asked as you sat down sipping your coffee, trying to break the Ice buy small talk. "I don't know" he anwsered "oh" you responded.
He sighed out and layed down the laptop screen and looked at me, "y/n-" he began, laying his hand over yours, giving me a look. You couldnt read what Sam's look was all about, but before he could say anything else, Dean caught him off "Sam! Is y/n leaving or staying?" Dean had his nose up in his phone, "I really hope-" he trailed off and looked up from his phone, noticing you sat right there. "Dean!" Sam spat. You pulled your hand away from Sam. "Sorry for the intrusion, Just letting you guys know I'm going on a beer run" Dean turned and walked away.
You just sat there, didn't know what to think. "I think I have to go" you stated and raised up, "why?" Sam asked and raised up after you, You walked towards the door " Wait! y/n!" he began. "obviously It's time I moved on" you began, feeling the butterflies inside your tummy going nuts. All your feelings for him surfaced and you had no control over holding them back anymore. "You dont like me the same way I like you, So I should pack my stuff" you blurted out, continuing to walk out the door.
Feeling so dumb for even saying that, you stopped and put your hands over your face, feeling like you've made the situation worse. "sorry I shouldn't have said that" Your tears started to build up inside you. "y/n!" he sighed. "I think it's just best that I go, I think I've overstayed my welcome" you answered, tears slowly running down your face. you continued to walk twoards the door, but Sam stopped you by grabbing your shoulder. "It's not like that at all!" he answered. "please let me explain" he begged, you turned your head around looking at him. "Dean was just talking about some new case.”
He walked over to you drying away your tears. "Im sorry for the way I acted yesterday, I was just scared of losing you" he said, "oh okay" you nodded, You started to wave away the situation, covering up your tears "im so sorry for what I said earlier" you began "you know, about me liking you and stuff, let's just pretend that, that never happened" you sighed "I don't want to put you in a difficult situation, I don't want to lose you either" you tried to cover your face and turned your face away from him. But he walked around you, grabbing an tissue and drying away your tears. "It's okay, I didnt mean it" you reasured him, But you could see his face looking teared up as well, which made the situation not easier. "y/n-" he began.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." he said, cupping your face and crashed his lips into yours. The kiss was intense, passionate and felt so right. Before he could catch a breath he said "I love you y/n, and I got mad yesterday becuse I was afraid of losing you, I've been holding it a secret for so long I just-" He said, while cupping your face. "you love me?" you interupted him with a smile, He began drying away your tears. He nodded "yes, please dont go" he said looking deeply into my eyes, "I love you too" you said back and gave each other a big hug. You dried away his tears. He smiled and cupped your face and kissed you passionately.
"Im so sorry for-" you sighed "all my feelings everywhere" you chuckled, feeling so embaressed. "Don't apologize, I love your feelings" he replied with a chuckle and gave you a hug.
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emeeime · 3 years
~the one~
Luisa x Fem!Reader, fluff (possible part 2) 
P.s I forgot to make a request page, so just request on this story!
Word count: 910
(if your one of my friends reading this, no your not) 
Panic. Panic was raising in your chest as you slowly stepped into a white gown you had picked out with your friends. It was long and beautiful. "its gonna be perfect" thats what everyone was telling you, you weren't sure if you believed them, you wanted this day to be perfect, not for you but for her. Luisa Madrigal. 
The strongest in the town owned your heart. the only one who seemed to have the purest intentions, the one who truly cared. You loved and adored everything about her, from her hair, to her belly laughs and to her ability to reach out to you when she needs it most.. The night she proposed was the most beautiful night of the year. Your anniversary.  The night was beautiful as you sat under the stars, a blanket layed underneath you two. The smell of the cool night flooded your noses. You both sat in comfortable silence. The warmth of Luisa's hand in yours as you felt her hand tighten, as if never wanting to let go. 
You looked at your hand, a bigger one overtop. It was slightly shaking, her palms are sweaty (knees weak, arms are heavy-) "Hun are you alright?" you whispered, not wanting to ruin the beautiful moment. "i-i'm fine mí amor.  Just uhm-" she struggled to find a excuse while her eye began to twitch. "Your eye is twitching."- you said bluntly-"whats going on?" you turned to your side,  your other arm reaching over and putting your hand on her subtle face. She looked at you with an eduring look, worried fill her hazel eyes. Your heart shattered. "Mí vida.. are you sure your alright.. you seem upset, did i do something?"
"No! i-i mean no.. you didn't do anything just uhm, nervous about something is all." she tried to avoid eye contact but she couldn't stand making you worry about her. It was now or never. She took a breath, sitting up. You sat up with her, waiting for bad news.  
"we'vebeentogetherforawhileandireallywannabewithyouforever-" she looked down and began rambling. you slowly grabbed her face and slowly rubbed her cheek with your thumb. "calm down amor, i cant understand you." she looked up, a studden confidence gleamed in her. She stood up with you,  taking both of your hands in hers. You tried to copy her breathing, you felt her heart racing as she slowly moved her thumbs back and forth, rubbing the back of her hand. Out of no where, she took one hand away and began to spin you. Giggles was the only thing you could muster up. Luisa could so nothing but smile, she let her grip on her hand free, letting you spin freely. (helicopter helicopter)
You span for a little, your (F/C) skirt spinning gracefully with you. you slowed down, your vision becoming blurry. You looked where Luisa was, her tall stature grew shorter as she kneeled before you, a confused look spred across your face. A small box layed in her hand. "(Y/N).. we've been togther for a while.. and ill be honest, i'm so deeply in love with you. i would give anything to spend the rest of my days with you. Every time i see you i wann-" she couldn't even finish talking before the tears welled in your (E/C) eyes. " I had more to say b-but ill cut to the chase. I wanna spend all of my time with you.. (Y/N) (L/N) will you marry me?" at that moment you couldve screamed with excitment. "YES!" you screamed through your sobs. You tried to control the waterfall pouring from your eyes. Luisa stood up and hugged you. A bone-crushing hug, you could barely breathe but you didnt care, tears flooded yours and Luisa's eyes. 
Screams of enjoyment could be heard from someone near the Casita scream. later you found out that delores had told Julieta that (Y/N) and Luisa would be getting married. 
You felt like screaming, crying and excitment all at once. It was almost time to walk down the isle to see the woman who you had been madly in love with. Your father/parental figure walked up behind you and grabbed your arm,  he noticed the worried expression on your face. "Its gonna be perfect, i promise." that somewhat helped calm your nerves. Antonio was the first to walk down the isle, riding in on a tiger, various birds flying overhead. Next was Isabela, her hands produced many blooming flowers as she walked down the isle. It was your turn, you fought back tears as the music began to play. Bouquet (you can imagine what yours looks like) in hand, you took a deep breath and began walking down the isle. Gasps filled the crowd. You looked at Luisa, she was almost sobbing, she tried to comfort herself, but she couldnt contain it.
Your father/parental figure sat down as you stood at the alter. The marriage officiant began talking but all you could focus on was her. You couldn't tell how much time had passed before he said the words "(Y/N) (L/N), do you take Luisa Madrigal to be you lawfully wedded wife?" 
"i do"
"Luisa Madrigal, do you take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawfilly wedded wife?"
"i do" 
"you may now kiss the bride." 
Before Luisa could do anthimg you pulled her down by her tie and kissed her. <3
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simpforhoon · 3 years
just you. (p.js) *ೃ༄
pairing: soft dom! jay × female reader
genre: smut, fluff, soulmate au! kind of angsty it has a happy ending I swear (praise, making out, protected sex, oral (f-receiving)).
summary: in a world where everyone gets the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrists when they turn 18, finding out your best friend is your soulmate was not how you planned your 18th birthday to go. now, what’s so bad about that you might ask? you see, jay despises the thought of soulmates. but maybe he doesn’t despise them so much when it comes to you.
please note, this work is purely that of fiction. and not meant to represent what the enhypen members are like in real life.
A/N: guys no why am I so soft,, anyway I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so I hope you enjoy!! and I'm reposting this now, as this didnt get a lot of notes on my old account cause of all the reporting and stuff!
word count: 3.4k
warnings: mentions of heartbreak, crying, mentions of food.
1 week ago
you bit your nails as you paced up and down your room, a nervous habit you’d picked up in your junior year of high school whilst dealing with the tremendous stress and pressure school put on you. well lucky for you, you had graduated now and your 18th birthday was just around the corner. specifically, exactly a week from now.
your best friend jay sat on your bed staring at you with amusement written all over his face as he quietly observed you, before moving up to stop you and pull your hands away from your face. “you’re going to wear yourself out” he mumbled softly, pulling you to sit next to him and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner.
“I know I know, I’m just nervous, what if they’re all the way on the other side of the world? or even worse, what if they’re someone I know??” the panicked expression on your face was seemingly too much for jay to handle as before you knew it, he had almost rolled off your bed, laughing his ass off at you.
you see, your “dearest” best friend jay never believed in soulmates. he himself never actually got a name on his wrist, a sign that his soulmate had not reached the age to get theirs. to say he was ecstatic would be an understatement as he was at a party that very night, hooking up with a random girl before going over to your house the next morning with a massive hangover and a sullen expression.
it hurt you to see him that way, hooking up with random people, praying that he wouldnt run into his soulmate. and it hurt even more when you thought of how his soulmate was probably so excited to meet him even if they didn’t know him yet.
if only you knew where you would be a week later, wishing it was you who never met him.
present day
the time on your phone read 11:57, and jay had shown up to your house at exactly 11:30, punctual as always, giving up his usual saturday night parties to spend the night before your special day with you instead. he held your hand in his, one thumb running up and down the expanse of your knuckles soothingly, the only thing grounding you in the tense moments before what was basically the biggest moment of your life. your eyes never met his once, only flickering from the clock to your wrist every few seconds, almost as if it would appear before time if you stared long enough.
12:00 a.m.
it was almost as if everything stopped in that moment as the words appeared on your skin. the crickets stopped chirping, that one car alarm outsode your house stopped beeping and both you and Jay stopped breathing, even if it was just for a few seconds. one by one, letter by letter, black ink slowly trailed up the soft skin on your clean wrist, marking your skin for the rest of eternity. you watched with bated breath as tbe letters curved their way into your skin, into your soul.
“P-A-R-K” looks like your soulmate would have the same last name as your best friend. “J-O-N-” that was when the realisation of what was about to happen dawned upon you. “no, no, no, no” was all you could think. “this wasn’t supposed to happen”
meeting jay’s eyes for a split second, you could see the shock on his face, the same shock you knew was written all over your face at that very moment. yanking your hand out of his warmer one, you stared at the 2 words displayed on your wrist. “park jongseong” you whispered as a one lone tear ran down your cheek, falling to you chin before disappearing into the soft material of your sweater.
this prompted jay to push up his own sleeve, the words that seem to have appeared on his wrist confirmed what you both already knew by that point. jay park, your best friend since you were 5, your rock, your everything, was your soulmate. if the situation were anything but this, you would have been jumping for joy, ecstatic that your soulmate was the man you’d grown up with your whole life. but unfortunately, that was not the case.
“_______” he whispered, voice hoarse as he held your hand in his again. gripping it tightly this time so you wouldn’t be able to let go this time. not that you wanted to anyway. “jay” you whispered back, attempting to smile at him, despite the tears that were threatening to overflow at any moment. “I-I need time to think” he said, so softly, his eyes full of nothing but remorse. “I understand jay, take your time, don’t rush okay?” you replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance. he wistfully smiled at you one last time as he pushed himself off your bed and walked out of your bedroom, closing the door with a small ‘click’, leaving you alone in the darkness of your room, mind racing and wondering what were you were going to do with this newfound information.
you fell asleep after much tossing and turning, your mind full of nothing but jay and his name that was now tattooed into the inside of your wrist. you were woken up by the bright smile of your parents, you mother holding a plate of pancakes and wishing you a happy birthday. the sight alone was enough to make you burst into tears as you wrapped your arms around her, seeking her familiar scent and comfort after the rough night you had. your parents seemed shocked, but did not press you to open up, wrapping their arms around you as they attempted to comfort you.
your mom was no foolish woman, as she seems to have caught on to what was bothering you on your special day. “its about your soulmate isn’t it?” she asked as she placed a glass of your favourite chocolate smoothie in front of you, wiping her hands on her apron. you looked up at her, disbelief written all over your face as she chuckled at you. “how did you know?” you asked as she smiled slyly at you. “I have my ways, and besides, I’m your mother” she replied with a wink. you groaned, dramatically resting your head on the counter as she laughed and gave in. “I saw jay walk out of your room last night with tears streaming down his face, and considering you woke up crying too, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what went down there”.
“you should talk it out with him sweetie, he’s not just your soulmate, he’s your best friend. despite how he feels about this whole fate thing, I’m sure the both of you will be okay.” her words reassured you as you grabbed your backpack, and walked through your front door. not even 2 minutes later you heard the biggest scream and you were tackled into a hug. giggling, you wrapped your arms around the taller boy as he squeezed you tightly. “happy birthday ______!” he said as he let go of you and continued your walk to school. “thanks sunoo” you said, smiling at the younger boy who had the biggest grin on his face.
“soooooo” he began, looking at you with an expectant expression on his face. you pursed your lips, already predicting the question that was due to escape his mouth any second from now. “jay” you said, cutting him off before he could even open his mouth. “JAY?!?!!?” he said, a little too loudly, mouth agape as he processed the information. you shrugged as he linked his arm with yours, understanding that you didnt want to talk about it.
luckily, no one pressed you about your soulmate for the rest of the day, warded off by sunoo’s glare the moment they looked like they were going to ask. you sat next to jay in all your classes, the atmosphere tense and awkward between the two of you. everyone seemed to have figured our what happened by that alone, your normally boisterous voices muted and soft. you went out after school with sunoo and riki, your mood heightened by the laughs and jokes of the two bickering boys.
when you got home, the house was eerily quiet, your parents nowhere in sight, all the lights turned off save the one in your living room. and there on the sleek grey sofa sat Jay, looking down at his hands as he anxiously played around with the rings he always wore. your footsteps alerted him of your presence, as he shot up off your sofa to greet you with a crooked smile on his face, black hair sticking up in every direction.
you smiled at him, already preparing yourself for the worst, as he walked towards you. “your parents have gone out, they handed me the keys and told me to come and talk to you if I wanted, and-” he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, taking a deep breath and holding your hand. here goes nothing he thought. “I want to try. this whole soulmate thing I mean. maybe i wouldnt be this way if it was anyone else, but it’s you, my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.” he mumbled out the last part, but it was still clear enough for you to hear. you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at his words, his own face breaking out into a grin at your expression. you reached up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands went around your waist.
he buried his face in your hair, your soft vanilla scent calming his racing heart, and that was when he realised how much you really meant to him. he loved when you would always being him snacks after soccer practice, he loved when you let him lay his head on your lap and you ran your hands through his hair, he loved seeing the expressions you made when you ate his food, he loved you.
“I made something for you” he said, pulling away from your embrace, leading you to your kitchen and making you sit down on the counter. he grabbed a plate of your favourite pasta and a fork before lifting up a mouthful and holding it out to feed it to you. you smiled, wrapping your lips around the fork as the flavours exploded in your mouth. “oh my gosh, this is good, you’ve really outdone yourself.” he smiled at the complement before pressing a kiss to your cheek and muttering a little “happy birthday love”, leaving your face feeling hot and an uncontrollable smile on your face.
the rest of the evening went by in hin feeding you food and taking a few notes of it himself, lots of little cheek kisses, before the two of you settled down on the couch to watch a movie. it seemed like jay had gotten over his awkwardness as he pulled you to sit between his legs the moment the movie started. you looked back at him in shock, wondering when he got so bold before he pressed a kiss to your lips and told you to focus on the screen.
it might not have been the perfect first kiss, but it was with jay and that was enough. he played with your hair throughout the movie, and moved it aside at one point, pressing little kisses along the expanse of your neck. it was when he landed his lips on one particular spot that you let out a little noise, one you never even knew you could make that made him sit up a little straighter.
it was almost as if a switch flipped within him as he tightened his grip around your waist, one hand slipping up your hoodie to caress the skin near your waist. “I didn’t know you could make such pretty noises baby” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “well i didn’t know i could either” you whispered back, the realisation of what was about to happen making your body feel like it was on fire.
“are you sure you want this? we don’t have to do anything you dont want to sweetheart” he said, pulling away with a kiss to your cheek. you shifted so that you were facing him, legs wrapped around his waist and you reached your hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m sure jay, theres no one I’d rather do this with than you.” that was all the affirmation he needed, as within seconds you were being dragged to your bedroom by an overexcited jay.
he pressed you up against your room door, hands coming up to lift your thighs and wrap them around his waist, your core meeting his very obvious bulge. taking advantage of the gasp that left you, he allowed his tongue to skip into your mouth, taking control of every aspect of the kiss. pulling away, he brought you to your bed, gently letting you down onto the mattress, and reaching up to pull your hoodie off you.
“so beautiful” he whispered as he reached behind you to pull your bra off, before lifting his own arms to pull his own shirt off, leaving his body on display for you. just for you. he reached down to tug one of your nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and wrapping his tongue around the sensitive bud, his actions leaving your mouth open in a silent moan.
within minutes, both of you were left completely naked as jay continued to trail his lips down your body, pressing little kisses to your inner thigh before his mouth finally met your core, the smallest motion of his lips leaving you breathless and squirming. “stay still sweetheart, good girls don’t move around so much”. his words sent vibrations spreading throughout your body, not doing anything to help with the heat that was coursing through your veins.
his tongue delved in and out of your dripping hole, one of his hands rubbing your clit while the other held your legs open for him. “jay- i- I’m gonna-” but he was gone the moment the words fell from your mouth. and he was a sight to see. your juices mixed with his, drool and spit dripped down his chin, as he ran his tongue over his lips with a smirk on his face.
“oh so the baby wants to cum? don’t worry love, I’m going to make you feel so good”. he reached into his jacket and pulled out a condom before rolling it on and lining himself I with your entrance. he grasped your chin gently, pulling you up to look at him and planting a loving kiss on your lips. “I love you so much sweetheart, so so much” he whispered, pulling away from your lips. “I love you too jay” you said back, watching as he smiled once, before intertwining your hands and then, pushing himself into you.
nothing had ever felt as good in that moment as he gently, softly pushed himself inside. the feeling was euphoric, having your soulmate inside you in such an intimate manner. your bodies moulding together perfectly, bursts of colour lighting up the back of your eyelids as your eyes closed at the feeling of him in you. he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, not wanting to hurt you. but at your signal, he began moving faster, groans and moans escaping both your lips, finding pleasure and love in each other.
it didn’t take long for you to reach your high at all, his length hitting you in all the right places, leading you to ride out your high much faster than you expected, jay following soon after. he finished inside the condom, reaching out to pull it off and throw it away, before walking to your bathroom and grabbing a wet cloth to clean you up with.
he was greeted with the sight of your tired smile as he returned, gently cleaning you before tossing the rag and gathering you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “does this mean you’re mine now?” he asked, reaching down to bury his head in your hair, his hands absent-mindedly tracing shapes and figures on your bare shoulder. “it does if it means you’re mine too”. he smiled at your response, pulling the blanket over the two of you as you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one person who would stay with you forever.
thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you drank enough water today! ♡♡♡
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I'm The Right One For You
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Gif credit @spooky-cory.
Requested by @stellarosedutton. I hope you like it Thanks for the request.
"Rip, Rip, babe"? Snapping your fingers in front of Rips face. You were trying to talk to him about the kids but he seemed like he had something more interesting on his mind and in his sight.
"What"? Rip, huffed turning his head to look at you.
"Where are you right now? I'm talking about the kids and you're off in lala land".
"I have lots of shit on my mind. I cant be talking about the kids, right now". Rip grumbled and grabbed his beer off the table and walked out the door.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you watched the kids play with their uncles. You knew this job was hard on Rip but you thought it would be easier if you and the kids were there to help out.  But it just seemed to make things worse for Rip and you.
"You okay"? Lloyd came over and sat down in Rips spot.
"Yeah. I'm good".
"You know, ever since you and Rip got together. I could tell when you lie. It wasnt very often but when you did, you always said "I'm good". Not your normal bubbly self. So what's up"?
"I think, Beth Dutton has finally sunk her claws into Rip. She has been awfully flirty with him and he just shrugged it off at first but now I think they have something going on".
"Why do you think that"?
"He's distance. He never comes home at a descent hour nowadays. We havent had a conversation longer that "get to work". I'm starting to worry.  We havent had sex in months. We use to do it every night".
Lloyd couldnt hold in his laughter. "I'm very aware of that. We could hear you miles away. But dont think to much into it. He's just stressed and hes working to hard". Lloyd tried to reassure you but it didn't help.
"I know. But something is wrong and he wont talk to me". You sigh running your hand through your hair.
"You need some sleep. Why don't you take the kids and head to bed. We'll be quiet".
"Yeah. Thanks for the talk, Lloyd".
"Anytime, sugar". Lloyd sent you a wink as you grabbed up Carson, your 2 year old son and Neveah, your 3 year old daughter with Rip.
Carson was already asleep when you hit home, just a walk down the trial. Neveah was a little chatter box. Opening the door on the house, you got a not so suprising shock. Your suspicions were right. Quickly covering Neveahs eyes with your hand.
"You cheating fucking bastard". Your voice made Beth giggle and Rip freak when he saw you.
"Its not what it looks like". Rip tried to explain.
"Did you slip in shit and went dick first into Beth's pussy"? You asked sarcastically.
"Dont cuss in front of the kids".
"Oh so you can cheat on their mother in front of them. Because this right here will scar them for life before me saying dick and pussy will. You fucking asshole". You grabbed up Neveah and headed back to the bunkhouse.
You kicked the door open as Rip was behind you. Everyone got quiet as you came in.
"Did you all know"? You asked everyone staring at you.
"No". Lloyd looked at you then to Rip with a disappointing look.
"Can you watch them so I can cool off and figure out what to do? Because I'm not staying here". You handed Ryan Neveah and laid Carson down on the beside him.
"Yeah, no problem".
You started outside and grabbed a sledgehammer on your way out that leaned against the house.
"Y/N, what are you doing"? Kayce heard the ruckus and came running out of the main house. Rip didnt follow you. He was probably getting a ear full from Lloyd and the others. They seemed to care about you more than Rip did.
"Stay out of this Kayce". You growled, going up to Beth's car and smashing her back windshield.
"Oh fuck". Kayce exclaimed, his hands going to his hair.
You smashed in her side windows and then her windshield with ease. You were beyond pissed.
"No no no". Kayce went to waving his arms.
Then you went on to Rips truck, you climbed on to his hood and smashed his windshield.
"That's my truck". Kayce yelled his neck vein popping out as the moonlight hit him.
You looked in the truck, there wasn't two carseats for the kids. "Why didn't you tell me beforehand". You screamed back.
"What does no no no mean to you"? Kayce dramatically through up his arms.
"Sorry". You got down from the hood of the truck and walked over to Kayce, who was having a nervous breakdown over his windshield.
"Where's Rips truck"?
"At your house, I'm guessing. Damn it, Y/N. Why did you do that for"?
"I caught Beth fucking Rip in our house".
"Shit, I'm sorry. You can continue on her car if you want"? Kayce chuckled, he tried covering his crying as he went up to his truck. "I love this truck".
"I'll pay for the windshield. Well, Rip will".
"Yeah, okay". Kayce sniffled and turned around to you. "You wanna talk about it"?
"Nah. I'm okay. I saw it coming. It was just a matter of time. I just wish that Naveah hadn't seen it". You handed Kayce the sledgehammer.
"Oh no. I'm sorry. That sucks".
"Yeah, so I'm going to go get the kids and go home. Rip can fuck off. Sorry again about your windshield".
"You need help? Um carrying the kids"?
"Sure. Thanks". You slightly smiled and went to the bunkhouse. When you got in the kids were asleep. Rip was gone and the guys were quietly playing poker.
"Thanks for watching them. I appreciate it". You told Lloyd and the others as you scooped up Carson.
"Any time. We're sorry about you and Rip. We gave him a lashing.  He's sorry".
"Yeah, well. Fuck him. Thanks again".
Kayce and you started walking down to your house. The lights were out so you knew Rip wasnt home.
"You sure you want to stay here? You know, after what happened"? Kayce asked walking up the stairs, Naveahs arms wrapped around his neck.
"Shit. I didnt think of that. We'll just avoid the couch. Just put the kids in their beds". You chuckle as you opened the door. You averted your eyes and headed to Carsons room.  Laying him down gently and kissing his head, before stepping out. Kayce met you in the hall way.
"Before you go can you help me"?
"Sure. Anything".
"You want me to touch that"? Kayce gagged as you laughed. You wanted the couch out of the house.
"Just grab it and let's go".
"They were naked. Doing the nasty".
"I thought you were a country boy. Not afraid of anything. Not some wimp".
"You've seen Rip naked and shit. I havent. I dont want the mental picture and his DNA all over my hands".
"Quit whining. I didnt want to see your sister balls deep on my boyfriend but I did. You can handle a little Rip jizz". You say with a laugh as Kayce dropped his side on the ground quickly wiping his hands off on his jacket with a disgusting face.
"You alright there"?
"You alright"? Kayce asked.
"Surprisingly well. I thought I couldn't live without Rip, but after catching him. I dont want anything to do with him. Every time I see his face my skin crawls". You say putting your end of the couch down and dusting off your hands.
"Want some coffee"? You asked Kayce.
"You want company"? He replied.
"Yeah, I wont be able to sleep so might as well stay up with you". You snicker as Kayce playfully nudged your arm.
"Gee, thanks. I'm so glad I can keep you company".
"Um, when did you know Beth was after Rip"? Kayce questioned when you set his cup down in front of him.
"Months ago. When we all went to the rodeo. I took the kids to the bathroom and when I came back she had her head and arm laying on him. He just shrugged her off when he saw me. So I knew something would happen or had already happened". You gulped down the steaming hot coffee in your mouth.
"I'm sorry. I know it's not my place to say it but you're better without him".
"What you mean"?
"I mean no disrespect but what does he exactly do for you and the kids? He's hardly ever home. I've never seen him take the kids riding or even play with them. The horse hands do more than he has since you been here. I just dont know what you saw in him". Kayce felt he was treading on thin ice when he said that.
"When I met him, he was drunk. He's funny when he's drunk. We started dating, had Neveah then Carson and everything after changed when we moved in with him. Like we're stepping on his toes or something. Now he doesn't talk to me. So I guess what I saw in him.... I'm not sure anymore".
"You're a single mom basically. Now you're a single woman. What are your plans"?
"I dont know. I guess I can move back to my old house. It hasn't sold yet. Put the kids in daycare and still work here. But then Rip wouldnt want that and I dont want to see Beth all over him. So I'll have to get another job".
"You're really going to leave"? Kayce acted crushed.
"There's nothing here for me".
"I'm here. The guys are here". Kayce licked his lips as he looked at your lips.
"They dont want a mother with two kids here, weighing them down. Especially you, you dont need that".
"What if I want that"? Kayce looked into your eyes.
"Kayce, stop".
"What? I know you feel this connection between us. It's been there". Kayce stepped closer to you. His hand reached for yours on the counter top.
"I just broke up with Rip. You really decided that this was the perfect time to confess your love for me". You nervous chuckle.
"There isn't a better time then now. I want you. I may not be the man Rip is but I'll take care of you and the kids. I'll treat them as my own. You can move in with me and smother me with your toys and love". Kayce grinned.
"They do have lots of toys". You say looking around the house.
"What about Rip and Beth"?
"They have each other. Why cant we be happy together"?
"I dont know, Kayce".
"We'll take it slow. How about this Saturday, we go on a date. The guys can watch the kids and we'll get to know each other. I'm funny without being drunk,  I have other great things about me. Plus I'm cute and you can't say no to this face". Kayce pointed to his face with a smirk.  
"Okay. I'll go on a date with you. I don't want to hurt the kids if they get attached and we dont make it".
"I understand. But I have a feeling we're going to make it. I even see a little Dutton in our future". Kayce pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Is this you being funny or have you lost your mind"? You laugh, putting your hands on his chest.
"I'm just sure that we'll be together. We're going to have a great future together". Kayce leans in and captures your lips with his.
This all took you by surprise. You didnt know Kayce felt this way about you. But deep down you felt in your heart that this all happened for a reason and Kayce was meant for you. You just took a detour, a bumpy road and went off a cliff but was rescued by a cowboy named Kayce Dutton imagine that.
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bubba-writes · 3 years
Hey, if you're free, would you like to make a jschlatt's request? You know I'm a sucker for him.
So! Reader (she/her) is secretly in love with jschlatt, but due to his bubbly persona towards everyone equally, no one can really tell.
She knows (thinks) she would be harshly rejected if she says anything about it, so she keeps it to herself.
Until one day, drowning her sorrows in alcohol and accidently drinking way too much -in the middle of work, mind you- she starts confessing all the things she actually thinks about everyone, mostly good things, some other not, but nothing serious. And then, jschlatt comes, and sees her like that. He scolds her for being drunk in work till reader grabs him by the tie and kisses him, whispering a "shut the fuck up" afterwards. Jschlatt is flustered in front of everyone but before he can say anything reader passes out.
So now, reader wonders what the fuck she did yesterday to get everyone looking at her that weirdly. No one dares to tell her what happened, so he turns into the only person she hasn't asked... the president himself.
Flustered pinning idiots. If you do jschlatt p.o.v better yet.
{a/n; of course! its currently 3:30 am at my time of writing this though so im sorry if i mess anything up or if it's not very good HSSJJD}
tws: alcohol, kissing
"confessions" - jschlatt x reader (she/her)
y/n had liked schlatt for a while. even though their personalities were polar opposites, she thought he was amazing. but she knew he would never return her feelings. right? he would surely yell at her. so she didnt tell him.
as y/n sits with her back to the wall, half empty bottle of whiskey in hand, she cant help but giggle. she didnt mean to drink this much, but she just couldnt stop thinking about schlatt. the way his ram-like ears twitched when he was focused, the little smile he gave her when she told him to take a break from work or asked if he had eaten that day, even his voice. so she sat there, absolutely shitfaced, mumbling things to herself and laughing. she vaguely thinks shes supposed to be filling out some paperwork or something, but her thoughts are muddied and incoherent. all she can think about is the man she loves. the way hes just a little bit nicer to her than to everyone else, but the way he obviously doesnt return her feelings. the way hes standing right in front of her.
she looks up at schlatt and blinks. the man looked worried, worried as he would allow himself to look towards another person. she stumbles to her feet, looking up at him.
"y/n? what the fuck! you're supposed to be doing paperwork! are you drunk? y/n..-" he trailed off as y/n grabbed his tie, pulling him down to her height.
"shut the fuck up.." she slurred, pulling him down farther.
"what are you d-" the mans protests were cut off when y/n pressed her lips against his, the taste of bitter alcohol lingering on her mouth.
did she just- schlatt's brain was going in circles. did she like him? was it just because she was drunk? either way he wanted her to do it again. when she was sober. when he knew she meant it. he huffed in slight annoyance, face red.
"up we go."
he quite literally swept y/n off her feet, carrying her back to his room and laying her on the bed. she was already mostly asleep, eyes half lidded from equal parts sleepiness and alcohol. she turned over in the bed to look at schlatt where he was sat at his desk filling out the paperwork she was meant to do earlier. she smiled tiredly at him as he looked up, making grabby hands towards him. he blinked, slowly getting up with a mildly confused expression, before seeming to understand. he sighed, climbing into the bed with y/n. he pulled her close to his chest, face red from the contact. y/n giggled and promptly fell asleep.
schlatt huffed in light-hearted annoyance.
"you better remember this in the morning." he muttered, burying his face in y/n's h/c hair and falling asleep with her in his arms.
{a/n; im so sorry about the length and the overall shitty quality i started falling asleep like halfway through. ill go back when its daytime and fix it up. i did enjoy writing this though! i got really excited when i saw i had a request lmao. if i missed something in your prompt or you want me to rewrite it just let me know!}
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡: Hey Hey, it’s me, ya girl and I’m back with another collab! Ive always loved the roommates theme and have a few ideas for some other ones in my head making this. It’s kinda all over the place because it was a professing with their friendship! Yes I made a Zelda reference and I land about it no. I know Rapp is seen as violent and dense but but this is in a collage au so he’s just a bit...aloof I just love the idea of him actually being a big softie ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ. I hope you enjoy! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW!!! (◎_◎;)
Sweet caring sorta himbo(meh?) Rappa, female oral, Big Dick Rappa , sorta size kink if you really sqint,cheater ex mentioned like once , language
Word count : About 5k! Yikes ^^’
Paring(s) : Kendo Rappa x F! Reader
Enjoy ♡
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Having Kendo Rappa as a roommate is an interesting feat in itself. He is big, and loud , very very loud. He wasn't a bad roommate he just..was like a cute large and fluffy puppy that didn't know his size...or power. Their interactions started as the two met during a halloween party one of the frat houses down the street thew. [ ] went as Midna, her best friend Rumi was dressed as Impa while the last two of her friend group , Amaya and Asa, a pair of sisters, were dressed as fairies. “[ ]! Rumi! you two are so cute! Zelda costumes?” Asa asked as her sister ran up to admire their outfits. “Yeah! [ ] wanted to do some characters that matched us y'know?” She said as she nudged her quiet friend , the girl jumped and laughed , scratching her neck as she gave the excited sisters a small smile “If i was coming out tonight I was gonna wear what i wanted to really wear” [ ] said as the group of them laughed and mingled with their other friends and classmates. While heading to get juice , she heard loud screaming , as the sport boys were starting to show up. First was the football team, then the basketball. Baseball and wrestling came next, then the smaller clubs finished them out. Sighing [ ] was content away from everyone as she watched mayhem ensure, chugging of barrels , more music, girls swarming around the players they crushed on as they did minor things, like talk to their teammates or eating from one of the big food trays laying around. Feeling a tap on her shoulder broke her from her people watching, Rumi giving her a bright smile as she took a cup and joined her. “How's my favorite antisocial babe doing now that all of the party has arrived?” She asked as [ ] gave her a pained smile, going to get more if something to drink “Well I don't feel the need to smack anyone is that a good sign?” she chuckled as she got a hug from the more energetic girl “That's my girl! Don't worry, i wanna get out asap but we’re gonna need our favourite pair of sisters before that can happen and it seems like they're fawning over some of the baseball boys as we speak” Rumi said as they watched a familiar tutu of blue go by, followed by a pink one going a similar way. “I don't get it… but at least their taste in men isn't too bad” [ ] joked as Rumi agreed , laughing “Yeah miss tsundere, you can't stand saps, or most of the jocks either” giving the white haired girl a look she rolled her eyes and gave her own laugh back “Yeah I guess i'm either picky or just got high standards” “Ain't nothing wrong with that we all do!” She said as she elbowed the girl beside her.
As the two of them sat there and talked Rumi glanced past her and her eyes widened, causing [ ] to stop talking “What is it-” before she could question her, the white haired girl jumped up, waving at someone “Rap! Over here!” Constantly yelling to someone [ ] started to ask again when a booming voice came from above her “HEY RUMI” a very loud voice called as stomping could be heard before it stopped “I see you took our idea huh?” With that comment [ ] turned around only to be face to face with a dark cover chest, only to then look up to some of the most warm and amber colored eyes looking down at her “Hello there little lady, I like your costume! Erm..Midna aint it?” The giant ganon dressed man questioned as all she could do was shake her head in agreement, causing the giant male to laugh “Awe don't be shy of me kitten i ain't gonna bite!” He chuckled some more as her friend jumped in “I told you she was shy! Be nice Rappa!” Rumi yelled at the flaming red head as he gave her a toothy grin “Oh I was just teasin’ , I bet I ain't hurt her feelin’s did I sweetheart?” Rappa questioned as [ ] face felt hot, hiding her face in her hands as the teasing duo laughed causing the girl to huff “I'm tired of you two already” She said as a giant warm hand touched her shoulders “Awe dont be like that hun, in time ya’l love me” Rappa teased as he gave her a smile,making her stomach flutter “Yeah! This is who wanted you to meet anyway [ ]! This is Kendo Rappa, our top wrestling boy, Rappa this is my adorable best friend [ ]!” Rumi said as the two gave each other a shy smile , a sly one creeping up on Rumis as she thought to herself “Yeah, this'll definitely happen”
Since then the two had become more acquainted , having many classes together and sharing some similar friends [ ] was used to the bruting and sometimes dense man making a random ( and loud) appearance. As [ ] sat in her mostly empty room thanks to her last roommate moving out after constantly breaking sound rules and getting into it with the girl downstairs for being in her bed with her boyfriend (Yikes) she felt a sense of calm. Closing her chemistry book and letting out a relieved sigh [ ] thought about the fact she was going to get a new roommate, the thought was nerve wracking but also it was exciting as well. It was almost too quiet , having the last room by the stairs meant she didn't have to deal with many people besides her friend group. They weren't loud , unless one of her friends decided to get laid and made way too many sounds, or if their neighbors under them threw parties or also had...extra partners coming around. She definitely could feel she was sorta excited she was going to have a roommate again. The sisters had a room to the left of her while Rumi had the one to the right, sharing it with a girl they knew from math. The rooms were not gender defined, some girls having rooms with guys and vise versa so it made it easy to get a room.
These dorms were also quite spacious, the walls not paper thin and a large enough area space that could house two or maybe even three people. So when she heard a knock on her door she expected it to be her new roommate she was advised would come today. Happily opening the door she was shocked and almost terrified to see just a box, well actually a few boxed stacked hiding whoever it was behind them. But if the faed rustic orange hair and wide shoulders meant anything she knew her new roommate already “K-kendo?” [ ] said as the boxes walked by her , landing with a soft thud as bangs covered the male “[ ]? Is that you?” moving his hair out of the way their eyes had the same expression, shocked. “Uh h-hey there sweetheart why isn't this cute, we’re roomies hun?” he laughed as she couldn't help but give him a smile back. “I never expected to see you as my roommate” [ ] teased as Rappa gave her a hardy laugh “Well it looks like me and you are gonna be close friends here darlin’!” With a wide smile he picked her up and gave her a tight hug, taking her breath away ‘ Oh boy i wonder how this will turn out’ she thought as she was eye leve with her giant puppy like friend, his eyes filled of joy
Which leads into now, [ ] trying her hardest to read up on what her next project could be. As she sat there thinking she heard the tale tell sound of her roommate entering with some of his teammates, the boys loud and rambunctious as they entered. Feeling a heavy hand on her shoulder she looked up to the towering boy that was her roommate, his eyes just as bright as usual. “Hey darlin, we're just gonna talk up sum strats a for the upcoming match and play some games in the back , is that alright?” He asked with pleading eyes as one of his more cocky and jock like friends spoke up “Well youre the man here, dont let some women say if we cant or can be here” Rolling her eyes and proceeding to stand up and push past the wide eyed boy who knew what was going to happen. [ ] took in a breath before opening her eyes to look up to the boy “Well it is my room, i pay shit here and the man over there didnt get this place, so i do choose who can and cant come through my place” She said as she pointed a finger to the boys chest. Trying to push his luck he pushed back against her finger “ I bet you just haven’t gotten a good enough dicking for you to just stay out of the way” He laughed. Before [ ] could hit him hard enough her rust haired friend moved in , clearly towering the boy “Yer better watch yer mouth, she has her right around here, im invatin her space so watch it before there's no place for any of us to relax without rules” He said as the boy sucked up any laughing and nodded his head in understanding. Surprised by her usually aloof roommate [ ] stood back and went back to her work, the other boys scrambling behind kendo as the boy who tried to challenge her jumped to follow, never making a move to mock or do anything again.
The boys picked back up and were having fun in the back room of kendo’s , sighs and groans when they lost and victorious laughs and screams if someone won. Once they all left and everything settle to a quiet rumble as the last few funneled out [ ] could here herself think, reading up on chemistry as she felt a presence behind her. “ ‘M sorry, i didn't know my question wouldve cause a roar outta ya..” Kendo started as she smiled gently, turning to face the wounded boy “Its okay….guess it just lit something in me i always did y'know?” She said with a small laugh as she went to type again, but was stopped by the hulking boy. “I gotta make it up to ya alright? I know i aint say anythin that he did but…. It feels like my fault y'know?” He admitted as his large hand covered hers. “You wont live this down will you?” She questioned as his eyes flickered up to hers, sparking. “Nope, not at all. Lemme treat ya right okay?” For such innocent words [ ] couldnt help the shiver that ran down her back at his words. Maybe it was because he was so close, or that the smell of his cologne was too much, either way her head was spinning as she let him still hold her hand as he tugged her away from her computer , his smile widening as she reluctantly shut the bright screen “Great! Now let's get something to eat im starvin” He rasped out as [ ] gave him a giggle that made the boy stop in his tracks. He always thought she had a cute giggle but this one,for some reason , made his heart and chest feel warm and tight. Ignoring the feeling he took the girl with him, the two headed out to get something to eat as they headed down , the sound of her giggling still running though kendos mind.
Getting a random frantic text from Kendo wasn't unusual, in fact it was quite common for him to do such, which now didn't faze [ ] at all but this one was...particularly odd giving what he was asking ‘Hair? And messy? What in the world is he up to’ [. ] thought to herself as she headed to her shared room with the boy, nervous of what scene she could be entering.
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Sighing after his last text she hurried her way to their dorm room and in fact he did leave the door open, making her more nervous as she entered the living room. “Kendo?” [ ] called out as she heard a gruff sound come from her bathroom. Entering was a sight of its own; towels, a bowl of some..substance , bags and bottles of body wash and a one flustered and shirtless Kendo. “[ ]! ‘M so glad yer home here take this” The large man said as he handed her an old toothbrush that was frayed and covered with the same odd substance in the bowl. The lingering smell from the room eventually gave it away ; shampoos. “Uh why do i need this? And why is there shampoo on a toothbrush” She questioned as he groaned, taking the towel off his head as she blinked owlishly at his very faded red orange hair, the color now more of a neon pumpkin. Shaking off extra water caused even more of his hair to fall, landing between his shoulder blades as he gave [ ] a desperate look. “It wont come out, and the more i scub the more...orange i become. I look like a orange peel” He whined as [ ] figured out what he was trying to do
“ You wanna remove the color right? A bowl of shampoo and body wash isnt strong enough” Going into their kitchen she grabbed some baking soda and lemon juice , coming back to the hopeless boy “Let me mix something up ive used before okay? Then we can proceed with your hair” Two and a half hours later the boys hair was now a light peachy orange, just light enough to take up with bleach “Well, if were gonna go for blonde ill go get some bleach and some masks, deep conditioners too, your hair is definitely gonna need it and I don’t want it breaking off because you're impatient to take care of it” she sighed as he was amazed at his hair, running a large hand through the still damp mess atop his head “Wow yer good” He said as she smiled at him, taking her keys “And you have a lot of hair. I'll be back” She said as she hopped up “Wait! Lemme go with you?” He asked but also seemed to demand, pleading eyes looking down at hers as wet hair dropped onto his still bare chest.
Trying not to be hypnotized by where they landed and proceeded to slide down she looked up at her amber eyed friend, who was staring intently as he waited for her answer, soft “Please?” coming from his lips. Sighing dramatically on purpose [ ] laughed at him, giving him a grin “of course you can you big puppy” she said as he picked her up in a hug, a gesture that shows his excitement she's come to learn. Putting her down he went to go to the door before his friend called him out “uhm Kendo? You don’t have on a shirt” she said plainly as he looked at her, raising a brow as he gave his rebuttal “Its hot” He responded. Giving him a side eyed look she turned from him and towards their bedrooms, [ ] sliding into his. Soon she came out with a sleeveless one, throwing it at the hulk of a guy infront of her “You can't come in the store without one” She said as he gave a growl of his own, sliding the shirt over his head as they left their apartment “Well at least ya got me one without sleeves” He huffed as they started back to the door, heading out to finally go to the store to start another process on Kendos hair, the male just excited to finally get rid of his pumpkin hair.
As Kendo sat in the shared living room with [ ] , deep conditioning his hair at her yelling request (‘If you dont re nourish it before you want me to bleach it , I won't do it!’ ) he watched his roommate and now his best friend wanderer around and do housley things for their apartment, the girl content as she cleaned and sorted out things in the kitchen, her body turned away from him as he started to think over how beautiful he thought she was. He want the type to brag or gloat about having so many girls comment on his size , height wised and well sometimes other ways , trying to tempt him to them. All while his friends wanted him to explain how he got the attention from the other gender , Kendo hated to admit it but ,he only wanted his roommates' affection. He knew how put together she was, smart and kind. He saw what her previous boyfriend did, a cheater that didnt take care of the beautiful soul he lived with. He couldnt stand seeing her come home and cry herself to sleep broke his heart, and when he fought the cheater, in the act he didnt feel bad once. Of course it ended their relationship, and [ ] yelled at him for fighting , explaining how he couldve ended in jail for fighting her ex, but he argued it would be worth it.
Sitting and mulling over everything he realized Rumi was right, hed do anything for [ ] but not the same for the other females that passed through his life. She actually, was the first person he did that for and that thought made his head dizzy. Moving from his place on the couch he went to stand in the kitchen, waiting for [ ] to come back from her room. Hearing the iconic sound of her feet pittering across the wooden floor he gave her a lopsided smile as she jumped, smacking into the chest of Kendo. Before [ ] could fall from impacting with his chest he caught her, holding her arm to his chest. “K-kendo! You shouldve told me you were in here! Why are you in here anyway?”[ ] scolded as he laughed, moving out of the shorter girl's way as he started his staring again, this time [ ] noticed him “......What?” She asked as he looked down at her, an unreadable look on his face. “Kendo” she called as he hummed, moving closer “Yer gorgeous” Kendo blurted out as [ ] started to stutter, eyes going wide. Taking teo steps forward he essentially trapped his friend between the corner of their kitchen canopy. “Remember when I fought that bastard of an ex you had?” Kendo asked as he saw [ ]’s eyes go soft , shaking her head “What about him...i'm still mad you almost lost everything just to fight him yknow” she huffed as he poked her cheek “Id do it again if it meant you'd be happy again yaknow” Kendo said as he leaned down to push his head against hers, amber and [ ] eyes mingling. Lifting his large hands he traced each side of her cheek, analyzing over her face as he nuzzled against her nose “Stop playin hard to get would ya? Bad enough you got my heart all in your little hands” he whispered as [ ] just started at the giant , her arms gently coming over to cover his that were place on her cheeks “K-ken..i need to start you hair..” She hopelessly try to argue as he groaned, burying his face into her neck. Squealing at his damp hair touching her shoulder [ ] jumped ,pushing the large boy back “Your hair's wet!” She whined as he chuckleed, mo\ving back as it turned into a booming laugh “Oh my ‘m sorry babe , you look surprised” He said as she smacked hsi chest “Go to the sink, i need to rinse the conditioner” She yelled as he hwld his hands up in a mocked surrender, pulling his shirt up and off in one fluid movement. Caught up by him stripping his shirt off [ ] gave him a glance over, the heaviness of him admitting feelings for her in his own unique way still lingering in her mind as the toned and strong back of her friend made her head hazy. Turning around from the lack of notice of his smaller friend Kendo caught the eys of [ ] staring, her eyes quickly flickering to his curious ones as he grinned “See somethin you like darlin?” He teased as she grunted, reaching up to push his head in the sink “Shut up and let me do your hair”
And like clockwork, Kendo rappa was an icy blonde after two days, a break given to his long ,thick and wavy hair, the giant boy looking over his new look as he sighed happily, loving to have his hair finally look normal. “Well damn [ ]! Ya made it even better than what i was thinking. Look! My hair’s all wavy at the ends and it's soft! Whatever you made me do made it feel better!” He raved as the girl looked over her work. And in fact it was highly even, his hair consistent and lavishy soft. Giving him a shy look she giggle “That's what a deep conditioner will do to damage hair and the way i'm always untangling your hair for you, i knew it would need it before you wanted to go white” She said as he just kept running his hands in his hair, turning back to her “I could just kiss you right now!” He blurted out as they both froze at his words, eyes wide from both parties “I-I aint mean it [ ]” He croaked out as she giggled, stepping back from him “O-of course you didnt, why would you i mean aha..”She said as she moved away more , his own words started to hit him as he realized the reverse effect it was having “NO! No, I'd want to kiss you, I really really want to. I just...want it to be on your terms okay?” he said as he grabbed her arm, holding her in front of him as if she'd float away if he didnt.
“Kendo...I..” [ ] started as she came back to his hip, laying between his legs onto his thankfully covered chest “I just dont want to lose you if you decide you wouldnt want me around” She whispered as he pulled her even closer, kissing her forehead as he stared at her “Dont you ever say that again ya hear me? Youll be my princess and ill be your humble er..knight” He hesitated as he tried to think of a sweet way to explain his feelings. [ ] looked up to him as she felt here eyes feel heavy with tears. Before one even fell Kendo pushed his lips as soft as the strong boy could, wrapping a large and beefy arm around her waist as he slipped his tongue in her mouth, letting his hand slide down to pull her up to sit on the tops of his thighs while he leaned against his dresser. Softly [ ] pushed her hand on his chest and pulled away, now eye to eye with Kendo “Sorry , d-did i overstep my place” He asked as she let out a snot, before laughing. Confused, Kendo went to talk before she stopped him “No no, youre good, just that if we keep kissing on this dressed there's gonna be a hole in the wall” She said as she pointed to where the mirror kept tapping a spot, scrapes already aroring it “R-right!” He laughed too, picking her up to set her on his bed “Now then...lemme serve you princess” He said before kissing her again, not letting her rebuttal his own comment. As the two kissed he made sure to be as gentle as he could be , at times clumsily nipping her lip or his hand pulling hard at her clothes.
All in the name of wanting to show how much she meant to him. Soon he pulled away, a small string of saliva strung between them from the hearty kissing. “[ ]...i think i love you” He said as she gave him a soft look , trying to catch her breath from the dramatic kiss they came from “Good, because i love your loud ass too Kendo” She teased as he smirked,leaning down to bite her neck, causing her to moan loudly “We’ll see whos loud after im done wit ya” he gave his own tease back as he moved between her plump thighs, kissing the flesh there as he pulled her shorts to the side, exposing her flushed lower lips. Gasping she reached for his hand that held her legs apart causing the fresh blonde to look up at her, eyes wandering over her face for signs of him to stop “I-Im not used to being this bare sorry..” She whimpered out as it dawned on the other side of her words “Have you ever ate out baby?” he asked as she hid her face from him, shaking ehr head as he groaned, pulling her shorts down as he saw her lacy panties , a smirk placed on his lips as he peeled them off too, a string of arousal keeping them plastered to her lips “fuck, that bastared really didnt take care of you” he growled as she sat up to see his darkening eyes kiss up to her lips whispering out a “but i will” as he sucked one of her lips into his mouth, causing a lound moan from the woman he was inbetween. Slowly he licked up her lips, searching for that small pearl as she whined, a hand coming down to tug his hair. Grunting he soon found it, sucking onto her clit as she gasped, her thighs shutting over his head as he looked up to her, watching as her back arched off of the bed once her pressed his tongue hard against her clit. Softly he let a hand run under her thigh, a single thick finger tracing over her twitching hole as he pushed it in gently, making [ ] squeal. “K-Ken!” She called out as he looked up again, catching her eyes and flushed face on his actions. Making a show of what he was doing he let a second one join the first as he sucked hard on her bud at the same time making [ ]’s eyes roll back as her hand fell from his head, nervous od pulling too hard. Kendo however had other plans. Feeling her walls tighten around his fingers he made sure to find that spongy spot and hitting it, finally pulling his lips from her clit as he smiled “Uuh Uh doll, look at me” He growled as she hesitantly glances at him, regretting that she did. He looked way too good, hair a mess as he was panting, catching his breath from being down on her. With evry pump of his fingers his muscle in his arm twitched, making her own walls spasm as she watched it “Ya like it sweetheart?” He asked as she shook her head, watching him move back to her pussy “Good, cause i aint done” He said as he gave her clit kitten licks beofe slurping on it, throwing a wink at her as he picked up his pace, making [ ]’s voice rise as she felt herself getting close before quickly snapping at a particular hard thrust of his finger to her spot on her walls.
Letting out a light scream she came over his fingers and tongue, the male laughing gleefully as he sucked up her juices. LEtting her come down some he watched her face as bliss spread through her body and a sense of confidence whent though his. Slowly he picked up the pace of his fingers again, going from a shallow push to more stroking as he heard [ ] whine, grabbing at his hand “Uh uh sweetheart, you taste too good fro me to only let you cum on my tongue once” he said as he pushed her down by her stomach, letting her take his spare hand as he went back to suckling on her lower lips. He knew he had a lot in stored for her, and watching the newly admitted love of his life cum from his pleasing was enough for him to realized he needed to do more. Popping off her clit as puling his fingers gently out he looked at her ravished body, using his non wet hand to pull at his sweats. “Youre beautiful like this [ ]” kendo said as she took in heavy breaths, feeling her throat close as he stroked his massive size, rubbing the swollen head as he looked at her , giving her a soft smile “Ya dont have to take me just yet , hes just throbbin too much” He groaned as he twisted his hand hard over his leaking tip, feeling himself throb as he laid back on his bed. “Ride my face?” he asked with one of the most sinful looks [ ] had ever seen ; lustful eyes watching her as his large hand stroked his larger dick, the soft and fleshy muscle jumping at watching her crawl to him, throwing a leg over his neck
“I-i dont wanna suffocate you..” She said as he smirked before saying “Ya cant suffocate me i want it” Soon he grabbed her hip, pushing her onto his awaiting mouth as he picked up his pace, sliding his tongue into her twitching hole as she rocked her hips, keeping a steady pace as she held herself on his shoulder and headboard, ,depreate moand and cries tumbling out as he rocked her too, going from her clit to her dripping entrance, stoking his dick harder and harde as her moans spurred him on. Soon he felt the bud in his mouth twitch and throb harder, the sounds [ ] made increasing as his own hand sped up with his throbbing head, the telltales of them both getting close. A moan erruptred from the girl on his lips as she came again , her essence running down his face as he groaned, ropes of cum shooting onto his hand and stomach as he came himself, still stroking out what he could as the pressure he felt subside. Sliding off softly [ ] saw the mess behind her, taking it upon herself to lick up some of it as she was met with his same aber eyes, watching her move to his still hard member “Let me take care of you too?” she asked shyly. Fuck he was done for as he felt himslef hardend worse at her words, a large hand coming up to smack her ass as he psuhed her up and over his head, letting his tip and her swollen lips run over eachother. Slowly he pushed his tip past her budding lips, entranced by the way it swallowed her whole “Fuck...i love you [ ] and by the time im done with ya...youll know it” he whispered in her ear as she felet him push, more and moreof his large size spreading her lips father than shed ever had. Her eyes rolled up as she felt him bottom out, both moaning as he picked up his pace, making a soothing rhythm as little moans and whines came from [ ], deep grunts coming from Kendo as he kissed her shoulders and back, marking where he could as he felt himself get closer with how she was throbbing over his member.
Digging his fingers as deep as he could in her plush hips he let our a mantra of ‘Cummin’ i and ‘ I love yous’ in her ear as she pushed back against him, feeling herself teetering as he pushed as deep as he could go ,letting himself cum as she came too, the overwhelming feeling of him throbbing against her spongy walls and previous orgasms enough to push her over a third time. “[ ]” Kendo rasped as [ ] hummed , feeling her legs still shake with him in her “Im serious, i'm never leaving you...you're mine and i love you…” kendo said as he kissed the back of her neck, nibbling her ear as he stayed in her “Mhm….i love you too Rappa..”
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zeinnit · 3 years
the fall
all parts list
warnings: small injury mention
you waited a few seconds, your hand remained over the young girls mouth, until the bird hybrid looked under the car. you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding and looked down at the girl. even if you werent 100% sure that you wouldnt be mauled to death by the other one, you had felt as if you could trust the winged lucky. you hoped this girl could as well.
as soon as you were out, the second lucky immediately pushed you back into the trunk of the vehicle; the winged lucky helped the young girl into the back as well, much to the others disappointment. they seemed to get in some sort of argument, the winged lucky speaking while gesturing angrily in the unknown language. the other lucky didnt seem to speak, only snorting and huffing. you took this time to look over the new lucky and young girl.
the new lucky was most definitely some sort of piglin; if it werent for the attire, you would have assumed he was one of the nether beasts. despite never daring to go into the nether, youve heard stories and have been witness to the piglins that became zombified and harmless. the lucky in front of you wasnt dressed in the normal rugged, brown clothes that the piglins wore with undeserved pride. he was dressed as more of a pirate or maybe an undressed king. however, he also had a crown tied to his belt.
turning your full attention to the young girl next to you, you gave her a small smile. she had dirty blonde hair and big, sad hazel eyes. she wasnt too badly injured, just a small cut on cheek and some bruising on her arm. she looked over at you when she realized you had been staring. tears pricked her eyes, but she hadnt cried yet. she looked around the age of 10, maybe even as low as 8.
"hi there," you started quietly, "whats your name?"
she sniffled, "hailey."
"hello, hailey. im (y/n)," you told her as you moved a little closer to her. "how old are you hailey?"
"im-- im 9. i turn 10 next month," she whispered, wiping at her nose with her wrist. despite the unintelligible arguing, your words made her calmer.
"well, hailey, how about we get to know each other a bit more? whats your favorite colour?"
you and hailey spent most of the rest of the day chatting, talking about everything and anything you could think of. in that time, the two luckies had stopped fighting, seemingly have coming to an agreement. you tried to communicate with the piglin and while he did seem to understand you, he was unable to respond. or maybe he could and he just wasnt interested in talking. he had patched your arm up, and gave hailey a bandage earning thanks from you both.
it was now a bit late. hailey had fallen asleep around 20 minutes ago and the two luckies had managed to miraculously fit it the truck. the winged lucky was laying on his stomach, letting hailey lean into him to sleep; one thing you had quickly noticed about him was that he was very good at earning others trust. and that scared you. the piglin lucky put himself in front of the broken window. all three of you were still awake.
despite having a full stomach and not being in as much pain as before, you couldnt sleep. you were thinking of ways to communicate with the other two awake beings in the car when an idea hit you.
the piglin could understand you but he couldnt talk to you; maybe you could get him to write some things? it was worth a shot.
you reached into the front seat - which earned some suspicion from the piglin - and searched for anything you could use. you ended up w a red ink pen and a blank envelope which was fine. you sat in front of the piglin, pushing the envelope and pen to him while the winged lucky watched you with confusion.
"i'm (y/n), do you two have names...?" you stuttered out, now less confident in yourself at the thought that they didnt have names or maybe didnt remember them. the piglin grunted and began writing something down much to your joy.
after a few minutes of writing, he finally handed it back to you. you knew not to expect anything big from the non-verbal, four fingered piglin, but you got more than what you expected. on the page were two names as two other, slightly further away names. you shot him a confused look. he sighed, grabbing the paper back and pointed at one of the names. "techno." he then pointed back to himself. "phil" he then proceeded to point back at the winged lucky who seemed happy to hear you say his named. the last two names you didn't read out, he pointed to them and then pointed outside.
"uh... are they here?" he shook his head.
"are theeeey.... coming here?" another shake of the head.
"i dont know? im not good at guessing games," you joked. he rolled his eyes and began writing something more. techno turned it back towards you.
"oh.... youre looking for them," you guessed. he nodded sitting the paper down.
on the paper were two names and a drawing. the names being 'wilbur' and 'tommy.' a small drawing of an eye sat in between the names.
taglist below:
@reverse-iak //// @smolspoopy //// @whalerus //// @peachesncram //// @caramel-crow //// @starbuni //// @stuckoutsideofthebox //// @that-local-cryptid //// @golddabloons //// @dogzrlyfe642 //// @sweetnightowl //// @deadroses2021 //// @4ng312n0w //// @hopefulann //// @ravennightingaleandavatempus //// @icarusthefoolish //// @browneyespinkhair //// @beeissdead ////
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honeypirate · 3 years
I like your writing a lot (especially fire force).I have a request for Benimaru x reader who can’t speak, she can fight and her ability is good but everyone ignores her,Beni noticed that, how would he comfort her or maybe confess to her.
Hey thanks for the request! I really liked writing this and I got to include the only JSL sign I know which is for thank you 😊 I hope you like this!
Your neck hurt from where the blast hit you but you used the momentum to your advantage, turning it into a back handspring. You slide on your hands then when you land on your feet you’re pushed a little more from the force.
You don’t let the white clad pop off any more blasts, immediately pulling the heat from the atmosphere around you and adding it to your flames as you use your ignition ability. the rocks around your feet begin to float, making them glow then light on fire, burning bright and hot as you pour the heat and energy into them. You snap and they all fly towards the white clad “rocks? That’s your weapon?” the white clad begins to laugh but you just smirk. Using your ability to control the speed and precision of each one. you send them all to specific pressure points in the white clad’s body, one to the neck, one to the jaw, and one to each temple.
You watch as they strike them, the smirk on your lips growing into a look of satisfaction as the white clad falls to the ground, unaware of the man watching you from his place in the sky.
Waka hops down from his flaming broom to the tower beside Konro and he hums “who is that?” he asks and Konro sighs “ y/n l/n.” “Is she new?” Konro shakes his head “shes been here two years almost. She’s a mute, lost her voice when an infernal attacked her home, her parents died and the burning roof fell on her. She landed on the edge of a knocked over chair and the force of it destroyed her voice box.” Waka doesn't say anything, just watches as you pop your neck and stretch out your shoulders, making your way back to the guardhouse since he called the fight over.
You enter the guardhouse and like usual, no one really looks at you. You get one or two nods but this was normal, you couldn’t speak and so people didn’t want to even try to talk to you. Having to wait while you write down responses or trying to learn how to read your gestures or lips was just too hard for them, you guess. But you really didn’t mind. You liked to be on your own for the most part, used to it by now. Benimaru watched your interactions with your peers and scowled, why did they treat you like an outsider?
After your shower you decide to head on a walk to watch the stars before you go to bed, walking down the nearly empty streets as you cleared and relaxed your mind. .“Hey” his voice makes you jump and you clutch at your heart with a small smile and empty laugh. “Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you” you smile softly at him, a little confused as to why the captain is talking to you but he doesn’t seem commanding right now so you don't salute, which he doesn't mind.
You raise your hand to your throat and he nods “i know. Konro told me” you raise your eyebrows and he looks into your eyes for a moment, he didn’t know it was possible for someone to have such beautiful eyes. “Can i walk with you?” he asks and you stare, shocked, for a moment before smiling again and nodding.
“I saw you fight today” you feel butterflies enter your stomach, he watched you fight? He took time to watch ~you~ fight? You couldn’t believe it, you thought for sure there was someone better to watch, someone more powerful. “You’re strong” he says and you feel your cheeks warm, you bow your head in thanks and you flatten your hands, bringing the edge of your right hand against the back of your left wrist in the JSL sign for thank you. He watches you and understands your sign, already having looked up some basics before talking to you.
When you raise your head he gets a glimpse of your adorable blush and the corners of his mouth twitch, threatening a smile that he forces away.
You walk in comfortable silence for a while, stopping by the river for a moment to look up at the moon before your curiosity got the best of you. You turn towards him and lay your hand on his shoulder so he would look at you. You raise your eyebrows in question and mouth the word “why?” “why do i walk with you?” he asks and you nod, your hand falling from his shoulder
“i don't understand why you’re an outsider if you’ve been here for 2 years. I want to spend time with you and see if you’re a good or bad fit in the company. So far, your fighting is powerful, you are trained well and obviously know what you’re doing. I’ll be spending the next few days with you to test your skills as well as learn why you’re still an outsider and why you have no friends” his words were blunt and although you didnt mind not really having friends in your company, it still stung to have him say it so bluntly. It’s not like they dont like you or anything, they just dont want to spend the time getting to know you. You furrow your brows, hoping he doesnt make you leave the company because of that.
Sure enough, the morning comes and he’s there, watching you during breakfast and noticing how you interacted with team mates, noticing how they all just .. ignored you. He humphs, catching Konro’s attention. “She does her thing, and everyone just lets her. It’s like shes a ghost. I’m not sure if she minds though. We talk sometimes, she’ll write down responses or make signs she knows, sometimes she mouths words and i’ll read her lips”
The afternoon rolls around and after Benimaru is finished with his paperwork he walks the halls, asking any team member he runs into about you. “Shes just.. weird.” “It’s weird shes mute.” “it makes me uncomfortable to talk to her” and more things were said, but none of them were worse than that. Everyone just didnt want to try talking to you because they were uncomfortable with that way of communicating. It annoyed him how stupid his company was. He asked them if they trusted you in battle though, and all the answers were yes. They all knew how you fought and you were amazing and powerful. All of them would team up with you on the field in an instant.
He watches as you train, alone as usual, and studies your fighting style. It was a mess but he was impressed because it actually worked? Like you made your own style that was the opposite of every other style, he went through your style in his head, putting it against other styles he has seen from whte clad and you had the right angles and moves to completely work around them.
He throws off his sleeve and stands in front of you, wanting to put you to the real test. He represses a smile, he actually hopes you give him a good fight worth his time. You smirk, there was no way you could beat him but you’d give it your all.
He nods, signalling for you to go and you use your ignition powers, taking the rocks behind him on the ground to fly towards him with the same force as the ones with the white clad. As he was distracted turning his head to see, you use the same power, this time focusing it on the soles of your shoes and adding to the power and force to which you ran. He gasped softly as you surprised him, appearing right beside him as you went to jab but as he went to dodge you faked him out, kicking the back of his knees and making him fall flat on his back.
You gasp softly and raise your hand to your mouth, you didn't expect to actually land a hit on the Captain. You hold your hand down to him and he takes it with the smallest of smiles. “I didn’t expect that” he says “you surprised me, but know this, it won't happen again.” he dusts himself off and then gets back into position and makes eye contact “begin”
He was right, it was a fluke surprise thing. You never got another hit in but you fought so hard you kept him on his toes. It was like a dance as you sparred. you didn't hold back and neither did he, although he did withhold his ability. You almost thought at the end you would get him again but he twisted the last second and you ended up flat on your back as he crouched beside you. “You’re more powerful than I first thought” he said and you felt your cheeks flush.
At dinner, he moves from his usual spot at the head table and finds you outside on the back porch, leaning against one of the beams and tossing bits of your rice to the birds. “Is this.. Your normal?” he asks when he sits beside you and you straighten up, not expecting to see him again today. You nod twice quickly and he hums before sitting beside you. “The company, they trust you in fights but ignore you in person, it doesn't make sense.” you laugh, just a soft sound of air from your nose and he cursed the sake he had at dinner for making it harder to hide his smile.
“Do you care?” he asks and you shrug. You didnt really care now but at first it was hard. You used to be the center of attention, laughing and joking and making friends easy. But two years later you had zero real friends.
“cause i could make them treat you better” he says and you look at him with wide eyes and mouth “Dont.” while you shake your head. He laughs a little and the sound makes you feel warm despite the cool night breeze. You mouth you next words slowly so he could read your lips “not a big deal” he nods “i envy you. Sometimes i wish people wouldn't talk to me” you give him a soft look with another airy laugh from your nose that says “i guess we envy each other”
Since then, even if you didn’t see him all day or communicate with him, he would eat dinner beside you outside every night. He decided that since he couldn't make anyone be your friend, he would be your friend. He would ask you simple questions at first, yes or no, before he got more comfortable with your responses and knew what you were saying with your eyes and facial expressions. Sometimes you didn't even have to mouth anything at him if it was an easy night.
He got back late tonight tho and missed dinner. You sat on the porch and felt like your heart wasn’t in your chest as you picked at your meal, feeding most of it to the birds and the stray dog that came around sometimes. You could tell you were developing feelings for your captain and it felt so cliche. You knew nothing could come of this so you just forced those feelings down, convincing yourself that your empty heart was just heartburn and it’ll go away eventually.
The next day you had off, so you spent it like you usually do any other off day. You took your sketchbook and pencils and went to the top of one of the guard towers.
You sit in the sun and enjoy the cool afternoon, the sounds of the city and pencils softly dragging across paper filling your senses. “You're pretty good” he says and you don't even flinch, you just smirk, used to his silent ways by now. You look up at him and roll your eyes before smiling softly and waiting for him to tell you what he’s doing. He sits beside you and you turn your body so you could look at him.
“is this how you spend your day off?” you nod and he hums “it’s nice up here, I can see why you like it” he holds his hand out for your pad and you hesitate for a moment before handing it to him. He raises an eyebrow at your hesitation but understands when he flips through the pages. It’s pages were filled with drawings of your company, team mates, the guardhouse, Konro had a few pages, you had to admit it was fun to sketch his hair and large stature. What impressed him the most thought, were the pages that had pictures of him.
Two or three pages had multiple different angles of his face but his favorite was the one where you drew him sitting beside you at dinner. You caught the feelings in his eyes and his body language, he looked like just a peaceful man. You titled it, the captain’s peace. And he felt his cheeks flush just slightly.
He holds his hand out for a pencil as he flips to a clean page and you set it gently against his palm, your soft fingers grazing his calluses send tingles up his arm.
He turns so you can't see the sketch pad, leaning it against his knee that he brought up and tucking his other foot behind that leg. You bring your knees up and lean your head against them, watching him as he sketches what you assume was the city. Your eyes focus on the clouds that roll by behind him as you just enjoy the soft sounds of pencil against paper. When the paper tears you gasp and look back to him, reaching out for it, wanting to see his work. “Not this time” he says with a chuckle and folds the drawing, tucking it inside his shirt. You pout and he about gives in, it was the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
He hands you back your pad and your pencil and you furrow your brows as you roll your eyes, taking the pad with a huff. You quickly sketch out a rough drawing of the city below surrounding the guard tower, then you draw more details on the tower before you add in him holding your pad and drawing and you sitting beside him. You title it, keep you secrets then, and then tear it out carefully and hand it to him. He laughs when he reads your title and folds it as well, placing it beside his other.
That night, in the middle of dinner, the alarm rings. Your bowls are forgotten about as you drop everything you’re doing. You run alongside Benimaru before you grin and salute him before running down a side road to fulfill your duty of getting the people to safety before helping out if you are needed, which you most likely would be needed with the multiple infernals. Beni does what he does best, gets brooms and goes straight to the largest infernal.
When you both get back, you sit beside him on the porch, your food cold and your bodies exhausted. You lay back on the hardwood at the same time, making you both smile softly at the ceiling. “You did well.” he said and you felt a sense of pride enter your heart. You reach out to pat the back of his hand, a way of returning the compliment, but you gasp when as you try to move your hand, he hooks his pinky around yours and holds your hand there beside his. You feel your cheeks warm because of this action, your heart racing.
Sure, the company saw your growing friendship, and as weird as they thought it was, they wouldn’t say anything. They would pretend they saw and heard nothing, too nervous of what their captain would do if they started anything.
You couldnt sleep, your face still felt warm from the small contact you had with him. You get up and walk down to the river, watching the moon hanging low as the morning approached. You sighed as you looked down into the water, looking at the reflection as you leaned against the railing and set your head against your arms.
You see his reflection, he’s looking at you in the reflection of the calm water. He smiles softly and sets a hand on your shoulder “it’s a nice night” he says softly, like his voice was only for your ears. You turn and look up at him with a small nod before smiling at him. His eyes looked tired, like he hadn't slept either. You reach your hand up, wanting to touch him but your hand freezes in the air and you frown. You dont really know if this is okay, you dont want to make him uncomfortable or anything by touching him. You almost drop your hand but he takes it, bringing it to his own face “it’s okay” he whispers and you feel your stomach flood with butterflies.
You reach your other hand up, cupping both sides of his face as your thumbs brush across his skin. You looked at him like you really saw him, not like he was some spectacle of power to behold. You looked at him like he was just benimaru, nothing more nothing less. That’s why he fell for you.
“If those bastards,”he brushes your hair from your forehead and smiles, truly smiles down at you, you’d think he was drinking but his breath smells like mint toothpaste. “can't see your worth, as a friend and comrade outside of battle. And since you don't want me to make them... “ he cups your cheeks as your hands move to his shoulders “Maybe, you'd allow me to stay by your side” he says as his face draws nearer to yours.
Your hands move around his middle as you close the distance between him, gripping the back of his shirt in your fists as you stand on your tiptoes to brush your nose against his, making him gasp softly before chuckling. “I take that as a yes” he says and you nod, your heart hammering in your chest as tingles run across your skin.
He looks deep in your eyes for a moment, and you try to put your soul in them. Try to tell him how you feel about him with just a look. He smiles and presses forehead to yours with a soft sigh “I can see everything in your eyes” he whispers before pressing his lips to yours.
(Bonus bc the story flowed different than I imagined in that moment and I want it to stay relevant)
He leads you by the hand to his bedroom, nothing in mind, just the desire to sleep. Once in his room he lets go of your hand to take off his shirt and you walk further in, looking round at his things. You smile when you spot the drawing on his dresser, the one you made for him. You gasp softly, gaining his attention as you take a step forward. “I uh” he swallows hard, a little embarrassed as you pick up the paper
The drawing he made, was of you. And it was beautiful. Your hair in the wind and your gaze far away as you reasted your head against your knees. It was titled ‘silent, strong, beautiful.’
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