#i remember it had another part but too lazy to look it up rip
lilpuffyart · 9 months
Posting this here just bc I doubt I'll finish this ever
It probably has a lot of writing mistakes and I wrote this months ago instead of sleeping so don't expect anything good :p
Forneus had a simple life. While she was traveling, she would look for food, be it fruits, vegetables or fishes. When she made her stop in her habitual spot from each realm, she would knit something. Be it toys for a few kids she would find on her journeys, or be it some piece of clothing.
And since she was just a friendly traveler, she wouldn't have many issues with each place she went, having sold items for the bishops of the old faith before, and her appearance gave the old Gods some kind of comfort for knowing she wouldn’t do anything drastic. But now, with the bishops gone and the anxiety of who would now rule each place, she sometimes found it hard to travel, especially now.
Forneus wasn't a fool, she was aware that she was aging, but the black cat had her most precious gifts back.
Her children.
When The Lamb and Narinder had brought them back to her, the old cat felt like she was dreaming, touching their faces in an attempt to be reassured that it was real, that she wasn't, yet again, dreaming they were there. Forneus felt alive again that day.
With her kittens back, however, she had to teach them all the things that her mother had taught her once.
And that was what she was doing at the moment.
"Sweetheart, you're going to hurt yourself that way", Forneus said softly to her son, Baal, who was so focused on the yarn that he attempted to turn into some kind of garment. While not looking at her, the gray kitten still paid attention to her words, moving his ears in her direction to show that.
Baal took a quick liking for knitting and sewing, something that impressed his mother. And the interest in it started just as fast, she remembered fondly. The tall cat had awakened before his brother one day, and made his way to their mother, who sat outside their comfortable caravan while knitting. Forneus was sitting comfortable there, stitching the yarn to later turn it into a sweater for one of the children. His eyes followed the object, picking every small detail and curve she was doing with the needles.
He, however, still had a long way on it.
“I can’t make this knot”, he huffed sadly, admitting defeat when he put the yarn and needle on the ground. “You make it seem so easy…”, the young cat sighed and brought his legs close to his chest. Baal felt bad for letting his mom down. After being away for so long, he wanted to desperately make her proud.
But he heard a soft chuckle coming from his side and Baal looked at his mother.
“Oh, sweetie, there’s no need to feel frustrated over this”, she purred softly and rested her paw over his. “You have a lot of time to learn how to do it. Take your time”.
He moved his ears a little bit and he blinked while staring at the ground. Baal was always used to memorizing and then getting things right. Unlike his master and his brother, he never had much patience for these things. He moved his tail back and forth and looked away.
“Let me help you, Baal”, Forneus said while reaching for the needles that were in her son’s paws. His soft dark eyes lighted up with the idea of his mother teaching him something that was so important to her. “First, you
“Oh, sweetie”, she meowed and brought him close to her chest. Even though he was taller than her, Forneus’ hugs always made him feel like a kitten all over again. “I’m already proud of you”.
Baal hugged his mother back, letting her warmth embrace him. He then closed his eyes for a few minutes, feeling the summer sun on his back. Baal huffed and lowered his ears.
“Still”, he murmured. “I’m going to finish this scarf for you”, the black she-cat laughed warmly at her kitten’s stubbornness.
Aym was different from his brother, for he liked to be on his own, away from everyone. Not that he disliked the company of his family; he loved it, but he easily felt overwhelmed around others and would wander off for a while.
It didn’t take him long to get to Pilgrim’s Passage in these walks and to take fishing as a hobby. His family needed to eat anyway, so he assumed it would be a useful hobby to have anyway.
Once a week, Aym would make his way there and sit on the small and old deck. Normally people wouldn’t bother him much there either because he was fishing or because he seemed to never like to be bothered. He never minded the company of his mother, she seemed to always understand his boundaries well and would always have a big smile and a few encouraging words to say to Aym whenever he caught something. It was contagious.
“Aym”, she called from behind him, broughting him back from his thoughts. “Did ye catch something?”, she said softly, a small basket was being held by her big paws. The sweet smell of strawberries that was coming from the basket was enough to make his mouth water.
“No”, he simply murmured. He sounded disappointed at himself and Forneus was quick to pick the hints of it.
“We could go back, my heart”, Forneus meowed softly to him, moving her basket to be held by only her left arm. “And come back tomorrow in the morning when the fishes are fresher”.
“No”, Aym inhaled and then exhaled heavily, feeling the pilgrim’s soft breeze enter and leave his lungs. “I’m going to wait longer”, he said softly and flicked his ear.
The old maine coon looked around. It wasn’t late, and the sun hadn’t even started to set yet. She figured that keeping her child company wouldn’t hurt her old body. And even if it did, she would never trade a change to stay by his side.
So she gave a tired sigh and made her way to the end of the dock and sat down next to Aym. The black cat could feel the soft and salty waves hit her feet and she found herself surprised that she wasn’t as against the feeling of it as she thought she would. It was relaxing.
“You should eat something then”, she said as she gently brought the basket close to him. The cat smiled softly at the other cat that slowly picked the basket, as if waiting for some kind of approval from his mother. Aym was careful to put it on his side
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for-ests · 6 months
Suffocation: Gojo Satoru x Reader
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 Part 4 / (ao3) (wattpad) Warnings: Smut Wc: 5, 648 Summary: As you try and get your life together, the students and Gojo prepare a surprise for you. Once revealed, you call Gojo to your new bedroom as a thank you.
When Yuji woke up for coffee, the last thing he expected to see was his teacher passed out on the living room couch. 
Blinking, he froze, beginning to tip-toe closer to Gojo. 
“Itadori-” Megumi started calling loudly as he walked in. 
“Shh!” Yuji lunged at Megumi to try to cover his mouth with one hand while simultaneously pointing urgently to the couch. Of course, they were about to play another prank when the opportunity had been given to them on a silver platter. Neither could remember the last time Gojo fell asleep anywhere but in his bedroom. 
The students stealthily crept to the couch, peering over the top, only to fall completely silent. They found you cuddled underneath Gojo. 
Had you actually fallen asleep like that? Yuji pondered. Gojo was practically suffocating you with how tight his hold was, both of your necks bent in discomforting ways and multiple limbs hanging off the couch. It seemed there was an attempt for a blanket, but it was folded onto the floor, no longer covering either of you. 
Why were you there and not in your new room? Yuji was about to ask until he saw Megumi gesture to the coffee table, which had been moved from its usual spot. There was a half-drunk bottle of expensive scotch. The television was still on, only flashing the loading screen, and your phone and purse were on the floor. 
Gojo got you drunk? 
Megumi facepalmed, realizing at the same time. 
“Sensei!” Yuji whisper-yelled, nudging a passed-out, practically snoring Gojo. 
“Hmm?” He grumbled, shifting slightly, causing you to stir with an exhausted moan. 
“Sensei did you get my sister drunk?” Yuji asked, tone more firm. 
Gojo snapped his head up at the question, the blindfold almost ripping off. He then realized you were beside him, chest rising and falling in long, lazy breaths. Two half-drunken glasses of water were on the table, and some articles of clothing, along with your purse, were strewn across the floor. It looked worse than it was, as you were both still fully clothed. 
If Gojo had his way, you would be in his bed, and neither of you would’ve been interrupted. But…some things were better to wait for. 
“Huh,” Gojo whispered, looking confused. “I guess we passed out.” 
Both of the students pretended not to notice the visible hickey on your neck, which became apparent from the way you were almost falling off the couch. 
Before another reply could be rebutted, Nobara’s whistle echoed down the hallway, and she turned in, oblivious to the reason for the silence. 
All three males turned toward her with wide eyes. She stopped abruptly, spotting you first, eyes scanning the suspicious environment left in disarray. 
“Did you have sex with Yuji’s sister?” She rolled her eyes as if it was obvious and predictable. 
“No!” Gojo jolted upright, scrooping you into him with one arm so you wouldn’t actually fall to the floor. “I swear on my clan for christ’s sake!” 
That was what finally startled you awake. A gasp of annoyance left your lips, and then you groaned. There was too much noise and stifled giggles that were all too familiar. As your eyes opened, it took you a moment to realize that Gojo’s arms were wrapped around you. Your head turned from his flustered expression to your brother’s confused face, hovering right in your field of vision. 
“Yuji?” You pushed yourself away from Gojo. Nobody said a word as you sat up, stretching your arms out and yawning. The light was a bit much, but nothing you couldn’t handle. After all, you had proven yourself worthy by outdrinking Gojo, and you would wake up gracefully. Your satisfaction quickly dissolved as you glanced at your brother with concern, seeming to overlook the evidence surrounding you. 
Maybe you were still a bit drunk because it took you a moment to realize that you had, in fact, made out with Gojo on the couch last night. The blush didn’t reach your cheeks, though, because you were more focused on Yuji and what he needed. 
“Did something happen?” You asked your brother when you received no reply. 
“What happened is that you are sleeping with Gojo!” Nobara shouted, on the verge of laughing. 
You glanced at Gojo, who was undoubtedly smirking beside you. His hair was fluffy and uncombed, his shirt practically twisting around his torso. Why did he look so smug and handsome?
An array of excuses was building up inside you, and so was the embarrassment. But as you stood up, blinking blearily, you turned back to your brother. “So nothing’s wrong?” You asked again for good measure. 
Yuji shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek to stop the laugh bubbling in his throat. “No—um—I’m just surprised.” 
You deflated at his words. “Thank God.” 
“Just…” Megumi managed to speak. All he seemed was annoyed and inconvenienced. But even you noticed there was a teasing glimmer in his eyes. “Don’t do this again.” 
“It smells like booze and Y/N’s perfume in here,” Nobara grumbled. 
You tittered nervously, still somewhat unbalanced. Glancing around the common room, it finally registered how much of a mess you left it in. “I’m sorry, guys. It won’t happen again.” 
“Awe, c’mon Y/N we had so much fun though!” Gojo whined, falling back and spreading out along the couch. 
You shook your head in laughter, reaching down to throw the blanket back on the couch, aiming specifically for Gojo’s crotch. “How about I make you guys breakfast?” You suggested, ready for any distraction. 
“Yes please!” All three students and one teacher replied in unison. 
Yuji plucked the glass of stale water from the table and handed it to you. “Drink some water first,” he said. 
Sighing, you took the glass from him and obeyed. 
At least there was something easy you could do to mend things. 
Music emitted softly from a speaker on the counter as you slaved away in the kitchen. You tried your best to fry the eggs, season them correctly, and cook them until the yoke pooled over the rice and sausage. 
The actions were simple, yet the gesture had never been done with such care. You were also surprised when the students helped set the table, when they helped wash the dishes, and when they all thanked you as you portioned the food onto their plates. Gojo lingered behind to finish cleaning the mess, insisting you eat with them while he took care of it. 
The atmosphere was peaceful. You watched them inhale the food, savor the cooking, and swear it was godly compared to the cafeteria food they were accustomed to. 
“It’s great, Y/N.” Gojo leaned in beside you, waving his chopsticks in front of your face, teasing, raising a clump of egg to his blindfold as he studied the flecks of pepper visible along the whites. “Should I make you the designated lunch lady?”
“Knock it off.” You rolled your eyes. It was a basic breakfast that anyone could make. But maybe they had been desperate for a home-cooked meal. Gojo definitely didn’t seem the type to cook much.
“He’s right, it’s awesome!” Yuji mumbled through a mouthful. “The sausage is juicy.”
“Close your mouth,” Megumi huffed under his breath.
“I want seconds!” Nobara cheered, seeming to eat more than all the boys combined.
The compliments ensued throughout the meal, and their gratitude lingered in your mind as you retreated to the library to make those much-needed phone calls back home. Gojo and the students quickly scattered, presumably for class and training. 
Slumping onto a sofa, you pulled out your laptop. Your gut instinct assured you were making the right decision, but the hassle must be dealt with. You called your friends to update them on your location and promised to visit soon. Next was your workplace, where you formally quit. The conversations took hours, and as you glanced out the window, you saw the sun barely peeking above the horizon. 
All that remained was your landlord. Your apartment was all that tied you back to the city, and your throat tightened as you called the leasing office. As it rang, you discerned the feelings of abandonment only rose out of fear. The end of your old life only promised new beginnings. A new, better life awaited you. No more frivolous paperwork to finish by a specific deadline or late nights cooped up by your apartment window with a mediocre view of Tokyo’s nightlife. No more loneliness, wishing for just an hour to nap under a cherry blossom tree, no more walking with your head down to ignore the curses that littered the streets.
Nothing seemed to matter about that city anyway, not since your parents died. There was nothing left for you there anymore. Though it was modest, what your heart had been searching for was now surrounding you, and you would be a fool to let it slip by. 
“Hello?” Your landlord’s voice interrupted your spiraling thoughts. 
“Yes, hi Mr. Tanaka. It’s Y/N from apartment 302. I just wanted to talk with you about terminating my lease early. I know there’s a few months left before renewal—”
“Y/N,” he interrupted you, but with a laugh. “Everything has already been taken care of.” 
You paused in confusion. “What do you mean?” 
“A gentleman and your brother stopped by a few hours ago and took care of the paperwork. Congratulations on your new teaching job! Tokyo Metropolitan is a prestigious university from what I’ve heard.” 
“Oh!” You blinked. “Why, thank you." Your mind raced at the revelation. Why had nobody told you? What about all your things? 
"Well, if everything's taken care of..."
“Yes, everything is settled, Y/N. Take care.” Then, your landlord hung up. 
Flustered, you stuffed your laptop into your bag and rushed through the library and toward the dormitory. You were so confused and slightly afraid of what you would find. 
As you entered the dormitory, you were shocked that nobody was around. There never seemed to be many, but it was utterly silent. Only the sound of your sneakers pattering against the wooden floors as you approached your door. Were they pulling a prank on you? There was no way they could do it all in a couple hours. Not when they had lessons and… 
Turning the lock, what you found inside the makeshift apartment was all of your things from your old home, and all of the things Gojo purchased for you still sprawled across the bed. Tears immediately gathered in your eyes as you walked around and noticed your most cherished items. The picture frames, your record player, and all your albums. The closet was full of clothes, and your vanity was tucked away in the corner. You didn’t have much to begin with, but it was still overwhelming. 
Approaching your bed, you saw your two most cherished pictures displayed by your lamp—both sets of your parents. You picked up one of them, and you saw younger you with your biological parents, your mother with a pregnant belly, and you flashing a joyful, toothless grin beside her.
Before you could stop them, a tear escaped your eye and splattered against the glass frame. It was beautiful, it was so kind. All of this was, and you were unsure if you deserved it. Nobody had ever done something like this for you. 
“Guys… She’s crying?” You heard Nobara whisper nervously from somewhere in the hallway, followed by frantic shushing. 
You turned around and saw the three students and Gojo emerging from their hiding spots. You began to cry harder, pressing the picture frame against your chest. “What-” You could barely speak, reaching up to wipe the tears on your cheek with the back of your hand. 
“Do you not like it, Y/N?” Yuji approached you cautiously, frowning. 
“N-no, that’s not it,” you assured, smiling through the gasps of attempted composure. "I love it, Yuji,” you sniffled, reaching out with one arm and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you so much,” you whispered into his hair. 
He squeezed you back in return, and Nobara approached you with a tissue box. 
“God, this is embarrassing.” You tittered, taking it from her and nodding with thanks. “How did you do all of this?” 
“Obviously, I teleported everything here,” Gojo said with a confident flare, leaning against the door frame. “The kiddos organized everything for you.” 
“Don't worry, Y/N, I was in charge of the clothes and makeup.” Nobara grinned proudly. 
“Thank you,” you chuckled, giving her a genuine smile in return. "I don’t think the boys would know what to do with it anyway.” You glanced over to Megumi and Yuji. Even Megumi was smiling softly. 
You walked over and set the picture frame and tissue box back down. It shocked you that they somehow read your mind and wasted no time making sure you were as comfortable there as possible—and you didn’t even have to ask. 
“Well now that I’m free…” You sat down on the bed. “Did you guys wanna do anything?” 
“We were gonna watch a movie if you want to join.” Megumi offered. 
“A Jennifer Lawerence movie, specifically!” Yuji pumped his fists in excitement. 
“Perfect, she’s one of my favorite actresses."
“No way!” Yuji gasped. “You definitely are my sister!” 
Everyone laughed as Gojo ushered them out of your room, telling them to pick out the movie and make some popcorn. They rushed to the common room, seemingly racing for the best spot, some light bickering echoing down the hall. Smiling as you watched them, you suspected Gojo to linger behind. But as he began to turn around and follow, you meekly called out his name. 
He stopped immediately, turning with an all-knowing smirk, his eyebrows raised in amusement. 
“Come in and shut the door.” 
“Oh?” He hummed, obeying your orders and letting the door click shut softly behind him. “You wanna show me how grateful you are?” 
Gojo knew what he wished for wasn’t what you were referring to, but he couldn’t help but tease you. He loved making you flustered, and he wouldn’t lie that he’d been thinking of the way you moaned his name last night all fucking day. Making you happy had somehow become his top priority, and he was satisfied to see your tears of elation over his gesture. 
He would take any form of thanks you wanted to give him. 
You looked like an angel, even after crying. Even as you rolled your eyes, pushing yourself up from the bed, he was entranced and frozen, unsure of what you would do. 
Glancing up at him briefly, you threw your arms around him. “Thank you,” you whispered against his chest. His arms encircled you in return, and his head rested on top of yours until you pulled away. You didn’t pull far, though, just enough to tilt your head up and find his lips. 
Gojo kissed you back softly, and before you could part your lips, he dipped you down. 
You squeaked in response at the sudden weightlessness, then giggled when he smoothly transitioned you into a twirl. His hand was on the small of your back, guiding you back into him as another kiss was shared between the two of you. It was filled with all the passion you could give, and you could feel your resistance dwindling away from the taste of him, his smell, and the way he held you. 
A tender, innocent moment that made you suspect he was truly a romantic at heart. Of course, some part of Gojo had to be. Even if you didn't know everything about him, there were attributes you could decipher. Not just from what he'd already done for you, or how he treated you, but from the essence of his soul. 
It all seemed too good to be true. And, of course, you would only be sure once you could view his soul yourself. But, his presence had demanded your attention at first glance. Your intuition fluttered, and you were so drawn to him that it felt like you would suffocate without him by your side. 
You needed him. You needed to know everything about him and more. It was scary how deeply you were already intertwined with the sorcerer. It felt so innocent, so surprising, and genuine. But, there was another layer you craved to explore. And it was the feeling that jolted through your body as his hands caressed your hips, daring to reach lower. 
Humming blissfully, your lips rested against the shell of his ear, exhaling hot against his neck, teasing him so much that he almost shivered. “What would you like as your prize?” You purred that fateful amorous question.
Gojo smirked at your sudden boldness, the innocence leaving his touch from the tone in your voice, seeming to grant him the access he was desperate for. He didn't need to say anything in reply, understanding your intent from the look in your eyes, half-lidded and hedonistic. 
The kids were just down the hall, but... Gojo needed to indulge for a moment to feel you, a glimpse, a taste—anything you allowed. 
"You are my prize," Gojo whispered, hands reaching out to paw at your ass, desperate to pull you closer, like an inch was too far and he was in a trance. "Anything you want to give me." 
A foreign type of haziness overtook you as Gojo’s hands moved forward on your body, one hand brushing over your nipples that peaked through the tank top you were wearing. At the same time, the other dipped lower, finger curling around the hem of your pants. 
“Just let me have a taste,” he grunted softly into the crook of your neck. His hard-on pressed into your thigh, just above the spot of you that was pulsating vehemently. “I’ll be quick, princess.” 
“Gojo…” you gasped as he sucked lightly on your neck. And like the first time, your thighs instinctively squeezed together as all your desire pooled in the pit of your stomach. “I don’t know…” 
“Yeah?” Gojo chuckled against the shell of your ear. The bashfulness you exuded was just too damn cute, even if your bodily reactions claimed otherwise. “If you’re sure,” he whispered, beginning to pull himself off you. “I just wanted to give you a present before my trip.” 
His words didn’t fully register to you. Instead, you tugged him back down, mending your lips with his before he could tease you further. 
“Shut up~” You pleaded, trying to kiss him again until you felt him shift, moving you backward and pressing you against the wall. 
Gojo pinned you there, smirking to himself before reaching for your pants and pulling them down just below the curve of your ass. The sight of your underwear and what he craved to see underneath them caused his breath to quicken. All he could think about was kissing you again, and that's what he did. 
"Are you sure?" He asked, peppering kisses across your jawline and down your neck. Anything to please you, anything for you to give him a chance. 
"Y-Yes..." you whimpered under a hush. You couldn’t believe it was happening but refused to stop him. He was so rough and commanding with it, but he was also gentle and quiet. It only made you crave him more as he pulled your pants all the way down and waited for you to kick them aside. 
Obeying, you tried to suppress your moans as you felt Gojo's hands trail down between your thighs. Hesitant at first, he beckoned you to spread your legs farther apart to give him access. 
And once you did, you felt his finger flick softly against your clit, through your panties, before slowly teasing against the hemline of your underwear and pulling them aside. A low hum of approval left his lips at the sight of your core. 
“Pretty girl,” Gojo whispered, beginning to rub your clit in slow, smooth circles, satisfied to know you didn't need a warm-up and that you wanted his touch just as severely. Feeling the dampness, he smirked before smashing his lips against yours. You kissed him back just as harshly, one of your legs lifting to wrap around his waist, bringing his core closer to yours. He ground into you once before his fingers pushed your panties aside, then spreading your lips apart. 
The thought of him inside of you was enough to make you go crazy. 
As if hearing your thoughts, he teased you with excruciatingly slow and gentle strokes.” So wet for me already~” He hummed as you slacked against him, trying your best to be quiet.
 One of his fingers pushed inside of you. 
“G-Gojo…” you whimpered. 
“You know my name, princess,” he replied, shoving his finger deeper, curving it inside, and forcing you closer to him. 
“Satoru,” you pleaded, flush against his toned body, his hands violating you completely. All you could think to do was paw at his building length. It was bigger than you suspected. You gripped him, almost falling to your knees. You wanted him so bad; you wanted all of him. 
He inserted another finger, pumping them both out quickly, causing you to bite your lip. It felt so good, and you were so close already. It had been a long time since you’d been this intimate, been so ready to receive an orgasm. 
One hand was supporting your waist, while the other fucked you dumb, your shoulders pressed against the wall, utterly helpless to his advances. He had you right where he wanted you, about to get you to cum from his fingers alone before he was the one that fell to his knees. 
"H-hey!" You whined quietly in protest.
His tongue flickered out against your folds. You jolted with euphoria, staring down at the position you had put the most powerful sorcerer in. 
Mouth against your pussy, as if he had done it before. one hand slapping over your mouth to stifle a moan. The other hand dug into his hair as he worked you well. 
Sucking harshly, he finally moved both of his hands to cup your ass, forcing you harder against his mouth. 
His tongue pried into you, 
“Fuck,” you whimpered. 
“Yeah?” He grunted against your core, “You like that?” 
You nodded furiously as his tongue lapped against your clit, while his fingers pushed back inside, opening you wider, wanting to go deeper. He worked you well, worked your body until your thoughts were a mess, only focused on the rhythm of his fingers and tongue inside your most sensitive spot. 
It was the fastest you had ever orgasmed in your life. 
"Shit," Gojo groaned into your pussy, hands cupping your ass as he relished in your release. "Gonna have to clean you up, sweetheart." 
Hand curling into his snowy locks, you pushed his head back. "Y-your turn," you managed to choke out once the pulsing in your ears subsided. 
"My turn?" He cocked an amused eyebrow, standing back up to tower over you. It wasn't what he was expecting, after all, but the bulge in his pants refused to settle, and it was aching.  
You couldn't remember the last time you orgasmed like that and if you ever had. Of course, you refused to tell Gojo, knowing it would only stroke his ego. Instead, you would stroke something else as a thank you. 
The sinful part of you had taken over, and you were desperate to see what he had to offer. You could feel Gojo's eyes still lingering on your exposed figure as you lowered to your knees, lashes fluttering as you reached out to grasp his bulge, fingers playfully curling around the outline. 
"Can you be as quick as me?" You asked with a titillating undertone, reaching to unbutton his pants, wondering if he would have the strength to stop you. There was no obligation to please him this way, but you desired to. 
"Of course," Gojo inhaled erratically as you gripped the hem of his pants and tugged them down, along with his boxers underneath. His cock bounced in front of you, fully erect at the glimpse of you alone. 
Your lips parted with surprise, feeling your core heat up at the sight of his entirety. His uniform hid his length well, and you suspected it was the main reason behind his overly confident attitude. 
"You're so big," you sighed deeply, glancing up at him with a sparkle in your eyes before pressing your lips against his tip. Gojo sucked in a breath as your tongue swirled around slowly, before moving to the side. Your hot tongue licked incredibly slow, from the tip to his base, 
And when you finally gained the courage to take his length in your mouth, Gojo threw his head back in a low-throated groan. 
You pulled off him torturously slow at first, cheeks already flushing, smirking to yourself because you knew he was struggling to not thrust his hips into your mouth. Gojo already found a tight grip in your hair, tugging it softly and trying to keep his strength at bay. 
In response, you hummed to let him know it was alright to handle you roughly, however he needed. You could sense he was holding back as he watched you, trying to be careful, in a trance as he watched his fantasy unfold. 
The prospect and anticipation of Gojo actually fucking your mouth turned you on so much that you formed a pace, sucking harder and faster, wanting nothing more than for him to cum inside your mouth. 
"That's it," he encouraged, his other hand scooping up the rest of your hair that threatened to get in the way. He was already so close but wanted to make this moment stretch just a minute longer, knowing the sight of you like this would be forever engrained in his memory. 
"Fuck Y/N,” He drawled quietly. It felt incredible; you were so enchanting that Gojo knew you had bewitched him. Losing his willpower, he went against your pace and began to rut into your mouth, causing you to whimper against his girth. You pawed at his thighs, one hand curling around his shaft while he was still deep in your throat. 
“So pretty on your knees for me,” he whispered, breathless. "Good girl." 
You nodded desperately, tears poking at your eyelids. Gojo was so big; he was an entire man, the one you dreamed of when you thought of love, the one you wished you had saved yourself for. Once you had all of him, you knew no other man would compare. 
A wave of euphoria washed over your entire body, and you realized you hadn’t been breathing in an attempt to stay quiet. Needing to take a breath, you popped your mouth off of him. 
“Almost there,” he gasped, letting you take the breath you were feigning for before entering your mouth again. “Taking me so well,” He groaned in a whisper as you sucked harder, tongue swirling against his tip again before he went deeper. 
His breathless moans motivated you to pleasure him further, and you let him have his way with you to reach his high. A minute passed as his gentle thrusts became sloppier, his fingers brushing through your hair and against your ears. 
“Fuck,” he exhaled, leaning into you, his seed shooting across your tongue and down your throat. You moaned against him, eyelids fluttering with satisfaction as you finally tasted him. Once you swallowed, you glanced up at him timidly. 
He cupped your chin, beckoning for you to look up at him. “Look at you~” he hummed, finger pulling against your lip. “You want me just as bad don’t you.” 
How pretty and admired you felt on your knees for him. If only you could view the look in his eyes. 
“So bad,” you practically whimpered from how he talked to you alone. You wanted his everything so bad but knew you could not stay silent. 
Your reply caused Gojo to bite his lip. Did you realize how beautiful you were, how just the sound of your sensual tone made him grow hard again. He could fuck you all day if you let him. Oh, how badly he wanted that permission. 
“Guys!” You heard Yuji’s voice echo from down the hall. “We’re gonna start the movie without you!” 
Both you and Gojo tensed, and he immediately fumbled for his pants and pulled them back up. 
Shakily, you stood up from your knees and wiped your mouth, trying not to laugh at his panicked movements. You quickly slid your leggings back on and combed through the snarl in your hair before turning to the door. 
“One more minute Yuji!” You called back, glancing at Gojo with a smirk as you did so. “We’re talking about something important!” 
He looked so smug, with his hand sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. The both of you wanted to do more, say more. 
Yuji mumbled a defeated “Okayyy,” that was barely audible from inside your bedroom. You stared at Gojo momentarily, wondering what to say, how to break the ice or acknowledge what just happened. 
But, Gojo only folded his arms and leaned against the wall where he had you pressed against only minutes before, looking as cocky as ever, probably still riding the high you granted him. 
“What?” You huffed. 
“Just wondering what I need to do.” 
“Have all of you.” 
You immediately blushed, your thoughts becoming a stuttering mess. Trying to think of something clever, all you could seem to conjure was the truth, the most compelling piece of him that he was starving you of.  
“I’ll need to see your eyes.” 
“Why?” He grinned, clearly amused by how adamant you were. 
You paused, tilting your head and accepting the dare, hand gripping the doorknob but waiting to turn it. “So I can look into them while you fuck me.” 
Pushing himself off the wall, Gojo took one step before reaching you and pulling you back into his arms. Then, he cupped your face again. “Don’t say things like that,” he murmured, “Gonna make me do it right now, I don't care.” 
“Satoru,” you chuckled, batting your eyelashes. “We can’t do that right now.” 
“Please?” He groaned but accepted his defeat. 
“We have a movie to watch!” You giggled, slapping his hands away in mock annoyance to finally open the door. 
“I’m gonna have to sit on the opposite side of the room.” He pouted. “Definitely can’t be next to you.” 
"You're insufferable," you replied with an eye roll, snatching his hand in yours and dragging him down the hallway. The sorcerer relented, chuckling as you did so. 
He leaned down over your shoulder. "So insufferable that you had to suck me off?" 
"Gojo!" You whisper-yelled, stopping in your tracks and trying to act menacing despite the flush in your cheeks. "Seriously?" 
"Seriouslyyy," he bantered.
"If you don't pipe down, I will turn around, go back into my bedroom and you will never get a kiss down there again," you threatened, knowing you wouldn't be able to hide your embarrassment if the students figured out or even suspected anything about what just unfolded in your bedroom. God, you were embarrassed already, struggling to even look at him fully. How were you going to focus on this movie anyway? 
"Fine, fine," Gojo sighed, pressing a quick kiss on your forehead before backing away. "You win. I'll sit all handsome on the other side of the room and pretend like I didn't give you the best—" He stopped himself, noticing the glare in your eyes and your crossed arms. There was a teasing undertone still, but he did not want to go overboard. You were clearly sheepish and just as confused as him, mind most likely swirling with hundreds of questions about what the hell was going on between the two of you. It was all Gojo could think about, and his default was to rile himself up more. But you weren't like that. 
"Sorry, we can talk about it later."
You could not pretend that the notion and his words didn't make you feel better. Truthfully, you enjoyed his teasing. You enjoyed the way he talked with you. But it wasn't the time. Things were moving fast, and you had other responsibilities. 
“Good,” you replied, giving him a satisfactory nod. 
"Now, let's watch the fuck out of that movie," Gojo chuckled. 
When you turned the corner and peeked into the room, Yuji smiled brightly at you. "Finally!"
"What took ya so long?" Nobara exasperated. 
"I had to finish up some paperwork from the apartment," you replied smoothly, taking the open seat beside your brother. "Boring, big sister activities." 
"She made me go back and grab her mail!" Gojo groaned, flopping like a child into the corner recliner. "Now, I'm zapped!"
The three students groaned in response to the dramatics. 
"Gojo Sensei isn't gonna make it twenty minutes in," Yuji sighed, shaking his head. 
"Has he ever finished a moive?" Megumi deadpanned. 
"He'll wake up in the last ten minutes and then ask what he missed." Nobara rolled her eyes, reaching across Yuji to hand you a bowl of popcorn. 
You couldn't help but snicker at their relentless complaints against their teacher. It was all in good fun, though, and everyone knew it. 
As Yuji clapped his hands and started the movie, raving about how amazing it would be based on online reviews, you glanced at Gojo and then around the room. A warm feeling settled in your heart. 
It felt like you had finally found a home. After being lost for so many years, feeling alone and misunderstood, harboring a secret that felt like a curse, relief was finally at your door. 
Whether they knew or suspected your internal torment, they helped you in ways you couldn't find the words to express. 
From that night onward, you brainstormed all the ways you could repay them in the future. 
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ampresandian · 7 months
My (unofficial) PJO season 2 episode 5 script part 4/4 (part 1 | part 2 | part 3)
The last part! Thank you for reading I just couldn't get the vision for this episode out of my mind and had to write it down.
Images of script and copied text (bc I'm lazy and don't want to write out alt text) under the cut, just in case I didn't tag enough spoiler warning or people aren't interested <3
Annabeth Tries to Swim Home
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Continuation of first scene/flashback. CYCLOPS is grinning at YOUNG ANNABETH menacingly. Behind him, the fire rages, and LUKE, THALIA, and GROVER are tied up in the corner. Annabeth’s attention is taken up by the large monster speaking to her. 
CYCLOPS: (in her father’s voice) Annabeth. How nice of you to join us. Now, Annie, don’t you worry. 
Annabeth draws her knife. As he speaks, the Cyclops approaches her. 
CYCLOPS (CONT): I love you, Annabeth. You can stay here with me. Don’t worry. You can stay forever. 
He reaches out for her. Annabeth stabs him in the foot, keeping hold of her knife as he reaches forward and grabs the door in shock. She runs around him towards her friends. 
The Cyclops rips the door of its hinges and throws it across the room with a roar. 
Annabeth reaches the older kids. 
THALIA: Annabeth! Thank the gods you’re okay.
YOUNG ANNABETH: (determined) Hold still.
Annabeth cuts the ropes around Thalia’s arms and legs. Thalia takes up her sword and stands defensively in front of the others. 
THALIA: Cut them free, Annabeth. I’ll hold him off. 
Annabeth turns to Luke and Grover as the Cyclops roars behind her. She saws at their ropes as Thalia goads and fights the monster. 
THALIA (CONT): Come on, ugly! Can’t you take me?
She slices at him with her sword. Now free, Luke can barely stand, Grover supporting him. They all turn to watch Thalia defending them against the monster. 
Suddenly, the Cyclops roars, and Thalia’s sword can be seen buried in his eye. As he rears back, she pulls it out, turning to her friends. 
THALIA (CONT): Come on. We have to go.
Annabeth leads the way through the house, back the way she came through the servants kitchen into the orangery. They escape through a side door, standing in the storm. 
Sirens and howls can be heard, the sounds of the monsters they have been running from closer than before. 
THUNDER rumbles as they look around desperately in the dark. Grover sniffs. 
GROVER: Come on. This way.
They walk away from the house. The Cyclops roars again from within. 
SHEEP hooves/underbellies walk across the screen as POLYPHEMUS calls them. Under one of them hangs PERCY. 
ANNABETH: (invisible) Just don’t let go! 
Polyphemus drags aside the boulder sealing the cave. He addresses each sheep as they pass. 
POLYPHEMUS: (patting each sheep) Hasenpfeffer! Einstein! Widget! Widget? Heavier, huh? 
WIDGET stops in front of him, Percy clinging to her wool. 
POLYPHEMUS (CONT): Soon you will be big enough to eat! Go on, Widget!
WIDGET enters the cave, followed by the rest of the flock. 
ANNABETH: (invisible, from outside) Hey, ugly!
POLYPHEMUS: (looking around wildly) Who said that?
ANNABETH: Nobody! 
POLYPHEMUS: Nobody! I remember you!
ANNABETH: You’re too stupid to remember. But Nobody remembers you!
Polyphemus throws a boulder, aiming for the invisible Annabeth. 
ANNABETH (CONT): Your aim hasn’t improved!
POLYPHEMUS: Come here! Let me kill you!
ANNABETH: You can’t kill Nobody! And you’ll have to come find me!
Polyphemus yells, running down the hill to find Annabeth. Percy drops off Widget, glancing back outside at the island and the Cyclops before moving further into the cave. 
Percy moves through cavernous hallways, turning a corner into a dead-end room of sheep memorabilia. He backs out, going back the other way and turning right instead of left. 
He turns corners through a set of “rooms,” something that might be a bedroom, a room full of bones, and another room full of sheep memorabilia. He turns a corner and trips, catching himself against the cave walls with his hands. 
Righting himself, Percy looks around, breathing heavily. He looks back and forth, choosing a hallway and running into another room, full of wool and smelling of sheep. He covers his nose as he looks around the room, faced with three separate doorways. 
Percy makes a choice, going through the left opening. Down the hallway, he finds a room with a spinning wheel and loom. GROVER and CLARISSE are inside, trying to undo Clarisse’s ropes. 
CLARISSE: It’s no good. You’ve been working at it for hours!
They spot Percy. 
CLARISSE (CONT): You’re supposed to be blown up!
PERCY: Yeah, good to see you too--
GROVER: (hugging Percy) You came!
PERCY: Yeah, of course, dude. Now, Clarisse, hold still. 
Percy takes Riptide out of his pocket and cuts Clarisse’s ropes. 
CLARISSE: (rubbing her wrist) Where’s Annabeth?
PERCY: You’re welcome. She’s outside. 
CLARISSE: Great, come on.
PERCY: Wait. Was... It was just you in your lifeboat?
CLARISSE: Yeah. Everybody else... I didn’t even know you guys made it.
Percy looks down at his sword. 
PERCY: Okay. 
GROVER: Come on, guys. We need to go help Annabeth. 
They move back through the cave, Grover guiding them. As they come back into the first room Percy ran through, they hear a loud crash.
Annabeth screams. 
POLYPHEMUS: I got Nobody!
Percy, Grover, and Clarisse move to the doorway, peeking through to the main room. Polyphemus is standing at the doorway, holding his arm up. He shakes his fist, and ANNABETH’S CAP flutters to the ground, revealing Annabeth, hanging upside down from his hand. 
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anteroom-of-death · 7 months
Teacher's Pet part 12
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Synopsis: Reader meets Missy. It's a mixed bag.
A/n: sorry for another delay. Hope you enjoy. More doctor fuckery and allusions to the doctors current devolution. Yay I hope you enjoy yayyy.
What were these truths the Doctor was talking about? At least he was being honest! A damn shame to your overloaded brain, but you appreciated it nonetheless. Maybe you would bring yourself to honestly about your profession after. Maybe. You’d have to test the waters and go off what tonight’s surprise was.
Your heart slammed itself into it's cage.
The next few hours were hell on Earth. What was this secret he was going to reveal?
You always dealt with waiting so poorly…
You got through your final tutoring via the university without nary a hiccup, but your brain combed through all the possibilities you could scrounge from sci-fi shows. What was that one nearly-sixty years old program that the BBC had?
Too late now…
You did sneak home to change into something that didn’t scream ‘lazy’.
Soon it was nearly nine. As you walked to his office, you felt like you were at a wall, breathing your last free breaths before the firing squad came upon you. You worked on your breathing exercises as you went to knock the door.
He was there, illuminated softy. Grey hair fluffed, in a burgundy shirt and hoodie. He looked utterly (and unfairly!) Breath-taking. You felt both underdressed and overdressed.
“Good evening!” He smiled, it was one of those easy, unnerving, comfortable smiles that framed his eyes so well.
“Hey.” Was the best you could muster. Your vocabulary stolen from your tongue as easily as the breath from your lungs over him…
How could someone who was quite literally older than the rededication of the Second Temple look so good?
Alien magic, must be.
“You remember that Missy character?”
“Yeah, her? Them?” You struggled.
“She’s been on her best behavior. Stunning, really.”
“I think you two need to meet. I’ve cleared the idea with her other…Guardian.”
“Nardole…he’s an egg. I sent him to Norwich for a packet of crisps.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” It didn’t.
You rubbed your lip together in a partial move to rip the skin off, but also to provide some sort of outlet for the nervousness that was still coming up from the pit of your stomach.
What was Missy?
He offered the crook of his arm, “Shall we go?”
You took it.
The walk was nice, silent. The weather was warming up nicely. Mild night.
Soon you went to a place obscured in some hardly-looked after corner in the university’s basement. He pressed some hidden point and the wall snapped in two, revealing some contraption. He unhooked himself from you and started entering codes, some little monitor popped up and scanned his eye.
It asked for a verbal confirmation.
He spoke in some language that made your blood run cold and you feel small. Something about it was haunting. Like singing.
It unveiled another wall with a turn-lock, from which he produced a key and unlocked it.
Finally, it seemed safe to part through.
“What did she do?” You asked, voice husky with fear.
“Enough.” He let a little snort escape.
You nodded and went in.
It was a grand room, a couple of old, antique chairs and some meager side tables faced what was a mighty cage! It looked like glass, on the platform. Inside this guided cage was a woman, in simple Victorian clothes.
She played piano very gently.
“Missy.” The Doctor seemingly pleaded.
The woman inside slammed the lid shut and turned around.
She had the most insane, yet oddly lovely smile. Cat-like.
She was thin.
“Oh…you’ve brought me a plaything?” She grinned.
Her accent sounded Scottish. Like the Doctor.
“Do all aliens sound like Scotsmen?” You blurted out before you could monitor your thoughts.
“I’m sorry!” You amended.
She laughed, it sounded like bells.
“One would certainly hope so!” She responded.
“I’m Missy! Short for Mistress!”
“Oh, I’m (y/n).”
She shot the Doctor some look. He shot her another look. It seemed they were having an entire conversation without you. You felt alienated. You looked between them.
“I’ve heard nothing but good. Typical!” She approached you at the edge of her enclosure. You felt caged. Missy stalked you as if she were a lioness and you were some disabled, freshly birthed gazelle. You started sweating, it dewed down your back.
“My best enemy.” He elaborated.
You nodded more, at a total loss for words. Your breathing became manual.
“So what did you do?”
“Oh, this girlie is rude! I love it!” She shot the Doctor another look.
“Don’t talk behind my back?” You assumed.
Missy nearly fell over! She started laughing, “Rude and clever! He’s certainly taught you well.”
Your eyes could have shot out of their sockets.
“You’re like Jedi, yeah? Can communicate with your brains?” You explained.
“Sure enough? Jedi are the Lego ones?” the Doctor asked.
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy her.” Missy predated you more. Nose pressed against her enclosure.
You got the briefest of synopsis of their entire relationship. You felt yourself blinking from your brain overloading. It felt like someone dumped out your mind and shook the contents up before tossing it all back in, haphazardly.
You swallowed heavily.
“So Time Lords. Do you all have such…intense names? Mistress, Doctor? So is there a Bachelor?” You felt your arms move as if to elaborate this point.
“Different generations have different naming convention. My brother is Irving Braxiatel.”
“Of course. Makes sense. My name’s (y/n) but now all the kids are McKinsleigh or Harley or whatever.”
“Oh, my dear Doctor, you have a smart one on your hands. Now how do you like the stars, kiddo?”
You shook your head quickly. “Nope, no stars for me. I’m not going up there. Nope. I know what happens! I’m genre aware. I know what goes down in space. And if you’ve had a lot of dead companions previously…not me. I am not that suicidal!” You felt like a horizontal bobble head of sorts.
“See!” She slapped her thigh. “This one’s got common sense! She’s not going to swan off and get herself killed by a giant bird!”
It seemingly touched a tender point.
“Oh, here you go, bringing up Clara! What’s with you?” He seemed on the verge of spitting. “We’re having such a normal time!”
“Oh, she was my manic pixie dream bitch too!” Missy countered, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.
You made several notes to bring up later when you were going to bring up some new ground rules for this relationship, if this Missy didn’t tear you to shreds and eat your entrails like a tin of tuna.
The cat metaphors kept coming…
Were Time Lords cats?
No! Cats have barbed penises and that Time Lord you were fond of didn’t…
“May I get a tuba now?” Missy pleaded.
“We’ll see.”
You found yourself fiddling with your necklaces in a very rapid way with one hand. The other twisting the massive gold hoop in your one ear. Nervous habits coming in strong to help you self-soothe in this inopportune moment…
Somewhere the Doctor produced a flask of tea and poured some out, it was herbal. At the moment you couldn’t discern much more than that.
He gave it to all, including Missy, who’s barrier seemed penetrable to him, but not her. As she touched it and it repelled her.
Where did he pull out all these things?
What was the barrier made of? Did it work on genes?
Your mind roared for an explanation.
You reminded yourself to take it in strive. You weren’t working with logic and sanity anymore. You were in some contrived sci-fi story now.
It was the only way that you’d survive this!
Missy asked you something pleasantries involving your studies, and you divulged your grand plans.
“Oh, not overly ambitious. No martyr complex. Doctor this one may survive you.” Her focus splintered.
You felt out of your depth even more. You were taking it in stride, but that felt like it was lacking. Although…an opportunity did arise.
Did you have the guts to take it?
You pondered on. If it did turn nasty, you were outnumbered. Two of these so called ’Time Lords’. One you. One very mortal and squishy you.
Missy seemed to know far more than she probably should. You craved a bit more knowledge.
Shouldn’t you be privy to details about the man you’ve been not only fucking, but falling madly under his spell? And dare you utter it- loved?
“So what’s the deal with you Time Lords?” You asked Missy.
“An ancient race. We’re the pinnacle of evolution. Very few races will or ever will get close. Some have tried, they fail to become as optimized.”
“A bit eugenics-y.” You responded, your brows knitted together.
“Funny collars.” The Doctor chimed in. “That’s the opposite of optimized.”
“Oh, Mister President! How salacious!” She cooed in his general direction.
“President?” Your eyes boggled from their sockets.
“Technically. I’m also the De Facto President of Earth in an emergency. Neither here nor there…”
“And he’s ever so humble! My dear, Doctor. If this were two bodies ago you’d be preening!”
You looked down and blinked hard, as you started to chew on the inside of your cheek.
“Oh, him? Yeah, I was a but more vain. I mean, how could I not? All youth and fire and forged from Rose’s love.”
“And who the hell is Rose?” Your jealousy creeping back in.
“Oh, Doctor! You dog! She was very blonde! Broke many universes trying to find him again!” Missy gaped, as if she had personally sprung this trap.
“She helped me. I was raw from the War. She saw my hearts and that’s all.” The explanation was clearly him trying to not irk any jealousy in you.
“She got a wee clone! They’re in a parallel universe!” Missy simmered up, swinging around on her ankles.
“You are annoying.”
“You could have let Torvic kill me!” She put her hands on her hips and pulled a sour face.
“I’m sorry, who’s Torvic?” You were being bombarded with more information than you could handle.
“I was a soft lad. This kid kept bullying me. He was going to kill me, but here does come ikkle little Doctor with a rock! Bye bye Torvic!” She announced it like she was a wrestling presenter.
“How old were…you all?”
“Ten!” Missy clapped her hands together.
“Death’s champion!” She elaborated with a sick glee, pointing at the Doctor.
“I’m assuming you can…change sexes.” You kept piecing it together. “Were you ever a woman?”
“Maybe next go!” The Doctor said.
You leaned down and rested your fingers on your jaw as if to keep it from falling off onto the ground.
“So…how does that all work?”
“Two hearts, they prevent death and kick in our ancient rights!” Missy flourished.
“It’s a bit more complicated than that.” The Doctor stepped in. “We get a new face, new body. New chances. We keep our core. But everything from our personality to our kidneys.”
You inhaled.
“Anything else I need to know…assuming that you do that in front of me.” You curbed your attention to the Doctor. You wanted answers and you didn’t want him to give up this particular body. You didn’t want to play this particular game of Russian Roulette. His body right now was perfect…from his hair to his toes. Like it was personally designed to drive you mad. A sexy, silver fox with dynamic light eyes and a smile that robbed you of the ability to breathe, plus that voice like was a good motorcycle engine. And, a perfect package that hit right in the right spots…
You were objectifying an immortal alien.
What had your life become?
“That shit’s…crazy.” You gave an exceedingly reductive statement.
“No promises, but I’ll try.” He gave you a small, reassuring smile…
“Before precious Rose, there was his wife, that Scottish lad, that journalist Sarah Jane Smith, me, that ginger twink who’s name escapes me and probably a few I’m forgetting! And after there was-” Missy smiled a positively evil grin.
You put your hand up and stopped her from going into any more detail.
“Sarah Jane Smith? The mega-journo who always had the hottest stories? The one who was always leaking the top bylines?” You instinctively tore off your thumb nail.
You kept putting your hands up and down. Going to point a finger. You felt like a malfunctioning kettle.
“W-w-what? Do you…see in me?” You raised both of your hands up as you shrugged and struggled. “Universe traveling blondes? Award-winning journalists? A ginger twink? This jailbird?” You voice scaling up octaves to those only dogs could hear as you slapped your hands over your thighs and grasped them tightly…
You started those dratted breathing exercises and placed your right hand on your only heart.
The Doctor seemed to be sorting through some sort of dilemma in his mind.
“Yeah, tell her!” Missy cheered.
You shot her a murderous glare.
She scrunched her nose and stuck out her tongue.
“I see you as warmth. You are yourself. I see you as someone who’s good. Despite it all. A good student and a great partner. Someone to enjoy while I can. Nothing to complicate or drag into danger.”
Something about these words and his gaze into you had you fighting these words, but becoming placated by them. They were like a cozy quilt on your worries…
“I’ve put others I loved in danger. Learned those lessons. Never again.”
You felt your mind slowing down from the anger and self-doubt.
It felt like truthfulness. You’d take truthfulness.
The looks that Missy and the Doctor passed between each other has you shiver in fear.
You felt like you needed to vomit.
“Can I go home now?” You squeaked out once you felt a but more emotionally regulated.
“Of course.” He helped you up and turned to Missy, “No tuba.” He told her.
She raged on a bit as you felt yourself being tucked into his side and escorted out.
You leaned against a wall as he locked the Vault up.
He folded you under his arm.
“So what do you think of my best enemy?”
You felt yourself feeling suddenly very sleepy and like you had been dreaming. You were very conflicted and of many minds. You would have to work through all this later. There was just so much information and new thoughts that needed evaluated. Though you felt something holding you back from it. The emotional toll of the past few days, inevitably catching up to you.
What was that something was holding you back?
Probably your love of the Doctor.
You felt yourself crying.
“Why don’t I walk you to your flat? What’s the address?” He wiped your face with some old-fashioned looking hankie.
You gave him your address. It was a longer walk, but maybe it would do you good.
You started to walk. It was going somewhat smoothly.
After a silent walk, you stated as you got closer to the safety of your home. “I think she’s insane. Probably it’s for the best she’s in that…situation. Like sectioning, but worse? She could be fun, if she tried. I feel…yeah. I mean, if you’re a package deal. A bit weird she’s your ex. But yeah.” You answered his previous question.
“Is she a threat? To me?” You asked, jealously.
“No, we’re finished. Ancient news far older than your civilization…”
“Ah, okay.” You felt more satisfied.
“She is quite…pretty.” You remarked.
“Hadn’t noticed.”
You nodded, as you arrived to the front door.
“This is me.” You pointed. “You…want to come up? Get a night cap. I know I’m going to need it.” You joked, as you used your pinky nail to scratch the bridge of your nose.
“Not tonight. How about after you finish exams? I still have to some things done in that regards.”
He leaned down and pressed hip lips to your forehead.
“Good-night, (y/n).” He smiled as he closed his hand over yours and gave it a squeeze.
“Good-night, Doctor.” It still felt strange to not call him ‘Professor’. You didn’t know how to feel. Calling him ‘Professor’ felt better coming off your tongue.
So much to over-analyze.
You opened the door and went up to your flat. After pouring yourself a large shot of vodka to take, you laid on your favorite chair and zoned out.
So much for a normal, nice time at university!
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my-cabbages-gorl · 4 months
So I was bored and I read all your fanfics and oh my god it's so addictive!!! Your way of writing is just so relaxing the way you write makes me feel on a cloud ☁️ ✨️ it's just so beautiful and the way you write the angst is so heartbreaking ughh please please write more
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omg????? YOU ARE TOO GOOD TO ME 🥲😭❤️😭🥺 I am so flattered by this you have no ideaaaaa- "heartbreaking and beautiful angst" is a compliment of the highest order and I hope you know I will cherish that to the grave. More coming VERY SOON. As a thank you for your love and your support- here's a sneak peek from the next chapter of Bewitched. This is a flashback to the night of Aang's 19th birthday (the one he told Zuko about in Chapter 5 on the steps after the banquet) the night Zuko kissed him and didn't remember in the morning. ENJOY 🫶🏽
The igloo was small enough that the meager fire in the center could warm its entirety, even through long Southern nights that stretched on for days. Small enough that when Zuko stepped inside, he was already sharing Aang’s air.
“Z-Zuko hehhe. Hey.” Aang breathed with a chuckle. It wasn’t the first time that night Zuko had heard the way Aang’s voice lilted in a fuzzy stupor. But now, alone, it bewitched him far more than the four cups of moon-peach shine warming his stomach.
“Aang. Hi.” Zuko whispered; fragile tenderness, long subdued, poured from his smile and his skin, dewy with drunkenness as he watched Aang’s every movement.
“’S isn’t your igloo.” Fingers fumbling with the leather fastenings running along the seam of his parka, he giggled.
“Nope.” Zuko slurred through a lazy smile as he stumbled closer.
Nodding, Aang knit his brow as he struggled against the tight knot. Laughing pathetically, he looked up at Zuko’s sweet, quiet stare. “'ve always been bad at this.”
“Can I?” Zuko caught himself as he fell forward. Already within arm's length, another step and there were just a few inches between their faces.
“Ookay,” the smell of ash and lily on Zuko's skin sobered him abruptly, and his throat plummeted into his stomach as he watched the tendons on the backs of Zuko’s hands fluttering. When Aang saw him bite his lip with drunken, single-minded focus as he undressed him, he stayed the urge to cover his eyes with his hand. In his current state, it was almost more than he could hold.
Tugging loose the second of three knots on Aang’s side, Zuko exhaled. Alcohol and mint prickled sharply over Aang’s lips. As he moved on to the last knot, Zuko kept his eyes anywhere but the rose flush of Aang’s face.
Hands as hot as the sun itself burned against the exposed skin of Aang’s torso as the front of his parka fell open, ripping a hiss in the shape of “Zuko,” through his parted lips.
Much more than alcohol flooding his system, Aang stumbled and Zuko’s hands instinctively wound around the inside of his open garment, holding him upright. One warm hand splayed against the lightning-garbled flesh in the center of his spine, the other’s fingertips grazing the twin dips in his lower back.
Eyes wide, Aang flinched at the contact. No one had touched his scar since Katara brought him back. He usually guarded it with careful attention, that way he could relegate the memory of flickering out of the world far enough from his awareness that it would leave him alone, and he could rest. Some nights, he'd wake up with a start, scar throbbing and Zuko's helpless expression in the catacombs burned into his field of vision. As if he could read his mind, Zuko's hands were frozen in place as his glazed eyes searched the twisted lines of Aang's face- only the thumb of his hand pressed to Aang's scar moved; running back and forth over the jagged edge where olive skin met marred mauve, studying with a pained awe the physical boundary of his own betrayal; where life ended and the death that changed him began. " 's thissokay?" Zuko hummed as Aang's ragged breaths puffed against his skin. Breath he'd almost snuffed out, now chasing the shadows from every dark corner of his being.
And for some reason, mysterious and unbeknownst to Aang, it was. It was more than okay, as if his were the only hands meant to press against the place lightning had entered his body and robbed him from existence. As if it was cosmic justice, the absolving of many sins crashing over them in a moment of carnal honesty. As if Zuko's wrongdoings could only be made right in this frank evaluation of what he'd wrought, what he'd stolen, and what he’d spend the rest of his life trying to give back. "Yes." Aang released, a floodgate cracking open in his chest. As he examined the man who'd needed to kill him to discover his reason to live, he could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Thud. Thud.
It was still here.
After everything, somehow, they were both, still here. Together, the tangle of their bodies etching the outline of every confounding turn on their paths; winding inevitably toward one another.
“I. Ah. I want- I-” stuttering, Zuko’s babble slid to a halt as Aang’s grey eyes found his. Everything they were too drunk and too afraid to say flowed through their gaze as Aang shrugged his shoulders and his parka slumped to the ground.
Zuko breathed, Aang inhaled. They traded four more breaths in the curious space between them until the familiar touches of a friend rushed impatiently into the places their exposed skin pressed together; until Aang could feel dampness pooling under the palms still clutching his back.
Then, rough, moist hands began to wander over cool skin, and Aang let them.
Zuko’s fingertips worshipped in the pools of blue mastery lines, prayed to the expanse of his battle-broadened chest, made supplication in the valley of Aang’s sternum—the tender dip that separated the Firelord's skin from the Avatar’s heart. And as Aang shuddered, his eyelashes caught the firelight, and his lips released a few whimpered words he could barely understand himself.
Big grey eyes quietly devoured the mystified reverence on Zuko’s face as his eyes followed his own fingers' expedition of the uncharted sea of Aang's body, painting the unspoken across his skin in jagged, drunken traces until one hand trailed up the front of Aang’s neck, resting just beneath his chin. Cradling Aang’s jaw between his thumb and forefinger, he tilted his face to his.
“You okay?” Zuko whispered against Aang’s parted lips.
Aang nodded dumbly, “Are you?”
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faverna · 10 months
Ok it's loki season 2 finale rant time bitches
!¡ SPOILERS and crying ¡!
Ok so first, omfg its a tree
With fruit! Or sparkly whatever things. Doesn't matter. I could be thinking too much (I am) but I think it's kinda of cute to think about how loki takes all these lives and choices and worlds and helps them grow into a beautiful living force of nature. One that creates life and great things all on its own. This contrasts the whole loom idea. The loom takes all these lives and choices and worlds, chooses the ones it wants, and weaves them into a single, artificial, "perfect" thread. It's like nature vs. industry kind of.
The way mobius' ending line echoed and it zoomed in on loki's face is my new roman empire. Also the way mobius turned New York alien invasion loki into self-sacrificing, god of stories loki is crazy. Ship them or not that's amazing. They are besties and also definitely in love (imo) your honor. Back to the original train of thought. I would assume loki can see/hear into timelines to a certain degree. Which means he could be watching mobius from afar which is enough to make the tears start. And does mobius know this? Is that why he waits there a little longer? I can see him sitting in a room alone talking to loki and just hoping loki can hear him. And maybe loki responds despite knowing no one can hear him 😭 cryimg. Maybe they don't even speak they just sit there knowing the other is thinking about them. It's so tragically cruel that just as loki realizes that what he really wants is his friends back and to not be alone, he loses his friends and becomes alone forever. He finally gets his throne. Which is another thing. I might be wrong but I think I remember loki talking about how he never wanted the throne of asgard he just wanted his father's love and stuff like that (idr what movie) which is even more painful. He chased a throne he didn't want his whole life in an attempt to gain other things. When he realizes he has what he wants he loses it. Similar to how in ragnarok thor tells him he was always loved, loki just didn't realize. And how thor says loki could've been more if he just let himself be more. And mobius told loki (who didn't get to ragnarok) he could be someone good. Loki finally finds the truth in these things, he can be good, but he loses everything he really wanted in return.
We arrive at three, mobius leaves the TVA
This scene hurts too. Mobius says he belongs at the TVA and he likes it there. And honestly, I (because as not him I am oh so qualified here (sarcastic)) agree. I can't see him living the life he has on the timeline. I can see him settling down but idk something feels off (it's not with loki /hj). After loki leaves he looks absolutely miserable at the TVA though. Mobius lost his purpose when loki found his </3 and now the only thing he can do is try to live some semblance of a life. Loki lost his best friend but so did mobius. And now he has to leave his life's work and try to live like a normal person who hasn't had their world ripped away from them. Me personally, I would feel hopeless.
Oh and fourth, where the fUck is he
It was probably said at some point but I don't remember, I'm too lazy to look, and I don't actually need an answer. But what kind of messed up outer space dimension are they in? Where is the TVA? Can't be in space because then someone would conquer them. And where did loki go? He ripped open space and now he has a chair somewhere. Speaking of which. My man has a chair. Just a chair. A rock chair. Barely a throne. Ignoring all the awful stuff I just spent ages typing that's a pretty awful way to spend the rest of time. Speaking of which part 2. Is loki immortal now? Because last I checked he had a lifespan of 5000 which is not "for the rest of time" sooo?
I'll probably think of more I wanted to say but hopefully I got most of it. Just needed that out of my brain it was and still will take up too much space.
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softspeirs · 2 years
I would love a Headcanon with domestic fluff with my man liebgott 🥺
Author's note: FIRST OF ALL wow you requested this so long ago. I'm so sorry it's taken me forever. Burnout is no fun! Second, this prompt got me in my feelings. I hope you like it.
When he opens his eyes in the morning, he almost doesn't remember where he is.
The sunlight is bright through the drapes, the window open and the gauzy material flowing in the breeze. It feels like a dream.
Propping himself up on one elbow, he assesses the situation.
A slow, lazy smile crosses his face when he sees her dress pooled on the floor near the door, a pair of heels lying where they were kicked off.
The remnants of his shirt and tie are there too, and a warm feeling bubbles up inside his gut. As if on cue, the door creaks open.
She's in a robe, her hair braided away from her face. She's got two steaming mugs in her hands, and a blinding smile on her face when she sees that he's awake.
"Morning." She greets, her voice raspy from lack of use. "Thought you could use this." She sets one of the mugs on the bedside table.
With the other in hand, she crosses the end of the bed and comes to the other side, perching on the edge on her knees, coffee balanced between her palms.
For some insane reason, the picture of her navigating his kitchen, his home... it makes him even more crazy for her than he already is.
He reaches for his own coffee, taking a sip, eyes closing in contentment. He has half a mind to suggest that she get back under the covers, that they just forget about the outside world.
It's been a year since he came home, since he stepped off a ship and had to face a world he didn't recognize anymore. It's been a year since he said goodbye to her in a crowded shipyard, trying to pretend he wasn't ripping his heart in half when he walked away from her.
He wasn't planning to go to the Easy reunion. He really wasn't. As much as he missed his friends, the idea of seeing them for a day and then leaving them again felt worse, so he planned on skipping it. But the idea that she might be there and he might miss her... he couldn't stand the thought. He really didn't have a good excuse either, because they were doing it close to home this year.
So he went, and she was there, real, right in front of him, and it was like no time had passed at all.
She had been sparkling eyes, sweet perfume, the brightest smile, and he was goner. He had been, years earlier, when he first laid eyes on her, but this... he was helpless to do anything but to take her hand, lead her around the dancefloor, and hold her so close he couldn't tell where he ended and she began.
One thing led to another, and then they were at his house, and it was all a blur of heated looks, soft touches, and complete bliss.
"Stop looking at me like that," he says finally, his own voice gravelly. Her eyes are a little hooded, but still sparkling, and he wants to stay here with her forever.
"Like what?" She tilts her head to one side, teasing.
"You're trouble."
"You knew that, though." She says, setting her own coffee down so she can slide into bed a little further, tucking herself against his side like she was made to fit there.
"Stay." He says. There's no hesitation, no second guessing, no brief panic that he's said or done the wrong thing. This is the one part of his future that he's sure of.
Her brow furrows, just for a minute. "Yeah?"
He nods. His hand finds hers. Intentionally, his thumb brushes over her ring finger. She inhales sharply, but doesn't say anything else. For a moment, every little interaction they've ever had plays on a loop in his mind.
He has been hers, right from the very start.
"I'll stay." She says softly, a minute later when they're both close to dozing. "All you had to do was ask."
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zeevoidlight · 11 months
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OC time I have a drawing of him that i made based on one of the npcs in Breath/Tears and just had to try to replicate it in SL modifying a ripped model because i was feeling very lazy, but i want to make my own mesh but i know that if i didn't do something in the moment i wouldn't do anything for months. It's still a work in progress and is just for fun. The fins need some paint work so they look more like the drawing and it needs some clothing. I put some temporary clothing in SL but i will post it later when i take a good photo.
Still can't find a name for him though. His temporary name is Ottan but that kinda sounds like otter so I'll just try to find another one. Back in Majora's Mask days when the game came out I was fascinated with how the Zoras were portrayed there, with so much personality, much more relaxed, weird, diverse, they seem to have so much fun compared to the Ocarina Zoras that were a bit more regal and calm. Mikau even had some powers (or Zora Link at least), electric magic shield, boomerang fins, played a sick fish bone guitar in a band, and the swiming mechanics were just the best, I still consider them the best ever and i used to simply get into the game and do nothing but swim and jump out of the water like a dolphin XD. I wanted to make an OC back then too. Can't remember if I did. But with Breath and Tears it got me all fired up to make one again.
So this guy is inspired a bit on Evan from the Indigo-gos which was an eel Zora in Majora's, which I really liked back in the day because he was unique and played the piano. If we try to put him in Breath and Tears universe he would be from another realm of Zoras outside of Hyrule, a place that could probably be Breath's Majoras realm equivalent but is not in another dimension, is just far away or hard to get to, idk. The thing is that he would find himself in Hyrule at some point. He plays an instrument because in his realm music is a very important part of those Zoras culture like in Majora, and he would play the handpan (because right now that's my favorite instrument) maybe one made out of a shell (listen... if you can play the guitar using some huge fishbones you can find a way to play a huge sea shell and make it sound the same as a handpan). He might not have water powers like the Hyrule Zoras in Tears but he would have eelectric powers. and, I think that's it for now. Just wanted to share. Will finish him later and think of another name.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #7: “Abstinence” | March 25, 2007 - 11:45PM | S01E07
Another one! I think this one sags a bit, but it’s nothing too objectionable. Everything is good, but nothing is GREAT, or has stuff in it that sorta rubs me the wrong way. I think that’s because it has more guests than usual, and less Tim & Eric than usual.
We open with a sketch starring Will Forte, who is great, and this sketch is mostly good. It’s a local ad for Lazy Horse Mattress & Bedding. It’s been run through VHS to make it look authentically vintage, though the little animation still looks digital and betrays it’s origins. Sorry! I’m a verisimilitude appreciator! This sketch ends with a look into Will’s psyche, where he’s screaming and battling demons and ripping people’s arms off and wow, it’s twisted. His performance is great, and it looked like a lot of fun to shoot! I like how he trails off when he says “mattre–” to demonstrate how quickly you’ll fall asleep in one of his beds.
When the sketch recurs, it’s just these dark nightmare moments of Will screaming and blood-splattered. My main sticking point with this sketch is the little bit where he looks into the camera gingerly and introduces himself with a sing-songy “I’m a demon.”. That bit always seemed jokey in a way that is unwelcome to me when I’m watching Tim & Eric. I wonder if I’m the only one in the world who feels this way? Notably, the commercial states the store is off Richard Dunn memorial highway (RIP).
The hosting segments are Tim & Eric looking very businessy. These bits are shot to look like an industrial video of some sort, where they are describing their brilliant work process which has involved firing their friends and hiring old men to save money. This has a very funny moment where Richard Dunn pitches a sketch to Tim & Eric where Tim has broken his fingernail and needs a pedicure. Honestly? A legit good idea. Richard Dunn wasn’t funny because he was an old confused man; he was funny because he just naturally was on Tim & Eric’s wavelength. The other old men, Tim & Eric noted on the commentary, were a little too borscht-belt and Dunn was actually sort of an outsider among the guys they got. This sketch also casually mentions that Richard Dunn had passed away, which at the time was just a joke. I remember me and other Tim & Eric fans watching along in real time were sad, thinking it could be real!
These segments frequently segue into a great DJ Douggpound bit of fun where tight close-ups of Tim & Eric’s faces making strange sounds or saying random words becomes a cool beat right before our very eyes. Stuff like this is what makes Awesome Show so great (job).
The titular sketch features David Cross as a Pizza Boy walking straight into a women’s locker room to deliver a pizza pie to an extremely hot woman, real-life adult actress Abbey Brooks. Am I going to deride this show for being “too Comedy Central” for featuring a large-chested woman? No. I’m not. I’m a hypocrite for not repeating myself verbatim. This sketch isn’t that good. It’s fine. I don’t consider it bad, but I do consider it mid. The part where David addresses the camera and says “I ain’t no ho-ho” rubs me the wrong way the same way “I’m a demon” does! Not to pick nits, but what the fuck else should I be doing here? 
This is part of a further outreach program teaching abstinence in general. Jan and Wayne Skyler are abstaining from sex (which Jan is happy about, but not Wayne… TYPICAL FRIGGIN’ GUY!!!). This leads to footage of a parade featuring a call back to Do Dah Doo Doo, which is being performed on a parade float. They’re tossing cold hot dogs to the crowd, who eventually start chucking them back. This seems less like a substantial sketch and more of “let’s use this footage SOMEHOW because it was so unpleasant to shoot”. But it’s brief and it’s funny.
Maria Bamford has a sketch that I neglected to write down, and I’m not even sure I can recall the premise of the show she’s hosting. Maria had previously lent her voice to Tom Goes to the Mayor in the Porcelain Birds episode (maybe others? I forget!). She’s hosting some lady show and melts down. I don’t know if she’s the MVP of the episode. While you can easily draw lines from David Cross to Tim & Eric, I think she’s more of a kindred spirit to their style of comedy. Dare I say that she’s one of the best living people currently? I honestly think she might be.
The last sketch to cover is Eric trying to open up an account with an automated kiosk at the Cinco International Credit Union. We get a Taargus reference, which is nice. The kiosk is uncooperative, and keeps saying Eric lives in a boat (rude). This is a solid sketch, but I wouldn’t call it a classic. Of their output, it’s the closest thing to a traditional sketch that they’ve ever done. Word on the commentary was that Eric didn’t like this sketch and was in a bad mood while doing it. It turns out fine.
The first four Awesome Shows are pretty incredible, and I think maybe 5-7 represent a minor mid-season sag. But I remember the next couple very fondly. Onward!
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Holiday Havoc: “Venture Aid 2006″ | Christmas 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all those who give a shit. And to those who don’t: I hope you did your grocery shopping already and that you are somewhere warm.
Did I forget about this when I covered the end of 2006, or did I intentionally save it for Christmas Day? It’s a mystery, and always will be. Anyway, this is maybe one of my favorite of the Venture Bros. Holiday Havoc songs, and I like it better than other comedic versions of this song. You can download it here! I hope! Somebody probably has it on YouTube if not.
"You don’t have to outgrow anything if you don’t wanna. " Great point, which is why I still proudly watch MTV with the lights off, if you catch my drift.
Are they still showing Undressed? WOW... A sexual series. No, an IMPORTANT sexual series.
It's almost Christmas as I send you this mailbag (5AM Eastern on Christmas Day) what is a good gift idea for the Adult Swim fan in your life?
As an Adult Swim fan I would have to say a check for 6 thousand dollars to cover their IRS debt would be perfect.
Oh my god. It's Santa! Santa's here everybody. (ho ho ho) Santa has finally made it.
Santa... goddamn. Look, I know and you know that by staying up all night and waiting up for you I forfeit my right to your wonderful presents. But I just gotta say... meeting a proper legend like you is all the gift I need. Now... let’s have that beer I wrote to you about...
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ashalaughs · 11 months
An Annotated List of Men's Tinder Profiles Part 14
Friends, it’s been a while but I’m feeling inspired. We could all use a laugh.
Blow me up with your stories, I will return the favour in a different way!: My stories are very violent
Hey, I’m [Name]. I like to stay active with home workouts and gym sessions: honestly, a level of laziness that I have to respect
I like it all and find it easy to get into conversation. Less politics the better though (mindfulness): is that what mindfulness is?
I must admit, I was born at an early age: yeah, we all were, man
I believe people take to many pictures of themselves, especially dudes. If you have more than 2 it’s too much. First should be DL and the last one: fellas, is it gay to gaze upon your own visage?  
If the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off: You cannot convince me that this is not what flat earthers believe
No I don’t eat chicken n rice. I only eat nachos tyvm!: So offended by the two most common foods in the world
No Low Vibrational Shit. Im impressed by almost nothing: I’m no vibrations expert, but surely never being impressed by anything isn’t the good vibes-producer you think it is?
If ur someone that wakes up in the morning and the 1st thing u do is eat food and then brush your teeth don’t match me plse: This totally mystifies me in a way I really love
I just discovered that I like sushi it’s ok if you don’t like it I will never ask you to go to the restaurant with me: will he just never go to a restaurant with me period or just that sushi restaurant in particular?
If you can climb me like a tree, then I will expose my flaws, and also…intelligence is a vivacious. Handle that, then we can get hands on…show me u can be a commander of chiefs: I have so many questions. Are the flaws a reward? A vivacious what? Which chiefs am I commanding?
Just a young 29 year old very energized young man Looking for a beautiful thick mature juicy cougar woman…I’m a young energizer bunny that goes deep for long hours: hey, do you think this guy is freaking out about turning 30?
Trust me I’m on job. I ain’t trying to blow my own trumpet but every time I meet up with someone, have sex, make love whatever they always say they can’t feel there legs I don’t get it is it a nervous system thing or something. Or maybe they’ve watched too much which chicks but anyways I’m apparently paralysing women: this just really cracks me up. No notes.
The current efforts are for the sake of not asking others for help in the future. Strength is the strongest foundation. Remember, life is not about winning sympathy through tears, but winning applause through sweat: I would argue that life is about neither of those things
Fat, lazy, nerdy, piece of garbage. Looking for will to live. I’ve been told I have a soothing aura: this can’t possibly be true
Sorry hoes u had ur chance but Ark Survival ascended is out its Game Time now: how ever will we comfort ourselves?
If swipe right = Okay with clothes ripped: inaccurate
Not interested in Norses, real estate agents, fitness sick girl’s, vegetarian, and women with children from different fathers: he wants to slut shame, but he also hates Vikings and people who want to sell him a house
I think the world of Canada. But Canada doesn’t provide women in return. Canada is a dishonourable citizenship: this man thought that he’d take his oath to the queen and then his nationally assigned wife would be like “let’s go”
Tired of endless swiping? Bored with ‘modern dating’? Sick of comparing and being compared? Fuck all that! Ler’s build a Sex temple, run by a robot mommy, that does all the boring decision making for us and leaves us to have fun. Like life is supposed to be, remember?: Dating apps are always a bit dystopian but this truly takes it to another, more terrifying level. Look, if I ever encounter an adult who wants a “robot mommy” in real life, I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.   
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rataster · 1 year
07.09.2019 Tuesday
Ok so I know it's been a month and a half since I last wrote in this and I really have no excuse. I've been lazy. End of story. I want to write a lot so I don't forget it later.
For one, I've been playing a lot of awesome games. Life is Strange, Oxenfree & Danganronpa 2 (and other assorted random free indie games on steam). I started watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and it is a really great show. Really good. I legit can't pick a favorite part since they're all so good but probably 4?? It's much more lowkey than the others. Most of the villains become friends, plus Josuke & Okuyasu are cuties. Kristin and I have talked a lot because of JJBA, which is great!!
Started listening to Ricky Montgomery & Two Door Cinema Club's new album came out (it slaps :D). Satisfaction Guarenteed is my favorte track (and is also a great name for a stand).
And, most importantly, I'm in Australia! We stayed a week in Sydney at a three story air bnb at the Rocks. It was pretty close to the Sydney Opera House. Sydney is definitely pretty sweet, def a nice city, but you can't beat the outdoors.
Before I forget, here's a schedule of what we did:
Monday: arrived at the airport, walked around to the Opera house and ate at the underground opera restaurant. Went to the I.G.A for groceries.
Tuesday: took the ferry to the Taronga zoo. Had a delicious ham and tomato wrap. Had sandwiches for dinner. Bird show, giraffes, cassowarys, and more.
Wednesday: Bus tour and the Beautiful Bondi Beach. Souvenir.
Thursday: Seal life, pd started :( museum of austrlia (history and natural history). St Mary's tree across from Hyde park. We stopped by a four story high end mall. Very high end stuff, but there was a hobby store at the end of the fourth floor. I found a Trish and Narancia figure which is cool (ok i freaked out alot).
Friday: Museum of Contemporary Art (meh).
Saturday: Me n' youngest sister went to Macca's for another mud muffin. Then we looked around the shops. (near the visitors center) I got a nice bag for Cameron, I hope she likes it! It has a kangaroo on it. We also looked at some outdoor shops, I saw a cute purse with a cat on it. Then we went to see an opera at the opera house. It was Anne Bolyne, which was really really good. They had massive LCD screens with warped mirrors on the opposite sides, which gave nice atmosphere to all the different acts. When Anne was decapitated, she had an out of body experience. When the dancer's sword swung down, the other dancers ripped off her dress, revealing a red dress underneath. Plus all the LCD screens went white. I loved that moment. Unfortunately, I was too busy trying not to fall asleep to remember act 2.
Sunday: Went to church @ St. Patirck's. A beautiful church! I liked the passage printed on the bulletin about how hard it is to be a catholic sometimes. I saw some cool necklaces at the convenience store. I went with dad to the observatory and it was really interesting. We also went to some of the shops. Dad bought me a lovely necklace. It's got a spiral on one side and a bunch of colors on the other. Uncle V came today! Great to see him.
Monday: We left Sydney and took a train to Kotoomba (misspelled). I love travelling by train. I listened to music and started reading Warcross (great book!!!) We got to our new air bnb which is beautiful. I loved the sloped wooden ceilings. I want to live here and hang my posters on the slope, right above my bed.
And that lead to today, Tuesday. We had an amazing hike in the blue mountains. It is so beautiful, I was so happy. We also had a great lunch at the top. I absolutely loved the jewlery at the gift shop. I almost considered getting the two Ying and yang necklaces with dragons on them for Elizabeth and I. We then took the bus into town. It was funny because in a hotel courtyard up some steps, you can tell that's where teh rebel kids hung out, with their cigarettes and piercings. We stopped by a cool rock shop, and a neat purse shop.
During the hike, I was thinking of starting a jojo fic. I know I'm terrible at writing consistently. I still want to finish the JeanMarco fic, but I just don't care for sitting down and writing each day. Maybe I should set some time aside and do some short writing prompts.
I'm grateful I wrote down so much about this trip. To be honest, I had forgotten a lot. It's painful to read the parts about religion. I'm no longer Catholic, and it's just a cruel reminder. In some ways, when I was still religious, it was a simpler time.
I was so fucking naive though. The 'rebels'??? Girl
I don't remember much about Warcross but I do remember giving it 2 starts when I finished and being highly disappointed with the ending.
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yanderechuu · 3 years
part 1, part 2 (this), part 3, part 4
class 1a with a reader dealing with clinical depression.
warning: depression, starvation, depressive symptoms; i’ve done research but this isn’t the accurate procedures of clinical depression; obviously made dramatic; i am not a psychiatrist/therapist
You told your psychiatrist all of what had happened the past week.
“You’re irritable. That’s just a side effect of the medicine.” He said, proceeding to mutter as he jotted things on his clipboard, “So you’ve been experiencing mood swings...”
Just? If he weren’t benefitting you in the long run then you would have hit him on the face with your quirk, but you were a hero-in-training, and you were willing to bet that that urge was just another reaction of your so-called mood swings. No one told you losing friends would be another side effect. No one told you that you’d lash out and cause to hurt other’s feelings.
No one told you it would venture this deep.
You leaned forward, resting your elbows on your thighs as your arms enveloped around your own person. “I hate this.” You croaked, allowing tears to run down your face because only your psychiatrist knew the heaviest pain you’d been experiencing. “I shouldn’t have taken those shitty meds, s-shouldn’t have spoken to them like that. I’m such a bad friend, what more would I come to be as a hero?” Then, you added: “I-I should just die.”
Your psychiatrist was silent for a period of time. He was either evaluating you or trying to find the right words to say. Either way, both only meant you were a lost cause.
“You aren’t my only patient who’s a hero-in-training.” At length, he began. “I’ve had this boy who took sessions with me because of childhood trauma. Says he regrets not saving his mother from his father’s abuse.”
“Oh.” You muttered, guiltily. “Is he alright now?”
“He’s getting there. Point is, to save others, you have to be in a place where helping others is attainable. Say that you are in a building on fire along with other children; you won’t be able to take them out alive without surviving yourself. You can’t expect to value the life of others when you can’t even value your own.” You saw the way his eyes avert shortly to the clock as you stared at him in awe, his words gradually sinking into your mind. He abruptly jotted down your prescription, ripping it off the pad and handing it to you.
He smiled securely. “You’ll make a fine hero, alright? Don’t doubt that; you’re already taking steady steps going there.”
Izuku’s group didn’t invite you to the cafeteria today, unlike how they always did. You assumed Ochako had said something regarding your outburst which resulted that way. That was fine in any case. You didn’t want to give your classmates more reason to resent you.
You’d planned to starve yourself once again, like what you’d often been doing these past months. The initial reason was that you’d been simply too lazy to drag yourself to the cafeteria and get a meal, telling yourself to tolerate the regret you’d be feeling later in hero training due to the lack of energy; then suddenly you’d disregarded that reason, shifting to that you were extremely unmotivated to do hero training, so there was no point in fueling your body with food; now, you only felt as you didn’t deserve to eat because of your last week’s actions.
A slice of cheese wrapped in aluminum plopped down on your desk. Your dead eyes looked up to see Aoyama with his usual grin.
“The cheese is very good. You should probably taste it.”
Odd. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d interacted with him. “No, thanks. I’m not hung...”
He shoved a piece of cheese on your mouth before you could finish.
“Of course, you are! You went out of your dorm and straight to school, so that meant you didn’t eat breakfast. You stayed in the classroom during recess, too.” He explained. “Which means you haven’t eaten anything since last night.”
You slowly chewed on the dairy, eyes narrowing in blunt realization. Now that you thought about it, you really haven’t eaten anything last night. You’d inculcated into your mind that there were better things to do than eat, and if there were none then you’d sleep your hours away to pass time (to rid your thoughts of committing -). The most recent thing you’d ingested was your quotidian pill.
You grunted, curling into yourself, arms around your stomach as the pang of hunger finally hit you hard. “Ugh... you’re right...”
Aoyama took out his lunchbox and settled it in front of you. “You can have a portion of my steak.”
But you refused, bearing the effort to stand up, though you only fell at the moment you thought you’d gained stability. You slumped back to your chair, and Aoyama stood up in concern.
“A-are you alright!?”
“Yes.” This time, you brought yourself to your feet and stood up just fine. “I’ll go get myself a snack.
“I’ll come with you.”
“No need.” You started walking to the classroom door.
“But you might fall again!”
“Which is none of your business if I do!” You snapped, turning to and glaring at your classmate who only wanted to help. “What will you do, anyway? Guide me every step of the way? What am I, a toddler?”
Only one look at his face was enough for you to halt any further remarks at the tip of your tongue, eyes widening upon looking at his countenance, which seemed so crestfallen, so familiar, like.. Mina and Kirishima’s.
Staring at you incredulously, brows creased in shock and hurt, eyes questioning as to why you’d suddenly talk to them like that. Breathing deeply, you reminded yourself that this was just another side effect of the dose, and you were not about to end another friendship merely because of your unstable emotions.
You spoke, words slow as you processed them thoroughly. “Look, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I appreciate your offer, really, but... it makes me feel so dumb that I’d be needing your help in going to the vending machine.”
“You’re not dumb at all.” He shook his head. “Civilians need heroes’ help in times of need. They aren’t dumb.”
“I’m no civilian.” You glanced at him dejectedly, mustering up a little smile to alleviate the mood. “And I don’t need help.”
Aoyama hummed in uncertainty after a short period of silence, questioning the authenticity of your tone.
Upon opening the door, Izuku stood there, wide-eyed and caught red-handed eavesdropping on the conversation you just had with Aoyama. Behind him were Iida, Ochako, and Shoto. They were all witnesses to your outbursts.
You pushed him aside and ran along the hallway, shame instead of energy fueling your system to move your legs.
“(Y/n), wait!”
But Izuku couldn’t find it in himself to chase you. Iida was too stunned to reprimand you for running in the corridors, and Ochako was indecisive of what to do. Shoto was reminded that he’d still have to know your answer to his offer of tutoring you.
Aoyama stood inside the classroom, equally concerned and confused as they were.
Hero training came eventually, the class you used to anticipate with ardor but now so resented. And with that resentment came the misfortune of being partnered up with Mineta in the activity.
Perhaps that wasn’t the worst misfortune; you were also against Shoto and Bakugo.
“Why is it like this!? We’re gonna die!” Mineta exclaimed in horror. “They’re gonna treat us like real villains and actually kill us!”
You tried not to let his pessimism rub off of you when you already got your own pessimism to deal with. You could have agreed with the thought that this was unfair, that there was an obvious power imbalance with both duos, but the pair was decided by a simple random sampling of picking out names out of a box. Besides, there seemed to have been a sudden jab to your pride that made you refuse to back down. You caught yourself finding entertainment in reckless things.
“You could always avoid them and make me do all the work.” You suggested stoically.
“But I won’t get any points with that!”
“That’s fine.” You replied. “You don’t want to die, right?”
You zoned out Mineta’s annoying rambling, setting your gaze on the opposing team instead. Bakugo was screaming at Shoto’s face, telling him “not to get in his way” or something along those lines. They were strong individually, you thought, but they were stronger when partnered up.
So it was probably best to have them separated.
You sat on the ground to ease the pain on your empty stomach under the ruse that you were adjusting the boot of your hero costume (and partly to get on the level of Mineta so you could talk to him without needing to louden your voice). Then, you looked at your partner, who was still shaking profusely.
“Why don’t we separate them instead?”
“And fight them one-on-one? I can’t do that!”
“I mean it’s better than having them team up and destroy us entirely.” You glanced at the opposing team, and for a quick second locked eye contact with Shoto. You turned back to Mineta. “We’ll make believe that separating them was accidental, so they won’t figure out our plan.”
“...fine.” He sighed defeatedly. “What’s on your mind?”
It was a simple plan with a difficult execution - to separate Bakugo and Shoto - which admittedly wasn’t quite the best but given your circumstance it sounded the most proficient. Your gut all the while clenched not in anxiety of the proceeding battle, rather due to the fact that you quite literally haven’t eaten anything since last night, unless including the one bite or two you’d taken from the snack that you had bought from the vending machine, having not finished it because you lacked the appetite to, as often nowadays.
The alarm rang, signaling the commencing of the activity and allowing you to venture farther within the maze of Ground Gamma. Mineta ran behind you, and noticed the way your arm held your stomach as you heaved unevenly.
“Is something wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing is.” You knew he was referring to you.
“Well I gotta be real with you, (y/n). You’ve been acting kind of weird lately.” He was weird. You two weren’t even close. “Not only that, it seems like everyone’s been avoiding you, too.”
You slowed your steps down, having your guard up as you looked everywhere for signs of enemy. Partially, you were curious of whatever else he had to say.
You asked, “You think they’re doing that deliberately?”
“I wouldn’t know.” He shrugged. “But by the way you’ve been acting, it looks like you don’t mind being left alone, which tells me that you must have purposely done something to make them avoid you. Not that I care, of course, you do whatever-”
In a fragment of a second, you pushed your short classmate aside, saving him of the burns brought by Bakugo’s quirk as he propelled his way to your direction, violently and rashly.
“Best save your damn conversation later!” He yelled, grinning maliciously.
You body was sent back, hitting the a pipeline, causing air in your lungs to get knocked out of your system.
“[Hero name]!” Mineta exclaimed.
Bakugo gripped your throat as you struggled to breathe, but you were able to harden your gaze on your partner, telling him to get on with the plan’s execution; to keep Shoto busy as you handled Bakugo.
WIth your quirk, you were able to successfully get him to let go of you, and immediately after you avoided the explosions sent your direction. You made your way out through a series of pipelines, getting him to follow, deliberately farther and farther away from his partner.
“Shit- Todoroki!” He screamed, cautious of not leaving him behind. but you ripped his attention by using your quirk against him. Supposing him to land a large explosion on you, you avoided heat the moment he did. Abruptly, you used your quirk to give him a hit.
“That was the plan, wasn’t it? To get me separated from him.” He grunted, the traces of your quirk scarcely hitting the skin on his shoulder, but not quite being a bother to him entirely. “Fine, I’d very much entertain that shitty plan of yours!”
But you didn’t really listen to his arrogant voice. Your body was light as you avoided his attacks, mind in a state of untouched lake, not quite confident of winning against him but never really worried, either. Hell, your aching stomach was no longer even a bother to you. You utilized your quirk every now and then, and you fought great even without vigor, though essentially your consciousness was floating up in the clouds, away and away and away...
And then you realized you were dissociating.
He wasn’t given the chance to come after you as you propelled yourself up to settle on a pipeline. He was standing on the ground, looking up at where you were in agitation and slight confusion, shoulders heaving as he caught his breath after a long period of time of using his quirk while you were only standing, still and unpredictable.
“You backing out? Fuckin’ coward.” He hissed, smirking derisively.
You couldn’t think, couldn’t move, the last of your ability to comprehend leaving you, betraying your body, but you were sure that if your dissociation took a form of bodily movement then you’d be shaking, sweating, screaming, dying. You shut down against your will.
Body falling to the ground, with no one but Bakugo to catch you.
“Oi! Shit- (y/n)!” He held you in his arms, shaking you vigorously. “Wake the fuck up!”
The alarm rang, signaling the end of the battle.
You woke up from a dream that everything was fine, that you had your friends back, that you were never stuck with this stupid thing called depression. The ceiling of Recovery Girl’s office greeted you sullenly, along with someone right beside you.
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.” The doctor herself said, sighing in relief and taking a clipboard that rested on your bed the entire time. You didn’t like the sight of it; it reminded you of your psychiatrist.
“I...” you noticed the orange quality of the room brought by the sunset from open window of the infirmary, “what happened?”
“You collapsed in battle, dear.” She explained. “All because of an empty stomach.”
Ruefully, you hung your head in shame, eyes staring at the white of the blanket.
“You haven’t eaten since yesterday, have you?” She asked, and you shrugged, avoiding her gaze. “I would know; your friend Aoyama told me that.”
She handed you a packet of biscuit from her pocket. “Eat this while we wait for Aizawa to come back with your full meal.”
You shook your head. “I’m not hungry, but thank you.”
“Eat or you’re not coming back to dorms and we’re taking you straight to the hospital for a lengthy checkup of your digestive system.”
Immediately after, you took the biscuit, tearing it open to reluctantly bite the food. Your appetite didn’t return, and you were sure you’d be vomiting shortly after ingesting after a long period of not eating anything, but when you swallowed, you felt none of the expected. You looked at the biscuit packet. Baby biscuits, it said.
A knock on the door followed by its opening reached your ears. Footsteps were heard, and soon you found Aizawa by the edge of the infirmary curtains, carrying a tray of food with his hands. Upon noticing your conscious form, he walked towards you, placing the tray down on the bed table after setting it before you.
“I’m glad you’re awake.” He said. “We would have taken you to the hospital if you didn’t wake up by midnight.”
You looked at the tray situated in front of you. It had two plates, one with steamed vegetables, like broccoli and carrots, and the other with a variety of cold fruits - neither was able to stimulate your appetite. You opted first to drink the fruit juice that was on the corner of the tray.
“Your stamina is one of a kind; you were able to fight against Bakugo without proper nutrition.” Aizawa began.
You placed the glass down. “Thanks.”
“That wasn’t a compliment, (l/n). That just means you’ve been missing meals to the point that you’re already used to it.”
You carefully grabbed the chopsticks and brought the steamed vegetable to your mouth, chewing cautiously. It wasn’t like you were avoiding eating for body image, or because you simply wanted to starve yourself to death (...); you only ever avoided meals because it never spurred on you the will to eat, even when your hunger was practically tearing your gut apart.
“I informed your guardian of this incident. Also, Yaoyorozu will from now on take note of the amount of times you’ve eaten in a day.”
“W-what?” You asked, looking up to him in shock. You didn’t want to be an additional responsibility to the people around you. Not now, not ever, not when you were already so capable of handling things yourself. What were you, a toddler? “That’s... that’s not needed. I can do that myself. I don’t need to- don’t need to have anyone worrying about me.”
Recovery Girl looked at you sympathetically. You heard Aizawa sigh, and you winced, because that must have meant he was sick of having to deal with you as his student. Things would alleviate for him if you’d get expelled.
“If you don’t want anyone to worry about you, then make it clear that you’re doing well.” He said. “Eat your meals three times a day. Drink water. Spend time with others to let them know you’re alright.”
He left the infirmary shortly thereafter, ensuing silence as you slowly finished your meal, the noise only in the depths of your mind.
He’s mad at me, he’s mad at me, he’s mad at me.
“He’s not mad at you.” Recovery Girl stated. “That silly Aizawa, doesn’t know how to project his feelings into words. He’s just worried sick, dear. And you don’t have to feel bad for that.”
Knowing you were still unconvinced, she continued, “You also get worried when your classmates are in danger, but are you mad they made you feel that way? No, right? It’s not responsibility, just human emotions.”
There was a knock on the door a second time, and she walked towards it, opening it to see the guest.
“Why are you still here? It’s past curfew.”
“Tch, I just came here to give them their stupid bag.”
You heard Bakugo’s voice across the room, not like the volume of his usual self but neither really considered to be an inside voice. He sauntered inside before Recovery Girl could allow him to, pushing aside the infirmary curtain, which just so happened to be yours.
You both locked gazes for a while, before he averted first, tutting and dropping your bag on the bed. “Get up, I’m walking you back.”
“Because you might fucking collapse again, that’s why.”
“Can’t you see that they’re still resting!?” the doctor exclaimed, hitting his shin with her syringe cane.
“Ow! What the fuck!?”
“Insolent boy, get back to dorms before some other teacher spots you!”
“It’s fine.” You interfered before the yelling could elevate, moving to sit at the edge of the bed, propping your feet on the floor. It was then you noticed that you were still wearing your hero costume, unzipped along the torso so your body could breathe properly as you slept. “He’ll walk me back. It’s true, anyway. I could collapse again.”
The atmosphere decreased in tension when you spoke. You classmate huffed, turning away and sitting down on a vacant chair. “Your uniform’s in your bag. I’ll wait here while you change.”
You eventually found yourself in school corridors, walking a few steps behind Bakugo as he lead the way back to dorms; so much for making sure you wouldn’t collapse when he can’t even see you, being in front of you. Still, you wondered what had gotten him to do so much as to wait for you past curfew. Violent as he may be he wasn’t quite the one to break school rules without justifiable reason.
You spoke, “Just to make things clear, it wasn’t your fault that I collapsed midbattle.”
“I fucking know that.” He hissed, as if offended you’d assumed that. “I wouldn’t give two shits if that were the case but you didn’t get any injuries from my blows, so that just meant you fainted because of something that had occurred before battle.”
Observant as always, you thought. You sometimes wondered how he was able to perceive well with all the chaotic energy of his nature. To your left, the sun rays brimmed on the edge of the horizon, coating your skin a translucent golden orange along with Bakugo’s.
“It’s because you’ve been struggling with something, haven’t you?”
You stopped in your track; that confirmed his suspicion.
“W...what?” You questioned, turning your face from the tempered glass to look at Bakugo who now had his front facing you. His red eyes interrogated you intensely, nearly bringing you to avert yours elsewhere, but you didn’t.
“It’s so fucking obvious, even dunce face notices the change. You’ll look dumb to deny it.” His intimidating form closed distance with yours. “What the hell is wrong with you? Skipping meals all of a sudden, are you tryna get fucking thin?”
“What? No.” You replied, truthfully and defensively. “Look, Bakugo- it concerns nothing with you. Just-”
“Hell yeah it concerns something with me. You think I was satisfied with our fight earlier? That you’d just collapse like that and not give me a proper fucking victory?”
You didn’t think that he was actually concerned for you, but it was funny that he made a big deal of the inconvenience you’d caused him even when he realized that you’d been struggling with something. He didn’t think of anything but himself.
“And you worried the living shit out of me these past weeks. Stuck in your room all day and always looking sick; almost makes me want to drag you out myself so you could touch some grass.”
But perhaps that was just his articulated words over the truth that he actually cared. You smiled inwardly.
“You’re always stuck in you’re room too, you know.”
He scoffed, turning back and resuming the journey back to dormitories, with you following suit. “Not as often as your dumbass. You’re a literal prisoner of your own dorm.”
This earned a short chortle from you. It was the first time in myriads that he’d heard something of your voice as authentic as that. There was this refreshing feeling that dawned in him upon hearing it, like gentle breezes of spring or waves crashing on feet. He never really took note of the lack of your laughter in class until now.
“I may not know whatever the hell that is,” he said, gaining your attention, “but what I do know is that you’re strong, and you’ll eventually get over whatever shit you’re going through right now.”
Your heart clenched in gratitude over his words.
“So eat your fucking meals and give me a proper victory next time.”
“I’m sorry for my attitude back then.”
You had your form bent in nearly a ninety-degree angle, facing Mina and Kirishima, whom you had reluctantly asked a portion of their time for.
“I’ve just... had a tough week. But I know that isn’t enough reason to treat you the way I did.” You stared at the ground, voice unwavering as to prove your point that you were genuinely sorry. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore. It’s okay, this can be the last time. I just wanted to let you guys know that I’m really, really sorry.”
It broke your heart to say that, because admittedly, Kirishima and Mina were two of the classmates whom you’d been very open with, not quite in the level of intimacy but in a level that no longer bore the sense of awkwardness and filtering. Losing them would meant losing a part of yourself that you so loved.
Still in a bow, you had yet to see the expressions in their faces, but their silence led you to the pit of your anxiety. It settled on the base of your stomach, sent a bile up your throat that you needed to swallow down. Your sight became blurry from tears.
You were lying. It wasn’t okay, you didn’t want to ever talk to them for the last time. You didn’t want to lose your friends no matter the severity of your mistakes, and that probably made you selfish. It was your fault that led to this and it would be your loss for mistreating two of the best persons you’d ever known.
You were so, so selfish, and perhaps gave more reason for them to drop you, but if there was anything worth being selfish for then it would be your friendship with them.
Tears were obvious in your face when you stood back up. They looked at you with surprised countenance, a bit at disarray as to why you were crying and you brought your arms up to wipe the tears inevitably flowing down your cheeks flushed from shame.
“I’m sorry, I-I,” you began, “I can’t afford to lose you two.”
“Why’d you ever think we even considered leaving you?” Mina was first to speak, voice cracking on the verge of breaking down as you.
“Because I was mean,” you replied, “and I hurt you two because I-” was stupid. Ignorant. Nothing short of a villain. But saying those would only have you guilt tripping them into forgiving you. “I was mad with things and I took my anger out on the both of you with those insults. I know that isn’t- isn’t manly, but I still did it. I’m sorry.”
She was quick to remove distance from you two, closing in on you with open arms so she could embrace you tightly you could nearly sense the sympathy she felt for your lonely self deprived of affection, and you never thought you’d feel so happy being destitute of air to the point of suffocation. When she parted with you, she held your hands, and smiled.
“I forgive you.” She said. “Because I know you didn’t mean any of it.”
“...but- but I still said-”
“What matters to me is that you apologized. And you were sincere with it, right?”
You nodded your head.
“Same goes for me.” Kirishima intervened, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezing it gently. “Despite all of that, I still find myself valuing our friendship, (y/n). That just means you’re someone worth keeping.”
It was hard not to smile after hearing him say that. A breathy chuckle escaped your lips, their forgiveness relieving you off the heaviness of guilt. “This doesn’t seem enough, though. I feel like there’s more I should do to deserve your forgiveness.”
“Then let’s go on a date, just the three of us!” Mina exclaimed. “There at the cat café you cancelled on; whad’ya say?”
What else were you supposed to say?
It had been a while since you went out of the shadows of your dorm, dressed in sweater and pleated [pants/skirt] that gave you comfort because you feared you might break down from all the sudden sunlight and social interaction. While this date wasn’t particularly against your own accord, you felt the telltales of anxiety gnawing at the surface of your throat, the hollow of your lungs, squeezing your heart off of the ability to circulate, and soon you found it difficult to breathe, to blink, to-
A splash to the face and you were back to earth. Now wasn’t the right time to allow yourself to dissociate; you looked at the mirror and inculcated that in your mind. You spent a few seconds to rearrange yourself and soon you sauntered out of the restroom, heading directly to the table by the tempered window where two of your close friends were.
“Finally! We wouldn’t have started eating without you.” Kirishima exclaimed, shifting aside to give you space beside the cushioned seat. There in the table were a variety of confectionery food, excluding Kirishima’s choice because he didn’t have much of a sugar tooth unlike Mina and you, instead opting for something else rich in protein.
You let out a chuckle, politely setting aside a cat that was about to choose your seat as a sleeping spot. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”
“Nah, it’s not like we minded.” He moved to pick his chopsticks but Mina smacked his hand before it could get to them. “Hey!”
“Are you nuts?! The food was designed pretty for a reason!” She yelled, her phone in camera app held by her fingers. “Now, sit still look pretty, you two!”
After picturing you and Kirishima, she proceeded to take a few more photos of the cats, then only the food, focusing on each individual meal as if they weren’t meant to be eaten. You didn’t mind, but your redheaded friend sure as hell did.
Kirishima huffed, finally digging in to his plate. “Looks like your phone had more to eat than us.”
“You only say that ‘cause you have an appetite larger than an elephant’s.”
It was a soft chime, simply a gentle jingle, but your lighthearted laugh was enough to send your two companies in delighted shock, faces turning to look at you. When you took notice of their lingering stares, you grew a bit flustered.
“Is- is there something on my face?”
“No.” Kirishima responded immediately, smiling. “...I’m actually glad you’re enjoying this, (y/n).”
It took you a while to process that. Admittedly and to your surprise, you indeed found yourself enjoying time with your friends, the food, and the fact that you were outside and for once taking a breather from the suffocation of your own room. Maybe it was because they had forgiven you, or that the pills’ side effects weren’t as drastic as they normally would have been. 
Either way, you couldn’t suppress a smile. The cat you had set aside savored the way your hand gently caressed its head. “Well, I’m glad I came.”
“Then we should do this often.” Mina blithely said. 
Things were working out fine for you this week. It was the first time in months you’d been genuinely happy without being haunted with the threat that you’d be falling from cloud nine eventually.
You had those pills to thank.
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sunshineistyping · 3 years
oh hello, can I ask for monty reaction (with smut if you want) to his s/o surprising him wearing a short skirt please?
Trying to get back into the swing of full fics again, so we doin a small lil skirt piece
Oh Wow
Tumblr media
Pairings: Montgomery Gator/Monty x GN!Reader
Au: Human Au
Warnings: Sexual Jokes, NSFW References, Sir Kink
Spice Level: Light
“Hey Babe?” You call out from your shared bedroom. Your boyfriend in the living room and much too lazy to get up the couch simply let out a loud hum in reply. At first you were anxious, almost petrified at the idea of showing off in front of him. Let alone in a skimpy little skirt. It was short, pleated, and had small little heart designs around the top. You were almost too anxious to carry on. Hell, you wanted to rip the skirt off in fear of his judgement. He got this look in his eyes when he was mad or judging someone. It was horrifying.
His eyes said more then his mouth ever could but god were they beautiful. His eyes were so intense and focused and...you’d never seen such eyes before. A small shake of your head and a deep sigh later, you gained the courage to face him. You slid out of the room quietly and made your way over to his side, sitting on the arm of the couch.
“What do you think?”
“About what?” His eyes pulled away from the TV to meet your form. They hooked on your eyes at first and he let out the smallest smile as trailed his eyes downward. At last they were met with your skirt. A very, very short skirt. He’s pretty sure if he bent you over he’d have complete access to everything underneath.
“Are you even wearing anything under that?”
“Mhm, rolled up a pair of small shorts!”
“Well that’s good, no offense love but I don’t know if I’d let you walk out the house with this on.”
“And why is that?” He laughed and pulled gently on your arm. This allowed you to slide right onto his lap. Your head tilting back and making contact with his shoulder. His head then nuzzled into your neck while you shivered at the cold piercings on his face.
“I don’t want anyone getting ideas. Every part of you is mine, especially everything under that skirt.” His hand slid down to your thigh, rubbing slow and calculated circles. They were comforting as you smiled into the feeling of Monty’s gentle kisses on your neck.
“Oh wow, that's new.”
“Hmm?” He hummed against your neck, not bothering to open his eyes let alone bring his face up to yours.
“Never heard you claim me like this.”
“Oh yes you have.”
“No I haven't.” You argued as his eyes finally flicked up to yours. There was a silence for a only a few seconds before he spoke again.
“So I wasn't calling you mine last night? Not when your legs were slung over my shoulders and your hands were in my hair? Not even once?” He teased and watched your face light up like a Christmas tree. Your lip catching between your teeth as he lets out a huff of hot air against your neck.
“Maybe? I don't remember.”
“Want me to jog your memory Sweetheart?” You let out the smallest sigh of content when his tongue slid up your neck in one slow, fluid motion.
“Yeah, you can try.”
“Oh no Love, I won’t just try,” his hands shifted to your waist. His grip tightening against your skin as he let out another deep chuckle. The air felt just a little hotter as he continued to speak.
“I’ll help you remember. I’ll help you remember it all, including what you called me. What was my name?”
“Your name is Monty silly-“ he nipped at your neck and shifted your body closer. His height consuming your much smaller frame as he incases you in him. The warmth, the cologne, his arms, you were surrounded.
“S-Sir. It’s Sir.”
“See? You’re doing so good for me already. Let’s see what else I can help you remember.”
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tooth-and-flesh · 3 years
(𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒂, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔. 𝑳𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒉𝒆/𝒊𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄)
𝑨𝒏𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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[mc] was just finishing up cleaning from being in the hot tub outside their house, their hair wrapped in a towel with another towel covering them from the collarbones down. water dripped from their skin and hair as they stepped into the bedroom.
now, [mc] had finished up early today- usually they'd come back at around 10pm. but, tonight they had come back at 8pm, since they had suddenly remembered that they had work to finish for the book they were currently studying and writing an essay on to get a better understanding of the topics in the book they were about to write.
it took them a good second to comprehend the scene in front of them. Licorice had his dinky little phone open to a picture he had taken of the two of them- they had recently had a night to themselves of relaxing in the hot tub, and they actually had a really fun time-
but, here it was, drooling over the photo as he mindlessly pleasured himself. his visible eye was droopy as he squished his thighs together, his dick twitching in his hand as he felt himself nearing his release.
suddenly, he paused and looked over to [mc], making direct eye contact with them before his hands flew away from his dick, ripping the sheets and comforter over his lap as he slapped his phone off of the bed, screeching a bit and retracting his head back into his cloak. he was completely naked other than the cloak, having been too lazy to take it off-
and oh, was that a treat to be greeted with. [mc] just watched him for a few moments, crossing their arms over their chest as they waited for him to control himself.
he finally peeked out from under the shield of his dreads, his visible eyebrow upturned in worry as he tried to read your face and figure out if they hated him now.
he was surprised to see that they were already crawling onto the bed, letting the towel drop from their hair as they rested their hand on the comforter.
Licorice stared in disbelief as they started to gently squeeze at that spot, his body feeling like it was on fire. does [mc] really want to touch him like that? they aren't disgusted with him??
a million thoughts ran through his head at once, feeling far away from the situation as they tugged down the comforter and sheets. his cock slowly lifted, fully hard still, with precum leaking from the slit on the head of his dick.
Licorice gripped at the sheets on either side of him tightly, completely malfunctioning as they slowly and softly traced their index finger over a prominent vain on the underside of his cock, making it twitch a bit.
he let out a loud gasp as he felt [mc] wrap their lips around the head of his cock, immediately hallowing out their cheeks as they sucked up all of the precum from him.
his left hand shakily moved to entangle itself in their hair, his legs spreading apart and shaking as they started to deepen the rapid sucking of his cock.
some drool leaked from their mouth, slowly dripping down his dick as they pushed their head down until it reached his pubes. its hips bucked instinctively as [mc] choked around it.
obviously, his dick wasn't that big, but it was still enough to start to feel the tip slip down their throat slightly.
[mc] was absolutely soaking wet at this point, and definitely not from the hot tub.
Licorice was drowning in pleasure, its head thrown back and the scars on its neck and torso clearly exposed as it shakily lifted its legs over their shoulders, its toes curling.
"[m-mc]!~" he squealed out, his lips parting to allow his mouth to open in a silent moan, starting to grip at their hair a bit more.
"i c-can't.. hhhold it~.." he whimpered down to them, drool dripping down his chin as he watched tears form in the corners of [mc]'s eyes, constantly slamming their lips all the way down to his balls and pounding the tip of his cock down their throat repeatedly.
"cu-aaH~! c-cumming! [mc] i-i'm cumminG!~" he cried out, pressing both palms to the back of their head as his legs lifted into the air, his toes curling and his legs shaking as cum spurted from his cock into the back of [mc]'s throat.
they choked down all of his cum, finding he was cumming a lot just from a bit of head.
[mc] slowly lifted up, wiping their mouth and pushing Licorice's legs back until he was pressed onto his back with his knees almost touching the mattress on either side of his head, his body feeling fuzzy from that intense orgasm.
"do you want to be in or out?~" [mc] purred, reaching down to rub their thumb over Licorice's chest firmly.
oh lord, is this really happening?
Licorice stuttered slightly. nothing like this has ever happened before, especially not with his biggest villain crush ever. but, because of that, he didn't feel he was completely ready.
"o-out.. is good.." he panted out, throwing his head back and squealing as he felt [mc]'s wet pussy slide against the underside of his cock.
they bit their lip as they slid his dick up and down the slit of their pussy, the tip sliding in a bit on accident from how wet they were.
Licorice took a moment to glance up at them, and was extremely happy it had looked up at that exact moment.
[mc]'s towel slowly slipped from their body, uncovering their breasts. they were teasing their own nipples between their right hand's index finger and middle finger, panting softly while rubbing their clit slowly against his dick.
he started to drool even more, feeling his own heartbeat in his dick as his eyes trailed down to your soaking clit. the wetness made it extremely easy to slide around, and some of it was dripping down your thighs.
Licorice was extremely proud to have made someone so attractive get so worked up over him, letting his legs spread so he was almost in the shape of a V.
"y-yes~ mph~... please [mc]~.. rrub it against m-me~ just like that~.. sso wet~" he whispered to himself incoherently, his eyes droopy as his dreads fell away from his eyes.
[mc] snapped their hips forwards before bringing their hand away from their tit, moving it down to place it on his chin gently.
"do you still want it out?.." they spoke quietly, tears forming in their own eyes from the overwhelming pressure building up. all they could think about was Licorice's soft, dripping dick sliding in and out of their pussy-
Licorice quickly shook its head, letting a pitiful moan escape its lips.
"n-no.. please.. i c-changed my mind- i want you.. i want you now.. please.."
that was all the convincing it took for [mc] to promptly reach down and grab his dick, giving it a slight squeeze before pushing themself down onto it.
Licorice squealed and tried to hide his face in the pillow under his head, shaking his head back and forth as he let out a loud moan.
"p-please! fffuHh~" he whimpered, his hips bucking. [mc] suddenly let out a lewd moan, spreading their legs.
"L-Licorice~ aHn~" they breathed out in a whine-y tone.
they instantly began to bounce themself up and down, letting out a lewd cry every time Licorice's cock pounded up into them.
"[m-mc]... w-wait.. i.. i'm g-gonna.. i'm gonna cum again.." he whispered breathlessly, looking up at them with pleading eyes. he had only lasted a few moments but- this overwhelming pressure was too much for him. his dick twitched inside of [mc], begging for a release.
[mc] promptly lifted themself off, giving Licorice a quick kiss before turning around.
only until they rested their clit against Licorice's lips did he actually understand what they were doing.
Licorice promptly began to lap at their wet pussy, making quiet slurping noises and sucking on every part his lips could touch.
they grinded down against his tongue as they felt it slip inside of them, starting to jack them off with a firm grip. he moaned up into their clit, sending vibrations through their body that made [mc] moan out Licorice's name.
the man below them look this as a sign he was doing good and swirled his tongue around inside of them, sucking and lapping at the wetness coating the inside of their pussy before moving further up your pussy to suck on your clit, shakily reaching his hands up to use his thumbs and spread the lips of [mc]'s pussy.
he firmly moved his tongue up and down, making their legs shake in pleasure and their hands freeze for a moment.
"L-Lic-ah~ pllease~.. your.. your tongue.." [mc] whispered, leaning down to suck the precum from Licorice's twitching dick.
Licorice bit his lip a bit before putting his whole mouth over their dripping clit, moving his jaw in a gentle eating motion as he flicked his tongue up and down.
he let out a loud moan against their clit as he felt them release into his mouth, his hips bucking up as he came once more into [mc]'s mouth.
after a long while of panting and whimpering, [mc] finally turned around to look at Licorice.
his eyes were a bit clouded over from how tired he was, panting like his life depended on it with his face covered in the wetness of [mc]'s clit.
[mc] reached up to put their thumb on his chin, slowly pulling his face closer before giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.
Licorice closed his eyes and squirmed closer to them, his legs feeling cottony from the intense orgasms.
"i.. i love you [mc].." he whispered into their ear, curling up and pressing himself against them.
[mc] nodded and gave him one last kiss on the forehead, fixing any tangle in its dreads from whipping its head around so much.
"i love you too, Lico.. get some rest now, lovely.." they mumbled, moving the hair from his face as he promptly shoved his face between their boobs, humming quietly to himself.
[mc] snorted before letting him relax there, only falling asleep after Licorice had done the same.
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kaidenya · 3 years
Getting Caught ✧ MHA
Description: Headcanons for getting caught in a intimate moment with Hitoshi Shinso, Tenya Iida, Mirio Togata, & Tomura Shigaraki
WARNING: NSFW, suggestive content NOTE: This is a repost of an old SHITPOST headcanon I had on my previous account so if this looks familiar I hope you enjoy it the second time around!
“Nobody will know...”
Shinso would go to his grave claiming that you were to blame for this situation
But in all honesty, he had been allowing things to build for far too long
You two weren’t necessarily a secret, but most people just assumed you were bEsT fRiEnDs 🥴
It was an honest misunderstanding
You had decided to keep physical contact to a minimum after an unfortunate attempt at holding his hand left you believing he didn’t enjoy any forms of PDA.
Shinso had just assumed the same about you.
However, as the two of you grew more serious, you found it more difficult to keep your hands to yourself
It just so happened your boyfriend had been working extremely hard in the hero course and it s h o w e d
You had found yourself admiring his changing physique and in turn, found you weren’t the only one admiring your boyfriend.
You weren’t necessarily jealous— you trusted him more than anything, but he tended to be socially constipated
And nobody seemed to know about you. Thus giving the other interested parties an unintentional greenlight to flirt with him. And there was one girl that had stood out among the sea of suitors.
Each time you saw the second-year girl perch next to Shinso it made your skin crawl, but no lines had been crossed.
Until they were.
Your knuckles were gripping the strap of your bag so tightly it ached when you made your way to where your boyfriend was perched outside
The second-year didn’t even acknowledge you as she continued her flirtatious ways and you don’t resist the urge to roll your eyes as you settle into the place next to him.
He had flashes you a lazy smile before focusing back on his phone screen.
Then her hand landed on his upper thigh
Let me tell you: sleepy boy was shocked when she touched him, but he was EVEN MORE SHOCKED when you took her by the wrist and tossed her hand to the side
You waste no time threading your fingers with his, rising to your feet and all but hauling him from his seat
His amusement only grew as he realized just how jealous you had gotten, a smirk forming over his lips as he set to teasing you
‘What’s the matter, kitty? You don’t like anyone touching daddy?’
You have no idea how you ended up on your knees in a supply closet??
Shinso is feeling very sure of himself above you, using the hand that was gripping the back of your neck as leverage to hold you down on his length
k i n g of dirty talk 🤭
Absolutely cannot help himself when it comes to telling you how pretty you look choking on his cock
Honestly doesn’t last long, but what do you expect? Seeing your jealous and possessive response to the girl he had given little to no acknowledgment had lit a fire in his chest
He was desperate to get his hands on you, to remind you that he was just as much yours as you were his.
And when he does— oh MAN he makes you forget all about the second-year girl
He has one of your legs draped over his shoulder as he goes down on you, licking and sucking at you in a way that had you trembling
You accidentally knock over a pile of brooms and mops, neither of you paying them any mind as your head lulled in bliss
If only you had remembered to flick the lock on the door…
Kirishima really thought someone was banging on the door for help. It wouldn’t have been manly— or heroic not to make sure someone wasn’t in trouble
Besides, why else would someone be making so much noise in a supply closet if they weren’t stuck??
So when the door swung open and he locked eyes with you, still panting and moaning as an all too familiar head of purple hair buried further into your heat—
He let out the loudest shout he could muster. Apologies poured from his mouth as he fumbled to shut the door
However, your boyfriend made no move to let you go. Instead, he hummed against your skin, only leaning back to nip at your inner thigh before speaking in a heavy voice
‘Better make this fast, kitty.’
So you’ve tried to keep your relationship on the down-low bc Iida doesn’t want anyone to think he’s distracted
We all know he just doesn’t wanna be called out for his obvious favoritism
Before you got together you were constantly pushing him, breaking minuscule rules in favor of gaining his attention. Nothing too immoral, but enough to get under his skin.
Like slipping into class just seconds after the bell had rung, nearly avoiding Aizawa’s attention, but never making it past Iida.
Or when a class had gotten a bit too stressful, the room filling with hot air as tensions rose and you had to pop open a few buttons of your uniform top
Then there was your favorite offense; desk sitting. If there was one sure way to get a reaction from your stickler of a boyfriend it was to place yourself on top of a desk.
Which is what you found yourself doing at the end of an unfavorable week. The two of you hadn’t gotten a moment together outside of your studies and you were growing needy.
So with a few moments of free time before class began, you decided to chat with Tsu and Uraraka, settling atop the desk between them when you had grown tired of standing
The desk belonging to none other than Tenya
Your ankles were crossed as you leaned forward to speak with Tsuyu and he was beyond s h o o k
Immediate hand chopping.
He’s towering over you, ranting about how your behavior was improper while keeping his hands clenched in an attempt to keep from running his fingertips along your thighs.
When was the last time you were this close to him? It had to have been longer than he realized for him to have such a strong reaction— are you biting your lip??
Any response between you died off as Aizawa addressed the class and you were sent back to your seat, leaving Iida far more frazzled than you realized
The moment class ends he has you tucked under an empty stairwell to continue his lecture
Only he doesn’t get very far
Tenya Iida has an authority kink. I take no criticism.
When you look up at him from under your lashes, muttering the words ‘yes sir’ as he chastised you, his resolve was shattered
Has you pressed against the wall immediately, fisting your blazer as he dips to press his forehead to yours
‘Why must you push me?’
Doesn’t even let you answer before his mouth is covering yours, hips arching to grind his obvious arousal against you
Knowing he had been just as affected by your as you had him was enough to spur a moan past your lips and he takes the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth
Although he was MORTIFIED at the impropriety of it all, he couldn’t resist the sweet noises you made as he expertly worked against you
His hand eventually slides between you, pushing past the waistband of your bottoms and grinding his palm against you teasingly
‘Now, who do you belong to, darling?’
You you youyouyou—
Your hand was rubbing along Iida’s hard cock, his length straining against his pants to the point you’re almost worried they’ll rip
Somehow the two of you had been so lost in one another that you hadn’t heard the door open at the top of the stairwell
Denki and Mineta honestly weren’t creeping this time— they just wanted a snack from the vending machine adjacent to you!
Got a whole ass meal instead 👁👄👁
A moan tore from your throat, quickly being smothered by Tenya’s parted lips as you came on his fingers
You had barely made out the echoing sound of objects clattering to the ground through the ringing in your ears
But your boyfriend had heard
His lips separated from you in an instant, shocked gaze shifting into something closer to anger as he recognized your classmates
Denki began stammering out an apology, looking close to short-circuiting as his attention flickered between you
Mineta had let his gaze linger on you for too long. His eyes taking in the way your exposed chest— Tenya must have pulled the buttons loose
You cringe away from his gaze, post-orgasm haze™ spurring you to tuck yourself closer to Tenya to avoid their stares rather than snap at them
It was your obvious discomfort that had kicked Iida into gear, twisting to thread your button your blouse together before rounding on the others
If embarrassment wasn’t enough, the thought of them having seen you in such a vulnerable position had him seething as he began his lecture
Attempts hand chopping them into submission, but they kept disregarding his words in favor of catching another glimpse of you in a fucked out state
All fondness for his classmates had vanished as he stepped into their line of sight, shielding you from their gazes. His eyes almost daring them to continue
Whatever words lingering on their tongues died off, heads bowing in shame as they agreed to keep the entire situation to themselves
After all, the potential wrath of Tenya Iida was not something to be taken lightly.
Mirio’s love language is touch, without a doubt, so it’s honestly surprising when he’s NOT trying to get handsy with you
He’s always defended his obvious displays of affection by claiming he had so little free time— he’d be a fool to waste the opportunity to touch you!
Mirio jumped at the opportunity to feel you against him. Whether it was a heavy kiss to your lips after walking you to class, a hand slipping under your shirt to caress your back, or his fingers trailing teasingly along your thigh.
However, as much as he was attentive, he was also forgetful.
It was because of that forgetfulness that you found yourself alone in your dorm. Countless boxes of takeout were lined up on your desk and a pre-planned movie was ready to play on your small tv.
After a few hours and countless delivered messages, you succumbed to disappointment.
The following day Mirio can’t seem to figure out why you’re avoiding him, but he refuses to give up without a fight.
Definitely thinks it’s a game of some sort and takes it upon himself to break your silent streak
It wasn’t easy being upset with Mirio. He had an uncanny ability to brighten any room he stepped into and being irrevocably in love with him only strengthened his effect
He’s always hard for you and loves letting you know just how you affect him— so why not place a hand on your hand, pressing firmly against your back when he slips past?
You always look so stunning— why not feed you compliments at every given moment?
How could he not look at you with the most iNTENSE GAZE undressing you with his eyes in front of everyone?
It’s when he realizes that you aren’t reacting to his teasing and flirtatious behaviorist that he caves.
He finds you between classes, stirring you away from the crowd, despite your wordless protests. It isn’t until you’re tucked away in an abandoned hall that he finally asks what was wrong
You had fully intended on dragging it out, allowing anger to push you on. But he spoke to you in the softest voice, looked at you with eyes filled with so much devotion that it was nearly overwhelming
He is shocked when you shove him away— were you tearing up??
Actually gets super defensive because he doesn’t realize HES the one that made you upset
Once you finally cave and remind him about the date he had missed it hits him like a freight train.
The two of you so rarely got time together and he had stood you up.
‘I’m so sorry, baby. I’ve been so busy lately— I didn’t realize I was neglecting you.’
Does not waste time making it up to you. He cups your face in his hands as he starts placing soft kisses on your face, cooing softly as tears roll down your cheeks
Did somebody say praise kink?
How can you stay mad at him when he’s telling you how sorry he is and that he loves you and you’re the only one his dick will get hard for??
It isn’t long before he’s pinned you between him and the wall, hitching your legs around his waist while coaxing you into a heavy kiss
His hips flex to grind against you, his hot length slotting between your thighs as he digs his fingertips into the curve of your ass
Mirio does not care that somebody could see— his quirk leaves him naked all the time and he’s shameless 🥵
But again he’s so forgetful—
And he was meant to go straight to class 1A to talk with them alongside the other members of The Big Three
So when he didn’t show up Aizawa had sent Tamaki and Midoriya in search of their future number one hero
How were you supposed to know they would turn the corner just as you arched from the wall?
Mirio had no idea anyone was there as he used the hand that was wrapped around your throat as leverage to grind you over the edge—
bOY were you embarrassed when you heard the two boys audibly g a s p
Midoriya’s embarrassment nearly gave Tamaki a run for his money. You were quick to turn away, immediately hiding your face in his chest as he greeted the duo in an overly cheerful voice
Absolutely teases the three of you over the incident FOREVER!!
Shigaraki was obsessed with you.
There was no way around how infatuated he had become and it only seemed to grow alongside your relationship
He was touch starved. The moment you began giving him physical affection and attention it was game over
He had no shame, especially when it came to his desire for you, which is how you often found yourself perched on his lap no matter the company.
That being said, the leader of the League of Villains became intolerable when the two of you were separated for long.
And a recent spiral of events has prevented you from returning to the hideout, thus leaving the others to deal with him
You weren’t expected to return until the following week. Aside from texting Shigaraki endlessly (didn’t he have anything better to do?) and assuring Twice and Toga that you’d be returning as soon as possible, you hadn’t had much contact with the League
Shigaraki was wound up tight, lashing out at the others far more than usual. That was how he ended up sitting at the bar, Father concealing his annoyance as Kurogiri took over the meeting.
And suddenly you were walking in, muttering a quick apology before taking the only available seat beside Toga
Shigaraki could not keep his eyes off of you, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by the others. It was the most present he had been since you left.
Of course, that meant Dabi has also noticed and never missing an opportunity to mess with their ruthless leader he shifted closer from his place behind you, muttering small talk into your ear
There is no doubt in my mind that Shigaraki was staring at you both like 😠 behind Father
Luckily the meeting had been wrapping up upon your arrival and the group was dismissed, many leaving to handle their own business.
However, the moment you had leaped to your feet Tomura had vanished from the room
With a sigh you moved over to the bar, sliding into the seat that had once been occupied by your man and Kurogiri placed a drink before you
By the time you had downed the last bit the bar had gotten eerily quiet, though when you shifted to speak to the Misty Man he was already looking over your shoulder. With a single nod, he had left the room.
The moment he was gone leather artist gloves shoved under your top, your heart racing at the all too familiar feeling as a palm settled between your shoulders
‘I’ve missed you, pet.’
There was a harsh tone to his voice, but it was contradicted by the trail of open-mouthed kisses he pressed along your neck and shoulder
Your entire body arched against him, head craning back to catch a glimpse of him, smiling widely as you met his gaze and returned the sentiment
A scoff slid past his lips, though you could see the amusement dancing in his gaze as his hand reached around to wrap around your throat
Despite the gloves, he kept a pinky in the air
His mouth covers yours in a sloppy kiss as his hips jolt sharply against you, knocking you against the countertop
Absolutely cannot control himself as he ruts against you, wasting little to no time in pushing your bottoms down past your thighs
Heat pooled in your stomach as his free hand reached between you to pull himself from his jeans
His dick slid between your thighs, a throaty whine sliding past your lips and despite the slick from your arousal the thick head stretched you perfectly
You had been completely lost in him, moaning and whining freely as he continued to rut against you.
There was a click throughout the room, similar to the door handle being twisted and your attention was adverted to the source
However, Shigaraki was faster.
He grabbed the back of your head and using his hold as leverage to press your face flat against the bar-top while his other hand worked against your sensitive center. A loud moan that was undoubtedly his name tumbled past your lips
‘There’s my little slut— louder, make sure they know who makes you feel this good.’
Unbeknownst to you, the person he wanted to be sure knew you were his had entered the room, Tomura meeting his gaze with a smirk as you began chanting his name like a prayer
A harsh thrust of his hips sent you over the edge as you came on his cock, filthy praises slipping past his lips as his hot release rolled down your thighs
He placed another sloppy kiss on the back of your neck before parting from you.
The moment you lift your head and begin adjusting yourself you lock eyes with Dabi
Embarrassed didn’t even begin to explain how you felt as Tomura let out a loud laugh, reaching down to pull your bottoms up after he had tucked himself away
‘Go wait on my bed while I speak with Dabi and I may let you come on my tongue.’
You wasted no time hurrying away from the two, heart pounding from both excitement and humiliation as you rushed to do as you were told
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tqmies · 3 years
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✩‌hyunjin hwang x‌ ‌fem!reader‌ ‌| vp!hyunjin + university au | enemies to lovers |  ‌+ 2.3k words ✩‌
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ Running for student council president was supposed to be a joke! You had never even intended to win! Unfortunately, that’s not how the former president, Hwang Hyunjin, saw it.
WARNINGS ⇾‌ hyunjins kinda rude, underage drinking, cursing, one (1) sexual innuendo, a little argument
NOTES ⇾‌ this has been sitting in my drafts forever! let me know if you guys would like another part cause i really like this concept :)
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You were quite, if not one hundred percent, sure that Hwang Hyunjin permanently had a stick up his ass. With his perfectly ironed uniform matching his perfectly styled hair and his perfectly shined shoes. Yes, you could not stand people like him, and he wasn’t particularly fond of you either. 
So what put you in the position where you had to see him everyday? 
To put it plainly, everything could be traced back to being Han Jisung’s fault.
“What do you mean by that? I’d do a amazing job!” You pout, slightly offended at what your friend insinuated. “You’re as dumb as a bag of bricks.” He deadpans, “Maybe even dumber! Plus Hyunjin would rip you apart.” 
You pull back to smack him on his arm, going back to viewing the poster. The poster was informing you of the upcoming student council elections. Normally you wouldn’t have given this a second thought, but you had jokingly suggested you should run and your friend said you had no chance. You were ever so adamant to prove Han Jisung wrong, and show that you could indeed, be a amazing vice president. 
Oh how it had distastefully backfired. 
You see, so many people were excited that you were running, that during elections, you had been chosen as the new student council president. Unexpectedly snatching the spot of the only and only Hwang Hyunjin.
You remember the look on Yang Jeongin, the treasurers, face as he handed the results of the ballots to the ex president himself. Showing that you had taken his place, and he had be demoted one.
To say he was pissed was a understatement, 
You could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.
You hadn't purposefully intended this, honestly you just wanted to run for vice to see if you even had a shot. You didn’t even want to accept the spot at first,  being the actual president seemed to be a lot of work, and you weren’t even sure you were cut out for that. 
But somehow, with a lot of convincing from your friends (and especially your junior officer Yuna), you accepted. 
So that’s how, what was a stupid joke, turned into you picking the theme for this years homecoming. 
“So i’m thinking blue,” You say, wanting to stray away from your boring school colors, “Or maybe like a light purple! That would be pretty!” You smile at your secretary Yeji. 
“Purple? Blue? what is this, a child's birthday party?” A voice speaks from behind you.
You turn around to face Hyunjin, staring at some papers in his hands concerning organizing the fundraiser. He, of course, only had a small say in it, as every decision came through you. Nevertheless, you didn’t want to deal with it so you dumped it all on his lap and basically said “Go crazy”. 
You roll your eyes, “Okay Hwang, what color do you suggest?”
“Black,” he spoke, “Simple and gets the point across.” 
The room is engulfed in silence as you mentally cringe at his suggestion.
“What the fuck” Your head officer, Ryujin, splutters. “God Hyunjin, What is this? A funeral?” She leans back in her chair. 
You were inclined to agree, c’mon, black? Just sounds like he was a bit too lazy to pick a color.
“Okay then, just continue to remind me why I beat you out.” You speak, voice faltering at the end. 
Your eyes widen as he slams his hands down on the table and heads out of the room. Eyes ablaze and a pissed expression donning his face. Looks like a guy couldn’t take a joke. 
It reminds you a bit of the first interaction you two had. You were the new transfer student at the school. Everyone was a bit captivated by you, eager to be your friend and get to know you. Even the teachers seemed to glow particularly around you. 
Hyunjin hated this, he thought you were obnoxious and kind of loud, no wonder you got along so well with Han Jisung, the class clown.
So he made it a point to avoid you, quite literally never speaking to you and just consistently reminding you how much better than you he was, feeling he had something to prove.
You on the other hand, just thought he was a stuck up little prude.
So one day during class, you had made a particularly funny comment, that everyone laughed at, but had ultimately disturbed class. Hyunjin, balled fists and all, lost his composure and publicly called you out for such disruption. 
No one had really ever seen him this upset before, but before you knew it, the whole school knew just how much of a disdain the boy held for you.
Unfortunately for him though, it didn’t tarnish the liking they held of you. 
You had dealt with people who didn’t like you before, but you weren’t even sure what you did to said boy. He hadn’t liked you before this situation, so it wasn’t just the matter of the council. 
Forgetting about it, you turn your attention back to the task at hand. You were delving into food options when Yeji mentioned something that peaked your interest.
“You know if anything, I think he’s still upset you replaced his vice president, those two were super close.” She stated, making you raise a brow. 
Thinking back, you couldn’t even remember the old vice president. You were never one for student affairs before, so you can’t even picture what this mystery person looked like.
“Well what happened? Why didn’t they run for another spot in the council?” You asked.
“i mean, most of us are the best at our jobs, so no ones touching us. Not to mention that there aren’t very many other roles of involvement besides just being a plain member.” Yeji elaborates.
“I see,” you furrow your browns. “that’s rough.”
“Not really, she was just super upset she didn’t have a position of power anymore so she rage quit.” 
“Yeah it’s no wonder her and Hyunjin were so close.” Your historian, Seungmin, comments, walking into the room.
Your mind deters from the said subject as you notice the photos he held in his hand, you grab at them, excited to see how they turned out. You had been waiting on these since the day you took them.
“Ah ah,” The boys says as he swats your hands away from said pictures.
“Let me see!” You pout, questioning why he was hiding them, you all had taken photos of you guys to hang up in the front of the school. It’s not like it was a secret or anything.
“You’re not interested in these, trust me, you’re not even in them.” He explains, “These photos were taken pre-election,”
You quirk a brow at the statement, why would they take pictures ahead of time?
“Cause Hyunjin’s bitch-ass suggested we took them early. He was so sure he’d still be president when these came out.” Ryujin laughs, poking another jab at the boy as she answers your mental question.
“So you guys were ok with excluding new freshmen from the photos?” You inquire, thinking about how mortified Yuna would’ve been seeing herself missing from the council photos.
“Well it was the vp’s idea.” Seungmin chirps in again, tossing the photos in the recycle bin.
“Old vp,” Ryujin replies, “Geez I hate to say this, but I prefer Hyunjin as our vice as to her.”
“Why? Cause he can’t suck up to the president to get what he wants?” 
“Suck up? You mean suck di-”
“Hey, woah woah, we don’t know that for sure!” Jeongin, who was listening silently, interrupts.
Mouth agape, Ryujin recoils, “Yes we do! Remember that time she dropped to her knees so Hyunjin would do her stupid bake sale idea!” 
Before you could you even comment, the door to the room slams open, revealing your best friend. He strides to your desk, despite Seungmin’s plead that only student council members were allowed here, he plots himself in the chair next to you. 
“Are you almost done with your boring little stuff?” He groans, noticing the colored paper you had spread on your desk. “What are these even for? You making a craft?” He ask’s, picking up one and looking it.
“Fuck you,” You laugh, “Is that all you think i do in here?” 
“Besides fight with Hyunjin?” He contemplates, looking to the floor, “Yes.”
Snatching the paper away, you ask, “What are you even doing in here? I thought you were gonna go with Chan and Changbin to that party.”
“Party?” Ryujin quirks, leaning forward in her chair.
“Nuh uh dude,” Jisung responds, “Last time you came, Changbin said you vomited all over his shoes-”
“Yah Han! I don’t particularly wish to hear Ryujin’s too-much-soju nightmare.”
“You drank soju?” Yeji shreiked. “Without me?”
“Yeji! Anytime I mention drinking you bring up how illegal it is”
“It is illegal for our age! But i never claimed to be a law abiding citizen-”
“So,” Jisung says, turning to you amid the drama. “Wanna come?”
You stay silent as you consider the offer, you knew you couldn’t. You knew you were supposed to stay after school today to finalize some pep rally plans with Hyunjin. But did you really wanna sit here all night arguing over when the mascot should arrive? Hyunjin would probably just whine until you gave in.
“Hyunjin would beat my ass.” You reply, looking back down at your desk. “I told him we could go over the pep rally plans”
“So? You that scared of him?” Jisung teases, now hes really hit a nerve. “Plus, you’ve been working hard all this week! Don’t you think you deserve a minute to yourself? Don’t let your fear of Hyunjin stop you!” 
You’re not dumb, you know what hes trying to do. 
If there’s one thing Han’s good at, its pushing your buttons. 
He smirks as you respond, “Me? Scared of little Hyunjinnie?” 
“So i’ll see you there?” He raises a brow, awaiting your response.
“Me too!” Ryujin jumps up, to which Jisung rolls his eyes.
And with all thoughts of anything else in the back of your mind, you nod.
You lazily cling onto Jisungs arm as you approach the shared apartment of his two friends. You had met Changbin and Chan before, on multiple occasions,  and you adored the pair. 
Though with your new found club, you had been to busy to see them in months.
“Finally found some time for us Mrs. President? ” Chan asks, grinning, as he approaches you. He takes notice of your outfit, still in school uniform, as you had no time to change. “You hadn't left school yet?”
“No, we stayed behind for some organizing stuff.” You speak, as Changbin emerges out of the crowd, setting his eyes on you.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” He laughs, the smell of alcohol evident off him. He points a finger at you before pulling you into a hug as Chan asks him what he means.
“Hyunjin,” He says, casual as ever, “He said he wouldn't be here cause you guys had a meeting.”
“Ooh.” Chans’ eyebrow rises in a perfect arch, a matching grin curling his mouth. “Hyunjins gonna be mad..” He teases.
You scoff. “Don’t say things like that,”
“Like what ?”
“Like Hyunjin’s the boss of me.” You roll your eyes.
“If anything,” Jisung starts, “Shes the boss of him” 
“Look I came here to get away from Hyunjin, so can we stop talking about him?” You ask, making it past the boys to find the drink table.
You needed something to get you through this night, cause you were in for a chewing out in the morning.
The chewing out came sooner than you thought.
As a very red, and very angry Hyunjin, stood before you.
Placing a hand on your hip, you turn to look at the boy as you wait for him to say something.
You raise your eyebrows, as if saying get on with it, but yet he doesn’t seem to get the hint as he says nothing.
“Whats’ got your panties in a twist?” You scoff, yelling over the loud music as you bring your cup to your mouth.
You gasp as the cup is knocked out of your hands, “Are you fucking insane?” 
Hyunjin just grabs your wrists and drags you out of the room as you plead, well more like yell, at him to let you go.
“Me? I’m insane?” He whispers under his breath, disbelief written on his face. “I can’t believe I thought you’d actually take this shit seriously.”
Your eyebrows furrow as you lean against the counter of the kitchen he brought you too, far enough away from the crowded area that you heard every comment he made.
“What are you talking about?”
“I really trusted that you’d take this seriously, but I see to you its a big fat fucking joke.” He says, taking a swing of something in his own cup.
You were fuming, how dare he come here and question your dedication to the council? Sure he was right, but only a little bit. Anyways, who did he think he was to come in here and tell you that?
“Will you calm the hell down?” You speak, “It’s fucking uni student council, this isn't the american supreme court”
“You just don’t know how to actually put effort into anything, you think you can just ride around on your high horse and not have to work for anything.” He says, looking you in the eyes.
Like hell you were going to let him talk to you like that.
“Hyunjin, you’re pathetic.”
And with that statement, you leave, Hyunjin stunned that you had the audacity to say that to him.
And the fact that he found it so hot.
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