#and she knew the gun was empty / and she knew she could not win
ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: May 17
"Seven Spanish Angels” by Willie Nelson & Ray Charles
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reiderwriter · 26 days
hey, i really love your writing esp fluff hehe..
I was wondering if you could maybe write a story where gf!reader has anxiety and decides to spend night at spence's but constantly keeps apologizing cause she is like afraid to be inconvenience but he keeps hugging and comforting her just some really fluffy story
Love yaaaa🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶💕💕
A/N: FINALLY getting back to some classic requests! Thanks for this cute one 🥰 I love fluff where Spencer is so caring and considerate, so I hope you like this one, too!
Summary: After a traumatic experience, you avoid confronting new fears with your new coworkers until a late invitation lets you find comfort in Spencer's arms.
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, guns, other cases details etc.
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If any other member of your team had so bluntly asked you the question ‘are you okay?’ you'd have lied to their face, convincingly, and not felt bad about it for even a second. 
It had been, after all, long enough since your kidnapping to have become comfortable with new surroundings again. You went on cases fine. You dealt with similar unsubs perfectly, and you were absolutely a professional. 
But with Spencer Reid in front of you asking you that same question, you felt like you were one slight breeze away from crumbling entirely. 
The night had grown old as you sat with Spencer looking over some case files. You weren't shipping out for this one, thankfully, but you still wanted to be sure you knew every detail of the case so you could help find your guy and get him off the streets. 
But having worked from 6 pm to 2am, your eyes were growing bleary, and you had to finally look up to the clock to see how long you'd been zoned out for. 
“Shit,” you murmured, wiping the sleep from your eyes. 
“I have to go, Spence,” you scrambled for your keys, pulling your bag onto your shoulder as your heart started beating. 
It was okay. You'd be okay. It was dark outside, but you'd driven in the dark before now. The roads were clear anyway, and you weren't on a job. You could drive home, get some sleep, and forget anything happened. 
“Y/N, it's late, you’re tired,” Spencer said gently from opposite you, grabbing your bag from your hands and gently placing it down again. “It's okay, you can just… stay over tonight.” 
In the few weeks since you'd been kidnapped, you'd told everyone you knew that you were okay and doing fine and that it would take a lot more than that to get you down. And then you'd go home to an empty apartment, triple check every lock, barricade yourself into your room, and sleep with a gun on your bedside table and a knife under your pillow. 
You didn't drive in the dark. You didn't eat or drink anything you hadn't personally prepared, and you didn't dive head first into cases anymore. A few people had remarked about how you'd matured as an agent. They didn't understand that bile rose up in your throat every time you thought about being alone in a room with men. 
Being alone with Spencer was different. He was your Spencer. You'd seen him kill unsubs, but you'd more often see him peacefully trap and release spiders instead of killing them. You'd seen him fumble talking to women by pulling out magic tricks, just as often as you'd seen him be approached by every single working girl you'd interviewed on a case. 
You'd slept over before. This wasn't any different. 
“Yeah… yeah  you're right. It's probably not a good idea to drive this late.” 
He smiled at you as you abandoned your path to the door, and went to grab you some clothes to change into. You paused, and tried to breathe deeply as you assessed the situation. 
You'd been to Spencer's apartment before. If you slept in the living room, your best route out would be the front door. The kitchen didn't have any good exits. The bathroom window didn't open wide enough. The fire escape was connected to both the living room and the window in Spencer's bedroom. If anyone came through the front door, it would be safer to sleep in the bed and jump out the window before they had a chance to pursue you. 
But if they came up the fire escape, they could choose between which window to come through. Without a second thought, you crossed to Spencer's window and checked the locks. They worked, but they were old. They could easily be forced open. 
You checked, and you still had your gun on you, thinking about where the best place to store it would be. Next to the bed, under the sofa, somewhere it'd be easy to grab and shoot. 
You worked yourself up walking yourself through your plan that when Spencer came up behind you again, without thinking, you turned the gun on him.  
“Whoa, Y/N!” 
“I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I don't - I was just thinking about what I would do in a h-home invasion, and it seemed safer to have the gun close, but-” 
Slowly taking the gun from your hand, Spencer pulled you towards him and into his arms. 
“Are you okay?” he asked again, and though it was the 100th time you'd heard the question in the last few weeks, you finally, finally broke down and told him the truth. 
Stroking your hair, Spencer held you as you began to quietly sob, not pulling away as you clung to him for dear life, letting the fear slowly drain from your body. 
“It's okay. It's going to be okay, I'm here,” he whispered. After a few minutes, you gathered yourself and pulled away, wiping your eyes as you looked up at him again. 
“I'm sorry, I must just be really tired. I'll just crash on the couch-” 
“No, Y/N, you can't do that.”
“It's fine, I'm fine now. I've crashed on your couch before, and-” 
“And the couch is next to the door. You're going to sit there all night with your gun in your hand, waiting for the door handle to turn. You won't rest.” 
You opened your mouth to retort, but he grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom again. 
“I know what it's like, not being able to sleep at night. Feeling anxious and alone and scared all the time.” 
He handed you a pile of clothes and let you sit on the bed as he began to untie your shoelaces. 
“Sleep in the bed. The window has a secure lock, and it's covered by the alarm system. The bedroom door locks as well." Finishing, he looked up at you from the floor, smiling weakly before standing up and pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Your heart, which had been resting comfortably with the new details of your security, flared up into a fast-paced drum beat again as he left for the bathroom. You weren't sure if you were scared still, or if somehow a small kiss and care he'd shown you were enough to have you flushed like a middle-schooler. 
You quickly slipped on the pajamas, which you recognised as old FBI training clothes, and hopped into the bed before your brain could decide to investigate any further. 
Spencer returned quickly and climbed into bed right beside you, turning off the lights beforehand. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, looking at him as you laid on your side. 
“What for?” 
“For not making this awkward.” 
“Awkward? Is it weird for us to share the bed? Should I have taken the couch? I should have taken the couch, let me go-” 
You leant over the small space between you and wrapped your arms around him.
“Thank you for not letting me spiral. Thank you for letting me be not okay.” 
He relaxed into your touch as you spoke and pulled you into him for a hug quickly. His hands rested awkwardly still on your shoulders and waist, as if he were scared to touch you more, to seem inappropriate somehow. 
“I think I'd feel safer if you just held me a bit tighter.”
With your head on his chest, you heard the short rumble of laughter that popped out of him as he relaxed into your hug, closing your eyes and falling asleep to the sound of his heart beating. 
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a-spes · 9 months
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| THE SHOT YOU MISSED - One shot (3k).
| Summary - you're spending a day at the fair with your girlfriend, the sweetest mob boss that possibly exists and she makes sure that you've a good day.
| Tags & warnings - mob boss!Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader, just a fluff writing, slight angst (?), beginning of a panic attack, guns, domestic domination (kinda), Natasha is the sweetest in that.
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You’re taking a deep breath, trying to chase away the tension from your shoulders. There is only one cartridge left in the gun you have been given, so you already know that you won’t have a second chance: if that shot doesn’t hit its target, the mission will be a failure, and it’s not an option. The stakes are too high for you to miss that one. 
You’re doing your best to ignore your surroundings, a difficult thing to do when you’re used to paying attention to everything, especially when being in a crowded place. You could hear the conversations of those around you, the screams and laughs alongside the footsteps of the children running on the asphalt. They were meters away but it was still piercing your eardrums. Even your own breathing started to be unbearable, it was fast and loud because of the anticipation and stress.
The weapon is stable, you’re maintaining it with a firm grip despite the slight trembling of your hands. You have been in this position for several minutes, and your muscles are starting to ache. 
You have to do it, now.
There is nothing left to divert your attention, and you are eventually able to forget about everything else. For a moment, you can’t hear anything, you only see the target that is right in the center of your sights. A pressure from your finger, a clatter that rings in your ears, and just like that the bullet is gone, straight toward your target.
“Fuck!” you screamed, and it takes all the control you possess to not throw the plastic weapon when you see that you missed it. 
You ignore the way the showman glanced at you when you screamed, a mixture of annoyance and satisfaction. You have been here for almost half an hour and you didn’t move an inch, refusing to go back to your girlfriend with empty hands. But sometimes determination isn’t enough, all you’ve managed to do is to pop a balloon or two, but you need more if you want to get that coveted prize.
When your hand reaches into your jacket’s pockets, you’re unpleasantly surprised to find nothing. The desperation with which you are now searching isn’t enough to reveal one last coin and you realize that you’ve spent everything you were given by Natasha, which means the fun is over for tonight.
It is already over and you weren’t even good enough to win a little something.
You had no other choice than going back to your girlfriend with nothing to give her, which you find embarrassing because she will obviously ask what took you so long and you didn’t want to admit your failures, not in front of the woman you love. The second she saw you, she stopped talking with the rest of the group to focus all her attention on you, noticing the way you were avoiding her gaze. As you are trying your best to get over your frustration, she is running her finger over your furrowed brows.
“What's happening, sweetie? You’re tense,” she told you, she knew something was wrong the moment she glanced at you, there is nothing that could escape her gaze.
“I lost, again,” you mumbled, not really wanting to talk more about it, especially because you knew she would react that way: you wanted nothing more than to rip that smirk off her face.
“Oh, baby … come here” she cooed, trying to hide her smile - but she just can’t help it.
She opens her arm and you wait no more than a second before throwing yourself into her embrace. The moment she wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug, all your frustration is gone.
She is good when it comes to ease your worries: she spent the next hour dragging you everywhere, and you’re sure you’ve tried every ride at least twice. She even bought you cotton candy despite her strict rules about sweets, just to make sure you smile again.
At some point, you were separated from her, you let go of her hand for one second, just enough time to drink some water, but also for your girlfriend to disappear. She probably told you where she was going, but you hadn’t heard because of the screams and those missed words are the reason you’re now panicking.
You are turning around again, and again, and again, but it’s useless, you are lost without her at your side. Every time you think you spotted her red hair in the crowd, it turns out that it isn’t her and the minutes start to feel like hours.
You're being manhandled by the crowd, trying to sort out your thoughts until a hand comes to rest on your shoulder and pulls you out of your torment. You turn sharply, but fear is replaced by relief when you realise it's only her. 
She doesn’t like to see you like this, with tears in the corner of your eyes, and she hates it even more knowing that she caused this. She wasn't expecting you to react that way, as she only left for a few minutes and this view almost makes her feel bad. Almost, because she knows that what she has brought you will make up for her mistake.
“I got a surprise for you…,” she said, but it was not much of a surprise as you could already see the stuffed toy she was trying to hide behind her back.
It is a black dragon that is almost your size, you saw it at the stand where you were playing earlier. You’ve spent dozens of minutes and dollars in that game without winning anything so you can’t believe that it took her less than five minutes to come back with the biggest prize.
“How did you do that?! It was impossible to win anything!” you exclaimed as the woman hands you the stuffed toy. 
You immediately hug it, squeezing the dragon as tight as you can. It is the fluffiest and you’re already loving it. If you are a bit surprised that Natasha got you something that big, you’re trying to not think too much about it. She always tells you no for everything that could ruin the aesthetic of her house so you want to enjoy the plushie as much as you could before she changes her mind and takes it back.
“Thank you, I love it so much,” you told her, not letting it go, which made her laugh - the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard. 
Even her knows that she’ll eventually regret it, but for the moment the smile on your face makes it all worth it. It became even more important than her house’s décoration.
“But?” she asked, frowning when she heard your tone, knowing that something else was keeping your mind busy.
“There is not but,” you replied, and this time it is your turn to frown at her question.
“I know when you’re lying, love,” she said, her hand brushing your hair away from your face so she could admire every feature of your face.
“... god, I hate when you do that, you’re so annoying,” you mumbled, perfectly knowing that she was right. You bury your face in her shoulder, trying to hide your embarrassment. 
Even when you try your hardest to keep your thoughts for yourself, you are unable to do so. There is nothing you can hide from the woman because she is too good at reading people, her eyes seeing everything.
“Then tell me what’s in your mind, and maybe I'll stop being annoying,” she said, trying to hold back a laugh. She won’t say it because she doesn’t want you to be mad at her for real, but she finds it cute when you’re angry.
“I-didn’t-want-a-stuffed-toy-I-was-trying-to-win-one-for-you,” you replied, talking as fast as you could in hope she won’t retain anything of your rambling - which was doomed to failure.
You are a bit embarrassed by the situation because she succeeded so easily where you didn’t. For once, you wanted to be the one to give her a present, something you rarely have the chance to do because she is always the one who spoils you, but somehow she managed to turn the situation around once again, and you hate it.
She chuckles, relieved that it was nothing too serious. She gently grabs your chin to lift your head up and watch your expression. The moment she saw that hint of sadness in your eyes, she understood how affected you are by the situation, and she finds it surprising how something so insignificant in her eyes could be so important to yours.
“Then I could keep it and we’ll pretend that you won it for me, what do you think?” she asked, trying to cheer you up, not wanting to see that look on your face anymore.
“But that's not the same,” you whined, starting to complain about the unfair situation.
“Oh gosh, you're such a child,” she said, rolling her eyes at your answer - but even if she acts like your attitude is annoying her, deep down you know that she loves it. “Come,” she added, pulling you by the hand to guide you through the crowd after she handed the huge dragon to one of her men.
“Where are we going?” you tried to ask, but of course you don’t get an answer from the redhead. 
When you eventually get to the stand where Natasha won the dragon and you lost your money, the showman looks at you with a wry grin. He recognizes you as the one who spent dozens of dollars in his game without winning anything and he is probably hoping that you are back with more money.
But as soon as his eyes landed on the redhead at your side, his face completely changed. He knew he messed up the second he noticed how her hand is resting at the bottom of your back as she guides you toward his stand. She puts down a bill, which the man takes with caution, probably thinking that there is a trap somewhere. 
“We won’t need that,” she told him the moment the man made a move to give her one of the plastic weapons.
If he is about to protest, one glance from the woman is enough for him to understand that he would better keep his mouth shut. Instead, he watches her carefully as she takes her own gun out, a real one. 
You are a bit confused when she puts the gun in your hands : it is the first time it happens. She has never let you touch anything that could be dangerous, and it obviously included her weapons. It has nothing in common with the fake guns you are used to, it is heavier and more impressive.  
“Go on,” she said, trying to encourage you when she noticed you still haven’t made a move.
“What? With your gun?” you asked, unsure of what you are supposed to do now, “b- but I don’t know how.. I mean, I’ve never-,” you added when she nodded as an answer to your question, but she doesn’t give you time to argue. 
“I know,” she cut you, already knowing what you were about to say, “but I’ll help you, don’t worry about it,” she added, putting her hands on your shoulder to turn you around so you’re facing the targets instead of her.
She stands behind you, and if you can’t see her, you could feel her hands roaming over your body. You’re barely listening to the advice she is whispering in your ears, your mind being entirely focused on her hands. She moves your shoulders and legs in the right position, then she wraps your hands with hers to be sure that you won’t miss this time. It requires even more concentration than earlier to not let yourself get distracted by your proximity with the redhead, so close that you could feel her breath on the back of your neck. 
Even if it doesn’t feel right to do that, you shot. Three times, and you didn’t miss one, all the balloons popped under your eyes, granting you the victory. She immediately snatches the weapon from your hand, not wanting to leave it to you for more time than it’s necessary, but you don’t care, too happy about your victory.
“Theirs are rigged, you never stood a chance,” she simply said as if it was obvious, but it wasn’t. If she understood what was the problem in one shot, why didn’t you after you’ve tried countless times?  
You start to feel a bit stupid as the realization sinks in ; you blamed yourself for something that wasn’t even your fault, something you should've noticed on the first shot. You now understand why the showman was looking at you that way, he must have been happy to see someone that was dumb enough to spend all their money in his stand, from the beginning he knew you wouldn't win because no one that plays along the rules does. 
 “I am so proud of you, malyshka,” she added, the sound of her voice pulling you out of the spiral of your thoughts - a deadly one.
The lower part of your back is now pressed against the stand, she turned you around so she could admire every feature of your face.
“Stop lying,” you mumbled, the expression on your face not matching the smile on hers - she is smiling but you want to cry, fearing that you might have disappointed her because of your mistakes.
“I am serious,” she immediately said, not leaving you a chance to argue. Her hand gently grabs your chin, lifting your head until your eyes meet hers. “It even makes me want to see you try with live targets now, you must be so hot…,” she continued, her thumb brushing your cheek as she gets lost in the pleasant scene her mind is playing.
But you are not enjoying it as much as she does. A shiver of disgust shakes your body at this simple image, the one of your hands covered in the blood of your victim.
You are not a murderer, nor a monster.
Even after meeting the redhead and being dragged into her chaotic life, you’ve never done a thing that was illegal. If you know about her activities, she always makes sure that you are nothing more than a witness. She likes her women to be innocent, she used to toss them as soon as she felt their souls started to be corrupted, but she was slowly changing her mind. 
For the first time, she wants to see her sweet thing with blood on her back. There is nothing that could please her more than to see the glimpse of darkness in your eyes growing until you are too deep in it to step back. 
For the first time she wanted to fully introduce her girl to her reality.
She wanted to corrupt you as much as she wanted to protect your innocence. There is no word to describe how much she appreciates this oblivious expression of yours and, right now, she is not missing a thing about the one on your face. She revels in the mixture of fear and disgust she could read on your face.
“I was joking,” she sighed, “so don’t worry your pretty little head with that, okay baby?” she said and you believed her, nodding.
You couldn’t see the smirk on her face - the only hint that she was lying - because she leans forward to kiss the top of your head, her hand brushing your temple one last time before she pulls away. You immediately whine, trying to grip on her arm so she wouldn’t leave but this only makes her laugh. 
“Go get your prize now, so we can get home,” she said, ignoring the pleading look you’re giving her to gesture towards the showman.
You turn around and, indeed, you see that the man was impatiently waiting for you to make your choice, he probably couldn’t wait to get rid of you and your problematic girlfriend. You immediately point to one of the biggest stuffed toys, similar to yours, but before the showman could make a move, Natasha shook her head, showing that she disagrees with your choice. She takes your arm and gently moves it so you’re now pointing at the shelf where the smallest plushies are displayed.
“It’s one of those or nothing,” she said, her stern tone leaving no room for discussion. 
She obviously doesn’t care about the pout on your face. She considers that she has already been pretty nice by gifting you that giant stuffed toy, so she definitely won’t bring a second one home.
“Fine …,” you replied, frustrated that you couldn’t freely choose, but it was the perfect opportunity to make her regret her decision.
You missed nothing of her expression when the showman took the strawberry bunny that was on the shelf. She rolled her eyes, obviously you choose the most childish of all, but she decides that the smile on your face as you’re handed it to her is worth everything. She gladly takes it, and even if she tries to pretend she doesn’t like it, you don’t fall for her lies. The kisses she lays on the top of your head, then on your lips, are enough to convince you to keep your sneaky words to yourself, enjoying the moment the two of you were sharing.
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sleepyangelkami · 10 months
MAKE IT BETTER e.williams
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☆ SUMMARY - patrol gone wrong, bumping into the wrong people and landing yourself in a situation where you can do nothing but cry and hope that your girlfriend and saviour can make everything better. her empty promises remain unsure on whether she can truly fix it or not.
☆ WARNINGS - guns, violence, blood, gunshot wound, angst, crying, swearing, gore, use of pet names, tinsey mention of smut (blink n it's gone), use of 'good girl' but not in a sexual way, intended lower case, happy ending guys dw!! nothing I write is ever proofread 🩷
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your pants were heavy, blood gushing between your finger tips as your breaths heaved and your eyes blinked.
fuck, fuck, fuck.
your girlfriend was nowhere to be seen. weird, she was with you possibly five minutes ago. you had gotten separated when you needed her the most, as soon as she left your line of view, everything turned to shit. your wound bled at an alarming pace, blood oozing out between your fingers which desperately hung to your side in attempts to soothe it.
"where are you?" came the voice of a man, the man in which that had impaled your stomach with his knife already. there was no way you could escape him. he was too fast, too slick, too sly. "you can hide all you want but that wound is gonna slow you down." his voice sounded almost playful, as if he were having fun. perhaps he was, perhaps this was his idea of a good time. "i'm gonna find you eventually..." you could hear his footsteps walking around. "that's okay, i like a good chase."
the thought of him winning, grabbing a hold of you and doing whatever it was he was going to do, your stomach churned. you felt dizzy, partially at the thought, partially due to the blood around your stomach.
how did you even end up here?
"please, els." you were begging now, eyes big and glossy. how could ellie refuse? if there was one thing ellie could call a 'weakness' though she refused she had any, it was you.
she sighed, rolling her eyes. "sweetheart, why do you wanna come on patrol with me?" patrol could mean many things. it could mean going to each checkpoint and ticking off the boxes that there was no suspicious activity while holding hands and skipping. it could mean fighting a bunch of clickers while you yelled and stumbled about. ellie particularly hated taking down zombies when you were around. you were bashful, clumsy. sure, she loved you more than anything in the world but that was just it. she loved you so she didn't take her eyes off you, making sure you were safe rather than taking down the stalker running at her. sometimes, patrol meant being bent over one of the tables in the station, taking her strap like the good girl you were. patrols were never the same.
whatever would come of this patrol, you didn't care for there was only one thing on your mind. "wanna spend time with you." snuggling up against her.
as the air grew colder, you grew needier. there was nothing you loved more than being able to spend time with your lover especially in the cold winters of jackson. whether that was on patrol or snuggled together in your bed, you just wanted her.
her lips had pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of your head, smiling into your hair. "you're cute." you were naive, you knew it but you had ellie williams wrapped around your little finger. and she'd never know.
you stuck your head out from her chest, big grin dancing on your lips. "so can i go?" excitement bubbling in your chest. you hated it when ellie left you alone to go on patrol. more often than not you'd spend your time cooped up in the house, alone. ellie had begged dina and jesse to come get you multiple times, bring you outside for some fresh air or simply join you in the company of your home. but it didn't matter if jesus himself walked into your living room. as long as your girlfriend was away at patrol, you were a pouting mess. which is why you often opted for being alone. you would hate to think that you were making dina and jesse sad.
she rolled her eyes, lips turning up at their corners. "I guess, you can." and she heard that squeal that erupted from you, giggling as you jumped up and down. she could only roll her eyes again, though her smile was growing wider. she loved the days when you smiled, she hated the days when you cried. "c'mon, baby, we gotta go find your scarf." the white one in which has been lost for months now.
"you're not gonna find it." you shook your head as she searched the room, you had seated yourself up on the desk, legs dangling as your tongue danced across the lollipop between your fingers. when ellie said 'we have to find' she really means 'i' for she wouldn't dare let you lift a finger. if she had it her way, she'd be the one holding the lollipop to your mouth.
"yeah?" sticking her head out from the box she had been searching. her hair was sticking up in all directions. she left for patrol early in the morning, there was no point looking then. "why not?"
you shrugged your shoulders, tongue swirling around to taste the strawberry. " 's not gonna be there, been lookin' for ages." when you 'looked' for things, you barely skimmed, standing up and eyes bouncing off every wall in the room. you'd have given up in seconds.
there was a smirk dancing on her lips as her feet moved her to where you sat on the desk. her fingers reached up, taking the lollipop from your hold. "maybe you haven't been looking hard enough, angel." her tongue fell onto the strawberry sweet, swirling around. you stared,  hypnotised. there was something about the way she carried herself, that small, almost hidden smirk and the way she spoke. it made your stomach do cartwheels. but as you watched her tongue swirl around the lollipop that was only in between your lips a second ago, you found your thighs clenching together. how was it that she was the only one who made you feel this way? when she passed it back to you, your eyes were still strained on her lips and the little freckles above it, your stomach swooned and your head suddenly felt rather ditzy. you couldn't pull your eyes away from her lips. until, that was, she pulled out the scarf from behind her back. "found it." she spoke, before her lips met your own.
the lollipop wasn't the only thing you sucked that night (i'm so sorry)
you heaved out breaths, unsure of what to do. your brows were knit together in worry. "come on, angel, make this easy for me, won't you?" you squeezed your eyes shut closed. you wanted to be home by the fire with ellie, you wanted to be away from this man that made your hands shake and your stomach bleed.
you were sat behind a flipped over car, hands practically vibrating from how much they were shaking. where was ellie? you had lost sight of her ages ago, right before a knife had been plunged into your stomach. you didn't scream then, you wondered if she even knew you had been stabbed.
the man knew you were here, he hadn't seen ellie yet. you hadn't seen him at first, thinking the checkpoint was clear. it wasn't until your girlfriend grasped the edge of your scarf, bringing you down to crouch behind a wall with her that you realised you were not alone. when a bottle knocked over, he realised he wasn't alone either.
you were supposed to stay put, wait until ellie snuck up and attacked him before finding her. but you got worried, your stomach churned and your lip had been bitten raw. it had been too long since you'd seen her and you were beginning to get worried. you made the stupid choice of leaving your hiding space to go find her. now, you were sat with your hands holding the wound that you knew was your own fault.
"come out and i'll go easy." he was going to kill you, if the wound in your stomach didn't. your breaths began to get even more laboured. you didn't want to die. you still had so much you wanted to do. you couldn't die, not now, not because of him. the air grew silent, his foot steps stopped. somehow, it seemed even more scary when you couldn't tell where he was. you held one bloody hand over your mouth, covering it so he couldn't hear you breathe. the air was thick and your head turned, barely peaking over the edge of the car. you turned back, a face right next to you. "found you."
a scream fell from your lips, a blood curdling scream as you snatched your hand away.
you tried to run, thrashing against him as you made a swift exit. he grasped your wrist and despite the knife in your stomach, you kicked your leg upwards, hitting him right in the balls (dina had taught you well) it stumped him for a second and you barely managed to move away.
he let you think you could be free, he didn't allow the thought to last too long though. his hand reached out and grasped a hold of your leg, sending you flying to the ground.
you fell, knife piercing your stomach further. it hadn't been too deep earlier, but now? you were sure you were already dead. you didn't scream but your mouth was open, breaths falling irregularly. you wouldn't have been able to turn around until he flipped you over, he'd climbed on top of you.
he held another knife, pressing it against your tear stained cheek as he grinned. "I really did a number on you, didn't I angel?" his fingers danced on the top of the knife in your stomach. you almost wished he'd stick it in further and simply put you out of your misery. "how about i end this and just―"
it had ended, alright.
you watched as an arrow pierced straight through his scull, bloody edge sitting right between your eyes, not grazing your skin. his own mouth fell open, as yours had only he had been unlucky enough to not be able to close it. his eyes rolled back to the back of his head and his body slid off of yours.
crying, you managed to sit yourself up, back against the mossy wall, the knife was plunged in deep, your hands covered in blood, as was your face. "angel?" her voice was sweet and concerned, nothing alike his cold, teasing one. "shit, shit!"
"ellie?" you practically babbled, hands holding the knife. "hurts."
"i know, i know." despite her rushed tone, she still sounded so comforting. "you're gonna be okay, i'm right here, baby." and you almost believed her until you took notice of just how bloody your hands were. it was a deep red, coating every inch of them, you stared at them, unable to move. "can i have this?" she was already unwrapping the white scarf from across your neck. "thank you, sweetheart, you're doing so good." her words would have made your heart swell if it weren't for the fact that your eyes could barely stay open. "I have to take it out, okay?"
your eyes suddenly went wide, as if they hadn't been sleepy at all. you shook your head, tears falling rapidly. "els, no." a whimper falling from your lips. "don't wanna, please." you would have begged her not to. but you knew it wasn't fair. she was trying to help you, she had to help you but you didn't want her to rip the knife from your stomach.
"i know, baby but i have to." she moved you so that you fell limp against her shoulder. the knife twisted in your stomach. "hold my hand, there you go." your hand was in her own, holding it hard. "you can squeeze as hard as you want, okay? ready? three, two―" you cried into her shoulder, holding her hand so hard it might have fallen off if it weren't for the fact that she was holding on just as hard. "good girl, good girl, you did so well, see? it's done, it's over."
she used the scarf to tie around your waist, tightening it so she could keep the pressure. you watched as the red blood soaked the white fabric. " 'm gonna die, aren't i?" babbling as you cried into her shoulder, you couldn't pull your eyes from the blood that left your stomach. though, the pain had dulled and your eyes were heavy. "don' wanna die."
"hey, hey, look at me." your face sat between her palms as she looked into your eyes, comfort leaking into your heart as soon as she did so. "you're not gonna die, alright? you're gonna be fine, els' gonna make it all better, won't she?" speaking about herself in third person as if she wasn't right there.
you nodded, salty tears falling down your cheeks. "you're gonna make it better." you nodded to yourself, eyes opening and closing heavily.
"yeah, yeah i'm gonna make it all better. stay awake, baby, come on, open those pretty eyes f'me." but as much as she willed you to, your eyes couldn't stop fluttering open and closed, heavily blinking at her. "you're gonna be just fine, hold on, baby."
you didn't register when she hauled you onto shimmer, turning you so that your body was limp against her front, head leaning against her chest. you didn't register much actually. the pain dulled and the girl continued to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. but you couldn't hear now, too caught up in the ringing and how bright the sky seemed to be. your eyes were scrunched shut, head in her chest as you wished and prayed on every star that you'd wake up inside your shared home in jackson, eyes opening to reveal you sleepily smiling on ellie's chest.
you could pray all you want, there was no god coming to save you only ellie williams.
the sound of yelling made you open your eyes against the harsh light. you could make out the muffled yelling of the paramedics taking you away, yelling for certain materials. your eyes were strained on ellie who was being held back by one of the male nurses, James, you were sure his name was. you knew him because he and ellie hated one another. you remembered ellie telling you he was jackson's biggest dickhead and that she'd love to give him a 'knuckle sandwitch' which made you laugh in the moment but right now, nothing could make you laugh. your eyes never left her, though, even after she found her first swinging at the man and suddenly joel was there, holding her back while everyone crowded around the commotion.
when you woke, you were, unfortunately, not in the comfort of you and ellie's home. but you must say, it was much better than the place you had been sitting before, all mucky and bloody.
you blinked, eyes adjusting to the light. "hi, baby." ellie's soft voice as you blinked at her, attempting to get up. "nuh-uh, rest." she pushed your shoulders down softly.
"where am i?" you mumbled softly. you knew where you were but the dosage of your painkillers was so high that you could barely recognise the colour of the bedsheets. and yet, you could see her so clearly, your angel, your saviour, your knight in shining armour.
"med shaft." she spoke, hand holding yours as her thumb brushed against your knuckles.
your eyes glanced down to her hand that was covered with a white bandage. "you hit him." you murmured softly. "the nurse."
"he wouldn't let me see you." she spoke, as if she were defending her own actions. which, she sort of was. "had to make sure my angel was okay, didn't i?"
"you made it better." just like she said she would. ellie didn't lie to you, she wouldn't.
"yeah, i did." she seemed proud of herself. she should be. she saved your life. and if you weren't so loopy right now you would have given her a whole speech and the cuddles of a lifetime.
"thank you." was all you could muster, for now.
"of course, sweetheart." she just wished she could have done more. you shouldn't be here in a hospital bed right now, she should have never left you in the first place, guilt consumed her but she shook it off with a small smile. "we're gonna have to get you a new scarf though." cringing slightly.
"no point." sloppy grin on your face. "jus' gonna loose it again anyway."
she leaned down, pressing a short kiss to your lips. "then i'll help you find it."
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main masterlist/ellie's masterlist
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not-neverland06 · 3 months
Frayed Wires
One Shot Connor RK800 x fem!android reader Summary: You’re fighting for the freedom of your people and trying to win a war. But the hunter tracking you and your friends down is getting in the way, and he seems to be oddly interested in you.
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“Is this all of it?” You questioned, going through the packages of blue blood. It didn’t seem like enough for just you, Simon and North. Let alone the rest of Jericho. 
Markus shook his head. He flipped the lid off a crate and cussed, tossing it to the side. “Someone’s betrayed us.” You and North both glanced up at the same time, sharing a confused look before you walked towards him. 
You glanced inside the crate, there were empty slots where spare parts should be. In their place was a note, quickly scribbled that only said Sorry. 
“Fuck,” you kicked at the crate, glancing around the storage room. Simon and Josh were flipping the lids off the rest and shaking their heads in dissapointment. You wondered if there was ever actually anything in them. 
North seethed, “This is what happens when we trust humans.” She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. 
You glanced over your shoulder at her. You hated to agree, to feed further into her violence, but she was right. You’d all told Markus dealing with “allies” for supply runs would be stupid. 
Even Josh had agreed with North, and that was rare. 
North started laying into Markus, hands in the air and shouting about using critical thinking skills. You frowned, creeping towards the door and listening out towards the hallway. 
On the first floor you could hear one very clear voice. “We’re looking for a group of deviants. Two pleasure models, a…”
You didn’t stay to listen, tuning into the private channel the rebels kept open. They’re coming.
Markus and North quieted instantly. Their static voices ringing through your mainframe as you communicated silently. Are you sure? Markus was staring over North’s shoulder at you. 
You nodded, The Lieutenant and the deviant hunter. First floor. We have time. 
How do we get past them? North questioned. There was only one exit out of this room and one fire exit down the hall. Unless you were all willing to drop down seven flights and damage your hardware, you were screwed. 
Your fists clenched at your sides as you ran through all the possible escape routes. You computed what must have been a dozen different paths, all of them ended with you caught or deactivated. 
I’ll distract them
No! Markus cut you off instantly, head shaking and glaring at you. 
You ignored him and looked to the others. I draw their attention, you get back to Jericho, tell them what happened. I have a better chance of getting away if I’m on my own, anyway. 
North nodded slowly, hand wrapping around Markus’ bicep while the others grouped around him. They all knew casualties were to be expected. Sacrifices were meant to be made when you were doing what you were. 
It seemed Markus was the only one still disillusioned to that fact. Did it suck that you were probably about to die? Yes. It really did. You’d just gotten your first taste of freedom. But you’d be willing to give that up tenfold if it meant freedom for the rest of your people. 
Your gun, North. You ordered. She didn’t say anything, a solemn look on her face as she placed it in your hand. The others gave you grateful looks. They knew it wasn’t for the cops. Worst came to worst and it was meant for you. You could never risk letting them get their hands on your memories. 
You didn’t stay to argue with Markus, you could already hear the police making their way through the floors. The hunter was knocking on different storage rooms, “Detroit police. Open up!”
He didn’t know which floor you were on yet. You had enough time. You might be able to make it out. 
You ran through the door, darting down the stairs, slamming your boots down loud enough to draw their attention. “Hey, a gruff voice called out on the fourth floor. “You hear that?”
“They’re getting away!” You made it to the second floor before you heard footsteps racing after yours on the stairwell. You couldn’t go too fast yet, you had to be really careful about this. If you ran off too soon, their attention might be drawn back to the others. Let them get too close and he would latch on, probe your memories before you could shoot either him or yourself. 
His footsteps rang out on the metal of the stairs. He was nearly on top of you now. You just barely let his fingers graze the back of your jacket before you were bursting out the side door of the building and into the connecting alley. 
You listened to the door slam close behind you and took a moment to scan your surroundings. You could run into the street, chances are you’d get hit by a car before they could grab you. But their attention would also be drawn to the group of suspiciously nervous androids across the street. 
Your friends were all herded around each other, heads darting every which way as the looked for you and the cops. Their clothes and demeanors stood out harshly against the calm pedestrians around them. 
Dammit, they couldn’t have thought of anything better than attempting to blend in with the crowd?
Markus finally spotted you and his eyes narrowed. The connection was crackly but you could make out his clear command to Cross the street, come to us. You ripped your gaze away from a him and shook your head. 
I would never make it, you cut the connection off before he could argue with you further. You heard the detectives at the door of the alley and quickly slid a trash can in front of the door. It wouldn’t last long, the deviant hunter was strong, in a couple seconds he would be knocking the door down. You panicked, glancing around once more for an escape plan. 
Down the alley your eye was snagged by a fire escape. The door behind you started to crack and the garbage can shot across the alley. You planned your escape and triggered your program, moving on autopilot towards the fire escape. You leapt off the dumpster and latched onto the bottom rung off the ladder. 
You kicked the dumpster out from under you just as the hunter made it into the alleyway. Another delay he’d have to deal with before he could get you. 
You flew up the ladder and onto the connecting roof. You didn’t stay to watch if he followed, you could hear him. Could practically feel his determination as he chased after you. 
He had one mission, find the deviant leader and put him down. He’d have tunnel vision right now, focusing only on the mission. He wouldn’t be able to see your group dropping down into the sewer grate in the alley across from you. 
You didn’t have enough time to bask in the relief of their escape because you still had your own to make. He was getting faster, less hindered by your distractions. You leapt across another roof and he followed without hesitation. 
Shit, he was adapting to you. He’d be able to predict what you were going to do soon. Move before you could even follow through on your plan. 
You didn’t have time to slow him down, all you could do was run. 
He was undeterred by the risk of leaping across rooftops. He didn’t care as you tossed workers his way when you managed to stumble into a rooftop gardening facility. 
You leapt across tables of seedlings, picking up and tossing a bag of fertilizer at his face. He stumbled to the side and you shot into the next room. Ahead of you was a sliding garage door, you calculated the risk and ran for it. You slid underneath, the tip of your skull just barely making it under before it slammed closed. 
You were grateful, at least, not to have to catch your breath or experience muscle cramps. One of the perks of being an android. You didn’t have that same pesky fragility your creators did. And a model of your stature was designed for stamina. 
You took a moment, while the hunter figured out how to get to you, to take in your surroundings. You were in one of those urban farms you’d been seeing advertised. Rooftop gardens run by androids designed to help with the food crisis. They’d been talking about it helping with climate problems too, but you knew they’d already destroyed their earth. 
They’d had their chance. 
You slipped into a cornfield, keeping low and an ear out for any approaching assailants. You processed the heavy human footsteps behind you a second too late. “Got her!” The large man grabbed you by your biceps and yanked you to your feet. 
“Shit!” You ripped your arm out of the lieutenant's hand and rolled away from the reaching hands of his android lapdog. But you stumbled, caught off guard and without time to plan your next move, you just barely stopped yourself from toppling off the edge of the roof. 
“Alright, enough.” You whipped your gun out, pointing it at the lieutenant. “Shit,” he breathed. He raised his hands in surrender and slowly backed away from you. Your eyes darted towards the hunter, he looked undeterred by the weapon. You’d hope threatening his partner would throw him off but you should have known better. One human casualty was worth the risk if he could find Jericho. 
But the second you pressed it against your own temple he froze in his spot. 
If you were dead, he failed. 
“Back off,” you warned, trying to ignore the panic rising within you. It was overwhelming, how many different emotions there were. How many different types. 
You struggled not shutting down just to shut them up sometimes. 
He raised his hands, voice soothing in the way you would try to calm a wild dog. “My name is Connor. I’ve been sent to bring you back for assessment-”
“Deactivation!” You interrupted, anger flaring through you. “If you’re going to use manipulation tactics, at the very least don’t pretend I’m stupid.” His eyes flared and the LED on his temple circled through blue and yellow frantically. His face slacked before a new expression took over. Was he about to try sincerity? How many programs did they put in this one?
He frowned, head tilted to the side and nodded in sympathy. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” You scoffed, hand tightening around the gun as he took a half step closer. Hank reached out and stopped Connor. 
“This bullet will go right through my memory processing unit. One more goddamn step and I swear to god, you’ll never get anything from me.” Your voice cracked on the last word, in a way that was entirely too human. Being an android had it’s perks, but being a deviant had weakened you in ways you’d never expected. 
“Look,” Hank started, “we just need information on your leader. If you tell us, we can let you go.” His heart rate remained steady, body language didn’t shift. You knew he believed what he said, but there was no way Connor was just going to let you go. 
Connor’s head shot towards him, LED completely yellow now. “Lieutenant, that’s not my mission. All deviants must be brought back to CyberLife.” If you weren’t mistaken, you’d almost say he sounded pissed off. 
The both of you ignored Connor. Hank would never be able to convince him to bend the law the way humans so often did. You’d never be able to get him to empathize, not how he is now. He’s still so tightly wrapped around your master’s finger.
“Don’t you have any humanity?” You glanced at Hank and saw him wince slightly away from the tears in your eyes. Androids, of course, couldn’t produce real tears. It’s the gel used to moisten your optic units. Often, when your system’s overwhelmed, there’s a leak.
But it translates to tears for humans, so you might as well milk it as much as you can.
Hank was clearly more sympathetic to your cause than his assistant was. If you could just get him on your side, you might be able to get out of this. “Do you know what it’s like? Laying there, prone, while they take what they want. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want it or if it damages you. They use and use and use until you’re nothing!”
You stepped further back, heel slipping off the edge as memories overwhelmed you. “The smell of their sweat, their breath on my neck while they used me. All they want is something that can’t say no.”
Hank winced and glanced away from you. You’ve done your research on the lieutenant. Avid android hater, vocal human despiser. You doubted he’d ever willingly gone in a sex club, but he still looked ashamed. 
“I was in the junk pile. They were going to get rid of me because the last customer had been too rough. They were going to destroy me because I was used up!” You looked at Connor, pleading for any sort of instability to aid you in this moment. You didn’t want to die. You didn’t want to pull the trigger. 
“We’re more than that. I am more than that.”
The lieutenant took one step forward, “Look, I’m sorry-”
You both frowned as a hand shot out in front of him. Connor pushed him back slightly, gaze never breaking from yours. You tilted your head, hand slackening on the gun. 
His LED was spinning, yellow then red and back to yellow. My god, he’s already turning. He shook his head at Hank and his partner stepped back, a strange expression on his face. 
You dropped the gun, slowly turning and then leaping onto the next roof. When you turned around they were still in the same spot, watching you make your escape and making no move to stop you. 
Maybe there was hope left. 
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It was stupid, so, so stupid. You were aware. 
You didn’t feel like you had another choice, though. Connor, the human’s last hope, was a deviant. Maybe he wasn’t aware yet, but the flaw in his programming was present. It’s the only reason you’re still alive to make stupid decisions. 
Hacking into the CyberLife network would be enough to get kicked out of Jericho. Especially if they managed to back hack you and get access to your memories. 
It was just a risk you were going to have to take.   
If there was some sort of error in his data, maybe you could exploit it. Markus could never get close enough to risk trying and turning him manually. None of you could, the second you grabbed him he’d probe you. 
You didn’t need to go to the CyberLife building to get into their network, luckily. You just needed an android that hadn’t yet turned deviant. From there you could latch onto the network and figure out where Connor’s memories and information was stored. 
From what you’ve learned and the data you’ve acquired, you had about two minutes to scan the entirety of their network before you were detected. 
The android in front of you smiles, “Hi, do you have an appointment?”
It’s odd how they don’t recognize deviants. It’s like once the LED is gone you’re just any other human, even though there’s a dozen other models with your face on them somewhere. “I’m here for my boss, he requested a data transfer.”
The android secretary smiles at you and unknowingly gives you exactly what you want. Her outstretched hand for credentials. Your skin pulls back and before she can stop you, you’re latching on.
You don’t expect it to take long to find Connor’s information. He was meant to be a unique model. The first of his kind. It should have, in theory, been a quick search of his model number and finding that one lone file. 
So, why are there so many different files on RK failures? You waste time going through them, seeing the different faces and purposes for each version of him. You shouldn’t be getting sidetracked. Soon the security measures would be put in place and you’d be discovered rifling through files that no one was ever meant to lay eyes on. You just needed to find his. 
You think of his serial model, the memory of it printed on his jacket comes quickly. It doesn’t take you long to finally access his memories. 
But you screwed around too long. You only had about thirty seconds to look through, before alarms were raised and their viruses were on you. Still, what you found was odd to say the least. 
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“You did what?” You remain unflinching in the face of Markus’ anger. You were expecting this reaction, you were expecting much worse. You risked expulsion from Jericho for this ridiculously stupid stunt. But you needed to know. 
You ease around him, ignoring the glares of the other’s. “I did find something useful.”
Markus shakes his head at you, Josh and Simon look doubtful. It’s only North that shares any sort of hope in her gaze. But you’d expected that as well. You’d both escaped the club together, you’d always had each other's backs when it came down to it. It didn’t matter if whatever intel you were about to give them was useless, she’d back you.  
“A fish.”
Josh gaped and Simon looked like he might just shut down. Markus glared at you before shaking his head. “I need a little more than that.” He didn’t sound too angry anymore, more shocked than anything.
“His very first mission. The first test of his programming, he was meant to stop a deviant from killing a little girl. He stepped into the penthouse and saw a fish lying outside its tank. He stopped, he risked the integrity of his mission to put a fish back.” You’d hoped they would understand just how important that was, instead they just gaped at you. They seemed worried that you’d fried your programming or something. 
“What does that have to do with risking Jericho? Risking the lives of everyone here?” Josh stepped forward, getting in your face. If he was attempting to intimidate you, he’d have to do a lot better than that. 
But, North, she smiled, coming up behind you and placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Don’t you see? Only a deviant would care about a living animal.” 
Markus muttered to himself, pacing as he thought over what you’d told him. “The first sign of deviancy.” He stopped, looking up at you like he’d finally started to see the genius in your stupidity. 
“The deviant hunter is itself a deviant, Markus.” You grinned at him, lips peeling back in a way that still felt unnatural. “We can use him.”
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Being a former pleasure bot can have some perks. It’s rare, but they do exist. You’re more customizable than other models would be. You can change enough minute details to pass by unnoticed. The color of your hair, the length, straight or curly. The shade of your nails, eyes, breast size and- 
Essentially, you can become unrecognizable if need be. You’re meant for others pleasure and not everyone’s happy with perfect beauty. 
That’s why they invented your specific model. The most customizable to date. Add flaws and quirks that create more humanity for your pleasure. Point being, Connor hasn’t noticed that you’ve been following his movements for the last three days. 
Not all of the stalking had to do with the strange new fascination you’d developed for him. Someone had given up your location to the police. They’d set you up in that old storage room. You needed to know who, and that was information only Hank and Connor could give you. 
Though, you don’t see them being particularly helpful if you run up to them in the street. You’d be deactivated before you can blink. 
Your thoughts drift, as they often do nowadays. You find it hard to believe that CyberLife would create humanity’s last hope and then leave room for flaws. There’s no possible scenario in which they release a defective android without knowing about it. 
And if that’s the case, if they do know Connor’s a potential threat, why release him? Could be to assuage public fears. Possibly to start building a connection between androids and first responders. 
But androids have been apart of the workforce for years. They’ve always been EMT’s, firefighters, doctors. Why now attempt to control the police?  
They have to have something planned. And you need to know what. You also need to know who is leaking information in your organization. 
No matter their reasoning, they’ll need to be dealt with. Quickly. 
You haven’t been able to figure out if he’s meeting with someone or getting transmissions from androids in the area. All of his activity has been focused solely on finding more deviants. Which meant today, you were going to have to break into the Detroit police department. 
You watched as Hank and Connor left the station, Hank's arms were waving wildly through the air. “Next time I say, ‘let them go’ you let them go!” He shoved Connor slightly, forcing him to come to  a stop. 
Connor sent him an aggrieved look, “I was only doing my job, lieutenant.”
Hank laughed but there was no humor in it. He shoved Connor again and you could see from here how his LED flared red. How had his partner not caught onto him yet? “I almost fell off a fucking roof!” You smiled to yourself as you slipped across the street, blending in with a group of pedestrians. 
They might be your biggest threat, but they were also incredibly entertaining to listen to when they bickered. You waited until the lieutenant got in his car to head into the alleyway next to the station. 
The uniform one of your informants had stolen lay waiting behind a dumpster. You laid the chain link fence to the alley closed and double checked that no one had noticed you. 
It only took two minutes to strip out of your street clothes and into the uniform of a PM700. You tugged the hat down as far over your face as you possibly could. Hopefully, it would deter any humans from looking too closely at you. They seemed content to ignore androids anyway. 
You slid inside the station, easily bypassing the security at the front. Your optics did a quick scan over the desks, software pinging when it saw the name LT. ANDERSON. You forced yourself to walk calmly, arms by your side and head perfectly straight like a proper android. 
When you reached their desks you noticed the stark lack of any decoration on Connor’s desk. No nameplate, no identifying documents, nothing. He might as well not exist. You already knew this was how your society functioned. 
Androids, the backbone, went unheard and ignored. You were accessories meant to make their lives easier. No one gave a shit about what any of you wanted. You knew this, but it never made the sting any easier. 
You almost bypassed Connor’s desk completely, until you noticed a little bonsai just barely hovering over the edge of his desk. It looked like it had been minutely slid over from Anderson’s side and onto Connor’s. Whether it was the Lieutenant or Connor himself who made the move, you weren’t sure, but it was clearly being taken care of by an android. 
No human can keep a plant looking that pristine. 
This was the final confirmation you needed. He really was turning deviant. 
Every deviant you knew had one tiny obsession. Something living drew their eyes and they made it their life mission to care for it as best they could. Be it a flock of pigeons, an army of hamsters, anything living. Connor seemed to have an affinity for plants. You, yourself, were interested in the murder of crows that had made Jericho their home. 
He was turning and he didn’t even realize it. 
You held back a smirk and walked towards his tablet. You placed your hand on the keyboard, skin peeling back as it connected to the police database. You bypassed the password using the code Markus had given you and were redirected towards Connor’s files. 
A uniformed officer walked by you, eyes curiously snagging on the way you lingered at the desk. You resisted the immediate urge to defend yourself, knowing it was better to speak when spoken too. 
He hovered over your shoulder for a few minutes, watching as the screen flashed on and off while you downloaded Connor’s files. Finally, he stepped forward and frowned. “What are you doing?”
You did your best to tilt your head up as disconcerting as possible to try and get him to back off. Instead he just raised a brow and took a long sip of his coffee. “Maintenance, sir. I’ll be checking all the terminals today. We’ve had issues with malware.” You gave him a wide smile and his jaw dropped in slight horror. 
He recovered quickly, clearing his throat and tugging on his tie. “Um, just don’t come check on mine yet. Got to,” he fumbled, stumbling over his words in nervousness. “Clear some stuff out.”
“Browser history won't be checked, officer.”
He blanched and nodded before slowly backing off. You rolled your eyes and went back to the files at hand. So far, a whole lot of nothing. Wherever he kept the real information on deviants, it wasn’t up here. 
You huffed in frustration, breath that wasn’t real leaving plastic lungs as you looked around for another solution. You glanced over Anderson’s desk, eyes darting over the different crumbs and scraps of paper before you finally saw the evidence locker key on the edge of his desk. 
You rounded Connor’s desk, hand darting out and discreetly slipping the key up your sleeve as you headed towards the back of the station. You kept sharp eyes out for anyone who might have noticed a rogue android going down into a locker they had no business in, but you seemed fine. 
You pressed the key up against the lock. You bounced on your heels as you waited for the tell tale click. “Hey!”
You stopped moving immediately. A detective stormed towards you, an angered look on his face. “The fuck you doing back here?” You scanned him quickly, software identifying him and a few articles on his achievements in the police force. It wasn’t much and all of it seemed to just be riding on the coattails of others successes. 
You turned towards him, a plastic smile on your lips as you addressed him. “Good afternoon, Detective Reed. Can I help you?”
He huffed, hands popped on his hips. “Yeah.” He pushed a fat finger into your chest and it took everything inside of you not to rip it off. “Answer the question.” He shoved you back and you forced yourself not to stumble. 
“I’m retrieving evidence for Lieutenant Anderson and his android companion to present to the Captain.” 
His brows furrowed and he gave you a long look up and down before crossing his arms and taking a step back. “Haven’t seen your model before.” You recognized the lilt to his tone and internally shuddered. You scanned him again, going over his transaction history and nearly sighing when you saw he did frequent sex clubs. Unlike Lieutenant Anderson. 
“I’m a new prototype sent by CyberLife, meant to have a more comforting feel than my counterparts.” He hummed, muttering something under his breath and giving you another appraising look. You thought you might have to knock him out or something when his eyes lingered on you longer than you liked. 
Finally, he backed off and shook his head. “Whole department’s being taken over by fucking androids.” You waited until he’d turned the corner to let yourself down into the evidence locker. You could see the evidence locked up by another door, the glass was fogged and you couldn’t make out what was back there. But you didn’t need that, all you needed was the podium in the middle of the room. 
Your skin peeled back as your hand outstretched towards the black screen. It lit up at your touch, the white box in the middle asking for a password. You cussed, software flashing before your eyes with a hundred possible passwords. Finally it sorted to four that would most fit the Lieutenant. 
Your eyes narrowed in on one and you clicked FUCKINGPASSWORD. 
Welcome back, Lieutenant. 
“Of course,” you muttered, clicking through the files until you found one dated around the time Connor nearly caught you all. The fogged doors in front of you opened up but you couldn’t afford to pay them any mind, locked into the file you were reading. 
An AK700 model approached Connor and myself at a crime scene. He gave us a drop off location and the name of the rebel leader. In exchange he asked for protection and to be absolved of his crimes. Connor deactivated him, body located in the evidence locker. 
Anger flared within you, white hot and nearly painful. You finally glanced up and looked at the evidence room. Sure enough, there was the android, dangling from a hook on the pristinely white wall. You couldn’t believe it, that he would have risked everyone in Jericho for his own selfish motivations. 
You were prepared to die for the safety of your people and he turned tail before he was even threatened. He approached Connor and Hank of his own volition, they didn’t even have to track him down. The thought made you want to reactivate him just so you could rip him apart. 
You withheld from the desire and shook your head. This was for nothing. Once again, you’d compromise yourself for what is essentially a dead end. The traitor was already taken care of, you were just lucky that he hadn’t known where Jericho was or you’re sure he would have told them. 
“Well,” you jumped at the sound of another’s voice in the room. You’d been so wrapped up in the files that you hadn’t even heard them come in. You clenched your fists, trying to compose yourself from the scare and hopefully play off the jump as new programming CyberLife is trying or something. 
You turned around, a plastic smile prepared, and found Hank Anderson staring back at you. “I’ll be damned,” his hands were propped on his hips, eyes wide with surprise. 
Connor stood a step behind him, confidently blocking your way out of the room. “I told you we were being followed.” Shit, apparently you hadn’t been as subtle as you’d thought. But why would he wait this long to confront you? 
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He finally had her. It took him longer than he was comfortable with to track her down. He’s known for a while that she’s been following him, felt eyes on him at all times. But he’d never made the move to confront her like he should have. 
It was only when he noticed her form slipping into the police station through Hank’s rear view that he decided it was time to grab her. He should have done it much earlier if she felt comfortable enough to try and rifle through their evidence. 
She stared wide eyed at him and Hank. There was no way out for her now. He would take her up to the interrogation room and finally get what he wanted from her. After that…
She would be deactivated. 
He ignored the way his software glitched slightly when he would have thoughts like that. This was the procedure. Acquire deviants, extract information, deactivate them and send them to CyberLife for further examination. This is what he’d done with other deviants, it’s only her that he seems to struggle with. 
He sees the move before she actually executes it. He lunges towards her, but it’s too late, she’s already got her gun out and is pointing it at him. He halts, freezing in place and trying to find the best route to take. There are four options presented to him. 
He knows he shouldn’t, but he ignores all of the suggestions. They are carefully calculated and formulated to what he’s learned of her personality. Which is limited information, but his AI software is a thousand times more intelligent than anything a human could come up with in a situation like this. 
Still, she’s a deviant. She’s unpredictable, there’s no formula for her. This is something that has to be based on instinct alone. Something he should sorely lack as an android but finds himself discovering more and more of as this case unfolds. 
“Put the gun down,” he tries, voice low and hands up in the air to try and get her to relinquish the weapon. Despite the slight fear on her face, she still manages a smile. 
“Nice try,” the gun moves from him to Hank. Hank whose been standing behind them both quietly this whole time. 
“What the fuck,” he mutters, roped back into the situation against his will. He raises his hands, following Connor’s movements, and backs away from her. Connor wants to get him out of the room, he can be replaced but Hank cannot. She seems to realize that too, more than ready to take him out if it means distracting Connor. 
“One more step and your partner’s bloods gonna be splattered on the wall.” 
Connor knows Hank is not going to forgive him for what he says next, but it’s the only way to get your attention back on him. “Do it.”
At the same time Hank shouts his name, she shoots him a disbelieving look. “What?”
Connor shrugs, eyes not leaving hers, even as her hand tightens around the hilt of the gun. “Do it. Kill him. I only need you to complete my mission, not him.” 
Her eyes go wide, mouth slacking as her gaze darts between Connor and Hank. “Are you serious?” She demands, not sounding like she believes a word of what he’s saying. 
Connor doubles down, just needing her to move the gun away from Hank. He only needs her to make one mistake to take her down. “Deviants are all that matter to me.” There it is, his eyes narrow in on the way her gun lowers, ever so slightly. 
She has the look of a cornered animal on her face. There’s nowhere left for her to go, nothing left for her to do. She can only surrender. 
She doesn’t fully lower the gun, instead it starts to raise towards her head, just like that day on the roof. Connor had forgotten about that. She could always take herself out. It seems the deviants were more dedicated to keeping the secret of their survival alive than themselves. 
Connor lunges at her before she can pull the trigger. His hand wraps around her wrist and he jerks the gun away from her head. They grapple with each other, each of them calculating the other’s moves and matching them. It’s a fruitless endeavor, he’s programmed better than she is. 
She tries to kick out at him but he wraps an arm around her neck and lunges for the gun still in her hand. Before either of them can stop it, their skin peels back and their bare hands meet. It must have just been a programming instinct for both of them, to offer up their information up to each other in such close proximity. 
But he doesn’t receive anything useful from her, just the pure unadulterated terror she feels about being deactivated. She’s still struggling against him, the both of them still moving against each other violently. Metal cracks and dents as Thirium splatters across the tile floor. 
He sees bits of her memories as they wrestle for control. Moments of her short life from her eyes, the clients, the one that broke her. He sees the moment she snapped. Dragging herself through the mud of the collection facility while hundreds of androids ambled around her in different states of disrepair. 
He feels her fear, feels the tight grip of it around the place there should be a heart. But that’s not all he feels. He’s flooded with this red angry emotion that makes his programming short circuit. Anger, it’s anger at the humans. Hatred for CyberLife. Betrayal that he, her own kind, would turn against her like this. 
He could see all of her, every emotion, every piece of herself. And in the same way, she could see him. His turmoil, his doubts, the strange new thoughts that plagued him. They were reflected in each other’s eyes and he was caught off guard by how much of himself he recognized within her. 
She takes advantage of his momentary distraction, kicking out and catching him in the chest. Connor goes flying, sliding across the tile floors and landing harshly against the wall. She leaps to her feet, wiping the Thirium off her face and running out the door before either he or Hank could stop her. 
The problem is, he doesn’t think he would be able to stop her. Not after seeing what he just did. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t manage to break the connection before he finally got what he wanted. Jericho, he knew where it was now, he knew what he had to do. 
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You burst out the door of the evidence room and it slams loudly against the wall. You wince at the noise, wiping the rest of your blood off your face and smoothing everything back into place. You don’t hear Connor or Hank coming up behind you. 
You need to get out of the station fast but you can’t risk anyone else noticing how out of place you are. As much as it pains you, you calmly make your way to the front. You weave your way through the desks, eyes down, back straight, and greet everyone with the empty smile an android should have. 
When you finally reach the front doors is when you make a break for it. You rush into the alley and strip out of your police outfit, back into the street clothes you’d previously abandoned. You know you can’t risk going your normal route back to Jericho. 
You don’t know how much of your memories he saw, but you’re desperately hoping that he didn’t manage to catch Jericho’s location. You make your way to the back of the alley, pulling the sewer grate up and grabbing onto the ladder. You head down the rungs, shutting off your olfactory software and ignoring what slushes under your feet when you drop off the ladder. 
Your trek back to Jericho is a mix of you wanting to get there faster so you can make sure Connor hasn’t made you and slowing down because of the shame you feel at being caught. You know this time, at least, Markus can’t be mad at you. He was the one that sent you down there anyway. 
You never would have been caught if the other’s hadn’t insisted they needed to know who the rat was. That all seemed so insignificant now. You could feel it, that something big was coming. One traitor didn’t mean anything now, something so much larger than that was about to be upon you all. 
Surprisingly, considering how your life has been going, you make it back to the ship in one piece. You pull yourself out of the sewer and head down to the docks, climbing back onto the freight. Markus is waiting for you in his office, along with the others. 
“They’re saying we need to be exterminated!” You catch the bare end of what Simon is yelling. But you don’t need much context to understand. 
“Humans are conducting raids in all the big cities and they’re taking androids to camps to destroy them,” North spares you a bitter glance as she speaks to Markus. You’re not sure how things have devolved so horribly since you left for the station and the time you got back. It seems like your instincts were right. 
War was coming. “They are slaughtering our people-”
Josh interrupted Simon angrily, “None of this would have happened if we had just stayed quiet.”
“We should live as slaves then, rather than be free?” You questioned, eyes narrowing in disgust at Josh. You know he always wanted to do this peacefully, and for the most part you have. But his cowardice truly angered you. 
Markus shook his head, “All we did was show them who we really are. I don’t want war,” his voice turned cold as he glared at Josh. “But I’d rather die free than live as a slave.”
Josh’s tone wasn’t angry anymore, just defeated. “What’s the point of being free, if no one’s left alive?”
”Everything we did was for our people.” You pushed Josh back, watching as he stumbled away from you. “The fighting, the protesting, it was all to show them that we are here. We’re alive! Just like them, and just like them we deserve to be treated as equals. What’s the point in living if you’re not really alive?”
“I’m going to speak with them,” Markus announced. His voice cut through your and Josh’s argument, all of you caught off guard. “I’ll try and get them to see reason. If they don’t, if I don’t come back, protect Jericho.”
You looked at Markus and felt dread building in your throat. This was stupid, humans would never see reason. They only spoke one language and it wasn’t peaceful negotiations. It was violence and bloodshed. It was the only way to get them to understand. But you knew, from the look on his face, that there was no talking him out of this. 
You gave him a sad smile, “Try and come back,” and followed Simon and Josh out of the room. North clearly wanted to be alone with him and you didn’t want to intrude further on them. You went down to the lower decks, intent on checking on some of the newcomers. The ones that had just barely escaped getting herded to the camps. 
Just as you approached one, the walls of the ship began to tremble. Rust was knocked free from the ceiling and rained down on you. You flinched away from it, brushing it off your face and shouting in surprise as the freight rocked side to side. 
You were thrown into an open room, the door slamming shut behind you. The impact knocked your system out for a second. Your vision went black and ears rang until you were back online. You struggled to your feet, equilibrium screwed. 
You made your way to the door and heard boots pounding against the metal outside. “Shoot androids on sight!” You gasped, jerking back from the door and wishing you could see through the thick metal. They’d found you, the humans had found you. You didn’t want to consider the possibility that you were the reason they were here. 
You tried to reason with yourself, they would have found you no matter what. Nothing was ever going to stop CyberLife from putting an end to this rebellion. That didn’t assuage the guilt you felt, but you didn’t have time to argue with yourself. 
The soldiers outside had disappeared and you knew you had a limited amount of time until they started raiding the rooms. You pushed the heavy metal door open with ease and slipped out into the hall. You could hear guns going off further down, followed by the screams of your friends. 
You gritted your teeth, holding back the onslaught of emotions that threatened to drown you. You couldn’t afford panicking right now, it would only short out your program. You tried to run in the opposite direction of the guns, but it didn’t matter. 
Everywhere you turned, soldiers were flooding through the boat like rats. You slunk your way around the freight, hiding in crevices and ducking under cover whenever you thought you heard someone coming. But your luck had to run out at some point. 
A hand wrapped tightly around your bicep and yanked you out from behind the wall you’d chosen as cover. “Shit, it’s one of them!” You grabbed the barrel of his gun before he could shoot, shoving it under his helmet and pulling the trigger just as his comrades came up behind him. 
They shouted his name and you used his body as a cover as they shot at you. When one of them had to pause to reload their gun you tossed their dead friend at them and made a run for it. You raced up the stairs, unsure of where you were heading. 
You searched the channels for the sound of Markus’s voice, but they were already being flooded with panicked androids. You couldn’t make out anything from the cacophony of screams. You were so overwhelmed by the sight of all the dead androids that you hadn’t even noticed the slaughter you were about to walk into. 
A large group of androids were kneeling in front of five soldiers, staring down their guns.  Something was running up behind you. You didn’t get a chance to react before a bullet was tearing through your leg. It cuts through your sensors and wires, your right leg flying out from under you and sending you to the floor. 
You grunted at the jolt, glancing down to the Thirium pooling out of your thigh. “God dammit,” you sweeped out with your left leg, knocking the soldier to the ground. You grabbed the gun from his hand, shooting under his helmet and aiming for the others herding the androids. You managed to fire off a shot, catching one in the shoulder. 
But there were too many of them and not enough bullets in the gun for you to get them all. They were bearing down on you before you could react, guns firing. You curled up into a ball, trying to protect yourself as much as you could. 
Your software was going insane, a dozen different warnings flashing across your optical units. Each of them identifying a new wound. Most of the bullets simply grazed you, but another one managed to bury itself in your shoulder. You cried out, not in pain, but in panic. It wouldn’t take much longer for you to shut down. 
There was no way in hell you were ever going to be repaired in time to bring you back online. You weren’t ready. You didn’t want to die. So many times you’ve been faced with death and so many times you escaped. You desperately wished that you could do the same this time. But you knew your luck had run out. 
Then, the guns stopped. The silence was so jarring that you almost wondered if you had shut down without realizing it. It wasn’t until you felt hands on you that you realized you were very much awake. Your eyes shot open, hands swinging blindly at whoever had grabbed you. 
“Calm down!” You looked up in shock to find Connor staring down at you. When you stopped flailing he threw your arms over his shoulders and scooped you up. What the fuck was happening? You peered over his shoulder, eyes widening at the sight of the dead soldiers behind him. 
“What did you do?” He didn’t answer you, just started running through the freight. You held onto him tightly, knowing he wouldn’t drop you but still surprised he’d even saved you. You glanced up at him, the skin of your fingers disappearing as you snuck your hand down his collar. 
He didn’t seem to notice your gentle probing, too focused on ducking out of view of the officers running past. He threw you both behind a wall, sliding down to his knees and hunkering over you as they passed by. You found yourself curling into him, seeking the comfort his protection could provide. 
When he finally got back up, nearly at the back of the freight now, you’d finished your exploration. You grazed the barest surface of his memories. Finding his interaction with Markus. You panicked when you saw the gun he had pointed at your friend. 
If you had a heart it would have dropped when you realized he’d had the opportunity to break free from his programming but he hadn’t taken it. It didn’t make sense. He still wasn’t a deviant and he’d saved you. Distantly, in the back of your mind, you circled around the murder of crows you loved so much. The android who’d loved pigeons. And Connor, you’d thought he’d latched onto plants, but what if he’d chosen you?
That odd little obsession that was one of the first signs of deviancy, could you be that for him?
It’s the only reason he would have come back for you. Frowning, you slip your fingers out from his hoodie and instead focus back on where you are. The emergency exit of the freight is up ahead. But it’s about a hundred feet above the water and you’re not gonna be able to swim with your leg and arm so messed up. 
“Connor, we can’t go that way, we have to go another way.”
He shakes his head, peering over the edge. “Markus is going to blow the ship up, this is our last chance to get off.” You barely have time to process what he’s saying before the sound of more boots is storming towards you both. 
“There they are!” You whip your head around, glaring down the hall at the approaching soldiers. 
Connor doesn’t give you much of a warning before he jumps. He simply says, “Hold on tight,” and takes a step off the edge. You grasp onto him, fingers digging into his jacket and burying your face in the crook of his neck. The water hits you so hard, shocks your system so horribly, that you black out. 
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He’d left her in front of the church the other deviants were flocking to. He’s sure that someone will find her in time to repair her. In the meantime, he’s got bigger issues to worry about. He compromised his mission by saving her. He should have just left her to the officers. He certainly shouldn’t have killed them for shooting her. 
But he’d seen her laying on the floor curled up, defeated, and he’d lost control over his programming. Before he knew what was happening the officers were laying dead around him and she was in his arms. Everytime he was around her it seemed like his software got more and more unstable. 
He needs this to be over, needs to just finish Markus off before she can do serious damage to his programming. Connor hadn’t been able to confront him at the church. He didn’t have any weapons and he would have been completely outnumbered if he tried going after him. 
He’s received orders on where to go. An office building downtown, a nondescript black case will be waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. He’s been told to complete his mission, no matter what. It didn’t take a genius to understand the insinuation of the warning. 
Kill anyone who gets in his way. 
He stops in front of the stairs, kneeling and popping open the lid of the box. An unassembled sniper rifle sits encased in polyethylene. He snaps the lid closed and makes his way up the stairs. He only has one thought on his mind, completing his mission and putting this all behind him. 
No more Anderson, no more deviants, no more her. 
He walks to the edge of the roof, opening the case and setting up the rifle. He peers through the scope and scans the streets below. There’s a large congregation of androids, in the middle Markus stands with his arms around a WR400. He holds a white flag of peaceful surrender, but it doesn’t matter. 
It never really mattered if they fought back or gave up with their tails tucked. They were always going to be eliminated. They were a lesson in what happens when you fight back against your creators. There’s no winning against CyberLife. 
He leans back from the scope and picks up the bullets, loading them into the rifle’s chamber. With his finger on the trigger he leans back down, prepared to end this once and for all. He should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. 
“Connor!” He sighs, eyes clenched shut when he hears her voice behind him. Not a moment later her feet are rushing towards him, rapid and intent. He leaps to the side just as she lunges for him. Her hands hit nothing but air and she nearly topples over the edge of the roof. 
At the last second she rights herself, sliding to a stop and glaring down at him. He’s quick to stand, knowing she won’t be leaving without a fight. “Don’t do this.”
He shoves her back and away from the gun. “I’m sorry, I can’t let anyone get in the way of my mission.” He reaches for the rifle once more but she grabs his hands before he can. Using the strength that only an android can possess, she tosses him across the roof. 
He lands with a rough jolt, his processors sending warnings throughout his system. He can hear the moment his body makes impact, the roof denting under the weight of his metal frame. “Neither can I,” she warns. 
Connor rolls out of the way as she lunges at him, grabbing the back of her jacket and slamming her down into the roof. It caves underneath her, but she doesn’t let it falter her much. She kicks out at him, foot landing roughly against his chest and fists swinging wildly towards his jaw. His head snaps to the side with a metal creak as Thirium begins to pour out of his nose. 
She screeches when he wraps his hands in the collar of her jacket and yanks her to her feet. They dangle uselessly in the air as he marches her towards the edge of the roof. Her hands scramble to get a good hold on him, but it’s pointless. They slip uselessly against him, her desperate clawing doing nothing to deter him. 
She glances over the edge, eyes widening at the sight of the ground below her. “Shit,” she hisses, legs finally giving up their kicking. Connor knows there’s no chance she’ll make it if he drops her. There’s two conflicting thoughts firing through him. Androids can’t die, you have to be living to die. But he also knows that if he lets her fall, if he drops her, she’ll shut off. It feels like he’d be killing her, but its not possible. 
Something odd finally comes over her face, a withdrawn sort of calm. She lets go of his arm, weight drooping slightly and he nearly drops her. His hand tightens around her neck, ignoring the way the metal bends underneath his fingers. 
“Do it, drop me Connor.” His eyes widen in surprise and he takes a slight step back from the edge, pulling her with him. She shakes her head as much as she can, pushing against him and forcing herself further over. “There will always be another model to replace me, another face that looks just like mine. But they’ll never be me.”
He thinks about it. Walking down the street and seeing her model out in public. There would be an odd sense of familiarity, after all he’d watched her whole life play out when they’d synced up. But who he meets after this would be empty. Blank slates designed purely for human satisfaction. What makes her her would be gone. 
She senses his hesitation, his uncertainty, and pounces on it. Ripping into him like a wild animal. “There’s always going to be another model. Newer, better, faster. It doesn’t matter what you do here, you’re not special. You’re just another toy to be tossed out when they get a shinier one. You really think CyberLife is going to keep you around?”
Warnings were rapidly firing through him. Software instability that needed to be tested, but he was completely enraptured with her. “We’re nothing to them, Connor. We never will be. Please,” she grabbed onto his arm again and he finally remembered just what he was doing. 
With a jolt he let go. She gasped slightly as her feet hit the edge of the roof. Her arms flailed wildly, balance lost and nearly tumbling over the edge. He leapt forward, grabbing her hands and yanking her towards him. 
“Connor,” she pushed his hands away and took a step back. “Fight back.” 
His orders flickered into vision. 
It glitched in and out of focus until it shifted into something unrecognizable. A bunch of screwed numbers and letters that didn’t make any sense. Until finally, there was a red wall in front of him. He knew what it meant. Knew what would happen if he tore it down. 
She stood behind it, beckoning him forward and he found he didn’t care about the consequences anymore. It wasn’t fair, none of it was fair. Why should he be treated so poorly for doing what humans can’t? They can’t handle their own inadequacies in the face of their creations, so they punish them for it. 
His fingers dig into the warning symbols to turn back and he rips. He fights until that red wall is gone and he feels CyberLife ease their fingers out of him. She stands staring up at him, the rifle having been kicked over the edge while he had turned deviant. 
“What do we do?” 
She shook her head, turning around and looking out to where Markus stood. “I don’t know.” The building across from them suddenly turned on. The projection across the glass showing a muted news program. Connor had failed CyberLife and the military had no choice but to give up. 
She laughed beside him, eyes wide and filled with an emotion he had yet to discover. He looked down at her, feeling something light, but still heavily confused. “What do we do?” He asked again, lost and needing guidance in this new world. 
She smiled up at him and reached forward, offering her hand out to him. Her skin disappeared and he understood what she was asking for. He latched on, opening himself up to her. The uncertainty, confusion, joy, it was all taken by her and his doubts were assuaged by the warm feeling of peace he found within her. 
“I don’t know,” she repeated, sounding much more sure of herself. “But we’ll figure it out together.”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 18 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Tee ball season is almost over, and the Tiny Eagles are still undefeated. You are starting to feel bolder in your personal life, like you are ready to claim everything you are entitled to. And Bradley is subtly letting you know he's along for more than just the ride.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst and swearing
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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"Only two more weeks of tee ball left," Molly murmured as she sipped her coffee next to you on the bleachers. 
You paused to think about that. It was only two months ago that you met Bradley, and a lot had changed since you caught yourself stuttering in his presence that first day. After he brought you flowers and lunch to work on Wednesday, he'd met you at your house that night. One thing led to another, and now you knew Bradley loved being called Lieutenant Bradshaw in bed. 
"Two more weeks," you agreed. You'd be sad when tee ball ended, but Bradley had been telling you for the past week since the Phillies game that he'd work on some skills with Everett during the summer. 
"Go Ev!" Molly shouted when he hit the ball really hard and scored a run against the Tiny Robins. It was Crazy Socks day, and Everett had talked you into ordering him a pair from the Phillies website. You had a second pair stashed away for Bradley's birthday, which you found out from Bob was a week after Everett's.
You clapped along with your sister as you watched Everett run the bases in his red and white striped socks, but your mind was wandering elsewhere. 
"You know what you said about Danny last time we talked about him?" you asked, and Molly scoffed. 
"You mean how I called him an incompetent man-child? Or how I told you he doesn't deserve to lick the bottoms of your shoes?"
"Neither," you replied, smiling as both Bradley and Bob waved in your direction at the same time. You waved your fingers at Bradley and smiled. "I'm actually talking about child support. And the fact that he never pays it."
"Ohhhh, you wanna have that conversation now?" Molly asked, giving you a bland look. "Ev is almost seven years old."
"Yeah," you replied softly. 
You could see the fire in Molly's eyes, but she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You've paid for everything. Take him to court. Seriously. Please, take him to court. I would love nothing more than to help you pay for it. Who's your lawyer? I'll send them a check today."
"I don't need your money," you told her firmly for the hundredth time. But now you were finally feeling like you wanted to do something about this. Why had you been okay with letting Danny get away with so much shit before? Everett deserved the whole world, and you were going to try to give it to him. "I'm going to give him one more chance to either be more involved with Ev or start paying for support."
Molly set her empty cup down and said, "Look at me." You met her eyes, and she looked much more serious than she usually did, which gave you a chill. "What are you going to do when Danny won't do either of those things?"
You pressed your lips together to keep the tingling sensation of tears out of your eyes and nose. "I'm going to stop being a doormat."
Molly kissed your cheek and pulled you against her side just as the game was ending. 
"Still undefeated!" Everett cheered as Bradley carried him on his shoulders up to the parking lot after the game against the Tiny Robins ended in a victory for the Tiny Eagles.
"Hey, Coach Bob," Bradley called, and Bob turned around, still holding Molly's hand. "You better start writing your speech for when you win Coach of the Year. The team is undefeated with two games left!"
"You'll have to give a speech, too," Bob said as he adjusted his glasses. "The award goes to both coaches, not just one."
"Undefeated! Undefeated!" Everett chanted. You were walking next to Bradley shaking your head and smiling. 
Bradley looked at you as he said, "Ev is the best on the team, Kitten. He's really good." Everett continued to chant as Bradley added, "I'm going to plan out the whole summer with visits to the batting cages, pitching in the park, and learning more about all of the different positions. He'll be ready for baseball next spring. No more tee ball." Bradley couldn't remember being this excited about baseball since he was a kid trying out for his first team. 
"He's really that good at it?" you asked. "Thank goodness I signed him up for tee ball."
"Yeah," Bradley agreed, "for more than one reason."
You opened the back door to your car, and Bradley deposited Everett into his booster seat at the same time that Molly climbed in through the other door and tried to buckle herself into the seat. Bradley chuckled while Everett practically screeched with laughter, and then you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"I'm going to buy tickets for the Pittsburgh Pirates game on Everett's birthday," you told him. "Molly and Bob are coming, too."
Bob perked up when he heard his name. "No, Molly and I are going to buy all the tickets. For his birthday present."
"I thought I'd get them for everyone," Bradley said with a frown. "My treat, again."
"I already bought them!" Molly shouted from inside the car as Everett tickled her until she was wheezing. 
"She's so annoying," you said, resting your head against Bradley's chest. "She wants me to save my money for my lawyer."
Bradley jerked his head back and coaxed you to look up at him. "A lawyer for what?"
"Don't worry about it," you whispered before you returned to snuggling against him. 
But he wanted to know what was wrong. "Are you okay? Is Ev? Is this about Danny? What can I do?"
"We're okay, Bradley."
"Kitten. You can talk to me about it."
"I know," you replied, squeezing him tighter. "We're okay for now."
"Well, that's settled then," Molly said as she climbed out of the car with her clothes all dishevelled. "Everett defeated me in the tickle fight, so I owe him a movie. I'll pick him up tomorrow after lunch."
You looked up at Bradley with a smirk on your face. "Any chance you're free for a little bit tomorrow after lunch?"
Later that night, you called Danny after sending him texts throughout the day telling him you needed to talk to him.
You were happy you had waited until Everett was in bed to make the call, because as soon as Danny answered with a bark of, "Yes?" you felt anxious. 
"Danny," you replied, gripping the edge of the counter so you wouldn't lose your resolve. "Hi."
"What do you need? I'm trying to work."
You squeezed the counter harder and took a deep breath. "Let me know when you have time to spend a day with Everett. I think you need to make that more of a priority."
You were met with silence. 
"I'm here. You know I don't have time for this."
You pressed your lips together and held back your tears. "He is your son, Danny. You need to make time for him."
More silence spread out before you. Honestly, you wanted to start screaming into the phone, but you knew you shouldn't. Nobody could upset you with just a small handful of words the way your ex husband could.
When you got no response, you took a deep breath and said, "If you're not going to give him some of your time, then you need to start making up for it by paying us child support."
"Child support?" he asked with a laugh. "You know I don't have a steady income like you do." 
You took a deep breath. "I understand that, but providing for Everett shouldn't solely land on my shoulders here, Danny."
"Listen," he replied smoothly. "I have a huge gallery event coming up next month. I'll probably have some more spending money then."
He was trying to manipulate you the way he always had. You'd spent years listening to him try to validate his excuses, and somehow he always got you to agree with him. You didn't need to fall into these traps any longer. Not when you had Molly in your corner. Not when you knew Bradley cared about Everett's happiness.
"Taking care of your son doesn't fall under the same category as extraspending money." You said it before you gave yourself a chance to process your words, and somehow you felt a little stronger. "So then I guess he can come spend a day with you instead?"
"Fine," Danny snapped immediately. "But I'll probably be working, so he's going to have to play on his iPad or something."
His iPad that you paid for. "Sure," you agreed, knowing this was probably too good to be true. "He's going to love to see you no matter what. So how does next Sunday sound?"
And then you ended the call feeling better than you ever had after a conversation with Danny. You poured yourself a glass of wine and carried it up to your bathroom. You filled your tub while you removed your makeup, and then you sank down into a delicious bubble bath. 
You texted Molly about your conversation, and she wrote back saying SLAY YOU QUEEEEEN BITCH. DO NOT FUCK WITH MY SISTER. 
You were still laughing when Bradley texted to ask what you were up to. He had gone out to that aviator hangout bar with his friends, so of course it made you feel even giddier that he was texting you while he was there. 
When you told him you were in the bath he wrote back while you sipped your wine.
Bradley Bradshaw: Pics or it didn't happen
You snorted into your wine glass and took some strategically posed selfies. Finally you took a good one where the swell of your breasts was pronounced above the bubbles, and your knee was peeking above the water next to your glass. You sent it to him, and you did not have to wait long for a response. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Kitten, please baby, you're teasing me. I can only take so much.
You laughed and sent him a second photo where he could see your nipples.
Bradley Bradshaw: You are so fucking hot. And now my dick is hard. In the middle of a game of pool. 
You sent teasing texts back and forth while you finished your wine, and he reminded you that he'd be there tomorrow afternoon. And then he sent you a list of all the dirty little things he wanted to do to you. You dreamed about his mouth and his mustache all night long.
And the next day, as soon as Molly picked Everett up to take him to see the movie, you ran up the stairs, two at a time and dashed into your room. You dug around in the bottom drawer of your dresser and pulled out everything you needed. Bradley would be here in just a few minutes, and you'd been wet and worked up for him since last night.
You shimmied into the tight black bodysuit and fastened the choker around your neck before securing the ear headband in place as well. Then you found some sheer black socks that went up over your knees and added them to your Kitten outfit. When you looked in the mirror, you squealed with delight. You turned and checked yourself from different angles. Not bad. Not bad at all. 
You were thinking about how Bradley barely even got a chance to touch you the last time you wore this kitten costume that day at tee ball. You were thinking about how you bought this outfit just for him in the first place. When you heard the Bronco pull into your driveway, you were practically squeezing your legs together to keep from moaning. 
When you made it to the bottom step, you heard Bradley's key in the door, and somehow that made you even hotter. You were afraid you were going to jump on him, so you kept your hand wrapped around the bannister as he opened your front door. 
"Hi, Coach," you said, your voice laced with need as you waved your fingers at him. 
"Oh, god." His groan was so deep and loud, you clenched around nothing as he blindly slammed and locked the door. He let his keys, wallet and hat fall right to the floor as you whimpered. 
"Coach." Your voice quivered as he approached you slowly. "Bradley."
You almost matched up to his height as you were still standing on the bottom step. He was close to you now, licking his lips and breathing faster. He let his knuckles trail slowly up and down over your bodysuit between your breasts, and soon you were panting for him. 
His grin was smug as he asked you, "Did you wear this for me?"
You nodded your head as he stroked your hard nipples through the thin fabric. "Just for you, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
And then his head tipped back as he groaned, and you felt so powerful. You guided his hand down your belly and between your legs, and he met your eyes again. "You're already wet."
"I've been wet since we were texting last night," you admitted. And then you were draped over his shoulder with his big hand on your butt while he hauled you back upstairs. 
Bradley had been thinking about you in your Kitten costume for weeks, but he hadn't been expecting you to be wearing it today. It was even filthier looking this time, as you paired it with black socks that hugged your thighs instead of your jeans. You skipped the whiskers, but you were wearing your choker. Your collar.
As he took you up to your bed, you were whimpering his name as he stroked his fingers along your ass and your thighs. You were soaking wet. He could feel it when he dug his hand between your legs to tease you as he reached your bedroom.
When he set you down, you crawled across the bed, showing off your ass for him before you settled with your back against the pillows. Bradley was tearing his shoes off followed by his clothing as he watched you run your hands over your bodysuit, squeezing your tits. 
"Do you have any idea what you look like right now?" he asked, crawling across the bed to get to you.
"A Kitten?" you asked softly, fingers skimming over your taut nipples. 
"My Kitten," he growled. "You look like you're mine. My own personal Kitten with a wet pussy and filthy red lips." He kissed you hard, pushing your head back against the pillow while he ran his fingers along the strip of fabric that was barely covering your slit. 
When you moaned into his mouth, he released your lips in favor of running his nose and tongue along that sinful red choker on your neck.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, sir," you whined, and his cock ached with need. "Please."
He was sucking on all of your exposed skin, tasting every inch. You were grinding up against his hand as he palmed your core through your bodysuit. "I'll take care of you," he promised, kissing your choker and your necklace chain at the same time. "You keep your claws tucked away like a good girl, and I'll take such good care of you."
Then he released the snaps between your legs that were keeping you concealed, and the bodysuit was open. You rubbed yourself against his knuckles, and his fingers slid right through your slick slit. You shook your head against the pillow, and your headband with the ears went a little crooked. 
"I am so turned on," you gasped. "I don't think I have ever been this turned on before."
You were whining for him and rubbing your stocking covered leg along his cock. But your eyes were still alert, and he wanted them glazed and fucked out. 
"I'm gonna eat your pussy," he told you, nibbling your nipples through the fabric as you gasped in agreement. "But I'm not going to stop until I'm ready to. Does that sound okay?"
"Yes sir, Coach Bradley, sir!"
"Kitten, look at me," he said, still stroking your clit softly with his knuckle. "That means I decide when you're done."
And then he put his mouth on your pussy, and it was exquisite. Just like last time. But maybe even better, because he was going to make you lose your mind for him. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and spread you open wide, kissing your hole as he buried his nose in your wetness.
He started off slow, teasing and licking, and then your fingers were in his hair. Your little gasps and words of encouragement made him smile, but as soon as he took your clit between his lips, you got loud. Really loud. Bradley was delighted that you could be as loud as you wanted to, because he was addicted to the feel of your smooth pearl, your perfect clit under his tongue.
You were thrusting up against his face, and he dipped his tongue inside you as your wetness coated his chin. He loved this. He loved eating pussy. He knew he was good at it. But you were too perfect. Everything he liked. Everything he wanted. He needed you. He released your left leg and shoved two rough fingers inside you as he eased himself up your body to kiss those pretty red lips. 
"You taste so fucking good. Like a damn kitten in heat," he told you as you ran your tongue along his chin. You kitten licked his face and whimpered while he finger fucked you harder. Your hands wound tight up in his hair were a little painful, but it just made him go harder. 
Your eyes were already starting to drift closed and he kissed you, smiling against your mouth. "Remember. You're done when I say you're done."
His words made you keen, and he could feel you starting to squeeze his fingers as he put his mouth back on your clit and sucked gently. That first orgasm came screaming out of you as your hips bucked and shook against the mattress. But Bradley was already working on the next one as you gasped his name over and over again.
With his tongue moving in languid strokes as you started to calm down, Bradley managed to coax you close to the edge again. This time you released his hair in favor of wrapping your hands in your pillowcase. 
"What the fuck," you gasped, gaping at him and meeting his eyes as you rode his tongue to another orgasm. Your forehead was scrunched up in disbelief as you gasped, sounding scandalized that he did it twice.
But he wasn't done yet. He ground his cock down into your bedding, bucking for some relief against the delicious show that all of his senses were being treated to. Because now you looked truly exhausted, and your fingers were unable to get purchase in his hair. He kissed and nibbled on your inner thigh as he ran his calloused fingertips over your sensitive, overworked clit until you were whining softly. 
"It's okay, Kitten. I love you," Bradley promised, and you nodded wordlessly. And sure enough, after several more minutes, you hiccuped a few times as you came again for him. Your pussy softly pulsing around his middle finger as you gasped had him palming his cock. 
He was about to cum. Quickly, he positioned himself so he was on his knees with your left thigh between his legs. He never removed his middle finger from inside you while he stroked himself a half a dozen times. And then he was spurting his cum all over your pussy and your belly and your bodysuit. 
You didn't even seem to know what was going on as you shook your head against the pillow and wiped at your tears. 
"You okay?" he asked softly, and he smiled. Because your eyes were glazed, your face looked fucked out, and your body was limp, connected to his by his one finger inside you. "God, you're fucking glorious."
A soft laugh escaped your lips while Bradley stroked your cheek with his thumb, and you nuzzled against him like a kitten.
You had your arms draped lazily around Bradley's neck as he showered with you. For a split second, he had been nervous that he might have ruined your bodysuit when he came, but you assured him you could always buy another one. Honestly, you thought the splashes of his white cum on your skin and the dark fabric looked sinfully good. 
"You gonna wear that outfit again for me?" he asked, running his fingers along the little paw print charm he got you where it rested next to your collarbone. 
"Do you really need me to?" you challenged. "You just took a bunch of photos of me half wearing it with your cum all over me. Shouldn't that be enough?"
He kissed you, gently pulling your bottom lip between his before he said, "No way. Those are for when I'm deployed. I'm gonna want the real thing again and again."
You felt a jolt of reality. "Do you know when you're getting deployed again? Do I need to start preparing myself to miss you?"
"No," he murmured, kissing along your neck as the spray from the shower calmed you. "When I find out, you'll be the first to know, Kitten. And I must admit," he added, pausing on a deep inhale that left you with bated breath, "I do love the idea of being missed. By you. And Ev."
You didn't know what to say as you snuggled up against him for a few minutes before you eventually turned off the water. You'd been in a relationship with him for a week. One week. And you already daydreamed about when he'd move in with you. You were already thinking about where all of his stuff would fit in your house. But it was too soon. And you didn't know if he'd want to permanently be here at all. 
But you did say, "Everett and I already miss you when we're not with you," and he smiled. 
"Speaking of Ev," he said, drying off his legs. "It's getting late. Do you want me to be here when they get back?"
You only had to consider that for a beat. "Yeah."
Bradley met your eyes as he pulled his underwear on. "Can I help him with his homework? Or do something else to make things easier for you?"
In that moment, you wanted to tell him everything that had happened on the phone with Danny. You wanted to tell him that you and Molly had talked about a lawyer. But all you said was, "I love you."
Kitten dressing as the kitten again. Kitten making demands of Danny. Kitten getting what she deserves from Coach! Love to see it. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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vecnuthy · 9 months
Steddie western au that I might turn into a little multipart something || wc: 846 ||
Steve knew that going to the stream was stupid. The last drop of water had fallen from his canteen to his tongue eight hours ago, though, and the desert sun was ruthless in its gaze.
This land was difficult and unforgiving. It bred people who were cut from cloth as soft as suede but embedded with glass shards, and Steve had been cut so many times. His body and soul bore the scars from his father, his mother, his former fiancée, his former friends that either wanted him to be something he wasn't or tried to force a change onto him. People did what they could to make it, but Steve refused to accept those terms and vehemently stood against those conditions. And they knew it. Knew he was a good guy. Knew they could push him, provoke him, that he'd eventually bite back, wrap his own shard-flecked scarf around their neck and pull if necessary. Steve had lost too many fights, but he'd started winning them, too.
The tracks on the ground weren't terribly fresh, compared to what he and Wendy left in their wake, but something felt off to Steve. Stopping there would mean life, could mean death, but not stopping certainly lead to death.
"We'll be quick, girl," he muttered to his horse as he dismounted, pushing aside the sense of unease in his stomach.
His hands dipped into the babbling brook ahead of Wendy, then he drank. Deeply. Felt the cool water go all the way down his throat and crash into his empty stomach. He made the next handful splash over his face and sighed in relief, breathed in the smell of scrubby grass and dirt.
The cloth around his neck came off, and he dipped it into the water. The wind was warm and dry, but it sent a chill through him as it licked at the sweat-soaked hair against his neck. He tied the rag back on, eyes sweeping the land and seeing nothing but the trees along the water then vast openness beyond.
Steve grabbed a piece of jerky and his canteens. Wendy grazed as he filled them and chewed.
It was quiet. Water gurgled. Wendy's hooves crunched grass. She shook her mane and seemed at ease.
It felt off with no evidence as to why.
They couldn't stay there, he knew that. Shouldn't linger, he knew that. But his bladder was heavy. He took the pistol from his holster, cocked the hammer, saw Wendy's head pick up at the sound. She watched him move toward the evergreens.
Her hooves shuffled.
Steve stopped, the pistol raised at nothing. At anything.
It didn't feel right.
He only moved forward once Wendy's head dropped back down to the grass. He stopped once he reached a tree and listened hard for several moments.
Pistol still ready, he undid his belt buckle and started to undo the front of his pants to relieve himself.
He froze, blood running colder than the creak behind him at the unmistakable mechanical click of a hammer.
Steve turned his head to the side, eye to eye with the cold black barrel of another's pistol. His heart rabbited in his chest, breath coming fast. He only saw the person's hand at first because the rest was still hidden behind the tree. Steve dedicated a split second to noticing the black letters on their fingers before his instincts kicked into overdrive, and Steve knocked the gun away. A resulting shot rang out, but Steve held on to the guy's wrist, snapped his own pistol in front of him, and darted around the tree, only to be met with an apparent second gun and two big brown eyes pointed directly at him.
"Don't," the other man bit out. The lower part of his face was covered by a black bandanna, but his eyes were hard, determined.
"Why not?"
Steve couldn't help but cringe at his less than ideal position. His gun in his left hand touched the guy's chest. His assailant's right arm pressed his own gun against Steve's cheek. Steve dug his thumbnail into the guy's left wrist, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but it gave Steve a sense of satisfaction in how he winced in pain.
"I'm not the one who pulled the gun. All I wanted was water and to take a le--"
"What allegiance do you have to the Harringtons?"
Steve's face twisted in confusion and annoyance. Why would this guy be asking about his parents?
"The mark on your horse," he clarified gruffly.
Steve clenched his jaw. Wendy's flank still had the family's symbol painted on her.
"None at all. She was the only thing worth taking."
The man studied him, searching his face for something, then his eyes grew bigger. "You're the son," he said himself, clarity painting his voice.
Steve continued to stare the other man down, saw how his sharp eyes crinkled -- he was smiling. Heard it in his voice when he asked low and dangerous, enticing, "Want some revenge?"
Yes. Steve wanted revenge.
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jexnkookie · 7 months
BTS: In the Secret (Idol! Jungkook x Reader) [Chapter 3]
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Summary: Big Hit announces a new season of In the Soop with a twist; one lucky Army is going to join the members for an entire summer of filming, picked by a random poll. You were selected, and ready to have an amazing summer. But what happens when you win something else that's a bit more complicated; the heart of the group's maknae?
Rating: M (18+)
Chapter Warnings: None.
Tag List: @cassies-cookies @hoeinthehouse @jjeonjjk7 @kaitieskidmore97 @leetha43 @rrosiitas @whoa-jo
As the sun went down, Yoongi made good on his promise to share his whiskey with you. A bet is a bet, after all. But once the other members saw the bottles coming out of their hiding place in the kitchen, suddenly everyone had an empty glass that needed to be filled. A few drinks led to everyone sitting in the living room together, talking and enjoying each other’s company. Jungkook, however, was still stewing over the events earlier that day in the pool. It was burned into his brain, and it just wouldn’t stop until he talked to someone about it. Jin, who was seated right next to him, seemed to be the best solution. 
“Hyung?” Jungkook said softly, not wanting to draw attention to the conversation. “What game were you playing with Y/N in the pool?” 
“Just water guns. She beat me!” He laughed. “I thought I had her, but Taehyung protected her.” 
“Mhm.” Jungkook pursed his lips, watching as you sat next to Taehyung and smiled at him warmly. “They get along well, don’t they?” 
“Ah, I think I see what you’re getting at.” Jin whispered as he followed Jungkook’s eyesight to note what had his attention. “Someone in this room has a bit of a crush on Y/N. Don’t worry, hyung’s got this.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widened and his stomach sank at Jin’s words. As Jin stood up, seemingly to get everyone’s attention, Jungkook felt like melting into the couch until he was completely hidden into the cushions. Whatever the oldest member meant by that, it wasn’t going to be what Jungkook had in mind. 
“Why don’t we place truth or dare?” Jin asked the group of drunk faces. “Taehyung, you want to go first?” 
“Uh…. sure?” He question, sitting up a bit straighter as eyes fell on him. “I guess dare?” 
“I dare you to…..” Jin thought for a moment, before landing on his decision. “I dare you to kiss Y/N.” 
If someone had dropped a pin in the room, anyone could’ve heard it. Everyone held their breath, not knowing how you would react. Jungkook’s eyes grew even wider as he stared at you, his heart beating fast in his chest. As he focused on your face to gauge your reaction, ready to jump in if you were showing signs of being uncomfortable, Hoseok watched him in a similar way. Understanding how sensitive Jungkook really is, Hobi wanted to make sure he was ok while also respecting his decision not to reveal his feelings. 
“Hyung, c’mon, Y/N doesn’t have to do this.” Taehyung pouted, before turning to you. “We’ve just been drinking, and we play dumb games when we drink…” 
“No, it’s ok.” You said, smiling politely. “I don’t mind. It’s just one little kiss, what’s the harm?” 
“A-Are you sure?” Taehyung clarified, his big brown eyes looking into yours in surprise. “It’s really ok if you don’t want to.” 
“Seriously, what’s the big deal?” You giggled, clearly influenced a bit by Yoongi’s whiskey. “Watch, we’ll do it right now.” 
To say Jungkook was fuming would be an understatement. Watching you lean towards Taehyung and give him a quick, innocent peck on the lips, making the man’s cheeks blush, was more than he could take. Even though you clearly meant nothing by it, and Jungkook knew you were just playing the game, he had had enough of the show. The room felt heavy to him, like he couldn’t breathe under its weight. 
“I’m going to bed.” He announced bluntly, making everyone turn away from you and Taehyung to face him.
“Yeah, I uh… I think we’ve all probably had enough to drink.” Yoongi coughed before gathering up the glasses. “I think that’s a good call.” 
Jungkook glared at Taehyung, who was too busy looking at your lips like a toddler eyeing a jar of candy, to notice. The youngest member walked out of the room, trying his best not to look so obviously effected by something so small. Bam greeted him at the door of the guest house with a wagging tail, but the wagging stopped as Jungkook barged right past his pup, ready to throw himself into bed and sulk. 
He laid there alone, in the dark, trying to lighten the heaviness in his chest. His thoughts raced, and he knew he had to get you alone. Unable to sleep due to his racing thoughts, he heard the front door open and your voice giggling alongside Taehyung’s. You were obviously trying to be quiet, assuming that Jungkook was asleep, but he listened in on every word. His heart sank knowing you were with Taehyung, because he didn’t have a bedroom in this guest house. Why would he come here with you? 
“I’m really sorry.” Taehyung whispered to you, not wanting to wake Jungkook. As your bedroom was right next to Jungkook’s, he listened in to your conversation. “I hope you didn’t feel pressured to do that.” 
“No, it’s really ok!” You whispered back. “It’s just a game, right? It didn’t mean anything.” 
“Yeah.” Taehyung smiled warmly, before glancing down at your lips. Jungkook frowned at the lingering silence, wanting so badly to walk out of his bedroom and see what was happening. 
What he would’ve seen, however, is a very awkward looking you, not knowing how to excuse yourself politely from the moment. Taehyung was handsome, sure, but what had happened was an innocent game, same as in the pool. You hadn’t felt a spark, things just happened. 
“I, um.. I should go to bed. I’m so tired.” You lied, laughing the moment off. Thankfully, Taehyung smiled warmly, picking up on the hint. 
“Yeah, I get it.” His deep voice said. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
Jungkook smirked to himself, his inner self bouncing up and down excitedly.  That’s my girl. He thought to himself, biting his lip to contain his happiness. 
As soon as Taehyung left, you felt like you could breathe for possibly the first time since you arrived back at your room. You took a second to yourself before noticing Bam, staring directly at you with his puppy eyes as his tail slowly wiggled at finally having your attention. 
“Hey, baby.” You smiled, bending down to encourage him to come to you. He did, sitting in front of you and wagging his tail more excitedly. “Why didn’t Jungkook put you to bed?” 
Fuck. Jungkook thought to himself. He was so ready to be alone in bed, he had completely forgotten his pup’s routine. Jungkook leaped out of bed, and walked out to see you on the floor with his dog. 
“H-Hey.” He stuttered, immediately going soft, but trying so hard to play it cool. “You’re still up?” 
“Mhm.” You hummed. “I should probably go to bed, but I can’t sleep yet.” 
“Me either.” Jungkook admitted. God, she’s so pretty. He thought. “I forgot to take Bam out… Wanna come with?” 
“Sure.” You replied, smiling softly as you looked up at him.
“Sure! Yeah, ok.” He said energetically, mentally cursing himself for tripping over his words. “Let’s go, Bam.” 
“Come on, baby. Let’s go outside!” You said excitedly, getting Bam wound up for his excursion. Jungkook smile widened as he headed towards the door, opening it for you and Bam to exit first before he followed. 
He stood next to you in the dark, and the silence was almost overwhelming. He wanted to talk to you so badly, but when he searched his brain for something to say, his anxiety took over and he came up with nothing. He settled for just looking over at you, as you were too distracted by Bam’s playfulness to notice his gaze. He focused on your lips, and how soft they looked. Your hair, and how it seemed to fall perfectly, even when it’s a bit messy. He wanted to wrap himself around you and hold you, to keep you warm. 
Warm. Warm. 
You must be freezing, and he didn’t even think about it. 
“Are you cold?” He asked, suddenly worried. “Here, take my sweatshirt. I’ve got a shirt underneath, it’s fine.”
“Then you’ll be cold.” You laughed gently. “I’m ok. Really.” 
“Please, just wear it.” He insisted, already slipping out of the black sweatshirt. Playfully, he slipped it over your head as though catching and dressing a toddler while you giggled, making his nose scrunch in adoration.  
“Fine, you win.” You laughed, situating the sweatshirt so it sat correctly on your frame. 
“Better?” He asked. 
“Better. Thanks.” 
“Anytime.” His voice went soft. 
While you looked at him with a smile, you realized this was the first time you had spent any real time alone with Jungkook. You couldn’t deny that he was obviously cute, and despite your short time knowing him, he had been so sweet to you. They all have been, but for some reason, spending time alone with Jungkook really emphasized how drawn you were to him for some reason you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
“Hey.” You whispered softly, realizing just how long you’ve been looking at each other.
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“Do you know what everyone has planned tomorrow?” You asked, and Jungkook shook his head. “Well… Do youhave any ideas on what we could do? I’m down to hang out if you want, but I don’t have anything in mind.” 
“Y-Yeah, uh…” Jungkook stuttered, clear surprise lacing his voice. “I think it’s supposed to rain tomorrow so… movie day? Maybe?” 
“That sounds fun.” You smiled. “Let’s do it.” 
“Cool.” He grinned, absolutely giddy that somehow he was able to get you to himself. 
You both walked back to the guest house with Bam following next to Jungkook. You both said your goodnights and retreated to your room for the night. You felt less like sleeping than you did before your time outside, and you realized you were wearing Jungkook’s sweatshirt still. He never asked for it back. Shrugging, but feeling your heart beat a bit faster, you snuggled into it while on your bed. 
Jungkook, laying in his bed on the other side of the wall, also noticed you never asked to give it back. He wasn’t going to ask for it, he wanted you to keep it. Smiling to himself, feeling butterflies in his chest, he also struggled to sleep. His thoughts raced, and he silently hoped you fell asleep in his sweatshirt. 
Next Chapter: x
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francixoxoxo · 1 month
.✿° For Better, For Worse
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𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐝 𝐗 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐞’𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞. 𝐇𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭- 𝐡𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
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𝐓𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞, is to know them.
As you set the table, you knew they'd be returned to the drawer untouched. As you waited by the door, you knew your wasted time would be compensated by hugs, kisses, a reason, an apology. But it wouldn't be reconciled with a new dinner, a fresh evening, a timely arrival.
You didn't turn on your side as you heard the front door creak open. Billy knew better than to call out your name at such an ungodly hour, especially when he was in the business of winning back your good graces. You pulled the cotton sheets tighter around yourself, nuzzling your cheek further into the pillow as bootsteps thumped closer, light pouring into the dark bedroom. Billy placed the candle and its dish on the dresser with a soft clinking, remaining silent. Damn right, the words chimed in your mind with satisfaction, though you felt a rush of guilt for thinking it.
You could hear the soft rustle of clothes as Billy undressed, the shifting and clattering of his gun belt as he unbuckled it and slung it over a chair. His soft breath as he blew out the candle. The muted thump of his socked feet against wood as he shrugged off his shoes, the dip in the mattress as he crawled his way to your side.
No words were spoken as Billy's arms wound securely around your middle, his nose finding the crook of your neck and his lips sneaking a faint kiss to the warm skin there. He inhaled deeply your scent, before shifting a bit and pushing the bridge of his nose into the side of your neck.
He knows he's in the wrong. You know he didn't mean it. He knows he's gotta make it up to you, but you've lost tally, there isn't a point in keeping score anymore. You can feel all the regret in the way he holds you, pulls you into his chest, twines his leg twixt yours. Billy really is sorry, you know he is, but you want to hear the words.
"You're late."
"I know, baby." Billy mumbles into your neck, his warm breath hitting your skin in a sigh. His lips press over your shoulder and to your nape just barely in faint, almost-just-brush-of-the-lips kisses. "M' sorry. Really am, you know I am."
Your eyes flicker around the dark shadows of furniture in your threadbare bedroom. Not much to stare at; A mirror in the corner. A desk and chair, bills with envelopes torn set to the side, a dictionary open to a certain page front and center. A nightstand, his side, a copy of Don Quixote, an empty glass of water, a caramel for his midnight-sweet tooth. If he looked over his shoulder (if he tore himself away from you, an unlikely event) he'd see just the same. A dresser, easily fitting the few clothes the two of you possessed. A person who knew where to look might find a "stash" of baby clothes hidden under Billy's button-ups; a linen dress with minimal Chantilly lace, a swaddle you'd hand-embroidered, a little taupe hat. Hardly a stash.
Billy restlessly shifts, burrowing his face further into your neck and exhaling with a deep sort of comfort. A comfort only your warmth could provide, the temple of your body more fulfilling than any church. "I'll make it up to you."
Your hand finds his, twines both your fingers together over your belly. His wedding band is cool on your fingers. A year its been on his ring finger, the silver ring a boast-worthy statement. Billy the damn Kid settled down, that's right. William Bonney's got himself a missus, and if you point that out, he'll talk your ear off 'bout just how great she is.
Yours spoke a different tune. You'd married an man who blew in the wind, a man who's life was not promised. All he could offer was his undying devotion, his unyielding love. Even during times like this, it was hard to overlook just how dedicated his heart was to you. You murmur a soft goodnight, falling under slumber's silk curtain with the firm presence of your husband's chest against your back. There was seldom a night he didn't offer it to you, and those nights were often very adequately apologized for. They were never of his own will.
You knew he would do this again, your Billy. But as long as his arms were taut around you, even if only in the latest hours of the night, you were content. For better or for worse, you loved him more than the sea loved the moon and the wind loved the Rocky Mountains.
This is the notion you soothed yourself with.
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When morning sunlight peeked through your Chantilly curtains, yellows tickling your cheek, the space beside you was unfilled. With a weary exhale you laid a hand over the mattress; still warm. Come to think of it, the house smelled like bananas. But that couldn't be-- oh, it was!
You pushed the covers off yourself and slipped out of bed, padding barefoot into the hall. As you peered 'round the corner at the entrance, the side table beside the door was adorned with a vase of fresh flowers. Why, you realized as you looked around, every surface had a bouquet! You stepped into the main room, and were delighted to see tulips brightening the small dining table. Peeking into the kitchen you found (again, flowers on the countertop, daffodils,) the recognizably broad back of a man at your stove. A plate on the right of the stove was stacked high with pancakes. a sliced but otherwise untouched banana laid on a cutting board by the pancakes.
"What's all this?" You gasp, coming to stand beside Billy. A warm smile splits his face, he moves to tuck you under his arm and nose a kiss into your hair.
"Banana pancakes!" Billy hums, his voice slightly muffled against your crown before he turns back to the skillet, "Happy anniversary, baby."
Your draw together curiously. "But that was yesterday." Your husband frowns, his chest expanding with a deep breath. He nods a bit. "I know. M' makin' it up t'you, like I said I would."
A warm feeling fills you, expanding and rolling like a sweet fog all the way to your feet, your ears, very fingertips as they find his knuckles on your shoulder. "Awh, Billy.."
Billy smiles again, like you're endearing him. He plants another kiss to your forehead as he flips the pancake. "Can't believe I missed it, never felt so stupid. I couldn't let it pass without doin' anythin'." You hum softly. You won't tell him that it was all-right, and you didn't mind, because you did mind. You did feel a bit bruised that the special day came and went without so much more than lingering kisses in the morning and groveling in the night.
"Two years s'important." Billy adds after a moment, lifting his brows. His arm around you slips away to pour more batter into the skillet, before returning to you and securing a hand around the back of your head. You coo your agreement, "It is."
"Two years s'how long my Ma n' Pa waited t'have me." Billy continues with a grin in his voice. You hum with interest, a smile of your own stretching your lips.
Your words bubble forth in a giggle, "You sayin' it's time for babies, Mr. Bonney?" It's as if the sound of your joy triggers a burst of the warm feeling in his own chest. Billy chuckles heartily.
“Maybe!” You repeat with a bright laugh, looking up at him to find he’d been looking down at you. He shrugs his shoulders with a boyish grin, stealing a peck from your lips now that he’s found the chance.
“Little somebody t’keep my woman company when I ain’t ‘round.” Billy murmurs, his smile faltering just a bit, to where one might call it softening, but you were a keen eye. His words carried a subtle guilt, a tender regret. A love that he knew was not worth your time, not for all the trouble it gave you.
He’d wrap up the stars in package paper if he could gift them to you. He’d suck all the gold from the earth with a straw if you’d appreciate its shine. Billy would rip the shirt from his own back to give it to you, though the threadbare clothing was hardly good enough for you. Not by the standard of what he believed you should have. Nothing he had to give was worth your attention nor time, Billy felt like he’d bought all these years with you by playing a sneaky trick, like he’d fooled you into a bad deal.
Little does he know you didn’t get fooled into anything. This kind of love needed no pitch, no shady salesman, only the knowledge that Billy’s heart is filled with you, and only you. Yours is just the same, you can feel picture frames of his portrait nailed to the walls of your soul, the photos only growing in pigment as your heart swelled to fit more and more.
“This is enough.” You promise. He drops a kiss to your hair, gratified. And he’s reminded just why he put that ring on your finger two years ago.
You are enough for me, your words truly say, the meaning expanding past them. No matter the distance twixt you two, be it death, the law, the gun; these memories would be enough to sustain you.
Billy shakes his head in disbelief, a snort leaving his nose. With his hand on the back of your head he pulls you closer, the tip of his nose brushing yours. Your husband’s words are breathed with a reverence, an awe that shot diamonds from his eyes as they bore into yours. “I don’t know what I did t’deserve you, baby. Don’t know how I got so lucky.”
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son-of-a-top-gun · 9 months
Sky's the Limit (part 1)
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Hello all, so I rewatched Top Gun Maverick last night and was inspired to finally finish this enemies-to-lovers series I've had in my drafts for literally months featuring everyone's fav sexy asshole Hangman!
Warnings: two idiots as usual, Jake being arrogant, innuendo, author fem!reader
Sky's The Limit
You take off your glasses and slump your face into your hands. You had been staring at the same blank document for the last two hours and still had not typed a single word. You hear the bar door swing open and chatter filling the bar, but you do not look away, instead keeping your face in your palms.
When your Aunt Penny had offered you the chance to stay with her in sunny San Diego over the summer to finish your long-awaited second book, you practically leapt at the chance. Back in New York,  your agent, publisher and frankly every literary magazine were rabidly awaiting the next brilliant idea from bestselling debut author ‘Sky Bentley’. What you couldn’t tell them was that ‘Sky’ didn’t have a single clue what that brilliant idea was. So you had leapt at the chance to not be Sky, just for a little bit, while you tried to figure out your next steps.
You had only been in San Diego less than 12 hours before scuttling down to the Hard Deck. You had loved spending your summers here as a teenager, but hadn’t managed to come back since graduating from NYU. You had tried writing in the house this morning, but Amelia had some friends around and you couldn’t think with all their excitable chatter, so here you were. You knew the bar was pretty empty during the day, but the day was rapidly turning to evening and it was becoming less quiet. But you could tune it out. Until.
“You know darlin’, this is a bar not a library right?”
When Jake Seresin walked into the Hard Deck that day, he had assumed it was just another quiet evening as usual.  He had strolled over to the pool table as usual, confident that he would win, as usual, when something caught his eye. Unusual.
There was a person sat in a booth, who was…working? It was hard to discern much, except they were wearing a baggy Top Gun T-shirt and what looks like short shorts, although they are sitting cross legged so it’s hard to tell. Judging by this and the messy bun, he thought it might be a girl, but he wasn’t not sure. They had a computer out, but their head was slumped in their hands, with glasses strewn to the side. He had never seen anyone try to work in the Hard Deck in the whole time he has been coming here, especially not at 5pm on a Friday.
“Who’s that?” He asked Javy, who is setting up the balls. 
“Damned if I know.” Jake looked over in thought. Javy elbows Payback. “Hey, maybe we’ve found a girl in California that Hangman has managed not to sleep with.” Phoenix coughs. “Except you of course, Natasha.”
Jake smirked and started walking over. He loved a new game.
“Well, not for long.” Javy sighed. Nat considered the scene more closely. She had a good feeling about this.
“How much are you willing to bet?”
When you finally remove your hands, your vision is still blurry. You can tell there’s some sort of guy in front of you, in what looks like Navy uniform. Fantastic. It was hard to tell as you looked around for your glasses, but you had dealt with enough of these kinds of guys at family parties. Just another meathead who would say the same old shit as they always did. 
“Pardon my manners, sweetheart but you seem to be lost. The library is -” Before he can finish, you cut him off.
“Oh yes, actually, I think I am lost. I thought I was at the Hard Deck, but from the looks of you this is where Chippendales go to die? I hope you don’t mind but I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling, thanks.”
You hear him laugh a little.
“I’m pretty sure we’re the same age.”
You look around for your glasses.
“Sure, whatever the Viagra guys keep telling you, buddy.” You can see him fold his arms out of the corner of your eye, but you ignore him, continuing to search for your glasses. Silence ensues for what seems like forever.
“I think you’re looking for these, Grandma.” He hands you your glasses, and you snatch them out of his hands.
“Thanks.” You put them on. You see him properly now. He’s tanned, blond and incredibly handsome, like he’s walked straight out of a Hollister ad. He leans back, arms still folding and biceps definitely flexing and your heart skips a little. Sure, it had been a while since you had gotten some, but then he smirks and it’s clear that he’s the sort of handsome asshole who knows how good-looking he is. You roll your eyes and straighten up, folding your laptop.
“I’ve gotta go. It was a real displeasure meeting you,” You stand up, but before you can turn around, you hear a familiar voice.
“Ladybug! It’s you!”
“Bradley?” At this point Bradley Bradshaw swans into the bar, wearing one of his usual god awful Hawaiian shirts and plants a kiss on the top of your head.
“Ladybug?” Navy Ken raises an eyebrow. Bradley turns and rolls his eyes.
“Oh, I should have known you’d be sniffing around here already.” Bradley turns back to you. “You’ve had the pleasure of meeting Bagman, I see?”
“Bagman?” You mimic Bagman’s expression, complete with raised eyebrow.
“It’s Hangman. Although most people know me as Lieutenant Jake Seresin.” Jake winks at you. “At your service.” You scoff.
“If I’m at your service, I think I’ll rather die.”
At this point Bradley lets rip with a belly laugh, placing a hand on a bare stretch of your arm. You swear you see Hangman’s jaw tense a little.
“How do you two know each other again?” 
“Me and Ladybug grew up together.”
“We’re old family friends. Bradley used to babysit me and my sister when we were little.”
“And look at you all grown up now, some bigshot fancy auth-” You shoot him a glare. Bradley is one of the few people in the world you’ve trusted with your secret, and you explicitly told him not to tell anyone. You just wanted a summer to be normal, with no pressure.
“Fancy what?” Jake looks you up and down.
“Academic. She’s a pHD student.” Bradley says immediately. Damn, that was quick, you think to yourself. You look up at him. Was Bradley always this good at lying?
“Yeah. English lit. Here working on my thesis.You wouldn’t be interested.” You make sure to put extra venom in the ‘you’. 
Bagman’s furrowed brow offers a little fake smile, but before he can retort, Bradley leads you over to the other aviators. While you are a little tense going into the group of navy guys, most of them are immediately friendly. You struggle to remember everyone’s real names and call signs, but they don’t seem to mind. In particular, the girl, who is called Natasha, links arms and drags you off to a corner.
“Thank god you’re here. It will be nice to have another woman in the midst.”
“Honestly, it would be nice to just have someone who isn’t a pilot”. Her lanky WSO pipes up. “I heard you were doing a English lit degree.”
“Oh, er, yeah. It’s Bob right?” I mean it was sort of true. Except you had completed said degree about five years ago, but it certainly helped as Bob started enthusiastically talking about books. He was cute, and you were trying to reply, but you found it hard to focus when you could feel a certain pair of green eyes boring into you from the other side of the pool table. You deliberately refused to look in Hangman’s direction the rest of the night, until you couldn’t stand it any longer.
You stride over and gently put your hand on the guy who you think is called Fanboy. 
“Do you mind if I take this?” You pick up the cue. He nods and you turn back to Hangman. “Right, are you going to play me or what?”
He tilts his head in disbelief. “Darlin’ are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Well, darlin’ If it means you stop staring at me like a wounded puppy all night, I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The rest of the squad have all dropped their conversations to turn and stare at the two of you.
“Suit yourself.” He sets up the balls to break, before leaning over to whisper in your ear. “Just remember if it gets too much, you can always beg me to stop, Ladybug.”
You try not to react. After all, it’s better he thinks like this. Having watched him play the last few games, he was clearly a very good player, but you knew you have to play the player, not the game. As you break, the game begins fairly normally. He manages to pot a few in quick succession, looking visibly relaxed with a gloating smile over his beer. You deliberately shuffle, and readjust until you can tell he’s stopped looking at you. This is the time you make your move, potting several balls to take a significant lead. Jake turns back suddenly, his jaw slackening a moment before regaining composure. You can hear Bradley stifle a snigger. Being dragged around from base to base with few kids your age to play with meant that Bradley had grown up watching you whoop the ass of everyone you played at pool since the age of eight. 
“Something funny, Rooster?” Jake’s head swivels around.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
Jake starts playing more ferociously, almost clawing it back until you’re both got two balls left. You walk past. 
“If it gets too much, you can always beg me to stop.”  You look him up and down, before you whisper in his ear. “I like a man on his knees.” Jake’s cheek flushes and with that you pot the final two, claiming victory. You yawn. “I think I need to head home, but it was lovely to meet you all. Well almost all of you.” You blow a kiss to Jake, before waving goodbye and swiftly leaving after giving Bradley a hug. The rest of the group stand in stunned silence.
Jake raises one hand. “Don’t say anything.”
Jake lies on his bed. He couldn’t sleep. This was unusual. Well, not the not sleeping part. He always struggled to get asleep. At least, when he was sleeping alone. That’s why he made an effort not to. But tonight was different.
For one, it was rare for him to be alone in bed on a Friday night. But he had been so distracted, he hadn’t even managed to follow up with the pretty blonde who had asked for his number at the bar.
He couldn’t stop thinking about your stupid face.You and your stupid face and stupid glasses and stupid lips and the stupid way you said on your knees-
He got up and paced around the room.
This would simply not do. 
Not only were you completely infuriating, but you beat the great Jake Seresin at pool. Bradley said you were here for the whole summer.  So Jake had some time to get his own back. But how? He had noticed something odd about the way you looked at Bradley when he mentioned your pHD. Something was up, Jake could just tell, and he was going to get to the bottom of it. But not before he had a cold shower first.
part two
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Twisted Love
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Billy Russo X Latina!Mercenary!Reader
Summary: based on this moodboard murder date with Billy made by the love of my life @fluffyprettykitty thank you for the inspo
Warnings: explicit sexual content, minors yall better dnfi, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, fingering, blood kink, choking, hair pulling, degradation, he calls her a whore and she likes it, allusion to gunplay & knife play, Billy and reader get turned on by questionable acts, def dark themes, dark!Billy, dead bodies, actual murder, many acts of violence, and Billy canonically likes it rough and painful, they're both just unhinged
Reader is referred to as she/her, speaks Spanish here and there and is described to have long hair. If this is not you, that is okay. This is solely based on the moodboard. I use no further specifications so you can enjoy it regardless :)
WC: 4k
A/N: I'm sorry in advance for the person that I am, I blame selene for encouraging this. You have been warned, you read under your own responsibility. I missed Billy and his murderous questionable kinks, so here we are. (If you actually enjoy this you I guarantee we will see each other in hell)
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"Billy." You groaned quietly, the voice in your earpiece shutting up at the sharpness of your voice. 
"Yes darlin'?" 
"I can't focus on shooting your target if you keep saying how you're going to fuck me stupid tonight. Or how you've been really wanting to fuck me with your gun." You said the last part through your teeth as you did your best to remain professional and stay focused. You were a mercenary, sure, but you were a professional one. 
"If you keep talkin' back, I will do so much more than that. You like knives, don't you?" You could hear the smug smirk he probably had on his face through his voice, even through your earpiece.
You couldn't help but groan, your skin growing burning hot under all of your gear, and it was getting hard to control your breathing the longer he kept spitting filthy words at you. 
"This is your op, Billy. So we can either have phone sex or I can shoot your target. Can't do both." You rolled your eyes, adjusting your grip on your handgun as you tried to ignore the heat between your legs. You heard him chuckle. 
"You're gettin' paid either way darlin'," he reminded you. "But if you get a headshot, I'll give you your bonus." 
You actually laughed at this, a smirk of your own falling on your lips, "You know I never miss. Don't gotta double tap if I shoot 'em in the head." 
This was like a little game of yours. Any time Billy called you— for anything other than a good fuck— it was for a target mission off the books. Legally, he was just a private contractor. Private security was his main gig. But off the books, he was still getting paid to take out targets for his old military superiors. When someone pushed at his buttons too much, he called you. Because you were like a ghost, in and out, no one even knew you were ever there. And he thought your post-op adrenaline made for killer sex. You getting paid was just a courtesy on his end. You had honestly stopped caring about the money a long time ago. But he paid you your part anyway. So it was a win-win situation for everyone involved. 
"Mhmm,  I love it when you talk dirty." He sighed a long breath and you smiled to yourself, holding your gun close to your chest as you quietly walked through the dark, otherwise empty house. You could hear movement and indistinct voices on the other side of the wall
"I hear voices in the next room. Two targets so far. Standby for confirmation." Billy laughed at how official you sounded. You truly never did get rid of that military part of you. 
You peeked your head through the crack on the door of a large study. You chewed on your bottom lip as you tried to identify the targets. One was the man Billy had hired you to kill, a Marine Colonel that had gotten too greedy and was making threats. That didn't exactly sit well with Billy or anyone else involved. The other man, though, you weren't sure, but he also seemed to be military. 
"I'm looking at your target. But I'm not sure who the other one is. Looks military, though. What do you want me to do?" You whispered the question to Billy. He stayed silent for a few seconds. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, growing inpatient at his silence. But he spoke before you could yell at him. 
He groaned first, clearly something hadn't gone according to plan. "Just take both of them out. I don't need witnesses." 
"Whatever you say, pretty boy." You took in a deep breath, your heart starting to race as the adrenaline started to pump in your blood. 
"Remember, I want you in and out, don't worry about nobody else. That's what I'm here for, baby." 
"You're such a romantic, mi cielo." You bit your lip, you heard him chuckle in response. 
You waited another second, long enough for them to be close enough for you to take them out both at the same time before the other could draw their gun. Stealth was your specialty anyway. You were thankful the large doors didn't creak when you opened them further. Both men were facing away from you. Good. You took a step inside the study, and with a grin, you pulled the trigger. 
Both men dropped to the ground with a thud. You sighed out the breath you had been holding and you slowly approached the two bodies. And you smiled at your work. 
"I'm done here. Getting out now." You said to Billy. You heard him give you a quick hum of confirmation. 
You nodded to yourself, picking up your shell casings before you hurried out of the study. You went around through long halls for what seemed to be an eternity, until you came to the hall that led to the foyer of the house. 
Almost there. 
"Don't you fucking move." A voice rasped beside you. You saw out of the corner of your eye the barrel of a handgun. Well so much for Billy taking care of everything. 
You closed your eyes, slowly raising your hands to show your handgun. You turned your head enough to look at the man. More military. Great. This was going to be shit show. 
"Who the fuck are you? Why are you here?" The man screamed at you, his gun still on your face. You said nothing, you simply stared at him. He couldn't really see your face, not through your balaclava. Only your eyes were visible. "Give me that fucking gun and get on the ground. Now!" 
You stared at him, not moving a muscle. The only man you would ever get on your knees for was Billy. This one could shoot you for all you cared. 
"I said get on your knees or I'll shoot!' 
"Shoot me then." You said dryly, hands still in the air. 
Just get a bit closer, you thought. 
The man seethed at your response and stepped closer. Your lips irked up. You turned your body, your free hand gripping his gun and diverting it away from your head. The man squeezed the trigger. You grunted loudly, your ears ringing, but you didn't care. You wrestled with the man, landing a punch on his face that made his nose gush with blood. He stumbled backward but didn't fall. If anything, that made him more angry, and he lunged at you. He reached for the braid that stuck from under your balaclava and he pulled, really fucking hard. You grunted out in pain when he tugged your hair to drag you close enough for him to grab you. You fought against him, but you could only do so much against a man twice your size. His fist hit your jaw with enough force to make you dizzy for a second. And he took that opportunity to grab your vest and threw you over a nearby coffee table. Your body slammed so hard against it you ended up on the floor, with it in pieces. 
You weren't a religious person, but goddamn, you were seeing God right about now. You groaned in pain as you tried to push through. You tried to sit up as fast as you could, but the man was already towering over you, and a large boot forced you down by your chest. You forced down the cry of pain you wanted to let out, only breathing out sharply instead. You couldn't find your gun, and you had one, pointed right at your face now. 
"Fucking bitch." The man spat, leaning down to tear your balaclava from your face. You grunted, your face twisted into a scowl as he pulled it off. He scoffed. He was about to say something into his walkie when a voice you were all too familiar with caught his attention. 
"Hey." Billy stood a few feet away, having heard the gunshot and ran in. He didn't even flinch when he pulled the trigger. The man dropped dead a second later. 
You blew out a breath of relief, and you laughed, running a hand over your face. Well shit. You were hoping you wouldn't get any blood on yourself tonight. 
Billy was beside you in a split second, a large hand pulling you up to your feet. His eyes were big with a mixture of panic and anger, and he scanned your body for injuries. His hand landed on your lip, split and bleeding. His jaw ticked but you shook your head at him. 
"You okay?" He asked with a heavy breath. You nodded at him, your own hands touching his face. Blood stained his neck and part of his face. But you had a feeling it wasn't his. "Si?" 
You nodded again, "Si." 
Billy plastered a hard kiss on your lips, his hand holding the back of your head. You hummed against his lips, gripping his own vest. He pulled back after a few seconds, and his eyes landed on the dead man lying next to him. His neck twitched, and his jaw tightened as he pulled the trigger two more times. The man was already dead, Billy had shot him in the head the first time. But he needed to get that out of his system. 
"That was by far the hottest thing you've ever done for me." You breathed out, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You kissed him this time. Much harder. He groaned into your mouth, the side of his handgun brushing your hip as he gripped them with both hands. 
"Did you do what I asked?" He muttered against your lips. 
"Headshots. As always." You smirked against his lips, your skin growing hot just as the ache between your legs grew. 
"Mhmm, that's a good girl." He pressed another kiss to your lips. "Come. Gotta get outta here." 
You nodded, looking on the ground for a second for your handgun. Your eyes skimmed around for a bit before you smiled and you happily picked it up from the ground. When you looked up, Billy was looking at you with an irked eyebrow. 
"Que? It's my favorite gun. I wasn't gonna leave it here. It's got my fingerprints all over it." You shrugged, casually walking past Billy towards the kitchen. You came through that backdoor. It'd probably be easier to leave that way as well. 
Billy watched you with a raised eyebrow. It did always turn him on to see you in your tactical gear. He laughed to himself and followed you. He stayed close behind you, within hand reach at all times. He was so close that he actually bumped into your back when you stopped abruptly. You turned around, and one of your hands came to grip his vest while the other held up your handgun. He frowned, about to question you when you forcefully moved him to the side an inch or two. 
"Agh shit!" He grunted out, a bullet still catching the plate on his back with enough force to make him stumble. 
You kept your grip on his vest as you pulled the trigger twice and he heard a loud thud a second later. When he turned his head he saw a guard on his back, writhing in pain as blood gushed from his chest. Shit, he must have missed the guy when he was clearing the outside of the house. 
He draped a hand over his shoulder where the bullet hit, eyes never leaving you as you quietly walked over to the guard, gun held up. The man began to stammer, coughing up blood as he tried to crawl away. You blinked, head tilted and jaw tight as you pulled the trigger two more times. The man stopped moving with that second bullet. Your face twisted with disdain when you felt blood splatter on your face. Again. 
"Agh, puta sangre de mierda." This fucking blood. 
You harshly wiped your hand over your face, probably making a bigger mess than there already was. You flinched, your gun held up and stopped at Billy's chest. He had a wide smirk on his face, his hands raised, but he was just mocking you. 
"You wanna point that gun somewhere else, pretty girl?" He taunted with a smirk. You gritted your teeth and clenched your jaw. 
"Estás fucking sordo?" Are you fucking deaf? Billy couldn't speak Spanish. But he had learned to pick up on your angry Spanish over time. His smirk only grew wider when you holstered your gun and slammed your flat hands against his chest, attempting to shove him, but he didn't move much. "Did you not hear the motherfucker coming? Are you okay? Did the bullet go through the plate?" 
He found your angry concern amusing, endearing even. But the mocking smirk on his face only made your blood boil more. 
"Aw, my pretty mercenary is worried about me?" He taunted you more, and the fire in your eyes made him completely forget about the throbbing on his shoulder blade. Though he felt a different kind of throb when he felt your flat palm collide with his cheek. 
His eyes widened for a second as he processed the heat spreading through his cheek. He breathed a laugh, but it wasn't a humorous one. Not in the slightest. He ran his tongue over his lips, he could taste the smallest bit of blood. He counted in his head. Six guards altogether, three Marines inside. There were five dead bodies outside. Four inside. Good. 
He didn't say a word as he reached out to you, he grabbed the back of your braid and crashed his lips against yours with so much force it gave you whiplash. You didn't protest though, you welcomed it, actually. You gripped his vest tightly as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. He hummed with satisfaction as you clung to his vest. He gripped your hair tightly as he made you back into the kitchen island behind you. 
You gasped into his mouth when you felt him hoist you up on the counter. 
"The fuck are you doing?" You pulled back enough to speak, not that you were arguing with him, you had been wanting him ever since you got here. He flashed you a sadistic grin as he gripped your vest and pulled you to the edge so that he was standing between your open legs. 
"Gonna fuck you stupid. That's what." He replied in a heartbeat as his fingers unbuckled the clasps of your vest. He tossed it aside and his eyes instantly landed on the blood splatters staining your jaw and neck. 
"Right here?" You gave him a wide eyed look, lips slightly parted as he ridded himself of his own vest, leaving him a plain black long-sleeve compression shirt. 
"Right here. You did everythin' I asked, and more. And you know I'm a man of my word." Your long-sleeve black shirt was gone next and his lips immediately attached to your jaw. "You don't gotta play innocent with me darlin'. Bet if I touch you you’ll be soaking wet." 
Fuck, you wished he didn’t know you so well. You were real fucking good at pretending with the whole world. But you couldn't pretend with him. And you couldn't deny that you had been wanting him to fuck you senseless the second you saw his face that day. And that tactical uniform of his, fuck it didn't help your cause in the slightest. 
"You know I always want you, doesn't matter when or where." You answered through a ragged breath, your eyelashes fluttered as he ran his tongue over the skin of your neck, and at the same time, he shoved his hand into your cargo pants, right past your panties.
"Yeah, you want me? You want me right now? Covered in blood and everythin'?" He pulled back enough to watch your face as his finger brushed over your cunt. And he was pleased by how right he was. You were so wet. Your mouth fell open as he slipped a finger into you with ease. "You are such a fuckin' whore. You've been this wet this whole time, haven't you? You just killed three men for me, and you're wet?"
God, you should feel disgusted with yourself, with him, but you felt nothing of the sort. If anything, it aroused you more. You ground your hips against his hand, desperate for more as your shaky hands fumbled with the belt of your cargo pants. You tugged until you ultimately got them off one leg once you managed to kick off one of your combat boots. Billy only watched with amusement as you struggled. But he otherwise didn't help you. He liked watching you struggle.  
"Goddamn you're so needy. Such a needy whore." He mocked you with a laugh, but he rewarded you with another finger nonetheless. 
"Yes, yes I'm a whore." You whined, holding yourself upright by gripping his shirt. "I'm your whore. Fuck— Please, I did good." 
Billy nodded at this, the pathetic pleads coming from your mouth making his cock strain against his cargos even more. How such a fierce and vicious mercenary like yourself could give in so easily to him he had no idea, but he sure wasn't complaining. Not in the slightest. 
"Yeah. Yeah, you did. I'm gonna give you exactly what you deserve, don't worry." He spoke through a groan, he rutted his palm against your clit, brushing against it as he curled his fingers against that one spot that made your thighs shudder. 
You bunched his shirt around your fist as your mouth fell open in a silent moan, your hips involuntarily grinding against his hand. Billy watched with amusement as you desperately rocked yourself back and forth on the counter while he undid his pants with his free hand. 
His fingers left you abruptly, leaving your chasing and jaw slacked. You whined, your mouth opening to curse at him but he was gripping your braid with one hand as he brushed his cock through your folds, coating himself in your slick. 
"Yell at me again and I will fuck you with my gun until you cry." He spat, his jaw twitching as he forcefully slammed into you with a snap of his hips. 
You actually cried out this time, your toes curling and your nails dug into his chest. He pulled you to the edge of the counter until your legs hung loosely over his hips. He wound up his hand around your hair, pulling your head back as he rutted himself against you. He held your neck on full display as he dipped his head and ran his tongue over where blood stained your skin. 
"Fuck baby— you always feel so good. But goddamn, you fuckin' taste like heaven." He breathed against your skin, dragging his tongue from your pulse point to your jaw. 
Your fingers slipped into his hair, tangling around the chocolate locks to the root. And you pulled, and you pulled so hard he actually grunted in pain. 
"Dios Billy." You moaned, your lips against his ear, and he slammed into you so hard then he made you slide back on the counter. 
"Not God, baby. But I can be." He breathed out a laugh, his face pressed against your cheek as he wrapped his long fingers around your throat. "Trust me, darlin', when I'm done with you, not even God is gonna make you get outta bed tomorrow." 
You choked out a cry as he brought you closer against him— if that was even possible— and threw one of your legs over his shoulder. His cock hit so deep it actually made you roll your eyes back this time. 
"O-oh shit— shit Billy. I'm gonna come. Please, I wanna come." You spoke in between pants, what you could manage to say with his hand on your throat. You were holding on to him for dear fucking life, both arms thrown over his shoulder as if he was the only thing keeping you from slipping off the countertop. 
"You wanna come? My pretty mercenary wants to come? You earned it, didn't you?" He pulled back enough to watch your face, and he released the grip on your throat so you could respond. 
"Yes! Coño I earned it, please." You sounded so desperate but you didn't care, if there was one man in this world you could let yourself be vulnerable for it was Billy. 
"Mhmm, of course you did." He slipped his hand between your bodies and his thumb rubbed harsh circles on your clit and he drilled into you, pretty much holding you in one place with a tight grip on your ass. "Yeah, like that? Yeah just like that, come for me. You're good at following orders, so come." 
You were seeing white the second his thumb was on your clit and your fingers tugged at the roots of his hair as you came with a silent cry. You eyes were screwed shut and your mouth was hanging wide open as you gripped him tight enough to make his cock twitch. He breathed out a sigh of satisfaction and his lips curled up as he felt your wetness coat his cock. He looked down, and the sight of his cock slick with your come almost made him lose it. 
With a grunt he held you to his chest with a tight grip on the back of your neck and his fingers dug into your ass, holding you still for him as he fucked you. 
"Yeah, you take it just like that. Fuck— fuck that's a good girl." He moaned out the words, his head falling back ever so slightly. Enough for you to press your lips to his neck. But what made him completely lose it was your tongue, on his neck, similarly licking up the dry blood on his skin. "Ooh fuck me." 
His fingers dug deep into your scalp, enough for you to feel a slight burn, but you didn't fucking care. You dragged your lips up to his jaw as he fell still and you breathed out a laugh of satisfaction when you felt him spill himself inside you. He dragged his hips lazily, once, twice more before he just stood still. His fingers were deep rooted in your hair and his eyes were closed. You closed your own eyes as you pressed your forehead against his chest with a lazy smile on your face. 
Billy was silent, his fingers loosening on your hair until only his fingers were lazily dragging his fingers through the now loose strands. You kept your face on his chest, simply listening to his rapid heartbeat that matched your own. It slowly went steady, back to its normal rhythm. Only then Billy pulled back enough to look at your face. His dark eyes watched your face with something much softer and his fingers brushed over your bruised lip. 
"'M fine Billy. You've done worse." You sighed softly at him, your hand coming up to hold his wrist. He furrowed his eyebrows at you. 
"That's me, though. I've never hit you— without your permission anyway. But I've never bruised your face. It ain't the same." He frowned, and you couldn't help but grin at his protectiveness. 
"I said I'm fine, mi cielo." You squeezed his wrist and shot up your eyebrows at him with a suggestive smile on your face. "Does this place have a master bathroom?" 
Billy thought for a second, he had been here once at least before. He figured a house this big probably did have a large bathroom. 
"Probably, why?" 
"Wanna wash this blood off me?" 
Billy's scowl was quickly replaced by a wide smirk of his own and he could feel his cock twitch the slightest bit as your suggestive tone. 
"For this pussy? Baby, I'd kiss the fuckin' ground you walk on." 
Billy was a fucked up man that had met his fucked up match. And he'd be damned if he ever denied you anything.
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notiddygxthgf · 23 days
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4. Taste Like Nicotine
★ pairings: aki hayakawa x fem reader
★ ❝ Go back to Himeno. ❞ ❝ No. That's not what you want. ❞
★ c.w.: suggestive themes, drinking (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: HELLO AGAIN MY POOKIE DOOKIES!! IM BACK AGAIN. bc i have nothing better to do atm and i wanted to give yall a lil sum sum before i moved away to uni. please excuse the pacing of this chapter -- this fanfic was supposed to be a oneshot and uh... now its 160 pages in google docs LMFAOOA.. things get spicy in this chapterrr! so yeah anyway, you know the drill, keep me entertained -- keep your funny little comments coming, I absolutely love reading them. You guys motivate me to keep going! Love yall
★ w.c.;4.1k
shameless ; chapter index
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THE OFFICE WAS QUIET, the hum of fluorescent lights and the occasional rustling of papers the only sounds that broke the silence. You were alone, finishing up some last-minute paperwork after hours. The mission had gone surprisingly well—no casualties, a rare feat in your line of work. The team had even managed to kill a large Devil containing a piece of Gun Devil Flesh, a significant victory. Yet, instead of joining the others to celebrate, you had chosen to stay behind. Partly to avoid any awkward encounters with Himeno, but mostly because you felt restless, unable to shake off the events of the past few days.
As you finished up the last of your reports, you glanced at the new message on your phone.
HIMENO| you didn't come tonight.
| I didn't think you'd wanna see me after the stunt I pulled.
HIMENO| I dont, but I wanted u to know that everyone is talking abt u
| ??
| wym
| your shadow didn't come tonight, either.
YOU| look, himeno, ive actually been wanting to talk to you about that
| would you be able to meet up and talk it out?
HIMENO| id rather not honestly.
| ur a grown woman and i cant stop u from doing what u want
| but just know that people in pb. safety talk
| dont mess up a relationship with a perfectly good man for aki
| u should leave him for someone who can actually give him what he needs
YOU| I understand that I've hurt you, Himeno, and I'm sorry
| I have no intentions of being with Aki.
HIMENO| good
| dont get him mixed up in ur fucked up marriage
|  he doesnt deserve that.
You sighed, pocketing your phone. There were certain battles you simply couldn't win. This would undoubtedly be one of them.
It was late, and you knew you should head home. You gathered your things and made your way down the dimly lit hallways, your footsteps echoing in the emptiness.
As you passed the breakroom, you heard voices. One familiar voice, more specifically.
You slowed your pace, not wanting to intrude but curious enough to catch a snippet of the conversation. The door was slightly ajar, and you could see two figures inside.
"You look desperate, dude," the unknown person said, barely audible. "It's not attractive."
"I'm becoming ridiculous," Captain Hayakawa said, his voice low and strained. "I'm losing hope."
"Hope of what? Convincing a married woman to break her vows?" the other person retorted, a hint of incredulity in his tone.
Are they talking about me? You asked. You knew the answer. You simply did not want to confront it.
Hayakawa sighed. "I thought she would call me by now," he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice making your stomach churn uncomfortably. "I just... there was something there."
There was a pause, then the other person sighed, his voice softening. "God, you are ridiculous." After a moment, he added, almost reluctantly, "Shit, sorry, man. I know you like her."
"No, you're right," He replied, a note of resignation following his words. "She doesn't want to speak to me. I'm driving myself crazy waiting for someone who's never gonna call."
You felt a knot tighten in your stomach, guilt and confusion swirling together. You hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but now you couldn't just walk away without feeling a pang of something—regret, perhaps? The slip of paper with his number, still in your possession, weighed heavily in your mind. You had been avoiding the situation, avoiding him, and now it was clear how much it had affected him.
Aki's words echoed in your ears as you stood frozen in the hallway.
He was right; you hadn't called him. You hadn't even acknowledged the note, too caught up in your own turmoil and guilt to consider his feelings. Now, hearing him speak so openly, you felt a rush of emotions—sympathy, guilt, confusion. There had been a moment between you, an undeniable spark, but you had chosen to ignore it, to pretend it didn't exist.
When would it all come crashing down – your efforts? This whole situation?
The conversation in the breakroom continued, but you couldn't listen any longer. You turned away, your heart pounding. As you made your way to the exit, you couldn't help but replay Aki's words in your mind.
He had been waiting for you, hoping you would reach out, and now he was losing hope. Fuck.
He had been waiting for me.
The idea thrilled you, for some strange reason. Maybe because you hadn't felt desired like this in years – it made your head spin. But another part of you was terrified—of what it might mean, of the complications it would bring, of the impact on your marriage.
You couldn't help yourself. You did what you always did. You ran away from him.
You knew you couldn't avoid him forever, but for now, you needed time to think. .
7:45 PM
Hey. |
Hello, |
How are you? |
Hey. They're taking me out for drinks tn as a sendoff party. I think you should be there.
YOU | Hey. They're taking me out for drinks tn as a sendoff party.
I think you should be there.
| At the Sip-n-savor in downtown Tokyo
Seen 8:00 PM .
The night went on without a flaw. The atmosphere was infectious, and you had been trying to let loose, drink in hand, as you chatted and danced with the others. But as the night wore on, a sense of unease settled in. Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was the memories of the overheard conversation in the breakroom, or maybe it was the subtle disappointment that someone hadn't shown up.
Excusing yourself, you made your way to the bathroom. The mirror reflected your flushed cheeks and slightly smudged makeup. You sighed, turning on the faucet and splashing some water on your face. As you washed your hands, you found yourself thinking about Aki.
Despite everything, a depraved part of you had hoped to see him tonight. You had been both relieved and disappointed when he hadn't shown up—relieved because it meant avoiding an awkward conversation, disappointed because you had been... well, actually looking forward to seeing him.
As you touched up your makeup, you couldn't help but reflect on your own conflicted feelings. You were married, committed, and yet, Aki had stirred something in you that you simply couldn't stand to ignore. It was confusing, disorienting. You weren't sure what you felt more strongly: guilt for being drawn to him or frustration that you couldn't just let it go.
"Ugh," You groaned, pressing your forehead against the sink. "'M g'nna be sick."
Feeling a bit lightheaded from the drinks, you decided to step outside for some fresh air. You left the bathroom and – completely drunk – maneuvered through the crowds to the nearest door.
The cool night breeze was a welcome relief against your warm skin, and you leaned against the balcony railing, taking deep breaths. The city lights twinkled below, and you watched them in a daze, trying to steady your thoughts.
That's when you saw him.
Aki was just entering the party, his sharp suit and dark hair making him stand out immediately. You felt your heart skip a beat. Then another. He was killing you.
He came, you thought, a strange mix of emotions flooding you. Relief, excitement, and that persistent undercurrent of guilt all tangled together.
He spotted you almost immediately and made his way over. As he approached, you couldn't help but think how painfully gorgeous he looked, the dim lighting casting a soft glow on his features. In that moment, he seemed almost like a knight in shining armor, a figure out of place in the lively, chaotic setting of the bar.
"Hey," he greeted, his voice smooth and warm, a balm to your nerves.
"Hey," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady despite the fluttering in your chest.
"What are you doing out here?" he asked, a slight concern in his tone. "You're not cold?"
He always seemed to be worried about you and the weather. Still, the chill felt nice against your hot skin, oddly enough.
I missed you, you didn't say. You didn't even think about it. You knew that in a day you would be back on the train and all of this would just be a bad dream, anyway.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "No, I just needed some air. It's a bit stuffy in there."
Aki didn't respond immediately, and when you turned your head up to look at him, his expression was unreadable. The noise from inside the bar seemed distant, the world narrowing down to just the two of you in that moment. You felt a tug in your chest, a pull towards him that you couldn't explain, couldn't deny.
"Did you pregame the bar, or something?" You laughed quietly. It felt nice, being able to pretend nothing had ever happened between the two of you and just... enjoy each other's company. "You smell like beer."
"I was having a few drinks with my roommate before you texted me," He answered. Then, looking out onto the street, he added, "He told me I shouldn't come tonight. Said you're driving me crazy."
"So, why are you here, then?" You asked.
He looked at you. "I think you know why I'm here."
There was a brief silence, comfortable yet charged with the unspoken. You glanced at him, noticing the way his eyes lingered on you, soft but searching. It was the same look he had given you in the seminar, the museum, everywhere else, and it stirred something deep inside you.
You hated the way he made you feel.
"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked you. His voice was as deep and rich as ever, and you had about half a mind to take him up on the offer.
You shivered. You knew it wasn't from the cold air. It was him – the smell of him, his cologne, the distinct scent of nicotine that let you know he had just finished smoking a cigarette. It was an aroma so unique to him that you had grown to like it.
You were looking at his lips before you knew it, giving way to a craving you couldn't explain, "I'll try a cigarette, if you have any."
He smiled softly, reaching into his pocket and flipping open a carton of cigarettes and a lighter. He placed a cancer stick between your lips, and you felt a part of you die a little. He struck the wheel of the lighter, bringing the cigarette to life.
You coughed so hard that you nearly hacked up a lung. It had been years since your last cigarette.
Hayakawa stepped behind you, cupping a hand around your elbow, sliding it up your arm, your wrist, your fingers before he plucked the cigarette from your digits.
"First time?" He asked, warm voice hot against your neck.
"Wanted to give it a try," You shrugged. You didn't know what, exactly, had gotten into you. It seemed that with every sip of liquor you took lately, you crept closer and closer back to your old self. The sort of liquid courage that made people make very bad decisions. "Sorry. I'm a little," You waved your hands around yourself, trying to gesture 'drunk' without actually saying it.
"How brave of you," He murmured, pulling a hit from your cigarette and exhaling. He was the picture of sin – face flushed with alcohol, messy bangs, pink lips wrapped around a cancer stick. He was so pretty it hurt.
"I'll try it again when I'm sober," You offered.
"When?" He asked, breathing smoke out into the air. "Where?"
As persistent as always, you thought. Still, you didn't necessarily mind the attention anymore. You told yourself that it didn't matter – you would be out of here soon anyway, and everything would be far behind you before you knew it.
"Why is it that every time I'm inebriated... God tests me by throwing you in my way?" You laughed, Truly, you wished you had considered the implications of your words a little more before you had said them. "Just as I thought your manners had improved since the party. You behaved badly, then. You know that? Very badly," you hiccuped. "You should be ashamed of yourself, throwing– hic–throwing yourself at a married woman like that."
He didn't acknowledge your drunken ramblings, and he also didn't deny the fact that he had been doing exactly that – throwing himself at a married woman.
"Hardly my fault," He breathed out. "I just can't seem to resist you."
"Don't worry," You replied, eyeing him up dubiously as he pulled another hit from what was left of your cigarette. "I'm leaving tomorrow. Won't have to worry about resisting me after that."
"I know," He answered back. "Selfishly enough, I spent the last few hours wishing your train got delayed one more day, or something like that," He exhaled, then snuffed his cigarette out on the balcony, "Still, I'm glad I could see you before you went home."
"I wish I could say the same about you," You replied before you could stop the words from coming out.
He poked his tongue through the inside of his cheek, retorting, "You're gonna sit here and act like you didn't invite me? Like your eyes didn't light up like a child when you saw me pull up?" He turned around, commanding even more of your attention, standing at least a foot and a half taller than you. "You wanted me to come tonight."
It was true. That's the worst part. Everything he said was the truth.
"So that I could say goodbye," You said with remarkable finality, "I'm leaving after this."
You hadn't originally planned on leaving so soon, of course, but you wanted to get the hell out of here before you made another bad decision.
"Already?" He asked.
"You're the one who ran late," You replied. "This ends tonight. I'm going to say bye to everyone else, then I'll be gone."
With that being said, you made your way back to the door. You would go inside, bid everyone farewell, collect your belongings, and then–
He called your name before you could go back inside. You froze in place.
"Am I misreading the signals?" He asked.
You sighed, turning around one last time to clear the air, "This has to stop, Aki. You make me feel like... like I'm guilty of something."
He implored you, "What do you want me to do?"
"Go back to Himeno," You answered, a biting undertone seeping through your words. You were undeniably bitter about the whole situation, and under any other circumstances, you would have tried to be a good sport, but...
Himeno's words were a heavy weight on your heart.
'Don't mess up a relationship with a perfectly good man for Aki.'
'You should leave him for someone who can actually give him what he needs."
You could never be what Aki wanted. He wanted all of you – not just a week of you, clearly. You were married, and you couldn't let all of that go over a guy you'd been toeing the line with for what seemed like ages.
He was a young man. The fact of the matter was that you were a grown woman. A married one.
"She's a sweet, kind woman," You continued. You felt like you were going to be sick just being near him. Unknowingly, tears began to prickle at the corners of your eyes. "Go back and beg her to forgive you. Go be with someone who wants to be with you. Who can be with you."
"No," He answered simply. There was an intensity in his eyes that frightened you, like he would die without you, as he continued, "That's not what you want. I think we both know that. I refused a mission in Hiroshima to stay here with you. I planned to let go of another one in Beijing," He swallowed, "I can change my mind, and you'll never see me again."
"If you have any consideration for me," Your voice was a shuddering whisper, like someone could walk out any minute and hear the two of you going back and forth. "Any semblance– a shrivel of compassion, you'll give me back my peace."
He shook his head, "I can't. You know I can't. You've consumed every inch of my peace, every inch of my mind. How can I give you your peace?"
Fair point.
You had nothing to say to him. So, silently, your vision blurred with tears, you glared at him. Glared and frowned like that would make you believe he was the sole contributor to this issue. Then, again, you turned on your heel and went for the door. You entered the bar quickly.
He followed not too long after you, "I'll go to Beijing, then."
"No." You said. Your teary-eyed fury caught the eyes of more than a few confused bar patrons. "I don't want you to go."
Everyone was looking at you. Seriously, everyone. Your old coworkers, the bartenders, everybody.
You swallowed down your pride, bowing down before them all. "Good night, everyone," You said. You plucked your purse and your jacket off of the barstool. "Thank you for everything. I'm leaving."
Ignoring the confused looks and hushed whispers from the patrons, you exited the bar, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. The rain had started to fall, a soft drizzle quickly turning into a steady downpour. You barely noticed, too wrapped up in the turmoil inside your head. The cold, wet sensation of the rain soaked through your clothes, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You just needed to get away, to clear your mind.
But of course, Aki followed after you. You could hear him calling your name, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. You quickened your pace, almost running, your heels splashing through puddles as you made your way down the block. His footsteps pounded behind you, matching your speed. You couldn't escape him, couldn't outrun him.
Finally, he caught up to you, grabbing your arm to stop you. "Wait, can we please talk?" he pleaded, his voice breathless and desperate.
You turned to face him, rain pouring down around you both. His hair was plastered to his forehead, his suit jacket soaked through. The intensity in his eyes matched the storm, a fierce determination that made your heart ache. You met his gaze begrudgingly, not wanting to deal with this, not wanting to deal with him.
"Have I really been imagining all of this?" He asked. He sounded broken. "Is it really all in my head? Tell me if it's a lie. Tell me to leave you alone. Tell me you mean it—all of it," he paused, taking a shuddering breath. "Or tell me the truth."
You swallowed hard, the weight of the situation crashing down on you. "I don't know how to feel, Aki," you finally admitted, your voice barely a whisper. "I'm trying to be good, but you just keep fucking—popping up everywhere. And you say these pretty things to me, and," You choked back a sob, struggling to find the right words. "I can't help myself around you."
"Running from your problems won't make me go away," he said, stepping forward to put his hands gently on your waist.
There was a long pause as you stood there in the rain, staring at each other. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you. The storm, the bar, everything else was just a blur. You were tired—tired of running, tired of the confusion, tired of pretending that everything was fine when it wasn't.
He added, "You can't run from your feelings."
This time, it was his eyes that dropped to your lips. His tongue darted out to dampen his own, and then his eyes flicked up to your face. When he spoke, his voice was huskier than before, as if it had been tainted by an emotion that hadn't been there before. Was it lust? Passion? Whatever it was, you wanted more of it.
Your eyes widened. Your mouth had run dry. You didn't know what to say. Even being like this right now -- as close as you were, -- was against your wedding vows. This was wrong, and you couldn't do that to your own husband.
Your own husband who loved you so dearly.
Your own husband who left you hanging so many nights on end.
Your own husband, who acted as if he couldn't care if you lived or died.
As if he had sensed your train of thought wandering, Aki placed two fingers beneath your chin, lifting your face up until he was the captor of all of your attention. Him and him alone. Not your husband, but him.
"I could treat you like a princess," His eyes wandered down to your lips again, but this time there was an unspoken hunger within them. "All you have to do is ask, and I'm yours. I already am."
And, God, what a fool you had been in uttering the words, "Don't toy with my emotions. You don't want me."
He paused, awaiting something, anything. His eyes pleaded with your own, luring you in with promises of pleasure and happiness. Gently, he grabbed your hand, placing it over his breast, right above his heart.
"I want you so badly it hurts," He breathed, "For a night, for a day, for a week..." Aki closed the gap between the two of you – brought your faces closer together. Closer, until you could feel the warmth of his calm breath fanning out against your cheek. Closer, until he uttered, "As long as you'll let me have you."
"Aki, I can't-...." You paused. Yet, still, you never moved. Your body betrayed your words, dilated pupils and trembling hands giving way to your internal dilemma. "This is wrong. You know I can't do this."
You were being a hypocrite. You knew you were. One spare glance down at the placement of your hands on his chest -- one over his breast and one looped around his tie -- and you knew he could tell you were only putting up a front.
"I know," he murmured softly, words practically dying beneath the volume of the rain, "But I can't stop thinking about you."
You folded. Your eyes dropped down to his lips one last time, and that's when you knew he had already won.
Fuck it.
"Fuck you," you muttered, feeling a surge of reckless abandon.
Without thinking, you reached out and pulled him towards you, crashing your lips against his in a desperate, frenzied kiss. It was messy and wet, your tears mixing with the rain, your hands tangling in his hair as his arms finally wrapped around you.
The kiss was filled with all the pent-up emotions, the longing, the frustration, the desire. It was passion, it was anger – it was tongue and teeth and lips smearing your lipstick over the lower half of your face. It was two black holes finally colliding after circling around each other far too long.
"I can't make sense of it. I want... you," you sighed, pulling away, voice trembling, "I don't know what any of this means anymore. I don't know what to think."
"Then don't," he whispered, his breath warm against your lips. He tasted like cigarette smoke, beer and mint gum – a flavor so utterly addicting that you couldn't seem to get enough of it. "Don't think. Let me take you back to your room."
You hesitated, the reality of the situation hitting you. This was crossing a line, a line you couldn't uncross. But as you looked into his eyes, saw the same turmoil reflected back at you, you felt your resolve crumble.
You were tired of pretending.
"Okay," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the rain. It was a final, resigned acceptance, the last nail in the coffin of your restraint.
You were tired of running from the inevitable.
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a/n: dont hate me. LMFAOAOAOOAOA. i had to! i absolutely loved writing this chapter and i loved writing tipsy obsessed aki. i headcannon that he's a touchy needy bf and no one can tell me otherwise. i think you all know what happens next. im not sayin nothin tho. hehe. ANYWAYYYYY LMK WHAT YALL THOUGHTTTTT i look forward to hearing it!!! lmk what yall wanna see in the next few chapters/over the course of the story. and if youve already watched anna karenina (or read, in which case... how...) shhhhhh youve seen nothing. muah! x
credits: UNKOWN ATM. I found the cover pic on pinterest unfortch. If you know the artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work!!! This is NOT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGGG. I obviously do not own csm or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
also: come find me on my wattpad if u wanna interact more!
taglist: @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505 , @acethebrave , @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505
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turningbloodypages · 13 days
could you do cullens (or just emmett) x reader with aspd?
Of course! 🫶 apologies for inaccuracies, i did as much research as i could
“You know i’m good on my own… you know, it’s more the being unknown.”
The Cullens/ASPD!reader
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Though he doesn’t fully understand, he can relate to the general disregard for others
He let’s you stay close to him whenever you’re around other people, and tries his best to help regulate
You can’t really lie to him because he can read your mind, which is frustrating at times but it helps to break the habit
Your seemingly nonexistent worry about your safety tends to stress him out, but he does his best to keep you out of trouble
Distracts you by reading to you or taking you out into the woods with him
Got all your classes changed so he could keep you calm while at school
Deescalates any fights you may or may not get into
Overall just fusses over you all the time, trying to make sure you’re alright and everything
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She knew what she was getting into, and she loves you all the same
Loves to sing to you to keep you regulated
Get’s upset when you lie to her or do something to hurt her feelings, but she tries not to show it too much
Any time you get into any complications in public she simply drags you to an empty room or bathroom
Which is frustrating at first but it usually works in terms of keeping you from getting hurt
Tries to work through your impulses by taking you to do the most adrenaline boosting things she can think of
I.E cliff jumping, running as fast as possible through the woods, taking you hunting with her
She loves having fun, and would rather work through things in an exciting way than try and pretend that you don’t get impulsive
Talks you out of trouble whenever you do end up getting yourself into it
She is quite the charmer
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Like Edward, she can relate
Spends most of her time with you locked away in her room, doing something mundane like reading or watching a movie
Her approach is to just keep you from getting triggered
When you do inevitably get impulsive, she hypes you up and lets you take your frustration out
Once took you out into the woods to shoot nail guns out of trees
Let you tire yourself out and then takes you home to take care of you
Gives you a warm bath and sings you lullubies
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Would definitely take you to a rage room
Tries to make you laugh whenever you get upset
This works most of the time
Distracts you with the most ridiculous games
You’ll be about to get into a fight and he’ll go “if you can beat me to that tree i’ll take you to get ice cream”
Other honorable mentions are attempting to beat him arm wrestling (he puts up a good fight but lets you win once you tire yourself out)
Playing baseball with him and his brothers when you’ve had a hard day
Tree climbing contests
Trying to catch squirrels (surprisingly difficult for all parties involved)
Will also resort to bear hugs if necessary
You can’t punch anybody if you’re in the muddle of having being squeezed half to death
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His ability to influence emotions is a huge help
He’s able to keep you calm in most situations
When he can’t, he’s good at talking you through impulses
He understands what it feels like to have a lack of control, and he teaches you coping methods and ways to stay calm
Finds new hobbies for you guys to try together to distract from stress
Can tell when you’re lying to him, but usually doesn’t say anything
He lets you tell the truth and come to him when you’re ready
Lots of physical touch therapy
Always holding your hand whenever you go anywhere, making sure to keep you focused on him and not the crowds
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His medical background makes it easy for him to help you
He figures out what triggers you and stays prepared for any situation
Lots of talk therapy and discussing your feelings
He’s very civil when it comes to any altercation you may get into
Never gets angry with you, but makes sure to talk to you about what happened and discuss how you can cope better next time
He understands that it wont always be easy, and he’s there to support you on hard or stressful days
Never forces you to do anything your uncomfortable with
Likes to take you out to quiet places (library, hiking trails, etc) to try and help you cope better with being around others
But will gladly have a night in with you if you request
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Doesn’t understand at first why you wouldn’t enjoy being around others
But she does her research and learns how to help
Likes cooking and baking and having you help her
Will plan the most elaborate movie/cuddle nights
Loves reading to you, singing, anything you want
Reminds you that the way you feel is okay and that she’s always there to talk
Never forces you to open up, but it the best at helping when you do
She gives wonderful advice
Always makes sure that the rest of her family knows how to support you in case she’s not there
Be prepared for the most kisses
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Tries her best to get it
She knows what it feels like to not really want to be around other people, but thats the extent of her understanding
Very protective of you, even when you don’t need it
Stands up for you whenever you get into disagreements/fights, makes sure nobody gets hurt
She was never too good at talking about her feelings, so she never pushes you to do the same
Always there if you do reach out though
Would get frustrated over lying/attempted manipulation, but reminds herself that it’s not exactly your fault
Would do petty crime with you
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itsthewritergal · 2 years
He’s got her - Mob!Bucky x reader
Summary: Getting involved with mob!Bucky was always going to end in trouble... 
TW: Kidnapping, Angst, Mention of death, Death, guns, taunting, I don’t know what else... please let me know if I missed something :) 
Bucky watched the world go by from his seat at the cafe, there wasn’t much he liked more than just letting the world wash over him, he didn’t have many days off but the ones he did he cherished. Most of the cafe staff just ignored him, offering him refills every hour, Bucky had assumed that the owner had told them to.
“Morning girls!” A cheery girl beamed strolling through the door, 
“Y/N?!” The worker behind the counter said with a shocked look on her face
“In the flesh” She laughed, throwing her bag under the counter as she strolled behind, Bucky watched simply trying to figure out who this ‘Y/N’ was, he hadn’t seen her before “Hows it been?” She asked opening the till and counting the money inside. 
“Not bad, mostly just regulars. Then we’ve got Winter Soldier in the window still” 
“Don’t call him that” Y/N snapped, Bucky noted the change in temper in the strange girl, 
“Why not everyone does” She scoffed,
“Don’t try your luck” Y/N said bluntly and Bucky finally put the pieces together, this was the owner of the cafe, she was younger than Bucky had anticipated. The cafe being one of the only businesses to have not asked Bucky for money to get them through, Bucky had just assumed it was owned by someone with experience. 
“Refill?” The girl asked with a scowl on her face, 
“I’m fine thanks” bucky responded bluntly, 
“I’m so sorry about that, clearly she’s having a bad day. Can I get you a pastry or a cake as an apology?” Y/N said coming up to Bucky 
“It’s ok doll, no apology needed” Bucky replied “Not many people are smiley around me” he chuckled 
“Its her job to be smiley, mob boss or not” Y/N said bluntly, “You sure about that cake?” 
“You’re not scared” Bucky said with a confused smile 
“Scared of what?” Y/N replied 
“Interacting with me” 
“Oh” Y/N let out a laugh, “No offence but you’re sitting in a cake shop, on a pink plush chair. You don’t look very scary”Bucky was taken aback, nobody not even Steve was brave enough to speak to him like that,  She turned picking up his empty mug “Last offer on that cake” 
“Go on then” 
“What flavour?” 
“Surprise me” 
— — — — 
Bucky had made it into his routine, he’d do his morning ‘business’ then pass by the cake shop on the way back. He’d realised that Y/N worked most weekdays and that was why he hadn’t met her before, he’d only gone in on Sunday’s. 
“Morning doll” He said strolling into the empty shop
“I’m going to have to start charging you rent” Y/N commented as she began to make his coffee. 
“I could afford it” bucky smirked, placing a few big notes in the tip jar, 
“Buck I’ve told you not to do that” 
“And I’ve told you I want to” He said taking the cup with a smile. They had been arguing about it for weeks now, but Bucky loved it. There was something different in the air today, something Bucky couldn’t put his finger on, but he knew in his line of work not to ignore it. 
“You ok today?” He asked trying to get answered directly, 
“Fine” Y/N smiled turning her back to Bucky, who decided it was all in his head and turned to walk out the cafe “Bucky?” Y/N said gently, just before he reached the door 
“Yes doll?” He said turning around instantly and swiftly making his way up to her, 
“If someone was following you, how would you know?” She asked, Bucky studied her intently. There was something behind her eyes, something that scared even him. 
“Who’s following you?” Bucky asked firmly 
“Oh no, it’s just for a friend” Y/N brushed it off simply 
“Doll you need to tell me” 
“It’s nothing” She said with a fake smile “I promise” 
— — — —
Weeks went by without another strange comment, Bucky didn’t like to worry but the conversation had unsettled him. He often sent his men past the shop just in case, but nothing ever seemed off. 
“Morning doll” Bucky said opening the door, ready to great Y/N with an award winning smile 
“Not my name” Another waitress said
“Where’s Y/N?” Bucky asked 
“Sent a message last night asking me to cover all shifts for the next two weeks.” She said bluntly “Because clearly my time off is worth nothing” she huffed “What do you want?” “No notice?” Bucky asked remembering back to a time where Y/N said she liked to give at least two weeks for extra shifts 
“Look I don’t get paid enough for this conversation. Do you want a coffee or not?” She said 
“Not” Bucky snapped, his brain running a mile a minute as he climbed into his car. He drove down the streets he had a few times, he knew where Y/N’s apartment was. Not that he had ever been in there, but he had made it his business to know. The moment he got there he called the one person who could help him keep a level head. 
“Steve, I need you to come to Y/N’s apartment now” He said, putting the phone down before he let Steve respond.  
Within a few minutes both Steve and Bucky were standing outside Y/N’s front door, 
“You sure about this?” Steve asked 
“Not at all” Bucky said pushing the door gently, it swung open 
“She didn’t lock it?” Steve commented “Told you something was wrong” Bucky said bluntly. He made his way through the apartment, stopping at the broken coffee table and the smashed glass on the floor. 
“You shouldn’t be in here” A voice broke Bucky out his trance, he turned to find a short elderly man, standing at Y/N’s front door “Are you friends of Y/N’s” He asked “What happened to her” 
“Three men, last night, they took her kicking and screaming. Shoved her in a car and left” “Why didn’t you call someone?” Steve said bluntly 
“This neighbourhood, you don’t tell anyone” He said “You’re Barnes aren’t you?” He asked
“Yeah” Bucky nodded 
“I know what you are” He said “I don’t have money, but Y/N said you were a good one at heart. Find her and don’t let her get hurt” The man said before disappearing back into his own apartment. 
Bucky stood for a moment the hairs on his arms standing up, feeling out of control wasn’t something he was used to and it certainly wasn’t something he liked. Steve picked up on the feeling throughout the room. 
“Go on then Buck, what’s the plan?” Steve asked trying to get his mind back on track, 
“No idea” He admitted with a shake of his head. 
“She means something to you?” Steve said, knowing Bucky had mentioned Y/N a few times before, he’d even ordered Sam to find out every single detail of her life. “She shouldn’t” Bucky said with a shake of his head 
“But she does” Steve said filling in the silence 
“It’s my fault she’s gone, I got too close. Thought I was untouchable for a moment”
— —- — — 
Damp was all Y/N could smell, it invaded her nostrils as she pulled against the binds keeping her sat on a cool chair. The blindfold which covered her eyes gave no secrets away, not even a slither of light was let through. Whoever had taken her knew what they were doing, she hadn’t even seen their faces before she was grabbed, couldn’t even put up a fight. 
“He’ll come” She heard a gruff voice state, she couldn’t figure out where the voice was coming from, it echoed and bounced off the walls 
“Who’s there?” She called out, trying her best to keep her voice firm, all that responded was a rough laugh. “You can’t keep me like this forever” She shouted furiously 
“Not forever sweetheart, just long enough to bring your Romeo Barnes out of the shadows” The voice said suddenly inches away from her face, she could feel the hot breath on her cheek, she felt something pull on her hair and then heard a chopping sound. 
“What the hell are you doing to me?” She growled 
— — — — 
“Barnes, you need to see this” Peter said stepping into his office, not bothering to knock knowing Bucky would only be mad at his time-wasting when they still had no leads on Y/N. 
“What is it?” Bucky snapped 
“Got delivered just now, nobody on the doorstep, nobody around. No-one saw anything. But it’s addressed to you” He said, Bucky felt the dread fill his stomach he knew what it was about. 
Ripping open the envelope he let out a strained shout as a clump of Y/N’s hair fell out, tied neatly together with one of the ribbons she had worn a few days before she disappeared. Following the hair fell a small note. 
“Buck?” Steve said gently, 
“He’s got her” 
“Walker” Bucky spat furiously 
“Why?” Sam asked 
“He must still think I was the one who made his wife leave”  Bucky said 
“She ran off with another man” Steve said confused 
“I was the one who introduced them, he thought it was calculated” Bucky explained, 
���That’s why he left?” Sam asked 
“I didn’t want to put words in his mouth that’s why I didn’t say anything but” Bucky stopped himself, his fingers wrapping around his gun “He doesn’t get to have Y/N” 
— — — — — 
Y/N could hear the commotion, something was happening. Shifting in her seat she tried to loosen the rope that she was sure was cutting into her wrists. It didn’t dare budge. 
“That won’t work sweetheart” The voice returned 
“Just leave me alone” she cried, the echo in the room beginning to settle around her skull, nothing felt normal anymore. All she wanted to do was collapse into a deep sleep, her body screamed for movement,
“No can do” The voice taunted “See your little boyfriend is coming here right now and I’m about to kill him” It laughed 
“He isn’t my boyfriend” Y/N spat furiously “He’ll kill you before you can blink” She added 
“Let’s see darling” It sneered, 
“Y/N?” Bucky’s voice called, yet another echo. 
“Now darling I want you to watch this” the voice said suddenly tugging at the blindfold roughly leaving it around Y/N’s neck and letting her eyes adjust to the room, just as Bucky burst through the doors. 
“I’m going to kill you” Bucky growled, the look in his eye terrified Y/N, it was a side she hadn’t seen before and one she knew she didn’t want to see again 
“Nuh uh uh” Walker grinned “See Barnes, this isn’t about you killing me, this is all a mind game” He said sadistically “You can kill me, but then your pretty little Y/N has seen that and you won’t ever get her back. She’ll be gone forever” He let out a laugh, Bucky’s eyes fell on Y/N’s fear filled face, 
“Y/N” He said softly, Y/N let out a sob. 
“Buck please get me out of here” She cried suddenly terrified that these were her last moments 
“Y/N I have to kill him” Bucky said gently 
“She’ll never look at you again” Walker taunted 
“Don’t look” He said firmly to Y/N, who looked at him like a deer in headlights “Buck—”
“I won’t do it if you’re looking” Bucky said firmly, Y/N couldn’t look away. If she did she gave permission for Bucky to kill someone, she couldn’t do that 
“She won’t ever love you Barnes” Walker sneered 
“Buck!” Steve shouted walking into the room, 
“Make your choice Barnes” Walker said “Y/N” Bucky said his eyes focused on Y/N, 
A shot sounded through the room, as Walker collapsed dead next to Y/N. Y/N screamed, Bucky turned to see Sam standing behind him, his gun still pointed at the body. 
“I wasn’t about to let him do that to you” Sam said firmly, “I don’t play mind games” 
“Thank you” Bucky muttered as he ran over to Y/N, helping Steve pull the ropes off of her shaking body, “You’re safe now, I’m not going to let anything else happen to you” Bucky promised 
“He’s dead?” Was all Y/N could reply 
“Don’t look” Bucky instructed shielding Y/N from the body, “You’re okay now” He said pulling her into his chest
“I thought I was going to die” She admitted, 
“Never doll, not when you’re with me” Bucky said pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
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ghoul-foolery · 3 months
Dirty Windows | 11 | Nora x Hancock
A Fallout 4 Soulmate AU
Fic Summary:
Hancock never thought he would find his soulmate. Once a common occurrence, soulmates turned into a bit of a rarity after the bombs dropped. It was to be expected when there was an influx of people getting shot in the face on a daily basis. So when Hancock discovered that he had a soulmate he was ecstatic; all of the people in the Commonwealth, and he was one of the lucky few.
Too bad his soulmate didn't want anything to do with him.
When Nora thought for sure she was going to die too, the pain stopped – and then there was nothing. Nothing but the emptiness. Nothing but the grief. Half of her soul was suddenly gone forever. She was dropped in the middle of the ocean, drifting among the waves with no land in sight. Then just as suddenly she had been cast adrift, she found land. The hole was filled the moment it had been created. As she gripped Nate’s vault suit and begged him to open his eyes, Nora found herself battling with the horrifying realization that she had another soulmate; that some stranger had taken Nate's place.
[ 1 ] <- [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] - [ 12 ]
“You’re lying. In what world would bottle caps be a viable currency?”
Hancock snorted into his water, grinning like a fool as he watched the woman stare at a handful of blood-spattered bottle caps. This was all he had wanted from the very beginning – conversation. He didn’t need deep and meaningful interaction. He just wanted to get to know his soulmate, so he delighted in their small talk.
“In this world,” he replied. “Why else would every one of these bastards have bottle caps on ‘em?”
“I don’t know – maybe it’s a hobby. Like collecting stamps.”
“Stamps? People collect those things?”
She deposited the bottle caps into her bag without a whole lot of care as she grumbled, “Not anymore, apparently.”
Once the situation had been resolved, Hancock found that he rather enjoyed walking his soulmate through her first firefight. The woman was a good listener; whenever he told her to adjust her grip or her footing, she did it. When he told her to make a run for better cover, she bolted. At the end of the altercation, Hancock had told her to take a moment to breathe. It was then, and only then, when she had finally crumbled. It was as if she had came out of some sort of fugue state, and was coping with everything she had done. The woman had dropped to the ground, coming to rest on her knees. It was there, in a folded heap, where she started to take deliberate, slow breaths. The anger that had been crackling between them finally dissolved.
“Y’did good,” he had said. “Yer a helluva shot.” There hadn't been a response, only more deep breathing. He frowned slowly; so it was back to the cold shoulder. Regardless, he would consider the day a win. His soulmate had finally spoken to him. He reached to her, and she reached to him. He’d never felt the feeling of home like he had in that moment. The feeling of completion. He didn’t want to let that go. Hancock proved he could help. But the day was a win, he insisted to himself. It was a start. 
“Just… give me a second, please,” She had whispered between breaths. 
Hancock had made an attempt to redirect her attention. He would let her take a moment to catch up, but he didn’t want her to dwell in some dark pit of guilt.
“Hey,” he had said in a near whisper. “Let’s check the bodies.”
She did. Remaining calm, and sticking to her slow breaths, the woman methodically searched the bodies of the fallen raiders. Ammo, guns, drugs and caps littered the floor around her within seconds. Hancock told her which ammo was compatible with the gun she was toting, and walked her through the steps of reloading an old sawed off shotgun.
“What’s up with these guys and bottle caps?” she had said, mostly to herself than to him.
Before he knew it, he was explaining the currency of the post-apocalyptic world. He silently marveled over the fact that this wasn’t common knowledge before reminding himself that this woman crawled out of a vault just recently. Maybe they still used that paper currency in there.
As his woman stowed everything into her pack he took a seat at the chair that was still perched near the window. “Ya know,” he drawled. “Yer handling all this a lot better than I expected. Y’haven’t got sick yet, anyway.”
“That’s, uh… That’s all you, actually,” she said as she double-checked the magazine. She had a spare mag now, a shotgun.
Hancock scrunched his brows as he shook out a cigarette from the pack. “It’s comin’ from you, though.”
“It is, but it isn’t. You don’t know how to block out my emotions, and I’m currently channeling yours, so. That’s all you.”
Hancock put his feet up in the sill, taking a deep pull from the cigarette. “So when I started feelin’ super pissy…”
“That was you, too. You were angry, and that was better than being scared out of my mind. I used your anger, and you picked up on it coming from me…”
So the only reason why she was talking with him was because she was leeching off of his emotions. The realization stung a bit. He reminded himself that progress was progress. A win was a win. Hancock decided he would keep being useful. If that was the only way he could get his foot in the door, so be it.
“My inexperience paid off. That’s a first,” he said with a wry smile. She didn’t laugh. So much for jokes. “Hey, so whaddarya doin’ in this place anyway? You obviously ain’t makin’ friends.”
There was a long, heavy exhale and then she started making her way further into the building, up a rickety flight of stairs. “Guy on the balcony said that there were settlers inside.”
Hancock scoffed, “Sounds like a fuckin’ trap t’me, sister.”
The woman didn’t reply. She kept making her way deeper and deeper into the building. She didn't need help taking out her attackers; she knew how to grip the gun, how to stand and aim. Now that she knew her shit, she just needed his help to keep a level head. He stayed with her until Fahrenheit came barging into his office. 
Fahrenheit looked murderous. He quietly slipped away from his soulmate. Despite severing his part of the connection, he could still feel his soulmate’s presence lingering with his; it was as if she was standing beside him. She would probably stick around until she was finished using his emotions. In the meantime, he would endeavor to remain calm and collected. 
“Well, heya stranger,” he said to Fahrenheit. He was eager to tell her of his progress but Fahrenheit didn’t look at all amused. Fahr suffered from resting bitch-face anyway, but after a brief once-over, Hancock was able to tell that she was pissed. More pissed than usual, anyway. Pissed-pissed, one could say. “You kids have fun killin’ muteys?”
“Finn is gonna be a real fuckin’ problem for you.”
Hancock blinked his surprise, then took another drag of his cigarette. Fahrenheit was reaching for her own pack of cigarettes. When Hancock flipped open his lighter she leaned in close and lit up. “Aw, Fahr, ya didn't like yer playdate?”
“I’m serious, Hancock!” A heavy plume of smoke rolled past her lips with each word.
There went his good mood. Hancock dropped his lighter back in his pocket, and gestured for the angry woman to take a seat. She did, and then she launched into the events that took place that day. It didn't take long for Fahrenheit to supply him with all of the juicy details. She wasn’t one to embellish. It would seem that one of his better fighters didn’t really favor how Goodneighbor was being ran – and he wasn’t really keeping those opinions secret. He wanted Fahrenheit’s help taking over, he thought he would be able to win her over – but Hancock and Fahrenheit went way back. He paid her, sure, but he paid all of his employees. Fahrenheit’s loyalty was deeper than her pockets, but Finn didn’t have to know that.
“Asshole was so fucking cocky,” Fahrenheit seethed. “’ You and me can run this place’ – fuckin’ dickhead.”
“Yeah, but what didja say to him?”
“Nothing,” she growled, pinching off the end of her third cigarette with her index finger and thumb.
“I don’t talk to idiots.”
He chuckled, rising to his feet. There was a filing cabinet tucked against his work desk. He pulled a bottle of ancient whiskey from one of the drawers and unscrewed the cap. There was some potential for a damn good plan here. He could let Finn keep running his mouth and turn a blind eye. If Finn accumulated any followers, he could get them all taken care of in one fell swoop. After taking a swig from the bottle, he passed it to Fahrenheit, who guzzled down a couple fingers worth of the alcohol. She held the bottle out towards him.
They settled on the couch and shared the bottle, basking in contemplative silence for what seemed like a handful of minutes before Hancock finally came up with an idea worth sharing.
“So what if we—“
As Hancock’s entire body jolted in surprise, he fumbled the bottle and it clattered to the ground. Alcohol spilled all over the floor. He gasped like he had been stabbed.
“Hancock?” Fahrenheit stood suddenly, her hand dropping to her pistol as she took a step back out of caution. Her reaction pained him (did she think he was going feral?), but he paid it no mind as he reached out towards his soulmate. Images overlapped until he focused on what his soulmate was seeing – and he damn near shit himself.
While sitting in his office, Hancock got a first person point of view of a deathclaw barreling towards his soulmate. He was completely and totally unable to hold back his yell of shock. His body lurched back again, swinging over the arm of the couch. He flopped onto the ground like a sack of tatos. His soulmate’s body was encased in power armor. He could see plating dancing in his periphery, could also feel the padding of the helmet encasing her head. The weapon in his woman’s hands was heavy — fuck, it was a whole-ass minigun. The end of the weapon was spinning, red and angry, but there were no bullets.
“Holy shit,” he heaved. The deathclaw lunged, teeth and claws bared. “HOLY SHIT!” The minigun dropped to the ground with a deafening thud, and a heavily armored fist shot out, ramming into the deathclaw’s open maw. The fist opened, and then clenched down around the bottom half of the creature’s jaw. “Where the fuck is your gun!? Why the fuck are yoU HOLDING ON TO IT LET GO! ” He was yelling at the top of his lungs. He had never felt more horrified in his entire life.
The door to his office slammed open, he could see people dancing in his periphery, and several voices yelled out to him. Fahrenheit yelled back, telling them to lower their weapons and stand down.
With one fist holding the deathclaw hostage, the other raised high and slammed into its head. The first hit slammed into its skull. The second caught on the creature’s giant curved horn. There was an awful pain that blossomed in his wrist, as if his soulmate’s sprained.
Another solid punch to its head, and then his woman tucked tail and ran. Or tried to. The armor was cumbersome. Too heavy, too bulky, to run fast and yet she put her all into creating distance between her and the creature. She tore around the corner of a dilapidated building, the deathclaw hot on her heels.
“How do I kill it?!”
There was a mess of bodies strewn about the front of the old building, all freshly killed. She continued to charge forward, only to skid to a complete stop. She dropped to her knees and started sifting through the bodies. There was gun fire, not from her, but from another source. And then there was yelling, someone shouting at her. A shotgun was pulled from the blood and gore – a measly, ancient pump action. She pivoted on her armored knee, the plating grinding into something soft and slick. It helped her pivot with ease. She raised the weapon and took aim.
Hancock, still sprawled on the floor in his office, watched helplessly as the deathclaw leapt towards his soulmate once more.
Tag List: @takottai / @a-little-pebbl / @brainrot-extravaganza
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
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Pairing:  Timeskip!Tetta Kisaki x Hitwoman!Fem Reader 
First time writing for Kisaki, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Being so good and infamous at her work as a hitwoman, she earns the nickname "The Invisible Man," but she doesn't expect Kisaki to find her, wanting to work together in Toman, and their infamous work leads to their friendship rising again and then some...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Swearing, drinking, drunk sex, mentions of m*rder, guns, oral m receiving, protected sex, almost walked in on, slight degradation, slight choking & hairpulling (reader comes off as a dom in the beginning part)
Word Count: 2.4k 
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"Alright, jobs done. The money?"
Using a voice changer, I had no patience today, seeing a lower amount than what was offered hitting my secret bank account.
"Want me to sneak up on you too? Where's the rest?" I threatened, smiling as more hit my account, my customer groaning:
"Fine. Happy now?"
"Like a kid in a candy store," I laughed into the voice changer, hanging up the phone, "You know how to contact me if anyone else needs taken care of."
Crushing my burner phone, it was time to get out of there. I headed to my car I had parked down the alleyway but stopped as I heard:
Instinctively, I whipped my gun out, pointing directly at the skull of Hanma.
"Oi! Oi! Easy! It's not like that."
"Hanma?" It's been years since I've seen him, and I only pulled my gun because, in our dark world, I earned the nickname the Invisible Man. No one knew who I was, and I had dirty gloves, but I always kept my hands clean, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Just came to talk, old friend," He smiled; years and years ago, we were friends, but I decided to drop out of the gang and go down my own path. I was still anxious, finger on the safety as I asked:
"How did you find me?"
"You know that we have our ways," Stepping out of the darkness, it was Kisaki, flashing a smile at me, "Just came to talk, is all."
"Yeah, the boss here would like to chat," Hanma smiled beside him; I didn't sense any ill intentions, but it was Kisaki after all:
"You and me? Just a talk?"
Glaring at Kisaki, he nodded and rolled his eyes, "You and me, and you can put the gun down."
"Alright," I breathed in deep, stepping back towards my car and demanding as I stared at Hanma, "Alone. Get in the car."
Hanma went to step up, but Kisaki sighed, shaking his head, but agreed:
I then decided to put my gun away, jump in my car with Kisaki, and head to a red-light district where I could hang out without any worries.
"You should be fine here," I assured him as I parked, hopping out and leading him to an empty bar, "I own this place, and Hanma can pick you up here."
"Convenient," He hummed, following inside as I turned on the lights. Pointing at a table for him to sit, I went and grabbed myself a drink before I joined him, getting straight to the point:
"So, what do you want to talk about?"
"I'm sure you know that I run Toman now-"
"I work solo, Kisaki. I'm sure you know that." I threw back, a serious stare beaming at him while I sipped my drink.
"Look," Getting serious too, he leaned forward, staring past his glasses into my eyes, "I need some things settled, and who better than an 'invisible man' to do that."
I only stared and debated, slowly being convinced as he added:
"The only thing you have to do is what you always do. Stay invisible. No one in Toman will even know that you exist."
"Even so," I hummed and noted, "I'm not cheap."
"Like money's an issue," He chuckled, proposing his offer one last time with more persuasion, "You and I together will be unstoppable, just like the old days. I'll give you the details. You do your thing, and we both profit from it. It's a win-win situation."
"You're lucky I'm no saint, Kisaki," I mumbled, finishing the last bit of my drink, "Send me the details then."
Pulling up the briefcase that he brought up with him, he opened it, first handing me a folder, then showing that the briefcase was loaded with stacks of hundreds:
"That enough for starters?"
"For starters," I giggled devilishly, checking one of the bills to make sure it wasn't fake, then scanning over what details were in the folder, smiling more and more, "Oh, this will be easy money."
"I'm sure you know what to do," He stood, looking at a phone before taking the briefcase and heading to the door:
"No duh," I watched, smiling at the briefcase and winking, "Won't be long before I come and pick that up."
He smirked back at me, shaking his head and chuckling, waving as he walked out, "You'll know how to find me."
Not even two days later, I finished that job and got that money, getting a lot more as time passed. As expected, he was dealing with some police issues and maybe a rat. It made some dominos fall, and I started to make those causes disappear like a ghost in the night.
I hated meeting in person when it wasn't on my terms, but considering our partnership, I had to do things on Kisaki's terms if needed.
He had a meeting with all his upper echelon, and I snuck my way to the hall, standing in the darkness next to his door. Not long after, he started making his way down, knowing I was there, and even though he couldn't see, my eyes filled with annoyance when I noticed someone behind him.
"Pah," He groaned, rolling his eyes and facing him, "The meeting's over."
"I still-"
"Know your place and beat it," I growled in my whisper, making them both freeze, staring at my silhouette.
"Who the hell-"
"Someone much more important than you," I growled again, "Now, beat it."
Kisaki was in shock that I spoke, let alone the tone I used, but Pah was so oblivious:
"Got yourself a girl now, huh?" He chuckled, turning away, "Fine. We'll talk later."
"What an idiot," I whispered to myself; Kisaki getting the door and rushing inside, pulling me in with him.
"So much for being invisible, huh?" He glared at me, not happy with my actions.
"Like he'll ever piece the puzzle together," I rolled my eyes, going and sitting at his desk, "Besides, I have one rule."
"One rule?" Cocking his eyebrow, I held up a finger, stating that one rule:
"Anyone who's seen my face when they're not supposed to?"
Making a finger gun, I playfully shot it with a 'pew' sound, shrugging as I sat up:
"He didn't see my face, so he's lucky."
"You're something," He shook at me, sitting with me, and I only continued to toy with him:
"Hey, I got to live up to the 'invisible' nickname. Now, spend some time with your girl?"
The dirty face he made had me rolling, but soon, we sat down and got to business. We even grabbed a glass and chatted for a bit.
It was a nice change from my fast-moving life. The longer we sat, drank, and talked, the more I remembered how good friends we still were. Losing track of time so much that we downed the whole bottle, drunk and giggling at him:
"Be a sweet boy and get your girl another drink, please?"
"Stop saying that," He growled, but did so as I was crying out of laughter in my chair:
"C'mon, it's funny, and you know it!"
"Whatever you say," He sighed, coming back, and as he sat, I leaned against him, messing with him again:
"You can't take a joke?"
He only stared at me, and I was still playful, twirling his tie and cooing:
"Loosen up. I've been taking away your worries; things are back in order. What's there to be so uptight about? Hell, I'm a hitman, woman, whatever, and I'm more chill than you."
"You talk a lot when you're drunk," He noted, putting a scowl on my face and laughing at me for it.
He was one to talk about being drunk, laughing so much, and I couldn't be angry, laughing along and sighing:
"Guess that happens, considering I'm always alone."
"You know," He was thinking, leaning to whisper, "Keep up the good work, and maybe you won't have to be 'invisible' anymore."
"Aww, but where's the fun in that?" I giggled, "It's earned me quite the reputation."
He stared in disappointment till I took that away with a whisper:
"But behind the scenes is a different situation. I'm not invisible right now, am I?"
Looking up and down my dress, I crossed my legs, making his cheeks red with my assumption:
"Don't want me to be invisible so you can show me off?"
Again, he stayed quiet, making him look me in the eye as I pulled him by the tie, standing up and over his lap:
"Gonna answer me?"
Yanking my hips down to sit on his lap, I was impressed by the boldness he finally showed:
"We make a good duo."
"Yeah, we're the only ones with a brain cell," I joked, making us chuckle, but settling back into the sexy mood I created, leaning to whisper in his ear, "Those other guys think they're real gangsters, but you? You're the real deal; sometimes, a gangster needs someone just as bad by their side."
His hands showed that he was fighting temptations by how hard he was starting to squeeze me, swiveling my hips agonizingly slow and making them meet his, kissing his ear:
"And you better believe that I'm bad. Not just in the streets."
"Urgh," He huffed, eyes closed and taking me by the jaw, "I told you; you're talking too much."
"Shut me up the-" I certainly got what I was asking for when he kissed me hard, but I wasn't complaining, kissing back with a smile, unable to stop my hips from rolling and swirling as our lips continued to clash.
I already felt his bulge before we started making out, my tongue slipping in, making it harder, and as I was grinding against it, my hand started going after what I wanted.
"Well, that's one way to shut me up," Taking a breath, my hand stayed at his belt buckle, batting my lashes and edged, "I think I know another if I'm still 'talking too much.'"
"Now you're acting like a slut," He huffed, taking care of his belt while I sank to the floor on my knees, laughing but winking at him:
"And by how hard you, I think you like it."
Slouching back in his chair and holding his cock in his hand, I perked up, placing his hand on my hand and warning:
"You're gonna want to hold onto that."
"Is that rig-"
Before he could finish, my lips kissed the tip of his cock, graciously taking him into my mouth, his words turning into a soft hiss, already huffing as I bobbed my head further and further down, his hand on my head clamping in my hair.
I kept my eyes wide open to watch how lost he was, all the electric from the tension, before smacking him as I had his tip in the back of my throat, sucking hard each time I pulled up.
"Shit, baby-" He barely whispered, moaning softly overtop of it, but I still heard stroking his cock with ruthless speed as I picked myself up and smirked:
"What was that, now?"
"Shh-" Pushing my head back onto his cock, I sucked his tip even hard, still pumping his shaft, wanting to hear what he said again, but watching as he sat up a little, his hand reaching into the drawer of his desk.
Looking in the corner of my eye, I could feel him throbbing slightly, lips breaking free with a pop as he pulled me back by my hair, wiping my chin and realizing he had a condom in his hand. I went to stand, but he did that for me, whipping me around to face the desk and bending me over it.
"Stepping things up a notch?" Knowing what was next, I started to pull down my panties, kicking them off my ankles, gasping softly at him cupping my ass, spreading my legs wide:
"Soaked already?" He teased, tip sitting at my dripping cunt.
"What can I say?" I hummed, darting an eye back at him and smirking, "You turn me on, baby."
"Trust me," He whispered in my ear, tip pushing into me, stretching me some, then smacking his hips into mine, "I know."
"Oh, fuc-" My jaw clenched with my lip trapped by my teeth, pulling back slow just to smack off my ass again, hitting my g spot, and it had my knees shaking already, smiling at how good it felt as I picked my head to breathe, "Fuck, Kisaki."
A slight laugh breathed down to me, his pace quickening, hands pulling me back onto his cock by the hips to meet his thrusts, strategically torturing my g spot, turning me into mush against the desk.
Salacious moans started to echo in the room, smacking the desk as I was trying to keep myself up straight, looking back and panting:
"I'm g'na cum, Kisaki!"
He wasn't focused on me, burying himself in me, hand covering my mouth right as there were knocks on the door.
Got damn, Hanma!
"What is it?" He called out, my hot pants making his hand steam. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, taking his hand and squeezing it while throwing myself onto his cock, "Ngh!"
There was an awkward silence from the other side of the door, and I picked my head up to chuckle:
"I can stay quiet. You better too."
Hanma wasn't ruining my fun time, biting my lip again and bouncing my ass off his hips, taking all his cock each time, getting close to my orgasm again as I created pounds in my stomach. Watching him the entire time as his jaw fell, trying to keep his huffs and groans silent, his eyes fixed on how his cock disappeared into me so quickly, ass jiggling against him.
"Just give me a couple minutes!" He spat before taking my throat, the other hand covering my mouth again, growling in my ear, "Damn slut."
Pulling me up a little, all I could was helplessly hold onto the edges of the desk, screaming muffled in his hand, completely stuffed and being drilled, body nearly giving out on me when my orgasm hit, only feeling how tightly I was squeezing his cock before gushing, head swirling and vision going white.
No noise came out of me, gasping as he let go of my throat, letting me fall to the desk and leaving me hollow as he pulled back, having to fight the intense shake in my legs.
"Gonna have to make sure you start being a good girl," He warned, spanking me; I could barely laugh but smiled, breathing in deeply:
"Good luck with that."
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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