#and thats where the main cast comes in as the main four characters all try to work together to find a solution to appease all three sects
arolesbianism · 3 months
Thinking abt my salmonid ocs again... I need to design them soooo bad but at the same time I have yet to decide what to do with their clothes as while the traditional battle salmon pant would suffice my need to do needless extra work for the sake of worldbuilding is powerful indeed
#rat rambles#oc posting#splat posting#to be clear the main reason that this is a thing Im considering carefully is because these are historical salmonids#they would have lived about 200 years ago give or take a few decades#so comparably modern history but still old enough that cultral differences should be considered#mainly these guys are mostly salmonids from more wealthy tribes and only two of them regularly engage in combat#the other two are a part of off branches of the main tribe that handle trade and nature preservation respecively#the nature reservation being especially important as they have a recently discovered king salmonid which is already a big deal but said#king is also a goldie so its like a once a thousand year sort of event#now of course this newly found king is set to be cared for and as such will likely not drop for several decades at least#but given the importantce of this event making sure that the deep sea ecosystem is ready for it is vital#now one issue is that usually kings are allowed to continue their work until their health declines too much but usually kings are assumed#to be on the battlefield since statistically thats just the most likely job for them to have#but this goldie king is a part of the trading sect of his tribe so he is quite ill equipped to be on the front lines and survive#so theres been some conflicts within the different sects about how this potential issue should be addressed#and thats where the main cast comes in as the main four characters all try to work together to find a solution to appease all three sects#and by that I mean they fail miserably as this is the origin story of eternity's old tribe and its founder is one of the four mains lol#hey on the bright side only one of them die within the main plot but the downside is that she was indeed murdered by her insel ex gf#oh og eternity how terrible you are but tbf she was heavily manipulated into most of her actions and beliefs
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suffarustuffaru · 5 days
A while ago someone asked you for your thoughts on Garfiel. I figured the sibling set should be complete, so what are your thoughts on Frederica?
HALLO FINNB!!! interesting question :o my thoughts on frederica are. a little mixed. but ultimately i think what we’ve seen from her so far is interesting and that she has a lot of potential here.
we just dont know all that much about her :(( on one level i get it—rezeros cast is immense and naturally tappei has to rotate through everyone and give every character focus and spotlight at different times. but bc we dont know that much about frederica i feel like shes mostly just Kinda There, yknow? :<< we know way more about garfiel and i feel like frederica being kept on the backburner for so long kinda works against her and the emilia camp in general writing wise just bc she just has to be stuck in I Havent Had My Character Arc Limbo when the emilia camp is the main group we see consistently for rezeros main route ig. or at least thats my thoughts on it atm :<<
plus i was honestly kinda sad frederica didnt get to go along in arc 5 If Only bc she didnt get to see what her mom is up to firsthand. then theres the actual arc 4-5 interlude with frederica and garf trying to bond after sanctuary that i HOPE gets included in s3 :<< frederica is just lacking in screentime and literally almost any info at all for sure. which makes me sad bc tappei LET ME IN I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT HER !!! >:(((
and again i get it that tappei cant develop every character in existence at the same time. dude has to juggle the most massive cast especially by arc 7. but definitely this has its drawbacks especially with the way tappei writes everyone. bc at the moment frederica is one of the characters suffering the most from it—she appeared all the way back in arc 4 and four arcs later i cannot tell you all that much about her :<
i do think though that what we do see from her so far is interesting!! her insecurity regarding her appearance, like her sharp teeth, her being so fond of petra while also being so dead set on disciplining petra firmly when needed (which is sweet!!!), that one ss where frederica takes care of ram when shes feeling more under the weather than usual (which is Again super super adorable), frederica listening with a smile as emilia gushes about subaru to her. and also her just flatly pitying otto and hearing this guy say hes totally normal and being like “he Literally cannot perceive himself accurately at all” + dropping otto in the anime just to hug petra is fucking hilarious i need fredotto fics to actually acknowledge this.
but also other details like—and ok granted i dont remember every detail on frederica (yet) but leaving garfiel like that is still kind of. a dick move HAH. and i know her reason was smth along the lines of wanting to improve the outside world for demihumans iirc but like whats her Full Reasons for doing all that?? what was she even planning to do?? why couldnt she talk to or see garfiel more in this entire time period?? i think it comes with the interesting implication that frederica isnt entirely as nice and sweet as she looks—or at least that of course she herself is flawed. which is fun!!
also her relationship with clind is. ………..naturally of course i dont trust tappei with anything regarding children and clinds weird shit with children but ignoring tappei for a moment i do at least appreciate the complicated thoughts frederica has about clind. how she had feelings for him once and they still linger but she keeps her distance bc hes like That, you know? that feeling of broken trust and “i cared for you now what do i do with This Feeling” is So interesting to me i just hate clind’s whole thing with children bc tappei will never write it in an entirely serious and satisfactory manner 😭 BUT greed if and the dynamic between frederica and clind and frederica having to help kill / kill clind bc of greedbaru and echidnas shit is SO interesting (and clinds lore apart from being Creepy About Children is very interesting). but also poor frederica……….. ;-;
and poor frederica bc if the rumors about her getting more development by like arc 10 or 11 are true then shes gonna be stuck in I Havent Gotten Development Yet Limbo for a while ;-;
but yeah anyway. the frederica crumbs so far are interesting, the shit going on with frederica and garfiels family is Interesting, and i definitely dont trust tappei with children 👍 but i hope we get more info on frederica and that her character arc slaps really hard !! i Need to learn more about her!!!
im not fully familiar with fredericas side of the complicated family drama but if memory serves me right her birth was. not an entirely happy affair bc her poor mom has been through A Lot of shit and frederica was a product of that. and then her mom later tries to go find garfiel’s dad. like all of that is just so incredibly sad to me and again, i wish frederica was there to see what happened to her mom in arc 5, and also im curious about how thats affected frederica more in depth. knowing she wasnt exactly wanted. having these demihuman features from her dad (im assuming), whos also One Of the people who hurt her mom. knowing that she was born a burden, learning that her mom cant entirely take care of her and isnt in a stable life situation and almost certainly isnt mentally stable herself. garfiel coming along and their mom leaving. frederica leaving garfiel in sanctuary herself. her growing up admiring clind, which is an unfortunate parallel to what couldve happened with her mom and garfiel’s dad. its just so so tragic to me and theres a lot of things you could explore there!!
frederica to me seems like someone whos probably grown up too fast, who comes off as composed and very disciplined and likes taking care of others but also fumbles a little at growing closer and is insecure and uncertain herself even as shes good at being the older and wiser one to petra and later garfiel a bit. but also we dont know much about her so im kinda just spitballing here but she has potential methinks :,) im definitely sad that it seems like the fact that shes a pretty anime waifu or whatever kinda overtakes discussions on her character sometimes ;-;
and also one of my pals is really passionate about animals and gave me a whole lecture once a few years ago on why they think fredericas beast form design fucking sucks and i cant remember all of their points now but like i Will back them up i think garfiel and fredericas beast forms could look better but im not an expert at illustrating animals so HAH i cant speak on that. but def the eyebrows on the beast designs is so…… whaaaaat is that 😭 go FULL beast design or NOTHING. WHERE IS MY EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA BUFF FREDERICA BEAST DESIGN !!!
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also ngl i just think frederica looks really cute in this shot <333 ALSO iirc she feels like she cant wear cute outfits bc shes insecure about her body and :((((( GIVE THIS GIRL ALL THE CUTEST OUTFITS IN THE WORLD PLEASE :((( and also i just think its a tragedy just how much shes sexualized :(( and i just think there are. a lot of AFAB specific and girlhood specific themes you could explore with fredericas storyline but tappei is tappei so all the foundation is there but idk if i entirely trust him. but on another level i think its fascinating yeah!!! sad how much it flies over audiences heads sometimes.
in conclusion: i like frederica i hope we see more stuff from her. and im crying about how she reportedly wont be getting development for a wall :<<<<
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gluedwithgold · 3 months
Agent of Chaos AU lineup Pt 1: Cult of Chaos
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This is the MAIN main cast of the AoC AU (Yes Leshy is in the main cast but he isn't visibly present most of the time). Agares, Valefar, Amdusias, and Barbatos are the last remaining followers of Leshy before his imprisonment, I like to call them the Og four. After Fawn took on the crown and role of chaos god, these four became their babysitters and have been helping Fawn rebuild the cult of chaos.
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Agares is the oldest out of the four and was Leshy's first truly devoted follower. The imprisonment of his god hit Agares hard, he has become a lot more closed off towards the others and ESPECIALLY dismissive towards Fawn, seeing them as a false idol and trying to replace his precious Leshy.
Valefar is the mom of the group (and my personal favorite), she is the glue that keeps the group together as well as keeps their cult together. Originally she was a follower of Heket but left the old faith to join Leshy. Valefar is a strong, confident woman and I reaaally enjoy drawing her!
Amdusias has no braincells. Their head is completely empty and their character in this Au is entirely based on my own experience with them while playing cotl. Am always has a smile on their face and is always ready to go along with whatever shenanigans Fawn comes up with.
Barbatos is silent, being almost completely mute and speaks either through sign language or through the chattering of their head teeth. No one really knows where Barb came from but they are rocking with us so we are rocking with them. Barb and Am are besties and it's usually Barbs job to make sure Am and Fawn don't do anything tooo stupid and reckless.
And lastly, Fawn. Harbinger of chaos and vessel of the green crown. They are the definition of a wild child and the perfect successor to Leshy! I am a big fan of the "cute but dangerous" characters and being a young deer, Fawn is often underestimated and isn't perceived to be a threat by others. Thats all I'm going to say about them right now...
Some notes I didnt know how else to incorporate:
Witness Agares, He/him, 8'ft tall, Old man, Demonic bug
Valefar, She/her, 7'2ft tall, Adult, Bag worm
Amdusias, They/them, 5'7ft tall, Young adult, Chaser worm
Barbatos, They/them, 5'3ft tall, Young adult, Bobbit worm
Fawn, They/them, 4'ft tall, A child/pre-teen, Fallow deer
(When I find the proper credit for Fawn's pose I will put it here. I love Pinterest but HATE how pretty much no one is ever credited!)
Character lineups:
Cult of Chaos Pt 1 (here)
Court of The Red Crown Pt 1
Court of The Red Crown Pt 2
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hellspawnmotel · 9 months
What’s going on in project sekai. You make it looks so interesting!
oh uhhhh well. before you get your hopes up some of the stuff i drew is just edgy aus i made with a friend theres no blood or magical girl stuff its mostly just teenager drama. but anyway heres the deal
(disclaimer it is a mobile gacha game and those are predatory and addictive etc so yknow uh. use caution. imo though its extremely playable without having to pay any extra money)
project sekai/colorful stage is a vocaloid rhythm game where you unlock visual novel style stories about five different teen music groups who work through various problems and issues.... and also hatsune miku and her friends are there to mentor them. its got tons of vocaloid songs to play through, most with covers by the voice actors of the cast if you so choose, as well as a lot of songs made for the game, and even if you dont read the story stuff its just a really fun rhythm game. i play it basically every day lol
the groups are as follows:
-leo/need is four estranged childhood friends who desperately want to be together again but have to work through their highschool drama first, through starting a rock band
-(i havent actually read through more more jump or vivid bad squad so i cant give a good summary but theyre an idol group and street musicians respectively)
-wonderlandsxshowtime is a ragtag little group of clowns attempting to revive an old themepark stage and become famous as a theater troupe, with lots of goofs and hijinks
(suicide tw incoming)
-nightcord at 25:00 is my favorite group and the one ive done the most art for, theyre the only ones who are already an established band at the beginning of their story and theyre actually doing pretty well in terms of making music and gaining popularity, the issue is theyre all suicidal and have massive psychological problems. the main story focuses mostly on when one of the girls decides to, yknow, "disappear", and the others have to come together to try and save her. as you can probably tell theyre the group with the darkest story by far but also the best in my opinion. theyre so fucked up and i love them. also one of the members is (canonically) transfem nb so thats cool
so if any of that sounds interesting, give it a shot i guess?? i feel weird encouraging my follower base to play a gacha game lol so just be mindful. i started playing it just bc its a vocaloid rhythm game and im not good at project diva and i didnt really expect to get invested in the new characters but here i am. its also introduced me to a lot of voca songs i didnt know before which is always a plus!
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year2000electronics · 3 years
Tumblr's being weird and won't let me find the Dark Moon rewrite post. I think there was one where you explained the story behind it, at least?
I JUST HAVENT MADE A FULL POST ON IT IM SORRYYYY but i can do bullet points of what’s going down
- so basically this kinda comes from a place of me like. liking dark moon but wishing it had more Characters. so it started with making boss ghosts and then kinda escalated
- so the plot is luigi is looking for e gadd after he went missing in a place near the mansion called evershade valley, unfortunately along the way we see a flash of lightning, a scream, and then cut to darkness
- it fades back in and it’s revealed that luigi is now... a GHOST!! oh no! (this would be the main ‘gimmick’ of the game like how mansion 3 had gooigi as a big selling point)
- he realizes he’s in a lab and he’s been captured by a ghost researcher named professor evershade who said his ghostly dna seemed different somehow so he wanted to see more
- luigi explains the situation and asks if he can help him contact e gadd but all lines to him are dead- evershade theorizes that he must have been taken by the same spectre that turned luigi into a ghost, and luigi immediately goes ‘KING BOO....’ bc who else does he have beef with.
- evershade suggests that if they defeat the four rulers of the nearby mansions they can assemble the dark moon, an artifact that will make sure no ghost will be able to cause their own mischief again
- luigi agrees, and in the meantime evershade says he can try to work on a way to see if he can change luigi back from a ghost
- he uses the same teleportation device e gadd does in dark moon to get luigi in and out of evershades lab, and luigi usually winds up in the small garden which leads to the four mansions
- (meta talk here- the multiple mansion exploring and evershades appearance are meant to kinda trick the player into thinking that it’s a ‘different character same purpose’ scenario, like how both goombario and goombella are tattling goombas)
- (you also get access to regular luigi after clearing one or two rooms in the first mansion- this serves as a bit of a tutorial segment for ghost luigis abilities and how youll be able to switch between ghost luigi and regular luigi to accomplish different tasks)
- ghost luigi probably has the power of a portrait ghost himself, so would have abilities such as the ability to scare other ghosts into fleeing a room or scaring them into doing stuff for him (which would serve as both a puzzle solution and a short-term solution for any segments where you may be stuck as ghost luigi), there are also other abilities like passing through walls (but most new rooms will be VERY dark so it would be hard to suss out details), spectral wind, etc. regular luigi is the one able to catch ghosts though, and regular and ghost forms will often interact in puzzles like a slightly less co-op based luigi and gooigi system
- the first mansion, gloomy manor, is a pretty standard mansion, it’s very old and filled w cobwebs. the boss is a spider-themed ghost, madame moufette. she says the mansions been lost to time and now only the spiders and ghosts live there
- the second mansion, haunted towers, is... actually only a one floor lobby. it’s only when you take the elevator that you realize the entire building is underground and it leads you to a literal icy bunker where an arctic ghost, macready, has spent ages under the bunker and is convinced that a light wielding beast is hunting him down
- the third mansion, treacherous mansion, is a house of illusion, led by a chess-playing ghost named rook. there are stuff like portals, tv static, living suits of armour, the like. rook’s message to luigi is that not everything is as it seems in evershade valley
- luigi comes back from treacherous mansion and gives evershade the third piece of the dark moon, which is when evershade reveals he had the fourth piece of the dark moon all along- and. here’s where things get fucky wucky i’m so sorry
- evershade lifts his goggles and takes off his hat and reveals that HE’S luigi from the future. after the events of mansion 1, luigi eventually decided to become an apprentice to e gadd and became a full time ghost researcher. things don’t seem so different at first but unfortunately e gadd game-overs and so luigi is left all on his own. which is a bummer. with his mentor gone luigi throws himself into his work, neglecting going on adventures with mario to a point that he just stops getting invited... (took mario a VERY long time to stop asking though. make no mistake) over time he becomes a bit of a recluse and his curious and observant nature kinda becomes a hunger for knowledge... he wants to know just what the strange and unusual is and what makes it tick. he also starts using professor evershade as a pen name bc ‘dr mario’ gets people asking about his research for the wrong reasons. though not only does he become more curious but he gets very very bored. ghosts are just poltergeists, tricksters... they’re nothing without a leader. luigi tries to bring back king boo, he invents all sorts of things to try- but the one thing the professor did that he didn’t was invent that damn portrait machine (which has rusted and broken with time- it’s been like, 20-25 years at this point).
- basically, what starts out as ‘i need to bring king boo back so i can have a proper rogues gallery of ghosts to study’ turns into ‘i need to bring king boo back but why would i even defeat him? this is great for paranormal studies’ so yeah. now evershade would like to see the ghost world at its fullest power
- he time travelled back to the past to try and convince e gadd to free king boo (yes he made a time machine hashtag smart) but e gadd fights back, destroying the portrait machine he built. evershade is Angry about this and decides if he won’t help him... perhaps someone else will. his ‘time machine’ is actually a large building that affects all of evershade valley, so it, how it was 20 years into the future, was brought into the past. his backup plan was to trap luigi in evershade valley by turning him into a ghost and making him collect the dark moon shards that he had always wanted but couldn’t get (his ghost researching skills are fine but his ghost hunting skills are out of shape. he could have done that in the first place but he kinda wanted to see his old mentor again.)
- the dark moon itself is an artifact split into four parts bc its effect on ghosts is too much to stand, even for ghosts- it’d give whoever owns it absolute power over the paranormal world and its residents, so the four mansion ghosts have taken it upon themselves to protect them (evershades original plan also involved teaming up with king boo to defeat the ghosts and take the dark moon for themselves)
- (actually, the fourth mansion ghost is polterpup! the dark moon piece WAS in his collar but a certain evershade stole it after the doggy lets his guard down around luigi
- evershade, using the dark moons power, casts a blacklight into king boos painting and finally frees him, offering him ultimate power and ruling over ghosts if they work together as a team. king boo finds this hashtag funny so he’s like ok
- then, luigi gets teleported out of the lab before he can try and stop them. polterpup points him towards where evershades lab has been all along- the fourth and final mansion, old clockworks
- in there luigi finds e gadd being held hostage, where he reveals evershade was trying to threaten him into freeing king boo
- as ghost luigi you also experience side effects of the dark moon in this final dungeon, like controller inputs not working or luigi needing to stop and wrestle off a headache
- so yea... final boss is basically king boo fighting you and evershade cheering him on and you need to counter king boos attacks so that they hit the dark moon and destroy it
- luigi sucks up king boo.... LOL
- evershade is defeated and he doesn’t even have an evil monologue he just kinda stares at luigi unimpressed like ‘really? this is the route you’re taking’ and luigi silently just kinda grabs onto e gadd and whatever toads are in this game. and neither of them say anything
- somewhere in old clockworks a clock goes off, and all the rest of them do too (the one time you hear every clock in sync). fade to white and e gadd and luigi wake up in an empty field where a construction worker asks if they’re ok. pan out to reveal evershade is gone and there’s apparently a construction crew hoping to build four brand new buildings here in this valley
UM THATS IT LOL.... it’s rly overcomplicated i know. i’m sorry.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Pt.1 Pt.11 Pt.111
Pt.1v [wip]
[AIB Cast Masterlist]
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Summary: Ila,Ace and Chloe discover's that Dori's Characters are in their universe,but not only those 3 will know..but the other's will know too..soon enough
Warning!: none
Genre: Crack
Everyone stood silently there in the middle of the room,Dori and Ila went to the couch to sit down. Dori gesturing his Character's to si down too,Dori wad sitting right beside all of his Character's while Ila,Chloe and Ace were in front of them all. Chloe's eyes we're focused on Niragi and Suguru, she tried to hold back a smile that was forming on her face.
She was smiling all because of her favorite character existing in her universe,every fan would react just like her..except for Ace,her curiosity got the best of her as she examined all of Dori's character's is curiosity. Ila being herself didn't say a word,she is right now too focused on thinking on how Dori's Character's get into their universe.
"Okay now,how can I explain this to the three of you?" Dori said,clapping his hands while getting up from his seat "Oh!,I know how..so..ano...yesterday I came home from work and well..got inside my house to see these dudes here" Dori said,gesturing to the 6 of his character's.
"Just like that?,you didn't questioned them on how they all got here?" Ila asked,arching a brow"Well I did,and they were all the same. They said they fell asleep and just ended up in my house" Dori said,going back to the kitchen to grab the popcorn he made"So you guys just fell asleep?" Ace asked. All of them nodded eagerly at her "THAT IS SO COOL!" "I've Always want to meet you!" Chloe said excitedly pointing at Suguru and Niragi "well I would like it if you shut your trap!" "EEEEEEEEK!" She screeched almost passing out on the couch"gurl!,you Better calm down" Ila told her,while patting her shoulder"Oh come on Ila!,I know you're a Niragi Simp too!,you have to screech inside right?" Chloe said with a wide smile of excitement "well..i mean you're not wrong...BUT THATS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE" Ila said shutting everyone up"the problem is,is that why did they suddenly got to our universe?" She asked"true" Ace said crossing her arms against her chest.
"Maybe we should introduce ourselves?,or do you guy's already know who we are??" Ryuichi said,while petting Fanta that is on his lap.
After the whole chaotic explaining to the three girls,they all decided to hang out with each other..for example!,Niragi trying to avoid Chloe AKA his number one fangirl by running around the living room for some reason.
Ryuichi,Suguru,Mugi and Ace are in the backyard playing with Fanta,teaching Fanta Some tricks that the four know that dogs do. They even tried to train Fanta on trying steal Niragis rifle so that the four of them could bury it somewhere in the backyard as a prank...even though they are going to get killed after they got caught.
Fukami trying to flirt with Ila on the couch,as she watches the man's hand getting closer to her cheek,she panicked so she grabbed the nearest object that she could grab,and that object is Fanta as she held Fanta in front of Fukami's face as Fanta looked at him cutely and proceeded to lick Fukami on the face multiple times,which made Fukami scrunch up his nose in annoyance as Ila just wheezes in the background at Fukami's change of emotions.
Dori smiles at the whole scene as he was in the kitchen making sandwiches for everyone.Fukami came in the kitchen, turning on the tap and rubbing his face with water all because of Fanta's slobber on his face. Dori just chuckled as Fukami looked at him squinting his eyes a bit annoyed "And what are you laughing about?" Fukami asked him "Nothing,nothing!..it's just that try not to flirt with her,she's Islam and in Islam you shall not date but instantly get married with the one that you love the most" Dori said with a soft smile "Wait..so that means will she accept if i propose to her-" "No!,no she will not Fukami. She already showed on how she doesn't like you and that she is completely uncomfortable on watching your drama" Dori said,putting the sandwiches on a metal tray while grabbing one to only shove it inside Fukami's mouth to shut him up "Have fun eating Fukami kun!" Dori said grabbing the tray and walking out of the kitchen.
"Hey guys!,I made sandwiches!. Come and get em!" Dori sat the tray down onto the coffee table of the living room,grabbing one sandwich for himself. Ila grabbing one,when she was about to bite it she noticed a piece of meat in there "Is this halal meat or did you buy it from the supermarket?" She asked Dori "Don't worry,I bought the meat from the halal mini market that you always go to,so you can eat it" Dori replies,she shrugs and bit on the sandwich.
When Niragi was going to bite on his sandwich, Fanta quickly took it out of his hand and ran away to his dog bowl to eat it "Oi!,I already gave you food!" Niragi said as he chases Fanta around the living room. Everyone laughed at the scene as they all sit on the living room couches and decided to watch a movie together.
The three girls said their good bye after the movie ended, Dori closing the door as they left.
The next day,Dori already signed Suguru,Mugi and Ryuichi into their schools. Suguru explains to Dori that,that he forgot the he was a highschooler,Dori didn't believed him at first until he told Dori tye things that he learned from his school. Right now Dori is in his car with the three of them plus Taketo in there too,when the three of them first saw the principal of the school,they though that the principal will question on why Dori's so called Son's look exactly the same like on of his characters from his drama's..but surprisingly,the principal didn't asked at all. So all its left to do is to drop off the three of them at their school "Okay,we're here. You three behave..Especially YOU yous mister" Dori said,looking at Mugi from through the mirror "psh! What about me?" "Do not be H#rny to girls,just do whatever a normal high schooler would do,you got that?..or do you want to be suspended,because this is the only school that is a bit far away from the house" Dori explains "Okay okay!,I'll try my be-" "There is no trying Mugi,I want you to just be normal..ONCE!,I'm going to kick you out of the house if you ever touch any girls in this school" "Fine!" Mugi said crossing his arms. Taketo smiling at him "C'mon Mugi kun,you can do it!. And make sure you get straight A's!" Taketo said Patting Mugi's back,him still holding his broken electric guitar "Can we get out now?" Suguru asked,looking at Dori from the passenger seat "Yes you may,just keep an eye on Mugi here" Dori said,looking Mugi then to Ryuichi "We will!" Ryuichi chimes as the three of them got out of the car,leaving only Dori and Taketo in there.
"So,where are we going?" Taketo asked Dori "We're going to my work place where I'm going to shoot as Niragi and Suguru" Dori explains as he starts up the car again "And? Why are you bringing me?" "Because,remember that I told you I have a friend of mine that's in a band?,yeah that. He said that he needs one more guitarist in his band" Dori say's again as he drove off from the school. Fukami and Niragi found their usual jobs,Niragi as a game engineer and Fukami works at a Café and a partpart time professor at a college,than unfortunately..Ila was in.
Fukami begged to Dori that he wanted to be a part time professor in that college,Dori was confused until he realized that Ila and her other friends were in that college. He knew that Fukami liked Ila,since the other day Fukami was flirting at her,resulting a slobbery lick from Fanta after that. Back again,Dori parks the car at the parking lot of the studio as he and Taketo got out of the car,walking towards the studio "So who's this friend of yours Dori kun?" Fukami asked as he clutched on his broken guitar more "You'll see" Dori responded "What if people would question on why I look like you,or maybe they watched my movie?" "Well,most of them Watched Even" "Whaaaat!?,that's the title of my movie!?,pff- Lameee~" Taketo whined as they both got in front of the studio's door "Okay..you ready Takehito?" Dori asked looking at him "Yup!,ready as I can be!,can't wait to see my new teacher!" Taketo chirps as they got in the studio.
They got in the studio to be met with stares and whispers,Dori noticed this and so does Taketo,the only one that is nervous between the both of them is Dori,while Taketo just greets at people with his sweet and playful smile. Dori gets annoyed by this and grabs Taketo's wrist,dragging him through the halls of the studio to the main one.
They got in the main studio to be met with then one and only Director Shinsuke Sato "Dori!- what the who's this-" "I can explain later,can you gather everyone so that I can like..explain??" Shinsuke nodded as he called everyone to gather around Dori.
After explaining,everyone understood and started chatting with Taketo being friends with him. Dori just sigh's and sit's on a nearby chair as he looks at Taketo from a far "So..why is he carrying a broken guitar?" Dori looks at Nobuaki who asked him,Dori was already in his Niragi costume While Nobuaki is already in his Hatter costume that had fake blood on bus chest..a hole to be specific..a fake one "Well,he's a band leader. He plays the electric Guitar,it's broken because he threw it by accident because he couldn't controll his anger" Dori explains to Nobuaki "I see he has some pride In him..but ok guess he's just frustrated and and went back to his normal giddy happy self" Nobuaki said sitting besides Dori "Hey Nobu do you remember that you told me that you needed another guitarist in your band?..well Taketo here..is the perfect person to be in your band"
Sorry for the shooty ending...i'm tired right now and I'm trying to find some fluffy Niragi fics..i really want a pre broderlnad Niragi fic right now,but I can't seem to find one.
Can you guys like recommend me some fluffy Niragi fics? Thanks and love all of you :3.
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clownhara · 3 years
Tell us about ALL of them. Go off king
Oh anon, you simply shouldn't have.
Putting this under the cut because woooo boy this gonna be a long one folks
Let's start with Darkest Dungeon. It's a side scrolling rouge like where you have a team of four adventurers trying to cleanse a town of it's monsters of the eldritch variety, except its HARD AS BALLS so most of them are either going to die, go nuts, or get rabies (they actually can). Unfortunately, the game has a jester in it, which honestly is enough to get me to love it, but all the other characters are amazing too. It's gonna be the first game I get with my new job :). My favorite characters are the leper, the jester, the bounty hunter, and the flagellant. If you tag me in/send me any content of them I'll love you forever (platonic)
Identity V is Dead by Daylight but for kids and with, honestly, way more interesting powers. One of the survivors abilities is they can just fucking shoot the hunter once per match (It's as magical as it sounds). Another survivor can turn into a bunch of bugs and push the hunter around. One of the hunters is a gay ghost couple who you switch between and both make up for the other's short comings (I actually main them) and I love them. One of the survivors is a jester. Great game 10/10 shame chats full of freaks
All Saints Street is where my current profile pic comes from! It's a bunch of monsters living together in an apartment and it's just wholesome content. The main character and his older sibling are both genderfluid, the main couple actually is compatible and doesn't feel forced, and the main plot of the donghua is about sealing the dark lord which is surprisingly more chill then you'd think. It's on youtube (I actually made the playlist of the Eng sub!) and I HIGHLY recommend watching it. Unfortunately most of the cast of the manhua didn't make it into the animated version, which is honestly a fucking travesty. Rip my lesbian unicorn I guess
Katana Zero is a side scrolling game where you just kill people. That's it. It's really good though and I'd die for 90 percent of the cast. And I do! A lot :). It's really hard and unfortunately the story is too sad and contains a lot of triggering stuff (namely a lot of syringe and drug use and referenced child death) so I can't really recommend it to everyone but if you wanna good game that'll rip your heart out here's the one
Speaking of ripping your heart out, Lisa: The Painful Rpg is fucking DEVISTATING. I can't even hear some of the music without crying. This game will fuck you up man. But the problem is is it's also simultaneously really funny. It's got a lot of dark humor, some of which aged terribly because it was made in like 2001 so. It takes place in a post apocalyptic world, after something called The Flash. It screwed up the day/night cycle with Days lasting for months and nights being over in an hour, it killed almost all plants, and most importantly, killed literally every woman on the planet. There's been no women for 20 years. So imagine the shock of the main character, Brad, finding a baby. A baby girl. One day, she goes missing, and it's up to Brad to save her before the world quite literally tears her apart. Trigger warning for a lot of things, but mostly child abuse, child death, suicide, and drug use. It's a rough one but it's really, really good.
Corpse party. It sucks I can do it better and I will do it better just you fuckin wAIT
Hollow Knight! That's some fucking bugs babey :) Bugs with swords who will parry you and break your ankle if you try to squish them. Really fucking scary at parts what the fuck was Ancient Basin what the fuck what they fuck. Also there's a jester :)
And lastly my ocs :) I don't really know what to say for them because I have to many, all I gotta say is FUCK YOU OCTAVIOUS YOU BITCH THSI IS AN OCTAVIOUS HATE BLOG also theres a jester :) but watch the fuck out thats the Omni jester (I can explain later)
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jyndor · 3 years
so i dont hate Luke at all, i love him, and yes it was an epic return but i dont think that the fans who are now pissed are wrong. the show is literally called The mandalorian. the first season was so succesful bc it was something new, skywalker saga-less and it was needed after the new trilogy. thats why i think the anger is valid cuz ppl are freaking out about luke instead of the MAIN character like wielding the saber/being the mandalore ruler/finally defeating gideon/losing grogu
anon in what way does the ending of one season out of four or five mean the show is now about luke? anon, btw I’m not getting on you because I understand - like if in the cassian show, idk who but like ahsoka saves everyone from something LOL I will be annoyed because it’s supposed to be about cassian, not ahsoka. but that’s gonna be one season. the mandalorian is gonna be four or five (I forget) at LEAST. and even that, like it’s in the same time frame as the rebellion so I expect other rebels to show up. fuck I fully expect a cameo from jyn herself, and I hope that it wouldn’t take away from cassian’s story because that might be all we get of him (if the show does well then probably they’ll just retcon rogue one idk)
a big reason why the mandalorian is so beloved is because of din’s relationship with the baby who looks like yoda! that guy who trained luke? like the show has NEVER been completely separate from the larger saga, not really. sure they are clearly using this season to cast a bunch of spinoffs but? was grogu just gonna not get trained by the guy who is supposed to be training the new jedi? like... come on.
if you don’t understand why I’m annoyed at the fandom it’s not just because they’re mad at luke for ~stealing the spotlight (which I am sympathetic to btw) but because I don’t want to give the fools at lucasfilm corporate the idea that bringing luke into the story for five minutes means that the show has lost the plot and the fans are mad about it because I want more connectivity in the star wars stories, I do. nothing exists in a vacuum.
they are trying to make amends for the disaster of the sequels, I think that’s pretty apparent in all of the little reminders of legends lore and bringing certain characters into the story. I understand that people want a skywalker-less saga after the sequels but he shows up for five minutes and then is gone. like, where is the evidence that this is now the skywalker show? and I’m not saying you’re saying that, but I’ve seen this play before with the fandom. fandom has a weird attitude towards luke, it has for decades and idk why like it’s so bizarre to me.
and btw, I love that din djarin is gonna go all return of the king aragorn. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about him and what he did in this episode too. people will settle down, it’ll go back to being the din djarin show (it always was btw), but they needed to set that up. and I think if they’re going to go the way of him being the ruler of mandalore, they needed to bring in characters who matter in that story, so like bo katan and boba also make a lot of sense. funny how boba fett coming back didn’t annoy people the same way that luke does.
idk anon I respect you for your opinion but I think you’re giving the luke haters way too much credit, especially since a lot of them are sequels stans.
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ghostxraven · 4 years
you really are about to unlock smth bc a) i have SO many thoughts on the sequel trilogy and b) im DESPERATE for a distraction so um. i think about the prequel trilogy and i really truly start to lose it. bc force awakens was SO GOOD. like remember the first time you watched it and you (me, but maybe you as well) were like? HOLY SHIT. it was obviously a new hope v2 but it was FRESH and NEW and there were cool characters that i CARED about. (1/3)
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HELL YEAH let’s get into it ok ok ok OPINIONS INCOMING.
TOTALLY with u on this. like the prequels make me mad about the wasted potential but tbh the sequel trilogy is just like. draining emotionally because they LOOK so fucking good. the force awakens WAS so so good, like very very star wars even if it was following the plot beats of anh. and then it just. tanked itself holy shit. like at least the prequels look bad, sound bad, it’s like a comical level of tragic. the sequel trilogy feels like having chalk dust spread all over my skin and then being put in an echo chamber of nails on a chalkboard 😔 at this point even tfa comes with a TINY lil bit of like 😞 just because i know what comes after but YES tfa is one of those star wars movies that just FEELS so fucking star wars it makes me unhinged. “THATS ONE HELL OF A PILOT” YEAH BITCH!!! IT IS!!!!! GAY PEOPLE!!!
the last jedi. a mess. i like certain rian johnson films but he should not be allowed to be anywhere near Star Wars. my main problem? (beyond the racism and romanticizing stalking and emotional and physical abuse?) it doesn’t FEEL like star wars. like. ok even in the darkest moments in mainstream star wars films they are SUPPOSED to feel hopeful. tlj feels like watching a train wreck in slow motion it’s just like shitty thing after shitty thing after shitty thing happening to the main cast. i think the casino planet’s design was a little lazy and WAY too underlit and rose’s character was pointless in the way she was shown in the movie. exhausting. the jokes were all on the wrong edge of disrespectful to the characters and the original star wars like luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder? appalling. not funny just there for shock value. everyone is out of character. everyone is stressed and miserable all the time. aside from things i didn’t really want to see but wouldn’t have argued with in a better movie (ie luke dying) it really was just a racist misogynistic mess. oh yeah did i mention how they did rey’s character dirty because she went from being a scrappy desert mechanic who’s a little dorky and just trying to find a family and a place in the galaxy to Bland White Girl Servicing a Man’s Character. that pales in comparison to how finn poe and rose’s characters were treated but HOLY shit. i walked out of the theater crying. tfa raised my expectations only to have tlj smash them down to the floor it was. hhhhh ok ok ok im trying to think if i liked anything from the movie. um. you were right it looked good! sound and score were great as usual. i did think poe’s conversation with hux at the beginning was funny. i really liked when leia used the force to come back to the ship (ik that was a controversial scene for some people but i did really like that scene. she deserves it). laura dern is cool i hated her character but in theory laura dern being leia’s lesbian boarding school friend is neat. but yeah im sorry i really REALLY didn’t like that movie we only saw it in theaters once it was so bad. :( i do agree with u abt the force mysticism being cool tho!
rise of skywalker. now maybe it’s because the bar was on the floor after tlj. but i actually liked it quite a bit. still kind of a mess. jj trying to retcon all of the stuff from the last movie because for some reason he wasn’t just allowed to do the whole trilogy. the pacing being a nightmare for the first half. the atrocious abuser-validating kiss at the end. but im gonna be real after having to sit through tlj i was happy enough just to see the main trio back together and finn and poe being treated with more respect to care much about that stuff. disney queerbaits me once again but that’s on me for clowning. i really genuinely liked the scene where rey passes the lightsaber to kylo i thought that was cool but it was overshadowed by the knowledge that the Kiss 🤮 was coming so i didn’t get to enjoy it like i wanted. ALSO hayden christiansen and all the other actors doing the voices in the scene where rey is fighting the emperor (who im pretty sure was only in there because RIAN put the trilogy’s intended big bad into a sparkly gold bathrobe and killed him off in the second movie but im not complaining about seeing ian mcdiarmid) were apparently on set in costume and force ghosts were supposed to protect her in like a big circle and what im saying is i feel robbed and cheated and feral
the only movie of the three i REALLY liked was tfa. now we’re back to How Would I Fix It. step one fire rian johnson. step two put JJ on the whole trilogy and HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE for having a plot planned out, or else get a different director TO DO ALL THREE MOVIES. none of this middle of the road “trying to appease both sides of the fandom” bullshit. kylo dies at the end and they DO NOT kiss and that is all the redemption he gets. if disney is claiming gay rep then they SHOW us ACTUAL gay representation. poe and finn kiss on screen and we don’t get a two second blurry background kiss between random characters. completely toss out whatever the fuck that plot was supposed to be in tlj and separate ros into two movies so JJ could actually DO the entire plot he had planned (instead of disney execs chopping down what was p much a four hour movie into two hours twenty two minutes which was SHORTER than the two hour forty minute cut jj reluctantly okayed but i DIGRESS).
god. what the fuck. anyways sorry for completely going off the rails but ty for sharing ur sequel trilogy opinions and ty for letting me rant sorry this got so long but ily!!! ❣️💕💝
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skittymon · 3 years
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Finally finished Tales of Eternia!! 
And that makes 11th tales games finished and 15th overall played in some degree (Phantasia, Legendia, Innocence, and DotNW being the ones I havent finished yet).
Once I started again in December I decided that instead of liveblogging I’d make a review at the end instead.
So here we go! I will keep this spoiler free as possible!
I’m pretty scatterbrained but I’ll try to divide this into: combat, story, characters, and other game mechanics.
Combat: So obviously, the combat is above Phantasia and Destiny’s, being made after them. I honestly have grown fond of the 2d linear style format. There’s so many different boss fights in this game that can only work in a 2d field rather than 3d. 
On the flip side, that’s not always a good thing. I count bosses like the wild dog thing in Vesperia, and Fodra Queen of Graces to be among the hardest mandatory boss fights in tales. Welp, Eternia added one to the ranks. Rem (aka Aska the light spirit) is one of the most frustrating boss fights I’ve done. Apart from constantly slowing healing itself, on the field it brings a shiny ball with it. You cannot destoy the orb, it’s there all fight, and if you touch it it hurts you. And of course it blocks the way to Rem. There is a way past it, it moves up and down so you just have to wait until its up to move past. BUT GUESS WHAT THE AI DOESNT DO. So your party will probably either be dying or constantly in pain. AND REM CAN MOVE THE ORD ANYWHERE. Also you cant physically hit Rem while its casting a spell only far away skills. So if you ever play this game just cheese it and spam variations of Sonic Blade.
Of course, on the flip side it’s every easy for you to cheese boss fights and just back them up into a corner unable to move or do anything until they die, so it evens out.
The sprite animations for the artes are gorgeous. Reid moves so fluidly in his artes, he’s honestly my third favorite protag to play as behind Yuri and Ludger because of this. The caster animations are great as well, granted it can become cluttered and hard to see in when artes like blizzard and earth shaker are used. BUT GOD DAMN I CAN WATCH MEREDY USE METEOR ALL DAY IT LOOKS SO COOL.
Nitpicks about the combat system are, Life, the reviving spell Farah has, takes to long to charge, and for Meredy and Keele to use healing artes you have to mix and match who has what craymel (spirit). There might be a guide but I didnt look beyond reddit so Life was the only resurrection spell I had. 
Last nitpick comes from the Aurora Artes. Aurora Artes are skills only Reid can use, but in order to use them you have to have health below 15% and press circle, square, and x at the same time, so it’s very easy to mess up and die. Then to use more Aurora Artes you press the same buttons repeatedly, and after you use them Reid is left with 1 hp. AND the final boss has an automatic kill skill, you have to press the buttons at the right time to activate it and keep everyone alive, or you can cheese it like I did and have Farah hold a reverse doll to revive her after she dies. Did I also mention this skill happens in phase 2 of the fight when the bosses health is less than 20,000 after starting from 300,000? If you fuck up thats like 10mins of redoing.
But to end on a better note for this section, I love the way artes are learned. You have to use certain artes a number of times before you can unlock it (I THINK abyss and vesperia and many others are like this but this is the first time I found it rewarding). I grinded like hell to get the best artes for Reid AND YOU BET IT WAS WORTH IT. Omega Demon Chaos I love you,,,,
Story: Like countless other Tales titles, the conflict comes from two worlds being at odds with each other. However this game does something that none of the other games have done with this story beat. Language barriers! It’s super cool in the first couple of hours theyre just trying to figure out how to talk with Meredy. Of course by the end this point is nearly dropped entirely, everyone else just getting the special ear ring I spent 3 hours to get so the plot can move on.
Like most tales, theres a moment you thought the story would end but BOOM the twist. I wasn’t shocked by it, but that’s because I knew who the final antagonist of the game was prior to playing it, but still it was executed well. 
Something that makes this Tales stand out is how they deal with backstory. So the main fours backstory is vital to the story and their characters but they don’t show it till like 20 hours in. It’s like if Graces you start off in main arc and learn about the childhood arc 2/3 of the way through and went “ohhhh that’s why they were distant with each other.” And other stuff about it but I won’t spoil it.
Overall a good story, though I do feel like I’m missing things either from missing some side quests, or because of no skits.
Characters: The main ones to shine are the four main characters (Reid, Farah, Keele, and Meredy), everyone else literally is either one dungeon and/or optionable. Chat does still feel like a character being the owner of the Van Elita aka means of transportation for half the game. Max and Ras tho rip. ESPECIALLY MAX. Ya know how every tales there’s the mandatory Talk Before The Final Battle? Yea well they all get one except Max. You see him, but he doesnt talk, YET THEY CRAYMELS DO.
Another odd, yet charming, thing is that there’s no big moment of character development for anyone like Luke cutting his hair, Magilou keeping the portal open, or punch in the face like Alvin. They just. Slowly change. And its really weird cause for all of disc 1 Keele is basically an unbearable asshole and he just? Learns to be a better person from everything he sees? There’s no callout or moment of realization, he just slowly learns and it’s super refreshing. 
Reid is probably one of the most relatable protagonists up there with Jude. I’m sure most of you know the “he doesn’t want to do shit lol” persona he has BUT GOD WHY HE’S LIKE THAT BABY I LOVE YOU. Farah’s personality is also explained in the backstory, so for any of you crestoria players that Farah’s backstory is really different like how Emil’s is, but the sentiment of why she’s like that is the same and stem for a similar event.
Meredy’s also great. I thought I’d get annoyed of her and her “You bet!” but god when she says it the last time at the end of the game, I was pretty moved. I wish I knew more about her backstory but I’m pretty sure a certain section of her life info was left to skits and ya know we didn’t get those till Symphonia :)))
As antagonists go, besides the Craymels who are there to test you before you get their power, there’s just two. Main boss and their lackey. The lackey is eh. You see him once at the beginning of the game, then see him destroy a  city, then one last time where you kill him. You do get his backstory and stuff but eh I’m usually not fond of tales mini villains minus Chimerad, God Generals, and Artorius’s lackeys
The main antagonist tho, I really don’t wanna spoil it but it’s hard to talk about why I’m conflicted on it without spoiling. So it’s like Destiny’s final boss but written better in some part and worse in others. So at one point it’s super emotional and pretty powerful with the message eternia wants to send but at the same points its a jrpg where you gotta kill god cause he doesn’t think humans are worth it. 
Oh one more thing thats honestly hilarious, there’s literally SINGLE animated cutscene by Production I.G in this entire game minus the op. 
Other things: the amount of mini games in this game is insane, but the amount you have to do IN JUST THE SECOND DISC to continue the plot is more than any other tales game I can recall. Some of them are fun like the card game, others like the bomb one I want to throw in a fire. 
There’s also so much Destiny pandering in this game. There’s portraits of the characters, you can collect lens, I’m 95% sure the way a certain character is done is because they wanted another Leon, you can SUMMON THE SWORDIAN USERS ARE AS AN ACTUAL SUMMON. While all Phantasia gets is the cameo battle and the Eternal Sword. I mean I didn’t mind cause I’ve finished Destiny and it’s one of my fav tales games but damn it was pretty obvious. 
In conclusion: A fun game! I don’t think it was worth 133 dollars tho consider my play file was 35 hours and thats with a good chuck of side quests and ex bosses. Probably in my top 5 combat systems of tales and final villains, but not in terms of story or characters. A really hope it gets remastered soon I’d love for more people to play it.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I loved the Tangled AU! Could you do a Once Upon A Time AU, please?
Once Upon A Time AU
This ones a bit odd, but I actually love it. I loved this show. The first season, anyways. Once Upon A Time reminds me a little bit of me writing a fanfiction and then sort of being over it and fizzling out at the end.
But the first season is like... everything.
I love it so much.
Here we go!
Jack Kelly — Prince Charming
Katherine Plumber — Snow White
Racetrack Higgins — Emma Swan
Crutchie — Henry Mills
Joseph Pulitzer — Regina Mills
William Snyder — Rumplestiltskin
David Jacobs — Jiminy Cricket
Albert DaSilva — Ruby
Vince — Graham
Hot Shot — August
Medda — Granny
Sarah Jacobs — Abigail
Spot Conlon — Captain Hook
Hannah — Belle
Sniper — Neil
Romeo — baby Neil
Okay, so there’s a lot of characters with complicated backstories in this one. I’m only going to discuss a few of them this time around.
Racetrack Higgins (The Savior)
An orphan with a troubled past.
Race grew up in and out of orphanages and group homes, lost and alone
He is a stubborn, determined kid who grew up learning that he could rely on no one but himself
He’d always known he was different. He never fit in anywhere
He was a thief for more than half of his life and he got very good at pickpocketing and conning his way out of things
He grows up to be a bail bondsman
He’s kind of a badass.
On Race’s twenty fourth birthday, there’s a knock on his door just as he’s about to devour a single cupcake that he got after going out on a date with someone he met online which turned out to be someone he was looking for for his job
He finds a little boy with a brace on his right leg. He can’t be any older than seven.
The boy claims to be his son.
Race tries to explain that he doesn’t have a son. He never did.
The boy, who tells Race to call him Crutchie, tells Race that he didn’t know about him yet. But he tells Race that seven years ago, a girl gave him up. A girl named Anya.
The kid goes on about fairytales and how his adoptive father is truly evil and has trapped the town he lives in from its other world.
Race lets the kid in, a bit panicked for a minute before he regains control of himself and tells the boy he’s calling the police. Crutchie just tells him that if he does, he’ll tell the police that Race kidnapped him.
So, Race makes a deal with Crutchie. He tells Crutchie he’ll take him back, like the kid wanted him to, and he’ll listen to the stories that Crutchie had
Crutchie agrees
Race takes his supposed son back to this town. Storybrooke, Maine.
That’s when things begin to get crazy
Crutchie tells Race that he’s the product of true love, the son of Snow White and Prince Charming
Race doesn’t believe him. He tells him that he’s an orphan.
But the kid seems to know an awful lot about him.
Race gets sucked into this strange town after meeting the boy’s father who is odd and a little creepy
He does try to drive back to New York that night.
But he’s driven off the road by a wolf, crashing his car
He wakes up in a jail cell the next day and is stuck in this town. This town where time has just begun to move for the first time in twenty four years.
I could go on and on. Race goes and has been through a lot.
Katherine Plumber (Snow White)
a born princess and a born leader.
She had a happy childhood with her widowed mother up until it is announced that there is a stepfather coming into her life.
Her stepfather is a man she’d met before. Someone who used to be her friend. She indirectly killed the man’s first love
But she doesn’t know that
She just knows that they used to be friends
A couple months go by, after the wedding. And things are seemingly normal.
Until her mother dies unexpectedly.
And suddenly the man turns cruel and all Snow White has left to do is run as the man begins to try and kill him for killing his true love weeks before he was forced into a marriage he wanted no part of.
Snow flees to the woods, leaving the kingdom in the care of her stepfather, the Evil King Pulitzer.
She helps her people from the inside, per say, but is painted as a bandit by the royal castle and is hunted by the palace guards. She learns how to fight and steal and hide.
And one day, she steals from a prince. A very intriguing prince.
And a love story begins.
A prince and a disgraced princess. What could go wrong?
Eventually, the two are able to get married and expect a child.
It’s on the night that this child is born that the Evil King casts a curse over the land, trapping the kingdom in a land without magic, their prison being time as it does not move.
Not for 24 years.
In the real world, Snow becomes Katherine. Katherine Plumber. She’s a second grade teacher at the elementary school in town and a volunteer down at the hospital. Everyone adores her, except for Crutchie’s father, Mr. Pulitzer.
When Race meets her, she admits she’s the one who gave Crutchie the story book he’s become obsessed with. Race laughs and offhandedly asks her who she is in the book.
She says Snow White.
Race freezes for a moment but shakes it off.
Katherine likes Race. They end up becoming fast friends. Really close. And Kath eventually offers Race a place to stay after Race is kicked out of the motel he’d been staying at.
They become best friends.
She’s only twenty six.
Remember time’s frozen.
But Katherine is Race’s mother.
Just… neither of them know it.
Jack Kelly (Prince Charming)
A prince.
Well… sort of.
Born a peasant. He grew up on a farm. His father died when he was young. His mother was all he had.
Or so he thought.
But let’s not get into that now. What’s important is that Jack makes a deal with the Dark One. Pretend to be a prince, and his mother can live out her days on their farm.
He took the deal when he was seventeen.
He hates it.
The king hates him. Tries to torture him in fact, but cannot kill him, as he already lost what he calls his real son.
In reality, it was Jack’s twin brother, whom he was separated from at birth.
The king resents him but forces him to look and act the part, eventually promising him to marriage.
Jack doesn’t fancy his wife to be, but agrees, if only to get away from the king.
While on a trip with this insufferably dull woman, their carriage is robbed. By a single thief. A thief who Jack tackles to the ground.
It’s a woman.
A woman who gives him a scar on his chin by hitting him with a rock and running away.
But Jack doesn’t give up that easily.
He tracks down this thief who has taken a very valuable ring. His mother’s ring.
His name is James. He hates it. He’s called Jack for short to those who know him.
But Snow never calls him that.
“Charming” suits him.
After several adventures with this woman, ones where she saved his life and he saved her’s, after waking her from a sleeping curse, they get married and are expecting a baby.
That night, a curse falls over the land.
As Jack is rushing his newborn baby, Tyler James, to safety, he is stabbed. And he passes out just as the world goes dark.
In the real world, he is a John Doe in a coma at the hospital that Katherine volunteers at.
She reads to him every night.
And when he wakes up, he can’t remember a thing.
He has a wife. A wife thats not Katherine.
But he can’t help but see Katherine anyways.
And that stirs up trouble for the towns golden girl.
Eventually, Jack meets Race. A for a second he remembers.
And then Pulitzer is there to take it all away.
But Jack and Race are practically inseparable after that and end up becoming sheriffs of the town.
Jack is twenty eight.
Okay, since there’s so many characters and so many intricate storylines, I’m gonna stop at these three (my favorite three) for now.
I have another ask for this RP in my asks so I’ll dive a little more into a few other characters (or more on these ones) then. But if y’all wanna hear about specific characters or wanna see some scenes from the show, just let me know!
I do love the idea of this RP…
For more RP’s check out my list here!
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taebadam · 4 years
hello! i have had the privilege to see jagged little pill twice now and first of all: words cannot truly explain how amazing this show was. just. wow. but i remember when i was first getting into the show i searched desperately for descriptions of staging, choreography, etc. so here’s a (probably way too detailed lmao i’m sorry) synopsis of the show. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. seriously. im about to tell you literally everything i remember so retreat now if that’s not what you want. ok here we go. oh boy. (also i’ll be using actor’s names for ensemble members who don’t have character names and then character names otherwise)
CONTENT WARNINGS: sexual assault, homophobia, racism, sexism, addiction and overdose
here’s act 1:
ok i loved the whole thing for sure but honest to god one of my fav bits is the first minute of the show. the STAGING. so as the lights come up and the overture starts we see a mostly still dark stage with all the ensemble members facing backward w a spotlight on yana (my love wow) in the center. she’s the first to turn around as she delivers the opening line: “swallow it down.” the rest of the ensemble begins to join in and turn around one by one starting w ezra (!!!! i love ez so much they are the best you cannot convince me otherwise) and the build begins. they move in closer to yana, chanting “around and around” and then all come in with “WAKE UPPPP” and they all bend down in this beautiful moment where the bass just. drops. and then in comes the band holy SHIT. so the band is on these really cool moving platforms that come in from the wings and as the bass drops and the ensemble starts jamming out they come on stage and it’s just truly incredible. they sing some of the overture like this w stunning choreography and then as you oughta know’s theme comes in jo runs in and joins the ensemble but it’s really slick you don’t really notice at first until the second part of the chorus when she breaks away and comes center stage, singing on top of the ensemble as they start to break apart behind her and pull out these stunning moving panels that are like 15 feet tall w projections on them. jo runs back through the panels right before they meet in the middle and close behind her revealing the words “jagged little pill” as the overture comes to a close.
the panels now open up and reveal a couch with all four healys sitting on it w santa hats and reindeer antlers galore, posing for a christmas card photo and yelling “merry christmas from the healys!” we have mj, the mom, steve, the dad, nick the perfect son and frankie the adopted, black daughter. mj then goes on with her monologue about how great their lives are while they all sit there with frighteningly fake smiles pasted on their faces while the ensemble plays carolers behind them. soon the stage morphs to show us steve’s office on one side of the healy living room and frankie’s room on the other as mj begins to write in the card about her perfect little family. she discusses steve’s new position as partner (while he chugs a bottle of pepto-bismol), nick’s acceptance to harvard (they recreate the moment he opens the email) and then finally frankie and her best friend jo. as mj talks about frankie and jo she mentions how they’re upstairs right now doing a “little craft project” and off to the side you see them working on a sign that says “FUCK FASCISM” which jo holds up w pride. then (lmao) mj talks about frankie’s friendship w jo and how she loves “female friendships” and how she remembers “the days of discussing clothes and boys” and meanwhile to her left frankie and jo are literally just full on making out in her room clearly romantically involved and it’s just so fucking hilarious.
then mj begins to discuss her car accident from the previous year and how she’s battling it w “natural remedies.” meanwhile, the ensemble, truly the conscious of the show, sings right through you while looking on from behind her. she begins to discuss her hot yoga and the stage begins to turn red, the music growing as we see all four healys in their own sections of the stage, each acting like everything is fine but doing something that shows its not (like nick is always doing push-ups. rip derek honestly lmao) as the song comes to a close.
we now transition to the breakfast table where mj is setting out pancakes. steve tries to kiss her but she pulls away, saying she’s “not a big morning kisser.” they talk for a bit, including the iconic exchange between mj and frankie: “when my friends and i wanted to save endangered sea lions we sold brownies on the quad. well, actually they were blondies” “of course they were blondies. even your brownies are caucasian.” aaaaand that line kicks off all i really want. such a powerful song. frankie stands up on the table and the band and ensemble come back in, just completely rocking out and blowing us all away w their choreography and energy as they surround the family, dancing around, on top and under the table. in the build-up to and then during frankie’s line “i’m frustrated by your apathy” the ensemble surrounds her with various protest signs. i can’t remember all of them but some highlights include “our future is dying,” “black joy matters,” “my body my choice,” “don’t be a fossil fool,” “white silence costs lives,” “no human is illegal,” “stop separating families” and “no ban on stolen land” while frankie carries one that says “does my period scare you.” it’s stunning. fast forward now to the “why are you petrified of silence? here can you handle this?” line. wow. frankie stands on the table, staring down mj in front of her and holds up a sign that says “fear has no place in our schools.” the ensemble all lays down in front of her w their arms crossed over their chests like they’re corpses and the screens behind her show projections of memorials for victims of gun violence in schools. the whole theater is silent for a solid thirty seconds. incredible. then they continue. another heart-wrenching moment is when it gets quiet before the final climax of the song and frankie goes “and all i really want is a wavelength.” she’s reaching out across the kitchen table to mj, who’s looking away from her at nick. mj’s arm rests on the table and as soon as frankie’s about to touch her hand mj moves to touch her own face, still looking the other way, not even realizing what frankie was doing. and their last belts. wow. mj and frankie are center stage, yelling at each other as they scream the final lines before frankie stomps off to go to school and mj is left alone in the kitchen where she swallows a pill— her pain meds for her car accident injuries.
a brief side note: let’s talk about the ensemble real quick. first of all they had input in a lot of their outfits and my fav is ezra’s which has a huge pink triangle on the back (they’re trans). i mean. wow. but also what’s important to know is that a lot of the main cast have sort of dancer body doubles? they have dancers who are supposed to represent them, be their alter egos and this comes into play a lot in the choreography and staging. mj’s double is heather, frankie’s double is ebony and jo’s double is ezra. i bring this up here because when frankie sings “i am fascinated by the spirit to a woman. i’m humbled by her humble nature” the ensemble lifts up ebony behind her and spins her around while frankie takes the same pose on the floor in front of them. absolutely genius.
and now we’re at school! we see bella, nick and andrew briefly discussing the party that will be happening tonight and then we zero in on jo (played my lauren patten my actual favorite human on this earth holy shit) and frankie, hanging out during what’s supposed to be a meeting for SMAC (social movement and advocacy committee) which frankie started— but rn they’re the only two members (also jo came in w a sign that says “let my people flow” and a picture of a pad because they were planning on protesting for the school to provide free menstrual products). jo and frankie have a sweet conversation featuring some hilarious comments from jo. frankie complains about her mom and jo responds “your mom is iconic. she’s one salad away from a psychotic break i live for it” then “at least your mom yells at you. mine prays for me. dear jesus. please don’t let my only child be a gay. especially not one of those obvious gays who wears performance fleece and utility sandals. in the name of fox news amen.” frankie is immediately concerned for jo and, for just a second, we see jo’s vulnerability and we know she must be really hurting but just as quickly she brushes it off: “i don’t care. i’ve been out of fucks to give since the early 2000’s.” really just phenomenal acting from lauren. wow. and now we have hand in my pocket! such a wonderful song. most of it is fun and uplifting (including a cute kiss between jo and frankie) but there was one part that really stood out to me. when jo sings “i haven’t got it all figured out just yet” she kinda stops for a moment and her face falls just slightly and frankie stands behind her, concerned, as the ensemble members dancing behind them all pair up and hug one another (including jo and frankie’s doubles: ezra and ebony). but just like that jo is back to singing and dancing and laughing, hiding her pain and uncertainty. at the end they do this adorable slap dance thing with the ensemble around them and everyone’s cheering and the lights are rainbow (yup thats gay) and it’s just so wholesome i love it.
now we go back to mj. we see her at the pharmacist’s office, trying to get a refill for her painkillers but being denied as she’s out. she then goes to a cafe where she runs into some other moms (laurel, jane and heather) and it’s hilarious. they’re all wearing the exact same outfits and sound so so fake. at one point ebony who is playing the barista asks if she can start a drink for anyone and one of them goes “i’ll take a skinny flat white” and ebony goes “how appropriate.” mj is clearly uncomfortable this whole time, especially when one of them makes a racist comment about frankie. after this she goes behind the cafe where she meets up w a drug dealer (played by john) and gets more of her painkillers. now comes smiling. this song is stunning. the whole song we see mj’s day moving backwards, all the way back to the morning when she took her first pill and she stares at herself in the mirror, clearly struggling. the whole song she and the ensemble all actually act everything out backwards, featuring ezra jump-roping backwards and antonio walking backwards while drinking coffee. true talent honestly lmao. and they move the sets so smoothly it’s amazing.
ironic!! so cute. so funny. the context is that frankie is reciting a poem to her class and they’re critiquing it but phoenix defends her. the desks are on wheels and the choreography is adorable. and frankie and phoenix’s voices WOW. and heather plays a stoner high schooler. this is not important it’s just so funny. after ironic there’s a moment in the hall where frankie and phoenix are still talking and so clearly flirting. jo walks up behind them but only sees frankie (on one side of the stage) at first. she starts to move towards her but then notices she’s talking to someone and gets a glimpse of her flirting w phoenix. jo’s face falls and she kind of falters, trying to decide whether to walk up to them and ultimately decides not to and walks off. lauren patten’s mannerisms in this whole show are just truly stunning. i really felt for jo everytime she was on stage. she’s so clearly putting up this sarcastic, uncaring front but really she’s just awkward and scared and lonely and lauren really does a phenomenal job making that come through— down to the fidgeting and awkward steps and nervous ticks that, once you notice them, make it clear who jo really is even though she doesn’t want to show it. yes i love lauren patten is it that obvious.
oK ANYWAY. back to mj. we see steve call to say he’s gonna be home late and they have a v passive aggressive conversation and then so unsexy happens. rip steve honestly. then perfect. mj and nick are decorating the tree. there’s a great line where mj goes “you need to make decisions for yourself” and he tries to put an ornament on the tree and she goes “no not there” and it’s so funny. but she just keeps going on about how he’s the only thing she’s done right and how proud she is of him. he asks “what if i hadn’t gotten in” re harvard and she goes ”you were always going to get in.”a couple of sympathetic sighs from the audience. then nick sings perfect and it’s honestly heartbreaking he’s so good and you feel so bad for him, always terrified that if he ever messes up his parents won’t love him anymore. that transitions right into lancer’s party.
here’s the thing about lancer’s party. this is the party where bella is sexually assaulted by andrew, kicking off her powerful storyline as a survivor and nick’s storyline about coming to terms w why he didn’t do anything at the time. but here’s why it’s so chilling, if that wasn’t enough: bella and andrew’s interactions at the party are not emphasized. in fact, if you didn’t know about the plot beforehand, you may not really notice anything at all. but it’s there. oh wow is it there. EVERY SINGLE TIME bella has anything to drink, andrew is the one to give it to her. she goes to talk to her friends and andrew grabs her hand and casually pulls her away. he puts his hand on her waist a little too often. he tries to get her alone one too many times. he barely leaves her side. but if you’re not looking for it, you may only see one of these just slightly ~off~ actions and think “hm that’s a little weird” and then move on. they’re not always center stage. they’re not always in a spotlight. they’re just part of the party. and we as audience members don’t stop to pay attention to them, even if we see something off. we’re not urged by staging to see it as important or vital to the story. and we don’t notice anything until it’s too late. the show puts us in the position of a bystander, like nick, who sees this all happening and does nothing. and this really comes back in the second act and punches you in the gut like. just wait.
anyways while the party is raging phoenix and frankie go outside on the swingset (!!!) and have a little heart-to-heart. they talk about their dysfunctional families and how frankie is adopted, a black girl in a perfect white family and how her mom “doesn’t see color” but she wishes she did. she talks about how her parents adopted her when she was little and how she’s been “fucking up their lives ever since.” phoenix comments “i have this theory that perfect families only exist in orange juice commercials and utah.” it’s funny and cute until it’s not. they start talking about how it’s not like they don’t love their families, it’s that they wish they were better kids. they think they’re not good enough and if they were different, everything would be better. phoenix says “if i were a better kid i’d have it all figured out. i could fix things at home. my dad might still call me.” and frankie agrees, adding “my mom might still love me.” and cue that i would be good. absolutely. heartbreaking. i cried so much. but it gets even worse when jo comes in. she enters on stage left w her mom, without her beanie and her flannel tied around her waist wearing a bright pink blouse. “there. i wore it.” she says, visibly shaking and looking away from her mom, almost curling in on herself. she takes the blouse off with unsteady hands, holding it behind her and still looking away. her mom yanks it out of her grip and jo flinches, “i don’t know why i even try, joanne.” as her mom leaves the stage jo quickly puts back on her beanie and flannel, looking terrified and heartbroken, and begins to sing “why won’t you accept who i need to be.” she crosses the stage to stand near phoenix and frankie, shaking and fidgeting the whole time. at the climax they all come to the front, frankie in the center, and just sing their hearts out and they just all look so— desperate. sad. lonely. it’s really just gut-wrenchingly beautiful and sad and just ugh. wow. and as jo starts to walk off stage and the lights fade phoenix asks “do you have a boyfriend?” jo freezes. “a boyfriend?” frankie repsonds, “no.”
now we’re on to the next day and jo is bringing coffee for her and frankie as she meets frankie at the swingset. they talk about last night and jo once again jokes and brushes off the church social she had to go to w her mom: “did you know that god forgives gay feelings as long as you don’t act on them? thanks for the life hack father tim.” then they discuss the party and jo pulls out her phone, showing that people had taken pictures of bella without her shirt on while she was passed out and had posted them all over social media. frankie immediately insists they go visit bella right that second to make sure she’s ok and tell her that they’re here for her. jo follows, in awe of frankie’s bravery and passion. as they head to bella’s we see andrew and nick doing their morning workout, andrew talking about how bella was “all over him” while the ensemble surrounds them, singing “this could get messy.”
we get to bella’s where she’s sitting on her couch in a flannel and sweatpants under a blanket. she eventually tells frankie and jo what happened, how she passed out in an empty room and woke up a few times to andrew assaulting her while she was unable to even talk much less fight back. as she begins to tell her story (it’s truly haunting, she sounds so just dead and done kathryn gallagher is amazing) a soft sound can be heard— the theme from predator. the soft “ooh” from the very start of bella’s song in the second act rings through the otherwise deathly silence as she softly starts to recount the horrors of the night before. frankie and jo immediately tell her that’s rape and she responds “what? no. i’m just a fucking idiot.” they try to assure her she’s not and urge her to go to the police. her response is heartbreaking: “are you kidding me? like i’m really gonna say andrew montefuray… everyone like worships his whole family. there is literally a statue of his grandpa downtown. plus, they never believe anyone anyway.” jo responds “we believe you.” she then reveals that nick saw something at the party and didn’t do anything and frankie goes to confront nick about it. he responds by telling her bella’s always overdramatic, that he shouldn’t be expected to look out for everyone. frankie looks devastated. mj walks in on their fight and, in response to frankie telling her bella was raped, says “you can’t just go calling the police every time a girl gets drunk and there’s some he said she said. these things can happen. i wouldn’t go making this your cause of the week.” cue wake up. frankie sings the opening lines directly to nick and mj, looking both furious and horrified. as the song builds the ensemble joins in and off to the side we see an interrogation room. frankie and jo come in w bella, trying to support her through what looks like a stressful interrogation w an intimidating male police officer who is constantly frowning and interrupting. we don’t get any dialogue from this as the song is happening around them but we see bella look more and more embarrassed and devastated as frankie and jo only look more angry. they eventually leave and andrew takes a seat and has what looks like a pleasant conversation w the policeman that ends in a friendly handshake. at the climax of wake up, after the interrogations, the whole ensemble is on stage and with them are the two moving panels/platforms. the main cast stand on the panels, and the ensemble moves them and flips them, revealing characters that were on the other side in switches so fast it’s incredibly impressive and overall a truly mesmerizing scene. the last line is frankie, alone in center stage with the ensemble behind her looking at mj who is in front of her staring out into the audience as frankie yells “wake up.” stunning.
the last scene of act one is forgiven. wow wow wow. mj goes into the church and begins to pray. she prays for her kids, for her marriage. then she begins to discuss something else. she goes “the last time i asked you for something…. well. you remember back in college. even after that night— that was my fault.” her voice breaks a little, sounding weaker and more scared by the second and once again the soft, ominous theme of predator can be heard in the distance. the same theme from when bella was accounting her assault and the theme that will come back in act two. chills. every time. mj starts to break down then, asking for help w her addiction. she admits she’s having a hard time stopping and begs for assistance. cue forgiven. in comes part of the ensemble— but only the non-male members of the ensemble. stunning. she begins the song and the ensemble moves the church pews and panels in a wonderful bit of choreography as the song grows. by the second chorus bella appears from the back of the stage and slowly walks up to join mj as the non-male members of the ensemble move the pews to surround the two of them. mj and bella stand back to back in front of a semi-circle of the non-male ensemble standing on benches. they chant “sinner! witch! whore!” while mj continues to sing and they point at bella and mj at each word, the lights flashing. it’s haunting. then bella joins the ensemble and they leave as mj moves to exit the church. she’s outside now, snow falling around her as we reach the climax of the song and the rest of the cast joins her on stage one by one. i couldn’t tell this was the case on the cast album but on that last chorus each main character gets their own line over the ensemble as they enter the stage. steve starts, “we all had delusions in our heads,” then nick, “we all had our minds made up for us,” then frankie, “we had to believe in something. so i will,” then andrew “we all had our reasons to be there” then bella, “we all had a thing or two to learn,” then finally jo, “we all needed something to cling to. so we did.” we could talk about how meaningful all of those lines are to each of those characters for hours honestly. and now the whole ensemble begins to join and the chorus only grows, everyone just singing their hearts out as they belt (ELIZABETH’S VOICE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK) and they end with a haunting final note “amen.” and that’s the end of act one. holy fucking shit.
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e12 Live Blog
“The Wiping of the Disciple’s Butt”
The season finale. I’m nauseous. Lets begin. 
As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read the manga and webcomic. 
Right where we left off. Again I love the music. I’m just like, really calm right now actually. hhhhhhhhhhhokay. OOF oh god all the crunching sound effects oh no, this is already so weird watching Garou get his ass handed to him since he’s pretty much curb stomped every other hero in battle thus far, or at the VERY LEAST avoided taking so many hits. This. is so uncomfortable to watch. WOAH ????? THESE SHOTS WERE ONLY THERE FOR A SPLIT SECOND BUT??? HOLY SHIT???
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Oh god oh god Bang is relentless this hurts please stop guys GUYS PLZ  HAS NO ONE REALISED THAT NOT ONE HERO HAS DIED CMON PLZ IT HURTS calm down stop trying to kill him plsplspls OH
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oh god damnit him legit running on all fours right there just looks goofy tho F “preposterous style” Bang you aint lying asdfghjkl really though OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS DRAWN SO BEAUTIFULLY THIS IS SO BLESSED 
NO OPENING THEME???????????????????? WHAT?????????????????????? WHY????????????????????????? ONE, I WANTED TO SEE THE CHIBI OF THE WEEK AND 2 
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I WASNT PREPARED FOR MY FAVORITE DOPEY BIRD MAN THE FUCK PHOENIXMAN PLS NO ILY I know people hate him a lot but I just really dig how he feels like a fleshed out character compared to most other monsters, like he’s legit lookit him being all smart and stuff plz I just,,,,,,,,,,,, want to hug dumb fluffy birb ;-;
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Woah again I’m being blown away by the animation??? Garou getting smacked around is really fluid and this just looks really cool in general?????
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LIKE???????? I got kinda a comedic vibe watching him comment on it in the manga but the slow music and shit is just FUKKIN ME UP RIGHT NOW I HATE IT THANKS IT HURTS
oh god his face he has the seething thousand mile stare of quiet rage and its burning a hole STRAIGHT THROUGH MY ENTIRE BEING “But me I was the loner kid. Always gloomy and without friends” STOP. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT THIS INSTANT. IM CRYING AT U RIGHT NOW STOP
NO DONT HOLD HIM LET HIM GO S T O P OR SO HELP ME i can’t watch this what the fuck “I was always the loser” SHIT this legitimately hurts me “I dont want to be the monster anymore” GArou hey did you hear that part?? hEY GAROU DID YOU HEAR YOURSELF THERE??? 
oh my god it keeps getting worse. I mean. I already knew garou was being disproportionately reprimanded for what he supposedly did, but watching this scene just fucking kicked me in the teeth. As if my stomach wasn’t already in knots. The fuck . why does this hurt so much more watching than reading the frustration in seeping into me ffffff.
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This looks really cool but, i can barely focus on that because im pretty much being exsanguinated on the floor over here by this whole sequence look at him crying. do it for me cause I sure as hell can’t 
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“I want to strike a blow for the little guy”
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Garou flailing in the air in Phoenixman’s grip is … really adorable oh my god. “It’s your fault for not finishing them” ooooooo that shut him up didn’t it oof. Also nice cameo by Tatsumaki there 
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Genos’s eye static, The brother’s fists swirling, THE FUKKIN CARAPACE SHATTERING 
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oh god ok the face coming out of the face was pure nightmare fuel alright then
oh no 
oh no
im crying oh no
this animation is beautiful first of all and the music like im just here this is where I’m at and I’m crying oh no 
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He’s an angel. A literal angel. Look at that and tell me he doesn’t look like a fucking angel in the sky with the rays of light casting shadows around him. 
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Genos you are too good and pure for this world but that DOESNT MEAN TRY TO GET YOURSELF KILLED 
Shit they really made it look like he was gonna self destruct there for a second which MADE HIS LAST STAND EVEN MORE INTENSE OH MY GOD SWEETHEART Y’all ever get into a show because you keep seeing one character that catches your interest, and you keep seeing them pop up on your dash or wherever until you finally decide ‘well fuckit, this is the asshole that’s gonna get me to finally watch the show’, cause you’re already invested in them anyway? Genos did that for me with OPM. If this fool didn’t exist Who knows how long it would’ve taken me to get to watching OPM, if ever. And shit like this is why I STILL love him. I usually move on to new faves 90% of the time but nope. Genos earned his spot and is keeping it. Look at this insane shit. My heart. Uhg
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Enough gushing asdfghjkl ok but Genos, you just went INTO THE DAMNED THING’s STOMACH,,,,, and you’re SURPRISED that there’s STOMACH ACID?? But real talk. What the EVERLONG FUCK is that thing’s insides made out of? How did it NOT DIE. the FuCK
asdfghjkl Phoenixman’s chuckle???? I love 
Oh Bang no, this is wrenching my heart like I know that he doesn’t actually use his power but its built up so intensely like,,, would he be ok if he did??? and actually more concerningly since it even WAS brought up that he has some hidden true strength, will we EVER get to see that??? Oh Shit well when they word it as “All the power left to me in this life” then yeah, that seems pretty life or death ish???? THE FUCK 
Oh thank god comedic relief is here I feel like i’m about to have a heart attack my chest is so tight hhhhhh ok breathe WAIT THIS ISNT COMEDIC THIS IS BADASS AS HELL JEEZUS witht he flashbacks to the Saitama encounter and THIS LOOK
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The Anime is really fucking with the audience huh??? Making it look like KIngs about to throw hands like???????????? OH SHIT AND THIS MUSIC IS DOPE AS HELL TOO IM JUST laughing I have so much excessive energy right now???
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The REPRISE oh no oh NO OH NO OH NO NO ITS NOT OVER im not ready its not I cant no no no i dont want to press play cause if I press play it will end soon no no no Oh my god and at the end there isnt gonna be a title card for the next episode because THERE IS NO NEXT EPISODE no non o nonononon on on on ono no no no 
HEY IVE BEEN RIPPED OFF. WHERES THE FACE WITH HIS HAIR BLOWN BACK??? ASDFJKL fine I cant even be mad everything else was tooo  ofdbghjfshkggfhsjgbfhjka
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fkin cliffhanger no please no 
I.. I’m kind of at a loss for words. I’m. That’s it, huh? It’s really over. It doesn’t FEEL over. There’s so much unfinished business. Well, the only way to really neatly wrap everything up as neatly as S1 did would have been to get ALL THE WAY through the Garou arc, which obviously wasn’t going to happen, but this is not a great spot to leave off if we’re going to endure another few years hiatus. My hope is that, with biweekley manga updates, we should wrap up the Monster Association/Garou stuff (assuming it doesn’t diverge from the web comic too much) some time next year, and I’m HOPING that s3 is already being planned accordingly along side manga publications. So MAYBE it will at least be announced around that time 2020. That’s my wishful thinking at least. I don’t think I can survive 3 years. anyway
You could really tell JC Staff poured their hearts and souls into these last 2 episodes. Absolutely gorgeous, paced well, so completely satisfying and making every second of s2 worth while. For me, at least. I’ve already seen people still complaining and I’m just sorry they didn’t have as much fun as I did. 
Seriously, thank each and every one of you guys. This has been a wild ride, I’ve barely had this blog a few weeks before season 2 started airing (and honestly just got into opm maybe a month before that?), so I owe a lot of the success on the blog to the anime I bet. This was the first series I’ve never tried live bogging, and I honestly can’t believe that they were as popular as they were? Especially since I never have any idea what I’m doing but yall listen to me ramble anyway?? Yall are crazy thank you so so so much. Now my tuesdays are gonna feel really empty… next week is gonna be weird as hell. Though I’m gonna get mad nostalgic good vibes rewatching this season in the future in no small part from sharing my experience with everyone who's stuck around. I can’t say see yall next week this time, but, see you next season whenever it may be for sure.
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reyesmp4 · 5 years
My crackhead dissertation about QOTS S4, hidden connections, and the return of James Valdez!
I want to start out by saying these are all THEORIES. Mostly from my crackhead brain, but there are a few things that MAY actually tie my theories together. They are mainly fueled by my love for James Valdez and my unwillingness to believe that the writers, producers and cast would be stupid enough to really write him off the show. (the only time I accept that is when its the actors wishes. And if it was Peter's wish, I would respect that.) But in this case, I don’t think that’s what is happening here. I also want to mention here that when it comes to flashforward scenes in Queen Of The South, I don’t buy into them and I don’t believe they are actually real.I believe they are metaphorical warning rather than an actual depiction of teresa in the future. Thats my personal opinion/theories. With that being said,  ALL OF THIS is just that, my opinion. 
First of all, I know a lot of people (myself fucking included) are nervous that there WONT be a return of James Valdez. But please, don’t worry until we know something concrete. 
I know a lot of people have seen that NOTHING has been posted on social media about James. Not by the cast, not by peter, nothing. But we have to remember It is really  common nowadays, in the age of social media, for networks and producers to place a gag order on actors/cast/crew about the return and fate of certain characters. 
So first of all, the main reason I firmly believe there WILL be a return of James Valdez, is because of the way season 3 ended. I wholeheartedly believe that it wouldn’t have ended that way, had there not been a REASON. For the most part, as for  storylines QOTS has been extremely cohesive and able to have twists and turns, along with callback to previous seasons /relationships etc. If they were planning to kill off James, they would have left it at their goodbye scene in 3x13. But instead they showed an incredibly powerful scene of James, a soldier and sicario, giving up his gun for the person he loves and will die to protect. If they didn’t plan to incorporate that entire storyline back into the following season(s), it would not only be uncharacteristic of our QOTS writers who are notoriously cohesive when it comes to storylines, but it would also be incredibly STUPiD. There was no reason to add that James/Devon scene if they weren’t going to call back to it at some point. It was a huge, super poignant scene and I believe that it was put there for a reason. (though it does sometimes happen, lookin @ you ‘The Magicians’!) 
So quite a few of my theories lie in episode 3x05, so I will be calling back to it a LOT. Get used to it. Don’t @ me. 
3x05 truly solidified the trust between James and Teresa. In the beginning of the episode, they were sitting together cheersing their business while teresa looks at planes. Teresa says,
 “Now if they come for me, ill be ready.”  
James looks at her earnestly and says, “If they come for you, I’ll  be ready.” (Implying he’d die before letting “them” get to her). 
Later in the episode, when they learn that Kellyanne is being held hostage by Devon, Teresa instructs James to stay in the car, knowing that if he were to go in there, he would be killed on the spot because he hurt Devon’s business. She tells him to go to ‘la commission’ for help. Instead of listening to her and staying in the car, when he sees things go south, he walks in there himself and which basically translates to “Take me instead”. After agreeing to leave with Devon, James asks to tell teresa himself that he’s leaving. He informs her that She and Kellyanne are free to go, and that Devon will back off her business. Teresa asks what Devon gets in return, what the catch is, and the answer is James. To which teresa immediately says, uh “No”. 
Devon asks Teresa, “Are you willing to sacrifice everything, including your life, for this man?”
To which she easily answers, Yes. Devon forces James to tell Teresa what REALLY happened in Texas, and asks if she still wants to put her life on the line for him. She answers “take him” (and you can visibly see James heart break). But she quickly tells James that she isn't going to let them take him, and that she was just buying time, and grabs the guns stored close by. James looks panicked, knowing that if they try and shoot their way out, they'd both end up dead. He tells her “We’re outnumbered, we’ll never make it.” And she answers simply, “Then, we don’t make it.” Showing that she is willing to go down swinging and die right along side him. 
This interaction solidifies their trust in one another and shows how deep their feelings for one another go. 
First theory- Devon has ties (possibly family ties) to New Orleans/Dumas 
So we learn in 3x05, that Devon works with his family when it comes to his less than legal activities. While Devon is a CIA agent, his family (I believe) are civilians. His sister often acts as his enforcer. 
Now, in 3x05 when Devon and Teresa have  “dinner” together, devon steps away to take a call. Teresa observes her surroundings, taking in devons crew- who are speaking what seems to be hatian or some type of creole. Teresa looks at ‘The Professor’,  Devon's sister, and asks “Are you Hatian”, to which his sister gives a weird look, asking Teresa what she said. She repeats herself, and says “Are you hatian? You sound hatian.” Teresa gets a “mind your damn business” type answer. But my point is that Teresa very OBVIOUSLY pointed out that she appears to be speaking hatian or some type of creole. 
Now, in 4x04, Marcel Dumas sends his men to raid Teresa's factory. They shoot up the place, but before they go- they leave behind a voodoo doll. Now you don’t need to know much about New Orleans to know that there is a strong afro-french/hatian influence there. Creole and Voodoo often go hand in hand. The use of hatian/creole along with the voodoo doll, lead me to believe that there is some sort of connection between Devon and New Orleans. I believe, especially given what happened in 4x04, that the war with Marcel is going to BLOW UP. Possibly bringing either Devon (if he has ties to marcel or to NOLA) or possibly Castel into the picture, and that is how teresa and the team may learn that James didn’t leave on his own volition, but instead did it in order to protect Teresa. 
Back to 3x05 for a minute, as I was saying earlier when they looked into Devon’s sister, because she was a civilian she had an internet presence, and they were able to find out where their mother was located and used her as collateral against the siblings. Lil tay, who was the one to go and threaten devon's mother. When she's sitting in the church, she talks about how she was impressed that the van she was driving could hit over 150mph on the highway. Telling me that she wasn’t just kickin it around phoenix, she had to have traveled a pretty long distance. Because we don’t know how long this whole sequence took it is *plausible* that his mother was located in louisiana/new orleans as well (it would have taken 6-8 hours traveling at 150mph). The song that the church choir was singing “Wade in  the Water” also has strong ties to the black community, which I think is important to point out as well. 
I don’t know if this is planned, if these certain points were added as fillers or if they really are important and will tie together all of these strings, while paving the way for James to come home.
The Devon and Castel Connection 
Now we know that in 3x13, in the scene with James and Devon, they talk about how Devon killed El Santo to take out the competition for the columbians. Devon tells James that Castel is a “friend of the  agency” meaning basically that they’re in bed together on whatever operation Devon is running (legitimate or not). We already saw that in 4x01, Teresa pledges allegiance and loyalty to Castel, who showed up in new orleans. 
So the fact that James went with devon, whether he’s working for him to pay his dues or if he’s more being held captive, I honestly have no idea. I DO believe based on the title of 4x13 ‘They will come for you.’ is a callback to Teresa and James’ conversation in the beginning of 3x05 (where he says, “if they come for you, I’ll be ready) . So I don’t know if they will rescue James or if James will end up rescuing her but I am praying that there is an OBVIOUS connection there for a reason. ( thank you for your later episode theories, I AGREE! @mymostimaginaryfriend )
But the fact that Devon and Castel are in bed together ALONE tells me they are going to be calling back to that at some point, especially with Teresa pledging allegiance to Castel/the columbians. That is probably enough of a connection for Teresa to end up finding out what REALLY happened with James. (I still believe in the Devon/ New Orleans theory though.) 
So where does James come in? Honestly I dont know yet. I do strongly believe he will be back. He wouldn’t put his life on the line to protect teresa without them calling back to that storyline, honestly. It would be really dumb for them not to. 
@folie-lex  pointed out that James is almost always seen as an equal to Teresa. For just being a sicario, he is able to call her out on her bullshit and point out how they should maybe look differently at the situation. That's an important power dynamic, and that is something that  is so far EXTREMELY lacking in season four not just between Teresa and James but for the entire team. James would have NEVER pulled what Javier did in 4x03/4x04. Never. The current team that she is working with, she has no one to use as a sounding board when it comes to the *hard* decisions. She doesn’t have that same rapport she had with James with any of them.  No, not even pote. 
While teresa can rely on Pote, to do what he is told when he’s told. Pote is a loyal soldier, but James was able to both follow orders but also turn around and challenge Teresa in a way no one else ever has. In a way that helps her keep hold of her humanity. 
If you've watched the current episodes, especially 4x04, then you know that it is a SHIT SHOW. Everything is falling apart, Javier has not only killed one of Judge Layfayettes lackeys, but in addition to doing that and then disappearing, he also got Marcel Dumas nephew KILLED, essentially triggering a gang war. Dumas will be out for blood after he learns that his nephew has been killed. 
Had James been around he would have seen this coming for MILES. He would have been there as a sounding board for Teresa, as someone to clean up the mess, but he also would have kept everyone in line. 
I understand that the network, showrunners, and writers think that action and chaos sells, but we are a rather small fanbase. Small, but loyal. For them to decide to squash our loyalty, knowing that James well loved and fan favorite, would be a (as i said previously) STUPID, and possible fatal mistake. I truly believe that they haven’t made that mistake yet, but if they were to make a permanent decision to write james off, they could be digging their own cancellation graves. 
This isn’t a background, small time character. This is James Valdez. He’s been here since DAY ONE and gave an extremely vital structure to the show and added greatly to the dynamic between characters and the team. There is a visible, palpable James sized hole in this season and I hope it’s there to prove a point in how much he is needed, rather than to squander a well loved and respected series regular. 
James Valdez has a big, protective heart, and is willing to die trying to protect the ones he loves, his family. Lets try to have some faith that this is all for a reason and that james is going to get the storyline and love he really deserves.
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astralaces · 5 years
the awful treatment of the female characters in the house of night has been covered plenty of times but no one ever talks about how horribly some of the male characters are treated. specifically, i want to talk about erik night.
from book three until the end of the series erik is treated like the fucking scum of the earth in the narrative because he was possessive of zoey and called her out on her shit which were pretty much his only crimes in the entire series. 
his possession only came about because zoey repeatedly drank heath’s blood and imprinted on him which erik was obviously not okay with. then came loren who erik was suspicious of from the start and his suspicion was proven right when he walked in on zoey having sex with him mere minutes after erik had completed the change. this is what finally made erik blow up in her face.
just to clarify, i dont think its right to slut shame anyone, but im inclined to cut erik a bit of slack considering what he had just witnessed. and, in my eyes at least, the whole situation makes it hard to sympathize with zoey when she’s called her sister, aphrodite, and her former best friend kayla sluts for far less (and thats just in the first book) but when its done to her suddenly its a bad thing?
so back to erik. he and zoey break up and just when he thinks he’s going be able to get out of the house and night to pursue his dream of making it big in hollywood, he’s asked to temporarily fill in the drama professor position because the last professor (who was also his old mentor) was brutally murdered and had her dismembered corpse put on display.
then kalona bursts out of the ground, forcing the main group of protagonists plus erik to flee to the underground tunnels where erik and zoey decide to get back together. this is pretty much the only thing i fault erik for (along with the desdemona thing) because its clear he still doesn’t trust zoey at this point, at least not when it comes to being in a romantic relationship. he tried to control her into not speaking with heath and it horribly backfires when it causes her to be nearly killed by a raven mocker. erik then has to watch zoey drink heath’s blood which is a very sexually charged experience that reforms their imprint so this is technically two times now that erik has had to watch his girlfriend get intimate with another guy.
this makes erik upset and distant and he’s basically told to get the fuck over it by aphrodite who can’t even begin to understand what it is he’s feeling. to make things worse, the further we get into the story we find out that zoey is connected to kalona and she accepts stark as her warrior so now erik had to deal with not just one other guy, but three other guys. when he laments his frustration over this to zoey, she breaks up with him which is the first good relationship decision this girl has made in the entire series. 
from here erik continues to be treated like shit by the story. when he rebounds with venus he’s treated like an ass for moving on “just like that” but again i cant sympathize with zoey when she kissed a dying stark a day after the whole loren/erik/heath debacle. he goes back to his temporary position as the drama professor but nyx decides that erik hasn’t dealt with enough bullshit and makes him a tracker, basically dooming him to stay at the school for another four years, putting his hollywood dream on hold yet again. then he starts to have feelings for shaylin who ultimately ends up with nicole which is perfectly fine as she doesn’t owe erik a relationship but it really highlights how these books wont give this boy a break.
finally, at the very end of the series, p.c. and kristin cast shove him into a relationship with shaunee who to my knowledge he never had a one on one conversation with up until they got together. shaunee had a more emotionally driven moment with kalona of all people before the authors decided that everyone in the main circle had to be paired off. they even try to play it off like erik only wanted to go to hollywood to be famous to try to downplay how screwed over he’s been in the narrative. back when he was still in the book’s good graces it was obvious how much care and love he put into his acting and the fact that they tried to retcon it is infuriating. 
erik night is so vilified in the books and his character is treated like absolute garbage when he’s one of the least offensive characters in terms of character crimes. in a series that has literal murderers and rapists get happy endings it sucks that they give the guy who’s worst trait was jealousy and anger over repeatedly getting screwed over the sloppy rushed end and an absolute hell-scape of a narrative to get there.
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silver-falling-star · 5 years
Sing me a song, o muse, of your bitter hatred against catcher in the rye bc SAME
Oooooh boy, I smell one of my long winded rants coming on. Strap in folks its about to be a wild ride.
So, Ima preface this by saying that I have NOT read it since I was forced to read it in 11th grade. For like, several fucking reasons. (the primary one being that I don’t want to, the 2nd one being I don’t know which bookshelf my dad stashed my copy on. He stashed all my required readings on various bookshelves after I was done with them. Because we were all given copies for free by the teachers that we were allowed to keep. I’ll chalk this up to private school benefits I guess? I’ve been out of the public school circuit since the end of 5th grade) So basically my memory of like, most of the events that take place in the book are foggy at best and unremembered at worst.
@ my mutuals and followers who like this book, that’s fine you do you, but I personally am not and probably will never be a fan of Catcher in the Rye. My feelings of why I dislike it are my opinions and I’m not gonna force them on you.
Problem 1: Main character is an unsympathetic asshole
My biggest gripe about the book is honestly a gripe I have about SEVERAL books. Unlikable characters, and I don’t necessarily mean written poorly (though I don’t remember being awed by how the book was written, I’ll be honest.) I mean unsympathetic asshole little bastards that make you want to just chuck the book across the room. Other books that share this problem are The Great Gatsby (that book is hot fucking garbage in terms of likeable characters and I WILL die on that fucking hill do not even @ me), Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (Main character is an asshole little snobby bitch and despite being a murder mystery written in first person she literally figures things out at such a pace its not fun for the reader because she STILL ends up caught in shit situations she KNEW WAS GOING TO GO DOWN BECAUSE SHES SUCH A SPECIAL LITTLE SHIT- okay that’s a rant for a different post) and The King Must Die. (If you ever want to read a book with shit diction, pick it up.)
Now, as a writer/roleplayer of almost a decade, I’ve made plenty of characters that fall into the unsympathetic asshole role. My problem isn’t with the archetype, it’s often used and often done well (fandoms later trying to apologize for them aside) My PROBLEM comes when that’s either the archetype for the only character given any spotlight, or ALL the characters have that problem. (see, Great Gatsby.) Holden Caulfield(or however the fuck you spell it) is an unsympathetic asshole, and also the character who’s perspective is the only one we get to see, and the only character we really know much about. (Mainly cause he just doesn’t deign to care to give a legitimate effort in giving a damn about anyone else aside from how innocent children/his sister are. More on how creepy that shit is later.) Making a book like this means that I’m far less likely to enjoy it because I want to be able to root for someone. I can root for an asshole, so long as they’re likeable in some regard. Holden is a grade A fuckboy in the making and as such I am not a fan.
TL/DR: It’s possible to have likeable unsympathetic asshole characters, it is almost impossible to do that if that’s all you have exposure too in your cast.
Problem 2: I was really not in the best place to receive such a fucking depresso espresso lesson about life.
Switching gears momentarily from problems with the writing/book itself to problems with the timing of this book showing up in my life. High school was the time when all my trauma I’d successfully… repressed? Avoided dealing with? whatever, basically all my mental health shit suddenly decided to spring itself on me and yell “SURPRISE, YOU’RE MENTALLY FUCKED AND WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!” in 10th grade and it wasn’t until halfway through 11th grade that I even started getting a handle on shit. I almost failed high school and it was *bad*, especially for someone who was just trying to get to college so I could get to vet school and be qualified for a job that requires an ass load of education. So in walks this fucking book and it’s message of “adulthood is a sham, nothing matters and you really should just fuck around and do whatever because it’s all bullshit anyway. Childhood was where it’s at.”
Like???? Alright, that’s not what I need to hear when I’m barely passing high school. Go to fucking therapy and get some help, we all have trauma and therapy is the best path to work through it. I dunno like, yeah okay some people need to hear that message at whatever time in their life they read the book, but that message really wasn’t great to my Anxiety/Depression/ADHD struggling ass trying to just stay steady enough to get into college.
Honestly, even to this day I HATE HATE HATE books with depressing messages like that. I already deal with the struggle of being afraid of failure, getting where I want to be, all that shit. I don’t want that in my literature. Give me a person who struggles but still succeeds and finds some sort of happiness and self-worth in the end. Give me someone overcoming their traumas in such a way that they can at least have a good quality of life afterwards, even if the trauma will never leave, so long as they’re happy. I’m tired of YA novels that try and sell our generation and gen z the message that life sucks. Give me more hope, more heroes, more people making a difference because hell life is short so best make the most of it making a difference.
To quote GotG, why do I care so much about stories that revolve around saving the world, even if that world is just as small as a found family?
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And my existence might as well be a happy one and have HOPE GOD DAMMIT.
TL/DR: If a book leaves me feeling like shit after reading it because it ends on a super shitty note, I’m generally not going to enjoy that book. And the fact that most YA novels these days that are given to highschoolers fall into this category is hot garbage when this is around the time they’re trying to find some sort of direction in life.
*Note: I realize that there are times and places for books that give more somber messages. Hell, I’ve even enjoyed some books with messages of such a tone. But media these days, and honestly for most of my life starting in mid to late teenage years (and maybe earlier) has started taking a turn towards the more depressing/somber stuff, and its overwhelming and just bad. And even back then when first reading it this was something I picked up on and didn’t enjoy. It just was not the right time in my life to hear a message so devoid of giving a shit.
Problem 3: Holden is honestly, super fucking creepy.
Okay, we back on the train of the actual book’s writing. Holden the dipshit is honestly, really fucking creepy. Towards women specifically. I have no direct quotes from the book specifically, but I DISTINCTLY remember the way he talked about women (or even young children/girls) being creepy as shit. Like, he waxes lyrical about his kid sister and her classmates and how innocent they are and how he wants to be the “Catcher in the Rye” to keep them innocent and to keep them from realizing how bad the world is. Great, lovely sentiment Holden. Except that the way you’re going about it comes across as being a pedophile.  You’re at the very least sexist as fuck, because you’re objectifying the fuck out of people anyway.
That scene with the sex worker in the hotel room is also one I remember making me feel super uncomfortable. Not because the sex worker is there, but because uh, just, god, that whole scene gave me the creeps. Probably because I felt bad for the woman, coming into the room expecting to be paid for work and there’s just this kid who breaks the fuck down, tells her some depressing shit, and maybe pays her? (does he pay her? I can’t fucking remember, I’d like to think he does, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t, because he’s an ass.) Actually, bigger question IS HE EVEN OF AGE TO HAVE SEX WITH HER LEGALLY? HOW OLD IS THIS KID? HES STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL RIGHT?
…. so I looked it up, he’s 17. SEVENTEEN. HE IS A M I N O R. I’m like 99% sure that the woman he hires is like, twice his age at least. That’s straight up illegal.
god this just gets worse.
TL/DR: Holden is a 17 year old creep who comes off as a pedophile in the way he talks about kids, and also definitely hired a sex worker while he was underage. Idk if that was legal at the time this book was written, but if it was (and I doubt it), that has aged very poorly.
Problem 4: It’s got a lot of male fans who fall into that all too dangerous category of having Fight Club or Rick and Morty being their favorite bit of visual media.
Okay, again, not a problem of the book. But when the majority fanbase (or at least, the most vocal part) are a bunch of abusive men who don’t realize that the message they took away from a work of fiction is incredibly problematic? Or worse, know and don’t care because they think their take is superior? Uhhh, how do I say, big yikes.
Like, this could be your favorite book, whatever, that’s you, I don’t care, but if your reasoning for it is because Holden is, in your opinion, an unflawed idealized version of yourself/your ideals?
thats a nope from me bro.
That’s all I can do off the top of my head without going in and reading the book again. Which I probably won’t do for a long time, because I don’t need to hear that struggling to make a place for yourself is dumb and proves you’re just “part of the machine, the man has made you his bitch.” while I’m still trying to y’know, get to where I want to go.
But there you go, four solid reasons why I really really do not like Catcher in the Rye.
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