#and somehow Twitter had the best question
larabar · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog and why he's impossible to write Perfectly
(including me i could not get him right if my life depended on it)
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is this me giving up on trying to find the perfect way to write him? Maybe
i've been making lots and lots of notes on a bunch of his characterizations and the differences between them, including what makes any of them Better than the others and it's been .inconclusive
but i think ive found the problem. i can't accurately describe him as a character in general in one sentence without getting too specific or listing stuff like 'fast'
and i think that's one of the only things that stays consistent between all the different media he's in
one of my favorite examples of all this is sonic's lack of a solid theme. he has themes, yes. but they change with every game and tend to be the main theme Of the game. not just sonic. so he doesn't really have one of his own like most other characters.
just gonna plug this video again. it talks about sonic leitmotifs and character themes and how they're used to define each character and it's really cool check it out :]
all this comes with a blessing and a curse. there's always someone who will like one characterization and someone else who will Absolutely Despise it. and honestly that's just sonic's thing. especially with sonic media as a whole
there are definitely ways to mess up sonic's character. it's been done many times. but that's when the writers completely dismiss sonic's core values (but let's be honest even those are flexible and everyone still does them differently)
so. if someone has the golden formula to writing sonic please please please i am on my hands and knees i need to know how it's done
but until i figure it out. im just gonna stick to this. ->
TLDR: sonic is so complex and so simple at the same time and i cannot find any one way to describe him. there are infinite ways to write him and it's honestly better to just not worry about getting it perfect and have fun with it :]
#this is actually just a cry for help /j#i dont know how people do it there are so many good versions of this character but theyre all so different !!#but they all work an can be easily identified as Sonic#i think thats why he works so well as a main character without being a silent protagonist like link#he's flexible. he works with literally any story you drop him in#like. ok mild sonic frontiers spoilers#the main cast each has their own koco and they're all different and reflect each character#knux having a warrior amy having .a lover idk. and tails with a mechanic#they all can be matched with a character so easily !#except. sonics just has A Leaf on its head. no fancy stuff. just a standard koco#and!! it works!! somehow skdnfjf#like theres no other koco that would work better#his koco buddy is just kind of A Guy. a guy who loves adventure if you will ajdbd#because thats who sonic is! just a guy who loves adventure! !! theres not much else to it#wxcept hes not just a blank slate he has personality#going back to the twitter takeover question about what sonics memory token would look like and#none if the other characters could come up with a decisive symbol. tails probably had the best idea out of the bunch#a star. because thats what sonic is to him and the others#its; so cut;e man..... ..#um. but anyways. i wrote all this instead of sleeping ahdbfh#if anyone want to add please do i love hearing everyone else's thoughts on this. its the whole point actually#gonna go to bed soon though so. gn#sonic the hedgehog#rambles#gif
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
"What the fuck did you do?"
Eddie wasn't expecting hostility when he answered Jeff's phone call, his best friend's usual calm demeanor replaced with open annoyance. And yeah, okay, the annoyance itself wasn’t new, but Eddie doesn’t think he’s actually done anything recently to earn it.
"Actually, no. I'll tell you what you did. You retweeted photos of Steve Harrington - internationally beloved heartthrob actor Steve Harrington - along with the caption 'not to sound like a subby slut but GOD I would be his puppy baby boy in a heartbeat'. So I guess the better question is, what the fuck were you thinking, Eddie?"
Eddie's jaw clicks shut because- yeah, he had done that. Had seen those photos of Steve smoking circling the internet and spent god knows how long just staring at them, had curbed the desire to shove his hand down his pants by posting a single thirst tweet about it.
“I was thinking, Jeff, that I'm allowed to post whatever I want to my private fucking twitter, man. I mean it's a free country, isn't a guy allowed to make a horny tweet about a sexy man every now and then?”
“You are, when you actually post it to your private account and not our award winning band's main account.”
No. Oh no. There's no way Eddie actually-
He rips his phone away from his face to open twitter, and realizes two things simultaneously. One, Jeff is right, he had posted it to the band's account. Not on his private, locked, personal account, but on the account that's actually open and free for literally anyone on earth to look at.
The second thing he realizes is that their notifications are currently flooded with responses to Eddie's tweet, somehow racking up into the thousands in the few hours it's been since. 
Jesus Christ.
The metalhead jerks back into the moment and put Jeff on speaker so he can scroll through the horde of replies, says “Fuck, I fucked up. Are we gonna have to do damage control on this?”
In the mess is a reply from Gareth's own personal account: @ corrodededdie stop tweeting from the band account challenge 🙄🙄🙄
”Maybe. There hasn't been any type of response from Harrington or his people, but they might ask us to take it down if it blows up too much.“
Eddie hums, thinking they might be too little, too late about it blowing up too much, and flips over to his main account so he can reply to Gareth's little jab appropriately. He isn't surprised to see that he has a couple of new messages, probably from other people wondering just what the fuck Eddie was thinking, but when he goes to check them-
He's never been happier that he turned on messages from followers only, because then he would have missed this, missed Steve Harrington's little profile picture beaming up at him from the screen of his phone, along with a new message request.
”Jeff, I gotta go,” he says, not even realizing he's cut the other man off.
“Eddie, what-
”Harrington messaged me. I'll call you back.“
Eddie doesn't wait for a response as he hangs up on Jeff, and his hands definitely aren't shaking as he opens the message from Steve. And listen- Eddie is a fan of the guy, that much should be obvious. 
Steve had grown in popularity around the same time Corroded Coffin had; he’d gotten some part in a drama film that had skyrocketed him into stardom, and Eddie fell in love the moment he saw that gorgeous face on the silver screen for the first time. He's never had a chance to interact with the guy, has been in the same place a few times but always missed him, like ships passing in the night, but Eddie's been fine with pining from afar, just like every other person on the planet that's even remotely attracted to men.
Besides, even with how popular Corroded Coffin has gotten over the years - a couple of Grammy’s here, a dozen chart topping metal songs there - Eddie doesn’t expect Steve to just. Know who Eddie is.
With all of this in mind, Eddie is expecting some kind of semi-casual request to take the tweet down, that it's not a good look for his image-
Anything other than what Steve actually sent.
'If you're puppy baby boy, does that make me Master? Or Daddy?'
And Eddie- 
Eddie slides down, sinks into his couch cushion as all of the blood in his body suddenly shifts, rushing to fill his dick like it's a fucking race. The phone almost slips out of his hand and he fumbles it briefly before taking a deep breath. 
Is Steve serious? He wouldn't send that if he wasn't serious, right?
This could be it, could be Eddie's one chance to impress Steve, to get his foot in the door of Steve's interest. He bites his lip and types out a reply, something quick that he sends before he can change his mind.
‘I’m open to either, actually. Do you have a preference, sir?’
He doesn’t expect the typing indicator to come up immediately, and just knowing that Steve is somewhere right now, typing out a response to Eddie, is enough to have him nearly vibrating in his seat.
‘I’m partial to Daddy, myself.’
Fuck fuck fuck.
Eddie takes a breath, tries to think of a response that isn’t just ‘Please, Daddy, can I sit on your massive dick that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since that one indie film you did that just had all of your junk out in the open?’
Steve saves him by sending another message.
‘But maybe we could start with Steve, and possibly dinner? Though I’d be happy to see where things go after that.’
He- What-
Eddie must have stopped breathing, because the next time he takes a breath his lungs burn, his mid races because there’s no way Eddie’s long term celebrity crush just asked him on a date. He sits there long enough that the screen goes dark and he scrambles to turn it back on, sees the message still there, real and unchanged.
There’s no way he can say no to this, to Steve, and his hands shake as he types out a response.
‘Dinner would be great. Just name the time and place, Daddy.’
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berzahoes · 10 months
“slut!” | tom blyth
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summary: in a word full of boys, tom is a gentleman.
an: takes place before filming billy the kid
warnings: mean names hence the title also if you care, reader is the same age as tom lol
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“so keep your boyfriends hidden because y/n is newly single!”
“how many boyfriends has she had in the last four years?”
“clearly she’s the problem if she can’t keep a boyfriend.”
you heard it all. the names people called you, the headlines, news reports. it was always the same. people would rather shame you for your love life than be quiet. in the past you did joke that you went on many dates, clearly the media didn’t care if you were joking or not.
your manager had even banned you from looking at the really negative comments on your phone. twitter was having a field day with your love life.
“slut!” was the phrase often directed towards you. while your loyal fans defend you, you could still see all the hurtful things people said about you.
“do you want to cancel tomorrow’s interview?” lisa, your manager, asked one day. you hadn’t answered your phone at all and she was concerned so she drove to your new york apartment and let herself in with the spare key she had. she had found you in the darkness of your room curled up with your plethora of blankets.
“cancel everything. i just want to rest for a while.” you managed to say. lisa was like your second mom. she cared about you more than anything.
“we can do that.” lisa assured.
“lisa?” you turned to face her.
“thanks for checking on me.”
after that conversation, lisa made some calls and any movie or tv show deal you had were quickly cancelled. over the next few days, the media found out that you pulled out of many movies from big franchises like marvel and star wars. it was always a dream of yours to be in anything marvel or star wars related, but for now, those projects had to continue without you.
many friends and colleagues reached out to you, but all you could do was send a simple ‘thank you’ and be done with it.
days passed and you were still in your apartment. you didn’t mind being alone, you liked it better that way. sometimes lisa or your parents would drop by or even your upstairs neighbor, mrs. davis, a nice old lady who knew that your favorite cupcakes were red velvet so she made you some to cheer you up.
it was a tuesday afternoon when you heard someone cursing multiple out in the hallway. you figured someone got locked out so you ignored it. pretty much everyone in the entire building got locked out at least once. you were ignoring the cursing as you continued reading your book and ate your red velvet cupcake that your kind neighbor had made you. a few seconds later, you heard a knock on your door.
“no.” you groaned as you stood up to answer the door. you opened it to find tom. you had only known him because you had a mutual friend so you were surprised to see him at your door.
“hi,” he spoke. “i called and texted . . a lot. i just wanted to see how you were.”
“i’m alive as you can see.” you said.
“i know you’ve been asked this question a lot lately but are you okay?”
that’s when you broke down. you couldn’t keep it together in front of tom, but he didn’t mind comforting you. somehow he knew exactly what you needed to hear.
he would often come over to keep you company when lisa or your parents couldn’t. he understood you didn’t want to step foot outside so he didn’t force you. instead, you two would go up to the terrace of your apartment building and hang out. tom would bring lunch or dinner depending on the time that he decided to visit. during that time, you two would talk about whatever would come to mind. tom did his best to avoid talking about work, but you always asked how his filming was going or if he had auditioned for anything new.
“i got the part,” he admitted. “i’m playing billy the kid.” he smiled brightly.
“I’m so happy for you, tom! you deserve it!” you hugged him.
“it’ll be announced next week. you’re the first to know, well apart from my manager.” he chuckled.
“you deserve that and more.” you smiled.
“you do too. other people should see that,” tom said. “you’re so talented and amazing and everything about you is so. . . incredible. i wish people see you the way i do.”
you were speechless.
“are you okay?” tom asked when he noticed you were quiet.
fuck. fuck. fuck FUCK he thought to himself
“you mean it?” you managed to say. you could feel yourself start to blush.
“every bit and more. i enjoy being with you and if i could be with you for the rest of my life then i would die a happy man.”
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lemonlover1110 · 10 months
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 16] Justifications
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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Mrs. Gojo’s first reaction to finding her son in the hospital room isn’t one of worry– Rather, she’s curious. She wonders if you told him; she doubts you’re dumb enough to actually tell him, but he got here somehow. Instead of wondering how he found out, she should worry about how she’ll explain everything to her son. She can’t just throw you under the bus… Well, she can but it wouldn’t be right for her to do so.
Satoru is sitting down, his hands on his knees as he looks around the room. He contemplates everything. He questions every single relationship that he has. Shoko knew, and his mother, but who else? How many people are betraying him? How many people know the fact that he has a son? 
The man is nauseous at the mere thought that they faced him as if they weren’t hiding something that could turn Satoru’s life upside down. He hears his mother’s heels as she walks towards him but he can’t bring himself to look up at her. He’s never had a close bond with his mother, and at times he’s hated her presence; but nothing compares to now. Satoru has never hated being her son until now. 
“Satoru.” She doesn’t try to soften her voice when she talks to him. She probably should. She feels the hatred that radiates off her son, and she knows that maybe she should console him. She’s mostly at fault for how things played out. “How did you end up here?”
“That’s what you say.” His voice breaks and he takes a deep breath to compose himself. He won’t start crying in front of his mother, she doesn’t have to know how heartbroken he is. She should have an idea though because it’s no easy feat. “You knew about my son, you hid him from me on purpose, you let me find out on my own and your response is that.”
She stays quiet. Satoru will continue speaking and she won’t interrupt until he lets it all out. “I always knew you weren’t a star mother, but this? You’re the worst mother I’ve come across. You hid my son from me, and for what? Because you didn’t want your ideal plans to go to the trash?”
“You’re almost twenty-seven and you act like a child. You wouldn’t have been able to step up to the role. I did what was best for you, and for Ren and his mother.” She argues and he feels his blood boil. He’s never been so mad in his life.
“I wouldn’t have been like you. I wouldn’t have thrown my son to the help and let them raise him. I’m nothing like you, I would’ve been able to step up to the role. Ren would’ve actually felt me being present, and I would’ve loved him as much as I possibly could.” Satoru’s nails dig into the fabric of his pants. “No one is ready to be a parent. You learn along the way. I would’ve and am going to try my best, the same way you should’ve.”
“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have your precious job title, Satoru. Watch how you talk to me.” She warns him, ignoring the guilt that runs through her veins. She focuses more on the fact that her son gives her attitude. 
“This is what you wanted! You didn’t tell me because you knew I’d give up everything for him. I knew you were fucked up but to this extent? You’re a wretched woman, I’m ashamed to call you my mother.” Satoru raises his voice, and silence follows. She doesn’t know how to answer. Satoru clears his throat, “For how long have you known? For how long have you known I have a son?”
“Almost a year.” She confesses, and maybe Satoru would’ve easily let it slide if it was something more recent. Well, she hired you for a reason, she’s known for as long as you’ve been working with her. Satoru takes a deep breath, trying his best to hold back the tears that fill up his eyes. 
“Shoko knows. She told me. Who else knows?” He asks, speaking slowly to contain his feelings. She shrugs, she doesn’t know who else knows. 
“I have no idea. I didn’t know Shoko knew.” She responds, walking over to stand next to Satoru. He glares at her, standing up. He can’t stand to breathe the same air as her for another moment. She watches him walk away and she asks, “What are you doing? Now is not the time to throw a tantrum.”
“A tantrum?! You hid my son from me and you’re calling this a tantrum?!” He yells. “You’ve known about my son for a year, you asked for him to be kept from me, and you’re calling this a tantrum? You’re fucking unbelievable. This is all your fault. You’ve been set on making me miserable ever since I was born.”
“Calm down, Satoru.” She says, and Satoru has to take another deep breath. He doesn’t even know how to respond to her. How dare she even suggest that? She must be out of her damn mind– No, she’s evil. He’s convinced she’s fucking evil.
“I’ll never forgive you for this. This is so fucked up, even for you.” Satoru steps out of the room. He needs a breath of fresh air, and he needs to take it all in. Gather his thoughts. 
He’s a father. He’s been one for the past four years. How does he handle it all? His mother betrayed him in the worst possible way. You betrayed him the worst possible way. But Satoru can somewhat understand why you stayed quiet. Not her though. Both reasons are selfish, but her selfishness is pure evil. 
“Satoru.” He hears your mother, and he stops walking. The tears that he’s been holding back finally slip out, and he wipes them away as your mother walks to him. Her hand goes to his arm and she squeezes it as a form of reassurance. “Let’s go grab a coffee, there’s a coffee shop nearby that’s open.”
“Yeah.” He tries to talk normally, and she gently smiles at him. They walk outside and Satoru follows your mother’s lead to the coffee shop. They walk in silence, and when they get there, Satoru pays for coffee for the both of them.
Once the coffee is in their hands, they sit in silence at a table. They came here to talk, yet Satoru is not going to spark up the conversation– At least Satoru assumes that they came here to talk. Your mother clears her throat, “I hope you can forgive my daughter for this… At the very least see her point of view.”
“I’ll try at the very least… I just thought she would try to tell me. I’m disappointed… and feel betrayed.” Satoru confides. He’s always felt like he could talk to your mother, she’s always been someone he can trust. He never went to his own mother for help, instead he went to yours. “I would’ve done anything for Ren, she knows I’ve always wanted to have a kid.”
“I remember the day my little girl called crying, telling me she was pregnant. Her boyfriend just broke up with her and she didn’t know how to tell him. You were out of town, your mother fired me– I told my daughter I quit, but it wasn’t that. Your mother didn’t want me around, she started hating me the moment my daughter started to date you,” Your mother begins and Satoru listens attentively. 
“She tried to tell you, Satoru. You changed your number. You completely cut her off. She went to your house, and guess what your mother said to my pregnant daughter?”
“That I got married.” Satoru mutters, looking away since he’s too ashamed to look her in the eye. 
“And you know the damage that caused? She cried for weeks, but she managed to move on. She couldn’t dwell on you forever because she had a son to be responsible for. Maybe she should’ve told you when she saw you, but I understand she didn’t need you anymore.” 
“I didn’t get married because–” Satoru begins but your mother cuts him off. She doesn’t want to hear any justifications, she really doesn’t see any response that will make her feelings change.
“I don’t care why the hell you got married. I was rooting for you, Satoru. I was rooting for the two of you, but you showed me that you’re just like your selfish entitled family. You made me change my mind, you’re the last person I want near my daughter and my grandson.” Her words sting more than anyone’s because the woman that sits across from him practically raised him. “But I guess I have no other option. You are Ren’s father.”
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs, causing her brows to raise.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” She answers before standing up. Satoru watches as she walks away, biting his quivering bottom lip. He shuts his eyes, trying not to begin crying in front of everyone. 
He’s tired. He should probably go home and take a nap, but he promised his son he’d be there when he wakes up. So he won’t leave until Ren sees him. Satoru stands up and goes back to the hospital.
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You don’t talk to each other when you’re with Ren. Ren is filled with love, from both of his parents and grandmothers. He’s never been with them all at the same time, and he’s excited to be with them all even when he isn’t feeling too well. His father seems to have a lot of questions though, but Ren likes the attention.
Ren gets to talk about his birthday (which surprises Satoru since they have the same birthday), his favorite color, his favorite show, his favorite toys, what he does when mommy is not home, what he does when mommy is home; Satoru tries to get to know all about Ren in a couple hours to make up for the past four years of his life. Satoru is overwhelmed with sadness, yet he’s never felt so happy before as he sits on an armchair, next to his baby boy. Ren holds his father’s hand, smiling when he’s never felt worse before. He’s just happy to meet the man that he’s been asking about.
Satoru spends the entire afternoon there, listening to Ren’s every request. He expected to spend the first day with his son in the hospital but not under these conditions. Regardless, Ren could be a newborn or a four-year-old, Satoru loves him either way. 
Ren yawns, and Satoru sheepishly smiles. He kisses the top of his son’s head. “How about you go to bed, buddy? You’re tired.”
“I don’t want you to go.” Ren says, and Satoru squeezes his hand. You swear you hear your heart break as you hear Ren’s words. You definitely fucked up.
“I’m not leaving, Ren. I’ll be by your side when you wake up, I promise.” Satoru assures him, and the man stays by his side until Ren finally falls asleep. Satoru doesn’t let go of Ren’s hand. You sit in silence for a moment as you try to decide what you’ll do next. Should you speak? Maybe you should… But what should you say? Maybe you should apologize, but you don’t have the guts to do it. 
“Who else knows?” Satoru whispers, not wanting to wake Ren up. He doubts that Ren will be waking up any time soon though, no matter how loud he is.
“Shoko and Suguru. And everyone that works at your house.” You answer. “I asked them not to tell, and I lied to Suguru so don’t be mad at them.”
“Did you… At least try to argue with my mother about telling me?” He hopes that you’ll say yes, so at the very least he can feel like you care about his feelings. He wants to hear that you tried a bit more. He’s filled with disappointment when you shake your head. He looks away from you, and back at Ren.
“How are you going to tell your wife?” You ask, and Satoru shrugs. That isn’t his main problem right now. Sayo can wait.
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love-byers · 3 months
so as hard as it may be to believe, i was a mileven shipper right up until just before vol 2 of s4 came out. not hardcore twitter mileven, but a shipper nonetheless. i did love will and mike's relationship, maybe even more than mileven, but i never clocked it as romantic. i vividly remember thinking "aww, will and mike would be so cute together but they would never let that happen." and never thought about it again. even when i saw the rain fight and heard "it's not my fault you don't like girls" i was like "ohh wow so will is probably gay" and didn't even think he was in love with mike. i didn't believe that until the s4 trailer said "i think there is someone he likes" and of course, this was because of my own heteronormativity. i dismissed everything i saw and didn't even look for hints because the idea that the writers would allow a gay relationship between two main characters was not even a thought in my head. once i dropped that and started to trust that the writers actually cared and did want queer characters/storylines, everything made sense.
so i went into s4 thinking mileven were gonna be fine and that will was sad and hopelessly in love with mike. i mean fully believing it. so im mindlessly watching s4 e2 and thinking "aww poor will mike is so in love with el he can't pay attention to will" no questions asked.
then the fight happened. when mike blew up and said "you were! you were! you were rolling your eyes, you were moping, you were barely talking you basically sabotaged the whole day" i was like " how do you know that" but still, i dismissed it and barely thought about it.
then it happened. "we're friends! we're. friends." all the alarm bells went off. red flags flew up. my eyebrows furrowed. "ummm what mike? he didn't say you were more than friends. why is he viewing this romantically and why is he being so defensive???"
i was so deep into believing the writers would never let the gay romance happen, but that just couldn't get past me. there's no other way that line can be interpreted. that's a trope that means one thing and one thing only.
my next thought was "ok, this is gonna be like the rain fight. will is gonna be really hurt by this and go silent."
but nope, will claps back with "well we used to be best friends!" and i was stunned. utterly stunned. what is going on here? what is this dynamic? and why is mike more worried about this than finding el? why did he care enough to completely stop walking so he couple blow up at will for not talking?? but still, i was somehow able to let this go. because the writers just wouldn't do that. would they?
the mileven fight happens and i've never wanted to backhand a teenager more in my entire life. i'm reminded of stancy and their whole "i love you" thing
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then THIS happened, and i was thinking more and more that mike doesn't love el romantically. look at his face when will says "whatever you didn't say you can say it to her then". will starts talking but the camera stays focused on mike and will remains blurred. we're supposed to be taking in mikes reaction. he says yes, but frowns and blinks rapidly. will was trying to reassure him, but mike has not been reassured. i don't know how to describe the emotion on his face. it's like you just had a chance to clear up your lie, but you still didn't, and now you're back to thinking about the moment your lie will blow up in your face. it's like his face is saying, "no, i can't just say it to her then because i don't want to."
the scene where they talk on top of the car is what started to make me think mike doesn't love el romantically. his reaction to will saying "it's scary, to say how you really feel. especially to people you care about the most. because..what if they don't like the truth?" he nodded. he felt seen. i remember thinking "ooooh. he doesn't love her and he knows she won't like that" everything made sense. if we apply mike's monologue logic to this, it makes no sense. whatever it is that mike is feeling, he thinks el won't like it. then he supposedly decides that the moment to tell her that is when she's dying?
mike is lying. he was holding back saying how he feels because he knows el won't like it. then when she's dying, he suddenly thinks his feelings are what she wants enough that it'll save her life? whatever he was feeling on top of the car and what he tells her in the monologue are not the same. you don't tell someone something they won't like when they're dying.
and 2 years ago i came to this conclusion without an ounce me believing byler could be canon.
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neiptune · 5 months
just her color
cw: 2.7 wc, female reader, violence, gore, it gets pretty descriptive, slightly nsfw (y'all have sex lol), dark academia(ish) setting
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“A girl has been found dead on campus” Jean’s brows are furrowed as he skims through his twitter timeline “shit, I think I know who she is?”
“What?” Sasha straightens up in her seat, iced latte promptly put down. The table grows silent, you’ve grabbed Jean’s wrist to peek at his screen in disbelief. Someone dying at your college, the most boring place on earth, is difficult to believe.
“Holy shit” you let go of your friend’s wrist and meet Sasha’s gaze “it’s Yuki. Remember? She used to be in our history class”
She opens her mouth in a small “o”, realization freezing her surprised features.
“Nakamura Yuki?” Eren’s breath catches in his throat “that’s impossible, I literally saw her last week. Didn’t she tutor students with you, ‘Min?”
“Yeah but that was last year” Armin shakes his head “what the hell happened? From what I remember she didn’t care for parties or weird companies”
“Not sure, they’re jut saying she’s been found outside her dorm” Jean puts away his phone with a grim look on his face, cappuccino long forgotten. Connie used to have a crush on that girl, he hopes to find him before he has the chance to get the news from social media.
“Do you guys think it was an accident?” all pigment seems to have been sucked out of Eren’s face and you instinctively push back some of the hair from his forehead.
“An accident? What d’you mean?” you tilt your head to the side, pose the question carefully weighing each word.
“I don’t know. Alcohol poisoning? Maybe someone spiked her drink?”
A shudder teases your spine, almost makes you retract your hand. “So you’re saying… someone did it?”
“Not on purpose. I’m just speculating”
“Why?” Sasha chimes in “stop it, it’s weird. If something’s off, the school is gonna tell us”
“Yeah, right, they definitely will” you scoff.
“Maybe it was like a heart attack” Armin seems unconvinced himself as he finishes his tea, surely gone cold by now.
“Sure, that sounds likely” you push back the mug containing your black coffee, suddenly nauseous “next time my parents ask how things are going up here, I’ll finally have the perfect answer. Oh, you’ll never guess the novelty: girls are being murdered on campus now!”
“No one’s been murdered” Eren is annoyed and eager to change the subject. Everyone else is too. You kinda get it: it’s weird that a girl you all somehow knew is suddenly dead, it’s even weirder that something so dreadful had to happen on your campus of all places.
On the slopes of mount Rokko, in Kobe, nothing really ever happens. You attend a private university that counts a few thousand students and an international exchange program that no one really ever applies to. Your professors like to call the insistution “Kobe’s best kept secret” but to you that’s just a pretentious way to present an old school with an even older set of rules that simply make your lives excruciatingly harder. No visits allowed except for graduations or special ceremonies, everyone is supposed to be in their rooms by 9:30 pm (as security keeps a record of students who are caught roaming in the corridors at night), no one is allowed to leave the building except for Sundays and even then if you don’t have your identity card with you, the chances that you’ll spend the night in the woods are pretty high because security doesn’t really give a shit.
But if they don’t mind leaving students locked outside for the night (it has happed), the appreciation for bribes runs equally high: it’s not uncommon among students to offer as much as ¥308,230 to buy their silence for a plethora of activities. Money is power even on top of mount Rokko and it can be used to secure sex, parties, drugs, alcohol, just like it does anywhere else.
Which is why everyone seems to be asking themselves the same question: who the hell used money to secure an assassination?
Soon after the finding and despite the rector’s efforts, Yuki’s picture was passed around in group chats and social media posts like a collectible card. Most senders had the decency to forward the blurred version of the photo but pretty much everyone saw the first, original variant, and the school couldn’t keep it a secret for a minute longer: a murder it was.
You spent the following days unable to get proper sleep, eyes wide open scanning the ceiling for the majority of the night, the image of that girl’s empty, horrified stare chasing you until dawn, pulse rapidly tapping against your skin at the thought. Sasha doesn’t speak of her nightmares but you’re sure they resemble your own dreams: one hand pointlessly closed around a pale throat slashed open, the dark halo of thin hair framing a face gone cold, liquid red lipstick smeared across lips like a macabre tribute to joker.
If few can get out of the school, basically no stranger can step foot inside. Which means, and every single female student is painfully aware of it, that they are sharing their campus with a killer.
You’ve all been moving in packs lately, no girl has been seen wandering around the school without her friends or boyfriend and you’re no exception: if Sasha is almost always escorted by Jean and Connie, Eren basically refuses to leave your side and has been staying the night more and more often.
“I know cops freak you out” he tries to keep the spirits high, indulges in some humor to ease part of the tension in your shoulders as the investigation unfolds and strangers search your dorm a million times.
“Pigs” you utter under your breath shortly before flashing a smile to one of the officers you pass by on your way to class “how dumb d’you have to be to be still groping in the dark? They’re clueless”
He shrugs, trying hard to suppress a smirk because what the hell, they’re only there because a girl has been murdered and it wouldn’t be appropriate to smile “they’ll never figure it out anyway”
You look up at him, confusion evident by the crease between your brows. Eren clears his throat.
“Everyone knows the school wants to handle this shit internally” he lowers his voice in a murmur “I wouldn’t be surprised if the rector was actually trying to get rid of them”
“What the fuck? Why would he do that? Parents are already freaking out, threatening to pick up their kids and cancel their enrollments, does the rector want to reign over an abandoned bulk of shitty old bricks?”
“How much did you look into those articles about our school that Armin sent us last year?” Eren tilts his head a little, an amused twitch of the lips indicating that he’s about to do the thing you hate the most: be a smartass.
“Not much” you stand defeated and your boyfriend grins.
“It’s not the first time someone’s died here, Gako has a pretty long history of secret societies that are believed to have performed some fucked up initiations. It’s mainly why we don’t have them anymore, at least officially. The degree of independence from the rectorate was pretty high, they essentially had an agreement: vivit et vivet”.
“What?” your brows furrow, skeptical. Eren basks in your confusion.
“Live and let live. Keep your nose out of our business and we’ll do our best to stay discreet”
You refrain from asking where the fuck he even learned latin as a more urgent question arises. “But why would the rectorate even agree?”
“Those students came from some of the richest, most influential families of the Taisho era. Gako cares a lot about history and tradition and…”
Eren nods.
“They kept the money flowing and the name shining. Those societies were Gako, I bet our current rector himself is an ex member of the Cauda Venenum or whatever the fuck it was”
There’s a pause as the story sinks in, all the implications that single revelation could hold. “Wow. You seem to have really enjoyed those articles, Armin must’ve been thrilled”
He laughs a bit at that and shrugs, pulls you closer to his body, pretends not to notice the inkling shadow of suspicion quivering beneath the surface of your words.
You don’t point out that what happened to Yuki is far from resembling an initiation, nor you dwell on the main undertone of the entire conversation: if what Eren said is true, the case could very well remain unsolved and the murderer would be allowed to roam free through the halls, perhaps for evermore. The mere thought sends a chill down your spine. Vivit et vivet.
The Yuki topic is banned from being discussed with Sasha, she gets nervous really easily and is already painfully on edge every single day. Despite Jean and Connie basically never leaving her side, you know part of her wishes she had a boyfriend to rely on or keep close at night, one that would pull her into him as she wakes up from those hellish nightmares, chest heaving painfully. That’s precisely why you don’t bring up Eren to her: not his weirdly cemented assumptions, not the fact that you want to keep your distance for at least a day or two. And so, as it often happens, Armin becomes the designated listener to all your bitching and moaning.
“He’s just being weird, I guess” you grumble over breakfast, a portion of blueberry pancakes covered in dense syrup “and I don’t know how to make it clear to him”
“How to make what clear to him?”
“That he’s giving me the creeps”
Your friend chuckles at that.
“I’m sure Eren’s simply as freaked out as everyone else, he’s just trying to make sense out of the whole thing. I do appreciate that at least someone went through the material I shared, though”
“I was plannin’ to” you protest “eventually”
“Sure you were” Armin rolls his eyes but there’s fondness in his resigned gaze.
A comfortable silence drapes over the two of you as you keep eating, the chatter floating around the mess hall reaches you like the rolling of heavy, long sea waves. There’s a storm raging outside, although not much can be seen from the stained glass windows that are closer to the vaulted ceilings than the long, wooden tables filled with students. The only real indicators are the distant rumbling of the thunder and a group of pupils who barged through the doors soaked from head to toe.
“I know you’re just as scared, y’know” Armin calmly cuts through the silence, eyes on his now empty plate “even if you always wanna act all tough”
“Yes, I’ll admit I’m slightly nervous at the idea that a murderer is currently wandering around our school and that our rector may very well be doing nothing to actually find said homicidal maniac” the words come out harsher than intended so you try to soften them around the edges “sorry, I just… it’s shitty. And I feel like I don’t get to complain because I have a boyfriend who is always making sure I’m not lonely or scared while…”
“Sasha doesn’t?”
Ugh, Armin. Ever the receptive empath.
You hang your head lower, shoulders hunched. He offers another one of his gentle smiles.
“A student has been found with her throat split open, on campus. I think you get a pass for being nervous about it, even if you have a boyfriend”
“Thank you, ‘Min” the smile you offer in exchange is probably not as sweet nor fully persuaded but you do truly appreciate his courtesy.
When you get back to your room at the end of a very long, tiring and unfortunately wet day (you 100% forgot to bring your just-in-case umbrella and thought running would be a safe, dry enough strategy to bolt from one class to the other), all you want is to kick off your muddy shoes, add some logs to the fireplace, take a piping hot shower and melt into the comfort of your bed. However, it’s not often you have the room all to yourself: Sasha is going to spend the night in Connie’s room, the only place in the entire school where she feels safe enough to get a good night sleep.
You decide to text Eren and ask him to come over. Although you never directly addressed your concerns or discomfort, he must’ve sensed the desire to keep to yourself for a few days and he’s been gracious enough to step back and grant some space. You don’t necessarily feel guilty about it but you’d lie if you said you didn’t miss him and his stupid, sometimes awfully inappropriate jokes. You’re in love with him after all, insufferably in love one could say (and Jean has before).
Eren is the one person you’d do everything for, the only man you could dedicate your entire life to. And it’s not just because he’s attractive, emotionally intelligent, a good friend and just generally a kind, good-hearted person. It’s because he loves you just as much, knows that you were made for each other, like a perfect match determined by a superior force, some higher power, a deity that held a flame to both your hearts and sealed your fate for all eternity. That’s how being in love with Eren feels.
That’s what you always think about when he fucks you into the mattress, as you moan as loud as he likes it, as you beg for him to go faster, harder, whenever he teases you with a painfully slow roll of the hips. He knows you belong to him just as much as he belongs to you and, god, what never fails to send you over the edge each time is the thought that he adores belonging to you more than he enjoys owning you. You have him, all of him, and by god you’ll make sure that never changes.
Tonight, the thought of Yuki infiltrates your brain once more, no matter how much you work to keep it at bay. What did she feel while being slashed open? Did she die from damage to the trachea or the carotid arteries? The latter seems to be more likely, the blood vessels the run up each side of the neck will bleed profusely if severed and she did bleed a lot, probably ended up chocking on her own blood, right as the blood flow to the brain was compromised. Still, you hope her heart didn’t stop too quickly.
Most people believe that cutting a human’s throat is the same as slahing open an animal’s. But you’re not supposed to place the knife at right angle only to press and draw it across the skin: the best way is actually to find the soft spot below the junction of the jaw and the neck, position the point of the knife right there and thrust it in, gently guiding the blade along the bundle of neck cords until you reach the same soft spot on the opposite side. The correct location is not hard to find: tracing a finger back from the lower jawbone to the place where the bone turns upwards and then lowering it slightly is just enough.
You wonder if forensic pathologists have been allowed to take a look at the body, if the autopsy reported that a right handed person has firmly restrained the victim from behind despite no weapon having been recovered from the crime scene.
What a loss, ever the tragedy, a young and pretty life being severed so early on. She was lovely, especially with that little cherry lipstick she’d always carry around, the one that complimented her fair skin perfectly. You didn’t want her to bid farewell to this world with an ugly face, not when red looked so good on her. Burgundy was just her color.
Eren is showering when his phone, left on your nightstand, lights up.
(Aiko, 10:07 pm) hey!
(Aiko, 10:07 pm) working on that paper today was really fun :) wanna meet up again tomorrow?
(Aiko, 10:08 pm) this time I promise coffee is on me
Good grief.
There’s never really an end to the ladies you have to deal with, is there?
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peachhcs · 4 months
I was wondering if you could write something for samy and will based on this article: https://www.nhl.com/canadiens/news/my-man-mireille-boutin-on-michael-pezzetta?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=CHCcontent&utm_content=EN-0514-MyMan
Basically the nhl team’s media people asking the players’ significant other questions about them. Thanks so much :))
my girl: will smith on samy hughes
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
nhl elite prospects interviews will about samy & their relationship!
1k words
this was suppperr cute to write. i swear will’s a yapper when it comes to talking about samy. i switched it from the article so it was will talking about samy, hope u don’t mind, but i loved this request!!
au masterlist
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"we've been best friends since we were kids. everything just makes more sense when i'm around her."
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN — samy hughes is known for her tough offense on the soccer field.
but off the field, she's the "best person i've ever known," according to her boyfriend, will smith, a boston college forward.
while in san jose for a development camp, the nhl elite prospects were able to catch up with smith to ask him how he's been doing, including how his new relationship's been treating him.
it's funny because we never hung out by ourselves a lot when we were kids. i was pretty attached to her older brothers [quinn, jack, and luke] and she was attached to my sister [grace smith], so we never really hung out that much until we were older. although, we always got along. when we did hang out we enjoyed talking to one another and poking fun as if we were siblings. we really didn't get closer until i moved up to plymouth for the usntdp.
at least for me, as i got older, my feelings started changing towards her. i started seeing her as an annoying sister less and less and the more we hung out when i was in michigan, the more attached i grew i guess. we started just..doing stupid stuff together and i just really liked hanging out with her. all the times where i thought the things we did together was just a sibling dynamic, i slowly realized it was a lot more than that.
i took her out to dinner in ann arbor and then we walked around for a bit before sitting on a bench and just talking for hours. it was definitely weird at first, but we eased into one another and it was fun getting to know her on a different level than what i've always known her as.
her personality for sure. she's super outgoing, always knows what she wants, very independent, super caring. we're very similar in many aspects, hence why we're best friends. she looks up to her brothers a lot which i admire because i also look up to them. i also enjoy her extensive knowledge of hockey because of her family, so it's easy talking about the game with her. she's just always been someone i go to when i need a shoulder to lean on and it's just so easy with her, you know? i love getting to call her so we can talk about our days together.
oh yeah, 100%. whenever we're back at michigan or in boston, we're on the ice. she's the one dragging me outside sometimes so we can play 1v1 or something. she's always had that love for hockey even if she doesn't play competitively anymore. i also love seeing her out there because it's what bonded us when we were kids, so it's nice still getting to go out and do it with her. somehow she still beats me too. she doesn't play for 4 months and then we're back on the ice together she scores 3 goals before i can even get the puck in my possession. the guys chirp at me whenever that happens if they're around.
every single one of them are on my computer. it doesn't matter what i'm doing. as soon as the live stream starts, i'm booting it up to watch. the guys love watching her play, so i always get to turn it on the tv and then we scream at the stream for two hours together.
leno and perreault absolutely adore her which i think is really sweet. i was a little worried when i first introduced all of them back when we moved to mich, but the three of them grew close really quickly. sometimes i think they're more excited to see her than i am and that's saying a lot.
when we're at the lake house she loves cooking all of us breakfast. she makes a great omelette and french toast, like, the best i've ever had. we all go crazy for her breakfast in the mornings.
i'm not a huge runner, but sometimes i will run with her when she goes out, or i'd bike along side her. our training schedules are pretty different, but when we're in the offseason we'd occasionally hit the gym together or do some casual workouts that won't kill us. she knows what the hockey training is like so it's no stranger to her when she does follow my lead. soccer, on the other hand, is a lot more sprints and footwork which is sometimes helpful for me.
shes a huge team player. she's always looking out for those girls on her soccer team, helping them run drills, being someone to talk to—i really admire her for that. she's got a real big heart too. her love is so contagious. she's dependable, trustworthy, kind, beautiful—the list could go on coming from me.
i love her, haha. our parents knew way before us that we would end up together before we even knew. we've been best friends since we were kids. everything just makes more sense when i'm around her. this is probably corny, but i wanna spend the rest of my life with her. she's my rock.
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luminetti · 11 months
Dressed to Kill
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༘⋆ Summary: In which, you, a professional cosplayer, mistake Bakugou’s hero outfit for a really good Halloween costume. ༘⋆ Pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ༘⋆Warnings: n/a, reader is just the biggest dumbass (lovingly) also, i cannot stress this enough. they are NOT CHILDREN in this. they’re both at least the age of college seniors  ༘⋆Notes: huge thanks to one of my biggest inspirations for writing in general: @andypantsx3 ! this fic is lightly inspired by—and lowkey a lovechild of—her pieces, baby are you playing tricks and unconventional, so if you somehow haven’t read those yet, i strongly recommend doing so!  also now that i actually have more than one piece of writing, id love for some writer/fandom moots! im very new to tumblr and would love friends :’)  ao3 release
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Halloween was by far your favorite holiday. 
As a child, you were always drawn to Halloween, not just for the candy, but for the extravagant costumes and house decorations. Nearly every year, you stayed up late with your father, hand-sewing various details onto your costume. Finally, for your eighteenth birthday, you were gifted your very own sewing machine which officially kickstarted your interest in cosplay.
Throughout your first couple years of college, you worked on your Twitter account, posting quick mirror selfies of your various cosplay projects. Only during senior year did you finally feel comfortable enough to go out in public for your first official photoshoot.
‘Comfortable’ was a bit of a stretch. Very seldom does one feel truly comfortable when posing in front of a grandiose fountain in the middle of a public garden, fully clad in foam armor. What made it significantly worse was when the aforementioned armor looked more like a metal bikini than an actual chest plate worn into battle.
Poor character design choices aside, you loved Halloween for that very reason. With everyone dressed up–or down, for some–there was no reason to feel self-conscious during your monthly photoshoots. Sure, there was the occasional snide remark, but the number of supportive comments from passersby was enough to quiet your uncertainty.
This year you had stayed up late for the past month putting the final touches on your purple staff, even attempting an LED system that allowed parts of it to glow. It had taken two weeks to get the prototype of the dress situated since you weren’t used to sewing such a large amount of detail into your fabrics. Unfortunately, this also meant it took significantly longer to finish the outfit than expected, leaving almost no time to do your wig. But, in true cosplayer fashion, you managed to whip something together with an older purple wig, just in time for tonight.
You did, however, only realize the character also had a sword occasionally, but there was no way you were going to make that in time so the staff would have to suffice.
The night had already been proving to be one of the best so far. Starting around eight in the evening, you and some of your closest friends had gotten together for a costume party, a series of shitty horror movies, and a plethora of even shittier cheap cocktails. Despite not being much of a drinker yourself, you always participated in the annual spooky-themed cocktail charcuterie. This year you weren’t holding back. Your pride and joy charcuterie consisted of nine drinks including, but not limited to ghost-themed Aperol Spiritz–nicknamed Spirit Spiritz, Bloody Marys, and your personal favorite, Bonejitos. They even had little skeleton dudes sitting on the rim of the glass.
Unfortunately, your friends weren’t very amused by your festive drinks, even going as far to say your ingenious Bonejitos were a stretch. So, clearly they didn’t see the vision. Eventually, the party events died down as the guests began to go home, allowing the night to evolve into just drinking.
“Did you get a photo of your costume yet?” Himari, your friend from freshman year, questioned.
You shook your head, absently watching as the rest of your friends downed your masterly made Bonejitos. Liars, all of them. “‘A stretch’ my ass,” you scoffed.
Himari dug around in her bag, retrieving her camera. “Halloween photoshoot? Your fit is cute and I’m getting bored here.”
You did like the idea of photography-major level photos with none of the price involved. “I love you, Mari.”
She stuffed your spear under her arm and with that, the two of you stepped out into the cold and crisp autumn air, the breeze running over your bare shoulders and thighs. You shivered lightly, pulling up your thigh-highs and hugging the excess fabric close to your body.
Himari glanced at you in concern. “Does the Raiden Shogun not wear a jacket?”
“Unfortunately, she doesn’t.” You chuckled, rubbing your arms. “You can’t be sexy and wear a jacket,” you joked.
She hummed in sympathy, looking around for a good place to set up. The park was a particularly popular spot during Halloween, specifically known for its comforting lighting and ambience.
 “What about there?” Himari pointed to a small gazebo surrounded by violets, lit up by a string of fairy lights. There were a couple groups nearby, but otherwise it was pretty much empty.
You nodded, excited. “Good eye as always, Mari.”
She handed over your spear and offered an arm,helping you step up onto the platform and underneath the gazebo. While she adjusted the lights to her liking, you took a moment to adjust your skirt and sleeves.
“Do you think it’s too short?” you asked, tugging on the cloth. Thankfully the character wore a pair of shorts underneath, but the dress was barely miniskirt length.
Himari looked over briefly before turning back to the lights. “No, not really. Why? Are you uncomfortable?”
Before you could answer, a group of college-aged girls passed by the gazebo, clearly a bit drunk. As they left, one of the girls that was hanging onto her friend’s arm looked over. “Don’t be, girlie! You look hot as fuck!” she shouted out, words slightly slurred.
You flustered, blabbering out a quick thanks in surprise. There’s nothing like a friendly drunk girl to get your confidence up.
From behind the camera, Himari gave you a thumbs up. “Give me one of these.” She mimed leaning against the wooden banister. “Yeah like that, but with your leg more out.”
The shutter clicked several times as you did your best to recreate her gestures.
Himari proceeded to guide you through a series of poses, occasionally having you incorporate your staff or the gazebo. Eventually you got used to the flashing camera and allowed yourself to melt into the character, embodying her essence as best as you could.
Time flew and before you knew it, Himari was calling you down from the gazebo to look over the photos. You hovered over her shoulder as she flipped through each one, pausing at her favorites.
“I’ll import these onto my laptop and send them back edited sometime this week,” she told you, removing her glasses and wiping them off with her sleeve.
You nodded. “Thanks for doing this, you really didn’t have to.” You rummaged through your bag, hoping to find at least a little money for her efforts. Feeling a couple bills between your fingers, you held them out to her.
Himari’s eyes squinted and you realized she was staring over your shoulder. “I think that guy in costume was looking at you,” she said, still cleaning off the lenses.
You turned to see a tall man across the park, large grenade shaped gauntlets resting on both his arms. He quickly looked away once he saw your head turn. Looking closer, you realized he was dressed in a dark black sleeveless jumpsuit with orange and green straps along his body.
He was clearly a Dynamight cosplayer. And by the looks of it, a really talented one at that.
You were almost convinced that he had real hero equipment on. His armor pieces were strikingly accurate, and you made a mental note to look for more realistic prop materials.
“He probably spent a lot of time on that,” you mused to Himari, who had already gone back to inspecting the photos.
“You should go ask him about it.” she suggested, collecting the rest of her things and zipping her bag. “I’ve gotta catch an Uber soon.”
Maybe it was the lingering confidence gifted by the girl from earlier, but you managed to muster up enough self-assurance to wave goodbye to Himari and stride right up to the cosplayer.
As you got closer, you realized just how much work must have gone into all the details. The gauntlets–a very convincing metal–had several dents and scratches, giving it a worn down look, as if it had been used frequently.
His hair looked far too real to be a wig, likely just being his natural hair with lots of product in it. The most impressive detail by far was his physique. Had he trained specifically for this? The closer you got the more you noticed. If you were lucky, maybe he’d give you the name of his supplier.
“I love your outfit!” You smiled cheerily at him.
He turned to look at you, slightly taken aback. “Thanks?” he replied, folding his arms as he looked you over, eyes lingering on your cosplay.
You felt a twinge of anxiety as he inspected your outfit. He probably just didn’t recognize the character, you convinced yourself.
“I’m a cosplayer too,” you clarified, gesturing to your dress. “But clearly not as dedicated as you.”
You watched as his chest puffed lightly at the compliment, though he titled his head, a bit puzzled.
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you tried a different method. “How long did it take to make?”
He blinked at you and shrugged. “Dunno. Maybe a couple of months? I just told them what I wanted.”
Oh, you got it now. He’s just a model. It wasn’t uncommon for people to collaborate on cosplays, especially ones where one person either commissions or buys a cosplay from an artist, and then models it themself. Either way, he was still one of the best you’ve seen.
You nodded in understanding. “Do you have social media? I’d love to see what else you’ve done.” Pulling out your phone, you loaded up your Twitter, preparing to enter his tag.
“Dynamight Official. All one word,” he replied hesitantly, looking you up and down as if he was scanning for signs of sickness.
You chuckled faintly. He was really dedicated to his role. “Well, what's your name? I follow a lot of cosplayers already. Maybe I’ve seen you?” You pulled up your profile and turned the screen around to show him in case he recognized your tag.
His arms unfolded and his face slowly morphed from confused to exceptionally amused. “Bakugou Katsuki. I am Dynamight.”
Waving him off absently, you nodded as you scrolled through your followed accounts. You swear you’ve seen him online before. “Sorry, I’m not really good at roleplay. But you’re pretty convincing.”
He leaned against the cold metal lamppost, watching you sift through various Twitter accounts. You sneaked a glance to check his facial features again, but he was already staring straight back at you.
In such close capacity, his striking crimson eyes stood out to you. Even his contacts were high quality… Fighting back the warmth that threatened your cheeks and ears, you averted your gaze downwards.
Your eyes flicked to his waist. You hadn’t noticed it before, but a thick black bomber jacket was tied tightly around his torso, unlike the real hero’s costume. Well, you stand corrected. You certainly can be sexy with a jacket.
Speaking of jackets, you had been so caught up in conversation you hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten. The soft breeze from earlier had picked up into chilly wind, rustling the fabric of your dress as it blew by.
Bakufaux–haha–seemed to notice your interest in his jacket, untying it and tossing it over your shoulders. “Bit cold for you, Princess?” he drawled. “D’nno how you’ve managed in that outfit.” He gestured to your short dress and tall socks.
You couldn’t help but notice how his gaze lingered on you for a half second longer than normal. Not that you would’ve said anything. Thanks to his jacket, you were enveloped with warm and musky scents of charcoal and sandalwood. Though, being honest with yourself, you’ve been distracted ever since you walked over.
You snapped out of your trance when he pushed himself off the lamppost and leaned over you. It could’ve been twenty degrees out and you’d still swear you were overheating.
“Ever considered cosplaying in my costume?” He asked, watching your darkening cheeks closely.
Maybe it was the shit eating grin he wore proudly on his face, or the sneaking suspicion in your gut, but you had an inkling of a feeling he knew something you didn’t. In a surge of confidence and curiosity, or perhaps just pure adrenaline, you took a step forward.
“And if I have?”
Something snapped behind his eyes and you could’ve sworn his gaze dropped to your lips. He might’ve actually kissed you if you weren’t interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and the screams of customers inside a late night coffee shop.
You felt your heart rate increase as he swore under his breath, whatever smug expression he previously had was replaced by something far more intense and serious.
‘“I’m not leaving you out here alone, stay close to me,” he urged, taking one last look at you before turning and running towards the sound.
It took you a second to realize you were running behind him as fast as possible.
As the two of you neared the coffee shop, you noticed numerous shards of glass laid out on the concrete. On a second glance, you noticed some of the smaller shards were beginning to melt, turning the ground slightly slick.
You halted to a stop, almost crashing into your new friend. You felt a warm hand snake around your waist, lifting your body off the ground and onto a nearby bench.
“Don’t touch the ground, and stay right here,” he told you sternly, before turning and rushing straight into the cafe.
You watched, frozen in astonishment, only able to hear the horrific sounds of glass and… explosions? Occasionally you caught a glimpse of blonde hair, dropping off a poor customer caught in the crossfire, before dashing straight back inside. In what felt like seconds, he had already retrieved nearly every patron from the cafe, all while the villain was still inside.
Quickening footsteps approached from behind your place on the bench. You barely had a chance to comprehend the noises when a flash of red zipped past you, making a beeline straight for the cafe. Only after several trips in and out of the building did you finally recognize the eccentric costume of Pro-Hero Red Riot as he gathered the remainder of the victims outside.
Through the ringing in your ears you could only vaguely make out shouting between Red Riot and someone else still inside the building. It was all intelligible until he turned to you and the victims. The last words you heard was look away, or at least you assumed.
You weren’t interested in waiting around to find out so you shut your eyes tight and turned away from the scene as best as you could.
At first nothing happened. But after a beat, you felt your eyes burn behind your eyelids as a blistering wave of heat surrounded you. You think you screamed, but you weren’t entirely sure. Every muscle in your body tensed as the bench shook underneath you, threatening to break.
But as quickly as it came, it passed. You couldn’t tell how long you had been trapped in that position, clutching your knees to your chest with your eyes sealed shut. A warm hand shook you out of position, jostling your eyes open.
When your eyes finally adjusted, blocking your vision of the cafe was none other than a tall silhouette, and familiar red eyes.
“Hey, stay with me, Princess. You hurt?”
You felt calloused hands hastily press against your body, examining you for injury. He took a hold of your ankle, easing you into extending. “Anything?”
Shaking your head, you gripped onto him as he lifted you from the bench to your feet, steadying you with strong arms.
“Happy Halloween,” you managed to mutter meekly into his chest.
You felt him shudder beneath your head as he laughed, surprisingly heartily.
“Certainly one you’ll remember.” His low voice resonated in your brain, calming whatever nerves were remaining. “Let’s get you home, m’kay?”
You let him navigate you back to your apartment surprisingly deftly given your shaky directions, until finally you found yourself thanking him at your doorstep and shutting the door behind you.
Now that you were home and given a chance to breathe, you weren’t sure what was real. Everything mixed together in a blur and you couldn’t tell if it was all a dream or not.
As you groggily slumped against your bed, you felt something soft bundle against your back. Sitting up, you reached behind your back to feel the cool fabric of the black jacket you had been holding tightly against yourself. Embroidered on the sleeve were a pair of initials you hadn’t noticed before.
With a strange pounding in your chest, you pulled out your phone.
Sure enough, you had one new notification.
@DynamightOfficial followed you back
The device buzzed in your hand with a second notification. A direct message request alongside an image. Swiping to your messages, you opened the text from your new follower.
Front and center was a quick photo of Bakugou’s hero costume, laid out neatly on his bed. Directly underneath the image were two small text bubbles.
u take commissions?
ive got something in mind for ya
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acotarmemes · 3 months
For the charity streamer! Azris au: here’s 50 tier 3 gifted subs: drop the wedding Pinterest board pookie
THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD PROMPT!! Okay, okay, I did make a meme, but I was also super inspired so I also wrote a one shot type thing for this scene???? idk idk i hope you like it because this is how much I enjoyed your suggestion!!!
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icon @copypastus
an azriel x eris Twitter AU oneshot
Read below the cut!
That's a… lot.
Azriel stares at the screen to his right, calculating the amount. Fifty tier three subs gifted is over a thousand dollars. A thousand dollars gifted to him in one shot. It's not the amount that surprises him, having spent his life on the peripherals of bottomless wealth, but rather the request.
'Drop the wedding pinterest board, pookie.'
It could be a prank. It's not above Rhysand or Feyre to tease him gently like this, but they wouldn't do it this way. Money comes with obligation and Azriel must rise to the occasion. Somehow.
He worries at his lower lip as his gaze flickers to the 'five minutes break' screen up on his stream. The timing happened to be perfect—he's not slick enough to use a break to escape his streaming duties.
Azriel pulls out his phone and makes several pleas for help, only one of which sees the light of day: Back soon?
The question is gentle, innocuous and it leaves room to… not being replied. He would like an answer now, but he doesn't like to rush. He doesn't like to push. While he's at it, he doesn't like to be percieved… at all.
Panic gets the best of him and he adds a single '!'.
That earns him an immediate phone call.
"What's wrong?"
The effect is immediate. A sweeping calm washes over him as Eris' cool tone comes through over the familiar background sounds of the local market—Azriel loves the food stalls there. Eris never makes him ask for help; he just knows. He is the one who observes the shadows, and hears the wordless secrets buried within them.
"Um," he says softly, finding the words to be succinct in his request for help. "Someone gifted over a thousand dollars."
Anyone else would accuse Eris of disinterest, but he uses that one word to cut straight to the point. Their entire stream was to raise money for Azriel's hometown. What's wrong with measly thousand dollars?
"Is that not enough? I told you I'd match everything you earned today and double it if it's not to your liking."
"No, it's not that. It's…" Azriel holds his breath, as if he can bottle up how silly he feels about being worried. "The donor wants me to 'drop the wedding pinterest board, pookie'."
"That's it?"
"I'll text you the link."
Azriel stops. It takes his brain several moments to process the solution offered. "What link?"
"To the pinterest board."
"What pinterest board?"
"Our wedding pinterest board."
"Our… what?"
Eris' laugh is palpable down the line, low and smooth like velvet. It had taken Azriel a while to get used to it, how he always sounds like he's teasing him, but that's just how he is—warmth bottled up in a single sound. He could wrap himself up in the soothing tones of his voice, but that's neither here nor there.
"Our. Wedding. Pinterest."
"I don't—what?"
This time, Eris opts to give Azriel a moment to work it out on his own. He pays for the food and starts walking back towards Azriel's. The sound of him eating can be faintly heard down the line.
"Why do we have a wedding pinterest?"
"Why wouldn't we?"
"Are we… Are you? I don't understand."
"You don't understand or you don't want to understand, love?"
"But we're—I'm—"
"We're what, dear?"
They've had this conversation before, a long time ago. Eris is the firstborn son of a High Lord and Azriel was… a mistake. His words, not Eris'. Azriel has lived under the kindness of others, yearning to repay debts that are priceless. He will never forget the generosity of Rhysand's mother for taking him in, and the brilliance of Rhysand's mind to find use for him in his Court. Cassian has a gift for befriending others, and yet he continues to include him. The list is endless. So, the idea of marriage to someone so far beyond his station is—
"I'm not proposing to you, Az. But I will, one day. You have time to think about how you'll say yes. I expect you to get it right the first time. I won't ask until you're ready, so relax." The smile comes through in Eris' voice. "Drop the pinterest link and let the peasants fawn over the dreams we'll make come true. No need to thank me, I'll be back in ten. You can even wait until I'm back. I'll answer all the questions. Love you."
Eris hangs up, but not without giving him a big 'mwah' through the phone. Azriel sits there, stunned with a deep flush upon his ochre skin.
He wants to marry me?
Azriel most definitely goes over the five minutes.
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bornagainmurdock · 4 months
let me show you everything i know
author's note: inspired by (the vibes of) gooey by glass animals bc i can't stop thinking about making out with matt for so long you forget how to breathe
contents: 18+ ONLY, smut, matt murdock x reader, gender neutral reader, switch!matt & switch!reader, just some real heavy making out & other horny nonsense, choking, biting, possessiveness, reference pain kink, no sex
work count: 1.0k
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Matt was exhausted, and sleepy, and absolutely dripping and dizzy with lust. His face was fucked out the second your sat down on his lap, gently rocking down into his body. It wasn't much, but it was enough to drive Matt wild, moaning each time the friction and pressure increased under you.
You see it didn't start like this. You had only been home from work for a few minutes before Matt walked through the apartment door. Everything was vaguely normal until he realized just how hard it was to think about anything but you, on top of him, under him, your mouth around him, anything as long as it was you.
He hung up his jacket and blazer, loosened his tie and removed his shoes like normal. Set his briefcase on top of the dining table, setting his glasses on top of it. He hadn't particularly had a rough day at work, nor was it the perfect day. All he could think about was you.
When he walked in the door, you were on the couch scrolling through Twitter looking for just about anything to hold you attention long enough. Matt was progressing through his normal 'welcome home' routine, but his breathing was deeper. He was sinking into himself and absolutely silent, listening to your fingers tap your screen as you liked tweets.
And then he was under you, struggling to catch his breath, hands under your shirt scratching down your sides hard enough for the marks to rise. The burn was delectable, feeling his fingers press over the marks to layer the pain.
He was far gone, somewhere off in his head unable to form a sentence or coherently answer a question. Matt was simply yours, and that is all that mattered to him at that moment.
"Matty." You whined.
He took his hands from your body for only a second to unbutton his own shirt and untucking it from his dress pants. The loss of contact forced another whine from you, eyes dizzy, room spinning around you and Matt.
It was intoxicating: the feeling of his teeth on your skin, tongue down your neck, lips nipping at you. He wasn't quite rough, but too far gone to be aware of the damage he was doing. His teeth printing a bite mark into you. Bruises starting to bloom around your collarbones and shoulders.
Matt had always thought the idea of a heart shaped hickey was cute, but always was too focused on other things to complete his task.
Each time he popped the blood vessels under your skin, he could hear your blood rushing through your body and pooling there under his lips. He would sometimes press his lips just over your heart to feel it so viscerally there under him. It took his breath away listening to your body respond to his touch.
It was almost painful to him how enticing you were. Sat in his lap and melting like putty in his touch. When you both got like this, Matt would sometimes get so distracted by your noises that he would stop. Removing his lips from your body to just drink it all in. And the best part, he knew you weren't doing it intentionally. You were just so hot, so needy, so his. All his. Every. Inch. Of you.
His touch was hot and burning but left you with goose bumps every time, chills sending themselves through your body.
At some point he had lost his shirt entirely. Yours was on the floor before the couch. Matt was somehow leaning on the couch in an attempt to get closer to you, the only solution to that problem was being inside your skin.
Your legs became jelly over his lap, hips shifting to find comfort in the stretch. You body weight was entirely dependent on him, so when he moved, you followed.
Matt turned to lay, holding you onto him as not to lose contact. He deathgripped your hips leaving bruises there too. Lips conected the whole time.
After ever morning after when his finger prints were branded into your skin in blooming purples and red, Matt would come up behind you, pressing his hands in the exact places to reignite the pain. It was his gift to you, his thank you for such a good night. Today's bruises would still be so fresh in the morning. The perfect ones for him to tease you with.
When you finally settled in his lap hovering over him, you snaked you hand up his body curving over his hips, abs, and chest to settle finally at his throat. Your hand sat at the base feeling him heave below you. It was magical feeling him under you, desparate and speechless.
When your hand made contact with his neck Matt whimpered into your mouth, biting at your bottom lips just enough to set you ablaze. When your grasp tightened moving up to press into his arteries he groaned beneath you, throwing his head back and arching his back.
His eyes twinked with tears starting to drift down his cheeks in sweet harmony with his hips bucking up into you.
Matt's hand moved to cover yours around his neck and pressed harder. He gasped and cried in your hold. It was he way of begging for more, and so you politely granted him his wish.
Each time you squeezed down on his neck Matt would almost-scream, a breathy moan-y shout that shook through your whole body. It was heavenly.
When you finally removed your hand to brush a tear on his temple, Matt whined, but only for a second. He was interupted by your gentle voice.
"All mine."
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thmles · 1 year
| You're Losing Me. (2)
- I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore.
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[pairing: miguel o'hara x spider-person!reader]
[warnings: sweet to angst, mentions of physical fight, blood, bruises, mention of deaths]
[a/n: this has been a long time coming!! i've tried to write these past few days but never really finished writing this but i was feeling a lil sad tonight so i managed to focus my motivation on writing this! i also went through some theories on reddit and twitter about miguel's canon theory bc i honestly question it?? anyway i hope i did the first 'you're losing me' fic justice with this, since i tried my best writing this. hope y'all enjoy 🫶🏻]
You were smart enough to leave the watch that was issued to every member of the Spider Society at your apartment. Miguel had been tracking your location only to see ‘you’ in your apartment. He blocked you from creating portals and tracking the location of him, Jess, and Ben. It was for your own good, anyway. He was looming over Brooklyn on a rooftop as rain lightly poured over the city. He looks down at his hand, the very same you returned your promise ring he had given you a year prior. Miguel figured that he’d talk to you after he brings in Miles, that he’ll try to make you understand his side. Miles was a kid, he doesn’t know better. He doesn’t understand how astronomical the consequence of letting his father live. With the help of his suit, Miguel is able to store the ring on the right side of his hip. The hunt for Miles had just begun.
You on the other hand managed to get to Gwen’s dimension. A somehow colorful yet gloomy version of Brooklyn. With a few taps on your (much better) watch, you located the apartment complex where Gwen lives. The watch even gave you the exact number of their apartment. Brooklyn was glowing in the dark of the night as you swung through the city. It reminded you of your Brooklyn. A beautiful city that never sleeps.
You approached the rooftop of the apartment and gracefully landed on it. After a quick change (which really just consisted of you taking off your mask and slipping on a jacket you managed to grab before you left your apartment), you slowly descended the stairs from the rooftop to their apartment.
A knock on the door pulled Gwen’s and his father’s attention. It was a long time coming, talking about their feelings, the truth, and being Spider-Woman. “Captain Stacy? I’m uh, a friend of Gwen,” The voice called out. Gwen smiled knowingly at her dad as he stared back at her in confusion. “She said she’s coming back home today and she left something in my house.” The voice continued.
Gwen let out a laugh and quickly opened the door before her dad could do it.
“You came.” Gwen beamed at you. You returned a smile and pulled her in a hug.
“You really think I’d leave you by yourself?” You mumbled in her ear.
She hugged you tighter before pulling away. Her dad looked surprised as Gwen seemed to forget she was in her Spider-Woman attire. Gwen looked between you and her father before exclaiming, “Oh, dad! This is my friend! They have been uhm, a really good friend of mine!” Her dad motioned at her attire. Gwen laughed as you waved at her dad. “Don’t worry, dad. They know.”
After a quick goodbye, you gave Gwen the watch you had made similar to the ones issued by the Spider Society. After a few dimension hopping, you managed to assemble a team of Spider-People who hoped to help Miles as Gwen looked for the latter. Gwen detected that Miguel, Jess, and Ben were at Earth-1610 to search for Miles but Miles wasn’t in the dimension. After a quick talk with the team (consisting of Margo, Spider-Noir, Peni, Pav, Peter B. and Mayday, Peter Porker, and Hobie) you were quick to realize that Miles was sent to Earth-42. The group agreed that they should rendezvous with Gwen, but were reluctant at your decision to go to Earth-1610 as a distraction for Miguel.
“What do you think Miguel’s going to say after seeing you’re going against him?” Peter B. asks as you both stand before a portal to Earth-1610. The night sky was cold and you were jealous of Peter’s robe. Your eyes softened as you looked at Mayday looking up at you curiously. You booped her nose and it made her giggle.
“Well, I’m about to find out.”
It wasn’t hard to find Miguel. Looming across Miles’ house, scanning if Miles made it home. Silently landing behind him, your heart ached as you stared at his back. It doesn’t even feel like it’s your Miguel anymore. It’s almost as if he’s out of your reach, that no matter what you’ll say will go right through him.
Shakily you called out, “You know he’s not here.” You approached him slowly until there was a reasonable distance between the two of you. The rain pattered on your body as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. You were shaking from nervousness, sadness, and the cold rain.
“I know. I was waiting for you.” Miguel turned to face you. His mask came off, his eyes bore into yours and you swear you could feel your heart drop to your stomach. You took your mask off and threw it in front of him. He looked at your discarded mask before looking at you in confusion.
“I’m sorry it had to end this way, Miguel.” Your voice softly said, getting in a fighting stance. You knew you had to help Miles. You would do anything to help if it were anyone in that situation. You owe it to your own father to help save everyone, to help save someone’s father. Growing up without one was one of the hardest things you ever went through. You didn’t want that for anyone else.
“So, you’re ending everything we went through for a kid?” He scoffed as he approached you, You were quick to back up to maintain the distance you guys had.
“Miguel, that is the point! He is just a kid!” You exclaimed. Miguel rolled his eyes and replied, “A kid who knows nothing about the damage he is causing!”
“It was your fault! You didn’t have to create the Spider-Society or replace someone’s identity! Isn’t that the very reason that universe collapsed!?” You yelled, leaning towards him as he looked at you in shock. “That you willingly replaced someone, and continued to do so? That your actions were the very reason that everyone died in that universe?” Miguel could only look at you as his eyes turned scarlet. You knew he was seething with anger.
“And that you, Jess, and Ben, of all people,” You scoffed as you glared at him. “Have the nerve to tell Miles that he doesn’t belong. When the three of you were never bit, right?” You finished. “Oh and your ‘canon theory’ is bullshit. What if that Spider-Person isn’t close to a police captain or doesn’t have an uncle who needs to die? What then?” Honestly, you were shocked at how much you had told him. Truth be told, the things you said were things you kept to yourself for months.
Miguel didn’t know what to say, but he knew you were right. His supposed theory was only based off of most Spider-People, but it doesn’t guarantee that those events happen to every single one. To him, it felt like an attack on him and his ego. That you questioned his every move despite those actions were done to protect you. Because he can’t risk losing you.
The next thing you knew, Miguel launched at you. Thankfully, you had your ‘spidey-senses’ and were quick to dodge him. Before you knew Miguel would rather die than hurt you himself. But when he saw your bruised and bloodied body on the rooftop, he finally realized that he let the anger get the best of him.
“You lost me, Miguel.” Those were your final words before you slipped into unconsciousness. He brought you back to the Spider-Society to get you proper medical attention before he had to leave to hunt Miles. Miguel took your left hand and slipped on the promise ring on your ring finger. He gave the back of your hand a kiss.
“I hope you forgive me, mi amor. I’m sorry.”
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kaolovess · 1 year
Hello 🤗🤗 can I pls request jealousy and crush headcanons for BTS members? Thank you very much 💞
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was actually quite confused at this request ( I might be dumb) I didn't know if you wanted like bts having a crush on you and being jealous or both separately. So I just settled on separate. Overall thank you for being my first request, hopefully, this is to your liking!
I personally think he doesn’t get really jealous. He knows that you will never try to cheat on him or anything like that. He gets more mad than jealous. It just triggers a button when he sees someone flirting with you. Especially if you get uncomfortable- he’s getting you out of there in record seconds. 
He probably won’t care about you having guy friends either, I mean it’s the same as him having female friends? He will pay attention to how they treat you though.
Admires you from afar. Doesn’t even stop staring when you look at him, How could he not though? You are beautiful- at least in his world. You make him question his looks, Yes, you make worldwide handsome question his looks. Ends up confessing at a ramen place.
Why would he be jealous? He’s already had a talk with you about how he would understand if you were to fall out of love, or just like someone else. Hates when people make you uncomfortable, LIke how dare they? How would they like for someone to come up and punch them in the face?
Doesn’t care about guy best friends either, When you mentioned it, he said ‘There just there”.
The boys probably told you about his crush, they just got sick of him talking about you for HOURS. I can just imagine his little gummy smile as he watches you from afar. ( is that creepy? ) Tries to impress you too!! :((. The boys end up somehow convincing him to confess his feelings towards you. (even though you are already aware.)
Jhope is actually pretty hard since I'm not very familiar with him yet, but I'll try!! I feel like he would get jealous, not in an extreme way, He would get jealous of how others treat you. He just wonders if he is as good as the other guy that is talking to you. Hates to see people flirt with you, which makes him worried that you actually like them back. :(((
He barely gets jealous with guy friends, there is not much of a reason for him too. Instead of getting jealous, he is probably besties with your guy friends.
Gets so giggly when you look at him, He’s just sitting there giggling and you are like “What??”.  Can’t even focus when you're around. He’s just looking at your every single move, smiling. Probably leaves gifts at your doorstep (dw he put his name on them). Tries to find out what you are interested in so he can try it out too. It takes a bit for him to build up the courage to confess, so you end up doing it first.
I honestly can’t see Joon jealous. He’s a very understanding person, so he knows what your true intention is. He’ll pay more attention to how you feel around that person, Sad? Nervous? Scared? Angry? That’s what he’s looking to find. He just doesn’t want to make the same mistakes that person may be making.
Never gets jealous when it comes to guy best friends, He actually gets along with them pretty well too. You found out once that he was hanging out with them.
Tries to talk to you any chance he gets. Also pretty good at hiding his crush, But gets shy so fast when you talk to him.  Randomly comes up to you to ask how your day has been. ( he’s just trying to start a conversation… Sorry anti-socials…) Has a private Twitter account where he just rants about you. He’s pretty old fashioned so he’ll write a letter of his confession and somehow give it to you.
As I said for his dating headcanons, he does get a little jealous but not very much, He does hate to see people flirting with you. It annoys him, Why would they just carelessly flirt with you not thinking about the fact you may have a boyfriend? But aside from the jealousy it reminds him how lucky he is, I mean nobody flirts with a disgusting person.
I know I've pretty much said this for all of the members but it’s what I truly think, Guy friends just don’t make them jealous. 
Jimin definitely writes songs about you in his free time, They are mostly just for him to use for singing randomly, nothing more (he doesn’t army to find out about his crush). He probably is too shy to make a move, or he just thinks his clumsiness will ruin something. His confession will be INTERESTING… Will probably write a letter, part of that being because he’s shy. The letter will straight up make you breathless, YOU NEVER KNEW HE WAS A FLIRT!?
Honestly, it’s like 50/50, sometimes he doesn’t care because in seconds he could prove that you are his, or he’s hella jealous. I'm between those 2 but leaning more towards the first one. Probably would care more about getting you away from someone than being jealous.
Again, won’t care about guy friends, and won’t exactly be friends with them but he’ll get along with them pretty well.
Leaves random romantic poems at your doorstep, Puts “Sincerely, your secret admirer” at the end 😭. and flirts with you whenever he gets the chance. Was actually quite nervous when he was shamelessly asking for your phone number. Winks at you when you catch him staring. Unlike the other members, I feel like when he confesses his feelings for you, he actually does it in person…
I 100% think that he gets jealous like you need to reassure him, that you weren’t interested in the guy that was flirting with you. Like we are all aware that Jungkook is trying to give off “bad boy vibes” (I cringed when writing that)  when he is a complete softie. He might give you the silent treatment too. 🤔
SHY BOYYY. He gets so flustered when around you :((. Would definitely start stuttering like crazy if you asked him a question.  Tries to impress you 24/7. Asks the boys for advice on how to get you to like him back. You had to confess since he was too shy.
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lumea-art · 4 months
Hey, guys! I'd like to address a personal issue which actually concerns everyone in this fandom. Please, read and react somehow🙏 For those on the bojere fanbook server, that's going to be pretty much the same as what you read yesterday. If I'm too direct or accidentally overshare, sorry, keep in mind that I'm autistic
So for quite a long time I felt secretly disliked in the fandom. I am a very anxious person, I hang on every piece of feedback that I get so it bothered me a lot. I wasn't allowed to participate in the Käärijä zine and they never explained why and I almost didn't get in the bojere fanbook as well but at least the mods were kind enough to communicate the issue
So the mods told me yesterday that people felt uncomfortable about me taking part in this and having me on the server. I felt very down the whole day and didn't understand shit until Moko and Due gave me the explanation. The issue was "radfem" in my bio on Twitter. They explained to me how my associating with radfem made them think I was potentially threatening to other people on the server, especially the queer folk. But the thing is I turned out to be quite different. I consider myself to be radfem cause I've had a lot of traumatic experience with men (SA, abusive relationship), I don't want any other women to go through something like I had to experience, I am with women, I'm fighting for our comfort and against the patriarchy. Also I am from Kazakhstan and we have big issues with women's rights here including all kinds of abuse and femicide for which men tend to not get in jail. You might have heard how our ex minister of Economics abused and k*lled his wife and didn't get in jail until the case reached the news. That's all, that's what it means TO ME to be radfem. So I guess this radfem is different to the one you're used to. I am not transphobic and I have never thought my views had anything to do with queer people. I have always been nothing but respectful towards queer people, online or irl. I have nonbinary friends who are comfortable with communicating with me. As a cis person, I may not understand something, but we tend to talk anything through in order to understand each other better, not waiting for any of us get hurt accidentally. So I suggest the same - if you need further clarification, you can ask me questions in reblog or dms and I'll answer. Also I'm open to literature suggestions to get to understand you guys better💕
Also regarding Russian-Ukranian issue in case anyone has a problem with it
Since I'm openly Russian speaking (though being from Kazakhstan and half Ukrainian myself), Ukrainians might have an issue with me and I perfectly understand why so I try not to bother them. However, some of them didn't want to leave me and my friends alone. You might have seen this big Russian-Ukranian fight on twitter in April, mostly taking place in JO fandom. The thing is that (again) people don't dig deep and assume I am pro Russian since I speak Russian and happen to not be able to speak Ukrainian or Kazakh (in Kazakhstan we mostly speak Russian). Me and my Russian speaking friends were bullied, our personal info was leaked without our permission and one of us got threatened to be physically hurt once she arrives to a JO gig we are all going to. Of course I protected my friends and myself, maybe not in the best way possible. Luckily, we were able to talk everything through with the guys and no one means to hurt anyone anymore. I suggested doing commissions for donations and I still do that if you're interested. I am pro Ukrainian and pro Palestinian and genocides suck
If someone doesn't want to communicate with me for whatever reason, just don't, what's the problem. But don't limit a person before clarifying things, I beg you. Please, I really want to be on good terms with everyone. I wish peace to everyone 🙏
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blouisparadise · 9 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics where one of the characters is grumpy (or very serious) and the other character is sunshine. Please check out these fics and if you enjoy them, be sure give them kudos, leave a comment, and help promote them on Twitter or Tumblr. If you enjoy our rec lists, please like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Muffins & Cigarettes | Mature | 7,591 words
Louis pouts. “You can’t pout your way into this, Louis”, Harry said as he was fixing his tie, watch and rings glinting against the soft sunlight filtering through the window. “Of course, I can. Watch me.”
2) Thrown To The Wolves | Explicit | 21,681 words
Louis is a human living in the Styles’ wolf pack who can’t stop getting into trouble, and Harry is the soon-to-be alpha who thinks keeping Louis at arm’s length is the safest option.
3) The Evenness I Fake | Explicit | 26,366 words
Harry doesn’t do relationships. He has a perfectly enjoyable friends-with-benefits agreement with a perfectly lovely omega, and he doesn’t see the need to change that anytime soon. The small fact that Louis giving his attention to another alpha makes Harry want to put his head through a wall isn’t nearly as much of an issue as everyone’s making it out to be.
4) Stuck On You | Explicit | 33,983 words
Louis’ life revolves around his stickers. Harry’s life revolves around his job. The universe has decided their worlds should revolve around each other.
5) And When It Rains, You're Shining Down For Me | Explicit | 37,081 words
“This is Harry, he’ll be your patient,” Liam gestured politely. Harry froze when Louis’ eyes met his own once more. He felt himself getting lost in those eyes, so much so that he didn’t notice Niall and Liam leaving the room quietly but the sound of the door shutting behind them brought him out of the trance. “Hello, I’m Louis,” the omega said, extending his hand for Harry to shake. The alpha could still sense some nervousness in his stance but decided to ignore it. “‘’m Harry.”
6) Always An Angel, Never A God | Explicit | 39,518 words
To understand the level of deep water Louis was in, one first needed to know he has had the same best friend since he was five. Ethan Astor was family to him—a friend who he loved deeply despite their differences. A friend he would do almost anything for. So when Ethan came to him with the plan, no matter how he felt about it, Louis accepted it. At first, it was simple, he just had to flutter his eyelashes at any of the boys that showed interest in Ethan, and if they fell for it, he just dumped them without telling them the reason. Somehow, the rumors spread around campus that Ethan had an insufferable friend they had to somehow win over to reach him. Like a final monster before getting the princess.
7) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (But Please Don't Bite) | Mature | 42,026 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
8) Where I End and You Begin | Explicit | 42,730 words
Global rock sensation Harry Styles is set to perform in his sold out residencies across six major cities. What happens when his usual makeup artist can’t make it and they hire the most beautiful human he’s ever laid eyes on? Surely it couldn’t be that hard to remain professional
9) Something Along The Lines Of ‘An Office Love Story At Christmas’ | Explicit | 43,148 words
Harry hadn't planned on seeing Louis again, not after that night. When he finds out his only competition for a very desired promotion is Louis, he spirals into a mess of trying to be a better coworker and person right before Christmas in hopes that he can outdo Louis' effortless effect on his office. If he manages to get his head out of his ass along the way, it’ll be a holiday miracle.
10) Yesterday Came Suddenly | Explicit | 48,504 words
They don’t talk about it. The way Harry deflects any and all questions about his past and Louis pretends he isn’t confused or hurt by it. The way Harry keeps a distance between them and Louis acts like he can’t see it creating a wall between them. The way Harry doesn’t always answer honestly and Louis goes along with it as if he can’t tell. They don’t talk about it. Harry knows Louis feels like he doesn’t know him well enough, and it pains him. It pains him every time Louis gets that look on his face that’s a mixture of disappointment, frustration, and confusion. And sometimes, self-blame. It pains him because Louis is wrong. Because even though there is a lot Louis doesn’t know about him, there is so much that he does. He knows what Harry is like at his most vulnerable: curled up on this bed with him in the dark where it’s safest. He knows Harry in a way no one else does.
11) Gallery Of Us | Explicit | 55,778 words
Harry knew what he was doing in life, everything laid out in black-and-white, each day pleasantly predictable. Cue lively art student, Louis, trying to find his place. An almost insufferably happy person who sometimes forgets to hide the way they feel meets the person who is diligent enough to notice and determined to make a difference.
12) The Habit I Can't Break | Explicit | 63,140 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
The one where Louis quits smoking and tries to get healthy, and Harry is the fitness instructor who helps him achieve those goals while making him sweat in and out of the gym. In which Harry and Louis still meet at bootcamp, just not the one you’re thinking of. Featuring Lottie as the supportive sister who drags her brother to bootcamp class, Louis as the grumpy (and very recent) ex-smoker, and Harry as the instructor with exhausting amounts of enthusiasm and one obnoxious pair of yellow trainers.
13) Satellite | Explicit | 78,101 words
Louis is a hardworking, dedicated, loving single mum with no interest other than making his son happy, and who thinks that love will never knock on his door again. Harry is a lone man, successful in his field, and thinks he has his life together and all figured out. Wrong meets clueless, lives get turned upside down in the best way possible with the help of a cute and curious little boy, who just wants to learn more and more.
14) Saving Symphony Hall | Explicit | 124,766 words
Note: This fic is the sequel to this fic, which we'd suggest reading first. It is also locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
“I think I have an idea,” Louis said. Slowly, and reluctantly, but with a growing sense of the inevitable. “God damnit, I think I have a really good idea.” “Oh christ, that's the problem-solving face,” Babs said. “Last time we saw that face, he sold a company.” “Wait, what?” Zayn asked. “Right place, right time,” Louis said. “Also, fuck my life,” “What?” Zayn repeated. Niall patted his hand. “I usually just roll with whatever Louis is about to do,” he said. “It’s better for us all.” “That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
15) Cold Little Heart | Teen & Up | 194,589 words
Louis is a soft omega with an abusive past and an alpha child A few months after getting a divorce, Louis meets Harry, an ex-military alpha wolf that offers him something -odd. In exchange for teaching him how to cook, Harry will babysit his son, Abraham Louis really could use the help.
16) Queen Of Arizella | Mature | 277,919 words
Stealing from Royalty is punishable by death. Louis starts over, doing his best to keep his hands at his sides, but he is hungry and he tries stealing from the wrong royal. Harry is King of Arizella, he needs a queen and who better than an omega on the run from death? Louis will learn to become the perfect queen - the perfect fake queen, but only for a few months. A fake lover, a fake queen, but a real bond.
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SOOOOO..... I have been seeing animal HRT show up on Twitter a lot in the trans community because of @ayviedoesthings little dragon comic so I thought "Hey why don't I join the fun." But there are two problems.
I'm a straight cis mostly white guy and
SO I DECIDED! ah to hell with it I never cared about my masculinity, I am a being of ADHD, autism, OCD, AND CHAOS! FATE GAVE ME A MALE FORM TO EXIST IN!! I WOULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FLIP IF TOMORROW IT GAVE ME A FEMALE ONE!!! and also I'll just do it in a written story. but I am not doing someone going through the whole HRT process. 1. because I would probably be very grim describing it and 2. my brain won't stop thinking about what would happen if the military had access to a drug that would turn their soldiers into animal soldiers. SO HERE IS
Part 1
General Samuel grumbled as he rode the elevator down. If it was up to him he would have never approved this project. If it was up to him he would have never tested this on former soldiers. If it was up to him he would have gone with the doctor with the German-sounding name instead of putting the cryptic scientist who somehow knew about the project and contacted the government about being in charge. And if it was up to him he would have never would have never put himself as the one to be reviewing this project. As the elevator stopped and the doors opened Sam saw a man in a lab coat waiting for him. "Ah, General. So nice of you to visit us." said the man. Sam assumed this was the scientist. Doctor Thánatos. "Come in, Come in. I got something big I want to show you." The scientist turned around and quickly walked down the hallway. As Sam walked down the hall with the scientist, he noticed big cells to his sides with humanoid beasts in them with the names of the occupants by the cell, one of whom he recognized. Sergeant Thorn, one of the best hand-to-hand fighters he knew, before she lost her legs and an arm in an explosion. But now it looks like she was more than a fighter, she was a beast. Not only were her legs and her arm back, but she now sported green scales and a long tail. She resembled a female version of the villain the lizard. Suddenly Thorn jumped towards him, causing him to step back. her claws struck the reinforced glass wall that divided them. She let out a guttural laugh. "Ah, it's nice to see a familiar tasty face." She said licking her teeth "What's wrong soldier. Don't you know time changes people?" Sam was shocked. This was not the Thorn he knew he knew. She was tough, but she would always rather make friends than start a fight. "What's wrong captain. Not happy to see old friends captain." Said a voice behind him. Sam quickly turned around and saw in front of him a creature with dark black feathers covering its body, razor-sharp claws for feet and hands, and giant black-as-night wings sprouting from its back. "Oh sorry is it General now?" It said from a sharp-beaked mouth. Sam turned to look at the nameplate. Pilot O'hares. Sam knew him. One of his old drink buddies. He had heard that he quit the Air Force when he crashed his favorite jet, one he had gone on so many missions with, saying he would never fly again. "Ah, Ignore them. They aren't important right now." Sam turned to the scientist who was at the end of the hall by a big metal door. He was about to question what he did to his old friends when he noticed something. Three empty cells, one of them having more dust than the other. Doctor Harris, Private Gorgonzola, and Private Tompson. "I got some questions for you egg head. Why the hell are these people in cells, Why the hell are three of them empty, AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THEM!" The General yelled angrily "I was told they would look more human like this far into the project and not like animals. They also shouldn't be acting like ones too." The scientist only let out a laugh. "Oh I will answer the first and third questions but I will only answer the second once you see what's behind these doors. Now the cells are for ours and also for their safety. The normal drug that excuse of a doctor is selling is quite too slow, so with some modifications, I was able to speed it up, though it does seem to increase a person's animalistic instincts. Still, I see that as an improvement. My version is much more suited for the battlefield." The scientist pressed some buttons on a keypad and the metal door opened. "Now let me show you my personal project."
This is part 1 and part 2 will be out soon
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torialefay · 5 months
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (Chapter 11)
✨ possible bangchan x reader (f), possible jungkook x reader (f)
✨ head on over to my masterlist if you haven’t checked out the previous chapters!
✨wc: ~4.6k
✨ friends to lovers? possible love triangle? obsession? angst and future smut??? a little fluff.
✨ summary: JYP Entertainment launches a new show and y/n somehow gets recruited. Even though she doesn’t particularly care about the outcome of the show, she does particularly care about one of the artists she met: Chris from Stray Kids. Does Chris feel the same or will a potential relationship with one of his friends overcome what y/n feels for him?
✨ warnings: cursing from time to time, smut!!!! 🔞
✨ author’s note: i’ve begun adding dates/times into the storyline, as i felt like it was getting a bit confusing to keep track of dates. i may go back later and add these into previous chapters as well.
Previous Chapter Recap:
You were too overcome with your craving for him to be able to stop. You didn’t care anymore. If anyone saw you, then so be it. All that mattered in this moment was him.
You felt Jungkook moan ever so lightly as he grabbed harder to your jaw, pulling you back slightly and letting out an exasperated sigh with a chuckle. He smiled, bringing his forehead down to press against yours as he brought your body in to press up against him . “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” he beamed down at you.
“Ditto,” you smirked, running your fingers along his upper back.
Suddenly, you heard a DING!
Your elevator was here.
Jungkook reluctantly pulled himself from you and slipped his hand into yours, guiding you into the elevator without him. “Let’s do this again sometime?” he flirted.
You pressed the button for your floor. “Hmm, I’ll think about it,” you teased.
Jungkook played fake hurt, putting a big pout on his face, eyes silently begging.
You rolled your eyes. “I’ll call you tomorrow, you big doofus.”
You saw Jungkook’s eyes turn sad as the elevator doors began to close. He backed up a little bit. “Miss you already,” he said, half joking.
“Miss you too,” you squeezed out as the doors pressed together. You weren’t joking.
Note: Character relations you can refer back to if needed.
Y/n- Changbin’s mentee
Anna- best friend, Felix’s mentee
Kara- Seungmin’s mentee
Sunnie- Han’s mentee
Mindi- Hyunjin’s mentee
Nisha- Lee Know’s mentee
Alyssa- Jeongin’s mentee
Jenna- Chan’s mentee
Friday, 8 AM
Y/N’s POV:
If staring eyes had lasers, your head would have been charred into oblivion by now. And it was only 8 AM. You knew word would get around quickly, but you didn’t expect it to be this intense.
As soon as you’d stepped foot into your hotel room the night prior, Anna was already berating you with questions.
“Y/n! Oh my god! You’re all over Twitter already,” she sprung up in the bed.
“Jesus Christ,” you let out a sigh. If it was public already, then there wasn’t much you could do. It wasn’t like you’d been cautious about it. But butterflies swarmed around your stomach thinking of how this could change everything. For good or for bad.
“Come on, come on, tell me about it!” Anna had chirped, excitedly patting the bed beside her. The smile on her face was so deep, you didn’t know if she’d ever be able to peel it off.
She’d listened intently and begged for every last detail of your night with Jungkook. “So you guys are official now then?” she questioned at the end.
You looked off for a moment, pondering what to say. “I mean, we never talked about it…” you trailed.
“But basically,” Anna smirked, poking fun at you.
When all she got was an eye roll in response, she pushed you further. “Y/n’s got a boyfriendddd,” she teased while clinging to your arm to rock you back and forth, giggling.
“He’s not my boyfriend… technically,” you shook your head with an embarrassed grin.
“Oh whateverrrrr,” she gawked, dragging her voice up. “I give it a week tops.”
“And I promise you’ll be the first to know,” you said, trying to pacify her.
“I better be,” she raised her eyebrows. “Everyone online thinks you’ve been together for a long time apparently.”
The comment took you aback a bit.
“Everyone online?” You knew you’d be on Dispatch and the other common social media platforms, but had people had long enough to speculate about it already?
“Well yeah. From seeing the Dispatch pictures a few days ago… I guess they thought he wouldn’t be seen out with someone he isn’t serious about,” Anna poked into your side. Seeing your face halt, she continued. “But don’t worry, I haven’t seen anyone talking about knowing who you are… Nobody from JYP has noticed. Or if they have, they haven’t said anything.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief. It’s not that you were scared for people to see you with Jungkook. You weren’t scared of being seen on a large scale. What you *didn’t want is for people to think you were with Jungkook when you actually weren’t. If things didn’t work out between the two of you, you didn’t want to look like some idiot who fell for a celebrity and then got played… Or someone who was just chasing fame. You weren’t doing any of those things. You were simply taking life as it came to you. You’d thought that would be the best way to live out this new adventure in Korea. You really hoped you weren’t wrong.
But that’s also how it came to be that there were 20 heads turned to look in your direction as you entered the dance practice room. Silence filled the air as if it was an unspoken rule.
‘It’s too early for this shit,’ you thought, still rubbing your eyes from staying up later than you’d meant to.
Of course Jenna’s energy was the loudest, and you couldn’t help but feel her focusing all of it on you as you walked past. From the corner of your eye, you could see her jaw clench as you set your bag down on the opposite side of the room.
You were stealthily waiting for someone to start up a conversation with you about it, ready to be on the offense if needed. But no one did. No one said a word. At all.
As the main dancer, you took that as your cue to get everyone together to begin on your session for the day. You silently thanked the gods above that you’d only have to be with the group until noon. All afternoon and evening was set aside to practice for the showcase the following day. Until this moment, you hadn’t really felt the nerves, pushing them off by saying you still had a few days to rehearse. But today was the last one. Today, everything had to be perfect. Your heart sped up at the thought, but you’d have to push past it for the next few hours.
“Okay, it’s just not gonna work,” you said, standing up from your previously seated position on the ground. You’d stepped out of the choreography to watch the rest of the team. A few of the girls had been struggling with one part in particular. It was only a couple of eight counts, but there was a lot of fast, dynamic movement. Everyone was going to have to have clean lines if it was going to look right, and at this rate… well, it’d be better to just change it.
“How about let’s try a different approach,” you offered up as you walked toward the group. The song in itself had a bit of a sexy element to it, but you didn’t feel like the JYPE choreographers had encapsulated that at all. It was a strong song, and you knew it had the potential to have an equally strong performance.
“What if it went more like this,” you started before turning your body to face the mirror. You knew in your head exactly how you wanted it to go. You’d envisioned it the very first time you’d heard the song. It’d be a perfect fit. Down on one knee, then the other, a low swoop of your upper body before circling to grab each thigh. A couple of bounces before rolling your body onto your side, arching your back and then letting your hips lift up and drop to each side. A little provocative, maybe, but nothing any more than you’d seen done before. You were all well above age anyways.
“5, 6, 7, 8,” you began your eight count before matching the moves to the beat. You made sure to move fluidly so the girls could see the full vision, how your bodies could hopefully move in more unison thi s way. You felt your mind drift off as you let yourself melt into the motions. If “feeling yourself” was a dance, this would most certainly be it. At the last drop of your hip onto the ground, you finished by arching your ass up one more time before flipping your hair and kicking yourself back up.
Light claps erupted all around, and as you focused back on the people around you, you could see a flustered-looking Chan standing shyly only a few feet away. He was looking around, finally deciding to land on your feet, as if that was the only appropriate place for his eyes to be right now.
“I love it!” Kara smiled, walking so that she was positioned behind you and ready to follow at your next demonstration.
“Yeah, that was really good. Let’s see…” one of the choreographers followed suit and walked next to Kara so that you could walk him through the eight count again.
As you went, more slowly this time, you made sure to make each move more bold so that they’d get each little placement.
Some of the girls followed along in tiny motions, as if mentally mapping out what each step would be changed to. About halfway through, you heard a voice mumble at a tone that was definitely meant to be heard.
“I bet this is how she got Jungkook to like her,” Jenna said, snickering in Alyssa’s way.
You knew you weren’t the only one who heard it. In fact, you were sure it was loud enough so that everyone else in the room could hear it too. As if all eyes weren’t already on you.
You slowly took a deep breath in and stood up, taking your time to turn your body fully toward Jenna. If she wanted drama, then by all means, you’d give her the drama. It was long overdue. Everyone watched in silence as you eyed her up and down before walking over.
“I’m sorry Jenna, did you have something to add?” you asked, your face resting right in front of hers as you stood your ground.
You watched her eyes shift a bit, trying to stay straight with yours. She was at list a little shaken. You could tell by the way her lip slightly quivered. She wasn’t used to having anyone call her out. But she was in too deep now. Everyone had heard what she said. She couldn’t play dumb.
She crossed her arms as a cold and condescending voice coming across her lips. “I just meant that maybe some of us don’t feel comfortable doing those kinds of moves. You obviously have no problem doing it, and that’s great for you, but some of us prefer choreography that has a bit more of a… tasteful quality to it,” she smiled.
You mimicked her fake smile back. “Well if you were worried about being able to keep up with the rest of us, why didn’t you just say so?”
“Trust me, I can keep up with it just fine. What I can’t keep up with,” she continued sarcastically, “is how someone like you keeps everyone else fooled with this little gimmick you’ve got going on.” She leaned in, slightly lowering her voice. “You and I both know how you’ve gotten your fill while you’ve been here.” She smiled maniacally, like she’d just won a big prize.
“Hey, that’s enough!” Chris interjected, moving himself between the two of you. He made sure to pause on your face for a moment, making sure you were okay.
“I was just saying what we were all thinking,” Jenna said, quieter now.
“Jenna,” he said, looking now directly into her eyes, challenging her. “I said that’s enough.” It was quick, but you saw a muscle in his jaw flex before relaxing just a moment later.
After staring at him for another second, Jenna finally backed up. “Whatever,” she let out a laugh in disbelief. “Whatever,” she repeated.
“Let’s all take a ten minute break, yeah?” Chan said loudly, aimed at anyone and no one.
A few more seconds of silence passed before the others in the room started to peel their eyes away from the scene, instead turning to the person next to them and whispering under their breath as Jenna walked out the door.
You dropped your head slightly. Is this really what people thought of you now? That you were a slut and that’s why Jungkook had been seen with you?
You thought back to conversations prior. Kara discussing on the day of your professionalism training how there was a rumor going around that one of the trainees was hooking up with Jungkook. Talking about it again at a lunch with the boys. You remembered getting so upset over it- you’d barely even been on a date with the guy at the time.
Everyone had heard the rumor, but you thought that it surely would have died off by now. Apparently not. You suddenly felt your cheeks get hot.
“Thanks for that,” you mustered to Chan once everyone had averted their attention to something else.
He tried to bring his face up to look at yours, but his eyes just couldn’t seem to ascend all the way. He couldn’t make eye contact if his life depended on it. “No worries,” he strained out before turning and walking in the other direction, seemingly to nowhere.
Friday, 12 PM
Y/N’s POV:
“Thank fucking god,” you mumbled under your breath as one of the vocal coaches called for a recess.
You knew you shouldn’t let it get to you, but Jenna’s words earlier set the tone for a pretty “off” day. It wasn’t so much that it came from her (you’d decided over a week ago that that didn’t matter), but the fact that she’d said it in front of everyone, making everyone stop in their tracks.
Surely no one would agree with her, right? I mean… it’s Jenna for fuck’s sake.
You were hoping that the one saving factor in the situation was that everyone, to your knowledge, understood that Jenna was a Grade A bitch… Hopefully they knew to take her words with a grain of salt.
Regardless, you could see the way that people were tip-toeing around you. You weren’t oblivious to the stares that were masked by the sides of their faces. It made for a morning full of being self-conscious, and resultantly, a lot of mistakes. You were just ready for a reset.
Felix was feeling better today, so you had made plans with him, Anna, and Changbin to grab lunch from the cafeteria and head straight to rehearsal for the showcase. You wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. No stone left unturned. Neither of the boys had been in the room for vocal practice, so you went with Anna to collect your belongings before heading to the exit.
On your trek, you couldn’t help but watch Jenna’s movements in front of you. She’d all but dashed to the other side of the room at the end of practice. And now, here she was, walking around Chan with a hand running along his back.
‘Quick make up,’ you thought, rolling your eyes as you walked past.
As you and Anna hurried along to the cafeteria, you couldn’t get the scene out of your mind. You couldn’t help it. She was just so… icky. Chan’s her mentor and all, but there’s no way they’re close like that considering the way he scolded her earlier. He wouldn’t be. Not with her.
Hopping into the elevator, you took your phone out to send a quick text.
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Before last night, you would have considered that bold. But after basically tongue-fucking Jungkook, you figured that was pretty mild. After all, honesty is the best policy.
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After getting out of the elevator and meandering your way to the cafeteria, you easily spotted Felix and Changbin by the sight of Felix’s bright, freshly bleached blond hair sticking out from the crowd. They’d both been waiting next to the line so that the four of you could go through together.
“Thanks for waiting up!” Anna said as you approached.
“I would say you’re welcome, but we had a break while you all were in vocal lessons, and we kinda got hungry and already ate a snack,” Changbin admitted, clearing his throat with a sly grin.
“Just a snack?” Anna asked, cocking a brow.
“I mean it was supposed to just be a snack…” Changbin trailed off as he turned his head to look at Felix. “Before somebody got sidetracked.”
Felix shot his hands up defensively. “Hey, I couldn’t help it! You wanted it too, don’t lie!”
“Well now, I didn’t say that,” Changbin said quickly in his sarcastic tone. “The point is,” he pitched his voice up, “it was a good deal, so we brought fried chicken!” He reached his previously hidden hand from around his back, holding up a bag in victory. An open-mouthed smile was strewn across his face.
“You didn’t have to do that Bin!” you said, heart feeling warm from the action.
“He likes to spend money, take it while you can,” Felix laughed.
You and Anna both said your thank you’s before graciously taking the bag and going to the drink station. After filling up the disposable cups, your group made the trek back upstairs to your usual studio.
6 hours later, and you were finally starting to feel more confident. The routine was down, you and Anna had been hitting the vocals all night, and you felt like you’d finally gotten your groove. You’d already talked over what you would wear tomorrow and the general stuff like the fact that you’d rather have a hand-held mic. For the first time, you actually felt like a performer.
“Time for a break? I honestly feel like if we run through it a few more times, I feel really comfortable with where we’re at,” you said to the group.
“I agree,” Anna concurred.
“You guys have so much natural talent… really,” Changbin said, serious all of a sudden. “I know you said you don’t really care about the outcome, but I think you guys could really win this.”
You weren’t sure why, but something in his words made you nervous. Like now you had something to prove.
“You really think so?” Anna questioned.
“Yeah, I do.” Changbin replied. “Chan is helping judge tomorrow, so I’m gonna see if he knows more.”
“I’ll be honest, I’d be surprised if you guys aren’t winners of the whole show,” Felix said, also serious now. “I’ve heard JYP talking really highly of both of you.”
“Oh wow…” Anna whispered.
“I mean what…” Felix trailed. “We’ve all heard the rumors that he may be trying to put a group together out of this, and to like actually debut you guys. What do you think you’d say if it happened? If you won?”
“I’d say yes,” you heard Anna respond as your own voice strained out the word “no” in unison.
“Oh,” you giggled, looking at Anna. “I didn’t know you’d thought about it like that.”
Anna didn’t respond, she just looked down, seeming a bit embarrassed. Well, maybe not as embarrassed as falling off her footing. This was the first time in a very VERY long time you’d ever seen her respond this way about anything. You’d almost forgotten she was capable of it.
“I mean, it makes sense,” you went on, nudging her. “You’re a natural. You were chosen as leader after only a few days.”
“It’s true. I’ve never heard of anyone being named leader that quickly,” Changbin confirmed.
“You’d be crazy not to take it,” you smiled, earning a strong smile back from Anna.
“You’d be crazy not to take it too!” Changbin added, looking directly at you with wide eyes.
“Okayyyy,” you dragged you. “I know it could be ideal for a lot of people, but it’s just not my dream. It never has been. But,” you paused, knocking your shoulder into Anna, “I think I could settle with being an idol’s bestie,” you giggled again.
“You’d better be,” she joked. “But that’s *assuming I make it, and *assuming that’s what all of this is about.”
“Well I’d assume both,” Felix smiled with a look on his face you’d seen before. You could pin-point it exactly. The first time you’d seen him like this was the day he’d overheard you talking about wanting to make Chris jealous by going out with Jungkook. The menacing smile and the look that told you he had more answers than he could share.
You decided to leave it be. You didn’t want to push farther into it and get anyone’s hopes up. “We’ll see then,” you grinned. “Plus,” you began towards Anna, “I don’t know how well I’ll be received after all this talk about me catches up to JYP.” You mumbled it a bit, but didn’t care for the boys to hear. It wasn’t like the entirety of JYPE hadn’t been talking about you all day.
“Yeah…” Felix started, but couldn’t finish it, obviously feeling a bit awkward now.
“Listen, we’ve all seen the pictures and stuff, but it’d really nobody’s business. Don’t listen to what anyone has to say,” Changbin said steadily. “And if anyone gives you a hard time, tell them they’ve gotta get through your mentor first,” he puffed his chest out jokingly.
It earned a laugh from you. “I could’ve used that earlier today, but noted,” you said, trying to have it come across as light-hearted. As you stilled for a moment, you couldn’t help but add “It’s not true, by the way. What Jenna said. It isn’t true,” you looked down. You knew you didn’t need to prove anything to them, but you still wanted somebody to know.
“Sane people know that,” Changbin reassured you, reaching over to gently pat your shoulder. “Don’t let her ruin this.”
“I’m not, I promise,” you grinned up at him. “Just wanted you to know,” you looked back and forth between the boys.
Friday, 12 PM
Chan’s POV:
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Jenna came up behind a sitting Chan, a hand gently running along his back as she walked around him.
“I was about to head out to get some lunch. I thought we were gonna meet Alyssa and Jeongin at 2 to practice?” Chan questioned earnestly.
“We were, I just-“ she settled in front of him, “wanted to apologize about earlier. I shouldn’t have said what I did, and I’m sorry you had to get involved.”
Chan’s jaw tightened a bit. “That’s good of you, but you should probably say that to Y/N instead,” he responded, pushing his laptop into its case.
“I will! I just wanted to tell you too… I’d hate for there to be anything coming in between us,” she smiled flirtaciously.
‘Ahhh so that’s what this is about,’ Chan thought. It took everything in him to keep from looking annoyed, but he’d get his way out of it.
“No, we’re good. Just please make sure to keep things good with the others, okay?” he scrounged up.
“Absolutely! I’m really sorry…,” she looked down before quickly snapping her head back up with that same smile. “So meet at 2? Same spot?” she asked chirpily.
“Yep, I’ll be there,” Chan said, standing to his feet.
“Before, you go,” Jenna stopped him, “I heard a rumor that you were going to be helping judge tomorrow at the showcase?”
“Yeah, I am. But no one was really supposed to know that. Why?” Chan asked, shifting his weight.
“I was just hoping that… ya know, since we worked on this song together, that maybe I’d be able to get a good evaluation? I’ve been working so hard.”
“I can’t give extra points just because I helped with a song… Just do your best and it’ll be fine, yeah?”
Jenna blatantly did not like that answer. She leaned in closer, grabbing slightly to Chan’s arm. “I’d just really like to impress you,” she started in a low tone with a smile. “And if there’s… anything,” she let her eyes trail down the length of Chan’s torso before moving them back up, “that I can do to make sure of that, just say the word and it’s yours.” She squeezed on his arm the tiniest bit.
“What are you insinuating?” Chan asked.
“I’m not insinuating anything,” Jenna said, her voice innocent but teasing. “Just know I’d do whatever it takes to get on your good side. And I’d enjoy it,” she giggled before lightly pulling her hand away from him.
Chan couldn’t help the disgusted look that came across his face. It was purely reactionary. “Please just stop,” he scoffed, eyeing her down for a split second as he took a step back. He could tell that the rejection was about to make her boil over.
Jenna was hasty to be on the defense. Her eyes filled with a look of questioning, like she didn’t understand how he could possibly say no. “Why are you being like this? You hinted at something with us before?” She paused for a moment, obviously mad. “Is this about her? Y/N? You have a thing for her or something?”
“No, it’s not like that,” Chan countered quickly.
Jenna smiled, clicking her teeth. “Yeah, I’m sure,” she said sarcastically. “I saw the way you looked at her that night we all met up as a group. When you were supposed to be talking to me, but instead you were busier with her.” She threw her hands up. “What is it with her? I don’t know what kind of game she’s playing, but trust me, you’ll want to get out of it. Don’t come crying to me when you realize that.”
“What are you talking about?” Chan responded, crossing his brows.
“Listen, we can sit here and play ‘fake nice’ all we want, but we all know what I said about her earlier was true. From personal experience, trust me when I say I know what she’s up to with him. He may be your friend, but I promise you, I know way more about what he does than you do. You can paint Y/N as whatever character you want, but at the end of the day, she’s just his sloppy seconds. At least I have the courage to say it to her.”
Chan felt his head begin to spin. What did she mean by that? Sloppy seconds?
His mind wondered back to the beginning of the week, the first day that actual filming of the show began. How annoyed everyone was with Jenna prancing around holding a display of flowers to show off. As if anyone cared. As if it made her look anything but desparate for attention. As if she was calling out, “Someone look at me! Someone likes me!”.
But it had worked on Chan. Not because he ever cared about her, but because she was holding the same flower arrangement he’d specifically chosen for Y/N earlier that weekend. The arrangement he’d given to JK in a nervous, heart-broken rage. Jungkook hadn’t been there to see you. He’d been there to see Jenna. And to give her flowers apparently.
It’s not like the thought didn’t cross his mind, but this had just confirmed it.
But now… now Jungkook had you instead? Thoughts pounded in his mind about the tangled web he’d found himself in.
“Please, just go,” was all Chan could respond with.
After standing and observing him for a few more seconds, Jenna finally crosses her arms and huffed. “Whatever, but just know that you better not play favorites tomorrow. It would be pretty embarrassing on your end.” She gave one final eyebrow raise before turning on her heels to jet out the door.
Chan could do nothing but stand there, desperately trying to make sense of the information she’d given him.
✨ Continue to ➡️ Chapter 12
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