#and the nose jar
empyrealbiscuit · 2 years
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Hi! It’s empyrealbiscuit, the world’s nosiest username.
Guuueeeessssss who finally started watching Our Flag Means Death? Me! It’s pretty great so far, so you know that I had to draw The Gentleman Pirate himself. I’m on episode four, and (although I know things are gonna get a lot sadder in the season finale) this is a really fun show!
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magspeaches · 2 months
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“If you have any last words, make it quick.”
When you’ve been playing with your food and your food starts to play back.
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
Hellow!~ I just want to mention something a lil detail that I love about Myachel (not only the VN and the story cuz aa just drive me crazy <3 ) but is his Nose! I Love that he has no ''aesthetically pleasing'' looking one, he has an Upturned nose wich sadly in the world of fashion is not considered 'pleasing' but he is Breaking it ! Myachel is so handsome and without following any beauty standard wich makes him feel more real (in a way) <3 Sure sure he is a type of Myconid and stuff but like his design is still humaine. Im happy to see artists giving more variety to small but iconic details such as the nose and hope these would inspire others to try it and not being scared of drawing them :DD (im just tired of seeing the anime dot noses or plain Nothing ^^; ) Ok and for the question: I bet Myachel has seen other places of the world in books from the library, Does he wishes to visit one or more of them? like Beach, Mountain, Desert, Or maybe a city?
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Aw this is so wholesome 😭😭❤️! Sometimes I do feel like his sprites aren't the most conventionally attractive when it comes to visual novel love interests, but I wanted to keep them authentic in that; not everyone is gonna find him attractive! And that's okay!
In fact I find it super interesting when people talk about others not liking his design, it really serves the whole 'ugly monster' narrative some merit haha! So thank you for sharing your thoughts on his little nose, I'm sure he'd be happy to let you boop it.
As for locations he'd love to visit, he's actually been to a few places! Beaches, mountains, maybe not the desert though, but he's definitely been to cities! He'd love to visit a fun fair though but the crowds and loud attractions/rides make him nervous. 💔
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joyfuladorable · 7 months
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Watched the first two 90s movies, and I think it's absolutely adorable that April gave Mikey a panda plushie to use as a pillow 🧡🧡
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arashikohedervary · 2 months
You know these two would be absolute besties:
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you-makestedehappy · 9 months
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Line deliveries that play on repeat in my brain.
Season 1, episode 3 - A Gentleman Pirate
🐈‍⬛❤️‍🩹🍆💦🏴‍☠️ [ep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Bonus :
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despazito · 2 months
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this illustration of salman bin abdulaziz al saud from a random youtube channel
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slashing-bunni-farm · 5 months
My pathetic wet rat who I love very much
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wolfpoets · 2 years
fascinating that - when izzy's not actively losing his mind - he IS a fun guy to be around. he cracks jokes. has a flair for the dramatic. spends a lot of time Leaning Seductively. not to mention being the kind of person who can at least tolerate ed & calico jack's shenanigans. can't wait for him to be domesticated and become the ship's Dry Humor wisecracker.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 4 months
Going back and rewatching the one series of videos on CL Live where Zin, with the help of staff and a seemingly shockingly large budget, pull pranks on the members, with hidden cameras and everything.
One of the pranks is to have fancy eel bentos delivered to the waiting room, but never enough for everyone. When it was Likiya and Rui, there was 1 fancy eel bento and Likiya was a good leader and left it for Rui. For Kazuma, Itsuki and Takuma, there was 1 fancy eel bento and we never see how that works out because someone had to go and find the hidden cameras.
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(goddamn it, I can't help but love this man)
But then we get to what I have been calling the Little Shit Committee.
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Makoto is not a part of the Little Shit Committee, he just wanted a fancy bento. And if he'd been paired with, like, Likiya, he would've gotten one, no fucking problem.
Unfortunately for him, he was paired with Riku and Kenta. Kenta, like, subtly stole the first one, while Riku and Makoto were distracted - Makoto talking to a staff member, Riku - staring at a mirror. Then they move back towards the tables and Makoto comes over and see Kenta's bento.
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And you know what my beloved little shit goes and does? You know what Riku fucking does?
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He steals the fucking bento as soon as Makoto turns towards the table. And then laughs as Makoto looks, honestly, kinda sad.
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Baby, darling, buddy, I love you, what the fuck? 😂 Zin legit stands up and goes "Ehhh?" at the screen, and I don't blame him. Riku, bad senpai, bad.
Like, how long have you known Makoto? Because you were both in Exile Generations, so you presumably met him at some point in 2013, assuming you didn't meet him earlier. And you stole the bento out from under his nose? You little shit 😂
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Look at this poor, sad child. They did go and get him a bento, which was lovely of them, considering they were about to prank them.
But, seriously. Makoto and the Little Shit Committee. Like, Kenta subtly taking the bento, fine. Riku, you stole the bento out from under Makoto's nose. Like, you didn't even seem to notice it existed until he saw Kenta's. You little jerk😂
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grugposting · 1 year
heavymedic fic where heavy is always giving medic random little gifts , except it’s medic so the gifts are rare body parts and surgical torture devices ect , then one day (ignoring timeline for this to be post-comic 6 but theyre still working as mercs like they were pre-comics) heavy just starts giving medic nothing but human ears. medic just accepts them all and has no idea what the hell is happening and heavy is growing increasingly frustrated at medic’s bemused acceptance of his ear proposals
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clownaura · 2 months
people that say tiger balm “stinks” are just weak…can’t handle the smell of camphor? don’t like menthol smell?? ok big baby
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xray-vex · 1 year
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july-19th-club · 5 months
absolutely most horrific thing just happened i ate my gummy vitamin the way i do every morning but this time i ate it really fast by my mouth was all sharp and dry and i wanted something in there . and then while i was eating it i blew my nose and the worst imaginable pain started up inside my nose and mouth and im like what the fuck is going on. right? so im blowing my nose again (to make it go away? i don't know it's 7am) but the instinct was apparently right on the money bc the next thing that happens is i find part of a gummy vitamin in the kleenex that i somehow pressure-forced through my sinus ohhjhh my fuckinh god i hate human nasal passage situation why the fuck are you built so that that can happen
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celesmaxwell · 5 months
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un-monstre · 2 years
I really love how much effort the show put into building Spanish Jackie as a multi-dimensional character. She's an unapologetic killer and a savvy restaurant owner. She genuinely misses her murdered husband. She brands her husbands with her initials and killed Geraldo without a thought. She's a masterful manipulator who keeps a jar of noses out front to remind people not to fuck with her. Jim killed her favorite husband and yet she seems to admire their pluck.
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