#and shes having a hella nice sleep
reidmania · 2 months
STILL | spencer reid
summary ; loosing based off still by niall horan. You and spencer broke up and when you see him at a bar a month later everything comes back.
warnings; this is long pure angst with a (?) happy (?) hopeful ending. imma say female reader because there so many little things that indicate that. hella miscommunication, arguing, drinking, jealous spencer, i think its a happy ending idk tbh, let me know if i missed anything
a/n ; this is 4k words. i did not intend that at all, i honestly got so insanely carried away. im so sorry.
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You regretted everything, in this moment more than any other. You didn't know how you were possibly stupid enough to be dragged into going out tonight. When your coworkers approached you with the idea of going out for drinks after work as a way to celebrate your promotion, you shouldn't of let yourself get sucked in. It took some convincing till you eventually gave in, but you did -- give in.
Going home to change may not have been the best idea, since it gave you enough time to realise what you were doing and how much you really didn't want to go but you knew your coworkers wouldn't accept your cancelation. So instead you made yourself look presentable, good even.
Things had been difficult to say the least over the last month, while things at work were great, mentally everything was horribly. It had been a month since you and Spencer broke up. A month since the last time the two of you talked.
He had called a few times, but you could never bring yourself to answer despite how badly you wanted to talk to him, some night you would spend hours unable to sleep, staring at his contact, although you never went through will calling him, too scared he wouldn't answer.
Once dressed you left, calling an uber because you knew it was a bad idea to even take your car -- the whole point was to drink, and you would need to drink. As much as you loved your coworkers, you could only handle so much social interaction without liquor in your system.
Arriving, you noticed the group of your coworkers waiting for you outside. You pushed a smile to your lips as you approached them. You had many coworkers of course, but you had your bunch who you worked with closely, the ones here with you now.
Elise was your work best friend, you and her worked side by side everyday. She was the one who convinced you to come out. Ethan was another one who you worked with closely, but weren't nearly as close with. Frank was older, he was almost like the father of your job, and then there was Chelsea who was literally franks daughter, she was nice, easy to get along with.
"Theres they are!!" Elise said excitedly, you appreciated the way they all dressed up. You were met with a bundle of flowers, being held out by Ethan. "We got you these, as a congrats present" He smile.
You're entire face warmed as your chest did too. You were lucky to be surrounded by a group of people who cared as much as they did. "Aw, Thank you guys." You smiled widely as you took the flowers, not knowing what you were going to do with them inside the bar -- but you figured you'd worry about that later.
You followed them inside the bar, instantly finding a table. Everything sunk into place, everyone talking and chatty after ordering drinks and a round of shots, -- it was great.
But there was something missing.
You tried not to think about it as you swirled your straw around your glass, filled with alcohol. "You look bored" You turned your head to face Elise. You pushed a soft chuckle pass your lips, shaking your head.
"Im not bored" You denied, because you weren't. You were just waiting and hoping that the pit of empitiness in your stomach would disapear so you could enjoy yourself. She frowned, "Come on, Lets go get shots" She said, offering her hand which you took gracefully.
As you walked over to the table where your coworkers were sitting at to find out if they also wanted another round of shots or not, Elise grew sidetracked, helping Chelsea out with the zipper of her dress that was breaking.
"Ill come with you" Ethan opted, making you smile gratefully as you thanked him. The two of you wandered through the bar, through the crowd of people before you finally reached the bar.
You and ethan made small talk as you waited for the bartender. When he finally came, Ethan ordered. A round of tequila shots. The bartender nodded, it was busy -- so he was doing everything fast. "I am not drinking tequila!!" You gasped as you looked at Ethan.
"Yeah you are" He smiled back.
The smile stayed on your face, "Tequila makes me sad" You said honestly. He pouted dramatically, although you can tell it was sarcastic. "Well we cant have that" He sighed just as dramatically, "I promise if you do get sad, we will make sure to cheer you up"
You smiled but couldn't help but doubt his words -- you knew what you'd get sad about, and you weren't sure anything he did would cheer you up from a sadness like that. The one you could feel in your whole body, every movement.
"Important night?" The bartender asked, as he poured the shots. You went to deny it, not wanting the attention but Ethan spoke before you could. "Yep" He said popping the P, "Pretty girl here got a promotion" He said, squeezing your shoulder softly.
You forced out a chuckle as the bartender congratulated you. Pretty girl was the nickname your coworkers had given you -- it was teasing at first and it started from Elise, but it kind of just stuck.
You got your shots and walked back through the bar holding the tray carefully, as you returned to the table you immediantly got a bad feeling in your stomach, something was off, something was wrong. You could see it in Elise's face as she looked at you.
"What?" You chuckled, furrowing your eyebrows as you placed the tray down on the table. She looked almost guilty, as she shook her head, brushing it off. "Nothing" She said, reaching out for a shot.
Your concern and confusion only grew. "What?" You asked again, there was obviously something wrong. You noticed Chelsea looking in a certain direction, the same direction Elise's eyes kept drifting over to.
Your eyebrows furrowed deeper as you turned your head to look in the direction they were, despite Elise' protests. You almost wish you listened. You felt your entire heart sink.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him -- Spencer Reid. He was already looking at you when you turned your head. You stomach dropped so far you swore you could feel in in your pinky toe.
You heard your name, but you could hardly pull your eyes away from him. He looked good. So good it made your head spin in a million different directions at once. Hearing your name again you finally pulled your eyes away from his, turning your head to face Elise who had concern lacing her features.
"Oh- Gosh- Are you okay?" She rushed.
You felt like your chest had been stepped on. You didn't say anything, instead reaching for the shot glass that remained, and downing it instantly. "I need to get drunk." You muttered.
"Whos that?" Ethan asked, he wasn't quite as caught up in your love life as Elise and Chelsea were. Chelsea scoffed. "Her ex, He is an ass" She said, Elise was quick to nod in agreement. Frank stood minding his own business, but you knew he was listening, he was always listening.
"He's not" You defened, because he wasn't. If there was an ass in the breakup, it was you. You weren't sure what sucked more.
Before Chelsea or Elise could say anything you spoke first, "Can we go get more drinks-- and move closer to the bar, I think ill be going there a lot" You muttered, grabbing the boquet of flowers you had been given.
Everyone was quick to agree, taking their stuff before finding an empty table closer to the bar.
You did exactly as you thought you would -- 4 drinks later, you were a lot mor tipsy but nothing seemed to take the pressure off your chest or cool the heat that Spencer eyes left on you everytime you looked over to see him already looking.
When everyone was engrossed in coversation you excused yourself to the bar, feeling the need for another drink or ten. When you literally asked for the most alcoholic drink possible, the bartender laughed but agreed.
"Congraulations" You swore your heart dropped at the voice. Your hands froze in place and you could feel the sweat building on the back of your neck. You turned your head, finally facing him.
Your eyes ran over his features -- his hair had grown out, it looked good. You wanted to tell him that but you couldn't. "H-How do you.." You wondered how he knew about your promotion, you were sure it hadn't been posted anywhere.
He rolled his eyes, nudging his head towards the table where your coworkers sat, you turned you head to look at them, noticing Ethan's and Elise's eyes on you and Spencer. "Your boyfriend isn't exactly quiet." He muttered, there was something spiteful about the way he spoke.
You whipped your head around to face Spencer, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before the realistion dawned on you -- He had heard Ethan tell the bartender about your promotion earlier. "He isn't my boyfriend--Why do you even care." You huffed.
Spencer scoffed quietly, "Yeah Im sure, The flowers and 'pretty girl' really prove that" His tone was laced with jealously. He was jealous. You shook your head as you pulled your eyes away from his face. "It's been a month" He muttered, quieter.
You frowned at the mention at how long it had been since the two of you broke up. "I am well aware of how long its been" You held back from calling him Spence, it was like muscle memory. "The flowers were from all of them" You defended, although there was no reason you needed to defend nor explain yourself to him. "And pretty girl- its a joke-- they all call me that." You muttered.
"I called you that."
His tone still held so much jealously but sounded so much sadder. It made your stomach clench on nothing but the alcohol you had consumed, you turned your head to face him before looking away again, unable to handle the way his expression pulled on your heartstrings.
"I know" You said just as quietly.
The bartender handed you your drink with an apology of how long it took -- you hadn't even noticed. Drink now in your hands yet you couldn't find it in yourself to move. You could smell Spencer's cologne and it was consuming your senses and making your mind fog.
Spencer ordered his own drink after the bartender asked, before he turned to look at you again. "I called." He said.
You wanted to cry-- you wanted to sink into the pit in your stomach and stay there forever. You felt yourself grow dizzy -- he made you dizzy. "I know" You said quietly, scared if you spoke any louder your voice would give out on you. it broke your heart to be standing here next to him, when he had no idea you loved him, when you had no idea if he ever loved you-- let alone if he still did.
He didn't say anything, you assumed it was because he didn't know what to say. He knew you were actively ignoring his calls-- What was there to say to that.
Spencer got handed his drink, he muttered a quiet thanks, but made no movement to leave his place next to you, you didn't either. Neither of you said anything. You felt as if your feet were glued in place -- although you weren't sure if you wanted to move either. It had been a month since you had seen him, and as much as it gutted you to think about, you didn't want to leave yet just incase this really was the last time.
"He isn't my boyfriend, he- he isn't anything more than a friend." You said again, although you didn't look at him, keeping your head down as you sipped your drink through your straw. You didn't need to push so hard for him to understand -- but the last thing you wanted was for Spencer to think you had moved on that quick, it almost offended you that he genuinely believed you did.
He opened his mouth to reply, but felt a hand on his back, cutting him off. He looked behind him to see Derek. "What's taking so long, Reid" He asked, a teasing smile on his face. You looked behind you at the sound of his voice, meeting his eyes his smile fell slightly as he realised what was taking Spencer so long.
"Hi derek" You pushed a smile to his lips - of course Spencer was here with his team, you should've realised that. They probably just got back from a case, which explained Spencer's business attire, but he wore that more often then not anyways.
"Hey!! How are you doing!" He smiled back, opening his arms to hug you gently. It was friendly a simple. You were close with a lot of Spencer's friends and team, being his plus one to everything for months. Penelope had reached out after you and Spencer broke up, but just like with Spencer you couldn't bring yourself to reply.
"Im okay, how are you?" You asked. You could feel Spencer's eyes on your face and it left a burning sensation where his eyes laid as you pulled away from Derek's hug. "Im good! We've missed you around shortcake" It was a nickname, because of a strawberry shortcake shirt you had worn one time when out with Spencer.
You just smiled in response. You missed them too, a lot. They were your friends, and you hated how you lost that and Spencer all at once, but they were his friends first. "I'll leave you guys be." You muttered, forcing a smile to your lips as you avoided Spencer's gaze, pushing off the bar.
Spencer said your name and it made your head spin, it felt so natural falling from his lips, like it belonged there. If you had to pick only one person to say your name for the rest of your life, it would be Spencer.
You kept walking none the less, holding your drink in your hand as you approached the table. You put it down gently as Chelsea and Elise were instantly at your side, asking what happened or if you were okay.
"I think Im going to go home" You muttered as you felt the all familiar tingle in the bridge of your nose, matching the lump in your throat and burn in the back of your eyes. It was too much.
"Do you want me to drive you?" Frank asked, the fatherily instincts coming into play when he noticed the look on your face -- there was no convincing you to stay. You just shook your head, "Im okay, Thank you" You muttered, as you began grabbing your stuff.
"I'll walk you out" Ethan offered, but you were quick to shake your head. You didn't need to look to know Spencer's eyes were on you from across the bar, the last thing you wanted was to only deepen his concern by leaving with Ethan. "I really just want to be alone." You said, pushing a half hearted smile to your lips, he frowned but nodded.
You said your goodbyes before pushing through the people in the bar towards the door. Once outside, it dawned on you how hot you were, the cold air giving your flushed cheeks a cooling sensation. You dragged your hand over your face as you tried to process what had just happened without bursting into tears.
You opened the uber app on your phone, wanting to get home to wallow in every emotion you had been pushing down for the last month. You should've known tonight was going to end badly.
"Theres been over 3,900 cases of sexual assult or physical violence from ubers"
You turned your head to see Spencer standing at the door to the bar, not far from you but not close. The street wasn't busy, it was dark and only lit by the streetlights.
"Thats less than one percent" You muttered, pulling your gaze away from him. "Who said I was getting an uber?" You asked, despite the fact that you were, it baffled you how he seemed to know everything all the time.
"You're alone, I cant see your car anywhere and the app is open on your phone" He said as if it was nothing. He was a profiler for godsake, of course he picked up on the tiniest things.
You sighed, closing your phone you placed it in your bag, "So what?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest - now that the heat had somewhat worn off the cold air was leaving goosebumps over your arms.
"So, let me drive you home." He said.
Your eyes widened as you turned to look at him, shaking your head. "No. Its fine. I think I can handle less than one percent" You muttered, turning away from him again when the heat began rising to your cheeks again under his gaze.
You could hardly handle standing a foot away from him, you doubted you would be able to last a ten minute drive back to your house in the car next to him, you were sure the tension would suffocate you within seconds.
"Why do you do that" He asked taking a step closer to you. You were already resting with your back against the wall, there was no where for you to back away to even if you wanted to. You furrowed your eyebrows as you met his eyes, he looked sad.
"Do what?" You asked as your voice hitched, the pit in your stomach only deepening the more you looked at him, the closer he got the tighter your chest grew, the more he spoke the more your cheeks heated.
He sighed, "Push me away!" He raised his voice slightly, not in a way of anger but pure frustration. He was so frustrated.
"I don- We broke up Spencer" You reminded.
He rolled his eyes, "I know that. Trust me I know that." He muttered under his breath as he got closer to you. "You did it our entire relationship, pushed me away, held back, and then you broke up with me, why do you do that?" He said, brows furrowed as he genuinely tried to understand.
"You know why we broke up" You muttered quietly.
He threw his arms up in distress. "No- I really don't-" He said, before dragging his hand through his hair, only making it messy. You frowned, shaking your head as you reminded him. "We were both busy -- we hardly saw each other, our heads were in different places" your voice raised to the same level as his
"My head was with you!" He shook his head, "My head was always with you!" He sighed, he wasn't shouting, not really, but it was loud enough to match your level.
Your lips parted but you didn't have anything to say. Your head was spinning at the intensity of the coversation, at him -- so close, his cologne and after shave making your stomach feel sickly.
"I thought-" You ran your hand over your face as tears brimmed your eyes.
"You thought, you didn't ask me-- you just- broke up with me" He was shouting now. You genuinely thought your heart had fallen out of your chest. "You pushed me away, and then left like it meant nothing, like it all meant nothing." His voice was breaking with every word as his voice rasied
"It didn't- i didn't think it meant nothing" You were shouting too, and tears ran down your face -- you were unable to help it, each drop hotter and heavier than the last.
"Just be honest, I just- I just need you to be honest, please" He was on the verge of tears himself, and you hated it. You hated the way his voice was breaking, the way his hand was grabbing his shirt, pressing against his chest as if this conversation was bringing him physical pain-- like it was to you.
"You want me to be honest?" You asked, you were now the one stepping closer to him, you were the one shouting -- not out of anger, but you couldn't better express the way this conversation was all consuming every part of your body, your mind, your stomach, your chest.
"I love you Spencer" Your voice cracked as the words came out, "I love you so much, it hurts. It physically hurts when you are gone, when I was spending everyday worrying you weren't going to come home, I love you so much that I thought me worrying about you was unfair because you love what you do, and I was constantly in the way of that. I love you so much that i thought if i broke up with you, you'd be happier -- I thought the how much I loved you would stop hurting." you were practiclly sobbing, you would have been embarassed if you mind was able to focus on anything other than the boy in front of you.
"It didn't, its actually gotten worse because everyday I wake up and your not there, and I still worry about you just as much -- more, i worry about you more. Everyday I wake up and im completely heartbroken. God everyday I wake up and Im still inlove with you, " You continued on your tangent, "I love you so much Spencer"
You didn't even have time to breath before you felt cold hands on either side of your face and the feeling of his lips on yours, you could taste the alcohol on his lips. It was familiar and safe and warm. Your hands found their way to his face, pulling him in closer to you. The kiss was messy and passionate and everything you had missed so much, it was the sort of kiss that made every thought in your brain disapear, it made your knees feel weak and your toes curl in your way to uncomfortable shoes.
You tried to pull away but his lips chased yours, bring you back into him and you didn't make any movement, only kissing him back until you ran out of air, feeling lightheaded. You stepped out of his grasp as you tried to regain balance.
"Ill teach, its not an issue i've wanted to teach, god ill stop working all together if it means you'll come back" He said out of breath, eyes never leaving yours. You opened your mouth but he cut you off. "I love you, I've loved you since the day that I met you." he was huffing out words as he stepped back closer to you, invading your space and you couldn't complain.
"I don't- I don't want you to have to do that, you love working." you said breathlessly, shaking your head. You didn't want your relationship to mean him stop doing what he loved.
"I want you" He said, voice cracking. "I love my job but I love you." He said it like he couldn't get enough of finally saying it. "I'll work it out so you can come everytime we have a case, please I love you" He was begging.
"What does this mean Spence" You said, heart beating out of your chest. He just shook his head. "Who cares! I love you, You love me. I will do anything, just.. stay - let me stay." He said, grabbing your hand.
"I love you" You repeated.
"I love you" He said back.
"Where do we go from here?" You ask, looking up at him with squinted eyes, you were sure your makeup was a mess, and you looked horrible but there was so much love and hope in Spencer's eyes you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
"Let me drive you home." He said. You knew that meant it was the beggining. You knew he meant that he didn't know but he wanted to try. He was begging and there was no way you were going to let him go again.
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year
Hii can you do like reader sleeping on seven evil exes lap hehe I Also love ur writing!!♡
tysm!!! also apologies for how late this is i was on a hiatus ;^;
sleeping on the evil exes!!
matthew patel
he tears up a little bit
one second, you're awake and talking to him and the next, you're knocked out and drooling on his leg
he thinks you look adorable (he didn't take a picture of you what are you talking about)
he's also like, uncontrollably giggling and smiling over the fact that YOU!! FELL ASLEEP!! ON HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucas lee
on the outside, he's like "hell yeah this is awesome" but you know DAMNNNN well he's screaming internally
lucas has this habit of acting like a badass on the outside but any time you do something, he's filled with an overwhelming amount of joy
he sits there with you sleeping on him for as long as he can
eventually his legs start falling asleep, so he sneakily moves your head off of his lap and onto a pillow
he also covers you up with a blanket or his jacket or whatever is around just so you don't get cold
todd ingram
treats you like a sleeping kitten
if only you were awake to see the smile on his face when he realize you were asleep, you probably would've melted
he'll run his fingers through your hair as he mumbles something under his breath about how he wishes this moment could last forever
eventually, he falls asleep sitting up
bro is hella dedicated to keep you nice and comfortable!!!
roxie richter
she honestly doesn't notice at first
she's just talking to you, telling you about her day or something that happened in this show that she's been watching, and you're not responding
at first she's like "what the heck, y/n?" and then when she realizes you're asleep, she's like "OHHHHHH" and then she's like "OH?? OH MY GOD???"
note, she's whisper-screaming to herself because she doesn't wanna wake you up
she's the kind of girl who can fall asleep anywhere, so she gets comfy next to you and crashes too
kyle katayanagi
very similarly to roxie, he's probably telling one of his crazy party stories when he realizes you're asleep
instead of stopping, he lowers his voice and keeps talking
he'll just keep telling stories until he falls asleep or until you wake up
his hand is resting on your arms as he draws circles with his thumb on it
he's really enjoying the fact that you trust him enough to just pass out on his lap like that
and you're definitely gonna get an earful of it when you wake up, because who is kyle if NOT a tease??
ken katayanagi
he's usually reading, so it takes him a moment to realize you're out
he smiles to himself, softly saying how you should've gone to bed when he said, but he still thinks it's cute
ken'll start reading to you too
he isn't sure why he does it
maybe it's something about the soothing, intimate nature of reading a book to somebody, or maybe it's just because he's ken and that's what he does
he'll bring you to bed when he's done with the chapter
he wants you to sleep well and NOT have a sore neck when you wake up, how sweet :))
gideon graves
he's a very busy guy, so this isn't new
actually it happens quite a lot
he'll get home late and you'll be falling asleep on the couch waiting for him
he greets you sweetly, sitting down next to you and putting on your favorite show to watch together
he knows that when you rest your head on his lap, you're going to fall asleep and he's more than okay with it
as much as he does love it, he tries not to get home so late that it happens in the first place
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crushedsweets · 1 year
what do you think natalie and jack interacting would be like or. if they do at all or
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jacks the only one taller than nat. ok i have words now
nat and jack met through toby, shortly after she was finally 'released' from the operator.
really it would just be nat and toby talking in jacks cabin, while jack listens. they never spent time alone together UNTIL toby and nat got into this massive argument and went weeks without speaking. this put nat on edge when she was at the barn that jeff usually crashed at, and she ended up also getting into a huge fight with jeff. so now she couldnt crash at tobys or the barn(when jeff was around) because she would get too angry.
so she went to the next place she deemed safe, jacks cabin. he accepted because he felt bad.
it was a really awkward night, but when she woke up jack awkwardly offered to make her breakfast because that's always how he was with his little siblings. she was kinda surprised, asked about it, and he awkwardly told her about how he used to cook a lot. she said smth about 'kinda ironic you dont eat this stuff then' and he just laughed. etc etc and they finally start actually talking.
natalies lack of filter and jack just accepting whatever the hell people say oddly works out...
she stays another night, she cleans up around the place because like. he sort of has like... echolocation and thermographic vision, so he gets around real easy and knows when there's stuff on the floor, but doesnt really see dust and dirt and whatever. he never even realized his place was kinda dirty and gets hella embarrassed and is like 'why the hell didnt anyone say anything' . he cleans a lot more thoroughly now. he gets so upset whenever he remembers all the times toby was there and said nothing LOL
theyre just.... so relaxed around eachother idk how to explain it. jacks always been pretty calm, and only got more quiet/distant after the sacrifice. natalie isnt super chatty but she keeps a decent conversation and he's oddly appreciative of her bluntness.
eventually they start talking about stuff they like. she shares that shes always liked stories, mentioned how toby tried reading to her bc she has pretty bad dyslexia but they thought it was cringe so she started listening to audio books, and jack was like holy crap. WHY HAVENT I THOUGHT OF AUDIO BOOKS. because hes always been a bookworm but cant read anymore on account of... well....
they listen to audiobooks together while doing their own thing. she'll be painting or something and he'll be cooking and it's overall pretty nice.
inevitably she ends up going back to the barn and her and toby reconcile, plus she doesnt really wanna live at jacks cabin cuz she sleeps on the couch and doesnt like to intrude more than she already has. but jack tells her she's always welcome
they never connect on a like, deep emotional level where they share trauma or something, but overall theyre just really good company
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𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲
🩷Sukuna x chubby reader🩷
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭: The reader is female, black ofc<3 but any race can read it if they want to, toxic!Sukuna , reader gets a good ending just because. Please know that this is probably my only "dark ish" ff unless y'all like this type of stuff so...
It was 12:45 in the morning when you got a text from Sukuna talking about. 'I'm pulling up inna second come outside.' I sigh putting on my black fuzzy slides and my (f/c) robe. I laid back on my bed cause I know Sukuna's ass not gonna be here for a while. As soon as I opened Instagram, 'Sukuna Baee ❤' was calling. "Hello?" "Where the hell are you? I told yo ass to come outside!" His voice was booming from the speaker phone. "Stop yelling at me Kuna. I told you that I don't like it when you yell at me." I say with a pout.
I could practically hear the eye roll he did and he hung up. 'I don't even wanna go in his stupid car.' I thought. I tighten my robe and open the front door going to the curb where Sukuna's car resided. I knocked on his window with a pout on my face. He rolled it down with a big ass smirk. "I know you haven't been crying." He teased. I didn't reply. "Get in." He said with a sigh. I hesitated a bit just to get under his skin. I got in the passenger seat with my arms crossed.
"What's up witchu? Smile fa' me." He smirked. "What do you want?" He leaned his head back with an attitude. "Girl, that's not how you greet a mothafucka when they're being nice to you." I didn't do anything but ignore him."I don't think I want to take part of being your girlfriend anymore Sukuna." You said with your face in the car mirror touching your face. "Fuck you mean 'you don't wanna be my girl anymore'." He mocked. "Because you don't respect me, like at all." You began. Your voice shaking a bit.
Sukuna smirked and slid down his seat a little bit to man spread. "Explain." He said. "Okay, whenever I'm with my home girls, you're always all over them and shit. Giving them full hugs when you don't even know them like that. You're supposed to give them sides hugs or just give them a high five or something. And don't even get me started on the fact that youre over here linking up with them too! I thought it was just me and you Kuna, What happened to that? Also whenever I set boundaries with you, you don't ever respect that. How many times do I have to tell you not to yell at me or when I dont want to have sex with you? But you steady wanna ignore my feelings because you don't care and I'm not even your type for real." You ranted with tears in your eyes.
"How are they fake?" I turned to him. He tossed his phone to me while looking out his window.
Sukuna was on his phone texting someone I think. "See look, you not even paying attention. I'm outta here. Lose my number." I say as I open the door. But before I could do so, Sukuna locked the door. "You not going no where so don't start like that. Second of all, you're being hella insecure because you know I don't even like your fake ass friends anyways." he scoffed.
This is the beginning of your conversation.
Symoné: Who dis?
Me: Dis Sukuna lol
Symoné: How you get my insta?
Me: Y/n gave it to me.
Symoné: Oh....
Me: Shiii you trynna go to this new restaurant wit me?
Symoné: Is Y/n gon be there???
Me: Nah but don't worry bout dat she said that it was cool for us to go together
Symoné: Okay then what time?
Me: I'll be there in 30 minutes. Wear something pretty.
"What are you trying to prove my nigga?!" You raise your voice at him as you threw his phone on his lap. He shuffled his body. "Well, if they were your real friends then they wouldn't be agree about comin with me anyways." He shrugged his shoulders. "Sucks to suck."
I unlock the door with my hand and leave. "Where the fuck you think you're goin?" He yells. I ignore him and walk into my house.
|Time skip|
*15 new messages from Sukuna Baee❤️*
*25 missed calls from Sukuna Baee❤️*
I wake up from my sleep to see my phone blaring it's blue light, distracting me. I pick it up and read the messages he sent.
Sukuna Baee❤️: Yo Y/n text me back when you can
Sukuna Baee❤️: Hey
Sukuna Baee❤️: Are you sleeping?
Sukuna Baee❤️: I'm finna call you
*missed call*
Sukuna Baee❤️: ANSWER THE PHONE Y/N IK yu UP
Etc etc etc...... He tried to call again but I let it ring and blocked his number. I scroll through my call list and see Yuji's profile. We've been talking around the same time me and Sukuna been talking and 'dating'. They're twin brothers!
Yuji: I've missed youuuu 🥺 why haven't you been talking to meee it's been 2 weeks 🥲
Me: I'm sorry babe. I was caught up in some other drama. It's all over now
Yuji: Do you still have that movie night planned?
Me: Duh ofc I didn't forget. I'll see you tmw at 10???????
Yuji: Yep :)
*Liked by Me*
Y/n smiled and looked towards at you. "The hell are you looking like that for? Don't hate the player.... Hate the game or how ever you say it."
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strwyofthesun · 1 year
a workplace escapade
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pairing: id!leon kennedy x agent!(f)reader
synopsis: you work at the DSO and your days there have become increasingly mundane till you are assigned to a mission with Leon under the president's orders. and ever since then, tension grows between the two of you in your workplace.
word count: 2.4k
cont: smut, p in v, unprotected sex, masturbation, oral (m receiving), slight degrading, overstimulation, breeding (?)
a/n: it's like 5 am here and i have not had a blink of sleep. also, is it normal to feel hella embrassed when writing smut? can't take myself seriously i sweaaar. stream sntv too, i was inspired by i can see you to write this cuz shits jus so good.
reblogs, comments, reqs are highly appreciated! <3
The days in the headquarters of the Divisions of Security Operations have been getting more and more tiresome the longer you’ve been working. When you were newly employed, the job seemed exciting at first. Working alongside the best of the best agents from all across different branches of the US federal government, it was nice to have more company and see new faces. Over time though, the missions increased in difficulty and you’ve seen friends and colleagues come and go. You’ve tried your hardest not to become numb to everything but hid your emotions of anger and frustrations. On days where you weren’t on the front lines fighting, you were in stuffy, cold rooms reporting on what happened during your missions and relaying the information you have found. Your work-life balance was basically non-existent at this point, spending most of your time in and out the headquarters and if you’re lucky, you’d get to go home and relax for a while until you are called again for the next assignment.
Nothing gave you any thrill or excitement anymore. Everything had become a routine to you, until, under the president’s orders, you and agent Leon S. Kennedy are paired together for a mission. You left your comfort of your home immediately as soon as you were called and headed to the white house to meet the president and Leon.
Leon wasn’t exactly a new name or face to you. You’ve heard about his deeds and he does live up to the name he has made for himself. There has been a couple of instances where the two of you would bump into each other in hallways, but other than catching each other’s glances, there wasn’t anything more to say really. Though, you had to admit, other than being one of the president’s bets, he had looks that could kill as well. It’s hard to miss him whenever he’s around. His striking blue eyes, tall figure, long blonde hair, and that charming smile of his. If only your job had room for having more of a life, you’d have probably fooled around with Leon by now. But sadly, that isn’t the case.
You shortly arrived at the foot of the president’s office and you could hear him talking to who you assumed was Leon. Two of the president’s bodyguards opened the door for you and you let yourself in.
“Ah, speak of the devil, she’s here.” The president said while smiling at you. “I’m sure you are acquainted with one another, yes?” He asked while looking at the two of us.
“Yes, Mr. President but it’s our first time working together.” You responded.
“Oh? Is that so? I trust that my best agents will be fine.”
You got flustered at the president’s comment and hear Leon chuckle from the side, “We’re flattered sir.”
The president soon briefed the both of you on what needs to be done and the goals you must achieve. You and Leon nodded in agreement and the president patted the both of you on the shoulder with a look of pride painted on his face. “Make me proud my agents.”
The mission went according to plan and was successful. The following day, the both of you return to HQ and prepare to report what happened. You sported a white long sleeve button-up that has been rolled up and a black skirt that hugged your figure nicely. It wasn’t all the time you wore an outfit like that whenever you reported back, so not only were people congratulating you for the successful mission but at the same time, complimenting you on your outfit. You arrived rather early in the meeting room as it was only you and a couple associates in the room. Later, heads started turning once Leon stepped into the room. He was wearing a blue suit with a white button up underneath, looking jaw-dropping to say the least. The men and women in the room stood up to shake hands with him as you patiently waited for your turn. You stood up and walked up to him while he checked you out.
“Nice outfit. Suits you.” He said smiling at you.
You returned the smile and said, “I can say the same to you.”
The two of you head to the front and start recounting the events that have occurred. Whilst you were talking, you noticed Leon from the corner of your eye, looking at you. But it wasn’t just a simple look, you could see his eyes shine as he drowned in the sight of you. It was as though he was undressing you with his stare. One of the associates asked Leon a question but he didn’t respond due to him still having his gaze fixated on you. You turn to look at him directly and uttered a small “Hey” to catch his attention. He snapped out of his trance and apologized. Leon answered the question and for the rest of the meeting he really couldn’t keep his eyes of you.
Once the meeting was finished, you came up to him and jokingly asked, “Did I have something in my teeth? Why were you staring?”
“Oh, was I? I didn’t realize… I'm sorry." He apologized.
“No need to apologize. It’s okay Leon.” You reassured him.
He then gestured for the door and held it open for you. You thanked him and went parted ways for the day. When you weren't on a mission, you mostly spent your time on your desk from morning till night while occasionally running into Leon if he wasn't on a mission as well. You’d give each other an awkward smile and go about your business. This went on for about a week and over time, Leon was suddenly all you could think about every time you’re at work. Hopping that you’d bump into him somehow or see him around the halls. The thought of catching him staring at you excited you. It felt like there was this electrifying tension between the two of you.
You were done working together for a mission, but something told you that this wasn’t just the end for the both of you. Impure thoughts filled your head, distracting you from your job. You could tell that it wasn’t just you, and that’s what thrilled you the most. Knowing that you both want each other, yet held back. It made you long for him even more. The times you and Leon would talk to each other for work purposes, the two of you kept your composure and kept it professional when deep down you both needed the fulfill the urge to be on each other's bodies.
It was getting late at night already and you yawned from the exhaustion of a long day’s work. You rummage through your paper looking for a specific document when you remembered that you had left it in a meeting room. You sighed and sluggishly make your way to the meeting room, cussing yourself out for forgetting and now you’re working overtime. As you approach the door, you hear noises coming from the room. You thought it was odd that someone was still in there since the building was almost empty at that hour. Leaning into the door, you peaked through the glass and see Leon, touching himself. He moaned your name under his breath along with profanities. This took you by surprise. You leaned even closer on the door and ended up accidentally pushing it, making Leon jolt knowing that he’s been caught.
He quickly zips up his pants and walks up to door to see who was looking, when he was then met face to face with you.
“I-I left something inside the room…” You stuttered.
Leon just looked at you panting slightly, forehead glistening with sweat and the buttons of his shirt open just enough to see his bare chest. You excused yourself and went in the room and grabbing the document you left when all of the sudden, Leon pinned you to the wall, barely leaving any space between the two of you.
“Are you really just going to leave me here?” Leon asked .
“You seemed… busy.”
Leon let out a chuckle and leaned in close to your ear, “I know you heard me…” His breath making contact on your skin made you shudder.
“Maybe I can help you out..." You whispered back dropping the document to the floor and placing your hand on his chest, slowly moving down, palming his hard dick through his pants. Leon buried his face into your neck trying to stifle his moans. You undo his button, unzip his pants, and pull it down along with his boxers.
You bend down to kneel infront of Leon and level with his cock. You run your thumb over his tip making Leon's breath hitch. You let your tongue slide along his shaft tracing the veins on it. Slowly, you take in his dick in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down while your hand stroked the lower shaft. You licked his tip and left kisses on it, teasing Leon. You speed up the pace leaving Leon breathless, throwing his head back.
"Faster..." Leon panted.
"I can't hear you, Leon. Speak up."
"Faster... please..." Leon says louder this time. you granted his request and start pumping him faster. His mouth is agape as he starts heaving heavily. It turned you on knowing that you could make the Leon Kennedy like this. The thoughts of you and him together were coming to life, and this was barely scratching the surface of all the things you've imagined.
"Fuck, I'm gonna... cum..." he said trying to desperately get out the words from his mouth. You moved even more swiftly this time until Leon came onto your hand and before he could even ride it out, you started stroking his still hard and now sensitive dick.
"Wha- what the fuck are y-you doing?" He hissed.
You don't reply. You just look at him in his eyes while you pick up the pace catching Leon off guard.
Leon whined, "Please..."
"Please what?" you responded.
"S-Stop..." He managed to say.
"And why would I do that? You seem to be enjoying it." you smirk as you stroked his dick faster and faster.
Leon started to tremble a bit and his cock twitched in your hand. He groaned at how you were pumping his overstimulated cock, continuously moaning, filling up the room with his whines and groans. He was begging to you to stop but you didn't. You didn't stop until he came again. And when he did, you finally let him ride his climax down.
Once he settled down, he looked at you menacingly and you thought to yourself, if eyes could kill, you'd definitely be dead by now.
"Stand up. You think I'd let that shit slide?" he said as he heaved. You stood up as Leon grabbed you and turned you around, your back facing his. He pulled you closer, one arm wrapped around your torso while the other snaked its way down to your core. His hand unbuttoned your shirt, slid its way into your bra, and fondled with your boobs, leaving a moan escape your mouth. His other hand moved in tight circles around your clit, doubling the pleasure you were feeling at that moment. Leon pulled your skirt up and pulled your soaked panties down. He slipped his dick inbetween your thighs just right at the surface of your cunt. He thrusted back and forth making sure his dick isn't in you on purpose. He was teasing you and you were starting to become needy.
"Leon... put it in me..." you tried pleading with him.
"Beg for it." He responded, his lips curling into a smirk as he continued moving his dick through the folds of your slick cunt. "Please Leon... I need you in me." Hearing you beg for him, he gave into it and rammed his dick in your cunt leaving you and him gasping at the sudden movement.
"Leon what the fuck?!" you screamed. "I gave you what you wanted didn't I? Ungrateful bitch..." Although Leon was cussing you out, you didn't feel any sort of hatred or resentment towards him. In fact, it turned you on even more and Leon was catching up to it.
"You like it when I call you a bitch huh?" he asked as his hand moved from your boobs to your jaw, squeezing it.
He moved closer to your ear and whispered, "Or would you prefer if I called you a slut instead? Would you like that?" You nod your head in response.
"My, my, what a dirty little slut you are... I can't wait to fuck you like one." He said as he lets go of his grip on your jaw.
"I'll be your slut and yours only... Use me however you like. I'm at your disposal Leon." You said breathelessly.
"Oh I'll never dispose you. I'll make sure I fill you up with my cum like the fucking slut you are. So shut the fuck up and take it." Leon whispered as he started pounding hard into you leaving you in shambles. Whatever mess you left Leon in a while ago, you were now twice the mess he was.
Leon was fucking you in every spot you thought nobody could even fucking reach. He placed his hands on your hips and gripped it tightly as he pounded his cock deep into you. You were panting, breathing heavy, moaning, whining, all of the above.
"Good girl... You really are taking it like a slut. So fucking good for me."
Your walls tighten around Leon's cock, milking him off everything he had in him. You scream, "Le-Leon! F-Fuck I'm gonna cum!"
"That's right cum for me, princess." You came screaming his name but he didn't stop. "Leon! S-Stop please..." You begged.
"Why would I stop? I haven't even came yet." He said with a smirk plastered on his face. All your pleading went in his ear and out the other. He continued ramming into you while your eyes welled up with tears from the feelings of pleasure derived from pain. As much as it hurt, you didn't want it to stop either. Leon quickened his thrusts and grunted as he came, feeling his hot cum fill you.
"Take all that in." he moaned into your ear. As he was filling you with his seed, tears streamed down your face from the overstimulation. Leon pulled out and made you face him.
"Don't cry princess, isn't this what you wanted?" Leon said as he kissed the tears off your face. Trails of kisses from your cheeks led to your lips and the both of you share a long and passionate kiss before pulling away and fixing each other's clothes.
Maybe overtime wasn't so bad after all.
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aviradasa · 2 months
I know this is my second request in less than 30 minutes, but what about a fic of reader and leola, Both sync during that time of the month and they just sass and complain about everything Aaravos does down to his cooking while he takes care of them🤣😂🤣
Also, can this fic be like a comedy thing
🤣🤣 say less, I got you. Also, I decided to make this in more of a oneshot style! I hope that is alright. Sorry, I got a bit lazy towards the end. Maybe this will get another part, lol, but it's a comedy I don't think I've ever seen a well thought comedy 🤣🤣 anyways I hope you enjoy 🖤
Reader and Teen!Leola sync up.Aaravos is done.
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I 100% believe this is his default look before he says some sass ass shit to yall in this.
Also, I have a confession. I miss his old model he looked so much more intimidating. Anyways
Aaravos x Fem! Mom Reader. Hc
{Comady} warnings:there's like an innuendo at the end and cussing. Besides that, you're good
Check out the other parts to this string of HC
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola
Teenage!Leolas first partner is human how do you and Aaravos react
@delusional-mushroom @josmarney23 @imsimping4life
The sun had just peaked when you woke up feeling a lot more irritable than normal. Which was a sign to you that the next week was going to be a nightmare, as you and your teenage daughter had synced.
You reluctantly look over towards the window and roll your eyes at the light poking through.
Yes, we have curtains up, but you swear they can never close all of the way, and it pisses you off to no extent.
But since there is nothing you can do about it. You just groan in frustration, covering your face with your hands before turning to look at your husband, who lays peacefully next to you in bed
You are always jealous of him. because he sleeps and wakes up so pretty, and you always say you wake up looking like you fought 3 wars, then had a night out in a tavern. But besides that, you're jealous that he doesn't have to feel like the gods are mid-fistfight with your uterus.
That prick
Just as you're about to get up, you hear your daughter in the kitchen. A few seconds pass, and you hear the sound of one of your plates hitting the ground.
as the sound of the shattering glass hits your ears, Aaravos shoots up, and you fall back into the mattress as fast as you can.
Cause they got you all the way fucked up if they think you're dealing with that in this condition
Sorry Leola yo daddy's coming for you.
It's probably for the best today. Those were cute plates, and you're a little pissed that one is now broken
In the kitchen, Aaravos walks in to see one of your NICE ass crystal plates shattered and an irritated leola floating above the mess
And this shit is broke broke. There are no hella big pieces to pick up; it's all small shards, and they are everywhere. So Aaravos pushes leola to the side and uses a quick spell on the broom so it will sweep up on its own as he tries talking to his daughter.
"How did this even happen?"
"I don't even know. I opened the cabinet, and it fell onto the floor when I tried to grab the one under it." She starts saying in a quickened, frustrated tone
"Well, why would you try to grab the one under it in the first place," Aaravos says, rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. For him, it's too early for this bullshit.
"Because the one on top might have dust on it? Everybody knows that, dad!" Leola says, getting more annoyed.
"Girl, lower your damn tone with me. I'm not the one who broke your mother's plate." He says, narrowing his eyes at her. She just groans, getting more frustrated.
"Well, it wasn't my fault! It was just an accident!" She shoots back at him.
"Who's accident was it if it wasn't your fault? Because I would really like to talk to the person who I'm cleaning up broken crystal after right now. At 7 o'clock in the morning." Aaravos says in amusement with a raised eyebrow.
Leola just rolls her eyes and floats out of the kitchen with a " well you missed a spot" as Aaravos stands there chuckling to himself.
He does not feel bad about talking back to yall during hell week.
He loves both Leola and you to death, and he will help all and try and accommodate you both to the best of his abilities, but he will sass back and get some attitude if Leola and you do
The king of matching energies lowkey
He thinks of it like this. If I'm doing this shit for yall on my own, voluntarily I'm not taking any shit.
He isn't just part of the sassy man apocalypse he started the damn movement.
As he stands across the kitchen, watching his little magic broom clean up, you walk in
As you walk into the kitchen and see his little magic broom floating around your side eye tf outta him
And he side eyes you back
"Good morning, my love." He says suspiciously, knowing you're about to say some shit
" Why is there a floating broom cleaning. Do We have to rely on magic for everything?" You say approaching him.
"If you don't want me doing it with magic, you can be my guest to do it manually. Because I don't think Leola is going to." He says with a smirk
You're gagged, honestly. Are you supposed to come up with something witty this early in the morning, like you already feel like you're getting stabbed? You don't have time for that
You just avert your gaze and go to the other side of the room to get some food.
" If you want, I would be happy to make something." Aaravos offers
"Oh, I keep forgetting you can cook. Yes, that would be lovely"
That smug face he was making drops before you could snap your fingers.
"Excuse me?"
A little while later, he is sitting there flipping some pancakes, and you and Leola appear over his shoulder
"You flipped that one a little early it's a kinda light. I like em dark golden, not light golden," Leola starts.
"Then eat one of the other ones. There's 10 on the plate right there." He says back quickly
" You poured that one on their weird pancakes are supposed to be circular," you say, pointing out a wonky-looking one
" Oh really. I didn't know that." He replies sarcastically
" How the hell didn't you know that? You gettin' old or something -" Leola starts. She was never good at understanding sarcasm
You quickly cover her mouth with your hand. " Watch your damn mouth, girl. Don't be talking to your father like that."
"Thank you-"
"but she is right what the fuck kinda shape is that I've never seen anything like it?"
You both are kicked out of the kitchen until it's time to eat
After the morning passes and all eat, it gets better, and even apologize for SOME of the things you said
The afternoon is pretty chill. You all kinda do your own thing, Aaravos researches in his study while you read a book next to him, and Leola goes out with some friends.
Everything is pretty nice
Until night comes
He doesn't even tell you guys he's cooking dinner. He doesn't wanna hear it.
He didn't account for your scary ass sense of smell.
You and Leola enter that room looking like the twins from the shining
Yall just appear behind him hand like
He sees now that Leola got her scary-ass look from you.
All stared into his soul, and he wasn't even facing you both
"What are you making?"
"Why does it look like your stiring diarrhea-"
"Get out."
You all get the doors magically locked on you 😭
But when yall are let it, that shit tasted good as hell.
Like damn food, it's so good that you lowkey contemplate if you should give him head later.
Jk yall, don't do that when your daughter is in the house. Only when she leaves.
After dinner, Leola just thanks her dad and goes to bed
Not long after, you and Aaravos have the same idea.
Time to repeat for the next 6 days 😊
Don't worry, on day 8, you'll kick Leola out of the house for a few hours.
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fairysteve · 1 year
steddie, cancelled flight, eddie is famous
they're next to each other in the line to figure out replacement flights/hotels
they don't exactly talk but they complain to each other
steve goes out of his way to be sympathetic to the obviously stressed workers they're waiting to talk to, even in the midst of his complaints, because his day is obviously not the only one ruined
eddie decides steve is chill, so once they get up to the desk and there's a QR code to scan to get a room for the night, eddie asks steve if he wants to room together
eddie doesn't feel famous yet so he doesn't for one sec consider all the ways this could turn bad and anyway steve doesn't seem to have a clue who he is
steve is worried enough about not getting a room, and it feels better to not be alone, so he agrees
they somehow get to the hotel and yeah maybe the double bed should have been expected
whatever, it's only one night, they're hella exhausted after all the stress
eddie goes to take a shower and steve turns on mtv
and whoa that's very obviously eddie in a music video, singing, looking hot
steve just sits frozen until robin calls him because she was supposed to pick him up from the airport but his flight was cancelled and she has no idea if he's safe or not and how could he not have called her, that's what cellphones are for—
eddie comes back from his shower and steve is in the middle of the call and the mtv thing kind of get forgotten
steve takes his own shower later and becomes very aware that he's about to share bed with a nice stranger turned hot musician
he doesn't say anything and they don't really talk that night because they just want sleep but steve sure is thinking about it
eddie just thinks steve is hot, cute, nice, maybe a bit dumb from the call he overheard
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redsaurrce · 1 year
LOVE SHOT - DOSE 4 <no, not Shin-won too>
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synopsis 💉 Where jk becomes the part of an experiment where he wasn't supposed to take the love shot but ends up taking it in high dose and gets obsessed with yn by mistake
pairing 💉 YANDERE Scientist!jeon jungkook ft. Jimin x Scientist!fem reader
genre 💉 scientist!au , smut (minors DNI)
word count 💉 2,644
warnings 💉 kissing, profanity, jungkook is needy AF(as always), cock warming, unhealthy obsession, hella possesive, boobsucking, jungkook realizes something, what the hell jimin?
taglist 💉 @aajjks @effielumiere @dearsullix @canarystwin @yourslut16 @imwithurmother @perfectlyfangirling @pnibts @bloodline1632 @hopeonysus @roundedreluv12 @jub-jub @maqsxi @kooscameras @jungkooksleftbigtoe13 @thatblena @yawnyanii @viridiphile @milkxgukk @outro-kook @puppiliciouslove @mata0-0mata @pk-jimin @jungchanie @ziraspells @twisted-loved @lunaofsun @inlovewithallmusic @sassyfoxunknown @teugiie @hsaranghoe @jjhmk @mryuyux @xxoverthinkerxx @fandems @hollyverday @ohmygodddsblog @fly-on-the-wall @lookformyvoice @slutforwwh @shakashakaa @meikoo @emochicksasukeee @dearly-somber
@mymomsaid-no @madnesstaking0ver @miyoung23 @outofst1le @jiminstreble @kanvis @k3lynn @imagine-this-motherfucker @dontcallmeelle @jkbabiey @1-in-abillion @bangmechanpls @uarmyhore @devils-blackrose @hrndez2008 @azur3s @erennjim @cherryunie @vynmin @fragmentof-indifference
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You paced around your room waiting for Shin-won's call. With passing days, you saw less and less hope in the antidote when you noticed hardly any changes in Jungkook, rather he has grown a lot more fiesty, asking you to warm up his cock because "it hurts Y/N, can you please help me out?" Or let him suck on your boobs "to calm his racing mind and let him sleep soundly".
You were in a complex situation and you had no one to turn to except Shin-won who was working as a team. You had a long talk with Shin-won over call while Jungkook was asleep in the early morning.
You knew that if someone else got to know about Jungkook's situation, there will be unnecessary ruckus among your collegues, not to mention about the people who are waiting for you to mess up and seize the chance to drag you down, there were just too many hungry eyes looking out for your experiment to fail.
When you told Shin-won about Jungkook's health without going into the explicit details, he said that he had a good friend in States who is also a pharmaceutical scientist.
He said he'll try to reach her and then call you back. And right now you were waiting for that call.
The ring of your phone distracted you from your worries, "Hey! Did you contact her?"
"Uh-huh! I told ya she'll help us no matter what! Also she told me that she needs to check Jungkook herself."
"Herself? You mean she'll come here?" You asked him.
"Yep! She said she'll take the earliest flight and will be here tonight. I'll come over to your house with her." He answered.
"Okay that's great then, escort her safely from the airport."
You had briefed to Jungkook about Shin-won and his friend coming over tonight to discuss about the solution for the love shot. Although Jungkook felt a little bit dissapointed that soon his reason to stay with you will be over, he still had to act happy for it.
When you opened the door, you greeted Shin-won and his said friend with a huge smile. "Hi, I'm Shin-won's friend Sucrose, you must be Y/N, nice to meet you." She forwarded her hand for a handshake and you returned the friendly gesture, "Yes I am and this here, is Jungkook, Sucrose come inside."
"I've heard everything from Shin-won and I will help you guys. From what I have gathered is that the suggested antidote didn't work on Jungkook? Am I right?" Sucrose asked as she took a seat on your couch.
"Yes you are." You answered.
"It was triple the safe limit?" She asked again to make sure.
"Yes, that's correct." You said.
"Alright I get it now, we need one more person to test the triple limit on." She suggested.
"WHAT??? Sucrose, we can't risk another person." Shin-won was bewildered.
She looked at him, "I'm not saying this for fun, it's been only few minutes since I'm here yet I can strongly feel how much Jungkook is trying to maintain his composure." She licked her lips and further added, "We need one more person so that I can confirm whether Jungkook is immune to the antidote or not, in that case we need to make a new antidote for him. There are many more possibilities and the only way to confirm it.. is to create another subject. You know the rule right? The more number, the less will be the error."
Jungkook sighed, "Y/N keeps chanting that all the time."
"Well, you're right Sucrose, I won't lie by saying that I have not thought about that but I just can't think of risking one more person." You said. "But if that's the only hope for us then, we need someone descreet. I can't imagine what will be the public reaction once they know about this, just the thought of it makes me shiver." You said anxiously.
"Then.. it has to be someone among ourselves, Shin-won, what do you say?" Sucrose raised her eyebrows.
"Huh? What??" He was caught off guard, "You want to test it on me? Me??" He asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah why? And the person you will see will be Y/N." She said in a straightforward tone.
"Wait! wait! wait!" Jungkook stood up all of a sudden, "Y/N is already busy with me, how can she handle one more? I'm against it! If that's our only way out, why don't you be the person he sees first, Miss Sucrose?"
"I very well might be that person Mr. Jungkook but I can't be by his side for I have to be busy with the experiments. As a scientist, we need to take risks and sacrifices many times, especially the scientists of your and my kind." She sighed, "What do you think Y/N, I assume Mr. Jungkook will listen to you and your junior Shin-won will listen to you as well."
You let out a deep sigh, all sorts of possibilities started flooding your mind. What if Shin-won ends the same as Jungkook? Ugh! You don't even want to picture all the things you do with Jungkook to do with him. It feels so wrong yet you are practically left with no other choice.
"Okay, I'll do it." You said with a frown.
"Are you serious Y/N??? What are you thinking???" Jungkook's insides were boiling at your response, no way in hell was he sharing you with anyone.
"Y/N, why are you agreeing to this?" Shin-won asked you in disbelief.
"Calm down you both. I have a reason to agree to this and at times like this, we must act professionally so I expect nothing from you except to sail through this till the end. Sucrose, will you start with your experiment?" You asked.
She nodded and turned towards Shin-won, "Shin-won, did you bring the shots?"
"Shots?- Ah you told me to bring it over with me because you had this plan from the start?" He asked her.
"Of course, now give them to me and Y/N.. I heard you have a laboratory in your house, do you have the necessary equipments?" She asked you.
Goodness! Shin-won really loves to boast how your house has a lab room, doesn't he?
"Yes, I do." You said while side-eyeing Shin-won while he awkwardly chuckled.
"Okay then please lead the way." She said.
You attached the wire chords to Shin-won's scalp and plugged in the monitor while Sucrose put on a mask and prepered the doses, she followed the exact same steps as Shin-won had with Jungkook.
When she injected the third dose, she silently gestured for you to come and stand in front of him. "Open your eyes Shin-won." You said and he slowly opened his eyes.
He blinked for a few seconds and took a good look at your face while Jungkook stood near the monitor noting down the records of the graph pattern.
Shoot! There it was! The loud shrill noise from the monitor and just like Jungkook, Shin-won's body temperature started to rise which soon followed with him blacking out.
The next morning Shin-won had regained his consciousness while you and Jungkook looked out for him. "Hey! Are you feeling okay?" You asked.
Jungkook helped him sit up and handed him a glass of water, "Yes I am.. so.. how long was I lying here for?"
"7 hours!" Jungkook immediately answered with his arms folded.
Shin-won frowned, "Just 7? What happened to the 18 hour duration? It's even lesser than half of Jungkook's duration."
"I know right, seems like you had a good night's sleep." Sucrose said as she came with a syringe. "Now that you are awake, I need your blood for the sample." She said as she rolled up his sleeve and took out blood from him.
"So, how are you feeling? Attracted to.. Y/N?" Even though Jungkook hated every single word that came out of his mouth, he still couldn't resist the curiousity.
Shin-won gulped as he looked at you, he hissed a bit. "Why? Is anything wrong?" You asked him.
"Y/N, why are you standing so close to Jungkook?" He said with a slight frown.
Jungkook's eyes went wide and he closed his fist involuntarily from anger.
You blinked, "what?"
Shin-won then closed his eyes and touched his forehead, "Y/N, I feel hot, can you please come and touch me?"
Jungkook's fist was throbbing from how tight it was fisted, he was ready to throw punches right then and there.
Meanwhile you sensed something was wrong, you narrowed your eyes, "Nice acting Shin-won. Stop faking it already." You said with arms folding up.
He tsked, "Doggone it!"
"What? You were faking it?" Jungkook frowned in confusion.
"Ugh yes, c'mon y/n i was about to have some fun." Shin-won pouted.
"You think this is funny?" Jungkook stepped ahead with the question.
"Ok fine i was gonna give up anyway by looking at that mad fist." He pointed towards Jungkook's hand.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Good decision."
You nodded to yourself while thinking about the antidote's reaction period, "Hmm.. it takes minimum of 4 hours and maximum 12 hours for the antidote to remove loveshot's symptoms, i assume in your case it has already worked?"
Jungkook who was listening to you turned towards Shin-won, "You really dont feel anything for y/n?"
He chuckled, "I don't."
Jungkook felt so relieved at his words, lord he was really pissed.
Sucrose fixed her glasses and said, "Now now i need Jungkook and Shin-won to come with me to our lab's korean branch, Y/N.. would you like to assist as well?"
"Ah.. you mean the lab you were working in States has a branch in korea as well?" You asked her with raised eyebrows.
"Yes! Its the Minerva Laboratories. Have you heard of it?" Sucrose asked enthusiastically.
Minerva.. MINERVA!?? ofcourse you've heard of it.
"Uh yes i have. Um.. well i think I'll pass, you both should go with Sucrose." You told them.
"Why won't you come along with us?" Shin-won asked.
"I.. I have some work to catch up on. I'll know the results afterwards, okay?" You said concealing the truth.
Jungkook gritted his teeth, "Y/n, we need to talk." He said that and grabbed your wrist and walked over to the balcony.
"Y/N, are you trying to avoid me?" He said after he let go off your wrist. Even though what he said was partially true, you knew better than anyone else about Jungkook's emotional swings- they were unpredictable nowadays.
You gulped, "Ningguang.. she works there. I- i just don't want to bump into her at all, i dont want to get reminded about Jimin.. so.. so i just want to stay away from everyone and everything that'll remind me of him."
Oh boy! Jungkook felt apologetic for misunderstanding you.. and at the same time his chest was swelling up from happiness.. you really wanted to stay away from Jimin? He loved how loyal you were to him.
He at once took you in a hug catching you off guard, "I knew it, you wouldn't betray me, you wouldn't break your promise." He breathed in the crook of your neck as he snuggled further in the hug.
You blinked rapidly with guilt once again stirring up in your heart, oh how you wish you could turn back time and stop all of this from happening!
You sighed, "Now that you know.. you all should hurry up and go."
Jungkook hummed in your hug.
Jungkook and Shin-won sat outside the lab since morning.. and it was evening right now, naturally Jungkook was growing reckless, just how long will he stay here? Any place without you feels like absolute hell to him.
He wants to go back home, to you.. because you were his home, you were the person who brings peace to his mind, you were the one he would call his, you were the one he belonged to.
His thoughts were interrupted once Sucrose swung open the door, "guys, here's the report and my conclusion at the bottom.. i hope this will help you guys work things out." She said with a hint of worry on her face.
Shin-won took the two reports from her hands and Jungkook looked over the details beside him.
"What?!" Shin-won couldn't believe the conclusion he just read.
"The dose works perfectly fine, no issues found.
1. Mr. S has shown no abrupt signs and the antidote has worked well. Mr. S has likely shown infatuation towards Ms. Y but it can be interpreted that way due to high dose of loveshot.
Antidote has ceased the symptoms.
2. Mr. J has shown strong infatuation towards Ms. Y with the antidote failing to cease the symptoms even after 5 days of taking the antidote twice.
Mr. J has strong feelings towards Ms. Y and the dose has likely caused the dormant feelings to display.
It can thus be concluded that the dose has amplified the feelings therefore sticking to it's main objective of- "even if there's slightly any love/infatuation, the loveshot will trigger those particular emotions."
Shin-won's face grew pale, "Jungkook, what does all of this mean? You like Y/N.. no.. you more than just like her, don't you?"
Jungkook bit his lower lip, "I guess so."
Shin-won shook his head, "Why didnt you say so when i was injecting the shot? Why didn’t you tell me?"
Jungkook sighed, "I was afraid that you might slip it up to Y/n before i even had a chance.. tell me, would you not tell her?"
Shin-won blinked, "um.. i- i think?"
Jungkook scoffed, "look at this kid." He playfully smacked Shin-won's head, "Now that we know, i just wanna go home and take some rest. You should go to your home as well and we'll rack our brains tomorrow."
"Wait! What's the rush? You are dying to see Y/n.. aren't you?" He wriggled his eyebrows, "stop with that, fine.. yes, i am dying to meet her, happy?"
"Dont tell me you're obsessed with her." He said nonchalantly while keeping the reports inside his bag.
It seems like Jungkook has finally realized the feelings which had stayed dormant towards you, now that he thinks about it.. Jungkook indeed used to look out for you everytime even before the loveshot came in the scenario.
He was interested in everything you did, he noticed even the smallest of details about you that might go unnoticed by everyone else. He was always curious about you.
Upon not hearing any answer, Shin-won finally looked up from his bag towards Jungkook, he blinked, he wished to hear a no from Jungkook, he really did.. so he asked again, "Are... you.. obsessed with her?"
Jungkook's face morphed in a twisted look, "I need some time to think about it."
With that said, he walked away leaving Shin-won behind.
Jungkook was trying to add things up, the more he thought about this.. the more he felt ridiculous about himself.
Was it really not the loveshot that caused him to be so attached to you? Was he always like this? Jungkook ran his hand through hair, he just can't believe it.
He thought he loved you.. he loves you, he's sure of it, but.. "ugh! I need to see her right now." He drove his car as fast as he could.
When he reached your apartment, to his surprise the door was unlocked.
"Y/n?" He called out your name. He didn't hear you answer so he went inside and searched every room.
Did you go outside? He hurriedly dialed your number, he heard your mobile ring in the next room but you weren't there. Where could you have gone without your phone? Did you forget to take it? Or has something happened to you?
Just as Jungkook was stepping out of the main door, he received a notification.
"Whose number is this?" He looked at the unknown number in frustration from not finding you.
He clicked on the message.
xxx-xxx-912 : hey man, it's me! Jimin.
xxx-xxx-912 : you wanted the update right, here you go!
And there lied an image attachment of Jimin and you making out.
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*clears throat* ehe what's going on!? 👀
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vhygoxo · 3 months
Wolf Pack Headcanons
My personal head canons on the shifters and what they get up to 🫶 I’ve been missing seeing wolf pack content. Plus there isn’t much info or anything on the Wolfpack outside of Jacob. Most of these come from the fact I know what it’s like to live on a rez. Debating if I should do nsfw head canons next 🤭
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There’s hardly any down time for the shifters. Since the Cullens came into town there had been almost constant activity in the area. After the birth of Renesmee everyone thought it’d calm down. But instead activity got more frequent. Patrols and executions were part of their routine after a few years
When Vampire activity is low they still protect the rez in their own way. Most of the guys took first aid and security classes. Since chief and council know about the secret of the shifters they pay all of them (except the younger ones aka minors) through their security program. So when there are hardly any vampires they work in the security program
Everyone helps Emily with the household such as cleaning and cooking when they can. But most just help pay for the groceries since she feeds all of them
The rez has a mixed view of the shifters. To everyone they’re all secretive and intimidating. But because of how many people they’ve helped over the years they’ve also earned a lot of respect. Some believe they are arrogant and entitled to the rez. Others believe them to be protectors of the rez in a way. Sometimes people have issues with them to the point of harassing them. Sam, Paul, and Jared are usually the main targets. Like Bella thinking they are a gang ☠️
These guys all have trucks and drive everywhere+anywhere. Kim is the only one to own a car. They have many different chill spots around the rez (not just them but everyone in La push goes to these places) usually to drink and have bonfires
When they aren’t driving on the Rez they’re heading into town for some fun. Shopping sprees, eating out, and gambling is usually what’s on the agenda for these guys. Although they drive a lot locally it’s because they can’t travel too far
Everyone especially Paul dreams of the day they no longer have to shift. Once they stop they have all the freedom to travel and explore
The guys love to go mudding in their trucks and have contests
Emily has a projector and hosts movie nights in the backyard when it’s nice out
Emily and Kim craft and bead together. Emily does more sewing than beading, she’s made all the guys ribbon shirts, from youngest to eldest. Also enjoys making ribbon skirts occasionally especially Appliqué ribbon skirts. Kim loves to make beaded earrings and necklaces. These two give away more than they sell
Kim is always wearing big ndn girl™️ earrings. Beaded, quilled, dentillium, shells, you name it. (Once she wanted to make some out of Jared’s wolf fur but he refused. She found a way)
All of them are hella competitive with each other. And since they’re basically non human their strength and abilities are crazy. They all enjoyed testing their strength, think Bella and Emmett arm wrestling, same energy with these guys. Both in human and wolf form they strived to show off. The imprintees of them all had to take some time to get used to seeing such things. Like two mega beasts fighting on the front lawn, switching back to human, and playing it off like nothing
Paul, Leah, and Embry are the ones who struggle the most with being a shifter. In the beginning their rage and frustration was almost uncontrollable. Even as the years passed they still had moments where they burst out of control. (Once they imprinted the out bursts stopped completely) So these three became close since they were similar especially in their struggles
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High energy for all of them. They have to find ways to burn off energy or else they legit couldn’t sleep. Which the solution is always intense exercise. Most times you’ll find Paul and Jared are competing to see who can do more push ups. Or the younger wolves doing relay races on their usual trails. Embry, Quil, and Jacob liked to box and spar with each other only. Leah and Paul get way too aggressive when sparring with everyone. It’s usually just Leah vs Paul if they really need to get rid of their aggression. Sam and Jared spar together since they actually follow the rules lol
Emily and Leah are still close and Leah never dated Sam lol
It wasn’t Sam that scarred Emily it was a rogue vampire. Sam punishes his self since he wasn’t fast enough to protect her. But he was quick enough along with Paul to stop the vampire before he could change her. It’s why Leah distrusts Sam. She believes he can’t protect her sister/cousin well enough and punishes him daily in their hive mind. Also constantly questions him as a leader
Quil and Kim are cousins lol I imagine them being close like brother and sister growing up. So it works well for them to be in the wolf pack together
For the shifters it’s hard for them to drink any alcohol. Not that they don’t it’s just that their body burns the alcohol quicker than normal humans. Smoking 🍃 actually has an effect on them like normal
Majority of them rarely drink, it started from Sam believing he needed to be in a clear mind, in order to be a leader. Not only that but being a shifter meant being very spiritually connected. And in most native cultures it’s believed that alcohol dulls the spirit. (Doesn’t stop some of them lol)
Quil, Embry, and Jacob were the first to start smoking 🍃 and out of the whole pack Quil is the biggest stoner. Claims it’s what “keeps him chill” since he doesn’t have a hard time shifting
They hunt game while they’re in wolf form. Natives love wild meat, deer, elk, moose, you name it. So them being able to shift makes it way easier to catch game. The guys gut and skin whatever they catch. Emily and Kim are usually the two who process the game. (Tbh it’s mostly Paul, Leah, and Sam bringing back game home because they raged out)
Everybody is in someway jealous of Jared and Kim. Since Jared had an easy time with shifting even in the beginning. And when he imprinted on Kim their relationship had always been easy and full of love even now
Jacob and Quil are the mechanics of the group. All the guys know some basic skills but these two are the best at it. Anytime anyone has issues it’s them who take care of it
It was actually Seth who took on his mom’s role and was training to become an emergency service provider. Eventually he wants a job in medicine. Leah knows basic cpr and first aid like the rest of the guys
All their minds are linked, when they shift they get a download, of what everyone was doing while not in wolf form. Nothing is secret or sacred lol they all know everything about each other. In their human form they’re still connected of course. But they have to get consent to connect telepathically in human form. In wolf form they have no control and everything is shared in the mind in an instant
Tbh around others especially in crowded places they gained their rep of being stoic and silent bc of this. Even in human form they talk more with each other in their heads than with their voice. Usually if they’re in a group but silent they’re talking in their heads to each other. They all have their own ways of blocking out certain things the others go through
The pack tolerates renesmee but pretty much just Emily and Kim visit her, out of pity and empathy, Jacob understood this well. Instead of making his brothers uncomfortable he’s usually with the Cullens. Occasionally he’ll come by his self but not for long. Sometimes he brings her but it’s usually short visits
Quil Atera III (quil’s grandfather) Billy Black, Harry Clearwater, and Sue Clearwater are one of very few people who know history of the shifters. Majority of what everyone knows about shifters is because of the knowledge they possess. The pack rely on these 3 the most
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I felt this was enough head canons for now even tho I have way more lol. Hoping to upload one of my fics rewritten soon here. But I’m having fun with these wolf pack head canons for now. If you enjoy this and my writing feel free to send me an ask! I’m open for requests ✨
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effy-writes · 3 months
Hey! Can I request a Verosika x touch starved male! reader one shot? (not as a smut fic).
Plot based around her getting in trouble after a show of hers in the human world where the reader is able to help her out (legal or physical trouble). She begins to fall for them whilst flirting and tries to convince them to join her in hell, also showing her true form. (reader would like it).
ofc! this was a little hard for me to write BUT i really hope you enjoy!! <3
Verosika x touch starved! M! Reader: That Girl Is Like A Dream
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Verosika was like a girl you met in a dream. A very, vivid, dream. The way she talked, the way she performs, how she carries herself, her personality was like something from a movie, and you loved that about her.
You first met her at one of her performances and saw that she got in trouble for public nudity. Before she could got taken by the cops you quickly told her the name of a lawyer, your dad.
Having a dad as a lawyer has its pros and cons. The pro, hella rich, the con, he never had time to parent you as a kid. You were always alone and had to keep yourself company. Your mom was completely out of the picture so you couldn’t even hang out with her. That’s one of the reasons why you were very fond of Verosika.
The second time you met her was when she was in your dad’s office that was located in the house. You overheard the two bickering about her case and how there’s a chance he can’t get her off scott free. You quickly peaked your head in, “You could say she’s from a country that doesn’t care about nudity on the beach…like Spain?”
Her eyes lit up, “¡Sí! ¡Soy de España!”
Your dad was eh at first, but finally agreed because that’s kinda what his job is, lie.
Whenever Verosika left your dad’s office she did a “come here” motion with her finger and had a devious smirk on her face.
“Yeah?” You answered.
“Thanks for getting me out of legal trouble.” She put her hand on her hip.
“Not exactly, you still have to-”
She put her hand up to make you stop talking, “I know, but still, I feel like I should repay you.” She walked closer to you where your bodies touched.
“Uh..you don’t have to do that.” You slowly backed up, “I’m flattered though.”
“That’s the first, usually guys are all over me.” She looked at her nails, “How about we go out together? Like at a bar or something.”
“Uh..sure. I’m Y/n.”
“Verosika. You ready now?”
“To go to a bar? It’s 2 pm.”
“Oh right I forgot, Earth is different than Hell.” She mumbled.
“It’s a Spaniard thing.” She joked, “Come on.” She grabbed your hand and exited the house door. “Which one is your car?”
“That one.” You pointed as you lead her the way over to it.
The two of you got inside and you turned the car on, “You’re not from Spain, are you?” You couldn’t help but to smile.
“No, Soy de España.”
“Is that the only words you know?” You laughed, pulling the car out of the driveway and drove to the nearest bar.
“You’re different, you know that? Never met a girl this bold AND be nice at the same time.”
“Awe you think I’m nice?” She smirked as she placed her hand on your thigh.
You stiffened up because of her touch, but you wanted more of it. “Yeah, something like that.”
Verosika did not hesitate to get plastered. You kept reminding her that she needs to try to stay out of trouble since she’s on thin ice with the legal system. She also gets very touchy when she’s drunk. Her hands were all over your chest, arms, and thighs. Sure, you had partners in the past, but you didn’t feel the same way as you do now with Verosika. Her touch was different, it was like she was from another planet.
You didn’t know where she lived so you drove her back to your place and let her sleep in a separate room. You did stay by her side to make sure she won’t throw up and choke on her vomit. You wasn’t planning on sleeping in this spare bedroom with her but you assumed you did since you woke up in that bedroom, but when you fully woken up you realized she was gone, other than a letter. You titled your head out of curiosity and read the letter.
Thanks for letting me spend the night. Visit me at the pier around 7 pm <3
The moment it struck 7 you made your way to the pier and saw her hair flow due to the sea breeze. She waved at you as you walked on over.
“Hey! Why did you leave my place so early?”
She shrugged, “I had better things to do. Which by the way, I was thinking, after this whole legal trouble bullshit, how about to come back to my place.”
“How come I can’t go to your place now?”
She sighed and combed through her hair with her fingers, “I’m from Hell.”
“What?” You laughed.
“Like actual Hell. It exists.”
“Are you like…schizophrenic or something? It’s okay if you are! It’s just..what do you mean?”
“Human men are so predictable.” She laughed as she pulled out a yellow crystal, and within moments her skin turned from peach to pink, tilted horns grew, and her hair looked longer and poofy. “See? I’m from Hell.”
“Holy shit.” You mumbled, “I’m so fucking confused.”
“How the hell are you confused? I literally told you i’m from Hell and showed you my true form.”
“It does explain a lot. Why are you on earth then?”
“I’m a succubus and my job is to fuck men until they cum so hard that they die.” She smirked.
“I wish, but I am a succubus.”
“Jesus. I have no idea what to say. Don’t get me wrong, you’re attractive human or succubus but wow. This is a lot to take in.”
“Awe, you find me attractive?” She swayed her hips as she walked closer to you.
You gulped, “I can definitely tell you’re a succubus.”
“I knew the moment I met you, you were touch starved.” She smirked, “Which is why I think you should come live with me in Hell.”
“Are humans allowed to go in there?”
“I broke so many laws down there and at this point I don’t think they care.” She snickered, “So is that a yes?”
You didn’t know if she was leaving some sort of scent for you to follow, but either way you were intrigued. “Yeah. How come you don’t just go to Hell instead of dealing with the legal trouble up here?”
“Because I wouldn’t be able to do this,” She proceeded to pull you closer to her with her tail, her hands traveled up your chest and her mouth latched onto your neck. After turning that spot into a bruise she let go. “Plus I find you attractive whenever you’re begging for my touch. I can sense it you know.” That smirk will be the death of you.
“When are we gonna go to Hell then? Now?”
“You look eager,” She teased. “Do you want to go now?”
“Sure, why not?”
She opened the portal and before you could step in you felt her breath on your neck, “Once we get down there I can show you allll the things that succubi’s knows that even human women doesn’t know how to do.”
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
My Little Man (Steddie X You) (Part of HFOD and SS Universe)
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A/N: I guess you guys would call this season 3? Lol. My angst hella took over as well as some feelings I've been dealing with lately.
Enjoy please <3.
Part of this Universe
Warnings: Demon Steddie & Human Fem Reader, No SMUT in this one, FLUFF, they love each other and their son. Demon Steddie is navigating how to be human while taking care of a pregnant Y/N.
ANGST: More or less the normal level of angst that comes with this series. The theme is grief and PTSD (from a soldiers perspective). Y/N is still struggling with the notion of her parents not being there to see Ellis grow up and the guys (especially Steve) is struggling with being raised how they were and taught to fight. Eddie struggles with feelings of enabling because of everything they went through.
The dreams probably have the most feels. They talk to their loved ones and Ellis says goodbye. Steve has nightmares that involve his dad being a dick (of course) and something that happens within one angers Eddie (blood briefly mentioned).
Word Count: 6398
"Don't you know I love you more than life itself Don't you know that you're my pride And I would not have you walking through this world Without me by your side
Go to sleep my little man Don't you weep my little man"
3 Months Pregnant
Steve sits on the bench outside of the library he had just exited from, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes and threw his head back.
Ever since the three of you got home, he and Eddie had been doing research on which human job they would best be suited for in your realm but were struggling to find much of anything. For him, it was even more difficult since he was raised to be a solider. He genuinely didn’t know how to do anything else and it didn’t help that even though you explained a lot of human behavior, he still felt slightly ignorant with many things. 
“May I sit?” The demon jumped at the sound of a gravelly voice beside him. “Oh, shit. Sorry, son. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, it’s alright. Um, please.”, he gestures towards the area beside him causing the man to flash him a thankful grin as he takes a seat. 
“How long?”
“I’m sorry?”
“I asked how long. I know the look of a fellow veteran trying to figure out how to adapt to a civilian lifestyle. How long has it been since you saw combat?”
“Oh, uh, it’s…it’s been a few years. But I did it the bulk of my life.”
“I can imagine with you being so young. I bet one of your parents was a solider as well?”
“Wow. Yeah, that’s amazing. How did you…?”
“I told you, son. I know the look.”, the man chuckles as he extends his hand. “Truman Duvall; Ex Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army.”
“Steven Harrington. Um, Sergeant in the US Army. Well, Ex.”, Steve laughs nervously as he hopes his memory of things he’s learned about humans in the past is still up to date.
“Nice to meet you. If I may ask, what were you thinking so hard about specifically?”
“My girlfriend is pregnant and I’m trying to find a job so I can help support my family. I want my son to have a better life then I did but I have no idea where to start.”
“Congratulations on the little bundle! I have four myself, two of them grown and out of the house already. My wife pretends like she’s glad they’re out but she misses them.”, he laughs. “I don’t know if you would be willing but down the street here, we have a recreation center where veterans go to relax and let loose. They’ve been looking for a counselor to lead the group therapy. I think you’d be a good fit.”
“Yeah? Um, I guess I could…”
“Look, you don’t even have to make a decision right now. Why don’t meet me there tonight? We’re having a little party get together thing. Of course, you can bring the girlfriend and you both can meet the person in charge. See if you feel comfortable.”
“O-Ok. I, um…” Steve pauses as he debates on if he should tell the truth about Eddie. That was a fight they had when it came to going home. He had been afraid that they would have to hide their relationship and he never wanted to hide or be hidden when it came to the man he loved. But this is also where he wanted to raise his son and he didn’t want to cause a commotion before you four even had a chance to settle in. What would Eddie do?
“Can I bring my boyfriend as well? He’s a veteran to. We actually met during our tour.”
Truman’s mouth pouted out ever so slightly as his eyebrows lifted in surprise. 
“Oh, um, sure! The more the merrier.”
“Steven, oh my God, that’s amazing!”, you exclaim as you wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Hang on, now. I don’t have a job yet but…”
“Don’t sell yourself short, bud.”, Eddie grins from his place on the kitchen counter. 
“I hope it’s ok that I kind of…announced…our relationship. We actually didn’t talk about what we wanted to do but I know if we had stayed in our realm I’d want to be honest.”
The long-haired demon opened his arms and Steve promptly placed himself between his legs with his back against his chest while Eddie rested his chin on his shoulder. 
“I’m glad you did. I love you and I’m not hiding that.”
“Me either.”, you smiled as they beamed right back. 
Suddenly, the happiness drains from your face before you turn and bolt towards the bathroom. You three had been home for a couple of months and within the past week some of the normal symptoms of pregnancy began springing up such as the morning sickness you were currently experiencing. 
“It’s alright, baby. Get it all out.”, Eddie tries to sooth as he holds your hair into a makeshift ponytail. As soon as you were finished, you fell back into his arms and thanked Steve when he handed you a bottle of water. 
“This is normal, right? Humans get nauseas like this.”, he asked. 
“Yeah, honey. It’s normal. I’m alright. I think I’m going to take a nap so I can be 100% for tonight.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to go.”
“No, Steve, I want to go. I want to see where you’ll be and the people you’ll be around.”
“Steve! You made it.”, Truman shouts excitedly as he reaches out to shake the boy’s hand. “You must be the girlfriend.”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman and this is your…boyfriend? Right, son?”
“Yes, sir. This is Edward.”
“It’s nice to meet you. Steve said you’re a veteran as well. Were you a sergeant like himself?”
“Oh, uh, no. I was more of a private I guess you’d say. But we spent a lot of time together especially on the battlefield.”
“Wow and for you two to still be so close and find a relationship through all that chaos! That’s amazing. I always tell my wife if she met me during my tour she would have hated me. A lot of civilians don’t understand the headspace you have to fall into to do what we have to do.”
Both demon’s nod in understanding and you can’t help but softly smile as you watch them interact with the other people around them. Steve was definitely in his element and you could tell in some way he felt more comfortable in this setting because he was around beings who seemed to understand what they both went through. As his new friend spoke, his eyes remained intense and focused as he absorbed everything he said. 
Eddie excused himself to grab some drinks but became distracted talking to another couple and began to laugh at something they were saying. The first time you met him he expressed a particular distain for humans but he seemed to open up more since they were freed, finding something interesting in each person he interacted with. 
“Hey, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”, he introduces when you walk over to check on him. “Y/N, this is Lisa and Shawn Bennett. Lisa did a tour in the Air Force flying jets and Shawn was a DJ overseas.”
“Oh wow. For the military or just on your own?”
“For the military. I’m kind of like that Cronauer guy they made the movie about. I read the reports and played music I thought would lift the troops spirits.”, the man explains. 
“Kind of like me.”, Eddie whispers in your ear making you smile. “What do you two do now if I may ask? Steve and I have been searching for employment but we have no idea what would fit us.”
“Well, I actually own a store of my own selling books and comics; things like that. I’m a bit of a nerd.”, Lisa laughs. 
“And I teach media and music courses at the local community college up here.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun actually. Are they looking for another music teacher because Eddie is an amazing musician.”
“Yeah? Unfortunately, they aren’t but you should consider maybe starting your own business as well. You can teach kids to play guitar or any other instruments you know and you can do it from your house or maybe the music store downtown is hiring.”
“Are you looking for a job to, Y/N? I’m trying to hire someone to help me with my shop.”, Lisa offers with a smile. 
“Oh, I’d love that. I’m, uh, I’m actually pregnant though and I wouldn’t want to leave you stranded after you just hired me.”
“That’s fantastic! Don’t even worry about it. You don’t seem very far along yet. I can teach you the ropes before you give birth and that way when you come back, you’ll already know what to do!”
As you glance at Eddie, his eyes widen with encouragement as he nods his head. 
“Ok, I’d love to work for you.”
Lisa claps and gives you a big hug as your demon beams behind you.
“Hello fellow veterans, spouses, and partners! Glad you could all join us tonight. I hope you are having some much needed fun! I do have just a quick announcement to make. I would like to introduce you to Steven Harrington who is new to Hawkins and after speaking with him I feel like he will be a great addition to our center here as the group counselor.” The man at the podium smiles as he gestures towards the demon and everyone around the room claps. “Steve, why don’t you introduce yourself?”
When he hesitates, you gently push him forward, urging him softly before he relents and nervously climbs up the makeshift stage. 
“Um, hi. Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve been seen by so many people.” The people chuckle as you and Eddie grin knowingly. “Like Thomas said, I’m, uh, new to Hawkins but my girlfriend is from here and my partner and I thought it would be better for her to be back home where she felt safe with her family so we can start raising our own. I-I-I…shit I used to better at this.”, he chuckles before glancing your way, your gentle smile comforting him. 
“I was raised in a military household. My dad was a solider so that’s what I was expected to be. As soon as I was able, he handed me a weapon and commanded I train to be the best. There was no wiggle room there. It was all or nothing. When I saw war…I shut down and did what I had to. I took no pleasure in killing, contrary to popular belief.”
“The worst part about shutting down that way was how it flowed into my every day. I was as an asshole to everyone including women I dated and people I trained… except for some of the people closest to me…Robin, Chrissy, and Eddie. When Edward and I got out…I felt so out of control…so lost. I lost my identity and everything I knew. If I didn’t have him by my side… Then we met Y/N and without her we literally wouldn’t be here today.”
Steve paused, looking out into the crowd, and realizing he may be talking too much. 
“Sorry. I’m sorry. Thank you so much for this opportunity and I’ll do whatever I can to help.”
The people in the room clap as he steps off the stage and you immediately wrap your arms around his waist as Eddie lightly caresses his cheek. 
4 Months Pregnant
You beam at Eddie as he softly strums his instrument. That day after Shawn suggested it, he went down to the music store in town and applied for the job as a guitar instructor. After playing and showing off for them he got the job. He loved hearing the kids try and play reminding him of the children he watched over with Steve during their war. 
Today was everyone’s day off so they were being lazy in bed with you in your pajamas and both demons in nothing but their sweats. 
“Ok, this thing here says for humans you should be feeling him move around now.”, Steve announced as he gestured towards the book he was reading. 
“I haven’t felt him move yet unless the occasional nausea is him saying hello.”, you giggle. Leaning over him, you grab his hand and place it on the middle of your stomach. “Talk to him.”
“Uh, I…hey, Ellis. It’s, um, your daddy. I’m not scaring him with my voice, right?”
“No, baby.”, you grin as you pet his head. “This is how he’ll get used to it though. Hearing and seeing you both in your demon form.”
“Buddy, you have no reason to be afraid of us in any form. I’m sorry your dads aren’t as beautiful as you and your mom but—”
“Hey, speak for yourself.”, Eddie teases making you laugh. “I’m a sexy motherfucker.”
“What?”, Steve’s eyes shift up excitedly. 
“You didn’t feel that?”
When he shakes his head, you place his hand closer to the side you felt movement, gesturing for the other demon to do the same.
“Say something else.”
“Hey Ellis. This is your other daddy and I assure you we are very handsome.”
“Holy shit.”, Steve exhales as he grins up towards his partner. “That’s amazing.”
“I’m glad you agree, kid.”, Eddie smiles.
6 Months Pregnant
Eddie growls at the crib he was trying to assemble as his glowing red eyes glare at the instructions again. Over these past couple of months, you three had made your dad’s old room your bedroom and begun shifting the room you used to sleep in into Ellis’s. 
Going off his personality from your dreams, you painted the room blue with images of guitars along the base boards and up along the ridges of the ceiling. Near where his crib would be, you put up pictures of everyone in his family that loved him including Robin, Wayne, Dustin, and everyone who had passed that he had been conversing with these past six months. 
The boys were able to get everything a baby would need from your realm but also from theirs including those books that Eddie had wrote and some toys demons normally played with at a young age. 
“Whoever invented these contraptions should be tortured for eternity.”, Eddie grunted as he tried again putting a few of the pieces together. 
“You guys don’t have cribs in your realm?” 
“Yeah but they were like boxes essentially. Or at least mine was. I’m sure Steven had gold porcelain or some shit.”
“No.”, Steve chuckled as he took the wrong part from his partner’s hand and handed him the correct one. “I had a regular little wooden thing with soft blankets.”
“I wish I could see what you two were like as kids.”
Since they left Maeve, they weren’t able to snap memories into your head like they were before. It hurt them more than you because you always seemed curious about them and they wished they could show you everything from their point of view, not Henry’s or Mirage’s. 
“How much did Mirage show you?”
“She showed me big events more than anything. Steve always looking for his parents especially your mom. She did play sword fight with you once and you looked so happy until your dad yelled at her for ‘ruining your training’.” You rolled your eyes as Steve pet your head and sighed. “Eddie, I did see what your uncle told me about with your mom singing to you.” The demon’s glow receded in his eyes as he glanced your way with a small smile. 
“Until my father told her to shut up?”
Tilting forward, you crawled over his work to kiss his lips making his smile widen as he caressed your face. 
“What about your parents, honey?”
“Both my parents were amazing. My dad always loved to make us laugh. He liked being a girl dad and my mom exploited that.”, you giggle. “She would make him wear tutus while I would do his makeup and they both would dance.”
A tear left your eyes and both demons promptly gave you their attention. 
“I’m sorry you guys don’t have your parents here. You both deserve better.”
“Baby, it’s ok—”
“Eddie it’s not okay.”
“Will you let me finish?”, he jokes. “It’s ok because I had my mom and I had Wayne. Then as I got older I got my other family. Steven, Robin, Chrissy, and even Dustin. Now, sweetheart, I have you two and Ellis. I couldn’t be happier.”
“I agree. I’m thankful for the memories I do have with my mom but the kids I trained and beings I fought with…that was my family. I’m so excited to see what’s in store for us, you know. See what Ellis is going to do with his life.”
You smiled as you kissed their lips before you wince and lean away. 
“Ow. Little butthead is kicking my side.”
“Hey, kid.”, Eddie teases as he tilts towards your tummy. “Why don’t you stop hurting your mother and come help me make your torture technic of a crib.”
8 months Pregnant
You, Steve, and Eddie walked into the house you three had been in so many times these last few months except now it was completely empty. All the furniture and everything was completely absent as you entered the living room full of people.
Everyone in the room moved out of the way to where Eddie’s mom was hugging her grandson to her chest as he sobbed. 
“I don wanna go!”
“You have to, baby. Your mommy and daddies need you now. They’ve been waiting so long to see you.”
“Mom?”, Eddie asked as he stepped towards her. “What’s going on?”
She softly smiled as she handed him to your father who spun him around as he chuckled but your son just buried his face further in his neck. 
“Come on, little guy. Your parents have made you an awesome bedroom and knowing my daughter she’s going to show you so many amazing things.”
The little boy shook his head as your dad kissed his temple before handing him to your mom. 
“Steven, remember, you once told me that everything would be ok and you were right. I’ve watched you both take care of my baby and I assure you, you both are going to be more than ok. You are going to be amazing parents.”
He beamed at him as he wrapped his arms around the demon and pulled him in for a hug. 
Your mother grinned as she reached out to touch your face as you started to cry. 
“I’m scared to do this without you.”, you whisper. 
Your parent’s smiles widen as she kisses her grandson and places him in your arms. 
“We’re not going anywhere. We’re always right here.”, she soothes as she points to Ellis’s forehead. “Right behind that door, honey.”
“I love you.”, you son coos as each grandparent reciprocates his affection. 
As both your demons come to your side, you look down to no longer see a toddler but a newborn baby wiggling in your arms. Steve gently pets his head as Eddie reaches for his tiny hand that immediately clings to his finger. 
All of your eyes shoot open but yours is followed by a grunt as you place your hands on your stomach. 
“Fuck! I think…”
They don’t waste any time as they collect you and your things before rushing towards the hospital. 
“How long are they going to keep him back there?”, Eddie growled as he held your hand.
“Calm down. Y/N said this was normal. They need to clean him, check his vitals, and all that.”
“Yeah, but Steven, what if something comes up in those vitals that frightens a human.”
The other demon’s eyes flash red in warning in his direction as a low rumble leaves his chest. 
“Maybe we should have had him in your realm.”, you respond groggily as your heavy eyes shift their way. 
“Baby, don’t let Edward scare you, ok? He’s fine. He’s got more human in him right now than anything. Dustin said he would grow into his demon parts.”
“He also said we’re the first couple ever to do this so…”
“Edward Munson, I swear—“, Steve’s anger was cut short when the door to your hospital room opened and a nurse casually sauntered in.
“Hey Munson-Harrington family.”, she smiles. “We have little Ellis here fast asleep and everything looks good. Mommy, how are you feeling?”
“Like I gave birth.” The nurse laughs at your joke as your demons roll their eyes. “I’m alright. A bit exhausted.”
“Yeah, that’s normal, sweetheart. Good news is your baby is in perfect health. Would you like to meet him?” Your eyes fully open as you sit up, smiling softly when she places him in your arms.  “I’ll come check on you three in a bit.”
Tears start to fall as you fully take him in. Right now, he seemed like a completely normal child with soft skin and just a sliver of brown hair poking out of his blue beanie. 
“Hey, honey. You’re so handsome. I’m your mommy.”, you coo in a whisper as you kiss his forehead. “Oh my god, he smells so good.”, you laugh as you look their way. 
Eddie was the first to step forward, sitting beside you on the bed as he caressed his son’s chubby little cheek with his finger. 
“Holy shit. He’s so soft.”, he breathes. “You’re perfect, kid.”
Steve finally takes a seat as well and reaches out to feel his tiny hand. 
“He’s warm to. Is that normal?” When you nod, he almost breathes a sigh of relief. “Ellis, we’re your daddies. You ARE perfect, oh my god.”
The baby squirms a bit in your hold giving them pause before pulling away. 
“I think that was his way of saying thank you.”, you smile. 
3 Weeks Old
“Fascinating.”, Dustin muses as he rocks Ellis in his arms while swaying around the living room. “He really does look just like a little human with the soft skin and everything. Nothing has stood out?”
“Can you stop analyzing our baby and just enjoy him?”, Eddie snaps as he sighs. 
“No, nothing.”, you giggle, answering his question. “And so far he seems to eat but not as much as normal babies.”
“How so?”
“Babies are supposed to eat every two hours; we’ve been feeding him every six. I was worried at first but we just took him the doctor and she said he was healthy. When I tried to give him a bottle every two he would cry and push at my hands.”
“Interesting. That has to be hard, Y/N. Him not being able to verbally tell you things like that. I hated when my kids cried in general but you…you still have that whole trial and error thing going.”
Glancing towards your demons, Eddie had fallen asleep with his head nestled in Steve’s lap on the couch who was already napping when Dustin arrived. 
“It is. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us though and I know they do to. I’ve been keeping a record like you suggested should this ever happen for anyone else.”
“Good.” When he notices your gaze shift again, he takes a seat on the floor beside you and lays Ellis on the blanket between you both. “Everything ok with you three?”
“Yeah, I’m just a little worried. They were both already so protective over me and now that he’s here… Steve’s been having nightmares. He pretends he doesn’t but I hear him groaning in his sleep and feel him wake up. I asked him the other night if he still has access to my dreams and he said he can’t find the door anymore.”
A tear fell down your check as Dustin reached out to comfort you. 
“As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Eddie’s attitude has been a lot shorter lately. He’s exhausted and worried about the three of us. He triple checks everything to the point that I find him asleep on the floor by Ellis’s crib because he’s too tired to make it back to our bed and would just rather be closer to his son just in case.”
“What about you? Besides the worry I mean.”
“I know I’m probably being paranoid but sometimes I feel like we’re being watched. It may just be because of our dynamic. I know not everyone is excepting like the new friends we’ve made but no one has said anything… I don’t know. Just…mom brain maybe.”
“Hm, maybe. Keep an eye on that. From what you’ve told me, you’re always pretty intuitive. Wouldn’t want to miss something you know?”
5 Weeks Old
“Oh my god, Y/N, look at him.”, Lisa coos at Ellis as she holds him in her arms. 
“Are you alright, Steve? You look like you haven’t slept.”, Shawn chuckles. 
“Yeah, I’m doing alright. Just…little guy keeping me up.”, he forces a smile. 
Your friends were having a get together for veterans and their families and since Steve worked at the center you suggested you three should go and be seen. Truthfully, you thought it would be good for them both to get out of the house as well as having him specifically spend some time with his new veteran friends to talk about anything that may be weighing on his mind causing his nightmares.
As the night wore on you noticed their soft grins return to their faces as he and Eddie mingled with the people around them. They radiated warmth as they talked about their son and everything he had done with his short little life so far.
“Have you guys started baby proofing yet? I swear when my daughter started crawling it was like she knew which areas were the bad ones!”
“Oh no, not yet. He did smile at Y/N the other day. Ellis has a beautiful little grin.”, Steve boasts.
“At that age usually it’s just reflexive. They see you guys smiling so…”
“Isn’t that all babies though? Like that’s how they learn?”, Eddie genuinely asks as the dads around him laugh. 
“Yeah but who knows some babies are different! You may just have an extremely happy baby who couldn’t wait to show you guys how much he loves being here.”
Time passed and a few of the guests left, leaving the main few that you had really gotten to know. You all sat in the living room while Eddie patted his son’s back as Ellis slept soundly. Steve tenderly petted the baby’s head as you beamed at them from your place in the chair across from them. 
“So how has everything else been going?”, Thomas asks as he chugs back some of the beer in his bottle. 
“Everything has been good, man. Just focusing on them, ya know?”
“Yeah, I understand. When my son was born, that first night I checked on him every hour on the hour. Then for some reason I kept checking on my wife. I knew our son needed us both and I kept thinking ‘What if something happened to either of us?’”
“I can understand that. I, uh, before Y/N and Steve, I lost a lot of people I loved and there was nothing I could do. Now that Ellis is here…it would kill me if anything ever happened to him.”
“Do you have nightmares about it? About losing them?”
“I don’t but Stevie here does.”, Eddie answers causing Steve to toss a glare his way. 
“I do but it’s fine. It’s not a big deal.”
“I had them to. Sometimes I would dream they were on the battlefield I fought in. I would run to them but I could never quite reach them.”, Thomas sighs at the memory. “What do you dream about?”
“It’s fine really.”
You’re not sure if anyone else heard but you and Eddie did as the demon’s voice fluctuated to his real one for a split second.
“It’s ok, Y/N. Like I said, I get it. If you talk about it, it gives it validity right? You’d hate to manifest something like that into existence. Someone killing Y/N and your son.”
Steve’s eyes closed as his head ticked to the side. 
“Ok, Tom, I appreciate what you’re trying to do but I’m putting my foot down. You’re going to push him too far and he’s already got enough on his mind.”, Eddie defended rising to his feet and handing you the baby. 
“Ah, you’re the enabler I imagine. You allow him to shelter his feelings so he doesn’t have to deal with them.”
“You’re damn right I do. You humans have no idea what we’ve been through!”
“Interesting word choice. Is that how you separate people from your experiences?”
“Come on, guys, let’s head home.” As the long-haired demon grabbed his boyfriend’s arm, he remained frozen in place. Kneeling in front of him, he cupped his face in his hands. “Steven, it’s ok alright. You don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to. Let’s go home and get some sleep, huh?”
When the demon finally opened his eyes, Eddie’s widen in fear; he knew this look all too well. As subtly as he could, he got to his feet and towards the front door with you trailing after him. 
Once the wind of the outside hit your faces, he expanded his wings, cutting you off as he vanished into the air.
“Edward, baby, are you ok?”
Eddie nodded from his place on the floor next Ellis who was sleeping soundly beside him. After laying down as well, he softly smiles your way as he continues caressing the baby’s open hand. 
“DO I enable him, Y/N?”
“I just…we went through so much… Every day I had to watch the man I love breakdown. Even when we were out, summoners never treated us with any kind of respect. They knew we wouldn’t be there for long. In our realm, he was hero and with one choice, he was banished and imprisoned…because of me.”
“No, Eddie. Everything you two went through was because of Henry. He killed Chrissy and framed you. Jason didn’t give Steve much of a choice. He was going to disobey orders and hurt you.”
“I always tried to make it up to him… I tried not to show my feelings, pretending I didn’t care we were trapped. Pretending I wasn’t scared and just as angry as he was. I’ve done that my whole life, Y/N. When my mom got sick, I did everything I could to make her laugh so she wouldn’t see how devastated I was. Every time my father came home upset, I acted like I was tough but I was fucking terrified, baby. I was so scared.”
A tear fell from his eye and your immediately wiped it away with your thumb.
“When he fled, I was afraid for my uncle. I didn’t even think twice when I signed up but I was positive I wouldn’t last a month out there on the battlefield. Steven and Robin helped me become a better fighter. With Chris I pretended to be more together than I was. She had enough on her plate at the time and I wanted her to feel safe.”
“It seems like that’s why you pretend, Eddie, so the people you love feel safe.”
Sitting up, he started to cry harder and you immediately crawled to him, curling up in his lap as you held him in your arms. 
The sound you recognized as a portal opening grabbed both your attention as you called Steve’s name.
“Hey, no, sorry. It’s just me. I have him here though.”, Robin answered as she came around the corner with the demon leaning half-conscious around her shoulders. “My girlfriend sent me a message saying he was there at the bar. He had been babbling about how human drinks aren’t strong enough and something about you two and Ellis.”
After leading her to the bedroom, she gently placed Steve onto the mattress. When Eddie entered the room, she smiled when she saw your son’s wide eyes looking back at her.
“He woke up.”, the demon announced as Ellis yawned to emphasis his point. 
“You need to let your parents get some rest, booger.”, Robin coos as she pokes his nose making him smile. 
“Some of our friends said for human babies around this time smiles like that are a reflex.”
“Yeah but he’s not entirely human and that beautiful, drool filled grin didn’t seem reflexive.”, she responded. “It seems like he can handle the demon skin since he’s letting us touch him.”
“Yeah, I think that’s the potion.”, you nod as you reach out to tickle the baby’s chin. “Thank you for bringing Steve back, Robin.”
Softly smiling, she leans down to kiss your forehead.
“Seriously, you and Ellis are so soft—”
“Ay yi, ma’am. This human is ours.”, Eddie playfully scolds as he swats his hand in her direction. 
Loud banging and clinking echoes behind the door you’re looking at as smoke occasionally slips through the seams. Taking a long exhale, you reach for the handle but someone tapping your shoulder startles you as you turn and smack the person’s face. 
“Ow! Jesus woman. How many times are you going to pop me?!”, Eddie whines as he rubs his cheek. 
“Edward, how did you—”
“I don’t know. I’ve been looking for the door for months. Maybe you finally calmed me down enough to know what I’m looking for.” Nodding, you kiss his lips. “So what’s the plan?”
“I think…this is Steve’s door. I don’t know. I’ve been trying to access his dreams but I haven’t been able to.”
Holding your hand, he carefully turns the knob and you both step through. Glancing down at his attire, Eddie realizes he’s suddenly in his old battle armor and you both are on the battlefield they fought on all those centuries ago. 
“Why am I not in armor?”
“I mean, you weren’t there, baby.”
“What the fuck are you two doing here?!”, Steve’s father shrieks above you as he lands on his feet. “Leave. NOW. My son needs to learn his lesson.”
“YOU’VE been giving him his nightmares?”, you growl.
“Not exactly. He started having them on his own but I’ve been fueling them.”
Shifting your gaze behind him, you both watch as Steve slaughters enemy after enemy, panting as he slowly tires himself out.
“Steven! Do better! You think these fuckers are going to show mercy on your son?! You have to do what I taught you to get the truth!”
Eddie gripped Bill’s throat and angrily threw him to the ground. 
“You made your hell his hell, you fucking asshole. He told me all about you and everything you did to him. You ruined his life enough! Leave him be.”
“Please. He’s doing this to himself. He’s worried about you two peasants and that thing. I’m making him better. Stronger.”
Grabbing a sword from the ground, you lift the handle and point the other end towards his throat. 
“You heard him. Leave Steven alone or else I swear to God, Bill, I will find a way myself to keep you in hell.”
Growling under his breath, he tried to stand but you and Eddie forced him back down with your weapons. Huffing he suddenly disappeared as well as every other solider that had fallen around the other demon. 
“Ed-Edward?”, Steve panted heavily when you noticed you both there. “Y/N? What are you…? It doesn’t matter. We need to get to Ellis or else Henry’s going to kill him. We have to—”
“Baby, look at me.”, Eddie tried to soothe as he cupped his cheeks in his hands. “You’re dreaming ok? Henry is gone and Ellis is in his crib fast asleep.”
“N-No. No? I can hear him. I can hear him crying! Can’t you hear that?!”
“NO!”, the demon growls loudly as he shoves the man he loves hard backwards. “Who are you?! You’re not Edward. Y-You’re…You’re trying to trick me. Are you Mirage? Did Henry and his dad hire you to stop me?!”
“Steven…”, Eddie cried with worry as he threw the sword he was holding to the ground and held up his hands. “Sweetheart, please, it’s me. I promise. I would never hurt you like that. I would never keep you from our son.”
As he tried to step forward, the other demon shoved him to the ground.
“I-I-I need to get to my son.”, Steve sobbed as his voice cracked. “I know you’re not Eddie. Tell me where he is.”
When he didn’t answer, he pulled back and pushed his weapon downward. 
The sound of your grunt filled their ears as your eyes met Steve’s wide glassy ones. When you both looked down, blood drenched his sword where it had pushed through your stomach and around your back. 
Looking up at him again, you smiled through the pain as blood dripped from your lips. 
“Why…why does it hurt?”
The three of you opened your eyes at the same time as you sat up clutching your stomach. Lifting up your shirt, there was no wound but it felt so real. You could still feel the stinging pain lingering on your skin. 
Eddie’s head slowly turned meeting Steve’s still shocked expression as is mouth hung open in shock. 
The long-haired demon’s growl cut him off as his eyes glowed bright red. 
“Take us to another realm that we can fucking damage NOW.” You didn’t say anything as Steve rose to his feet with his head hung preparing a portal for them to go through. “Stay here.”
Coming around the bed, he waited for the other demon to finish as you peeked into the world they’d be going to. It was completely baron with nothing but white as far as the eye can see. 
“Fitting.”, Eddie responded in anger as he and the other demon walked inside. 
As the portal began to close, you quickly got up and jumped through right as it disappeared. 
You knew Eddie may be mad but after what happened this wasn’t something you were going to let them handle alone. 
@tlclick73 @tiannamortis @steeldaisies @goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @eddiesguitarskills
@prettypeachsworld @nailbatanddungeon @notlempet
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Ignore me, I’m just talking into the void about how Peneloise needed to have their fight and break up for Polin to happen and how I wish Polin stayed secret from El for at least a day longer
Eloise is a main reason why Colin never really caught on to the depth (or rather, the direction of the depth) of his feelings for Pen until now, and he would not have gotten there so fast this season if Eloise was still around.
Even though Colin’s new sexual experience and Pen’s practical need for a marriage this season really played a huge role in speeding things up, could you imagine what that same scenario would have been like if Peneloise were still cool?
….Sexy Pirate Colin shows up and gets his fake flirt on with everyone - if Eloise knows about Pen being LW and was cool with it, Pen really wouldn’t have been calling Colin out on his new personality, or what he said last season, to get him wondering if he should be faking everything this hard to fit in with the Fuckboi Lord Squad and the ton, and to get him on the journey of accepting himself as he is, because El probably wouldn’t have let Pen call him out through LW or even in person tbh - and if El didn’t know about LW, yeah, if not in person, Pen could at least still talk shit as LW, but would she have had the need to? Cause El would have been by her side for her glow up, Pen would still be awks at the ball but if she ran out in distress El would’ve gone with her so even if Colin also ran after her it would’ve played out differently, private lessons wouldn’t have been a thing at all, and if Colin were trying to say something to Pen about all his new ‘tips and tricks on charm from when I was whoring across Europe’ El would’ve always been there turning it all into debate club because of her reasonable disdain for the practical reasons Pen needed to marry this season…. and that’s barely scratching the surface
Though it’s unintentional (or at least not maliciously intentional), Eloise has truly always been one of the biggest cockblocks for Polin, so I’m actually hella glad that they had their little friendship breakup allowing Polin to learn what they are to each other alone, and for Pen and El to find themselves separately too
I actually want their distance to stay that way a bit longer in that sense - like allow the couple their honeymoon period without interference - I know that’s not what’s gonna happen and El will immediately and quite reasonably bring the LW issue to play. Still, it would have been nice if Polin could have just been in their secret love bubble alone for longer than that glorious carriage ride
I guess that part is a bit on Colin too lol - if that man wasn’t so desperate to immediately put a ring on it and publicly announce it 10 seconds into their relationship El wouldn’t have had to get back on the cockblock train so fast. I’m in no way saying she’s wrong to do it… obviously Pen needs to come clean on LW, but GAHHHHHH
All I’m saying is
El 🐓🚫 (years) > No El but Polin still just at 👀(2-3 weeks) > Polin finally at 🗣️🫴🏼🐱🫦💥💍 (a handful of minutes 👀😉) > El is immediately back at it like👩🏻‍⚖️🧾🐓🚫
And I just wanted that💥 part to 💥💥💥 at least that oneeee night instead of the drama starting straight out of the carriage 😫 Go to sleep El! Threaten Pen with your ultimatum and start cockblocking them TOMORROW - That girl is currently in such a state of euphoria she doesn’t even knowwww she’s LW and I want her to stay in her horny stress-free love bubble a bit more before you come at her reminding her of her crimes against humanity 😫😭 loll
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Heels and shove
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, violence, injury
Janis’ girlfriend of a year transfers to North Shore, catching the attention of many.
I tried my best anon, hahah. Enjoy:) I also couldn't think of a title lol.
“What are you looking at?” Damian asks.
“Today’s y/n’s first day at the school and I’m hoping she isn’t running late.”
“Why didn’t you guys come here together?”
“She woke up late and told me to come to school first.”
“Oh, no. Did she get enough sleep last night?”
“Why do you think she woke up late, Damian?” Janis asked him in return.
“Sorry.” Damian bit back a laugh.
Before Janis could respond to that, she spots you walking into the school. The sound of your boots hitting the floor with every step you took had the students look up and around to see where it was coming from. And when they realised it was an unfamiliar face, the buzzing began instantly, all of them wondering who on earth you were. Dressed a black lace long sleeve top underneath your tank top, you had on a matching mini skirt to along with your thigh high boots.
You head straight to Janis and Damian. “Hey, you made it.” Janis smirked an arm finding its way around your waist.
“Hey.” You gave her a small smile, then said hi to Damian.
“You’re attracting quite a bit of attention.” He says quietly.
“So?” You and Janis answered in sync before she presses a kiss to your lips.
“Oh, who do we have here?”
Regina. Of course. Of course she’d show up at this very second.
“None of your business, Regina.” You snarked, going along with her tone.
“Oh, my God!” Regina gasps, “Is this your girlfriend, Janis?”
“And that concerns you, how?” Janis shot her a look of annoyance. That feigned niceness. She was being hella sarcastic. Or maybe just bitchy, as usual. Whatever it was, you weren’t having it.
“Maybe you should get on your way.” You said, hoping she’d somehow get the hint.
Janis’ grip around you tightens. “Now we know who’s the top and who’s the bottom.” Regina smirked. Oh you wanted to punch that right off her face.
“Oh, you don’t know shit, you Plastic.” You scoff.
“Baby, just ignore her. She’s not worth any of your time.”
“Please, you were obsessed with me.”
“That’s not the compliment you think it is.” Janis laughs in disbelief, ready to lead you away, to your homeroom. The first bell rings.
“Saved by the bell. Let’s go.” Damian shoves the two of you past Regina and her little posse that’d just caught up.
Well, you ended up being in the same homeroom as Janis, Damian and Cady— Cady was nice, but you knew she infiltrated The Plastics for awhile and what that caused. So you were a little wary of her. Later that day in third period, you sat at your desk in trig when you saw that blonde walk in. Well, fuck.
She smirked at you. You were paying no attention to her, but she still managed to irritate you. She kept interrupting the class, talking to her friend. And seated right behind you too, so you could hear everything that they were saying very clearly. “I’m not afraid of you. If you continue to say anything about me or Janis, you’ll be so sorry.“
“I’ll be waiting, baby.”
“Do not call me that.” You replied harshly, focusing back on the lesson before the teacher could fault you for it.
And when that class was over, she still kept following you. “Regina, what are you even doing?” Gretchen— that’s who that was. “Why are you so interested in bothering them? Just to get a reaction? For what? G, that is so immature. We’ve just been through that whole Burn Book thing and you want to do that again?”
“Relax, guys. I was just joking,”
“Not funny. Piss off.” You stated, then quickly escaped, making your way to American Literature class.
“You’re in the same trig class as Regina and Gretchen? Damn.” Damian’s eyes widen in shock for a moment.
“She’s really just doing so much for nothing. I don’t know what the fuck kind of ‘reaction’ she’s expecting but I’m just so pissed off at this point.” You huffed, getting out your notebook.
Okay, of course, this was your favourite class so far since you were with Damian and Janis. But then after that, you and Janis were separated again so you could go to AP History. But lunch, lunch was after that which was great because you were getting a little bit hungry. “Okay, class, I will see you all on Thursday. Class dism—” The bell interrupted Mr. Daniels, “Class dismissed.”
Gleefully, you exited the classroom while talking to the friend you’d just made, Elise. “No, I got transferred here because people at my old school decided it wasn’t right for me to retaliate after I got bullied.”
“That’s so rude of them.” Elise said back.
“I left voluntarily.” You added on.
“Go you.” Elise laughs, “What’s your next class?”
“I have lunch. I’m just about to go meet up with my girlfriend and our best friend. You?”
“Oh, I have gym.” She tells you, “I’ll see you again on Thursday though. Bye, y/n.”
“See you.” You waved then she departs, going in the direction opposite of yours.
And then the distinct sound of heels clacking against the school’s floors made you curse— almost aloud, she was coming up behind you. What did you do? Pretend you didn’t hear it, hear her. But you picked up your pace though.
“You.” She somehow caught up anyway. Those Louboutin heels appeared before your eyes.
“What?” You looked at her clearly displeased, feeling the anger within you bubbling up quickly thanks to the hunger.
“No wonder.” She chuckles, the sickening smirk forms again, “No wonder Janis rejected me.”
You scoffed.
“She likes the freaks.” She leaned in to whisper in your ear. You inhaled sharply, your fists balling up. You feel your phone buzzing in your pocket— that was definitely Damian or Janis trying to contact you. “And you’re one.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You snarled, “God forbid little rich girl, Regina George can’t get what she wants one time.”
The blonde stared daggers into your soul. She had the power to intimidate, she had the power over most of the student population to destroy them for life. Janis got a terrible reputation because of the girl before you, that only very recently died off. Not you though, the only thing you felt when you saw her face was anger. Anger for what she did to so many, but mainly anger for what she did to Janis. “Get the fuck out of my way or else I’d just—”
“Just what? Push me? Tell on me?”
The urge to punch her in the face was so incredibly strong, but you took a deep breath and sidestepped her and went on your way quickly.
“God, there you are.” Janis heaves a sigh of relief as you plopped your lunch tray down. “What happened? Is your stomach—”
“I’m fine. It’s not that.” You answered her fast.
Damian tilted his head towards some laughter, from Regina and her little posse. Janis’ brows were raised for a beat and she scoffs, “Lucky for her she didn’t get her jaw broken.”
“I don’t get why Gretchen keeps hanging out with her.” You said, “She was stopping Regina.”
“Gretchen is nice, so is Karen. But you know, they’re still scared of her because well, she’s who she is.” Damian shrugged.
“I mean they could just— stop hanging out with Regina?”
“No, honey, they think they need her. It’s too late. They’re too dependent.” Janis states, holding the Oatly bottle in her hand as she swirled it before taking a sip.
“Hi, freaks.” The blonde intentionally walked by.
“I have had it with you! Why is the school so afraid of you? So what if you’re rich? That doesn’t give you the right to control people for your own enjoyment.” You yelled, “Call me a freak. Whatever. I do not care about what you think. But keep their names out of your mouth or I'll make you regret everything you have ever uttered."
"You don't know her like we do." Damian agrees, "You'll be so damn sorry."
Regina smiled sarcastically, sitting down at her usual table. Karen immediately told her to apologise to you, but did she listen? Of course not. You stood up for yourself and those you care about when it was needed, she tormented everyone because she likes it. That was the difference, and a big one at that. "Okay, what the hell did she actually say to you?" Janis leaned closer to ask quietly.
"She started off by telling me how you rejected her. Like I didn't know that- we were already dating then." Janis snorted a laugh, "What, and then she called you a freak?"
"She's jealous, my loves." Damian laughs, "She's not used to this...not being able to get what she wants. And I am loving every second of it."
"Of course you are." Janis rolled her eyes.
"Okay, anyway— what's the deal with Cady?"
"That, is Regina's girl."
Your eyes nearly flew out of your head and thank God you weren't eating because you would've choked. "What? That sweet, nice girl is that bitch's girlfriend?"
"Eh, yeah. They're in love and she's the only one Regina even treats like a normal human. But y'know, even better. Because they're dating. So maybe this stupid shit she's saying is all for show, for the thrill. But still, girl I know you wanna kill her but please don't."
"I know, Damian. She's not worth it. I— am so angry right now." Someone threw something at your head. You reached behind the pulled a cheese fry out of your hair, immediately tossing it back before she could dodge. You hit her directly in the mouth. The students surrounding your tables laughed. Satisfied, you returned to eating then cleaned out your hair afterwards.
Regina didn't retaliate again. Until the last bell let out for the day. While you were waiting for Janis to be done with her gym class, someone just came up to you and slammed you against a locker. "Regina! What the hell?" Aaron yelled, "Are you okay?"
"How dare you? No one messes with me." Regina continues, pushing Aaron away and lunging at you. She easily shoves you to the floor. You were caught by surprise, completely unable to defend yourself.
"Regina, it's you." Gretchen spoke up, "You have been messing with her all day and now you've really hurt her. I don't know why I'm so scared of you- she's right. You're the same age as me, as so many of us, why are we living like we need to bow down to you no matter what? What's the point?"
God, the pain. The pain in your wrist, it wasn't going away. Tears pricked at your eyes as you tried to help yourself back on your feet. "Regina George, you better stay where you are!" Janis came running, ready to tackle her to the ground. Again, Aaron stops it from happening. "Get off me! She hurt my girlfriend."
"And it's no use getting yourself in trouble over her." Aaron says. Karen and Gretchen helped you up, and you crying out in pain freaked them the hell out.
"Janis, let's go. Now." Damian glared at her, "She needs to go to the hospital."
Janis froze, stopping whatever she was planning on doing. "Fine."
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miss-multi45 · 8 months
I had an idea of the ghouls / ghoulettes walking in on reader fresh out of the shower only in a towel wrapped around their waist/torso?
thank you, you too ♡♡
gets hella horny.
"take that shit off..right now baby."
if you don't he will, and that towel is no longer wearable.
stares at you, hard in his pants.
"not leaving much room for my imagination there, little kitten.."
he makes you shower again, with him both inside the shower and inside you.
walks up to you and starts licking the moisture off you.
he's a water ghoul, what did you expect?
"can i run my tongue along your pussy/cock?"
stares blanky at you, before a smug smile creeps onto his lips.
"sit on my face."
sit on his face.
helps you dry off before sexually teasing you.
"beg for me, i know you want my cock, petal."
cue the steamiest, most passionate, sweet sex you've ever had.
cuddles you and wraps his tail around your bare wet thigh.
shoves his face in your pecs/titties.
"warm and fuzzy, just like being inside of you.."
does the same thing as mountain.
"there we go, doesn't that feel good?"
fucks your thighs instead.
teases you.
"well, look at my little pup. did you have a nice bath/shower?"
helps you dry off and sleeps on your warm body after overstimulating you for 5 hours.
picks you up by your thighs with one arm and rubs his hand over the fluffy towel.
"why didn't you tell me before you had a bath/shower? i would've joined you.."
pouts about it and makes let you ride his thigh as an apology.
also pouts.
"aww! why didn't you tell me you were going to get the bathroom all warm and foggy?"
cuddle her and take another bath/shower with her as an apology.
smug as fuck.
"well hello there, my little love. care to remove your towel for me?"
leaves kisses and hickeys all over you.
same as cirrus.
"get back in that shower. now."
she's joining you.
she was about to take a shower.
"why didn't you tell me? i was just about to do that!"
takes a shower and talks to you in the shower
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Could I maybe request LottiexFem!reader headcanons where reader is wayy shorter than Lottie? Just fluff and forehead kisses and reader being the little spoon.<33
btw- I love your work!! Keep it up.:]
Height Difference Lottie Matthews Headcanons
this is so fun and silly also tysm for the complement 😭😭
I'm so envisioning Lottie like using you as an armrest
Obviously you're like "screw you" but she does it anyways
The arm on your head is her go-to pose for couples pics too
She also constantly rests your head on top of yours because come on! You're the perfect height!
Whenever you want to initiate a kiss you have to like... drag her down or ask her to lean over
She thinks it's adorable but you hate it
Lottie used to be really insecure about her height, like especially when she thought she had to date guys
She didn't want to be taller than her boyfriend!!
But then she realized she didn't want a boyfriend
Even then she was like hm do I really want to be this tall
And then she met you and you were short as hell and like couldn't reach the top shelf at the grocery store
So now she loves being tall
Speaking of the grocery store...
The girl doesn't even let you TRY to reach high up
"I could've gotten that" "with a step-stool maybe" "fuck off"
You guys do in fact have a stool at your apartment for you to use when Lottie isn't home
She bought it because you kept standing on chairs and falling from them (from personal experience this is hell. I need to buy a stool)
You boycotted said stool in the beginning but eventually were like "okay this makes my life significantly easier"
Obviously Lottie is normally the big spoon
But sometimes, like if she's sick or had a bad day, you spoon her
It's almost comical
You're like a backpack on her because of the height difference
She appreciates the effort if not the delivery
Not height related but she braids your hair. She loves messing with it too. Like yall will just be standing there and then you realize you have like 7 tiny braids in your hair
Okay back to her being so hella tall
You definitely tried to give her a piggyback ride once
Needless to say that that didn't end up working out
If we're thinking like a more modern setting Lottie absolutely used her height to her advantage when taking 0.5 pictures of you
She had a whole album dedicated to them
The insta birthday posts are absolutely horrendous
If you ever wake up and Lottie's standing somewhere in your bedroom you're like "there's my sleep paralysis demon" for a second
And then you're like "oh whoops that's my tall as hell gf"
Also forehead kisses happen so often
Lottie thinks it's a pain to bend down to your lips every time she wants to kiss you
So most of the time it's like right on your hairline or just the top of your head
The amount of lipgloss in your hair is astronomical
Cuddling with her is so nice though because she's so much taller than you and you feel so safe with her
Like not only is she probably strong as fuck but she's also tall? Goddamn
Sometimes you lay on top of her like a weighted blanket and she's so here for it
She tried to do it to you once but it didn't have the same affect
When yall do dishes you wash them/unload the dishwasher and she puts the dishes away because she can reach the shelves and you can't
Around Christmas and your birthday she hides your gifts on the top shelf of your closet
Lottie's just such a cutie I love these
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obitos-whore · 8 months
The Ame-orphans as your adopted children headcanons
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When you told them that you wanted to adopt them, they all teared up. Even Yahiko, who had always put on a brave face for the sake of his two friends
They were so grateful and happy that they even offered to help you with the chores
Yahiko, despite being used to acting tough all the time, is actually a big ol' baby and probably the most attached to you. Although he fiercely denies it
To him, it feels nice knowing that he can drop the brave act and be a child again, without having to constantly worry about his friends and his own well-being
He's also a cheeky little prankster and that certainly doesn't change with age. If anything, he becomes more creative but never to the point where he could harm others
A sucker for bad puns that aren't actually funny, but you'll laugh anyway because his laughter is hella contagious
His room is almost always messy, though he calls it "Experimental order"
Konan is the responsible one, who often has to chide her friend for his pranks, especially when poor Nagato is the target of them
Will not hesitate to throw hands with Yahiko if he's being particularly annoying and even chase him around the house with her paper shuriken
As a kid, Konan was just as touch deprived as her two friends and thus greatly appreciated the cuddles and good night kisses her adoptive parent gave her
Whenever she had a nightmare, she would try to suck it up and curl up under her blanket, whimpering and sobbing softly, before eventually coming to your room to ask if she could sleep in your bed. She just doesn't want to be a burden, or come off as a baby
After telling her that she's not a burden if she needs someone to talk to or even hold her during her darkest moments, the wall that had kept her from reaching out "too often" disappeared and now you're the first person she talks to about literally everything
Her room is always tidy and her clothes are neatly folded. Even as a teenager
She's an early bird and will often help you prepare breakfast
Nagato is the softest of them all and, just like Yahiko, very attached to you
He also shares Konan's mentality of not wanting to be a burden and often keeps his struggles and worries to himself
Only when he can't hold it in any longer will he break down and cry his broken little heart out
He's a very sensitive and touch starved soul and despite not wanting to come off as bothersome, would hold onto you and cuddle with you for hours. Sometimes even nodding off or straight up falling asleep in your arms
He loves helping you out in the kitchen and will eagerly listen and watch when you teach him how to cook
Just like Konan's, Nagato's room is also very clean and neat
He's the quiet child who enjoys reading a lot
He really loves it when you read to him as he finds it soothing to listen to a dearly loved person's voice while slowly slipping off into the land of dreams
Just like Yahiko and Konan, Nagato is plaqued by nightmares of the war and his parents' passing and is constantly torn between coming to you for comfort and remaining in his bed and dealing with it himself
Will need a lot of reassurance from you that it's okay to come to you no matter how late it is and ask for comfort
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