#and thats why they feel so desperate that they need to get a reaction by any means necessary
alicentsgf · 2 years
nothing is more subtle or more heartbreaking to me than alicent in the wedding feast scene. and half these shots dont even follow her, they follow viserys shes just in the background, (which just perfectly sums up the way alicent and her desires are stifled by viserys/his wants just btw)
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so shes just watched whatever it was that was happening between daemon and rhaenyra. salt in a very fresh wound. and as far as i can work out was literally tearing up over it (if we look at the screenshot above). but then people are screaming and pushing and shoving and alicent instinctively gets up before anyone else at the table even does, still looking like shes about to cry the whole time, right up until the moment she realises its not just pushing and shoving - theres a fight happening exactly where rhaenyra was just a moment before, and suddenly her expression changes to this shot of her blatantly worrying about rhaenyra:
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"but lydia, how do you know shes worried about rhaenyra? she could just be in shock at seeing the fight and concerned in general."
because its spelled out for us the next time we see her:
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this shows us pretty obviously alicents only really interested in where rhaenyra is. this is a tv show, they don't show someone's reaction to something just for the sake of it and alicent is the only person we see react to rhaenyra being safe. she even appears to relax at the end, as if relieved.
this very clearly sets the stage for alicent's refusal to accept any physical harm to rhaenyra - so we can understand why she feels so much guilt and self-loathing over slicing open rhaenyra's arm, and why she is so adamant about protecting rhaenyra in episode 9 even after everything she and rhaenyra have put each other through. just as rhaenyra has a desire to reconcile with alicent she cant shake, reaching out for her even in moments when shes been given no reason to hope (like at the council in episode 6 and dinner in episode 8), alicent has this desperate need to make sure rhaenyra's safe, even at times when she has no intention of reconciling with her. even when shes at her most hostile, harbouring enough resentment to show up to rhaenyras wedding wearing a declaration of war, alicent still cant stomach the thought of rhaenyra being physically harmed. and it doesn't seem to be an aspect of her characterisation thats going anywhere anytime soon.
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
oh, and it was a guy who decided to tell me that as soon as all my clothes were off
Original request:
I have a really personal request of thats ok w u. my first time having sex i was called ugly and obese, and it still sticks with me nowadays so i shy away from being fully exposed/on top/having the lights on bc im scared they were right and its gonna happen again - so how would 5 deal w this in a partner? if this is too weird 4 u then just ignore
Thanks to @kaybreezy3000 for reading through this before I posted and making me sound less like a wildly-masturbating 19th century nobleman. Note for you at the end, anon.
Venus and Cupid | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader 4k words, Rated E
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Five was an observant man: he had to be. If he hadn’t learned to pick up on the details then it's doubtful he could have even made it to adulthood.  
So he noticed that you had quite specific tendencies very early on, back when you were first seeing one another. The first time you had sex, he thought you leaving your clothes on was pretty hot - it seemed as if you were so desperate to have him inside you that you couldn’t delay it even the short time it would take to get undressed - but it quickly became apparent to him that this was something more.
You always seemed to leave as many clothes on as humanly possible, or else turn off the lights before undressing shyly, almost reluctantly, always keeping something clutched around you. 
His first reaction was to feel frustrated, (okay, frustrated and insecure, if you insisted on wheedling that out of him). Were you even into it? 
He loved the sex you had, and you certainly seemed to get something out of it, but all the while you were covering yourself from his lustful gaze like he was a lecherous drunk eyeing you from down an alley. 
He just didn’t understand it. Things were great outside the bedroom: you laughed together, you had intelligent, lively conversations…you even romanced him in a way nothing had taught him to expect. You anticipated his wants, you surprised him with dates and the occasional gift. You made him feel special and wanted in every way except this one way.
And he needed it that way too.
Maybe there was something about sex that brought home to you that he was old enough to be your father. Maybe you saw his hungry gaze as the leer of a dirty, predatory old man...and that thought hurt because it held too much truth.
He finally asked you about it after a session of sex in which you looked distinctly uncomfortable riding him, avoiding his gaze and keeping the bed sheets wrapped around you. 
He brought it up in a way typical to him: blunt antagonism as defense, masking his real insecurities. “Question: why are you with me?”
“Because I like you,” you replied, confused by his tone.
“Sure,” he said, the smallest trace of sarcasm in his voice, “but there’s a problem here, isn’t there?”
You turned to him on the pillow, and you were greeted by his expectant, irritated smile. He raised a brow, clearly prompting you to state this so-called ‘problem’. When you seemed none the wiser, he continued. 
“The problem seems to be that you hate having sex with me.” 
You looked at him, nonplussed.
“No I don’t. Why would you say that?”
He shook his head with the trace of a bitter laugh. 
“So you just hate me looking at you, is that it? You know, nobody’s forcing you to sleep with me. We could just end it if you can’t stand me ogling you.”
You turned away from him, folding your arms across your chest protectively, hugging yourself. You tried not to cry, but tears were already welling in your eyes, threatening to overspill and roll down your face. You could feel him slipping away; sense the rejection coming on the breeze.
At the sound of a sniffle, Five softened slightly 
“Why do you always cover yourself?” he said, finally.
You choked back the tears.
“B-because I’m self-conscious about my body, okay?”
Five sounded incredulous.
“You’re self-conscious about your body?”
You nodded, still not looking at him.
“Don’t bullshit me,” he said, suddenly irritated again, “You expect me to believe someone who looks like you is self conscious about her body? You’re beautiful, what the hell do you got to be self conscious about?”
His words, though spoken in a tone of irritated disbelief, gave you a warm feeling in your chest. In fact, it was his irritation that assured you of his honesty. That feeling of affirmation brought more tears at first, and it took a few moments to recover.
Five waited for you to begin patiently, able to tell by now that you’d been holding something back, and realizing for the first time that perhaps this wasn’t all about him.
You told him everything.
Your first sexual experience was with somebody who called you ‘ugly’ and ‘obese’ as soon as your clothes were removed. The first man to touch you in that way had used that privilege, not to lift you up and make you feel beautiful, but to tear you down, destroying your confidence in the process. Now, being in full view when having sex was almost unbearable to you, so you avoided Five seeing you completely naked and you avoided being on top as far as you could, lest it break the illusion and he see you for what you really were. 
You stopped occasionally to cry, unable to meet Five’s eyes. It was partially the memories, and partly the fact that you were bearing your soul to him in this way: totally vulnerable. You were giving power to him now; knowledge of how to hurt you worse than almost anything if he chose. 
As he listened, Five’s heavy brows lowered further and further, his lips becoming thinner and thinner, occasionally shaking his head as you unfolded the tale.
“Shit.” he said, after you finished your story, and then fell into silence. After almost a full minute, he spoke in a low, serious tone.
“What was his name?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, wiping your eyes.
“What was his name?”
You told him.
“Well he’s a fucking idiot, you know that right? A nasty little…you know where he lives?”
“No problem, I can find him.”
“First I’ll pull out his fucking fingernails.”
“Five, no.”
“I’ll kill that cunt slow. Ignorant-”
Your raised voice finally made him turn his head.
“What good would killing him do?”
He blinked. 
“It would make me feel better,” he said, though the murderous fantasies seemed to be fading from behind his eyes. 
Then, he shook his head, casting the thoughts away like a dog shaking off water. 
“....I  admit that making me feel better is low on our priority list right now.”
He held out his arms to you. When you didn’t immediately enter his embrace, he spoke in a voice so soft, and so caring that you couldn’t deny him. 
“Please, my love.” 
My love?
That was new. 
You leaned up against him, and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, one around your shoulders, the other around your waist. 
“You don’t have to feel self-conscious or…ashamed around me. You know I would never - you know that I…I worship you, for Chist’s sake. I’m desperate to see all of you. That guy was an ignorant, tasteless bastard. You don’t - surely you know that?”
You nodded uncertainly, another tear running down the side of your nose. 
“I guess,” you said, mouth against his firm pectoral, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart, “but I always get scared. Like you might…like one day you might see me and...get grossed out. Because…I know, I know I’m not sexy. I know I’m -”
“You think you aren’t sexy?” he said, speaking as if you’d just claimed that you were an organic cucumber, “are you crazy?” 
He pulled away from you, a hand on each shoulder so he could look you dead in the eye.
“Jesus, you think I’d be ‘grossed out’ if I saw you? I’m not blind, y'know; a bedsheet or a light switch can’t really hide your body from me. You’re so sexy, I can barely think straight sometimes - how in the hell can you not see that? I’d choose you for looks over any girl, every damn time. The other day when you were wearing that tight black dress- god, I pitched a tent big enough to sleep eight.”
And the way he looked down at your silhouette had you almost believing him.
You smiled, nevertheless self conscious of the idea of your black dress being more form-hugging than you’d thought. Five continued, sweeping his hair carelessly out of his eyes. 
“And it’s not just your face or your body, it’s the way you carry yourself. The way your hair falls, your smile, the color of your skin. It’s just attractive. It’s hot. End of story.”
The vehemence in his face made you smile a little more. He looked the way he did when he’d just completed a complex mathematical proof: buzzing with the knowledge of pure, objective truth. From his perspective, he had just conclusively proved an undeniable fact. 
“I know I’m biased because I love you, but anyone would say that you’re beautiful. When you met Klaus, he took me aside and told me I was punching way over my weight. I didn’t even argue-”
But you interrupted him.
“You love me?”
He fell silent abruptly, playing back his last words in his mind.
Yup, he’d definitely said it. 
He swallowed. He was an idiot.
“Well yes. Actually, I do.” 
Before you had time to do anything except gape, he rushed to fill the silence:
“I know it’s not been too long, and I don’t expect you to feel the same-”
“But I do.”
He fell silent again, his eyes on yours. 
They were strange eyes. Their shape and color, although beautiful, were normal enough, but there was a little something in their expression that always took you firmly by the throat. One might fall into those eyes and drown, yet his hand, coming to take yours, tethered you to the water’s edge. 
“You sure?”
“Never been more sure of anything,” you breathed.
His lips gave a spasm and, for a moment, you both thought he was going to cry too, but instead, he just smiled. He smiled for you a lot, but the clear, open love in this one was like being bathed in warm sunlight, and you luxuriated in it.
Then, he laughed. He giggled, in fact. It bubbled up his throat and out of his mouth before he could temper it into anything that sounded more sophisticated.
“We love each other,” he said, grinning in a dopey, infectious way.
When you smiled back, he cupped your chin gently, those eyes keeping your face upturned to his just as firmly as his hand did. He leaned into you.
At first, his kiss was tender, and your lips slid past and around one another like an embrace. But when he leaned forward, forcing you back onto your pillows, his tongue entered your mouth, and the kiss took on a more amorous character. He made a low noise as he deepened his tongue’s quest into your mouth, and you reciprocated with a soft bite to his lower lip. 
He growled, and heat spread through you as his kiss became rough and firm, pressing you into the pillows now with the weight of his body. All the tenderness had transferred from his lips to his hands, one stroking reassuringly through your hair, and the other at your waist, giving you feather-light, electric touches through the bedsheets.
Your hands came to his subtly muscled back, and cinched him closer to you. The heat was concentrating now, pooling in your lower stomach and swirling there as his unyielding lips let you know that resistance was futile. Your skin was alight with every gentle, loving touch from his fingers, now starting to work their way beneath the bedsheets.
He broke the kiss just long enough to speak. His voice matched the kiss: deep, rough and feral.
“Let me see you.”
Though it was a command, it had the sound of a request, so you took it as such.
Despite the desire now aching in your guts, your fears were still there: perhaps irrational in this situation, but no less real. Beneath the sheets, Five’s hand squeezed and massaged the flesh just above your hip. The touch spoke of his renewed need, but it spoke also of his restraint: his hand had stopped just shy of the area you’d usually hide.
And the word, in that husky voice, broke you. 
“Okay,” you said, arousal threatening to be overcome by nerves, “just…take it slowly.”
He nodded distractedly. His eyes were roaming your skin as he came to kneel between your legs. Both of his hands were now inching the bedsheets down, from your waist to the swell of your hips.
He made a low noise in his throat, and his soft hair fell onto the newly-exposed torso as he bent to kiss it, hot presses of his lips against sensitive skin. His hands skimmed you, feeling out your flesh.
“So beautiful,” he growled, looking up at you, fingers worming their way beneath the sheets again, “is this okay?”
You nodded as he pulled the sheets down another few inches, exposing your stomach to just below the navel. As the air met the newly-exposed skin, you felt gooseflesh prickle across your arms, your stomach tightening with the feeling of exposure. “Pretty girl.” Five cooed, running his hands across your tummy, his pressure gentle, but proprietary. 
With another slow shift of the sheets, and you were exposed to your pubic bone. He let out a breath and squeezed the skin of your hips, smiling at you broadly. It was the dangerous, toothy smile.
“I’m sorry, my love, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to get you over this. I’m going to have to make you realize how fucking hot you are, because I’m going to need to hold onto you just like this while you bounce on my cock. I need to watch these tits bounce while you ride me.”
He squeezed your flank harshly, making you gasp, and you arched your back into him as he leaned forward to take each nipple into his mouth. There was a low rumble in his throat as he first nibbled, and then soothed each tortured bud with his tongue. Your whines tailed off into moans, as arousal and the intensity of his desire once again overcame your fears. 
You felt his satisfied smile around your nipples, and then his hands left your hips to paw and knead your breasts, weighing and bouncing them in each hand. 
He gave you another kiss on the lips before straightening up, so that he was kneeling over you again, head tilted as he looked down on you, almost speculatively. The position made it obvious that he was hard again, his bulge stretching the fabric of his white boxer-briefs, leaning up against his stomach and beginning to put pressure on the elastic of his waistband. His pretty, curved cock was perfectly outlined by the material: 
“I’m going to make you feel so confident that you’ll push me onto the bed, trap me between your thighs and ride me so hard I get a concussion against the headboard.”
Though the idea made you feel another squirm of discomfort, the humor combined with the lust behind his eyes made you give a small smile.
“Not today,” you said, in a small voice.
The memories were still too close…the hurt from recalling them was only just over the horizon. 
“Not today.” he confirmed, eyes roving down to where the bedsheets still covered your sex, “but can I see your pussy, beautiful?”
“Yes.” you said, barely more than a whisper.
“Mm. Good girl,” he groaned, and pulled the bedsheets down to your knees. 
There you were, fully exposed to him…totally bared. Internally, you were fighting between the urge to cover up, and the urge to please him. You still felt exposed, like a turtle without its shell, vulnerable laid out in front of him. 
He was still taking it all in, eyes lingering on where your thighs were as close together as they could be with his body between your calves.
Part of you was still terrified it was coming. Perhaps he wouldn’t be cruel -  he’d probably try to be polite about it - but he was still about to reject you now that he’d finally got a real look. Perhaps it was okay when his imagination could fill in the blanks, but now he’d actually seen you - 
“Oh,” he said.
And in that syllable, all your fears were proved baseless. The sound was a moan of pure, wanton appreciation.
His tongue slid out to wet his lips, still pink and swollen from his hard kisses. His dominant left hand slid immediately into his underwear, and he began to pump himself vigorously. Apparently, he was more than ready for this evening’s second round. 
“Oh my god,” he groaned, speeding his strokes as his eyes roamed your exposed flesh, “you’re so hot.”
As his eyes came to your thighs and pussy again, he increased the frequency of his strokes, fist still out of sight down his underwear. 
“Five,” you said, anxiously, still feeling slightly uncomfortable. 
“Just a few minutes, baby.” he said, desperately, “Look what you’re doing to me.”
Beneath the material, he retracted his foreskin and pressed the head of his cock against the small, wet patch that had appeared there. The pink of his deeply-flushed cock tip was just visible through the fabric, rendered semi-transparent by his precome.
“I’m already leaking.” he said, agony creeping into his rough voice, “Just a few more minutes. Just until I finish.”
His eyes looked hazy, far away somehow, transported to a place where his body’s need ruled him with an iron fist. It was enchanting to behold, impossibly arousing: Five Hargreeves (the man of impeccably starched, pressed and tightly-buttoned dress shirts), was keening in front of you, totally undone with his hips gyrating into his own fist as he visually devoured your body.
“Let me eat you,” he said, begging now, “I want to jack myself off with my head between those thighs.”
And he groaned at the idea, throwing his head back and speeding his pumps.
Your body didn’t give you the opportunity to turn him down. Your pussy throbbed and slick wetness drooled onto your thighs as you looked up at him, all pale skin, latent strength and desperation.
You gave a small nod, and he bent, first to kiss your lips and then to press small pecks onto each thigh.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispered, “open your legs for me. Show me that pretty pussy.”
And that way, with small kisses progressively further up your thighs, he coaxed your legs wide.
“Good girl,” he crooned, his hand leaving his leaking cock only for the minute it would take to run his index finger up and down your slit. 
You shivered at the contact, too sensitive. He’d already fingered and fucked you to two orgasms tonight, and the feeling of his mouth replacing his finger made you buck immediately. 
“Nngh - Five.”
In response to your moan, he tasted you with a flat tongue. 
Your flavor, a potent honey, made his cock twitch in his hand, and he wrapped his free arm around your leg, drawing you even closer to him. Your soft folds soaked his lips, serving to excite him more.
“Fuck,” he whispered, still in that low growl. His exhale sent warm air dancing across your swollen clit, “you’re so perfect. I love you. I love you so fucking much.”
You had no time to glow with his praise, because he was sucking your clit too hard for you to do anything but gasp. As his mouth worked you, his tongue moved rapidly inside his mouth, flicking deliberately across your aching, needy nub. His tongue pulsed to the same beat as his hand inside his underwear, unconsciously matching the rhythm of your pleasure to his.
“God, Five!”
All the shame and discomfort was gone, washed away by the tide of swirling heat. The pleasure curled inside you, winding tighter and tighter. All that mattered now was Five’s clever mouth, pushing you inexorably towards another orgasm. 
Your conscious brain let go, and your hand gripped his hair tightly, not aware that you were pulling him even closer to you, forcing his nose into your mound. 
He grunted like a wounded bear, surprise causing his hand to falter around his cock. It was hard to concentrate, so preoccupied was he by the fact that you were taking control, pressing his face deeper into your folds. It was quite possibly the hottest thing he had ever experienced.
Recovering, he gripped himself even tighter, veins and tendons standing out in his left forearm as he worked himself almost violently. 
He was too close now, and it made him clumsy, completely losing the rhythm of his suckles and tonguing. 
“Nooo!” you whined, thighs tightening around his head, “Like before!”
Though lightheaded with the knowledge that your thighs were crushing his ears, (he was wrong earlier, this was definitely the hottest thing he had ever experienced), Five reluctantly let up on his protesting manhood and concentrated his efforts on your pussy. 
Soon, you were gasping and moaning, writhing, and taking him with you with the power of your thighs. 
“F-Five. Fuuuck. Oh fuck, that’s it!” 
Your cunt gushed onto his face as he brought you to orgasm. He groaned again as his chin and cheeks were soaked with sweet slickness. He strained to hear you scream his name, your thighs rendering him deaf as they clutched around his ears. While he couldn’t hear the individual words, he certainly heard enough to flatter his ego. 
Wave after wave of ecstasy was crashing through you, and you babbled meaninglessly: unconnected, incomprehensible syllables. Behind closed eyes, you were seeing stars, completely unaware of everything but the explosion going on in your lower body.
He withdrew, finally, when your thighs relaxed and your climax abated to spasms down your limbs. As you were still catching your breath, he rose to his knees, wiped his sodden mouth, and took himself in hand again, looking at you splayed, completely on display and too drunk on his sex to care.
It took him fewer than ten pumps to bring himself to orgasm. 
“Fucking gorgeous - cunt tastes so good. Mm - fucking perfect, so fucking hot. Oh shit!”
Eyebrows raised, mouth wide in a perfect ‘o’, he exploded into his underwear.
You could see his first shots of come soaking through the material before he was even finished painting their insides with spurts of his thick seed: an impressive load given the fact it was his second in under an hour. 
His throat ground out a low whine as he slowed his hand. 
He took four or five seconds to catch his breath, and in that time your conscious mind took a firmer hold. Though you pulled the bedsheets up and over you, it was more for physical comfort rather than mental. 
Five crawled beneath the sheets beside you, still breathing hard. When he collapsed on the pillow, he turned to you.
“Believe me now?” he asked, “you think I’d wank myself raw over someone I thought was ugly?”
You smiled and let out a small puff of air; a shy little laugh.
He propped himself up on one elbow while his other hand caressed your body beneath the sheets.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, firmly, “To me, you’re a renaissance painting, and I was there when Titian finished Venus and Cupid, okay?”
“Okay,” you murmured, eyes already heavy, “I’m sorry that I squeezed your head with my legs.”
“You kidding me?” he said, amused, “You could break my neck with your thighs and I’d die happy…what a way to go.”
“Well,” you said, a little discomfort returning, “I still feel bad.”
“Baby steps,” he said, voice as soft as his hand now stroking hair away from your eyes, “soon I’ll have you riding me fast and rough.”
You smiled and let his caresses close your tired eyes. After a few minutes, in which he looked lovingly down at your gentle doze, his voice sounded again.
“Can I at least beat the living shit out of that guy?”
You considered.
Request masterlist >> HERE
NOTE: Dear sweet, anonymous girl, I see you. You did not deserve this, and this was never your problem. These formative experiences really do hurt us, and yours was such an extreme version that I'm not surprised it's given you these insecurities. I can promise you, it does get better. Feminism and loving yourself is at least half the battle, but nothing quite cements the truth like this: One day, you will be naked in front of a guy you trust completely. He'll look at you with that lustful, testosterone-fuelled glower and you'll know without a shadow of a doubt that, to him, you are venus. I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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yuyu1024 · 2 months
Fake Dating
Pairings: Mingyu x Y/N
Genre/tags: non idol au, university couple
Warning: 🔞 fluff, suggestive but not purely smut, cursing, pet names, jealousy, mention of bullying but not extreme
~~~ [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 2.4k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
A/N: written this while drinking my 3rd cup of coffee. Thats why it must be all over the place and does not make sense and feels a bit rushed... but yeah. 💀 im fine lol.
Anyways... busy days ahead.
Stay safe.
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"Hold my hand..." he utters the second you jump out of his SUV's front passenger seat.
"What?" You grunt as you put your backpack on you.
"Just.... hold... my... hand..." he hiss through his teeth whilst smiling.
You roll your eyes, "Fine." And then intertwined your fingers with his.
"Next time... when I tell you to do something... just do it okay?" He says trying to sound sweet.
You got it now. His ex is probably within the perimeter of the parking lot that's why he asked you to hold his hand.
"Okay... I will listen next time..." you force a sweet smile and then tip toe to pinch him on his cheek as a gesture of trying to act like you find him cute but not really.
"Thank you."
You two are over acting everything but you know from outside perspective, it is believable. Coz you even got your friends fooled. None of them know that between you and Mingyu, everything is just fake. You are not actually dating. He just asked for your help.
Why you? You have no fucking idea.
"How long are we going to do this?" You ask as you two walk along the sidewalk.
"Until I get the reaction I need from her..."
"And what reaction is that?"
He snorts a proud and yet annoyingly laugh. "Beg."
"Beg?" You stop walking. "This thing will end when she begs for you to take her back?"
You roll your eyes again and let go of his hand. "That is silly..."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Well... I know Selena." You sigh, "She was my schoolmate since highschool... and she never begs men. It's always the other way around."
"Wow. Don't look down at me like that! Am I not attractive enough to make her beg and regret she broke up with me?"
You scan him from head to toe. "You are not bad... I must say... you are the very first good looking guy I actually approve by looks....that Selena dated."
"Really?" He arches a brow.
"However.... given her history." You pull out your phone from your pocket. "Goodluck." You mumble as you go on and scroll over texts on your phone. "Plus... you using me... is a wrong move... I am not a competition or whatsoever for her."
"If that's what you think... why did you agree with me? Doing this?"
"I was... desperate... like you. I needed saving that day too... so..." you trail off, your eyes busy with your phone still.
Yeah. That day when Mingyu pulled you from the bleachers, you needed that save. You were getting bullied by the mean girls from your class. Well, just because you caught their eyes that day.
Anyways, that afternoon during Mingyu's practice, you were there being tormented by those girls. They were acting like they were your friends but they were pinching and pulling your hair just to make you feel uncomfortable. And then suddenly, Mingyu spots you from the distance.
He called you by your name, asks you about something about going home with him and then chatted about random stuff. You were so fucking confuse but you went with his acting. At first you thought he saw you getting bullied so he helped you. But them after the whole quick kdrama acting, he explained everything to you.
That's it.
"Hey..." Mingyu steals your phone from your hand. "Stop using your phone when we're talking... you know its rude if you are talking to someone and you are not even paying attention."
You try to take it back but you fail. He is taller than you. "I am listening... and answering.."
"No..." he locks your phone and puts it in his bag. "Why are you so addicted with your phone?"
"I'm not! I was just replying to someone..."
"None of your business... babe..." you stick your tongue out and dig your phone out of his gym bag. "Anyways... goodluck with practice... just message me if we need to do something or your giving me a ride home or not."
He frowns. "Of course, I will drive you home."
You smile. "Okay then... thank you. See you!" You wink and left
Days had passed. Nights had gone by so quick. It has been an hectic few weeks for you. With all of the reviewing you have been doing preparing for the exams, on top of trying to survive each classes. You are dead inside now basically.
"I'm so tired." You sigh as you lay your head on your book and unplug your phone from charging. "It has been four months already?" You mumble as you scroll over you calendar for your schedules and see the monthsary reminder that Mingyu had set for every 26th of the month. "We lasted this long...?"
You thought that this fake dating will be over after 3 weeks. 2 months tops if Mingyu wanted to be serious with the 'making selena jealous and beg' agenda. But four months? That's a record breaker. Well atleast to your judgement of him.
It's not that you are getting tired of this fake dating shit. It's just... emotionally draining you in somewhat way.
He makes your heart confuse every now and then. And you can't do anything about it. That big giant puppy is a good-looking, athletic and charming dude. His attitude in life and personality is not bad either. He is funny and smart too. So... he is a good dream boyfriend material.
It's not a shocker that Selena liked him. Nor the rest of his fanclub. Mingyu is....hot. And you are not blind nor heartless.
However since you know your place in this modern world, your level in the who's hot and who's not. You are NOT a good match for him. You are just existing now in his world because he have a mission. His ex. So.. catching feelings is not in your to do list.
Yeah you can always ask him to end the deal. He said it himself; that you have the freedom too. BUT, besides being the hot guy in your life. Mingyu had been a friend too...(which you lack in your life sadly) so you are not sure if you are willing to let go a decent friend if you end whatever relationship you have with him.
🐶: where are you?
💖: why?
🐶: wdym why? Don't tell me you forgot?
💖: forgot what?
💖: just tell me
💖: im busy.
It took three minutes before he replies again
🐶: my mother's party is tonight.
"Fuck!" You hiss as you scramble to get all your things in your bag
You got a few sshh and be quiet from the other students studying in the library.
"Sorry..." you mouth as you hurry your way out
🐶: just tell me where the fuck are you and im going to pick you up.
You were trying to reply as you run out of the building but then the sound of the pouring rain made you gasp.
You are dumbfounded. You don't know what to do now. You have no umbrella and you need to get home and get dress for his mom's birthday party.
*phone buzzes*
"Where are you?" He says as soon as you answered the call
"Library building. Outside..." you exhale your frustration. You scan the whole empty space in front of you. No one is running. No human is in sight. "How can I go? I don't have any change of clothes with me... maybe... I can just--"
"Found you."
You look straight up and see his pick up truck.
He rolls down the window of the passenger seat. "Get in!" He yells
"Crap!" You put your phone in your leather bag and then raise your jacket on top of your head before running like crazy down the steps.
The moment you got in, he sees your legs, part of your skirt and shirt are wet, "I've been calling you..."
"Sorry... my phone died and I just charged it."
His forehead is wrinkled. He does not look like he is in the mood.
"Figured." He then opens the zip of your bag and takes your phone so he can plug it to his car. "Let's hurry home so we can both change..."
"But I don't have--" you pause as you see how drenched he is. "Why are you so soaked?" You take off your jacket and put it around him.
He chuckles. "Thanks?" He finds it funny that you give him your small as jacket to a big guy like him.
"Just take it... you're cold."
"So are you..." he says
"I'm fine." Then you scan the back seat of his car, checking if he have a spare shirt somewhere.
"What are you looking for?" He glances at you when he sees you reaching for something while he's driving. "Hey!" He holds on to you when you almost slipped.
"Got it!" You grunt. "I found you a--"
Your cheeks suddenly burns like hell. No, you did not randomly got sick or what. You're just caught off guard when you straighten up your position and felt... and saw that his hand is on your thigh.
Mingyu is fucking holding your thigh!
"Is that a shirt of mine?" He asks, his eyes is on the road.
"Uhmm..." you answer, "uhuh."
"How did you know I have clean a shirt back there?" He's still not moving his hand off you.
"Well..." you look outside the window to your side, pretending to not notice it. "I remembered you said you always bring extra... especially during practice."
He hums his answer. "You do listen when I talk..."
You became silent and stiff. Even though eventually he removed his hand because he is driving. He needs his hands.
But the warmth that his hand left on your skin lingers. It burns. And it felt like your skin misses the touch.
*phone buzzes*
You bend over to unplug your phone and see who texted you. But then suddenly, Mingyu swerves his car to park giving you a whiplash and dropping your phone on the floor.
"What the fuck? Why are you so aggressive parking your--"
It was a blurr. You don't know what caused it nor what happened but Mingyu just parked his car, unbuckle his seatbelt and lunges at you. He, out of the blue, just started kissing you.
"Mingyu!" Your voice is small and weak. You're panting. "W-what the hell...?"
His eyes are just on you, scanning your face. Most particularly your bruised lips.
"I don't want you to reply to him anymore..." he says
"I know your still texting your ex..." he cups your face with his one hand. "And I don't like it." He leans close again and kisses you more. Sucking your lower lip and tongue.
This is so fucking wrong but you can't get a grip of yourself to stop kissing back. It feels so fucking good. Your body was cold earlier but now, it's not.
"You are kissing me... because of that? You hate my ex?" You ask as your lips separates
"Don't be dumb. Of course that's not the only reason..." His hand slides back to your thights and it earned him a sensual reaction that made him smile in pure joy. "You know... I like it when you blush..." he says before going in for another kiss.
Everything that's happening is out og the blue. How did you both got in this situation? No clue. Does he like you? Is he just horny? What?
"W-wait..." your back is already leaning on the door whilst you still have your seatbelt on. "I don't think... this is right."
"I think we should--"
Before finishing your sentence, Mingyu unbuckles your seatbelt and pushed your seat back so it lowers. You yelp as it goes down, flat.
"Move to the back." He orders
"What?" You look at him and the backseat.
"Y/N... you know what I mean... go... please?"
You heart is beating fast. Its a mixed of excitement and fear of what if you guys get caught. Yes his car is tinted but...
He totally stops the car engine (to be safe) and then starts pulling his shirt off
"What are you doing?" You gasp
He smiles, "why are you asking questions that's already obvious?" He is big but he moved from the driver's seat to the backseat beside you.
"Well..." you hug your legs as you watch him move
"Don't tell me... you're a shy type person when it comes to fucking?" He is smirking.
"I'm... not....it's just..."
"Just what?" He ask while removing his bracelet and wrist watch
"Why are we doing this?" You question
He shrugs. "Because... I like you."
"You like me?" You are taken aback. "Seriously?" And then laugh. "You're funny..."
"Who said I'm joking?" He grabs both your ankles, spread your legs and place them on his side. He is hovering you now.
"But... selena..." you are breatheless as you see him basically on top of you now.
"The deal was only for a month...right?"
You nod
"It didn't worked. So... I moved on..."
"The fuck? So why do we still do this dating shit?"
"Because... I like you."
"What? I'm confused."
"Selena broke up with me... coz I started liking someone else..."
"What?! Who?"
Mingyu lowers down his face and starts kissing you on your neck, just below your ear. "Obviously... its you..."
He continues to nibble your neck until he felt your hips react with his touches.
"Your...y-your making this shit up... just to... just to fuck me..." you are moaning the words out now.
"If I just want to fuck you... I could just ask you right there and then in the field..." he explains "I'm sorry I made this fake dating shit up... but... I know you'll not try to date me if I didn't do it... I know you don't like me before... so..."
You just stare at him and try to absorb whatever he's saying
"Why.... why do you like me?"
"I don't know.. I just did..." he pushes the hair off your face. "I think you don't remember... but we've been to same classes a few times before... you were so quiet and always isolated that you don't notice me when I try to reach out..." he snorts a small smile. "I can explain the whole story in detail later if you want but..."
"But what?"
"I'm fucking horny right now... and I don't think I can wait anymore..."
Your eyes widens before laughing out loud. Mingyu is so real and does not deny what he needs.
"Okay then....." you try to stop laughing. "Let's do it quick before anyone sees us plus your mom is waiting..."
"Fuck yeah."
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nshmuras · 3 months
where riki cant get over his ex.
pair : ni-ki x fem!reader
warnings : angst , cheating , arguments
buns note : this is based off a chat i had with junos (@pnghoon) riki bot :3
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you sat at the table with riki, food in hand as you placed it down. he smiled and licked his lips. "yum.. this used to be her favorite!" you froze at his words.
i sighed at his remark and put my hands in my lap "what is wrong with you riki!" i huffed out.
Riki’s eyebrows furrowed at your reaction and he tilted his head ever so slightly. “What do you mean?” Riki spoke, clearly not seeing the problem with what he just said.
"this used to be her favorite?" are you kidding me!?" riki was taken aback by your words and seemed genuinely confused. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but then stopped himself. “I..I don’t see what the problem is?”
"seriously? on every one of our dates you mention her, when i tie up my hair you mention her and even when im not doing anything you mention her!" you raised your voice and was staring to get frustrated with his innocent act.
“I..I’m sorry.. I didn’t realize I was doing that…” he mumbled apologetically, still refusing to look at you straight in the eyes.
"whatever lets just eat riki." i sighed and began to eat my food as he did too. He slowly took a bite out of his food before speaking up again “Can I ask you something..?” his words made me perk up.
"hm?.." i said as i swallowed my food. he reluctantly spoke up "do you ever.. get jealous?.." i quirk my brow and placed my fork down "why? do you think i get jealous?" he nodded slightly "you.. always get worked up when i bring up my ex." i rolled my eyes and stood up to throw away my plate.
"i dont get jealous, there's nothing to be jealous about.." i said looking back him "it just seems.. you would prefer to be with her than me.." your works shocked him, he shook his head and approached you "no babe.. thats not true i love you.." he lied. it was true. but he would rather die than admit that.
i shook my hand "just forget it riki" i walked to the bedroom to get ready to sleep, riki trailing behind me.
he sighed and grabbed your arm, stopping you "babe can we talk about this please?" "about what!? that you want to be back with your ex?" he huffed in annoyance "its not like that! your blowing things out of proportion."
"oh really? its not like that? then why do you feel the need to bring her up everytime i do something!?" he ran and hand through his hair in frustration.
"because i cant stop thinking about her okay!?" he yelled before rubbing his temple, leaving you in utter dismay "you cant be serious" "yn im so-" you shut him up by shoving past him , grabbing your outside shoes and phone "wait dont leave please!.." he grabbed your hand desperately.
"i hate you riki.. i wish i never met you."
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written by @sjyunnsworld DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE
taglist : @k1ttylvr @cupidscourt @jakesangel @luvvsim
networks : @enchive
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oatmealdoodles · 4 months
*Spoilers for HB Full Moon*
I don’t have my thoughts coherent enough to make a clear post so im just gonna ramble
GOD this episode was a trip. Was expecting it to all be Stolitz, and then it took a hard turn with the Cherubs and the FBI, and to be honest I couldn’t care less about them. It wasn’t bad by any mean, but I was disappointed to see over half the episode titled “Full Moon” was gonna be about something other than Stolitz
And then in the last FIVE MINUTES they pull out all the stops and give us this
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I love the way this episode did misunderstandings, which is something people usually hate, because you can SO EASILY see where everyone’s coming from, and they are both completely justified. Stolas only meant good, he wanted to break the toxic deal he had with Blitzo, and he was very thorough about it. But he took Blitzo’s first bad reaction as a sign that he didn't love him, instead of giving him time to think. And Blitzo’s first reaction to someone loving him and genuinely wanting the best for him to be that they’re faking it HURTS. His outburst seems irrational but when you take into consideration how much he’s been rejected, it almost makes sense that he would assume Stolas is getting rid of him, because he’s SO CONVINCED that no one could ever love him.
And I was expecting pain, but I was NOT expecting Stolas to be choking through his tears hurt by Blitz
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I also LOVE how this episode establishes Stolas’s charachter growth. Going back to the first episode, Im sorry but these are NOT the same people
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Before Stolas was cruel and dismissive of Blitzo, only wanting to sleep with him. But now he’s grown into someone who genuinely loves him, and is willing to give up their relationship if thats what would make Blitzo happy. And this was all super subtle, over the course of many confrontations. You almost don’t realize it’s happening, but it feels so natural. You can FEEL how much Stolas loves Blitzo in this scene, and genuinely wants the best for him.
Also How Blitzo looked so HAPPY to see Stolas, he went on a night out shopping for him and looked SO EXITED to finally see him. And just how DESPERATE he looks when Stolas is saying he wants the grimware back, literally crying and begging Stolas to reconsider. I dont think I need to say this but I dont think this is about the book. GOD I hurst that the first time we’ve seen Blitzo exited about seeing stolas AND IT END LIKE THIS.
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There are also so many parallels with Blitzo and Stolas switching sides, Blitz now being the h0rny one and Stolas the one who truly cares. It’s a ‘how the tables have turned” that makes this episode all the more painful once you realize:
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(thanks to @timkontheunsure and @miyakuli for pointing these out)
And BROOOO THE CHANDELEIR FROM WHEN THEY WERE KIDS IN THE FINAL SHOT I didnt even realize this at the beginning but whYYY?
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edit: I LOVE people pointing out that Blitzo screaming at Stolas might have reminded him of his toxic relationship with Stella, which might be why he shut down and cried, because that’s what he did with her.
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anyways I think that’s all I got so have some Fizzy to cheer you up
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
asl trio when there s/o doesnt say ily back please? also i luv ur writingg!
a/n - why do I feel like Sabo would just start sobbing. 😭 also I’m adding shanks bec why not 💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, Sabo sobbing for 15 minutes straight
You’re supposed to say it back
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- I imagine that shanks wouldn’t really let you get away with it 👀
- “Bye baby! I’m just gonna go to the town to buy some things before we leave. Benn and Roux will help me if I need it.”
- Shanks tenderly hugged you to his chest and pressed a kiss on your forehead, “I love you, I miss you already.”
- “You’re still holding me.”
- You waved goodbye to him, starting to walk away while purposely not saying I love you back to him. You thought it’d be funny to see his reaction
- He grabbed your wrist gently, “Hm- you’re forgetting something?”
- “what?? I have my bag, weapon, and a jacket.. Im not forgetting anything!” You feigned innocence, and you could see his expression dropping down
- depression surrounded the emperor as he slouched over, almost pouting at you, very impatiently waiting for you to say it back to him (before he threw a temper tantrum)
- you laughed, god he was such a baby sometimes
- “I love you too shanks.”
- his face lit up again, and he pressed his lips to yours, holding the back of your neck softly with his rough hand
- “You were hurting my feelings for a second.”
- “It would’ve hurt more than when my arm got bitten off.” 💀
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- The amount of times Luffy says “I love you” throughout the day is sometimes amazing
- when you get up in the morning, “I love you y/n!”
- breakfast: love you!! (Gimme your food)
- randomly walking in on him taking a shit: oh hi y/n! I love youuuuu!
- yeah you get the point 😭
- and you never fail to always tell him that you love him too
- except for today, you thought it’d be funny to see how he reacted
- it was time to go to the town with Nami and Robin, and of course, luffy wanted to go with you guys
- “Luffy- just stay on the ship this time! I’ll bring you some meat back, k?”
- “Ok- fine.. Love you y/n!”
- he always gives you little kisses on both of your cheeks before you go (pls help I’m sobbing 😭💜)
- “Bye Lu :)”
- Even robin was a bit shocked, you didn’t say it back
- hell, zoro even opened his other eye and sanji lifted his bangs up to look at you
- you started walking, and Nami was concerned, did something happen between the two of you???
- “Luffy.. Did you do something bad?” Usopp asked with a wince, whispering in his ear
- Luffy looked angry, but sad, but hungry, but confused
- “Y/NNNNN! Why didn’t you say it back?!”
- You looked back with fake confusion on your face, “I said I love you!” -Luffy
- “I know!! I Heard you! Bye!”
- man sprinted over to you and shook you by the shoulders, smothering you with hugs and kisses
- You were getting dizzy, so you gave up, “Ok ok! It was a joke calm down- I love you Luffy.”
- he laughed, “Shishishi~ love you too! Please bring back a lot of meat!”
- lesson learned, you never did that again
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- ace is the perfect definition of a golden retriever boyfriend
- he needs constant love and affection, and when he doesn’t get it, he kind of melts down in a sense (I JUST REALIZED THATS KIND OF A JOKE)
- “Y/n! Be careful please k? Love you.” He said, pecking your cheek before you nodded with a smile, waving goodbye to him
- Was he going insane? You said that you loved him back right?
- “Hey pops- did y/n say they loved me back?”
- “…”
- Marco was desperately trying to tell Whitebeard to just say that you did so ace wouldn’t go into overthinking panic mode, but the poor guy didn’t seem to understand the frantic hand motions
- “Uh. No?”
- “POPS.” -Marco
- ace started to panic, what did he do today?!
- you both woke up at 2pm, cuddled for another hour, ate food together.. He fell asleep on your lap.. he was writing a letter to Luffy.
- wait. he was writing a letter to Luffy.. AND MAYBE YOU THOUGHT IT WAS TO SOMEONE ELSE?!
- he sprinted after you, tripping over every single rock in his path, pebbles and all
- he skidded in front of you, panting, “Y/n! I promise I was writing a letter to Luffy, not anyone else! I only love you ok? Please believe me- I’m sorry for not telling you!”
- you were concerned and felt bad that your little prank spiraled down into this-
- “Ace it was a little joke- I wanted to see how you reacted. I’m sorry baby- I love you so much k?”
- you ended up taking him shopping with you, and you had a 6ft tall fire golden retriever running around and grabbing things he through reminded him of you 🥺🥺
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- sabo was about to head off to report to dragon, and he was giving you a hug and soft kisses before he left
- “I love you y/n, I’ll be back soon.” He said softly, moving your hair behind your ear
- “Ok, good luck sabo, i know you’ll do great!”
- he was a bit taken aback because he could’ve sworn that you didn’t… Say that you loved him back?
- he waved goodbye with the same expression written on his face the entirety of his walk to Dragon’s office
- “Sabo? You ok?” -koala
- He just started crying, and Koala had to bring tissues to try and calm him down
- he was fanning his face, his eyes puffy and his nose punk from wiping the snot away so many times
- “I don’t know- *sniffle* what I did! Y/n didn’t say “i love you” back to me- *sniffle*”
- pls he’s sobbing rn
- “Koala have you seen Sabo-?” -dragon
- dragon had never left the room so fast (he left faster than when he left Luffy)
- man forgot about the whole meeting- he’s never seen Sabo cry like this before! What the hell did you do??
- “Sabo- im sure y/n loves you! Maybe they just forgot or didn’t hear you?”
- you ended up following the sounds of muffled sobs and had to comfort your poor boyfriend for about 20 minutes before he stopped crying
- “I’m sorry Sabo- I didn’t mean to make you feel bad! It was just a joke.. I love you so much ok?”
- *sniffle* “Now everyone saw me crying- this is embarrassing.”
- he’s now just nuzzling into your chest for comfort, and you decided to never do this prank again because god this was painful
- seeing him cry like that hurt your soul 😭
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a/n - tagging @figgydooo bec I saw your ask 💜💜
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muffinsin · 8 days
Greetings. I know thyeth awaiteds of trial, aka, thoueths inbox, is full of requests, so, if thou doth perchance chooseth to bless thy anon, by choosing to grant myith humble pleads, take your time.
I sincerely ask of thou to consider thy dumb lil giggleshits by writing about the dimitrescu sisters (seperate, not as a polycule) reactions to their s/o (thats us!!! Thats you!!!) outright demanding to be 'bitten better' after getting a large wound/scar/scab or something, because, like, if im correct, thats just like, alot of ur bloodcells rising to reform damaged skin??? or something?? Idk. I failed science. I just think it would be funny to be like '(BELA/CASSANDRA/DANIELA), GIT OVER HERE AND BITE ME,, I HAVE PLACES TO BE AND I DO NOT NEED TO EXPLAIN TO PEOPLE HOW I TRIPPED AND FELL ONTO THE HANDLE (?? Do they have handles?) OF UR DUMB (friggen) SICKLE!!!"
I thanketh thee for thoueth time.
with utmost respect, thoueths truely,
Corvina, aka, stupid, medieval-talking dork.
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Haha I love this!! XD That’s some fancy talk right there🧐🎩! (Cassandra likes to insist on your point, biting to make her lover feel better. She’s just helping, really!)
Now, let’s get into this!🙌 :)
You’re bored, waiting for your girlfriend to finish up her work
Really, you doubt it will ever be finished, but at the very least Bela promised to set limits for herself as it comes to work, to avoid overworking herself, and to allow her to spend more time with you
Now, she probably would be more motivated to wrap things up immediately if she knew what you’re up to
Bored as you are, you desperately need something to do
And really, the castle- or village in general- doesn’t offer too much that doesn’t include murder
And even that isn’t your thing, at the very least not without Bela
As such you find yourself sitting at the unoccupied desk in her room, lazily playing with the sickle she left there for her nightly hunt
You’re sure she wouldn’t mind! After all, it’s not like you’re breaking it!
You’re merely playing with it!
What could go-
You flinch when it slips from you, then yelp when it’s sharp blade slices through your inner thigh, then falls from the chair and to the ground, at last laying bloodied between your shaking legs
Oh oh…
You whine a little as you look down at the cut, deep, but hardly lethal
The sight of the bloodied flesh and the feeling of the painful ache surrounding it is enough to have you run off to find Bela
Which is precisely why you find yourself the way you do now, sat down in her office chair, your face flushed and cheeks burning up as you look down at her
Her lips and tongue tending to your cut, her body below you as she kneels between your legs
Needless to say, it’s an explicit looking image, one that has your entire body tingle
Yet, the glare she shoots you over and over again has your thoughts stay in the gutter
You pat her hair apologetically, scratching softly at her scalp just the way she likes it
Soon enough, thankfully, your cut stops bleeding and no longer aches this much
Still, you know her work is not yet done
As such, you send her a shy smile, apologizing for foolishly playing with her weapon yet again
You don’t think it wise to point out that you only did so because you were bored. Her glare is deadly enough as is
Though, it’s adorable how her eyes soften when you scratch her scalp just right
And, admittedly, she looks adorable with her lips and chin stained in your blood
You gasp when she bites down beside the cut, then at the other side
Again and again, and again and again does she tend to the gentle bites
Soon, your entire thigh is throbbing, but experience tells you the sensation will pass soon and the skin will heal fast
You lean back against the chair as she rises and reaches into her drawer
You throw her a weak smile when she bandages you up, and can’t help but grin when she kisses your forehead
Your cheeks heat up again when she grabs your face, raising an eyebrow at you
Still, you can’t help but smile at her
“Don’t touch my things again”, she warns, her tone playful
You nod, happily taking the kiss you receive in return
You love Cassandra
You love every part of her, treasure her sadism and need to cause trouble as much as her rare, softer sides
You love her creativity, her love for the crafts
You love her weapons, and love that she builds and collects them
What you love less, however, is that she has a habit of leaving them out
And not only in the armory, out of their assigned spots
Not even only in her room, which is more like a battlefield with sickles and swords, axes and daggers scattered across the ground and the desks
No, your girlfriend instead leaves her weapons all around the castle for everyone to stumble into
Such as today
Admittedly, you were a little careless today, a little spaced out, not very conscious of your actions…admittedly, she told you not to be that at the castle
But, your little hypocrite of a girlfriend is just that, too!
Only has she never had an accident like this…
If she did, you’d regret not having it on camera
You open the closet, half humming to yourself, half zoned out
That is, until one of the weapons she stupidly forgot in there falls
She’s likely shut the closet with the weapon leaning against its door, careless as usual, or perhaps waiting for a maid to open her little death trap next
Instead, it’s you
You hiss and flinch away, yelling in all; surprise, anger, shock, fear and pain as your arm is sliced open
Blood drips from it and you immediately slap your palm across the cut, gritting your teeth at the searing pain
Not lethal, but likely to leave a scar
And still, your scream and the scent of your blood immediately attracts attention
When Cassandra swarms inside, you briefly allow yourself to think of grabbing the damn sickle and whacking it across her head, before grasping her shoulders and shaking her until your little troublemaker of a girlfriend begins to clean up her things
Countless times have you told her to be more careful!
To stop leaving her sharp tools everywhere!
By the look in your eye, the open closet and the sickle on the ground she immediately figures out what must have happened
In her eyes, you find worry, mixed with guilt and embarrassment
She knows, she’s about to get an earful and you aren’t likely to let her off the hook for that one anytime soon
She attempts to shoot you a smile, and while normally you’d return it, the pain has you only scowl at her in a mix of annoyance, love, and anger
You decide, she caused this
And she will fix it
“Down”, you groan, clutching the bleeding cut on your arm
With surprising submission, she falls to her knees, her eyes wide and a surprised gasp falling from her lips when you press your arm to her face
It doesn’t even take a second for her to latch on
Gently, she pries your skin away to lick at the blood, her tongue slow and steady, her movements careful rather than bloodthirsty and wild
She knows, she isn’t really allowed to feed from you now
She’s meant to fix her mistake, so long as she doesn’t want to sleep on the cold side of the bed, something she detests, when her favorite spot is on top of you
Nonetheless, your girlfriend is moaning at your taste immediately, rolling her eyes subtly when you ramble on and scold her
You roll your eyes back at her playfully
You can’t truly be angry at her, not when her tongue and teeth are already working wonders at numbing the throbbing pain in your arm
You allow her to work on the wound for what feels like half an hour, sending flies onto the skin here and there
You aren’t entirely willing to think about their spit on you, but appreciate it when you feel your skin first tingle, then pull together slightly again
At the very least, your loving sadist knows how to treat wounds
Some might call you clumsy
“Some” including your girlfriend and her sisters, and perhaps even yourself, if you swallow down your pride
And really, it doesn’t take all that much for you to get into trouble
Especially with your girlfriend, trouble is pretty much on the menu each day
What clumsiness you have, your girlfriend often adds to with her carelessness
As such, there have been countless incidents of running through the castle and slipping on some of the blood she carelessly spilled in the halls
Or the times she left her weapons out
Now that, is disaster waiting to happen
Often, more often than you’d like to admit, you end up injuring yourself with them somehow
Such as today
You’re racing past the halls again, eager to find your girlfriend
You know just where, too
The library, her favorite spot on a cool day like this
You giggle at the thought of her curled up by the fire, cuddled up among countless pillows and such
As you daydream, you begin to pay less and less attention to where you’re going
Or rather, what’s in your way
As such, you don’t see the sharp blade of her favourite sword sticking out of the vase in your way until the last second
And as such, your happiness is quickly interrupted when you catch a glimpse of it and quickly try to dodge it
Only does “dodging it” mean stumbling over your legs, failing to catch yourself on the railing of the stairs and tumbling down
The worst?
This isn’t the first time you accidentally fell down the stairs to the main hall
As you clutch your hip in pain, you can’t help but think:
You can’t let Cassandra and Bela know of this. Their teasing would never end!
Daniela though…surely she can keep her mouth shut if you confide in her
Besides, the ugly bruise on your hip should be treated
And who better to treat it than your lover?
When you find her, she’s over the moon to see you
She immediately abandons her blankets and pillows, books and snacks to wrap her arms around you
Still, worry, then humor glistens in her eyes when you wince a little once her hand connects with your hip
It seems, it only takes her a few moments to figure out what must have happened
Or at the very least that you got yourself into trouble again
You roll your eyes as she giggles, allowing her to lead you to her spot among the books
Below you is a thick, fluffy blanket, surrounding you and supporting your head are perfect pillows
You feel yourself starting to relax already, slowly lifting your shirt to expose the forming bruise at your hip
She coos a little at it
Then, a kiss is placed to it, and you can’t help but smile again
You will always take your girlfriend kissing your wounds better
Stroking her hair and relaxing against the pillows, you feel her teeth gently sink into the skin around the bruise
Never too much, nor too deep
Just right
Just enough for your skin to tingle and throb a little
You whisper a little, speaking of what happened
And she listens, only occasionally hums against your skin or presses kisses to it
Soon, you feel your hip calm again, instead she moves on top of you
“Want me to kiss it better some more?”, she asks, a sly grin forming at her lips
How could you refuse?
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
the weekend | jjk (teaser)
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→pairing: dilf!jk x babysitter reader
→rating/genre: m/18+ | fwb?, angst, full fic will include smut
→word count: 618
→warnings: suggestive (as in building up to smut), some dirty talk, hair pulling, neck smoochies, lil lingerie moment, slightly dangerous moment in a car?, implied infidelity, smol appearance from bby yul (holds up ‘aww’ cue card)
→summary: Every weekend, you give Jungkook a little taste of something he’s missing Monday through Friday.
→notes: um long time no see i haven't posted any writing in a while so im v excited and nervy atm! had this teaser planned for a hot minute so yeah v excited to see your reactions! i don't have a set date when this will come out but hopefully soon. as for now, you can check out my masterlist if u wanna wink wink. also this fic will be v angsty so pls if thats not ur thing, skip this. ok love u bye !! feedback is appreciated v much uwu. also this is not beta’d obvi so if there’s any typos or goofiness rip im sorry :’(
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“Well, there’s still time.” You point to the clock on his touchscreen stereo; 11:12 p.m. You throw your hair over your shoulder before slowly undoing the top two buttons of your shirt, revealing the skimpy black lingerie set you bought just for tonight. Just for him. “We can celebrate…”
“Yeah?” His cheek bubbles, teasing tongue poking at the inside of his mouth, eyebrow jumping at your suggestion. “How so?”
You bite your lip, contemplating your next move. Hastily, you unbuckle your seatbelt and lean over the center console. It’s reckless, but so was being with a man like Jungkook. You’re incapable of rational thought when you finally get to have him the way you want. One night of him isn’t enough. What kind of tease is that? You need at least six more to be satisfied.
“__,” he warns, arching his head away from your sneaky lips.  “Put your seatbelt on. Wait until we get to the hotel.”
“Where’s the fun in that, though?” You pout, cupping his cheek and batting your eyelashes innocently. Jungkook doesn’t take the bait, giving the desolate road ahead his unwavering attention. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, you can tell you’re getting to him. Below you, his slacks tighten around his thick, tensed thighs. He’s playing right into your hands. Needily, you tongue the little silver hoops dangling from his ear. 
“If I have to pull over, you’re in trouble.”
“Maybe I-”
A hushed ‘fuck’ cuts you off as the car comes to a screeching halt. Jungkook slams on the brakes, coming too close to the slower vehicle in front of you for comfort. Luckily, his dad reflexes kick in, strong hand gripping your waist tightly, preventing you from barreling forward. You brace yourself by clutching his shoulders, and when the adrenaline rush fades, you finally look at him. His nostrils are flared and his jaw is clenched painfully tight.
He’s pissed. 
You know you should apologize, or be shaken up at the very least, but the blinking of his turn signal as he pulls to the side of the dark highway has your mouth watering. This is just what you wanted. 
Jungkook sighs in frustration, tilting his head back against the headrest. The movement is counterintuitive, exposing the inked canvas of his neck that you’re desperate to paint red and purple. You go in for a bite.
A hand fists your tangled hair, pulling you off with a harsh yank before you have the chance to sink your teeth into his skin. The silver ring on his finger digs into your scalp like a knife. “Do not fucking mark me.”
The feeling of the frigid metal is agonizing. Not physically, his grip loosens immediately after the initial tug, but emotionally. You know why he doesn’t want you to mark him. Any evidence of you, other than your weekly babysitting duties, would unravel his entire life. Jungkook is an intelligent man. You don’t have to tell him that it’s all a facade, and everything’s already been undone. 
“I’m sorry.” Your voice comes out frail and shaky. “I just want you.”
And like some cruel joke, his phone rings. 
The contact image would normally make you swoon. It’s a picture of him and his daughter from her first birthday party; her sticky, strawberry ice cream covered, hands holding his cheeks as he stares at her with scrunched eyes and a big smile. You think that picture is the only time you’ve ever seen him genuinely happy.
The bold, white font at the top of the screen, though, makes you sick to your stomach. 
Jungkook releases your hair and places a finger over his mouth, signaling for you to shut up, before answering. 
“Yes, Seulgi?”
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© chryblossomjjk 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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star-girl-05 · 9 months
Bedhead: One
James Wilson x reader
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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“That's not fair” you eye his naked torso to his bedhead. You're seriously contemplating calling in and spending the rest of your life, the day with him. Not that is a serious option, you both have work, but as long as he's here you’ll continue to enjoy the view. 
He’s slipping on one of his button ups as he turns to you with a dopey smile. “What are you talking about?” You don't answer right away to bust focusing on the little bit of skin you can still see as he puts more clothes on. You can't help but pout when hes fully dressed, you want more time to admire him. He didn't even shower this morning depriving you of the view of him in only a towel. 
“You look too pretty for just getting out of bed” your answer, made him chuckle. He moves back over to the bed, and places a kiss on your lips. Pulling away all too quickly, before he can get too far your pulling him back to you carding your fingers through his soft hair.
His will to leave is slowly demising the more your fingers tug on his hair and your tongue slides against his. He only pulls away when he feels you unbuttoning his shirt. You pout as he quickly moves out of your arms reach. Once again hes chuckling at your reaction. “While I would love to stay in bed with you we both have to get to work.” His voice is soft, too soft It makes you want to go back to bed.
You want him to stay in bed with you so the two of you could cuddle. Even if it's a losing battle you're not going to give up, because it means you get to admire him a little longer before you have to go to work and pretend you're not in a relationship. “Let's both call in and we can spend the rest of the day in bed, I promise to make it worth your wild.” Raise your eyebrows in a suggestive manner even going as far as biting your lip to really sell your point.
James is tempted for a moment until he remembers he has a meeting that he can’t cancel. He could tell them he’s seriously ill and just stay here, and he just might if you keep looking at him with those eyes.  
“I wish I could but…” you cut him off telling him you understand, doing your best to hide your disappointment. Deciding to get out of bed getting ready for another long day. You continue to watch James while you get ready frowning when he smooths down his bedhead. Something about perfect James Wilson having messy hair (the messy hair you caused) made you want him even more. 
Once you're both ready the two of you say your final goodbye placing a kiss on each other's lips and getting into your separate vehicles. You and James both decided when he first asked you on a date to keep it perfectly professional. Especially with you working for House. Surprisingly Wilson has been able to keep House from finding out about the two of you.
Its been five hours since you last saw James and you're beginning to have withdraws. House has had you and Cameron running test for over an hour, you only just now had the chance to slip away. Sneaking off to James office, you're in desperate need to mess up his hair again.
You're relieved to find his door cracked giving you hope he's all alone. You still knock in case someone is in there luckily for you hes all alone. Meaning you can put your plan into action. "Honey what are you doing here?" He eyes the door connecting his and houses balconies.
"I missed you" thats enough to have James heart melting. He rises from his seat and heads towards you as soon as hes close to you, you're pulling him close. His hands find their spot on your hips, placing a deep kiss on your lips. The two of you don't have nearly as much time as you would like, Cameron will get suspicious. So you have to move fast, carding your fingers through his once perfect hair. He groans into your mouth, grinding his hips against yours. Gosh... why did he have to be so delicious? His mouth is moving to your neck and your wishing this could continue but you have to go, thankfully you accomplished what you wanted. You messed up his hair.
Before things could progress any further you're pulling away much to James displeasure. "Are you really leaving after getting me all worked up?" You can be a tease but you've never done it at work. You're slipping out of the office leaving him with an uncomfortable situation in his pants.
He was not going to let you get away with this. 
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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seahagart · 8 months
What are Drifa's first opinions of the companions before she gets to know them?
Lae'zel: First companion she would meet, immediately understands she's very brave and 'knows what she's doing', respects. As time goes on, I think Drífa's indifference towards her comments/insults would wane, she would ignore it/not understand what she's saying, or would just think she's making a comment like 'you have an ugly large nose' and drifa is like 'you have no nose, see drífa have eyes', then would probably get tired of it, poking the bear, but remain stoic which i think would bother lae'zel more than getting a reaction lolol. Lae'zel hates Drífa... or does she.... :)
Shadowheart: Second companion, small elf girl, anytime shadowheart is like 'i don't wanna talk about it' drífa's like 'aight' and leaves, which is why shadowheart likes her now. Drífa is concerned, a small elf all alone. Feels shes quite small and fragile to be into the things shes talking about, but whatever. literally has no idea who shar is so is like 'cool goddess, i respect your faith' because drifa also follows a rather fierce goddess. Drifa prefers to listen over talking, so they get along well. shadowheart is desperately trying to smash rn
Gale: Pulled this weirdo out of a rock, a malnourished human, appears sickly. Drífa is confused by most of what he says, but he is rather poetic so she enjoys the 'nonsense' he talks about. Now she has 3 main landers to take care of. Gale talks way too much, but it is entertaining to her. She does not like that he believes he could compete with a goddess.... the gods are gods for a reason, to think you could understand their meaning, or be equal to one is conceited to her. She understands it's because of 'love', but she is weary. Gale is trying to smash now in my play through.
Astarion: weird little malnourished elf man. He also talks to much. Drífa has two talkative dramatic tiny boys and two ladies that hate each other so she's kinda remembering why she lived in isolation for 35 years. Astarion she probably views like a cat, like seeks attention when he wants it, eats what he wants, believes he's the best one here. She is not afraid of him being a vampire because she simply would never let an elf fell her, that would be a true dishonor. he's mildly offended. She doesn't tolerate his dislike of children, but typically doesn't really care what he does.
Wyll: Another little guy with sad eyes. Another human. Drifa likes him, he's polite, seems to know what he's doing, seems 'the most normal' plus has seen his share of battle (like lae'zel) so she's glad to have him along. Obviously when things go down she's like 'wow... yet another guy with baggage with a blue lady...' side eying gale. She likes his stories, listens intently to his deeds of good and protecting the sword coast, overall likes him but is still like 'here is another small human- oops small devil for my collection'
Karlach: Finally someone who looks like they're a warrior. Likes her, feels like she doesn't need to protect/take care of, which is good so she can focus her energies on the softies of the party. Drífa would like Karlach, she's a bit blunt and a bit more energetic than Drífa is used to, but probably likes that. Karlach's dancing, lust for life, and fire would be highly approved. I think Drífa wouldn't really get why she's sad about not being touched
Halsin: another gd ELF, but this ones big and can turn into a bear so thats ok. I think they'd have a lot in common but Drífa views him more as a tree hugger. She appreciates nature, so i think they could get along well.... though she finds him confusing... she doesn't feel like she needs to worry about him, and he's pretty forward and upfront so it works out well.
There are all first impressions. Drífa was raised to take care of herself and herself only, keep to her own, and that strength = power, because her lifestyle is very physically demanding. Being big and strong is important, being fat and strong is more important to survive frozen winters etc. She is a loner suddenly surrounded by people for the first time in her life, and is doing her best to keep them alive because obviously they need her help and this is a mission given to her by her goddess, why else would she have sent the ship to take her, to bring her to these people...
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psuedosugu · 3 months
thinking about suguru with a siren reader…
notes: this has been in my drafts for a hot hot minute and i hope yall see my vision also i made a discord server that you guys should join 😊
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- the job of a siren was a simple one. sing your melody, entrance the captain just enough so that they would crash the ship, and done.
you never felt any guilt for what you did. these men were trespassers, after all, littering and casting their nets in your sea. sometimes you wonder how one could be so inconsiderate.
one particular night, the sea swirled around you, your only source of light being the stars twinkling and the fire that had started on the now crashed ship, impaled by a sharp rock. men jumped off of the slowly sinking wreck, soon drowning in the harsh, cold water. you watched from a distance, with a sense of pride in your chest—
and then you spotted something. or someone, for that matter. he was young, couldn’t be older than 20, with long dark hair. you weren’t exactly sure of what about him caught your eye so fast, but you were enthralled.
you swam closer to the burning ship, desperate to get a closer look. he had a look of terror in his eyes, debating on whether to jump or not. as the fire spread more and more, he realized he had no choice, bracing himself and leaping into the dark mass of water.
you freeze, unsure of what to do. you’re supposed to leave him alone, to let him face his watery grave. he brought it onto himself, anyways, and direct interaction with humans is forbidden in the pod, lest you be captured and their cover blown, but….
you sigh, swimming to where the nearly unconscious man bobbed above and below the water and propelling to the nearest land available, a remote island just a few miles away. once you arrive, you plop him exhaustedly onto the sand.
“hello? hellooooo? are you dead? i hope you’re not dead, that means i dragged you out here for nothing. helloooo??” suguru wakes up to the sound of your voice and the feeling of your damp hand lightly slapping him on the cheek.
he’s…..relaxed at first. your voice was like a symphony, a contrast with your harsh words. it made him feel so warm…
and then he remembered. crash. fire. sinking. and the deep, dark cold.
he sits up with such fervor that you flinch, shifting slightly away. “where…what- what happened? they’re- they’re all dead, aren’t they? oh god- oh god, oh god, oh god oh god oh god-“ he mutters under his voice, hyperventilating. you sit there, indifferent to his panic.
“um….are you…okay?” you asked. he darts his eyes towards you. you were beautiful, with looks that were almost hypnotic. hen his eyes darted down to your tail, shiny and greenish. he shifted back, not completely sure if he was hallucinating or not.
“…what- what are you?” he stammered out with wide eyes. you shrug. “you know, i was more expecting a ‘thank you for saving my life,’ but thats a fine enough reaction, i guess,” you said matter-of-factly, with a somewhat amused smirk on your face.
“no- i, i need to get back, i-“ you eye him. “well, there isn’t much land close to over here sooo…id say your chances of being rescued are pretty slim.” you shrug. his eyes are wide, not believing what was happening. this was a dream. this was a dream and he would wake up any minute now, right? but the sand underneath him, and the soft breeze hitting his face felt all too real.
“….well?” you frowned, folding your arms. “you gonna do anything other than looking shellshocked?” humans are boring, you realized. you two sat there in uncomfortable silence for a few more seconds before you turned around to leave. the pod would start looking for you soon, after all, but then—
“wait!” you paused at the mans voice. “don’t go yet.”
he hesitated. “how does that….thing work?” he asked, pointing to your tail. you shrugged in response, “same as a fish, id suppose.”
“what’s your name?”
“[name]. yours?”
—and then marked the start of a strange routine. you’d sneak out to go visit suguru when you could. he fed on wild fruits and berries, keeping himself alive. sometimes you’d bring him some food yourself.
you liked how he reacted to things. he was unique, a new specimen for you to observe, and as the almost complete isolation started to drive him mad, you turned into the anchor he clung on.
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lovecolibri · 4 months
The only thing I'm going to say about this (<- probably lying) is that it doesn't matter how Buck felt in that scene. Because Buck isn't real and doesn't actually have feelings. What DOES matter is how it comes across to the audience. And if the vast majority of the audience had an "what the fuck is this and why is it happening like this?" reaction and that was NOT the intention of the scene? Then it wasn't done well.
You should not have to come out after the episode and explain what the scene was supposed to do. If you have to, then you have failed in your job to get across to the writers, directors, and actors what the point and purpose is. And maybe you have failed to take into account what the characters are like, their trauma histories, and how the audience might react given their knowledge of the characters involved.
A lot of people never forgave tay kay for what she did to Bobby in s2, and then having Buck Begins give us this raw, vulnerable version of Buck and his childhood only to have her lash out a couple of eps later calling him "needy" and a bad friend because he asked something of her instead of just being there to give her whatever she wanted? It's no surprise fans and the general audience never got on board with that relationship. Because it wasn't good to BUCK and that's what the audience wants.
I am personally continually BAFFLED that this show gives these moments of gentle teasing and support and validation of Buck's feelings (even when he can overreact a little out of trauma response) to Eddie, and then continually put Buck in romantic relationships with people that don't even seem to LIKE him, much less adore all his quirks and the things that make him BUCK, and most importantly, the things the AUDIENCE loves about him.
It's.....it's almost like Tim isn't even trying. Because the audience isn't SUPPOSED to like these relationships for Buck. Because they aren't the right ones for him. Because we all know who is.
But also, at some point it starts getting questionable as to why the people that love him don't speak up to express concern about him staying in long term relationships with people that are not nice to him. We all know the bait-and-switch of tay kay in s4 being a FOX network call to shut down what Tim wanted to do, and then he left the show with someone who doesn't like, see, or care about Buddie (or really any of the main characters that aren't Angela to live out some revenge fantasy or Buck to live out...other fantasies). So they couldn't very well have all of the firefam desperately asking Buck if he was even happy as he wasted away in that loft all season, or even allow them to be kinda pissed he would choose to be with someone like that who nearly got Bobby killed by not telling someone immediately and interviewing him without consent, but it never sat right with me that it was all just never addressed and they had them breakup on good terms (sorry not sorry but if you think T*mmy isn't nice to Buck, tay kay was worse in every way and thats canon fact).
So I don't have super high hopes that they will address this clear and obvious disconnect with Buck and T*mmy, but considering they made a point to have nearly all their screentime revolve around Eddie, and them not meshing as a couple it would be weird NOT to. Then again, *gestures to all that rambling above*
The point it, at SOME point the audience does have to be a consideration because without an audience you do not have a show. So Tim needs to shake off the last of the Lone Star cobwebs, get KR the fuck out of the writers room, and make sure his intentions for scenes are ACTUALLY what make it onto the screen, and that what is on screen is stuff that will resonate positively with the audience. Maybe he should rewatch the first 3 seasons of the show himself to get back into the groove.
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issdisgrace · 11 months
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WARNINGS: Fisting duh, romance, Vincent is just a little baby
A/N: @charliedakotariley I hope you enjoy this and I hope you don't mind that it isn't a fic and more of a he type thing.
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It would be probaly be a while into ways your guys realationship before Vincent brings up the idea of you fisting him.
The reason why it took a while for him to bring it up is because Vincent veiws fisting as an act of trust more than anything. So he needed to know he could fully trust you before he brought it up.
Anyway with that all out of the way.
When Vincent first brought up you fisting him it was when you guys were cuddled in bed togeather.
To say you were shocked was an understatement.
He was very worried when he saw your reaction but you quickly put that to rest. Assuring him that it was completely fine and that you would love to do it and you were just shocked since it came out of left feild.
You guys then talk about it a little more and you prodded on what brought it on. And thats when Vincent tells you that it is a thing of trust. Your heart was throughly warmed that he trusted you that much.
So you decided that you would make it extra sepcial for him as a thank you for him trusting so much. It was a big step specially because Vincent had life long trust issue thanks to his oh so lovely parents.
Ok, now i'll acutally get on to the good stuff.
The night started with you making a dinner for the two of you. After dinner you drew Vincent a bath and while he had a nice soak you got your guys room ready.
You added extra blankents and made a nest of sorts with the blanket. You set out the rest of the stuff you needed and eventually went to collect Vincent.
You wrapped him in a nice towel and carried to your guys room.
You placed him in the nest of blankets then stripped yourself of your clothes and disgraded his towel.
You got on top of him and you guys had began a nice and slow makeout session with maybe too much tounge.
After you guys makeout session you kissed slowly down his body leaving hickies here and there. All while whispering sweet words.
You started first by finger him open with 2 fingers. Vincent whined and moaned pushing himself back onto you. It wasn’t enough he need more.
When he was ready you added more lube and added the third finger into him. Vincent felt so nice and full but he still craved more. He whined desperately as you fucked him open.
It felt so fucking amazing then you added a four finger and felt like he died and had gone to heaven. It was amazing. He never felt such pleasure. He needed more and more.
When he was open enough you slipped in your fifth finger. He had thought four fingers felt amazing but this was something else.
He was overwhelmed with pleasure as you fucked him. He felt on top of the world and your hand fully slipped into him.
And he fell over the edge cumming all over the blanket bellow him.
Despite having just cummed. Vincent fucked himself back on to you.
Which explicit a laugh from you. You speed up your thrust. Causing Vincent to give out a pornstar worthy moan.
He felt overwhelming love coming from you as you whispered sweet things into his ear as you fuck him.
He felt so safe and secure in that moment. His mind went blank and all he could do was feel. Feel your movements. Feel the love coming from you.
He felt so warm inside as he spilled onto the blanket bellow him yet again. He let out a sigh of content as he melted into the nest of blankets.
It didn’t take long for the exchange of the day and your guys activity to catch up to him. And he started to drift in and out of consciousness. As he was drifting in and out he felt you pull out which explicated a whine from him. But he was too tired to fight back.
After Vincent went to sleep you finished yourself off and then cleaned up the two of you before joining him in bed. Cuddling up next to him soon following into a blissful sleep.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
"Oh my gosh do you sound like a sim to them??"
Me trying to place myself in their shoes:
"Why the fuck do I sound like a villager in Animal Crossing-- ARE THEY HEARING ANIMALESE WHEN I SPEAK?!"
(A.k.a I saw the previous ask and thought wait a minute. Two different worlds. Languages so similar but so different....... We're basically speaking animalese in another game/world lmfao)
(Bonus: Creator!Reader knows this and takes full advantage as their payback. Traveller magically understands and speaks back causing further pyschic confusion. Pretty sure soke brains have been melted among linguistic students in Sumeru)
-Vine Boom
It has been a minute and yet, you remain my love!! Thank you for your patience, have a little scenario as my thanks for that and submitting the cool idea <3
Me @ you: ♥ ( ॢᵕ n ᵕ (꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ) mwah! /p
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this gif is just really cute thats why its here.
also i have very little to add so its short but only bc im ✨uncreative✨ atm and ur ask alone is funny enough lmao, so once again, a scenario bc vine booms just a genius all on their own ✨️
😭so you mean 😭 as revenge 😭 for this awful deed 😭 done to your speech 😭 you just start EMBRACING IT 😭😭😭PLEAASEEE-
PLEASE the traveler understands it!! 💀
Also if anyone reads this im so sorry ive flooded the sagau tag with language shenanigans LMAO
Ever since you realized that the entirety of Teyvat sounds like Sims to you, (and the subsequent awful reckoning that you sound the same to them 😭) 
You have finally mentally recovered enough courage, and desperately shoved any embarrassment deep into your soul, to try and think of what to do about it
You quickly found that people had 3 types of reactions to your speech,
1. They try to understand the nonsense like you trying to understand their Simlish, it really doesnt work, you wish you could tell them to give up and just gesture at you instead:
(ALHAITHAM he keeps trying then giving up then trying again lol, Diluc, ZHONGLI, Sara, Albedo, Candace, Dehya she thinks she’s gonna get it THIS time she swears-, Eula, Gorou, GANYU she feels bad lmao, Jean, AYAKA, keqing, kuki, Nahida, ningguang, AETHER, Thoma, xinyan, XIAO)
2. They act like you when you hear animal crossing characters speak 💀 you can see the “omg so cute” sparkle in their eyes:
(KAZUHA, kokomi, barbara, KAEYA, ZHONGLI again lol he tries to hide it but you can see the tiny smile everytime you walk over and start ranting at him bc ur bored, Faruzan, GOROU, AYATO, YAE MIKO, keqing, LISA, mika, mona, KLEE literally loves you and you can tell shes always trying to get you to say something lol, Ei (archon), Rosaria she always SMIRKS and ur just- 😳, CHILDE the little shit giggles at ur misery, LUMINE AND AETHER U CANT TRUST EITHER OF THEM- , THOMA, SCARAMOUCHE BUT HE’D NEVER ADMIT IT BUT HE ALWAYS IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO HIDE A TINY SMILE AND GOES A LITTLE PINK-!! SAME FOR XIAO LMAO)
3. You know that tiktok audio thats like Isabella from Animal Crossing singing, and then someone’s like “uh-huh! YEAH! OKAY!!” yeah like that, but to you LMAO
(ITTO, Bennett, KAVEH, heizou, VENTI, Nilou she like nods after everything you say and makes sure you’re treated well in every conversation aw, qiqi, KLEE, Raiden (puppet) + Ei (archon), SHENHE no explanation needed, CYNO too, LUMINE, YELAN, yoimiya, yunjin)
Alright i got tired sorry not everybody’s there lol^
So no matter the reaction, they all are a little bummed nobody can get you, 
…but then of. Fucking. Course. 
(there’s not a single person throughout all the nations, the archons, the allogenes, doesnt matter, who hasn’t felt a LITTLE pang of envy for this- bc as cute as you sound, goddamit they USED to understand you when you weren’t physically here, before you overcame the Universal Barrier AKA the computer screen lol)
The Sumeru linguistics department is grinding their teeth, Alhaitham straight up glares every time they translate for you lmao, Zhongli’s eye twitches at least once everytime they do so, Kazuha is literally trying to bribe them with cool places he’s seen that the traveler hasn’t so they’ll share the secret of how to understand you, Ningguang gets 10x chillier when they’re helping convos w/ you, Ei looks like she’s fucking pouting-
Aether is just like 🤨?? For what?? I’m helping???
So confused he never gets what’s going on lol
Lumine, on the other hand, is FULLY aware and smirks every time she’s so smug about it LMAO 
^ the embodiment of the cat surrounded by knives meme ^
Ahhhh my exhibition is April 6th u guys!
May I finally rest in peace when that day comes 🪦
Cant wait to graduate and just have a regular job and not academia + deadlines 😭😫
Hope you guys have had a nice week or two!
Look out for more posts after the 6th :>
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Short one but hope its fun my beloved!! :)
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lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
Okay, I have a request idea if thats okay. Could I please request a Dhawan!Master x reader where master has found a special plant/ flower or something which alters the perceptions of the person. (Say if an enemy uses it on the victim then the enemy becomes the victims friend (or even more) and they plan to use it on the reader and while it's working/ being used. The reader sees and feels a lavender haze on them and they want more of it. (I had to sneak in a Taylor swift reference)
I'm absolutely obssessed with this idea!! I leaned into the taylor swift reference you slipped in, hence the title lol. writing this was so much fun, I really hope you like it! <3
I feel a lavender haze creepin' up on me (Dhawan! Master x reader)
Warnings: drugging/altering ones brain chemistry via a lavender plant, I think that's about it
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The Master was infatuated with you, even though he knew he shouldn't be. For starters, you were a companion to the Doctor, his best enemy; not to mention the fact that you despised him.
He tried to forget about you, but he just couldn't. Something about you seemed to draw him in and left him wanting more. And since you would never just up and leave the Doctor for him, he'd have to resort to other measures to get your attention.
Kidnapping you was an obvious first choice, but he didn't need you hating him more than you already did. While he'd love to just use his hypnosis on you and be done with it, the Doctor had gone to great lengths in order to protect your mind from his persuasions, so he'd have to take a more hands on approach.
He frantically flipped through one of the several books he owned on intergalactic flora, hoping he could find something to help. It was then he stumbled upon something that was akin to a lavender flower, except it could reverse the chemistry of one's brain and make them feel the opposite of what they'd initially felt for whoever gave them the plant.
A devious grin spread across his face as the wheels started to turn in his mind. This was exactly what he needed.
You, meanwhile, were strolling casually throughout a garden full of the exact same plant. The Doctor had to land the TARDIS for repairs, so she'd encouraged you to explore the nearby area while she got them done.
A shiver went down your spine as you suddenly got the feeling that you were being watched. Frowning, you turned and looked behind you but saw no one there. You figured it was just the wind or perhaps a local critter. Until you turned back around to find yourself face to face with none other than the Master himself.
"Oh, great. It's you," you grumbled while rolling your eyes. The Master tried not to appear upset, although he was clearly disappointed you had that kind of lackluster reaction to seeing him.
"Yes, it's me, indeed." He flashed you a bright, charming smile, which did nothing to get rid of the unimpressed look on your face.
"What do you want?" You asked bluntly in an irritated tone, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at him.
His ego deflated some, but he pushed down his feelings as he presented a lavender bouquet to you. "These are for you, my dear. Here, take them."
You glanced down at the bunch of plants, narrowing your eyes at them suspiciously. "Why? What're giving me these for?"
This was proving to be a tad bit more difficult than he thought. The Master was used to people falling for his charms instantly, but they just didn't seem to work on you.
"I'm giving them to you because a beautiful person deserves beautiful things," he said flirtatiously, doing his best to hide his desperation. He couldn't force you to take them from him: the plant's magical and scientific properties would only activate if you willingly accepted the offer.
You thought he looked a tad bit pathetic, in all honesty. It kind of made you feel bad for him. "If I take these, will you finally leave me alone?" You asked in an exasperated manner.
Eagering nodding his head, The Master grinned. "Of course, darling. Anything for you." It was hard to miss the way you rolled your eyes at him for a second time, but he wouldn't have to worry about your disinterest for much longer.
"Fine." You snatched the bouquet from him, and almost immediately after the power of the plant started to take affect. Your eyes became glazed over as you watched him, feelings blooming in your chest that you'd never felt before.
His eyes were such a gorgeous shade of brown, and with the way his lips looked, all you wanted to do was kiss him. "Wh- Whoa," you muttered to yourself as you deeply inhaled the intoxicating scent of the bouquet in front of you.
Forget seeing through rose colored glasses, right about now you were seeing through lavender lenses. A hazy feeling started to creep up over you as your vision dimmed.
"Are you alright, my dear?" He asked with slight concern, not anticipating the effects of the plant to act so quickly or be so strong.
"You're really amazing, did you know that?" Your voice was a tad bit slurred, almost as though you were tipsy from alcohol. In you opinion, being drunk on the love you felt for him was much better.
The Master beamed with pride as he reached out and took your hand in his, pulling you in close. "Of course I do. You're just as wonderful, might I add."
You let out a giddy laugh in response, your eyes having a purple tint to them on top of their now cloudy look. "We should do something together, just the two of us."
His entire face lit up with joy as he finally had to opportunity to spend time with you in a way that didn't involve you hurling insults at him nonstop. "My dear, I'd love nothing more."
He led you back to his TARDIS, filled with excitement over the idea of you finally wanting him just as much as he did you. It would be quite the surprise for the Doctor when she returned to find her companion had parted ways with her, too awestruck by the feeling of a lavender haze all around them to care.
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end notes: I probably shouldn't enjoy writing fics involving the reader being drugged as much as I do lmao
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated <3
Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87 @sessa23
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divinelolita · 11 months
im bored i miss my bf
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(contains nsfw themes so if you don't like don't read)
"I need you now."
You're voice is barley above a whisper, hands shaking as you hold the phone close to your ear. You feel yourself grow more hot and desperate by the second as he is silent on th other end, like he is processing what you're saying.
"..Say that again?"
He asks, although it sounds more like a command rather than a question. You groan, flopping down on your bed with an annoyed huff. You didn't know why you felt so embarrassed, he couldn't even see your reactions. He couldn't see your red face or how your thighs would shake, couldn't hear how you would whine under your breath with need.
"Fuck, Geo," you rasp, your hands shaking as you rub your thighs together attempting to get friction "I need you now."
You can hear him take a deep breath, then more silence follows. It's like he doesn't know what to do or say, which isn't helping you right now.
"I can't right now. Maybe when I get back home?" he finally answers. You hold back a whine as you bite your tongue, rolling around in your blanket. It definitely wasn't the answer you were looking for.
"God no, I need it now."
"I can't exactly give anything to you" he mumbles, although his voice seems uncertain and mysterious. You smiled, you knew you were starting to convince him with the few words said.
"Just talk to me.." you murmur, tugging at your sweatpants in desperation. If he denied you were almost certain you'd start crying. Sure you could go masturbate someplace else, but you wanted to hear his voice. His tone had you at his feet, on your knees.
"Talk to you? I'm doing that already am I not..?" he chuckles quietly at his own little joke, while you tru your hardest not to throw your phone across the room. He knew exactly what you wanted, he was just being an absolute dick.
You wanted his dick though, thats for sure.
"I'm too lazy to ask again, just talk to me.." you plead, eyes drooping from need as you pull your sweatpants down anyway, not caring about whatever answer he may give. You hear him sigh, yet it doesn't sound annoyed or bothered . It almost sounds..lustful.
"You don't know what you do to me, babe." he gives a breathy laugh and you hear a click on his line, the click of a belt undoing. You grin, imagining what would happen if you weren't on the phone right now. You hold back from touching your body, waiting for further instructions from Georg. Your legs shake as you feel like your burning, eyes nearly prickling with tears from lust.
"Go ahead, slowly."
You've never been more relieved to hear three simple words.
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