#and that happened cause of a bunch of doodles I made
emily-mooon · 9 months
I have a Nordegrim AU idea! (again)
It’s hard to explain but Neil has seven evil ex arcade rivals that Stacey has to beat up in order to be able to go on arcade dates with him.
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splatoonpolls · 2 months
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Inkling born at the Square who's recently moved to Splatsville, she earned the money to move there in ways she's not really proud to admit, usually keeping it hidden from even some closer friends
Her dad was a jellyfish and her mom was a humboldt, her dad being a jelly made her very squishy and stretchy (arrow pointing at her says "silly putty")
She ate a buncha canned specials (with the can) when she was 16 so she's constantly charged with special charge (Arrows pointing at her and her tummy say "She's like an electric eel" and "Full of metal" respectively)
She can recharge this energy by eating, don't overfeed her tho. She'd get a tummy ache, and probably release a buncha electricity
Agent^3 (Agent to-the-power-of Three) (Cube for short)
She shows up every tuesday at 3PM to train with the Captain
Birthday on April 28th
She's Afro Latina
Even if I don't win, I'd appreciate your vote and if you're interested in her in any way feel free to ask about her!!
The Inkoid Typhoon that Ravages the Shoreline (Typhoon for short)
Backstory stuff:
Her egg got stolen and taken home by an inkling to be sold off and she ended up hatching in Splatsville, but later when she was little she got stolen back during a Big Run. Now she's inkfish-shaped and she Hates it (according to lore the salmonids have different builds based on where they hatched/how they grew up). Currently she plays drums (pots and pans) in a band and likes to take grizzco weapons from players to blast their faces off with. She also wears stolen grizzco uniforms bc they're the only clothes she has access to that fit her
She became inkfish-shaped due to her egg being stolen by an inkling and nearly sold off, but she hatched before that could happen and ended up wandering around Splatsville in her earliest years
Later she was able to rejoin a school of salmonid during a Big Run, but the early influences of Splatsville caused her to grow up shaped Like That (aka it's what made her a salmonling)
Despite her build, she's gotten herself a pretty solid place in her school! Her battle prowess especially is what earned her a name
Her necklace is made of fishing line and the charms were debris collected from the ocean
She wears stolen grizzco uniforms because they're the only clothes she has access to that actually fit her. The stolen grizzco weapons are just for funsies tho
She sometimes joins runs, but only ever comes out during low tide (since that gives her room to run around)
She Does Not like inklings or octolings. At all. Both because she got stolen by one and because the constant fights are getting annoying
She plays pots and pans as drums
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i3utterflyeffect · 5 months
hello!! yeah sorry I should have specified which au I was talking about
mhm I would love to know more about your dark color gang au! /gen
─ the pop in pop out-anon .
dark and chosen are probably on the run at the time, but they end up somehow running into the color gang WAY earlier than they would initially and end up raising them!
The color gang are already friends, but they're more likely than not an outernet stick rather than an internet stick? they don't exactly have any place to stay or parents either????
SC meanwhile is most likely a doodle that escaped from Alan's computer while he wasn't at his desk (still no clue how) but they didn't really know where they were when they were created, and all Alan really knew was that the file disappeared into nothing?
He mostly forgets about it though, since, well. It just kind of vanished. a file can't just do that. and the ALTERNATIVE is not great, because he still remembers dark and chosen.
anyway, the color gang ends up taking in SC as part of their group is the important part!!!
even though i've drawn them meeting because the kids were staying in dark and chosen's house, i actually do think they'd probably scout locations, because i imagine they have a lot of trouble with SC due to them being a hollowhead, and people don't exactly have a great view of hollowheads. you'd think they wouldn't take it out on kids but since TDL is still around and it's been less time since their reign of terror, sticks are a LOT more agitated about it
most likely they run into half the group while the other half (usually green, the other half of the group cycles though) is back holding down the base with SC
anyway Dark and Chosen are actually nice to the kids (because yeah. they get it. being on your own in a world that doesn't like you is scary, esp when you have 0 experience with life) but one of them realizes that they're hollowheads! both of them expect the kids to freak out and run off but actually they're pretty happy to see someone who won't immediately freak out upon seeing SC!
they bring the two over to SC (potentially because SC had been hurt or something) and they're immediately just 'ah, fuck, we can't just leave them here in the city,' so they decide to bring them back to their house!
of course the others insist on being brought along so despite some arguing they do eventually give in, thinking that they'll find somewhere else for them to stay and just let them visit SC every now and then. spoiler alert: this doesn't happen and the CG just ends up living there with them lol
chosen and dark essentially take the group under their wing in everything though, teaching the bunch of them and taking care of them and eventually coming to refer to the group as their honorary siblings due to their friendship with SC! they also take an interest in the crime side of things (much to Chosen's despair and Dark's delight) and they end up causing a lot of terror themselves!
Yellow and Red typically work with the virabots, with Yellow using some other tech as well since Dark encouraged them to work with technology a lot! Red generally does work with any semi-sentient robots though, since they really like doing that stuff!
Blue makes a lot of explosives and stuff! they've accidentally blown up a ton of stuff (including the house multiple times!) and generally is more destruction-based than the others, but they can do controlled destruction if they really have to! Chosen can be a little rough on Blue since they cause a lot of collateral damage, but they're pretty flexible!
Green generally is a melee kind of person who does more focused work or hangs out in the background! they're usually the planner or if a plan needs doing by a specific person, they usually take that over! they do more focused fighting in general!
also, i don't know if i've mentioned this, but Dark doesn't use the Virabands just for Virabots in this au! they actually made the Virabands for the kids!
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the virabands override admin permissions on a computer, preventing the sticks from coming to any harm involving a user trying to forcibly quit their programs or any sort of antivirus trying to get rid of them, and also preventing them from being 'tamed' similarly to Chosen!
this will be important later BUT!!!!!! i wanna talk about the gang's relationship with each other first!!! specifically the most interesting ones; yellow and SC!
first off, Yellow is very close with Dark, since they learned almost everything they know from them! they share interests so the two spend a lot of time together! they really value each other's company since they think a lot alike, and it makes things very hard when conflict starts to happen between them.
SC meanwhile is kind of under a lot of pressure! she's kind of considered the baby sibling of the group, and the others are really protective of her, but at the same time, she's under a lot of pressure to unlock her powers! Chosen and Dark are unintentionally kind of suffocating for him, and he can't really get away from them because they still view SC as their fragile little sibling.
SC still can't access their powers, but they can do a minimal amount of electricity if they really try or are particularly stressed. It's not really enough to hurt anyone, but it'll stun you.
SC loves everyone a lot, but finds them pretty overwhelming in general. Also their favorite sibling between the older two is Chosen because Chosen is chill about things and lets them sleep.
It's also worth mentioning that he does really want to seek out his creator! She feels like if she understood why she was made, it'd be easier to get her powers working. He ends up taking an interest in humans despite the other's discouragement, too.
ANYWAY! ALAN! Yes, Alan's here!
They get permission to go to user desktops from Chosen and Dark, so long as they bring things to defend themself with and also tell Chosen and Dark! (they do tend to ask what IP address they're going to, just to make sure, but they don't realize that the kids sometimes computer hop)
and eventually, they find themselves on Alan's computer! Alan isn't able to force quit SC's friends, so it's a lot less heated, but he does end up cornering a lot of them, before SC ends up finding the pencil, and Alan subsequently finds out SC can talk!
after that the whole thing kind of defuses because SC thinks the pencil is cool and Alan not only thinks that SC is great at art, but is also kind of shocked that they can talk! they end up getting along pretty well, and Alan lets them hang out as long as they promise to at least TRY to not break the computer. They're actually a little bit better than they are in canon, but they're still pretty bad about it lol
Alan does kind of become kind of a home away from home for SC in particular, and they end up visiting him a lot to just draw, talk about the things happening back home, help him learn how to draw-- all that stuff! they care about Alan a lot and Alan ends up treating them like an actual person, since it's a lot easier to recognize that they are when they talk about their life outside of the computer.
of course, this can't stay secret forever.
I think that eventually, Dark finds out the CG is at his computer, and tries to wreck his computer completely, even though the others are still on it. Dark's basically lost it on Alan because in their eyes he's manipulating them (and they know that he's capable of that considering they initially were on his side), and the CG is trying to stop them and have to go to Chosen, and it blows up into this whole thing
it's possible Dark actually ends up hurting the others, and SC in return ends up hurting Dark-- not to the degree of what happens in canon but it's just messy and painful for everyone, and the CG kind of have to spend time away from Dark while things cool down, and Chosen kind of has to sweep up the mess and explain everything that's happened, including WHY it was so upsetting
it's kind of messy for everyone to fix, but after realizing that the others trust Alan more after what happens Dark really realizes they completely fucked up, and tries to fix what they did, but it takes time.
they mostly move to Alan's computer for a while, but they eventually do reconcile!
that's all i've got for now but i do like this au a lot, it's one of my favorites thus far i think and i've been having a lot of fun with these guys ✌️
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gayhoediaz · 2 months
you know what i just heard? i heard that - that republicans are - are really upset… that - that we - that we call ‘em weird.
motherfucker, you guys are weird. you - you know that, right? all these flags, and the bumper stickers, and the fucking parades, and the boats, and the cars, and the truck nuts. like… you guys are fucking weird.
i don’t have a flag on my house that says “chad from accounting” because chad works for me. chad - we just hired chad to do a job, just like our politicians, we don’t worship politicians. you guys are fucking weird.
we don’t - we don’t buy their NFTs, we don’t - we don’t buy their trading cards. [laughs] you fucking weirdos.
all this worshipping is just wack-a-doodle, man. it’s just - it’s just fucking weird.
[beginning of sentence cut off] …politicians is just like, it’s just some people we hired, and - to do some work for us, to try and improve the country, try to improve the lives of the majority of the country. that’s who - that’s who we view politicians as.
you guys are talking about weird ass, you know, you got pizza gate. remember pizza gate? you guys thought there was a fucking child sex ring in the fucking basement of a pizza parlor in new york that didn’t have a fucking basement? and there was like - it was like jade helm 15, remember that? and then there was like 16 and 17 ‘cause it just never fucking happened, so you just kept changing the fucking year? remember that? you guys thought, like, we were all gonna get put in like fucking fema camps?
yall are legitimately weird, and yes, i am double fisted tonight. [shows a drink in either hand]. but that’s just - that’s just the way it goes, i have to be. because you guys make - make us drink. you realize, like… you make us drink. you stress us the fuck out.
like, i don’t wanna have to be sitting around, worrying about the end of american democracy. but here i am - sitting here, fucking worried about it, because you guys are bat-shit nuts.
so yeah, ya - ya are fucking weird. ya got - ya got a vice president that has a relationship with his love-seat.
the weirdest fucking thing is the guy you chose to be your fucking big, masculine, big, bad-ass hero is a guy that spraypaints himself orange, wears fucking heels, and bleaches his fucking hair piss-blonde. that’s your guy.
[takes a drink]
you goofy fucks.
[takes another drink]
look, guys, in the end, you guys used to be cowboys. you used to be the cool guys. alright? but now, you’re all fucking nerds. you’re - you’re all just a bunch of fucking nerds, man.
you wonder why women don’t wanna fuck you, it’s because you keep trying to take all their fucking rights away. you’re just a bunch of fucking nerds, man. you wonder why hispanics and latinos don’t wanna vote for you, it’s because you wanna fucking put their kids in cages. and you wonder why gays and lesbians and the gay community don’t wanna vote for you, it’s because you’re all fucking assholes and you wanna take away their right to marry each other. you just don’t believe in this liberty and justice - for all. for all.
fucking weird, man.
you wrap yourself in the constitution, but you really don’t believe in the constitution. you really don’t even know what the fuck is in it, do ya? you’re just fucking weird. ya made it weird.
[takes a drink]
and what i love the most about this for you fuckers - is that in november, you guys are going to get beat. by a beautiful, smart, accomplished, black woman.
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hopskip-andajump · 26 days
Ok so first there's Skip !
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Hes my main sona , and you've seen me doodle him a couple times ! He's mostly inspired by my black cat theriotype :3
He has A BUNCH of lore
Basically he was " made " in a lab ( he was just a normal cat on the side of the road until he got into the labs hands ) . The scientists wanted to see what would happen if they gave human levels of intelligence , biology , and sentience to a less intelligent lifeform , but they fucked it up a bit and made their biological form unstable , causing chirp to be able to shapeshift ! This is why he has that ear tag even though i always forget to draw it .
They later escaped the lab in a very violent breakout , running into the woods and meeting a forest kaiju named Kricket :3 Kricket cared for star and helped him recover from the whole trauma of being a science-experiment-gone-wrong , and also introduced them to an alien named Ryu ! Then they all dated and lived happily ever after in their little forest home together <3
( fun fact ! Kricket and Ryu are sonas I designed for both my partners !! )
Then there's my Scugsona , The Moss !
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They don't really have much lore to them , they're just a silly scug ^-^
Then there's my DOATKsona This Fucking Guy . That's his name . He's stupid and I hate him
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Then there's Bean , my TADCsona ! :3 ( you made him for me so I think you'd know him lmao )
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Hes a plush cat ! His head is made of a sort of smog , but he sort of harden it into a more solid object when he wants to . Meow first came into the circus at " night " ( technically there's no night there but shushushushush ) , causing them to panic and almost abstract immediately , before Greg ( belongs to @potato-in-dirt / the guy who sent this ask lmao ) found him and comforted him , causing Bean to imprint on him and form vague feelings for him ( that would get stronger down the line )
As he grew more adjusted to the circus , meow started hearing voices in their head , warning him about the whole circus deal ( these voices are from the abstracted players , due to some glitch in the circus programming hes able to hear them ) . These are mostly what caused them to spiral into more paranoia , that and their growing feelings for their friend ( who is dating Caine ) , knowing he wouldn't reciprocate . Due to this , meow retreated into their room most of the time , only accompanied by their plush kittypillar friend Bug .
Oh meows also trans and did his own top surgery :3
I do have a couple more sonas but I haven't drawn them yet :( will probably reblog this post and add them in the future
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annwhiskers · 5 months
Art school Portfolio project 1
Please, Go Home
Art school didn't end up happening for me (I'm going to do something completely different and more secure, and keep art and writing for myself for fun), so I thought I’d share my portfolio projects here.
Buckle up, this'll be long as fuck.
This is a story I’d been working on for years, since 2018. I’d rewritten it several times, until in 2023, I got the chance to come up with my own project at design school. Immediately, I knew this was what I wanted. I wanted to make this story into a real book. And I wanted to make it all by hand, cause bookbinding seemed cool to try.
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I had to come up with 2 ideas to do.
Subject 1
Book. Specifically a novel (written by me). I want to make illustrations of the characters, design the inside (text and design thingies and everything), design the cover. Print and bind it myself. Illustrations of the characters are in it, I’ll try to finish as many as possible, but I probably won’t be able to finish all of them. Then I’ll leave blank pages in and stick the remaining illustration in later. (I did finish them all, so I didn’t need to do this.)
Why? I love books. I read them a lot and I’ve been writing for years. Now I want to make a professional looking book myself. And of course I love to draw, I want to incorporate that too. I’d like to have completely handmade versions of the books I’ve written. I’d like to learn bookbinding.
Subject 2
Graphic novel. I want to learn to tell a story visually. And I want to experiment with color more.
Why? I like to read graphic novels. I want to tell and draw stories, and get better with color.
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A mood board of what I wanted, I chose the book.
Inside book
Physical book
Character illustrations
Little drawings
Dust jacket
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Little drawings
Finished product
Why? The main character writes and doodles in a journal. When he’s anxious or his head is full, he doodles a certain type of pattern to calm down. More of the design of the book is based on this. He also sometimes draws little things that he likes.
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Novels always have a serif font as the standard. Standard book font: Adobe Garamond Pro.
Other than that, I want to use quite a lot of different fonts that resemble handwriting for the chapter titles. The titles are quotes from a character in the chapter, each has their own font as their voice or handwriting. Sometimes, the characters write too, that’s also in their own font.
[A list of fonts.]
I made parent-pages for each type of spread that I needed. One with only text, one with an illustration and the start of a chapter, and 2 with only the start of a chapter on either side of the spread. And I made a bunch of paragraph-styles for all the types of text that I needed. I have 2 sections, 1 for the front matter, 1 for the rest.
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Final product
Here are a few spreads, I won’t show all of them, because that’s 308 of them.
Here I have a spread with an illustration, a basic page with a little drawing in it, and a regular chapter opening where I use one of the other fonts for the title. The titles are quotes, and the font shows who said it.
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Adult Fantasy Romance. What’s already out there? (Put a bunch of YA there, but whatever)
I want illustrated, probably with characters. Detailed or silhouette.
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Final product
Color choice. In the end, this is the illustration I went for. I showed the two bigger color choices from the last page to a friend, she said with the purple one, that the characters nicely sprung out of the image because of the orange. But the green one was more relaxed. I thought the green one fit better with the vibes of the book, but I really like the purple one too. I ended up switching the colours of the text and the characters, so the characters sprung out like the purple one.
Subject. The twigs are around it, because one of the main characters (the right one) often draws them in his journal. They’re also there in the rest of the book, in his journal entries. He’s writing in it on the cover. Left, he’s reading a book, because he does that often, and others in his family do so too. The two shadows are their grandfathers, who also knew each other, which the main two don’t know. Those two have quite a bit of history.
Title. The story is about them meeting each other, and they’ve both been away from home for various reasons. They push each other to go back to their families, that’s why it’s called ‘Please, go home’.
Font. It’s one of the characters fonts, orange left. I wanted to use one of the main characters’ fonts, and I liked this one better.
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Dust jacket
I put a description on the back, quotes on the front flap, and normally there’s an ‘about the author’ on the back flap, but I didn’t feel like doing that, so I put a short text there to give more context to the book itself.
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Sorry about the shitty quality of the next few.
Character illustrations
I sketched some poses I could use. Other than that, I’m not planning to sketch a lot, I’ve drawn all these characters before and I already have a good idea of what I want them to look like.
Style experiment
I tried something painty first, didn’t like it. After that, I experimented with the background. I didn’t want the colour to go all the way to the edge, because I didn’t want to have to deal with bleed and trimming. In the end, I didn’t give the background any colour, except black and white lines, as you can see in the final result. I liked the effect of only the character having colour.
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Earlier drawings
Final product
In the book, it’ll be greyscale.
(All the next few have the same text except the characters names, so I won’t translate again. Except if I did add some text somewhere.)
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And with this, all the illustrations are done. I'm not super happy with all of them, but I did my best to make them all unique and recognizable. And within 4 weeks. I'm happy with it.
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Physical book
Binding. At first, I thought about doing a standard case-binding, a standard hardcover book. But after watching some tutorials, I realised that's quite complicated and requires supplies that I couldn't easily get. I continued searching and found crisscross-binding or secret Belgian binding. It resembles a standard hardcover book, but you barely have to glue, you need less supplies, and it's easier for beginners. It looks cool, it's sturdy, but also flexible.
Paper and size. A5 size, then I don't have to trim and printing is easy. A4 folded. A4 cream novel paper, I want it to look as professional as I can. It's not the best paper for illustrations, but it does work, I've seen it in other books.
Material. I bought everything I need at an art store in the city, except the paper. I ordered that online.
Practice. As a try-out, I made a small book of printer paper and used watercolour paper. It went well, except that i didn't sew the pages to the spine properly.
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Final product
I put my printer at home in my room. First, I tried on standard printer paper if the printer did what I wanted it to do. Which it didn't. It couldn't print double-sided. But with Acrobat, I printed booklets. First only the front, then the back. So I managed to do it.
After successfully printing one booklet on the standard paper(left), I started printing the whole book on the cream paper. Within 1,5 hours, I printed the whole book, 19 booklets. Together with the testing, it took me about 2 hours.
I pressed the pages underneath my cutting mat with two bricks. I left it there for about a day.
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I cut the front and back cover out of cardboard, then covered it with linen paper. I drew a twig on it with ink and a brush. Then I poked holes in it for the sewing.
Here, I made the spine 2cm wide, which I thought would be enough. It was not. I'll get back to that. I covered the spine in linen paper, too.
I sewed the cover together, I followed a tutorial on YouTube. Then i glued the end papers on.
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Binding & Dust jacket
I poked holes (in the booklets) for the sewing, then I started sewing the paper to the cover.
When I'd sewn 6 out of the 19 booklets onto the cover, I was already halfway along the spine and I realised this wasn't going to fit. I undid all the sewing and remade the spine. This time 3cm.
The new spine was still a bit too small, even though I thought I'd exaggerated it a bit. The book doesn't close properly. But I refused to redo everything again, so I just accepted it. It was better after pressing it for a day. I didn't trim the edges, that was very difficult with the pages already bound into the book. I quite like the untrimmed edges.
I folded the dust jacket around it and pressed it, so it'd keep it's shape. And now the book is done. The paper of it smudges very easily. A little bit of dust on it and it won't come off. That's a bit disappointing. (Now a year later, it also isn't lightfast whatsoever. It stood in a dark corner of my bookshelf nowhere near the sun and the spine turned yellow. I guess I now know why covers have protective coatings on them. Which I didn't have the option for.)
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FINAL final product
This project was the most fun thing I did at this school. I've always wanted to do this and it's awesome I can now hold my own book in my hands. The binding was fun to learn, but also a challenge. Not everything went perfectly, like i said earlier. But now I've can learn from those mistakes. I'm quite impressed with myself that I managed to do this in this time. I wasn't sure I could do it. But i did dedicate every moment of free time I had to this.
(I did all of this in 5 weeks. All the teachers doubted me, that it was too much work, and just told me good luck. And I said "Watch me." Autistic hyperfocus activated.)
(The second paragraph isn't important, just a short description of the last discussion I'd had with my teacher about this.)
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Awful picture, sorry.
This is the final presentation I had at school for this, and this is where it stops for the school projects side of this. But it continues.
After this, I didn't touch it for a few months. Then I let a friend read it (digitally) and processed her feedback into the book afterwards. Then I published it on Amazon.
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This won't be the last time I do this. The whole process is really fun and fulfilling. And owning a real, published book that I wrote, illustrated and designed is awesome.
In case you're interested, click here to buy it.
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plutoons · 2 months
Can you do a tutorial on how your art process is done I’m about to quit on Art everything I make fucking sucks .
hey anon !! My art process is almost non existent cause i haven’t been able to stick to One definitive way and i don’t want to cause i think its limiting. I still have a long way to go for improving my skills and learning new things and figuring out different styles !!
Heres a quickk drawing showing what my “main” process is
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This is something i generally have stuck to for most of my posted drawings (i can post things specific to some drawings on a separate reblog ^^ im just to lazy to get pictures of em for examples rn)
Doodle !! I cant visualize shit, and usually have a very vague idea of what id like to draw Or just nothing at all. So I doodle messily with expressive gestures till’ i find something that sticks
choose one final concept/sketch and clean it up a lil so i have a way better idea of what im getting myself into
Base colors cause i hate doing lineart. So i just go straight into colors casue its fun and i like fun!! Right on top or on a diff layer it doesnt matter. I color pick with my eyes and put base colors or anything i think it would be cool. No pressure and it can messy cause I’ll clean it up and figure shit out later
fuck around and find out (rendering ig)—> i cant explain it super well or definitively. I just layer and throw colors on top till im satisfied or Done with it. I flip my canvas a bunch or check my values to make sure the results come out to look more coherent regardless of the mess of color
Im just a simple person and cant handle something that requires too many steps or things that havta be done Just right so this works for me atm. This may not be your jam but finding a process in that works for you through trial an error is just a part of art. Do what works for you!! I think experimenting is so important even if it sucks in the end
(more Words / “advice ?” under cut)
I have so many shitty drawings and sketches and even colored things that outweigh the tiny bits of art i decide to show off
I totally get that creating art can get really discouraging at times; not getting the results you want when you want them no matter how much effort you put in just sucks, but it won’t always be that way :] even if it takes you 10 years to find your groove and see improvement or 2 years, it’ll happen. I find that i’ve only improved when i actively didn’t give a fuck about how my art looks and only cared that i was having fun through it all, and thats hard cause perfectionism is a bitch and its hard to get rid of. You could improve with studies and daily practice for sure but moving towards improvement can be as fun and light n breezy as you want to make it, like taking a break to explore different hobbies or changing up mediums or fucking around and experimenting with it can help !!! Allow ur art to be bad; cause fuck it, at least you made something and thats really really cool. Once you cut urself some slack it’ll be easier to improve upon your skillset and slowly but surely get to where you want
Sorry im a bit tired idk if this is coherent so heres a more direct thing i’d like to say:
Maybe ur art isn’t where you want it to be rn and ik it can kill ur motivation to keep going at it (i’ve experienced this feeling a lot and im sure so have many others). But you gotta ease up on urself and stop worrying about results so you can allow yourself to experiment and have fun!! And its hard getting into that mindset but you gotta keep trying and you’ll find it getting easier
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
Going through all my follows rn, what's your favourite character/ship (platonic or otherwise) dynamics?
(also I know I've just randomly shown up in your asks, your time travel au has been an absolute joy to read, keep it up friendo!!!)
Thank you so much :DDD!!! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed reading my time travel au and I super appreciate the ask cause I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY ONE PIECE OPINIONS >:DDD!!!! I'll put it under read more ouo
Anyways my OTP,,,, is,,, NAKAMASHIP!!!! There's nothing more that I love than the strawhat crew ; - ; I have literally shed tears over all of my strawhats and I love that they all love eachother deeply... On my one piece reread- I made sure to pay extra attention to all the character interactions and jokes. And can I just say, I see so many people talk about how the strawhats barely interact post time skip, or that some characters are basically strangers to each other (I saw someone say this about Franky and Zoro), but THEY DO TALK!!! THEY HAVE SO MANY FUN INTERACTIONS!!!
Oda is SO good at balancing these funny little character moments between important story beats >:O I think Zou in particular had a bunch of nakamaship moments that I really loved. One of my favourite lesser loved dynamics in the crew is usopp and robin (which you would know if you looked at my art of them XD) because they have a bunch of funny bits between them :3
My romantic OTP of all time is ZOLU THOUGH. And I tried really hard to not ship it immediately when i first started reading one piece, because I do this kind of thing alot when I get into media where I latch onto the protag and the guy close to the protag and ship em together??? Like I was so obsessed with JohnDave that DaveKat just hurt me,,, And I liked bakudeku so much that I couldn't get into kiribaku... AND I DIDNT WANT THE TREND TO CONTINUE TO ONE PIECE T - T And it SOMEWHAT did, but it also somewhat didnt. When I first heard Zosan was the most popular ship, like leagues above zolu, I was in physical pain,,, But REMEMBER; nakamaship is my first otp, so I still really enjoyed the idea of zoro and sanji because I enjoy the dynamics between ALL of my strawhats >:(!!!
I'm super duper obsessed with one piece and it sucks that there's all this great fanfiction out there that is effectively barred against me because there's a ship that I don't like >:/ So what I did to become more accepting of Zosan is,,, I drew them making out a ton XD If you look at my early one piece doodle piles, you'll see one of them with a couple of zosan things HAHAHA. Honestly it vaguely worked, but I'm super picky about the zosan fics I read, cause I feel like people can wildly mischaracterize zoro pretty easily.
Anyways I don't think I really answered ur question properly, I really love the king/knight loyalty but also just good bros dynamic that's happening with luffy and zoro :) But in general I just love a good sunshine person/grumpy person ship! (geraskier, bakudeku, megamenace, kagehina, hitomi and shousuke <<< quite upset that the ship sank, Fakir and Ahiru, wrightworth, etc)
Thanks again for the question <3
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fvrxdrm · 1 year
emails i can’t send
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pairing: musician!leon kennedy x musician!f!reader
tag(s): friends to lovers, angst to fluff, based on sabrina carpenter’s album of the same name
warning(s): angst in the beginning, mentions of break up (not with leon tho i promise), very self-indulgent :]]], like, i’m deadass serious, the middle part’s solely dedicated to valorant (i’m sorry) to the point where i feel like most people reading this wouldn’t understand a single thing on that part. i’m addicted to that game at this point
songs used in this fic: lonesome, feather, bad for business
word count: 2322
If I fall in love with all my problems, will they leave me too?
You leaned back onto the bed frame as you scribbled words on the page. The room was dimmed and bestrewed with crumpled and torn-up papers. On them was a collection of lyrics and doodles, all scrapped and erased with different variations of squiggles and lines across them. You looked out the window. The storm was still swirling outside, you could see how the rain was being pushed towards the direction the wind was taking them along with the trees holding strong against the puddled ground. Droplets of water were looking pretty gliding across glass like a bunch of tiny branched-out rivers heading down towards the pool on the windowsill. The mood was just right for you, perfect for an angsty and lonesome song to be written under the flashing lights of the occasional lightning.
Or maybe I believed in all your lies 'cause I believed in you
Downstairs you could hear Leon experimenting with different chords on his guitar, falling flat with the strings from time to time. You even found yourself giggling at the amount of times you heard him growling in frustration when he couldn’t get the tone and the transitioning of the sounds right, or when he forgot which chord to play next.
“Fucking dumbass fingers!” 
Your smile slowly faded as your gaze fell back on your notebook. You thought about which words to write down, spinning the pen through your fingers while doing so.
Why were you somewhere else when you were next to me?
I know you know it keeps me up
Did you think about her face with your hands around my waist?
Did you even give a fuck?
You convinced yourself you were over it, over him, over that mess of a love affair that was basically just narcissism and manipulation born as one human. You’d recognized the red flags, even had you and your best friend, Leon, tag him with the nickname ‘code red’ whenever you passed by him. Still, you couldn’t keep the conflict within you that made you so gullible to your insecurities from fighting against your self-worth. You were still in the process of rebuilding that trust towards yourself, still in the process of pushing away any remnants of love that made you feel so violated. But, how were you going to forget him when you kept overthinking all that had happened? How were you going to forget loving him when you kept grasping onto the ‘what if’s? 
As Leon had said, “You don’t miss him, you miss what he could’ve been.”
This was hopeless, this was ridiculous. You felt so close to finding yourself, but sometimes you’d fall back into old habits like an addict falling back into vices and argue with yourself over the dumbest things. You were falling back into painting vivid pictures of what he saw in you and washing away the good that he didn’t see in you.
As you were drowning in your thoughts, three knocks against the wooden door brought you back to reality. It was Leon with his guitar in hand, looking like a happy golden retriever that just found the ball he’d lost in the garden a few days ago.
“I think I got the perfect sound for your next song,” he said after plopping down on your mattress with his guitar positioned on his lap. “Really? Go on then. I can probably draft the next verse once I hear it.”
“Okay so, I got inspired after playing RDR2 yesterday, and I was thinking we could use some yeehaw feel for the track,” Leon shifted to a more comfortable position on the bed, scrunching the comforter below him even more. He strummed his guitar once to get a feel of the strings before pressing his fingers on them to play the chords.
The sound was beautiful, balancing between being ever so light like the pitter-pattering of the rain, and being heavy like the storm and the darkness smothering the sky.
You can't spell "lonesome" without "me"
And there's no hope in misery
I can't escapе your history, oh
You can't spell "lonesome" without "mе"
You just can't
I slam the door, I hit ignore
The world felt balanced for a moment, cloudy skies filtering the sunlight and making it soft as the wind dashed every few minutes. It was like mother nature felt mushy and shy, yet loud and confident all the same. Perhaps like the fluttering of your heart, so full of joy, and the devilish assertiveness overheating your body as you continued to shit on these fucking kids trying to ego-peek you and your trusty sniper. 
Breathe in, breathe out… You’re getting your ace, little angel.
Calm, cool, collected Y/N… So relaxed yet sturdy like a cloudburst circling around with the leaves.
Your hand was steady while clicking head after head, a bunch of pixels running and trying to gun you down for hours. “Too warmed up,” they said. “Heat up!” Leon screamed through the comms. You’re cracked… L Diablo… SEN ElevenZ… An amalgamation of hype and torn vocal cords ringing from your headphones and into your ears. “I’m shaving my head if you ace clutch this,” another rando commed as the in-game announcer’s voice was heard.
“Last player standing.”
You spammed your A and D keys while peeking every tight corner you turned to, jump peeked at every possible sniper angle the enemy Jett could be holding, slicing your pie as the pros would call your careful peeks. Nobody said a word, but if you had to guess, Leon must have been clenching his ass cheeks just waiting for you to either lose the final round or tie the game 12-12 and bring it to overtime. Your cheeks were beginning to heat up with nerves, also could feel your hands sweat even more. Why do ranked games have to feel like this?
I got you blocked
After this, an afterthought
I finally cut you off
You voiced your anxiousness to Leon, “I’m fucking nervous, dude. We might actually lose our RR,” you bit your lip while still jiggling behind screens. “You got this, little angel. I believe,” Leon whispered back into the mic as he sipped on his boba tea. You took a step one click at a time and took a shot with your rifle just to be certain with clearing your corners. You were sure the enemies knew where you were by now because of that shot, so you had to make a move, and fast. You smoked yourself with your Cloudburst behind screens to isolate the Sage peeking by default, promptly head- shotting her before Updrafting onto rafters to reposition yourself to a high ground, but not before losing 40 HP from a responding body shot.
You saw the Reyna jiggle peeking maze while shooting one bullet at a time. By the third peek, you got yourself a quick headshot to punish her. This, in turn, gave you your Tailwind back.
You activated your Tailwind as well as your Blade Storm ultimate so you wouldn’t have to deal with the inaccuracy of your Vandal while moving about. You checked your flank when you noted that nobody was on site to trade the Reyna, and sure enough, the enemy Jett was shift-walking with an Op like a fucking idiot. Like, why separate from your teammates and give your one enemy a 1v1? In a 1v5? Hello? This is a high elo lobby??? Anyway, despite your nerves, you shot a knife to the Opper’s head before she could do a quick scope and dashed back onto site to look for your fourth kill. 
“You’re actually gonna fucking win this?” 
“Oh my fucking god, I’m actually gonna shave my head.”
Then, Leon whispered into your party comms again, “I believe in you, heal yourself.” You lost your focus for a moment, pursing your lips as you tried your hardest not to laugh, “I fucking hate you so much.”. 
You found your fourth just as you Updrafted onto top site, and now, it was down to…
“Holy fuck! I’m actually losing my fucking hair!”
You played a cat-and-mouse game with the final enemy once you dropped below top site, aware of the time running out. You activated your dash one last time and dodged bullets while you ring-around-a-rosied on site. Then finally, as the ticking of the bomb began to quicken, you took advantage of a momentary opening and landed a final headshot to the enemy, dashing hurriedly towards the spike to defuse it. 
“Wait, you’re actually cracked???”
“I’m losing my hair!”
You let out a breath of relief once you saw the defused spike’s animation. “Bro, I’m never doing that again. I hated every single second of that.”.
I feel so much lighter, like a feather, with you off my mind
Floating through the memories like, whatever, you're a waste of time
Leon replied, “I told you, you could do it. Actually VCT-ready. Witewwy.”.
After that, the tension was turned up even more between your teams, trading round after round until…it was Leon’s time to clutch the round and win the game.
“If I win this, you have to go on a date with me,” Leon commed once again in your party voice chat, now feeling like your nerves were resettling in him. It was supposed to be a light-hearted joke, something not foreign to your dynamic, but then, “Sure, I’m down,” you shrugged with your arms crossed. You sounded too nonchalant for his liking, you just had to be unserious…right? He just had to make sure, “You serious?”. You responded, “Yeah, I’m dead-ass serious. If you clutch this, I’ll go out with you on a date, kiss you good night, then end up fu-”
“Alright, I’m clutching this.”
Your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch
You fit every stereotype, send a pic
With newfound confidence and determination, he activated his Empress, gaining higher fire rate, quicker ability activation, and more healing from his Devour, all while having his powers strengthened. He blinded one of the enemies with his Leer to create a distraction, catch them off guard with his Vandal, and quickly finish them off. He then repositioned using his Dismiss to evade incoming fire and avoid detection by the remaining enemies, all while his ult automatically replenished his health before preparing for his next engagement. 
With one enemy remaining and time running out, Leon faced the last enemy guarding the spike. He utilized his one Leer to disorient the player before dispatching him with a meticulous shot, and Dismissed off to defuse the spike before it exploded. And just in the nick of time, he won the round for his team and secured the game victory, as well as the additional RR.
“Welp, we’re off for the weekend.”
I feel so much lighter, like a feather, with you out my life
With you out my life
The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow that washed over everything in its path. The stars twinkled like scattered diamonds, their brilliance illuminating the darkness with a celestial radiance.
The city was enveloped in a serene stillness, broken only by the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. The shadows danced and swayed, as if performing a silent ballet, adding an air of mystery and intrigue to the scene. The darkness was deep and impenetrable, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that seemed to hold secrets waiting to be discovered.
We look good in photographs
I like the way you like to laugh at dirty jokes
I know they'll always land
Used to get work on time
But now you're taking up my nights
Never been so glad to be so tired
Leon went downstairs to grab a glass of water, when he heard a faint sound coming from the living room. Following the sound, he found you slumped over your writing table, your notebook open in front of you, fast asleep. He couldn't help but smile at your peaceful expression and the sight of your creative process in action.
As Leon approached you, he noticed that the song you had been writing was about him. His heart skipped a beat as he read the lyrics that spoke of his charisma, his means to take up your nights, and the way he had inspired you. He felt a surge of warmth and happiness knowing that he had made such an impact on you.
Ooh, I'm mad for you
It's sad but true and I know it
Ahh, you're on my mind
You stole my life and it's showin'
Carefully, Leon picked you up, cradling you in his arms, and carried you to your bed. He tucked you in, admiring your beauty even in your sleep. He couldn't help but feel a deep affection for you, not just as a collaborator and a friend, but as someone who had captured his heart.
He thought back to the open notebook, a smile tugging at his lips. He made a mental note to talk to you about the song in the morning, eager to hear more of what you had written. Leon realized that this unexpected moment had given him a glimpse into your heart, and he couldn't wait to see where your music and your connection would take you both.
With a contented sigh, Leon left the room, grateful for the serendipitous encounter that had brought him closer to you some years ago, the talented musician who had captured his heart. Little did he know that this would be the beginning of something truly special, a journey of music, love, and endless possibilities.
He's good for my heart but he's bad for business 
Tears me apart when he grants my wishes
All of my friends think I've gone crazy
But they don't know me like my baby
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glitchyvoice · 5 months
Do you have any blorbos or ideas to share?
floodgates: open
yes!! i have a bunch of aus im working on though im assuming u mean cotl specific (the others are undertale/deltarune and homestuck related if theres any interest)
the main one im working on right now is fates twine, (which ill explain in more detail in a second) but i have two others. a pirate esque essentially dnd campaign au story which ive named tears in a bottle. im still figuring out designs for that one but nari is a critter the size of the lambs hand so thats funny. its called tears in a bottle cuz the lamb and the others in the pirate crew go to raid a lost city, and the statue in the middle of said city (which is of shamura. the bishops are all archfey in this au so theyre cool) is weeping golden tears into a bottle which contains nari. only the lamb can see these god tears and nari.
i also have ideas for a madoka magica x cotl au but i have no designs and not enough ideas to talk about it currently.
but then theres fates twine. fates twine ("fates twine binds the hearts of you and i" is the full name, fates twine is my shorthand) is a prequel au which starts when the old gods are still around, and out of the bishops only shamura has their crown. it explores what would happen if the lamb (who is named mara) found the red crown before nari could, and fought against their ascension. they actually meet nari when hes still a mortal because of this and they become friends. shenanigans ensue. (narinders name as a mortal here is paean. i thought it would be cool to link him to the demon he always becomes in game) i have a bunch planned and have like 4,000 words worth of scenes written for it. but they're all for different parts of the fic so it's not currently postable. the closest image i have for mara around the time they find the crown is this little sketch for a scene i made
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they dont typically wear the crown they usually have it as a ring on their finger to hide they have it but for that scene they do.
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this is a bit of an older design and artstyle but this is mara when theyre a bit older. this is. the only coloured drawing i have of them rn but im gonna work on more soon.
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this is their current design at that age. the other lamb there is omen, their little sister. i have a whole page of doodles of her that im gonna post tomorrow probably. shes one of my favourite fates twine characters i love her sm lolol
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and these are sketches of mara post them becoming a cult leader!! so yeah nari does still get the crown and ascend instead of them eventually and they become the last lamb and all that but its about the interesting things that them being the true god of death causes. so yeah. you also get one (1) paragraph draft snippet of the first chapter bc im feeling silly
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so yeah!! yap over
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alphabetboyluvr · 7 months
Hey Holly😬😬😬
So I wanted to ask have you ever come across things like copying stuff and ideas from one book?? I mean if you read a book or you get inspired from a particular scene/dialog that you re-write it but you still get called out because of that??? Do you get bothered by that?? I mean there is this😅 bunch of teenage indian authors on wattpad that every now and then starts blaming and fighting that they copied their stuff,book name,dialogues. What do you think of this??
You probably have seen the viral orange peel theory that is going viral on insta/tiktok. I was talking about that😅😅
heyaaa !!
i've seen a lot of discourse around the concept of copying / plagiarism recently and I do have some thoughts on it.
i assume you mean if i get bothered when i see people have clearly taken inspiration from my work?
i keep my feet firmly out of the fanfic reading space for a variety of reasons and one of those reasons is because i've seen how easy it is to pick up inspiration and sprinkle it into your own work without even realising—not maliciously, or ill-intentioned at all, but undeniable with retrospect.
i don't ever want to find myself in the position of having spent hours writing something only for it to be reduced to nothing because of innocent mistakes (as I've seen happen with other writers) so yeah, i don't read within the fanfic space (which is also why im terrible with recs haha).
NOW in regards to people taking inspiration from my stuff, i'm well aware that it happens. I first noticed it happened with you up? and its never really stopped.
there's a handful of stories i've seen on wattpad from people i know read my work, who write in a very similar way to me. things like plot, narrative voice, character arcs, relationships, even the way i doodle at the start of my chapters—if it can be lifted and reworked, it has, and im sure only seen the tip of the iceberg.
similarly, i've also seen big writers write scenes in their stories with an almost identical play by play to some of my scenes, but i have no way of knowing if they've read my work—but it has made me go back and check the dates of my uploads to make sure i have my 'well actually...' response ready incase any of their fans try and come for me hahaha.
i've had extensive conversations with my writer friends about this and my general thoughts are: i don't care.
i could go on a big old rant about it all, but i know my opinion is a bit odd considering i'm a writer.
writing is a deeply personal craft, but it's also something that we learn and develop through time. if people are inspired by my work, then it must mean I'm doing something right. in time, they'll develop their own style. I encourage them to continue writing until they find their own voice.
history and literature is full of reworking and retellings. Shakespeare was notorious for it!
I'm not gonna get pressed if someone is so moved by my work to the point they wanna create their own version. I'll be honoured to be a part of their creative process. of course there is a limit to this—I know there's at least one story on wattpad floating around with a similar dynamic to BD with origami being used as a crux for fears, which does make me raise my brows a little bit, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who chose to upload my fanfic for free on a website that is known to not be exactly the most original of places.
someone else writing a similar concept to mine doesn't take away from the value of my work. if anything, it just proves that my writing has had an impact.
so yeah if you ever see someone and think huh this reads a lot like hollys work, or anything like that, just leave it be. don't run people off of a site, or force them to stop doing a hobby that likely causes them joy, for my sake.
it's funny because a few people have actually asked me to write an orange peel theory fic haha. we, as writers, don't own concepts and we also write about the same seven men. there will be inevitable overlap. it's all just pixels, at the end of the day.
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neon-junkie · 1 year
-Hunter has to sleep with noise-canceling headphones to not wake up with a headache
-Whenever Omega has a bad nightmare, she'll usually crawl into Hunter's bunk and fall back asleep
-Has happened so often that it becomes a routine and Hunter barely wakes up each time she crawls in
-Crosshair loves to read and can be found reading late at night or in any free time they have
-Whenever the batch is out in a city, Wrecker has made it a habit to put Omega on his shoulders so they can keep track of her, and also he knows what it's like to be amazed by new surroundings so he wants to give her the best view to look at everything
-Hunter and Tech would teach Omega different alien languages. Cross would abuse that power and teach her all of the curses in each language. Always has a shit-eating grin whenever Omega says it to anyone rude to them while Tech and Hunter's faces pale
-Wrecker would introduce a bunch of movies to Omega and they both make it known when movie nights are happening and that the whole squad better be in there otherwise Wrecker will be yeeting their asses in there.
-Echo would be the first one to discover Omega's love to draw and will always get her art supplies whenever the batch makes a run for supplies. Echo and Wrecker let her paint on their helmets as do the rest of the batch. Crosshair always surprisingly seems to have protective vanish around whenever Omega paints onto his armor.
-Since having the chip removed, Crosshair becomes more on edge and increasingly protective over his brothers and Omega. Having lost his vision from the engine, he becomes more alert and can sometimes sense things before even Hunter can.
- As another result of the chip, Crosshair has found it harder to get close or open up to his brothers, having intense waves of guilt for what he has done. However, his brothers are quick to make him realize that he is still their brother no matter what happens. It does take Omega's help to get the batch back together like old times though. It ended up with Hunter being the last one to fully 'forgive' Crosshair but it is mostly him trying to forgive himself for leaving his brother behind.
-Crosshair will go on long walks with Omega whenever they have free time to explore new planets, sometimes they'll go just to talk or to find Wrecker cause he managed to get lost 
-Crosshair and Wrecker come up with the idea, and when the rest of the batch hear it for the first time they join in, having Omega's artwork tattooed onto their bodies. Each one is a symbol that is close to them. 
-Echo would get a blue neon arrow tattooed onto him, right where he has Rex's handprint tattooed, that is the same arrows from the weapon he helped teach Omega how to use.
- Hunter would get the moon dragon Omega was able to track down for the first time tattooed onto his arm and it would wrap around his forearm up to his bicep. 
- Tech would get Omega's first-ever sketch tattooed onto his bicep, it would be a band with 99's three codes written in Mando, the outside of each band lined the dates of each mission they go on. 
- Wrecker would get all of Omega's doodles tattooed onto him,  his favorite being Lula’s face that is combined with the skull of the batch's symbol with herbs surrounding it were lined along their favorite shop to go get Mantell Mix. 
- Finally Crosshair, would get one of Omega's proudest pieces she created, it being the batch's symbol and it being surrounded by the neon lights from Cid's bar to moon phases and stormy clouds on Kamino, where she drew all the images she saw in the clouds when she got bored and let her imagination run wild. 
I hope you find them as fun as I did when I was writing them teheh, up next is my Bad Batch Western AU if you are interested!! I hope you have a wonderful day babes!! 💕💖💕💖💕
girl you are always killin' it with this content!! wonferful headcanons, i love all of them!! thank u for blessing my inbox with these <3
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susiron · 1 year
I’m still rlly bummed out about going to my local park right now.
For years now, mostly during late spring-early fall, I’ve been biking to the park in my neighborhood and drawing with chalk on the concrete of the picnic area. Part of the concrete sticks out away from the picnic tables so it’s a perfect spot to draw-- and it sticks out from under the roof so the rain usually washes it all away in a reasonable time frame.
I never draw or write anything derogatory. I mostly draw dragons, wolves, and other animals-- sometimes Pokemon, sometimes plants. Sometimes if there’s a holiday nearby, like Halloween, then I’ll draw something that fits the theme.
I’ve even drawn little “Happy Pride!” things before during June with gay and trans flags.
But earlier this week I went and drew with my chalk and I decided to include the gay and trans flags next to a doodle of a cat. I cannot stress enough that these were small drawings, and not at all the focus of what I’d drawn. They were just little doodles in the corner, completely eclipsed by a bunch of wolves and dragons and shit.
WELL, two days later I come back to the park, thinking I’ll just draw around what I left their earlier in the week-- only to find that someone had clinically powerwashed away everything I’d drawn.
And like, there was a brief moment where I thought “did it rain? did it rain and I forgot?” but I could see the telltale lines from a powerwasher
But it gets worse.
Cause if they’d powerwashed the entire thing, I could have just assumed that they didn’t like any chalk on the patio (despite this never happening before, over Years of drawing here), but... there were some doodles made by kids Right next to where I had drawn, and they were all left untouched. Faded doodles that had been there awhile, but they were visible enough that anyone who was cleaning this patio just for the purpose of cleaning it would have gotten rid of those two.
But no, they just got rid of my stuff-- all of it. And the only difference between this time and every other time was that my drawings had a gay and trans flag beside them outside of Pride month.
I drew a bunch that day after finding that out-- and I put back a new pride flags. Again, they weren’t the focus, but they’re there. They mean a lot to me and shouldn’t upset anyone, but like-- of course they do.
And I guess I just liked thinking that maybe there was no one in my neighborhood hateful enough to methodically wash away a little trans flag (because I can only assume that, of the two, was the tipping point). And now having proof that someone is is just... depressing.
With everything going on these days-- with all of the fucking hate directed at trans people like an arrow-- it’s just fucking upsetting that you can’t even put the colors down without someone needing to fight back and show just how much they hate you.
I’m a trans artist who has drawn in that park for years, and I’ve had nothing but positive interactions with people while doing so (excluding the First time I did it when I got harassed, but, well, that’s not important right now).
And god it just sucks that the moment you are like “this is important to me” all of that positivity gets tainted.
I haven’t been back there yet to see if the new flags got erased. Idk if they have been, and idk if I want to know if they have been. I also don’t really know if I want to make this an entire Thing, me trying to put it back every time it gets erased.
It’s funny, had they not erased it, I probably wouldn’t have drawn another one until June, but now... 
And now I’m worried that someone might approach me directly when I got there to draw, or maybe they’ll just start erasing everything I put down there as soon as I leave the park.
It just fucking sucks. I just wanna draw with some chalk and share some doodles, not feel like shit-- angry-- over it.
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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My 2022 summary! links to the drawings featured:
My main drawing style (the one I do in standard commissions) is leading to a softer feel it seems. (Admittingly, whether that is a good direction or not is something I'm concerned about.)
All this time I was wondering why my anatomy seemed off and only while this grid was made did I finally figure what it was! I can't unsee it and I feel extremely bad for the people who commissioned the drawings with that flaw. hkafkdslh. :/ I am so sorry. orz I am really hoping it could pass off as just a stylistic anatomy. ;-;
Just a bit more rambling about plans under the cut
>  I've decided to completely discontinue subscription stuff. (The Patreon and Ko-fi subscriptions.) It's just, basically being paid a bunch of commissions (drawing rewards) in advance isn't a good arrangement for me. It gets me very antsy having a queue that are all already paid, and it's a little hard to focus on the current piece. (There are other causes as to why the patreon/ko-fi are being stopped. But I think that's the biggest reason.)    The patreon page will still be around until I posted all of the drawings I owe from the people there. Just no more new subscriptions this year.
>  I miiiiiight still be taking a few doodle/sketch requests though. This time for the general public. But, like, please don't expect much on that! That might get jinxed or something.
>  Due to a sudden major happening in real life, I'm considering making commissions a full time.
Wishful 2023, everybody! Best of luck this year! 🎉
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klunsgod · 1 year
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Haya the Hedgehog
back in August 2022, i made some dinky designs; Sonic Badniks in the style of Mario enemies. after a while in September, i then got to drawing Sonic, and then the rest occurred.
because further posts will show these designs, i'm somewhat forced to introduce it as a separate post for easier linking for context.
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before that, however, i was doodling this Mario-centric Mario/Sonic crossover idea that would act as this introduction to Sonic’s world and his characters to Mario players. basically, some alternate Sonic Forces where Eggman not only captured Sonic, but his friends too, leaving nobody else to come save the world.
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so Mario would arrive in this rainbow ring and explore the world to save everyone. big hogablah
because of that, i was thinking how Mario would arrive there, if this version of Sonic's world is part of Mario's universe, if it follows the same lore rules... same... design rules... and that's how i got this child to take care of.
so now we have the Haya Dimension; a dimension in Mario’s universe (think like how Super Paper Mario handled it) where it also has to play along with the rules of Mario. therefore, i put myself within these four rules:
Follow the basic plot beats, not the nitty gritty. The corporate suits above only care about the former, after all.
Change whatever worldbuilding to fit in-line with Mario’s.
Sonic’s name is Haya.
Lower some stakes so as not to cause Mario to travel there and get involved. (Sonic 06 was on my mind when i wrote this)
the Haya Dimension has to be completely outside of Mario’s point of view. nobody there must know the mystery about this dimension. nobody!! not even… Birdo
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yea of course this has to happen. okay uhh i’ll be aping off of my DeviantArt post noting down some differences. note that some of these aren't entirely Mario-related lol
During the Classic Era, Eggman hired a bunch of organic creatures; the badniks are living creatures. Higher-ranking in the Eggman Empire being robots.
Starting in Dreamcast Era, all of Eggman's troops were replaced by robots. This explains E-123 Omega remaining a robot; a modified Topman Tribe husk
Ending in Meta Era (Colors onward), Eggman's troops are both a mix between organic and robotic troops. High-ranking remain robots.
There's no Classic/Modern distinction. Haya Generations looks really different.
There's no physical "future period" in Mario, so Silver is left as a present-day future teller, always relying on the Stars telling him the future.
That there's no "future period" to travel to requires Haya 06 to be rewritten entirely.
The Sol Dimension is a Special World equivalent of Haya's Dimension. Onyx Island comes from the Sol Dimension. Eggman Nega is our Bowser (blue) equivalent.
Cream and Vanilla likely lived on the Moon before becoming homeless after the events of Adventure 2. After that, they moved to Earth.
Sage is designed as a fairy
Honey is a Drag Queen.
Kitsunami's water pack is designed after inter-dimensionally observing E. Gadd's F.L.U.D.D. tech.
Eggman's Goal Plate is a Flag Plate. Spin it all the way down as fast as you can for bonus points.
The magical gems have eyes and special hairstyles. I'm waiting till Sonic Superstars showcases each Emerald's special power before assigning a symbolic hairstyle to them.
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it's basically become my personal playground to test my might, my designs, and my writing.
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i understand i've yet to fully understand these characters, but i've also done my best to try and write bios for the characters present.
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Haya was originally designed as if he were a Mario enemy. he serves as the groundwork design for everyone else. as a Mario enemy, i specifically brought attention to his shoes being a colorful red-yellow.
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Eggman went through a ton of designs. they all failed. there's no way to change him. he's already great. his only difference has him with a round nose instead of a triangular one.
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his tails were designed after propellers, yet still mutated to still make his bully backstory make sense. the stripes on his tails are designed after propeller wings.
and that's all i wanna share right now. as Reupload Gonanza continues, more and more of these designs will start appearing, each with a slight justification from me behind each designs. be sure to check out the "#Haya Dimension" tag under the post.
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brezelzeit · 15 days
Y’all… me and my friend have a postwar ‘Allo ‘Allo AU that fixes all the things I didn’t like about Series 9 and/or the ending! It’s from mostly Herr Flick and Helga’s perspective
I feel that any of these characters, even if they didn't get along during the war entirely may have eventually, after some time, resolved stuff or talked things through and maybe put the past behind and turned new leaves xD cause me and the friend who is working on this AU with me discussed that they got a vibe not many people hold grudges on this show
Helga and Herr Flick (who still looks like Richard Gibson because that other thing doesn’t happen in my version of the canon) are married and have lots of kids (in place of Helga marrying Gruber and I made it so just like them they have six children). Still working out what their careers would look like postwar though, but I would imagine Herr Flick is a record keeper/data collector type person. Probably plays his violin on the side tho, maybe in a band. Not sure about Helga tho, but possibly also a secretary in some capacity too but we'll see
Gruber- fun gay uncle type figure to Flick and Helga’s kids, looks after them when they’re away, spoils them with gifts; is also still best friends with Helga and spends a lot of time with her for social outings.
He has a blooming artistic career and often sends Flick and Helga little doodles or paintings or other creations of his in the mail. He has definitely made a fortune off of the Fallen Madonna- but is it real or is it a forgery? Who knows, but he’s at least happy- and has donated some of the money he’s earned from it to his close friends and most notably Flick and Helga. Much like in Return of Allo Allo- he might be Mimi’s chauffeur on occasion? but is willing to take Helga for a spin with him in his car too! So chauffeur for them both if you will. Gruber has a boyfriend who is my friend’s OC, but he still misses René and crushes on him to this day.
von Smallhausen is a sort of grandpa figure to Flick and Helga’s kids. This obviously means, that he and Flick are on better terms and somehow, Flick changed his ways and attitude/treatment towards him, however that was, and started to be nicer to him. Seeing as he is much older than Flick, he doesn’t have a whole lot of time there but he is the fun grandpa for as long as it lasts. He tells dad jokes, does magic tricks, juggles items, lends the kids parts of his old disguises for little make believe things, and in general, plays games with them and builds little forts with them etc…. Flick will be very sad- even if stoically so- when he passes.
Hans Geering: still gotta develop this more but I feel like he would also be friends with all of these characters and visit them often! He would come see them on vacation on occasion, as he is fully committed to his thing going on with British Intelligence. I’m sure this extends way past the war lol
Imagine Helga, Herr Flick and von Smallhausen- and to some extent the other characters- are always telling stories to the kids of the incredibly silly wartime memories they have... and they even have favorite stories of theirs they like them telling over and over again! For example:
"Vati tell me all about the time you and grandpa Engelbert met a scary butler, an old witch, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Bride of Frankenstein, and a four armed footman in an abandoned chateau!"
"Hahahahaa that's so silly Vati, you got blown up because of a putty nose?"
"Uncle Hubert, you're telling me you saw the ghost of the cafe owner pop up out of his grave to forgive you?"
"How did you fit into that knight costume Vati? And walk in it even though you walk funny like that?"
"Mutti, did Vati really give you a dead fish instead of a rose?"
"Grandpa Engelbert is safe from large bells now, right?"
XD have a bunch of faceswaps I did as reference for when I eventually draw Flick and Helga’s kids
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