#and she's like 'oh silly me! how forgetful'
luveline · 3 days
hii can you please write about Hotch adoring the reader at night as she's sleep talking sweet things please please?? love you!
The first thing he does when he gets home that night is pop his head into Jack’s room. He wants to go in and kiss his forehead, or maybe hold his hand, but he’s worried he’ll wake him and it’s nearing three in the morning, so he whispers, “Love you,” and heads to the master bedroom. 
You’re sleeping not dissimilar to Jack, on your back, the sheets pulled up to your turned head. Aaron moves away from you reluctantly to get undressed and change into soft sleep clothes. He cleans his face and brushes his teeth, and when he returns to you, you’ve curled your arm over where he should be as though you’d sensed his homecoming. 
He shuffles to you in the dark. Pulls back the sheets, and slides under your arm. He finds your hand to hold and brings it slowly to his lips, letting your hand rest over his mouth indulgently. 
He closes his eyes.
After a short case like this one, he isn’t tired enough to forget how much he misses you. If it had been a week away, Aaron would’ve come home and collapsed knowing he’s back with you, and that you’re going to look after him, but it’s only been two days. All he needs now is a kiss.
“Miss you.” 
He clasps his hand over yours, takes your hand to his chest to see you without obstacle. “I missed you, too,” he whispers, though he squints at you after. You aren’t facing him. “Honey?” 
“Yeah, it’s me. You okay?” 
You rub your nose into your pillow and make a nonsense sound. 
Oh, he thinks to himself. Is she…
“D’you– did you have dinner?” 
“Are you awake or not?” he asks. 
No answer. You can’t be awake, then. You’re talking in your sleep, silly disjointed murmurings, your voice like velvet despite the late hour. 
Aaron hasn’t woken you with his questions, so he assumes you’re sleeping deeply. He shuffles further into the bed, onto his side, and wraps an arm around you. Careful in the dark, his nose comes to rest against your cheek.
“Well, we can try again tomorrow.”
“Shh,” he says softly, “shh, honey.” 
“‘Cos of the time,” you mumble.
He breathes in your skin. This is nice, he supposes, sitting and listening to your voice. You don’t even have to wake up. Aaron must spend half an hour listening to you talk yourself, or whoever it is that’s opposite you in the dream. It’s okay, we can fix it. I don’t know what colour that is. It’s Jack’s book. The book. And then your dog will come home. 
He’s nearly sleeping when it runs back to him. “My hubs,” you mumble, hand suddenly alive where it twists under his arm to return his hug. “Miss my hubs.” 
Aaron laughs in earnest. He’s never heard you call him such a thing. “Missed my wife,” he says, giving your cheek a quick kiss. “Love you.” 
“Miss him… want him to rub my back.” 
Your whining is adorable. Aaron pulls you bodily onto his chest and begins to rub your back, smiling, happy to indulge your sleepy nonsense with whatever it is you’re craving. “How’s that?” he murmurs. 
You don’t talk again for a while, but when you do, you say, “He needs to feed the fish,” and Aaron’s left wondering what exactly it is that you and Jack have been up to this weekend. 
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battlecrazed-axe-mage · 13 hours
While we’re on the subject, what’s the weirdest party finder experience you’ve had?
Oh boy. So this one's a couple years old now, but I will never forget this guy.
We (my fiance and I) were going through MSQ for the first time and were in early Endwalker, I think, and our raid lead wanted to take us through an unsync of E12S. Enough of a savage fight to get a taste for if we wanted to do the real thing, but not too overwhelming for a newbie. At the gear level of the time, you had to do up to Titan phase in phase 1, and all of Basic Relativity/a couple mechs after in phase 2, so she was confident we'd be able to manage it. But we didn't have a whole group together, so we put up a pf for the last couple slots.
Enter Mumbo*.
Mumbo said they had watched a video and understood the strats. It immediately became clear this was not the case. For those who don't play the game or haven't done E12S, let me introduce you to Dwayne the Rock Johnson strat**:
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You get a colored shape above your head and the diagram shows you where to go with it; this happens three times, and then you're (probably, depending on your damage) done and the boss phases into a cutscene. It's super doable but it also NEEDS to be done or else the party explodes.
Mumbo could not do this. No matter how many times we reset and tried again, or re-explained the strat, or showed them graphics like that one. Also, after a handful of pulls, our lead noticed something bizarre.
Mumbo was on black mage. Except they were ONLY using ice spells.
For those who don't know, the basic gameplay loop of black mage is: you spend your MP with more powerful fire spells, then get MP back with weaker ice spells. There's lots more to it than that, black mage players are more powerful than I could ever be, but that's the basics. When used properly, it's a pretty powerful job. When used like this...it was gonna be a long fight.
We did make it through phase 1, somehow, getting it just right enough to scrape people off the floor after getting exploded by rocks. Then it was time for phase 2, which you absolutely cannot do by vibes. Especially for the dps role, which is what Mumbo had to do.
At this point we regretfully had to part ways with our new friend Mumbo the Ice Mage. But he lives on in our memories***, to this day.
*not their real character name; it's been long enough that they may have mended their ways, so I don't want to put them on blast
**I don't know why it's called that either. FFXIV savage strats often have silly names
***and is referenced when we find someone else who similarly does not fundamentally know how to play their job; i.e. the two Mumbos the White we met in DT trial 2 who were curefishing for their lives
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kiwanopie · 2 years
Meeting a Beautiful Fan
w/sakusa kiyoomi, bokuto kotarou, and atsumu miya
fluff. 1k wc. rip to fictional friend aiko.
♡ Sakusa Kiyoomi
“Um, hello.”
“Are you Sakusa Kyoomi?”
“Yeah, that’s-“ This is an angel. He’s looking at an angel right now. “That’s me.”
“Oh! Okay,” You nod, gesturing at the matching jersey in your hand. “If you’re not too busy, can you sign this jersey?”
Sakusa nods silently and reaches for the shirt, nearly swallowing his tongue as his fingers brush with yours. “Who should I… make it out to?”
“Oh um - if you can, can you just wish my friend a happy birthday? Her name’s Aiko.”
“Oh, this is a gift.” He sounds impassive but that’s because he’s having a meltdown on the inside. “‘Was wondering why I haven’t seen you at any of the games.”
“Yeah, my friend’s a huge fan but she’ll be overseas until next year so, I came and got some souvenirs to send her.” He nods at the explanation, but nearly overheats when you continue. “But your plays were amazing, this being the first time I’m seeing them in person. I can see why she’s such a big fan.”
“Thank you. I uh..” He glances around. “I appreciate it.”
“Uh no, thank you-“
“Wait there a sec- Miya!”
Atsumu looks over and trots to him with a smile, bouncing the novelty foam ball in his hand and nearly dropping it once he’s got a glance at the dime standing in front of his teammate.
“Heya there, angel-“
“Can I have that?” He points to the ball.
Atsumu immediately catches on. “Oh, sure thing! Here, gorgeous, ya want me ta sign it-“
“No.” Sakusa takes it out of his hand and scribbles on it with his pen. “Here, uh… keep this for yourself.”
“Hm? Oh.” You reach for the ball and Atsumu nearly croons at the sound of your voice. He nearly says something to, if not for the clear call of dibs drilling holes in his head as Sakusa side eyes him.
You smile and it’s straight out of a day dream. “I appreciate it, thank you.”
Sakusa nods as you side-step your way out of the line and they both wave back at you as you walk away.
Atsumu smacks his teeth. “There she goes, ma future wife walking off with your number.”
Sakusa elbows him.
♡ Bokuto Kotarou
“Uh, are you Bokuto?” A voice inquires softly behind him.
Kotarou turns with a gleeful smile to address the fan standing behind him. Smiling widely as he cheers from the deeper portion of his chest. “Hey, Hey….H-Hey!”
Holy shit.
You return his grin with a closed mouth smile as you bow, hardly paying any mind to the way his grin slowly falls into a disbelieving gape. “Nice to meet you.”
“Y-…Yeah, it really is!” He stammers a bit nervously. “Nice to meet you, I mean. It’s- It’s really nice to meet you too!”
You snicker somewhat and his chest caves in.
“That’s great!” Your attempt to exclaim with him is poor and a little cut off by the sheer silliness of trying to match his energy but it’s cute regardless. He barely registers the jersey in your hand, too busy planning out what your wedding reception is gonna look like.
“Is it okay if I ask you to sign this?” You simper.
Ko takes it out of your hand with an eager few nods. “Yeah! Of course!” He whips out his marker. “And what’s the pretty girl’s pretty name?”
“Oh, it’s- Well this is actually a gift for my friend, Aiko. Who’s a huge fan. But I’m-…My name’s ____.” You stumble a bit.
He nearly croons. Are you nervous? He’s the one staring at the girl of his dreams right now! Ah, and you’re such a good friend! Going out of your way to get your friend a gift like this! He swears he’d swoon over you if he could.
“Yeah? Birthday?” You nod as he regains a bit of his composure. “Cool. Cool. And are uh… are you a fan?”
“Me? Oh, this is actually my first game.” You admit. “But it was really fun watching you play. Your…line shots? I think? They’re super duper cool!” You beam up at him, he nearly clenches his heart in duress.
Ko gasps. “Thank you!! Sometimes I forget how to do ‘em!!” The two of you giggle a little together. “But I’m flattered regardless! Think after this match you’ll become a regular?”
You shrug. “Maybe. If I can find some time between school work.”
“College student?” You give him an affirming hum. “That’s really cool. Well - Hey, I’d like to see you again regardless?”
He rips a thin sheet of signing paper from the table beside him and bends to jot his phone number on it before folding it a couple times.
Ko turns back to you and somehow you’re even cuter than you were when he first looked at you. “If that’s… alright? Maybe we can catch a drink or something later?”
You give him a bit of a disbelieving smile but take it regardless. Belatedly he realizes what a small chance it was that you’d even be single. “O-Oh! Yeah sure that’d be great.”
Ko smiles excitedly, like he’s won twice today. “Great! Well, I’ll uh- I’ll talk to you later?”
“Definitely.” You smile, and he’s floating on cloud 9 as you start to walk away. “Bye!”
♡ Atsumu Miya
Atsumu’s smile wavers when you shuffle into the front of the line but only because he’s a little too surprised to remain cordial. It’s not every day that your dream girl shows up in line to ask you for an autograph.
“Hi,” He immediately grabs the foam ball to the left of him. “Didn’t know they let angels in here?”
You smile a little at his quip but you aren’t as affected by it as he’d like you to be. “Ah, that’s very kind of you, Miya-san. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, gorgeous.” His chair creaks as he stands up, and he cradles the toy between his elbow as he reaches for the novelty plushie in your hand. “So, who am I makin’ it out to?”
“My friend, Aiko? It’s her birthday.” You shift on your heels as he signs the doll. “She’s a huge fan. I really wanted to surprise her.”
“Yeah? That’s awful sweet of ya.” He smiles. You glow under the gym lights, he doesn’t know if it’s the afterglow of success or just the sheer desirability you exude that’s making you so painfully attractive to him right now. “What’s Aiko’s friend's name is what I really wanna know?”
“Me? Oh, my name’s ____.”
“Figures.” He tuts. “It fits ya, pretty.”
Atsumu bounces the ball sitting in the crook of his arm down to his palms as he hands you back the toy, quickly scribbling a little note on it before you can get the chance to thank him for his signature.
“Hey,” He leans in hushedly, you follow his lead, “It’s gonna kill me if I miss a chance like this, so here.” Atsumu sneaks the ball into your hands. “If you’re available?”
You glance at his handwriting on the ball and smile abashedly. The little giggle you let out makes his face hot. “Yeah? Sure thing.”
“A’right!” He leans back cheerfully, waving you off before the rest of his fans can catch on. “See ya later then, sweetpea.”
You smile as he twiggles his fingers at you from the stand, watching you disappear into the crowd even as his next fan stands in front to receive their own signature.
The ball crunches slightly against your wandering fingers.
“Your future boyfriend, Tsumu. <3 xxx-xxx-xxx.”
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reblog = 1 prayer for aiko 😔
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lovelyjaem · 2 years
just me and you | lee heeseung
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PAIRING: heeseung x reader
SUMMARY: in which you develop a crush on a boy you see in the hallway everyday.
GENRE: strangers to lovers, high school au, hallway crush, fluff
WARNINGS: swearing
FEATURING: itzy’s ryujin
NOW PLAYING: just me and you by taemin
a/n: this is lowkey inspired but true events, except there is no lee heeseung in my school :( I also didn’t speak to anyone but anywayyy hope you enjoy!! :)) idk how I feel about this fic but please let me know what you thought!
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The first time your eyes glanced at him, you had to do a double take because you couldn’t believe your eyes. 
How the most handsome and beautiful person resided at your school and you’ve never noticed. You like to think you’re observant, knowing most of the people who went to your school, even if you didn’t talk to them. Clearly missing this boy though.  
After the bell rings, signifying the end of your first period class, you begrudgingly pack your bag, slip in your headphones, and head out to walk to your next class.
You don’t know anyone in your first period class that well, so you walk to your second period class alone, and meet your friend in the class. 
Listening to your music through your headphones, you make your way through the busy hallways of your school as all the students make their way to their next classes. Many people are walking through the halls, so you don’t even realize what you see. 
He’s laughing at something the guy beside him said, flashing that bright smile to you, and everyone else walking in that hall. You can’t help but look back to take one more glance, deciding that he is the cutest person you’ve ever seen. 
After the two seconds of admiring that mystery student’s appearance, you pass each other as you carry on making your way to your next class, going opposite ways.
You end up seeing the boy one more time that day. Walking to the cafeteria with your friend, Ryujin, you take a seat and begin talking about random things. Your eyes were merely glancing around the room, and you didn’t realize it was him if it wasn’t for that beautiful smile he seemed to always be wearing. He’s sitting with a group of boys a few tables down from you and Ryujin. 
You didn’t even realize you were staring until Ryujin interrupts you, “hello, y/n? Are you even listening?” 
You snap out of it and look at her. “Oh, sorry. What were you saying?”
She narrows her eyes at you, “Who were you staring at?” She turns to follow your rough line of view to see who you could’ve been looking at. Except there are so many students in the room, it’s hard to tell exactly where you were staring off to.
“No one. Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” 
Ryujin narrows her eyes suspiciously once again, yet drops the subject and carries on with the conversation you two were having before you zoned out. 
You forget all about the boy until the next day. 
As usual, you leave your first period class and start walking to your next period class. You notice him once again, a small smile still present on his face. He still doesn’t look in your direction, but you don’t mind. You’re completely fine with just admiring his beauty from afar. 
During lunch, you glance around the cafeteria to see if the boy is in the same spot, and fortunately, he is. However, you make sure not to stare too much, as you don’t want Ryujin questioning you once again. 
This same thing repeats the next few days. You pass him in the hall, just glancing, while he doesn’t even spare a glance in your direction. And then again at lunch, looking to make sure he’s still in the same spot with the same boys, the cute smile always on his cute face. 
You have come to accept that you had a small crush on this mysterious boy you knew nothing about, just finding him very cute and attractive. You knew it meant nothing, just a silly little crush on a cute boy from school. 
You never thought you would actually talk to him, until one day, when you were heading to the bathroom during your first period class to get a break from the class and some much needed alone time. 
The second you left your classroom, you played the music from your phone, hearing it from your headphones, and headed to the bathroom. The hallway was completely silent and empty, a complete contrast to what the hallway was like in between classes. 
With your headphones in, you didn’t hear the other footsteps in the hallway, and as you turn the corner, you walk directly into a nothing person, the both of you falling down from the harsh impact. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” You look straight in front of you to see your little hallway crush boy sitting on the floor opposite of you.
Your eyes widen as you realize who he is. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest.
So much for a good first interaction with him. 
He quickly stands up onto his feet and walks over to you, sticking his hand out to help you up. “I should be asking you that. You fell pretty hard.” 
Yeah, for you, you want to say. 
But you ignore your thoughts and smile up at him, mumbling a quick, “thank you,” as you take his hand and he pulls you up. “Um, I’m okay. Are you fine?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” he chuckles.
The two of you stand there in awkward silence, avoiding eye contact, for what felt like forever. You don’t want to leave, wanting to actually talk to him for the first time, but nothing was coming to your brain.
Oh, maybe you can ask for his name!
You were about to, when he interrupts your thoughts, “Well, I should be getting to class now.” He gives you a small smile as he continues to walk the way you came from. 
What the fuck. Should you call him back? 
You turn around to find him long down the hall, too far for you to appropriately talk to him from this distance. 
You sigh and continue your way to the bathroom. 
You just hope that you’ll get another chance to talk to him. 
When you returned to your class, all you could think about was that brief interaction with that boy, and how you’re about to see him again after class. 
Which came too fast, and you threw your things in your bag to run out the door in order to see him. 
Walking down the hallway, you notice him down the hall, looking down at your feet getting ready for him to pass. After a few seconds, when he gets closer, you look up at him. 
And your biggest fear happens. He looks back at you.
Not only does he look at you, but he smiles too. 
And what do you do in response? Look back down at your feet.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what was that? 
You could’ve at least smiled back.
You look back up at him, but realize that two seconds went by too fast and you already passed him completely. 
You’ve been waiting for this moment for so long but fucked it up in a second. Two times in the same day. 
When you arrive at the cafeteria later that day, you make sure to check again to see the boy. This time, Ryujin decides to confront you.
“Okay, that’s enough, y/n,” you turn back to face her, eyes wide with confusion. “Who are you looking for? I’ve tried to keep track, and I know it’s someone in one of those tables.” She gestures to the general area where your crush and his friends are sitting.
“Oh it’s nothing,” you laugh it off, “just someone I find kinda cute. I don’t even know who he is.”
She raises her eyebrows at you, “You’ve been watching him for days and you don’t even know who he is? But more importantly,” her expression turns more serious, “you have a crush and didn’t tell me?!” 
You roll your eyes at Ryujin’s exasperation, “it’s not that big a deal.”
“It’s a huge deal! Now,” she turns back in the direction of the boys, narrowing her eyes. “Which one is it?”
You turn your head in the same direction. There are currently a total of four boys fooling around at that table. You immediately spot your crush, a cute smile adorning his lips as he laughs with the others. 
“Is it the one with brown hair?”
“Ryujin, most of them have brown hair,” you turn back to her, “It’s fine, you–” 
“Is it the one looking this way?”
Your eyes widen and you whip your head back around to look back at the table to see that he was, indeed, looking towards you and Ryujin right now. When he sees you looking his way, he sends a small smile, but you immediately turn back to Ryujin, wishing you could just disappear. 
“You dumbass! You weren’t supposed to turn!”
“You told me to!”
“I didn’t tell you to turn around! I just asked if that was him!”
“And how was I supposed to tell you without turning around?!”
“So I guess that confirms who it is then.”
You let out an exasperated sigh, “is he still looking this way?”
“No, he stopped when you ignored him.”
You narrow your eyes at her, “Whatever, let’s just forget about it.” 
So you do just that, carrying on with your lunch, not thinking about the cute boy who sneaks glances at you every so often, going completely unnoticed by you. It was also unnoticed by you the way his friends started teasing him about the fact he keeps looking in your direction. 
The next day, in your first period class, you’re mentally preparing yourself for your daily hallway walk past. If he looks at you, you’re going to say hi. If he doesn’t, no big deal. You’ll just carry on like normal. No big deal.
Except it is a big deal, because you’re getting nervous. You start to get nervous whenever it comes to him, but you just blame it on your little crush. 
The bell rings and your nerves start up again. You rush out of the room like always, hoping to see him as soon as possible. 
You see him down the hall. Okay, he’s getting closer. Closer. Closer. 
He looks your way and you make sure to send him a small smile first, and to your delight, he returns it back with his own. 
Once he passes, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, ecstatic at your first, deemed good, interaction you had with him. 
And to your delight, this continues for the next few days. You two will send each other a smile while passing each other in the hall. Then during lunch, you will each steal glances at each other, one unknowing of the other. 
You’ve been wanting to talk to him, but are too scared to. What are you supposed to do? Stop him in the hall just to say hi? Go up to his rowdy group of friends during lunch to introduce yourself in front of all of them?
You’ll stick to the smiles for now. 
All was going well, and you were pretty content with your interactions. Until, one day, Ryujin messages you, day of, telling you she isn’t at school today. 
Just great. Now you have to sit all alone at lunch. 
At least, that’s what you expected. 
What you did not expect, was your hallway crush to make his way over to you and stand by your table, staring down at you.
“Uh, is this seat taken?”
You stare up at him for a few moments, processing the fact that he’s standing right before your eyes, let alone asking you a question. 
“Oh um,” you blink a few times, “yeah! Like yeah you can sit. Not like yeah there’s someone sitting here. Because no one is sitting there, as you can see.” 
What the actual fuck are you doing? 
“I’m sorry, yes, you can sit.”
He chuckles at your rambling and you take a deep breath as he sits to calm your nerves. 
But it was no use, because once you look up at him and see his beautiful eyes staring intently at you, you feel your heart rate raise again. 
“I’ve seen you around a lot, but I haven’t really had the chance to talk to you.”
Okay, it’s your chance. You can finally talk to him. Don’t fuck this up. 
“Yeah, me too!”
Were you supposed to say more? You’re already fucking this up.
“I’m Heeseung.” he looks at you expectantly.
“I’m y/n,” you smile back. 
Once you two get more comfortable, you fall into more natural conversation, laughing and talking for the whole lunch. You don’t even realize how much time has passed until the bell rings, signalling the end of the period. 
“Oh, I didn’t even realize how much time has passed,” you chuckle.
“Come on, I’ll walk you to your class.”
“Oh it’s fine you don’t have to–”
“I insist.”
So now you’re walking down the hall, side by side with Heeseung until you arrive at your class. You two exchange numbers before you saying bye and each going into your respective class. 
You couldn’t help but feel so giddy at the time you just spent with Heeseung, immediately messaging Ryujin about it.
She makes sure to take credit by not being at school. 
As you go to respond to her message, you get a message from Heeseung, immediately feeling excited from seeing his name pop up and going to reply. 
This continued for the next couple of days, you two texting constantly; during class, at home, late at night. 
You’ve spent all of today morning texting him, making sure to smile and say hi to him in the hallway, like you always would. 
Today, however, Ryujin is at school, so you are currently sitting with her. You’re attentively listening to what she’s passionately talking about, until someone’s presence shows up at the side of your table, similar to yesterday. 
“Hey, y/n.”
Your head shoots up as you immediately recognize that voice, to find Heeseung standing there, just like he did the other day. This time, Ryujin is currently sitting across from you, which confused you as to why he was here. 
“Can I sit with you?”
Your eyes widen, glancing down at Ryujin to gauge her reaction, “um–”
“Yeah, of course!” Ryujin cuts you off, “I actually have plans with some other friends so I’m gonna go.” She stands up from her seat, shooting you a quick smile before heading off.
You look back at Heeseung as he timidly sits down in Ryujin’s no empty seat. 
“Why are you here?” you question, quickly realizing how that sounded, you correct yourself. “I mean– don’t you usually sit with your friends?” You glance back to his usual table to find his friends all staring in your direction, quickly looking away once they see you look at them. 
He chuckles awkwardly, “Yeah, I just wanted to sit with you today.”
Your heart flutters at his thoughtful words and you try to suppress the smile growing on your face. 
Soon enough, his smile falters a little and he looks everywhere but you, his leg bouncing up and down. 
“Um, is everything okay?”
“Yeah everything’s fine!” He still avoids eye contact.
It’s silent for a few moments before Heeseung speaks up again.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
You look at him expectantly, waiting for him to ask his question. He finally looks directly at you and says, “do you wanna– like would you want to– maybe–” he inhales, “do you want to go on a date with me?”
Your lips part in surprise as Heeseung stares directly at you with a worried look on his face. You break out a smile, laughing at the uneasiness that crossed over his face at your lack of answer to his question.
“Of course I will!”
Heeseung lets out the breath he was holding in while awaiting your response, chuckling a little at how fast you agreed.
“Wow, I wasn’t really expecting you to say yes.” 
You laugh, “Why wouldn’t I? I’ve been crushing on you since before we even started talking.”
He stops laughing at this and raises his eyebrows, “huh?”
Your smile drops as you process what you just confessed to, cheeks burning as Heeseung continues to stare at you with a smug look on his face. “You’ve liked me for that long?”
“Um, well, basically,” now it’s your turn to avoid eye contact, looking everywhere but Heeseung. “I used to see you in the hallway and I thought you were really cute.”
He laughs at that, and you swear it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard. “And you never talked to me? Maybe we could’ve been going out sooner.”
You huff, “fine, we don’t have to go out at all if that’s what you want.”
He quickly straightens up, “no! I want to go out. Trust me, it’ll be nice.”
You narrow your eyes, “And what exactly does nice entail?” 
The corner of his lips lift up a little, “Well, I was going to surprise you, but I guess I can just say it,” he playfully rolls his eyes as he continues, “I was going to take you out to this really nice restaurant and then I know this really pretty place by a waterfall to watch the sunset, just me and you.” 
Your heart clenches at his sweet and thoughtful words and you can feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach as you get more and more excited for this date. 
“Do you not like the plan? I can totally change it if it sounds boring or if you don’t want to go, I get it.” 
You didn’t even realize you were silent until Heeseung worriedly interrupted your thoughts. You quickly reassure him by expressing your thoughts, “No! I was just thinking about how lovely that sounds, I really can’t wait.”
Heeseung smiles at your reassurance, and as you two carry on with your lunch, your mind occasionally goes to thinking about the date Heeseung has planned for you, and you really can’t wait until you can fully enjoy his company, when it’s just you and him. 
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thank you for reading <3
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
hopeless- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, natasha romanoff, steve rogers, tony stark. oc warnings: kidnap, torture, reader is threatened, rejection, ANGST about: request! “where bucky nd reader have a big argument nd then she storms out in the middle of the night leading to her being kidnapped. Then the whole time she thinks bucky isn't coming for her due to the fight” a/n: phew this took a hot minute. my longest fic. do not like the ending, but i hope you enjoy!!
bucky’s smile is wide as he observes you flit about your room, a silly twinkle in his eyes while they observe your exaggerated thinking gesture, obviously dramatic in your search for his next book to read. he leans against your wall, amused by your pulled features as they contemplate two different books: one red and well-loved and one blue and weathered.
“hmm, do you want something sad and romantic that has lines that make me doubt that i’ll ever find love,” you begin, raising the blue book higher. “or something classic and sweet and scary?” you continue, shaking the red one.
“how could you doubt you’ll find love?” bucky wonders aloud then, and you turn to your bookshelf again just to get away from the intensity of his gaze. 
you shrug, unsure of how to respond, busying yourself with putting one of the books away.
“it’s you,” bucky continues, stressing the pronoun as if its implication is obvious. “you’ll get the best love. the pure and mushy type.”
the lazy shapes your fingers are rubbing into the spine of your book slow as you soak in the implications that bucky’s words carry with them. when you force yourself to meet his eyes, you’re unsurprised to find them on you already, but it’s startling to meet their depth, the way they were willing you to turn around without your knowledge. you begin to walk toward him, feigning your purpose as handing him the blue book.
“yeah?” you find yourself replying as you step forward slowly, searching for something deeper in bucky’s face as it breaks out in a smile.
“yeah,” bucky agrees with dead-set certainty. “the universe would be insane for giving you anything less.”
you smother the bashful smile that fights to make only its whisper appear on your face, holding back the urge to look at the ground in overwhelming emotions due to the entirety of the situation—the implications that you’d thought ridiculous of you to even consider seeming more concrete with the honesty of the words that bucky promises to you, making his eyes gleam just a little bit brighter with an unbridled determination that you’d never seen before.
“anything less than what?” you ask, testing the waters simply for reassurance that might push you over an edge you aren’t sure you want to cross.
“anything less than what you deserve,” bucky clarifies. “the sweet, sappy love with the notes and pictures and gifts and safety and never letting you forget how loved you are. the basics.”
you cock your head at him, trying not to drown in the wishes you had listed long ago that tumble from bucky’s mouth. 
“oh,” you whisper, eyes flickering to the polaroids you have around your room, adorned with small, smudged words written messily in pen by bucky when he’d given them to you. there are post-its scrawled with his handwriting taped to your walls and hidden in a box underneath your bed. you can’t help but see the parallels between his explanation of the love you “deserve” and the love he constantly rains over you.
the attraction you’d begun to harbor for him yearns more at the possibility of it being returned—because here he is, laying it out for you with his reflection displayed on the plans.
“the universe would be insane to not give you that,” bucky goes on, the absolute resolve that you can make out in his words staggering. “anyone overall would be insane not to love you.”
there’s a twinkle in his eye that you’d grown used to, yet you observe when you look up at him again, what you were trying to do forgotten as you search his features. he doesn’t seem to acknowledge how deeply you scrutinize the softened lines of his face, the gentle lift of his lip as he looks at you.
you swallow, beginning to step toward him. “really?”
“yeah,” bucky replies like it’s obvious, nearly nonchalant but it fails with how deep his intent runs. 
you realize the space that separated you wasn’t all that large when you find yourself closer to him than you thought before, and your breath stalls, completely caught up in the moment. bucky doesn’t seem too different, dilated pupils unmoving from your face, tugging you closer without a single touch.
“oh,” you breathe out, goosebumps rising on your skin when bucky puffs out a gentle laugh, his hand reaching to set on your jaw.
“what?” he asks curiously, his thumb pressing soft shapes into your cheek.
it’s like honey, his touch, the severity of his stare clicking something inside of you that you’d been so afraid to open.
suddenly, you’re certain. because surely nobody can look at you the way bucky is looking at you—touch you with the care he treats you with, tell you all the things he whispers in your ear without reflecting the feelings you have for him.
“i love you,” you blurt, tangled in a breath with the relief of the admission finally meeting your tongue, watching as something passes through his face—surprise, at first, and then there’s a brief indication of relief, just a flash, gone quickly enough to let you believe it was simply a figment of your imagination. his fingers stop moving on your face, and suddenly his features harden, pulling his touch away entirely.
there are alarm bells ringing in your brain, because this is not going the way you’d convinced yourself it would. he was supposed to smile and kiss you clumsily, mumbling out that he loved you too and you would say obviously and he would laugh.
not removing himself from your reach, staring holes into your head, red bubbles of frustration darkening his eyes.
“what the fuck?” he snaps. and the words are so sudden and sharp that they nearly make you flinch, spine straightening with a velocity that jumbles your words with the speed at which they try to tumble from your lips. he either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. 
“you what?” he demands, his tone foreign to your ears coming from the same lips that have never once let words edged with a raised tone slip past. bucky doesn’t speak to you like that. bucky doesn’t harden and bucky never raises his voice. not at you, never at you.
you swallow harshly, trying to remember the bucky that you know, convince yourself that this isn’t real—this is wrong—but his features are masked with a pinch you’d never seen directed at you, tense lines hardening his face with a chilling anger.
“i love you,” you repeat, but the words are weaker now, not as easily formed as the first time.
“no you don’t,” bucky interrupts immediately, thinning his eyes at you. “what the hell? no, you don’t—you can’t.”
you blink fast, looking away from his face, scrunched in anger, but he isn’t having it. “i do—”
“you can’t fuckin’ do this to me, y/n. i don’t need this,” he growls.
“what?” you croak. “i don’t—i thought you—”
“i don’t,” bucky snaps, forcing the lies to escape his throat. “i don’t love you.”
the words knock the air from your lungs, eyes beginning to burn with tears that don’t come easily to you. “what?” you whimper.
“how could you think i did?” he asks, ripping out your heart as it beats and shakes and sobs.
he tries to pretend like it’s not him who is saying these horrible things, as if he’s closing his eyes, hidden away from the body that continues to deny your confession for your own good. “what the hell is wrong with you?” he’s never thought his voice could be so harsh.
“i didn’t mean to—” you begin, your voice as small as you’d ever heard it, trembling with your worst fear solidifying. you should have known. how could you have been such a fool? bucky does not need to deal with one of the few friends he’s so close to in the tower having a stupid, unrequited crush on him. you’ve made things so difficult, you’ve ruined your relationship. “i’m sorry.”
“you’re sorry?” he mocks cruelly, shaking his head. “i don’t want this. i don’t want you.”
your neck snaps up when you hear him beginning to leave, rushing forward to tug his arm gently. “please don’t leave,” you plead tearily. “can we pretend like i never said anything? nothing will change, i promise. i can’t lose you.”
bucky’s laugh is cold, splintering through your heart. “how could you be so—” he shakes his head, shutting his mouth before he can finish his thought. “i can’t believe you.”
“i’m sorry,” you cry, tears bubbling down your cheeks before you can stop them in a stupor of shame. “i’m so sorry, bucky, i will do anything—”
“shut up,” he snarls, and the words die on your tongue with the venom in the way he looks at you. “i can’t even look at you right now. stop fuckin’ crying and leave me alone. i can’t deal with you.”
his words, dipped in his fury, are unrecognizable, foreign from the man who mutters jokes into your ear on movie nights and tucks pieces of hair away from your eyes, who deals with any problem with a deep breath and an assurance that it will be okay because he hates to get mad at you, he hates seeing you cry and there is absolutely nothing you could do to make him love you any less.
the sharp slam of the door of your room counters that, bringing with it the blade of the words that still thunder in your head.
your face crumples, hot droplets of tears burning your skin.
the heat of bucky’s anger burns even from where you’re standing, and the utter hatred in the way he looked at you, spoke to you, makes you shake. you stifle cries, desperate to not bother your best friend and slide down your bed to the floor, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood in a weak attempt to calm your cries.
you shut your eyes, bucky’s words displayed proudly across your dark lids. you straighten, sadness melting away into anger. you rub at your nose, face heating in your fury, and rush out of the room, not bothering to grab your phone or bag, uncaring that it’s the middle of the night and the sky is the darkest you’ve ever seen.
you pointlessly wipe your face with your sleeve as you rush into the elevator and push the button for the ground floor, your mask of rage slipping when you pass bucky’s room. your lip wobbles as you stare at the numbers above the elevator doors until you’re unable to help the sobs as your mind races to find a solution to what you’ve done.
this is your fault. this is your fault and you need to fix it or else the only person you’ve felt so much love for and so loved by will never look at you the same again. you can’t stand making bucky angry, much less causing something that will make his life difficult—especially after he’s worked so hard to create some sense of normalcy and trusting relationships—but it’s difficult to concentrate on how to fix it when the fear that you’ve ruined the best relationship you’ve had over your stupidity inks your thoughts.
you’re distraught enough to walk six blocks and never once notice the men that follow behind you.
your mind lags when you’re suddenly thrown against a wall, the hiccups from your sobs increasing because of the hand that covers your mouth. your vision is too blurry with tears for you to recognize any of the people that are in front of you, hands useless as they attempt to claw at the arms that hold you against the unyielding alley. the training tony had made you go through when he hired you as his lab tech feels useless as you choke on your grief and fear, weak in your struggles against their attack.
it’s easy for them to knock you out, and you can only feel the ache of your hurt expanding icily as your attacks cede, limbs growing limp, damp eyelids drooping shut.
your eyes are swollen when you come to again, and you can’t be sure if it’s from the crying you could still feel in your raw throat or the assault you couldn’t even remember anymore. you blink hard, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room you think you’re in.
briefly, tony’s voice rings in your head, reminding you to look for exits and weapons. you can only see one door in the darkness, and as far as you can make out, it does not have a doorknob. although you doubt you could muster up enough strength to escape from the binds that dig into your wrists and ankles, surely bruising your skin although you barely fight against them. the room is bare and unclean, with stains of the color of rust at your feet.
you know it’s no use screaming. all it would do is bleed your throat further and anger your kidnappers.
the name makes you flinch. the word feels so usual yet foreign in your mind. it’s unfairly common in your place of work, but never to you—not the scientist that tony keeps safely hidden away in the lab. not the tech that has gone on the field once and was stuck to bucky’s side for the entirety of the time.
the thought of him brings an ugly taste to your mouth and a new rush of painful tears. you fucked up the relationship with your best friend and now he was furious at you. he doesn’t even want to look at you. will he ever even get the chance again? would he notice you were gone? would he care?
there’s a faint commotion beyond the doors that makes your thoughts freeze in their tracks. your kidnappers are saying something.
the rightful title appears in your thoughts again, making the reality of your situation set in faster than you were expecting it to; you were kidnapped, and nobody was going to find you.
out of everything, it’s guilt that bucky is most accustomed to.
it’s heavy and spiteful, eating away at his mind until it’s clouded even the memories he’s tried to keep hidden away from the fog that is his sin. it sneaks into the crooks of his life—the argument his brain pipes up with when he’s debating taking the last donut, the reason that he doesn’t allow himself to enjoy himself fully—why he won’t let himself believe that your revelation was anything more than fake.
why would an honor so sweet be bestowed upon someone like him? someone with stained fingertips and a broken mind.
it screws with him, the possibility of the truth. because no matter how much the voice of logic in his mind insists that someone like you could never love someone like him, there’s the gentle light of hope that you’ve helped rekindle, nudging him toward something that will surely only end up hurting him, and most importantly, hurting you.
he brings with him pain and ghosts and you are so undeserving of it.
so no, he decides. you cannot possibly love him.
but the look on your face flashes in front of his eyes, and he realizes that the circumstance of you actually loving him back might be more dangerous than the lie of it. 
he needs to protect you—from him, from everything that haunts him—he loves you too much to let you fall into the fire that is him.
he did the right thing by rejecting you, yet the guilt continues to gnaw at him, the tears that wouldn’t stop sliding down your cheeks carrying something worse than what he expected. you’re what he has always wanted and he pushed you away, and as much as that is what he needed to do for you, he’s selfish in wanting you still. in any way.
he opens his eyes again with a sad little gasp, surprised at the chill that hits his face wet with tears he wasn’t aware of. he catches a glimpse of himself in his broken mirror, and he’s never hated the sight more, the words he spat at you tattooed on his skin in dark ink.
he shakes his head, standing from his bed to apologize until he can’t anymore and plead that you stay in his life.
he runs a hand over his face as he walks out of his room, clenching his jaw when he catches sight of the door he slammed now slightly open. he knocks softly, forcing his eyes to the ground when the door opens further.
“y/n?” he calls out hesitantly when there’s no response, finally looking up to an empty room. his brows furrow. something is wrong.
you never leave your room if you’re upset; it’s always either his room or yours, because your bed is here and everyone else is outside.
he opens the door fully when he spots your phone on your bed where he last saw it. in fact, everything is as he last saw it.
he knows he has no right after what he said to you, but his bad feeling won’t allow him to leave without knowing where you are.
“friday, where’s y/n?” he asks.
“miss l/n left her room three hours ago,” the ai responds curtly. and he swears it sounds colder than the last time he talked to her.
“three hours?” bucky repeats. friday confirms, and bucky shakes his head. “no… she wouldn’t leave her phone. where did she go? has she come back?”
“miss y/n left the building, and without her phone, i cannot track her.”
“you have to be able to do something,” bucky insists. “she’s a part of the team.”
“i am unable to do anything further without mister stark’s permission,” friday informs.
bucky’s fingers reach up to tangle in his hair, tugging in frustration as panic begins to brew. alarm bells are going off in his head and an anvil sits on his chest.
“well, get his permission,” bucky orders, but friday’s voice comes back as calm as ever as she rebuts him. he doesn’t care to stick around for the end of her sentence, taking off toward the door to head to tony.
he’s eating a granola bar with natasha and steve in a conference room when he finds him, features scrunching when bucky tells him to order his ai to track you.
“no,” he replies incredulously. “shouldn’t you know either way? you’re always attached at the hip,” he points out. bucky’s jaw clenches, mind running in every possible direction. natasha offers a scrutinizing glance, eyebrows joining. “actually, building on that—” tony starts. “wouldn’t blame her if she needed a little break.” he points the granola at bucky, but he isn’t fazed.
“something is wrong,” he says, as calm as he can muster. “friday says she hasn’t been in her room for three hours and she left her phone there.”
“so? she could’ve forgotten. maybe she left with wanda or bruce or someone. unlike you, she has more than one friend.”
“not today. not right now,” bucky snaps. “tony,” he pleads now, meeting steve’s eye. “something is wrong.”
tony’s features set as he scans bucky’s face, and suddenly something clicks, his head cocking to the side dangerously.
“what happened?” steve asks worriedly as tony finally reaches for his tablet.
“we had a fight. she wouldn’t leave for so long—without her phone, without telling anyone.”
tony listens along as he looks at the screen, typing things into the keyboard. “friday, get me all footage of y/n in the last three hours.”
“what did you do?” natasha cuts in, her words sharp as if she knew exactly what he’d said to you.
“it doesn’t matter right now,” bucky mumbles, his gaze glued to the screen. the screen showcases the hallway outside yours and bucky’s rooms, and he tenses as he watches the footage of you poking your head out from your door, greeting him with a smile.
“fast forward,” tony tells friday. bucky hoods his eyes when it lands on another screen, where he can catch his own muffled words, knowing what’s coming.
"what the hell is wrong with you?" he flinches at his own words, hating the sight of the shine of the tears streaking down your cheeks when he closes his eyes. he can feel natasha’s glare. more of his voice comes from the creaked door, your own clothed in tears.
"i don't want you." bucky squeezes his eyes shut. "stop fuckin’ crying and leave me alone." hearing the words in his voice hurts impossibly more than he thought it would. they’re sharper, more convincing than he thought, and the things he tried to comfort himself with fade away with the slam of the door after he walks out, the only sound remaining your cries.
“what the hell is wrong with you?” natasha echoes, her words echoing his from the video. “i’m going to murder you.”
“where did she go after that?” bucky ignores her. “i just need to know she’s okay.”
“you don’t deserve to know anything about her—” natasha hisses, beginning to stand from her chair, but steve sets a hand on her shoulder, directing her burning glare to the screen, where you leave your room, sniffling. the video switches to the feed inside the elevator, where buck can’t tear his eyes off of you as you sob, a hand desperately trying to wipe away your tears.
tony’s turned to bucky now, too.
bucky follows your figure when you leave the elevator and then the building, and friday fast-fowards through video feed from various different cameras until one finally slows, and you’re suddenly pulled into an alley. the angle is awful, but there’s just enough light to catch the light reflecting off your terrified face as three men push you against a wall.
the one not touching you catches sight of the camera, pulling a gun from his coat to point and shoot. the video crackles to static.
“no, no, no…” bucky mumbles, hands reaching up to his hair, beginning to tug. the clip replays, pausing on a close up of your face, cheek pressed against the wall with a force that must be painful, eyebrows joined and eyes widened in fear.
tony sets down his tablet with a quiet thump, rubbing the bridge of his nose, mulling over what he had just seen. natasha is still for only a few seconds before she’s into action, reaching for the tablet and beginning to mutter orders to friday. there’s an imperceptible shake of her hands as she allows a glance up to your face again.
“this is my fault,” bucky mumbles angrily. “fuck me. fuck me.”
“yes, fuck you,” natasha agrees, coolly and to the point, not once sparing him a look. “fuck you for saying that to her and for making her cry but mostly fuck you for not doing everything you fucking can to find her right now. fix your fucking mistake and get to work, barnes.”
he squeezes his fist, tugging on the bracelet you’d made and lovingly tied around his wrist. the emotion that had kissed his face pink and tugged his features in guilt disappears within a second, wiped clean enough for the memory of it to be hazy even if it was so fresh. he sniffs, nods curtly, and steps out of the conference room, entirely business even as he drowns in what you’ve always encouraged him to pour out to you.
“i’m gonna check the place we last had eyes on her,” he informs briefly, hearing no audible response from the distracted avengers inside the conference room.
he doesn’t let his guilt tinge his vision as he examines your blood on the wall, too terrified to let himself mess up at your expense again.
you gasp in air as soon as the wet towel someone had thrown over your face before dumping water on your head is removed, whimpers sewn in between desperate panting. your lashes are wet and hairs stick to your forehead, fat droplets of water running down your chin.
unforgiving fingers clasp your chin, cruelly tilting your face up to meet unfamiliar eyes. you squint against the light, wanting nothing more than to close your eyes and pretend that there is no man scanning your face hungrily, sinister amusement crinkling his eyes, contempt puckering his lips.
“such a pretty thing,” he drawls, a finger pressing into your skin. “i don’t think your avengers would be too happy to lose something as pretty as you,” he mocks.
“i’m not gonna tell you anything,” you croak.
the playfulness in his features disappears then, and his bruising grip disappears into a resounding slap.
you can’t help the gasp that parts your lips and stings your eyes, whimpers slipping past your throat when he grabs you again, pulling your face close to his.
“listen to me, little girl,” he growls. “either you tell me and i let you live or your stupid little soldier comes and i take my time killing him until you cough it up. then i kill you.”
you scan his face, swallowing hard. “you mean bucky? he’s not gonna come for me.”
“he will. and when he does, i’ll enjoy making him pay for betraying hydra. maybe i’ll have a little walk down memory lane. the doc left great notes on the winter soldier.”
you scoff, pushing past the fear although your trembling is undeniable. “didn’t you do your homework? bucky doesn’t give a shit about me. you really think he’d risk his life—his freedom for someone he doesn’t even like? you kidnapped the wrong person if what you want is bucky.” the thought is bitter enough to comfort you, the reassurance that bucky will be fine sweet enough to combat the acridity of his resent for you.
the man’s lip twitches, his eyes boring into yours as they try to find if you’re being honest. he shoves your face back, and you slam into the chair with a shuddering breath, the phantom of his grip still heavy on your skin.
he sniffs and gestures vaguely. “let’s give her the winter soldier treatment.”
your heart drops, memories of what bucky’s told you displayed across your mind until they blackout your mind completely, and the only thing left is a promise.
you are going to die today.
bucky feels blurry, as if he’s flickering in and out of awareness in his frantic panic. the words he says are cut and dry, carrying only information because it is the only thing he has the strength for—but it feels rehearsed, scripted.
he wishes it were. he aches for this not to be real, and what he would offer a god he doesn’t believe in for you is heavy on his mind, pleading so desperately that he begins to eye the tower, the team, and selfishly offer it all up for you.
his anger shoves him down on a chair, but his desperation is frenetic in its reminders that any second not searching for you is a second longer that you will be out of his grasp and in the thorns of someone else’s. the handles of the chair groan underneath the pressure of his fingers, wrapping around the metal in their attempts to clutch something tangible, something real and not the idea of where you are, or the leads that only end in strangled cries, the numbers that float by on the screen in front of tony. 
his arm sits heavy by his side, tapping the table curtly so as to have something to do, although bucky has never hated it more—to have something so sought after, stained with blood and tears and pain and bitter triumphs, yet be so incredibly useless when it counts.
he doesn’t want to ask what he can do because he should know. he got you into this mess and he should know how to get you out, but he’s flailing, his fingers only grazing the edges of everything he’s already done. he knows what it means and he wants to scream at the universe for it.
there’s a thin beep that echoes in the conference room, muting steve’s mumbled plans and bucky’s silent examination of any files he can get his hands on, although his eyes kept drifting to the grainy picture of you pressed up against the wall.
tony freezes, the pen in his mouth dropping as he stares at his tablet.
“what?” natasha demands, looking away from her work to catch sight of tony, all color drained from his face.
he sucks in a breath and taps at the screen. “friday, search for any identifying features, scan every pixel, do you understand?”
the large monitor in front of the table darkens for a second before a video begins to play, and it doesn’t take long for the team to figure out what’s going on. bucky’s heart drops to his stomach as he rises from his chair, breathing heavily. “no,” he murmurs, terrified. his worst fears come into fruition as he stares at your unmoving figure tied up in a chair, the shaky camera only allowing him view to the worst of your injuries—already darkened bruises littering your skin, smudged red on your face.
a different face overtakes the picture, dark eyes lit with amusement and crinkled by a smile. “a pretty thing, isn’t she?” he croaks, moving the camera back to you. he moves closer, and bucky feels bile rise up his throat.
natasha presses her eyes shut when the camera pans straight over your face, where bucky can see cuts and the indentations of fingers and hands. your eyes are shut, and you remain unmoving even when gloved fingers wrap around your chin tightly, tipping your head back.
bucky nearly follows her lead.
and then you groan. your eyes flutter open, but they only allow bucky to see the insipid acceptance that laces your irises, coated by fear.
“she’s holdin’ up better than we thought,” his tone is impressed, but as silence drags on, he becomes angrier, his hold on your jaw digging deeper until you wince and move back, but he doesn’t let you. “‘but she won’t for long.”
the camera flips back to him. “hey, winter. if you think you had it bad, it won’t be nothin’ compared to this. promise.”
the camera moves around, catching the ceiling and other frames while he seems to look for something. he hums in delight when he finds it, and excitedly waves a sharp blade in front of the camera. “she swears winter won’t come for her,” he starts, lips contorting in disappointment. the camera slips again to capture the blade against your skin. “but i kinda hope he does. for her sake. such a pretty thing… “
the conference room darkens, the video’s end calling for an entirely new wave of terror.
“we have his face,” natasha pipes up, weakly.
“‘lotta good that’s done us,” tony argues.
“we know she's alive. we have an image of where she is,” natasha snaps, stepping toward him. “and if you were as good as you say you are, his face would be all we needed.”
tony’s about to reply when friday cuts in, bringing up the frames of the video where the man was distracted. “mister stark, i have a location.”
the argument forgotten, natasha and tony snap to the screen. bucky stands, stepping toward them to see the blinking dot indicating your whereabouts. once his eyes have memorized the street names, he’s out the door and headed for his bike, the rest of the group not far behind. a plan is forming behind him, and he manages to catch the bones of it, his role outlined with enough trust for him to not question it.
the rumble of his bike underneath him allows him an anchor to reality, where he’s threatened to float away otherwise.
“i’m coming,” he whispers, speeding up as he remembers your desolate eyes and broken skin.  “just hold on, sweetheart. i’m on my way.”
there’s a pout on your kidnapper’s lips as he observes you, looking back to his wrist to tap his watch. judging by the ticks, it’s been too long since he’s sent the video. his jaw is tense, probably nearing realization that you were right. the thought is as satisfying as it is heartbreaking.
“i told you. you can’t get what you want from me,” you rasp.
the man scowls, nostrils flaring. his patience is thin and his anger raw, awakened with the gentle nudge of your words. he comes close enough for you to feel his breath on your face, and his fingers are around your neck when you close your eyes, unwilling to continue looking into his.
“i better,” he threatens. “that’s the only thing keeping me from screwing your mind up so bad you’ll be better off dead.”
you swallow hard, your consciousness vignetting as oxygen continues to escape you. you nearly wish it did so faster, but your torturer is too cruel for even that, releasing you as you begin to go limp.
you choke in air and cough, your tongue catching iron from the split in your lip.
he hums as he takes you in. “you’re like him. at least like how zola wrote about him,” he states, cocking his head at you.
“what?” you cough.
“the winter soldier. before he became useful,” he explains thoughtfully, eyeing you. he wipes away the blood from your cupid’s bow with a thumb. “if he won’t come, maybe we’ll make a new one.”
your blood is ice in your veins as you absorb what he’s implying. his touch is tender, careful on your skin. you flinch.
“imagine that. the wit of iron man and looks of the black widow. the ability of the winter soldier, but… no connections. no one to save the soldier this time.” his voice is dreamy, excited. “we’ll break you even worse. we’ll make you kill them all.”
“no,” you whimper, straining against your restraints. “no, please. just kill me, please.”
“i think he begged like that, too,” he muses.
bucky is tinged with the soldier.
he darkens his thoughts until they become locked memories with only bodies and guilt as remnants. but now, it’s bucky who pulls the trigger, who finds himself too bitter to pull punches.
he's left the guards to the rest of the group to move forward faster, sticking by natasha.
there’s a room at the end of the building, and he takes off at the same time nat does. she turns to him when they slow, catching the voice from the video. “you’re not going in there,” she tells him, pulling a gun from her belt.
“of course i am,” bucky argues, readying himself to kick the door in.
“this is your fault. you don’t deserve to feel like the hero, barnes.”
“this isn’t that,” bucky insists. “i need to feel that she’s okay.”
natasha settles an unsure glance his way, but the conversation is over, drowned by the dust that follows bucky’s easy entrance.
your kidnapper wears a coy grin, stepping in front of you, yet bucky’s zeroed in on you and the tears that streak across dried vermillion and dark purples. “winter,” he begins. “i’m so glad you—”
bucky takes off toward you while natasha ends the speech before it can start with a clean shot, watching as the man drops to the floor. she’s a quick step toward you before she stops, noting the anguish with which bucky spills over.
you're alive is all she needs to know, and she gets in a few more shots at the man who did this to you as bucky rushes to you.
his name falls from your lips in a small croak, coated in disbelief, obvious you had succumbed to the fear, slipped into the exhaustion and dreadful acceptance. but the torment displayed on bucky’s face is unlike you have ever seen before—crumpled far beyond what your mind could make up, and you allow yourself to fall into the hope you couldn’t help but hold onto, completely uncaring if this isn’t real because it’s so much better than what you will surely open your eyes to otherwise.
he is at your side immediately, face falling as he catches sight of the bruises that coat your skin. he crouches to you, undoing your restraints with ease. his strength makes you flinch, even though it’s not toward you, and he pauses when he notices, something you don’t recognize glossing over his face before he continues, attempting to be calmer.
you can’t stop looking at him, your eyes crazed as they scan the reality of him. you repeat his name softly, a beg of are you real? in the way you stare.
“i’m here,” he promises, a hesitant hand reaching out to you. the warmth of it as it comes in contact with your cheek is as safe as you remember his touch, and you lean into it, letting out a stifled sob of relief.
“you came,” you cry, throwing yourself against him. his arms wrap around you securely, pulling as close as he can with as much delicacy he can muster in his desperation. “i thought you weren’t gonna come,” you sob, grasping his shirt as tight as you can.
“‘m always gonna come,” he tells you, tightening his grip on you.
“you were mad. i thought you didn’t care. i thought—” your words cut off as you push your face into the crook of his neck. “you came for me.”
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles. “i’m so sorry, sweetheart. i love you so much, i shouldn’t have yelled—i shouldn’t have said any of that. i love you and i’m sorry i made you feel like that. i’m so sorry. i just need you to be safe. you’re safe now, i swear.”
you can only shut your eyes, unable to absorb his words in the relief that he’s here, real and solid and saving you like he always does. he mumbles his apologies as he gently hoists you into his arms and carries you out of the dreaded room, repeatedly pressing kisses into your hair between strings of i love yous and i’m sorrys.
right now, it’s enough that he’s in between your fingers, warm underneath your skin, his promises sweet against your neck. right now, the safety of him is enough.
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engie-ivy · 2 years
(@wolfstarmicrofic for the lateness, but I still needed to write this very Fluffy Fluff!)
13th: Bucket list
Number five
Sirius hugs Remus from behind. Remus automatically covers his hands with his own and leans back against him.
“I want to help you complete your bucket list,” Sirius says.
“My what?” Remus mumbles absentmindedly.
“Your bucket list,” Sirius repeats. “Lily told me that you both made one together once.”
“Oh yeah,” Remus says, vaguely remembering them doing something like that in the Gryffindor common room once. “That was like ten years ago. I think we were about fourteen or something.”
“And now I want to help you complete it!” Sirius says eagerly.
Remus chuckles. It’s typically Sirius to see a bucket list as a challenge, and Sirius Black never backs away from a challenge. Although, Remus thinks fondly, making sure Remus’ every dream comes true always has been one of Sirius’ top priorities.
“I don’t have that list anymore,” Remus says. “And I barely even remember what I put on there. Besides, even if I did, it’s probably just silly stuff a teenaged boy would dream of.”
“Lily’s kept hers and yours both,” Sirius replies. “She let me read yours.”
“Mmm,” Remus hums. He has closed his eyes, relaxing in Sirius’ embrace, and isn’t particularly interested in some list he made years ago, but very content to be standing there in Sirius’ arms, listening to the sound of his voice.
“Number one, be best friends with Lily Evans forever,” Sirius says.
Remus smiles. “Guess who made me write that one?”
“Number two, try each type of chocolate at Honey Duke’s,” Sirius continues.
Remus opens his eyes and shakes his head. “I really had my priorities straight back then, didn’t I?”
“Back then?” Sirius teases.
“Well, at least I succeeded!”
“Must’ve been so hard for you.”
“It actually was!” Remus claims. “The abominable things people do to perfectly good chocolate.” Remus shudders. “I strongly believe that the only thing that should taste like peppermint ever is toothpaste.”
“Yes, I’ll never forget the look of absolute horror on your face when you asked me to make you some tea and I came back with mint tea.”
“It was like you didn’t know me at all,” Remus sighs.
“Number three.” There’s laughter in Sirius’ voice. “Become the first ever werewolf to graduate from Hogwarts.” He presses a kiss to the top of Remus’ head. “Did I ever tell you how incredibly proud I am of you?”
“Only everyday,” Remus replies, leaning into Sirius a little closer.
Sirius hugs him a little tighter. “Number four, have a place of your own. Well, I guess that became our own, but I suppose that’s-”
“Even better,” Remus says firmly, squeezing Sirius’ hand.
Sirius lets out a pleased hum as he nuzzles Remus’ hair.
Remus chuckles. “Sounds like I got pretty far on my own, without even realizing it. I suppose there isn’t much left on my bucket list for you to help me complete.”
“There’s number five,” Sirius says slowly, and suddenly there’s a strange sort of tension in his voice. “Marry Sirius Black.”
Remus’ breath catches and he stills. He feels Sirius let go of his waist and step away. He whirls around to see him drop down on one knee, holding up a ring. His eyes widen and his heart misses a beat.
“I never made a bucket list.” Sirius’ voice sounds impressively steady, but his hands slightly tremble. “But if I did, I know what would’ve been on top. Remus, Moony mine, will you marry me?”
Remus stares at the amazing man in front of him, who’s looking at him hopefully, hopefully and lovingly, and he thinks back to that fourteen-year-old boy who was so smitten with his handsome roommate and spent his days daydreaming about holding his hand, kissing him, marrying him.
Never give up on your dreams, Remus tells his fourteen-year-old self, before he launches himself at Sirius, tackling him to the floor in a hug. “Yes, yes, I will!”
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heavenbarnes · 2 years
I’m obsessed with bestfriend!eddie but what about jealous best friend eddie?!
one thing about me, im fucking nuts for the best friend dynamic x
(nsfw under the cut)
Hearing the sound of the van outside, the corners of your mouth pricked up in a smile as you grabbed your keys. The drivers door opened and you could hear the last seconds of whatever song Eddie was blasting as he drove to get you from work.
Excitedly skipping outside, you locked up the diner and turned to face him in the cool night air. “Helloooo.”
“What are you wearing?”
Your smile didn’t falter as such but it certainly took you back. You knew he was bad but you didn’t think he was this bad.
“Delightful,” You snorted a breath through your nose. “I’m great thank you, Eddie how are you?”
He drew in a deep breath before dramatically stepping towards you. “Hi, I’ve missed you, you look beautiful, what are you wearing?”
Giving one glance down the length of you, your handles fiddled inside the pockets of the jacket that hung off your shoulders. “It’s just a jacket.”
“Yeah, a Hawkins High Letterman jacket.” He corrected. “Where did you get it?”
“I forgot my jacket this morning when I left for work and I said it was a little cold, so one of the basketball guys lent me theirs.”
Eddie’s eyes were firmly fixed on your face, not even wanting to take notice of the way the fabric consumed you. Gaudy colours wrapping you up and brushing against your skin. Touching you in places only he should.
“It’s no big deal.” You probably shouldn’t have added that judging by the way Eddie’s normally round eyes narrowed at you.
“Take it off.”
“Eddie, you’re being-“
“Take it off.”
“Eddie, this is silly-“
All he said was your name, but the way it sounded coming deep from in his chest stopped you in your tracks. To you it was just a jacket, but you couldn’t play dumb and pretend you didn’t know what it meant to him.
Huffing a deep sigh you turned on your heel and unlocked the diner again as you slid the fabric down your arms. As you threw it onto the counter and locked the store again, you huffed and puffed at your best friend behind you.
“Eddie, you are being so silly it is just a jacket and you know I don’t- oh.”
As you turned back towards him, the unexpected sight shut you right back up again. Eddie’s right arm was extended towards you with his leather jacket and vest in the grasp of his hand.
He shook it once when you didn’t take it from him. “Here.”
“Oh- well, thank you.” You ate your words from earlier as you slipped your arms into the material and felt it sit nicely over you.
Hands going into the pockets, you felt a lighter in one and a hair tie of yours in the other. Your cheeks started to heat a little as the embarrassment of your earlier actions and the notion of being draped in Eddie’s clothes started to settle.
“Next time you forget a jacket, don’t wear one of theirs,” The way he spoke it had undertones of an instruction. “Call me and I’ll drop this off.”
“Eddie, you can’t just leave school to-“
His brow raised and he cocked his head at you. Silly of you to imply that Eddie gave a fuck about leaving school early, especially when it came to you.
“Ok, I will,” You lowered your head to nuzzle into the neck of his jacket. “I definitely will when this smells like you.”
Eddie’s gaze dropped from your face to the jacket and then back up to where you were now staring directly at him. He took a few swift steps forward and took you by the waist as he continued forward.
You felt your back come into contact with the diner door, pressing you up against it as his nose was against yours. “I want you wearing my clothes, smelling like me, I want everyone to know-“
“Know what? That you’re just my best friend” You bit back, nudging his face up with your nose and letting your lips nip at his chin.
“Yeah, just my best friend,” He sighed, hands massaging your waist as his knee slotted between your legs drawing a gasp out of you. “Who just lets me fuck her like a whore whilst she wears my clothes.”
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soup-14 · 2 years
Five x reader blurb
I just expect new Five fanfics to be written and there for me every second of the day.
Not like there’s actual people thinking of and writing these ideas 🙄😩
Not like it also takes me like a week to write a one shot 😭
So here's a Five x reader thought to ease my brain.
Tags: platonic Klaus, romantic Five, fluff, angst ig, some silly moments.
Imagine getting separated from him in the 60’s and that moment when you all reunite and you see him again.
For him it’s only been a couple days
For you it’s been years.
When you fell into that alley way you were incredibly distraught. Not unfamiliar with the act of time travel, but Five or another commission partner was always there. You were alone, stranded in a different place and time, stuck in a younger body. The things that could happen.
You searched for any sign of the date. Newspapers, posters. It was 1961.
You’d wandered around that alley for hours. Waiting for someone else to show up.
You gave up after a while, deciding to ask strangers for help. How would any of them help you find your strange time scattered family.
You spotted a flyer, a flyer with a familiar face on it… Klaus. Looks like he was a messiah or something. You wouldn’t question it. You just knew you had to find him.
You hitched a ride, and found yourself at a big mansion. You don’t know how long Klaus had been here but damn he’s moved up in the world.
You wandered into the large house looking for him. People in light turquoise tunics were everywhere. One woman stopped you in the main foyer. “Welcome traveler, are you here to join us in our endeavors?” She asked. “Um- I’m looking for Klaus.” You held up the flyer. “The prophet! Yes, he’s right this way.”
The woman led you to a bedroom in the back of house. She pushed open the double doors to reveal the man you’d been looking for, bent over in downward dog.
The woman cleared her throat “Prophet? There’s someone here for you.”
Klaus rose from the floor and turned to face you. As soon as he saw you a bright smile plastered his face. He let out a breathy chuckle and clasped his hands together. “Y/n! You’re here!” He held his hands out and walked towards you. “Oh it’s been so crazy, when did you get here?” He asked placing his hands on your shoulders.
“It’s good to see you Klaus, I’m glad I found at least one of you idiots. I’ve been here since like yesterday. I uh, saw your flyer.”
“Mm yeah those…” said Klaus. “I got here like a year ago. Tricked some rich old lady.” Klaus giggled.
“We should find the others.”
“What? Why?” Klaus whined. “I’m having a good tiimeee. And besides some of them might not even be here yet. I’m sure Five will come collect us when the world is ending… again.”
“Five.” You say.
“Oh yeah… I don’t know if he’s here yet babe. Don’t go hurting yourself looking for him though, you know him… he’ll find us.” Klaus says in his melodic way.
When Diego showed up at the mansion to collect you and Klaus- or rather Ben- apparently. It was safe to say you were ecstatic. Diego didn’t have a lot of time to explain, but he did say that Five had found a way to get back to 2019.
Ben had some “unattended ghost business” to attend to so you sat around waiting for him for a good 10 minutes. Anxiously biding your time, shaking your leg, biting your nails. Five always told you to top doing that.
You hadn’t seen him in two years. You were shamed to admit that sometimes you would forget about what happened before ending up in 61. Maybe Klaus’ cult lifestyle really was calming the mind.
You don’t even know if Five missed you as much as you did him. You don’t know how long he’s been here, but the only thing on your mind is how you can’t wait to see him.
Klaus/Ben dragged you out the front door of the mansion, leaving the cult behind. No goodbyes, no last words of wisdom. Except for something from The Backstreet Boys.
The two of you rushed all the way to town and to the shop Diego told you to meet at.
Klaus stumbled into the alley way, struggling against himself, smacking himself in the face, shoving himself around. He ended up projectile vomiting across the ground, and whining on his knees.
Five yelled at him and threw the briefcase into the air as it went off. Their best chance of escape- gone.
Five; blinded by his rage didn't seem to notice you standing at the end of the alley.
“It was a simple task!” He complained, “meet me here within the time I told you, and we all get our real lives back! But no! Of course only two of you show up!”
“Three, actually.” You say, walking down the alley towards Five.
He turns towards the sound of your voice. His eyes grow wide for a second and a quick smile spreads on his lips. Your name comes out soft and breathy, as if he can’t believe you’re really there.
A grin is plastered across your face, and your eyes water at the sight of him. Your steps towards him quicken and his do as well. He meets you halfway and blinks right up to you, arms already open. You crash right into his arms, grip the back of his blazer, and bury your head into the crook of his neck. You breathe in his familiar scent and release a shaky sigh.
“I missed you.” You mumble.
“I missed you too. Are you okay? Not hurt? How long have you been here?” Five bombards you with questions as he pulls away and examines your face in his hands.
“Two years, I got here in 61.”
“I'm so sorry.” Five whispers, resting his forehead against yours.
"It's not your fault. I found Klaus so it was... slightly bearable." you chuckled softly. "How long have you been here?" You ask.
"I got here just a few days ago." Five says.
"Well I'm glad I found you." you say, hugging Five tighter.
(AN: Next I present to you random dialogue from this story line that I don't want to fully write out into a detailed scenario)
"Y/n, sweetheart, for the itching." Five says while handing you the bottle of baby powder.
"Itching? There's itching?" Questions Luther. Five ignores him.
"Can't wait to meet our old selves, it's going to be so weird." You say.
"Focus y/n, we just have to get that briefcase." Five says.
"Yeah fine, you're already paranoid without the psychosis." You say.
"Who the hell are you?" Asks old Five.
"Who do you think, dumb ass?" Says old y/n.
Old Five looks back and forth between the two y/ns.
As young and old Five beat the crap out of each other, and occasionally Luther; "Boys." old y/n sighs, wiping sweat from their brow and shifting uncomfortably. "Tell me about it." Says young y/n itching, eyes shifting around paranoid. "Just wait till you meet the rest of his brothers."
On the farm after Five kills The Handler;
Five lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he watched the last Swede walk away. He turns around and blinks to where you stand. He takes you into his arms and holds you close. You hold him back, although a bit confused.
"What happened Five?" You whisper. You're familiar with Five, and with time travel. You figured he used his power to fix something that happened.
"You died." He mutters quickly, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Ah." You pause. "And you saved me." you reassure him.
He sighs and pulls away. He presses a kiss to your cheek and rests his nose against your temple. "Let's get out of here yeah? Let's go home."
"Yeah, let's go."
Well that starting as something and then turned into something else. I just have a Five deficiency.
I hope you enjoy whatever the hell this turned out to be.
Um I'm not like taking requests officially but if you have an idea I can try to write it within like a week T-T
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multific · 2 years
His Confession
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Hannibal Lecter x Reader
Requested by: @sourdrop
Request: Good morning/evening :) Could I request a Hannibal x reader fic where she is helping him make dinner one night & Hannibal confesses his feelings to her & reader is confused/ kinda shocked because no one has ever expressed any romantic interest in her before & also she's had a huge crush on him for awhile & then maybe it ends with a sweet kiss😊 tysm💖💖
Having dinner at Hannibal’s was something you worked into your daily routine.
It started off with him inviting you to an event of his, then he asked you to come over more and more frequently. 
Monthly, weekly and soon almost it turned into a daily thing.
If it wasn’t for your workplace and responsibilities, you probably would have been over every day.
And just as those dinners grew closer, so did you to Dr Lecter.
He was charming, there was no denying that. Even a blind person could see that he was a work of art.
But you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself.
Every time you met someone new, you hoped, they would have some feelings for you. You desperately wanted someone to have as a partner and not just as a friend. 
You had enough friends.
But, men worked differently.
They never wanted you, they never saw you more than just a friend or colleague. You were always alone, and each time a little piece in you died. 
The piece that craved intimacy. Someone to share time with, someone to go home to and cuddle with.
Maybe that’s why you liked going over to Hannibal’s place.  
You made yourself believe that it might be true, that this time might be different, that you finally found someone that wants to spend time with you, more than just a friend. 
And each and every time you had to remind yourself not to let yourself believe these tales.
In your lifetime it never happened before, ever, so, why would this be any different?
And as time passed, you slowly started to see how silly you were. Each night when you left to go home, you laughed as your hope slithered away.
You smiled as you got into your car and you had to remind yourself that he saw you nothing more than a friend.
And so, you stopped having expectations. You stopped getting your hopes up.
“I was thinking, we should go and see a play, if you’d like.” Hannibal said as he put the dessert in front of you.
Another day, another dinner.
“Oh, I do know you like opera.”
“I was thinking more of a... romantic play. I hoped you would come with me as a date.” he said with a small smile and you couldn’t help but stare.
Did you hear him correctly?
“A date?” you asked, placing your spoon down.
“Yes, call me bold but I think our chemistry is fantastic and I would like to take you out on a date.” you looked at him, waiting for someone to jump out from behind you, trying to find the hidden camera. 
“Are-Are you joking?” you asked with a low voice.
“No, of course not. I would never play such cruel games on you.” he immediately said. “Is it that awful to think I would have such interests in you?”
“Wh-No... Hannibal, no I-I don’t know what to say. I was never...Men usually well, rather often actually, have no interest in me.
“Nonsense.” he chuckled. “They are blind not to see your beauty and intellect. Or possibly they were all blinded by your beauty too afraid to voice it.”
That made you laugh a little.
“I doubt that.” 
“No doubt on my end. So, date?”
You smiled at him as he did at you.
“Okay, yes. I’d love to go on a date with you.”
“Wonderful, I’ll make sure that you will enjoy yourself. I will make you forget about al those silly little boys who were too afraid to even look at a stunning woman like you.”
You were sure he will.
Hannibal was a man of his words, you noticed that the moment you met him.
You were all giggly and happy for the upcoming days, waiting for your date, you even bought a new dress.
This was different. This date was very different, you knew that.
And just as he promised and eight in the evening, he appeared wearing a gorgeous suit, with flowers in his hands to whoo you. 
He went all out and you couldn’t be happier for his confession. 
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow​ ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead​ feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​
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Spooky Season | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi! Happy September 1st AKA HAPPY HALLOWEEN SEASON! 💀👻🎃
Warnings: fluff, me being overly excited about Halloween
Also please note that this one is super short and I wrote it on break at work
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Bucky reflexively pulled the knife he kept hidden in his boot. Someone he didn’t recognize launched themselves at him just as he opened the door to the apartment you shared. This was his biggest fear. A Hydra holdout. A vengeful victim. Someone coming for him- for you- in the home you shared.
But as he tried to take down his assailant, he heard you squeal with laughter.
“Happy Halloween!”
Bucky took a second to refocus. It was then he realized that his attacker was actually a plastic skeleton. He sighed with relief and quickly sheathed his knife. Embarrassed.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, babe. I thought that would be a silly, spooky little prank…” you took his face in your hands and swept your thumbs over his cheekbones. “It was a bad idea.”
Bucky pulled your hands from his face and positioned them behind his neck instead. He knew you loved Halloween. And Wanda warned him about your affinity for all things spooky. But if it made you smile, he liked it too. He kissed you long and deep. You’d taken his breath away, and now he wanted to return the favor.
“So, it’s Halloween now, huh? I thought that wasn’t until the end of October…”
“Welllll, the Halloween season starts September first!”
You flashed him a jack o lantern grin. This was how things worked in your house. Every year in September first, your mom declared it “Halloween season”. She’d let you help decorate the house. And each year, things got more elaborate. She instilled in you a love for Halloween. And you kept her tradition alive.
“Oh, yeah? That wasn’t on my calendar…” Bucky teased. He loved your passion. Your sense of whimsy. There was something so freeing about your light hearted spirit. He was always so burdened. So weighed down by his past. But you were a welcome breath of fresh air. A warm breeze on a cold night. And even though he wasn’t the biggest fan of Halloween, who was he to rain on your parade.
“You wanna give me a tour then? Show me all your hard work?”
Another excited squeal pierced the air as you took him by the hand. Orange lights and fake cobwebs lined every doorway. A patch of Jack o lanterns sat in front of the fireplace. A garland of spiders hung from the mantle. And that was just the beginning.
“Okay, so we’ve got some spooky pillows and blankets for the couch,” you said. And Bucky’s eyes popped wide open at your definition of “some”. There were skeleton pillows and bat blankets. A small army of plush pumpkins. And a stuffed black cat with a collar that read “Binx”.
“Wow, looks cozy…” he tackled you to the couch and pulled a yelp from your chest. “Yup! It’s very cozy,” he confirmed as he sunk into the pillows. He held you tight to his body and reveled in your warmth. He could’ve stayed like this for days.
“Cozy and spooky”, you corrected, poking him in the chest. “Don’t forget spooky.”
“Of course, doll. My bad.” You shot him an affectionate eye roll as he reached for the candy bowl on the coffee table. “Great tour, doll. Absolutely loved it.” He tore into a Twix and gave you the first bite.
Obviously, there was more to see. But how could he resist eating candy and cuddling with his best girl? If this was what the Halloween season brought, he wasn’t going to complain.
But before he had the chance to enjoy his candy, you yanked him from the couch. Were you always this strong? Had you always been able to pull him around like a rag doll? Or did the Halloween season make you more powerful?
“So, as you’ve discovered, we’ve got a fully stocked candy bowl” you said. “And a bunch of little decorative witch plates in case you’re feeling fancy.” Finally, he popped the candy into his mouth. “Oh, and I have more candy locked and loaded for when you inevitably finish this by next week.” Bucky smiled at you, his lips smeared with chocolate.
The tour resumed as you tugged on his arm once again, dragging him toward the kitchen.
“Look at all the cookie jars!” A skull, a Jack o lantern, and a Frankenstein head sat on the counter. “They’re all full of Halloween Oreos right now- but I’m gonna make some Halloween cookies tomorrow!”
Bucky stole an Oreo from the skull and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. He loved seeing you so excited- and he loved snacks.
“And I’ve got these salt and pepper shakers that look like ghosts and- Oh! Look at these Ouja board plates!”
“These are perfect,” he laughed. “Now I can summon demons while we eat dinner.” You delivered a light punch to his arm. He faked an agonized groan.
The entire apartment was bathed in Halloween spirit. Like you’d dunked it in a can of black and orange paint. Ghosts, witches, mummies, and werewolves sat in every corner and adorned each room. Fall scented candles filled the room with autumn air. And the tv sat paused on Scream. For you, this was the most wonderful time of the year.
“Ooh! Candy corn!” Bucky reached into a glass jar shaped like a ghost and nabbed a handful. He dumped it in his mouth, and almost choked at your horrified expression.
“Ew, Buck!”
“Candy corn is gross- that’s just for decoration!”
“What?!” he said a third time, his mouth full of candy. “Candy corn is delicious!”
You didn’t care that Bucky was the ex Winter Soldier. You didn’t care that he’d killed people. But liking candy corn? It was almost unforgivable.
“Wow…you think you know someone”. You narrowed your eyes at him. It was a betrayal, an offense to your sensibilities. “You’re skating on thin ice, Barnes”.
He pelted you with a piece of candy corn, “more for me then, dollface.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. He did the same, his mouth tinged orange. “Show me the rest, baby”, he said, his cheeky mood dissipating. This Halloween stuff meant a lot to you.
He could tell by the messy bun and your mismatched outfit you’d been decorating all day. And he knew you worked extra hard to get it done before he got home. You loved surprising him. And making his home a welcoming, cozy place sat at the top of your priority list. He deserved fun Halloween decor and over the top Thanksgiving feasts. Obnoxious Christmas lights and lovey-dovey Valentine’s Days. He’d missed so much, and you wanted to make up for it.
An instant smile stretched across your face. “I have to show you the best part!” You made Bucky promise to stay in the kitchen with his eyes closed. This was it- the pièce de résistance. The thing you’d been excited about all day. Was it silly? Yes. But you knew Bucky would love it. You grabbed your surprise from the bedroom and did your best to keep it concealed.
Bucky removed his hand from his eyes and burst into laughter. But the laughter melted into a chorus of ‘awwwwww’.
There in your arms sat Alpine. Dressed in a little witch costume. She bonked her head against your hand and twirled her tail around your wrist.
“Oh my god- Alpine!” Bucky scratched under her chin. She purred for him and gave his hand a budge, asking for more pets.
“I’ve never seen a cuter witch”.
“Right! She kinda fought me on the hat, but now I think she likes it.”
Alpine pawed at Bucky, needy for his attention. This all felt so strange to him. So other-worldly. Only a few years ago, he’d been trapped in his own mind. He was abused. Miserable. Used. And now, he stood in the kitchen of the home he shared with his incredible girlfriend. He had a home. He had someone who loved him. And he had a tiny white cat wearing a Halloween costume.
“Okay- you’ve convinced me”. He pulled you close and sandwiched Alpine between your bodies. “Halloween is the best season.”
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll @god-ofthunder @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
“So what if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat, I'll be the fire that'll catch you. And what's so good about picking up the pieces? What if I don’t even want to?” -Pierce the Veil, Caraphernelia.
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Part One | Final Part
Warnings: Cheater!Ex!Vi, Heavy Angst, Feelings of Emptiness, Self-Blaming, Insecurity, Longing for someone who broke your heart, Painful memories, Depression, Loss of Appetite, Insomnia, Friends trying to cheer you up, Watching your ex move on, Attempted Su*cide, Happy-ish ending, friends being good friends
Summary: You and Vi were Zaun’s number one couple… until you met Caitlyn. Vi blindsides you one night, breaking up with you and admitting that she cheated on you with her. You take the break-up harder than people expected, and everyone is worried about you.
Author Note: Once again. Please read at your own discretion. Most of this story is sad and heartbreaking, and deals with mental health. To those who have been cheated on before, I feel you, I’ve been there myself. To anyone struggling with their mental health, my dms are always open.
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You giggle as Vi spins you around in a corner of the meeting room. The very long, boring meeting had just ended and you were waiting to be dismissed. There would be a dinner since it was late, so everything was being set up by the Councilors’ staff in the room adjacent to this one. You get pulled into Vi’s arms and you rest your head on her shoulder.
“What should we do when we go home?” You whisper.
“Let’s go on a date.” Vi whispers back, “We can pull up a scary movie and make some popcorn. I know you wanted to watch Fear Street.”
“We wanted to watch Fear Street.” You poke her, “Don’t lie and tell me you’re not interested in a lesbian couple as main characters.”
“I really do want to watch it.” Vi chuckles, “I just think it’s cute how excited you are.” You straighten up when they call for everyone to enter the dining room. Vi leads you inside, pretending to be a proper gentleman as she pulls out your chair for you. You both laugh as you take the seat and she pushes you up to the table. She takes the seat next to you and throughout the whole dinner, you’re playing footsy with her. You’re like little kids, glancing at each other through the corners of your eyes and trying not to expose yourselves. Although the Councilors were used to your antics, a few even found amusement in it. You’re given a stern glance by Vi’s uncle, Silco, who’s well aware of your little game. He’s the whole reason the two of you are here in the first place. It makes you stop briefly, but you’re right back at it a few minutes later.
At the end of the dinner, you sweetly say your goodbyes to the Councilors before Vi is whisking you out of the building. You’re back to your usual silly antics as you walk down the hallway and come to the front door. In your distraction, you accidentally walk into another person and stutter out an apology.
“It’s alright.” The woman chuckles, steadying you, “It seemed like you were having fun.” You take a step back and smile brightly at her, Vi wrapping an arm around your waist. ‘Oh wow. She’s very beautiful.’ You think to yourself. Long, dark blue hair with a very attractive face.
“Still, I’m sorry.” You hold out your hand, “I’m Y/n. You are?”
“Caitlyn.” She shakes your hand, before extending it to Vi, “And, you are?” Your back feels cold when Vi removes her arm to shake Caitlyn’s hand, “Vi.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Caitlyn.” You smile at her, intertwining your fingers with Vi’s, “But, we have to get home. Sorry again for running into you.”
“That’s alright. It was nice meeting the two of you.” Caitlyn flashes a smile. With that, you and Vi headed out of the building excited to have your little impromptu date.
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“Vi?” You look up from the couch, turning to look at her in the kitchen.
“Yeah?” Vi glances at you.
“Do you want to go out tonight? It’s been a little bit since we’ve done that. You know, being so busy and all.” You snort. With Vander choosing to become the full-time bartender of The Last Drop, it was Vi’s turn to become the liaison between the two cities. Since Vi didn’t want to do it alone, you joined her but the work took away from your private life. You had to sacrifice a few things, especially as of late. Silco had the two of you running all over Zaun since Sevika was out sick. You were genuinely surprised to hear that she was out sick since you couldn’t remember the last time she was. But, the woman had caught a fever and was out of work until she was better. The last time you and Vi went on a date was a few months ago when you met Caitlyn. So, you were feeling a little antsy for that quality time with her.
“Actually, I’m going out in a few hours.” Vi smiles sheepishly, “I meant to tell you yesterday but Powder distracted me.”
“You’re going out?” You perk up, surprised to hear that, “What are you doing?”
“Caitlyn wanted to meet up and talk about some Councilor stuff.” Vi places your lunch on the table, “We’re going to meet up at that little coffee shop in Piltover.”
“Oh! Well, tell Caitlyn I said hello.” You peck her on the lips, “Bring me back a coffee?”
“You don’t like coffee.” Vi raises an eyebrow, “Why do you want me to bring you one?”
“Knowing you, you’ll forget to order yours because you’re too busy talking. But, you remember to bring me back something so technically the coffee is yours.” You grin cheekily.
“You’re adorable.” Vi chuckles, shaking her head fondly, “I’ll bring you back a coffee.”
When Vi came home that night, you were getting ready for bed. She was gone for hours but that’s how those kinds of meetings could go. Sitting and talking about things in a more social setting was easier. The last one you had with Councilor Shoola was about six hours long because you got off track a few times. So you happily greeted her as she leaned against the doorframe, but something felt weird the way Vi gazed at you. Almost like she was trying to memorize you. You were going to question her about it when her voice sounded.
“I want to break up with you.” Vi says clearly, making you freeze. Your shirt falls from your hands as you stare at her in disbelief.
“What?” You breathe out, heart pounding in your chest.
“I’m breaking up with you, Y/n. I don’t want to be with you anymore.” Vi sighs, awkwardly looking down at the ground.
“Oh.” You choke out, eyes springing with tears, “W-Why? I-If you… don’t mind me asking?” You try to speak around the lump in your throat. Your mind was spinning, confused and shocked at these words. There were no issues in your relationship. The only thing that took a backseat were your dates but everything else was going great. You regularly had sex and affection wasn’t withheld. There was nothing you could think of that would’ve hinted at this coming.
“I’m interested in dating Caitlyn and she’s interested in it, too. We’ve hooked up a few times and talked about it. The only thing keeping us from being together is my relationship with you.” Vi says honestly, and it makes you cry. You knew she wasn’t the kind of person to lie, but at this moment you wished that she was. Vi admitted to cheating on you. She had her hands all over someone else and still came back home to you like it was nothing. You sit down, tears running down your face even as you fight to keep them in.
“Okay… Leave, then.” You look up at her, Vi hesitating at the sudden anger in your voice, “Leave! Take your shit with you! You better be gone when I’m back.” You get up from the bed and bump her shoulder as you storm past her, grabbing your keys and wrenching the door open. It slams shut behind you but you’re marching for the stairs in a haze. How could this happen to you without there being a single sign? Nothing that Vi did was out of the ordinary.
You didn’t know where you were going until you were pounding on the door. Tears were falling from your eyes and there was no stopping them. It was freezing outside with it getting closer to winter, and your short shorts and sports bra were doing nothing to keep you warm. The door opens and Ekko gives you a confused look when he sees you.
“Y/n/n? What are you doing here at this time of night?” Ekko puzzles, before his eyes widen at your state, “Shit, come on. Come inside.” He gently pulls you inside, closing the door with his foot. No words are exchanged between you two as you’re guided to the living room and seated next to the fireplace. The warmth sends a shiver through your body, and you rub your arms as Ekko reappears with a shirt.
“Here.” He says softly, handing it to you, “Put this on.” You take it from him and pull it on before curling in on yourself. He sits next to you, draping a blanket around the two of you in the process. The only sound in the room is the crackling fire as you stare dully into the flames. ‘It was me, wasn’t it? It’s my fault. I wasn’t good enough for her. After five years, I just wasn’t good enough.’
“Vi broke up with me.” You rasp out, glancing at Ekko, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know where to go.” You're on the edge of crying again. It felt like anything could tip you over and you’d be in tears. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this fragile.
“Please don’t apologize.” Ekko wraps his arms around you, “You know I’m here for you… What happened?” You rest your cheek on his shoulder, letting out a shaky sigh.
“She came home from a meeting with Caitlyn-” Your voice cracks and you start crying again, “and told me she was breaking up with me… She wanted to be with Caitlyn… and I was in her way.” The words come out shaky as you choke back tears.
“What the fuck?” Ekko breathes out in shock, his hold on you tightening, “That’s so fucked up. You don’t deserve that… I-I’m so sorry, Y/n.” You start crying harder, clutching onto the blanket as your breathing becomes uneven.
“Please stay here tonight. Please. I don’t want you going home like this.” Ekko begs you and you nod.
“I don’t want to be alone.” You whimper brokenly.
“It’s okay.” Ekko whispers, “You won’t be.”
The next morning, your head was pounding from how much you cried the night before. You and Ekko had passed out on the couch after all of your crying and incoherent babbling. He made you breakfast, gave you some water, and offered you some clothes to wear. You turned the clothes down but asked him to walk home with you which he immediately agreed to. So the two of you left his place and made the thirty-minute walk to your apartment.
When you got there, you froze outside the door, dreading what you’d see when you went inside… at least, what you wouldn’t find. Ekko was patient, giving you concerned glances as you finally unlocked the door and stepped inside. The place was chilly as no one had lit the fireplace and you huffed a laugh. It was ironically fitting that your apartment felt the same way you did.
You scanned the place, against your better judgment, and found all of Vi’s things gone. Everything from her clothes to the little pictures of you two on the dresser. You didn’t know what you were feeling as you stared down at your bed, your shirt laying forgotten on the floor.
“Y/n?” Ekko murmurs from behind you. You turn to him, silently questioning what he wanted.
“Do you… want me to help you with anything?” He asks carefully. You knew what he meant. There were still pictures of you and Vi. Your pictures. There’d be gifts she gave you. Well, stole for you. Things you’d have to go through and get rid of.
“No.” You whisper, slowly shaking your head, “Not right now.” Ekko nods and opens his arms, a silent invitation that you took. The two of you remained that way for a while. Hugging in the middle of your bedroom as you processed the reality of your situation. Vi left you for another woman.
Ekko had to leave eventually, so you were alone. The silence of the place was deafening, but you felt too drained to do anything. So, you fell onto your bed before quickly realizing it was a mistake. Your sheets smelled like her. That triggered the anger in you and you couldn’t see through your tears as you aggressively ripped the sheets from your bed. You didn’t think as you took the bundled-up cloth and tossed it into your fireplace. Your hands shook as you tried to strike a match, breaking a few before you were successful. With an angry yell, you threw the match inside and watched as it smoldered before catching. You dropped to the ground, breathing heavily, as the flames ate away at it.
“Why?” You whimper to yourself, “Why’d you leave me?”
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Meanwhile… Powder waited until her sister and that bitch she was with were in the open. She followed them to the park and let her gang know where they were. She was enraged after Ekko told them that Vi broke her friend’s heart. Not only that, but her asshole of a sister cheated on her for some stupid fucking Piltie!
Powder was going to ask Vi if it was true, but that went out the window when she found her making out with the blue-haired girl. She wasn’t going to let Vi get away with it, even if they were sisters. So, that’s where the rest of the Firelights come into play. When her sister was at the spot she marked, Powder let out a whistle. The Firelights zipped in from nowhere, startling the pair below them.
With various curses being thrown at Vi, there were also paint-filled balloons. They were popped by other Firelights as they got closer to the two women. The shriek Vi’s side chick let out was painful to Powder’s ears, but it was satisfying watching them get covered in paint. They made a break for it, but the distance they were from the nearest cover was too far from the flower field.
“YOU CHEATING FUCK!” Ekko screams as the balloon he threw bursts into neon yellow droplets. Powder activated her own hoverboard, flying low enough for her sister to see her. This? This was personal. She grips the chompers in her hands, doing her best not to drop them in her anger. Why did it have to be Y/n? She was such a sweet girl and did nothing but care for her sister. And now, she was bawling her eyes out because of her sister’s selfish actions.
“VIOLET!” Powder screams, her sister snapping her head in her direction.
“POWDER?!” Vi exclaims in shock, paint running down her face.
“THIS IS FOR Y/N!” Powder hurls the chompers at the, pulling the pins in the process. Vi’s eyes widen in horror but they explode into a huge cloud of glitter before she can react, “HAVE FUN GETTING THAT OFF, YOU CHEATER!” She glares at her sister, who’s staring at her in shock as the glitter covers her.
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Days passed by in a blur but you’re not sure how many. You had sat in front of the fireplace long after the flames died. Not even your growling stomach could convince you to get up. It was the eventual ache from sitting on the floor for so long that convinced you to move. You trudged back to your room and stared at the stripped bed. All you did was grab a blanket and curl up on it.
Most of your time was spent laying in bed, but sometimes you’d find yourself on your bathroom floor. The apartment stayed cold, as you didn’t bother lighting the fireplace. It was only you, so there was no need to be warm. You had thought Vi took all of her things, but you were wrong. You found little things like hair clips, rolls of her bandages, and even some of her makeup. You couldn’t throw them away, stupidly thinking she might want them back. so they stayed where you found them.
You spent hours crying on your bathroom floor, spiraling into a depression you haven’t felt in years. And this time, you were dealing with it on your own. You couldn’t wrap your head around the reason why Vi left. You and Vi had been the couple. The one people looked at and said “I want what they have.” So where did it go wrong? Where did you fail? What did Caitlyn have that you didn’t? There had to be something, something that made you worthless in Vi’s eyes. Was it because Caitlyn has bigger boobs? A nicer figure? A better personality? Did she make Vi laugh harder? Smile wider? Hell, she was the daughter of a Councilor, not some nobody from Zaun. Unlike you. You couldn’t compete with that. Not with her.
Your friends came by to see you, the news of your breakup no doubt all over Zaun by now. They would knock on your door, some leaving food behind or slipping a note underneath. You tried to eat but didn’t feel hungry, so it ended up in the garbage. The notes sat unread on your counter, only making you feel worse. You knew people must’ve been worried about you, but that didn’t matter when she didn’t care. The one person you wanted to.
You heard the knock on your door, but you couldn’t move. You lay in your bed, staring blankly at your ceiling as the emptiness wears away at you. You didn’t even flinch as you heard the door open, followed by the heavy footsteps that could only belong to one person. Sevika. Your friends must’ve been desperate if they got her to come by. She wasn’t someone you were particularly close to since Vi had some grudge against her.
“Y/n?” Sevika’s voice sounds and you turn your head to your room door. Her eyes widen when she sees you but she doesn’t step into your room. ‘Huh? Why is she so worried? There’s no reason to be. I’m fine.’
“Hey, Sevika.” Your voice comes out barely louder than a whisper, “I’m sorry my friends bothered you into coming here.”
“They didn’t bother me into coming here. I came out of my own concern for you.” Sevika sighs, “And clearly, it was the right thing to do. It’s been two weeks since anyone has seen you, Y/n.”
“Two weeks?” You frown, trying to think of how long it has been since you saw Ekko, “That… That can’t be right.” You could have sworn it was only a few days ago. That much time couldn’t have gone by.
“It’s true.” Sevika finally steps into your room, “Now, come on. Get up and get into the shower or I’ll fucking bathe you myself.” She threatens, making you blink. It takes a bit longer than usual for you to process what she said, but you groan when you do. Sevika doesn’t make empty threats. You stare at each other for a moment before you painstakingly peel yourself from the bed. You didn’t care that Sevika was given an eyeful of your body when the blanket fell. Her eyes were on you all the way to the bathroom.
“Don’t you dare try anything!” Sevika shouts as you close the door, “I’ll break down that door if I have to!” You sigh heavily, looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked horrible. Bags under your eyes, pale-looking skin, and messy, knotted hair. You could hear Sevika moving around your room as you turned the shower on. You stare at the water, zoning out, as you wait for it to heat up.
“VI!” You shriek before laughing, struggling to get away from her. The water from the shower was hitting your back as you tried to put space between you two. Vi grins as her fingers race across your ribcage, tickling you.
“Vi! Vi, stop!” You squeal, “I can fall! I can fall!”
“No, you won’t. I’ll catch you.” Vi says cheekily, continuing to tickle you.
You frown, reaching up to wipe your face as tears start falling again. With a shaky breath, you step into the shower and stand underneath the water. The hot water felt amazing against your skin and it brought you a warmth you haven’t felt in days. You let your body relax, closing your eyes as you try to enjoy this feeling.
“Hey, what’s a cutie like you doing here?” Vi stands next to you, a drink in her hands.
“Would you believe me if I said to party?” You joke, taking a sip from your own drink.
“Actually, I wouldn’t.” Vi leans against the railing, “Considering the fact that you’ve been staring at me all night.”
“Oh, Gods.” You groan in embarrassment, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. You’re just so attractive that I can’t help but look at you.”
“Ah, don’t worry. I’ve been doing the same with you.” Vi smirks, “Except, I’m a lot less obvious about it.” You laugh and give her a wide smile before holding out a hand.
“I’m Y/n.” You introduce yourself.
“I know. You’re the girl that works for my dad… I’m Vi, but I’m sure you already know that.” Vi chuckles.
“Who wouldn’t know you? You’re infamous in these parts.” You snort, “A heartbreaker some say.”
“A heartbreaker?” Vi raises an eyebrow, “Who says that?”
“The girls who haven’t had the chance to date you. The ones who have dated you say you’re a complete gentleman.” You say teasingly.
“Wow, you’ve done your homework.” Vi teases you, “Now you’ve got my attention. What do people say about you?”
“I don’t know.” You smile flirtatiously, “Why don’t you tell me?” Vi’s eyes sparkle in interest, her lips curving into a smile.
You open your eyes, shaking your head to chase away the memories. You slightly panic as you rush through your shower with a new urgency to get out of here to avoid more memories. You’re a bit gentler with your hair, mindful not to rip any of it out, but you’re stumbling out of the shower not long after.
You yank the towel off of the rack, wrapping it around you before walking out into the room. You pause when you see that your bed has been made with a whole new set of sheets. Folded up on top are some clothes and a brand new fuzzy blanket that you run your fingers over. You smile sadly when you see a note from Powder tucked into it.
To avoid it for a little longer, you put your clothes on. If you had your way, you’d be right back into some pajamas but Sevika had chosen clothes for you to wear out. A quiet knock from your door comes just in time as you button up your pants.
“Come in.” You call out. You’re surprised to see Powder peek her head into the room. She gives you a small smile, slowly opening the door.
“Hey there, sunshine.” Powder hums, bounding into the room to hug you. You let out a soft grunt as she collides with you and hugs you tightly. There was something about the way she hugged you that made your heart ache. She went to pull away but you held onto her a little tighter, prompting her to hold you. This was the first time someone has held you since Ekko did, and you didn’t realize how much you missed it.
“I wasn’t good enough.” You whimper, everything flooding back to you, “She left me for someone else, Pow.”
“Hey, hey, don’t say that.” Powder grabs your shoulders, a frown on her face, “You were more than good enough for her. It was my sister who wasn’t good enough, and she doesn’t deserve your tears.” She wipes a tear off of your face before resting her forehead against yours. Your eyes flutter shut and you enjoy this moment with her. The smell of gunpowder and paint that you’re used to from her eases your frayed nerves a bit.
“Everyone is in the living room waiting for you… We didn’t want you to be alone anymore, but we knew you weren’t ready to go outside yet. If you want to talk about what happened…?” Powder leaves the question open for you to answer.
“I-I think I should tell everyone… can you give me a minute?” You glance at your bedside table.
“Of course.” Powder gives you a quick hug, “Come out when you’re ready.” She walks out of the room, making sure to pull up the door behind her. You can hear the quiet murmuring of your friends talking in the living room. You take a deep breath and open your bedside drawer, sliding your fingers along the inside ceiling. You feel your fingers bump into what you’re looking for and you pull it out, tucking it into your pocket. You close the drawer and slowly make your way to the living room.
When you turn the corner, you see all of your friends littered around the room. Ekko and Powder were sitting on the couch while Eve and Sevika sat around your dining table. They went quiet when they saw you, but you took the empty seat between Ekko and Powder. Ekko immediately pulled you into his arms and you started bawling all over again. You could feel Power hug you from behind and you felt ashamed to be crying again.
“I’m sorry.” You sniffle, wiping your tears as you pull away, “I’m always crying.”
“Don’t apologize.” They all chorus, making you chuckle.
“Thank you for getting me out of bed, Sevika. And, thank you to all of you for coming to see me or dropping off food. I really appreciate it.” You smile sadly, “I only told Ekko the brief version of what happened, so… I’m going to explain what happened if that’s okay?” You got quiet nods so you took a deep breath to steel yourself.
“Vi and I were together for five years. We’ve had our fair share of arguments like all couples do, all over silly things. But, these past two years we’ve been doing amazing. She treated me so well and I felt so lucky to call her mine. I was thrilled to hear that she was taking over Vander’s position and I took that responsibility with her. I was completely blindsided by her breaking up with me. She… had been cheating on me with Caitlyn Kiramman for months, and I had no clue. Nothing… nothing gave away that she was interested in someone else. So I um… thinking that we were fine…” The tears were back in your eyes, and you tried to blink them away as you pulled the box out of your pocket, “I was- gonna pro- pose.” You choke out as your friends gasp in shock. You open the box with trembling hands to reveal a beautiful diamond ring band. You handed the box to Powder to look at it but mainly so you could try to keep talking without looking at it.
“I asked Vander for help. I didn’t want to get her a plain band. We always joked that she’d be the one with a diamond ring because she secretly loved them. So… I got one custom-made. My plan was to propose on our vacation which would… be this week, actually.” You frown, bringing your knees up to your chest. The two of you had planned a year ago to go whitewater rafting in Ixtal to celebrate your fifth-year anniversary. The realization that it’s supposed to be happening right now made you feel more hollow. Sevika had the ring now, slowly closing the box and placing it on the table.
“Y/n… how much was that ring?” Eve nervously speaks up.
“Ah… just under three thousand.” You fiddle with your pants, finding it more interesting that the looks everyone is probably giving you right now, “I made sure the diamonds were ethically sourced, and they let me hand-pick them myself.”
“Shit.” Ekko sighs, and you burst into tears once more.
“What the fuck is wrong with me? I must’ve- been doing something wrong for her to leave me, right? There has to be something wrong with me.” You whimper through your tears.
“No, no, no, no.” Powder wraps her arms around you, “No there’s nothing wrong with you, pumpkin. No.” At some point, everyone ended up on the couch. You were sitting on Sevika’s lap, sobbing into her shoulder while everyone else comforted you. After that, they coaxed you into eating and spent the rest of the day with you until you got tired. Someone had carried you to bed and you sleepily begged them to stay with you. Everyone ended up staying behind and it turned into this big sleepover that put a small smile on your face.
Your friends stayed at your place for the rest of the week. They went out to get food and clothes to change into, but they stayed with you. Their constant presence helps you regain some of your appetite, so you were able to eat a small meal on your own. Another thing is that Sevika had been unceremoniously accepted into your friend group in the process. You learned that she had been hanging out with the Firelights this past month, and they’ve gotten quite close. She had wanted to talk with you but you were with Vi and she didn’t want to cause problems. But, you welcomed her with open arms. Your friends helped you keep yourself afloat for those few days.
They managed to coax you to leave your apartment for the day. Eventually, you’d have to get back to work, but no one was rushing you. You decided to join your friends at The Last Drop where you knew they’d be hanging out. The original plan was to meet up at the Firelight base, but you needed to make a public appearance. The chatter in the Drop was louder than usual or was it because you haven’t been out in public in weeks? Regardless, you find the booth your friends are hanging out in and head over to them. You were well aware of the talking slowly dying down the further you walked into the bar. You knew it would happen when you showed up, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. You’re Vi’s rejected ex-girlfriend. There would be a moment of silence out of respect for you, but you wished there wouldn’t be. You didn’t want their pity.
“Y/n!” Powder’s gasps when she sees you, everyone else glancing your way when she does. You give a small smile and wave, Eve shoving Ekko aside to make room for you. You slid into the booth, placing your elbows on the table as you let out a long breath. The chatter in the Drop starts back and you’re relieved that the moment is over. You were a horrible girlfriend. You didn’t deserve to have others pity you. It was your fault that Vi left. That she cheated. Why else would she? You weren’t giving her what she needed. That had to be it.
“I thought we agreed to meet at the Grotto?” Ekko gives you a confused look.
“I have to return to the public eye at some point.” You sigh, “Especially when I need to return to work soon. It’s kind of Silco to keep up my paycheck even though I’m not doing anything, but-”
“-Don’t.” Sevika narrows her eyes at you, “If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t be paying you, so I’m stopping you from saying that before you do.”
“Right.” You bite your lip, “Sorry.”
“Anyway!” Powder chirps, “You’ll never guess what the Firelights did this morning!” She starts rambling about a really cool project they had been given by Vander. You found your body relaxing, leaning against Eve, and enjoying yourself. There was something about being in such a social atmosphere that lifted the fog from your mind. The emptiness was there but now it was tucked away as you laughed at Sevika’s joke. You lean back in your seat, eyes darting out over the bar with a wide grin on your face. A grin that vanishes when you catch your ex walking into the bar… with Caitlyn on her arm.
Immediately, all of the joy you had been feeling vanished. A pit forms in your stomach as you watch Caitlyn clutch her arm, but your heart races when you look at Vi. It’s been three weeks since you’ve seen her, and there was something painful about the way your breath caught in your throat. It hurts. It hurts seeing her with someone else, but the love you have for her hurt more. You stare longingly as they approach the bar, Vander coming around to greet them with a forced smile. You watch their conversation, trying to read their lips but that’s not possible. The two women walk to an empty table and settle into the chairs, taking off their heavy coats and draping them over the back. You can’t look away. Not when they hold hands over the table. Not when Vi’s head tilts back with laughter. Not when her gaze looks past Caitlyn’s shoulder and finds yours. ‘Beautiful…’ You think to yourself, feeling the love rise through you but it was quickly squashed by grief. ‘Beautiful… but she’s no longer mine. I ruined it. It’s my fault she’s sitting there with someone else.’ Vi’s gaze moves back to Caitlyn. You’re crying before you know it, and a hand on your shoulder startles you.
“Huh?” You blink when you turn back to your friends. The expression on their faces is of restrained anger.
“It’s time for us to head to the Grotto.” Eve nudges you from the booth, wiping the tears from your face as she stands. She puts her arm over your shoulders, Powder springing over to wrap an arm around your waist. They rush you past Vi’s table, her and Caitlyn glancing your way as they do. You wipe at your face, looking down after you made eye contact with Vi again. You were almost at the door when the bar goes silent and you hear a loud clatter. Your head snaps around at the sound, your body halting when you see Vi on the floor holding up a wrist to her bleeding nose. Ekko was glaring fiercely at her, chest heaving from the anger and he spits at her. The last thing you see is Sevika leading Ekko away from your ex.
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That one little event tore your heart apart. You couldn’t get it out of your mind and it wasn’t the only time you were a witness to their affections. It was like she did it in spite of you. To prove to you that she was happier without you. You would become entranced by her, admiring her before you came back down to earth. Vi left you. She wasn’t yours.
A few more weeks go by and you’re tortured by your own mind. Once again, you couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and the little warmth you had been feeling again was gone. Your nights were spent either curled up in bed or on the floor of your bathroom. A particularly dreadful night of nothing but memories about you and Vi had you sitting by the fireplace. The kindling for your fire was the usual wooden logs, but you had tossed in the pictures of you and Vi as well. The little things that Vi had left around your apartment had been shoved into the bottom of your trashcan during one of your meltdowns. You felt like you were on the end of your rope, and your friends were trying hard to help you. Vander had even pulled you aside to talk, offering to take the ring off of your hands but you declined. It was the one thing you couldn’t let go of, along with your love for Vi. She had consumed your life for so long and you couldn’t let it go. You couldn’t let her go, and part of you didn’t want to. She wasn’t your first love, but she was the one that mattered the most.
Your hands shake as you approach the Councilors’ Building for the first time in two months. Silco had filled in your absence by saying that you had been out on different business. The Enforcers standing at the entrance greeted you with their usual smiles and you nod at them as you pass. Everyone who worked at the building greeted you happily, saying that they missed you and hoped you have a nice day. You couldn’t return their smiles, so you only nodded to their words. Someone had asked if you were okay - Elora, Mel’s assistant - and you managed to tell her that you’re alright. She gazed at you for a moment before nodding and escorting you into the meeting room.
You must’ve been a sight. You had to put a bit more makeup on yourself than usual to hide the dark circles under your eyes. Eyeliner in thicker lines to distract from the tired and empty look in your irises. You looked too proper, too put together than what you usually portrayed when you came here. It was your way of hiding that you felt disconnected from your surroundings. That your whole world was crumbling beneath your feet. You had even worn your nicest gown, trying to ignore the fact that it was the one Vi bought you for your recent birthday. It was your favorite color and flattered your figure - purchased from a boutique in Piltover.
“Y/n.” Mel smiles happily when she sees you, “It’s so wonderful to see you!”
“Hello, Mel.” The corner of your lips turns upward, “It’s nice to see you.”
“You’ve been gone for a while.” Cassandra notes, “Your cheerful attitude has been missed. But, I do want to question if you’re alright?” You’re confused for a moment before it clicks. ‘Right… Caitlyn is Cassandra’s daughter and they knew Vi and I were dating. Now her daughter and…’ You swallow, trying to bring moisture back into your throat to respond. You wanted to tell her what happened. You and Cassandra had a very good working relationship, almost as good as you and Mel. A small part of you wondered if she’d reprimand her daughter if she found out about the cheating.
“I’m fine.” You respond, forcing a smile onto your face, “Just tired.” The meeting is called and you’re confused when your chair isn’t in the normal spot. Mel gently guides you to an open chair next to her and you’re disoriented when Vi and Caitlyn sit next to each other. The meeting carries on as usual and Mel fills you in on the side. Then Shoola calls out to Vi and you watch in confusion as she stands. She takes a deep breath, her gaze traveling around the room and hovering on you for a moment.
“The charity Caitlyn and I set up for the orphans in Zaun is progressing as we hoped. With her influence, even people in the upper ring are donating. People are donating clothes, toys, food, and money in higher quantities than we planned. If it continues at the same rate, we’ll be able to upgrade the orphanage by the start of spring.” Vi says proudly, everyone else smiling at the news except for you. In fact, you felt that little piece of rope you’ve been hanging onto snap. Your body went cold.
“What?” The word leaves your lips before you can stop them. All eyes turn to you, “But that… that was our…” Your head starts ringing, the room closing in on you as you feel dizzy. ‘That was our plan. You and I had planned on creating the charity. I thought… I thought…’ You feel like a fool. The feeling only gets worse when you feel a tear run down your face. You’re sitting in front of the most influential people in your cities, crying over your ex-girlfriend. You stand up abruptly, the chair scraping across the tile as your heart beats erratically. ‘She was right to leave me. I don’t have what Caitlyn does. I could never compete with her. Gods, I wish I could just disappear.’
“I-I’ve-” You stumble over your words, choking up before your feet are moving. You hear Mel call out your name, but you’re slamming the doors open without even a glance back. The Enforcers that had been by the doors shout in alarm as you come tearing out of the room. Your heels echo through the halls as you blindly run for the exit, startling people along the way. When you get to the front doors, you nearly crash into someone entering the building but they jump out of your way. Your feet take you all the way to the drop street and you’re gasping for breath as you step onto the conveyor. Your shoes are gone, torn off of your feet at some point, and discarded in a side street.
You feel nothing as you walk home. Your body and mind are too numb to care about the cold snow beneath your feet. Every step you take feels like a chore and you can’t even muster up any joy when you reach your apartment. The last of the heat from your fire greets you as you open the door, chasing away the deep chill that had taken over your body. Mindlessly, you walk into your room and sit on the bed, your head dropping into your hands.
You spent so long being hopelessly in love with Vi. You still were… but that was the problem. Your heart felt like it may never beat again. Vi had taken all of you with her when she left. ‘No one would care if I disappeared. Vi left me because I wasn’t enough. She’s moved on and is happy with someone else… The others are happier without me, too.’ You stand up, taking the ring out of your bedside table and looking down at it. ‘The least I could do is give this to her. It was hers. It is hers.’ You bite your lip and search for a piece of paper and a pen. A letter would be more than enough to tell her how sorry you are for everything, how you wish her happiness with Caitlyn and the charity. You fold up the letter and grab the jacket - Vi’s jacket - that you had found underneath the bed. With a deep breath, you head for The Last Drop, forgetting once again that you’re barefoot.
When you get there, you go straight to the bar where Vander is in the middle of pouring a drink. He acknowledges you and it takes a moment before he’s in front of you, “You good, Y/n?” He says, eyes filled with concern.
“I’m good.” You nod, not bothering to smile, “I found one of Vi’s jacket’s in my apartment and…” You trail off.
“Ah, right.” Vander sighs, “Go ahead and head on back. Would you like anything to drink?”
“No.” You shake your head, “Just here to drop this off.”
“Alright then. If you change your mind, let me know.” Vander gives you a smile. You nod and make your way to the house section of the building. You had been here so many times that you had no trouble finding her room. You pause outside of the door, anxious about going in, but you open it anyway. You have to stop yourself from crying when you do. The room smelled strongly of her cologne and it made you yearn for her. You place her jacket on the bed, neatly putting the note and ring box on top of it. With one last look around her room, you pull the door up behind you and head out. You end up taking a moment to linger, gazing around the building at all of the people enjoying their day. ‘Never change, Zaun. Never change.’ With a sudden thought, you head back over to Vander.
“Changed your mind?” Vander raises an eyebrow.
“No, but uh, can you tell the others that I won’t be seeing them later? Extra liaison business, I’m afraid.” You lie, “That I love them and I’m sorry for missing out on our drinks tonight?”
“Of course.” Vander nods, “Good luck with that stuff. You’ve always been so dedicated to your job. I admire that about you.”
“Thanks, Vander. I appreciate it.” You manage to smile at him before turning… and leaving The Last Drop once and for all.
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The wind tugged at your dress as you stared listlessly into the dark waters below you. You know that your makeup is ruined, your tears washing it from your skin as you shake violently. You stopped trying to wipe them away when you reached the observation deck of the Sun Gate. The winter air bites at your skin through your coat and you shrug it off, hearing the heavy thing hit the deck. Nothing could provide you with the warmth that you had so desperately craved, so there was no point in wearing it. ‘Maybe someone who needs it will find it.’
You step over the railing, your hands clenching the freezing metal so tight that your knuckles turn even whiter than they already are. Your skin was as pale as it could be. Your regular skin tone had changed from your lack of sunlight and sleep making you look sickly. From where you stood, you knew that everyone would be better off without you. Vi would be better off without you in the way. The only thing keeping us from being together is my relationship with you. That memory. That single moment in your life had brought you to this point. This moment.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. ‘I love you. All of you.’ You think, fingers slowly loosening their grip. You hear the sounds of boots pounding against the deck, panicked shouts cutting through the silence.
“MISS! MISS! PLEASE COME BACK ONTO THE DECK!” You turn your head to see a handful of Enforcers looking at you with wide eyes.
“We found her atop the Western Sun Gate.” One of them speaks into their radio.
“Please.” The one from before steps forward, “Please, give me your hand.” You stare at them, feeling nothing. You turn back to look at the water, taking another deep breath as you glance at the Enforcers before you jump. The Enforcers scream as you do. The wind whips your dress around and the next thing you know is that you’re falling. You close your eyes, trying to block out the feeling of tumbling through the air. ‘They’ll be happier. They’ll all be happier.’
Suddenly, you feel hands close around your arms and your eyes snap open. You look up, speechless when you see Ekko and Powder holding onto you. There are tears running down their faces as they slowly stop you from falling, not wanting to accidentally break your arms.
“You can’t do this!” Powder shouts over the wind, “We can’t let you!”
“Our lives would not be better without you!” Ekko shakes his head, “We’d miss you too much! Who do you think holds this group together?!” They start pulling you back up towards the observation deck. You glance back down, heart sinking as you realize what you would’ve done.
“How… How…” You’re confused about how they found you. No one would have known until those Enforcers called you in. But, they wouldn’t have been able to get here that fast after the Enforcer radioed. So, how…?
“Vander told us that you seemed off.” Powder whimpers, “That was right before I found the note you left in Vi’s room when I went looking for my hair tie.” You reach the observation deck and you’re startled to see a small crowd waiting for you there. Sevika helps them pull you back onto the deck, but she doesn’t let go of you. Her and Eve work together to wrap you up in a blanket, making sure you’re not trembling anymore. Sevika effortlessly lifts you off of the floor and cradles you against her chest.
“I didn’t think we’d make it in time.” Ekko wipes the tears from his face, smudging his face paint, “I used my Zero Drive so we could. I-I-I can’t lose you, Y/n/n!” He stutters while wringing his hands, clearly distraught. You’re surprised by how upset everyone seems to be. You genuinely thought they’d be happy about you disappearing.
“We can’t lose you.” Sevika mutters, making you look at her, “We love you, Y/n. You’re our best friend. I have only been friends with you for such a short time but I care about you. Don’t you dare disappear on me now.” Your eyes widen when you see that she’s been crying.
“We love you more than you realize.” Eve says softly, leading the way to the elevator, “I know it hurts, and I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through… but we’re here for you.” Those words trigger some part of your brain and you’re crying again. Your little group crowds into the elevator and you find your mind lifting from the fog it’s been in. ‘I jumped. I-I seriously jumped. If it wasn’t for Ekko’s Zero Drive I could be…’
“Exactly. My sister made that decision on her own. You weren’t the reason she did it, but I know it’s going to take time to realize that.” Powder sighs, “But, we’ll be there every step of the way.”
“You’re living with me.” Ekko crosses his arms, “I was going to ask you today, but now I’m not asking. You need support and you’re not able to get that on your own right now.”
“You’re right.” You whisper, feeling miserable that you would’ve put them through so much grief, “I’m sorry, guys.”
“Don’t apologize. Seriously.” Eve shakes her head, “Heartbreak like this isn’t something to overlook.” The elevator doors open and you’re greeted by Piltover’s Crisis Team and Grayson, “You need to lean on us, and we’ll be there.”
You were taken to Piltover’s care center where they ran a bunch of tests on you and got you under some heated blankets. You hadn’t even realized that you were still cold when Sevika was carrying you. They got you hooked up to a bunch of machines and started an IV line for you.
It took some time for the shaking to stop, but they were constantly checking your temperature and being very attentive. A psychiatrist had come in to talk to you about everything before leaving to meet up with Ekko. Since he was the person on your emergency forms, he’d be the one handling things.
You were visited by more people than you thought. Mel and Cassandra had come rushing to the hospital to see you. Both of them brought you flowers and said some heartfelt words that touched you. They didn’t know the extent of the issue, but they reassured you that they were here for you. Grayson had popped in to talk and you thanked her for what she did. She told you that while it was her job, you were a good friend of hers and it pained her to lose you. More people stopped by with Vander being the one who spent the most time with you.
“She’s going to have to stay here for a little while. Only until we get her vitals back to normal. She’s quite low on a lot of key minerals her body needs. Since she’s living with you, there’s no need to detain her here for observation past that.” You hear the doctor talking with Ekko in the background.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack, Y/n/n.” Vander sighs, smoothing down his beard, “When Powder screamed at me to contact Grayson, I feared the worst.”
“I’m sorry, Vander.” You frown, “Things have been… so hard. You know how much I love Vi and to see…”
“I know, lass.” Vander pats your arm, “I know.”
“Do you think she…will see the note?”
“Powder left it on her bed. She said that while you’re okay, Vi needs to understand what she’s done. And, I agree with her.” Vander crosses his arms, “She might come here looking for you… Would you want to see her?”
“…I’d like to talk to her. Yeah.” You nod after thinking for a bit, “The closure might help me move on.”
“I’ll let your bodyguards know.” Vander says as he stands.
“Bodyguards?” You furrow your brow.
“Do you really think Powder and Sevika left you?” Vander raises an eyebrow, “I heard they’re planning on sleeping outside your door.” He chuckles.
“Oh.” You blink. Vander flashes you an amused smile before he exits the room. You spend some time to yourself, thinking over the events of the day. Everyone thought you’d be upset that they stopped you, but you felt oddly okay. You weren’t upset, just tired. Very tired. Even though Vi cheated on you, even though you were heartbroken… you still loved her. Maybe that will change as time passes, but for now you have to work through your feelings. All of the people who showed up to support you helped put things into perspective. If they didn’t care about you enough to do what they did… you wouldn’t be here right now.
Your room door opens and your friends come flooding into the room. Ekko’s holding a tray of food in his hands and Eve helps him set it up for you. After being in the cold for so long, your body was weak so you’d have to try and get something into you. It was just a bowl of soup, but knowing the hospital it was packed with everything you’d need.
“Chicken and rice soup.” Ekko says when he catches you staring at it, “Do you… need one of us to help you eat?”
“…Please?” You whisper, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. They took turns helping you eat while filling the silence with jokes and funny stories. When you finished eating the topic ended back on what happened today, and it was a very emotional conversation. You realized that as long as you have your friends, you’ll be able to get through this no matter how long it takes. They’ve seen you at your lowest, literally lifting you out of a decision that would’ve changed everything… and they’re still here by your side. And that… that puts a smile back on your face.
“Oh! Y/n! Did I tell you that the Firelights covered Undesirable with paint and I covered them with glitter?” Powder chirps randomly making your eyes widen.
“You… what?” You blink, an amused smile tugging on your lips.
“We cornered them and covered them in paint with a glitter surprise.” Ekko snickers.
“And Sevika beat her up afterwards.” Eve smirks, “It wasn’t planned but it happened the same day.”
“You didn’t!” You gasp, head snapping to Sevika.
“I did.” Sevika shrugs, “She couldn’t walk correctly for a week.”
“I- …Thank you?” You question unsurely.
“You’re welcome.” They chorus. Yeah… your friends will help you get through this.
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glazesunflower · 2 years
The Other Side Of The Door (Ganyu/Reader NSFW)
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Characters: Ganyu x F!Reader.
Warnings: NSFW !! This is for 18+ years old users. If you're a minor, please refrain from interacting. This content isn't for you.
Notes: Hi !! Thank you for being here <3 I just posted this work on ao3 and I wanted to share it with you all :) Feel free to check it out in (this link!) if you happen to be interested! It’s nsfw with Ganyu in a very wholesome, comforting but very explicit way. 
If you don’t fancy ao3 or you simply like Tumblr better, you can read the fic under the cut. But be aware it’s 10k words! Enjoy :)
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It started off so silly.
Ganyu had accidentally scraped her knee during work. She was carrying a box when she tripped and fell. She argued it was no big deal, but you immediately had her sit down in her office. You kneeled in front of her, your fingers carefully ghosting her skin, cleaning the wound, pouring warmth. You looked up from your position between her slightly parted legs and drew a smile.
Something quietly bloomed in Ganyu’s lower belly and spread through her veins like wildfire, making her head all tingly from just that.
She had kept working all the same after that, as if that moment never happened, but something shifted in her chest, taking root between her ribs.
You had been dating for a couple of months now. To Ganyu’s request, you’ve barely done anything more than a few stolen kisses and the occasional more heated sessions, but it has never gone past that. And you were okay with taking things slow, as long as Ganyu was content with it.
And she was, really.
Until that incident happened. 
From that moment on, Ganyu hasn’t been able to forget how she felt— Your hands gently holding her legs, the look in your eyes from beneath her, your innocent smile and the way her whole body trembled at that.
Now, when you kiss her, she wants more.
When you embrace her, she wants more.
When you hold her close at night, she wants more.
The realization knocks the breath from her lungs. She wants you. Selfishly. She wants to kiss you and run her fingers through your hair. She has denied herself the pleasures of courtship for thousands of years now. But she can’t possibly say that to you now, can she? Not when she was the one who asked to take things slow. Ganyu wonders if that makes her a bad person.
She spends the next couple of days fidgeting, running around the idea in her head in circles, unsure on how to bring up the subject with you.
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
She’s walking down the Harbor, on her way to fill some paperwork with some of the vendors when she finds Beidou.
“Captain!” Ganyu greets her. “It’s so good to see you here. I take it the Crux is taking some time off today?”
“Hahah, wouldn’t my crewmen like that!” Beidou lets out a strong laugh. “No, we’re just getting a bunch of wares and merchandise to transport to Inazuma. Now that the borders are opening again, there’s a high demand for pretty much everything. You know how it is.”
Ganyu nods. “Yes, I suppose.” 
“So, what’s going on with you?” Beidou says. “Still on cloud nine with your girlfriend, I assume? Archons, I haven’t seen her in ages. I should pay a visit to her soon. Assuming she’s not too caught up with commissions to receive an old friend, haha.”
“Ah, yes!” Ganyu plays with the hem of her dress. “We’re… Um… Good as always.”
“Uh-oh. Problems in paradise, kid?”
“No, no. Everything is okay, actually. She is perfect. It’s just that…” Ganyu’s face grows red. “No, never mind. It’s nothing.”
“Spit it out. There’s no need to be walking on eggshells with me, is it?” Beidou says. “I got a bit of free time ‘til I’m needed again at the Alcor, so come on. You know I’ve got your back.”
“I appreciate your concern, Captain. Truly, I do. It’s just—” Ganyu fidgets, her ears growing pink. “I don’t know how—”
Beidou draws a big grin on her face, nodding.
“You know, I tend to be a good judge of character. When you've learned to read the open ocean, reading people is a cinch.” Her chest seems to inflate with pride as she says so. “And my nose tells me you haven’t done the deed.”
Ganyu opens her eyes comically wide at that. 
“You know.” She insists. “Screwing. Doing the business. Rolling in the hay. The good old rumpy pumpy—”
“Captain!” Ganyu says, cheeks set aflame. “Please, stop!”
“What? I’m just saying it like it is. Look at you, you’re fumbling over words like a lovestruck teenager. It’s written all over your face.” Beidou lets out a strong laugh. “I’m just saying, you two need to bone.”
“But—” Ganyu says, voice small. “I have no idea how to approach the subject. To tell her I would like to… be intimate with her. It was me who asked to take things slow when we first started. How would I even start the conversation?”
“Listen, kid. She chose you as her partner, as her comrade on the land. I’m certain it gives her great pride to know you’re by her side, no matter the situation.” Beidou places a heavy hand on Ganyu’s shoulder. “Heck, I’ve seen you then and I see you now, and it’s like you’re two different people! She’s done you good, loving you. There’s no way she doesn’t want this as bad as you do. Just… give it another thought, yeah?”
“Alright.” Ganyu sighs, heart trembling. “Thank you, Captain.”
“Have fun.” Beidou winks at Ganyu right before leaving, leaving her flustered at the docks.
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The moon is high in the sky when you make it to Ganyu’s house, carefully tossing the keys on the table at the entrance hall and leaving your shoes neatly behind. She had texted you earlier in the day, an invitation to have dinner with her.
She had given you a spare key to her apartment in case of an emergency, but you have been using it to visit her occasionally or to water her plants when she informed you she’d stay over at the Jade Chamber for work. So you make your way inside her house easily and head to the kitchen. 
You find Ganyu already wearing her nightgown, a wooden spoon in her hand, her icy blue hair tied back in a low bun. Her eyes instantly light up when she sees you.
“This smells amazing.” You walk up to her, watch her smiling gently as you brush a strand of icy blue hair from her face. You can’t resist the urge to kiss her brow gently, and she hums with quiet happiness at the gesture. “Hi, my love.”
“I hope you’re hungry.” Ganyu smiles, pointing with the wooden spoon at the food she’s been preparing. “I’ve just discovered that measuring food for two is harder than it seems to be.”
You stretch your arms above your head, the tiredness of the day climbing up your back. “What are we celebrating?” 
“Nothing, really. We have both been busy this past week, and… Um.” She looks down, almost bashful in her demeanor. “I wanted to spend time with you, that's all.”
“Then we are celebrating something.” Ganyu watches you lean to her, easily wrapping your arms around her waist.
“Oh. We are?” She looks at you with her big doe eyes.
“Yes. We’re celebrating our love.” You press a kiss on the edge of her lips. “Isn’t that a good enough reason?”
“I like the sound of that.” Ganyu turns to press a kiss to your mouth instead, and you can feel her smiling against your lips. 
She is so warm and soft as you kiss her back. You are slow, thorough, pulling little gasps from Ganyu with each brush of your lips. Ganyu pulls you close and holds you as if she will never let you go.
The kiss deepens. Ganyu presses her body slightly closer to yours, the food on the counter long forgotten. Your hands are on her hips, and her arms travel to find their way around your neck. She pulls you closer still, her lips pressed to yours so achingly sweet, and your body moves on instinct, lifting Ganyu up by the waist and sitting her on the kitchen counter. 
Ganyu gasps at the sudden movement, and you take the opportunity to deepen the kiss further. Your chest is set aflame by her taste alone. Ganyu lets your hands travel up her body, from her hips to her waist and upwards, and she wraps her legs around your middle, pulling you even closer still.
She places a hand over the counter to regain balance, accidentally dropping a knife to the floor. Instantly, you part from the kiss and stare at each other. Your chests are heaving like you’ve run a marathon. You can feel the beating of your heart behind your ears, in your fingertips and every inch of your skin.
“Please, forgive me.” Ganyu immediately says, her lilac eyes wearing a mirror of apologies. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“No, it’s okay. I went a bit too ahead of myself there as well.” You say, still feeling lightheaded. “I’ll go set the table.”
Ganyu is grateful for the distraction. “Ah. Yes. I’ll bring the dishes in a moment.”
You eat together and the embarrassment of the moment quickly dies down, replaced instead with a lighthearted and fun conversation.
“So you’re telling me that you’ve been working with the Yuheng— That you’ve been friends with the Yuheng for over seven years, and you’ve never been to her house?” You ask while you finish cleaning the plates. “Not even once?”
“I told you, Keqing is very reserved with her personal life. I would hate to impose myself on her out of shameless curiosity.”
“I can understand that. But she’s been to your place, right? What if she’s hiding something in her house that she doesn’t want anyone to see?”
“Don’t make such assumptions. Keqing is an efficient member of the Qixing and a dear friend.” Ganyu reprimands you with a small frown on her pretty features. “I believe she’s just a bit shy. I have accompanied her shopping on numerous occasions, and she’s always reluctant to be seen with the merch of Rex Lapis that she so happily purchases.”
“So you’re telling me that the Yuheng’s house is full of Geo Archon paraphernalia?” You draw an easy smile.
“Don’t mock her.” Ganyu insists. “There’s nothing wrong with admiring Rex Lapis’ work ethics.”
“Alright, alright.” You cave, finding it hard to go against her pretty lilac eyes. “Besides the point, but I do think it’s kind of you to accompany her shopping when it’s not your favorite thing to do.” You lean to her, whispering to her lips. “You’re very sweet, my love.”
Ganyu’s cheeks bloom with pink colors at your sudden proximity. But, when you lean further to her, she doesn’t step back. She lets you press a kiss to her lips, and she eagerly reciprocates. She feels her own lips warm under yours, and her breathing steadies. You pull apart and you’re about to turn around when Ganyu grabs you by the collar. 
She surprises even herself with the motion. There’s a second of hesitancy, your eyes searching hers with a question drawn all over your irises.
Still, Ganyu can’t resist kissing you again— one last time, she tells herself. But her hunger that’s been building up for the past several days pours into the kiss. Not a gentle, storybook kiss, but one hard enough to bruise. Rough and demanding, and she gives in to the heat of your mouth with a famished appetite that almost alarms you, and she’s reminded of how much she’s wanted you for the past couple of weeks. Her control is slipping, having you this close now. Which is definitely a problem.
Dangerous, she thinks. This is dangerous. 
She has to stop.
Her nails dig into your shoulders, and you accidentally bite her bottom lip a little too hard. Ganyu gasps in your mouth, makes a little whimper that sends fireworks down to the base of your spine. 
Archons and adeptus don’t make such noises. Only humans.
“Again. Do that again.” There is something in Ganyu’s voice, you swear— something not so innocent.
You gently pull apart, looking at her with a dazed, astounded expression. Her face is flushed down to her neck, but there’s something in her eyes. Something that you haven’t seen before. Something demanding and vibrant.
“Ganyu, you— I’ve noticed that you’re more eager today than usual.” You choose the words very carefully, considering how she hasn’t initiated this kind of heated kissing before. She did tell you she wanted to take things slow. “I just feel the need to address this before we go any further, so… Is there something you want to talk about?”
Ganyu watches your eyes study her expression, and the heat setting fire to her veins quickly diminishes. You’re waiting for an explanation. Of course you are, she did go a little too far with that kiss. Of course you’re confused. But how can she even begin to explain how she’s been feeling ever since she saw you kneeling down in front of her? That’s way too embarrassing, isn’t it?
Ganyu’s mind rushes with everything that Beidou said to her. How she feels about you, the way your voice sends shivers down her spine when you’re all too close to her. How the thought of you has kept her awake at night, had her gnawing on her lip as she mulled over all the things she wanted you to do to her. Her brain is jumping from one thought to another at dizzying speed. She parts her lips. 
“We—” Ganyu closes her eyes tightly, her cheeks set aflame. “We need to bone!”
For a moment, you only stare at her, eyes wide. 
Then, you smile, eyes dropping away as you burst into laughter.
“Can you say that again?” Ganyu is mortified when you take a step back, cracking up. “Say bone one more time?”
“Ah. I’m terribly embarrassed!” She hides her face in her hands. “Please, ignore what I said! Oh, why would I ever listen to her words?”
“I’m sorry. Ganyu, I’m sorry. See? I’m not laughing.” A silly smile is still hanging from your lips. “What’s all of this about, really? You know you can tell me anything.”
Ganyu takes a deep breath. She can do this. 
Be honest about how she feels.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to do this. To be… intimate with me, I mean.” She speaks calmly and politely as always, though it is obvious to you from the way her hands tremble that she very much wants this. “Lately I’ve had— I’ve been feeling a certain way. Around you. About you. And I ran into Captain Beidou before, and she— Well, she suggested that I bring it up with you. That I asked you how you’d feel about the two of us doing— Um. It was me who asked to take things slow when we first started. I didn’t want to come off as a hypocrite for changing my mind, and so—”
You notice the way her hands tighten over the hem of her dress, her lilac eyes jumping from one tile of the floor to another, scattering her brain for the right words. You’re quick to ease her nervousness.
“Ganyu. It’s okay.” You shush her with a gentle finger to her lips, keeping her from descending into a spiral of embarrassment and self-consciousness. 
She quiets down and stares at you, expectant. You lean across and press your lips to hers in a sweet kiss, slow and comforting. She sighs into your touch. You take pride in the way she visibly relaxes.
“I would love to bone with you.” You let your lips bloom with a sly smile. 
Ganyu opens her eyes wide, pushing you off of her not too forcefully. 
“Please, don’t tease me!” She hides her pretty face behind her hands, embarrassed.
You let out a laugh. Slowly, you take her hands off her face. You press a kiss to her knuckles very slowly, making sure she’s following you with her eyes.
“In all seriousness, I do want to. I would love to be intimate with you, my love.” You whisper. “Do you want to?”
“Well, I…” Ganyu almost feels all the insecure thoughts overwhelming her brain at the question. What if she’s not good enough, what if she embarrasses herself, what if you don’t like how she looks, what if— She stops herself short, focusing on your warmer hands holding hers with a familiarity that almost hurts, until all the other thoughts in her head disappear. She squeezes her eyes shut, but her voice comes out firm. “Yes, I do. I would like that.” 
“Good.” You say as you dip down to kiss her. So easy, so simple. Like it should be. “Looks like we have another thing to celebrate tonight.”
Ganyu smiles against your lips, her hands grabbing the fabric of the back of your shirt as she clutches at you, so excited that you can feel her hands trembling. She’s so soft and gentle in your arms that you’re able to tilt her sideways, dip her gently as you press your mouth against hers. Both of your cheeks are flushed and warm, smushed together as you just can’t bring yourself to let her go, not just yet— 
And from the way her hands hold onto you tightly and her bottom lip trembles, you know Ganyu feels the same.
When you pull apart, you reach out a hand for her to take, thumb stroking over the back of her palm tenderly. 
“Come with me, my love. Let’s go somewhere more comfortable.”
You guide Ganyu to the bedroom. The door makes almost no sound when you close it behind the two of you.
When you turn to her and you press your hands to her body, Ganyu doesn’t pull away. You take a moment to wait, preparing yourself as much as you’re giving Ganyu time to stop you, if necessary. Then, you begin to undress her slowly, gently. 
She’s soft, so soft— Her hair, her skin, her lips. Even her lilac eyes are soft as she turns her gaze upon you. Every part of her is so delicate that for a moment it feels more like you’re touching a sheath of fine silk rather than the woman in front of you. Her pretty cheeks have gone a shade of red you’ve learned to treasure.
Ganyu’s eyes are shimmering and bright as she follows the way you untie the straps of her dress, how you brush them past her shoulders, easing the gown down her torso, and watch as it slides all the rest of the way down, softly kissing the ground.
Her hands are laid underneath your shirt now, lifting your shirt over your head, so tender and gentle that you can barely understand how these are the hands of an elite warrior, an adeptus. 
You help each other undress until all your clothes are in a pile on the floor, discarded. 
For a good ten seconds, you forget how to breathe. 
And for a moment, you only have eyes for the woman in front of you. Standing bare before you: naked and beautiful and yours. Not even the end of the world could’ve made you pull your eyes away from the sight of her. All her edges and curves of her bare body that you’d never seen before. Ganyu feels all too vulnerable under your adoring stare.
You take one step towards her. Lightly, you thump your forehead against hers so that she looks at you, and she doesn't shy away, even as her breath gets stuck in her chest. 
Ganyu has wanted this, you, so much that it's kept her awake at night, had her gnawing on her lip as she mulled over all the things she wanted you to do to her; now she has you, drawing the gentlest of smiles, watching with eyes so warm she wants to hide away from them— but she can't find it in herself to do so. Still, she squirms a little under your stare, finding the silence a little uncomfortable.
She opens her mouth before she can process the words that will come out.
“Would you say I’m… pretty?” Ganyu regrets the words as soon as they leave her lips. Why did she even ask that? She feels the weight of your stare all too heavy upon her naked shoulders. Finds herself nervous to hear your answer. “Um. I was just wondering. You don’t— You don’t have to respond.”
“Ganyu.” You say softly. Your voice comes out strange, unusually heavy with emotion. “I think you are beautiful.”
“Beautiful?” She echoes. 
“You are so beautiful,” You trace the shape of her cheek with your hand, keeping each touch slow and gentle. “It hurts sometimes.” 
“I don’t want you hurting.” Ganyu protests, lips parted and so utterly kissable that you can barely resist them for much longer.
“Ah. That was a little dramatic of me, wasn’t it?” You laugh, and Ganyu almost melts for a moment when you lean down for a kiss. You mumble against her lips, “You make me feel all kinds of new emotions. Sometimes, I don’t know what to do with them.”
You trace her lips with your tongue until Ganyu parts to let you in. You take your time, drawing out gasps and little whimpers, letting Ganyu do the same to you. Ganyu is delightfully mussed when you trail down, kissing her jaw. Her throat. Her collarbone. Gently biting the skin that meets you there.
“Hah… Ah…” Ganyu softly breathes out as you draw silhouettes on her skin with your lips.
You trail upwards. Watch her pretty lilac eyes fluttering closed.
“Ganyu. Ganyu, my heart.”
You call her name softly, gently, using the tip of your finger to tip her chin back up to look at you, and before she can speak, your lips are back on hers. You take control of the kiss again, gently increasing the pressure until you feel her mouth give in against yours, your hands sneaking around her bare waist to pull her back towards you and into your waiting arms.
You sit on the bed, guiding Ganyu’s naked body to do the same. 
She sits on your lap, her thighs on either side of your hips, her chest pressed to yours. Ganyu relishes in the feeling of skin against skin. 
“You’re beautiful. All of you.” You say as you kiss her lips. “I love you, and I love your body.” 
You trail down to her chest. Ganyu squeezes her eyes shut when you cup one of her breasts and squeeze gently, listening to the sharp intake of her breath.
Your touch is so gentle, so achingly comforting, that breaks through all of her defenses. But at the very core of her chest, her insecurities have rooted in Ganyu’s heart longer than you’ve been alive, and she knows she can’t just brush them off with a couple of months by your side. 
Though Ganyu is trying to relish in the warmth of your touch against her naked skin, there's now that emptiness that drags her chest down to her knees, her mind wandering off to scary thoughts. To you being gentle with her out of pity. You forcing yourself to go through with this because she was selfish enough to ask. You disliking her body but disguising it behind that sweet smile of yours. 
As if on cue, you say:
“Everything you hate about your body is what made me fall further in love with you.” You smile against the skin on her neck, eyes fluttering closed. “You have no idea how much I want you.” 
If there was one thing you would never tire of, it was the face Ganyu made when she was flustered. It always makes you feel pleasantly warm.
“You don’t have to say that…” She whispers out, her breath hitching as your thumb brushes up against her chest. She hadn’t been expecting those words to come out of your lips, like gentle rain extinguishing the flames of her self-doubt.
“I do. I want to say that, because it’s true. I think you’re the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.” 
You kiss her jaw as you lazily stroke the inside of her breast with your thumb. Ganyu gasps, her hands traveling to your head, burying her fingers in your hair to hold onto something. She pulls you closer, as if by instinct.
You trail down, your warm tongue drawing shapes on her throat while your hands massage her breasts gently; rolling the tip between your fingers, slow and teasing, pulling a shy moan from her lips. 
“I’ll show you.” You mumble to her skin. Your tongue flattens against one of her breasts, the other one carefully grasped in your hand. “I’ll kiss you all over. When I’m done, you won’t have a doubt that you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
Your words make Ganyu feel like the luckiest person in the entirety of the universe. Your love for her doesn’t feel quite real to her yet. Her long-held romantic fantasies are being realized, and the sudden heat in her chest makes her breathing come out ragged. She has spent most of her life barely feeling anything, and now she is feeling everything all at once.
A woman in love, instead of an adeptus.
“Please.” She whispers, squirming over you.
Your heart catches at the sight of her, lilac eyes half-lidded and pleading, and you swear you’d steal the moon from its home in the sky for her if she asked you with this expression. So you do the next best thing, descending to suck the peak of her breast between your lips. Your warm tongue flicks against it before you wrap your lips around it. You start sucking on it gently.
“Ah… Nnh…” Ganyu whimpers, her fingers winding in your hair. The warmth down her stomach becomes a molten heat, and you suck hard as she writhes above you.
You can hear her moaning softly each time your warm lips graze over the most sensitive parts of her breasts, her fingers tightening their grip onto your hair. Ganyu arcs her back a bit, pressing her breasts against your mouth further, a silent request to give her more. 
She rolls her bottom lip between her teeth, biting back the whines that threaten to fall out of her mouth. Her cheeks bloom with crimson colors when you keep on sucking on her nipple in torturously slow motions, the other one being fondled between your thumb and index finger, kneading it, eliciting the prettiest sounds to escape her lips.
Ganyu attempts to squeeze her thighs together, the pent-up frustration pressing against her lower belly; but being seated on your lap, her legs on either side of your naked waist, her frustration only keeps growing.
“Hah… Please—” She whispers your name once, twice, her voice’s troubled and needy. The shape of your name falling out of her lips makes fireworks explode inside your ribcage. 
You reach up to her, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips while your other hand keeps stroking her breast.
“Tell me where you want me to touch you.”
Slowly, you watch as Ganyu’s hand travels down her body, below her navel. She keeps her lilac eyes on you as her hand gets lost between her legs.
“I want you… here…” You can hear the furious blush in her voice, desperate for you to ease the tension building inside her. “Please.”
You drag your hands to her sides, stroking her skin as you slowly, painfully slowly, trail down her stomach. Ganyu sucks in a breath, nails digging into your arms.
“Will you turn around for me?” You smile, lips pressed to the angle of her jaw.
“Um. Alright.” Ganyu obediently turns around to your command.
She is sitting so indecently on your thighs, back pressed tight to the front of your naked chest. Your other hand shifts downward, moving from its previous place on her waist down to her hip. It makes her shiver in excitement.
“You’re so good for me.” You kiss the back of her neck, your voice full of that sweet affection that makes Ganyu’s bones tremble.
Your hands almost feel like silk climbing up to the skin of her thighs, and Ganyu feels the raging ocean pooling on her lower belly. She attempts to squeeze her legs together again, whispering your name once, a plea, but you keep them open.
You drag the pad of your finger lightly from her belly button and trail downwards, fingers ghosting over her sensitive skin. 
“Ah—” A whimper escapes her lips when you trace her pussy lips with your fingers. It feels like a betrayal that you’re touching her so gently. She buckles her hips once, chasing your touch, but you easily keep them in place.
“There’s no need to rush, my love.” You kiss the side of her neck, relishing in her warm skin. “We have all the time in the world.”
She’s easily wet from your touch alone, and that fills you with a sense of pride.
“I know… Hah…” The prettiest moans roll out of her lips as you trail your fingers inside her folds very slowly. “It’s just— It’s been so long…”
Ganyu feels her body temperature high, legs trembling as she feels your fingers rubbing her most sensitive parts in gentle, easy motions. Her hips start grinding on their own, seeking more of your intoxicating touch.
“Ah— Hah… Please— ” Ganyu pants when the tip of your finger catches along her entrance, the weight of it, the promise of it making her hips twitch forward. “Please. I want you now.”
You smile, never once speeding up the pace of your fingers. When the tip of your finger brushes against her entrance, fireworks explode inside of her in places she didn’t know were possible, her skin set ablaze. She wants you. She wants you now.
Slowly, you press your fingertip inside Ganyu, answering her pleas. She rolls her head back, the prettiest whine leaving her lips as she closes her eyes tightly, a high-pitched sound muffled in her throat that makes the both of you blush.
You’re working her so steady, so good that her head feels dizzy with pleasure. Ganyu starts rolling her hips to meet your movements, your fingers buried further inside her and she tightens her grip on your thigh.
“Hah… Bite me. Please.” She breathes out, intoxicated by your touch.
“If you insist.” You smile, your teeth sinking into her neck, not hard enough to hurt, but definitely hard enough to bruise. 
You thrust your fingers further inside of her. Your thumb moves up to press at her clit, easily sliding and rubbing it. 
“Mhm—!” Ganyu sucks in a breath, her hands reaching down your thighs for support. You feel her legs trembling at the contact, and you use your free hand to hold them open still.
You want to love her until she breaks, to drown in her until there is nothing left of herself but the thought of you. You want to tell her, I love the way you look with my fingers inside you.
Suddenly, Ganyu wraps her fingers around your wrist. 
She prompts you to stop.
“Wait. This doesn’t feel right.” Ganyu says, desperation dripping from her voice. “Not if I can’t see you.”
She feels lost without your eyes to follow, suddenly shamelessly needy. She turns her head to you, locks of icy blue hair falling down her pale shoulders.
“That’s okay, we can change the position.” You press your lips to the tip of her nose, your hand resting on her thigh now. “Anything else you want, my love?”
You watch her get down off your thighs, sitting by your side on the mattress now.
“A kiss?” Ganyu says, almost shy in her request, her eyelashes kissing her cheeks in a way that has your heart pumping faster.
You laugh only, bringing your free hand up to tilt her chin further. The movement brings your face centimeters away from Ganyu’s, which gives you a very intimate view of her next flush of embarrassment.
“Open your mouth for me.” You command, leaning down to press your mouth against hers in an open and wet kiss.
You slide your mouth gently over hers, taking the time to learn the outline of her mouth. Ganyu gasps and lets you in. You push down the fierce emotion that threatens to spiral from inside you. You don’t have to rush this. You both have dreamed of this for too long now. You can afford to take your time.
You push gently on her shoulders and, in the next moment, Ganyu finds herself softly landing on the bed, you hovering above her. You trail down to her neck, your lips brushing against her throat. It is almost painfully chaste.
“I love it when you kiss my neck.” Ganyu confesses. Her face and ears burn.
“I love kissing your neck. And kissing you here,” you press your lips to her collarbone. “And here,” to her pulse point. “And here,” right under her ear. “I want to kiss you everywhere, savor every centimeter of your skin.”
You slide your hands on her sides down to her waist and let her wrap her arms around your neck, pressing your naked skin to hers.
“Hold me closer. Please.” She holds you tightly, the blissful joy dancing in her chest growing dangerous. Because this is too good to be true, and there is the lingering fear you will slip away if she lets go. She wants to say more, but words fail her, and she can only hope that you understand her feelings like you always do as she holds you close. “I love you. So much.”
You’re quiet in her arms for a moment, your own arms tight around her. You feel the warmth of her frame against yours, and you run your fingers across her ribs. You keep her in your embrace in a way that says, I will never get tired of holding you. I’m not going anywhere.
“I love you too.” You squeeze her, her head resting against your shoulder. “More than I thought was possible. More than I ever loved anybody.”
Ganyu stays there with you for a moment longer, relishing in the comfort of your touch, the blissful feeling of your skin against hers. She starts lazily grinding on you, pressing soft kisses to your shoulders. You’re fast to take notice.
You experiment now, pushing your leg up between her legs as you push down with your hand on her hip, guiding her down. Ganyu’s body almost jumps, her breath stuttering. When you do it once more, keeping the friction steady and constant, Ganyu makes a faint, strained sound into your mouth as you kiss her again. Her arms wind around your shoulders, and you feel her fingers trembling as they cling to the skin of your back.
You fall into a rhythm. Your leg moves back and forth, up and down, and you notice Ganyu’s hips moving with each shift of your leg; jerky at first, and then steadier as the rhythm builds, rocking in tandem with your movements. You pull back slightly to look at Ganyu properly. Her expression has shifted from embarrassment into something else you haven’t seen before, her brow knit and lips parted, her cheeks flushed and her gaze unfocused. She pulls close to you again, her arms tightening around the back of your neck and her head nestled against your shoulder as she lets out a low, shuddery groan into your ear.
“If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to hold back.” You whisper to her skin. You watch as Ganyu parts from your embrace, enough for you to look at her conflicted stare. Like there’s something she wants to say, sitting behind the lilac of her eyes. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do anything you ask me to.”
Ganyu musters all the courage in her body, or maybe it’s the pent-up frustration speaking.
“Your tongue— I want you to use your tongue.” Heat spreads across Ganyu’s cheeks at her own words. “Is… Um. Is that alright?”
You smile, lips pressed to the angle of her jaw. “Your wish is my command.”
She gets off of you and lays in bed instead, your body hovering above her. You start kissing her body from her collarbone down to her thighs. Ganyu squirms under your adoring gaze every time you press your tender lips to her skin, never taking her eyes from you.
You position yourself between her legs, kissing the inside of her thigh for a moment longer than needed. Ganyu visibly swallows, watching your every move with big, doe eyes. You take it as a sign to continue further.
You reach down to her pussy, spreading her open with your thumbs, and you spend a second adoring her pink folds and how soaked she is. All because of you. You fan your breath over her pussy, and Ganyu trembles at the sudden warmth.
“Please.” She whimpers, closing her eyes tightly. “Please, please.”
Right before diving in, you stop. “Ganyu?”
You watch her naked chest rise and fall. “Yes?”
“Can I ask something of you?”
You almost chuckle to yourself. The sight of her too eager to properly process the question as she easily nods her head is just so cute to you.
“Yes, of course.” She says, bashful.
“Can you sit on my face, please?” You draw an innocent smile. “Would you be comfortable with that?”
Ganyu wants to say, I’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. Instead, she sits up on the bed, a red flag sitting at the back of her head.
“Are you… Um. Are you sure you want to do that?”
Ganyu attempts to swallow down her nervousness in front of you, but to no avail. It is obvious by that look on her face she is unsure and needs your guidance. 
The insecurities rooted all across her ribs tighten their hold on her, constructing her lungs for a second. She thinks of her weight. She thinks of being too much for you. She thinks of the utter embarrassment of being seen in such an open, vulnerable position. She thinks of her weight, again, thoughts spiraling.
“I would love that, but we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” You reassure her. “We can always just do something else instead, if that’s what you’d prefer.”
“No. No, I… want it.” Ganyu says, gives herself to quiet desire. “It’s just—“ She glances down at her hands fidgeting over her lap. At her thighs. Don’t they look a little too big? “I’ve never done this before. Are you sure I don’t weigh too much? I don’t want to hurt you.”
It's rooted within herself; embarrassment, timidity, something that tells her she doesn’t have the confidence to do this. 
“You won’t hurt me, my love.” Your voice is barely audible over the softness that always seems to blanket every inch of your words towards her. “I promise.”
Ganyu looks up at you, taking in your expression. You’re softly looking down at her, smiling, the shape of your lips glowing like a candlelight— open and vulnerable, everything Ganyu tries to prevent from being. You always look at her with such gentle eyes, like it’s that easy. Like it always should be. Like she could be, if she learns to give in to you, to trust you.
“Come here.”
You bring both hands to her waist, guiding her with a gentle but unrelenting tug. Ganyu is helpless to follow the motion, shifting higher and higher up your chest until she’s forced to straddle your head.
Your face is framed between her thighs now, coupled with the fiery determination in your eyes.
Ganyu can't help but whine softly one more time, “Are you sure…?”
She feels so ashamed up top, the way your eyes are taking in her body from beneath her. But despite the embarrassment sitting on her veins, her skin is already itching for your touch. Selfishly so.
You notice her hesitation still.
“Hm, how about this?” You begin. You take hold of her hips and wrap your fingers around them. “I’ll tap your leg three times if I’m overwhelmed and need a break. Does that sound alright?”
“Eyes down here.” You call to her when Ganyu’s eyes drift away in embarrassment, your warm breath fanning her most sensitive place. 
“Ah. Yes, that sounds alright.” She looks down at your place between her legs, her cheeks set ablaze. “But… Um. Please, don’t stare so intensely. It’s… A bit embarrassing, truthfully.”
“Is that not okay?” You say, and with her pussy hovering over your mouth the way it is, she can feel the heat of your words. “I’m just enjoying the view.”
“Ah. Don’t play with me like that.” Ganyu says, voice low and shy. You can see she’s fighting the urge to close her legs again in embarrassment. Too bad she can’t do that with you settled in between them.
“I mean it. I love everything about you.” You’re ghosting your nose and lips up her folds, hovering just above her slick surface, heavy little hot breaths hitting her heat as you smile up at her before placing an open-mouthed kiss on her clit. “You’re perfect.”
Ganyu sucks in a breath, covering her mouth with her hand, her palm muffling a soft whimper at your sudden touch.
Ganyu’s thighs are soft as you hold onto them, making sure she doesn't lift herself up. You guide her down to your face as you lift yourself enough to reach her folds again. You waste no time attaching your mouth to her, your skin shivering when you drag your flattened tongue across her slit.
“Oh, fuck—”
It slips, because she was not ready for you.
One slow, long lick up— She tried her hardest just to not melt from that alone.
You chuckle. “What? Does that feel good?”
“Stop teasing me so much, please…” Ganyu's face blooms with crimson colors. Her skin is on fire, waiting for your touch.
“I’m sorry. You’re so lovely, I can’t help but tease you.” You smile between her legs. “But tell me how it feels, okay? Let me know if it hurts.”
Ganyu throws her head back when your tongue brushes her folds again, feeling your overwhelming touch exploring her most sensitive place.
“Ah, no. You’re so warm.” More than warm. You feel hot, and whatever stuttering that was in Ganyu’s chest has thundered down to her stomach too. Her throat feels dry and her mind feels clouded as you trail your tongue up her folds again, barely grazing her clit. “It feels good.”
God, you are so slow. 
Slow, yet so skillfully good at the same time. Your tongue caresses her down there, and though Ganyu absolutely refuses to look down, she can tell you are smiling.
You continue your ministration, your warm tongue exploring her folds carefully and very, very slowly. You can feel her sensitive skin heated against your mouth, her taste dripping over your chin and you feel lightheaded. You want more of her, of her taste, of her pretty voice whimpering your name. 
Her thighs are spread so sinfully. All you hear are the erotic sounds of your tongue licking through her folds. Drawing shapes on the skin of her thigh with your thumb, you trail a little downwards. Slowly, you press your tongue inside Ganyu’s entrance. 
“Hah—” Ganyu sucks in a breath, her hands gripping the headboard of the bed tightly for support.
You feel her thighs trembling at the contact, and you take it as a sign to drag your tongue further inside her. Ganyu’s walls tighten around your tongue when you push it in and out of her in a slow, gentle motion.
“Harder.” She lets out the prettiest whine, her hips twitch upwards just a little. “Just a little harder. Please.”
You take her hips in your hands, softly rubbing your thumb across the bone, eyes fluttering closed as you get lost in loving her. Answering her request, you speed up your movements. Your teasing grows a little less slow, a little faster. 
“Like this?” You hum in reply, not taking your lips off her. The vibrations of your voice send shivers in her most sensitive places.
“ Ah… Hah… That—“ Ganyu whines, her throat dry and her mind clouded by pleasure. When you curl your tongue through her folds, she bites down her bottom lip, preventing her moans from rolling out of her mouth. “Nhn… That feels good.”
You part for just a moment, mumbling against her, “You can be louder, my heart.” You place a wet kiss on her clit. “Let me hear you, please.”
Ganyu nods, chest beating rapidly and a furious blush blooming under her cheeks. You brush your lips over her folds again, sucking gently at her sensitive skin as you lick all of her wetness, drawing silhouettes on her core with your warm tongue.
“Please, don’t stop.” Ganyu moanes into the air this time, and she swears she can feel the way you smile against her sensitive skin.
You want to tell her, You sound even prettier than I imagined you would.
You find your way to her entrance again, and Ganyu feels you everywhere— the warmth of your hands holding her thighs in place; the gentle thrusting of your tongue inside her, curling in the sweetest spots between her walls, making her feel every inch of her skin set ablaze as your hums vibrate through her core.
Ganyu’s breathing is irregular. She hopes you can’t hear how much she wants to gasp for air, though you certainly can. She tightens on instinct, one hand fumbling down before finding its way to your head, gripping your hair hard as she screws her eyes shut. Her heart is beating hard enough for you to taste it.
"Oh, dear—“ Ganyu falls into the pleasure, so much that she begins grinding on your mouth, rendered blissfully ignorant to her prior worries. With her bottom lip carelessly bitten down, something fiercer takes the reins. “Keep going… Ah… Please— Please, don’t stop—”
You almost feel dizzy as you hear Ganyu whimper your name under her breath, slurring the words together in her hazed stupor as she slowly rocks her hips into your mouth. 
“You feel so good.” Your mouth is so warm. It’s hot, even. And every time she bucks her hips, grinding down against your tongue, your grip on her tightens, keeping her closer and closer. Ganyu whines, and she feels like she could cry. 
This feels so good. 
How long have we been here?
You look up at her. Your gaze darts from her soft lilac eyes, half-lidded and sprinkled with tears, to her slightly opened mouth. Drinking in the sight of her eyes clouded with pleasure, her kiss-swollen lips. Relishing in the fact that you get to see her like this— that you get to please her like this.
You speed up.
Her eyes roll back as you use your tongue to go deeper into her, faster, curling it to stroke against her sweet spot with a lustful gaze. But you don’t focus on her entrance alone, no.
“Fuck—” Ganyu chokes on her words, head tipping back when you angle your tongue just right over her clit. 
It’s exhilarating, the burst of pleasure that tingles through Ganyu’s body from head to toe. Upon her lips released sputtering nonsense mixed with pleads and broken whispers of your name. It’s practically overwhelming. Her orgasm has been building for so long now she can hardly stand it.
“I can’t— Ah… Mhm…” Ganyu whines, tears dotting the corner of her eyes from the swelling desire building inside her. You practically drink in the sight of her, all writhing and messy on top of you. 
Her other hand dives from the headboard straight down to grip the hair on your head, pushing you desperately closer to her and forcing you to go faster still. You curl your tongue through her folds and you can feel her taste dripping over your chin. Ganyu throws her head back, releasing a loud whine in pleasure. You are unrelenting, completely ravishing her in stark contrast to your teasingly slow pace from just moments ago.
You’re doing so well. You want to mumble to her warm skin. Just a little more.
“Please—“ She mumbles in ecstasy, panting between little whines. “Faster, please.”
Her hips roll against your mouth with no means of stopping, though you’d be lying if you said you really want her to. Just the thought of her chasing her orgasm with you is an addicting notion.
“Close—” Ganyu cries, arching her back, straining her body as she clambers desperately towards her peak. “Please. Please, I’m—”
You keep on rubbing her clit harder, the touch of your lips and tongue hotter; it felt good before, but now it feels like every movement is a touch of fire, burning her up. It’s positively overwhelming, and yet she doesn't want it to stop, grinding herself on your mouth desperately, seeking her release.
And then, you feel it.
It’s right there.
In the way that her body tenses, the muscles on her stomach flexing, the tension in her body snapping. The way her fingers scrabble at your hair between her legs, chasing it down with eyes closed tightly; The way she’s slouching forward, tears of pleasure rolling down her cheeks.
Then, everything is going white—
“Ah—!” Ganyu chokes on her words, on her throat, head tipping back as she reaches her high, her back arching and her hips shakily rolling further into your mouth.
You lap her up, moving your flattened tongue across her slit fast, faster, and she comes undone in your arms, vulnerable and greedy and trembling all at once as she’s coming down; indulging her with your affection and your warm touch even after she’s finished. 
You drag those blissful seconds of after pleasure until you feel Ganyu’s entire body drained out, her muscles growing limp and exhausted in your hold.
“Adorable.” You smile after Ganyu relaxes, reaching upwards once again to place a sweet little kiss on her clit. Your eyes travel up to her breathless expression, her eyes looking down at you in a hazed bliss as you smile proudly between her legs.
You loosen your hold on her thighs, gently guiding her off you. She follows blindly, her eyes fluttering closed as her body lands on the bed. 
As she lays in a stupor, Ganyu feels the weight of the bed shifting, and she chalks it up to you getting something to clean the mess she’s undoubtedly made of your face. She wants to look, but she’s worried she may die of embarrassment if she saw the obscene amount of slick she definitely felt.
Knowing this, you clean your chin with the edge of your sleeve, her taste still sitting on your tongue, before you lay by her side on the bed. You reach to caress her cheek with the back of your fingers. 
“Let me see those eyes.” Ganyu turns to you, almost shy, locks of icy blue hair framing her perfect face. You smile. “There she is. Hi, my love. How was it?”
“It was— It was amazing.” She scoots closer, touching her nose to yours as her face burns, and you laugh. She can smell herself on your skin.
“You make such pretty sounds. Did you know that?” You chuckle when Ganyu hides her face in your neck, flushed.
“Please, stop. You embarrass me beyond comprehension.” She burrows her face into the crook of your neck, and you feel her breaths come low and hot against your collarbone. “I will never open my mouth again.”
“Not even for a kiss?” You hold Ganyu’s chin with your thumb and index finger, lifting her head up to you. 
Ganyu takes a second to breathe, her lilac eyes searching your face, and then draws a shy smile for you.
“Well, I do want a kiss.”
You reach to press your lips against hers. The kiss she gives you lingers, wet and warm as she tastes herself on your tongue. 
You pull apart and stare at her for a moment, stars dotting the edges of your eyes at her sight.
“Let me run the bath for us, my love.” You say, kissing the crown of her head, blue locks teasingly tickling your nose.
Ganyu wraps her fingers around your wrist delicately, stopping you in the motion.
“I’m a bit tired.” She says, turning her head upwards towards you. “Can’t I ask you to stay here with me instead?”
There’s a silence that stretches, enough that Ganyu thinks you’re not going to reply to her. Then, she watches you slowly leaning towards her, until your lips are hovering right above hers.
“My heart,” Your whisper, eyes half-lidded. Ganyu parts her lips, waiting for your touch on her. Instead, you mumble to her open mouth, “You stink.”
Ganyu gasps. Her eyes go comically wide and she puts her hand over her heart in disbelief.
“I do not!” She watches you laugh, making your way out of the bedroom. Ganyu insists. “I don’t! …Right? No, you’re just being mean.”
You’re still smiling when you come back. Ganyu looks away from you, slightly upset at your words. She knows it was a joke, but she finds it funny to play along with your shenanigans now and then.
You hold her face in your hands, delicately prompting her to look at you.
“You don’t stink. You always smell like qingxing flowers and morning dew.” You press your lips to her forehead. “But we both could use a bath now. Come with me?”
Ganyu takes your hand and lets you guide her to the bathroom. You let the warm water run, both of you inside the bath as you watch Ganyu reach for the shampoo.
“Hold up. Let me help.” You say. You grab it yourself and start slowly running it through Ganyu’s icy blue hair, lathering it over her scalp and massaging her head. You’re careful with her horns, of course. You know how sensitive they can be, so you make sure to wash them with the utmost care, affection pouring from your hands.
Ganyu feels so good, your gentle touch on her slippery skin, she flutters her eyes closed. She feels like she’s floating. Like she’s in a fluffy cloud and she’s being kissed by the sun.
You take the soap and start sudsing Ganyu up, using your body to spread it all over her: all her lines and her edges, her scars and her softer places. You rinse her clean, using your careful hands to splash her gently, careful with the soap around her lilac eyes, your thumbs carefully brushing the skin under her eyes. You run your fingers through Ganyu’s hair. The softness of it, how the blue locks easily slip between your fingers at the motion. You spend a good five minutes just rinsing her hair. Occasionally, you press your lips to her back, leaving a trail of impossibly gentle kisses along her shoulders, down to her chest. Like there’s no need for words. Not to convey the immense amount of emotions you keep tucked between your ribs, pouring out of you with every kiss and every gentle touch to her skin.
Ganyu feels this whole situation is surreal.
She feels incredibly loved right now. In a way she hasn’t before. She thinks about all the years she’s roamed this land, of the time she spent living among the humans. She has never, in all the years she’s lived in the mortal world, felt this overwhelming sense of love. She’s always felt like an outcast around others, and she’s not used to this feeling— To feeling so incredibly cherished right now, so happy that you’re being so gentle and making her feel like she’s the only beating heart in the entirety of the universe.
She feels overwhelmed, and you notice the way her lilac eyes grow glassy as the minutes go by.
“Hey, my love.” You say, tilting your head to the side. “Something on your mind?”
“Oh. Please, don’t trouble yourself. I was just deep in thought.” Ganyu answers. She’s sitting in the bathtub, her back pressed to your front, the warm water barely reaching her shoulders. She can feel your arms lazily wrapped around her waist, your right thumb drawing circles on her naked thigh.
“I would love to hear your thoughts, if you want to share them.” You insist, gentle in your demeanor.
Ganyu takes a moment to ponder the words she wants to say. She’s watching the bubbles drift away on the surface of the water.
“Back when I first met you, I remember thinking that there was something about you I wish I had. But now, I can see it wasn’t just something about you at all.” Ganyu turns to look at you from between your arms, her stare unbearably soft, her tone too gentle, too open and familiar. “It was you. All of you. I am absurdly in love with you.”
“Absurdly?” You echo. Ganyu’s body is soft as she presses to your front, the water in between tickling your skin. “What part of being in love is absurd to you?”
A soft chuckle gets caught in her throat, and you nearly forget to take your next breath.
“Because I never thought a feeling such as this could possibly be real.” She says slowly, like she’s telling you a secret. “But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart. I want this more than I ever wanted anything. I want everything with you.” And she feels it, the words resting in her lungs that desperately longed to touch the air. “I want you. I want this forever. If… If you’ll have me.”
You brush the wet blue hair out of her back. You place it over her right shoulder and expose the back of her neck, glistening with drops of water. Shifting closer to her, you bump your nose to her shoulder blade, pressing a kiss to the porcelain skin that meets you there. You can feel her always three steps ahead of your own heartbeat. 
“I want forever with you, too. Because I’m also absurdly in love with you.” You wrap your arms around her middle a little bit closer, your chest blissfully tight with everything you feel for her. “I never loved you any more than I do now, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than I do now, right this second. You are my life.”
“And you are my heart.” Ganyu finds your gaze, moonlight in her eyes, and she kisses you again with all the love she holds in her heart. 
She isn't sure how long you stay like that. Just kissing, pausing for breath only to begin again. Ganyu is the one to finally pull away, her lips blooming in a beautiful smile meant for your eyes only. You stare back at her, the world going slower. Ganyu’s blue hair is wet, sticking to her temples, and her lips are slightly swollen. It is a sight you will treasure until the day you die.
You are beautiful, you think as she looks back at you. But it’s more than that. It’s always been something more. They say you carve your own life into all the things you want it to be, so you’ll spend your life pouring yourself into her palms and making a home for her in the circle of your arms. A place for her to belong to, as long as you’re alive.
You are everything, Ganyu thinks at the same time. You’re all that she had longed for, every good thing she’s chased for years in the wrong place. Your words of love are forever settled into her chest like they were forged from ancient stars for her ears only.
She feels you here, fingers intertwined together under the surface of the water, a prideful tribute to your lives bound forever. She’s staring into your eyes, swallowing her heart whole with a sense of belonging she never knew was there.
And you understand. You could spend a lifetime wrapped up in Ganyu’s kisses, her arms, her touch - your cheek pressed against her temple, your heart pouring out of your chest, and it’s closer than home.
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dinodinodin0 · 2 years
He brought you to me, pretty girl
Pairings: Eddie x innocent! reader
Warnings: fem!reader, Christianity, references and setting to church, daddy kink, oral sex (F!recieving) manipulation of innocent reader so obligated *dubcon*
Part one • part two
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The next day, you woke up to Eddie long gone, your window still up as the cold morning breeze hit your face. You yawn and stretch, jaw still slightly sore.
You hear your dad calling you down to the table, "y/n! Come eat breakfast pumpkin!"
You stretch and put on your bunny slippers, walking down the steps and into your kitchen.
"woah, what's up with the pajamas Y/N? It's 9:00 on the dot, you're usually up by now," you mother questioned, checking your forehead and clicking her tongue, as she found no evidence of a cold.
"oh, sorry momma, I had a long night." You said, sitting down at the table and intently watching your dad set down a plate of waffles. You pick up your fork before your mom slaps your wrist.
"ah, grace first year young lady! What has gotten into you this morning?" She said, gesturing to you as she made eye contact with your father.
You apologized and paced a quick, thank you for blessing this food, before scarfing down your breakfast.
You dad walked over to his seat and sat down, tucking a napkin into his collar.
"you alright pumpkin? You've just been a bit off today is all. You never forget grace," he says, placing his hand on yours.
"oh, I'm sorry daddy. I guess I just got to bed late. I had a boy over."
Your mother gasped but your dad kept his surprise down, asking you what you two had done while he was over.
"you didn't bring him into your room did you?" Prodded your mother.
Nuh uh, you shook your head. It was technically true, he had brought himself in. And anyway, Eddie told you not to tell your parents, like you wouldn't talk about a confession. What you did with Eddie was for his eyes and gods, and that alone.
"oh, just some prayer."
You parents sighed and smiled. They never suspected their beautiful, selfless and faithful child to be rebellious anyway.
After mealtime, your father went off to work and you told your mother you'd be helping out at the church.
At church, you did your usual morning rounds and said good morning to everyone volunteering, and the clergy's.
"hello father! How was your night at the church yesterday?" You asked, greeting him with a nod.
"oh you know y/n, the usual. Had some folks stay after communion, and had some come in for confession." He said, reviewing the schedule for the week.
"well I thought last mass was great father, wonderful as always," you smiled to him, continuing on your volunteering.
After a few hours of working, the older church workers had told you they had it handled, and to enjoy the rest of your day.
"alright, goodbye misses Jones! I hope you have more luck with your petunias. Have a good Monday father!" You call out, walking out of the main doors.
You look and startle, gasping as you see the unexpected sight of your boyfriend.
"what is with you and startling me Eddie?" You say, laughing and prancing over to him.
"why do you call the priest father?"
"oh- well it's just a sign of respect, he's our lea-" he cuts you off.
"no. Like, why not call him daddy or something," he laughs, gesturing for you to grab his hand.
You do, giggling at the thought.
"like I call my father? Oh, I get it! That's so silly."
He walks you over to his bands grarage spot,
"you should call me daddy."
You peer up at him, confused. You didn't like questioning him, but you had to admit you were perplexed.
"do you want me to call you daddy, Ed's?"
"well, I mean, it's a sign of respect isn't it? When you confess to your priest, you don't call him by his first name. And like I said, what we do is kinda like confession right?"
You nod, smiling up at him, "okay daddy!" You giggle.
He chuckled at you.
After watching him and his band mates practice, you clap supportively at them.
"you guys did so well! I love the drums, Gareth. Very... Drum-y!" You say, playing air drums briefly.
Everyone laughs at your compliment. Eddie puts his guitar back in it's case and sets it onto his back.
You realize just how strong he is. If you attempted to wear that around town, eventually you're sure it's weight would have you on your back. The guitar was huge comparitivly to you.
The feeling was back. You felt your skin warm up, cheeks flush. You felt your parts get hot, and you felt yourself grow deprived.
You get up, and tug on Eddie's jacket sleeve.
"yes doll face?"
The feelings back, you whisper anxiously.
"awh baby.. d'you wanna get outta here and pray with me then?" He questions caringly, rubbing the sides of your arm.
You nod, feeling him grab your hand and lead you to his van. He helps you up, lifting you by your waist, and getting in on the driver's side.
He calls to his band mates and tells them he'll talk to them tomorrow, then brings his arm to the back of your seat, backing out of their driveway.
He drives faster than you're used to, hand placed firmly on your thigh.
You feel yourself grow needier, rubbing your thighs together for any sort of friction.
Eddie notices, and brings his hand slyly to your center, rubbing you with his palm.
You mewl quietly, tugging your skirt over his hands as he continues to hold his hand to your warm parts. You grind up into his hand as he chuckles at how pathetic you were for him.
"we're here." He says, removing his hand as you whine at the sudden lack of contact.
"where's here?" You say, curiously.
"absolutely nowhere. I brought you somewhere nobody would see us. Private, remember? This is our secret." He tells you, watching you writhe in his seat, "hop in the back and lay down."
You do as he says, climbing over and laying down on his back seats.
"you're so pretty like this, sweet girl. So needy to worship." He cooes, prying open your legs, "and you're so wet for me, arnt you?"
You whine as he inspects you, sliding your panties off and biting his lip at the sight of your cunt.
"you're so beautiful sweetheart."
"thank you eddi-"
He grips your thighs tightly and looks up to you.
"what did you just call me?"
You swallow, eyebrows knitted in worry.
"thank you daddy."
He shifts closer to your heat.
'if you pray to me well enough, I can help you with your feeling again. I want you to beg me."
You jump at the opportunity, full of neediness.
"p-please daddy, please help me again. I need you," you plead, voice desperate and waivering.
"I'm going to put my mouth on you, can you beg for that pretty girl?" He says, rubbing your slit with his thumb.
You gasp, "goodness.. please put your mouth on me daddy, I need you down there, please "
He smirks up at you, and slowly licks a stripe from your asshole to your clit, chuckling at your attempts to stifle your sounds.
You slap your hand over your mouth as he continues to lick you, circling your clit.
"t-hank you daddy, " you cry, incredibly sensitive. You've never done this kind of thing, and every sensation was new to you. It felt amazing, you knew god was rewarding you for your efforts, and you were so greatful for Eddie, your daddy.
He sucks on your clit and groans, letting you feel the vibrations from his voice.
"I'm gonna add two fingers, alright doll?"
You barely get to react as you abruptly feel a stretching sensation, having you whimper in pain.
"daddy, daddy it hurts, I-is it supposed to?" You whine, as he gently pumps his fingers into you.
He hisses at how tight you are around him, "of course sweetheart, how else could you prove yourself to me? God makes things challenging for a reason, doesn't he?"
You nod and bear it, painful whimpers evolving into pleasurable moans.
"daddy, gosh, daddy i-i have to.. can't hold it," you cry.
"hold what baby?" He presses down on your abdomen, watching you pant.
"i-i don't know.. I feel something building down there again-" your legs attempt to close, but he prys them open.
"you gonna cum sweet girl?" You nod.
"My poor baby. C'mon, you can cum baby," he taunts you as you feel a wave if pleasure wash over you. You gush on his fingers and tongue, breathing heavily.
He cooes at you, "look at that, You're such a good girl for me. Cumming on my fingers like you did just now,"
You watch as he cleans you, then sucking yourself off of his fingers.
Your eyes feel heavy again, your body exhausted from being pushed to such limits. You grab for him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he places a kiss onto your forehead.
He lays down with you, cuddling you and rubbing your waist.
"my good girl."
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
Valentines Day With The Heathers, JD, and Veronica (Headcannons)
a/n: this wasn’t requested but considering it’s Valentine’s Day, I thought this would be cute :D hope you enjoy <3
Heather Chandler
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When it comes to the people she loves, or in this case, person, because let’s be real, she doesn’t love that many people, she goes all out.
All of your favourite flowers were delivered to your front door by the time you woke up.
When you met her at school with a kiss on the cheek by her locker, you are immediately greeted with a red bag with gold and pink tissues covering your gift.
“Read the letter first!!”
You had opened the letter that was wrapped with a white envelope and a red heart sticker maintaining it sealed shut.
‘Ma belle, you have been nothing but kind towards me since the first day I have seen you, and I am so grateful to call you my valentine. And I hope you’ll be my valentine for years to come. I love you, and happy Valentine’s Day! - Heather’
Along with the letter, there was obviously also a gift in the bag.
Or rather, gifts.
Heather had gotten you your favourite chocolate/candy, a $200 gift card to your favourite store, a new watch, and there was a little white box at the bottom.
You got it, and opened it, and it was the most gorgeous ring you’ve ever seen.
It was all you ever wanted.
“You know how I said that I was hoping, that um, you’d be my valentine for years to come? In the letter?”
“Well, what do you say?”
“Yes, of course, yes!”
Heather Duke
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She totally forgot that Valentine’s Day was meant for giving gifts to the people you love, not just receiving gifts.
She may have remembered last minute, and ran to the corner store to buy you a card and some chocolate, maybe even a cup of coffee, if you enjoy it.
She would demand the closest person to her to hand her a red or green pen.
She would write something short and sweet, along with a few little hearts around the corners of the card.
Heather would hand you the gifts when the two of you were hanging out in her backyard.
“I hope you know that I didn’t forget.”
She would then give you her coat so that you stayed warm because this is Ohio during February.
Something that would follow would be a movie marathon in her living room to movies of your choice.
Heather McNamara
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You best believe this girl has a whole schedule set up!!
“Okay, so first we’re gonna bake cookies, then we’re gonna put a movie on, then we’re gonna do each others nails, then face masks, then hair curlers-“
She had so many ideas, she couldn’t choose only one, so she chose all of them.
Painting each other’s nails each other’s favourite colour(s).
Writing each other sappy little letters for the fun of it.
Veronica Sawyer
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She calls you over to her place to have a sleepover.
Obviously she has a record player in her room, and her gift for you is hiding right behind the cart she has it on.
When you get up to her room, you immediately go over to her record player to put some background music on.
You see the bag she has ‘hidden’ and you ask her about it.
“Hey V, what’s this bag right here?”
“Oh you can bring that out, over here.”
You bring it over to her, and she pushes it slightly back into your hands.
You look at her confused obviously, and she gives you a ‘oh come on’ look.
“It’s for you, silly.”
Your face makes an ‘oh’ expression, and you ask if you can open it.
Inside, is a mixtape of all your favourite songs, along with a pair of earrings that you had been eyeing in the store the two of you went to earlier that week.
“It’s all your favourite songs, as well as a few of mine if you wanted any recommendations.”
Jason “J.D.” Dean
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He doesn’t like the concept of Valentines Day because he thinks it’s too cheesy, but does get you a couple things.
First he picks you up at your house, then drives you in his motorcycle wherever you’d like to go.
He eventually takes you to this lake close by Sherwood, and the two of you talk and have snowball fights for the next few hours.
JD then brings you to a coffee shop to warm up, and also so he can give you his gift.
After you sit back down with a cup of coffee/hot chocolate/etc., he slides a small white bag across the table.
“What’s this?”
“Open it.”
Inside is a silver heart-shaped locket, one of his favourite rings, a box of chocolate/candy, and a can of your favourite soda.
After thanking him, his face turns a shade of light warm pink, and he has a small smile throughout the rest of the day.
The two of you eventually decide to go back to his house to watch some films, or to read to each other.
When the two of you get back to JD’s house, he hands you one of his sweaters and pyjama bottoms to wear so you’re more comfortable.
The whole day is just filled with movies, jokes, and of course, kisses.
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Wrangled and Tangled
Sasuga stood by the sink washing the last of the dishes from tonights meal. She smiled softly to herself as her tail flicked behind her, happy about the sets of cups and plates she had picked out, feeling domesticated and settled looking over the two sets of dishes her and her lover had shared, something about them in the drying rack felt almost romantic to her. But maybe it was just the way the sunset was showing so pink and purple over the water that was making her feel that way, the cool summer breeze blowing in from the open Lanai. She hummed to herself a little as she dried her hand and reached for the first plate, ready to dry them herself, when the dish cloth was plucked out of her hands swiftly.
“Let me take care of that.” Simon said perching himself onto the counter and starting to dry one of their plates.
“All the left overs put away?” she asked leaning against the counters and bringing her wine to her lips.
“Most of them.” he said with a nod. “Except for the second helping I couldn’t resist, which is now residing in my stomach.”  
She laughed lightly, brushing her hair back behind her ear “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She said with a nod, moving to cozy up to him just a little bit, her eyes full of warmth, and maybe a bit of mischief. “Maybe we can enjoy some other things when you’re done putting those dishes away.” She said with a curl to her lips.
Simon returned the smile and took a moment to lean down to kiss her easily, drawing back with a little hum. “I can think of some things for sure.” He added. “But before we get too distracted.” He placed the clean plate down on the counter and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box and placing it on the counter next to her hand. “Happy Anniversary.”
Sasuga froze at the sight of the small velvet box and her large eyes went wide, slowly looking up into Simon’s face, searching for the meaning.
Simon at once realizing what she might have thought smiled and blushed. “I know we’ve talked about it, but this is just a promise ring.”  Sasuga let go of the breath she was holding with some relief. He picked the box up and opened it. “See?” inside was a thing gold band with a small rose quartz crystal cut into the shape of a heart that side horizontal to the finger. He reached for her left hand and slid it on to her ring finger kissing it into place. “I love you Sasuga, I know that this might not be perfect, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Sasuga looked to the ring on her finger, feeling tears pull at the corner of her eyes. He hopped down from the counter “Oh no….is it too much? I know we said we weren’t going to do anything, that dinner was enough but-“
She shook her head “Don’t be stupid.” She said choking back her emotions. “I love it. I love you….Thank you.” She looked at the ring again before reaching up to tug on one of his horns pulling him down into a kiss. “Forget the dishes….come on.” She said, her tail already snaking up around his waist to guide him toward their bedroom.
Coyote woke up with a start, staring up into the dark ceiling above him. He contemplated for a moment what that dream could have meant, and his jaw tightened in his face. Did Sasuga sleep with Simon while he was away, it was the only rule he had given. Or maybe that had made the whole thing more enticing for the two of them. Still, why would Sasuga end up with Simon, he had the feeling he was absent, that house not looking familiar to him in the slightest. He closed his eyes again, almost willing it to come back to him, but some of the finer details were already fading from his memory, and all he remembered was the way the pair looked longingly at each other before they kissed. He gave a little growl and pushed himself up quickly to throw on some jeans and a shirt.
“Coyote?” Shishi asked lifting his head from where he was curled up on one of the pillows. “Where are you going?” he asked rubbing one of his eyes sleepily.
“I’m heading back to the Makai” he told Shishi as he pulled his shirt down over his torso.
The imp eyed the view appreciatively before his senses snapped back to him. “Should I be worried?” he asked knowing of Coyote’s sometimes prophetic dreams, and he wondered if he had some type of vision of Sasuga’s fights. “Do you want me to come with you?���
Coyote shook his head. “No. No. It’s nothing like that it’s….” only he wasn’t entirely sure he could begin to really understand it himself. He shook his head “Sasuga’s fine. I just need to see her. I only had that one other show at the end of the week anyway, stay here, I’ll go tell Russell to pack everything up and head on home. You’ll be fine finding a flight right? I mean, stay the night, don’t leave on my account.”
Shishi laughed “Oh it was that kind of dream was it?” he grinned. “Okay, Well, tell her I said hello and get back safely.” He said as he yawned and laid back down to sleep. “I’m sure Kurama and Gatlin will be happy to have me home, if they haven’t torn each other apart yet…”
Coyote slapped on his cowboy hat and grabbed a jacket though he felt his skin burning. “And you remember what we said about this right?” he asked as he headed toward the door.
“My lips are sealed.” Shishi murmured. “Not a word to anyone”
“Especially to Sasuga.” He confirmed hand on the door.
“Especially Sasuga.” Shishi promised “She’d probably be more upset with me than you anyway” and waved him off.
Coyote found himself easily at his ring manager’s trailer, pounding on the door. He felt bad to be waking Russell up like this but he knew he couldn’t just disappear in the middle of the night and leave Shishi to explain for  him, things looked weird enough having him around. Russell answered the door, looking as if he was still blinking back sleep. “Coyote, everything alright?” he asked looking around.
“No…Um no, there was a fire back at the ranch.” He said lying on his feet. Thinking easily of the fire at Thom’s he could use as a cover even if the time line wouldn’t match up. He figured it would never get back to Russell anyways. The manager looked concerned. “It’s nothing big, a small one thank god, no one hurt, but I really should get out there, I know we only have the exhibit at the end of the week so I was just going to head home now. Would that be too much of a pain for ya’ll to handle?”
Russell cleared the sleep from his eyes with his hand “Yeah, yeah I can handle it no problem. Take care, hope it’s as small as you say.” He said and headed back to his bed.
Coyote made one more stop, saying farewell to Poncho in his trailer, before he headed towards the nearest portal in the woods, which was still pretty far, and Coyote had to be careful no one saw him as he slipped into the woods and transformed, having to sprint as fast as he could to reach the portal before daylight. He was glad he had the foresight to try and keep his motorcycle as close to him as possible, as the only other way he could have gotten there was to fly back home and then race to her, and he wasn’t sure he could stand being on a plane the way he was feeling.  All cooped up without being able to run or move, or do anything. It would have been torture, not like the past few weeks hadn’t been. The time away from Sasuga had been harder than he’d like to admit, and he already knew he would never plan on being away from her like this again. All the time away from her he had felt like pulling his skin off. He had helped Thom around her house before he left, and at the rodeo he did more of the manual work than anyone really wanted him to. He ran Poncho as often as he felt he could without causing the poor animal too much strain, and then would run laps as fast as he could as long as he could well into the night. But it was never enough, the women that tried to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the rodeo corral still enticed him to the point he had to nearly run back to his RV. All that hair, perfume, and how the hell where they making such good bras now adays? Though he was sure that some of breasts out there weren’t only held up by a bra but maybe some type of surgery, that didn’t sway him away any. Then the fact that in some of the more populous areas there were actual demon women in the crowds, and those he really had to avoid. He was sure they’d sense something about him, and he was doing his best to be incognito. Luckily his prior years of fooling around with plenty of the women at these things rarely had any of his crew spotting him being social, so now that he was hiding out on his own it went unnoticed. Coyote tried to run himself ragged, exercise, the rodeo, his variety of plants and a few sex toys paired unironically with the body pillow he had snuck on board, none of it had done the exact trick. Which had then led him to call Shishi. It had been a long shot, but it didn’t take much convincing getting him to come out to see him in secret, even if he was a bit miffed at having to mostly stay hidden at the events. Coyote let him have the pass into where the wives or girlfriend’s normally sat, and he posed in his refinery during the events when it fancied him. It had helped tire him out, but he still hadn’t been getting enoug
He thought he could remain out here for the full month, and they had gotten so close, it was almost silly to run now. But after the dream with her and Simon he just couldn’t deny the ache he felt for his mate any longer and he had to find his way back to her. Dawn was just about to break as he reached the portal and he wasted no time heading through it and heading towards where he had hidden his bike. He felt like a dog that had gotten a scent, and he wasn’t going to rest until he got to her. **** Four days later still hours from dawn, Coyote stashed the bike behind the hotel, barely taking care to hide it, and stumbled into the lobby. He had all the faith in the world that Sasuga was still in the tournament, and held the most hope that meant she was still in the hotel room that he had the key stashed for. He limped into the lobby where the clerk paled at the site of him. “Sir….” He said rushing around the desk and towards him. “Do you need a medic?” he asked looking him over.
Coyote didn’t waste the energy to speak to him and only shook his head as he stumbled forward before catching his balance again. He knew what he looked like, but wasn’t stopped as it was clear the clerk in his pristine uniform was afraid to touch him at all.
“Is there someone I can call?” he said walking along side him as Coyote shuffled to the elevator, bracing himself against the lobby wall and causing a smear of blood to press into the wall paper.
Coyote considered it for a moment, but shook his head again. If Sasuga was still in the tournament this late in the game there was a chance she was injured as well, and he wanted her to save her strength for fighting. He’d be okay. He just needed a shower, some stitches, and her.
The clerk did not follow him into the elevator, being the main hotel for the tournament he was surely not the only injured guest they received, and he retreated back to their desk, probably to call for maintenance to clean up whatever other mess Coyote had left behind him. He leaned against the wall as it started it’s ascension toward the upper floors, again leaving a smear of dirt and blood where his shoulder braced himself. A few droplets of blood dripping from somewhere onto the floor. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to reach it’s destination, the doors pausing once as a couple was about to get on, but after seeing him let him go on without a question. Coyote almost passed out, unsure if it was from blood loss or exhaustion, but the dinging and wooshing of the doors riled him, and he staggered out into the hallway. Knowing he was so close to Sasuga spurred him on, and he was relieved to find that the card key still worked. He let himself into the hotel room, finding it dark and quiet and he did his best to move with stealth into the bathroom. He passed the bed and spotted Sasuga sleeping peacefully by herself, he was grateful for this because with the rage that was still somewhat in his veins if he had found Simon with her he might have taken a regrettable action. In that moment iat took everything in him to not simply cover her with himself, though with how dirty he was he knew it would only concern her more. There was blood in his mouth and under his fingernails, matting his hair down and sticking to his hat. Better to clean himself up first, and he shut the bathroom door behind him before turning on the light.
He did his best not to look at himself in the mirror, but finding it a necessity to assess some of the damage. If he had made it this far like this it couldn’t have been too bad. Still he was in rough shape. Not only was his face cut, bruised, and swollen, but he had also lost enough weight that he appeared gaunt under the torn and dirty clothes he wore. He slowly undressed, assessing each wound, fresh bruises forming on top of old ones, some cuts that were still bleeding every time he moved, gashes that would no doubt need to be closed up. He hissed as some of the clothing stuck to him where blood had dried, let his effects fall to the floor, his gun empty and tucked back in his holster, and stepped into the shower letting the water strike at his feet until it was warm enough to step into. He braced himself against the wall, letting it flow over his hair and down his back, feeling the sense of relief start to fill him as well. He had made it, he was close to resting, and he was close to his mate, that was all he could ask for right now.
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theprettynosferatu · 2 years
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April 1:
I’m so confused, and I feel so, so dumb. My head is swimming but my pussy is warm and wet and needy. It feels good to be dumb. Dumber is wetter. Wetter is better. Still, I am so… so stupid! Such a stupid cunt. I was so sure Daddy had named me Candy! But I was confused. Daddy says I get mixed up sometimes because I’m just a silly girl and Daddy is so smart so he can’t be wrong. Still, I can’t shake the feeling I was Candy… but Daddy explained I’m Kitty, not Candy! How could I get that wrong? How could I have been so dumb? God, it feels so good… 
Maybe I should go back and correct this diary but reading makes my head hurt. It’s so hard! No, better to let Daddy think for me. I am Kitty. I have always been Kitty. I need to remember that. Daddy told me to edge so I won’t forget. I am Kitty. I have always been Kitty. I was just confused and silly. Fuck, that word feels so good to write. Silly. Silly. Silly. Just a silly dumb pet. Maybe I… I shouldn’t write while edging. I’m so fuzzy… But I need to write and I need to edge because Daddy said so and I don’t even know what I’m writing anymore. I’m Kitty. I have always been Kitty. I get confused, so I need Daddy to think for me. I am Kitty. I’m a fuckdoll. I’m a pet. I have always been a dumb fuckdoll. Thinking is for men. I just need to be cute and empty and serve cock… I need to edge more. I need to…
April 4:
I get it now! God, I was so mixed up! I’m Kitty and Candy is my sister! Duh! I feel so embarrassed! How could I mix that up? I guess I’m even dumber than I thought! But Daddy tells me that’s a good thing. Dumb is happy, and I’m so happy being dumb and wearing my kitty costume and pleasing Daddy’s cock! Why would I ever want to be smart? Smart people have such hard lives… like Daddy. He’s super smart so he has to think for me and for Candy and also work! That’s why the least I can do is obey him and be a good girl for him. I owe him so, so much. 
Oh! Daddy gave me new things to edge to! He put them all inside a tablet for me. He’s so thoughtful! I’m giggling just thinking about it. I’m the luckiest fucktoy in the world. I think I’ll wear my schoolgirl uniform tomorrow, along with my kitty ears. I mean, Daddy teaches me so much about the world and about myself that it makes sense. 
Enough writing! I have to edge! Daddy says I’ll have to edge a lot and look at all the yummy things he prepared for me before I can meet my sister. I can’t wait!
April 5:
I’m so confused… I spent all night edging, but the videos Daddy gave me were not what I expected. Usually I get hypno and good girls edging and good toys getting used and abused and I love it! But this time… I don’t know how to feel. I’m trying to remember, but they all bleed together because I got so fuzzy… Thinking is hard, but Daddy says I have to make this diary, so I’ll try.
The first one had a hot older woman, a brunette with amazing plastic tits and I wanted to see a cock between them but the man didn’t even touch her! Instead a younger girl showed up and told her how useless she was and the man fucked the younger woman while the brunette edged looking at them, fucked herself while the younger woman and the man told her how amazing and tighter the petite blonde felt, how much better she was at sucking cock, and I could tell the brunette wanted to feel that cock but wasn’t allowed and so all she could do was edge.
Then I watched another one, with a blonde this time that went and found another girl for her hubby to use in front of her, and the new girl made the blonde lick her pussy and then made her cum with her own tongue as the man said how much better the new girl was… and in the end the end the blonde didn’t even get cum! The man came on the new girl and the blonde begged and begged just to lick it off…
And I was edging and suddenly something weird happened as I watched the videos and I kinda wished another cunt could see Daddy using me… While another girl just… edges to us… Still… I mean, I don’t know how I feel, all I know is my pussy started to love the idea and I got so wet and I… I don’t understand. Do I want Daddy to use me in front of another girl? I don’t know what I want, and that only makes me hornier. Dumb is sexy, and what could be dumber? Maybe not just any other girl… but when I meet my sister slave… 
Fuck. That felt good. I am just a toy and I adore Daddy. I’d do anything to please Him. I’m still so confused, tho… But Daddy will explain. Daddy will tell me how I feel. He knows me better than I know myself.
April 7:
I feel so, so good… And so lucky! Daddy took a lot of time off his busy day just to explain things to me! It all seems so obvious now, like, duh. Of course I should have understood before, but I’m just a dumb toy with a Daddy that is kind and patient and explains things. 
He let me suck his cock and edge as he explained. I am an empty, dumb doll. Daddy can play with other dolls, obviously! No one eats the same thing every day, or plays the same game every day, so of course Daddy wouldn’t use the same toy every day. It’s so clear! And Daddy’s pleasure is all that matters. His pleasure is my pleasure, so if his cock feels good with another girl watching, my obedient cunt feels good too! 
My cunt is so much stronger than me. And smarter, too! Daddy showed me. Like, I’d never think I’d enjoy the feeling of another woman playing with me, but…
Fuck, I’m getting so horny… I keep pausing to play with my titties! But I really, really need to write this down.
So, daddy talked to me and his voice was so calming and so clear and so… and I felt myself falling deeper and deeper… getting wetter and wetter… my body was floating and I think some words and images were flashing… I can’t be sure. But I just… felt whatever Daddy told me to feel and it was like my mind was just another object for him to use… I felt someone kissing my neck, teasing my nipples and electricity snaked all over my skin and I moaned… and then I felt something warm and wet teasing my pussy and it felt so, so fucking good… I didn’t know what it was, just a feeling at first and I loved it so much… And I think time kinda stopped because I can’t remember how long I spent there, enveloped by that pleasure…
Then Daddy explained that I was feeling Candy… Candy’s tongue on my cunt, her bimbo lips on my tits, her hands caressing me… and I was so mixed up… I don’t like girls… I thought so, at least… but Candy… her tongue made my pussy feel so, so good… and if my pussy felt so good with Candy’s tongue licking it, it meant I did like girls… well, not girls, but… yes, my sister… I… of course I want my sister to kiss me and lick me and rub her amazing tits all over me… my pussy told me so and Daddy told me so and my pussy knows best and it obeys Daddy… and Daddy explained that good sister slaves play with each other for their Daddy. Of course they do! Anything that makes Daddy’s cock hard is good and so I like it… And her tongue felt so amazing! And I was so dizzy and disoriented and confused but his words were an anchor to hold on to, the only truth I ever need.
“How do you feel?”, asked Daddy.
“So good”, I managed to mutter.
“Do you like girls?”, he asked. I felt so mixed up! I… did I?
“I don’t… I… fuck…”
“You like how your sister’s touch feels, don’t you?”
“Y-yes… Yes! I love it! It feels so, so good… makes me so wet… and wet makes me dumb… and obedient… and she’s so good, Daddy… so good with her tongue…”
“So you like your sister, and she’s a girl”
“Yes… but… I’m not… I’m so confused…”
“Don’t worry, Kitty. Daddy will explain so you can clear your silly little head. You like it when Daddy explains things”
“Oh yes, please, please, tell me what I feel, what I like… I feel so empty and mindless and happy when you explain things…”
“You like to make your sister lick you and kiss you and touch you. It drives your pussy crazy. You are seeing other girls differently, slowly. Wondering how they’d feel between your legs. How skilled their tongues are”
“Yes… yes…”
“And above all, you want it because I want it and you’re a good toy. You want to put on a show if I tell you to, even if that means finding a hot girl to join you”
“Of course… put on shows… for Daddy…”
“Good girl”
And then we were there and… and Candy wasn’t. Like… I felt her! But it was all in my head, Daddy said. I’m so weak and horny Daddy can make me feel anything… and I could only crawl to him, worship him, wrap my tits around His cock and give him pleasure…
He covered me in warm cum and I licked it all off, pawing at myself like the kitty slut I am. I’m so lucky… so lucky…
And Daddy says I’ll get to meet Candy for real very soon!
April 9:
The weirdest thing happened in the gym today. I’m, like, so confused… but Daddy told me to write about it, put things in order and try to understand. Why? Why would he let me try to think? I’m not good at thinking, and I don’t like thinking, but I do as Daddy says, so I’ll try to start from the beginning.
I arrived at the gym feeling super happy. I love the gym! Sometimes I hear girls complain about it but I don’t get it. To me the gym is a place to become better, sexier, tighter, a more perfect fuckdoll for my Daddy. Sometimes it gets me into trouble because even though Daddy isn’t there with me I can see him in my head, giving me his approval after every rep, every exercise. My very movements are a form of worship, a step in my goal to mold myself into His perfect toy. When I’m on the treadmill I think about a pet running in place in its wheel and it feels so fucking good to know I’m Daddy’s pet and so of course I get super wet and ditzy and sometimes I moan a little bit and other people look at me weird, and the men try to hide their boners. Silly men! Making cock hard is the highest honor! But the girls look at me with meanness in their eyes. I guess they don’t have a Daddy that makes them happy.
Listening to Daddy’s audios while I work out feels amazing, but maybe it makes me whimper and moan a bit too much. I think I babble sometimes, I can’t tell. Maybe the other girls don’t like that? 
Anyway, I did super, super well today. I think the idea that Candy will be coming home soon is giving me a lot of energy! That’s good, because it means when we live together we’ll both have extra energy to please Daddy. At least I hope so! I hope Candy feels that way about me. Is it weird to kinda love a sister you’ve never met? I don’t care. It’s like she’s swimming in my head while Daddy looks at us both, two perfect sister slaves forever drifting in pleasure and obedience…
Fuck, I’m making myself horny again… no, I have to write what happened. I can edge later.
So, I worked out a lot and I was so sweaty but I liked that because it made my boobies glisten. Maybe I should get a gym top, but I don’t like how they cover me up too much and press my tits down so they look smaller. I have big tits so I can show them! And the guys working at the gym like the tops I use, too. Anyway, I had to take a shower before coming back home, and I was in the locker room and I saw this girl… I mean, I’d seen her before, I’m sure of it… but it was like for the first time I was, like, seeing her. My eyes focused on her green eyes, her freckles, her short, red hair… and I wasn’t trying to stare, I swear, but it was as if I was suddenly discovering a new person, or a new side to a person I knew, or… I don’t know how to explain it. I saw her petite body and noticed how well proportioned it was, how she was like, super sexy in a small package, almost like a miniature little sex doll… and she was getting naked and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. And I don’t like girls, I think… but in my head I could see her, legs open, watching and rubbing as daddy fucked my titties and I so, so wanted that… I wanted to make her lick my pussy and kiss me and let my hands roam her curves while Daddy watched us… It’s like I could taste her lips, her tongue… And I started getting so fucking soaked… My heart was racing and I knew I was being like, super obvious, but I just couldn’t look away. What does that mean? I’m so confused…
And then she noticed me. I’m sure of it. I expected her to cover up, to get offended or something. Instead she smiled and kept slowly drying herself, like she knew she was sending my mind spinning and she was enjoying it… and I just… froze there, dripping through my shorts… And I don’t know how long I was there, but then she was dressed in jeans and a rock t-shirt and on her way out she smiled, winked and cheekily stung her pierced tongue out at me. I started shaking, tore my clothes off and rushed to the showers. 
I… I’m not bi, but… God, I sat on the floor and let the water fall with full pressure on my pussy and I panted and drooled and images mixed and bled together in my head, and I saw the girl and I saw Daddy’s cock and both seemed so tasty and I wanted to be used by Daddy and to use the girl and to serve together… and I came so, so, hard that I screamed! I had to get out as soon as possible or someone might think something bad had happened.
And walking down the street, I… I don’t understand. I’m so dumb… but it was like I had new eyes and was seeing girls for the first time, like… like I was asleep to something inside me and now that part is wide awake and how didn’t I notice how amazing, how beautiful women are before? It’s like… impossible not to get distracted by them. I saw all kinds of beauty, of sexiness. I saw girls in skirts, in pants, in shorts… cute blonde girls and strong goth girls and slutty girls wearing low-cut tops, and I didn’t know where to look… is this how straight men see girls all the time? How can they even walk around town, surrounded by so many cute women? 
In the end I arrived and told Daddy and he told me to write and understand. I’ve written, so I’m supposed to understand. I’m not sure I do. I should go back and read what I wrote.
Fuck, reading that I can’t keep my hands off my pussy… I… Daddy told me I like when Candy licks me… and Candy is a girl… fuck… and now… maybe… 
Fuck, I came! I came and now I understand! How could I be so silly? I like Candy and Candy is a girl and so maybe I can like other girls but I like Candy the most of other girls and I adore Daddy above all! Does that make me, like… bi? I don’t care. I like what I like, what Daddy tells me to like, and I don’t need labels other than Slave, Slut, Pet, Toy, Bimbo… 
It’s still confusing, but I’m sure Daddy will make things clear soon. Candy will be arriving any day now, and Daddy will tell us both all we need to know, all we need to be. I never had a sister before, and now Daddy is giving me not only a sister, but a super hot sister slut! I’m so, so lucky. Daddy is the best. I should do something special for him… I wonder if he’d like to see and use the girl from the gym. Could I do that for him? Find him other girls? I don’t know, but if Daddy likes the idea, I’ll be the best at picking up girls for him.
It’s the least he deserves, after all! 
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