#and thats why they have rupees?
waywardsalt · 1 year
small little thing abt botw/totk and the future of zelda games considering it seems likely that future zelda games might be in the same style as those two and how i feel like botw/totk don't actually feel like zelda games (kind of messy i just typed this out in a kind of informal or whatever way) (this post is long af btw so uhhhh yeah)
im part of the group that claims that botw/totk aren't 'real' zelda games but... i guess they are technically 'real' zelda games, but... they sure as fuck don't feel like it, and because of that, i'm not at all excited with the idea of future loz games being in the same style, especially with the pitfalls these last two games have fallen into having been things that past zelda games did especially well, it feels like things have been sort of flipped on their heads in terms of what's being valued or whatever
like... the best parts of older zelda games were things like the story and the characters and the puzzles and the dungeons and stuff like that... the best parts of botw/totk right now are just the gameplay. people enjoy these new characters, but they dont have the narrative backing that older games do, they don't have the same impactful arcs or roles allowed by a more linear story
the point i want to get at though is how botw/totk honestly don't feel like direct evolutions or steps up from past zelda games but rather just... entirely different game styles (open world games) with the zelda flavoring and worldbuilding and story styling slapped on top.
i mean... i feel like a half-decent example of some other well-known franchises that have jumped on this (honestly kind of thoughtless) open-world bandwagon are mario (mario odyssey) pokemon (sword/shield and scarlet/violet) fire emblem (kind of. with some free-walking segments in 3 houses and engage) and the soulsborne type games (elden ring), these are all other well known and storied game series' that have somewhat made the move to open world, and i think that switch was a bit smoother, kept the core and integrity of the games that came before much better than botw/totk did
elden ring is the easiest to explain- the gameplay loop and core mechanics are the same and build upon past games' you just have more room to run around and get killed in with some little open-world flourishes like material gathering.
fire emblem is... a bit less flexible in terms of changing up the core gameplay, and the addition of open-world segments are added to add bonuses to the strategy gameplay and allow for more support-building oppourtunities and little minigames, and its more or less evolution from echoes' dungeon-crawling bits and the customizable castle in fates. the core gameplay still effectively works the exact same, just with some little class or mechanic tweaks and additions.
mario odyssey, though each world was pretty massive, still had your typical 3d mario platforming, and the new hat stuff fit in pretty well with olderpowerups and gimmicks, and the boss battles feel and work pretty similarly to the way they used it- odyssey does feel like an evolution from past mario games (ps. playing two-player with one person as cappy snaps the game in half. its the secret easy mode lol)
the new pokemon games are pretty much just the same as past pokemon games, theyre just open world and buggy as fuck rip have extra little open-world flourishes that build on what past games set up. the battling works the same as ever and the progression is the same with a number of powerful trainers you have to battle to continue forward.
with botw/totk... the progression is dramatically different in terms of power-scaling, world presentation, item-gathering, puzzle-solving... pretty much everything in the established zelda format. i get that it was pretty much the aim with botw to have a fresh start and throw out a lot of the old standards but it just makes them feel so dramatically alien to past zelda games; theyre completely different experiences in pretty much every single way, and as such they dont feel like what we've (well, people who have started with and spent a lot of time with other loz games) learned to associate with the zelda titles.
with open world games in general it's a bit harder to have a truly impactful narrative akin to those in past zelda games, anyways. i will admit that botw was a good execution of trying out something entirely new, and the narrative and gameplay and world actually complement each other very well, so despite what i've said in the past I can't really fault it's narrative too much since it's a less traditional sort of narrative and effectively does what it aims to do very well.
totk, on the other hand, proves that this style of game does not mesh with the old style of storytelling at ALL. linear games can have proper narratives with coherent stakes, developing characters, twists and reveals and building emotion and mood- and all of that is thrown out the window with totk when they decided to try and have both a more linear story with actual reveals and development and emotion, while also letting you literally spoil it for yourself out the gate.
you can't really have a well-executed story when players are capable of doing things drastically out of order and of jumping into story beats without the prior buildup and straight-up ruining what could be otherwise emotional reveals, and players being capable of doing this is hard-baked in how the game fundamentally works. I honestly feel bad for people who found the fifth sage by accident before anything else.
you can't effectively have a linear story with character growth and plot developments and impactful moments while also allowing it to be experienced out of order and with massive time gaps in between; with this kind of stuff, you can't really have your cake and eat it too. say what you will about the linearity of past zelda games, but i bet you that midna wouldn't be as beloved as a character as she is if it weren't for the linear order of the story and its events. certain parts of storytelling may demand for a linear manner of telling that story.
botw's story works because none of the memories reveal anything groundbreaking taht you don't already know; they are optional and merely give you more information about these characters from link's past and simply inform you about the girl keeping ganon at bay. if you find a late memory first, that's fine- it technically doesnt reveal anything too important to you, it just fills in some gaps for you and your player character. it makes sense within the story itself for the world to be so open and for you to be able to do what you can; the story is not the focus, nor is it even needed to beat the game. the story was made with the gameplay and what you are allowed to do in mind, and as such doesn't include things such as in-depth character development or important plot-twists.
on the other hand, you can easily spoil totk's biggest plot twist in a handful of different ways completely by accident, just by getting curious about the world around you. this can shatter a lot of the mystery or tension in the plot and this can happen completely by accident to someone playing the game organically and blindly. the story itself doesn't take this into account, it reads more like a linear story that would be more suited to a linear style of play, coming across things in order to ramp up the stakes and let things be revealed at the best possible time. (tbh totk's story doesnt seem to take the player into account in general, if the game forcing you to watch basically the same long cutscene four fucking times says anything, jesus christ)
narrative pitfalls aside, botw/totk put heavy emphasis on gameplay, but not in the same way older zelda games did, and as such trade away the unique items and gimmick-y game-specific mechanics for a small toolset handed to you out the gate. what botw/totk do- giving you everything you need from the start and having very little true varation in the gameplay from then on out- make sense and works just fine for an open world game. there is, however, a lack of actual depth to that gameplay that other open world games do have (off the top of my head, the ability to unlock and upgrade abilities and have general character upgrades in fenyx rising as well as the impressive depths of elden ring's combat and character customization system). the most depth botw/totk has to the actual gameplay is just the fourish different weapon types and the ways you use your fourish abilities (saying fourish bc for real ultrahand and fuse are fundamentally the exact same thing). there is also just raising the little defense numbers on your armor and getting more stamina and health, but that does absolutely nothing to the actual gameplay but make link more durable.
i mean, sure, health in past loz games just makes link more durable, too, but thats how health upgrades in any other game work.
the gameplay switch makes sense, considering the switch from a linear puzzle-adventure concentric game to a more sandbox-esque open-world game, but it does not mesh with the former loz formula at all, so while the shift in style makes sense, it makes me think that you can't have a previous-style loz experience in an open-world sandboxish sort of game. especially with how in totk you can very easily bypass most of the fire temple just using the mechanics handed to you at the start. you can't have the same type of zelda dungeons in a game where you are allowed to do it 'wrong' and the game itself does not allow for the same kinds of puzzles.
i am of the opinion that so long as future zelda games work the same way botw/totk did, we will not get old-school zelda-style dungeons again.
the loss of a variety of items used for specific puzzles and environment switches is the loss of a varied dungeon experience and the loss of the same kind of world and character progression as past zelda games.
you are handed everything you'll ever need at the start of botw/totk. the only thing that will meaningfully change is how much damage you do. there are no alternate strategies opened up by new items that can double as weapons, no new traversal options or routes opened up by things such as grappling hooks or clawshots or whips or specific wands. even the battle system is drastically different, instead of being enemies that take specific amounts of hits to die while you can obtain progressively stronger swords, enemies are just damage sponges and you can get all kind of weapons that just do different numerical amounts of damage.
the bosses themselves- big staples and draws of zelda games- also work extremely differently. instead of having to leverage specific items to expose weak spots or having to fight in a specific manner to do damage, you are just asked to... do damage. even in totk's bosses, where sage abilities are most certainly helpful, the only boss i found to truly require a sage ability was the lighting temple's boss; the others i either hardly used the sage at all (i didn't use yunobo at all in the second phase of the fire temple boss and hardly had a need for tulin with the wind temple boss [esp considering i was using a 3-shot lynel bow to make the poor fucker a cakewalk]) or found that alternative solutions felt better, like resorting to splash fruit on repeat water temple fights instead of wrestling with having to activate and use sidon's ability. the sages are honestly fairly poor replacements for dungeon specific items.
this kind of causes botw/totk to play more like a poor man's dark souls or just like any other open world rpgish game. i don't play botw/totk for the experience of a zelda game, i play it because it's an open world game that i can walk around in for five minute before switching to something else because i liked something in that other game better.
the combat in botw/totk isnt designed in such a way that makes it feel good. mineru's mech is fucking dismal, but since it's just either shooting with a bow or attacking with one of three types of melee weapon with some timing for a dodge, it can get stale fast. it doesn't necessarily even feel good, since there's not enough variety for it to get really engaging. (this is def an uneven comparison, but elden ring's combat feels considerable better with the different dodges you can do and the amount of attack options you have with just one weapon, not to mention the amount of control you have over your general fighting style.) combat in botw/totk at hour 1 is the exact same as combat in botw/totk at hour 100, the only different being the amount of damage you do or how much of a beating you can take.
it just... the styles of botw/totk can't allow them to feel the same as older zelda games. the shift in style was clearly a good move to draw in series newbies and shake things up, but it comes at the caveat of making them feel distant from their predecessors and uncomfortably similar to other games like them. it's hard to avoid comparisons with elden ring when on the surface they are very similar games, one just feels more true to its core identity
this all is said without mentioning the way in which botw/totk lore feels almost dismissive of past series staples and seems intent on not looking back while also taking every fucking attempt to nudge you and say 'hey, remember that zelda game' and honestly all that shit does is make me want to play a different zelda game.
botw/totk seem altogether very desperate to distance themselves from past zelda games while also being unable to really tear itself from what came before and it just culminates in me spotting linebeck island on the map and going 'damn i miss linebeck' and turning the fucking game off to play phantom hourglass instead. say what you will about phantom hourglass, but it certainly handles its story progression and character development infinitely better than the game that lets you accidentally shatter the impact of the story by deciding to check out that cool temple in the distance of the depths
#quick note abt the examples from early on i got the verdict on soulsborne games from my friend who has actually played more than elden ring#and pokemon was kinda a guess the most recently mainline pokemon game i have is sun/moon#totk has made me really think about what i like in video games and why lmao.#it has also made me appreciate botw a lot more. i prefer the emptier hyrule of botw it just feels extra cluttered in totk#i like how in botw its a lot more natural and more fun to honestly run around in with there being no falling debris or scary holes#salty talks#totk salt#being annoying abt totk again hiiiii. id like to talk abt stuff i liked in other loz games but its hard to start without some kind prompt#im not entirely sure how i could really explain how i feel totk's story failed and why without going in circles for a while#its just. the gameplay and the intended story experience clash like fucking crazy plus the story relies too much on the player#to do a lot of emotional heavy lifting#like. if you want to start a convo with me abt this go for it but this is what i have to say for rn#loz#legend of zelda#totk#botw#totk criticism#i do really appreciate botw now im not gonna lie. its still not amazing in my eyes but i appreciate it for what it is#also i cannot believe totk made linebeck island worse fuck you#like. in botw theres a goddamn chest with 50 rupees and thats a good subtle nod to what's being referenced#in totk theres just two bokoblins and nothing else and i dont care if it wouldve been lazy to just have the chest there again#you explicitly namedropped linebeck might as well make good on it. its more fun to continue having little nods like that#i understand when people say that saying botw isnt a 'real zelda game' is bad criticism but tbh its not really a criticism its just an#observation. it comes with its ups and downs and for me it makes me enjoy these games less and makes me feel a bit alienated#if that makes sense. idk. its late and if i continue with that thought im going to lose it for sure#ig just. im upset abt how totk handled its story and im upset at the idea of... this being the future of these games yknow#it feels like a selfish sentiment but idk#long post#bitching abt totk
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doodlboy · 1 year
Tumblr media
*looking at the dream home guy*
Can I buy a wall please
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
More Tears of the Kingdom thoughts (SPOILERS)
You hunt koroks again lets goo and yes there is new puzzle types
Them being in different locations implies canon version Link hunted all of them down
The chasms are terrifyingly deep. Nope. Scary. I dont even want to know
Every single shrine has outsmarted me
The Koroks who go "I need to find my friend" require you to bring them to their friend. Reward for each is several korok seeds
Zelda keeps appearing in her Zonai fit and then disappearing. Rude. But as I said, Skyward Sword vibes.
Also Golden Apples for some reason???
Great Fairies have Moved Away
Still dont know how to get a camera please I need to return to photography simulator
Ascend is best ability
Why is making money here so hard
I recommend visiting the shrine of resurrection. Thats all Im going to say. Its entirely overgrown
All traces of sheikah machinery is gone everywhere. I still expect to see shrines but no
I admit I am still afraid of guardians while I run around Hyrule field
I hate the transportation machines as a game mechanic
Blood moons still exist
Havent seen any of Ganondorf after the beginning cutscenes
The new map towers just straight up launch you into the sky
Found Hestu. Does a little dance for you WITH KOROKS. Best day of my life
You have a profile on Purah Pad for every main npc btw
I love her look and voice
I wonder if she and Rauru are looking for a third I am in love
I cant wait to what kind of fucked up creations the furry porn community makes with the Zonai
Also please someone write a 300k word fanfic about Rauru and Sonia, I will give you my soul
I miss Revali's gale and my armor sets so much
Tulin is adorable
There is so many new enemies and I hate them all
All my weapons are shit because I avoid fighting because I die instantly
BOTW was post apocalyptic, TOTK is during an apocalypse and you can tell
My jaw hurts. Ive played this game for like 9 hours straight now. Havent done anything much other than explore
This feels more old Zelda games than BOTW did, its a mix of them and BOTW
Gloom is scary and I need to make porridge
You can make food that makes you glow
I miss having Majora's mask
Why are Yiga still a thing
Honing in on target arrows are amazing
KANELI IS DEAD BTW and Teba is new chief. I wept
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thegeminisage · 1 year
much as it pains me, i only have an hour or so before bedtime so i've decided to press on to gerudo town...i want my snow boots before i try to get that memory and i KNOW they are there
omg this stable has boxes everywhere?! my buddy is here too. where to even begin
YOOOOO evil zelda has been at work here.........telling them not to go near the WELL in a DESERT?
cleaning up thi hoarder junk lol just like real life
man...it's so SAD to be their final customer :( it's sad they have to close up forever...
oh!! he wants art for the stable's final days 😭
geez, those are some tough pictures to get...i'll do my best, but not tonight lol
evil zelda saying stay away from the well is why it's shutting down!!! noooo
girl why does everyone obey her like that, like against logic...the monarchy barely means anything anymore. shes my babygirl but like if my stable was closing bc of some nonsense order i would simply violate the order
OMG yessssss FROGGY LEGGINGS!!!!!! god at LAST...only ONE MORE PIECE TO GO............
if i cleaned the well out does that mean the stable can open again 🥺
oh, when your meal pouch is full addison gives you rupees twice lol
im in the desert and i HATE. SAND. anakin skywalker was right about everything
oooh but it looks so different...the bazaar...what IS that tall thing...how do i sneak in this time lol
this poor korok will have to wait til i get my fucking sand & snow boots
oh cool you can rent a sand seal with a CARRIER now...love it
ah, i see. i guess i can take the korok after all lol. one less for later!
this sand shroud business seems SPOOKY...wild weather in real life fascinates me, and so too does wild video game weather
damn this old lady is fucking jaded. begging me not to drop dead in front of her lol
oh FUN this gerudo is teaching me like, gerudo language, and she's trying to teach me how to make the "v" sound...which i know, because english, but in japanese they don't have that i don't think. COOOOLL
lol a rito just named guy
ah, the updraft is to fly over the shroud...very good. i remember the map not working in botw and it was scary lol
but i still wonder how i get in??
just like when i did the story in the other areas i activate the shrines and leave them behind...smh. at least this time i have the excuse of "it's almost bedtime"
WHAT is this big mushroom thing with the bud in it??? looks almost like a lightroot
i've officially hit 999 brightbloom seeds lol. the game won't let me pick up anymore
oh wow the map going fuzzy is just as bad as i remember lol. it's bedtime but i just GOTTA get to town first...i think i remember an npc saying something about zombies i WANT TO SEE THE REDEADS (or do i)
okay. so.
i got. in. like by just. walking in.
saw a redead. immediately froze in terror.
it's not moving. i'm not moving. alright. alright
killed it with fire. don't like that
GIBDO BONE..........................it is literally not a gibdo. it's not a mummy. it's a redead!!!
shit fuck this looks. so bad. hudson's poor daughter...where even IS everyone
riju's not here...but i found her diary
my friends link and zelda are in hyrule and they'll take care of it 😭
geez she is so young to be dealing with all of this...older now but still
oh my god he's FINALLY in........but to what avail..................
so, everyone is hiding in the wells...
wow, even the bar is fucked up......tragic
where tf are the wells?
OH i found one!!! a square well!
message in a BOTTLE!!!! JUST LIKE OOT
oh lol it's a love letter from a gerudo. girl.......you can't just put love letters in bottles...you and finley both...enough
oh i found the way in but i don't have the girl clothes :( idk how to do it!!!
omg i get the special exception rule <3 i guess thats better than the last game...?
man they arent even allowed to talk to me lol
oh, these guys don't seem to know the trick - killing them with fire lol
another heroines quest! i'll be honest i didn't really understand the first one...
omg they put a guy in JAIL for coming in here...they're serious!!
ok the last thing i wanted to do before bed, which i am late for, was get my shoes. i had to look up the location but AAAA theres two redeads in my way!!!!!!!!! literally kill with fire
i am so tense and hypervigilant walking thru this town. my eyes sweeping everywhere between steps. i am NOT gonna get jumped by one of those motherfuckers this close 2 bedtime
oh god FINALLY made it
those brightbloom seeds just paid for my desert vai armor! of course i had enough for the boots and bought them first lol
well it's more than half an hour past the bedtime i wanted
but i unblocked the door and walked out
saw a redead shambling towards me. went back in.
that's a sign. that's for future liz to deal with tomorrow. eugh
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sharpenote · 2 years
Do you have any YouTube video essay recommendations?
Sure!! Keep in mind, I don't tend to get into super-niche ones, since after watching them once I just cycle them into the sleep rotation, so it's pretty likely you've heard of most of these already.
Pathologic is Genius, And Here's Why - a classic and one of my favorites, partly because i just genuinely love pathologic, partially because i get infinite use out of ARTEMY BURAKH'S TORMENTOUS NIGHTMARE. hbomb has a lot of video essays that i like, so I won't link them all, but safe to say you'll get a lot of mileage out of his stuff (i tend to stick to the media ones though rather than political - i already know shitty people exist so they tend to just stress me out a lot lol)
iBinged iCarly (and the follow-up video, The End of iCarly, as well as The Failure of Victorious and its follow-up, The End of Victorious) - I grouped these together a) because they're by the same guy and b) they're pretty inter-connected, since the shows are by the same showrunner (you know, that one notorious creep who made his fetishes his child actors' problems, among other things). Might be worth checking out The Scandal of Sam and Cat by him as well? I can't actually remember if I've seen that one so I know what I'm doing tonight lol. Anyway you've probably heard of these if not watched them (ie the 8 hour long Victorious video essay). I linked to the videos in a playlist so you can also check out his other video essays if you're interested in them.
The World Record History of Super Mario Sunshine any%, The World Record History of Super Mario Sunshine 100% (120 Shines), and The World Record History of Super Mario Sunshine's Most Competitive Level - what it says on the tin, all by the same guy, but there are tons of speedrunning world history videos out there.
SummoningSalt also has a ton of speedrunning world history videos available and is largely responsible for the popularity of the genre.
The Speedrun Where Link Stares at Rupees for 17 Hours - low% is a pretty niche speedrunning category, and this is probably the goofiest example of it. I love it. A short, 15 min dive into it, which is very funny to me considering the actual run's length. I really love gymnast86's stuff - he's great at explaining stuff for a casual audience, which always makes him fun to watch during his gdq runs, but it also works very well for stuff like this. This video and The Glitch that allows Zelda Speedrunners to time travel - which goes more in-depth into one of the tricks used in the run - are both on LowestPercent's channel, but his actual channel is here - he might have a few similar things there as well? But it's mostly actual speedruns and randomizers.
Why Knights of the Old Republic 2 is Beautiful; An Analysed Playthrough - as the name suggests, this is half-playthrough, half-analysis, but I'm counting it anyway because It's My List And I Want To. SulMatul has a few more video essay-type vids on her channel as well, including Pathologic Analysis; Themes of a Dying Classic and Dissecting Pathologic 2; Why It's The Best Game of 2019 (THATS RIGHT IM BRINGING IT FULL CIRCLE BABEYYY THIS LIST IS A TRICK TO GET YOU INTERESTED IN PATHOLOGIC) and one on We Know The Devil which I haven't watched yet but I HAVE played the game and it's incredible, and knowing Hayley's work I'm sure the video is great as well. Huuuge huge fan of her content, and I think out of all of these she probably goes deepest into the subjects she discusses.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting off the top of my head, but hopefully that's a decent start for you, anon!
Also, not a video essay, but I'd be remiss not to link it since I mentioned it in my original post: the 0.5x A Press video
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
So i cant help but write abt this, im srry if like you dont have the same hair type or smt like that? Anyway i rlly dont see any fics abt curly haired readers SO why not write chaotic curly hair reader with the entire chain >:) Lol not the reader able to steal rupees and put them in their hair without the chain noticing >:DDDD HOPE U ENJOY BTW THIS IS JUST LIKE I LITTLE DRABBLE I THOUGHT OF NOT RLLY THE OFFICIAL OF THE OTHERS
Readers POV:
WHY DID THIS MONKEY THINK OF THIS, EXCUSE ME BUT I DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS! We at a nice river, wind was bien the little gremlin he was and yk me, just chillin......drawin time anime style in a Pikachu onesie.......... big brain ik. "AYO BROSKI, U BETTER WATCH WHERE YOU THROW YOUR WATER! I DO NOT WANNA GET WET TODAY!" I yell at wind cause for some reason he looked like he was getting sturdy on the water....thats wild frfr (sturdy is a type of dance btw) "this bun is killing me" I mumbled to myself, closing my sketchbook. I wore a bun the entire time i traveled with the chain. I had my reason tho. If i were to take of the bun, my hair would be a complete mess AND so poofy. Especially if i get it wet. Also i havent seen a curly haired person in all the hyrules yet so im not sure either way.... BUT IM TIRED SO YK WHAT? FUCK ALL THAT AND BYE BYE BUN! I took off the hair tie carefully trying not to hurt and pull my hair, mission failed. As i guessed my hair was a complete mess and.... wait i got a afro? neat. "WOAHHHHH Y/N YOUR HAIR!" I looked up, my bangs were covering half my face. That voice came from wind, THIS LITTLE GREMLIN STILL IN THAT NASTY WATER BRO. "Yea what about it?" I said confused, yall really never saw curly hair before? "Its so poofy! and curly..." Wild said, bros interested "Yea I know! Yall really never saw this hair type before?" I questioned cause HOW COME THEY NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE?? "Well not in my hyrule" Sky said from next to me. This guy really used a ender pearl to get here "Same, do u mind if I touch your hair? If not its ok! It just looks so soft.." AWWWWW HOW COULD I SAY NO TO MY HYRULE MY POOKIE! "Yea of course, I really don't care" I said like it was nothing, I REALLY REALLY HOPE THIS MONO POOKIE NUMBER 139 DOESNT PULL MY HAIR CAUSE IF HE DOES ISTG "Wow, its so soft!" "Tankeu" Ayo is that leged comein closer IS HE FINALLY GONNA NOTICE ME- "Why do you look like a pom pom. Your hair covers half your face, you know that right?" ....... EMOTIONAL DAMAGE "I know, have you seen curly hair before?" "Can't say that I have" oh, so no hyrule had curly hair??? "Well i have, i think?" TWILIGHT MY BABA GWORL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RN COE HERE SO I CAN GIVE U KISSES- "Really! Thank lord" "Well i think, i saved this girl who had curly hai then she left." Oh damn. Imagine "How do you even de-tangle your hair?" Warriors said from ThE sHaDoWs "You dont, till you wash it that is. and when you do, you go part my part so you dont yank your hair" I need to wash my hair.......... "Ohhh, you put in a bun so u can fight right?" MAN ENOUGH WITH THE QUESTIONS BRO! Imma die here wih these monos questioning me
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS! I ALSO HOPE YOU ARE WELL! the next one i think might be legend....idk CYA NEXT TIMEE!
is my favourite fucking thing OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!
Wind fucking do the sturdy is infact WILD DSHJKDA like MY GUY!! get out of the nasty ass water and get ur ass up here! Fucking hell HDSJA
Of course they're asking all these questions-- nosy mfs!!!
(I dont have curly hair but this was still a DELIGHT to read!!!! thank you so much anon! <3)
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sincerely-krp · 5 months
yall be on here talking bout missing oc rps on this platform but when an oc rp opens up yall ghost it? peep at glorytv's blogroll… admin gave yall an event yet there ain't nobody writing in there // thats likely because whether it was deleted or not at this point, this blog (sincerely-krp) let someone link it with risehq and was just going to be okay with posting that accusation until I said something in their inbox about linking rps to drama/toxicity without proof. so it could be DoA due to that. /
i'm just going to point this out, i don't think glorytv is doing well because the premise is not really what the majority of au krpers are looking for. it sounds like au krpers joined the place then got bored, which isn't the krp's fault it's just a byproduct of fast food krp. i think it's probably more likely to consider that as opposed to sincerely's blog having that much weight. especially seeing that they had a valid reason to post and then stop the conversation that had nothing to do with anything public on the blog. it's a sticky slope because we have to trust that sincerely is being honest about people dming them, but the last two times we questioned them not only did they blatantly prove the people accusing them wrong, they managed to give themselves more credibility for curbing toxicity that the admins or community tried to propogate which is not... ideal, idk.
we have proof they're honest, we can check them, as i think we should, every now and then to make sure they're continuing to be honest, but this defaulting to sincerely's blog being why au krps shut down before considering the other logical threads feels tired.
we keep running into issues like this where we assume something on this blog is baseless so it's why bad things happen or they're censoring people's opinions but time and time again the admins have been able to point out that they made their decision because of what privately was brought to them. this isn't me saying we shouldn't question them, only that maybe we shouldn't default to assuming this blog is operating on a 'oops we got caught so we fixed it!' basis, and maybe start considering that it's the fact that they listen to feedback that matters.
i'm also not saying to trust the shit on this blog, like fr PLEASE don't, and use your judgement. i'm specifically talking about the assumption that a couple bad things about a krp on sincerely is enough to shut a whole krp down, without the krp having a significant hand in it. because if a krp is gonna interact with sincerely they can just get the incorrect asks taken down, and if they can't disprove the ask, then it's probably generic enough people will overlook it.
this did happen with rise, the only ask about rise was taken down from the blog less than 24 hours later, and then like a whole week out of nowhere there was a shit ton of tea because rise mentioned sincerely on their admin blog. they had like so many people talking to sincerely but we, the audience, saw none of that until they pushed sincerely to discuss it. that too to take the heat off of someone they knew the admin knew was innocent, and they could tangibly see, in their inbox, was being shit on due to the admin's post. when people didn't take sincerely's word for it they had to post censored versions of horrible things being said about that one person, which is proof that they try to keep private things... well, private.
rise, in contrast to the rupes issue, where it was obvious an insidigm person was around, but once sincerely shut them down we didn't see any influx of toxic paradigm asks out in the open. they also only posted that proof because someone questioned them, and now private stuff about a member of rupes is out here for everyone to see. i personally think both this situation and the rise situation caused harm to the victims because we pressed sincerely. i do think they were necessary, because in both situations sincerely operated the way they told us they do, but the rp community itself was extremely active in one issue, and in the other, they weren't even here. we all saw how that reflected on the blog; the situation with insidigm and rupes passed super easily without issue or toxicity that was unnecessary, even THOUGH sincerely said no insidigm or rupes members reached out to them. meanwhile, the rise issue dominated the blog only because the admin tried to blame sincerely, and then parts of their community continued to fight on this blog (which, if everyone recalls, resulted in them basically posting the shit on the ask they asked sincerely to take down that sincerely continued to censor themselves).
and now with glorytv there was an assumption that the admins just passed whatever to be posted on the blog and then took it down willy nilly when there was a reason why. i've noticed asks from the mp situation gone but my default isn't to think SINCERELY HAS AN AGENDA AGAINST ME AND FOR MP it's to assume an mp mun talked to sincerely and sincerely removed the asks accordingly.
like if they really aren't in the krps themselves, i'm willing to cut them some slack on what they post as long as they're swift about taking them down when shown proof. i also think that while the systems are flawed they're working on them, and they pretty much do whatever us, the community, agrees to do when presented with decisions on what to allow or not allow on the blog.
as far as vent blogs go, i think we should just start considering the facts that we, as critical thinkers can see. as long as we maintain a healthy level of skepticism, we can probably be more productive. they've been clear they don't actually care, they do what they need to for their own blog, which means they're inherently toxic because they know they leave things on this blog that are untrue but couldn't be proven so, and i think that itself is helpful to consider because it makes it easier to understand what we'll be seeing on this blog. there are clear instances of this blog helping people and not hurting them, which makes things more difficult to assign moral value.
bottom line: this blog is only as toxic as the muns in the communities being discussed. it's not always on sincerely for allowing something to be posted, it's more on the people behind the scenes communicating with them. we should exhaust those options first before confronting this blog so we can hold the right parties accountable. we can ask sincerely if someone approached them maybe, it sounds like every time they have consent to show proof shared to them they do, so we can ask for what proof was sent, or we can privately dm them if we really need to know about something and see where that gets us.
admin note: we're fine with the things mentioned in the last paragraph! if consent is given to us we have no issues sharing proof given to us either.
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mekatrio · 9 months
OK my tingle thoughts before i end up forgetting them
let me get the negatives out of the way first..... firstly, the racism: terrible. yamatami tribe is super uncomfy and everything abt samba the king's daughter makes me want to strangle whoever at vanpool that had thought of this. deku forest being a temperate forest yet having a rando tarzan-esque hero is like 🆗. also the random durians in mt desma despite durian not being a mountain fruit at all.. like yeah ok this isnt the only fruit to grow in a random place, but the association of durian = exotic, which by proxy equates seasia = exotic, is.... 😑 also this isnt racism but i was disappointed that pinkle ended up having a thing for tingle. i was put off by the whole "you saved me from a terrible situation so i must reward you" bla bla bla deal. theres more layers to this that im honestly not to bothered to tackle like how its a subversion of expectations with how tingle is portrayed as a 'ugly character', but the way this game wrote its female characters just felt stereotypical af and its like eh.... and like it sounds worse in balloon trip of love which i have absolutely 0 plans to play.
and secondly THE GAMEPLAY JANK..... like the rupee system is Very... yeah i played without a guide for like the first dungeon before i realized it was unsustainable. bc it really is. practically no leeway for players who may ask for too much rupees, and asking for too little will end up stifling players' progression. and in both situations theyre gonna have to go and grind for rupees which is REALLY... NOT AT ALL fun to do. there is nothing fun about loading and reloading a map area to kill some enemies again and again in order to sell their drops. or digging an area over and over again. this doesnt just extend to rupees but to getting ingredients as well; like i dont understand why minced meat is so hard to come by. like after the first continent, i barely got any minced meat. and minced meat is a main ingredient for the health potion so its like.... fuck me i guess. had to farm minced meat at cape treasure until i was rich enough that it wasnt too much of a loss to just revive my bodyguards with rupees.
other gameplay janks are the fact that there isnt a way to view the zoomed in map in its entirety, the walking speed is sooooo slowww, and you can fucking lose access to fast travel to the most recent area if you neglect the tower. also there are a few puzzles and one boss fight that requires pushing shit around; and if you have a bodyguard they will 100% makes things even more difficult for you, sometimes to point where they'll push the item to a corner and you have to leave and reload the entire area to redo it. terrible developer oversight. also fast travel and saving is so tedious 😑
and the last main 'complaint' (sort of)... this game made me realize that ive been taking satisfying endings and credits for granted. bc ive been playing so many amazing games in these recent years, ive come to expect that the finale and its accompanying credits of any game would be a satisfying wrap-up of everything ive achieved. but trr had made me realize that No!!! thats not always a given. because i definitely didnt get that in this game. and that was so disappointing to me, because this game had so many diverse and quirky and unique characters and settings, but there was no final acknowledgement or one last wave goodbye for any of them. what a shame.
also the ending itself was uh.... not very satisfying either. both the good ending and the standard ending. i think i like the standard ending more honestly. it was nicer to see the children lament the adult's greed, than it was to see the unrealistic ideal of rupeeland actually be achieved (yes im completely aware how silly this sounds irt a tingle game IDC). neither ending was a super deep commentary on money and i wasnt expecting it to be a Perfect Socialist Manifesto, but the ending was essentially just "money can be good and money can be bad. ok bye" and it was like.... ??? ok bye
OK NOW THE GOOD PARTS: i love the music and i think the art direction of this game was soooo so fun. it was so quirky and zany and it reminds me a lot of mother 3! its like mother 3 if it wasnt an rpg, didnt have emotional moments, and hated you even more than mother 3 hated you. thats what this tingle game was like.
despite the gameplay jank, i think there were many good parts abt its gameplay. like despite how badly designed the rupee system is, i think it made for a very interesting setting and really emphasized how valued rupees are to the characters of this world. i really wish it was designed a bit better bc i really didnt hate the idea of this mechanic. and the music and character portrait screen when youre made to ask/pay for rupees is so creative and good too!
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i think the mapping system was super fun as well. annoying that you couldnt view the full zoomed in map, and that sometimes the circling feature just... wouldnt work.. but paying attention to the overworld while simultaneously paying attention to the map, and being paid handsomely for spotting the differences made exploration all the more rewarding. and i loved the bodyguard system! i think the 'combat' in this game was very fun actually. i loved the music of the bodyguard's combat. the bodyguard salons were such a fun tidbit of world-building, and it was nice to have a place where i could actually spend money and get something worthawhile in return, compared to the rest of the game where you need to pay people just for the basic decency of like, being able to talk to them (which i dont mind thats how this world works, but again it was nice to SPEND MONEY ON SMTH USEFUL). see, i liked a lot of this game's mechanics, its just that they werent ironed out enough and had enough jank to really piss you off 😮‍💨
the dungeons (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE WRETCHED INSECT CAVERN FUCK THAT PLACE FOREVER) were good too! nothing to write home about but like they were fine. but oh man the boss fights.... THEY WERE ALL AWESOME!!! sorry minish cap and albw but i actually enjoyed the boss fights in this game a lot more than any top-down zelda ones LOL. each one was so different and creative and unlike zelda, didnt just rely on Sole Item Gimmick for you to defeat them. and they were actually challenging!! but not too challenging to feel unfair. i think the lack of a standard combat system allowed for boss fights as interesting as these.
what else... i think it was really fun to see the foreshadowing of uncle rupee throughout the game. i think pinkle's ominous dialogue of being trapped in a room all day was very neat. i liked the lyphos lore too. OH and the zelda references throughout the game was amazing. like aba and her father being a sort of emotional reunion echoing the hero of time's origins.. only for them to beat each other's asses a second later was great. the saria theme in the deku forest was awesome too.
overall it was a game that i wish i could like more. like i really really wish i could like this game more! cuz the parts that i liked i really liked. also i only played like 30 minutes of phantom hourglass but this game was way better than that regarding its control scheme (fuck nintendo for ph and st control scheme forever btw). unfortunately trr has too many weird things and gameplay jank that i cant like it as much as id like. sad!
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epic-jj · 4 years
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Blupee go brrrrrrrrrrrr
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daughterofsarenrae · 4 years
ngl the last hidden skill is....disappointing. just a powered up spin attack?? That only works at full health?? Ok....
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
what would it be like for the chain to be yoinked to player's world?
i imagine the clothes issue would be first priority, since the chain kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. definitely have to get something to cover the ears, and time is ridiculously tall, so unless player has a similarly tall friend, they might need to go clothes shopping.
then comes the fun part: teaching them how to be functional members of society. at one point player actually gets 9 baby leashes and she drives them all because hyrule, wind and wild keep running away and nearly getting hit by a car or something. also needing to replace at least 1 microwave because someone set it on fire.
since rupees dont count as currency, the links are useless financially, so the player has them make up for it by helping with stuff so they arent just standing there.
showing them around, teaching them basic history (they were not thrilled about the world wars), how to use household appliances (especially the toilet and shower), and easing the culture shock just a little bit.
i have an idea why too: the point was to originally sendoff the player, so the chain could continue their quest without interference, so when the next portal comes, player cant go through. both sides are fighting it, and dark link takes his chance to attack player while they're alone, and the chain has to commit blasphemy to get player back, who is not doing so hot. hospital cant do anything since magic isnt exactly a common thing, so hyrule has to commit breaking and entering and heal player which takes him out for a while, then the chain commits more breaking and entering to break player out, and hylia, getting the point (for once) begrudgingly allows player to continue.
i have literally no idea how plausible this is but since when have i ever listened to canon
yes this is a hylia slander post. sue me.
other things i thought of:
- putting makeup on time and twi's markings to avoid attention out in public
- convincing people that wild is a war vet due to his scars and getting discounts everywhere now (yes i know you need a card for that shhh)
- the chain getting in a car for the first time. it has mixed results. wild nearly jumps out of the car on accident and for the first time in their life player has to put the child locks on.
- legend nearly getting them banned from a 7/11 for trying to haggle a cashier and player having to explain thats not how it works here. they don't take him shopping anymore. or hyrule for the same reason. or wild because he keeps trying to buy things vastly overbudget and if he cant, he tries to steal them. only time, twilight and sky are allowed to go shopping now.
- twilight and time having "we will beat you to death" energy, so literally everyone leaves player alone because they have scary friend privileges.
- taking the chain to an amusement park and daring them to go on the Really Fucking Big rollercoaster. it goes about as well as you'd expect. the moment they were off wind immediately went to go on again, while the others watched in horror.
- trying to play different types of video games with them and watching it devolve into either roast sessions or senseless screaming. horror games are banned after wars tried to throw a sword through the tv screen at a jumpscare.
- player finally getting to wear their regular clothes again and the chain being like "???" because the outfit player came in was their "i dont give a single fuck about my appearance" outfit.
- player finally getting to play their personal music and watches as the chain collectively has a stroke because 1) what the fuck is this abomination flooding their ears and 2) why is it good
- wild being wild tries to set something on fire and gets chewed out to high hell because player had to call the fire department and wild narrowly avoided being arrested for arson. all fire weapons were confiscated after that.
- the spoken language is the same but the written one is not, so for the first good while the chain literally cant read. it gets awkward very quickly.
mmm, chaos and destruction - mold
THIS REMINDS ME OF REVERSE AU but instead halfway through the original journey they get thrown into Player's world. Imagine the excitement, the confusion.
I can already imagine the scene.
"Where are we?"
The area is foreign to- well all of them. Not a clue in sight as they glance around the clearing they've stumbled across, only the sounds of birds tweeting around them.
But you realise, stumbling through with Wild and Hyrule by your sides that you have a clue.
Oh, you have a clue.
"Wait, there's a sound coming from that direction!" The Sailor cries, already racing towards it, your heart dropping when you realise what exactly he was talking about. "There might be some people with answers."
Time goes to call for him but you're sprinting the next second, eyes wide with horror and feet pounding against the forest floor. "WIND STOP!"
The others make chase after you when neither you nor the boy slows down.
You watch him near bushes and push your body to go faster, harder until you're only a few inches away from him, hand darting out to snag the back of his shirt and yank him back as hard as he could, digging your feet into the dirt to stop yourself from hurtling towards what you had stopped him from running into.
The Motorway: filled with speeding cars that could have easily slammed into the boy and killed him without a second thought.
"Are you okay!?" You're rewarded with a shaky nod, eyes wide and watching the vehicles continue to hold him close to your chest, whispering thankful prayers to whoever may hear as the others finally catch up, saddling up to your side in awe. "You stupid bastard- stop when I tell you to!"
You didn't deserve that sort of heart attack in the morning.
"Your world?" Time asks after a moment, the others turning to you to see your nod of affirmation.
"Yup, for all its shitty glory."
You were home.
Sorry I got over-excited.
What I wanted to say is that I love your idea, Mold!
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micer2012 · 2 years
are there any particular skizz videos you would recommend to watch?
Solo Skizz is the highlight of my entire week EVERY time one comes out. Skizz just goofing off and building his giant circles and glass cases and rupe goldberg machines, absolutely not going for 1. beauty 2. efficiency 3. any desirable things anyone would want. hes SOLELY going for SILLINESS and FUN and i am having SO much fun. in the newest one he adopts a bunch of vex and calls them his lil kids. ill Cry
IMP N SKIZZ SHORTS. IMP N SKIZZ SHORTS!!!!!! . these are scripted animated shorts (animated by Pooka, who also edits for the Imp n Skizz channel, and also is well known for cursing Me Personally with the jeff the minion loreBJHVCFG. pooka my beloved) written by imp n skizz, and they're very much playin characters here like it was a real animated series.. its so comfy and hilarious n great to rewatch. THEY ARE BROTHERS UR HONOR. a little angst implications as a treat
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(pooka made this gif. i sent him an identical one i made earlier and he just went ?!?!? HEY SAME :D great minds think alike lol !!. look at it)
The Imp n Skizz channel I absolutely can reccomend too, especially if youre coming from hermitcraft. it feels Redundant to say theyve got "great chemistry" theyve been basically brothers for 25 years. they are two halves of a wholeBHJVG. n&s and their skyblock are GREAT
Skizz's 3L and LL. dear GOD SKIZZ'S 3L N LL. his third life is Great, though he starts pretty lonely it has one of the most tragic storylines in 3l, and a lotta interaction not in other povs. it makes me so sad
and his Last Life. legitimately, i think skizz has the best LL pov by FAR JBHVCFHVJB. BEST IN GENERAL, i would recommend watching skizz and Supplementing with bdubs episodes to get the full insanity of best. but skizz is the best LL pov. change my mind
AND HIS LEGACY !!! though short lived, ABSOLUTELY another favorite and one i rewatch often. skizz has a bit of a rough time on his first SMP (and honestly. at the beggining i was going OH.. Oh. this is why hes not in hermitcraft. Oh. I understand nowBHJV /LH) BUT. his interactions with the legates, especially LogicalGeekBoy and Pearl (yes. hc pearl. they are SIBLINGS) is so amazing. and the episodes, with the interactions and achievements and weekly challenges are such great fun and comfort. his confidence on smps has gotten a bit better since this with 3l n LL i think, but this is a Much Watch 4 me
he also streams alot, and has a second channel w stream archives !! a lot with tango n impulse, and the friday night among us streams are a GEM. one time him n etho as imposters, gaslit (IN GRIAN'S WORDS. thats the words Grian used) grian so hard at 3am (For him) (I THINK ALSO. THE NIGHT BEFORE MCC??COULD BE WRONG) he logged off and went to sleep. n skizz felt SO bad. there are edited among us videos with a bunch of the other hermits on his channel too. Its Great
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what’s your take on white authors writing books about asian characters/asian culture (lmao i know this is a stupid question and i know the answer but i love reading your thoughts so i just want to see your rant kendje if u ever decide to, that is)
ahahahah nooo i love stupid questions!! plus, this is a very interesting one - i just wish i had a rant locked and loaded, but i really do not?? to tell the truth, i don't mind white authors working with asian characters/cultures, i just think that they tend to get it just a little bit wrong a lot, even with the best intentions. i like the approach becky chambers took in A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, where the sci-fi universe just doesn't have as many white people. she doesn't have sweeping generalisations of asian/non white cultures, but she finds reasonable ways to insert characters that look like me. i know it's a safe approach, but the fact that she has a LOT to say about culture, she just does it through alien cultures? i think that really worked for her, she was sensitive to avoid stereotypes, and she mostly managed to stay in her lane. like white people don't have to write about our cultures, they don't have to detail all the nuances, but if they are going to, a sensitivity reader is the best idea.
and then, i think, the other thing to think about,,, is a lot harder to articulate. who is the author aiming for? who's the audience?
more often than not, the author is aiming for a western audience. i don't mean a non-white audience, i mean a western one. even if you are aiming for an indian diasporic audience, they aren't, you know, an indian one. which is where i think fantasy can get a little dicey. the idiom of fantasy really borrows from a western tradition, especially when you are writing for a western audience. and that can be a problem because you tend to move backwards in history while writing fantasy fiction - which means, somewhere or the other, you are going to borrow from imperialist tropes. with something like The Djinni and the Golem, for example, you're in a situation where the author is actually doing a really good job of writing an immigrant american story - but whenever she moves backwards into the middle east, some of the tropes do show up. similarly with daniel abraham, when you read The Long Price Quartet, moving backwards ends up borrowing from some pretty colonial ideas of what asia looks like. and i genuinely LIKED daniel abraham!! i think he did a really decent job, he didn't overuse the word honour, he created a solid magic system, and asia wasn't homogenously imagined by him.
but then in the second book, hes writing a shakespearean tragedy within an asian context, and of course he has to create a discourse around how oppressive the culture is for ruling women?? that entire dimension of feminist understanding is limited, and it was jarring to read it.
the associated problem with this, of course, is that no matter how well you choose to depict asian cultures, none of your books are going to make it to asia.
i am one (1) upper caste girl who has access to the idiom of fantasy fiction. there will be some others like me. but the price of these books is insane for readers who are not in the states. most fantasy books cost over 350 rupees, which is one week of groceries for someone as privileged like me. what is important to remember when writing fantasy fiction and depicting asian cultures is that at the end of the day, your audience is at least once removed from the space it is coming from. you can write as interesting a fantasy as you want using indian histories, but india itself is not going to have that book stocked on their shelves. this isn't to say that white western authors or non white western authors have the mantle of representing every country ever within fantasy, but it is something we should keep in mind - and one that we often don't. a second generation american immigrant will always have more privilege than me, will always have more access to some of these cultural idioms than me, and the books you write aren't going to end up in the shelves Universal Book Sellers, or Bahrisons and Co.
i think this is the bottom line for naomi novik, too. i genuinely think she got a sensitivity reader this time, thats why she improved quite a bit - but even then, she blundered with the arranged marriage thing, which is a pet peeve of mine. genuinely think picking a sensitivity reader from india would have helped her even more. this is also why white people's imagination of a south asian person is hindu!!! because upper caste hindu people usually are the ones who become diaspora in the west, because they have far more access to the cultural currency of the west. within india, we have people who are not upper caste, south asians who practice judaism, christians of various denominations (who are very different from the western imagination of christianity), muslims of different castes and denominations, and so many regions with different languages. i mean, it is telling that of the two indian girls she writes, both are hindu, one speaks hindi and marathi and the other speaks bengali (for those who don't know, bengali people are generally culturally overrepresented in indian history and culture, for various caste related reasons).
ok for real im going to stop now.
there is a larger point i could make around the entire conversation around representation but i have already gone on for a very long time. so much for not having a rant locked and loaded, eh???
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ive done a terrible thing and accidentally turned on gloom hands for the map. i was only doing korok seeds/wells/caves/other bosses - i wanted shrines and hands to be a surprise, so i was just turning shrines on and off now and then to make sure i wasnt walking past any. but then i turned on hads to see how many there were and there's two in the next place im going for my korok seeds (crenel region). i would have rather not known :(
ugh man my compendium is SOOO empty...i miss the camera being on the first-person view. having it as an ability is so clunky! if i wanna 100% this i really gotta get on that bc no way do i or will i ever have the rupees to buy my way to victory
i looove btw, if i havent said. that if you kill an enemy while gliding/skydiving, you get the drops anyway. like they just appear in your inventory. VERY good
five bomb flowers in this chest! i appreciate it, but i almost have more bombs than arrows. (80-something arrows, 60-something bombs.) i got used to living without them. im a muddlebud girl now
ah i see. mining.
a well with nothing in it...there's gotta be more to it. haha it's the moor garrison ruins well so. that's a little joke. anyway im googling
okay, apparently google doesn't know shit either? surely there is something else here........
i guess not :/ bet i'll have to come back later...
lmao the wall in the well is cracked can i actually bomb it?
answer: no
i thought ascending thru the ceiling would just take me back topside, but the well room was under this underground room! so i got in! ooough that dopamine. puzzle SOLVED all on my own!!!!
theres a treasure chest in one of these rooms, but the map tells me it's another fucking shield so im giving it a pass. i got the trick, thats what matters
shrine BELOW me? girl wtf
if i have to go back in that mining cave i just went thru.
ugh i checked and i DOOOO how did i miss it!!!
i DIED getting over there >:(
UGH and the enemies are back cuz of a blood moon :( i wasted 2 muddlebuds to NOT fight these guys...
i wish the totk fight music was better. i mean don't get me wrong, it's fine, but because of the way the soundtrack works the 3 songs i hear most often are the fight music, the shrine music, and the ambient bg music, which sometimes changes when in a snowy/high/watery area. i hear the fight music more than any other song and it gets stuck in my head CONSTANTLY and while much of this game's soundtrack is mindblowing and incredible, the fight music Is Not. it's simply not good enough for the song i'm listening to the fucking most. i'm already tired of hearing it and i'm only (checks) 95 hours into this game. ugh
>:( i'm mad that i probably won't be able to 100% it before i hit 100 hours...i wanted my whole hero's path on record...
anyway i found the shrine. finally.
ugh i'm just gonna do it. honestly why couldn't they have just refined it to one island instead of microdosing us.......
COOL...there's a battle talus just patrolling back and forth along the road here!!
oh, a big tower fell over here...idr that from botw but i think it was in the trailers! neat
ok, i'm getting close to the area where the hands spawn :( i turned them back on on my map cuz im scared :(
oh man. so they spawn in these stumps full of water right...i can literally see those. they are so close to me. if i didn't Know i'd wander right in, unsuspecting...this is why i had that turned off. it's better not to know!!! than this anxiety!!!!!
what if i just...make them pop and then despawn them...
i can't do it. i can't. that is a TRAP i can see it's a trap those are high sides there's water like no fucking way. no way
GOD fuck a like like made a noise and i jumped out of my skin. the way the hands can scare you when you arent around AAAAAAAAAAAA
rauru settlement ruins...an innocuous reference to the ocarina of time sage in botw, but now...
i still have a few seeds left to get there and i know what i said about not doing shit today but i do actually have to do shit today. rip!
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that-fallen-child · 3 years
5, 7,19, 20, 21, 37, 41!! i know thats a lot but im 👀 curious 👀👀
the more questions the merrier >:))) thank you hyper dearest for all the hyah questions, i shall hyah back once i go and. look back at the questions because i forgot what they were LMAO
5. Do you prefer enjoying the roses as you ride/walk to your destination, or teleport everywhere as soon as you get the chance?
hmmmmm it kind of depends!! sometimes i enjoy walking around and exploring the lovely world of hyrule, and sometimes i'm way too impatient for that (a link's gotta go places yk), and/or there's something that wants to kill me and i don't want to deal with it. though i have been known for travelling across the map (usually on horseback) with distances usually as long as from kakariko village to tarrey town, or gerudo desert to the korok forest. and when that happens that's usually because i'm bored and riding on horseback sounds way more fun than just teleporting. so make of that what you will :)
7. How do you usually make rupees?
good question. i dont
JK i tend to sell a lot of stuff i dont need and can easily replace, like monster parts or gems. the only reason i said i don't is because currently i uh
i have 16k rupees in my back pocket and i dont remember why (probably sold a lot of stuff and forgot about it)
so i dont need to sell stuff all that often HFSFK
19. Who’s your favourite Champion?
how dare you make me choose. how dare
nahh its okay, i just really like all of them. though if i had to choose if you asked this question (wait you are asking this question im dumb), i would go with urbosa. she's so cool askdfkaskd <33 kicks ass in high heels and can literally call lightning from the sky to smite her enemies. we love to see it
fun fact, the nickname i've given her is "gerudo mom" cause she's kind of a mom figure and ykyk. it's also lowkey a reference to toriel from undertale with how people refer to her as "goat mom" so :]
20. Who’s your favourite New Gen Champion?
ah im assuming by new gen champions it means the 4 currently taking the place of the champions? riju, teba, yunobo, and sidon? in that case, i have to say, again, this is a close call between the 4 of them, but i have a soft spot for teba. he's just a sliiiightly milder revali and i love him for it. also the part of the vah medoh fight where you bust down the protective shield of the giant robot bird is lowkey so cute cause at the end he says "its all you!" and gives link a wing thumbs up and alslafkdkflsfk he <3
21. Who’s your favourite side character(s)?
welllll, if i talked about them all we'd be here all day. but i love that old gerudo woman who sits by the goddess statues. she contains the wise swagger of an old gerudo lady and is just pretty awesome in general :) i like talking to her when i visit gerudo town
...even if she just has the same dialogue every time LSDFKFDLS
37. Favourite/notable battle? [Boss battle or otherwise]
you just flooded my memories with like 3 different battles at once. and so since they were notable enough for me to remember them ill talk about each of them in detail >:)
first is a boss battle, since the question wants that! this one goes to my early days of botw when i was fighting vah ruta with my cousins. we were riding on sidon's back and trying desperately to avoid the ice blocks. what we didnt know at the time was that you could use stasis to knock back the blocks at ruta, and so we just took the heavy hits and wasted a lot of food for literally no reason.
second one! a mob battle. i forgot where this was located, but i was fighting off a group of red bokoblins on a slope. i had finished off the last 2, and when i got to the 3rd one, he yelled at me and picked up a mop, but before he could do anything i just shot him in the head and k.o'd him. i swear it's funnier if you see the in-game footage, but that's all i can really do to describe it ;3;
and finally, the third one! another boss battle. this time it's in gerudo, by the southern oasis. i was out collecting loot when all of a sudden the molduga in that area gave me a jumpscare, and i ran over to the elevated oasis and climbed up as fast as i could. and now, since i felt like i was basically stuck there until i got rid of the molduga, i kept throwing bombs at the ground (i didn't want to waste my arrows) and discovered that you could wait for the molduga to take it as bait. and so i continued to do that until it died. i felt so accomplished afterward LMAO
and. that's it. WESKJDFLS there was a 4th one but i felt it was irrelevant cause i just kept dying and at that point it wasn't really a fight so i decided to leave it out oops;;
41. What weapons, if at all, do you hang in your house?
for melee weapons, mipha's trident is in the middle, daruk's crusher sits on the left, and urbosa's scimitar sits on the right. for bows, revali's bow is in the middle, with a phrenic bow (i think?) on the right, and a falcon bow on the left. and for shields, urbosa's shield in the middle, hylian shield on the left, and shield of the mind's eye on the right.
i used to hang thunderblades, flameblades, and frostblades on the melee weapon stands before, but as i progressed i eventually decided to keep the champions' weapons (and shield) there instead, as i felt it was important to preserve these literal ancient weapons (and shield) because. well. the champions used them, once upon a time. and sure, you could use them to exhaustion and get a new one, but like. sentimental value. if you get a brand new made-to-order one from a smith, it just wont hold the history that these weapons had. does that make sense
i hope so lmao. either way that's just how i roll 😎 it kind of sucks you can't get duplicates from smiths if you have the original champion weapons, as their excuse will be "oh, you have one already. come back when it's broken and i'll make you a new one." like please hello can i just get one so i dont break the originals please im begging you
maybe it has to do with these weapons being "rare?" and if there's duplicates, people could just come up and get one for themselves. though i dont really understand that because like well so what if they do? now everyone has cool ass weapons. whats the problem here sir.
anyway that's enough from me :))!! i shall take my leave now, goodb- *gets hit by a stray octorock rock and rolls off a mountain, screaming in the process, and dies right at the base*
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Readers POV:
"FOURRRRRR, MY LOVE, MY DARLING, DO YOU HAVE MY UHHHH NOTEBOOK?" I haven't seen my drawing book and rn im like going GRRRRR WOOOO AHHHHH NAUR RHDHDNDHDNDHDB and its not feeling well "No need to yell im right here also, since when was I your love of your life?" Uhhhh "Since i dont know, im srry I ASKED YOU SMT FIRST BOI" BRO ISTG "No i havent seen it, why are you so worried anyway? Im sure you can make a new one!" He chuckled but me, im so close to getting my chancla and whoope him- " No i cant just 'make a new one' plus im worried if one of you gremlin monos have it" Actually because i have so many drawings and there to precious also i drew the links in to many weird stuff "Im sure we will find it!" Hmmm im not so sure cause i havent seen it all mornin but i dont wanna say that "well imma start searchin, wanna join? Two is always better than one!" I want him to join so that i wont be alone also cause ik he wont be pressuring me "sure!"
Its been hours nowwwwww GRRRRRRRR IF I DONT FIND IT IMMA BLOWWWWW GRRRRRRR "BRO WHERE IS IT, RAHHHHHHH" I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW MA PAINNN "We havent asked wind yet, he might have it" OH YEA, THAT GREMLIN "oh yeaaaaaa........." it was quite for a hot second till " WIND GET YOUR GOOFY ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL WHOOPE YOUR ASS WITH MY CHANCLA, ON MY DEAD GOLDFISH" I yelled, that last part was i joke cause i dont have a goldfish and i hope i never do cause i know for a fact its gonna die on the first day "WHY, CMONNNN I WAS SO CLOSE TO MAKING LEGEND GIVE ME RUPEES" He yelled back, aint no wayyyy " JUST COME OVER HERE" Four is just watching looking very cute very pretty very scrumpdelicious "What do you wanttttt" He said whining "Do you have ny sketchbook?" I said while giving him a glare saying to tell me the truth. Bros rn rattled. "Fineeee, here u didnt even let me look at it" WHY IS HE WHINING THATS A GOOD THING "Good now if you ever take it istg" " BYEEEEEEE" grrrrrr he lucky he walked away "well you found it! Im happy for you" hmmm i wanna give him smt. He looked at me and i stared at his eyes. I walked towards him stopping right in front of him...... "mwah" He is bright beight red "TANKEUUHUU I RLLY APPRICATE IT NOW I GTG AND SEE IF THAT MONO RLLY DIDNT LOOK AT IT" I yelled while walking away. Today was a very good day!
LOVING how supportive four is-- hes such a sweetheart DHSAJKDAH
I love the random barking in the middle of the frustration AHAHHAH CAUSE ME TOO! AT ONE POINT WORDS ARE JUST NAH AND IM JJUST GOING FOR FERAL AT THIS POINT
i hope to gods you arent the porn bots DHSJAK /j /j
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