#and some txt member tags too
blackhairedjjun · 22 days
i am begging people on this site, especially new kpop fic writers, to use tags properly. only put tags that are relevant to your post.
i am SO TIRED of the tags i follow being clogged with unrelated shit because someone thinks it's a good idea to spam tag their posts with everything kpop-related even if it isn't remotely related to what the post is about. all it does is make the tag page useless! you are making it harder for people to look for what they actually want to see!!
IF YOUR FIC DOESN'T ACTUALLY CONTAIN SMUT, DON'T TAG IT AS SMUT. i am SICK of people tagging their sfw fluff or angst fics or even fics that are only a tiny bit suggestive with smut because they think it will give it more reach. you know what that does? it means that people who have smut tags blacklisted CAN'T TRUST THEIR BLACKLIST AT ALL. how the hell am i supposed to know if my blacklist is working properly if people keep tagging their sfw fics as smut? and i can deal with it fine bc i'm an adult anyway, but what about minors who are repeatedly told not to interact with smut posts? and then you hide all the sfw posts in the smut tags anyway so minors can't even reliably tell what they should and shouldn't interact with.
stop hijacking the tumblr tag system to treat it like an algorithm, it's a tool for navigation and filtering. the more you misuse it the worse you make it for everyone on this site.
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
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bunnyluvs-blog · 9 months
txt reactions: bf!txt when you wear their shirt (smut)
tags ! Suggestive/smut ,, Somnophila ,, thigh riding ,, blindfoldeds ,, degrading ,, semi public sex ,, eating out (will make a full smut on one member if requested)
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Soobin: You always wait for soobin to come home from work. No matter what. However this time, you spent all day hard at work you could barely keep your eyes open on the drive home. You took a quick shower and just threw on whatever you grabbed firsts. Snuggle into the bed, hell it wasn't even your side of the bed. You fell asleep hoping soobin would understand. Well once soobin came home and saw you in his shirt, he was done for. Slowly lifting up his shirt on you, he left small marks and hickeys all over your chest. He knew you had a thing for Somnophilia. And it was one of his major turn ons so why not test it out on his pretty little bunny <3
Yeonjun: While he was in the kitchen making coffee for you guys. You were getting ready for the day. You decided to wear one of your many shirts that you stole from your boyfriend. This one he wore to the ama 2022 award show however. it was too long to be worn as a normal shirt. So you threw on some small shorts and a belt to make it a semi-dress. Without the shorts- if ur raised ur arms ur ass and everything else could be seen. You made your way to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around him. A soft "hi baby" leaves his mouth as he turns around to face you. Only to see the opening of ur chest pushed up against him. You're ass peaking out since you were on ur tippy toes ? Did he forget to mention how pretty you look in his shirt with your cum running down his leg ? He will just have to show you then.
Beomgyu: God fuck how were you this perfect? Blind fold covering your face as he fucked you in his shirt. The soft fabric didn't even cover much since well- he unbuttoned the whole thing after he got you where you are now. You're moans filling the room as the shirt sleeves slide off of you. "Aww look at you, you're so small my shirt can't even stay on you" he said in a mocking tone as he fucked you harder. He was always one to talk down on you when you were just so submissive too him. He didn't even have to fight u to get the blindfold on. You just listened to him like the dumb pup you are.
Taehyun: "What are you some kinda fucking whore?" God was he pissed off. You looked so damn good while you guys went to the park for your date. A short skirt, Knee socks, and his damn shirt unbuttoned almost to where you could see your chest. Well now the shirt is well off of you. The Starbucks restroom door locked as teahyun bends you over the skin. "Showing over everything damn thing you have, and in your own boyfriends shirt." He hasn't even touched you where u need him most. Hes just been hitting ur ass over and over and over again, you're sure your screams can be heard from the people outside. He pulled your head back by ur hair. "You. Car. Now. You're gonna sit and not whine or beg until we're home. And if you do I'm not gonna let you fucking cum at all." Oh boy did your plan work
Huening kai: you were snuggled up on the couch with hyuka just watching a movie. You've felt as if your plan to make him fuck you failed. And you were just so fed up. You wore his shirt after hearing what your friends bf did to her after she wore his. And damnit you wanted that treatment too. Little did you know hyuka wasn't doing any better then you were. Every 2 minutes you had to pull the shirt back up from falling off. Your damn chest being flashed to him so much. This last time tho, he couldn't take it. Flipping you onto ur back and pulling your panties down to your ankle. Hyuka was done with waiting. "Huen ? What are you doing..?" You ask as if you had no clue. "Im gonna take you let me eat you please..pleaseee you look so good in my shirt I can't hold back" You didn't even get s chance to answer when he licked your clit slowly <3
Reminder !! If a story is requested from one of these I'll probably do it !!
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beom-pyu · 1 year
txt as your boyfriend
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txt x g/n!reader , tags; headcanons , fluff , non-idol au? , happy soft mushy feelings ew , no warnings!
(rest of the members after the cut!)
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。 °₊ yeonjun
∙ matching outfits allll the time
∙ if he sees a cute hoodie online, he'll buy you guys matching ones and surprise you with it
∙ takes aesthetic pictures of you
∙ you used to hate his constant candids of you because you were a little insecure
∙ but he always captures you in the most flattering, heart wrenching pics ever
∙ he wants you to see yourself in the way that he sees you
∙ a cute pic of you stopped on the sidewalk to pet a dog is his lockscreen <3
∙ constant forehead/top of the head kisses
∙ if he's slipping past you while you're cooking, he always plants a quick kiss on the crown of your head with a small "love u" before going back to whatever he was doing
∙ kissing your forehead is a mandatory step in his a nighttime routine
∙ when he has you wrapped up in his arms at night, your head resting on his chest and he just presses a few kisses into your hair before snuggling into you tighter
∙ fixes your hair and clothes for you
∙ makes it super romantic too
∙ like he'll run his finger down your cheek before tucking some hair behind your ear, gazing down at you with the most infatuated look ever
∙ if you try to cover your face in embarrassment, he'll gently remove your hands and cup your face in his before muttering how pretty you are
∙ "my pretty baby."
∙ soft smiles and loving gazes as he watches you do things you're passionate about
∙ like you could be reading a book on the couch and he'd be at the other end with your feet in his lap, just massaging your legs while watching you silently
∙ you've gotten used to the feeling of his eyes on you
∙ he just loves watching you exist
∙ like he's always in awe of your beauty, no matter how many times he's seen your face
∙ gives you those hugs where he wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you into his chest
∙ works especially well if you're shorter than him
∙ shows you off
∙ he's always posting you on his instagram story with captions like "my everything" or "my angel <3"
∙ wants everyone to know that he's proud of the fact that you chose him out of all the people in this big ole world
。 °₊ soobin
∙ exists at your every beck and call
∙ you said you're thirsty? he's bringing you three water bottles in the blink of an eye
∙ oh your shoulders are tense? he's working his nimble fingers into your muscles with soft neck kisses in between
∙ he wants to make your life as easy as possible, and he's willing to do whatever it takes
∙ pouts with a small "hmf" when he wants kisses
∙ which is a common reoccurrence because he always wants kisses
∙ nuzzles his head into your neck when he laughs
∙ plays with your fingers when he can't fully hold your hand
∙ or has an arm around your waist to keep you close at all times
∙ takes silly couple pictures with you and makes them his profile picture
∙ feeds you
∙ he'll do that dumb airplane move and you'll just blink at him like "what..?"
∙ and he just goes "ahhh" with that cute little smile and you have no choice but to roll your eyes and give in when he looks that adorable
∙ please play with his hair, it's his favorite thing ever
∙ your hands are so gentle and calming, so it always helps him fall asleep
∙ gives you his jacket whenever you show even the slightest sign of being cold
∙ like he'll wrap it tightly around your body and kiss your nose when he's satisfied with the bundling
∙ always goes to you when he's feeling down because you always manage to lift his mood
∙ like you'll be laying in your bed on your laptop, and when he comes home, he's immediately at your side
∙ he hates feeling like a burden so he doesn't say anything until you ask him what's wrong
∙ and he just spills everything out as you hold him
∙ he feels comfortable showing you his emotions because you always take care of him
∙ especially because he's always the one taking care of you, so you appreciate when he lets his guard down around you
。 °₊ beomgyu
∙ quite literally your bestfriend
∙ lovingly teases you because your reactions are so cute
∙ always kisses the pout off of your lips so you can't be mad at him
∙ he is soooo clingy
∙ always has to have a hand on you, whether it be holding yours, resting on your back, slung over your shoulders
∙ baby just loves being close to you
∙ teaches you how to play his favorite games
∙ sits you on his lap as he explains the controls
∙ but he may get a little sulky when you turn out to be better than him
∙ he'll be like "i let you win that time!" and you'll be like "you wish!!"
∙ tickle fights
∙ he lets you do his makeup or paint his nails if you ask very nicely
∙ but only if you let him do yours in return (and he's absolutely horrible at it every time)
∙ takes candids of you, but they're TERRIBLE
∙ like you'd be mid bite of a big sandwich and you just see the flash of his phone go off and you freeze
∙ and then you proceed to chase him around, whining at him to delete the picture with him cackling in the background
∙ you two are always bickering like an old married couple
∙ but you can never stay upset at each other for longer than 10 minutes before one of you gives in
∙ he's obsessed with kissing you
∙ will find any excuse to do so, even though you guys are quite literally dating
∙ "if i eat this in 10 seconds, you owe me 10 kisses"
∙ "gyu, you can literally just ask me to kiss you"
∙ "okay, but where's the fun in that..?"
∙ you guys joke around a lot because you know that you are each other's safe space
∙ you can always be yourself around beomgyu, and he loves that he can do the same with you
。 °₊ taehyun
∙ mention anything you want around tyun and he's buying it for you in a heartbeat
∙ you could mutter how a necklace was pretty as you passed a shop, and it'd show up in your mailbox within the next 5 business days
∙ secretly loves when you wear his clothes
∙ you could walk out of your bedroom with one of his t-shirts on and his hands would be all over you immediately
∙ kisses the back of your hand while looking up at you with his pretty doe eyes
∙ literally makes you feel like royalty
∙ holds the door for you everywhere you go
∙ even if you beat him to the door, he'll literally jog to grab the door handle first
∙ never gives you unsolicited advice, but if you come to him first, get ready for a philosophy session
∙ he just wants to see you being your best self, so he's always open to giving you advice when you want it
∙ comfortable silence
∙ like you could be doing your own things in silence, and still feel like no time is being wasted because you are just that secure in eachother
∙ don't worry though, he makes sure to slip in a kiss every few minutes
∙ he isn't one to be sappy with his words, but when he does verbally compliment you, it's the most heartfelt sentence ever
∙ like you'll just be cuddled up next to him on a lazy day that consisted of napping, kisses, and more napping
∙ and he'll just slip out a, "being with you makes everything make sense"
∙ and you're just like "where did that come from?"
∙ and he just shakes his head with a smile and kisses your lips so tenderly, you forget everything you were going to say
∙ late night drives
∙ you'll call him at 1 a.m. because you can't fall asleep, your mind too full with thoughts and stress and the weight of life
∙ and tyun will be outside your place in seconds
∙ he lets you be the dj as he drives, rolling down the windows a bit to let the cool breeze run through the car
∙ his right hand is firmly planted on your thigh, glancing over at you every now and then to make sure you're okay
∙ and he lets you talk his ear off with the softest, most fond smile resting on his lips, just happy to see you feeling better
。 °₊ kai
∙ napping together is the biggest love language in your relationship
∙ it'll be midday on a weekend and he'll come over with a few of his plushies, clad in character themed pajamas
∙ and you'd have your own character themed pajamas on too
∙ he loves sleeping on your chest, or as the big spoon
∙ napping together is just so soft and intimate to him
∙ plus he gets your beautiful face being the first thing he sees when he wakes up, which is a win in itself
∙ comes up with a new stupid pet name for you every single week
∙ one day you're "babe", the next day you're "boo bear", and the next, you're somehow "sweetie honeybun baby"
∙ he just thinks it's funny to see the confusion on your face as the names get worse and worse
∙ he lives to make you laugh
∙ he'll send you every funny video he comes across, or crack the most random jokes just to see your smile
∙ always looking for your praise and approval
∙ he could get a new haircut and you'd be the first one he texts with a selfie asking "new cut, does it look okay?"
∙ and even though you say yes yes yes, every single time without fail, he still does that shy laugh and the tips of his ears go red and turns into putty
∙ he's literally your boyfriend, but he has these moments where he can't believe he's your boyfriend
∙ like you could randomly straddle his lap while he's sitting on the couch and push his hair back with your fingers before kissing his nose
∙ and he'll just be staring up at you with the prettiest sparkly eyes and let out a quiet "woah", out of breath by simple looking at you
∙ back hugs back hugs back hugs
∙ if you're out at an event with friends, he'll just be hanging off of you like a koala
∙ literally doesn't care about pda
∙ he's super shy, but nothing but pride fills his chest when you hold his hand in public
∙ or if you lean up to kiss his cheek while standing in line to order ice cream
∙ you always manage to give him those goofy little butterflies in his chest
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reblogs are highly cherished!
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pink-tea · 1 year
hii this is my first time requesting 🫣
reactions to pegging the txt members perhaps🧍🏾‍♀️
hi!! honoured to be your first request! i haven’t requested a fic from some of the other blogs I follow before so you’re ahead of me on that one haha
but pegging? yes.
// very sorry that this request took me so long to get to </3 i took a mini hiatus cause school was really starting to kill me, but i think i'm ready to get back into the groove now! please accept this as my apology!!
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☆minors dni
☆ rating: 18+, nsfw
☆ tags: dom! reader, sub! txt, pegging, dacryphilia (crying), degradation, occasional use of pet names, name calling (slut, whore), hair pulling, scratching yeonjun: slight feminization, calling him a doll soobin: breeding kink beomgyu: overstimulation hueningkai: scratching taehyun: first time, strength kink
ღ god, he loves it
ღ he slips so prettily into subspace, turning from txt's reliable second oldest to your pretty little cock slut
ღ soobin likes anything that makes him feel as small as possible
ღ he's so tall that doing anything that makes him feel relatively small goes straight to his dick
ღ corner him, back him up against a wall, make him realize that he's trapped with nowhere to run: he's turned on
ღ tilt his chin up when he’s sitting, casting your shadow over him as you look down at him with bedroom eyes: instant turn on
ღ grab the back of his head and push his face into the sheets as you pound into his prostate from the back: he's cumming
ღ sweet sex is cute, he’d never complain if you decide to take your time with him, kissing praises and adoration into his skin
ღ but days where you toss him onto the bed? teasing him and berating him for the way he arches his back and buries his face into the nearest pillow without having to tell him anything? heavenly
ღ "what a good little whore," you coo, sliding into the space in between his legs and letting your hands wander over the plushness of his ass
ღ likes to get fucked fast and good, wants to feel nothing but pleasure, wants you take control and make him forget all of his worries
ღ wants you to put a baby in him so bad, i feel like he'd be obsessed with those strap-ons that actually squirt </3
ღ loves getting pegged
ღ please call him the dirtiest names, treat him so roughly and then wipe him down gently when your done, tell him he's your perfect angel while he gets embarrassed at the fact that he screamed for you to get him pregnant again
soobin cries out when you push his head down into the soft mattress, hands clawing at the ruined bed sheets as he struggles to ground himself. the grip on his hair is so harsh and painful, but the burning of his scalp can only translate into pleasure. he can feel the way you're leaning over him ever-so-slightly, can feel the way he's so utterly overwhelmed by your presence.
your strap keeps hitting deep inside him, barely letting him catch his breath every time you hit the part that makes him see stars he's been screaming so much his throat is sore . he doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know if we wants to beg you to stop or to just keep going. he lets out a series of staccato moans, letting out a whine when he tries to lift his head only for your hand to push him back down.
“you ok, baby?” you ask, doing your best not to sound too breathless as you pound into soobin’s plush ass. he can only hum in response, gasping when you replace the hand on his head to grip his slim waist. it’s the feeling of the way you take absolute control over him, using your hold on him to slam him back onto your strap with each thrust that has his mind reeling; poor baby’s so overwhelmed.
it doesn’t help that he’s rutting his flushed cock into the mattress beneath him with the angle you have him at, feeling his orgasm quickly build up in his stomach. he's only thinking about how big you feel inside—how nice it feels with you crowding him, making him feel small with the way he can't even lift his head up underneath you. his words slip before he can even catch them.
"cum inside, please," he sobs, feeling his orgasm catch up to him faster than he can handle. you smile at the request, leaning down so that you're pressed up against his back, hand sneaking down and almost making him scream when it wraps around his weeping cock.
"anything you want," you respond sweetly, soobin only moaning loud and shaky when the thrusting of your strap and the rhythmic strokes of your hand finally send him spilling into the sheets.
ღ yeonjun's such a pretty crier, definitely sobs and whines when you fuck him good
ღ he likes missionary, likes to cling onto you and rake his nails down your back while you're pounding into him
ღ you almost always ask if it feels good cause yeonjun just sounds like you're screwing him into oblivion
ღ yeonjun always answers with quick and dizzy nods, gasping out “yes yes yes!"
ღ he thinks you're such a ride, almost constantly daydreaming about sitting in your lap and bouncing on his favorite strap when you accidentally manspread while watching a movie with him
ღ treat him like your pretty little plaything
ღ feminize him just a little, call him noona, let him put on one of his skirts just so you can roughly push the fabric up as he slides down onto your strap
ღ he's obsessed, such a slut for the pleasure
ღ he’s sososo sensitive too; it just works out
ღ tease his nipples while he bounces on top of you, sucking and biting and just making a mess on his chest as he twitches in your lap at the stimulation
ღ or maybe even decide that you're done with letting him control the speed
ღ push him backwards so that he lands back down on the cushions while you admire the sight underneath you where he belongs
ღ grab his pretty little waist and slam him back onto your strap over and over like he isn't pushing himself against you too
ღ spilling absolute nonsense, telling you how good it feels, telling you how much he wants it
ღ and by the way his legs are hooked around you—preventing you from slipping out—you’d say he’s being pretty honest
your boyfriend looks so pretty when he cries, it’s to the point that your mind goes straight to the gutter the moment his eyes start to get misty. those pretty, wet eyes that look up at you when you shove him onto the bed. those pretty eyes that let tears slip through when you trigger his gag reflex, gagging around your fingers as your other hand works on scissoring and loosening him up.
pretty pretty eyes and that perfect little mouth of his that screams and cries once you’re shoved deep inside him. you love to hear him whine, god knows he loves to, but you can't help but muffle him with a kiss. plush, pink lips molding against yours as he struggles to keep up with the task of kissing you when he also wants to sob every time you hit his prostate.
give your poor doll a break, won't you? let him watch as you sit up and lean back, taking the hint that now he gets to set his own pace on how rough you fuck him. almost shaking as he sinks down onto your strap, heavily supported by you as he clings onto your shoulders.
your boyfriend looks so pretty, and you make sure to tell him that. leaning up to whisper in his ear how gorgeous of a cock slut he is, how much you could watch him go crazy over just your cock all day. a shiver goes down his spine at your words, and his dick twitches pathetically as you play with the hairs at the back of his neck.
once he starts to actually set a pace though, he can’t get enough. he’s bouncing so nicely, dick caught in between the both of you and making a mess on your stomach with precum. you end up making the decision to jerk him off as he rides you, smiling at the strangled cry that slips from yeonjun’s red and bruised lips as you rotate your wrist in the way you know he likes.
“[your name],” he gasps, a little breathless as he looks down at you. you only respond with a hum of acknowledgement, too busy giving kitten licks to his tip as he struggles to concentrate on fucking himself on you. “I’m g-gonna cum if you keep doing that,” he tries to warn you, lips bruised and red as he pouts. you smile a little as you feel his fingers trail delicately through your hair.
“is that so?” you ask apathetically, adjusting your hand so that your middle finger and thumb end up pressing together as a makeshift cockring around the base of his dick. yeonjun cries out at the pressure, beginning to squirm before one of your hands grips his waist to keep his hips locked where they are. “then I guess we just have to make sure you don’t come till I tell you to,” you decide cruelly, staring up at yeonjun’s watering eyes.
ღ never changing my bratty beomgyu agenda
ღ + oral fixation beomgyu BUT since this is specifically pegging I leave that for another day
ღ sometimes he craves just getting absolutely railed by your strap, craves the feeling of being put in his place by his pretty dom
ღ always doing something to rile you up, especially around friends or company
ღ beomgyu knows how to use his words, knows that if he asked you nicely with his doe eyes to take him home and fuck him till he forgets his name, you would
ღ your eyes would go a little wide and maybe you'd scold him with a blush on your cheeks, but you'd make sure to leave the dinner the two of you got invited to a little early so that you can take care of him
ღ but gyu doesn't want to wait, he wants you now and he knows how to get what he wants as soon as he wants it
ღ so he starts to act up, kissing sweetly at your neck while you're in the middle of conversation with an old friend, watching you freeze up before you hastily insist that you should all sit down to eat now
ღ and obviously there’s no way you’re able to ignore the fuck me eyes the rest of the night, the playing footsies under the table while your poor friends chat away mindlessly, the smirk on his lips and—fuck, is that lipgloss?
ღ it’s to your utter dismay and annoyance once you have to stand up and announce sadly to your friends that you and your boyfriend have to leave
ღ gyu is eager to hop out of his seat and cling to your arm as the two of you leave, eager for what’s to come
ღ and what’s to come is his sixth orgasm, tears dried on his cheeks and more streaming down as beomgyu hiccups and whines underneath you
ღ you have his pretty legs on your shoulder, leisurely fucking into him as you twist his poor overstimulated cock in your hand
ღ beomgyu thinks he’s close to passing out before you angle your hips a certain way and slam into his prostate, making him cry out as his back arches
“hurts," beomgyu whines, tears pearling up on his lashes as he looks up at you with glossy eyes. cute, you think fondly. but you don't let yourself echo the thought because right now you're supposed to make sure that your beomgyu cums enough today that he doesn't act up for the next week.
"does it, gyu?" you ask, smiling when he only pouts and nods in response, legs twitching from where they rest on your shoulders. "that's too bad, should've thought about that before making us leave dinner early," you tsk, squeezing beomgyu's dick at the tip and making him almost scream at the oversensitivity. the two of you are a mess, the only sounds in the room being your scoldings, beomgyu's moans, and the wet sounds of the lube in his ass and the precum dripping down your hand.
beomgyu liked it messy, you liked beomgyu. but you didn't appreciate his behavior when he wanted something. of course beomgyu was capable of just asking you for it, but when he wants to get fucked rough and dumb, suddenly the only thing he can do is annoy you enough to warrant punishment. the two of you loved beomgyu's punishments, but you had been looking forward to this specific dinner.
"wanted to spend time with you," beomgyu tries to sweet talk, looking up at you with those big doe eyes that always manage to catch you off guard. you glare down at him, taking your hand off his dick and slapping it harshly. the action makes beomgyu jump, the feeling of pain and pleasure making his jaw drop into a loud, whiny moan.
"i always spend time with you" you scold, listening to your boyfriend's cries as you pick up the pace of your wrist on him again. you let your free hand tangle into the messy looks of his overgrown wolf-cut, brushing back his bangs before grasping at the strands hard enough to make sure he can't break off eye contact with you. using the grip on his hair to ground yourself, you thrust into him roughly, setting the punishing pace that you love and that turns him to mush.
"you're gonna have to learn how to share someday," you sigh condescendingly, watching beomgyu's eyes flutter and fight against the urge to shut as you speak to him. "was really looking forward to dinner, but now i have to spend my time fucking you rough so that you learn your lesson," you continue, mean even though all you can think about it how pretty gyu looks as he's about to come, loud cries turning into gaspy moans as he struggles to keep his legs hooked over your shoulder.
"m' sorry," he gasps out, a stray tear finally rolling down his cheek. you smile at the apology, releasing his hair so that you can swipe the tear away with your thumb. you know he's not, but you love him anyway.
ღ he likes to face you, loves missionary
ღ especially loves it when you end up folding him in half and fucking him deep into a mating press
ღ something about him and his flexibility gets to me
ღ y’all remember that to-do episode where they’re measuring their flexibility and hueningkai learns that he gotten so much more flexible now that he’s older?
ღ you already know omg
ღ want to take advantage of it, making him shiver and moan cause he’s getting fucked so good but his thighs burn at the stretch of whatever position you have him in </3
ღ wall sex, hueningkai getting dangerously close to knocking picture frames off your wall as he desperately tries to find something to hold onto
ღ his back is pressed against the wall but he’s shaking and crying because he’s struggling to stand on one leg, his other pressed close enough to his chest that he can feel the burn even as you fuck into him
ღ on the bed too, having him on his back while you grip his legs, spreading them before suddenly you’re pushing down on them into a makeshift middle split
ღ hueningkai’s so out of breath, sometimes you have to remind him with a sweet kiss to breathe
ღ oh my god, definitely a scratcher i can feel it in my bones
ღ holding onto you for dear life as you fuck him dumb, nails digging into your back and leaving red lines to discover in the morning
ღ tease him about it, make him feel a little bad when you move one of your hands from his thighs to pin his wrists above his head
ღ "no need to mark me up, you know i'm yours," you coo, kissing away the tears that roll down kai's cheeks because holy fuck if you keep hitting that spot he's so done for—
hueningkai's barely thinking at this point, only thinking about how pretty you look above him, how good you feel inside. he's trying not to slip away, trying to keep his mind with you as he grunts and moans with every thrust of your hips into his. his hands are pinned besides his head, tangled with yours as you rock into him.
"i love you," he manages to gasp out, making you snap your gaze back up to his flushed face and dazes eyes. with a smile you start to slow your thrusts, untangling one of you hands to hold hueningkai's face as press your lips against his. he melts at the physical affection, smiling although he's really trying not to pant into your mouth.
"love you too," you respond after you pull back, removing your hand from his face to trail down his body before it rests on his shin. "love your body, love how good you are for me,"you start to list, catching kai off guard when your hand finally gets a good grasp around his shin. "love your flexibility too, don't you?" you ask, smile widening as you watch the question finally make sense in the boy's brain.
soon, you're lifting his leg up to your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the inside of his ankle before you're pressing his leg into his chest. his knee folds at the motion, but the action still provides a burn where his muscles stretch and kai groans at the feeling. you shift above him, leaning in close enough to kiss hueningkai's nose and making his eyes flutter open (he didn't know he had closed them?).
"you feeling alright?" you ask gently, watching the way hueningkai's brows furrow and the way his mouth drops into a pretty 'o' shape at your experimental thrust. shakily, he nods, closing his mouth to swallow thickly. his skin feels warm at the touch, the hand that you hadn't untangled from his is sweaty at this point.
"feels good," he admits, giving you a heart shaped smile that makes you swoon. he leans up to give you a kiss that you accept before you pick up your pace, resuming your original goal of getting your boyfriend to cum now that you're sure he's okay. the sudden speed makes hueningkai break the kiss with a moan, his free arm quickly wrapping around you as you hiss at the feeling of his nails digging into your shoulder—grounding himself.
ღ strength kink strength kink strength kink, don't get me started
ღ at first he honestly didn't know how to feel about pegging, open to doing anything with you but he's just never thought about doing it before
ღ idol life has limited his sexual experiences, so when i tell you that the foreplay already has him shaking like a leaf, i mean it
ღ curling your fingers so nicely against his prostate that he's wailing, head buried into the sheets while he's struggling to hold his hips up for you
ღ if this is just from stretching him out, he doesn't know how he's going to handle taking your whole strap
ღ but you start out sweetly with him, letting him catch his breath while he twitches and gets used to the feeling cause jesus he feels so full
ღ but then once you get into the rhythm, taehyun doesn't know how he can come back from this
ღ hitting him deep with the strap but taehyun keeps trying to crawl away from the overwhelming pleasure
ღ his hands are clawing at the pillows as he tries to escape from the feeling of your confident thrusts, but before he knows it your hands are grabbing at his and tugging them behind his back
ღ if he was gasping before now he's full on sobbing, the position forcing his back to arch and making the silicone toy hit his prostate at a new angle that makes his head spin
ღ hold his hands behind his back with one hand and use the other to tug his head back, making him whine as you trail bites and kisses up his neck
ღ "were you trying to run away from me?" you ask, sucking pretty red hickeys onto Taehyun's skin as lewd sounds from both the sex and himself fill the room
ღ "mm—no," he denies, head swimming before he yelps as you push him back down into the covers
ღ it's so sinful, the way he looks at you with such pretty big eyes while his muscles tense under your touch as you blow his back out
ღ you both know that he could stop you at any moment, yank his arms out of your grip whenever, but the feeling of strength and power you hold over him is addicting and he can't get over it :(
a slight shift in your hips makes a spark of pleasure roll down taehyun's spine, and he's quick to whine and start melting down onto the bed. his face is pressed into the sheets but he still does his best to keep his hips up for you.
“I think you can move now,” he says, voice just barely above a murmur. you hum in acknowledgment, running your hands over his back before settling to hold onto his waist, starting with slow thrusts that pull a low moan from your boyfriend. taehyun’s already squirming, twitching at the full feeling.
it only takes a few more thrusts before taehyun is moaning and gasping at the pleasure, dick painfully hard and leaking precum onto the sheets underneath his hips. he feels boneless at this point, almost limp in your hold and its up to you to hold his hips and slam him back down onto your strap and fuck if that doesn't send his mind reeling. he knows that your hands are going to leave bruising on his skin and something in his brain turns into mush at the idea.
he's quickly out of his thoughts at the feeling of the silicone dildo ramming into his prostrate suddenly catching him utterly off guard. he cums with a muffled scream, biting hard into the pillow underneath him as you still behind him. he thinks you're letting him catch his breath, shuddering at the force of which his first orgasm hit him.
he yelps at the feeling of you resuming your thrusting after he calms down, looking at you over his shoulder with wide eyes. "i-i came," he stutters, trying to remind you as if you didn't already know. taehyun only gets a hum of acknowledgement as answer, one of your hands sliding down from his hip to grab his shoulder. he doesn't get to think much before suddenly you're pulling him up and forcing him to arch and sit back on the strap.
he gasps wetly, tears welling up in his eyes as his hands blindly reach for yours. he throws his head back, exposing his neck as he tries to rest his forehead on your shoulder. catching your eye, he gets a smile and a kiss pressed to his head before another thrust jostles him and forces out a cry from the overstimulation.
"maybe you won't muffle your moans this time," you throw, making taehyun groan as he realizes he's getting punished for hiding his noises from you while he came </3
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www-jungwon · 6 months
winters of us. an advent calendar by elena !
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an. this is for me to write drabbles lol that hee one made me feel like writing 25 ( some of them might turn into fics tho ). pls note some might have themes of christmas !
sched. a new drabble will be posted 1-25 days of december @ 5pm est !
ft. enhypen, txt, &team, riize, & svt !
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
one in which soobin says it's five am, but you say it's snowing
two in which, fine, harua will be your snow angel
three in which niki thinks you should let him choose the movie ( maybe a snowball will convince you )
four in which anton isn't allowed to drink all your hot chocolate, but does anyway
five in which niki can bake, thank you very much
six in which jake has no idea what to get his younger sister (he left it last minute), and you’re the sephora worker
seven in which jay can’t decorate the christmas tree for the life of him, and you only keep him around to hang the star
eight in which jake thinks he’s dying, and you think he just slipped on ice and it’s a bruise
nine in which roommate!heeseung insists on decorating, and you’re sure he has an ulterior motive, you just can’t figure out what (hint: it involves mistletoe)
ten in which you’ve never seen joshua this angry, and it’s at a gingerbread house
eleven in which jay thinks slow dancing in your house is cringe, but he’ll do anything for you
twelve in which niki isn’t sick, it’s just the cold
thirteen in which heeseung is freezing, but you look cute in his jacket
fourteen in which visiting your best friend’s for the holidays is a bad idea when her brother (heeseung) looks like that
fifteen in which getting rival!niki for your secret santa is the last thing you wanted
sixteen in which jungwon’s snowman-building skills are way better than yours, and he’ll prove it
seventeen in which fake dating wonwoo might have been a bad idea when he’s such a good fake boyfriend
eighteen in which you don’t want to go to the holiday party, but sunghoon will be there
nineteen in which jungwon wants you to make your own blanket fort
twenty in which jay always gets you the best presents
twenty-one in which you slip on ice, but stranger!joshua catches you
twenty-two in which you’ve been forced to go ice skating by your friends, and you fall into stranger!sunghoon
twenty-three in which it’s too cold to go anywhere this morning, so you and yujin stay inside
twenty-four in which niki isn’t cute, he hates you
twenty-five in which jungwon thinks he might as well confess this christmas
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
tl. comment or send an ask to be added to the general ( all fics ) tl !
you can also be asked to be tagged in certain member(s) ( ex.jungwon ) or group ( ex.enhypen ) fics. please specify !
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junoswrlld · 8 months
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boys don't cry (smau & some written)
⟣playlist to listen to while reading
⟣ pairing — Spiderman!Yeonjun x photographer!moa!reader
⟣ genre — idol au, spiderman au, secret identity, collage au
⟣ summary — you are an aspiring photographer who falls head over heels for a member of a famous boy band. Little do you know, this captivating superstar also leads a covert life as Spider-Man. As your romance blossoms, you are drawn into a world of fame, fan culture, and the thrilling revelation of a hidden identity.
⟣ featuring — txt, jiwoong(zb1), jisung(nct), minnie(g-idle), chuu(loona</3)
⟣ Updates — when i cann </3
⟣ warnings — angst(?)
⟣ start- 10/24/23 ⟣ end- nevaaa
⟣ disclaimers- This is all fictional, the way I write and portray idols in this is fake! (just imagine the people yn is friends with aren't in the K-pop groups they're normally in plz )
⟣ universe lore- pls read!!!
the Spiderman comics exist but not the movies.
spiderman is the only superhero so no Ironman, hulk, Captain America, etc.
Yeonjun has only been Spiderman since late 2021
Deadpool is also here but hes just a silly guy
no canon events (no dead parents)
there are villains but they're nowhere as crazy as for example misterio or that weird lizard guy
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profiles darkest timeline goblins other & privates
✶ episode 1. stop complaining??
✶ episode 2. #cantdrive
✶ episode 3. thought we had something
✶ episode 4. i know everything
✶ episode 5. protecting the city(yn)
✶episode 6. u were too late </3
✶bonus episode. jumpscare
✶episode 7. 2 baddies 2 baddies
✶episode 8. comeback showcase
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notee... the playlist for this is kinda like sad sometimes :0 but the smau isnt really angsty i promise!!!!! i just made the playlist before i made this so like idk the playlist is mainly based on spidey vibes
yayayayyabyshghag hope all my mootie cutie patooties love this xoxoxo kissesss
tag list!!! (always open) @run2seob @n034sy @roseyrays @jype2papi @beomies-world @captivq @bblyeonjun @yannew @reyarain @cookiehaos @bluxjun @mochijjunie @jesssssmaybankk @dubuii
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
bound by the rules masterlist smau
pairing/s: lesserafim huh yunjin x txt's sixth member! gp! oc x aespa yoo jimin
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
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tags... crack, fluff; angst; hurt(?); suggestive/smut (not all time); kinda slow burn (not the do i like her slow burn, but those longer than a min touches and longing gazes kind of slow burn); no beta we die like men; love at first sight; friends to lovers
warning/s... love triangle; angst; too many things going on; an ungodly amount of time skips; suggestive/smut themes; dark jokes; toxic staffs and management; scandals; dark themes & graphic content: strong language, bullying (affectionately); multiple mentions of alcohol and its consumption; many more to be added
setting... story will start in 2022
featuring... txt, lesserafim, aespa, itzy (mostly ryujin), ive (mostly annyeongz), choi yena, skz bangchan, nct jaehyun, g-idle yuqi, enhypen heeseung, some bts members, and many more that often pops up in just one of the chapters.
status... CONTINUING (surprisingly)
profiles. bighit's baby giants, too pretty to be ais, not-so-fearless with bugs, the seven avengers
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chapters (number of chapters & some titles still unidentified)
⭐ - fav chap
01 | happy birthday to you⭐
02 | new bestie unlocked
03 | birth month twinnie (half written)
04 | pretty elevator girl (kinda half written)
05 | tagged along
06 | birthday money
07 | meeting for what?! (mostly written)
09 | minjeong's research
10 | lee fcking soo-man (written) ⭐
11 | give me your bets
12 | field day (pt.1)⭐
13 | the claw machine⭐
14 | party party yeah
15 | alexa, play drama by txt (written)⭐
16 | she is like dramama ramama
17 | #prayforheeseung
18 | gay panic-ese⭐
19 | txt's first 2022 vlive (written)⭐
20 | lord me when⭐
21 | be careful what you wish for (written) ⭐
22 | something bad just happened ⭐
23 | perfect friends ⭐
24 | matchz? it's a matchz! ⭐
bonus... matchmaker episodes
25 | 0 7 . 3 0
26 | seol & umji?? seolji?
27 | haters gonna hate
28 | wee-woo 🚨🚨
29 | a house of cards (written)
30 | us against the world
31 | through the cracks
32 | without the foundation
bbtr plot timeline
taglist: @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things , @woonie57 , @juhyunsthirdwife , @sewiouslyz , @yerevies , @kimsgayness , @jeindall777 , @notodayeli , @mah4u
misc hyunseol - kprofile | articles | spotify playlist | youtube compilations | fem idols crushing on her | matchz playlist | oddz playlist
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a/n: seol can be interpreted as the reader or whole other person. it was supposed to be y/n, not seol but i find it hard to imagine if i pair yunjin and karina to someone i can't imagine, so that's where seol is born.
disclaimer all images and pictures used in this story are not all mine. they belong to their rightful owners and i therefore give credits to their edits. since this is a smau, all of the happenings and events within are made up and the product of my imagination. any similarity to real-life occurrences or individuals, whether alive or deceased, is entirely coincidental. SEPARATE FICTION FROM REALITY.
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@ eventuallyaugust 2024 | navi
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junnieverse · 8 months
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➙ what your first date with txt was like
pairing: non idol!txt x afab!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: not proofread, lowercase intended
a/n: what's your ideal perfect date? personally it depends but I've always wanted something interactive and fun such as an arcade date or even mini golfing (enha and possibly zb1 versions coming soon)
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🖇️ — 최수빈 ; SOOBIN !
↳ outdoor cinema date
after many failed dates and relationships, you weren't expecting much from the blind date your friend set you up on today
you both had texted each other, still unaware of how the other looked wanting to keep it a 'suprise' until the day of the date but suprisingly you both got along over the phone
you had suggested a movie for your date and soobin thought an outdoor cinema would be perfect
to say you were shocked first meeting him would be the understatement, you did not at all expect soobin to be that handsome and he didn't expect you to be so pretty
"W-wow... I mean, hi, my name is Soobin." he nervously introduces himself bowing
you both got to talk a little and get to know each other before the movie and everything was smooth sailing
during the course of the movie, soobin even tried the classic yawn and arm over the shoulder move
ofcourse you thought it was cheesy but nevertheless you moved in closer to him making him blush profusely
after that great date, you both maintained contact and even had a few more dates after that before officially dating
🖇️ — 최연준 ; YEONJUN !
↳ beach date
dating had never been part of your agenda whatsoever but you decided to join a dating website and see what happens
that's where you matched with choi yeonjun and he was the first to message you with the cringiest pick up line known to man... but he still managed to make you laugh
' Are you a photographer, because I can see you and I together '
' Wait that's not how it goes, I can PICTURE you and I together, how do I manage to mess that up too '
after his failed attempts to rizz you up, you both started talking and decided to meet in person for an official date
on the day of the date, you both decided to have a picnic at the beach and having bought all the food, yeonjun catered by bringing the blanket and umbrella so you wouldn't burn
the day was spent simply laughing and getting to know each other
yeonjun also happened to have brought his polaroid camera with and captured a bunch of photos of you, the scenery and the both of you
"So maybe my pick up line wasn't far off, I was able to picture us together." he jokingly says making you playfully roll your eyes
🖇️ — 최범규 ; BEOMGYU !
↳ laser tag date
you had been friends with beomgyu for awhile now having been in the same friend group but your dynamic changed after you both shared your first kiss during a game of spin the bottle
you had thought nothing of it at first until you realised he was all you could think about and you were inevitably crushing
taking that leap of faith, you decided to ask him out expecting to get rejected anyway but he suprisingly agreed
you were both big on doing something super fun and so when the suggestion to try laser tag came up you had to try it
"If I beat you, you owe me ice cream and if you win, I'll get you whatever you want." you suggest out stretching your hand as he shakes yours sealing the deal
confidently going in there you thought you would be able to beat beomgyu forgetting how great his aim was
he knew he would probably be better than you but despite making that deal he still wanted to get you your ice cream
"I'm sorry for shooting you 10 seconds in, how about we get some ice cream still, my treat." he suggests slyly putting his hand into yours making you blush as you try to hide your smile
"There's that smile I love."
🖇️ — 강태현 ; TAEHYUN !
↳ cafe date
taehyun happened to be a member at the gym you worked out at and during your workout he happened to help you spot and he soon became your 'gym buddy'
you soon grew a great friendship from that but I never went anywhere past the gym
that is until taehyun mustered up the courage to ask you to get coffee with him after a workout you both had and you ofcourse agreed
the cafe was a great choice considering it was a very peaceful place you could both get to talk and get to know one another
you actually got to see a more softer and even smarter side of taehyun during your date you never thought you would get to see
in the gym he was usually funnier and and casual but during this date you learnt so much more from this sweet guy
"Well I'd like to think we can meet more outside of the gym. Maybe ice skating next week?" taehyun asks hoping for a good outcome as his eyes light up at your response
"It's a date." you tell him giving him a short peck on his cheek
🖇️ — 휴닝카이 ; HUENINGKAI !
↳ escape room date
you had first met kai through his sister who you were friends with and it was rather obvious he was completely smitten when he would always get so flustered around you
you had waited for the longest time for him to finally ask you out and when he did, he bad suggested an escape room date
you had once mentioned how you always wanted to try going to one and so this was the perfect opportunity for kai too
he wanted to show off his great logic skill figuring out the different clues and you found it impressive and attractive
"Wow Kai, you're really good at this." you praise him as he evidently turned red
at some point you got stuck on a certain clue and went up to kai to figure it out with him and having you so close to him almost made him lose consciousness
his brain stopped working momentarily from the close proximity but you both worked well together
the escape room date was a great success because you got to do what you've been wanting to and with your crush
you both decided to go have a late lunch together after that and planned future dates to come
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jwirecs · 9 months
Pls recommend some arranged marriage au fics
helloo! so sorry for the late reply! currently doing some OT work at work so i didnt have much time to compile a list for all of the asks that i got requesting recommended fics, so its coming together slowly. but surely
i had made one with nct so you can check that one out here, i can compile a list of everyone else (minus atz, skz & txt), but itll just say which specific member and no summary cause i dont want it to take up too much space in the tags!
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Kiss Me More || @mosaic-opine🔞💕💔✅(yoongi x reader)
Pink Sapphire || @jiminrings💕💔✅ (jeongguk x reader)
Til Death Do Us Part || @justimajin🔞💕💔✅ (namjoon x reader)
To Turn a Bad Thing Good || @chateautae🔞💕💔🔄 (jeongguk x reader)
Shadows of Doubt || @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass💕💔✅(seokjin x reader)
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Accidentally In Love || @suhnshinehaos💕💔✅ (smau, vernon x reader)
I Found Love In Your Smile || @wonlouvre💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader)
Saturn Without Rings || @dropsofletters💕💔✅ (wonwoo x reader)
Vampire Kisses || @horanghaejamjam🔞💕💔✅ (junhui x reader)
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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euphor1a · 2 years
Weak for you | kth
↬ pairing: kang taehyun x f!reader
↬ characters: taehyun, reader, beomgyu, yeonjun and a few ocs.
↬ genre: underground boxer!au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, smut.
↬ summary: The underground world knows him as ‘the invincible’ — an unbeatable champion who is praised and idolized by the crowd. Kang Taehyun has the reputation of being so incredibly strong and clever that the opponents often back down from the fight. But, he certainly did not expect to lose all his power when it comes to a certain someone — you.
↬ rating: 18+ (minors dni)
↬ word count: ~12K
↬ warnings/tags: social anxiety, verbal abuse (creepy men being disgusting; beware), violence, bruises, blood and injury, explicit sexual content; profanity, dom/sub undertones, praising, size kink, dirty talk, pet names, breast play, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, cock-warming, cunnilingus, rough sex, etc. — this is a work of fiction, and it doesn’t represent the featuring txt members in any way!
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🌺 a/n ꒱ ... hi, yes. a highly requested repost, but i took way too long to get it ready 😭. anyway, happy reading! get yourself some snacks or maybe a drink (whichever you prefer) and enjoy the ride <3
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You look at your roommate in disbelief, lips parted in surprise and eyes wavering. Beomgyu lets out a sigh. Gosh, he’s so done and over with your theatrics. 
“Hey�� it’s not like I’m asking you to let him stay in your room or something! He’ll just stay here for what? Six or seven weeks maximum? After that he’ll move away! Oh, and by ‘here’ I mean my room, obviously. Sure, we’ll have to share the bathroom, kitchen and the living room, but you can just ignore him altogether if you’re that uncomfortable!”
You press your lips together in a thin line, still unsure of this whole arrangement Gyu is talking about. He looks at you expectantly, and you let out a heavy breath. “Okay… but you know that I’m horrible with new people, right? Please don’t expect much from me. I’ll probably just hide in my room all day if your friend ends up living here for a few weeks.”
“I know, I know. And that’s alright! You’re not obligated to talk to him or whatsoever. I’m sure he’ll be grateful for a place here. He’s really in trouble, you see?” Your roommate manages to smile a little. 
“I get what you’re trying to say, but I honestly hope that you know what you’re doing…” 
“Lordie lord! You and your trust issues! He’s like, a really close friend, okay? Don’t worry too much. He’s super sweet! I’m sure that you’ll feel comfortable around Taehyun!” Beomgyu smiles at you reassuringly. When he notices that you still look hesitant, he pulls you in for a hug. “It’s okay, hun. You can most definitely ignore his existence if the anxiety is really bad. Thank you for saying yes though. He’ll be super grateful.” 
You just lean into the embrace silently, deciding to not beat yourself up any more about it. You’ll be alright. As Gyu mentioned, you’re not obligated to talk to this friend of his who’ll be living with you guys for a few weeks. No need to stress! … Right? Right?!
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Several days later, you’re standing in front of your door, hesitating to go inside. Today’s the day Beomgyu’s friend is coming over. You wonder if he’s already here? It’s afternoon, so there’s a fat chance that he’s just inside. You should at least say ‘hi’ to him, no? But… What if you end up doing something embarrassing in front of him? Like… tripping and falling down the moment you walk in? 
Fucking hell, get it together! It’s your place, you shouldn’t be scared to get inside! 
A mental pep-talk and several deep breaths later, you turn the lock of the door. It opens with a shy creak, and you walk inside normally (or at least, you try to), extra careful to not trip over the nonexistent hazards your mind has created. 
“____! You’re back!” your roommate’s loud voice catches you off-guard. You let out a yelp, turning your head to find the source of the sound. That is until your eyes find an insanely gorgeous stranger sitting on the couch of your living room. You swear that you feel your heart skipping a beat, nervousness immediately clouding your mind. Adding more to your absolute devastation, his eyes are locked onto yours. You swallow nervously in response, your body freezing from shock. His eyes seem to trail down your figure, the subtlest of smirks playing on his lips. 
Not to be that person, but holy smokes. The urge to rub your thighs together is frankly a bit too strong for your liking. His eyes are dangerously enchanting, pulling you in like a moth to flame. For some reason, you feel like he knows exactly how attractive he is. With the corner of your eye, you manage to catch a glimpse of the rest of him. What the fuck… why didn’t Beomgyu mention that this friend is a fucking Greek God? 
“Uh? ____? Helloooo?” 
“Wha—ah!” You jump a little, taken aback by the sudden grip on your wrist. “Be–beomgyu— you scared me!” 
“Bro. You’re the one who is scaring me. I thought you were malfunctioning or something.” He quips back, earning a frown from you. “It’s okay, never mind,” Beomgyu mutters before clearing his throat. “Meet Taehyun! Taehyun, this is ____, my roommate. And ____, this is Taehyun, my infamous friend.” 
“Hey there~” Taehyun offers a sweet smile, his eyes crinkling. You’re shocked by the duality of this man immediately.
“Hi…” you fiddle with your fingers, avoiding eye contact. Beside you, Beomgyu lets out a sigh.
“Yeah, never mind. Tyun, let’s just sort through your stuff first, okay? She must be tired; she needs a shower too.” He makes a twisted face that infuriates and embarrasses you at the same time. You playfully punch him on the back, whining loudly. Your roommate chuckles. “Aww, was that supposed to hurt? Sorry, but I think you should tell me beforehand. That way, I can at least pretend to be in pain.” He ruffles your hair, clearly mocking you.
“If only I was taller… it would’ve been the end for you, Choi Beomgyu.” You huff, take off your shoes and hurry into your room, gently closing the door behind you. When you rest your back against the hardwood, you hear them laughing. Inhaling a deep breath, you close your eyes in an attempt to ground yourself. Beomgyu’s laughter is definitely much louder, but Taehyun’s smooth chuckle that rings through your ears, makes you even more flustered. How could Gyu make fun of you like that in front of his friend? He must think that you stink now! 
The sound of a door slamming shut disrupts the train of your thoughts. That should be your not so amazing roommate and his extremely attractive friend going into their room. A sigh escapes you. Maybe, you do need a shower… and the pleasant pressure of the jet water between your legs.
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It’s been a few days since Taehyun has come over. And you’ve found yourself face to face with him for a grand total of three times (excluding your first ever encounter). Which is great, obviously, because you’re horrible at interactions in general. And when it’s a stranger who gives you heart palpitations? Aw hell naw. You’re not dealing with that today. Or tomorrow. Or any time soon.
The best part of it all? He doesn’t seem interested in talking to you. He’s either too invested in the tv series he watches, or he’s busy cooking for himself. Apparently, his diet is very strict. How did you know? Well… a bit of eavesdropping has never hurt anyone.
Anyway, for what it really matters, tonight is yours, truly. Beomgyu is over at his girlfriend’s place, and seems like the menace to your sanity is gone too. After a long bath of self-care and singing, you throw on your pajamas, deciding to skip underwear. It feels like you can actually breathe after who knows how long. Dancing around the kitchen with your favorite ice cream tub in your arms, the serotonin in your system makes you all giddy and hyper. Unfortunately, that state of extreme happiness doesn’t last long as you run out of a significant amount of energy very soon. Feeling a bit bummed, you settle yourself on the kitchen counter. Maybe you should stick to just eating ice cream and jamming to music. 
When Taehyun walks in at 1 AM after his first match (and win) of the season, he smiles to see the lights of the living room still on. Beomgyu is such a caring guy. 
But then it hits him. His friend is supposed to be with his girlfriend tonight. Well, fuck. Does that mean that you’re still up? He starts panicking internally, unsure what to do if you see him in this state. Several bruises on his body, a huge gym bag thrown over his shoulder, a cut on his lips that is still bleeding. He’s fucked, isn’t he? 
“Wha–what is the matter?” 
He jolts a little, inhaling a shaky breath. Speak of the devil, they say. He turns his head to look at you. Your eyes are nervously taking in every small detail possible, his thin sleeveless tee and shorts leaving him bare and vulnerable in front of you. For a moment he returns the favor, drinking you in slowly. 
Damn it. How can you look so cute and sexy at the same time? 
The smooth skin of your bare legs looks too tempting, the cotton shorts clinging to your curves. Taehyun wonders if you’re braless, as he notices the outline of your pebbled nipples. Fuck. What is he thinking about? 
“Um… are you okay?” He’s brought back to reality, a sigh escaping him. There are a lot of emotions swirling like a storm in your irises — confusion, fear, a hint of lust, but the most prominent one is concern. 
“Yeah. It’s nothing.” Taehyun waves it off immediately. But you take a few steps forward, your shaky hand reaching out to touch the cut on his nose. He winces, but he has no idea why. It doesn’t hurt. Then why did his body react like that? 
“Liar.” your voice is shaky, “Did you… get into a fight?” 
He chuckles. “I guess you can say that.”
Your lips turn into a frown, and the first thought in his head is that he wants to kiss it away. “That sounds really suspicious. What is in that bag?” 
God, the last thing he wants to face right now is an interrogation by you, out of everyone. Simply because you make him nervous, and he’s not the biggest fan of it. “Ugh… Fuck this! You know what? I’m a boxer. And this?! Nothing. I get hundreds of bruises every fucking day. I ain’t no baby boy. Now please, get out of my way for god’s sake, I’m exhausted, and I don’t have time for this.” He regrets most of his words the moment they come out of his mouth. 
You crumple away immediately, as if you’ve been burnt. “So–sorry—” Hasty feet take you to your bedroom, the door closing right on his face. Taehyun gulps, a stinging pain on his chest overwhelming him. 
You fucked up big time, Kang Taehyun.
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You’ve been avoiding him for more than a whole week now. Beomgyu doesn’t know about the incidents of that night, so he just assumes that it’s your anxiety. To be honest, you’re glad that he has no idea. It’s truly so much better this way.
Now that you think about it though… What in the world were you trying to do anyway? Maybe it’s because you felt genuinely intrigued and worried. But that was foolish, of course. It’s not like he owes you an explanation! 
You finish up your breakfast in silence, taking the dishes and putting them inside the sink. You originally wanted to wash them before heading out, but you don’t really have much time left thanks to all that useless thinking. “Gyu! I’m going, bye!” you call out to him, applying your lip gloss and going to the shoe rack.
“Yeah, yeah, be careful out there. If some guy bothers you again, you know what to do!” Beomgyu shouts back from his bed, unwilling to move.
“You always say that.” Your voice is very distant, and the sound of door closing confirms that you’ve just left.
Taehyun looks at his friend sharply, seated on a heap of clothes. “What do you mean?” 
“What do I mean what?” Gyu grumbles, rolling over to look at his temporary roommate.
“Is some guy bothering ____? How? What do you mean by that?” 
“Ohhh. Just a bunch of creeps who keep bothering her.” 
“... How the fuck are you so nonchalant about it?” Taehyun barely manages to hide his anger.
“Huh? What am I supposed to do? Hire a bodyguard for her? She’s a grown woman. She can handle herself.” Beomgyu sounds irritated, and that only pisses him off more.
“Dude. She’s your roommate.” 
“Yeah. My roommate. Not my friend. Not my family. Not my girlfriend. What’s your point?” 
Taehyun grits his teeth, refraining himself from lashing out. He’s not making that mistake again. So instead, he asks, “When does her classes end?” 
“I don’t know. 4 PM? Just a guess. Why, though? You tryna be her knight in shining armor?” 
“None of your business.” 
You wait at the bus stand, getting more and more annoyed as those same bunch of assholes shamelessly make crude jokes about you. The people around you only give you dirty looks, their gaze burning into your skin. 
“It’s so cute when she plays hard to get. C’mon babe, we know how it is. That pussy must be aching to have a real dick inside. Or maybe… you’d prefer more than just one. Bet you’d wanna use all those holes? Hahahaha.” 
You look down, your skin crawling from their comments. Just when you’re thinking about booking a cab instead of waiting here for the bus, a thumping sound catches your attention.
“Try to say anything about her again, and I’ll make sure you lose both your mouth and that useless dick you’re talking about.” 
Turning around, you’re faced with an unexpected scene in front of your eyes. Taehyun, clearly enraged, towers over the group of four, his hands balled up into fists. Only one of them looks intimidated, others glaring back at him. 
“Bro, who the fuck do you think you are? Those few extra inches of height give you zero advantage. I’ll not hesitate to beat your sorry ass up.” 
“Yeah?” Taehyun somehow takes the hold of that guy’s hands, twisting them in a manner that makes him let out a strangled cry. Another of them scares away. 
“Argh!” One strike of his strong knee right on the guy’s shin, and he’s rolling on the ground like a broken branch of a tree. Taehyun approaches the other one who’s near, cracking his knuckles. 
“You wanna say something?” His voice is almost a growl, and the person in question stammers.
“No— I was just about to go—”
“Not too soon.” A punch across his jaw has him on the ground, a pained groan escaping him. Taehyun is breathing heavily, looking down at his opponents who are struggling on the dirty pavement pathetically. Passers-by halt to check what’s happening. 
“Fucking apologize to her. Is that how you treat a woman? You are a piece of shit with zero brain cells, and it shows. Apologize right now or things are gonna get messier.” 
“Fuck you man. We’re sorry! Is that what you wanted?” 
“You call that apologizing? You want death, I see—” 
The one with a bruised jaw groans, “Shut the fuck up, Kevin! We’re genuinely sorry! We’ll never bother you again, ____. We’re sorry, please.” 
“Don’t utter my name with that filthy mouth of yours. You guys are disgusting, and that sorry sounds as hollow as your stupid approaches.” You find your voice suddenly, tears blurring your eyes as the impact of everything going on dawns to you. Embarrassed, you hurry away from the scene, refusing to look at anyone. 
You’ve walked quite a long distance for several minutes, when you hear his voice. “Wait up, ____! You can’t just walk back home, it’s too far away!” 
You slow down your pace to stop by an alleyway, and Taehyun catches up with you almost at the same moment. “Are you okay?” His sounds worried, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Yup. Completely fine. I didn’t need you to save me or whatever, by the way. Been dealing with this shit for so many months, I ain’t no baby girl. But thank you, I guess. For your unnecessary kindness.” Your tone is bitter, reminding him of his own words. 
“____, you don’t have to act like you’re okay… I know how hard it must be, just…” He trails off, looking at you with sorrow in his eyes.
“Why the fuck are you here, anyway? How did you even know where my university is and the time my classes end?! Are you stalking me?” You jab a finger on his chest out of anger. 
Taehyun calmly holds your wrist, pulling your hand away with his. “I’m not a stalker. I was worried about your safety. Beomgyu told me and I couldn’t just sit around whilst a bunch of stupid creeps annoy you! Why don’t you understand?!” 
“Why do you care? I can handle everything. And even if something happened to me, I guess you’d be happy!” Your voice breaks, tears once again gathering in your eyes.
“I don’t know why I care but I do, damnit! And no, I’d never be happy if you were suffering, stop putting words into my mouth!” Taehyun stops when he notices that you’re actually crying now. His heart breaks, a million thoughts going through his head in an instant. Did he hurt you again? Is the reason behind your tears no one but him? 
When he comes back to reality again, you’ve turned your back to him. He notices the way your body quakes, a knife going through his heart. Taehyun gently holds onto your shoulders and moves closer, his warmth flooding your cold little bubble. “Hey, I’m sorry… ”
Receiving silence from your end, he stammers, “Uh– I don’t know why I keep doing things wrong… I’m– I’m sorry! Please… I know I was an absolute jerk that night and I’m so sorry if that left a horrible impression. I’m not like that, I swear! I don’t know what came over me then… I’ll never treat you like that again, l promise. And I’m sorry for today, too. I just– I just wanted to keep you safe… but I guess… I messed up again.” 
At this moment, Taehyun realizes exactly how afraid he is of upsetting you. Why, though? And why did he blabber out all that? He has never really cared about what others think of him. But you… you have this powerful hold on him that is seemingly making him weak. And he’s petrified of it.  
His hands gently wrap around your shoulders, your back hitting his chest. “I’m so sorry, just give me a chance, please… let me make it up to you. I– I’ll call a cab!” 
“It’s okay… And please don’t,” you mumble.
“I don’t like being a burden. Plus, you’re struggling right now… it’d be inconsiderate of me.” 
Taehyun stops himself before he can blurt out the truth. You don’t need to know that he’s an underground boxer and the reason behind him staying over is potential danger back at his apartment.
“Hey… it’s not the way you think it is. I can afford a cab! And please, you’re not a burden. Don’t say that.” He reassures you. Strangely enough, you seem to be much more comfortable in his embrace now. The way you lean into him makes Taehyun feel butterflies in his stomach.
You two stay in that position until you hear his whisper in your ear. “It’s here.” 
He takes a hold of your hand, guiding you to the car and helping you in. Once he’s inside, he reaches for your hand as if on instinct, stopping half-way through when he realizes what he was about to do. The last thing he wants is to come off as pushy.
Before Taehyun can move his hand away, you reach out shyly, grazing his fingers for permission. A big, stupid smile erupts on his face, his large hand immediately engulfing yours. You look down at your lap to hide your flustered expression. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. And you squeeze it back, successfully widening his smile.
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Life’s been crazy lately. You’ve barely had any time to properly breath and your mental health has been the shittiest. It’s literally 3 AM and you’re in the washroom, trying to soothe your eyes that burn from the lack of sleep. Beomgyu is back at his girlfriend’s for tonight, and Taehyun is gone too. You sigh.
Speaking of Taehyun, you’ve felt much more comfortable around him since that day. Sure, you haven’t really had a chance to converse properly with him, but the stolen glances and fond smiles do speak volumes. You don’t know how or why he has so much power over you. But you’re aware that you affect him in a way too. Why else would a man like him stutter and blush around you? 
“____? Are you okay?” 
“AAAH!” You scream, wrapping your arms around your body as if to protect yourself from the intruder. A heavy hand rubs against your back, and you immediately realize who it is.
“Relax… It’s just me.” 
“Taehyun?! You’re coming home now? The fuck?! Oh—” You stop when you see a bruise on his chest, just a bit of it peeking out of his t-shirt. Your expression softens, a frown forming on your lips. “What happened? That looks painful…” 
Taehyun smiles, “Just a silly little thing, don’t worry, it’ll heal soon.” 
“That is not a silly little thing! You should put some ice on it, and you need to be more careful!” You huff, crossing your arms around your chest. 
“Sure, doc.” He chuckles, clearly amused by your concern. His reaction makes you pout, only adding to his amusement.
“I was worried… and was considering to tend to that bruise if you wanted. But I guess not! Bye, I’m going to bed.” 
“Wait— can you maybe—” 
“Can I maybe do what?” You challenge him.
“... Put some ice on it? Although it’s really late, if you are sleepy then you can go to bed… no pressure at all!” 
A knowing smirk appears on your face, eyes glinting with eagerness. “Hmm… I guess I can help you out.” 
“Really?” Taehyun gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Feeling rather daring, you lean in, hot breath fanning over his face as you whisper a purry ‘yes’. You can see the way his irises get darker immediately.
The next thing you know is that you both are in your room. His half-naked body is seated on your bed, an ice pack in your hands as you gently press it on the bruise that adorns his firm and built chest. You are genuinely trying to not ogle, and so is he, his jaw clenching whenever you lean in close. 
“Tell me if it’s too cold or if it hurts,” you murmur, watching him closely. 
Somehow, he looks even more ethereal from this distance, your heart faltering each time he catches you staring. It’s the first time you’re seeing the phoenix tattoo on his arm properly. The inked skin looks beautiful under the dim lighting of your bedroom. You imagine how it’d feel to press an appreciative kiss on it. 
“Are you listening to me?” Taehyun gently holds your wrist, which causes you to halt. You look up at him confusedly, unsure what he is talking about. He shakes his head, trying to contain his laugh. “Am I distracting you that much, sweetheart? Been talking for several minutes now but you seem to be in a whole ‘nother world.”
“Oh… um…” You struggle to find any words, heat rising to your face. His calloused, large hands seem to tighten around your wrist, a shiver running down your spine. He quirks an eyebrow at you. 
“Is the fact that I’m shirtless bothering you, hm? You could’ve just told me…” Taehyun pulls you closer in one tug and you fall into his arms, an embarrassed whimper escaping you. Your hands grip on his shoulders for support as goosebumps spread all over your skin. The close proximity allows you to feel the warmth radiating from his body, his woody scent intoxicating you. “Look at me,” he orders.
You inhale a shaky breath, lifting your face to lock eyes with him. He looks like he’s high, eyes shining even though they’ve darkened dangerously. His forehead rests against yours and you feel a strange feeling pooling in your stomach.
“Little doll,” his whisper is hot against the shell of your ear. With his fingers, Taehyun caresses your chin before moving your face to another direction. “So pretty…” the awe in his voice is very clear, causing your heart to palpate in your chest. “Do you have any idea? Hm? Do you know what you do to me?” 
You let out a soft whine, closing your eyes. 
Taehyun holds your waist with his left hand, while the right one tucks a bunch of stray locks behind your ear. “You don’t know? That’s sad,” he murmurs, “Because you got me feeling things I’ve never felt before.” His lips find yours, gentle yet passionate. You melt under his touch, lips parting to invite him inside.
With an affirmative groan, he slips his tongue in the molten warmth of your mouth. His hands, eager to explore your body, slide up and down and make you shiver. He repeats the action, caressing your curves to memorize them. Your tongues dance in a sensual rhythm of their own. Fire spreads through your body, but you press closer to him. You let your hands wander, feeling his muscular arms, firm chest and chiseled abs. A violent shudder rocks your body. Gosh, he truly is built like a Greek God.
Taehyun cups your face in his right hand, deepening the kiss. You swear to God that you could fly now if you wanted to. His touch, his lips, his taste, his scent — everything is drug to your body and mind. He feels so good. You momentarily wish to stay like this forever. Warmth pools between your legs and you feel yourself clenching around nothing. Fuck, when was the last time you were kissed? This good, too?
Soon, your lungs start burning for sweet oxygen and you reluctantly pull away. He presses a sloppy kiss on your temple, catching his own breath as you rest against him to do the same. Your heartbeat is dangerously high, and you feel significantly weak. Your eyes flutter close, exhaustion kicking into your system. Taehyun fixes the crumpled cloth of your pajamas. “Are you okay?” 
You nod after a few seconds, still trying to process everything that has happened. Did he really just confess? Oh my god. Is this really happening? What should you do now? 
“Hey… you sure that you’re okay?”
After much consideration, you decide to look at him again. He seems surprisingly relaxed which takes you aback. His eyes soften, a faint smile on his lips. “What is it?”
“I… I don’t know…” Your hands move to wind around his neck. He watches you get comfortable on his lap with a beautiful smile that melts you. “I— I think… um, that…” you trail off, unsure what to say. For some reason, tears start to form in your eyes. “I’m sorry…” 
Great. Now you look dumb. And he probably thinks that you’re a crybaby.
“Hey, it’s alright. I don’t expect you to say something back. Just let me know if at any point, you feel uncomfortable, okay?” He gently brushes the pearly beads away from your cheeks. You nod, unwilling to let go of him. He feels like a warm blanket, something you definitely need right now.
With a sigh, you rest your head against his shoulder. “Is— um, this, okay? I can move away if you—” 
“Shhh,” Taehyun shushes you immediately. His hands are cradling you like you’re the most precious thing he has ever held in his life. “We can talk about this when you are ready, okay? You look overwhelmed and tired.” 
“Yeah… Thank you.” 
You wake up to a warm sensation on your neck, your body slowly gaining consciousness. From the strong arms that are wrapped around your waist to the face that is resting in the crook of your neck… you slowly come to realize that it is Taehyun.    
Last night comes back to you in a flash. His confession, and that kiss you shared… Did you fall asleep while cuddling? Probably. You take a moment to bask in comfort. To be honest, you would love to get used to this. It feels so nice to not wake up in a cold bed all alone, for once. 
“I can feel that you’re up, sweetheart.” His voice is gravelly and heavy, right against your skin. You feel a shiver running down your spine. Fuck, his voice alone is enough to work you up. 
Taehyun hums, nuzzling your neck. “Did you sleep well? You must’ve been so tired last night…” 
With a yawn, you turn around to face him. “I think I’m well rested… or at least better than how I was. Good morning.” 
He smiles, rather boyish, “Good morning indeed. I can’t believe that I’m waking up with you in my arms.” 
“Oh, about that…” You bring your hand up to his face, resting it on his jaw. “I want you to know that I do, in fact, reciprocate the feelings you have for me. I don’t know exactly how it is in your case… because you know, you didn’t really specify. But I guess… you can say that I like you. Quite a lot, actually.”
“Really? You know that I told you to take your time, right?” Taehyun is bad at hiding his actual reaction, as his eyes shine brightly but his lips are pulled in a thin line. The contrast makes you giggle, and he pouts. “What?!” 
“You look so adorable, trying to act all concerned. Really, really, mister. Why else would I tell you this first after waking up?” 
He cups your face in his hands and pulls you closer. “Can I?” he murmurs, nuzzling your nose with his. You nod eagerly. Taehyun doesn’t waste another moment to draw you further in for a kiss, soft and gentle to savor this moment. He holds your body to his, whispering sweet nothings between kisses.  
“Taehyun…” you sigh, fingers threading through his hair. He trails butterfly kisses down your jaw and neck, finding the sweet spots and paying more attention to them. You whimper softly, holding onto him with more desperation. 
“Will you go out on a date with me?” He whispers against your collarbone. It seems like he’s quite nervous, the pressure of his fingers on your waist increasing.
“Of course, I will! When are we going?” 
“How does right now sound?” Taehyun leans his body weight on his elbow, looking at you expectantly.
“You are crazy, but you know what? I stan.” 
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Five months since you’ve started dating Taehyun. One hundred and fifty-three days since your life changed in the best way possible. You don’t know if anything ‘perfect’ exists on this planet, but he surely is how you’d want your boyfriend to be. Extremely attractive who knows how to make your knees buckle, plus caring, patient, understanding and supportive? Sign me the fuck up.
Getting to know him from a lover’s perspective has been simply beautiful. Everything about him is just… so lovable. Although, now that you’re standing here, waiting for him to show up, you realize that you haven’t really been able to explore much about his life. Plus, the fact that he moved away to somewhere else two weeks after your first date doesn’t really help. Yes, dates with him have always been super sweet and amazing, but you have never spent a night with him. You don’t want to give him the wrong idea, but sometimes you really wish to spend the night in his arms. Especially when it gets lonely. 
You also realize that he hasn’t revealed where he is staying right now. And that makes you worried. Why would he dodge such a simple question? Does he really have a place to live right now?! Suddenly anxious, you check your phone, noticing a text from Taehyun.
[Tyunnie <3, 5:27 pm] Will be there in a few, baby! Can’t wait! 
Despite the questions in your mind, you smile. You can’t wait to see him again either! He might be a bit closed off, but he is still your Tyun.
“Tyunnie!” You run up to him excitedly the moment you spot him. Taehyun grins, opening his arms for you to jump into his embrace. Your legs wind around his waist, arms around his neck as he spins you around. “I missed you,” you pout, nuzzling into his shoulder with a whine.
Thankfully, there are no other people to roll their eyes at you two. The small alleyway in front of your apartment building is deserted, leaving you two with a bit of temporary privacy. Taehyun chuckles, pecking your lips. “But you saw me yesterday!” 
“... Through a video call? That does not count!” you huff, pushing even closer to him. It might sound cliché, but you need to feel his warmth. “Anyway. Where are you taking me today?! I have been super excited since you told me yesterday!!” 
“It’s a surprise,” he says in a sing-song voice. 
“Hmm… okay. Lead the way!” You slide off of his body, wrapping your hands around his arm. 
“As my lady wishes!” He bows dramatically, readjusting your grip on him so that you two can hold hands. 
You’re snuggled up into him as the cab goes to a part of the city you have never heard of. Despite you pestering your boyfriend with numerous questions, he has remained very vague about ‘the surprise’. You even use your puppy dog eyes but it doesn’t work on him today.
“Can you tell me how long it will take, at least?” 
Taehyun sighs. “Ten more minutes…? It will be worth it, I promise, baby. Please be patient…” 
You understand that he’s upset with your behavior, so you just nod, deciding to stay silent. He is quick to pick up the change in your mood. Unsure about what to say, he just holds you closer. 
After the said time, you’re being escorted by Taehyun to a cozy looking home. You look at him curiously as he walks up to the porch and unlocks the door. He opens the door with a flourish, turning to face you. “Come on in!” 
“Is this… your place?” You question him, genuinely baffled. Wasn’t he like… struggling with money? That’s why he stayed over at your apartment! Then… this house… how??
“Yup! C’mon now!” He offers his hand which you gladly take. The smell of a floral scented candle wafts throughout the small entryway. Taehyun closes the door behind you, pushing you back against it with fire in his eyes. 
“Tyun? Whaa—ah!” your voice falters when he buries his face in the crook of your neck. He grinds his hips into yours, and that’s when you feel it. There’s a bulge forming in his pants. Just when you’re certain that this is how you guys are gonna have your first time, he pulls away with a huff. 
“Let me show you around my house.” He picks you up in his arms, a gasp escaping you. What is he doing? “Do you mind if I carry you to the living room?” He sounds almost embarrassed. 
“Um… I don’t mind, but it’s not necessary, you know?” You giggle, but he’s already walking towards his destination. His happiness is contagious as he walks you through his home, showing you his favorite parts and often dropping suggestive jokes. As expected, his bedroom is the last thing he shows you, and you can sense why. 
“What do you think of it?” Taehyun moves to hug you from behind, nuzzling your head affectionately. You sigh satisfactorily.
“It’s got such a homey vibe to it. Everything here makes so much sense and it’s perfect for you, Tyun! I’m so happy for you! Gonna assume that it’s your new home?” 
He presses you closer to him, and you can feel his hardness against the cleft of your ass. Your teeth sink into your lower lip from the feeling. 
“It is! I finished moving in a few weeks ago and have been trying to get you here, baby. You have no idea how happy I am that you like it! Consider this your home too, okay?” 
“I kept you in my mind while buying this house.” 
Your cheeks warm up from the hidden meaning of his words. Gosh, this guy. 
You’re already in a pretty sensitive position when you feel him nudging his hips against your ass. “I want you… I have waited for so long.” His voice drops an octave, alarming your senses. You turn around to face him, grabbing his arm and walking backwards until the bed hits the back of your knees. 
“Fuck,” Taehyun growls, kissing you senseless while his hands impatiently get rid of your clothes. He’s restless, probably ripping off several articles of your clothing judging by the sounds of it. You’re manhandled and thrown onto the bed soon after, a surprised gasp escaping you. 
He licks his lips, pulling up the long sleeves of his turtleneck. You cross your legs immediately, your cunt throbbing when you notice the prominent veins displayed on his muscular arms. His brown irises have turned black from the lust, his chest heaving up and down. “Look at you,” he grunts, “Such a pretty little thing. And all for me.” 
He once again takes in the sight of your naked body splayed over his bedsheets, your hands trying to cover where it can reach. His cock twitches in the confines of his pants. However, the more he looks at you, the more self-conscious you become, whining shyly.
Taehyun climbs up on the bed to hover over you. His knees push your legs far from each other, his right hand taking both of your hands and pinning them over your head. “Don’t,” he murmurs, “You’re so beautiful.” 
His lips are on yours again, coaxing you to relax under him. His fingers, curious as usual, linger on each dip and curve of your body, finding their way to your slick folds. He taps on your swollen clit with his index finger, making you jolt.
“Tyunnie!” You writhe a little, desperate to feel something, anything inside your throbbing core. But he has other plans. He glides his fingers across your slit, gathering the wetness while his other hand focuses on your pebbled nipples. 
“Are you on birth control, sweetheart? Do you want me to use a condom?” 
“Y–yes, I’m… aa– I’m on my pills.” Your voice breaks when his finger teases your entrance. “And… Please don’t use a condom! I don’t want to feel latex; I want to feel you. I— I have dreamt of this for so long.” He lets out a satisfied hum, gliding his tongue over the sensitive nub of your breast. “Oh my god!” You feel yourself wavering, his middle finger gliding inside your dripping core. 
“So responsive…” He alternates between licking and sucking on your nipple, his free hand wrapped around your waist to prevent you from moving too much. Your cries echo through the large bedroom. Taehyun moves to the neglected nipple when he’s satisfied with his work on the other one. His finger pumps you at a slow pace. Your eyes are glossy, begging him for more.
After a while of pure torture, Taehyun pushes his index finger inside your cunt, increasing the speed. “You’re so beautiful, doll. So damn beautiful.”
You answer with a whimper, biting your lower lip, cresting higher with each of his pumps. His bigger, longer digits move roughly in and out of you, providing blinding pleasure. You pull onto his hair to anchor yourself. It feels like the world is spinning, his fingers touching several unknown places inside you that send electric shocks in your body. 
“Yes! Oh God!”
He smirks, angling his fingers to stimulate the spot he just hit. You shudder, your hands turning into fists as you hold on to the bed sheet. Your core pulsates around him. Taehyun nibbles on your earlobe, whispering, “Come for me, baby. I can feel you, you’re so close.”
Goosebumps spread over your skin from his command and his name falls off of your lips like a prayer. He swears under his breath, feeling you gush around him. “Fuck!”
Adjusting his speed, he helps you ride out your high. Softly plucking his fingers out of your cunt, he licks them, moaning happily. You watch him with tears in your eyes, your body flushed with heat. He undresses himself in front of your hungry eyes, revealing the body you’ve grown to love in the past months. You hold your breath when he plays with the waistband of his boxers. You know he’s big, you know it, but you want to see—
“Oh gosh,” you exhale shakily. He’s huge. And pretty. If that’s the word? 
The reddened tip is covered with his pre-cum, drool gathering in your mouth from the mere sight. The length of his cock is glorious, a few veins adorning it. Your pussy clenches from anticipation. You need him. Even that seems like an understatement.
Taehyun leans down with fire in his eyes. His hungry mouth finds yours, and you can immediately taste yourself on his tongue. He starts grinding, his hardened length pressing against your pelvis. 
“Are you sure that you still want this? You look kinda… out of it. Did I cause any discomfort?” 
“Nonono, please, please fuck me, please,” you beg him, “It— it just— feels so good, please,” your words are slurred. “I need you inside me, please, Tyunnie— I can’t—” 
The rest gets caught in your throat as you feel the bulbous tip of his hardened member nudging at your entrance. You whimper out of eagerness and writhe a little. He pins down your hands, locking your darkened eyes.
“Tell me if at any moment you need me to stop, okay? I don’t think that I can hold back right now.” 
You nod, several cries escaping you when he starts pushing in. Taehyun catches your lips in a searing kiss. Your moans get muffled in his mouth as he fills you in, your inner walls stretching impossibly wide to give him space. He growls, his balls resting against your ass when he finally stops. The feeling of being completed by him overwhelms you and you hold onto him for dear life. “You did so well, baby. Such a good girl for me.”
You manage a broken whisper in response, and he starts with slow languid thrusts, pulling and pushing to give you time to adjust. Soon you start to rock your hips, building up a rhythm with him. His mouth finds its refuge on your shoulder and cleavage. He increases his pace with each of his strokes, moaning in pleasure.
“Lord, ____.... You feel like heaven. Squeezing me so good, baby. Dripping pussy taking my cock so well.”
A string of incoherent words leaves your throat. Your nails are raking on his back, sure to leave visible marks the next day. Taehyun keeps whispering praises in your ear. Feeling his cock twitch inside you, you bury your face in his shoulder. He growls, going harder and deeper, making sure to grind against your clit with his pelvis as he moves. Clearly over stimulated at this, you quiver around him, white spots appearing in your vision.
A specific hard thrust brushes over your cervix, a scream leaving you as the building up pleasure explodes. 
“Tyun!” You scream, your walls clenching around his cock.
“Damn it, baby,” he grits his teeth, his pace losing its consistency. He fucks you through your orgasm. Chasing his own high, he sloppily thrusts inside you.
“Where do you want me?” 
“In me… please…” 
“Fucking hell!” He collapses on you, his ecstasy crashing over him. Taehyun floods your inside with his cum, the milky liquid painting your gummy walls white. You whine and shiver with each twitch and squirt, your heart swelling in your chest.
He disconnects your joined bodies after a long moment, a feeling of emptiness overwhelming you as you whine in protest. After cleaning up himself, he comes back with a washcloth soaked in warm water, cleaning your nether regions with care before dressing you up in one of his hoodies. He finds your discarded panties that were thrown away in the heat of the moment, sliding it up on your form. He kisses your belly with adoration before putting on a shirt.
“I’ll go make some dinner for us, okay? You rest!” 
“No, cuddle with me…” 
Taehyun stops when he sees exactly how sad you look. He nods helplessly, joining you on the bed and pulling you closer. As your limbs feel like jelly, you crash into him, a nervous laugh escaping him. “Sorry. I haven’t done relationships in a while so… um…” he trails off. 
But you only snuggle up to him more. “It’s okay… I haven’t dated anyone in a long time too. Like… Since my high school sweetheart dumped me on his birthday…”
“He sounds like an asshole, baby, I’m sorry he did that to you.” 
After a long heart to heart and some Chinese take-out for dinner, you go back to bed in his arms. Taehyun draws random patterns on your back, his eyes distant.
“I want to tell you something.” 
“I have a match tonight… from 11 pm. I’m sorry.”
You stay silent. Yes, you surely feel hurt that he decided to invite you over on a night where he already had other plans, but you feel like there’s more to it. So, you decide to ask a few questions.
“Why didn’t you tell me before… and why is it so late?” 
He sighs, shaking his head. “I’m so sorry love, I forgot about it myself. I was so excited about my new home and you coming over to visit it finally, I just…   Yeonjun called me to ask if I’m ready when you were in the washroom.” 
“Oh… do you have to go? Who is Yeonjun?” 
“I do have to go. There are a lot of things riding on my presence and performance, I can’t ditch it. Yeonjun is my manager.” 
“But why is the match starting so late? Now that I remember, you always returned home at ungodly hours back in my apartment.” 
“Because the match is underground.” 
Your heart drops immediately. You sit up on the bed, fear paralyzing your body. “It’s WHAT? Taehyun—?” 
His silence makes you feel sick to your stomach. Tears form in your eyes immediately. “Isn’t that illegal? Why didn’t you tell me before?! I… I thought…” 
“Do you hate me?” 
“Don’t.” You hurry to dry your tears with the back of your hand. This is too much. You trusted him. 
“I’m sorry… I couldn’t tell you no matter how much I tried. I’m terrified of losing you, I don’t think that you can possibly understand.” 
“Can you please explain why the fuck are you doing something that is illegal?! And dangerous too! Professional boxing is so much better why would you—”
“You don’t know shit. Professional boxing is worse than this. Do you know how much money, drugs and politics shit is in there?! Underground boxing is way better. It’s clean, it pays a hell lotta money, it gives you fame.” 
“... You expect me to believe that?” 
“I don’t have power over what you believe and what you don’t. I’m just telling the truth. Normal people go to watch underground boxing matches because it is fair and not fucking rigged. What do you think? That I haven’t tried going professional? People who are in charge are full of shit. They don’t give a fuck about the art of boxing. So, I did what was the right thing to do.”
You remain silent, not knowing what to say anymore. Taehyun sighs. “I need to get ready. We will talk about this later. Hopefully today will not be the day I break my two year long winning streak.” 
Your jaw drops. “Two year long winning streak?! How?!” 
“Because I’m the best.” He winks at you, getting out of the bed. He kisses you one last time, touching your foreheads together. “I’m so sorry, baby. I promise to come back as soon as possible. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” 
You nod, whispering, “Good luck.” He saunters away, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
The sound of the front door closing alerts you. The clock reads 2:13 am. You sit up on the bed again, sighing. Your head hurts from (over)thinking, and you still don’t know how to feel about the newfound information about your boyfriend.
Taehyun pokes his head inside, frowning when he notices you still up. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” He gets inside, coming over to you quickly.
“Couldn’t sleep. How did the match end?” 
“I won! I think you’re my lucky charm! My opponent… the boy was strong and all but he failed at mind games.” 
“Baby… are you mad at me? Do you– so you want some alone space? I can sleep on the couch…” 
You fiddle with your fingers nervously. “I am mad at you, Taehyun. For not telling me anything earlier. I don’t know anything else.” 
“I can’t apologize enough for not telling you earlier, baby… But as I told you. I’m terrified of losing you. Things were going so well between us, and I didn’t want to mess up. But I guess, it doesn’t really matter anymore. I always mess up. Tragic.” He looks like he’s about to break down, and that is like a punch to your gut. 
“It’s okay. You are too good for me anyways. I am a dwarf who tried to touch the moon.” 
“What are you talking about?” You are straight up crying at this moment, failing to keep yourself together. His head is hanging low, his hands curled into fists and pressed into the mattress. He’s shaking, and you realize that he’s crying too when you notice a tear drops on his hand and runs down between his fingers.
“Hey… it’s okay… please look at me, Tyun, please. We will work it out. Don’t cry, it hurts.” You pull onto his arms, and he breaks down like an old tree finally giving up against a storm. He shakes his head, trying to contain his emotions.
“I don’t like making you sad,” Taehyun chokes out. “But I always manage to do that somehow. What is even the point?” His cries are silent, tearing through your heart.
“But you make me happy too, can’t you see that? I haven’t felt so much happiness in my life, before you.” 
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Two months later, your relationship with Taehyun is slowly getting back on track. After the revelation it’s been pretty rough for both of you. You two even considered going on a break, but within three days you had shown up on his doorstep, crying because you couldn’t bear it anymore. 
You decided to have an open mind about his… occupation. You don’t mind that he earns money by doing something that is marked as illegal. It’s not like he’s robbing it! He works his ass off to win the matches, and the people who have dirty money to gamble around and bet, are the ones who are actually doing something illegal. Yep, maybe he is connected to it, but it’s not the same thing. You’ve also met Yeonjun! He’s a very nice person too. Although Taehyun has warned you again and again, telling you how the people back in the underground can be dangerous even though there are a lot of good people. 
Your response has always been, “It’s the same everywhere. There will be bad people as well as good people. Maybe the bad people in the underground are worse but I’m okay as long as you’re safe and happy.” 
And he’s grateful for that. For you and your understanding nature, despite everything. Sometimes he likes to tell you crazy stories about what is down there, and you listen with awe. You want to visit the underground sometime too, you tell him, as you cuddle up to him to seek comfort and security.
Today is an exciting day. You’ll be going underground for the first time! Apparently, your boyfriend has a very important match today and he wants you there with him. Although, he has his conditions. The first one being, you have to hide from any prying eyes. For your own safety, of course.
You tighten your hold onto his arm, barely able to see what’s happening around you. Taehyun insisted on you wearing a baggy black coat of his that swallows up your whole body. You also have shades and a bucket hat, all to protect you from the public eye.
He takes you through a bunch of tunnels and strange alleyways, all built under the asphalt streets of the sleeping city. After several minutes of walking, he opens up a door to a room and brings you inside.
“You should be safe here.” Taehyun kisses your forehead, motioning you to look around. 
“A locker room?” you take off the pair of shades, squinting.
“My locker room.”
Despite his firm grip around your waist, you feel like you’ll fall apart at any moment. Taehyun continues to fondle your breasts with his mouth. He lets out a hum when you thread your fingers through his highlighted locks and pull on them desperately.
“My little doll is so sensitive. Making a mess just because I’m playing with her pretty tits.” 
You whine at that, closing your eyes as he nips on the softness of your breasts. Pulling him closer and closer, you let out soft whimpers. You’re completely lost in the sensation, and you forget where you are, until someone knocks on the heavy metal door of his locker.
“Taehyun. The match starts in 20 minutes. Get ready.” Yeonjun’s loud voice cuts in soon enough, bringing you back to reality.
“Mhm, gimme 15 and I’ll be there.” Taehyun shouts back, the receding footsteps indicating that the elder one is leaving.
Knowing that he needs to get ready, you try to move away and grab your discarded bra and crop top. But his calloused hands grope your ass roughly, delivering a few rough spanks. A pained mewl escapes you.
“Where are you going? Did I say that I am done with you?” 
“Yes or no.”
You lower your head, mumbling a barely audible ‘no’.
Taehyun pulls down his shorts and boxers, pointing at his semi erection. “Sit.” 
When you look at him confusedly, he bunches up the mini skirt around your waist, pulling your damp panties aside. With one single tug of his muscular arms, you are positioned over his flared tip. You hiss under your breath, gripping onto his shoulders as he commands, “C’mon doll. Sit. You know I can’t focus on the match if I don’t feel your pussy around my cock right now.” 
Enticed by his words, you nod eagerly, beginning to lower yourself in a slow pace. Taehyun grunts, burying his face in the crook of your neck as your moist warmth engulfs him. “Tyunnie.. I– I–” you stutter, struggling against the burn caused by the stretch of your inner walls.
“Shh, you can take it, doll. I know you can. Relax.” He nuzzles your neck in a calming manner, dragging his plump lips across your collarbone.
Eventually, you manage to penetrate yourself entirely on his length. Groans escape Taehyun whenever your cervix brushes against his tip. 
“Let’s stay like this for 10 minutes, okay? I’ll come back after winning and fuck you like you deserved to be fucked.” 
“Okay…” you whisper, your inner walls fluttering around his cock upon hearing his promise.
Unfortunately, it’s over a bit too soon for your liking, and you watch him getting ready for the match. He pulls up his boxer shorts with a sigh. “Don’t look at me like that, baby. I promised that I’ll make it up to you once I come back with a win, didn’t I? And you know that I’m a man of my word.”
“Sorry…” you mumble, looking away with embarrassment. Gosh, were you looking that desperate? 
“Don’t be, I’m sorry for leaving you needy.” He grabs a tube of petroleum jelly and tosses it towards you. “Can you slather that on my face? Don’t be stingy, I need to protect it from any injuries because you hate them.” 
“Just because I hate them? Tyun, do you really not care about getting injured?! Are you insane or what?!” You manage to catch the tube in time, slightly irritated by his words. At times like this, you truly don’t understand this man.
“Injuries are a normal part of any boxer’s life. So yeah. You could say that I don’t care about minor scratches as long as I keep up my winning streak. Underground boxing has so much more money surrounding it than you can imagine, gotta keep those fresh bills coming!” Taehyun takes an abdominal guard from the lockers and smirks knowingly. “Plus, I haven’t lost any matches in the past two years. My reputation alone is worth millions, no offense to any fellow brothers.” He checks himself out in the mirror and smiles. “All good, just gotta grab my mouthguard, and baby, please hurry up!” 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. He does have a reason to be cocky, after all. You quickly squirt out a dollop of the petroleum jelly, reaching your hand upwards to apply it on his face. He leans into your touch immediately.
“Can I get a good luck kiss?” Taehyun gently grasps on your wrist, puckering his lips at you. 
“I thought those ten minutes were supposed to bring forth some luck?” you tease, trying to pry your hand away. He grumbles under his breath.
“No. That was to help me focus on the match. This is for good luck.” 
You tip-toe and press your lips against his. He hums, lips curling up in a smile when you pull away. “Good luck. Remember your promise!”
Taehyun chuckles heartily, but it’s soon cut off by heavy knocking coming from the other side. “It’s time! Get out of there, dude.” There’s frustration laced with Yeonjun’s voice.
“Yeah, just a sec!” Your boyfriend announces before looking at you affectionately. “Stay in here and lock the door, okay? Please don’t go outside… the people here are dangerous and who knows what bastard will bother you… Please just stay here!! I’ll be back soon.” 
You nod obediently, understanding his request very well. “I’ll be here, don’t worry! You go and knock that stupid Ken or whatever out!” 
“You know I will, baby.” 
Time refuses to pass as you pace around, restless. You’re not sure how long it’s been, but your anxiety is starting to kick in for some reason. You’ve tried to distract yourself in many ways, but nothing has worked out so far. Hell, you don’t even know how Taehyun is right now. 
With a sigh, you slowly approach the door you’ve been avoiding since your arrival. The sound of heavy cheering covers up any other sounds that are related to a boxing match. It makes you anxious. You don’t know what’s going on in there and negative thoughts start to build up rapidly. Deep down you try to convince yourself that everything is alright. Like c’mon now! There’s no way that he will actually lose… right?
You stand in front of the heavy metal door, hand twitching to open the lock. If you open it just a little bit and peek outside, nothing will happen, right? You’ll still practically be inside… 
The door opens with a clunky sound, enough for you to see the deserted hallway that connects the lockers with the arena. You shudder when the loud hoots and screams hit you like a ton of bricks. Good lord, how does one survive this environment? You wish you had brought earplugs! 
After much consideration, you decide to step outside. There’s no one around, nothing will happen! Or at least, you hope so! Taehyun doesn’t need to know about everything, does he? 
Careful but curious, you take several steps towards the hallway. The loud noises thump inside your body painfully. But still, you dare to go a little further, hoping to catch a small glimpse of the fight. You turn a corner, starting to see a bit of crowd who are several feet away. 
“Are you lost, babygirl?” 
Your blood runs cold as you turn to the side. A tall, bearded man looms over you like a predator, eyes glinting with something that disgusts you. He takes in the sight of you, and you immediately regret wearing a mini skirt with a crop top. 
“Mhm, I wonder what your cute little clothes are hiding? Want me to find out?” 
Before you can process anything, your legs have already started carrying your body back to the locker room. You hear the creep’s voice, “Aw, do you wanna play cat and mouse? I can do that!” 
Eyes closed and your whole body shaking, you run and run, soon reaching the metal door you left a few minutes ago. You get inside and lock the door immediately, feeling relieved. But, as if to prove that’s too good to be true, a loud thump on the door snatches away every shred of peace from your system. The man outside growls like a wounded animal, throwing punches at the metallic surface. “YOU BITCH! No one leaves me hanging! I’ll break the fucking door and then I’ll break you! You stupid bitch!” 
Tears wet your cheeks immediately and you collapse on the ground. Panic stops you from functioning entirely. After a while of struggling, you decide to crawl behind a sandbag that rests on the floor. Letting your body curl into a small shape, you hold your head with your hands and rest your face on your knees. The sounds get louder and louder, and you pray with all your might. Please don’t let the door break, please don’t let the door break, please— 
A loud sound of something heavy falling on the ground catches your attention. You don’t know how long you’ve been here like this, but you can hear a commotion outside. Did that man bring more people to actually break the door down? What is happening—
“I said take that asshole away! I have much more important things to do!” Hope flickers in your chest, that is Taehyun’s voice! He is here! However, the sound of the door opening and closing within moments, makes you freeze. 
There is complete silence for several seconds. Then his tired voice calls out, “Baby… I know you’re here.” 
You crawl out from the cramped space and Taehyun immediately spots you, running to get by your side. His big hands immediately pick you up from the ground. “Oh my god…” his heart breaks when he notices your state, wondering what went wrong. You instinctively wrap your arms around his broad chest, hugging him as tight as you can.
“Why was that person trying to damage the door outside? What happened?” 
“It’s all my fau– *hiccup* fault, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” You pull away to look at him, just in time for a new batch of tears to run down your cheeks.
“But what happened?” Taehyun cradles your face in his hands, brushing the tears away with his thumb.
After several deep breaths and a lot of consolation from your boyfriend, you eventually confess that you went outside. He definitely is mad at you for not listening to him, but it’s overshadowed by his concern. “Did he hurt you, in any way? Are you okay? In terms of physical condition.”
“Um… my legs are aching… a bit. Nothing else. Did you win though?! And when did you change into this?” You look at him nervously, pointing towards his sweatpants and thin shirt. Hopefully your attempt at diverting the topic will work. 
“Don’t. That is not the priority right now.” Taehyun speaks in a firm voice. “How about you explain… about your little escapade? Which part of my statement from earlier did you not understand?” 
Your face falls. “I told you… ‘m sorry…”
“That’s not enough, sweetheart. What if something really bad happened to you while I was gone? I meant it when I said that these people are dangerous.” 
“I’m sorry… I got really anxious and…” you trail off, forcing yourself to not cry again. Get it together, you’re better than this! 
“I’d never forgive myself if something bad happens to you because of my line of work. You’re never coming back here, understood? The risk is too much.” Taehyun looks shaken up; his eyes desperate to find yours. Keeping your head low, you just nod wordlessly, not wanting to upset him even more. 
Silence engulfs the atmosphere between you two. He sighs, gently gripping onto your chin to tip your face upwards. “Look at me,” he whispers, moving closer to you. His other hand takes the hold of your left hand, intertwining your fingers. You give up against his force and look up to meet those pools of honey. He strokes your face with admiration, touching your foreheads together. 
“You’re too precious to me, sweetheart. I almost had a heart attack when I saw that mad lad pushing his body up against the door. I was so scared.” 
“I’m sorry…” 
“You really don’t understand, do you?” Unsure about what he is trying to say, you look at him confusedly. Taehyun shakes his head with a laugh. His thumb brushes over your lower lip in a manner that sends a shiver running down your spine. 
“I love you, dumbo.” He gently brushes his lips on yours, pulling away to see your reaction. You blink several times, your heartbeat suddenly losing its steadiness. 
His hands remain where they were previously, preventing you from pulling away and screaming and probably pinching yourself. So instead, you just blurt out, “You what—” 
“I love you, baby. I thought I was being super obvious these days.” 
You hug him tightly, still having trouble believing that this is, in fact, real life. “Oh my gosh, Tyun!! I love you too! I love you so much! I have tried to tell you before, but I always chicken out!” you chatter excitedly, all while being in his embrace. 
He chuckles, whispering, “You are so adorable, it should be illegal! My little lovebug.” You hum, a feeling of completeness flooding you.
Taehyun initiates a kiss that you happily reciprocate, his body subtly pushing you backwards until your back hits a locker. You let out a soft cry, opening your mouth to invite him in. He groans, tilting his head to the side so that he can deepen the kiss. The kiss is heavy, unspoken words being shared through the flick of your tongues. He suckles on your lower lip, hands hurrying to get rid of your top and bra. You gasp when he rubs his finger over the sensitive peak of your breasts, a growl escaping him.
“Gotta keep my promise, hm?” Taehyun leaves the warmth of your mouth, finding purchase on your neck instead. A shudder rocks your body. 
“Oh— d–did you win?” 
You can feel his smirk against your skin. “Of course, I did, baby. Expect nothing less from me, okay? And I feel bad that I had to leave you like that!” 
The cold metal behind you is a stark contrast to your burning skin, desperate whimpers escaping you. He continues to suck hickeys on your neck while his hands massage the softness of your breasts. Once he’s satisfied with his work on the sensitive skin, he moves his mouth to your nipples. Your back arches the moment his mouth makes contact.
“Fuck,” you moan, the flame of your desire rekindling. A growl escapes him when he feels the coldness of your damp panties.
“Damn it, baby, were you wet all this time?” You remain silent, too focused on the pleasure coursing through your body to answer his question. Taehyun removes the offending material aside from your body, immediately feeling the new batch of warm slick covering your folds. “You are so good to me, doll. Always eager and ready for me. You deserve an award for that, don’t you?” 
You nod with a whine, watching him drop to his knees. He hoists your left leg up to rest it on his shoulder, groaning at the sight in front of his eyes. Without any warnings, he dives his head inside your miniskirt, kissing your pussy lips with fervor. Your knees buckle and you struggle to stand straight, his height making it even harder for you. 
Taehyun notices your discomfort. He pushes your other leg to rest on the nearby bench, lapping at your cunt like a starved man. Your head lolls back from the overwhelming sensation. He’s everywhere.
You feel his tongue poking at your entrance, the flexible muscle dipping inside for a taste. You moan and clench on it immediately, more slick gathering in your core. He’s definitely enjoying it, because the vibration caused by his groan reverberates through you. 
Several flicks of his tongue paired up with his thumb rolling your clit — you come undone in record time, quivering. 
You’re certain that you would have fallen if he wasn’t holding you so securely. Taehyun tries to drink up every bead of nectar you’ve provided, often dragging his teeth over your slippery flesh. 
“Fuck it baby, ‘m gonna ruin that cute little hole.” He stands up abruptly which causes your balance to falter. But he picks you up in his arms before anything, taking a seat on the bench and settling you on his lap. “Help me out of these pesky clothes?” 
You nod, pulling onto his gray sweatpants and boxers to free his cock. Meanwhile he discards his tee, chuckling at your blatant behavior. “Aww, are you that impatient for my cock? Fine, I won’t tease anymore. Come here.” 
He tilts your chin up, kissing you on the mouth before aligning himself along your entrance. You mewl as you feel his tip teasing your slit, rocking your hips impatiently to feel more of him inside you. 
Without any warnings, he pushes you down on his thick member, a scream escaping you as you feel your walls stretching to give him space. Burying your face on the crook of his neck, you muffle your sounds. Taehyun growls as he feels your gummy walls engulfing him. He gives you time to adjust, stroking your back soothingly.
After a while, you anchor yourself using his shoulders, moving slowly on him, hitting all those inside you as he helps you to move. His hands are on your waist, and he leans down to suck your collarbone, leaving a definite mark for everyone to see. He lets you control the pace, but not for too long.
You gasp, your face morphing in pleasure when Taehyun starts bouncing you on his cock. He catches your lips in a hungry kiss, muffling the loud whimpers you are making. 
Before long, you feel his left-hand brushing against your clit. He rolls it between his thumb and index finger, the pleasure coil in your lower belly tightening as he stimulates you just perfectly. 
“You’re so tight, doll... Come for me.”
He increases the pressure on your clit, pounding harder into you. You cry out his name, the coil snapping as tidal waves of euphoria knocks you down. 
Taehyun growls, your walls clamping down around his cock. After a few more thrusts, he murmurs your name, his warm seed shooting up inside your core. Exhausted, you let your body fall on him as he holds you close, neither of you moving, cherishing the moment. He kisses your forehead after a while, stroking your hair as you draw patterns on his back. “I love you so much, you know that?” 
Your lips curl up in a smile. “Mmm… Love you too, Tyun.” You nuzzle his neck, incredibly happy that he’s here and all yours. 
Maybe weakness isn’t necessarily a bad thing, after all.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 end notes ꒱
aaaa congratulations for making it to the end! thank you so much for reading, lovely! sorry for any mistakes left in there! and of course, i hope you enjoyed reading it! ❤️‍🩹
reblogs and comments are extremely appreciated! it helps a lot to keep writers like me motivated🌷✨; and you can also send feedback through asks if you’d prefer that <33
that’s all for now!
607 notes · View notes
haewho · 10 months
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[ summary ] > han yn was known in her school as an absolute sweetheart, sunghoon on the other hand was known as the football player with a cold heart. despite this, yn seemed to have the biggest crush on him, while sunghoon despised the young girl, i mean how can anyone genuinely be that happy and keep a smile on their face even as they have a milkshake spilling on their head (courtesy of sunghoon)! will yn be able to conquer his heart and experience a true first love or not? 𓇢𓆸
[ genre ] > highschool!au, one-sided enemies to lovers, fluff, romace, sunshine & grumpy trope. 𓇢𓆸
[ warnings ] > cursing, sunghoon is an asshole, yn cant stand up for herself and is way too smitten for sunghoon 😭, slight bullying 𓇢𓆸
[ extras ] > enhypen, aespa, some zb1 members, jeonghyeon (wakeone), jini, wonyoung (ive), beomgyu (txt), & brief mentions of other idols 𓇢𓆸
[ author’s note ] > dw guys my wave smau will still be happening! i will just also write for this one as well! yns face claim in duna from csr! this is heavily inspired by their song pop? pop! check it out! 𓇢𓆸
[ taglist ] > @enhaz1 @alicesolengg @flmtunes @jrjr289 open! 𓇢𓆸 (non-bold means i cannot tag you, please check your settings!)
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𝑃𝑅𝑂𝐹𝐼𝐿𝐸𝑆 > lovelies , enha
𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅𝑆 > 001. a first love
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© haewho. 2023
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chocotonez · 1 year
idol!gf is in an all-boys group (txt)
a/n: such a fun request!! really made me think hehe, hope you like it!!
warnings/genre: she/her pronouns for the reader/references reader is a female, slight jealousy but nothing serious, mostly fluff/crack
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-hyper protective but not possessive LMAO, just think of a mom looking after her kid
-boys will be boys but in the way he doesn’t want your members teasing you or not picking up after themselves
-always texts you to make sure your members are treating you fairly
-honestly he’s pretty close friends with most of them, always joking around on how they have to make sure to watch themselves around you
-“touch her and I’ll tell dispatch about you and that girl last friday” which is mostly a joke :)) (not to jun tho)
-at first it’ll take him a second to get used to, mainly because one co-ed groups this out of proportion are practically unheard of, and two because you’re his little baby and he doesn’t want you to be w a bunch of stinky guys 24/7
-probably makes sure they all can cook and clean and are worshipping the ground you walk on like the good boyfriend he is <3
-becomes the pseudo-leader of your group now
-first he has TXT, and now your group is like his second batch of babies LOL
-“no I’m not going to convince your manager to do that-y/n! don’t enable them!!”
-doesn’t really care all that much about you dorming/working with a bunch of guys, he gets your job and concept and trusts you whole heartedly because you trust him
-randomly visits your dorms and is like 🧍”are you all eating well”
-actually no he just randomly spawns anywhere you guys are at and is like 🧍🧍”did you drink water btw I brought water”
-likes to tease but he’s just like a dad at a breakfast table “since your concept is more masculine these days, I think next comeback should be bubblegum pop”
-v supportive of you and your members :)
-at first he didn’t like it, but now he’s fine with it and loves to joke abt it LOL
-“I can’t believe the love of my life is constantly with other men…” “gyu I am single-handedly paying for our Amazon prime account rn don’t even”
-he can be kinda sensitive about how much time and attention you spend on your members, but that’s mainly because he likes being your one and only!
-but he also likes to make fun of u w your members 💀 “did u guys take y/n because u felt bad or…”
-always makes sure he’s never being too mean w you <3 just wants to make people laugh
-likes to stand in your doorway w your members in the dorms like 🧍🧍🧍🧍, you’re not sure why they do this, your working theory is that they only have one communal brain cell
-but even w all his jokes and dramatics, he loves and supports you wholeheartedly <3 (as long as you make sure to love and support him back) (please don’t leave him) (he’s so in love w u)
-“so sorry you have to live w y/n.” -him, when you were put into your group
-he looks out for you a lot, just because he knows how some idols can be and how the industry is always looking to cause trouble
-watches twitter like a hawk for any negative things about your name and makes sure to report it on all of his 999+ accounts made to make sure your group’s tag is nice and clean
-he trusts your members because you trust them, and he obviously trusts you not to do anything stupid (relationship-wise. he trusts you to do a lot of stupid things), but he always makes sure they’re helping you in the dorms or when you’re performing
-“don’t make y/n clean the cushions, that’s your mess!” and is just standing there like -_- while u laugh, hiding behind your muscle man boyfriend <3
-you were the one who spilt the chips
-if anything I think he’s just very confused
-“but why is there literally only one girl…why not two? or three?? why not all girls?? oh wait, that’s just a girl group”
-not really the type to go out of his way to befriend your members, but he likes to be on good terms with them, he just gets lowkey shy when he has to talk to them
-not even an insecurity thing, it’s just a hyuka thing
-“tell your member I said he did really good at that countdown stage” “Kai, he’s two feet away from us” “…I’m scared”
-clowns you if there’s a noticeable height difference between you and your members, thinks it’s so funny (it is not that funny)
-probably leaves stuffed animals in your dorms that block out a whole half of your bed so none of your members lay down near you LMAO
-has a lot of respect for you and your group, but mainly you <3
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qqtxt · 1 year
[🐯] feed you my love
✿ pairing: beomgyu x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / fluff / 3,141 words / reader calls beomgyu ‘beomie’ / reader is already established to join the members occasionally (aka txt adopted the reader lol) / beomgyu being shameless with pda / mentions of food and eating / usage of curse words in a friendly banter ✿ in which one of beomgyu’s cutest habits is feeding you whatever he has (and the boys try to get in on it, only to get ignored) ✿ honestly, i saw this tiktok at the part where beomgyu tries to feed yeonjun the cotton candy and my mind spiralled because it just feels like a love language to me so... enjoy! [masterlist 🌸] / @kflixnet​ 🥤
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beomgyu has absolutely no shame in eating whatever he wants to eat. he takes care of his figure (to his best ability) and there are times where your mind gets confused with either how small he looks or how big he actually is. you hadn’t quite noticed it before but the longer you were with him, the more he seems to... want to feed you whatever he has in his hands. doesn’t matter, absolutely could not give zero shit on what he’s holding. french fries? he’s already holding one to your lips. chips? say no more. a cookie? he takes a bite and makes sure you take one too. his burger? already considering you to have a second bite right after him.
it might sound odd but one of beomgyu’s love languages was feeding you... and of course, the boys teases him at every chance they can get when it happens in front of them. (they lowkey think it’s the most adorable thing ever, considering how chaotic beomgyu can get but is so delicate when he’s with you)
don’t get it twisted, though. while it is a sweet gesture, there are moments and instances where he’s... creative with his advancements. there’s too many to the point you can’t keep track of which is your favorite (or most memorable).
maybe it’s that one time when he’s made an omelet without burning the kitchen and he instantly looks at you to give it a taste. it’s morning and it was one of the many times you’ve spent the night and by some force of nature, had woken up with beomgyu to make breakfast for everyone. kai was around, making sandwiches with taehyun, while you and beomgyu were in charge of frying up eggs, sausages and ham.
just as beomgyu manages to whip up a batch of omelet, he takes a bite for himself and is very, very satisfied with himself. he quickly scoops a piece on a spoon and hovers it by your cheek, using his hip to nudge at you as you’re panning the sausages.
“gyu, i’m busy, i’ll–”you can’t finish your words when beomgyu gently pushes the spoon into your mouth to make you eat the omelet. you almost kick the life out of him but when you taste what he’s made, honestly, not bad. for a second you were doubtful because you’ve... you’ve seen how he tries to cook with or without the cameras and let’s just say, all of them, all of them (maybe excluding yeonjun) have a long way to go. humble beginnings.
“not bad, right?” his eyes are sparkling at you that you can’t resist leaning over, pecking his cheek, “tastes great!”
he looks at you in a daze, as if you’ve put him in a trance until–”yah! quickly take it off the fire! it’s gonna burn!” taehyun yells from the other side of the kitchen, making beomgyu panic as he screams and hurriedly moves his pan away from the heat. you chuckle at the whole debacle, focused on the sausages you were handling, noticing how kai’s full on laughing when beomgyu’s–”arghhh! it’s okay, it’s okay! they’re still fine!”
“that’s what you get for flirting.”
“alright, bring that ass here,” beomgyu fetches the spatula, maneuvering himself around you to–”come here, huening!”
or that time when you tagged along to join the boys to make dalgona candy, and he’s very proud with the way his heart shaped one turned out. almost instantly, he holds it up to your lips, waiting for you to take the first bite. you spare him a glance, in the midst of pouring yours onto the metal plate that you wave him off, “n-not now, beomie...”
beomgyu makes a sound crossed between a whine and a yell, which seemingly sounds aggressive and adorable at the same time. at the sound, the boys glance over to see how beomgyu’s persistent to get you to try his candy. a soft round of laughters erupt when you gently nudge him away, focusing on making sure–”i wanna make mine look pretty first...”
he opens his mouth, and with a deep intake of air, you can already predict the way he’s about to yell at the top his lungs in distaste, wanting nothing more than for you to try his creation. the rest of the mentally prepare (taehyun and soobin’s already closing their ears) for the onslaught, but yeonjun’s attempting to pacify him with: "i’ll try it,” yeonjun leans over, bumping shoulders with beomgyu as he opens his mouth, “ah.” yeonjun widens his eyes, using a hand to point at his opened mouth willing to accept the candy.
yeonjun gives up in less than ten seconds when beomgyu only turn to look at him with a disinterested look; flat brows, narrowed eyes, not even a smile on the face. the older one clears his throat with a fine, not invited to the party, don’t need to tell me twice, you little shit and looks away to continue making his own candy.
when yeonjun’s out of his hair, beomgyu turns to you again, holding the candy to your lips with a frown. you finally spare him the attention when you’re done with creating your candy, allowing it to harden in the meantime. you turn the cheek to see that his brows are tightly knitted together, wrinkles on his forehead based on how hard he’s frowning that it looks permanent. 
“augh, okay, okay,” you relent, opening your mouth to take a bite and the sweetness kisses your tongue as it melts. it makes you smile, and you use a thumb to pick at the crumb at the side of your lip, and you kiss your thumb to get the crumb off. then you press that thumb to beomgyu’s cheek, “yummy! and sweet. good job, beomie!”
when you turn back to check how your candy turned out, beomgyu’s already back to his usual self. he breaks a piece and hovers it by yeonjun’s mouth, to which the latter rolls his eyes at... until beomgyu scoffs and uses his knee to nudge yeonjun’s thigh that he gives in and takes a bite, making beomgyu all smiles again.
maybe the time when he opened a packet of sweets during movie night, and you hadn’t realised he held one up for you to eat as you were engrossed in the movie. he had his head laying on your lap, cheek pressed to your thigh as his eyes gaze up to the television. one of your hands were stroking his head, playing with the strands of his hair, while the other rests on his neck, feeling the gentle taps of his pulse against your finger tips. movie night had been one of the things the boys got around to do once in a while and it was horror night, the best kind.
yeonjun’s clutching onto soobin like a lifeline, who’s holding on to taehyun holding onto kai. the bunch sat on the sofa as you and beomgyu sat on the floor in front of them, unfazed just like kai was. there were screams and shouts, a commotion when the ghost pops out onto frame, scaring the main character and it’s havoc with the way kai’s laughing louder than their mixed screams.
in the midst of this, beomgyu’s holding his arm up to your lips and makes a whine. for a split second, the boys think he’s afraid, but they glance down to see that he’s just trying to feed you a piece of skittles.
“i thought we were watching a horror movie, not a romance movie.” soobin comments, using his knee to nudge beomgyu’s arm conveniently in front of him. taehyun snorts, finding the diversion to be working as he focuses on you two than the movie. you glance over your shoulder to match the sound of the voice, only to now notice beomgyu’s hand placement.
you look down to him as he lowers his hand a little, pouting when you don’t accept his candy offering.
“don’t really feel like eating candy, beomie.”
“i’ll eat it.” soobin offers, already leaning down to swoop the candy from beomgyu’s hand but the latter dodges soobin’s advances. “augh, so mean.” soobin huffs, resorting to leaning back into the sofa as he looks at the movie, but somehow finds himself drawn to see how beomgyu acts to get you to give in (even though they all have seen this probably a million times, it never seems to faze them).
“just one piece. just one,” beomgyu coaxes you, hand persistently rising up to your lips. all you have to do is open your mouth. your lips are tightly shut as you look down on him again, lightly tapping his forehead but he doesn’t budge. instead, he feigns a strain on his arm and–”ah... it hurts holding my hand up for so long...”
you let out a soft tsk before opening your mouth, allowing him to pop the candy into your mouth with a smug grin. then, he gladly feeds himself a piece, before taking out another and holding it up higher over the sofa for soobin to enjoy some of the candy as well.
you remember fondly how he tried to make you try some of his ramen, when the two of you went on a short but heart-fulfilling convenience store date. it was late, but beomgyu showed up at your door with a hand extended out to you to go on a date with me? and you couldn’t possibly say no when you’ve missed him just as much.
that’s how you two ended up at a convenient store nearby, clad in hoodies, tired smiles but giddily holding hands as you made your way there. he decided to make his “signature” cup ramen, adding other ingredients to it while you opted for something simple... by that, you mean just grabbing a cup noodle and adding water, done.
after a couple of minutes, you to curdle by the last two seats on the bar in the corner, facing the window. there’s barely anyone outside, a couple of passersby, mostly those closing up their food truck business for the night. in the silence, you two are mixing up your noodles and just as you twist some noodles with your chopsticks, you turn to see that beomgyu has done the same, already ready to feed you when you were about to feed yourself.
“ah... what about me?” he half-whines, pouting when he sees that you weren’t going to offer him a bite. 
“i gotta cross-check, make sure it’s not poisoned, you know?” 
“but–i... augh, you’re so mean to me.” he huffs, lowering his chopsticks back into his cup. he has a small frown, muttering to himself–how cute–but you know there’s no malice in his tone. you snicker, holding up your chopstick to him, “open up, pretty boy.”
he perks a brow, not turning his head but his eyes are on you, “really?”
“one... two–”you can’t get to three because he quickly leans over and slurps the noodles from your offering hand, smiling happily and chewing on the noodles. he doesn’t know why or how, but when you feed him something, it always, always tastes better.
“ugh, so good.” he groans, nodding in agreement with himself. you chuckle, shaking your head, “i didn’t even add anything. it’s just the noodles as it is.”
“it’s because you fed me,” he swallows his mouthful, “can’t you feed me vegetables? maybe it’ll taste nicer.”
you scoff a laugh, using your chopsticks to grab yourself a mouthful, “or maybe you can learn how to cook it properly than eating it without any seasoning.”
you’re about to eat your own serving but the clearing of his throat is what gets you to stop. when you glance at him, his brows are furrowed as he holds up his chopsticks to your direction, twisted with noodles, glued with cheese and a chunk of kimchi. 
“i haven’t eaten mine yet,”
he doesn’t even respond, only blinking at you and using his eyes to point at his chopsticks for your taking. you let out a sigh and shift closer, opening your mouth and he gently makes sure the chopsticks go in without the noodles smudging your lips. it’s not as great as he thought when you end up with red sauce by the corner of your lips, but with the way you light up in enjoyment makes him so giddy, it’s like he’s gotten off a rollercoaster seeing you smile like that; doing a small sway back and forth as you chew on your food quietly, happily–together.
the two of you begin to dig into your own portions, but every now and then steal mouthfuls from each other’s cup. in the midst of eating and chatting, beomgyu freezes when you tell him hold on, and you grab onto a napkin to reach over to his cheek. you brush the corner of his lips with an amused smile. he swears to you he isn’t blushing, it’s just the spice from his ramen that you relent with a sure, okay... even though he knows you don’t believe him by a long shot (not that you have to, you were totally right, he’s whipped for you).
a tough contender would be when he’s doing a live-broadcast in one of the rooms, but he still tries to sneakily feed you some food that’s out of frame from the camera. you hadn’t realised he was on a live until after you’ve entered the room and you narrow your eyes at him talking to the phone on the tripod. you try to leave quietly but he speaks up about it, playing off that you’re one of his friends who came in. you make faces at him, mouthing the words of i’ll come back later! but he refuses to let you leave as he somehow manages to make you stay by his side, inches away from being in frame.
he’s eating a couple of desserts and he sneakily tears the wrapper while he talks about their upcoming concert. he’s able to multitask, reading the comments coming in and slyly reach to the side for you to take a bite without tearing his gaze from the phone. it’s a red bean bun, easy to share, but your hand tries to gently push it away to avoid any suspicion. however, the longer you do that, the longer he doesn’t pull his hands back so you quickly lean forward to take a bite.
he starts to smile even if it’s not at you directly and you hit his knee under the table. chuckling, he takes a bite while responding to one of the comments that says you’re handsome! “ah, thank you! i always know moa will appreciate my good looks. feel like some people around me need to appreciate that.”
he tries not to make a sound when you kick him again.
maybe... maybe it was right now in the present as you two sit side by side, along with the rest of the boys circling the coffee table in their dorm, enjoying a meal peacefully. the kind of peaceful that consisted of soft murmurs of chatter and occasional pitches of excitement on the new shows about to come out, movies ya’ll planned to watch together, new television series that everyone pitched for turns on whose suggestion to take up next. 
in the midst of talking and listening, beomgyu scoops a spoonful of his kimchi fried rice, making sure to get a piece of egg and he turns to his side to watch as you slowly chew your food while agreeing with taehyun that yes, we have to watch wednesday next! as your mouth opens to start arguing with soobin who wants to watch gudetama, the nudge from beomgyu against your thigh halts you momentarily.
turning to him with slightly gaped lips, he motions for his spoon towards your mouth and beomgyu lives to see the reaction. how your eyes are initially sparking with fiery to attack, that dissolves into adoration when you lock gazes with him. how willing your mouth opens, giddily shifting forward to make sure he doesn’t spill not a single grain of rice, almost as if he can hear your well-known food is food! nothing should go to waste.
soobin can’t even be mad at the sight when he’s aware you were about to one-up him in the conversation, now witnessing how excited beomgyu gets whenever he gets to feed you. 
“is it tasty?” beomgyu asks, softly, even though everyone can hear him.
with your mouth full, you can’t respond with words so you nod with a garbled up hum of mhm! and put a thumbs up. beomgyu shakes his head with a augh, so fucking cute, using his freehand to ruffle your hair and continue eating. yeonjun swallows his ramen, nudging soobin by the elbow when he knows the latter was watching as well, “because of that, i’m on your side to watch gudetama.”
you ignore the conversation, proceeding to twist some of your pasta so you can return beomgyu the favour. it’s like he’s anticipating it, beckoning for you to i want some of the chicken, too. although you retort with look at you, taking advantage of my kindness, beomgyu grins when you’re cutting the best part; charred and drenched in the sauce to poke it with your twisted pasta. you carefully turn to beomgyu who leans forward, opening wide to make sure nothing spills.
then, it’s a brief moment of the two of you smiling at each other, chewing and enjoying the food in bliss as if none of the guys are there. even though the guys constantly tease or pretend to vomit, they secretly approve of it with knowing gazes.
the moment is short-lived when kai bumps shoulders with you, reminding you that the show wednesday is superior and–”ah, right,” you swallow your food and now look to soobin with narrowed eyes, “back to you and your egg show, we’re watching wednesday. my vote’s with kai,”
“hell yeah!” kai high-fives you, to which soobin groans, “you guys suck! gudetama is a better bet! it’s so cute!”
“i agree with soobs!” yeonjun pitches, and kai whines, “ugh, old people and their tendencies.” 
“the fuck did you say?!”
“oh, here we go again.” taehyun groans, throwing his head back as the onslaught begins.
beomgyu now watches as you and kai debate with soobin and yeonjun on what to watch next. taehyun is a silent spectator shaking his head at both parties. what beomgyu truly enjoys from this is how you don’t miss the way he wants to continuously feed you and how you take pauses to feed him in return. it’s almost as if it’s second nature for you to reciprocate his love language and that... that made his heart full; and it wasn’t because of the food.
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nctyena · 6 months
Succesful Fan Moment
*I had a hard time choosing the bg because I wanted them to be a 4th gen and I'm not very familiar with many of them. So I choose txt for this. Enjoy!
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Dream members were all getting ready for their comeback stage. Renjun , Jeno and Chenle were already done so they were just chatting with staff. Yena fixed the fluffy hat that she was wearing and checked herself on the mirror.
"Don't I look cute?" While the staff agreed and praised her the boys gagged at her half jokingly. "I know that you are jealous of my cuteness."
After a few minutes she wanted get some snacks and Jisung tagged along. They stood in front of the vending machine trying to choose what they wanted to eat. Jisung was so focused on that he didn't even realised the voices that were coming closer. But Yena did, and she turned around to check what was the fuss about. There were five boys that were talking between them looking at their direction. She looked at them for a second so she wasn't sure who they were. But they looked a bit familiar. She thought that they are supposed to be an idol group, considering their style.
"Noona, I'm just gonna get some chips, what do you want?"
"I haven't decided yet. You get first."
Jisung pressed some buttons and placed the money in the machine. Just after he got his snack they were greeted with excited voices.
"Hello , we are TXT! It's nice to meet with sunbeanims!" It was pretty obvious that they memorised this moment because that couldn't be their regular greet. All of them bowed respectfully. Yena and Jisung returned the favor by bowing too. They all had huge smiles on their faces. Jisung was a bit shocked by their suddenness but he tried to hide it.
"And we are Yena and Jisung from-"
"We know!" The black hair boy said excitedly. But the other one hit his arm, warning him.
She laughed. "Ah, it's okay. How are you guys?"
They started talking at the same time and the other two couldn't help but smile at their antics. Eventually one of them took the lead.
"Actually we are huge fans of you sunbaenim. I mean we love all the members but Yena sunbaenim is our favorite. So we just wanted to say hi. Sorry if we bothered you."
"No , no. You didn't bother us. It's always nice to meet with other groups right Jisung?"
"Yes. We love your music too. Your stage was also great. Congrats on your comeback."
Both Jisung and Yena's faces were burning a little bit. Meeting with fans was something but, meeting with idols that idolises them was always something else. On the other hand, she could see their nervous stares, that reminded her early years of her carrier.
"You know what , you are my favorite new generation boy group." They looked at her like they couldn't believe what she just said.
"Well... If it's not too much, can we take a picture?"
"Of course Taehyun."
"Oh my God. She knows my name." He whisper yelled to his members and they cheered quietly while she was preparing her phone. She didn't react to them because she knew Jisung was going to make fun of her as soon as they were gone.
"I can send you the pictures huh? If that's okay."
"Yes, please. It's perfect. Thank you."
After they took the pictures , they went to their own rooms. And even though she warned Jisung about not to emmbarres her, he opened the door and broke the promise.
"Guys! Our Yena is so famous. Everyone is falling for her!"
She just rolled her eyes and waited for the stage. Thossing some threats when they annoy her.
On the other hand TXT members were sharing their experiment with others. Telling how nice and beautiful she was. Showing off the pictures. Being glad that they threw away their nervousness and decided to greet her.
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itgirlgyu · 11 months
✰ KDRAMA CHARACTERS ID MAKE UP TO GIVE TO TXT MEMBERS IN TRUE BEAUTY! even though ive never watched the kdrama and hate the webtoon with every inch of my being.
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𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ ﹗🩰 true beauty fans feel free to send me hate but you won't change my opinion.
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YEONJUN: main character's savior aka the cameo 'almost' secondary second lead that appears mid-way into the drama after the main characters have always already confessed to each other and the second male lead has been casted aside BUT right now the main leads are having problems so in comes: choi yeonjun! for like either two episodes or two scenes, nothing in between.
probably someone huge in the industry who meets the main character in some make up room, while saving them from the other bully make up artist. shows too much interest despite not giving any attention but they are like, " who is she who does not give a fuck about me?" but with a nice guy smirk while showing off side profile and his nose bridge.
BOTTOM LINE, does not get the girl but ends in a good note where he is shown giving a shy smile in the camera and leaving probably definitely) gets casted as a male lead almost immediately after the show finished airing.
SOOBIN: is like those lowly assistant pd in the show where the main characters works as a makeup artist. sees the main character crying under the stairs, contemplates whether he should go or not to console but then he gets yelled at to get his ass moving. even ends up forgetting he saw any girl crying or whatever his life is already as hard as it is.
ALSO wears very thick black glasses, like the ones he does irl.
Is shown shamelessly clapping at the end of the drama when the main character accepts herself as if he did not just ignore the poor girl when she was crying all alone.
BEOMGYU: main character's useless, and very annoying date to a double date that main character gets roped in while she's at school. absolutely nuisance, can't sit properly in his chair, talks smack about the main character to her face because he's an insensitive teenage boy who wants the world to work on his whim. makes remarks like he can play "connect the dot" on her face with the acne while sipping loudly and obnoxiously from his straw.
EXCLUSIVELY wears a hoodie over his school uniform and has the most punchable face, we see him again when the main character becomes "hot" but he doesn't remember going with her on a date and tries to flirt and get her number. doesn't get the hint when he's turned down.
GETS punched at least once before his screen time in the show ends.
TAEHYUN: that one character we don't really think is important until the end of the series but he is still not important because he gets no lines.
WORKS in that comic shop where the main characters met up and they extensively, and LOUDLY discussed their secrets. like if he wanted he could have ended the entire series in 20 minutes.
BRO has all the gossip but we only see his scenes, those camera shots between the bookshelves or on top of ladders cleaning the store.
KINDA gets a fan following after the series ends. #WeNeedToHearHisVoice!
HUENING KAI: that one token wasian character in the industry that is introduced to have never stood foot in south korea but speaks english with like 40 layers of korean accent lathered on.
BECOMES bestie with the main character and posts cringe selfies on his Instagram. literally kick-starts the main character's career from his mouth of word and star power.
LIKE this man does more for the main character than what the main lead and second lead has done for the poor girl also gets paired up with one of the main character's best friends by the end of the series, but its only initiated. *wink* *wink*
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ITGIRLGYU' 23: feedback and reblogs are always appreciated and expected if you enjoyed it! PERM TAG LIST: @full-sunnies @impureperhaps @jisungsdaydreamer @wonioml @1921choi @forever-in-the-sky2 @ox1-lovesick
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