#and squeeze their hand back
inkyquince · 9 months
Seeing any dragon age content now is like seeing an ex at a mall. And they're literally rotting.
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
I need more famous musician Eddie content where he’s still super fucking lame and freaks out around other musicians
Like, I’m thinking about the video of JQ getting to meet with Metallica and play with them and Hetfield asks if he wants them to sign the guitar and Joseph gets so excited about it.
Eddie at an after party or something and he left Steve (and Robin because she refused to not be invited if Steve was coming (he gave her a “job” just so she could come)) to go get them some drinks and when he comes back Steve is talking to Brian May like he’s just a normal guy. Steve had been talking to Robin about Dustin getting an internship at NASA and Brian May inserted himself so he could ask about Dustin’s job.
Eddie comes over, nearly vibrating, and Steve introduces him to “Brian, he’s an astrophysicist!” and Eddie nearly passes out when he shakes his hand as if this isn’t a member of Queen.
It becomes a theme for them at events where Steve makes conversation with these world famous musicians about real life things all while Eddie is trying to act like a normal person standing in front of James fucking Hetfield.
The eventually develop a way for Eddie to subtly signal to Steve that this is one of his heroes so that Steve can steer the conversation to music and give Eddie an in.
I just need more social butterfly Steve and his music nerd boyfriend Eddie who panics whenever Steve befriends a famous person.
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more of the dapper lad! i Cannot get him out of my brain
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seiwas · 7 months
boyfriend iwaizumi hajime fixing your posture every time he sees you hunched over and slouching—the way he holds your shoulders and straightens it by rolling it back, thumbs pressing into your shoulder blades.
he gently pushes your lower back whenever he notices you curling into yourself, runs his fingers up your spine too.
and he does it all quietly, your only warning the feel of his hands on you.
it’s almost like he has a radar for it, some posture-sense that tingles every time your back is anything but straight.
when you complain about back pain, he snorts, mumbling a ‘wonder why’ before coming over to knead out the knots anyway.
he buys you an ergonomic chair to hopefully help out, even leaves x-rays and scans of bad backs lying around to give some subliminal message of what could happen if you don’t fix it now.
and when he takes you from behind, pushing down on your lower back to give him that arch he likes, he’s teasing, telling you that you only seem to listen when he has you like this.
he’s really starting to think, should he start fucking you with your back straight?
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introspectivememories · 2 months
"evan, i find you adorable". adorable as in able to be adored. as in capable of being adored. as in i find you worthy of adoration. adorable, from the latin adorare (to worship) to adorabilis (in the sense 'worthy of divine worship') to the current day adorable. as in maybe if we had made it to the movies or if eddie didn't show up, i could've showed you just how much i want to worship you. as in i look at you and there is a font of adoration in my heart for you. adorable as in i flew into a hurricane with you and yet this date is a thousand times more thrilling than that. adorable as in there is a person in your building who saw me jump up and down like a little kid in the lobby after i had kissed you for the first time. adorable as in i kissed you and immediately thought fuck i could do this forever if he lets me. adorable as in i want to press kisses to your birthmark. adorable as in i spent the entirety of the days leading up to our date wondering about you, if you liked your coffee with two sugars or one. if you liked storms or if the lightning strike had put you off on them all together. if you liked cats or dogs or if you were the kind of weirdo who liked goats instead. if you thought about the kiss as often as i did. if your stomach tangled into twisted knots as saturday drew closer. if you would be agreeable to sitting in my lap. if you would blush as prettily as you did the day i kissed you. if your world also realigned when our lips met. if our orbits had matched up now that we flew into a hurricane together. if the gravitational pull between us had finally been too strong for either of us to resist that night in your loft. or maybe, more simply, adorable as in, "evan, i find you adorable."
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abrahamvanhelsings · 9 months
the hitch in van helsing's words when he says "i beseech you" im going to cry for real this time. it's not even simply that he knows how important it is that he gets arthur to trust him, that he's conscious of their duty to all living souls and lucy herself to do this to her and how difficult this will be physically and emotionally. it's that arthur now distrusts him, cries at him in anger - arthur, the man who looks like his lost son and whom he loves because of it. the man whose love and respect he may now never get back after suggesting mutilating lucy's corpse. he isn't just desperate for all the men in that room to trust him so they can give lucy peace and keep the living safe. that's the sacrifice of his father's heart splitting in two right there. wtf alan burgon.
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 year
I love both Echo and Crosshair SO MUCH just in different ways. I want to give Echo a hug and a nice warm blanket and a snack. And sometimes I want to put Crosshair in a jar and shake it.
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brushstrokes-art · 2 years
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hollow knight doodles that started as a fashion showcase and very quickly turned into a grown-up ghost showcase
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rokso-o · 9 months
weekly dose of the lcf manhwa serotonin boost ✨
cale just looking good in every possible angle
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my mans is back 🥳🥳🥳
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cale in his actor era (he looks SO MF good in this i swear this man got me running LAPS also pan-nim i will never forget this service as long as i live . I COULD LITERALLY WRITE U. ESSAYS RN ABOUT HHISSSSS LIKE I CAN WAX U POETRY RIGHT NOW IM NOT EVEN CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYY no cos u gotta me completelyy unhinged Nahhhhhhh nahhhhhhh)
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and the TRUE highlights of this chapter
our cute, silly, grumpy little dragon. the shocked kittens. and best girl on. I SAID WHAT I SAID.
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zappedbyzabka · 7 months
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This sparks joy
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 5 months
the thing about the death engine that people don't think about enough was just how uncompromising it was. it was more than a mission. it was more than a life threateningly dangerous mission. it was a fork in the road for both the agency as well as zoraxis.
the death engine remains as, in the agency's own words, one of "the most powerful weapons known to humanity". if it was left to ravage every known agency base on the face of the planet, the results would have been cataclysmic. likewise, the agent destroying it was the first real domino in the toppling of zoraxis' empire. it would go on to cement one solitary operative as zor's personal enemy.
the agency and zoraxis' fates were thoroughly intertwined the day of the death engine mission. but so were the agent and solaris'.
saying that out loud, it may sound horribly obvious. the two of them were in a situation where neither of them expected to survive. of course their fates were intertwined. what else could they have been? but as much as the mission was a crossroads for their respective corporations, it was equally as important for their own futures.
one of them was bound to win, and the other bound to lose. even if both of them died. even if- as we've seen- neither of them died.
"there's only one agent who could have pulled that off, and they died on the death engine". have you ever thought about that? even before phoenix got their name- even before zoraxis knew they were still alive- they were already reveling in the infamy they gained from that moment. even when zoraxis thought they died, the phoenix still won. they destroyed the death engine, and even after their 'death', they continued to haunt everyone who worked there. a cautionary tale. a legend.
do you not think that if solaris succeeded- killed the agent in some way, or let them kill themself with their ineptitude- she wouldn't have been heralded as a hero to zoraxis? not as though she's particularly loyal to the company, but it's clear that even at the position she's in now, she still is at zor's mercy in regards to what she's allowed to design and create.
if the agent died- if the death engine destroyed every known agency base- she would be one of, if not the most lethal operative zor has. that would have come with power, prominence, the freedom to truly do what she wants… and really, that was the only reason she decided to work with zoraxis in the first place.
there was only one way the death engine could have played out. one of them would succeed where the other would fail. one of them was doomed to be a stepping stone for the other's success.
in that regard, from a narrative perspective, the phoenix and solaris are not foils, but mirrors of one another. they have their very stark differences in loyalty and morality, true, but in those ten or so minutes up in the death engine, they may as well have been one and the same. fighting against the same fate, whether they knew it or not.
to this very day, the phoenix's success is propped on top of solaris' bowing spine. it didn't have to be this way.
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notoriousbeb · 2 months
muses and bruises
One will fade. One is less likely to.
In Taylor’s case, after @womanexile’s hilarious and very valid point about Wendy’s lamp for Peter being more like a trick candle that just won’t got out, I started thinking of various times Taylor previously tried (and failed) to board up the Haylor house:
“I Knew You Were Trouble” and the sassy little MTV MV award win speech. Teehee. 
Multiple songs on 1989 (this album going back and forth from “it’s over!” to “we’re so back!” kind of proves my point in and of itself), but we’ll just tie them up in a bow with “Clean.”
In a vague way, the Rep liner notes and poems, the left out vaults, and the clearly tweaked bridges (your reputation is NOT BIG, Mr. Alwyn, all due respect)
“The 1” (“It would’ve been fun”)
“Gold Rush”
Perhaps “Champagne Problems”
“Maroon” (she gave up those rubies, after all)
I’m guessing there may be others surfacing in the rep vault. 
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ivys-valentine · 8 months
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The DISRESPECT to say that when my beloved Astarion is RIGHT THERE
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sciderman · 8 months
i relate to peter parker because i’ve had six crushes this year alone
damn son save some for the rest of us!!
#sci speaks#i think i've only ever had one crush in my life. wilding. i wish i fell in love easier. it feels wonderful.#oh the people with hyperactive hearts...#i wish i had felt this way at some point when i was younger. it kind of felt like my heart wasn't fully developed yet.#holds my heart in my hands. why were you such a late bloomer. why didn't you feel more things earlier on.#i'm kind of sad that i didn't have teenage crushes or anything. i feel like i missed out.#is it because nobody around me was appealing. or is it because i was too busy on my own planet.#i think i wasn't really close with a lot of people when i was younger. i kind of never came out of my shell.#so nobody got close enough to me for me to like them.#not that it's necessarily how it works. but it takes a lot for me to get there with somebody i think.#i think a lot of the relationships i've been in i'm still To This Day not even sure if i actually liked them back in that way.#squeezes my heart in my hand. why are you so fussy.#i wish i had more experiences under my belt. i really do. but also i don't want to be in situations that are uncomfortable either.#and i don't want to just be there for the sake of it.#lies on the floor and stares at the ceiling. i don't know what i want.#is love the answer?#i don't know. sometimes i want it more than anything. but it's such a ball-ache to get. sometimes you think you're better off without it.#i wish i knew what i wanted. i think i just want to be brave enough to find out.#why do i ramble so much in my tags. it's like tumblr is my therapist or something.#i'm feeling weird about myself lately. just kind of a little tired. i don't feel bad. but kind of perpetually low-energy.#like i never have the time to do things that make me happy. and when i do get the time i don't have the energy.#is this what it's like to live in this world. i need like. a year's break from work. i think.#i need like a year-long vacation. i need a gap year. i need a year to live life.#i wonder if it's financially viable. i think i'd eat through everything i have if i did that. but.#you can get money back. you can't get your time back.
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marsneedstherapy · 8 months
New Years Day (Rosalind and Orion's version)
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Gaz is very boyfriend-core
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