#and sorry it took so long to answer this O.O
klngfili · 2 years
☾ ☆ ✿ ■ ♦ ☯ ♒ - for Glorfindel, Elrond, Maedhros and Fili (feel free to skip the ones you have already done for Elrond)
☾ - sleep headcanon: he is team haha what is sleep? blinking counts as sleep right? ☆ - happy headcanon: each morning he gets up and preps for the day ahead and braids his horse's hair and then puts a bunch of bells on his horse and they ride out with the first light and often dont come back before like 5pm, he used to do that in Gondolin as well, even tho back then he had Ecthelion w him ✿ - Sex headcanon: yeah so i mentioned those rides with ecthelion didnt i?? plus there are always secret spots around gondolin yknow ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: his living situation kinda looks like that of a frat boi but like it is his chaos and he knows where everything is al all times and it drives the other elves crazy ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: loves sitting by the fountain's in rivendell, there was decade where he even tried to teach himself how to play the flute, he loves horse riding ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon: likes: being a morning person and telling everyone about it, he also goes around and says stuff like back when i was your age i had already killed a balrog and died to people, also has a sweet tooth dislikes: rainy days and silence ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: oh boi does he have a sweet tooth he basically only eats desserts and sweets and pastries
putting the rest under a read more cause there are 3 more left and the last 2 are kinda long
☾ - sleep headcanon: he is a half elf so every evening he gets into his soft pjs puts in his hair routine to keep his hair nice and fresh for the next day and then goes to bed and closes his eyes and dreams of happier days, he's also a bit of blanket hog ☆ - happy headcanon: dude is so sad and tragic he needs some happy headcanons asap but sadly i can only give him angst T^T like that halfelf can sadly fit so much angst but one happy headcanon is that he and bilbo get into poetry battles ✿ - Sex headcanon: a praise kink, like the biggest praise kink also gets pegged lbr ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: tidy and neat. Everything has his spot. He also keep another library in his bedroom, with all the books and scrolls he has, most of them are healing or history tomes ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: (done) ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon: (done) ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: tried to cook mole stew once and it actually wasnt that bad, at least that's what durin and disa told him over and over again
☾ - sleep headcanon: Dude hasn't slept in years, not since Angband and even before that every time he tries to sleep he hears his brother's screams as he gets burned alive and then it's his father's death. So he just stays up and broods or does accounting or practices swordfighting or writes long letters to Fingon and after Fingon's death he still writes those letters he just never sends them. Sometimes he goes to the rampart of Himling and looks west and thinks about his mother ☆ - happy headcanon: he used to be happy once right? he must have  been, he remembers hours spend laughing at Caranthir's antics or helping Ambarussa with their calligraphy or festivals he spends dancing with Fingon and Aredhel and his mother's kin. Catching things for his younger brothers and cousins they couldn't reach, playing hide and seek with them ✿ - Sex headcanon: he can be ace as a treat ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: it's all very sparse and he doesn't have much stuff anyway most of his things are still in Valinor and he didn't get to bring anything and he also doesn't really get attached to any item be it decorative or practical plus he doesnt sleep so why would heed a bed, if he rests he does it leaned against a wall or smth ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: he loved dancing and singing and playing the Middle-earth version of volleyball ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon:  likes: taking walks at night with only the stars and moon above, he plays long distance chess against caranthir, he also likes wine. dislikes: actually can't stand maglor like at all and its all rather silly cause they entered a music competition as kids and he was unprepared so he asked Maglor to write him smth and then maglor played both his and Maedhro's song, and well.. Maedhros is still his father's son and even nerdanel couldnt smooth things over. ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: he was a bit of a picky eater as a kid and hated everything yellow, so no apples, potatoes, yellow bell peppers, quinces, cheese, or yellow sewets etc but he's not a picky eater anymore and wolves down everything he can get his hands on
☾ - sleep headcanon: fili sleeps like  a  rock and he hates sleeping aloe cause when he was little he used to share a bed with both his mother and his younger brother, so he can't really fall asleep unless he knows someone is at least in the  same room as him. ☆ - happy headcanon: his father taught him how to braid and he was often allowed to braid his father's, Dis' and Thorin's beard and he felt very honoured doing that and ofc he taught Kili how to do his own hair ✿ - Sex headcanon: sadly he died a virgin even though he had been pining after Nori for the entire trip to Erebor, they werent even stuck in a cell together in Mirkwood, round of Fs in the chat pls ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: he shares everything with Kili actually and sometimes Kili uses up all the soap and then there's no soap left for Fili, or sometimes Fili uses up all the flour and butter and milk and Kili just wants to have some cereal but alas no milk. And no Dis did not kick them out she would never she loves her sons too much for that, it's just that thorin thought it would be best if they lived closer to the smithies, especially since they both have a knack for oversleeping ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: he has a 12 step hair care and skin care routine, everyone always thinks Ili is the vain one but no it's him, he is the one that takes ages in the bathroom and looks into every mirror or window he passes ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon:  likes: baking he actually tried to convince thorin once that he much rather wanted to be baker (an equally important and well respected jobs among the dwarves) but thorin told him it would be better if he knew his way around a proper weapon ; he also likes a good prank, and o boi did he use to prank Balin and Dwalin cause he and Kili knew they could get away with it (Balin) and could fit into hidey holes they couldn't reach (Dwalin) dislikes: he hates rain and humidity, again he's quite vain. He also dislikes being late but his bed is just too comfy ♒ - cooking/food headcanon: he secretly loves baking.
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simpforrooster · 2 years
stand in my way. pt. 2 
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x F!MitchellReader
read part one here!
rooster tries so hard to win back y/n. a/n: here it is!! long awaited part two! I hope y'all like it! tag list at the bottom, I hope I got everyone! so sorry it took so long! perfectionism started setting in, and I was afraid y'all wouldn't like it o.O
& tried again when he was sober, Rooster did.
He sauntered into the Hard Deck in one of his fucking Hawaiian shirts the next night. Thinking he was hot shit. 
He knew he was.
Rooster’s lips dropped into the most sensual grin you’ve ever seen. He pulled a single red rose from behind his back. He was hitting low. The boy knows how much you love the Bachelor. 
You took the rose in your hand when he held it out to you. Taking a long whiff of the sweet fragrance, you looked him in the eye and delivered your blow. 
“Thank you, Lieutenant.”
That grin fell from Rooster’s face so fast. 
The next time was very similar. 
Your dad had the crew out on the beach for some dogfight football. 
Watching your boyfriend-ex?-dance around in the sun shirtless was almost your undoing. His Ray-Bans kept falling down his nose, and he’d send you a quick wink when he’d catch you staring. 
You’d be certain to turn your attention back to Penny. 
Can’t have him thinking he was going to win you back that easy. 
Once the game concluded, a Rooster-sized shadow covered you. Placing a hand on the back of your chair, he leaned down, situating his mouth right by your ear. 
“You, me, and The Island. 8pm.” 
The Island was where the two of you had your first date. It’s one of few swanky restaurants in Fightertown U.S.A. The date ended with you tangled up with Rooster in the back of his Bronco. 
“The Bronco is a given, of course,” he added, seemingly reading your mind. You prayed silently, hoping Rooster didn’t see how he affected you. 
“But, my dad’s been in the best mood ever, you know, with you ‘staying away from his little girl’.” 
Penny hid her chuckle in her drink almost expertly. 
Rooster didn’t respond. Just nodded and walked back to the crew with his tail tucked between his legs. 
His next showcase allllmost got you. He decided to take a page out of his and your dad’s book. 
While you were drowning your Rooster-less sorrows in your third glass of wine, he and Bob came up to you. Bob’s face was beet red, and Rooster kept sending him encouraging looks. 
Rooster cleared his throat, and broke out into a terrible rendition of “You've Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’”. The entire bar was into it. Cheering them on. 
Your face was just as red as Bob’s. All that attention on you wasn’t your favorite. 
What got you, was your dad chuckling across the bar. You met his eye, and he sent you a wink. Rooster had talked to him. That’s where he got the idea. Maybe they fixed things?
You still felt so bad, knowing you kept this huge secret from Rooster.
But he still hadn’t apologized. Rooster thought he could just waltz back in and charm his way out of this. He was always charming his way out of things.
Not this time. 
You were standing your ground. 
When the men finished singing, Rooster looked at you so expectantly, his brown eyes full of hearts. You swallowed your want to pull him into your arms, and answered him with a swig of your wine. 
The heartbreak that settled in those brown eyes was almost too much to bear. It was like a little boy who just found out his little caterpillar just got squished. 
You caught your dad’s similar expression. 
Not being able to handle the eyes on you, you set your glass down and ran out of the bar. 
Rooster catches you as you struggle to open the door of your car. Tears have made it hard to see what your doing. 
You hit the lock on your keyfob, didn’t you?
The tears have started falling harder and harder. You can’t shake the look on Rooster’s face when you basically rejected him in front of a bar full of people. 
“Y/N, baby, calm down.” 
His arms slide around your shoulders, holding you up as you try to slide down onto the ground. You instantly relax into his strong chest, finally feeling like you were home. Your sobs rock deep in your chest. 
Rooster pushes you out at arms length. His finger comes under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. Tears rim his own eyes, and his hurt hits you like a ton of bricks. 
“Honey, I am so sorry.” His voice breaks. “I should have never insinuated I ever started dating you to get back at your dad.”
You don’t respond, wanting more. Needing more. 
His hands rest on either side of your face, holding you like you’re his whole world. 
“Y/N, I have been broken these past few days. No contact with you, it’s worse than almost anything. You’re my constant.” 
His thumb reaches over, wiping away a stray tear that rolls down your cheek. 
“God, I’m lost without you, baby. I can’t fly my fucking plane right, your damn picture in the cockpit distracting me every time I go up.”
He leans in with every word, stopping a breath away from your lips. 
“I’m so fucking sorry.” 
"Rooster, I am sorry too, I should have told--"
Rooster cuts you off with a vehement shake of his head. "No. No. Mav and I talked. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. He's your dad, I get it."
You answer him by grabbing the collar of his hideous Hawaiian shirt. Pulling him against you and attaching your lips onto his. You’ve caught him off guard, and he presses you against your car. Rooster’s kisses are urgent, like he’s afraid you’re going to disappear right from under him. 
One hand rests against the car, keeping most of his weight off you, and his other wraps around your waist. His strong fingers press into your skin, pulling your lower half against him. 
He’s drinking you in, and it almost feels inappropriate to be kissing him like this, knowing anyone can walk out the bar and see the two of you. 
Especially your dad. 
“Forgive me, girl,” Rooster says against your lips. You can’t get a word in with the way his lips work against yours. “I’m so fucking sorry.” 
“Rooster, you big stud. Take me to bed or lose me forever,” you murmur against his lips. 
You’re not the only one who talked to Mav. 
tag list:
@n3ssm0nique @alana4610 @seasonswinter @stevesdick @multiplefandommess @hope-love-quality2 @slut4bradley @welpthathappened @its-murphy-time
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oumaheroes · 5 months
Congrats for the 1000 followers! :D You and your fics are such a blessing to this fandom
If I'm not mistaken, one of your answers said about the brit bros getting drunk and ends up in Wales' garden but Wales himself nowhere to be seen? O.o My mind went to that news about a drunk Welshman swimming across the hoover dam (I know it happened in the U.S but still) and your answer makes me very curious. Where he disappeared to? To the comfort of his own room or is he outside doing God-knows-what? I need some answers, please.
Thank you so much, @notnobleone! And I did say that, you're right! They go out drinking, Ireland ends up passed out in Wales' garden bushes, England's missing his shoes or something sat stupid on the doorstep, and Scotland's been trying to drunkenly unpick the door all night long. And Wales, the homeowner?
Wales is nowhere to be seen
And you know what? I spent hours looking for that post to link this to and I CANNOT find it; your memory is incredible! I don't even know how far back I wrote that!
Here are the answers you seek, just for you and your lovely brain ❤️
Jail Break
Wales emerged into the Police Station waiting room behind a very stern looking young constable, overdressed for the weather in a long-sleeve t-shirt and jeans. The constable looked away when Wales tried to smile at him in thanks, his mouth a disapproving hard line before he began to read him his exit procedure.
Wales was mostly presentable looking from his brief stay in the cells, despite wearing only last night’s clothes, and the only real sign that anything was amiss was that he was alarmingly more rumpled that Belgium had had reason to see him in years- hair all angles, dark circles under his eyes, and a curious amount mud around his hems.
He smiled at her once he caught her eye, giving her a small nod, ‘Hello, Marie.’
‘Rhys.’ Belgium smiled to the constable as Wales came closer and motioned with her arm towards the door, ‘After you.’
‘No forms to fill out?’
‘Already done.’
‘You’re a treasure.’
Belgium smiled, ‘I know.’
Outside, Wales blinking gritty eyes in the bright midday sunshine, Belgium took the arm he offered her and began to lead him forwards through to the centre of Brussels.
‘I’m so sorry about this.’
‘Don’t be.’ She squeezed his arm, ‘Was exciting. I’ve not been woken up by a call from the police in a good few decades.’
Wales raised his eyebrows but didn’t enquire further, ‘Were you asleep?’
‘Most people are at six in the morning.’
‘Six.' Wales rubbed his eyes, ‘Lord. I don’t even remember twelve in the morning. I'm surprised I remembered your land-line number.'
'You didn't. The police picked you up stumbling about outside the train station. You told them my name and I'm known enough by a few authority figures for them to make the connection.'
Wales held a hand over his eyes and sighed something in Welsh that sounded offensive. 'I won't ask you to keep that between us; it's too good not to share.'
Belgium watched him run his tongue across his lips, looking sheepish and uncomfortable, for long enough to make the early wake up worth it, and then took pity on him. She dug about in her handbag and handed him a fresh bottle of water. ‘Here.’
‘Ta.’ He took a long drink. 'You'd think I'd learn by now not to mix hops and grapes.'
‘I wanted to come and get you earlier,' Belgium told him, 'but there was some hassle with border control. They were a bit concerned that you’d managed to get through border control without a passport and it took a while to get them to drop it.’
Wales capped the bottle and shook his head helplessly. ‘I can’t tell you how. Didn't even have one when out.’
‘Yes, I thought that. Why would you ever carry a one at all.'
They fell silent as they came to a crowded crossing. The press of human bodies that close was a bit too warm even for Belgium in her summer dress and sunhat. She could only imagine how Wales felt, dressed for a presumably Welsh summer evening and legs stuck in thick denim.
‘Where are we going?’ Wales asked as they began moving again, across the road and then down a cobbled side street further into the heart of the historical part of town.
‘Oh no,’ Wales looked horrified, ‘No love, you don’t have to do that. I’ll take myself home; get out of your hair.’
‘No offense, but you do need a bath-‘ Wales winced, ‘and I’d rather you leave my lands in decent condition, at least. Despite the inelegant arrival.’
Wales laughed awkwardly, ‘That’s fair enough.’
‘So, come on then.’ Belgium tugged his arm again, ‘Tell me. Consider it payment,’ she said as Wales made a face, ‘For breaking you out of jail.’
‘Like a hoodlum.’
‘Like a hoodlum.’
Wales let out a breath of air, ‘I do wish I could tell you. I’m not sure what happened, honestly. We were-‘
‘-out in Cardiff?’
‘We all took trains there; none of us could have driven home again, of course. I remember being in a pub and then-‘ Wales waved a hand, ‘bit and pieces in between. I remember the train seats, oddly enough, because they looked like the material of one of Alisdair’s shirts, you know those really ugly ones that he has-‘
‘Oh I love those. The terrible retro 80’s ones.’
‘Hideous things, absolute disgrace. But anyway, I remember the chairs, and I remember being at a station. I think Patrick was there, or maybe all of them were...’
He trailed off, thoughtful, ‘Actually, now that I think about it, I think Patrick put me on the train. He told me the platform and was there when I went through the gate, at least. How the fuck I didn’t realise I was going to London, I’ll never know. Then the Eurostar? Maybe night ferry? I would have had to have got the Tube to get that line, somehow, and I couldn’t have been in any fit state to-‘
He stopped, cheeks pinking.
‘Why were you in Bristol?’ Belgium asked, taking pity on him.
‘Arthur’s turn to pick the place we went. Bastard chose the nearest city to my house though, presumably knowing that I’d host rather than us needing to get a hotel or travel far back again.’
‘I’m surprised you let him.’
‘He said London’s too expensive.’
Wales shrugged, ‘It is too expensive.’
Down another street, the smell of chocolate shops with their wide open doors and windows making the heavy air sickly. Wales took another sip of water. ‘So, Bristol it was.'
'And they just left you alone.'
'I'm starting to think it was more a planned abandonment.'
It took Belgium a considerable amount determination not to show her amusement openly. 'I'm sure they didn't know you'd end up in Brussels.'
'No,' Wales acknowledged gracefully with a rueful smile, 'That little mess is all my own.'
'I'd say safely making your way through several different transport methods and customs to illegally slip into the European Union is a decent achievement. I really hope you remember how you did it, the government won't like that gap sitting about.'
'I'm very sure I couldn't have done it any way other than by being far too drunk for sense. And maybe with a dash of fraternal vendetta.'
Belgium laughed, 'Well. Lucky you because now you can spend your day here with me instead of waking up with them.'
'Lucky me too,' Wales patted his pocket with a grin, 'Because I've still got my house keys with me.'
AN: This fic was written in honour of the many Brits who get drunk and end up wandering about in Europe with no memory of how they got there, like Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, France... it's common
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20 questions for fic writers
The impossibly lovely @mihrsuri tagged me in this a couple of weeks ago, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get round to it - but I find myself in need of distraction, just a little bit, as Last Cat Standing is in the veterinary hospital getting his radioactive iodine treatment for his thyroid, and we can't have him back for maybe ten days as he's going to be somewhat radioactive for a little while; I'm sure he's going to be fine (this is the treatment described to me by the treating vet as both 'the gold standard' and 'magical', in that it's effective in 99.5% of cases, and in the 0.5% it isn't, they just give it another go and then it's effective), but we haven't had an entirely cat-free house for this long in 20 years, and I'm feeling a bit weird about it. Also I'm procrastinating finishing off an essay plan (I'd rather just write the damn essay but no, we have to submit a plan for tutor feedback to make sure we're on the right lines, and as you all know by now, that's really not how I work XD )
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 362 (plus another 76 on the other account for the fandom that does not speak its name...)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,491,388 (good grief; nearly 1.5 million?! and if you add in the 270,606 on the other account, that's 1,761,994 O.O )
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tolkien (chiefly the Hobbit movies, and LotR, a mix of movie and book-'verse); King Arthur (2004); Fisherman's Friends (fandom of one); The Alienist (TV; occasionally); Marvel (occasionally, chiefly bits of the MCU and X-Men comics/Evolution); Top Gun (here and there) - and a bewildering number of others...
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? My Heart Is An Empty Vessel (621); Shape Up (422); Safe (414); Not Alone (413); The Unworn Jumpers of Molly Weasley (343)
This is bewildering but also a fine illustration of the vagaries of AO3 and the absolute folly of measuring anything by the amount of kudos a fic has: Empty Vessel is three and a half years old, took two years to post and has 115 chapters, so was at the top of the tag many many times over those two years. Shape Up and Safe were written and posted not long after Top Gun: Maverick came out (I don't know how busy the tag still is, but it was very busy when the film came out so the fics in that fandom got a lot of interaction because a lot of people were there looking for fics) and are both one-shots. Not Alone is also a one-shot (for X-Men: Evolution) and has been up on AO3 for nearly twelve years (and has had a bit of a boost with the release of X-Men '97). And Unworn Jumpers (on which I really ought to put some sort of disclaimer, along with the small handful of other ancient HP fics I've got up there) is a seasonal one-shot that's been up for over ten years and tends to get a bit of a boost every December. So *shrugs* go figure. And if anyone wants to help the only HP fic in the top five not be in the top five any more, Come Home is only 36 behind it, and it is fluffy and cute and has Elrohir persuading Maglor to come to Imladris for Midwinter somewhat in the guise of the Elfling he hasn't been for a very long time... :D
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes. Sometimes it takes me a while (oh god six months, but I got up to speed with them all and now I'm trying to make sure I do it within a week) as I am a champion procrastinator but I feel it's important for me to say thank you. And sometimes squee a bit. :D And sometimes it makes me a new friend, which is extra-awesome.
I have a few very very old comments on the stuff I posted before 2020 which I never did get round to answering, which I feel bad about, but I also feel like it would be weird to go back and answer them now...I dunno, what do you guys think?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't do angsty endings very often, but The Last Watch (in which Bard dies) is really sad, and Never Forgotten and See This Storm Through (in which Sigrid and Thranduil comfort each other after the funeral, and Legolas comes home to Dale to look after his father and his family and grieve with them, respectively) are almost as sad although they both end with a small amount of hope.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Ah, most of my fics end happily :D I'm far too tired for anything but, most of the time, these days. But let's face it, My Heart Is An Empty Vessel ends with a coronation and a wedding (spoiler alert! XD ) so let's go for that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I am lucky; the closest I've had was some anon complaining about Empty-Handed being a spoiler for the then-unposted Empty Vessel although the events it 'spoiled' were inevitable in the context of a mortal-immortal relationship, and someone whingeing in a bookmark comment that Thorin and Bilbo don't even talk until the end of Mr Underhill's Finest Seafood Specialities, thus completely missing the point of the fic (and the 'past' after the pairing tag) - it wasn't about them - which made me chuckle as much as the rudeness annoyed me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sometimes. I have phases when I feel like it, and (much longer) phases when I don't. It's generally only fairly tame and euphemistic (with the single and solitary exception of that one hanahaki fic about the twins the premise for which, although not the smut, came to me in a dream) and probably not all that imaginative since, as the acest of aces, the whole idea completely bewilders me XD
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not unless you count various different parts of the Tolkien legendarium. My brain just doesn't work that way.
11. (there doesn't seem to be a question 11; I feel like this might be one of those Tumblr traditions, as I've definitely done question memes on here before that have been lacking in a question 11...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have! I am deeply honoured that my KA fic Anniversaries was translated into Russian by Elenabu some years ago, and It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like... appears on Lofter in Mandarin, translated by AntheaXi. There were a couple of other Russian translations of some of my very old stories, but that was 15 or 20 years ago and I can't actually remember which or where.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! A long long time ago, the fic that eventually became the original novel that is Two of a Kind, the tale of Hal and Jack, was a co-production, and I really enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth - and of course, there is the Tudors OT3-'verse fandom stuff that @mihrsuri and I have been pinging to and fro just recently, which is also hugely enjoyable. :D :D :D
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh, too many to name! Gawain/Galahad from KA2004, the bi widower dads, Legolas/Imrahil, Elladan/Elrohir, Erestor/Glorfindel, Sigrid/Tauriel, to name but a few.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I am determined to finish All I Want Is You. I am also determined to finish part whatever it is now of It's Always Been You, although that's been on the back burner for a long long time. There's one WIP on the other account which I'm also determined to finish although who knows if I'll ever get there. I'm not one for saying never, though. I was out of Tolkien fandom for 16 years, and after the fandom that does not speak its name fizzled out, I genuinely thought I'd never write again. And yet...here I am.
16. What are your writing strengths? Ooooh, I dunno. Spelling, punctuation and grammar, dialogue, leavening the serious romantic stuff with a bit of humour, kindness and love for the characters and settings, happy endings and quite a lot of fluff. :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. XD Can't plot to save my life.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Only when necessary for character reasons, and always provide a translation. Otherwise you're shutting out readers who don't understand (unless it's not important that they actually understand precisely what's being said as long as they get the gist).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Knowingly? X-Men (comics), and that fic is here, although I posted it ten-odd years after first posting it to ff.net.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? All of them. I cannot possibly choose.
Thank you so much for the tag, lovely! Entirely no-obligation tags go to @lemurious, @verecunda, @writerman, @scary-grace, @seagull-energy, @herawell, @thenookienostradamus, @sallysavestheday, @myeaglesong, @palavapeite, @bigneonglitter, @bishkebab, @peonybroadbeltofbuckland, @redeemer46, @spiced-wine-fic and anyone else who wants to do this - if you see this and fancy it, please consider yourself well and truly tagged!
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the-sunshine-dragon · 4 months
3, 9, 15, and 18 for the fanfic new year asks! <3
Hey there! Thanks for the ask :D Sorry I took a month and a half to get to it ;_;
3. *sweats nervously* Uh. Yeah. At least two, Ateez and Leverage, possibly The Clone Wars, though Star Wars technically isn't new to me because I wrote a little for Rebels back in the day (gosh, that was ten years ago o.O), but 2023 was the year I finally fell into writing for some other fandoms than kpop XD But yeah, Ateez and Leverage!
9. I have an Ateez fic I'm working on that I would love to complete this week, but it's proving to not want to be short and sweet, so it will probably be a couple weeks, if not a couple months, before I finish it. Sadly.
15. Exhaustion from my job might present to be an obstacle. I also have some stuff going on personally that I'm (slowly) working through, but I am getting there!
18. I primarily write one-shots, but historically when I've written multi-chaptered works, I've posted the chapters as I've gone along instead of writing the whole thing at once and posting after it's done. Personally, it's not a method I'm particularly fond of (I do admire people who can write as they post and I don't think one method is superior over the other, it's just whatever works for you), and my hope this year is to write a few multi-chaptered works into completion before posting. I did that with Heavy Is The Crown and it was really nice to post something with chapters and not have to worry about writing as I was posting. Anyways, that's a long answer. I think I would like to start dabbling into long one-shots, the ones that are like 20k+, over multi-chaptered fics, see what that's like. And I'm going to stop there, because I can feel myself wanting to ramble on about this sort of thing, but I shall stop myself here XD
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Ahem, so, what is your inspiration for this au? And why'd you choose Clover to star in it? Also, btw, ramble as MUCH as you want. That feeling of holding in all your infodumps over something you really love and are excited about is REAL, and I understand completely. This actually seems like a pretty cool au, so you can deem me as a new follower. Can't wait to hear more :D! ❤️
Was gonna draw a lil comic to go with this one but I’ve been busy with other unimportant and school-related art projects lately, so I had to say no to the comic. :c So that’s why this took so long for me to get to.
Uh, Clover is kind of like a self-insert of sorts. What she experiences/goes through before the events of the AU is not a reflection of how I live and what she feels/acts like isn’t exactly too much like me. Her attitude is meant to be an exaggeration or a play on what I’m actually like.
The inspiration? Uhhh, I don’t really know, actually. I really loved angst and mental breakdowns for fictional characters at the time when I came up with this original concept, and back then I was kind of into the idea of those “Seperated turtles” AU’s. Originally, I wanted a “Creator of the AU goes into the story itself, gets trapped, forces main character to do their bidding” kinda story, where Clover would be the creator getting trapped and Mikey would be the one to do her bidding, per say. It was alright for what it was at the time and others seemed to like the concept but as I got older I decided to scrap the idea. I liked the idea of a hurt and scared little kid becoming something much more. Kinda like those “Am I the Asshole” type of stories where the overlooked kid grows up to become super successful in life and doesn’t help the parents. That kinda thing. Sprinkled in a little ✨Hamato Flavor✨ if you know what I mean 😎
YOU THINK MY AU IS COOL??????????????
Thank you. Seriously, thank you so so much! I’m so so sorry this took me forever to get to, I really am. Really wanted to make that comic for you just because of how nice you are in this ask, but alas… Fate has chosen for me to not do that. Thank you so much for your support though, it means the world to me! So glad I’ve found another intellectual who understands the importance of rambling to the open air… Such bliss that feeling brings…
Thank you so much for the ask! Hope this answer was sufficient enough given how long it’s been… (Seriously. This has been sitting in my inbox for months. I am so sorry.)
Have a great day/night! ❤️💞💖
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yellowtoothbrush · 2 years
miiyu, respectfully. you know what for.
So this took me a while to answer o.o
They get married in Arrivan, the kingdom not the country. Both work though, I guess, right? Anyways so Daiyu is a bit of a brat so we all know Miike would let her decide on everything. She'd want that summer / spring wedding, where it is a perfect day and there is no wind and it's comfortably warm. The ceremony would be outside but the reception after party would be at a grand hall. Admittably, I think they'd have a cute winter wedding, but to be honest I see Daiyu going with the summer vibes so now they have a summer wedding I'm sorry. Also she doesn't like cold weather bc she passed that on to Luke, it's inherited and it's cannon.
Daiyu wants the whole rich royal wedding vibe so their wedding is traditional, albeit flamboyant. Only anyone who is anyone was initially invited but Miike convinced her that they should allow every citizen to come. He wanted to extend the invitation to the Paladins but Daiyu told him not to because she doesn't like overgrown lizards.
Their wedding cake is huge and baked by the finest chefs in Arrivan. Miike had sampled and taste tested more than a hundred before the big day in order to find the perfect one akin to Daiyu's tastes. They settled on a white fluffy one with Daiyu's favourite cookie flavour. The top of the cake has a gorgeous couple figurine. It's of them holding hands and gazing into eachother's eyes. After the wedding it went missing. Miike has it.
Once alone, I think Miiyu would banter (cute fun banter) that would lead to Daiyu splatting a little bit of cake on his face. I assure you it would be most dignified of her bc she is dressed great and her nails are done so it's only a little cake. But then Miike gets excited and so they have a cake fight with her screaming in terror but also throwing cake at him too while telling him to stop.
THE PROPOSAL STORY. idk this is hard because I can see both an intimate/tender proposal and a big dramatic one. Either way, Miike proposals to her and it's after the trials and after their amazing grade. Despite all this, he is really nervous that she might decline, though he trusts in fate and their pairing so he goes all out. I can't Miike talk as good as you, Nye, but I can picture them just having a cool discussion like by a balcony i don't know and then their conversation smoothly switches and Miike is charmspeaking yeah. And then Daiyu slowly starts to realise what is happening but it's too late because he is already on one knee and beaming and popping the most biggest and prettiest engagement ring and Daiyu is just red in the face stuck frozen as fireworks go off in the sky and Miike tells her to look up and in firework writing it says "Let's spend the rest of our lives together" or something cheesy. Also don't question how fireworks can have writing, just pretend Arrivan tech is extraordinary. Okay. And Daiyu after accepting, swats him for taking so long to make it official. Miike: I didn't want to rush you 🥺
And then it comes to the actual wedding. Miike waits at the alter as Daiyu walks down, father in tow. I know I haven't spoken much of her home life but her fam is alright. Two brothers, and she is the youngesto. She's wearing a white dress with red in it ( wink wink ). In my head it looks really elegant and daring. Like this sort of vibe:
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Anyways, it works I swear. And it's very intricate and detailed the closer you get. The hems have pretty patterns and the veil is super long that little lizards have to carry it when she walks. And Miike obviously matches her they're such a beautiful looking pair.
Colour scheme of the venue is white and red and champagne. Maybe a little gold and greenery here and there. I'm not really good with schemes, I'll admit. I know there wouldn't be many flowers out because of the bee incident. Daiyu makes sure to spray her bouquet with anti bee spray. Decor wise there are a lot of aesthetics to admire, some of which Daiyu had painted or designed.
Their vows are initially traditional but then when it gets to the "I do" Miike whips out some romantic poetry and everyone is awwwing. Then it's Daiyu's turn and everyone's ready for her poetry but she just says "I do". Miike is overjoyed nonetheless, close to tears.
No one is late to the wedding because then they'd be beheaded. HHAHA. I'm joking. I don't think anyone would want to be late to it since it's such a big big event y'know.
The bridal and grooms parties. That's a hard one. Miles for sure is Miike's best man. I don't think Daiyu has many (if any friends tbh) bc she is kind of difficult. Miles match could be her best lady? It's not called that is it. Maid of hornour.
At the reception Miike gives another speach dedicated towards Daiyu. He spoiling her tonight that's for sure. He recounts their love life and talks about fate and how beautiful she is and how he is happy to have her by his side as Queen. Future family, the gist y'know. He makes sure not to mention the hair incident in public, as she is still sensitive about it. Miles also does a speech, dedicated towards his brother HOOT HOOT.
Saph catches the bouquet.
Wedding photos now exist in Arrivan for the purpose of this point. It's all perfect and artistic and aesthetic. Pinterest worthy snapshots of their wedding. Miike snuck in some silly ones without Daiyu noticing.
FOOOOOD. The good cookies, obviously. But they also have everything and anything. Except for the foods Daiyu can't stand, like pasta. Wretched, horrid bowls of pasta. They have a lot of sweets readily available, and a few savoury. Mostly sweets and fruit. Honey is off the menu.
I'll say it. Just for the wedding, Daiyu cries first. But it's not until they are alone in the bride/groom room right after the ceremony and before the reception. Miike is so shocked that she is expressing emotive language with him. It must be because of his awesome poetry that finally moved her. She tells him that the back of her dress got dirty which makes her look hideous. Miike laughs and assures her that she couldn't look hideous, even if she tried. Daiyu ugly cries/laughs onto his shoulder. They share a tender moment :)
Then it comes to the reception. After Daiyu is cleaned up and dry face again, the reception gets pretty fun. Miiyu share a partner dance that Daiyu wanted to be perfect so they've been practicing for months. She also has a father/daughter dance and Miike has a dance with his mother. Right after he dances with Daiyu again :,)
Engagement rings are very expensive and sparkly. Wedding rings are a simple gold band. On Daiyu's it has a mini heart engraved. And their wedding favours are elegant. I dont know what but I like the idea of like a cute aesthetic thing that people have in their houses to this day. Little globe or something with figurines in it. The special people get the good cookies as well. I suck at this I know.
Honeymoon time is. Wait. Bro. In this world building there are only three places? Where are they going to go for their honeymoon? Ducking Westwood HHHAHAHAHAHAH. Please. ((They go to Paladin shh)). Idk. I guess they camp out in their castle backyard :///. Or no honeymoon because straight to royal duties haha!! Straight to having children!! and going mentally insane weeeeee
Overall, I think their wedding is going to be the biggest event of the century. I love Miike. Happy Birthday Nye oh Me <3 <3
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mappinglasirena · 3 years
I turn to the wise mapping blog for answers. In Rios's quarters there is a starlight cut into the ceiling which we see in I think... one episode? Where is that window situated and would it be at all visible from most parts of the room? (Asking for a friend.)
Thank you so much for that fascinating question! (And for letting me badger you into putting it in the ask box XD)
We do indeed only see the starlight (what an excellent word!) in action in ep. 3, “The End is the Beginning”, when Rios leans back in his armchair and looks up to see a shooting star outside the window.
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If you look at the wider view of the room you can see it’s not the only window, either, there are in fact two more:
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Looking at the layout of the captain’s quarters, this (roughly) is the location of the windows on there.
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Now, as to from where you can see the windows: You have a very good view of one each from the armchairs, the desk chair, and the bed (it’s not directly above the bed, but the recess seems shallow enough that you’d be able to see outside even when lying down). If you were standing and walking around the room, some of the windows might get concealed by the ceiling beams, but, as an example: sitting in the armchairs, you can still see the window next to the bed.
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(Also: the furniture is all very moveable, so it’s entirely possible somebody at some point decides to push the bed a couple meters towards the portside wall to have it directly under the window XD)
So far the location of the windows with regards to Rios’s quarters.
Your question actually made me curious though. I vaguely remember looking at exterior shots of La Sirena a few months back, trying to puzzle out where the windows would be located, and not having any luck. But now that we have the amazing illustrations from the Eaglemoss magazine and a number of proper set plans, I took another run at it. Mapping the outline of Captain Rios’s quarters onto the outside of the ship is complicated for a number of reasons (one of which I will touch on below). Without getting too deep into the weeds of “for production purposes, Sirena’s interior is a bit bigger than it technically should be”, this is a slightly inaccurate but good-enough-for-the-moment depiction of where we would expect the captain’s quarters to be located:
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As you can see, there is no sign of windows, or even shutters, visible in this topview of Sirena’s hull. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there aren’t any. When the ship crashes on Coppelius, light floods in through a whole lot of windows in the ceiling of the upper deck, which you can’t find on the hull either. (cf. this shot from ep. 10, “Et in Arcadia Ego Pt. 2″)
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We see that other windows, e.g. the ones on the side of the bridge, get shuttered when Sirena goes into warp, and after the crash, Agnes tells Picard that Rios opened some shutters she hadn’t even known were there. From all this, I’d say it’s likely that during flight, the windows blend in seamlessly with the rest of the hull plating.
One final note on a little quirk introduced by the way the series was produced:
As I speculated in one of my first posts about the captain’s quarters (linked in the Masterpost), and we since got confirmed, the sets of Raffi’s and Rios’s quarters actually overlap. The wall dividing them (the one the arrow points to in the image below) got moved back and forth in between episodes. The configuration in the image below is for filming in Raffi’s quarters. For Rios’s quarters, the wall got moved one section to the left, cutting straight through the “Raffi’s Stateroom”-label. (This also means both sets use the same door. The door that should lead to the Captain’s Quarters, the right one on the set plan, is really a blind door.)
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Superimposed onto the ship’s hull, it would look something like this:
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Eagle-eyed readers will already have realized that this means the strip of the room with Rios’s armchairs and the window in question in it is actually the bit that is shared between the two sets. This means that the window also appears in Raffi’s quarters:
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(You can just see it over Rios’s head.)
In universe, I would imagine this simply means that Raffi’s quarters have a little starlight as well, though the chair she set up for stargazing isn’t nearly as comfortable as Rios’s armchairs.
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I hope this will help with all your window-related fic-writing needs :D
If anybody else has any questions regarding Sirena’s layout or furniture or anything along the lines of “Have we seen where X happens?” “Do we know if they have Y on the ship?”, my ask box is always open and my ridiculously humongous screenshot collection and I are more than happy to help!
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brahmses · 3 years
hello o.o can i please request reader wearing a cute dress or something cute in general while on the way to the woods with brahms, halfway through the walk brahms literally goes feral
can i kiss you for this idea?
sorry this took so long :( juggling both studying and my hobbies is a rough task
warnings brahms is always horny, manhandling, smut ofc, little to no foreplay, slight breeding kink (again, i’m sorry)
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it was supposed to be a peaceful midday walk.
the sun was still bright, beautiful and warm, the weather hot enough for little clothing but chilly enough that you weren’t sweating.
brahms’ footsteps crunch with the leaves, heavy boots following behind you with a large, hairy hand intertwined with yours. he never strays far from you. you can feel heavy eyes staring me into the back of your head, almost piercing your skull, but you figure it’s just his usual gaze.
recently, brahms has taking a liking to picking out clothing for you. specifically, you had shown him online shopping, and he enjoyed picking and choosing clothing for you to wear. but with his childlike wonder, combined with his adult perversion, you didn’t always buy what he chose — but this time, you had.
a light, fluttering dress, cutting off mid-thigh and hugging your curves just right. he had liked the colors of it, simple and white, something that almost resembled a casual wedding dress, exempt from the light, pastel flowers laced in. you had chosen to wear it on your walk today, perfect for the weather. but when brahms picked it, he didn’t realize just how good it would make you look. something in him was stirring, a primal instinct, the overwhelming feeling of just wanting to devour that purity.
as you ramble on about the sights, various birds and woodland animals, brahms is far from listening. as much as he loves your stories, loves the sound of your voice; it’s the farthest thing from his mind right now.
the only warning you get is his hand tightening in yours, almost turning your palms white, before he’s pushing you against a tree with force. your eyes grow wide like a deer, your hair slightly getting caught in the bark behind you, as he corners you up against the sycamore. his head dives, burying itself in your shoulder, pressing his body tightly against yours to keep you caged against the tree. you grab onto his shoulders for support as his weight slightly lifts you up from the ground.
his head won’t stop moving on your shoulder, nuzzling into your neck as much as he can. you let out an involuntary gasp as his hair leaves goosebumps in it’s wake.
“brahms—“ you breathe out, reaching to stroke his curls between your fingers. “what’s all this for?” you’re stuttering, taken aback, but still trying to stabilize yourself as much as you can.
he growls against your skin, mask scraping against your collarbone. “you look so pretty,” he says. “so so pretty.”
oh. you get it.
once he snaps his hips against your center, you almost yelp, gripping his cardigan a little tighter. reaching down, you help him unbuckle his pants, watching his hurried movements. he grabs you, pulling you up the tree. you wrap your legs around his waist as he holds you up, already feeling him against you as you push your panties aside.
“please, please,” he begs, “let me have you- please,”
“you can have me, brahms.”
before you can get another word out, let alone register any change, he’s already pressing the tip of his cock into you, before roughly pushing the rest of himself in. you moan at the intrusion, mixed with both pleasure and pain, biting so hard into your lip you think it might bleed.
you can’t even find the time to adjust before he’s rutting against you, practically humping you like a dog against the tree. he’s groaning and gasping into your ear, whimpering your name over and over, as your hand grabs and pulls at his curls with each thrust. there’s no calculation or rhythm to his movements. just unbridled lust and want.
your ankles lock around him, pushing him deeper into you. he lets out a loud whimper at that, ramming his cock into you even harder. he’s throbbing, so overwhelmed with want he can barely say anything, whimpering so much you almost think he’s crying. the fabric of your clothing is the only thing stopping the sound of slapping skin.
“please, please,” he’s crying, begging, not even knowing himself what he’s asking you for. more? to cum? to stay buried inside you forever? all are correct answers, you bet.
“fill me up, brahms,” you gasp, your breath filling his ear with warm air, his voice wavering at your words. you know how addicted he is to just hearing you say that — the idea of you begging him to mark you as his driving him crazier than you could even know.
“i will, i will,” he moans, hands gripping your hips tight. you can tell he’s close by the way his hips stutter.
you reach down as much as you can muster, rubbing your clit in circles, in time with his thrusts. brahms moans at the sight, hips stilling against yours as he gasps and sputters against you, releasing his load deep inside you.
with the feeling and sound of him cumming, you reach your own peak, legs tightening around his waist and cunt clenching around his cock. he moans again at the tight, wet spasms around him.
once you both come down, you’re left panting against each other, brahms still holding you up against the tree. with a pat on his shoulder, he pulls out of you and sets you down on the ground. you readjust your panties before helping him put himself back inside his pants.
“we should go home now, brahms.” you say, tsking when he shakes his head no. “we have to clean ourselves up.”
you see his body language light up at the words. he’s always been a fan of your baths.
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chandeliermichel · 3 years
the super simp has returned ^w^
ok ok ok ok
zhongli x reader right? where the reader fights baal right?? and they're not doing too good but they didn't tell zhongli cuz they dont want him to worry. WHEN HE FINDS OUT THO HE GOES LIKE SUPER ARCHON MODE AND HE'S LIKE "ima beat your ass baal" and they fight and the reader's just like "o.o" cuz they're watching two archons fighting. so like. angst with fluff <33333
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Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character/Pairing: Zhongli x reader
Warnings: Slight angst and mentions of injuries
Note: Pocky, my dear! What's up? Hope you are doing good ^^ And enjoy the scenario~ this turned out to be slight angst with a protective Zhongli, lol. Hope you don't mind.
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You told your lover, Zhongli, that you would be fine. Insisting that you could fight the archon on your own. Then why were you in such a bad state?
Seeing as you were holding up just fine, the Geo Archon decided to deal with the others that were siding with Baal. But, that was a mistake on his part.
A huge mistake.
"My love..." The man uttered in a soft tone of voice, eyes widening as he took in your form.
Zhongli knew this would happen. He wasn't saying that his ___ was weak but this was an Archon we are talking about. Someone who has experience in fighting and using weapons more than you do.
Golden eyes turned to the left as your figure was thrown into the wall...mercilessly.
Then they slowly moved towards the other Archon present in the room besides him.
God, Zhongli wasn't an aggressive man. Not even close to that. But, then why was he only seeing red? Why was that the only thing pumping in his veins besides blood was pure fury?
But, the answer was so very simple, wasn't it? She hurt you. And the Geo Archon wouldn't have any of that.
In an instant, he was by your side. "My dear," he called out, even in a situation like this, his voice dripped with love and adoration for you.
You weakly looked up at him and gave him a short smile. "Z-Zhongli...ah, I suppose I couldn't fight her...I am sorry." His eyes hardened noticeably and a calloused hand was placed on your right cheek.
"Hush, ___. Why are you apologizing? Don't worry, I will take care of it." Though his tone was soft, his eyes were the same as before.
Hard and determined.
Determined to teach that archon a lesson.
Your sweet little moment didn't last long as the devil herself started taking slow strides towards the Geo Archon.
"A mortal...I still can't believe you thought that you could fight me." Baal muttered. Though even she was shocked at how long you fought against her, not that she would ever admit it.
Zhongli, upon hearing her words, pressed a soft kiss on your temple and stood up. Baal's lips twisted into a barely there smile.
"Never thought a higher being--an immortal, would settle with someone like...her. A mortal. A surprise, truly." Was what Baal said as she stood on the other side of Zhongli. A distance of a few feet was what seperated the two Archons.
Unsurprisingly, your lover wasn't having any of it. "I don't know how that is any of your concern." Baal, upon hearing his response let out a tsk.
No further sounds were heard aside from the clashing of weapons. A thick tension surrounded the entire area.
Even though you were tired, your eyes still managed to take in the entire scene unfolding before you. Sure, you had seen Zhongli fight before. But, this was on an entirely new level.
A few soft 'oohs' and 'aahs' escaped your lips as if you were watching a match. But, this was a match, wasn't it? A deadly and serious one, between two Archons no less.
You did see them exchanging a few sentences mid-battle, but from this distance, hearing them was impossible.
Soon, the battle came to an end with your lover claiming the victory. Without wasting a second Zhongli came to your side and lifted you in his arms, bridal style.
"I am truly sorry, dearest. The battle took longer than I thought." He whispered gazing into your tired eyes, that were somehow still shining with love and admiration for the Geo Archon.
An amazed little laugh escaped your lips as you struggled to keep your eyes open from the fatigue. "You were amazing...I-I....thank you." Your words made him smile, and how could you not notice that you had arrived at the infirmary?
Oh, perhaps, it was the fatigue.
"Anything for you, my angel." Were Zhongli's words as he watched you slip into slumber. The healer already doing her work.
What you didn't notice was the apparent relief on his face.
Lord, how scared he was to have you in that state. God forbid, he won't let anything of that sort happen to you ever again.
Zhongli was the only one who knew about this promise of his. But, for now, he was content in watching his lover sleeping peacefully.
A soft smile graced his features.
"Sweet dreams, darling."
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takadasaiko · 6 years
(BBD Anon) I'm trying to decide how Bobo responds right now, cause I definitely feel like it's a bit of a.... touchy question for him to ask. I feel like Bobo may sidestep it. It's in that argument scene I mentioned, right after Bobo goes a bit too far and makes Jeremy cry. So.... *uncertain grin*
Poor boys. I can’t wait to see how this turns out!!
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
God I absolutely loved Yandere!Barok!!! Could you write one more for him? Maybe with "May I be excused? I, uh, don’t want to be here" prompt with a very kind s/o??
Aaah thank you very much anon! And of course you can request more of him!!! I’ll write this one as a scenario because I don’t really see it working as effectively as Headcanons!!!
I feel like I went off on one towards the end but I hope that it can bring some sort of something to someone o.O
Sorry for the long wait, but Mod Miles is back on it for as long as they can maintain some level of productivity 😅👍
TW: Yandere behaviour, possessive and obsessive behaviours, gaslighting, general toxic behaviours, implied kidnapping, Food is mentioned, A developing ED is implied.
Spoilers: Dai Gyakuten Saiban
🍷Barok van Zieks🍷
There was a gentle clink of cutlery as S/O’s knife and fork was placed on their plate alongside a half eaten slice of beef pie. S/O leaned back in their chair, allowing their arms to fall to their lap as they peered around the dining room. Even now, the looming walls and tall chandeliers caused a sense of unease to settle in the pit of S/O’s stomach. Much like their ‘host’, the paintings on the walls always seemed to keep a cold pair of eyes on them at all times.
S/O had lost their appetite a long time ago, there seemed to be too many other things on their mind that seemed to take up more time than worrying enough to eat. Especially when they knew that every move that they made was being watched by the man who brought them here. Would he see their feelings as some form of protest? S/O truly hoped not, he had given vague warnings in the past as to the consequences of disobedience and S/O truly hoped to never find out what these consequences truly entailed.
Across the table, Barok had also finished eating, although his plate was significantly clearer than S/O’s. He managed to catch S/O’s eyes and gave them a short smile before lifting up his glass of wine and taking a sip. Somewhat reassured by this, S/O took a moment to consider their options. On the one hand, dinner could possibly be over in a while, surely they could hold out for a while longer and have a small pick at whatever dessert had been prepared, after which, Barok would escort S/O back to their room and they could spend the rest of the evening reading or thinking of a new escape plan. However, they could also ask to be released from dinner now and give their agitated stomach a chance to settle.
Before S/O could further consider these two options, the question that had been on their mind for a long time fell from their lips.
“Pardon me...May I be excused? I, uh, don’t want to be here if I’m being honest.”
A cold silence proceeded to fill the room and S/O could feel a heavy, panging weight building in their head as their ears began to burn and their cheeks flushed with fear. From across the table, Barok had frozen in his movements before slowly lowering his chalice of wine back down to the table coaster. S/O heard the legs of his chair creak as he stood up and away from the table and began to walk over toward them before placing his hand on their shoulder rather firmly. His thumb gently rubbed their shoulder but the grip that he had was tight and his fingers dug into their shoulder.
“Dear….My dear, sweet S/O, what exactly do you mean?” He asked, while continuing to push more weight onto their shoulders. S/O took a slow breath as they tried to compose themselves the best that they could.
“I’m not hungry anymore...I’d like to go back to my room, please?” S/O requested, screwing their eyes shut in anticipation. The grip on their shoulders slackened slowly before Barok’s arms fell to his sides. The room was silent for a short while and all that S/O could hear was the sound of blood rushing through their ears as they waited for an answer.
“Very well...We may both be excused my dear, since you asked so nicely.” Barok nodded, before pulling S/O’s chair away from the table and offering his arm for them to take. They did so before standing up and away from the table and the two of them began the short trek from the downstairs dining room back up to S/O’s room. This journey was essentially silent, with the only sounds being the dull thud of their shoes against the floor.
“Tell me, my dear. You seem so withdrawn lately? Has anything happened to you lately, I hope that none of my servants have caused such a great offense upon you?” Barok inquired, while gently running his hand down S/O’s arm.
S/O glanced away awkwardly as Barok’s hand lingered on their arm, which only further encouraged him to slowly tighten his grip once more as they came to a standstill.
“S/O, What is bothering you so much? You seem so unlike yourself recently.” He frowned, while slowly moving his hands up to their face and wiping their cheeks with his thumbs.
“I’m just...I’m tired more often nowadays.” S/O sighed, closing their eyes as Barok continued to cup their face in his hands.
“Well, there’s something that can be done about that, you just need some rest my lamb.” Barok crooned, before slowly wrapping his arms around S/O’s best and pulling them into his chest, as though the warmth would soothe S/O.
Within a matter of a few minutes, Barok had brought S/O back to their room and gently laid them into bed. Any moves to sit up were met with a firm “hush” as they were pushed back down. Barok took the time to gently remove their layers of clothing until they were left in their undergarments (whether that be a shift or braies) before pulling a warm duvet over S/O and laying down next to them, and in only a few more minutes, S/O found themselves struggling to stay awake as Barok gently ran his finger up and down the bridge of their nose.
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lilhwahwa · 3 years
White Hemlock, 2 - 𝙋.𝙎𝙃
WARNING: mafia au! Strong language! BLOOD! liddol angst? Liddol fluffy. Not proof read o.o
Previous part
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Summary from last part: Y/N’s family gets threatened by an anonymous number. Y/N has to poison Seonghwa and knock him out temporarily in order to keep everyone safe, but gets caught slipping the poisonous herb into his tea which lead to a rather heated confrontation in his home office at dawn. 
That night, when you had returned from the bathroom in your and Seonghwa's shared room, you found him gone. A part of you was relieved, knowing that meant his confrontation wouldn't continue longer than it already had. But another part of you, your heart specifically, kept aching for the man you loved to come back soon and hold you in his warm embrace. Where was he anyway? Was he going to go after the people who sent you the messages? If that was the case, you knew it would be impossible to stop him once he started, aware of his need to finish tasks thoroughly.  
You had heard shuffling in your shared bedroom after Seonghwa instructed you to go clean up in the bathroom. And after the confrontation in his office, you had no intentions to argue further and did as instructed. You splashed cold water onto your face with shaky hands, mind replaying the moment your lover had connected the metal tip of his gun to your temple, his loaded gun. The wooden door of your bedroom shutting close brought you back to reality. He had left for the night.
You sighed, twisting and turning in your bed as scenarios of Seonghwa getting beaten by big, scary guys played out before your closed eyes. Harshly cold shivers ran down your legs and spine every time you imagined his stoic face twist in pain and instead kept your eyes opened, not wanting to see such a sight again. 'How ironic, you were going to poison him anyway...' you thought to yourself, chest still heavy with guilt as you realized how close you were to hurting your loved one. Your hand desperately rubbed at the ache in your stomach in small circular motions, the action being ineffective as the tightness spread to your chest, pressing you down further into the soft mattress as if a heavy weight had been placed on top of you.
If it weren't for the long and dark drapes hanging over the windows in your room, you'd think it was still night time, mere minutes having passed since you went to bed. Yet no sleep had made it even close to you even after hours, only melancholic thoughts of Seonghwa getting hurt, there to entertain your exhausted brain. At this point it was torture. Should you call him? Would he even answer? No, he would probably be angry still.
As you sighed, ready to turn to your other side again, you heard faint footsteps slowly growing louder as they approached your bedroom. The marble floor outside helped you make a perfect calculation of how far away this person was, and just as the door flew open, your eyes shut tightly, every muscle in your body squeezing tightly as you tensed up.
"Fucking hell-" a low curse sounded in the otherwise silent room. Seonghwa's shallow breaths filled the rest of the silence as you heard him shuffle to what seemed the bathroom. 'Correct', you thought as the bathroom door shut closed.  
Did Seonghwa fall for that? Did he think you had fallen asleep? You felt almost proud of having fooled him for once, mind racing back to the few times you pretended to be asleep. Those times always ended up with Seonghwa's lips turning up into a cocky smirk as he attacked your sensitive sides with tickles, refusing to let go of your shaking form until tears were streaming down your face from the laughter. No matter how unpleasant it felt, you always looked forward to the soft kiss he sealed his actions with.
You were brought out of your thoughts when a pained groan weakly made its way through the bathroom door.  Your brows knitted together in concern as you sat up immediately. Had you heard it correctly or was it your mind playing games on your exhausted state?
You swing your legs over the edge of the bed as another groan made its way to you. Eyebrows furrowed and nerves eating away at your stomach, you carefully stepped over to the bathroom. With a shaky hand, you push down on the door handle, revealing a sickening sight. Seonghwa sat on the closed toilet lid. Crimson red blood trickled down his lips and chin before joining messily at his neck, running down and under his white dress shirt that was soaked in dried blood already.
"S-Seonghwa?" your bottom lip quivered as you stood frozen at the door frame. At that moment he seemed to stop his cleaning up process, hand pausing in the air as he acknowledged your presence. Fuck, he had forgotten to lock the door.
"Leave," he grumbled before pressing a cotton pad to his nose, tilting his head back slightly as the white material quickly absorbed the flow of blood from his nose. You didn't even acknowledge the tears threatening to spill from you as your chest forgot to rise, forgot to take a breath. A harsh sounding and tight-throated sob leaves your lips as it all comes crashing down. It was not your initial discomfort for blood, but rather his blood that made your hands tremble as you took another step closer to him.
"I said leave," he spits, knowing he wouldn't be able to handle cleaning up and seeing you cry at the same times. Knowing he'd rather bleed out comforting you, than tending to his wounds.
"N-no," you sniffle and come even closer, collecting yourself with a shaky breath as your eyes searched for more cotton pads and the hydrogen peroxide liquid, having heard from Hongjoong once or twice that it was used to stop blood quicker. With shaky hands, you reach out to his face and cringe as your hands touch the warm and soaked cotton pad, removing it from his bloody nose and throwing it away into the sink. You swallowed back a pained sob that threatened to leave your lips when you saw the blossoming purple bruise around his left eyes. Your bottom lip quivered, but you said nothing as you grabbed a new cotton pad, twisting it into a small string and pouring the liquid onto it before gently pushing it into his nose.
You looked down at your bloodied hands and then back at his face. Seonghwa had closed his eyes again, trying his best to stop any emotions from being able to enter and leave him. He knew he had to think logically from now on, and seeing your heartbroken form would do the exact opposite, he'd snap in mere seconds.
You reach out gently, placing your hand on his sharp jaw, gently as if he was made out of porcelain. You still found him breathtaking, and despite the circumstances, you couldn't help but look down at his plump, slightly chapped, lips.
"Hwa," you whispered more to yourself, voice breaking. You shook your head when you were met with silence, knowing you had to do something to help him. It's the least you could do. With that, you reached for a small towel, turning away from Seonghwa to wet the rough material with warm water. Without questioning your actions, Seonghwa opened his cold eyes to observe, letting you do whatever it is you planned to. You avoided his cold gaze, not wanting to be reminded of your earlier confrontation.
With a shaky hand, you gently cleaned the drying blood away from his face with the towel, careful not to overstep his boundaries. For every second that Seonghwa watched your face twisted in concentration, he felt the ice around his heart melt off piece by piece until...
"Baby-" he whispered, eyes back to his warm and softly round ones. The same eyes as when you had worn his hoodie at home for the first time or when you told him you loved him. You almost thought that you had imagined it out of desperation, not stopping your process for even a second. Seonghwa couldn’t deny himself anymore and sighed, reaching out to place his hands on your hips, squeezing the soft flesh with a satisfied hum.
Your eyes quickly jumped to his, brows furrowed as you wondered what it is that he wanted. "D-did it hurt? I'm so sorry, I just-" you rambled, only stopping when Seonghwa sat up and reached forward to finally place his lips on yours. The initial contact was sloppy and you could feel your nose press against his cheek uncomfortably. Yet that didn't stop a big wave of warmth from spreading through your body as if a firework had exploded inside of you. You gasped and before you could comprehend what was happening, Seonghwa had you straddling his thighs, pulling away for a second to reposition the both of you before reconnecting your lips in a much deeper kiss. Despite the confusion and fear to hurt him, you also couldn't deny that this is what you wanted right now. You dropped the dirty towel on the floor and reached forward to wrap your arms around his neck, careful in case he had more injuries.  
Soft mewls left your lips as his digits dug into your flesh, holding onto you as if you'd run away.
"I took care of them, all of them" he whispered against your lips, moving down to press his lips to the base of your neck. "What do y-you me-" you tried asking but instead let out a low moan as he bit down on your skin. Seonghwa smirked at your reactions proudly, tongue sticking out to lick a long stripe of skin right up to your jaw, humming to himself as he felt you melt in his arms.
"You don't wanna know what I did to them...," he mutters, pulling away to finally get a look at your dishevelled form. Lips slightly swollen and cheeks flushed from the intensity of his kiss. Somehow the information only shot another wave of warmth through your body and this time it was you that launched forward to press your lips to his, for a second taking Seonghwa by surprise. Yet he had no problem taking the control right back from you as he squeezed down on your thigh. His tongue snaked into your mouth as you gasped, a low groan left his throat as everything around you seemed to turn black, only you and him existed in this close and intimate moment.
Seonghwa pulled away with a heavy breath, eyes lustful. You sat back with your hands on his shoulders, breathing heavily as well. Both of you felt alive, awake and alive despite not having gotten any sleep. Your eyes didn't leave Seonghwa's and you swore you saw the second his rounded eyes changed back to the colder and stoic eyes from earlier.
"...And you, still have a lesson to learn,"
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My Universe
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Request (from @kreampop1257​​): Hi! Could I request a fic where Bakugou and his fem!s/o go camping? it's ok if not!!
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Warnings: None o.O? Ig y’all get a lil kissy kissy but it’s nothing crazy. Also you eat food
Author’s Note:
Sorry again for the long wait! Have some incredibly soft Bakugou (like literally almost ooc söft). Also this one ended up being gender-neutral (no pronouns) so yeah :D
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“Where’d you say this thing was?” Your question was directed at the back of Bakugou’s head, his spiky blond hair seemingly flatter from how much he’d been sweating the past few hours.
“It’s not much farther,” he grunted.
You knew how annoying he found complaining to be, so you’d kept quiet on that front for most of your little adventure. But your bags only seemed to be getting heavier, and the sun already hung low in the sky.
Your boyfriend had suggested that he take you camping with him as a sort of romantic getaway. Granted, that wasn’t how he’d put it, but you were inclined to think so. It wasn’t every day you got to spend so much time alone with him. But now you were hot, tired, a little sweaty, and Bakugou had hardly said a word to you on your entire hike up the mountain. Figures.
Following him for a few more minutes, he led you to a small clearing between a circle of trees and unceremoniously dropped his bag. “Here,” he announced, already crouching down to pull out the tent.
You set your own backpack on the ground, taking a look around you. The trees stretched up and up above your head, a thin canopy of leaves just allowing you to see small patches of the darkening blue sky. “This is nice,” you said, twirling to see how large the site was. There was just enough space for your tent and a small fire.
“Don’t just stand there gawking,” Bakugou said. “Help me.”
You walked over to where he’d laid out the canvas of the tent, holding it up so he could put the rods in the support system and keeping it steady as he hammered in the stakes. By the time you were finished, the sky was already streaked with pink and orange hues.
“Clear that spot for the fire,” Bakugou instructed, pointing to a patch of dirt a few feet away from your tent. “I’ll go get some wood.”
And a few minutes later, you had a fire going. You leaned against your boyfriend as you both finally sat and rested on the ground, devouring sandwiches you’d packed earlier.
“Are you having fun?” Katsuki asked you, his eyes averted to his feet as he took another bite from his sandwich.
“Yeah, actually,” you answered, watching the fire dance in front of you. “I like being out here, and the hike up wasn’t too bad.” You laced your free hand with his, turning to face him. “And I like spending time with you. Even if you can be a little bossy.”
“I’m not bossy!” Bakugou said, finally looking at you with an indignant pout.
You giggled, lightly bumping your shoulder against his. “Are too.”
“I just—want things to be perfect for you,” he grumbled, looking away again. “It’s what you deserve.”
You let go of his hand to cup his face in your palm, turning his chin so your noses could brush together. “That’s sweet of you.” You kissed him gently, and you couldn’t help but notice the way he almost seemed to melt into your lips. You went back to your sandwiches a moment later after you’d pulled away, finishing them in silence.
“S’more time!” you announced, pulling the packet of marshmallows out of your bag. You passed it to Bakugou along with a skewer and began roasting them.
The blond hovered his over a glowing ember while you immediately shoved yours into the fire, watching the puffy treat burst into flame.
“You actual fiend,” Bakugou accused disapprovingly with a quirked brow as you raised the blackened flaming marshmallow high enough to blow out.
“The pot and the kettle,” you muttered, flicking off a piece of the scorched skin. “This is the quick way to do it. Besides, now it’s all nice and melty.”
“And burnt,” he quipped, turning his own so you could see the golden brown tone his had taken on.
You shrugged, pulling out a graham cracker and a square of chocolate. “Works for me.”
You tried your best to be neat while you took a bite out of your s’more, but the marshmallow had other plans. It refused to separate from itself, pulling apart in a single gooey string and sticking to your face.
Bakugou watched you out of the corner of his eye with a smirk as he finally pulled his perfectly toasted marshmallow out of the heat of the fire. He took a bite from it plain off the skewer, still amused with watching as you got specks of chocolate and marshmallow around your mouth.
“I’m struggling,” you admitted to him, still trying to figure out the best way to smush down your dessert so it would stay together.
He chuckled at your predicament, waiting until you finished. “You’ve got something on your face.”
“I’m aware.” You pulled a wet wipe out of your bag, grateful that you’d thought to bring one. Once you were finished wiping off your sticky fingers, you moved to swipe it over your face. But Katsuki stopped you before you could, taking your wrist in his hand and sliding closer to you.
Wordlessly, his lips met your face again, pecking away the sweet fragments of your s’more from your skin. You could feel his tongue swiping out, kitten licking at a crumb of chocolate in the corner of your mouth.
“Sweet,” he mumbled lowly in that gruff voice of his, almost making you shiver and causing your cheeks to heat even more than they already were. Finally he moved in even closer, kissing you fully on the lips once more for a long moment. You relaxed into him, fingers settling under his jawline to pull him in. His tongue swiped over your bottom lip as he pushed against you, exhales from his nose mingling with yours. Katsuki finally pulled away, his lips grazing over your cheekbone as he moved to whisper in your ear. “I want to show you something.”
You nodded and he stood, offering you his hand. You took it and straightened, allowing him to lead you off into the woods.
After a few minutes of walking, you noticed the trees begin to thin out. Soon, you were standing in some sort of meadow, wild grass growing up past your ankles.
“Look up there,” Katsuki whispered.
Your eyes flicked to the dark blue canvas of sky and widened as they took in the sight above you. Thousands of stars glittered in the distance, twinkling and bright in the clear atmosphere.
“I’ve never seen so many,” you whispered in awe, entranced by the bejeweled heavens.
“There’s no light pollution up here in the mountains,” Katsuki said, letting go of your hand so he could flop down on the ground. You followed, laying at his side and looking above the treeline, the grass tickling your cheek.
You laid there together in silence for some time; fingers newly entwined, eyes tracing clusters of stars, searching for familiar constellations. You stared up for so long, your eyes began to burn. You let them drift shut, allowing your other senses to take over.
You could hear the steady breaths of Katsuki beside you, accompanying the symphony of insects orchestrating music of their own design. The grass fluttered against every inch of your exposed skin, stirring ever so slightly on every draft of cool night air. You were quick to get lost in the earthly scents surrounding you, each one deeply penetrating your lungs and seeming to spin in your mind.
“Getting tired?”
Bakugou’s rough voice shook you out of your thoughts. You opened your eyes again, focusing on the heavenly view above. “This is so cool,” you mumbled, ignoring your boyfriend’s previous question. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
He tched. “Of course, dummy.” Bakugou squeezed your hand a final time before sitting up, stretching. “Come on, let’s head back before you fall asleep. It’s been a long day.”
Once you were at your campsite again, you pulled out the bedding and your pajamas. Bakugou doused the smoldering remains of your fire before helping you spread out the sleeping bags and blankets inside the tent, your actions lit only by a single lantern. 
Settling in, Bakugou shut off the light, plunging everything around you into a thick darkness. You heard him turn over, and you realized with a hint of frustration that he was facing away from you. You knew your boyfriend wasn’t always interested in cuddling, and you respected that. He wanted his space from time to time, that was all. But did it have to be now? Tonight?
You internally grumbled to yourself, regretting not shoving your sleeping bag even closer to his. Your mind began to wander, but you quickly took notice that you weren’t as sleepy as you should be. Pouting to yourself at your horrendous luck, you turned over, frowning at the feeling of hard earth under your shoulder and hip. You’d literally spent the past several hours physically exerting yourself. The least your body could do for you was allow itself to get the sleep and rest it ached for. But your head was too noisy, the ground too hard, and it was slowly sinking in how cold the woods got at night.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Cringing at the loud shuffling sounds of your sleeping bag, you shimmied your way over to your boyfriend. To your dismay, you could tell by his breaths that he was already some level of asleep. Stealthily, you tried pressing your chest into his back. Already, warmth began to seep into your skin, and you finally sighed in contentment, draping your arm over his side.
And then his breathing changed. Man, he was too easy to wake up.
You heard him chuckle, low and breathy from his still-sleepy state. “You really can’t last long without me, huh?” he said, face invisible to you, still turned away in the dark. “What was that?” he went on. “Five seconds and you already want me again?”
You scowled at the vague outline of his hair, catching onto what he was getting at. “That was so not five seconds!” you protested. “You fell asleep! And besides, it’s cold out here.” Even though he couldn’t see you, you knew he’d be able to hear the pout in your voice.
Still chuckling to himself, he rolled over to face you. “Come ‘ere, Teddy Bear, you know I’m just messin’ with you.”
Your pout remained present on your face, but even so, you found yourself snuggling into his warm chest. It was infinitely softer than where you’d previously been laying, and the way his arms snaked around your body heated you like nothing else.
“How’s this, babe?” His hand smoothed over your back, pulling at your blankets so you could effectively be cocooned against him.
“Perfect,” you whispered, finally relaxing your face and letting your smile creep across your lips. Settling in, you gripped the soft fabric of his shirt between your fingers.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, inhaling the scent of your hair. “Was this a nice trip?” he asked, abandoning his initial teasing tone for a more vulnerable one.
“Yes,” you answered, and of course it was the truth. “Thanks for showing me the stars.”
“Knew you’d like them,” he snorted, playing with a strand of your hair.
“The world’s so big,” you quietly mused to yourself, lids finally growing heavy. “The sun. The earth. The moon. And all the stars. But you’re my everything, Katsuki.”
His breath suddenly caught in his throat, causing him to freeze for a moment before he looked down again at your dark form snuggled into his chest.
“My universe,” you mumbled, finally drifting off in his arms.
How could you know that he felt the same? How could he express what you did to him every time you laughed? How he wanted to be there for it all? How he wanted to hold you when you were sad and lift you up when you were happy? How could he say that you meant more to him than you’d ever know, that he’d move mountains just for you if he thought for a second that it would make you smile? How could you know that you were his universe too?
“Of course I am,” he muttered to your sleeping self, pressing a final kiss to your forehead. “Always will be.” And with that, his consciousness joined you among darkness and stars.
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre​ @basicaegyo​ @hyunmin-1404​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sxngwoos-ash-box​ @xoxopam4​​
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deepperplexity · 3 years
All Because You Love Me
Title: All Because You Love Me 
Request: Hi love all of your stories, can you make a Snape X Half-Blood Professor reader where they have a love-hate relationship and in the end they end up confessing there love to each other when Severis becomes more nicer to her than all the other professors? Thank You I would very appreciate it. @large-obesession​ 
A/N: This was difficult to write and I don't know if I managed to do the idea in my head justice but I am kind of satisfied with this anyway? O.O I hope you all will enjoy it!
Setting: Hogwarts  
Pairing: Snape x Half-Blood!Teacher!Reader 
ABBR.:│(y/n) - Your Name│ (y/l/n) - Your Last Name │
Word Count: 7280
Warnings: Angst, Hurt, Harsh Language, Alienation, Kissing, Love/Hate, Fighting
Masterlist page // Masterlist post
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Why couldn't he just leave you the fuck alone? Was it really that hard to just mind his own damn business? You fumed as your feet pounded the stone floor on your way to your classroom. Not only had you been forced to deal with a crying student, the havoc-wreaking Peeves and so, consequentially, you also missed breakfast. Oh no, no, you also had to deal with him. Professor Severus Snape. The gloomy, dark, too fucking sexy professor that simply would not leave you the hell alone. He was everywhere, around every corner. Even at night when you slumbered deeply under the covers he infiltrated your mind with harsh words and domineering sneers that made you ache. 
You sighed heavily as you pulled open the door to the classroom. All students already present and waiting for you.  "Sorry for being late, had a bit of a poltergeist problem," you grumbled as you shut the door with a harsh bang that echoed through the room while you took quick, short steps in a hurry to get to the desk and start the first class of the new week.  "Open your books, page 287. Hurry up," you said as your anger still simmered and brewed just below the surface. It was unfortunate for the sixth years that seemed to wonder what was up with you, you were usually so cheerful and happy while teaching. Well, not today apparently, bloody poltergeists and billowing cloaks with galaxy eyes and- no no no, stop that! You hate the man's guts! Stop, stop, stop! 
You shook your head, tried to find your usual sense of self while plastering on a smile in the hopes it would etch itself to your lips for the rest of the day.  "Now, who would like to ask a question for the day?" You always asked the students to ask one question regarding the lessons material as you always made sure to tell them at the end of the previous lesson what they would be working on next. A Hufflepuff girl reached her hand up and as she asked her question, that you would answer throughout the lesson, the first class was underway. It gave you something to focus on, to tether yourself to and eventually your mind focused on the subject - to the delight of the students - as your regular disposition returned with a true smile etched on your lips. 
First and second class had gone by smoothly after the little hiccup in the morning. You were happily dismissing the fourth years for lunch when your stomach grumbled something fiercely. Food, sustenance, gosh, I'm starving, you thought as you ordered your desk for the upcoming lesson before heading towards the Great Hall for the first food of the day for you. You closed the door gently and locked it. 
"No running!" you shouted after some Gryffindor boys as you were about to turn a corner.  "And no shouting, (y/l/n)," a growling voice snarled just as you rounded the corner. Oh, great, fucking great. You glared at professor Snape as he stood a few steps away from you.  "There should be a rule about growling," you muttered under your breath as you walked towards him. Your face was hard and your back straight.  "What was that, (y/l/n)?" You tilted your head back a little further, nose in the air.  "Nothing, Snape," you snarled as you passed him, "I just think you should mind your own business," you continued in a cutting voice after having passed him.  
You could have sworn you heard him grumble something behind you but you paid it no mind. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of entertaining him. Even if your chest ached at his harsh tone. Ignore it, just ignore the hell out of that stupid heart. IGNORE IT! You focused on the pinching pain in your stomach, the growling noises it made and hurried along to reach the Great Hall. Unfortunately, Snape had the same idea as he easily reached you with his long legs and that billowing cloak floating like a thundercloud around him.  "No running," you hissed with a slight twinkle in your eyes, "I thought you were better than the students." He scoffed and arched a brow at you as he slowed his pace to walk alongside you while he spoke.   "And I thought you were human, not a snail," he countered and then sped up yet again. You gasped at him before your fists clenched and you shook with anger. He got you there. You were, truly, a slow walker. Even when you tried to walk fast you were slow as a snail. 
He disappeared around another corner and you tried to walk faster. But it was impossible. You could not take long strides and you could only take so many steps in a short moment. So once you arrived at the Great Hall and entered Snape had already taken his place. You seethed as you saw him sneer out a defiant smile at you. You stalked up to the table and took your place on the opposite side of the table. Food appeared and you gulped it down in a flurry of motions as you truly were starved. All other things disappeared and your stomach rejoiced as it slowly filled up; one bite at a time. 
"Hungry, aren't we?" You choked on your juice as Snape's voice rumbled right beside you.  "Are you trying to kill me?!" you shouted at him and he had the gall to look taken aback at your harsh tone. You smacked down your glass and rose in such haste the chair nearly toppled over.  "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" you screamed as you stalked towards him while you paid no mind to the staring students or the shocked expression on Minerva's face as you poked Snape's chest with the tips of your fingers. 
He staggered backwards, "Seriously Snape! Don't just pop up like that! You could have killed me!" He arched a brow at you while your cheeks turned pink with anger and embarrassment as he looked down on you. The swirling dark of his eyes sucked you in and your heart tugged yet again. Not now! Your thoughts snarled at the roaring and hissing from your heart to be closer. "I did not pop, up," he drawled, "I merely asked if you were hungry."  "You popped up! You scared me!" you shouted before you shoved at him again, with your palms that time. His chest felt tight under them and you wanted to leave them there as your heart pounded harder while he glared at you.  "(Y/n), control yourself," Minerva said with a chiding voice, you spun your head towards her so fast it felt as if your neck would snap.  "He merely asked if you-"  "No, no he scared me half to death is what he did. As he always does. Popping up, growling, lurking in corridors and sticking his nose in other people's business!" 
After that you pushed Snape aside as the other professors gawked at you, stunned as you were usually a happy, cheerful person that wouldn't even hurt a fly. You stomped out of the Great Hall with quick, short steps as tears began to roll down your cheeks. You were so sick and tired of his behaviour. You had been nothing but nice towards him when you started working at Hogwarts a little over a year ago. He had merely drawled and growled, lurked in corridors and commented on your teaching and lesson plans. Never a kind word for you, yet he was always there - pestering you to no end.
In the dark man's defence, some of it wasn't even his fault. You loved him and you had to do anything you could to push him out of your heart, to banish the thoughts and dreams of him. Why did you love him? No fucking clue. You just did. He was marvellous, handsome, commanding, strong, harsh yet helpful in his own way. Not to mention the voice that thundered from his vocal cords. It made your knees weak every time you heard it. That's why you always straightened your back, hardened your face around him. You were not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing how hard his harsh words and haunting glares were on you. Simply not happening so I should stop this damn crying now, for heaven's sake I mean absolutely jack shit to him. He never even calls me by my name, I'm just (y/l/n) to him, unlike all other staff members. 
You stomped your way up some stairs as you were heading towards your classroom. Even though there were nearly 40 minutes left before the next class would begin. You wiped your cheeks to get rid of the tears. A student stopped you, a Slytherin girl from your morning class. A very curious girl who always sat at the front and asked question after question after question. "Professor (y/l/n), are you alright?"  "Oh pipe it, Greene!" you snarled and the girl looked frightened as your harsh face twisted towards hers. Despite the tears that flowed down your cheeks you somehow managed to look utterly enraged at the poor student.  "I'm-, I'm sorry professor, I didn't-"  "I said pipe it, go bother your head of house instead!" You walked past the hunching student as guilt filled you. It wasn't her fault Snape was so evil towards you. You stopped and walked back down the three steps you had walked from the girl. 
"Ms Greene, I'm sorry, I'm fine. Just, go eat some lunch," you sighed out as the girl nodded without saying a word. She walked off, seemingly still taken aback by your harsh way with her. You sighed and snivelled ever so slightly.  "(Y/n)." Your head jerked up as Dumbledores voice rang through the air.  "Headmaster? Yes?" you stuttered as you wiped your eyes one more time.  "You are quite harsh with the students," he said as he peered at you from above his spectacles. Your cheeks blushed as you lowered your head.  "It has never happened before, it won't happen again headmaster," you stuttered weakly. Just my luck that you see me the one damn time I lose it for a moment. "See to it that it does not, this is their home and we are family." You clenched your jaw as you did your utmost not to let harsh words about Snape slip past your lips by the mentioning of being family. 
The week passed as you felt more and more alienated by the other staff members. Your explosion in the Great Hall was no secret, and apparently there was a rumour spreading about your interaction with Ms Greene. Only, it wasn't at all true. It was twisted and far from what had truly happened. You were depicted as a monster who shouted at the poor girl for minutes and there were no mentions of your apology. To top it off someone had seen Dumbledore reprimand you and that had at some point, around Wednesday you would say, been added to the rumour and it turned even more twisted. You had been loved by your students for your cheerful and happy ways, your gentle teaching and approach to your subject but now, most of that was ruined. 
Nobody spoke to you as they had done before. Snape seemed to be around you less, he didn't pop up around corners or comment on your slow walking - he didn't even sneer at your lesson plans as you worked on them in the teachers' lounge in the evenings. Not that you had gone to that room in two days now. It was Sunday morning and everything felt like a disaster. How could one day, one moment in time, destroy a person so completely? Had you not done so many good things? Had you not been gentle, kind, happy and supportive from the beginning? Had you not tried to befriend your colleagues and be of assistance to your students at all times? How could all of it be forgotten and replaced by one single moment in time of disaster? 
Another three weeks gave you the answer. No matter how hard you tried, a month after the shouting incident in the Great Hall, people still treated you differently. Treated you harshly and coldly. You had tried to explain, had tried to talk to Minerva and the others but it was no good. You were new and the other professors had been there for a long time including Snape that you went off on - they had known each other for a long time and it was no surprise they stood together. You understood that but it still did not make it acceptable. To shun someone in such a manner, without giving the person even a chance to explain. The students were a bit better but it did nothing to alleviate your pain and sorrow about the whole thing. (Even if some of them actually praised you for going off on the sort of hated professor.)
But what hurt the most, what you had thought you wanted initially, was the fact that Snape seemed to avoid you completely. Not a word, not a glance or glare. Not a scoff or harsh remark. Nothing. Just, nothing. It hurt, damn it hurt and you could not quite accept the feelings that snaked around in your veins and hissed from your heart. It made the pain more intense when your heart roared at you each time you caught a glimpse of his cloak around a corner, heard his distinct long stride from close by or the few times you saw him fully at dinner or bypassing him in the library. But you kept quiet, kept away from him as well and did not let him see the pain in your eyes as you got ever more isolated. 
You sighed as you glared at a truly shitty essay by a fifth-year student.  "What even is this?" you hissed out as you rubbed your temples. Outside soft light shimmered as it was nearing June and the nights were bright. You looked out the window for a moment and for some reason you banged into a wall of harsh void in your mind. The joy you had felt about teaching was gone, the magic of Hogwarts seemed to disappear and you just wanted to leave. Leave it, them, all behind. Him. Leave him behind. Retreat and lick your wounds, find something else to do with your life rather than hide in shame and isolation in a moist castle with infuriating stairs that seemed to move every time you were in a rush.  "That's it, I'm done." You abandoned your desk, left your office and headed towards the Headmasters office to resign. To throw in the towel and surrender, give up, admit defeat. It's what they all want so why not give it to them? 
You rushed down the infernal stairs, took a few turns and then moved up staircases again on your way to see Dumbledore and give him your notice of resignation. Your eyes stung with tears but you kept them at bay. Never had you felt as horrible as you did currently. It hurt, hurt to be forced in such a horrible way to leave. Yes, it was your choice but you were forced by the actions of others. You simply could not stand it any longer. You were a gentle and sensitive person. You were focusing on what you were going to say to Dumbledore as you took a sharp corner, stomping hurriedly in quick short steps only to be fully stopped as your body smacked into something hard yet soft. 
You stumbled backwards and tried to find your balance as a cold hand gripped your wrist and steadied you.  "Careful," Snape growled with that thundering voice as you looked up at him. Your face hardened yet softened. Your lips in a thin line as you clenched your jaw but you could not help the thrill that travelled through you at his touch and the sound of his voice. So, you glared at him as coldly as you could possibly manage with your watering eyes.  "Sure, as if it matters to you if I'm careful or not," you hissed as you wrung your arm free from his cold grip. His eyebrows raised ever so slightly as he looked at you intently. You stepped around him and continued towards the headmaster's office. 
"It matters very much to me," Snape stated with a deep, powerful voice that vibrated through you. You looked over your shoulder. Did your best to quiet your hearts hissing and roaring about love and lust as you looked at him while your face lost its raging edge.  "Oh I'm sure, it matters so much to you. How could I not see that? Silly me, thinking all the glares, remarks and harsh words were not at all related to your care for me. Oh, how stupid," you tutted with a snarl at the end before you rolled your eyes, shook your head and kept walking.  "Well, what else should I do?" His voice was satin soft and so low you barely heard what he said. But you did.  "Don't think about it, just leave me alone Snape." He drew a harsh breath as you said his last name and that was it. You left and he remained, in silence.
You turned a corner and leaned against the closest wall. Your heart raced, your mind was as calm as a raging storm while your hands and knees shook. Tears leaked out of your eyes and dripped from your chin as you sank to the floor. Exhausted and utterly hopelessly sad as the love you held for him raged in your heart without your consent. You knew, all too well, you had tried with him. Tried and tried, but he had never accepted you as anything but professor (y/l/n) who were young and new and obviously had too many faults to be anything but a nuisance to him. You had tried and tried to be gentle, friendly, sweet and helpful towards him as you were met with growls and sneers that cut deeper than you had admitted from the start. And since it hurt, you turned angry, you had started sneering and glaring back at him. Remarked on things he said, commented on his behaviour. He had turned you into something you were not, just by his own darkness and harshness. I need to leave, you thought as you wiped your tears away and took a few steadying breaths before you pushed yourself up from the floor and kept going. 
"Are you sure about this?" Dumbledore asked as he inspected you. You nodded. As you knew he could see you had been crying, knew he could see you were uncomfortable and no longer the person he had hired.  "I take it I can't persuade you to stay?"  "No, headmaster, at the end of this term I will leave. It gives you about three months to find someone new and I find that to be fair for both of us." Dumbledore looked at you intently as he peered over his spectacles. You twisted your hands where they rested in your lap.  "I am grateful for the opportunity but I don't feel I belong here," you said as you did not want to tell him about the treatment you endured from the other staff at Hogwarts. Sure, it may have helped but then the rumours would probably just get worse as they added snitch to it. So you kept quiet about it. Not wanting to step on anyone's toes anymore despite Dumbledores words of family ringing through your head from the day everything went to hell.  
"Well, I will not force you but it's a shame, I really thought you would fit perfectly here, and I thought for sure you and Severus would-" your head snapped up and your eyes burned with hurt at the mentioning of that name.  "I do not want to talk about that man. There is nothing between us, nor do I wish there to be." Dumbledore smiled softly and you did not like the way he looked at you, not one bit.  "That was not my meaning, (y/n). You and Severus, I thought that you two would be great colleagues as you are quite similar in ways one probably doesn't notice straight away. You are very different, but also very alike. He's quite, well, a lonely man but-"  "For good reasons," you interrupted as you stood up, "I am resigning as this term ends, headmaster." You turned around and as he said 'very well' you left his office. 
The next day you arrived for breakfast with bags under your eyes and you felt out of sorts as you had had a restless night. Twisting and turning, wondering where to go, what to do with your life and if you should tell the others about your resignation. You had decided not to do so and hoped Dumbledore didn't either. With a sigh, you sat down and a plate of toast with a cup of pitch-black coffee appeared before you. You grabbed the cup and started sipping. Nobody glanced your way, nor did they speak to you. Doesn't matter any more, a few more weeks and I'll be gone. They can think whatever the hell they want. You smiled to yourself as relief swept in. Soon you would be free of the shunning and alienation - free to do, well, something else and perhaps not be so miserable. 
You placed the cup down and glanced to your right to see who else was there but your eyes got stuck in Snape's. In those deep, dark galaxies of endlessness. He was looking at you. Not glaring, just looking with a weirdly pondering expression. You rolled your eyes a bit, mostly at your ignorant heart who still hissed and roared for him, and stuffed the toast into your mouth before you chugged the coffee down, wiped your mouth and left without a word to anyone. If they knew you were resigning they said nothing, if that was good or bad you didn't even want to think about. So you just headed off to start the first lesson of the day. Another Monday, another week and it all would pass, end. 
But you only got halfway before you heard the distinct sound of long strides from Snape, he was catching up to you.  "Happy today?" he asked hoarsely with that gruff voice of his. You glanced up at him as your back straightened and your chin lifted up ever so slightly. You did your best to not falter in your pace or let him see how he made you weak at the knees just by being near. So, you did what you had done lately. You snarled back at him.  "None of your business." He raised his eyebrows ever so slightly but quickly found himself again.  "Well, I'd say it is my business, seeing as it is my fault you have not been happy lately," he drawled out and you could have sworn there was some sort of regret hidden in that thunderous voice despite the way he spoke to you. 
You glanced at him but he looked straight ahead as he kept up with you. It wasn't really that difficult as you were, by his own words, slow as a snail.  "Pfth," you tutted, "as if you care," you huffed out and kept walking. Soon you'd reach your classroom and he would be forced to leave you alone.  "I-"  "Don't even say anything," you snarled as you stopped dead in your tracks. He faltered and stopped two steps later. As he turned towards you you folded your arms over your chest as to keep the pounding of your heart hidden - it felt as if it was visible through your clothes as hard as it was frantically beating for him.  "You are ridiculous, you know that?" you said with a flat voice.  "Oh, do elaborate. I do not think that is a word I have been described with before," Snape said and you rolled your eyes.  "Just leave me alone Mr Dark and Dangerous." 
He arched a brow at you and you gasped as the words had slipped out before you could register what your brain made your mouth say. Had it been a pure-blood you spoke with they would most likely have been clueless as it was an expression used by muggles. But Snape was a half-blood, just like you were and he understood the reference. All too well it seemed by his expression. Your cheeks blushed ever so slightly as you threw your hands up in the air and barreled your way past him before he had time to utter another word. But as you glanced over your shoulder he still stood in the exact same spot. Idiot... If you were calling him an idiot or yourself, you had no clue about. 
As the days passed Snape seemed to be nicer, more friendly and talkative. He rarely sneered, glared our spoke harshly to you and in all honesty, it felt strange. Weird and uncharacteristic for him. So as two weeks had passed and you nearly walked into him rounding a corner down in the dungeons after having lead a few stray first years down you just had to ask a question you had been pondering for a few days. 
"Do you know? Have Dumbledore told you?" you asked before he had time to ask what you were doing down in the dungeons.  "I'm, sorry, I don't quite follow?" You sighed at his words.  "Has he told you?"  "Told me what, exactly? I speak quite often with the headmaster," he droned on in a gruff drawl. You sighed and rubbed your forehead with the tips of your fingers.  "Forget it." You took a step to the left to pass him but he sidestepped as well.  "No, tell me, please." 
You stiffened as he used that last word. A word that felt so out of place coming from his thin lips. As if some world law were broken as he vocalized that pleading word. It took you a moment to gather yourself. Well, what's the harm, it's only a few days left before I'm gone. Your face softened as he looked at you differently, more gently and not so darkly harsh.  "I'm leaving,"  "Yes, the dungeons are not your place but tell me-"  "No you idiot," you sighed, "I'm leaving Hogwarts, when this term ends." Even though you called him an idiot, it was done with a soft voice of slight annoyance and nothing worse than that. 
He seemed to stiffen, seemed surprised. You sighed with a shrug of your shoulders.  "Hogwarts is not for me, apparently," you said and his face hardened.  "You got fired? For-, because-, because of me? For what happened?" His voice was different, it gently simmered with anger and it was not directed at you. But you shook your head. Not wanting to tell the reason you simply flattened your voice as much as you could as you spoke lightly.  "I resigned, Hogwarts is just not for me, I'll try something other than teaching."  "But you are a brilliant teacher," he said and you felt like a traveller in a different galaxy that was just all wrong. Did he just compliment me? What the-  "I know you are, your students excel and thrive in your classroom."  "Thank you, but it doesn't matter, not anymore." You gave him a tiny smile and then sidestepped again to leave the dungeons. You were simply too damn tired to argue, debate or throw any harsh comments about. enough was enough. And he didn't say anything else, didn't follow. Strangely enough, your heart hurt more now as he was being friendly. Now that he was civil with you it hurt so badly that it felt as if your chest would cave in on itself. 
As the days passed you found yourself bumping into Snape more often, he talked more with you and there was an apparent effort on his side to be civil, even nice to you. But there were two differences that separated you from the other staff members when it came to Snape. One, he only addressed you as (y/l/n) rather than (y/n) as he did with the others. Two, he was more gentle with you then he was with the others. Before, he had been ruthless, harsh, bordering on cruel at times. But now, he was soft in his ways, gentle in his words and even just saying 'good afternoon' or ask 'having a good day' seemed to be food for your starved heart as it grew heavier and heavier with want and love. With a need you could not fill. 
But you found yourself reverting to your old self, your true self as time passed by and strangely enough your joy for teaching returned. But there was nothing to do about that now as you had resigned and that was that. Besides, it would be good for you to escape the dark man who had captivated you since you laid eyes on him. Despite everything and all his efforts to harm you, hurt you, keep you away your heart had only hungered more for him and as the castle was empty and all students had gone home for the summer you felt it was time to do something about it. Perhaps at least get it out of your system before leaving forever. One regrets the things one do not do, not the things one has done as life ends. The words of your grandfather rang through your head and it steadied you. Gave you courage.
You had packed all your things, dressed in your regular clothing that fitted you as perfectly as your own skin did. You felt like you, not the professor or the colleague - just you. Well, in a moment I'll be just me. When I leave I will no longer be a professor or colleague. You took a breath and headed off towards the dungeons to hunt down Snape. You would at least tell him of your feelings, and then quite possibly run away before he damned you to hell for feeling romantic things regarding him. You had no idea how he would react. But it didn't matter, it was for your sake you were going to tell him. Clear the air and perhaps shut your heart up. 
He was not in his office, or in the common room or his classroom where you knew he brewed potions in his spare time - not that the man actually had any. So you headed off towards his private quarters. You had never been there so it took a moment for you to find the door. His name shined on a little golden sign that was nailed to the door, 'Professor Snape, Private Quarters'. You steeled yourself, tried to find your courage again as your shaky fist knocked on the door. It took a mere moment for the door to be hastily pulled open,  "If another stu-" Snape interrupted himself as you stood before him and not whoever he thought you had been. 
He stiffened, his face turned slightly paler as you looked at him. You could see his adam's apple bounce up and then down behind his cravat as he obviously swallowed quite hard.   "(Y/l/n), what gives me the pleasure?"  "May I come in?" you asked and he arched a brow.  "Yes, yes, come in." You nodded at him and stepped in on shaky legs as he moved aside. The door closed behind you and it felt strangely wrong to be in his private space. Perhaps you should have just blurted it out while the door was open and you could escape him instantly afterwards.  "Can I help you with something?" he asked and you turned towards him, followed him as he stepped around you. Good, the door is clear. 
You shook your head at him, "not really, no."  "Well, then do enlighten me about the pleasure of your company?" Your eyes lingered in his for a moment as you for once allowed yourself to truly listen to his deep voice that vibrated through the air and your own body.   "Well," you started as you looked down towards the floor, "I would like to tell you something," you continued as you braced yourself and looked up. Allowed your eyes to be dragged into his as you slowly floated about in the depths of his onyx eyes.  "Go on," he murmured as he clasped his hands behind his back. He seemed to tense ever so slightly and you allowed your heart to drink him up. For just a moment you would be just you in his presence. 
Okay, here goes all or nothing. Most likely nothing, you thought as you sucked in a breath of damp air.  "I love you." The words were uttered clearly, no hesitation or any attempt at softening them. They were spoken with truth and honesty embedded in every syllable. Snape blinked at you as you merely stood there, looked at him with a nearly stoic face.  "I just thought you ought to know." There, you had said it, you had done it. All the roaring, screaming and hissing from your heart died down. It simply pounded quietly in your chest as the truth was out. As if it held its breath for him to tell you he felt the same, but your head knew that was not what was going to happen. So, to spare yourself and him the embarrassment of stuttered words of some sort of apology, you simply turned and walked towards the door. 
The handle felt cold in an unpleasant way against your palm as you twisted the nob, pulled the door towards you and stepped out without a single glance over your shoulder towards the speechless man behind you. If you had taken a second to look at him you would have found a man who was breaking and crumbling at your words. But you did not. And the door closed gently behind you. You sighed as your shoulders rose and sunk in unison with the air that filled and then left your lungs. Well, that was terrible. You shook your head as reality hit you. That you did not matter to him. Every time your heart screamed for him his remained encased by walls of stone. Every time you drowned in his eyes he remained tethered to reality. You had already known it was so, but to have exposed your truth and receive nothing in return was worse than angry words of disdain in all honesty. 
The empty corridor felt deadly quiet as you began to walk away from the man you had fallen through the pits of hellish love for. You would leave, mend your shattering heart and find something to keep your mind occupied with. You already knew the future would be hard to cope with now that there were no doubts about his feelings towards you. At best disgust, at worse indifference. At least you told him and got an answer, even if your howling heart wanted nothing to do with that answer.  "You'll mend," you whispered softly as you placed a hand over your viciously pounding heart. It tugged at you to go back, its claws dug into your soul and tried to wrench it back towards his door, towards him. But your body refused, your mind took control as your heart was obviously out of sorts at that moment. 
You jumped as a loud crashing sound was heard. Shattered glass against stone, a crescendo of clinking noises of damage and destruction. A loud bang was heard afterwards and then the sound of books or the like that fell and landed on stone as well.  "What in the-" but you had no time to say anything else as Snape's door flew open with a loud bang as it hit the inner wall of his private quarters. You ever so slowly turned towards him as he stepped out in a flurry of black fabric that swayed from his rapid movements. 
His head turned and your eyes landed on his face. It was hard, jaw tensed, eyes darkly brimming with fire. You knitted your brow at him as your heart howled desperately in your chest, your mind did its best to hold the reins though. He saw you and his shoulders sank ever so slightly as if he released a breath, but you were not sure as he was a few steps away. A distance he rapidly closed with long rushed strides.  "(Y/n)," he breathed out as he reached you and grabbed your wrists as if to hold you in place. His hand was wet against your skin, out of pure instinct you glanced down and saw blood dripping from it.  "You're hurt," you stated as you seemed to be in some form of inner turmoil that kept your voice flat and your movements limited. Shock I believe? No? Isn't this shock? I mean, he said my name, my actual name. That's, new. 
He glanced down on his hand but ignored the injury and blood as he instantly looked up to you again instead.  "Why did you not tell me sooner?" he asked with a growl as his jaw looked tense.  "I'm sorry?"  "Why did you. Not. Tell me. Sooner?" he repeated with force between his gritted teeth.  "Well, that's obvious. You hate me, I understand that. From how you treated me the moment we met I've understood that." His eyes widened as you looked at him flatly, unable to portray any emotion as you were, probably, in a deep shock at your own truth and his reaction to it. 
"Elaborate," he growled. You sighed.  "Really, do I really need to?" He nodded and you rolled your eyes as you felt your body go more and more numb. Not only had you told him but now you had to explain the whole thing to the man - how selfish could a person be? Could he not just leave you alone to wallow in your pain and sorrow?  "Never saying my name, the glaring, the sneering and the constant remarks and harsh words. You could barely stand to look at me a few weeks ago. The moment we met you huffed at me and turned your back before storming away as if I was not even worth a second of your time." The words left you in a rush as your emotions started to catch up.  "All the anger, the cruel words you've spoken. As if you did your utmost to push me away-"  "I DID!"
You blinked, confused as to why he shouted such words at you.  "Okay, now you elaborate. I don't understand what I did to deserve such treatment," you said and your voice turned lower and lower. Ah, there we go, here come the emotions... You felt tears sting your eyes as his grip around your wrists hardened. But that was not what made you cry, no it was the realisation that there was no going back and that the whole thing had been a horrible idea.  "You exist, that is enough." You knitted your brows at his gritted words.  "Excuse me for having the audacity to be born," you murmured as your throat was clogged by a knot of sadness and crying you tried to keep at bay. 
He chuckled, "you're amazing."  "What?"  "You're amazing," he repeated as your eyes met and he had an actual smile over his lips. You just gaped at him.  "You, (y/n), are utterly amazing and brilliant. All packaged in such a beautiful form. I do not think I have been able to have a single moment without you in my thoughts since I first saw you. And, it's wrong."  "What's wrong?" He smiled at your confusion.  "That I love you, want you. That I am desperate for you," he stated with that thunderous voice of his, "I have been since that moment you were introduced and I ran away the first chance I got." You gawked at him, his hold on your wrists softened as he lowered his eyes.  "I have done, everything, to push you away and keep you away. Everything, yet you, you just rose to the challenge. I think I still have burns from some of your remarks," he chuckled out and you wrung your hands free from him. Anger and rage pulsed through you like stinging wasps.
You shoved your hands against his chest so hard he stumbled backwards as he was unprepared.  "You mean to tell me I have been going through hell, been turned into this awful person, all because you love me?! Are you fucking kidding me, Severus?!" He gawked at you now.  "That's, the first time you've said my name." "Well of course! You never used mine! You seemed to make a damn point of never calling me by my name but you did with everyone else!"  "I never felt I had the right to utter such a beautiful word with this mouth that has said the foulest of things." You shuddered at his words, the deep darkness that thundered from his mouth. Then, you shuddered with anger again. 
"You fucking bastard," you growled, "you damn-" and words failed you as your heart sprung free from your mind and it took the reins. In the next moment, you crashed your lips against his. He stiffened for a mere second before his arms embraced you and his lips met yours eagerly.  "Bastard," you mumbled against his lips in between breaths, "stupid, stupid, stupid, bastard," you breathed out between crashing of lips against lips as he swallowed your words.  "I love you," he whispered against your mouth, "forgive me." You leaned back at that as you felt his tears grace your own skin. It was just tears, no crying or any other tell of the overwhelming emotions he felt for you. You reached up and kissed his lips softly, gently.  "No more running," you said and he nodded.  "No more hiding," you continued and he nodded yet again.  "No more anger, just love." He leaned in and kissed your neck as he hummed his acceptance of your terms.  "And, use my given name, you bastard," you smiled out and he chuckled against the skin of your neck.  "I will, (y/n)." You leaned into his embrace as your idea of him shattered, only to be replaced by a new one - one you loved deeply and was free of the hatred you had thought he had for you. 
"I love you," you whispered with a slightly broken voice.  "And I love you, I am, truly sorry," he said on a sigh.  "What's done is done, all we can do is mend the things that are broken and love each other from here on out."  "Perfectly put," he murmured as he straightened and looked at you. Your heart cheered its victory as your mind sulked over past hurts but you were too elated to take any notice of it. You reached up your hand to stroke his cheek before your hand gently snuggled into his hair and you dragged him towards you. Your lips met and a roaring howl of joy erupted from your heart as he passionately kissed you back. 
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Masterlist page // Masterlist post
So, as I re-read and edited this I noticed I completely miss interpreted the request - but I am hoping this will do anyway :S <3
Tags: @lizlil @snapefiction  @morphineisouthoney​ @setsuna-meiou31​ @snapefiction​ @monstreviolet @bionic-otp​  @meteoritewolf69​ @flowerdementia @elizabeth-baelish
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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thcweasley · 4 years
Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
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inspiration: this song. GIFs NOT MINE
11.00 AM
George rushed to his favourite coffee shop down the Hogsmade.
Every weekend morning, 11.00 AM for the past 3 weeks.
He would wake up around 10.30 jump out of his bed, clean himself and get going.
This raise so many questions from his friends. Especially his twin brother, Fred.
Fred would ask him where he’s going the first couple of week. Its always a different answers, vague answers. At the end Fred just stop asking, he knows his twin would have his own reasons.
He opened the coffee shop door slowly. The scent of coffee attacked his nose. He smiled happily as he sat down on his ‘all time table’ after he ordered his drink, a latte. George hummed lightly glancing over the café. An old looking coffee shop. That’s all George could see from this place. Nothing’s really special. But why he always went here? He’s not addicted to caffeine. Plus he could’ve pick any other place. So why?
There’s one thing this place has.
This girl.
He had been eyeing her for weeks now. She sat across George’s table, always.
He really fancies her despite the fact that they never actually spoke to each other.
He just doesn’t have a word for her. How? A ‘hi?’ ‘what’s your name?’
He’s just too scared how she would react. He doesn’t wanna come cross as a creep.
But the fact he cant even say a word to her annoys the fuck out of him. Hes a Gryffindor for merlins sake!
George could hear the bell rings behind him. It was the girl. She rubs her hands together, keeping herself warm as she walks up to the counter to order her drink. She smiled at the barista and ordered. “flat white with less sugar please” George parroted her order.  She always order that and he knew it.
George immediately turned around after she paid for her drinks, not wanting her to realise he was looking at her the whole time. George drank his coffee as he watched her sitting down on the table across from him. Still looking at her. He  focused his gaze on her lips, opening slightly, sipping her drink. ‘I need to talk to her’ His thought got quickly interrupted by her smiling at him. With cause him to turn his face away immediately. He mentally slapped himself for that.
After a debate with himself about what to say to her, he finally got a courage. A ‘Hello, Hows your day today? Im George and you?’ wouldn’t be too bad right? He took a deep breath before peeling himself off of the chair. Fixing her fiery red hair getting ready to come up to her. He looked back at her direction just to see her getting ready too leave. He should’ve known,  the girl wouldn’t be in the coffee shop for long, she would just chill there, drink her coffee and left, leaving George once again.
The Next Day, it was 11.20 Sunday morning.
“oh shit” George muttered under his breath. Walking faster. He’s late.He sat on his ‘all time table’, once he arrived. Finding that a couple sat across to himIts not the girl his girl.
“where is she?” George muttered her breath. Glancing all over the place. “fuck, I missed her. She’s gone already” George cursing himself.  When suddenly he heard someone clear their throat behind him.
“umm.. can I sit here?” George raised his face to their direction. It was her, standing in front of him.  George almost couldnt believe his own eyes and ears. The girl  stood in front of him, talked to him. She slightly tilt her head, waiting for his answer.
He wanted to answer her. But he couldn’t find his voice. So he just nodded. George felt his pulse quicken dramatically, feeling nervous as The Girl sat down in front of him.
“Sorry” she began to start the conversation “I got my coffee already, but I got no where to sit. I hope you don’t mind” She smiled at him. He just nodded at her, his eyes still focus on her. He never had been this close to her.
As soon as the waitress came over to give them their drinks. They noticed something was wrong with her drink. The waitress gave her a Frappuccino instead of her usual flat white.
“excuce me” she called the waiter. “this is not mine, I ordered…” for some reason she couldn’t remember whats the drink she usually get.
“White coffee with less sugar” George blurted out with out thinking first. ‘fuck’ he cursed himself. ‘now she obviously think I’m a total freak’ he cringed in the inside. Wishing he had an invisibility clock with him so he could just disappear.
To his surprise, a light giggles escape from her lips.“ yes that’s right” He smiled at George. then to the waitress. “white coffee with less sugar".  
“how you could know?” She raised her eyebrow at George once the waitress went away to change her drink. Smirking jokingly at him
“i.. um…” He tried to find his answer.
“oh I know. We always sat across each other. You might hear me. Or just see me drink. Am I right”
“oh, yeah” George breathed. Becoming more relaxed.
“I’m Y/N”  she smiled
“George” George smiled back.
“Speaking of. Thankyou for letting me sit here. As you can see there’s a lovey doovey couple on my all the time table” she said slightly rolling her eyes whilst sipping her coffee.
“Yeah. Its okay” he paused. ‘be more friendly George’ he thought himself. “Anything for you. I’m glad having you here” he quickly added.  ‘fuck George, that’s over friendly’ he cursed himself, ‘again having the invisibility cloak wouldve be handy’ he thought.
She giggled lightly, before she started a conversation. Its very unlike him to be this shy, he just wished he could show more of his Gryffindor side at times like this.
“umm by the way. I have to go. Thanks George” YN smiled at him, getting ready to leave him once again.
‘no she cant go! Say something George! say something!’ he told himself.
He took a deep breath. “um. y/n can we hang out sometimes?” he asked.
She immediately turn around, looking at him confused. “sure we can always meet here”
“n-no. I mean like maybe we can grab some food?” he said. He bit his bottom lip nervously waiting for her answer.
“um.. I don’t know if I want to…” she answered playfully.
“um. Okay” George played with his finger. Trying so hard to hide disappointment in his face.
“uh, I mean why not?” she giggled. George quickly snapped his head up. looking at her. Smiled back. “You know youre shy for a Gryffindor” She wink at him before she left.
my first ff. Send request please!!
if yall want to be friend please let me know ahah XD i dont have anyone im following on this blog and im not sure how to make friends here O.o
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