#and something theyll grow out of. or something theyll be made to grow out of. i very much think that plays into it too
liquidstar · 5 months
maybe im overthinking, but do you ever think abt how in episode 1, utena justifies wearing the boys uniform by saying its not against the rules? while this was clearly a "gotcha" moment against that stuffy teacher, i feel like it also shows how shes still functioning within the parameters of the ohtori system. like, yeah, shes being rebellious, but its a form of rebellion that isnt actually revolutionary- shes still following the rules propagating the structure built around the patriarchal prince, shes just doing it in the "opposite" way of whats expected, but shes not actually fighting it. though, of course, even this much deviance still tries to get corrected... its still not against the rules. i feel like from the beginning we're told aspiring to princedom isn't a noble goal, and that utena is still part of the system as long as she pursues it
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sol-rizen · 2 years
thinking about messi again
not the football guy but my oc who was hilariously named after him as a joke
them. theyre the sweetest bird in the world and i keep wondering whats become of them now and it honestly does make me cry a little inside
#this bird is like the kindest creature i have EVER made and oh my god they are so full of agony.#oc: messi#oc tag#i feel so awful for them. theyve been through so much#im just. imagine thinking you were some horrid person and it turns out that not only are they ruining everyones life but also you were#supposed to be the bandaid for it#it wasnt supposed to get out. and it still did.#they have such. idk if its survivors guilt really#not to say they are without flaws. because at times they have been pretty rough#them and bail. i think about them a lot. and the ship is just so nice.#qnd its just. wild. bc like. merci fucked a lot of shit up#and i guess like. yk. i made that. so i def feel responsible yk#and its just. the way im not bringing messi back almost feels like im killing them#theyll live on in my heart and others' im sure but. god it hurts#i guess it was a lil bit of a self punishment#but i also did want to work with something else#something i could try to make more coherent#that had more room to grow and what not and not be so constrained#its just wild bc messi is so me but also i feel like by now if they met me they would cry#idk why im having a fucking sad as shit revelation in the tags#we'll see. i suppose#i love them to death.#theyre prolly still the way the time went in the modern au tho. idk#i keep imagining this scene after the preboot ended. where messi and merci are standing in a traincar hall.#and it goes dark like that one post from ages ago#and theyre just looking at each other. yes theres that whole wilbur vibes here except we goin the opposite of revival#but i mean.#i think messis still in there.#they may be obtainable. for a price#thats all =)
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reticent-writer · 8 months
Can I get a follow up on the Adams child ask? Where he takes the little Rockstar for the final battle at the hotel, but when Adam gets killed the kid promises to the cast that theyll be the next exorcist leader when they grow up, they'll learn from their mistakes so it won't happen again and that theyll have their revenge...only its hard to take serious since it's a kid
Let's say reader is around 10
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You watched from the sky as you dad got punched to the ground by Lucifer and his daughter.
At first you thought it was something he could recover from, which he did, until you saw a small figure running toward him.
"DAD LOOK OUT!" You warned as you flew down to stop niffty from repeatedly stabbing him.
Lute got to him first and with your help, flipped him over so you could see his face.
You watched in horror and disbelief as he smiled and the light left his eyes.
"Sir... Sir...stay with me, sir... ADAM." Lute cried, but your throat felt to tight to even breathe.
"Take your little friends and GO HOME. please." Lucifer demanded.
Lute grabbed Adams halo and called for the exorcists to retreat, as she stood up she grabbed you hand but you yanked it away.
"NO!" You cried, "
"Y/n we lost Adam is d-"
"Fight about it when your older, short stack. Your to young to be involved with war." Lucifer tried to calm you down but it only made it worse.
"Oh fuck you. Your the reason this is happening in the first place."
"That enough y/n." Lute threw you over her shoulder and started to fly through the portal.
"Mark my words, Charlie. I'll finish what my dad started."
As everyone in hell celebrated their victory you sat alone in your room.... Plotting.
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lifeonmarz-blog · 11 months
Moon through the zodiac
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Aries: Your blunt and it often comes across as insensitive. Yet at the same time people may think your too sensitive. Growing up your household was very busy and or very gossipy. People may question your intentions alot with this placement even if your not doing anything some may still assume your up to no good. Its almost like damn all that assuming you might as well actually do something. The way you express yourself is always being judged and people are always trying to ''correct'' it. Causing you to be anti social, very particular on who you share your personality with or a bully. The way you express yourself is very unique just like your sense of humor you be accidentally funny as hell and thats needed in this world dont give away your power to people and allow them to change you into a dolice version of yourself. Light fire under they ass the way you how to. Anyways I wouldnt be surprised if you daydream about your ideal life alot, careful not to be in your head too much and create unrealistic expectations for yourself or others to uphold. I want yall to stop being so hard on yourself. If nobody else tell yall ima tell you i love how passionately you express yourself. The purpose of your moon being here is for you to learn more about yourself and who you are and how your actions/reactions affect others. Step away from whats familiar and comfortable and dig deep. Listen to your intuition. Have some fucking fun.
Taurus: Its your way or the highway HUH? Your moon chose to be here becasue you are the defender. There will be times were you feel your back is against the wall and you face alot of scrutiny from the world. They may come down on you hard but if you can withstand the pressure you will be rewarded. Willpower and self discipline comes easier for you. You have the tendency to be arrogant, domineering and passive aggressive. A good leader keeps those emotions in check. Yall get stuck in yall ways fr i want yall to put more energy into leaving your comfort zone and taking risk. Slow down smell the roses and enjoy where you are. Dont be all work and no play.
Gemini: Yall love some drama. Somehow always ending up in the middle of some shit. Seeing others as competition even when them ppl not worried about you. You like being the center of attention and dont care if its in a postive or negative light. It works for yall though because popularity comes easy for you. This is one of the most social placements for the moon to be. Your reputation means alot to you and networking is high on your priority list. Its common for yall to feel like you always have to choose between something. It may be hard for you to balance your work life and home life. In friendships and relationships you choose to keep the blindfold on ignoring whats really in front of you, procrastinating to handle your problems just hoping theyll go away on there on. You end up in situations where people are betraying you. With the two sides to gemini its like a secret element to your life. Your no stranger to scandal. I feel for you, this isnt a easy place to have the moon be. You care so much about your relationships with people but yet often have issues with ppl. This couldve stemmed from feeling like you were a target growing up that people always chose to pick with you. Or that you were punished more extremely than others. With this placement you've probably seen or experienced things that really made you question humanity. Dont let those experiences shape the type of person you'll be. You gotta learn to let shit go and not be bitter or have a victim mentality. Be careful not to burn yourself out. Drowning yourself in work to ignore your feelings. You dont always have to do everything on your own... collaborating is just as rewarding i promise. It would be beneficial to learn how to except help, knowing when to back down and not being so critical of yourself.
Cancer: If they dont appreciate everything you do FCK EM. No but fr with moon here you may feel like people overlook the things you do for them. Cancer moons can be way to stubborn and stand in there on way because of the fear of change. Repeating the same lessons way more than they should have to. When your redirect your energy to new experiences and growth your determination and passion unmatched. This is type of person you want to have on your team they bring so much positive energy and comfort.
Leo: Main character syndrome AF lol Unnecessarily rebellious at times growing up you may have felt your parents were controlling on how you expressed your creativity or because of the way you grew up you express your creativity in a rebellious way in relation to your family. Your career could be taboo. I could see a lot of onlyfans stars having moon in leo. Success in career comes more natural for you because of your consistency and ambitious nature. Yall really find pleasure in chasing money. Dont get so carried away with fulfilling your material desires that you dont leave time for introspection and searching for who you really are away from the titles.
Virgo: How does it feel to be kids favorite? A happy home life is important for this placement. Theres an innate need to belong. You love parties, holidays and kids ofc. Hosting parties and having a full house will give you happiness. Where this placement gets stuck is not being able to let go of the past. Getting sucked into the loophole of self pity and regret. Focus your attention on what you can do and what you can change. You work better with other ppl there to bounce ideas off of. Let your gaurd down, Succuss is reached quicker for you when you collaborate. Having this placement is testing your ability to strengthen your willpower and resourcefulness. Once you can do that you'll manifest way easier. Careful not to live beyond your means. Dont let desires put you in debt. Trust your intution, take the first step and take the risk. You go be perfectly fine.
Libra: Your love language is def quality time and acts of service this is very important for this placement to feel loved. Yall thrive in group settings and really value friendships. Even if you dont talk that much it makes you feel better to be around others. If you want to get with a Libra moon the best way is to become their friend first. You may have a tendency to put yourself in drama and create chaos among your inner circle though lil messy ass. Always wanting to be right, when this placement is in its lower natures is a good example of the native american folklore of the hunter that stuck a blood coated blade in ice knowing the wolf couldnt resist. It licked the blade continuously not realizing it was slowing bleeding out. The only way for the wolf to survive is to acknowledge its self destructive behavior. Bottom line just because you can ignore something doesnt mean others are going to do the same. Just becasue it didnt effect you doesnt mean it didnt effect them. Make the effort to listen to understand not listen to respond. Your words matter use them responsibly and take breaks from people or things when you feel you need to, your mental health will thank you.
Scorpio: Transformation happens with this placement alot. Moments of feeling isolated or depressed may be brought on by extreme emotional shifts. Anxiety and fear is no stranger to the scorpio moon. It can be to the point of really debilitating you. You've experienced things you've kept to yourself or have repressed but the issue continues to reappear time after time like a broken record. If it hasnt been dealt with it way on you really heavy and appear in your dreams often. You've felt shame, not understanding how you couldve allowed yourself to be in that predicament in the first place but seriously bro shit happens. It can be hard to maintain emotional balance with moon in scorpio, so its essential to have methods to release your emotions in healthy ways. Careful not to become bitter or victimizing with things dont go the way your controlling ass intends. Vengeance doesnt work well for you it often backfires, you'll try to set somebody house on fire and you burn yourself in the process. You may feel that people often oppose for no reason that you have to go through power struggles to be heard or to get the things you want. You may second guess opening up and are critical of yourself and others but opening yourself up to the world will be one of the best things you can do for your relationships and career. Your maturity and originality is threatening. Express yourself in your full nature and make people adapt to you not the other way around. You have authoritarian energy and if your putting yourself out there which ik you are, yr often mistaken for the boss. That is if your not already the boss. Im sure your that your the boss. Mwahahaha. Your demeanor comes across as serious and strict. Ppl naturally think let me not play with them. Your standards are high for yourself and your partner. You wouldnt be with somebody who doesnt match up to your standard. You need to feel like the person you’re with is equally as respected as you in any room you walk in.
Sagittarius: Im sure you believe you were meant to be famous. Sagittarius moons are very charismatic and great negotiators with a very convincing personality they are great at creating solutions quickly. So ofc that makes its very easy for them to make friends. In relationships they attract and are attracted to more dominate personalities. Loving the idea of love but really being in denial about that. Def gives player vibes they have flirtatious ass whore ways lmao. If you cheating ik you not even finna try hard to hide it. Easily bored they will chase thrills lowkey in a running from your problems type of way. Where sag moons can grow is appreciating the value they bring and not feeling the need to always compare themselves to others. Don't attach your self worth to financial security. Be more secure in what you believe and don't back down so easily when others challenge your ideas.
Capricorn: The moon doesn't like being here. Its emotionally depressing actually lol. I'm sure you've already read enough depressing interpretations on cap moons tho so this one is not going to be that. This one is meant to empower you. Youve experienced alot of chaos anger and pain. You've experienced very intense situations that have completely emotional up rooted you. But the smoke always clears and its important for to spend time away from the people and places that have caused this. Take the steps needed to regroup to be by yourself to develop better understanding of your emotions and learn what it is that truly want from your life. If you are not following your intuition it is easy for you to end up in friendships and relationships that do not mean you well. Your not the type of person who can just hang with anyone you need to very intentional about who you allow into your life. Communicate your feelings stop keeping everything bottled in. That shit will drive yo ass crazy. You dont have to be the strong friend all the time your emotions are valid, open up to ppl and share that shit because you dont share often you open up and talk people listen. Use that power to help others that have been through similar experiences to you. When you succeed in whatever obstacles you overcome ppl cant do anything but respect it bc your road was slow and steady but you stayed with it. When it comes to relationships you are very black and white you'll commit yourself fast but if you feel you cant trust the person you may still deal with them but emotional you shut them out. You like being partnered up rather its a relationship or situtationship you deal with the person for a long time.
Aquarius: I want to give you a hug, you are too analytical for your own good. Baby you need to stop thinking so much and you need to feel, you need to experience, act on impulse, dont give yourself time to think about everything that could go wrong. You sabotage so much of your own happiness that way. But i understand people have disappointed you so many times you feel you must do everything on your own. Its like nobody understands you or that people are committed to misunderstanding you. But news flash your not that expressive with your feelings how is anybody going to know if you dont tell them. Yall are cute though with yall dry ass humor. Listen stop being such a fly on the wall you hold as much value as anyone else stop acting like your presence is a fuckn burden. You dont have be agreeable all the the time they will be O FUCKN K. You are very intelligent and more people need to know that. Believing in yourself and communicating is your lesson. Shine your light and stop playing like fr...
Pisces: Ok we’re gonna get the sad shit out the way first. Just how yall like. I really feel like yr parents just let yall cry it out as a baby and you took that personal lmao. No but fr i feel like you always came across like you can handle things so you weren’t really checked on everyone just assumes you'll be ok. You come across as very strong and resilient which is beautiful but everybody needs a shoulder to lean on. Okay now remember how i said yall took that personally ummhm you can be very vengeful never forgetting he littlest slight somebody done towards you. Yall resort to committing crimes rather easily if you need some money lmao im not mad at it though. Literally rationalizing damn near anything if that means youll get what you want. And another thing yall be lying fr. lol sometimes it really do be on accident though you just forgot what really happened and your imagination is very vivid you thought that was the truth. You can be too hard on yourself sometimes you see very clearly the person you want to be so you put so many time limits and expectations on yourself. Chill out enjoy the journey and flow through life the way you know how to. You have very high standards so anything you invest your energy too is executed properly. I honestly cant even imagine a Pisces moon not running their own business. Im sure you cant either. You naturally have very authoritarian energy. Theres not much push and pull when it comes to you getting your way people go with your flow pretty easily. Naturally you wouldnt assume a pisces to be practical but they actually are. Sure they dream big but if they didnt know how to practically implement that into this realm that would just be depressing as hell. When yall find something that works for you, you are very disciplined at seeing it through. Very protective over those you love yall def give stand up when i walk in the room vibes lol
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
sorry dhmis fandom i havent been around to ramble as much because i was off getting mad bitches and touching grass. but im back and ready to get really sappy and emotional and compare my life to old man yaoi. so anyway. do you ever think about how lonely the main three are despite being right next to each other. how they really do love each other but they dont trust each other nor do they know how to properly treat each other. like they try their best but their best isnt enough. they try to teach themselves how to love but its made them selfish. growing up in shitass nowhere alabama, traumatized as fuck, this is how friendships have sometimes felt for me. nothing is serious, everything is ignored, everything is funny no matter what. our words may sting each other but we stay silent and fake a laugh. and then those friendships would fade into weird gay bromances. and yeah those middleschool ass homo-friendships might be shitty but theres something so nice about the moments in the dark, when you realize you like looking at each other. when you realize that maybe you should be kinder. maybe you should trust them more. maybe if you hold their hand long enough and close your eyes tight enough you wont have to go back to pretending to be cruel. and it might notve worked back in middle school, we may have crashed and burned, but i still look back fondly on those moments in the dark. and now that im older, and ive learned to be kinder, and ive met others whove learned the same, im finally with someone that likes looking at me even when the lights are on. im surrounded by people whove lived and learned. like sonic adventure two am i right guys. but seriously. ive said this before and ill say it again. dont hug me im scared makes my fucked up life feel represented, but it also gives me hope. those gayass puppets may forever be trapped in toxic yaoi, but i am not, we as real people are not. theyll learn how to love and forget in an hour, their efforts are hopeless, but ours are not. GO OUT AND KISS YOUR HOMIES TODAY. BE KIND. LOVE YOURSELF AND LOVE EACH OTHER. HOLD THEIR HAND IN THE DARK AND IN THE LIGHT. THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE DESERVE MORE THAN A MINUTE OF AFFECTION. YOU DESERVE MORE THAN A MINUTE OF AFFECTION. WE ARE HUMAN AND WEVE MADE MISTAKES, AND WELL MAKE THEM AGAIN, BUT WE CAN CHANGE, WE CAN GROW, THEIR LIFE WILL NEVER CHANGE BUT OURS WILL. THEY WILL NEVER DIE BUT WE WILL. YOU ARE NOT A BAD PERSON FOR THE MISTAKES YOUVE MADE, BUT YOU SHOULD FIX THEM WHILE YOU CAN, BETTER YOURSELF WHILE YOU CAN. DONT SPEND YOUR LIFE DRIFTING AND WAITING FOR A FRIDGE SCENE TO HAPPEN. MAKE EVERY DAY YOUR FRIDGE SCENE. AMEN
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
How would the tangled kids react to Varian and Cassandra’s villain arc? Also I love your art 😊
AJDJDJDGG OKAY SO. this is SO fucking good but ive been putting it off for so long bc i wanted to draw something to go with it but i’ve just. never figured out what so inevitably i’m just gonna answer it on its own
this subject in particular is SO FUNNY for me to think about bc i think the kids’ reactions depend a lot on how their parents talk abt it and both of them handle it in COMPLETELY different ways. like uknighted dream is pretty open abt it (obviously they give the incredibly watered down kid-safe version) and they kinda use it as a learning experience? like in very vague terms.
its kinda just like
alina: oh why are you and mama cass fighting in your drawing :(
rapunzel: <:) well yknow how if you shake a bottle of soda, when you open it it explodes everywhere?? well sometimes when we bottle up our feelings and don’t do anything with them or talk to someone we trust, they end up getting all shaken up in there, and eventually theyll explode! mama cass and i used to have a lot of trouble talking about our feelings, and because of all those emotions that got bottled up and shaken around in there, we found it hard to properly communicate with each other at all. but then we realized how much we really cared about each other and how we really wanted to make things work, so we learned to be more honest about how we felt and how to communicate with one another without everything just ‘exploding’, so to speak. and thats why we always teach you how to manage your big emotions, does that make sense? :)
on the other hand VARIAN? literally could not care less. at least not with the ud kids. he still has one of his wanted posters that hugo grabbed as a “souvenir” on their trip, and the automaton he used to fight rapunzel? its still in the corner of his lab and he pulls it apart regularly for scrap metal.
ryder will be wandering around his lab when hes like 7 and hes like “uncle vari whats that”
varian: that’s an automaton buddy
ryder: did you make it?
varian: yeah
ryder: what’s it for
varian: well nothing now it’s just spare parts. but i actually made it a long time ago to fight your mom
ryder: which one
varian: both actually. and technically your dad. but mostly rapunzel
ryder: oh
ryder: did you win?
varian: no it wasnt really that kind of fight. nobody won
ryder: oh that’s boring
ryder: can i try it
varian: absolutely not
when emery comes along though varian is like “okay we are Never addressing this again” bc em thinks varian is SO cool and varian actually cares So much about his newfound image. (very stupid of him for that to be his main priority obviously bc emery is like 4 and if she knew what he did she would probably just be like “okay. can i have apple juice”)
anyways yeah ilmari and the twins don’t really tell her anything either because they don’t really see it as anything worth telling her about, especially in comparison to way more important things like the fact that lance will sometimes sneak you dessert before dinner if you can convince eugene he has a gray hair without him catching on. so obviously emery grows up fairly unaware of anything varian has done but the defining factor is that shes constantly hearing about it out of context and is just left to struggle with that enigma.
like you know the experience of being like 14 years old at the family thanksgiving and you get to sit at the grown ups table for the first time and hear about all their weird beef and inside jokes and also hear your aunt mention out of context that hey your dad went to prison once bc that’s LITERALLY what the tangled kids experience in relation to their parents’ pasts. like the twins forgot about most of what varian told them by the time they grew up, they knew the watered down version of what happened with cass but they never knew the little details right. so they’ll just be hanging out playing checkers together while the adults are sitting across the room chatting over drinks and varian jokes “oh man its just like that one time cass kidnapped me” and all the kids immediately whip their heads around like “WHAT?”
this is ESPECIALLY true with emery who’s parents are notorious for having more insults for each other than pet names. em could just be reading by the fireplace late one night and var and hugo come out for a midnight snack and just start talking like
hugo: sometimes i think maybe objectively we should be evil again. like just for fun
varian: honestly. i took over the kingdom once i could do it again no problem
hugo: you’re probably actually strong enough to do it yourself now 🥺
varian: you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
emery: ….right so are we just gonna brush over the “again” part or did you guys forget i was here
varian also eventually realizes that by doing this he is replicating EXACTLY how quirin used to be secretive of his own past and how like one day varian just suddenly had to grapple with the knowledge that his dad who baked pies and fed the apple peels to his raccoon probably had a kill count. and obviously varian is absolutely distraught over this revelation
“HUGO HELP ME. I think im becoming my dad” “oh. well hey it happens to all of us it could be worse. besides your dad is hot so like i see it as a win win” “What” “what?”
i should probably also mention that ilmari knew about cass’s villain arc long before they even MET and ilmari actively tries to use this against her when they’re like 13. like “yeah well you cant tell ME what to do i’m gonna tell alina and ryder you tried to stab mom when you were in your 20s” (it doesn’t work btw)
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blood-injections · 1 year
show pony hcs?
They're Dr D's actual nephew and grew up visiting him and being a little helper at the radio station he's had since the nineties.
No sense of self preservation honestly, okay so this is like my favorite headcanon for them just because its silly and they're a badass. So they grew up visiting LA but dr d took them away from it before the and of the wars so they never lived in it while it turned into battery city, and they've never been captured, but they have indeed been to battery city. Because they've broken in. Solely to be gay do crime. They sneak into the city to graffiti shit and flirt with pornodroids and recruit them to throw bricks into windows with them(not of apartments or townhomes, just the research and bli buildings and occasional business). They wear their skates or bring a skateboard, they dont drive, half the time they bring a boombox, blasting the fucking beastie boys or something in the middle of the night while they skate around the city, and somehow theyve never been noticed by bli or had to fight their way out, theyre crazy and i love them
Punk as shit, you don't grow up with your cool uncle that was openly gay in the nineties without learning that capitalism sucks and cops aren't your friends. Its a big part of why they sneak into the city and be a nuisace, becuse they want to do more than just fight from the zones, because that city was their home once, before bli took it over and put up the walls, and unlike most joys who hate battery city and just want to burn it to the ground, pony wants to save it. They want to cause a more direct change, something physical thats there in the morning, so that the juvie halls and city folk can see it and see bli working to scrub away grafiiti and fix shattered windows and they'll all know theres someone else out there that doesn't agree with bli, fighting for them and maybe theyll be inspired to do more too. And its why they recruit the droids or juvie halls they come across and put a brick in their hand, because the power that comes with that, the inspiration, it spreads, because Pony's read the stories about the Stonewall riots and knows that if enough of the city could unite to fucking fight from the inside, they could make a real change.
Cherri's their older brother, not biologically but they dont care, they were both too young to fight in the wars but thats where they met, when dr d was looking after them and took cherri in when he lost his dad, who was dr d's friend. They grew up in the zones together, learned to shoot together, figured out out who they are together, they're fuckin siblings.
Their gender is whatever annoys you the most at the moment, it also depends on who theyre around around, like with Poison they're like im ur girlfriend vs with Cherri like yeah im your brother. They dont care what people call them.
Childhood best friends with Newsie but you'd never know it. They fight like siblings but they're thick as theives. When the wars started they were kids that thought theyd never see eachother again, but they reunited years later as killjoys
They're crazy friendly, like terrifyingly outgoing. They love everybody and everybody loves them but they manage to stay pretty humble about it
Theyr'e super dramatic and LOVE to gossip
Horrible artist, cant draw for shit. Great at collages though, they make all the zines and posters for radio shows. You can tell when they made one because there's glitter on it.
Has a helmet. Never wears it.
Proud polycule girlfriend of jet star and party poison
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rei-does-stuff · 3 months
Any more episodes you’ve watch of the dub yet?
Squirrel and hedgehog dub ep 4 lets gooooo
-Okay ik I said I liked this track but can you please stop playing it USE SOMETHING ELSE
-The difference in mic quality is staggering,,,
-“If slavery was good enough for the pharaoh its good enough for me” HUH??? WHAT???? That is such an insane line…
-Im still mad they made my gay squirrel brothers….I’m so sorry Jul and Geum you do not deserve this </3
-I still cant keep track of the names…
-Do they not have any other tracks….Did they only make like 3 tracks…Oh god, what are they gonna do for the song segments…Please tell me they get more music, PLEASE
-Btw I don’t hate them being brothers just bc I ship em, but bc I feel like their dynamic doesn’t work as well as siblings, ignoring Bamsaegi since he isn’t in this version but what makes Jul and Geum interesting is their very close relationship they’re VERY close comrades, and them being close just because they’re from flower hill and NOT because they’re related I feel like strengthens the whole message of the original show, regardless on your thoughts of said theme
-I swear they’ll play this track in hell and I’ll have to listen to it for all eternity and go insane
-Dan Green better have gotten paid well for this, Yami Yugi is the king of all games INCLUDING war
-Saimo and Samo are such shit names btw
-I’m surprised they didn’t change the Korean to English
-Can someone good at Morse Code translate what the code in these eps are saying…Im curious
-I’m pretty sure the story is different in this ep…Why? What is the point?
-Why are they yelling all their lines??? YOU WILL BE FOUND OUT
-It has this sort of flashing effect, probably from the film and it’s making my headache worse
-God this moment would be so good if they WERENT BROTHERS, “You’re the best friend Ive ever had, I truly expect for you and I to grow old together and maybe go into a little business for ourselves” YOU DONT SAY THAT TO YOUR BROTHER EVEN CENSORED THEY CANT HELP BIT BE GAY ITS DIC!HARUMICHI ALL OVER AGAIN….God I need to rewatch the original, after this perhaps?
-It is interesting to see them reacting to a potential Defector, but this is NOT how Jul would react to one in the slightest
-Oh yea everything is too yellow but you already know that
-God Jul is annoying in this…Not my gay Squirrel boy at all…
-Okay read them.” Ha, some of the lines can be a little funny, unintentionally
That was insane and bad but oh my god this just reminds me I should rewatch the og after this lol
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night-of-thyme · 1 year
hi request here! CW: shipcest / incest.
can you do some imagines for an incest self ship?
I don’t mind if they’re vague rather than specific so more people can relate. but for some details about my ship (to give you an idea), my f/o is my older brother! I was adopted (but we don’t find out until later) and we grew up sticking up for each other when we got picked on, and exploring gender presentation together. mostly we dress up and experiment with makeup and clothes.
ofc! sorry for taking so long. being an adult is lame. here tho anon, much love ^^
(male f/o x gender neutral) cw: shipcest (obviously🦖), implied nsfw? (up to reader), making out i guess😶‍🌫️
your f/o is very protective of you. no matter your size or whatever, they cant stand seeing you get mistreated. growing up, they always seemed almost upset, distant, or maybe even jealous when you showed interest in anyone else. you brushed it off, hes your brother, of course he'll be protective. you two spend a lot of time together, sometimes making up excuses to not go to school/work just to hang out.
youd spend your time sneaking into your parents room when they were gone and dig in their stuff. you would play in makeup, dress up, and play games with things you found in the room. one time, you found a camera and your brother flipped through the pictures. a smile grew on his face before giggling at one of the pictures although he never told you what it was.
one day you two sneak off to one of the many hang out spots he had made. he tells you he wants to show you something cool, but that you cant tell mom and dad about it cuz theyll kick his ass. you agree and go along with it, he had said this before when he found a magazine in your parents room. within a few minutes he has you in his arms and his tongue down your throat. you dont retaliate, the whole thing lasting for what felt like hours but was probably only about 10 minutes. pulling away, he looks around then stares at you.
"we can head somewhere more private if you want. we'd have the house to ourselves by the time we get back" he asks. you agree itd be better to continue in your bedroom.
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warmcoals · 4 months
Is there a way to politely “break up” with my friends? I’m a transfemme lesbian who recently came out. All my friends are guys and they’ve been supportive and i love them in a way but hanging with men makes me feel like “one of the boys” (even though they’re super kind and respectful and treat me like a woman) and I just feel so dysphoric when we spend time together, as nice as they are. It’s not any fault of their own, but I think the best life for me involves as few men as possible, like the brave lesbians who made me want to transition (like you, btw. Thanks!). I’m not super unhappy around them, but I just feel like if I was successful in my goals I’d be in some sort of Touhou world.
aw hell im late responding to this one. but funny enough i was in a very similar sitch early in transition. and my biggest advice? do not break up(tm) with those guys.
like, start talking to more girls online, duh. find a community for something u like and just participate, talk to other ppl, hang out. see if anyone is in yr area to meet up sometime etc etc. you know how to make friends. but like, once you have girlies in yr life, and they make up just abt yr whole life, youll look back on your dumbass rotten egg dudes and be like, well, cheers. theyll be happy to hear how yr doing later on, and youll be dumbfounded by the lives of normies once they grow up.
for now just like. literally just say "cant hang out as much!" or schedule games movies whatever night w other ppl. youll grow apart naturally, no need to do anything dramatic. the girls will edge them out naturally over time and you can wave at them fondly from the weird tslur tower you live in.
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caspersscareschool · 1 year
would u recommend working w kids? they are so so sillay. also leo being second oldest is very real to me and i love that your vibes for her are summer camp counselor
HI!! that's a complicated question because it really depends on who you are and what your needs are. kids are adorable and hilarious and i find their company extremely fulfilling, but they're also LOUD and EXHAUSTING, and you need to have a certain tolerance for screaming, grabbing, bluntness, and (if you work with toddlers like me) the occasional poopy situation. if you have sensory issues like me, I'd strongly recommend establishing a set time and place to recharge every day, (or even bringing headphones if you're able to) and setting clear boundaries, like "my body needs space right now," "i don't like being touched there, thank you," etc. (which also teaches them consent/setting their own boundaries as a bonus). if you've never really worked with kids before, you might look for opportunities to substitute, or even volunteer at libraries and whatnot to get a sense of how it feels for you. i feel like everyone remembers a teacher from their childhood who just hated their job and made it everyone's problem, so don't be that person. i guess what I'm trying to say is that it's important to put your wellbeing first, or you'll be miserable, and that will rub off on the kids.
personally, i love how kids are naturally curious and blunt. they will just say whatever. and it IS extremely exciting and fulfilling to watch them learn and grow in real time, because they absorb information SO FAST. it's important to be observant and patient and non-judgmental and kind, because they WILL emulate your behavior. every single day I'm delighted and surprised by one of them saying something sweet out of nowhere, supporting or comforting a friend, resolving a conflict on their own, pronouncing a word like CRUSTACEAN that's way beyond their usual reading level, or randomly asking to hold my hand or sit on my lap when they've never done that before....
HOWEVER. do not tell my employers i said this, but I'd eventually like to work with slightly older kids, like 6-8 year olds, because i feel like that's the age range where they've kind of had a chance to develop personalities and hobbies and interests (beyond favorite colors and animals and whathaveyou), and they're starting to learn how to make jokes and insult people but they just go about it in the funniest way possible. and their imaginary games have extended plotlines, and theyll sometimes just decide to write an entire comic book or movie script in an afternoon. and you can actually hold a conversation with them, wheras toddlers will often just lose interest and walk away if they don't immediately grasp something. you also have to be very direct with toddlers, which is something I'm still getting used to just because i really dislike talking down to people of any age or size. like do NOT get me wrong, i LOVE my 3-5 year olds, but i do miss babysitting 8 year olds from time to time. and age is something to consider, again, especially if you're squeamish about bathroom stuff. *shudders and stares off into the distance*
anyways that was probably a way longer answer than you wanted and just a bunch of nonsense words. tl;dr the answer is Yeah. If you want. ❤️
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painsandconfusion · 1 month
The Whispering Woods
I wrote a little thing showcasing one of my oc's magic in rp and she (Aris) made me write a song for it so idk enjoy is suppose
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Aris takes a moment, minding the proper melody. Translating in her mind and adjusting as she can. The instruments in the corner seem to play themselves, the wood of the string rapping to a harmonic rhythm to set an eerie cadence as the woodwinds blow like literal wind, fogged and eerie and nearly toneless. Her hums create the rest of the soundscape. Finally, she beings to sing.
All good children know Of the whispers of dark Of the stories of shadows And the blood of the lark They know to stay put And to hide in their beds When the whispers of woods Creep inside their heads
As she speaks of the woods, golden plumes of trees sprout up from the ground, nearly unnoticeable at first until a person or two points them out. Slowly, throughout the song, they grow toward the ceiling, outlines only with the texture of bark like golden threads woven through the air
The trees grow the sweet words That cloud a man’s mind That coax him to come With his kin dragged behind Theyll creep in your ears And split through your skull Theyll carve you to pieces And pluck out your soul The woods, the woods, The whispering woods Won’t you lend them your softest ear? The woods, the woods, The whispering woods How can one man decide what to fear?
The trees are in full bloom now, leaves twisting through an invisible wind and fluttering around them in the darkness. A woman made of the same golden thread blooms to life as well - just in front of Aris. There's a single beam of light that follows as the young (quite young, perhaps 16) woman begins to spin and roam in a dance.
Pliana was kind The fairest of maids With the voice of the lark And songs in her head She’d roam yellow hills And tell all the tales Of the creatures she met Of blight, wind, and gale
Darkness grows and the notes and echoes enforce this. The face of a man peeks over one of the windows - far larger than life and taking up much of the wall like a projection. Like a chess master's angered ponderance from the viewpoint of the chess piece he's scrutinizing.
A sorcerer saw And wanted her song To cut out her throat And bottle it up Pliana ran fast U’til her feet blistered The sky fell to dark As she ran She ran She ran She ran to the whispers
Pliana's golden outline dives and skitters around the 'stage', dodging firey attacks that the sorcerer aims at her. Often losing her footing, she leaves her dropped flower basket behind to sprint toward the woods.
The woods, the woods, The whispering woods Won’t you lend them your softest ear? The woods, the woods, The whispering woods How can one man decide what to fear? No one had ran there For shelter before The woods knew of nothing But how to keep score They wrapped her in smoke And clad her in bark Let her sing through leaves And live in the dark
One of the trees has wrapped the sobbing girl into a hug, comforting her in the embrace. Slowly, So slowly, Bark forms around her, encapsulating her completely until she's one with the tree. The tree stands again, just as it was before.
The sorcerer plunged Through thicket of trees Snarling cruel words and Dark vows of defeat Yet he could not survive, Try as he would, The goddess of whispers, The scream of the woods
The sorcerer's scream is highlighted by something betwixt the screech of the violin and the cry of a human voice, floating the line between them effortlessly in a distant echo that backdrops the song rather than playing an active part in it. Slowly, the trees start to fade into darkness.
The woods, the woods, The whispering woods Won’t you lend them your softest ear? The woods, the woods, The whispering woods How can one man decide what to fear?
When the trees have faded completely, the only thing left is Aris still encapsulated in her glow. But even that has begun to fade. By the time the final note and the reverberations are completely gone, so too is the light. And they are left in darkness. Stillness. An eerie, cool peace.
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natsmagi · 8 months
i'm so excited for switch climax that it can't be bad to me. like even if the writing is ass i can delude myself into thinking that the event and story were actually good. i've already did it once with the arashi/adonis event tanabata event i can (and probably will) do it again.
main reason im nervous in spite of having a similar mentality is. theres SO MANY things that switch currently needs imo. not only is sora and tsumugis relationship seriously lacking but we also dont even HAVE A PROPER SORA ORIGIN STORY!! we know he was a hikikomori and met natsume at some point but thats about it. and with the current !!-era stories i feel like we've been stuck in this loop of them having the same issues over and over again, saying theyll better themselves only to then repeat it. like how in magic lantern they made a big deal out of including sora more because he was feeling left out only for that to. Not happen. and natsume even acknowledging this in shinsekai. but then theres also the other side of things of sora WANTING to be more independent, he doesnt WANT to have to rely on his seniors whenever anything comes up, he doesnt WANT to be babied, SO I CANT HELP BUT BE A LITTLE SCARED!!!! this is supposed to be their CLIMAX after all, but theres still SO MUCH growing these characters need to do that the writers seem to have been ignoring in favor of ntmg yaoibait (WHICH I LOVE. DUH. BUT AUGH!!! I WANT SOMETHING MORE!!!!)
im tired of switch stories feeling Stuck........ they hold so incredibly much potential, and u can literally pinpoint exactly what it is the character needs development in........... but it doesnt happen!! i feel like wonder game put their !!-era in such an awkward spot, because it was a great "finale" for natsume and tsumugi, but lacking in one for sora. which yknow, is fine, because their stories arent over yet. but i feel like happyele just. doesnt know what to do with them now. WHICH AGAIN!! MAKES ME A LIL MAD BC ITS SOOOOOOOOO CLEAR WHAT NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!!!!!!! but they just KEEP NOT DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!!!!!!!!!! GIVE US SORA LORE! GIVE US STORIES FEATURING ONLY SORA AND TSUMUGI TOGETHER! HAVE THE TWO OF THEM ACTUALLY BOND AND GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER! INCLUDE SORA MORE! STOP GIVING ME THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER!!!!
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ants-personal · 9 months
idk when ill have time to actually write it sighs but ive had the idea of slenderman basically using tims dead friends against him (against their wills as well but they are arks now)
The rake hasnt slowed them down like thought just evan mostly hes gravely hurt and weak but even still he and tim have proven to be stronger together so the operator would take the time to strike when theyre weakest
Basically youd have evan bleeding out from his various wounds feom the rake attack ontop of a shower curtain tim ripped off the motel shower and draped in the back so the car doesnt get any more ruined with evans blood. Evan swears hes fine he doesnt need any help and yes tims seen him heal from injuries but none like this before he has a gaping slashes in his side and the a chunk missing from where his shoulder meets his neck plus every other little wound.
So tim who doesnt even know if he goes to the hospital or.. just keep going and try and move past the motel massacre they are leaving behind all while hearing evan try to quietly gasp for air and choke on blood.
Hes about to turn towards the next city get evan to the hospital claim a bear attack or some kinda of big cat hes not even sure if they are any in these woods a wolf maybe then anything just get evan help and forget this stupid trip fuck habit and take evan back home with him and theyll deal.
But just as he decides in this runs his hand over his face to be met with a sight that makes his stomach drop and ice run through his veins before hes swerving and skidding over the road to avoid the sight of a man wearing a biege hoodie a shadow for his face.
Gaining control of the car to pull to a stop at the side of the road evan letting out a small groan asking what the hell happened as tim grips the steering wheel trying to calm his breathing when theres a crack near the car
wide eyes slowling moving towards the sound and futher distorted by the dark anc branches tim can still see the silhouette of ...him standing before slowling and turning to walk futher into the woods and tim knows he shouldnt follow him brians dead hes been dead for years hes accepted this his friends are gone and running after him into the dark forest would be the worst decision.....
Hed put the car in park and quickly takes off after him calling after brian if evan exists here now and hes mentioned before that there other "realms" and habits a athing maybe ... maybe brian is back in a way adrenaline rushing in he runs and runs but he cant seem to find or catch up no matter how close he gets the woods seem fo be clsoing in grabbing at his ankels pushing throu until hes falling out of an opening pushing himself up brushing off the leaves and twigs.
Chest heaving eyes widing at the sight of an abandoned building that doesnt exist anymore torn down due to lack of upkeep but here it stands just how he remembers it. He scans the building for anything he brain lead him here right he must be trying to tell him something.
He takes a step towards it stopped by the growing ringing in his ears he could nothing but cover his ears but it feels like its coming from inside his head eyes squinting against the pain and catches a glimpse of a hoodie disappearing through a door.
He grits his teeth and shakes his head before taking off towards where they disappeared pulling the heavy door with difficulty sliping inside as it slams shut with a deafening boom
The halls barely lit by the moonlight spilling in from busted windows a chill breeze blowing leaves he backs against the door thats as soild as a wall now. Its quiet not even the sounds of the forest and he knows hes made a mistake.
and theb he hears it its so quiet at first he cant make it out
his name being called out for and hes taking off before he can think its jays voice
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thdramas2 · 4 months
anon, ur very brave for sharing what uve gone through because of ppl in the th community. as someone who also attempted a few yrs ago partly due to th, i have a few things to say. 1st, what ur going through is real. ppl often belittle others trauma if it happens online but they are wrong for it. emotional abuse is less visible but just as real and can lead to ptsd, depression, anxiety and others. 2nd, ik it can be hard to see this rn, but theres more to the world then ur harassers and the things that make u depressed. ik it can feel like it but just bc u messed up on a character storage site doesnt mean ur whole reputation is ruined and u can never recover. lots of ppl agree that th users take things way too far, and there are lots of ppl that will still accept u and want to see u grow. esp offline, cause ppl online can get rlly out of touch lol. 3rd, more ppl on th are starting to realize how toxic it is to mass shame and isolate ppl for mistakes they could legit learn from instead. like literally its getting rlly hard to pretend this is normal cuz its gonna happen to ur friends or u eventually so theres only so long u can stay in denial. i think when the th community finally faces reality theyll have no choice but to do better on this. we just have 2 hope that change is soon.
i agree with this a lot. i have done somethings that basically fucked me over on this website and made me depressed myself, i learned to not get into CS, don't make friends on TH, nor trust anyone on this website
i do know there are good people out there on this website but most of it's just a toxic cesspool, and it's not good for anyone because minors are being affected too and learning that this kind of behaviour like mass shaming and bullying is okay to do, or are going through that exact thing because they made a mistake (a mistake they can learn from, unless it has to do with scamming or something like that most mistakes you can learn from and grow)
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sumnantics · 4 months
After attending Once Upon an Elemntary together, and surviving Highs And Lows School (which everyone really just shortens to Middle School), they spent freshman year of highschool in different schools. Maisie went to Ever After High, and Neijiderick attended Beanstalk High, wanting to practice flying in the clouds. ...Not being a giant, he was ostracized and transferred to Ever After.
In the first year of her life that Maisie had not been locked at the hip with Neiji, she made close friends that werent him. ...And she realized that she wasnt feeling *best friendship* for Neiji, she was feeling *a crush.*
In the summer before Sophomore year started, Maisie confessed to Neiji.
It destroyed their friendship. He rejected her with GREAT vehemence. When they started school again, he completely ignored her in the halls. It was easy to avoid her-- being a villain, he had a completely different schedule than her, and being a Royal, he had completely different friends.
Maisie is an extremely perceptive girl. She may not be remarkable enough to make lasting impressions, but shes happy fading into the background. She does well in classes, but shes never perfect enough to shine. Graceful, elegant, scholarly, she doesnt need to try in her princess classes. Shes happy for that for the same reason-- she can people watch.
She's always been very mature. Perhaps its because she had to grow up too fast, shouldering her mother's emotional weight. This whole argument between royals and rebels all seems very silly to her-- The dramatics, that is. Because the moment she heard other students were planning to change their destiny, she wanted in.
She's never too worried abt Neiji. She *knows* him. She knows him better than he knows himself, shes perceptive and hes been all shes looked at for years. Shed answer his questions before he asked, shed figure out why hes upset before he even had a chance to feel it. She knows he needs time-- and she knows that, eventually, theyll both be in that tower. Alone. for years. And she figures theyll talk it out then.
As much as she retains her composure in most situations, theres one thing shes sensitive about-- her nobility.
Her *Destiny* is being a PRINCESS in a tower. But, generations ago, her family lost their nobility-- they had to sell it, their family too poor, and needing food more than a title. And since her story calls for a *Dragonslayer*, not a *Prince*, her family has never had a chance to regain their title.
A classmate, in an argument during class about who's on what side: Maisie's a Royal, *obviously.*
Maisie: Actually, I'm a Rebel.
Classmate: What? But... youre a princess?
Maisie: I'm a *Maiden*.
Classmate: Well, but you've got a Prince Charming?
Maisie: No. My story has a Dragonslayer.
(She corrects this constantly. everyone thinks shes a princess, and its the one assumption she will never not correct)
Neijiderick had felt growing resentment towards Maisie through all of Middle School. She was better and better at reading him-- and she was a middle schooler, who wanted to show off, and didnt have too much social awareness yet. She doesnt remember doing this, or at least how often, but she would constantly tell him what he was feeling-- "He just ignored you! Even though you waved. You must be angry, and hurt. I think he's going to his friends. I dont think he saw you, Neiji." Which seems benign enough of a thing to say, except she did it Constantly. he wouldnt be able to FEEL THINGS, and certainly he couldnt figure out his own feelings on his own. he felt exposed. He used to be able to take pleasure in sniping back at her when she got something wrong, but that only ever made her better at it.
He chose a different high school than her to get away from it all. That... didnt work out. The giants were cruel, and the teachers didnt notice-- or, they pretended not to. It made him spitting mad!!! But, he didnt know how to handle that anger, because he had always had Maisie-- either she'd help, or she'd try to help and then he'd redirect that anger at her for reading him too easily.
(He knows something about her that she doesnt. He knows shes not *that* good at reading him. Cuz she never read the growing resentment towards her correctly.)
When she confessed-- he ran. he ran immediately, squashed any reaction, left before she could read him-- he needed to figure this out *himself*.
And he did! And hes FUCKING PISSED. She's been hurting him all this time-- but, well, he never told her she was hurting him. She shouldve figured it out! But, well, he's GLAD he can keep SOME secrets. She KNOWS what his destiny is!
And there it is, he thinks. destiny. Hes never once considered that shed like anyone before her Dragonslayer. He thought he'd die before she loved someone. Maybe that was stupid? Plenty of people date in highschool, before signing the book of legend.
But why *him?* She knows more than anyone that he *cant return her affection.* He's got a time limit! And, even then-- He's going to be a DRAGON. dragons dont *kiss princesses.*
Thats right. Dragons dont kiss princesses. Dragons are ruthless, and mean, and *fucking cool*. And HES a dragon. (Wyvern, actually, but semantics.) He's going to sign the book of legends, and then after graduation like all the other magical beast characters, he's going to wake up the next day permanently in beast form.
So he ignores Maisie. Like a proper villain, and to avoid her seeing through him, and because-- look. he doesnt like her back. And, being her friend now would be *weird*. Knowing that every time they joke, every time they hang out, she'd be thinking of.... *romance.*
He changes his nickname. Avoids anything the reminds him of Maisie, actually-- she calls him Neiji,
So he goes by Ricky now. Ricky Fang. And he aces his classes, and he learns cool things like firebreath and attacking knights, and how to hold a Maiden in his claws-- a *princess*, he means, how to hold a *princess* in his claws to fly away with her.
and in his Villain classes, he meets--
Ramona Badwolf. Transferred to the school halfway through the school year. Immediately began gathering extra credit in her classes to make up for missing it, and almost as quickly made herself *known.* She was proud, and she was sly, and she was confident. She had an unwavering strength in herself-- she growled *scram*, and the halls cleared. And she was *incredibly pretty.*
Ricky was very interested in her. And he was even more interested when *she was interested in him*.
Turns out they have a lot in common-- theyre both gonna turn into magical beasts, theyre both going to have to dodge hunters, and they both know that being a msgical beast is going to be so fucking cool that it will all be worth it. Ramona asks him out, and he almost thinks he says yes too fast.
Ramona changes him, but really not by much. He was already punk, she just taught him how to show it. He cut his jacket into a vest, he collected all the shiny baubles he didnt before.
He has cultivated a very specific persona at Ever After High-- he's aloof, and distant, and hes quiet. He HATES the idea of someone being able to read him. And its hard to do, but he painstakingly makes certain he keeps those walls up around Ramona.
They date for a year, and it ends in flames. Literally. Their breakup is known throughout the school because they MADE IT KNOWN. They consistently make it known every time they see each other in the halls.
Ramona had gotten sick and tired of the mysterious facade. Sick of the distance. in their first Big Fight, she told him "I KNOW YOU, Ricky!" She didnt know that it would immediately terrify him, that hed get so defensive.
Ultimately, she knew the problem was this: He didnt see them as "serious" enough to trust her with his secrets.
He knew the problem, too! She seemed to think they were gonna stay together after graduation. can you imagine a WOLF and a DRAGON kissing? obviously not.
really, he was scared. Why else do people hide? if you cant see this part of me, ill never have to see you reject it. and really, she was scared too. She was scared he was hiding from her because he didnt ever actually like her, that she had been vulnerable in front of someone who was laughing at her the whole time.
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