#and the klaus/lizzie scene obviously
terapsina · 9 months
Hope Mikaelson #2
2. …how I would have chosen to change their story from canon.
Oh god.
It's giving me a migraine just thinking about this. I'd change so much.
First of all. I wouldn't have erased her family from the equation. There would have been scenes where Hope talked with Marcel on the phone. Scenes where she was looking forward to going to New Orleans to see Aunt Rebekah and Aunt Freya on some weekend or another.
Family photos of the entire Mikaelson clan and her mom in her room. CONVERSATIONS where she talked about Hayley.
Second of all. I definitely wouldn't have given Alaric a role as Hope's parental figure (I just viscerally dislike the way they had someone who despised her actual dad as this father figure. And I mean I get why he hated Klaus, but he should have had the decency to shut up about it and not try to use Hope as like a... bodyguard for his daughters... and the entire school).
Third of all.
I definitely wouldn't have made Hope and Landon this huge be-all-end-all romance that outlived its charm. She's Hope Andrea Mikaelson, she doesn't exist for just one boy.
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Honestly, I think I probably would have had her and Landon break up after he chose to discard her wishes and wrote that musical where she had to play Klaus.
Because honestly. That was just... brutal.
And if I've begun on her romance. Obviously I'd have gone with Lizzie as Hope's endgame.
Though I also don't think I would have bee-lined for that immediately. Because that would honestly be a disservice to their amazing slow-burn.
I might have maybe given Hope and Rafael a brief thing? Just because it felt like a bit of a waste to drop those hints and then go nowhere (plus it would have been fun showing Lizzie getting visibly jealous only to eventually give her a dropped-penny-moment of having her realize that... oh, she's jealous because she has feelings for Hope, not Rafael).
Also. Cooler villains. She deserved way more cooler villains.
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bennettmaximoff · 1 year
Thinking of that scene where Caroline is discussing with Alaric about how Lizzie and Josie can siphon the Hollow out of Klaus, and he asks why they couldn’t just get Bonnie to do it instead of their teenage daughters, and her saying that it’s not something Bonnie can do, only their daughters can. Which is so hilarious because if Kat stayed on the franchise and agreed to return, the writers would have had Caroline and/or Alaric pleading for her help. Kat wasn’t coming back to the franchise so ofc out of pettiness they wrote Bonnie incapable and not being able to do something to prop up other characters.
Julie and Co had to throw in shade with the “What about Bonnie? —It’s not something Bonnie can do” lines bc they were petty about how the woman they mistreated didn’t want to be apart of their other projects, and had to make sly jabs at Bonnie whenever they could to get their kicks. And it’s obviously shade bc you expect me to believe that Bonnie, someone who has wielded all forms of magic, couldn’t use a simple spell to transfer a source of magic into another place?
Not to mention them leaving her out of the Legacies musical and only stating how she was a good friend is another example of their hatred and pettiness towards Kat and Bonnie. Basically trying to insinuate that she wasn’t important to the story, even though if it wasn’t for her, most of these characters wouldn’t be alive.
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
out of the legacies kids l(hope, josie, lizzie, penelope, landon) how do you think the parents (hayley, klaus, caroline, ric) would react to them finding the coins? what if they become the next generation of power rangers? what colour power rangers would they be? (penelope is obviously the yellow or pink one)
I don't think I'm the best person to ask this to. I only watched s1 once, and have since only watched Posie scenes, and I never watched TVD. Sorry!
0 notes
mydarlingklaus · 4 years
The Confrontation
So this is the second part of my “the merge” drabble which you can find part one here! I highly recommend you read part one first so it makes sense. This is going to be a 3 (or 4) part drabble that I’ve enjoyed writing about and hope you enjoy reading. I’ve already gotten great feedback for it. Leaving reviews on my ff.net account are appreciated. thanks :)
Summary: Aftermath of Klaus finding out that the twins have to merge. This is now the confrontation between Caroline and Lizzie.
(I will die on the hill that Klaus is Lizzie’s dad and no one can tell me shit!)
Caroline instantly lifted her tear-stained face from the palms of her hands to meet Lizzie's worried gaze from across the room. She didn't even realize how fast the school day went and it was already lunch time—nursing a second glass of scotch that had been beside her elbow since morning.
"Hey sweetie." Caroline greeted with a sniffle, wiping away the tears underneath her eyes. "I thought you were studying during your lunch break?"
Lizzie swallowed, taking in her mom's appearance of puffy red eyes and tear coated cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" She wondered.
Despite her distress, Caroline had to push it to the side and seeing her daughter reminded her of that. She still had a school to run and daughters to raise—-chalking up Klaus' absence as a 'time away for work in NOLA' with a quivering fake smile each time they asked. 'Fake it till you make it' was a phrase Caroline knew all too well.
"It's nothing." She brushed off with a hesitant smile.
"Obviously it's something." The braided haired witch challenged.
"What do you want Lizzie? I really don't have time to just talk. I'm very busy." Caroline snapped.
Lizzie scoffed. "Yeah, I can see that." Nodding her head towards the booze. "But fine we can skip the mother/daughter chit chat and cut right to the chase. I want to know why you've been lying to us."
Caroline's eyes grew and lump in her throat jumped at the abrupt—-and accurate—- accusation.
The charade worked, the first day, but Lizzie only grew more persistent. Constantly pestering and pointing out the holes in the fabricated story, mainly Klaus dodging her phone calls—he's never done that since she was able to use a phone.
"I—I don't know what you mean—"
She shook her head. "Don't do that, please don't make an idiot out of me more than you already have!"
"Keep your voice down. School is still in session." Caroline demanded in a hush tone.
The young witch telepathically slammed the door shut behind her, earning a glare from her mother.
"I want to know what happened to Klaus, and I know it was something because he's never ignored my phone calls or texts before. And he definitely never goes back to New Orleans without at least saying goodbye—emergency or not."
Three days.
Three long and antsy days had gone by since she last seen or heard from Klaus. She called all of his siblings but they to not have heard from him either.
Caroline couldn't get that look out of her head. His face full of such disgust and betrayal he could barely suppress his boiling anger—he hadn't looked at her like that since their first days of knowing each other, when he was the enemy and she didn't know what he'd mean to her.
Not that she didn't deserve it, but he didn't even say goodbye before she had to find out on her own when his things were packed and car missing. He was big bad hybrid Klaus, so she wasn't necessarily concerned for his safety, but not knowing where he was and if he was mentally stable caused just as much anxiety.
Caroline gave Alaric an earful for informing Klaus before she had the opportunity to, which only resulted in her feeling worse than she already did. She never expected Klaus to take the news about the merge lightly, but she underestimated how hurt he'd feel. He's feeling as helpless as she now does.
After hundreds of failed calls and texts, the only thing Caroline could do was impatiently wait for this return—whenever that would be. She didn't even know where he was, crying herself to sleep every night. Missing him, yearning and worried about him. Subconsciously reaching over to the cold vacant spot on the bed beside her where his warm body usually lied to embrace her in his arms as they caught slumber together. He was her refugee and security—now he wasn't. Caroline never felt more incomplete and unsafe.
It was driving her crazy not knowing his whereabouts or his well being—she couldn't pretend that the fragility of their relationship wasn't also packing into her anxiety.
Caroline sighed, standing from her office chair. "It's complicated—"
"It always is with you." She muttered.
"Hey!" Caroline sternly pointed her finger. "I don't care how you're feeling or how upset you are, you won't disrespect me."
"You have to give respect to earn it, and lying to me about where Klaus has been when you've seen me going crazy over it isn't exactly role model behavior."
"What happened? Where is he!"
"I don't know!" Caroline blurted.
She felt all she could do in this moment was scream. As if her anxiety wasn't already thriving on Klaus' sudden disappearance her own disgusted wasn't making it better with her accusations.
"I don't know..." Caroline repeated, looking up at her beautiful daughter who's tear-filled eyes matched hers.
Lizzie cautiously approached her mother who was now holding her hand over her mouth to suppress her sobs. She pushed her hair back anxiously, swallowing her nerves while taking a seat and crossing her legs.
"Um, did you and Klaus like break up or something?" She asked, fearing the response.
Caroline shook her head, wiping under her eyes again. "No, nothing like that."
- Right?
Lizzie let out a subtle breath of relief.
"But it is something. Bad enough for him to leave out of nowhere. Please mom." Scooting to the edge of the chair. "What happened between you two?"
The obvious concern in her daughter's voice only worsened Caroline's guilt.
There was no one in this scenario she was more angry with than herself and she hated not having the answers Lizzie wanted, but she was scared. Scared to tell her the truth of why Klaus fled in the first place—possibly losing him was devastating but losing Lizzie or Josie would be soul crushing.
Caroline took a deep breath, leaning against her desk while grabbing both of Lizzie's hands. Her beautiful and smart Lizzie, with so many aspirations and goals for her future. How was she supposed to explain that in just a few years there's a 50/50 chance she won't have one?
"Um, me and Klaus had an argument."
Lizzie's eyebrows scrunched. "But you guys never argue, and if you do it's over dumb stuff like when he wanted to fly me and Josie out to Tokyo for our sweet 16 during a school week."
Caroline sadly laughed, thinking back on all of Klaus' outrageous and ridiculous gestures that made her love him so much.
"Yeah..." She sniffled. "Um, Lizzie there's something I need to tell you and I really wish Josie was here because it's actually something I need to tell both of you."
Lizzie gulped, suddenly feeling a shiver of panic run down her arms as Caroline continued.
"Jo, your birth mother, was a descendant from what is known as the Gemini coven. When you girls were first born I didn't know what that meant or the significance until your fifth birthday when you began developing your magic...that's when your father explained it to me."
"Dad?" Lizzie questioned.
- What did he have to do with it?
Licking her lips nervously, Caroline resumed. "Being apart of this particular coven comes with a price, a curse known as 'the merge', for every new set of twins. When Gemini twins turn 22 years old the merge forces you to participate in a duel against one another to determine who will lead the coven until the next generation. Only one of you is meant to survive..."
The young witch gulped again, as she tried to process what was being told to her. This was impossible information to digest and she felt any second she was going to puke.
"So...what you're saying is that, one of us will have to kill the other?" Lizzie asked, feeling more sick and confused with every burning question popping into her head and how it led to Klaus' departure.
- Did he know about this?
She wondered.
"More like absorb." Caroline clarified. "Whoever is to win the duel would acquire the other's power. That's part of why I was doing so much traveling a few years back, why I was away from home all those long and tortuous months. It was to find a cure or some type of loophole. We were hoping this would be something neither of you would even have to know about, let alone experience."
- What the hell?
Was all Lizzie could think. She felt frozen in the uncomfortable chair, barely listening anymore to her own mother justifying her reason to keep her death sentence a secret her entire life—their lives.
How was she supposed to break this down to her sister when she didn't fully understand it herself? Lizzie's entire life felt like a lie. What other secrets were her parents keeping from them?
How did her life take such a drastic turn in a mere of a few minutes? Just yesterday she was brainstorming prom dresses and venue ideas for the dance. Post-graduation plans of going off to New York for college and stressing over if Sebastian would follow her wherever she went. Would their relationship even make it to graduation? Would she live in dorms or pursued Klaus to pitch in for an apartment? Design school or major in literature? She was supposed to be thinking about the beginning of her life, not the ending.
"I know this is a lot to take in at once and you must have a million questions that I'm more than willing to answer." Caroline said, making Lizzie blink—-one, two, three times as she mentally jumped back into the conversation. Her face still blank as the words spewed.
The letters G-U-I-L-T couldn't be bolder on her mother's face if they tried. Her pleading blue eyes and quivering bottom lip did nothing to sway Lizzie from her state of shock.
"You can't imagine how sorry I am we didn't tell you girls sooner, but it's what we felt was best at the time. We wanted to wait until your 18th birthday with the hopes we'd find a solution by then, and you girls would be old enough to understand..."
Lizzie still said nothing.
Caroline squeezed her hand. "Sweetie I know this is scary and overwhelming. Believe me this wasn't easy on me or your father having to keep it from you and your sister, definitely not how we wanted to tell you. It wasn't our intention to lie. This was an impossible decision to make, everyday it killed me that you girls didn't know but...how do you tell your children that there are things you can't protect them from, not even each other?"
One tear fell down each of Lizzie's cheek, unsure if she was more angry or sad—maybe a lot of both. Her life was flipped, disintegrating, literally hanging by a thread and the only person she wanted to console in and seek advice from was MIA.
"You should have told us..." Lizzie finally said, coldly, when she eventually found her voice. Abruptly snatching her hands from Caroline's and placing them in her own lap.
The small—-microscopic—-understanding part of her brain was quickly being dominated by her burning rage.
Her lips quivered as she stood to her feet, stepped outside the chair to increase the distance between them. Seeing Caroline's face dramatically drop made her stomach turn, briefly, then she was reminded why she looked so distraught in the first place.
She shook her head frantically. "You—you should have told us, way before now. Way before you encouraged us to live our abnormal life as greatly as possible. Remember that?"
"Instead of giving me and Josie false hope that we had any chance of getting out of this shit town to do anything we desire, you should've just told us the damn truth!"
"Elizabeth Saltzman!" Caroline stomped her foot powerfully, enough to shake the ground.
Lizzie knew she was crossing the line but her anger piled on top of each other until it became its own monster. But she didn't care about, not anymore.
"I had dreams, real goals for my future mom." Lizzie sobbed. "For the first time in years I felt normal and was genuinely happy. My mental health was managed and I was actually looking forward to living. I was going to leave Mystic Falls, did you know that?!"
Caroline gasped. "Wh-what?"
Lizzie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Of course you didn't, why would you? But yes I had a whole plan mapped out to leave this place after graduation. Go to school somewhere new. I wanted to stay stateside for now, probably New York with Auntie Rebekah or Los Angeles with Uncle Kol. Just to start a new life, my own, in a big vibrant city where no one knew who I was. Where I wouldn't be the neurotic witch, the bipolar freak, Josie's sister, or Caroline Forbes' daughter...I'd just be me. Attending whatever college I wan and make new real friends and finally live my life!"
Lizzie looked heartbroken, as the hot tears dogged her vision.
Caroline opened and closed her mouth. This was brand new information. It never occurred to her that either of the twins desires to flee the small town they've known as home—-neither ever brought it up. This reminded her a lot of herself at their age, stores she's told them multiple times in disguise of bedtime stories. Which only pained her more that Lizzie didn't think she could confide in her about these incredible dreams.
"You—you never told me about that."
"You never asked." Lizzie fired back, crossing her arms over chest defensively.
Caroline nodded. "You're right, I should've. I've been so invested in so many things lately I allowed them to overrun you and I'm sorry. I should be more involved in your future as well as your present—"
"Is it because you know only one of us would have one?"
Caroline's eyes narrowed offensively.
"Lizzie, of course not. I always had hope we would find something by now and I'm sorry we didn't. I'm sorry this is how you found out and that all of this is happening. You have to know this is the last thing I wanted for either of you." She pleaded, reaching for her daughter who instantly pushed her hand away.
Her chest tightened at the blatant rejection.
17 years, neither of the twins had ever been genuinely angry with Caroline before, besides basic teenage angst. Never were they full blown hateful or disrespectful, not that she blamed her but the justification didn't lessen the pain. The way Lizzie was staring at her, with such disgust and hurt pulsing through her bloodshot blue eyes made Caroline's stomach turn. She was taking the full beating for something initiated by both her and Alaric—-she'll relay the anger towards him later.
It was the same way Klaus looked at her.
Pulling a tissue from her bag Lizzie wiped her nose, biting down on her bottom lip. Growing more enraged by the second as the realization settled in and raised her eyes.
"He didn't know either, did he?"
Caroline licked her dry lips anxiously.
"Answer me." Lizzie demanded through her clenched pearly white teeth, huffing out a puff of air when her mother responded.
"No, he didn't."
Pacing, back and forth, in her corner—pinching her bottom lip between her shaky index finger and thumb Lizzie felt she was at her wits end. Despite her shattered exterior, it was comforting to know Klaus was just as in the dark about the situation.
She was certain she wouldn't be able to handle Klaus of all people lying to her too.
The young witch eventually stopped pacing, hanging her head low with her hands firmly on her denim clad hips. Trying to gather all her thoughts best she could but every conclusion had the same tragic outcome. Lizzie loved her mother, with everything she had, but this was a life decision she and Alaric made about she and Josie's life. This was a huge secret they voluntarily kept from them since birth—no matter the intentions it was wrong and harmful and drove away the only person in her life who's ever been honest with her.
Quite frankly she was too hurt and confused to care about anyone's feelings but her own.
Caroline stood patiently by her desk, waiting for her daughter to break the tension any second now.
Lizzie sniffled. "Klaus, um—Klaus wasn't an easy adjustment when he officially became apart of our lives. I didn't know what he was supposed to be to me and Josie, what Hope was supposed to be. There was a moment, brief, but a moment where I didn't want either of them around. I never told anyone that."
The baby vampire felt all her emotions bottling up in the base of her throat at her daughter's shocking admission.
"Klaus quickly became one of the most important people in my life—probably the only person I could depend on fir anything, but especially when life became overwhelming." She explained, blinking away her thick tears. "He was always the one who told me to dream big, to never limit myself no matter how far fetched it seemed. He encouraged all three of us—me, Josie and Hope—to get away from this small town the first chance we got if that's what we wanted. He wanted us to live. He was the most constant thing I had and you took that from me, you took everything from me..." She shook her head side to side, still not entirely processing the devastating news.
Caroline's chest caved and heart fell to the pit of her stomach. Hearing all of this—-what Klaus meant to Lizzie and vice versa—broke her heart more than anything she's ever encountered in her 25 years of living. All the death and tragedy that's surrounded her since knowing the existence of the supernatural held no water to the familial bond she broke between father and daughter.
Seeing Lizzie so distraught was gut wrenching, and knowing nothing she could say would make her pain go away. Caroline had to admit she underestimated the reactions from a kept secret fueled by good intentions.
Swallowing back her tears, she tried reaching her hand out again. "Lizzie please—"
"Klaus left because of you. He abandoned us and it's your fault!" Lizzie screamed, aggressively pushing her away and unintentionally blowing out the lights in Caroline's office and the outdoor hallway.
The ground shook—like a mini earthquake—but enough to rattle around everything in the large office space. No doubt the rest of the school felt it just as intensely. Caroline covered her ears and slightly lost her balance, tripping over her feet as the shaking wound down. Her initial mortified gaze now stunned and proud at her girl's amazing abilities but Lizzie wasn't letting up—leaving now room for praise.
"He left because he couldn't bare to stare at your lying face anymore than I can." She said exhaustedly. Voice hoarse, face blank and wet with tears.
Her body was present but it seemed she consciously wasn't. She had no more energy to give. After all the cries and yells she was mentally drained, not even enough to show a reaction to Caroline who was practically sobbing in front of her. Maybe there was a rational side to this, maybe, somewhere deep inside her core surely there was a justification. But Lizzie didn't have it in her to search for it, not now and she wasn't sure if she ever would.
Caroline pressed her quivering lips into a tight line, staring up at the ceiling to clear the glassy film over her eyes before fixating on her daughter again—no such luck. The rage, understood, the grief—valid. But the blatant disrespect was exceeding a level of inappropriate she didn't think was possible.
"Lizzie." She said sternly, approaching her with an equally reddened face. "This is a lot, I get that and your anger is beyond justified. I love you, and Klaus, and I really wish he was here right now but he's not. I don't know where he is yet. I don't know when or if he's coming back anytime soon and I'm sorry I can't provide you all the answers you want, but what I do know is that I'm still your mother. No matter how upset you are that is never going to change and you will not speak to me anyway you want. Is that understood?"
Lizzie swallowed audibly. Her body still facing forward as she grabbed the doorknob and twisting it with her shaky wrist. Staring Caroline down with a glare so sharp, it defined the phrase 'looks can kill'.
"You're not even my real mom. You're just the surrogate, remember?"
- Wow.
Caroline's stomach dropped, knees buckled and face drained of color and emotions. Her undead heart grew colder and weaker and body shriveled like a flower during Winter time, as Lizzie's haunting last words repeatedly stabbed her in the chest, over and over again. Her mouth opened and closed but no words came out—-there were no words to explain how Caroline was feeling. Even if it was a heat of the moment outburst, the blow couldn't have been any lower.
She didn't think anything could hurt more than watching Klaus walk away, until her distraught daughter stormed out the door without another look.
Night time came quicker than anticipated. The school day came and went, and an exhausted Caroline couldn't be more relieved to be in the comfort of her home. Thankfully the house was empty, giving her all the alone tone she craved. Throwing her keys on the marble countertop after closing the door behind her—immediately making her ear upstairs to her room to drop off her bags and laptop.
After the horrific confrontation with Lizzie, the remainder of the afternoon Caroline was stuck with paperwork, phone calls, meetings and delinquent students. Never her favorite moments of the day but it was the perfect distraction from her personal life. The last thing Lizzie said still ringing in her ear and making her bleed by the lobes.
You're not even my real mom.
- Yup, still stings.
Still in disbelief Lizzie had it in her to say such a thing—to want to hurt her that badly. Bringing back the negative memories of when the twins were first born and everyone referred to them as Alaric's instead of theirs. Having to fight and prove she was worthy of the title as a mother, as if she wasn't the one who carried them for nine months and nearly died from it.
Her past frustrations beginning to mingle with the new.
She hadn't seen Lizzie around campus since and didn't make any attempts at calling or texting. Caroline figured she needed some space, it was a heavy case load of information that she was nowhere near prepared to drop yet. She wondered if Josie knew yet, or even Hope.
Caroline heavily sighed—-wanting nothing more than a warm bath, jazz on vinyl and a Cosmopolitan to was it all down.
Now in her bedroom, she prepared for just that. Her leather jacket, black pumps and laptop bag suffered the same fate as her house keys—carelessly thrown on the nearest surface. Running her fingers through her golden blonde curls with another sigh leaving her lips, taking as many breaths possible.
Looking down at the freshly made queen sized bed, she briefly paused, realizing this would make night four of sleeping in its comfort alone. No more safe and warm arms wrapped around her waist, holding her body snugged against his front. Light kisses and seductive licks up her exposed neck. Humming to sleep with a lazy smile as he whispered dirty confessions and sweet nothings on her ear. No more whispered 'I love yous' shared in the dark when basking in their mutual glow after making love.
She missed him...god did she miss him. Everything about Klaus made her feel so whole—never feeling more loved in her entire life. It amazed her how quickly he became a focal point in her life and how, just as quickly, he wasn't there.
This was the longest they've gone without speaking to each other and it was pure torture.
With that thought Caroline sat up on her bed, legs tucked under each other's and pulled her iPhone out her purse.
Her throat tightened—biting down on her bottom lip apprehensively as her thumb waved over his name in her contacts list. If she had a heartbeat she would've heard it pounding crazily in her ears by now. Giving their recent track record, the likelihood of him answering her at all was slim to none...
- What the hell.
Realizing she had nothing to lose, Caroline sucked in some bravery and pressed the 'call' button with a shaking thumb. Holding the device against her ear impatiently but, per usual, she was directed to his automatic voice message system. She wasn't too surprised he turned his phone off but more by his other skills.
Even for being centuries old and, usually, technologically challenged Klaus had enough knowledge on modern technology to disable the tracking feature.
Caroline smiled to herself at the sound of his distinct and seductive voice for his voicemail, remembering when she begged him to record one and how it took 15 minutes to persuade; nearly bursting into tears before the beep.
- This is so pathetic. You look pathetic and needy but if you just hang up now you can redeem some of your dignity.
Going against her own subconscious, she remained on the phone and quickly composed herself while clearing her throat at the sound of the beep.
- Shit.
"Hey, it's me but you already knew that because my number is in your phone." Caroline began with a sad smile and picking at the fabric of her pants with her fingertips. "Um, so I know your phone has been off the past couple of days and you're not exactly in the mood to talk to me now which I understand but um...I hope you're okay. You're on my mind everyday and...well I've had quite the day, a pretty shitty one actually and all I wanted to do afterwards was come home to you. Whenever I feel horrible I go to you, not because it takes one shitty thing to know another or anything like that. I just—" She smacked herself on the forehead.
Now she was a rambling mess, per usual when put in nerve racking situations but she caught herself. Closing her eyes for a second to release a long exhale before continuing.
Her blue eyes already welling up like the sea.
"You always make me feel better because, well you're the love of my life. That's still surreal to say, um, but it's true. You make me feel safe and valid, even when I probably don't deserve it. You're my greatest supporter, shoulder to cry on. You give me comfort, and I could really use some of that right now." She sniffled into a smile, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry, for everything. I regret keeping that from you when all you've ever done was be honest with me, but even more I regret letting you walk out that door. I didn't realize how much you were the glue keeping his family together until you were gone. We need you home, I need you. I miss you, and I really wish you were here."
The minute she hung up the phone, with a final tear streaming down her face, Alaric appeared in the doorway with bugged eyes and frustrated expression on his face.
Caroline's eyebrows pulled together in concern as she stood from her bed.
"What's wrong?"
He sighed, leaning one hand against the threshold. "It's Lizzie, she's gone."
Klaus stared intently at the wall of his dark studio—sketchbook resting on his lap and a glass of bourbon in his hand. Everyone else in the house were in their respective rooms, likely asleep, but he was wide awake and alone.
He didn't intend on staying in New Orleans longer than a couple of days—-fleeing wasn't in his plans either—-but every night he'd close his and an image of the twins lying lifeless in the dirt flashed before him and jerking him awake. The news of the merge wasn't something he wanted to accept, nor something he could avoid—Caroline avoided it long enough.
His Caroline. His light, his love, his everything and more—who he now couldn't look at without feeling immense anger. With all the progression they've made through the years, from a friendship to blending their families he couldn't fathom why she didn't think she could confide in him. Why she didn't trust him with the truth about the girls—their girls! Now it felt too late, not enough time to be there for them the way he promised. Five years were nothing. They'll fly by in a blink of an eye, which one of them would be dead and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Despite his animosity towards her, Klaus missed Caroline the longer he stayed away. Over a decade she played a crucial role in his heart and finally having her in his life intensified the already burning love. He missed kissing her before going to sleep and distracting her from work responsibilities. Everything about her made him happy to be alive. They never went more than a day without speaking, let alone him abruptly leaving and not at least informing her of his whereabouts.
He transformed into a wolf that first night, running wild and free in the dark woods of Mystic Falls for the whole night. Desperately trying to but out his frustration that never left. The urge to rip apart anyone who stood in his way was strong. All he saw was vibrant blood shot red as the moon washed through his dark brown coat, howling to himself in despair. Klaus was usually incapable of controlling his beast but demonstrated remarkable self control as he regained form any kills and turned back to a two-legged man when the sun began to set. Getting dressed and driving off to New Orleans like his life depended on it. Compelling his way through speeding tickets and hitchhiker's blood for the road, before finally arriving to his home.
Living under the same roof with Elijah, Freya and Hayley again wasn't an arrangement he missed in the slightest. Just as nosy as ever with their millions of inquires when he arrived on the front door. Thankfully all his irritants of siblings didn't live together anymore, but it didn't take long for word to spread to Rebekah and Kol who bombarded his phone with invasive questions. Hayley was probably the most respectable. After receiving the reassurance that Hope was safe, they spoke briefly while he unpacked. She knew his surprise arrival was Caroline related but didn't press him for information like the rest of the Mikaelson clan—Klaus appreciated the discretion.
Eventually he turned his phone off, not just to ignore his siblings but to also fight the temptation of reaching out to a certain blonde. He was in no shape to speak to her right now, and their last confrontation wasn't pretty either. Instead he buried himself into his art and community to distract from the shenanigans known as Mystic Falls.
Klaus' ears perked and eyes shot up when he sensed a presence outside the mansion—his suspicions confirmed at the sound of the doorbell repeatedly ringing. He threw his head back with a groan, certainly not in the mood for any surprise company—not to mention it was the middle of the night.
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Fuckin' hell." He mumbled, rolling his eyes.
After finishing off his drink, Klaus slammed it on the table and stood from the chair with murder on his mind.
Storming towards the front door he yanked it open with as much force as he could muster, fangs out and vampiric eyes already golden and threatening.
Klaus' body stiffened.
His jaw clenched and stomach dropped as he held the door open. A mix of emotions ran through him as he stared in awe at the blonde girl before him who was looking back at him with the doest of eyes.
"Lizzie?" His voice almost a whisper.
"Surprise!" She hesitantly waved. Her half lip-glossed smile made his chest jump and hands soften.
After the initial shock faded, his eyes observed her appearance to make sure she was at least in good condition before he lashed out.
She had an overnight bag hanging on her arm and backpack thrown across her back. It was a fairly warm night, so her washed jeans with a cropped black sweater and tennis shoes was perfect attire; however, not typical Lizzie-like attire. Her wavy blonde hair was still perfectly in place.
Klaus nearly cried at the sight of her angelic face, for more than one reason.
- What the hell is she doing here? How did she know I was here? Is she here alone?
She was safe, good, now he can be mad.
"What—what are you doing here in New Orleans, at bloody 2 A.M. no less?"
"Klaus I—"
"How did you even get here?" He asked.
Lizzie gulped. "I—I flew."
"You flew, alone?" Klaus' eyes widened with his assumption.
She nodded.
He shook his head in disbelief while running his fingers through his curls irritably as if he felt a migraine coming along.
"Are you mad!" Klaus stepped closer towards her. "You drove through the French Quarter, on your own for the first time in the middle of the night. What were you thinking? Anything could've happened to you Lizzie do you realize that!" He growled.
"But nothing did. As you can see I'm fine!"
Words couldn't describe the amount of fear running through his body and blood rushing to his brain, at just the thought of anything going awry during her journey. Whether it be through the airport or on her way to the mansion. Lizzie's safety being compromised in his own city. He didn't even care that he was yelling.
This was New Orleans, boundaries were obsolete. He's seen what can happen to girls wandering around the city alone—he's had his fair share of sins. Knowing he'd paint the entire state of Louisiana red if anyone even thought of touching her.
Klaus rubbed his hand over his face, taking a deep breath while trying to calm himself.
Licking her lips nervously, Lizzie sighed.
She knew he'd be shocked to see her but maybe she overestimated how much.
"Look, I know you're like really pissed off with me and I get that. There's an actual explanation which we can talk about all of it inside but...you wouldn't by any chance have $60 to cover my cab? I kinda already told the driver you were good for it."
Just when he thought his night was uneventful.
part 3 coming soon!
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highly-flammable · 4 years
Reacting to Legacies 3x03 (SPOILERS):
1. So ARE we FINALLY getting to some proper firstborn Mikaelson witch breakdowns?
2. Oh well, apparently no. They'll just try to wave it off as some one time thing probably.
3. So Hope and Landon are on a break. Okay. TBH watching them sass each other is interesting.
4. The guidance counselor is pretty much a compulsion monster, is that it? Well, I do like his wardrobe.
5. Alyssa's concern for MG is so fake I can't.
6. Nobody other than Jed read for Stefan? THE DISRESPECT.
7. Lizzie playing Caroline makes total sense but them asking Josie to play the lead without even an audition looks a bit bad TBH. Like, give the other interested people a chance, at least.
8. I find it a bit repetitive how there are mind-controlling monsters popping out again and again.
9. So MG is basically going through a phase similar to what Cami was going through when Klaus used to compel her at the beginning of TO. Considering Quincy's fondness for Cami, he must have liked playing that.
10. I understand that Landon is supposed to be a capable songwriter in-universe but it takes more than that to write and direct a musical and it's very weird that they didn't even find a guest star to pose as a Drama or English teacher who is guiding him or something. WHERE ARE ALL THE TEACHERS?
11. I kinda feel like some of the lead characters in this show are colour-coded. I see Hope and Landon in red and blue a lot (the two gowns we have seen Hope wearing also fall into this pattern) and Josie wears yellow in like, every other episode. If I recall correctly, Lizzie wears a lot of white, too. I wonder what the reasoning behind these choices are.
12. Well, I liked Hope and Landon's relationship in S1, I have no idea what was going on with it in S2, and I still don't know what to think about it.
13. Lizzie casts herself in Caroline's role and then chokes at rehearsal. Not totally unrealistic but still feels a bit forced to me. Would have been better if Landon cast her because she's Caroline's daughter and Lizzie was a bit apprehensive in the first place because she didn't want to mess up the role.
14. I appreciate the show taking a moment to talk about Lizzie's bipolar disorder though. It's been a while.
15. "Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time"? Dude, she's still super important and you're putting her in the play. Right? RIGHT?!
16. Landon, THANK YOU for pointing out how weird Caroline and Alaric's relationship was. The guy deadass got engaged to her and had a pissing contest over her with Stefan, that will never not gross me out.
17. So the monster is mind controlling Landon to put Klaus into the play. Saw this coming IG.
18. Hope is painting again, like her dad used to do when he felt things were going out of control. I've been rewatching TO and this is making me so emotional. I MISS KLAUS AND HIS SHENANIGANS. And not a single character on Legacies comes close to Klaus, Elijah and Hayley for me. (Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but Legacies really is a downgrade from TVD and TO)
19. Ugh, why would he use the contents of the letter as lyrics? Dude, is it because you're mind-controlled? No, I don't like this. Klaus loved Hope to the ends of the earth and wanted everyone to know but Hope wants to keep things private, and her wishes should have been respected.
20. So apparently Landon tries not to put Klaus' villainous antics into the show. Well, okay, it's definitely a copout but since he is Hope's boyfriend, makes sense. But I don't understand why the musical HAS TO BE about the Salvatore school. The accreditation excuse is lazy, writers! Also, Landon, my dude, Klaus was a major donor of the school. Put that in instead of the other things, stop pissing off your girlfriend FFS. Even if you're mind-controlled 🤦🏻‍♀️
21. I do find it funny how Landon is all gaga over Klaus' use of language though. The guy really did have the best lines, didn't he? (Tied with Elijah, I suppose, for me)
22. The other singers of the first song are really good so Kaylee sounds a bit rusty in comparison. Also, she reminds me too much of Dark!Josie with the hair and makeup. From a distance, she can be mistaken for Nina though.
23. I love that the backstage activities are being shown.
24. I'm digging Jed as Stefan and I really like his singing voice. And the Hero Hair wig cracked me up. Kaleb is obviously good at singing at it's nice to hear more from him. I also like how Chris Lee didn't try to exactly emulate Ian and played Damon how someone who has only heard about him might play him.
25. Is Hope painting herself before the pit or something? Or is this supposed to symbolize her despair at her parents' loss? ALSO, I WANT SOMEONE TO MENTION HAYLEY :( Why is Hayley so ignored?!
26. The same person probably wrote MG's notes and Caroline's letter IRL and therefore, in-universe, MG has Caroline's handwriting and it's funny to me.
27. Jenny sings well, I like it. I don't understand the song though, was Caroline actually ever feeling this insecure? I feel like the song became a lot more about Lizzie than her mother. (It's been forever since I watched TVD, if anyone has yet to guess, I prefer watching TO)
28. The doppelganger thing cracked me up.
29. Wait why did the monster attack Josie?! Ohhhh he's forcing Landon to improvise and put Klaus' song at the end. Well, I guess it makes it seem a bit less like Landon's fault. But would Hope know that?
30. It's hilarious how they lowkey make a call back to Nina leaving TVD and them having to put Elena in a sleep spell though.
31. Landon having a hissy fit is funny to me. Aria needs more comedic scenes.
32. Wait, where did Jade come from? Has she been in the school all these weeks?
33. While the scene seems a bit shabby to me, Klaus talking to Hope reminds me of their scene from TO 4X03. I needed more of Summer Fontana and Joseph Morgan together. Also, the donation did get mentioned, YASSSS. Man did some horrific things but he did fund the school so maybe a little less badmouthing in the presence of his daughter now that you know the story, eh, students?
34. The fact that the guidance counselor actually wore a leather jacket and a henley is cracking me up. It's really bizarre.
35. "Terrible painter" XD Klaus would have eaten you for saying that if he were alive.
36. Um, Hope, wouldn't you ask your family if you are doing enough to make your father proud, instead of this random bloke who supposedly met him once?! Maybe call Freya or Rebekah.
37. Why is this monster being nice to Hope? Doesn't it try to break people up or something? You'd think he'd try to piss her off even more and ruin her relationship with Landon.
38. Stefan was trying to be more like Damon by sacrificing himself? Um, what?
39. Well, this musical at least gave Stefan and Caroline a goodbye scene. I wonder how much the twins remember Stefan, must have been a bit emotional for Lizzie to play that. Jenny's singing was gooood, really liked it.
40. JED WAS GONNA KISS LIZZIE AND I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But a forehead kiss does work.
41. Hope's playing Elena now? What?
42. Ngl I want Hope and Jed to be friends. She needs more of a connection to her wolf side. Both of her parents wanted her to be surrounded by wolves and she's barely interacting with the wolves in this show, which always makes me sad.
43. So this monster can also do little spells and move physical objects eh? Whatever, this is random.
44. And this monster brings people back together? Why?
45. So when Hope is singing, is she doing it as Elena or Hope? She came on stage as Elena, but I thought the song is about Hope. So WHAT IS IT?
46. Oh Damon's on stage, so Hope is singing as Elena and it's a call back to the graveyard scene from the TVD finale.
47. Danielle sings pretty well. It's good she decided to perform this time.
48. Okay, that lifting up scene was adorable. I feel like Hope and Landon are at their cutest when they're a bit spontaneous. But she's Elena on stage and it lowkey looks like Landon crashed her romantic scene with Damon to kiss her so I'm cackling.
49. How much older is Jade supposed to be than Josie?
50. So is Josie going to leave the school for a while and that's why Ethan will be back in the picture?
51. Jade used to babysit Josie? Okay, it is hella awkward.
52. Josie why, don't do this, yikes. Kissing her once doesn't make it non-creepy.
53. The Sheriff feels kinda shoehorned to me. Also, I don't care for Matt Davis or his character.
54. So Candice did the voiceover for Caroline's letter. That's nice for the show. I still don't understand why the letter showed up in Hope's fireplace though LOL.
55. This episode should have spent more time exploring the aftermath of the loss of Rafael. The abrupt shift from the last episode wasn't nice.
56. Yeah, kids, talk out your problems, thanks.
57. I feel like Klaus is too much of a controversial figure that Hope's conflict about her father's reputation would be resolved in one day. This is feeling undercooked. Speaking of, when is one of Klaus' or Hayley's enemies coming after Hope, because she did inherit all of them. Would make for better storytelling than this monster of the week nonsense. And yeah, still no mention of Hayley, I hate this.
58. The monster's characterization was really odd to me and I am so tired of this format SMH.
59. So they toyed with MG for weeks to get a vampire for the spell? That sounds like too much effort. There are tons of vampires from Klaus and Rebekah's bloodline, they couldn't find another? Also, I wonder who is the wolf that they will use.
Well, I felt like this episode was mostly okay, but not that well-cooked or epic or whatever. What is horrific is that they didn't show Bonnie, though. They could have at least gotten a female black guest character who is one of the witch students or something. This is very offensive.
Also, I don't think it makes sense for the show to do any more musicals in the future. This ain't Riverdale.
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On the rating of 10, how do you rate the writing of each legacies characters, why and who deserves better? What aspects should be improved?
I updated some of the opinion for clarity and also added Finch because I forgot her originally
I'll just make a list and go down it and I'm sorry in advance I love responding but I'm horrible at grammar/punctuation and also I might tend to ramble but I'll try to be as concise as possible. It should also be noted anything I state that might possibly relate to ships is a personal opinion and I have nothing against any ships/characters gay or straight/Good or Evil. However would it be said that I definitely mean more towards the gay/Badass with a Golden heart side of shipping with any fandom.
Hope Mikaelson- As of now I would rate her writing at about a 6. And I only say that because as we know a majority of her characters personality slightly has always but this season especially related to her relationship with Landon. And I wish we would see the Badass Tribrid Hope we've been promised since season 1 I mean sure there are no lack of examples of her bravery and martyrdom. But I am tired of her always feeling down on herself and like she's a cosmic mistake when it has literally been proven by Lizzie's wish in season 1 that their life would be infinitely shittier without her. What they can do to improve it is have her focus on friendship and herself instead of trying to always focus on Landon. She deserves more than just to be a boy obsessed character I mean she's the daughter of Klaus F****** Mikaelson for Pete sakes she literally descends from the most powerful supernatural family ever to exist and is rightfully the most powerful being on the f****** planet.
Note: I found Handon's relationship cutesy in season 1 but now not so much especially since they use him dying as a plot line way too often it just doesn't have the same effect that used to***
Josie Saltzman-As of now I would rate her writing at about an 8. I like how her character at least for a while had her own storyline going off the mystic falls High School plotline and how she lived with delena because it was a good call back for us TVD fans but I think it could have definitely lasted longer than a few episodes. We all know it was just used as a lot device to introduce Ethan as a series regular and as an introduction for her to Finch's character. But overall I feel throughout the seasons she has experienced at least some personal growth as exhibited even in 3x15 where she admitted she has to stop saying sorry especially to Lizzie for not always jumping to do what she needs / she wants all the time. Whereas before Android AU version aside because she literally had to do what she was programmed to do. She has an exhibited that she's starting to do what she needs to do for Josie before others most of the time or she's trying to. And as far as her relationship to Finch well I don't see them being endgame I have no problem with them and I do see Finch being one of her major loves of the series that teaches her whatever lesson she needs that leads her to whoever her endgame love is. With her relationships I will always miss Posie and I wish they could get Lulu back at least just for one episode. Also I feel these last two episodes of the girls being a trio they have a really Been serving Hosie with the looks but also I feel like in general Josie and Hope have been really in f****** tune. In conclusion I just don't know because Kaylee's acting skills and just turning general I would rate a billion she could choke me and I would literally thank her.
Lizzie Saltzman-as of now I would rate her at about a 7. I feel as if she has had great personal growth over the series and hell even this season. I also like hell despite everything in her life especially her eternal struggle with her mental illness she is always trying to do better and not just for herself but mainly for others and some people would say that's not good but I like it because it truly shows what she stated in 1x03 during the gargoyle incident that she never wants to be the bad or evil one. She has all this s*** thrown at her being called broken, being seen as the lesser than sister, and not to mention the absentee parents. Yet through all this she manages to only get stronger especially once she builds a genuine friendship with hope. However what I will say is that I don't like the regression of her friendship with Hope in correlation to her progress of especially her mental illness. And what I mean by that is it's almost been shown that once she had even the seeds of a true friendship with Hope that Hope would never give up on her hell not but like even an episode or two into their newly formed friendship in S1 Hope went to Josie when she Lizzie was on the verge of a bad episode and "sweet" Josie was basically like fuck her she needs to fall on her ass for once and Hope ass was appalled y'all she was like Lizzie can't control her brain chemistry and was so defensive/protective it's like once they got over that hurdle that mainly Josie gave them everything clicked into place and they were almost instant bff's. So for them to do so good in season 2 and then it seems like it showed especially in these last several episodes black magic incident to bring Landon back aside that Lizzie's old issues of resentment and jealousy towards hope are starting to come back and I don't like that because the more Lizzie had A Friend in Hope it seems like the better she got at coping and doing better mentally.(sorry if this has been a confusing several sentences). And no by that I do not mean that Lizzie is mental progress has solely relied on Hope but I do think it has helped significantly for her to have a true friend. Also let it be noted now out of every ship though I should Hosie too HIZZIE is my #1 ship on Legacies two phenomenally beautiful woman also the enemies to friends to lovers trope *chef's kiss*which might be plausible as I always wondered what they meant in the Hosie crush confession scene of season 1 when Josie said that she always went after everybody josie liked hinting that Lizzie might be at least bisexual or maybe that was just what Josie perceived at like 12/13 years old. Also on the note of relationships Mizzie was a cute concept at the beginning but I do love the fact that MG is finally finding himself and standing up for himself but he did also do it and I kind of a******-ish way towards Lizzie. And that's all I can say for her. Actually I could probably write a novel on this women and also Hizzie but I won't lol.
Alaric Saltzman- As of now I would give him a rating of like a 4 . In the last several episodes I think he's been trying to make progress at being a better person but that's about all I can say I'm not an anti. But he definitely will not be winning the father of the year award anytime soon and like many people have pointed out he was a great guardian to Elena and Jeremy so he has the potential in parenting he obviously just ain't using it or lost it over the decades. I don't hate him but I do believe they're doing a discredit towards the better man he was in The vampire Diaries especially at the beginning.
Landon Kirby-His writing is like a 3. He is just there to be arm candy for hope. Until the last couple episodes where he became this for once realistic not optimistic hardened badass he literally brought nothing to The season other than someone for Hope to obsess over. And to be someone that they repeatedly kill for shock value even though it literally shocks no one anymore. I don't hate his character but he doesn't tickle My Fancy as much anymore. His character has a lot of potentialy especially if they ever bring back in his Phoenix side and truly explore it beyond his almost endless ability to revive and being a "Bird Boy" lol. I mean truthfully they're doing him a disservice Aria is a phenomenal actor who could take his character places if they just let him be more than a basic ass plot device. Also can we talk about how gorgeous of a man Aria is especially in these last few episodes looking love it and fine as f***.
As it has become apparent to me I ramble too much and I just don't have the capacity as it is now almost 1:00 in the morning my time to do anymore characters in depth so I will be doing a simple excerpt for the rest now that I have done the main 5 people.
Kaleb Hawkins- His writing is a 8. I do like how he's coming to himself over the years and is a a right hand man to Alaric now instead of being just a uncontrollable vampire(the only hate on this part not towards Kaleb but Alaric is that it shows he will virtually mentor/uplift almost any teen that ain't his own daughters). Though in my opinion he always kind of had a point on some things especially about the hypocrisy of Alaric in season 1 especially on the bmood drinking thing. Him and Mg's relationship is awesome I'm glad they made up in the last episode and our brothers again. Also I was rooting for him and Cleo I think they would be a cute little couple. Also I need his backstory immediately especially after saying to Cleo the last time he was vulnerable he died I need to know how he turned.
Milton Greasley(MG)- His writing is a 9 the season. I say that because he is really came into his own and stopped being the punching bag. Though I think the idea or used to think at least that him and Lizzie would be cute together I am proud of him for standing up to Lizzie finally even though I liked him always being there for her I was tired of him being a fallback for her when it didn't work with whoever however I do think he could have went about the rejection a little bit gentler especially with how he knows of Lizzie's emotional problems. And don't even get me started on Alyssa that was just a disaster that should have never even been brought to fruition her cheating with Jed was probably the best thing that could have happened. I liked his little side adventure with Ethan though I do think they could have wrote it a little better I was sad when he had to compel the memories away like they still could have been friends he just couldn't have known about the supernatural stuff also I'm still not convinced Ethan won't become supernatural later in the series if he stays on. And that's all I have to say on that one love my baby.
Jed Tien-His writing I can't really give a writing I don't think it's horrible but I do think overall they could give him a better plot line as a series regular other than just being used for the comical relief eye candy/mentioning how he's the alpha. Though it was funny the whole pool tournament to decide who was alpha will Finch was just exactly that so bad it was laughable. However I do respect the fact that he even admitted to her that he knew she threw the game and that he is a genuine man of his word and has become better over the series from like this dumb jock stereotype to this genuine dude the Alyssa incident aside. He is a cinnamon roll and I will protect him at all cost.
Ethan- Again as he just became a series regular this season and barely showed up in his premiere season. I will not be rating him in any traditional sense. His writing is not totally horrible I liked his adventures with mg they could have been written better and they still could have let him be MG's friend without supernatural knowledge instead of compelling the friendship completely away. And I am still not convinced he will not become supernatural in some way depending on how long he stays in the series truthfully it's actually almost inevitable unless they go the whole route of making him the Matt/Token Human of the show which I really hope they don't I mean he can stay human but don't make him a supernatural hater.
Cleo-her writing is 10. I say that because she has been a phenomenal character and I've never seen the actress before but she is obviously phenomenal as well. I like her whole connection to Malivore and how it's a legitimate one that seems to be interwoven with the story that's already been presented and add something new. I also like how she tried and really wanted to genuinely be friends with all the characters especially hope but at the same time she was also very realistic and new probably and truthfully the only way for Malivore to be defeated was for Hope to Go full Tribrid and she wasn't above actually trying to murder hope to save herself and just get rid of Malivore which I can't blame her.
Malivore-after the end of season 3 / the first couple episodes of season 4 which were supposed to be the original ending to season 3 I better never hear the name again I am so tired of it this should have ended like at least a season ago at this point it's dragging on. This was supposed to be a monster of the week type of series which is okay me personally I have always appreciated having one big bad of the season and then a couple of minor baddies that get their characters arcs and take a few episodes to defeat or something as like a B or C plot. Point being is that this character and plot line has gotten stiff as can be. To be honest I think half of us aren't even here for plot line anymore we just want to see which of our ships get together.
Finch-I am loving her character and I do think she's cute with Josie. Also I stan anyone who is a sarcastic b**** Queen. I think it's nice how her will backstory was different than the traditional one but also I hated how sad it was like she literally didn't even know what she was doing. Though I will say calling Lizzie the "evil" twin that she can fight me because you don't talk about my blonde cinnamon roll like that is based on one impression from something that was only meant and done out of a good place and Lizzie's heart trying to find out her backstory. But other than that I have no real qualms with this character and it is too early to have a real in-depth analysis/opinion of her.
Thank you for reading this long rant hope I answered your question well enough if not PM me on anything specific.
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multixvibes · 3 years
Incredible episode 9/10! This felt like a season finale! RAFAEL AND FREYA!? I was blessed with content. Also my reactions are out of order but you get it.
-Did I or did I not say Ethan was gonna evil this season!?
- Blake has been this random side character for two seasons and I swear he's been recasted like twice...
- I think I mentioned Lizzie's shirt in a previous post but the last time she wore it Freya guest starred and she was like besties with Landon for a day. I just love that outfit. (My fave episode 2x06)
- RAFAEL!????? *i was not expecting this*
- I am full on remembering when I shipped Hafael so hard
- But to be honest I ship everything all the time
- "Mirror World" "Miss Lone Wolf" *internally sobs*
- Can I have Methan already?? Please...
- Kaleb is being a little annoying
-Thank you are snapping his neck MG.
- Cleo escaping the darkness finally!?!
-Jed and Cleo (Jeo?)
-Nvm it was a misdirect :/
-Dorian you are so under appreciated
- But I'm still anti-Alaric
- Hope's drawing with the twins and Caroline!!
- Is that foreshadowing to Caroline returning??
- This dinner scene is so sweet, it reminds me of The Originals finale
-But who are these random b*tches at the dinner table??
-Why isn't Jed, Kaleb, and like Finch there? (happy Wade is there tho)
-Oh right Kaleb is making a deal with MaliLandon nvm
-The cherry blossoms and the little baby tree (ahhhh)
- Wasn't that the tree that Cleo saw in her vision last episode??
-"Hello gorgeous" *sobs externally*
- Finch and Josie are gonna get back together bc I'm manifesting it
-Also I'm tired of all of Josie's love interests leaving
- But I hope she doesn't turn this season
-KLAUS, HAYLEY, and ELIJAH mentions *my heart*
- I'm happy with this plot progression tho
-Uh did you really just do that to MG??
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lovelyhxsie · 4 years
Analyzing Hosie Both Together and Seperately (1/?):
[note: other shippers might deflate moments that have occurred and even suggest that this ship is more friendship/sisterly, but that’s to be expected. all of us shippers are pretty bias when it comes to our ship, so i am not judging. aside from that, i will uses specific points from other ships as a way to emphasize how hosie works. meaning that i am not deflecting other ship moments, but merely using them as a different perspective. i respect all ships and apologize if i say anything wrong.]
1. Camera shots:
The videographer/s who is/are in control of the camer, do a magnificent job at capturing our hosie moments. Why? While yes, we watch Hope and Josie provide interactions, spoken words, and emotions that make us swoon for them, we have to acknowledge how we see that and situations that make us love them.
A cameraman/woman’s job to create the feeling of what the writers want us to feel is how the scene(s) is/are shot. So, why does the director feel the need to have scenes up close to Josie and Hope when they stare at one another if Hosie isn’t at all romantic? Because the way these scenes are shot, it gives the scenes depth that Hosie’s relationship might run deeper than just a friendship. The slowmo and the constant back and forth from one to the other Like, gaaaaAAAYYYYY.
2. Chemistry:
The outright chemistry that Danielle and Kaylee absolutely have in general is beyond amazing. Their easy going flow of actions with each other help bring out the emotions that Hosie has within each other. In other words, when they communicate, joke around, hangout, and simply enjoy each other’s company, it radiates off of them and is easily seen on Hosie.
How does chemistry work in terms of Hosie? First and foremost, the bEST chemistry within Legacies will always be, and I mean ALWAYS be, between the twins, because the sisters have a whole bond the will always be deeper than the others. Period. We love powerful sisters. Anyway, that’s not what we’re focusing on because Hosie is our focus. So, for these two, there has to be a structure for a relationship to work between characters. Especially if they’re both a prime character to the story, show, or movie.
What is the romantic chemistry? Romantic chemistry obtains the value of attraction, a pull that brings one person to another. The thing is attraction comes in all types, but it varies from person to person. Specifically there are four factors of attraction that displays key romance. They are: Physical attraction, Intellectual attraction, social attraction, and emotional attraction. Now, these can all lead to a great platonic relationship; however, that happens when it’s normally just one of these keys (it can be all four, bur the likelyhood of that is 3/10; it’s rare). Romantic relationships are intimate and usually exist with the presence of three or all of these types of attractions—emotional attraction being the prime essential.
Hope and Josie immediately cross off 3 of those keys. They are intellectual, social, and the big one...EMOTIONAL attraction. Now, before you wonder why I didn’t add physical attraction, it’s between there is and yet there isn’t. But it doesn’t mean Hosie won’t get it written in to be more emphasized. There are episodes that highlight each of the attractions I stated and I will continue to explain and provide examples the further I go on, but for now lets go to our next point. Yeah?
3. Klaus’ Approval:
Joseph and Candice have admitted to loving Hosie, and if Joseph was to approve anyone for Hope, it’d be Josie.
That’s it. That’s-that is the big man giving the people his approval for his little wolf. SO LETS EAT ICECREAM AND SOB ABOUT HOW HOSIE HAS APPROVAL FROM KLAUS MIKAELSON.
4. Stares + hand holding:
So obviously these two are not the only ones who have their moments with handholding and stares. At least each ships has had one moment of that, but I will state that Hosie has a strong overrule when it comes to stares and handholding. Really it’s the stares that get us, but I will explain both holding of the hands and their stares. Also, emotional and physical attraction does come to play with these (the physical attraction is small but it does play an important role when I get to it).
Handholding really only occurs when it comes to spells that they both do when the other needs help. So, while their handholding isn’t out of desire or could be considered as romantic, there are other ways with how they could perform the spells. Josie doesn’t need to siphon magic through holding hands with Hope, but she does anyway and it’s just a thing that Hosies have fallen in love with and I can’t argue with that because it’s adorable. There have been specific moments with their handholding that has more physical attraction compared to the others.
In the alternate universe when it’s Lizzie’s second wish, after Hope comes to the school, Josie is instantly infatuated with her. When they leave the school, if you pay attention, Josie and Hope hold hands (rather tightly and flirtatiously) showing physical attraction. An addition to that physical attraction, when they’re at the Mikaelson boarding school, Hosie goes to the couch. So, when Lizzie looks in on both of them, they are both obviously flirting, but it’s their hands that works it charms onto Hosies. THEY ARE BASICALLY CANON IN THE ALT. REALITIES. Oh, the second time Lizzie checks in one them, Hope’s hand placement on Josie’s thigh is pure...oof. Chef’s kiss. That is physical attraction because it shows desire of them wanting to have the other’s touch, but it hints a bit of sexual attraction, so yeah. The downside of these though is that they’re all in a different reality rather than their actual world, so zero stars. But don’t let it deflate the idea that it could happen.
The second major factor of pure physical attraction that was shown occurred specifically in episode 7 of season two when Josie took Hope’s hand in hers. This is when you add in the camera shot, and both the physical and emotional attraction. This moment itself held its intimacy. Why? The shot focuses on the gentle hold that Josie takes when she grabs Hope’s hand. It had to have a meaning for it to be worth getting its own scene. Not only is it seen, but the emotion behind provides the value of the intimacy. What is the emotion? The emotion is comfort, security, and care. So, while those portray the scene as simply platonic, when analyzing the purity of this, it is in fact more than platonic. They hold hands until they break the contact when they go in for a hug. The level of physical attraction here is not purely because they wanted it (or maybe they did) but it was to give sincerity that Josie was showing. She held onto Hope to say she was there for her and she wasn’t leaving, nor did she want Hope to leave. All spoken without using words. It’s also really gay and lots of people expected them to kiss because Of their close proximity...so if you got that idea (even if you don’t ship them), then it was shown to be a bit more than friends.
Now, moving to the stares. Oh the Hosie stares. How much gayer can they be? Like? Listen, these stares are not only shown more than a few times, they occur quite a lot, but each of these stares share one thing: an emotional attraction.
The amount of emotional connection Hosie have in their eyes run for miles and miles. The emotions are felt through their eyes when they stare. Each emotion can be felt when you look in their eyes. Happiness, disappointment, hurt, guilt, worry, care, and genuine love (whether it be friendly or more). Each of these have been expressed by their eyes. Thus, connecting them in the style of soulmates and slow burn. Seriously, both seasons have expressed and emphasized on the looks greatly which brings us to question what the reasons are if they aren’t meant to have their own relationship storyline?
Going back to episode 7 of season two. The moment Hope stated she missed Josie, the pain she was feeling was displayed as tears threatened to fall. They’re fully on display when she tells Josie that if she continues to bring more pain to her, that she wouldn’t stay. When the camera turns to Josie, it’s clear that she too had tears but for a different reason. Her reason being that she wanted Hope to know she was worth holding onto. That she cared and was upset to see Hope in the way that she was. It made the scene beautiful and developed what could be an upcoming romance.
When Josie and Hope shared their own moment after Josie admitted to Hope about her crush, it really gave a strong leap to Hosie rising. Especially when Hope gives Josie a longing stare after asking the girl about crushing on her. There was pure admiration and a glimpse of reciprocal feelings (of course the answer that explains the look she gave is in episode 6 of season two). Not only did it give a statement but it left that teasing sensation that we hate, yet desire because its telling a story that is slowly dropping answers to our questions, so I’m not against anything that is happening in the show for now. In return, Josie practically looked back at Hope in the same manner with the same emotions. This moment gave us love and timidity that was heartfelt and warm. It was cute and created question whether Hosie would happen or not.
One more prime example I will use is episode 15 of season two. When dark Josie decides to fight against Hope, the moment Josie came back for a mere second. The look in her eyes when seeing the tribrid was filled with worry and unsureness. Hope when she notice Josie Josie, her eyes contained concern and hope. She knew that Josie was still inside, and was fighting back. Maybe not enough, but enough to ensure she was there and trying which is what helps build their connection. Again, this is emotional connection and it is the element that a relationship has to have for it to build into more depth.
I understand that there are more scenes, but one, there are so many that I cannot go over because it would extend this way more than it already it, two, I only picked the stares that provided the most meaning and value that added to their relationship. These were prime scenes that I absolutely think is a great way to slowly iniate a relationship.
- okay, that is the end of part 1 out of how ever many of these it will take to get my point across, but please keep in mind that this is only my analysis based off my observations and understand of relationships. they’re also theories which means what i believe could happen might not. i wanted to provide description for those who might not understand fully as to why hosie would be great romantically. there’s so much to talk about and yeah. anyway, thanks for taking the time to read. :)
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highgaarden · 4 years
Lizzie/Landon - "I think I'm the first girl to break a bed with a guy, without even having sex with him while doing so." (pls let them break a bunch of other stuff while actually having sex)
two-shot! read and comment on ao3, please!
where you cast those stones you wear;
rating: explicit chapters: 1/2 characters: lizzie/landon; background klaus/caroline, background hope/landon, background josie/penelope; the whole SS gang.
where you cast those stones you wear
part i
“There you are.”
Lizzie’s smile is the fakest ass fake smile he’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot of them.
It’s how she smiles when Wade asks her for donations to his Anime club. Or when Dr Saltzman caught all of them at the Old Mill trying to make moonshine (Kaleb’s idea). Her smiles are especially at their fakest when she wants to pull Hope away from him for some magical assistance to whatever trouble she’s managed to get herself—
—and Josie, and Alaric, Raf, MG, (himself, though she’ll never count him) and probably half the school along as well—
—that week. “Just the person I wanted to randomly bump into in study hall.”
“Really,” he deadpans, not believing her one bit.
He shifts his book just a little closer to his chest. He’s not nervous, but her energy is full of it sometimes, and sometimes it’s just energy personified that bounces off the calm he tries to fill his study hall with.
You know, where they’re supposed to study – in silence, preferably – but with Lizzie, there’s never much of silence.
It’s with a bit of a niggling discomfort that Landon realises he’s learned her tells: Lizzie can talk up a storm, always, but it’s in tense moments that she can’t seem to shut up. Not that he’d ever tell her to shut up; he doesn’t know why he always just wants to be nice to her, despite her printing out posters of VOTE ARTISANAL JAR OF MAYONNAISE FOR HOMECOMING KING last semester and sticking them all over school.
 “Well?” Lizzie prompts, clicking her tongue.
Landon’s just sitting there, and for all his humble bragging about being at the top of their classes he’s just… sitting there, with a look that tells her he’s not quite registering what she’s just said to him.
“I’m—I’m sorry?” he finally says.
Lizzie sighs loudly enough for the entire study hall to send glares their way. Landon attempts to tamp down on their aggression, but all Lizzie does is just sigh louder.
Sorry, Landon mouths apologetically again, raising his hand at Wade, who looks close to crying over exam revision.
“Landon,” Lizzie says with finality.
“Lizzie,” Landon matches her tone. “I’m sorry, but you’re just going to have to repeat yourself.”
Murder is the only word that comes to mind with the glare she sends his way. But she decides to humour him.
“Wow, that’s so weird. I feel like I’m just mishearing you. Again, please—hey, I said please.”
Lizzie’s mouth moves around the words she’s telling him.
Landon continues to stare at her blankly. “Sorry, there’s just this weird ringing in my ears. It sounds like you just asked me to be your boyfriend?”
 Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman.
Asking him, resident emo-boy, a marginally competent bird as she always ‘fondly’ calls him, to be her esteemed partner.
“Am I hearing this right?”
Lizzie hisses right through her teeth, “Do not insult me, you moderately competent bird.”
He lifts his book as if to deflect the blow of her mighty glare. “Look, I’m not! I’m just – are you feeling alright? Been getting enough sleep?”
“Two weeks have passed since my mom’s come back, and I have thoroughly exhausted every single mother-daughter bonding activity ever, and she’s moved on from Oh Lizzie, my favourite daughter, I’ve missed you so much snuggling to Who is this Sebastian your father keeps mentioning lectures.” Lizzie adds flippantly: “I’m not vibing with it.”
“Super sexy perma-teen vampire but a complete misjudgement of character on my end.”
“And this isn’t?” Landon mumbles.
“I need to get my mother off my back, keep up.” Lizzie inches forward in her seat. The ends of her hair graze the table with how much she’s leaning towards him, making him look her in her wide, blue eyes. Always with the theatrics. “You’re just about at the exact opposite end of the Sebastian spectrum. Mopey, dependable, not obviously good looking, but your other qualities probably can make up for that. And you’re the kind of guy would probably wake up super early to get me a coffee and croissant before school, because that’s just how cheesy you are.”
“Don’t interrupt me. Anyway, it’s not just for my benefit either.”
“Somehow I find that hard to believe.”
Lizzie’s smile widens just a touch. “Heard your little crush on Hope just went up in flames.”
So is his face now, all puffed out and embarrassed. He lowers his voice and hisses, “How do you know about that?”
“Oh Landon. My sweet thrift store hobbit,” Lizzie sighs. “Everyone knows about it. You wear it like a badge of constant glumness. You didn’t speak to Jed for a whole week after he bought her a sandwich last week.”
“I could’ve bought her a sandwich too, big deal,” Landon mutters.
Lizzie raises a sharp finger and looks smug. “Ah, but you didn’t! See, my boy, you’ve got no game. Now imagine how much cooler your image would be if you were seen with resident popular girl,” she gestures to herself. “Your reputation would shoot up the ranks.”
“There are ranks?”
“Duh,” Lizzie says like it’s the most obvious thing. “And you, being a phoenix without actually possessing any unique phoenix qualities other than resurrecting – ”
“That’s not unique enough?”
“—looking like a pale artichoke in gym class doesn’t help, either. I am your salvation!” Lizzie finishes, hands on her hips and jaw raised like she’s standing centre-stage at their annual talent competition.
Landon narrows his eyes. “You think people will like me more if it looks like I’m dating you?”
“Now we’re getting somewhere. Move a little.” She takes a seat next to him gracefully, tucking her skirt under her thighs. “Listen. I need my mom to stop breathing down my neck. She’s been looking at me like she wants to give me the birds and the bees talk, with visual aid, flash cards and mini-theatre and I’d rather not go through that again. Once was more than enough. Pretty sure Dad wants her to exact power over my social life, since he doesn’t really have any say in that, and I’m looking at two semesters of constant surveillance. Or a twelve-step programme. And Professor M isn’t helping either—”
Landon shuts his book. “How does Professor M know about your love life?”
“Everyone knows about my love life, Landon. I’m interesting.” She rests an unwilling hand on his shoulder with a grimace. “And soon you will be too.”
“Because I’ll be dating you.”
“Fake dating,” Lizzie corrects primly.
“And you think Hope will like me, even though I’ll be unavailable?”
“There’s something to be said about wanting the unattainable, Landon. And trust me, you will be unattainable once you’re standing by my side.”
“Yeah, because everyone will think I’m nuts.”
“I resent that. Say yes.”
“Lizzie, I—” a panicked, helpless sort of look crosses Landon’s face. “This is really dishonest; I don’t think we should be…”
“Let me do the thinking for both of us, alright Little Bird?” Lizzie snips. “Getting back in my parents’ good books, the teachers off my backs for any sort of inevitable breakdown, and you… get to be Professor M’s potential son-in-law one day.”
“This is extremely coercive, you know,” Landon points out, but the protest is feeble at best. “And making me really uncomfortable. Nobody will buy it.”
“We’ll just have to put on a really good show,” she swears. “Say yes.”
 Two things happen the next two days:
Landon attempts to say hi to Hope, who looks right through him to greet MG a good morning.
During lunch break, by some kind of miracle, he joins Hope and Lizzie for lunch just in time to hear Hope say, “You were right about the bio homework, by the way. Your ideas aren’t that bad, Saltzman.”
Lizzie cocks an eyebrow at Landon. “Welcome, Kirby.”
“Oh, hey Landon,” Hope greets warmly.
Landon takes all of thirty seconds to make up his mind.
Lizzie’s phone vibrates in her bag. When she checks it, it’s from Landon.
Just one word.
 Every Friday evening, the rag tag group of upper-secondary students meet for some dumb study group Emma had made them all participate in, in an effort to like, ‘bond’ as ‘one’ ‘community’ or something.
It’s astonishing that all of them consistently make it every single week, but no one will admit it’s because they appreciate each other’s company. They’d chalked it up to Stockholm Syndrome.
Rafael comes when he feels like it, but he’s usually stuck in detention helping Dorian jar newton eyes or something, but even he tries to be on his best behaviour so he doesn’t miss much of these.
It’s during one of these study groups that MG, having been not-so-discreetly been spying on Lizzie and Landon whilst they all parroted off chemical equations to each other, demands: “Why are you touching him?”
He’s probably been watching them really closely since the Bomb had Dropped.
Lizzie makes sure to have Josie walk into them in the courtyard one day with her hand placed very carefully on Landon’s thigh, and shocks her twin so much she goes running through the hallways until she bumps into Penelope, and blurts out the scene she just witnessed, swearing her to secrecy.
Penelope, of course, tells everyone else.
Lizzie pretends to fidget with the hem of her shirt. “Excuse you?”
MG narrows his eyes. “You just… keep putting your hand on Landon’s arm. Willingly. Why.”
“Haven’t you heard?” Penelope smirks, whilst Josie turns red and avoids Lizzie’s glare, “they’re the Salvatore School’s It Couple right now.”
“Fake news,” Jed coughs into his notes, and Kaleb guffaws.
Hope doesn’t do anything but watch the entire exchange with curious eyes.
“Look, Penelope, you don’t have to believe it,” Landon begins, but he’s making mopey eyes at Hope, so Lizzie decides to cut in.
“As devastated as I am to admit it, Frodo’s been growing on me,” Lizzie sighs, the vision of a woman distraught. “Who knew I was into nerd porn?”
MG’s ears might as well be whistling, and Jed’s cough sounds like a choke now.
“Girl, say what,” Kaleb says in one disbelieving breath. “Tell me you’re not serious. You okay? Been getting enough sleep? Is this a breakdown thing, ‘cause Emma said we have to like, show solidarity and help you visualise your inner child and shit—”
Lizzie smarts at that, just a little. Her lips part to shoot some of her automatic sass bullets, but surprisingly nothings comes out. Landon secretly puts his hand on her knee in a secret show of solidarity.
“Kaleb,” Josie says sharply. “People can change.”
Lizzie eyes Landon curiously. He shoots her a small smile, which she looks away from.
“Exactly,” Penelope nods, but she’s smirking in a way that says she doesn’t buy a single thing, and is enjoying every second of watching Landon squirm under everyone’s scrutiny. “Who’d you lose the bet to, Lizzie?”
Lizzie, despite herself, starts to feel annoyed. “I’ll have you know, Penelope, Landon isn’t the short end of an already short bunch of sticks—”
Landon tries to figure out the compliment there.
“Then – then prove it!” MG blurts out. “Kiss. If you’re really a couple, then – Kiss!”
That stops Lizzie short. “Milton. Ew.”
“Really gross, MG.” Hope shoots him a look of distaste.
“Voyeur much?” Penelope smirks.
“Nah, I’m with MG,” defends Kaleb. “This is really entertaining and all, but it’s kinda starting to weird me out. Suck his face. No way you’d do that willingly.”
“You’re all wrong,” Lizzie tells them politely. Or as politely as she can. Things are a-movin’ and she’s excited; she can already feel her legs tingling when she accidentally siphons some of Landon’s magic from his hand on her knee under the table. She swallows down the smugness in her voice, because this is exactly where she’d hoped the day would go. She turns to Landon, and wills him not to look so pale.
“Pucker up, ‘90s,” she coos.
Keeping her face as forced-smiley as possible she leans forward and gives Landon a peck on his lips. A small little one. A peck really, bird to bird.
Landon, to her discreet pleasure, kisses her back.
When they part their chaste, publicly-acceptable form of display, everyone is looking at them, shell-shocked.
Penelope steals Jed’s can of Coke just so she could do a spit-take.
 “That plan worked out awesome. Score one to Saltzman,” Lizzie sighs victoriously as she plops down onto her bed. “Now on to Phase 2.”
“I really don’t want to know what Phase 2 is,” Landon mumbles. He’s got his arm slung over his eyes as he slumps three inches down into Lizzie’s plushy pink armchair.
“Phase 2 is Mom walking into us. She’s about to start baking downstairs. I know. It’s Tuesday. Ready?”
Slowly, Landon removes his arms. He stares at her. For like, a really long time. “What do you mean,” he widens his eyes, “by walking into us.”
Lizzie smiles deviously. Without warning, she lets out a very soft moan.
“Lizzie,” Landon hisses harshly.
“Yes, exactly, keep doing that,” Lizzie responds in a breathless voice, whilst she grins manically at him and flaps her hands, motioning for him to go louder.
“Lizzie,” Landon groans now, completely exasperated. “It’s barely been two days, I really doubt we’ll be having sex right now—”
“Yeah, keep talking dirty to me!” Lizzie all but bellows and jumps up on the bed, the mattress squeaking. She glares at Landon, who sighs, and very reluctantly joins her.
They jump up and down, and every so often Lizzie punches Landon in the arm so he lets out a believable grunt.
The mattress springs keep squeaking. Lizzie keeps up her panting.
After four more minutes of that, Landon’s a little out of breath, puts some spring in his jump, and lands in a pile of Lizzie’s haphazard pillows.
“Give it up, Lizzie,” he says, resuming his previous moping position of arm-over-eyes. “I think I pulled a muscle.”
“Sexy,” Lizzie says the way one might say ‘rancid foot’, but drops down next to him anyway. She stares at the ceiling, and they let out a long sigh.
After about another four minutes of moping, Lizzie turns to her side and swats Landon’s arm off his face. “Enough! Tomorrow night is another day.”
“That doesn’t even make sense,” he points out, before propping himself up on one elbow to face her. “About that kiss just now—”
“They totally bought it,” Lizzie can’t resist interrupting.
“You sure you okay with this?” he mumbles in that Landon way of his. He studies her face. She notes the dark circles framing his obsidian-blues.
“Getting cold feet already, Kirby?”
“No, it’s just that—”
Her door swings open. “Elizabeth, do you remember where your mum put the…”
Lizzie and Landon whip around to see a very livid Professor M, staring at them, at the space between them, at the sweat beading on Landon’s forehead, at Lizzie’s once-sleek French braid that has now shaken loose, at the two of them again, at the space between them, and once more at Landon.
“Professor Mika-Mikaels—” Landon squawks, turning white as a sheet.
The growl that emanates from Professor M seems to make the room tremble, and Landon all but stutters to a stop. Lizzie, however, is coming up sunflowers. She practically bounces to her knees and throws her hands up, eyes crinkling warmly, exclaiming, “What did you need of me, my beloved stepfather!”
“Well, darling, I was looking for your mother’s ridiculously expensive sea salt but now I’m looking for something else entirely,” he grits out through clenched teeth, despite being slightly mollified by Lizzie’s welcome.
“And that is?” Lizzie all but croons, making a very conscious move towards Landon. “We’re kind of in the middle of studying right now.”
“Banishing objects, hm? Your books are missing.”
“Invisique,” Lizzie sings in reply. Landon just wants her to shut the fuck up, right now.
Landon’s head disappears, which is a good thing, because he looks like he’s holding in from puking his guts out, the way Klaus observes him like he’s a piece of meat.
“You’re the phoenix, yes?”
“Yes,” Landon says squeamishly.
“Alright,” Professor M seems to deliberate, before flashing over to Landon, grabbing him and throwing him out the room and right down the stairs.
“Niklaus Mikaelson!” comes her mom’s furious bellow.
Screams erupt, there’s a clattering of feet, and Lizzie falls out of bed in a perfect traumatised swoon, back of her hand rested delicately on her forehead. “Stepfather! Can we not with the dramatics!”
“We’re going to have a talk about this later,” he warns with a finger wagging her way, his undisguised rage making his accent thicker.
“I’ll miss you when you’re suspended again,” Lizzie pouts.
He groans, already hearing Mom’s boots stomping up the stairs. “As shall I, my sweet.”
 At least Landon’s gotten used to resurrecting. Cause of death: the ire of Professor Klaus Mikaelson.
Lizzie’s waiting for him with a warm blanket when he starts to stir, her head facing the sky like she’s enjoying the sunset. Blinking groggily, he turns onto his stomach and rubs the back of his neck. He feels the weather-worn wood of the docks pressing into his face and he groans. That’s going to leave a mark.
“Welcome back,” Lizzie quips.
“Just because I can’t die doesn’t mean I wouldn’t appreciate some sympathy, Lizzie,” Landon mutters, throwing her a murderous look. “So what’s your damage.”
“Let’s see,” Lizzie says as she drapes the blanket over Landon’s crumpled heap of a body, face and all. “Two weeks of grounding. Mom suggested making it three weeks, but Dad intervened and said he’d rather us be on library duty instead for the rest of this semester.”
“Professor M also suggested throwing you out the window and have me try to levitate you before you hit the ground—”
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
“—but Mom was all Oh, maybe that’s a little too harsh,” Lizzie continues thoughtfully.
“A little?” Landon squeaks underneath the blue and white embroidered quilt. “Literally dying wasn’t enough?”
“But on the plus side, they were yelling so hard the entire school now knows we were caught post-doing the dirty.” Lizzie shoots him a grin. “On to Phase 3!”
“No!” Landon yells and clambers to his feet. “Lizzie, so far all your plans have kind of sucked for me, you know? How the hell is Hope supposed to like me now that she thinks I’ve slept with you!”
“Easy, lover boy,” Lizzie says, frowning. “This is the 21st century, she’s not a prude.”
“You don’t — you don’t know her like I do,” Landon says, burying his face in his hands and turning towards the water. “She’s not like y…”
He whirls around, hands already halfway lifting up like a gesture of apology but Lizzie’s already standing up, facing him squarely. Her eyes are narrowed as she takes him in coolly. “Not like?”
“Nevermind,” Landon says quickly. “Let’s grab some dinner, I’m starv—”
“Finish your fucking sentence, Frodo,” Lizzie says in a voice that is low and dangerous. Is it weird that he’s seeing some Klaus in the shadows of her face right now?
“Lizzie… let’s drop it.”
“No. Let’s hear you say it. Not like what? You were saying she’s not like me,” she hisses. Her fists are bunched into tight fists and he’s so glad she doesn’t have anything to syphon right now. He really hasn’t tried dying twice in the span of 12 hours.
“Look, I’m sorr—”
“Invisique,” she whispers.
He hears the wooden boards squeak as she runs away, and when her feet hit grass there’s no telling where she might be.
“Fuck you, Landon!” he yells and heaves a rock into the water with a loud splash.
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just-a-dumb-gay · 5 years
2x07 thoughts! Oh geez!
• Okay i missed a little of the start, got it open just as the twins meet up with Hope and disturbs her moment with prism landon
• I love my comedy queen
- Josie! Be nice!
- Ah the awkward tension. Wonderful.
- Okay so Hope didn't rest her head on Lizzie's shoulder on purpose.
• ...are you kidding me... THAT'S THEIR INTERPRETATION OF A SPHINX?! Not impressed!
- Night and day. Duh. Either im smarter than i thought or they have a sphinx that isnt very good at riddles.
• HOPE HAS A FATHER FIGURE! Nobody can replase Klaus! But he tries!
• Oh god. Josie is responsible for Landons duplicate...
• Well that looks like a friendly trident youve got there Clarke/Vardemus
• Hope dont fall for him. Obviously duplicate Landon. Hope, Ily, but dont go be a dumbass!
• SimuLandon is a dork
• Man. Duuuh. Come on, GIVE US A HARD RIDDLE
- And the sphinx is a cocky ass
- SimuLandon calling out real Landon 😆
• Josie needs Penelope there to keep her sane. DamMIT I HAVE TO WRITE SOMETHING POSIE WITH JOSIE AND ALL THIS DARK MAGIC!
- Shit Josie with black eyes should not be that hot
• Hope needs a hug! Like a really big hug! I WANT TO HUG HER!
• Finally a hard riddle. Yep thats got me stumped. And i feel very stupid for not getting it.
• Clarke. Bugger the fuck off!
• Oh jesus those shackles are back
- Heyo shitface
- oh come on now your just pulling shit straight from horror movies!
- OMG OW NO!!!!
- Landon, never thought that I'd be happy to see you
- Guessing thats SimuLandon?
- YUP!
- Hope doing magic is hot. Wow.
• HOSIE!!!!!
- okay. Guess which dumbass is turning this Hosie scene into a whole other one shot!
- "I miss you" GAHHHHHHHHH
- "I want you to stay." IM JUST STUCK IN SCREAM MODE!!
• So Ric is back as headmaster now?
- Welp theres a riddle that's gonna have me thinking for a while.
Overall, crappy episode imo. But. That Hosie scene and then Lizzie popping in? Well I now have 2 new writing ideas so that's awesome!
And also a Posie idea so like. Actually 3 writing ideas!
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everythingtvshows · 5 years
Hope saying that she’s Klaus and Hayley’s daughter is still stuck in my brain. Awww. The poor thing. She couldn’t hold it in anymore, she could lie anymore.
Other thoughts on the episode:
- what’s going with Rafael? Like Hope seems to have forgotten him completely.
- I read a post that said that they make the Hope and Landon scenes more magical than Josie and Landon’s and it’s very true.
- I really don’t get what everyone sees in Landon. Like he’s okay, but he’s not worth what they’re making him out to be
- Sebastian and Lizzie were cute. I kind of like them? Maybe? I need to know who he is first though. Like is a he a witch or a vampire or something else? Also for me it’s kind of creepy if they both use their full name because my parents’ names are also Sebastian and Elizabeth.
- I feel bad for MG. I do. But the guy just needs to tell her straight out and with the right timing. If he hadn’t waited so long it could’ve been different.
- for some reason even though I’m past shows (TVD and TO) I’ve liked vampires more than other supernatural beings, in this show my favorites are very obviously and very clearly witches. But also, and more so, (the) tribid
- it feels weird to have Alaric as the principal? But it’s also cool? I’m glad Alaric and Hope have gotten back to their monster fighting duo, they make a good team
- the new headmaster is pretty weird but cool. I think I might like him in the future
Overall, very good episode. I am however getting tired of this whole Josie/ Hope/ Landon thing.
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killingeveobsessed · 6 years
Legacies Talk (Part 2)
Ok, so here’s what I would love to see in Legacies(mostly hosie x posie) after S01x14. And yes, fanfic wrtiers, please feel free to develop my ideas into your fic if JP and her writers do not want to steal it.
- Hope will try to patch the sisters up as she pinky-promised Lizzie but Josie may get mad at Hope when she finds out that Hope only did it coz Lizzie promised to help Hope patch up with Landon - But Hope has no time to explain to Josie when she finds out Landon is kidnapped AGAIN. Yup, she needs to stop saving his ass already. 
(I’ll skip the predictions of season 1 after that coz I want the writers to surprise me in the season finale so I’ll jump into my season 2 wannabe predictions now)
- In season 2, I would like to see a blooming BFF friendship between Hope and Josie and with Josie trying to mend her heart from the breakup with Penelope, she is slowly falling for her teenage crush, Hope. - Hope is probably still with Landon(coz he's likely the Stefan to her Elena) but a new big bad villain will appear and Hope is on rescue mission again. However, this incident would involve both Josie and Landon. - While helping Hope in the mission to save Landon, Josie gets seriously injured. Yes, this new villain has the power to stop them from using their witchy powers. Hope quickly gives Josie her blood to cure her. - But when they finally reached Baddie zone of where Landon is held, Baddie somehow manages to capture Josie as well. -  Now baddie threatens Hope to choose between saving Josie or Landon. Because Landon had risen from the dead before, Hope chooses Josie. But Baddie surprises Hope and kills Josie instead, yes, he must be one baddie who hated Klaus to the core and wants Klaus' daughter to suffer. - Hope is devastated by Josie's death but hey, Josie rises coz she has Hope's vamp blood in her system. Josie's a rare siphon witch-vampire hybrid now like her uncle Kai and mind you, heretics are fuckin powerful. - Oh don't forget that now that Josie's a witch-vamp, her emotions are heightened and she is more upfront about her feelings and I'm talking about her feelings for Hope. - Also don't forget that Josie is turned by tribrid Hope so she is SIRED to Hope. Now that isn't good news to Hope though she kind of enjoys the new open and confident Josie - I forgot about Landon but anyways he's mad at Hope for choosing Josie over him in that baddie incident saying that who would know whether he would rise again from the dead. There's a 1% chance he might die since that baddie disabled all their magical powers. And Hope is like "fuck this shit. I'm done justifying his jealousy." - So post-breakup with Landon and in a mission to help the twins prevent the merge, Hope n the twins head off to New Orleans to visit her Aunt Freya who noticed Josie n Hope's close connection. Hope tells her aunt the whole story and Freya reminds Hope that Josie is sired to her and she must remember that Josie's feelings for her may not be real. - Ok, time for Penelope to reappear. She appears in New Orleans as well due to discovery of some new clue about the merge. Josie's feelings for Pen get stirred up again and Hope notices. Hope also realizes she's hurting from this, that her feelings for Josie may be deeper than she thought. - Pen is blown away by the new witch-vamp Josie and she can't wait to sweep Josie off her feet again. Josie is obviously kind of torn between Hope and Pen. Pen also tells Hope about what she had been doing to save Josie from all that merge mess and why she had to leave the love of her life then. - Touched by Pen's love for Josie, Hope decided to break the sire bond with Josie, reluctantly(like Damon). Damn, i can imagine the tortuous scene of Hope telling Josie not to love her and move on. - Un-sired witch-vamp Josie then went on a wild night out with Pen and they have amazing sex. The next morning, Pen notices Josie at the edge of their bed crying. Pen checks on Josie who asks Pen "Why do you love me? I didn't say it back to you. I can't even say it now." and Pen's like "I don't care if you don't love me!" - Josie then confesses that even though she feels free from being un-sired by Hope, she still cannot stop her feelings for Hope. That Hope was there for her when her heart was shattered once again by Pen. That unconditional love Pen feels for Josie is what Josie is feeling for Hope. She confessed she crushed so hard on Hope when she was 13 and did not care if Hope did not know. Now she was contented loving Hope even without having Hope too. - Pen's heart is shattered. Urgh, sorry but Josie needs to choose coz Pen needs go back to Belgium where she needs to go back to school and if Josie says stay, she'll ask her parents to let her come back to Salvatore School. Josie don't want to lose Pen again but her feelings for Hope won't be gone that easily and she needs to be fair to Pen. - Pen decides to confront Hope about her feelings for Josie and Hope is surprised that un-sired Josie's feelings for her did not go away as she expected which means Josie's feelings were real from the beginning. - Hope talks to Josie and they both admit their feelings for each other. They finally KISS and they like it.
That's probably end of season 2 or 3 if slow-burn's the theme for Hosie. Honestly, Posie is not over (depends on Lulu's availability and contract status) but my next season will see the beginning of the most powerful badass couple in the TVD world - A tribrid and witch-vamp hybrid!!
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stitchkiss · 6 years
Honestly Tho
Does anyone think about how fucking creepy Alaric really is? I mean he “fell in love” with his student who’s literally half his age and all the scenes he and Caroline had together in season 7 were so creepy. All i could think of is when middle age men hit on me and my friends and other girls or when they look at us like pieces of meat for the taking. Now obviously his driving force here is that she gave birth to his children. Though i don’t believe he had sexual feelings for her we can’t possible rule that out as a part for his love for her. Alaric’s love includes all forms of intimacy. He’s not asexual (i.e. Jenna and Jo, duh) and Caroline is incredibly attractive. Shady shit here.
Also, he stayed in his dead girlfriends house long after she had been gone. Not a really reason as to why he’s creepy seeing as he was sort of watching over Elena and Jeremy but still. He didn’t even live there.
Those private training sessions he has with Hope are also unsettling to me. I think he sees her as a daughter but Josie and Lizzie could sure as hell use help to improve their physical combat. Hope doesn’t need it as much because she can easily protect herself with her magic or go all wolfy on her attacker. His daughters can’t protect themselves unless they can siphon magic from something. They also need each other but what happens when one isn’t around? Knowing how to evade and take down someone would be pretty useful. If Josie had learned physical combat from her dad them maybe she wouldn’t have been buried under dirt by her possessed zombie bio mom. Who was also only still alive because Ric couldn’t let her go again even if it meant putting his daughters and students lives at risk. He also takes Hope on missions instead of his daughters or any other sort of back up which is seriously sketchy even if shes probably the most powerful witch at that school. Those late night calls he has with her are a bit inappropriate to me. Also him demanding Lizzie to hand the phone to her instead of asking if his actual fucking daughter was okay.
The way Ric spoke to Hope was way out of line. He knows better than to use her pain of losing her family against her just because he has a personal vendetta against her father and because he can’t keep Hope on a leash. His books attacking Klaus sure as hell didn’t make Hope any willing to let people in because she was afraid they would hurt her because of what they read about her father that Alaric wrote.
Alaric is a goddamn alcoholic. He’s headmaster of a school literally founded to help people. He shouldn’t teach if he can’t learn or get help himself. The fact that Hope knew and was visibly upset with his immature choices creeps me the hell out. If she can see it, why can’t he—a grown ass adult?
Alaric is a good person and a good dad, but that doesn’t excuse his actions throughout the years and now. I haven’t decided my final feelings about him yet because he reminds me so much of all the men i’ve encountered in my 16 years of living. I’m holding out for him, truly. But if mans doesn’t shape up I’m adopting Josie and Lizzie and getting the hell out of dodge.
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ihearttvsnark · 2 years
So, Legacies is over now. Did you watch the finale yet? If so, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it and also on Legacies in general. What were your highlights, favorite characters and story lines? And how would you rank it compared to TVD and TO? Has it been a satisfying conclusion for you?
I did! I actually watched it live to make sure I didn’t get spoiled. I thought it was okay. It’s obvious it wasn’t meant to be a series finale because it was lacking an emotional punch. I mean, obviously the Klaus/Hope scene was far and away the best part. And it was nice to see Caroline again, but it felt like she was underused (which makes me think Candice probably only had a day to film--but it was weird that she barely interacted with Lizzie and then had that random scene with Cleo. And nothing with Alaric--love him or hate him, that felt strange, too).
But it was still nice to see Kaleb/Cleo and Ben/Jed happy together and preparing for new adventures, Finch and Jed’s moment was excellent. I even enjoyed Landon and Hope. And I loved that MG was afraid of Caroline. 
Overall, Legacies was a show that had so much potential and I don’t think it ever really got there. This was far and away its best season so it’s extra disappointing that we won’t get more. They redeemed Aurora! I hated the Tristan/Aurora/Lucien season of TO so much so this really is a major fete in my book. Also, (shallow sidenote) Rebecca Breeds and Luke Mitchell had impressive chemistry for a couple that’s been together so long in real life.
Julie said in an interview that the plan for Season 5 was to do a big time jump and have more Gods stuff. I’m bummed we won’t get to see that because I do think this was the best villain story and I wanted to see where it would go next.
Josie was my favorite character. It sucked that Kaylee wasn’t back for the finale, but I’m happy they made her presence felt. Hope was next, then Lizzie, Cleo, Landon, and Kaleb. 
The highlights were this season as a whole, the episode where the girls were pandas, the family road trip episode, Dark Josie!, tribrid Hope, every time a Mikaelson family member returned, and surprisingly. I very much enjoyed Landon and the Necromancer’s time in limbo (especially without Alaric). Kai returning! 
In the grand scheme of things, TVD will always and forever be my favorite. I just loved it so much--even the bad seasons. I had a lot of issues with TO, but I loved the Mikaelson family too much to ever stop watching (even when I was furious over Cami’s death and remain furious to this day). TO also had my two favorite ships of the universe: Klamille and Haylijah (and I believe they are all reunited in Peace at this point, finally able to be happy together).
Legacies...I think I would place it above TO as a whole because I enjoyed almost every character, but like I said, a lot of squandered opportunity.
It’s a nice ending because it feels like it will keep going, even though it’s offscreen. But I wish they’d been given more notice to create an even better one. I wanted to sob on my couch like I did when TVD ended.
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Salty Ask: Legacies
I wasn’t sure if there was a number you wanted me to talk about specifically, so I just picked some at random, I hope that’s okay!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Probably H*sie. I like both of these characters fine, and I appreciate their friendship, but a) they’ve interacted less and less as the years have gone by (and now one of the actresses is off the show anyway), and b) ultimately, I just ship them with other people-Hope with Lizzie (obviously) and Josie with Penelope (and later on, Finch, who needs so much more love from the fandom). There’s nothing I’d get from Hope and Josie in a romantic context that I don’t already get in a friendship context.
Idk if Lizzie/MG is a fandom OTP or not, but I think a lot has to change for me to be on board with it? I’ve never seen Lizzie’s feelings toward him as anything other than, like...keeping him around as a romantic backup plan? They’re going to have to have a lot of mature discussions, and Lizzie is going to have to do a lot of work to make it clear that he’s her first choice and that she is genuinely interested in being with him if this ends up being The Endgame Ship. Which I have no idea what Plec and Co. are planning on that end, so *shrug*. I really do love MG, he deserves a love interest who is 100% invested in being with him without having to be convinced or without having to take years to come to that conclusion. That being said, I do enjoy their non-shippy interactions. MG is very much Not Here For Your Ableism, and Lizzie feels comfortable talking to him about some of her more unpleasant emotions as a result. I think they have the potential to be Very Good For Each Other, just...not in a romantic context. That would require a level of nuance and introspection and heavy emotional lifting that I do not think this show is capable of providing, lol.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Julie Plec wouldn’t be writing it
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll stop being petty for two seconds. So many side characters just...show up and randomly leave? (Tbh, some of the main characters do too.) I don’t know enough about what’s going on behind the scenes, so maybe they never renew the actors’ contracts in time, or maybe the actors just decide to peace out because they’d rather work on other projects, but I would first of all have them impact the plot in lasting ways while they were there, and second, have their exits set up in a way that gives us actual time to say goodbye to them. Also...I would have actually utilized Rafael. As an interesting character. Because he was one. But...Julie.......she....yeah. (He deserved comprehensive arcs and also an Epic Love Interest, Julie turn on your location I just wanna talk.)
I also think that Sebastian would have just. Not been on the show. Because I didn’t like him.
If we’re talking about parts of the show that aren’t already complete, please mention Hayley more. Hope had two parents!! Hayley was just as full of love for her, just as capable of ruthlessness, just as competent, just as emotionally complex, and just as interesting as Klaus was, the title of the show is Legacies. PLURAL. Hayley’s legacy is also important and deserves to be honored, come ON, Julie.
And obviously Hope and Lizzie would date because duh.
Salty ask list.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Into the Woods
I am so excited by the latest Klaroline news! So, I couldn't help but write another post TVD drabble. This is dedicated to the amazeballs Steph @klarolinedrabbles - and so too the wonderful birthday girl Angie - @thetourguidebarbie - for the most beautiful comments on their tumblr blogs. Also big thanks to Ravyn - @cupcakemolotov - and Megan - @megansarah11 - for their assistance on twitter, much appreciated ladies!
The Magic School hosts a Father-Daughter campout in Mystic Falls. After Alaric comes down with the flu at the last minute, Caroline has to step in and take the twins instead, unexpectedly running into a certain Mikaelson. (Points of view will vary between locations, hope you like it!)
5 years 1 month post TVD finale...
Meeting Point
Even though it was still light, the temperature had dropped a few degrees while they'd been driving. Caroline pulled her jacket around her body to ward off the chill as she stepped out of the jeep. The twins were in the backseat, excitedly taking in the flurry of activity around them. If only she was as excited about sleeping outside in a tent with giggling tweens and their fathers.
This was supposed to be a father-daughter campout but Alaric had come down with the flu, probably of the male kind which she decided was entirely too convenient. Caroline had camped out numerous times and wouldn't have minded except for the fact that she had to cancel her pampering spa weekend with Bonnie and Elena. It was difficult not to think about them indulging in sun tanning, facials, massages and copious amounts of red wine while she had to endure incessant talk about Justin Bieber, Kylie Kardashian and whoever else.
Josie and Lizzie jumped out of the car, running towards their friends who were milling around with their fathers in tow. By the looks on some of their faces, they felt the same way as Caroline.
"Yeah, thanks for the help, girls," Caroline called after them sarcastically as she unloaded the bags from the trunk.
"Ms Forbes," a familiar voice said by way of a greeting. "You look as excited as I feel." Caroline turned to face Hope dressed in dark jeans, a black sweater and a grey woollen jacket, her freckles sprinkled over her nose and those auburn locks tied back in a loose ponytail.
She would be lying if she didn't see Klaus in the young girl's face every time they spoke. It had taken a while to get used to not reacting from the familiar expressions she'd wear (especially that deep set frown when she was concentrating) but after four years at her magic school Caroline was an expert at pretending she wasn't effected by her father's resemblance. Plus, it didn't hurt that she'd grown closer to the youngest Mikaelson. Hope was extremely studious, talented and a complete over achiever, a tag she herself had worn back in the day at Mystic Falls High.
"Are you kidding, this is going to be fun!" She embellished, a big grin plastered on her face. "And what did I tell you about calling me Ms Forbes?"
"Not to do it," she murmured, her face slightly downcast. She was always so surprised that a Mikaelson could be shy at times, especially with such colourful and demanding relatives. "Sorry, force of habit."
"I think you've been around your uncle too long with all that unnecessary decorum, Hope. Speaking of your Uncle, where is he?"
To say she'd been surprised that Elijah was accompanying Hope on a camping trip of all things was an understatement. Not only because she assumed Klaus would want to spend quality time with his daughter but also if Elijah would be correctly attired for the outdoors given all he seemed to own was expensive suits.
"He's not coming," she admitted. "Something, uh, came up." Caroline resisted the urge to roll her eyes, first her father and now her uncle. Caroline only hoped that missing out on such an important occasion was worth whatever drama they were whipping up in New Orleans.
When Hope had come to the Magic School all those years ago, Caroline assumed Klaus would be appearing frequently on their doorstep, offering his unwanted suggestions on her teaching methods and checking that Hope was receiving ample opportunities and tuition. But he wasn't, only making selective appearances over the years. In fact she'd been quite frustrated by that very fact. Bonnie had questioned her ire a few months back, suggesting that maybe it wasn't Hope she was only worried about. She hadn't bothered to respond just sent a dirty look her best friend's way. She might have been a witch but she was way off track Caroline had told herself.
"I'm sorry," she empathised, suddenly angry they couldn't even muster one male Mikaelson to chaperone Hope. Caroline would even take bossy Rebekah at this point, not that the Original Princess would be the camping type. "Alaric is sick, so you can just hang with us, sweetie."
"Oh, I didn't mean no one was coming," she shared. "Uncle Kol should be here any minute." Caroline raised her eyebrows thinking that maybe she shouldn't have questioned Elijah's credentials given his substitute. This should be an interesting campout to say the least, she was already imagining his incessant whining as they trekked to the camp site. At least with those childish tendencies he'd fit in well with the other kids.
"Well, that's great," she uttered, trying to sound convincing.
"Can I help you with those bags, Caroline?" She offered, holding out her hand to take Lizzie's backpack. Caroline's face softened, thinking just how much she adored the young Mikaelson, she was always so generous, kind and well mannered. Maybe she should be thanking Elijah for that decorum after all.
"No, let me," a familiar voice interrupted, taking the bag from her hand and causing every hair to stand up on that particular arm. He was here and Caroline wasn't quite sure what to do and given the dry feeling in her mouth she was beginning to realise that forming words was going to be equally as difficult.
"Dad!" Hope exclaimed excitedly as he placed the backpack on the ground so he could embrace his daughter. Caroline would be lying if their impromptu show of affection didn't cause her to melt slightly. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm going on the father-daughter campout," he baulked, incredulously. "Last time I checked I possessed the proper credentials. Not too sure about you though, love." Caroline was still trying to come to terms with his unexpected presence, let alone the fact that his tight, navy henley hugged his toned chest and she could see those necklaces she knew so well poking out teasingly underneath.
"But you said you couldn't come."
"It was supposed to be a surprise," he conceded. "Did you really think I'd send either of your uncles in my place?"
"That's a shame, we could really have used some of Elijah's..."
"Dress sense," Klaus intervened. Bastard.
"No just sense in general," she drawled, resisting the urge to childishly poke out her tongue. What could she say? The Original Mikaelson brought it out in her.
"So, where is Alaric? I thought when the brief was father-daughter that meant..."
"I don't have to explain myself to you," she hissed, trying not to gain Hope's attention that had been briefly averted by a school friend. "I run this school so it's only right that I supervise." His eyes never left hers, those sinful, crimson lips curving into a knowing smirk and flashing a few stray dimples her way for added effect.
"But yet you felt the need to explain anyway," he grinned cheekily, boldly moving a step closer. Obviously he was trying to keep their conversation private too or was it just his excuse to flout his spicy aftershave in the vicinity of her poor, unsuspecting nostrils? When it came to Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline was always going to think the worst. That defence mechanism had worked well for her this long at least.
"We really should get going," she excused herself, pretending that the shivers she felt were due to the falling temperature and not Klaus and his close proximity. She looked back briefly noticing Hope's overjoyed expression, suddenly feeling bad for begrudging his presence. All Caroline needed to do was get through the next day and she'd be okay. "Easier said than done", she mumbled under her breath as she watched him teasing Hope playfully.
Camp Site
"Once you all get your tents up, then we can start dinner," Caroline announced, looking around the campsite. Klaus busied himself with the job at hand, determined to assemble his tent in record time for Hope's sake and possibly that of a certain beautiful and bossy blonde.
When he'd secretly made his way to the meeting point, Klaus hadn't expected to encounter a surprise of his own. She'd looked just as beautiful as the last time they'd discussed Hope at the parent-teacher conference six months back. Her golden waves were cascading over her shoulders onto the white sweater and tan coat and Klaus couldn't miss just how exceptional her figure looked in those fitted, denim jeans. Klaus resisted the urge to lick his lips she looked that delectable, even just for a camping excursion. He was immensely glad that, for whatever reason, she was playing pseudo father to the twins tonight.
In fact, he was so mesmerised that Klaus didn't notice Hope tugging at his sleeve impatiently breaking him from that self-imposed trance. "We need to get the tent up before dark." Klaus rallied, determined to put this thing together and hopefully make a lasting impression on one Caroline Forbes.
"So, what do we do first?" Hope asked, expectantly, observing the parts spread out on the grass. "Maybe..."
"No, this isn't up to you, sweetie, let me." Klaus smiled at his gorgeous daughter before taking in the scene and trying to remember the YouTube tutorial he'd studied before the trip. If people could learn to play instruments that way, he sure as hell could erect a bloody tent. Klaus consulted the parts thinking that he didn't quite remember them looking like this. "So, uh, if we just do this..." he suggested feebly, attempting to attach one of the pegs but failing miserably. She look at him unconvinced. Klaus had never felt so inadequate and given he was the most powerful creature on earth that was saying a lot.
"Hope honey, do you want to go and get some wood for the fire with the twins?" Caroline interrupted. The little girl nodded obediently and walked away. Klaus closed his eyes momentarily wishing she hadn't come over right at that ego crushing moment. "Do you need some help with that?"
"I'm perfectly capable of putting together a tent," he baulked. "Anyway shouldn't you be pitching your own, love?"
"I did that five minutes ago," she drawled lazily, gesturing to the finish product behind him.
"Showoff," he murmured, taking in her perfectly erected tent. He really should have known, was there anything she couldn't do?
"I was a Girl Scout," she offered by way of explanation. "You should see all the patches I earned, in fact I was one of the most decorated Girl Scouts in Mystic Falls' history."
"And I don't doubt you sold the most cookies too, love," he smirked, suddenly forgetting the pathetic status of his tent because she looked so damn adorable when she was boasting.
"Held the record for most boxes sold for a solid nine years."
"That's hardly surprising," he grinned. "It's pretty difficult to say no to you, love." It was as if time stood still, much like when they held each other's gaze over that map at the university all those years ago.
"Uh, I actually came over here to lend you a much needed hand," she explained, finally speaking and attempting to hide the blush that had crept up her neck and onto those usually creamy cheeks. "Can't have the big, bad King of New Orleans' reputation being ruined all over one measley tent."
"How generous of you, sweetheart. Although, I hardly think one tent would constitute an overthrow of the current regime. You know if I couldn't put up this tent, which is nothing but a ludicrous notion."
"Fine, go ahead," she said, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms over her chest. Klaus was struggling to concentrate under her gaze and it wasn't just because he had no bloody idea what he was doing. His enormous ego wouldn't let him admit that of course. He looked around madly trying to work out which pieces fitted where but nothing was making sense. Klaus had a mind to write a scathing comment on that particular YouTube video when he returned to New Orleans.
"Let's see..." he murmured, attempting to buy some much needed time. "I just put this on here."
"Not if you want to actually pitch it this century," she scoffed. "As amusing as this is to watch, and trust me I could do this all night but I think it's time you drop the whole male, macho act and ask for help."
"That's not in my programming," he admitted.
"Well, the way I see it is that you have two options. In a few minutes Hope will be back expecting a successfully erected tent and you either tell her the truth about your inabilities or you let me help and we keep your short fall between the two of us." Klaus wanted to argue back but he couldn't deny she had a point, there was no way he wanted Hope thinking he was an inept camper.
"Okay," he mumbled.
"Okay what?"
"You can help me," he bit out, his eyes downcast as he uttered it.
"I'm sorry what?" She baulked, hands on hips. "That's not the way most people ask for help, although I keep forgetting you're not most people."
"I'm not used to doing that," he conceded, sheepishly. "How can I acquit myself, Caroline?"
"Just say the magic word," Klaus paused momentarily trying to work out exactly what she meant. "Oh my god, you're like a thousand years old. It's please, Klaus. Obviously not something you use very often or not at all by the sounds of it."
"I knew that," he shot back. "I just don't have much use of it especially when it comes to my siblings as I'm sure you'd understand." Caroline didn't seem at all pleased with his reaction, spinning on her heel and walking away from him toward the makeshift fire. "Please Caroline. I could really use your help," Klaus called out, hoping that his request hadn't come too late.
"Fine," she murmured turning around and moving towards him. "Now, that wasn't so difficult, was it?" Klaus smiled, thinking it really wasn't where she was concerned. He'd never wanted to please anyone as much as her and Hope and if they could pitch this tent he'd be on his way to doing it.
Camp Site - 2 hours later
"So, Lady Charlotte climbs the stairs of the old mansion slowly, the sound of whimpers only increasing as she makes it onto the landing, the old, wooden floorboards creaking under foot," Caroline narrated, the torch's light shining onto her face ominously.
"Oh no, don't tell me it's the ghost of Benjamin and Harriet's child that died in mysterious circumstances in that very room she's approaching," Klaus mumbled, sarcastically by her side as Josie and Lizzie giggled. He'd been doing that incessant know-it-all act all night, the twins only encouraging said behaviour. Just because he didn't love a good ghost story didn't mean everyone else around the fire felt the same way. She rolled her eyes in his direction and then continued the story, even if he had almost spoiled the ending.
"Come to ruin my night even more?" Caroline muttered sarcastically as he sat down on the log beside her when the kids had retired to their tents, his hands shoved into his coat pockets. The last thing she felt like was his opinions and all Caroline wanted to do was enjoy her toasted marshmallow in peace. She watched it cooking within the flames, she always did like them extra gooey but crispy at the same time.
"Ghost stories are stupid, Caroline."
"Glad to see that thousand year-old vocabulary could come up with such an intelligent adjective," she scowled, turning to face him. Even in her frustration, Caroline was finding it difficult not to find him attractive in the firelight. Although Caroline was beginning to realise he looked good in any environment. "Anyway they are not stupid to young kids at a campout. I certainly enjoyed many in my time."
"When you were a mere mortal and ghosts seemed like the scariest thing ever," he explained. "You seem to forget that most of these kids could probably obliterate the ghost of Benjamin and Harriet's child in a nano second, let alone be scared of them."
"That's not the point," she spluttered. "They all deserve some semblance of a childhood."
"Maybe so," he murmured. "But they aren't ordinary children, love."
"I realise that but it doesn't mean they deserve any less," she growled. "Tell me, is that how you treat Hope?"
"Excuse me?" He baulked, his eyes suddenly blazing with something resembling frustration. "What exactly are you trying to say?"
"That just because she possesses supernatural powers she doesn't deserve to be treated like a normal kid every now and again," Caroline pressed. She could tell Klaus was sensitive but she'd never been one to hide her true feelings with him and wasn't going to start now. She could tell his body had grown incredibly tense beside her, his gaze focused solely on the orange flames crackling before them.
Klaus remained still and Caroline wasn't too sure whether he was going to bite back or brood in prolonged silence. She'd witnessed both in the past and wouldn't have put either past him. After his unexpected arrival and that childish tent building exercise, Caroline wasn't too sure what to expect from the temperamental hybrid. Maybe she'd gone too far by making some parental suggestions but everything she'd said was true. As talented as she was, Hope deserved to experience some normal traditions.
"She always liked fairytales when I read them," he admitted. "And making beignets at the compound, especially when Rebekah ended up covered in icing sugar." Caroline hadn't expected that response but for some reason it caused extra warmth to spread throughout her body and she knew it wasn't just due to the fire.
"Oh no," she exclaimed, watching as her neglected marshmallow threatened to slip off the stick and into the fire. Caroline pulled it back just in time, attempting to grab the charcoal blob before it was dropped. If there was one thing she hated, it was wasting a perfectly good snack. In her haste and a certain Klaus- induced daze she'd forgotten just how hot said snack would be. "Ow," she shrieked, her fingers feeling like they were on fire. Being a vampire she knew any injury would heal quickly but that didn't mean it didn't surprise her.
Klaus wasted no time pulling it from her grasp and throwing it away, his hands covering hers protectively. Their eyes met, dark blue on light in the firelight and Caroline instantly forgot the burning sensation. His fingers found hers, massaging them slowly like he was trying to ease any pain. Caroline was struggling not to give into every urge that was coursing through her body. Why did he have to blow back into town unexpectedly and cause all of these feelings to rush back? "I promise I won't teach her this particular technique."
"Good to know, love," he smiled, his hands still fastened over hers. She wanted to respond to his admission but the moment seemed to have passed and before Caroline knew it, Klaus had politely excused himself. Sitting by the fire Caroline wasn't quite sure what had happened but she couldn't quite forget just how comforting his hand had felt on hers. She shook her head, attempting to remove the barrage of feelings. She was just glad they'd both be with staying with kids so she wouldn't be tempted to make a late night visit to his tent during the night.
Campsite - 5 hours later
Klaus awoke suddenly in the night, it was definitely a down side to having such exceptional vampire hearing. He could hear the faint sound of splashing, knowing it was coming from the nearby lake. Every protective, paternal instinct was telling Klaus to investigate as he watched over his peacefully sleeping daughter. He unzipped the tent and walked into the night air, suddenly wishing he'd put on an extra layer to ward off the chill.
It was dark and still for the most part but Klaus could still hear the splashing as he made his way to the lake. What he hadn't expected as he rounded the corner past the large trees was a silhouette crouching by the bank in the distance. He didn't even need to question that shape because he knew her almost as well as himself. What Klaus wasn't expecting was her to be here at this time of night.
His initial instinct was to scoop her into his arms greedily but Klaus knew just what Caroline would think about that particular move. He watched intently from the shadows as she dunked her hands in the water and placed them on her blonde locks purposefully.
"I never took you for the midnight swim kind of person," he uttered. She turned around quickly, almost losing her balance in the process.
"Well, I never took you for the stalking type, oh actually I did..." she snapped. "Do you always skulk around in the dark like that?"
"You woke me up, so its hardly my fault," he drawled, moving from the shadows and into the silvery moonlight. "You could have been one of the children drowning for all I knew."
"Well, it's okay, you can go back to your tent now," she said dismissively and walking purposefully towards him.
"So, you're not even going to tell me what you're doing?" She stopped still, mere inches from his face before speaking.
"If you must know, I managed to get some marshmallow in my hair. The last thing I need is some sticky, white goo stuck on me." Without thinking Klaus, leaned over and ran his hand through her damp, golden waves.
"It seems like you managed to get rid of it," he murmured, his hand still lodged in her hair. Her eyes searched his madly almost like she was trying to read his thoughts. Suddenly she stepped aside, the moment gone.
"You can't just do this Klaus."
"Do what, love?"
"Just show up here and expect to pick up where we left off," she stammered.
"I'm not trying to pressure you, Caroline," he soothed. "I did say however long it takes and I fully intend on keeping that promise."
"I wasn't sure..."
"Trust me, there's nothing I've ever been more sure about," he implored. "I thought that would have been obvious by now."
"In all the time Hope has been at my school, I've barely seen you, Klaus. I wasn't sure whether things had changed..."
"I didn't want to interfere," he explained, moving closer. "I trust you implicitly to teach my daughter, in fact there isn't anyone I trust more than you."
"That's why I knew she was safe with you and when you mentioned also doing normal things with Hope earlier, I knew my instincts had been correct."
"You mean..."
"Yes," he interrupted again.
"Are you going to let me talk?"
"I was merely returning the favour, love," Klaus smirked. What Caroline did next he wasn't expecting. Her arms snaking their way around his waist and those pink lips he dreamed about constantly finding his.
Klaus pulled her flush against him, his tongue tracing its way along her lips and dipping into her warmth, relishing in the taste of marshmallows and also the feelings she was evoking within him. Klaus hadn't been expecting her to kiss him but he certainly wasn't going to waste his opportunity.
After what seemed like an eternity, they pulled apart, albeit reluctantly. Klaus knew her smile exactly mirrored the goofy one plastered on his face at that very moment.  
"I think you need to come back to the school with me tomorrow, Mikaelson."
"Oh really," he grinned, cocking his left eyebrow. Although given their past in the woods, Klaus knew now certainly wasn't the time or the place with their children sleeping nearby.
"There's a certain cheque that has been burning a hole in my desk drawer that I need to give back, you know however long it takes and all."
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