#and shikaku calls her out immediately
mixelation · 4 months
one of the differences between plasticity!tori and mutagenicity!tori is that mutagenicity!tori comes off as having an extremely exaggerated sense of self-importance. plasticity!tori is like "oh god why are scary people talking to me" and mutagenicity!tori just assumes important people should want to talk to her, despite being some random orphan from a country no one considers important. and THAT is reason #236 people don't like her
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dira333 · 11 months
The Road Not Taken
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
part 2 ; Character sheet
I had an idea and could not stop writing it. Normally I finish a fic before I post it but I wanted to try something new. I hope this doesn’t blow up in my face.
tagging: @spellcasterlight​ because she’s lending me her own OC as Shino’s mother
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Her parents named her Airi, choosing the two Kanjis that meant favorite - because they had been waiting for her - and Pear Tree - because her father had planted one the day they had gotten married.
Her father, a member of the Nara clan, had inherited the laziness and the looks, but not much of their genius. Her mother, unwilling to fight, had focused on healing to help the village and what she lacked in talent she made up for in vigor.
All they wanted was a simple life, an average life.
They died early. 
Growing up alongside her cousin Shikaku, Airi realized three things early on.
First, she would always be two steps behind, whether it was in age, constitution, or talent.
Second, love was not often given freely in the world of Shinobi but it was cherished.
And third, she needed to be able to pick her battles and pick them well.
The door to Shikaku’s house isn’t fully closed.
You push it open and call out for the family of three.
“We’re in the living room,” Yoshino calls out and Airi follows the noise.
It is no surprise to see Shikaku sprawled out on the Couch, most likely on his third nap of the day. It is no less surprise to see Shikamaru napping on his chest, an ever-growing bundle of sass and genius.
“Tuckered out?” You ask and Yoshino nods, not bothering to rise from where she is going over her needlework. 
“Shikaku has been teaching him Shogi. I’ve never seen him so focused before.”
Whether it is the mention of Shogi or just the usual time for his nap to end, Shikaku groans, shakes his head, and peers at them.
“Airi,” He says and you know immediately that he has been informed. You nod, ignoring Yoshino’s curious looks.
“I thought it would be better to discuss this here,” You say, an apologetic smile on your lips. “Would you care for a walk in the woods?”
Shikaku nods grimly and pulls his son from his chest. Shikamaru whines but settles instantly on the soft cushions, already fast asleep by the time you make it to the door leading into the backyard.
“We won’t be long,” Shikaku tells Yoshino, a tone in his voice that keeps her from questioning.
The sun hadn’t yet gone down fully but dusk was settling quickly and below the trees, it was almost dark, soothing to your left eye. 
“Yori said that you agreed to everything. That’s not the Airi that I know.”
“Which Airi are you referring to?”
He huffs. “The Airi that fought tooth and nails to marry the man she loved? True love conquers all, wasn’t that your life’s motto?”
“Do I have to remind you that he died?” Your voice is low and calm but Shikaku tenses as if you’d slapped him.
“Just…” He starts again. “Why are you agreeing to an arranged marriage?”
“So far I haven’t agreed to anything. I’ve been minding my business, doing my work until Yori decided to pop in on one of her surprise visits. You know how she is, she’s got her ears and eyes everywhere and…” You stop, swallow, and force the words out of your mouth. “She mentioned that Aburame-san has been a widower for two years now and that his son needs a mother. The Aburame’s have always been open to arranged marriages and she’s not wrong. My chances for remarrying have significantly dulled since the injury to my eye.”
“I understand that, but Shibi? Are you sure?”
“I haven’t met him yet. I knew Yori would tell you immediately and I was hoping I could talk to you first but I see she’s beat me again. I am asking you as my Clan head and not as my cousin for your honest opinion on this case.”
He is quiet for a while as he walks next to you through the woods that had been your home for so long.
Finally, he speaks.
“Shibi is not a bad man. If you are serious about this, I’d give you my blessings but I want you to meet him first, and talk this through. Don’t marry that man without knowing him, especially his family's jutsu.”
“You’d have to officiate.” You remind him and he groans in annoyance.
“What a drag.”
Shibi is tall. You cannot tell much more because his clothes seem to swallow him whole. Dark glasses cover his eyes and his hair is a mess of brown that almost seems to defy gravity but other than that, you can only see his long fingers wound around the teacup in front of him.
You wonder briefly if he’s cold. Maybe less than perfect blood circulation?
“Why don’t you tell us about your son?” Yori’s voice cuts through the quiet of the room but you barely flinch this time, the tips of your fingernails digging into the flesh of your hands instead. 
Yori is one of the elders of the clan. What she lacks in size she makes up for in volume.
“His name is Shino.” Shibi offers politely. His voice is calm. “He was born four years ago, therefore he is as old as Shikamaru.”
“What are his hobbies?” You ask, your voice a whisper in comparison to Yori.
Shibi’s left eyebrow raises and he seems to ponder your question for a moment.
“Currently, he is learning about honeybees. Why? He is very interested in bugs and insects of all kinds.”
There’s so much more you want to ask. 
Does he miss his mother? Does he like to cuddle? Does he cry or does he hide his tears like Shikamaru sometimes does because he’s embarrassed?
“Well, it sounds like you’re getting along,” Yori exclaims happily to your utter embarrassment. You can feel the blood rush to your cheeks and unlike Shibi, there’s no way to hide your blush.
He clears his throat pointedly and you fear the worst.
“Would you like to take a walk? We are not far from our grounds and I would like to show you the Aburame estate.” Just as before he adds a question and its answer to his sentence. “Why? Because you should know the place you’d be going to live in.”
It is almost endearing and you wonder if he’s aware of this mannerism.
Yori all but pushes you out the door. You’re not really dressed for a walk in today’s weather, the pretty Yukata Yori had demanded you put on is no match against Konoha’s fall winds.
But you soldier on.
The streets are busy as ever, but no one pays you any mind. 
You’ve never stood out before but since your injury, people tend to look away when the notice you. Shibi seems to share your fate but he doesn’t seem to mind.
He’s quiet as he walks. You want to ask more questions but you don’t know what you should ask. Or if you’re allowed to.
Eventually, he turns to the right and through a tall, wooden archway. 
Even in the fall, the Aburame estate is beautiful. There’s a multitude of trees dipped in various shades of red, yellow, and the dark green of conifers. Where the Nara estate is a dense forest with a few clearings, the Aburame estate is a cultivated garden.
It’s a feast for the insects, you realize, as you follow him down a path.
Wild vine covers the house you are walking towards. A door opens and a woman steps outside, a boy next to her. She’s old, her grey hair in a long braid.
“Father.” The boy greets Shibi and he looks nothing like you thought he would but nothing like that at all. He’s about the same size as Shikamaru but he wears long wide clothing and a tiny set of sunglasses that cover his eyes. His hair is a shade darker but just as wild.
“Shino. Chiasa-san. We have a visitor.”
“Hello.” You wave your hand awkwardly and they both greet you politely. Their eyes may be shielded by their sunglasses but you can tell that they are watching you curiously.
“I would like to borrow a coat, Chiasa-san. Why? Because Nara-san is here to learn about our estate and she is not dressed for the weather.”
“Can I come?” Shino asks. There’s a moment of Silence as you watch Shibi, trying to guess his answer. You want him to say yes just as much as you want him to say no.
“You can come. Why? You can tell her about the honeybees.”
There’s something like a smile tugging on little Shino’s lips. Chiasa is back, a heavy coat in her arms. It’s the same unassuming greenish-brown that seems to be the colour of the Aburame’s uniform. You take it, eager to slip into something warmer. As you move to put your arm into one sleeve, Shibi lifts the coat for easier access.
It’s a simple gesture but it’s attentive and you suppose it’s more than you could have asked for.
Shino is a determined guide. He lists all the plants that usually grow as well as the bugs that feed from them. Whenever he has nothing to say he falls silent. If he grows tired, he doesn’t say, he just trudges along on short legs.
Shibi halts in between the trees. It’s darker here but not as dark as in the Nara forest. Still it soothes your left eye.
“Before an Aburame engages in an arranged marriage, it is custom to show their eyes.” He exclaims. “If it frightens you, you will not have to see it again.”
Without any further explanation, he pulls the sunglasses from his face.
His eyes are a light shade of amber and you wonder if they would glow gold in the sunlight. Below each eye is a line of black dots. Before you can question if they are painted on or tattooed like the marks of the Inuzuka, the dots begin to move. 
Quickly, you realize that they are bugs. Hundreds of them move out of tiny holes in his face, the most prominent ones below his eyes. 
On instinct you take a step closer, your left eye not much help in distinguishing one bug from the other and something akin to surprise passes over Shibi’s face but you could be mistaken.
“Does it hurt?” You ask as you watch, transfixed.
“It does not.” Shino exclaims to your feet. “Should I show her too?” He asks his father.
Shibi seems to hesitate for a moment and you take it as a sign to take the lead, dropping down to be on eye level with the boy.
“If you want,” You tell him. “You can show me.”
Shino’s eyes have a blue tint, probably inherited from his mother. He watches you intently as the bugs march across his nose. This close you can tell how many of them there are and how small they are.
“Does it tickle?” You ask. 
Instead of an answer, Shino lifts his hand and points at your left eye, his hand so close his finger almost pokes your skin.
“Does that hurt?” He asks bluntly.
“Only when the lights are very bright.” You tell him honestly.
“Why don’t you wear sunglasses?”
“I haven’t found a pair that I liked yet.” It’s not the whole truth but he seems satisfied with it.
“How did it happen?”
You swallow thickly, your brain rushing through various explanations.
“He only wants to know what caused it,” Shibi explains softly. 
“Why? Because it looks like poison but none that I am familiar with.” Shino expands further, copying his father’s style of speech.
It is endearing to see parts of the one in the other. 
And as Shino is not asking for much more but the most basic details of your injury, his question is quickly answered.
The boy stifles a yawn as you finish and Shibi, his glasses back in place, picks him up with ease. 
“It is time for you to sleep. Why? Because your hive needs to regenerate.”
You walk after them, feeling a bit like a spectator to their home life as Shino melts into his father's hold, content to be carried.
Chiasa is already at the door when you arrive, accepting Shino into her arms.
“I will be home soon,” Shibi tells his son. “Do not wait up.”
You move to slip out of the given jacket but Shibi stops you quickly.
“I will walk you home. There is no need to give it back just now.”
The walk back is as quiet as when you started but it feels a lot less heavy now. 
You can tell that Shibi is not much of a talker. This marriage would mean a quiet life and after having spent so much time around Yori, you can’t say you’re against the change.
About half a mile from your house, Shibi stops in the soft light of a flickering street lamp. He looks up at the sky where one cloud chases another, the strong winds pushing them further and further away.
“I’d like to know your opinion.” He says and you wait, already anticipating what will follow. “Why? Because it is important what you think about this.”
You hadn’t expected this particular kind of reasoning, another blush working itself into your cheeks. 
“I-” You start, unsure of how to phrase your thoughts. “I’d like to try.” You shudder under the weight of this decision. “You seem a calm man. I don’t have much to offer but if you’ll have me-”
It sounds like you’re proposing to him, in some way, but Shibi doesn’t react. He’s quiet, almost frozen in place. You wonder what he’s thinking.
Eventually, he speaks again.
“How soon do you want to be married?” He asks.
Your wedding is small.
As the Clan head of the Nara, it is Shikaku’s duty to officiate any wedding inside the Nara Clan. But as you’re marrying someone from another Clan, he’s found just another reason to duck the responsibility.
You are wed in the Hokage office instead of the Nara forest as you had planned that your first wedding. The one that never happened.
Shikaku and Chiasa are your witnesses and Yoshinori is standing to the side, holding an already snoozing Shikamaru while Shino is a stiff spectator to her side.
Everything is done and over in less than twenty minutes.
There is no party after, no honeymoon that’s just the two of you in a shabby hotel. 
While you were getting married, everything you’ve packed has been moved out from Yori’s house to the Aburame estate and is now waiting for you to unpack.
Less than a month ago Yori had approached you with her grand idea and now you were no longer a Nara but an Aburame by name and residence.
The walk toward your new home reminds you of your first walk with Shibi. 
You’re both not dressed overly fancy, the change from work clothes to something more casual the only visible sign that this was not a work visit to the Hokage.
No one sends you any looks as you make your way through the village, Shino in your middle, refusing to be carried.
The fact that you look like his mother now, like you’re one family, hits you like one of Maito Guy's punches. Because, legally, you are his mother now. You are family. 
It just doesn’t feel like it.
The wine-covered house is Shibi’s. 
It’s slightly bigger than the others on the compound and as you step through the door you are surprised by the well-chosen interior. Light, earthy colors are interjected with the dark green of plants.
“Can I play?” Shino asks as soon as you are inside.
Shino slips out of his shoes and into the living room. Before you can wonder what he considers playing, Shibi points towards the first floor.
“Let me show you your room.”
Your room, as he calls it, is a small bedroom that fits one bed, one dresser, and one small desk. There’s a door leading to a bathroom. 
“It used to be my study.” He explains, his voice soft. “I thought you might want your own room. Why? Because we are not yet well acquainted.”
His words offer a look into the future. When you are better acquainted you will share his room. A shiver runs down your back, but you’re not sure why. You knew this was going to happen.
Quite frankly you hadn’t even thought it possible to have your own room. You were married now, after all.
The bathroom connects his room with yours. There are two more rooms on the other side of the hallway, Shino’s bedroom and another small bathroom.
“Are you hungry?” Shibi asks. “I will prepare something. Why? Shino is going to be hungry soon.”
“I am not hungry yet. Do you want me to help?”
“It is your choice. I will not mind your help nor if you choose to unpack instead.”
He leaves for the ground floor after that, leaving you to decide for yourself.
The day moves by quickly after that. Unpacking doesn’t take as long as you would have thought. 
You come back down right on time for dinner only to realize that the Aburames do not talk during meals. It’s a quiet, yet tasty, meal. The small bug in your pocket, carved from an antler, is burning into your skin. But not once does it feel right to pull it out and gift it to him.
This is your wedding day but it feels different than what you had imagined.
After dinner, Shino and you help clean up the little that is to clean. 
Shino settles in the living room soon after, a book roughly his size on the floor.
He puts his finger on the page and follows the words, sounding them out aloud whenever he has trouble.
He is four years old yet he can read almost as well as Shikamaru. You wonder how you’ll ever be a mother to him.
“I have to leave,” Shibi announces shortly after, gourd already on his back. “I’ll be back before morning.”
Shino nods in understanding and Shibi turns towards you. There is an awkward pause, roughly two heartbeats long, as you wonder how you should say goodbye. Do you hug him? Kiss him? Nod at him as Shino did?
“Shino will go to bed at his usual time. If there is any problem, Chiasa lives in the house closest to ours.” 
He leaves after that with a curt nod, while you ponder the fact that it is now “our” house instead of “theirs”.
“I will go to bed now,” Shino tells you. “Why? Because I am tired.”
“Do you want me to take you?” You ask, getting to your feet.
He freezes in surprise. “How?”
“How do you take one to bed? I do not need to be carried.”
You smile. “When I was your age, my mother would sit by my bed until I fell asleep and tell me stories. And my father would give me a good night kiss so that I would have good dreams.”
He ponders that for a moment until he nods in resolution.
“I would like to try a story. Why? I assume that those are educational.”
“They can be.”
When he has settled in his bed, his glasses on the nightstand, his bugs freely moving across his face, you pull the carving out of your pocket.
“What is it?” He asks and you hold it up for him to sea.
“It is my present to you. It is a bug made from antler.”
He takes it from your hand, holding it up as well. 
“It is not anatomically correct.” He tells you. “It is much too big to be real.”
“It is not meant to look real. It is meant to be cherished.”
He ponders that for a moment before he puts the carving on the nightstand next to his glasses.
“Do you have a story about antlers?” He asks.
You smile. “Of Course. I come from the Nara Clan after all.”
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spellcasterlight · 1 year
Here is your weekly dose of letting you know you’re awesome!
Okay, I’m about to do it!
You ready for it?
Here it comes…
Hi there, Considerate Cheetah Anon! 🐆
I think I needed this today, Anon; thank you 😭
After posting my story yesterday, I like mentally sat down yesterday only to immediately open my next story which is due next week for Mabui's birthday 😂 I actually forgot how much I wrote of it over the Christmas break. Kunoichi week are holding an event that covers all our brilliant kunoichi’s birthday so if check it out!
I'll put a wee snippet below the cut!
Thank you for the sweet ask! ✨
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
Can’t Stop The Sun From Setting - [Shikaku x Mabui]
Warnings: Alcohol.
Shikaku learned quickly she drank like any war-hardened man he had ever worked with, sipping her first full glass without coughing and spitting like a lot of lightweights he had seen. Yet, she spoke and handled everything with the finesse and lightness of touch that he saw women use in everyday life to complete tasks.
Mabui was a true marvel to behold.
Her fingers held the glass filled with whiskey steady. Not spinning it like Inoichi or waving it around excitedly like Choza did when they drank together. Shikaku’s tell was that his fingertips tapped against the glass when he was restless.
If she had one, he had yet to find it. It rattled him more than it should have. He could usually scan people.
“Sheriff Nara-”
“What a drag. I told you to cut that out,” Shikaku had many times over the week, but she had yet to concede being over-professional; he found stifled his ability to think, “just call me Shikaku, yeah?”
He could physically see her contemplate the idea this time, her mint green eyes taking on a darker shade due to the low lamplight of the bar and her pondering. The only difference that time compared to every other was the glass of alcohol in her hand. Shikaku poured her another while she was distracted.
Seeming to settle on something, her posture loosened somewhat, not enough for any average person to notice, but he did; at least he could read that much of her.
“Then I should grant you the same respect.”
The wording Mabui used made it sound like it would be nothing less than a chore to allow him to call her by her given name, but the lightening of her tone suggested anything but even backing it up with a slight uptick of her lips before her next sip of bourbon.
“Mabui,” three syllables, yet his mouth found them strange to make the shape, “pretty name.”
Any other woman he knew would have enjoyed the addition, but her head rose, and her eyes narrowed in what looked like suspicion. He found himself barking a “what?” in reply.
“Is that a joke?”
“What-no?” What kind of question was that? He had spent nearly a week with this woman and still didn’t understand a damn thing about her, “what a drag. How would that be a joke?”
“Mabui means pretty.”
Taking a large sip, he silently agreed.
With her dark skin, piercing mint green eyes, and thin shiny silver locks held away from her face. Still, her practical hair bun revealed her long neck, her high-collared cream white shirt and seaweed green jacket covered but outlined a full form. A skirt that flared around her knees which made the older conservative men and women in his village tut and gossip, and the heat on her cheeks the alcohol had brought out, she was a beauty barely imaginable.
Whoever named her wasn’t wrong.
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Naruto hot takes part 3: can I PLEASE get a waffle?
1) Kushina and Minato’s relationship was so fucked up. Like seriously she was a genocide survivor and he was a literal war criminal who killed thousands of people. 2) Also the fucking power imbalance - Minato was a prodigy, chosen young to be the Third Hokage’s successor, had close ties to the three Sannin aka the most powerful ninja in Konoha, and seemed to have some connection to the Second Hokage. Kushina may have been a Jinjuuriki, but she was also a refugee without a family or connections. 3) Also Minato was probably a psychopath lmao. He literally doesn’t care about anyone’s problems unless they’re shoved in his face, has no reaction to two of his students literally dying, and puts the third one - as a traumatized child - in murder corps. 4) Yk if he was alive he probably would have been a dad in a similar way as Principal Asano from Assassination Classroom. 5) Konoha probably had a part to play in Ushizo’s demise and it’s why no one ever mentions them despite that the literal Hokage was married to an Uzumaki. 6) Sasuke isn’t the amazing radical savior his fandom think he is lol. 7) Yeah, he was the closest to a radical character throughout the series, but the second he found out why Itachi decided killing his whole clan was a good idea he immediately sided with him and never questioned any of his decisions. When he did claim to want a revolution, his ideas were a) becoming a dictator (Kage) or b) killing everyone in Konoha. 8) He has every right to be mad and you could probably make him an actual revolutionary easily, but still lol. 9) Shikaku was a kind of bad dad based on what hints we get of Shikamaru’s home life. 10) Literally everyone’s characterization - Sakura included - was more interesting, well rounded, and had more potential in Part 1 than Part 2. 11) Sakura should have been a ROOT agent. It makes a lot of sense, especially in Part 1. 12) For how interesting Sai’s backstory was there was very little point to his character. The only reason he was there was to be Sasuke’s replacement. 13) The fact that he could have and should have been more is true, but he wasn’t. 14) Tsunade had a shit ton of privilege as both a Senju and the granddaughter of the First Hokage and that really should have been explored. 15) Both Jiraiya and Orochimaru give me pedophile vibes and I do not like it. 16) There was literally no reason why basically all of the Rookie 9 had to be clan heirs. It makes no sense. 17) Sarutobi Hiruzen was probably senile and should probably never be seen ever again. Please someone destroy his face on that stupid Hokage Wall or whatever it’s called. 18) Hashirama wasn’t the happy-go-lucky guy everyone seems to think he is lol. He was manipulative as hell and probably killed a shit ton of people. 19) The Last is a really stupid movie that showcases all of Studio Perriot’s fetishes in like two hours. 20) The one thing that is realistic is Hinata caring more about knitting a scarf for ‘N-naruto kun’ than her sister being kidnapped. 21) Both Sakura and Hinata are shittily written characters who’s entire arcs in-story revolve around guys. The difference is Hinata is a slave owner and Sakura knows jack shit about politics because no one tells her anything. 22) Hey Kishimoto give your main heroine an actual fucking thematic and plot relevant role that makes her equal to her male teammates as she’s literally supposed to be as their deuteragonist challenge. 23) Oh yeah Rin being a ROOT agent also makes a lot of sense. 24) Please sort out Naruto’s backstory. Did he have no friends or were Shikamaru, Kiba, and Chouji his friends? Did he not give a shit about Hinata or did he save her from a copy-pasted version of Sakura’s backstory? Please. 25) Naruto isn’t empathetic at all he just trauma dumps on everyone and expects them to gush over his oh-so-sad backstory because he had it the worst out of everyone, awwww. 26) And the worst part is it works lmaoo. 27) Kakashi has white man energy. 28) The whole reincarnation plotline was stupid and added absolutely nothing other than making Naruto’s whole thing about being an ‘underdog’ even more obsolete as he was literally destined for power. 29) Honestly if the ramen girl (Ayame?) was younger I probably would have shipped her and Naruto. It would’ve been cute. 30) Fugaku wasn’t abusive lol. Yeah, he wasn’t a perfect dad, but he did care about his kids and didn’t purposefully hurt them. The only reason people make him out to be Sasuke’s abuser is so they can make Itachi into this uwu savior instead of a nationalist responsible for a genocide.
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
Father in law shikaku smut? Like y/n is shikamaru’s wife I think it’s obv who I am🤧 but if it’s not yay
no worries hon, i’ve got no idea who you are. we all thirst for shikaku here 😌 shadow daddy can call me anytime. anyway lol, I hope you enjoy! I went a teensy bit angsty with it. also, this takes place in au where Yoshino dies instead of Shikaku because I can't stand to write two cheating couples 😭
(Shikaku x fem!reader) NSFW // 2.0k words
cws: cheating, daddy kink, unprotected sex
// 18+ minors dni! //
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It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Of course not. No one plans to marry the wrong person, or to fall out of love when your lives are already so intertwined it seems unthinkable to be apart, even when it’s best for everyone. You’d spent a lot of time trying to understand where it had gone wrong, when the two of you had stopped falling or trying or whatever it was that made love work. You married young, maybe that was it. It was just a case of meeting the right person at the wrong time. Shikamaru and you used to be so close, everything was perfect.
Try as you might to convince yourself though, you sighed out loud at your own desperate justifications, all of which fell flat even in your own heart. You’d lost him - for good. there was no use wondering why.
It was hard not to let the insecurities run through your head all day at work with him though, seeing him pretend like everything was fine in front of all your friends only to come home to your loveless house. To ignore you and sneak out after dinner to meet Temari. Your face twisted into a deep scowl at the thought. The name left a sour taste on your tongue and you hadn’t even said it aloud. Refusing to let him get to you you quickened your pace, feet echoing quick taps on the pavement of the empty road as you headed towards your destination.
You’d known about his infidelity since the moment it started, you weren’t a fool. There was a reason Shikamaru had fallen for you all those years ago after all. But despite the heartbreak, and the pain, the way you’d wanted to scream at him and rip out his heart the way it felt like he’d taken yours… you just closed the door. He knew you knew though, the brazenness with which he left the house each night to rendezvous with his lover proved that. And to his credit he didn’t seem to mind when you’d taken up staying out late yourself, tip-toeing in during the wee hours of the night when he’d already returned from his escapades. You had a feeling he might feel different if he knew just who you’d jumped into bed with to fill his absence, but he wasn’t exactly in position to judge. No, not at all, you assured yourself, the image of his lips on her hers flashing through your mind and reigniting the fire in your belly.
A cool breeze blew by, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. You pulled your sweater closer around your shoulders and looked ahead at the homes that were becoming clearer through the darkness of the trees as you neared them with each impatient step. The Nara compound was quiet at this time of night, low voices from open windows carrying through the open air with the dim light of candles. Except for your own house which was pitch dark and silent, indicating that your husband had already gone for the night. When you neared the steps of your marital home you didn’t even hesitate, instead walking past to the house next door to where the result of your retaliation waited.
You knocked quietly, not wanting to alert the neighbours to your late-night visit to your father in law’s. The man inside didn’t seem to mind as much about secrecy, no doubt the result of his ongoing loneliness since Yoshino’s death and he called out from within, his voice gruff.
“Come in.”
You snuck through the door and closed it gingerly behind you, eyes immediately finding their way to where Shikaku was slouched back in his chair smoking a cigarette, his sharp jaw accented by the flickering of candlelight. The tension was already palpable in the air. The way he looked at you like he’d been waiting, and of course he had. You wanted to reach out and run your fingers over the jagged marks that marred his handsome face, to run your lips over them... If not for those scars and the slightly more weathered face you could’ve almost tricked yourself into believing you hadn’t gone to the wrong house and it was Shikamru sitting in front of you.
He took a drag off his smoke and as if sensing your thoughts about his son he broke the silence. “He didn’t even go home tonight, did he.” It wasn’t even a question, the older man knew the answer just as well as you.
“No…” you shook your head, confirming it anyway. “He went straight to her after work.”
The Nara head leaned forward to ash his cigarette and put on a sympathetic face, opening his arms as he cooed, his smoky voice beckoning you in, “C’mere baby, let me make you feel better.”
Your feet moved on their own and a second later you were in his lap, his mouth on yours as he found your hips with his large hands. “Let me fuck you until you forget all about him,” he growled against your neck.
“Yes Shikaku, please,” you begged, voice breathy already from the feeling of his body pressed flush to yours.
He pulled back and in a flash his hand was on your face, gripping your cheeks furiously as his dark eyes flashed. “That’s not what you call me.”
You tried to look away in embarrassment but his hold on your cheeks was too tight. “Sorry.. daddy.” you struggled out the words from pursed lips.
He let out a satisfied groan and attacked your lips with his own once more, his tongue pushing inside your mouth as he pulled up the hem of your skirt. His fingers snaked their way over your thighs and found their way between them to slide a firm swipe over the thin cotton of your underwear. “So wet for me already,” he teased, pulling aside the fabric, “he’s really not taking care of you, is he?”
You could only moan in response, the feeling of his thumb flicking over your sensitive bud rendering you speechless. He let out a low chuckle at your reaction and wasted no time plunging a thick finger into your entrance, quickly following it by a second. A pleasured gasp escaped your lips and instinctively you began to rock against his hand, the pressure of his palm against your clit sending tingles through your body.
“Just like that,” he coaxed you on, “get yourself off on daddy’s hand.”
“Feels s’good,” you moaned, the onset of your orgasm slurring your speech. He crooked his digits inside of you and hit that perfect spot, your bliss rushing through your limbs after just a few more desperate movements. The words left your mouth of their own accord, lost in the euphoria of the release you’d been now craving for nearly a week, “Thank you daddy.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” Shikaku warned over the sound of his belt unbuckling. He pulled you back down onto his lap, his newly released erection pressing up against your slick, wet. “I’m not even close to being done with you, little girl.”
Then, with a grunt he pushed his hips up and thrusted into you, your walls stretching to accommodate his impressive girth. If there was any other difference between the Nara man and his son besides their slightly different appearances it was his cock. The way Shikaku filled you up was like nothing you’d ever experienced. It was intoxicating. He continued to rock into you and you matched his pace, grinding against his lap and tangling your fingers in his dark ponytail as you savoured each slow drag of his length within you.
“Such a bad girl aren’t you,” he crooned, looking directly into your eyes with that penetrating gaze that was all too familiar to you, “sneaking out to fuck your father in law while your husband is out.”
You hid your face in the crook of his neck to hide your shame that was only barely veiled by the inhibitions of your pleasure and this time he let you. But he started bucking into you with a new ferocity, bottoming out within you with each thrust.
“That’s okay baby, daddy knows what you need. You’ll be a good girl for me won’t you?”
“Yes!” you cried, squeezing your eyes tight to stop the tears that had begun to form both from guilt and the overwhelming feeling of Shikaku’s relentless thrusting. Your fingers tightened their already vice level grip on his hair and he groaned, “That’s it, take it. Take this cock.”
You were nearing the edge again but the man underneath you showed no sign of stopping. The sweat gleaned on his forehead and his sharp brows furrowed with the effort of his movements, yet he never slowed his pace. The years of hard missions had done him well, sculpting the strong body that allowed him to keep up such spectacular stamina for his age.
“Ah! ‘M gonna cum,” you stuttered before mashing your lips against his in a futile attempt to muffle your own moans.
“Wait for me,” he demanded, his voice carrying enough authority that you didn’t dare disobey. You captured your bottom lip and your teeth and bit down hard, doing your best to keep your inevitable orgasm at bay. A few more bounces on his hard cock and you were sure you couldn’t wait any longer.
“‘M not gonna make it daddy, s’too much! Please!” you begged.
“I won’t make you wait anymore, desperate girl.” He smirked and placed a calloused thumb over your throbbing nub and traced quick circles around it, the sensation snapping the last string of resistance within your belly and allowing the euphoria of your second release crashing over you with an intensity that far outweighed the first. He twitched inside of you, painting your walls with thick ropes of his cum. The two of you sat that way for a brief moment, chests heaving from the aftereffects of your actions and as the fog of your orgasm cleared the voices at the back of your head began to whisper.
Maybe you should’ve used protection, having another man’s baby was a scandal at the best of times, let alone when that man was your husband’s father. But as sick as it was, a broken part of you wanted it to happen. Maybe if Shikamaru saw you with a child that looked just like him, maybe then he would want you again…
You shook your head to clear the dangerous thought from your mind and placed a hesitant kiss on the scar on Shikaku’s cheek. He flinched, before pulling out with a hiss and looking away, all affection drained from his expression with the waning of his high. Thoroughly embarrassed by the rebuttal you stood up and adjusted your clothes, the crushing guilt that had been warded off previously by the excitement washing over you as examined your feet, shoes still on from the walk over having not even been discarded for the quick encounter.
The older man cleared his throat and lit up another cigarette, catching your gaze awkwardly. “You should take the back door next time. Don’t want the neighbours catching on.”
“Sure,” you answered, not even bothering to protest indignantly that there wouldn’t be a next time because you knew just as well as he did the next the time Shikamaru grabbed his coat and rushed towards the door, looking happier than he’s been with you in years you’d be back at the elder Nara’s door looking for someone to fill the void.
You slipped through the door quietly once more and the man in the chair let you go without any further words. The breeze outside was still cool, the goosebumps from before returning as it blew against your exposed legs. You looked up to see the moon peeking out from behind a series of fluffy clouds that dotted the night sky. You scowled at the cotton puffs and looked back to your feet before trudging towards your empty home, wishing all the while the sky would be clear, blue expanse by the time you woke the next morning.
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leportraitducadavre · 3 years
i'm sorry if you got this ask before but i don't get why konoha would say that it's its people when they're a literal oligarchy
No problem. The thing is, Konoha isn’t technically an oligarchy (in paper, we all know the truth), but we can’t exactly say their leader is elected by a democratic system either.
There’s a huge contradiction on how the system of Konoha works, during the foundation of the Hidden Village, we are to believe that Hashirama was elected Hokage by a “democratic” election -however, we don’t know how it worked, did the whole population of Konoha voted? Was it a decision made by just a selected group? How was that group composed? Only two instances of democracy were canonically shown/mentioned, one with Hashirama, the other one with Danzo. Furthermore, if we take the election in which Danzo was appointed Hokage as the prototypical model, then the Hokage gets “elected” by the votes of the Daimyo, the Civilian Council (the richests entrepreneurs of Hi no Kuni) whose weight in the election is held by the funds they provide to the Hidden Village, the Hokage’s former advisers, and some selected Shinobi who are at the head of an important department. The Daimyo is the one who ends up choosing the Hokage -it’s the job of the shinobi to present arguments in favor/against the candidates they present.
The actual population doesn’t have a say, it’s not as if they vote directly for the possible candidates that get presented to the Daimyo later on, nor that they vote the council representatives who will attend the Hokage election meeting. Those who go are selected by their ranks (ranks they obtained during the mandate of the Hokage who is currently leaving, which could make them support the candidate that their former leader chose), not by their political knowledge.
But that’s not it, because canonically, there’s no mention nor indication of an actual election with Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato and perhaps Tsunade (although her case might be more similar to Danzo’s).
We don’t know how Tobirama got the seat, for all we know, Hashirama named him his successor, Hiruzen was named the Hokage by Tobirama (there was no election even if fans want to believe so -it wasn’t as if they came back to the village, called for a meeting and told the Daimyo about Tobirama’s wish, they were at war, and that situation happening is a fanon belief that has literally no mention in the manga), Minato was pointed out by Jiraiya who declined Hiruzen’s request to become the new leader, and after his death, Hiruzen re-claimed the position, and still, there was no mention of election. Tsunade might be a different case because:
The only other possible candidate declined (Jiraiya) and quite literally forced her into the equation without her approval.
There was a power vacuum that needed to be filled quickly -the possibility of another village jumping to seize the opportunity was too great to ignore.
They were economically devastated and needed a leader to gain the Daimyo’s aid.
Tsunade was threatened to come back to Konoha and become the leader.
Still, there was no mention of an election, if she returned she would almost immediately be crowned.
Even with those points taken into account, it isn’t to say she wasn’t valued over her relationship with the deceased leader: she used to be his student, she is one of the Sannin, and she is directly connected to both Hashirama and Tobirama -the possibility of a shinobi from outside that bubble of power becoming the new Hokage was never even mentioned.
When Jiraiya declined, he immediately presented a candidate with (what he considered) a same value, if not higher -given her familial relationship with previous Hokages. How come her political status is measured solely on her associations with former leaders, rather than her own capacities? She was away from Konoha for years, yet, she is still put above shinobi from her own village -the same goes for Jiraiya, powerful or not, relationship with Hiruzen and Minato or not, he lived outside the village for years -he knew absolutely nothing of its current situation.
But, let's allow Konoha to defend itself, let’s allow ourselves to believe that there was an election for each Hokage. How come the only ones who got the power were those candidates supported by their previous leader? Were there other candidates allowed to participate? When Hiruzen was appointed Hokage by Tobirama, there was no mention of any other nominees, the decision of Tobirama was final -therefore, the possibility of the “election” having more than one contender is basically null. It was the Hokage, and those around him (their advisors), the ones who selected the new leader -the only thing that they needed was to “make it legal” by calling a meeting and telling the Daimyo to vote for the person they wanted.
During Danzo’s election, Kakashi was nominated by Shikaku because he didn’t trust Danzo, however, that seems to be an isolated case and Danzo had no support from Tsunade (who couldn’t rule) -and we’ve seen how easily manipulated the Daimyo is, the only thing it takes is to convince him to vote for the person you want, and that’s it, they become the new leader of a powerful village -and no one can do anything to stop it. How is that a democratic election? Why is no one questioning such a system?
If the elections exist, because for some reason a large part of the fandom believe they do (although the only two instances canonically shown were the one where the first leader needed to be chosen -because Tobirama refused Madara to take the position-, and when Tsunade couldn’t choose her candidate, plus Danzo wanted the power -he didn’t interfere during Tsunade’s selection, which is why I can’t understand those who merely claim he always wanted to be Hokage) then they’re not democratic -I mentioned why they aren’t, so there’s still a problem in that. Defending it makes absolutely no sense.
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troublesomeshika · 3 years
After all this time, I'm still into you  (2)
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shikamaru nara x reader word count: 3.4k warnings: swearing
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You were nervous. You didn’t wanna have this conversation, but you knew you couldn’t let anymore time go by or else it might be too late. Dragging your feet, you turned down the street the Nara head house sat on. The lights were on, he was probably home. You grimaced before raising your hand to knock on the front door. After a few seconds it flew open, “Y/N!” You weren’t sure what you had been expecting but it certainly was not Yoshino pulling you into a hug.
“Oh, we haven’t seen you in forever! Come in come in!” You were thrown, you’d been ready to bare your soul and grovel, you’d screwed up all your courage and now you were being pulled inside Shikamaru’s house by his mom? You slid off your shoes, mumbling something about not making a fuss before Yoshino waved her hand at you. “Nonsense. I’m just finishing up making dinner! It would be wonderful if you’d join us.” She looked at you expectantly before you simply nodded, eyes wide, still trying to comprehend everything that was happening. You rounded the corner, being led by Yoshino, to see Shikamaru and Shikaku sitting together playing Shogi, a site not unfamiliar to you. Yoshino ushered you over to the two where you sat down, examining the board. “I’ll be done soon, just give me a few minutes.”
“Haven’t seen you in awhile,” Shikaku said lightly, “what’s my move here, Y/N?” You stared at the board. You weren’t good at Shogi, and he knew that. He’d tried to get you and Shikamaru to learn, but it was such a long winded game that you’d always found it quite boring.
“Sir, you know I’m terrible at this game. Please don’t make me.” He chuckled before moving a piece himself.
“It’s good to see you around again. Shikamaru’s quite boring company,” he laughed as Shikamaru scoffed and moved his own piece on the board. The three of you sat in silence, the awkwardness growing bit by bit until Yoshino called out for her husband. He stood, still looking at the board, “I’m sure I can trust that you’ll beat him, Y/N. I’ve already gotten you most of the way there, all that’s left is to finish out the game. I’m off to help with dinner.” He walked away, glancing back at you as you shifted to take his place. He was right, he had gotten you most of the way there. You felt a soft smile grace your lips as you moved a piece. You didn’t speak a word, waiting for Shikamaru to move. It was agony. The silence was thick and you couldn’t keep your knee from bouncing as you picked up one of his captured pieces, turning it over in your fingers. Hearing the sound of a piece moving on the board made your eyes snap to the game again. You picked up another piece and moved again. Back to sitting in silence. You watched Shikamaru’s face as he studied the board before rolling your eyes and tracing the writing on the piece in your hand. You took a deep breath looking around, wondering if you could leave before dinner started. A chuckle brought you back to reality and you looked at the board. He’d maneuvered you into checkmate.
“Guess you owe me lunch, loser pays right?” Shikamaru said looking up at you.
You simply rolled your eyes. “Fine.... I guess.”
He cocked an eyebrow, “You guess? Do you need me to explain how you lost? I thought you would’ve remembered that at the very least.”
“Whatever.” you shook your head, a small smile ghosting your lips. You both sat in silence for a moment more. Breathing deeply, you tried to calm your shot nerves. You opened your mouth, ready to apologize, and Shikaku returned.
“No. How could you let him win, Y/N?” he sounded angry, but his grin told you otherwise. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to start your training again. You must be rusty after all this time not playing.” You felt your cheeks go red from embarrassment.
“Is dinner ready?” Shikamaru cut in.
“Yes, your mother sent me to get you two.” He tilted his head, motioning for the two of you to follow him.
You stood, extending a hand to Shikamaru, who stood and looked at it. “You won.” He nodded and shook your hand before turning and following his father. Walking into the dining area, you saw the table set for four with gyoza and dumplings. Yoshino smiled from her seat. You took your place across from Shikamaru before the meal began. You’d been here before, eating over wasn’t uncommon when you and Shikamaru were younger, but just like all the things you’d shared as children, it had been awhile. At some point the conversation turned to relationships.
Yoshino looked towards you, “So, Shikamaru mentioned that you were dating Kiba?”
“Mom I said-”
“How are you two?” She smiled.
Swallowing your mouthful of food, you nodded. “Uh, yeah. I was dating Kiba for awhile, but we recently ended up calling it quits. Just wasn’t working out you know?”
Her face morphed into one of sympathy, “Aw that’s too bad.”
You smiled sadly, “It’s alright, it was mutual.”
Shikaku looked up, “Don’t worry, you kids have lots of time to find someone. I had loads of girlfriends before I met Yoshino here.”
“Mhmm, and I had lots of men asking for my hand before Shikaku finally got around to asking me,” Yoshino said, holding his gaze across the table with a tight lipped smile.
“And how lucky I am that you chose me.” He raised his drink to her.
“Yes well, anyways, I’m sure you’ll find someone.” She said looking back at you. You smiled, looking down at your food. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes flickered up to Shikamaru. He looked bored and before you could look away, his eyes met yours. You immediately dropped your gaze again, feeling your ears heat slightly. It had been years since you’d felt like this. You took another bite, determined to drown the butterflies in your stomach with food. The conversation moved onto missions and you recounted your most recent B rank mission. Part way through, you’d mentioned a fighting style you’d recently learned and Shikaku launched into an explanation of why it was dangerous, and its weaknesses. You listened respectfully, knowing he meant well. Once dinner was finished, you helped Yoshino clean up before excusing yourself, mentioning some paperwork you had to get done back at home.
“Alright well, I’ll have Shikamaru walk you home,” she offered.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine, ma’am. I don’t want to trouble him, he’d probably think it’s a drag.” You laughed.
“No, no. He needs to be more active. A walk will do him good.” she brushed her hands off on her apron, glancing out into the living room where Shikamaru laid, asleep. “Shikamaru!” she called. “Wake up and walk our guest home will you?” He muttered something under his breath and Yoshino narrowed her eyes, “What was that?”
“Nothing nothing,” he sat up, looking at you. “Ready to go?” You nodded, giving Yoshino a hug and thanking her for dinner. You waved and said goodbye to Shikaku before walking to the door and sliding on your shoes. Shikamaru appeared beside you and opened the front door.
“Thanks.” you said, stepping outside. The two of you walked in silence for a bit before you turned to him and spoke up. “Really, I can walk myself home, it’s not a big deal. I won’t tell your mom you ditched me, it’s fine.”
“Tch, she knows how long it takes to get to your place and back. And besides, we’re already halfway there, it’d be a drag to go home just to get yelled at.” You nodded and a silence fell over the two of you again, this time more comfortable and familiar. You found your mind wandering back to the day you’d first kissed. You knew you were romanticizing it from nostalgia, but you couldn’t help that little bit of you that wanted to believe what Ino had said earlier. There were only a few more blocks to your apartment and you decided to say something when you got there, that way you had an easy out if it got too awkward. Once you’d decided that, your nerves began firing, causing you to pull out your keys just so you could fiddle with them. “I can’t believe you’re still so hyperactive. Thought you would’ve mellowed out by now,” Shikamaru’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Always commenting on my energy. Is it because you’re jealous I have so much of it?”
“God no, I’m glad you have it. Better you than me.”
“Would it really be all that bad if you were a little more active?” You poked him with your keys.
“Uhh yeah. It most definitely would. Somebody’s gotta watch the clouds go by and that’s my job in this world. Can’t do that if I’m always going like you.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “Of course you’d say something like that.” You chuckled, gazing at him as you walked, a smile on your lips.
“You’re staring. What is it?”
“Oh nothing, just glad we’re back to normal.” You said, turning to look ahead again.
His jaw tightened. “Oh.”
One word and your stomach dropped onto the road. You kept walking but you’d definitely left it behind in the dirt. Shit. What had you said wrong? Did he not think the two of you were back to normal? You wanted to hit yourself over the head. You took a deep breath, but as you opened your mouth you rounded the corner, coming straight up on your apartment building. You and Shikamaru both stopped and stood still. “Would you like to come up?” You asked hopefully.
“I should get back-”
“Please?” You stared directly into his eyes. You had to talk to him, otherwise what was the point of the night.
He gave in, shrugging. “Alright, fine. But it needs to be quick.”
You smiled, leading the way up the stairs. “Don’t worry, I just”-- you paused, ready to say it but unable to--”I have some paperwork issues and I need a genius to solve them.”
“Troublesome, roping me into doing your work for you.”
You scoffed, “As if. No see, I actually want my work to be done, not just half completed.”
“Okay, do you want my help or not?” You glanced back and saw the corner of his mouth tilted up in a smirk.
“Yes please, c’mon in.” You unlocked the door and held it open for him. Slipping your shoes off inside the door, you flicked on the light, immediately noticing the mess. It wasn’t bad.... but you hadn’t gotten around to those errands earlier today- one of which was cleaning up your apartment. You immediately hurried to grab some of the jackets and trash, blushing out of embarrassment. “Heh, sorry for the mess. I was a little busy today.”
He waved a hand dismissively, “Y/N I’ve known you how long? It’s not surprising or weird to me, I really couldn’t care less.” He sat down on your couch, stretching out his legs. “So, the paperwork?” Just when your stomach had finally crawled its way back into place, it dropped to your feet again. Paperwork. Your eyes shot all over the room before landing on your recent packet that you had yet to fix. Thank god. You grabbed it and walked over to the couch. Staring at him, you stood waiting.
“Well?” he raised an eyebrow at you.
Rolling your eyes you shoved his legs off your couch and sat down. He raised his legs and threw them across your lap causing your heart rate to spike.
“It’s this packet,” you tossed the packet into his lap before putting your own feet up on the coffee table in front of you and leaning back, “they gave it back and told me I did it wrong, but I don’t know which part of it is wrong and I’ve stared at it so much that it all looks wrong at this point.” He hummed in response, reading over the pages.
“Here,” he pointed it out and you leaned over, looking at the page. “You shouldn’t have put that there,” he proceeded to explain the error, but you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at his lips. Every time you caught yourself you forced your eyes back to the paper in his hands, but it continued happening. “There, now you can fix your paperwork.” He handed it back, putting his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. You reached forward and grabbed a pen, beginning to fix your mistakes. You glanced over at him. Back to the paper in front of you. Scribbling a bit, you snuck a look at his face again. And back to the paper. When you looked at him again, one of his eyes was cracked open watching you. Your ears began heating again, just as they had earlier that night as you forced yourself back to the task at hand.
“Would you just spit it out already?”
You stared at the paper, trying to focus on the words in front of you. Scribbling you asked as nonchalantly as you could manage, “Spit what out?”
“Whatever it is that’s making you act so weird. You were like this at lunch too. If it’s that time of month I’ll gladly leave you be.”
You reached out and slapped the side of his head. “Man, fuck you.” you couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate you so much, you know?” You threw the paperwork on the table in front of you, shaking your head.
“Mhmm. The feeling is mutual.”
You let the silence hang again. For the third time that night, you screwed up your courage, intent on saying something, anything. “Alright, cards on the table, there is something I’ve been wanting to say. As much as I love your mom’s cooking, that wasn’t why I showed up at your house tonight.”
“So I was right.”
You rolled your eyes, “Not the point.”
“Ah ah. Say it.”
“No, it’s irrelevant.”
He lifted his legs and dropped them back into your lap.
“Uhf. Ok, jeez, you were right.”
“Thank you, you may continue.”
You sighed. “I just....” pausing again, you began subconsciously tracing small circles on his leg.
“If you’re gonna go soft on me just get it over with.”
You glared at him. “Fine. What I wanted to say was, I’m sorry.” You let the phrase hang in between you, letting him decide the route of the conversation.
“What for?”
“For getting us here.”
“I’m still confused. I think we both walked here with our own legs, and aside from that, I’m pretty content right now.”
“Shikamaru. That’s not what I mean. I let our friendship die. And then I turned to you expecting you to be there for me after I’d willingly pulled away. And now it’s weird and awkward between us.”
“Ehh you were with Kiba. It wasn’t that surprising. And it’s only awkward if you make it awkward.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it was okay. Ino told me about how it wasn’t a good time for you, and I’m sorry because it was my fault.”
He groaned beside you. “Troublesome Ino. Can’t trust her to keep her mouth shut. What exactly did she say to you?”
“Well, she said that it wasn’t a good time for you, and....” you stopped, trying to decide how to phrase your next words, “she may or may not have thought you had feelings for me.” His leg twitched almost imperceptibly under your hand. “But I told her she was wrong. Neither of us has felt that way about each other, we were always just best friends.”
He sighed. “I’m gonna kill that woman the next time I see her. Well, she didn’t lie to you.” Your heart stopped and your hand faltered on Shikamaru’s leg. “But don’t worry I’m over it now. It was a temporary thing, so no need to feel uncomfortable.”
“Oh, alright.” You said, trying to hide the hurt in your voice. “Well anyways, I wanted to say I’m sorry for breaking our friendship and I just want us to go back to how we were before. Are you.... good with that?”
He opened his eyes. “Of course. You women and your need to have a conversation about everything. Anyways, does this mean you’ll take tomorrow off to cloud watch with me?”
You sighed, “If I must. Although, I have to turn in this paperwork first, and I really do need to go grocery shopping, and I have-”
“Ah ah. Meet me at noon at Ichiraku and you can buy that lunch you owe me. Afterwards you’re taking the day off to watch some clouds. I don’t care what you have to do, get it done beforehand.” He pulled his legs to the floor and stood up. “Please don’t make me come looking for you, I don’t have the energy to chase you around the village, but I will if I have to.” He extended a hand which you gladly took before he pulled you up off the couch, his hand lingering in yours for what felt like a year.
“Alright alright. Noon tomorrow. See you then.” You walked him to the door before pulling him into a hug. He seemed startled, but hugged you back, albeit awkwardly. “Thank you Shikamaru. I really did miss our friendship.” It was the truth, although you were also starting to realize you’d missed quite a bit more about the boy as well.
“Are you sure it’s not that time?”
You pushed him away as he chuckled. “Get out of here, pineapple head.” He raised a hand in farewell and made his way down the stairs as you closed the door. You sighed and walked back to the couch flopping down. You could still smell the slight scent of trees and grass that seemed to follow Shikamaru everywhere. Groaning, you stood up and stared at where he’d lay minutes before. “Shikamaru Nara, you are going to be the death of me.” You shook your head before walking to your room and laying face down on your bed. It was a weird feeling, to be back in the same position you’d been in as children. Except now you knew for sure that the feeling wasn’t mutual, and that you’d missed your chance. All you could do was hope you got over your resurfacing feelings quickly and quietly. You weren’t going to screw up this friendship for a second time and if that meant quietly shoving down your feelings, well then, that’s just what you’d do.
As he walked down the stairs of your apartment complex, Shikamaru paused. He turned back towards the top of the stairs. Raising his hand to his face, he squeezed the bridge of his nose before continuing the way he’d been going. He made his way back to his house, mulling over the night in his head. You’d seemed so shocked about him ever having feelings for you, what choice did he have but to tell you he’d gotten over it? Besides, he hadn’t lied. His feelings had been temporary. They had to be. He had only felt that way because he was jealous seeing you with Kiba when you were meant to be his best friend. And that had somehow morphed into what he had thought were feelings for a brief time. That was all. That had to be all. Because if he had feelings for you, he was going to end up losing your friendship again, only this time it would be his fault. You didn’t feel the same, that was clear enough from your reaction. So platonic was what it was going to have to be. He sighed, opening the door to his house. Walking into the living room, he faced his parents who were sitting together.
“Y/N got home safe?”
“Yeah, it’s not like there’re murderers just casually walking around Konoha, Mom.”
Yoshino rolled her eyes as Shikaku spoke up, “It was nice to have her back over. Haven’t seen her in awhile, I was missing all that energy.”
“And she’s recently single, that’s interesting.” Yoshino looked at her son who simply rolled his eyes and turned to walk towards his room.
“Oh leave him alone,” Shikaku scolded as Shikamaru wandered out of earshot and slid the door to his room closed. He sat down on his bed and laid back to stare at the ceiling.
“I’m just excited to be friends again, that’s all.” He lied to the empty room. “God, why did I insist she come cloud watch with me?” He groaned and turned onto his side, not bothering to change out of his clothes. “What a drag.”
186 notes · View notes
There were seven of them gathered in the tent that was serving as the temporary council chamber while the leaf village was being rebuilt. Kakashi sat at the head of the circular table, looking uncomfortable in the position of authority that had been thrust upon him in Tsunade’s absence. Next to Kakashi on his left was Shikaku Nara, with Shikamaru seated next to his father. On Kakashi’s right side sat Gai, Yamato, Naruto and then finally there was Sakura, sitting opposite Kakashi, wondering when in the hell she had become important enough to warrant an explicit invitation to a council meeting.
The elders, Sakura noted, were not in attendance. Kakashi had placed both of them under guard since Danzo’s treachery at the five Kage summit came to light. It didn’t really come as much of a surprise to Sakura that the Jonin of the village were hesitant to trust them with matters of importance.
Kakashi fiddled with his pen, as he seemed to search for the best way to approach whatever it was that was important enough for him to call a council meeting in the first place. He kept shooting Yamato glances, which Yamato always answered with a quirked eyebrow or a shake of the head, like there was a silent discussion going on between them. Sakura watched the exchange with fascination as she doodled on the note pad in front of her.
“Fine.” Kakashi growled, ending whatever argument he and Yamato were apparently having, “I guess we ought to just get on with it.” He took a breath, put the pen down very carefully, so that it was sitting perfectly straight in front of him. He swept his gaze around the room, locking eyes with each person who sat at the table in turn.
“You know I’m not the type to do things as officially as they should be done. Were it not for the delicate nature of this matter, I’d have left it for Tsunade to deal with when she recovers. Unfortunately, this is a matter that won’t wait until our Hokage is back on her feet.”
The air in the room seemed to grow still and heavy with tension. Everyone seemed to pick up on the carefully chosen words Kakashi used. Our Hokage. Not him. He had no desire to lead them. When Tsunade wakes up. Because none of them wanted to consider the other outcome.
“As you know, Yamato and I were present for the majority of the 5 Kage summit. I believe everyone here has read our reports regarding the proceedings of the summit and Danzo’s attempt at treason. That is not what we are here to discuss. This meeting is in regards to what happened before our arrival at the summit location. About information intentionally withheld from the official reports.”
Sakura observed the room. A large part of her medical training had focused on sharpening her observational skills. Teaching her to pick up on subtle changes around her, so that she can make decisions with the most information possible. So her keen gaze immediately picks up on the way that Shikaku straightened up in his chair as Kakashi admits to withholding information from the official documentation of their mission. She notes how Shikamaru’s gaze snaps to Naruto’s face, then to hers, trying to read the situation the same way that she was. She can almost visualize tangible waves of tension rolling off of Yamato and the worried look that Gai is giving her Sensei. It seemed that he had at least some inkling of what was going on.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure that this information should be shared with anyone. The source is questionable, but Yamato and I agree that given the potential ramifications for the village if the information we’ve been given is accurate, that at least the people in this room need to be aware of it.”
More glances shot around the table. Naruto at Sakura. Sakura at Yamato. Yamato and Gai at Kakashi. Shikaku and Shikamaru at all of them. The silence in the room swelled until Shikaku quietly prompted Kakashi, “please continue.”
“Itachi Uchiha.”
The name sent a shockwave through the room. White hot anger flared in Sakura. Itachi. Sasuke’s older brother. The shinobi who had murdered his entire clan in cold blood, who had tried to kidnap Naruto, who was directly involved with the organization that had killed Gaara, that had destroyed Konoha and caused so much pain to the person that she loved. Even if he didn’t love her back, Sakura could never forgive Itachi for the pain he inflicted on Sasuke.
Naruto was shrinking in his seat, like the name was a heavy weight descending on his shoulders. Shikaku and Shikamaru were both now sitting straight backed in their seats, giving Kakashi their undivided attention. Only Yamato and Gai remained impassive.
“What about the Uchiha?” Shikaku asked as the impact of the name started to settle.
“It seems that there is much more to Itachi’s actions than the village was initially lead to believe. Our information indicates that Itachi held no grudge against his clan. That his crimes, while heinous, were carried out under direct order from village leaders.”
Shikamaru laughed, the sound breaking through the tension like a paper bomb exploding in Sakura’s ears, “You must be joking. You can’t honestly believe that Lord Third would have allowed-“
Shikaku grabbed Shikamaru’s arm, and shooting him a sharp look to silence him.
Kakashi sighed, “I understand your skepticism. Like I said, Yamato and I don’t trust the source of our information, but given Danzo’s treachery and how long that was allowed to go on unnoticed, I don’t think we can dismiss anything outright. By the same token, none of this is to leave this tent. Until we are able to verify or disprove the claim, I want to keep this thing quiet.”
Shikamaru huffed, but Shikaku nodded thoughtfully, “Kakashi, you were his Anbu captain at one point. You probably know the most about Itachi of anyone present. Do you believe it’s possible that he was manipulated into massacring his clansmen?”
Sakura expected Kakashi to answer immediately. The entire thought of the village ordering a man to kill his entire clan was ludicrous.
Wasn’t it?
But Kakashi didn’t answer. One minute passed in silence and still Kakashi was sitting there, glaring down at his pen, unable to answer Shikaku’s question. It was Yamato who eventually spoke up.
“I served alongside Itachi on team Ro. Speaking frankly, I could never wrap my head around it. The Itachi I knew wasn’t capable of harboring that much hatred. Even with the proof right in front of our eyes, I couldn’t make sense of it.”
Sakura breathed in a sharp breath of surprise. Neither Kakashi or Yamato ever really spoke about their Anbu days, so she had been completely ignorant of the fact that they’d both been on a team with Itachi, much less been friends with him.
Did Sasuke know?
Kakashi nodded his head, “I agree with Yamato, Itachi Uchiha’s actions never made sense to me. I accepted that I must have missed the signs back then and once everything was said and done, I tried my best not to think about it. About him. He was my teammate, and I had failed him. But if this is true, then I failed him even worse than I ever could have believed.” Kakashi hung his head and Sakura could see how much this pained him. She could only imagine what he felt, having this ghost of his past being dragged back up to the surface, especially after so much recent pain and loss.
“Regardless of my and Yamato’s personal feelings about the man, there are other factors which lead us to believe that at least parts of the information we were given are true. Danzo did possess a number of Sharingan, including an eye that we can confirm belonged to Shisui Uchiha, who supposedly committed suicide by the Naka. Itachi was, at the time, suspected of murdering his cousin.”
Another pause, as Kakashi allowed the information to sink in. Shikaku was nodding his head in recognition of the name. Shikamaru was studying his father closely. Sakura could hear Naruto grinding his teeth in frustration.
“Alright,” Shikaku tapped his finger on the table, “Lets have it then. The whole story.”
Kakashi obliged, and slowly the story came out, with Yamato jumping in when it seemed that Kakashi was struggling to find the right words. About the plan for a coup d'etat that had been brewing within the Uchiha clan. The orders to spy on the Uchiha, to monitor them for signs of rebellion. Itachi’s assignment to team Ro, and his early promotion to captain under Danzo. About the death of a man named Shisui, who according to this had thrown himself off a cliff only after Danzo had stolen one of his eyes. The coup coming to a head, and Hiruzen asking Itachi to buy time to find a better solution than annihilation, and Itachi being approached later by Danzo, with a promise- that Itachi could ensure his little brother’s survival if he singlehandedly stopped the coup. The implication that if Itachi refused, Danzo would ensure the clan’s destruction, Sasuke and Itachi included.
The clan’s lives for Sasuke’s life. That was the deal that was put forth. And Itachi had accepted.
But it was the final bit of the story that chilled Sakura to her core.
“Hiruzen was aware of Itachi’s orders. While he may not have issued them himself, if our source is to be believed, he also made no effort to intervene. Its true that the Uchiha massacre solved the problem of the coup d'etat once and for all. But the only way it ended without anyone losing faith in Hiruzen was for Itachi to shoulder the blame. If he’d remained in the leaf village, Hiruzen would have been forced to punish him for the massacre. So instead, Hiruzen let Itachi leave the village, left the barrier jutsu formula intact so that Itachi could come and go as long as he remained hidden, and Itachi decided to join the Akatsuki. Not as a missing-nin, but as Konoha’s spy.”
Shikaku hummed, nodding his head, “I never was able to come up with a good reason why Hiruzen left the barrier jutsu formula alone. I assumed he believed that Itachi must not have any more reason to target the leaf, but even then when word came that Itachi had joined the Akatsuki, he ought to have changed it.”
“Right,” Kakashi was rubbing at his temple, probably fighting off a headache. He’d had a number of those since his brush with death at the hands of Pein.
“There are piece that add up. The barrier formula. The fact that the leaf village always had more intelligence on the Akatsuki and their movements than the other villages did. Danzo’s possession of the Uchiha eyes, Shisui’s eye especially. But there are also pieces I cant explain. Like why that bastard locked me in a seventy two hour genjutsu that almost killed me. And the only person who could confirm any of this, as far as I know, has been dead for three years.”
Gai said something in response to that, but Sakura had stopped listening, their voices fading to the background as something started to click in her head.
Konoha’s spy.
Had to stay hidden.
Could come and go as he pleased.
Her mind was spinning. Recalling strange orders issued by Tsunade. Treating a shinobi outside the hospital. Not allowed to use her healing chakra at all, only basic medical skills. The threat of being stripped of her rank as a shinobi if she disobeyed. A strange Anbu who never spoke. Who suppressed his chakra at all times. Who had eerily familiar eyes that always seemed to be filled with something she could never hope to understand.
“Sakura? Sakura are you alright?” Naruto’s hand was on her shoulder, shaking her gently. Tenzo and Kakashi were both watching her with concern, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
The name. Recognition like a bolt of lightning struck her and Sakura stood up so quickly that she sent her chair flying back with a crash.
She felt like she was going to explode. Every eye in the tent was on her, waiting for some kind of explanation for her sudden reaction. How on earth could she not have put it together earlier? Then again, she’d never been given any reason to suspect that Ghost, the strange anbu operative in the blank mask was Sasuke’s older brother.
Tsunade. Tsunade must have known. Her orders were to protect Ghost’s identity, because if Sakura had felt his chakra, even for an instant, she would have recognized the similarities to Sasuke’s, and there was only one other Uchiha left in the world. So many thoughts were crashing around inside Sakura’s mind. Anger. Anger at Ghost…Itachi…for lying to her, even if he had no other choice. It wasn’t like she would have ever helped him before if she knew who he was. She’d have been the first person to turn him in, no matter how much kindness he’d shown her. Anger at Tsunade, for allowing the farce to continue, despite knowing that Itachi had made the only choice he could have. Anger that Hiruzen, for failing to intervene and stop all the pain that the massacre caused. For Sasuke, and for Itachi.
Her eyes met Kakashi’s steady gaze. Her sensei, always so adept at reading what troubled her, waited patiently for her mouth to catch up to her mind.
“You knew?”
“No.” Not a lie. She hadn’t known, “But I’m pretty sure this is the truth. I…” gods above how did she even begin to explain it all? To explain about Ghost, his strange behavior, the bizarre connection they shared.
Tenzo was her saving grace. He seemed to have put some of the pieces together himself.
“The Anbu? The one you told me about?”
Sakura nodded and sank back down into her chair, hugging her arms into herself. The eyes of the group moved off of Sakura, looking to Tenzo for more information.
“Earlier this year, Sakura confided in me about a patient of hers. She wanted to know if I was aware of an Anbu agent whose mask was blank, no markings at all. She told me that Tsunade had asked her to treat him and that the arrangement came with some unusual orders which had her uncomfortable.”
Kakashi raised an eyebrow, “Are you referring to-“ Kakashi cut off, but Tenzo nodded, clearly understanding the question. Shikamaru grumbled.
“Care to explain for those of us who can’t read your mind?”
“Ghost,” Tenzo shot back, “It’s a…well for lack of better terms, it’s a ghost story that exists among the Anbu. A few years back a few genin claimed they were saved by an Anbu agent in a blank white mask, who slaughtered the enemy shinobi who were attacking them and then disappeared without a trace. No one believed them, but since then all kinds of stories about the faceless mask have popped up. Most of them are incredibly far fetched, but there are elements that remain consistent throughout. Black hair. Always alone. Never leaves any survivors except for leaf shinobi. Only fights with Kunai and a tanto, never jutsu. At least, none that anyone ever sees. I didn’t think anything of it, but when Sakura mentioned her patient to me, I did some digging. There is a file for an Anbu agent, codename Ghost, but there’s no serial number on the file, and everything in it was encoded.”
Kakashi sighed, “It’s not proof, but that seems pretty damning.” Apparently Kakashi didn’t have any better explanation that Sakura did.
“In that case, there are a few things to address. First and foremost, it is very likely that Sasuke has also been made aware of the fact that his brother acted under orders. I don’t think he knows about Itachi’s identity as an Anbu operative, but we need to be prepared because I’m not sure what kind of effect this information will have on him. The last I knew, Sasuke’s sole focus was on killing his brother for revenge. It’s quite possible that his desire for revenge will shift to target the village, or at least those he feels most responsible for Itachi’s actions.”
Everyone in the tent nodded their agreement.
“The second question is one of what to do about Itachi himself.”
This time no one nodded. It was a momentous question.
“Are you sure we need to do anything at all?” Shikaku asked, trying to be as gentle with the question as possible. Tenzo slammed his hand down on the table and looked like he wanted to throw himself at Shikaku.
“Of course we have to do something! He’s a leaf shinobi! He’s put his life in danger for the past nine years, alone, hated by everyone in order to protect the village. He deserves to know that he isn’t being held responsible for being forced to make an impossible choice when he was thirteen fucking years old!”
“Easy, Tenzo,” Kakashi seemed to be doing his best to keep his tone level, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him while they sorted things out, “You know that I want to see him again as much as you do, as a friend. But we need to consider what’s best for the village. At the least, I don’t think we need to come to a decision right now. Our first priority is to rebuild the village itself. When Tsunade wakes up, I’m sure she’ll have something to say on the matter.”
Sakura clenched her fist and felt her chakra start flowing into them out of instinct. You better believe that she’ll have something to say. I’ll make sure of it.
She pushed herself up from the table. She needed to hit something. Needed to break something. And if she didn’t leave now, she couldn’t be sure what exactly it was she was going to break. Better safe than sorry.
“Sakura? Going somewhere?”
“For a walk,” She hissed, daring anyone to try and stop her as she stormed out of the tent.
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Mafia au kakashi x iruka
Kakashi has to go pick shikamaru and naruto up from school and has to sit in a meeting with the principal and their teacher iruka
BTW naruto is adopted by shikaku and yoshino
Babysitting duty.
This was the punishment he got for forgetting to pick up Shikaku’s coffee on the way into work this morning. As soon as his boss had gotten a call from Shikamaru and Naruto’s school, he had gotten the grand idea of punishing Kakashi for his mistake by having him pick up the troublemakers from school and listen to whatever rant the principle and teacher had brewing for him.
He had hoped when he got there the school would turn him away saying only Shikaku or Yoshino could pick the boys up.
Apparently Shikaku had already thought of that.
“Nara-san said to expect you,” the secretary behind the desks smiles up at him, completely ignoring the look of utter disgust on his face. “The boys are in the principal's office waiting for you.”
Great. Just what he wanted.
“Thanks.” He’s certain she can hear the displeasure in his voice, but she continues to smile. He wonders if she’s actually capable of producing a frown, or if the principle has injected her with a serum that forces her to smile twenty-four seven.
Making his way around the desk, he drags his feet along the carpet towards the principal's office, fond memories of his own times spent in that exact office because he had gotten into a fist fight, or corrected a teacher's misinformation in class.
The worst part of it all?
He knew for a fact it was the same damn principle. 
Knocking on the door, he waits for a soft ‘come in’ to come through the door before taking a deep breath, grabbing the door knob and opening the door.
Suddenly it feels like he’s twelve years old again about to be scolded. Except this time, he was painfully aware of every single person in the room. The principal sitting comfortably behind his desk, Shikamaru and Naruto in front of the desk with their heads hung low, and a fourth person off to the side with a scowl on his face.
A very cute face, he might add.
“Hatake,” there’s a bitterness in the principal's voice when he sees him. “I see Nara-san still keeps you around.”
Giving his shoulders a shrug, Kakashi ignores the principles jab in favour of turning his attention to the troublemakers in question, wondering to himself if this was going to be a trip that resulted in him having to scold them, or him getting them Ramen as a reward.
He really hoped it was the second one.
It would ruin his day a lot less if he got to hear about the pair beating up a bully, or just throwing hands with someone. Anyone. He didn’t care who.
“Is there an actual reason i’m here, or do you just like to waste my time?” Ok, he might have drawn on his ‘inner Shikaku’ a little too much with that one. ‘What did they do?”
“They got into a fight,” It wasn’t the principal's lips moving, so Kakashi forced himself to look at the fifth person in the room. Unfortunately, that face had not gotten any less cute since he looked at it last, and he had really been hoping it would. It was easier to dislike someone when they weren’t cute. “Broke another student's nose.”
He’s pretty sure he’s not supposed to be wondering if it’s his training or Gai’s that they used to break a kids nose, but he is.
He most definitely is.
“Did the kid deserve to have his nose broken?” Not the best way to ask that particular question, but it got the point across and for the first time since he arrived both of the boys lifted their head.
“He called Naruto an orphan and told him no one would ever love him.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow towards the other man, silently asking him if he really thought the boys deserved to be in trouble for that. 
Clearly he understood what was being asked of him, because he straightened up immediately and narrowed his eyes. Determined. That was a hot trait for a guy to have.
“”Violence is hardly an appropriate answer to being picked on, Hatake-san,” Clearly the man did not know who he was talking to. Violence was the perfect answer, and Kakashi couldn’t help but level the principle with an unimpressed look for that one. “They broke a students nose.”
“Was anyone actually going to do anything about the bullying?” His eyes didn’t leave the principle for a second. He knew the answer he was going to give. It was the same one he gave to Shikaku every single time he had to pick Kakashi up from school early.
It’s just a bit of playful teasing
It’s not our responsibility
All equally trash excuses.
“I would have,” ok, that one caught him off guard. Turning his attention back over to the teacher, he raised an eyebrow and waited for him to elaborate. “Bullying is unacceptable, but so is violence. The other student has been informed that he is on a final warning, as this is not the first time he has been caught bullying other students. One more time and he will be expelled, broken nose or not.”
Was it wrong that he was turned on right now? Because a teacher actually standing up to bullying was kind of hot.
“Stop flirting,” he glared over at Shikamaru, ignoring the way Naruto smacked a hand over his mouth and giggled. “It’s gross.”
“I am not,” he hissed, already taking back the offer for Ramen that he hadn’t actually made to them yet. “You just shut it. You’re the one in trouble here.”
“Oh like you’re a good boy.” He was definitely not going easy on the brat during their next training session together. Yoshino could yell at him all she wanted for giving her deerling a bruise, maybe Shikamaru would finally learn how to dodge a hit if he actually took one.
“As i was saying,” the sensei cleared his throat “none of the students' behaviours were acceptable, and as such we have decided on a suspension for all of them.”
Suspension? Was that supposed to be a punishment? Did they still do that? It hadn’t worked on him, why would it work…
Actually, he wasn’t going to complain.
It was better than an expulsion. 
Fine,” shrugging his shoulders, he glared at the boys. “Let’s go. You can explain to your dad that you’re getting caught fighting.”
Both the principle and their teacher cleared their throats.
“Sorry, I meant to say you can explain to your father than you’re fighting and breaking other students' noses,” he corrected himself. “Better?”
“From you?” The principle huffed. “Acceptable.”
For a grown man, he sure was tempted to stick his tongue out at the man.
Too bad his mask was in the way.
“Let’s go you two,” he sighed, taking a step back to let them out the door. “I have better things to do with my day than visit this old shi- school.” 
“Ya, right,” Naruto giggled, running past Kakashi into main office. “Like ask Iruka-Sensei out on a date?”
Iruka? That was sort of a cute na-
“I will end you!” He screamed after Naruto as soon as he realized what had just been said to him.
“I don’t think Iruka-Sensei wants to date a guy who kills his adopted brother!” Shikamaru jabbed him in the ribs on the way by, laughing when he glared at him. “He’s too much of a softy for that.”
“Would you quit calling me a softy!?” Glancing back at the other man, Kakashi couldn’t but chuckle when he saw the angry look on his face. “And stop trying to set me up with your brother!”
“Too bad,” Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Kakashi smirked. “I like big softies.”
Judging by the way the man’s eyes practically bulged out of his head, the comment had done its job of embarrassing the poor bastard. 
“Maybe I'll buy you dinner one of these days,” he offered playfully “As a reward for putting up with those two shits.”
“I’m sure Iruka-Sensei would prefer to spend his time with better company,” How was it that the old man always managed to make him hate his guts more and more every time they saw each other? “Now get out of my office, Hatake.”
“It’s stuffy in here anyways,” he huffed, turning towards the door and heading out “smells like decaying old man.”
He can hear the screams chasing after him, but he ignores them in favour of following the boys out of the school and back towards his car. 
“So,” stopping by the drivers side, he turned to look at the pair. “Ramen for lunch?”
Naruto threw his hands up in the air, celebrating the victory he had just been handed while Shikamaru sighed in defeat.
At least this trip wasn’t a complete write off.
Maybe he would have to pick them up from school more often, just to see the cute teacher again.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
(1) Team Uzumaki AU makes me want so damn much *cries* Also, I bet you anything you want Anko takes a look, starts cackling (because she HAS to be bitter at the village) and maybe even helps in her own sadistic way. And maybe Anko helped Naruto during his (short) chuunin days (again, in her own way and because she probably saw how bad he had it) and gremlins love Anko-nee-chan.
(2) And I also bet you anything you want that Ibiki takes a look and starts thinking about the logistics of how the head of T&I can get a long outside the village missions. Because reasons. (Inoichi may or may have not caught him right at the gates and brought him back, burning the conscription letter to be the head of T&I again right before his eyes.)~~~
I’m so glad you like my new AU! I love it too, not gonna lie.
Yeah Anko is holding onto some Salt(TM) when it comes to Konoha so she’s all for the other village outcast making good with his team
And maybe she gives him some Help(TM) with some poisons and is always willing to lend a snake or 50 for training but that doesn’t mean she’s going soft.
(she tears up a bit the first time the kits call her Anko-nee-chan but she hides it easily enough with a well timed fireball to Naruto’s face)
Ibiki finds out Naruto is in the Jonin-sensei pool and immediately starts reviewing his shinobi 401k.
Shikaku buys stock in the local sake distillery and Choza kind of just goes Oh Dear(TM).
Inoichi is a bit exasperated by both of them but they just pat him on the back because he just doesn’t Know(TM).
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Determined Clairvoyant, Misguided Knight brainstorm, (2020-05-29)
A/N: So I had a weird sleepless brainstorming/outlining binge last night, passed out and woke up to this chunk of nonsense...
I’ve been reading a lot of DCMK (Detective Conan and Magic Kaito) fic but also I am always a little bit thinking of DoS so my brain went:
Hey, Shisui and Shikako have very similar personalities to Kaito and Shinichi...
But Shisui is the detective and Shikako the thief.
And on the one hand, I was considering just translating it into the in Friendship Is A (Mutual) Con 'verse, such that Shisui is Interpol/FBI and ends up helping the crew because what they do is morally right even if it's not legal...
But it just wouldn’t be the same!
Also, for those who don’t know anything about DCMK, I’m not really using the Detective Conan premise (in which a famous teenage detective gets shrunken into a 6 year old and has to keep his identity secret while finding/dismantling the criminal organization that did this to him. In their defense(?) they were trying to kill him but used an “experimental poison.” They’re not going out of their way to randomly turn teenagers into kids... although there is another teenager that got turned into a kid by that same poison) 
But it is interconnected to the Magic Kaito ‘verse (in which a teenager discovers that his dad didn��t die in an accident but was murdered by a mysterious criminal organization (possibly the same one as in Detective Conan? we’re not sure) because he used to be Phantom Thief KID who was searching for a magical jewel called Pandora that supposedly grants immortality because said mysterious criminal organization wants it for nefarious means. Also the teen and his dad are stage magicians and make their heists very flashy and fun)
Anyway, personality wise I was really feeling the Shikako = paranoid/logical Shinichi vs Shisui = flamboyant genius Kaito contrasting with their arguable respective roles as Shikako = chaotic neutral regular rule breaker and Shisui = lawful good believer of systems if not authority.
I was considering whether or not I wanted to transplant the characters into the DCMK setting, but seeing how that’s just (arguably) modern day Japan I was a little... the adapting would be more work than its worth when really all I wanted was thief!Shikako and detective!Shisui and I also, as previously mentioned, didn’t want to just insert Shisui into the Fia(M)C ‘verse.
So then I remembered this ficlet in which Danzo successfully became Hokage but a mysterious figure (ie Shikako) is working against him and I was like. Okay, but reluctant detective!Shisui having to try to capture insurrectionist thief!Shikako is hilarious. And I know Shisui isn’t actually KMP in canon, but Danzo is Hokage which means the situation is bleak and I kinda explain everything below anyway, so...
shisui is one of the oldest uchiha in the village because everyone older than him was executed by danzo for their (supposed?) attempted coup
doesn't particularly want to be a detective, but he's the only one left
sharp-eyed shisui? it is both mocking his singular eye but also he does end up being pretty good at investigation
Itachi is clan head and also one of danzo’s busiest anbu (because danzo is creepy and weird) and he’s being run so ragged that shisui stepped up to do it since he vaguely remembers the KMP’s protocols and also, with one eye short, his combat effectiveness isn’t as reliable
He hates not being able to be back up for itachi, but until he figures out the depth perception thing, he’d be a liability
Itachi is the only one with both eyes (again, because danzo is creepy and weird)
every time one of his younger cousins activate their sharingan, they are forced to undergo surgery because danzo harvests one eye from each of them
sasuke is the next upcoming kid
hikaku/sai was the most recent
Shikako is working reverse chronologically to restore eyeballs because they’re not exactly labeled but she knows the newest eye goes to the most recent activator.
This is how she gets hikaku/sai’s immediate loyalty (he has both eyes, but still hides one under his eyepatch/headband because if you can’t passive aggressively use danzo’s tricks against him then what’s the point? )
((also, it’s a real good dramatic reveal of how shikako gets shisui to trust her because he’s like “you’re stealing my family’s eyeballs and turning my little cousin into your spy” and then hikaku/sai just flips up his eyepatch and blinks both eyes at shisui and he just. “well, that was literally the only argument i had”))
Oh, the age of graduation is lower in canon because danzo doesn’t believe in coddling kids and also “back in my day” nonsense, so sasuke is maybe around 8?
kakashi is, like, a weird sticking point. he's the only non-danzo adult that has a sharingan and, hey, he's also only got just the one, but shisui also remembers the elders being a little weird about him so :shrugs:
I should figure out what to do with him, tbh
i mean, i know Shikako helps Naruto escape/evade ANBU capture because Danzo was going to turn him into a “proper jinchuuriki weapon” so maybe she throws him at Kakashi and is like “BABY SITTING DUTY FOR YOU, SAD STRING BEAN”
and there’s also Tenzo/Yamato to consider here
at first the thefts are random but escalating: old mission reports, the sandaime's novelty(?) crystal ball, the hokage's hat, the sword of the thunder god, etc, etc
then it becomes directed: sharingan eyes
Shadow Thief Shikako is here to make things real difficult for danzo
while shisui is trying really hard not to get smitten (even though she’s stealing his family’s eyeballs! but he guesses better than in danzo’s possession? he’s very conflicted emotionally and very stressed and also a teenager), shikako is recruiting allies for her coup
She needs to make a deal with the devil… Kabuto? For the medical expertise in how to re-implant all the sharingan she’s stealing?
He does spy on behalf of who he thinks is the strongest, and shikako is v strong by this point
Although, the whole concept of “you were the first person i ever wanted to murder” “you flatter me” is kind of funny
What is going on with orochimaru in this timeline?
For that matter, what’s going on with the other sannin?
hyuuga have weird feelings about the whole one eye stolen thing, branch family in particular because on the one hand: DOJUTSU/BLOODLINE THEFT is literally their big nono. But they do like being the strongest clan in the village now.
Is neji’s dad still alive? When did danzo become hokage? Is it before or after Hinata’s near kidnapping?
Ibiki, anko, aoba -- gotta figure out what’s going on there
Does aoba not have the crow summons since shisui is still alive?
Is aoba a surprise half uchiha?
Unsure how bleak i want things to be for the Nara clan. They definitely don’t like things, but i’m not sure if they’re also largely killed off, just shikaku, or just yoshino…… unless Shikamaru has been taken as Danzo’s apprentice/ROOT?
Something also has to have happened to the akimichi and yamanaka tho, in order to justify/reflect it
Team 10 is essentially being held hostage. Shikako has to “steal” them from Danzo in order to get the ANY clans’ cooperation
they’re allowed to visit their family once a week in order to get clan training, but it’s on different days from each other so the other two are still within ROOT’s grasp and the one who is visiting their family knows not to step out of line
Shikamaru has been trying really hard to help him and his teammates escape, but he’s only eight years old. I’m but a boy. I’m just a boy
There is a war.
I’ve decided this.
It’s the only way to make sense of why danzo is still in charge without him having killed a ludicrous number of people (more than he’s already killed, that is)
There is a war and that’s where the majority of the loudest dissenters are sent (inuzuka, aburame, gai, etc) and because they are always out on the front lines they don’t know how bad it actually is at home
Mist rebellion peeps?
Zabuza and Haku are still alive at this time, i guess
Terumi Mei--is there even a mist rebellion at this time or are they too busy with the war, too?
… Gelel/Sand?
look, magical gems are the crux of Magic Kaito and I know I’ve replaced them with Sharingan eyes, but still. If there’s a magical gem I feel like I’m obligated to at least mention it
also, Shinichi in Detective Conan ends up with, like, the most ludicrous allies over the course of the series. He is a--as far as anyone else knows--a 6 year old Japanese boy with connections to the American FBI. That’s nuts! So Shikako having allies with Mist or Sand isn’t too far outside feasibility in comparison
A/N: So... in theory I would like to come back to this and actually write it--because as far as sleepless brainstorming sessions go, this one is fairly coherent--but just in case I don’t, I figure people would enjoy this mess of an outline anyway. And it’s nice to have notes for later.
Title is, unsurprisingly, my attempt to make the letters DCMK apply to Shikako and Shisui. On the one hand, I know the quote is “and angry Aburame, a focused Inuzuka, and a motivated Nara” but I kiiiinda misremembered wrong and thought it was “determined,” fell in love with Shisui as the “misguided knight” and then only after went back to check and realized that it should’ve been “motivated”
Ah well
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thefreckledone · 5 years
Satori (Between the Lines) - Part 15
“We need nicknames,” Sakura says, glancing up from the book she’s reading. 
“Nicknames?” Ino repeats, focus remaining on the kunai she twirls between her fingers deftly. It isn’t a practice kunai and Sakura is sure that Inoichi would not be happy if he found out. “That’s a bit random isn’t it? What brought this on?”
Sakura squeezes the book, a journal on loan from Jiraiya, for a moment before her grip eases. “Maybe nicknames isn’t the right word for it. Codenames, rather.”
“Codenames?” Torune asks, shifting along the grass so he can look up toward Sakura. “Was there something about that in the journal?”
“Yeah,” Sakura says. “Well, it’s come up before in my training. Codenames get used during wartime.” She touches the cover of the journal. “All of the ranking officers received them.”
“And you’re getting a head start for us?” Shino asks, lips quirking.
“Well, as clan children you’ll undoubtedly rank,” Sakura replies, puffing her cheeks up at Shino’s teasing. “You know, if we go to war again.”
“You think we will?” Ino says, cornflower blue eyes going wide. 
Sakura shrugs, deflating a bit. She’s heard some whispers among the agents at T&I, but nothing conclusive. There’s also the fact that the Academy even started the field experience assignments to begin with. All of the clan children ended up in positions that were out of their comfort zone: Ino, slotted for her mind specialty, was mentored by a weapon master; Shikamaru, slotted for strategy, was put to physical work clearing the Forty-Fourth Training Ground; Shino, slotted for sabotage and clean up, was assigned to work in a political setting in the fire daimyō’s fort in Konoha. The list went on in a similar manner. All of the clan children were being tested and, in Sakura’s opinion, refined to be better rounded. The civilian children were placed in less desirable circumstances, Sakura included. By chance and happenstance, Sakura was afforded a much better position in the end. In Sakura’s mind, that indicated a vested interest in raising up strong clan heirs to protect Konoha. “I think it’s possible.”
Ino hums, eyes narrowing speculatively on Sakura. Sakura meets her gaze boldly, knowing well how easily Ino could implement her jutsu and use it against Sakura. But Sakura trusts her friend. “You think it’s probable.”
Sakura chuckles, shaking her head wryly. Ino is too smart for her own good. “It seems likely. Konoha doesn’t usually have long periods of peace. It’s pretty amazing that there hasn’t been a war in our lifetime.”
“So, codenames then,” Torune says. “Is there usually a sort of rhyme or reason to them? A theme that unites them?”
“As a matter of fact, yes,” Sakura replies, astonished. “How’d you--?”
“I’ve been your friend long enough to recognize patterns,” Torune says with a huff, though a smile peeks through. “You cryptographers love unified ciphers that apply across multiple situations. The more universal, the better.”
Sakura grins at him, reaching over and grabbing his hand. “You’ve got me all figured out, don’t you?”
Torune laughs in delight. “Not even close.”
“Well, in any case, we should probably use some sort of key that unifies the codenames,” Sakura says. She glances around at the others. “Any ideas?”
Silence ensues and Sakura lies back against the grass, staring up at the sky as she thinks.
“We could do insects,” Shino says after a while. “Torune would be Bee because he’s so noisy and Ino would be Wasp because…” He trails off, giggling. “Well, that one is self-explanatory.”
“Absolutely not!” Ino says, pulling up grass and throwing it on him. Her brows are furrowed, but her lips twitch with a smile. “You best watch your words or I’ll give you a nasty sting with a kunai!”
Shino immediately shuts his mouth, but Sakura can see his shoulders trembling with laughter. 
“Bee doesn’t suit me anymore,” Torune says, squeezing Sakura’s hand. “I hardly ever buzz anymore.”
“That’s true,” Ino says, turning away from attacking Shino to tap on her chin. “Why not flowers? They already have underlying meanings attached to them. And the specific names of the flowers are less likely to come up in daily conversation.”
“That’s true,” Sakura says, mind flashing for a moment to Celandine. She thinks he might appreciate having others with similar names as him. “That’s a really good idea, Ino!” She pauses, pondering. “Now what should they be?”
Everyone lapses into silence once more. Torune sits up after several moments, touching his goggles. More specifically, touching the leatherwork that Sakura did on it. “Sunflower for me,” he says, tone brooking no arguments. “Longevity, loyalty, and adoration.”
Sakura is impressed by the fact that Torune knows the meaning in the language of flowers for sunflower, but she sees Ino’s smile flatten a little at the last word. Did he get something wrong? “That makes sense,” Ino says with a nod. “And we can call you Helianthus as well; it’s the more technical name and could obscure the origin from outsiders more.”
“Helianthus,” Sakura repeats, trying out the long, unfamiliar word. It doesn’t exactly roll off her tongue, but something about it suits Torune. It’s complex but elegant, just like Torune himself is. “It suits you.”
“If we’re going for more obscure names, I suppose Ivy doesn’t work for me,” Shino sighs.
“Dependence, endurance, and faithfulness,” Ino says, parsing out the meaning. Her smile takes on a teasing light. “Can you live up to that type of name?”
“Of course,” Shino says readily. “I’m the heir of the Aburame; I must be these things to lead the clan.”
“In that case, Hedera would be your codename,” Ino says. “It’s the technical name.” She glances between the cousins. “Helianthus and Hedera; the shared first syllable is a nice indicator of your familial bond.”
“So now it’s Ino’s turn,” Sakura says. She cycles through her limited knowledge of the language of flowers, trying to come up with a flower that accurately represents her first friend. She comes up with nothing. What flower represents Ino’s strength, the way she’s a veritable force of nature? “Ino, is there a flower that means conviction and strength?”
“Gladiolus,” Ino says immediately. “Strength of character, honor, and conviction. Gladiolus is the ‘sword lily.’”
“That’s perfect for you!” Sakura exclaims, clapping her hands. “You’re so strong and determined.” She gestures to Ino’s now ever-present kunai pouch. “And you certainly carry enough knives around with you.”
Ino stares at Sakura for several moments, surprised, before grinning. Her cheeks flush as she watches Sakura. “That--well, that’s really sweet of you. Do you really see me like that?”
“Of course,” Sakura replies. “You’re so strong, Ino. It’s inspiring.”
“Gladiolus,” Ino says. “Wasn’t what I was expecting, certainly, but I’ll definitely take it!”
“What about you, Sakura?” Torune asks.
“What about me?” Sakura says.
“Your codename,” Torune replies. “You said that all ranked officers receive them.”
Sakura blushes at the inadvertent compliment, the unwavering faith in Torune’s voice. He thinks she’ll rank in the future and he doesn’t think she’s foolish for making plans about it. “Well, I’m not really sure.” She curls her lip a little bit. “Definitely not cherry blossom; it’s far too obvious.”
“What’s a flower that represents courage?” Shino asks, looking at Ino.
“Both borage and protea mean courage,” Ino replies.
“Borage,” Torune says. “It has a nice ring to it.”
0Hands slam down on Sakura’s desk. “Are you alright with this?”
Sakura jumps, turning from her conversation with Ino and Shino to meet Shikamaru’s furious eyes. She swallows, arms stinging in a reminder of the last time she incurred his wrath. His eyes burn as fiercely as smoldering coals, a single spark threatening to set them both aflame. She’s a bit surprised that he’s approached her; he’s let her be for the weeks since his apology. However, she won’t back down from his anger, even knowing what he is capable of.
“Alright with what?” she asks, directing a pointed look at his hands on the desk.
Shikamaru seems to recognize his position because he flushes, the anger dimming as he straightens his posture. “Sorry,” he says, the word coming easier and quicker than his first apology. “I overreacted.”
Sakura hums her assent, still eyeing him warily. “What brought you over here?” she asks, eyes flicking around the room. 
Iruka-sensei is not here, none of the teachers are, as this is the free time for students. It’s really meant as a time for students to smooze and establish ties among each other without direct supervision. But Sakura knows that someone is observing; when Sasuke and Kiba’s last argument devolved to fisticuffs, a teacher was “conveniently” nearby. There is no such interference for scuffles among civilian students; either because they aren’t worth the hassle or such fighting will “toughen” them up. Sakura doesn’t know. So she isn’t sure what will happen if a civilian goes up against a clan child during this free time; if there will be interference or not. 
She does know that she’ll be the one facing repercussions.
“My father,” Shikamaru says, folding his arms behind his back. “Have you not heard?”
“Obviously not,” Ino bites out, glaring at Shikamaru. “Stop dallying and state whatever has you so riled.”
Shikamaru glares at Ino, lip curling. Their relationship, splintered by Shikamaru’s attack on Sakura in that game gone so wrong, is still contentious as ever. Sakura feels bad for Chōji, always having to mediate between them whenever they have to interact at Ino-Shika-Chō reunions, which occur often. Sakura wonders if they’ll ever restore their friendship and, if not, if it’ll be taken into consideration when team assignments happen. Shikamaru swings his attention back over to Sakura, expression softening. “My father has taken on a new apprentice.”
Sakura blinks, processing the information. She feels a slight sting in her heart, a pressure that squeezes her tight for a moment. She respected Shikaku, looked up to him. He introduced her to the world of codes and ciphers and Sakura will never be able to repay him for that knowledge. But she has also known the pain of her hero being knocked from his shiny pedestal. Truthfully, it hurt far more when she realized that Shikaku did not have her best interests at heart. She is the one who cut ties with him because she couldn’t accept the actions he chose. So this? This is the natural progression of things.
“That’s good,” Sakura says finally. She can see Shino and Ino relax in her periphery.
“Is that all you have to say?” Shikamaru says, incredulous.
Sakura scratches her cheek. “Offer him my congratulations, I suppose,” she says, unsure what he’s getting at.
Shikamaru flushes, brows furrowing in his frustration. “He replaced you!”
“We cut ties,” Sakura replies mildly. “It makes sense that he found a new apprentice.”
“You aren’t planning to return?” Shikamaru asks.
“No,” Sakura says, squirming a bit beneath Shikamaru’s keen eyes. “I’m not. I will be forever thankful to Nara-san for the education he provided me. He assisted me in honing my interest into a passion. But our time working together is over. We’ve parted ways. I wish him well with his new apprentice and hope that their partnership will progress in a fruitful manner.”
“Oh,” Shikamaru says, deflating. “I see.”
“Are you alright?” Sakura asks after several moments, reading the lost look in his eyes. They aren’t friends, but Sakura doesn’t consider him her enemy either.
“I’m fine,” he says with a sigh. He shakes his head, focusing on Sakura once more. “I’m fine. I apologize for my...outburst. It’s just...she isn’t you.”
Sakura cocks her head, assessing him. She doesn’t really know how to respond to that last statement. So, she chooses to ignore it. “I forgive you for your outburst. And…” She pauses, not sure if she’s reading him right. “Thank you for your concern.”
Shikamaru’s face darkens to a violent red as he nods, scurrying over to his seat. Sakura watches him go, quizzical, but thankful that it did not come to blows.
Shikamaru is still hot-tempered, but, Sakura thinks, he might be growing.
Just maybe.
0“So this is what borage looks like,” Sakura says, scrutinizing the plant. The petals are a deep blue shade and number five in all, shaping the flower into a star. At the center are small white petals, that make the blue all the more stark. The stem and unbloomed buds are fuzzy and Sakura runs a finger over them. “Not what I was expecting.”
“It’s a beautiful flower and suits you,” Ino says firmly.
“I believe you,” Sakura says with a laugh. “Just, it looks a little unassuming to mean ‘courage.’”
“Maybe so,” Ino says, kneeling down in the soil to cup the flower. 
They are in one of the many gardens that the Yamanaka clan owns and cultivates. This one belongs specifically to Ino. When she comes of age, she will be given a greenhouse, should she prove her worth as a gardener. Sakura’s understanding about this proving is that Ino will have to handrear a difficult flower. Ino, an overachiever by nature, plans to breed a new flower entirely through cross-cultivation.
“Still, it reminds me of you,” Ino says. “It’s a hardy flower, but still gorgeous.” She glances up at Sakura for a moment, before looking down at the cluster of borage plants. “Borage is often used as a companion plant.”
“Companion plant?” Sakura repeats the unfamiliar phrase.
“Companion plants are plants that are placed with different crops,” Ino says. “Borage specifically acts as a protector to tomatoes, spinach, legumes, brassicas, and strawberries.”
“It protects other plants,” Sakura says, charmed by the idea.
“It does,” Ino says, glancing at Sakura. “Sometimes at a cost to itself, as pests might attack it instead of the ‘more valuable’ plants.”
“Oh,” Sakura says, lips pursing. She doesn’t like the sound of that. She holds onto her forearm, remembering her encounter with the Nara clan. In fact, the treatment of civilian-born shinobi in comparison to clan-born shinobi could be classed in a similar manner.
“My aunt claims that tomatoes grown among borage plants grow faster and taste better than those that grow alone,” Ino says. “The insects that usually lay eggs in tomatoes are confused by the borage and sometimes even infest the borage.” 
“I see,” Sakura says evenly, watching her friend. From the gleam in Ino’s eyes, her words aren’t spoken without thought; she wants Sakura to listen to the subtext in her words. Clans threaten to consume civilians who are of use to them, to further their own flourishing. “Why bring this up now?”
“Your birthday is coming up,” Ino says, taking up her pruning shears. “Another year older and another year closer to adulthood. You need to be careful who you allow close.”
Sakura frowns at Ino. “Are you concerned by those who are already around me?” she asks, voice tight and cold.
“Not for the reasons you think,” Ino replies. “But yes. You need to step carefully among the clans you allow close to you. I do not believe that they will harm you intentionally, but keep in mind that the clan as a whole may have designs upon your person.”
Sakura thinks on that for a moment, watching Ino prune the borage. “Marriage?” she gasps, voice louder than she expected it to be. She clears her throat, adjusting her expression as she glances around the thankfully empty garden. “You think that marriage is on the table?”
“Yes,” Ino says.
“But we’re still so young,” Sakura says, but it is a token protest at best. 
Even among merchant clans, betrothals happen at a young age. Her parents avoided it, her mother’s original betrothed died in his adolescence, leaving Mebuki free to pursue Kizashi. She fought fiercely for the right to marry him, despite the fact that he did not come of a traditionally lucrative family. They often joked that it was the toughest negotiation of their lives, but there is a kernel of truth hidden within. They fought tooth and nail for the sake of love, which was why Sakura herself is not betrothed.
Not yet, at least.
Her parents want her to be involved in the decision, but marriage is expected of her.
“You know that doesn’t matter,” Ino says drily. “Such negotiations occur among clans as soon as the sex of the child is known. The Aburame are not known for prenatal betrothals, but betrothals in adolescence aren’t unheard of.”
“You think Shibi-ōji will propose that?” Sakura says. “With Torune or Shino?”
Ino shrugs, the motion graceful. “I do not know what the future holds. I just want you to be careful. You have a tendency to give more of yourself than you should. I don’t want you to use yourself up. You may be represented by borage, but you shouldn’t sacrifice yourself.” Ino stands, cupping Sakura’s face with a tenderness that mirrors the way she handled the borage. “There are no plants more valuable than you, Sakura.”
0Sakura stares down at the cipher that she still hasn’t managed to break, trying to figure out its meaning. She has made so little progress on it and yet…
She isn’t willing to give up.
Sakura eyes the second cipher specifically, paying close attention to one word that reoccurs throughout the code the most. It is oddly familiar to her, niggling at something that is just on the tip of her tongue. Sakura just stares down at it, willing the understanding to just occur. 
Of course, it does not, remaining ever elusive.
Sakura sighs, rifling through the books that she has on code in search of inspiration.
Her eyes catch on one in particular, one on animals in a Suna code. One of the words looks oddly familiar.
“You need to trap your room.”
Sakura nearly jumps out of her skin, flinching violently as she covers her work. “Celandine!” she exclaims, placing a hand on her chest. “What have I said about sneaking up on me?”
Celandine is seated on her bed, legs crossed as he stares blankly at her. “I did not sneak up on you. I sat upon your bed and called out to you from a respectful distance. I did not tap your shoulder or engage in unwanted physical contact.”
Sakura sighs, touching her brow. She can almost feel the wrinkles threatening to set in. “Next time, knock on the window or the door, however you get in.” She glances to the side, puffing out her cheeks in frustration. “And I do have traps in my room.”
“I will take your advice into consideration and adjust as requested,” Celandine says. “You need better traps; I did not even have to disable the traps to pass them by.”
“I’ll work on it,” Sakura says.
“You need to get better at them now,” Celandine says.
Sakura stares at him, surprised. He has never spoken back to her like this. He didn’t raise his voice or anything, but Sakura can tell he’s getting worked up. “What brought you by today?” she asks, discomfited by the way that Celandine’s black eyes glitter with intent. 
“I came to warn you,” Celandine says, standing lithely.
“Warn me of what?” Sakura asks.
“You need to be more careful,” Celandine says, approaching her. “You are drawing too much attention with too little protection of yourself.”
“What do you mean?” Sakura asks.
Up close, Sakura can see the tightness of Celandine’s jaw and the way his fingers tremble. Sakura reaches out with both hands, one taking his and the other touching his jaw. He flinches but does not move further. Sakura keeps her touch gentle. “What do you mean?” she repeats.
“You are being watched,” Celandine says. “My master wishes--” He cuts off immediately as his entire form shudders in pain. Sakura embraces him, holding him up. “My master wants you.”
Blood trickles from Celandine’s mouth.
“Stop!” Sakura says, panicked by the clear torture speaking brings him. “Don’t say anymore. Don’t hurt yourself further.”
“I must warn you,” Celandine says, determination blazing in his dark gaze. He clings to Sakura, refusing to release her. He will take comfort where he can get it. Sakura holds him in turn, willing to support him for as long as he needs. “You need to get the Sannin to declare you his official apprentice. It is imperative that you publicly receive his support. Do you understand?”
It is so strange to hear Celandine speak in such a monotone voice despite the desperation and pain with which he clutches her.
“I do,” Sakura replies, running a hand down his back. She imitates the movements of her mother, the way her mother soothes Sakura after a nightmare. Slowly, the trembling eases before ceasing entirely. “I will do as you ask, Celandine.”
“Good,” Celandine says. “Good.”
They stay like that, embraced, for longer than either could say.
For the first time in a very long time, Celandine feels...safe.
0Writing this chapter reminded me so much of writing Borage, which is a oneshot that features Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, and the language of flowers. I returned to some of my favorite flower meanings here because I’m a basic bitch, lol. Y’all should check it out if you enjoy urban fantasy AUs.
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faintblueivy · 5 years
Not giving up is such a Drag - Shikapapa Fanfiction
Some parental fluff with a dash of Shikatema! Written for lovely @shikastemari! This one is for you Elo! And also for @mirachaann because this was my first fic you asked about!
Hope you like it!
Never giving up is such a Drag
Little Shikadai frowned angrily, glaring up at the tree. More specifically on the small mewling kitten trapped on one of the upmost branches.
"How did you even get up there?"
He hissed at it, hoping for it to understand his language. But alas, the kitten tilted her head and mewled again.
He willed his fingers to scratch on the surface to the sturdy bark of the tree, using his legs to push against the ground. This was his sixth attempt on the mission of to climb up the tree and retrieve the frightened kitten. He was able to proceed a little further than his previous try before the grip of his fingers gave away and he slipped, falling on the grassy floor with a loud thud.
He clutched his head, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes, a pout adorned his little face. The dirt clung to his clothes and he winced at the thought of the lashing he'll recieve from his mother. He stood up again, dusting his clothes off before repeating the process again. This time he was not able to reach even the former mark before tumbling down again.
"Arghh!" He pulled out the grass in front of him in a fit of frustration. His parents made it look so easy! How?! Yes, they talked about inner life strength - Chakra and something. They also told him to use it, channel it through his veins, force and manipulate it to become his aides, his extra hands and legs.
But it was hard!
He's been trying to learn to use Chakra for a while now but it didn't work for him. He's felt it, yes, definitely, a small flickering warmth inside him but it is so hard to modify it's shape.
He made another attempt, this time falling straight on his butt, groaning in pain. He rubbed his eyes, not wanting the tears to leak out, but they still did. He got up on his feet, wagging his finger at the small feline angrily.
He shouted but when a few more tears dribbled down his cheeks, his voice wavered.
"You...I'm sorry. I can't save you."
His tiny feet swiveled around and he ran away from the tree, using his palms to close his ears to stop the sound of the kitten's loud helpless mewling to call him back again.
He was only a few metres away when his feet froze.
"Giving up already, eh, Shikadai?"
A voice that suspiciously sounded like his father called out. Shikadai turned his head in every direction to find any trace of his father, wishing to beg him to rescue the small animal. But sadly his father was nowhere to be found.
But then a scared mewl of the abandoned kitten echoed through out the area and Shikadai, scared for it, sprinted back to the tree again. The kitten was looking terrified but she moved to stare at him again with it's big eyes when he appeared beneath her.
"Not giving up is such a drag, isn't it?"
He asked the animal, smiling hopefully. He climbed the tree, this chance trying to concentrate on the lessons his parents gave him for controlling Chakra. This time, to his surprise, he was able to scale half of the tree. Delighted at his progress, he performed with much more vigour than before.
A memory of two weeks before flashed before his mind. When Boruto had done something similar to save a baby bird.
"If Boruto can do it then so can I, right?"
He talked to himself, making a little improvement every time. It went for a few more repeats. He would climb, he would slip and he would fall and then, do it all over again. The sun was setting now painting the sky in hues of red and pink. His face was littered with scratches and bruises. His pants were torn and dirt stained his shirt. But he didn't mind.
A little more. Only a little more.
Finally reaching up, he felt an incredible joy when the kitten, relieved to have seen it's saviour reach up, jumped on his chest.
But a child of five can only do so much.
The branch underneath him was fragile and the vigorous activity made it snap. Falling from that height was scary, beyond horrifying.
A scream ripped out of his throat but before he could feel the impact of the harsh ground, he was snatched in mid air. Enclosed in warm protective arms. His eyes immediately went wide at the sight of smiling brown eyes.
"Dad!" The child exclaimed loudly.
"Yo kid." Shikamaru greeted his son with a grin.
"Dad I-"
Before Shikadai could continue, a tiny purring from the kitten trapped in between his arms and chest brought him out of the conversation. Shikamaru immediately deposited his son down with careful hands when an adult cat ran up to them.
"Must be it's parent."
He told his son. The boy nodded before letting go of the younger cat which instantly bounded up to the larger one with excitement.
Shikadai watched them with wide curious eyes, the felines were nuzzling each other. Though his gaze flicked upwards at his father when he felt a weight settle over his head. Shikamaru ruffled his son's scattered hair lovingly.
"You did great, son."
The grin that Shikadai blinded him with was so intense that Shikamaru felt as if his heart was going to melt. No matter how the everyone claimed that his son looked like him, Shikamaru could debate the best scholars of the entire world to prove that his son had his mother's smile. The same tender brilliance that had won over his heart and defeated him in the best of his strategic logic with it's shear strength.
He offered, with all intentions to reward his son.
"Yes! Ice-cream!"
He's only a few steps away from his home when Temari rushef out, frantic.
"Shikamaru! Shikadai's not home yet-"
Her words died in her throat when she realised that the small sleeping bundle on his shoulder is actually their son. He doesn't hold back a smile when the worry on her face melts away to shock and then surprise and finally relief.
"What's that?"
"Ice cream."
He lifted up the small package in response to her question.
"Because he deserved it!"
He grinned proudly.
"Yes, today he learned, you know. Something that makes the very essence of a Shinobi."
Her eyes glow at his words, wishing to know the cause of so much pride in his voice for the small child. She should know. As much as he does. He tells himself. She's his mother after all.
"Today, he learned, how much of a drag never giving up is."
Her lips curved upwards into a familiar, much cherished smile and he felt blessed at the moment. To feel his child curling up in his warmth and to see his wife smile like that.
This is us. We're happy. Father. Thank you.
Finally. I've been wanting to write this tiny piece for a while now. Parents - kids interactions to write are so much fun! I believe that Shikamaru does remember Shikaku whenever he can and would raise Shikadai the same way his father raised him. Damn, I love this family.
Your thoughts, please?
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wafflelate · 6 years
So in the Hokage Shikaku verse Shikako knows about Kanatoko? Shikasai is heir? Is Ikoma still alive? How did things go down with that? Does Shikako get to play with her cousin? Will she realise he'd be Sai in another world? Basically please tell me anything about this I'm super nosy.
Man it’s been so long since I plotted this out uhhh let’s see if I can remember this off the top of my head / come up with some decent bullshit lmao:
Shikako was born in y43 (year dates assigned per usual by SQ’s rough timeline) and was a whoops baby for sure. Yoshino, idk, got hit by a jutsu that messed up her contraceptive jutsu. Had surgery that messed with it. Whatever.Nara drama happens and it’s even worse than in canon because Shikano is VERY sure that this clanless kunoichi is honeypotting his son and those accusations fly free and thick.
Shikaku gets disowned and marries Yoshino and loves her and fuck the clan anyway.Yoshino is kind of dazed? She cried on her mom for like three hours when the pregnancy test was positive because she thought there was no way in hell Shikaku would believe it was an accident or be serious enough about her to tie the knot and raise the kid together.But it’s y43 and he’s 20 and she’s 18 and Shikaku was just getting started on revolutionizing Nara clan jutsu and his father can’t take his bloodline away from him and now everything he creates will be a Kinokawa technique.
In September Shikaku says the Nara can’t stop them from naming their kid whatever they want and Kinokawa Shikako is a beautiful, loud little girl.The war is still happening, though, and maternity leave means Yoshino can stay home with Shikako but Shikaku is a jounin and not a clan heir anymore and needed dearly to win the war. The Sandaime is sympathetic, though — Hiruzen’s oldest is 16 that year and Asuma is 10 and Hiruzen is starting to realize he’s not been the best father — so Shikaku gets rotated back as much as possible so that he can work on his techniques and see his infant daughter.
Here’s the thing: when he was Nara clan heir, Danzou knew he’d never be Hokage. He’d be Jounin Commander at best, like his father. Sure, he’d come up with new jutsu, but he’d have clan heir responsibilities keeping him from making a name for himself, anyway.Now, though... now he’s Kinokawa Shikaku. Now he’s out in the war, on the ground, throwing around new shadow jutsu and turning battles. That’s dangerous. That needs to be stopped because Danzou can’t lead a Nara Hokage around by the nose.
So, Kinokawa Yoshino needs to die. Make the man a grieving widow, disowned by the clan that would have otherwise kept him grounded. Only spare the kid — barely old enough to be a toddler, it’s late y44 or early y45 — because being a single father is another burden to keep him down. Imply strongly that it was Iwa, or Kumo pretending to be Iwa, or Kiri pretending to be Kumo pretending to be Iwa, because obviously you don’t want Shikaku looking around the village for enemies.
Oops, though, you motivated a Nara, Danzou. Shikaku gets some time off to grieve because Hiruzen isn’t yet at second-term levels of brain dead and he uses that time to get even more dangerous.
Shikano isn’t a total asshole and he does love his son and he asks Shikaku to come back to the Nara. But Shikaku can’t. He can’t. That would mean giving up the Kinokawa name. That would mean raising his daughter around people who had called Yoshino a gold digging slut, a social-climbing honeypot. It would mean entrusting Shikako’s care to those people while he’s away at war.Shikano says some more shit, though, because sticking with the Kinokawa name and the memory of his dead wife is to Shikano’s mind pretty much equivalent to spitting on the history and tradition and clan pride that Shikaku was raised with. 
Thank god for Inuzuka Tsume, because Shikaku isn’t going to let Shikako set foot on Nara clan lands while Shikano is alive.
Meanwhile Ikoma had all this clan heir stuff dumped on him way earlier than in canon but he’s making it work. Getting a handle on it. In canon he comes into things with fresh eyes and an adult’s confidence but here he’s a little younger and less experienced and when he’s pulled out of the war to do more in-village work and learn the ropes, he lets himself be guided away from all those things he found and was killed over in Shadows Inked in Black.But he still meets Kanatoko. And he still loves her. And things crashed and burned for Shikaku and Yoshino but at least they got to be together publicly and watching Shikaku’s grief drive him, Ikoma doesn’t even really consider keeping things with Kanatoko secret once they’re sure they’re serious.
He tells his brother first. He says, “I figure Dad only has so many sons, right?” and laughs.Shikaku doesn’t laugh, he doesn’t laugh much anymore, but he says, “Yoshino and I registered the Kinokawa as a new clan. You could always join us if you don’t want to be a Kurama.”(And Ikoma and Kanatoko do talk about that and absolutely Kanatoko thinks that if they can’t be Nara they should be Kinokawa. Fuck the Kurama.)
But in the end Ikoma is pretty much right. They don’t have any other siblings and no one else has been trained to be clan heir and it’s notoriously difficult to get Nara to take more responsibility, so Shikano can have a clan heir and welcome a Kurama into the clan, or he can have no clan heir and no sons.Maybe he learned something from all that shit with Yoshino because he keeps his mouth shut and pays for the wedding, at which point Kanatoko isn’t even pregnant with Sai yet because Ikoma was really on top of this.
Shikano’s outpost isn’t overrun. It isn’t overrun because near the end of the war Shikaku is on the cusp of S-class and he’s not even stationed anywhere near Shikano (War Operations practically does backflips not to put them near each other) but just having him be that strong changes the shape of the war.So Shikano comes home from the war and is still clan head and things are awkward with Inoichi and Chouza, who are both now clan heads. His granddaughter is four and they have never met. His granddaughter is four and he has never apologized.
Kanatoko spends the year before the Kyuubi attack being a new mom. She and Ikoma come over to Shikaku and Shikako’s apartment with little Shikasai sometimes, but babies just look like babies. Maybe she’ll figure it out down the line, though.
Shikaku makes Hokage after the Kyuubi attack. Shikano votes him in, however that works, and then immediately steps down as Jounin Commander and clan head so that Ikoma can take over both. 
Eventually Shikaku and Shikako will get to have dinner with Kanatoko and Ikoma and Shikasai in the Nara main without Shikano dying, though, because Ikoma strongly encourages him to take lots of trips to check up on out-village Nara resources. The conversation goes something like:Shikano: “I’m not the one keeping him from bringing the girl here.”Ikoma: “Do you want Shikako-chan to grow up knowing nothing about the Nara, except possibly that you hated her mother?”
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cleacourgette · 6 years
Words I cannot Say
I’ve been a fan of Naruto for the longest time in my life, and I never wrote a fanfic of my favorite ship in it, not even once. 
So, due to recent events, my passion about this couple as returned and with it I thought, why not make a fanfic? 
So here it is. Its pretty long but its a one shot. I hope you like it. 
Teal eyes rise from the scribbled paper with a message from Konoha, to meet her brother’s deep green eyes. Worry and concern marked by little wrinkles around her eyebrows and eyes. The scariest kunoichi, with a reputation for being merciless, felt a spark of compassion on her heart the moment she read that paper. She was equipped and ready to leave her village in a quick documents delivery mission that Gaara had placed on her hands. But right when she was all ready and set, she was called again to his office, in order to warn her of what had just happen, to make sure she’d be careful on her journey to Konoha.
“Sarutobi Asuma… this is… this is Shikamaru’s teacher.” She spoke, feeling her mouth dry, as her chest had that annoying little ache, growing more.
“Yes.” Gaara knew very well who Shikamaru was, as well as Asuma. “And from the message it seems like Shikamaru was in this mission as well, but only Asuma died.”
“Shit…” She whispered to herself. Things were bad, not too long ago their village was attacked by the Akatsuki, and they nearly lost Gaara and Kankuro in the process. Now they attacked members of Konoha, and for all she knows even Shikamaru might be injured.
Her first thought was his pride.
Shikamaru prided himself a lot. After the failure with the retrieval of Sasuke, after she poke fun at him for being so fragile, he promised he’d take matters to his hands, he promised he wouldn’t back down anymore and strike to do better. So she was sure he was going to try and do something stupid.
“I want you to go, discretely, and as careful as you can, and immediately come back to Suna.” Gaara appealed to her. It was dangerous to send his sister alone, considering the Akatsuki members were attacking merciless, be it jinchuurikis or not. “I don’t want to send anyone with you either because it might draw too much attention so…”
Temari was still lost in her thoughts; it went from thoughts about the young man’s pride, to how worthless he probably feels, to how dry of tears he must be by now.  Thinking so tenderly about him, what was she even doing?
“Yes!” She was looking back at the Kazekage again—no, right now she was looking at his brother Gaara, who carried a small fraction of a worried expression, but just enough for her to understand it and smile, chest filled with joy. “I’ll be fine! You can count on me to deliver these documents, I’ll just go, deliver and be back.” Her gloved hand presses and squeezes the pale Kazekage’s hand for a second before the stands up with a thought on her mind. She was not only delivering the documents, she was also delivering something else of her own.
Just as instructed, Temari was careful all the way to konoha. Bright sunny day turned dark blueish night, it was a peaceful walk with no trouble at all. She passed by strangers, making the same journeys by foot. The path turned from sandy to earthy, the distance between Suna and Konoha seemed smaller every time, she was eager to return to the green land every time she walked by the gates. But this time, there was uncertainty, she had a growing feeling pressing her heart down to her stomach, with each step she took, and when she could already see the hidden buildings and civilization through the green leafs, her stomach was giving in. She was nervous, the feeling of growing butterflies on her belly, the ache in her heart. She took a deep breath, looking forward with her terrifying expression, whispering to herself. “Snap out of it Temari.”  
“I’m sorry for making you come all the way from suna for these.” The imposing figure of the fifth Hokage, sat behind her desk, it was much of a familiar vision of what she had at home, but instead of a gorgeous female ninja, she had her smaller and younger baby brother. Temari reached with her hand to her moth, curling her fingers only to press them lightly in a polite gesture to the older woman in front of her.  
Tsunade was without a doubt, someone she admired as a kunoichi. She made it to hokage, and she was a legend in the world of ninjas. She heard distant stories about the great 3 sanin, until one of them managed to manipulate her father. Though, Tsunade was definitely different from Orochimaru, she was someone to look up to.
“It’s no trouble at all.” Temari said, bowing her head a little bit. The older Kunoichi had Shizune pick up all the documents in order to take them to the lab and analyze them.
“Going back to Suna already?” Tsunade rest her head on her hand, and her elbow on the table, tapping on some of the various papers over the desk, Temari picked that spot exactly to look at, imagining she was probably as busy as Gaara when it came to all that paper work, ministry work, laws, people’s wishes, the council, the other villages, really there was no stopping. It was no wonder the woman looked like she hardly slept that night.
“Ah, yes, I only have a little errand of my own I’d like to attend, but after that I’m leaving. Gaara needs my help back in the village, I can’t be far from home for too long.”
“I understand.” The hokage sighed, envious that the young Kazekage had actually concerned and helpful siblings doing their best for their brother and Kazegake. “Well, make yourself comfortable for as long as you want, the village might be a little chaotic from the recent events… but you might still be able to be perfectly comfortable around the village.”  
Temari paused for a moment. Right, Shikamaru’s teacher was someone very important after all, the whole village knew who he was, her expression changed, and Tsunade noticed. “Right. I’m sorry for what happen. Know that if you ever need, Suna is a reliable ally.” Spoken from the aching heart, hoping it would somehow help heal anything that was hurting on that village.
“Of course! And please tell the kazegake we really appreciate this risky trip to deliver the documents. Stay as long as you want.”
They parted. And as soon as Temari closed the door of the hokage’s office behind her, her heart was aching again, her stomach throwing the same fit as before. The thought of her little personal errand was ruining her for some reason.
Actually now that she was walking down the streets of konoha, in the direction of the Nara residence, she gave it a few moments to think about what she was doing. She didn’t even have a plan. What was she going to do? Knock on the door, look at Shikamaru’s disgraceful face, and then what?
A long time ago, when both of them were still but children, they sat across from each other on the hospital corridor, she knew exactly what to do and say to him. Suck it up crybaby, you’re a ninja, you have to keep moving forward. But he grew, things changed, even though he still had his constant moaning and complaining about how life was troublesome, this time it was different. Shikamaru was older and fortunately learned from his first lesson, he was smart after all, he had that going for him. Lazy, but smart. She supposed he would take things differently this time, not to mention, last time no one died.
Then what was she going to do?
Knock on the door and say how sorry she was that his teacher died, especially so in a mission with him as well? Or maybe nag him for doing nothing, for being an idiot? A loss was a loss and no words could fix that. She knew what a loss was; she felt those all through her life. She didn’t even know what to do from here on.
Lost in her thoughts she reached the door of the Nara residence without even realizing. What once was a confusing village to walk around in, how now easy to walk about.  She grew so used to it from her various trips that she knew exactly the places, the streets and the people. It was a warm welcoming village that was clearly now going through a major loss.
The door of the residence was right in front of her eyes, she admired it for a moment before forming a fist with her hand, closing the distance between her and the door a bit more, she almost knocked on it, but then got cold feet.
He wasn’t a boy anymore, and she was probably the last person he wanted to see after what happen, she had no business being there anyway, she should be the adult one and turn around to go home. Gaara and Kankuro were waiting for her.
“Oh! If it isn’t the sand princess!”
The deep voice pierced her thoughts, bursting the haze in which she was moments ago. She relaxed too much, she slack and now someone was taking advantage of that. When she turned around to see who it was, she was greeted with a too familiar face.
A long spiked ponytail was the first feature that jumped out at her, earrings shinning under the  light posts of that night, and a smug, a smug particularly identical to his son’s. The only difference between that face and Shikamaru’s were a few scars across the skin and a goatee. That was Shikaku, the head of the Nara family and Shikamaru’s dad.
“Ah—“ Temari didn’t even have time to react, Shikaku was merciless, even more than she was, and continued quickly.
“I thought I saw someone admiring the door of my house, but I didn’t expect it to be you, miss.” His voice was deeper than Shikamaru’s. His attitude certainly different, even though every word was spoke with a smug, just like Shikamaru. Somehow he managed to be charming actually. “Are you looking for Shikamaru?”
There it was, another thing that both father and son shared to be identical, the sharpness and intelligence, the capacity to analyze the situation within seconds. What did she expect, anyway? She would certainly not be there for Shikaku or his wife, and considering the situation at hands, she had more than a reason to be there.
“Right.” She sighed looking down at a spot on the floor, defeated, not even trying to come up with an excuse, her motive to be there was simple anyway. “I heard what happen and I came to check on him.” There was no point in lying specially not face to someone who was probably a far better strategist than his son. No matter how good and bright she was, she was still losing to Shikamaru, and would lose far more face to Shikaku. “Just making sure he isn’t sulking like the cry baby he is.”
“Ah! Thank you for taking an interest in my dumb son.” Shikaku replied to the teasing sand kunoichi. Walking past her, he reached for the door, opening it and making a way for Temari to walk in. But she didn’t move. It’s not like she was taking an interest in his dumb son, she just... “He’s not home. Or in the village. He’s out on a mission, but you might want to come in and talk it over a tea.”
He was on a mission? That was odd. That was unlike him, to so soon after a tragedy be in a mission again. Maybe he wanted to clear his mind with an easy far away mission, or maybe—she became weary, and it sure peeked her interest. Not so much for the tea and cookies, but the way Shikaku was talking just now was making her both curious and worried.
Her eyebrows pressed, and she exhaled. It was not her business, and she did have to go back home. “I’m sorry, my brothers are waiting for me.” She raised a hand and dipped her head down a little, in a bow, politely refusing.
“It won’t take too long. Besides, you might want to eat something before you leave. Come, I’ll prepare something while I tell you about his mission. You really want to know about it. He insisted and she knew immediately that whatever that mission was, it was both dangerous, and important.
The image that Temari had on her head about Shikaku was engraved about that day at the hospital. An imposing man, the spitting image of Shikamaru, except broader and mature. She even felt sorry for Shikamaru when his dad brought him to reason like that. The yell still echoed in her memories “You god damned coward.” Now, that image was changing, realizing that Shikaku was far a better person than she could have anticipated.
A smile covered her lips. “Fine, if you insist so much, but it will have to be brief, my brothers will be worried if I don’t go back to suna immediately.”
The house was well kept and tidy, on the walls, prints and ancient paintings of what it seemed to be the family’s symbol. The deer. It was only fitting considering the name Shika ran in the family.
Shikaku took the blond kunoichi to the back to the house, an outside area where he and Shikamaru would often play shogi. “Wife’s not home, she took some days off to visit her mother. She’s worried too.”
“Here, make yourself comfortable.” The older man said, showing her to the exact spot where a table of shogi was comfortably set between two pillows. “The tea won’t take long.” He disappeared, leaving Temari alone to admire the garden in the dark. First she looked at the light of the moon against the flailing leafs, shaking a little in the wind. Then she pressed her palms together, realizing where exactly she was. That was Shikamaru’s house. Where he eats, where he spends time resting, and where he sleeps. The girl had the same nauseating feeling against at the pit of her stomach and the ache on her heart. When she turned her head a little, to shake that feeling away, she noticed the table at her feet, and the pieces of shogi, out of their respective place. It looked like a game half way, she kneeled over the pillow and traced her fingers over one of the pieces of shogi. The pawn.
“Oh? Do you also know how to play shogi?” She was startled, again. That man was really silent and cunning to her. She’d have to remain on guard around him.
“A little.” She replied, raising her fingers from the board.
“Yeah, I expected a bright girl like you to know how to play shogi. Your fight in the chunnin exams with Shikamaru was impressive.” He sat down on the other side of the little table, placing the tray with two cups and a container with the tea, as well as a plate with various snacks, which Temari had to admit, looked delicious.
But when he spoke those words, she couldn’t contain a blush. She was being recognized for that fight, as well as how she realized that that time at the hospital obviously wasn’t the first time Shikaku saw her, but the chunnin exams.
“I still lost. I want a rematch actually. I know I could beat him now.” That sentence alone was enough to make a chuckle burst from Shikaku’s mouth. It surprised her, watching him so lively laugh, she couldn’t understand where it was funny.
“I know you could beat him up easily, my dear. You have a little something special about you, capable of beating him up.” She quirked one eyebrow, glancing at him with a face more confused than before. She still couldn’t figure out if he was just as dumb as his son, or was just making fun of her. “Anyway.” He continued, reached for the water container, spilling some tea on both cups, one after another, with an artcraft of someone who actually mastered it.
Her expression turned serious, she knew what was about to come now. Shikamaru’s mission. It might even provide some important in tell for her village.
“Shikamaru’s gone after the Akatsukis who murdered Asuma. He went to seek for revenge.”
Her eyes shot open, and the once calm but serious expression of hers, was now an expression of horror. That dumbass. He had no chance. Both his brothers were so easily defeated byt the Akatsuki, and Asuma also perished in their hands, so why did he think he could stand a chance? And why was his father so calm knowing all this?
“That idiot!” Temari threw the words out as if she was containing her breath for a long time. The ache was back. Maybe this was it. She had a bad feeling all this time, just like she had a bad feeling when his brothers were attacked, and that bad feeling carried a weighted heart and a stomach impossible to control. She formed a fist with her hand, keeping it on her lap. Shikaku was holding the cup with her tea, reaching closer to her.
“I wasn’t against it.” He completed, waiting her for to notice the cup, and to notice the reason why he was telling her all this.
Temari of course raised her eyes towards the man, ignoring the cup with the tea, instead she took a deep breath, her chest raising, her eyebrows furrowed, and her fist opening to slam against the shogi table. “How so? It’s far too dangerous! My brothers nearly lost their lives against those people! And why—why couldn’t he just asked for help, I knew it, I knew he was going to be doing something stupid, and be too proud to ask for help!”
Shikaku smiled. He was relaxed, watching her fuss over every little thing about his boy’s decision. Just like his wife would be to him. He was sure now. If before he only thought they fancied each other, now he was sure of it. The girl had a liking to Shikamaru, she was worried. And that moment he knew his boy would be fine, as long as that girl never left his side.
“He wasn’t alone.” He reassured the girl, raising calmly the cup in her direction. Temari was still too fussy, but regardless, she took the cup, still furrowing her brows, expecting Shikaku to enlighten her. “He was with Ino and Chouji. He’ll be fine. He’s not so stupid to endanger himself like that if he didn’t know what he was doing. There’s still a lot he has to do, a promise to keep. So he’ll have to be back. Anyway, the fifth already sent a rescue team after them, only a little bit of help in case things go sour.”
Temari’s head dropped down, her eyes found the piece with the engraving Pawn again over the shougi table. She couldn’t quiet down her heart still, there was a lot of uncertainty. No matter how smart Shikamaru was, he was still weaker than her when it came to physical strength. His option would run out, he would run out of chakra he—
“Temari.” The daze she was in was interrupted, and she looked up at a voice that, on that moment, almost sounded like Shikamaru’s. “There are some things that a man needs to do by himself. He doesn’t think you’re weak, he doesn’t underestimate you.  But this was his business and his business alone. And sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” Her heart quiet down a little, she understood perfectly what he meant.  
“I guess it was just wishful thinking.” She said, looking back at the older man. “I expected him to count on me and rely on me more than this. So it pisses me off when he doesn’t.”  She was calmer now, the warm sensation of the cup between her hands, also helped to it. To sooth her down. “But I really can’t blame him.”
It became clear for her. Shikamaru wasn’t just an acquaintance and someone she had to work with as a liaison between Konoha and Suna.  He was her friend, a very dear friend. It was a sort of connection she really wasn’t used to have, the only tight relations she had in her life was her family, so dear to her. But Shikamaru slowly earned a place in her heart, as a dear friend.
“I still expect you to call him to reason when needed. He really needs someone to keep him on his feet and from what I’ve seen, you’ve got the guts for it.” Another smug.  It was embarrassing to hear his father ask her to do that, but she knew exactly she was one of the only people who Shikamaru listened to. And his consideration for her, was something that fit well with her ego.  She smiled back the the man, taking the cup to her lips, tasting the sweetness in the liquid.
“I guess someone has to do it.” She snarkly said, both to make herself feel better and to let Shikaku know that she wasn’t going to let Shikamaru off easily ever. “Say...” She shyly said, suddenly finding the cup between her hands extremely fascinating. “Could you... not tell him I was here today?” There was an obvious hint of red over her olive skin, right around the cheeks and ears. Shikaku felt nothing more than satisfaction, so he complied. 
“Of course, Sand princess.”  
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thekatthatbarks · 7 years
HELLO YOU ♥ so I was scrolling, writing the ProudUchihaDad!Gai I told you about and I had an idea but I don't have time to write it (yes this is a prompt.) Could you write ShikaSaku where Sakura gets adopted in the Nara clan because they're like: look, she's amazing, she's intelligent, how did none of you think of adopting her before? Like, wtf? The rest of Konoha is like fuuuck they're so right and now Sakura is Jounin Commander cause it's a Nara thing and Shika is smitten and wants to woo her.
This was sooooo fun! Thank you for the prompt! Damn, you are creative! I hope you like it, darling!
Last scene was inspired by Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley
His King
Also on ao3 and ffn
               Thedeath of Haruno Kizashi was disheartening news to many people. He’d always beena joyful man bringing smiles to whoever he spent time with. But for one littlegirl, it felt like the end of her world. She’d already lost her mother as ababy and to lose her father as well left her as an eight-year-old orphan. Shedidn’t have anyone left.
               Sakurawas lonely even with around twenty people in her house. She’d lost her fatherand now she felt like she was going to lose her life too. Distant relativeswere discussing in the next room who shouldtake her. None of them lived in Konoha, scattered across the Land of Fire asmerchants. Sakura would have to give up being a shinobi when they finallydecided who she was going to live with. She’d leave the home she’d always knownand all her friends. Sakura didn’t think things could get any worse until sherealized her family was arguing withraised voices. It was clear none of them wanted her and were just shoving theresponsibility on to each other at this point.
                 Sakurahugged her knees as she cried on her couch. She almost didn’t notice thedoorbell had rang until the voices stopped in confusion. When the door to thekitchen didn’t open, Sakura got up from the couch and walked dejectedly to thefront door. Probably another relative whoalso didn’t want her.
                 But when she opened thedoor, the man who smiled down at her wasn’t family. It took her a second, butshe eventually recognized him as Shikamaru’s dad. She looked up at him confusedwith tear stains on her cheeks. “Nara-san?”
                 “Hello,Sakura-chan. May I come inside?” He gestured with his head behind her andSakura stepped aside in response.
                 She ledhim to where she’d been sitting on the couch and pointed at the door to thekitchen. “The adults are in there.”
                 Shikakuglanced at the door and then crouched in front of her. “I did want to talk tothem about something. But I wanted to see you first.”
                 Sakurapointed at herself and tilted her head. “Me?” No one had barely spoken to herin days. Even her family had barelyglanced at her, before they left her in this room by herself.
                 Henodded and gave her a smile. Then, grabbed her small hands in his and bowed hishead. “I wanted to offer my condolences, Sakura-chan. Your father was a goodman and a friend of mine. I’m sorry for your loss.”
                 Sakurafelt tears well up in her eyes. She’d heard similar words since the funeral,but not many had sounded as sincere as Shikaku’s. She whispered back to him,trying to stay strong and not break down crying again, “Thank you.”
                 Helooked back up at her and dropped her hands, standing up. He patted her headand told her, “I’m going to go talk with your relatives, but then I want to askyou something. Will you stay here and wait for me?”
                 Sakuranodded and took her place back on the couch, watching in wonder as Shikakuwalked towards the kitchen door knocking lightly and stepping inside. Sakuratried to listen but everyone was quieter than earlier. There were hushedwhispers for a few minutes and then complete silence. She fisted her handsnervously in her lap as she waited.
                 WhenShikaku stepped back out, she noticed a few of her relatives lingered near theopen door with surprised eyes. When she met their eyes, they looked away fromher and she turned her attention to Shikaku who had knelt in front of her. Hetook her hands in his again and told her bluntly, “The Nara Clan wants to adoptyou, Sakura-chan.”
                 Hereyes widened and she stuttered back, “A-Adopt?”
               Henodded at her seriously. “Yes, Sakura-chan. We’d like you to become a part ofour family.”
                 Tearspoured over Sakura’s cheeks and she felt a tightness in her chest. “Y-You wantme to come l-live with you?”
                 Hesmiled at her and shrugged. “Well, you’d be living with my sister-in-law. She’sunmarried, but she’s always wanted children. I talked it over with her andshe’d like to take responsibility for you.”
                 Sakurawas almost sobbing now, but she tried to calm herself down. She felt scaredabout the change, but was also relieved. She rubbed at her eyes and asked witha trembling lip, “You want me?”
                 Shikakuchuckled, but his eyes were sad as he answered, “Of course. Who wouldn’t?”
                 Sakuraglanced at her listening relatives who avoided her eyes again now lookingguilty. She felt that pain in her chest again but when she looked back toShikaku it lessened a bit. He went on, “We’re not replacing the family youlost. It’s not going to be a better or worse family. Just a different one. But, Sakura-chan, youdon’t have to. You can go stay with one of your relatives if you’d like. But ifyou want to, I’d like you to be apart of our family.”
                 Sakuraimmediately bobbed her head and threw her small body at him. He caught her andheld her as she soaked his shirt with her tears. When he made out her saying,“I want to,” Shikaku stood up with her still in his arms. He looked over at herrelatives and Sakura could hear how hard his voice was when he said, “I’m goingto take her now. I’ve already discussed it with the Hokage and he approved ofthe adoption. After Yoko signs the adoption papers, Sakura will be a Nara. I’llcome by later with my son to pick up her things. I’m assuming none of youobject?”
                 Theyshook their heads at him and Shikaku didn’t say another word before leaving thesmall house.
               Sakurahad never really known the love of a mother considering how young she’d beenwhen hers had passed. She’d grown up fine with just her father and she’d beenhappy, but she’d always longed for the one person she could never have. But ina way, she had the chance now. She had a person just like that. Sakura lovedher mother without even knowing her, so she wouldn’t ever be replaced. But likeShikaku had said. Not replacing. Notbetter or worse. Just different.
                 Yokohad been excited to meet Sakura and had picked her up into her arms as soon asshe could. Sakura wondered if she’d imagined the tears at the corner of hereyes that day. She’d been waiting at Shikamaru’s house for her and Shikaku.After Shikaku had made quick introductions of everyone – though she had alreadyknown Yoshino since she was Shikamaru’s mother – Yoko had looked at Shikakubefore kneeling down and holding her arms out to her that she went to nervously.
                 Shikamaruhad come home shortly after from playing with Choji and had apparently alreadyknown about her joining the clan, since he made sure to welcome her beforegoing to help his mother with dinner. They hadn’t ever been that good offriends because they simply ran in different circles, but Sakura felt comfortedby him being there. She felt like he would make the transition easier since sheknew him best. She’d been anxious since she’d stepped foot into the Narahousehold, but as time wore on and she could see that everyone was excited forher to be there. It made her more comfortable.
                 Yokohad told Sakura they could wait until the next day and Sakura could spend thenight at Shikamaru’s, but Sakura said she was ready to go home with her. Yoko’ssmile at that was a memory that Sakura would never forget.
                 Sheheld Sakura’s hand as they walked the short distance to Yoko’s home whichhappened to be next door. Sakura decided she really liked Yoko within just theshort hours of knowing her. She was kind and had a sweet smile. Sakura couldtell that Yoko was excited she was coming to live with her. She couldn’t stopsmiling and chattering on about things they would go buy for Sakura’s room.
                 Sakurafelt her nervousness come back as stepped over the threshold into her new homeand she looked around curiously. Yoko let her wander around, showing her what roomswere what. Even at her young age, Sakura could tell Yoko had always wanted afamily. The house was too big for one person and she had three bedrooms apartfrom her own. Despite her living alone, the house felt warm and wasn’t sparseat all. Pictures of the clan were hung up on the walls and there was plenty offurniture to lounge on.
                 Thelast room Yoko showed her was the one meant for Sakura. There was already a bedin there along with a dresser and a beautiful rug. It was obvious all of it wasnew and Sakura looked up at her in surprise. Yoko told her shyly, like shewasn’t a thirty-year-old woman and instead a young girl, “Shikaku told me itmight not work out, but I had already set my heart on you. I got the room readyyesterday.”
                 Sakurafelt tears roll down her face again and she was surprised she still had some inher. She’d been crying almost nonstop for days. She ran over and hugged Yoko’slegs. “Thank you.”
                 Yokolaughed and picked her up, just hugging her for a moment. She told her hesitantly,“I am sorry about your father, Sakura-chan. Even as happy as I am, I wish youweren’t going through this.”
                 Sakuradidn’t know what to say in response, so she tightened her arms around her neck.A few minutes passed and then Yoko walked her over to the bed and laid her downgently. She tucked her in and kissed her forehead before stepping away andturning off the light. She looked back at her with her hand on the door handleand asked, “Do you need anything, Sakura-chan?”
                 Sakurawas about to shake her head, but then something occurred to her and she startedhesitantly, “Um, I…don’t know what to call you.”
                 Yokosmiled at her and said simply, “Call me whatever you like. I’m not going to askyou to call me mom, but I won’t stop you either. Just whatever makes youcomfortable.”
                 Sakuranodded and Yoko gave her a goodnight before closing the door softly. Sakura’slittle mind was still trying to process everything that happened today anddespite how tired she felt, she didn’t fall asleep right away. Her eyes fell onthe rug in front of her bed and noticed the Nara’s clan symbol embroidered onit. She couldn’t explain the multitude of emotions that were coursing throughher. But she knew that the sight of it made her feel safe as she rememberedstrong arms carrying her the whole way to the Nara Grounds, though she was fartoo old to be carried around.
                 Sakurafelt like an hour had passed and she still hadn’t fallen asleep. Her thoughtsdrifted to her father like they’d had a habit of doing since the news. Shemissed him and it caused a stab of pain to her heart. More tears escaped hereyes, making her even more tired. She didn’t want to cry anymore. Unlike whatpeople told her, it didn’t make her feel any better.
                 Shesuddenly felt lonely in the darkness of her new room and she scrambled out ofher bed. It took her a couple of tries, but she eventually found Yoko’s roomand opened the door. The woman sat up in her bed and looked at her worriedly.“Sakura-chan? What’s wrong?”
                 Sakura’sfeet pattered on the hardwood floor as she ran over to the bed. She buried herface in Yoko’s stomach and mumbled, “I don’t want to be alone.”
                 Yokopatted her hair and then pulled her up on to the bed with her. Sakura slippedunder the covers and cuddled close to her. Yoko put a hand on her arm and toldher softly, “Just sleep here. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
               TheNaras were a welcoming clan and each of them accepted Sakura as part of thefamily. They were kind people. Sakura couldn’t bear to change her name, but shedid attach Nara at the end of it. She could keep her respect for her old familyand appreciation for her new one that way. No one seemed to mind it. WithYoko’s help, Sakura had the Nara’s clan symbol added to her back. The blackcircle fit nicely inside the white one that represented Haruno on her uniform.
                 It tookmonths and then years, but soon living with Yoko and the Naras felt like home.
               Sakurawas relieved in a way that she never started to see Shikamaru as a kind ofsibling or even a cousin. It wouldn’t have felt right and she didn’t want theirrelationship to change. He was a constant in her life and she didn’t needanything else suddenly becoming different. Though they had become betterfriends from living so closely, he was still the lazy boy from her class that likedto fall asleep during lessons.
                 At thebeginning, Sakura had still felt unsure about how Shikamaru felt about herjoining the clan. She’d wondered if he felt weird about it considering they’dbarely even spoken in class. An irrational part of her mind told her he mightbe uncomfortable enough to ask Shikaku to kick her out. She ignored that voiceas best as she could. She didn’t know him well, but she knew Shikamaru wasn’tthe type of person to do that. He might say things were troublesome, but he was kind like the rest of his family.
                 Herworries vanished one day when Shikamaru showed up on her pouch with his handsstuffed in his pockets looking bored. She looked confused at him, not havingseen him visit on his own before. Usually Shikaku or Yoshino were with him.
                 Hesighed and told her, “I know Yoko-oba is out on a mission, so do you want toplay?”
                 Sakurasmiled and nodded. “Sure.” But then, remembered something and looked down atthe bandage on her arm. “But I hurt my arm yesterday, so I can’t play manygames.”
                 Shikamarustepped inside the house with a shrug and asked her, “We could play shogi?”
                 Sakurashrugged at him. “I don’t know how to.”
                 Shikamarulooked at her surprised and then grabbed her hand, leading her out of thehouse. “I’ll have to teach you then. Come on, I have a board at my house.”
                 Sakuragrinned and ran with him down the road. “Okay!”
               Maybesomewhere along the way, Sakura had picked up Shikamaru’s laziness. She wassmart and perfected the basics, but had never really gone out of her way totrain. Yoko had taught her the shadow technique and while it would be an ace upher sleeve in battle, she’d never have the knack for it like a true Nara. Whenshe started to get serious about her training after the chunnin exams, sheasked Tsunade if she’d take her on as an apprentice. She’d admired the woman’sstrength and her abilities in the medical field and thought if she was going tolearn from someone, then it might as well be from the best.
                 Shikamaru,who had also gotten more serious over the years since he’d become a chunnin,helped her study. She hadn’t gone in blind, having grown up in a clan thatspecialized in medicine, but it was still the hardest work she’d ever done. Sheprided herself on accomplishing her skills on her own, but knew she wouldn’thave gotten as far without Shikamaru.
                 Thoughat times, he complained he was tired and didn’t even need to learn all this medical stuff, he never stopped comingover to help her study. He stayed up with her on nights before one of Tsunade’smini exams. Then, outside of herstudying, he trained with her. Tsunade may have been her master, but she wasn’table to watch Sakura train all the time. So, she did so on her own, not wantingto slack off simply because her master was busy running the village. Shikamarujoined her when he could, offering ways she could incorporate the shadowtechnique into her fighting style. Even if she could never master it like hecould, he told her it could still help her. Sakura thought that he insisted somuch because it showed she was a Nara,something both him and the rest of the clan liked to remind her.
                 Sheremembered how some people, particularly other children when they were still inschool, liked to tell her she wasn’t reallya Nara. Any time she ever mentioned the name around Sasuke, he didn’t hold backhis opinion that she could never just joina clan and that’d she’d always be an outsider to them even if they didn’t sayso. It’d turn her crush on him off quickly and they got in a lot of argumentsabout it on missions to her poor sensei’s disappointment. Naruto came to herdefense and got even angrier than she did, saying that Sakura was lucky someone had taken her in and thathe could shut up.
                 She’dfelt this pang of guilt after he’d said that and she’d gone to see Shikaku whenthey’d gotten back. She asked him why no one had ever adopted Naruto or Sasuke.She could tell by the clench of his jaw and the hard look in his eyes that shehadn’t been the first to broach the subject. He told her somberly, “There are…rules that apply to Naruto and Sasukethat don’t apply to other children.”
                 Sakurahad wanted to ask why but understood that if he hadn’t already said so, Shikakuprobably couldn’t. She’d heard about the Uchiha massacre and saw how the adultstreated Naruto strangely. There was obviously more to them than she would everknow.
                 At herfrown, Shikaku’s face softened and he added, “The boys are taken care ofSakura. You don’t need to worry. They get money for food among other things.”
                 Whenshe didn’t look relieved, he said, “Well, if you ever feel like they’re lonely,they’re welcome to come over and spend some of their time here. You can checkwith Yoko but I don’t think she’d mind.”
                 Sakurasmiled at him, reminded once again how kind the man was. Though Sasuke nevergot the chance to accept the invitation.
 *at sixteen*
               “Sakura-chan.”Sakura looked up to see Shikamaru standing behind her chair with a grin.
                 Sheraised an eyebrow at him and he told her, “Yuki is ready for visitors now.”
                 Sakurabrightened and stood up from her chair, grabbing on to Shikamaru’s sleeve.“Let’s go then!”
                 Henodded and she had half a mind to look back to Ino who was waiting quietly fromacross the table. “Ah, Ino, I –“
                 Ino cuther off with the wave of her hand. “I got the bill don’t worry. Go play withthe new Nara baby.”
                 Withher fingers now curling into Shikamaru’s elbow, Sakura smiled at her beforewalking away. Neither her or Shikamaru saw Ino’s knowing smile as she watchedthem walk away arm in arm.
                  “Sakura!Shikamaru!” Yuki’s face lit up when they walked into the hospital room and thesmall family gathered made room for Sakura to get to the bed with Shikamarufollowing behind her.
                 Sakurasmiled at her, leaning down to peek at her new cousin nestled in Yuki’s arms.“How are you feeling? Everything went okay?” Sakura had wanted to help deliverthe baby, but had been on a mission when Yuki went into labor. When she’dgotten back, she found out the baby had needed immediate surgery on his heart.Besides the immediate family, no visitors had been allowed while he was stillin recovery. Even though Sakura had medical clearance, she hadn’t wanted tovisit without Shikamaru.
                 Yukinodded and looked down at her baby. “We named him Aki.” When she looked up, she glanced between Sakura and Shikamaru.“Do you want to hold him?”
                 Sakurareached out for the baby and took him in her arms. His big eyes stared up ather with a pacifier in his mouth and Sakura cooed at him, “Hello, Aki-kun.”
                 Shikamaruhad a hand on her arm as he stood behind her and reached around her to let Akigrab on to his finger. Sakura automatically leaned back into him so he couldsee him better over her shoulder. The baby gripped onto his finger loosely,still staring up at her with doe eyes. “He’s so cute, Yuki.”
                 Yukichuckled from her bed and Sakura head a whisper, “They’re such a cute couple.”She looked up and around the room to see who they were talking about and then,realized everyone was staring at her – no, her and Shikamaru. Sakura blushed and turned to give Shikamaru thebaby, noticing he had a pink hue to his cheeks. She bit her lip to keep fromsmiling and stepped back to sit on the edge of Yuki’s bed.
                 Notmany people would expect the guy who found everything troublesome to be so fondof babies, but he was. Shikamaru loved playing with the children in the clanand Marai. He had a soft smile on his face as he moved his finger around, Aki’stiny hand still gripping it. Sakura felt warm looking at the picture beforeher. When Shikamaru looked up to meet her eyes, she smiled at him beforeturning to Yuki and putting a glowing hand on her head.
                 Yukirolled her eyes at her with a small smile. “Sakura, I’m fine. I promise thenurses have been taking care of me.”
                 Sakurashrugged. “I know, but I like checking on family myself.”
                 Yukinodded and let Sakura do her onceover. When Shikamaru handed Aki back to Yuki,Sakura did the same thing to him, paying close attention to his heart. Shedidn’t doubt her fellow medics, but her worries could only be soothed if she checkedfor herself. This time, Yuki didn’t roll her eyes and asked her, “Is everythingalright?”
                 Sakuranodded and saw Yuki’s shoulders relax. Then, Sakura felt a tug on her skirt andlooked down to see her little cousin, Emi. “Sakura-ane, can you help me withtraining tomorrow?”
                 Sakurasmiled at her with a nod, but then Emi muttered, “I’ve been having trouble withmy shadow technique.”
                 Sakurahesitated and glanced at Shikamaru. “Uh, Emi-chan, maybe Shikamaru should helpyou then.”
                 Shepouted. “But I want you to!”
                 SeeingSakura’s panic, Shikamaru steeped in and said, “How about I come too?”
                 Emibrightened at that and looked up him. “Okay! But you promise to bringSakura-ane?”
                 Henodded and Sakura gave him a thankful smile. She didn’t mind teaching the girl,but she didn’t think she’d be able to help her if she was having trouble withthe shadow technique. Sakura barely used it and didn’t think she was skilledenough to teach it.    
                 Whenthey bid their farewells and left the room, Shikamaru told her, “I will comealong like I said, but I think you’d be able to teach her yourself.”
                 Sakurasighed and glanced away from him. “Shikamaru, you know how much I struggledwith learning it and figuring out how to use it to my advantage with myfighting style. I wouldn’t be able to help her.”
                 She sawhim shake his head out of the corner of her eye and looked over at him. Hesmiled at her. “That’s just it. You didn’tget it on the first try. It’s not a talent to you. It’s a skill that you workedhard to get. If anyone knows all the different ways to learn it and understandit, it would be you.”
                 Sakurafelt a warmth in her stomach that felt those fluttering butterflies everyonetalked about. She smiled at the praise and hooked her arm through his like itwas the most natural thing in the world. Maybeit was, because it felt like it. “I suppose you’re right.”
               “IsSakura your betrothed?” Temari asked him bluntly one day she was in the villageon kage business.
                 Shikamarualmost stopped in his tracks at the question, but kept his cool on the surface.He asked her back, “Why would you even ask that?”
                 Temarishrugged. “I was just curious. I’m not part of a clan. I don’t really know howthey work,” she admitted. Then, added with a teasing smirk, “You two certainlyact like it though if you’re not.”
                 Shikamarufought down a blush and kept his face forward. He clicked his tongue againsthis cheek. “Tch. Troublesome woman,” he muttered and told her, “Well, we’re not.”
                 Temarihummed and he could tell she was having too much fun with this by her grin. Sheand him had an odd relationship. They were friends, but there was a lot ofteasing and snide comments that he wasn’t exactly used to. It was just becauseof her personality though. Behind her rough exterior, Temari liked to have funwith everyone even if she had to make it herself.
                 Sheraised an eyebrow at him and asked, “Then, how would you explain it,Shikamaru?”
                 Shikamaruopened his mouth to reply and then closed it, realizing for once he didn’t havean answer. He wouldn’t say sister,that just felt weird. She was a part of his clan, but she was also more thanthat to him. He would say family, but that also felt too vague and simple likeit didn’t cover anything while also covering everything. She was his friend ofcourse, but… As the word crossed hismind, he felt his mood dampen. For such an innocent word to cause his chest totighten was just ridiculous. Sakurawasn’t just a friend and maybe it had always been that way.
                 “She’s…” – Shikamaru let outa deep breath and glanced up at the clouds above them – “a good friend.”
                 Temari snorted and rolledher eyes, muttering, “Liar.” But she didn’t push it like he knew she normallywould.
               WhenSakura heard the news, she felt her feet falter in the midst of battle and shealmost fell. There was a deep pain in her chest and she almost felt like shecouldn’t breathe. She’d foolishly thought she’d never have to feel this wayagain but she had been so wrong. Herfirst thought was Shikamaru and the irrational part of her mind wanted toabandon her fight and find him. But she shook the thought off. They were in the middle of a war.
                 Someonegrabbed her shoulder and if she’d been in a better state of mind, she would’vethrown them over her shoulder, but she simply looked over at them. It wasKakashi and he gave her a worried look. “Sakura, are you going to be alright?”
                 Sakurafelt something wet roll down her face and realized she was crying as shebrought a hand to her face. The tears mixing with the dirt and blood that wason her hands brought her back to reality. She let out a deep breath beforetelling Kakashi, “I’m here.” It wasn’t exactly an answer, but that was all shecould give him for now.
                 It was enoughfor him and he moved forward. Sakura quickly followed after him, clearing hermind of any thought other than the battle in front of her. She’ll mourn later.
               Itseemed like the whole village attended the funeral as Sakura glanced around herand she reminded herself Nara Shikaku wasn’t the only person lost to the war.It was a bitter reminder when her eyes landed on Ino just a few feet away withher mother by her side. Sakura was standing beside Shikamaru, his mother on hisleft and hers on her right. He’d been quiet for the most part and only a fewtears escaped him and rolled down his tired face.
 It broke her heart to see himacting so strong when he didn’t have to be in her opinion. But in a way, hedid. He was clan leader now and needed to show maturity and a strong front,despite that the clan behind him was just as deeply in mourning. But besidesthat – what she really thought was the main reason – he was being strong forhis mother who was holding on to his arm with a white knuckled grip like he washer lifeline. She’d never seen the fiery woman look so broken and it causedanother stab of pain to her chest.
                 Sakuracouldn’t deny how impressed she was by him, though. Shikamaru wasn’t one towear his heart on his sleeve, but she knew losing his father was affecting himmore than he let on. But he didn’t let it show. Despite what people may assumefrom her fists, Sakura wasn’t a pillar of strength. She wasn’t as strong asShikamaru. She felt torn apart inside from losing Shikaku. The only reason shewasn’t sobbing like she felt like doing, was because of Shikamaru. If he couldbe strong, act strong, then so couldshe.
                 She puta comforting hand on his shoulder, not knowing if she was really comforting himor trying to find comfort herself. When he brought his own hand up to holdhers, she could feel the pleading in his touch. It wasn’t necessarily thankfulor even comforting, but felt he was asking her for something. She knelt to theground beside him and wrapped an arm around him. He leaned into her, makingsure to not lean too far away from his mother, and put a hand on her thigh. Shebrought her other hand up to clutch at his arm, her thumb going back and forthin soothing motions. He sighed against her and it felt like they didn’t movefor hours.
               “Sakura,you didn’t have to walk me home,” Shikamaru told her softly as they approachedhis house.
                 Sakuragave him a small smile. “I live right next door. It really wasn’t any trouble.”
                 Henodded with a small chuckle as he opened the door. He took off his shoes andtold her goodnight before heading towards his room. Sakura watched him gohesitantly before turning her way towards the kitchen.
                 Likeshe expected, Yoshino was at the sink washing dishes. She’d been the last toleave before her and Shikamaru and only because she needed to go home and helpprepare the dinner she’d promised the clan. Sakura stepped beside her and toldher quietly, “Yoshino-oba, let me do those. You should go rest.”
                 But sheshook her head, turning to her and giving her a smile. “It’s okay, Sakura-chan.I like having something to do.”
               Sakuranodded in understanding and then took Yoshino’s hands in hers. She bowed herhead as deeply as she could and relived a memory as she spoke, “Yoshino-san, Iwant to offer you my deepest condolences. Shikaku…was a wonderful man and hemeant a lot to me. He gave me another chance at a family and I will forever begrateful to him and your family. I love you all so much.” Sakura paused as asob almost escaped her along with the tears that now trickled down her face.She swallowed before finishing, “I am sosorry for your loss.”
                 Yoshinopulled her into a tight embrace and Sakura could feel tears running down herface from where their cheeks were pressed together. Yoshino scolded her, hervoice cracking, “It’s our family,Sakura. Don’t talk like you’re an outsider. It’s our loss and I offer my condolences back.”
                 Sakurasmiled against her and Yoshino told her softly, “I will always be grateful tohim for a lot of reasons and one of them is bringing you to us. You mean a lotto us too and we love you. Don’t ever forget that.”
                 Sakuranodded and swallowed thickly so she really didn’t start sobbing. They held eachother for a minute before Yoshino kissed her cheek and pulled away. She pattedher cheek and told her, “As comforted as I am by you being here, I think my sonneeds you a lot more than I do.”
                 “Okay.”Sakura stepped out of her arms with a sniffle and wiped below her eyes. Beforeshe left the room, Yoshino pointed a finger at her and said seriously, “Don’tever attach san to my name again.”
                 Sakuralaughed with a nod and walked towards Shikamaru’s room. The door was closed butSakura had never seen it as a barrier before and she didn’t now. She opened itslightly and peeked inside. She saw him lying on his bed with his back facing her,but she knew he wasn’t asleep. “Shika-kun?” she called out to him like she usedto do when they were little.
                 Hisshoulders relaxed instead of tensing and she took that as a sign and steppedinto the room, closing the door behind her. She took the bun down from her hairbefore going over to the bed and lying beside him. She didn’t say anything andfor a while they just laid there in silence. But when she started to see hisshoulders shake the slightest, she put her hand on his arm and whispered, “I’mhere, Shikamaru.”
                 Heturned towards her and Sakura pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around herand buried his face in her neck, gripping onto her tightly. She held on to himjust as much. She took his ponytail out and his hair fell around him like blacksilk in the dark room. He cried against her, making her heart squeeze painfullyand she pulled him impossibly closer. She’d seen him show so many emotions overthe years; boredom, happiness, anger, frustration, contentment, but rarelysadness. Even when Asuma died, he didn’t act like this with her. He’d told herabout how he missed him and his feelings about revenge, but he hadn’t ever sheda tear in front of her. It hurt to see him like this, but if he would only showthis side to her then she would bear the pain. She’d worked her whole life tobecome strong. If he wanted to lean on her, then she could hold his weight.
                 Notlong after, Sakura felt herself crying with him. She couldn’t help it. Maybe itwas the stress of the day. Maybe it was seeing Shikamaru like this. Maybe itwas for Shikaku. Maybe it was all three.She cried against him just as much and he held her in response. She cried forhim, for his heartbreak. But she also cried for her own, mourning the loss of aman that had become like a second father to her.
               Sakurawoke up to the sound of Yoshino’s voice and opened her eyes to see the womanpeeking her head in through the door. She told her in a soft voice, but loudenough for Shikamaru to hear, “Sakura-chan, your mother came over to make usbreakfast. You kids need to eat.”
                 Sakuranodded at her and Yoshino closed the door. Shikamaru’s head was buried in thepillow beside her face and his arm was wrapped around her waist. She felt warmand comfortable next to him, almost wanting to go back to sleep. But shecouldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Shikamaru eat something so she pokedhis cheek, making him turn his head away from her with a groan.
                 Shechuckled and told him, though she knew he’d heard his mother, “Let’s go eatbreakfast.”
                 Hesighed and looked back at her with unfocused eyes. He mumbled, “We can eatlater.”
                 Sakurashook her head and met his eyes. “No, I want to see you eat.”
                 Herolled his eyes at her but moved to get up. Instead of searching for his losthair tie on the bed, he reached for his side dresser and grabbed one fromthere, then put his hair back up. Sakura stood up from the bed, but was quicklypulled back almost into Shikamaru’s lap. He wrapped an arm around her waist andrested his head against her shoulder. He sighed and spoke in a tired but gentlevoice, “I…needed you last night. Thank you for being here for me.”
                 Sakuramelted against him and she smiled even though he couldn’t see it. She curledher fingers around the ones on her stomach. “I needed you just as much so thankyou too.”
                 Shikamarulet out a short laugh and picked his head up to look at her. “Can never let mehave a moment, can you?”
                 Sakurateased him, “I never steal your thunder, just share in it.”
                 Hehummed in reply and got off the bed, pulling her with him towards the door.“Well, let’s go eat since you insist on making sure I do.”
*a few months later*
                 “Figured I’d find you here.”Sakura smiled when she found him lying on his favorite hill watching the sparseclouds roll by.
                 Heglanced at her with a small smile but then turned his attention back to thesky. Sakura moved to lay on her stomach next to him. “Are you hurt?”
                 He shookhis head at her and asked back, “How’s Choji?”
                 “He’sfine now, Shikamaru. He wishes you’d come see him.” She gave him a meaningfullook that made him sigh.
                 “Healmost died. Again. Because of a miscalculationon my part. How can I go and face him like I didn’t just risk his life?” He mether eyes and she could see a pain there. It was like a ghost from how he lookedwhen he was twelve. His features were more hardened now. His expression moreschooled into a blank slate. But she could see it in his eyes.
                 “Youknow he doesn’t see it that way,” Sakura chided him and started to idly playwith the zipper on his flak jacket. “You’re a strategist, Shikamaru, and youshould know better than anyone that there’s a probability in every choice youmake. Sometimes we’re simply unlucky.”
                 Helooked away from her, but let his hand come up to run his fingers through herhair absent mindedly. “It’s a lot different when your choices affect whethersomeone dies or not. Life isn’t a game of shogi.”
                 Sakuramoved closer to him, almost laying on his chest as she looked at him. “But youcan handle those choices and more often than not, they work out in your favor.If they didn’t, people like Choji wouldn’t put so much faith in you.”
                 “Mystrategies aren’t always perfect,” he admitted to her like it was a dark secretthat had always bothered him.
                 “No oneexpects them to be. Nobody’s perfect, Shikamaru.” Sakura shrugged and curled upagainst him, resting her head on his shoulder. His arm automatically moved tohold her against him. She told him thoughtfully with a smile, “Besides I thinkyou’d be rather dull if you were perfect all the time.”
                 Shecould feel his smile when he leaned his head against hers. They didn’t sayanything else and just comfortably watched the clouds together.
                 Thenext day when Sakura went to check on her patient, she saw Shikamaru in theroom talking to him and Choji had a new basket of food beside his bed. Shescolded him that he shouldn’t be eating junk so soon, but didn’t stop him fromtaking one more snack. When her eyes met Shikamaru’s, he gave her a smile thatwas close to adoring and Sakura walked lighter the rest of the day.
               “Youshould turn in your application, Sakura.” His voice almost made her jump insurprise, but she managed not to. She must’ve been too far in her thoughts tonot have noticed him come in to her office.
                 Shefeigned ignorance and pushed the paper underneath others. She looked up at himwith an innocent smile. “Hm?”
                 Hedidn’t roll his eyes or smile in amusement like she thought he would. He justlooked at her seriously and said softly, “Sakura.”
                 Shesighed as he walked over to stand beside her chair and brought the paper backout in front of her. “I don’t know, Shikamaru.”
                 “He’dwant you to, you know,” he spoke in a quiet voice and Sakura felt her chesttighten. He didn’t have to elaborate, she knew who he was referring to.
                 Shelooked up at him in surprise and glanced at the paper. “But Shikamaru, don’tyou…”
                 Heshook his head at her and rested his arm on the top of her chair. “I still wantto be Naruto’s advisor in a few years. It’d be difficult to do both.”
                 Sakuranodded in understanding, but still looked down at the application unsurely. “Idon’t…Kakashi had mentioned subtly theother day how he wished someone would apply for it so he wouldn’t have to stayin the position. It was supposed to be temporary anyway. It’s been kind ofstuck in my mind ever since.” She huffed and leaned back in her chair, almostglaring at the paper like it was to blame for all her mixed emotions. “But Idon’t know. I’m not really cut out for it.”
                 Shikamarusnorted above her and she knew he was rolling his eyes without having to lookup. “Of course, you are. It’s a Nara tradition after all.”
                 Sakurasmiled, but shook her head. “I’m still not…” she trailed off with a frustratedsigh. She heard an echoing sigh and then her chair was spun around.
                 Shikamaruleaned over her and she stared up at him in surprise, feeling her heart skip abeat. He held her face in his hand and met her eyes seriously. “Sakura, you’resmart, okay? You know that. Justbecause you don’t think you can measure up to my father, doesn’t mean you’renot cut out for this job. You’re alsogood at strategy just like we are. You can think through things logically andsee how things will unfold from just one choice. You can do this.”
                 Sakurastared at him in a daze, but then came to her senses and nodded with a warmsmile. She brought her hand up to cover his. “Okay.”
                 Hesmiled in return and asked, “So, you’ll go turn in your application?”
                 Shelaughed lightly. “Yes, Shikamaru.”
                 “Good,”he replied softly and for a moment they just stared at each other. Sakura feltanticipation run up her spine when his hand moved to the back of her head, hisfingers tangling her hair. Her hand fell to clutch at his sleeve and her heartsped up as he leaned closer to her. She could feel his breath on her skin andher eyes fluttered closed. He pulled her closer the tiniest inch and then –
                 “Sakura-sama,one of the patients…is asking…for you,” A medic nin spoke in surprise as sheopened the door to her office. She blushed and stepped back with her hand stillon the door handle. “Am I interrupting something?”
                 Theyjumped away from each other with matching red cheeks and Sakura cleared herthroat. “No, Miwa-chan.” She stood up and fixed her hair subconsciously. “Whatdid you say?”
                 Themousey girl pointed her thumb behind her. “Genma-san is asking for you. He sayshe wants his favorite medic to tend to him.”
                 Sakura feltlike her eyes would roll so far back in her head she’d see her brain. She cursedunder her breath, “I’m going to kill him.”
                 Shikamaruchuckled beside her and touched her arm. When she looked at him, he gave her anamused smile. “I’ll see you later, Sakura-chan.”
                 Shenodded back at him with a small smile and watched him walk out of her office.Sakura stepped towards Miwa and closed the door behind her, then they walked inthe opposite direction Shikamaru had gone.
                 Miwapoked her glasses up her nose and followed after Sakura. She told herhesitantly, “I, um, am sorry about interrupting earlier. It seemed like – “
                 Sakuracut her off with a comforting smile, “It’s okay, Miwa-chan. Don’t worry aboutit.”
                 Shenodded and then said in a quieter voice, “I haven’t spoken to him much, butfrom when I have, Shikamaru-san seems like a kind person.”
                 Sakura’ssmile became more genuine and she glanced at Miwa. “He is.”
                 “Oh,Sakura-sama, you look like you’re – “
                 Sakuracoughed and interrupted her, eyeing her seriously with a faint blush. “Okay, that’s enough of that, Miwa-chan.What’s wrong with his heighness?”
                 Miwabit her lip to keep from smiling, though she did a horrible job of it andSakura could tell she was fighting a laugh. “Genma-san has…”
               Acouple months later, Sakura came to her office to find a small wooden chestsitting on her desk. Stories from her childhood flashed through her mind andshe ran over to it with an eager smile. She picked it up gently in her handsand like she expected, it was clearly hand crafted. It was perfect though, withsmooth lines and beautiful intricate designs of cherry blossoms.
                 Shecould feel her heart beating in her chest and she was smiling so wide it almosthurt. The wood was soft under her touch and she would worry she’d break it, butit was obviously cut from a strong tree. She opened the lid to find a smallnote and the king piece from a shogi board. She held the piece in one hand andread the note in her other.
                 One day I was discussing shogi with an oldman and he told me about how the game was like life. Shinobi were simple rooksthat were there to be sacrificed to protect the king. I had thought that meantthe king was the Hokage, but he told me that wasn’t necessarily true. Over time,I’ve thought about who the king was and never coming to a decision. The Hokage,the village, the “Will of Fire”, the children. But I always seem to come backto a certain answer. He had asked me, “Who is that you’re fighting for?” Eachtime I ask myself the same question, my answer is always you. You’re my “king”and I hope you know I would conquer battlefields for you.
                 Therewas no name at the bottom, but Sakura had never questioned who it had been fromsince the second she saw the chest. She felt a warmness rush over her and herchest felt tight but this time, in a goodway. She ran over to her door and opened it to peek in the hall, but didn’tspot him anywhere. The slight disappointment didn’t damper her mood and shewent back to her desk to tuck the note and king piece back into the chest.
                 She satdown in her chair, resting her head on her arms and admiring it. She felt giddyas she stared at it and honestly a bit lovesick. She was both surprised and notthat Shikamaru had put so much time and thought into the small wooden chest. Therewas obviously a lot of care put into it and even the small note had betterhandwriting than how he usually wrote. It made her feel light and she let afinger glide across the smooth wood.
                 She’dalways adored Shikamaru and cared about him deeply. That hadn’t ever changed. Shewas in love with him and had been for years. It just felt like somethingnatural at this point, something to be expected. She’d heard other girls gushabout their love interest with blushes and giggles, talking about dates and whathe meant when he said this and that. While she could relate, it wasn’t by much.She didn’t just daydream about romantic words whispered under stars, candlelight dinners, and touches in the dark. She wanted his attention and alwayswould, but it was also deeper than that. It was a calmer love, not filled withswings of emotions and uncertainties. She knew very much how she felt and hadnever doubted her own feelings. She wanted him to be happy. She prayed for hisdreams to come true. She wanted him to be successful in every aspect, as clanleader, as a shinobi, as Hokage advisor. She wanted to support him in any wayshe could. His own happiness was what mattered to her, not necessarily her own.If he was happy, then she would be anyway.
                 Shedidn’t know how long she sat there alone with her thoughts as she admired thesmall chest. But eventually, someone came by and pulled her away.
                 Shethought about the chest all day, though, with a smile that wouldn’t leave herface.
                 She was his “king”.
               Yoko grinnedas she looked at the chest in her hands. “Oh, I didn’t know the young men werestill keeping up with this tradition. The last chest I saw was the one Shikakumade for Yoshino.”
                 “Iremember you telling me about it when I was little,” Sakura spoke up from besideher on the couch with a faint blush still on her cheeks. “But I don’t’ want todo something wrong, so could you tell me again?”
                 “Ofcourse.” Yoko set the chest gently down on the coffee table and turned toSakura. “It’s a traditional courtship that the clan has done for years. Butit’s died down a bit over the years. The man crafts a small chest for the womanand puts his heart inside it whetherit be a love letter or maybe a ring. After he gives it to her, if she returnshis affections she gives him a key back. Some women make the key themselves,but often it’s a key to their house.”
                 “It’s abeautiful metaphor. He gives her his heart in a chest and she gives him the keyto hers,” Sakura summarized with a small smile, glancing at the chest where aking piece lay.
                 Yokolaughed lightly. “It is. I’ve always thought it was romantic.” She looked offto the side like she was reliving a fond memory.
                 Sakuraasked her hesitantly, “Have you…ever received a chest?”
                 Yokolooked back to her with a sad smile. “I have. But before I had a chance to givehim my key, he…died on a mission. Out of respect, I gave the chest back to hisfamily. They tried to get me to keep it, but it didn’t feel right at the time.I still don’t know if I made the right choice.”
                 Sakurafrowned and wondered if this was why Yoko never married. “I shouldn’t haveasked. I’m sorry, Okasan.”
                 Yokowaved her worries off with a smile. “Don’t be.” Then, she raised an eyebrow andbumped her shoulder with Sakura’s. She asked her in a voice that remindedSakura of a teenage girl, “So, are you going to give Shika-kun a key?”
                 Sakuranodded, her thoughts turning back to an idea she had earlier. She could feelthe nervous excitement in her stomach twisting as she told her mother about herplan.
               Sakurahad stepped away from the festivities to take a break from all the socializing.The celebration for her being promoted to Jounin Commander had been on the Naragrounds in a clearing near the forest. Though she could still hear the musicand laughter, the twinkling lights faded as she disappeared into the thicknessof the trees. The Nara Forest was daunting to outsiders. It was massive and thefurther you went inside the darker and denser it got. But Sakura knew it likethe back of her hand from playing in it when she was a child.
                 Shewent to her favorite spot that wasn’t too far from the party. It was a smallclearing where flowers liked to grow. There were a few deer resting there, butthey didn’t flinch away from Sakura when she approached them. She reached outfor the older one, a mother that was getting a little old in her age, andsmoothed down her fur with her hand.
                 Shehadn’t been there long before she heard the crunch of leaves behind her. Thedeer didn’t have any sort of reaction to the newcomer making Sakura have anidea of who it was before he spoke, “Needed some fresh air?”
                 Shelooked over her shoulder at him with a wide smile before turning back to thedeer. “I guess you could say that.”
                 It wasthe first time she’d seen him in a few days since he’d dropped off her woodenchest. She hadn’t seen him all night, but knew he had helped Naruto and Yokowith planning the party. She’d missed him, but knew he’d only kept away to giveher time to think. Not that she had needed it, but she’d appreciated thegesture nonetheless.
                 Hestopped beside her and a fawn came up to him, nudging his leg with her nose. Hereached down to pet her and told Sakura in a warm voice, “He’d be proud of you,you know. I think they both would. I know I am.”
                 Herheart skipped a beat and she smiled reaching out to grab his hand, then interlockingtheir fingers. “Thank you.”
                 Hetugged her closer with a smile of his own and Sakura leaned against him. Theywere quiet for a moment and she just enjoyed his warmth, leaning her headagainst his shoulder. Then, he asked her, “Did you decide what to do about yourposition at the hospital?”
                 “I’mgoing to keep it. Shizune said she would pick up any shifts that I needed herto.” It had been another reason she’d hesitated to turn in her application. Sheloved running the hospital. Being a medic nin was a very big part of her and itwas difficult to let go. But Shikamaru seemed to think she could do both andshe decided to trust his judgement. He’d always believed in her and she triedto, too.
                 Hesimply hummed in reply and his thumb started stroking absent minded circlesinto her skin. Sakura’s stomach twisted in knots, but she looked up at himanyway. “I have something for you.”
                 Helooked down at her and she could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes. “Yeah?”
                 She letgo of his hand to open her side pouch and pull the key out. She held it up tohim with an affectionate smile and a pink blush on her cheeks. “This is foryou.”
                 She sawhis shoulders relax and the soft smile on his face as he took it from her madeher melt. He turned it over in his hands, his smile growing wider as he lookedat all the little designs on the small black key. He met her eyes and she couldfeel the love there as he looked at her. He glanced back down at the key. “Howdid you do that?”
                 Sakurarubbed the back of her head bashfully. “I knew there was no way I could make a key, but I wanted it to bespecial. I remembered how sometimes I use my chakra for precise cutting insurgery and well that’s how I did the engravings.”
                 Hedropped it into the pocket of his flak jacket and pulled her closer with hishands on her waist. She felt her heart race as she put her hands on his chestand looked up at him into his warm brown eyes. “Well, it’s beautiful. Thankyou, Sakura-chan.”
                 “Yourchest is what was beautiful, Shika.” She let her hands travel up to behind hisneck, looking up at him tenderly. “I’ll always treasure it.”
                 Hebrought a hand up to cup her cheek and Sakura leaned into his touch. His voicewas almost a whisper as he said, “I hope so.”
                 Thistime there weren’t any interrupting medics and when Shikamaru closed the distancebetween them, Sakura could feel him against her lips. The kiss was sweet andslow. There wasn’t any rush to it and she could practically feel how muchShikamaru adored her just by the way his lips moved against hers. She kissedhim back, hoping her emotions were coming across to him as well. Judging by theway he smiled against her, they did.
                 Whenthey broke apart, they didn’t stray very far from each other and leaned theirforeheads against each other. Sakura felt like a lot was said between them justby the way they looked at each other. He kissed her again and then pulled awayfrom her, his eyes glancing behind her with a sigh. “We should get back, beforesomeone comes looking for the woman of the hour.”
                 Sakurapouted at him and he chuckled, grabbing her hand and interlocking theirfingers. “Don’t be troublesome. It’s yourparty.”
                 Shelaughed with a nod. “Okay.”
                 Hekissed her cheek and then led her back towards the party with her hand in his.She glanced down at their hands as they walked and bit back a smile,remembering the first time he had grabbed her hand.
               Sakurafelt the bench swing go off balance and looked up to see Shikamaru smiling ather with his hand around one of the chains to the tree. “I figured I’d find youhere.”
                 Shesmiled at him and sat up reaching an arm out for him. He stepped towards herand she pulled him down to lay his head on her lap, the swing going back to itsgentle rocking. She glanced down at him, her hand resting on his chest abovehis heart. “I really like this swing.” She looked back up at the field in frontof them. She’d always thought it was such a beautiful view, especially atsunset like right now. “I was so excited when Shikaku put it up.”
                 Shikamarucovered her hand with his and chuckled lightly. “Yeah, I remember.”
                 Theywere quiet for a moment as the swing rocked them back and forth with the lightbreeze. Sakura could feel his eyes on her and when she looked down at him, hewas smiling up at her with a gentle look. She smiled back at him, turning herhand over and intertwining their fingers. “How was the first day? Was is iteverything Naruto ever dreamed of?”
                 Shikamarusnorted. “It was a lot of paperwork is what is was. But yeah, even if that’sall he was doing, he was clearly happy about it. He had that moronic grin ofhis on all day.”
                 Sakurachuckled, making a mental note to try and go visit Naruto soon. “Good. I’mhappy you two are realizing your dreams.”
                 “It’llbe a while before we can do everything we want,” Shikamaru told herthoughtfully and looked off to the side. “Naruto has a lot of plans for thefuture. As scatter brained as they are, they make me believe he can turn thesystem around like he wants to.”
                 Sakura’ssmile widened and she kicked her foot lightly against the ground to make theswing sway more. “Tell me about it.”
                 Helooked back to her with a fond smile and went on for what felt like hours. Hetold her about how Naruto wanted to raise the age requirement for shinobi; nomore child soldiers. How he wanted to set up an orphanage and get rid of thecoldhearted allowances that weregiven to orphans who weren’t taken in by someone. He wanted to forbid the forcedservitude of the Hyuuga branch clan. He also wanted to make missions safer. Itstill wasn’t a rule that a medic had to be on each team since the idea wasbrought up by Tsunade all those years ago. He was going to change that. He wasalso going to implement a penalty for clients who held back information abouthow dangerous missions were, so missions weren’t under-ranked. He had a lot ofplans and Shikamaru couldn’t wait to see them all come through.
                 When heeventually trailed off into silence, Sakura leaned down to kiss him. After shepulled away, she teased him, “You’re cute when you’re excited.”
                 Likeshe expected, he blushed in surprise and glanced away from her. She laughed andpecked his lips again. He moved to sit up and held her face, kissing her backmore deeply. She pulled him closer, feeling a warmth curl up inside her. Whenhe broke away from her, he smiled at her and told her back, “Well, you’re cutewhen you’re mad.”
                 Sakura rolledher eyes at how he reverted back to his charming self. He had no trouble givingher compliments or affection, but turned into a blushing mess when he was onthe receiving end. She narrowed her eyes at him. “That better not incline youto frustrate me on purpose.”
                 Hesmirked and raised an eyebrow at her. “Are there things I do that frustrateyou, Sakura-chan?”
                 Shewilled herself not to blush as a few things popped into her head. But he sawright through her and laughed before leaning in again to kiss her. She mumbledagainst his lips, “Well not in a badway.”
               It wastheir third anniversary and Sakura had decided this one was her favorite sofar. The first had been sweet and simple. The second had been rushed due to anupcoming mission but still nice. This one, though, Sakura could only describeas romantic.
                 Peopleassumed Shikamaru wasn’t the romantic type. Simply because he still had thatlazy way of his, they thought he wouldn’t want to put in the effort. But theywere wrong. Shikamaru was a loving man and didn’t consider anything he did forSakura as effort. It was natural tohim and he enjoyed doing little things just to make her day. He liked romanticgestures and leaving her snippets of poetry for her to find at her house or inher office. He didn’t go out of his way to spend money on extravagant things, butSakura wouldn’t want him to anyway. He was creative for their dates and Sakurawas never bored with him.
                 Tonight,he’d brought her out to a small secluded area near the river that ran throughthe Nara Forest. They’d had a picnic on a red blanket while a radio hummed softmelodies. Sakura was lying on her back and Shikamaru was propped up on hiselbow beside her looking down at her with a lovingly. She’d taken his hair downearlier and she randomly reached up to run her fingers through the dark locksthat fell over his shoulder.
                 Shepopped a grape into his mouth and then picked another one off the vine forherself. She hummed thoughtfully, “I’ll have to use that recipe again since youliked it.”
                 “Yousaid you got it from a merchant in the Land of Rivers?” he asked her, his thumbstroking against the sliver of skin visible at her waist.
                 Shenodded and gave him a lazy smile. He’d bought her favorite wine and along withthe wonderful evening, she was feeling more than content to just lie thereforever. They were quiet for a while as they drank from the bottle and sharedwarm looks. Then, he was leaning over her and telling her in a tender voice,“You know, I think I’ve loved you since that day I taught you how to playshogi.”
                 Sakura’scheeks turned a happy pink and she giggled. “In spite of how horrible I was? Ican still remember your patient but frustrated looks.”
                 Hechuckled and brought his hand up to hold her face, his thumb stroking acrossthe pink in her cheeks. “Yes, despite you not understanding one lick of how thegame was played. Your confused pout was adorable.”
                 Shesmiled, her hand moving to the back of his head to bring him down to kiss her.It was sweet and she could taste the wine on his lips. He pulled back just acouple inches and told her, “And I think I fell in love with you that night youcried from the stress of Tsunade’s test.”
                 Sakurastared into his eyes, her heart contracting in that pleasant way. The memorywasn’t necessarily a fond one – until now– but she remembered how his sturdy arms had held her even back then. She saidback softly, “You held me all night until I calmed down.”
                 “Idid.” He glanced at her lips and then back to her eyes.
                 Sakurasighed and tried to put her thoughts into words. “I couldn’t tell you when ithappened for me. It just feels like there wasn’t ever a time when I didn’t loveyou even though I know there was. Then, those feelings just blurred and changedinto something more over the years.”
                 Insteadof replying, he kissed her and Sakura decided that was fine as his mouth slidover hers. His kisses and touches always felt like home to her. He made herhappy and honestly always had. It wasn’t any surprise that she’d fallen in lovewith him over the years. Even now, she just continued to fall deeper each day.
                 When hebroke away from her, she noticed one of her favorite songs had come on theradio and she smiled cheekily up at him. “Dance with me?”
                 Hechuckled with a nod and got to his feet, stretching out a hand and pulling herup to him. He held her close with his hands on her hips and her arms lockedaround his neck. She didn’t know if it could really be called dancing since hejust swayed her lazily to the beat, but it was perfect to her.
                 “Youknow that meadow at the edge of the forest where you and Ino use to play andmake flower crowns?” he asked her and Sakura could hear the hesitance in hisvoice – or maybe it was nervousness.
 She shrugged off the oddness of thesudden topic and answered, “Yes.”
 “There’s a small clear spot near itand it would…” –  He met her eyes andsmiled, letting out a short breath – “be a good place for a house.”
 Sakura looked at him confused,feeling her heart speed up the slightest second in her chest. Was he…? She told him unsurely, “Yeah,it would.”
 She could see a red hue warming hischeeks and he told her in a soft but gentle voice with a raised eyebrow, “I’llmake you another swing?”
 Sakura’s eyes widened and she felt likeher whole body froze in anticipation, a grin growing on her face. “A-Are youasking…?”
 He let out a nervous laugh and tookone of his hands away from her waist to hold her face. “What do you say,Sakura-chan? Want to get married?”
 Sakura caught her breath in herthroat and could feel tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She threwherself at him, hugging him closely as she laughed. “Yes!”
 He laughed with her, hugging herback just as tightly. His voice was shaky like he was fighting back tears ofhis own, but Sakura could hear the smile in his voice when he whispered nearher ear, “I love you.”
 Sakura leaned back to look at himand leaned her forehead against his. She kissed him, promising against hislips, “I love you, too. Always will.”
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