#and smooching in front of Red to make him shriek a lot
livelivefastfree · 5 years
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Hey I know nobody remembers the “Burners are villains and villains are Burners and Mike and Chuck are sad morally gray husbands” AU but have you considered: I still love them anyway.
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english8muffin · 4 years
Cozy winter
Summary: going to the market, being cheeky in the parking lot and a warm cuddly morning sprinkled with some funny-business
Warning: Cute banter, smut (NSFW), fluff
Word count: Around 5300 words!
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I want to open this with one of my favorite quotes ever, so if you allow me ;)
“Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.”  -Kurt Vonnegut 
“We need muffins.”
“We don’t NEED muffins, what we need are some fresh fruit and vegetables, ” Henry butts in. You frown and look up at him, “Oh whatever, Hen. You eat your greens, beans, potatoes and tomatoes, while I get fat by munching on some sweet, sweet, delicious chocolate muffins.”
 He sends you a smirk from across the aisle. It was always fun to do mundane things, like going to get coffee together or grocery shopping, when he was home from filming. The last year you went to university it was very hard to be away from him for such a long time, especially when you still lived in Europe. You would fly over to England once in a blue moon, when Henry was in London and your schedule would allow it. Other times your relationship existed out of phone and video calls. It was a rough period, if you have to be honest. But It made the two of you closer and your bond stronger. It’s true what they say, absence does make the heart grow fonder. 
You let Henry know you were going to get the ingredients for the muffins and start pushing the shopping cart in the direction of the baking supplies. As you walk back to the fresh produce section, you get distracted. So many colorful packaging was just screaming your name…
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“What the- lovey! I thought you were going to get your muffin ingredients,” Henry cackles and almost doubles over seeing the now full shopping cart.
It took you a second to answer, a bit too focused on his beautiful face and the smile lines that appeared when he laughed. You quickly try to defend yourself, so he doesn’t think you have no self-control, even though, you know your eyes were bigger than your stomach.
“No! I did get them, they’re just underneath the other bags,” you trail off, eyes drifting to the floor. You sigh, “I just saw this aisle with all the snacks. These magnificent snacks. And, Hen, I’ve never wanted anything more in my whole life! And, Hen-Henry! Henry, listen! Stop laughing at me! It was a moment of weakness! You can’t judge me! You don’t even know how they taste, I promise you, you will understand once you take a bite of everything!”
Henry wipes away a small tear at the corner of his eye and kisses the top of your head. You stroll around the aisles, trying to work through the rest of your grocery list, but suddenly you stop dead in your tracks.
“Hen,” you say, trying to get his attention. He gives you a hum in return, letting you know he heard you, “why on god’s green earth does my grocery list say ‘sex’?” You tilt your head up to his face, seeing a bashful grin. 
You shake your head, clicking your tongue disapprovingly, “it isn’t even on top of the list! You put your oatmeal protein shake before sex, fuck, you even put curry before sex, you really need to get your priorities straight!”
After getting some more stuff, like pak choi, steak, tofu and the ingredients for Henry’s beloved curry you always make him, you walk to the register. 
The petite Asian lady gives you a smile and takes a little peak at Henry, who was too busy looking at the various Chinese cough drops that are displayed in front of the counter. Her brows rise behind her thick glasses, “哇,大帅哥。你很幸运啊。” (Wow, big handsome man. You are very lucky, ah.) She says, turning back to you and winking. You can’t help but chuckle. Grinning you send her an ‘I know’-look.
Hearing your laugh, Henry looks over his shoulder with a questioning look. But you just smile and shake your head.
You two quickly get everything in the reusable shopping bags you brought with you. It was getting late and more people were getting off of work and wanted to do some last-minute grocery shopping. Henry takes both of the flower printed bags and the two of you walk to the car. It was getting colder, your breath turning into puffs of smoke. You look up at the sky glooming over you. They promised snow tonight. 
Seeing Henry load the bags in the trunk, his ass proudly sticking out in the air, you give it a pinch. You just couldn’t resist. It was just there, so you better make use of the situation. 
Feeling your hand touch his behind, Henry turns around, an unamused look on his face.
“Excuse me, miss. But that is mine,” he says, really playing up his posh accent.  “I sure hope you disinfected those filthy little paws of yours.” He cutely scrunches his nose, doing a once over and trying so hard to keep himself from smiling, but failing miserably. He turns back around and arranges the bags in the booth so they won’t tip over.
There is a moment of silence, just the noise from cars driving up and off the parking. From the corner his eye Henry sees the stare you give him but ignores it with a small smirk.
“You know,” you begin with a cheeky undertone, making him curious, “I bet I could kick your ass,” you grin, looking at him and trying to gauge his reaction. 
“What was that, doll?”
“You heard me, big lad!”
“Oh really?” He asks and looks at you, towering over you like a brick wall. His eyes glimmering with mischief. Yeah, no, this was NOT a good idea. 
You squirm a little and a small nervous giggle leaves your lips.
“Yes, I can. Watch m-AHHHH! HENRY!” You squeal as he lifts you and throws you over his shoulder, fully forgetting you are in public. “Let me down, you caveman!” You laugh, slapping his left ass cheek. But he ignores your plea and just slaps your ass in return. 
Wiggling a little, you challenge him, “Beat me up! Come on, do it!” 
He turns his head and playfully bites the exposed skin by your hip, making you shriek like a little kid. 
Henry lets out a loud belly laugh and puts you back on your feet. As soon as the tips of your Dr. Martens touch the pavement, you get pushed against the car. Trapping you between the icy cold black metal and his warm body. His arm goes around your waist and pulls you closer to his front.
“I love you.” The words are hushed but you hear them loud and clear, making a shiver go down your spine. The both of you look at each other, completely enamored and grinning like idiots. Noses and the apples of your cheeks rosy, bitten from the cold.
“I love you too,” you whisper back. His hand glides inside your coat and underneath the thick knitted jumper you finished to other day. He just needed to feel you. You lean up a little and gently push your lips to his, adoring the familiar warmth that fell over you whenever you’d kiss. Before you can come in for a second smooch, he frowns at you. 
“Thought you were going to beat my ass?” He mocks, trying to imitate your accent. 
Lightly tapping your finger against your chin, you pretend to be in thought. 
“Well, this is much more fun.”
“Hmm, agreed,” he grins, already eyeing your red swollen lips and tilting his head towards yours. 
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You hear heavy footsteps coming closer, the wooden floorboards slightly creaking under the weight. It was getting dark outside, the overhead lights in the kitchen casting a homey hue down on the oak countertops. Your ‘cooking playlist’ was filling the room with some gentle tunes. You also had a ‘dancing in the kitchen playlist’ but that one was mostly used in the mornings. You hum along to the melody when stirring in the stew you were preparing for the evening, rocking your hips side to side. The stew was softly bubbling away, spreading an amazing aroma around the house. 
The footsteps stop behind you. A moment later two big, sweater wrapped arms envelop around you, delicately caressing you. Henry lovingly pulls your loose braid to the side and places his head onto your shoulder, trying to get a peak at what was in front of you on the stove. 
“What smells so good in here?” Just then Henry’s stomach makes a loud grumbling noise from the mouthwatering smell going on in the kitchen, you chuckle. 
He had been gaming before this, you could hear the tiredness in his voice, it was a bit lower and more hoarse than normal. Whenever he was tired like this, he’d just turn into your big cuddly bear, you loved it. 
Dinner was almost done. You made one of the dishes your grandma used to make for you when you were younger. You won’t lie, it was pretty difficult at first to decipher the little recipe she send you in the post, but now you knew it by heart. 
“Cantonese style braised beef stew with white radish, bean curd sheets and a side of rice,” you inform him and brush your hand over his, that was placed on your stomach. Hearing that, he has to make sure he’s not drooling.
“And for dessert…” You nod your head toward the piping hot apple crumble pie currently cooling on the kitchen island. “We still have some vanilla ice cream if you want to have that with your pie. I know you want to be healthy, but I just really wanted to make a pie and this one does have filling,” you ramble, joking on the last part about the filling. He probably thought you were pestering him with his diet that most likely didn’t allow him to eat it. 
You wince a bit, feeling him tense against you. “You don’t have to eat it, my love, promise!”
“No petal, you’re just… you’re just so perfect,” Henry admits, pressing a kiss just below the strap of the pistachio green apron you were wearing, nuzzling his nose in your tousled hair.
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It was a gloomy Saturday morning in London. If your alarm hadn’t gone off, you wouldn’t have known it was morning already.
Yesterday after dinner, the two of you cuddled up on the sofa, under a warm blanket with Kal snuggled up on your lap. His head resting in your lap, while his tail occasionally slapped Henry in the face, making you burst out laughing and Henry almost choke on the fur. The akita would fondly press his snout deeper against you, really loving the head scratches he was receiving. Both you and Henry were fully satisfied with the tasty dinner you had paired with a glass of wine and were now cheekily flirting with each other while watching a detective movie, of which you missed the plot because you were, well, differently occupied…
Now the bedroom held a calm, soft aura, a dim light streaming in through the linen curtains. You let out a little whimper, not wanting to leave the bubble you are in and stretch out your limbs. A bit sore from sleeping in a weird angle, amongst other things. Behind you, you hear a small sound of protest and before you know it, you are engulfed by a strong arm. Henry hides his face in the side of your neck, keeping his eyes closed, groaning, clearly displeased with the fact it was morning already. 
You smile, this was your favorite kind of morning. Warm and cozy in bed, cuddling with your boyfriend. You turn around, careful to not let any cold air under the duvet, your arm going around the large form beside you and curling your fingers in the mess of curly hair. Henry moaned, burying his face lower, between your breasts. Now fully content and still a bit dazed by sleep, he lets out the most awful snore. Even though he sounded like a drowning goat when he snored, you couldn’t do anything other than coo and gently scratch your fingers on his scalp, lovingly gazing at the man beside you. 
“Are we going to be lazy couch potatoes today?” You chuckle, placing a kiss on his forehead, wild curls tickling your nose as you do so. Your voice was still a little raspy, but Kal apparently still heard you, and pushed open the door to come snuggle in bed with his favorite humans. 
“What time is it?” Henry groans. 
“Around 8.”
“We can be busy bees if you want,” Henry whispered against the swell of your breast, peppering delicate kisses on the bare skin. “Or better yet, busy bunnies.”
Kal was now situated on the end of the bed, head on his paws while the serenity of the room made him doze off. His dad on the other hand was now slowly waking up, as his hand crept lower and lower over your body. You giggled and pushed his hand away.
“There is a child present ,” you motion towards a sleeping Kal, who lays stretched out on the feathery duvet, already heading off to dreamland looking content as ever. Henry lifts his head, peering at his buddy and snorts, “he’s seen much worse, haven’t you bear?” But he doesn’t get acknowledged. 
Laying his head back, he reaches up to push your hair out of your face before grabbing your cheek and pulling you down for a kiss. He places three kisses on your swollen lips, lightly sucking on the bottom one.
“May-,” you try to say something, but he just pushes his mouth harder against yours. Quickly taking the opportunity to stop you from making excuses. A hoarse chuckle rumbles from his chest, as he wraps you in his arms.
“Stop talking, woman, and kiss me back.” You let out a small moan and grip the curls you were playing with moments ago. He deepens the kiss slightly, tongue invading your mouth, surprising you. A subdued hum escapes your mouth, resulting in him grabbing the back of your neck, as the other rests on your hip. The kiss gets deeper and more passionate as the minutes go by. Getting a bit overwhelmed you pull back slowly, softy panting. 
“Hmm, so sweet, darling,” he says smugly, earning a little smack to the chest as a bright blush covers your cheeks. Like it wasn’t already hard enough to resist him and stay in the warm bed all morning, he does this. Henry rolls your naked body over so you’re straddling him, a large hand wraps itself around your hair. He tugs, not too hard though, so he has more access to shower open mouthed kisses on your neck and chest. Leaving you a breathless mess on top of him. His hands trail from the top of your back to your rear, squeezing your cheeks before giving them a fast slap, making you take in a breath. 
From all the shuffling, little snickers and kissing noises, Kal woke up and groaned, irritated that his humans couldn’t just hanky-panky somewhere else. With a last disapproving look, he jumps off the bed, landing with a thump. From the sound of paws hitting the wooden floor and toddling down the stairs, you look over your shoulder, duvet falling down so you sat there fully naked, much to Henry’s delight. 
Then you felt it. It was normal for Henry to get hard in the morning. To be honest, he would be a bit worried if his cock wasn’t hard first thing when waking up.
Involuntarily you grind down, drawing a heavy moan from deep in his chest. Holding intense eye contact with him, you start humping over his bare front, mewling like a kitten in heat. It was embarrassing how he had you wrapped around his finger. A cheeky smile formed on his face, “look who came around.” Your body was practically begging for sex. 
Pouting, you keep on moving your hips in a tantalizing slow rhythm, scratching at his hairy chest. Making sure you kept your eyes on his, he licked his three middle fingers and a second later you feel him reaching between your thighs, wiping his fingers down your slit. Tensing up a little, you try to hold back a grunt at the sensation. 
“Oh darling,” he started, his voice going an octave lower, “what a mess you’ve made.”
He pulls back and observes your reaction when he pops his finger in his mouth.
“Wet and sweet, like always.”
“You are so nasty,” you whisper in total awe at what he manages to do to your body. He snickers and you quickly grab his hand, pushing it back between your thighs, “I didn’t tell you to stop, though.”
Your jaw goes slack, the moment you feel his thick fingers moving in and out of you. He was hitting just the right spot, making you groan and throw your head back. He felt like he couldn’t hold back anymore, he quickly flips you over so he’s on top of you, fully trapping you underneath his body and smashes his mouth on yours. Everything was happening so fast that you couldn’t pay attention to every incredible thing he was making you feel. Taking his cock in hand, he rubs his shaft against you, up and down, pressing it so you could feel the length. You look up at him, veins bulging in his neck, eyes dark, face already becoming flushed. God, he was so sexy. Grabbing your legs, he pushes your knees back so you were completely spread open and at his mercy. 
He curses under his breath and lines himself up with you sticky center. Stifling your moans and pants, by pressing his lips to yours, when he slowly sinks his thick cock inside. 
“Oh my god,” you whine, feeling him stretching your walls apart, pushing himself deeper and deeper. 
“Y’feel so warm and tight, my love. M’so hard it hurts.” Henry whines against your lips, lacing his fingers in between yours. He trails kisses in your neck and under your ear, trying to get as close to you as possible. He loved feeling your body against his. Your walls were so plushy and wet for his cock, he wanted to stay buried in you forever. 
“M’gonna make you feel so good, darling,” he whispers in your ear. You whine softly, getting worked up, “please.”
He smirked, obviously liking your plea. 
Instead of giving you a nice, hard pounding, Henry wanted to go slow. It was still very early in the morning, the both of you still barely awake and he wanted to savor this moment with you.
“Oh, Hen-,” you pant softly, loving every bit of it. As he pushes deeper into you, you can feel his entire weight pressing down against you. The weight comforted you in a sense, like others would with a weighted blanket. He prolonged his strokes, making sure that when he slid out you could feel every centimeter of him, but then slid back in quickly. 
“Fuck.” He grumbles into your neck, “feels so good, love,” he praises, nibbling on the skin under your ear, grabbing a handful of your hair pulling it back. You move you hands from his grasp and push them up his broad shoulders, pulling him closer to you.
“So good,” you moan out to him, feeling his cock nudge at the extremely sensitive spot deep inside your core. He lifts his head to look at you, seeing your mouth formed into the letter ‘o’, head tilted back into the cloud-like pillow and eyes screwed shut. A string of desperate moans falls from your lips. 
This was what he loved, seeing his love, his girl react to the way he was pleasuring her. Just looking at you in this state made his orgasm coil up in the pit of his tummy. He never would have dreamed that another person could give him this feeling, the feeling of utter bliss when you were together. The unconditional love he felt for you was indescribable. 
Henry continues to thrust into you and attaches his lips to yours, feeling you squeeze around him. You manage to spread your legs even wider and wrap them securely around his slim waist, digging your heels just above the globes of his perfectly sculpted ass. 
He was aiming his stokes into the deepest part of you and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your release. 
“Fuck,” you whimper out to him, digging your nails into the skin of his back. He knew you were about to cum. You let out another loud moan. 
“Come on, petal. Cum f’me,” he pants, trying to coax you. Hearing the almost desperate tone in his voice, combined with the sound of him slapping his hips to yours and the feeling of his cock moving in and out of you was becoming overwhelming. 
“Oh my god!” A loud moan ripples through you, the feeling of your release coming near. 
“Almost, my love,” he moans, speeding up the pace of his thrust. He inhales sharply, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulls you up, quickly pounding into you. Completely losing control, trying to get deeper as if that was possible and lets his forehead rest against yours. With one last push of his hips, you get to your breaking point and cum, screaming. Henry feels your walls clamp around him and let’s go, fully satisfied. The noise he made was an orgasm on its own. He keeps himself against you when he lets go inside of you. You could feel Henry’s cum filling you as you slowly come down from your high. You feel his cum dripping out of you, almost proud of what you made him do. 
He is about to roll off of you to cuddle up beside you, but you stop him by tightening your legs around him. “Please stay like this,” you whisper, your brain still a bit muddled by the amazing orgasm you just had seconds ago. He smiles down at you.
“Don’t be a silly goose,” he kisses your nose, “I would crush you,” Henry says endeared with a cheeky grin and pulls you into his side. You feel warm and safe. You yawn, blinking away when your eyes become watery.
“I can’t move,” biting your bottom lip, you snuggle closer to him, “and my throat hurts like hell.”
Henry lowers his hand to your ass and gives it a firm squeeze, “I’m not surprised. Oh doll, the sounds you were making,” he bites his bottom lip, closing his eyes. 
You laugh and roll your eyes. Henry nipped at your neck, making you erupt into a fit giggles. He chuckles, leaving a kiss on the spot he had just bitten. 
Henry trails his hands up and down your back. You closed your eyes and tangle your leg in between his, really liking the feeling. His chest was heavenly and just being in his arms felt amazing. He almost lulled you back to sleep the moment he began to run his fingers through your hair. 
“That good, huh? Almost fucked you back to sleep,” he chuckles. 
“It was alright, I guess,” you tease him. He raises his eyebrows, eyes twinkling with joy. 
“How would you rate the experience?” 
Tilting your head to look up at him, “Hmm, ten I guess.”
He looked very pleased with that.
“Out of twenty,” you finish. 
“OUT OF TWENTY?” He sobered up, staring at your face with a shocked expression. 
You snicker, climbing into his lap, “No, honey, I was just joking, I’m sorry.” A big pout forming on your face, making you look oh so innocent. 
“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to put you up on all fours and take you like that, don’t tempt me,” he says, shaking his head. Wiggling your brows you grin and kiss the dimple on his chin. 
“As much as I would enjoy that, I think Kal has to go potty and we have to eat.”
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After some hushed pillow talk and hoarse giggles between the silky sheets, you two decide to move downstairs and start making some fresh coffee. When you lift your body out of the bed, a light throbbing shoots between your legs. You almost fall back into the mattress, making Henry roar with laughter. You end up getting a piggy back ride down the stairs, only wearing a v-neck shirt from Henry that fell just below the curve of your ass and showed plenty of cleavage. Your lilac panties were fully on display and your almost black hair looked like a lion’s main on top of your head, but you didn’t care. 
The both of you were still in that bubbly, fulfilled state of mind, looking like two drugged out kids, wearing blissful smiles. When you got to the kitchen, Kal bounded around the corner, coming from the sitting area, his tail wildly sweeping through the air. Eyes sparkling with happiness when he saw his parents finally had left the bed. 
“早上,宝宝” (morning, baby) You greet him, still on Henry’s back. Kal gives you a high “woof” as to say good morning back. After living with Henry and Kal for around eight months now, the akita started to pick up on a few Chinese phrases. He even decided the pet name ‘宝宝’ (bao bao), which means baby or darling, was only to be applied on him and nobody else. 
Every time you would video call with your Chinese speaking friends, and they talked about or to their children, Kal would cheerfully patter over, thinking they were cooing at him instead of the small infant in the background. But you thought it was the sweetest thing ever, he was your little fur baby after all. 
“I’m going to make us some omelets, is that alright with you, darling,” Henry asked, already opening the fridge and looking for the carton of eggs.
“Yeah, ‘course,” you call out to him. You give Kal his breakfast and receive many, wet kisses in return. Shuffling back over to your boyfriend, you lean against the dark green counter with its wooden countertops, and look at him carefully chopping up some bell peppers and onion, only wearing his joggers and a tank top. You were a lucky girl, and you knew it. Henry sends you a grin and winks before turning back to cutting the vegetables.
You begin to brew some fresh coffee for Henry, and put on the kettle for your morning tea. While he was finishing up breakfast, you start to read the newspaper to him. He absolutely adored it when you’d read to him, due to your accent becoming more noticeable. Kal came over to you, stuffing his wet nose against the hand you held out to him. “You’re such a good boy, Kal. Yes, you are,” you tell him in a baby voice, “you’re my little angel aren’t you? 我的小天使” 
You clean the table, after eating your breakfast and get ready for the day. Henry was already out to go on a walk with Kal. It did indeed snow last night and everything outside was hidden underneath a thin sheet of white snow, so you made sure Henry was wrapped up in a thick scarf you made him and a black beanie. After giving you a kiss as if he was off to fight in a war, he and Kal happily walked through the front door, into the freezing cold. Him whistling and Kal buzzing with excitement. 
Brushing your teeth and doing your makeup, you dance through the bathroom, in a good mood. You grab your phone that was propped up against the mirror, planning to put on the podcast you had been enjoying lately. You freeze seeing all the notifications, not having heard your phone due to it being on ‘quiet’. You swallow.
Oh shit.
There you were, plastered on the internet for everyone to see and laugh at. You and Henry making out on the parking lot of the Chinese supermarket. Was he going to be angry with you? It was your fault for teasing him after all. Oh no no no…
‘Henry Cavill and girlfriend were spotted having a steamy make out session outside local grocery store’
The headline read, making your face as red as a tomato. Trying to fight against it, you couldn’t hold yourself from reading the next paragraph. 
Being in the middle of winter, doesn’t stop these two lovebirds from having a heated make out session in a parking lot!
Yesterday early in the evening, Witcher-superstar Henry Cavill was spotted with (to some) much younger girlfriend, designer, Y/N Y/L/N. The two have  recently confirmed their relationship with an Instagram post from Cavill, showing a candid of Y/N, with the short caption ‘My sunshine enjoying the sun shine’. Last month Vogue came out with a video featuring Y/L/N in which Cavill and his dog Kal made an appearance, making fans go wild. It seems like the two really are living the life and we are excited to see more of them together!
Want to know more about the stars? Subscribe to STAR NEWS! 
This was it. You could already hear your sweet grandma, praying to the ancestors to forgive you for your sins, lighting all the incense she could find. You were a disgrace to the family now. It wasn’t that you were ashamed or felt bad about doing it, hell, everybody in the position would gladly sit on Henry’s shoulders and stick their tongue down his throat. You were just disappointed you got caught.
From downstairs you hear the door close with a loud thump and the pitter-patter from Kal’s nails on the hardwood floor, letting you know your two boys were back home. You nervously descend the flight of stairs, holding your head low and tightly clutching your phone in hand. 
“Hey, lovey! you really missed something, Kal and I could practically ice skate over the walking trails, it was so much fun!” Henry says enthusiastically as he hears you wander into the living room. You ignore him and plop down on the couch.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, not meeting his eyes. 
A frown makes its way onto his face. 
“What are you sorry for, sweet girl?” His eyes hold a concerned look, not understanding what you were talking about. You huff out a breath and hand him your phone so he could see the article. 
A roaring laugh sounds through the open space, making your head shoot up. “Yeah, I saw it this morning when I went and checked my Instagram,” he chuckles, face still rosy from going outside. 
“We really gave the paparazzi a field day, didn’t we?” He continues.
“Your ass looks great in this pic, though. Look,” pointing to the one were he had you lifted over his shoulder, but softens his voice when he sees how tense you were. 
“Aw, doll, loosen up, I’m not mad or anything, if that’s what you think. I’m rather pleased now that everybody can see how happy we are and how much joy you bring me,” he lets you know nonchalantly, pressing a smooch to your forehead and starts to march towards the kitchen.
“You want another cuppa, lovey?”
And just like that, you were back in your good mood, perplexed at how well he took all of this. 
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Don’t be a silent reader! Show some love by reblogging and commenting, did it make you laugh, scream, smile? Let me know, it would make my day!
Much love, Nahmi xxx
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elianamarie-blog · 4 years
The Things You Give Pt 18
Steven Hyde x Reader
A/N: The part is finally here! THE PARENTS FIND OUT. I hope you enjoy this part! Geez, I can’t believe we’re already 18 parts in! And I’m not even done lol with all this information I want to put in the story, there maybe a bit more. Let me know what you all think! By the way, CONGRATULATIONS TO WILMER VALDERAMA FOR THR BIRTH OF HIS DAUGHTER! What a beautiful baby!!
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Kitty sat there, staring at her daughter with an unreadable expression. Was she angry? Disappointed? Murderous? Y/n couldn’t bear to make eye contact with her, so she kept her gaze down.
“So,” Kitty said, clearing her throat. “Pregnant, huh?”
Y/n nodded, flitting her eyes to Kitty who was calmly messing with her ring.
“How far along are you?”
“Bout a month.”
“And does Steven know?”
“Yes, he—wait, what?” This time Y/n snapped her gaze to Kitty who was staring at her down with a stoic expression.
“I said does Steven know?” Kitty repeated and placed her fist underneath her chin. “Does he know that he is the father?”
All Y/n could do was stare at her mother in disbelief as her brain suddenly stopped working. The gears in her head froze as she felt her hands go numb. “What—how—uh, when did you—why would you—wait, what? Steven’s not the father.”
“Oh, no need to get all fussy and lie to me,” Kitty said and chuckled and got up to start a pot of tea. “I’ve known for weeks.”
“You what?” Y/n asked in complete disbelief. “How did you find out?!”
“Oh, please, I’m not stupid. You kids are terrible at keeping secrets.” She grabbed two mugs and placed two teabags in them, then reached up to get the honey. “It’s obvious that you two have gotten much closer in the recent months and besides—I’ve seen you two lay a smooch on each other in a time or two.”
“Oh, God,” Y/n mumbled, covering her hot and flushed face. “Well, if you knew, why didn’t you say anything?!”
“Because I wanted you to come to me yourself,” Kitty answered as if it was obvious and poured the hot water into the mugs. “You’re eighteen now. You make that decision to date whoever you want.”
Kitty set the mugs down on the table in front of them.
“If that’s true then why were you telling me that I shouldn’t and can’t date him?”
“Because of your father,” she responded and took a sip of her tea. “You know how he is.”
“Oh, God, does he know?”
“Oh, heavens no,” Kitty responded and waved her hand. “If he does, he’s in denial.”
“He’s going to kill us,” Y/n groaned and covered her eyes with her hand that wasn’t holding the mug.
“Well, we need to find a way to ease into it,” Kitty said. “The last thing we want is to give him another heart attack. Because let’s be honest, this one will kill him.”
“So, what do you suggest?”
“Well, we could liquor him up,” she responded. “That way, he’ll be mad, but not enough to kill him.”
“Wow, Mom. It sounds like you’ve done this before.”
“Eh, maybe once or twice,” Kitty said, waving her hand and took a sip of her tea.
They sat in silence for a moment. “Are you mad?”
Kitty inhaled deeply and looked at Y/n. “A little. More so that you didn’t tell me and lied to me. Multiple times.”
Y/n looked down at her tea in shame. “I’m sorry, Mom.”
“Do you and Steven even have a plan?”
Y/n nodded, debating on telling her about the engagement. Like a band-aid. “Yes. He’s going to go work with his dad in Milwaukee and I’m going to go back to school while looking for an apartment. And, uh,” she took a deep breath, her voice wavering. Get ready to see some chairs fly. “We’re….going to get…married.”
Kitty sat there in stunned silence, blinking at Y/n. The growing silence between them made Y/n more nervous as she was receiving daggers from her mother’s blazed eyes.
“Yep,” Y/n said shortly after a minute of no talking. “A grandchild and a son-in-law. Big day for you.”
“You’re WHAT!” Kitty shouted, shooting up from her seat.
Y/n jumped up and held her hands out at her menopausal mother. “I’m sorry! We just thought that it would be better for you and Daddy because I’m sure you guys don’t want a screaming baby around and we—”
“You’re going to leave me?!”
Y/n knitted her eyebrows together and brought her hands down. “What?”
“My baby is having a baby and getting married and you’re going to leave me?!”
“Uh, okay, I’m sorry, but I’m really confused,” Y/n said calmly and stood up straight. “I thought you’d want me and Steven to move out.”
“Well, not right now!” she yelled. “I’ve always wanted to plan my children’s wedding. When I saw what path Laurie was going down, I thought to hell with that I’m never going to plan her wedding, and Eric…well you know what happened! But now you’re getting married and I need to plan yours! Sure, I still want to put my foot up your ass, but I need to do this!”
Y/n stood there in confusion and shock. Well, this went better than expected. “Really, Mom? You’re sure?”
“Yes, you dumbass!” Kitty shouted and wrapped her arms around Y/n’s shoulders.
“Wow, uhm, you’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would,” Y/n said, wrapping hesitant arounds around her petite mother.
“Don’t be so sure,” she replied. “I’m still angry that you lied to me and didn’t tell me and for Steven going behind our backs instead of just coming to us, but we will talk later. For now, we need to focus on telling your father so that we can start planning and getting ready for everything.”
“When should we tell him?”
“Well, tomorrow night I’ll be throwing a small dinner party for couples. So, you, Steven, and Donna and Eric will be there. And Bob is coming with a date.”
“You really think telling Dad while we’re having a party, which he hates, is a good idea? He’s not afraid to have witnesses while he murders me, you know that right?”
“Oh, honey, don’t be so dramatic. That’s where we’re going to get him liquored up,” Kitty laughed and sat back down, leaving Y/n utterly confused still.
                                                  --Time Skip—
     “So, she knew this whole time?” Steven asked later that night, as they laid in his bed, their naked bodies covered by the blanket.
“Yep. Apparently, we weren’t being as secretive as we should’ve been,” Y/n commented.
“And she took the news well?” He felt genuinely confused. “So, I’m not getting…kicked out?”
“No, but she definitely wants to put her foot up our asses.”
He raised his eyebrows. “She said that?”
“Word for word.”
Steven threw his head back laughing. “Man, I wish I would’ve heard that.”
“Yeah, but here’s the kicker. I think she was madder that I told her that we would be moving out.”
He stopped laughing and looked at her confused. “How?”
She shrugged. “Beats me. She said something about how she’s never going to be able to plan Laurie’s wedding because she’s, well, Laurie, so she really wants to plan ours.”
Hyde chuckled. “That’s funny.”
Y/n lifted the corner of her mouth. “Which part?”
“Well both. She just called Laurie a whore and that she thinks we will have a real wedding.”
Y/n sat up and looked at him. “What do you mean by that?”
“Well, obviously Laurie gets around quite a bit—”
“No, no, not that,” she said. “About the wedding.”
“Oh, well,” Hyde said and sat up too. “You didn’t think we were going to have a real wedding, did you?”
“Uh, yeah I did,” she replied. “That’s why I said wedding. It’s not like I’m saying let’s have a big one or anything, but something. What were you thinking?”
“Well, just, uh,” he said nervously. “Just city hall and then maybe have a dinner.”
“That’s it?” she asked. “That’s how you want to spend our big day?”
“Well, to be fair we have an even bigger one coming,” he responded, motioning towards her stomach.
“Okay, yes, we’re having a baby but also us getting married is also pretty big.”
“ Y/n, what is the big deal? We’re going to be spending a lot of time and money for what? A few hours of partying?”
“A few hours of partying? Are you kidding me?”
“What? It’s true.”
“A wedding is the unification of us becoming one and celebrating our love! To promise one another that we will always be there and love each other. Doesn’t that mean something to you?” She got out of the bed and started putting her clothes back on.
“Why do we need to promise each other in front of people when it’s our marriage? I’m promising you, not them.”
“It’s still a celebration, Steven.”
“Yeah, maybe back in the olden times when marriage was used as transactions and not for anything more. I mean, come on, be happy that I’m even marrying you!” He started to put his pants back on when he noticed the shift in the room.
“What?” Y/n asked sharply.
Hyde’s eyes grew a fraction bigger. “No, no! That’s not what I meant!”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I just meant that before I probably wouldn’t have even considered marriage even if I did get you pregnant.” He mentally cringed, knowing he just made the situation worse.
“Wow,” was all she said before she walked out the room.
“No, wait Y/n!” he stumbled as he fumbled to put his pants back on. “I didn’t mean it that way!”
“Just leave me alone, Steven!” she shrieked as she stomped up the stairs.
He groaned. “Great.”
                                               --Time Skip—
           “Y/n, honey can you go to the store for me and pick some things up for the party tonight?” Kitty asked while she gave Y/n her breakfast plate.
“We’re having a party?” Eric asked. Everyone, excluding Red was there. Fez and Jackie sat at the counter, Kelso and Donna at the table.
“Yes, we are. All couples are invited.”
“Wait, why wasn’t I invited? Kelso asked.
“Well, honey, you need a date,” Kitty said. “Do you have a date?”
“Yeah, Brooke.
“That would be great! Then I can ask her questions about when she was pregnant,” Y/n said.
“Ohhh, honey, let’s not say that out loud,” Kitty replied, patting Y/n’s shoulder. “Your father could walk in any minute.”
“Guess I can come now,” Kelso beamed.
“Yeah, I guess you can,” Kitty said and sat down next to Y/n.
“Can I come too Miss Kitty?” Fez asked. “If I bring a date that is.”
“Of course, dear,” Kitty beamed and clapped excitedly. “I’m so excited!”
“Uh,” Hyde said and raised his hand. “Do I have to come?”
“Yes,” Kitty and Y/n said in unison sternly.
“And wear a tie,” Y/n said.
“I don’t want to,” he responded stubbornly.
“Well, you’re gonna,” she snapped.
He looked at Kitty and Y/n and slumped his shoulders. “Fine. But, Mrs. Forman, can I speak to you privately in the living room, please?”
“For what?”
“I just need to speak to you.”
She looked to Y/n who shrugged her shoulders. Kitty and Steven stood up and made their way into the living room.
“What do you want to talk about, Steven?” Kitty asked him and clasped her hands together in front of her.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry,” he began and scratched his neck. “I’m not very good at apologizing and stuff, but I’ve always looked at you as a mom, especially because you took me in and took care of me as if I was your own and I owe you an apology. I understand if you’re angry with me and you have every right to be. I disrespected you and Red by going behind your back with Y/n and lying to you and I deeply regret that, but I need you to know that I don’t regret Y/n. I truly do care about her and…I do love her. I know this was probably a shock for you, but I promise to do whatever I can to take care of her. I’m not sure if Y/n told you, but I took a job with my dad at his company.
“I just want you to know that even though you may not think I’m the right person for your daughter, I promise you I am. I know I’m not perfect, but I think I’m good enough for her and she’s definitely more than enough for me.”
Kitty looked at her foster son with blurry eyes. “Oh, Steven,” she whimpered and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He gratefully accepted her embrace. “You’re such a good boy. Thank you. I love you so much.” She pulled away and looked at him. “Yes, I am a little angry about the situation and trust me, we will be having a talk later, but please don’t worry about me. It’s Red we need to worry about.”
“I’ll have to run before he can put his foot in my ass,” he replied.
“Oh, I won’t let that happen,” she said and patted his arm.
“Thank you, Mrs. Forman.”
She smiled at him before they went back into the kitchen.
                                   --Time Skip—
           “For the last time, I told you I don’t want a freakin’ wedding!” Steven raised his voice at Y/n.
“Well, I do, dammit!” Y/n shouted back.
“What’s the point? We can still celebrate with everyone after we sign the piece of paper!”
“I’m not asking for anything big here, Steven!” she growled. “I’m asking for a simple wedding. Why is that so much to ask?”
“Because it cost a lot!”
“Alright let the moth out of your wallet you cheap ass,” Y/n snapped. “We’re going to be spending more on this baby and any other future children we may have than a wedding. The wedding doesn’t even have to be big! It could just be all of us and my grandparents. Why are you being so difficult about this?”
“Because I don’t want a wedding!”
“Uhm,” Eric called out awkwardly from the couch. “Some of us are trying to watch TV here. Care to take it outside?”
“No!” the couple said in unison.
“Y/n listen to me,” Jackie said and stood up. “Getting Steven to even marry anybody is a miracle. Take it from me.”
“Yeah, he told me that last night,” Y/n spit.
“You said that to her? BURN!” Kelso shouted, but then instantly cowered when Y/n and Hyde threw daggers at him.
Y/n rolled her eyes and turned back to Steven. “I want us to have pictures to remember this day. So, we’ll need a photographer.”
“If you need a photographer to remember something like this, then we have bigger problems,” Hyde deadpanned.
Y/n groaned in frustration. “God, you’re impossible! Come on, just something from you.”
Hyde shook his head. “No. And that’s final.”
“Fine,” she huffed. “But you get to tell my mom why she won’t plan our wedding.” She flipped her hair and sat down on the couch, crossing her arms. “And by the way, you’re going to be the one to deal with her wrath. Not me.”
Steven titled his back and looked up at the ceiling, groaning. “Fine! We’ll have a wedding, but it won’t be big. Just us, no extra relatives, we’ll have it in the backyard, beer, and spaghetti, and a small cake. No dressing up, nothing.”
“Or,” Y/n said coyly and sauntered back up to him. “It’s just us and my grandparents, somewhere outdoors with Pastor Dave, a decent sized cake, some dressing up, and 1 main plate of food with 2 sides. Beer and champagne.”
He looked down at her, trying so hard to be mad, but her puppy dog eyes made him melt. “Fine.”
She smiled widely for him. “Okay!” She gave him a quick peck and sat back down on the couch.
“Aweeee,” the gang cooed.
“Shut it!” Hyde barked.
“Who’s going to be your maid of honor?” Jackie pushed. “I’m not saying it should be me, but it should be me.”
“Yeah, and who is going to be your best man?” Kelso asked and pointed at himself. “Me,” he whispered.
“Hang on, guys,” Donna said. “Let’s not put too much pressure on them. It’s their wedding. Let them decide who.”
Y/n gave her an appreciative smile. “Thank you, Donna.”
“Oh, she’s just sucking up to you so you’d pick her!” Jackie cried out. “ Y/n, if you pick me, I’m rich, so I can give you the bachelorette party of your dreams. I can help with the wedding too.”
Y/n puckered her lips and looked up, thinking. “That does sound nice.”
“What, no! That’s crap,” Donna exclaimed. “I’ve been there for her this whole time, I think I deserve to be maid of honor.”
“Oh, what have you brought to the table, Big Foot?” Jackie spit.
“Listen, here Midget, I was the first person who knew about her and Hyde, the first to know about the pregnancy, AND kept it a secret until she was ready to tell the others. She trusts me more. Being rich doesn’t make you a better friend than me.”
Jackie gasped theatrically. “You take that back!”
Donna smirked at her. “No.”
“GIRL FIGHT!” Kelso hollered. “Eric, quick, get a pool of mud and we can watch them fight for honor.”
“Alright, alright, alright, stop. Both of you,” Y/n cut in, trying to prevent them from ripping at each other. “I still have Laurie to think about.”
Donna and Jackie scoffed and rolled their eyes at her.
“You really want the queen of whores to be your maid of honor?” Hyde asked her.
Y/n thought about it for a minute. “No, not really. But she’s still an option.”
“Okay, well, while you ladies figure out your issue, we have a bigger one at hand,” Fez said and down on the coffee, facing Hyde who was now sitting in his chair. “Who’s going to be the best man? Me.”
“Nuh uh, I wanna be!” Kelso argued.
“Hey, if anybody deserves to be best man, it should be me,” Eric piped up. “I think it’s already a given why I deserve this role.”
“Why you deserve it?” Hyde repeated. “This isn’t a play, man.”
“Come on, man. I made you the godfather of my daughter,” Kelso said, giving him the puppy eyes.
“Or, how about the one who’s related to the bride? And who gave him a home when he became an orphan?” Eric said.
“Don’t pull that crap on me, Forman,” Hyde said, making a face at him. “You also forget how you reacted and tried to kick me out.”
“I was just preparing you for what’s going to happen with Red,” Eric defended, albeit rather weakly.
“Well, we got to figure something out,” Jackie said and stood, adjusting her shirt. “Why don’t we pull straws?”
“Or how bout we race?” Fez said. “I can outrun all of you sons of bitches.” He beamed with pride.
“No, we’re not going to do any of that,” Y/n said. “Let me and Steven decide, okay?”
“Good ‘cause I’m not running,” Jackie said. “Jackie Burkhart doesn’t sweat.”
“Or how ‘bout we go with the two most good looking people in this room?” Kelso suggested. “So, me and Jackie.”
Jackie nodded. “I second that!”
“NO,” Hyde and Y/n said in unison.
Kelso and Jackie huffed and sat down on the couch and chair, pouting.
“Please, guys, let us get through tonight and then we’ll decide,” Y/n begged. “Right now we just want to get through the night alive. My dad is going to tear us to shreds.”
“Oh, why wouldn’t he?” Eric asked sarcastically. “Not only are you secretly dating the orphan boy living in his house, you’re having his baby and getting married.”
“Actually, it wasn’t so secretive,” Y/n mentioned. “Mom’s known for weeks.”
“What? How?!” Eric asked.
“I don’t know, but she’s not as naïve as I thought.”
“Oh, crap,” Eric said wide eyed. “That means she probably found my magazines!”
“What magazines?” Donna asked.
“Uh,” Eric stuttered while Y/n smirked at her dumbass twin. “S-some good ol’ fashioned…classy magazines.”
“Nice,” Y/n said, thoroughly amused.
“Uh huh, sure,” Donna said, but let it go.
“So, are you guys nervous about telling Mr. Red?” Fez asked.
“Oh, I’m just short of completely and utterly terrified,” Y/n responded.
“Yeah, what she said,” Hyde responded and gestured for Y/n to sit in his lap. “But, this is something we have to do. We messed up and now we have to make up for it.”
“Or make a run for it,” Fez said, giggling. “See what I did there?”
Y/n chuckled lightly, loving his sweet and innocent sense of humor. “You’re not wrong. My dad is a very scary man.”
“But you’re his little girl. I don’t think he’s going murder you,” Eric said. “It’s clear that you’re the favorite.”
“Even if that were true, you know who is the one who’s going to get murdered,” Jackie said and pointed at Steven. “You. You better get your running shoes on now.”
“Ha ha very funny. Listen, I think once he calms down and realizes that being blinded by rage isn’t going to change anything, he’ll come around,” Steven said.
Everyone looked at him as if he had grown a third head.
“Are you just now meeting my dad?” Eric asked.
“All I’m saying is that there isn’t much he can do at this point,” Hyde defended. “Mrs. Forman will be there.”
“Yeah, to tell you to run,” Eric said.
“He’s right, though,” Donna said. “Besides getting scary and pink, nothing’s going to change.”
“What do you expect him to do though?” Eric asked. “Sit there and tell you congratulations?”
Y/n shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Yeah,” her twin scoffed. “After he cheers and tosses his poms poms into the air.”
The group fell silent as the image of Red fell into their heads.
“You���re pregnant?” Red asked as the teens started trembling in their seats.
“Now, Daddy, please let me explain—” Y/n began before Red jumped up from his seat.
“That’s great!” he boasted with a broad smile and somehow brought out two poms poms from behind him. “Let’s cheer!”
He started hopping up and down, shouting, “P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T!”
“What’s happening?” Hyde asked, staring at Eric who continued to play the scene out for them.
“Who’s going to be a grandpa?” Red cheered. “Me! G-R-A-N-D-P-A! WhooOOooOO!”
 He started jumping up and down like a teenage girl.
“That was unpleasant,” Y/n commented once Eric was finished.
“You got the cheer wrong,” Jackie commented.
“What?” Eric asked, directing his attention to her.
“Yeah, you’re supposed to go—”
“I don’t care,” he cut her off lazily.
The gang chuckled before Y/n looked down at her watch. “The party is in an hour. Honey, you need to get ready.”
“It only takes me two minutes to get ready,” Steven argued.
“You still need to figure out what you’re going to wear.”
“I’m wearing this,” he said and gestured towards his current outfit.
Y/n hummed unamused. “No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
“No, you’re really not.”
“ Y/n, I’m wearing this and that’s final.”
“Or, you can wear a tie and still have sex tonight.”
Eric rolled his eyes as he forced that mental image out of his head.
Hyde grunted. “Fine.”
He got up and followed Y/n into his room to pick out the outfit he would be wearing.
“Well, I better go pick up Brooke before she gets mad at me again,” Kelso said begrudgingly. “Man, you forget a woman one time at the store and suddenly you’re ‘irresponsible’ and ‘immature.’ You make one small mistake and she never lets you live it down!” Michael rolled his eyes as he walked out the door.
“And I better go pick up Nina,” Fez said. “She’s super foxy and the best part, I get to see her everyday! It really pays off to be dating your boss.”
“You’re dating your boss?” Eric asked.
“Yeah you don’t want to date anyone within the workplace,” Donna said. “This spells disaster.”
“Yeah, but she’s so spicy,” Fez said.
“See and I don’t care. So, I’m just going to go home,” Jackie said and stood by Fez.
“You’re just mad because you’re not going to this party,” Donna stated.
“Yeah! I just had to be the one without a boyfriend and to add salt to the wound, I won’t be there when Mr. Forman finds out.”
“Finds out about what?” Red asked as he came down the stairs.
Fez’s eyes widened. “Bye,” he squeaked and fumbled for the door and whipped it open, running for the hills, leaving Jackie behind.
“Is that kid on dope? Because if he is, I don’t want him in my house” Red asked before turning towards the washer and dryer. “I’m looking for my blue shirt. Your mother is insistent I wear it tonight. I’d rather be back in Korea than go to this damn thing.”
“Yeah, that’s a real kicker, there, DAD,” Eric shouted dramatically, hoping to have Y/n hear and for the love of God to NOT come out of Hyde’s room.
Red gave Eric a look. “Son, are you on dope too?”
Eric laughed uncomfortably. “No, no, not at all, DAD.”
“Yeah, MR. FORMAN. Nothing going on here,” Donna said and gave him a fake smile.
Red shook his head in confusion and pulled his shirt out of the dryer. “Damn teenagers,” he mumbled and sulked back upstairs.
Once he was out of earshot, Eric and Donna huffed and leaned into the couch while Jackie continued to stay by the door. “You know, maybe it’s good that I won’t be here. I don’t want to be here to help clean up the blood. See ya!”
“Yeah,” Eric and Donna said lazily as Jackie walked out the door.
“That was a close one,” Donna said. “After tonight, this will all be over.”
Eric rubbed his face. “God, I hope so.”
“Was that Dad?” Y/n asked, coming out of Steven’s room with him trailing behind her.
“Yeah, it was. He’s gone now,” Eric replied.
“Thanks, you guys. You have no idea how much we appreciate that,” Y/n said. “I promise tonight will be the last. Once Red knows then it will hopefully be over.”
“Or the start of a blood bath,” Donna snickered.
“Real funny,” Y/n said and headed towards the stairs. “I’m going to go change. I’ll see you guys in a few minutes.”
“I’ll go with you. Can I borrow a shirt?” Donna said, joining Y/n on the stairs.
“Yeah, sure. Which one are you thinking?”
“Well, I was thinking…”
Their conversation drifted off as the guys sat on the couch. Eric noticed Hyde wearing a nice shirt and a tie with a pair of black jeans.
 “Wow, Hyde, I didn’t know you even owned a pair of black jeans,” Eric said and batted his eyes. “You look so handsome!” Before he could keep going, a pillow was thrown in his face to muffle his taunting.
                                                                                                                 —Time Skip—
           “Alright, everybody!” Kitty said excitedly as she came through the door into the living room. She set down a plate of hors d'oeuvres on the table. “Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes.”
She looked around the room to see Y/n and Steven, Eric and Donna, Kelso and Brooke, Bob and his date, Joanne, but no Laurie or Fez. “Where’s Fez?”
“He went to go pick up his date,” Y/n responded. “He’ll be here soon.”
“Oh, okay. Sounds good. Well, you look very pretty tonight, Y/n ,” Kitty said, gesturing towards her dress.
Y/n wore a maroon colored, high low dress that was decorated with orange, white, and blue floral print with long and flowing sleeves. She wore knee high brown boots to match with the dress. Her long hair was flat ironed down her waist as she sported hoop earrings.
“Oh, thank you, Mom,” she said and smoothed out her dress. “You look pretty too.” Kitty wore a nice red dress with short sleeves and a sweet heart neckline. “Donna, Joann, and Brooke look very pretty too.”
Donna and Joann smiled at Y/n who sported normal flowered bell bottoms and a plain and elegant baby pink top. While Brooke, wore simple, yet stylish, emerald green maxi dress with a white dress cardigan and strappy black heels.
“I told you, you looked pretty,” Bob said to Joanne who smiled at him.
“You think I look pretty?” Brooke beamed, feeling relieved. “Thank you so much. Ever since I had Betsy, it’s been hard to go out, let alone dress up.”
Kelso snorted. “I know.”
Brooke glared at him before turning her attention away from him with a hurt expression.
“Steven, would you mind?” Y/n asked.
“It’ll be my pleasure,” he responded before connecting his fist to Kelso’s shoulder.
“Ow!” Kelso shouted, holding his shoulder. “The hell, man?”
“You don’t say that to the woman who just had your baby, you moron!” Y/n scorned. “Brooke looks lovely and you should definitely acknowledge that, you dillhole.”
“I did!”
“I believe your exact words were, ‘Wow, you look hot. Wanna do it?’” Brooke said, imitating Kelso.
“But you do!” he defended.
“Alright, kids,” Kitty said as she handed Red an hors d'oeuvre.
“Hey, if this is a couple’s dinner, then why is Y/n and Steven here?” Bob asked.
Y/n’s heart caught in her throat and Hyde shifted uncomfortably.
“Well, we just wanted to come,” Y/n lied.
“Did ya now?” Red asked suspiciously. “If that’s the case, then why is Steven here?”
“Uh, you know,” Hyde responded nervously and cleared his throat. “Free food.”
“Uh huh,” Red responded unconvinced.
“I asked them to come,” Kitty said, stepping in. “I—uh—”
Laurie walked into the room, unsuspecting of her mother flying over to her.
“I also invited Laurie!” she said, gripping her oldest daughter’s arm and dragging her to the couch.
“What? No, you didn’t—”
“Sshh, shut up, I did and you get five bucks out of this,” Kitty murmured in her ear as Laurie smiled, quickly accepting and sat down on the floor next to the table.
“Hellooooo! Me and Nina are here!” Fez called in, stumbling in through the door. “Please, meet my lovely and hot date, Nina.”
“Fez,” the short haired girl blushed and turned to the group. “Hi!”
“Fez, are you drunk?” Hyde asked.
“I had to pregame before I came!” he announced.
“Fez, you realize you’re not supposed to get drunk when you pregame,” Y/n said. “Only buzzed.”
“And how would you know that?” Red asked.
“Public school. Everybody knows that,” Y/n lied. Sort of.
“Okay, well, let’s just get this party started so I can go to bed,” Red said begrudgingly.
                                                       —Time Skip—
            Later on that evening, when everyone had finished eating and was now enjoying dessert, Fez was enjoying his third glass of kahlua. Kitty had allowed the kids to have small glass of it, but Fez was finishing off Hyde’s and going for Y/n’s.
“Y/n, do you not like your drink?” Red asked.
“Kind of. It’s a little too sweet,” she lied and felt her heart drop. She hated lying to her dad. He trusted her so much. Now, he was going to lose any ounce of pride he had in her. She turned to Kitty, wanting now more than ever to get this over with. “Hey Mom, I think it’s time.”
“No. Not right now,” Kitty shook her head vigorously who was cleaning up the dessert plates. “He hasn’t had enough yet.”
“Time for what?” Red asked.
The mother and daughter ignored him.
“I have to tell him.” Y/n stood from the couch and faced Kitty. “I can’t hold it in anymore.”
“ Y/n, don’t,” Kitty warned, pleading her.
“Tell. Me. What?” Red asked, growing impatient.
“Wouldn’t it be better to just say it and get it over with?”
“Y/n, stop,” Steven piped up, eyeing Red who was now standing behind Y/n.
“For the love of God, tell me what?!”
“To tell you that Y/n is pregnant with Hyde’s baby!” Fez drunkenly shouted, causing the air in the room to still. “Oh, and they’re also getting married!”
Everyone in the room held their breath as they stared at Red.
“Fez, why?” Y/n trembled.
“Well, you weren’t going to say it, so I did.”
“Remind me to kick your ass later,” she seethed and turned around to face her father.
“Y/n, the foreign kid better be lying,” Red threatened, his voice wavering.
Her gaze fell to the floor, not able to keep eye contact with him. Her throat suddenly felt dry and she couldn’t find the words to speak. She swallowed thickly and shook her head.
“I swear to God, if this is some kind sick joke…” Red trailed off and looked around at everyone, seeing their horrified and sullen faces. “Are you really pregnant? With Steven’s baby?!”
Y/n cringed and dared herself to look up at him. “I’m sorry, Daddy, but yes.”
“Wow, I picked a great night to stay home,” Laurie beamed.
Red’s eyes darted to Steven who was visibly sweating. “YOU!”
Kitty was shaking as she stared at the scene in front of her in fright. “Run, honey, run!”
Hyde didn’t hesitate to jump off the couch and sprinted to the front door. Red was on his tail immediately.
“You son of a bitch!” Red roared as he ran after Hyde.
Luckily Hyde was faster as he ripped the door open and made his way down the street with Red running after him like a mad man.
Taglist:  @jeeperky​ @05-feet-off-the-table-06​ @cooloclown​ @mdittyz123​ @n-dg-wm​ @undead-sierra​ @random-thoughts-003​ @lieswithoutfairytales​ @taysirene @ xxivy-32 
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Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.8 Mukami Yuma [Track 1]
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Original title: 代わりの印
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 8 Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Make sure to listen to this when you’re almost because things get pretty HOT AND STEAMY over here phew~ I swear Yuma’s voice does things to me. > // < I struggled a lot to translate his speech at first but now that I’m used to it, he’s honestly one of my favorite boys to translate content of because I feel like I can be a little more playful with his dialogue.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 1: An Alternative Mark
The two of you return home.
“...Aahー The place was crawlin’ with people, I’m hella beat. There we go...”
He puts down the bags.
“Oi. Which ones need to be put in the fridge?”
He starts looking through bags as you point out the items.
*Rustle rustle*
“Hm...? Chocolate, jelly...The fuck? It’s just a bunch of sweets! Didn’t I tell ya to put these back? Guess we’ll be good in terms of candy until next month. ...Wait, oi! Are ya even listenin’!?”
You turn your head. 
“Haah...You’re still upset? What so bad ‘bout kissin’ in public? For one, I apologized so fix yer damn mood already.”
You protest.
“Ya really gonna get all flustered when our lips barely even touched? ...It’s not like I went for the lips either. ...Or are you beggin’ for it, perhaps? Guess ya leave me with no other choice. Nn...”
“Hehehe...Oh come on, stop gettin’ yer panties in a knot. I felt like it so can ya really blame me? ...Besides, aren’t ya actually happy? To have me do with ya as I please? Come on, tell me where ya want it. You want them, don’t ya? My fangs. Right here. ...Or would ya rather go to the bed?”
You start fighting back.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Uwah! Don’t throw a fuss, geez! ...I know! Guess I’ll put away the groceries first then...Come on. Ya better help out as well.”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Aah? The fuck’s this? It’s just a bunch of seasonings. Also, chicken and...eggs? Ah! Ya even managed to sneak in a pot behind my back! No wonder this bag was so heavy!”
You explain.
“Aah...!? It broke? Really? Ahー! So that’s why ya haven’t been makin’ any one pot dishes as of late! In that case, let’s make a stew tonight! I’ll get the ingredients we need from my garden. Hehe...Why don’t you go ahead and take a bath? I bet you’re tired from walkin’ ‘round all day? Then, we can continue where we left off after dinner. Ya better don’t run, ‘kay?”
Yuma walks away.
You turn off the water and get out of the bath as Yuma enters the room.
“...Phew. Hm? Oh. You’re out of the bath?”
You shriek and quickly try to cover up.
“The fuck’s that reaction? There’s really nothin’ to still be embarrassed ‘bout by this point.”
You ask why he’s here.
“Ah? I just came to wash my hands, that’s all. ...Anyway, why don’t ya start puttin’ on yer clothes instead of just standin’ there nailed to the floor? ...Also, it kind of bothers me how you’re just starin’ at me.”
You explain.
“Haah...? Why does it matter whether I’m here or not. Hurry up and get changed. Or maybe...”
“Ya want me to do it? ...If that is what ya were hopin’ for, I don’t mind grantin’ said wish?”
Your cheeks flush bright red.
“Come on, move yer hands. I can’t remove the towel when you’re holdin’ onto it that strongly, right?”
You tell him to stop. 
“Too late. I’m not stoppin’ now.”
“That bein’ said...Your skin really looks delicious per usual. On top of that, it’s covered in my bite marks. ...It really gets me goin’.”
Yuma takes in your scent.
“Ahー Come to think of it. Ya really were the centre of attention at the supermarket earlier.”
You frown, tilting your head to the side. 
“They were all lookin’ at these marks, no? ...Didn’t you notice?”
You blame Yuma.
“Aah? Not my fault. I just couldn’t stop myself yesterday. Besides, ya were havin’ a hell of a good time as well, weren’t ya? Screamin’ on top of yer lungs and all...Nn...”
“...Heh. Don’t be reactin’ already. Hehehe...Do ya want me? Huh?”
You shake your head.
“...Ya really aren’t honest with yerself. ‘Kay then. I won’t bite ya today. ...But instead...Nn...”
“Don’t chicken out. I can’t kiss ya like this. Come on, part yer lips a little more. Or do ya want me to pry them open instead, ah?”
You slowly part your lips. 
“Hehe...Great job. Mm...Ya really are my very own exclusive Sow...”
“Haah...I won’t be able to stop at this rate. ...Imma mark you in a different way than with my fangs. Mmh...”
Yuma leaves a hickey on you.
“...Phew~ It left a bright red mark. ...This side’s up next then. Nn...”
You protest.
“...Nnhー! Don’t move! I can’t mark ya like this...Nn...”
“...Actually, this is kinda rough. There’s this high quality blood right in front of me, but I have to abstain.”
Yuma takes a deep breath.
“Haah...It’s the scent of delicious blood.”
You flinch.
“Hm? Just feelin’ my breath on yer skin’s enough to get a reaction out of ya? You’re way too sensitive.”
You protest.
“What? Why do ya look dissatisfied? I’m over here tryin’ my best to hold back ‘cause ya said ya didn’ want to get bitten, remember? If that’s makin’ ya unhappy...Hehe, I guess ya really do want to be pleasured by my fangs.”
You deny it.
“No point in tryin’ to cover it up. Don’t ya think it’s ‘bout time ya realize that yer body speaks louder than a thousand words? Haah...When ya make that kinda expression, I seriously end up cravin’ yer blood. I start yearnin’ for ya. ...From this arm, for example.”
Yuma suddenly bites you. 
“...Haah! Haah...I can’t get enough...It really tastes extra special after endurin’ it for a bit...Relax. Otherwise it’ll hurt, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“...You’re shaky in yer step. Ya must really like my fangs. Hehe. If ya want more, then stand properly on yer legs.”
You get back up.
“...What do ya want me to do, huh?”
You beg for his fangs. 
“Hehe...You’ve just been dyin’ for this, haven’t ya? ...Yer honest side honestly drives me crazy.”
“I’ll suck from yer lower back next as well. Nn...Lemme hear more of those sweet cries, ‘kay?”
Yuma bites you again.
“...!? The fuck!? We’re just at the good part too!”
You try and walk towards the door but he stops you.
“...Hey, wait. Ya don’t need to go.”
You insist.
“Che...Didn’t ya hear me when I said ya don’t need to go just now? Imma hurt yーー”
*Ding・dongー Ding・dong*
“(mutters) ...Can this person read the mood, for fuck’s sake...”
You tell him it might be urgent. 
“Shut up! Just stay here. ...Heh. Actually, were ya gonna answer the door lookin’ like that?”
You look down at yourself and grow embarrassed. 
“Hehe...You’re covered in both hickeys and bite marks, ya know? Well, if ya wanna go that badly, be my guest then. I’m not stoppin’ ya. That’s a fittin’ look for a Sow after all.”
You shake your head.
“Hehehe. Figured so~ ...In that case, ya can’t show yerself in public.”
Yuma pulls you close.
“ー With that bein’ said, let’s continue. I’m not lettin’ ya off the hook just yet. Hehe~ Let’s see...I’ll bite ya here next.”
He bites you again.
“I figured it was ‘bout time I marked this disobedient Sow again to remind her of who she belongs to. Haha...Puttin’ these where ya can see them really is the way to go. Gotta show everyone that you’re mine, no? Haahn...”
“...Hah! Haah...Look at that dreamy look in yer eyes...Ya really like this spot best, don’t ya? ...Fine by me. I’ll do it more then. I’ll thrust them in nice and deep...”
“So cry out for me sweetly, ‘kay? Also...Show me all of your shameful expressions. Entice me more.”
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leafsbabe · 4 years
love you - Nolan Patrick and Travis Konecny
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You were in the middle of setting up your sleeping bags when Nolan’s laugh made its way into your ear. While he prefered to keep up a stoic front for the media you’ve come to be spoiled by it in private during the last few months. Suddenly Travis’ laugh joined Nolan’s and you couldn’t help but smile more. Curious as to what made them laugh so hard you stuck your head out of the big tent you had brought along to look at your two boys. Nolan was sitting on his butt behind one of the logs surrounding the fireplace. He was curled up, laughing full force, his cheeks tinted a dark red and an expression full of joy.
Travis on the other hand was laying close to the water, his cargo shorts tangled around his legs and his face full off mud, laughing so hard tears left tracks through it. The entire scene was too funny for you to not join in on their laughter. Once the three of you calmed down they explained the situation to you. Nols wanted to start a fire for dinner whereas Teeks thought that going skinny dipping would be a great afternoon activity. Only he slipped still half clothed and fell face first into mud which caused Nolan to laugh so hard he fell over the log on the ground.
Since Travis had to take a dip to clean up anyway you decided that skinny dipping sounded like a nice thing to do, both to cool down from the summer heat and tease your boys a little. Without any hesitation you pulled your dress over your head, grinning to yourself when their looks automatically went to your nearly naked body.
“Last one in the water has to cook dinner tonight!” You laughed as you pulled your underwear down and took of into the lake.
Travis and Nolan where both yelling behind you but instead of listening to their bickering you simple dipped your head under water, drowning out the noise. When you ran out of breath you come up again, wet hair clinging to your body, seeing TK and Nolan watching you closely. Their eyes ran up and down your partially hidden figure.
it was Travis that broke the silence. “Nolan was last.” He said, eyes still fixated on where your breast breaching the surface.
“Okay so Nolan has to cook.” You smiled at them before splashing them directly in the face.
Of course they retaliated and before you knew it you had a full on water fight until two strong arms wrapped around your body and pulled you against a warm hard body. Grinning you spun around, planting a big fat smooch on whichever man had managed to grab you. From the kiss alone you immediately knew it was Nolan. One of his hands went up to your jaw, moving your chin up a bit so he could deepen the kiss while his other arm pulled you tighter against him. You got lost in the feeling of him and the way he slowly moved his thigh between your legs, giving you something to grind against.
A cold swall of watered covered you both, causing you to pull away in a shriek. TK stood a few feet away, a smug little smile on his face. “I thought Patty was supposed to go make dinner?”
Sighing Nolan pulled away from you but not before he gave you one last kiss. On his way out of the lake he splashed the grinning Travis, who only began to smile harder.
“I’m sorry baby,” he said, sliding into the spot Nolan had vacated, “I know he got you all hot and then had to leave but I’m here to help,” It was kind of a dick move but both of them were hot as fuck so you didn’t hold a grudge. You let TK pull you close and run his hands over your body. The lake water was cool enough to make your nipples harden on your chest and his gaze immediately drops to them again. Whereas Nolan kept his hands on your waist to help you grind against him Travis lets his roam free. Just a gentle touch all over before He touches your core. His finger feels wonderfully warm against your clit before they wander towards your fold and in your head you’re screaming ‘do it’ only for him to move on with nothing more than a teasing touch.
His hands wandered down your thighs before he grabbed your ass and lifting you up up high for you to wrap your legs around his waist. The water made it easier for TK to hold you up, one arm below your butt and the other one reaching up to run his fingers along the outline of your now exposed breast. More of your upper body was outside of the water now and the slight wind caused goosebumps to form across your skin. You knew exactly why he had lifted you up.
The TK’s mouth on your cheat was overwhelming. He didn’t play around, just sucked one of your nipples into his mouth and engulfed the hard nub with warmth. His tongue toyed with it for a moment before Nolan’s voice rang around the campsite. “Dinner’s ready.”
Travis playfully lightly bit down on your nipple making you squeal in surprise before he moved to put you back down. “Way to ruin the moment, Patso.”
“Don’t pout asshole, you did the same.” Came the reply.
The two of you left the water to join Nolan for dinner. Still feeling very much in the mood you didn’t bother to change back into the clothes you wore before, instead choosing to steal one of the guys hoodies in the tent and your sleep shorts. Wrapping your wet hair in a towel you walked back out to find TK already sitting next to Nolan on the fireplace logs so you decided to plop down on the other side of him.
“What’s for dinner?” You asked. While you all did the shopping for your camping trip together there were still several options and the smell gave nothing away except that it was grilled over the fire.
Nolan handed you a plate already filled up. “Those weird sausages from that store TK likes and veggies. I made you some separately tho since i know you don’t like them.”
Knowing Nolan remembered made you feel warm inside. It was the small things in life.
“Oh and i got that soda from that one store hipster store you like, it’s in the cooler but i can get it for you if you want to.” You knew exactly what store he meant but you also knew that it was across Philly and would have spent ages driving there just for your favorite soda. He would never admit to it out loud but you knew Patty was the biggest softie.
“Thank you Nolan,” You gave him a sweet soft kiss before leaning into his side, “You’re the best.”
On the other side of Nolan Travis stood up abruptly before walking to the cooler and coming back with your fancy hipster soda and two beers for himself and Nols. “See i can be sweet too. Nolan just got his dumb service kink or whatever.” He grumpily gave each of you your bottles.
“Oh Teeks,” you mumbled before pulling him to sit on your other side, essentially sandwiching yourself in between them. “You’re the best too, you don’t need to be jealous. Nolan just likes taking care of us and it’s very sweet of him to do so but that doesn’t make him a better part of this relationship than you and me, okay? We’re all equal.” Putting your plate down you pulled him into a hug once your lap was free again. He snuggled in for a moment before you felt Patty’s ong arms wrap around the two of you. He gave TK a giant smacking kiss on the head before mumbling “love you, asshole” to which Travis mumbled “love you too, bitch” back.
You finished dinner in peace. It was awesome and the seasoning and marinade on everything just pulled the entire meal together. You and TK quickly took care of the dishes since Nolan cooked for you earlier before you went and sat back down on the log and just watched the fire for a bit more. During the last few days you had talked a lot. Sharing childhood memories about going camping with friends or family. Telling each other of a close encounter with wildlife or bragging the size of fishes they had caught. It was sweet to just sit back and share stories and laugh together.
Before long you all decided to go to bed a bit earlier today. While you had stayed up late the days before and watched the stars in the sky, the hike you had undertaken earlier that day tired all three of you out so you made sure the fire would die down soon and then retreated back to your tent.
Your boys went all out when they had planned your trip and thankfully were able to borrow a giant tent from a teammate so all three of you fit in it comfortably. Instead of sleeping bags you just had a nice mat at the bottom and then the big summer blanket from your bed in Philly. Travis was already under it half asleep when you came back from brushing your teeth while Nolan still up putting his stuff back in the bags in the corner. Careful to not disturb Teeks you slid under the blanket and waited for Nolan to lie down as well. His large body laid down next to you and you immediately attached yourself to his side, turning so your back was to Travis. He used this opportunity to spoon up behind you, grinding his crotch against your ass just for good measure. With a sigh you rested your head on Nolan chest and closed your eyes, smiling softly when you felt TK reach over you to hold Patty’s hand while the three of you slept.
You woke to Travis very softly grinding something definitely not so soft against you. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes you waited for a moment before you heard his even breathing, confirming what you already thought. It wasn’t the first time TK grinded on you in his sleep and it would definitely not be the last. It was kinda cute that he couldn’t hold back from finding you so desirable, even in his sleep, but it woke the fire from yesterday in you again and now you wanted more.
Nolan was still asleep as well but he’d be easier to wake up. You trailed your hand over his chest, gently running your nails across his skin. When his breathing changed and you knew he was awake despite his still closed eyes your hand wandered down, gently touching him over his sweats. “Hmmmm, somebody’s in a good mood.” He mumbled, causing you to giggle quietly.
“I’m not the only one.” You whispered back, both meaning Travis who was still busy rutting against your butt and Nolan who was half hard under your hand.
He looked past you to Travis and what he was doing and instantly knew what your plan was. Nolan shimmied his sweats down under his butt to give you better access before bending down and taking your mouth in a soft and filthy kiss. You were still just petting at him, lightly teasing so the fun wouldn’t be over before Teeks could join. By turning more of your body and not just your attention to Nolan you were pushing your butt into Travis and his thrusts anyway so a bit of wiggling and pressing back surely wouldn’t hurt. You mind was racing, occupied by swallowing Nolan’s moans and continuing to tease him, and Travis who was so hot against your back, and the sheer amount of neediness you felt. It was almost like heaven when you felt Travis move behind you. You were so occupied by the situation that you had missed TK waking up until you felt his hand that had rested on the dip of your waist slide down into your sleep shorts and to your core. The feeling of his fingers touching your folds made you gasp, allerting Nols to the now awake Travis. His hand found it’s way to your jar, tilting your head just right so that he could kiss you again while TK’s skilled fingers carefully avoided your clit and instead began to explore your pussy. His hips stopped moving with intent and instead his focus was turned towards you.One of his fingers entered you and you couldn’t help but sigh against Nolan’s mouth. You had been craving the feeling of something inside you for hours so even one of his talented fingers made you feel slightly overwhelmed. You hand on Nolan’s dick stopped but he didn’t see to care, instead running his hands over your arms and body, under the hoodie you stole from them and to your breasts. As Travis gave you a second finger Nolan started playing with them. Pinching your nipples and grabbing your boobs in his big hands. The idea of the two of them just playing with you was one of your favorite fantasies but you needed more.
“Please.” You gasped out, desperate for anything they were willing to give you. Your eyes were closed in an attempt to hold yourself together but you knew that they were silently communicating above your head.
Nols moved your face a bit so you could look at him. “Do you want to suck me off while Teeks fucks you, love?” His tone was so gentle and sweet and you knew that even after everything if you didn’t say yes now they’d both immediately stop. But you needed it.
“Please.” You begged him, desperate for it.
It was quick work getting rid of your shorts and arranging your bodies. At first you whimpered when Travis removed his fingers but seconds later they were replaced by his dick and you couldn’t help but loudly moan. Finally.
It wasn’t the hard fucking you were expecting but rather both men decided to take their time. Travis trust into you languidly, trying to savour every moment and every moment not spent moaning Nolan was telling you how good your lips felt wrapped around his dick and gently petting your hair or playing with your breasts. They took their time playing with you.
“Baby,” Nolan began, causing you to glance up at him, “I’m about to come, okay? You do whatever you want, swallow or let me finish on you, or whatever you want. Fuck, you’re hot!” Feeling challenged you knew exactly what you wanted. You took him even deeper, desperate to make him finish and show him just how sweet and hot you could be for him. He moaned loudly and seconds later you could feel him pulsing on your tongue. You quickly swallowed everything before pulling off, pressing on last little kiss to his tip.
“I love you.” He breathlessly mumbled as he fell back, all his energy completely spent on you.
Behind you Travis took this as his sign that it was your turn now and gently helped you move over until your head was gently resting on Nols thighs while he doubled his efforts. His thrust gained power and he became fast and it was obvious he was chasing his own high but you knew he’d never allow himself to come first, always putting your pleasure before his. Fingers found your clit again and were seeing sparks.
When you came too again Nolan was wearing pants again but Travis was still holding himself above you. Sometimes after sex he liked to stay inside of you for a bit and just feel where you are connected. He was pressing small little kisses all over your shoulder.
“You okay?” Nolan asked from beside you, running his hands through your hair again. You smiled up at him before a yawn interrupted.
“Yeah, but now i’m tired again. What time’s it? Do we have to get up already?” TK grumbled against your skin again and and that moment you really wanted to go back to napping with him.
Nolan checked his phone real quick before turning his attention back on you. “It’s still early love. You can go back to sleep for a bit while i go make breakfast, okay?” His smile was soft and sleepy and once again you were overcome with nothing but sweet pure love for him.
“Okay. Love you.” You smiled before pursing your lips at him in an exaggerated way, silently asking for a kiss.
“Love you too.” Nolan bend down to press one against your mouth before getting up and leave the tent.”
Travis was still laying on top of you but you knew napping would be nicer in a different position.”Told you he has a service kink.” He grumbled as he shifted from you and back to your side.
You let out a little sigh when the movement caused him to slide out of you, already missing the feeling of his warmth stretching you out. “Come on,” You said, rolling to your side so you were spooned to his front like you were last night. “Can you put it in again?” Travis complied wordlessly, entering you again and pulling you closer with his arms around your waist.
You just took a second to enjoy the moment, one beautiful boy preparing coffee for you and another beautiful boy beside you in bed. You never truly understood what you did to deserve being loved by both of them but you wouldn’t change it for anything in this world. “I love you.” You whispered into the tent, behind you Travis was already snoring softly.
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Chapter two “Red Dahlias mean love~!”
“DAD, CALM DOWN.” Skip sighed.
He continued ranting. Skip sighed, pulling out his last resort. “He has a horse.”
“Oh! He’s fine then!” Blitzø smiled. Skip sighed, shoulders dropping slightly.
He never got his dad’s priorities.
“Horses are fine!” Blitzø waved off. “...Wait…” Blitzø trailed off.
“Horse...When did you meet him?” Blitzø asked.
“Uh...A few hours ago, why?” Skip asked.
“Wait...is it the FARMHAND?” Blitzø asked.
Skip broke eye contact, looking around the room.
“...so it is.” Blitzø narrowed his eyes.
Skip fell over, face consumed by a bright crimson.
“For goodness sake, Skip! I thought you’d’ve told me!” Blitzø sighed, disappointment evident in his voice.
“...Wait what?” Skip asked.
“I’m still gonna be protective of ya because I love you, but go ahead. I don’t care.” Blitzø shrugged.
“Oh, oka-” Skip started.
“Dad!!!” Skip objected.
“I’m serious, Skip! If he hurts ya, I won’t hesitate to commit war crimes.” Blitzø warned.
Skip groaned, hiding in his hoodie. “Dad, I can take care of myseeeelf!” Skip groaned.
Blitzø sighed, crossing his arms and frowning. “Skip, I say this because I care about you. I’m not trying to be overly-possessive-” Blitzø started.
Skip, despite not having been provoked, burst out of his hoodie and, fueled by frustration, snapped. “WELL IT SURE FEELS LIKE YOU ARE!!!”
The room fell dead silent and Skip processed what he said and rushed out, getting as far away from everyone as possible.
“SKIP!!!!” Blitzø called, hurrying after him.
Skip reached outside, vaulting over a picnic table and gasping for breath but continuing to run away. He couldn’t face his dad. He couldn’t.
He didn’t deserve to.
Skip kept running despite the fact that night was falling and everyone was calling for him to come back.
He may be afraid of the dark, but he was scared of Blitzø when he was angry more.
Skip stopped at the edge of a forest somewhere away from the ranch, wheezing and leaning on a tree as he gasped for breath.
When he regained his breath, he looked around to see where he was.
The ranch was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t sure where he was. He wasn’t anywhere familiar.
He was lost. His panic only rose as he realized he was lost, alone, without his way of contacting ANYBODY, at night, in an UNFAMILIAR place.
He continued looking around, trying to see if he could find his footprints.
Too dark. He could barely see his hand in front of his face.
He was as good as dead.
Well, uh, he could make do until morning, sticks can work for food, right? Pretend it’s like, breadsticks or something?
He was hopeless.
Grass? Uh, greens are good! Healthy for ya!...or something.
He was an adult, HOW IS HE THIS HOPELESS?
He heard some sounds in the distance, but chalked them up to being the sounds of the woodland critters.
Woodland critters means meat means food!...Aaaand he left his handgun in the van. Welp. His fate was sealed.
He searched around for a large leaf of sorts that could function as a scrap of “paper”. He could write his final will and testament.
After a while of searching(and a lot of escaping hordes of bees), he found a place to hide out for the night.
He relaxed slightly. At least he could go in peace. No boars, bears, deer, boarbears, beardeer, or anything would get to him.
He did admit, it was kinda cold, but hey! Freezing wasn’t too bad of a way to go! Not the most painful!
As he drifted off, he reflected on his life. It wasn’t too bad, not the best, but not the worst either.
It was a little too short though. He wished he had longer. But, all Imps must move on at some point.
He jolted upright. What was he thinking?! He didn’t wanna die yet! He curled inside his hoodie, conserving body heat so that he could hopefully survive to the morning.
He would try to go back by morning. Blitzø would be calmed down by then.
He sat still, listening to the sounds of the night. They were, honestly, quite relaxing.
The sounds of crickets, woodland critters fighting for dominance, twigs snapping, bugs buzzing, hoofsteps approaching at breakneck speeds.
Skip perked up at the sound, confused. Wasn’t it the middle of the night?
Skip hid further in the shadows, he was unsure of if the stranger could be trusted. He looked around, grabbing a stick, ready to attack if needed.
The rider jumped off his mount and Skip was ready to fight. If he was going down, he was going down fighting.
Skip jumped slightly as the rider walked in front of him. He gulped hard. He couldn’t fight. He was dead.
Skip moved back slightly, rustling a branch in the bush he was hiding in. Freezing, Skip saw them step back a bit. Oh crumbs.
Skip backed away, backing out of the bushes, tail poking out. “GOTCHA!!” The stranger grinned.
Skip shrieked, kicking them in the face and hiding when he was dropped.
“OW!!! WHERE’D YOU GO?!?” They called out angrily, tail rattling like a rattlesnake. It didn’t sound calm. It was a violent shake. It shook Skip to his CORE.
Skip hid behind a rock, hands over his mouth to keep noise down.
He whimpered quietly as they walked close to the rock. Skip prepped to run, but he was grabbed by the hood of his hoodie. “PUT ME DOWN!!!” Skip growled. Skip squeaked as their hands moved to his throat, holding it in a tight squeeze, almost like they were trying to get his eyes to pop out of their sockets like some screwed up toaster.
The shadowy figure looked menacing, and yet...Familiar. “Wh-Who are you!?” Skip choked.
“Wait…” The shadowy look melted away. Literally. It fell off like water when stepping out of a pool. And he seemed...shorter.
“LEMME GO!!!” Skip panicked.
He put Skip down, sighing disappointedly. “Where have you been? Your friends and family’ve been worried sick about ya.” He lectured.
Skip coughed, rubbing where his neck had been held. “What the Hell was that…?!” Skip choked. “You could’ve KILLED me! Why would you try to CHOKE me?!?” Skip stumbled.
Striker chuffed. “Nah. Not worth it.”
“What?” Skip asked, concerned.
Striker collected himself quickly, smirking smuggly. “You’d like that, huh~?” He purred.
“NOPE! SETTING UP BOUNDARIES!” Skip objected, red in the face.
Striker chuckled. “Come on, Tiny~! Can’t ya take a joke~?” Striker purred.
Skip shook off the weird feeling he was getting. “I-I don’t like that.” Skip peeped.
Striker slinked over, patting Skip on the head. “Sorry for the scare, Tiny~! I thought ya were an intruder is all~!” Striker hummed.
Skip purred contentedly. Why did head pats always feel good…?
“It’s fine…” Skip sighed.
Striker slowly moved his hand up Skip’s head, rubbing his horns, Skip’s face heating up and him trying to stifle an...unwanted sound. “Striker…..~!” Skip groaned.
“What~? It’s just a simple horn rub~!” Striker hummed, going at a teasingly slow pace.
Skip whined, tail flicking to stim out the extra pleasure. “Striker….~!” Skip whined, trying to pull away.
“Come on, hon~! I’m just testin’ the waters~!” Striker purred, rubbing Skip‘s horns slower and rougher every few minutes.
Skip whined, eyes shutting tightly. “Striker, please….~! St-Stop….~!” Skip whined, trying to keep it down.
Striker leaned closer to Skip. “Go on ahead, hon~! We’re all alone out here~! We’re miles away from anyone bein’ able to hear anything~!” Striker whispered, Skip shuddering.
“Striker, please…~! St….Stop….~!” Skip whined, half meaning it, half begging him to keep going. He knew his dad wouldn’t like the idea of this, but FUCK did it feel good.
Striker sighed, nodding. “Gotcha.” Striker got up, helping Skip up. “Can I at least do one little thing for ya, Tiny?” Striker asked.
“What’s tha-” Skip started before getting pulled into a kiss. Skip squeaked in surprise, eventually melting into it.
Skip’s face heated up as the kiss was deepened, but he didn’t object. Eventually, Striker broke the kiss, slowly moving down Skip’s neck, Skip whining as he did so.
“Striker…!” Skip whined, melting at the affection he was receiving.
Striker smirked, intertwining his tail with Skip’s, Skip shuddering at the wave of pleasure washing over him.
“We could do more than just smooches, if ya catch my drift…~!” Striker hummed.
“N-No, D-Dad wouldn’t like that.” Skip declined.
“Spoilsport.” Striker scoffed. Skip gently smacked Striker with his tail, heavily annoyed.
“Hey!! I’m not a spoilsport!” Skip objected.
Striker chuckled. “Suuure. Go ahead, let your father dictate your life even though you’re an adult.” Striker sighed.
“Th-That’s not true!!” Skip snapped.
Striker shook his head. “No, no, it’s fine. I get it. Ya don’t wanna hurt your old man’s feelings.” Striker lamented. “I guess you’ll just hafta be a good lil boy from here on out, huh?” Striker sighed.
“Why do you care?” Skip rebutted.
“I dunno. I have a thing for bad boys~!” Striker hummed.
Skip shuddered. “Can we go back…? I’m kinda cold…” Skip shivered.
Striker nodded, picking Skip up and helping him onto Bombproof, riding back to the ranch.
“Boss, calm down! I’m sure Skip is fine!” Millie assured.
“What if he’s not, Mills?! What if he got hurt and died in a trench somewhere?! What if he got used for some sick fuck’s desires?!” Blitzø ranted, pacing back and forth.
Blitzø continued pacing, freezing in place as a knock came on the door.
Blitzø rushed over, pulling the door open to find Striker standing there with Skip clinging to him. “Howdy.” Striker greeted.
“MY BABY!!!” Blitzø cried out, pulling Skip into a hug. “Are you okay?! What did he do to you?!” He asked, panic lacing his voice.
“N-Nothing dad!” Skip assured.
Striker nodded. “I wouldn’t never hurt him, sir.” Striker assured.
Blitzø narrowed his eyes. “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”
“He warmed up a little bit on the way back thanks to Bombproof, but he's probably still mighty cold.” Striker sighed.
“Yeah…” Skip shivered.
“Okay. I trust ya with my son more now. Just watch your back.” Blitzø warned.
“Don’t worry, sir,” Striker said, sighing in relief. “I only gave him a little gift of a little pin is all. A little Red Dahlia flower~!” Striker smiled.
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aellynera · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Cooper (Part 2 - Bud Cooper x Reader)
MR. & MRS. COOPER (Part 2)
(part one here)
(guys seriously I have no idea how this went so rogue, but it is inspired by a certain movie that I just thought would fit into the “perfect suburban household” idea. And because I can’t control it, there will be a Part 3.)
Word Count: 1854
Summary: Dinner at the Cooper house is a little more interesting than either of you expected.
Warnings: Eh, little bit of language. Smooches.
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Bud arrived home at exactly 6:00, right as you were putting the dish of vegetables on the table. He always got home exactly at 6. He was very punctual.
He entered the house and set his briefcase on the floor. Before he had gotten out of the car, he had taken a select few photos out and stuck them in his pocket.
“Sweetheart, I’m home,” he called into the kitchen.
You walked out with a pot roast in your hands and smiled brightly at your husband. After setting the dish on the table, you wiped your hands on your apron and walked over to him. “Welcome home, baby,” you cooed as you slid into his arms and wrapped your own around his neck. He might be a dirty liar, but he was still extremely attractive.
Bud pulled you into an embrace and lowered his lips onto yours. “Mmmm, I missed you,” he mumbled against your mouth. It was still true, even if he knew better than to trust you now.
You returned his kiss with equal passion. “I missed you too,” you replied. “Dinner is on the table.”
“Mm, pot roast, my favorite.” He surveyed the table as he released you from his embrace. Dinner looked amazing, as always. You looked amazing, as always. When did you find the time to make everything so perfect when you were…
Bud’s thoughts were cut off as you picked up the carving knife to start slicing the roast. He came up behind you wrapping his arms around you and placed a hand over yours so you now both held onto the knife.
You paused. Something about the way he was pressed up against you and how his hand caressed over yours - your left hand, of course, the one with your wedding band, the one that currently held a extremely large, extremely sharp knife - felt off. But maybe you were imagining it. It was completely normal for him to cozy up to you like he was. You realized what was it was. You felt something sharp, like the corner of a paper maybe, poke into the back of your thigh. 
Something was in Bud’s pocket.
“Everything all right, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice a light breath across your ear. You shivered but tried to hide it as best you could.
You smiled. “Everything is fine,” you replied. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason. Just making sure my best girl is happy and satisfied and content, is all,” he said as he gave you a quick peck on the cheek and went to sit down. Your shoulders relaxed just a bit as you finished serving the roast. You had to pretend as best you could that everything was normal. Your life was totally normal.
The rest of dinner was served and Bud poured you both a glass of wine. Silence fell over the table for a few long minutes as you both ate and drank. You kept a keen eye on him, watched as he took precise bites of roast and vegetables and almost delicate sips of the red wine. He looked tired, as he usually did after a day in the office, but otherwise normal. Handsome, gorgeous, sexy… If only he knew what you knew.
Bud watched you as he ate, and he knew you were watching him. He continued eating, keenly observing as he did so. He didn’t make any conversation. He’d felt the corner of something, a piece of paper maybe, poke him in the chest as he’d given you that honey-I’m-home kiss. 
There was something in your pocket.
So he watched you while trying to make it look like he wasn’t watching you. You ate in small bites, finished all the vegetables before you went on to the meat. You always ate the vegetables first. You looked a little tired, like you usually did after making dinner after a day of housework, but otherwise normal. Beautiful, radiant, sexy… If only you knew what he knew.
“Everything all right, love?” you asked as you sipped on your own wine.
Bud smiled. “Everything is great. As usual.” 
“Hard day at the office?” you continued.
Bud shook his head and shrugged a shoulder. “No, not really. Nothing other than the usual, investigations and clients and all that mundane insurance stuff. You’d be bored if I told you.”
“Mmmm.” You smirked. “You’re probably right.”
“What about you, darling? How did your day go?” Bud smiled at you over his wine glass.
You put down your fork and twisted your strand of pearls absently. “Same old, same old. Weeded the garden, did the laundry, got dinner together, cleaned your office…”
Bud stopped all movement for a split second. He chewed his bite of roast, swallowed, and put his fork down. His eyebrow arched and he leaned back in his chair. “Really.”
You noticed it wasn’t a question, but you smiled in return. “Mmmhmm. It was a disaster, Bud, it needed to be cleaned up. There’s so much paper in there, if I didn’t know you better I would think you’re hoarding.” Damn it, you’d almost said hiding. Had he noticed? Your finger idly stroked your dinner knife.
“Yeah, sorry about that, baby. I kept meaning to clean it up but you know how work has been going lately, I just haven’t gotten around to it, I’ll make it up to you.” You never cleaned his office, that was just about his only actual rule for the household. He didn’t care if you wanted to sit on the porch all day and gossip with the neighbor ladies or take up random hobbies or even if you had dinner on the table every night when he got His lip twitched. “Find anything important?”
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. Well, there it was. Bud wasn’t one of the top insurance investigators for nothing. Straight to the point, your husband tended to be. You kept your face as neutral as possible. “No,” you shrugged. Was he interrogating you? This was not the way you’d planned it; you were supposed to 
“Hmm,” Bud smiled and took another sip. “Oh, I almost forgot.” His grin grew into a smirk of his own. “A package got delivered to the office today.”
“Oh?” you asked. Sudden paranoia rose in your chest. Packages got delivered to offices all the time, why was this worth mentioning? It couldn’t be...oh. Shit.
“Apparently the address it was supposed to go to got washed off, like in the rain or something. So they delivered it to my office because somewhere on the envelope, it said Cooper and they figured that was a good place to drop it. Yeah, yeah, it was...very interesting.”
All the color drained from your face. Bud’s face was almost expressionless. Almost. You thought you detected just a tiny bit of...uncertainty? Confusion? Maybe...apprehension.
You and Bud stared at each other over the table. The tension that suddenly fell over the room was almost unbearable, like being wrapped in a wet blanket in a sauna. Neither of you moved and it felt like you were barely breathing. You could hear the clock on the wall, ticking. The faucet in the kitchen, dripping. Your blood in your ears, rushing. Your left eye, ever so slightly twitching. Just staring at each other for what felt like a thousand years but was only really about ten actual seconds.
Then the tension snapped like a dry twig in a forest fire and all the shit in the universe burst into your reality. 
You were on your feet before you realized it. You reached into your pocket at the same time Bud stood up and reached into his pocket and you both threw your hidden documents onto the table with a resounding thwack! and in the next second you were brandishing your dinner knife and Bud was pointing a fork at you.
“What the hell is this!” you both shouted at each other at exactly the same time.
Neither of you said anything and both of you pushed the evidence toward each other. Both sets of eyes narrowed. You gripped your knife a little tighter and Bud raised his fork.
“Explain, Bud Cooper,” you finally spat out. You slowly inched backwards into the kitchen.
Bud motioned towards you with the fork while his other hand loosened his tie. “You first, Mrs. Cooper.”
Your head cocked to the side as you raised an eyebrow. “Bud Cooper. My dear husband. That is a hit contract and my name is on it!”
“Mrs. Cooper. My beloved wife. Those are surveillance photos of me, taken from our front porch!” he shot back.
“You work for the mob!”
“Yeah, well, who do you work for? Rivals? FBI? No, wait, CIA!”
You backed up as far as you could, until you were up against the sink. Bud followed you, matched your pace, but kept the distance between you even. You both still held your cutlery at the ready.
“How did you not know I worked in intelligence?” You hardly believed he didn’t really know.
“How did you not assume there would be a hit on you?” He rolled his eyes. He actually rolled his eyes. You realized in an instant that neither of you were denying anything, and you both had really known about this a lot longer than either of you were willing to admit. But you were just supposed to do surveillance on him and he had your name on a contract for the local mob boss and you let out a strangled squeak and dropped your knife in shock. Then you grabbed for the next nearest object - the broom.
The bristles swung exceptionally close to his face and Bud, in turn, let out a strangled squawk of his own as you cleaved the broom wildly in front of you, arching the suburban artillery at him, each thrust growing more precise as your anger and frustration really bubbled to the surface. Bud dropped his fork and continued to make awkward, surprised noises as you chased him around the dining room table and towards the front door, broom undulating wildly between you.
“You were going to kill me?!” you shrieked. 
“You were going to turn me in?” he asked, wincing as the bristles brushed against the hand he held up to defend himself.
“Ohhhhhhh!! BUD COOPER!” you yelled and charged at him.
“Fuck!” he shouted as he turned and yanked the front door open.
Yanked it open just in time to almost be punched in the face by your next door neighbor, Mr. Stevens, who was just about to knock.
You and Bud froze, wide-eyed and red-face and heavy-breathed. You held the broom like a baseball bat. Mr. Stevens looked back and forth between the two of you. “Uh...is this a bad time?”
You and Bud exchanged a glance but didn’t speak. He stepped back and you dropped the broom. Both of you smoothed your hair and clothes subconsciously and then Bud spoke.
“No, no, it’s fine. Just...uh...a bit of a mess we need to clean up. Please, come in.”
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Cottagecore  (Gwilym Lee x fem! Reader Oneshot)
A/N: Hello! For @queenandborhapevents​ I wrote this fic as a part of an exchange on Ao3 and now I can share it here and reveal who I am! Hello there @itsametaphorgwil​! I am your Secret Santa revealed! I am glad you enjoyed it and know I enjoyed writing it for your honor!
Word Count: 1,832
Summary: When reaching your dream job gets too stressful, Gwilym suggests an escape to the countryside to get you to relax.
Warnings: not much, some swearing, drinking, a touch of angst, but mostly fluff, and poor Reader being on edge.
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“Y/N, if you would like this position, here are the things you need to work on for the next month. Then we might give you this offer,” the woman stated.
You nodded your head enthusiastically. Every word was put into your brain in the strongest part of storage. Your dream job was eminent. The people you have admired for ages were pushing you on. Every dollar spent, every hour clocked in, and every bit of training and studying and student debt was about to be worth it.
“We’ll try you out and interview at this point on the fifteenth of next month, sounds good?” she folded her arms in her black pantsuit, slightly serious.
A Pollyanna smile grew on you.
“Of course! I will!”
You wound up practicing and trying every free hour you had for this job. Cups of coffee devoured. Then water to make up for coffee. Then constant bathroom breaks. Words in front of you seemed fuzzy. But you kept at it.
Even when your boyfriend, Gwilym was around, it was all you could talk or think about.
“Hey Y/N…let’s escape,” he suggested. “There’s a place…it’s out in the country!”
“I don’t know…” you sighed.
“It will be fun!” he begged, taking your hand.
With a huff, you nod.
“Where is it?”
“Pembroke-near some family.”
Pembroke! Grassy fields, a nearby ocean…
And two whole weeks without work!
He led you into the cottage excitedly. Then his smile dropped briefly as he saw you pull out your laptop from its bag on the kitchen table.
“Annwyl, did you bring anything related to your job with you?” he asked sternly.
The laptop clicked shut and you let out a sigh.
“Yes, it’s just that…I’m really afraid of failing!” you cried. “It’s just…I’ve been…been afraid to relax. I’m just so close to my dreams coming true, and I’ve been struggling and hustling just to get the opportunity…I feel like if I let go…it will slip away from me.” Tears came out before you could stop them.
He hugged you. You could hear the rustling of trees.
“Then promise me this…every day you do one hour- and only one hour- of work and the rest of the day, you try to breathe.”
You nodded, “of course.”
“Oh, Y/N, I completely understand but…you’ve seemed so…it isn’t going to go away if you enjoy yourself for a bit.”
He kissed the top of your head tenderly.
Settling into the cottage, the sunlight poured in from everywhere. Dust specks flitted around in circles as if they were dancing. You only flicked the lights on when it got dark.
Both of you had to see the garden around the house. There were more roses, lilacs, and peonies than you could count and plenty of green sprouts not even Gwilym could name.
Soon you were walking down to the markets, drinking cold lemonades, and buying a large basket of strawberries in their prime: large, red, and juicy, almost like candy to devour.
The next morning, you felt him shake you awake.
“Cariad…look out the window…” he said softly, kissing your temple.
The sun was rising and the whole world was baked in a sweet, pink light. The sunlight was melting over the fields, making it glow.
“Are we in a fairy tale?” you asked.
You could sense the sleepiness in your voice and you felt two arms pull you close, so your back touched his chest. You heard the slight rumble of his laughter.
“No, we’re in Pembrokeshire, but close.”
There was a ten-minute stroll to town, passing herd of sheep or a goat enjoying its breakfast of dandelions. The town was tiny- the houses still had vines, dates from the 1600s in the upper corner and every nook had little shops and businesses and whatnot. People walked by, from children on bicycles to grandmothers ushering in guests for tea.
Nearby there was a stone bridge. A river babbled beneath it and across you could make out taller buildings, some painted a gaudy yellow or a musty red.
But something about the rust on the bridge’s sides made it feel surreal, ancient. Every step you took you held your breath because it might collapse and fall. It never did.
On your third day there you noticed there was a gaggle of little ducks, clucking nasally as they glided across the water’s edge.
“Look!” you cried, pointing to them.
Gwil leaned his brown head over in your direction. “Why, look at these little fellows!”
Normally at this time, as soon as your walk with Gwil was over, you took to your work: editing your resume, cover letter, and other items online and practicing and curating what the try-out would consist of.
But today was different. You felt tired at the thought of that hour approaching. You wanted to take your time.
“Should we get them bread?” you asked.
“Not bread, that will make them sick…”
Gwil ran up to a plant shop and got them seeds, you both took turns tossing it to them. Laughing at the way they shook their beaks as they ate. Soon a mother waded forward with a trail of ducklings behind her- all peeping in high little voices and in a line so straight it seemed mechanical.
He opened the bag and released the seeds into his palm. Their graininess against the softness of his skin. Reaching in for a bit, you could smell the earth it came from.
He walked closer over the edge of the bridge. His reflection looking back up at him from the blue of the water A few ducks hovered toward the mirror Gwil, quacking in curiosity.
He let a few seeds fall with a plop into the water.
They nibbled graciously. As they chewed with their beaks open, a pretty, little white duck passed by, sniffing for morsels as well.
Grinning, you obliged, letting a few seeds fall from your fingertips. They landed, creating ripples that went to the edges, growing fainter. But the white duck wagged its tail as if it were a canine and devoured the seeds.
“How would you like a beach day, tomorrow?” he asked. “It’s only an hour dive.”
“Is that even a question?” you replied, giving him a chaste kiss.
The hour drive long drive seemed to take forever with no beachy signals except for the smell. Until a road that went downhill showed the yellow sand right where it dipped down- flowing out of the grass until soon it replaced the fields as you drove onto it and parked.
The sand dissolved between your toes; the breeze was cool against your legs. Only a few people came and went as they day was slightly overcast.
“Yeesss! Let’s swim, Y/N!” your boyfriend cheered, leaping out of the car.
Gwil ran childishly toward the ocean in his swim trunks and you in your red one-piece, pulling you with him. Though you shrieked at the icy water, it soon seemed normal and refreshing to feel around your calves.
Both of you splashed at each other and got deep enough to swim. Often bending down to pick up interesting little seashells and collect them in a glass jar.
Suddenly Gwil turned his head, let out a slight swear, and covered your eyes with his hands.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m glad you said yes today…” he teased, walking against you so you had to walk forward.
“What! How come? What are you up to?” you asked.
“We havesome guests!” he announced.
“Are you really going to let us have all the fun?” a sweet voice asked in front of you.
He pulled his hands away and you let out a squeal. You knew that blonde bob and pair of bright eyes anywhere.
“Lucy! Lucy, what are you doing here!”
“Rami’s filming, and Gwil had told us you guys were vacationing. Might as well go over and say hello!”
Salt caught into your hair to where you smelt in all day. You missed the scent of the ocean and the sound of its lulling, but hearing Rami and Lucy catch up as Gwil drove back made up for it.
“Oh- we got two local Cabernet bottles to try…would you stay for a drink?” Gwil offered, pulling up near the cottage.
That night, the wine overtook you both, Lucy especially.
“It’s cold! Let’s go in the room!” Lucy insisted, as red as the strawberries in the fridge.
She went over to an extra guest room in the cottage- it was smaller with white walls, a few paintings, and a tiny window. But the bed was so large it took up half the space.
Ooooh! It’s sooooft!” she cooed as she settled on it.
Both of you pulled the duvet over the two of you and began talking softly. You heard Rami and Gwil catching up downstairs with talk of directors and long days of filming.
“Hmmph, do you think this shirt shows too much of my titties?” you asked.
Laying down in the bed had pulled the edge of your shirt down and you began to stubbornly pull it u.
Lucy began giggling like mad. She pulled the duvet over her head into a large lump.
“What is it?” you asked.
She poked her face out with an elfish gleam in her eye.
You both began to giggle profusely. There are creaks upstairs as Rami and Gwil walk in, bemused at the two of you. Lucy and you pulled blankets up over your mouths to stop.
“You alright? You both had a lot…” Gwil began, walking closer to see your faces.
“We’re fine, it’s just…” you began.
“It’s about…about titties!” she blurted.
You both burst out howling.
Rami and Gwil looked at each other, beaming despite Lucy’s tipsiness.  They ran downstairs and returned with a small plate of cheese, crackers, and apple slices.
“We’ll leave you ladies be,” Rami promised.
He put it on Lucy’s lap. She grinned and gave him a smooch as thanks.
Gwil stood by the door, watching you take a bit of a red apple slice.
“Just have something on your stomachs,” he added before Rami returned to shut the door.
Lucy and you giggling over snacks was the memory you kept inside you. That and the beach, the ducks, the berries, as you and Gwil crossed the corner where the fateful building stood.
A month had gone since this was planned and the day you expected and dreaded had arrived. You whisper the right words and picture it. And none of it is forgotten- a muscle memory.
“Darling…thank you for the trip. No matter what comes to it-I needed to enjoy things and not let it all get to me,” you say, pausing before the door.
He cups your face, “you always put your heart and soul into things…and I love you for it.”
As Gwil walks with you to the building, saying he will wait outside. He kisses you on your forehead, leaving a subtle, shiny mark there as you walk in.
Taglist: @queenlover05​ @stardust-killer-queen​ @rhapsodyrecs​ @joeneslee​ @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @coincidence-ithinknots-blog​ @bens-jawline​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​
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quercussp · 5 years
The Royal Mr. Whiskers
Rating: T
Word count: 2.3k
Mr. Whiskers just could not understand why they had to move to a new apartment. This apartment was perfect! It had the couch Mr. Whiskers liked, the little nook above the fridge from where Mr. Whiskers could keep watch, a nice warm bed for him. All the smells were accounted for, all the walls sufficiently improved by Mr. Whisker’s claws. But no, apparently with Phil moving in, his humans didn’t have enough space anymore.
Authors note:
Happy Birthday Zan! This fic is about moving in, roommates and cats, so I hope you like it <3 Have the most lovely day today!
Special thanks to @alittledizzy and @bisexualshoemarriage for the beta work <3
Warnings: light swearing
[read on ao3]
Humans truly are ridiculous. Also very needy. Mr. Whiskers just could not understand why they had to move to a new apartment. This apartment was perfect! It had the couch Mr. Whiskers liked, the little nook above the fridge from where Mr. Whiskers could keep watch, a nice warm bed for him. All the smells were accounted for, all the walls sufficiently improved by Mr. Whisker’s claws. But no, apparently with Phil moving in, his humans didn’t have enough space anymore.
“Listen, it’ll be great! We’ll take the couch with us, you’ll have more space to roam. I promise you, you’re gonna love it!” Phil was explaining to Mr. Whiskers once again, while sorting laundry. Dan was out at work, and Phil was using that time to once again try to persuade Mr. Whiskers that moving would be a good idea. “See? Nothing fits! We just don’t have the space, I keep having to keep my socks in a pile on the floor! ... No, that is not acceptable. … Because clothing needs to be put away or it’ll get dirty again! Look at this, there’s more cat hair in here than there is fabric!” Phil waived a pair of socks in front of Mr. Whiskers face.
Mr. Whiskers has had this argument with Phil at least 20 times by now. When the topic first came up, both of his humans were incredibly excited. They would spend hours looking at their little lit up book, discussing potential new apartments, choosing what furniture would come with them and what they would buy. And they had the audacity to not even ask Mr. Whisker’s permission before making that decision.
Of course, Mr. Whiskers could not let that lie. Phil’s favorite mug had to go (it was thrown off the counter in the middle of the night, just for additional impact), along with Dan’s new shoes (if his human didn’t want him to pee in his shoes, he should have put them away into the closet. Or he could have stopped this silly moving nonsense). But even those desperate measures didn’t seem to help.
Dan, of course, being the thick headed individual that he was, could not put two and two together and insisted that Mr. Whiskers was having a “mid life crisis” and that they should just ignore his antics (and put away all their shoes at night).
Phil, on the other hand, definitely knew what prompted the destruction of his mug (along with the ruined sweater and of course the ‘cactus incident’. Poor Billy did not deserve to die that young, but he ended up collateral damage). So he started a campaign to persuade Mr. Whiskers that it would be a good idea. Well, maybe persuade isn’t the right word, more like bribe him.
The first thing Phil had to do was persuade Dan that they absolutely could not live in a flat on the ground floor. It was a two week argument in which Phil was forced to be very creative, explaining that he needs the exercise of going up the stairs and that he’s scared of a piano falling through the ceiling on top of him (it’s not like he could tell Dan that Mr. Whiskers insisted that he needs a good view of the pigeons outside and that he refuses to stare at people’s feet all day. He was Mr. Whiskers, not some lowlife dog.) Eventually, after multiple arguments, a lot of whining and several “persuading sessions” that Phil carried out in their bedroom, throwing Mr. Whiskers out of the room with whisper “Do you want the view or not?”, Dan gave in.
Next was the room issue. Phil was absolutely adamant that he and Dan need a separate room from Mr. Whiskers, and it was not easy to satisfy either Dan or Mr. Whiskers. Dan kept throwing his hands up in disbelief and shrieking “Why do we need TWO extra rooms?! I get one is a guest room, but what the hell are we going to do with the second bedroom?! Phil, no we do not need a separate room for the cat!.. Ouch! Fuck off, you animal, that hurt!” Sometimes humans just needed to be reminded that stupidity has consequences.
Mr. Whiskers on the other hand demanded that he would get the Master Suite. He might not exactly know what that meant, but if anyone would have the room that’s called the “Master” room, surely it should be Mr. Whiskers.
So that is why Phil was currently on his knees in the bedroom, folding Dan’s underwear and trying to reason with Mr. Whiskers, who was in the middle of his bathing session.
“It’s just called that because it has an en suite bathroom. You don’t even use the bathroom, why would you want that room?”
Mr. Whiskers gave Phil an unimpressed glance and continued licking his tail.
“It’s already hard enough to get Dan to agree to that place with the extra bedroom. If we tell him that he doesn’t even get the big room, there’s no way he’s gonna go for it and we’ll have to start the search all over again!”
Mr. Whiskers went on to carefully licking his toes.
“I know you don’t care if we stay here for another couple months, but we’re going crazy here! And do you remember that there was an actual gas leak last week, right? Please, be reasonable!”
“Hey Phil! Are you having a debate with the cat again?” They both turned their heads to see Dan glancing into the room, cheeks red from walking home. Dan came up to Phil and gave him a peck on the lips and ruffled his hair. “You’re a weird one, Lester.”
He tried to give Mr. Whiskers a scratch behind the ears, but Mr. Whiskers had no time for that nonsense and jumped up on the dresser with a huff.
“Fine, be that way, see if I care,” Dan hissed at him and went to the kitchen to start dinner.
Phil shot Mr. Whiskers a pleading look.
“Mr. Whiskers, please, you have to be the bigger person here. Or the bigger cat I guess,” he murmured quietly before following Dan into the kitchen. Mr. Whiskers could hear wet smooching noises and laughter and assumed that the humans were doing their licking thing again. Gross.
In the end, a compromise had been reached. After some lengthy debates, Dan agreed that having a separate room could be useful in the future (“In case we want to expand the family some day” Dan said and both of the humans suddenly got very red and giggly, much to Mr. Whisker’s confusion), and Mr. Whiskers finally agreed to take the smaller room for himself, as long as Phil promised that he would get a proper sized bed to sleep on. And not one of those kitty beds, a proper bed. One that he would approve of himself.
And that’s how they end up sitting at the kitchen table, all three of them, shopping for beds on Dan’s computer thing (it didn’t really make sense no matter how many times Phil tried to explain it to Mr. Whiskers, but the humans didn’t need to know that, or they might think that they’re smarter than him). Dan was showing them different pictures, and Mr. Whiskers was gracefully situated in Phil’s lap, who was gently scratching his stomach in an attempt to make the whole process more pleasurable for everybody (himself mostly, of course, as there is no greater pleasure than petting Mr. Whiskers, and Mr. Whiskers was kind enough to allow it.)
“How about this one?” Dan showed a picture of a small wooden bed with drawers at the base. “We can use it as a daybed and store things in there? Maybe fit a table in the room as well, have a little home office?”
“That could work, what do you think Mr. Whiskers?” Phil replied.
“Yes, of course, what does Mr. Whiskers think,” said Dan in a slightly teasing voice.
Mr. Whiskers let his claws out a bit and kneaded at Phil’s lap.
“Ouch ouch ouch, ok, ok! No, Mr. Whiskers doesn’t like it. He wants something bigger.”
“My god, this cat is such a diva!” Dan rolled his eyes but continued looking. He showed them a couple other options but Mr. Whiskers remained unimpressed (“You don’t have to claw me every time, man!” Phil would tell him, “I get it, you don’t like it!”).
Dan continued scrolling until a picture caught Mr. Whiskers’s attention. He stood up from Phil’s lap and let out a loud meow.
“I think Mr. Whiskers likes this one!” Phil exclaimed, pointing to a picture of a gigantic white fluffy bed, with a gold headboard.
“You’re kidding, right? You have to be kidding, Phil! Do you see how much it costs? It’s a king size! It won’t even fit in the room!” Dan was starting to get a little hysterical in Mr. Whiskers opinion. And the “king” part sounded pretty good, whatever it meant.
“No, Phil, no this is absolutely not happening!”
But of course it did happen. Many weeks and boxes later (who knew that all Phil had to tell Mr. Whiskers to convince him to move was that there would be endless boxes. Of all sizes. All for Mr. Whiskers to enjoy, despite his humans trying to use them for other purposes), they were getting settled in their new place, and Mr. Whiskers had to admit it was pretty nice. There were large windows with a nice wide windowsill for Mr. Whiskers to lounge on while looking outside. The pigeons on the balcony were an endless source of entertainment. They got a lovely new dining table and chairs, one of which Mr. Whiskers of course promptly claimed for himself. Even the couch that they brought with them seemed to be more comfortable, now that it wasn’t totally overflowing with random things.
As for the bed, Mr. Whiskers immediately knew that it was going to be quite acceptable, as soon as Dan and Phil tugged it into the apartment, red and panting from the effort.
“Phil, I hate you for making us get a place on the 4th floor. We are never moving again, you hear me?” Dan whined, plopping himself on the sofa dramatically.
“Yes, dear,” answered Phil breathlessly and went into the kitchen to get some water.
Mr. Whiskers jumped down from his lounging space on top of one of the bookshelves and went to investigate. The bed they brought in was packed in just an absolutely magnificent specimen of a box. It was giant, just the size Mr. Whiskers deserved. He sniffed the box while walking around it. The smell wasn’t great, but that was fixable. He clawed a bit at the cardboard.
“Impatient, are you, you fucker?” Dan asked, still panting.
Mr. Whiskers shot him a dirty look. His human really needed to learn to hold his tongue sometimes.
Under Mr. Whiskers’s careful instruction, the bed was assembled in his room and the box from it was left in the corner for him to enjoy later (that did require some scratching to achieve, as Dan was adamant on throwing it out. Once again, the stupidity of humans continued to baffle Mr. Whiskers). Phil put down nice purple sheets and some pillows on it, and Dan moved all the cat toys and Mr. Whiskers’ scratch tower into the room with him.
“I cannot believe we have a seperate room for our cat. We must be crazy,” he said, wiping off his forehead and pulling Phil to his side gently.
Phil wrapped his arms around Dan’s waist and leaned his head on his shoulder. “I can’t believe we’re finally done moving. I can’t wait to live here with you.”
They were looking at each other with that disgusting look in their eyes, and Mr. Whiskers felt the need to remind them of who the real mastermind behind this whole moving thing was by jumping onto the new bed and meowing.
“And with you of course, Mr. Whiskers!” Phil corrected himself.
That night Dan and Phil closed themselves in their room pretty early and left Mr. Whiskers to wander the apartment on his own. By now Mr. Whiskers knew that they would keep the door closed for a bit, but then probably Phil would go to get himself some water and Mr. Whiskers could sneak in at that moment. More often than not, Dan was already too tired to kick him out again, and Mr. Whiskers could get some sleep in peace.
His plan worked perfectly of course, and just a couple of hours later Mr. Whiskers quietly tiptoed into the room, just as Phil was closing the door. He waited until they both settled back into bed, softly jumped up and made his way across the covers to the nice warm spot between the two humans.
“You stupid cat, you have to be kidding me!” Dan grumbled half asleep. “Get out! Get out! You have a separate room! With a separate bed! It’s bigger than ours! Go away!”
Mr. Whiskers ignored his rambling and curled up comfortably.
“Phil, tell him to go away,” Dan mumbled, but Mr. Whiskers could hear that he had given up. “Tell him he has his own bed.”
Phil just sighed and pulled Dan closer to him. Just a couple minutes later the two humans were peacefully asleep. Mr. Whiskers curled up a bit tighter and closed his eyes. He swished his tail, gently bumping it into the two bodies around him. He would let Dan sleep a little bit before moving to his preferred sleeping location - Dan’s pillow. It’s not like Dan needed it. No matter how much he liked to pretend to be annoyed at Mr. Whiskers for pushing him off of the pillow, he seemed to prefer Phil’s chest anyway. And Mr. Whiskers was not cruel enough to deny Dan the opportunity to do that. He was generous like that.
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bang-and-a-blintz · 4 years
Through the Darkness
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Fandom: Dracula (2020)  
Relationship: Dracula/Roxana(OFC)  
Rating: Mature  
Warnings: None  
Word Count: 2,993
The moon had an eerie glow as it casted its light through the drapery of hanging moss and onto the murky waters of the swamp below. It was a heavily hot and humid evening, sweat dripped steadily down her back as Roxana watched the scene before her with disinterest. 
Despite the shine of the moon, it was still difficult to see, but what she heard was unmistakable. Garbled shouts along with the occasional high-pitched shriek countered the spine-chilling sounds of crunching bones and tearing flesh. They didn’t last long. Once the screams subsided, the only noises that remained were the occasional splash of water and something akin to a branch snapping every so often. 
She could almost hear a distant yet familiar voice rattle off in her head. “Them gators’ll eat up anything you throw em. Meat, muscle, and bones! You name it!”
Suddenly she felt a change in the atmosphere and looked over to see the dark figure of a certain vampire standing on the other side of the dock. Dull thuds from his footsteps echoed around them as he slowly made his way over to stand by her side. For a moment they watched in silence as the alligators had a go at the victims in the bayou.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” She murmured and looked over. He tilted his head down at the blood-filled waters with a small snarl and then set his eyes on her; they were filling with inky black tendrils and glowing the darkest red. In an instant, he was gripping her tightly, his talons digging into the back of her neck, and bending her head to a harsh angle that gave him full access to her jugular. 
Dracula flashed her a deadly smile, “On the contrary, my dear, I can do anything I want.”
His descent was swift; she felt the sharp fangs sink into her throat and let her eyes roll back. Sagging into his hold, she felt the darkness open its arms to drink her in. 
Roxana woke with a gasp and shot straight up in her bed. 
Looking around frantically, she struggled to pinpoint her surroundings and then Fifolet meowed from across the room, jarring her back to reality. She was home and in her room. Safe. 
Her next course of action was feeling up and down her neck to make sure the dream was truly just a figment of her imagination. It remained wound-free. She exhaled loudly and collapsed back against her sheets.
The light of the morning sun cut across her room like a lance. Dim shadows danced along the ceiling as her fan spun on and on. It creaked slightly as it bounced back and forth, barely hanging onto its hinges, but all Roxana could hear was the thumping of her own heart. 
Just a dream. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. The sounds of the world awake and hustling outside her window gave her just enough motivation to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. The persistence and volume of the cat’s cries grew in earnest as it followed Roxana to the kitchen, positively demanding to be fed and let back outside. When she opened the door, it happily darted underneath the neighbor's house and wouldn’t be seen again until the evening.
There was a slight chill, but the skies were clear and the sun would soon warm up the city enough to make it a pleasant day. She walked back to her room to grab her phone and check the time, it was a still bit early but she didn’t mind. It was then noticed a text notification. The number was unknown but the text below read, in all caps; UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN accompanied by a vampire emoji. 
Roxana blinked and put the phone back down. Apparently not all the events of the previous night were a dream. 
With another long sigh, she went to the kitchen and started her morning routine. Coffee first, then shower, and then off to run errands. 
As she closed and locked up her front door, Roxana took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. All thoughts of the fanged menace were pushed far from her mind and would be addressed another day. She threw on her sunglasses and strode off towards the streetcar. 
Dracula loved sunrises. After missing thousands of them, he tried to make a daily effort to watch. He enjoyed spending time memorizing the way the sun would paint the sky with fire before melting down into a sea of pastel purples, pinks, and oranges until the bold blues wiped the other colors and clouds from view. It was especially invigorating after a nice meal. 
He dropped the still-warm body to the ground and smacked his lips, bringing his hand up to wipe a smidge of blood from the corner of his mouth. A finely aged thirty-something man who was five years sober and treated his body like a temple. Slightly tangy, but not as bad as Dracula had expected. Almost like a healthy smoothie.
As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
The blood pooled a little around the body, sinking into the wooden floorboards, and the apartment began to creak and moan. Dracula rolled his eyes, “Yes, another one, get over it. You lot should have enough souls to get a real party going in here, so cheer up, hm?” 
A window shudder snapped close to his left and a couple of doors slammed rather loudly down the hall. He could hear chains faintly rattling in the far bedroom but paid no mind.
“As always, you’ll find no pity from me.” He addressed the room and the house gave one last protest in the form of a teacup flying by his head, shattering against the wall. Dracula raised a brow but remained unmoved. “Bloody haunted houses.”
He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his servant’s number while walking to the other side of the apartment. Renfield answered on the first ring, “Good morning, my lord.”
“I need you to dispose of a body.”
“Oh, al-already?”
Dracula glanced back at the face-down corpse sprawled out by the couch. 
“Why, have something more important to do?” He turned back to the window that peered out over Jackson Square. Watching all the artists begin to set up their carts and tables and tricks and instruments and anything they could to make some sort of salvageable living. “I will say, this one was a tad bit messy. He was a fighter.”
“I think he taught jiu-jitsu by the lakefront, sir.”
“Ah, that’s it. Was just on the tip of my tongue.” Dracula liked the rush of tapping the veins of a martial artist. It tasted of perseverance, power, and control; maybe a slight hint of unadulterated anger towards someone...Dracula licked his lips in thought, oh there it is, the man was mad about his ex. Well that’s disappointingly anti-climactic, he mused.
The count’s attention was drawn to a familiar figure now weaving through the maze of workshops below. Roxana Van Helsing. He watched as she made her rounds through the throngs of artists and palm readers and tarot card fortune-tellers; all the while smiling so brightly and greeting various people as she made her way towards the river. It seemed that she knew nearly every regular who set up shop in the square. She hugged some of the tarot card and palm readers, waved at the painters as they hung their work on the wrought iron fence, and she even blew a kiss to a man painted black and gold and stood like a statue, but didn’t miss a beat as he caught the flying smooch and sent her a wink in return.
“How interesting...” He murmured, not able to take his eyes off of the woman floating around cheerfully below. After all the pleasantries, she crossed the street and set off towards the French Market. 
“My lord?”
He momentarily forgot he was still on the phone. “Nothing. Get over here and take care of this. The flies are starting to gather.”
“But the council - “
“Toss the body in the river or burn it, I don’t care.” Dracula snapped; the council, for lack of a better term, and their pesky rules were starting to grate on his nerves. “Just make sure to stake the poor bastard. The last thing I need right now is Keres pestering me about some monster waking up in the Bahamas or wherever.”
With a not-so-discreet sigh, Renfield acquiesced, “Of course, sir.”
“Be quick about it.” Dracula clicked the end call button and shoved his phone in his pant pocket. Turning on his heel, the count swept out of the apartment and headed the same direction he saw her walking. 
It didn’t take long for Dracula to find Roxana purchasing a coffee from one of the stands in the market. He slid into the shadows easily and watched from a distance while she meandered around, chatting with people here and there, looking over all the paintings, sculptures, jewelry, and clothing that were handmade by locals. Her smile was a beam of light that never seemed to fade. It was always there, he noticed curiously, from a large grin to a little smirk, her lips were quirked at all times. Was it genuine? He couldn’t fathom the notion of someone being that happy. Especially mortals. They always complained about something. 
Roxana wound herself around the last few stands, exited to the street, and made her way down towards Esplanade. Still maintaining discretion, he followed her along the broken sidewalks all the way into the Marigny, an adorably idiosyncratic suburb just to the east of the quarter. 
There was a small church nestled in between some houses with large white picnic tables and canopy pop-ups set up out front. Each table was covered with large catering trays and enormous cooking pots, about six or seven people stood behind it putting on gloves and aprons, and there was a line that went on around the block. Leaning back against a tree, Dracula tilted his head as he observed her embrace what looked to be the woman in charge and then put on the proffered apron and gloves. Roxana took over one of the stations and started to dish out plates of red beans and rice. 
One by one, she asked them how their day was and would give them a bowl, wishing them well. Everyone was friendly to each other; those in need were visibly grateful and those supplying were simply content to help in any way they could. 
A strange sight for the old vampire, it had been a good long while since he had seen such compassion. 
Dracula wasn’t sure how long he watched Roxana, but once the crowd started to dwindle down to the last few homeless folk in search of a warm meal, the sun had already begun its descent into the afternoon. 
The volunteers packed up the tables and dishes and trash into a few truck beds before giving out another round of hugs and bidding one another farewell. Roxana waited for the last truck to leave until she put on her light jacket and turned to make her own departure. He figured that was about as good a moment as any to make an appearance and was instantly by her side. 
“Fancy seeing you here - “ Dracula began but before he could finish she let out a shriek and jumped nearly a foot in the air. Instinctively, he held out a hand to make sure she didn’t tumble over, but to his surprise, Roxana turned and delivered a solid punch to his chest. Not that it hurt by any means, but the shock of the assault made him take a step back and slacken his jaw in offense. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, you can’t do that!” She gripped her chest, frantically trying to control her now racing heart. “Where the hell did you even come from?”
She glared up at him and the ferocity of it made him laugh so she sent another punch to his arm, which made him laugh even harder. He took another step back, dodging more of her blows, and raised his hands in defense. “It was totally worth it, you should’ve seen your face.”
Roxana groaned and ceased fire, “Have you been following me all day?”
The faux-innocence that Dracula's face displayed spoke volumes. 
She continued down the sidewalk back towards the quarter, but after a few steps she realized he hadn’t moved. So she turned back with a hand on her hip, “Well? Don’t be shy now, if you’re going to be my shadow then might as well get over here.”
His long legs were quick to shorten the distance between them and matched her pace as they began to walk side by side. 
They were quiet for a few blocks, the sounds of cars cruising by, birds chirping around, and dogs barking off in the distance easily filled the void. Dracula noticed she kept stealing glances his way, subtly - he’d give her that - but nonetheless it made him smirk. “I can see there is something you’re just dying to say.”
Roxana hopped over a large crack in the sidewalk before looking back up at him, “How are you here? I mean, in the sunlight, isn’t that supposed to...you know?”
She drew the side of a thumb across her throat mimicking certain death and he grinned. 
“Yes, well, it turns out that was just a funny little myth too.” Dracula shrugged casually. She noticed his dark sunglasses, loosely coiffed hair, and easy little smile and decided that he looked entirely too content in the daytime. It was a strange sight to behold a vampire sauntering around under the bright sun. The horror!
“Wait a second.” Roxana stopped in her tracks causing him to slow as well and pivot back in question. Her brow furrowed and he could practically see the wheels spinning in her head. “You mean this is a recent discovery?”
Dracula narrowed his gaze suspiciously, not knowing where she was going with this, “In comparison to how long I was unaware? Yes.”
“Did you ever check?”
“Check what?”
“You know, to see if it would actually burn you.” A large cicada buzzed and crackled as it flew by. “Like maybe sticking a pinkie finger out in the light? Test the waters?”
The nerve in his jaw ticked as Dracula clenched his teeth and stared at her for a moment, unreadable behind the Ray Bans he wore. 
“No, huh?” Rocana burst out laughing, “So you spent, what, four hundred years without any sort of proof that you would become a batty barbecue?”
“You’re enjoying this.” His arms were crossed over his chest now and he boasted a very unimpressed glare. 
“You just shaved off ten years of my life with that stunt back there, payback is justified.”
“I could take off quite a few more years than that, my dear.” He said while stepping closer, but his bark lacked its normal bite. 
She patted his arm, “Oh lighten up, cher, I’m just messing around.”
Despite the irritation that she brought out of him, Dracula found that he didn’t mind their banter, it was refreshing to be around someone who challenged him again. He still didn’t care for what she pointed out; he felt ridiculous enough about the whole ordeal and needn’t a reminder of his foolish mistakes. 
“Anyways,” They continued walking, “While I have you, I’d like to know more about this whole soirée coming up, what exactly is that all about?”
“Well, I’m afraid I don’t know too terribly much, this is sort of my initiation into the council.” He said with slight disgust towards the idea. As if the mere thought of him having to go through a trial just to be part of something was beyond absurd. “Before you ask - because I know you will - the council is the organization that deals with maintaining the city’s supernatural and mortal order.”
“There must be a lot of supernatural folk for a council to have been formed.”
“Oh you have no idea!” He laughed as her eyebrows shot up. “A lot more than even I was aware of before moving here, that’s for sure.”
“All vampires?’
“No, not all, but quite a few of us.”
“Are there werewolves?”
“Why, do you prefer dogs? I thought you were one of those crazy cat ladies.” He smirked as she pushed his arm. “No, no wolves down here, it’s far too hot for those beasts. I have heard of a swamp creature, but have not seen one yet myself. Sounds exciting though.”
“Oh, really?” Roxana's mouth turned into a frown as she looked down in concern, almost muttering to herself. “I should probably warn Memaw. Oh who am I kidding, she has her voodoo for protection, she won’t listen to me.”
“I’m sorry - your what?” 
They came to a stop at a traffic light and waited to cross the street. Roxana forgot he was there for a moment and her head shot up, giggling a little at his confusion, “‘Memaw’? Means ‘grandmother’. It doesn’t matter. Hey, I’m starving, want to grab some food with me? There’s a great spot just around the corner.”
At the mention of eating, Dracula looked down at her neck and licked his lips, damn did it look appetizing. It was a good thing he was wearing sunglasses and she couldn’t see the hunger that darkened his eyes. “Roxana, my dear, I would be delighted.”
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@festering-queen​ @vissidarte213​ @moony691​ @torntaltos​
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atomicstrawbrys · 5 years
A.K. (2/?)
Alfred is a high school star with everything he could possibly want- until a student comes from England and suddenly becomes priority number one. USUK. High school AU. //
Previous / Next
The moment Alfred and Matthew got home from school, Alfred wrenched his brother out from behind the wheel and into their house. He tugged him all the way upstairs to his room, shutting the door behind them and locking it.
“Matt, you gotta help me,” He pleaded, Matthew’s eyes widening at his brother’s distress.
Panicked, Matthew guided Alfred to his bed, kneeling in front of him and creasing his brow with worry. “What, what is it? Al, is it your arm? Did something happen? Did you get into a fight with Gil or something? Did you get into some kind of trouble?” 
“I, I like someone!”
Matthew immediately deflated, his worry replaced with relief and a slight twinge of annoyance. “Oh, gosh- is that all? Just tell her, man, everyone at that school likes you, I doubt she’ll say no.”
“But, but- It’s a guy!” Alfred wailed, burying his face in his hand as he whimpered. 
This tidbit of information caught Matthew’s interest, his brother perking up and tilting his head.
“I thought you were straight-?” He questioned, Alfred’s head first nodding, then shaking furiously. 
“Apparently not! And I just don’t know what to do, he’s so perfect, you know?”
“No, I don’t know.” Matthew sighed, sitting on the bed beside Alfred and rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. “Uh...who is it, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“You uh, you know that new guy from England, well his name is Arthur and he-”
“Wait, wait, Al, seriously?” Matthew dissolved into a fit of laughter, hand trembling against Alfred’s back as he wheezed and wiped a tear from his eye. “The walking Hot Topic catalog? You’re into that kinda thing? To each their own, I guess…” He elbowed him, and Alfred pouted.
“Whatever...just tell me what you did to get Ivan to go out with you- I really, really like him, Matt, like, love at first sight kinda stuff. I’ve never felt this way about anybody before, not even my ex-girlfriends..”
“Well, yikes, don’t let any of them hear you say that..” Matthew murmured, and he got to his feet. “First of all, Ivan asked me out. Secondly, he just told me how he felt and invited me to go on a date. You should just be straightforward with him if you feel so strongly, okay?”
“I guess…”
“Great! Then my work here is done. I’m gonna get a soda from the fridge, you want anything?”
Alfred shook his head, and with that Matthew left, wishing him luck with his inner crisis.
Alfred laid back on his bed, closing his eyes. Yeah, sure, being straightforward might have worked with someone like Matthew- Matthew wasn’t one for frills and gimmicks, but Arthur seemed...eccentric. A simple confession just wouldn’t be good enough for him, so he would have to do better. 
So, the next morning, Alfred pestered Matthew to take him to school early, still not keen on attempting to drive with one arm. He went inside while Matthew slept in the back seat of his truck. Armed with a dry erase marker and some wildflowers from his backyard, Alfred went to Arthur’s locker. He slipped the flowers in through the slats, and then with the dry erase marker he wrote on the front:
“Roses are red,
I think you’re great,
You’re pretty cute,
So let’s go on a date! :)”
Giggling to himself and pleased with his poem, Alfred went back out to the truck to wait.
Within the next half hour, students began arriving at school, but Alfred waited until he saw that familiar mess of blonde and lavender walking up the sidewalk. He hurried to meet him before he got inside the school. 
“Hey, Arthur! Mind if I walk with you?” He grinned, keeping pace with God’s gift to humanity. Arthur only shrugged in reply, yawning and reapplying some dark lipstick onto his lower lip. Oh, if only Alfred could be covered in black lipstick marks left by Arthur- like on tv, where the main character is smooched all over by their love interest, and then are left blushing and decorated with lipstick kisses. He felt his heart squeeze in his chest, and he hoped the poem and the flowers would convince Arthur to give him a chance. 
Once they reached their lockers, Alfred nonchalantly opened his own, waiting to see how Arthur reacted. He couldn’t wait to see him blush and wonder who his secret admirer could be, and then Alfred would reveal himself and it would be perfect- it would be a confession worthy of someone as wonderful as Arthur. 
Arthur went to open his locker, but he paused, reading the poem. He skimmed it only once, then rolled his eyes and wiped it off with his handkerchief. Alfred’s stomach dropped, but he didn’t have time to feel sorry for himself before Arthur opened his locker, and the wildflowers came spilling out. 
“Oh my GOD!” Arthur shrieked with alarm and jumped back, though he was already too late. He began sneezing, his eyes puffing and turning red. Exposed skin broke out, and both his eyes and nose ran. He doubled over, sneezes interspersed with gross coughing. He had turned a lot of heads with his reaction, and it wasn’t but a few moments before someone came back with a teacher, who ushered Arthur away and to the nurse. 
Alfred had stood there, frozen in shock during the display. He felt just awful- he’d wanted to ask Arthur out, and instead, he’d annoyed him and then given him a fucking allergic reaction! He just..hoped Arthur would be okay.
There was an empty desk in Alfred’s first two periods, and he supposed that was where Arthur would have sat had Alfred exercised a little self-control. He didn’t see him again until lunch, and although his face was still a bit red, he seemed more or less alright. He was sitting alone, so Alfred slid in the seat next to him, looking down at his lunch tray.
“You uh...you alright? You really scared me earlier, ha, I was...I thought you were gonna die or something.”
Arthur shrugged and pulled his jacket hood over his head. “...M’allergic to flowers. Really allergic.”
“Yeah, yeah, I could tell,” Alfred replied, and though he cursed himself for such a rude remark, Arthur gave a soft chuckle in response. 
“...Yeah. Well. Thanks for worrying, Alex. Whoever left them also wrote this really stupid poem on my locker, too, so I guess they were trying to be ‘romantic,’ or whatever.” Arthur framed the word ‘romantic’ with air quotes, rolling his eyes. 
“Yeah...stupid,” Alfred replied, pushing some food on his tray around with his fork. “And uh, it’s Alfred, actually..” 
“Hm? Oh, sorry, Archie.”
Alfred didn’t bother to correct him again. He also didn’t bother eating much and got up from lunch early, leaving the cafeteria under the guise of going to the bathroom. He went to Arthur’s locker instead, the door still hanging open as wildflowers lay both inside and on the floor in front of it. Alfred cleaned all of them up and wiped everything down, making sure not to leave even a trace of pollen that could possibly cause Arthur any more harm.
After he was done, he shut the locker door quietly, staring at the empty space where his poem once was. Getting out his dry erase marker, he wrote again. Then, he returned to the cafeteria just before the bell and went to his next class. 
At the end of the day, he was gathering his things to go home, when Arthur approached cautiously. He looked around, noticing that the flowers were gone, and breathed a sigh of relief. Reaching for his combination lock, Arthur’s arm stopped in midair, and he read the poem.
“Violets are blue
I’m still after your heart,
I’m sorry about the flowers, 
But I hope cleaning them up is a start.”
Arthur, still seeming skeptical, opened the door and peered inside. He looked around for the faintest trace of flowers- a petal, a leaf, but he could find nothing. Contented, he got his things and shut the door. He again wiped the poem away with his handkerchief, but this time Alfred thought that perhaps he caught the faintest hint of a smile on Arthur’s lips before he did so. 
Alfred felt a weight lift off his shoulders, and as he left the school and caught up with Matthew, he couldn’t help but grin.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
V + Hanahaki Disease but with good ending?
Boy, you guys really come up with the most interesting ways to make V suffer, huh?
A/N: Written while listening to Rachmaninoff ( again ) Piano Concerto No. 2 In D Minor.
Let's do this!
🌹 Love And Roses🌹
There it was again: a deep red rose petal on the floor.
You looked down at the thing with a raised eyebrow. You were sure that you just rid the floor of Nico's otherwise messy van of these curious and yet fragrant things.
But, there it was again: a deep red rose petal on the floor.
You carefully picked the fragile petal with your dainty fingers and looked at it, utterly confused as to its origins. Well, there were wild flowers outside but, none of them resembled the beauty of the thing in your hand. It looked like it came from a rare type of red rose, and you were absolutely sure you have never seen it before.
You do like the thing, however, since deep red is your favorite color, and the rose is your favorite flower.
But, to actually have numerous petals scattered about the floor really bewildered, amused and frightened you to the core all at the same time.
And the phenomenon has been going on for almost two months. Yeah, you were the one assigned to clean the van but, you don't have the heart to throw the pretty things away, so you just put them in a sack and hid them underneath the sofa you've been sleeping on. Heck, you can decorate a whole room full of these petals you've collected! Not to mention a cup of sweet, steamy tea rose or two.
Your musings were interrupted when you suddenly heard a coughing sound coming from the sofa. You looked down at the poet as he covered his mouth with a gloved hand.
You immediately went closer to him and rubbed his back to somehow soothe him, if that could help, at all.
"Ahem, sweet pea,..." the demonic bird, which was perched on top of Nico's broken jukebox, called your attention, at the same time V let out another batch of coughing fits. "That won't help him."
"Ah, I know! Ah,... " you mumbled as you went to the back of the van to prepare him a cup of tea or something warm to ease his symptoms. "Nico and Nero will be back in a bit with the medicine. Don't worry, V." You, then, said to the poet.
V's symptoms persisted for almost two months, the same time as the phenomenon of the rose petals, come to think of it, and it honestly unnerved you. Yes, V was a capable fighter just like Nero or Dante but, still, he's human, and clearly weaker than the two of them, as much as you hated to admit it.
However, despite this weakness, you liked him. A lot, actually. You're not the type of person who falls for muscles, pick up lines, or manly winks, no.
It's the cleverness, the gentleness, the mysterious aura, the deep voice,...
... the alluring smile,...
And V has all of that. And more.
And that's just scratching the surface -
"I told ya! That won't help him!" Griffon squawked as he helplessly watched you turn on the stove to boil water with Nico's old teapot.
"And what will?!" You angrily questioned the bird. He really was not helping with the situation, at all.
"Ah,... maybe a smooch to the Shakespeare will help? And a good make out session?"
You balled your hands into fists, controlling the strong urge to throw something at the bird or just put him in a steel pot and boil him to inflict pain. Oh, you really wanted to! V was freaking suffering! And his familiar was not doing anything to help! Instead, he chose to make crude jokes in front of you like it was nothing!
"NO!" You growled back at the bird,...
... which made V cough even harder.
"Oh, my God,..." you muttered under your breath as you made your way back to the poet. "V, do you need something? Ah, we should definitely take you to a hospital now. This is getting worse,..."
"Look what you've done to Shakespeare, woman!" The demonic bird shrieked as he flapped his wings and made his way towards his master.
"What?! I'm not doing anything to him!"
"Enough. P - please,..." V begged, his voice weak and his throat hoarse and painful. "Do not worry about my,... needs. I,... j - just needed some,... rest - !" His words were broken as he had another fit of coughs but, this time, he wasn't able to cover his mouth in time.
And then, you saw it. It was unmistakable despite the lack of proper lighting inside the vehicle.
It was blood. His lips became slightly stained with the crimson liquid that most probably came from his already wounded throat.
And it made you even more frightened for his health.
"No, no, no, no,..." You helplessly mumbled as you took out your handkerchief from your pocket to wipe the blood off his lips. The poet tried to stop you but, he was too weak to do so. And you were very stubborn. "Hang in there, V. They're coming back,..."
"Sweet pea, just give him a kiss. Just one in the lips is okay." The bird persisted with his joke.
"Griffon, I'm begging you. Stop with your nonsense already!"
With those words, V suddenly and forcefully took hold of your arms and bowed down low, seemingly throwing up on your lap or something, all the while continuously coughing.
Tears streamed down your face as you helplessly rubbed your hands up and down V's back, trying your very best to ease his discomfort.
"I'm so sorry,..." you cried. It just,... hurt,... seeing him like that. And you couldn't do anything but watch. "I'm so, so, sorry,..."
All of a sudden, something came out of the poet's mouth. It was not vomit or any kind of icky bodily fluid, no.
It was,... a fresh batch of deep red rose petals. It came cascading down like a beautiful crimson waterfall from his mouth down to your lap.
"Hanahaki disease,..." Griffon began calmly as he observed how the poet "lavish" you with the pretty petals. "Pretty nasty illness to have, if ye ask me."
"The,... what?!"
"Hanahaki disease!" The bird repeated as the two of you watched V release some more petals. And you were completely baffled, if not apologetically fascinated, by the strange display of weird human or demonic affliction.
"I - is this some kind of a demonic disease or something? Or a curse?"
"Eh, no. Not really."
"Then, what caused this? How did V get this illness?"
"Unrequited,... love,..." the poet weakly answered for you as he finally managed to inhale after the onslaught of petal showers. By that time, your lap was overflowing with the fragrant things, and it was safe to say that you have to clean the floor all over again.
But, his answer!
"Wait, did you just say unrequited love?"
"Ya heard it right!" Griffon answered, his beak high up in the air like he was feeling proud, or something. But, why? "That's why I told you to smooch and make out already! Come on, do it while the others are away."
"That again?! I don't understand! I - "
You felt absolutely dumb for not realizing this a bit sooner.
Unrequited love? Smooching? Making out?
Then, that means,...
"You have got to be kidding me,..."
"Ohohoho! Who's joking now?" The bird mocked.
With wide, confused eyes, you looked down at the poet, who started coughing again but, this time, he did not throw up petals. He threw up a full stem, instead. And a thorny one at that. And this made V cough up blood once more.
"Nasty." Griffon told you in such a tone that purposefully made you guilty. "Of all the flowers in the whole fuckin' world, why is rose your favorite one?"
"Stop, please." V pleaded despite his condition. "Don't make it harder for (Y/N)."
"Ya want me to stop? Do ya want me to watch ye die in front of her then, huh?! Won't let that happen! No shit!"
"Stop this, Griffon, please!" You begged as you held the poet closer as if to protect him.
"I still don't understand!" You screamed at the demonic bird in panic as V started coughing up petals, and full rose stems, again. "V, why me? What did I do to make you,... love,... me? I mean, I'm just a plain old,... me!"
The poet looked up at you, his beautiful eyes full of unspoken adoration towards you. He held up both his hands and cupped your soft cheeks. He, then, gently laid his forehead against yours, the contact making your face heat up.
And, damn! It's making you fall for him harder than ever before.
"I could sing praises for you all day,... my beautiful sparrow." The poet confessed, his voice soft, and yet hoarse due to the onslaught of roses, and probably thorns, as well. "However, no amount of words could describe,... how I truly feel about you. You don't have to,... do,... anything for me. Just you by my side,... is heaven enough,... for me,..."
You sighed and gently laid your hands against his. "V, I don't want you to die but, I'm,... ah,... inexperienced. If you know what I mean. But, I'll do my best. I will do everything I can to save you. I,... love you, V. Truly, I do. If I'm gonna do it with someone, then I want it to be you, and only you."
The man's eyes widened at what he just heard. And as he was about to shed tears of delight, he inhaled deeply and smiled.
"Is that true? That our feelings are mutual?"
You giggled at his silly little question and gave him a chaste peck on his nose. "Of course it is, you silly poet."
"Then, forgive,... this fool's,... selfishness,..." he whispered, then wrapped his arms around you. "For I just can't help myself."
Griffon's eyes widened with amusement. He began chuckling as he witnessed how the poet shower you with kisses on the cheeks, and on the nose, then finally capturing your lips in a heated and passionate kiss. Your hands automatically went around his neck and this made him pull you even closer, lifting you a bit and properly positioning your legs so you're now sitting on his lap.
"Ohohoho, and the boy's all grown up now,..." the forgotten bird chuckled to himself as he witnessed every caress, every movement, and every kiss that you and V shared.
And just when things started to really heat up, the teapot started whistling and ruining the moment.
"Shit! The water!" You shrieked as you wriggled off V's lap. You were about to run towards the stove when the poet took one of your hands and gave it a sweet and gentle kiss.
"I love you so much."
Your arms went around him once more as you peppered his forehead with kisses.
"I love you more."
Later that night, Nico and Nero were so baffled upon seeing the two of you so close and doing alright like nothing happened. It was safe to say that V was not able to take the medicine they provided for him, since he was already somewhat, and mysteriously, fully healed.
But, what confused them the most was how you two began vanishing each night from that day forward, only returning the next morning with mismatched clothes, flushed cheeks, and silly expressions on your faces,...
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01010010-posts · 5 years
— our love is a starred staircase; i jump two steps at time but you can only go one by one.
i. → becoming human. “and this is hen.” “mhh, very interesting.” “.... i hate you.” he unwillingly cracks up, slightly turning to the other side because, honestly, he’s not that bastard (maybe) “sorry–” he bites his lips, not wanting to be exposed, gosh, he really is such a bastard “it’s just that– well, how do i put it.... learning a new language from scratch, without any download, it actually is difficult.” there is it again, that devilish sneer “i swear to god, love” “okay, okay. i’ll say it. but please don’t be mad. it’s your handwriting. it’s hard to read. it’s so ugly you could be a doctor.” he’s doing his best, he vows, but since being deviant his sense of humour has highly been affected. you lose no time in emerging onto his jolly demeanor and begin smacking him “you’re not being fair! ouch– please! you promised to not get angry!” he refuges his hair behind his knuckles, while still enjoying taunting you “i’ve spent the past hour memorizing things with you and that’s how you repay me! and i didn’t promise that!” he lets you tease him for too little, and without even realizing it you’re in his grasp, frozen, sweetly pouting, a mouth that he kisses “you’re right, here’s your reward, teacher.” “did you at least learn something?” “ohh, yes, a wonderful lot. i learnt how to kiss you here, here, and here.” and saying that he follows his preaching, teaching you where he adores to leave lovebites. ii. → pieces of you between the pages. it’s not his fault. sometimes night shifts happen. but he hates them abysmally. why? because, as much as he gets bored when you’re sleeping, he can’t help but worship those endless hours he has available, basking in the lone presence of your body, recording each minute thing, with such limited time on this earth, then, he.... but tonight is a little different. he phoned you for a while (you had to force him to hang up), assured that you finished eating at a normal pace, didn’t steal too many snacks from the cupboard, watched something nice and got to bed at a reasonable hour. yes. he’s not your mom but he likes to remind you that his way of loving is varied. of course, soft words and i love yous and invisible smooching were not absent at the roll-call. he’s not only your mom after all. ahh, almost forgot. this is just routine. the deviant thing tonight is: a book. your book. your favourite book. you probably forgot it in his bag. but it’s not very important right now. he picks it up, the spine slightly visible from the black fabric incorporating it. it’s an ordinary book. he sits, and since he’s kinda alone, nobody prevents him from propping his long legs on his desk, relaxing in his leather ergonomic chair. reading a bit won’t hurt. the content, the plot, it’s not really important. what he’s actually reading is: your underlined parts. you normally don’t do that, you said one time. it ruins the paper, you said. yet in this one, this one, so important to you, you used graphite pencil to emphasize. mostly, about love. iii. → doing nothing. “i won’t stand for this!” he huffs in a bit of what appears to be the middle of an angry and annoyed tone. his arms hurriedly coming into a fold around his chest, he doesn’t really know how to react. you try to hide your benevolent smirk, an android this cute shouldn’t exist “why? you’re already doing it.” “that’s– that’s because it was your turn to choose what we should be doing this evening.” “so you’re peacefully protesting?” you urge him, now holding back snorting is almost impossible “.... kinda.” and at this point you’re nearly choking on your own laugh “you’re making fun of me?!” he finishes his retort and darts, indignant, sitting upright on the couch. so so so sorry but you have to cover your face with your digits and turn towards the other side because, honestly, you’re not that bastard as to burst into laughter in front of him (maybe) “gosh– it’s– it’s– pfft– i apologize i’m– ahahAHAHA NO PLEASE NO!” while you were, indeed, mocking him you lowered your guard and him, a weapon, took that as his advantage “PLEASE BABY” “ohh, we’re begging before i even get serious? my my, you’re quite weak.” his fingers carefully threading between your ribs, stroking your skin in a delicate manoeuvring until he’s satisfied with his revenge “you’re terrible.” he grins, both short of breath from being such imbeciles “i am.” he gently lowers down your crouched shape, half on the sofa the rest on the floor, and kisses your reluctant cheek “what’s the plan, then?” “don’t think i’ve changed my mind. i don’t want to do anything. i want to continue until i reach absolute zero.” iv. → your things // your place. he doesn’t need to shower, nor to bathe, and if he indulges in those activities it’s just to bond, he assures you. but suddenly it’s not so credible when you, wanting to surprise him, come back to your place without telling, sneakily unlock the threshold and tiptoe to search for him to no avail. you’re about to open your mouth and shout, to see some sort of shocked reaction, maybe a jump from the scare, but he’s not in the living room. and not in the compact kitchen. and not in the bedroom either. then, where could he be? you silently ponder, a tap of your shoe asking if he left to go shopping. but you know, the fridge is not that empty. could he be....? without letting out a sound you enter the bathroom, certainly not expecting the sight that presents to you. a single curtain separating you from his shadow. of course, you can’t resist the call. with a swift movement you pull the nylon and expose him, who can’t help but nervously shriek in distress “ah! what the fuck!” you cackle “surprise!” he sighs, exasperated by your childish behaviour, and turns off the water “is that my.... body wash?” your attention shifts rapidly, taking in the image of his fully naked anatomy but pointing an index at his palms “what–” he halts mid-sentence, his cyan eyes darting to his fingers “oh, well, huh–” “you’re using my body wash.” “i can explain.” “you always say you’re too upgraded for bubbles.” “.... my phrasing is not exactly that however i was just– curious.” “to try my body wash.” “yes. to try your pink velvet sunflower body wash.” “wait. how do you know the exact name. suspicious.” if his forehead wasn’t already shimmering from the droplets of your interruption he would be drenched in cold sweat “.... i analyzed it.” “you fucking ate shower gel.” “in my defense–” v. → what do you do when you’re happy. he longs for moments like these. for when you both come home, him entangling his arms around your waist as soon as the door closes, leaving a trail of tiny pecks from your shoulder to your lobe, slow as a snail, savouring each millimeter of skin, each little relaxed spasm your muscles have, each complaint you attempt to address to his figure, each tender giggle escapes your mouth. he longs for moments like these. the same as when your shared friends send a text at the last minute, asking if it’s okay to come over and then maybe go somewhere, drinking or eating doesn’t really matter, it’s just to be together. and you sweetly smile, a bit tired after work, but still willing to say ‘yes’, serene in the comfort of not even having the need to change into fancy clothes, only bustling with secret excitement, waiting to be in stitches in the back of a non-automatic car. he longs for moments like these. as that time you both got a couple days off and decided to spend them in a countryside house, clutched by vines of different species: virginia creeper, common ivy and climbing magenta roses. and as soon as the door closed you rushed, gliding on the worn burnt sienna cotto tiles, up the old rusty stone stairs, reached the top and opened the small cabin, only occupied by a toilet and a small painting (‘in bed’ by federico zandomeneghi. a girl with long auburn hair, facing a floral wallpaper, resting in a tranquil atmosphere while stretched out in her bed under light blue covers.). you promptly proceeded to push the wood window frame, letting light invade the whole space. he was right beside you as your head stuck out, inhaling the fresh air and remaining speechless in front of the sun, the sky, the clouds, the as much red roofs interspersed with yellow lichens and green moss, the rest of the panorama composed by infinite sweeps of earthy fields. he longs for moments like these. vi. → our things // our place. “don’t forget to brush your teeth.” he whispers from behind you, his face reflected on the mirror in which you’re admiring yourself in search of some imperfections. you absentmindedly chuckle “i know” your eyes fixated low, watching the drain of the pale china sink. logically, the most convenient way of getting the toothpaste to exit the tube, is to squeeze from the end and let it come out on its own. of course, he noticed, you don’t do that. you, as if reading his mind while he’s standing close, watching and mimicking a human nightly routine, do the complete opposite of what he’s thinking, pressing your thumb at the very start of the mixed aluminium-and-plastic bottle you’re holding. a tiny bubble forms where the cap should be and you hint a smile. infos bothering his vision at the corner of his irises: it’s some internet articles about teeth blackening, mostly persistent in asia. it’s somewhat fascinating to him, or at least, it’s different from the constant obsession with lightening. he wonders what you would think about it. he wonders if you even know about it. white gel slowly fills your tongue and coats the ends of your lips. you’re kinda messy, he admits, but finds it utterly adorable nevertheless. vii. → dying human. your hand. your hand is what kept him alive for so long. because, despite his appearance, he’s as old as an adult can be at this time of your life. your life. two parallels tracks that never meet, going their way, wanting to touch but never able to. you, growing old. him, growing and nothing more. because he can’t be old, can’t he. he will never be old. he must be about.... no, that’s stupid. no hypothesis could change anything. it doesn’t matter which numbers he should have in his ID – not that androids have any in the first place –, what matters is the inequity of your age “you’re always beautiful” you murmur “mh? look who’s talking” the end of your mouth curls up in a childish smile, wrinkles adorning all of your features “flatterer. i could be one of your grandparents for all you know” he gives you a lazy expression, lids half closed, nevertheless content, a bittersweet happiness. he takes your right hand in his and draws it near his cheek “it’s rough, c’mon” you’re a bit ashamed but he lets the warm rays of sunshine glimmer onto him, eyes slowly leaving space to complete relaxation “no, it’s tender, don’t worry, just as you.”
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2ugars · 5 years
ੈ♡˳ high school senior!hyuck + soccer player!hyuck all in one!!!!
ps - the high school that i’m basing off their high school is mine, which is an international american curriculum high school that has like . a very small hs population.
a lovable and troublemaker senior who interacts quite a lot w his underclassmen — a bit too much than what’s probably considered necessary
he’s always been loud n friendly even before senior year but for some reason it? sky-rocketed?
u would expect seniors to stop tryin to make friends n stuff because they’ll have to leave for college at the end of the year nyways……
but NOPE
donghyuck’s a whole other species so he. .
makes friends .
A Lot of them
some of them r accidental on the other person’s part
there was this one time where hyuck forgot his pencil case and he was asking around
and some guy in junior year was like Here u go!!!!give it back to me after school or smth :)
as promised,, donghyuck Forgot to give it to him after school but he DID give it back the morning after w a bunch of teabags
donghyuck: some tea 2 relieve ur stress! also !!!!!!!      U r invited to my bday party :)
donghyuck: and my future wedding
donghyuck :D
junior: Whjat
hyuck’s that one senior who somehow knows everyone’s names?
he’s crazy
the type to say people’s names whenever he converses w them
he does it to seem closer nd to put them at ease? in a way?
has a unique handshake w 75% of the high school population
how does he remember all of that
muscle memory???????? who knows at this point
someone raised their hand during class and he flinched in his seat because he Really Wanted To Do The Handshake w them
he wouldn’t call it popularity, how a lot of people know him
“they’re just . familiar w me,” he would tell jeno
“that’s called popularity u idiot”
“n .   No”
it takes him a while to let it sink in that he IS popular but he still doesnt like to call himself that since he thinks it’s awkward nd a lil off-puttinng
so he just calls himself annoying in the end lmao
“i realized,” he rells renjun one day, “that i’m most likely the most annoying senior ever. more than mark was, even, and that’s saying a lot!”
renjun hums to show that he’s listening when, really, he’s not
“it’s the perfect plan,” donghyuck continues. “i get all of them to love me this year, and when i leave, the entire secondary school will have no choice but to mourn my absence—“
“was that your plan all along?” jaemin interjects with a laugh
“of course not. the kids love me without me having to try much. but it’s a pretty good plan! i could pass it down to chenle, or something.”
renjun later tells chenle to continue to never listen to hyuck
chenle, although puzzled, agrees
hyuck’s in varsity boys’ soccer as midfield
what u would call a hidden leader
was originally appointed captain by the coach but turned it down almost immediately
Hates disappointing people
especially people who are depending and relying on him
he isn’t sure he’s ready for that much weight, being an official leader
however when the ream found out he turned down the position of captain, they made him vice-captain next to sunwoo
donghyuck: “i won but at what cost”
mood maker of the team
screams a lot on the bench in the times when he’s pulled from the field to take a break
“LOOK AT MY BOYS GO!?!??!?!?!”
“JEEOOONNGGGIIIIINNNN that’s my little boy. Wow. i think im tearing up”
does this not only in games but in practices !
hes quite a chatterbox
please shut him up
i’m kidding please don’t
“look alive guys!!!!!! last one to run ladders buys sushi!!!!!!”
usually ends upbeing the last one
he says he does it on purpose
he’s lying he hates running ladders
he joked that if it weren’t for soccer, he’d be on the cheer squad
won mvp in junior year and the sportsmanship award for three years running
HHE ALSO WO N!!!!!!!!the hearts of the middle school boys’ soccer team
it’s because he’s the coach assistant during the ms soccer season
he started coaching in his freshman year
surprisingly gets shy when the boys, in all their wide-eyed awe n wonder, call him Coach Donghyuck
“nnnnnnnNNNNNOOOO O OO O  Dont say that call me hyuck instead omg plwase.  NO SIAN DONT CALL ME COACJ NO”
to hyuck’s confusion and jaemin’s pure delight, hyuck’s managed to steal the hearts of the middle school girls’ soccer team as well??
he took some chopsticks from the school cafeteria because he forgot his own at home
when he finished eating lunch, he didn’t want to go all the way to the tray drop-off since it was so far from where he and the dreamies sat
and renjun’s being more annoying than usual that day and is purposely making hyuck to hurry the HECK up so that they could do some modern language homework
of course, hyuck is lazy and doesn’t want to walk that far, renjun, gosh dan g it
so he goes to a middle school girl he’s had a few random, short convos with in his bus and... .. .
“hi louise! is it okay if i place my chopsticks here for you to take it to the tray drop-off?”
the young girl startles but at the sight of donghyuck, she smiles brightly. “oh, hi, coach!”
her greeting sparks up excited hi’s and hello’s from the other girls that donghyuck acknowledges with a smile of his own
(he doesn’t bother correcting them about the title)
(he knows that no matter how many times he’ll gently scold them into not calling him coach, they’ll still persist without fail)
(so he takes it in, albeit reluctantly and with his ears turning red every time)
“that’s totally fine!” louise says.
“thaaank you!” he sings, placing it neatly beside her plate. “you’re the best. see you in practice!”
and honestly
the reason why the middle school girls love him is because he stayed after school to study one day
and when he was done, he watched one of their games that was on the home field
he was on the sidelines shouting encouragements and generally just . Screaming his lungs out
you could probably imagine how the opponent team wa s thoroughly confused as to who the boy was and why exactly he was shrieking bloody murder
after the team won, he walked over to their team huddle and, after asking permission of their coach, gave them high fives and praised them and gave them light-hearted pointers before giving them a huge HUGE smile
apparently that’s enough to have a whole armada of boys and girls willingly take your chopsticks to the tray drop-off after lunch
he likes to brag about it every once in a while
anyways hyuck is just
a really good and nice senior
who the underclassmen respect and appreciate lots
when the seniors graduate, hyuck hides his tears by laughing so much
like it’s kind of concerning how much he’s laughing renjun thinks the boy’s going to choke on his spit at this point hyuck please sto p laughign
like hyuck started laughing when the closing speech of the graduation ceremony begun
the boys thought it was because he probably farted or heard someone else fart since he was trying so hard not to make a sound
liek all you could hear coming from hyuck was wheezing and little hiccups
and jaemin, who was sitting next to him, had to pinch hyuck’s thigh constantly with how violently he’s shaking with silent laughter
hyuck was covering his face the entire time and jaemin, widely grinning, finally pried his hands away
only his grin slowly wavered when he saw the other boy’s face
jaemin: “oh”
renjun: “what do you mean oh? the teachers are looking at us, we might not even be able to graduate if he keeps laughing, shut him u—”
there wwere tears staining hyuck’s cheeks and snot was basically running down his nose and he was laughing like a maniac and oh no, he’s losing it, renjun get tissues, what the actual HEK
the closing speech ended with a new tissue box emptied and a tissue rolled up into hyuck’s left nostril
the others were crying, too, but they were smiling
jisung approached them with wet eyes and the same awkward stance where he keeps his hands clasped in front of him and hyuck tearfully joked that he looked like That Meme and made jisung cry instead of laugh and chenle started laughing because of it but ended up crying too
HAHAHAH THE SE BBOYS BEIN CRYBABIES (imcrygin too at the thought of this i love ht em. s o mmmcuhhchl)
hyuck couldn’t help but pull the dreamies into a hug before he gets swallowed by their arms, affections, and surprisingly, their smooches
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vampiresuns · 5 years
4 for the kisses meme! In the ASOIAF AU! As much as I love Anatole, I don't really ship him with anyone, so he can smooch whoever you choose!
Welcome to Angst Central, May I Have Your Order? “4. A kiss where it hurts.” CW for implied homophobia, and death.
He needn’t be told he’s not supposed to refuse girls, but he doesn’t like them. Not like he’s supposed to like them. He never notices the daughters of lords, or the pretty girls from the commonfolk around High-Garden: he’s always noticed their sons, their boys: how their muscles flex when they lift something, or how close they stand to him during a jest or a sword fight, and how his heart flutters when he wins and he feels their warmth under him.
His androgyny is uncomfortable. Men like him always have a hard time in Westeros — he feels powerless against it, it’s stupid, it makes no sense. So when the boy kisses him and then never addresses him again, he cries his heart out to his Cousin Valerius.
He’s only 17, and he’s supposed to like the girls, chase after them, dance with them, but he only ever wants to dance for the boys, and kiss them, and make them blush. Sometimes he can, but it always ends up hurting in the end
Ten years later, when his position as Master of Whisperers has solidified, and his hard work is beginning to show it’s first blossoms, he’s not as powerless as he was when he was only a teenager, but sometimes he still feels like that boy. Running around the gardens, flirting, pretending he’s greater than he feels like, proud of his refusals and mysteries.
He has the power to refuse to get married, he has the power to not let anyone touch him, he has an amount of political power in his hands he never expected to have; that the boy he was never had, but it’s all the same anyway because he’s still all by himself. His work and Valerius as his sole companions.
There’s one Ambassador from House Martell he’s particularly fond of. Things are different in Dorne, because no one cares about these things not really. Not that they did in High Garden, you can kiss whomever you like there too, and same gender “close friendships” aren’t particularly frowned upon, but in the end, you’re expected to get on with it. You get a wife, or a husband, do your thing, and go on. If you want to keep your paramour, keep it, but you do your duty.
Not for this Lord of Sunspear. Anatole has always known his duty, to his job, to the crown, to his own expectations, but in this particular matter he refuses to bend, and there’s something about unbowed, unbent, unbroken as a promise to lovers which makes his blood boil, and the butterflies in his gut simmer.
It’s not an affair meant to last, clearly, but he can pretend it doesn’t bother him and tell his lover things like: “Oh dear, pretty words and flattery will grant you no favours” and pretend he means them.
(Does the Master of Whisperers, the Snake of Westeros, mean anything he says? Some days, the Snake himself does not know)
When he kisses him his yearning is so ingrained in his bones it has turned into an insatiable hunger, and it makes his lungs hurt.
This one he loved. He was a townsfolk from King’s Landing, a painter who worked in his little network of spies, and he adored him. He loved him so genuinely he often joked it should be quite convenient to him, if something happened, for if it came to the worst possible scenario — him betraying Anatole — at least he can make a living out of him.
It’s not really a funny joke, but he has a rather morbid sense of humour.
The only problem is he kept calling him Milord, and he cannot be with someone who can’t call him by his name.
“How many times I have asked you to call you by my name?” He repeats, undeterred.
“Many, but I simply can’t.”
“Which is why it’s irrelevant how much we might care about the other— do you have the papers I asked for?”
They never did anything, not physical at least. He drew him a lot, but they never kissed, almost never touched. Except for this time when, upon being handed the information he had gathered for him, Anatole deliberately took his wrist, pulling him closer and kissing his cheek.
“Perhaps in another lifetime.”
It all grew cold from there.
His hair is not like fire, but like the deep red of sunsets that reflect on water, and his eyes are the crispest grey he’s ever seen. Julian’s eyes remind him of snow, his hair of dying suns, and his voice makes his heart sing in his chest, but there’s a war going on, and he’s technically on opposing sides with him.
He’s never believed in any gods, not the Lord of Light, not the Seven, not any of them, but he might pick one and pray he survives not the war, but his star-crossed crush on the One Eyed Raven.
He doesn’t think he will, his actions betrayed him the moment Astaeria told him Julian had been taken prisoner and she was going to rescue him. She had the upper hand: she knew his caring for Julian would move him to act, she knew his caring for her would forbade him to leave her alone.
(She doesn’t know he also promised Valerius)
Ever since they did they’ve been orbiting each other; it’s bothersome and inconvenient, because he has the nerve to appear whenever he doesn’t need more emotions demanding to be felt inside of him.
Like right now, when he’s sitting in the loneliest corner of Winterfell he could find, and this bastard still managed to find him. He looks at him with wild eyes and trembling hands, feeling weak and pathetic and images of the last battle they were dragged into flashing in front of his eyes, forcing him to face that for someone who despises violence, he has ended many lives. Not just during this war and rebellion, but also in his job. Specially in his job.
He wants to push Julian away but he doesn’t do it. He can’t stand being alone when he’s afraid. He’s well aware he’s just as wanted for Treason as Valerius and Astaeria are, at leats in Lucery’s eyes. He knows his head had a price the moment he stepped down to become Astaeria’s Master of Whisperers and collaborator. If this is the price of glory, then he doesn’t want glory any more, and Julian is warm and dramatic and intelligent and a little dumb at the same time, and he’s so very alive, so very pessimistic, so very infuriating.
“It’s pathetic: a swordsman trembling because he ended a life, a life that wasn’t worth much in the end but a life. A Snake who feels guilt for his bite, a rose who apologises for having thorns,” he says, scoffing at himself.
“If I may be so bold, you’re the opposite of pathetic,” Julian says. “You’re brilliant, Anatole. Astaeria told me you were like this, and she was right: you’re a little hard to know but you’re caring, dedicated, you genuinely care for the common-folk of Westeros, you’re a loyal friend, you’re a very talented swordsman, and you’re beautiful. Sweet even, too sweet, perhaps.”
He could say some smart-arsed comeback, pat his shoulder and leave. Thank him at most. His games aren’t worth it any more. Everything has changed too much for his smoke and mirrors to be any worth. Not to forget he’s never been one to lie to himself — realism in the core of his luck, of his intelligence and insight, and there’s no use betraying himself with false notions.
Instead he says: “I no longer know where I begin and my job ends, or if who I had to be for it ate away all the remnants of who I was.”
“Do you believe in forgiveness?” Julian asks.
“Forgiveness? Why?”
“Do you believe even the truly heinous can be forgiven?”
He has no idea why Julian is asking this, yet he gives him his honest answer anyway. “No. Some things cannot be forgiven, but I do believe you can always come back.”
“Then there’s your answer. You’re not the only one who has done terrible things.”
He’s not entirely sure how it happens but his lips find Julian’s, and his heart feels less heavy.
An arrow, a crossbow arrow, a fall, and shriek from Nightfyre. He’s running, running, running towards her because she is one of his few comforts in this cold world, one of the few people who knows him fully, who knows everything he’s done, and still choose him.
“No, Astaeria, please stay with me, focus on me, let me get you out of here, please—”
She dies, and he hates himself for it. 
He kisses her forehead only for a second, before a gauntlet is pulling him away from her.
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rk-869 · 6 years
I wrote a little oneshot for the Valentine’s Day 1700 event on Twitter :) Edited by GreenDevilSam In short Connor forgets he has a date with Nines.
A knock at the door alerted the residents of the home to a visitor. It was nearing seven pm on a cool late February evening. Connor jogged over to the door, large Saint Bernard at his side, curious to know who was behind it. When Connor opened the door, he felt his thirium pump cease in his chest.
Everything came flooding back to him from three weeks ago.
Connor quickly slammed the door in the person's face. The dog beside him started barking, wondering why he couldn't meet whoever was on the other side of the door. Perhaps that person would have given him rubs.
"Connor? Who was it?" the home’s other occupant asked from the couch. He sat there lazily as he watched some game on the TV.
The android's LED flashed red while he slowly turned to his best friend, brown eyes wide. "Uhm, Hank... uhh..." Connor scratched behind his head nervously. "Don't be mad."
Hank frowned, looking over at the android. He took a swig of beer before he asked, "Why would I be mad, Connor? What happened?"
The android took an unnecessarily heavy breath before he spoke. After his deviancy, he had picked up more human characteristics mostly from Hank, such as changing his automatic breathing pattern when he was stressed even though he didn't need to. "You remember the android I've been dating?" Connor questioned as he fiddled with his hands.
"Yeah? The one you can't shut up about?" Hank replied with a smirk.
Connor's cheeks flushed blue; he hadn't expected Hank would say something like that. "Y-yeah... Well, he's here now and I forgot to tell you that we were going to have a date here," the android said all in one breath. He visibly flinched when Hank paused while going in for another sip of his drink.
"You what?"
"I... forgot."
"You forgot? You're a fuckin' android!" Hank shouted angrily.
"I know, Hank! I was too nervous to tell you, it would've been like kicking you out of your own house," Connor tried explaining, stress level rising and voice getting whiny.
Hank groaned loudly as he pushed himself up on his feet, shaking his head. "I'm already in my I-ain't-doing-shit-else-today clothes, Connor, for fuck's sake!" Before Connor could plead his case to him, Hank pointed a finger at the android's face. "Don't..." he warned.
Hank walked toward his room and Connor guessed he had given in and was going to change. "Oh, fuck," he suddenly muttered, rushing back to the front door upon realizing his boyfriend was still standing outside. Connor yanked it open and gave a sheepish smile. "H-hi, Nines!" he greeted cheerily despite having been yelled at a few seconds ago.
The android standing a few inches taller than him tilted his head. "Is... everything alright? I heard some shouting. I can come back later if you need time," Nines spoke. Connor panicked a bit; his thirium pump pulsated in his ears.
"No, no! It's fine. Uhm... come in," Connor said, watching as Nines handed over a bouquet of flowers then leaned forward to place a gentle peck to Connor's cheek. Blue tinted his face right after.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Hank shouted as he caught them in their short embrace. It was innocent and he had no reason to react like that, but Hank was just being a grumpy butt and it wasn't the first time he had caught them giving each other smooches.
“Hello, Mr. Anderson,” Nines said as soon as he laid eyes on the old man. Hank waved him off with a grumpy sound.
"Sorry, Hank," Connor said immediately. Sumo barked and ran around Nines' long legs, wanting attention. The taller android smiled as he plopped down on the couch, Sumo right beside him. He gave in and stroked his hand through the big dog's soft fur.
Hank pointed at Nines and then to Connor after he slipped on his shoes. "No doing the nasty... And no interface nasty either," he warned. Neither android replied. "Sumo will let me know," Hank added when they didn't say anything. Sumo barked at his owner as if he understood what Hank had said.
"Be careful, Hank!" Connor yelled as he went out the door. His best friend just groaned in response.
Once the door was closed, Connor turned to Nines who was looking up at him with a smirk. He raised his unoccupied hand and motioned for him to come over. Connor walked to the couch, still nervous from the awkward situation they were in. Once he had sat down, he stared at the television as if he was interested in the game Hank had been watching.
"Seems you forgot about our planned date." Nines broke the silence in the room first.
Connor sighed. "I'm sorry, Nines. I was really busy helping Hank at the police department. It's been a lot more stressful now that we're deviants."
Nines turned to him. "I understand. It has been difficult for me as well. Dating, even more so. We do not quite get how the humans do it, but I believe we'll figure it out eventually."
Connor smiled. "Yes, I think so too." His LED changed to yellow as he flipped through the TV channels. "Hey, Nines, I want to show you something cool Hank introduced me to," he said as he opened up an app on the television. Nines watched curiously. "It's called Netflix. He told me it has a library of movies and television shows."
"I know what Netflix is, Connor." Nines laughed a bit. "Are you saying we should watch a movie? I'd like that."
That made Connor relax and he returned the smile. "Is there anything you’d like to watch?" he asked.
Nines shook his head. "I am aware of what Netflix is and how humans use it excessively, however, I haven't taken the time to watch anything. Please, I'll watch whatever you decide," he said, taking Connor's hand into his own.
Connor nodded as he squeezed the large hand. "Hank showed me crime shows first. He's really into those. Hmm, perhaps we can watch a horror movie."
"Are you sure you can handle horror?" Nines teased lightly.
Connor's smile dropped into a slight pout. "N-no."
Nines tilted his head at the quickly stuttered reply. "Or... is this a scheme you're pulling so that you'll be able to cuddle closer when you get scared?" Nines grinned when Connor only pouted harder.
Connor scrolled through the list of horror movies and gritted his teeth as he stared at one particular picture of a scary looking nun. He unconsciously held Nines' hand tighter.
"Let's watch that one," Nines said, lifting Connor's hand to his lips.
Connor nodded, already sliding closer to Nines. "Okay…" Though he agreed to the movie, as soon as he started it his stress levels started rising throughout the intro. The music had already gotten to him. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea. Nines turned to him and noticed his predecessor's levels were elevated so he moved, wrapping an arm around Connor and pressing a kiss to his temple. Connor relaxed a bit and sighed in relief, remembering that he wouldn't be watching the movie alone.
About thirty minutes into the film, Connor had his legs drawn up on the couch. He was hugging a pillow as he watched the movie—couldn't take his eyes off of it. What surprised Connor the most was that he could tell that his successor's stress levels had gone up a bit as well. Seemed the horror movie wasn't only getting to him.
That's when a jumpscare happened, music sharp and loud. Connor shrieked and the pillow he was clutching flew across the room. He had nearly hit Nines in the face with how his body spasmed.
Nines' LED was spinning rapidly on yellow. He believed Connor’s yell frightened him more than what happened in the movie. Nines figured it was time to distract Connor since he didn't want his levels to go up any higher. He turned to Connor and raised his hand, artificial skin peeling away to show the white chassis beneath.
Connor glanced over at his companion, seeing him as he waited patiently for Connor to join him. "N-Nines, we can't. Hank said…" He paused when Nines shook his head.
"He is not here, he won't know."
"Ah, Nines. You're a bad influence." Connor replied, his innocence on display.
The grey-eyed android chuckled. "Well, they do say we're like yin and yang. Perhaps I am the bad one…" Nines' smirk made Connor blush more. "What's wrong with a little Netflix and chill?" he added and the expression Connor gave him made him laugh. It was a mix of confusion and amusement.
"You're right, Nines, you are the bad one." Connor joined in on the laughter and eventually, he gave in. He really liked his more advanced model.
Connor had felt something different when he had activated the other android in CyberLife's storage. After the revolution, he had found out that they had secretly been making a newer model of him, one that would replace him. He had been on a mission to free all of the androids in the CyberLife tower when he had found the RK900, and the interfacing Connor had done to free Nines also caused him and the former deviant hunter to form some sort of attraction to each other.
Connor pressed his hand against Nines' and the androids stared at each other for a while. "You've been naughty, Connor," the younger android said suddenly, catching Connor off guard.
He knew immediately what Nines had referred to. "I... I was curious…"
"I know, but I would love to be the one to take care of you," Nines said gently, moving closer to Connor. He pressed his lips against his predecessor's. Both let out a soft moan, their little kiss amplified by their connection. Nines pulled away briefly only to attach his lips to Connor's neck.
"Mm, Nines... S-Sumo…"
Nines chuckled against the other's sensitive skin. "What about him?" The younger android asked in his ear.
"He's watching us. H-he might tell Hank we got freaky on his couch," Connor answered quickly, followed by a sharp inhale of breath when Nines bit into his neck, though not enough to break the skin.
The younger android let out a short laugh. "Got freaky? We haven't gotten that far yet, Connor. And you're picking up things Hank says." Nines pulled away; his eyes stared back into Connor's. "I want you to ride me."
Connor's entire face went blue as he gasped. "Nines!" He pouted at the smug look on his successor's face.
"Is that a no?" Nines questioned as he slid closer to Connor on the sofa. Sumo, who had been sitting patiently by the couch, got tired of waiting for more rubs and got up and walked down the hall. "There, see? Now there's no one watching," Nines continued. Connor let him lift him onto his lap, his back pressed against Nines' chest.
Nines' hands went to work immediately, still interfacing as they slipped under Connor's shirt after he untucked it. He caressed Connor's smooth skin and pinched one of his nipples, making him whine already. Nines went back to nibbling on his neck, biting a bit harder until it left a mark.
"Ah…" Connor gnawed on his lip, trying to hold back the noises in his throat.
"Unbutton your shirt," Nines ordered. Connor moved his hands up to the buttons, shaking a bit. He struggled with a few of them and gave up once his shirt hung open. He figured Nines wouldn’t want to waste any time taking it off.
Nines' larger hands roamed again, his long fingers coming to wrap around Connor's neck. He didn’t apply any pressure yet, rather just tested the waters with a firm grip. Nines secretly took note of how Connor didn't complain, perhaps he would explore that another time. Connor felt Nines' hands lower to the band of his pants. "May I?" Nines asked before he continued. Connor nodded furiously. His successor’s lips were back to a firm smirk as he began unzipping his pants. Nines' hand then wrapped around his cock, causing Connor to let out a louder moan, already bucking into the grip.
"Mmm, needy. Up," Nines said, releasing him. He helped Connor to his feet. Connor pulled his pants down, giving Nines an amazing view of his nice round ass. Hands grabbed him roughly, squeezing into the soft flesh. Connor squeaked as he felt something wet and warm against his hole. His legs trembled as Nines' tongue entered him slowly, licking around the rim.
"Oh... fuck, Nines... please," Connor begged, he definitely didn't expect this from him. Nines tortured him a while longer then slipped his tongue out of him.
Connor panted heavily, barely able to stand. His successor took the time to open his own pants, shoving them down to his knees. Nines pulled him back into his lap and Connor kicked his pants all the way off; he didn't bother to notice where they landed. Nines lifted Connor's legs, spreading them wide and making his predecessor whine more at being so exposed. Their LED's turned a bright shade of pink and Connor got a warning about his temperature rising above safe levels.
"Are you ready for me?" Nines said, nuzzling the creamy neck before him. He debated whether he wanted to leave more marks behind because he relished the sight of Connor covered with his blemishes. Connor nodded a little and shuddered a bit when his self-lubrication protocol activated with his arousal. Nines smiled, gingerly. He lifted Connor once more, angling his cock at his predecessor's hole, and lowered him onto it.
Nines took his time, he wanted to let his predecessor adjust to him. Connor's hands dug into the sofa, he needed something to grab. It was hard to do, however, being in that position. "How's that feel?" Nines muttered in Connor's ear once he was fully seated inside him.
"Amazing…" Connor replied. He lifted a hand to his mouth and bit down into it.
"Good, let me know when you're ready," Nines spoke, gentler than before. Lips attached themselves to a spot right under Connor's ear, then he continued down, teeth puncturing his neck.
"Nines, I'm ready," Connor replied softly. Nines lifted him by his hips and began bouncing him on his cock. Once his predecessor tossed his head back with a moan, he realized he had found Connor's weak spot. He couldn't help but grin and he angled Connor just a bit so that he could keep abusing it. "Fuck… Nines!" Connor groaned as he looked down at his cock, weeping and begging to be touched. Nines caught his gaze and smacked his hand away as he reached for it. "No… please…" Connor whined.
"Relax, I said I'd take care of you," Nines told him gently and he did. Connor's cock was grabbed by Nines who began stroking him in rhythm along with his thrusts. Connor clutched the sofa harder as he let out more moans from his throat. He was close, Nines could tell. He stroked him faster while picking up the pace with his pounding until the room was filled with the sound of sloppy skin on skin contact.
Nines' hand was covered with Connor's cum as he let out a loud hoarse shout. He pulled his soaked hand away and placed it at Connor's lips, pushing two fingers in. Connor groaned, tasting himself on Nines' hands and sensors describing what it was made of. His mind felt like it was going to overload soon.
That's when Nines stilled. He pulled out quickly, his cum coming out in spurts all over Hank's table and the floor. Nines let out a hard exhale as he started coming down from his orgasm. He held Connor close as they both attempted to cool down their systems before they overheated.
"Are you alright?" Nines asked, slightly out of breath.
Connor had never seen Nines outside of his usual calm and collected self. "Yes, how about you?" he asked in reply.
"Good. I have enjoyed myself," Nines told him, still holding him tightly.
Connor let out a small laugh. "You couldn't have sounded more robotic just then."
Nines' LED turned red briefly at Connor's words. He didn't say anything about it, instead noticing the mess he made. "I need to clean up before Hank gets back," he changed the subject, gently lifting Connor and placing him on the sofa. Nines stood and tucked himself back into his pants. Connor watched him as he walked into the kitchen to grab cleaning items. Nines returned, kneeling beside the sofa, his hands going to work.
Connor smiled as he admired Nines' features. He was so similar yet so different. Connor absolutely loved his striking grey eyes and sharp chin. His own face wasn't made like that. He wondered why CyberLife made his successor so much more intimidating. Connor was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed Nines leaning towards his face. Their lips met, kissing gently. Connor hummed a bit.
"You're beautiful, Connor. Especially when you're thinking about me," Nines said as he pulled away.
Connor's face hadn't stopped being flushed since they interfaced. "When am I going to see you again?" he questioned, laying down on the couch.
"Whenever we're free again, I hope. I'll be sure to remind you of our get together next time." Nines stood and tossed the used paper towels in the trash then washed his hands. "But I should get going. I have to pick Ms. Chen up in the morning for work. You were right by the way, I do like law enforcement," he explained with a smile.
Connor got up when he mentioned leaving. Nines looked down at Connor and his hands found his waist, tugging him closer. "I think you just get a kick out of chasing suspects and tackling them to the ground," Connor told him with a sly smirk.
"That's not all, I also like using handcuffs…" Nines kissed him again, grinning at how Connor's eyes widened a bit. "I'll see you soon, Connor," he said, having to force himself to pull away. "Goodnight," Nines spoke as he walked out the door with a wink.
Connor sighed loudly once the door was closed. He found his pants on the floor and shook them off before he pulled them back on. Not too long after that, a car pulled into the driveway. Connor realized thankfully that Nines had timed their date perfectly. He could tell by the car door slamming that it was Hank coming back home.
Connor was getting ready for bed. After his time with his boyfriend, he decided he needed to rinse off. Connor stripped off his clothes and looked in the mirror, seeing all of the marks all over his neck. He blushed, praying Hank hadn’t seen them. Hopefully the collar of his shirt covered them up enough.
The android was almost scared out of his artificial skin when he heard Hank suddenly yell his name. He could tell the man was angry. Connor panicked a bit and walked over to the door to peek out. “Yes?” He answered curiously.
“Sumo just told me you got freaky with that android!” Connor felt his thirium pump cease functioning.
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