#and the destiel of it all is EVERYTHING
drulalovescas · 7 months
I love when Supernatural visually separated Dean and Cas from everyone else to make them look like an item. Epic cinematography
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lovealwayssay · 4 months
I would pay an ungodly amount of money for a Supernatural finale where Dean rescues Cas from the Empty and tells him he loves him too, Eileen comes back to be with Sam, and Jack chooses to live with the four of them in the bunker as a happy family.
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cthulhum · 5 months
and dean winchester thought he was unlovable and didnt deserve happiness he hated himself and thought eveyone would eventually leave him and then a literal fucking angel fell in love with him. like loved him more than anything else in the world.
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wigglebox · 7 months
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Hey there 💫 [x]
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
it’s been 15 years and supernatural ep 4x1 lazarus rising is still one of the most sexually charged, suggestive episodes to ever air on american television. actual sex scenes routinely fail to match the tension and build-up of whatever the fuck was going on with dean and cas in 4x1
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
I know a lot of people like early seasons Destiel, don't get me wrong I do too.
But I looooove later seasons Destiel (from S12 to S15) because that's where the widower arc happens and there's no coming back from that. People can deny Destiel all they want, BUT the thing is that this widower arc exists, it happened like for real in the show.
And at the same time without early seasons Destiel there's no later seasons Destiel.
Hmm. You know what? I love every seasons Destiel, because that's them. That's part of their relationship, that's what made them who they are. I love them.
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deancasforcutie · 2 months
still chasing the high of that halcyon age where Supernatural was my healthy safe escape from the horrors of US politics, and then
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naturegirl555 · 1 month
I genuinely cannot be normal about destiel. It’s so brain rotting and consuming.
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mixtpecas · 2 months
It's 2 am and I'm just thinking about how Cas and Eileen became such complimentary partners for Dean and Sam even when the show (slash Chuck) didn't let them have a happy ending.
Like, Sam wanted independence from his family and hunting. Not because he hated hunting necessarily, but because it represented everything his dad seemed to value over him and his opinions. And throughout the show he does make his own choices, but more often than not they end up with him getting possessed or some other kind of loss of autonomy. And with everyone he dates there seems to be that fear of losing control - not that he's controlling per say, but that he can't really let his guard down. Jess, Amy, Amelia, might know About him, but he doesn't seem to show much real vulnerability or deeper trust in them.
And Eileen gets that - she was written to mirror Sam, but it's not like she's his clone. While Sam seems more run down by everything that's happened to him by the time he meets her, Eileen still has that fire that leads her to do good on her own terms. And because she understands both the hunting and independence aspects of Sam's life, her and Sam can see each other as equals, instead of falling into that civilian/hunter or protector/protectee approach that relationships in the show usually lean towards. It's a real breath of fresh air for me, and feels a lot like how I'd imagine an ideal relationship for Sam - someone that isn't afraid to challenge him, but also encourages him to speak up for himself and value his own feelings.
Then with Dean, there's a lot of similarities to Sam (obviously, with their shared upbringing lol) but he can also be his counterpart. Sam wants trust placed in him and independence, Dean wants commitment and for someone to not leave him. But like Sam's relationships, Dean definitely falls right into the Protector role and what he thinks he should be doing, not what he actually needs or wants (like with Cassie and Lisa). And for him, I feel like it's less about not trusting them (Dean actually confides in people fairly often!) but more about his understandings about relationships and his own self. Dean has been treated (intentionally and unintentionally) as a blunt instrument, someone unchangeable, someone to look to for comfort, etc. even before Mary died ("It's okay Mom, I'll never leave you" comes to mind).
Cas reflects this in the extreme - any of his own feelings were lobotimized out of him and it was seen as impossible for angels to feel at all without falling. For him, he could see Dean as a smaller-scale mirror to what he was feeling. And Dean could see Cas as a more abstract, less intimidating way to see his own life. Like Eileen and Sam, Dean and Cas understand each other as soon as they meet each other. Cas tells Dean he has doubts! Dean prays to Cas after a lifetime of not believing in angels! Their similarities let them connect but their differences let them grow - Dean is so stubborn and full of feeling that Cas finally has the final push to rebel. Cas is the most powerful thing Dean's ever met when he saves him from Hell, so Dean feels safe to rely on him and trust someone to answer him if he asks (or prays). And again, their similarities are at the ground of it all, so they stay as partners and equals.
For Chuck (and the writers) this kind of healthier partnership dynamic goes against the kind of romance they love, that focuses on avoidance and saviour complexes. If Dean and Sam feel secure in their senses of self outside of one another, and are encouraged to keep that up, what happens to the Cycles of Family Trauma Show?? Plus, there's the added elements of Cas being a man and Eileen being deaf (resulting in Despair and the Blurry Wife). Sam and Dean both needed Eileen and Cas at certain points in their stories, whether that was to rescue them, motivate them, give them something to lose, etc. But even though plot development was the main intention for these relationships, they signalled something outside of the routine Cain and Abel story. Instead of just representing that kind of unattainable happy future, Eileen and Cas developed genuine relationships with the brothers that encouraged them to be more genuine people, and eventually led them to defeat God.
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destiel-wings · 1 year
the cw dealing with castiel after 15x18
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aspecdestiel · 3 months
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destielpride day 28: family & friends
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zer0expektation · 6 months
never getting over the fact that s4 Cas's arc is literally just a gay metaphor
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hotdogcabbagesausage · 6 months
In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.
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ladyluscinia · 3 months
Handprint grab in the sex scene is always so much more pointed than I remember it being like WHAT was going through their heads when they put that on our screens
They both look right at his shoulder and the grab is done SO deliberately + the fact that by this point they are already shifting to give Cas her arc + the immediate following scene with Uriel that does that two hit punch tying in Cas liking Dean and Dean having sex with angels
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annmariethrush · 8 months
love reading destiel AUs and I love to imagine that they got to meet and be together earlier in their lives, but god if there’s not a special place in my heart for those two old(er) men falling in love. It’s so pure to me, for them to have been through so much, both together and apart, before finally getting together. 😭
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pollsnatural · 7 months
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