#and that would be his only fucntion
Hot take but the only reason Five seems more competent than the other Umbrellas is bc he Actually Knows Shit and spent way too long dealing with the fallout of said shit to ignore it (Diego and Klaus). Like, if Five was given the same amount of info as everyone else, he’d be just as fucking stupid as them.
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hildegardladyofbones · 3 months
okay final thoughts on disco elysium (post-first playthrough). major fucking spoilers ahead.
This run took me 38 hours and I did it in 6 days (both irl and in game). Today was the day where I played the least, only 5 or so hours
My main strategy for picking options was: 1. what would *I* do? this lead to most of the boring and centrist answers because I don't want to take a stand on politics of a world I don't know shit about. Will definitely make other choices in the future now that I've gotten a grasp. 2. What would Kim approve of? disappointing Kim makes me physically sick. 3. Which of the options has the name Kim in it? I just wanted to say his name as much as possible.
In the future I will definitely be picking the silliest options. I also plan on picking the thinker archetype (i picked the sensitive one because i liked the addition that he might begin to lose his mind.) and that one says that he's very bad with people, which logically would lead to out of pocket things.
Most importantly: I didn't do shit in this game. I didn't even disco. I thought I had an other opportunity to finish that quest, because I could have never thought that the killer would be on the island. There's also the deal with Cuno. Idfk what it is. Will get to that next time. And what was it that Joyce had to say? And how would've the tribunal gone had I not failed all but two red-checks?
Other shit i want to rant about. Kim. Oh my fucking god, Kim. Hands down the best character in any video game I've ever played. (Oh yeah that reminds me- I'm certain I didn't find out all there is to him). I've talked about it before (Wayyy too much) how he was so kind and patient and down-to-earth when he didn't have to be. How he doesn't fuck around. Usually. One of my favourite traits of his is that he is so willing to do random shit for the fun of it. He also doesn't take anyone's shit, like, he has effectively shut people's mouths up. His voice was also way too soothing and enjoyable to listen to for absolutely no apparent reason. I cheered and clapped when he spoke. I am a total kim-freak and I am Definitely kimfected. I can go on. about the fact that he smokes? absolutely obsessed with that fact for no apparent reason. And he's gay! I never would've thought they'd go there. I will be needing an orange bomber jacket and round sunglasses moving forward, thankyouverymuch
I should also talk about Harry. The reason why I didn't fuck with him *as much* is because to me, his characterization was very inconsistent. I'm sure I'll grow to like him even more when I actually know what I'm doing. I absolutely appreciate the constant angst he was in tho, especially after the tribunal, but *that* deserves it's own post. He is one of the more believably fucked-up detectives in fiction and definitely one of the most well-written. What absolutely seals the deal for me is the addition of his skills (?)(idk what to call them). Not only was it a wonderful game mechanic, it also made the game so much more interesting. And the fact that it's canon, there *are* voices in his head also adds to it. The narration was also on point, they picked the right actor for it. Speaking of game mechanics, the dice roll was also a needed addition. That's what made the game hard. Too bad it took me so long to figure out the logic behind it. I think I did that at like the second to last dice roll in the game. It's also, obviously, a nod to ttrpgs' that were an inspiration for this game. That also appears in the gameplay itself. Most of the time the characters are standing still while the narration tells us what's happening. That's neat as well, idk, i've never played an ttrpg
And then there's the ending. I will skip the middle parts, mostly, because they're just great and I love the story and that's pretty much all i have to say about it. The ending fucntioned as a review of how/what we did this run. Kim pretty much laid out exactly what kind of cop we were, what we believed in, how well we did the investigation, etc. and for that fact alone I don't know if I could ever stomach doing a playthrough where I don't solve the crime to near-perfection. I cannot stomach letting that man down. I will most likely be missing out on a considerable chunk of the game that way, but as about everything besides DE lately, idgaf. Kim is the blorbo of all time. Anyway it kind of pains me that the ending came so suddenly, mostly for the afore-mentioned reasons. It also kind of hurt me mentally because of how we're forced to confront how much of a shitshow Harry is. And the fact that it's so heavily hinting at a sequel that never came. The world is against me specifically for not giving this game a sequel. For not letting me see more of Kim. That's right, I will never shut up about him. I am superbly annoying about that guy it's unbearable even to me. FUCK i digress, the main reason why the ending left me with the heavy feeling is the feeling of loose ends. (I didn't fucking disco, remember?)
HOLY SHIT I HAVEN'T EVEN TALKED ABOUT THE WORLD !! I was *absolutely* *positively* astonished the more I learned about the world. I love history as much as the next history freak, but what I love more is *intentionally* mixing up the decades. The cars looked a century old, they had computers, they had ttrpgs', the year was '51 and they had disco, obviously. I live for that shit. There's also the thing that I do with my own fictional world and that is mixing made up shit with our world shit. I am beyond elated when I figured out that's what they were doing because i've never seen anything else do that. Their world mostly looks like and acts like our world, except the cultures, geography and history are all original. it's what I did because I didn't want to learn about the london tube system. And of course there are some super-natural elements (what the fuck is the pale? who is the paleworker? huh???) as well. The similarities between their and my world go on, but I digress. The worldbuilding done here was superb and so fucking impressive. Honestly stuff like "oh why would they call *their* months march, april, etc when the guys that named the months didn't exist in their world" and "oh why do they have communism if that was invented by Karl Marx" doesn't bother me at all. That is the shit i live for. It pains me that there most likely won't be a sequel, but luckily I am estonian so I can read the novel. The game being so heavily estonian-made was another reason why I bought it. (the others being: it was 4 eur and it said the artstyle was inspired by oil paintings)(had i known how life-changing this game would be for me, i would've gladly paid the 40 eur)
There's still more i could talk about, actually. This game also did some pretty insane things to me as a person, but I won't divulge the details here (also my mother thinks i should go to sleep? fuck her, i am staying up until 4am. again). For the time being it altered how I interact with the world, possibly permanently, but it's too early to tell. I am still knee-deep in the brainrot. If you really want, I could elaborate if asked, I don't care that much about privacy.
Anyway thank you for reading this rant? idk why you'd do that, i literally didn't proofread anything i wrote here. Most of it is about Kim anyway. I still have no idea what drugs they put in that character. Literally addicted to him. I think he's not just the 57th's best (or 41st's i guess) but he's just the best. in general. in every category. never figured out what the deal with the gloves was tho.
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oooh disabilities. All my ocs got them fuck yeah.
Starting with sensory lack, Calixtus eventually becomes blind and Dlicti is hard of hearing due to a TBI.
Somati has his gigantism which manifests in two ways, if he were normal sized you would see them as bone frailty and a weak heart, but his bones are actually normal in composition for his ange and his heart is normally sized too, its that his body has outpaced them. His bones are thin and weak for someone his height but normal for someone his age. He walks with forearm crutches even after his godtier while not flying, because his balance sucks and he is a tall fuckin tree. His godtiering stops his advanced growth (deletes the tumor on his pituitary gland if thats how his mutation worked) and beefs up his heart.
Bucket has Something. I think its some form of chronic fatigue, joint pain, or anhedonia? likely all three. Everything hurts and she's tired. She walks with a cane. There is also something wierd in how she thinks but i honestly am not even close to diagnosing it.
Dlicti is pretty strong, but youve seen her manacle scars, those have an effect on how frail her wrists ankles and neck are. That and in general her skin is very easy to tear because of how scarred it is. Its texture is inconsistant so sharp edges catch on it more, and the tissue itself is thinner in the scars so they reopen semiregularly if shes not careful. She is also blind in her left eye. i feel like that one is obvious though.
Plexus considers her empathy a mutation on some level. In the internalized mutinism way, she is not disabled i think at all? She might have knee problems from how much she kneels both in her past as a clown (praying), as punishment by her father (praying, physical abuse), and her job. I think her pants have kneepads now, which will probably be consistant for her entire sburb times, i think after godtiering she would keep her weak knees but the damage shes gotten over the years would be undone.
Ferics is chairbound. They have a spinal deformation from pupation that prevents them from being able to control anything basically below the navel. When they godtier they get stuff like bowel control but they dont gain fucntioning legs. they never felt like they needed them to be Them. in their heart they always saw it as the world being cruel to them, not them being wrong in some way. Also this is kind of a troll disability, their blood is a muddy yellow gray after their hue changes. Their psionic colors funnily ejough are indigo ish and cerulean ish. Ferics also is selectively verbal ! They just like. Cant talk about most things. Its only easy for them to speak about things theyre passionate about. All of this also goes for Halfiron. Halfiron is cool as fuck that mfr is bad as ass.
Halfiron made both a metal support exoskeleton brace thing for the Sanguine and his heart... thing. The Sanguine has a wierd surgically opened hole in his chest between the ribs that the Halfiron used to access his heart. He installed an implant that would allow him to like. do heart surgery easily and semiregularly. If youre familiar with the kind of heart surgery that layers one heart on top of the other? think like that but if you plugged in a circulatory system power strip and just put more hearts there. Sanguine's comparative bone frailty from his constant growth eventually catches up with him when his femur breaks in the middle of nowhere... Hence the Ur-clown.
Oh all of my ocs are autistic because im autistic.
Perpep is plural, The Ur-Clown->Ur-Crane probably is too, Plexus is plural, Detheo and Detheo are both plural. Oomani is also plural. Perpep has foggy memory barriers, Ur Crane has solid memory barriers, neither Detheo has any memory barriers, Oomani has memory barriers.
being intersex isnt a disability but theyre kind of similar catagories in that its something thats different about you and i wanna talk about it so i will. Ferics and Calixtus are intersex.
Oftcas has a limp due to a run in with a subjuggolator's bear trap.
Detheo Niptur is one hundred percent mute. nonverbal, potentially nonlingual? I use the word noncommunicative. I dont think he talks at all, and i dont think he writes or types either. Words aint it for him. Detheo Ordeor used to be this, he was forced to change, so he does have speaking skills, but he hates using them and avoids communication like the plague.
oh yeah Oomani has frontal lobe damage which affects her personality, he also has. uh. every part of the brain damage. She has seizures, migraines, almost no fine motor control- uh yeah. Oomani went thru it....
hmrgh i cant think of any more but i know i have some
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eirianerisdar · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that I've been obsessed with everything about your fic since I read it. I found it when it was up to chapter 6, then reread chapter 6 like three times and checked for a new chapter almost twice a day haha.
Your writing is so phenomenal and your voice is so clear in every POV. I honestly want to compliment your work endlessly, but I actually did have a question. Your fic has inspired me to write my own (which I will definitely use the inspired by fucntion on A03 whenever I actually write it) and I have a lot of ideas but am struggling to connect them and/or create a timeline for the events. How did you go about that in your work?
Thank you!
I answered an ask a couple days ago where I gave some tips for planning out a fic, but the main thing you have to do before you can actually get to writing is figure out where your characters begin and where you want them to end up. Usually I go like 1 - 2 - 3; 1, the beginning or conflict, 2, the climax of the conflict, and 3, the resolution.
Usually, because I like milking emotions for all they're worth, I make the climactic moment of the conflict only address some of the tension. This rackets up the remaining unaddressed plot tension until the true turning point of the story hits, after which there can be fluff and resolution.
So, for example, for Half Alive I knew I would start with Spider after the battle. This is the beginning. Conflict came in two aspects, physical (his hunger and the effects of neglect) and mental (his continued incomprehension of what a son for a son means, and keeping that he saved Quaritch a secret). I slowly ramped up the tension of both these causes of conflict until the fourth chapter, when his physical state came to a head (re: illness) and his mental state also collapsed as a result of both his fear of Neytiri and his own self-hatred. This, however, was only the first part of the resolution - the resolution of the physical cause of his conflict. I kept up the tension in the next two chapters because the mental conflict - the Quaritch issue - wasn't resolved. This allowed a final emotional confrontation where all the final plot threads were resolved.
This is a rather convoluted reply, but in short, always plan your story around character development. Give them a nadir before a final resolution. Plan your fic around getting to that nadir and then getting out of it.
I hope this helps!
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obseletrix · 1 year
Any thoughts on the old Azuma squad with Kako, Ninomiya and Miwa?
this is probably the dynamic that cancels each other out the most. they're all kind of disasterous, but if you shove them together they negate each other enough to be an actual fucntional squad. that said? definitely the squad that would implode if stuck in, say, an elevator for fifteen minutes. ninomiya thinks this is his own personal hell. kako thinks it's her own personal heaven. azuma masters zen meditation because it's the only way to deal with the stress of this squad. tsukimi videos the funniest fights and sends them to the operator group chat, who all give her money and sweets to compensate for her suffering. miwa is over here in the corner, talking to his dead sister under his breath because boy never got grief counseling and needs to convince himself border is worth it. they crush everyone else in rank wars while kako and ninomiya hold a cool pose contast that only one of them is aware of. miwa and azuma strengthen their mother/daughter bond via the power of MEAT.
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chiefatticcreator · 8 months
Lewd Status: "Piggify" for Maika towards a demon.
Piggify: Turn the muse into an animalistic whore that craves only sexual gratification.
The demon had worked his magic, and the results had been extremely quick, if not immediate. The proud, arrogant, fiery and bitch redhead had not made any articulate sound in the past hour. All her brain fucntions had been near-compeltely shut off, and repalced by the desire to be fucked. To be bred, to be used, to be pounded, slammed, screwed, plapped, smashed...
She couldn't even form articulate words, she had entirely forgotten how to. Her clothes laid in tatters on the ground, and she was whorishly rubbign her face against the demon's enormous cock, beggign for more but havign forgotten how to ask for it.
This would be her life. Now and forever.
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maggiecheungs · 4 years
atots as a disability narrative
finally posting my mini essay about atots and disability one (1) hour before episode 4 airs. putting this under the cut because it’s long. cw for discussions of casual ableism, suicidal ideation, death, disability, mental health.
(note: throughout i refer to tian’s disability, which we obviously don’t know the details of; i mainly mean it as a catch-all term for the health difficulties he faces, unlike most abled people, which continue on even after his transplant)
after episode 1 i remarked on how i read tian’s story as a disability narrative, but i wanted to wait to get a bit more info before i expanded on that. after episode 3, i think i can take a bash at outlining the main things that struck me--but there’s so much more i could say about this topic, so feel free to ask for clarification. also i obviously haven’t watched episode 4 yet, so that might change things! and of course, tian is filthy rich so his experiences with the practicalities of disability are somewhat mitigated/different from most experiences of disability... but in an ableist society, there are obviously some basic similarities in the way disability is perceived and experienced. so far, here are some of the main themes that i’ve noticed in atots:
the space between wellness and unwellness
in our society, wellness is constructed as part of a binary. one is either well (perfectly fucntional, capable of working) or unwell (ill enough to be incapable of functioning in a ‘normal’ manner). the default state is, of course, wellness; people get ill sometimes, of course, but they return to that default. however, people with disabilities and long-term health conditions can’t do that--and in the society in which we live, there aren’t accomodations for this sort of existence. 
tian has spent the past few years living in the space between wellness and unwellness. it’s the space of hospital waiting rooms and people treating you like you’re fragile. it’s the space of always waiting for something to happen; waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for the people around you to get tired of you. in tian’s case, waiting for death.
tian has spent the past years stuck in this liminal space: ostensibly well enough to live a fairly normal life, but not enough to do so properly. he--and everyone else around him--is just waiting, and it prevents him from forming any close emotional connections or long-term plans. even if he could forget about it for a while, others remind him through their behaviour and treatment of him. before his surgery, he isn’t allowed just exist on a day-to-day basis. his very existence is overshadowed by the threat of its end. 
being stifled by others
in episode one, we get a glimpse of the near-complete erosion of personal boundaries tian has undergone over the past few years. after his operation, his mother panics when he leaves the house; she and his father stifle his freedom. at the same time, their fixation on ‘keeping him safe and healthy’ prevents them from seeing what he actually needs on an emotional level, which can be just as dangerous.
tian doesn’t just have to deal with his own feelings; he has to deal with his mother’s anxieties about him. he has to act well to assuage her fears. (tbh, neither of them handled the situation in the best possible way but... there isn’t really ‘a best way’ for this sort of situation? it’s more just limiting collateral damage.) similarly, his father blames him (or appears to blame him) for the suffering his mother is going through. 
it turns into a thing where he feels as if he owes them wellness (or the appearance of it). he doesn’t feel like he can be vulnerable around them. he puts on a similarly blasé act with his friends, because he doesn’t want them to treat him the same way his parents do--like he’s made of glass. which leads to....
pushing himself beyond his limits
tian feels like he has something to prove. he wants to prove that he’s not a burden... which becomes the characterising theme of his stay in the village.
in going to stay at the village, tian’s managed to mostly escape the spectre of ‘unwellness’ that has haunted him for so long, as well as all the people who stifle him. now that he’s free, he wants to learn to stand on his own two feet; to prove it to himself and to everyone who doubted he could (his parents, phupha, etc.).
however, while this is great for him on one level, it’s not great on another. because in tian’s mind, his disability is equated with being a burden. (this is not unsurprising, given that we live in a hugely ableist society and given his own experiences with his parents.) now that he’s out of the stifling environment of his past, tian feels like asking for help or taking care of himself would be a concession of weakness/burdensome to those around him.
that means, when other people unthinkingly hold him to ableist standards which his body literally cannot accomodate, tian will push himself to the limit rather than admit that he ‘falls short’. this is something that could have grave--potentially fatal--consequences.
HOWEVER! this seems to be changing! he seems to be growing past his feeling that ‘disability = burden’. in episode 3, he voluntarily told kalae about his having to take medication, and actively equated taking care of oneself with maturity/strength (”kalae, i also take pills. grown-up men have no problem taking pills. do you want to be a child or a grown-up?”)
i’ll be interested to see how this progresses. hopefully when/if he discloses his condition to phupha, it will go some way towards helping him move past all the self-directed ableism he’s internalised. also it should stop phupha from inadvertently pushing him to exceed his limits. (i predict that one area of tension between them will be phupha’s worry about tian--if their relationship is to succeed, phupha needs to be aware and accomodating of tian’s needs without stifling him/treating him like he’s made of glass as his parents did)
survivor’s guilt
a lot of this might be unconscious, but... tian has, in his mind, done nothing with his life--unlike torfun. while tian was alive and being a burden on everyone around him, gambling his few remaining years away, torfun was being one of the best, kindest, most generous people in the world. inevitably, living in her house and interacting with her people, he compares himself to her at every turn. she could help the villagers where he cannot. she should be here, not him. her heart is wasted on him.
but this is changing! in the most recent episode (3) we can see him building bonds with the villagers on his own merits. in the first few episodes i was worried that tian’s journey would be represented as but a shadow of torfun’s, but he’s forging his own indivdiual journey. similarly, his relationship with phupha seems to be individual to him, rather than a copy of the relationhship with torfun (but i guess we’ll find out more in the next few episodes). 
suicidal ideation
as mentioned above, tian has spent his entire life waiting for death. now, that looming spectre has disappeared, but it’s still a part of his identity. for years, he’s shaped his sense of self around that fact: he is going to die, so it does not matter what he does or does not do (this post sums it up really well!) he’s reckless because why the fuck shouldn’t he be? even if he’s not necessarily actively suicidal, for a while he seems to be passively suicidal.
this is also starting to show signs of change--as he overcomes his survivor’s guilt, builds genuine connections with the people around him, and feels like he’s contributing to something bigger than himself.
which leads me to the overriding theme of the series: tian’s going to have to learn to love himself, disabilities and all. he’s starting to build himself back up in the village, but he can’t treat it only as an escape. at some point, he’s going to need to face all the things i’ve mentioned in this essay and work through them. hopefully phupha will be there to help him, but this isn’t a ‘love cures all ills’ situation. loving phupha won’t ‘fix’ him; tian needs to love himself.
but... honestly, i have faith. i was really cautious after watching the first episode, because i’ve seen so many shows handle disability badly. but atots has exceeded my expectations in every other way so far, and i am truly excited to see where it goes next <3
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writhingcreature · 4 years
Yall wanna talk about "boring" Cal is like let the boy live he's trying his best. He's a really good person and just wants to do the right thing because he's always wanted to be The Hero and he's willing to do anything to be The Hero.
He wants to protect and he wants everyone to be safe and everytime he gets a foothold up to finally start moving on from his past, some shit goes down and he's on his ass again, dazed and weak and prpbably dying
Like we don't ever get to see Cal outside of the whole "Jedi duty" thing except for like .5 seconds on Bracca, and right about then his only goal is to keep his head down and stay safe while he waits for some kind of signal to start shit up like his Master told him too.
What I would REALLY like to see is after the game. What he seeks and goes after when he's passed the One Thing He's Fixated On because he's been told it's The Right Thing To Do
Keep in mind, he's also SUPER young. Like, not even in his 20's yet, because he was really teeny tiny Padawan baby when Order 66 happened and that was five years before the game started. He's probably like 19 and going through A Lot.
Boy's too busy trying to be stable and fucntional and save the world to be talking about his hobbies man let him breathe
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yennefer-stark · 4 years
Rehab of a soldier
Part two
Almost at midnight, I heard a scream wich reached the inside of my bones. Like he experiencing physical pain... I immediately ran to him.
-Hey... It's just me, Yennefer, can I come in?
-Please... --his voice was broken and quiet as he tried to holding back his tears.
-You had a bad dream --I sat down in his bed and swiped away his cold sweat. He didnt know what I wanted, so he sat there, completely frozen; when Buck realized that I mean no harm for him, he closed his eyes and leant into my palm-- Can...can you tell me your dream?
-They wiped me again because I said I knew him, the man on the bridge.
-You were right Bucky, You know who he is. Your childhood best friend. He still remember you even if you doesn't.... Should I go or should I stay?
-Please, stay with me...
-Are you sure?
He doesnt answered, just nodded with his head, so I laid next to him, because there wasnt so much space in his bed. For me, his hug with his metal hand was a surprise. I started to play with his hair. Once again, he froze by a sudden, then again, he relaxed. The next day, I woke up in an empity bed, I walked to the kitchen, where Steve cooked something, the radio quietly played some music.
-Do you met with him?
-Buck? No, I didnt.
-He might went to buy a few thing. I found him yesterday at the museum. He sat at your picture and he said, he remember one single date. July 4, 1918. After 70 years of torture and being frozen constanly, he still remembers.
-My birthday, and trust me, he remember much more than that. What do yo think, why we do this in secret?
-What kind of program he has in his arm? Unknown HYDRA right? When dad was an UNI student he hacked the Pentagon...
-How much time do you need Yennefer?
-Thats on Buck's arm... If something can go wrong, It will go bad sometime for sure. I dont want to be a bad person, but I'd be happy if his robotic arm cant fucntion properly. Do you spoke with Thor?
-No. He doesnt know where Loki went, he still search him.
After a few minute, Bucky come back from shopping, looked at me, than Steve, dead in his track. He arranged his face back to normal, while Steve just wanted to hug him.
-Not now Steve.
-Long time no see Buck.
-Long time ago? I dont remember. ... I think my name is Bucky and we went to italy...? And at another misson I fell from the train...?
At the end, Steve hugged his ex-assassin best friend, who pushed away him.
-Why did you do this?
-We used to greet like this.
-Really? Coz I remember only one date... July 4, 1918. I try to remember things, but after a time, it hurts... And I cant remember much more than that.
He placed the plastig bag in the table, then he went up to his room, he may closed the door with his metal hand, coz Steve an I heard a loud crashing sound.
-If the door is still in It's place it's a luck, that was forceful...
-True, but what I've done?
-You? You did nothing wrong, just your presence is new for him. Yesterday night he was so calm... He leaned into my hand when he figured out that I mean no harm to him.
-He doesnt seemed like a sleepless person, what did you done?
-It's... my secret, but if you forgive me, I have other things to do. Captain.
With a slightly evil grin I turned away from him, and then I went up to Bucky's room. The door wasnt there, just the frame.... The man behind the door's piece was stressed and tense. When he saw me, his eyes radiated pure fear and started to backing away.
-I didnt wanted to destroy the door, I'm sorry. I think something happened with my hand...
-Come on, I can do something with it.
-What can you do with it?
-You'll see, trust me.
I saw the pure terror and complete fear in his eyes as he leaned against the wall. I dont know what HYDRA did with him, but I'm sure they broke him into million pieces and this fact broke me a bit too.
-Before I start this whatever, I will ask you a few question, but I dont know that... You're able to answer the questions...
-What questions?
-How much do you want to be free? How much do you want to know them dead?
-So you say, I will be free and no longer under commands? Finally I can be free from them?
-Yes. I can guarantee that.
-Who are you?
-Lemme say, that you met with my grandparents...
His face was so pale when I said that he met with them. After I implanted the blocker, he experienced a littlebit of pain, coz he didnt used to have opinions and peace, and the program just blocked all of those. I meant the HYDRA-programs...
-You might have nightmares still, but at least, they cannot use you anymore. You're free Buck.
-If I find Rumlov or Pierce... I'll kill them without hesitation.
-Take it easy Buchanan, you have so much time. Will you come with me for breakfast?
-They rarely call me like that.
-I hope that it isnt a problem.
I walked into the kitchen with a smirk on my lips, where the Captain raised one of his eyebrows and asked me with that.
-I think he's super confused, and I'm sure those bastards will come to take him back.
Bucky was still afraid but he walked with more confidence than last night. I know it that he need some time to get used to his new surroundings and that fact he doesnt need to kill anymore. The program blocked all of the HYDRA commands. But still, he looked at Steve like he doesnt know him.
-You said that we used to be very good friends...
-You said to me that you're with me till the end of the line.
-I hope you didnt done anything stupid...
-I can not promise that...
-Steve... Dont lie. Or do I need to tell that you love jumping out from planes without parachute? Or that story when you fall 100 meters when we smoked out the HYDRA from SHIELD?
-You didnt changed a damn thing.
We sat down and ate all our breakfast and after that, Steve washed away the dishes, then went away, coz he had serious things to do, he left heavy silence between me and Bucky. His cerulean-greyish eyes hide the most, almost unbearable pain, his walnut brown hair softly framed his features and it was long as Loki's hair...soulder lenght with a little bit of stubble. Completely different from Loki, but as charming as him... But I dont need to pining on things like that, but still... Months went away sinse we had a really heated argument and at the end, I made him leave. He left me in his trademark scent: cinnamon, mint, pine forest and old book.
-What are you thinking about?
-Nothing. Why you would be interested in my problems?
-Its good to tell your problems to strangers.
-But I know who you are.
-You stil can tell me.
-I dont want it.
-You want me to find out?
-Just ask Steve then, he knows what my problem is... I trained with him in the gym, in fact till this day, buf... I got a friend who doesnt liked this..
-Thats good, coz you can train with Steve.
-No, no. Dont misunderstood the situation. He was the best; in everything, well, almost everything.
-How he looked out?
-Tall, like the door over there, shoulder lenght black hair, and gorgeous green eyes. They were envious of him tho... Our relationship doesnt started so well. It's still hard to talk about but this happened almost a year ago... I mean... Our quarell...
-How...how much time do you two...?
-Almost four years. But if you dont mind, I'm going to my room and do some paperwork.
The truth was that I wanted to cry alone, in my room which was still full of Loki's scent.... That doesnt matter that other metal things were here, the God was way stronger. This was the main cause why I cried, but his abscene... was at such level that I started to cry when I saw green... After a few minutes I heard a quiet knock on my door, so I opened up with cried-out eyes.
-Still doesnt matter what's the problem?
-Yes, coz if I tell you, you will laugh at me...
-Why would I do that?
-Soo... I had a very serious and heated quarell with him, and I made him go away. That was a mistake tho; and I start thinking that he's with another.
-Let it go, but as I see, it's not easy to do. Since there is such a scent in your room?
-Since I met with him. It's his trademark scent.
-My hand...
-Do I need to fix it again? I can paint something if you want. Just say it.
-No. What do YOU need?
-Nothing? I have everything. Family, job, money, adrenalin, stress. --he moved closer, and grabbed my hand with his right. As if he knew what powers I own, he looked right in my eyes.
-I'm traumatised, not blind. Dont think that I wont see what you miss.
He let go of my hand, and left me in my room. I went after him, maybe too fast, coz he frooze in his track, and this was the moment I almost regret my whole life.... I kissed him, thanks to an accident. He may thought that I wanted to do because he hugged me at my waist. When I pulled away, Bucky smiled like Loki used to. Not in the mischievous way, more likely in a happy way.
-I...I didnt wanted ...
-I do. Do you want it again?
-I dont know... I have a boyfriend...
-Who went missing a year ago, let it go, you deserve better.
-But you didnt know.... He's not from earth.
-Then Pierce, Rumlov and Zola too...
@winterbuckytho @i-smell-penniess @itsbuckyb1tch
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flockofdoves · 5 years
ok sorry to dig up mindnumbing good omens gaybaiting talk but
i was talking to some friends about how it almost feels like neil gaiman has backtracked recently with denying aziraphale and crowley are gay when i feel like before the show came out it was common understanding between him and fans ‘their relationship kinda transcends human concepts but its a very fair interpretation to call them gay from our human perspective’ like generally i think hes goofy but the way hes been putting his foot in his mouth over this is so baffling to me i went to defend his “intention” at first because of my memory of things he said ages ago and also because i do genuinely appreciate the outlook hes expressed before about how even anything he himself thinks of as being true about his work that isn’t shown in canon is “headcanon” so he encourages fans varying interpretations and ideas
he just seems a bit idiotically straight and is doubling down on it when confronted like i think Maybe this whole recent thing started bc hes trying to take credit for being progressive by angels being genderless and takes a step no lgbt person would to then take like -> ‘thus its canonical that they arent gay so this isnt me violating my usual fan interpretation guidelines’. and im sure theres some latent homophobia in how insistent hes been in latching onto this this past year but i do think he really doesnt realize the dissonance when he does that and then simultaneously takes credit for people seeing it as a love story. i think hes pretty ignorant of Why it is that people latch onto them as gay like he probably thinks hes rightful to start lashing out about this because he sees the lgbt rep of them being genderless (which ofc fantastical beings not having human gender doesnt really connect to like. human experiences of lgbt identity which i sont think a lot of cis creators who are like ‘yeah i have a nonbinary character 🙂’ realize lol) and then people wanting to “ship” aziraphale and crowley as separate when really the issue is he doesnt understand how him being insistent on them not calling it “gay” because of him newly deciding to more clearly label angels as not having a concept of gender in the new adaptation for the miniseries and he probably sees that as him having learned about gender identity since then but really its just him being pedantic as a straight cis man about how lgbt people label the actual part of narratives lgbt people come to care about these stories for and how much aziraphale and crowley’s narrative and the themes it brings up make very easy parallels with those of gay people and how angels not having a concept of gender doesnt make them being gay not possible, but actually makes the argument all the stronger because aziraphale actively chooses to align himself with gay humans as demonstrated in canon for example, which can be seen as him seeing his own experiences starting from before humans even had the patriarchy and this by extension concepts of gender/sexual orientation/homophobia as similar to the experiences of gay humans. and that active alignment with gayness is what is important, like. maybe he doesnt realize that for the majority of nonbinary people irl even people who consider themselves to be genderless very often will also align themselves with gayness?? like thats not surprising even its very sensible with how homophobia and transphobia fucntion in our society.
and then its so messy because hes goofy so despite all of that he messily tries to engage with his fans by being like “all your interpretations are valid :)” in the middle of doing this and one of the ones he retweeted was about how someone who said they interpreted their relationship as platonic but phrased it in a weird “gay people are ruining male friendships” way and because hes being dumb ig he just momentarily like. forgot to be the same amount of pedantic about them being genderless when it comes to people perceiving them as men despite making the jump to say they cant be gay despite living on earth functionally as men.
this is so long lol but im Pretty sure its his thought process its so aggravating he needs to get a clue djdjdjdjd. like this isnt me trying to be charitable to him i just was confused how he even got to this point from where he used to seem to be. like i guess he wasnt actively trying to be malicious with it to begin with but im not asking people to give him that when he keeps showing his ass like this time and time again and when people try to discuss stuff he never admits he could be homophobic on accident or be mistaken in his understanding of certain things. (and ofc thats only on this topic, i definitely woudnt even begin to ask people to be charitable to him for shit like how he tried to write in new racist scenes in the script and his apologism for romanticizing pedophilia/abuse/etc in fiction)
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tyriannical · 6 years
@hoardofheroes replied to your post: y’all i have so much useless shit stored up about...
aight okay
tyrian can fucntion well enough in the daytime, but he’s nocturnal by nature. were he caught up with RNJR later, he would have attacked them at night, but as luck had it they met in the afternoon
tyrian’s eyes do glow in the dark!
unlike most faunus, tyrian’s vision doesn’t improve in low light. in fact, he’s pretty much blind all the time. everything he sees is a series of vague, desaturated blobs. he moves around by listening for other movement, smelling, and feeling vibrations. hitting him in the face like qrow did in their fight sends his senses haywire and he has to sort of reset himself
tyrian’s tail molts every four years or so. when it happens, it’s an ordeal lasting several months. he gets cramps worse than anything he’s had on his period, to the point that eating is nearly impossible and sleep is unheard of. when it’s all finished, tyrian is pretty much useless in battle for a week after while his tail exoskeleton reforms
he’s carnivorous. he can technically digest non-meat but he ends up with a stomachache or severe nausea if he eats too much
tyrian physically cannot partake in drugs or alcohol. it would destroy his system and kill him
tyrian’s missing a few of his molars. while in the circus, he wasn’t given proper dental care and after a few cavities took over his back teeth, they were forcibly removed
tyrian’s tail actually goes further than we’ve seen in the show. it’s attached to his spine, and several larger plates of exoskeleton cover the lower half of his back to protect where his tail connects to bone
tyrian runs a network of spies for salem, though none of said spies know that he reports back to her. they’re mostly made up of huntsmen gone bad, petty criminals, and children with nothing better to do
tyrian suffers from severe anxiety and depression, insomnia, night terrors and sleep paralysis, and memory issues. he takes medication to help these things, but despite watts being qualified to give him therapy, salem has forbidden it. his weak mental state makes it easy for her to manipulate him
tyrian is coldblooded and doesn’t do well at all in cold environments. because of this, his bedroom has a space heater and about five blankets to keep him warm and cozy
on the subject of his bedroom, there are no lightbulbs in his room, only candles to keep the lights low. he has several books on his shelves and a vanity with a cracked mirror where he punched it as a young boy, the frame of which is covered in notes and photographs
tyrian has a mating cycle thanks to his faunus DNA. for a week every summer, he’ll vanish either to his room or into town to uh. take care of it.
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calumdixon · 4 years
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The future is no code?
One of the topics brought up in Chris' lectures this week was the rise of nocode as an apporach to building SaSS products. It makes complete sense to me as technology progresses its only expected that technology could be used to create new technologg, this isn't to say that it will replace developers or designs though as designers will still often be able to better utlise these tools to create products/websites. An example would be the site Chris showed off during his lecture, while the site was fucntional, there were a few cases where a better understanding of design princplies could have imporved the site significantly.
No Code at Whitespace
No-Code is actually something we have been implenting as an apporach for one of the products we are working on at Whitespace. Similarly to the School of Design, the value in the product comes from the people on the team rather than the tools itself so it makes more sense financially for us to utlise existing blank branded tools that can be customised to look as if they have been built by Whitespace.
The Trade Offs of No Code
Critics of the No Code apporach will often state that No Code products aren't capable of creating products at the same level of a team of developers, but to counter this point you can argue that the goal of no code isn't to actually write no code but instead to reduce the amount of unncessary work that teams have to deal with as well as to provide a more advanced starting point for a team to build off of.
Another point I have seen made in favour of No Code apporaches is that it can be a great apporach for product validation, its possible to build an inital MVP with no code products to validate that people actually want the service/product you provide before commiting the time and resources needed to build a full product.
The Future of Coding is No Coding
Worldbuilding with NoCode
Rise of NoCode
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flannelandsarcasm · 7 years
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on: writing, art, gifsets, whatever.
I was tagged by @aesterea (bless)  I’m tagging  @yourgoodfriendraichel and @moonywaitup and @easkyrah (if you don’t mind hnnn)
Wages Of Sin: The prequel to the book I wrote last november, Personal Demons (which my friends wont let me touch until they finish editing and it’s killing me, but I’ve been told is good for me :/ ). It focuses on Amara Claire (a pawn of heaven who doesn’t really belong there, but doesn’t belong on earth or hell either, so like, what’s a girl to do?? Become a murderer for hire, apparently), Basilius (a fallen angel who just wants to get back to his bf, and tries to save the world one small act at a time, and also, was cast out unjustly, and will one day be Famine ayyy), and eventually also Angela Paloma(a woman who didn’t know she was a witch and had a nasty shock when her magic kicked in, and will one day be War ayyy.) They’re all tied together because of the hybrid brothers (Half angel, half demon, all kinds of angst) working in the background, trying to start the apocalypse (like ya do) and pulling these characters, and the main squad of Personal Demons, together. I don’t have a laid out plot so everything is a bit messy as I bounce around, but things’ll fall into place eventually.
Faeries And Antichrists Don’t Mix: (i don't have a title) Okay so Luci had more than one kid. Four that we know of. Two are a set of twins, born from an angel who is very bitter (you should have know better, you were the angel of conception for chrissake)  Faolán is a nonbinary friend-o who uses masculine pronouns, and is a very quiet, impulsive person. His brother Eirian is a loud anxious child. Usually their plans go something like Eirian loudly worrying, only to turn around and have  Faolán sheepishly go “i already did the stupid thing whoops”. Anyway, their mom locked them away b/c antichrists can’t die but letting them go would be Bad(tm), so they get tired of this and they try to escape after 100 years, Eirian is beheaded, and  Faolán is stabbed, and his uncle hands him off to the Fae to get rid of him, so he wakes up in Faerie. He eats the wrong stuff and is cursed to live in Faerie forever. Only, he needs to find his brother, so he can reattach the head, so Eirian can fucntion better. No one knows Eirian is already in Faerie, so no one can find him on earth. Or heaven. Or hell. It’s a big mess. Lots of anxious children. Fun times. Lots of running around in Faerie, dealing with cranky immortals. 
Incandescence: (or maybe Incandescent idk) okay so this one is a sequel to Lights Out (which is for sale on amazon shhh), in which there’s gods who aren’t gods but like to call themselves that b/c they were tasked to be guardians of the balance and the humans can’t tell the difference anyway. There’s only like, three left now, out of the original seven, and they’re freaking out, even tho humanity has mostly died off, so Logan, god of thought and memory, has the brilliant idea “ima make more”. Gods can’t procreate with humans without disastrous effects (they tried) and won’t with each other, as they see each other as siblings and are uncomfy with incest, so he decides to make more by turning humans instead. The other gods freak out and the rest is basically “Logan NO” “LOGAN YES” “DAMMIT LOOK AT THE MESS YOU MADE” “ooops”. Also, long lost brothers.
Dragonmarked: Whee this one got big. So in this fantasy universe, dragons are a thing. Dragons are also in charge, at least on this continent. Elves get another b/c the fighting got so bad. Smh. Dragons can take human form after a special ceremony, which also allows them to forge a bond with humans. The human bond helps them focus and channel their magic, since Dragons have raw magic and it’s kinda hard to control. They mark these humans in a dream and it carries over to the real world, and each dragon has a distinct mark, so they can find them. So my buddy-ol-pal-friendo, Nathaniel (name subject to change) does the thing, marks his dragonmarked, and she, having had her family killed by dragons and is only a terrified five-year-old, runs. Thus begins a fifteen year chase across the continenent, all the while, Aryleigh (the girl) is learning to defend herself desperately. About ten years after being marked the first time (he marks her again more than once) her best friend dies b/c of another dragon, and so she decides the only logical thing to do is to track down that dragon and murder him. She doesn’t care if she kills other dragons along the way, and becomes rather well known. Luck runs out and her dragon finds her, and she gets sucked into dragon politics, which are surprisingly complex, and bam, along the way, she finds out she isn’t as human as she’d thought. Whoops. Happens when u have no idea about your family line I guess??
That One Untitled Thing: okay so two gay werewolves livin alone in the woods get stumbled upon by two lesbian witches and the Responsible One, Elijah, patches up the wounded witch, and the Reckless One, Hawkins, asks for their story, and it turns out the witches are on a Quest To Save The World (and Magic) and Hawkins decides they should go too because he likes doing stuff, and Elijah tags along because he’s a healer, and everyone is GAY (this project is very new, only started working on it like, three days ago wheeeee)
Downward Spirals: Hades is desperate, reincarnates Icarus as a human guy named Theo, the Fates are mad and want him dead again, and when Icarus/Theo tries to speak to the gods, he finds them very bitter/jaded/angry about the world and very murder-y. He looks to Hades like “wtf bro” and Hades reiterates “I’m desperate”. This one is very under developed as well. Wheeeeeeeee.
The God-Vampire Thing: Okay so I only have a premise for this, no plot, but basically, vampires feed off the gods, not humans. They kidnapped the moon god, moon-god’s sibling the sun god is mad, which is why they can’t live in sunlight anymore. Also, lesbians. 
I’m gonna reblog this to my writing blog too tbh wheeee
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