#and thank u mikke
curse-of-rose · 10 months
Not me shit posting once again and once again getting reaction
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Senpai noticed me
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loksthegreat · 7 months
1. are you named after anyone? Yes my great great grandma! (A variant of her name thou, since my parents didn’t want me to have a gendered name)
2. when was the last time you cried? On like this Wednesday (I failed my drivers license test :/)
3. do you have kids? Not yet
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I did ballet and archery as a kid, but I’m really not into sports soo…
5. do you use sarcasm? Apparently? I have been told that I do but I don’t really notice it
6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? Their face maybe? Or their eyes? At least I can always remember everyone’s eyes very well so I assume I pay attention to that a lot
7. eye color? Blue
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings… I just want everyone to be alive and well
9. any talents? I’m freakishly good at memorizing stuff, also drawing I guess
10. where were you born? In Mikkeli, Finland
11. hobbies? Reading, drawing and hiking!
12. any pets? Our family dog, Mo <3, my cat Morle, and I guess I’m sort of a stepmother to my boyfriends dog Konohamaru, so I’ll put him as well :)
13. height? 179cm or 5‘8
14. favorite school subject? Strangely enough, maths
15. dream job? Kindergarden teacher!!
TAG 15 PEOPLE: funfact about me: I’m really nervous about initiating interactions with others sooo, I’ll just say thank u to @sshireens for tagging me and put some of my mutuals and hope it’s okay… @melinoyart @yuayuahulahula @highgardenart @omnipotent-scient @chic-beyond-the-wall-oc-acct @somethingclevermahogony @selfproclaimedunicorn @salialenart
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hotcat37 · 6 months
(now take a seat in one of the isles N head straight 2 the open bar N buffet 4 as I tell U the story of one of the most chaotic but magical weddings in JOblr N Kablr history :3)
The day had finally arrived,the day our fave German Shepard N husky duo were going 2 promise themselves 2 eachother forever.The JO boys were helping out with last minute preparations (N driving Kris insane cuz everything had 2 be done by a very specific list he made as soon as the couple announced the wedding date N it had 2 be PERFECT)they even managed 2 get the rings around Ollie’s collar without him jumping everywhere,meanwhile Jere was with his crew + Tommy getting ready 4 the biggest day of their friend (or in Mikke’s case little brother) life.Alas everything was ready N up 2 (Kris’s extremely high) standards,the guests made up of the two grooms family,close friends N some of the esc family as everyone took their seats in the isles amongst the giant sunflower covered Alter Jure made 4 the soon 2 be husbands when Jere began waking down the isle (poor Nacko almost had a heart attack cuz of how ethereal his fiancé looked right then N there) the vow’s were said,Ollie successfully kept the rings safe till he had 2 give them 2 one of his dads 2 set his promise 2 be love N be by Jere’s side forever in stone,everyone was a crying sobbing mess throughout the whole ceremony.(even the daltons couldn’t keep it together or Tommy surprisingly) N then it came time 4 the officiate 2 marry our beloved Pokémon loving now husbands which was sealed with the whole “U may kiss the bride” thing.(Mikke was gonna be their wedding photographer but my man deserves a break so they got Damon 2 do it instead) N as soon as that was over particularly all the guests booked it 2 the open bar N buffet,speeches were made,the newlywed couple held hands as they cut the cake which lead 2 a small cake fight,Kris spent most of the after party sipping tequila N hanging out with Haarija,Bojan N Jure got shitfaced drunk N made out by the buffet (almost squishing the pokeball themed strawberry plater while they were at it) Nace thought Jan went missing until one of Daltons found him playing with a bunch of stray cats who found their way into the venue,Jere’s lil nephew N niece LOVED Ollie N couldn’t stop petting him N playing fetch with the lil dog N as soon as the party was over N everyone had settled into their hotel rooms the Gengar N Bulbasaur loving newlyweds had mind blowing sex but alast they were happy N knew that whatever happened 2 Joker out or Kaarija they would go though it with love in their hearts N eachother by there side..✨✨✨✨✨
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NACE/JERE WEDDING CANON!!! this was such a joy to read aaaaah I love Tommy in particular being among the guests 💞💞 Ollie being the ring keeper I can't 🥺🥺 Shocking he didn't run off though haha 😂 Nace would for sure almost faint looking at Jere walking down the isle <3♡♡ Jure making the altar sunflower themed :D 💕 And Kris' extremely high standards lmao ☠☠ Jan vanishing but only to play with stray cats is so real 🐈‍⬛💞💞
Them having mind blowing sex after haha XD The visuals accompanying the story are sooo good omg what what gorgeous wedding!! Love how purple it is 💜💜 The Pokéball flowers :")🥰 Thanks sm for blessing me with this ask!!
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faux-fires · 1 year
From the "40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers": 7, 28 and one of your choice!
Thanks Holly! For the 40 questions for fic writers meme:
#7: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
this dumb fucking joke from my dragon!fai/kurogane fic, Your Princess is in Another Castle. it's like 10 years old and I don't think anybody following this blog (except my fav scrublord, @mikkeneko) was in it with me, but i still smile to myself reading this fic and if u can't smile at ur own fic, what else is it FOR:
"Oh my god," Kurogane said, automatically, because like most dragons Ashura wasn't wearing any clothes. His knees suddenly felt very weak. "Um," said Fai, his glib tongue seeming to have deserted him. "Hello?" "Can I go?" Yuui asked Ashura. Despairing it was, then. At least he wasn't naked. It was a low bar to meet in terms of presentation, but so far two of the six people in this room weren't making it.
#28: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Easy peasy! #1, montparnasse, because i adore their poetic prose (as exemplified by the intro to my fav of their fics, the Hawkebella On Southerly Winds):
Once, lost-but-not-lost on a windless night at sea, Isabela told a young sailor, “You’ve got to live like everything can hurt you.” The sailor, new and green as a beansprout, said it was sound advice. She didn’t understand that it was not. It was fact, like iron in the blood.
#2, Spicyshimmy - handers fandom will know why, but i love their clever playing around with tone, their Hawke characterisation is so fun and sad, and Fareweel Regality remains one of my fav unreliable narrator stories. I also enjoy their larger ensemble pieces particularly in the Mass Effect fandom.
It didn’t take Bethany long to corner Garrett in the den, after he’d seen both the seneschal and Saemus out with a wink and a nod and a sigh of relief. ‘What on earth was that all about?’ she demanded, eyes alight with pure irritation, the mark of a truly loving sister. ‘Do you want the viscount’s son to think there’s madness in our family? Because that’s certainly how you were acting tonight.’ ‘Better madness than magic, I’d think,’ Garrett said.
And last but not least, #3, mikkeneko, my favourite scrublord. she can be ur angle:
"Hawke, what's going on here?" Merrill took in the scene with wide green eyes. "What did you do?" Hawke's expression was insufferably smug. "I found out how to use the Mirror of Transformation to make extra copies of myself," he said. "And... viola!" "That's the instrument," Varric muttered out of the side of his mouth.
... she can be ur deville....
"Promise me," Kurogane insisted. "I promise," he said. "I'll... do what I have to, to stay alive." So that you'll have something to come back to.
... but mostly, she's ur mikke.
Somewhere lost in the clouded annals of myth, in the vague spaces beyond the edges of the map where only dragons lie, in places unknown and untread by mortal feet, (do not pass Go, do not collect $200), in just such a dim and murky place, resides a tavern. This mysterious inn can only be reached by -- "How did you lot all get here, anyway?" Wei Wuxian asked. "Unmapped tributary of the River of Souls," mumbled Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Ninth Saint to the Serve the King Undying, the Reverend Daughter of Drearburh and Heir to the House of the Ninth. "Secret paths of Yggdrasil," murmured Loki Laufeyson, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Wizard of Lies, Thief of Giants, Foe of the Gods and Forger of Evil. "Experimental portals powered by the Elder Blood," said Yennefer of Vengerberg, court mage of Aedirn, hero of Sodden, refugee of Nilfgaard, mother of Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Lady of Space and Time. "I mean I came here on a donkey, but your things are cool too," said Wei Wuxian.
And ladies' choice, #1: Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
happy endings. eventually. 😎
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gojosattoru · 4 years
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↳ requested by @gracethedgraymaniac honey(*’∀’人)♥
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badlydrawntykimikk · 7 years
What if Tyki had facial hair?
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This is why he doesn’t let his stubble grow.
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thepioden · 7 years
mikkeneko replied to your post: Hey everyone new askbox meme send me a fandom and...
dragon age palemance
Firstly: Sera<>Blackwall. Their friendship, dude, it’s good.
Secondly, Bull<>EVERYBODY, which I wrote a fic about. 
HAWKE<>VARRIC PaleOTP forever.
Also Anders<>Justice because imagine if they actually got the opportunity to learn to work together in a healthy environment rather than y’know, Kirkwall
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lorei-writes · 4 years
Eeeeeeek! Lorei!😳❤❤❤❤🥺 In comming ask game spam heheheh❤❤❤🥺 5, 15, 24, 29
Love ya lots dear! Hope u are looking after ya self and taking it easy❤❤❤❤❤❤
Zeta spam is always welcome :D 
5. favourite song in your native language?
Hehe, I already answered this once, but let’s go for another one, shall we?
Lego - The Bill
(The Bill reads as debil in Polish, which means... An idiot).
It’s basically about... Capitalism, in short, I presume? In it, the persona asks their mother to buy them a set of lego blocks, so that they can build something beautiful, to create people with smiling faces - and then goes on to describe factories with high chimneys, workers who drink to numb themselves and who constantly fear of being fired, and sums it up “may they know who is big/great (wielki can mean both) and who is small”. 
My friend covered it and it sounds awesome when he sings it, so not gonna lie, it pushed this song up the line, haha.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Just one? Słowackiewicz (ship of two national bards). Jola Rosiek (twitter account which claimed to be one true lover of our president). Anything with Mikke (politician). Thank you from the mountain (jokes about poor English of one politician who was then still studying it). Bul (...very bad typo in a very bad place). Sasin (new unit of measuring money; named after a politician who kinda yeah, you know. What money?)
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Huh... Tbh, I don’t know :o I think it depends on region and whether you go to work abroad. 
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Kinda? I mean, I’m originally from a small town. I moved to one of the major cities. Overall, it isn’t too bad, but it sometimes happens that people from major cities view those from villages and towns as inferior. .-. I think it’s more severe with other cities, though, as I know some people who were made fun of for their... Accent. (Not to be that person, but yeah, nope, my hometown doesn’t have any dialect. The pronunciation is perfectly standard). 
Oh. And for some reason, Radom, Sosnowiec and Łódź seem to be kinda like meme cities. I don’t know why. 
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queen-schadenfreude · 7 years
Just some suggestions for the costume meme....5C for Solas from DAI 4B for Reyes Vidal1A for Anders
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sugar-sweet king of kadara
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myunqho · 4 years
This is the Love SLAP Raid Chain, send this to all of your favorite blogs that you think deserve to hear these encouraging words. In return we ask that those blogs send it to their favorite blogs as well. It's December, everybody deserves to hear a few words of encouragement no matter if you're a small or big account. So let's all fill your dash with positivity these last few weeks of 2020. You are amazing. You matter. You are loved. You deserve to have an amazing month. ♡♡♡
MIKK !! thank u bubs im so glad we met and got closer this year !!! iluu
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seromelo-tonin · 4 years
Got tagged by @dongiovannaswife to put my music list on shuffle and put down the first 10 songs. Thank you for tagging, ily!💕💕
1. Syn Cole - Feel Good
2. Aniktode - Turn It Up
3. Barren Gates & M.I.M.E - Enslaved
4. Rival x Cadmium - Willow Tree (ft. Rosendale)
5. Cartoon - Why We Lose (ft. Coleman Trapp)
6. Egzod - Departure (ft. evOke)
7. BEAUZ & JVNA - Crazy
8. Cartoon - C U Again ft. Mikk Mäe
9. Diviners ft. Contacreast - Tropic Love
10. Steve Hartz - Never Get Old
I think I'll tag~ @alwaysshoutnani @ifollowfugo @caffeinecroosh and @headoverjojo (but of course you don't have to do this if you don't wanna.)
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finnishhockeyelf · 5 years
2, 5, 9, 20, 21, 24, 26.
Oh! Here’s a lot! Thank u for asking me! ❤️
2 - Least favorite team?
I’d like to say the Caps, but they play such good hockey that it’s impossible to dislike them. I don’t like the Hawks and the Blues either.
5 - If I were stranded on a island with a player who would it be and why?
I’d take Sebastian because I feel like he’d be trying to come up with a solution to get us out of there and he’d be fun to hang around with. He probably wouldn’t stress about stuff too much and (got this idea from @i-like-hockey-a-latte ’s answer) he can fish, so wouldn’t have to worry about starving either.
9 - Fav number on a player?
20 on Sebastian Aho.
20 - One thing you hate watching a game?
Hmmm. Probably the inconsistency (how the fuck is that word spelled?) of the reffing in the nhl. I don’t really hate hard hits or fights etc. but I don’t like that the same thing sometimes is allowed, sometimes is worth a 2min minor, or sometimes it can get you ejected. They should have a consistent policy.
21 - What’s one thing you love?
Gotta say the hockey hugs. The ones after a big goal. Brings me so much happiness. ❤️
24 - Favorite Retired Player?
The Finnish flash, Teemu Selänne. 💙
26 - How did you get started with Hockey?
I’ve maybe already told this and I hope I told this the same way last time but anyways 😂
In 2011 Finland won the world championship and Mikael Granlund did the ilmaveivi aka the svech the lacrosse style goal and basically every finnish girl (and probably every dude too) was crazy about him and so was I. He played for the HIFK and I had claimed that to be my team previous year mainly just because my cousins cheered for the Jokerit (which are two Helsinki teams and rivalries back when they played in the same league) and I wanted to be edgy and have a different opinion. Then I started to follow Mikke’s career a little bit and kept up with HIFK also just a little bit and watched the world champs games in hopes to experience the ecstasy of winning again. Then in 2015-2016 the wjc tournament was held in Finland and I followed that closely just because everyone did. Finland won and I fell in love with basically all the players, but especially Sepe. I started to follow his career extremely closely and got into nhl hockey when he started as a rookie in 2016. Ever since I’ve been paying close attention to hockey. Oh gosh this turned into a long ramble. Sorry 😅
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yangzhouman · 7 years
Yo :), since you seem to be entertained by this (and who am I to refuse you? ) here's a few more: Allen Walker, Rhaenys Targaryen the younger, Tanaka Saeko, Mabel Pines, Azula, All Might, Yoichi Hiruma, Dino Chiavarone, Soos, Marcone and Excalibur!
i am crying this is so many i will have to do this under the cut
sexuality headcanon: gay. knows what makes girls pretty but isn’t attracted to them
otp: howard link, lavi, kanda
brotp: LENA, johnny, lavi
notp: road, tyki mikk
first headcanon that pops into my head: has been approached to have sex / perform sexual acts for money. i don’t think he’d have done it, but he’s definitely considered it.
favourite line: his insults for kanda but also his promise to mana. it breaks my heart every time because it’s such a damaging thing to keep but he’s stubborn in his ways
one way in which i relate: HE’S A LIAR
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: HIS LIES
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? he’s done some shitty stuff but he’s not that bad. it’s more like he wants to be problematic because then he doesn’t have to feel guilty about hurting people
TANAKA SAEKO (skipping rhaenys because i know literally nothing about her)
sexuality headcanon: big lesbian
otp: lev’s older sister is the only other woman in this manga so it’s gotta be her lmaooo
brotp: ryuu, yachi, her taiko drumming squad, noya, ukai and takeda
first headcanon that pops into my head: she passed her college exams but didn’t actually go to college, just went straight into restaurant work. but she’s happy
favourite line: she keeps yelling out hinata and her brother’s first names from the stands in the latest match and i LOVE IT
one way in which i relate: big sister? big sister.
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: her anime design how did they do her so wrong
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? she seems like a nice person? but cinnamon roll sounds too cutesy for her.
sexuality headcanon: she’s young so she’s still figuring it out but i’m gonna say straight, for now. i know there was this big thing about her rainbow sweater but she’s a kid. give her time
brotp: dipper, wendy, gruncle stan and ford
notp: dipper, bill, stop doing this
first headcanon that pops into my head: has definitely eaten glitter to make her insides sparkly
favourite line: ooof when she says “i trust you” to stan in ‘not what it seems’
one way in which i relate: fashion is meant to stop traffic
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: when her enthusiasm doesn’t match up with dipper’s but i love them both they’re good siblings
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll don’t fight me on this
sexuality headcanon: lesbian but it’s not important. she doesn’t have time for people, she’s got a world to conquer
otp: ty lee
brotp: ty lee, mai, zuko
notp: uhh anyone else lmao
first headcanon that pops into my head: i don’t have headcanons for azula, i have regrets for what she never was. i think she has no patience though–she’s the epitome of ‘gifted child’ and v unforgiving of herself and others. she probably never takes rest days, and even when she’s relaxing she’s thinking.
favourite line: “don’t flatter yourself, you were never even a player” to long feng, and “i am a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings” to toph and sokka
one way in which i relate: that massive spiral into madness and decay? self sabotage in an attempt to better herself? big mood
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: when she’s at that party trying to flirt with chan lmaooooo
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? the biggest fucking problem. i blame her family but it’s also on her
sexuality headcanon: big gay
otp: naomasa, aizawa, present mic, nighteye
brotp: all of the staff, naomasa, midoriya inko
notp: deku (why is this a thing), midoriya inko
first headcanon that pops into my head: he’s gonna die soon. it’s all i can think of whenever i see him, and it’ll kill me too. god, i don’t want it.
favourite line: he says “shit” a lot in the subbed anime and each time is better than the last
one way in which i relate: persona and role that are bigger than him
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: he has no idea how to teach. none. somebody send him to college pls
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
sexuality headcanon: why the fuck would he care about this (straight)
otp: mamori
brotp: kurita, musashi, sena
notp: agon
first headcanon that pops into my head: i truly believe kurita and musashi’s parents love hiruma. yeah he’s terrifying and violent but he clearly loves his friends, and they can see it. mamori’s parents probably take a lot of convincing tho
favourite line: anything he says when he’s wearing that black turtleneck in the america arc. i don’t remember a single word but that look was iconic and so everything he said was iconic
one way in which i relate: violence before any rational method of communication
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: he’s not that embarrassing? i suppose it could be embarrassing when he’s on his ‘terror’ thing if he’s not doing it well enough, but he does. he’s really scary lol
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fave. stop blackmailing people, hiruma
sexuality headcanon: bi
otp: hmm. i don’t really have an otp for him? sometimes squalo? happiness. i ship him with happiness and good fortune
brotp: romario, squalo, tsuna, hibari
notp: hibari, tsuna
first headcanon that pops into my head: has been considered by model scouts at events, who would have approached him had they not seem him immediately trip over his own feet
favourite line: whenever he calls tsuna “little bro”
one way in which i relate: gets really shit at doing things if he isn’t with his friends
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment: everything he does is embarrassing, especially when reborn is around
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? look, i know he’s a mafioso, and he’s probably killed a lot of people. but he’s a cinnamon roll to me
i think that’s all i know? but this was really fun lmao thank u esha ur the best fake gf
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faeriexqueen · 7 years
whaddaya think some of the noah's wands would be?? whoever u feel up to doing. d'you think for Symbolism allen & the earl's wands would be the same?
Hello!Ohhh, I hadn’t thought about the Earl just yet! I think there would be a link between his wand and Allen’s though(perhaps through the phoenix feather core?). I don’t think they would have the same wood though – aspen is a wood Ithink Neah would be more likely to have.   I did a few of the Noah for you, along with the Earl though! ^^TykiMikkChestnut, dragon heartstring, 13 inches, highly flexible.“This is a most curious, multi-faceted wood, which varies greatly in itscharacter depending on the wand core, and takes a great deal of colour from thepersonality that possesses it.” (Pottermore)
The fact that Chestnut is a multi-faceted wood is what caused me to immediatelythink of Tyki.  We know that Tyki hasboth a dark and light side (thoughsometimes they appear to be in conflict), and I think this type of wand wouldadapt well to that.   Also, when pairedwith dragon heartstring as a core, this type of wand is commonly paired withindividuals who are fond of luxury andmaterial things, regardless of how they are obtained.  Although Tyki is not someone I would exactlycall materialistic, it’s important to note that he is the Noah of pleasure – and pleasure often comesfrom sensory indulgences.As mentioned already, the dragon heartstring core was one I gave to him becauseof the affinity it can cause for luxurious and pleasurable things.  I also think Tyki struggles with theexistence of Joyd, as he is one ofthe Noah who hasn’t fully allowed that self to awaken yet (and those with adragon heartstring core can be weaker when it comes to the darker arts –however, I DO think a phoenix feather could work as a potential core for Tyki.It’s a close call in my mind).RoadKamelotCherry, dragon heartstring, 10 inches, flexible.“…For cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power,whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought neverto be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength ofmind.” (Pottermore)Cherry suits Road.  This is a wood thatrequires strength of mind and self-control, of which Road is definitely capableof.  Despite being incredibly sadistic, Road can keep her composure when the situation is dire orcalls for it.  This is also a fittingwood, in that it is frequently mistaken as a more “ornamental” wood – whichcauses people to drastically underestimateits power (and Road, being the tiny and deviously cute individual sheis, has probably been underestimated before).Dragon heartstring is the core I ended up giving Road, mainly because asmentioned in the above quote it is a lethalcombination with cherry wood.  I can’tenvision Road having anything less.SherilKamelotElm, Phoenix feather, 13 inches, flexible.“Of all wand woods, elm, in my experience, produces the fewest accidents, theleast foolish errors, and the most elegant charms and spells; these aresophisticated wands, capable of highly advanced magic in the right hands(which, again, makes it highly desirable to those who espouse the pure-bloodphilosophy).” (Pottermore)Sheril’s human life consists of him being in foreign affairs and a morepolitical environment, so I imagine he would possess a wand with a wood that ishighly refined and sophisticated.  Sheril is also quite manipulative, so it makes sense to me that his wand would be madeof a wood that would be less likely to produce errors.  A wand that allows for craft and carefulplanning would be of great use to him.Phoenix feather seemed to work the best as his core.  I think when paired with elm, it would be apowerful wand. The allegiance of a phoenix feather is difficult to win over andcan be rather picky in choosing a wielder, but I feel it would work for Sheril.
WiselyKamelotSilver lime, unicorn hair, 10 ½ inches, rigid.“The reasons for these wands’ desirability lay not only in their unusuallyhandsome appearance, but also because they had a reputation for performing bestfor Seers and those skilled in Legilimency, mysterious arts both, whichconsequently gave the possessor of a silver lime wand considerable status.”(Pottermore)
Wisely would do well with a silver lime wand. Given that Wisely is so skilled in tapping into and playing withpeople’s minds, I can’t think of amore appropriate wood for his wand than one that is beneficial for assistingwith clairvoyance and legilimency.  Unicorn hair is a core I also think would be appropriate for Wisely. It mightnot be the most powerful core, but Wisely isn’t a fighter type.  This core is also the least subjected tofluctuations and blockages, which will certainly come in handy for Wisely. MillenniumEarlYew, phoenix feather, 13 ½ inches, mild flexibility.“The wand of yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life anddeath, which might, of course, be said of all wands; and yet yew retains aparticularly dark and fearsome reputation in the spheres of dueling and allcurses.” (Pottermore)
After going through the different woods, yew felt like the most fitting for theEarl.  The possessor of a yew wand canoften be viewed as a notoriousindividual, and there is a close association with this type of wood and death. This comes not only from the speculation that the wielder of a yew wandwill be adept of performing curses and tied to the powers of life and death,but also with the lore that wielders buried with these wands will have yewactually sprout from the graves to protect their corpses.  This wood is not intended for a timid individual by any means, andthose who wield yew wands are known to be highlyprotective of their families.  Whilethis can be challenged with the Earl’s relationship to Mana, Neah, and Allen,there is still the issue of how protective he appears to be of Road and theother Noah.Hands down, the Earl’s core would be a phoenix feather – and possibly a featherfrom the same phoenix of which Allen’s core came from.  Thanks for the ask!
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dgmana · 7 years
y’all gonna help me with my tarot cards
The Fool- Allen
The Magician-Cross
The High Priestess- Hevlaska
The Empress-
The Emperor- Komui
The Hierophant: Malcolm Lvellie
Lovers: Alma and Kanda
Chariot: Lenalee?WHERE DO U GO?
Strength: Lavi
Hermit: Mana Walker?
Wheel of Fortune: The Arc
Hanged Man: Tyki Mikk
Death: Millennium Earl
Temperance: Miranda (thanks @transboyhakuryuu )
Tower: Nea D. Campbell
Star: Lenalee? Where to put?
Moon: Road Kamelot
Sun: Johnny Gill
Judgement: Innocence
World: The Black Order
since no one in my server will help y’all gonna do it instead, suggestions on any of these, Allen will stay where he is no matter what. Also its best to think of all of these through Allen’s eyes and how he would see the world since the fool is the one journeying through the cards and their story.
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gojosattoru · 3 years
honestly ur always on my dash and u seem so nice and friendly. its warm here.
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omg sweetie!! thank you very much for the kind words!! >////< i’m happy to know that i am able to bring you warmth with my presence bby it really really is so sweet of you and made me burst with joy!! ^^ *hugs* you’re so cute hehe and thank you for liking my miwa icon hehe she’s so precious, i love her so much!! <333 oh and it’s not dumb at all it’s cool when people ask me these stuff ^^ so here it goes!
10 Fav Animes and Characters
Boku no Hero Academia - Dabi and Hawks;
Jujutsu Kaisen - Gojo Satoru and Sukuna;
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Tomioka Giyuu and Uzui Tengen;
Vanitas no Carte - Noé Archiviste and Vanitas;
Haikyuu!! - Ushijima Wakatoshi and Kageyama Tobio (i also love Bokuto and Kuroo >//U//< they are so freak' funny omg);
D.Gray-Man - Tyki Mikk and Lavi;
Bleach - Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez and Ulquiorra Cifer;
Shingeki no Kyojin - Levi Ackerman and Eren Yeager;
Sasaki to Miyano - Sasaki and Hirano;
Akatsuki no Yona - Hak and Jae-ha! 
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