#and that they gave him multiple warnings when they were getting fed up but did he heed them? of course not
enbyboiwonder · 1 year
Y’know, when Lee came and found me and told me to give over any data disks and especially any weapons I find in the mines for destruction (and of course it was the fucking church who found me first and not the research center. Luckily though I found the research center soon after. The church ain’t getting shit), I thought I’d be finding old nuclear warheads down there or something. The first time I found a glowing purple dot on the scanner, I assumed it was a weapon, and when I pressed A, I thought it had taken me to the entrance or something and I couldn’t mine in that area anymore. I didn’t realize it had taken me to an unused room with a few monsters to kill and a few chests to loot (and I could go right back and keep right on mining), and I also hadn’t uncovered enough to see that it was a pipe. I realized the second time, though.
No, it’s the triple barrel snakebite, a.k.a. the poison blaster, as I like to think of it. The day after I first pieced one together and tried it out, I received a cease and desist letter from the church (and lost nonexistent favorability points w Lee and Nora lmao). lol how ‘bout no.
Anyways, fuck the church.
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ratsonastick · 5 months
Aggressive Love
Clarisse La Rue x fem!reader
Clarisse has never been very good at showing her affection to her crushes, so when one day she crosses the line she starts to realize she needs to confess to a couple of things.
Warnings: None, boring plot
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Not long after you arrive at camp you meet the Ares girl. Clarisse La Rue was not ashamed to make her name known, but the way she did it did not sit well with you. 
Luke was walking you around showing you the ropes and trying to find your special thing, when she walked by. 
“Seems like you got yourself a new girl” Clarisse spoke with her arms crossed, stepping in front of the two of you with her siblings by her side. 
“Be nice she’s new” Luke spoke up and the girl rolled her eyes. 
For someone big on first introductions, Clarisse was not cutting it for you. Her attitude made you scrunch up your face in annoyance and that did not go unnoticed by anyone. 
Clarisse simply looked you up and down before walking away “She is not someone you want to get in a fight with” Luke spoke pushing you along. 
As the week passed you found yourself getting along alright. The Hermes cabin fits you well, even though it technically isn’t your cabin. And everyone seemed to like you. 
Except for Clarisse. 
Multiple people asked her why she hated you, and truthfully she didn’t even know why. You never even talked to her, but that face you gave her said it all (or at least that is what she kept telling herself) 
You are quiet, often found walking around, practicing archery, or helping your friends. You were not disrupting people’s peace, or getting into fights and starting arguments, like her. 
She told herself that the reason she didn’t like you was because of how you two are the complete opposites, and that she had a feeling being together would only end badly. 
So to make herself feel even better, she started getting into small arguments with you, just to prove to others and herself that she was right. 
The first time she did it, it was at the lake. She saw you sitting there alone, no one else around, and took the opportunity to approach you. 
She had a scowl on her face as she stood in front of you, blocking your view. 
“Having fun?” She asked, which only made you raise your gaze and shrug your shoulders “Yeah I guess why?” 
She scoffed, quickly thinking of a lie “Luke has been looking for you all over, he needed your help and you let him down. I was right about you.” She mumbled the last part, shaking her head and looking off. 
Hearing this, you became worried, not wanting to upset Luke anymore you got up and ran to find him. 
When you did he looked at you with a confused look, and you only then found out it was all a lie. 
The next couple of days, Clarisse would follow you around, throw things at you, and start small brawls which you would never really even participate in. 
Then finally one day you had enough. 
She had followed you into the woods, calling you names and once again bringing up the fact your godly parent hadn’t claimed you. 
You finally stopped and looked at her “Why do you hate me?” You asked in a fed-up voice which caught her a bit off guard. 
In any other argument you always sounded sarcastic, or like you were having fun with it. But this time she noticed that you genuinely seemed upset. Maybe it’s because she crossed a line, bringing up your godly parents. 
“Answer me.” Your gentle voice got her attention once more and her mouth opened but quickly shut. 
“I have done nothing to you and yet you hate me every day.” Clarisse furrowed her brows looking down at the ground. 
A feeling of regret started in her stomach, and she watched as you walked off. 
For the next week, she thought to herself, what she should do, or if she should even do anything. 
Finally, she decided to go to Luke. 
When she sat next to him and asked for his help, he let out a soft laugh, leaning back with his arms crossed. But then he noticed how serious she was, she didn't have a scowl on her face, or any sign of annoyance, just a straight expression. 
“She hates me” 
“Do you blame her?” Luke spoke, picking at his food and shoveling it in his mouth. Clarisse only frowned and looked as though she was about to leave. “If you aren't going to help me then I'm just gonna leave.” 
“Sit down” he mumbled and she did. 
“Why do you only now want to become her friend?” Luke asked with curiosity, his curly hair falling into his eyes and he stirred his peas around on his plate. 
“I don't know,” Clarisse answered, her voice sounding softer than it usually does. “You like her don't you.” He spoke up as he turned his gaze to her. Clarisse seemed startled by what he was saying, maybe she did like her, and was just … afraid of what the others would say. 
Luke didn't need an answer to know he was right. 2 years ago something just like this happened with her and a girl in the Hermes cabin, except Clarisse never did anything and the girl continued to think that she hated her. 
“If I were you, I'd maybe start by apologizing to the girl and giving her something she likes,” Luke stated as he started to stand up from the table. “Like what?” Clarisse mumbled, her reaction time a bit slow, which was strange for the Ares girl. 
“She told me she likes flowers, maybe go pick some.” 
Clarisse hated flowers. 
That night Clarisse got one of the Demeter kids to give her some flowers, and she marched over to your cabin. 
She knew that each clear night you always sat outside, so seeing you sitting on the steps to your cabin was no surprise. 
Except the boy next to you was. 
She faltered for a moment, feeling even dorkier than before, her arms dropped to her side, the flowers slouching slightly. 
But she kept going, “Scram” she shouted at the boy with a scowl on her face. The boy sighed stood up and mumbled “Night Y/n” 
Clarisse took a moment to stare at you, how the moonlight made you so beautiful. 
Then she locked in and stuck out the flowers for you. “Here” she spoke again with that same scowl on her face, you nervously reached up to grab the flowers and gave her a small smile “Thanks … but why” 
Clarisse sat down next to you, at first your legs touched but she quickly moved over. “Because I've been a dick.” she sighed and looked over at you. 
She memorized how pretty you looked in her head. 
You let out a soft laugh and nodded your head “That's true … I’m surprised you are owning up to it.” 
“Don't get used to it” she chuckled, which made you turn to look at her. 
“A little birdie helped me realize something.” she spoke again after a moment of silence “Was it Luke?” you asked and she nodded her head “How do you know?” 
“Because if anyone else tried to help you realize something they'd end up in the infirmary and everyone in camp would know,” you responded with a smile. 
Clarisse nodded her head, gently biting onto her lip trying to suppress her smile. “Yeah I guess you’re right about that.” her head dipped down slightly as she looked at her hands. 
“Luke helped me realize how much of an idiot I was.” 
You smiled as you looked up from the flowers you had been trawling around in your hands. You hummed slightly and nodded your head in agreement to which she rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. 
“I like you.” she mumbled finally, “Do you?” she hummed in response, and for a moment you swear you could see a faint blush on her face. “I've been told I'm an aggressive lover, I guess to some people it might be hard to know it’s affection I'm trying to show and not …” 
“Hatred? Yeah, it would've probably been best to clarify that before throwing toilet paper at me.” You laughed softly which caused her to show more of a blush. 
After a few seconds you nudged her shoulder “You’re lucky you're so pretty … or maybe I wouldn’t forgive you.” 
She looked up at you with a small smile, your legs were touching slightly, but the two of you did not seem to care. 
A piece of her hair fell in front of her face, and you were quick to brush it away. 
If it was anyone else touching her, Clarisse was sure they'd already be dead, not only that she was sure that her father was probably groaning at how sappy they were behaving, but she couldn't care at the moment. 
You kept your gaze connected with hers, and it didn't take long for Clarisse to act on her desires and kiss you softly.
A/N - y'all I don't know what I just wrote, and I know I didn't represent our girl right!!
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allywthsr · 6 months
TRAVELING HOME | (l.norris)
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summary: you and Lando travel home for Christmas
wordcount: 1.2k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: read this please, I don’t know when the rest is coming out, I’m writing as fast as I can 🫶🏼
advent calendar
”Lando, do you have everything?“
You two were standing in your hallway with the luggage and backpacks, ready to fly home. Or at least to Lando’s home. This year was the Norris‘ turn of hosting the Christmas dinner and morning, your family would join you tomorrow.
”I think so.“
”You think or you know?“
”Uhm, I think that I know.“
”I‘m gonna check again.“
You shook your head with a smile, you were anxious. Anxious that you would forget something, you didn’t care about clothes because you could borrow some from Lando, but if you would forget a present, that would be fatal. You couldn’t exactly just pop over and get it, so you check at least five times if you packed them, before closing the suitcase. For one last time, you went into the guest room to check it for remaining presents, the bed was empty, under the bed too, just like the closet and the floor. The guest room was where you kept every present and wrapped them too, Lando didn’t help you at all with the wrapping, but you knew he wasn’t good at it.
The first two Christmas you got presents that were self-wrapped, and boy did they look funny, the wrapping was all over the place and it was more wonky than straight, and let’s not start with the amount of tape he used to secure the paper. Now he gets it wrapped immediately in the store he buys it from, or lets his mum wrap it. You always told him you didn’t care what it looked like wrapped, as long it came from the heart, but he was fed up with Oliver making fun of his (non-existent) skills.
After double-checking the guest room, and the office, because you had to make sure no one placed anything there, you went back to Lando to the hallway and grabbed your suitcase after pulling on your winter jacket.
”Do you really have anything? Toothbrush?“
”Put it in my bag this morning.“
”I brought enough, I hope you didn’t bring any, makes it more thrilling.“
”Gross! Beanies?“
”More than enough. Calm down, will you? We’re flying to my parents, they have stuff from me still in my room, and even you‘ve left clothes there.“
You let out a shaky breath.
Lando opened his arms and you fell into them, holding him close to you. You wanted everything to be perfect, you loved Christmas and it should run smoothly.
”But we really have to leave now.“
You nodded and let go of him, opening the door and walking through it, Lando locked the door and you stepped into the elevator. Outside of your building, a taxi was waiting for you, you two got in and it drove you to the Nice airport.
Lando had a cap on his head and a hoodie, trying to disguise, so he wouldn’t get recognized by people. Normally he always took his time with taking pictures and talking, but you’re already late, and he wanted you to be safe, mobs of people didn’t care about you, and more than once it happened, that you were pushed and shoved until you were crying.
You gave up your bags and made your way to the security check-in, the line wasn’t long, so you didn’t have to wait as long as you thought. The duty-free section was something you always admired, you always bought a little snack for the plane ride, sometimes it was some gummy bears or a chocolate bar, but Lando always had a bite, or multiple, not that you would tell Jon about it. But now, it didn’t matter, Lando was free for the next few months and could devour a whole Kinder bar pack and no one would care, he still needed to work out a few times a week, but it was less stressful.
You still had about thirty minutes until boarding would start, so you sat down in a quiet corner and talked about the most random things, your head was lying on his shoulder and his hand was gripping your thigh, stroking it gently every now and then. You loved cuddling with Lando, it was your favorite thing to do with him, even in public.
When the flight was announced, Lando and you slowly made your way to the counter, you avoided the big crowds, just in case someone recognized Lando or you. Scanning the pass quickly, you two walked through the long tunnel with your backpacks in your bags, where important stuff was packed. The plane was packed, so Lando pulled his cap further in his face and hoodie higher, so he could hide his face more. Luckily you didn’t have to walk for long through the plane, Lando booked business class tickets. You tried to tell him, you two didn’t need this, but what Lando wanted, he got. That was his Ariana Grande ’I want it, I got it‘ moment.
He insisted you two flew in business class, because, one, you didn’t need to walk through the whole plane and the chance of getting recognized was smaller, and two, you had more legroom, which he loved. But you let him buy it, because it was his money, and he could spend it on whatever he wanted.
When the plane was in the air, and you were settled in comfortably, you couldn't wait to get home, even if it was Lando’s home, it was still home. The smell of Christmas always smelt different when the whole family was there, especially because Cisca went big on Christmas. Tons of cookies were waiting for you, hot chocolates and teas as well, and let’s not forget the beautiful Christmas dinner and breakfast she always did. And that your family also came, made things even better. Normally you would’ve hosted Christmas, but the flat was way too small for everyone to fit in, and Monaco was expensive, the hotel costs would’ve been unnecessary.
”I can’t wait to be home, see everyone.“
You hummed and thought about the last Christmas you spent there, it was the second Christmas you two were together and you decided you wanted to spend it together. The Norris‘s hosted it and it was like you always joined them, everyone had a small gift for you, they all welcomed you beautifully in the family, not that they hadn’t before, but now it felt official, and the whole mood was perfect.
When you arrived, you quickly got off the plane, to avoid the other people and waited for the luggage at the strap, of course, yours came almost at the end, you couldn’t wait to get out of the airport. London Heathrow was busy, very busy. While walking next to the big crowds and lines, you could hear mumbling ’Is that Lando Norris?‘ but you only pulled more on his hand and you two were almost sprinting through the halls, wanting to reach the exit where Oliver was kindly waiting to pick you up.
You greeted him with a hug, Lando did the same and you quickly got in his car and you were driving home for Christmas.
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horrorartsworld · 2 months
How was your day? I hope you are drinking a lot of water, that is important, we are 70% water!
I have a slight idea for a Hazbin Smut write-up and I hope you like it. It's quite simple, the reader is a sinner fed by debauchery and morbidity, and under that approach she proposes to be the first to test the Hotel's most recent resident; the very father of humanity who reincarnates as a sinner after dying from multiple stab wounds (they left him like a sieve)
The idea of ​​a reader seducing that ex-exterminator is pretty simple, I admit, but it can be a little fun and I think with your direction it could be really erotic. You are great at writing something spicy, very good job, dear.
𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃 𝒸𝑜𝒸𝓀𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇
ִ ࣪𖤐 reincarnated sinner adam/sinner f!reader
warnings: smut. riding. dirty talk. semi?? rough sex. exhibitionism. not proofread.
IM BACK BITCHES!! writing my little heart out for you nonnie xxx and if you like my spicy stuff..well here’s something extra hot ;)
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After extermination day and the hotels extreme new remodel everything pretty much went back to normal or so we thought…
Seeing an all too familiar face a couple weeks later all huffed up in the corner of the main lobbies seating quarters, arms crossed, face scrunched up and a new demon like form taking his once angelic features was none other than the biggest douche bag of the century,
The hazbin crew was stuck gawking at the sight though some were trying their best not to laugh.
“No fucking way he crawled his way in here..” Angel dust whispers over at you with an amused tone, managing to cause a little giggle to slip past your lips just by the thought of the whole scenario that was unfolding in your mind.
“He sure as hell did…into our poor little humble abode no less,” Your eyes traveling along the horns sprouting out of his tufts of brown hair, no longer a halo hanging above his head. “Looks like the big man didn’t wanna keep him ether…”
Then a quick little blurb of pink and a sinister giggle following flashes amongst the pouty corner baby, a bright pink stinky note decorating his forehead with jagged looking penis drawn on it.
An eruption of laughter cascades over the group as Nifty looks all too pleased with her artwork all while mumbling some disturbing words to herself. Though even with all this minor torment on Adam he didn’t move a muscle which you took notice to right away all while the others died down and seemingly went to do other things since he wasn’t being all that entertaining as they hopped.
Angel and you stayed back eyeing him curiously when suddenly an awful idea prickles in your head that you couldn’t help but desperately want to act on. “I’m gonna fuck with him..” You mutter all too confidently while you unbutton a couple of the buttons on your shirt revealing the valley of your breasts.
The spider rolls his eyes, but a knowingly smirk doesn’t leave his face when he starts to head over to the bar to watch from afar, “ughh..you’re sick..just don’t get any diseases doll!”
You then take that as cue when you put a little swing in your hips, pointed tail following as you walk over to Adam, plucking the sticky note off his forehead once you made your way over to him and letting it fall to the floor near his booted foot. “Heyyy..you look lonely over here..need a little company?” You say in a silky tone as you look down at him.
No budge.
“..Cause I give great company..”
Not even a flinch.
You try not to show your growing annoyance as he wasn’t giving you the slightest bit of attention, not being use to the feeling it was giving you since you weren’t usually denied when you made your advances onto someone.
A small huff leaves you after a minute of this statue business went on and you finally gave up going to turn away when a sudden strong grip pulls your waist down onto something hard…
“Aww..can’t dish out when someone isn’t giving you the right attention…you must be a bratty little thing..” His husky voice making you swallow nervously as you soon realize you were on his lap.
“I-i wait..you?” You stammer causing him to chuckle.
“You what? Thought I went off the deep end for a moment there so you could take advantage…tsk” He tsks at you like if he was scolding a dog, with his calloused guitar hands making quick work to come up and rub on your thighs then suddenly smacking one without warning causing a soft yelp from you.
“N-no! it was just harmless fun is all..” You pout seeing the mark from his slap slowly forming on your delicate skin. He notices this taking in your cute pout then gently rubbing where he slapped you, “Is that right?”
You nod shyly before he hits your other thigh eliciting another yelp from you, tears welling up in your eyes and then a firm tug was made at your panties making them slide down to your ankles, the sudden coolness in the air hitting your wetness that accumulated causing your thighs to shut involuntarily earning another tsk from Adam. “Ah ah..no ma’am these stay open..”
“B-but what if the othe-”
“Open.” He says firmly, your thighs trembling somewhat as they open back up.
Your head spiraling out of control with how quick this was all happening and your friends only being a couple feet away had you a nervous wreck, luckily they were distracted at the moment by the deep conversation they were having at the bar that they didn’t seem to be too worried about the two of you, though the risk was still there especially with your cunt being on full display. Sending a weird surge of anxiety and arousal through your nervous system.
Not taking too long before he shoved his whole cock up inside of you making you so desperately wanting to cry out which was stopped immediately when his arm wrapped around your neck in what felt like a chokehold lifting your body up slightly against him as he then pounded roughly up into you giving no time to adjust.
Whiny mewls humming in the back of your throat, eyebrows furrowing when his cock starts hitting that spongy sweet spot in your core, making your back arch off his chest though he squeezed his bicep slightly choking you in an effort to try and keep you down against him. “Too much for you sweet thing? Should’ve thought about that before you tried to fuck with me..” He mocks gruffly, being able to hear the shit eating grin that was now plastered across his face as your walls started to suck him in. With your eyes widening when your friends seem to stir at the bar not quite looking over at you yet which you hoped they wouldn’t, Adam seeing this makes his thrusts go into you harder with a few slaps draw out from the skin to skin contact, eyes widening in dismay when he does this.
Luckily a few more of those said thrusts and he came in you shortly after, long ropes of seed filling you up nice and deep, only to pull out and tap his cock on your messy clit with your mixed juices all over it causing you to jolt at the sensitivity.
“Haven’t had a good fuck like that in a while..maybe Hell ain’t so bad after all..”
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viridwns · 1 month
TW: Forced relationship, non-consensual kissing/touching, Douma being aight?, mention of gore if you squint, also didn't check grammar or spelling :/
A/N: I am working on so many requests rn, I had to work on one of my own ideas (I saw a dress on pinterest and had to make a story out of it).
"You look like a goddess."
"So beautiful."
"She's ethereal."
"Only the best for Lord Douma."
"This shows too much skin!"
You look at yourself in the mirror, turning your body every whichway to assess the dress (or rather a piece of cloth) that has been put on you.
You felt naked.
Douma kidnapping you to his cult wasn't something new. Especially after he was sent out on a mission did he just long for alone time with you. His followers taking you, dressing you, doing your hair wasn't new to you either.
But being put in this?!
Yeah, this was something new.
They never put you in a dress so revealing.
It was a strapless dress, with sleeves flowing over your lower arm, attached with a silver chain to the main part. Your top was made out of the same silver. It barely covered your breasts. You hoped the thin closing around your neck wouldn't break. The silver was further attached to the bottom of your dress. A waistband sitting snug on your hips, a sheer cloth billowing from it, and stopping just above your ankles. Aside from your lower arms and from the waist down, you were without coverage. Your only shield that protected the outing of your breasts to the rest of the world was the flimsy silver chain wrapping around your upper half.
No way you were going to wear this in front of the demon who ripped apart countless of kimono's off you. He couldn't even see your figure in those. You don't want to find out what he'd do when you were practically bare.
You let your fingers trace the silver; these chains wouldn't even survive a slight tug from him.
"Our seamstress worked tirelessly on this. Researching the western culture without Lord Douma's knowledge was a difficult task. Plus the seamstress had to start over many times; the fabric is so flimsy it ripped multiple times!" A woman looked at you via the mirror with begging eyes. You felt a pang of guilt shoot through your gut at her words.
"It's not that I don't like it! it's the most beautiful piece of clothing I ever laid my eyes on. It's just that...It's so immodest!"
You turn your head away from the mirror, getting embarrassed from seeing your form in such a state in front of all these women.
Counter arguments started to bounce off the walls. You shook your head.
"I'm not going to prance around in nothing but see through fabric and chains!"
"You must! you're Lord Douma's spouse, send by God himself to keep him company-"
You waved your hands in an attempt to cut her off. You didn't need them to obsess over the made up story Douma fed them. You were not God send, and you were definitely not here to keep the demon company.
You wished you could tell them the truth, but that would only result in carnage; The pile of corpses Douma left for you to find serving as a efficient warning the first time he brought you here.
You were never going to tattle on his secret again.
The arguing continued, a hand already pressed on you shoulder so you would sit down.
"Just let me do your hair first okay? If you really don't like it we'll dress you in different clothing.
You reluctantly gave in. Knowing that their say was final anyway. You can't even remember the last time your opinion was taken into serious account.
It's always about pleasing the demons', never about what you would like.
You watched the skillfull hand of the woman behind you doing your hair in the dressing table mirror. She was braiding it into a crown around your head, letting the back stay the way it is. She intertwined some white roses into the braid; it looked like you were wearing a flower crown.
Even though you did find yourself pretty in these fancy clothes and hairstyles; you couldn't enjoy yourself. You were treated like a dress up doll for the demons', only being allowed to look pretty for them, never for yourself.
You had forgotten the giddy emotion you got when being gifted a new dress and twirling in it in front of the mirror for the first time.
Another sigh, another careless smile from one of the followers.
"You couldn't look more beautiful. Lord Douma will ravish in the sight of you." The women all agreed in unison, complimenting you on your beauty.
You turned around to face them, a small smile on your lips.
"I will make sure to praise your work in front of Douma." A wave of excited and thankful shrieks came over you.
Douma tended to let the women you like live longer so you can enjoy their company more when you're here. You had to mention them in front of him.
A male follower came rushing into the room. The women all forming a protective circle around you-you were only to be seen by Douma's eyes.
"It's almost sunset, come quick." He rambled, waving to everyone to come with him. Urgency laced his words.
It was time for Douma to give the message of the Lord to his people.
You stood up, relief slowly eating away the nerves that had build up in your stomach.
Sunset also meant that Akaza could go outside and get you out of here.
One thing about Douma is that he never asked if he can take you with him, he just does.
And hell be upon him when the rest finds out you're missing, coincidentally at the same time Douma isn't present either.
Akaza is always the one to get you, even if he can't stand up against Douma, he somehow always gets Douma to give you over.
Maybe it's because of the threatening shadow of Kokushibo always leaning over Akaza from behind; piercing his three pair of eyes into Douma's soul (if he even had one, you were fairly certain he didn't).
You feel the corners of your lips tug upwards at the sight of Douma being beheaded.
Maybe if you puppy-dog-eye Muzan enough when you get back he'll take away Douma's mouth for a bit. You could use a bit of peace and quiet.
You didn't notice you were being lead to the main hall, so lost in your daydreams that you only noticed where you were when a heavy silence deafened your ears.
The hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at you, gaping at you, had you realize what you were wearing, or what you weren't wearing. Your arms slipped over your figure in an attempt to keep as much hidden as you could. Your futile attempt in creating a shield for yourself was met with two female followers grabbing both your hands and forcing them to your side, keeping you in place with their determination to show you to their Lord.
Your eyes were pinned forward, gaze focused on the tall figure slowly rising upright from his cushion.
Douma looked the same as he ever did. Same hair, same clothes, same cursed eyes and his trusty hat.
The only thing different was that his expression was...well not his usual 'grin'.
His eyes were wide, mouth closed. He was unreadable. You couldn't figure out what emotion he was wearing on his features.
You noticed his hands were in taut fists by his sides.
What was up with him?
That's when he stood up, rising to his full height. You swear you could feel the floor shake as he strode towards you.
You didn't—couldn't—move. Why was he so much more terrifying when not smiling?
The women let you go; getting on their knees as their Lord approached—heads touching the floor.
He didn't acknowledge any of them as he took your wrist in his hand. You saw his sharpened nails. bile climbed up your throat, you forced it down again as you swallowed.
Douma dragged you behind him, pace quick, eyes determined. You spluttered his name, trying to ask what was wrong. He was not himself, he never acted this way.
"Douma, what are you do-"
"Just shut up."
You were taken aback by his tone, shutting up immediately. He never had any emotion except for faux happiness in his voice. Now his tone was just empty, devoid of anything.
You could hear his heavy breathing as he took you outside. You spotted the white circle gifting the world with a guiding light in the darkness high up in the sky. It was a full-moon tonight.
Your eyes snapped to Douma as he stilled his movements. He shoved you in front of him, placing you in the holy glow of the moon. You faced him with confusion lining your features. You could not figure out what he was trying to do.
He took a few steps back; basking in the sight of you. He swallowed thickly. His eyes trailing slowly over you body, analyzing every dip, mole, crook, wrinkle, imperfection and perfection you had.
You looked like an angel in the heavenly glow of the nightlight. Douma couldn't stop inspecting you. When you walked into the hall, not wearing a kimono like always, he was put into a trance. He had never seen you wearing western clothing, and even though this was extreme and probably not accurate to the western style at all-he was captivated.
You had never looked more beautiful than you did at this moment. He wasn't used to emotions sizzling in his blood. He didn't know how to put the burning sensation in him out. For once he didn't want to throw you on a bed to eat you up to your very core, but he just wanted to take in you.
You played with the ends of your sleeves as you felt yourself getting smaller under Douma's multicolored gaze. You hated not knowing what to do, not being able to gauge the demon's feelings.
A snap of twigs made your head turn away from the stone-turning stare of Douma.
You sighed in relief.
"You bastard. You can't just take her with you! Not without Lord Muzan's permission! Love, you must've been te-."
Akaza stilled, his eyes met yours and slowly drifted over your body. You cocked your head.
Not him too.
"What are you wearing? What is she wearing?" He pointed an accusing finger to Douma,
"Doesn't matter, she is gorgeous."
You had to keep yourself upright form the whiplash Douma gave you with his words. He had never sounded to sincere, so soft.
Akaza walked over to you, his footfalls not heard. He was about to hold your hand when Douma spawned next to the two of you and gripped Akaza's hand in a bone-breaking grip. His muscles were bulging under his skin as he kept Akaza from touching you.
"Let her stay like this for a little." Douma never was serious with Akaza. Always letting the upper three do what he wanted. Akaza stopped all his actions. He knew Douma could kill him in seconds if he resisted him now.
"Douma I want to go. I don't feel comfortable." It was nerve-wrecking to break the tension. It was something you never dared to do, scared of loosing a limb if you did. The air was thick and if you had a knife you swore you could cut it.
Douma turned his focus towards you. Just like that you could breathe again, all tension leaving. It was like Douma realized that he had dropped his act.
You grimaced when his grin returned on his lips. You saw Akaza visibly relax when he did.
"Whatever you wish princess."
You looked at him with suspicion. He was never this easy to persuade. Usually he would whine for an hour before inevitably giving in.
Akaza shared a glance of doubt with you. He cautiously took your hand and within the blink of your eyes you were standing in the chaos of walls, lights, floors and stairs.
You felt light-headed, your stomach sloshing inside of you. This was never going to get easier.
You held Akaza's hand as you got your bearings, slowly pushing away the nausea and pressure that was building in your head. If it wasn't for him you would buckle and fall.
"You okay? I don't understand how you aren't used to this yet." Akaza rubbed your back. You shot him a glare and released your hand out of his.
"What is she wearing?" You pursed your lips in annoyance as Kokushibo appeared in your line of sight.
"I'm getting out of this dress right now, don't worry about it." You snapped, done with this whole night already. Why were they all acting like you never dressed up before?
You were wearing a dress for the first time though...maybe that's what had them reeling like this.
"No, I like it. You look beautiful." The upper one stared down at you, his hand resting at your shoulder, slowly gliding down to your lower back as he assessed you.
"We should get you more dresses, and have Daki braid your hair more often." He mused. A shiver ran up your spine as his cold fingers kissed your skin.
"I don't feel comfortable in this. I am practically naked." You objected, looking up at Kokushibo through your lashes.
"Only bonus points if you ask me." Douma winked, his eyes dark with lust as he cocked his head with a cheeky smile.
It was like whatever happened a few minutes ago never did. He was back to his old self. Much to your relief and dismay.
"Stop acting like an animal in heat you idiot." Akaza sneered, but the dust of pink on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Which one of you took her out of the kimono I picked for her?" There it was. A voice, cold as ice, heavy as stone and threatening like a knife against skin.
Muzan was standing across from you. His head high, hands behind his back and maroon eyes radiating annoyance.
Muzan was very controlling of what you wore, ate and just did overall.
Douma was in for a lot of shit.
"Ah Lord Muzan! isn't she pretty? My followers know exactly what to do with her!" Douma pushed you forward, showcasing you to the demon king.
You slightly pouted your lips. You hated being pranced around like an animal in a zoo. You just wanted to change into comfortable-covering-clothes.
Muzan took you in, walking around you as if he was deciding to buy a new piece of furnace. He was judging you.
"I've seen this style before. Did your followers research her western background?" Muzan asked as he let his hands wander over the material; tracing the silver that were hiding your breasts.
"They did, and they did such a magnificent job."
No they didn't. You never wore anything like this back home.
Home. You missed it.
"I wore dresses at home-" Muzan grabbed your jaw, you coughed.
"-back in my former country, they were nothing like this." You managed to get out with the aching grip of the demon king on your jugular.
You had to stop messing that up.
Muzan loosened his grip just a tat.
"You look nice in this. Maybe I should let you indulge in your own culture more."
Your eyes grew big.
"Are you serious?"
"Dare you question me?"
You shook your head no as best you could with his hands still lingering between oxygen and choking.
When was the last time you had enjoyed something from your culture?
When was the last time you spoke in your tongue?
Sadness tugged at your heartstrings when you made that realization, but you quickly cut the emotion off as you went down on your knees. Muzan letting your go to have you grovel at his feet.
You bowed down; head touching the floor the way he loved.
"Thank you, my lord." You felt the insides of your stomach climbing up your throat as you said it, but you forced it down. You had learned quickly enough to do what Muzan likes, and thank him for the smallest bit of gratitude.
Having you call him 'lord' was another one of his manipulation tactics. he wanted you to know the power dynamic between the two of you. He wanted you to know where you stood exactly.
Muzan hummed in satisfaction. You rose to your feet again with the help of Kokushibo, who so kindly stuck out his arm for you to take.
"No, stay on your knees." Muzan commanded. Your mouth fell open, but without any hesitation you bend down on your knees again. Your dress spread around you in a perfect circle.
Muzan tilted your chin up. He raveled in the way you looked up at him with those innocent eyes. You looked so fragile with those flowers in your hair and the white clothing your skin.
He felt his trousers tighten just at the thought of corrupting the innocent thing before him.
You felt the eyes of the three demons behind you burning holes in your body as Muzan traced his thumb over your bottom lip.
"Kiss me." He whispered.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment. you weren't feeling up to this right now, but the consequences of rejecting Muzan-rejecting the demon king-would be a grave mistake.
Muzan couldn't handle that a mere human could reject a near God like himself. It hurt is ego immensely.
You gently stood up, not breaking eye contact with him once, you let your breath fan over his lips, mentally preparing for what was about to come. Muzan grabbed your hips as he watched you.
Pushing back every urge to stop, you lunged forward, crashing your lips on the frozen ones of Muzan. Your warmth enveloped Muzan's nerves as he reciprocated the kiss. He was more fierce, more eager, and after a second he took back control. Forcing you to stay in place as he explored the cavity of your mouth. You felt your oxygen running out as Muzan bit and tugged on your bottom lip. He dominated you easily. Your hands were taut around Muzan's shoulders. Squeezing as the need for oxygen became to extreme.
The moment spots started forming in your vision, Muzan broke the connection. You heaved, chest rising and falling in an uneven rhythm. You didn't stop looking at him, you knew he saw looking away as a form of 'not wanting' (even though that's what you did feel). You felt your lips swell and your face heat up. Your eyes were glossy and Muzan wore a small grin on his face.
He loved seeing you like this. Lips plump read, face hot and bothered and eyes doe-like.
"You are talented in putting on a show, darling." You furrowed your brows, Muzan guided your face in the direction of the other demons'.
You felt your muscles tense at the sight of all three looking at you like you were the first source of water they found after days of traveling in a dessert.
You felt fear fluttering in your stomach like moths pouncing on a flame.
You barely made it out alive when with one of them. You wouldn't be able to take all four.
"N-no, please, I-" Muzan raked his sharpened nails over the silver, it broke without any resistance, just like you predicted.
"Don't worry. They'll do as I say, and for now I want them to watch."
He kissed your shoulder as the shield slowly broke off your body.
You got what you wanted though, you got out of the dress.
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roughcas · 2 months
Dottore x fem!reader smut.
Warnings: NSFW, fingering, thigh stuff, teasing, very verbal (dirty talk is hot!!) asphroic, not proof read, photos taken, idk.
Footsteps echoed the room. A few years ago, you never expected this to be your life. A doctors pet. A fatui's pet. Honestly, it's not that bad. It was either this, or get killed. You're fed multiple times a day with many options, and the doctor is sweet on you so there's not much to complain about. Well, sweet in his own ways. He'll never give you something that'll hurt you - that he knows of. A sigh escapes his lips as he removes his mask, eyes scanning the room. Once the piercing red eyes hits you, "Come here." he says while taking a seat at his desk.
So that's what you did without hesitation. Years of fear, respect, and not wanting to complicate things does that to a person. You scrambled up onto his lap, and he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, his cold hands making you shiver. He placed his head on top of yours, pressing your body against his as he spoke. "I need you to do something for me. No, really, don't worry. It's just a favor." You knew what this meant. You were now the ongoing experiment. "What is it, doctor?"
One of his hands left your waist and went to the pocket of his lab coat. He took something out and held it to your face, looking closely at your reaction. It was a pill, coloured pink with the symbol of the Fatui on it. "Say ah?" Fear bubbled inside of you, you never had seen a pill this color from them. Impatience bubbled inside him,"Just take it, come on. I know you trust me, right? After all, it's me. I wouldn't hurt you." You wanted to run. This wasn't a good idea, but what other choices were there? At least every time he uses you nothing goes wrong and it brings fun to your day. You open your mouth, staring at him as he places the pill in your mouth. Almost instantly you feel it, this weird bubble inside of you. You're unsure of what it's doing just yet.
"Just be patient..." He gave you a small pat on the head, seeming strangely affectionate. "It should start kicking in soon. I don't want to rush the process, y'know? Just want to see how you react to it." "Are you going to tell me what it's supposed to do?" "Of course! But we need to wait and see the effects first. After all, we can't predict how you'll react. It's all part of the experiment and observation." He gave you another pat on the head, his hands coming up to cup your face.
"Stay close to me, okay? Just stay close to me." Almost without hesitation the words slip your mind. "I don't want to leave you." once processing what you said, a shriek escaped. Dottore froze, his hold over you still tight yet suddenly rigid. A faint smile appeared on his lips, slowly growing bigger and bigger. "Now that's interesting..." "I didn't mean to say tha-" "Oh, but I know you did..." His grip tightened once again, not letting you move. "You don't have to hide your feelings from me... You're my little experiment after all." There it was. The words that broke the dam. "I need you so bad," you lost control of everything you wanted to say. The deep down true desire for him was slipping out.
"There we go.." His hand moved to your cheek, stroking your face gently. "That's the real you... That's the real you..." He lifted your chin up, looking into your eyes. "You want me so badly right now, don't you?" Afraid of words, all you could do was nod. A hum escaped him in response, "Say it then. Say you want me." "Please, Dottore! God, I need you." "That's a good girl." He gripped you tightly, his hands moving down to your thighs. "A very good girl."
Still on his lap, your legs party slightly and of course he notices. He moves his hand to start gently rubbing your thigh, a few moans and pants escaped your mouth as he watched you with hunger. When his hand moved up higher underneath your skirt and began rubbing circles all you could do was whine out his name. "Yes? You want something?" His voice was firm, yet his eyes held an almost seductive look to it. "I can feel your heartbeat... It's starting to quicken." "Please, doctor. You know what I want..." "Do I now?" He paused for a moment before he smirked. "Say it out loud. Let's hear it." "Please, fucking touch me."
"Hm... You want my touch?" He chuckled, his hands moving back down to your thighs and gripping your waist tight. "Are you sure you want that? I can be rough, you know?" a thick tension was in the room, he knows you want it still. "Or does it not bother you?" you shake your head no. "The way I can cut you... make you bleed, take away your breath - all for an experiment, and it doesn't scare you?" another nod left your mouth. Tsk. "You really want me to?" One of his hands moved to your chin, tilting your head up so you were looking at him. "To run tests on you, on your body... Use it as my little plaything?" "Yes," "Say out loud that your body is mine." "All yours, Dottore." "Atta girl." Next thing you know you were flipped around as he grabbed you and manhandled you to the lab bed. "More comfy, eh?"
He paid attention to the fact you were dripping. Gloved fingers ran through your slickness, before he popped one in his finger staring directly into your eyes. With a groan he spoke "My, it makes you taste sweeter." A finger slides in, causing you to whine and moan instantly. "Needy off of one finger? So soon?" A few more minutes go by as he slips in another, and then one more. Three fingers inside you had you all fucked up for him, just the way he likes it. You were so close, so so close - and just like that he stopped. "W-what? n-no, go back!" A low tsk left him, as he picked up the clip board to document your reactions. "Please-" he cuts you off quickly, "Shh. Quiet." not wanting to make your situation worse you obliged.
"Thats it.." he coos, before a few long moments go by; your high complety gone. "'Tore, how much longer?" "Hm, I suppose we can make you cum, huh baby?" his fingers slide back between before going even rougher, you felt like you were getting split in half. A few more pumps and you were already cumming from his thick fingers. Drool was falling out of the side of your mouth, it felt too good. That's when you heard it. A shutter of a camera. You open your eyes to see a small device in his hands and the flash. Walking around you as if he was the earth circling the sun. Click. Click. Click. Photos upon photos were being taken of you in this comprising position. As the polarid like images slid down, you watched in horror. He bent down and picked them up before walking over to the clipboard and taping several photos on it. "No need to worry." He says nonchalantly. "For research purposes." He then walked out of the room, leaving you there. By the way he was holding the clipboard there was a photo of your messy cunt covered in your cum on the front.
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mine truly and forever || j. miller
summary: joel comes back to you in whatever way he can. part two of “yours truly and forever”. 
warnings: smut, creampie, oral (male and female receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, unprotected sex, language, dirty talk
word count: 4k
A/N: this took me awhile to get out, sorry everybody! also, i really didn’t plan on writing a part 2 to this, but the demand was really high. not my best work, so i just fed you all with smut instead lmao
here’s my masterlist if you’d like to read more of my work!
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You had long since given up hope that Joel was coming back for you. 
Every morning, you woke and swallowed down the tightening in your throat, the knot in your stomach. You believed he had moved on. Maybe he found his brother and settled down with Ellie.
Anything was better than what was most likely. Anything was better than him being dead.
You rose with the sun and fell with it too, wondering every day if you’d ever see him again. If you’d ever get to laugh with him, or cry with him, or touch him. Some part of you thought that, maybe, your night spent together was just his desperation for some human touch. All you were to him was a way to satiate his desire. Maybe.
You tried not to think about it, but the thought of him him him seeped into everything you did. Feeding the cows? You thought about Joel. Harvesting? You thought about Joel. Cooking? You thought about Joel. Laying awake at night, eyes flitting across the darkness, searching for something? You thought about Joel. 
So, yeah, you’d given up on the idea of him awhile ago. 
It had been two years since that night. The night you gave yourself wholly to him. The night you let him into the most intimate parts of your body and soul. Since you let him crawl through you, seeing into your depths. 
The first few months after him were honeyed in hope. When your alarm went off, signaling something was trying to breach your perimeter, you rushed to the camera and prayed it was Joel. It was always just some stray infected or moose or something that wasn’t him. As the snow melted, your heart was loyal. You breathed in the belief of his words every morning. The slush on the ground a reminder that he’d be safer in the warm weather, that he’d come back to you sooner. The summer was warm. Your garden thrived, preparing for his return. You ate strawberries on your porch and basked in the golden sun, soaking in the heat. Your skin dripped in sweat, heart dripping in steadfast hope. 
In the winter, you faltered. You still hoped for his return, you still believed in his promise, but you started thinking about other possibilities. Though, you rarely entertained them. Another spring passed. And another summer. Another fall, winter, and spring. It was summer now, but the heat was more suffocating, the sunshine more of a nuisance.
Over the last winter, you grit your teeth and weathered your bones. You felt betrayal, deep in your gut. Had he lied? Just to keep you solitary? To keep you from chasing after him? To keep you away?
You didn’t know. You didn’t care. Did you?
You didn’t know.
You had given him everything, but he couldn’t keep a promise.
You forced yourself to separate the idea of him from who he really was. He was a man before he was yours. He craved the life that would offer him something to do. He craved you, but didn’t he crave others? Did he crave you, or did he crave someone to take care of him? 
Who was Joel Miller? Who was he, and who was he to you?
Was he even the type to come back to you? No. Probably not. Not when he’s lived through this for 22 years. Not when he’s seen his friends die. Not when he’s killed. He wasn’t the type to lay down and become a farmhand.
Besides, you saw the way he looked at Ellie. Part of you was sure that he’d never leave that girl. She meant more to him than he’d ever say. He was never just yours. He never would be. 
So you shoved the thought of him to the corners of your mind, rejecting it endlessly. You’d never let yourself think too hard about him, only ever letting his image flit about your mind like a lost butterfly. You shut him out and never sought him out again.
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Another morning fell into your lap. The sun barely peeked over the horizon when the sound of alarms ringing out through the property jolted you awake. You rolled your head to the side to stretch a sore muscle, hand reaching under your bed for your rifle. No reason for alarm. Whatever it was, a stray infected or an animal, no doubt, would fall into one of your traps, or you’d pick it off without wasting a single bullet. All in a day’s work.
You slid on the first pair of shoes you could find, slipping out the door and making your way towards where the camera had signalled the breach. You groaned as you realized just how early it was, the sun barely illuminating the ground you stepped on. 
You held your rifle out as your eyes scanned the fence line. Nothing. It must have been one of the traps that set off the alarm. Sighing, you push the buttons on the padlock and it opens the gate. 
Moving to the nearest trap, you peek the muzzle of the rifle into the hole. It was still dark, but you made out a figure standing at the bottom of the pit.
“Move and I’ll fucking shoot you,” you yelled. No response, just the sound of heavy breathing. “You infected?”
Your name was whispered into the air like a breath of something you never thought you’d hear again. That beautiful, rugged, rich voice. The voice that you loved, so dearly. The voice that you hated.
“It’s me, honey,” he was breathless. It was almost as if it was his first moment of rest in twenty years. 
Your heart skipped a beat, breath faltering for a moment. You didn’t let the tears threatening to pool in your eyes spill. Instead, you threw your rifle to the side and got on your knees, reaching into the dark pit. “Take my hand.” 
Extending your hand, you almost immediately felt his large, rough one envelop yours. You used most of your strength to pull him up, him hoisting himself up once he got a good grip. He falls on top of you with the momentum, catching himself before his figure crushes yours. You could feel his heavy breath on your face, painting invisible lines of what you both want. A sea in his eyes, pooling with everything that’s happened since he left you, with everything he wanted to say, everything he wants to say. You lean into him a little, breath hitching and brows furrowing when he finally attaches his lips to yours. 
It was like an oxygen mask, breathing you to life. It was more desperate than any kiss you had shared. He was here, in your hands. He was alive. He was heart and flesh and blood and he was with you again.
Your arms pulled him in close until he groaned into your mouth. You pulled away to study his face. He didn’t meet your eyes, instead, absorbing every feature of your face that he had missed for so long.
You began to lift his shirt to see why he had groaned, but his hand on your wrist stopped you. 
“Joel,” you warned. “Lift up your shirt.”
“Take me to dinner first, hey?” He chuckled. He was stalling. He didn’t want you to see whatever was under his shirt.
You gave him a warning look before he gave in. Sitting up, you gently lifted his shirt. There wasn’t a concerning amount of blood for once, just small lacerations here and there that might need a few stitches. However, the skin underneath the marks was full of vibrant purples and blues and yellows, painted across the flesh of his abdomen like some sick piece of art. A small gasp left your lips at the sight, but Joel tilted your chin up to look at him, pulling his shirt down with his other hand. 
“Just fell, darlin’. I’d do it all again to get to you.” 
Heat spread across your face, tinting your cheeks. All the resentment you had for him fizzled away (but was it really resentment if you could forgive him with just one kiss? Or maybe that was just the power Joel had over you). 
“Let me patch you up, cowboy,” you said as you stood up, grabbing your rifle and pulling him up with you. “Come on.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
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Leading him through the house by his hand, the silence settled nicely. Something unspoken lingered between you two, remnants of what happened still drifting. Ideas of what might happen were tempting.
You led him to the bathroom, instructing him to sit on the counter. You opened the cabinet and grabbed everything you’d need. 
“It’s like every time we meet, you’re on the verge of death, Miller,” you said as you laid your supplies out.
He grunted. “Not on the verge of death right now, honey. Just a little banged up, is all.” You told him to take off his shirt. He did so without a word of protest. “I’m just lucky I’ve always got my favourite girl to patch me up.” His hands reached for you, wanting you to be close to him. He grabbed your hips and positioned you in front of him, between his legs. You didn’t look away from the cuts and bruises on his chest and stomach. 
“Not always, apparently,” you muttered under your breath as you began to dab his chest with a damp rag, washing away the brutality of what he went through to get to you. His brows furrowed, his hand moving to your wrist. 
“Don’t be like that, honey.”
“Fuck you,” you whispered, pulling your wrist from his grasp and going back to your task. You were both silent as you cleaned his chest, both avoiding eye contact.
You grabbed the dated peroxide. “Might hurt.”
He nodded in acknowledgement. He made no noise when you applied it to the areas of concern, but the cords in his neck tightened nonetheless. 
“Sorry,” you whispered, the desire to sooth him and shut him up with your mouth still clawing at you. He grunts in acknowledgement. You continued to clean him up, till all his wounds were stitched and his skin was clean of blood. 
“Done,” you finally spoke, throwing out the dirty rags and cleaning up. You went to move past him to get out of the bathroom, but he slid off the counter and blocked your exit. Your face was only a few inches from his chest. “Joel,” you warned, “let me out.”
“Not 'till you tell me why you’re so mad at me, darlin’,” he said, his voice gruff yet soft. His hands slid up and down your arms, which were on your hips. 
You tried to push past him again, but he didn't budge. 
You huffed, and his eyes softened, large hands moving to cup your face. “You don't know how much I missed you,” he said, brows furrowed. 
You closed your eyes. “I do know.” You felt him press his forehead to yours, and you reciprocated, hands moving to hold his wrists. You didn't have the energy to be mad at him anymore. You just wanted him. 
“Then let me show you,” he whispered, breath fanning over your lips, driving you wild. Everything about him was intoxicating. 
His lips found yours again, still needy and fervent, but there was something more. Something hungry. Something growing, something left over. 
He pushed you against the bathroom counter, hands moving across your body, touching you everywhere, anywhere he could. His hands ghosted over your breasts, across your thighs, rubbing your hips, caging you in. You whined, “Touch me.”
“Anywhere. I just need more,” you said, breathless. 
At that, he placed you on top of the counter before he lifted your shirt from your body, “Nothin’ underneath? Knew I was comin’,” he said with a smirk. You were breathless as he kissed you again, sliding your pants off your body. He broke from your mouth to lay wet kisses on your neck and chest, biting and sucking his mark into your flesh. 
You whimpered when he gently ran a finger over your clothed core, bucking into his hand, desperate for anything more. He groaned when he felt how wet you were, your slick already pooling in your panties. He didn't have it in him to tease you. Not today. 
He slid your panties down your legs. You felt the heat of your core come in contact with the air, your slick beginning to drip down your thighs. He dropped to his knees, looking up at you with nothing but pure desire, want, need, and, dare you say, love? 
He kisses the soft inside of both thighs, your hands tangling in his hair, before his face hovers over your soaked core. He pressed his head into the inside of your thigh, running a finger through your folds. You moaned at the seating contact, watching as he brought his finger to his lips and captured your slick on his tongue. He moaned, “Missed this pussy.”
He played with your clit experimentally, just to see how wet you could get without his saliva, before the tempting sight of your pussy collapsed him. He dove in like a man starved, licking and sucking, spreading your folds apart to get further inside. Your hands still fisted in his hair as you moaned. He draped one hand across your abdomen to keep you still, hips bucking up into his mouth. 
His mouth was a magic ailment, drawing that familiar sensation from you in a matter of no time. The coil in your belly grew, hot and heavy, until his work on your cunt sent you over the edge, gripping his hair and moaning his name. 
“That's it, pretty girl. Give it to me,” he said as he worked you through your high. When he noticed you squirming, whispering “s’too much”, he moved from your core and up to your mouth. Your hands spread across his chest, still bare, as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Your juices were smeared across his face, glistening in the hair there. 
“Take me to bed, cowboy,” you said against his lips.
“Yes Ma’am,” he breathed. He picked you up, wrapping your legs around his body, and carried you to your bedroom. You pressed kisses across his neck and chest as he moved. 
When he laid you down on the bed, he caged you underneath him. You reached to his belt, unbuckling it and throwing it to the side. He removed his pants, and you began palming him over his boxers. He was rock hard, eating you out almost getting him there in itself. 
“Please,” you said, nearly inaudible. “Will you let me taste you?” You stroked his bulge. 
“Fuck, honey. How could I say no to that?” 
You rolled so you were on top of him, freeing his thick cock from its constraint. He sat up on the edge of the bed, you sinking between his legs. 
You stroked his cock, smearing the precum around the tip. He was sensitive. You could tell he hadn't had anyone since you, and he definitely didn't have the time to take care of himself. He groaned as you began giving kitten licks to his tip, hand fisting in your locks, not guiding you, just needing a place to find solace. 
“Gonna be the end of me,” he groaned when you put him fully in your mouth. He threw his head back, tears pricking your eyes when you tried to take him all. He was desperate for his release, but he was desperate to release inside of you even more. 
“Baby, m’ not gonna last. Wanna finish inside of you,” he groaned. You lifted your head from his cock, wiping the saliva from the corners of your mouth, eyes wet. 
“So pretty. C’mere,” he said, gesturing to his lap. 
You climbed atop him. “Wanna ride you,” you said, sucking into his neck. 
“Fuck, okay. Okay, you can ride me honey,” he said. You were absolutely ruining him. 
You kissed him silly, straddling his lap. He was so enamoured with you, everything you did. The way you tasted, smelled, sounded. He was pussy drunk. 
You parted from him to run his tip through your entrance, still soaked with your cum and his saliva, collecting your wetness. Lining him up with your entrance, you moaned into each other’s mouths when you sunk down onto him. Allowing yourself a moment to feel him sheathed fully inside you, stretching you out, filling you up, letting your body remember the way you blended together, you kissed him with a renewed passion, something you thought had died. 
You held onto his shoulders as support, his large hands gripping your hips, gritting his teeth. When you lifted yourself off of him and back down, you set a desperate pace, grinding yourself down on his cock. 
“Not gonna last long, pretty thing,” Joel groaned, eyes fixed on where you were connected. You were too set on your release to care, you just knew you wanted him inside you forever. 
“Don’t care,” you gritted out, panting and out of breath. The noises filling the air were downright unholy, but neither of you had it in yourself to care. “Want you to fill me up.”
Joel growled, “Fuck, honey. Fill you up so good, you’ll be dripping out of me. That what you want?” He asked, landing a smack to your ass as you bounced on his cock. You moaned. Your release was right around the corner, your cunt clenching hard on his cock, thighs beginning to tremble. Joel moved a hand to circle your clit, hell-bent on getting you there. “So pretty,” Joel said, almost whimpering. “So good for me. Squeezin’ me so good.”
His words went straight to the fire growing in your core, your slick pooling at the base of his cock. Finally, the coil snapped, your orgasm dancing down your legs and up your body. Your thighs and frame trembled as you tried, you really tried, to keep bouncing on his cock, but your thighs were too weak at this point to keep going. Fixed on release, Joel flipped you so you were caged underneath him, barely missing a beat before spearing his cock into you. He swallowed your overstimulated whimpers. 
“Gonna make a mess out of you. Fuck, almost there,” he groaned. 
“Inside, inside, please,” you choked out, still delirious from your previous orgasm. However, you felt another one building inside of you, the friction of his body as it rubbed against yours added to your previous stimulation was enough to get you there again. You lazily toyed with your swollen clit, not having enough energy to focus, yet you knew it wouldn’t take much.
Joel barely noticed your state as his hips faltered in their pace, hitting that sweet spot so good. You had barely any control left over your body, but as he groaned and the muscles in his front tightened, the feeling of his hot seed filling you up was enough to send you into a frenzy. He groaned into your neck, your loud, wanton moans filling the air. As he filled you to the brim, you shook underneath him, your third orgasm overtaking you. 
When he had recovered, Joel looked down to where you both met, taking note of the creamy ring formed around the base of his cock. He grinned, still breathless, as he gently unsheathed himself from your core, watching you squirm and wrinkle your nose at the overstimulation. He laid down next to you, and you naturally curled into him. 
It was still morning, the rest of the day still ahead of you, but as Joel pulled the blanket over the two of you and watched your chest heave, he had the feeling that time didn’t matter anymore.
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Your eyes fluttered open and met his. You noted how sore your body was, but the pull at your heart was no match. He had been watching you sleep, watching as you cuddled into his warmth and trusted him enough to hold you as you slept. The bright daylight filled the room, lighting up all his features, shining on the pretty grey in his hair and beard. 
“How’d you sleep, honey?” he asked, his voice gravelly. You could feel his heart beating as you laid against his chest. 
You hummed, “Better than I have in a long time.”
He smiled. There was a soft silence for a while as you just looked at each other, his hand stroking the skin of your face, kissing your cheeks and forehead, down the bridge of your nose, and ending at your lips. Finally, he said, “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
Your easy grin faltered for a moment. “It’s okay. I just…” you breathed in, “I thought you were dead.” 
He pulled you into his chest. “I’m okay. ‘M right here, darlin’.”
You leaned into his touch, basking in the knowledge that you weren’t going to lose him again. 
“Come back to Jackson with me.” 
“Jackson? In Wyoming?”
He nodded.
“Joel, that’s far…” 
“I’ve made the trip twice now.”
You were silent for a few moments, thinking. He spoke again. “I know this is your home, and it’s been your home for years. And I-”
“Joel,” you cut him off. “Anywhere you go is my home. I’ll come to Jackson with you.”
Joel Miller’s smile was something rarer than diamonds or gold, but it appeared on his face as real as ever. 
Joel kissed you like the world had never ended, like you were his world. That’s because you were. 
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A week of bliss later, you had packed everything you’d possibly think you’d need on one horse and two backpacks. You’d set all your cattle free to roam and disarmed your alarm system. You had made Joel map out your route to Jackson, ever the planner, going through every minute detail. Nights were spent wrapped around each other, and mornings were spent wrapped around the blankets. You spoke of the life you would have together in Jackson, spoke about Ellie, spoke about everything. 
Often, you’d look up at Joel and be met with a punch to the gut. The idea that the man you spent two years of your life praying for, standing right in front of you? It hit you out of nowhere sometimes. It was hard to be thankful in a world like this, in a world that did nothing but take and take and take from you. It was hard to believe that he was really here, that the world gave you something good for once. Sometimes, you’d have to touch him, really touch him, just to make sure he was really here. Just to make sure you hadn’t finally gone crazy and started to imagine him. 
You began to fear that the world was going to whisk him away from you. Maybe a clicker would get him, or maybe a stalker. Maybe you’d react too slow, too quick, too late, too poorly, and he’d try to save you. Maybe he’d get another infection. God knows that man does not take care of himself. 
These fears plagued your mind day and night, awake and asleep. They brushed your thoughts when he touched you, fingers working you into a puddle, you melting into him. These thoughts were unspoken, never would they be said aloud, or they just might seize you in your sleep and become real.
When you got to Jackson, the fear of losing him never ceased, but you did come to realize something. 
You realized that what you were feeling, this utter, disgusting dread and fear of losing the one you love the most, was completely natural.
You loved Joel with all of yourself, and you knew that if anything happened to him, you’d lose all of yourself too. 
After so long, your hearts were molded to one another, holding on for dear life. And you’d spend that life together. Truly and forever.
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series taglist: @winters-fairy @charlyrmv @gvfslayallday @cloudroomblog @lol-im-done @freyafriggafrey @jasminedragoon @daddy-din @dealswiththedevilsblog @coolchick333 @rizzetteee @m3laniehearts @fuglyputa24 @daixylie @mi0o @kissykris @c0wb0ym3nace @snixx2088 @randomstory56 @mmeerraa @doublevirgogirl @daydreamerblues @onlyrealjoy @happinessinthebeing @leathargic @violenttsoho @gingerdarkroast @intoxicatedapple @callsign-athena @cherriebat @sofiparallel @textsfromeponinet​ 
tlou taglist: @jordie-gvf @sunxflowerxx @themusingkitten @anxiety-made @mmerraa 
permanent taglist: @winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs 
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number1jeonginstan · 8 months
My first time sending in an ask as an anon to you...sorry I haven't sooner.
Can we have a skz fluff (as your bf-established relationship) reacts to girlfriend who is a dancer (preferably ballet but if it's hard to write for if you don't do it, it can be general) who overworks herself trying to get something right, but she just can't get it and is getting irritated? Possible angst if some of the argumentative boys wanna argue her instead of comfort.
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A/N: I’m so glad I could write for you!!! I really hope you like it, I tried doing my research and using my amazing ballet skills (aka watching the Nut Cracker since I was little) to try and describe it more!
WC: 1.4k
Warnings: None, just fluff and a bit of angst, but everything gets resolved!
You were in your studio, trying to perfect a sissone sur le point, and you kept messing up. As you slid onto your pointe, you kept slipping and you were frustrated. As you tried again, you fell to the ground, eliciting a groan from your lips. 
You had been at it for a while, barely taking a break to even drink a sip of water. You had no idea truly how long it had been as the only window in the studio was secluded. It wasn’t until you heard a knock on the door. “What!” you yelled, still frustrated from not getting it. 
“Y/N, are you okay? You’ve been in here for 4 hours.” It was then when you registered truly how long you’ve been practicing for. “Oh, I didn’t realize” you sighed, finally taking a sip of your water. “You can’t be doing this, it’s not healthy” he sighed kissing your forehead. 
“I don’t really think you should be talking Channie, you are usually cooped up in your studio working and barely ever sleeping,” your voice coming off a bit more condescending than you meant it to be. 
“Hey, I know I do that, but at least I take a break. You haven’t been on your phone since you entered here, I should know, I texted and called you multiple times.” 
“You did?” you asked, not believing til you checked for yourself. “Yes, now please take a break, eat something with me. You won’t get it unless you take a break and reflect, and get something in your stomach.”
You just nodded, taking his hand as you both exited the studio. You were grateful to have him to make sure you don’t overwork yourself, hugging him from the side and kissing his cheek. 
“What was that for?” he giggled, placing a peck on your lips. “Just because,” you grinned. 
Lee Know: 
You had spent at least two hours in the studio trying to perfect your gargouillade, you were struggling, constantly annoyed by how you were doing it, but it wasn’t looking clean. Again, you told yourself, and you could feel your muscles tensing. You just had to perfect it by the end of the day and make it look clean, but you kept failing. 
You gave up, laying on the floor, tired of exerting your body for two hours straight. Anger was ridden on your face. Minho entered the studio giggling, holding a container filled with japchae for the both of you, only to see the anger on your face. 
“Is everything okay?” he asked, setting down the food next to your bag on the bench. 
“No!” you shouted, still not wanting to get up. “I don’t know why I can’t get it to look good” you groaned, placing your hands on your face. 
“Maybe you need a break, overworking yourself will only make it worse baby,” he said while kissing your head, “not to mention so sweaty.” 
“But I have to get it perfect, I don’t know how you get your dances perfect the first time you try, it’s so unfair.” 
“Y/n, first off I don’t, secondly, I practice a much different medium than you. Yours takes much more core strength, and to build that,” he runs over, bringing the japchae with two forks to you, “is to eat good food.” 
 “Don’t worry, you will get it, I believe in you, now please eat.” He held a fork of the food in front of your face and you caved in, taking a bite as he fed it to you.
“YAH!” you heard a yell from behind you, “do you know how much you’ve been overworking yourself?” 
Before you could even say anything, Changbin had thrown you over his shoulder, stopping you in the middle doing your hops en pointe. “Put me down!” you yelled, smacking Changbin’s ass in hopes he would. 
“Nope, take a break, your muscles will get too sore if you do this!” He yelled back, placing you in his lap. Before you could protest, he began massaging your calves, eliciting a groan from you. 
“See, I told you your muscles are tense, from now on you should listen to me” he grinned from ear to ear as you just nodded. 
Maybe all you needed was a quick break and a massage from your loving, but loud boyfriend. 
You were on the floor, practicing your arabesque penche, trying to make sure you were not falling or tilting to either side. Your body needed to be stable, and you couldn’t possibly get it down. 
Hyunjin came into the room clapping for you, causing you to fall down. “What was that for!” you yelled, not meaning to raise your voice or your temper.
Hyunjin looked startled by your reaction and profusely apologized. “Shit, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to distract you.”
“No, I’m sorry I’m just really frustrated” you sighed, walking over to him and peppering his face with kisses. “It’s okay, I understand, now go back to dancing, I want to draw you looking beautiful” as he took out his sketchbook and pencil eliciting a giggle from your lips. 
You were frustrated out of your mind, unable to complete your move properly, making you a bit angry. You just wanted to curl into a ball and never do ballet again at that moment. Han had decided to enter the studio at that exact time. 
He saw you curled up and decided to lie down next you. You didn’t notice he was there until you opened your eyes, flying back to see him. He erupted into a fit of giggles, “I didn’t mean to scare you, baby,”
It caused you to start laughing as well, being next to him while you both erupted into giggles was exactly what you needed to take your mind off of everything.
“I can’t do this anymore!” you groaned while Felix came in beside you. “I’ve been trying for hours and I haven’t gotten it down.”
“What if I dance next to you, I bet I would look really good in tights,” Felix said, trying to imagine himself in a pair. “What, you don’t have to do that?” you quickly replied, not wanting him to struggle with you.
“But whatever we do, we do together, right? So come on, let me do this with you, or you can do it perfectly now and we can go home and eat brownies.” 
That was all the motivation you needed to try one more time, and you got it. “Felix, I finally did it!” you shouted, running into his arms. “I told you, you can do anything, you just have to get out of your head at times,” he said, kissing your face with a smile.
“If you don’t want to do it anymore, you should just quit. It’s only 16 years of your life down the drain,” Seungmin told you, watching you struggle. 
You had been complaining for hours that you couldn’t get your sissone sur le point to look right. It was too difficult and very few people could do it perfectly. “I can do it, stop bringing me down,” you groaned trying it once again. 
“Come on, you are the one who said you just wanted to quit, so quit.” Seungmin said out loud, trying to get a rise out of you “I don’t know why you are trying if you know you are going to fail anyway.” 
That was all the motivation you needed, you needed to prove him wrong. You had tried once again, finally successfully doing it. “Ha!” you screamed “In your face Kim Seungmin!” 
He just laughed “Finally, now can we please go before we miss our movie?” 
“Can I try with you?” he asked. “Are you sure, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” You were confused, you were stuck on the same move for days, constantly crying to Jeongin about how you couldn’t get it down. 
“Just show me one more time, please?” 
You did, landing perfectly. “I did it! Wait, WHAT!” you yelled, tingling Jeongin’s eardrums. 
“I told you, sometimes you just have to leave that pretty brain of yours.”  
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jarofstyles · 6 months
Azure- Indigo 5
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Helllooo my loves! Here is part 5 to indigo. It's really cute I can't lie, I'm proud of this story :')
Check out our Patreon for 100+ exclusive writings and early access to the next 3 parts of Indigo.
Series Masterlist
WC- 5.4k
Y/N had forgotten how Harry appeared to other people. 
She had been almost floating on air the rest of the weekend, a smile permanently on her face as she walked about her apartment, tending to chores and making sure to take time to look after her tattoo. She had been diligent about her research beforehand, yes, but it was even more imperative now that she kept the piece in pristine condition. 
They’d been texting frequently. Once she had gotten home, he had responded back and it simply hadn’t stopped. There were pauses, warnings from him that he had a client coming in or he was going on a run, but most of the weekend had been spent texting him, giggling at her phone, getting to know him a bit more. His texting style was a bit similar to how he spoke, a bit of dry humor sprinkled in. It seemed he was a little more bold through the phone as well, messaging her with smooth flirtation and obvious interest in her stories. He asked involved questions, checked in on her multiple times, but he wasn’t overly bearing. Y/N felt like she was being hand fed bits and pieces of the man that had always puzzled her. 
“So who’s the guy that had you pretending you’re not smiling at your phone?” Over brunch, Y/N’s friend Julia had caught on to her sneaking peeks at her phone, smiling to herself and trying to pace responses. It wouldn’t be hard for anyone to notice this. Y/N couldn’t be subtle if it could save her life. Once you got to know her, it was even more obvious that her feelings would be displayed out for anyone to see. A real heart on her sleeve type of girl. 
Y/N hadn’t wanted to bring him up initially, but the excitement to finally dish about a guy she was actually excited about seeing- even if it was only one planned date- had her mouth almost ready to burst. She didn’t want to tell anyone in their initial friend group because… because what if it didn’t work and then everyone made it super awkward? Y/N did not do good with that sort of pressure and honestly, she would most definitely cry if someone teased her for not being able to keep up with Harry. 
Julia, however? Sweet Julia was a former coworker, mostly removed from that group of friends and it was easier to dish when she hadn’t met him. 
“Well…” Y/N tucked her hair back over her shoulder, fiddling with her napkin. “It’s a guy I’ve known for a bit. He’s actually the one who did my tattoo.” Lifting her arm she motioned to the ink that her friend had previously fawned over. She had a few tattoos herself and had been impressed at how good it had turned out despite some of the detail being scabbed over. Y/N had taken a bit of the moisturizer Harry had given her out after their drinks and shown her, the whole thing. 
“Ohmygod- a tattoo artist?” Her friend’s eyes widened. “The one who did that one? You sly thing… did you get down and dirty in the studio? Oh my god, you gave it so good he had to see more of you? Y/N, you’ve been holding out on me!”
Y/N gaped, floundering for a moment before housing her friends with wide eyes. Her voice hadn’t exactly been quiet and she could feel the lava burning underneath her skin. She loved Julia, but she didn’t have a sense of volume sometimes. “Jules!” She hissed, shaking her head. “No! I didn’t- I didn’t do anything in the studio. No, he was completely and utterly professional and sweet.” There was a weird need to defend Harry’s honor. 
In reality, there was no true idea in her mind if Harry did that sort of stuff before. With how attractive he was, she was sure people attempted it but she doubted he would actually do so. Not when he had worked so hard on his shop’s reputation. He’d told her all about that when they’d gone out afterwards.
“Ok, then what the hell happened? What is his name? Let me see him, immediately.” Her expectant hand shot out, looking at her with a raised brow as Y/N chuckled at her friends' antics- and her audacity. She was lucky Y/N loved her. 
“His name is Harry.” Her voice was soft as she typed his username into the instagram search bar. “He’s a tattoo artist. I met him through our friend group. He’s a friend of Sarah’s. He did my tattoo at his own shop. He owns it himself, and he’s got a few people who work there too.” Pride bled from her voice as she pulled his profile up and handed it over. There weren't too many of him. He had a few tagged, a few photos on his own, but it was mostly his tattoo work and random things here and there. “He’s got a few awards and done a few famous people’s work. It’s so cool. He drew my tattoo up right next to me in his office, his process is so interesting.” 
The girl was chirping about him as if she was already smitten, a dreamy little smile on her lips slipping a bit as she took in Julia’s expression. “What?” 
“Nothing! Nothing- not a bad look, I promise.” Julia hurried to correct her face but she turned the phone back to Y/N. “This is him? The one in the black?” 
It was a photo of him she had seen the other night while she did her obligatory snooping in his tagged. A tight black tee shirt with the Harley Davidson logo on the chest covered his torso and tight fitting black jeans covered his bottom down to his brown boots. His arms bulged slightly as they were crossed over his body, a pint in hand as he looked at the camera. The other hand held out a middle finger over his arm, a cold scowl on his face. His piercings glimmered in the photo, an obvious flash used. It was part of Sarah’s summer photo dump, one he had commented a simple eye roll emoji for despite liking it. Y/N’s snooping was thorough. 
“Yeah… Isn’t he cute?” Y/N asked nervously. It wasn’t that she needed her friend’s acceptance. She liked Harry either way. It would just be nice to not feel a bit off guard when she had expected a squeal back from seeing him. Harry was hot, that was no question. Even if you simply spoke to him without seeing his physical appearance, it was more than obvious he was just an attractive man in general. 
“Cute isn’t the word I’d use. He’s good looking but… He’s a little scary for you, isn’t he?” 
While she knew that the question was most likely an innocent one, it raised her hackles a little bit. Sure, maybe he looked a little scary. Maybe he was intimidating to most. But that didn’t have much to do with anything. “No, I don’t think so. He’s incredibly sweet and kind. He didn’t even charge me for my tattoo and tried to venmo me back his tip but he’s… He’s a little shy.” It had been apparent to her when he had told her why he had been so silent around her. “He tells awful jokes and he’s taking me to a drive-in movie this weekend because he remembered that I liked the one they’re showing. He’s really thoughtful. I know he’s got tattoos and piercings but that doesn’t mean-”
“Woah, slow your roll, Cinnamon Bun.” Julia placed her hand over Y/N’s. “I didn’t mean anything mean by it. Not at all. I’m sure that if you’re with him, he’s a nice guy.” Her face showed guilt for working Y/N up, scooting her chair closer to her. “I just mean he seems a bit intimidating. You know that I’m used to seeing you fawn over more sporty guys, the cleaner cut ones. It was just that he’s different from the norm for you, babe.” 
Y/N’s wind sank and her sails dropped as she realized what her friend had meant. Of course it hadn’t been meant in malice, but she still worried. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump on you like that. I just think.. I think he’s had a lot of people assume a lot of things about him in the past and it makes me weirdly protective of him. I know I’m kind of his opposite in a lot of ways and it makes me a little insecure because I know people will definitely call it out. Your meaning isn’t bad but eventually people are going to see I don’t seem to be the normal type for him.” 
That was the truth. Y/N had seen peeks of girls he had flirted with or gone off to hook up with and they didn’t exactly look like her. Not at all. 
“Oh, babe. I’m sorry.” Julia sighed. “No. I didn’t mean it that way. If anyone has shit to say, fuck ‘em. I was just surprised. You’ve never been the bad boy aesthetic type but hey, if he’s nice to you that’s all that matters. As long as he knows you’ve got a miniature blonde friend who’s ready to attack ankles at any moment for hurting you and knows how to hide bodies… we’re all good.” 
Y/N had let it go. Julia meant well, but this was exactly why she wanted to wait a bit to let their friend group know they were… something? Seeing each other? They hadn't even gone on a date yet so it seemed to be a stretch to say dating, but whatever it was. Not until it felt steady. They’d all worry over her and warn Harry off when in reality, all he had done in the past was be anxious and let Y/N read him wrong. 
She wanted to protect him from the ribbing and the questions and let them get to know one another in a more intimate way privately. It would be something she would have to bring up to him later…. But how?
H: Hi, gorgeous. What are you up to?
Y/N: Hi hi :) Just got done making cinnamon bread. 
H: And are you bringing me a piece of that tonight? 
H: Please say yes or I’ll probably cry. 
Y/N: Of course, crazy. What do you take me for?
H: A goddess, if you continue bringing me baked goods. 
H: But please remember that there is a snack counter there and I will be happy to buy you whatever you want from there or pick up something beforehand. 
Y/N: I really can pay for some of it myself. I feel a little bad making you pay for everything, you’ve already got the tickets. 
H: I’ve got the tickets and more. If I’m taking you out, I’m paying, sweetheart. Nonnegotiable. Your payment can be some of that bread, if it makes you feel better. 
H: I’m just happy you said yes and are giving me a chance after I’ve made an ass of myself. 
Y/N: H :( no
Y/N: You didn’t mean to make me feel bad. I internalized it and maybe you need to work on communication a bit but honestly, It’s all water under the bridge!!! I’m really really excited to go out with you. 
Harry ran his hand over his face. His wrist ached from the 6 hour session the day prior but he was more than a mess of nerves now that the time for their date was almost here. He vacuumed out his car, cleaned it, sprayed with some sort of spray, and replaced the little vent air freshener. The whole thing. His range rover wasn’t ideal for this sort of thing so he had chosen his vintage convertible. The bench seat could lay back and provide more lounging space- and that’s exactly what he had wanted. 
This had been his first dream purchase once he started making more money at his shop. As soon as he finished his car payments on the Range Rover, he had set his sights on a vintage car to cruise around in by himself during the warm nights, a good sound system having been modified in it so he could lose himself in thought while driving down the coastline. This car was his baby. Soft yellow exterior with a pinstripe detail, the smooth car appealed to him immediately. He’s spent months scouring sites and driving to look at different listings but this one had his heart immediately. There hadn’t been too much to change on it, but he had made his personalization with black and white fuzzy dice hanging off the rearview mirror, said sound system, and refreshed seats. The car had been his reward for the hard work and his endless backaches from being hunched over tattooing. 
It had been a no brainer to choose this one but he did worry about if Y/N would think he was being overly flashy. Harry had never been one to show his money off to the masses, instead choosing to invest a lot and keep everything quiet. He’d seen some friends, seen his own clients even complain about how people used them for money and with the concept being newer to him, he wanted to be responsible. He’d read too many financial horror stories on reddit to risk it. His mates guessed he made a decent amount considering how much his minimum was and how picky he was with clients, and sure he picked up the tab a lot without saying who did it, but he tried to keep himself a bit guarded with that. He hoped that if this continued with Y/N- which god, he was praying it would- she wouldn’t be upset with him keeping that a bit of a secret. 
To be honest, he was overthinking every single thing. Despite appearing cool, calm and collected in his texts, he had felt like his thoughts were running out of his head at max speed. Realistically, he knew Y/N wouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t want to. She’d have been more than justified if she had, but somehow Harry must have done something right to get the karma to have not only her forgiveness, but her affection. Even the slightest bit. 
Triple checking his outfit, he had felt silly brushing his overgrown hair out of his face but still made sure that there hadn’t been some miracle stain that showed up on his tee shirt or new rip in his pants. There wasn’t, as suspected, and he finally made himself leave the house. The car had the blankets folded in the trunk, along with the two oversized pillows he had purposely chosen despite being a bit chunky. They were straight off his bed, the best ones he had ever found. The plush purple blanket was oversized, a steal from a liquidation store he went to just to feel like he could ‘treasure hunt’ was big enough to cover the seats, and he had a few different ones for Y/N to choose from in the back. 
Was she a faux fur blanket girl? Linen? Crochet? Plush? Velveteen? Another obscure but endearing thing he wanted to carve out of her. 
The drive to her place consisted of Lana Del Rey and the top up of the car. It was obvious it was a convertible but he was trying to keep the warm breeze as a shared experience for them both tonight. The real nerves had hit outside of her stairs, his phone dipped back in his pocket once she had told him she was on her way down. His palms were sweating, a constant reminder of himself to not fuck this up playing on a neverending loop in his head. 
The world went quiet for a moment, though, once Y/N opened the door and shot him a smile so sweet that it almost hurt his own teeth. 
Every time he saw Y/N he had been in awe of her beauty, but it hit a little different now. She had dressed up for the purpose of going out with him. Her lavender colored dress with slightly puffy sleeves, casual as ever with its soft looking fabric, but seeing something like that on her was bringing it to a new level. It swished on her thighs, brushing an inch or so above her knees. Sandals were on her feet and a cream colored oversized bag that resembled one he brought to the beach was hung over her shoulder, snapping against the pavement as she descended the stairs and made her way over to him. 
“Hi!” She chirped, eyes sparkling slightly in the afternoon sun. Sunset would happen in just 30 or so minutes and he had to wonder how his brain would handle seeing her in a golden glow in his car. On a date with him. “You look really handsome, H.” 
It was so opposite what people would assume of a man with his general outward demeanor and rough around the edges appearance. His cheeks heating and having to swallow a lump in his throat to unknot so he could reply to a simple compliment, you’d never expect it. Harry liked that maybe only Y/N would be able to uncover a part of him he kept hidden to protect himself from hurt. The iron armor he kept guarding his heart seemed to melt to molten metal when she reached up to take a hug from him. She smelled so fresh, like laundry in the best way. The warm type right out of the dryer, unsullied from any possible contaminants. She smelled brand new, a start over for him. 
“You always seem to outdo yourself in how gorgeous y’look when I see you.” His guts had returned when he was hugging her, unable to see her reaction. Somehow, Harry could remain stone faced when drunk people came in demanding ink, when he’d gotten in fights at bars during that rougher period, but he couldn't control himself around a soft little doe of a girl like Y/N. 
“Thank you.” She grinned, pulling back with her eyes finding his until her attention was stolen by the car behind him. “Oh my god… Is this a new car?” 
Pride bloomed in his chest as she fawned over his car, one of his prized possessions that she was slightly bouncing on her toes as her hand ran over the hood. This was the reaction he had been hoping for. “Well, technically it’s an old one.” The joke was cracked with a smirk, making Y/N laugh and his chest feel full. 
“No shit, funny man.” Her hand pushed his bicep. “I mean, when did you get it? I’ve never seen you drive this, just your Range Rover.” 
“It’s sort of a special occasion car. Drives down the coast mostly, sometimes car meets if Niall finds one and tells me to bring it. I got it a while ago but the other car is more practical so it stays in the garage while I put the milage on the other one.” He placed a hand on the handle to open up her door, letting her take a look inside. “It’s really special to me. I try t’be careful with her.”
“Her?” Y/N rose a brow as she sat herself in the seat, wiggling around as she got comfortable. “Should I be jealous?”
Her own flirty jokes made Harry relax a tiny bit more. He wasn’t the only one feeling this, and it made him feel a whole lot better to hear it from her. “No, no. She’s got nothing on you, darling.” With a wink, he closed her door and jogged around to his side and patting himself on the back for not choking at the response he just gave. 
Y/N’s own body was buzzing with nerves. Sitting in this fantastic car that she knew her grandfather would absolutely lose his head over, Hozier’s ‘Abstract’ played through the radio and her hair was fluttering around as Harry drove through the streets towards the destination. The sun was warming her cheek, hand dipping up and down as she let the wind pass through her fingers. There was some chatter but mostly a silence that Y/N found to be quite comfortable. Harry wasn’t an incredibly talkative person in general but he seemed to be a lot more open when it was just the two of them. She was enjoying this, the overall energy pretty good- a bit nervous and giggly but what first date didn’t start off like that? 
“How did you even find out about this?” Y/N turned to look at him as they waited in line to park his car and let them scan the code he had open on his phone. “Like, I didn’t even know there was a drive-in so close to us. I still feel like a newbie here sometimes but.. It was really thoughtful. I never thought I’d get to see this one on a big screen since it had come out before I could have watched it.” 
“I remembered you liked that movie we were seeing when I was scrolling down instagram. It was weird, I knew there was one but I never interacted with anything about it so… The algorithm must have helped me out.” He laughed, running his thumb over his lower lip to hide his smile a little bit. “I know people normally would say a movie on a first date would be a little eh, but we know each other a little and it’s your favorite. It’s outside, too. Anything is ten times better under the stars.”
Y/N loved that. That was true, but for someone who had been so nervous to speak to her before he was sure as hell doing a good job finding all the soft pleasure spots in her brain and stroking them. Clicking off things on her mental list she didn’t know she had. “I’m glad it did. I’m excited, especially with a car like this, it’s incredible. You did a perfect job picking this out.” Truly, he had plucked a dream scenario from her romantic underbelly and brought it up to the surface. 
“Good.” He smiled, pulling up to the person scanning their tickets. It was pay per car, so it hadn’t been too spendy, but Harry was more than going to make up for it. His relief was clearly lifted off his shoulders as she expressed her approval of his choice. He’d probably fall on down the sewer if she hated it. 
Their spot was a place in the middle and towards the back. There were only about 50 spots, and they had definitely been a bit fucked with traffic but at least they werent in a corner. Cutting the car off, he took a breath before turning to her. “We’re gonna pull the top down and uh, the bench seat flattens out. So it can be easier to stretch out.” He flexed his hand around the gearshift, watching as her face brightened. “I’ve got loads of blankets in the trunk and two pillows too. M’not trying to be suggestive but it’s easier to get comfortable.” Harry wanted to make this the most memorable date- in a good way. The knowledge of the fact he knew for a fact other guys in the group fancied her and could talk to her without seeming like an ass used to make his stomach hurt, but it was such a relief to have her with him now. She was way too sweet and understanding but he adored the fact that she had particularly chosen him to go out with. Y/N wasn’t a prize, she wasn’t an object, but he felt like he was a winner for getting to spend time with her. 
“Here-” He took his wallet out and slipped one of his cards out. “Go and get whatever you want for the movie and we can get proper food after.” The cool plastic was paced into her palm, his fingers closing her own around it so she didn’t drop it. “Whatever y’want and I mean it. They’ve got those chocolate bars y’like, I saw online. Buy the whole candy case if you want. I’ll get this fixed up and meet you over there to help carry it.” 
Y/N wasn’t going to argue, her jello like knees shaking as she walked over to the retro shack. It was unreal. Harry had seemed to put a lot of thought into every step. His mention of knowing her favorite chocolate was there and that he’d remembered it even just having heard it in a very tipsy conversation she’d had with Charlotte with Harry ‘glaring’ at her across the table. Apparently, he had just been focusing on her answer and not wishing she would drop dead. Who’d have thought? 
Rocking on her feet, Y/N looked over the menu and made her mind up pretty quickly- an absolute miracle for her- as soon as she saw the selection of drinks. Usually she wasn’t a carbonated bev type of person, but when she saw you could add little flavors into them, she was more than happy to order a sprite with strawberry flavoring. She had only been a few places where they’d done so before, so she was taking it. She went with a Root Beer for Harry and another bottle of water to split, a large popcorn and a side of the cheese sauce that she lovingly called plastic cheese like her mother always had. As much as she was tempted, she chose 3 things of candy. Sour, sweet and chocolate. The array. 
Swiping his card felt a little wrong but secretly, she was happy that he had insisted. There had been many a date where the man hadn’t even offered, or who thought buying a lackluster meal meant he should have access to her body. While she didn’t need him to pay, the gesture was what she liked. Harry had been nothing but respectful once he had actually opened his mouth to talk to her. 
Placing the lids on the drinks, she had placed them on the tray but frowned slightly at the idea of walking across the field balancing them and not dropping them. Thankfully she felt a large hand on her own as the tray had been swiftly taking into his grip. The tray that had seemed ginormous in her own hands looked small in his. 
“Told you I’d come to help. You don't need to be carrying it.” 
Again, Y/N didn’t feel like arguing as she let him lead her back to the car, his lack of clumsiness making her look twice as bad. She’d stumbled three times, the uneven terrain making it a little difficult with the dents the cars had carved into spots in the lot. Thank the sky above she had let him take it. Her mind had been on that but was taken out of thought when she saw the set up. It was so cute, Y/N almost let out a coo as she watched him place the tray on the close trunk. It had been set up like a bed, three blankets overlapping each other on top. 
“Didn’t know the kind of blanket you liked so I brought a few.” 
If he got any more adorable, Y/N would lose it. 
“You did? That’s so sweet, H.” She whispered, slipping her shoes off as he opened the door to let her get in easier. There was no way she was about to mess up the thing he had put so much thought into. Her eyes went to the plushy one, lifting that one as Harry removed his boots. “I claim this one.” 
Harry added the blanket preference to his Y/N list mentally. 
“Perfect.” He nodded. “Did you want to share or do separate ones?” 
The days were perfectly warm, but since the sun had been setting the cool night had been settling over the place. It got nippy, and Y/N was selfish and curious. “Sharing is fine.” She peeped, spreading it across her lap and holding it open for him. This would bring them closer. His thigh was near hers, sitting sprawled out as he carefully balanced the tray to sit in front of them. 
This was just… good. Harry was obviously a little nervous still, but Y/N was laughing at his jokes, she had been interested in what he had to say. It wasn’t the fake half assed listening most people did. She asked detailed follow up questions and laughed at the right times, especially when their hands met when trying to grab some popcorn as the trailers before the move began. 
They were shifting closer to one another, slowly allowing it to happen until Harry suggested laying back. The popcorn setted between them, He put a second blanket on them when he noticed her shiver slightly. Y/N was trying to figure out how to ask to cuddle with him without asking outright, but it was hard. All he was doing was being respectful but she wanted to be closer to him, wanted his arm around her and the cold to disappear. It felt like everytime they brushed that she got pleasantly flushed. 
“Y’cold still?” Harry whispered, another shiver getting his attention. He didn’t need to know it was from his hand brushing the popcorn from her thigh over the blanket. 
“Yeah, I run cold” She said softly. “Can we get closer? Body heat is a bit better.” 
Harry loved it. Her innocent expression but obviously wanting to get closer, to be held by him specifically. “I’m never going to say no to having’ you close to me, sweetheart.”
His arm was lifted and she ducked underneath, his body turning slightly on his side so she could get close and lean into him, the blankets pulled to their chins and his hand falling to her arm where he began to run his fingers over. 
Y/N wanted to squeal, but she settled for a happy little wriggle disguised as getting comfortable. He was indeed much warmer than blankets, but his fingers running over her and her cheek pressed against his shoulder with his body heat leaking through his shirt made her warm right in her stomach. His touch felt so good, comforting and exciting all at the same time. So far, this had been the best date she had ever been on and it really had just begun. 
Y/N was so beautiful. 
Harry had been paying far too much attention to the girl curled up against him like a little kitten. Purring as he stroked her bare skin once his fingers had gone under the blanket for her. The screen illuminated her face as she watched her movie, his lips watching her lips as she silently recited lines and giggled at the right moments. He was learning a lot just watching her reactions. The yearning on her face during the softer romantic scenes, what things got little giggles, what made her cringe. How long her eyelashes were and how her nose curved, the tiny marks on her face he had never seen. 
This was the type of date he had always wanted to have. To go out with a girl he genuinely liked, who saw more of him than met the eye, who wanted to get to know him. Someone who could make him loosen up a bit. He’d not had any goals for this besides having her enjoy herself and hopefully grow to like him more. Enough to give him a shot of dating her. It made him realize how his past in bed hadn’t made him feel a fraction of the excitement or even pleasure that this did. Simply sitting with a girl he had a massive crush on holding onto his shirt, watching her beauty in real time. There was no feeling of rush with her. As much as he was truly attracted to her, he was happy with this. Maybe a kiss or two would throw him over the moon. Just being in this scenario felt like a dream come true.
He was sure the movie was great, but the vision in front of him was far, far more interesting to him. 
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starryhyuck · 2 years
all mine. (m)
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pairing: enemiestolovers!jaemin x reader
words: 5k+
summary: a ridiculous dare has you pushed back into the company of na jaemin, the true bane of your existence.
genre: smut
warnings: public public sex, squirting, degradation, creampies, multiple orgasms
“No. Absolutely not.”
Renjun whines after you, fingers grabbing at your shirt childishly. “Come on, help me out here! If we don’t all show up with a date, our entire frat gets shamed! Shamed!”
“Boo fucking hoo,” you mutter, rolling your eyes. You set your books down on a nearby bench, ignoring the odd looks thrown your way at the sight of your best friend clinging to you desperately.
Renjun’s fraternity has had this weird rivalry with another house since before you even entered university. The result of this ended up in petty fights such as defacing each other’s front lawns, streaking through campus just to prove something, and most recently, daring each other to have every single member show up with a date to the next frat party. It wasn’t difficult for Renjun’s house to find their own dates since most of them were easy on the eyes. Their only problem, however, was Na Jaemin.
The bane of your existence — Na Jaemin has this notorious track record on campus for sleeping with most of the human population and ignoring them as soon as he’s done. As a result, he’s run out of options for dates to the upcoming party.
“Renjun,” you hiss loudly, pushing him away from you. “I will never go out with Na Jaemin again. Don’t even think about asking me twice.”
He glares at you before stomping his foot like a toddler. “You don’t even have to hang out with him! Just show up on his arm for like five seconds so we can win.”
“Just ask Ningning to go with him!” You hiss, fed up with the conversation. “It’s not my fault he’s made this reputation for himself.”
It was your freshman year when you were deceived by Na Jaemin. He was the sweetest boy you had ever met, eyes sparkling as he poured you your first ever college drink. You two talked for hours that night, ignoring the commotion of the party around you and focusing on yourselves. He took you out for a few dates after that before you finally gave in, allowing him to fuck you in Mark’s bedroom that he mistakenly thought was his.
It wasn’t until the next day when you overheard from Yeji that Jaemin did the same exact thing to her the week before. You declared war on Na Jaemin from that day forward, regardless if he was friends with Renjun or not.
“Fine. You know, I didn’t want to do this, but decisions need to be made,” Renjun huffs, and you roll your eyes at his dramatics. “Lee Seojeong.”
Your head almost does a 360 at the name. Your eyes narrow, sizing up your best friend.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would.”
You both glare at each other for a good five minutes before you scream, caving in to his demands. He exclaims loudly in victory, not noticing that the rest of campus has scurried away in fear from the two of you.
“Here’s how this is going to go. We’ll show up cordially, join arms to keep appearances for five minutes, win the stupid fight you have with the other frat, and then you’re going to keep your filthy paws off me for the rest of the night.”
Jaemin coughs awkwardly, shifting in his seat. “That sounds okay. Is there a reason we’re in the middle of the soccer field for this?”
You roll your eyes. “It’s like you’re not even listening to me. I told you I needed you in a remote location to discuss this in case the conversation led to me wanting to murder you.”
Jaemin blinks at you, his eyes filled with both fear and curiosity. He admits that he was genuinely surprised when Renjun revealed you agreed to go with him to the next frat party. He knows you hate him for what he did in freshman year, especially since you made low hissing noises whenever you passed by him on campus. Renjun specifically told him to do as you say in fear of your warpath.
“How were you planning on murdering me?”
You tap your chin, pondering his question. “Maybe fire? I honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead, I figured I would know when I was in the moment.”
“Okay,” he murmurs slowly, picking up his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. He stands from his seat, a plastic chair you brought out to the field so that he would understand if this was going to work, he would have to submit to you. “I mean, thanks for coming with me, murder aside. I didn’t think it would be this rough to find myself someone to be with for the night.”
You scoff. “Oh, yes, because the perfect Na Jaemin is incapable of getting any man or woman to succumb to him. How the mighty have fallen if your last resort is me.”
“You would never be my last resort,” Jaemin responds genuinely, ignoring the glare he receives in return. “I know I was shitty to you, but you’re a fucking showstopper. Any one of my brothers would be lucky to have you on their arm.”
You had no idea what type of game he was playing, but you were not going to entertain him regardless of your heart beating like it was going to come out of your chest. You step closer to him until you’re almost chest to chest, and his eyes widen slightly at the proximity. He still smells the same as freshman year, and you remember how the scent used to calm you. Now, it just makes you angrier.
“You listen to me, Na Jaemin. You’re right, I’m a fucking showstopper. That also means I can take your frail little ego and smash it into a million pieces. Don’t even think about breathing near me until the party. If I hear another fucking half-assed compliment from you, I’ll shove my hand so far up-“
“Woah woah woah,” you hear someone say, stepping in between the two of you. Lee Jeno frowns at you, hearing the tail end of your threats. “What’s going on?”
Jaemin notices how you immediately retreat when Jeno arrives, smiling genuinely and taking a step back. Jaemin doesn’t like how starry eyed you suddenly turn for his best friend.
“Jeno, hi!” You beam. “I was just joking with Jaemin. I’m going with him to your party this weekend.”
“Really?” Jeno questions in surprise. “Oh shit, I didn’t know. I was actually coming over to ask you if you wanted to go with me.”
Puzzle pieces start clicking together in Jaemin’s head, and his eyes trail from your giggly form to Jeno’s wide smile. His eyes narrow, and a pool of jealousy stirs at the bottom of his stomach. He quickly moves past Jeno to swing an arm around your shoulder.
“Too bad then. Guess I beat you to the punch,” Jaemin says confidently, ignoring your silent daggers at his touch. “We were just talking about what we were going to wear together.”
“Ah,” Jeno shuffles awkwardly. “So Jaemin told you it’s a matching couples event?”
“Of course I did!”
Your simultaneous response causes Jeno’s eyebrow to raise.
Jaemin laughs. “I was just getting around to telling her that. As you can see, there are still a handful of things we need to discuss.”
“Right,” Jeno hums, not convinced in the slightest. “I’ll get out of your hair then. I guess I’ll ask Seojeong if she wants to go with me.”
“No!” You suddenly yell in protest, alarming the two frat brothers. You quickly clear your throat and swallow your embarrassment. “I mean, no. I heard she’s going to be out of town this weekend.”
“And where did you hear that from?” Jaemin asks amusedly. You elbow his side and shrug his arm off of you.
“Just around. I think Minjeong would want to go with you if you asked her.”
“Minjeong’s dating Donghyuck, remember? He’ll kill me if I ask her, he already has some elaborate proposal all set up,” Jeno reminds you.
You smile so sweetly that Jaemin thinks you’re trying to blind his best friend. “Doesn’t that just make it more fun?”
Jeno’s confused expression turns into a smirk at the challenge.
“Shit, you’re a genius. I’m going to find her before Donghyuck does. Bye, guys!”
Jaemin watches Jeno jog off the field, and also notices the way your eyes trail after him. Once he’s gone, you shift back into murder mode.
“Don’t ever touch me like that again,” you hiss, pushing him away from you. You brush your shoulders in an attempt to get Jaemin’s germs off of you.
He rolls his eyes. You were definitely as dramatic as Renjun. “So you like Jeno, huh?”
Your head turns so fast that he’s sure you get whiplash.
“What? What are you talking about?” You laugh it off, scratching the back of your head and failing to meet his stare.
“Hm,” he hums, enjoying you squirm underneath his questioning. “Interesting. Guess I’ll have to keep him far away from you.”
You glare at him. “Don’t even try it. I don’t like Jeno and it’s none of your business in the first place! I can still reign fire if need be.”
Jaemin suddenly remembers another warning Renjun gave him earlier — never take your threats seriously. His grin stretches wider, and it makes your heart thump in a way you don’t appreciate.
“I’m sure you can, beautiful. Either way, remember that I’m the one who's taking you to that party this weekend.”
You roll your eyes. “Whatever, Na Jaemin.” You start walking away, throwing up two middle fingers as your way of saying goodbye.
Jaemin smiles to himself as he watches your figure grow smaller and smaller in the distance.
“Hm. Interesting.”
“You look good. Like, really fucking good.”
Your eyes narrow at the sight of Jaemin in the mirror. You turn around to face him, prepared to utilize the pocket knife Renjun got you a few years ago.
“How did you get into my room?”
You try to cover yourself with one of your hoodies you left on the floor, but Jaemin’s eyes have already locked in on you, like a predator meeting its prey. You’re trying on the dress you want to wear to the frat party this weekend — a baby pink slip that just barely covers your ass with a low neckline that makes your breasts look amazing. You figured that if you had to show up with Na Jaemin, you could at least look good while doing it.
“Your roommate let me in,” he murmurs, eyes still devouring you hungrily. “I’m glad she did because this really made my day.”
You roll your eyes. “You know, I’m not afraid to skin you alive in the middle of my apartment.”
“As much as I love you talking about ways to murder me, I came over because we’re supposed to be matching for the party, remember?”
“Yes, and I told you I would be wearing pink,” you huff. “Is there a reason you needed in-person confirmation?”
“You know there are like a hundred different shades of pink? I was borrowing one of Donghyuck’s shirts when he pointed it out.”
You sigh at his lame excuses. “You could’ve just asked me for a photo.”
“I think if I got any evidence of this dress, I’d only imagine what you look like underneath it.”
You swallow at the pool of wetness leaking in your panties. You inch closer to your nightstand, where your pocket knife is located. “You have five seconds to leave, Na Jaemin. Final warning.”
He smirks. “Alright, I’ll head out. Can’t wait for this weekend, princess.”
You watch him carefully as he exits your room, and you hear the shut of the front door a little after. You throw down your hoodie on the floor before stomping into the living room. Ningning is innocently eating a bowl of ramen on the couch, paying no mind to the havoc that Jaemin just brought in.
“Why did you let him in here?” You demand, crossing your arms to show your frustration.
She shrugs. “Because he’s cute and wanted to see you. I thought we always had a cute boy policy.”
You roll your eyes. “Jaemin is not cute. He’s the devil reincarnated.”
She giggles. “Renjun’s right. You’re down bad.”
Your mouth drops open. “I am not! I want Jaemin to burn in the pits of hell!” You nearly scream, fists balling at the thought of sweet vengeance. “You know I like Jeno.”
“Please,” she scoffs. “You and Jeno have been flirting with each other for years now and nothing’s come out of it! Not to mention Seojeong-“
“Don’t say her name,” you warn, throwing your hand up to stop her.
Ningning, like most of your other friends, is used to your dramatics by now. “Whatever. All I’m saying is that Jeno and you have made no progress for years. Jaemin, however, looks like he wanted to devour you the moment he saw you in that dress.”
“That’s because he’s a horny frat boy. He’ll like me in whatever I’m wearing.”
“Listen, did Jaemin fuck you good last time?”
You grow embarrassed by the question, remembering that longing feeling in your chest when you realized no one would fuck you half as good as Jaemin did.
She rolls her eyes. “Then have some fun! Yes, Jaemin fucks anything with two walking legs but he does it right! I’m sure Jeno won’t find out anyways.”
You fail to come up with a reply and return to your room, scanning yourself in the mirror once again. You do a little turn to see how well the dress compliments your body.
A one night stand couldn’t hurt, right?
“You look amazing. Holy shit.”
You giggle under Jeno’s gaze, smoothing out the wrinkles in your dress. He’s the first one to greet you outside the frat house, waiting for his date.
“So you got Minjeong to go with you?” You smile, appreciating how his eyes are glued to you.
“Yeah, Donghyuck almost shoved me into the campus fountain,” he chuckles. “Worth it. He asked Seojeong instead.”
“O-Oh,” you laugh awkwardly. “That’s nice for her.”
“Am I missing something?” Jaemin says, approaching you two. He’s wearing a pink button up and slacks, his hair gelled up to make him look even more mouthwatering. “Thought you were my date for the night.”
“Unfortunately,” you dismiss. You smile again at Jeno before wishing him goodbye, allowing Jaemin to lead you into the frat house.
When Jaemin’s hand drifts to your lower back, you swat him away.
“Did you already forget the rules?”
He taps his chin. “From what I remember, I’m allowed to touch you for the sake of appearances until we win. Isn’t that right?”
You know you’ve lost this round, so you keep your mouth shut and cross your arms. Your stomach flutters when you feel Jaemin playing with the spaghetti straps of your dress, fingers dancing around your shoulders. His breath causes goosebumps to rise, fingers steadily working to remove one of your straps-
“You made it!”
A body crashes into yours and you groan, pushing Renjun away from you.
“I hate you. This is your fault.”
He rolls his eyes. “Whatever, grumpy pants. I’m just glad you haven’t killed Jaemin yet!”
“Me too,” Jaemin smirks next to you, and you elbow his side as hard as you can.
“Everyone welcome!” You hear someone shout from above you. You all look up to see Taeyong, the frat’s leader, standing upstairs. He addresses the crowd of people, and you recognize most of Renjun’s frat brothers and the rival frat. “For those of you who aren’t aware, we were recently challenged to have every frat member bring a date to the next party. As you can see, we’ve lived up to expectations.”
The statement is overtaken by a roar from his brothers, including Renjun and Jaemin, who are crushing your eardrums by their yelling. It’s easy to tell that all members of the frat have come with a date because of the matching dress code.
“So I’d like everyone to enjoy the party and drink their hearts out! All drinks and food are covered by our fellow neighbors,” Taeyong says with a victorious smirk, taking a sip out of his cup.
“Part of the dare,” Renjun mutters to you, filling you in. “They have to pay for all the food and drinks tonight.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise. “Let’s fucking eat then!”
You’re about to drag Renjun away to consume some of the desserts, but Jaemin holds you back.
“And where are you going?”
You frown, trying to wiggle out of his grip on your arm. “Getting food, dumbass. You won, bet’s over. No touching.”
You gasp when Jaemin takes a step forward, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. He leans in to whisper in your ear.
“But I didn’t even get to see what’s underneath this pretty dress of yours.”
You place your hands on his chest, trying to push him away gently.
“It’s-“ you swallow, thighs rubbing together. “It’s none of your business.”
You quickly try to look for help, but silently curse Renjun when you realize he’s left you. Jaemin’s hand starts drifting lower and lower until it grabs at the flesh of your ass, pressing his body harder against yours. You squeak in surprise when you feel yourself being pressed up against a wall.
“I think it is. You’re my date after all, aren’t you?” He questions, tongue darting out to lick at the shell of your ear.
You grow even warmer at the sudden physical contact.
“Jaemin,” you gasp, feeling his hard length press into your stomach. “N-Not here. P-Please.”
“Why not?” He laughs sinisterly. “You would do it for Jeno, wouldn’t you?”
The sound of someone calling your name interrupts you and you look over Jaemin to thank your savior. Your heart drops when you see Lee Seojeong standing there, eyes narrowed.
“Na Jaemin, what do you think you’re doing? You’re in a public place and you’re harassing my friend.”
Even though a part of you would love to escape this situation with Jaemin and crawl into a nearby hole, talking to Seojeong in any capacity is at the bottom of your list of favorite things to do.
“W-We’re fine, Seojeong. I’m okay,” you reassure, hoping she’ll drift away. The rest of the party seems to have done just that, ignoring the fact that Jaemin is caging you against the wall and is seconds away from ripping your dress off.
“Yeah, why don’t you run back to Donghyuck?” Jaemin says mindlessly, fingers still gripping you roughly. “Mind your own business for once.”
Her mouth drops at his behavior before you offer her a pleading look to go away. Her shoulders slump at your rejection and she finally leaves the two of you alone.
“You don’t like her, do you?” Jaemin hums once she’s out of eyesight, mouth ghosting over your neck.
You struggle to think. “I don’t not like her.”
He laughs. “Is it because of that rumor she spread around about Jeno?”
Your eyes widen. “Y-You know s-she was the one who did that?”
He gives you a look. “Of course. I’m his best friend. Jeno can learn to forgive and forget, but I know I would be fucking pissed if some girl was running around telling other people my dick was small. She didn’t even fucking sleep with him.”
You swallow, feeling guilt rise in your stomach. Shortly after you were dejected by Jaemin’s actions in freshman year, you started to develop a crush on his best friend. Jeno was your partner in one of your classes and you two really warmed up to one another. You quickly learned that one of your friends, Seojeong, also harbored a small crush on him. Because you tend to get crazy jealous and super impulsive, you lied to Seojeong and told her Jeno’s dick was below average to deter her advances.
You didn’t expect her to spread it around campus the way she did. Jeno forgave her after correcting the rumor, with multiple girls coming forward to confirm that it was completely false. Luckily, Seojeong never told him that it was actually you who started the rumor in the first place. You’ve done your best to avoid all interaction with Seojeong from that day forward in case she ever spilled the beans.
“She didn’t really need to sleep with him,” you whisper, ignoring Jaemin’s hand sliding up your inner thigh. “I was the one who told her.”
He completely freezes, eyes glancing up to lock with yours. A mischievous grin spreads over his face slowly, and it makes you nervous.
“Oh? So the pretty doll who’s been crushing on Jeno for years told everyone he doesn’t know how to fuck a girl?”
“I didn’t say that,” you scowl. “I just said he was a little below average. Size doesn’t matter.”
He rolls his eyes. “Baby, size always matters.” He presses even further against you and you gasp. “Feel that? You remember what it was like when I pushed all the way inside you?”
And you do remember, despite all your attempts to forget. You remember how loudly you screamed when Jaemin slid inside of you, allowing you to take him inch by inch. Your body almost gave out when he bottomed out, chest heaving in exhaustion. His hands were all over you that night, fingers desperate to hold every part of you. You remember struggling to walk properly the next day, and how shameful you felt walking out of the frat with his cum running down your thighs.
“Why don’t we talk about this in your room?” You timidly ask, becoming more and more aware of how many eyes can see the two of you.
“I like it out here,” he shrugs, fingers inching closer and closer to your cunt. “Everyone can see who you belong to.”
“I don’t belong to you!” You huff, even though it sounds like bullshit in your ears.
He chuckles. “You do. Ever since the first night I claimed you.”
“You didn’t claim me,” you protest, dignity slipping away the higher his fingers climb.
“You don’t remember? I gave you so much of my cum, baby. So much that you were leaking when you left here,” he says in pride. “That made you all mine.”
You whimper when his thumb hooks to your panties, pulling them aside. You quickly look around, checking to see if anyone notices your bare pussy out in this frat party. Some people glance over, whispering to one another.
“Jaemin, people can see us!”
“Then let’s give them a show.”
You throw your head back against the wall when he pushes two fingers inside of you. The squelch of your wetness is unmistakable, and if you were coherent, you would be mortified by the sound.
Jaemin surprises you by kissing you, tongue pushing through your lips roughly. He nearly swallows you whole, fingers curling and scissoring your cunt desperately.
He parts from you only to mutter the dirtiest words you’ll ever hear.
“Look at how you’re fucking dripping for me. You like that everyone can see you like this? You’re making a mess on the floor, baby.” You glance down only to see that he was right, your juices have made a small puddle below you. Your embarrassment multiplies tenfold, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to escape it. Jaemin will have none of it, his other hand moving to grip your face so tightly that you open your eyes. “Keep your fucking eyes open and watch everyone talk about how wet your pussy is. I want them to see you fall apart for me.”
You’re certain you hear the whispers getting louder and even see the flash of a camera, but Jaemin makes sure to keep you focused on him.
“Do it, baby. I know you can. I know you just want my fat cock to slide into your little cunt. I’ll give it all to you.”
You shudder at the thought of him stretching you out again, a thought that’s been fueling your late night desires for years. You moan loudly as you squirt around his fingers, wetness covering his lower half and dripping onto the floor.
The frantic flashes of cameras overwhelm you as you come down from your high. You blink blearily, trying to adjust to your blurry vision.
Jaemin smirks before pulling your dress back down, eagerly licking his fingers. He hears a few hollers from his frat brothers, but he ignores them and grabs your hand, guiding you through the crowd and into his bedroom. You barely have any time to comprehend what you had just done, only hearing the click of the lock in Jaemin’s bedroom before you’re being thrown onto his bed.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty,” he clicks his tongue, staring down at you. Your eyes are cloudy from your orgasm, thighs still shaking by the intensity. “Do you think Jeno saw you being a little whore for me? Look at what you did.”
He gestures to his lower half, his slacks completely covered in your juices.
“You’re just a pretty little hole for me to use,” he chuckles, thumb brushing away the tears leaking out the corner of your eyes. “Just as I remember you — tight, wet, and the perfect fit for me. You still want to murder me by fire?”
You hum, not really registering what he was saying. You haven’t orgasmed that hard since the last time you slept with Jaemin, and it makes you feel a little dizzy.
You hear him laugh again. “God, it’s so easy to fuck you dumb. I wonder how many people took videos of you tonight, looking all helpless around my fingers.”
The clinking of his belt fills the room and your body reacts faster than your mind does, hips pushing up in the air to search for some relief on his cock.
“Silly girl. You want my cock so badly, don’t you?”
You nod, giggling and reaching for him. He smiles, taking his clothes off until he’s bare, hovering over you.
You unabashedly moan at the sight of his cock, red tip prodding at your entrance. You would never admit this to him, but no amount of toys could ever satisfy you like Jaemin’s cock has.
“Wanna feel the stretch again?” He teases, slowly pushing in.
It feels just as it did all those years ago, with your cunt struggling to stretch for him and your wetness dripping onto the sheets. He enjoys watching you take him, face contorting at both the pain and the pleasure. When he’s half inside you, he unexpectedly slams into you, taking your breath away.
“Fuck, Jaemin,” you whine breathily.
His fingers find hold on your hips, angling himself before pounding into you. Your head nearly touches the headboard at the force of his thrusts, cock driving you absolutely insane. The sound of his balls slapping against your cunt fills the room, and Jaemin has no doubt a few of his frat brothers are listening outside the door.
He flips you on your stomach before you even realize it, practically mounting you as he slides back in. You swear you can feel every ridge and vein of his cock with how deep he’s hitting inside you. Your heartbeat is in your throat, body quivering at the unforgiving way he’s fucking you.
You’re sobbing at this point, dignity flown out the window as you beg and plead for him.
“Please, Jaemin- Want you so badly, baby. Want all your cum for me, just for me. Please, please, please-“
You cry when his hand suddenly finds your clit, twisting and pinching the nub roughly. You feel Jaemin’s hand tangle into your hair before he’s pushing your face down into his pillow, muffling your cries.
“You’re so fucking loud. I bet everyone at the party is creaming at the thought of me pounding you like this,” he laughs. “You used to hiss at me in the hallways whenever you saw me and now look at you. Back to where you started.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel another strong orgasm building in your stomach. The coil grows tighter and tighter until it snaps, and you scream at the intensity of your second orgasm. You hear the squelching grow louder and you realize you squirted again, making everything even messier.
“That’s a good little doll. Ready to be filled up again? Show everyone who’s claimed you?”
You can barely form a single word, only being able to reciprocate in actions. You slowly twist your hips back to meet his thrusts and he chuckles.
“Such a good girl. So trained, so compliant. So easy to use.”
He rams his cock inside your weeping cunt before he spurts, ribbons of his cum coating your insides. He pushes inside a few more times before pulling out, collapsing next to you. Your body is still trembling, his cum trailing down your folds.
You whimper when you finally come to, burying your face in your hands.
“I can’t believe we just did that! I let you finger me in front of everyone! People recorded it!”
He brushes it off. “Yuta and Jaehyun have done a lot worse, trust me.”
You frown, feeling that deep instinct to murder. “You’re a fucking asshole, Na Jaemin. I’m going home.”
Before you can move off the bed, however, you squeak when Jaemin rolls over, completely trapping you underneath him.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he growls. “I haven’t gotten to taste this sweet cunt in years and you’re not ruining my chance now.”
“You don’t even like me,” you hiss, glaring at him.
He laughs. “Baby, I just fucked you into the next century. I wouldn’t do that if I didn’t like you. Don’t worry, I’ll take my share of this pretty little pussy and then you can go back out there and tell Jeno all about it. He always loves my sloppy seconds anyways.”
You’re about to yell at him even further but stop when you see him moving downwards to your cunt, tongue licking a stripe up your slit.
“All mine now, silly girl.”
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trentsixtysix · 1 year
Stockholm Syndrome
Summary: After a relationship going on for years, you find yourself unable to leave when everything suddenly changes and Trent isn’t the same man you fell in love with.
WARNINGS: This (short) series will contain Angst and (light) Smut. Unhealthy relationship (please don’t read if this will affect you), Mentions of loss, Toxic Trent, D-head Trent, cliche.
Word Count: 5.7k
Chapter 1
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Another day had passed and so had another silly little argument.
The past few months your relationship had entirely changed, but you'd been telling yourself everyday it will pass - it’s just a phase that your relationship is going through and you’ll make it out fine.. right?
He was all you knew, all your life revolved around, and that was normal for you since you were both just 18 year old children and he first asked you out, still a shy academy player.
You were always told you were outgoing, confident and the antithesis of him, but as soon as you felt his brown eyes looking at you, you melted. He had an effect on you that would make you silent from shyness when you could normally talk for England, that’s exactly what he liked about the relationship, he loved having that hold over you.
It was balanced out by how whipped over you he was, all the years you’d been together and he still worshipped the ground you walked on, which is why you didn’t mind everything being about him sometimes, in his eyes you were the sun and that’s all you needed.
He proposed last year, and to be honest you never thought he would. It was most likely pressure from his peers as you were approaching the 5 year mark, and thank God because you were staring to get fed up with it too. He had told you from the beginning you were the one, his soulmate and future wife, but with you both being so young you didn't actually think you'd get your ring so soon, even though there was no reason not to as things were going good for you at the time. You were the closest you'd ever been and it was the best day of your life to see him one on knee in front of you.
Aside from being his fiancée you had stuff going for yourself too; having recently graduated from Uni you started your own business. It was definitely difficult at your age, but you managed to do it all by yourself with your own money, and as tempting as it was, all the offers from Trent to help finance your project were rejected - you decided you needed at least one thing you’d done completely by yourself.
Only a year later now and you’d quit your job. Not entirely as you still owned the business and it was doing great, but you stepped down from your role and gave it to someone else. Why? Because Trent asked you to. Because he told you that you’re so busy you don’t have time for him anymore, and you stupidly obliged, feeling guilty you ever let work consume you like that in the first place. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it seemed like your only purpose was to be present to entertain Trent; and you hated yourself for thinking in such a negative manner, but unfortunately it was becoming more and more true as time went along. Why did you have to quit your job to focus on your relationship when he was away every week? When he got to continue his passion and leave you home alone all the time? Where’s the fairness in that?
This was the exact reason you didn’t recognise yourself at this moment, sat at the foot of the bed crying your eyes out as you waited for him to get home, where you’d have to put on a front and bend over backwards to avoid another argument, an argument which was the exact reason he’d stormed out in the first place.
Once upon a time he’d be grovelling to make up with you, he’d apologise multiple times until he knew you were okay and you were obviously completely fine with the Princess treatment he gave you, you both knew you deserved it after all you’d do for him.
This was all so foreign to you now, he didn’t even give you a second glance as he slammed the door behind him, and you dreaded the sound of him snatching his keys aggressively to leave the house, but he did it so frequently now you didn’t even flinch.
‘Are you going somewhere?’ You asked, noticing Trent was dressed rather nicely this evening, lathering himself in cologne.
‘Just out with the lads, will be home late probably.’ He told you, attending to his phone.
‘Oh.’ You said, disappointment evident on your face, which he soon noticed after he looked up at you.
‘What’s the issue now?’ He asked, a tinge of passive aggression with his words, which he cleverly disguised with a faint smile.
‘Don’t be silly, there’s no issue.’ You said, rolling your eyes as you sat on the bed behind him.
‘Well clearly there is? Why can’t we speed this up and you just tell me what it is?’ He wondered, brows furrowed.
‘Nothing, go.’
‘Go out with your friends again.’ You said under your breath, eyes glued to your phone because you didn’t want to look at him in this moment.
‘Why do you have an issue with me going out with my friends?’ He said, turning around to face you, forcing you to look into his eyes.
‘I don’t. I have an issue when it’s the third time in a row this week.’ You huffed, regretting your words already as you didn’t want to talk about it right now, especially as it would most likely be a half arsed discussion since he was in a rush and you wouldn't get to explain yourself properly.
‘Why is that an issue?’
‘Because Trent, you come home wasted and can’t get up in the morning for training, that's not a good habit to have.’ You sighed, frustrated and not understanding the choices he'd been making recently.
‘Who are you to tell me I can’t go out?’
‘Your fiancée. Seems you’ve forgotten that lately haven’t you?’ You snapped, getting off of the bed to go downstairs, not wanting to be in his company right now.
He stopped you and grabbed a hold of your arm, pulling you back gently until you were just inches apart.
‘So that’s the issue is it?’ He muttered, voice quiet as you were so close.
‘You’re pissed off I’ve been out instead of home with you?’ He deciphered, which was correct but you weren’t about to admit it.
‘Get off.’ You said in response, disregarding him completely.
‘Is that true?’ He asked, again, his grip only getting tighter.
‘I don’t care anymore, do whatever you want.’ You mumbled, suddenly kind of relieved he was going out.
'That's fucking selfish Y/n.' He said.
‘I’m selfish?’
‘Yeah. Yeah you are.’ He confirmed
'And you're not? Making me quit my job for you?' You slammed, aware it came from nowhere whilst you tried to pry his fingers off of you, and he just widened his eyes, clearly shocked at what you'd just said.
'I knew it. You've still not let this go.’ He chuckled, extremely annoyed with you as he dramatically let go of your hand.
'Whatever Trent-'
'You quit your job, I didn't have you at gun point. It was all you.' He reminded you, face just centimetres from yours as the close contact had the little hairs on your body standing up from nervousness.
'Don't ring me unless its an emergency, I'll be back late.' He simply said, slamming the door behind him and leaving you behind, and once you got confirmation he was gone, you fell to your knees, tears gushing from what had just taken place.
Maybe you were being dramatic. He's just going out with friends? So what if he's coming home late. What irked you was that he'd never done this before; he wasn't the partying type, he never cared for it but as soon as the problems in your relationship arose he was out way more often, almost like he was avoiding you. You tried to convince yourself other people were doing the same, that you were just overreacting and maybe you are too clingy - regardless, you promised yourself you'd try and amend things when he got home.
A week had passed since your disagreement, and you still weren't talking properly.
It wasn't just that though, throughout that argument you were having 100 different smaller arguments, until finally you decided to not bother each other at all, simply co-existing in silence for the past day or so.
You were sick of it, he was sick of it and you wanted nothing more than to just cuddle him, to apologise even though you knew it wasn't solely your fault. You didn't care at this point who was to blame, and would've gladly accepted responsibility for this mess if it meant the two of you were getting along again.
'Y/n.' He said, making you jump slightly as you'd both been sat in silence together for the past hour or so, the only noise coming from the TikTok's you were scrolling through.
He had just come back from training, he was tired and that was probably the very reason he hadn't disappeared or gone into the other room, instead finding himself slumped on the sofa opposite you as you both did your own thing.
'Hmm?' You replied, wondering why he was calling you.
He gestured you over to sit with him, patting his lap with his hand to encourage you to lay there, which you did hesitantly after thinking over it slightly. It was like this lack of communication had made you completely forget he was your fiancé, and physical touch with him was so rare to you now.
You slotted in like a jigsaw piece, finding comfort in the familiar feeling of his lap, waiting for him to continue his conversation.
'How many years is it gonna be?' He asked, as you almost jumped in realisation, your anniversary was tomorrow.
'I almost forgot..' You said, looking up to see a slight smile appear on his face from amusement.
'6 if you don't count our break.' You added, both of you remembering the time a few years back you broke up briefly, but being so in love you found yourself back together after a little time apart.
'We'll do something tomorrow then, just me and you yeah?' He suggested, and you tried extremely hard to contain your excitement, your heart fluttering as maybe things were beginning to look up for the two of you.
You just nodded agreeing, having to turn away from his face when his eyes burned into you too long, making you shy all over again. No matter how many years you'd been together, you still couldn't maintain eye contact.
'Still so nervous around me baby.' He smirked, and the use of the nickname just made you even more nervous like a little schoolgirl, causing you to giggle in embarrassment, all whilst he used his hands to position your face towards his, admiring you slightly before leaning in to kiss you; a real kiss you hadn't experienced in ages.
One thing led to another and you found yourself straddling him, leaning in to deepen your kisses as you moaned out, sinking down on him to satisfy the urge inside of you which hadn't been satisfied in a while either.
You had slept together a lot this past week, but not once did it leave you content, and not once did you finish, confusing as Trent always made sure you felt good, always making sure you enjoyed it as much as he did.
Recently it felt like you were just a body to him, letting him get all of his anger and frustrations out when nothing was in it for you, leaving you to simply lie there until he was done flipping you around like a doll for his pleasure. You always ended it off with some sort of affection, some sort of praise from him to make you feel better especially when he'd been rough, but nowadays he'd just turn over and go straight to sleep discarding you - and you wondered if you'd done something wrong, if you weren't good enough.
This time was different though, you hadn't made love like this in so long, and for the first time in a while he held you close to him after, pulling you into his chest as he played with your hair, placing simple kisses all over your head whilst you gave in to your tiredness, ending the night on a good note as you hoped things would be better now.
You were awoken around noon to no one beside you, Trent had already left for training and upon checking your phone you had a few messages from him this morning.
Trent: Happy Anniversary ❤️ be ready for 7.
You smiled at the message, quickly texting him back to say the same thing as you got ready for the day; you took extra care with your shower, loaded the dishwasher, dried the clothes and washed another set of clothes. If past you had seen your routine now she'd laugh at the cliche you became, what had happened to all those aspirations of yours?
Either way you sat and relaxed on the sofa for a bit when you were free, counting down the hours for your fiancé to return home.
It was approaching 5 O Clock when you decided to begin getting ready, unaware why Trent wasn't home yet as he finished training an hour ago, deciding to spend time dolling yourself up instead of dwelling on it.
You had bought a beautiful red dress for yourself; satin and flowy but figure hugging all the right spots, and until now you had nowhere to wear it, exciting you to give it a purpose - it had been so long since you'd properly gotten ready, so long since you'd felt good about yourself not only mentally but physically.
You put your hair into loose curls, taking care to brush them out to perfection as you applied natural makeup. You knew you'd feel a bit more confident in a full face but Trent was always going on about how you 'didn't need it' and how he preferred you much more natural, and even though it'd be for your own satisfaction you decided you really wanted to please him tonight.
You looked over at the clock for what felt like the 100th time, wondering when he'd get home and when he'd start getting ready too, not panicking too much as all he really had to do was go for a quick shower and put his clothes on, either way you were fearing the worst when you knew you should be staying positive.
You: When you gonna be home?
You hoped he'd look at your message soon; and made a million excuses for his tardiness in your head, what if his tire was punctured? Car broke down? Arrested? Kidnapped? As much as you knew it wasn't a big deal, and that people had bigger issues, you couldn't help but feel a pit begin to form in your stomach again, that funny feeling returning which made you nauseous because you knew if he didn't have a good excuse for being late it would just erupt in another argument.
There was still no response, and you were supposed to leave around about now, so you called his phone a few times, your anxiety turning to anger as it just kept going straight to voicemail.
The detective in you rushed to go and look at his friends' social medias, especially the ones who felt the need to post everything. You knew if they were with Trent there would be some evidence of it on there, and to your surprise upon clicking on their story there he was; beer in his hand whilst he relaxed with his mates.
You couldn't believe your eyes, screen shotting for when you'd confront him about it later. It was posted only 10 minutes ago, and you weren't even sure he remembered about the date you had planned. In the heat of the moment you found yourself tossing your phone across the room, feeling like a fool for imagining things could change so fast, you definitely spoke too soon.
Here you were sitting like an idiot dressed pretty, for a man that had forgotten all about you, having the time of his life with his friends instead of being with the woman he'd spent 6 years with. The woman who'd been there with him through it all.
You shut your eyes briefly after trying to convince yourself you were being dramatic again, but in all honesty you were sick of making excuses for him, and you were done walking on egg shells to avoid arguments with him, letting him get away with the things he did.
All you could hear now was the sound of footsteps getting louder as you struggled to open your eyes. Looking around you, you realised you had accidentally fallen asleep where you were sat, still dressed up and alone. You assumed he was back now as you had memorised his movements, and you anticipated him entering the room any minute now as you checked your phone.
You didn't realise you had slept that long, and groggily made your way to your closet, needing to be free of the suddenly suffocating dress you had on.
'You're still awake?' Said a voice, obviously Trent as you turned around to face him, annoyance evident on your face as you shrugged him off.
'Fuck me. What's all this for?' He asked as he looked you up and down, only making you angrier because he was so oblivious, and you could tell he was drunk whilst you fought the zip behind.
'Here let me.' He offered, pulling it down for you before you leaned away from him.
'Get off me.' You muttered, all the frustration from the day suddenly creeping in on you as your voice cracked.
'What's the matter now?' He wondered, rolling his eyes - and he'd really done it now, he'd really pissed you off.
'It's our anniversary Trent.' You simply said, watching as his eyes widened in realisation.
'It's our anniversary and you've had me waiting here like a dickhead for you all evening.' You added, silence following your words.
'Baby… I'm so sorry I-.' He began to say, cut off by the chuckle that escaped you as you couldn't believe it.
'Lost track of time? Don't want to hear your excuses.' You said, noticing that all empathy had left him now too, and there was fury in his eyes also, most definitely at the fact you were becoming angry with him for the first time in a while.
'You think I done it on purpose do you?' He asked, eyes narrowed.
'Honestly I don't know, wouldn't be surprised if you went out of your way to hurt me.'
'It's all you've been doing lately.' You added, changing into his oversized t shirt and your shorts, which at the moment you didn’t even feel like wearing.
'Oh grow up Y/n, all you've been doing is complaining.' He said.
'I can't keep doing this anymore.' You sighed, going into the bathroom, noticing he was following you as you began to remove your makeup.
'What the fuck does that mean?' He asked, getting increasingly closer to you.
'Get away from me.' You said, not appreciating the fact he was breathing down your neck, your heart suddenly beating faster.
It wasn't that he scared you; you knew he would never hurt you like that, just him in general made you nervous. He always had.
'Tell me what that means.' He repeated, whilst you rubbed circles over your face with a cotton pad.
'I'm not talking about this with you whilst you're drunk.' You explained, finishing off and heading back to your bedroom, to which he followed you again.
'You can't keep doing what anymore?!' He pestered.
'This!' You shouted, turning around to see him.
'I can't fucking do this anymore. You come home late all the time, you forget everything and all we do is argue Trent, are you not exhausted? Because I am!' You fought, looking him dead in his eyes, fighting back the urge to look away - the longer you looked into his eyes the more you couldn't figure out what he was thinking.
'Then why don't you leave?' He gently said.
'Why are you still fucking here?' He asked, which sounded more like a demand for you to go.
You knew your eyes were filling up with tears, and so did he so you didn't even try to disguise it. You were done hiding and pretending to be happy, crying out in front of him this time - you needed him to see what he was doing to you.
'Y/n..' He called, putting his hand on your face to wipe your tears, guilt creeping up to him slowly, but you just shunned him away and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
'Y/n open the door.' He asked, knocking on it lightly.
'Y/n.' He said again, only thing he could hear being your sobs.
'Just leave me Trent.' You mumbled, trying to catch your breath.
'Please come out? You know I didn't mean any of it baby.' He said, his tone changing.
‘Y/n please.’
You remained silent, noticing his begging had stopped after a little while, and you stayed locked in there a little while longer until you noticed deep breaths from the other side of the door.
He was crying.
You hadn't seen him cry in so long; sure he was upset after he lost the UCL final but he held it together pretty well, this however was completely foreign to you.
'T?' You called, feeling his weight from leaning on the door slow you down a little as you powered it open to your bedroom.
He had his head in his hands, sniffles escaping him slightly as you began to feel sorry for the sight you saw. You assumed he was just as exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to hold him in your arms, to tell him it was okay and you're here now. But you couldn't figure out for the life of you why you should be the one comforting him when he had hurt you.
'Trent.' You called again, prompting his head to peek up slightly as he reached out to grab your hands, slowly pulling you to sit with him as he wept even more, clutching onto your hands for comfort.
'Shh it's okay.' You told him, your own tears trickling down your cheeks too but you knew he must be devastated for him to be in this rare state right now.
'It's not okay. Who the fuck forgets their anniversary?' He said, and you couldn't have agreed more as it was entirely his idea in the first place.
'Not only that but I've been cruel Y/n, really cruel.' He added, causing you to wipe his tears.
'Why is it like this? What's up Trent?' You asked, desperate for an answer as to why your relationship was going to shit.
'I'm sorry Y/n.' He said, simply.
'Sorry for what?' You questioned, although you were able to think of a list of things.
'I'm sorry, you don't deserve any of what I've done.' He cried, and your heart stopped, assuming hundreds of different things.
The further you enquired the more he refused to give you an answer, instead changing the topic as he wept. You decided there was no point in trying to get anything out of him as he was not in a state to have a mature conversation, which is why you simply laid him in bed and got in next to him, holding him all night - it was sleepless for you however as his words replayed in your mind the entire night.
‘You don’t deserve any of what I’ve done.’
You appreciated you had longer to lie in today as it was the weekend; Trent was home and that meant you had an opportunity to finish your conversation from last night.
Upon waking up you noticed he was already awake, the spot in bed empty next to you as you could hear things clattering in the kitchen downstairs - praying he had took it upon himself to make breakfast whilst you got showered quickly.
'What you cooking?' You asked, even though you knew it'd be nothing more special than scrambled eggs, the only thing he really knew how to make. Regardless, you happily eat them, always appreciating it when he made an effort.
'Eggs. Made you some.' He said, seemingly in a hurry.
'You going somewhere?' You asked, trying to sound as unbothered as possible as you realised you unintentionally sounded so controlling.
'Gym, and don't forget you got that thing with some of the other birds later.' He said, reaching to grab his bag, and you stood confused, not only did you have no idea what he was talking about you found it odd how normal he was acting.
'What thing?' You asked.
'The thing with Robbo's wife and the other lot. She mentioned she couldn't get through to you so I told her you were coming anyway.' He revealed, which really annoyed you as the two of you were aware you wanted to stay in today and relax.
'Well it’s fine I'll just tell her I can't make it.' You replied, taking your phone out to send the text.
'Why? I said you were going so just go.' He shrugged, switching your phone off for you.
'And you know I like to stay home in the mornings, why are you making plans for me?' You argued, lightly.
'Thought it'd be nice for you get outside and keep yourself busy, maybe you'd stop caring so much about where I go?' He rudely said, leaving you shocked.
'I had something to keep me busy but someone told me to quit it.' You slammed, taking your phone out of his reach to walk away.
'I'm not arguing with you right now, will be back in a bit.' He said, monotone as he picked up his keys and left - and your hope for a strong conversation over breakfast with him had completely vanished, finding yourself preparing to go for lunch with some of the other Liverpool wags instead.
The lunch went by as they always did; all of the women being obnoxiously fake and kind even though you knew they could care less about one another. You only really got along with Robbo’s wife, Rachel as your partners are so close.
'How are you?' She asked, knowing you'd give a proper response this time as you were incredibly wine drunk and the rest of the girls had already left, leaving just you two behind.
You simply chuckled in response, not aware it was that obvious how down you were recently. The two of you were close, but not close enough for you to be updating her about your relationship frequently, especially as it was so rocky recently and her relationship seemed to be picture perfect.
'Well I'm alive aren't I?' You joked, causing her to flash you a pitiful smile.
'I'm worried about you Y/n, you've not come down to a game in ages either, everything okay?' She asked you, placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
'No everything is not okay.' You told her, watching as her eyes widened, wondering what you could say next.
'He's so distant, all we do is argue.'
'I keep telling myself it's just a phase but it's been months, what else can I do?' You quietly wept, as she put her arms around you to shield you from the public setting you were in.
'Every couple has their issues, you need to talk to each other.' She suggested.
'He doesn't even let me come to his games, says there's no point as there's nothing to look forward to anyway.'
'I feel like he has someone else Rach. You'd tell me if you knew right?' You added, your paranoia getting the better of you right now.
'Of course I would, and from what I know there’s not. So dont assume the worst hun.' She consoled, staying with you a little longer before you both decided to call it a day and she dropped you home.
As soon as you got in you realised what you had confided in her about, and unfortunately telling someone else about it only reminded you of the reality of your problems even more, solidifying your worries meaning you definitely couldn’t ignore them now.
You decided to nap for a few hours before being faced with him, only waking up a little while later to hear the TV on full volume.
'You back?' Called Trent, from the living room as you shouted back a simple 'yes', before joining him.
He lay spread on the sofa, head on the pillows as he paid extra attention to the documentary on TV. You were sure he didn't put this on himself, but being the lazy guy he was, he most definitely couldn't be bothered reaching the remote to switch the channel.
'You tired?' You asked him, as he nodded in response, beckoning you on over to him.
You gently played with his hair, lightly tracing circles throughout his scalp as he shut his eyes in relaxation - one of your favourite things to do was to play with his hair, not only because it was fun for you but because you loved helping him relax.
'Your hands are like magic I swear.' He laughed, making you smile too.
You hated yourself for what you were about to do, you knew you were about to ruin the moment, you knew it'd most likely result in him getting annoyed and another disagreement, but you hadn't even able to stop thinking about what he'd said.
'Trent.' You called, as he hummed.
'That thing you were saying the other day, about how you're sorry-.' You started, but as soon as he heard those words he rushed to get our of your lap, sighing heavily to show his disapproval.
'You just can't have one peaceful night can you?'
'I wanna know what you're sorry for, what did you do?' You pestered, ignoring him.
'Forget it Y/n, I don't even know why we're still on this.' He huffed, collecting his phone to leave the room, abandoning the conversation, but you just followed behind him.
'Don't just walk away from me, we need to work this out.' You advised, storming up the stairs with him, just about missing an accidental flying door to your face as you entered your shared bedroom with him, holding the door open with your hand.
'Work what out? We're fine.' He lied, annoyance visible on your face.
'We're fine? Was any of last night fine to you?' You asked, as he went silent.
'I wanna go to therapy together Trent.' You revealed, observing his change in expression which clearly showed he was not up for it.
'Are you joking? No.' He answered, shutting you down completely.
'What else do we have to lose? Why won't you tell me what you actually did?' You repeated, and you both knew you wouldn't back down without an answer.
'You're delusional Y/n.'
'Tell me what you did.' You said again, followed by more silence as the only thing you could hear was his patronising laugh.
'Trent answer me!' You shouted, annoyingly loud this time as you were sick of how he just kept brushing you to the side time and time again.
‘Don’t do this to yourself.’ He advised, suddenly looking guilty.
‘Do what? What have you done.’
‘What is it Trent?’ You repeated, cutting him off as he lost all patience now.
'I fucked another girl.'
You had received your confirmation; you knew it was coming, you didn't even need proof and it was the easiest explanation for him to be acting the way he was acting. But to hear the man you love say a sentence you'd never want to hear him say made you feel sick to your stomach.
You were nauseous at the thought of him going near another girl let alone sleep with her. The worst part? That he fucked you after like everything was normal too, he'd done a lot but he'd really disrespected you and broke your heart this time. You had no idea what to do, staring at him silently as your dripping eyes did all the talking for you..
‘W-what?’ You rhetorically asked, knowing you didn’t want him to repeat himself.
‘Don’t cry baby please.’ He begged, rushing to wipe your tears and hold you in an embrace.
You didn’t even budge, allowing him to hold you as you held him back, crying into his shoulder whilst he repeatedly apologised, but you couldn’t even hear him as his words just repeated in your head.
What does he mean he fucked another girl?
Storming out of his hold you ran to the connected bathroom, holding your hair back as you emptied the contents of your lunch from earlier into the toilet bowl, completely disgusted from what you’d heard.
He ran after you, rubbing your back as he held your hair in consolation.
‘Don’t fucking touch me.’ You panted, wiping your mouth as you sat upright, before brushing your teeth whilst he apologised even more from beside you.
‘Get out.’ You demanded, shutting him up finally.
‘Y/n Please.’ He begged, only enraging you more.
‘Get out Trent I can’t stand to see your face.’ You cried, pushing him.
‘Y/n calm down.’ He whispered.
‘Get the fuck out!’ You shouted, slapping your hands across his chest once again as he defeatedly let you.
‘This is my fucking house Y/n.’ He said, catching you off guard.
‘Who pays the bills? Me.’ He repeated, only rubbing it into your face, and suddenly you regret not begging to contribute to house - you offered to when you first bought it, but he insisted to pay for it by himself, not even letting you add to the bills.
‘You can either talk about it with me or get out yourself. It’s my house.’ He clarified, staring you down coldly as you couldn’t even say anything back, dumbfounded as you didn’t recognise this man in front of you right now, the man that would normally never speak to you like this or rub something like this in your face.
Chapter 2
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cricket-reader · 1 year
Broken Promises
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox | Taglist
Summary: the asset had promised you that he would save you, that he’d come back for you if he ever managed to escape. He didn’t come back for you. Something that both of you needed to work through if you ever wanted to heal.
Warnings: language, Bucky’s negative thoughts and self-hatred, miscommunication, captivity, Hydra, fluff
Word Count: 1672
Prompt: "Say something." | Rescue | Broken Promise | Weak
A/N: Day 13 of June of Doom by @juneofdoom
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I’ll come back for you.
I’ll never leave you here alone.
I promise.
You should have known better than to listen to promises from a person that couldn’t even remember his own name. Any reprieve from this treacherous life was welcomed, though. So you dared to hope. You stupidly dared to dream that there was a life outside of those bleak, dreary walls.
You heard about the Asset’s escape. A new hope lit a flame in your chest. He was going to come back for you. He was going to save you from the treacherous claws of Hydra.
As the months went by, however, your flame began to flicker out. He wasn’t coming. He forgot about you. He didn’t care enough to save you, maybe. Whatever the reason, you were stuck there. No one was coming to save you.
You couldn’t really find it in yourself to blame him. In your mind, you weren’t worth saving. He probably didn’t want to come back anyway. You sure as hell wouldn’t want to come back if you got out. You’d like to at least think that you would have come back for the Asset were you in his place, though.
But this isn’t what would you do. This is what would he do. Because you were still trapped and the Asset was free. In what would he do, saving you wasn’t a part of his plan. Clearly.
Briefly, you wondered if he could remember his name now that he was out of the metaphorical frying pan. You hoped he was. You hoped he was recovering. Because he deserved it.
You were not expecting to be saved. So when a dark skinned man burst into your room and led you to safety, you were overwhelmed. Someone had actually saved you. They risked their life for you.
But it wasn’t who you wanted it to be.
It was stupid. You didn’t have time to be picky. Whoever saved you, saved you and that should be enough. However, you couldn’t help but feel gutted. You thought you gave up on the hope that the Winter Soldier would come back for you a long time ago. The empty feeling inside of you said otherwise.
When they began therapy, you realised how weak you were. You couldn’t eat large portions without expelling it afterwards. You could barely walk without assistance, too busy trembling from malnutrition to be useful. You hated every step of recovery. Maybe you hated it so much because you thought that it would be you and the Soldier going through the aftermath together. In the cells when you daydreamed of a life beyond the walls you were kept in, you had thought he’d be there to support you every step of the way. But you were alone.
Sam wanted to beat Bucky up. It wasn’t an odd feeling, but this urge was stronger than usual. He understood when Bucky told him that he couldn’t go back to the place he was held in captivity. He understood that.
He couldn’t bring himself to understand why the hell he was being so chicken-shit about going and seeing you.
It was clear that he wanted to. Pacing in the hallway outside of your room, standing in the doorway for hours upon end, sitting right outside your door and never leaving. Bucky was just too scared to actually make it past the door to your room. Sam had unsuccessfully tried to “accidentally” push him in the room when he would stand in front of it multiple times.
It was really starting to get on his nerves.
One day, Bucky was napping in one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs outside your room as he often did. Sam, absolutely fed up with his friend being a love-sick fool, too chicken shit to do anything, decided to push him into the room. It didn’t work.
Needless to say, even with his incredible strength, Sam was no match for a super soldier.
One of the nurses noticed what Sam was trying to do and decided to help. They got him into a wheelchair and wheeled him into the room. Sam dragged the exhausted super soldier out of the wheelchair and into one of the seats near your bed.
Sam thanked the nurse as they wheeled the wheelchair away. The nurse just shrugged, saying that they were tired of it too.
Sam followed the nurse out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
When you woke up, you weren’t expecting to see anyone in your room. Much less the very man that had broken his promise and left you to pick up the shattered pieces.
You wanted to be happy. You really did. But how could you when he had torn away every last shred of hope you held onto? How could you ever forgive him for lying, for breaking his promises?
He looked good. Healthy even. You were happy for him. You really were. But you couldn’t help that ugly feeling of envy that crawled its way up your throat. It wasn’t fair. Not by a long shot. You knew it, hell he probably knew it too.
You sat in silence for what felt like hours before the man beside you finally came to. He jumped up, on edge because he didn’t recognise his surroundings. His entire body froze, seeing that you were in front of him. You looked at him before looking back out the window.
Bucky mentally cursed. You had seen him. He couldn’t just walk away and pretend it never happened… or could he? No! No, he couldn’t. That wouldn’t be fair to you. “Hey,” he said, scuffing the bottom of his shoe against the pristine tile.
“Uh… I meant to come see you sooner… I really did.”
He wanted to hear your voice again. He missed you so much. All those achingly long nights where his nightmares formed the most horrendous images of you being tortured without him there to protect you. It drove him mad. He tried to find you on his own, but he failed. He had to ask for help and he would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you were safe; he despised asking for help, but he’d do anything for you.
“I’ve been here since you were admitted… I just… I couldn’t bring myself to… to come in and see you. Someone must’ve… they must’ve gotten me in here somehow…”
He was just saying nonsense at that point. Anything to fill the void. You hadn’t looked back at him. Your head still turned to face the window. He couldn’t blame you. Not really. He would hate him too if he were you. Hell, he does hate himself.
“I know I’m probably the last person you wanna see.” He had tears begging to be released in his eyes. He needed to hear you. He didn’t care if all you did was cuss him out or yell at him. Anything to hear your voice.
“Say something. Please…”
Your heart cracked, hearing his broken voice. Tears had already began to stream down your face. “You promised…”
His heart skipped a beat. He didn’t actually think you would say anything. He was convinced that you’d just give him the silent treatment. That, of course, would have been fine with him. He deserved it after all he had put you through.
“Why didn’t you come back for me?” You had to know. Although you wanted nothing to do with him and simultaneously wanted to wrap him in your arms and never let go, you just had to know one thing. The question you had wondered ever since that flame inside of you was snuffed out.
Bucky winced. In all honesty, he should have known that question was coming. It didn’t make it hurt any less, though. “I… it sounds so stupid, but I tried. I really did, doll. I spent months trying to remember where they kept you, hacking into all kinds of files—so much so that I probably would have been arrested if I didn’t cover my tracks. But I didn’t care because I needed to find you. You’ve gotta understand…”
He took a breath. “As soon as I remembered you, I did everything I could to find you. After years of searching I finally asked for help… that just goes to show how fucking desperate I was, god.” He ran his hands through his hair, starting to pace back and forth.
“I—I couldn’t bring myself to go get you. I had Sam do it with Torres because I was scared. I was a fucking coward! And you deserve so much more. I didn’t… I just didn’t feel worthy enough to save you.”
At this point, you turned to see his tear-streaked face. He continued pacing, not even noticing that you were finally looking at him.
“You had been waiting so long and I.. I failed you. I had taken too long to find you, and I was terrified that you’d hate me as much as I hate myself. But what really terrified me was the thought that you hadn’t made it. That I would get there and you’d be a bloody mess, cold and lifeless on the ground.
“My nightmares for the longest time had been filled with you dying because of me. I couldn’t bear to see it in real life.”
“Winter…” you croaked, heartbroken at his revelation. His head whipped over to your body, lying on the hospital bed and covered with yellowing bruises.
“It’s Bucky,” he sheepishly corrected.
A smile was brought to your face, and Bucky found himself thinking that he’d do anything to see that smile more often. “You remembered?”
He nodded his head, tears still dripping down his cheeks. “I did, I remember a lot now. While it’s not always a good thing, I thank every god above that I remembered you before it was too late.”
You felt heat rising to your face. “You’re still such a simp.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “but I’m your simp.”
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Taglist: @harleycao
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sleepingpillscosmos · 6 months
MISTLETOE — hajime iwaizumi
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x fem!reader.
warnings/content: fake dating. mention of alcohol. hanamaki gets wasted. bullied oikawa. suggestive towards the end. suggestive comments.
wc: 2k.
a/n: so this is my present for my secret santa, @lou-struck, for the secret santa event held by @enchantedforest-network. I hope you'll enjoy your present, this fic helped me getting out of my writer's block <3
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"Are you ready?" Iwaizumi asked from the living room as he grabbed both your coats while waiting for you. You didn't answer but appeared in the room in all your beauty, all dressed up, with your hair and makeup done, you looked flawless.
Iwaizumi was left speechless. He already saw you like this multiple times, but this time it was different. You looked different. Your dark red dress was perfect for you, it wrapped your body just in the right way, highlighting all your curves. Your makeup was really simple, but he thought it suited you perfectly. And your hair looked perfect, soft and shiny. He thought you were perfect. Maybe it was just the Christmas air, but he had to take a deep breath to destabilise his heartbeat.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" your sarcastic comment made him come back to normal. He rolled his eyes and approached you to help you put on your coat so that you could finally leave the house.
Tonight you were celebrating Christmas eve with your high school friends, Matsukawa, Hanamaki and, last but not least, Oikawa. It was a long time since you last saw each other, everyone had their own life and unfortunately your schedules didn't line up, especially Oikawa's, who was always out of the continent. But now you were all in town for the holidays, so you took this opportunity to spend some time together, just like old times.
You all decided to have dinner together at Issei and Hanamaki's shared apartment then spend the night there.
You both entered Iwa's car, you put on your seatbelt as he started the engine to drive off, directed to your friend's apartment.
"You didn't forget anything, right?" he asked, never taking his eyes off the road. "Yeah, all I need for tonight is in my bag and all the presents are in the second one"
"Did you bring my present too?" he grinned after asking you. He knew that you couldn't contain your excitement when you bought a gift for someone, ending up saying what you bought after three days at most. But this year you made a promise not to tell anyone, especially Iwa.
"Yes, but I'm not telling you, so stop teasing me." he hummed in response, trying to hide the little smile that was starting to appear on his face.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We'll probably have to share a bed this night." he gave you a quick apologetic smile before turning his face back to the road, "I can always sleep on the floor if it makes you uncomfortable"
"Don't worry it's fine, I'm not letting you sleep on the floor with this cold. Plus we already shared a bed." yes, it's true, but not entirely. You shared a bed before, in your high school years, but you were also sharing it with your other friends when you did a sleepover, all cramped up in one bed.
Iwaizumi parked in front of your friend's house. You got out of the car and grabbed your bags as Iwa did the same before going to ring the bell.
You took the elevator to reach the right floor since you were too lazy to take the stairs.
"I'm really sorry" Iwaizumi sighed. You gave him a puzzled look.
"About this situation. I didn't expect this to last this long" he looked really sorry, but you gave him a sincere smile. "It's okay Haji'"
The said situation was your relationship, or better, your fake relationship. It all started when he was at training with his team. They were slacking off, continuing to talk about their love life instead of doing their exercises, and Iwaizumi was starting to get fed up. Every time he "interrupted" them, they would tease him, saying that he was mad only because he had no love life. After what was probably the tenth time, he admitted that he had, in fact, a love life and that he was happily dating a girl.
He expected that they would forget about his statement in a couple of days or so. But, somehow, this news reached Oikawa, who called him a couple of hours later. He was literally screaming because how dare Iwaizumi not tell him about this, he even started crying.
Iwa was pissed off, but he thought that the story would finish there. But the day after you stormed into his apartment, asking him why Oikawa talked your ear off about your nonexistent relationship and how he was deeply hurt by the fact that he discovered it from someone else. In that moment Iwaizumi had wished that the floor had swallowed him, but unfortunately it wasn't possible.
You talked about it and decided to fake it for about a week or so, to let everyone's excitement die down. But at the end of that period, Oikawa showed up in front of Iwaizumi's door. He was so excited and happy for you both that neither of you had the heart to tell him the truth.
And now you were here, after about six months, in an elevator, on your way to celebrate Christmas eve with your friends, as a couple.
The elevator's door opened and you found your friends' door already open.
"Guys!" Hanamaki exclaimed when you both approached the door, "You're late, we thought you weren't coming!" he said as he hugged both of you before helping you with your bags.
Once you entered the apartment you left your shoes at the entrance and Maki gave you a quick tour of his house then he led you to the kitchen, where your other friends were cooking dinner. Or, better, where Issei was cooking dinner while Oikawa was whining about no one knows what.
"Oh here it is! My favourite couple!" Tōru dramatically said as he opened his arms, waiting for your hug. You wasted no time and hugged him immediately, even if he was a total pain in the ass he was your best friend, and you really missed him. Iwa was a bit reluctant, but Tōru gave him no choice as he practically jumped in his arms.
When dinner was ready, you helped Issei take everything to the table, where your other three friends were sitting, waiting for the food while talking about their day.
The dinner went perfectly, everyone was happy to be there all together after so long. You talked about everything and anything. You recalled old times, when you and Issei would convince Hanamaki to drink more than he could take, ending up having to take care of him. Or when you and Iwa bullied Tōru at every training, just because you loved seeing his dramatic ass all pissed and offended. Or when you, Makki and Issei wanted to skip school and Iwa always found you and dragged you to school, somehow he always knew when you were about to do something stupid. Your high school years were wonderful, you five were inseparable.
Then after high school everything changed. Tōru was always out of the country, Hanamaki and Issei had their own life just as you and Hajime. You didn't spend much time together, the only one you saw nearly every day was Hajime since you worked for the same team, him as an athletic trainer and you as a physiotherapist. But when you hang out together like this, everything seemed to go back to when you were sixteen.
Time flew by, all the presents were opened and all the wine was finished. Makki was collapsed on the couch and Issei helped him stand up to take him to his room. The three of you remaining decided to follow them, you and Hajime in the guest room while Tōru on the couch.
"If you need to change I can wait outside" he said, already reaching for the door handle, but you stopped him. "Don't worry, I just have to put on my pyjama"
He looked at you, searching for any sign of discomfort, then he hesitantly nodded. You turned around and took off your shirt to change, once you were finished you turned back, just in time to see Hajime's back as he put on his shirt. You couldn't deny that he was attractive, really attractive. I mean he was gorgeous, his body looked like it was sculpted and he acted like a true gentleman. He was perfect, even if he didn't think so. Maybe it was the wine thinking for you, or your teenage self who had the biggest crush for him.
"You okay?" he asked, concerned when he saw you spacing out, it snapped you out of your trance. "Yeah, sure" you laughed nervously looking everywhere but at him, embarrassed because you got caught daydreaming.
Something caught your eye just above Iwa, you had to try really hard not to burst out laughing at your other friends' stupidity. You approached him, leaving little to no space between your bodies. He looked at you confused, then he looked above him when you pointed to the ceiling with your finger. He scoffed as realisation hit him.
There, above both your heads, there was a sprig of mistletoe, roughly attached to the ceiling with two pieces of tape by your stupid friends. You didn't know how it was still hanging there.
"They are so stupid" he sighed, shaking his head, and you nodded, smiling at the gesture of your friends. Yes, they were stupid, but it was kinda sweet.
"So?" you asked, "Don't you know about the tradition?" your smile grew even larger.
"Yes, I know, but we don't have to do it if you don't want to. After all nobody's watching, so we don't have to fake" he said looking directly at you, with a blush creeping on his face.
"Do you want to, Hajime?" you moved your gaze on his lips for a second, hoping that he would get the hint. Iwaizumi gulped before nodding, his face even redder than before.
"Then do it" he wasted no time and gently cupped your cheek, meeting you halfway to kiss you.
It wasn't the first time you two kissed. But it was the first time you did it alone, without other people watching. This was your real first kiss, and it was magical.
It started off slow, with one of his hands on your cheek and the other at the nape of your neck, to keep your head in place, one of your hands was grabbing his wrist while the other was on his waist. Iwa really wanted to deepen the kiss, he waited for this moment since the day he met you, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable or scare you. You sensed his hesitation, so you took the lead. You deepened the kiss while moving his hands, just above your butt, before lacing your arms around his neck.
He took the hint, and after some seconds he lifted you by moving his hands behind your thighs. He gently placed you on the bed, with his body between your legs. He hovered over you, supporting his weight with his arms to not crush you.
Maybe this situation wasn't so bad after all...
"God guys, we put that mistletoe to make you kiss, not to make you procreate a whole bunch of children" Tōru said as you and Iwa entered the kitchen, Issei and Makki chuckled as they shared a knowing look.
"Oh shut up, you're just envious because you don't get bitches" Iwa said not even looking at him as he grabbed two mugs for the both of you to pour some coffee.
"What? That's not true! I get a whole lot of bitches! Even more than the three of you combined!" and with that, Oikawa started a never ending speech about how many girls he gets, why he's better than them and who knows what, you all learned to switch your ears off and nod every now and then when he started to whine like this, just to avoid a headache.
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network: @enchantedforest-network.
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deluwoo · 8 months
Part 1 of ???: You, a kitten, and a boy
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pairing ▸ joshua x gn!reader genre ▸ fluff, slow-burn, mutual pining warnings ▸ school, malnourished animal (kitten) wc ▸ 674
kyrin's notes ▸ I'm planning to make this a multiple part series, but i'm not too sure how many parts i should write. Let's just see where you and Josh's story goes! pls enjoy :>
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It was an overcast day. The sky was gray and the air was cool and heavy. You were walking home from school when you saw a kitten, lying down on the bench at the bus-stop. You could see its ribs, its stomach bloated with worms and fleas all over its fur. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for it. Before continuing on your way, you gave it a bit of the luncheon meat you weren’t able to eat and some water.
The next day, on your way home, you noticed that the kitten was still there. Luckily, you had some food to give it, so you gave it your leftovers and some milk. Day by day, that became your routine. On your way home, you would leave some food and water for the little kitten. Until that day. Waking up late, you forgot to pack lunch, so you just ate the food from the school canteen. Of course, the servings weren’t very big; that’s why you had to pack your own lunch everyday. While walking home, you were feeling bad for not being able to give anything to the kitten, until you saw him.
He was feeding the kitten. You had seen him at school before, you were even in the same batch. Racking your brains, you tried to remember his name. Joshua. That’s it. The shy boy who sat a row in front of you, to the right. Come to think of it, you’d never really heard him talk, and here he was, petting and feeding the kitten you’d come to consider your own.
Joshua didn’t even seem to notice you, engrossed as he was with making sure the kitten ate. That is, until you accidentally stepped on a twig, catching his attention. He suddenly looked up at you. In that moment, you couldn’t help but think of how much like a deer trapped in headlights he looked. Fortunately, his bus arrived and he hurriedly climbed onto it. The very next day, you saw him at school. Of course, like always, you ignored each other. Although, today felt slightly different. Before, when you ignored each other, it was always because both of you were busy with your respective friend groups, or schoolwork, or other things. Today, however, you found it surprisingly difficult to ignore him. You really wanted to talk to him for some reason. What would you guys even talk about? You don’t know his interests, and he doesn’t know yours. So, you went on with your day. Good thing you remembered to pack your own lunch today, so you can feed the not-so-skinny-anymore kitten. 
As you were changing your shoes, you felt your friend tap your shoulder. “What?” You asked.
“Why’s Joshua coming here? We don’t even talk to him.”
You looked up, and there he was, awkwardly making his way to you. You stood up fully and lifted your eyebrow. When Josh stopped in front of you, neither of you could keep eye contact. Then you heard his quiet, kind sounding voice. “Good thing you remembered to bring extra food today. I noticed you forgot yesterday, so I fed the kitten for you.” What? “Oh. Um, yeah. Thanks for yesterday, I guess.” You reply, slightly confused.
You notice his ears reddening and he quickly goes back to his friend group. “What was that??” Your friend asks. 
“I don’t know either, to be honest.” You reply.
That awkward (and admittedly adorable) interaction told you a lot. He knows you feed the kitten everyday, he knew you forgot your lunch yesterday, and he knows you made sure to pack lunch today. 
You shake your head and get on with your day. When you get to the bus-stop, you feed the kitten, like always. You can’t help but think of Joshua. How did he know that you feed the kitten everyday? He noticed that… he noticed. Before now, you were always a passive presence in each other's lives. But now, you're finding it a bit hard to keep him out of your head.
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please reblog, laloves ©kyrin © DELUWOO – 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞.
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confused-gender · 8 months
Stand by your man part two preview
A/n: Do y’all think I should make this into a series or end it after this?
Summary: Elvis has cheated on you multiple times, and you finally get fed up with it.
Warnings: Extreme angst, cheating, a tiny bit of fluff if you squint.
You had gone back home to your parents. Both of them taking you back in with open arms. They knew you had tried your best when it came to your relationship with Elvis. As you settled into living with your parents again you were shocked when Elvis never bothered to come to see you or even call to try to convince you to come back. Today was the day you got your time to shine though one of the News paper reporters reached out to you after the public was asking to hear your side of the relationship. “Nice to see you mrs. Presley.” The reporter said to you while going to shake your hand. You smile politely at him and shake his hand. “Oh please call me (y/n) or ms. (Y/m/n). Whatever you’re comfortable with.” You tell him. He looks shocked at you wondering why you gave your maiden name instead of just going with what he had called you earlier. After shaking hands you both sat down and he begins to ask you questions. “Did you and Elvis get a divorce or something? No one has seen you with him in quiet some time.” He says.
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|| Sacer Sanguis ||
Henry x female reader
Tags /warnings: period cunnilingus, biting, is that a biting kink? Blood, obviously 😊
A/n: this is dedicated to @munsonownsmyass and @albatrossandivys who fed me lots of hot ideas for our handsome immortal soul. 🧛🩸
This could be a prelude to Love Bites!
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You didn't understand it, but it had been happening enough for you to notice a pattern. It was strange. It seemed like every time you were on your period Henry was extremely keen to give you pleasure with his mouth.
Although you were embarrassed and reluctant at first, his passionate insistence, reassurance, and evidence of how turned on he was by it, eventually gave you the confidence to let him get his way. And oh boy, were you glad that you did. None of your previous partners would have even considered doing something like that for you, nevermind enjoying it. And Henry seemed to enjoy doing it a lot, so much so that he'd often get off on that alone.
The orgasms he'd give you were phenomenal, mind-blowing, and multiple... and you also found that you barely suffered from bad cramps anymore, so you were more than happy to let him go to town. And he did.
His acute sense of smell and taste allowed him to detect the faintest traces of blood in the air, no matter if it was fresh or old. He could pick apart the composition of it, tell exactly what animal it came from and how healthy it was.
And on those days when you were due your period you can be sure he notices the change in your scent before you even walk in the door.
He's already on his feet before you can throw your keys on the side table, mouth almost watering as he moves swiftly to pin you against the wall.
"Oh, hey! Hi! What's got into you today, hm?" You laugh, pleasantly surprised by his frisky mood as Henry cages you like a predator playing with its prey. His deep brown eyes flicker up and down your form making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and he leans in close and breathes you in.
"Mmm, I just missed you, love. Did you have a good day?"
You already start to melt as he kisses just below your ear, and you struggle to even remember what it was you had been doing.
"I- yeah, it was fine, just a bit tired is all… oh!"
Henry nuzzles into your neck and you don't miss the sinful sensation of his tongue sneaking out to lick over the skin of your pulse point.
"Is there anything I can do for you darling? Anything at all…" he asks, voice just as thick and sweet as honey while he's already making your body heat up at his touch. You giggle as his kisses move down towards your collarbones and his deft fingers start to unbutton your shirt, baring the tops of your breasts to him.
"Maybe I should be asking if there's anything I can do for you." You reply with a grin.
Let me clean you up, love.
And that's how you found yourself here, your head tilting back, pushing into the pillows as he works his way between your thighs with a smouldering trail of gentle, teasing kisses that drive you crazy. As he moves closer towards your center, the kisses get a little bit desperate, rougher, his soft lips sucking on your delicate flesh and drawing deep purple marks to the surface of your skin. It sends your heart racing hard in your chest and sometimes you swear you can feel the graze of something sharp before he'd pull away and move on. You gasp and your body twists even as he holds you down, honed in now on your bleeding cunt, that first sure contact of his tongue, the first deep lick between your folds always drawing a completely feral moan from deep in both your throats.
The warm coppery tang of your blood mixed with the slick sweetness of your arousal creates a cocktail that has Henry thanking a god that he doesn't believe in. The complex depth of your flavour spreads across his taste buds, filtering throughout his system and vibrating every nerve connected to his own pleasure. He feels the itch in his gums and can't help his sharpened canines from pushing through, as hard, real, and obvious as his cock.
"Taste so bloody good love." He murmurs in between hungry licks and you can't help but laugh at his choice of words, but he continues his oral appreciation of your monthly bleed and you find yourself entranced by his seemingly insatiable thirst for you.
"M'serious, you're divine… delicious, so decadent…" he dives back in, his fingers digging into you and pulling you hard up against his greedy mouth and making you squeal as he drives you towards the edge again.
Just as you feel the first spark of your orgasm beginning he moves away, spreading your legs even wider, his lips brushing reverently against your plush inner thigh again. You hum low in your throat as you feel him take your skin between his teeth, nipping ever so slightly.
He pauses and backs off yet again, noticing that you're panting hard. His gaze meets yours, blown out black pupils giving away your state of arousal.
"Please don't stop Henry, more… please? Feels so fucking good…"
A wicked grin spreads across his red-tinged lips as he nips at you gently, soothing your reddening skin with his tongue between covetous bites.
"Fuck! Mm, oh god yes, harder…"
Henry growls at your demands, his cock throbbing in response. "Are you sure, love? Wouldn't want to hurt you."
"You could never hurt me, Henry."
Your hands lock around his neck to show him you mean it, tugging him back where you needed him. "Now bite me."
He doesn't need to be told twice, sliding his hands up and under cupping your ass as he opens his mouth and bites down, sinking his teeth slowly into your beautiful tender flesh. The sounds you make almost have him coming apart already. You swear there's magic in that mouth of his, moaning at the blissful burn of sharp pain followed by the soothing laps of his tongue over the mark he's made and then, back to worship your cunt.
"Oh god Henry, that feels amazing! Anyone would think you're a vampire with the way you're acting."
Henry responds with a deep chuckle, kissing your clit and feeling his bloodlust rising like a fever as you leak more of your delectable ambrosia for him.
"Mm, and what if I was?" He probes, raising a brow as your hips buck upward at the mention of it. Interesting.
"Would you stay with me, darling?" He kisses you again. "Do you think you could still love me?"
You let out a wavering whimper as he swirls the firm tip of his tongue around your sensitive bud before sucking it and then plunging into your pussy for yet another addictive taste of you.
"Fuck, Henry! Of course, I'd love you whatever you were, -oh god- as long as you never stop making me feel like this!"
He smiles against you, curling his preternaturally strong hands around your quaking thighs and yanking you down the bed towards him, urging you to wrap your legs around his head. He was so close to sharing the truth, revealing his true immortal self to you, but not just yet.
However, as he pierces your skin once more and you cry out in ecstasy as he drinks his fill of you, he doesn't think you'll mind all that much…
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