#and she loves jammies
sweaterkittensahoy · 1 year
For RWRB, their first Christmas together please 🥰
When asked ten seconds after it happens, Alex will declare that he's pleased that David has carried the family tradition of making an ass of himself at a major event.
Henry will squeeze Alex's hand so hard that Alex will have to hide a wince, and in bed that night, Henry will apologize as he kisses Alex's knuckles and fingertips and the center of his palm.
"It's not supposed to be fun to make a mistake at an event," Henry murmurs as he nuzzles Alex's wrist.
"Oh, baby," Alex breathes out, curling his hand over Henry's jaw to lead him up for a kiss. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about it."
"It's okay," Henry says, and he's smiling as he dips in and kisses Alex. "It was perfect, really, after the shock wore off. That I could--" He breathes in slowly and stares at Alex with tears in his eyes. "That I could make an error in public like that and it was...funny. And fine. And no one pulled me aside to lecture me on propriety."
Alex has to blink away his own tears. He pulls Henry into a tight hug. "Is it safe now to tell you that Nora's been watching everyone react on social media, and everyone loves David?"
Henry chuckles. It's al little damp on the edges. He wipes his eyes against Alex's shoulder, and then settles to one side, his head still on Alex's shoulder. "Show me the highlights," he says.
"You sure?" Alex asks, although he's already reaching for his phone. Henry nods, and Alex goes to his text thread with Nora. The last several messages are just links to gifs and videos of the moment David decided he absolutely would NOT continue to wear his Christmas sweater as part of the White House festivities.
In the videos, he bites the bottom edge of it to try and pull it off, loses his balance and goes rolling under one of the Christmas trees. Which wobbles, stills, and then wobbles again as a loud growl comes from under the branches.
And then the tree goes crashing down. And, a few seconds later, David emerges from the mess, unscathed and naked, shaking the sweater in his mouth like he's defeated it.
Henry giggles, then laughs. Alex starts reading him people's responses: 'David did nothing wrong.' / 'Me after family dinner on Christmas Eve.' / 'Same energy as whipping off your bra after work.'
There are several gif sets as well, showing the side-by-side of the tree going down and the cake toppling almost two years ago at Phillip's wedding.
"How do they even have those?" Henry asks, gasping for breath as he wipes tears of laughter off his face.
"Christmas miracle," Alex replies, and he laughs when David pops up from the foot of the bed and yips at them to be quiet. "Oh, I'm sorry, is the destructor trying to sleep?"
David wags his tail, then bounces up the bed, jumping up on Henry to lick his face.
"I can't say it's something I thought would become a family tradition," Henry says as he pets David and leans over to kiss Alex's shoulder. "But it feels perfect, somehow."
Alex beams and scratches David behind the ears. "Yeah," he agrees. "It does."
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jamdoughnutmagician · 3 months
No thoughts just Sabrina Carpenter's cover of 'Good Luck, Babe!'
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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they’re expecting!
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er1c-c4rtman · 1 year
Genderswap :D
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spookieloop · 8 months
"I seem to have trusted you once, and it ruined me."
The Dark Urge having some flicker of a memory, begging the one person who mourned them to take their loss and the horror they're feeling at the removal of everything they once were seriously.
And Gortash is just so elated that they're back that he's having a manic episode and can't.
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onecoolbee · 8 months
my Dark Urge and the Rabies Babies team finally made it to act 3, and let me just say the vibes they all bring are wild. Imagine trying to intimidate a group of 2 female drow warriors, a one-eyed githyanki, and a woman clad head to toe in sharran armor that exudes magical darkness around it. and then there's karlach who is just stoked to go to the carnival, never change
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nerdierholler · 9 months
May I ask about Psychopomps and Circumstance? 👀
I love these kids of mine. Great characters, no plot.
Inspired by the prompt: Once a name is written in a Book of the Dead, it cannot be edited. Apparently your name was erroneously submitted, despite the fact that you’re very much alive. This is the 4th time today that yet another Reaper is checking up on you to see if you died yet.
Dani ends up become friends with the various reapers who are required to check up on her multiple times a day to see if she's still alive since now that they have no other reliable way of knowing.
Here's Dani meeting Anubis's dog, Lucy. Instead of being jackal headed, he's soul tied to a black dog, but just a regular black dog, and it allows them to communicate with basic thoughts and feelings.
“Can I pet your dog?”
Sensing that it was now the topic of discussion, the dog stood, wagging its tail. Anubis looked over at it. “Well?” he asked. The wagging intensified, and its paws began stamping the ground in excitement.
“She says it’s fine.”
She smiled, kneeling and stroked the short fur on top of the dog’s head. It leaned in until her fingers found just the right spot behind the ears and let out a satisfied moan.
She looked over at Anubis, who was watching them both carefully. “What’s her name?”
Huh, that’s… not what she was expecting. “You named her Lucy?”
“No,” he said flatly, “she named herself.”
She started to laugh, until she realized he was completely serious. She turned her attention back to Lucy. “That’s a beautiful name.” 
Lucy’s tail wagged even faster.
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valgeristik · 11 months
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sorry, this isnt art. but im obsessed with her
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novakitty-siriuspup · 11 months
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Baby got some new jammies since it's getting colder
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Hey :)
If ur still accepting requests, could you something where Thena is on her period and is in a lot of pain (Cramps suck Fr) and Gil comforts her??? You can choose the AU <3
Btw ur entire account literally gives me life lmao 🫶🏼
Thena woke slowly, having drifted off on the couch after using the last of her pain meds. She had sent a message to Kingo to bring her more, though.
There were sounds coming from the kitchen. Panic flooded through her as she looked up and over the back of the couch.
"It's okay," he smiled at her, having sensed her alarm, "it's just me."
Thena relaxed her knee-jerk reaction to reach for a knife. Although she was on high alert in other ways, seeing him at her stove. "What are you doing here?"
Gil turned down the burner on whatever he was cooking and came over to the couch, leaning on the back of it. "How're you feeling?"
"Answer me," she grumbled at him, curling around herself and drawing up the blanket she had thrown over her legs.
"I ran into Kingo while he was out getting some things," Gil answered gently, brushing some hair away from her cheek for her (why she let him was beyond her). "I offered to come and check on you."
Thena made a mental note to fire Kingo before she killed him.
"I've got some cheesy tteokbokki on for you," he smiled at her, leaving the back of the couch only to retrieve a tray from the kitchen and bring it over for her. "Start with this."
Thena frowned as he set the tray on her coffee table, on top of the laptop she had abandoned since cramps had robbed her of the ability to work from home.
He had arranged a glass of gingerale, a fresh dose of midol, a few crackers and cheese and even a few pieces of white chocolate (her favourite). There was even a tiny little vase with a budding lily in it.
Thena looked from the tray to the eager and hopeful face of the Tyrant King. She was still curled up around herself, and not just because of the cramps in her abdomen. "Why?"
His smile fell, and she hated to admit that it made her feel so bad she was willing to do anything to undo it. He corrected his expression, though, letting his smile become smaller but softer. "I'm your boyfriend, Ice. So I'm here to do boyfriend things, like comfort you when you're having a rough period."
She was a grown woman. She had no reason to be embarrassed about a perfectly natural function of her body. But she had never intended on letting him witness it firsthand.
She hadn't showered yet, she was sure she was pale as a ghost with messy hair and cold sweat on her skin. And that was to say nothing of the fact that instead of her usual silk nightdress she was in fuzzy sweatpants and an old hoodie.
Thena picked her head up off the throw pillow and gave him a withering glare, "my boyfriend, are you?"
"Well, let's go with that for now," he chuckled, putting his hand on her shoulder to steady him as he leaned over to kiss her cheek before returning to the kitchen.
She eyed the fresh ink of his ring tattoo as he moved.
"Your cup is still in its pot here, too--I just moved it."
Right, she had been boiling her menstrual cup while she had texted Kingo for supplies. This was exactly what she meant about Gil not having to be here doing all this for her. They were...something--she had thought to maybe call them an ongoing affair. But apparently he was her boyfriend.
That didn't mean she wanted him handling the pot that had a silicone cup she put in her-
Thena groaned, leaning her head back against her throw pillow again.
"Take your drugs, Princess. I'll bring lunch over in a sec."
She pursed her lips as she eyed the lovingly arranged platter he had brought her. She could hear him humming to himself in the kitchen behind her. It was so...domestic. She turned herself as best she could, keeping her blanket over her lap as she leaned just enough to reach the midol and the gingerale (and a piece of chocolate).
"Here we go," Gil narrated as he came over with a sizzling claypot in its holder. He walked over briskly with it, setting it down next to the other platter and sitting beside her. He turned to her with a grin, "want me to feed it to you?"
"Absolutely not."
"Aw, come on, Sweetness," he laughed as he stirred around the steaming hot rice cakes in their red sauce. "It'll be like the old days in the poison ward."
Was that what constituted 'the good old days' for them?
"I can feed myself," she huffed, although when he leaned out of her way, she realised just how far away the nice hot bowl really was.
"Here," he smiled, picking up the utensils and using the chopsticks to pile a few into a larger spoon as kind of an in-between serving vessel. He handed both over to her, "take your time."
Thena sighed, taking a few and blowing on them before eating them. She knew very well he made the best tteokbokki. He was quite a sufficient home cook, but something about how he made the sauce for the rice cakes--how he got them to the absolute perfect consistency for her every time. It never failed.
Gil rubbed her back as she slurped back a few more. "You could have told me, y'know."
Thena sighed between bites. She didn't have to answer him. If she didn't, he probably wouldn't pester her with it, given her current mood. She handed the spoon back so he could pick up a few more for her. "It's...personal."
He gave her a look. "Baby, I gave you a sponge bath while you were in the hospital. You think I can't handle your period?"
She glared at him; he didn't have to bring that up. "Not the point."
He let it go, handing back another few tteokbokki with stretchy, oozy cheese on them.
"Just," she said just before taking a bite, using the time chewing to collect her thoughts. She sighed through her nose, her shoulders sinking. She gulped. "Just...let me be a mess on my own."
"A mess?" he asked in a tone that was so disbelieving it was a little snarky. But surely he knew better than to be snarky with her when she was in a foul mood; she glared at him again. But he laughed, "you think you can hide how beautiful you are?"
Thena stared down at the tteokbokki she was holding. She was piled under comfy clothes and blankets and a fuzzy warmer stuffed inside the pocket of her hoodie. Her back hurt, she hadn't even washed her face that morning, let alone brushed her hair or checked what she smelled like.
Gil blinked as she handed back the utensils without having finished her last bite. "Sweetness?"
"Stop it," she grumbled, pressing her face into her hands, including the tears that were threatening more and more seriously to spill over. "Stop...being sweet."
Gil smiled as the problem was stated. He set the food aside, moving closer so he could pulled her into his lap. She growled at him a little but he nestled her head under his chin, "I don't think that's something a good boyfriend does."
Thena pressed her face into his shirt. He smelled like his office, even in his casual clothes. He smelled like gojuchang and gojugaru and aromatics.
Gil let her bury her face in his chest, her hand sliding up to join it, sitting over his heart, like it always did. "I'm right here, Thena. I'm not going anywhere."
She inhaled the mix of scents on him, letting it relax her like lavender in a bath. "Lunch."
"I'll save it for you, heat it up later," he promised, whispering as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'll run you a hot bath, we can have a nice relaxing dinner. What do you think, Ice?"
"Hm," she mumbled, already on the verge of falling asleep again. The night had been fitful at best, and something about how warm he was always made her want to nod off. "Tell Kingo he's fired."
Gil laughed, although it wasn't the belly deep laugh he sometimes had. He was careful not to jostle her in his arms. "I think you should tell him that yourself."
She whined faintly, burying her face in his chest completely again, "later."
"Later," Gil agreed, kissing the top of her head as he supported her back with his arm and rubbed her shoulder. "Take your time."
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Neighbours ep. 5338 (2007)
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bylertruther · 1 year
throughout middle and high school i had this best friend that apparently had a huge crush on me, but he never gave me a single sign, he was just a really good friend to me, and he would always invite me out, but then immediately be like "and you can bring [my other best friend] too!" because apparently he thought i wouldn't go if it was just us and he would rather have us both there than not have me there at all.
meanwhile, i had no idea he felt that way and instead thought he just had a crush on her (the same way that she had a crush on him) and wanted me to be his wingman / make it easy for him, so i acted accordingly and unknowingly made that entire fiasco that much worse.
and basically what i'm saying is that one of you should take this anecdote of mine and use it for a tragic byIer love triangle fic. thank u 🫶
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greenylovesdollys · 2 years
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I just realized that the reason Marisa didn’t click with me is because she doesn’t look like she’s at a sleepover, she looks like she’s about to enter the octagon.
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teehee-vibes · 7 months
I think I’m in hell (can’t stop thinking about fnc)
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fractallogic · 1 year
Artemis is doing a concern because instead of doing the Shower Routine, I have paused in the middle between putting my pajamas on and flossing my teeth to lie in bed, because I realized that I could traction my neck and back by hanging limp off the side
I feel great. Artemis is has already brought me her mousie out of concern and is going back and forth between the bathroom window (because it’s open) and me (because what the fuck, hoomin), so she’s not so good. But it’s okay lil bab!! If I could stretch as well as you can, I probably wouldn’t have to be weird like this!
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