#and that their views are not necessarily ubiquitous
pillarsalt · 26 days
back from a night out and I took my usual stickering route home to check on what got scratched off -- come to find someone else has wheatpasted a gender abolitionist feminist poster to a lamppost and tied some suffragette flag ribbons to a nearby fence. Knowing another local feminist has seen my stickers and known she's not alone makes me glad I continued doing this for as long as I have. :)
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And another thing! Literally any queer story that takes place during the colonial age would have a huge gaping hole in it if it didn't have anticolonialism as a theme. Especially one that centers indigenous people. Like the reason that every culture had their own concepts of gender until something happened and then suddenly the gender binary was ubiquitous is because western European colonial powers made their view of gender the only acceptable one as part of christianizing and colonizing the world. You're not gonna have a show set in 1717 in the Caribbean where the love interest is a gay Maori man and the main deuteragonist is a non-binary mestizo catholic and just skip over colonialism. Like these are exactly the people who western gender roles are being forced on at fucking gun point during this era. Jim and Ed are both mixed race characters who's gender and sexual identities are in active defiance of the colonial powers that be. And this is the fucking Stede Ed and Jim show.
And there's something to be said for the fact that Stede's toxic masculinity plot line is internalized and Ed's struggle with toxic masculinity is largely external in the form a white guy who rubs elbows with the British Navy when Ed doesn't behave to his standard of masculinity. That choice didn't come out of nowhere and it shows a deep understanding of where homophobia comes from. That's not to say that precolonial communities of color were paradise for people that we today would consider queer but the rich tapestry of sexual and gender expressions that existed in those communities were erased in the name of colonialism. That's going to affect literally any queer person at the time when OFMD is set. These two things are inextricably linked.
Like when David Jenkins says a lot of what we're taught about being men is wrong, motherfucker who taught us what a man was. Who taught Ed what a man was? Who taught Stede what a man was for that matter? It's the white dad with the English accent who is violent (derogatory) and overbearing.
Like you get what I'm saying right? Like it's a silly little rom com but also it must necessarily be that deep because of who these characters are and when and where they exist.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
The influencers are posting. by u/Feisty_Energy_107
The influencers are posting. Meghan Markle unveils first product from new lifestyle collection American Riviera Orchard with 50 influencers sent her strawberry jam - including fashion designer Tracy Robbins and Argentine socialite Delfina Balquier | Daily Mail Online Or the archived version Archived She sent them... strawberry jam. The most ubiquitous of jams.
The first photo in the group of three below and this one, are from Delfina's page. ​
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single fruit flavour has been done to death. How about multi-fruit combinations or a sweet/spicy variety? Also, why has Tracy Anderson used lemons in her posts, if she received strawberry? Most confusing. 🤣
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Implies it was made there or produce is from there(BTW Mods, an ask, do you think we should have a flare for ARO?)x post link: https://ift.tt/ZX5hzsM author: Feisty_Energy_107 submitted: April 16, 2024 at 11:58AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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cinemaseeker · 10 months
Let's Review: Barbie
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No other singular female name invokes quite as many various feelings, to such varying degrees, as Barbie. And very few names are quite as ubiquitous as Barbie (no really, name anyone you know who's never owned a Barbie at least once in their lifetime). And as with any ubiquitous entity, people are going to try and take their best shot, hoping to bring them down to our level.
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Make no mistake, this movie is meant to reintroduce Barbie to a new generation of consumers. You will, more likely than not, want to buy a Barbie doll or other Mattel product either before or after watching this movie, either for yourself or for any child you know. This movie effectively serves as a mass market rebranding of Barbie, pivoting her from the poster girl for unrealistic body image/impossible feminine beauty standards to a vehicle for individuality and female empowerment.
Barbie is now all things to all people (anyone can be Barbie!), but all those things are still Barbie. However, as most of us know, a friend to all is a friend to none. If you are all things to all people, then you are effectively nothing, an empty vessel for others to project themselves onto. And indeed, even this new re-vamped Barbie can be validly viewed as a vapid vehicle for the consumer's own dreams and desires, leaving very little to no room for Barbie to have any dreams of her own.
And yet this movie still dares to ask: can a corporate capitalist product, whether it's a mass marketed toy or a Hollywood movie starring that toy, ever be a good thing, a force for positive change? Can subversive feminist messages stick stronger with audiences, especially its youngest and most impressionable viewer, if we cover it in a pink candy coating? Just give it a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down?
After all, this new Barbie now comes with her own existential crisis and has to deal with scary realities such as cellulite, aging, and *gasp* FLAT FEET (a hilarious bit of family-friendly body horror).
Not to mention a growing awareness of mortality.
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To answer Barbie's question: yes. Yes, I do think about dying. We all think about dying at some point. And perhaps more importantly, our kids are starting to think about dying. I would not be surprised if there is even a single kid out there who has asked this question during playtime through their own Barbie. And for many good reasons. The world is a mess right now. Don't even get me started.
It feels like kids and adults alike are more anxious than ever and this new Barbie can certainly relate to that anxiety, even if it's not necessarily her own (it belongs to the girl playing with her). But it turns out that it's the girl's mom Gloria (America Ferrera) who's really struggling and needs Barbie's help, if only by using Barbie as a means of working through her own dissatisfaction as a working wife and mother.
This movie reminds us that we don't stop worrying about things just because we grow up. If anything, we find more things to worry about as we get older. But adults often don't get the same kind of comfort that we give to children; we're just supposed to suck it up and tough it out, but sometimes all we wanna do is stay in our rooms and play with our toys, just like we did when we were kids. Especially if we're girls, since the world is significantly much harder for us to deal with in a society that constantly polices and critiques girls and women (Gloria's speech about the impossible, and often double, standards imposed upon women is a highlight of the movie and should be required viewing for all humans)
But Barbie helps us feel like kids again.
Throughout the entire movie, Greta Gerwig and her team manage to recapture the joy of playing with Barbies with an obviously loving attention to detail. Barbie Land is that now-rare fantasy world that doesn't require a factual explanation but runs on a strong engine of internal logic that makes sense if you've ever played with dolls.
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But enough about Barbie.
What about the men?
They're the ones who really have it rough here. Having to deal with all this girly stuff.
Now guys, this might come as a shock, but this movie might not be made for you in mind and therefore you may not get it. You may find yourself confused about why women in this movie are hogging the spotlight and not letting the men do anything important.
But, it's okay, don't worry guys, Ken's got you.
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Barbie may be the star, but Ken gets the real emotional journey here. You see, he keeps getting friend-zoned by Barbie, who would rather hang out with her girlfriends and maintain her autonomy than spend the night with him. But once he follows Barbie into the Real World and discovers a magical society where men are in charge and women have to respect them, Ken brings some of these ideas back to the Kens in Barbie Land, thus subjugating all the Barbies to the awesome new patriarchal rule of "Kendom".
Now every night is guys' night.
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Folks, go give bonus points to whoever had "Ken gets a villain arc" on their 2023 Bingo card. And while you're at it, add an extra 5 if they also included "Ironic use of a Matchbox Twenty song on the Barbie soundtrack".
Ken's story arc is a powerful reminder of why it's important to critique feminism when it doesn't work.
After all, Barbie Land's matriarchy may seem utopian at first glance, and may even be super inclusive to Barbies of all shapes and races and abilities, but ultimately it is exactly the same as our real world patriarchy, only gender-swapped, with women holding all the power and men being treated as useless accessories. This doesn't balance the scales, it just tips them all the way in the other direction. The only way to achieve true equality is for both men and women to have equal power in society. A conclusion that, thankfully, the movie reaches on its own by the end.
And although Barbie shouldn't have to apologize for not wanting to spend time with Ken or for prioritizing time for herself and her friends, I do appreciate that she was able to make things right with Ken without having to fix things with a kiss or kowtow to his desire to make her his girlfriend. Instead she helps Ken realize that he needs to figure out who he is outside of Barbie, cutting right to the root of toxic/fragile masculinity, which is usually the result of men with low self-esteem just wanting to be heard and respected.
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But while Ken is hilariously drawn as a pouty, mostly innocent man child who just wants to be loved (ideally by Barbie), it's a lot harder to laugh off his antics when they result in the Kens actively stripping away constitutional rights and taking over the Supreme Court of Barbie Land. This moment especially should hit just a little too close to home and inspire us to take action.
Thankfully, this movie is not only entertaining and hella meta, but also serves as a practical instruction manual for how girls and women can deal with toxic men and take their power back, whether it's from men in power or obnoxious film bros who constantly espouse the virtues of films like The Godfather and the Snyder cut of Justice League (there's nothing wrong with enjoying these movies, just don't be a dick about it).
It has been a long, time honored tradition in Hollywood for "chick flicks", which is usually code for female-centered films, to be looked down on and mercilessly mocked while elevating more masculine movies to prestige levels. Hopefully Barbie will be the movie that helps us see that "chick flicks" can be just as powerful and impactful as "dick flicks" and then help us reclaim hyperfemininity in our fight against the patriarchy.
After all, would it really be the worst thing in the world if the revolution was not only televised, but also pink?
Listen, if you laugh during this Barbie movie and it happens to make you question and effectively challenge the patriarchy, then all the better.
So will Barbie be that radical watershed movie that inspires a whole generation to believe that the future truly is female or will it just pay lip service to a feel-good you-go-girl message while still maintaining the status quo?
As with any seed we plant, the best we can do is nurture it, give it time, then wait and see what grows.
Come on, Barbie. Let's go party.
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By Anthony Dimaggio
Allegations of media bias are ubiquitous among Republicans. When Donald Trump was asked in June about the federal prosecution against him for illegally retaining classified government documents, he attacked the "fake news" media for their "continuation of the witch hunt" against him "that's been going on for literally seven years."
Such attacks are hardly new for Trump, who in May reportedly became angry with questions from NBC News reporter Vaughn Hillyard about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's criminal investigation, tried to grab Hillyard's phone and then told aides to "get him outta here."
The assault on press freedom is also nothing new for the Republican Party. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, now a presidential candidate, recently endorsed a legislative effort to curtail press freedom by designating anonymous news sources as "false" for legal purposes in defamation cases and eliminating the "journalist's privilege" protection, which shields reporters from having to identify anonymous sources in defamation lawsuits.
Not to be outdone, Trump weighed in on the question of how to punish journalists, suggesting that reporters who published the leaked Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade should be prosecuted, incarcerated and then raped in prison.
These developments are part of a larger right-wing assault on media freedom and the right of journalists to critically report the news. These attacks are driven by the assumption that the media has a liberal bias, and is responsible for routinely purveying "fake news" and systematically manipulating the public as a result.
The response from much of the public, including the GOP base, is what one would expect, with rising distrust of the news media. Recent polling finds a majority of Americans agree that "the news media fuels political division," with 61% of Republicans, 36% of independents and 23% of Democrats agreeing that the media are "hurting democracy." Half of Americans think that national news outlets "intend to mislead, misinform, or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting."
These narratives warning of media manipulation and pernicious liberal bias can create a separate reality for much of the public, independent of whether there is evidence of any such pervasive bias in media content and effects. As a scholar of political communication, I've spent the last 20 years studying the question of media bias in politics. My own scholarly work, looking at decades of reporting on various public policy issues, has uncovered little evidence historically of a pervasive liberal or pro-Democratic bias in the news.
As reporters themselves acknowledge, and as I find in my research, it is more accurate to speak of a pro-official bias in the news, in which reporters privilege whatever party is in power in Washington at a given time. None of this evidence necessarily matters, however, when the prevailing narrative in American political culture — particularly among Republican officials, right-wing pundits and much of the public — is that the media is purveying biased "fake news."
Independent of this heated and incendiary rhetoric, it's worth looking at the facts. For example, in my own research examining more than 160 polling questions between the mid-2000s and the mid-2010s, I found virtually no evidence of liberal media effects for consumption of various outlets such as CNN and MSNBC, which are commonly attacked for their purported bias.
Consumption of news MSNBC only had a significant association with liberal political attitudes on various questions 15% of the time, and this was true just 10% of the time for CNN. Rather, the primary culprit when it came to indoctrination effects was Fox News, with consumption of that channel's news significantly associated with holding right-wing beliefs 60% of the time, even after controlling for respondents' partisanship and ideology, among other factors.
These findings undermine claims about a pro-Democratic or liberal media bias in the years before Trump. But what about the period since he was first elected, which has generally been associated with more extreme partisan polarization? I updated my polling analysis to include the years of Trump's presidency — and the findings largely reinforce my previous research. Although there is certainly evidence of increasing polarization "on both sides," such polarization is still primarily a right-wing phenomenon, testifying to highly asymmetrical media effects that appear to favor GOP indoctrination efforts.
Examining polling from September 2019 and September 2020 from the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center (NORC) and the Pew Research Center, I looked at consumption of various media, in relation to public opinion on political questions during the Trump era. I utilized statistical analysis to track how often consumption of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News is associated with respondents forming liberal and conservative political attitudes, after accounting for various factors, including respondents' ideology, partisanship, age, education, race, gender and income.
First of all, there is definitely reason for concern about "both sides" when it comes to the rise of echo chambers in American media. Clearly, liberals and Democrats are gravitating toward certain news sources, and conservatives and Republicans toward others. In the NORC survey, Democrats were significantly more likely to say they consumed CNN and MSNBC regularly, while Republicans were more likely to say they relied heavily on Fox News. 29% of Democrats said they relied "a lot" on MSNBC for their news, compared to just 3% of Republicans. Similarly, 36% of Democrats relied a lot on CNN, compared to 6% of Republicans. Alternatively, 44% of Republicans relied a lot on Fox News, compared to just 7% of Democrats. None of these trends are encouraging in a country that considers itself a democracy — at least if democracy requires an informed citizenry willing to consider different sources of information and views contrary to those they already hold.
Beyond the echo-chamber question, there's the matter of whether consuming these venues has an indoctrination effect on viewers. Here, the evidence suggests that Americans should primarily be concerned about the power of right-wing outlets like Fox News. Looking at both the NORC and Pew polls, I analyzed media consumption in relation to a battery of political questions. For the Pew poll, I examined attitudes about how well Trump responded to the COVID-19 crisis; opinions about how truthful Trump was in relation to conveying information about COVID; attitudes about the pro-Trump extremist movement QAnon; and attitudes about alleged mass voter fraud in U.S. elections.
The NORC survey fielded other political questions, including opinions about the overturning of Roe v. Wade; about efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act; about laws barring employment discrimination based on sexual orientation; about government financial support for religious schools; about support for Second Amendment gun ownership rights and a ban on semiautomatic rifles; about whether business owners should be able to refuse services to LGBTQ+ individuals for religious (or "free speech") reasons; about whether Trump should have ended DACA protections for unauthorized immigrants; about same-sex marriage; about affirmative action in college admissions; about Trump's travel ban against immigrants from Muslim-majority countries; about private companies denying birth control to employees based on religious objections; about corporations and unions spending unlimited money in U.S. elections; about federal court decisions on partisan gerrymandering disputes; about Trump's job approval rating during the COVID crisis; and about voting preferences between Trump and Joe Biden in the 2020 election. With such a large set of questions, whatever pattern is uncovered should tell us a lot about alleged partisan indoctrination in the media.
What we see here, in fact, is dramatic evidence of partisan indoctrination in the news — and it's primarily a right-wing phenomenon. In just four of the 20 survey questions was consumption of CNN associated with forming liberal political attitudes, after statistically taking into account viewers' partisan and ideological predispositions. The findings are stronger for MSNBC, with consumption associated with holding liberal attitudes for nine of the 20 questions. This is certainly evidence of indoctrination in favor of liberal values, significantly more than I found in the previous decade.
But far and away the strongest evidence of indoctrination is observed among consumers of conservative media. Consumption of Fox News was associated with holding conservative opinions an overwhelming 90% of the time — in 18 of the 20 questions surveyed. This is a far higher rate than during the decade preceding Trump, when Fox News viewership was correlated with forming conservative attitudes 60% of the time. These results tell us that partisan indoctrination has become overwhelmingly asymmetrical in the Trump era.
If we are concerned about ideological and partisan echo chambers, we should reorient the national discussion about media bias to focus first and foremost on the primary culprits: right-wing media outlets such as Fox News. The evidence explored here calls into question Republican claims that the "liberal media" is the leading indoctrination force in American politics and communication today. That role is reserved for the GOP's primary arm of mass communication, Fox News, which is crucial in mobilizing the party base to support conservative political causes.
But we shouldn't only be concerned about indoctrination. There's also the question of rising support for authoritarianism, and of public outrage being stoked against specific media outlets seen as overly critical of Trump. That rising anger is what fuels the Republican attack on press freedom, an assault that should be deeply concerning to anyone with a basic commitment to freedom of expression and constitutional democracy.
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mauesartetc · 7 months
Hi, hope you're doing well. I'm creating planet ocs, and I kinda have a problem with one of them : venus.
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So a theme I wanted for all of them is for them all to have some changes in their body (body patterns, wings, etc) because it's important to their story. but I haven't really gotten good ideas for what to give venus. And I'm also worried if whatever I give her will just make her design look more complicated. For help, she has love based powers ( hence the hearts) and she can create poisonous gas (hence the clouds on her skirt)
Also bonus question: is her design animation friendly?
Nice! You might try researching how the planet Venus has changed over the eons to give yourself some hints for how the character might change. Also, it would probably help to figure out what her arc in the story looks like. What's the lie she's telling herself, and how will she see past that lie? What does she need to learn, and how will learning it help her grow and change as a person? Once you know the inner change, you can reflect it in the outer change. And yeah, if you add things to a design, it's only natural it will grow more complicated (though not necessarily in an unmanageable way). But what if her transformation subtracted from her form instead? What if, in casting off the trappings of who she thought she was, Venus becomes who she was always destined to be?
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(Just spitballing, obviously; it might not be right for the tone of the story, but it's something to think about.)
To be honest, because the color of the hearts is vibrating so much against that orange, I couldn't read them as hearts at first. I thought they were just circular spots. And because the hearts are so saturated, if we look at the image in grayscale, they disappear completely.
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If the hearts had more value contrast against the orange, they'd stand out more clearly. When one color is indiscernible from another in grayscale, that's how you know one of them needs to change.
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It's also worth considering if the heart shape that's so ubiquitous with earthlings would mean the same thing to someone whose theme is based on another planet. Are hearts a common symbol of love in her culture? Might she represent love with something else? If she'd keep the hearts, though, you might make them more present in the actual form of her skirt rather than just markings on it, so they have some sort of impact on the silhouette.
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It might also help if her eyes were spaced farther apart for visual clarity. They kind of blend together when viewed from a distance.
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Went ahead and tightened up the overall anatomy a bit as well (especially in the shoulders), just for a touch more naturalism and believability. (Also note that knowing a character's basic forms will help immensely in animating them.)
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In terms of animation, I'm realizing that when people ask me if a character design is animation-friendly, the most direct yet all-encompassing way to answer that is with another question.
"Would you animate it?"
If the answer is no, the design needs to be streamlined, because it wouldn't be fair to give yourself (or others, if it comes to that) an unnecessarily laborious task. Animation's already a ton of work on its own without overly-complex designs making it more difficult, though of course the level of detail will also depend on the budget, deadlines, and the story's tone. I mentioned in another post that the Castlevania series had some pretty detailed characters, BUT the team cleverly compensated for that by using limited animation the majority of the time, only pulling out the big guns during the action scenes. So there are a lot of variables involved, but ultimately I think the first question to ask yourself is if you would be okay animating this character.
Hope that helps!
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rahilatach · 17 days
The Essential Guide to HDMI Cables
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In today's digitally connected world, HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cables are a ubiquitous component of our home entertainment systems, gaming setups, and even professional audio-visual equipment. Understanding what HDMI cables are, how they work, and how to choose the right one for your needs is essential for optimizing your viewing and listening experience. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about HDMI cables.
What is an HDMI Cable?
An HDMI cable is a type of connector used for transmitting high-definition video and audio signals between devices. Introduced in 2003, HDMI has become the standard for connecting a wide range of devices, including televisions, monitors, gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and sound systems. The primary advantage of HDMI over older connection standards is its ability to transmit both audio and video through a single cable, reducing clutter and simplifying the setup process.
Key Features and Specifications
Resolution and Bandwidth:
HDMI cables come in various versions, each supporting different maximum resolutions and bandwidths. For instance, HDMI 1.4 supports up to 1080p resolution and 4K at 30Hz, while HDMI 2.0 and 2.0a support 4K at 60Hz with a bandwidth of 18 Gbps. The latest version, HDMI 2.1, supports 8K resolution at 60Hz and 4K at 120Hz, with a bandwidth of 48 Gbps.
Audio Support:
HDMI cables can carry multi-channel audio signals, including formats like Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. HDMI 2.1 introduces support for enhanced audio return channel (eARC), allowing high-quality audio signals to be sent from your TV to a sound system.
HDMI cables are backward compatible, meaning newer cables will work with older HDMI ports. However, to take full advantage of new features and higher resolutions, both the cable and the connected devices need to support the same HDMI version.
Cable Length and Quality:
The quality and length of an HDMI cable can affect signal transmission. Standard HDMI cables are typically effective up to 15 feet without signal degradation, while high-speed HDMI cables can extend this range. For longer distances, active HDMI cables, which include signal boosters, or HDMI over Ethernet solutions might be necessary.
Choosing the Right HDMI Cable
Selecting the right HDMI cable depends on your specific needs and the devices you are connecting. Here are some factors to consider:
Resolution Requirements:
If you have a 4K TV or plan to get one, choose a high-speed HDMI cable that supports at least HDMI 2.0. For 8K or higher refresh rates, look for HDMI 2.1 cables.
Audio Needs:
If you have a sophisticated sound system, ensure your HDMI cable supports the necessary audio formats and features, such as eARC for high-quality audio return.
Cable Length:
For setups where the devices are far apart, consider active HDMI cables or HDMI over Ethernet to maintain signal integrity over longer distances.
Build Quality:
While HDMI cables are generally robust, investing in a well-built cable with good shielding can reduce the risk of interference and improve durability, especially in environments with lots of electronic devices.
Common Myths About HDMI Cables
There are several misconceptions about HDMI cables, particularly regarding price and performance:
Expensive vs. Cheap Cables:
For most users, a mid-priced HDMI cable will perform just as well as a high-end one. The key is ensuring the cable meets the necessary specifications for your devices.
Gold-Plated Connectors:
While gold-plated connectors can resist corrosion better, they do not necessarily provide a better signal. The cable's internal construction is more critical for performance.
Future of HDMI
The HDMI standard continues to evolve, with future versions expected to support even higher resolutions, faster refresh rates, and improved audio and video features. As technology advances, HDMI will likely remain a crucial element of our digital connectivity landscape, adapting to the growing demands for higher quality and more immersive audio-visual experiences.
In conclusion, HDMI cables are a vital part of modern digital setups, offering a convenient and efficient way to connect high-definition devices. By understanding the different specifications and choosing the right cable for your needs, you can ensure optimal performance and enjoy the best possible experience from your audio-visual equipment.
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holonetnews · 1 year
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Hunting for Holostardom: Deena Tharen’s Image Overpowers Her Journalistic Integrity
As a fellow holojournalist and an avid observer of the Holobroadcasting landscape, I cannot help but marvel at the rise of Deena Tharen, a holojournalist who has seemingly transcended the ties of her profession onto the holostar catwalk. 
With each glossy holoshoot and glamorous appearance, her name has become ubiquitous throughout the galaxy. But admist the glittering allure, one must question whether her journalistic integrity has been compromised by her relentless pursuit of fame and fortune.
Tharen's trajectory has been nothing short of meteoric. She burst onto the scene with an unwavering determination, armed with a wit as sharp as a vibroblade and the charm of a Zeltron
Her quick rise to prominence raises both eyebrows and a sense of scepticism. It seems that Tharen’s focus has shifted from reading the headlines to becoming a headline, as if she were the titular star of her own holoseries.
It is impossible to ignore the countless holoshoots plastered across the galaxy's holoscreens, showcasing Tharen in fashionable attire that would make even the most esteemed designer blush. While her sartorial choices may be admirable from an aesthetic standpoint, they cast a shadow of doubt on her commitment to her profession. It seems she is more concerned with cultivating a personal brand than delivering hard-hitting stories.
Is she a holoreporter? Or an entertainer? The lines between the distinctly different roles blur as she becomes entangled in a web of glitz and glamour. While Deena may argue that her newfound status as Coruscant’s favourite heartthrob allows her to reach a wider audience, one cannot overlook the inherent conflicts of interest that arise in her wake. How can we trust her impartiality when she is seen rubbing elbows with the very individuals she is responsible for critically analyzing?
Behind her polished smile and elegant demeanour lies a shrewdness reminiscent of Chancellor Palpatine himself. Tharen's calculated charisma and well-rehearsed banter are crafted to charm and disarm, leaving her audience captivated by her presence rather than the substance of her reporting. It's a clever ploy that masks her true intentions, a dangerous manipulation of public perception that undermines the very essence of responsible journalism.
To be fair, Tharen is not without talent. Her sharp intellect and quick thinking have allowed her to navigate the treacherous waters of the Holonet with an enviable finesse. 
However, her undeniable allure should not be mistaken for journalistic prowess. 
We mustn't allow ourselves to be seduced by her silver tongue and enchanting smile, for it is the truth that should captivate us, not mere theatrics.
As a Holojournalist, I am committed to upholding the core principles of my profession—truth, integrity, and a dedication to uncovering the facts. My image is secondary to the stories that I carefully craft.
Tharen's approach, on the other hand, seems to be built on spectacle and self-promotion. While she may capture the attention of the masses, she no longer dares delve into the depths investigative reporting. The kind of which uncovers the uncomfortable truths that lie lurking in the shadows.
As consumers of news, we must demand more than a mere façade of intellectualism. Let us be cautious in our admiration and question the true motives behind the captivating smile. Only then can we ensure that the galaxy receives the rigorous reporting it deserves, untainted by the allure of holostars and the trappings of fame.
— Ishale Vuusen, Holonet News.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this opinion piece are those of the author, Ishale Vuusen, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Holonet News.
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funwithfanon · 1 year
What is fanon? “Fanon” is a portmanteau of “fan canon.” It’s the phenomena of a headcanon becoming so popular and widespread that it feels ubiquitous across a fandom, or even gets mistaken for canon! People have mixed feelings about fanon, but here at FwFF we believe there’s something wonderful about this kind of informal community storytelling and worldbuilding.
When does this event happen? Fun with Fanon Fest is a 2-day weekend-long quarterly event. Day 1, a Saturday, will focus on your favorite fanons and creations around those wonderful ideas. Day 2, a Sunday, will focus on inverting common fandom tropes and taking a different angle on popular ideas. This event runs four times a year, about once every three months. The next event will run March 25-26.
Is this for fandoms other than Tolkien’s Legendarium? This event focuses on the Tolkien fandom, as that is the mod/creator’s main fandom, but if you’d like to run your own Fun with Fanon Fest for another fandom, feel free to do so as long as you credit us for the idea! And let us know, so we can link you as a sister event!
I hate the fanon that ____! That’s okay! Fanon isn’t for everyone, and even fanon lovers have things they hate have gotten so popular. This event isn’t just about making more content around fanon ideas, it’s also for challenging those ideas. That’s what Day 2 is all about: Fanon Inversion!
However, we do ask you to be respectful of other people’s headcanons, no matter how popular they are. Don’t submit anything that is just trashing on fanon; instead, create something that fits your preferred version of events!
In summary: This is not a place to complain about fanon you don’t like. It is a place to offer your own take on fanon you disagree with! Write your own version, make your own story—don’t hate, create!
What’s Fanon Inversion? Day 2’s theme is Fanon Inversion, which means we encourage you to invert a commonly accepted fanon idea. You can do this with fanon you dislike, and offer an alternative instead; or you can do it for fanon you do like, to explore a different possibility! For example, you can take the fanon concept of “Maglor is Lindir” and instead write about how Maglor isn’t Lindir, and what the meeting of those two musicians would be like, since they’re separate people.
Are there kinds of fanon that are not acceptable for this event? Yes. To promote a peaceful and respectful environment, we will not be focusing on fanons that judge the morality of a character or the canonicity of a ship.
For example, some unacceptable fanons would be:
“evil Maeglin”
“Maedhros x Fingon”
Instead, we ask that you reframe those concepts in an in-universe context. Acceptable alternatives could be:
“Maeglin felt outcast in Gondolin”
“Everyone thinks Maedhros and Fingon are dating”
This way, it’s not about Maeglin being good or evil, but rather how he feels he is perceived in-universe. It’s an interrogation of his experiences, not a judgement on his character, but it still leaves the same sort of questions open for exploration. In the same vein, we’re not arguing if Russingon is canon or not, but rather how characters feel and perceive their relationship in-universe.
Both of these alternatives give plenty of room for interpretation and nuance. Did Maeglin feel outcast; was he viewed as Different; was he popular; was he he shy? Were Maedhros and Fingon actually in a relationship; how did they feel about people believing this, true or not; were they trying to hide a secret relationship; were they actually very obvious about their affections and still not noticed? These are all questions that don’t necessarily make a judgement call on characters or ships.
Sexuality and gender headcanons are also ineligible for this event. These are often deeply personal headcanons, and it’s no one’s place to declare them invalid. So no “gay Boromir” or “trans Bilbo” as fanon topics.
The only exception to this rule is regarding dwarf gender, which is in a bit of canon grey area. So feel free to explore fanons like “Female Narvi” or “some dwarves in Thorin’s company were women.” Basically, if it’s judging the validity of a queer identity, it’s not allowed.
If you have questions about whether your fanon concept is eligible, don’t hesitate to ask! I promise I don’t bite :)
Is ___ fanon? Fanon is fundamentally a subset of headcanon, so if it’s a canon detail, it doesn’t count as fanon, even if you have a counter-canonical headcanon.
However, if canon is confusing or unsettled (as it often is in this fandom!) but there is a prevailing fandom interpretation, your concept does count, even if there is a version of canon that supports it. 
Also not allowed are straight up Alternate Universes.
So, the following are not fanon:
“Boromir lives” (AU)
“Eöl didn’t actually kill Aredhel” (counter-canonical)
“Bilbo stole the Arkenstone” (canon)
But the following would qualify for this event, even if they’re not strictly “just” fanon, because they’re not really canon either:
“Gil-galad son of Finrod”
“Míriel survived until Fëanor’s adulthood”
Both of these concepts are canon to at least one draft, but are not popularly accepted as canon in the fandom.
However, we also have more typical fanons that are concepts without canon support one way or another, or that build off canon but aren’t necessarily confirmed.
“Lightly Toasted Amrod”
“Celebrimbor and Narvi were best friends”
These would qualify as fanon.
If you’re still not sure if your idea counts as fanon, it’s up to your judgement! But if you’d like, we can give you our opinion :)
What kind of submissions are accepted? Any format of submission is welcome! You can write fic, create art or graphics, make headcanon posts*, share playlists, make crafts, or whatever else you can dream of!
*Headcanon posts are absolutely welcome, but we do ask that you make sure your submission has substance beyond simply stating your headcanon. For example: “Celegorm is a redhead” is not substantial, but “Redheaded Celegorm who blends in with the Ambarussar so much people think he’s their triplet” absolutely is! You don’t have to write an essay, or even more than a sentence, but please give at least a little elaboration.
How do I submit my creation? You can submit your work directly to this blog or make an original post on your own blog with #funwithfanon in the first 20 tags (minus the hashtag). You can also @mention this blog or send the mod a DM with a link to your submission.
In your submission, please give a BRIEF (>1 sentence) summary of the fanon you’re having fun with! This will help us organize the blog :)
“Maglor and Lindir are the same person” → “Maglor = Lindir”
“Celebrimbor’s father-name is also Curufinwë” → “Curufinwë III Tyelperinquar”
“Maeglin felt like an outcast in Gondolin” → “Outcast Maeglin”
If you really can’t sum it up in a few words, that’s okay, but let’s try to keep the character count down :)
Can I focus my fanwork on OCs? Absolutely! We are OC-friendly?
Do I have to participate every day? Nope! You can participate as many times as you want to, whether that means submitting one creation or 20 or just consuming other people’s content. We are happy to have you here no matter how involved you want to be!
What if I don’t like the prompts? Then don’t use them! The prompts are there to inspire you, not to restrict your creativity. We accept all kinds of content, related to the prompts or not.
Can I contribute an in-progress work? Yes! You can contribute whatever kind of fanwork you want, even if it’s not finished. We want to inspire you to celebrate fanon, and if that means you continue on with it after the event is over, that’s great! Additionally, if your work is already in-progress and you want to update it or promo it during the week, that is also encouraged, so other people can find and consume your content!
What if I don’t finish my fanwork in time for the event? Feel free to post what you have and tag us anyway - we accept in-progress works! Alternatively, tag the blog whenever you are finished and ready to post it - we will be happy to promote it even outside the event. Or, just wait a few months for the next event!
Why haven’t you reblogged my post? Posts are queued as the mod encounters them! Your post should be reblogged within 24 hours or so. If you see a like on your post from the mod @arofili, your post is in the blog’s queue! If it’s been 24 hours and you don’t see a like and your post hasn’t been reblogged, we may have missed it - feel free to send it to us or ask us if we’ve seen it! We want to boost your content, but tumblr’s tagging and @ing mechanisms can be faulty.
What do the numbers in the tags mean? This is our tagging system to keep track of which event your submission is part of. It follows the pattern of [year].[quarter]. So a post tagged 23.1 was submitted for the first event of 2023!
Is there an AO3 collection for the event? Yes! You can find it here.
Are there any other rules? Only a few!
Do not repost content by other creators without their explicit permission.
Respect other people’s headcanons and interpretations, even if you don’t share them.
Content and creators espousing bigotry in any form are not allowed to participate. Please check our sister event Tolkien Gen Week’s Code of Conduct page for a specific list on this topic.
I have another question... Contact us via an ask, or reach out to the creator @arofili on their own blog :)
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Theory of Love Live Blogging
Another OffGun show! After I watch this, I would’ve watched all the first full-length BLs of the GMMTV original trio or whatever (SOTUS, Dark Blue Kiss, Theory of Love).
I’ve seen so many clips and no random stuff about it because people reference it often (esp because I started getting into OffGun since I liked Not Me and SeanWhite), so it’ll be interesting to see the context of those clips and references.
I’m expecting it to be a frustrating and angsty show, sprinkled with humour. 
Also note to self: remember to watch the deleted scenes and Special
Episode 1 (May 30)
yo, great start actually. all the movies Third reviews involves falling in love with your friend with Khai always in the background, sometimes mirroring what Third’s talking about (like Third talking about the character being jealous when the friend they like is being lovey-dovey and Khai starts talking sweetly on the phone)
Khai’s a cheater? 😭 with twins no less, he’s a menace. i support being a slut but be one who communicates and is honest. anyway any twin stuff and off obviously reminds me of not me
lol Third’s dramatics. I didn’t realize the shower crying was straight up from the first episode
ew why is Two so sleazy? Khai is too a bit but Two’s scene with the photography thing was so uncomfortable
dang Khai really doesn’t give Third a break. First hit him with all the begging and bribing to get BP tickets and then after Third goes through all the trouble, dash his hopes of going together by getting the tickets himself and going with the girl he’s seeing. It’s not necessarily Khai’s fault that Third’s crushing on him so hard and he didn’t even know Third bought an extra ticket to go with him but the way he acts is still a bit dickish
Khai a dumbass for that very public provocation
Khai really knows how to get Third to do stuff by putting on that cute act
trying to remember if this is the outfit Third wore in the ubiquitous clip of seeing Khai and crying while eating a burrito
oh yes, pretty sure the outfit he changed into is it
I get why Third’s in the state he is though like if Khai was just leeching off of him or getting him to run errands, Third could probably get over him easier but the guy repays him by doing the movie review and suggests going to the movies together, so it would hurt more when he’s let down (especially since he defended Khai against Two and Bone)
Third’s subdued reaction, just the teary eyes, is so good
“Knowing how stupid it is to do what he’s doing, he does it anyway.” At least Third’s self aware to an extent, although he does view life/the events in a dramatic, movie way.
girl the bidet?!
third really fell at first sight, dang
alskdja the way my eyes widened at Two directly asking Third if he liked Khai. He seems sympathetic enough, at least
Episode 2 (May 30)
lol Two is certainly eager to help Third
Are there female characters in this who isn’t either a shitty girlfriend or has any life/personality outside of squealing over which guys the show wants the audience to find attractive
not Khai being jealous already. Question is whether it’s a “i like him and am jealous without realizing” thing or “umm Third must pay me the most attention and help me always” selfish thing
Khai talks so sweetly to him sometimes for real “If I didn’t have you, how would I live?” like my guy you’re killing Third
ooh I saw a bit of a clip of the 10 Things I Hate About You recreation, didn’t realize Third was just imagining it lol It would’ve been so fun if I was actually familiar with the movies the show’s referencing
Gun’s character being bold and confessing here and also in Puppy Honey is interesting. I like forwardness in characters who are expected to be the one being pursued based on stature/tropes/archetypes
is Khai actually that dense or just letting Third down easy?
Two and Third’s plans are so alskdjak 😭 freaking funny
alskdja not the “Don’t say this to other people, they’ll fall in love with you” from Khai to Third! Idk how Third’s trudging along, all of Khai’s lines would mess with my head so much
They succeeded in creating the most contrived roommates plot though, so thanks for making this little domestic montage possible.
ooh, is this one of the love interest girls who’s supposed to be a fine woman, the first one in the show?
her wanting a romantic, stress-free one so that she doesn’t have to do critical thinking soooo true
Episode 3 (May 31)
The furniture shopping! I saw a clip of this before too. friends to lovers + roommates lends itself to so much domesticity before they’re dating (which means, once again, RIP Third)
Also, this episode is called Friends With Benefits (in English) and I was huh? So I looked at each episode’s poster on MDL and seems like each episode is named after a different movie. That’s so cool, wish I freaking watched any of them lol
Khai’s such an asshole, why is he acting like Third’s his chef/cleaner/home caretaker T.T It’d make him seem less like an asshole if they had a conversation about Third paying him for letting him stay in his condo by doing chores around the house but still somewhat asshole-ish because he’s so... dismissive toward Third
Khai bragging about his sexual prowess/stamina to Third lmfao
“I think I’ve made a wrong decision moving in with him” yeah, I’m not actually sure what you were trying to accomplish 
took a little break to go through tiktok for a bit and lost my entire mind at this one where kinn slaps porsche a little. [extremely nsfw thoughts] anyway, i’m back now again ig
Ooh, the girl Two likes played May in SOTUS. I know Two and Earth’s character gets together and this is an unrequited crush I think?
No way Faisah also turned out to be a freaking weirdo? Grabbing Third’s phone like that, bruh no way. Is it that they make Khai’s gfs terrible so that we want him and Third to be together even more?
Bro Khai’s assholery never ends fr
Third knowing full well his crush and the girl are gonna be in bed together and still taking a peek and then crying his heart out. my guy... why did you do that to yourself
I don’t care about Two’s crush Lynn
Khai turning the “oh you like me living with you because you practically get a live in maid” to “no, my life’s been better with you in it” is so genius of him. Third really does need to move out 
but rip Khai saying he cares about Third more than Faisah probably touched Third’s heart even though he obviously will care more about his friend than the girl he doesn’t like?! this dude’s words just pulls Third back in every time 
“Between a girl and my friend, who do you think I’d choose” “Friend?” “Girl.” “Why’d you ask me then?” “I’m saying it’s different. With girls I use my body. With you, I use my heart.” Khai is seriously soooooo laksfj
To nobody’s surprise, Third stays 
Episode 4 (May 31)
Crying, was the egg + hand motion supposed to resemble grabbing balls?!
They’re really selling small, short, long, jumbo sausages! And whoever buys can do whatever they want to them T.T dead. Also replayed Khai’s “not choking!” a few times lol
“Why do I have to have feelings for a douchebag like him?” lmao rip Third 
Third: Don’t sweettalk me. Khai: sweettalks him. Third: fuck!
I don’t care about Bone’s side romance either but I do like it when younger man likes a older woman, so maybe they’ll win me over
All these casual indirect kisses gonna make Third’s brain explode
“You already have dark skin, don’t let your heart be dark too!” NOT THIS?! 
Bro Khai even says “I have a date with you” like truly how is Third supposed to get over him? 
Man, this is actually so </333 Third talking about how the main leads have different opinions and we just saw Khai and Third have different opinions, how the FL has an unrequited love at the beginning of the movie but the ML pursues her by the end and we know that’s how this show will go ahh </33
Bro I don’t care about Bone being stood up, sorry!
Don’t these people have passwords on their laptops tf
Bruh, Two’s “I came first” logic is so ?? Okay, who gives a shit if you liked her since high school, if she doesn’t like you then get over her. I was annoyed at Un first cuz who cares if Two has a crush but now I’m just annoyed at both.
What is up with Khai? Why’s so nice and attentive toward Third? It’s gonna hurt even more when Khai starts being dickish again
Dude, Khai’s even letting Third ride Chawee when only his faen would be allowed on it? Even said Third’s living with him like he’s his faen anyway T.T Is it Khai’s freaking plan to make Third fall for him and unable to get over him or something
Not the singing scene lol but then the little montage of Third thinking of all the nice things Khai’s done for him ummm why is Khai being so nice, it’s making me nervous 
it’s like a lower level “I bet I can make them fall for me” bet where Khai did all the same things as one would do for the previous bet but with the intention of figuring out whether Third likes him. Shitty to do all that for someone you don’t like 
“I forgot what an asshole he was” I didn’t forget but if I didn’t know the beats of this story, I might’ve bought it lol. He really was sooo sugary and nice and flirty this episode
Episode 5 (May 31/June 1)
Finally Third’s gonna try to get over him, I guess. rip Khai being confused as all hell though
Oh, I know apparently Khai finds some video confession that Third likes him, is this the video he’ll find?
Is this foreshadowing the motorcycle accident I know is gonna come 
lmfao Third getting frustrated and angry thinking of 10 Things He Hates About Khai
There are many things I don’t want in my BLs and “guy hanging around the girl he likes and ~consoling~ her when she fights with her bf to show that he’s a good friend and secretly waiting for his chance” or whatever is one of them. I wouldn’t have thought this much into it if he didn’t have the “why should I get over her, I was here first” thing. The word Un uses for him in 5-3 is opportunistic. 
I don’t care about Two or Bone’s side relationships but is Bone pretending that he’s older, around the woman’s age?
rip Third shaming Khai for “whoring around” like bro he’s allowed to whore around all he wants, what’s bad is that he doesn’t take into account how he affects other people
Wait, hold on the girl telling Khai “Good boy. You’ll be rewarded for your obedience.” Okayyyy *eyes emoji*
Third don’t stir up shit right now, I need to see more of Khai be obedient to this girl >.<
I mean ?! Third and Khai are both being assholes right now but is it fair for them all to gang up on Khai? Khai definitely shouldn’t have said the “until he’s my bitch” thing but Third hasn’t been speaking nicely about Khai either. They enabled his behaviour for so long but now they’re all feeling guilty since it hurts their other friend Third? Even though their other friend isn’t being nice to Khai either.
No like Two and Bone are leaving Khai to do his part of the project for what reason? They’re not better than Khai in terms of sleeping around, so they’re only mad at him for the Third thing but like... Khai hasn’t always been nice to Third anyway and Third was also being an asshole, so why are they icing out Khai so much?
Oof, how do I feel about that scene where Khai returns the laptop. I’m guessing he saw the file Third made and knows Third likes him because people said that happens? Khai seemed... careful. Is it too early in the show for that? 
lmfao Bone’s been ditching the class his crush has started teaching
Episode 6 (June 1)
Wait... does Khai not know that Third likes him them? I would think that maybe he’d be nice enough to not drag Third along to buy his girl a lipstick if he knew.
This is so fucked up, the chance of Third getting over Khai when they keep hanging around each other is 0%
first of all, if you get drunk enough that you just go kissing random people without asking and stuff, fuck you. second of all, calling a different person’s name ?! T.T I think I did hear that Khai did that but forgot and was just :0 when he said Praew
that kiss sucked on several different levels, like Khai’s so incredibly drunk and won’t remember it probably, Third looks so uncomfortable, then Khai talking about how much he loves Praew rip
T.T rip Third. Him saying “I love you” in his head repeatedly while wishing Khai’s relationship well was </3
Also, I guess this means Khai didn’t see the video confession
Un’s annoying with his threats to expose Two’s crush to Lynn if he doesn’t work for Un blagh
idk what it is but I don’t feel any chemistry or feel giddy seeing Two and Un antagonize each other or be nice to each other. 
I know this is before COVID but Un keeping his mask off and coughing everywhere is alksdfj no
Bro I don’t get why I’m not into Two and Un at all. Un this whole part was doing nice things for Two and if it was another couple I would’ve been so giddy (dying thinking of Cutie Pie NuerSyn having these scenes) but they make me feel nothing at all
Third finally putting some distance between them
Wait what’s this time jump. So for a week or two or three? we see Khai longing looking at Third who’s pulling away and then apparently Khai’s not been to school for weeks cuz he’s at home?
man Khai’s such a dick!!!! Emotional intelligence and kindness level -100. Shitty plan to make Third get over him by hurting him so bad and thennnn thinking that’ll lead to them going back to being great friends like before??? did Not Me Sean create this plan?
Anyway, deeply, deeply hoping that the character development Khai’s supposed to have is well-written, sensible, and still in-character. I want a Khai who gradually understands his errors and strives to be better and there should be a natural, gradual progression rather than 1) him becoming a very different person or 2) the changes being erratic or nonsensical. 
Episode 7 (June 1)
lol Khai sitting here imagining what his date with Third would be like. The imaginary Third wanting a Rolex killed me
Khai’s so nervous and cautious around Third
Bruh, Bone’s a bonehead. Why would Paan use this serious job just to punish him? I don’t hate their storyline but get annoyed sometimes
:0 Third’s auctioning off Khai’s birthday gift? That’d stinggggg if that was me
Me while converting Khai and Un’s bidding prices for Flipped from baht to cahd -> O.O
Is this setting up a little Un interested in Third thing? I saw a clip where Khai saw the two of them hanging out at the mall 
Bro, I need Third’s narration again. I got used to it for 6 episodes, so being in Khai position where he’s guessing what Third’s thinking isn’t satisfying enough lol I want to know how he feels about Khai right now and where he is on the In Love In Love In Love to Totally Over Him scale
I haven’t been reading the comments for this show but maybe I should’ve. Just learned the auction scene is a reference to Flipped! That’s cute since they’re betting on Flipped and apparently Flipped also has a POV shift halfway through like this show
lmfao Un and Bone just having to witness their 2 friends like each other but not at the same time. Interesting that Two’s not supportive of Khai going after Third.
Khai willing to do both Two and Bone’s parts in the project to get to spend time with Third? My guy, how deep have you fallen? 
Khai’s nervousness is quite cute >.< Though it did lead to Third thinking he was jerking off in the bathroom lol
Is Khai the one sending him the extra treats? in front of the rest of the crew? Should’ve at least done like “everyone gets x and y and also Third gets z from a secret admirer” so that it’s not a clear favoritism from the upper people or something
Not Khai’s “o ho, rich, attractive, womanizer, hurts people without remorse, who could it be? does such a person exist?” T.T It’s not even that he fits the characters, he is the character since Third wrote it based on him lol It’s also funny because everyone in the room also knew he fit every single one of those characteristics, including the asshole behaviour.
Aak, not the script reading that mirrors their own relationship
I think Khai’s POV is humorous and also Off plays him so cute/endearingly, I need to reread what I read for the first few episodes because I gotta remember why Third’s not tryna mess with him lol. 
Episode 8 (June 2)
dang Third’s sooo apathetic towards Khai now, rip. idk how you go from liking someone so much that you put up with such bullshit to just... not giving a fuck. I wish we could hear from Third
Dang, would Khai have confessed?
Oof, Un and Third. Third’s so smiley toward Un too rip
I simply don’t care about Two and Lynn
“I’m here to pick up-” “A girl?” Yeah no wonder Third’s ignoring him since he doesn’t really have reason to believe Khai’s not chasing girls anymore
Bone and Prof Paan are kinda cute as long as they have minimal scenes sprinkled throughout
Oof, here’s the scene of Khai seeing Un and Third at the mall. At least Third never told Khai he’d be there then ditched, which is what Khai had done.
Bruh, not the pathetic, crying Khai! </3 </3 </3 I wish he wasn’t so selfish that he couldn’t understand the effects of his actions on other people until he felt the same emotions but I’m glad to see some realizatoins and remorse from him. 
If I cared more about Two or UnTwo, Two seeing Un say the same things to Third that he said to Two would’ve been so good! The hurt! But I don’t really care lol
??? O.O Khai you dumbass why are you thinking of and tryna kiss a sleeping Third. He literally was just thinking that kissing Third “drunkenly” was a dick move, so what’s he pulling now?
I knew it was coming but I don’t really like the accident trope, so we’ll see how they handle it I guess
Episode 9 (June 1)
Tumblr media
The Punn or Black vibes here :0 They
Bruh the friends all hacking into Third’s Line T.T y’all are all too much
It does suck that Third had no reaction to Khai’s apology but a) it’s not a good apology and b) “I won’t hurt you from here on out” is a useless thing to say when within the last day or so, he’s kissed him in his sleep + aided in looking through his Line chats
Khai’s parents are shitty lol Their complete disinterest in him despite his accident
Khai not putting up a fuss when Un joins them and even trying to lighten the atmosphere because he thinks Third wants to be with Un... this is the type of character development I want to seeeee
Are we gonna get the bathtub scene I’ve encountered so many times lol
T.T This bathing scene is actually so T.T It’s so soft, so cute, I’m so fond, it’s so tender and domestic
:00 he’s bringing up the sleep kiss before the accident
The bath scene is seriously my favourite in the show thus far 
Aww Bone’s prof is getting married and he’s gonna have to edit their wedding stuff </3
What do you mean by the wedding is “Indian theme” I’ll break your knees
Girl not Khai coming in and next question coincidentally being “Never Have I Ever had a crush on my best friend” 
Them both drinking O.O Then Un immediately coming in and sitting on the handle of Third’s chair lol
Third’s facial expressions after Khai talks about him liking cheese flavour
No wayyyyyy “The person Third likes” 3 people at once chiming up with “P’Un” alksdf At least Bone and Two look like they’re thinking “oh what a fucked up situation” though i guess only Bone thinks that and Two is like fucked up over his crush on Un
nooo show me what Praew said right nowww but also I don’t wanna know cuz if she said the truth then rip KhaiThird after Third learns Khai hurt him that much on purpose
P’Shane’s “You can tell me anything, I’m a nosy person” lol
Girl I cannot watch the rest of this lmfao Khai just started beating up Un for making out with a girl? Not to mention he doesn’t even know Praew told Third the truth presumably. I actually can’t make myself watch but also I wanna know aghhh the ending of every episode is just “oh shit oh fuck confrontation/consequence/big reveal” and it’s stressful
no way, I continued watching and Khai calls Third stupid, maybe I really should stop so that I can go to sleep after this
I think episode 9 is my favourite episode so far and includes my favourite scene: the bath
Episode 10 (June 3/4)
Ahh, nervous nervous
Aak, it’s too public and dramatic, I keep pausing lol
Shane’s “it’s a win-win” is killing me lol, mans lie got Khai and Two heartbroken and Un beat up 
Gosh, how would I even feel if I was Third right now? I miss hearing his thoughts from the first half.
“What kind of game are you playing with me now?” Fuuuckkkk okay I guess we know what Third’s thinking/feeling now
“I’ll try to become a better person and wait for the day you like me again” T.T
...how do I feel about Khai basically leading them through a date even though Third didn’t agree to a date
Third dying from how nicely Khai’s treating him... I can’t help be suspicious rip like okay you can be nice on a date but what about in general
>.< Two and Bone teasing themmm 
pausing as soon as Khai texts “Should we just tell them we’re a couple” because ?? I wouldn’t have a good reaction to that and I can’t imagine Third having a good reaction to that, they haven’t decided anything, they have a long history, it’s just their first date. They’re not a couple yet!
Okay, I would’ve been more annoyed but “a couple, my ass!” is fine too
noo Third’s “Alright, I’m a loser. I went soft and came with him” is so laskdfj cute to meeee. Can’t win against Khai’s charms rip what a bastard
“But when he first starts dating some, he usually does this” Yeah! I know Third knows it from the first half of the story but I worry that writers will make the characters forget, so I’m glad he hasn’t forgotten
Naurrr the headband that Third kept in his Khai box has its companion on display in Khai’s table because he kept it !! for 3 years !! because it brought Third to him !!
Oh, is this when they kiss? I’ve seen clips and I think they were standing around here
This part was cute but I know some fucked up stuff’s gonna happen later in this episode or the cursed 11th ep agh :< I’ve seen clips of where Third comes in drinking from a bottle and sees Khai kiss a girl and then kisses a guy, who Khai then punches. I don’t want it to happen rip
I’ll watch tomorrow
Oh yeah, kiss. Much better than their Puppy Honey one.
Why is Khai so pushy for Third’s answer? He can’t be patient for even a little bit? 
Not the cute, cute montage >.< Playing footsie, the kiss -> sit ups maneuver I’ve seen clips of
I don’t care about the Un/Two/Lynn stuff, let’s move along now
Khai texting while on his bike?!?! After his accident?! dumbassery
Pls not the “give me a lift pls” and I guess he’s gonna be seen by Third with Khai having the girl on his bike or smth? dumbassery
“Who were you talking to?” “No one.” “But I just saw you with someone” *ignores* like bro Khai are you fucking dumb? Just be like I accidentally ran into her bike, so I gave her a ride
Bruh aslkdfj okay I was like 50/50 on whether Bone would get sad ending because his crush is his prof + she’s getting married but omg they’re really going all in on Bone finding the fiance’s photo with another woman + XXX calling the fiance during their meeting + Paan just having watery eyes T.T I hate that Paan, who’s so intelligent and hard working from what we’ve seen thus far is having her soul sucked out because of this man. 
Girl no way they’re gonna have Bone and Paan actually kiss right now right?
Sigh, episode 11 up next. We already have the seeds of Third’s distrust in Khai, can’t wait to see how it explodes next episode
One thing I wish happened in this episode is more of a conversation about how they’ll go about this relationship. I wanted Khai and Third to talk about how this is going to be different than Khai’s previous relationships where he just chased a high and broke up once it wore off or whatever, how Third still doesn’t fully trust Khai, what exactly are they even exactly because they never explicitly say whether they’re just trying out dating or are in a relationship.
Episode 11 (June 4)
Ahh, nervous nervous
The only reason the kiss doesn’t happen is because Paan gets a call? Bone you asshole!
lmfao this episode’s called He’s Just Not That Into You ?
Oh yeah! There’s another scene (beside the one where Third sees Khai kissing someone and thus kisses someone else) that’s iconic and I’m waiting to see: the train station scene. How are there so many angsty scenes in like 2 episodes rip
Naurrr they all promised to go to the beach
Woah Third’s “I came with my friends to wait for my faen” >.< I guess the ep title applies to him too. 
lmfao me watching Third climb the stairs and bring the bottle to his lips exactly as I’ve seen in the multiple cliips “Aw shit, here we go again”
rip Third just yelling at that other dude like hey !! kiss me !! right now !!
“I don’t want to love you anymore. It hurts.” man... fuck
T.T Third yelling and crying and berating himself for trusting Khai T.T followed by the quiet tears when Two brings him home. Similarly the yelling and throwing when Khai first enters but then the quietness and hurt afterward. It’s done so well.
Dang, so are we gonna get a sad ending for Bone? Makes sense considering Paan is his prof + engaged. Also, I wonder if the ‘forgive Paan’s cheating fiancé’ storyline is to soften us to forgiving Khai for cheating (which... did he actually? He really didn’t seem to have any interest in Ching Ching)
MOTHERFUCKER THIS TRAIN SCENE T.T dead screaming crying pulling my hair out my gosh
The promise of everybody going (lead by Khai because he’s the one who flakes) but nobody informing Khai that none of them are planning on going... the waiting, waiting, waiting which Khai hardly had to do (even from realizing he likes Third -> dating Third timeline was very short), so it’s like he gets to experience a mini version of Third’s waiting and despite Khai being the one who flakes and gives up easily, he waited... Khai’s insistance on acting natural when Third finally appears... Khai’s “it’s fine, you can tell me if you don’t want me there, I may have flattered myself a bit”... Third just hugging Khai... Khai crying, a great contrast to Third who’s also crying but he cried nearly every episode... 
But literally why did Two and Bone at least not tell Khai that they’re not going ?!?! 
Along with episode 9, this is my favourite episode. It’s dramatic as most episode 11s are and it’s slightly contrived but the conflicts still weren’t completely out of the left blue (esp the Third being suspicious of Khai getting with another girl) and each part (not including 3 b/c that part was hardly KhaiThird) was just Emotional Damage. 
Episode 12 (June 4)
Ahh, nervous nervous
“When did I get mad at you?” lmfao Third? 
Ooh, flirty
I wish they’d have a proper conversation about Khai and the girls he’s dated in the past. He’s gotten around and that means his exes will often make an appearance + him apparently being every single girl’s type means they’ll hit on him, so they should talk about how to maneuver that.
Khai’s tendency to “I’m going” “I’m really, really going” “For real, I’m going” hoping that Third’s gonna stop him is cute. I do wonder why Third’s giving him kind of a cold shoulder though?
Oh rip he’s afraid they’ll breakup and he’ll up with nothing, not even Khai’s friendship
Ohhh, the line of girls slapping Khai is from here. He’s repentant but then I wonder is he too repentant? I would not have let Faisah slap me after what she did but hmm did Khai ghost her first? Maybe that’s why
I’m gonna kick something, how can there be angst in freaking ep 12?
“I’m just not sure what you’re doing is love” like... it’s kinda frustrating that Third keeps rejecting Khai despite obviously liking him but I guess Third’s just seen him be the way he has been for too long and it’s all such flashy confessions and repentance
Girl I do not wanna watch a public confession T.T Also, the audience can’t even read what those posters say lol
“I watched as many romantic films as I could to find out what love is. Instead of finding the answer, I found you in each of them.” Arrow to the heart!!!
I know Khai’s saying he learned love isn’t roses and luxurious locations but he’s still confessing again as a huge, grand gesture. Khai’s words are sweet, as always, it’s just that I think these types of things are too grand and embarrassing. Third did it in front of Khai and only Khai, not by holding up a play lol
Like realizing how Third confessed and doing it back to him, keeping the necklace, keeping the freaking headpiece from freshman year, etc are cute and romantic but why in front of everyone T.T
not the Third licking popsickly innuendo lmfao
Why is Two so resistant to Un kissing him. I did not give a fuck about these two this entire show rip
Thought we on a journey to Bone maturing, so why is his introduction to his new love interest kinda sleazy lol
“Even if the sign shrinks, I don’t~”
I was gonna be like no way, why does Third also seem soooo averse to kissing Khai but then in the end he’s like :) even as he’s whining/moving away, so I guess it’s just... a ~thing~ they do lmfao dubcon-play my love
No like Third literally making a disagreeable noise and then immediate puckering up his lips is hilarious.
Cute ass ending.
lmfao not the post-credit scene because they needed to plug an ad. They had a whole lot of sponsors for this show, glad they at least put the money to good use.
Quite enjoyed it. I think the fact that I knew so many things (like the burrito scene, the crying shower scenes, the girls slapping scene, etc from tiktok) and knew that Khai was a douchebag but would get redeemed made it much easier for me to like. Also, I just like OffGun and that bias also played a part for sure. 
Negatives first:
I wish we got to see more of Khai realizing he likes Third (tf was that random confession of liking Third to that random guy in the beach scene). Also, just... some more communication and emotional moments between KhaiThird that isn’t freaking devastating; like perhaps serious, contemplative, vulnerable because they seemed to be either chill and laughing or just absolute devastation.
Also wish episode 12 didn’t have remnants of angst because Third wasn’t accepting Khai’s boyfriend proposal. Either should’ve removed that or should’ve made the final confession not been public, just have had the same confession and actions from Khai but more intimate.
Didn’t care about Two’s plot with Un or Lynn at allll. Was kind of interested in the Bone/Paan thing and I didn’t dislike how it went but it did get a bit boring.
Onto what I liked:
I wasn’t sure how well the characters would be developed and how their change throughout the story would be written but I was pleasantly surprised. I think minus a few hiccups here and there, the characters progressed in a way I enjoyed. It wasn’t too fast or two slow and they worked at it. They were frustrating when they weren’t meant to be and pitiful when the writing called for it.
I liked the movie references even if I didn’t understand any of it lol. I liked how they sprinkled the references throughout and also explained them when needed.
Third and Khai’s acting was good. Gun was skillful in playing Third, tugs at your heartstrings and cries at the drop of a hat. Off was so charming as Khai, I definitely would’ve liked Khai less if he wasn’t played so charmingly.
I liked the story and characters!
Rating: 6.5/10
Theory of Love: Special Episode (June 7)
they’re each other’s sweethearts and it’s KhaiThird and also ThirdKhai, so true
Wait, Khai’s been sleeping on the floor for like 1-2 years? Bruh what? When did they move in together and why didn’t they buy 2 beds or decide to share a bed??
At least they’re having some conversation about how they feel about the past and future
I thought Bone got a gf? What’s all this about him chatting with girls and getting over Paan?
Bruh, are we gonna have another Ching Ching type drama?
...I guess the “Third is so scary when he’s angry” and bossing Khai around when he’s being affection is humourous? I don’t really like it. Edit: Maybe this is actually mostly just in Khai’s head because Third seems a little physically distant but not scary or punishing from this episode.
Aghhh it’s literally just a photo. Idk why Khai didn’t say the truth in the first place that a girl fell on him and also Two and Bone were there to see it happen. Now, they’re worried about just a picture being passed around where he and the girl are just sitting beside each other like what? 
“I’m the one to blame for putting myself in this situation” Khai said this about Ching Ching too and it’s just so not true. He’s not to blame that Ching Ching kissed him without asking and in this case he’s not to blame for... what? having a girl sit beside him?
The way Khai seems to lack self-confidence, as well as confidence in their relationship is upsetting. He shouldn’t have to tiptoe around in his own relationship. Bone said Third would understand and I hope he would and then Khai can work to move forward and gain confidence and trust in himself.
Did that guy Khai was telling to delete all the photos call him Hia?
Okayyy Third’s reassuring Khai. 
(33mins) Okay the conversation was fine, Third was fine as expected, I’m glad Third explicitly reassured Khai + said he also is trying to meet Khai in the middle.
fuck they’re sooooo cute now that the random ass Khai agonizing thing is over. Them spending time together, teasing e/o and looking out for e/o, them planning on spending their lives together, the proposal T.T
The contrast between Khai clinginess level 100 vs Third being at like lvl 10 is jarring. Didn’t enjoy how... unsure of himself and his relationship Khai seemed in certain parts, I want him to be confident in his place! Enjoyed seeing the parts where Third reassures Khai and where they spend time together.
Rating: 5.5
Tiktoks (I saw so many ToL tiktoks because I joined tiktok to seek out Not Me and OffGun content, so I think these tiktoks really made excited to watch the show)
Ones I liked before watching the show
Theory of Love and Bad Buddy parallel in the auditorium scenes
“Third has disappeared from my life.”
the iconic Third burrito eating scene
10 Things I Hate About You song to Khai (the reasons are the ones given in the song)
Theory of Love and 10 Things I Hate About You Episode 5 Reference/Parallel
Third seeing Khai at the mall with Milk vs Khai seeing Third at the mall with Un to Deja Vu
The Beach Going Train Waiting Scene (I actually didn’t fully watch this tiktok until I finished the show but even before, I knew it was supposed to be iconic and so saved it to come back to later)
Last episode kisses weren’t in the script but they decided on it later
Third being hurt in the first half of the series (song: Ang Wakas, such a good song)
Ones I liked after watching the show
10 Things Third Hates About Khai (from the show)
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doestouchvpnwork · 1 month
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Speed test comparison
Title: A Comprehensive Speed Test Comparison: Finding the Fastest Internet Connection
In today's digitally-driven world, having a reliable and fast internet connection is crucial for both personal and professional activities. With numerous internet service providers (ISPs) offering various plans and speeds, it can be challenging to determine which one truly delivers on its promises. This is where speed test comparisons come into play.
Speed test comparisons involve evaluating the performance of different ISPs by measuring their download and upload speeds, as well as latency. These tests provide users with valuable insights into the actual performance of their internet connections, helping them make informed decisions when choosing a provider.
One popular tool for conducting speed test comparisons is Ookla's Speedtest.net. This platform allows users to quickly and easily test their internet speed with just a click of a button. By running multiple tests at different times of the day, users can get a clear picture of their internet connection's consistency and reliability.
Another widely used tool is Fast.com, which is powered by Netflix. Fast.com provides users with a straightforward speed test specifically designed to measure download speeds. This tool is particularly useful for streaming enthusiasts who prioritize fast download speeds for uninterrupted viewing experiences.
Additionally, various independent websites and forums offer speed test comparison charts and reviews, allowing users to compare ISPs side by side based on real-world data and user feedback.
When conducting a speed test comparison, it's essential to consider factors such as location, network congestion, and the type of connection (e.g., fiber optic, cable, DSL). What may be the fastest ISP in one area may not necessarily be the best option elsewhere.
In conclusion, speed test comparisons play a vital role in helping consumers find the fastest and most reliable internet connection for their needs. By leveraging these tools and resources, users can make informed decisions and ensure they're getting the best value for their money.
Bandwidth optimization
Bandwidth optimization refers to the process of managing and maximizing the efficiency of data transmission over a network. In today's digital world where internet usage is ubiquitous, ensuring that bandwidth is used intelligently and efficiently is crucial for businesses and individuals alike.
By optimizing bandwidth, organizations can experience improved network performance, faster data transfer speeds, and reduced latency. This leads to a smoother and more reliable online experience for users, whether they are browsing the web, streaming videos, or conducting important business operations.
There are various strategies that can be employed to optimize bandwidth usage. One common approach is implementing compression techniques to reduce the size of data packets being transmitted. Data compression can significantly decrease the amount of bandwidth required to transfer information, ultimately leading to faster loading times and better overall network performance.
Additionally, traffic shaping and prioritization techniques can be used to allocate bandwidth resources more effectively. By assigning higher priority to critical applications and limiting the bandwidth available to non-essential tasks, network administrators can ensure that important processes receive the necessary resources without being interrupted by less important activities.
Overall, bandwidth optimization plays a vital role in enhancing the efficiency and performance of networks. By implementing the right strategies and tools, organizations can maximize their bandwidth resources, improve user experience, and ultimately achieve their business goals more effectively.
Server performance analysis
Server performance analysis is a critical aspect of maintaining the efficiency and reliability of any online platform. It involves monitoring various metrics to ensure that servers are running optimally and identifying potential issues before they impact the user experience.
One key aspect of server performance analysis is monitoring resource utilization. This includes CPU usage, memory consumption, disk I/O, and network activity. By tracking these metrics over time, administrators can identify trends and make informed decisions about capacity planning and resource allocation.
Another important factor to consider is response time. This refers to the time it takes for the server to respond to requests from clients. By monitoring response times, administrators can identify bottlenecks and optimize server configuration to improve overall performance.
Additionally, server performance analysis often involves examining error logs and monitoring for unusual activity. Errors can indicate underlying issues that need to be addressed, while unusual activity such as spikes in traffic or unexpected server reboots may signal potential security threats or hardware failures.
There are several tools available for server performance analysis, ranging from built-in utilities like top and sar to more advanced monitoring solutions like Nagios and Zabbix. These tools provide real-time visibility into server health and performance, allowing administrators to proactively manage their infrastructure.
In conclusion, server performance analysis is essential for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of online platforms. By monitoring resource utilization, response times, and error logs, administrators can identify and address issues before they impact users, ultimately improving the overall user experience.
Latency measurement
Latency measurement is a critical aspect of evaluating the performance of networks, systems, and applications. Latency refers to the time it takes for data to travel from its source to its destination. In simple terms, it is the delay between the moment a signal is sent and the moment it is received.
Measuring latency is essential for ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience, especially in activities such as online gaming, video streaming, and financial trading where delays can significantly impact user satisfaction and business outcomes. By assessing latency, network administrators and system operators can identify bottlenecks, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance to deliver real-time services effectively.
There are various tools and techniques available for measuring latency, including ping tests, traceroute, and network monitoring software. Ping tests involve sending a small data packet to a target server and measuring the round-trip time for the packet to reach its destination and return. Traceroute, on the other hand, maps the route that data takes from the source to the destination, helping to pinpoint latency issues at specific network hops.
Network monitoring software offers more advanced capabilities for measuring latency across a network, providing real-time insights into performance metrics such as latency, packet loss, and jitter. By monitoring latency proactively, organizations can detect anomalies, predict potential issues, and take corrective actions to maintain optimal network performance.
In conclusion, latency measurement is a fundamental practice for assessing network performance and ensuring smooth and responsive communication between systems and users. By employing the right tools and strategies, organizations can effectively manage and optimize latency to deliver a seamless user experience and drive business success.
Network throughput evaluation
Network throughput evaluation is a crucial aspect of assessing the performance and efficiency of a network in transmitting data. It refers to the measurement of the amount of data that can be successfully transmitted over a network within a given period of time. By evaluating network throughput, organizations can identify bottlenecks, optimize network configurations, and ensure that network resources are utilized effectively.
There are several factors that can influence network throughput, including network congestion, bandwidth limitations, packet loss, latency, and the quality of network components. To conduct a comprehensive evaluation of network throughput, various tools and techniques can be utilized. These may include network monitoring software, packet analyzers, bandwidth testing tools, and performance testing methodologies.
By measuring network throughput, organizations can determine the actual data transfer rate achieved by their network, as opposed to the theoretical maximum speed. This information is essential for capacity planning, troubleshooting network issues, and optimizing network performance. It can also help in identifying areas where network upgrades or improvements are needed to meet the growing demands of users and applications.
Overall, network throughput evaluation plays a significant role in ensuring the reliability, scalability, and efficiency of a network infrastructure. By continuously monitoring and assessing network throughput, organizations can proactively address network performance issues, enhance user experience, and support the seamless operation of critical business applications.
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pazodetrasalba · 1 year
Trad (& 3)
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Dear Caroline:
I was quite happy yesterday for finding a way (via The Wayback Machine) to listen to The FTX Podcast #7, which was a half-hour conversation with you. Not that any of the information in it was new, but it always delights me to hear your voice.
Here goes the last panel in this triptych of tradition and the song of the heart. I would say that your old motto 'the sexual revolution was a mistake', which you later seemed to have (at least partially) relinquished is far from being some crazy, ultraconservative and irrational stance to take. Witness, among others, a recent book that was published last year and which you may have read: Louise Perry's The Case Against the Sexual Revolution. And I think it is not difficult to steelman some of the arguments you make in your post.
There are many aspects in which the Sexual Revolution was, of course, both a necessity and a liberation, giving women freedom and power over their bodies and their sexuality, and in line with the other rights they had been progressively acquiring since the previous century. And yet some of its consequences can definitely be perceived as unsavory and downright bad. You speak of a 'hookup-up' culture in your youth, which I suspect has only become less salient because it has become ubiquitous, more normalized and accepted as a given. Some would argue that such a culture is connected to a superficial and instrumental view of sexuality as casual and attachment-free leisure that many women (whether it be from cultural or evolutionary reasons, or a combination of both) find ultimately abusive, unsatisfactory and hurtful. And because of issues with hypergamy, many men would be quite resentful too, and highly unwilling to commit to women who previously ignored them while immersed in the Garden of Earthly Delights.
As for the problems of serial monogamy, I can easily concur with most of your arguments. In my naive, Marxist phase I would have gleefully described both this and the hookup culture that precedes it as a the 'commodification of sentimental relationships' under capitalism, in which under its cultural aegis, people are treated not only as means, but as expiry-date goods to be consumed and thrown away with ease. Today I would force myself to acknowledge that even before capitalism there were bad and instrumental uses of the affections, but I think I would still agree that our cultural and technological developments, along with the loss of force of old religious and moral standards, have led to an exponential increase of this curve of unhappiness and frustration. I am not as sure, though, about the speed with which you can optimize the search for a compatible partner, and long-term stability relies on values like faithfulness, commitment, duty, a willingness to persist in the face of (inevitable) change and temptation, all of which are becoming very rare and very little cultivated, if they are not already at an all-time nadir. Like religious faith, there is a lot of the selfless and the jumping into the unknown which people seem no longer willing to sport.
And I don't think there is a clear turning back, except for isolated cases and communities. In some of your earliest posts you quoted an essay that makes the case that this is precisely how the elites maintain their privileges: 'In upper class circles, liberal social values do not necessarily lead to libertinism among the people who hold them, and indeed quite often coexist with an impressive amount of personal conservatism, personal restraint'.
I confess to being intrigued, though, on what your current take on these issues might be, as you confess to 'it just feels a bit boring to me these days' and you hint vaguely at some other parts of 'trad' you might have come to think of as wrong. One would guess you have become more stereotypically aligned with rationalist practices, even if what you were sentimentally searching for at about the time of this post was for 'a long-term monogamous relationship'. Personally, I like to go even beyond MacAskill's long-termism, and more towards 'forever' sub specie aeternitatis.
Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman's attention.
Camille Paglia
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newswireml · 1 year
After Failing to Sell a Crisis, the Media Blames Conservatives and Hilariously Burn Themselves – RedState#Failing #Sell #Crisis #Media #Blames #Conservatives #Hilariously #Burn #RedState
After Failing to Sell a Crisis, the Media Blames Conservatives and Hilariously Burn Themselves – RedState#Failing #Sell #Crisis #Media #Blames #Conservatives #Hilariously #Burn #RedState
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com. The irony in all of the gas stove hysteria this week is the gaslighting that took place on two fronts. For generations, gas stoves have been a fixture in this country. While not necessarily ubiquitous they are a common sight in many kitchens, a fixture in most restaurants, and a very…
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ippworld · 2 years
Content Marketing Hype — Or Is It?
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Companies allocate substantial budgets and resources for good copywriters. They also invest heavily in their corporate branding and content marketing initiatives. But when it comes to reaching out to worldwide audiences and the need to overcome the language barrier, too many businesses simply outsource to the cheapest translator in town or rely on those online machine translation systems.
Although the source language version has been written with so much oomph and brevity, it's unfortunate that their translated language content does not live up to the company's branding tone-of-voice or desired impact with target audiences in certain countries. Pundits in content marketing widely advocate on the dos and don'ts of effective content strategies. Strangely, though, these advisories fall short of highlighting the linguistic and cultural diversities in the global marketplace — and that not everyone speaks comfortably in everyone else's language.
The King Isn't Always Dressed Appropriately
In 1996, Bill Gates popularized the phrase “content is king.” How right his observation was and still is, as every day we're fed all sorts of content in a variety of media apps and devices hosted on multiple platforms. Content as king is ubiquitous.
Over the years, critics continue to argue about exactly what makes content so kingly. The fact is that content, in and of itself, isn't necessarily the king — especially when it so egregiously misses its mark. When the language and cultural mindset of the target audience isn't effectively addressed, the message isn't very kingly at all. It may not even be fit for a pauper!
The Challenge Lies with Marcom Teams
Marketing communication (marcom) teams are constantly challenged to grow their brands in a multicultural landscape. They're mindful too that content in one language — for example, English, which may have attracted measurably good audience responses — might not achieve the same results in non-English speaking markets.
Obviously, there are differentiators at play — such as the ability to comprehend the language, colloquial knowledge, cultural mindset, exposure to social mores, etc. that determine how different audiences react to the same content. Indeed, the hype on ‘content is king' is a perfect misnomer in view “one size does not fit all.” Similarly, the age-old adage in consumerism, “can't read, won't buy,” is perennial and considered to be the crux in planning content strategies in a global marketplace.
Transcreation Can Bring the Crown Back
One of the solutions to bringing the crown back to the marketing content landscape for readers of different cultural or language backgrounds is transcreation. Transcreation is a process that encompasses translations infused with creative editing to create equally impactful derivative marketing content in other languages. In essence, it's a transformation of words and expressions from one language and culture into another, including the use of proper syntax to express ideas and meanings with equal brevity in the vernacular of the respective target audience.
Transcreation is a reliable alternative to creating separate content versions for each market. So, to promote products or services in Europe, China, or any emerging market where your native language isn't commonly used, transcreation is ideal for developing effective marketing content at a much lower cost and in a shorter timeframe.
The Numbers Support the Demand
Today, the fastest emerging tourist market in the world is China. A report by Intercontinental® Hotels Group and Oxford Economics comprehensively mentioned China as the key contributor to the global tourism market. The report cited that annual Chinese travel expenditures worldwide will exceed $97 million USD by 2023. To vie successfully for this pie, marketing teams must feature a range of localized Chinese language content.
The overall global travel market reported by the World Bank is well over $1.3 trillion USD. Except for USA, UK and Australia, the other top 10 biggest spenders are from non-English speaking markets.
In line with UNWTO's findings, it is clear that the needs for transcreation and content localisation support are ubiquitous too, as evident in the worldwide Language Service Provider (LSP) market growing steadily. Surveys and analyses on the LSP business conducted by research firm Common Sense Advisory Inc. indicated the following:
In 2012, the estimated global market for outsourced language services (written and verbal) was $35.5 billion USD.
By the end of 2016, the estimated global market had exceeded $40 billion USD.
By the end of 2020, the global outsource language service market is expected to reach $45 billion USD.
Can't Read, Won't Buy
But consumers won't buy it if they can't read it. Indeed, transcreation has been playing a key role not only in helping marketing teams develop their global content more economically, but also so that the mantra “content is king” remains relevant… even in a multicultural landscape. https://www.ippworld.com/blog/content-marketing-hype.html
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sysdo · 2 years
Reasons For Installing Video Surveillance Systems
Video surveillance systems are now ubiquitous. Whether it’s a local grocery store or a bank, surveillance camera systems are installed almost everywhere. These devices can be installed at any time or at any given opportunity in any location where crime is expected to occur. Whether it’s a late-night break-in or a daytime robbery, a state-of-the-art security CCTV system can capture and monitor almost anything. These incredible installations have reduced crime rates worldwide. However, besides regulating crime, there are many other reasons to install a video surveillance system.
These devices can prevent any situation that does not necessarily result from criminal activity, but can still harm a person. Accidents and other unexpected misfortunes can happen at any time, damaging people crossing the road. For example, a fire in a health center’s warehouse can spread within minutes and cost many lives if not detected and identified in time. However, continuous monitoring of the installed CCTV will increase the likelihood that a fire will be detected in time, thereby preventing human casualties.
However, although these video surveillance devices are suitable for use in large-scale institutions, there is no doubt that they provide many advantages to the general household. This video surveillance camera can be installed anywhere in your home as you can easily monitor the entrance and exit of your home. Baby rooms and children’s rooms also need cctv cameras so parents can monitor young children and nanny. In addition to monitoring live footage, homeowners can also view recorded footage provided by these high-tech devices.
This device is a great option to consider when installing in an apartment building, as it will help the security station monitor everyone entering or leaving the building. This gadget is also great for recording rare and funny moments. Many wildlife researchers today rely on these video surveillance devices to capture the surprising behavior of animals. Installing video surveillance in hospitals can greatly help hospital staff closely monitor critically ill patients. This device offers us endless uses, so it is very popular and relevant in modern times.
With advancements in technology today, the price of surveillance camera systems is dropping fairly quickly. Video surveillance systems are available in a variety of types and prices. These devices are readily available on the market or can be ordered online. This security camera can monitor roads, entrances, shopping locations, parking lots and many other locations 24/7, providing complete security and complete peace of mind!
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shamepickle1 · 2 years
A brand new Definition of Technologies - The Medical Texts That Manual Human Activity
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The improvements in technology will certainly send humans to Mars in the future. Net of things, 5G, artificial intelligence, automated driving, etc plus on, probably no one is able to listing every one of the new systems which can be emerging. The complexity of typically the technological world is wonderful and bewildering, and difficult to seize. Yet, the scientists, engineers, and technicians just need to be able to focus on their very own portion of typically the work. The complicated robots consist regarding smaller functional devices that are manageable by the particular professionals. They are guided by medical texts and typically the minds. Despite the complexness of technologies, these people will finally get traced to the particular simple origin throughout scientific texts. Wikipedia defines technology because "Technology is typically the sum of approaches, skills, methods, and processes used inside the production of goods or even services or the particular accomplishment of goals, like scientific exploration. " In typically the bing. com research, technology is described as "the application of scientific knowledge for useful purposes, especially within industry. " Typically the definitions are wide-ranging, seemingly to contain all useful ways of humans achieving something. Indeed, technological innovation is itself a diverse term with several valid definitions. The two definitions are proper in this they describe facts. But that they don't explain the particular meaning of the terms such because "techniques", "application" in addition to "scientific knowledge", which usually are vague conditions and could entail all the things in typically the universe. Since all of us defined science throughout terms of text messaging inside the paper "a new definition of science - the particular textual foundation of which represents the true world", technology also needs to get defined with regards to texts due to it is scientific nature. Research and technology are closely related and inseparable in the particular modern world. just one. Scientific texts instructions the core of technologies We look at texts as typically the core of research, which should end up being in the primary of technology due to the essentially same nature associated with science and technologies. Now we will be not repeating the particular textual nature of science/technology, interested readers can refer to be able to our article "language - the primary of science". Research is able to represent everything, which includes human behavior. Not necessarily only natural new trends are represented and even accumulated, so might be human activities. The methods, methods, information on generating achievement are recorded in texts, which in turn are then set up as representations. Together with the textual representations, individual activities are prepared, classified, and building upon existing acknowledged technologies. Characteristics involving technology Usually, technology is viewed from the angle of it is impact on the communities, like its relationships with culture, its practical use, it is relation with typically the economy, politics, and so forth. These are more of its manifests than its essence. They may be of non-textual nature or centered upon non-texts. Attributing the particular characteristics of technologies to the various aspects of societies not just complicates the issue, leading to limitless interactions but additionally move people's intentions away from technology's true nature. Facing typically the complexity, variations from the ubiquitous and ever-changing technologies, we need to think deeply directly into the characteristics frequent to all systems, which texts possess. Represented by text messaging, technology gets its essential features popular among all technologies. Specialized documentation Methods, skills, materials, procedures, guidelines, and so up, all have to be documented for understanding, mastering, communication, and documenting purposes. User guides, technical specifications usually are usually the initial stuff needed simply by customers and technical engineers, either during merchandise shipment or during product development stages. Technical documents even describe an item more effectively than the product's actual operations. Despite the complex operations, deviation in operating situations and by different individuals, abundant materials, changing personnel, files are relatively stable, simple, accurate, dependable, and explanatory. Once again, it should be emphasized of which scientific texts acquire effect in brain. The technical documents should take impact in mind in addition to don't equate to the particular technological texts inside mind. 2. Differences between science and technology It is usually needed to find typically the differences between scientific research and technology. Though they have typically the essential cores, their particular appearances and comédie will vary to consideration for various features of the individual world. Science and even technology have similar branches and knowledge. The main difference between science and technology is definitely their goal and even objective. Science's objective is always to observe and explain, while technology is aimed at taking motion and making changes. Their direction is opposite to each other. Science is far more of observation, when technology emphasizes actions. Click to find out more may very well be as science or technology dependent on the goal and usage. For instance , the law regarding motion is on its own a science, but it becomes technology when being applied to make in addition to operate machinery. Technology is tightly associated with the man-made world. Man activities have altered the world's appearance and the approach people live. These types of are the direct result of solutions, although it can also the folks applied science in order to achieve all these types of. By intuition, technology is a deeper plus basic level of knowledge, while technology is definitely more associated together with direct applications. Technology is commonly fundamental when technology tends in order to be detailed. Yet texts play an equally central position in their formations. Nowadays, information spreads instantly; products will be transported speedily. Folks increasingly lived in conditions surrounded by machine-manufactured products and improvements. It became easier for people to attain their goals by using current knowledge and tools. On the some other hand, many curiosities can be responded by entering inquiries into search motors, in seconds. That seems everyone owns enough knowledge. Almost all one needs is to take action. Since a result, extra people became action-oriented, the term "technology" is now more popular than the term "science". 3. The text-based definition of technological innovation Regarding the particular essential nature regarding and differences among science and technologies, now you can expect some sort of new definition associated with technology as: The particular scientific texts of which guide human exercise. This definition includes two points: Initial, technology is scientific texts. Second, these kinds of texts are employed as guidance. Our definition doesn't try to invalidate present definitions. Instead, many of us view from the various angle, focusing on a deeper level, situating on the text-centered model of the particular world. Usability of technology Usually, human being activities are purpose-oriented. Hence, technology typically has practical programs. But the magnitude of application varies depending on particular technologies. Also, a new technology useful in one occasion or perhaps for some people will not be useful about another occasion or even for other people today. The activities could be beneficial or detrimental to society. Possible extendable of the definition Animals and machines might employ technological innovation in the future and almost certainly currently, such while AI. In those cases, scientific text messages exert their result not directly by way of human activities, although via animals or perhaps machines. Their usage of technology is imitations of human brains, without essential differences. The definition may be expanded to all human plus non-human activities that are guided by medical texts. Unifying typically the non-textual technology with textual technology Men and women might argue illiterate societies and actually animals possess some form of technology, although not so advanced as typically the modern form. With out going into serious confusion with unlimited, some are ambiguous, examples, we concentrate on principles. Sequentiality, clarity, and manifestation of reality will be the three understanding features of science. Modern, true-sense technologies also possesses these features. In importance, the technologies in illiterate societies furthermore came from the sequential minds using scientific properties in primitive form, which often manipulate non-texts rather than texts, in a new less efficient/effective way. Scientific texts really demonstrate those components, facilitate visual processing, and make progress inside of the capability of human minds. 4. The text-centered type of science and technological innovation All of us can now suggest a text-centered type of science and technology that starts from investigative observations, which usually derive scientific/technological text messaging, which in turn lead to actions through proper application. That is to say, research and technology are generally both integrated straight into the texts. When the purpose is in the non-text to text direction, centering on deriving hypotheses, these texts usually are more about science. If the aim is in the particular text to non-text direction, centering on using action, these texts are more concerning technology. The actions replace the environment, which in turn turns into a new subject of observation, major to the derivation of new scientific/technological texts. In this specific way, scientific plus technological activities kind endless iterations, surrounding texts in the middle. 5. Conclusion By simply this new explanation, the nature regarding technology is manufactured recognized. The relation between science and technologies is defined and integrated into the particular texts. The intricacy of understanding technological innovation is reduced. A brand new basis is presented to future discussion involving our technological world. By defining technology regarding text, the scientific strengths associated with various writing techniques will also identify their technological talents
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