#and so if the only reason I avoid using CC is to make my lots easier to download on the gallery then buying kits would creat the same issue
rockethorse · 30 days
Should I be allowed to include Sims 2 Store/preorder/exchange content in Calcinidae Bay
There are several reasons why I'm keeping Calcinidae Bay CC-free but first and foremost it's to see "how far can I get with only TS2 Maxis content?" and so there's always this nagging voice in the back of my head saying "but this is TS2 Maxis content".
Lots that I share will remain CC-free, and I'm not including Stories conversions. Only things made by EA, for TS2.
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Tips For Writing C!TommyInnit, From A Loser With Brainrot
Tommy is LOUD. Whether he's angry or excited or playing around, he's usually yelling. He is not aware of how loud he is unless he's specifically raising his voice to overpower the conversation (which he usually only does when he's angry at someone/thing, or to make a point). He's only quieter when he's serious, at peace, or very very sad
TOMMY IS SMART!!! He thinks things through when he has time to do so. He is strategic and considers other people's behaviors when he plans something out (ex building the tower overlooking the prison slowly, so Sam didn't get as suspicious, and making a point to only inhabit it when it was dark to be less noticed). Tommy knows how people act/think if he's familiar with them, and he uses that to his advantage.
However, Tommy's very impulsive, and his emotions overrun his brains very often. This happens the most when he's angry or scared.
Tommy lets people take pity on him 80% of the time. Unless it's a serious situation and he's trying to prove himself, (ex Logstedshire) he LOVES free shit and he very easily falls into the "oh poor little TommyInnit, he has no family to his name and is dirty and cold, won't you spare some netherite for his poor soul?" narrative.
Tommy is childish. He bickers over things that don't really matter and is the epitome of "he started it!!" when he gets in trouble. He also constantly nags at people until they cave to get what he wants. I have no idea how CC!Tommy plays being a youngest sibling SO WELL since he's an only child but that is exactly who C!Tommy is
Tommy is not brave. He hides behind people to avoid danger and he runs away from conflict if he can. The times where this didn't happen (Exile, Final Disc Confrontation, November 16th) were because he was backed into a corner, literally or figuratively, and was forced to fight back.
more under the cut bc this got very long lmao
Tommy is not very private UNLESS it concerns his past trauma. He will talk about what he's doing, every thought in his head, and what he thinks of everything he sees, UNLESS it's recounting what happened to him. Getting information like that from the source is like pulling teeth, even for people he trusts completely. The reasoning for this (best as I can tell anyway) is that he simply just doesn't want to relive it.
Tommy has a very black and white way of thinking about his allies. If someone helps his enemy, they are his enemy too. He doesn't really care about personal motivations or reasonings unless they're close to him (Tubbo) and he does not forgive easily.
However, he also recognizes power. When Tommy ran from Logstedshire, he ran to the person who killed his best friend because he knew Technoblade was very powerful against Dream. Another example is when he ran to Phil when Dream escaped prison and went after him, even though Phil destroyed L'manburg WITH Dream AND killed Wilbur, two things that Tommy vehemently hates him for. Tommy seemed to not be thinking very clearly when either of these events happened, so this may have been a purely impulsive decision made out of fear.
Tommy squirrels away his riches. He only breaks into his ender chest when he really needs the resources, ie diamond armor and weapons for a showdown. He actually has quite a lot of diamonds and gold if I recall correctly, but he still resorts to stone/iron tools and no armor in his day to day.
Kind of related to above, Tommy keeps momentos of people he cares about in his ender chest, where no one can reach them but him. He is terrified of losing these things because they remind him of when times were good, and he had people he loved. (This was actually said by him, I just don't remember the stream sorry ;;w;;)
Tommy is very stubborn. He doesn't cooperate very often and views the way he does things as the best way. The only time to my memory that he defaulted to someone else was when Wilbur was alive (L'manburg, Pogtopia)
Tommy likes maintaining his surroundings. This includes harvesting crops and replacing them, patching up creeper holes, and replacing missing blocks from his house or the Prime Path. He does these things without anyone telling him to, on his "down time" if you will, and doesn't really call attention to it
TOMMY LOVES ANIMALS. He doesn't like killing them and tries to eat carrots instead of killing for meat (although he doesn't seem to have qualms with eating meat that other people give him)
Tommy has a soft spot for kids/small creatures. He tried very hard to hate Michael because he was bitter about Ranboo and Tubbo's friendship but he broke almost instantly if I remember correctly. He fawns over "cute" things and gets thoroughly distracted from whatever he was doing if he notices a baby chicken or something
Tommy is rarely still. He almost always is doing something with his hands (ie building, chopping trees, etc) if he's in conversation with someone. The only times where he actually sits down and stops is when he's watching the sunset on his bench, or having a self reflection moment/processing heavy information.
I'll stop here, but I plan on making another post that more goes into his speaking mannerisms and whatnot. I hope this helps somebody trying to write C!Tommy, feel free to send me an ask if you have specific questions!!
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inquebrar · 4 months
some of my ramblings about doied are mainly the fact that i still can't understand what was the intention behind making him exist. like, i still don't understand the reasons for making him part of the story in this way, the way it happened and also why it happened like that?
[since it's almost going to 7am i feel like i should make it clear tone indicator /lighthearted i feel like it might sounds like i'm complaining but i'm just intrigued haushaksh]
at first doied was like a way q!roier talked when he said a fact or seemed nerdy kinda things like that and then it seemed to go a little bit the way of alter egos? Perhaps, i even remember that once it generated many theories involving dissociative identity disorder (DID ... i think that's how it's said in english, sorry if i'm wrong) because q!roier had already talked about hearing voices in his head that weren't his (it wasn't something related to the chat) and that sometimes he felt disconnected from reality. i personally didn't follow this theory much because it can be a sensitive topic to address and doing something insensitive that could be offensive is not a good thing to do. which makes me wonder, could it be that at some point cc!roier thought about making a plot related to this but to avoid any kind of misinformation or insensitivity towards the topic, maybe he decided to change it or was that never the initial intention? i personally believed more in the point of view that q!roier has several ways of expressing himself, whether through alter egos that are not necessarily DID but just that he uses other names to refer to himself when he wants to express/present himself in another way, almost like the way many artists do, i even have a distant memory where he talks about melissa and doied to q!jaiden and he even changes his voice and makes body expressions and it's good to remember that q!roier dressed up as melissa it was part of his plan involving the begining of his lore, so melissa is q!roier we saw it. so i always thought, ok... melissa and doied are part of who q!roier is, right? .......
i was completely lost when it was confirmed that doied is a person apart from q!roier. i still feel like i'm in the denial stage to be honest XD there are so many questions i don't even know where to start. but with sleep reaching my brain i'm just wondering if cc!roier considered the impact that turning doied into a canon character had? and not only that but the way the character was introduced and the path chosen as well. like, he does the "doied voice" since the beginning, it's often something out of roleplay, it's a recurring joke but now that doied is a real character who is apparently q!roier's twin brother? and that he switched bodies with q!roier ?!?! everything is different now!!*
and especially from the public eye, this is something i noticed a lot: the confusion in understanding whether something was being done and said with intention and reason, or not. when you follow a character like q!roier who is a character where you can't judge the book by its cover, you're aware that cc!roier has always been attentive to doing roleplay in a way that is subtle but always with intentions behind it that often surprises even those who watch, from using the camera to show the change of expressions after saying something super happy and remain super serious, demonstrating false feelings, doing something good and then saying that it was just a preparation for when the betrayal happens it will be more painful, talking about killing everyone who gets in the way and then recommending acting with the others as if nothing had happened and pretending to be happy... and many other examples. q!roier keeps a lot of information, he is very observant and can pretend and manipulate very well. including something that happened after the body swap with doied that gave me emotional damage, it was when after sending a cute message to q!cellbit, doied said out loud that it was working, "he's falling for it" that caught me so off guard but i also saw the reaction of many people who had also completely forgotten that it wasn't q!roier and this just shows that cc!roier is aware of what he decided to do with the story and he remembers his decisions with his characters. SO THAT'S THE POINT. we know what he's capable of and how subtly he roleplays. so it's agonizing to see things and think "was that intentional?" and not knowing if they were or not, but i also think that this even helps with theorizing and analyzing, which is a fun part of entertainment.
*but when i say that everything is different now, it's that by transforming something that was usually just used as something fun momentarily into a real and unique character who, to complicate everything, is pretending to be his twin brother is WILD. that's crazy. and even had a body swap!!! so now even in moments that it's obvious that it's not something within roleplay people go "OMG DOIED?!" and when i talk about moments that are > obviously outside of roleplay < it's like when cc!roier was telling about his trip to cc!quackity and there were questions "is this still doied or is this out of lore?" or when cc!roier was alone building with cc!rivers and he spoke in doied's voice and she called him doied because it's a thing they do and people freaked out and were surprised, acting suspicious and stuff like that and sometimes it may seem too much but still, there are also big impacts like, what will it mean in the future? at what moments will really doied become careless and talk as used to? when will intentions become ambiguous? are people to blame for doubting and suspecting when the lore revolves around discovering that a character is pretending to be someone they're not? and the questions remain as to why q!roier spoke like that before and "behaved like doied"? what are the implications of this? how was this possible? why how when what huh??!?!!
i think the only way to stop how triggering that will be to see cc!roier talking like doied after going back to roleplay as q!roier is if doied dies HAJDJDHSK because i swear every time he does the voice i remember everything and i'm one step away from becoming the joker bring back q!roier he's still a rat what the actual fuck
but with that being said i trust in what cc!roier intends to do, from the beginning he's been interested in creating lore and continuing to follow the story he wants to do and it's good that he's doing what he wants, i'm curious to see where this all goes i just hope it ends with a happy ending because i can't stand being sleepless writing about how this character disturbs my brain im so tired get him out of my mind please what am i doing with my life.
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melverie · 5 months
Hi Melody! I hope you're having a lovely day/evening!
I am here because I want to know more about your OC Marchosias and to that end I have questions from your ask game! Hopefully these haven't already been sent to you lol but if so please ignore them.
02: Do they have a nickname? 12: What makes them soft? 08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else? 09: How close are they to falling? If they are a fallen angel, what made them fall? 08: Have they given anyone their grimoire?
I hope that's not too many but oh I am curious... also please take your time 💕
Heya CC! Today was a little stressful but overall it was nice. I hope your day is/was also great! 💚
So two of your questions have been asked by others as well, but I have a few more things to say about those, so I'll just answer them again >:)
Also, no amount of questions are too many if I get to talk about my girl Marchosias in return ♡ I'm suffering from brain rot, sent help
⸺ GENERAL INFO 02 ⸺ Do they have a nickname?
So I already answered it over here, but I have two more for her!
The first one is either 'Eden's Apple' or 'Arcadian Apple' (I'm not really sure which one to go with yet whoops). It's only really used in the Celestial Realm and the seraphs were the only ones that referred to Marchosias that way, though Lucifer and Simeon have put a conscious effort into not calling her that anymore. Raphael meanwhile is the only seraph that does not call her that at all
Also, we started calling her Mazey-baby in my friend group recently so uuhhh, yeah I guess that's another nickname of hers now lol
⸺ RELATIONSHIP & PERSONALITY 12 ⸺ What makes them soft?
Oh, there are a few things!
"""Kidnapping""" Mephisto's younger brother, taking him to Devil's Coast and seeing how his face lights up with pure joy every time. Cerberus's existence. When a friend of hers insisted on winning a zombie iguana plush for her from a crane game. Some of the silly little things humans do to show affection toward others (such as warming someone else's hands). First time seeing a firefly. Seeing Luke happy. That one time she and Mephisto wanted to get parfaits at their usual place and the owner rushed over to tell them they have created a new parfait in their honor. Staring at the stars for a while
⸺ CONCEPT AND DESIGN 08 ⸺ Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else?
One of things I associate with her is parfaits, because I one day randomly decided that she and Mephisto often get parfaits together and gossip talk about RAD News related stuff
The others are stars, because I decided pretty early on that I want her to be fascinated by the night sky which is also why star-related days have a little star on their banner over on @today-in-the-devildom >:) It's kind of ironic though. She is a wingless demon, so even when the stars shift close enough for demons to fly through them, all she can do is watch with longing in her eyes from the ground
⸺ ANGEL 09 ⸺ How close are they to falling? If they are a fallen angel, what made them fall?
Okay, this one is a little tricky to answer, because a) she didn't fall in the classic sense, and b) it requires a lot of background info about how I headcanon things to run in the Celestial Realm
But the short short version is that she was meant to be Raphael's first mission and therefore be killed by him, but he ultimately couldn't bring himself to go through with it and instead helped her escape. She obviously survived, and Raphael was able to avoid punishment
⸺ DEMON 08 ⸺ Have they given anyone their grimoire?
She tried to give it to Lucifer once shortly after the brothers fell, but Lucifer obviously refused to take it. I could explain the reason but it's....long 😭 Just know it's related to something that happened back in the Celestial Realm and she wasn't in the best headspace at the time
Anyway, Barbatos then took it to ensure she wouldn't do anything stupid with it or give it to the next best person and put herself in danger. It's been in his possession ever since and he'll continue to keep it safe until Marchosias decides she wants it back
Right now (aka in the OG timeline) she's considering giving it to my MC. But the idea of giving up so much control over herself is something she still struggles with immensely, despite knowing that my MC wouldn't ever really use it against her in the first place, so she's still debating if she should go through with it or not
-> to the ask game -> to all asks about Marchosias
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yooniesim · 7 months
I don’t understand why people are upset. Curseforge isn’t paywalling is it, Its barely even TSR? You’re not going private on your patreon and you’re being upfront about why you’re still using the website, Not creating an alt and not a 500-subbed patreon sticking your hand in a second pot. Don’t let all these people virtue signaling get you down, everyone knows they’re full of shit hypocrites who probably couldn’t even manage “boycotting” mcdonalds or chick-fil-a LOL
Thanks for the support, nonny 💜
I'm gonna be real for a sec... once I see people boycotting & stop using the cc from littlemssam, turbodriver, lumpinou, srsly, twistedmexi, lot51, basemental, simrealist, pandasims, chingyu, lilbowbub, miiko, qicc, arethra, ah00b, greenllamas, dogsill, sentate, oakiyo, rusty, madlen, twistedcat, nws, and all the other huge & well-loved creators for still using cf... the ones actually making big bucks off the platform... then I'll take them seriously. But they're not, and we know why.
People on simblr can't even stop themselves from using, advertising, and paying cc creators that are doxxers and bigots. Because the virtual skirts are just too good to pass up. They talk a big talk and loooove to harass people (over anon only) but never once put their money where their mouth is. The creators that said nothing and ignored this subject will be rewarded when most people here forget about this within a week. And im gonna be honest, this is why I stopped caring about most issues here. Simblr is largely performative posturing to boost the ego and nothing else. A lot of people here cry and whine about issues in the community and then take no steps to solve them because they don't care about it really, they just want to join a good circlejerk to get their metaphorical rocks off. There's no real substance once you read between the lines.
I used to care about simblr, and... I still do, about my close mutuals and just having fun here. But the discourse and the "problems" people have just constantly turn me off and make me roll my eyes now. There's so much hypocrisy it's almost comical. Watching ppl tear one another apart over who is a "real activist" because they reblogged [x] amount of posts was like watching a Three Stooges skit. I can't be convinced that these people actually exist in the real world. I used to not understand people that called this shit "drama" and tried to avoid it, because it's not drama, it's important shit that deserves to be discussed- but now I realize it's because people here treat those subjects like drama. Like a reason to attack or one up someone, fuel for harassment for people they don't like, virtual points for their ego, etc. It's honestly disrespectful and embarrassing to those that truly care and deal with these issues.
I'm also gonna say, the only people that have come at me for this (on anon ofc) are obviously paywall simps because they keep mentioning paywallers/early access, which tells you enough about their motivations and what they really care about. It isn't the actual issues in the world bothering them, it's just an opportunity they can use to attack someone that didn't suck off their favorite scamming paywaller. And that's kinda sad to me honestly. Like how pathetic and trashy do you gotta be to compare these subjects in the first place? It honestly just makes me feel better about my choices here because none of it really feels like it matters to anyone with any sense. I felt uneasy about it, but now I feel more reassured that the only people acting like this are obvious freaks that never learned to integrate properly in society, you know? It's weirdly comforting lol.
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frauhupfner · 1 year
Sims Tag
Got tagged by @esotheria-sims​​, thank you. :)
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
I try to avoid death in my games when it comes to my favourite Sims.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
At the moment it’s more maxis match, mostly with clay hair but for my Sim Hendrik I also like to use Alpha hairs sometimes.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
Never. I let them do what ever they want.
4. Do you use move objects?
In my test hood all the time when it comes to picture taking, but in normal gameplay I don’t use it that often.
5. Favorite mod?
Can’t say, I have way to many which I always need in my game.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
It’s always with Pets, no matter which Sims part it is. ^^ I need pets in my games. :)
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
I don’t know what it means or why it’s important. o.O
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
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Julia Zimmermann. :)
9. Have you made a simself?
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Yes. Mary-Jean Baker was my first self-Sim, the newest version was Avalonia.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Lazy, cat lover (is there a trait for shy introvert?)
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
The red looks nice. 
12. Favorite EA hair?
I will steal this one from Esotheria:  hairshortcombed . ^^ It’s always the only one that I never have a default for in my game.
13. Favorite life stage?
Adults, sometimes teens (depends on the Sim).
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I’m bad at building worlds or houses- I’m mostly in for gameplay or CC testing in my test hood.
15. Are you a CC creator?
I wouldn’t call myself a creator. o.O I sometimes upload stuff I made, but not on a regular basis.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I made some friends on here and I hope they are not angry about me when I don’t reply messages that often. :(
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
My first love was TS1 and now it’s TS2. The other two are only fun for me since I recreated Hendrik.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
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I guess this picture answer it very well. The one in black is how my original Hendrik Hupfner looked like, that’s how my game 10 years ago looked like, with glittery skin, more realistic hair and eyes. The other version of Hendrik is how he mostly looks like in my TS2-game, more maxis match skin and eyes, tattoo boxes (who ever invented them, they are the reason why Hendrik finally can look like he always should: with lots of tattoos. ^^)
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I have one but I gave it to only one person on here, I have nothing to offer over there.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are so many wonderful people that make great CC that I love in my game. To name everyone would take years!
23. How long have you had a simblr?
My first post was in April 2016 so I guess that was the start.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I sometimes use Reshade (different sets) but never for CC previews! Next to that I only crop my pictures, that’s all.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Not planing to get anything for any Sims soon.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
All EPs with Pets (all four games). ^^
I often tag people who never reply so I’m not tagging someone. If you like to do it feel free to jump in. :)
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hamsterbellbelle · 11 months
Hi! just wanted to ask you, I see you often include peoples CC in your builds, except for a very few that say they don't want it. I really wanna upload some of my old projects that include TONS of cc, however after literally 3 hours now searching and checking, i've only barely managed to find only some of the creators TOU's, some don't have one, some do but don't have links or I can't find it... This is a huge problem for me, and I was wondering if this amount of time to find each item is normal when you first start uploading builds with CC
A lot of my CC included is cc that i myself downloaded from other peoples builds and not even creators i know of, and the amount of cc is so large that i don't think it's possible for me to find every link or that anyone would even want to download so much stuff separately. Furthermore sometimes i only include like one item so the person would have to download a whole massive set then find the right item... What are your recommendations for this? bearing in mind that my blog is tiny, and i make (and plan not to make) any money from these shares... I cant do cc free versions cause they're things i carefully made with lots of cc and i cant make them without If it is too complicated for me to include i'll just make showing videos and screenshots, but i feel it's nicer to share the project.
Hello🐹and Yes _(:з」∠)_ finding the corresponding CC creators and links do require a large amount of time...it will get a bit better though as later on you may reference your earlier posts to look for the links much easier. As for the TOUs, if I couldn't find one I would ask the creators directly, if I couldn't get a respond and the CC does not affect gameplay (i.e. does not require constant updates), I may choose to include them in the download-folder, but should the creators contact and express discomfort, I must respect the creator's wishes and remove the files from the download-folder.
I tend to and will provide all CC links for my builds even if the amount of CCs is large (though looking back my earlier builds have quite a messy CC list...I hope to rectify them one day _(:з」∠)_...). If there are - for example - 40 individual CCs that creators had expressed not to be included in tray-file download, then I will only provide 40 links and not include the CCs. It will be up to the downloader(?)'s choice to decide whether they wish to download my build, knowing that they will have to download so many CCs separately.
And though I've only started this habit recently, I tend to use CCs from the same set/pack in one build, and avoid only using one from each set. If you must use only an item from one set, you may state what object is used, and let the downloaders decide whether it's worth it to download the entire CC set just for that one object, or they'd substitute the object themselves. There would be times, when I'm building for my own save/story and I would like to pick whatever I want and disregard of the packs and stuffs, that's when I would make a mirror-build and replaces all the singled-CCs with ones that are of the same set. It does take extra time, but I'm okay with it (´・ω・`)
Just do whichever makes you comfortable (while in compliance with creators' TOUs and stuff...) ( •̀ ω •́ )✧👍In fact another reason for me to provide CC-links is because I understand sometimes people may see some CCs from my videos/pics and be interested in the CCs, but doesn't wish to download my entire build _(:з」∠)_ so that's when the links come in handy, and people may obtain the CCs without downloading the build. It's like a WCIF but I already got the link here so don't have to ask me kind of thing...xD
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Wait what other reasons do you hate Misfits Gaming I’m curious, I want the tea /nf
Hi anon :)
Aside from he fact that theyre involved with NFTs, they're also in denial of this fact. Here's some screenshots of Ben Spoont trying to explain himself in a group chat of 16-21 year old fans instead of, y'know, on an official twt account.
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Here's a 2021 interview in which Misfits clearly admitted to minting NFTs with a different Blockchain partner
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And just to be clear, here's a screenshot from the Tezos website clearly discussing NFTs (a term they avoid at any means possible)
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And MisfitsGG's CURRENT Twitter banner, clearly listing Tezos as their first sponsor. The NFT minting is not past tense, it's still happening.
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Aside from that, Misfits tried to hire fans to run their Twitter account, and upon getting criticism they deleted the tweet. My understanding is that part of the reason for the deletion was due to the fans who were hired getting a lot of harassment, so I totally agree with them deleting the tweet as harassment is not at all okay. HOWEVER, the fact that they neglected to respond to any criticism and just moved on from the event like nothing happened does not sit right.
People from the org also make weird jokes that don't land, like this:
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They also play favorites with their employees, as you can see in this Tumblr post describing a situation
And the way they tweet about their favorite employees rubs me the wrong way in general.
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There are a lot more tweets I'm pretty sure I remember seeing, especially around the time Ranboo came out, but since I wasn't able to find any I don't want to spread misinformation by trying to recall them. But the bottom line is that the company tweets about their employees like a stan account, making it feel like they're trying to "blend in" with your average Twitter Boober, and their attempt to hire fans only makes that look worse.
Obviously this is just my opinion on the matter and such, I'm not saying that they're evil or no one can watch their videos, and I also don't want to speak for the CCs involved with them, as I have no way of knowing what they are and aren't comfortable with (although it should be noted that Ranboo has on multiple occasions both before and after signing with Misfits discussed his hatred of NFTs.)
But for me personally it just makes me feel ill to see a company posting #slay photos of Ranboo to try and get young and impressionable fans to buy their merchandise and funnel money into NFT minting.
They used to be an ESports organization.
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pastelwitchling · 1 year
Chain of Iron reread random thoughts, up to chapter 18:
I've noticed CC does this thing a lot with inconsequential characters that we know nothing about and don't care about at all, which is that when they die (because it's CC, so only the inconsequential do), to give their deaths any sort of meaning, the characters will say something like, "So-and-so, who was so full of life and loved art," or "Whatshername, who always treated me kindly and ruffled my hair as a child" like it'll make us emotional, and somehow forget that we only met this character in one or two scenes 😂
This is the reason I don't fear for any of the main characters in CC's books; if they get a love interest, they'll be fine, they always are. She said once in an interview that she would create characters specifically to die, and it really, really shows.
Thomas patrolling alone makes no sense. It's just dumb.
There is, in my opinion, way too much description of exactly which areas of London we're in all the time, which if you're not intimately familiar with the streets of early 1900's London, just comes off cluttered and gets me a little lost.
Um. Cordelia, honey, sweetie. I don't think you can just touch a Silent Brother. Don't do that.
Jem being allowed to live the way he does among the people he does has never made any sense to me. "Given the circumstances"; in the entire history of the Silent Brothers, none of them ever decided to join to avoid death? And if not, what made Jem so special that he could ignore all the rules and basically do what he wants? It all keeps going back to CC's inability kill off characters, no matter how tragic, and while I love Jem, it also completely erases the stakes in her books. The characters are fine and will always be fine and get their happy ending, no one's in danger, so nothing's important.
I'm making it sound like I don't enjoy these books; I do 😂 I promise. I just know that I can critique its faults, too. The fact is that she's known for not being able to kill off any of her characters, and sometimes, just sometimes, it gets to me a little.
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rockethorse · 2 years
Me @ me: Remember - as much as you enjoy building in The Sims 4, you hate actually PLAYING The Sims 4, so there's no point in buying expansion packs based on how fondly you remember the corresponding gameplay from TS2 or TS3 because you'll never actually play with those features enough to justify paying that much, just use CC if you want new build/buy options
Me @ the Sims 4 Black Friday sales: Ok but listen,
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tau1tvec · 2 years
What do you recommend that’s a good base pc to build off of over time, one that’s cost effective but good enough to run ts3 and ts4 simultaneously but I can add better graphics cards and ssds later on?
I think it depends, it's hard to really recommend any specific one bc, I've only ever used one, and they don't manufacture them anymore. I also got my PC to play Fallout 4, bc my old PC crapped out, and I was over sims at the time. Considering its open world, and all the mods I would likely cram into it, I didn't wanna waste money on just anything, so I did some research on gaming PC's ( which I'd never bought until then ) and ended up getting an Acer Predator for about 1299$ at the time.
When I bought it, it had a 1060 GTX, 500GB SSD, 1TB HD and 16GB RAM, dealt with 6 years of my bs with not an issue.
Now the reason I say it depends is bc, many games can run on anything honestly, a lotta them these days want to get in as many hands as possible, so making them work well on lower end systems, esp laptops and consoles, is the best way to do that, since a lot of gamers honestly couldn't give chicken noodle soup about how great a game looks, just that it doesn't lag. However if you plan to play on high to ultra settings, with mods and cc, esp high texture cc, you're going to have to keep some things in mind.
Intel i5's are pretty powerful for the cost, but I'd recommend an i7 if you can fit the bill. Replacing it shouldn't be too difficult, so long as you find one that's compatible with your motherboard, and they tend to cost a little less, and be more readily available than GPU's for instance.
I've seen some mid-high gaming rigs run on a 1660 GTX which I hear is a pretty good card, they also run a bit cheaper than the 20 or 30 series RTX, and honestly... you don't need a 20 or 30 series RTX to play The Sims 3 or 4, it doesn't even have any built-in options to utilize a lotta the innovative features these cards have.
I played The Sims 4 on ultra on my 1060 GTX, and it ran and looked fine. Though should you decide to upgrade, understand it might be quite costly, and also a bit difficult to find considering we're still technically in a chip shortage.
16GB is pretty standard these days, anything more is for those into heavy multi-tasking, however some games are beginning to suggest 32GB.
Main drive needs to be a 500GB SSD minimum... 250 will absolutely get you nowhere with how Windows updates gobble that shit up. You'll also be storing all your saves, mods, and cc on this main drive, so honestly if you can, go for the 1TB, you won't regret it, especially since upgrading mine to a 1TB was an absolute nightmare.
You'll likely need a second drive as well, and although it's common a second drive will be a regular ol' hard drive ( HD ), which is fine, you've gotta install your Spotify app somewhere, do absolutely consider getting another 500GB or larger SSD installed later, games these days basically start at 80GB install size easy, this doesn't include updates and dlc added later, and a drive doesn't run well when it's almost full.
I've had my Acer Predator desktop for roughly 7 years now, and it's an absolute champ... my husband's Acer Predator Helios on the other hand... crapped out like two years in, he only ever played Skyrim, and only ran it on medium-high settings. So when it comes to brands it's kinda... eh, I would just try to avoid anything that's like HP or Dell... they're kinda iffy and difficult to upgrade unless you're willing to drop 2k+ on an Alienware, I hear a lotta pretty good things about Lenovo tho, and MSI, if a laptop is more your thing.
Finally, a lotta straight out the box gaming rigs are outfitted with AMD processors and cards these days, and they've come a long way over the years. They're pretty powerful now, almost equal and at times even better than their Intel or Nvidia counterparts, but can be more cost effective if price is a big concern.
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kashmiresims · 10 months
26 Sims questions
I forgot if I was tagged or I just saw this and decided I was in the mood to answer questions so copied it and poked it in my drafts for some reason. Now it's being published. 1.What’s your favourite sims death?
I don't have a favorite type but I guess my favorites death of one of my sims was in an alternate timeline when Adriana Cosgrove just had a baby, was exhausted, starving and tried to make some toaster pastries and caught the kitchen on fire and I wasn't quite sure if she died from burning or starvation. That save borked so I had to back up three months before when she was alive and she avoided that fate and is now an elder, and went on to have a third child.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
A healthy mix. I tend to lean more toward Alpha in Skin, Eyes, and Hairs. Clothes I can do either, furniture I tend to go for either as well.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, I make them use the gym. I downloaded those gyms for a reason. I'm going to use them damn it!
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
The Sim Blender is quantifiably my favorite for how much I use it.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Nightlife! I skipped Uni and bought NL for my sister (and also for me)
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE mode.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Fuck, 16 years later I probably have at least a top five that switches around every month. Let's say Amelia Calhoun (formerly Wellington) I have a ton of pictures of her sprinkled throughout this blog over the years. She's obsessed with the ocean.
9. Have you made a simself?
Of course, when I first started out playing. Who hasn't?
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
None. I don't play with Traits.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Brown, I guess. EAxis hair colors I really don't like or use but if I have to it would be the brown as it doesn't stick out as much.
12. Favorite EA hair?
The shaggy male hair that was the epitome of 'cool' and 'hot' in 2005
13. Favorite life stage?
Teen probably. Mostly for that's when their characters start really emerging for me as a player. Functionally, I think an adult is my favorite age stage.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I'm a player/sotryteller first and foremost but I get into building kicks.
15. Are you a CC creator?
I've made it before. Will probably make some again.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I'm friendly with a lot of simmers on simblr, and interact with them in other sims areas on the internet like Discord, the FB group, or Twitch and Twitter.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2 unequivocally. There is only room for 2 in my life.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Yes. It's all I do on my youtube.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It's gotten a lot more...detailed? I tend to like plan and play out scenarios
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I don't have Origin.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are so many and so many are extra super talented I feel like I would slight someone if I stated only one.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Since 2012.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
On befunky.com or Photoshop.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Sims 2 shall have none. My next hope for a modding breakthrough is choosing seasonal casual clothing so that the game will show a sim on the lot in their seasonally appropriate casual wear. Good for places with different climates because who wants to see someone in long sleeves who lives in a temperate subhood, in the summery desert?
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Seasons, probably.
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apple-but-sour · 2 years
hey there, hope you’re doing well. this is no hate to the cc’s, things have been rough and they’ve had their hands full for like half a year now with things they obviously want to do more. my problem is… am i the only one who thinks they’re beating a dead horse with the dream smp?
there’s talks of a closing event and a server revamp but i don’t think that was planned with the already developed plotlines in mind, more as a last resort. that means they will be dropped, and even if the server doesn’t reset, i don’t think there will ever be a conclusion. the only people ever online are new members trying to make their own lore, but since the already old one is crumbling, failing to incorporate themselves. every person added doesn’t feel like “hey fresh blood for the story”, it feels like “again, really? aren’t there enough half-baked plot points already?”
the people who are added are basically just handed clout for something the wider audience doesn’t care about anymore (compared to the ‘getting invited to the dream smp’ craze there was before) and then left on their own, while the characters who have had development either go in loops or just do not do anything at all. the recent plotlines with the og characters (from what i’ve heard) were also pretty triggering for what seemed like no real reason. the question of whether wil and the others handled sensitive topics well is another thing, but from a writing perspective, it sucks.
the dream smp (as a story, not a fandom) died, i think, when the creators just stopped being all that interested in it. wilbur, ranboo, quackity, karl, those are just a few who were ready to put in a whole lot of effort but never went through with it, as if waiting for some kind of cue, which never came because the group lacks any kind of organization. now everyone so busy and uninterested and just wants to move on already, which is good and fine and i am happy about it actually, but they are just putting off actually declaring it done for some reason or another.
so, what’s your opinion on this as a well-respected (by me at least, don’t quote me) dream smp analyst? i checked in to the analyst side of tumblr expecting it to be a little dried out from the lack of answers, but it seems somehow there’s still discourse. not directed specifically at you, but what’s the point of putting forth the energy to stay in this community anymore? there’s no new content to get excited about, so why bear the downsides (because people will always find new ways to be stupid)?
not asking you to quit, but it just feels strange as a somewhat-outsider. it seems the job of a lore analyst that used to be stitching together the pieces of the latest content and rearranging old information in new and exciting ways is just 1. get harassed 2. argue (or try to avoid it) 3. feel dejected because it’s obviously not getting better. why are so many people sticking around…? do some actually think the creators will pick this abandoned story back up just because they’re talking about it as if it was still ongoing (likely because none of them can make that call alone)?
i’m just confused and feel a little bad for the people who get treated badly over and over by hateful people that don’t let go even if the story is basically done. sorry if this was difficult to read, head full.
This... uhh... sure is an essay. I might not be addressing every one of your points since I frankly just can't be bothered but here's my perspective on the Lore Drought™ I guess.
Calling it beating a dead horse is a brave statement since Dream SMP still gets views. That server is a cash cow. The content creators know it's a cash cow which is like half the reason they don't want to abandon it. It still Gets Views it is still An Opportunity For Content.
I see little point in speculating on whether old arcs will be dropped once the Big Dream SMP News arrive because we simply don't know. Extensively speculating on it is likely to either set you up for disappointment or make you panic over nothing. But we do know that whatever Dream suggested and all the members are looking forward to is supposed to be a compromise between those who want to reset the server and those who want to continue the storylines that are already there. So the ongoing stories probably aren't getting abandoned completely. As for what exactly happens to them, we'll just have to wait and see.
I am really confused about your point about recent arcs being triggering. I guess points can be made about how the CCs should consider presenting trigger warnings for their streams and that taking the story in that direction limits the amount of people who can engage with it and is therefore bad for views, but I'm not sure that's the points you're trying to make. If people really don't like the direction of some storylines, they can just not watch them. I don't see the big problem here. You can choose what content to consume, no one is forcing people to trigger themselves. It's the content creators' server and their story and if they want to delve into darker topics, that's their decision. I've seen criticism of how that content is handled but none of it is something I agree with.
Another brave statement is saying content creators aren't interested in the server. In fact, everyone seems very excited to continue writing and creating content on it. Even Wilbur who wants to give his character an ending (likely because he wants to focus on his band) has shown great enthusiasm for his own story. It's doesn't seem like it's out of boredom or disinterest that he's wrapping his plot up. Quackity seems to be hinting at a Las Nevadas Finale. People don't want to move on, people in fact want to continue, but how disorganized the server is + outside circumstances seem to be getting in the way.
I am not putting forth energy to stay in the community in the way you seem to be implying (like I'm holding onto a sinking ship). In fact, I've tried to distance myself from it and focus on something else multiple times, but these goddamn Blockmen Roleplay have gotten a death grip on my soul and there is no escape. You can see me become more inactive from time to time as the lack of content gets to me only to start incessantly posting once the Blorbo Syndrome returns full force. I don't exclusively engage in petty discourse (when I notice that becoming my primary activity in the fandom I tend to take one of those step-backs coz it usually means my interest has dried up a little). I rewatch VODs, I watch VODs I've never seen before, I talk to people about AUs, I read fanfic, I post enthusiastically about my blorbos, I spin my blorbos in my brain. Sometimes I find entertainment in revisiting old content and looking at it from a new perspective. Like, I don't think you can only ever have interest in a show that's ongoing. I am going to be sticking around until I manage to fixate on something else but it ain't happening yet, I've tried. Even if the revamp (or whatever it is that will soon happen to the Dream SMP) doesn't produce regular content the way we're being promised I am probably still going to stick around because my enjoyment doesn't hinge on getting fresh content. And it's the same for many others.
Like, overall, I get how it can sometimes feel like the fandom is just the same old discourse & harassment over and over again. As I've said it does get to me as well sometimes and then I just take a lil break until my enthusiasm returns. But I still find plenty of enjoyment in the Actual Content, even if it's old content, as well as in interacting with / creating fancontent. I guess for others their enjoyment is much more dependent on getting Regular Content, by the sound of things you might be one of those people, and that's fine!! But some people just wanna go crazy over the same scenes over and over again and create their little AUs and write fic and that's fine. People interact with content differently, and for some there's still plenty to enthuse over, which is why the fandom is still pretty active despite the lore drought and all the broken promises of content.
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introvertedfox · 1 year
Sims get to know me
Thank you @minty-plumbob​ and @cantseemtohide​​ for the tag! 🧡
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Cowplant! But the bunny and chicken ones too. It’s too funny. xD
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis match. Always.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Ngl I used to. But now I avoid cheating sims appearance at all.
4. Do you use move objects? All the time!
5. Favorite mod? MC Command Center and UI Cheats.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Outdoor Retreat, and it’s still one of my favourites to this day.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I think aLIVE? LIVing sounds wrong to me for some reason.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I’m always choosing Abigail. But today I’ll say Aubrey, since she was my favourite in the nightmare legacy. Now...technically I didn't make her, she was born in my save. But I made one of her mothers, so I say it counts. xD
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9. Have you made a simself? Yes. Now...does she look exactly like me? It’s debatable. xD
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10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Creative, loner, animal enthusiast, and geek.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? All the ginger ones.
12. Favorite EA hair? This one from Get Famous. Probably the only thing I really like from that pack. xD
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13. Favorite life stage? Probably young adults. I also like children and teens, especially now that they can do a lot more.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Mostly gameplay with the occasional building when I feel like it.
15. Are you a CC creator? I tried, really did. But it’s not for me, I don’t have the patience for it. xD
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Yeah. Not a squad though. But I have a couple of friends. :)
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) I'm gonna say 3 just because I have such good memories of it. But I love 4 just as much.
18. Do you have any sims merch? Does an old sims 3 poster from a random magazine counts?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? No. I can barely keep up with my simblr as it is. xD
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I never used cc when I played sims 3, mostly because I didn't even know how to get it back then and couldn’t bother figuring it out. Then I started playing sims 4 and discovered the world of cc, so I used tons of it. And now I'm back to playing with very few cc. 
21. What’s your Origin ID? IntrovertedFox23. Had to add the 23 because IntrovertedFox was already taken. :’(
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? Currently don't have one. I don't download a lot of cc these days, and when I do is from completely random creators.
23. How long have you had a simblr? Since june 2017. God, has it been that long?! I was still in college... :O
24. How do you edit your pictures? I don't. xD The only editing I do is putting game notifications into screenshots sometimes.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Well, I was going to say a horse pack. But since that has been confirmed, I’ll say maybe something will small animals as we had in sims 3 pets, like birds and reptiles! Let my simself have all the birds!! That would be awesome! Or maybe bands. More instruments and a proper band or musician career, something like that would be cool too!!
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Oh, I have a lot of them, don't make me choose! I’ll give my top five:
Cats and Dogs, Cottage Living, Realm of Magic, Werewolves, Outdoor Retreat (and most probably Horse Ranch will replace Outdoor Retreat) xD
As Always, I did this tag too late and seems like everyone has already done it.
So, I’ll tag everyone that wants to do this! Feel free to say I tagged you!! 🦊
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woozi · 2 years
YZA! i read your gif sharpening tutorial and saw that you dont use finesharp anymore. if you dont mind, would you explain your reason for not using it anymore? do you sharpen solely on photoshop now? have a nice day/night <333
hello ann my love <33 thank u for giving that lil tutorial some love hehe.
i find that vs already sharpens the vid a bit for you even without using any of the filters, and although i now prefer my gifs tending towards the sharper side style-wise, it is kinda hard to gauge how sharp vs will make them bc it doesn't have real time feedback unlike ps! that being said i also personally find them kinda hard to work with since i use different strengths for each set so they have the tendency to look… gritty to me but not in a good way although i haven't gotten to my desired sharpness yet. now i did a lil bit of experimenting bc i actually haven't used finesharp in a long time now (and maybe past yza was just not using them right), but yeah, i still prefer how ps alone can sharpen them now.
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it also makes processing them slower on my jurassic aged laptop so 💀 ik knlm would help a LOT with finesharp on vs but it doesn't work on me anymore saur </3 finesharp is still really good, but i think it just always boils down to preference, hehe. ik a lot of amazing ccs who only use finesharp while still avoiding that grittiness!
but tl;dr, yes, i only sharpen on ps now bc i dont like how vs sharpens them anymore. i also don't use any of the vs filters (except for the preprocessors bc they're crucial to some file types). :D
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atarev · 9 months
Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel Set 12
Break! Limit Break!
He's finally here! The card that became my childhood ace, has made a spectacularly colourful return in Standard! In keeping with these articles original goals, I'll be providing you with a list that I think is well-functioning in spite of Ezel not being meta. Though advance notice: this deck is incredibly flexible! You can use cards like teithfalt, turnarr, diorruing, even cadagun and cairbre! This is just the list that I enjoy the most. But before that, let's establish what Ezel can do!
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With a ride-phase skill to keep the board full, and the ability to go for 5 attacks on turn 3 going second, this deck's explosive flames can definitely burn away the opponent if they arent prepared!
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Code: HF81 on EN Decklog! Onto the discussion!
Quite honestly, pretty much every card in this deck matters a lot so picking just a few is tough, but I think the top stars are Athaltus, Sajess and Dindrane!
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[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Ezel" in its card name, perform one of the following. •Choose up to one of your vanguards, and it gets "[CONT](VC):All of your front row rear-guards get [Power]+5000." until end of turn. If you chose it, put this unit on the bottom of the deck at the end of that battle. •Choose one of your back row rear-guards with only «Gold Paladin» for its clan, and return it to hand at the end of that battle.
This is the promo that Ezel got recently and while it isnt Harb levels of insane, it certainly helps! By gathering multiple together, you can get +20k or even +25k to your whole front row! Considering using that skill also puts him back to deck, you're likely to find multiple off of Ezel's skill. His 2nd option isnt to be underestimated either, if he's one of your last attackers/removing him from the board isnt worth it, you can recycle a Silver Fang or Dindrane's CC for next turn!
Now onto Keters FesColle face, Sajess!
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While this cards scry skill is less useful than in Hexaorb because you're shuffling on-attack with Ezel, his ability to fuel soul and surpass defensives is still indispensable in this deck, as most players will aim for those in order to exhaust you, but Sajess won't let that happen!
Finally, Ezel's RR slot from Set 11, Dindrane!
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If Ezel, Athaltus and Sajess bring the power, Dindrane brings the juice! Her ability to countercharge, combined with her stand effect keeps the deck running and she is by Far the piece you want to avoid being gand-sniped the most, so play smart with copies of her in your hand! You can use Athaltus to preserve her after her 2nd boost as well, getting maximum value!
Now onto some of the more contentious choices, Keter OT, no Teithfalt and maybe running the Blaster Rideline?
As seen in my Bastion article, the Blaster rideline (Wingal, Marron, Blaster Dark specifically) can be a worthwhile investment if you dont like how Ezel gets kneecapped going 2nd. In a similar vein, Teithfalt can address your weak-ish rear problem and the Red OT could make more powerful attacks.
However! I have reasons against all of these that have led me to my current choice. Firstly, while BD offers more balance, Beaumains and his superior ride skill is just too cool for me to give up! I love blasting g1s with Ezel's columns, especially using his order and SIlver Fang together to generate some real burst power for really cheap!
As for Teithfalt, the breaking point for me is she can't work with Ezel, or when called by the order that you want to use to activate her! Yes she's a big attacker, and that can't be disputed, but I like being able to use all that I can of the units in my deck, and Teithfalt just isnt quite there.
Lastly, the choice of Armartinoa (or in my IRL case, the WO Keter OT). Keter OT helps Ezel rejuvenate hand while also making Every rear threatening, especially since you like to aim for at least 1 sajess post-ezel skill, meaning you have 3 drives on your rears combined with sajess's ability to get over defensives with a cb.
Overall, while I would love it if this deck got stronger in the yet-to-be-revealed set 14, this deck still feels incredibly fun and explosive, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Next week Might see a jump ahead from the currently available sets to something else, those of you following the anime and know what's up next week will probably be able to guess!
Until then! Ciao!
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