#and sorry for the unasked for advice lol
lesbianjudasiscariot · 9 months
you're really cool & i want to interact more. but i'm terrible at interacting :')
hehe tyty ♡
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romerona · 2 months
I just read Stellars veil and it’s fantastic. I am speechless I want to complement your writing but I think it’s impossible to find words that can truly express my appreciation for it.
No pressure or anything, if you do decide to make a second part to this. I want to let you know I will read every sentences with awe.
I hope I can on day write like you.
Omg!!! I’m sorry I’m only just answering but thank you SO MUCH. You are so freaking nice, like I will forever remember this ❤️ lol
Word of an unasked for advice: just write as your as heart contents, it will be amazing no matter what.
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anarkhebringer · 4 years
God I am Very Glad I decided to impulse remake my vent sideblog LOL
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mahixa · 3 years
carlando young husband propaganda i need some headcanons about them…
jesus this message, and I kid you NOT, is from the 18th october............... I've been so busy ahh and I'm so sorry but now I'm choosing random asks to answer, so if you are still here I hope you will enjoy these ideas:
- surprisingly it was Lando who wanted to have a church wedding. Carlos blinked and frowned when he heard him say that, because seriously? Lando? hello? I'm the traditional one but I don't need this type of a wedding but Lando just smirked and winked and said "think about it, mate. The church has not seen enough openly happy gay stuff so" and Carlos went "oooohhhhh" and nodded and smirked as well and they high fived each other, they did that for all those years of hatred and gladly made out inside while the crowd cheered and then showed middle fingers to the building
- partners in crime partners in crime, they still call each other "mate" and "dude"
- they can be mature about stuff and when they argue about heavy stuff they are really mature, but they are absolute kids when it comes to gaming or eating and they honestly can behave like annoyed sulking kids then
- Carlos likes cooking and Lando is not allowed to disturb him, no sweet cute mess in the kitchen, sorry guys, it's Carlos' space and he actually prints a photo of Lando turned into the prohibiton sign with his face crossed and hangs it whenver he cooks and Lando finds it amusing and even has posted it on his instastory once
- Lando hates hates hates hates the "WE couples" who, unasked, give advice to others and always use the "well you see because me and my boo never..." and he wants to throw up and whenever they meet a couple like that Carlos chuckles and has to hold Lando back from throwing rocks at them, you know, the couples that have the annoying IKEA signs on the walls like "in this house we live love laugh" lol
- inside jokes they share - the amount of them is unreal
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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The Aftermath (Part 2)
Resuming from where this, left off. I spent way too much time on this lol 😅
Word Count: 5.6k
TW: Blood, injuries
“Excuse me?” Bria tried to remain calm but the shaky nature of her voice betrayed her image. Giorno had maintained his position at her side, looking at the man skeptically before turning his attention to the shocked girl beside him.
“I know this must come as a huge shock to you my dear… I don’t expect anything from you… I’ve just come to leave this with you… I will be in Italy for the next month, if you decide to act on what’s in this envelope, all my contact details are there as well… for what it’s worth, I’m sorry to have to approach you like this…” explained the older man.
Giorno was about chime in with Bria’s unasked questions when Mista intervened, resting his hand in Giorno’s shoulder and shaking his head.
“W-why now? Before you answer, perhaps we should move this to somewhere private… I’m so sorry Gio, I don’t know what you must think, please excuse us,” said Bria, unshed tears brimming her eyes. She had turned around to leave before either of the younger men had a chance to react. Giorno was disturbed by how sad she looked, worried for her safety, and wanted so badly to follow her but he let his better judgment prevail; this had nothing to do with him, but for some unknown reason he couldn’t bring himself to trust the dapper gentleman and his motives.
“Giorno, I know you’re worried, but she knows how to take care of herself, perhaps this is a good thing, if he has good intentions maybe this is the best thing that could have happened,”
Staring after the pair as they went towards the exit, Giorno could only muster a single word of affirmation before turning his attention back to Mista.
“I just don’t trust him… there’s something off about him….”
“That may or may not be true, but at the end of the day it’s her decision to make and you’ll have to learn to respect that…” Giorno simply nodded, unsatisfied with the results of that exchange, he silently vowed to get to the bottom of whatever was happening on his own. Outside of the restaurant, it seemed that Bria was forced to face a conundrum of her own, trying to decipher the man who claimed to be her father.
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“My original question stands… if you’ve managed to get this close to us, especially at this time, you should know who we are… just be straight with me… why are you really here?” the softness of Bria’s voice hid the bite behind her words, her father taken aback by the change in her demeanor.
“You don’t mince your words, do you, little one? You’re so much like your mother… Fine- I am acquainted with the previous boss, under another alias entirely… when we had heard rumblings of all of the unrest I investigated and found you… so my focus shifted to you, especially after learning about your mother…”
All the references to her mother had left Bria feeling dejected and lost, reminding her of a time in her life she would have rather forgotten. “Well, I’ll be in touch, naturally this is a lot to take in… I…”
“Take your time, a word of advice though… just as someone looking in from the outside, - be wary of the blonde, something just feels off about him,” before Bria could protest his snap judgment, Kalita had disappeared into an awaiting vehicle and was driven off.
Still perplexed by the events of that evening, Bria went back inside the establishment to find Giorno and Mista waiting for her with kind expressions on their faces.
“Come on, eat something, it’s been a long day,” suggested the young gunslinger and with that the three of them ate dinner and chatted. Mista had left the pair early, having a prior engagement to see to.
“Hey, let’s get some dessert for everyone, we can all have them in the garden… watch the sunset… I’m sure they’re all sick of being indoors… not that there’s anything wrong with the villa, I’m sure you’ve made sure they’re all comfortable, it’s just… I’m sorry, I’m rambling again…” the sheepish apology was met with a soft smile, from the young don who had come to appreciate these nuances to Bria’s character.
“It’s okay, I know what you meant, and that’s an excellent idea. Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been going between being quiet and your little ramble marathons all evening… tell me how to help you,” asked Giorno. She considered his offer, for the moment she was still trying to piece together everything in her own mind, and still needed to comb through everything that was given to her by the man who called himself her father, so she advised him as such, promising to take him up on his offer once she got a proper understanding of the situation at hand. Once the waiter brought them everything they had ordered to go, the pair of young Mafiosi had made their way to Giorno’s villa to join Bucciarati, Abbacchio and Narancia.
“Bri! I gotta show you this new game I found, I think you’d like it! I tried playing with Gio yesterday but he sucks, let’s play later?” beamed Narancia as Giorno and Bria walked into the villa.
“Thank you Narancia… that makes me feel so good…”
“Oh Giorno, didn’t see you there man, sorry… anyway, back to what I was saying,”
“Sure Nara, could you give me a hand with this first though? It’s your favorite,” asked Bria while walking into the kitchen. She was happy to see Narancia returning to his old self, the fun-loving, yet powerful stand user that they had all come to know and love.
“I have to change, I’ll be back in a moment,”
“Before you go, can I make you some tea? I’ll have it ready for you when come back…”
“Espresso please, Bri, thank you,”
“But you’ll be awake all night then…”
“That’s the plan, I’ve just got a lot to do, I’ll be alright though,” explained Giorno tiredly, as he walked up the stairs to his room. Undoing his braid and shaking loose the triad of curls he pulled on some soft, comfortable clothing, tossing his suit aside with the rest of the clothing awaiting a trip to the dry cleaners. The young blonde threw himself backwards onto his large bed and just lay there for a few moments, exhaustion making the prospect of just climbing in and pulling the covers around himself all the more attractive. He ran his fingers through his hair detangling as he went along when a knock on the door followed by a gentle voice announcing themselves had interrupted him.
“Come in Bria, its open,”
“Sorry Giogio, were you trying to sleep? I just brought up your coffee and a little treat …” the young man was thankful for her foresight, needing a bit of a boost before he faced the rowdy bunch downstairs.
“These are delicious, I wonder where Marina got these from…” said Giorno, examining the little chocolate confection before wolfing it down. With a proud smile, Bria had replied that she made them and promised him an endless supply.
“You’ve made a mistake cara, I’m always going to be bugging you for these now…”
“I’ve been filling the cookie jars with those for weeks now, I’m surprised you haven’t tasted them… ah!”
The pair simultaneously burst out laughing when it dawned on them that the person who must have eaten all the cookies was Narancia, whose sweet tooth almost rivaled Giorno’s.
“I’ll see you downstairs?”
“I’ll be there in a moment, thank you for this Bri,” she simply smiled and left with Giorno watching after her as she playfully ran down the stairs to catch up with Abbacchio, who returned her smiley greeting by playfully messing up her hair. Giorno wasn’t sure of when or how his feelings for Bria had evolved, however the one thing he was certain of was that he needed to protect her at all costs. Rejoining the others, he decided to use the time to discuss the events of the day with Bucciarati, Abbacchio and Polnareff while Narancia kept Bria busy.
“Mr. Polnareff, do you know anything about this man? He’s part of the old Passione and admitted to knowing Diavolo,”
“Giorno, there’s a reason why he worked with Diavolo and not for him… he isn’t someone you should take lightly, to think he’s Bria’s father… I had hoped to be rid of Mahin Kalita when you defeated Diavolo. I believe his stand Blackout works with a bow and arrow, over and above mortally wounding you, one of his abilities can draw out a person’s spirit and have it do his bidding, he’s a terrifying person to contend with, honestly, I don’t think it’s wise to needlessly antagonize him unless Bria is in imminent danger,” explained Polnareff.
The room fell silent, until Bucciarati spoke, “I think we’re jumping the gun, what does Bria even make of this? Does she want a relationship with him at all? He could simply be here for her alone, in which case, we should stay out if it, it really isn’t our business… Giorno, look, I know you’re worried but we have to wait or we risk hurting her as well. I’m sure you understand,”
Giorno contemplated for a moment before offering his assessment, fighting his gut feeling he tried to be as objective as possible. “I understand Bucciarati… but understand me when I say that I really don’t trust him. If it means having extra security around Bri when she leaves then so be it, but I refuse to wait for something to happen, she deserves that much at the very least.” Looking at the deep scowl forming on the young Don’s face, Bucciarati felt compelled to question his motives.
“Are you sure you’re not letting your feelings cloud your judgement?”
“I don’t like where you’re going with this, Bucciarati”
“I’m not the one who took it there, Giorno,”
“Alright, I think we need to take a break, he’s been right about this stuff in the past so I don’t think it should be dismissed like this, that being said, you can’t just run into a situation without knowing all the facts,” reasoned Abbacchio, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Abbacchio is right, we just need to be careful,” added Polnareff, having a full understanding of the magnitude of the situation.
“This is what we are going to do, Abbacchio and Bucciarati, I have a special task for you both tomorrow, we’re meeting with Mista first thing in the morning, Narancia will be sent out with Bri from now on, he’ll rouse the least suspicion given how close they are, and he has the best tracing abilities,” said Giorno with an air of finality to his voice.
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While the leaders of the new Passione were strategizing to counter every hostile scenario, across town in his own holiday home, Mahin Kalita was approached by a shrouded figure. “You’d do better to show yourself… your thinly veiled attempt at following me is pathetic at best…” said the older man as the spirit bow he was synonymous with materialized from his left arm.
“I come with a proposition Mr. Kalita, dismiss your stand, I won’t attack you, I know I cannot match you as I am,”
“I don’t take orders from apparitions, I asked you to reveal yourself.” It was clear that Kalita was losing his patience from the attacking stance that he took, but the shrouded man was unfazed. “You’re brave, I’ll give you that much… what do you want?”
“It’s me… Carmine Leandro, we met in Rome many years ago…” said the mysterious man as he dropped the hood he used to conceal his badly scarred face.
“Oh? Leandro! What the hell happened to you?” Kalita had ushered his old associate inside, still shocked by the condition he found the man in. Sitting him down, he allowed Carmine to gather his thoughts before listening to the entire story of how he had lost so much when the new don had taken over- and how surprised he was to see him there while he was spying on Giorno and his crew, looking for an opportunity to oust the young leader and take back what he believed was his.
“Is that Mira’s girl? It’s sad about her… I guess that’s the risk you face when you live in these shadows… you’re lucky I saw you in time, I was ready to take that entire restaurant out,”
“How arrogant of you, I guess some things never change,”
“You’re going to talk to me about arrogance? You know, your daughter is responsible for me looking like this…”
“Well, granted, my team and I had made an attempt on the new Don’s life… and we were lucky to make it out alive… it’s no wonder she’s the head of Giorno’s elite guard, she’s thwarted every plan,”
“This isn’t the life I wanted for her… had I known I’d have kept her with me,”
“Be that as it may Mahin, she’s firmly rooted in this… take her away, distract her so that I can get to the don, you’ll be protecting your daughter and removing that brat in one action, we can take back Italy… Passione still controls everything, the balance is flimsy though, we can take everything if we’re smart about it,” Mahin considered Carmine’s suggestion for a moment before agreeing to hear his plan. It was simple, almost juvenile, but nothing else had worked, and sometimes the most obvious methods work, a simple game of divide and conquer.
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Sitting at the table in the dimly lit kitchen of Giorno’s villa, Bria cut a lonely figure. Having been convinced by the others to spend the night there, she sat with the contents of the envelope strewn about the table, hugging her knees to her chest.
“Bria? What are you still doing up?”
“Oh, Giogio, did I disturb you? I’m sorry I couldn’t sleep so I came down here,”
“It’s okay, I was awake… do you want to talk about it?” Asked Giorno as he placed a cup of chamomile tea in front of Bria, “here, drink this, it might help you relax enough to get some rest,” he continued, occupying the seat next to her. Looking at the photos, letters and a little golden locket that covered the table, he could see that she had been pouring over those for the longest time. He picked up one of the pictures from the table and stared at it for a while, commenting on how much Bria looked like her mother.
“I’ve never really seen it, but thank you. I… just feel so lost and confused, like I don’t trust that man at all, but it feels good that he wanted to come find me… does that make sense?”
“It does make sense, I’ve never known my biological father, and there’s no chance of that happening according to what my relative told me, but I’d feel the same way if I were in your shoes. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll be here for you…”
“Thanks Gio, that really makes me feel better… less alone,”
“Of course, you never have to worry about being alone when I’m around… I mean it,” replied Giorno, his hand inching closer to hers until their fingertips touched, prompting the young girl to place her hand in his and rest her head against his shoulder. It felt comfortable and warm- natural as if it was what she was always meant to do.
The next few days were a blur for the members of Passione. Having been issued with very specific tasks from Giorno, they each had an integral part to play in his grand plan, with Abbacchio and Bucciarati who were secretly investigating exactly how deeply rooted Mahin’s businesses were in Passione and Narancia was now occupying Bria on the tasks that she was in charge of, being told that his tracing abilities were second to none. As much as she wanted to believe that though, there was a nagging feeling that she was missing something. She had also spent a few evenings with her father, being incapable of taking anything at face value she had stumbled upon information she was certain was not meant for her, but nonetheless, Bria had done her own bit of digging and had managed to unearth yet another attempt on the don’s life, orchestrated by someone she had thought she had gotten rid of. It was all too convenient though, the fact that her time was being occupied so that she had less contact with Giorno, having Narancia as her shadow meant that Giorno was even more exposed… It just didn’t add up until she had discovered that Carmine Leandro was still alive and had a preexisting relationship with her father, and suddenly everything had made sense to her.
Disappointment and anger swirled within her, not really directed at that man, but rather at herself for believing that anything good would come of his appearance in her life. As the days marched on, her father’s honeyed words which had lulled her into a false sense of security had now grated her. Her resolve had renewed itself, only this time, Bria had decided that she needed to clean up this mess without Giorno’s help… it was her job, and more importantly, it was the least she could do after he had given her back her family… her real family.
As much as Bria wanted to take care of this all on her own, she needed help, and had approached Narancia to aid her.
“Bri, what are you even saying? We need to tell Giorno, he’ll know what to do, or even Bucciarati!”
“Nara, if we tell Bruno he’s going to tell Giorno immediately, I want to avoid that… I’m tired of being such a burden to him…”
“I don’t think he sees it that way at all… I don’t feel right about this Bria, we need to tell him,” she considered what Narancia said, but her fear of being cast out of the only stable group she had been part of had clouded her judgement. To anyone else, Giorno’s suggestions that she be removed from the frontline of their activities was all in aid of keeping her safe, however, with Bria’s warped sense of duty, she had convinced herself that if she didn’t carry her weight she would be replaced altogether.
“Please Nara, I need your help, you don’t have to do much, just be extra vigilant when I’m not around, you don’t have to follow me just hover around the villa and keep an eye out for Carmine and his lackeys with Aerosmith, I’ll take care of the situation with my fa- Mahin, I just need you to make sure they don’t get to Giorno and the others… please,” with a loud sigh, Narancia agreed to help her, however, keeping this away from the others didn’t sit well with him, and his antsy behavior around them later that evening had set in motion a series of events that saw him divulging everything that he knew.
Giorno was furious at the situation, he was also upset at Bria for thinking the way she did, and wondered how she could be so blind to his feelings. “Thanks for telling us Narancia, well, we now know what Mahin was hiding…” said Giorno as he sat back against the backrest of his chair, carefully considering how best to handle the situation with the least amount casualties.
“Don’t be angry with Bri, she just felt responsible because it’s her dad, she feels like we’re going to push her out of Passione… there’s no time, this Carmine guy is impatient, they’re going to make their move tomorrow,”
“You don’t have to make excuses for her Narancia,” Bucciarati spoke with a soft voice, unsure of how Giorno would handle this situation given the mood he was in.
Giorno was quiet through the exchange, had finally broken his silence with a plan that would get rid of Carmine and neutralize Mahin in one action, perhaps even sparing Bria from having to fight her father if they were coordinated enough. It was decided that Narancia and Abbacchio would follow her and intervene if needed. Giorno, Bucciarati and Mista would neutralize his pursuers once and for all, thereafter Giorno would join Narancia and Abbacchio.
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The next morning, Bria was on edge, but tried to hide her feelings from everyone, unaware that they already knew about her plans. She kept her interactions short, tried avoiding Giorno as much as possible and left them as soon as she could. Upon arriving at Mahin’s home, Bria was ready for whatever would happen, steeling her resolve while suffering through the pleasantries. She had relied on Narancia to give her the go ahead once the villa had been secured, however he was instructed to stall until Giorno was able to safely leave the area. An hour had turned into two and Bria’s patience had all but run out, putting her faith in the ranged stand user she decided the time had come to close this chapter of her life.
“Why did you come here? I know you mentioned that it was to find me… but, I know about all of your ties to Diavolo and the others… I know you’ve been conspiring with Carmine Leandro… what I want to know is why? Don’t you have enough?”
The older man looked at his daughter with a harsh gaze, “Oh, how naïve can you be after being raised in this world, Bri? Nothing is ever enough… I don’t know why I have to explain this to you of all people,”
“We don’t stand for the same things as the old Passione, there were sacrifices, but we’re creating something better-”
“You really believe in this life of crime? That you have the higher moral ground? How many have you taken out Bria? Weren’t they people too, people who had ideals that they wanted to protect?”
“That was different… it was them or me, I had no choice,” Bria faltered, being momentarily thrown by Mahin’s questions.
“There’s always a choice! You chose to save yourself, which is exactly what we have chosen to do my child- protect our own interests. I’m sorry… I’ve gathered he’s some sort of childish crush, you’ll get over it,” he said with feigned affection in his voice.
“I’m the one who has to apologize, your plans have failed, Carmine is probably dead by now… you’ll go no further… leave Italy and don’t ever come back here, please I don’t want to have to fight you…” said Bria, manifesting her stand in its second act.
“You’re just like your mother… I came here hoping to find a successor in you… but all there is, is disappointment,”
“You don’t have the right to speak about her, she did the best she could with what she had!” shouted Bria, unable to calmly withstand Mahin’s taunts any longer.
“She was weak, naïve, an idealist, and look at where it got her… I suppose you won’t end up in the same way because you’ve had to survive many things,” he replied nonchalantly, further angering Bria. That he could be as flippant about her mother after everything they’ve had to endure was too much for her to handle, and she had launched into a series of attacks that were narrowly dodged by her father.
“You’re a feisty one, I’ll give you that much … I guess you do live up to your name, I hate to have to do this but you’re becoming too problematic,” with his aim trained on Bria, he summoned his stand and attempted an attack, sending a deluge of materialized arrows towards her direction. Only just managing to dodge, Bria’s wings had faded back to white with her realization that she would need speed and not power if she was to make it out of this alive.
While Bria struggled inside the mansion, Narancia and Abbacchio had made quick work of getting rid of the security at Mahin’s villa, clearing a path for Giorno to enter unhindered.
“Abbacchio, you can go back home, Bucciarati and Mista are waiting for you to start their interrogation…” with a silent nod, Abbacchio left the rest up to Narancia and Giorno, handing over the ear piece that he used to communicate with Narancia to Giorno. Throwing his keys to Narancia, the Don asked him to have the car ready and keep a lookout for any other enemies.
The scene that greeted Giorno made his blood run cold, both stand users looked battle worn, however Bria looked as though she was slowly succumbing to her injuries as she battled to keep herself upright. Swallowing his rage with a clenched jaw, Giorno summoned his requiem stand, and moved to enter the room.
“So you’ve somehow managed to survive… again… oh you’ve been a thorn in my side for the longest time, this needs to end,” summoning the final act of his stand, Mahin’s skin had taken on the same markings as Bria’s did.
“You’re right, this is going to end right now!” roared Giorno, channeling his anger into his words and actions. Knowing the full effects of this attack having just experienced its effects, the badly injured girl mustered her final bit of energy and darted in front of the Don with the aim of buffering the attack with her body, just as GER landed the first of many hits on her father, incapacitating him. The blonde’s eyes widened as a metallic scent filled the air and his suit took on a crimson hue from the blood that relentlessly poured out from Bria’s midsection. Calling his stand to his side, Giorno tried to heal her before her life energy was completely snuffed out. Picking up her limp body, he hastily ran to the car and was driven to the villa in a flat panic by Narancia.
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Giorno had managed to heal Bria’s battered body in the car on the way back home, but she was yet to regain consciousness. He grimaced while watching over her sleeping form still drenched in her blood however, he was thankful to his housekeeper, Marina who had gotten rid of her bloodied clothing and dressed her in clean clothes. A soft knock on his door drew him out of his spiraling thoughts.
“It’s us Giorno, can we come in?” announced Bucciarati, who was accompanied by Narancia.
“Sure, it’s locked, but I know you can get around that…” answered Giorno flatly.
The two young men stepped in through the makeshift entrance crafted by Bucciarati’s stand to find a disheveled Giorno darkly watching over Bria.
“Giorno… no, no, you can’t just sit there in that condition, go clean yourself up, she’s going to have a heart attack if she sees you like that,” said Bucciarati, placing a hand on Giorno’s shoulder.
“No buts, just go, we’ll be here until you get back,”
“Alright, Thanks… I’ll be back in a moment,” with that, Giorno had excused himself, his voice still raspy.
“Is he going to be alright?” asked Narancia.
“He will be…”
It wasn’t too long after Giorno had left his room, did Bria finally wake up. Narancia and Bucciarati were engrossed in a conversation about the events of the day and how best to handle the clean up when the former Capo had noticed her stirring.
“Bri? Can you hear me? Do you know where you are?” he asked in a soft voice, brushing her hair off her face. She looked at him and closed her eyes again, nodding in acknowledgment before slowly opening her eyes again to adjust to the light.
“Is everyone okay? Abba? Mista? Gio?”
“They’re okay… how are you feeling?”
“And… the others? Bucciarati and Narancia shared a worried look before Bruno answered her.
“They’re taken care of… you don’t have to worry about anything, Leandro is no longer a threat, and after some persuading, your father has agreed to leave Italy. Answer me, how do you feel?”
“I’m okay… Bucciarati, Nara… I’m so sorry, I messed up, and put you all in danger and I’m just so sorry…” her voice cracked with emotion, and she covered her face with shaky hands, wishing she could just undo the whole sordid affair.
“What’s done is done now, thank you for the apology, although I think there’s someone else who needs to hear it more than we do…”
“Where is Gio?”
“I’m right here,” answered Giorno as he walked back into his room, drying his freshly washed hair with a towel, looking slightly calmer than before. In the days that had passed, the group had witnessed the many different shades to the new don, most predominantly, and perhaps the most shocking of them all was his new sense of authority, it wasn’t forced nor did he need to speak more than once, it was just a natural evolution—the Don had rediscovered his voice and its new timbre was terrifying. Giorno silently waited for Bucciarati and Narancia to excuse themselves before addressing Bria.
“How are you feeling?”
“I… I feel okay… thank you… listen Gio, I’m so, so sorry- “
“You lied to me, Bri…”
“I know, I…”
“No! no interruptions,” said Giorno sharply, his gaze was fixed towards the setting sun, as Bria tried to apologize for her actions. She remained silent, averting her attention to her hands that were playing nervously with the covers.
“Bria, do you have any idea how reckless what you did was? You almost died and you lied about something this important. I’m furious!”
“Giogio, I understand, I know I messed up. Please give me a chance to make it up to everyone… to you…” said the girl, through her soft sobs. Hearing her emotion-laden voice, Giorno turned to face Bria, his heart stung to see the one he loved look that dejected but he had already decided that he could no longer allow her to endanger herself in that manner.
“I’ve decided… I’m taking you off the roster, you’re no longer going to be heading my security team. You’re always going-”
“Gio please…”
“I said no interruptions… as I was saying, you’re always going to have a place here, I need your beautiful mind, I need you, I just… today was an eye opener Bria, and the last time you will ever put yourself in danger like that… am I clear?”
“I’m sorry Giogio, I… just wanted to be useful… I felt responsible for everything, and I was afraid you’d want to get rid of me for being more trouble than I’m worth,” she slowly got out of the bed to join him at the window. The last remaining rays of sunshine illuminated her face, bathing her in a golden glow, highlighting the golden flecks in her dark eyes. When Giorno looked down at her, he couldn’t help but be struck by her beauty. He decided that it was as good a time as any to tell her how he felt. Turning towards her, he gently lifted her face so her glassy eyes would meet his own.
“How could you even think something like that? I appreciate your passionate nature; I love how fearless you are… but when I felt you go limp in my arms and when your eyes had lost their light, something inside me snapped. Don’t you see Bria? Can you not see exactly how much I love you?” Giorno’s emphatic confession had stunned her.
“Giorno, I…”
“I know this is a lot to take in after everything that’s happened, and I don’t expect anything… I just need you to know that every plan and vision I have includes you… so don’t ever feel like you don’t have a place here…” Bria cupped Giorno’s face, and smiled affectionately at him. Leaning into her touch, his expression softened as he took in how she looked limned by the golden light of the setting sun. Feeling compelled by the softness in her gaze, he tilted her face upwards, leaned towards her and placed a soft kiss onto her lips. All too quickly had the magical kiss ended, but the love struck pair had remained rooted to where they were, resting their foreheads against one another.
“I guess we have a lot to talk about…” said Bria, pulling away slightly so she could look Giorno in the eye. The young Don nodded, took her hand in his, and exited the room, leading her towards a concealed entrance of the villa. Confused, Bria looked to Giorno for some sort of clue as to where he was taking her, to which he replied that it was a surprise and they were almost there.
“Well, what do you think cara? I had this place built with you in mind… do you like it? Oh! One more thing…” with a wave of his hand, Bria watched Giorno use his ability to transform the wrought iron canopy before her into one crafted of flowers. The beautiful garden was reminiscent of those that were described in fairytales, adorned with exotic flowers and a beautiful fountain decorated by an angelic marble figure with outstretched wings.
“Giogio this is so beautiful and serene,” Bria spoke in awe of how stunning the little space was. She tugged on his hand, gesturing for him to join her under the floral structure. Minutes had turned to hours, but the chatty pair had barely noticed the changes occurring around them, exchanging stories from their pasts and collectively dreaming about their futures, they relished in this newfound affection and the confidence it brought them, knowing that regardless of what life threw at them, at least they would have each other.
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elvendara · 3 years
😉Fake Dating for @what-imfabulous-acceptit
I also realized that I used the 🤑 emoji twice so...guess I'll have to do both! LOL
I hope you like what I wrote! And thank you for the ask!
“Come on Saeyoung! It’s just one day!” Yoosung pleaded with the red head.
“NO! Absolutely not!” Saeyoung’s amber eyes were wide with disbelief at the continued bombardment from Yoosung. “I’m not going to let you ‘borrow’ my wife just so you don’t have to face the ‘why don’t you have a girlfriend yet’ questions from your family.”
“Please! I’m begging you. You don’t know what it’s like!” the blond fell to his knees and clutched at Saeyoung’s shirt.
MC was having a difficult time controlling her laughter and Saeran, who stood right beside her, sucked on a lollipop with a smirk on his face.
“Maybe if you put this much effort into actually finding a girlfriend, you’d have one.” Saeyoung tried to pull the shirt from Yoosung’s grasp. Saeran shook his head at the comedic gold unfolding before his eyes.
“Now you’re just being mean.” Yoosung let go of his best friend and fell back, sitting on his heels, rejected.
“OK OK, I’m sorry.” Saeyoung laughed and squatted in front of Yoosung.
“Does that mean that I can take MC to my family’s reunion as my girlfriend?” Yoosung asked eagerly.
“No.” was the firm answer.
“Oh.” Yoosung hung his head again. He would just have to suffer another year of his far flung relatives shaking their heads and clicking their tongues at his inability to snag a mate. He was 22 years old now and still never had a girlfriend, his teenaged relatives were going to tease him again.
“Why don’t you ask Saeran?” Saeyoung suggested. Saeran choked on the lollipop and he doubled over in a coughing fit. Yoosung’s head swiveled towards the other twin. Saeran? He blinked, really thinking about it. Would it matter if he had a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend? Sure, some in his family would disapprove but so what? It was still better than the alternative.
He stood so fast he inadvertently shoved Saeyoung on his ass. The blond didn’t even give him a backwards glance let alone an apology. MC hurried to her husband and helped him up.
“What about it Searan? It’s just one day. Well, a day and a half maybe. We’d stay in my old room. Mom’s not a prude so she would assume we’re already sleeping together. And it would be better that way, it would save a lot of questions about why we’re not in the same room. I know my family, they tend to get nosy. But you don’t have to say anything. I can tell them you’re shy and very private. They won’t leave you alone just because of that, but you can get away with some one-word answers. It’s my sister you have to worry about. She’ll drill you, so we’d have to get our stories straight, you know, how did we meet? Well, that’s easy I guess, you’re my best friend’s brother obviously. What was our first date? When did you know you liked me, a…”
“Shut up!” Saeran had been taking several steps back until he hit the couch, Yoosung coming at him like a machine gun. Yoosung’s amethyst eyes blinked slowly, his cupid’s mouth turning into a frown, his lower lip trembling. “Damn it! Stop looking at me like that!”
“Like what?” he asked innocently, eyebrows knitting together pathetically above his eyes.
Saeran sighed and looked away. “Fine! I’ll do it, but I’m not answering any questions and I’m not going to be nice to anyone, got it?”
Yoosung threw himself on Saeran and hugged him tight. Saeran stiffened, not returning the hug, but not pushing the blond away either.
“OK OK, get off me!” Saeran finally pushed Yoosung off and rubbed his arms. “I’ll go pack. One day! I’m giving you one day that’s it!” the red head stated as he walked towards his room. “And don’t expect me to change who I am!” he called over his shoulder.
“Never!” Yoosung laughed jumping up and down with joy. His own bag was already packed. He’d waited till the last minute to ask about MC pretending to be his girlfriend, hoping it would help in making Saeyoung say yes. He’d been wrong. Of course, if he had a wife of his own, he wouldn’t like letting her pretend to be anyone else’s girlfriend either. “Oh, Saeyoung, can you drive us to the train station?”
Saeyoung and MC both took them to the station and stayed until the train pulled away.
Yoosung was grateful for their support, but still a little worried about Saeran.
“Thanks for doing this. I know you don’t really want to.” Yoosung said as the train began to move. They faced each other and Saeran had wasted no time pulling a book out of his bag to read.
“Whatever. Why do you even care what they think about you anyway? So what you’re taking your time to choose someone. If you ask me, people are too quick to jump into a relationship.” He went back to reading his book as Yoosung spent the rest of the ride thinking about what he’d said.
Once they stepped off the train Yoosung grabbed Saeran’s arm. “Wait. I shouldn’t have asked you, or anyone, to do this. It’s stupid right? I mean, what you said, about caring what they think? I don’t know how to answer that if I’m honest.” He ran a hand through his hair, the corners of his mouth tightening.
“Look, I get it…well…I mean, I don’t really have family like you. If I did, I wouldn’t want all their unasked-for interference in my life either. If it means you spend a day and a half without having to fend off all those aunts and uncles and cousins asking about your nonexistant love life and trying to give you advice, it’s worth it.” Saeran shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.” He held out his hand and Yoosung grartefully took it.
“Are you sure? I mean, I can just introduce you as a friend.” Yoosung offered.
“Nah, I’m already in the boyfriend mindset! Hmm, I say we hated each other at first. I would tease you for being so naïve and gullible and you’d tear into me for being an asshole and mean. But we spent so much time together, with Saeyoung being your bestie and all, that we kind of became Saeyoung and MC’s double date couple until I asked you out for real. What do you think?” they walked hand in hand out of the train station and hailed a cab.
“Sounds great actually. Well, I say our first date was at a super fancy restaurant, since you asked me, but we ended up ditching it for a burger joint that had the greasiest burgers in town.” He smiled, really getting into it.
“Love it! I know the exact place too. Jujin’s Bites.”
“Oh yes! That place would be perfect!” Saeran opened the door to the back of the cab and Yoosung climbed in, Saeran right behind him. He took Yoosung’s hand again and it made Yoosung’s heart race. What was this feeling? He felt so at ease with Saeran but at the same time his heart had never raced so fast next to him like this. He leaned against him and Saeran squeezed his hand harder. Was he just getting into the role of his boyfriend? That had to be it right?
Saeran kept talking during the fifteen-minute drive and Yoosung just nodded and made general ascenting noises. His mind was working overtime, trying to calm himself down. This wasn’t real, but it suddenly felt very real. Confusion clouded his thinking as he sifted through his feelings. The ride was way too short to figure anything out definitively, so he tried to just shut it down. Shove those feelings into a box, tape it up, and lock it behind a closed door in the back of his mind.
Taking a deep breath, he allowed Saeran to help him out of the car. The red head then paid the driver and picked up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. Yoosung did the same with his. They reached out to each other, holding hands quickly becoming a thing of ease and habit. The door to his mother’s house opened before they were even halfway up the sidewalk. His mother came rushing out and hugged him tightly. He let go of Saeran and returned his mother’s hug. His father and sister stood in the doorway, his sister, Yasmine, arched her eyebrow and gave him a very pointed questioning look as those same lavender eyes transferred towards Saeran at his side.
“Mom, you’re cutting off my circulation.” He managed to squeeze out.
“Oh, sorry, it’s just so nice to see my baby.” Saeran snorted but kept his comment to himself.
“I was just here last month.” Yoosung said.
“And who is this handsome fellow?” she asked, taking a step back and eyeing Saeran up and down.
“Oh, well, uh…” Yoosung suddenly couldn’t lie to his mother.
“I’m Saeran, Yoosung’s boyfriend.” Saeran introduced himself and bowed to the woman respectfully.
“Boyfriend? Why didn’t I know about this?” she asked, steely eyes turning to her son.
“I wanted to tell you in person that’s all.” Yoosung looked away.
“We’ve only been seeing each other a couple of weeks. At least, officially.” Saeran tried to smile but it looked like a smirk and Yoosung was sure his family was getting the wrong idea.
“Yeah, uh, maybe we can talk inside?” the neighbors had suddenly decided to be a bit nosy, and it was making Yoosung uncomfortable.
“Of course, come in come in.” his mom stepped between them, turned around and slid her arms into theirs, leading them into the house.
Yasmine had that look in her eyes and Yoosung tried to catch Saeran’s eye to give him an “I’m sorry” look. It was going to get ugly.
The train ride back was mostly silent as they sat side by side. Sleeping in the same bed had been awkward after spending the day with his family. Yoosung had been right, some people in his family had not approved of two men being a couple, but their protests had been quickly shut down by his own mother and many who supported the relationship. Saeran had been a hit. Even with his dour expressions and curt answers, they had loved him.
There had been one uncomfortable moment when his sister had questioned their relationship and asked for proof by demanding they kiss. Yoosung had turned beat red at the idea but Saeran hadn’t hesitated, taking his chin and tilting it up slightly with thumb and forefinger. He had grazed Yoosung’s trembling lips, and softly pressed against them with his own. A sigh had escaped Yoosung’s lips as he felt Saeran’s wet tongue infiltrate his mouth. His head swam and he felt as if he would pass out, but Saeran held him close and didn’t let him slip. His sister had been satisfied and Yoosung had to admit, he had too. He’d spent the rest of the day thinking about that kiss and wondering if there would be more.
Unfortunately, there hadn’t been, but it had made for an awkward night. Saeran never mentioned it and Yoosung wondered if it had been no big deal to him. He felt sad at that thought. He chanced a glance to his side and saw that Saeran’s eyes were closed. He studied the profile, the sharp angle of his cheek, he still looked like he needed to eat more, but Yoosung knew that frailty was an illusion. He was strong, stronger than anyone he’d ever known. He had to be to still be somewhat sane after everything he’d been through.
He studied the delicate eyelashes, a soft orange that matched his hair. His eyes ran across the smattering of freckles and he ached to reach out and touch them. The feel of Saeran’s lips were still on his mind and he couldn’t help but to ingrain every inch of the soft pink flesh into his mind. He didn’t want the subterfuge to end he realized. He wanted to make it real. Saeran, Saeran was who he had been waiting for all his life. This man, with all his faults and trauma. Love wasn’t rose petals and rainbows. Unicorns and fantasyland. It was reality. The will to be with someone who wasn’t perfect but was perfect for you. The desire to make that person happy and to share their burdens. To walk on solid ground while looking up at the sky and weathering every storm that hit them. Together. He reached out and took a hold of Saeran’s hand and as he watched, those soft lips he had been studying shifted into a smile.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
fic writer interview
I was tagged by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold- Thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 217. And this might be an under-representative count of what I’ve posted because I’m not sure if I ever transferred all my LJ stuff to AO3. (I’ve seen some other people doing this meme and being embarrassed about having fic counts that are way lower than this... should I be sad about this? Is this pathetic? Idk man I like to write.)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,253,278 lol
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Okay, my fandom list on AO3 has 9 fandoms on it but some of those are random one-shots and one is only on the list because I wrote a drabble-length crossover between it and another fandom.
My main fandoms were/are RENT, Fruits Basket (though that was mostly something I obsessed over with friends IRL), Harry Potter, Star Trek (AOS), BBC Sherlock, and The 100.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Okay, time to embarrass myself lol.
1 - (by a lot) is a Star Trek fic.
2 - What We Built (T100, Bellarke)
3 - Rings This True (ST: AOS, K/S)
4 - Pitchforks and Pointed Ears (ST: AOS,K/S)
5 - An explicit, kinky Bellarke fic that’s posted anonymously (knowing it’s my number 5 by kudos makes me want to delete it lsjdfasdfjasdfkjasdfkasd)
5. Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
I do but I’ve been supremely bad about it recently. Like.. this year. And uh last year also.
I just... I know as someone who comments that I’m not exactly waiting on the edge of my seat for a reply from the author. But often the replies I do get are very nice, and I like knowing that the effort I put into writing a comment meant something to the person who put so much effort into writing the fic I read and enjoyed. Also, I am one of those bitches who’s always harping on people to comment--and about how comments are meaningful and kudos are not (I do not receive kudos emails). So I feel like I should show that I do read and appreciate the comments I receive. Also, I don’t get SO many that I can’t possibly reply to them all, tbqh. And finally, I’ve had some very nice discussions in comment threads over the years.
That said, I am shamefully behind atm. I have comments from the beginning of 2021 I haven’t answered. I even have a couple comments that include QUESTIONS that I haven’t answered. I do plan on getting back to them, in the spirit of better late than never, but it is tough sometimes when I feel so far behind.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. I don’t really do angst all that often, or at least, not angst without a happy ending or like... traditional angst? I guess I would say it is new moon and twilight, which is a fic about mourning, because it doesn’t really have any resolution; nothing gets better, it just... is.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve written one crossover, but it was just a little drabble thing for writing practice.
8 Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No. Not really. So. I have received a great number and great variety of comments on the ST fic that’s also at the top of my kudos list. A few of those comments might be considered ‘hate’ and they certainly made me feel pretty bad. They weren’t so much random flames as they were people who... felt betrayed by my choices or disagreed with my pacing or whatever. But I’ve also had comments on that fic that were more like... constructive criticism I didn’t ask for. One person insists on hating on one of my characters (”my” as in my iteration) and that’s pretty tough for me because I love him and I don’t want to write a version of him people hate. But there have been others too, that question my choices or provide advice I did not request. Tbh I think those ‘unasked for concrit’ comments hurt me worse and haunt me more severely than the outright ‘well this sucks now’ asshatery because those second types I can just delete (from my inbox, not the fic) and say ‘well your taste sucks lol sorry you wasted your time telling me I’m awful’ but the ones that are like ‘I’m your beta now’ make me second guess myself and doubt myself and kinda... make me feel like a failure a bit. I guess because I’m a sensitive flower lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well as you can see from my number 5 most popular fic being an embarrassingly kinky smut fest--on occasion I do! I used to more often, but for a while now, like several years, I’ve felt myself increasingly bored by both writing and reading sex scenes. Also, the way that fandom has evolved, such that my AO3 and my quite personal tumblr are linked and easy to find one from the other, makes me more self-conscious about putting explicit material out there, especially the non-boring kind. It says too much about me. That said, I wrote some smut recently that may or may not (probably won’t) be edited out of the final draft of an upcoming fic. It’s not good but eh, I don’t do this very often so why not.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few! I feel like I should keep better track of the translations of my work but honestly I’m pretty bad at it.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I was part of the Wreck JRoth Club earlier this year, which is a collaboration in the sense that the finished product on AO3 had many writers. But it wasn’t a collaboration in the sense that I worked with a co-writer on any of my sections. In other words, the writing process was the same as for a solo fic, it’s just that the draft was then betaed in part for continuity and combined with other chapters written by other authors. I used to think I’d like to co-write but I think I’m too much of a control freak tbqh.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh man. Well, this is a question I probably should be deeply contemplating right now, since I wanted this year to be the year I finished my WIPs and I think the lesson I’ve learned is that next year should be the year I become comfortable abandoning some WIPs. But.. I’m very stubborn. So I still haven’t decided which, if any, I’ll officially jettison. I have some suspicions but I’m too embarrassed to name names atm.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I create a strong atmosphere and occasionally write some nice-sounding passages.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
All my characters are kinda similar, especially in the structure and sound of their internal monologues. They’re all me! Just wearing different hats.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If you know other languages and it’s relevant to the fic, I don’t see why not. I think it’s polite to put translations in the end notes. (Yes I know google exists but I still think anything less is just bragging and being purposefully difficult.) I don’t generally write fics where this is relevant and my personal preference is to write in English but note in the descriptions or dialogue tags if something is actually in another language.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The very very very first was Harry Potter--a supremely cringe-y and embarrassing Mary Sue fic I wrote about 3 pages of in a notebook in, like, 6th grade maybe? After that, I’m not really sure. I wrote both original fiction and fan fic for several years before I started posting, so it’s a bit hard to recall.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmmm...it varies! I think right now I’d say I’m especially fond of Mountain Lion Mean. I had a good experience writing it, I love how it turned out, and I enjoy re-reading it!
I don’t know who’s done this so I’m going to lazily not tag anyone this time but please do this if you feel like it, and tag me back if you’d like!
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 4 years
I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time right now. I really want to give you some tips to help you sleep, but I'm assuming the insomnia is from not being on your meds, and any advice I give you you would probably already know, or might not work because of the circumstances, and would be unasked for anyways. So instead I'll give you a long distance hug, and if there is anything I/the rest of your followers can do, just let us know!
Lol yeah, thanks love, your thoughts mean a lot
I knew this was going to be a struggle but i didn't realize how much my meds were helping i guess! Ive been on them for years now and i think after this week ill be done thinking maybe one day i wont need them
Pray for sleep tonight i fucked up my throat screaming in frustration last night :(
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urcadelimabean · 5 years
Thinking a bit more about seeing my really close friend and how she made fun of me for a number of things that left me feeling pretty bad, including my appearance.
And like ....I'm the kind of person who even if my friend has an interest that makes me go  ?????? I don't say things that will make them feel bad DIRECTLY TO THEIR FACE! I just go huh not for me and move the fuck on. Or I tell them I don't like the thing but am genuinely happy THEY like the thing, because it makes me happy when my friends are happy even when I don't share it.
Just the fact that this friend was gushing about how good zootopia was, and I was like ok, huh, wouldn't have expected that but I'll suspend disbelief for you because I TRUST YOU, but a while ago she laughed me off and actually MADE FUN OF ME when I recommended black sails. Lmao. Fine. HAHA you're missing out as a queer woman I did what I could 🤷
This time she mocked me for other things. The way my wallet looks like fake leather to her even though it's handmade Moroccan leather lol and an amazing thrift store find. The fact that I was photographing the epic sunset because I happen to have a nice ass camera and be an amateur photographer. The second I changed the subject from an onslaught of unasked for migraine advice and said "don't worry, my health's not all bad, I have gotten a lot stronger too despite that" she dismissed my progress as something that was simply possible because of the muscle mass weight I've lost since surgery. Like..lol. Losing some pounds doesn't just give you insane back muscles. In college when i weighed more ( like I'd like to again) I couldn't do 20 lat pulldowns with 80 or even 90 lbs, let alone 115 or 120. Hence the whole "I've gotten stronger" thing. I'm the first to admit BMI makes body weight exercises harder or easier comparatively (and this is why athletes with high BMIs are badasses) but wow, way to belittle an accomplishment that directly ties into 1) my sadness over losing muscle weight that resulted in chronic pain 2) my mental health and 3) self esteem. Also lol I did weighted pullups up to 170 lbs but I am so not going to defend myself to someone who talks to me like that.
so basically she tried to tell me how to cure my migraines without asking what ive tried, i tried to change the subject to something positive and not DEPRESSING about my life and she made me feel bad about that too.
like, man. I'm SO over it. Esp. the stuff about my appearance. She knows i have health and mental health issues.
Good natured teasing is great and I'm all about that. But like......not this. Some of my friends in college teased me about being pale in ways that were actually hilarious- "were going to lose you in a snow bank!!!" (Plus they were Indian so like yes I am a freaking snow bank!!! literally the whitest of white people) but the way this friend did it was insulting by calling me pasty and telling me I literally could look better. She brought this up 4 separate times too. Sorry I don't look healthier I have CHRONIC FUCKING MIGRAINES and stop telling me to tan when literally everyone in my family has skin cancer. when I told her the skin cancer thing she was like, well people get skin cancer.
Like....yes. and I don't want to be told to change my apparently nasty appearance.
And I also realized another thing that made her lecture on injury risks in MMA extremely tone deaf aside form the fact that 1) I LITERALLY ALREADY KNOW and I certainly know a hell of a lot better than her 2) you're telling someone who cannot train and has no fucking idea when she will be able to train. Just reminding me for no reason.
What I realized beyond that is like...she knows I have nightmares about having surgery. She knows I have a huge trauma response about injury risks because of what surgery and recovery have been like for me. Imagine feeling like you need to tell someone who is battling their anxieties to be more anxious about those anxieties. Oh youre scared? BE MORE SCARED! I know BETTER THAN YOU HOW SCARED YOU SHOULD BE
But mostly it's the fact that she thinks she knows more about risks than me, when she's trained a handful of times in sketchy ass martial arts schools with bad safety regulations and I trained for five years and was good enough I started doing competitions 🤷 she can't lecture me on shit.
Mostly it's just I wish she hadn't made me feel so shitty because she's one of my closest friends. The insults I can brush off, it's what it means for our friendship that bothers me.
And it makes me endlessly appreciate how all of the friends I've made on here, no matter how much we've interacted whether it's a little or a lot, have talked with me from a place of mutual excitement and never made me feel mocked or judged. And when I've been teased it's in a really fun way like "omg Sasha don't let the bears EAT YOU where do you even LIVE" - not unpleasant things about the way I look.
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that time at my last job where somehow i started talking to this girl who would come in sometimes and i’d see her like every few weeks maybe and eventually she was telling me abt problems w her fiancé and i could Tell he was shitty but i didnt do anything but listen sympathetically b/c i didnt wanna push the matter further than she was ready to hear and the one time that the fiancé actually was there with her i pretended not to loathe him b/c i didnt want him maybe noticing i knew he was shit and taking it out on the girl b/c he sounded really controlling and once i ran into her in the parking lot and she was upset abt losing a job and her now-husband was starting to resent her and she was upset and told me she didn’t really have any friends or family and i of course knew of these things and so i just kept telling her it was totally fine to talk to me abt this shit for however long and get a hug and etc and i Get It, and then later on she’s saying its worse and her husband is probably cheating on her but acting like he thinks she’s cheating on him and generally treating her like shit and im still sympathizing and telling her to talk to me whenever she sees me anytime, and later she says her husband broke a window when he got mad at her and the landlord was adding the repair cost to their rent and they couldnt afford it and were gonna become homeless by monday and i knew exactly how that was and i had no advice which sucks but i was still there to listen and i sat down to listen to her vent and it was the dinner rush but i cared more abt being a decent person to this girl who needed somebody to listen and be on her side, and of course the gen manager finally noticed and gave me shit about it and i just responded w total neutrality b/c if i genuinely responded i’d’ve been more pissed abt it. and on occasion i’d get more shit from the gm b/c i work by doing shit unasked and so only rarely does any manager or employee notice or care and they only mind when someones not doing something by the book and i lost my temper when they pulled that “i’m timing your bathroom breaks” shit and i shouldve quit right then honestly b/c yeah my bad for checking tweets while i pee, other ppl sneak honest to god 40 min secret breaks or do nothing that helpful their whole shift, and im not abt to narc on them but thanks for deciding to mess w me b/c you had to wait 3 min for me to take a delivery out
anyways the good news is before i left that shit too i met that girl one last time and she said her husband was in jail for assaulting her and i was like omg congratulations, sorry for him choking you but congratulations, and she was actually happy lol and i know how That is
i had the Gays at that job and a few other allies but shoutout to the unnecessary frustrations there. shoutout to me staying after my shifts to use my employee discount for a meal and to sit down for a min and be online and inside and in a framework where i had more respect than i did outside the context of working, shoutout to the ppl who liked to consistently joke at me to go home when i did this, i, who was homeless,
shoutout to that one employee who among other shitty things she said to me from time to time, when i was complaining to ppl abt being sexually assaulted at the gas station on my way in to the shift, listened to me vaguely recount what happened and decided to say “wow i can’t believe you let him do that” like twice
shoutout though to the ppl who were genuinely decent to me like the guy who came over to me a bit after that and tried to apologize for what she’d said lol but man those decent ppl kept leaving for other jobs lol. i wish i’d quit that job better. jumped on the chance to give some mgmt a clearer piece of my mind. sigh! c’est la vie
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cuntess-carmilla · 3 years
"nO OnEs sAyInG u GoTTa ForGiVe ThEm."
isn't that what you're saying, though, by coming on to a trauma victim's vent post&insisting that your trauma makes you definitely more knowledgeable about healing for bullying victims in GENERAL? &then to brush it off&act like it wasn't intrusively given&unasked for advice... like, hun, no one believes you were not also a bully in high school if you're still behaving like this LOL all our bullies because new-age love&light hoes (or nurses).
I'm not going to speculate on their life in part because it's wrong, in part because I don't have enough information to go off of, in part because I don't care about their life. However it IS real school bully behavior to tell me "I'm sorry you're [traumatized], enjoy being [suicidal] 🌹" lmaaaooo. At the very least they tried real hard to emulate bullies there if nothing else.
Also defining what my bullies did to me as them "not liking" me... I don't know how soft their bullies might or might not have been to them but I WISH I could describe how mine felt about me as them merely disliking me.
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1995lahaine · 6 years
U could wear one of those cute lacy bralettes or like a bra that could also be a top under the overalls then it’s fashion. Wear with a pair of sneakers or if it’s a fancier or black overall u could probably wear heels! Also what looks cute with it is hoop earrings! Sorry if this is too much unasked fashion advice lol I’m sure u look great in whatever u want!
i love u but im home before midnight absolutel y trolloped eating a pizza whats UP
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Hi lovely! This is your RDR Cupid <3 I was wondering if you would be able to give us a few bulleted ideas about Anastasia's likes, dislikes, habits, and general personality. Since this is a Valentine's event, maybe some things about what kind of romantic partner she would be? Maybe her love language? Thanks so much, can't wait to get your fic up and running <3
Hi darling! I'm so sorry, tumblr ate this notification but here is what I wrote out. Please let me know if you want more or it wasn't what you were looking for!
General Personality
Strong sense of responsibility and fairness
Grew up in the limelight of her older brother who was a golden child, wants to prove herself now that they’re grown
Likes to make people laugh
At ease in big crowds or one on one, but definitely outgoing
A little hot headed, quick tempered in stressful situations
Got her kindness from her mother, and her goodness from her father
Guarded with strangers
Adventurous enough to take on any line of work or try anything in life at least once
A little naïve, turns to those around her a lot for support and advice
Sarcastic banter. She’s smart so trying to get along with someone who isn’t on her level makes it too easy and she loses interest
Kindness. Deep down she’s a softie and would rather be with someone who has a heart of gold
A good sense of humor. Someone who can make her laugh. To her the easiest thing to share is a smile so anyone who can make her do that is good in her books
Loves to read. She can get lost in a story and the characters 
Listening to music is something she loves to do. Whether that’s in the moonshine shack or at the theater in Saint Denis she has always loved how wonderful music is and how much emotion is shown through it
She loves thunderstorms and will sit outside just to watch the lightning crackle across the sky
Vulgar behavior. Not that she’s a prude but loud mouth, show offs aren’t her cup of tea
She is allergic to strawberries
 People who are disloyal or who step on others to advance, she plays fair and expects that of others around her
She hates being cold and will avoid the snow at all costs
Anna hates being criticized lol. Any unasked for opinion is usually met with sass
Really good equestrian. She grew up competing in horse shows and has always loved being around them. Her horse’s name is Hades and he won’t let anyone but her come near him. He’s a giant black Turkoman 
A terrible shot. But she tries!
Analyzing others. She is very observant and works hard to read the emotions and goals of people around her
She likes to drink for fun and her favorite is gin
When she’s nervous she fiddles with the ends of her hair
What kind of romantic partner
Anna’s romantic attitude can be summed up in I Hate Love Songs by Kelsea Ballerini. There’s a certain amount of skepticism that’s seeped into her over the years and although she’s only like 27 she thinks romance is crap. Love, real love, is something she shows in other ways but cutesy flowers or chocolates don’t mean a lot to her. Instead she’d rather do something unique and out of the norm, like going out and drinking and dancing in a bar. She likes to have fun and be compatible with someone those ways. She’s very attentive and protective of the people she cares about. Anyone trying to mess with them will be met with a fight. 
Love language
Giving: Acts of Service. She wants to feel useful, and that her time spent with someone is of good value but she has a hard time communicating her emotions through words so being able to do something for someone is the easiest way to know she loves them
Receiving: Words of Affirmation. Anna wants to hear, over and over sometimes, that someone loves and cares about her and that they won’t leave. 
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miekasa · 3 years
So confused seeing you say tik tok people claim upper ear/cartilage piercings never heal??
Do they take longer to heal? For sure, definitely longer than lobe piercings. But never? maybe if they’re getting them pierced improperly or with a piercing gun, and it shatters the cartilage or gets infected.
I have 20+ piercings, including 7 upper ear region piercings, which I’ve had some for around 8 years now. They will heal if you treat them with care and get them done properly. Going to a piercing shop and working with a professional is the way to do it. Never get pierced with a gun, it causes so much blunt trauma to the ear and will just lead to more problems down the road (I learned the hard way). Whereas needle piercings that professionals do is less invasive on the tissue and is more of a cut and expanding to fit the jewelry.
Sorry if this felt unnecessary/unasked. I’m just really passionate about piercings, and as someone who has fucked up a few (getting them done with guns, letting my friends do them, doing them myself) I just always want to correct misinformation.
Piercings are great and safe when done correctly and with proper aftercare!!
This wasn't unnecessary at all and I'm actually so glad to hear your opinion on this!!
Yeah, I've seen a couple videos (maybe 10+ now, plus all the comments) of people showing their unhealed/infected (gross lol) cartilage piercings long after they'd gotten them done, which was kinda scary. But I totally take it with a grain of salt, bc you never truly know the circumstance, right? None of the videos went into extreme detail, but there's always things like getting pierced with improper techniques, or having a reaction to the metal in the earring, rather than the piercing itself; plus you never really know if or just how consistent people were with cleaning afterwards! And, while, again, I'm sure there are incidents of people doing everything right and still getting infections, the vast majority of them (and ppl on TikTok in general) are really young, so I get the feeling these might be the result of, like, mall shop or Claire's piercings LMFAOO
A few people have suggested that I go to a tattoo/piercing parlor to get a cartilage piercing to reduce any risks, so I've been checking some out!! Plus, all of my other piercings, even tho they're on my lobe, I've never had any extreme issue with; only one got mildly irritated, but it turned out to be earring and not the piercing itself in the end, so I was fine. Like I said, I'm build different, so I'll just get the cartilage anyway 😭😭 I'll probably just get one on one ear to begin with, and see how it goes!!
Thank you for all your advice tho!! I gotta say, the scariest part isn't even the healing process, it's the actually piercing part bc I know it'll hurt 😭😭
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xingantype · 7 years
no offence but you dont look like a asexual lol youre actually decently pretty so you dont have to fake being an asexual or prtend like youre happy being single. if you put yourself out there someone will date you
ok so i rly dont know where to start with this ask
can someone tell me what aces look like please?? im actually really curious as to what you think someone who is genuinely ace looks like?? bc i thought there was no correlation between your appearance and your sexuality, y’know?? 
also ????? you can be asexual and date someone???? plenty of asexuals do actually date and are in perfectly healthy loving relationships??? im really not sure where youre going with this nonnie like are you asking me out what do you want from me why would you feel the need to give me your unwarranted and unasked for opinion like this
thanks for the v helpful life advice and backhanded compliment tho i guess, but im sorry im still ace as heck
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