#and the other one is from live action sonic the hedgehog 2 movie
besties if boykisser lee majdoub is the voice actor for basim i think we're in good hands
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mister-eve · 6 months
things i wish the sonic franchise brought back or implement.
Dark Sonic
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seriously, i love imagining a fight between Dark Sonic and Eggman inspired by Korra vs. Zaheer ( when she was poisoned ). where he loses the cool attitude, the smile, everything, and goes in with full power, charging himself left and right at Eggman. it'd be even more fascinating to still have Dark Sonic lose. not because of his lack of power, not because of lack of skill, even when blinded by rage, but because of Eggman's ingenuity.
a lot of people, to this day, misinterpret Dark Sonic as a murderous, rampaging monster, but that completely misses the purpose of why he exists to begin with. i believe this is a case of people not exactly knowing where he comes from, or just a lot of fans drawing a murderous Sonic and it took the internet by storm one day, but just in case you don't know:
Dark Sonic is from Sonic X, a TV show that is sort of an expansion on Sonic Adventure 2, adding more lore, character arcs, and overall meaning to the game's original plot. Dark Sonic was revealed in the episode "Teasing Time" in s3, and the reason he appeared is because he discovered his friends ( Cosmo and Chris ) were injured and that one of them ( Chris ) was unconscious.
the whole reason this form exists is Sonic's love for his friends essentially fueling his rage. it's like Darkspine Sonic from SATSR, or has similar formula. Dark Sonic isn't inspired by any bloodlust or desire to kill, but rather by burning anger at seeing his friends be put in harm's way.
Dark Sonic is made from the strong desire to protect his friends.
2. An Actual Arc For Shadow
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you guys might be confused, especially if you consider some of my previous posts, but lemme explain.
for a long time, it's never felt like Shadow has actually recovered from his trauma, atone for his actions ( yes, i understand he saved Earth ), or live life really at all. it doesn't help that, to this day, SEGA continues to make Shadow relive the past.
i don't consider the movies to be a part of the problem, as Shadow being introduced to the plot was basically a given, and you can't introduce him in your own take without his general backstory ( unless you're Boom or Prime, i guess ). i believe the movie will be doing taking some creative liberties to his story, as they did so with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, and i see no reason that they should stop.
the reason why i have an issue with this is because it's an ongoing issue within the games, specifically. Shadow the Hedgehog ( 2005 ) was a disservice to his setup and the 'first arc' ( considering he's still alive after the fans demanded his return ) to his story.
aside from it just giving 'early 2010s deviantart edge', it's just so...
childishly handled.
for one, you're immediately given a Hero or Dark route, like in SA2, which i feel completely misses the point of SA2's true ending. Shadow has redeemed himself ( or began to ), so to give him complete reign to just become an antagonist all over again defeats the whole purpose of a redemption.
it's like what Prime did with Dread, giving him an already established redemption arc ( sort of ), but then corrupting him again for no real reason other than just because.
another issue i have is Shadow's amnesia and attitude in general within the game. technically speaking, yes, it does make sense for him to suffer memory and // or physical issues from his fall from space, but to completely wipe out every single thing he did just to give him the opportunity to relearn his past, do some fucked up shit, do some less fucked up shit, then throw away everything in the past, Maria and her wish included, is...
amazingly obtuse, for lack of a better word.
again, while it's technically not out of bounds, i feel like giving Shadow complete and total amnesia just disrespects SA2's vision and execution of the story. it's redundant, it's lazy, and overall just really damn frustrating to watch.
Shadow deserves to have a story that allows him to heal from his trauma, discover who he is, and respecting Maria's wish along the way. a lot of people seem to think it's either he forgets about his past ( or buries it ) or full-on dedicates his entire life and doesn't bother picking up a life lesson or two, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Shadow can heal, grow, and change. SEGA just won't let him.
3. The Echidna Tribe & Knuckles' Story
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Knuckles is one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise as a whole, but his character and story is sorely dismissed. while Shadow has the issue of repetition, Knuckles suffers from being dropped on the head multiple times and played for a joke ( i think Frontiers is one of the more recent games that didn't do this, but i might be wrong ).
one of the reasons why i love Knuckles is how straightforward, yet reluctant he was about finding out his past. at the end of Sonic Adventure 1, he says something to the extent of:
"maybe i'm better off not knowing the meaning behind all of this. because i feel something terrible will happen if i do."
he is content being ignorant for the sake of his own peace of mind.
but in SA2, he's more or less forced to start facing his fear and learn more about the past. unfortunately, though, we don't actually get to see much after this game, because the tribe is almost entirely forgotten. instead, it's brought up in comics that are more or less canon ( i think ), but not fully aligning with the games. i think it's safe to say the comics are their own canon?
like with Shadow, i would've loved to see an actual conclusion on this arc of Knuckles' story. to see more of the tribe in the past, of their wrongdoings, character moments, more of Tikal or Chaos or the little Chao, and how it all ties together.
but instead, we have lots of media repeatedly insulting Knuckles' intelligence, ignoring his tribe and // or his job entirely ( i guess they forget the Master Emerald is portable? ), and just generally dumbing him down to be a hotheaded moron that apparently doesn't care about being the Guardian!
Knuckles is one of the most relatable characters in this series for me, as there's a lot of things i would rather not know and stay ignorant to, but have to face head on in order to fully move past it and grow to be better.
he was completely isolated on Angel Island for so long, yet people still make fun of him to this day for being manipulated by Eggman in SA1 ( even though he didn't even fully believe Eggman, it was just a precaution, but who cares about the details- ). he's not just a hothead, he's strong, he's kind, he's pretty blunt and, honestly, really fucking adorable, i love this echidna.
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look at him, just standing there. i love him.
anyway, Knuckles deserves a proper story surrounding his tribe, his identity as the Guardian of Angel Island, his relationships, and to have a satisfying conclusion. or, at the very least, more games or media in general not dumbing him down to an angry hothead with nothing better to do but to yell and ignore his responsibilities.
3. Sonic
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"what're you talking about, ashe? sonic's meant to be a flat character! what could be wrong with him?"
yeah, but after frontiers, i want more mentally ill sonic that needs to be concerned for by his friends, okay, that's all i want-
4. Storybook Era
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now, now, i know a lot of people don't like the storybook games because of their shoddy gameplay and all that, but i genuinely love these games, their flaws included.
i do believe satbk has a better story than satsr, but i still have an attachment to the latter game, so suck it.
it'd be really nice to see a storybook game with switch, xbox, ps, or similar controls. as the era has Sonic diving into different worlds, maybe a world like Alice and Wonderland could be an interesting game. several elements to work with, locations turning into creative levels or even hub worlds. this is sort of a long shot dream that will probably never exist, but i wanna see an adventure-style storybook game one day.
i'll probably die before that idea is even considered, but it's a fun thought and that's all that matters at the end of the day.
there's no real big reason as to why these matter or anything, as i don't believe you need a storybook in order to send off the messages these games try to give, but they're just really charming to me and i love to see how this type of game could be implemented into video games today, with all the new engines and whatnot.
5. Teams
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oof, okay, um-
there's a few games that have teams in them, and i guess you can count sonic forces as one of those games, so i should be more specific here.
i like SA1's flexibility with the roulette-like system, where you could play as any character you wished, but i also like SA2's team system, where they all had a close-knit role within the story from a similar perspective ( hero vs. dark ).
SA1 served multiple perspectives, all giving you pieces of the same puzzle that you have to figure out as you go. by the final story, all of the characters ( except Big, but idc, i love him ) have their character arcs and it's with their changes that the story is fully complete.
SA2 served the entirety of two perspectives and merged them together for the final story, heroes and villains having to work together to fight off the greater evil at hand.
overall, i want more games having the characters work together, having different details // information or even moral differences ( it depends on which system they go with, though ) on the situation at large, but maybe still having to come together.
whether or not they use official teams, i want the sonic franchise to bring back using other characters as necessary plot points with their own individual arcs.
it may not be needed, per say, as there's still a few games that work and don't have either of these systems, but i really miss the adventure games and wish for more of their elements to be implemented in future games.
6. CHAO!!!
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anyway, that's all i can currently think of. i think these would serve either character or charm to the franchise, but maybe you have some other ideas of what the games could give! maybe proper returns of characters, other forgotten stories, or even new ideas!
lemme know what you think.
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thefinalbracket · 2 years
Hey there! Tired of seeing no one you care about win long winding brackets? Sick to death of polls not catered to you? Do you just like answering questions and being right?
I have a list of the sixty-four (64) most powerful bitches on the planet, and I’m going to have YOU ALL vote on who the hell would win it all! This isn’t about popularity, it isn’t about glory! It’s just the unapologetic motherfuckers killing each other!
The bracket will be up shortly! If you want a full list of every single participant, I’ll be putting it under the readmore! LET’S KILL SOME HOES!
Introducing our cast:
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bellmo15-blog · 3 months
Alright you guys, I just got some BIG, MASSIVE and most importantly IMPORTANT new info from my super secret inside source at Nintendo about a brand new game they are going to be announcing at the Nintendo Direct this month. Oh what’s that? You want proof that I do have an actual super secret source inside Nintendo? Oh don’t worry. I have proof. My super secret source at Nintendo goes by the alias "My Asshole!" And let me tell this, the info I’ve gotten, it’s big! Like my super secret source has only sent me a portion of this massive game that Nintendo are working on so when I say this is a big game, I mean it’s a MASSIVE game!
What is this mysterious game I’m talking about that will be announced officially this June folks? Well not only is it a brand new game but it’s also going to be a launch title for the Nintendo Switch 2! It is none other than Super Mario Odyssey 2: Galactic Odyssey!
That’s right! This new Mario game is not only a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey but also a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy making this a duel sequel! But the ambition doesn’t just end their folks, oh no! This game is far, FAR more than just a simple Mario Odyssey and Galaxy sequel! It may honestly be the greatest video game I have ever played in my life. It is a game that has not only surpassed my expectations but took my expectations on a fancy dinner date. And then proceed to give my expectations the most sensual session of intercourse they have ever had!
Join Mario on his most emotional and epic adventure yet which will take him not only beyond the Mushroom Kingdom but beyond the planet as well! No actually, not even just an adventure into space but beyond dimensions two! In fact, there will be not just one Mario but several! Main series Mario, Dr Mario, Paper Mario, Grand Dad, Live Action Movie Mario and Illumnation Movie Mario! All will be playable, and all must team up to defeat Bowser once and for all who has now become the most powerful being in the known universe after absorbing the life force of all the other Bowsers in all the other universes and now seeks to conquer the universe with his new awesome might.
Not only is this the best story in a Mario game I have played to date but every single character from Mario’s past is going to make an appearance. And, maybe a few crossover characters from other franchises as well! And I don’t just mean other game franchises either! No no, somehow Nintendo managed to get the rights to use characters from several movies and TV shows! AND the story will even have multiple endings depending on the choices you make and the relationships you build with certain characters. Including romantic ones! So for all you Vivian simps out there, be happy you can end the game and Mario’s story married to her and knowing the two will live the rest of there lives happy together. Or maybe you’d rather Mario’s story end with him in a relationship with Sonic the Hedgehog. Who says these rival mascots can’t be more than friends?
For this brand new game Nintendo has done away with levels and stages and has instead made the whole game one seamless open world! Using the power of the Nintendo Switch 2 and running on Unreal Engine 4, Unity, Frostbite and RE Engine Nintendo has created a world with no loading and one that really feels alive. You’ve never seen the Mario universe as alive and as detailed as this before folks! Now all you people who for some reason hyper focused on Mario’s more detailed hair in Odyssey 1 can hyper focus on new detailed stuff. Best part is that every character is voice acted with full dialogue. And the soundtrack is also provided by none other than both John Williams and Danny Elfman themselves! Not only will this adventure look epic but it will sound and feel epic as well!
But that’s not all Nintendo is doing with this new game! The gameplay has been completely overhauled as well! Oh, the classic platforming gameplay is still here and retained BUT with new enemies with higher health and as a result, a reworked combat system with new moves and combos to learn and master. That right! You get to throw hands with gommbas and koppas and all manner of monsters. But you won’t be fighting alone, oh no! You will fighting alongside various other characters who can join you on your adventure as your companions who you again, can also build relationships with. And you and your crew can explore the Mario Galaxy in style thanks to a new method of travel, the Great Fox! Yes, Star Fox has decided to lend Mario their own spaceship. Yeah, they could have given him the Comet Observatory or Starship Mario but those things don’t have laser guns or turrets.
And those things will be necessary because another new feature of this game is Space Battles! Not only will Mario be battling on the ground but also in the air! Defend yourself using the Great Fox’s on-board defence systems OR deploy the Arwing for fast paced dog fighting. Best part is, your companion also gets to fly around in their own Arwing. Better part, the Arwings can be customized! Not just for Mario but for each individual companion you bring with you!
But it won’t just be fighting Bowsers army you can do. I mean you CAN focus purely on that but that’s only about like 20% of the game. You can also accept side quests from various different characters and engage in so many engaging and interesting side story’s that flesh out the Mario universe and let you see a side to these characters you may have never seen before. Such as helping Rosalina find a new home for her Lumas after the Comet Observatory was sadly destroyed by space pirates. Or helping Luigi finally be brave without having to rely on Mario. Or joining Kirby as he hunts down some missing food from his stash.
Platforming and action not your thing? No worries, you can also go Go Kart racing. Or how about playing some sports? Sing karaoke, bet on horse racing, dance the night away, play some chess or checkers, have a party, buy and decorate a home to store all your gear and items, do ANYTHING you want in this game! Forget Mario Kart! Forget Mario Party! Forget Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix! You won’t need to play any other Mario game ever again as THIS will be the ultimate Mario experience! Actually, you won’t need to play ANY other game period! Because this right here? THIS is the true ultimate gaming experience! Best part is that this game will be pre installed onto every single Nintendo Switch 2 system and will work with EVERY SINGLE CONTOLER IN EXSISTENCE! That way, anyone can play with whatever they are comfortable with. Yes indeed, Nintendo has crafted one of the greatest video game experiences ever and I will gladly give them all my money for when this game officially releases. Even though I have a super secret source inside Nintendo who could also just send me the full thing for free…… Huh.
Now, for as perfect as this game already is, I do have to be honest since my super secret source has given me free reign to talk about this game however I want so forgive me for talking shit about an un-announced game that isn’t even finished yet but I know will be perfect anyway. While the side quest where you have to help Donkey Kong preform with his new Bongo band was a great moment of character building for the big ape, it was a pain in the ass to have to buy a set of Jungle Beat Bongos on Ebay which are mandatory for this section. The Rosalina Romance route isn’t finished in this build yet and the game will crash if you try to confess your love to her. Luigis voice lines and animations are not finished yet either so he’s permanently stuck as a T Posing mannequin. And even though I LOVED the cameo appearance of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising it was obvious he was clearly only shoehorned into this game as a love interest for Luigi. But who cares honestly. Because the bonus mission where you get to play as Shovel Knight and Shantae fighting a giant mech to the tune of Undefetable from Sonic Frontiers IS AWSOME!
And the cast! Oh is this an all star cast! This game stars… Mario. Luigi. Peach. Daisy. Rosalina. Wario. Waluigi. Yoshi… Wait, why am I going over all the characters you’re expecting when I can instead go over the surprise guest characters! Such as… Link. Darth Vader. Indiana Jones. Twilight Sparkle. Blitzo. Dante. Bayonetta. Morrigan. Ezio Adutorie. Sans. Sonic the Headghog. Crash Bandicoot. Spyro the Dragon. Heisnburg. Trevor Philips. Homer Simpson. Omni Man. Freddy Fazbear. Shovel Knight. Shantae. John Snow. Boyfriend. Micky Mouse. Bugs Bunny. Spider-Man. Batman. Mata Nui. Matt. Pewdiepie. Jacksepticeye. Markiplier. And special guest starting Dwayne the Rock Johnson as Kirby!
Oh boy, I can’t WAIT until Nintendo announces the full game at the Nintendo direct! And the best part, my insider even game me the release date! The release date for this game is… Wait what is that sound? … OH SHIT! IT’S THE NINTENDO NINJAS! GOTTA GO!....................................................................................................
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When updating the animated movie schedule that I have on hand, I noticed something...
We have some mixed-media games of chicken coming. Family movie battles that may or may not happen, on the heels of the recent release date switch-ups for TRANSFORMERS ONE and THE WILD ROBOT:
The first one... Possibly... MOANA 2 vs. WICKED PART ONE - November 27, 2024. Disney and Universal head to head with musicals, one all-animated, one live-action with lots of animation in it. I say possibly, as I'm not sure what audience WICKED PART ONE is aiming for. Is this gonna be a PG-rated family film? Or an edgier PG-13 affair? I know next to nothing about the musical (apparently it's recommended as an 8+ sorta deal?), but these are both very similar in a few regards: Musical, fantasy, and because the latter is associated with the family classic THE WIZARD OF OZ - WIZARD OF OZ wouldn't have happened if not for the influence and success of Walt Disney's SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS. I still think it's worth including. I can see both doing very, very well because of how beloved the original MOANA is, and because WICKED is a big deal and OZ is always a classic. MOANA 2 came out of nowhere as a former Disney+ series-turned-movie, so that makes the face-off all the more interesting to me.
Then there's MUFASA: THE LION KING vs. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3. December 20th of this year. Disney vs. Paramount. An all-animated movie that looks very real vs. a live-action movie with animated characters in it. MUFASA has a trailer out, which makes sense given that it was originally supposed to come out in July, so it was probably finished or close to being done a while ago. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3 entered production after that, and will still make its date apparently, with no trailer out.
MUFASA is a prequel/sequel to a 5-year-old LION KING remake that grossed $1.6 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing animated film of all-time. That being said, whenever Disney does a follow-up to one of their modern remakes... It usually doesn't do anywhere *near* as well as the first... See ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS and MALEFICENT 2 as evidence of that. Both SONIC movies combined didn't make half of what LION KING '19 made, but still did very very well for what they are. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 made $405m, so I can imagine the third movie making significantly more than that. Especially since they're bringing in even more characters that fans know and love. Perhaps the family movie event of the holidays outside of MOANA 2. I don't really know who's exactly all that thrilled for MUFASA, but maybe I'll be wrong on that one. Maybe that'll be the movie to go to if the other two are sold out.
Another family movie battle is set to commence next summer. On June 13, 2025...
Pixar's delayed animated sci-fi adventure ELIO vs. Universal's live-action adaptation of HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON.
Both of these movies were delayed from their first-nabbed release dates, ELIO seeing the biggest delay. When it was eyeballing March 1st of this year, ELIO had a trailer and a poster out. Then during the writer and actors' strikes last summer/autumn, Disney delayed the Pixar picture by a year and a half. As rumors indicate, this picture needed to be extensively retooled... Can't do that when the writers and actors voicing the characters are out there fighting for what's right, so it had to wait.
Live-action DRAGON first nabbed March 14, 2025, and then moved to ELIO's date after ELIO took it. It is currently filming in Ireland.
Out of these two movies, I think DRAGON is a guaranteed success. As much as some of us don't like 'em, live-action adaptations of things largely associated with animation tend to do pretty good. Whether it's streaming shows or feature films. Once in a while Disney doesn't score, but when they do... They do. Often to the tune of a billion dollars, or at least half as much as that. Last summer's LITTLE MERMAID may not have made back its budget, but $560m+ is still nothing to scoff at. It's a *flop* in the same way MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - DEAD RECKONING was. Made lots of money and was quite popular, still wasn't enough. Then you wonder why there are strikes, eh? The HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON animated trilogy that was made at DreamWorks is pretty beloved, all of its installments grossing above $490m+ worldwide each. And Dean DeBlois, who directed on each film, directs the live-action movie too. John Powell returns to score, Gerard Butler is back to play Stoick the Vast. The familiarity will help it, but if it's different enough to stand out, that could also really help it. The first movie will also be 15 years old by then, definitely some nostalgia there. I think it'll at least make $150m domestically, if not $200m. From the outside, it looks like a "live-action remake of a DreamWorks animated movie".
Whereas ELIO? I've repeated this ad naseum, but animated movies that aren't sequels or easily-recognizable IP (read: Mario) tend to open low in this day and age. ELEMENTAL, Pixar's first not-sequel picture to open theatrically since ONWARD, collected the lowest opening ever for one of their movies. Luckily, it had legs and audiences overseas really dug it, getting it nearly past the 2.5x-its-budget threshold. I'm sure Disney wants a bona fide return to Pixar blockbusters, original and sequel. Thus they would probably want ELIO to remain a summer launch. Pixar barely ever deviates from a late May/mid June release, with the exceptions of some March and November releases. Typically, they like that June space.
I also noticed... There's a sizable gap in early 2025. There's an animated feature set for late January (DOG MAN), another for February (THE SMURF MOVIE)... And then, nothing till ELIO. March and April, completely blank. No doubt caused by the strikes, maybe more if/when an animation strike erupts this coming summer.
I do wonder if ELIO, since the delay gave it *plenty* of time to be fixed up (I hear it isn't a GOOD DINOSAUR situation where they completely started over, just re-configuring whole parts of it), will be completed ahead of schedule. Disney has an untitled project set for early March, likely a placeholder for something. Could just be a Searchlight or 20th Century movie, maybe ELIO could move there. Live-action SNOW WHITE opens later that month... But that didn't stop Disney from planning on releasing ELIO and SNOW WHITE together this past March. Disney often tends to put things close to each other. For example, MOANA - a Thanksgiving 2016 release - opened between early November release DOCTOR STRANGE and mid-December biggie ROGUE ONE. One example off the top of my head.
But it will all happen when it has to... I do doubt, however, that ELIO will go head to head with HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON '25 though. In addition to that, I still find it kinda weird that Disney Animation will have three sequels in a row when there was at least one original being developed there. Things often change close to release date, too, so... We shall see...
And lastly, I covered it before... This time an all-animated face-off... Warner Animation's CAT IN THE HAT movie vs. an untitled Pixar movie, both set for March 6, 2026. Until we know what the Pixar movie is, likely an original movie, I can't really say. I would reckon the Pixar movie moves, considering that Pixar hasn't landed a March hit yet. Circumstances... ONWARD was released right before the pandemic became a national issue here in the states, TURNING RED went straight to streaming, ELIO could've been this year's March picture but moved to next summer. Maybe March 2026 is when Pixar succeeds with a springtime release. That is, if CAT IN THE HAT ends up moving.
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datcloudboi · 9 months
List of Video Games Turning 30 Years Old in 2024
Aggressors of Dark Kombat (what if Mortal Kombat was made by the KoF devs?)
Alone in the Dark 2
Art of Fighting 2
Beneath a Steel Sky (a highly influential point and click adventure game from the same team that would go on to make Broken Sword)
Blackthorne (a 2D platformer made by Blizzard)
Breath of Fire (the 1st one)
Bubsy 2
Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales
Bust-a-Move (known as "Puzzle Bobble" in Japan)
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Contra: Hard Corps (the first game in the series to have multiple endings)
Cosmology of Kyoto
The Death and Return of Superman (a side scrolling beat 'em up made by Blizzard)
Demon's Crest
Donkey Kong (the Game boy version of the arcade original)
Donkey Kong Country
Doom II: Hell on Earth
Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls (as opposed to a beat ‘em up like the other four games were, this one was a fighting game)
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim (with music from Tommy Tallarico. His mother is very proud.)
Ecco: The Tides of Time
The Elder Scrolls Arena (the very 1st one)
Final Fantasy VI
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (the 3rd one)
Ghoul Patrol (the sequel to "Zombies Ate My Neighbors")
The Horde (a hybrid action/strategy game made by Toys for Bob, who are known nowadays for making Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time)
Illusion of Gaia
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
Killer Instinct
The King of Fighters '94
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
Live a Live (the original version, which went unreleased in North America. We wouldn’t get this game until the HD-2D remake 28 years later)
Majin Tensei (a strategy spin-off of the greater Shin Megami Tensei franchise)
Marathon (one of the earliest games made by Bungie)
Mega Man 6
Mega Man Soccer
Mega Man V (on the Game Boy)
Mega Man X
Mortal Kombat II
The Need for Speed (the very 1st one)
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (as an empath, seeing Pac-Man in pain makes me feel sick)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Pocky & Rocky 2
Policenauts (a visual novel and one of the earlier works from Hideo Kojima)
Rise of the Robots (often considered one of the worst fighting games ever made)
Samurai Shodown II
Shadowrun (the Sega Genesis version)
Shaq Fu (also often considered one of the worst fighting games ever made)
Shin Megami Tensei II (which, to this day, has never been officially released outside of Japan)
Shin Megami Tensei If... (also never officially released outside of Japan)
Shining Force II
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (just in time for the third movie)
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Streets of Rage 3
Super Adventure Island II
Super Metroid
Super Punch-Out!!
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (this release saw the first playable appearances of T. Hawk, Fei Long, Dee Jay, and Cammy)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (saw the series’ first secret character, Akuma)
System Shock (a remake came out very recently. It's quite good!)
Ultima VIII: Pagan
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (the very 1st one)
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
X-COM: UFO Defense (the 1st game in the series)
Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II (one of the last first-party releases for the NES)
Zool 2
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Netflix live action One piece/ uniforms matter
Salute recruits and soldiers ⚓ 🌊⚓🌊⚓
On this sensational Sunday let's talk about recent leaks of the marine uniforms as in the leaks of the One piece Netflix series.
Keep in mind this could be all purposefully leaked material or 'thank god' it has been leaked. Remember the whole CGI disaster with sonic the hedgehog that first nightmarish design.
But Oh brother its Netflix so 🤷 😕 I don't think they should do a live adaptation I.e. deathnote failure, dragonball apocalyptic disaster and for good measures a non anime but still loved, Avatar the last airbender massacre.
And to top it off low budget productions and fandom cosplayers delivered far better movies then big budget Hollywood. So is it a big surprise that social media blows over the leaked photos in the one piece live action remake. Oh brother lets have a look, starting with the anime version pictures of fresh cadets and recruits.
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And already we have differences sure that could be animation, but it seems more plausible that a subtle change of clothes can help distinguishe ranks. It might not be obvious to us civilians but inside the military ranks it makes sense.
And now let's have a look at the leeks, sorry they are Screenshots.
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OK one positive the dark blue is spot on i love it.
Now to the rest. Who the hell is your tailor? Good lord pay people to do their job properly.
An article stated that the baseball cap looks too goofy however looking at the military uniform the patrol cap has been around for decades, so the cap itself isn't the issue but its design all of a sudden its half blue instead of its trademark white with 2 blue stripes and again the cosplay fandom has done a better job years ago see pictures below. BTW not even the font of the word marine is right. Ocd is coming through.
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And then there is the whole belt thing over their shirts its not right, not only do these belts not exists in the anime but in real life they look like a cheap belt from Wish. Yes I see they are there for holding the swords however it just doesn't fit. Not to mention they buckled look so 21. Century.
I also don't like the badges with their ranks on, written of all things, as if we were dumb people. Just a 20 minute search on Google about military uniforms and its easy to see they have pins, badges, medals and so on for what unit you belong too, skills, achievements etc. Its just mind boggling.
I could go on so I better sum it up.
Is it any good? No. It looks like a dress up by newbies in the cosplay scene. Its goofy looking because its sloppy tailored and fitted. There are enough real life uniforms that can be studied for this purpose. Plus one thing uniforms always are IMMACULATE PERFECTION even for recruits and cadets.
No wrinkles no crumbling no side lobbed clothing. Remember a uniform does represent authority. And looking at the screenshots above I can't i see that.
My heart drops seing this cause I think there isn't much to look forward to with the live action series other the mindless product consumption that clearly is NOT entertainment.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
ooooh, What about a sonic the hedgehog AU for twst :D. Can Idia and Ortho be the main stars again?
Hmmm... Let's see...
Sonic is a very wide franchise. I do enjoy Sonic, I like to mindlessly watch gameplay of the games, but I really didn't see every single sonic piece of lore. I am very lacking in the og lore, reboot lore and any kind of sonic deep lore tbh.
What I do know a bit better than others(like I just have a general idea at best) tho... Are 3 Sonic games: the black knight, secret rings and unleashed. Along with the 2 live action movies... I guess I have a pretty solid material to work with! Look at it!
*slaps roof of material*
*material crumbles apart*
:'3 yep... Pretty solid
We are starting with a distant planet, one full of lush green forests and aincent temples.
In here we meet Mrs Shroud, who is living in a modest tree house alongside her 2 sons. Idia, a 9-10 years old and Ortho, a newborn, who is yet to comprehend anything about this new world.
Idia was a quite curious child. He always asked his mama all kinds of questions, such as: where's papa? Why can't I go outside without covering my hair? Why do my teeth look wierd? Those were very VERY common questions. Unfortunately, all 3 would be always answered with 'when you get older, you'll find out'.
Their house was isolated from any other villages and other people that inhabited the land. Doesn't mean that Idia didn't see them. He would go after his mom to help her sometimes, so he saw the vibrant hair colors, the sparkly eyes and all the marks on one's skin, marks that would glow when those people would perform supranatural feats. He saw people flying, running fast, punching holes in stones and many more. The catch was that only 1 superpower was per person. And they seem to be awakened after a special ritual, which Idia always saw be made by the end of summer.
Idia once asked his mama why he doesn't have marks like the rest. Even his mother had some marks, although they seemed faint and weak. He never saw his mom ever use them. He didn't know what his mama's special power even was.
One day, Idia was watching over his little brother at home, mostly checking on the cradle and making sure Ortho is sleeping nicely and doesn't stirr around. Their mother was supposed to come back from the village with the usual errands.
Except that the 2's mother returns in a hurry, with an arrow plunged in her left arm. Idia, of course was absolutely horrified, but his mother tells him that he has to take his brother and leave. She hastily gives him a map and a pouch with golden rings, telling him that whatever he does, he must not be discovered, she tells him to look over Ortho and prevent anyone from finding out the truth about the Shrouds and their fire hair.
Idia begs for his mother to come with him and Ortho, but Mrs Shroud says that she can't, that she would only weight Idia down, just how she weighted her husband down to the point people discovered why they should fear the Shrouds. All she wished was for her 2 sons to find a peaceful life on earth.
It was a very first time that Idia heard about his father, but he had not much time to even sink in the info that he had to run with Ortho in his arms, finding themselves on earth. Only with a flimsy piece of paper that was useless, a pouch of interplanetary portals in the form of small golden rings and nothing else but their clothes and each other.
Idia and Ortho found, thankfully, their way to a small city. More on point: at a house of an old lady that was blind. She had a service dog and as such she couldn't see the flaming blue hair of Idia, taking him and his baby brother. She told the 2 about stories of her children that were living out of the country and didn't visit in a while.
Those children never once came to visit from what Idia realised over the years he came to stay in there. The old woman knew how to braid and would usually braid Idia's hair in a tight bun or something that could make the flaming hair be easier to cover up.
But when Ortho was around 7-8, the old woman died. Her time did come in the end, but the 2 brothers still cried at the funeral. Surprisingly, that's also when the said children of the woman showed up. Idia thought all that time that they were dead too or something, but no... They were all healthy and well off.
Even more surprising was when the testament was read, in which the old woman leaved all of her valuables, belongings and house to none other than Idia, the one who for the past 7-8 years was trying his best to both raise his little brother and also take care of the old woman. Idia was 18, therefore he was deemed the legal guardian of Ortho and had all the rights to inherit everything in the testament, much to the surprise of the other relatives, since they knew that the old woman had some valuables that make up for a fortune alone.
As such, past that, Ortho is 15 when Idia realises that his little brother couldn't be home schooled anymore. Idia himself worked a lot to get into an university, a lot of paperwork, a lot of exams and situations until he was allowed to study from home. This is also how he started his job in Graphic design and assets programming. He was working from home, for the sole reason that he had to both work his job and also play teacher for the sake of his brother.
Of course, Ortho grew up to be just like how Idia used to when he was 8: curious, energetic and always happy for the little things he discovers. Unlike Idia, who still had his hair long, Ortho had his in an undercut even, mostly since it was easier to hide with a beanie. Idia was very skeptical of leaving his brother to go to the high-school, but it had to be done. Many in the town never knew Idia's actual upbringing before he was basically adopted by the old lady, so he enrolled in college without much suspicion, but the town knew that Ortho is of age. Middle school, sure... He could be homeschooled, but not high-school. That would raise questions.
Idia tho, still kept the old woman's car. That probably belonged to her husband, but still with some repairs and upgrades, it was just like new, maybe even better. As such, Idia decided to drive Ortho to school.
The rules are the same as ever: don't show your hair, hide anything that may seem wierd, if anyone asks about parents, dodge the question and move on. Also don't get into trouble.
Ortho also asked why he has to wear long sleeves, even at PE, to which Idia reassures that it's just in case of anything, which puzzles his younger brother even more.
Idia also wore a lot of long sleeves, which Ortho found it curious, since he was aware that his brother had a bunch of tattoos. He never knew when Idia got them, but he always thought those were really cool.
First day in and already Idia is called to the school. :'3
Apparently Ortho got in an argument with Epel, his deskmate, which immediately escalated in a fight. Thankfully, no one got hurt as a teach broke them in time. Still, Ortho had a bruise on his cheek and Epel had his eye swollen. Additionally, Deuce, Ace, Sebek and Jack were there because they intervented and made it worse. Weather it was on accident or not, it wasn't important.
Idia of course arrives first. Mrs Spade called, saying she couldn't come in time, Mrs and Mr Trappola couldn't come, but Alex will go. For Jack his mom showed up, for Sebek his dad and for Epel his grandma.
Ortho also noted how Alex and Idia seem to be the same age and something is going on in between the 2. Sum kind of rivalry that Ortho never saw up until now. Ace did mention how his big brother was a passionate conspiracy theorist so Ortho concluded that it had to do something as to why both had a glaring war in between them.
Idia also was particularly giving sum business vibes by how he dressed, to the point the other kids thought he was either sum young business mogul or a mafia man. He was also much colder than Ortho knew him.
Of course, the 5 in question did have to address their unresolved tension, while their guardians were also arguing in the office, but ya know... Like adults. :'3
Of course, Idia and Alex are the first ones who get out, both clearly more than ready to take a jab at each other. Especially how the 'Holesti Ghost' is still kicking. Idia instead replies with 'how's the salary kicking at the donut shop?', which it's a pretty hard hit.
Ortho is confused, but apparently everyone in the town knew that Idia and Alex went to the same college. It was a pretty small town after all and everyone knew pretty much everyone.
Well except Ortho.
Idia, of course, is trying to keep sum sense of actual calm, as to not look like an absolute hypocrite after telling the kids to not fight in between them.
That ride home was one silent one for Ortho. Once home, he does inquire why Idia is so secretive. It's his first time when he gets outside fully, interacts with other people and all he's meet with is secrets that all dial back to Idia. Just how much did Idia truly hide from him?
That's also when Idia snaps, since Ortho keeps pressing on it. His hair flares up in bright orange hair and electricity around the house starts malfunctioning and a serious blackout occurs. Ortho is absolutely horrified, while Idia realises what he just did, so he firstly tries to calm down his brother before he finally puts down Ortho to have the ✨talk✨.
Idia tells his little brother that their real name was Shroud, that both descended from another planet. They had to run away in order to survive. Their mother sacrificed herself for their sake. Idia tells Ortho that at one point, marks would appear on his body, sign that his powers are finally ready to be used. Idia had his in the spur of the moment and since then they grow. Of course, everything has to be a secret, otherwise who knows what would happen to them. They might have to flee to another planet altogether.
Ortho wants to ask why, but Idia tells him that he also has no idea. His only lead was the flimsy map he hid in the attic, but even with that, Idia had no idea what they would be searching for? Answers? A tool? A weapon? Who knows?
With the new knowledge, it daunts onto Ortho literally everything. How every aspect of his life was absolutely unnatural because of that need to hide and survive.
This made high-school even harder to go through with the new anxiety over literally everything. :'3
PE does have to play an important role, because that's also when Ortho discovers that he can go super fast. And not just faster than a normal kid. Faster than a car even. The teens did not give it much thought and even the sports teach wasn't thinking too much into it, but Ortho realised something was up, so he excused himself to the bathroom.
Low and behold! The marks started to appear. And Ortho was more than horrified since they appeared, just like Idia warned him. And it wasn't something that easy, it was goddamn super speed. He could make a run of the sports field in a second, maybe even less!
Ortho wanted to call his brother, to take him early, but after PE he only had history and it would be less suspicious if he simply stood that class and then go home. What the worse that could happen?
The worse indeed happens when it gets announced that sum military investigation is going on. Something about the blackouts that seemed to not happen only in their city, but in the whole region. At one point it happened spontaneously in the whole continent, although for a few secs, that was something to raise suspicions.
So it took a while until they got on board a 'genius' scientist to lead the investigation. Rumors did go around that towns or villages in the vicinity were scouted as well, so now it was their turn.
And Ortho was downright horrified of this. It doesn't help that for today, his math class was cancelled for the sole reason that the kids could also be examinated in case of anything. Oh he was so scared, he was basically shaking off his feet.
A note on this whole mess wast that several weeks passed and during those weeks, Ortho actually got along with Epel, Adeuce, Jack and Sebek. They had their own lil group and it was great overall.
As such, the 5 in question noticed Ortho's state and asked if he was alright. Yeah, sure, everything is alright if you count off that his hair is literally blue fire, he is currently having tattoos spreading on his body and that apparently he can run faster than an F1 car. Sure those are minor details... Right?
Of course, his turn comes to the lil examination, which Ortho absolutely dreaded. His friends all went before him, in fact, everyone went before him, and he was the last. Jack tried to reassure that it's a simple thing and won't hurt at all, while Ace and Epel in the bg are dramatically crying about how they were cut open and stitched back up via super hi-tech lasers and what not.
Surprisingly, he passed. These bitches did not realise he was an odd one, but he was absolutely glad about it.
Although Ortho notices that the head of the investigation, that 'genius' scientist has sum holograms that depict runes and photos of ruins. Ortho thought those were familiar, that he saw them somewhere.
When he comes back home, Idia is obviously waiting for him. Apparently the adults went first before the kids, so Idia also passed by quick.
And that's when Ortho noticed that the marks on his big brother's arm were similar to the signs he thought were runes on the reports he saw around. And he did bring it up to Idia, on how his marks are actually engraved on sum temples and shit and that's what the special forces are looking for.
Idia, rightfully, is taken aback by this, but his worry is more when Ortho also tells him about his special power and the marks that did spread over his own body. They were faith and already were fading away quickly, but the more it's used, the more the marks become permanent and spread.
Idia also reveals his special power: electricity manipulation. This is why he caused that blackout when he got mad. His powers got out of control at that moment.
But Ortho insists that maybe those temples and aincent engravings could be the answer Idia's looking for. The answer to why they are like this. Idia tho, says that for now, they shouldn't pursue anything. He searches in the attic and finds his old pouch with rings and the map in question. Idia gives half of the rings to Ortho, teaching him how to use those and telling him that only in emergency cases he should use them. He had to picture clearly where he wants to go first of all. Idia would forge a PE pass for his brother, so they won't have a worry over it.
That night, Ortho also couldn't sleep and Idia was more than welcoming for a bedtime story and sum cuddling under the blankets.
But, next day at school, there is again an inspection, which apparently it's because of the fact that the wierd energy was repered to be around this small city, as such, another more through investigation had to commence.
And this time, everyone is put in an line at the end and told to hold something. From what it was whispered around, it was a small piece of rock, a brick with engravings if one was to say. It was a bit heavy, but not as heavy as a couple of grapes. Ortho had 0 idea what this meant and he was scared for life. He was absolutely glad he had foundation on him to quickly cover the marks for the through investigation, but now his anxiety got the best of him, not knowing why he has to hold a goddamn brick of all things.
Until it reaches in his hands and the brick starts shaking. Scared, Ortho passes it off to the next one, Jack, but that doesn't stop the brick from shaking, it goes even worse. So it gets passed to Sebek, it starts glowing, Epel got scared when it started cracking, Deuce already had it starting to crumble apart and Ace found himself with a bunch of crumbles of the brick and a pretty lil purple gem in his hands.
Oh they were screwed. So fucking screwed. :'3
Cue running away from the military and Ortho using in the spur of the moment one of the rings in order for all 6 to escape through it.
They ended up in Siberia. In fucking Siberia! It was cold, they were buried in snow and Ace had his pants caught in a pine tree.
They are all 6 scared and try to make their way through, until they find a quite cozy looking house. It was apparently an inn, so it wasn't wierd to have 6 guys completely decked out in snow to come in.
Thankfully Sebek knows sum Russian so he could ask for them to just be let to stay for a bit. And now, all 6 at a smol table in the corner, they are eyeing Ortho. Ace still had that purple gem and none of them knew what the hell that was. It was pretty? Yes. But what is its purpose? Why was it in a magic brick? And why tf did the brick shake so much? What does the military even want with them???
Ortho does start to explain what Idia told him. They are aliens and it seems that they go under hiding because there is something inside of them, some sort of power that people are afraid of and would kill them to ensure that it never comes to light. Ortho was downright terrified and all he wanted was to call his big brother and at least make sure he is alright too. Now Ortho's friends were dragged in because of him being stupid and passing the brick around. He couldn't blame anyone but himself.
Deuce is the voice of reason this time, reassuring that Ortho shouldn't apologise for what already was done and over. They need to just get out of this situation. They have a wierd gem and that would be it. They are absolutely not ready to die or be dissected by the government since apparently they put targets on all of their backs.
Jack is the ACTUAL voice of reason and says that maybe they should go somewhere warmer, because they cannot stay in this snow paradise without freezing to death. Ace suggests Hawaii, just because why not? Free trip to Hawaii I guess. :3
So with an excuse that they will go to the bathroom, they use one of the rings in there and find themselves in Hawaii. Epel took the gem from Ace and wrapped it in a handkerchief, putting it in his pocket in case of anything. They just need to find a goddamn public phone and call Idia, in case the government tracks their phones as well.
Idia, of course responds and immediately nags Ortho because 'WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO TO SIBERIA OF ALL PLACES?!'. He panicked, alright? Idia tho, was also in hiding so he didn't have much time to talk. Neither did the Bois have coins to keep the discussion longer.
In frustration, Epel punches the bottom of the telephone, which immediately makes a hole from which coins pour out. Absolutely terrified at this, everyone realises that the gem is glowing slightly. That because of the gem, Epel had some sort of super strength.
But they got free money at least. :'D
Idia gave to them a location to meet up, in Hawaii so that they won't have to use the rings willy-nilly and end up in the middle of the ocean or something.
Idia himself looked a bit dishevelled, but he had a similar gem, but green. Apparently these 2 were taken from 2 different temples, but even so, they were 7 in total, as per sum aincent manuscripts that retell how 'celestial beings' came from nowhere and built 7 temples in order to hide those gems.
Idia made sum proper research onto this. Ya know, hack into the top secret files, violate some laws of digital security, the usual. :3
But Idia tells them that there is a catch, that the gems, or as they were named, chaos emeralds, can be used to obtain power beyond imagination. To birth gods at that. Idia also did some digging since yesterday to the lead of this investigation and knows that Crowley, the said genius's record, isn't that clean. The government got him in lead because it was their easiest choice: erase some things of his record and they are all gud.
The first years group concludes 1 thing: they have to go after the rest of the emeralds and find them before Crowley does. Currently Crowley uses the discovery of the Shrouds's true nature as a plausible excuse to hunt them down. If the gems reacted to them, it meant that they could find the others.
Of course, Idia also clears it out that Adeuce, Epel, Jack and Sebek cannot go back, for they would be hunted down by the special forces. So they will have to stick together.
At least they have a pouch of stolen coins. :3
Using the map, Idia manages to activate it via his powers, revealing 6 locations all in different colors. Idia says that the green and purple sparks have to be the temples where the green and purple chaos emeralds were initially hidden. The closest to them was the red one.
Idia also insists that the emeralds should be kept separated, so the green one gets handed to Sebek. If he happens to unlock sum new cool power, good for him I guess. Epel is pretty hyped up about his super strength. :3
Cue a lot of shenanigans and chasing around. Crowley keeps getting on their trail and with all the machinery and everything, we are talking about 6 teens and a 25 years old all trying to survive and race to find all the emeralds before Crowley does. Well... It's easy to say race when Ortho has that super speed. And on the way, the other emeralds allowed the rest of the first years to also gave cool new powers, but only when they had them on their person.
Sebek had electricity manipulation
Deuce had water manipulation due to the blue gem, while Ace fire due to the red one.
And Jack had the yellow emerald, which granted him the ability to make plants grow. Ace laughed at that so much until Jack threw him in the air with a tree.
So far, they were missing 2: the torquoise and white one. And Crowley, much to their dismay, has the torquoise one. The white one was the last and as such either way they had to keep the other emeralds safe, not risk it for one.
Cue heading towards the white emerald, but crow man manages to get in their way, catching Idia. Of course, Ortho wanted to save his brother, but Idia denies him of that, his last words being to find that goddamn emerald and hide it from Crowley.
So while our group goes on to the biggest and most booby-trapped temple of all, Idia is held hostage by Crowley, who realises that the emerald does react to Idia. It's a very wierd reaction, volatile at that, but it's one that Idia himself feared and actively tried to avoid it. When he got too close to it, his marks would glow and skin would start to crack up, which was an unseen reaction.
Crowley realises that Idia knew something else about the emeralds. Not only that they can grant immense power to someone. And with that, Crowley gets himself a nice lil experiment to conduct with a brand new subject.
Cue a bigger race for the last emerald. Our group had 5 while crow man had 1 and also Idia.
The Very epic fight is up to the imagination of everyone, just imagine a lot of boom and pows and cool af poses. :v
In the end, Ortho is given an ultimatum: the emeralds or his brother gets it. Idia himself begged the group not to do it, but the rest were on Ortho's side and even encouraged to save Idia over the emeralds.
Of course, that's also when the big betrayal occurs. Ya know, the military holds hostages the first years, while Crowley double backstabs and uses the emeralds on Idia, who seemed now to bring him immense pain. The ground stated to shake and the whole temple was becoming rumbles, so everyone had to flee, leaving Idia alone, there to be killed by the crumbling of the temple. Our first years were devastated, while Ortho was the most affected out of all, crying his eyes out and accusing Crowley of killing his brother. The grief was turned into rage, but already Ortho was holded up with special cuffs, which were made by Crowley when he had Idia as a hostage. Of course, the other first years were huddling closer, trying to comfort each other and hope that they won't be killed.
Except that the earth shaking didn't stop, as something rose up from under all that rubble. Something big and very angry. It was a being that seemed to be made out of pure magma and stone, with long fire hair as it stretched out. In the middle of it's supposed to be chest was a soft colorful glow, clearly the emeralds.
That was Idia. And unfortunately, Idia was very angry at Crowley. But crow man warns him that if he tries anything, he can immediately give the order to shoot all the kids up. The soldiers in question put hesitantly guns to the kids's heads and that seemed to make Idia hesitate, deciding to demand to leave the kids alone. Crowley tho, insists that Idia has to give out the chaos emeralds if he wants the kids to at least be alive by the end of this.
While this exchange occurs, Ortho the solider from behind Ortho undoes his shackles. It's revealed to be Alex, Ace's big brother, who apparently is working as a secret agent. This reached a new level of messed up and while Alex had strict orders to listen to Crowley, he couldn't put a gun to his brother or his friends's heads.
With this, the first years manage to free themselves and cause a commotion enough to distract everyone, including Idia.
Well, everyone except crow man, who used Idia's distraction moment to aim at him a device, which forcefully took the emeralds out. This did not revert Idia to his original form, it weakened him, yes, but he still was a gigantic creature that currently tried to get back his footing. He fails tho, falling unconscious.
Meanwhile, Crowley, now empowered with the emeralds, is reeking havoc and again double crosses, but this time the government, by starting to attack the military and abusing of his absolute power. In his delight, he wants to start first with the first years, who were the menaces that kept annoying him.
Cue epic 1-1 in between Ortho, who only had his super speed, and Crowley with God powers. The gimmick in here is that Ortho is aiming for the emeralds. And when he gets one, he gives it to one of the rest of the first years, thus putting in game more players.
In the end, the last 2 emeralds are kept by Ortho. And using 1 ring to the mushroom planet, the 6 of them throw Crow man in there.
After that, Ortho goes to his big brother. Idia gained back a sense of consciousness, but he was still weak and the only thing he could do is leave out huge tears that became steam immediately, as he saw his little brother, giving to him to of the emeralds. By now, Ortho's body marks were fully developed and proeminent and Idia ws proud of his little brother. With 2 out of the 7 emeralds, Idia does gain enough power to raise on his knees at least, holding Ortho in his palms. Ortho himself was bearly half of his big brother's thumb now and Idia carefully holded him, telling him how happy he is that Ortho was alright.
We also get Ortho hugging his big brother's cheek and saying that he only wants everything to be back like usual. He wants back to the normal school days, to coming home and being just happy in general, with the only care being his homework and the upcoming tests.
And that's also when the other first years manage to also climb on Idia's hands, all wanting to give up their emeralds to Idia, but the latter refuses, saying that in a bit of time, he won't need any of the emeralds to sustain this form, for he takes his power from the core of the earth itself. That was why the Shrouds were so feared. When they awakened to their full power, they take out from the core of the planet they are on, thus able to control it to greater lengths than anyone could. The chaos emeralds were simply a method of defeating a Shroud and keeping them grounded from going mad with power.
Alas, there was still the fucking government to take matters with. Idia does manage to return voluntary to his human form and as such, he offers an agreement: Act like nothing happened, leave him and the first years to live peacefully back in their home city and in turn, they won't cause any trouble, unless some other planet threats occur. It was either that or Idia just smashing through the soldiers like warm butter so you guess that it wasn't merely an agreement.
And things went back to normal! :3
Except that now Ortho is allowed to not hide his hair and marks anymore. The first years are pretty known now through the high-school as 'the guys who fought an evil science man and the fucking government with cool-ass superpowers'.
At least they get a good PE grade :3
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Some things about my Sonic the Hedgehog OC (yes, I already have one and I haven't even been in the fandom a week), Soneca
Not a true info page, like my muses, but who know, she may become a muse. For now, I just wanted to get some things written down about her.
She exists in the world of the live-action movies.
She comes from an alternate universe (that no longer exists thanks to its own Dr. Robotnik) and she's that universe's version of Sonic.
She's a blue hedgehog and has the same powers as Sonic, but that's where the 'exact sameness' ends
In her universe, she was the Queen of the hedgehogs, who were more warrior-like than Sonic and could match the Echidna in battle, resulting in the two groups agreeing to coexist when their leaders agreed no one would win if they kept fighting.
Soneca was sent through a portal to our universe's version of South Island (after Knuckles and Sonic had gone) when elders of the Echidna and Hedgehog both had 'visions' warning that the same evil that was responsible the imminent end of her universe was also afoot in another. She was tasked by both herself and her people to stop it and prevent another universe from meeting the same end as hers.
She learned of Earth and other worlds by finding a recently crashed alien ship on the island. The vessel had actually belonged to either traders or smugglers, as it contained items and technology from various races. From this vessel, she obtained a few Portal Rings and an alien energy staff (for those familiar with my original species, it's a Rovarian staff weapon, though I'm debating whether or not she knows its origins.)
Of the worlds she learned of, only one name was the same as her universe: Earth. So of course she went there.
Like Sonic, she spent years on Earth, not really knowing how to go about her mission. She developed a few similar interests to Sonic (most notably comics and superheroes, her favorite of which is Wonder Woman, who she identifies with because of being a royal from a warrior society now living in an unfamiliar world and tasked with stopping some great evil.
Unlike Sonic, she's been trained in some forms of combat, especially physical combat and martial arts.
She's a little older than Sonic (but still considered a kid by Tom, Maddie, and at times herself) and a little taller, with a more feminine build (she DOES NOT have T&A, especially not T, because she doesn't need them. She's just a little leaner and has slightly more defined hips)
As Queen, her outfit was somewhat similar to her hero's, in that it was sort of armor. She's changed it a little bit after being on Earth, and it now resembles a sleeveless (not strapless) Wonder Woman (live action movie) outfit, but with a longer skirt and shades of blue and silver in place of the red and gold parts.
Instead of the white gloves of Sonic, she wears armored fingerless gauntlets. She prefers her claws out and keeps them sharp. She also has a silver band around each upper arm. These don't serve any purpose, she just likes how they look. When she really wants to show her inner Amazon, she also has a Wonder Woman-like tiara/headband thing to wear.
Her shoes are armored boots (the originals from her universe) made of some lightweight alien material.
She's kind of a mix of Sonic and Knuckles in personality, but she's also her own person, too.
She meets the Wachowskis shortly after Sonic 2, as the use of the Emerald got her attention, and she tracked it to Green Hills.
After helping Sonic and friends catch Agent Stone (who somehow survived and was trying to find Dr. Robotnik) she comes to like them and the town, and wishes to stay. At the suggestion from Sonic, the family adopts her and she becomes sort of a big sister for the others.
She will (lovingly) call her brothers idiots, but warns that anyone who hurts them will never be found (she's not actually a killer, just a somewhat overprotective sister)
Where Sonic likes chili dogs, she prefers bacon cheeseburgers with no veggies but with ketchup, mayo, and barbecue sauce
Even Maddie's sister Rachel says she could get behind this alien. (Don't know when it would happen, but I have a scene in my head of Rachel, having seen Soneca kick some bad guy ass, telling her "you may not be a royal here, but you still a damn Queen." as a sort of pep talk. Spoiler alert: it works)
She affectionately calls Sonic "little hoglet" (Hoglet is the name for a baby hedgehog.)
She is the only person (besides Maddie) who can call Knuckles 'puggle' and get away with it. (Puggle is the term for a baby echidna) This is because she bested him in a sparring match once and he decided she earned the right to do it.
She identifies a lot with Knuckles (both of them being warriors) and enjoys sparring with him. She keeps her speed in check to keep the match fair and relies only on her skill to win (She wins about as many as she loses and sometimes the match is a draw)
Unlike Sonic, she can swim.
May add to or change this later, but here you have it.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Knuckles Show Review – A Low-Stakes Climb
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/knuckles-show-review-a-low-stakes-climb/
Knuckles Show Review – A Low-Stakes Climb
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The live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie series that started in 2020 has delivered entertaining adventures starring everybody’s favorite Blue Blur and his ever-growing stable of friends. One of the highlights of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was Knuckles, voiced by Idris Elba. The fish-out-of-water gags and his strict adherence to the echidna warrior code, which is in stark contrast to Sonic’s fun-loving personality, made for an enjoyable dynamic within the cast of characters. Knuckles, the new six-episode streaming show on Paramount Plus, tries to carry forward that dynamic. However, thanks to low stakes, a palpable disconnect from the larger Sonic story, and too much emphasis on the human characters in the world, it falls short of the heights reached by the two theatrical films.
Warning: While I try to remain as spoiler-free as possible, some aspects of the narrative and characters are mentioned throughout this article.
This spin-off series follows Knuckles as he trains Wade Whipple (Adam Pally), the goofy police officer from the first two Sonic films, in the way of the echidna warrior. Though Wade is fine as comic relief in the films, I often struggled with placing so many of the emotional stakes at the feet of this character. This becomes particularly true once his family joins the show. The weakest parts of the Sonic movies are the scenes featuring the human characters. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 appeared to learn that lesson, as it sent many of the main humans away on a trip, but the inverse is true in Knuckles; on multiple occasions, I wondered why we were focusing so much on the family drama of Wade instead of what Knuckles was up to off-screen.
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The family storyline that consumes much of the latter portions of the show can be compelling in bursts, but it almost feels like an entirely different show altogether. The show does very little to inform viewers why we should care about these characters aside from the fact that they’re related to Wade. The mother character (Stockard Channing) is the most likable of the bunch, particularly when the other major players feel like cartoonish caricatures of sitcom archetypes – even more so than in the movies. Thankfully, when the titular character is on screen, it’s another strong performance by Elba. I’m also happy that much of the CGI of the Knuckles character looks great, particularly when in fights.
The action sequences of Knuckles are the highlight. One scene, in particular, takes place in a kitchen and benefits from crafty camera work and a simulated single-take effect. The action scenes are well-paced throughout the six-episode season, but they do shine a light on one of the most significant shortcomings the Sonic franchise must overcome if it hopes to expand out in spin-off series such as this: Sonic’s gallery of enemies just isn’t that deep. Having the main antagonists of Knuckles be two rogue agents of GUN and a guy who used to work for Dr. Robotnik demonstrates this in irreconcilable ways. Sure, we’re promised Shadow in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and we could still get the introduction of characters like Metal Sonic or Chaos in future media, but this series shows that the pool is pretty shallow.
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Installing low-profile villains for the franchise’s first streaming series could be forgiven if they made their mark, but they feel like retreads of what Dr. Robotnik was trying to accomplish in the first movie; their entire motivation is to capture Knuckles to steal his power. Ellie Taylor and Kid Cudi deliver fine performances as the rogue GUN agents, but the characters rarely serve as anything more than plot devices for the characters to progress on their personal journeys and foils in fight scenes. We do learn of their motivation later in the show, but at that point, I only cared about them because when they showed up, it usually meant an action scene was coming.
When you aren’t watching a fight sequence play out, you’re usually enduring a joke shotgun blast with a relatively low hit rate. The seasoned comedic delivery of actors like Adam Pally, Paul Scheer, and Cary Elwes do wonders for some of the jokes on offer in Knuckles, but it’s often not enough to keep the momentum up and running. Instead, in the times when Knuckles wasn’t on screen, I was more enthralled by the heartfelt moments, which, much like the humor, have a relatively low success ratio. Much of the family dynamics are framed around an absurd bowling tournament that apes the vibe and storyline of Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story a little too closely, making it difficult to connect to the characters or the overarching narrative. Knuckles feels noncommittal when it comes to the tone it’s going for. While it’s not impossible to be an action-comedy series with sentimental moments, it’s a trickier line to walk than Knuckles can accomplish.
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And it would all be forgiven if the story felt essential – or even consequential – to the world of the Sonic series. But instead, having not yet seen Sonic the Hedgehog 3, I can’t help but feel that Knuckles has that sitcom quality where everything ends up right where it started. Sure, there’s a journey with some sentimentality, minor character development, funny gags, small Easter eggs, and enjoyable action scenes, but if someone asked if they needed to watch Knuckles before going to see Sonic the Hedgehog 3 when it arrives in theaters this December, I’d be hard pressed to find a narrative reason to answer them in the affirmative.
That’s perhaps Knuckles‘ biggest flaw: Despite its sometimes fun and heartfelt moments, it feels entirely inessential. Video game adaptations have an outdated reputation for being bad. Knuckles isn’t outright bad, but when compared to its contemporaries like Fallout, The Last of Us, Twisted Metal, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and even Sonic the Hedgehog 2, it feels like a video game adaptation from a bygone era.
About Game Informer’s review system
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theultimatefan · 10 months
Now Hear This: Popular Animation, Anime, Gaming Voices Enhance FAN EXPO Portland Lineup
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Fans of animation, anime and gaming can meet the voices behind characters from their favorite franchises next month when an array of actors from hits like “Transformers,” “Dora the Explorer,” “My Hero Academia,” “Chainsaw Man,” “Halo,” “Sonic the Hedgehog” and dozens of others attend FAN EXPO Portland, set for January 12-14 at Oregon Convention Center. With the variety of stars and properties represented, the voice acting section of the celebrity area is sure to again be one of the most visited on the entire convention floor.
Attending from the Animation world are Peter Cullen (“Transformers,” “Winnie the Pooh”), Frank Welker (“Transformers,” “Futurama”), Keith David (“Gargoyles,” “Rick and Morty”), Tara Strong (“Teen Titans,” “The Fairly Oddparents”), Kathleen Herles (“Dora the Explorer,” “Go, Diego, Go”), Brandon Rogers and Richard Horvitz of “Helluva Boss,” and Dee Bradley Baker (“The Bad Batch,” “American Dad!”).
Anime voices include those of Christopher Sabat (“One Piece,” “My Hero Academia”), Justin Briner (“My Hero Academia,” “Black Clover”), Ryan Colt Levy (“Chainsaw Man,” “My Hero Academia”), Sarah Wiedenheft (“Chainsaw Man,” “Dragon Ball Super”), Alex Organ (“Loid Forger,” “Spy x Family”) and Natalie Van Sistine (“Spy x Family,” “Love Live! Superstar”).
Gaming aficionados will revel in meeting the likes of Patricia Summersett (“Legend of Zelda,” “Star Wars: Squadrons”), Roger Craig Smith (“Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections,” “Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR”), Nadji Jeter (“Spider-Man,” “The Last of Us”), Jennifer Hale (“Mass Effect,” “Overwatch”) and Tony Todd (“Spider-Man 2,” “Call of Duty: Black Ops II”).
Also on the Anime side, FAN EXPO Portland will feature FAN EXPO Maid Café Mikkusu all three days, which includes a meet and greet with the Maids, a short stage performance, fun games, and more. There is only a limited amount of seating per day.
Many, like David, who is also known for his work on the “Halo” video game series, work in two or all three of these genres regularly, and many have been seen in live action films as well.
The voice actors enhance a celebrity FAN EXPO Portland lineup brimming with top talent, including “Stranger Things” standout Joseph Quinn, "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, “The Walking Dead” stars Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher”) and Laurie Holden, Giancarlo Esposito (“The Mandalorian,” “Breaking Bad”), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Avengers: Infinity War”), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), Lana Parrilla (“Once Upon a Time,” “Spin City”), “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, Peter Weller (RoboCop, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension) and many others.
FAN EXPO Portland features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom.
Single-Day Tickets, Three-Day Passes, VIP tickets and Ultimate Fan Packages for FAN EXPO Portland are available now. Advance pricing is available until December 28, 2023. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
Portland is the second event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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sattakingllo · 1 year
Crunching Numbers in Satta King
Video Games: A Journey Through Digital Realms
In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, video games have emerged as a dynamic and immersive medium that has captured the hearts and minds of millions worldwide. satta king From the pixelated wonders of the '80s to the cutting-edge graphics and storytelling of today, video games have come a long way. In this blog, we'll embark on a journey through the world of video games, exploring their evolution, impact, and why they hold a special place in our lives.
The Evolution of Video Games: From Pong to Virtual Reality
Video games have witnessed a remarkable evolution since their inception. It all started with classics like Pong and Space Invaders, where simple graphics and gameplay ruled the day. As technology advanced, so did the possibilities. The introduction of home consoles like the Atari 2600 and Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) brought video gaming into people's living rooms, revolutionizing entertainment.
The '90s saw the rise of iconic franchises like Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and The Legend of Zelda, while 3D graphics added a new dimension to gameplay. Fast forward to the 21st century, and we have witnessed the birth of high-definition gaming, online multiplayer experiences, and the advent of virtual reality (VR) gaming that blurs the lines between the real and virtual worlds.
The Impact of Video Games: More Than Just Entertainment
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While video games are undoubtedly a source of entertainment, their impact goes beyond that. They have influenced various aspects of our lives:
Education: Educational games teach everything from math to history in an engaging and interactive way. Games like "Minecraft" have even found their way into classrooms.
Problem-Solving: Many video games challenge players to think critically, strategize, and solve complex puzzles, enhancing problem-solving skills.
Social Connections: Online multiplayer games provide a platform for social interaction, allowing players to connect and collaborate with others worldwide.
Career Opportunities: The video game industry has created jobs ranging from game development to esports, offering career opportunities to passionate gamers.
The Diverse World of Gaming: Genres and Communities
Video games come in a wide array of genres, catering to different tastes and preferences. From action-packed shooters like "Call of Duty" to sprawling open-world adventures like "The Witcher 3," there's a game for everyone. Additionally, gaming communities thrive on platforms like Twitch and Discord, where players share experiences, strategies, and even build careers as content creators and streamers.
The Art of Storytelling: Narratives in Video Games
One of the most exciting aspects of modern video games is their ability to tell compelling stories. Titles like "The Last of Us," "Red Dead Redemption 2," and "Final Fantasy" series have demonstrated that video games can deliver narratives on par with the best books and movies. Players become emotionally invested in the characters and the worlds they inhabit.
The Future of Gaming: What Lies Ahead
As technology continues to advance, the future of video gaming looks promising. sattaking Expectations include even more realistic graphics, immersive VR experiences, and innovative gameplay mechanics. With the advent of cloud gaming services and augmented reality (AR), the possibilities seem boundless.
Conclusion: More Than a Pastime
Video games are more than a pastime; they are a cultural phenomenon, a form of art, and a means of connecting with others. They have a unique ability to entertain, educate, challenge, and inspire. As we continue to explore the digital realms of video games, we find ourselves on an ever-expanding journey of discovery, where the boundaries of creativity and imagination are constantly pushed. Whether you're a casual gamer or a dedicated enthusiast, there's no denying the impact of video games on our world, and their influence is only set to grow in the years to come.
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rayshelmendoza · 1 year
Project 5 Photo Essay - Development of Popular Game Character Design
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(Figure 1, Early illustration of Sonic the Hedgehog, 1991)
This is an early illustration created of Sonic the Hedgehog during the character’s early development. In 1991, Illustrator Naoko Oshima and Hirokazu Yasuhara were given the task to create a character that could ‘take on Mario.’ (Mcwhertor, M 2018) Sonic’s early development took place during the 16-bit console era, where character designs were limited by pixelation. Therefore, it’s reasonable that Sonic’s shape would be in consideration to make his design more distinctive. Sega’s development team decided on a hedgehog character to be the representative of their company. Seeing as they previously didn’t consider the marketability of their characters, the team would have to ensure that their mascot would be iconic, memorable and have a long lifespan. Shown in FIgure 1, the early designs of Sonic were very simple compared to how he looks in the present. While the line drawing looks easily drawn and simple, the shape of Sonic’s spikes gives him definition and is indicative of what moves he is capable of in game. In terms of character design, it’s important to take into account the target audience of a specific game genre. Seeing as Sonic is catering more to a younger audience, his simple design that is described as ‘easy to draw’ is already endearing and memorable for younger people.
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(Figure 2. Sonic The Hedgehog, first Sonic game, 1991) 
Shown here is the title screen of Sonic’s first ever game, ‘Sonic the Hedgehog.’ A platform game released by Sega in 1991 and was Sonic’s first ever game.  It first began development in 1990 when Sega ordered developers to create a game for their new company mascot. During this period, designers wanted to create Sonic’s design based on the way he should move. Therefore, the team narrowed down their choice of animal to one that could roll into a ball for a possible attacking move.  Their either option was armadillos and hedgehogs. (Kennedy, S 2014) Sonic’s designer Oshima, at one point during Sonic’s design, travelled on vacation to New York and questioned locals in Central Park on their opinion for a character design. Sonic’s hedgehog drawing was the first choice, while the second was a man with a moustache who would later on become the Sonic game’s antagonist, Dr. Robotnik. (Wawro, A 2018) When it came to bringing the Sonic’s appearance to life, they considered other factors in terms of visual elements such as expression, gesture and colour which are essential in communicating more about the character. (Levanier, 2021) For example, Sonic’s shoes were inspired by Michael Jackson’s boots in his album cover for ‘Bad’. and the red and white colour scheme was inspired by Santa Claus, whom Oshima personally believed to be the ‘most famous character in the world.’ (Retro Gamer, 2012) 
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(Figure 3, Sonic the Hedgehog live adaptation redesign, 2019)
Presented in Figure 3, Sonic the Hedgehog had undergone a redesign for his live-action adaptation movie. Sonic’s new and unexpected look had reasonably caused a lot of backlash from the public media, the gaming community. This took place only a few years ago, which is at a point where Sonic, like Mario, has already become a memorable and widely endeared character. So it’s reasonable as to why audiences were disturbed by his apparently more ‘realistic’ and very altered appearance. On April 30th 2019, Paramount Pictures revealed the first look of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, ‘Sonic’s first look showed him with smaller eyes, human-like teeth and a gaunt face.’ (Craig, D, 2020) After this trailer’s release, the change of appearance for Sega’s mascot caused a ‘staggeringly negative reaction from fans of Sonic.’ The criticism circulated around the internet, with people mostly pointing out how uncomfortably creepy Sonic looked. The nature of these comments were so passionate, filmmakers decided to take action. In May 2019, it was announced that the movie would be pushed back in order to redo Sonic’s whole appearance in the movie. VFX artists and animators used this newly given amount of time to do so. With how dissimilar Sonic’s more ‘human -like’ redesign was to his more loved video game counterpart, the uproar brings clarity to the importance and impact of character design that has established itself over many years. Character design is not an isolated component separate from the fictional experiences in which it belongs, it is meant to be ‘crucial as a story element that drives the narrative and experience’ for people. It must generate emotion and immersion. (demodern, 2020) It would be difficult for viewers to immerse themselves into the movie when a  character’s appearance strays too far from their original and familiar design. It would be perceived as foreign and possibly even a whole different character since it is not what they know and love. A live adaptation with a redesigned fictional character shouldn’t be necessary, even for the sake of looking ‘more realistic.’ 
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(Figure 4, First design of Mario in his first game Mario Bros, 1983)
Before the development of Sonic, Mario’s creation and game release happened earlier beforehand and had started out with even more limitations. Mario’s first appearance was in his first arcade game developed in 1983 called ‘Mario Bros.’ The game was produced by Nintendo and designed by Shigeru Miyamoto and Gupperi Yokoi. Miyamoto is a game director for and is known as one of the most influential and accomplished designers in the history of video games. Being the creator of some of the most popular game franchises such as ‘Donkey Kong’ and ‘The Legend of Zelda.’  Mario is another one of Miyamoto’s best works especially. Similarly to Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario is also a very well -known mascot for his designated company. In fact, Mario is considered to be the most famous character in the video game industry and is a prominent face in pop culture. During the development of his first game, Mario was initially designed based on the setting it took place in. The first game he appeared in, ‘Donkey Kong,’ was set on a construction site, therefore he went from being initially a carpenter to becoming a plumber. (Snider. M, 2010) One of Mario’s most noticeable features, his large nose in particular, is an inspiration derived from Western influences. His familiar moustache is another distinguishing attribute that’s meant to indicate Mario’s Italian origins. To make players identify with Mario better, Miyamoto gave him a normal profession and depicted him as an ‘ordinary hard worker.’ (Kohler. C, 2008) At the time of Mario’s first game release, there were graphical limitations due to the pixelated style at the time. Such was typical in arcade hardware especially. This is how the colour of Mario’s clothes were chosen as well. His classic blue overalls and red shirt is intended for contrast against the dark backgrounds of an underground setting. Additionally, the bright colours were to help make his arm movements easier to percept. (West. Neil, 1998) In this case, while Mario’s  design was in the very early stages of design, it was still carefully considered based on game aesthetics. 
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(Figure 5, Mario’s current design in 3D, 2023) 
In the years since Mario’s creation, similarly to Sonic and any other game character, his design developed to adapt to the improvement of game graphics. In current times, character’s shapes no longer have to be limited to 2D and pixels. With the uprising of 3D models rather than sprites, there is added depth to a character model and game developers and illustrators have a better advantage and more freedom when it comes to designing facial features, clothes and many other characteristics.. One of the most significant factors to consider with character design, whether it be 3D or 2D, is their silhouette. If a character can’t be recognised easily by the outline of their shape alone, it may be that the design and character themselves won’t be as memorable. ‘A sign of good character design is a character being recognisable solely from their silhouette’ (Deguzman. K, 2021) Shape language is a technique that contributes to illustrators/artists when it comes to this. Defining attributes such as Sonic’s spikes or Mario’s hat are examples of this. In Figure 5, Mario’s design became more refined and has definition, with expressive facial expressions, blue eyes and white gloves.
Reference List 
Crag, D (2020) Why was Sonic The Hedgehog’s movie design changed? RadioTimes, Available at:https://www.radiotimes.com/movies/sonic-the-hedgehog-design-changed/ Accessed 5 May 2023)
Deguzman, K (2021) ‘What is Character Design - Tips on Creating Iconic Characters’ - Tips on Creating Iconic Characters’ Available at:  https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-character-design-definition/ Accessed 5 May 2023
Kennedy, S (2014) Sonic Boom, Available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20110604011401/http://www.1up.com/features/essential-50-sonic  Accessed 5 May 2023
Kohler, Chris (2008) ‘Q&A: 90 Minutes With Miyamoto, Nintendo’s Master of Amusement’ Wired, Available at: https://www.wired.com/2008/06/interview-90-mi/ Accessed on 6 May 2023) 
Levanier. J (2021) ‘How to design a character. The ultimate guide to character design’ Available at: 
https://99designs.com/blog/art-illustration/character-design/#:~:text=Character%20design%20belongs%20to%20a%20class%20of%20illustration,before%20committing%20exorbitant%20amounts%20of%20money%20on%20production. Accessed 5 May 2023
McWherter. M (2018) ‘The origins of Sonic the Hedgehog’, Polygon Available at: https://www.polygon.com/2018/3/21/17149990/sonic-the-hedgehog-history-gdc-naoto-oshima-hirokazu-yasuhara Accessed: 5 May 2023
n,a  (2020) ‘The importance of immersive character design and world building’, demodern, Available at: 
https://demodern.com/blog/the-importance-of-immersive-character-design-and-world-building Accessed: 5 May 2023) 
Retro Gamer (2012) ‘The Making of Sonic the Hedgehog’ p.46-49,  Imagine Publishing 
Snider, M  (2010) ‘Q&A:”Mario” creator Shigeru Miyamoto”, USA Today, Available at: https://archive.ph/20120523230017/http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gamehunters/post/2010/11/qa-mario-creator-shigeru-miyamoto/1%23.T71r-OQo_KA#.YnKOftrMLIU Accessed on 6 May 2023) 
Wawro, A (2018) ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’s origin story, according to the devs who made him’ Game Developer, Available at: 
https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/-i-sonic-the-hedgehog-i-s-origin-story-according-to-the-devs-who-made-him Accessed: 5 May 2023) 
West, Neil (1998) ‘The Way Games Ought To Be…’ Next Generation. No. 38. Imagine Media, p. 106.
List of Figures: 
(Figure 1, Early illustration of Sonic the Hedgehog, 1991)
(Figure 2. Sonic The Hedgehog, first Sonic game, 1991) 
(Figure 3, Sonic the Hedgehog live adaptation redesign, 2019)
(Figure 4, First design of Mario in his first game Mario Bros, 1983)
(Figure 5, Mario’s current design in 3D, 2023)
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000marie198 · 2 years
"You forgot one; Unstoppable."
Alright, there's something about Sonic I need to get off my chest.
First, there's the movie sequel, which we've been waiting for since the post credit scene of Tails in first film. And this movie was absolutely incredible! I still haven't gotten out of the hype, the Wachowski boys live in my head rent free, I am unable to stop imagining scenario after funny or fluffy scenario and shenanigans. And there are so many retro easter eggs from every media of this franchise (so many in the climax alone, Knuckles jumping back off the Tornado, that light tap from '06, catching the giant robot's punch from Sonic X, Enerjak vibes from Archie comics during Master Emerald's origin story, the air bubble from underwater levels of Sonic Rush, that water slide in the last temple, the drowning scene paralleling first episode of Sonic X, all the classic traps, the same expression and flailing in "I can't swim!" as first episode of Sonic Boom, Fleetway vibes when they had us worried in the first half of that one scene, the snowboarding, Tails' Zeti Zappers from IDW, and so much more!) And don't even get me started on how well the mobian characters were done and finally, that mid credit scene. It wasn't exaggerated that those who weren't STH fans also know this beloved character. My best friend isn't a fan, she didn't even care much about this franchise before the second movie and doesn't know any lore but she also knows Shadow.
Then, while still in the hype of the sequel, there was already a teaser trailer of Sonic Prime released recently along with Sonic Origins trailer and the hype increased ten-fold, again. And I suspect that Issue #50 of IDW will be coming out on his 31st Anniversary so there's that too.
Anyways, all that Sonic content aside, but now even Disney has placed his 2019 trailer version in their movie.
Hear me out for a second.
First, I got upset at learning that version was featured in the film and trending, but then I gave it a little thought and went, "Oh. Oooohhhh! So that's what happened. Are they really that angry at our beloved blue hedgehog now? Oh, boy. XD" Now I'm laughing at the implications of why they placed him in one of their live action films, and in that particular form too. This afternoon, I told my Mom about it in these exact words, "Mom, guess what. Disney added the 2019 trailer version of Sonic in their recent-most live action movie and that one scene with 'Ugly Sonic' is now trending the most." She chuckled so hard at the irony, saying something along the lines of, 'Never thought this time would fall on them.'
Now, no offense to Disney or Chip n Dale fans ofcourse since this is purely from the point of view of a Sonic fan who saw her favorite character portrayed like that after his own movie was a block buster hit, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots.
Remember those memes and posts Sonic fans were posting before Sonic 2 movie was released? The ones which said something like how we don't even care at this point if the movie is silly or childish or whatever, we want this hedgehog to break records. To make Disney and Marvel and Nintendo nervous, to make the other companies trip over their own feet trying to catch up to a speedy hedgehog fighting Jim Carry. And many other similar memes. Well, that's exactly what's happening and 2019 Sonic appearing in a freaking Disney movie like that just confirms it.
The hedgehog truly is unstoppable this year and I love it!
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Sonic the Hedgehog Movie 2: POTENTIAL TEST SCREENING
 A couple weeks ago, a Reddit User under the name “Madethis4Sonicmovie2” created a post discussing their test screening experiences on the second Sonic the Hedgehog film. Throughout the discussion post, the Reddit user explains that they are not a Sonic fan. Most of what the user writes was how they’ve interpreted the scene and their understanding of the lore through some games that they’ve played. That, and they also try to compare some of the scenes to DBZ, a franchise that they’re much more familiar with. The user also make it a point to state that they view themselves as a “harsh critic,” though do apologize for it. They’re also not used to critiquing children’s media, which they also state a few times in their post. If they’re not clear on what they saw in their test screening, they ask for the reference meaning to the Sonic Community. The Reddit user also says that they did see the first film and greatly enjoyed the second one better.
Even though they believed for the film to be a generic kid’s film, they believe that this film will appeal to fans and non-fans more than the first one did. 
There wasn’t much of a summary to go other than reading about the emotions and some of the trivia that they’ve seen. Most of the film was still in its post-production stage. Some scenes were not complete while others needed tweaking on lighting and shading on the CGI characters. The overall impression that they’ve received from the film was that it was very enjoyable with much more world building. Because it’s done a good job with explaining certain scenarios to the audience, the Reddit user believes that it wouldn’t be hard for outsiders of the fandom to understand. The only thing that some audience members would struggle with in the film were the inside jokes that long-term fans would understand.
With this in mind, this is what the Reddit post detailed. Keep in mind that these are spoilers.
Key Notes:
The moral of the movie is “if you believe in yourself, then anything is possible!” On a side note, the Reddit user believes that this theme applied more to Tails rather than Sonic, stating that Tails has a moment where he gains enough courage to help Sonic fight.
Though the Reddit user does debate that Sonic has more confidence in himself than he did in the first film. He’s still the “Sonic” seen in the first film, him being a kid, but he’s learning to understand the role of being a superhero.
There is placeholder music and licensed music in the film as well. No mention so far of Crush 40 appearing in the film.
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The Reddit user explains that Jim Carrey nailed the role! They also explain that Dr. Robotnik is a complete maniac.
(This is an open definition to viewers. It could range from comical to something darker).
Dr. Robotnik invents a teleportation device.
Dr. Robotnik also dresses in black clothing like he did in the first film.
The Reddit user supports this remark by detailing a scene where Dr. Robotnik loses his cool a bit when returning to Earth and complains about how he was outsmarted by a “rejected Dr. Seuss character.”
Dr. Robotnik does create Badniks and references them as “Badniks.”
The Reddit user gave the example of the motorbug looking like a motorcycle with a ladybug exterior. Buzzbombers look more like wasps.
There is a “robot version of Eggman.” 
Metal Sonic does not make an appearance. The Reddit user does believe that G.U.N. may have hinted that they’re building Metal Sonic.
It’s also important to note that there were no mentions of Silver and AmyRose in their screening.
There are heavy nods to Sonic Lore, specifically with the echidna tribes. Most of the lore is explained in either flashbacks and/or with echidna lore.
Most of the time is spent on Earth, but we do see other planets. Sonic and Tails do travel all around the world.
The Reddit user also says that we see more of Sonic’s world when Dr. Robotnik tries to teleport back to Earth.
There are heavy nods to both inside and outside references of the Sonic Franchise. Due to their experiences with the franchise, they inform other Reddit users that they couldn’t share and explains all of the references.
However, they were very happy with Sonic fans when hearing their feedback and learning what some references are.
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At this time, the voice actor/actress for Tails is still undetermined. The Reddit user said “it was like Tom Holland, but with a higher-pitched voice.”
Sonic makes a remark saying, “You’re too slow!”
Sonic makes a remark saying, “I’m not a rat! I’m a hedgehog!”
Knuckles makes a remark saying, “Knock, knock scrambled egg.”
(The Reddit user explains that this scene in the movie was also very enjoyable).
Sonic and Tails bond over how they know Longclaw in the film. The Reddit user explains that this is their favorite scene in the movie.
Knuckles has an American-like accent, not a British one.
Sonic encounters Tails on a run, but “freaks out” when he sees another alien creature like him. Sonic also freaks out when he sees that Tails can almost match his speed while running.
There is a funny scene of Sonic enjoying his alone time at home, even showing a montage of all the things that he shouldn’t do when Tom and Maddie are at home.
(Think of the montage scene from Home Alone (1990′s).
The Reddit user explains that Knuckles was exiled from the clan for freeing Longclaw as a prank with friends.
There is an artist in the movie that tries to draw Sonic. To Sonic’s discovery, he sees that the artist drew his 2019 design and plays “Gangster’s Paradise” on the radio.
The Reddit user states that they believe that this is the crew’s nod to the original design.
The Reddit user says that there were scenes in the movie that they felt like were more of a placeholder in the film. The reference to Gremlin Sonic being one of these scenes.
Tom and Maddie do go to Rachel and Randall’s wedding.
There are several action scenes, but the Reddit user explains that the most enjoyable ones are when Sonic and Tails fight Knuckles a couple of times.
And with the action scenes, there are many Quicksilver references that Sonic does as well.
On top of that, the Reddit user explains that each character has their own unique abilities. (For example, Sonic is associated with having powers cater to the element of lightning).
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Longclaw is alive in the film, but she’s aged and weak.
Longclaw sends Tails to Earth to retrieve Sonic due to her wanting him to safe.
Sonic stays at home on planet Earth, but is supplied with many rings to travel back and forth to visit Knuckles Tails, and Longclaw.
Sonic being a living chaos emerald could be true, but the Reddit user explains that an emerald was sealed inside of Sonic after being born.
Chaos emeralds are not referenced as “Chaos Emeralds” in the film, they were referenced as just “emeralds.”
However, the Reddit user does recap that there might be a name and they didn’t catch it.
Super Sonic is not referenced as “Super Sonic” in the film, but as something else.
Super Sonic can fly in the film and doesn’t need all seven Chaos Emeralds to go “super.”
Sonic references Tails as “Miles” a few times that they meet, but later gives him the nickname “Tails.”
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There is a post-credit scene. The Reddit user believes that it’s a heavy nod to Shadow the Hedgehog due to the there being multiple clones modeled like Sonic that G.U.N. has made.
Due to this post-credit scene, the Reddit user holds hopes that there will be a third movie soon.
As of now, the Reddit post is still available for you to read. The Reddit user is mindful of the NDA and purposely phrased some of their spoilers to be vague, but knows that their thread may be removed soon. I know that these may sound fake, however, there have been individuals in the past who have viewed the first film and proved to be right. Like many of you, I hope that this is a real but I will remain cautious. If these facts resurface as being false, let’s not attack the individual. The only that should matter is that we’re excited for the second film. Be mindful that they’re a human being as well. Treat others the way that you would like to be treated.
What are all of your thoughts so far of the film? Share your thoughts and opinions! And if you’ve spotted something that I’ve missed, please share with me! I’m very excited to know!
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jennsterjay · 3 years
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Wake up! 
SA2 Re:verse- The Last Scene
This is the last scene in my Sonic Adventure 2 Alternate Universe, titled SA2 Re:verse. This story follows the plot of Sonic Adventure 2, but with a focus on Knuckles the Echidna as the Ultimate Lifeform and Shadow the Hedgehog as the Last Guardian of the Master Emerald. Prologue: Shadow was raised by his uncle who was the last echidna and guardian of the Master Emerald. After befriending Sonic two years ago when he helped retrieve the master emerald from Eggman, he learned that he can rely on others and doesn't have to face his challenges alone. 50 years ago, Dr. Gerald Robotnik created Project Terra also known as Project Flora. From this, the Ultimate Lifeform Knuckles was created using Echidna and Black Doom's DNA. Knuckles honed his skills in controlling natural elements such as earth, plants, water, and other natural elements, as well as manipulating chaos energy. His most notable skill being the ability to heal others, which Gerald used and researched to help his granddaughter Maria from a rare and incurable illness. Aboard the Space Colony Ark, he found family in Gerald, Maria, and Rouge the Bat who was a former jewel thief turned G.U.N. scientist (with a focus on gem properties and flora and fauna studies) as well as a combat specialist. When the Space Colony Ark is raided when word gets out on Gerald's Experiments, Gerald is captured, telling the three to escape. Rouge, running behind Knuckles and Maria, chooses to face the guards head on so the other two can escape. Rouge is cornered and escapes through a cryogenic pod which freezes her in time as she lands on earth. Knuckles and Maria make it to two escape pods, but Maria is shot by a G.U.N soldier and Maria launches Knuckles pod before he has a chance to help her, and he hurtles towards Earth alone. Present: 50 years later Knuckles is woken up from his pod by Eggman who tells him Gerald was his great grandfather. He says he knows of Rouge's whereabouts and will help Knuckles achieve revenge for the Space Colony Ark's erasure from history. Sonic and Shadow especially are chased by GUN when word gets out that there is an Echidna wrecking havoc in the city and at different military bases. With GUN thinking that this is a coup planned by Shadow, Sonic and his friends are now thought to be ex-government criminals. Sonic follows a lead on a mysterious Bat girl who keeps stealing the Chaos Emeralds, and Shadow comes face to face with Knuckles. Shadow is stunned, telling Knuckles that all of the Echidna's are gone and that he is the last. He asks where he has been all this time, and offers to help him. Knuckles is distraught, saying he couldn't be the last and that by Shadow being the guardian of the master emerald, that he is an imposter and a faker. Shadow throughout the game, learns more about Knuckles through their fights, and tries to convince him to start healing from his past and that he can offer him a new future. After many side-battles, Rouge has taken most of the Chaos Emeralds, so Knuckles goes right to Angel Island to take the Master Emerald from Shadow. Its a close and intense battle, but Knuckles wins and tells Shadow to give up being a guardian because he was never strong enough to be, and if he pursues him it'll be over for him. Shadow refuses to accept this and tells Knuckles he wont give up, and despite everything he wont give up on Knuckles either. Sonic and the gang get to the Space Colony Ark and Shadow tells Sonic to get the Master Emerald from Rouge who is guarding it. Shadow is the one who will face Knuckles alone, because he feels he is the only one to understand him and get through to him. Sonic goes to Rouge and they battle. Sonic asks Rouge if this is really how her family wanted to be remembered and if this is what you really want for Knuckles? Rouge after a lot of back and forth, and Sonic saving her from falling off a ledge tells Sonic to protect her jewels (Knuckles and the Master Emerald). Sonic Promises. Elsewhere, Shadow skates down a long corridor until he reaches Knuckles, who seemed to be waiting for him. Shadow tells Knuckles being a guardian is who I am, and protecting the earth and all of it's creatures is what he does, and that if he doesn't believe his words, then he'll show with his actions that "I Am All of Me". Knuckles and him fight and Knuckles fights dirty and at one point throws him into a pod with a fake emerald, leading Shadow to his demise as he hurtles towards earth....or so he thought. Shadow uses Chaos Control using the fake emerald and reappears on the battle field with Knuckles. This pisses Knuckles off and they fight again all while Shadow convinces him that he can heal from his past and doesn't have to face the world alone. Shadow is about to lose the fight despite his best efforts, but right before Knuckles is about to end him, Shadow says even though Maria's not here anymore, she wanted him to be. And even if the world feels like your enemy, I am glad you exist, and you are here now with me. Knuckles punches the ground near Shadow's head and finally gives up, cries in Shadows' arms, and heals him. Later, Knuckles apologizes to Rouge and then they all get an announcement that the Space Colony Ark is going to hurtle towards the earth. They retrieve the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds and Knuckles transforms into Hyper Knuckles, while Sonic and Shadow transform into Super Sonic and Super Shadow. Knuckles and Shadow Fight the Biolizard, while Sonic tries to slow the Ark's descent by pushing it back. Knuckles and Shadow are about to deal the final blow, but the Biolizard rapidly creates what appears to be a massive chaos energy spirit bomb aimed right at Knuckles and Shadow. With no time to run or react, Knuckles and Shadow are toast until Sonic jumps in the way to shield them both and take the hit. Sonic is de-supered and hurtles towards the Earth. At the last minute, Rouge flies out there and catches him and thanks him for keeping his promise. Sonic makes a joke and laughs. Finally Knuckles and Shadow give the Biolizard the final blow, and with low energy they struggle to stop the space colony ark from entering Earth's gravitational pull. They both know this is the moment where they might not make it unless someone sacrifices themselves. Shadow is about to do it but Knuckles tells Shadow thank you for not giving up, the world needs a guardian, and to take care of Rouge for me. He pushes Shadow out of the way, and blasts the ark back all on his own, then de-hypers and falls, hurtling towards the Earth. Shadow uses his last remaining energy to catch him, tells him "I promised you a future, so for you to throw it all away, that's not gonna happen", and heals Knuckles all the way until Knuckles is back in his hyper form. Shadow hurtles towards the earth, and Knuckles catches him saying expletives and starts to panic. He tells Rouge to gather the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald because Shadow isn't moving. He flies all the way to the space colony ark from earth's atmosphere and rushes through the gates and chaos controls until he gets to the main hub where everyone is waiting and worried. He sets Shadow down carefully near the abundance of Chaos Energy around him. Rouge listens to Shadow's heart and looks concerned back at Knuckles. Knuckles looks back at Shadow who has his eyes closed, looking like the most at peace person in the entire room and Knuckles refuses to let this be the end for him. He carefully picks Shadow up in his arms, and has a flashback of an old memory of watching Disney's 1959 animated movie, Sleeping Beauty. Maria was watching it with him and told him one day she wishes to find someone who makes her feel special, and one day she hopes Knuckles finds someone who makes him feel special too. Knuckles holds Shadow's face in his hand, with his other hand on Shadow's back. And Knuckles says: "You saved me, your friends, and the entire Earth, and you barely even know me. I don't think it's fair to take a nap when all your friends are waiting...and I'm waiting. I guess you could say, I've been waiting for someone like you this entire time. So sorry, if this is forward Shadow, but I'm not letting you die without me" Then Knuckles kisses Shadow and heals him, and slowly Shadow takes in all the chaos energy, and his fur and quills turn golden once again. Shadow wakes up and looks into Knuckles eyes. "Did we win?" Shadow asks. Knuckles laughs and tears up. "Yeah, we won" Knuckles smiles. Everyone cheers and hugs Shadow, and Knuckles too, and celebrates living another day in a limitless future, where even the hardest memories can become treasured things, and your present can be what you make it to be. Sonic Adventure 2: Re:verse -------------------------------- Artist/Author Notes: -Knuckles outfit is based on his SA2 Goth Alternate outfit, the same is for Rouge -The red streaks on Shadow's quills are echidna war paint
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