#and stumbling upon this quote again made me cry lol so here we are
sapphoslibrary · 2 years
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tried something new today and i love how it came out! never done any sort of designs like this but it was super fun and honestly relaxing.
quote from the illustrious @whump-tr0pes ‘s “honor bound” series! as someone who tends to feel like a totally worthless human if i’m not constantly contributing to something, this quote just feels like a warm hug. felt necessary to bring it to life! <3
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krishundt · 2 years
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I read(listened to the audio version) this book ‘One Italian Summer’ by Rebecca Seale because the narrator was Lauren Graham, yes of Gilmore Girls. She did fine though it was the writing that kept me reading. I believe that books(and many other things) pick people. And this one sure hit it’s mark. My last trip, many years ago, was to Italy and I fell in love. Not with a person, no. With the views, the food, the language, with everything, except the tourist. lol. So this book brought me back to where I fell in love again. To new places in Italy I want to visit. This book also brought me to myself. It’s a relationship about a daughter and her mother. I believe it’s the relationship my mother and I both wanted but couldn’t find. It’s about, life and death and finding yourself. This quote from the book made me laugh, cry and yearn to explore. “There is more to life than just continuing doing what we know. What got you here won’t get you there.” So, step out of your comfort zone, your sweat pants and search for a new adventure. That’s what I’ll be doing. I hope stumble upon each other along the way.
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farty-city · 3 years
inside bo burnham review no one asked for
i enjoy other peoples commentary and i was writing down my first thoughts anyway so here it is
first song/intro song
i like the phone screen on him, very reflective of how we have had phone screens on us
“roberts been a little depressed” osnskjdnfs
they were right “daddys made you some content so open wide” hjbfafn
oh my god he looks awful
but like in a cute way
healing the world with comedy (second song)
the canned and queued laugher no exactly… is it a symbol or is it just funny.. who's to say. 
it think its a good first song, establishing he knows what he is doing is kind of useless 
“the indescribable power of your comedy”
he looks like marc maron rn
i like the synthed voice and synthesizer
the jesus allusion … yeah
“i'm a special kind of white guy”
this feels like he knows how he is perceived by fans.. Make happy was too much
his fucking dancing fksjdnfksj
i think he did a good job looking manic
the lasers lmao
Side 1
Bo made a huge gamble releasing this like,,, what if you just stumbled upon it and this was ur first introduction to him..
I bet its like when i comment dumb things on instagram comments and get that rush of hehehehe
Also this is exactly what he wanted like,, he just wanted to make his things and not deal with the crowds so..
To think i was like finding scraps of him performing at largo and stuff and now,, so much content
life imitates art
the way he's literally what he wrote hgbkdf
there is no authenticity with cameras
suicide ?
 facetime with my mom tonight
the blue light.. Yeah
o hblue like sad
i don't know how i feel about the electric music but i guess its no different than whatever else i listen to
this is sad wow
still catchy etc
side 2
i wonder if here will be any fart jokes
that is how the world works (songs)
the huge mess and then him in a sweater
this is reminiscent of that walmart muppets
he became tim minchin with a sock puppet
the “yes… yes sir” stoppp 
bo making a political statement and a metaphor for activism and then making it weirdly kinky
brand consultant (bit)
man bun
i have to believe he filmed it with the beard because quarantine vibes and also bc he was tired of being seen as a child
white womans instagram (song)
i did not like that intro
the daisies wow just wow
“white womans instagram” or “bo burnham becomes a girlboss”
i like that he didn't lose his cadence like the way the rhymes are you can still tell its him
i don't get the mom part sorry
is it like how people are very superficial but also very personal on their instagrams
this part was legit sad
side 3
i wonder how he felt with cameras constantly on him
Although this is the point hes trying to make
lol seinfeld moment (bit)
unpaid intern (bit and song)
“barely people somehow legal” was so smooth woW
omg he was scatting
he was a man who would scat
oh my god what great news
the react clip omg
i cant believe he did that oh my god
observation/critisism and response to the “can anyone shut the fuck up” 
and as i realized what he was doing he was like “i have this need for everything i make to have a deeper meaning” oh my god
now the question is how long will this go on?
jeffrey bezos (song)
idk its catchy
and then theres him like sleeping and talking which kind of is part of the jeff bezos song
bug eyes salamanders hehe
sexting (song)
i do believe this is just a silly song 
the earrings tho omg
sounds like post malone hbkjdsnfskj
idk its still about like intimacy in quarantine and that stuff..
the knife (bit)
i know hes copying like other youtubers but like,,, what
stuck in a room (song)
the intro is very funny and relatable
classic bo i love it 
i will say this special has been more reflective but i suppose it has to be
“look whos inside again”
i like the end too, this is all a fabrication
this is the clip where hes staring at the projection of himself from his old youtube videos which is sort of more like an ending to the “stuck in my room” song
 sorry (song)
i love the 80’s style music and its like zumba
oh this is like an apology song
“father please forgive me for i did not realise what i did, or that id live to regret it” what a catchy line
i would say this is another more “classic” bo song where its self aware and funny
“my closet it chalk full of stuff that is vaguely shitty” 
camera falling
this deserves its own bullet because its silly
i'm turning 30 (bit and song)
i remember him talking about this on a podcast and like,, damn i didn't know this also happened LOL
i really like how he did the lighting 
“stupid fucking ugly boring children”
suicide talk (1)
this is interesting i like the use of the projection
this is something that could never have happened onstage
just like with the it being projected on him
i guess it could but it would have to be done differently and probably hed have to make it funnier to make it more engaging
i just checked this is about the halfway point.. Mh
i don't wanna know (song)
“i thought it’d be over by now”
i wish this was longer but i kind of like how its just a little snippet and then the cut
video game (bit)
“i guess i’ll cry again”
“is the dude big or is the room small” lol
hm depression
 feelin like shit (song)
ohh the lighting is fun again
this is the tone shift i suppose
the feels like supalonely and the new kind of music
panic attack 
everything all of the time (song)
feels like brandon rogers 
i enjoy this
this feels like “welcome to youtube” grew up
“a little bit of everything all of the time”
“apathys a tragedy and boredoms a crime”
ok olivia rodrigo
finishing the special (bit)
these feel like diary entries but as standup
interesting choice
jeffery bezos (2)
Why the seaweed suit
Where did he get that
the digital space (bit)
suit up, gather what is needed, and return to the surface
pirate map anfdkjfnskjd
this was so stupid (affectonate)
that funny feeling (song)
the campfire vibes 
kenny loggins
i don't get it..
is it about childhood, is it about the present?
i think its talking about the end of content? 
“the end of culture”, to quote make happy
change and not liking it 
“we were overdue, but it will be over soon”
if the second half of the special is like a panic attack this song is like a momentary pause before it gets worse
“so ive been working on this special”/breakdown 
this was .. uncomfortable and genuine which i'm sure is why he kept it
all eyes on me (song/rant)
another sad thing to watch.. damn
me trying to tell if the audio was from make happy
i think he was trying to make it as if the audio was from make happy 
this feels.. familiar
and obviously that is the point
“come on in the waters fine”
the use of autotune during the talking part... yeah
sad that he was gonna make another special… and it would have been totally different than this
i’ve decided i like the homage to make happy
It feels like hes made peace with it
the montage of him waking up and the “i think i'm done”
and then of course the ending where he's watching it over to remind us that its all fabricated
possible ending song/ “i promise to never go outside again”
ngl he looks good in the shirt with the haircut hehe
which i feel like is what he wants up to notice
and then like not think after we saw all his breakdowns
“i want to hear you tell a joke when no ones laughing in the background”
i really like the medley
Final thoughts
I want a blooper reel, but this doesn't seem like the kind of special
I also wonder if the songs will be on like apple music, but again, doesn't seem like the kind of special
I'm happy for him, he got to be honest and open and show us the sort of panicky stuff
this self aware comedy is exactly the stuff that i think will be making a comeback in the next decade.  John better be pulling up with more deconstructed comedy. 
I hope this has given him peace
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Pick your favorite 5 questions on the 4:02 am ask list to answer! 💜
Ahhh thanks for the ask!!
20. Do you want a grand adventure?
Of course I want a grand adventure. I read all these fantasy novels that whisk me away to another world. I want to be those characters, not just live vicariously through them. Plus, my life here is pretty mundane. I know I have a lot of opportunities where I am that others do not, but I do the same thing with the same schedule every week. It would be nice to enter a real life fairy tale, without the pressures of my family or what the people around me think I can or cannot do. I want to breathe magic and freedom, and learn a lesson of wisdom while I’m at it. However, I know that I will be killed if I really entered such a scenario due to me being frankly, quite dumb in real life. I would also miss my family and friends (if they can’t come with me) wayyyyyy too much.
38. Is your life what you expected it would be 5 years ago?
ha. Let’s make this six years instead (I’m a high school senior now, so five years ago was grade eight for me (which is the first year of high school where I'm from). If we make it six years I would be in my last year of elementary school. I was kind of popular back then. My class (and grade) only had 21 kids in it, and seventeen of those kids were the same from kindergarten. I wasn’t the prettiest child, but I was smart and quiet and not as mean as the other girls. There were only six other girls so it was a big fish small pond type situation. I thought that I would still be friends with all of them in high school and make even more friends. However I’m rather shy so freshman year was a big shock for me. I remember crying a month into high school because I had so much trouble making friends. I slowly made a few, and I thought that they would stick with me through all of high school but I was wrong then too. I’m not some loner loser now; believe me - I really do have friends. It’s just not the big friend group that I imagined. I know that the friends I do have now will stick with me until the end.
Other than friends... let’s just say I fall under the "formerly gifted kid trying to keep up” category. Not that I was “gifted” as a kid per se.I was just smarter than most. But now I barely know how to study and maintain a healthy sleep schedule. 
40. What makes a person ‘good’? Are you a ‘good person’?
A month or so ago I stumbled upon this quote from Roger Ebert’s essay “Go Gentle Into that Good Night”:
"Kindness" covers all of my political beliefs. No need to spell them out. I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try.
Regardless of religion, kindness applies to everyone. So that’s how I think makes a good person - how they treat others.
By no means am I a good person. I’m not going to sell myself as a saint to you guys. I’m not a murderer, but I’ve done things that have hurt other people. I’m still not as bad as others though. I’ll try to give the homeless any money/food that I have on me when I pass them by, or at least give them a smile if I have nothing. Who am I to compare though?
42. Is freewill an illusion?
This is a big question. As a Catholic attending a Catholic high school, we have to learn about this stuff, so I’m used to talking about it. My Religion & Philosophy teacher this year is really great. He doesn’t shove the faith down our throats like some others did. Instead, when talking about things as big as this, he’ll give us resources and videos of people debating both sides, and then have a seminar or debate about it with the class. It’s a very chill environment that he has created - we even do yoga every friday!
Personally, I think freewill exists and that it’s not an illusion. If you believe in an omnipotent and omniscient God that knows your path and every choice you make in life, you can argue that because they know, your path is already determined. However, even though that being may know what choices you are to make, you don’t know them until you have to make them yourself.
As well, there are people who believe in freewill. That’s their choice to. Yet for the people who do not believe in freewill, they had to make the choice to not believe in it (and perhaps make another choice to find proof as to why it doesn’t exist). Either way, you make a choice whether or not to believe in freewill, and that is a choice you had to make for yourself.
My last point is from Jordan Peterson’s in this video. We’ve all been in those positions where it seems like there are choices already made for us. Or where it seems like we have no choice. Like when a pianist messes up, they didn’t chose to do that. Or when you’re driving and there’s a car coming towards you, you may swerve out of the way without thinking about it.
You cannot change the past, and you cannot change the present. However, you can change the future. Peterson argues that the further you look into the future, the more you can change about it. The options you have are almost limitless. The closer you look to the present, the more strained your choices are.
For example, when a pianist is reading music and playing a long, they look ahead a few bars so that they’re ready for it when they come, but they may still mess up right at the very moment they are playing at. As well, when you are driving, you do not look right at the ground where your car is. You look ahead on the road to make decisions for when you get there. So your choices are more constrained the closer your are. Like if a light turned yellow before you were to cross an intersection, it is harder to slow down and you must press on the brakes harder. But if you were a block away and saw the light turn yellow, you have time to stop.
So yes, I believe that freewill does exist; it’s just that your choices become more constrained the closer into the present that you are looking at them.
I hope this rambling made sense lol.
 93. Do you draw anything from your dreams, or do you disregard them?
I have a pretty active imagination, so I dream almost every time I sleep. Usually I do not think anything of them, other than adventures I get to go on while I sleep. There are a handful of recurring dreams that I get, but I think that those are just some part of my childhood showing up again, as all the themes they have together can be traced back to something I did or saw as a kid. Other times though, I get prophetic dreams. Not the “the second coming” is here kind, but the type where a few months after I had the dream I’ll find myself in the exact same location/scenario, with the same people I had in that dream. My friends know me to shout “I had a dream about this!” randomly every few months. I don’t know if anyone else experiences, but if you do, please tell me about it, I’d love to hear any sort of wacky dream experiences you have!
Thanks so much @queen-of-ink-and-paper for this ask! I had so much fun doing it 💕
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honnus · 5 years
Uncharted: A Personal Story
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I’ve been debating typing this all out for some time but never found the right medium, figured Tumblr would be the best shout since y’know, my Fakebook is mostly full of sarcastic, narcissistic asswipes haha so here goes...
(Oh no...not another Uncharted post I hear you say, but bear with me)
I freakin’ love the Uncharted game series (If you haven’t guessed!) the locales, the stories, the life or death run-for-your-damn-life set pieces, the gunfights, but mostly the characters. I think what mostly drew me to the character of Nate Drake was exactly what a friend of mine said when trying to debate that Tomb Raider is better; that Drake is just a guy. That’s the allure of his character. He has the one liners, the attitude, but really he’s just a guy. A guy who is constantly in way over his head, out for whatever he can get. We’ll not go into the whole climbing aspect of the games as even a diehard fan like myself knows that those sections are super far fetched haha.
The games all have a kind of historical and mythological element to them, with the exception of the final entry. The first game had us following in the footsteps of Sir Francis Drake while chasing the treasure of El Dorado, Among Thieves had Drake following clues from Marco Polo while searching for Shambhala in Nepal, While Uncharted 3 drew from the archaeology days of T.E. Lawrence and had players in search of Iram of the Pillars deep in the Rub’ al Khali desert. The Final game had Drake globe trotting to find Libertalia; the pirate sanctuary founded by Legendary pirates Henry Avery and Thomas Tew. So in a way, I guess you could say that the Uncharted games are educational too!
It’s not just Drake that’s the main draw to the games though. His mentor; Victor “Sully” Sullivan (voiced to perfection by Richard McGonagle btw!) is your classic grumpy, sleazy, cantankerous old geezer with a heart of platinum! While Elena Fisher - the love interest - is just too perfect. She’s the ying to Drake’s yang and despite playing second fiddle to Drake for the first three games, you always cared about her and more precisely; about her and Drake in a will they? won’t they? that spanned 3 games before they walked off into the sunset together at the end of ‘Drake’s Deception’ (or so we thought...) cue 2016 and along comes ‘A Thief’s End’, *quote* Nathan Drake’s Last Uncharted *unquote* and before the game has even come out there’s rumours flying left, right and centre - 
Drake dies...Elena dies...Sully dies! 
It was too much to take! Since 2007 we had gotten to know these characters so well, as fans it made us happy to think of them together and now they were making another game (which we definitely wanted!) but Drake’s final adventure just sounded so ominous! (Hell, even the title was ominous)
I'm going to go ahead right about now and say **SPOILERS** even though the game has been out for 3 years but y’know, some people might want to find out shit for themselves...
Thankfully, despite scenes of heartbreak that were beautifully acted with green room, motion capture and special effects, etc. (so lifelike!) the pair survived a pirate island and Nate’s white lies and truly got the happy ending they deserved. The final entry to the Uncharted series even got a little epilogue where you play as their 12 year old daughter (most sites say 11-13 year old, so hey) Cassie, at their perfect, dream beach house and she stumbles upon the keys to her dad’s (usually always) locked wardrobe which contains little treasures he picked up throughout his earlier adventures. The game ends with Nate and Elena heading off on a sailboat full of cold drinks and snacks, with Nathan starting to tell Cassie the story of the first Uncharted game (would bring a tear to a glass eye)
It was really - the perfect ending - these characters that you’d almost grown up with, saying their final goodbye to you. The softie in me pictures Cassie being blown away by all the crazy stories the pair would tell their daughter. Video games nowadays have just as much pull as that Netflix or Amazon show, it’s so easy to get attached to characters that you almost don’t want to let go, yet at the same time you don’t want them to be bled dry until all believability and all the ways you feel that you relate to them have faded and they’re reduced to a few key phrases...
So...what was the point in this post and what was to debate i hear you ask?
back in 2007 when the very first Uncharted was released, I was in a very dark place. I don’t really like talking about my depression and anxiety, not so much for the whole stigma around it but I usually find that once you open that door everybody starts walking on eggshells around you and treating you different. Maybe that’s just the anxiety playing up but I feel like things are different once you’ve told someone. Can’t really explain it well, even as I try to type it...
I didn’t leave the house except to go and come home from work, I found myself alienated from friends, even when they tried to get me to join their uni societies and such I just didn’t want to socialise with anyone at all really. I never told anybody at home how I was feeling as the whole I’ve had a good childhood train of thinking began. That and It’d be insulting to them. I kept to myself with many dark thoughts and didn’t do much at all. Then Uncharted came along. An exciting game with a great story and a confident main character. More and more I found myself coming out my shell the more I played. I guess you could say that I started channelling my inner Nathan Drake and before long my confidence returned and the D&A subsided...for a time...
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   fast forward 2 years to 2009 and MUCH had changed! I got back in touch with an old school friend from primary that I had lost touch with, had my good friends Stuart and Alan round a lot for dvd/game nights and also a girl had joined our friend group, Jenny. I was confident, outgoing and full of cheer. Not even work bothered me! It was safe to say that Jenny was flavour of the month after we’d gotten a bit closer (nothing ended up coming of it other than friendship. We still talk nowadays but she lives in Australia, married with a son and I'm very happy for her) Was out every week at Karaoke after work and Uncharted 2 rolled around giving us more Drake, Sully and Elena but also introducing the sexy character of Chloe Frazer among other memorable baddies. With this game I was really in a good place and all it did was further my confidence. The more I played these games, the more healthy I was it seemed. Probably sounds a strange thing to say but I guess it’s like art - everybody interprets things different. 
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Jump forward to November 2011 and Uncharted 3 comes out. Now I'm in a very different place altogether. Positively beaming with confidence (some might say overconfidence...I say to them, shaddap lol) and I have a girlfriend. My first girlfriend in 2 years (who would later become my now fiancée, Hannah) I still make time for my favourite game franchise because I'm in a distance relationship and every week my heart breaks and I cry floods of tears at having to leave my sweet girl to come home for work the next morning. Uncharted’s 3rd outing keeps me grounded, keeps me confident. I swear; Nathan Drake was my role model in young adulthood! Despite the feelings of loneliness I work, I play, I see Hannah, I play, I work, and so on. It doesn't seem as bad when I have something to distract me and that something was Uncharted. The fear that Sully was going to die in this game was very real and in points I was almost in tears. That “more or less” trustworthy old git we’d all come to love, he just couldn't die!
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Jump on to 2016 and again different time, different place. Still with Hannah and now engaged, we’re saving up to buy a house. The friend’s dynamic has changed massively. I still see Stuart and Alan but now a blast from the past, Laura, came back into my life. We used to tear into each other in high school (mostly jokingly of course haha) but I always cared about her and when we reconnected we hit it off straight away like no time had passed! now she was getting married (still the best wedding I've been to!) me too - eventually - and we were and still are the best of confidantes to this day. I consider her one of my best friends in the whole world. Unfortunately in 2015 the darkness inside returned with the death of that friend i had gotten back in touch with back in 2009, Steven Borman. The thing is - we had chatted online a lot but in the 6 years we’d been back in touch we never got around to meeting up! Not once. In six years. Either he was working or I was, or I was at Hannah’s or he was at his girl’s...there was always something preventing us from meeting in person and then he died. I didn’t take it well...I have no shame in admitting that I went to a dark place; the darkest place if you catch my drift. It was so hard to process and deal with that there were a few days I didn’t go to work for fear of just exploding and taking my grief out on a member of the public. One of those days I wandered a graveyard and cried (how emo of me, right? haha)
I wouldn't say it passed. It still hurts to think about his loss and all the things that he won’t get to do but it dulled slightly over time. Thankfully a year later and Uncharted 4 was with us. It carried this theme of being bitter-sweet the whole way through (kind of like the end of Toy Story 3 if you know what I mean) and playing out that last, and somewhat more mature, outing though with its themes of love, loss, family and sacrifice, it really helped me find some perspective. I think it’s rare for a video game to do that, even in this day and age with such stories as Last of Us and Red Dead Redemption 2...
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  Had to throw in a GiF of Cassie (How adorbs is she) but I digress.
Sounds kind of weird to say that Uncharted, what some people see as just another duck and cover, 3rd person shooter, action/adventure game series, I see as my rock and something that has got me through many, many hard times! I can honestly say I think it will stay with me forever. It’s already encouraged and brought out in me the love of world travel and boosted my confidence in so many ways, I don’t even know what else to say other than this - as my sort of closing statement - 
if you get pleasure from something, no matter the source, never be ashamed of it, never feel like you have to hide it. If something helps you then keep it close to your heart. For me, that is Uncharted. It has helped me through feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression and anxiety, through personal loss and the darkest of feelings, and though everything else in between.
Nathan Drake and his one liners, Sully’s sombre tones, Elena’s adorableness, Chloe’s...derrière (not even sorry...lol) and even Sam’s cynicism (Nate’s older brother, introduced in the last game) it’s kind of like having/being in a circle of friends that you always knew you could count on if that makes sense
Uncharted was always there for me and I hope someday, when I have kids, I can introduce them to the adventures of Drake and co. too.
Sic Parvis Magna, everybody! Sic Parvis Magna
(Greatness from small beginnings)
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terri9274 · 6 years
Taylor’s Unreleased Songs
This is me trying to coalesce some of her unreleased songs and how I interpret a pretty clear queer reading. I might do more than one of these, not sure. I’m definitely not a lyric analysis person but I’ll highlight the songs and some choice lyrics I think are very gay-coded and about her experience as a young gay teenager. Now, who could these songs be about you may ask? For most I don’t know. I don’t really know when most of these were written but most of her unreleased songs were written Pre-2006, prior to the release of her first album. So in that vein, some of them could be about her high school girlfriends, Lacey and Kelsey. Or an unknown crush or hook up. Okay, let’s get into this. Most of the credit for lyrics goes to AZlyrics.com. Most of the songs I’m gonna talk about are here. 
There’s some posts about this already around here and an amazing analysis by @that-curly-haired-lesbian here EDIT: This was written much younger than I thought. She wrote it in middle school in 2002(x)
                              “Being with my baby”
All is quiet in the world tonight Catching stars and fireflies The summer sings a lullaby With just me and my baby On the hood of his daddy's car Pass around his old guitar Bet mama's wondering where we are It's just me and my baby The world is spinning round Cause look just what I've found
Ooh, life's so sweet right here Ooh, keeping it young and crazy Ooh, just wanna stay right here Cause nothing's quite like being with my baby Driving home by the river side Wishing I could slow down time Taking pictures in my mind Both me and my baby The car pulls up and I'm home too late We didn't take that interstate Back roads was a better way For me and my baby The closer that we get Oh, I can't leave yet
Look at what we've found So turn that car around
This reminds me of “Our song” with the subtle-ish sneaking around and the mama lyric. Otherwise cute af song. What if this is about the same person “Tim Mcgraw” is about. She mentions summer in both songs. It seems like she wants time to slow like they only have the summer left like “Tim Mcgraw”. The whole car date under the stars seems familiar(and gay). What if “Tim Mcgraw” is about Lacey, her first girlfriend. The timeline of what we know about Lacey and her fit. Written in 2004(x)
                          “Better off & “Fall back on you”
Talked about these songs here (x) EDIT: “Better off” written in 2004. “Fall back on you” written in 2005.(x)
                                    “Closest to a cowboy”
Snap buttons on a denim shirt Blue jeans and a little dirt That’s the closest you’ll see me Feet hanging out a pickup truck Crazy and a little rough Running free That’s the closest to a cowboy You’ll see me Before I met him I was so sane and grounded Before he taught me how to lie And crawl out the window I learned the dirt roads And I got my heart broken Cause that cowboy taught me how to cry And how to let go I thought there for a little while Every sunset I’d be a riding off with him 
 It was all a little Wonderful and strange But I’ll never look At a sunset the same light 
There’s sneaking around again that is similar to “Our song”, which is important to note she wrote around the same time, like 2005, like most likely most of these songs. What is this is again about the same person “Tim Mcgraw” and “Our song” are about(x) Boyfriend Taylor for the win!
                              “I know what I want”
Don’t try me Don’t fight me You be you and I’ll be me They say I’ve always known What I wanted My friends and enemies Will tell you it’s true You will find out I always get it I know what I want And it ain’t you Your mum and daddy’s walls Are covered up in pictures of you You never met a mirror That you didn't look again into So sorry, don’t worry I’m sure there are so many girls Who love you like you do
Oh baby, don’t persuade me I know that you ain’t used to no So let me say it real slow 
This song is badass and GAY. I love a Taylor song that’s feisty and self-assured and confident. It could be about a guy bothering her even though she has been so clear she knows what she wants and it will never be him(or any guy), especially not some conceited asshole who won’t leave her alone. I love this cuz listening I’m like “You go, Taylor tell him off that you’re fucking gay!” Lol. There are some myspace comments of Taylor’s that are similar the theme of this song a little that I was fascinated by so here they are.
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Dec 29, 2005 2:44
Lil’ Kels.
I looove love love your new pictures. You are pretty,
You’re right.. you better watch out.
Because I do what I want.
What if this song is at least indirectly about Kelsey? Am I losing my mind? Possibly, possibly. The poem really just reminds me of this song, but like a sadder side of the coin. Either way, this is MAN-HATING LESBIAN WITCHERY. I’m gonna leave you with some wise words from Ms. Leslie Jones that I think is appropriate.
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                                    “I used to fly”
I’m hopelessly lost with this song. Maybe a metaphor for hiding a relationship with someone, and they broke up? Its just so vague I really don’t know.
                                    “I’m every woman”
This is a cover and its sexy and cute. Go, Taylor!
                              “Just south of knowing why”
She didn't have a reason to go, oh no She didn't have a reason to stay Either way she didn't tell anyone about her first ray of sun She looked at her keys and found a reason to run And time stands still when you're nowhere bound But I understand it somehow If I could drive all night would I find my peace of mind? Would it be a million miles of cold white lies And unfamiliar exit signs? I just drive on by, just south of knowing why I didn't really know her that well But I could tell that her smile was only something to hide behind She felt so out of touch, cuz she just felt too much If you don't know what you want nothing's ever enough
I don't have a plan, I don't have a map I don't even know if I'm ever going back I don't have a when and I don't have a where I don't even know if I'll know when I'm there
Female pronouns!!! Don’t really get what the songs about exactly except obviously she’s very upset(maybe because of the girl). Maybe she was with a girl for a short time and the girl broke up with her because she didn’t know what she wanted, leaving poor Tay heartbroken and alone in her feelings.
                               “Live for the little things”
One daybreak, one heartache Every once-upon-a-time That black dress, happiness Bubble baths and quarter lines
This is interesting. That verse remind you of anything? “ When you think happiness I hope you think that little black dress”. “Tim McGraw” anyone? Possibly this song is also about Lacey?
                                   “Long time coming”
I got a lying smile I never put out for you Cause I guess I never felt like I really needed to And they say little girls have big dreams And nothing in the world was gonna come between me and you And it was a long time coming I waited half my life just to find someone like you I spent a long time finding out love hangs around after you walk out Not knowing it'd be a long time going They say it's better to have lost than never to have loved at all And I say, whoever said that didn't have too far to fall And they say little girls are so naive That wasn't how it was supposed to be with me and you
I've burned my bridges, had sleepless nights Washed my sins on the neon lights And I'm still not over you
What that? Oh, just the sound of my heart breaking.  “ Washed my sins on the neon lights”. *coughs*gay. Reminds me of the Red album prologue actually. The Neruda quote she quote, “Love is so short, forgetting is so long”. Right, @theredalbumprologue? Sorry, absolutely could not resist. Gender neutral.
People there can't help but care About the friendly music of a guy Who's getting by from their applause He's got a song that moves along He's got his local crowd tonight At Angelina's family bar and grill He's got his heart on his sleeve The songs he plays just living free But who knows what goes through his mind When he plays a song it brings along Everybody saying Who's that guy who plays the mandolin... mandolin Oh yeah, mandolin
Oh he's the kind of guy Who never really wanted fame His feet are planted firmly on the ground He never wanted people to remember his name He never wanted word to get around That he found heaven on earth He's got his heart on his sleeve The songs he plays just living free But who knows what goes through his mind When he plays a song it brings along Everybody saying Who's that guy who plays the mandolin Oh, I'm the guy who plays the mandolin Mandolin Oh, mandolin
This song is a mindfuck! I was just minding my business walking my dog and then the last verse plays and ????. What kind of gay shit have I stumbled upon. I don’t even think Taylor plays the mandolin, but not sure. The whole, what goes through his mind when he plays a song is very interesting, maybe she’s saying “hey, I got closeted by my team so I can be successful in country music and maybe everyone doesn’t know who I’m really singing about and how I feel, cuz the whole my songs are my diary isn’t exactly me, its a persona.”  At Angelina's family bar and grill, what the fuck, right @that-curly-haired-lesbian? I am confusion though, I don’t get how most of this remotely fits Taylor. BUT VERY GAY.
                          “The diary of me”
I’m a laid back T-shirt, blue jean, mood ring Kinda girl Hey yeah what’s the word on you Lay low I’m a mission rebel Angel devil Little left of the middle Sometimes I get temperamental But here I am an open book Turn the page it’s all the rage Get a look on the inside Oh what you get is what you see Baby you hold the key To the diary of me 
This is like the song form of her public persona during the start of her career. Total boyfriend Taylor in full view. She clearly used to write before she really made it more openly about certain things that later she couldn’t really talk about, like it seems she rather not wear traditionally feminine clothes in favor of nice t-shirt. Yet what does she wear in public and for performances? Just something to think about. She writes lyrics like this in many earlier songs, “A place in this world”, “Tim Mcgraw”, “Diary of me”, “Closest to a cowboy”, “A Place in this world”, “What to wear”,”You belong with me”. Forced femininity AND being closeted and having to act “straight” is a nasty combination. The whole my songs are my diary was the inception of her authenticity problem because Swifties STILL think that they know everything about her and that she wouldn’t “lie” to them. Closeting is not a lie. This era she’s really trying to get the farthest away from that than ever. See the Rep prologue. She has been inviting speculation into the simple clear fact that people just see what she shows them and that things aren’t always as they seem.(x) But it’s more explicit than ever now. 
                                    “My turn to be me”
Something about me didn't fit into your perfect world I bet the bluegrass stained your smile You should use a darker color when you write on the wall I haven't read it a thousand times Maybe if you saw me for a second you would realize Honey I was trying so hard To talk, walk, think, stop Anytime you want me to Bend all my rules I used to let you choose Who you wanted me to be This time I'm flying free It's my turn to be me
Looks like she’s trying to fit into the mold of heteronormative standards, she wanted to be accepted. The straights think this song is about a guy she was dating that was very controlling, but through a queer perspective it seems obviously much deeper than that. Although, possibly she dated a guy for a little bit as part of her trying to fit in and she felt trapped and with all these expectations that were not her. Just an idea. Either way, this song is about breaking free from that toxic thinking and realizing the most important thing is making yourself happy. In other words, the rise a gayby boyfriend Taylor?! GAY. 
                                       “My cure”
I know we've got a lot to say Between now and forever But I'd be a game if you would play And not dare this to get better So all throughout the day You smile and walk away All I can think to do Is follow you If you ever leave I'll be crawling back for more If you ever need love I'm standing at your door I'll be sick inside if baby you would be my cure Wherever you think I am tonight Just know we're miles from a heartbreak Because in the blink of one pretty brown eye I'll be right where you are baby
Sometime along the way You took my breath away Distracted by the view I fall right into you
They say I need to see all the people out there waiting But you take one look at me And I know the mistake I'd be making
I know we've got a lot to say between now and forever
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. One of my favorites that I listened to. It is such a soft gay anthem! Although, yes very adorable, seems she could also be referencing that a lot of people did and still do say that being gay is a sickness and unnatural(x). So it seems in this she is saying that she doesn’t care if people know or find out and call her things because “This love”(her queerness) is good no matter what they say. Gender neutral. She says pretty brown eye, so if that is accurate it can’t be about Kelsey(she has green eyes). Maybe Lacey or an unknown girl.
                                    “Never mind”
Look at you Look at me Look at who we could be I wanna know who you are What you want from the stars And every time I look at you I can hardly say a thing My head starts to spin and it hits me then I love you And every time you look at me I could go crazy but I don't Say it but I won't 'Cause I'd rather be alone than lose you And all I really wanna do is be next to you But I'm too tired to fight And I could tell you now But baby, never mind All the time Everyday There's nothing I can do, baby, to make it go away So look at you And look at me And think of who we could be But every time I look at you I can hardly say a thing My head starts to spin and it hits me then I love you And every time you look at me I could go crazy but I don't Say it but I won't 'Cause I'd rather be alone than lose you
All I really wanna say is I need you, babe But how could you understand? What happens if you turn away and everything turns blue and grey? And I just wish I told you never mind And I could tell you now, but baby, never mind Yeah, oh yeah I could tell you now but never mind Yeah, oh yeah yeah And I could tell you now but never mind
This screams straight girl crush who she was friends with. 
                               “Don’t hate me for loving you”
He walked around my life And made me blind With every single move He caught me staring at him Mad about him Little that I knew Love is different When you play the fool And all I wanna do is say Don't walk away now And don't rip my heart out Don't you make cry tonight Like you always do And don't hate me for loving you
Unrequited straight girl crush. She’s written many songs like this but this is this is very stark and explicit and just very gay-coded more than others like this, i think. Some examples, “Teardrops on my guitar”, “Invisible”, “Stay beautiful”, “Hey stephen”, “You belong with me”, “Don’t hate me for loving you”, “Never mind”. What straight girl would worry that a boy would HATE her for liking him? Thinking the girl you have a crush on would be disgusted by you and your feelings and totally reject you is terrifying and heartbreaking and something basically all lesbians can relate to especially when they were young. SAD.
                                    “One thing”
It wasn't just like a movie The rain didn't soak through my clothes, down to my skin I'm driving away and I, I guess you could say This is the last time I'll drive this way again When there's nothing to say and I try to grab at the fray Cause I, I still love you but I can't Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side Bye, bye, baby I want you back but it's coming down to nothing And all you have is to walk away From the one thing I thought would never leave me, yeah The picture frame is empty It's black and white, you're smiling down at me I take your photo off the dash And back to the conversation I was so sure of everything we thought we'd always have I'm lost in the sound of it But here in the now comes in Seems like I'm becoming part of your past
And there's so much that I can't touch You're all I want but it's not enough this time And I can feel you like your slipping through my hands And I'm so scared of how this ends
Gender neutral. Has echoes of “If this was a movie”. SAD and gay. Break up:( 
                                  “Spinning around”
Not sure what its about but it seems metaphorical. Maybe her feelings for girls in a way make her feel cornered and caged, if I may. Hard to say.
                                    “Stupid boy”
Let me know, how's it feel To be under my skin, wrapped around my heart Is it like anywhere you've been? And everything I do, I do it just for you So why the hell don't you love me? Why the hell don't you need me like I need you? Are you so far above me? Don't you know that there's nothing I wouldn't do? But I was just a toy, which you destroyed Stupid boy I have been looking in, trying to read your mind Give you the benefit of the doubt, every single time And then you walk right by, I'm screaming out inside Why the hell don't you love me? Why the hell don't you need me like I need you? Are you so far above me? Don't you know that there's nothing I wouldn't do? But I was just a toy, which you destroyed Stupid boy What happens when you wake up, to see that you've lost? You take one look at me, 'cause that's what it cost. I was gonna be everything you need 'Cause you're everything to me 
No-homo and of course still so gay. Maybe about a girl who was just using her and didn’t have feelings for her or a girl scared of her feelings for Taylor? Very emo gay. Poor Tay.
                                   “Perfect have I loved”
If you love me, then I love you Swear by the freckles on the moon And maybe this will be enough I'd like to keep you till I'm old But if I can't, at least I'll know That, baby, perfect have I loved Do you remember the stupid things we used to do Before September stole me away from you? The time we got your truck stuck in the creek 'Cause, baby, roads weren't wild enough for you and me Saying...
I used to see you by the bridge we used to cross I found the feeling of trying to get lost You would smile that smile that I tried so hard to forget It's hard to light a fire that I still haven't put out yet
Love was all we knew And faith was growing on the vines Words were all we had And for one summer, you were mine Saying...
Very similar theme and possible timeline with this and “Tim McGraw” which I think is also about Lacey. Summer times and september? Lacey was 2 years older, this feels like a twin song to “Tim Mcgraw”. I think the timeline fits. Such a soft gay anthem, can’t get over it. Gender neutral.
What a thing to see What a thing to be What a perfect love, what a perfect home 'Cause every time she walks And every time she talks Is every time he knows what a perfect world he's living on But whenever he's gone and when she's all alone His heart goes out to her on the telephone And he says, "Sugar, how I love you How I think about you all the time" He calls her "Sugar" 'cause she's the sweetest thing Oh, she's the best thing he'll ever find With her midnight hair And with his favorite stare She's a southern belle, he's a rockout king When she looks around Oh, she knows she's found Such a perfect life, such a perfect thing
Oh, there's a reason for every season There's a change within the range of every heart But the reason and the season Seem to be right so far 
AAAAHHH. We all know in many songs Taylor steps into the perspective of the boy to sing about girls. It just hit me much after thinking about this, that she’s doing the same but for an entire song! At first I didn’t really think if its personal, but usually with Taylor it is even when she says its not, so its a strong possibility. SO GAY.  “ Oh, she's the best thing he'll ever find”, “Mine” parallel!!! Also, rockout king?? “king of my heart anyone?? Except in this case, Karlie isn’t the king. Lol. Who, pray say, is a musician?. She wrote it like that so no one would think its about her. GAY GAY. Lesbihonest.
                              “Sweet tea and gods graces”
Tire swings, summer dreams, honeysuckle on the breeze Whistle County creek Laying in the green grass, I was watching clouds pass Baby, you were watching me Cold barn struck bed, everything you said Slowly educating me I never had a lesson so sweet You can get high on a first kiss You can get by with sweet tea and God's graces You can love like a sinner and lose like a winner Nothing's shatterproof You can crash and burn and come back someone new And that's what I learned from you Autumn rain, window pane, looking how the leaves change Just like the two of us Still got your laugh, your ghost, your jacket Guess I loved you way too much But I'm a little smarter, my heart's a little harder But it's still soft enough to cry Cause I remember those times I remember.........
Saw you just the other day All that I could think to say was, "Hey, how have you been?" You caught me with that old smile Said, "It's really been a while, And I still think about back when.."
“Don’t blame me”, anybody? Getting high on kissing? Loving like sinners? Hmmmm. What do a lot of religious people call gay people again? Another song talking about summer. Lacey? Relating her experiences growing up christian with her queer relationships and feelings. Seems like she is very positive and accepting of her being gay and not struggling with religion in this, which is good. She said recently at a Rep secret sessions that she isn’t religious. Character development.
                                “Tell me”
It was something like a perfect start to This love yesterday but now who are you I thought I knew Your eyes how to know to look right through me It's like you forgot the words you whispered to me They weren't true It's like it wasn't you Could you tell me what did I do Because it can't be we're already through Did you sell me out for a fool After you held me is that just what you do What did you need from me Tell me Take time to realize I know That people change their minds But that was something I wished you would say To my face But you run away
If I had a reason or a simple goodbye Baby even a lie Yeah Yeah 
It seems to me to be about Taylor and a girl,  they had a nice night and then the girl got scared about her feelings and when into repression mode. She could be terrified of everything, including anyone finding out, her family, the idea of getting kicked out. So she decided to fully stop talking to Taylor or explain whats going on because she doesn’t trust being around Taylor. Just an idea. 
                                   “Ten dollars and a six pack” 
This is about a person Taylor was dating who was bad news and who wasn’t really faithful. It looks like Taylor broke up with her. Maybe Kelsey?
I LOVE this. Gives me such “Picture to burn” vibes. I’m quite a slut for angry Taylor, sue me. “Truck on fire”, also reminds me of “Should’ve said no”. So maybe this is also about Kelsey? Badass song. 
                                         “That’s life”
“Love or lie, live or die I, well, I guess that's life”
That lyric caught my eye. Could be gay, not sure. Take it as you will.
                                 “Thinkin’ bout you”
I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you Your face jumped right in my way Like lately things do Oh, baby can’t you see The thought of you makes a mess of me I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you and now I I can’t walk straight, I can’t talk straight I can’t think about anything but the way It should be and it could be And till you come around again I will be Doing what I usually do Thinking about you I get lost when I drive around town Thinking about your smile I always end up on your side of town And I don’t know why There must be something under this hood That’s got a mighty strong liking to you I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you and lately
Your eyes are the color of the deep blue sea The one that I go swimming in every time you look at me
I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you...
Gay ass hilarious mess of a song! She really is a lesbian icon. I mean how much more relatable can she get?? She’s channeling Sappho with this. Hahahaha. Clearly she ain’t talking about a “straight” crush. LOL. “Gorgeous” anyone? Ocean blue eyes? Haha. The song form of too gay to function.
                            “Thirteen Blocks”
Beautiful. Sad. She’s driving to break up with someone but she’s uncertain and hesitant and sad about it. Very well-written. 
                         “This is really happening”
Beneath the chandelier of stars and atmosphere Tangled like the roots on the ground The windows opened up The wind is blowing and we're both not making a sound It’s like I’m melting on into you Give me a reason why we should ever move and Tell me You’ll never leave me and I’m not crazy and This is really happening That this is really happening Could this be better? You write me letters So you see me everyday You tend to treat me like My name is up in lights It really blows me away Lock me up in a dark room And I still can’t take my eyes off you 
All those kisses up against your car For all those wishes on planes We thought were stars Memories like photographs Oh Baby,Here we are 
Tell me You’ll always need me That I drive you crazy And this is really happening Oh,that this is really happening 
The softest gay anthem! The pickup truck under the stars seems familiar again, doesn’t it? About Lacey? Written probably before “Tim Mcgraw” because this is the start of the relationship. If about Lacey makes sense why she is so wonderstruck because this could be all new to her. “This love”(her queerness) is good and Its how she’s supposed to feel! 
                               “Til Brad Pitt comes along”
Do you remember the day I leaned up against your car And it started rolling down the street You screamed and ran after it And tried to open the door And it ran over your foot And I was too busy laughing on the ground to see. It would take Brad Pitt to leave you It takes five seconds to need you When I'm mad at all the lovebirds 'Cause they don't know to play our song I wish that pretty girls couldn't see you I wish that all your roads would lead you right to me 'Cause that's where you belong Until Brad Pitt comes along Do you remember the time we watched Carrie And you said it reminded you of me And I threw the remote at you And you said "my point exactly" And later on that night, under the neon city lights, You paid a homeless guy to sing a song to me. 
You call me lucky 'cause I lose everything But I swear I'd be careful with it If you gave me a ring
CUTE. Another funny song, amazing! Taylor as Carrie? Hahhaaha. Funny that in the chorus she says “Our song”. Maybe Lacey again? 
                          “We were happy”
When it was good baby, It was good baby We showed 'em all up No one could touch the way we Laughed in the dark Talking 'bout your daddy's farm We were gonna buy someday And we were happy
Subtle sneaking around? Gender neutral. 
                                         “What do you say”
What do you say, when you just know That he's the one, and you wanna go fast But he's taking it slow And what do you do, when he's next to you But he's a little bit shy Well here's something you can try Hey, hey what do you say We go walking down the river all together It's a warm May beautiful day And I feel like I could Talk to you forever With the sun shining bright It feels just like a day When everything's gonna go just right I know it will be a sweet memory For you and me someday What do you say? What do you see, when you look in his eyes There's something there That he can't disguise No matter how he tries And what do you feel, when you know its real And you can't sit still If you don't own up will yeah
My imagination's running away Just dreaming about What I want you to say
Another soft gay anthem! Taylor taking the lead because the other person is “shy”. *coughs*Gay. Adorable laughing in the end.
                              “Me and Britney” 
This song is about Taylor’s childhood and still current friend Britany Maack. She played this at the Bluebird cafe. She wrote this really young, probably 13.
                             “What to wear”
Sixteen blue jeans, Abercrombie T-shirt Shoes, purse, hair tied back And you should see her She's got her magic Floating through the air
She wrote this song so you aren’t sure if its about her or a story but usually she is writing personally even when she says she isn’t(”You are in love”). Boyfriend Taylor again. She sure loves t-shirts. 
                      “Who I’ve always been”
About her music career and hard work. Feisty Tay.
                         “You do”
She’s enamored with someone. “Boy, you got me like a shot to the heart Got me shakin' so bad, spilled my coffee in the car”.  These lyrics reminded me of “Getaway car” and the shakin’ lyric “dress” and “So it goes”. Just sayin’.
                           “Your anything”
I bet you lie awake at night Trying to make up your sweet mind Wondering if you'll ever find Just what you want A home-town number one Or a California loaded gun But you know you only get one Or that's what you thought But here's what you've got [Chorus:] I could be your favorite blue jeans With the holes in the knees In the bottom of the top drawer I could be your little beauty queen Just a little outta reach Or the girl living next door I'll be your angel giving up her wings If that's what you need I'd give everything to be your anything If you want hard to get If you want... All you have to do is let me know If you want a bumpy ride Or someone with a softer side Either one'll be alright Just let me know Cause this is where it goes 
It's not like I'm giving up who I am for you but for someone like you it's just so easy to do  
Massive crush Tay. But thats very normal for baby gaylor. She got it real bad. Hard to say if it’s unrequited or not, doesn’t really say. Tay, you don’t need to change yourself tho! Haha
                               “Your face”
I heard a song tonight on the radio Another girl sings about a boy Just sees his face in every space in every room And i know that if i turn around you won't be there If i close my eyes will you be there? I don't wanna lose your face And i don't wanna wake one day And not remember what time erased And i don't wanna turn around Coz i'm not scared Of what love gave me and took away And i don't wanna lose your face I've got a picture of you in my bedroom And i hope it never falls And i hope i never lose that feeling I used to get when you would call And now i wonder to myself Who were you and where are you? Were you ever here at all? 
That girl in the song had it so good I wish i could close my eyes and see you I wish the sky had your face And the oceans had your eyes And the sunset had your lips And i had you 
Clever, Swift! Talk about a girl and boy outside of your experience for comparison so everyone would assume she’s also singing about a boy but in actuality totally gender neutral! Nice. She wants the sunset to have this person(girls) lips? Not gay at all...
                                 “Wait for me”
Amazing anaylsis of this by @that-curly-haired-lesbian right here!
Finishing this long ass post just to further the point that her unreleased songs are fucking amazing and Gaylor Swift is a musical lesbian icon back then and of course still is! See you on the Gayside.
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