#and that's not to spite Wes. that's a DIY CHALLENGE
Having thoughts about Valerie again.
But alas, her character development and depth in canon is.... well...
On a surface level Badass Ghost Hunter is a great character hook. Valerie is so cool! Her hunter character design is eye catching and attention grabbing. It's a great design. But beyond that, I want her character to have so much more depth. I want to know more about what kind of person makes the decisions she makes. Because honestly, she deserves it.
So I suppose we DIY this shit, huh?
Who's got some headcanons about Val's non ghost related hobbies and personal life?
The goofy stuff her dad's done since she was little that she pretends to be annoyed about but secretly loves? The things her dad does that she actually finds annoying? Her small joys? Her favorite snack? Her favorite season of the year and why? Her favorite movie or music genres? Her celebrity crushes? Her hopes and dreams for the future? Her best classes in school? Her dream job? What are your headcanons for her extended family? Does she have any aunties and uncles? Younger or older cousins? Her favorite animal? Her opinions on crocs? (The shoe or the reptile) Does she have any odd phobias? (like crocs) What motivates her to get out of bed every morning? What helps her fall asleep at night? What keeps her up at night? (Besides the ghosts) Does she prefer tea? Hot chocolate? Coffee? Cold drinks?
Tell me all the little details you've thought about. The fun ideas and sparks that can make her more.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
WWE Theory: If not Cody, then who?
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So Cody didn't win at Wrestlemania, it's been a week and it's all been soaked in.
While Cody may still get to 'Finish the Story', common criticism is that the moment has passed, and so winning it later is not going to feel as effective than had he won it at Wrestlemania.
But what if, Cody isn't the one?
It's a thing we must entertain now since Drew, Sami and Cody have each failed to take their chance when they were white hot and ready to hit the iron. But then you also have to ask who is left? So playing to this, here's 5 guys in WWE who I think could be a fitting usurper to the Tribal Chief.
To note, however, the Rock and Jey Uso are not on this list.
5 - Johnny Gargano
Gargano in the Main Roster has been a bit of a lame duck, part of which does feel like creative has nothing for him. But a slow build can bring Gargano back up to the same beloved status as he did in NXT - just like they did with Sami. Being the big babyface but also being backed by The Way and maybe even Ciampa would also provide some support against interference by the Bloodline. Johnny is fifth however for the key point that if Ciampa is fit, would they leave him to be Johnny's support? Not sure they would, if anything they could just be waiting to put DIY in the tag division, but Johnny could still get a title shot in between.
4 - AJ Styles
AJ is still inactive from a broken ankle, but he has the talent and the credentials to take Roman Reigns to the limit. Triple H does have a fondness for the Bullet Club too, since he's been trying to chase the Elite, Hikuleo, Jay White and Tama Tonga in the past few months to add to Balor, AJ, Gallows and Anderson. It does feel like Trips had ideas of doing Bullet Club vs Bloodline, and still could sell that but at a smaller-scale. Because of his status as a veteran wrestler who has been a world champion in multiple companies, AJ would be a solid choice to defeat Roman.
Rescued by Triple H's booking, GUNTHER has been on a tear as Intercontinental Champion, and the imposing Austrian would certainly be able to bring a believable level of power that could keep Roman on the back foot. With Imperium also warding off the Bloodline, GUNTHER has managed to gain the acclaim and respect of the fans in spite of being a heel, so his character wouldn't even need to shift in order to feud with Reigns. He has the titanic aura that can step up to Roman's Tribal Chief mystique, and if things go smooth enough he can become WWE's next 'big man' megastar with an endorsing win over Roman.
2 - Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins will always be a factor in Roman Reigns' title reigns, and vice versa. The two are bound by their shared history alone, but also by their contrasting styles and quickfire finishes. The key argument with Seth is that his challenge against Roman actually ended in a win - albeit by DQ - so Seth still has the psychological advantage over Roman. He's the 1 defense Roman didn't definitively win, and that will always be a lingering factor that could bite him.
1 - Big E
This one is gonna be a long shot, but sometimes things can line up perfectly. Big E is still tending to his broken neck, but upon his return there may be no greater a babyface than him who can stand up to Roman. Not only does Big E have the charisma to be backed by the fans, but he'd also have the comeback story, and similar energies that Austin and Angle will have carried with their own incidents of broken necks. Big E also has the in-ring prowess and power to compete in a hard-hitting affair against Roman, and the New Day's history with the Usos - and the Bloodline as a whole - provides enough backstory for Big E to be seen as a worthy challenger.
Plus E is owed a better run than his first world title reign, so I put him top because he's the unlikely hero but one everyone would get behind to win the world title.
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johns-brickwork · 7 days
What Are the Typical Misconceptions About Hockley Jet Washing?
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Jet washing, likewise called pressure washing, is a prominent and effective method for cleaning numerous surfaces. In spite of its prevalent usage, there are numerous mistaken beliefs regarding jet washing that can result in misconceptions regarding its benefits, use, and safety and security. In this write-up, we will certainly attend to some of the usual misunderstandings concerning Hockley jet washing and provide exact info to assist you make educated choices concerning keeping your building. Johns Brickwork and Building and construction Solution supplies specialist Hockley jet cleaning services, ensuring your building looks its best while preventing prospective challenges associated with these mistaken beliefs.
Misunderstanding 1: Jet Washing Can Damage Surfaces
One of the most usual false impressions is that jet cleaning can harm surfaces. While it holds true that incorrect use of high-pressure water can cause damages, expert Hockley jet cleaning services utilize the appropriate stress setups and techniques for every surface. As an example:
Concrete and brick surfaces can stand up to greater stress.
Wood and fragile surfaces call for lower pressure to stay clear of damage.
Johns Brickwork and Construction Solution's experts are trained to examine each surface and adjust the pressure accordingly, making sure reliable cleansing without creating damage.
Misunderstanding 2: Jet Washing is Only for Huge Locations
Lots of people think that jet cleaning is just ideal for large locations such as driveways or commercial residential properties. Nevertheless, Hockley jet washing can be properly made use of on a range of surfaces and sizes, consisting of:
Patios and decks to get rid of mold and mildew.
Sidewalks and pathways to get rid of dust and crud.
Fences and gates to restore their original look.
Jet cleaning is functional and can be customized to clean both large and little areas effectively.
Misunderstanding 3: DIY Jet Washing is Just as Effective as Specialist Providers
While renting a jet washing machine and doing it yourself may appear cost-efficient, there are several benefits to working with an expert service like Johns Brickwork and Building Remedy:
Knowledge: Experts understand the proper pressure setups and cleansing agents for different surface areas.
Devices: Professional-grade devices is a lot more effective and efficient than consumer models.
Safety: Trained specialists know exactly how to take care of the tools securely, lowering the threat of injury and residential or commercial property damages.
visithere to read more concerning the advantages of professional Hockley jet cleaning solutions.
Misunderstanding 4: Jet Washing Utilizes Way Too Much Water
Another mistaken belief is that jet cleaning wastes a considerable quantity of water. In truth, jet washing can be a lot more water-efficient compared to conventional cleaning approaches. The high pressure of the water stream suggests that much less water is required to accomplish efficient cleaning. Additionally, specialist solutions frequently utilize devices developed to reduce water use while taking full advantage of cleaning power.
Misunderstanding 5: Jet Washing Can Change All Other Cleaning Techniques
While Hockley jet cleaning is very effective, it needs to not be seen as a substitute for all other cleaning techniques. Jet cleaning is excellent for eliminating surface area dirt, gunk, and discolorations, yet it might not be suitable for:
Interior cleaning: Jet washing is not useful for indoor spaces as a result of water spray and possible damage.
Sensitive materials: Delicate surface areas that can be harmed by high pressure should be cleaned with gentler methods.
Misunderstanding 6: Jet Washing is Harmful to the Environment
Some people think that jet cleaning is unsafe to the setting because of water drainage and the use of chemicals. However, professional jet cleaning services focus on environmentally friendly methods:
Eco-friendly cleaner: Professionals use eco-friendly cleansing solutions that are safe for the setting.
Reliable water use: As stated previously, jet cleaning can be a lot more water-efficient than other methods.
Correct disposal: Specialists make sure that any type of wastewater is managed and dealt with properly to prevent environmental contamination.
Misunderstanding 7: Jet Washing is Unnecessary for Regular Maintenance
Finally, some homeowners assume that jet washing is just essential for extreme cases of dirt and gunk build-up. Regular Hockley jet washing can stop long-term damage and maintain the look of your residential or commercial property. Regular maintenance aids:
Extend the life of surface areas by getting rid of damaging substances like mold and mildew.
Boost safety by removing slippery algae and moss.
Boost aesthetic allure, making your building a lot more appealing.
Final thought
Understanding the typical false impressions about Hockley jet washing can assist you make notified decisions concerning keeping your residential or commercial property. Johns Brickwork and Building and construction Option supplies expert jet washing solutions that attend to these misconceptions with specialist, risk-free, and efficient cleaning methods. Whether you require to cleanse large areas or little surfaces, specialist jet washing can improve your residential property's look and long life.
For additional information on how jet washing can benefit your property, visit here to explore the services provided by Johns Brickwork and Building Solution. Embrace the benefits of specialist jet washing and see the amazing distinction it can make.
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amazonbacker · 4 months
Elevate Your Amazon Presence: The Importance of Listing Update and Maintenance with Amazon Backer
In the constantly changing marketplace in eCommerce Amazon is the most popular as an incredibly powerful platform that connects millions of sellers and buyers all over the world. For companies that want to prosper in this highly competitive marketplace maintaining a strong visibility on Amazon is crucial. One of the most overlooked aspects of Amazon success is the constant updating and maintenance of the listings. In this thorough guide, we'll explore the importance of Amazon listing updates and maintenance, and how working with Amazon Backer will increase your performance on the platform.
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Understanding the Dynamics of Amazon Listings Amazon's marketplace is ever-changing with listings of products changing constantly to meet ever-changing demands and preferences of customers. Regular updates to listings of products are vital to stay current to stay competitive and relevant in the ever-changing market. It doesn't matter if it's updating descriptions of products prices, images, or introducing new features, making listings current and up-to date is essential in attracting and keeping customers.
The Critical Importance of Listing Maintenance Optimized Performance: Clean and well-maintained listings are not just a magnet for prospective buyers, but also increase the visibility of search results. regular updates and keyword optimization and compliance with Amazon's guidelines can greatly improve the position listing in the search results which can result in more sales and traffic.
Improved User Experience: Up-to-date and accurate information about products improves customer experience of customers. Clean product descriptions, excellent quality images, and precise pricing inspire confidence in customers and result in greater conversion rates and less returns.
The Competitive Edge: in today's fiercely competitive Amazon market staying ahead of competitors is essential. regular updates to listings let sellers showcase the latest features, highlight their unique features, as well as to respond quickly to market trends, which gives sellers an edge in the market.
Brand Reputation: A consistent maintenance of the listing can positively impact the brand's image. Correct product information, timely updates, and top-quality customer service are the main factors that influence favorable reviews as well as ratings creating confidence and trust among customers.
Challenges of DIY Listing Maintenance In spite of the significance maintaining listings Many sellers find it difficult to meet the requirements for managing several listings efficiently. Do-it-yourself listing maintenance presents a variety of issues, such as:
Time Constraints: The process of managing and maintaining a variety of listings can be a time-consuming process and can distract you from your primary business tasks.
Expertise Required: Effective optimization of listings involves knowledge about Amazon's algorithm SEO best practices and strategies for content marketing.
Resource Intensity: Adding resources for listing maintenance could stress internal teams and restrict the capacity of.
Working with Amazon Backer Your Solution to Listing Updates and Maintenance
We at Amazon Backer, we understand the complexity associated with Amazon listing maintenance and provide customized solutions that meet your unique needs. Here's how we can assist you:
Expertise and experience: Our team of experienced professionals are well-versed in Amazon's marketplace dynamics as well as the best practices for optimizing listings. Our expertise is used to ensure that your listings are up-to-date optimized, optimised, and in line with Amazon's standards.
Complete Services: From description updating and image enhancement to pricing optimization and keyword adjustments, we provide complete listings maintenance solutions that maximize the potential of your Amazon ability to sell.
Cost efficiency: outsourcing maintenance for your listings for maintenance to Amazon Backer allows you to avail expert assistance at less than the cost of employing in-house resources. Our flexible pricing models guarantee flexibility and cost effectiveness to adapt to your changing requirements of your business.
Efficiency: When trusting us with the maintenance of your lists tasks, you will free precious time and resources to concentrate on the most important business tasks, like marketing, product development and customer interaction.
Conclusion In today's competitive marketplace of eCommerce, Amazon maintenance and update of listings are crucial elements of a profitable selling strategy. With the help of Amazon Backer, sellers can improve their process of maintaining listings to improve performance and get an edge in the market. Don't let outdated listings stop you from advancing your business behind. Consider investing in professional listing maintenance services using Amazon Backer and unlock the full potential of your Amazon selling process.
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recommendedlisten · 4 years
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A couple years back, Recommended Listen introduced an appendex to its annual Best of albums list with a focus on all of the darker, heavier music it wanted to recommend from over the course of the year, because let's face it: Between the polarities of indie rock and poptimism, sometimes the loudest sounds don't get a fair shake on year-end coverage. It took last year off to focus on rounding up the decade's best albums instead, but it's back in 2020 to highlight the best albums in the realms of hardcore, punk, metal, experimental noise, even hip-hop, and beyond. Given the year it has been, the context of what constitutes a heavy listen has very much taken on a totally different meaning, but at the same time, has made these sounds all the more wild. Here's to the albums of Heavy '20...
Backxwash - God Has Nothing to Do With This Leave Him Out of It [Self-released]
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God Has Nothing to Do With This Leave Him Out of It challenges the notion that hip-hop -- especially the kind that is executed as masterfully in its artform and intentionally as that created from the caverns of Backxwash’s lost soul -- can’t be heavy music, too. The breakthrough album from the self-made, self-produced Montreal-by-way-of-Zambia artist is raw in texture and a carnal mean-mugging in its energy just like the unapologetic eye of its creator. The listen does not repent on the brooding weight of Backxwash’s confessional rhymes and the beat soundscape -- a playground built from pieces of the goth, trap, and industrial underworlds -- she sets them along is a 22-minute thriller through damnation.
clearbody - One More Day [Smartpunk Records]
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One More Day, the debut album from shoegazing emo-punks clearbody, bears down on you from above from its very opening moments. Much like scene luminaries Superheaven and Cloakroom, the Charlotte trio’s grizzled, reverb-soaked rock aspires to fill the whole sky, yet with its melodic density in tow, much of that is consumed into our own claustophobic insularity. Thus, brings the hearth from the trio’s vacuous sound into our own desolate realm of darkness wholly, and lets it burn within. It makes for a blurring firestorm of palatable gloom that at least offers you comfort in spite of each daily struggle.
Code Orange - UNDERNEATH [Roadrunner Records]
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As most of the world remained stuck inside throughout 2020 and unsure of what it will look like when we actually do see that light at the end of the tunnel, the corrosion of the self through our addicted virtual identities has come back karmically to torture us on UNDERNEATH. Code Orange’s latest transformation is a series of shock therapy treatment and defiant self-immolation tailored for their largest stage to date as well. The Pittsburg band’s sound continues to thrive off pure hybrid chaos that reflects pitch black nihilism with frayed wired nü-metal connections, dramatic, brutalist metalcore maximalsm, and towering new power that shakes the fault lines. A collective machine built from not only their own individual might, UNDERNEATH hears the ills of humanity sink deep into Code Orange’s skin and again change their DNA.
Deftones - Ohms [Warner Records]
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Ohms, the ninth studio effort from Deftones, is a masterful display of the sheer sonic velocity which the metal-gazing hydra-heads still have the power to conduct through the atmosphere, even 25 years after they broke new ground with their definitive album White Pony. It could be, in parts, due to the fact that Ohms reunites the Chino Moreno’s atmosphere-defying vocals and guitarist Stephen Carpenter’s monochromatic electricity with classic era producer Terry Date, but there’s a newfound wisdom on balance (”balance, balance, balance!…”) heard in their alternative rock innovations that turns Ohms into an infinite current every future heavy artist will be keen to draw from.
DRAIN - California Cursed [Revolution Records]
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Santa Cruz thrashers DRAIN have been seething to make their official first move in the hardcore scene since amassing a cult following within its DIY circles and becoming fest highlights over the last few years. Their debut full-length for venerable hardcore label Revolution Records does no hold back on that feeding frenzy. Rattling influence of NYC hardcore as well as a high voltage metallic intensity, California Cursed is a filthy homage to their home state that chomps with disgust and reckoning for its polluted air and water. Frontperson Sam Ciaramitaro’s sneering performance ups the confrontation with a tidal wave of chaos backs up his audacity. Washed ashore at its end, you won’t know what hit you.
ENTRY - Detriment [Southern Lord]
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It only takes 15-minutes of ENTRY’s Detriment to turn your body’s nervous system inside-out. Formed in Los Angeles between PA punk scene veteran Sara Gregory, Touché Amoré guitarist Clayton Stevens, Sean Sakamoto of the indie-pop band Sheer on bass, and drummer Chris Dwyer, the band’s arrival spills all of the very heaviest-hitting emotions being burdened within our bodies in a terrifying year into an onslaught of scathing screams and brutalist hardcore. Their exorcism might wreck everything, including you. Burn it down. Start over. ENTRY’s means justify its ends.
Gulch - Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress [Closed Casket Recordings]
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You will experience instantaneous confrontation when pressing play on Gulch’s Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress. The Santa Crus five-piece’s debut full-length is a scourge of corrosive electricity and piston drums played at excess speed with an ugly, nihilist end destination. All this is placated with album art that projects Gulch’s binary of strange, carnal beauty and a grotesque allegory of life gnarled through reckless hardcore merrymaking, making the whole of the 15-minute listen resonate much deeper than its temporal intentions. Paired with the production of Jack Shirley (Deafheaven, Loma Prieta), Gulch are able to see their vision through the flames fanned on their 2018 EP Burning Desire to Draw Last Breath, and incinerate you from a stereo’s distance.
HEALTH - DISCO4 :: PART I [Loma Vista Recordings]
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Normally, HEALTH’s DISCO series involve remixes of their own work, but its latest installment is a very, very different, more abrasive monster. Instead of reimagining existing work, the Los Angeles industrial trio set out to create new music with an esoteric cast of abrasive misfits and other sonic outliers, including the likes of Soccer Mommy, Xiu Xiu, 100gecs, FULL OF HELL, and Youth Code. The culmination of those efforts on DISCO4 :: PART I is a fascinating experiment in new possibilities, as each of the artists are able to explore new layers within existence’s darkness (and their own) by merging their creative identities into HEALTH’s futuristic noise.
Higher Power - 27 Miles Underwater [Roadrunner Records]
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Built with just the right amount of progressive hardcore groove and big anthem gloss, Higher Power’s 27 Miles Underwater has the ability to command pits digging up the underground as well as those soaring above the masses. The super power distinguishing the UK bunch from the growl of their peers is the vocally amorphous presence of frontman Jimmy Wizard as it polarizes itself over sawing riffs and cosmic spaces with both raw and aerodynamic plasticity. His existential primal screams compliment the overarching soundscape guitarists Louis Hardy and Max Harper, drummer Alex Wizard and bassist Ethan Wilkinson create as it zig-zags from melodramatic hardcore into ambiguous psychedelic wavelengths being resonated through the depths of the universe.
Hum - Inlet [Earth Analog Records]
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In the 22 years that Hum have gravitated away from our orbit, their mark on rock music has at least been apparent from down here on Earth. There is however, a greater reach from Hum’s orbit down to our terrain here on their return Inlet. No longer glossed with the major label studio sheen that gave them alternative FM dial hits, the Champaign space-rock quartet sound at home reconvening in a more ornate, dynamic form through their second life. For 55 minutes, it feels like every detail on Hum’s International Space Station is visible from the ground as it makes passage right outside your window, humanizing their future sound as something tangible with a touch of fragility.
METZ - Atlas Vending [Sub Pop]
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METZ have never ceased to take artistry into account in the loud volume of their noisemaking, where as many of their peers have fallen by the wayside for relying too, er, heavily on their ability to make the room shake and bowl over listeners. Atlas Vending, the Toronto trio’s third full-length effort, is what noise-rock sounds like when all of its moving parts work in unison as one well-oiled machine. Guitarist and vocalist Alex Edkins, bassist Chris Slorach and drummer Hayden Menzies have not only refined their decibel-crushing sound by pushing it even further into the sky, but they do so by delivering their hookiest material yet without disregarding their innate ability to rattle through any surface, be it in the flesh or through the speakers.
Moor Mother - Circuit City [Don Giovanni Records]
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Camea Awaya’s work as Moor Mother feels endless and interconnected, even when she veers off course into cosmic experimentalism or joins forces with creative forces outside her own body. The sounds which the avant-noise artist has already assembled especially move differently when she reconnects with them, as is the case Circuit City, a production originally staged in front of a festival audience and now given a proper recording which brings a different source of energy into the composition. Awaya fills every second with its own purpose, struck by calamity in an avant-jazz fusion of brass and percussive confusion mirroring her own. Her words and the fury of sound battle with the darkest of American injustices – All of the shattered wishes, dreams, and right. Constantly surrounded by a war for her own being, Circuit City connects the outside world’s noise with an anxiety that has becomes too daunting to ignore.
Narrow Head - 12th House Rock [Run for Cover Records]
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The second 12th House Rock lifts off with “Yer’ Song”, Narrow Head have left our atmosphere. With the Houston rockers’ sophomore effort and first for Run for Cover Records, the five-piece take homage with the mightiest of the ‘90s alternative’s big riffed work heard in the currents of everything from Hum, the Deftones, My Bloody Valentine, and Brit pop fully amped. With a little rewiring of their electric diagrams, Narrow Head rips through huge hooks and dizzying spins of their own gravity. In these times, 12th House Rock’s energy is the kind of escapist album direly needed in 2020 when you need to put something on loud to drown out the rest of the world.
Nothing - The Great Dismal [Relapse Records]
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There is probably never going to be a moment in time where Nothing change their tune on the inevitable collision between our lives and oblivion, and The Great Dismal is the period on that statement that makes it reverberatingly loud that won’t be happening any time soon, if ever at all. The Philly shoegazing punk band’s fourth full-length effort piles on heavier dark matter and churns up the velocity as they plummet into the big black hole sucking us all in more by the day. The songs on this album are also beautiful sinks into the void as well, containing the four-piece’s most accessible work to date. Their sound – muscled in hook-laden feedback, adorned by touches in oddity from Alex G and Mary Lattimore, and confident in boldness – can hold its own even in zero gravity.
Record Setter - I Owe You Nothing [Topshelf Records]
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Despite having clashed with their sound in the past through grungy post-hardcore and atmospheric math-rock, Record Setter’s I Owe You Nothing is arguably the first obvious moment of clarity for the Denton, TX four-piece even if their sound veers off into varying gravities of screamo, post-hardcore, and cavernous emo rock. The emotional weight anchored behind each track is what grounds the listen onto the same landing space regardless. A catharsis in identity and by Judy Mitchell’s living truth, approaching their art with this intention has emancipated the band’s second-guessing. Be it the chaos in motion, melodic turnstiles, or vulnerabilities impressed close to the surface, Record Setter attach a heaviness to their sound created not by decibel or amplification (although, the use of added weight in their crushed guitars and crash cymbals adds the album’s turbulence…,) but by human forces bleeding themselves into it.
Shamir - Cataclysm [Self-released]
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On Cataclysm, the darker side of two very different albums from Shamir this year, the genre ambiguous artist embraces death through distortion, and that it renders both an anomaly in his catalog by way of stylistic consistency as well as some of his most hook-driven rockers to date makes this turn toward sonic violence stick. In listening to tracks like the static-drenched menacing bop of “Hell”, the desolate post punk atmosphere of “Scream”, or a queer take on Nada Surf popularity in “Feminine Guy”, you can hear how these songs exist to hex listeners into Shamir’s heathenry as he channels an unconventional lightness in his vocals through beefed up muscularity in guitar electricity. If the butterfly must die, then it will never be in vain, for this incarnation of Shamir creates something remarkably outside this world when baring all of its weight.
SOUL GLO - Songs to Yeet At The Sun [Secret Voice]
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Even in its rapid fire 12-minute length, Songs to Yeet At The Sun, the latest EP from SOUL GLO, is one of the most vital pieces of heavy music this year. Chomping from the fringe as artists mutating the look and sound of the modern punk community in both its vantage point and a forward-thinking clash of style, the Philly four-piece’s latest offering slams like a poetry of Pierce Jordan’s own Black American experience through a rapid scene-changing stream of conscious, as the five-track listen surges in with adrenaline junky hardcore before recoiling into noisy raptures, then back into bulldozing mode before. What’s left behind is a sludgy pile of bones and guts that will surely be used to reshape the scene from here on out.
Sparta - Trust the River [Dine Alone Records]
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Between the band’s 2006 effort Threes and their return in Trust the River, Sparta’s Jim Ward has ventured off the beaten path with his songwriting by delving into folk and indie rock with his other projects under his own name and the band Sleepercar, respectively. Some of those homegrown hints have seeped into Sparta’s water on their first album in 14 years on what is a fitting return to ground-level after gravitating far above the horizon for so long in the band’s early catalog. Trust the River communicates with these times’ political landscape as well as the complexities of our own personal relationships in that way where Sparta’s roughened melancholia can feel like a faded picture. This time, it’s easier to see the faces from down here on Earth, and they’re wearing heavy emotion.
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There are five members in the pan-Californian band SPICE who’ve contributions lay equally on the surface of their eponymous debut album’s crackling, rocky complexion. At its epicenter of those fault line is most notably that of vocalist, CEREMONY frontman Ross Farrar alongside fellow CEREMONY drummer Jake Casarotti, bassist Cody Sullivan (No Sir, Sabertooth Zombie), guitarist Ian Simpson (Creative Adult,) and violinist Victoria Skudlarek. The collective’s “deliberate isolation of pain” through a fascia of hardcore and indie rock channel themselves through in non-stop urgency that makes for one of the year’s most rewardingly thrill rides in anxiety-riddled head charges and whirring melodies. Pop-induced, billowing in the air, and heavy like a pile of bricks at once, and when all of these elements atomize onto one slab, we hear how pain even in isolated form comes in many forms.
Sprain - As Lost Through Collision [The Flenser]
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Sprain’s As Lost Through Collision is an album that will test your patience. Across seven tracks in super-length spans, the listen lingers, reawakens, and stretches out time to defy the space is consumes. Alex Kent and April Gerloff, who early on the band’s catalog sought to realign elements of slowcore and post-hardcore in a meditative sense, now have piled on a heavier rig of louder influences pulling from the Flenser universe of black metal and post-rock, with the addition of second guitarist guitarist Alex Simmons and drummer Max Pretzer assisting in the moving of concrete walls and steel beams in their sound. Whatever they are building, they eventually redesign or break down, leaving your bereft in its glum.
Touché Amoré - Lament [Epitaph Records]
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Touché Amoré’s fifth studio effort Lament is a duality in natural evolutions for the Los Angeles post-hardcore band. In one respect, it deals with the fallout of grief laid bare on the band’s 2016 album Stage Four and in learning to coexist with those emotions, for better or for worse. In another, the listen marks another seismic shift in pushing the boundaries of their progressive hardcore sound into bigger, more ambitious territories with the help of veteran rock producer Ross Robinson, who has guided genre classics by everyone from Korn and Slipknot to the Blood Brothers and At the Drive-In. In giving themselves a larger arena to shout into, there still is no ceiling too high in sight for how far Touché Amoré can climb out of life’s murk.
Thou & Emma Ruth Rundle - May Our Chambers Be Full [Sacred Bones Records]
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Emma Ruth Rundle’s manifestation of doom unfurls naturally through knots of haunted folkwork and sludgy feedback, while the heavy experimental metallic atmosphere of Thou has proven to have a way of melding itself around whatever surroundings its thicker air seeks out. On May Our Chambers Be Full, a collaborative effort between the two forces in metal, the two build a monument for the human experience’s polarities in its joyous desperation and immense sorrow through a sound formed in grungy pits and sky-scaling alternative anthemry. If this one feels like it’s tearing every emotion straight from the chest, it’s only because Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou have a natural sense as to where they beat most heavily.
Truth Cult - Off Fire [Pop Wig Records]
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Truth Cult is breaking out of the Baltimore hardcore scene with their debut full-length Off Fire, released fittingly on local scene label Pop Wig Records (the label ran by members of Turnstile and Angel Du$t.) Its membership is familiar with spaces that form pits, as it collects members of Give, Pure Disgust, and Red Death, and their sound touches on the gruff post-hardcore rumblings of its surrounding environment. For context, they’ve opened for Lifetime, and have a very Dan Yemin-like energy to their sound that deadlifts a weight similar to what Paint It Black and Open City are throwing down. Off Fire is similarly politicized and swings hard, but that takes nothing away from the melodic gravity of the LP in a way that hears Truth Cult’s sound living up to the elements of its title.
Uniform - Shame [Sacred Bones Records]
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Shame, the third studio effort from combustible Brooklyn industry noise torchers Uniform, sets out to rid the self of that which destroys us from the inside out. What’s different about this beastial incantation from the trio’s past releases is how it much raw the internal wounds look on the surface, as the album unburdens itself of conditioned self-hate and constructs a effigy for all that pain to set into flames. It’s a self-immolation of the soul in which frontperson Michael Berdan screams through the smoke, his voice often engulfed and dissipated in a razor burn of guitars and fuel-doused drums. To free themselves it all, Uniform sees no other way out beyond setting themselves on fire -- and burn gloriously, at that.
War On Women - Wonderful Hell [Bridge Nine Records]
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Wonderful Hell was released days ahead of this year’s critical presidential election, and War On Women had a concentrated reason as to why: The rallying cries and calls for action hurled into the masses by Shawna Potter made for one last push of resistance against these last four years. Now that we’ve overcome the first hurdle, the Baltimore punk band’s third album serves as a reminder as to how much more work there is to be done. Their agenda hasn’t changed all that much since 2017′s breakout Capture the Flag – defeat fascism, fight for equality for both women and the marginalized, make misogyny and any form hate extinct – and they’ve sharpened the edges of their razor-backed melodic punk anthems here to make their ultimate end-game clear.
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maverick-guy · 3 years
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2012’s successor, quarantine life, the Philippine government, and everything else in between
To begin with, 2020 seemed dreamlike – this year was somewhat a clash of heavenly entities and hellish forces. The universe was not kind to us this time. Doing activities and routines outside were put to a halt, but with humans' confinement in their houses, it made our situation worse. 2020 has been a fast yet long year, and we may all feel that time now is linear.
Allow me to borrow a line from the 1972 film Grease: This is the life of illusion, wrapped up in trouble, laced with confusion.        
Most would agree that the words above sum up the year 2020. An unfortunate series of events have taken place – from the Australian Bushfire crisis, the Iran-US conflict to earthquakes in Mindanao and the eruption of Taal Volcano in Batangas – and these events have transpired in the first quarter of 2020. It seems like a frightening state to begin the year.
Afterwards, life was starting to be okay. People were adjusting with initial solutions to problems and ready to start anew, but coronavirus emerged. Reports say the first local coronavirus case struck in January – and due to a rise in positive cases, collective fear transpired in March, thus declaring coronavirus as a pandemic.
During the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in March, changes were relatively minimal since people could continue their businesses at home. But some of which lost their jobs resorted to starting food businesses or grieve because of said situation.
It's funny yet disturbing to witness that the government officials thought of matters that are supposed to be "important", but negate the needs of ordinary citizens. There were also debates about the enforcement of travel ban during the first quarter of 2020, but to our disdain, it was never taken seriously. In the end, we suffered a lot from their gambit during people exclaiming for assistance.
People get nervous each time the government transitions to the loosened GCQ. Businesses, travel, and movement imposed some restrictions, but there's the liberty of people to go out and do [unimportant] stuff. Some boomers also mentioned that this pandemic is a divine intervention, telling us to step up our faith and keep praying until we see the hope of day. So weird to think of.
As time passes by, everyone has set and bat their eyes on social media. With boredom and temporary pleasure, the rose of TikTok dance challenges has become a trend, along with experimenting DIY recipes and snacks. The creation of support and humorous Facebook groups has also been a craze, helping us cope while in quarantine by sharing memes, tips, tricks, tutorials, and advice according to members' inquiries and concerns.
Though these temporary distractions made us somewhat feel on edge, social hurdles increased such as unemployment rates. A few lucky corporate employees are compelled to the transition to work from home; and for students to continue their education online. Some were not ready for this sudden change of lifestyle as they may lack the resources and mental capacity to keep moving forward. Along with financial issues inflating, hopes and dreams feel deteriorated.
2020 did not feel the need to stop, as it delivered more than we ever expected. There is the shutdown of ABS-CBN, the demise of George Floyd, hence advocating the socio-political movement #BlackLivesMatter, and the implementation of the Anti-Terrorism Bill, as it being unconstitutional inflicted dangerous implications towards the society.
Throughout the ber months, people thought of celebrating the holidays is something we all looked forward to, yet another shooting incident caused by the police emerged. Jonel Nuezca, an off-duty police officer, shot his two unarmed neighbors, Sonya and Frank Gregorio, due to a heated discussion over right of way and the use of a boga. The untimely shooting incident emerged on social media, along with netizens expressing their protest with the acronym A.C.A.B (All Cops Are Bastards), and the hashtags #StopTheKillingsPH, #JusticeForSonyaGregorio, among others. These phenomena struck us of the social realities we ought to face.
Not to mention some of the heart-breaking deaths of celebrities this year: NBA legend Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna, actress and singer Naya Rivera, and YouTube vlogger Lloyd Cafe Cadena, made us feel disposable. Netizens can’t help but spit these words with spite: GRABE KA, 2020!
Once a new year has come, people always claimed that it would be their breakthrough. 2020 was the most anticipated year for redemption, but unexpected turnovers left us clueless on what’s in store for us in the following days, dominating anxiety and resentment. It is then claimed that this pandemic may change our lives forever.
People could go all night, overthinking about the simplest and pettiest stuff. With chaos going on, the utmost priority should be safety, security, and survival. One's daily routine felt timid, hence the desire to feel free again. People are now forcing themselves to perform their duties and just call it a day.
No one gets ready for a pandemic. There may be warnings beforehand, but it isn’t the ordinary citizens’ fault – it’s the government’s accountability to look after. As much as possible, I do not want to sound overly political, but the government’s incompetence affects the rise of numerous COVID cases each day – why plenty of Filipinos still suffer and plenty of then-employees remained jobless.
It’s a good thing that searching for new ways to thrive is an innate feature we acquire. However, I also do not want to glorify our resiliency, as being a Filipino is commonly construed as “resilient people.” If there comes a similar situation in the future, people should use their “resiliency” to stay at their homes, and be careful at the very least. But one thing that needs to be changed is the decision-making and planning of our government officials. The birth of our chaos came from them, so it shall end from them.
We are close to bidding farewell to 2020, yet the glimmer of hope seems far away to be achieved. Ambiguity lingers as we ask ourselves “What does 2021 have in store for us?” Are there people still looking forward for more pains and unfavorable events and perceive them as a leeway to unlock the tool of growth and our power to keep moving forward? Are we still going to settle for the bare minimum and keep our “resiliency” intact?
With all these points elaborated, this now begs the question: did the world really end in 2012? Or these unfortunate events are just unusual to us and we are, more or less, capable of taking action to undermine our demons?
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therucrap · 3 years
Welcome back to my RuPaul’s Drag Race season 13 Rucrap - episode 3! Please share and like if you enjoy!
Before we dissect the good, drag, and the struggling in this final chapter of a herstorical three-part premiere I have to commend the show on a refreshed rollout that, while longer than ever, allows the C.U.N.T.enders more time to introduce their talents on the only TV show that requires contestants to be designers, models, actors, dancers, singers, comedians, sometimes cheerleaders, and queer trauma storytellers. Now that I’ve said one nice thing about our favorite gay past time, let’s rip it to shreds, mawma!
We pick up right where we left off with the winning queens piling into the DIY Werk Room lounge after a largely successful challenge with no bottoms, their self esteem higher than the Covid rates in Puerto Vallarta after Shangela’s vacation. These lucky queens have been praised for two consecutive weeks and their egos are inflated to full Macy’s Day Parade levels. The smug champs head back to their rooms to admire themselves and it’s time for a new day with our scrappy Have Not’s! Denali, Joey Jay, Tamisha Iman, Rosé, Utica, & Kahmora Hall return from exile on Porkchop Island ready for revenge and in spite of their initial losses are chomping at the tit to prove their worth. Facing mortality has renewed their fighting spirit and these scrappy misfit toys are determined to band together and not only level up with their winning counterparts but outshine them.
Coach Ru arrives to let the Bad News Bears know that they’ll be competing in a nearly identical version of last week’s mini-challenge runway featuring “Lady and the Vamp” looks and like that they’re off! The group hurriedly prepares for battle and when most of them are eyebrow deep in makeup the attention goes to Kahmora who is still gingerly applying primer. We learn that makeup takes her up to six hours on a normal day which is unfortunate considering their slim one hour time limit to get completely frocked. The bedragged crew begins lining up for the runway but a still bare-faced Kahmora is left alone in the Werk Room now spinning out and what seemed like a bit of playful editing at first is now a full code red as production comes to a halt to locate our fashion sloth.
Things finally get started in the runway blackbox where Rosé, Denali, and Tamisha make the biggest splash - Rosé is Fashion Week ready with two cheeky high-fashion concepts, Denali with a playful textured dress and a sheer gown with exposed cage, and Tamisha surprises the judges with youthful pink harem pants and an Elvira look made completely of hair. Utica continues to bring her signature brand of wackyness in two looks featuring Chuck E. Cheese pit balls, Joey skips wigs completely and wears a black bodysuit and chains that screams S&M by Rihanna on a Monday at Micky’s, and Kahmora’s looks are simple which is concerning because she would have had to juggle fire on a unicycle to make the make up for the production meltdown she just caused.
As our unlikely heroes de-drag we see how this rag tag group has trauma-bonded and Tamisha really is the heart of the group. At around 20 years their senior she’s competed in over 200 pageants, won half of them, and has biological children older than her fellow competitors. Before our bonding campers can relax and begin a rousing rendition of Kumbaya, Ru arrives just in time to return us to a familiar panic and introduces the main challenge. They’ll be writing a verse, performing , and hopefully improving the cringey, mid-tempo spoken-word rap Phenomenon from RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! They head to the runway for rehearsal where pro-dancers Denali, Rosé, and Joey try to out-choreograph each other, an already disadvantaged Kahmora struggles to catch on, and house mom Tamisha thankfully steps up to get the team on the same page.
It’s finally challenge day and while painting Kahmora divulges that her boyfriend of eight years doesn’t support her drag career and Tamisha tells us about her legendary drag dynasty, specifically her late daughter Tandi Iman Dupree who is best known for a viral Youtube video cum drag touchstone where she drops into a death-defying split from the rafters over a pageant stage dressed as Wonder Woman to I Need a Hero. If you haven’t seen it go treat yourself to one of the most impressive displays of drag audacity in recorded history.
This week’s guest judge is the charming Nicole Byer known best for letting contestants down softly on Nailed It. The queens perform their drastically improved version of Phenomenon with particularly well-branded and ear-wormy verses by everyone but an uncomfortable and robotic Kahmora. The category is “We’re Here, We’re Sheer, Get Used to it” and big praise goes to the super-watchable and well-dressed Denali and Rosé. Joey, Utica, and Tamisha are celebrated but given small critiques on repeating silhouettes, look cohesiveness, and low energy respectively. Thankfully for Kahmora there are no eliminations this week because she predictably fares the worst and is told by the panel in no uncertain terms to get a personality. The top two are Denali and Rosé who face off to the iconically unsubtle gay anthem “If You Seek Amy” by Britney Spears. Denali can finally show her full dance potential in a ice skate-free performance and she snatches the $5,000!
Join me next week where our rival dance crews finally reunite and the eliminations begin! Like and share if you enjoy!
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nolancox81-blog · 4 years
Short review about Omniblend: A Contract Food Manufacturing
Whether you're maintenance of your wellbeing, a household cook, then a smoothie-shop proprietor, or merely big into DIY, a priceless add-on to your kitchen is an excellent blender. But just because it is invaluable does not indicate you want to pay for any cost tag for it.Power - This really may perhaps not be the amount thing to look for in a blender, however nonetheless, it surely does help together with everything you may desire to utilize it to get. Much more energy means you may not have to prep your foods too much when building a smoothie - do not cut your fruits into portions let the blender do it personally. Of course, if your concoction is thick, a blender will be able to interrupt all the way through it. Such a thing over 1HP must do well.Blade design - All of the horsepower from the entire world doesn't mean much if the blade layout isn't great. The blades will want to be able to produce a vortex, pulling every thing from the blender down to them to become boiled into a thousand pieces. Additionally, it is great to have blades that get close to the bottom of the pitcher, so and so food pieces don't get stuck inside that mystery zone in between the blades and also the bottom of the pitcher.Has that a plunger - Now, I understand a number of these premium superior blenders available claim they don't want plungers in any respect. Of course, when that were authentic, it would seem amazing. But from that which I have noticed, no blender can promise that it does not need some josteling. Possessing a plunger that could jostel the foodstuff inside the toaster whilst the grinder is operating is a huge - With and the cabinets overhead can be a real nuisance! I really can't consider how many times I'd have knocked within my blender if it did not fit underneath my cabinets. And knocking over a blender while it is running will not be fun indeed.Has a good warrantee - In case you will find something you wish to last for long haul, you should really make sure it has a wonderful warrantee. For the purposes, let's state it should have no less than the usual 7-year warrantee.Right! That's really the matter? After all, even if money was no object, it'd not be any issue locating a bean that satisfied all those requirements.But discovering one who is going to do that without breaking up the financial institution is not the same story entirely. That's where the Omniblend arrives right into playwith. By fulfilling all previously, and costing at just $279 67146, this is genuinely the ideal blender for your money. Over the last year, the momentum of food-waste decrease is now a major concern within a global, national and business degree. At the USA , the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and also Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found the U.S. food-waste Challenge"to direct an essential change in how we consider and handle meals and meals waste within this nation." Business leaders like the Food marketing and advertising Institute (FMI), the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), and the National Restaurant Association (NRA) joined forces at the food-waste Reduction Alliance (FWRA) to discharge their first questionnaire, offering sound industry waste and recycling data across the production and retail/wholesale businesses. This info may induce companies to not only consider its commitment to food waste loss, but also the way it assigns charge towards the waste.According into the FWRA, '' the U.S. food manufacturing industry made over44.3 billion pounds of food waste at 2011. Waste generation creates lower profits during the distribution chain, resource inefficiencies and noticeable environmental influences. With food manufacturers recycling or donating 94.6% of their throw away, the has definitely seen more applications for food-waste. The greater issue today is locally identifying/reducing special solution throw away and linking it back to the ultimate price of their product.Product costs are generally calculated with materials, labor expenses and overhead. Food manufacturers use the bills of materials (BOM) to learn the cost of supplies like raw elements and packaging materials. Along with labor costs, overhead broadly speaking includes insurance facility/equipment costs, utility outlays, depreciation and salaries. Among BOM being used by all services and products At the food manufacturing industry, the cost of waste is spread. By way of example, there isn't any delineation between your garbage created also the waste associated with the bread and also by way of a niche bread. The throw away each product's total cost does not influence the cost of the item. Government and marketplace targets in 2014 will remain steadily to pressure meals manufacturers, retailers/wholesalers as well as also the restaurant/foodservice business to think about environmental and social expenses of foods items dues. Internally, the constant momentum will probably be driven with the identification of this supply of waste. Throw away tracking systems offer companies the chance to monitor specific product waste amount. By pinpointing the purchase price of a garbage flow, this info can be related by a manufacturer back to the cost of a specific product line. Ultimately, the pricing structure will then be much more accurate index of cost tag because influenced from the cost-per product.In overview, food-waste calculated onto a high level with operations makes an inefficient pricing strategy. The expense of food waste must be correlated into the product causing it.More and more plants are choosing a computer system enclosure to get a single rationale or some other, let's take a examine them and also to see if the funding would be well worth the possible saving.With most generation companies using some sort of transit system to monitor production and to run computer software programs that dominate the machines onto the manufacturing lineand they need to protect their investment from the technology, like a standard information collection position is thought to exercise at $2000 for all the PC system and a PC enclosure, in spite of this the yield on investment is documented to become as short as 4 months.Once the system cables are set up and also the Display enclosure is installed and fitted, the workstation and also the display will be fitted into the shell together with the keyboard at an telescopic drawer - why you ask?The fundamental reply is that the computer systems require protecting from your dust, grime and fluid from facilities, those of these components can decay the motherboard either the monitor, the the keyboard.The difficulty takes place when the manufacturing facility has a wash down area, as an ordinary Computer case has to be beefed up, changing light steel with stainless steel unit, normally connected with food organizations because of this manufacturing industry has to make sure their products are free of germs, that is the motivation they washdown at the least once each day. To acquire additional details on this please Go Here. Free of safety of the PC enclosure the tech will definitely neglect causing costly delays in comparison to the manufacturing line, those components offer IP56 and IP65 as conventional, these really are the opposite number of NEMA 4 and NEMA 4X (in metal ).These are metal casings that accommodate the computer monitor, processing unit and also keyboard, offering the perfect number of chilled, clean atmosphere to prolong the life of this clear answer along with minimize creation downtime.When in regards in compound manufacturers UK organizations could offer an assortment of chemical processing services both locally and even globally. Using a reputation for stellar chemical supplying, drying, and fabricating, enterprise is continuously received by united kingdom compound manufacturers . Manufacturers commonly work with pharmaceutical companies and fabric factories.Chemical fabricating plants may be responsible for creating the processes that result in creation of the item. The companies can fulfill customized orders from customers and use cutting edge engineering and advanced approaches to develop fresh services and services. The chief aim of most manufacturers will be to give clients with superior customer assistance, create the needed chemical stuff fast and economically and provide compound storage if needed, and match time lines set forth from the client.Dry powder, such as chlorine and sterile extinguishing chemicals, needs to go through a certain drying procedure. A compound manufacturer has driers which can dry batches at the same period and then package the substance at kegs or baggage for dispatch. Many manufacturers utilise a vacuum system to transport the sterile compounds, that means hardly any wax has been lost from the transfer from drier to shipping package.Chemicals used to colour paper, food, and also materials could be created in a manufacturing plant that specialises in dyeing. The maker may synthesise the substance predicated on customer requirements to make sure the correct colouring is created. Chemical suppliers UK dyeing techniques needs to meet with the standards needed to provide bespoke substances to industries all over the world.Manufacturers will take customer orders for processing and exhibit how they can meet compound production needs. Utilising laboratory processes, they report that the ending effect and then will continue to work about processing the specs. The manufacturer will proceed ahead to providing the sequence each your customer's specs, in small or substantial batches once the customer agrees. Companies who want sample batches of this product can depend on professionals to assist make just sufficient product for a demo run. Experienced manufacturers can simply move from producing sample sizes into a operation that'll produce the product. They should additionally possess storage selections for organizations which need to store extra item or need temporary storage till and including certain transport date.Outsourcing your manufacturing needs to businesses in the UK is a major enterprise. But clients will want to have a look at the products and services offered by each company to ensure plant can satisfy up with the provider's special wants. Chemical suppliers UK plants may offer international customers with a variety of manufacturing services, while still meeting the needs of community clients.What is more stunning is how our foodstuff manufacturers benefitting and ignoring that the damage caused by American overall health from mislabeling omega-3 on their services and products when they have additional omega-6 instead. And the trusting, unsuspecting American that has never the opportunity to look into this confusing research jumps onto the omega-3 ministry buying products off the shelf expecting that they purchased some thing good. From omega-3 eggs to omega-3 bread, also the addition of Omega 3 in their solution is plant based, the offender. Little did the consumer know that they just added chronic inflammation. "research shows that omega-3s found only in fish and a few plants really are"excellent" essential fatty acids, also help prevent heart disease. However, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) claims consumers're now being hoodwinked when it comes to omega 3 eggs. All these egg manufacturers, egged on by their trade association, is overtly putting omega 3 claims in print in front of their labels,'' realizing that is clearly a buzzword that will bring in persons," claims Michael Jacobson of their CSPI.On Thursday the company named on the FDA to enforce its own regulations and also stop the egg industry out of using exactly what it calls for misleading labels and advertising. "It's similar to using filtered smokes to avoid most cancers. It ain't gont occur. These eggs have been filled with cholesterol, and this boosts heart disease," Jacobson claims.The egg industry is not the sole culprit of economic fraud. It is uncontrolled throughout the foodstuff business and we are falling to it. And the FDA and the USDA, the opinion dogs for wellness that is American manufacturers makes it possible for this to continue. Michael Jacobson requires it fraud - my emotions operate to gross havoc, unethical, and one most destructive mislabeling of foods into wellbeing. And meats.
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15 Predictions for the WWE in the coming year
*15 WWE predictions for 2019
The past few years of WWE consumption has undoubtedly been, for the most part, a painstaking undertaking (no pun intended). But what can we say? We are fans, right? It’s the product we love to hate! Even when we have hit the power button on the clicker out of sheer frustration, it is undeniable that for many of us, wrestling is in our DNA. Whether you have fond memories of sitting with a parent or grandparent who loved it, or you were the kid who ran around the playground giving random students stone cold stunners, and telling someone you didn’t like (or did) to “suck it.” It is the reason we congregate on fan sites, video blogs, dirt sheets and the like. To hate it, to love it, to dissect it like that frog in biology. Picking apart every single outcome and possibility to create an equation that make sense to us.
In my fandom, I find it interesting to speculate, as I am sure many of us do. So the following is my attempt to play spoiler to the masses with a list of 15 predictions for the WWE in 2019: Some predictions are bold takes, and others not so much. Here it goes….
  1. Drew McIntyre will finally realize Mr McMahons prediction that he is a future WWE champion.
Perhaps not the boldest prediction, as it certainly seems that even before the absence of Roman, Drew was slowly being put in place to have a major run over the next year. Drews first run in WWE left a lot to be desired. Though, in the past he had shown flashes of the aggression that has made him a main event caliber performer these days, it is much more evident that he is more than capable of holding his own as a main event level heel on the main roster. I smell a championship in his near future.
  2. Bray Wyatt will become a top tier face.
Bray Wyatt has (what SHOULD BE) one of the best characters in the entire industry. But something is missing, and nobody knows what the hell it is. Not the writers, not the producers, not even Vince. The place went crazy a couple of years ago when a seemingly hopeless character in Wyatt, realized his potential and became the holder of the WWE’s top prize. But a terrible storyline and horrible execution, quickly de-railed his moment on top.
 Though we know that wrestling is character-driven, it seems that Brays character is viewed by officials as more over-the-top than it needs to be. There is no need to go back to the supernatural goings on that left crowds stunned during the unfolding of The Undertaker’s story. Bray is very capable of telling his story without tacky images of bugs on the canvas, and House of Horrors matches. If they let Bray BE Bray, they will BE fine. And I am hoping, as well as speculating, that they will in the coming year.
 Oh, and it wouldn’t hurt to have him win matches as well….
 3. Lars Sullivan will debut…start hot…and fizzle out, all in the same year.
Now, let me start off by saying, I AM being biased. But, that does not mean I am wrong. I look at Lars and I see a freakish looking individual with hands the size of frying pans, the strength of an ox,…..
and the personality of a paperclip.
And not those $1,500 gold paperclips they are selling online at Tiffany’s.
Also, not the paperclip that used to help you use Microsoft Word
(You know what? This might just be an insult to paperclips…but you get my drift). He is not good. He picks things up and puts them down. Even his finisher “The Freak Accident” is the manifestation of being aggressive AND lazy at the same time. Now, I will probably be proven wrong to spite me and other naysayers because the WWE loves that he is a homegrown talent, and they are desperate to create their own stars. I get it. There is just nothing that Lars Sullivan has done up until this juncture that leads me to believe he will be anything worth not taking a bathroom break for
  4. The Women WILL main event Wrestlemania 35
I mean at this point it’s a foregone conclusion right? The WWE has one thing they have NEVER had in their history, and that is almost an embarrassment of riches in the women’s division. You have Charlotte, who has already put herself in the conversation as one of the greatest female superstars of all time. There is the only undefeated NXT champion in history, and current smackdown womens champion in Asuka. You have Ronda Rousey who is a legitimate badass fighter, as well as a figure who can draw in the casual fan based on name alone. Finally you have Becky Lynch who has probably done the best job of any woman that my memory serves in getting white hot in an organic fashion. I don’t care if it is two of them, three of them, or all four of them. There is no better story going on this company than the one being told by the Women right now. They are the link between both of the main brands, and have managed to make things even remotely interesting. The main event scene in the womens division is the standard bearer for the entire roster right now. And if they are not the Mania main event, they have been robbed of history
  5. Matt Riddle will be the next face of NXT
NXT always seems to have guys who play roles for every generation of NXT. Gone are the days of Tyler Breeze and Tye Dilinger playing the loveable gate-keeping losers that Full Sail loved. No, that role is now reserved for one, Kassius Ohno. And on the flip side, you have guys who join NXT and ya just kinda …KNOW. You KNOW they are there to be champions and carry NXT into the next wave or phase of the brand. With Aleister Black more than likely to be called up any minute once his feud with the (former?) DIY members is done, NXT will undoubtedly be looking for a new face to usher it through 2019, and into 2020. Well, look no further than your resident King of Bros! It isn’t rocket science to see that everybody loves a flip flop wearing board short rocking blonde weed-head, with a theme song that makes you want to dust off your PS2, load up San Andreas and bust a cap in some mark ass busters! (I digress)
This is far from a bold prediction, but it appears Riddle is going to be the man that holds the gold in the coming year.
 6. Andrade Cien Almas will win the MITB briefcase
I know I know…You really want me to explain this right? Like what could possibly make me think that Andrade would be the money in the bank holder? Well fear not, for I have an explanation! And that is…that…I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY think that it’s going to happen!
That’s it. Nothing more to see here people!
 Seriously though, it would just look good to have him carrying it around with Zelina. And I correctly predicted the two winners last year, so I’m trusting my gut here.
 7. The Undisputed Era will be the next big faction
Teams coming out of NXT have gottn really bad deals on the main roster. However, I don’t see that happening for Undisputed Era. There is too much talent and too much personality and chemistry between the four of them, to allow it to go to waste. I predict they will be the greatest faction to make the jump to the main roster out of NXT.
 8. Ember Moon will be Smackdown womens champion
Yes, I know she Is a RAW superstar, but with the new announcement that the McMahon family is essentially taking over both brands from….well….themselves? It would stand to reason that the brand split rules will not be as strict as they have been the past few years. The way that rivalries are playing out in the division we COULD see a scenario where Ember wins the Rumble and challenges the Empress of Tomorrow in a continuance of their rivalry from NXT and an effort to finally get that monkey off her back!
WOW I just booked that so GOOD!
  9. Braun Strowman is going to break things…. except for his streak of losing to Brock Lesnar
Like honestly guys….at this point, Braun beating Brock is just laughable. You would think that Brock SHOULD lose to a guy like Braun. But seemingly, Brocks weakness is guys that are actually smaller than him. It’s like Brock just can’t catch those little suckers! I don’t know if Braun will ever do more than break things and throw people, and beat up property, and people…with other people. But I know that whatever he does, it won’t be at Brocks expense.
 10. The Undertaker WILL NOT wrestle at Wrestlemania
Ok, this isn’t a prediction. It is a WISH. I don’t see anyone on this roster who will benefit from beating him or having a match with him at all. Stay home please!
                11. Mandy Rose will win the Womens MITB match
She has the 3 B’s on her side 
Blonde...Boobs....and Because….
Aleister Black will debut as a heel and exercise Finns Demon
Ooooooohhh! Sounds good don’t it? I seriously have no clue what they are actually going to do with Aleister once he hits the main roster. But I think a feud between he and Finn would be great, especially if we could get Black vs the Demon. I know we like to throw people on SDL from NXT in hopes that they are treated better, but I think Aleister would be a much better fit on RAW right now, since they are thirsty for stars.
There will be an NXT versus Main Roster angle in some way shape or form
I am of the idea that the brand split is essentially in the beginning stages of being over. While that may not shape out this year, I do believe that by survivor series, the whole idea of Raw and Smackdown competing just doesn’t hold the same weight. So barring anything unforeseen, such as renaming the ppv, my next best guess would be another NXT angle. Of course, this current group of NXT stars would be overall, a step up from that last angle.
Miz face run will be a total failure
The Miz is not a face! Mike Mizanin may very well be a great guy who communicates with his wife…loves his baby girl….lets his mother in law follow them around on tv…all of thay. But The Miz?? No. He is one of the constants in the WWE. Everyone knows Miz=very good heel. Idk where they are trying to take his character now after all these years, but I don’t wanna go along for this ride. Nope. Bring back old Miz!
 And finally….
The WWE is DESPERATE! Though the women are thriving right now the men have no such luck. There are many conflicting reports on the deal offered to the Elite, or if there were deals at all. What was rejected..who isn’t ready….blah blah blah. Listen, the bottom line is that if Vince really wants to get them there, they will be there. Kennys IWGP title run hasn’t gone the way one thought it would be after finally defeating Okada. Perhaps the people over in Japan know something we don’t? Plus I don’t believe these rumors about them rejecting wwe deals are simply to be taken at face value. I believe it’s a tactic to get people buzzing but keep them slightly at bay by sprinkling some doubt in there.
Either way, I expect for talks this year to start heating up out of nowhere and for us to see the former Bullet Club members finally make the transition back to the WWE.
    And that, my good people, are my predictions for the coming year in the WWE. Feel free to share your opinions on what was discussed in this blog OR  give your own predictions!
 Until next time…
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Avoiding the Corbusian Hellscape
The first few nights in my new Portland house, I hadn’t unpacked much of my kitchen stuff, let alone most of my clothes. Needing a fast and cheap dinner option, I asked my new roommates. As it turns out, walking just a few blocks in either direction gets you to your choice of food truck. I chose Korean, a place called Kim Jong Grillin, and walked down the street.
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Kim Jong Grillin consists of a semi permanent trailer and a tuff shed for seating.
Portland seems to have too many food trucks. The “Food Truck Scene” in Portland took off in the early 2010’s, as food trucks captured the food zeitgeist of small-scale, farm-to-table, obsessive newness, and cultural fusion in a way brick and mortar restaurants didn’t. But since that time, food trucks have come into their own in a different way. There’s research to show that food trucks bring street-level vitality to neighborhoods across a variety of densities, and can help revitalize urban brownfields. Food trucks also provide a relatively easy avenue for people trying to own their own business.
For the past week I’ve been reading Radical Cities by Justin McGuirk, a book about a new group of activist architects in Latin American cities. In the 1960’s, socialist regimes sought to solve the emerging urban housing crisis through the construction of megastructures, like Nonoalco-Tlatelolco in Mexico City, which was designed to house 100,000 people. It was also designed as the first of four or five other Tlatelolco’s.
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Mexico City’s Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, designed by Mario Pani, completed 1964.
We now know that social housing megastructures are terrible ideas. The motivating ideology at the time was an excitement to implement the ideals of early urban planners like Ebenezer Howard and Le Corbusier, who believed that you could plan and design your way to utopian societies.
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Le Corbusier designed some great chairs and houses. As an urban planner, however, his designs feel more like “brutalist hellscape” than utopia
In actuality, we know that social housing constructions like Chicago’s Cabrini-Green, St. Louis’ Pruitt-Igoe, and, of course, Nonoalco-Tlatelolco were far from utopias. The psychological effects of living in superblock housing have been well documented elsewhere: Jane Jacobs writes about how in Brooklyn, playgrounds ostensibly meant for children became dangerous and lawless places. In the early 80’s, Chicago mayor Jane Byrd and her husband moved into a unit in Cabrini-Green as a publicity stunt. They only lasted three weeks despite being surrounded by armed bodyguards at all times.
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Chicago’s Cabrini-Green. The dark black part of the facade was chain link fence. Whoever thought chain link would be an appropriate facade shouldn’t have been allowed to design anything, ever.
Justin McGuirk’s book focuses on a new school of activist architects who are delivering solutions that bring real change to their cities. These architects are obsessively pragmatic. They employ a DIY, ground-up spirit, simultaneously taking advantage of and working in spite of their governments. What’s also impressive is their ability to implement ideas that change lives now- not waiting until some ideal condition can be brought about.
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Quinta Monroy, designed by ELEMENTAL (A.Aravena), photos Archdaily. 
For example, in Chile, architect Alejandro Aravena built 93 half-houses. Aravena’s team came across a challenge with some seemingly unworkable math: they had just $7,500 per family to buy land and build homes in the town of Iquique. So, they built each family “half of a good house, the half they wouldn’t be able to do on their own: namely, the concrete structure, the roof, and the kitchen and bathroom.” Over time, families would fill the gaps between the concrete pods, organizing the rooms as needed for the size of their families.
In Venezuela, architects at Urban-Think Tank (UTT) wanted to deliver sanitation improvements to the barrios of Caracas.  In 2003 they began installing composting toilets, since the slums are self-constructed and without sewage systems. McGuirk notes that the ideal scenario, of course, would have been to lobby for the installation of proper infrastructure- but according to UTT, “considering ideal conditions is a waste of time- the point is to avoid catastrophe.”
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In many places, urban renewal money is used for more conspicuous projects like aerial tramways, instead of clean water and sewer retrofits. 
Architecture projects like these ask us some tough philosophical questions, but at the same time, clear answers emerge when we bring them to the ground level. Is it OK to build people half-houses, where an entire extended family has only 30 square meters within a concrete cube? Probably not, but the reality of the situation is that the alternatives are slum-clearance evictions at gunpoint versus years of lobbying for more money, with no change on the ground.
In America, I think we are easily hung up at the philosophical level. It took us a long time and a sort of cultural perfect storm to accept restaurants that operate out of vehicles. When I grew up in California, they were known as “Roach Coaches,” a far cry from artisanal PB&J sandwiches (you can’t make this stuff up, folks). As it turns out, not only do we accept food trucks, we have learned to embrace it; and in doing so have seen how food trucks can perform a sort of “urban acupuncture” and revitalize dead spaces like parking lots (to borrow McGuirk’s phrase).
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DPZ coDesign’s plan to house their “Bento Cabins” in a parking lot.
I wonder what the housing equivalent of food trucks will look like. Would we be OK with temporary mobile home parks in the parking lots of closed-down big box stores? I’d argue this isn’t a distant future for the Wal-Mart parking lot in Boulder, which I wrote about a few months ago. In McGuirk’s book, he has another example where architects were able to revolutionize a favela in Brazil just by using marking paint to mark out city blocks among the sprawl (the re-introduction of streets created visible, safer public spaces). What if we do the same to the parking lot in Boulder- mark out plots of land and give people living in their vehicles some (admittedly bare-bones,) structure?
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In the past, the city of Seattle experimented with regulating tent cities. Photo Seattle Times.
I know, because I have the same gut reaction: this is America. Living in a DIY-trailer park in an abandoned mega parking lot shouldn’t be the reality of life for a family. And yet, it’s probably better than living in one of the underpass tent cities all too common in Portland. It’s also probably better than living in the parking lot where doing so is illegal. In 10 minutes I found a 5th wheel trailer on Craigslist for $8000: this is housing a family could rent-to-own instead of trying to win the nightly homeless shelter lottery. What are we going to tell the 12,500 houseless people currently building their own tent cities in Seattle, that we should wait until we can provide them with higher-quality housing? At some point, isn’t something better than nothing? Is it more disrespectful to provide someone with sub-standard housing, or to continue to allow them to exist without any housing at all?
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recommendedlisten · 3 years
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There was so much new music in 2021, and at that, endless discoveries to be had from all ends of the style spectrum. Compared to last year’s feature, this year’s Best Breakthrough Artists continues to hear music expanding even greater beyond convention and border, with many of the below categories feasibly bleeding into one another if you give it a deeper thought. Faces fresh, some who've been bubbling under, and others’ time arriving in full, this is the story of 2021′s innovators who are changing the art...
Independent Visions
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If there’s one thing you should wish from today’s independent music landscape, it’s that the music actually sound uncanny from anything else going on around it. We were fortunate that this year brought more than enough out of the individual vision in sound, be it gratuitously melodic or beyond typicality and symmetry altogether.
Of the former, New Music and Big Pop, the long-awaited debut full-length from Philly trio Another Michael is an impressionistic balm of breezy folk and pristine pastel reflections. Brooklyn’s Lunarette, the band formed from the remnants of Gingerlys, opt to dazzle dream-pop with trip-hop refinements and crystal clear celestial production on their first EP Clair de Lunarette. Indigo De Souza adheres to no genre lines whatsoever, though the emotional thread throughout the Carolina songwriter’s music makes her second album Any Shape You Take all the more cohesive for it. With their debut full-length Modern Fiction, Toronto duo Ducks Ltd.’s superspeed jangle pop should on paper sound like a gauzy blur, but actually expresses every feeling in the body right up to the surface of the glinted sunlight.
Outlying amid all this, the definition of formlessness in avant-pop itself was challenged and, er, restructured altogether on Brooklyn duo Water From Your Eyes’ sophomore outing Structure. A far cry from their Midwestern namesake, Manchester's Mandy, Indiana are shattering industrial walls and redirecting movement with sensory-shifting experimental electronic bodies mounting in unknown spaces their first EP, aptly titled ...
Positive Feedback
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Shoegaze? Noise pop? Heavy pop? Heaven metal? Whatever level in the red it explodes into, the feedback-heavy sounds reverberating throughout this year’s breakthroughs put their own twist on static. Out in the Pac Northwest’s backwoods, the slacker-hacked, Oasis-worshiping indie rock of Enumclaw made for the ultimate shoulder shrug energy on their debut EP the Jimbo Demo. Not too far away, Portland’s Alien Boy let the fuzz sweep them into a euphoric state on their sophomore standout Don’t Know What I Am, while further down the west coast, Denver-based multi-instrumental Madeline Johnston mutated metal and a soft gaze with her experimental pop outlet Midwife’s latest effort Luminol. On the other side of the map, we come across a reverb rumble across country roads on Gnawing’s second LP You Freak Me Out, and are eternally blissed in youth with Brooklyn’s Hotline TNT and their DIY-drenched debut Nineteen In Love.
What Wave Is This?
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It kind of gets harder to support whatever is going on in the emo scene since it tends to breed a scene of cis het men who can’t be trusted when it comes to basic human decency, but at least these hot topics from outside the scene’s conventions gave us ample buzz. Treading that fine line of edgelord status without the problematic aspects of it in their tweets, Columbus’ for your health smashed punk and hardcore back into emo’s black eyeliner era with some righteous burns to bat on their debut In Spite Of. Tangently, Los Angeles’ SeeYouSpaceCowboy may be single-handedly helping resurrect mall-core -- pretentious song titles a go, but embarrassing choices in fashion and misogyny very removed -- with their post-hardcore hero-endorsed breakout The Romance of Affliction. If their degree of black-clad angst isn’t so much your style, consider Home Is Where, the Floridian band whose passionate, freak-folk imploded emo-punk DIY success story i became birds nearly started a world war over the merits of the scene’s fifth wave.
Hardcore: The Next Generation
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2021 will undoubtedly go down as a pivotal year in introducing us to a new class of hardcore artists who will be doing great things in evolving the scene for years to come. Wilkes-Barre continues to be its hotbed, with the anthemic, emotionally profound One Step Closer delivering through on early promise with their debut full-length This Place You Know. Their local peers in the Ned Russin-co-signed WORN as well as New York Scene thrashers EKULU see the whole world all the more uglier, and turn up the intensity in that view on their respective first LPs HUMAN WORK and Unscrew My Head. The energy is a seismic one felt on the opposite sides of the coasts, too, all the way in the cop-crashing Los Angeles scene with Section H8′s Welcome to the Nightmare and down in the red of Florida with Thirdface’s anti-capitalist, societal ill-decimating starting point Do It With a Smile.
Post-Punk Gone Wild
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Last year, we learned that post-punk would never die. This year, we found out that it has evolved tremendously from its familiar form to ensure that will never happen. Where as the art on our side of the pond is full of angles, motion, and mod impulses, something much stranger came across the narrows of England with its new crop of the sound’s next wave of innovators. On their debut full-length New Long Leg, the South London quartet Dry Cleaning stood out by way of vocalist Florence Shaw’s deadpan acerbic wit while their neighbor’s in Squid experimented with restraint and control on their live wire entry point Bright Green Field.
In a category all their own, however, would be Black Country, New Road, also of London, who threw everything but the kitchen sink into their performance, and that is stated sincerely as vocalist Isaac Wood and the rest of the seven-piece collective pulled in elements art-rock, post-hardcore, and experimental jazz to make their debut For the first time a theatrical thriller fit for a proper acting stage. Further out in the space-time continuum? Head about seven hours north to Glasgow where Nightshift were operating in a parallel universe altogether on their sophomore effort Zöe.
A Cosmically Conscious Rhythm
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You could feel the energy moving through the cosmos with these artists meditating on big thoughts, our culture conscious, and visions of a possible better world through rhythms gathered in the waves of experimental jazz, avant-pop, noise, R&B, and hip-hop, as Brooklyn multi-instrumentalist Taja Cheek, b.n.a. L’Rain, evoked the intangible through her debut album Fatigue and Charlotte rhymer MAVI ruminated on existential philosophies on his latest EP END OF THE EARTH. No more prolific in their sonic prose was Camae Ayewa, who as Moor Mother toed into 2021 on the footprints of an excellent team-up with Armand Hammer’s billy woods on BRASS, continues to level up with her most cohesive effort yet on Black Encyclopedia of Air, and adds an exclamation point to it all with her avant-jazz collective Irreversible Entanglements’ sophomore LP Open the Gates. At this rate, the universe better keep expanding, because it’s going to need more space for these big bang creations.
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happy2bmyownboss · 3 years
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It’s amazing to see just how far Shyanne has come in the past 9 months! Things have been so chaotic and so stressful at times but thanks to the support of our wonderful friends and family (and our AMAZING nurse) we’ve been able to keep most of our sanity! Shyanne’s made such great progress that she will no longer qualify for her home health nurse after this month... while this is great news we will be so sad to see her go as she has become like one of the family now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she starts a new chapter in her life as well! We’ve been making a lot of changes around here... like swapping our homeschool area and living room. Our homeschool area is now where I had originally imagined it would be but it’s still a work in progress. Thanks to the @stepup4students scholarship we will adding some new items this next week or so to help make it a more conducive learning environment for Mr. William and everyone else. Shyanne has been so pleased with her new play area and she has been working hard... so hard she refuses to take her regular naps and sometimes falls asleep while eating. I’m trying to get us back on the THM wagon and attempting a thyroid reset for myself as my thyroid went crazy during and after pregnancy. I get so upset by the prices of healthy foods because it’s like the companies just want to keep it so we can’t afford anything but junk food which is so full of toxins, chemicals, and unnecessary junk! In spite of this I’m on a mission to clear out a lot of the junk food that had accumulated in our house... quite a bit has been used up over the past two weeks of Pantry Challenge. The rest will slowly be used up and hopefully replaced with healthier alternatives. To help offset the price difference and help us to further rid our home of unnecessary chemicals I’ve decided to start making a lot of our cleaners and products. I’ll be posting our DIY recipes as I get them figured out and give them a try. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers! God bless you all! #chemicalfreeliving #momblogger #largefamilylife #specialneedsmom https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0IzTNjCMs/?igshid=olono1f8yupp
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focusinsite · 3 years
3 Hazards of DIY Market Research Recruiting
Market research recruiting seems simple enough: find people who can answer questions and share insights about a product or brand. How hard could it be? Similar to watching professional athletes make their sports look effortless, market research recruiting is no different. While recruitment may seem easy, there is a lot of work and coordination that goes on behind the scenes.
It’s been a while since we last covered the topic of the pitfalls of DIY recruiting, so we figured it’s time to revisit the topic, especially as businesses and organizations are ramping up to complete market research studies.
DIY Hazard #1: Shifting timelines
It’s rare for market research recruitment studies to stay true to the original schedule set forth. Experienced research consultants know that creating the initial schedule is more of a guide, and is likely to be modified many times before completion. Delays can be caused by any number of reasons. Sometimes a product or device to be tested doesn’t ship in time or perhaps the organization commissioning the study wants to expand or narrow its scope. Over the many years we’ve recruited for market research, it’s rare that we’ve seen a study adhere to its original scope or schedule. Flexibility is key and being nimble and quickly filling a study with the right people requires a devoted team whose sole focus is on recruitment.
DIY Hazard #2: Managing No-Shows
Managing market research no-shows creates a last minute scramble for the moderator and recruiter. Similar to shifting timelines being a given, most market research studies involve last-minute substitutions. Sometimes respondents need to be replaced because they’re a no-show, and other times the moderator realizes that a participant isn’t qualified and slipped through in spite of the screening guide questions. Trying to manage and mitigate the scramble of last-minute changes is stressful enough. This is often a breaking point for DIY recruiting teams, as they don’t have the infrastructure in place to quickly find replacements, nor do they know to recruit extra participants who can quickly substitute no-shows or misfits.
DIY Hazard #3: Recruiting for Online Studies
With so many insite research and consulting now being conducted online, in part because of Covid-19, there are additional steps required when recruiting for online focus groups. DIY teams may not be aware that in addition to vetting qualified participants, they need to also test and screen for technical and digital aptitude and connectivity. This is especially true when recruiting older demographics. While these participants may be fully qualified to fill a study being conducted in person, they may not have the skills or equipment to participate digitally.
There are many other hazards to DIY recruiting, beyond what we’ve listed here, but hopefully this gives you an idea of some of the challenges. When recruiting for any market study, whether big or small, it’s best to partner with a nationwide recruitment agency.
Contact us today to learn more about finding the best participants for your next study.
Original Reference: https://bit.ly/3mAZZ5p
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cruzmiqq385 · 4 years
Garage Door Spring Repair And Replacement In Pittsburgh
Table of ContentsGarage Door Spring Repair And ReplacementHow To Replace A Garage Door Spring Like A Pro2020 Garage Door Spring Replacement CostTorsion Spring ReplacementGarage Door Spring Repair & Spring ReplacementHow To Replace & Install Garage Door Springs
Measuring springs can be difficult; most individuals, even garage door technicians, sometimes have difficulty determining torsion springs. Ordering incorrect springs lose time and money. If you are unsure if your door had the correct springs, we recommend that you weigh your door using an analog scale. From my own field experience I would estimate that a minimum of 10% of the doors have the inaccurate springs on them.
We like to improve the garage door balance. A third alternative is to determine the door size and design number. After you gather the necessary information you can order garage door springs. Prior to getting going on the replacement, it is vital that we begin these directions with our sternest caution: CARE! Replacing garage door torsion springs threatens because the springs are under tension.
Important Site: garage door repair saddlebrooke
You could also damage home. We want your organization, but not at the expenditure of your well being. Doing the job right is your obligation. If you have any doubts about your capability to safely change your springs, we recommend you employ an expert to fix your garage door. Safety First! Then work.
90+ Best Garage Door Repair, Maintenance, Tune-up, And Tips
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Best Garage Door Spring Replacement
In spite of my high mechanical aptitude, even after 18 years in the trade I lost the end of my left forefinger. A few years later on I had 5 stitches in my ideal thumb, and a year later on five stitches in my left thumb. In 2004 emergency clinic personnels dug steel out of my eye and stitched up my ring finger with 8 stitches.
I am not so ignorant as to believe that I have made my last journey to the emergency space. Repairing garage doors, especially changing torsion springs, is dangerous work, whether you are a diy property owner or an experienced specialist. It is impossible to cover every harmful circumstance you may come across.
Pay special attention to the warnings that appear in red. ATTENTION! Due to dangerous actions listed below that can lead to physical injury, we advise that you thoroughly study all the directions listed below before starting your work. 2. 1 Two important presumptions will assist you perform this replacement securely. First, presume that the springs are going to break as you relax or wind them.
How To Replace Garage Door Torsion Spring
Keep clothes and body parts away from the springs. Wear shatterproof glass. 2. 2 2nd, assume that the cone will slip or take off as you relax and wind the spring. Keep your head out of the path of the winding cone. Keep your hands far from the cones so that if and when the winding bar slips out of the cone and your hand jerks up, the cone does not rip your flesh or cover your clothing and body parts into the spring.
3 Beware of older winding cones. These older Crawford and McKee torsion spring cones were made for 5/8" bars. Sometimes, however, the holes are too little for 5/8" bars. Whatever you do, don't utilize a 1/2" bar; rather, grind down a 5/8" bar to fit. I recently had a McKee spring let loose after winding since I utilized a 1/2" bar when my 5/8" bar would not fit.
The only safe way to change these older springs is to make a winding bar for each hole of each cone. 2. 4 The very same holds true of Older Overhead, BarCol and Raynor torsion springs that have winding cones with irregular hole sizes. If you place a 1/2" X 18" bar in a few of these holes you can move the opposite end of the bar over 4 inches.
Garage Door Spring Replacement: Reasons And How To Fix It
I've had a lot of the older cones spin loose from my bars, the last one producing an $1800 emergency clinic bill. If your cones resemble any of these, or if they have more than 2" of play, leave the job of setting up torsion springs to a professional garage door mechanic.
5 With the door closed, unplug the power cable to the garage door opener. Some older openers are hardwired and you will need to eliminate a fuse or flip the breaker. 2. 6 Disengage the opener from the door. Some garage door openers have a neutral position for the trolley detach.
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Express Garage Door Parts: Garage Door Springs
We do not recommend changing torsion springs with the garage door open. Opening a door, and failure to keep it securely open, can harm the door or cause serious injury. Extending the springs the width of 8 or nine coils is difficult, and leveling the garage door can likewise be challenging.
Managing Garage Door Spring Repair Costs
In addition to the torsion springs you'll need a minimum of one or two 10" vise grips, an adjustable wrench, and two 1/2" X 18" winding bars. The majority of hardware stores offer 1/2" X 36" steel rods that can be halved. You'll likewise require a firm ladder and a rag for cleaning your hands.
Finally, make sure your garage is lighted well. 6. 1 It is time now to unwind the old spring that is not broken. A couple of warnings are in order. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER touch a set screw without first placing an effectively fitting bar into the winding cone! Also, do not utilize box or socket wrenches for the set screws.
It's my guess that this is the number one reason for journeys to the emergency clinic for inexperienced property owners repairing or replacing their springs. 6. 2 The 2nd reason for journeys to the emergency situation room is most likely using screw motorists. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER wind or unwind torsion springs with screwdrivers.
Garage Door Spring Repair And Why You Should Call An Expert
John's Garage Doors
Tucson, AZ 85742
(520) 989-0381
3 To safely change torsion springs, utilize winding bars that are at least 18" long and which properly fit the winding cone. The edges must be sharp, cut at 90 degrees, not rounded. Rods 36" by 1/2" can be acquired at any Lowes or any hardware shop and cut in half to use for loosening up the springs.
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ayahne · 7 years
i can’t write, i say as i write 8 pages on Word
I discussed this simple little idea i had with @adelmortescryche from 2AM to 5AM and now it’s not a little idea. A lot of ideas thrown mostly randomly together on the same fic idea i will never write cause i write baaaad.
I call it : EdRi!!! On Para-Ice
- When Yuuri arrives at Wayne State to major in buisness and become a pro skater, he meets the four people with who he's going to share lodging.
- Ling is his age, he's a Xingian diplomat son that want to keep it low-key, and he's majoring in political science. He's a funny, eccentric kind of guy, and he makes Lan Fan mad.
- Lan Fan is « totally not » his body guard, and she's majoring in chemistry. She's a strange blend of calm and hot-temper. He likes her.
- There's also Phichit, ; he's younger, but so nice and enthusiastic ; he wants to do photography. (he's Thai and doesn't speaks much english, but everyone helps him and stick colored notes cards to everything and he learns quickly).
- And there's Edward Curtis, who is half cyborg, hot tempered, foul mouthed and full of shit and loyalty. He's younger than him, but more advanced than him in his studies. (« He's a genius », explains Lan Fan.) They got on like a house on fire.
- Strangely, even if they're so different from each other, they share the apartment fine. Lan Fan and Ed go run in the mornings, Ling cooks, Yuuri and Phichit go to the ice ring... They fit.
- Ed is a bit hyperactive, and when Lan Fan is too occupied to spar with him, he gotta finds something to do. (« No Ed, you can't punch people in the face. ») He visits Yuuri and Phichit at the ice ring, and he tries a bit of skating ; it's challenging, he likes it.
- Yuuri starts to teach him simple figures : a single-toe-loop, a sit-spin... Ed spend his time falling on his face because the automails are destabilizing him, but he's tired and happy when he masters a new move. From there, you can't stop him. Skating becomes the escape to his problems, and the guilt he feels.
- He comes to every of Yuuri's event to cheer him on ; he manage the panic attacks like it's nobody's buisness, and Yuuri starts to feel more confident. It's great time, they have fun.
- But one day, there's an accident ; the huge score board fall on Yuuri that just finished his routine. They have to amputate his arm.
- Ed has lived this before, and acts quick. He's there through everything, the hospital ride, the hospital stay, the therapy. With the others, he persuades Yuuri to get an automail (« Hey, we match now. ») He never let him wallow in his depression, and he puts him back on his skates with his therapist acceptance.
- They fight, with all the others, through Yuuri's terror of the ice, and slowly, slowly, he finds back his love for the ice ; he starts to skate again, to being confident. Ed does it all with him, he's his crutch. (« I miss two limbs. If i can do it, you can do it better. » And Yuuri does.)
(beware of the cut)
- "dude you can fucking make a quint and fly on the ice " says Yuuri "dont care still jealous" answer Ed, and they laugh and Phichit posts it on instagram
- Yuuri's like, welp, if you can do it, I should at least try and everyone screams NO because he's older than Ed. Except Ed, who's rolling his eyes being like, he could totally do it, he's older than me and just as flexible.
- They're both ULTRA flexible
- Cue Ed teaching Yuuri how to make some of his fighting moves on ice
- Cue Yuuri teaching Ed more quads
- All those EdRi comments. The first few are just fujoshi slobbering over them and their bromance, then someone who actually knows something about skating figures out what they're seeing and they sCREAM.
- And the skating fandom has a meltdown.
- Phichit posting out of context photos, like warming up when they're in weird yoga poses, and it seems a bit more intimate than it is.
- With tags like '#MySmolSonsBeFlexi' '#MustNotLetEdSeeTagsHeWillSlayMe'
- Phichit and all the others being DEADLY TIRED than his frighteningly prodigious friends not getting recognition just because they've got automail.
- Doesn't people realise that automail makes it harder ?
- “It's easier with automail ?” * Ed proceeds to detach his own arm and dump it on the stupid fuck's lap who crumble under the weight. * “Try lifting something that weight more than yourself higher than your head, and even spin with something ressembling grace when you have a brick instead of an arm”.
- Pole dancing class as part of the automail recovery therapy. Yuuri smiles, and he's like, this was totally for medical reasons.
- The ports gets cold and hurt when they're too long in the ice ring, so for when they train Phichit knitted them horrible arm socks (and leg sock for Ed). Knitting is not Phichit forte, and the mitts are ridiculous at best.
- Yuuri's favorite is a kaki monstruosity with purple polka dots, orange stripes, and some brown squiggles that are supposed to be flowers.
- Ed's are one atomic pink with red hearts on it, and a blue one with barely recognisable hamsters.
- The photos of them with it become viral.
- He decides to go back to competing, and he slays the handisport section. He wins all of the gold medals in the juniors, and then in the seniors.
- He's got a new coach ; she's pretty, kind and maternal, attentive to his anxieties and the fact that Ed is basically is contra-phobic object ; she's perfect, and exactly what he needs. Her name is Gracia Hugues.
- For his galas, he always do something with Ed (and either they do funny shit things, either they some mind-numbing show of skills mixing Ed's talents in flying martial arts and Yuuri's adaptability- anyways they're breathtaking)
- There's a fanbase dedied to their bromance, and some people do RPF with them.
- Ed browsing deviantart and diying a little bit (but save the nice, bro, safe ones on his phone.)
- Yuuri reading fanfictions, selecting the crack fics and the AUs to laugh with Ed, Phichit and Lin. (and Lan Fan. She's there, silently laughing)
- They're so much more low key about the bromance than Phichit and Yuuri that people have a lot more opinions about their bromance. And are sure it's a romance.
- Yuuri obviously finds it hilarious.
- Ed and Yuuri doing shit like this on purpose.
- One day on tv, some jackass ask if he doesn't miss his limbs, and Ed answers "thats equivalent exchange" while looking at Yuuri. The shippers goes mad, Yuuri goes awww cause he knows Ed meant it very innocently
- They only pop up in Phichit, Ling, and Yuri social medias because they dont take vids themselves or photos and even less post them
-  One day, there's an hORRIBLE rant made by a dude that says that Ed and Yuuri are lucky to have found the other because who would want any of those disgusting cripples
- and they're a bit hurt but not much because they told themselves the same thing since they got their accidents
- But Phichit sees red. He takes THE photo.
- the one after the showers after practice, where you can see skin, soft scars, glinting metal, muscles and cloth making it SFW, and no comment under it like he use to.
- It broke twitter
- (Yuri totally roasted the guy that DARED insult his idol.)
- Roy Mustang is an ex-man-single prodigy. He was adored by the public. When he retired, he decided he wanted to go into Amestrian politics (ie, the Army).
- He's the one that presented his old buddy from the army, Maes, to Gracia. (people all around the world whined when they announced that it was Maes marrying Gracia and not him.)
- Roy isn't sure if he's happy for both his friends because Maes became 1000% more annoying after meeting Gracia. (That's a lie, he loves them both and is more than happy.)
- When he became a state alchemist, his fans where like “fire alchemy ??? U SURE ?”
- Yuri Plisetesky is a die-hard Yuuri Katsuki fan, and he finds it unfair that
    1. no same sex couple on the ice, and it sucks because those two could do some pretty awesome shit
    2. Ed doesn't compete because not enough money and he don't care much for the competition ; he's there for the fun and for Yuuri
    3. he'd love to skate on the same ice as Yuuri but, eh, handi sections and mainstream ones doesn't mix. He hates the federation so much.
    4. no one knows about the handi athletes apart of Yuri and Otabek (because he whines at him) and he finds it the most irritating thing in the world, it's a TRAVESTY.
- And just, one day, he goes to Yuuri's ice ring, and he watches him, film him for future reference and manage to catch on film a *quad axel*.
- And the regular skaters, they're like "wait what" when they see the video of the first quad axel in history
- "but we don't know that guy"
- And one day, Viktor, dense fridge that he is, find irl EdRi doing some figures in a public ice ring. He goes to Yuuri, says something like you skate nice, have you considered going pro, and ed punches him because the dunce doesn’t remember sharing the ice with Yuuri
- "I was too fucking kind i should have decked him with the metal one"
- Yuuri is nrgh between "he punched Viktor" and "am i that forgettable"
- Yuuri's also like Ed No Ed Stahp. While smiling happily because spiteful savage Yuuri. Who doesn't want Victor to get hurt, but he forgot.
- "We said no punching, Ed"
- ”Ed we talked about this.”
- ZE discussion they have all the time ; "Can i punch that dick in the dick" "No u cant"
- And he can only punch people if Yuuri is okay with it because everyone deem that if Yuuri thinks a dude deserve to be punched then he deserves it.
- If Yuuri thinks it's time to punch someone then it's time. Yuuri's everyone's moral compass. Except he isn't a good moral compass, because sometimes he's sassy and spiteful.
- Yuuri with really long hair after he stopped mainstream mens singles.
- First he was too depressed to cut it, then he realized it's easier for the automail. The hair gets stuck less in the joints and if they're long you can take them out easier.
- Phichit doing artistic© photos of tanned light hair Ed and pale dark hair Yuuri and destroying Instagram
- Al and Ed have been apart since they were 8 and 10 and they had the failed transmutation that left Al in a coma for 3 years with nearly no memories of his brother, and Ed without limbs.
- They went to different foster families ; Ed with Izumi and Sig, Al with the Rockbell. And Al doesn't remember Ed much, only what Pinako told him (he loved you more than anything, he was persuaded the accident is his fault)
- Olivia Armstrong is Ed social worker. The whole Briggs team work in social services.
- Ed refusing to search for his bro cause he's sure Al hates him, and, sure, Ed hates himself but not to the point of subjecting himself to that.
- Yuuri comforting him when he has nightmares about it, not saying a thing when Ed cries at night cause he misses Al.
- Phichit  stalking the whole internet to update Ed on how Al is doing.
- Al being so admirative of E.Curtis works in "Alchemy Actual". Pinako wince in the background.
- Al finds it hard to connect E. Curtis to his brother because E. Curtis is notoriously secretive. No one knows anything about him.
- Al doesn't watch ice-skating, and isn't much a fan of phichit-chu. And no matter how many times he falls on a video of Edward C. he can't connect either of them to his brother. Pinako's starting to wonder if he's ever going to realise Ed-on-screen and Ed-the-alchemist is Ed his brother. She shighs in exasperation and wonder why he's so dense.
- May being Ling's pint sized badass little sister (one of many but his favorite even if loves giving her shit)
- May is irritating and wonderful and god he wishes he could introduce her to Al.
- May find Al by herself and is like “... most beautiful boy i've ever seen in my entire life omg”
- She posts photo of her and him on insta, and Phichit send them to Ed, he becomes crazy.
- Al being in a perpetual state of “Wait what” concerning her.
- “Beautiful girl came out of no where to talk to me and flirt with me and take pictures with me what'
- She starts talking alkahestry and suddenly he doesn't register her pretty face anymore she's clever who cares about pretty I can talk about alchemy with her !!!
- May finds him adorable
- Cue budding romance while their big brothers are having aneurisms on the side. Yuuri, Phichit and Lan Fan finds it hilarious.
- And at LEAST Ling can interact with his sister and NOW AL but ED REFUSES and he is sad and frustrated so he goes skating cause he has too much energy and "you can't punch people for the lolz Ed"
- Yuuri just sighs and pats him on the back while Ed screams at the sky and goes throwing quads all over the place.
- So frustrated he tries a quint toe loop, but "not a quad axel, i'm stupid but not dumb, only quadsuki can do that"
- Ed having super nice automail that Yuuri offered him with the skating money ("look, we match !", he says, a twinkle in his eyes, echoeing what Ed told him a few years ago.)
- Since Ed doesn't want to see the Rockbell and has a « 0 interaction » policy, Yuuri found that guy that lives in a remote part of Australia that does incredible machinery. They go once a year with the gang.
- Ed considering himself « toxic » to those he loves. Lan Fan decked him in the gut, Ling rolled his eyes so hard it had to be inscribed in a book of records, and Phichit insulted him in Thai. He tried this bullshit with Yuuri exactly once and never did it again.
- Mari straight up hit him with a pan. She reminds Ed of Izumi.("My foster mom hits me with her pan, too.")
- Following that sentence, people start to be suspicious about his foster mom, until they figure out Izumi and Ed love each other. Their love is just... violently displayed. And filled with martial art montages.
- Izumi and Sig already have a biological son when they adopt Ed. Aoi is totaly enamored with his « big brother »
- They adopted another child, a little girl named Nina. Her dad tried to kill her, and as of such she's sick. Her and Al are the reason he started studying organic alchemy in more depth.
- Envy is Ed biological punk rock but so nice older half-brother. He's androgynous and loves confusing people. ("Are you a girl or a boy ?" "no.")
- Envy avoids Al cause he feels guilty too. He felt he shoud have been there for his two lil bro, no matter how angry with their dad he was.
- When Ed and Envy gloom together, Lin/Phichit/Yuuri/Lan Fan comes to hit them and like "no we love you yes we said love shut up, up, we going petting rabbits"
- Hiroko, Izumi and Minako being BFFs and drinking together. It terrifies everyone. They comiserate about their spawns.
- Izumi's kid is in awe of Mari (as he should)
- EdxAngst + Yuuri/coming-to-terms-with-his-anxiety
- "Where did your... special style of skating came from, Mister Curtis ? *behind, a video extract where Ed is doing a double backflip on the ice, before launching into some capoara moves while Yuuri smiles and just cartwheels for the lolz*"
- Roy calling Ed “a backflipping maniac”
- Cuts to Ed doing a triple back flip and a single hand cartwheel or something right after. Just to see the expression on Roy's face.
- Roy having ten cardiac arrest a day. Riza laugh in the distance. (She laughs at his pain all the time)
- "Curtis, when your in an ice ring you spend more time in the air than on the ice, it's not natural"
- One of Phichit most liked photos is one of Yuuri and Ed twirling Elicia around
- Even if Ed isn't an official competitor, he has die hard fans, that calls themselves « Ed's Homunculi », and they're led by 5 people that nicknamed themselves with the primary sins.
- Yuuri snickers at just their mention. Ed complains all the time. (« NO FUCK LET ME GO IM NOT EVEN A PRO DONT PuT YOUR BOOBS IN MY FACE DONT EAT MY HAIR WTF. Why are you all so DISTURBING »)
- Envy founded the fanclub because he finds this deadly funny, now he’s mostly in charge of the social medias.  Ed is horrified.
- Scar is married to Lust and follows her everywhere, to every competition sighing all the time.
- The idea of Amestris’s Furher being enamored enough with Ed's skating to give himself a stupid nickname kills all of his friends of laughter inside
- Aerugo is near greece
- Xing is in east asia
- Creta is near italia
- Drachma is between finland and sweden
- Amestris between germany and poland, and Ishval between poland and Austria
- Father couldn't arrange another full country array, and eventually decided to let it go.
- Envy's real name is Nichola Elric
- Lust is Veda Campos
- Wrath is King Bradley
- Pride is still Selim Bradley
- Gluttony is named Emilio Abatucci
- Scar is Luca Campos
- Izumi’s kid is named Aoi Curtis
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