#and sometimes I feel so bad for him
evansbby · 1 year
#I hate my dad so much#he just said the most calculatedly mean thing he could possibly say to me#it’s like he paused and thought about what would hurt me and then said it#is everyone’s dad an emotionally abusive piece of shit or is it just me#and I hate the way he treats my mom#and she’s just supposed to take it and if she even says anything to defend herself#he acts like the biggest man child and throws a tantrum#everyone in this house just walks on eggshells around him#do men just never grow up????#he’s just been so nasty towards me lately#like I just can’t wrap my head around it#like he’s been emotionally abusive for years but that’s nothing new#me and my siblings have long ago learnt to laugh and brush it off and make a joke out of it#but what he did today was so mean#I was more astonished#like imagine your own father saying something so nasty to you#I wonder if he knows that he’s alienated all of his children#and sometimes I feel so bad for him#does anyone else have this cycle of hating their dad then also feeling sorry for him???#bc I know he works so hard and I know he loves us and has done a lot for us#I know that!!!#but does that excuse his behaviour???#are we all meant to just firm it and shrug it off and just let him do and say whatever???#usually I always stand up to him and yell at him and tell him to his face whatever I have to say#but lately it’s like… what’s the point? it’s like talking to a brick wall#I will say that he does apologise to me sometimes#but what’s the point of an apology if you keep doing it again and again#and how can you say something so nasty to your own daughter#with the INTENT to make me feel bad and insecure???#I already have this thing that everyone hates me and he fed into that and said something he knew would hurt me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 17 days
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Good morning, Sleepyhead.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#'WWX was asleep for 4 days' is an incorrect factoid.#The average WWX sleeps for 8 hours. The PD-MDZS WWX who was asleep for 40 comics and 4 months is an outlier.#We are back to present day! I have missed drawing them!#Ah...the contrast between how the flashback ended (cold and distrustful) to how wwx wakes up (warm and watched over)...#The gap between the past and present is very important. Not just in this story but in our lives too.#The past can still hurt and it doesn't just go away with time as some say. It is the power of realizing that things have changed.#We can't get the good back. The bad memories have concluded. Those live somewhere else now.#It is hard to realize that you have to live for today and tomorrow. The past is so loud.#For WWX it is realizing that despite the mistrust in the past - He really does have faith that LWJ will be there for him.#It is the reflection of knowing that you changed and will keep changing and that change is good and kind sometimes.#But more importantly...and this I really do mean with all my heart:#It will all end up okay in the end. Even after the worst day. The most painful losses. You will get through it.#What feels like a breaking point is truthfully just another step you have to take. You'll get through it even though it feels like the end.#There are wonderful things you have yet to see. Friends you have yet to meet.#Even if it hurts so badly...one day it just aches. Someday you'll go a few weeks not remembering that it ever hurt.#Oh and because my izutsumi comic revealed many people were in need of hearing this:#You are loved. Right now. You are so loved right now. We just forget to tell each other that.#Go tell the people you love that they matter to you. I'm assigning you homework!!! You are graded on completion.
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ruporas · 7 months
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in a mood (ID in alt)
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thinkin' about Bardaby and his illusion smoke...
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skylathescholar · 2 months
So I’m watching Danny Phantom for the first time and in S1 E27, the Fenton Menace (great name, btw) Youngblood makes his second appearance. When he first showed up I was like “oh my word this is a child who died, that’s so freaking sad” and like yeah, but that’s standard for the show. Now you’re telling me he only appears to kids? As in adults never see him? Never notice him?
That. That brings up some implications I really don’t wanna think about.
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willowser · 9 months
really what prompted my double boy dad bakugou post was the idea of his older son — who is six, nearing seven — coming out of his room with messy, sleep-mussed hair and wandering into the kitchen on an early morning when katsuki's getting ready for work.
and your youngest is a little terror. spoiled rotten, katsuki thinks, was too babied and that's why he doesn't listen and has temper tantrums in the middle of the floor and is already throwing punches at three. katsuki's old witch of a mother thinks he'll be bulkier than his older son and twice as mean, prone to pinning his brother to the ground until he's declared the greatest.
(katsuki feels both horror and pride, at the very thought.)
it hasn't always been easy for your oldest; becoming a big brother never is. not that katsuki would know what that's like, but he hated to even share a playground with deku, much less share his one and only mommy, so he can only imagine what his own son went through when his brother arrived.
but he's been great about it, which comes as no surprise because his oldest has always been great about everything. gets his little brother out of bed and reminds him of his manners—even as he's getting whacked—gives up his toys just so the baby won't cry. he's too smart for his own good, acting like a big boy now—and it makes katsuki nostalgic in a way that hurts.
there hasn't been a lot of time for just the two of them. not like there used to be.
so when his firstborn comes to stand beside him in the kitchen, to lean his head against his dad's hip and rub at his sleepy eyes—katsuki just ruffles his already messy hair, before giving his ear a little tug.
"should be asleep," he grumbles to him, "sun's not even up yet."
his son only shrugs, yawns hard; despite this, he says, "'m not tired."
katsuki snorts and continues with his routine: finishes his protein shake, gives the kid a sip when he thinks he wants one (he doesn't really, though he tries not to make a face at the taste as he nods, as if he likes it), makes sure he's got all his work shit in his bag for patrol later. and his son is mostly quiet, content to share in the morning just between the two of them after katsuki sits him on the counter.
and then he asks, "can i come to work with you?"
on instinct, katsuki glances at his shut bedroom door, where you're still fast asleep, on the other side, and then down the hallway to where his youngest is sleeping, too.
technically, the kid probably could because you're off work today, and you could come pick him up later before katsuki has to head out, but—
"your brother won't be happy if i take you and not him."
and your oldest is a good big brother. has more patience than katsuki ever did, knows how to share—but on this morning that the two of them are indulging in, he only shrugs.
"well," he sighs—and he sounds so grown up, sounds like you when you're leveling with katsuki. "if he wanted to go then he should have got up, too."
"that why you're awake?" katsuki frowns, though his son only shrugs again. the idea that he's gotten up way too early, at the ass-crack of dawn just to have some extra time with his dad is too—
"yeah," katsuki murmurs, nodding at him to hop off the counter. "get your socks on so we can go."
there won't be anything for him to do in the agency office, besides get an endless amount of cups of water from the dispenser and all the candy in the receptionist's bowl and attention from the older ladies that thinks he's just so stinking cute.
but at least they'll be together, just the two of them. like old times.
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lonesomenecromancer · 25 days
mothiva gains a new fan (well kind of)
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uukipi · 25 days
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pocket sized timmytam is not impressed
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scintillyyy · 2 months
can you really talk about tim's tendency to idolize and place dick on a pedestal and his semi-entitlement to understanding dick without also talking about dick's tendency to project his own feelings and insecurities onto tim and also his semi-entitlement to his right to try and micromanage how tim should feel and react about things. i, personally, cannot.
#dick and tim#anyways trust me when i say that none of this is meant in a negative way because this is what i Like about them lmao#forever thinking of the M/F fight where dick expects that tim will go alone with his line of thinking just because he says so#and is shocked when tim doesn't and instead has his own thoughts and feelings abt the matter#and babs has to tell him that tim isn't him & had a fundamentally different experience to him#it's like hmmm very realistic to me#the way they do this to each other in a way that almost is depersonalizing but like isn't actually#it's more just that they understand each other so well most of the time that it's easy to forget that they're their own person#with their own thoughts and feelings#like hm. there is something very realistically siblings about it in that#older siblings do tend to try and dominate the relationship with their thoughts and feelings because#their first memories are of being expected to lead their sibling and the sibling usually comes at a time when the older sib is v possessive#so the older sibling conceives the younger sibling as belonging to them and being kind of a hm extension of them vs their own person#meanwhile the younger sibling has no knowledge of a life where the older sibling doesn't exist#and the younger sibling's experience is that of observation of the older sibling from basically the very first day of life#so the younger sibling will often see and perceive the older sibling in very interesting ways#they're always learning something with thay observation good or bad#and thus probably develop more instrinsic understanding than even the parents do#and conflict comes because each is their own person but it's hard to see them that way sometimes#anyways there's also another thread where for dick it's hard to conceptualize tim's family of origin as real compared to them#but that's like mainly headcanon just know i'm right and it's interesting
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spielzeugkaiser · 11 months
I love your art soooo much-it gives me life!! 🥰🥰🥰
I have a question about Milek and Jaskier! Milek says they fought before Jask went missing-what did they fight about? Did Milek say something he shouldn’t have? 👀😢 is there ANGST?
Also does Geralt know Mileks plush friend is called Roach? Because surely that’s a clue that Milek is his…(I love this universe so much)!!🥹❤️❤️❤️
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[MASTERPOST] That was the last conversation they had before Milek stormed out - and when he came back, Jaskier was. gone. The thing is, Jaskier knows what Milek is interested in (and he is not even wrong about that, Milek has an interest in medicine, and helping people, and I think when they met he was Shanis biggest fan) and I think Jaskier is aware that some of the conflict does have its roots in Milek not wanting to leave him, even if they get really heated and ugly in their arguments. Milek shouldn't feel like he has to care for him, or have to protect him and at times I think Jaskier feels quite ashamed, which leads him to being way too unrelenting at times - especially if he thinks he's doing something to protect Milek.
#jaskier#the witcher#geraskier lovechild#artists on tumblr#omegaverse#I think if they argue Milek is saying stuff he shouldn't all the time#I think for Milek the part that makes him feel really bad is that he KNOWS that Jaskier would always choose having him again and again#because he KNOWS that he loves him more than anything else#but he still implied that he doesn't know - and he knows what he said was cruel#but he also !! is so angry#because Jaskier always treats him like he knows what's best for him and. let it be true - it still makes him FURIOUS#he isn't a little kid anymore#and he wants to HELP he loves his father and he knows that Jaskier gives and gives and gives especially when it comes to him#he doesn't need a fancy education in an academy where he'll be just the bastard kid again#he just needs a Pa who doesn't absolutely run himself to the ground#and I think he finally wants to meet Geralt too#also I'm trying to do a thing here which I think shows how secure their relationship truly is#because Geralt sees Milek as a quite sensible (if sometimes a bit hotheaded) young man - who is quite mature for his age#which he CAN be#but Geralt is also basically a stranger even if Milek knows he's his dad - and he tries to impress him naturally - ofc he wants to be liked#with Jaskier? who has his one true emotionally secure relationship with?#moody teenanger - but also allowing himself to be childish at times - crying shouting teasing - exploding sometimes#because he never ever had to question their relationship once#he can just let loose
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bajablastable · 3 months
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jicklet · 8 months
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Elemental (2023)
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
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When you moved into a big cold castle and the only sources of heat are your insane new coworkers
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baselicoc · 1 year
i know that atsv and spiderverse in general is probably not including Gabe for various reasons and therefore when Mig took his alt selfs place he wasnt actually leaving anyone behind. he said something along the lines of “i found a universe where i was happy” which kinda screams that something was fucked up with his home one, i’d like to think more than usual because the other explanation is that he just left like all his family behind. Which is extremely messed up but also on the other hand a little funny
like imagine being gabe here. Imagine your older brother fucks off to another universe because of his depression and comes back with even worse depression ranting some shit about canon events. You have to be told where he went by his AI because god knows your brother has all the communication skills of a rusty spoon. Have to be told he fucking left with no intention of coming back
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exilepurify · 1 year
it’s been four months since December 2022 and I’m still not over the fact that Reigen was apparently so haunted by guilt from that one time in S2E2 where he scolded Mob for eating too many french fries that it showed up in the super emotionally charged eyecatcher montage during the series finale.
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I wonder if reigen will ever find the closure he needs to free himself from the poltergeist of regret that obviously follows him around as a result of this incident. the confession incident really had reigen re-evaluating everything from the past three years.
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lilacjunimo · 4 months
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the way she looks at him she’s just like me fr
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