#and that's how they get you u.u
hurlumerlu · 9 months
With all this you're making me think So Much about Gram's first appearance again and the way he gets all familiar with White and not angry at all, like. At the time we dont know Black is cold with everyone but! Gram! Not worried about grabbing him by the shoulders and getting their faces close and teasing him. Obsessed with how he knows Black would react to it or not. He too knows a softer side that appears when they're together. Truly Gram, Gene and the stray dog that only they can feed without getting bites. I'm normal
Okay first of all I want to say that I considered myself a pretty casual enjoyer of the whole Gram/Black/Gene business and that your wild dog comment actively made me worse so don't think you are inocent in all this.
Secondly : YES. I particularly like the teasing because it actually echoes the way we see Gene acting with Black in the little video but also like : the way he fusses over him ? who else would do that ? (Gene would. you know Gene would.) They had their little status quo and it was probably unsustainable but they were so comfortable with each other and then you cut to like a month later and Gram is stepping between Black and Gene because they just don't know that person anymore and who knows what he'll do next ? And it's so funny and sad that it's White milder, gentler persona that actually made them warry of him - something that Black can never understand because how could anyone mistrust his better half ?
Also like. Gram suddendly being presented with the batshit insane fact that the Black he's interracted with for a while now was actually his goddamn twin and that he not only failed to grasp how wrong things were despite seeing that twin everyday but also that while he and Gene were getting closer romantically Black's life was hanging by a thread ? how do you even act normal after that revelation ? (of course Black doesn't see it that way, because for Black, well people are just better off without him, aren't they ? but that doesn't mean he's not gonna have feelings about it) And meanwhile Gene is like "I had a very weird and confusing fucking couple of months and wouldn't it be nice if I had finally managed to sort it all out ?" but I am here to tell her not if I have anything to say about it, girl.
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bonefall · 1 year
I don't do a lot of vocal input into the warriors fandom (aside from the chunk of Bumble propaganda I submitted for the character profile for the misogyny poll) but I do agree with what you said about Sagewhisker. Even as a kid first reading the book I didn't like her that much for basically forcing Yellowfang to be a Med Cat.
And you're right. It is kinda surprising that of all the characters to get zeroed on by the fandom as Worst Women in the book, it's Lizardfang and not Ms. Barely does anything beyond the bare minimum and Guilt Trips the protag into a life she Does Not Want and Judge her for her actions and does little to nothing to help Yellowfang (honestly, if any Med Cat /had/ to be on Leaf and Squirrel's trial into Starclan, it should have been Sagewhisker and not Yellowfang)
It's surprising but also makes sense. Framing is a very powerful tool, and the cold hard reality is that we live in a misogynistic society. It's not hard to make whip people into emotional override over a Bad Mom character, enough to completely ignore and excuse the deliberate writer choice to tie Child Abuse to Woman Not Wanting Kids.
Mix that with the target audience being young adults (specifically tweens) and it's obvious how Lizardstripe (evil mom who hates babies) is more easily demonized than Sagewhisker (manipulates the POV by making Yellow feel bad about herself, which Yellow herself accepts)
But however it happens, I still find it very disappointing. I wish the fandom was generally better at engaging critically with the text, and could take a step back when the Erins roll out Bitch Mom Villain 4 and acknowledge the double standard in WC
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coldshrugs · 11 months
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breaking news: io's still cute
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dkettchen · 2 months
not me finding out that fandom wikis do not have an api (which is like a specialised ui for programmers that a lot of websites have where you can more directly access resources off the website with programming tools, f.e. if one piece wiki had one, you could tell your coding languages like "hey get all the strawhat pirates' names and heights off their character pages and put them in my database here please" and it would be able to get that info off the wiki for you) so I will have to learn web scraping to get data off there for visualising ship stats project I have planned for my data analysis portfolio instead now smh
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doeyedangel · 1 month
Wanna be pretty so bad but im too old to care u.u
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tidaltow · 8 months
@stygicniron || cont.
There, see? Eagerness? Gone. Good feelings? Basically held at knifepoint now—and trust him, Percy knew exactly what that felt like.
Look, he was about to duck out of the room real quick, see if he could stealth his way to the kitchen (they didn't need a whole “Nico welcoming party” right now) and swipe a few things from the fridge without his mom lifting a brow at the predictable insatiable appetite of a teenage boy, but Nico’s words froze him. Where the kid got the power to do that, Percy didn’t know. Sometimes all it took was one deliberate look. This time, it was a little bit of that, and the topic Percy loved ignoring… that Nico wouldn’t allow, as long as he was here.
“No—?” Nico’s question was a statement. Percy’s answer was a question. Seemed fair. He oscillated near his door, the hand once reaching for the handle finding better purpose in tugging at the collar of his shirt, like it had suddenly become too tight. More could’ve been said: they still had time, he just needed to think on it (guiltily knowing what he meant was “ignore it”)... Excuses. Those Nico likely had no interest in hearing, so.
Better idea.
“You find anything about your, uh… past, yet?” He could’ve just said “mom.” That was what he wanted to say. Percy wasn’t exactly sure why he avoided it, or why he suddenly felt so anxious to go out into the living room, now—as if his own mom would see the guilt on his face and ask him about it. “You know, if you gave me more information, I might be able to help out on my end.”
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tenacquity · 1 year
@howthesleeplesswander || cont.
In most cases, Ryunosuke was not one to blatantly lie. For any occasion, any reason, any amount of gain for himself or the receiving party (truly, even “white lies” were of a foreign nature). And so, exactly how he let the Captain talk him into this… he was still internally puzzling out. Long and hard. Strenuous, even, to the point of that already-lacking filter on his tongue being utterly nonexistent with his eventual verbalized musing. And when Kaeya, with that ease and debonair attitude of his, answered the comment as seamlessly as if he were pondering the evening weather, Ryunosuke noticed his mistake.
More importantly, noticed it was exceptionally too late to sew his own mouth shut now.
Worth it? he wondered, marked by a fretful twitch between his brows, an unconscious nibble at his lower lip. As his gaze wandered behind him, twisting his torso to get a look at the lively establishment they had left, Ryunosuke couldn’t help the thought that those free drinks must have had an awful lot to do with the conundrum he found himself in now: astonishingly guiltless, sure, but beyond that… Certainly, the lingering warmth in his face couldn’t be wholly blamed on substances, could it?
A simple explanation. Maybe even preferable. But even now, out in the cooler night air, back to just Ryunosuke and Kaeya—no fabricated strings attached—he struggled to shake the way his companion had looked at him. Talked to him. Treated him.
By the time he finally spun back around to watch where he was going, he heard a squeak. … And seconds later realized it had been himself as he came close to stumbling right into his pretend date.
His breath hung in his throat as that solitary eye shamelessly drank him in. A shudder having nothing to do with the nighttime chill or his company’s Cryo Vision (presumably) skated mercilessly down his spine as he dared to scoot just one meager inch back. Before Ryunosuke even knew what his own face was doing, Kaeya had to remark on it, and only at that precise moment did he find his voice again. Something, that is, more than just an impressively shrill noise.
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“M-mean it?” Step One, it’d seem, was mimicry. “I— Why, that’s not exactly…” He paused in a second attempt to collect himself, revealed through a heavy breath and a downward glance as he carefully moved past the blockade. His shoulder lightly brushed Kaeya’s arm as he went. “I’m only impressed that it worked,” Ryunosuke stated, possibly to convince himself. “Really, I think they would’ve just accepted our words as true without an entire show, Kaeya. That’s all.”
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mygwenchan · 2 years
Not me waking up only to find out that BBC, Netflix and co want to ban corsets in their period dramas because "Many stars have reported bruising and even breathing problems."
I'm sorry, but if your star is having breathing problems while wearing a corset, it simply means that she is wearing a very ill fitted and cheaply made one. A properly fitted corset fits like a glove, it's actually way more comfortable and healthy to wear than a modern bra for example. You can do sports in it and women have been doing hard labor for centuries while wearing a corset. Heck, you can even sleep in a well fitted corset and wear it 24/7 without any problems. There are plenty of seamstresses and historians who have recreated historical corsets with the right materials and the proper fit. They made experiments and a lot of them ended up wearing corsets only, because they're way more comfortable for them. They also support your back and shoulders better, especially if you've got a large bust. No more back pain!
Not to mention that this whole mindset of "corsets are bad for a woman's health, they force women into unnatural shapes and restrict them" is misogynist propaganda par excellence. Has been for over a 100 years actually. A good corset doesn't change your body shape, it simply offers support where support is needed. Those tiny waist women of the past were mostly high society ladies and actresses who made a living off of having tiny waists. And they also used some clever tricks like padding their hips and bust to make their waist look smaller than it actually was. Photo retouching was a thing as well, even in the early days... Really, It's not the corsets fault that producers of modern period dramas can't be bothered to do their research and don't employ gown makers who actually know their craft. If you order your corset from Wish, don't be surprised if you feel like shit while waring it!
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milkloafy · 3 months
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: in which you get sick and blade is wondering how the hell he got stuck having to take care of you. ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: sickfic, fluff, swearing, gn!reader, stellaron hunter!reader, reader doesn’t like room temp water LMAO only ice cold, blade’s kinda mean but a softie trust me u.u ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 1.8k+ ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: i haven’t written for blade in ages so i am very rusty but i hope u enjoy <3 this is a self-indulgent fic i wrote while sick and bed-ridden yesterday :c if any of y’all got the summer cold/flu too i hope u feel better !! :> 
You felt like shit and the last thing you needed was someone threatening you to get better. 
It would have been one thing if those threats worked in scaring your illness away. But you were certain that it did the opposite of help— It simply gave you an unwanted headache instead. 
“Can you stop glaring at me whenever I blow my nose?” you demanded with a sniffle, tossing your tissue into the trashcan Blade so graciously placed next to your head.
“Can you stop blowing your nose so loudly?”
You glared at him, responding by grabbing another tissue and blowing your nose even louder. You winced at the force, feeling a slight throb in your head from the overexertion.
With an ever-present scowl on his annoyingly handsome face, Blade shook his head at you. You could practically sense the disappointment and annoyance radiating from him. “Don’t make yourself feel worse.” 
“I’m not trying to,” you said, choosing to lay back down on your bed rather than arguing with him.
Your throat was sore, your nose was both runny and stuffy with no in-between, your muscles were achy, and your body was tired. There wasn’t much fighting spirit left for you to spare in your current state. Hence, the reason the Stellaron Hunters had Blade stay behind on the mission until you recovered enough to join everyone. Why they didn’t leave someone more personable and caring like Sam behind was beyond you. But you supposed you should be grateful Elio let anyone stay behind instead of having you recover alone. 
Coughing, you reached for a glass of water to moisten your throat only to find it already empty. You groaned to yourself, the thought of having to get up from your warm and cozy bed to fill up your water in the cold, cold kitchen made you shiver. 
With a sigh, Blade exited your room while muttering a quick, “Stay put.” 
You blinked blearily, eyes barely able to follow his quick-moving figure out the door. 
In a flash, Blade returned with two separate cups—one filled with clear water, and the other with warm tea. He set them both down on your nightshade, collecting your empty glass to clean in the sink. 
“Thank you,” you murmured, touched that he brought you drinks without you having to ask. You grabbed the glass of water first, letting out a giggle when you saw the single ice cube floating on the top. With a smile, you questioned, “One ice cube?”
Blade shrugged, a nonchalant look on his face that one could easily mistake as uncaring. “You don’t like room temperature water. If I brought warm water to you, you would rather die of dehydration than drink it.” 
A nodded sheepishly, unable to deny what came out of his mouth.
“Still, you need fluids to feel better. I figured one ice cube might be enough to satiate you.” 
Staring at the melting ice cube, you assumed it didn’t do much to help the temperature of the drink, but the thoughtfulness of your fellow Stellaron Hunter was enough to coax you into drinking it regardless. 
“That’s…surprisingly sweet of you,” you said, taking a sip of water. It was, in fact, not cold enough for you, but you still pushed onwards. “Thanks, Bladie.” 
The scowl on his face deepended. “Don’t call me that. And drink the tea. I put honey in it since its anti-inflammatory.” 
“Your frown lines are forming prematurely,” you jested, setting the glass of water aside to pick up the steaming cup of tea. The warm mug felt hot against your skin and you felt a droplet of sweat forming on the side of your head. In the blink of an eye, you threw the blankets off your body and fanned yourself dramatically with one hand. You shared a look with Blade. “It’s too hot for tea.” 
“It’s not too hot, you just have a fever,” he said with annoyance, walking over to the thermostat and turning down the temperature regardless of his words. “But you can wait for it to cool down then—” 
Before he finished his sentence, you had already taken a sip of the drink. Immediately, you felt a burning sensation on the tip of your tongue and jumped. “Ow!” you yelped, placing the mug down and glaring at it. “That’s hot!” 
Blade glared at you. “Tea is typically made from hot water. I just told you to wait for it to cool down.”
“But you said that after you told me to drink it!” you sniffed, nursing your tongue by dipping it into the lukewarm glass of water. “You can’t give a sick person mixed signals like that.”
“You’re sick, not incompetent.” He paused. “Not more than normal, at least.” 
“Hey!” you protested. At the sudden overuse of your voice, you felt your throat growing more irritated. You coughed and coughed, taking in deep breaths of air to stop yourself. 
He folded his arms as he scolded you, “Don’t overexert yourself. Get some rest.” 
With tears forming around your eyes from coughing, you matched his haughty expression. You croaked out, “You’re naggy. Did you know that?”
“Only to those who don’t listen.” 
“You tell me like a million different instructions! How can I listen?” you retorted, your headache coming back as your shoulders tensed in irritation. 
When he noticed your slight wince of pain, Blade sighed and relented. He walked over to the side of your bed and picked up the cup of hot tea. With a blank expression, he blew the surface of the drink, cooling it down until the steam went away. 
“Here,” he said as he held out the cup to you. “Now drink.” 
Your stared open-mouthed at the drink. You felt as if he was giving you whiplash with his crass words and caring actions. You didn’t quite know how to feel, but you knew you were at least a bit grateful. 
Carefully, you sipped the cup of tea Blade gently (and begrudgingly) placed in your hands. This time, you did not feel the scalding heat burn your tongue. 
“Thank you,” you said, chugging as much of the tea as you could. “It wasn’t hot that time.” 
He nodded in response, stepping away from the side of your bed once he confirmed you finished your drink. Blade studied you as you laid back in bed, closing your eyes to try to soothe all your ailments. It didn’t work, but you would certainly keep trying. 
Without the blankets covering you, you felt cold again despite the sweat you felt gathering on your forehead. You heard rustling and the clanging of glasses next to you.
When you opened your eyes, you saw Blade walking away with the dirty cups in hand, muttering something about how he wasn’t your maid. You smiled weakly, knowing he was doing his best to take care of you regardless of his bitching and moaning. 
Blade returned with a slightly damp washcloth in hand, folded perfectly into a compact rectangle. You sniffled through your stuffy nose, watching as he held out the washcloth to you, before taking it back last minute. Confused, you pulled your hand back as well. 
“I’ll just do it. Before you mess up somehow,” he said, leaning down by your side and placing the damp washcloth on your forehead. 
The instant he placed the towel on you, cool relief coursed through your body. You shivered at the sensation, letting out a noise of satisfaction. 
You peeked one eye open, looking at Blade with another sheepish expression. “Thank you. Again…” 
“You don’t need to keep thanking me.”
“I do!” you insisted, staying as still as a board despite the passion in your voice. “I know you would rather be out on a mission right now, following Elio’s script with the others. But instead you got stuck here taking care of me.” 
He folded his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. “It’s not your fault. Kafka forcibly volunteered me.” 
You chuckled lightly at that. It certainly seemed like something Kafka would do. Either to annoy Blade, tease you, or irritate the both of you just for fun. 
“You just need to get better soon,” he said as if it were that simple. “Then we can both get back on the field.”
“Is that why you’ve been such a good little nurse, Bladie?” you teased, touching your fingertips to the cool washcloth on your forehead. 
He glared at you, but there was no anger behind the expression. “Call me that one more time and you will see what happens.” 
“Will you bring me more hot tea to burn my tongue on?” you asked in mock horror. Despite his menacing-sounding threats, you knew Blade would never hurt you. 
“I’ll bring you room temperature water with no ice,” he promised blankly. 
Your mouth dropped in surprise and you shook your head fervently, the small towel falling off your face. “No, please! I won’t call you Bladie again.”
Blade rolled his eyes at your dramatics but immediately went to pick up the fallen washcloth. “Stop moving around like that. You’re going to make your headache worse.”
“Sorry, mother.” 
He scowled and plopped the washcloth back on your forehead, less gently this time than the first. You stuck your tongue out at him in response before feeling another fit of coughs come your way. 
Once you managed to soothe your throat and gather your breath, you sighed. “I hate being sick.” 
“Then drink more fluids and go to sleep.” Blade grabbed the glass of water from your nightstand and began to walk out with it. “I’ll get you some more before you try to rest.”
Closing your eyes shut, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself despite your discomfort. He had a rough exterior, but he surprised you with how much effort he put into helping your sick self out. 
His hidden thoughtfulness was enough to stir something in your stomach—butterflies, you hoped, and not an unwanted stomach bug to add to your list of ailments. It was unfamiliar to you, but certainly not unwelcome. 
Blade entered your room one last time for the night, bringing you a new glass of water with a single ice cube, and a fresh new washcloth folded to perfection. 
You giggled, noticing his attentiveness to detail. “Thank you, Bladie. I really appreciate all of this.” 
He sighed but didn’t argue when he heard that nickname. Thankfully, he did not take the ice cube out of your water and hand the glass to you lukewarm.
“You are so… You’re welcome,” he relented, replacing the damp towel on your forehead with a fresh and cold one. “Now, hurry up and recover.” 
“I’m trying,” you laughed, no longer annoyed by his impatience. “I’m sure I will, with you doting on me like this.”
“I don’t dote.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bladie,” you sang softly, your eyes finally feeling heavy after drinking more water and relaxing your muscles with the help of the cool washcloth. “I’m finally getting sleepy…”
He nodded. “That’s good.” 
“Mhm,” you murmured, your voice drifting into a sleepy mumble. “‘M tired. Goodnight… Blade.” 
There was a long pause before you heard Blade’s response while you drifted off into a deep slumber. “Get well soon, Y/N.”
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aveloka-draws · 16 days
Howdy!! Ik you're slow to answer but I figured I'd take a shot at it anyway--I've been slowly making my way through your CotL comics and I have a few questions!
1.) is there a link or somewhere I can read your ichor's vessel AU from the very beginning as opposed to scrolling backwards through the tag?
2.) does Leshy ever tell Theon that he was the former Bishop of Darkwood? Ik Theon told Lamb that they(?) were willing to wait until Leshy was ready to tell them himself but did he ever work up the courage to do so?
3.) how did Lamb pick their four disciples--or does it get revealed in the ichor's vessel AU? Bc they seem like a ragtag sort of group and I'm really curious about when/how/why Lamb chose each of them in particular
bonus comment--I loooooooove the way you chose to characterize Saleos and his unhinged devotion to Kallamar (whose characterization I also adore)--that one comic where Kallamar nearly slits Saleos' throat is so good and I think about it/go back to read it all the time 💙💙💙
Thank you so much aaa n.n
1. Only tag for now, tried to make a master list w all of it but gave up for now u.u
2. Soon
3. It kinda happened along the time it took Lamb defeating the bishops.
Cerva was the first follower, helping around since the start and is the most loyal, Saleos brought knowledge of the old faith and became the cults medic, Tzinn is able to hear almost everything that happens in the cult and de escalates conflicts often calming down dissenters before anything serious happens, Dr Sozonius keeps order in the camp and is in charge of keeping the library where they keep both materials from the old faith as well as the new one, scriptures him and Lamb work on.
By the time Narinder was defeated they were the closest to Lamb and were already helping with the cult, so they made the four of them disciples.
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genericpuff · 6 months
It’s honestly so depressing that RS really went from her Dr. Foxglove comics and her more sketchy art style with personality to what Lore Olympus is pumping out right now. Even earlier LO had some of that still in there, but now it’s gone
Right, you can see it in the older 2016/17 LO art-
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And even during the more 'mainstream' era of LO, we used to get stuff like this:
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It used to feel so magical and now it's just... eerily sanitized. Everyone feels like they're made of plastic now rather than that old soft and glowy feel u.u It definitely makes me wonder how much of WT's influence affected it over time, but I guess we'll never really know unless Rachel says anything about it. And the pretty art itself doesn't detract from all its other issues like its writing and infantilization of Persephone, but man, we could have still had the really pretty art- 😭😔
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hxjikonn · 2 years
hello I saw that the applications are open ^^ if possible, I would like to request headcanons for riddle,vil,rook and jamil with an orphaned fem mc who had a difficult life and every new thing she sees excites her, for example a delicious meal or the Big of the bedrooms jsjs, as an extra fact when they finish eating, mc gets up from the table with her plate to go wash it properly, because since she was little, they taught her to wash what is hers in the orphanage u.u well that would be all <3 thanks :))
Pure as the driven snow
☆Staring☆: Riddle Rosehearts, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt and Jamil Viper. (Bonus I added Lilia Vanrouge cuz I just love him okay??😭🤚🏻)
Synopsis: Headcannons of them with an orphaned reader.
Heads up: SMIDGE OF ANGST, Reader is Gender Neutral
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Riddle Rosehearts
At first he’d be confused, he thought you didn’t have stuff, food and places like this in your world.
When Ace and Deuce took you to Heartslabyul for the first time you were in awe with everything you saw.
What’s weirder is that you asked him and trey if it was okay for you to eat the delicious food on the table. And you started cleaning up afterwards, Trey tried to tell you not to, but you brushed him off and continued to do so.
Riddle was more perplexed when you said you had a nice dormitory too, knowing that Ramshackle looks like a dump, he asked you what you found so nice about it
You told him that you found everything nice, and told him you never had a big home to live in before. So he asked where you lived previously
That’s when he found out you were an orphan, and you have been living in the orphanage for awhile now before coming to NRC.
After you tell him this, he’d always invite you to tea parties, unbirthday celebrations or just to come to Heartslabyul to hang out with them.
Whenever you did, he’d have Trey cook/bake your favorites, and if you were to sleep over, he’d let you have the one of the vacant rooms all to yourself.
He found the wonder in your eyes and your smile endearing, he’d make sure you always look that way, happy and content.
He’d love to take you to his hometown during school breaks or holidays but he really doesn’t want you to meet his mother, he knew how tactless she can be, he’s afraid you might get offended.
So instead he take you along with Trey, Cater, Ace, Deuce and Grim. To other places instead, like beaches, theme parks, etc.
Just wants you to experience a lot of stuff, see a lot of places and have fun.
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Vil Schoenheit
He’s used to people being in awe as they look at him, however you were different. Whenever you’d get the chance to see him doing his make up, you’d watch and stare, occasionally asking questions about what does what, and complimenting him.
He asked if you wanted to try, he expects you to eagerly say yes, but you hesitate and to his surprise you even asked if it was okay for ‘someone like you’ to use his stuff.
He didn’t quite understand that, but he told you that you could, he guided you but eventually he was took the lead and just did it for you.
When he finished, the he swore that the sun hadn’t shine brighter than the smile you showed him looking at yourself in the mirror.
There you mentioned that you felt like those pretty people on TV, Vil tsked with a smile, he told you ‘not yet’ then proceeded to dress you up with luxurious clothes that fit you
He asked why your eyes were closed and you said that you wanted it to be a big reveal and ran to the mirror, and when you opened your eyes you gasped, making Vil giggle a bit.
He was just staring at you while you spun around to look at yourself, he asked if this was your first time dressing up jokingly but you answered with a yes, and you told him that the orphanage you used to live in only provided old clothes.
It took him by surprise, suddenly everything was clear to him now, how you’d be so amazed with everything, as if it was new to you, how you’d ask before him or Rook if you were allowed to do something or not, how you’d stand up to wash your own dish after you eat despite their protest.
He told you you could keep the clothes, and you were so happy that you went and gave him a quick hug before running off to show Epel how nice you looked. If it were anyone else who hugged him he’d probably straggle them but since it was you, he lets it slide.
After he found out, a few weeks later he went to Ramshackle to fetch you to go shopping for new clothes. You politely refused as you thought you’d pay, but as he pulled you out of the house he told you he’d pay for everything
Spoils you, rotten. You’d be hesitant to take whatever he gives you but you really don’t have a choice. New clothes, New shoes, New bag, it started to reach the point where you’d hide from Vil in fear of him giving you more stuff.
In his defense, you deserve all of it. The Pomeforie dorm leader has grown fond of your curious and cheerful self, he thought of you like a diamond in the rough, so he took it upon himself to always make that diamond shine.
Would ask Crowley if he could move you to Pomefoire instead because he doesn’t like you to be in Ramshackle as you told him it reminded you of your orphanage but bigger. This man would protest.
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Rook Hunt
Honestly Rook would be the first to find out, and you didn’t have to tell him. He is very much known for his observant nature, he’d notice everything little thing about the peculiar magicless human who he found very interesting.
He notice strange little habits you did, like apologize for the smallest mistakes, how you’d only look down when you were scolded, how you treated yourself lowly from the other students and not let yourself talk back to them regardless if their your senior or in the same level as you.
Because of this, a lot of student thought of you as a push over and bullied you for being meek, Rook didn’t stand for someone who’s as pure intentioned as you get threatened and harmed.
He’d scare them off (dont ask how 💀) no one would dare to even breathe your direction after that, they were all walking eggshells around you. You were oblivious to this fact, you were just glad that the mean comments stopped.
He’d always approach you aswell, complimenting you, treating you kindly and respecting you. He thinks of your innocence as beautiful, and everyone knows he has a fascination with all thing beautiful.
He’d take you his different hunting grounds favorite places to hang out in, and you’d always look around in awe like a toddler in a toy’s store, which always makes his heart soften.
He’d write poetry for you, with you and would have you read his works to him, he loves how your voice makes his work 10x more beautiful.
He’d never make you feel like you’re below him because you were an orphan, he’d always make you feel comfortable and remind you that you don’t have to be careful around him all the time.
This man now has three fandoms, Neige’s, Vil’s and Yours, he can’t help it okay?
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Jamil Viper
He saw Kalim in you, he thought you were ignorant of things because you were a spoiled noble or royalty back in your world. But when you were amazed by even more luxury, he started to think otherwise.
Kalim and you get along (unsurprisingly) but whenever you were with Kalim you’d distance yourself, and you wouldn’t even walk side by side with him either, you’d walk behind the both of them. He found this strange but of course he didn’t pry and just let you do you.
It was only when you all took a trip to scalding sands when he found out you were an orphan all your life, it was when Kalim was showing everyone around and you noticed that everyone knew Kalim due to him being the son of a wealthy and prestigious family so you fell back in the crowd of your friends and classmates.
Jamil noticed you were way far back, and he asked why you don’t walk side by side with Kalim since you two are close friends, that’s when you said ‘what would people think if they saw Kalim walking along side a poor orphan’ in a joking manner of course.
He could only respond with an ‘oh’ and you were quick to apologize having felt that you made him uncomfortable, he was also quick to tell you that you didn’t need to. Infact he was the one who should be apologizing having assumed awful things about you before.
He reassures you by telling you Kalim wouldn’t think of you that way, and lightly scolds you about being too harsh on yourself. Suddenly he saw you in a new light.
After this particular event taking place, you notice he started to take care of you, making you packed lunches, asking if you needed help with school, visiting you in Ramshackle just to ask if you’re doing okay.
You’d ask him about it, and he simply tells you that it’s because Kalim told him to. But in reality he wants to make you feel safe, he wants to make you feel like you’re cared about and you’re not a poor orphan.
Though he cannot provide you with luxury, he does do all that he can by teaching you new things, taking you to new places, he even takes you and Grim to his house in Scalding Sands whenever you guys are on school break.
He’d let you meet his family, his sister, and tells you to feel at home. And though you started off being timid and shy you slowly start to open up and feel welcomed, which makes him unconsciously happy seeing you comfortable.
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Lilia Vanrouge
He took immediately notice of your meticulousness, how you’d use formalities and spoke carefully to people you don’t know well regardless of who they were, and often express gratitude even at the simplest of things.
He thought it was because you were just a well mannered child who was raised properly by your parents, that was until the day he told you he finds your parents amazing because they raised you well.
He was confused when you chuckled lightly at his statement, then you told him you’ve never even met them, Lilia was anything but dumb, he immediately put two and two together and realized you were an orphan.
As you explained that the caretakers in the orphanage were strict and would punish the children if they were disobedient, tactless or ungrateful a frown was set upon his face.
He apologized but you simply smiled and told him it wasn’t a big deal, maybe it wasn’t for you but it was for him. Afterall he did raise 3 boys on his own.
That day he couldn’t stop thinking about what you had told him, he couldn’t imagine a child not having a parental figure to raise them, he kept thinking, if he had left Silver that day he found him, he would end up in a cruel loveless orphanage as well.
The thought bothered him alot to the point where he showed up in Ramshackle the next day with adoption papers (and silver behind him, looking at you with a silent apology for his father bothering you so early in the morning)
You couldn’t even utter a word before he explained to you that he’s already talked to Crowley and now has taken full responsibility for you (and Grim) and all that the adoption papers are signed.
In layman’s terms you are now his child, he is your father and silver is your brother. No buts, No refusals, and No you cannot convince him to change his mind.
So having no choice, you eventually agreed to it, that being said you didn’t need to go back in your world now cuz you’re adoptive father and brother lives in Twisted Wonderland 💀
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Edit: I REALIZED I PUT SEBEK INSTEAD OF SILVER TOWARD THE END 😭😭🤚🏻🤚🏻 SILVER IS YOUR BROTHER SILVER 😭😭😭 (also sebek but that’s besides the point)
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dkettchen · 1 year
I'm a day late to the mishapocalypse revival party but in my defense my laptop is in repair and I had an actual paid job thing today so tumblr shenanigans had to wait
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tyttamarzh · 9 months
Missasinfonia, songs and QSMP…
Hello!! Well, since we all continue to miss Missa, I want to share a little thought.
I don't know if it has already been talked about here, but in the Hispanic fandom of Missa we have his songs very present and some people have not been able to avoid talking about how some of them adapt perfectly to the QSMP.
I want to talk about two in particular whose lyrics I think are perfect for describing Missa's relationship with his family.
The first one is called "Privilegios" (privileges) and I think it describe what Missa is currently going through with Philza. Well, it talks about the anxiety of feeling insufficient for the other and trying to improve but feeling afraid of moving forward (the young Missa from 2014 wrote very deep lyrics). I remember that in a stream he told us about how several of his songs came about and said that he wrote "Privilegios" thinking about us, the people who follow him, because he didn't feel enough for us and is why he always try to do things better. Either way, I think he's perfect for describe his situation with Phil.
The song:
Sometimes I forget my sorrows and things I should do Because ideas slip away, they do not allow us to see Well creating something new means forgetting I would like to be like before and go back to the past
I know how to write the word mature very well But my thoughts don't let me act I don't want to forget, I don't ask for your mercy Because honestly I can fix it.
Chorus I don't know what to do if you're not okay (you're okay!) I don't know whether to lie to me or throw myself at your feet I wonder if I can deserve you Because I didn't earn the privilege.
How can I destroy damn anxiety? If outside my mind is my reality It is not so easy to wish others ill. just so I can free myself
The second song I want to talk about is called "Tarde para el plan B" (Late for Plan B) and I think it could be a message from Missa to Chayanne, some of the things he mentions remind me of what Missa told him in that day of fishing before travel to Japan. He talks about how it's okay to fail and that he shouldn't be overwhelmed by his mistakes, and encourages him to keep going and get better. There is also a phrase that I like to think is very much theirs, since it infers that even if they are not together, he will always see him. Now every time I hear that song I think of them and I can't help it u.u (It's a song created 10 years ago, but I think it's fits perfectly).
The song:
Have you ever wondered… what could happen if after the years, you could come back to the past? Would you have the chance to see what is wrong the bad memories you would be able to erase.
Enjoy moments you didn't see coming feel from the beginning what you should feel but remorse can cut you and repenting would be the final act
Look for alternatives, see how to improve May you know how to handle your situations You don't always get a second chance. you must take advantage of what time gives you
If they give you their hand, don't take our foot don't ask for the moon when it's barely dawning You don't run when you want to calm down do something your soul can bear
[PRE CHORUS] And it's not that it's bad, it could be worse. What doesn't kill you makes you better.
And listen to me, here I will be, watching your actions wherever you are.
sometimes the reasons chase me but they don't want to catch me Sometimes actions are what will count, but you won't count. I prove that what I say is true It's your problem if you don't want to change but honestly sometimes everyone can fail
In the hope that everything is fine There are ideas within your being that grow and create the bad decision than wanting to correct what has already happened
Do what you need to make you feel better. Defeat your demons, destroy that pain Errors exist to know what someone else could fall into
and it's not that it's bad, it could be worse What doesn't kill you makes you better
listen to me, I will be here watching your actions wherever you are
My favorite phrase from this song is: "don't ask for the moon when it's barely dawning" (I just like how deep it sounds xD)
And that's all for now, I've never created a post here, I hope it's okay. Thanks for reading my crazy thoughts. Greetings!!
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ilemonducki · 7 months
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This is my first ever Tumblr post please be kind u.u I don't know how this works...
Scar and Grian from Double Life (Scarian if you will) I felt so good about this drawing I had to post it, so hey I hope people like it!
I've been mustering up the courage to post here, I always see so many amazing artists and get so inspired but also shy about posting my own...
I really wanna share my drawings, and get better. So kind constructive criticism is always welcome, and ideas on things to draw too, but I'll do a post about my self another time.
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tenacquity · 2 years
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👀👀👀👀👀👌👌👌💦💦💦💦💦 hooooOOOOOO the fact that this is literally referring to ryuu's ability to be comfortably on his knees for extended periods of time ??? game, excUSE ME? subtlety doesn't exist i'm crying
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