#and sweater paws that has me feeling some kind of way
bird-inacage · 4 months
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City Boy Log | Jaejun x Jihan: Kisses
So this came out of nowhere into my recommended, and I got swept in by the superb kissing. The kissing👌
After a little digging, I found out it's a Korean BL webseries which is framed like a series of Youtube vlogs. I had no idea at first if I was watching something candid or produced. It feels like a mixture of both. Pretty clever idea I have to say because it's hard to tell what's scripted and what's done on the fly. Makes the acting feel really natural.
Each vlog (aka episode) is only 10 minutes long, so short and sweet.
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catcze · 8 months
⠀「 Wearing his clothes 」 
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
「 FEAT : 」 Kazuha, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Kaveh (separate) x gn! reader
!! Hello !! Haven't even had a shot of tequila for the night yet but I'm already writing, look at me go !!
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This guy has the absolute comfiest sweaters and hoodies!!
They're the ones that are warm and soft from use, and that you know he's cared for over the years. They're also so good because they smell like him, too! Smells like sunshine and a light breeze, if that makes sense?
Kazuha's hoodies and sweaters are practically free range for you— at this point, half of the cozy clothes in your closet have been pilfered from him!
And he always encourages you to steal from him, too!
It's a cold day out today? Here, have his hoodie. No, don't worry about returning it. Just keep it over at yours and he'll pick it up sometime. (spoiler: he does not, in fact, pick it up)
Oh, he left his sweater behind at your place while you were hanging out? It's okay, just keep it for now.
But really, he does enjoy seeing you in his clothes! Like, for one, it's you wearing his cozy clothes, so he's insanely attracted to you when he sees that. And for another, it makes him happy seeing you all cozy and bundled up, you know?
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For Wrio, his leather jackets and black button ups are the premiere option to snatch from him.
His jackets are insanely comfy! His leather jackets always keep you warm, and the way it drapes over you and smells like his cologne makes it kinda feel like he's giving you a hug :(
And as for his button ups, he buys the high quality ones, you know? None of those itchy ones that chafe or anything. His button ups are so good to wear, whether you button them up and use them as an actual shirt, or just wear them as an outer layer over another shirt.
Funny thing is though, though Wriothesley doesn't really care about which of his button ups you snatch, he's very particular when it comes to his jackets.
Like, he'll let you borrow them of course, and if you're on a date and you get cold, he'll drape it on your shoulders and let you wear it while he walks you home. He even lets you steal a few right out of his closet and scurry them over to your home, pretending that he doesn't see that your bag is noticeably bigger than when you came over.
But sometimes, you'll get a call from him late at night— "Babe, is my jacket with you?" "Which one?" He then names one of the many, many jackets you've stolen. "Oh. Yeah iIthink I have that with me." "Can I come over and get it? I want to use it when I go for a drive tonight." "At this hour?"
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Oh, Neuvillette's coats are to die for!
They're the good ones, the designer ones. My guy doesn't shop in the discount aisle— no, he's bougie.
His coats are incredibly cozy and stylish without being too bulky or heavy. They're big, though! Neuvillette is a big, tall guy, and his coats are the same.
It's almost like drowning in an ocean of (expensive) fabric when you steal borrow his coats. But you do it so often because they're so so so warm and cozy!
You always snatch some of his coats if you can— and Neuvi never voices any complaints. He just smiles, and sometimes even makes playful jokes about you going shopping in his closet.
It's to the point that whenever the weather's cold and he comes to pick you up, he brings a spare coat just for you.
He does the thing where he puts it on you, straightens it out, fixes your collar, makes sure you look presentable and nods to himself when he deems that you are— then ends it all with a kiss placed on your nose.
"That's your rental fee for all my clothes you've scurried away," apparently.
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[ #KAVEH ]
HIS SWEATERS !!! They are sooo comfy !!
Kaveh buys his sweaters oversized and the kind that gives him sweater paws— those are the ones that you always go for when given free reign of his closet.
Can you help it?! They're oversized sweaters with sweater paws! And they smell like your boyfriend! And they're incredibly comfortable !
It's especially cute when you both go out in his sweaters— both of you look so cozy and warm, wrapped up in your big sweaters, holding sweater paws.
He probably spritzes his clothes with whatever perfume or cologne catches his fancy that week, so that you smell similar to him when you go out.
And! If one of the sweaters has one of those kangaroo pouch things, you guys hold hands inside the kangaroo pouch, so your hands stay nice and warm <3
He's such a cutie about it too. Kaveh always grins sooo wide when he sees you wearing his sweaters. Makes sure to hug you lots too, because you look insanely huggable like that.
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hotheadedhero · 27 days
Like 'em Big
AN: I have so many stories to write but I had to do this. Blaming being sick, m'kay? Fever has got me bad and these meds got me loopy. Thinking we need some good, silly fun in our lives, right? Plus, now that I've watched Rise, I'm hungry for some big Raph appreciation. I know I ain't the only one
All characters are aged up
Raphael x Reader
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Warnings: near peril, easily smitten, possible errors due to fever (what kind of fever is up for deliberation🥴)
Cutting right to the chase. You like big dudes. That doesn't necessarily mean muscles, either. You just love you a big man - someone with a bit of something-something to them. More to love, you know? Given your track record with the greater world, it shouldn't be all that much of a mystery. Cats? Get yourself a tiger that you can cuddle into. Jumpers? Comfort central, baby. Beds? If you can't spread eagle then you see no point. The old-age saying does declare that the bigger the better, so who are you to disagree? How true that is may be up for debate but it’s merely as simple as understanding what your preferences are.
However, this makes dating a difficult ballpark to play in. No matter how tall, jacked, or voluptuous someone is, it never feels like enough. Human biology and genetics can only go so far in the conceivably possible sense. You just want to be absolutely engulfed when you get a hug. Is that such a crime? Apparently, it is. Unfortunately, you also seem to come across the worst jerks when you attempt to date within this set of criteria. One might argue it's your karmic justice for being so superficial and picky but a woman has needs. Not those kinds of needs, either. Get your head out of the gutter.
All hope seems lost and after yet again, another failed date, you decide to call it in for the evening and make your way home. A fresh failure and another wonderful outfit gone to waste. By no means is it anything flashy but you put a lot of work into it: pencil skirt, turtle neck sweater, and a nice pair of boots to compliment the look. The whole shebang! All of that effort for nothing. This is the last time you spend three hours doing your hair and makeup. Block after block, your feet grow heavier with every step. What you would give to come across a mountain-like man you can climb who is also a kindred spirit. Perhaps this dream guy will forever be that - a dream. Men like that don't just fall out of the sky.
"Look out!!"
The sudden shout almost scares you into tripping over and you look behind yourself, wishing you hadn’t. Two very large, very dangerous-looking figures entangled in battle, those of which are approaching your helpless little self. You quickly duck as the giants hurdle over you. One falls on its side whilst the other claws and skids against the ground, regaining its balance. It shakes its head and locks onto you, a guttural snarl rumbling past its jowls. Such a creature is surely from the stuff of nightmares. An indescribable nightmare whose sights are set on you. The smart option would be running away but it's as though your shoes have melted into the pavement. Pawing into the tarmac, the beastly thing growls and lunges for you. Great. This is how you die: torn limb from limb by a demon dog. Well, assuming your clothes join you, at least you’ll look like a total babe in the afterlife.
"Oh no ya’ don't," the other one yells from behind the predator, grabbing it by its tail. “Pretty ladies are not food!”
With a mighty tug, he pulls it back and swings it as far away from you as possible. You release a shaky breath, legs trembling beneath you. That was far too close for comfort. The fight isn’t quite over, however. Just as it approaches him, the green goliath swivels on his feet, full 180, and whacks the creature's jaw with a closed fist. His speed alone has you in awe but the force is astounding, practically earth-shattering. It completely knocks the air around you and pushes you onto your backside.
When the dust clears, the first thing you see is your saviour panting, his spiky shell(?) pointed towards you. Just past him in the distance, you notice three more figures in blue, purple, and orange taking a closer look at the unconscious tyrant. You swear one of them pokes at it with a stick. Witnessing strange beings such as this isn't entirely new. Anyone who's watched Chateau Pretenche knows about the celebrity chef turning into a grotesque pigman. To describe it in one word? Horrifying. It's just whether people choose to believe it genuinely happened or if these bizarre entities exist. Being up close and personally observing it now puts your scepticism in check.
As the humanoid turtle calms, he turns to face you, recapturing your attention. A red mask sits over his eyes and there’s a noticeable snaggle tooth poking past his upper lip. Typically, the prerogative is keeping out of sight but it’s much too late for that. He gradually advances towards you. You watch him warily and he keeps his movements slow for that very reason. It wouldn’t be a shock if you were to try and make an escape. He wouldn’t blame you. Currently, all he wants to do is make sure you weren’t hurt during that fiasco provided you don’t suddenly come out of your bewilderment and run off. You have good reason to but he just saved you. Either that or he’s as ravenous as that beast and wants you all to himself. The irrational conclusion remains as such - irrational - when he descends to one knee and outstretches a hand. There’s an irrefutable kindness in his eyes; a caring nature that can’t be replicated in the face of savage brutes.
"You okay?" he asks.
You continue to gawk without a word but, bit by bit, you reach out for his offer. Your fingers lightly trace the centre of his palm before comfortably trusting the proposal. His hand engulfs yours completely and Raph hopes to mercy that you don’t realise how sweaty he’s getting. He can feel his heart beating like crazy. He wonders how much of that is the adrenaline from the fight and how much of it is being in the presence of such a beautiful gal. As he helps you to your feet, he rises to his own. Someone of his stature shouldn’t be capable of being this delicate but he is. It has you running through a loop and you unintentionally stare at the remarkable behemoth.
Quite pathetically, you nod, unable to verbally respond to his question. How can you? You are effectively starstruck. Once you gloss over the turtle-y features, all you see is the sheer size of him as he towers over you. Height, width, the magnitude of those arms! All of it is glorious. You can hear the universe asking, “You want a big man, huh? How about one who isn’t human?” to which you answer, “Who gives a damn?”. If the only way a man can be this big is not to be human, so be it.
Amidst a whisper, your mouth moves on its own, "You're beautiful."
"Huh?" Blinking out of your trance, you realise what you’ve said and giggle sheepishly, "I mean, you're be... ba... booming! Totally awesome with the whole- uh... saving thing." Nailed it. 
He blinks right back down at you. This is certainly a first. He can feel his face heating up and he withdraws his hand lest you endure the wrath of his bashfulness, opting to hold the back of his head. At this moment, he seems to look anywhere but you.
"Heh. Gee, thanks." His humility is adorable and you’re glad he doesn’t question your initial statement. He turns to you once more, regaining some composure. "You sure you're okay, though? That thing was pretty scary looking."
It’s clear that you haven’t sustained any physical injuries but even bearing witness to something so unsightly can have lasting effects on one's mind. His brows furrow gently in concern down at you and it occurs to you that there’s a soft heart under all of that shell and muscle. Bonus points. This makes you smile for the first time in front of him and Raphael is sure that the streetlights got brighter.
You laugh fondly, “Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.” Twiddling your fingers, your lips purse up in his direction.  “Is there any way I can repay you?”
He places his hands on his hips and chuckles cutely, “Just doing my duty, ma’am.”
He may be indulging in his alter ego - the Red Angel of Preventing Harm - but it’s not every day he gets paid thanks when he saves someone. It’s also not every day he gets to save such a pretty woman, either. You, however, can’t just leave it at that. There must be some way in which you can properly thank him. Ulterior motives include getting to know this already loveable lug better but shh. It feels like the odds are finally turning in your favour and you won’t let this slip away from your grasp. That’s when it hits you.
Muttering under your breath, you erratically search through the confines of your little handbag. You are certain that you had one in here somewhere. In the spare pocket maybe? Ah! Found it. Fumbling to take the lid off of your pen, you hold out your hand, gesturing for his. He slowly complies, to which you jot down a series of digits on his palm accompanied by your name and a tiny 'x'. 
"Gimme a text sometime," is the last thing he hears before you disappear around a corner.
Oh? Oh. Ohhh. Wow. Getting your number is the last thing he expected. Did he get hit on the head during that scuffle or something? Was everything from the last few minutes a dream? He bores holes into the writing on his skin, scanning it over and over, scared that it’ll disappear if he so much as blinks. A dumb, wobbly smile not so gracefully decorates his lips as he trudges back to the turtle tank. He takes his seat but it’s obvious that he isn’t all there. Being so caught up in his rose-tinted bubble, he doesn’t register his brothers' voices. In an effort to gain his attention, Michelangelo jumps onto his shoulder, partly intrigued by what their leader is so absorbed by.
"Oh me gosh!” the young brother screams in shrill excitement, “Raph's in love!"
Careful not to smudge the neat ink, he’s quick to hide his hand against his chest. "That's crazy talk!”
Donatello sniffs the air and mockingly covers his nose. "The overwhelming manifestation of your nervous stink indicates otherwise, dear brother."
"I got a girl’s number!” he continues to defend, feeling his face go all kinds of red. “'Course, I'm nervous but that don’t mean I’m in love."
Lies and slander. It was practically love at first sight. He just doesn’t like the idea of his brothers knowing that. It’s easy pickings to be made fun of.
"Don't worry, Big Red. Lucky for you, you got a guy who knows all about the charm." Leonardo points both thumbs at himself as he falls back into his seat and props his legs up on the dashboard. "First, you just need to..."
The "helpful" advice drowns out as the large snapper opens and gazes at his palm again. He just can't comprehend how a gorgeous individual such as yourself could take one look at him and give him your number. It's puzzling but he supposes there’s a first for everything? That also doesn't mean he won't text you. The only thing getting in the way of that is fear. Raphael thinks he’d rather go toe-to-toe with that mutant dog again than have to face the risk of embarrassing himself. To anyone who knows him, it’s no surprise that he caves under pressure. No. He will do it! A chance like this is one in a million.
Oh boy. What could possibly go wrong?
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lilpuffyart · 6 months
Posting this here just bc I doubt I'll finish this ever
It probably has a lot of writing mistakes and I wrote this months ago instead of sleeping so don't expect anything good :p
Forneus had a simple life. While she was traveling, she would look for food, be it fruits, vegetables or fishes. When she made her stop in her habitual spot from each realm, she would knit something. Be it toys for a few kids she would find on her journeys, or be it some piece of clothing.
And since she was just a friendly traveler, she wouldn't have many issues with each place she went, having sold items for the bishops of the old faith before, and her appearance gave the old Gods some kind of comfort for knowing she wouldn’t do anything drastic. But now, with the bishops gone and the anxiety of who would now rule each place, she sometimes found it hard to travel, especially now.
Forneus wasn't a fool, she was aware that she was aging, but the black cat had her most precious gifts back.
Her children.
When The Lamb and Narinder had brought them back to her, the old cat felt like she was dreaming, touching their faces in an attempt to be reassured that it was real, that she wasn't, yet again, dreaming they were there. Forneus felt alive again that day.
With her kittens back, however, she had to teach them all the things that her mother had taught her once.
And that was what she was doing at the moment.
"Sweetheart, you're going to hurt yourself that way", Forneus said softly to her son, Baal, who was so focused on the yarn that he attempted to turn into some kind of garment. While not looking at her, the gray kitten still paid attention to her words, moving his ears in her direction to show that.
Baal took a quick liking for knitting and sewing, something that impressed his mother. And the interest in it started just as fast, she remembered fondly. The tall cat had awakened before his brother one day, and made his way to their mother, who sat outside their comfortable caravan while knitting. Forneus was sitting comfortable there, stitching the yarn to later turn it into a sweater for one of the children. His eyes followed the object, picking every small detail and curve she was doing with the needles.
He, however, still had a long way on it.
“I can’t make this knot”, he huffed sadly, admitting defeat when he put the yarn and needle on the ground. “You make it seem so easy…”, the young cat sighed and brought his legs close to his chest. Baal felt bad for letting his mom down. After being away for so long, he wanted to desperately make her proud.
But he heard a soft chuckle coming from his side and Baal looked at his mother.
“Oh, sweetie, there’s no need to feel frustrated over this”, she purred softly and rested her paw over his. “You have a lot of time to learn how to do it. Take your time”.
He moved his ears a little bit and he blinked while staring at the ground. Baal was always used to memorizing and then getting things right. Unlike his master and his brother, he never had much patience for these things. He moved his tail back and forth and looked away.
“Let me help you, Baal”, Forneus said while reaching for the needles that were in her son’s paws. His soft dark eyes lighted up with the idea of his mother teaching him something that was so important to her. “First, you
“Oh, sweetie”, she meowed and brought him close to her chest. Even though he was taller than her, Forneus’ hugs always made him feel like a kitten all over again. “I’m already proud of you”.
Baal hugged his mother back, letting her warmth embrace him. He then closed his eyes for a few minutes, feeling the summer sun on his back. Baal huffed and lowered his ears.
“Still”, he murmured. “I’m going to finish this scarf for you”, the black she-cat laughed warmly at her kitten’s stubbornness.
Aym was different from his brother, for he liked to be on his own, away from everyone. Not that he disliked the company of his family; he loved it, but he easily felt overwhelmed around others and would wander off for a while.
It didn’t take him long to get to Pilgrim’s Passage in these walks and to take fishing as a hobby. His family needed to eat anyway, so he assumed it would be a useful hobby to have anyway.
Once a week, Aym would make his way there and sit on the small and old deck. Normally people wouldn’t bother him much there either because he was fishing or because he seemed to never like to be bothered. He never minded the company of his mother, she seemed to always understand his boundaries well and would always have a big smile and a few encouraging words to say to Aym whenever he caught something. It was contagious.
“Aym”, she called from behind him, broughting him back from his thoughts. “Did ye catch something?”, she said softly, a small basket was being held by her big paws. The sweet smell of strawberries that was coming from the basket was enough to make his mouth water.
“No”, he simply murmured. He sounded disappointed at himself and Forneus was quick to pick the hints of it.
“We could go back, my heart”, Forneus meowed softly to him, moving her basket to be held by only her left arm. “And come back tomorrow in the morning when the fishes are fresher”.
“No”, Aym inhaled and then exhaled heavily, feeling the pilgrim’s soft breeze enter and leave his lungs. “I’m going to wait longer”, he said softly and flicked his ear.
The old maine coon looked around. It wasn’t late, and the sun hadn’t even started to set yet. She figured that keeping her child company wouldn’t hurt her old body. And even if it did, she would never trade a change to stay by his side.
So she gave a tired sigh and made her way to the end of the dock and sat down next to Aym. The black cat could feel the soft and salty waves hit her feet and she found herself surprised that she wasn’t as against the feeling of it as she thought she would. It was relaxing.
“You should eat something then”, she said as she gently brought the basket close to him. The cat smiled softly at the other cat that slowly picked the basket, as if waiting for some kind of approval from his mother. Aym was careful to put it on his side
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The Agony of Desire
Part 13 // Masterlist
A/N: I've never been able to see Billy Russo and BB as the same person, I know I've mentioned it before... but my brain doesn't link them together even though I know logically that they share the same face. This is why I was able to continue to write for Billy Russo. But it was definitely hard at first. I'm not sure if I'll be able to write any new things about him- right now I'm just determined to finish the things I've started. I can't look at pictures of him, so you'll see me using less gifs of his face.
Warnings: Smut (18+), consensual dub-con (everything is consented to beforehand), oral (m and f receiving), dd/lg scene, daddy kink (Billy does get a bit creepy but it's all part of the scene), p in v sex, many mentions of sex throughout, office sex, car sex, mentions and talks of pregnancy, mafia themes, mentions of murder, canon typical themes.
P.S. I'm really sorry in advance 💖
Dedicated to, @bustlingcrowdsxorxsilentsleepers, @pillow-titties, @justchloe2184 and so many more that my tags would not work for but if you commented or reblogged part 12... I mean you 😘😘
"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
― Kahlil Gibran
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"Are you lost, little girl?"
From your spot on the bench of the museum, you look up.
He's dressed down, a casual grey shirt and some fitted jeans that are paired with boots shined so pristinely that you want to rub your dripping center all over them.
You give him a fake sniffle.
"My daddy left me here and told me he'd be right back but it's been hours."
You can see the delight in his eyes.
"Oh, you poor thing," he says, taking the open seat next to you, "Little girls shouldn't be left alone. Who knows what kind of trouble they can get into?"
You frown, pretend wiping at the corner of your eye.
"I'm no trouble Mister, I'm really good. Daddy always tells me I'm really good."
He clears his throat, looking around, you think you can make out how tight his pants gets.
"Okay, maybe we can go look for him. I have a phone in my car. Why don't you come with me?"
You swallow, pretending to be shy.
"I'm not supposed to go off with strangers." You murmur, looking away instead of at him.
"Oh, poor sweet girl. I'm not a stranger am I? I'm Billy. I can help you if you want."
You swallow, looking up at him, nodding your head eventually, and taking his hand when he stands.
The key was to dress innocent, without having it look childish in any way. You think you accomplished that with your cozy oversized sweater and sheer tights look paired with a little skirt. The paw of your sweater eats his hand as he guides you to his Jeep, sitting in the far end of an underground parking lot. The windows are tinted dark, perfect for a debauched man to have his way with you.
"Oh! Is this your Jeep? It's really nice, Mister."
He looks back to give you a wicked grin.
"Thank you, my phone's in the back. Why don't you hop on in?" He pulls open the door, and the Jeep is so high off the ground that he has to grip your hips firmly to give you a boost. If anything, it makes you so much more aroused that he picked this vehicle.
You scoot in, sliding to give him space to get in next to you. When you look around for the phone and can't see it, you turn to look at him curiously.
He smiles, leaning forward, and you gulp, leaning back. His body gets very close to yours, his breath hits your lips and he smiles at the uncomfortable look you give him. One hand is behind you rummaging around, and his other hand smoothes over your knee for a short moment.
"Here it is." He says, pulling a phone free and placing it unlocked in your palms.
You type in your own number, and give him a little smile as you press the phone to your ear.
You pretend to be too distracted to notice that his hand's still on your knee, but you can feel him, warm and gentle, where he's meant to be.
Your phone rings and rings, probably vibrating it's little life out on his countertop where you left it this morning.
"He's not answering." You say sadly, looking up at Billy.
He clicks his tongue, "Oh you poor thing. Lost, with no daddy to help you."
Your frown deepens, his hands slides a little higher up your thigh.
"What do I do?" You say to him, and he gives you a little smile, and a tilt of his head.
"Well, I can help you get home, little girl."
"Really?!" You say excitedly.
"Yeah, I can take you home to your daddy."
"Thank you!" You sing, throwing your arms around him, and you feel his palms on the backs of your thighs.
"Don't thank me just yet, princess. I need to get something in return."
You stiffen, pulling away to sit back, playing with the edge of your sweater.
"Well, what do you want?" You ask quietly, not looking up at him.
He smiles, leaning forward to brush a strand of hair away from your eyes.
"Why don't we start with a kiss?"
You gulp shaking your head.
"I'm only allowed to do that with my Daddy."
Billy leans forward, his hand snaking down to your shoulder.
"Well I don't see your daddy around. Do you?"
You think for a second before shaking your head again.
"Maybe I can be your daddy for a little bit. How does that sound princess?"
You bite the edge of your lip, nodding your head slowly.
"I'd like that, Mister."
He gives you a pleased smile and you can't help wiggling your legs excitedly, returning his smile.
"How about that kiss?" He asks.
You nod with determination, leaning forward, you have to brace your palms on his large thigh and tilt your head up for your lips to meet his. He doesn't make it easier, doesn't bend his head or even look down, forcing you to do all the work.
You press your mouth to his, and you sigh against his mouth. Your lips are slow and tentative, giving the impression that you're not too sure about this.
All too soon, you're pulling away, dropping your body back into a sitting position beside him.
"That's a kiss?" Billy asks, unimpressed.
You frown.
"Is that the kind of kiss that makes your daddy happy? That's pathetic."
Your lip wobbles.
"I'm sorry, that's just what daddy taught me."
He cups your cheeks and you sniffle.
"Oh, poor princess, its not your fault at all. You just haven't been taught well enough."
You don't meet his eyes, letting him take a moment to study your sad expression.
"I can teach you if you want." Billy offers.
You perk up.
"Yes, really. Close your eyes."
You do as he says.
"Now," his voice is deep and low, "just copy what I do, okay?"
"'Kay." You whisper.
His mouth descends on yours.
Devouring would be a kind word.
Billy starts slowly, with feverish kisses and heated moans but it doesn't last long at all, before he's licking at the seam of your lips.
"Open that pretty mouth for me princess." He says, or rather commands, and you obey.
His tongue is slippery and dextrous against yours. He finds a way to explore the cavern of your mouth thoroughly, sloppily, just like a true perversive man would.
He keeps it filthy, not stopping when you make a sound of protest as he leans over you, letting his body cover yours, forcing you to lean back against your will.
You hardly notice he's slipping his hands under your shirt and tugging at the cups of your bra until it's too late.
You let out a shuddering sound of surprise, turning your head away to break the kiss as you realise he's pushed your sweater up and he's feeling shamelessly at your nipples. You raise your hands to grip at his wrists, trying to tug him away gently.
He kisses at your neck, pressing more of his solid weight on top of you to stop your resistance.
He's gentle with your nipples, rubbing slow circles into them, until they're stiff and puffy and begging for attention.
Pleasure sweeps up your spine in a syrupy mess, you can't resist him when he's teasing you like this, you can feel your body going pliant below him like it's accustomed to.
Thankfully, he pulls back, his mouth leaves your neck, and he even takes the time to right your bra, though the material is now uncomfortable on your aching nipples.
"Sorry baby girl, got a little carried away." Billy murmurs as he tugs your sweater down.
You pout at him.
"Does that mean you'll take me home now?"
"No, bunny," He says with a laugh, "We're not done kissing yet."
He reaches to grip the back of your neck with warm, slender fingers. Your head swims with the desire to be pliant for him.
"Have you ever kissed a cock, baby?" He asks, his other hand reaching down to undo the buckle of his belt.
You almost moan.
What should you say, yes? No? What would make him lose his mind?
"N-no sir." You finally decide.
Billy pauses as he gets the button of his jeans open.
"No?" He asks.
You shake your head as best as you can with his hand in your hair.
"Well we'll just have to fix that, won't we?" He says, undoing his zipper, and pulling his cock free.
Your mouth waters imperceptibly, aching for a taste of him.
His grip on the back of your head tightens, and he guides your mouth to his cock, leaving no room for argument.
"Go on, princess, give it a little kiss."
You do as he says, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the head of his cock. You're rewarded with a low moan, your skin tingling with the excitement.
You pause, looking up at him expectantly for more instructions.
"Wrap your lips around the tip, go on, no teeth baby. If I feel any teeth you're gonna be in big trouble."
You lick your lips before dropping your head again.
The tip of his cock is smooth, and slightly salty with his precum, you suck gently, exploring him with the tip of your tongue.
You let out a little noise of protest when he pushes your head deeper.
He groans again, and you hum in delight, taking the initiative to sink your head lower.
"Oh, princess." Billy moans. You can't resist rubbing your thighs together to get some kind of friction on your aching clit. You almost consider rubbing your clothed pussy against the edge of his seat, before you decide not to. Not wanting to risk the possibility of losing an orgasm.
You suck his cock eagerly, accepting the way he guides your head, using you gently but with purposeful strokes.
It's the sweet nothings in your ear that get you even wetter. He constantly praises you, telling you how good you're doing, how pretty you look slurping on his heavy cock and it encourages you to take him deeper, a little too enthusiastically until you gag around him.
You pull away shyly, gasping for breath and looking at him, a little ashamed that you might have disappointed him.
You squeak when he pulls you into him, being forced to straddle one of his thighs for purchase as his mouth descends on yours. His hands wander over your body eagerly, pulling at your clothes but never actually taking any off.
"Why don't you tug those leggings off and show me that pretty cunt, baby?" Billy asks when he pulls away. A little shy sound leaves your throat, looking up at him, unsure.
He nods his head in assurance, and you sigh, sitting back on his seat and tugging your shoes off, reaching up under your skirt to pull your sheer black tights down the length of your legs. You try not to shiver with his eyes fixed firmly on your movements, only looking up at him when your tights lay in a crumpled heap on the floor of his Jeep.
He's tucked his cock back into his boxers, and you almost pout when you notice, but he doesn't let you think about it for too long.
"Good. Now, lean back, spread your legs for me." He instructs.
You do as he says, propping one foot onto his seat so that he can see the glow of your white panties in the darkness of the van.
His eyes darken, and you swallow when you realise that the damp spot where your arousal is soaking through the fabric can be seen.
He watches you for a long moment, devouring the way you look.
"Take those little panties off for me too." He orders, and you gulp, shifting a little to slide them off.
He extends a hand to pluck them from your fist, grabbing your ankles to tug you closer to him, you yelp, your sweater and skirt rolling up in the process.
"Ever had your pussy kissed before, princess?"
"No, daddy." You hum, watching him bite down on his bottom lip so hard you swear it'll bleed.
"Your daddy never buried his tongue between your legs?"
"He said gentlemen don't do that." You whisper.
Billy scoffs angrily.
"Well, it's a good thing I'm no gentleman then." He mutters, before dropping his head between your thighs.
You cry out in surprise when his tongue meets your aching bud. He moans, the vibrations adding more pleasure to your clit.
It's filthy- the sounds he makes as he runs his tongue through your folds.
The backseat isn't spacious like a bed is, and Billy's large body is bowed in half in his determination to eat you out.
"Ah! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, please!" You cry.
His mouth doesn't stop, his tongue feels like a probing appendage, hell bent on exploring every inch of your dripping cunt.
Your clit is stiff and throbbing when he sucks it between his lips, your back arching, your body trembles. His tongue laps over your clit before he stops, pulling away, licking his lips eagerly.
You mewl in protest, reaching for him in agitation but he swiftly grabs both your wrists to pin them beside your head.
"Daddyyyyyy," you cry, "feels really good, why'd you stop?"
"Calm down, princess." He says sternly, but you continue to pout, wriggling below him.
"I though you told me you weren't any trouble baby? That you were good. This isn't being good for me. Are you a little liar?" Billy taunts.
You pause, dropping your head in shame.
"Sorry, daddy." You say, slumping in defeat.
"That's alright princess. I only stopped to get you out of this heavy sweater. Do you want that?" He asks, fingers gripping at the edge of the sweater in question.
"Yes, daddy." You whisper, sighing when he carefully peels your thick sweater off your body. He unzips your skirt next, pulling it free before reaching to undo your bra.
"Look at you," he murmurs when he finally has you bare below him, "All naked and needy in the back of some stranger's car. This what you wanted, princess? To give your desperate cunt to the first man that was nice to you?"
"N-no sir. I jus' wanna go home to my daddy." You mumble, looking up at him.
"Oh princess," Billy sighs, dropping his head to lick a wet stripe from your collarbone to your jaw, "Don't you know that I'm your daddy now?"
You squeak in pleasure when his teeth sink into the skin of your neck gently. You moan loudly in response.
"Fuck. Look at these perfect tits. I could soak them in my cum if I wanted. What do you think?"
He asks, cupping a breast in either hand, massaging them gently.
"I'll be all messy." You protest lightly, eager to do whatever he wanted.
Billy hums deep in thought.
"You're right, I can always take you back to my place and cum all over your tits there."
"What?" You ask in surprise, "But you promised to take me home!"
Billy finally gives you his full predatory smile. It makes you shiver with excitement.
"I see no reason why we can't make my home into your home too... doesn't that sound like fun?"
You don't respond immediately, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Oh, don't be like that, baby. I bet I can convince this pretty cunt to come home with me. Shall I try?"
He doesn't wait for your response, kissing either breast and then tracing his way down your body. With each kiss, his beard tingles as it rubs against your skin.
His tongue is a lot slower when it slides over your clit the second time.
"Ohhhh..." you gasp, eyes rolling back in your head as he takes his time exploring you.
His hands grip your thighs tightly, and then he starts pushing his tongue deeper into your entrance. You gasp, the thought of this gorgeous man with his face pressed flush to your cunt makes you cry out, and then his pace increases as he swipes his tongue haphazardly over your clit.
He's so good, and you know you can't fight it. The tip of his tongue making fast circles on your clit, licking from your entrance all the way up and back down until you're shaking once again below him.
"Want you to cum for me, princess, on my tongue." He says, and then he's working in overtime, doing any filthy move possible until you cry out loudly, coming all over his tongue just the way he asked.
You gasp, say his name, watch him sit up happily, before grabbing you eagerly.
"Look how happy I make your pussy, princess. Will you come home with me now?" He asks.
Well damn, you couldn't say no to him.
He slides you onto his cock just as you say yes.
You gasp in surprise, unaware that he'd even freed his cock a second time and suddenly he's guiding your hips against his.
"Look how pretty you are, baby. Naked and bouncy on my big cock. You gonna cum again? Gonna ride me in my car and cum all over me?"
He pants hotly, pulling your face into his to give you a sloppy kiss.
"Fuck. Fuck you feel so good. So fucking tight I'm gonna come so deep inside you."
He lets out a long groan.
"Wanna take you on every fucking surface- Did I mention that? In every way, until you're dumb from it."
You were definitely dumb right now. Your mind was a shallow puddle of your thoughts- all centered around him and you were so on edge you could practically taste it.
"Gonna cum with you princess, fill you right up, watch it spill out. You're so good for me. Such a pretty little place for my cum. Daddy's perfect little hole."
"Daddy!" You cry, unable to fight it any longer, your walls squeeze his cock tightly as you cum hard, shaking as your orgasm floods your head, washing whatever little thoughts you have away with a tidal wave of pleasure.
You gasp, and his hands clench on your hips, you feel him make a few harsh thrusts before he groans loudly, emptying himself right into you.
He makes a few more small thrusts, and you sigh blissfully as it prolongs your orgasm. Your cunt is swollen and sticky with the shared fluids of your cum, but he still doesn't pull out of you.
You slump against him tiredly, and you feel him stroke the back of your head.
"How was that?" He asks, laying slow kisses onto your shoulders.
When you don't respond immediately, he whispers your name, concern laced into his voice.
"'M okay, daddy, jus' tired now." You murmur, peeking an eye open to look up at his bearded jaw.
Billy recognises that you're deep in subspace, and he holds you tight to his body as you float around him.
"You did so good princess, so good for me. Gonna take you home and draw you a nice bath."
You hum in protest.
"Thought you were gonna take me home an' cum on my tits?" You ask lazily, a little frown on your face that he can't see.
He sighs, continuing to stroke the back of your head.
"We can do that after the bath, but bath first, yeah?"
He places a soft kiss to your forehead, understanding that he just needed to be patient with you while you were lost in your head.
"Love you."
He smiles.
"Love you too, baby."
"I'm so happy for you." You say softly, head tossed back on Karen’s couch.
Her red hair catches on the streetlights. It reminds of the way you'd gripped it in your hands all those years ago. You both sit in the dark, the sun having just set and neither of you could find the motivation to get up to turn the lights on.
"To think, this all started the night you and I hooked up."
You giggle softly, and then grows louder as ideas spring in your head.
"Can you imagine if I-" You gasp for air, "-If I put that in the toast?"
She laughs with you. Her engagement ring glitters as she takes a swig of her beer.
"What about you? Think you'll ever do it?"
You let out an exhausted sigh.
"Oh absolutely not." You protest. It gets silent as you try to build up the courage to speak the words to her.
"I still get nightmares about it." You confess.
She turns her head to look at you, you don't meet her eyes.
"I still remember the hopelessness of walking down that aisle, Ward's eyes as he hits me, sometimes I jerk awake with the memory." You smile, peeking at her.
"It's not all bad, I wake up next to him after all, and he stays awake with me, holds me, until I fall asleep again."
"You don't have to come to mine-"
You wave a hand to stop her.
"-No, it'll be fine as long as I'm not wearing white. Plus, you're not even having it in a church, so I'll be okay. I promise."
She smiles at you, and when it's not enough, she reaches forward to take you into a sideways hug.
"I'm glad I have you. I'm glad we met. I hope every universe has a you to go with me."
The thought squeezes your throat.
"And if you ever decide to leave Frank, we can still shave our heads and move to Bolivia."
She laughs. You're both interrupted by the buzzer in her apartment going off.
"Pizza's here. I'll be right back." She says, before slipping out the door with a jacket in hand.
You wait in the darkness, listening to the sounds of the city, sipping your beer.
When her apartment phone rings, you raise your head.
You know Karen had people calling her at all hours, waiting to give her information on whatever story she was following. Usually she preferred that the call goes to voicemail instead of having you answer and take the message, so you you sit back and let it ring.
When it stops ringing, and you hear her automated voice message play, a man's voice comes on next.
His tone is shaky, he's breathing between each word, it sounds like he's walking fast, or maybe just excited.
"Kar. I know you told me the Fisk thing was a dead end- but I was right. Someone's taken over the entire ring. I don't have much, only a name. Blackbird Enterprises. Call me when you get this."
The voicemail ends.
You blink, screwing your face into disgruntled confusion. In your state of inebriation, none of it makes sense. You take another sip of beer, leaning back and waiting for Karen to arrive with the delicious pizza.
You spend the night at her place, while Billy and Frank work late, you drink beers and have pizza and eventually fall asleep beside each other on her bed.
When you wake up in the morning. There's no memory of ever hearing any man's urgent voice on the phone.
"Did you have a good time at your sleepover last night?" Billy asks.
"Mhmmm." You hum, a moan leaving your lips immediately after as his thumb swirls over your clit.
Your cheek is pressed flush to his desk, the oak turning warm from how long you've been in this position.
You feel his mouth seal over your cunt, you squeak as his tongue delves as deep into your core as possible.
When he pulls back, you wish you could see him. You imagine his mouth and chin is slick with your arousal, his tongue cleaning up whatever it can.
"That's nice, I'm glad you have someone to spend time with when I'm busy."
When you can only hum again, he pinches your clit in warning. You jerk in surprise.
"Words, baby."
"Karen is nice. She's amazing," you sigh, "but there's nothing quite like spending time with you."
You hear his sigh, his thumb makes meaningful swirls on your clit to show you his appreciation.
"That's... good to hear. Honestly... sometimes I get a little jealous."
You raise your head, trying to look back at him, but his palm grips the flesh of your asscheek in warning.
"You do?" You ask instead, returning to your position without protest.
"Without a doubt. Sometimes... I worry that she's stealing you away from me. That maybe she's taking my place when I'm not around."
"She wouldn't- I wouldn't-" You try to formulate a sentence.
"I know," he admits, leaning forward you kiss your slit, "Believe me, I trust you both. It's just my insecurities rearing its head. It has nothing to do with you at all."
You try to focus.
"You should tell someone."
"I'm telling you."
"I mean, someone who can help, someone who can show you that you have no reason to feel like that."
"Like a therapist?"
"Exactly like a therapist."
He hums, mouthing over your pussy, moaning as he tastes you.
"It's not a bad idea." He decides, finally doubling down on his efforts to make you cum.
You sigh in relief, groaning as he licks over your clit again and again and again until you're fighting back blissful screams of pleasure.
You tug your panties back up your legs, grinning at him as he rights his belt.
When he looks up at you. He gives you a bashful smile.
"What?" He asks softly.
You shake your head.
"Nothing. I just love you."
He chuckles.
"Careful. I'm not above bending you over this desk again."
"Wha-?! I was literally just telling you I love you." You complain.
He gives you a cheeky smile, stepping into your space. You gulp as he uses his hips to pin you against the table. You can feel the little bulge in his pants where he's already half hard.
"And do you have any idea what that does to me?" He asks, his finger twirling around a lock of your hair.
"Uhhhh" Is all you can say.
"That's right. It makes me want to get on my knees and thank you. Repeatedly. Until you can't walk."
"Ummmmmm" You try again.
He laughs, the sound makes your chest feel warm as he leans in to kiss you.
His phone rings.
"Fuck." He grumbles, slipping away from you to pick up the phone.
"This better be good." He answers and you watch him listen to what's being said on the other side.
"Hold on." He bites, and you marvel at the way he speaks to other people, compared to the way he speaks to you. He presses the phone to his chest.
"I'll just be a moment honey, don't move." He says to you, heading into the adjoining room to take his call.
You smile and nod, trying to ignore the way his newest pet name sinks right down to your core. Makes you wish he'd come back and lay you over his desk like he did earlier.
Speaking of his desk, you smile and look back at it. The entire system was in disarray.
You take your time, straightening papers, and placing his laptop back in its original place. You even open it up in an attempt to please him. When you reach for some of the stray pieces of paper on the floor, you notice a familiar name on one of the shredded papers in his bin.
It's like a scratching in the back of your head, like someone knocking far off in the distance and you're in a hallway full of doors.
"-but I was right...Someone's taken over the entire ring.... Blackbird Enterprises.... when you get this..."
You frown, dropping the shredded line of paper back into the bin. You couldn't figure out what it meant.
Was Billy working for Blackbird? Had he helped someone take control of Wilson's assets?
You shake your head, not wanting to jump to conclusions, not after he told you he'd been trying to get out.
You raise your head when you hear his angry tone through the door.
"I told you not to transfer anything directly to me! God. You're a fucking idiot and now I can't use it because it'll be traced back."
His voice goes low, and though you can't hear his words clearly. You know he's issuing a threat.
It's his tone of voice that makes you begin to question everything. It's like you're trying to build a puzzle but you're missing  crucial pieces.
You sit on it for days. It makes you nauseous.
You're kneeling behind him, carefully peeling back the bandage on his back.
"Does it hurt?" You ask, trying to be as gentle as possible.
The wound is small. Held together by careful stitches. Some of the finest work money can buy. There'll barely be a scar when it's fully healed.
"It pinches every now and then," Billy says, "but honestly the kevlar took a lot of the force."
You knew that. The bullet had stopped an inch deep in his back, nothing major had been damaged. A flesh wound by all means.
A bullet he'd taken for you.
You take your time cleaning it, making sure there's no significant heat or redness around the area- signs of infections- before carefully redressing.
"I think those stitches can come out real soon." You say, and you hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah doc? I'm gonna make it? Thank god." He reaches back with his good arm to grip your thigh affectionately.
"I thought I was a goner."
You try to smile, but all you can hear is the shot going off, watching him hit the floor.
It's like he knows what you're thinking.
"It was all for show. You know that right?"
"Yeah." You say hoarsely. He'd said that before. It didn't mean that it didn't feel real.
It didn't mean that he hadn't taken a bullet for you.
"What if he'd aimed for your head?" You ask softly.
Billy turns, interrupting your careful placement of gauze.
His eyes are understanding, warm, he cups your cheeks and you can't meet his eyes.
"We can play the 'what if' game for eternity. It doesn't matter what could have happened. It matters what did." You let out a pained sigh at his words.
"I'd take a bullet in the head for you though. No question."
"Don't say that." You whine, fighting back tears.
"I mean it too. But that doesn't mean I won't do everything in my power to make sure that never happens."
You sniffle. Leaning forward to press your head into his bare chest.
You feel him kiss the top of your head.
"That's love, baby. I know what that feels like now. Because of you."
Your eyes squeeze shut, savouring the moment, his hand wrapped around you.
"I mean," you try to argue after a little while, "don't you love Frank too?"
"Yeah but in a different way you brat." He huffs, "You almost make me want to take it back."
"No!" You protest, "Don't take it back, I love you so much too."
He huffs, pulling you closer.
"Okay okay I won't take it back. I love you and this is the first time I've ever loved like this and my therapist thinks you should know that I don't actually know what I'm doing so that you can be more patient with me."
You let out a laugh.
"She didn't actually say that, did she?"
He grunts.
"She might as well have," he says, raising the pitch of his voice to do an impression of a woman, "Tell her how you feel, Billy, that you've never seen what a real relationship is supposed to look like and that means you're gonna make simple mistakes and that scares you."
You let out a little laugh.
"Is this your way of telling me how you feel?" You ask.
"Yes," he says in his normal voice, "because I still haven't learned how to talk about my feelings."
You nod, placing a kiss to his chest.
"Baby steps."
"Please let me kill him." Billy begs, dropping into Frank's office couch.
"No, Billy." Frank says, in a tone that tells how exhausted he is with that topic.
"He fucked up my plans! He's an idiot. I'm begging you."
"We talked about this." Frank continues to clean his guns calmly. "We don't kill people for fucking up. We're better than that."
Billy huffs, the man in question had made the mistake of transferring money directly from Blackbird to Anvil. The real estate Billy had  bought for his main modus operandi had been connected straight to him.
He couldn't use it now, he'd have to find another place to distribute from.
"I bet Micro wants him dead too. Can't imagine he was excited to find out."
"Billy." Frank warns, and he pouts dramatically.
Frank laughs.
"You know why we're doing this. I don't need to remind you." Frank says.
The thought sobers him. He sighs, nodding his head. They were doing this to keep the people they loved safe. Because if you were the most powerful man in the city, no one would try to take what was yours.
"Alright, I'll start looking around for other options. But I want him silenced and fired."
Frank gives a tired shake of his head.
"Nice. Love you, Frankie."
"Get out of my office, Russo."
Billy laughs, doesn't move an inch from his spot on Frank's couch.
You're glad to see your parents readjusting to life in the city. Though, they'd had to downsize their apartment a little since your father had decided to stop participating in the shady side of business.
It was good for them, you think, they'd be safer, especially since Kingpin was dead.
Which was one of the reasons you'd agreed to sit with them through brunch, a little curious to see if they'd heard of any new players on the streets, but you were still trying to figure out how to work it into the conversation.
Any searches for Blackbird Enterprises online came up as a dead end. There was only a single hollow website, claiming to be a consultancy company, naming a David Linus as CEO, not even a picture to go along with the title.
It had made you worried. What was Billy into now?
"Do you want eggs?" You mom asks, browsing over the menu, while your dad stepped away from the table.
"Oh god no." You murmur, the very thought making you nauseous, "I've been having trouble with eggs lately." You admit to her. The thought of Billy being back in danger doing numbers on your stomach.
You mom looks up from the menu suspiciously.
"When was your last period?" She asks.
You freeze.
"A month ago. Why? You think-" You couldn't even voice the words.
She looks back down at the menu casually.
"You should take a test."
You lean forward.
"Like a- a pregnancy test? Mom. I'm not pregnant."
She raises her eyebrows, tilts her head.
"Then a test couldn't hurt, now could it?"
"No-no- but it's unlikely. I've only been nauseous because I heard that someone new was taking over Kingpin's work. Do you know anything?"
She finally looks up again, snapping the menu shut.
"Your father was telling me he heard talks of a new player, yeah. How did you find out?"
You couldn't mention Billy, she'd be too quick to condemn him before you'd even have all the information.
"Just something I heard on Karen’s voicemail. A company."
You lean in closer.
"So it's true? There's someone taking over?" You think you were going to be sick.
Were you safe? Were your parents?
Was Billy?
"Don't get involved trying to figure out what's going on. Blackbird is more dangerous than Wilson Fisk ever was. They're everywhere, and I've heard that even The Hand avoids them."
"The Hand?" You ask, confused.
She waves your question away.
"Another syndicate. My point is, go to a pharmacy, buy a couple of tests, and go home. Stop thinking about Blackbird."
But how could you stop after a warning so ominous?
You take her advice though, stopping in the most questionable drug store and buying a handful of pregnancy tests. You pick the quietest store in hopes that no one recognises you, and the purchase goes successfully.
Instead of going home, you go to Anvil. You take two steps into his office and you don't give him much time to react before you wedge your body into his arms.
You're wound tight with tension, but one deep breath in his arms and your body relaxes.
"Everything okay?" Billy asks, concerned.
You squeeze him tighter and he returns the tight hold with one of his own.
He's yours, and no one is going to take him away from you.
"I'm fine." You say with a sniffle, finally raising your head to look up at him.
"Just- filled with painful memories. Can I use your bathroom?"
He kisses the top of your head.
"Sure baby. I'm right here."
And the breath you were holding rushes out of you.
It almost seems funny now, considering that your hand was shaking so badly ten minutes ago when you were peeing on the stupid stick. The longest ten minutes of your life, all for a blue negative sign.
You huff, stuffing the test back into the box and discarding it. You don't bother to take a second test, satisfied that you're fine, and there's one crises averted.
You wash your hands, stepping out of the bathroom, and heading down the little hallway that joins to his office.
Billy's sitting at his desk, on his laptop typing when you re-enter his office.
"So, I'm not pregnant." You say on a heavy breath and you watch Billy pause mid key stroke. You let out an awkward laugh with the comical way he looks up at you.
He's out of his chair in seconds, taking you into his arms swiftly.
"Oh baby, is that why you were so scared earlier?"
"Yeah." You say, a little sob following, and then the dam breaks.
You'd been trying to be brave about it, but you were relieved. Having a baby was a scary thought and such a big responsibility for you.
"I thought you were getting fitted for an implant?" He asks, his cheek resting on the top of your head.
"I- made an appointment, but I've been sick lately and mom just made me worry about it."
Billy makes a sound of apology, pulling you to lean against him as he props himself against his desk.
When you can catch a hold of the flood of emotions inside you, he tilts your head up, wiping at your cheeks.
"Would a baby be so bad?" He asks, and you sniffle, deep in thought.
"No," You admit to him, "but it's scary."
"I'm not scared." He says, and you look up at him with hopeful eyes, his fingers play with the hair framing your face.
"You're not?"
"I was... but... nothing's scary with you."
You give him a watery smile.
"Therapy's really doing you good, hmm?"
He grins. Pulling you closer and dipping his head for a quick kiss.
"Sorry, I just got overwhelmed. And then mom mentioned this new company called Blackbird-"
"Really?" He interrupts in a curious tone.
Your body goes stiff, and you meet his eyes.
"Yeah. They're apparently taking over Wilson's old dealings. Have you encountered them before?"
You knew the answer to the question, but you needed to hear him say it. You needed to see if he would lie to your face.
"Yeah, I- bought a dive bar from them recently. I was trying to venture out. I thought something was up, got my own suspicions about their legitimacy. I'm trying to distance myself from them now in case the feds think I'm involved."
That was a reasonable answer.
And just like that, the last pit in your stomach unravels.
There really was nothing to worry about, was there?
You laugh, snuggling closer into him.
"I love you so fucking much." You say on a sigh, squeezing him tighter.
"I love you so fucking much too." Billy agrees, "But now I can't stop thinking about you swollen with my baby and now I wanna put one there."
You make a little giggle of amusement.
"Not that I'm saying yes... but I'm not opposed to some practice."
"Oh really?" He asks, smiling as he presses his lips you yours.
It doesn't last long, before there's someone knocking at his door, and his secretary is telling him that his three o'clock meeting is here.
You smile at his apologetic look.
"It's okay, Billy, I'll see you at home, yeah?"
"Nooooo," he complains, "wait outside for me? This shouldn't take too long."
You laugh, agreeing to his request.
It's where Frank finds you five minutes later.
He gives you a big hug, and you laugh, happily returning his affection.
He starts off with checking in on you, and then the conversation spins in the direction of the wedding.
"We're thinking about moving it up. Too excited you know?"
You smile, nodding along, except you didn't know. You'd never be excited for a wedding ever again.
"Anytime you guys decide- and I'm there." You say, grinning up at him.
You chat for a little bit about useless wedding commentary, before the conversation spins again, to complaining about Billy.
"The man's a pain in my ass and I don't know how you manage. He sat on my couch the other day and wouldn't leave until I told him I loved him."
You laugh happily.
"That's progress." You argue, and Frank rolls his eyes and begrudgingly agrees.
"Blackbird's come far from when we first met, and that's all thanks to you."
Your smile drops.
"Blackbird?" You ask, your heart freezing to solid ice inside your chest.
"Yeah, it was his codename back in the military. He never mentioned?"
Act like nothing's wrong. Act like nothing's wrong.
You let out a little laugh. You wonder if Frank can see through the façade.
"No, he never said. What was your codename?"
You don't even hear his response.
"You okay?" Frank asks when he notices your spaced out expression.
You blink back into reality.
"Yeah. Yeah!" You raise a hand to scratch at your eyebrow. "Sorry, I just realised I was supposed to check in with a florist from across the city. Hope you don't mind if I cut this short."
"That's alright. I'll see you around?"
You smile.
"Yeah." You agree, heading towards the elevator, wishing him farewell.
You press the down button forcefully, begging the elevator to open up faster.
You can hear Billy's office door open, his voice getting louder as he speaks with someone.
The elevator door slides open.
It takes him walking around the corner curiously, and catching sight of you running away, for the pieces to fall perfectly into place.
Your face is stoic, borderlined angry, he looks confused for a moment, before his features settle into understanding.
As the elevator doors close, you finally come to the shocking reality.
That Billy Russo was the new Kingpin.
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
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The Bear’s Den
Well hello there. Welcome to the Bear’s Den. What can I getcha?
Well well, aren't you a cutie. I’d recommend ordering the Ursa Beer. We got a special tonight, one bucket o’ six for $20. Sounds good? Excellent, coming right up.
Let me give you some time to enjoy the first one (Then start feeding them to you faster and faster)
Rubbing your belly after that first belch? Yeah, there’s a lot of head in the beer. No need to gulp it down son, just enjoy it. It will start to be very relaxing. All the stress starting to fade away. Just getting more and more carefree, enjoying your beer in my bar. Don’t think about work, or grad school, or any of your troubles. Just drink and relax.
So what if your shirt starts riding up on your new belly? It feels good. If your pants feel a little tight, just loosen your belt or and do the top button. No worries.
Is your face a little scratchy? Must be your heavy stubble. It's quite think and very striking. It looks good on you.
It's not just your face that's getting itchy. Your chest, legs, back are probably all starting to prickle. It's a little itchy at first, but just drink another beer. Don't focus on it too much.
Damn, you pounded beer number two down pretty quickly. You say it had a bit of a musky taste compared to the first? Don’t worry about it, must have been because you drank it too fast. Or your taste buds are changing a bit, giving you new preferences and likes.
Ursa Beer has a rich and complicated taste. But it definitely gets better the more you have. Looks like your shirt doesn't fit at all now. Just go ahead and take it off man, I can keep it behind the bar.
Damn! I said take your shirt off, but it looks like you had a sweater on underneath! That's a pretty hairy body. I like a man who lets his pelt grow out, it looks very manly.
Plus I bet that crotch is getting a little tight as well. That sack of yours is probably nice and fuzzy, and your balls must be getting big. How did I know? I saw you when you went to piss after beer number three. You weren’t exactly shy in the urinals bud.
By the way, I love your ink. A bear paw with the bear pride background is pretty sweet. Looks good on your meaty bicep. And the tribal tat on your left pec is quite nifty as well, even if all that chest fur makes it hard to see.
And now you are done with beer number four. Why don't you take your jeans off too? I can see your discomfort, even with the belt off and the jeans unzipped. I can toss ‘em behind the bar too. Might as well toss over your flip flops too.
Damn you're thick now! Look at how big those feet are too. Good thing you kicked off your flip flops, those things must be side 14 or bigger now! When did you switch from briefs to a jockstrap? Not that I'm complaining, it looks good on you. I see you finishing beer number five, and dripping a few suds onto your hairy pecs and big beer belly. Feels pretty firm! Guess you must work out or something, huh bud? Body like that, nice and big, wouldn’t look that firm if you weren’t hitting the gym several times a week.
You OK son? You’re looking flushed and sweaty. Raise those arms up, let me get a whiff of that musk. Fuck that's strong. You got a sexy musk bud. Have some more beer and cool down.
Whoops. Looks like you're a leaker. That big bear cock of yours must be drooling a ton of pre. Your jock is getting soaked with it now.
Looks like you're almost done there bud. Hmmm, so you say you’re a bit of a homebody, huh? With a body like that, I kind of doubt it. It looks like your jockstrap says "Property of the Stags" on it.
You know the Stags? The local rugby team? I bet you’re one of their best players. You may be laid back, never a problem here, but I bet you have a competitive edge to you. Plus, with musk like that, I bet you're quite the horndog. That rugger stink coming off you will drive all the boys wild.
Yeah man, I bet you make your teammates all worship my fuckin’ nuts in the locker room after every game, dontcha? A big bear like you, coming here in just his jock, no way you aren’t on the prowl for some ass.
What’s that? Yeah, you do look so fuckin’ sexy. Usually I have to prevent our other patrons from mobbing you, since your musk turns them all on and bones ‘em up. But that bear in the corner, the construction worker daddy bear-type, he looks pretty beefy too. I bet he’d go home with you.
Sure man, come back for your clothes tomorrow. I’ll hold on to them for you. I know how you love to walk home in just your jock when you are bringing back a hot piece of bear ass for the night. Your “Sex strut” as I have heard you call it. Just settle up your tab, and you’ll be good to go.
Wow, thanks for the big tip. Guess it pays to be friendly to my best customer, huh? See you around big guy.
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yeppeudau · 2 years
Spike that! 05‣ coffee with bae
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#a/n: omg our first written chapter!! (don't mind me posting this at this hour I have been a wreck all day this is my therapy.) kinda proofread but not really. 3 sns at the beginning, 2 in the middle and 2 at the end
wc: 775
warnings: none I don't think? they are just awkward lol
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For someone who has done this multiple times, far too many to count in fact. It sure doesn't get easier.
Yes, you know its only getting a coffee with and for someone. But in your defense Taehyun was usually with you. To put it simply he knew how to carry a conversation even if he didn't like the person. While you, you honestly did not know how to period.
So not having him with you made your stomach churn with an uncomfortable feeling and hands turn clammy. But you reminded yourself that someone needed to genuinely apologize, and it wasn't going to be Lena. Pushing all that down as you wiped your palms on your pants as you approached the cafe you were set to meet at.
Looking around you immediately notice the tall slim figure with dark chocolate colored hair - who was pacing back and forth- that got hit in the head yesterday.
Taking a breath you make your way up to said boy, lightly tapping his shoulder "Huening Kai?"
He practically jumps back at the sudden touch whipping his head to you. Looking at him closely you think can notice the light shade of pink already making its way to his ears as he stares widely at you.
"Oh- Uh yes hi!" he squeaks out the action making him visibly cringe.
"Why were you waiting out here? It's kind of chilly today isn't it?" you say rubbing  your arms in an attempt to warm up a little.
And fighting the urge to immediately offer you his sweater he sheepishly he scratches the back of his neck as he replies "Oh..well I didn't want you to have to look around for me in there I guess.."
You're a little confused at his reasoning considering you think he's hard to miss for one reason or another. But you don't tell him that nor do you ask any further questions as you motion him to follow you into the cafe.
The cafe is somewhat occupied with all the other students who have a class this early. Either they're cramming presentations and projects they couldn't finish the night prior or just to grab a cup of coffee with way too many espresso shots.
Walking up to the cashier they greet you with a polite yet tired 'What can I get you'. Promptly you put in your order, a nice (coffee free) latte. Then you look to boy next to you telling him to order whatever he would like. which doesn't take him long to answer. Simply asking for an iced americano.
For some reason you pictured him as a hot chocolate type of guy or maybe something sweeter of the sorts, but then again you know nothing about him.
The cashier asks if thats all and you look towards Huening Kai again incase he wants to add something which he just shakes his head 'no' to. You tell the cashier that, that will be all and move to the side to wait for your drinks.
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The wait wasn't very long, though it didn't feel that way, maybe support by the fact both of you opted to scroll through your phones instead of actually talking.
With your drinks in hand the two of you begin your way to class, silently might you add. That is until you noticed Huening Kai had stopped walking along side you, causing you to turn to look at the boy in confusion.
Your mouths open at the same time and seemingly close shut at the same time as well. Awkwardly, you motion towards him to go first.
Kai bows slightly clearing his throat "Um, Thank you..for the coffee"
A short but all too noticeable silence passes between the two of you and you don't even realize you're just staring blankly at him till you notice how he starts fidgeting with his sweater paw.
"Oh! Uh you're welcome." you say "Actually I was hopping the coffee would be enough.. I know you're always at our games and practices, so I felt extra bad this time around.." trailing off on that last part to look away from the boy.
Now its kai's turn to stare at you blankly before realizing what you just said and he does his best to compose himself as he shyly spurts out his question "You- you know I show up?"
"Yea of course! you're always in the front row, how could I not?" you say. And the little yet noticeable smile you send him at the end of your sentence only leaves him nodding at what you said. He can already feel his heart flipping around as if it were an acrobat at the fact you even knew he existed.
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➤. prev / masterlist / next
#Synopsis➤ There is a reason your team doesn't let Lena spike, its for everyone's safety really. Too bad she doesn't listen and too bad that rule wasn't enough to stop her from accidentally hitting an unsuspecting Huening Kai in the head. But hey, at least it lead to his crush finally noticing him, aka you.
➤. taglist[open]: @luvsoobs @zeesondiary @iichaeyj @nomniki @josuyay @jaxavance @laylasbunbunny @tyunmylove @rjclouds @breadyuni @lunaavity @galaxyhalloes @millksea @tvun @peachbly @notdrunkbutdazed @curiousgworge @sophhloaff @fairy0fshamp0o @diestheticu @ihoonbrry @bluebearybeom @jinjccns @mikasaredscarf1 @sukunasrealgf @curiousgworge @hyyhyuka @gyusbbl @windex-princess-ami @captivq @realexq @luvdokja
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
Harry Styles Body Language 
Hellooo okay here we go. This is just my educated opinion. I have minor experience in body language analysis through my studies (I'm in graduate school currently for psychology) and through work (I used to work in a behavioral school and a psychiatric hospital). None of this is meant to be a diagnosis or taken to be 100% real. Like I said, it's just an opinion.
I've done seldom analyses before. The original ask was asked A WHILE ago and they requested Olivia be included. That was before the stunt ended so I really don't want to bring her back up now lol I'll put some links down below of other analyses I've done if you're interested though x
Holivia body language
Harry's general facial expressions with/without Olivia
Another facial expression comparison
Yacht pics analysis
Olivia body language
I also did a regular Harry one a while ago but I can't for the life of me find it.
This is a general Harry analysis. I will do one about him with men soon, and Kendall since that was requested.
I suspect Harry is quite shy and probably somewhat anxious. He definitely doesn't come off like this all the time. I call it the "anxiety clause". There are certain situations in which shy people come out of their shell. I also think Harry is well trained to appear more extraverted than he actually is. He's pretty hard to read tbh but I'll tell you a little of why I think the way I do.
Harry does this thing every now and then where he covers his face with one or both of his hands when he's laughing, or in some kind of shocking/attention grabbing scenario. Could be read as someone who's hiding behind a shield. And tying into that, it could be read as someone who just needs a moment to process. It's a brief act of the body saying "whoah I need a moment to take this all in and digest what's happening". You have the wrists turned inward towards the face (a subconscious thing people do when they feel vulnerable or feel like they need to protect themselves) and you have the eyes being covered shielding off that sense. Everyone has some kind of motion they subconsciously do while protecting themselves. Some have more obvious ones than others, like this. Traditionally speaking, it exhibits traits of a protector vs a "hunter", for lack of a better word.
It's also a trait of embarrassment.
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He also does this thing with his hands where he balls them up. I think some people call it "sweater paws" depending on what he's wearing. This is usually associated with nervousness or anxiety. It's a comfort tick people do to calm down, again mostly subconsciously.
And yes I KNOW he could just be cold but I'm making my analysis based on a plethora of factors 😭
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Also speaking of hands, he plays around a lot with his. Like his hands are always fidgeting. I noticed this A LOT at the MSG show I went to when I was in Pit. It was painfully obvious. Like fidgeting with the mic, the mic wire, his ear piece, etc. I think that's partially why he likes playing the guitar while performing. Keeping your hands preoccupied helps with nervousness.
Tip: if you ever get anxious, roll a hair pin back and forth between your fingers.
He also touches his hair and lips a lot, which are typically lumped with anxiety. One doesn't equal the other btw. Just saying what they're usually related to.
And then I usually pay attention to posture and other subtle nonverbal cues. I could go on and on about it but sometimes Harry stands somewhat unsure of himself, or he subconsciously makes himself smaller. It's not always equal to anxiety or nervousness. It could also just be him being introverted, shy, or even sad. Sometimes posture is dependent on mood, rather than personality. And sometimes there are cultural differences. We all have nonverbal cues - that's universal. But keep in mine I'm from the US while Harry is from England. There might be some cultural differences.
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These ^ are things I usually look for. And there are way more examples but this is just a basic visual. Harry generally falls under the closed posture.
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These are some general examples of closed posture. You can probably find more also. I usually look for hand/arm placement.
Hands behind the back, or crossed arms/folded hands is typically a way of cutting off communication or putting a barrier between yourself and another person.
Now sometimes yes, hands behind back can mean confidence or superiority, but I look at other things to accompany it too. I look at posture, facial expressions, and if the muscles are relaxed or not. So based on my opinion, I think it's solely just Harry shielding himself. It could be read a couple different ways but again, this is my opinion.
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And the "groin blocking" is usually something people do when they're nervous or insecure. It could also be a submissive thing, or an indicator of shyness.
Also yes these aren't the best examples and it's not how Harry is 1000% of the time, but it's something I've noticed.
These are examples of open posture in regards to sitting:
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And to differentiate between a casual stance and a shy/closed stance, I usually look at a couple different variables. It's not just about the hands. It's about the posture. It's about the content being discussed. It's about the environment. There's a lot more going into it than just saying "oh look at where his hands are". You can't make a fair assumption on just one thing. Not that any of my assumptions are 100% fair - obviously they're not because I don't know Harry personally - but I try to analyze the best I can when needed.
There's also one other picture I cannot find for the life of me. It's Harry sitting down in 2020, and he's wearing a sweater vest. He just looks so shy in that picture. It's one of my main arguments and I literally can't find the pic. If someone knows what I'm talking about, please send it to me.
Anyways, these are just my thoughts. I could talk more about it too but those are my main, initial thoughts :)
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thebrideoftiffany · 1 year
okay idk much about horror stuff bc I am a pansy but I do know a lot about being very deadpanned and odd as a child so imagine its kind of like the scene with steve and dustin where they’re walking through the woods but instead of baiting an eldritch monster, hes getting dragged to a graveyard to dig up someone’s dead pet
hes awakened by the feeling of eyes on him.
sam is standing not too far from the end of his side of the bed, knocking his foot off the bed when he notices that steve is up.
“come on” sam harshly whispered , “i need you to take me to the graveyard”
“TO THE GRAVE-“ a shush from sam and groan from henry shuts him quickly. steve points to the door and sam understands immediately
“why do you need to go to a graveyard in the middle of the night!” steve whisper yells.
“he’s up” sam offers nothing else. nothing but a quick pace to the doorway sliding into his boots he never ties and picking up steve’s keys. looking between the bedroom door and the front door left open steve makes a decision to follow after sam and ask questions later. he doesnt need henry waking up panicking about his kid running off in the middle of the night, especially to a graveyard.
with a huff, begrudgingly stuffing his feet into his slippers (house shoes be damned).
sam already parked himself in the front passenger seat, his music playing way too loud, as if its a regular day and not the middle of the night.
“finally! hes probably dead again already”
it all feels like really weird dream. hes driving on a shitty dirt road through the woods to go to a graveyard because his boyfriend’s son told him to. steve’s waiting for the faceless monsters to come out to fully commit to the strangeness.
and sam… Sam is not saying a goddamn thing. no explanation, no slips of information. just telling steve where to turn.
“can i at least ask…” steve trailed off when fixed sam’s sharp gaze on him
“you get one question”
“who is ‘he’?”
“binx” he said it like it was common sense. ahh yeah we’re going to see binx at the graveyard @ 3am what else would we be doing
“you have your shovel right?”
“my shovel?”
“you used all your questions. yes or no?”
“i never had a shovel…i have a bat?”
“great steve! gonna beat a hole in the ground.”
“im sorry, i didnt know i would grave digging anytime soon. i’ll be better prepared for next time”
“see look a quick learner too! and they say youre just a pretty face” sam said with a sarcastic smile “it should be fine he doesnt feel that big so maybe hes not that deep in. nothing a big stick and rock cant do” he continued, mumbling mostly to himself
sam walks off on his own analyzing every stick and stonehenge, steve following close behind him (its one thing to take sam in the middle of the night but to lose him too, he might as well stay at the yard)
“what are we looking for?”
“i answered that already” walking closer to the end of the graveyard, where it started to bleed into the woods. steve was starting to regret not having a flashlight
it wasnt until sam stopped by some loose dirt that looked like it was breathing. “fuck fuck fuck i got you little buddy dont worry” it came out rushed a worried. the most empathetic steve has ever heard sam sound. it worried him the usually quiet and deadpanned teen sounded on the edge of tears. wordlessly, steve rushed off to help dig up the dirt with his bare hands.
they had dug until steve saw a small black paw. moving more frantically when a weak cry was heard, sam tried moving the dirt from around the animal to give more space to move around. few minutes of waiting and the cat was crawling its way up. slowly and gently, sam had coaxed the whimpering cat onto his laps, laying calming pets on its head.
the cat was small and all black, had a weird face; missing left eye and tattered ear, the left side of his face was furless in general. The cat was shaking but not frightened, “hey uh..” breaking the tense silence “i have a sweater in the backseat of the car, do you uh…do you think he’s cold” steve had offered, just wanting to help.
there was a beat of silence, before sam attempted to stand up without disturbing the the cat, “that’ll be great actually” he said softly, all of his attention focused on the cat.
a quiet walk back to the car, steve opens the front door to help sam in and then goes through the back to grab his hoodie from the backseat. “do you need anything else while we’re out?”
“i dont think anything is open right now… but binx will need some food soon” another duration of silence before steve piped up again.
“can i at least know what just happened?” before sam could respond steve interrupted with, “and no more evading answers. you woke me up to go get a dead cat. i at least should know what is happening”
“…binx wasnt on his last life. i felt him come back alive again and needed to make sure he was okay.” the cat was now asleep, bundled up in the sweater and in sam’s arms.
“does henry know about this…cat resurrection thing youre doing”
“of course. he usually helps nurse them back to health and we take them to shelters so they can find families again” the smallest but most genuine smile steve has ever seen flashed on sam’s face before it was back to his usual stony, impassive state. “do we have eggs at home binx will need some protein”
“yeah yeah sure…” steve was unsure how to take the answer. on one hand it still felt like a weird dream and the other he was still too tired to tired to question whether sam was bullshitting him or not. what truly outdid him for the night was when he heard sam start to coo at the cat.
sam softly baby talking to the cat, “and maybe some bread, you came back from the dead you deserve a little special treat” bewildered but not entirely sure hes surprised by the turn this night had taken steve pulled into his parking spot.
“im going to take him to my room, can you get started on boiling like 2 eggs” not taking his eyes off the cat he walked up to the door and waited for steve to open it.
steve went into the bathroom to wash the dirt off his hands before going back to the kitchen to grab a pot and eggs and got that started. the need for sleep started to settle in but if he stayed in the kitchen. sam came back looking in the cabinet for a bowl, choosing some tupperware and filling it with water, he wordlessly went back to his room
this turned out way longer than i thought it was going to be sorry and sorry for any mistakes.
oh my god anon i Love it thank you for sharing
bonding with your boyfriend's son through his hobby of resurrecting pets. also you mentioned sam just standing over them while they sleep, and i've always thought of that as a staple of the horror-ish aus, where steve wakes up to this creepy kid just Staring at him in the middle of the night and jumps a foot in the air while henry is like "aw. hey baby. you wanna sleep in here?"
the next morning, after their little impromptu fieldtrip, steve's pretty groggy, sipping what he knows will be the first of multiple coffees. sam isn't paying him any more attention than he usually does (which is none) and he'd be convinced it was all a strange dream if it weren't for the cat purring in his lap.
"good morning," henry says, rounding into the kitchen and immediately spotting the cat, "oh, binx is up. why didn't you get me last night?"
"you said you had a headache," sam mutters back and steve can see his boyfriend soften.
"sweet boy," he murmurs, wrapping his arms around sam and pressing his cheek against his hair (only person who's ever been allowed to do something like that), "but i don't want you going out by yourself in the middle of the night."
"i didn't," sam says, "steve was with me."
"oh, he was?" henry says, sparing a glance for his boyfriend before turning back to his son, "and did you tell him thank you?"
steve can see sam sigh a little before actually looking at him for the first time all morning.
"thank you, steve."
steve mutters back a soft welcome, more interested in watching henry smile and press a kiss against the crown of sam's head before pulling away. he's sort of convinced that he's actually still in a dream, that he never woke up and it's just ongoing, but when henry presses a kiss against his lips and murmurs his own thanks for taking care of his boy, he decides he doesn't mind.
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matthewtkachuk · 2 years
it's - tyler seguin
Tyler breaks up with you, leaving you to deal with the pieces
pairing: tyler seguin x reader
warnings: angst, use of the phrase "number one labrador mom" which i'm told is very traumatizing (right @butgilinsky??), break up talk, overuse of the word "it's"
word count: 800 words of pain
a/n: so i didn't hit my next milestone but i love yall so have this blurb anyway <3 tyler won the vote very narrowly - but don't worry my loves i'll drop the others eventually too!
It’s a half empty master bedroom and a box full of picture frames without pictures contained within. It’s a cardboard box with return to Tyler written in red sharpie. It’s the faded Stars sweater with his number embroidered on the sleeve that you can’t bring yourself to put in the box to return with the rest of his things. It’s the song playing on the radio that reminds you of him so you switch to another, where you’re reminded again and again as you switch stations until you frustratedly turn the radio off totally.
It’s the lack of paws and claws tapping on the hardwood floor. It’s the quiet silence that you’re still not accustomed to even though he’s been moved out for two weeks. It’s the longing and the pining and the want you still feel even though it had been a mutual breakup. Well, as mutual as him telling you he wasn’t in love with you anymore and all you could do was nod and agree.
It’s Roope walking in with the key he no doubt grabbed from Tyler, and the sympathy on his face as he watches you take in the remnants of the life you thought you were making. It’s the way Roope wraps you up in a bear hug and the way your chest shakes as you sob in his arms. It’s the “#1 Labrador Mom” lanyard that you press into his hands because that title doesn’t belong to you, not anymore. It’s you missing the subtle shake of Roope’s head as he can’t comprehend what his friend has done. It’s “do you need help with the last of the boxes?” and “you can call me if you need anything okay?”. It’s the unspoken ‘he might have broken up with you but you’re still family’.
It’s the putting your stuff in storage and staying in your best friend’s spare room while you ‘get back on your feet’ that turns into a solid two weeks of you crying every day and refusing to leave the sanctity of under the covers. It’s the torturing yourself with his social media - pictures and videos of him smiling and laughing while you feel like your entire world has fallen apart around you. It’s your thumb hovering over his number that you’d deleted from your phone but still had memorized by heart.
It’s obsessing over the small black velvet ring box you’d found in his nightstand when you were looking for a phone charger. The future you thought you were working towards together. The life you thought you were building. It’s the large house in the suburb with the red door and the wrap around porch and the porch swing. It’s a mini Tyler running around causing havoc with the dogs and a mini you on your hip that you’ll never get to meet. It’s the devastating blindside of ‘it’s over’ when you thought you were getting ‘let’s be together forever’.
It’s phone calls with your mom that end with you in tears, it’s ignoring texts and messages from his sisters, and having no fucking answer for why you’re still stuck in the cafe he'd broken your heart in, screaming while no sound comes out.
It’s getting out of bed and taking bubble baths and putting your all into the things you can change - your job, your friendships, your family. It’s adopting a golden retriever mix from the pound that you name Stella, cuddling every night while you try to not let the tears fall.
It’s watching his instagram like some kind of obsessed ghost, never commenting, never liking, never interacting. Simply watching his life flash by in pictures - photos of smiling faces and bare sunkissed skin and beers and bonfires and the dogs you had no claim to anymore. It’s girls and rumors and bunny blogs and dms that make you sick to your stomach. It’s some other girl in his private stories and wearing his jersey and worse yet, it’s that very same lanyard you’d pressed into Roope’s hand hanging from her neck.
It’s everything and it’s nothing and though one day you know that you’ll be okay, that day is not today.
And then it’s forgetting, slowly losing the exact image of his smile from your mind, and seconds then minutes then hours then days without thinking of him with a terrible twisting of your gut. It’s turning on a hockey game and watching it to the end without crying. It’s nights out that you don’t look for him in every stranger’s eyes, and dates that don’t feel like cheating, and people you let into your bed and then your heart.
Lastly, it’s Tyler, hat in his hands at your front door. Then it’s you, slamming that very door in his face while “I’m sorry,” dies on the tip of his tongue.
“Who’s at the door?” your new boyfriend asks.
“It’s no one.”
And it isn’t.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 1
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AN: My Marvel obsession has been lying dormant since Endgame finished but Wandavision and Falcon and Winter Soldier have brought it back to life.... This is going to be a series based off the show. Kind of like my ‘Oh Dear’ fic, it’s the series with an added characters and story lines. 
Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: You reunite with Sam and Bucky (Based on S1 EP2)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 6,883
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 2, strong language, violence. 
You and Bucky had always been close. 
You were close with Steve before Bucky joined the avengers and you fought on Steve’s side during the small civil war between the avengers. 
Steve was your best friend and Sam always knew how to make you smile but there was something about Bucky that was different to the rest of the avengers. 
You had spent some time in Wakanda with Bucky at Steve’s request and you two had always fought side by side and it crushed Steve when you both taken during the blip and he wasn't. 
When you returned, you were thrust back into battle almost immediately. The final fight against Thanos which resulted in you losing Tony and then Steve. 
Nothing seemed to matter except the fact you had been gone for 5 whole years. You had missed 5 whole years with your friends and family. They had changed whilst you were gone and you came back the same as you left.
When Steve returned the infinity stones, he hadn’t given you warning that he wasn’t coming back the same age he was going in but he had warned Bucky. They had spoken about it before apparently and after everything, you felt kind of betrayed. 
You knew you’d never understand Steve’s choice but it was his choice. You were just upset Bucky didn’t warn you. 
You returned to your home town after that day. 
You returned to find some people had changed and some hadn’t but you knew you wanted to be around and spend time with them. 
After all the years fighting for the avengers and only calling every once in a blue moon. It seemed to finally dawn on you that you should spend time with them whilst you still could. 
However, that only lasted around 6 months before you found yourself answering a phone call from Sam. 
You were at a birthday party for one of your old school friend’s daughters when you felt your phone go off. 
You put down one of the little girls who had be asking you a hundred questions about being apart of the avengers and excused yourself from the party. 
“Tell me why I got an awful feeling when I saw your caller ID come up on my phone.” You answered, folding your free hand under your arm as you leant against the wall. 
“It’s cause your subconscious is reminding you about that one time you said no when I asked you out on a date and you regret that now.”  Sam’s voice instantly made you crack a smile. 
“Or maybe it’s because every time I get a call from you it’s to do with the world ending or something worse.” You shot back. 
“It’s good to hear your voice too.” Sam chuckled at your comment before he had responded. 
“So what’s going on? I haven’t heard much from you in months.” You asked. 
“That’s around the time you up and left us for the old way of living.” Sam reminded you that you were the one that decided to go cold agent and return home. 
“There isn’t anything wrong with a little quiet.” You told him as you looked back through the window to the children that were the opposite of quiet. 
“No there isn't.” Sam agreed, “However, I got a situation here at the moment that I could really use your help with.”
“I guess it’s a bit bigger than the usual military op or you wouldn’t be calling?” You frowned. You were in the loop enough to know Sam had been apart of the airforce these past 6 months and had been taking part in frequent missions but nothing that concerned you. 
“I’m sending you over the details now. I’d appreciate it if you could come.” Sam sent you through a file and you pulled your phone away from your ear to open it. 
“You don’t need to convince me, Sam. I’ll be there since I know you wouldn’t ask unless it was serious.” You answered honestly. 
“Guess I’ll be seeing you soon then.” You could practically hear Sam’s smirk through the phone.
“Depends how quick I can get a bag together and your jet can get me to you.” You told him as you picked up your jacket from the coat rack. 
“Well it’s no Red Wing but it’s pretty fast.” Sam stated. “Oh and (Y/n)... You haven’t seen the news in the past hour or so, have you?”
“No? Why?” You frowned at the hesitation in Sam’s voice. 
“Just... take a look.” Sam told you before you ended the call. 
You opened up the news on your phone and what you saw made your mouth go dry and your stomach drop. 
You felt an anger rise up in you as you watched the wannabe waltz onto screen with Steve’s shield in his paws. 
When Sam gave up the shield, you didn’t know how to feel at first but now... now you weren’t surprised Sam didn’t elaborate on what he wanted you to see.
You said your apologies and your goodbyes pretty swiftly and you had already stashed an emergency bag ready to go under your bed so you were soon on your way.
It didn’t take terribly long to get to the air base where Sam was waiting for you. 
“Who the hell is this guy and why is he calling himself the new Captain America?” 
“Nice to see you too.” Sam wasn’t surprised at the attitude once you stepped off the plane.
“Sam, first you call me up to help deal with this wannabe terrorist group and now I just find out that Steve’s shield, which you gave up, is being held by some wannabe superhero.” You dumped your bag on the floor as you closed the gap between you and Sam.
“Trust me, I’m not happy about it either and I knew nothin about it but we have bigger fish to fry right now so can we cut the dramatic and get to actually saying hello?” Sam stared down at you with his hands on his hips. 
You sighed and gave in.
You wrapped your arms around the man and hugged him warmly.
“I’m sorry. I just––”
“–I know.” Sam didn’t need your apology. He understood how you were feeling. You both loved Steve so much. 
“Miss (Y/N)(Y/L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you.” A voice brought your attention away from Sam to a man approaching you both. 
“(Y/n), Torres. Torres, (Y/n).” Sam introduced you to the uniformed man and you shook his hand politely. 
“Nice to meet you.” You weren’t sure if you had gotten used to the way most civilians looked at you after you became apart of the avengers. When you joined you didn’t realise becoming famous would be apart of the gig.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but Miss (Y/L/N) has to come with me to get logged into the clearance system and sort out a couple things.” Torres pointed over his shoulder as he explained. 
“And by that he means sign an autograph for his kid sister.” Sam teased the man. 
“What?” Torres’ cheeks tinged pink. “No!”
“It’s alright. Lead the way.” You picked up your bag and sent a quick smile to Sam before turning back to Torres. “Oh and you can call me (Y/n) by the way.” 
It didn’t take too long for Torres to fill you in on Sam’s plan for the mission as he logged in a few details so you could have clearance around the airbase. 
You did end up signing an autograph after a little tiptoeing around the question and then by the time you walked back out into the open you spotted someone you hadn’t expected to see. 
It was Bucky. 
“Looking good for a senior citizen.” You spoke up as you approached Sam and Bucky. 
Bucky had his back to you but the sound of your voice soon paused his conversation with Sam and he spun around. 
“Hey Buck.” You smiled but you couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. “Long time no see.” 
“(Y/n).” Bucky stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you. 
You chuckled at his tight embrace but hugged him back just as tight all the same. 
“You, uh, you look good.” Bucky cleared his throat as he pulled away from you. 
“If you’ll excuse us, Casanova, we got places to be.” Sam tried to pull you away from Bucky but Bucky only followed. 
“I’m coming with you.” Bucky announced. 
“No, you’re not!” Sam argued. 
You hadn’t missed the men’s bickering...
In spite of Sam’s protest, Bucky ended up on the flight anyway. 
“So how’s it been away from the Avengers?” Bucky asked you as you both prepared for the mission.
Sam was up with Torres in the cockpit so you and Bucky were alone for the first time since you saw each other.
“It’s been okay. Spending time at home. Doing non-hero regular folk stuff.” You chuckled weakly as you pulled off your sweater. Bucky’s eyes fell to your chest as you had only wore a vest underneath. You felt your cheeks burn as you pretended not to notice.
“Uh, same.” Bucky cleared his throat before he spoke.. “Been strange without you around.”
“Buck, you know I needed time away from everything. From Sam, from you... After Steve, I...” You let your words drop away. 
There was a short silence before Bucky decided to change the subject.
“I’ve been seeing a therapist. Court mandated. She’s got me doing this whole redemption thing. Contacting people in my past. Making things right.” 
“And how’s that going for you?” You couldn’t help but smirk slightly at the idea of Bucky forcing himself to face his past at the request of a therapist. 
“Well I have three rules I’m meant to stick to and let’s say I’m not exactly following them closely.” Bucky admitted as he folded his hoodie.
“Does your therapist know that?” You cocked an eyebrow at the man with a light amused expression.
“What do you think.” Bucky smirked back at you.
“Be careful. I might tell on you.” You sighed playfully. 
“You’re actually on the list.” Bucky suddenly confessed. “I wanted to make things right after...” Bucky paused for a moment. “...After Steve. I should have warned you. Should have told you the truth.” 
“Bucky.” You stopped him. “It’s okay. Steve made a choice and he chose to talk to you about it. You’re his best friend and the only other person on the team who could’ve really understood why he did what he did. I’m not holding it against you.” 
“I’m still sorry.” Bucky looked you in the eyes as he spoke, “You were with him for so long when I wasn’t around. You should’ve got a real warning.” 
“Thanks Buck.” You pressed your lips into a brief sad smile before looking down at your boots. 
“I’ve really missed you, (Y/n).” Bucky uttered. 
“I really missed you too.” You stopped tying your lace to look up at the man. 
His short hair had really revealed his face and you couldn’t help but notice every part of it. The lines by his eyes when he smiled, the curve of his lips, the shadow that was just coming on.
You straightened up and stepped towards the man. 
“I like the new haircut by the way.” You reached up and let your fingers brush the top of his forehead. “Makes you look almost like a civilian.” 
Bucky couldn’t help but feel his body tense under your touch. 
“You look tired though.” You let your hand drop down to his cheek. “Not been sleeping well?”
Bucky forced himself to move away from your touch.
“Bad dreams.” Bucky murmured. 
“I figured therapy might have been helping you with those.” You frowned, “I remember sharing wake up duty with Steve like it was yesterday.”
“Every time it was your turn you’d make hot coco.” Bucky reminded you. It brought back images of you and Bucky sat in a small kitchen drinking hot chocolate that you had made despite Bucky’s insisting that he didn’t want any. 
“Seems like a lifetime ago.” You smiled but the memories only made you feel dismal. It seemed those were simpler times. Steve was still around, at least. 
Bucky handed you your jacket in the silence and you took it gratefully.
“I’m not interrupting something, am I?” Sam said rather loudly as he climbed down the ladder. 
“No, we were just getting ready which is what you should be doing.” You picked up Sam’s bag and tossed it to him which he caught effortlessly. “I’m going to check a few things with Torres. Try not to kill each other whilst I’m gone.” 
Bucky watched you climb the ladder up to the cockpit and Sam watched Bucky. 
“I’ll never understand why you won’t just shoot your shot with the girl.” Sam shook his head as he opened his duffle. 
“Shoot my what?” Bucky glared over at the man with confusion clear in his eyes. 
“Your shot, man. (Y/n) has clearly been in love with you since Steve dragged your ass onto the team. What she sees in you compared to this, I’ll never understand but she clearly sees something.” Sam had gestured to himself when he spoke but Bucky just rolled his eyes. 
“Maybe instead of talking about (Y/n), you should actually tell me what the plan is?” Bucky suggested as he zipped up his jacket securely. 
“How about you stop avoiding your feelings?” Sam retorted which made Bucky shut up and sit down. 
“I’m not avoiding my feelings.” Bucky grumbled as he glared at the man. 
“Yeah right.” Sam scoffed, shaking his head as he started to change. 
You didn’t return to the boys until you were approaching the drop off. 
“(Y/n), you’ll be out first.” Torres explained as you put in your ear piece, trying your hardest to ignore Bucky and Sam starring daggers at each other behind you. 
“Great. See you on the ground, fellas.” You jumped from the aircraft just as you heard Bucky ask what the plan was in your earpiece. 
You had to jump earlier then the men since you were approaching the building from another angle but that didn’t mean you couldn’t hear them bicker still on the aircraft. 
When you reached the warehouse, you remained hidden in the trees. You watched several people start to load two trucks with large boxes. 
“You’re doing the staring thing again. They’re in there.” You heard Sam’s voice in your earpiece. He must have been talking to Bucky inside the warehouse. 
“Where’s the guy?” Bucky asked. 
“I don’t know. I think they’re smuggling weapons, though.” Sam responded before you could. 
“Well, I think you could be right.” Bucky agreed with a passive aggressive tone. “But there’s only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it.”
“We’re not assassins.” Sam argued with Bucky.
“I’ll see you inside or not.” Bucky must've walked away from what you could hear. 
“Hey, come on, man. I’m just messing with you! Come back.” You could practically see Sam’s smile in your head.
“If you guys are done, I have a visual on the targets. They’re loading up two red trucks.”
“We’re moving up now.” Bucky replied to you. 
“Look at you. All stealthy.” Sam was teasing him. “A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther.”
“It’s actually White Wolf.” Bucky corrected him and Sam’s reaction almost made you laugh out loud. 
You tried to move closer to the trucks to see exactly what was going inside but it was risky with the group constantly checking around them. 
“All right, I’m inside. Therefore, way ahead of you. It’s not great, but very doable.” Bucky’s voice came up again. “Hello. How are you?” Bucky sounded irritated. Sam must've snuck up on him. 
“Good. What did I miss? Nothing.” Sam whispered back. 
“All right, let’s go.” Bucky commanded but Sam stopped him. 
“No, wait.”
“I got a vibranium arm. I can take them.” Bucky held up his arm as he fought against Sam’s halt.
“And I can fly. Who gives a shit?” Sam muttered. “Wait. I want to see where they’re going.”
“Guys I may not be in the same location as you but I can hear everything you’re saying so quick the arguing” You whispered lowly as you kept your eyes trained on the trucks. 
You tried to zone out the boys bickering as you crept forward. A crashing noise from inside the warehouse made you jump back and hide as the flash smasher members all stopped and looked. 
“Be careful.” You hissed at the both of them.
“It wasn’t my fault.” Bucky tried to defend himself but frankly you didn't care. The trucks were staring to close up and their engines switched on. 
You watched the people pile into the trucks and you dived over, taking hold of the backdoors and clinging on. 
“They have a hostage.” Sam told you as the trucks drove off with you attached. 
“Then get moving.” You commanded. You pulled open the door you were hanging to and opened it. 
“No sight of a hostage in here.” You informed Sam as you looked around. “Just boxes of vaccines.” 
“I found her.” Bucky must've gotten inside the other truck. “Hi. You okay?” Bucky’s voice was then followed by a crashing sound. 
However, you had your own problems... 
You heard a loud bang behind you and you turned to see two men at the end of the truck. They both had masks on. 
“Cute masks.” You taunted them before they charged at you. 
You threw three knives at them, two managed to hit one of the men in the thigh and chest but the second man had knocked the third one away. 
You went to attack the uninjured one first as he drew closer, you punched him but he was strong. He didn’t even flinch. 
You felt a small panic in your chest as you started to fight. He was taking moves that would usually floor someone like he was being attacked by a pillow. 
You managed to get him to the ground by wrapping your thighs around his neck and flipping him over you before you threw another knife at the injured soldier. He seemed to retreat, climbing out of the truck and onto the roof. 
“Could use some back up, Sam!” You called out as you followed. 
You climbed up onto the roof and the first soldier chased after you. The injured one grabbed hold of Bucky along with a third guy and so you were left with the big one. 
You heard Redwing shooting at the roof before you saw it but a redheaded female smashed it in half like it was but a plastic toy. 
With that, Sam finally swooped in and started throwing punches. 
He was thrown to the other roof as you continued to fight your own battle. You were getting tired and his punches seemed to only be getting stronger and more painful each time.
You pulled out another knife but he grabbed your wrist and squeezed. You couldn’t help but cry out at the pressure, you dropped it before he could break your wrist. 
Then suddenly a helicopter appeared from what seemed like nowhere. Cap’s shield bounced off one of Sam’s attackers as two new bodies joined the fight. 
The distraction allowed you to kick your attacker off the truck and start to help Bucky. 
“Sam, John Walker; Captain America.” 
“Lemar Hoskins.”
“Looks like you guys could use some help.” Walker and his sidekick introduced themselves. 
 A surge of rage from the introduction of ‘Captain America’ helped you regain some adrenaline. You turned and started to fight once again. 
You let yourself become distracted as Bucky fell from the side of the truck which allowed one of the guys to send you off the truck too.
Sam was quick to fall back with his suit and grab you before you hit the concrete road. However, the impact of him grabbing you did leave you winded. 
“Bucky.” You wheezed as the man settled you on the side of the road. 
Sam flew up and chased after the trucks. 
You took a moment, wincing at your aching body before you rose to your feet and took off in their direction. 
You couldn’t catch up to the trucks but it didn’t take long to find Bucky and Sam once you spotted they were both coming out of a field. 
“If someone told me I’d be fighting a whole bunch of super soldiers today I would’ve wore my nice pants.” You stated as you approached the two men.
“We knew they were strong but not like this.” Sam defended himself from your anger. 
“One of those guys took a knife to the chest and could still walk away.” You threw your arms up as you informed him. This was so much worse than the documents had described. 
“It’s going to take a lot more than just a knife to stop these guys.” Bucky’s eyes seemed to carry a storm as he thought. 
“How can this be possible? I thought the super soldier serum was gone. What happened in Siberia was supposed to have put an end to it all.” You remembered the failed super soldiers as clear as day. 
“We know about as much as you, (Y/n). Unless you tried to, you know, your weird seeing thing?” Sam asked.
“No. It takes it out of me and I can’t do it whilst I’m trying to fight for my life so.” You shook your head as you walked beside the men. Whilst you weren’t as powerful as some of the Avengers, you were a great assassin like Natasha Romanoff. Your talent was your knife throwing but under all the training and all the knowledge, there was a gift. A gift you’d had since birth.
If you touched someone, you could see their entire past, everything they had experienced up until that moment. It really drained you of your energy and over the years you trained yourself so that you could switch it on and off so it didn’t happen every time you touched someone but when you did use it, it usually required a lie down afterwards. 
“Sorry about Redwing.” Bucky spoke up after a moment of silence. 
“No, you’re not.” Sam rolled his eyes at the fake apology before asking: “What’s going on in that big cyborg brain of yours?”
“It’s computing.” Bucky grumbled. 
“You know what? I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning. Oh, they’re malfunctioning, shutting down. Yep, they’re on fire.” Sam couldn’t help but make fun of Bucky which only made you walk ahead of the men. You weren’t in the mood for this.
“We gotta figure out where the serum’s coming from.” You said to stop their silliness. 
“Yeah. And how in the hell after 80 years are there eight Super Soldiers runnin’ loose?” Sam agreed with you just as a transport vehicle began to pull up along side him. 
“So that didn’t go as planned, huh?” John Walker’s voice penetrated the space like a foul smelling fart. 
He opened the truck’s door to allow you all to hop in but you all ignored him. 
“Alright. Let’s keep going.” He told the driver before directing his attention back to you. “Look, at least we know what we’re up against now, huh? And we’re pretty sure it’s one of the Big Three, so…”
"Aliens, androids, or wizards?” Sam spoke up just to prove to Bucky that others knew of the ‘Big Three.’
“Pretty sure.” Walker nodded.
“There’s no such thing as wizards.” Bucky exclaimed which made you cock an eyebrow at the man. You clearly missed a conversation here. 
“Then it’s aliens, or androids.” Walker shrugged as if it were obvious.
“––Or Super Soldiers.” Sam added. 
“Shit. Super Soldiers, for real?” Walker’s colleague responded with the reaction you just about expected. 
“Yeah.” Sam confirmed. 
“Wow. All right, well, then we gotta work together.” Walker’s eyebrows rose as he spoke. 
“That’s not happening.” Bucky declared.
“I think we stand a much better chance if we all just––”
“––Just ’cause you carry that shield, it doesn’t mean you’re Captain America.” Bucky cut Walker short and you were grateful for it. The man was making your head ache. 
“Look, I’ve done the work, okay?” Walker sighed. 
“You ever jump on top of a grenade?” Bucky shot back but he wasn't met with the answer he wanted. 
“Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It’s a thing I do with my helmet. It’s a reinforced helmet. It’s a long story, but, any… Look, it’s 20 miles to the airport. You guys need a ride.” Walker got his driver to stop. “Get in.” 
You looked back at Sam and Bucky. You hadn’t said anything yet which Sam thought was a record of yours. You chose to give in and climbed into the truck with Bucky and Sam since your body was already aching from the previous fight. 
“Okay, so we’ve got eight Super Soldiers on a bulk supply run. Why?” Walker asked, his eye on you as you sat in between Bucky and Sam. 
“They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the Blip. Maybe they’re just trying to help.” Sam told Walker what he knew. 
“They had a funny way of showing it.” Bucky grimaced as a bruise on his face started to form. 
“That serum doesn’t exactly have a great track record. No offence.” Walker looked over at Bucky as he hinted at the winter soldier. 
“We need to figure out where they’re going.” You wanted to shift the attention away from Bucky. 
“She speaks? I have to admit I was starting to wonder.” Walker smiled at you which only made you want to punch him even more than you already did.  
“How’d you track ’em here? The Flag Smashers?” Sam could tell you were a second away from decking the new Captain America and hopping ship so carried on the conversation. 
“Uh, no, we didn’t track them, we tracked you, uh, through Redwing.” Hoskins notified Sam. 
“You hacked my tech?” Sam was beyond irritated at this point. 
“Sorry. It’s not exactly hacking. It’s government property. Kind of the government.” Walker laughed as he gestured to himself. “Does he always just stare like that?” He stopped laughing under Bucky’s stare. 
“You get used to it.” Sam muttered. 
“Okay, look, you know, things have gotten kind of, uh––”
“––Chaotic.”Hoskins helped Walker find the word. 
“Yeah.” Walker cleared his throat. “The GRC, they’re doing the best they can to get things up and running smoothly, post Blip.”
“Reactivating citizenship, social security, healthcare. Basically just managing resources for the refugees who were displaced by the return.” Hoskins tried filling you in as if you hadn't heard about it before. The GRC propaganda was plastered across all the cities in America. 
“The Global Repatriation Council does all that. We understand but why exactly are you two here?” You questioned, cocking your head towards Walker. 
“Well, they provide the resources and we keep things stable.” Hoskins replied first.
“Yeah, violent revolutionaries aren’t usually good for anyone’s cause.” Walker added on. 
“Usually said by the people with the resources.” Sam smirked at the men. 
“Well, we got a lot of resources. If you guys, if you joined up with us, we could––”
“––No.” Bucky shut Walker down immediately. 
“I got mad respect for both of y’all. But you were getting your asses kicked till we showed up.” Hoskins wasn’t helping the situation. 
“Who are you?” Bucky asked genuinely. 
“Lemar Hoskins.” Hoskins introduced himself once again. 
“Look, I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear, I need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins.” Sam backed Bucky up on that one. A name was nothing in this situation.
“I’m Battlestar. John’s partner.” Hoskins nodded towards Walker and you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your lips when Bucky responded. 
“Battlestar? Stop the car!” Bucky called up ahead. 
The car slowed as it pulled into a bus stop. Bucky pushed open the door and you followed. You couldn't stand sitting in front of that man in that uniform another second longer. 
"Look, I… I get it, okay? I get the attitude, I do. You didn’t think that the shield was gonna end up here. I get it, Bucky. And I’m… “ Walker turned back to Sam. “I’m not trying to be Steve. I’m not trying to replace Steve. I’m just trying to be the best Captain America I can be. That’s it. It’d be a whole lot easier if I had Cap’s wingmen on my side.” 
Sam scoffed at Walker’s choice of words. Wingmen? He really had the audacity. 
“It’s always that last line.” Sam jumped out of the vehicle and followed you and Bucky. 
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Once back on the aircraft you stripped of your weapons and jacket. 
Sam and Bucky did the same. 
You sat down on your seat and rested your head back against the wall. You needed an ice bath. Your muscles were screaming at you. 
“You alright?” Sam asked Bucky as he sat, his eyes locked on the floor. 
You opened your eyes to look over at the men. 
“Let’s take the shield, Sam. Let’s take the shield and do this ourselves.” Bucky sounded pretty decided. 
“We can’t just run up on the man, beat him up, and take it. Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?” Sam sat up slowly as he furrowed his brow at the idea.
“Maybe.” Bucky grumbled. 
“I’ll help you in case you forgot.” Sam proclaimed, “Sharon was branded enemy of the state, and Steve and I were on the run for two years. I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna live the rest of my life la vida loca. We just got our ass handed to us by Super Soldiers, and we got nothing.” 
Even though you did spend some time in Wakanda under protection from their government, there was a period where you were on the run with Steve and Sam and it wasn’t fun. Being pardoned after the fight against Thanos was one of the best things that happened to you; it’s what allowed you to go home. 
“Not entirely true.” Bucky pushed himself onto his feet. “There is someone that you should meet.” 
Bucky’s eyes met yours and you knew who he was talking about. 
You had seen Bucky's past. Everyone of Bucky’s memories. You had seen all the death and the pain and the fighting. You had seen the Winter Soldier and pre-world war Bucky and you had suffered for it for some time. Nightmares used to plague you but you had managed to block most stuff from your mind over the years. Especially the Winter Soldier memories because that wasn’t really Bucky; that was a weapon made by Hydra. 
You had been forced by the team to check his memories to see if he really had bombed the UN but you couldn't choose how far you looked back, you gift made you see everything from the earliest childhood memory up to that moment. 
You stood and approached Bucky.
“Are you sure about this?” You whispered, taking hold of Bucky’s forearm as you pulled him to one side.
“He should know.” Bucky’s eyes seemed so sure. You dropped your hand down from his arm to his hand and gave it a squeeze. 
“Alright then.” You pressed your lips into a thin line as you accepted his choice. 
Soon enough the route was changed and the plane turned. 
“Will you come?” Bucky asked as the door to the plane opened. 
“I’ll wait here but call me if you need me.” You didn’t feel like seeing Isaiah. Some of the time if something from Bucky’s past showed up it could trigger his memories in your own head which you didn’t particularly enjoy. 
“Alright.” Bucky sighed but left without you. 
Only a short while later you had received a phone call from Sam. 
“Hello?” You answered. 
“It’s Bucky. He’s been arrested. There was a warrant out for his arrest.” Sam informed you. 
“Why?” You were confused. Bucky had been pardoned like the rest of you for his crimes and his warrant wiped. 
“He missed his therapy session or something. I’m heading back to your, we gotta go get him out.” Sam hung up pretty quickly. 
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“Why didn’t you tell anyone about the super solider?” Sam asked you as you made your way to the station. 
“I only knew because I’ve been inside Bucky’s head but if I listed off every single person Bucky has fought or killed or wronged it would take me a while.” You hated admitting that but the Winter Soldier had done a lot of damage. 
“But this was a black super soldier who rotted behind bars for years! Being experimented on like a lab rat whilst Steve sat in the ice and Bucky ran around playing secret assassin!” Sam was angry and you understood why. 
“I didn’t know he was in prison. I only knew of him as the guy Bucky fought in Goyang and lost. I figured if Bucky wanted him found then he would say. It’s not my place, they’re not my memories.” You tried to defend yourself but you knew Sam would never understand your logic. 
“How can I trust you if you’re sitting on information like that?” Sam catechised you. 
“Because you’ve trusted me for years. I say what needs to be said and if it isn't useful to us at the time then I don’t bring it up. I have so much inside of here from people that aren’t even around more. When I go inside someone’s head the memories don’t just go away. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s memories I’m thinking of when I look back on things. I block what I can and deal with what I can’t.” You stopped Sam in the hallway as you snapped. You couldn’t believe he was questioning whether he could trust you or not after everything. 
“I know it can be hard for you. I can’t imagine what its like but there are some things more important than others and Isaiah. Isaiah is one of them.” Sam’s words just made you turn and head to the desk. 
You tried to get as much information about Bucky but all they instructed you to do was sit and wait. 
“Sam?” A woman approached you and Sam. You lifted your head up at the sound of her voice. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Dr. Raynor. I’m James’s therapist.” 
You shook hands with the woman and introduced yourself. 
“I’ve heard some about you too.” Dr. Raynor smiled as she greeted you. 
“Thank you for getting him out.” Sam thanked her as he shook her hand but she only furrowed her brow. 
“That was not me.” She told you both. 
“Christina!” You didn’t need super hearing to recognise that voice. “Good to see you again!” Walker was signing autographs as he entered the station. 
“You gotta be kidding me. You know him?” Sam only said what you were thinking. 
“Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day.” Dr Raynor looked between Sam and Walker. 
“I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I’d step in.” Walker approached her which made you stepped back. “Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer.”
“We haven’t finished our work. Who authorized this?” Dr Raynor protested. 
“Um…” Walker pointed to himself. You felt a fire flare inside of you. “He’s too valuable of an asset to have tied up. Just do whatever you got to do with him, then send him off to me. Got some unfinished business, him and I.”
Walker then pointed to you and Sam. 
“You too, Wilson. (Y/l/n). I’ll be outside.” Walker backed away, sending a wink in your direction. 
You felt Sam take hold of your wrist quickly before you could even take the chance to lunge forward. 
“Breathe.” Sam told you. “We’ll deal with that asshole later.” 
Bucky was allowed through and Dr Raynor approached him immediately.
“James, condition of your release, session now. You too, Sam.” She insisted as she headed back towards the cells from which Bucky had just come from. 
“That’s okay. I’ll be out here with (Y/n).” Sam brushed off the offer except it wasn’t an offer. 
“That wasn’t a request.” Dr Rayor warned him. 
You pushed the man forward. 
“Quicker you’re in, quicker you’re out.” You told him. 
“Why doesn’t she want you?” Sam pouted. 
“Get moving before I get bored and decide to use John Walker out there as my new punching bag. Get myself in trouble.” You tried to make the man laugh but failed. He only groaned and dragged himself inside. 
It didn’t take long for Sam to storm out of there who was swiftly followed by Bucky. 
“Hey, you okay?” You asked Sam as he returned to you. 
“Peachy.” He sneered.
You sighed and followed both men outside. 
“Well, I feel better.” Sam announced once you were all finally outside. 
“I feel awful.” Bucky muttered which made you want to take his hand but you refrained as a siren drew your attention over to Walker and his buddy. 
“Gentlemen. Lady. Good to see you again.” Walker had a smile on that you wanted to wipe clean off. “ Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that.” 
“Well do you have anything that’s actually useful?” You folded your arms across your chest as you closed in on the men.  
"Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.” Walker started. 
“They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe.” Hoskins continued. 
“We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps.” Walker finished. 
“Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since the Blip. So I guess you’ll have to look real hard.” Bucky’s glowered at the man as he leant on the cop car. 
“Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” Walker smirked as he snapped back. 
“Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?” Bucky rose his voice. 
“No, we don’t know, Bucky. It’s only a matter of time before we find out.” Walker rose his voice also. 
“Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?” Bucky was being cocky. You had to stop yourself from finding it amusing. 
“Take it easy. Look, Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them. But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible. So it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.” Sam interrupted and seemed to clear the air a little. You took his last words as a chance to leave but Walker wasn’t done.
“A word of advice, then.” Walker stopped you all. “Stay the hell out of my way.”
You watched the two men walk away. Your jaw clenching together to stop you from saying something you’d regret. 
“Come on.” Sam urged you on and you forced yourself to walk away. 
Once you were far enough from the station Sam asked you both what you were thinking. 
“Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said ‘my people’...” Bucky was the one of out you both to speak first. 
“Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant.” Sam began. 
“No, he meant HYDRA. HYDRA used to be my people.” Bucky corrected him. 
“Not a chance.” You shook your head, putting your foot down. 
“Walker doesn’t have any leads.” Bucky claimed. 
“Bucky, I know where you’re going with this and I’m saying no.” You couldn’t believe he was even suggesting it. 
“He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets.” Bucky tried to reason with you. 
“Don’t you remember Siberia?” Sam also knew exactly what Bucky meant. 
Bucky nodded. 
“So you’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?” Sam stared at Bucky with a mixture of shock and concern. 
“Yes.” Bucky was hesitant to answer which only made you hate this idea even more. 
“Okay, then.” Sam sighed. “We’re gonna go see Zemo.” 
“No! No, we aren’t not going to see Zemo!” You demanded causing both the boys to stop. 
“(Y/n), it’s different now.” Bucky declared. 
“It’s the only lead we got.” Sam was actually on Bucky’s side. 
“What? And you think he’s just gonna help us like that?” You scoffed out of disbelief. 
“We have to try.” Bucky started to walk again. 
“I trust this guy about as far as I can throw him, Buck!” You exasperated. 
“That’s more than me.” Sam murmured but you chose to ignore it. 
“(Y/n). We’re going.” Bucky wasn't arguing anymore. It was going to happen. 
Bucky Barnes Tags
@florencxs​ @mystictimetravelcolor​ @yourphotographyteen16​ @shannon-posts​​ @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch​
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Overdue // Bang Chan
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🍄 | genre: smut (18+ !!! minors DNI) ☁️ | pairing: Stray Kids Bang Chan x gender neutral!reader 🌿 | wc: 2.1k 🌸 | includes: public sex (library/restroom), sub!chan, dom!reader, anal vibrator, handjob (giving), orgasm control, cum swallowing, praise, degradation, humiliation, practically no aftercare... sorry chan
☀️ | synopsis: Of all the people to have a crush on you, it had to be the sweetest, most innocent boy in your class, didn’t it? Channie’s always so adorable and kind. There’s no way you’d ever be able to ruin him... unless he gave you the chance, of course. 
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Everyone knows Chan has a crush on you. He doesn’t hide it nearly as well as he thinks. He’s usually the cutest, bubbliest boy on the planet, but around you he’s super quiet and shy. Although that might seem like a detriment to his chances with you, his meekness only makes him hotter, or at least in your perverted eyes.
There’s something primal inside you. You see this adorable, sheepish man and there’s a demon in your brain that tells you to ruin him. From what you hear from other people, Chan is very inexperienced, which makes you want him more. You don’t want to scare him away with your despicably naughty thoughts, and yet there’s something in his eyes that gleams when you look at him, and you know he feels it too. In your head, his innocence is all a façade, and you’re the only one that he wants to put him in his place.
There’s no time for that now. Finals are coming up and you have to study. The crowded library has students and strangers at every table, some with friends and others, like you, alone. Lucky for you, Chan is sitting alone across the room perfectly in your line of sight. His presence makes studying easier just because whenever you want to take a break, you can look at his pretty face.
Chan’s eyes catch onto yours as you look at him with the primal hunger you assume he’s fearful of. His breath hitches, not expecting to meet your gaze, especially when you look so demented. He looks back down at his textbook, rolling his finger over the page while biting his lip, although you can’t tell if it’s an anxiety lip bite or a horny lip bite.
Chan meekly walks over to where you’re sitting while his eyes are aimed down the floor. His arm reaches out to you, handing you a small remote controller with no prominent markings to hint at what it’s for.
“What’s this?” Your voice is a soft whisper as you lean towards Chan to make sure he hears you. He bites his lip and walks away, sitting back behind the desk as if nothing happened. His nose is buried in his book again before you have time to fathom what’s going on.
Shrugging, you put the controller on your leg before going back to your book, reading through a few pages before you catch a glimpse of the mysterious controller in your peripheral vision. The ambiguity of the situation is giving you a headache, and Chan’s shyness isn’t helping at all. You know you won’t get an answer from walking up to him and asking, so you take the remote in your hand after setting down your book.
The remote has two arrows: one facing up, and another facing down. The only logo on the control says a brand name you’ve never heard of. Your thumb hovers over the topmost arrow as you internally argue with yourself whether or not you should press the button. As you apply pressure to the button, you look at Chan. If this tiny machine controls any sort of explosive, someone’s in for a surprise.
He shakes. He bites his lip and he shakes. That’s it? What is this?!
You press the button again, making Chan cover his face with his sweater paws. Another press and you hear his knee hit the bottom of the table causing the surface to bounce. His hands run through his hair before he puts them in his lap, looking directly at you as you hold the remote with a puzzled look on your face. His face is a bright shade of pink. You’re still having trouble connecting the dots.
Chan points down, signaling for you to press the down arrow on the remote. You press down the button three times, undoing the damage you had done with the three other presses. Chan sighs and begins to walk over to your seat again. The only difference between last time and this time is that there was an evident bulge in his tight pants.
Chan kneels next to your seat, lowing his head since he can’t look you in the eye after seeing how you were eyeing his junk. “You know what that remote’s for?”
His voice is so soft and gentle that it makes your heart flutter. Despite his... problem, you can’t help but find him painfully adorable. Not wanting to speak too loudly, you just shake your head and look down at him.
“Will you follow me to the bathroom?” Wordlessly, you nod, him taking your wrist in his hand and practically dragging you to the public restrooms that were across the room. You don’t mind being behind him, though. He has a nice ass! He pulls you into a stall, his back against the door. “Promise not to tell anyone?”
“Chan, just tell me what this fucking remote is for.” You hold up the remote, pressing the up button right in front of his face. Chan bites his lip as you hear a light buzz from down below. The cogs are turning in your head as Chan just stares at you.
“It’s to control a vibrator,” he whines, “so if you could turn it down so I could talk-”
“Well why would I do that?” You turn it up, pressing the up arrow four times before seeing Chan writhe and almost fall to his knees, his legs shaking as he cups his erection in his pants. “Tell me baby, why’d you give me of all people this remote?”
“Y-you’re hot, and you’re c-cool... and I like you.” Chan pulls you into a hug, his arms tightly around your waist as you hug his shoulders. His head is right on your shoulder, nuzzling into you while the vibrator continues to, well, vibrate. “Please fuck me, Y/n.”
“Pull your pants down, big boy. Let me see where this vibrator is, yeah?” He nods at your command, backing up off of you and undoing his pants before dropping them to the floor. His underwear is just plain white briefs, but you can see his cock pressed against his tight underwear, a nearly perfect outline of his tip visible to you. He pulls his sweatshirt down, covering his bulge as you eye it. “Hey, no need to be shy! Do you want to stop?”
“No! No! It’s just embarrassing.” Fuck, he looks adorable. “I didn’t expect to get this far, heh.” Chan’s little laugh is so cute, and you can feel your cheeks heat up. He sighs and pulls his underwear down, his cock popping out, fully hard and already dripping with precum. “You want to see th-the vibrator?” He turns around, hands against the stall wall as he bends over. You can see the vibrating plug in his ass, his legs shaking as he feels more venerable than ever. “Is this good?”
You don’t respond. Rather, you grope Chan’s ass, spreading his cheeks apart to see the outer part of the vibrator in all it’s glory. You can see the power button on the end, but there’s no way you’re pressing that right now. One of your hands leaves his ass and goes to his cock, stroking from the base to the tip like you’re milking him for his cum. His body gets a chill when your finger runs over his slit. He wants to moan out so bad, but being in a library bathroom, that might not be the best idea right now.
You turn up the vibrator more, testing it’s limits. Already on the 6th highest setting, you want to see how far you have to take it before he cums. Chan’s breathing is erratic and heavy as you continue to jerk him off. He looks so weak in this position, but you want to make eye contact.
“Sit on the seat, baby boy.” You back away from him and turn off the vibrator from the remote, all of the pleasure leaving his body at once. Although he wouldn’t dare tell you, he was getting close until you stopped. He whines loudly, a little too loud, and right after you shut the lid to the toilet, he sits down and spreads his legs for you to get between. The vibrator feels even deeper in his ass now just from sitting. “Good boy~”
“This feels so dirty.” Chan’s eyes wonder everywhere but your face. He’s too embarrassed to even look at you right now. On the other hand, you’re staring directly at his lips, his bottom lip slightly red from his teeth. As filthy as this is, you’re too aroused to care.
“You’re the slut that wore a vibrator to the fucking library.” You lean up to his face, putting your hand on his chin to practically force him to look into your eyes. Tears well as his embarrassment fills his body, legs shaking just from the dominating look in your gaze. Chan could melt just from your aura. It’s astounding to him, how drawn he is to you despite your disinterest in him. “Don’t you have any shame, Channie~?”
“Please turn up the vibrator.” Chan’s cock is visibly throbbing between his legs, the leaky tip begging to be touched by someone who knows what Chan wants better than Chan himself, you. You laugh like a villain in a cartoon and turn up the vibrator, going up to the 6th highest setting just like before. He immediately raises his hips off the seat before you push him back down by his shoulders, your lips finally connecting with his.
With your hands snaking down his body, Chan’s mind is clouded with this overwhelming sense of neediness and wordlessness. There isn’t a thought in this man’s head aside from his cock and how slutty it feels to get a handy in a bathroom stall. Speaking of which, how did you get your hand there that fast? And why does it feel so good?
Chan moans loudly, “G-gonna cum.”
“Already?” You sigh, your hand relentlessly stroking him while you spit on his dick for more lubrication since his precum isn’t enough. “Dumb boy can’t think of anything other than cumming. Just hold it for me, alright? Or else this is all the action you’re getting from me.”
No, no, no! He can’t ruin this. He’s waited what feels like millennia to finally be touched by you. Chan takes a deep breath and tried to control himself, part of his sanity returning to him for a brief moment before you amp up the vibe, still firmly resting in his tight little ass. Chan screws his eyes shut, certain that if he were to look you in the eyes in this moment, he’d blow his load.
“Fuck, you’re so cute, baby.” You’re basically drooling over the sight before you of the innocent Bang Chan letting you corrupt him. It feels way too good to be his first, like you’re guilty of a crime you don’t regret committing. “Good boy, such a good boy.”
Chan’s whimpers get louder to the point you have to shush him and remind him this is a public restroom. Despite nodding as if he understand, his sounds just get louder.
“You ready to cum now, cutie?” At your question, Chan hums a soft yes and continues his melody of whines. “Well, we wouldn’t want to make a mess, would we?”
You get on your knees and between his legs, your soft lips wrapping around the head of his cock as you continue to jerk him off. Chan’s eyes shoot open, the visual of your mouth on his cock overwhelming him, not to mention the increasing intensity of the vibrator thanks to your generosity with the remote control. Unable to hold it in any longer, he cums down your throat, the thick ropes filling your mouth with their bitter-salty taste. The taste doesn’t matter to you, though. You’re just happy to swallow.
As Chan catches his breath, you get off of your knees and rub off any dirt from your pants. “Give me your phone.”
“Give me your phone, Bang Chan.”
Chan reaches in his pocket to pull out his phone and hand it to you, not before unlocking it of course. You go into his contacts and add your phone number. “Text me sometime, okay? I’d like to play with you again, baby boy.”
“S-sure.” Chan awkwardly stands up before realizing his pants are around his ankles still. He pulls them up as you step out of the crowded stall, walking back into the library. There’s still plenty of people here, and they all stare at you as you go back to your seat.
Chan certainly didn’t help in easing their suspicions, his curly hair matted to his forehead from sweat and his pants laughably crooked.
Maybe next time you should teach him how to clean up after sex.
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
The Other Woman
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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A/N: Soooo. No one asked for this one and I have prompts in my inbox and a multi chapter Billy x OC story I'm working on. Yet… this happened. I was working on an assignment for uni and this popped into my head. Billy lives in my head rent free and I'm not even mad about it. Enjoy lmaooo 
Warnings: cursing, slight angst but not really, lots of fluff (literally and figuratively). It's just a bunch of cute bullshit, don't mind me looool 
Your nails tapped the coffee cup as you sat outside the cafe deep in thought. There was only one thing on your mind. Billy was cheating on you. There was no other explanation for his behaviour the past week and the knowledge of what he'd done was eating away at you. It started a week ago. He'd slip out after work hours saying something came up. Sometimes he wouldn't even tell you where he was going and when you asked, he'd say 'work' as he avoided your gaze before slipping out. Billy couldn't lie to you, you knew him too well for that. You knew his tells and he didn't really lie to you. But you knew when he wouldn't look you in the eye that he wasn't being honest.
Then there was his phone. He'd be on it more than usual and it was distracting him. The night before, Frank had called him and you knew it was Frank because you'd seen the name popping up on his screen. You'd both been watching a movie on the sofa together as you tried to convince yourself that Billy wouldn't cheat on you. But when he excused himself to the bedroom, your curiosity burned. Why would he need to sneak off to speak to Frank? 
So you'd crept over to where the door was open by a crack and held your breath as you listened.
"Yeah, I know…. I'll just tell her I need to work again… I don't think she knows… yeah, yeah, I know… I can't wait for you to meet her, man. She's perfect,"
Those words felt like a slap to the face and a punch to the gut all rolled into one. Billy was cheating on you. Billy was cheating on you and Frank knew about it. Frank who was one of your closest friends, the one who introduced you to Billy in the first place. You'd gone back to the sofa as you dwelled in your misery and betrayal and when Billy had come back out with a wide smile on his face you'd felt sick. But you couldn't bring yourself to ask him, to question him or tell him what you'd heard. You were scared of what he might say. Scared of what this all meant. 
You and Billy had been together for almost two years now and you lived together. You knew of his past but never once had you felt insecure about being with him. He loved you, and you wholeheartedly believed he did. So this felt like it completely blindsided you and your head was all over the place. 
That morning Billy was gone by the time you woke which was nothing new since he often let you sleep when he got up to work. But you'd come to the cafe by lunch because you were drowning in your thoughts back at home. The home you shared with him. 
You blew out a breath, grabbing your cell from your pocket as you rang Anvil. You had a gut feeling and you wanted confirmation. His secretary picked up the phone and you sighed before asking something you dreaded the answer to.
"Hey, Annie. Is Billy there? I need to talk to him," you said softly. The older woman cleared her throat down the phone before speaking.
"He's not here, Y/N. He took the day off," she said warily. Well then. You thanked her quickly before hanging up, the lump lodged in your throat getting bigger. 
How could it all have gone so wrong? You stood, tossing the half drank coffee in the trash as you made your way home with a broken heart. You hardly expected Billy to be sitting on the sofa when you got home. But there he was in all his glory. A burgundy sweater with his jeans and boots, hair slicked back like always. You felt like you were hanging on by a thread. 
He smiled when he saw you, standing up and making his way over.
"I thought you had work," your cold tone stopped him in his tracks as he looked at you cautiously. 
"I took the day, had some things I needed to do," he replied easily. Things he needed to do. More like someone he needed to do. Tense didn't even begin to cover how you were feeling. 
"Look… there's someone here I want you to meet," Billy said hesitantly, glancing to the closed bedroom door. He really wouldn't just… The string of composure you were holding onto snapped.
"Is this some kind of joke?!" You yelled. He looked shocked, eyes wide and confused as he tilted his head.
"Uh… what?" He asked carefully.
"It's bad enough you're having an affair that apparently Frank knows all about but you've brought her here?! You want me to meet her?!" You were incredulous at his audacity. You wondered if he'd suffered a head injury a week ago or something. 
Billy blinked at you with his dark eyes for a moment before he burst out laughing. But when he saw your tearful eyes glaring at him, his laughter died instantly.
"You… you think I'm cheatin' on you?" He asked slowly, like he was talking to a toddler. Your brows furrowed watching him warily as he walked over to you. 
"You've been acting weird all week, Billy. And I heard you on the phone last night. I heard you talking to Frank," you muttered, hating how your voice wobbled. 
Billy looked stricken at how upset you were and wrapped his arms around you and you melted into him despite yourself. He stroked your hair soothingly with one hand as the other rubbed your back.
"I'm not steppin' out on you, Y/N. I'd never do that," he sighed. He moved away, cradling your cheeks as his obsidian gaze looked over your face like he was searching for the answers of the universe. 
"Not gonna lie, I'm a little offended by your lack of faith, but I have been actin' weird so I'll let it slide," he murmured with a soft smile. 
"But then… what was that all about?" You asked, deflating a bit as he wiped away the couple of tears that had fallen. He leaned in and kissed you softly, one of the rare tender kisses he'd give you if you were upset. You were incredibly confused and maybe also felt a little guilty that your mind went there.
When he pulled away, he shot you a grin, looking almost like a kid on Christmas which only furthered your confusion. 
"Wait here," he beamed, dashing off to the bedroom. You really felt like you'd been transported to another dimension where nothing made sense. But then Billy came back out with what you could only describe as a living, breathing, real life Pokemon in his arms. It was a Pomeranian puppy that just looked like a cloud with two shiny back eyes peeking out. 
You made a noise that you couldn't even describe. A mix of a whine and a coo that people often reserved for cute animals and babies as if they couldn't help themselves. Your feet took you over to where Billy was grinning at you and the ball of fluff was nibbling his hand. 
"Billy…" your voice was still a little high, a little pout on your face as you reached out and stroked the fluffy fur on the puppy.
"Meet Cotton Ball. Cotton Ball, meet your mom," he smirked, grabbing a tiny paw and making it wave at you. It was something to behold seeing Billy like this and you almost melted right into a puddle. 
"Wait so… this is the other woman?" You asked with a snort, feeling so utterly stupid for how your mind went there. Billy rolled his eyes with a laugh as he handed over the bundle of cloud to you. 
"Do you like her?" He asked hesitantly, looking almost unsure as he glanced from the puppy to you.
"I love her. Thank you, Billy," you murmured, cuddling the tiny puppy closer to you. 
"I uh… I know that you said you wanted a dog," he started, his shoulder rolling a little.
"Which you shot down immediately," you cut in, raising a brow at him. He chuckled, rubbing his beard a little with a nod.
"I know. But… I saw how disappointed you were and I decided I never wanted to see that look on your face again. Especially not 'cause of me. She hadn't been fully vaccinated and stuff so I've been waitin' to bring her home. Been to see her a few times to get her used to me," he shrugged, looking almost bashful which was a strange look for him. It was cute. 
"I love her. And I love you," you smiled wide at him. His insecurities seemed to wash away at your bright smile and he returned it, leaning over to kiss your forehead.
"I love you too. Come here, lemme show you somethin','' he took your free hand and led you to the bedroom. On the floor next to your bed was what looked like a queen bed shrunk down. It was a dog bed but a fancy one and the cozy sheets looked expensive too. There was also a basket filled to the brim with dog toys. You looked at him incredulously with a laugh. 
"And here I was thinking you weren't a dog person and you're spoiling her already," you teased. He chuckled, a slight pink tint to his face you couldn't remember ever witnessing as he bit his lip and smiled at you.
"Yeah well… my girls gotta have the best. And… I mighta got attached to her," he shrugged easily. 
"Billy Russo has a heart after all. Who knew?" You snorted. He gripped your jaw gently, giving your lips a firm peck before smirking down at you.
"Don't tell a soul or I'll have to kill you. I got a rep to keep," he smirked devilishly. You snorted again, shaking your head as you took the now sleeping puppy to her lavish bed and set her down. 
When you walked back over to Billy, you wrapped your arms around his middle and he responded in kind and held you close. 
"I can't believe you thought I'd cheat on you," he murmured, nuzzling your hair. You felt your cheeks heat up as you moved away and looked up at him.
"I know. I'm sorry, I just… you'd been acting weird and then the phone call, I didn't know what to think," you said softly. He frowned a little, tucking some of your hair behind your ear before resting a hand on your jaw.
"You know I love you, right?" He asked with a furrowed brow.
"I know. Honestly… I've never questioned it. I've never felt like that before. My mind just ran away with itself," you felt bad now and really fucking stupid but he had been acting weird. How were you to know that he was secretly procuring you the cutest puppy to exist? 
He kissed your forehead softly, lips lingering a moment before he cupped your cheeks, tilting your head to look up at him. His dark eyes were full of many emotions and you got lost in them.
"You're the only one I want. Ever since I met you, I never wanted anyone else. I ain't ever felt like this before but all I know is… I'm yours. I love you, Y/N. There'll never be anyone else," he murmured sincerely. You couldn't help the dopey smile on your face as you leaned up and captured his lips in a soft kiss. 
"I love you too, Billy. But… I will have to share you now with Cotton Ball," you teased against his lips. He chuckled, nipping at your bottom lip. 
"You'll always be my best girl," he grinned, rubbing his nose against yours.
One hand dropped to your neck, the other slinking around you and settling on your ass as he kissed you deeply. Just as you were really getting into it, he hissed, cursing and moving away as he lifted his foot. The foot that had tiny razor teeth latched onto it as the dog dangled off his toe. You couldn't help the bubble of laughter that came out of you as you pried the dog away from his foot.
"Feel like I might end up regrettin' this decision," he huffed, eyes narrowed at Cotton Ball who was now happily in your arms. He wasn't really mad though, his lips were slightly upturned as he reached out and rubbed the dogs tiny head.
"Awww. Is the big bad marine scared the lil doggy might bite his ass when he's having sex?" You mocked playfully.
Billy's mortified face had you in stitches. He looked like he'd not considered it until you said it and now he was glaring at the dog like she'd ready done it. 
"We're gonna need some boundaries," he muttered to the dog as he pointed at her, then his piercing eyes turned to you and you bit your lip to stifle your laughter.
"And for the record, I am a big bad marine and I ain't scared of a fuckin' dog," he smirked with a raised brow. You rolled your eyes goodnaturedly as you turned, dog in hand, and left the room.
"Mhmm. Just wait until I tell Frank how you're scared of a ball of fluff. Or the guys from Anvil. Or maybe I'll tell them just how much you love her already," you grinned, laughing when he gripped your hips and dragged you so your back pressed against his front. 
"What I tell you? You tell and I'll have to kill you. I don't wanna do that, I might just miss you," he murmured with a smile as he nuzzled your neck. 
"Russo's going soooft!" You teased with a laugh, squealing when his hands dug into your sides to tickle you. 
Honestly, you never really thought Billy would be a dog person. But you never thought he'd be the type to live with someone and here you were. You never thought he'd be the type to use the L word yet he did with you. He was full of surprises and this was way better than you anticipated. You never expected the other woman to be so cute.  
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tetsunormous · 3 years
Prove yourself useful
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pairing: dom!Kenma x f!reader x spectator!Suna x Spectator! Osamu
genre: smut (18+), established relationship, post time-skip university, gamer boyfriend
word count: 2.4 k
warning: thigh riding, exhibitionism, voyeurism, swearing, hair pulling, mentions of edging, spanking (?), degradation
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It’s just past 2 in the afternoon and your lecture finally finished. University is nothing like what you grew up thinking it would be, but it would be a lot worse if you didn’t get to live with your boyfriend.
You met Kenma during your first year and it didn’t take long for the two of you to begin falling for each other. He is more complex than you’d ever imagine and everyday you learn new things to learn about him. At the surface level he’s incredibly successful; being a youtuber, a pro gamer, a fucking CEO, all while taking university classes. However, Kenma is so much more than that.
The Kenma you know and love is the Kenma that’s cooped up in his gaming room spitting insults at his friends while they practice for a match they have later on in the night. The Kenma that you find yourself daydreaming about is the one obsessed with your apple pie and insists it's never too hot to eat right out of the oven. Your Kenma doesn't show the world all his little quirks, but you’ve learned to understand all of his many facial expressions and what he needs at the time. Everyone sees Kenma as this shy intelligent man who prefers to keep things to himself, which he is, but your favourite Kenma is the one he only lets out behind closed doors.
For someone so reserved none of his following would ever expect him to be the kind of lover to share you with others. No one would ever suspect Kenma for being the kind of lover to get off on seeing you completely ruined and embarrassed. This version of Kenma is definitely the one you find the most interesting because he kept it from you for the first year of your relationship, but two years in and his friends have seen more of you than you could keep track of.
Just thinking about him gets you worked up and it's times like this that you’re grateful for online classes. You tiptoe into your shared bedroom to discard the panties you’re currently wearing. The mere thought of riding his thigh gets you so excited the pair of black lace you previously wore didn’t stand a chance. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, your outfit isn’t anything special but it's his favourite. The sweater you’re wearing just big enough to cover your ass, sleeves long enough to hang past your fingertips, no bra or panties, the sheer thigh high socks that never fails to leave him hard, and the little cat ears resting on your head he bought for you months ago.
If he saw you now, there’s a chance you’d get your way.
You knock softly on the door before entering. The blinds are shut and there's a purple hue emitting from his LED lights. He’s sitting in front of his three monitors with nothing but a pair of sweatpants and his headset on, “Kenma? Are you in a game right now?”
His back is towards you so you begin to walk towards his desk, closing the door behind you. Osamu and Suna have seen the two of you naked plenty of times but for some reason, you still get a little shy. You wave at them on screen as you stand behind your boyfriend and you can hear their remarks through his headset.
“Oi, I think a little kitty wants to join before we play tonight”. Suna is always the first to say something, but Osamu definitely teases you more.
“You didn’t tell us we’d get a special treat today, Kodzuken”
Kenma stares blankly at his friends before turning to you, “Hi pudding, you finished with class?” he asks as his eyes wander down your body. You can see a slight smirk form on his lips before reaching out to give your hip a squeeze, “Miya was right, what a special little treat you are”
You know Kenma is observant but you can’t help but act a little cuter when there’s an audience around. “If you’re just practicing for now, can we cuddle Kenken, I missed you”, you ask with a slight pout on your face and your sweater paws reaching out for his arm, eyes glancing down at his bulge.
His eyes soften a bit and he chuckles at your act, “yeah yeah, sit on my lap you little brat”
You happily oblige and sit on his left thigh. Your head leaning on his shoulder as he presses a kiss to your temple. With your arms resting on his shoulders, you begin playing with his hair and rocking your hips ever so slightly.
“We haven’t seen you wear those little ears in a while y/n, don't tell me you put them on after class just for some cuddles” A blush creeps onto your face as Suna continues to tease you about your intentions.
“Awh, don’t hide your face from us y/n. Kozume has shown us you’re not really as shy as you seem, did Suna’s little comment really make you blush that hard?”
You feel your boyfriend nudge you lightly with his shoulder, a breathy chuckle leaving his mouth. “She knows I won’t fuck her till tonight yet she still climbs up onto my leg without panties on, she can act shy all she wants but we all know how shamelessly needy she is” You lift your head from his shoulder with a surprised look on your face. He’s still staring at his monitor, fingers busy with the controller, “you didn’t think I’d feel how wet you are? Your pussy is soaking through my sweats kitten”
The boy's laughter rings through the headphones and a whine escapes your lips. He takes his headphones off and has them resting around his neck before putting his controller down. You feel his hands under your arms and he positions you so that you're sitting on his left thigh facing his desk, legs resting on either side of his.
“Awh Osamu, look at the little kitty pouting cause her big bad boyfriend turned her away”
“She’s always so needy, aren’t you y/n? And in front of us too? You like putting on a show and having everyone see what a slut you are, huh”
Your thighs squeeze around Kenmas as your entire face starts to become red. You can hear your boyfriend clearing his throat before landing a hard smack against your thigh. “He asked you a question kitten. If you’re going to be a needy slut and come in here while we’re practicing, at least show some manners”
“Y-yes Samu” you whisper, “I like having you watch”
All the boys hum in unison and Suna leans back in his gaming chair, leaving his controller on the desk. “Well since you interrupted practice, I think it’s only fair you give us something in return, isn't that right Kenma”
“Suna makes a good point. I treated you so well last night cause we both knew I would be busy until later tonight, and I wouldn’t be able to give you the attention you need.” His slender fingers weave through your hair at the base of your scalp before pulling hard, exposing your throat for his friends to see. His nose softly traces your sensitive skin, inhaling your scent, “I let you cum all night long, but here you are with your greedy little cunt rubbing itself against me trying to get off”
“Maybe you need to be more mean with her, she should know better than to come in here if she isn’t going to make herself useful”
“You hear that?” Kenma’s other hand travels up your sweater and pinches your hardened nipple making you hiss in pain. “Should I listen to Osamu and be extra mean to you so you learn how to act?”
All three boys are now smirking at you but that just makes your body more aroused. Your pussy is throbbing and it takes everything in you not to start grinding on his leg. You feel him flex his muscles and you can't help but to cry out as the additional pressure on your clit sends an electric shot throughout your body.
“The poor baby can’t even respond”, Suna chuckles and pretends to pout “you are just a dumb little whore, aren’t you y/n?”
You let out a whine as your eyes meet Kenma’s. His cold stare alone asserts dominance over you and without thinking your hand reaches out to touch him. You feel a sharp pain as he smacks your hand away, “I don’t remember giving you permission to touch me kitten”. He yanks his hand back from your hair causing you to jerk forwards and grab a hold of the desk for balance. “We all know you won’t get allowed to cum later on but you will put on a show for us and prove you aren't just a useless slut”. He leans back with one arm resting on his armrest, “shall we make things interesting boys?”
Osamu stares intensely at you before laughing in your face, “Yea, let’s see if she can prove herself. If she can’t, I don’t think she deserves anything tonight”
“Y/n can be more than just Kozume’s dumb fuck, right? You gonna put on a show for us?”
Your mouth parted and eyes wide, you whip your head back to meet your boyfriends but he only smirks at you. “You have eight minutes kitten. Your hands stay on the desk and I won’t be touching you. If we hear a peep slip out of your lips, you lose. You better ride my thigh like you’re chasing the last orgasm you’ll ever have because if you fail to cum, I will edge you all night long to the brink of insanity, but all you can do is watch me fuck my fist instead.”
Osamu and Suna are rubbing themselves through their sweats as they snicker at our boyfriends rules. They continue to tease you but all you can focus on is the way Kenma is looking at you. He reaches back to tie his hair into a low bun and bounces his leg lightly, “are you ready?” he asks with his eyebrows slightly raised and a smirk. All you can do is nod back in his direction as you feel him flexing his thigh. He reaches for his phone and you watch as he sets a timer for eight minutes, “alright kitty….start”.
Your legs squeeze around your boyfriend's thigh as you begin to roll your hips. You shimmy yourself forwards a little bit so your clit can press against the base of his quads every time you rock forwards. Kenma was right, you're so wet it’s almost embarrassing how your own juices have lubricated your folds. Even against the fabric of his sweats, your pussy is drenched with your own arousal, helping you grind against his leg with ease. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, trying your hardest to control your breathing so the overwhelming pressure doesn’t cause you to moan out loud.
You can hear the two boys teasing and laughing at how filthy you really are but all you can think about is chasing that O. The noises coming from your riding, the way your juices have dampened his pants, making a wet slapping noise every time you rock. Your fingers are gripping his desk hard and all you can do is throw your head back, chest heaving, trying to swallow your whines as you start to feel the tension building in  your stomach. “I can feel the way your pussy is twitching every time you rock forwards, sometimes close isn’t she?” Kenma moves forwards and speaks softly by your ear, “You only have three more minutes, why don’t you let us hear your pretty voice hmm?”
“Oh y/n, you look like you’re close to cumming, we’ve never heard you this quiet before. I bet it would feel even better if you moaned for us”
“Suna and I always talk about how pretty and desperate you sound, let us hear you”
The constant egging didn’t help but it definitely made you more needy. They all knew how loud you were when Kenma would stuff you full and just as you let out a heavy breath, your boyfriend flexes his muscles. Your mouth falls open as you roll faster, knowing your orgasm will happen soon. The way his thigh feels against your slick folds should be illegal, it shouldn’t feel this good before he even touches you.
“Oh I think someones going to cum, show us how you fall apart. Ride my fucking thigh and imagine how much better it would be if my cock was in your needy hole”. Kenma now palming against his dick as he watches your eyebrows furrow, your eyes squeeze tight, your cheeks glowing , the baby hairs sticking to your forehead, all while you bite down on your bottom lip trying your hardest to keep all your noises inside. You look absolutely stunning to him, falling apart over his leg. He keeps flexing his thigh at a fast pace to help you reach your high, no longer caring about the challenge. He’s so mesmerized by the way your pussy feels as it’s throbbing, and how your legs squeeze harder against his as you completely come undone.
You can hear the boys let out soft moans as you cum all over your boyfriend's thigh with a force that even you’re surprised about.
“Fuck Kenma, you get to see that every time?”
The timer goes off and you limp over the desk, “fuck off Suna, consider yourself lucky the two of you got to get off to her”, he says with a smile on his face.
“We know we’re very lucky,” Osamu says chuckling, “ thank you y/n, we’ll definitely win our 3v3 later”
Kenma looks over at you and pulls you close to him. He slips his hand under the sweater and rubs your back, “you did so well baby, I’m surprised you didn’t make a sound”
“Promise I did good? D-does this mean I get to cum later?”
“You really think I’m going to forget why this all happened in the first place? You just came all over me and you’re already thinking about getting stuffed huh” he cradles your face with a faint smile on his face. “You did so well, so we’ll see” and presses a kiss on your lips, “for now, you can stay here for the next while and sit in embarrassment as they continue to tease you about you cumming just from my thigh”
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© tetsunormous 2021 lmk if you want to be added to my tag list
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
Hi! I have a request with wonwoo. I was thinking something like you’re spending time with him and he wants some cuddles and kisses from you but he’s so shy to ask u but at the end you figure it out what he wants. 💕✨
++ Hiiii love your writing🥺 can I request a fluff college bf wonwoo? Thank you 💕
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"Woo, wake up," you shake him a little. It's somewhere a little pass 6 now, and Wonwoo has asked you earlier to wake him up from his nap because he has a night class at 7. "Woo, it's 6pm already."
Wonwoo groans, turning the other way around to face you through his hazy eyes. He's napping in your place because it's closer to uni and the plan is to make the short distance a motivation to go to class, which is failing because the sheet under him smells like you and you're there looking very cudddle-able.
"Did I sleep for long?" he asks while his eyes scan your figure; you're wearing a sweater that he's given you for your birthday, one that is a size too big because you've always told him you like the sweater paws. That sweater paired with your shorts makes you look all the more comfier and class doesn't seem so interesting now.
And your lips, gosh, your lips. It'd be nice to feel the plush of your lips against his now. But Wonwoo's never been great with words, let alone be frontal with these kind of things, so he's unsure how to express these thoughts to you without getting embarassed.
"About 2 hours or so," you shrug, about to stand up when his hand catches your wrist so you'd stay put. "Yes?"
Wonwoo smiles sheepishly, and you can tell the gears in his mind are turning. You patiently wait for him, but Wonwoo fails to say anything. You notice it, though; the way his sleepy gaze lingers on your lips and the way his thumb is caressing your wrist through the material of your sweater. He's refusing to even sit up from your bed.
"Anything you'd like me to do?" you try to give him an opening, a bit amused at the way his mouth is opening and closing over and over again to no avail. "Woo?"
He squirms under you gaze and you can't take it anymore, so you let out a muffled squeal before throwing your weight at him so you can force him into a hug.
"How come you're this cute?" you grin at the top of his head, burying your face in his soft hair. "I'm pretty sure you can crush me with those arms and you're here being shy to ask for a hug and a kiss."
His eyes comically widens, both surprised and embarrassed that you're able to get through him. He doesn't deny it, though, simply nuzzles the skin of your neck as you shift yourself to a better position with your arms are around his neck.
Wonwoo lifts his head to meet your amused eyes and there's a grin on your lips. So you lean down to meet his lips, the sleep starting to leave him from the short-lived warmth. He frowns a little, so you peck his lips again and again until you're laughing because he whines at the short kisses.
Neither of you are surprised he decides to bail class in the end, thank God he's never bailed before.
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jarofstyles · 4 years
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A/N: this one.... biiiitch.... giving you all a little college!harry, he’s so cute 👉🏼👈🏼 enjoy hehe 😈 - n + d
If you like this, check out our Patreon!
send feedback and requests here 
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut. FILTH. 
word count: 9.7k
Harry felt a bit creepy. 
It wasn’t as if it was on purpose! No... but she was at all of the places he went. At first he had thought it was a coincidence, but as he developed a routine for his classes, he found that they were often around each other for similar reasons. And usually? He would try and go up, introduce himself, and make a friend. The problem was... she was pretty. 
Not like normal pretty. Pretty as in, holy fuck you make me so nervous and perhaps I’ll word vomit, pretty. He was shit at making the first move. She was in his Monday and Friday classes and sat not far from him, he noticed. And they always ended up at the Coffee Bean on Tuesday and Thursdays, sitting not too far from one another again. She got tea with a few cookies, and he got a black coffee and an orange scone. They’d work on their coursework and Harry would wait for her to leave and see her make it to her car before he would leave, not wanting to make it seem like he was following her. He’s found out her name through friends stopping in to see her. It was Y/N. Gorgeous, just like her.
Funny enough, Harry wasn’t the only one who had a bit of a crush. Y/N realized in the second week of classes that Harry was in fact one of the most intimidatingly cool and attractive men she’d ever seen. College boys weren’t supposed to look like that, but he was all soft in his sweaters and baggy pants. She wasn’t sure how he pulled it off so well, but she could admit she was jealous. 
Seeing him at the Coffee bean was a relief because well, he walked in after her every time. She assumed it was because he had a class that ended later or something, but it didn’t go unnoticed that  he was there. Usually it wasn’t too busy or loud so she could glance at him from the corner of her eye as they sat at one of the big tables. She felt like it would be too weird to talk to him, he seemed so... quiet. She’d never heard him speak, hell, she’d only ever locked eyes with him for milliseconds. Y/N wished she could be one of those girls that could effortlessly flirt, ask for a pencil or something, but she knew she’d freeze up and forget her rehearsed line. 
Today however, when Y/N arrived, Harry was already there at his usual spot. Okay, Y/N... act natural. She thought to herself, going to order her usual before walking to boldly take a seat across from him. It would have worked out fine if her tote bag didn’t accidentally catch the corner of one of his books, sending things flying. 
“Shit— sorry, I—” Y/N swore, setting her bag on the table before bending down to get the book and a few papers and a pen. Real smooth.
Harry was slightly startled when his shit went flying, but when he saw who had knocked it over, his heart picked up. Oh, shit. 
“Oh— it’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Harry’s voice was a bit gruff from not using it much today, pushing his chair back and bending down to grab the stuff with her. “S’my fault for putting it so close to the edge. I used to do that at home and my cat would knock it all off.” 
Great. Already rambling. 
Y/N didn’t register it at first, but he was british? Fuck. If she wasn’t already on her knees she would dropped down anyway, biting her lip to stop any noises that could have escaped. She giggled when he said his cat used to knock things over, “mine too.” She mumbled and went to stand up, feeling a tug at her arm. 
“Ah, shit.” Harry had caught his ring in her sweater, pulling one of the threads. “Damn, I’m so sorry.” He blushed slightly, knowing how annoying it was to have a pulled thread. His collection of sweaters was immense, thanks to his nan— and he felt terrible. Damn his chunky things. “They always get caught in mine too but I wear them anyways. I can replace the sweater, if you need.” Damn it. He was trying to come off as smooth... not so nervous. But he was. She was so pretty and she was up close, she smelled like peaches and vanilla and a bit of sweet mint and her hands were so soft.
“Oh no, It’s fine! it’s old anyway— I can just cut it off or tuck it in or something.” Honestly, Y/N would figure it out. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel bad, it was an accident after all. She let him untangle it, holding her hand still though it seemed like he needed some help. “Smaller fingers...” She mumbled, using her nails to get the thread gently off of the ring. “‘s a nice ring.” Y/N complimented, finally meeting his eyes and feeling the breath leave her lungs at the close proximity. Her lips parted naturally, scanning his face for any signs of discomfort.
She was beautiful Harry though he may get sick because wow. Wow. He had imagined holding her hand and kissing her but this exact moment he hadn’t a clue on what to do. So he improvised. 
“Are you in the 8 am psych class on Mondays?” He tilted his head. “I know I’ve seen you before.” Oh, he had seen her a lot. Especially in his dreams, day and night. It had been a bit intoxicating, really. At her nod, his grin came on his face. “Sick. S’that what you’re gonna study for?” He didn’t bring up the other class because... it would be embarrassing if she hadn’t noticed him before and he knew all too much. He needed a refill of his coffee though so he grabbed his cup, gently taking her things and placing them on the table next to his. “At least let me buy your stuff though. I feel awful about your sweater.”
“I’m actually just waiting on them to finish making mine, I was on my way to secure a spot but—” Y/N blushed, realizing the mess she had made. “Could you get it for me while you’re up there? It’s for Y/N. I can sit here and watch your stuff.” She felt like that was a subtle way for her to tell him her name. 
This was the most she had ever spoken to him and it had been about a month or so that she’d been eyeing him up. She knew he was in her English literature class as well, but psych was her major. Y/N wondered if maybe he too was a psych major, maybe that’s why they sort of had the same schedule? Regardless, she felt a bit nervous making conversation so she spent the time he was away coming up with what she was going to ask him and how she was going to keep the ball rolling. Hopefully she didn’t interrupt his studying, if anything she’d leave him alone.
“Y/N?” He tested it on his tongue out loud for the first time. It tasted good. “Yeah. M’Harry. I’ll be back.” He nodded, going towards the front. His heart going a mile a minute, he couldn’t believe how quickly his luck had changed. He ordered an extra cake pop today, for her. she had said it didn’t matter but to him, it did. Eventually he hoped he could buy her a replacement. Or... maybe she could wear his around. Wow. That would stroke his ego and his fragile heart to the core. He could already see her on his lavender fishermen’s sweater, in front of his fireplace back at home. She would be so cute. The voice calling her name snapped him out of the fantasy, Harry grabbing it and then his own shortly after before returning to the table. “Here. I got the last cake pop for you. Don’t tell anyone I’m the offender.”
“Ooo you’re a dead man if they find out.” Y/N said, looking around before gently taking it from him. “Thank you... that’s sweet.” She blushed, taking a bite of it before taking a sip of her chai latte. Now that she had stuff to fiddle around with she could take a breather and not have to worry about filling space. “But um.. did interrupt something? Don’t want to distract you...” Y/N nodded over to his laptop, secretly hoping that he wasn’t up to much so that she could chat to him. She just wanted to know the basics, literally anything would satisfy her craving. Harry was quite literally her wet dream, she’d been looking all around campus for someone like him to come around. “I uh... I think I’m also in your English lit class? I feel like I see you around often.” Y/N spoke, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. “What’s your major?” She felt like this conversation was light, something that would eventually lead into other things like... if he was single and looking for a girlfriend.
“Oh, you’re not bugging me. I’ve kind of been staring at the screen and zoning out if m’honest.” Harry chuckled, embarrassed a little to admit it. But everyone could relate to that, right? “And yeah... actually I think so.” He smiled lightly before taking a sip of his drink. Victory! She had noticed him too. He wasn’t the lonely creep who stared at the first who had no idea who he was. She knew who he was, kind of. He gently drew his sweater over his hands like little paws before going to her question. “English. I want to write and stuff, edit maybe. My dad has a publishing company so, I’m lucky I like a bit of the family business.” He tried to joke, looking at her. God. It was unnerving how beautiful and also, how fucking comfortable she was to be around. What a contrast. “And you? What major?” He took a nibble of his scone, not wanting to make a mess.
English? He’s a writer? Goodness. She was going to lose it. 
“That’s cool, any specific genre you like to write?” Y/N asked curiously because well, it would actually tell her a lot about him and the kind of person he was. “I picture some mystery or possibly poetry, could go either way.” She said and squinted her eyes as she looked at him, pretending to size him up. “I can’t say I’m all that interesting, a psych major. Just like every other artsy person who doesn’t exactly want to commit to an art degree.” Y/N chuckled, “still deciding between criminal justice or counseling but... either way I’d be happy to get to pick someone’s brain. She did have the habit of analyzing people but only so she could understand them better. Y/N knew that all people wanted at the core was to be understood and loved for who they are, for the most part. Harry seemed reserved, calm and relaxed, secure in himself that’s for sure. It was extremely attractive.
“Oh? That’s really cool though.” Harry was genuinely interested in what she had to say either way. The major didn’t matter in his interest in her but it gave him information and something to talk about. If she was marketing or math he would be just as interested. “Criminal seems particularly interesting. Like that criminal minds show then? You’ll learn how they work and all of that?” He didn’t really know what it meant or why she had chosen it. “But close. I write romance novels.” He blushed fully. “Don’t judge me for it. But s’easy for me and I’m good at it, or so I’ve been told. I’ve been writing for a while.” He felt himself loosen up as they talked. Even if she intimidated him, she was really nice and sweet. “Poetry too, lots of it. But romance is my main thing, I’d like to do novels and that sort of stuff.” He could see she didn’t think it was lame, rather interesting. Which was a major relief. He wanted to impress her, so so badly.
“Sorta, yeah. Like... being able to predict a criminal's next move, psychologically.” Y/N explained and shrugged, “feel like it’s really fun and interesting but terrifying all at once. Dunno if I could actually interview a criminal without feeling like it was going to cry.” She let out a laugh, knowing she was quite soft. Her face lit up when he said he wrote romance novels. Wow. Well, as if he wasn’t a character right out of a romcom himself! She felt like that’s what this was. A romcom. Bumping into him at a coffee shop like a scene straight from one. “Really?! So you’re a proper romantic then? Buy the last cake pop for every girl, hmm?” She gave him a bashful smile. The very last thing she was doing was judge, she was more so thinking about their wedding. Yep. Already. Daydreaming because she swore she’d hit the jackpot. Wasn’t even sure if he liked her yet, but she was hopeful. After all, she’d turned on her charm.
“I guess I am.” Harry smirked to himself slightly at the good reception. Damn. He had been so worried and hesitant- he should have just talked to her. She wasn’t... that scary. Only a little bit. 
He let her talk a bit more about her degree and Harry went on to speak about his favorite authors, and then the conversation shifted towards their classes and how he had been struggling slightly in psych— which led to her offering to help. Harry was shocked because honestly he hadn’t expected it from her, but he was pleased. He was happy to have an excuse to hang out with her more. See more of her and be able to teach himself to relax properly around her. He felt like a damn wind up toy, giddy and excited. 
“That would be so helpful, if you could. And if you don’t mind.” He stressed. “I have a place off campus, if you’d want to go there? I’ll buy you some pizza or something for your help.” He was a giver and if it meant getting a $20 pizza for her because he wanted good quality, then he would!
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Y/N was practically jumping up and down with joy in her mind, this was a turn of events. She went from secretly crushing on him to being invited over his house in only a few hours. “I can never say no to pizza, but it’s really no problem. They say if you can teach it to someone else then you truly understand it so it’ll be a good test for me. Y/N also knew that they wouldn’t just study. Come on. It was a Friday night and study was practically code for hook up, especially considering he had invited her to his place and not the library. She had to prepare, had to make sure she looked cute and everything. She’d shower before hand too, the whole nine. “I can be there around 6?” Y/N suggested, checking her calendar app even though she already knew when she could come. She had to at least look like she wasn’t jumping at the idea.
“That’s cool. Uh— here, if you want I can put my number in your phone and whenever you want I can text you the address?” Oh, fuck. How, how the tables have turned. He had gone from wistfully staring at her every day to having a scheduled study session with her, the girl he’d been practically having wet dreams about. Having a full conversation and then her having his number! He was giddy and playing with the sleeves of his sweater as a result of the excited nerves. “Do you have any allergies? I do have a kitten at home.” He wanted to make sure he wouldn’t have to put Marie away. He loved his baby but he wanted to try something and see if she would be cool with him in a private setting. It would be less hard to talk about deeper things without people around. He took her phone from her and typed in his number, adding his name with a little  📚 after it. That wasn’t too much, right?
“Aw you do! I have one too, well... he thinks he’s a big boy.” Y/N shook her head at the thought of her sweet little Milo. Despite not doing anything she planned to do at the coffee shop, it still felt like a productive day in her eyes. Finally getting to chat with Harry felt like a breath of fresh air and he wasn’t all that scary now that she got to chatting with him. She took her phone back and smiled at the cute little emoji, sending him a text to let him know it was her before hesitantly getting up. “Alright well, I gotta get back to my kitten... but, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N smiled, watching him stand up as well. The two of them walked out of the coffee shop and to their cars, Y/N being bold enough to give him a hug before opening her car door. “Night!” She was surprised with herself. Y/N was proud, completely over the moon and honestly she wasn’t sure how she was going to sleep tonight.
Harry laid out on the bed that night with Marie on his chest. He had told her all about how the pretty Y/N had met him and that she would be coming over. The pretty cat was a long haired white kitty, and she purred along with Harry as he spoke. She liked hearing Harry be happy. It made him want to squeak when he heard his phone buzz and a little text from her popped up— he saved her as ‘Y/N 🌼’ because he felt like it fit. Part of him wanted to put a heart but he would be mortified if she saw and thought it was weird. She wore a yellow flower shirt one day so he figured that’s what he could excuse it as. 
‘Hey, happy to hear from you! :) I hope your kitty is doing well. I meant to ask, you aren’t vegetarian are you?’
Y/N smiled at his text and attached a photo of her gray kitten laying across the top of her head while she laid down. 
‘Yes, he’s quite cozy.’
‘I am actually! But I’m not too fussy.’ 
She couldn’t help it, she loved animals and she couldn’t bring herself to do it anymore. Occasionally, she would indulge in a chicken nugget or seafood, but for the most part she didn’t feel like she had to. 
‘I’m going to get some sleep though, Good night Harry 💓’
That wasn’t too much was it? It was just a heart! She sent them to everyone. Y/N stayed up for a good ten minutes just digesting the day. Tomorrow would be even better, she had a feeling.
Harry was... well, he wasn’t sure how to describe the emotion. When Niall inevitably quizzed him on why he was acting strange, the best he had come up with was a mix of nerves and giddiness, also terror and extreme happiness. He was going to hang out with the girl he had been silently crushing on— and they had been texting quite frequently in the short time they had each other’s numbers. Was this going to be a regular thing? Was it going to blossom into more? He knew that he had wasted time before, not talking to her. She wasn’t scary! No... she was so sweet and kind and beautiful and everything she said made him a literal heart eye emoji. She had taken to sending him random photos, even so quickly in and it felt comfortable. He had even sent her a shot of Marie on the counter this morning, on top of his school notes. It was odd. The excitement he felt when he heard the bing from his phone of the vibration in his pocket... it was incredible. He liked this feeling. Damn it. This was such a new thing. He wanted to do more. 
He saw her in class, watching as she crept in a bit after the last call should be with a sheepish smile on her face. He waved to her silently and watched her climb up, his heart beating quicker when she chose a seat closer to his than before. She wanted to sit near him? He clutched the rainbow patchwork sweater by the sleeves and fiddled with the cuffs, nerves and excitement swirling in his tummy.
If class wasn’t already on, Y/N knew she would have tried to spark up some conversation with Harry, but for now all she could manage was passing him a note. 
‘I like your cardigan :)’
It was really cute. Most of Harry’s wardrobe was and in her dream world she already stole a few to wear. English literature wasn’t exactly the most exciting class, but Harry seemed invested. Y/N enjoyed watching him focus and take notes while she mostly doodled some random flowers and bears in her notebook. Her mind was thinking about what she was going to wear to his house and how she definitely needed a shower before and that she had to put on the lotion that matched her perfume. Was she overthinking this? Maybe. Of course it was just a study date, but you could never be too sure where things could go. And if they did— she wanted to be ready.
He knew that he needed to contain himself but his smile made it hard. She liked his cardigan. The random compliment had him feeling mushy and happy and there was definitely a blush on his cheeks as he clicked his pen and wrote back to her. 
‘Thanks :) my nan knitted it for me. I like your little head band.’ 
He passed it back before opening his notebook back up. Her stare could be felt and he wanted to smirk a little at it because, well, who wouldn’t? She was so great, and he wanted to experience more of her but he was trying to not rush shit. He was a romance writer after all. All of it felt so in tune with his own wants and he had a hard time believing it was real. Sweet little Y/N wanted to hang out with him and she complimented his cardigan!
‘Awe!! That’s cute and thank youuuu 🥰’ 
She drew him a little smiley face with hearts around it, felt like it was very on brand for her and her emotive texting. Y/N felt all giddy because she had made a new friend but she was really hoping they wouldn’t just be friends. 
Y/N knew she was hard to read because she was generally nice to everyone and honestly, Harry seemed to be the same way. She could only assume he liked her because he asked her to hang out so quickly. And he’d bought her a cake pop and was planning on buying pizza tonight. Was it a date then? Gosh, she needed to stop reading into it. Her leg kept bouncing up and down, mind trying to refocus and thankfully, their professor was discussing something she too had noticed in her reading. She still managed to steal quick glances at Harry for the rest of the class, giving him shy little smiles. It wasn’t till class ended that she ended up speaking to him, but even that was quick. She needed to get home and get ready.
Harry had gotten a quick hi, and a ‘see you tonight!’ With her hand brushing his arm before she skipped off to.. wherever she went. And that had him nearly sprinting home. Cleaning top to bottom, vacuum, scrub, vacuum again. Changed his sheets— why, he wasn’t sure— put his laundry in the basket, filled up Marie’s food and water, fluffed the pillows, cleaned the windows and coffee table... he did it all. Even cleaned out the fridge! Like she would care? Harry didn’t know. All he did know was that he was finally showered and smelled nice, hair fixed and the pumpkin patch candle was lit! The tv was on low because he was nervous and needed some filler noise to keep himself from overthinking.
Y/N was doing the same, not cleaning her apartment but cleaning herself. She stripped out of her clothes when she got home and immediately got into the shower, taking one of those full maintenance ones for good measure. Once she was positive she was squeaky clean and smelled nice, she jumped out to take the next steps. God, she really wanted to impress him. He’d been her crush for a while and she needed this. She wanted to look like she didn’t put in my effort when she did so she decided to put on some light makeup and chose an outfit that was more laid back. Usually, she was seen wearing sweaters and jeans, nothing too fancy, so that’s exactly what she settled on. Y/N wanted to look warm and inviting. 
Milo mewed beneath her feet as she collected all her study supplies, rubbing against her ankles in need of attention. “I’m sorry bubs, I know I didn’t get to spend lots of time with you today but don’t be too mad.” Y/N pouted, picking him up and giving him a cuddle for a few minutes. She held him up to her chest as she finished up, deciding she needed to leave now.
‘Leaving now, be there in 20 ✨’
She sent, hopping into her car with nerves bubbling up in her stomach. God, she really hoped tonight went well.
When Harry heard the knock at the door he shot up, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants before forcing himself to be slow, walking to the door. And when he opened it, it really did feel like being hit in the gut. Seeing someone so beautiful, so up close? It got to him. He had to admit that. Y/N has this natural beauty that he drooled over. That felt like a hit. Every time he saw her he swore she got more beautiful. 
“Hi.” He spoke with a smile, opening the door up for her. “Come inside. Marie is wandering around so I have to close the door. A little escape artist, she is.” He joked, letting her scurry in and close the door behind her.
“Hey! Oop— okay!” Y/N giggled and stepped past him into his apartment. It was very cute and very tidy. Y/N felt a little flutter in her belly, it was freshly cleaned. She stepped out of her shoes before further examining the decor. The style was something she very much expected for Harry, it was cozy and artsy. Lots of earth tones and that sweet autumn smell coming from the candle made her feel that much more excited. “It’s so nice in here! I love the pillows.” Y/N complimented, liking how some were fluffy and some had funky patterns on them. It was then that she heard a meow from below, Marie sniffing at her sock covered toes. “Oh hi there... sorry if you can smell Milo on me, gave me lots of snuggles before I left.” Y/N cooed down to the kitten, dropping down so she was closer to the ground and extended her hand for her to sniff and get used to. 
Y/N realized this was very real now, especially because he had gone out of his way to make his place look nice. Most guys wouldn’t care, but maybe Harry did this for everyone. When she stood back up and turned to face him, she got a whiff of him and noticed his semi damp hair. He showered too. Oh—
Harry smiled at her and Marie, happy his kitten seemed to like her. Usually she would sniff his friends and run off but she began to weave over her legs and beg for pets. He was in awe. Christ. She had him by the balls already. 
“Do you want anything to drink? I’ve got diet soda... apple juice, lots of teas. And water.” He hummed, going into the kitchen with her behind him. It was an open concept though, the kitchen the first thing near the door and it opened into a large living area, the hall down going to the master bedroom. It was simple but perfect for him in college. He gave her a moment to think it over as he looked at her. So cozy and... cuddly. He wanted to slide his hands under her sweater and feel her warm skin and nuzzle into the crook of her neck, let her fingers play through his hair.
“Apple juice sounds good.” Y/N smiled, having picked up Marie at this point to carry her into the kitchen with them. She had a feeling she’d get along just great with Milo if they ever got to meet. “You’re a sweet little thing, aren’t you?” Y/N cooed at the kitten, seeing her comfortably settled against her. “Does your Daddy spoil you with snuggles too?” She asked toying with her little paw before looking up at Harry with a smile. He had fumbled a bit with the lid of the juice at her words which made her giggle, “How are you? How was your day today?” Y/N was genuinely curious, deciding to make some small talk before actually sitting down. In her head she could already imagine the two of them hanging out here constantly, tangled up in one another, kissing and laughing and doing all the cute things that Harry likely wrote about in his stories.
“I’m— im good.” Harry’s mouth was dry. He knew that she hadn’t meant anything by it, but he heard her say ‘daddy’ in reference to him, and his stupid cock had jumped, tummy felt hot. Damn it. He wished he wasn’t so deprived but... she had been at the forefront of his mind. “It was a good day. I was happy to talk to you. You’re fun to talk to.” He meant it too. She was so interesting and funny and he was completely whipped and okay with it. Damn. He wished he had maybe a bit more restraint with his imagination but he didn’t. Not at all. “I have a harder time meeting people... i can be a little shy sometimes. I’m in my own head a lot you know? I have my core group of friends but... it’s hard to get to know people. I want to know them.” Her. That translates to her.
“Yeah?” Y/N felt her heart jump. He was happy to speak with her even just a little bit? He wanted to talk to her and get to know her? It wasn’t just a one sided thing. They were both making an effort in their own way and she was thinking someone had to break the tension. “I’m happy you think so.” Y/N blushed, “I um... I also like talking to you.” She had her little friend group as well but she never thought she’d actually end up being friends with Harry. Listening to him explain how reserved he was definitely made her feel special though. He chose to open up to her, she was special enough for that and that made her cheeks grow warm once again. “I’ll tell you just about anything you want to know.” Y/N smiled, hesitantly placing Marie down before taking a few steps closer to him to get her glass of apple juice.
“Ooooh, a little daunting. Anything? Your social security number?” Harry was joking. Trying to clear the air and make her relax because she was a bit shy too and he wanted her to be comfortable here. This place should be a good spot for her. He motioned for her to come sit on the couch with him, Marie trailing after Y/N. Little traitor had a new favorite already but... he couldn’t say he could blame her. “I dunno... it’s hard sometimes, in this age to make genuine friendships. Feels like everyone’s already got their friend groups and you don’t want to infringe upon them yeah? And... I write a lot. I’m not a partier. Not to sound cliche but again.... I’m a writer.” He chuckled.
“I said just about!” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head to herself at his joke. She felt like she was an open book, she was pretty open with the things she liked and generally she aimed to spread positivity and love where she could. Her hobbies included lots of things, music, knitting, reading, gardening. That kind of stuff. “But yeah, I get that... I’ve been pretty content with my group of friends, though I think most people are open to making new ones. At least I am... I am a bit shy though.” Y/N took a sip of her apple juice before setting it down on the coffee table again. “Yeah, you said. Romance novels.” She smiled and leaned back into the couch, getting comfortable. “What sorts of romance novels?” What? Could you blame her for wanting to know what sort of content was in them? Maybe it could give her some insight on what he wanted.
“Oooooh. Hard hitting stuff.” Harry huffed out playfully. “I’m... it’s a variety, I think. I’ve done supernatural, classic tropes, historical romance was very fun. I am partial to enemies to lovers or forbidden romances though. They’re the most fun to write.” Y/N genuinely looked like she cared so he continued. “I’ve been trying out different stuff but....” he blushed again. “I’m... looking at erotica right now.” It wasn’t something he usually would blurt out but hey, she seemed trustworthy. Plus she didn’t seem like she would judge either. It was a new favorite of his. The rawness of it and writing sex scenes... it was amazing. Reading it, writing it, he thought he could do some on the side and sell it under a pen name. It would be a fun thing to try.
Erotica. This man sat down and wrote detailed sex scenes, likely kinky, for fun? Thankfully she didn’t have any juice in her mouth because it surely would have been spat out. 
“H-how are you finding it?” She asked, reaching for her apple juice because she felt like she couldn’t sit still now. How else was she supposed to go about things when all she could think about was sex. Sex with him specifically. Y/N wasn’t blind, she knew that Harry was very attractive and very much gifted with beautiful hands. She could only assume he would have a wonderful cock as well. She knew there was no way someone so quite couldn’t have the filthiest of minds, she knew hers was. Her fantasies were where she roamed free.  
“I mean... I do like it a lot, actually. I hope that doesn’t come across as creepy or pervy but I like to be able to write something like that. It’s freeing, in a sense.” Harry couldn’t really properly describe why but, he was a kinky dude. You’d never think it. He was soft and wore sweaters a lot and drank tea at home from a kitty mug but he was.... a kinky fucker. And he loved sex. There was just something about it. He wanted to try more and more of it but he had a tendency to get attached to his partners, even hook ups... so he had put that on a hault. 
“I’d like to read some...” Y/N felt like at some point, she’d want to read his writing. If he felt comfortable now she didn’t mind. It was just writing, wasn’t it? 
“You want to?” She looked at him with bright eyes and her a fast nod so Harry decided to say, fuck it. If they were going to work as friends... or lovers, which is what Harry really wanted... she would need to accept this side. He grabbed his laptop and boosted it on, letting himself grab the latest completed scene. “Here. You can read this, i'll order the pizza.” There were obvious nerves in his belly from letting her read filthy smut from his computer but Y/N... she was different. He couldn’t put his finger on why, but she was.
They were meant to be studying. 
That was long forgotten though as Y/N nodded and got comfortable on the couch with his laptop sat in her lap. It felt a bit taboo, but she figured she could separate the writer from the story. 
The scene was from a male character’s perspective, describing him having a long and hard day at work where all he could think about was his partner. Y/N felt her face get progressively warmer as the character spoke about his partner, she couldn’t help but imagine this was how Harry was when he was horny and needy. 
Y/N knew that if she was his, she would certainly brighten up his mood after a tough day at work. Seeing her own name in the document however proved that Harry thought the same. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head, her eyes lifting from the screen to look up at him as he ordered the pizza completely unaware of her discovery. 
This is what he imagined? This is what he wanted to do.... with her?
Harry ordered two cheese pizzas and some cinnamon dessert thing because there was a a special going on. He had thought about getting more but he didn’t want to go overboard with it, so he finished the order. Thank god for online ordering.
“Okay... it’ll be here in 25 minutes I think.” He hummed, looking up and freezing slightly. She looked blushy and her eyes wide as she read the post and he wondered why she looked a bit startled. “Hey... y’alright love?” He asked quietly. God damn it. Had he freaked her out too much? Was it just too much in general for the first time they properly hung out? He couldn’t remember exactly what scene he had pulled up. Just that it was recent, a billionaire type of thing.
Y/N casually moved the laptop on to the coffee table without answering his question. She didn’t think twice before she climbed on to his lap, hands settling on his shoulders. Sure, it was a risky move, but after what she’d read? She felt like she had to make her move. She wanted to be just as hot and sexy as he had imagined her to be. Harry’s shocked expression made her smile, hand going up to cup his cheek. 
“You left my name in the document...” Y/N’s voice spoke low and slow, thumb brushing over his now parted lips. Never did she think she could be so bold so soon, but fuck did it feel good. She felt so powerful, so sexy, and so so horny. “Thought about me riding your cock so much you wrote about it?” Y/N whispered, leaning in to kiss the skin just below his ear before nibbling at the skin. “Noticed me before we properly met... thought about me... is this what you wanted, baby?”
Harry blanked. 
Oh. fuck.
He hadn’t expected her to climb into his lap. Climbing on and straddling him, cupping his cheek, talking in that hot little voice that had his cock filling a bit. Holy fucking shit. 
“Oh—” He was cut off by her thumb over her lip. She was into it, into him. How had this happened? He had to be dreaming. But... no. Her heat was too real to be a dream. Her eyes too clear and dark, her smell too real. It was real. “Y-yeah...” He whispered, gasping when she kissed his skin, hand grabbing her waist. Oh, hell. Under his pants, his cock was quickly hardening. You couldn’t blame him, his dream woman, his crush, was straddling his lap and kissing his neck. Talking like this. 
“Thought about it ‘lots.” He muttered. She was so bold for this and that was something he found so sexy. When her teeth scraped his skin and bit down a bit harder, a dark groan left his mouth, hand on her waist tightening. “Holy shit... Y/N.”
“Hmm... feels good?” Y/N questioned, licking over the spot that she bit before moving to a new one. “Think I can make you cum in 25 minutes?” Y/N felt like she could take on the challenge, his cock was already hardening beneath her and she was a bit of foreplay away from being completely soaked. “Wanna try all of it, yeah?” Y/N muttered, nipping at the spot just where his jawline met his neck. “Riding your cock.... you bending me over, can choke me too. Please do...” She moaned at the thought, her hormones completely taking over. He still seemed to be frozen, despite his hand now on her waist so she moved her hips forward a little bit and tugged at his hair. “Wanna make you feel good.” 
Y/N had a kink for giving but it seemed Harry did as well. She expected a needy hook up, rough touches, quickness, pure lust. It’s exactly what she needed. It’s been a while since she’d hooked up with anyone and she was desperate for Harry to break her dry spell.
“Ah, shit.” Harry hissed. The tug at his hair sent a shock of hot arousal down his spine. That got him going so quickly. She wanted to fuck? Right now? He would be a fool to say no, and he wasn’t raised a fool. “Yeah? Y’want to ride my cock?” He asked lowly. “Fucks sake... I didn’t know you were so dirty.” He never would have guessed it from her either but... they were here. And he was snapped out of his shock by the tug, and now he was ready to do whatever the fuck she let him. “What did y’want the most, love? Tell me.” He had taken into account that she wanted to be choked, raising a hand to gently cuff her throat, bringing her close to his face. The confidence was soaring now, and all because she was leaking it. She wanted it, desperately. “I said, tell me.” He gave a quick squeeze to her throat. “Want to know what you need.”
“Need your cock, daddy.” Y/N moaned out, eyes blown and glazed over with desire. Y/N could feel the tension in her bones, cunt throbbing and aching to be touched. “Need you so bad, please— wanted you for so long, please make me cum, please!” She pleaded, fully giving into the fantasy. Y/N was never one to hold back and from what she had read, he certainly didn’t want her to. Her body felt like it was on fire, hands grabbing fist fulls of his sweater in hopes that he’d just take it off. Y/N wasn’t sure what type of body would be beneath it, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel his warm skin, lick and kiss all that she could while she worked her magic. Y/N waited for his directions, falling into the submissive role easily despite her initial approach. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’re gonna have to re-write that scene.”
Harry was going to give this girl any fucking thing she wanted. He let her guide his sweater off, the cool air hitting his skin not even getting a chance because her hands and mouth were all over him. It was like she had fallen into a heat, and Harry.... he loved it. He placed his hands under her sweater, feeling her hands smooth over his chest as she kissed at his neck and over his jaw. Her skin was hot under the sweater, his hands gripping her waist and smoothing over her hips, going up and sip to her ribs where he realized— fuck. 
“Not wearing a fucking bra?” He hissed. “Jesus... you’re a little minx, aren’t you? Off with this.” He spoke lowly, grabbing the ends of it but barely had a shot before Y/N ripped it off of her body. Fucks sake. She was sexier than he had ever imagined. “My god... you’re so sexy, baby.” He whispered, sitting up and burying his face between her breasts. Kissing the hot skin between them, working his way up with the wet, open mouthed kisses to her throat.
“Oh Daddy...” Y/N’s body shuddered at the feeling of his mouth on her, head falling back as she let out a happy sigh. He seemed to like her hand in his hair so she happily gripped at his locks as he scattered kisses over her skin. “Come ‘ere...” She whined, guiding him up to her lips. “Wanna taste your mouth.” Making eye contact with him in this moment felt intimate. All those quick glances in classes and at the coffee shop, all the day dreaming, it all built up to this moment where she fully felt she could let herself let go. The both of them wanted this, it was so reassuring, this was a safe space and they could do whatever they wanted. Y/N’s body rolled forward, pushing him further back onto the couch and angling her hips so she could tease the both of them before she let herself have it. Fuck was he hard... and full. Another moan left her lips, sounding more like a plea and cry for more.
“Fuck me... you’re needy. I love it.” Harry hissed, pulling her mouth to his. It wasn’t soft. No, this kiss... it was hot. Heavy. Her mouth opened and immediately he dragged his tongue inside, meeting hers. She tasted like the apple juice and a bit of mint, and he could groan just from how good it was. Sweet little Y/N wasn’t too innocent at all. “Fuck— keep teasing me like that. S’like you want to end up crying.” He had a feeling now that she did. She wanted his cock inside of her pussy, thrusting in and out and letting herself soak him. Yeah... he wanted it too. “Keep calling me daddy. You’re so dirty. Who would have fucking... known.” He spoke between the kisses, hands going for her jeans. He wanted them off, like hours ago. He was finally going to get her. “M’gonna lay you out in my bed after... first m’gonna fuck you, but M’gonna clean out your cunt with my tongue. And then M’gonna take you again. Yeah?” She has come for studying but was staying for hot sex and he hoped to turn it into a nice marathon. He had all weekend and he was hoping she wouldn’t have to go. He had too many idea for her. “Gonna let daddy lick it up?”
“Fuck— yes, gonna let daddy have his way with me...” She kept her hips rolling against his slowly, keeping the rhythm in check with the passionate kiss they were sharing. Y/N already knew this was going to be the best sex of her life, the kiss alone let her know that. His tongue would work wonders on her cunt and she’d be more than happy to return the favor. Hesitantly, Y/N began to stand to get her jeans off, one of her hands staying put on the back of his neck so the kiss didn’t break. She let him fiddle with the zipper, feeling his fingers hook both her jeans and underwear before yanking them down to which Y/N let out a little squeal. 
Y/N knew she had to pull away from the kiss for air but she didn’t want to, waiting till the very last minute until she couldn’t anymore and went to get his jeans off.
“Come on. Be good.” He murmured against her lips, brushing his hips up so she could get his pants off. She tugged and easily they came down, Harry kicking them off as he pulled her back in his lap. His hands gripped her bare ass and groaned when she pushed into them, not thinking twice before pulling his hand back and smacking it the sound rang in the room and she let out the most sexy noise against his mouth, making him hiss. Fuck. He wanted her so fucking badly. This girl... she was everything. One hand went to feel and fuck. Fuck shit, motherfuck, it was wet. She was so, wet. “Jesus— you’re so wet. Baby— holy shit, you’re soaked.” He whispered. “S’cause of me? You wanted daddy’s cock this bad?” He pulled his fingers off slightly, the arousal still stringing to his fingers. He placed them at her mouth and pushed them in. “That’s it. Clean them up, sweet girl. You’re so filthy, y’know that? Precious little thing. So slick and hot, want cock so fucking bad don’t you?” He cooed, feeling her suck on the digits. “Now.... rub it against your pussy. Don’t put it in yet. get it wet.”
Y/N sucked at his fingers as if it were her job, making sure to treat it like she would his cock which included eye contact. She loved looking at him, seeing his hungry expression and his eyes that seemed to say so much more than he did. Even the feeling of her cunt sliding over his cock sent tingles up her spine. It had never affected her this much with other guys, but she assumed it was different with Harry because she had wanted him for so long. Y/N let out a whimper, feeling a gush of wetness accumulate when he pushed his fingers in farther. Harry was hot in ways she couldn’t explain, there were little things he did that just hit the spot and made her want to fuck him even harder. Y/N was practically bouncing on his cock, aching for him to let her have it inside.
“You’re such a good girl. Listening so fucking well.” Harry took his fingers from her mouth, smirking at the whine and slight chasing of his fingers when he placed it on her breast. She gave it all to him and honestly, he was ready to just... lose it. “Go ahead. Take what you want.” It was not even a moment later that he felt her begin to sink down. She was tight— so damn tight, and he choked slightly at just how good the squeeze was. He let out a hiss, head thrown back in the couch as the slick, hit cunt sucked over him, squeezing hard as she stretched open slowly. “Holy fuck.” He growled, gripping both hips now and looking at her with a darkness in his eyes. “You’re so bloody tight— Christ, you’re squeezin’ me so good.” He whispered.
“Daddy!” She whimpered as she slid farther down on his cock until she couldn’t fit anymore of him in. “I’m so full— feels so good.” Her eyes rolled back a bit as she began to bounce at a slowed rhythm. Small moans and little huffs came from her throat with every stroke of her hips, it wasn’t until she felt warmed up that she actually went for it. Y/N shifted so that she had better balance, keeping her hands on his shoulders before dropping back down on his cock. “Fuck!” She squeaked, making sure to clench one her way back up before repeating the action at a quicker pace. It felt incredible. He was touching every little part of her, feeling small waves of pleasure spread throughout her body. “Daddy! Fuck— feels so good ahhh!” Her moans were pornographic, whiny, desperate and needy. She didn’t even know she could sound like that, but apparently it was possible when she was as thirsty for cock as she was.
Never would he have guessed that this would be the outcome of their hang out. He had hoped, sure. Dreamed? Absolutely. But the reality was so much better. He had the hot, wet and extremely tight pussy gliding up and down his cock. She was moaning, tits bouncing in his face, and she was vocal. More than he could have asked for. The infatuation he had with her was only growing. 
“Fuck, you’re a good girl. Such a perfect little cunt. Like bouncing on my cock, hm? Knew you’d be the perfect girl for me. Keep going.” His hand squeezed her ass, encouraging her to work herself on him. “Feels so full, yeah? Such a big cock filling such a little pussy. A nice stretch for you hm? So eager to be filled up...” her face was of pure bliss and Harry couldn’t help but take a mental photo. He hoped this could happen more than this once. “Knew you’d be good for me. Throwin’ yourself in my lap and begging to be fucked. Never guessed you’d be such a little slut, but I love it.” He took his hand, bringing it down sharply on her ass.
“Fuck!” Y/N gasped, her own hand moving to cuff his neck. It wasn’t as effective as him doing it to her, but it got the point across. The both of them grabbing at each other roughly, him thrusting up into her each time she slammed down. It could only be described as pure ecstasy, surely the hottest sex she had ever had. She needed him, she needed him to cum. Y/N couldn’t stop herself from leaning down to kiss his mouth again, making a mess of the two of them. “You’re so fucking good— love your cock, daddy... fucking love it!” She moaned between kisses, increasing her pace just enough so she could fuck him hard and steady. “I want you to cum for me daddy, wanna feel it nice and deep.” Thank fuck for IUDs. “Want you to fill me up while I cum all over your cock, can you do that for me? Can you cum with me?”
He was panting, lowering himself so he could properly thrust into her sopping cunt. He hadn’t gotten any in so long but this blew any and everyone out of the water. No one could ever understand how good this was. All the pining and imagining had come to an even better conclusion. 
“I’ll do it... but you... gotta promise me.” He growled, giving a particularly sharp thrust inside of her, making her wail. “Promise me I can do it again. Let me have this pussy more.” He didn’t want it to end if it was the only time he could get it. It was too good to let go of. Drooling all over his cock and her soft whimpers and dirty words had him more worked up than anything else. “Promise, baby, and I’ll let you have my cum.”
“Promise— I promise— fuck!” She felt her breath get caught in her throat at the particularly hard thrusts Harry was giving her. “Please Daddy, please give it to me.” Y/N whimpered, moving her hands so they cupped his cheeks, keeping eye contact with him as they continued to relentlessly thrust into each other. There was nothing more satisfying, nothing that managed to hit every part of her both physically and spiritually and made her feel so alive. When you’ve wanted something for so long it makes getting it that much better and she knew that she’d always be chasing this high that only he could give her. “I’m so close, fuck, daddy—“ She mumbled between kisses, squeezing around him and continuing at her pace to bring herself to the perfect high. “Cum with me daddy, please— ah!”
Harry would work on his stamina next round. But after the whole thing, he was close to losing his mind. She was giving him the most tempting offer and he wasn’t going to give it up. 
“Oh— fuck me.” He thrusted in again and again before he let himself go. Feeling her clench up around him and sob against his mouth, he let out a deep growl as he buried himself deep. Hot cum shooting inside of her cunt, rocking his hips in to get it all in there. There was no doubt that this was some of the most intense sex of his life but he was almost ready to go again, as soon as it ended. Holding her shivering form, her orgasm was tapering, he could feel her clenching still. “That’s it. Take all of it inside of you. Good girl.”
Y/N gripped Harry’s shoulders, loud screams of pleasure coming straight from her throat. There were no words to describe the high, she almost felt out of her own body as he showered her with praise. With her body shaking and face contorting with a silent scream, she found it in her to come back down letting out a pathetic whimper.
“Daddy—” She swallowed thickly, mouth finding his messily, pressing kisses to his lips and his face. The two of them were both lightly covered in sweat, breathing heavily and enjoying each other’s company. Y/N was far too blissed out to think about what just happened, but blissed out enough to know there would be many more rounds of this tonight. Y/N smiled as she nuzzled against his neck, still sponging kissing to his dampened skin. “Better?” She mumbled, smirking against his skin a bit.
“Mm.” He hummed, hands holding her hips still. Holy hell. This was the beginning of an amazing weekend- because he didn’t plan on letting her out at all, if he could help it’ he wanted her to stay, to let him indulge in her. “So fucking good.” He muttered lowly, rubbing his hand up her back and smoothing over her skin. Fucks sake. This was paradise. Nothing could pop him out of this. 
At least, that was until the doorbell rang. 
“Ah, fuck. The pizza.”
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