#and the thought of putting effort into doing something thats supposed to be fun
pikkish · 1 year
apologies for the lack of art n stuff here lately, folks, i have just not had the motivation to draw lately 😔
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steelycunt · 1 month
sorry if you’ve answered this i’m new to your blog 😓 i absolutely adore your writing and am in awe of not only your prose but how you write dialogue??? do you have any tips for writing dialogue? you genuinely make it sound so natural
hi love!! thank you so much!! writing dialogue is super fun for me so this is a lovely lovely compliment : ^ )) in terms of tips:
the biggest and simplest one i can think of is to say the dialogue to yourself. you might not speak the way your characters do but in terms of making the dialogue sound natural the best place to start is to write it the way you would say whatever it is youre trying to convey! because at least then its piece of dialogue that sounds something at least one person in the world would say, instead of something that no one would say. any alterations you need to make for it to fit the character can then go after : ^ )
people do not generally talk in clean sentences! obviously theres a balance to be struck between making it believable and making it readable but most people when they speak will at some point stutter or repeat words or use fillers like um or er or uh or start a thought one way and break off to finish it in another or not finish it at all, especially when they are talking about something that is uncomfortable or difficult. putting a bit of that in your dialogue is an easy way to make it sound more natural and also great for distinguishing between characters who may be more nervous/particular about the way they word things and thus more likely to stutter or reword sentences halfway through and those who may be more confident/less worried about how their words are received and so might not chop their sentences up as much.
i suppose this one is a bit particular depending on where you're from and where your characters are from but making an effort to use different slang and word choices for characters who are from different places gives them a more distinct voice! i love to use british slang in my writing i think we have such great slang and it helps ground the characters in their setting a bit, but at the same time a character from london does not sound the same as a character from yorkshire or from glasgow or from swansea. characters from different backgrounds (e.g. class) generally speak differently + the more you can incorporate that the more authentic their dialogue will be and the less they'll all sound the same : ^ ) it can be jarring when characters who are supposedly from all over all seem to speak in general American-Internet talk...no british person speaks like an american!! Do not let the internet turn you into an American!!
lastly + in a similar vein i think the biggest thing that i find makes dialogue seem unnatural in stuff i read is like. the tendency to write characters talking as if theyve just graduated from the Tumblr School of Unproblematic Discourse so as to make them seem 'unproblematic' (a whole other issue within itself) regardless of their background or setting or the fact that nobody speaks like that. I've read characters particularly around the issue of like sexuality and identity talk in these paragraphs that are so stilted (and frankly cringy!) that they read as if theyve been word for word lifted from some long tumblr discourse post on the topic. they all use the very latest and most unproblematic language and repeat phrases like they are talking in tweets or a 2014 tumblr be gay do crime 20k note textpost. people just do not speak like that and they do not need to!! they do not need to speak like a tumblr textpost to be unproblematic. they also do not need to be unproblematic at all. i think this links back to the first bullet point really in that if it does not sound like speech you can imagine anyone actually saying, out loud, off the top of their heads, its probably because they wouldnt and you're better off conveying that sentiment in a more casual way. Do not let the internet turn you into the internet!!!
thats all i tend to bear in mind myself when writing dialogue i think!! sorry for rambling but hopefully something in there might be useful for you : ^ ))
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Random thoughs on Sebastian LaCroix’s accent
Something I’ve always found odd is that Sebastian LaCroix is supposed to be French but talks with a English accent. I assume that when he learned English  he probably learned British-English, due to the proximity of England and France, but even so he would have started out speaking  with some sort of  French accent. I’m not sure how losing accents works when your a ~ 200 year old vampire, but I have this idea in my head that LaCroix would be the kind of person who would purposely put a lot of effort into changing their accents if they thought it would make them more respected in some way. Mostly this is because even when his mask of composure is slipping while obsessing over the sarcophagus his accent never falters. Not sure why he thought that sounding English specifically ( google tells me that Received Pronunciation is what an upper class English accent is so thats what i’m going with) gave him some sort of status that a French accent didn’t when speaking English. Part of the reason I find this odd is that France and England historically hate each other and this was probably was more pronounced back in 1815  and LaCroix don’t seem ashamed about being French.
P.S. I realize that the out of game explanation is probably something boring  such as his voice actor Andy Milder, who does an AMAZING job and that can’t be stated enough, couldn’t do a French accent (Google says Rive Gauche is what an upper class French accent is called) or it was determined that players would associate an English accent more with with the upper class “aristocrat airs” they were going for. I just find it fun to think about why in game lore reasons. 
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Can't believe I'm saying it.
But catch match? Mk legends cage match?
Looks hella fire.
Never thought a johnny cage spin off animation movie that has no ties to any canon lore really. Would be better than the games rn.
Hell anything looks better than the new game.
I'm looking forward to cage match.
If not for johnny. For the late gilbert godfrey. R.i.p.
I heard he recorded lines for this movie. And it was supposed to be released way earlier. But they cut back. And it shows in their work.
They actually put effort n passion in it.
But its sad. That it has to be a movie about johnny cage for them to fucking give a shit.
I love johnny cage but yeah. If they put as much love n effort in the animation and story as they are doing with cage match as they did with the other legends movies. I would have been over the moon.
The games could never. Nrs could never.
But i think they treated each mk legends movies as separate. Like all of them are separate from each other. Not connected at all.
And you know what? Thats great.
I would rather keep it that way.
But yeah. Can't believe a fucking johnny cage animated movie spin off is better than any other mortal kombat crap we are getting lately.
i hope cage match blows that shit game out the water n kills it,kills it dead,fatality bitch. Mk1? No bro. Cage match.
I never prayed so hard for a game to fail.
Dude the animation and trailer alone sells me more than the game. Because why?
Because this beautiful animation movie seems to not take itself so seriously,it's fun,and it's not trying to be something its not.
It's actually leaning into the campy cheese that is mortal kombat and is having fun.
That's why i feel this movie is already 10000× better than the new mortal kombat game.
It's johnny cage. If you fuck up johnny cage. It's bad. (Unfortunately devs,and a certain demographic(white nerdy cis boys)tend to project hard onto johnny. No offense but its true. Johnny aint no reddit douchebag. So nrs better take notes.)
Also the best thing?!
Just johnny being a manwhore
I mean being an epic superstar dork.
(Ngl....he looks good af.....that's johnny cage to me. So far i like what im seeing. But we'll see. Finger crossed they dont screw him up again! They might redeem themselves for the animation movies)
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bphantom01 · 1 year
ARC - V Month Day 8 - The Regular- ah, Standard Show
Late post again! Sry, @arcvmonth!
A/N: Man im not sure how this turned out exactly, but I'm quite fine with it.
I wrote this before the day but didn't finish it lol. I did now and this is more just a Yuya/Yuzu kidfic (where they're kids. Thats what kidfic stands for right?) rlly with some random things here and there... But yeah.
(For the song mentioned, the beat & tune is from the one made by Sleeping at Last btw! Just look up [the song title] by Sleeping at Last. If u want a diff tempo tho its ok)
Oh, word count is just 2k in average. And Yuya & Yuzu r 'round 11 here.
Pairings: Yuya/Yuzu
Warnings: None. Just some mentions of getting bullied if that counts
Yuya sat at the part of Maiami that overlooks its huge stadium—the place he always goes when he’s sad or wants to go away to a place away from people.
What happened this time is something more mature people would consider ridiculous… for the first part, anyway.
Today, he saw a group of kids climbing a tree together with Yuzu and Gongenzaka as they went home from school.
Little Yuya wanted to try climbing the tree himself, ignoring Yuzu and Gongenzaka’s protests and warnings because he wanted to try what the other kids were doing.
This… did not end well.
The other kids wanted the tree for themselves and as a result, they dueled for it, and Yuya lost greatly.
What was worse, they made fun of his dad, reminding him of how he was a coward because he didn’t show up to his duel against Strong Ishijima.
Now, Yuya didn’t like that they said that and got into a physical fight with them. Gong helped out, and so did Yuzu, but at some point he couldn’t handle it—the painful reminder of his dad, not the fight—anymore and just… ran.
The kids called him a coward too for doing so. It hurt, though they were right… The truth always hurts, as people’d say.
So what was supposed to be just him wanting to climb a tree had turned into a remembrance about his dad.
It’s always his dad, huh…
‘They didn’t need to remind me that…’ Yuya thought, looking at the sunset through his goggles, which was filled with quite a lot of tears.
“Yuya!” Yuzu’s voice echoed from behind him.
He quickly took his goggles off, dropped the water from them, and wiped his eyes.
“Yuya…” He heard the relief clear in Yuzu’s voice. Turning around, he saw Yuzu happily running up to him, her little pink dress a bit dirtied from all the pushing earlier.
Yuya gave her a smile—although it was fake—to hopefully give her some more relief. “Hi…”
“You just ran off!” she scolded through panting breaths as she stopped beside him. “I’m sorry for saying this, but that was very chicken of you!”
Yuya frowned. “I know…” he muttered lowly. “I didn’t mean to…”
He felt his heart starting to throb again. His eyes also swelled as if tears were to come out any minute. He clenched his fists.
“You shouldn’t have started that fight,” Yuzu went on more gently, sitting behind him. “They were trying to make you angrier on purpose, you know that.”
“They called my dad a coward…” Yuya’s breathing became quick again, but he tried to stop it—tried to tell himself not to cry, to keep that feeling of sadness from oozing out of him. “I wished I had been better—better at dueling, better at fighting…!”
But no one can keep such a feeling to themselves forever. And when your body and mind feels like it really needs to, that feeling will come anyway despite one’s efforts to hold it in.
He put on his goggles again and pulled his knees to himself to hug them.
He then buried his face there to hide it from Yuzu as he continued to cry.
That feeling was too much. It had grown too big to just keep it in now, and for some reason, it thought to let itself show now.
It’s so stupid, Yuya thought, rubbing his fingers together and curling his little toes in his little shoes.
He then hugged himself tighter.
“Why’s there people l-like this…? Why can’t they just…” he tried to speak, his breaths and voice shaky. “Disappear, and though I dont want to think bad of other people: be gone?”
“Yuya, those kinds of people will always exist…” Yuzu muttered. ”We can't really do much about them.”
That didn't seem to work, though.
He continued to sob, shaking his head. Great, his snot was starting to go out. He wiped it off with his shirt-jacket.
Yuzu just watched him, not really knowing what to do to calm her best friend down.
She looked out to the sunset as if it’d help in any way.
Of course, the sun isn’t exactly gonna help calm Yuya down, but… it made her remember.
Remember this one, specific, certain little song.
It’s helped her feel better during the times she herself was down, and there won’t be any shame in sharing or trying it with Yuya now, right?
And with a hum of the beginning, she began…
It's a world of laughter, a world of tears…
She closed her eyes.
It's a world of hopes, and a world of fears
She heard Yuya stop sobbing for a bit. Probably wondering why she just started to sing.
There's so much that we share,
It's time we're aware,
Pausing for a bit, Yuzu observed the landscape in front of them, how the sun’s light shone beautifully off the glass dome of the stadium.
She then sang the last lyrics of the stanza.
It's a small world after all…
She then got up and put her feet at the bottom bar of the hand rail and her arms atop it.
There is just one moon and one golden sun,
Yuzu looked up at the horizon, trailing her eyes to the setting sun.
And a smile means friendship to everyone…
Before smiling, as this line reminded her of Yuya’s cool smile philosophy.
Though the mountains divide, and the oceans are wide,
She traced the outline of the bridge and stadium with her little index finger,
It's a small world after all~
until she reached the conclusion.
She then just sang from there, not noticing how Yuya had already removed his goggles, now just dangling on his neck, and smiled at her.
It's a small world af~ter all,
It's a small world after all…!
It's a small world after all,
It's a small, small world…
She hummed the instrumental.
As she did, Yuya went and joined her by the rail, also watching what was left of the sun’s summit on the horizon.
This surprised the former, although she liked it.
It's a world of laughter, a world of tears,
A world of hopes, and a world of fears,
She likes how her plan actually… worked on Yuya.
And for some reason, he sang the next few lines with her.
There's so much that we share
It's time we're aware
It's a small world after all
(Yuzu) There is just one moon (Yuya) and one golden sun,
And a smile means friendship to everyone…
Yuya giggled a little while singing this part, and Yuzu couldn’t help but smile as well.
(Both) Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide,
(Yuzu) It's a small, small world.
(Yuya) It's a small world after all,
(Yuzu) It's a small world after all,
(Yuya) It's a small world after all,
And now they just raced on who’s gonna sing next
It's a small, small world.
They giggled at themselves and went off the railing.
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small world after all,
It's a small, small world…
They faced each other and held the other’s hands in their own.
(Yuya) It's a world of laughter, (Yuzu) a world of tears…
She looked down.
A world of hopes, (Yuya) and a world of fears
Yuya gave her another sweet smile. “Let’s sing the last parts together…”
There's so much that we share,
It's time we're aware,
It's a small world after all~
For a few moments after this, the two just sat there for a while, sitting down there behind the green handrail.
They relished in the salty scent of the sea brought about by the cool breeze that brushed past them, as well as the glow of the sun setting yonder.
It was a nice, peaceful moment. And the realization that it's just the two of them here made the experience even more amazing.
Finally, Yuya felt a bit of… True, solemn tranquility within his heart and mind.
“Yuzu,” he began, listening to some far away squacks by some seagulls, “why'd you sing that song to me?”
“Oh, silly…” she laughed, “it was… To make you feel better, ya know?”
She looked towards him. “I know I yelled at you, but I also know that that alone won't make you feel better. And I didn't know how else to help calm you down, and I thought that the song helped me calm down… So maybe it will calm you, too.”
To be frank, the song actually did help calm him.
And he was grateful for it, for if it weren't for his precious friend and her soothing song, who knows how long he would've stayed where he was — just dwelling on those awful thoughts and events.
He turned to Yuzu, observing her happy, serene expression as she looked towards the stadium.
“Who knows, Yuya,” she started out of the blue. “Maybe someday, you'll be able to avenge your dad and defeat his annoying opponent.”
“You're right.” He stood up. “You know? I'm gonna do it—one day. Not today yet, but at some point in the future. Soon enough!”
Yuzu giggled and stood next to him as well. “I'll be looking forward to that day, Yuya. But for now, learn to defeat me and Gong first! If you can't, you probably will never survive even just a minute with the guy!”
“Don't worry, Yuzu. I will!” He gave her a determined smile. “I will do my best!”
Later, they met up with Gong again. For some reason, they decided to try and climb a different tree anyway, as Yuya so desired.
To a nearby hill they went as quickly as they could so as to go home before it gets too dark.
And when they got to their preferred tree, Yuya scaled it at once and, when he reached the top, was rewarded with the perfect, small view of Maiami.
Some buildings had their lights turned on already as night was approaching fast, and it was… Really nice to see the nice orange-pink-blue contrast of the sky above them combined with said buildings and other structures.
When they climbed down, he fell at some point, but… He was fine with it (even though it did, in fact, leave him with some bruises and scars).
It was just four feet anyway.
He got scolded by Yoko a lot when he got home, of course, and he took it to himself to listen to her.
And when he was finally in bed, he smiled remembering the stuff that happened that day.
Sure, there was that, but then again, good things can't happen without bad things, and the same vise-versa. How will something be considered good if there is no bad?
And as Yuzu had sung, this world…
It was one of laughter, as well as tears… A world full of hope, but also fear.
And those things do coexist.
But yeah. He got to climb the tree too, that was fun.
He raised his hand to glance at the bandaged scars he got and giggled. They were just a small price to pay for such an amazing view.
And that thing he talked about with Yuzu… How, one day, he'll beat his dad's annoying opponent. And Gong and… her, too, of course.
Maybe even, he hopes, beat his own dad…
He just knows it.
Turning to his headboard, he picked up his pendulum and made it sway. Back and forth it did.
Yep. One day, things will swing his way…
He exhaled happily. One day. There will be a day for all those one day. Not now, but soon.
But for now, what he needed to do was sleep.
And, looking at his glowing stars and duel monsters scattered across his dark ceiling one last time, that's what he decided to do. Of course, he put his pendulum back onto his headboard gently first.
It didn't take long for him to fall into deep slumber.
Ending A/N: kinda just wanted to find an excuse for Yuzu to sing 'It's a Small World' to Yuya :P
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
listen honestly woo pissed me off so bad this chapter. the way he defended yeosang and hit mc with the “he didn’t do anything wrong” i’m just like “you KNOW what he did, she cried to you about it idk how many times!! like is he playing dumb?” you like yeosang that much that you’d throw away a friendship like that? you only knew him for a week!! (i know it was longer but still 🙄)
and i know it’s their personality but idk why the first thing he isn’t trying to do is apologize to her. i feel like she genuinely deserves that but ig it’d feel like he’s apologizing for being with yeosang which is something he isn’t sorry for but at that point i’d fight bc what happened for y’all to fall that hard so fast you’d do your best friend like that?? we’d be fighting. it was definitely unfair and a cop out to throw it in her face how she lied to him and use that as justification bc she had apologized already and was even making an effort to not to do that again so idk where the hell he got off thinking it was his turn
and thinking about it now in the past ten chapters no one’s truly apologized to this girl after the bs they have put her through. and then have the nerve to try and feel sorry but never outright just say “i’m sorry for..” like i would be losing it
nono when he said "he didn't do anything wrong" he was referring to present time and the way yn was treating him in that moment, obv wy knows what ys did wrong otherwise he wouldn't have been hiding their relationship.
and wooyoung's first instinct WAS to apologize but the more yn was hostile the more he started giving her the same treatment as thats how they were when they were kids like they're both extremely explosive and when they go against each other like this it always brings out the worst in one another bc they're so similar. in chp 2 i think she even describes wy as being the only one who can keep up with her in that scenario and says he knows how to be even worse than her (meaning more cruel when the two of them get into it). the only difference is that after they become friends, yn always repeats to herself how she couldnt do or say anything to hurt wy which is why she held back so many times in the past but wy didn't do the same thing for her and i think besides the lying that's the thing that will hurt the most for her. that people who she always holds herself back from hurting when she's angry don't seem to be doing the same for her. which is heartbreaking...yeah 😭 and he's gonna hate himself for it (he already does)
besides that, he'll never be sorry for being in a relationship with ys bc that would make yeo feel like shit as well no? he's only sorry for lying and hiding stuff from yn and now for throwing san in her face like that.
your last paragraph got me thinking a little bit...bc i have never even thought of writing any of these characters to be nicer to her in the moments when they're supposed to be 'mean' no matter how bad they might seem. i guess what makes people think they can be unapologetically cruel to her is because she is cruel herself so they think she can handle it and that she won't even be thinking too much about it bc she's just in her own little world which is obviously wrong and she's a lot softer than she lets on and she was from the start. wy obviously knows better than that but san, mingi, hwa, her parents, jennie and the rest of those girls they all think she can handle it bc of the cold, untouchable and sometimes simply mean attitude that she carries herself with.
thanks for this message by the way, it's really fun to discuss like this with you guys <3
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Hi chapter thoughts here I probably will still break this up tho :)
First vision. I think his plan is probably to “expose” wanda and reader to yelena or something maybe take a picture of them together. But to be honest I don’t think it’s gonna have the desired effect because i think the two of them genuinely will end up together anyway so trying to hurt reader by breaking their current relationship is more like a blessing in disguise. (Started with this cos it was quick and we all know everything else is super long so get ready)
I already touched on it briefly but once again Wanda’s character growth and maturity. The way you write her development especially the therapy sessions continues to amaze me. Its not rushed to fit the pace of anything else its completely raw and i just love what you’ve done with it.
The sex thing. Oh boy. “You can tell its been longer than yelena inteded” thats just so awkward. I kinda feel bad for her but was also slightly amused by the situation if not a little second hand embarrassment but yeah I mean i get it you had a dream of a top 10 experience with your ex wife who had lots of time to learn what you like and stuff and then woke up and its the wrong person uh down there.
Past Wanda’s present. If thats not the sweetest god damn thing. Correct me if i got this wrong but she managed to track down the actual one from readers past not a new copy but the original one. The time and effort that must have taken is insane like I genuinely can’t put into words the feels i got from this part (where can i find me a wanda). And its such an amazing gift not only for the sentimental value and what it means to reader but it shows how much she truly loves them and also actually listens to what they say and pay attention. Very sweet 10/10 loved it.
THANK YOU CLINT. Im so happy he mentioned seeing wanda having been to a therapist and a substance abuse specialist. I hope it plants seeds in readers mind even though they immediately denied it (i see them protecting her reputation they care) im hoping they connect the dots because agatha was dropping hints earlier and they had to bring her home when she was drunk but i have a feeling they’re gonna be oblivious 💀.
Yikes Yelena dropping reader in it by saying they’ve seen Wanda recently in front of Nat. She knows what shes doing. The talk with Nat went about as well as I expected and its a very sucky thing to happen on your birthday (thanks yelena). I do see Nat’s point and if I was her I would probably act the same way but if I was reader (which I guess i am?) i would be slightly frustrated because she’s not considering it from reader’s perspective shes seeing it from the point of Yelena’s big sister which I completely understand but she’s supposed to be reader’s best friend. Sometimes our friends make decisions we don’t agree with but all you can do is advise them and support whatever decision they make. It seems that Nat is giving the advice but isn’t willing to give the support if a different decision is made which i completely understand it is her sister its still a bit sad. Its true what they say sometimes friendship breakups or fights hurt way more than romantic ones.
Agatha is still such a good friend and a great character we love her.
Okay so I thought i would cover everything i wanted in 2 posts but it might be more so up next reader and their mom, reader and yelena, the present, yelenas speech and of course reader and wanda
Vision - It's got nothing to do with Yelena. And he's got everything to gain from it. Chapter 14 will immediately get to that.
The sex thing - I think I write awkward sex better than normal sex lol. I actually had fun writing that scene.
Past Wanda’s present. If thats not the sweetest god damn thing. Correct me if i got this wrong but she managed to track down the actual one from readers past not a new copy but the original one. - Yes. She tracked the original, the one that R's mom accidentally donated away. While Yelena got her a fresh copy of the same puzzle because she thought the one framed is worn down.
Natasha - She's very anti "getting back with your ex wife". I think she's looking at it from her own experience. Her own thing with Bruce never worked out. They were very on and off, and she finally managed to crawl out of that cycle and thinks that it's a similar situation with R and she can be strong enough to do the same.
Keep them coming :D
It's going to be a week before I post chapter 14.. but who knows.. so better send them all in before then lol
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Hey, so I’m considering starting to post fanfiction (I’m thinking mainly HotD) on a sideblog. Do you have any advice? Your stuff is really good AND consistent (I made the mistake of reading Unturned Stones on my lunch break, and that took me out for a few minutes, like the angst??? And the prose???And how you wrote Dream?? so thanks for that), so I figured you would be a good person to ask? No pressure though, and have a good day/night!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
That would be my advice. just start and write what you like and what feels right. write something that interests you, even if its weird and niche and caters to your very specific fandom needs. Dont do something just cuz you think other people will like.
this second one is not necessarily advice but a heads up. ive had fics where i loved writing it and worked really hard for it but people didn't interact with that much. ive also had fics that were just brain farts yet people ate them up like chocolate eclairs. im not gonna lie to you, its a bummer when the fics you really love dont do as well as those you might not have put as much thought or effort into, but thats the nature of fics. you need to find gratification in the writing itself and hopefully you will.
I'm honored you think my stuff is so good and consistent. Though with consistency BSJSBSHSHSB you mean characterization right? AHAHAHAH cos my updates are not lololol. If youre worried about not writing a character well, just act like what youre writing is canon. I feel like if you like a character, you'll know them well enough to be able to make the call of what they would and wouldn't do. if not, do research! We all do it. No shame no fuss. But also don't feel pressured to consume every little thing about them. Fics aren't assignments, its supposed to be fun.
Also its so funny to me that you're planning to write about hotd but you also like dream and used my fic of him as a reference. Actually its not funny its so great!!!!! I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE THAT TOO. Im glad it took you out, albeit at a wrong time i hope you enjoyed your lunch still. i was so scared no one would get it tbh 😭😭😭😭
I wish you nothing but the best darling. I'd love to get read your fics esp if theyre about daemon 👹👹👹👹
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red-velvet-0w0 · 9 days
long ass chaotic unstructured vent post about my ex be warned
(also if your one of my IRLs who also knows her. like i wont stop you from reading this but i dont want you to have your view of this person tainted by my bad experiences with them) (just like if you do decide to read through this be aware that everything here is more of a rant about a bad relationship rather than a personal attack on the person herself)
(also if you are my ex (because i know you know my tumblr and look through my blog every once and a while) definitely do not read this post)
There were so many problems with our relationship. like i can see that now, although i could see a lot of the cracks at the time i just assumed it was something we could work through, something we could fix. I suppose that a lot of the blame does lay on me for never actualy talking to her about it all but at the time i was so scared that confronting her about any of it would just start another fight and now despite promising that we could still be friends after it all ended i can barely stand to be around her for long enough to talk about it
Because like for so many years before we started dating she was everything to me. its a bad habit that i have where i basicaly just hyperfixate on one person and center my life around them. but usualy its only for a little while. for her it was years. she was my entire world for me. i would do anything for her.
and when we started dating i was so happy. the person who i had loved and admired and crushed on FOR YEARS actualy liked me back. i felt lovable. it was right after i had come out as trans too, and it finaly felt like all of my goals in life were achievable. like i could actualy have a future after so long of feeling like the only hope for me was to die before my life could get any worse. for a second i really thought things were starting to get better
The first problem that I noticed in our relationship was when it finaly sank in to me that she didnt love me in the same way i loved her. like she clearly liked me and thought i was cute but fuck sometimes it really just felt like i was just some pet to her. like i was this cute little thing thats fun to have around but isnt on the same level as you.
and she never understood me either. Like she was neurodivergent too and youd think she would understand how different people think and act in different ways but she never even tried to understand my ADHD. she just acted like it was another problem for me to fix.
before we started dating she would always joked that she like the idea of "I could fix him" where she liked the idea of fixing a broken person as a form of intimacy, that that was appealing to her. and at the time i saw it as a cute, sweet thing. you know. just like wanting to help people.
BUT NO. for our entire relationship i was never good enough for her. I was always broken or needed fixing. and at first it was the simple stuff. "oh i want you to take better care of yourself" "can you try spending more time with other people" "try to be healthier". and even that came with its own problems. i would change everything about how i lived for her and christ knows it wasnt easy and what did she do? nothing. she never even thanked me for changing myself for her. never agknoleged the effort i had put in. just gave me a new thing that she was dissapointed in me for that i needed to fix
AND THEN SHE STARTED TRYING TO FIX ALL THE WAYS I WASNT EVEN BROKEN. according to her "my style wasnt good enough" and i had to dress more like her. or how i didnt act how i should. like i was some fucking barbie doll she could dress up and mold into whatever she wanted me to be. because she was "always right". she never even questioned if what she wanted was what was best for me. she just "KNEW" she was doing what was "best" for me and that i was just being stubborn
And that just brings us into the absolute MESS that was our communication.
I have always been bad at communicating my thoughts I know. Its like my brain is in a different language and when i try to translate all those words into english i just dont have the right way to say it, or like every way i try something just gets lost in communication. BUT SHE NEVER TRIED TO UNDERSTAND. she would never be patient with me. NOOOOOO because she was perfectly able to speak with ease, that just meant I wasnt trying hard enough.
and dont even get me started on our fights. what would always happen is that I would say something wrong, or misspeak, or use some sarcasm or make a joke she didnt pick up on, and then she would be furious. she would always DEMAND explanations and apologies. and I never argued back, or stretched out the arguments. I was always the one apologising, or explaining myself, and it was just never good enough for her. she just kept arguing over and over again about how i had hurt her feelings by mispeaking and wanted a better apology, or never thought that my apologies were genuine enough. I was always comforting her and she never even bothered to meet me halfway.
or whenever she was sad i was always the one offering my condolences, trying to boost her spirit, trying to make her feel better. because i loved her and i cared for her so much. and when it came to me she never cared when i was sad. never tried to make me feel better. she always just told me how to fix the problem and got mad about the fact i hadnt fixed it myself first
and like
i know in the end we agreed to be friends
but at the same time i kinda hate her so bad right now
im not sure if i can.
idk if i should actualy try to fully cut ties with her after everything? or maybe i should just finaly talk to her about how she actualy really hurt me with our relationship?
i dont know and really dont want to do either. whatever. ive said what ive needed to say
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cyber-ii3 · 1 year
today I'm mad at jace and Connor. Lately ive been reaching my wits end with them because i havent been liking the way they've been treating me, but i think i was pushed over the edge when Connor started being mean to my boyfriend. Earlier I asked Connor why he wasn’t including my boyfriend in our group calls and he was extremely rude by saying he didnt want him there and that he didnt want to talk to him. I thought they had a good relationship because they were having a good conversation at the party and my boyfriend thinks really highly of Connor so I felt really hurt when i realized that those feelings weren't reciprocated. I really wanted my friends to make an effort to be nice to my boyfriend but lately it feels like they've been shitting on him. Robert and Connor keep telling me my boyfriend is gay or is a twink and they keep making gay jokes about it but its making me uncomfortable. Every time i get mad they just laugh at me and its been really making me mad and sad for my poor boyfriend who has been trying really hard to be their friends. I really hate how they disrespect them like that and ive been expressing how irritated at Connor i am but jace is getting defensive. It makes me mad because they agree with everything Connor says, but when I insult Connor, jace gets mad at me. Its so hypocritical and I'm honestly just done and put up with their double standards. I also cant handle jace’s outbursts anymore. When theyre mad, they take it out on everyone around them, including me, and they never apologize for it. One day, I noticed jace was stressed at work so I asked how they were feeling and they told me to shut up and never ask them a stupid ass question like that ever again. It really hurt my feelings because I was really worried about them, and I know they were stressed but I didnt do anything to them. Even if they were stressed, they were treating their boyfriend kindly and even laughing with him. If you’re so stressed why can you offer connor a bit of kindness and not me? I thought we were suppose to be friends. Thats why I removed jace off of my spam. Im slowly trying to put distance between us because we still work together and I know its gonna be awkward but im just tired of feeling like I did something wrong or being used as a human punching bag. Even now, after I removed jace from my rant account, they immediately messaged me and they were angry. They accused me of venting about them when I wasnt. All I did was post that I didnt like how people were purposely trying to piss me off. The messages they sent made me feel extremely sad and guilty and i ended up ranting to my boyfriend about how sad I feel and I dont want to put that on him. Dealing with jace can be really exhausting and I hate how they put their boyfriends feelings first in front of everyone elses even if he started the fight. I overall just feel extremely sad that if its between me and connor, jace no longer sees me as a friend but as an enemy. Im more upset that jace always takes out their anger on me. They never snap at chloe or Mishi, its always me. I dont understand. Why is it always me that does something wrong? Is it because Jace knows I wont leave even if they hurt my feelings? Im tired of it. All I need is my boyfriend. I wish I could stay friends with mishi and chlo without having to talk to Jace. Im so upset that things turned out this way I even want to cry. I have feelings too. I cant just laugh everything off. I am especially hurt if you make fun of someone I love and care about so much. Im gonna take a break from instagram. 
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trikanoid · 1 year
My thoughts during the final palace and after finishing the final palace in Persona 5 Royal
Be warned, there are spoilers ahead
i cant believe the supposed “bad” or not true ending of persona 5 royal is not actually the correct ending
it seems so happy and perfect with how it looks, most games would consider that the true ending but ig coz the games theme is rebelling against an unjust society and the sorts, it wouldnt be right for marukis world to be real, they even voice acted it and put so much effort into an ending that would usually be avoided if u wanted to finish the game, god damn p5r is written pretty well
and once i beat the final palace, i pre much have 100% achievements and moving onto p3p 🤔 and then probs after playing thru p3p twice to get 100% achievements, ill be replaying p4g
even crazier is that jokers teammates dont actually notice anything about the world they were given, only joker and akechi notice or know about it but joker is just praying that the ending chosen was a good ending
and then i can kinda understand marukis ending coz like a world where no one gets hurt. in marukis palace theres a part where u answer a questionnaire or multiple and one question where it had something to do with ur goals with the answers being “continue trying to reach ur goal”, “do whatever it takes to reach ur goal” or “give up and move onto a new goal/dream” actually made me realise that i usually take the easy way out in most things 😢 its kinda sad, id go for the final option and usually give up and move onto another dream/goal, which also explains why i never get addicted to have anything im rly passionate about since ill just give up when i hit a slump or just cannot progress aaaaaaaa p5r is so good
but the biggest problem with marukis ending is that ur happiness is just given to u, u dont think at all, uve got one singular path laid out for u to follow and while i find that decent and nice, its also rly fun and nice to struggle and come out on top, tho for me i usually only do those things for simpler activities such as coding, im fine with struggling with figuring out how to code something coz at the end its just so satisfying to figure it out and make it work, but at the same time, i wouldnt mind a path laid out for me since im the type of person to go with the flow and follow alongside others, but im also pretty neutral so while idm it, id also not like it and would like a path that makes me want to struggle and want me to reach my goals/dreams 🤔 aaaaaa theres so much to think about
tbh never thought a game would make me wanna type this much about it but after reading the comments of the “bad” ending, it got me wanting to share my own opinions but didnt wanna do it in the yt comments
like no cap if marukis reality were real, it would be great coz it means ur friends who suicided would come back, cats and dogs would live longer, etc and then i could have my best friend who suicided come back to life and while thats great and all itll also mean the struggles of coping with his death would disappear, it would mean id spend less time trying to catch up with ppl, thanking ppl for talking with me, letting ppl know i cared and id go back to the person whod disappear every once in a while, never thanking anyone for games, never thanking anyone for anything and making people question whether i rly found it fun to hang out with them or whether i cared about them much, so much to think about 💀 but i can genuinely understand where maruki is coming from where he doesnt want anyone to be hurt since id like the same 😢
he truly is the goodest bad guy
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lazycheesecakeee · 2 years
Lovers in games
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Pairing: Lee Hyunjae x reader, *sorry fo the implications I put on Sunwoo it was just for the plot*
Genre: SMUT, angst, even fluff if you squint
Warnings: the usual- smut, curse words, implied cheating, my writing???, not edited enough I suppose
Word count: 5.1 K
"I know you're hurt, even if act nonchalant sweetheart" He says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
The fucking audacity.
"How observant you are" you roll your eyes. But the stinging and bitterness in your heart were very much there, as you watched the party unfold, even if you looked through everyone, rather than at something.
Hyunjae chooses to shut his annoying mouth for a little, opting to pour you another glass of whatever concoction of cheap alcohol was served. He hands it to you, but the look in his eyes as you made eye contact does nothing but piss you off even more. Not that you weren't already angry.
"Stop looking at me like that" you shoot him a glare.
"Like what?"
"You know like what."
"No I don't. Enlighten me."
"Like you pity me." You roll your eyes. "Also you don't need to babysit me. I won't start crying and I won't drink my bodyweight in alcohol either. You know me enough to know that." You say, voice laced with saltiness.
"I know." He sighs, seemingly unimpressed by your rant. But knowing him, it wasn't like that.
"Maybe I just want to spend time with you. You've been so busy lately." he adds, looking somewhere through the crowd.
Yes. You have been. Between the mountain of assignments, work, trying to keep yourself mildly sane, and your little escapades with Sunwoo, you were virtually impossible to catch, even if he was in the same major as you. 'He wants to spend time with me' You roll your eyes internally.
"You're so full of shit that I wonder what made me talk to you, like ever." you say to him with an eye roll, not sparing him a glance.
"Because I was hot. Thats definitely why."
It was true. 
Since everyone seemed to drool over him and call him mysterious and stalk his Instagram and praise every word that came from his mouth in class, you wanted to see what the hype was about. You obviously had eyes, so the moment he tried to sweet talk you, even if he was shit at the fuckboy game (he got embarrassed far too quickly by whatever came out of his mouth), you entertained him regardless. It was quite funny, maybe even endearing. Until you figured out what a little shit he can be sometimes. But keeping him close rendered advantages too. So, despite the constant nuisance and annoyance at his boyish remarks qnd mannerisms, you found he is actually fun to be around. Sometimes. And he liked cats. So you chose to keep him in relative proximity.
"True, you egotistical bitch. How is that working for you by the way? Did you find any interesting targets yet?"
"Nothing I would like to put any special effort in right now." He answers nonchalant.
"I see. Guess having people throw themselves at you has its advantages. You are not even working for it." You smile sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes. "So, why are you sticking around at this shit party after all?! Are you looking for targets too?"
"No. I just thought I would take advantage of the free alcohol and distractions."
It was true. Why go home and drown in thoughts of why your "boyfriend" would do such a thing, when you can chat up random people who probably don't remember you and drink as if it never happened. By the time it was time to get home you would be a mixture of drunk enougy and exhausted enough to just go to sleep without properly doing a skincare routine. And then it would be the next day. Ignoring the issue seemed like the answer for now. Or so you tell yourself.
"I know you expected better from him. And I know you're not gonna cry. I don't think I've ever seen you cry anyways. And this is not babysitting by the way. I do like being with you, I just happened to witness that. He's such a idiot for not knowing better honestly."
His words had this underlying honesty and objectivity. Like they always did. It kinda annoyed you how you admired the way he spoke about things with others.
You scoff. "Such bullshit".
But he is right about the timing thing. You haven't spoken to him more than "hello's" or acknowledging smiles in the hallways in weeks. But at this very party, when you were supposed to surprise Kim Sunwoo, your latest, over 2-months endeavour, Hyunjae happened to be around to witness you seeing him "mildly" cheat, to put it nicely. By mildly you mean witnessing a make-out session and this random girl trying to rile him up. He didn't seem particularly bothered. You decided to not make a scene and go outside. You werent per se dating. But it definitely stuck in your mind that you didn't really see either of them afterwards, you had to admit.
You honestly can't say you were shocked. You just stood there, barely even arrived at this ominous frat party and witnessed it go down.
Such behaviour was quite expected of Sunwoo. Everyone knew that. Including you. And you can't say you expected a dramatic change in behaviour from him, just because he chose to be around you more and fuck you regularly for the past 2 month or so. But it was still quite shocking of an image. It stung just the normal amount and made you feel slightly sick in your stomach and disgusted. And through all that as it happened, right behind you was the infamous older "fuckboy" you knew, Lee JaeHyun. He didn't have the tactics down as well as Sunwoo, you suppose, nor much of the typical behaviour. He cringed himself at any sweet talk or bold, cheap flirting remark. But it was part of his charm. Not that it mattered. He had people throw themselves at him constantly. And him seeing this while knowing of your business was making it worse. Now he stuck by your side.
But back to the culminant moments. He seemed quite shocked himself as he didn't take his eyes of Sunwoo and the scene, even as you kinda bumped into him to go somewhere else. He knew and saw, much like a lot of people, the two of you together quite a bit. He chased after you through the people. To the outside you looked just like you usually did, pouring yourself another drink, as if the one you had in hand was now too disgusting to look at. You downed the shot in one go. You went outside to breathe. He stood by your side. You came back inside. He stood by your side. He didn't dare speak. Until he did. And now, half an hour later, with a few more drinks in your system, Hyunjae following you like a hawk, and a heaviness in your stomach, you opted to sit on some counter and have underwhelming conversations with him, in a mildly sheltered place where you could hear each other and watch random people do stupid shit.
"Well, thanks for the therapy, I guess." You laugh as you down the rest of your drink. But you can't say you're not grateful for his presence.
"That's what I'm here for, love" he laughs.
"To be my therapist? I think it could rather be the other way around but sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night."
"You make me sleep at night" he says with a suggestive smile plastered along his features. What a good joke.
You give him one of the signature look whenever he tried flirting with you. A mix of "wtf" and disgust. "Can that even be qualified as a terrible pick-up line? It could pass for an insult honestly." You say with fake pity in your voice.
"Guess it's good I used it on you then. Constructive criticism on why I shouldn't use it. Besides, you also like insults. Win-win I say." He says with another arrogantly boyish grin.
You spare him a glance before rolling your eyes with a sarcastic smile.
"See? You can't even say I'm not right. I win." He winks at you. Cocky idiot.
"Anything for your ego, you moron." You add with an eye roll. "Degrade me senseless, Hyunjae." You say in a sarcastically submissive voice. "Is that what you want to hear?".
Of course it was. You don't exactly know what prompted you to say such a thing to him all the sudden. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe you were losing braincells. But you sense the change in the air immediately, in the way he turns to look at you.
It came that much better from your lips. He might not go around admitting it, but he wouldn't pass on the opportunity. He would like to have you at his mercy. To ruin you. But he couldn't let you know it was that easy to get to him.
"Sounds good coming from you. We should try it sometimes." He says playfully, taking another sip of his drink, maybe to hide the reaction you stirred in him.
You smack him playfully, smiling. "Is that your tactic, usually?"
"I don't need a tactic. People just can't have enough of me."
"How humble, just like I know you." You state.
"It's true." He adds, as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
"I know that. I see many girls everyday who talk about wanting their opportunity with you. It must truly be something. They don't even come back crying because you're an asshole. They just plan how to get to you."
"I see you have plenty inshight. If you want a taste we can always schedule something. You'll have priority in the list, too." He closes the space between you just a bit more than usual, looking you in the eyes. His gaze is powerful.
"Aww am I that special?! How sweet." you coo with sarcasm dripping from your tone. "Oh to be part of Hyunjae’s body count."
He pokes his tongue on the side of his cheek. If it's one thing he has, it's the audacity, besides the looks.
"Of course you are special. Besides, I bet I can make you cum faster than your shitty sound cloud rapper boyfriend." He adds, closing the distance even more, arms touching, and his lips touching the shell of your ear.
'Maybe sometimes... just sometimes... he knew what he was doing', you're thinking.
"What makes you so sure?" You challenge him, usual sarcasm barely covering the fact that you were flustered.
"I just have a feeling" he adds nonchalant as he comes face to face, closer to you. Sudeently eye contact seems impossible to hold. There is not anymore space you can back into on the thing you chose to sit on. And then he adds with incredible nonchalance: "If you wanna test the hypothesis, I can be your rebound fuckboy."
His hand is on your thigh and you don't even remeber him touching you before. And now it was digging and you felt the growing neediness in your stomach and lower.
"How sweet to offer" you add, almost breathless. When did he come to have such an effect on you?! You were fake flirting all along, after all.
But the moment doesn't last as all the sudden some drunk dude stumbles upon the edge of the small carpet and drops both bottles, shattering them into pieces, few inches from you. The liquid spreads and the shards are everywhere. But even with Hyunjae’s back fortunately covering most of your front, a piece of glass manages to cut your knee, not even mentioning his jeans are ruined. The pain is not high, you don't even really realize, as you were worried if anything got to hurt Hyunjae.
He asks if you are fine and you nod, he says he is fine as well and helps the dude get up on his feet.
"Your bleeding from your knee" he says concerned, and before you have time to process, he lifts you to take you upstairs.
The movement surprises you and as you adjust yourself better you cannot help but say "I can walk dumbass."
"I know you can."
"You're gonna get blood on you." You add, wondering how such a small cut can actually bleed so much down your leg.
"I don't care."
Finding an empty bedroom with a good bathroom proves pretty challenging but you manage.
He basically sits on you the bed but he feels the need to add "Sit for me sweetheart." as he goes to look for, you assume, whatever supplies. You are more shocked by his actions than the small cut. After all you had endless such cuts from not paying attention when shaving.
"Is that your usual line?" You raise your voice slightly to make sure he hears you.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night." He says, mocking you with your own earlier remark. He comes back fastly and sits on his knees to examine you knee. He takes your legs and lifts you again to move you further back on the bed have more space. 'Fuck why is he strong enough to do that so effortlessly?!' You think to yourself.
"Guess going to the gym so often is working for you" you say sarcastically. He only spares you a glance.
The sight of him on his knees on the floor attending to you was delicious, to say the least. He takes your leg and bends it to his will and after he is done disinfecting and applying pressure he puts a plaster on the cut.
"All set baby" he says and looks up at you, patting your bare thigh.
His job is done. But why do you feel like that wasn't even his job to begin with. You almost wanted him to disrespectfully look under your skirt. You wanted to feel his gaze and lust on you. So you take matters into your own hands and lift your leg just enough to give him plain sight of your crotch, just for a brief second. As if it was an accident. The crotchless underwear a sight to see, too.
He sees exactly through and his expression changes, and his hand goes on each one of your thigs, squeezing them, skirt slightly lifted from earlier still. You can feel his breathing on your lips. And the intense gaze he has on you. You wait for his next movement. The anticipation of having his mouth on your clit is beyond words, and you made it pretty clear, as desperate as that might've looked, you didn't even care.
"Is this your way of telling me you want your place?" He says condescendingly. "Because you will have to be more specific to get what you want, sweetie." That damned smile. He does know what he's doing, after all.
You don't say anything. You just grab the back of his head and kiss him, going down from the edge of the bed on his lap. He starts kissing you right back and his hands start to wonder. The material of his jeans feels more than amazing as you start grinding on his thigh.
He stops you in your movements. "No-uh. You don't get to cum like this sweetheart. You tell me what you want and I consider giving it to you."
"That doesn’t work on me" you say, disregarding his words on purpose. He lifts you and throws you onto the bed. The manhandling. You liked it more than you would admit. He comes on top of you.
"Is that so? Let's test how resilient you are, kitten."
The petnames were always a thing with him. But in this context it grows to affec you more than you would like.
"I bet you are exhausted from pretending all the time" he says between forceful kisses on your jaw and neck, which are bound to leave marks.
"Shut up. Good for you for not caring. Maybe you should show me how one day you fucking..." You say between breaths. He wraps his hand around your throat.
"If you are a good girl, I can show you everything and more" he says, seemingly not half as worked up as you were, despite the feeling in his pants saying otherwise.
"Shut the fuck up" you say and you wrap his necklace around your fingers, pulling him down. He is a better kisser than you would like to admit. Better than you thought. You suppose it's from the experience.
His hands trails downwards and under your skirt and when it finally reaches your core he can fully feel how wet you are through the gap in your lingerie. Fucking Sunwoo. He really screwed you over big time. You went to this kind of length for him. But it's not like he mattered right now. 
"What an idiot. He could've had this and missed the opportunity" Hyunjae says, the dent in his pants rising significantly, as fingers barely graze your pussy. He lowers himself, going back to the edge of the bed and pulling you by your legs.
"I never thought I would see you on your knees for any woman." You admit, somewhat condescendingly.
"I only get on my knees for the interesting ones."
"And what makes me interesting?! The fact that you cam compete with that fucking asshole to fill your ego at my expense?"
You like getting a rise out of him more than you would like to admit.
He smirks. "No. The ego boost is just a natural bonus." He says starting to kiss up your inner thighs. "Observing you is always interesting. But watching you fall apart up close I guess is that much better." He says, sucking your skin, and you can feel it's gonna leave marks.
"You carry yourself well, kitten. Truth is I was surprised to see you with him in the first place. Didn't take you as the type to date fuckboys."
At this point your breathing was unstable and all his useless talk and intense eye contact while feeling his breath on your core was making you more needy than you thought possible.
"Oh really? Who did you think is my type?" You ask, just to keep up the seemingly unaffected image.
"Maybe someone like Changmin. You stare at him a whole lot."
"I suppose you're right." You say but it comes out breathy, as a moan.
"Already falling apart, huh? And I haven't done anything yet. Maybe I am your type after all."
He could be. You can't say no. And your pussy seemed to betray you like no other in front of him. There was something about seeing him like that, that made your brain go insane.
"Fucking do something" you urge him by grabbing his hair.
"Tell me what to do"
"Shut up and finish what you started. Your ego will get filled regardless."
He looks up at you as his finger grazes with enough pressure over your wetness and clit. But he stops. This little shit.
You render any rationality useless at this point.
"Fuck me Hyunjae. Fuck me until I have nothing to say. Fuck me senseless." You say to him.
'What an irony', you think.
"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He says as he starts rubbing you clit with more pressure and kisses your sex.
Ironically that he got you to be exactly where he said he could. And you even mocked him. But he put you in that exact place.
"Fucking finish what you started" you say, as you grab his hair, but his mouth was running laps already pleasuring your pussy.
And boy did he finish what he started. He did that and so much fucking more.
Half an hour later, or so you presume, you don't even think you can take more after how he overstimulated you. Maybe he was right about making you fall apart faster than Sunwoo.
After your third orgasm just from his fingers and tongue you have to plead with him.
"Fuck, Jae, I don't think I can take anymore"
"That's what you said after your second one too, kitten."
You raise yourself on your elbows and grab at his hair to bring him up on the bed, face to face with you. He gets up, taking your jawline between his fingers a little less than gently and bringing his other fingers to your mouth. You suck on them without hesitation, tasting yourself and his work on them.
"Fuck, you're so good kitten. You've outdone yourself." He says as he pulls his fingers from your mouth and kisses you deeply.
"Let me show you I can outdo myself even more." You say, trapping him with your legs on each side. You bring him down and turn the two of you around. He complies. You continue to kiss him and grab his crotch. He groans and you feel his cock twitch in his pants.
You skilfully open his button and zipper and your hand reaches in his underwear, stroking his head.
"Fuck, kitten." He says with another groan.
You push him back onto the bed and take his jeans and underwear down, just enough to take his cock fully in your mouth. You tease him by kissing around where he really needs you. Having the power back and watching him squirm in your hands in nice. But then he reaches and grabs you forcefully, flipping you over, face in the mattress.
"You think you have it, huh? You think I'm done with you? Sweetheart." He says arrogantly. "You think you can take my cock?" He says, whispering in your ear, pushing you into the mattress further by the back of your neck, his weight fully on your back.
"I can do anything you want me to" you say, head too clouded by the rush he is giving you.
"Aw, look who is being good all the sudden. Guess I've done my job well."
"Have you? Refresh my memory." You say, moving your ass so he call feel it.
"Oh I will rearrange your guts until you cry for me. Don't test me Y/N."
The use of your name made it that much more serious. The sterness in his voice made you shudder in anticipation and you hear him opening a condom. 'That was hot' you think. And he wasn't kidding. You were in for another long ride. By the time he was done you didn't even remember how to be coherent anymore.
"You can really ruin me just like that, huh?" You say, exhausted, as he cuddles you close. He even cleaned you up and everything. He was such a gentleman too. You didn't per se expect that from him. The duality between taking care of your wound, fucking you senseless until tears were forming, and now whispering nothings while stroking your hair was somewhat fascinating, all in the span of a few hours. "Now I get why everyone wants you. Guess you're not just hot." you add, rolling your eyes. Even if he can't see your face, you can feel him smiling proudly, cocky.
"Of course I'm not just hot. I'm perfect. And you are exactly what I needed."
"To prove your ego and your skills?"
"As I said, that's just a bonus."
"Hm. How poetic." You laugh, turning to him. "And full of shit." You add, kissing him once more before getting out of his embrace to adjust yourself. He lets you slip from his arms. You stand in front of the mirror and adjust your clothes, put on your jacket, taking your purse and checking your belongings.
"And you like me just like that. Poetic. Maybe that's your type. You can't even deny."
"Oh I can easily deny anything." you say, glancing challenging at him in the mirror reflection.
"Then I'll have to prove myself again, until you cannot help but admit it." He winks at you.
You turn around.
"As if you would get another chance." You throw his pants at him. "Get dressed, you idiot."
"Still feisty. I like it."
"I'll fucking show you feisty." You say, marching towards him and throwing his blazer in his face too.
"Oh I'm ready. You're still at the top of my list. Besides, a hypothesis cannot be tested only once. It's not relevant enough." He says matter-of-factly, suggestive smile still plastered over his features.
You roll your eyes. But you cannot deny even to yourself how much you like his words. "I am glad something from this forsaken college curriculum is sticking to you, you'll need it." You retort without sparing him a second glance as you go for the door.
He gets up fast and grabs your hand forcefully before exiting, turning you around.
'Guess the manhandling never ends with him' you think and raise an eyebrow inquisitively. But the only thing he does is kiss you again.
"Let me walk you to your dorm."
"I'll be fine. You've done more than enough for just one night." You say as you try to get out of his grasp.
"It's not like that. I just want to. Please?" He pleads as he hurries to out his jeans back on and check his things in his blazer.
"Ok. Since you want it SO BADLY," you playfully say, with a smile, rolling your eyes.
"I'll always want you badly."
You roll your eyes as you both exit the room. The party has significantly quieted down. Flashbacks of Sunwoo are still at the back of your head as you exit and you don't know how you feel about the turn on events of the night.
As you reach your dorm you wonder in the quietness how it has come you ended up like this. But you cannot say you weren't grateful for Hyunjae in this instance.
"Thanks for walking me. You get to yours safely too, ok?"
"Of course" he says, and opens his arms for one more hug. You give into it. It was nice after all.
"Anything you need just text me, ok?" He adds.
"We almost never text each other Jae-"
"Maybe we should change that." He says confidently.
You roll your eyes for the nth time. "Sure. Thank you Mr gentleman."
"Always" he adds, before turning around in the direction his own dorm, sparing you one more glance and a wave. "See you in class."
"Mhm" you say while getting into your building and letting the door close behind you. You wonder how the repercussions of this one will turn out for you. But just for this evening, you suppose you can let the exhaustion engulf you and go straight to sleep. Consequences and awkward talks tomorrow.
Yeah soooo... I kinda wrote another thing. Hope you enjoyed! My braincell feels empty so idk how I feel about anything I produce but hey, here’s something :)))
Let me know what you think, also sorry for implying Sunwoo is a mild cheater it was for the plot and that’s it.
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sweetest-honeybee · 3 years
Down to Dust
Chapter 1
Fic Summary: Grian will have to keep the dragon egg secure for the Watchers. But, they’re not the only ones who want it. On a completely unrelated note, Mumbo will have to deal with a version of himself thats only amplified by his No Killing mindset.
Chapter Summary: Grian’s getting tired of Scar’s shit and Mumbo thinks he’s a responsible adult.
Word Count: 1392
TW: None
Note: TEGG doesn’t exist in this fic
This was the third time this week that Scar managed to find Grian’s hiding spot for the dragon egg. Grian was sure that he couldn’t have possibly found it behind one of the sheep in his farm and yet, here the two builders were, one with a proud smirk on his face and the other glaring with a somewhat playful disdain. They stood in the center of Grian’s base interior, the avian cradling the egg in his arms.
“Someday I’m going to hide this egg a thousand blocks away in the ocean,” he said. “I bet you’ll waste your time then.” This was only met with a snort.
“Hey, I might. You never know,” Scar shrugged. “You never let anyone near it, it only makes it more fun!”
Grian rolled his eyes, biting back a smile at the other’s blatant ignorance. “I never let you near it. Besides, it's a fruitless attempt for me at this point.” He turned and rested the egg on a nearby anvil. “If I don’t let anyone near it, it’s because you told them to touch it in the first place.”
Scar raised a finger to say something but clamped his mouth shut with a reddening face. “Mumbo wanted to touch it,” he opted to retort.
The other didn’t reply, only facing his friend with a raised brow and crossed arms.
“Okay maybe I talked him into it but that’s not the point.”
Only now did Grian break into a grin. “Well, I hope you look forward to never seeing this egg again.” He tapped at the top of the shell. “It’s too special to lose.”
“Yeah I bet it is after it took five minutes to kill the dragon,” Scar laughed. “You’ve never told anyone why it’s so special, though. I’m curious.”
“That’s for me to know,” he jabbed a finger at Scar ,”and for you to never find out.”
“Ah, but I will.” Scar pulled his sleeve to check his watch. “But, my time here is done. I’ve got wagons to build.” With a tip of his hat, he exited the base.
Grian watched as the door shut behind him. “Talk about time management,” he mused.
With that, he sighed and swiveled his gaze to the egg. Under the later afternoon beams, it was a beautiful thing. Its contents, however...The avian shook his head. For now, it was a peaceful souvenir from his battle. Although, it wouldn’t be his to keep. Not for hundreds and thousands of years. It belonged to a much more powerful family of beings.
And so Scar needed to keep his hands off of it.
Despite this, however, Grian hardly minded the shenanigans. He wasn’t exactly praised by the egg’s owners; really, he lacked a more...optimistic relationship with them. Having his rank and abilities revoked by the Watchers was almost as bad as being disregarded by them as a Player entirely. He shuddered at the thought but followed Scar’s choice to leave the building; he wondered what his neighbors were up to. Although, he probably shouldn’t have left the egg so exposed should Scar try to touch it again.
He rolled his eyes to himself, then looked around. Scar, like he mentioned, was stringing together small wagons. Grian cringed at how much copper the man used in his builds- not because of distaste but that he could hardly imagine himself spending so much time grinding for the stuff. He glanced at his roof.
Well, maybe he could.
His gaze then rested on Pearl’s and Impulse’s bases, then Mumbo’s. It was strangely quiet this afternoon. He’d hardly seen any of the three since the day before. Mumbo moreso, but the other two not so much. Curious, he made his way across the field. Only then did Mumbo’s head pop out of a hole by his surface farm did Grian notice that anyone except Scar was out there at all.
Grian stopped and watched as his mustached friend pulled himself out of the hole. Unsurprisingly, he was covered in patches of mud and dust starting at the tips of his fingers. As he noticed that Grian was there, he waved.
“Hey!” Mumbo greeted happily. He stood and dusted himself off in a useless effort to look somewhat presentable. “Sorry about the mess, I’ve been fixing some things in the potato farm.”
“I thought that usually didn’t involve rolling in the dirt,” the avian chuckled. “I’m trying to keep Scar off of the egg.” Mumbo raised a brow. “No, it didn’t work.”
“Huh, I thought he’d never find it in the sheep pen.”
Grian scoffed. “You’d think.”
“You could hide it in someone else’s base. Or better yet, in his own base,” Mumbo suggested.
The avian contemplated the idea, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I can’t really let it go anywhere else.”
“You can’t or you won’t? I can babysit the egg.”
At that, Grian laughed a single ‘HA’ at the proposal. “I’d rather have Scar just take it,” he replied. “No offense. It’s a magical egg, you couldn’t handle it.”
The redstoner gaped with offense despite Grian’s comment. “I think I’d be great at it!”
“Right, right,” the other sneered, but couldn’t help but to giggle at the thought. Eventually, he calmed himself. “Anyways, I’ve got work to do. I suggest a bath for you as well.” Grian looked Mumbo up and down. “You need it.” With that, he rocketed himself away with a salute.
Mumbo stared in disbelief, then turned to Grian’s house. He’d be a great babysitter for the egg! Grian was only just trying to insult his obvious responsibility. Seeing as Grian couldn’t keep the egg away from anyone, it wasn’t like he was much better at the task. Besides, he couldn’t kill the dragon, so what better way to obtain a dragon egg than through showing Grian just how responsible he was with it.
With that thought, the redstoner looked around. Nobody other than Scar, who was busy building, was around. So, he more or less stealthily creeped his way into Grian’s base. If anything he probably looked like a long legged spider. Mumbo expected the dragon egg to be hidden once more but much to his surprise, it was blatantly out in the open. He almost face palmed for Grian’s sake. It was too easy. He hastily plucked the egg from its place and shoved it into his inventory. Hopefully, Scar wouldn’t find it odd for Mumbo to have been there should he notice anything weird.
Mumbo left quickly and already began conjuring plans for a vault. Knowing Grian, it hardly needed to be in any way complex. Where to put it, however, was the question plaguing his mind. He really didn’t have a lot of space to work with. But, the underground potato farm should work just fine. Behind the backdrop was a perfect area. So, he did just that. Within hours, the vault was done and dusted. In it, a quartz interior with a pillar topped with a purple pillow. Mumbo looked around, admiring his work. He then turned to the pillar and pulled the egg from his inventory. He placed it on the pillow carefully, almost as if he wanted the egg itself to be comfortable. With a pat to the top of the egg, he left the vault.
It’s been a while since he last saw Grian. The builder should’ve returned to his base by now and saw that the egg was missing. Mumbo supposed that Grian was simply hanging out with their neighbors. He ascended the ladder, still covered in layers of soil that fell from the wrinkles in his now stained white undershirt. The redstoner peeked his head out of the hole. The sky was dark and littered with stars. Zombies groaned and skeletons' bones clacked blocks away.
Ah, Grian might’ve been sleeping.
He sat on the edge of the hole, legs still dangling inside, and checked his watch. It was late and tremendously so. How long had he been under the ground for? He raked his fingers through his hair. Well, time to sleep then. He made his way to the van and after he did, he looked out once more before sliding the door shut. Tucking himself into bed, he drifted into a peaceful slumber. The thought of the stolen egg hardly left any thoughts on his mind.
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princehairsupremacy · 4 years
umm 69 + 74 please? don’t feel pressured at all. take your time. <3
69. "My face could be a good seat. Ow!"
74. "Shit. It's really tight."
Bro, I've never done this before but i had this sudden idea of high sex
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Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: smoking weed, blowjob, degradation, use of the word whore and good girl, face slapping, fingering, vaginal sex
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"You have what?!" Harry did not just say he brought weed to this party, right?!
"Weed! You should try it." You'd never done it before but from what you'd heard it wasn't too bad.
"I- I guess I could try it. Okay." He grinned and took your hand, bringing you over to a couch which was surrounded by people in chairs that looked very stoned.
"Why don't we just do shotgunning since it's your first time?"
"Oh, right. I'm gonna take a hit then blow it into your mouth." That sounded complicated, wasn't it just more simple for you to take a h- oh he's already starting.
He quickly took the hit and turned to you, leaning in and kissing you, surprising you. You didn't have much time to react before he moved the smoke into your mouth, making you pull back and cough.
He patted your back as you leaned over and coughed, praising you. "Good girl, you done it."
"You could've warned me, Harry!" He tutted and turned back to the other people, joining in on their conversation. You leaned back against the couch and waited for the high to hit you, hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.
"You wanna do another one?" You turned towards Harry who had the joint between his pointer finger and thumb again, ready to take another hit.
"Um, sure?" He smiled and took another hit, repeating what he did last time but you didn't have a coughing fit this time because you knew what was coming.
"You're good at this, huh? Want to go get a drink?" He stood up and offered his hand to you, you took it and let him lead you to the kitchen. "You want some alcohol?" You shook your head. "There's cranberry juice?" You nodded and he started pouring the drink for you, letting you hold his left hand as he poured with his right.
As you were waiting for him to pour it, you felt more and more spaced out, more relaxed. "Love? You alright?" You gained your sensed back and looked at him, he was offering you the glass but placed it on the counter when he saw how spaced out you were.
"You wanna get away from all these people? Don't want you to freak out." He didn't wait for your answer, instead just taking you to a bedroom, sitting you on the bed, then locking the door.
"Lie back, relax." You fell back onto the bed and closed your eyes, trying to even your breathing.
"Do you wanna have sex?" You said abruptly, not able to contain your thoughts.
"Um, I don't know..." You sat up and saw him standing in front of you. You reached out and wrapped your arms around his waist and rested the side of your face on your stomach.
"I heard it feels really good when you're high, so we basically have an obligation to do it."
"I don't think thats true but I guess we could." You smiled and lifted his shirt up, starting to kiss his stomach.
"Can you take your clothes off?" You pulled your face back and he unbuckled his belt, quickly undressing under your prying eyes.
When he got to his boxer briefs, he stopped and looked at you. "All your clothes."
"Can you do it?"
"Oh. If you want me to." You placed your hands on his hips and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in and out. "You alright?"
"I'm fine, just never done it high before so I don't know what to expect."
"Nothing bad's gonna happen. Are you sure you're okay, though?" He nodded and opened his eyes, looking down at you as you pulled his boxer briefs down his thighs and let them pool at the floor. He stepped out of them and kicked them away.
"What are you gonna do?" You gave him a cheeky smile and he let out a small 'oh'. You spat onto his dick and saw his fist squeeze as he tried to contain himself.
"Ready." You wrapped your hand around him delicately and he whimpered, taking more deep breaths when you started to move your hand. "It really does feel better when you're high..."
You stopped so that he would open his eyes, when he did, you stuck your tongue out and kept your mouth wide open. "You want me to?-" You grabbed onto his hips and he gasped to himself. "Alright..." He placed his tip on your tongue and started moving it into your mouth, slowly so he wouldn't hurt you straight away.
You got a bit tired of him going slow so you pushed his hips and he hissed, obviously not expecting that. "Fuck me..." He moved his hand to the back of your head and moved his hips slowly, also moving your head with his hands at the same time.
He threw his head back and you noticed his hips started to go a little faster, obviously getting caught up in the moment. He didn't even stop when you were really gagging, so you pinched his thigh.
He stopped when he felt the nip at his thigh, moving his hands off of the back of your head, letting you pull back and catch your breath.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you-"
"Harry, it's fine. I get it." When you looked back up at him with tears on your face from coughing, he leaned down and wiped them away with a frown.
"Let me make it up to you?" You stood up and he smiled at you, cupping your cheeks and leaning in to kiss you.
"I need to sit down..."
"My face could be a good seat." You rolled your eyes and pinched his arm. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Don't say weird shit like that."
"I'm offering that you sit down...on my face and get pleasure at the same time. It's a win win."
"Too much effort." You sat down on the bed and he pouted.
"Lie down then, I hurt you and I gotta make it up to you." You fell back with a thud and placed an arm over your eyes.
"Could you get in the middle of the bed, it's a wooden floor and I don't wanna hurt my knees..." You let out a sigh and moved for him, feeling the bed dip with his weight once you moved.
"Do you want me to move your dress up or take it off?" You lifted your arms up and he got the idea, unzipping you dress before moving it up and over your head. "You're so beautiful..."
He ran his fingers over the lacy material of your new bra. "Haven't seen this one before. It's pretty." He dragged his finger down your stomach and smirked when he saw you press your thighs together. "That feel nice, darling?"
He leaned down close to your face and you were going to kiss him but he pulled back. "You're not gonna let me kiss you?"
"Telling me you don't enjoy a little teasing?" No response. "That's what I thought." He placed his thumb on your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, letting him move his thumb into your mouth so you could suck on it. "Good girl..."
He pulled his thumb out and praised you. "You're being so good for me." He placed a hand on your waist and leaned down to kiss at your neck, slowly moving his kisses to the exposed parts of your breasts.
He reached behind you and carefully unclipped your bra, dragging the straps down your arms then throwing it to the ground. "Always look so pretty."
"Touch me, please?"
"What? Did you just speak?" You forgot about the rule. "Did you forget you're not supposed to speak unless spoken to." You were in trouble now.
"Asking me to touch you like a whore? Is that what you want me to treat you like? A whore?" You nodded. "Fine, I'll treat you rough like a whore. I'll hurt you like a whore." He bit his lip and reached up, closing his hand around your throat and squeezing slightly, enough that you still had air.
"You like that don't you? Maybe you really are a whore." He reached down and gripped your underwear, tearing it in half. He didn't give you any warning before he started rubbing your clit hard. You bucked your hips up and he had a satisfied look on his face. "Aw, the little whore likes that." He moved his hand away. "Too bad, shouldn't have broke that rule."
"Put your arms above your head and keep them there." You crossed your arms at the wrists and held them above your head on the pillow. "Finally being good again." He leaned down and gave you a single kiss then squeezed your neck with the hand around it. "What do you want?"
"I...I want you to fuck me."
"I'll do that later, right now I wanna have some fun with you."
"Are you actually trying to piss me off? Talking again." He slapped you and you pressed your thighs together. He grabbed your thighs and pushed them apart, taking away the relief you got from pressing them together. "You enjoy me slapping you that much?"
"Yes..." He placed his hand on your thigh.
"You want my fingers?" He didn't wait for your answer, moving his ring and middle finger into you, you gasped when you felt the cool metal of his rings against you.
"Your rings..."
"Shutup." You closed your eyes and arched your back as he started to move his fingers. He moved his fingers at a slow and torturous pace, enough for you to feel something but not get off.
"Too slow for you?" He bent his fingers and hit that spot inside of you, you moaned out and he moved his fingers even slower but kept them bent at the same angle. "That's the spot, innit?"
"Yes, keep going please."
"Don't know if I wanna overstimulate you tonight or hold it off as long as I can. I guess you'll find out." He pulled his fingers out and you whined at the emptiness. "Don't worry darling, gonna get what you want now."
You looked down to see him wrap his hand around his dick and grin at you. "Y'ready?"
"Of course..." He positioned himself and moved in slowly, grabbing your hand when his hips were against yours.
"Shit. It's really tight." He moved his hips back slowly then quickly and roughly pushed them back against yours. "Shit...always so good." He started to move his hips roughly but slowly against yours, bottoming out everytime and making you feel wonderful everytime.
"Did I ask..." He paused to take a breath and collected himself. "Did I ask you a question? Why are you talking?" He moved his hand around your throat again and raised his eyebrows. "You keep breaking the same rule over and over, stop talking or this isn't ending pleasently for you."
He looked down between your bodies and started to rub your clit with two fingers harshly. "Come on..." You grabbed onto his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin, arching your back.
"Don't make me wait, darling..."
"I'm gonna-" He kissed you as you climaxed, your hips bucking up and a tingle running up your spine.
He started going faster and you gasped. "I chose overstimulation."
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nctworststuff · 3 years
2 Hearts 1 love; Chapter 1: Beginning
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jPairing: Taeyong x fem!reader ft bestfriend!Yuta
Sub-genre: Angst, crack, College au
Sub-Warning: Breakup, cursing, doubt about love, mention of kill, mention of gun and knife, featuring of Yuta, coffe, cringe (?)
Words count: 1.4k
Summary: Already written in the paper that y/n and Taeyong are destined to be together. But there must be challenges and storylines that they have to go through
Sub-summary: The very beginning story that tell you about how you meet each other
Velvet say: This is an event for The TaeTae Day! I hope you guys love it! Sorry for any mistake!
Tagging: @supermwritersnet @jaehyunstories (send an inbox if you want to be added)
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"We breakup"
"If its all you want" Your voice are calm but anyways you slammed the table and stand up, let your untouched cup of coffe on the table spilled.
Your (ex) boyfriend shook that you not even show him any expression. You just act professional and your face just calm. Its because you know he cheated on you for a long time ago. You just pretend to blind your eyes with those pain. You tired of this.
"Y/n, please dont made any mess-"
"No one care about the messy I made. And you said you cheat on me right? Okay. Also yeah, have fun with your new girl" you said before shut the door, not forget to shove your shoulder with his.
He just stay still at his place, not even move. He pissed off a bit of what you said
”Such a rude lady”
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You are tired of this. This is a... second time you're in this situation? But The fact that your ex cheating on you not hit you at all. You get used with it. Why you have to cry?
Plus it's not essential at all. You know he is not a right person for you from the beginning of your relationship. Okay, there's a scar a in your heart but it doesn't effecting you life at all
After the a few days you breakup with your ex, you just scroll the social media and do a thing that just wasting your time. You just want to spend your time with real and only y/l/n y/n. Thanks to your ex, because of him, you feel really doubt about love.
In the future, if you have a grandchild, you can imagine it about them asking you a love thing like "How grandma fall in love for the first?" Or "Who is grandma's first love" and something that related about the topic. Of course you would lying about the 'first love' question.
Because you dont want to tell a hurt thing behind a happier one. Let just blind them with those thing, so they know that love is somehow is a good thing but actually they finally know what is artifical love and true love when they go through it. And you would do the same thing with your future child
You shook your head
Okay maybe this is too FAR and this is too early to think
Until you get a call from someone,
"Hello" the familiar voice speak
"Hi Yuta. Whatsup?"
"Meet me, at usual place at 2.00"
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"Why you suddenly decide to meet me? Usually you would busy on the weekdays like this" you stirring a coffe you received from a waiter at usual place. Usually, you hang out with him at here when holiday or when he want to discuss about assignment
"I already complete an assignment early which professor had give us plus I dont know what to do today. So I decide to hangout with you” he take a sip of hot espresso
"Nothing to talk about?" he ask you like he know that you're hiding something. You gulped
"What?" You act like nothing happened
"Spill the tea“ oh, he really know about it
"Well, yeah I just spend my time with my pho-“
"No. I was talking about you and him" he cut you off.
"You broke up with him right?" How he know about that? He doesn't supposed to know this
"How you know about that?"
"You forgot he is my friend" he replied
"Gee. Friend? I didn't know you are friend with him"
"Not really friend. Just my classmate"
"Im regret to date with him" you rolled your eyes. How you feel stupid at yourself for fall easily at the very beginning and you got nothing at the end.
"Thats why its called regret, y/n" He is right. Regret is a dissapointed over something that already past. And you date with your ex is the thing of a past.
"Dont talk about him. Im tired with that. I should kill him" If you have a knife or any gun in your hand, you just already kill him when you saw he cheated on you
”Unfortunately, its a crime”
”Yeah, I know”
"Dont worry. Maybe there is someone out there who are truly right for you" yeah, maybe.
"Who would it be?"
"Someone. Someone that is not me. Cuz Im not deserve you" yuta play with his finger
"Stop talking about love. Love is too early for me"
”But we are getting older, y/n" you know day by day you are getting older but if you still not believe with love you can get into the trouble
”I feel doubt about love" there is it. The feeling of doubt always running through your head
”Trust me, love is exist”
”I know but somehow its like fake for me”
”How about that red haired guy?”
”You dont know? He is a student at our college and also my classmate. He is quite attractive though but he rarely talk with peoples”
”I see. I dont know about him but why you suddenly talk about him?" Red haired guy? You love red. Sound interesting but you are not sure with that
"Just said if you are interested”
”Sorry but Im not that type to fall easily”
”Fine. But think twice when you meet him one day”
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You keep thinking what Yuta said a few hours ago
"But think twice when you meet him one day"
It keep repeated in your mind.
You drink you strawberry milkshake with a straw while thinking back about it. Was he is really that attractive? Red hair sounds good to be honest.
You walking to the park and take a fresh air. Woah, how long you didn't do this thing?
While holding your drinks, you slowly walks to the brown wooded bench. You sit on it and enjoying the view of the park. You are too careless and didn't realize that you spilled someone drinks. When you finally notice it, you panicked and dont know how to deal with it
"What the fuck this cup of coffe doing at this bench?" You said at yourself. Who puts a cup full of coffe and leaves it alone? Is it funny and weird at the same time?
"WHAT THE- WHAT DID YOU DO!" You flinch when you hear the man wearing a black tshirt shout at you. He walking towards you. His face is red and thats mean he are very angry right now.
"What you do with my coffe?" oh no you are in the big trouble right now. There is a 7 billion peoles in this universe but why always you get into the problem?
"Im sorry! I didnt mean it! And who the fuck put their own things and leave it alones!" You raised your voice and rolled your eyes. Anyways, you have to face it
”Oh god! I leave it alone because I have to buy something. Cant you beware of something! I waited for this coffe a long time ago” tsk, how funny, you thought.
“I didnt notice it when I sit at here! Dont just blame on me”
"Did you use your eyes or your knees? Watch carefully! You didnt know how much I put effort on it" he rolled his eyes. His face was familiar for you
"Come on, its just a cup of coffe"
"if so, replace me with the same coffe with the coffe you spilled” he look at you with a daring eyes
”Fine. Its not a big problem at all”
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“Here is your coffe, Ma’am” the barista said and handed it to to you
”Thanks. How much?”
”25 dolla (usd)” you cursed silently. How expensive. You can feel the guy’s smirking at your back as you took out your money
”Thank you, Ma’am. Hope you can come again”
The barista flashed a smile to you and you smiled back. You walk out from the coffe shop. You rolled your eyes when you meet your eyes with the guy. You handed the coffe to him. He just take it and walk away. That make you clench your fist and your jaw
”Can you at least say thank you?”
”No. How to say thank you?”
“Such a ungrateful man” you just spend your money just for his coffe and now he act like nothing happened
”Whatever. Meet you tomorrow“ he walk away and didnt even turn back to look at you. His action made you let a long sigh and something popped in your mind
What does he mean by meet me tomorrow? and his face somehow look familiar
Black tshirt
Attractive eyes
Red hair
Oh shit, he is the guy that Yuta talked about
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echoalyssa · 4 years
Hey, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could make a request for Jaden Hossler or Chase Hudson where he cheats on the reader cause he thinks him she is cheating on him when she's actually planning a surprise b-day party or something like that...
I’m SO sorry about the wait, though this was an amazing request and I had so much fun writing this, though it is a tad sad lol. I chose Chase solely because I kinda have a soft spot for him and love him just a tad more than Jaden. Though if you ever want to submit another one for Jaden or have me re-write this one but with Jaden or a slightly different plot PLEASE let me know.
There is language and some slightly explicit mentions so beware! Nothing graphic though.
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Chase’s POV
She’d been gone a lot in the past week, giving him stupid excuses as to why she was. She’d stopped answering her phone and had started sending his calls to voicemail. It was like they weren’t even dating. She’d call him late at night, or during the strangest hours and he had no clue why. She had also turned off her location so he couldn’t see it and when he had asked her she claimed she hadn’t done anything, though he had checked with her best friend and found out that she could still see it.
Chase had tried bringing it up to his girlfriend, but she’d come up with excuses about why she couldn’t talk. She’d always have something else to do instead of hanging out with him. And she used to be at his house every single day.
He’d had hope that it was just a misunderstanding, at least until he saw the snapchat posted by her best male friend, the two of them together, her whispering in his ear. And that had sealed the deal for him. He just knew. She was cheating on him. It was the only reasonable explanation.
He thought he trusted her, at least before this. And now, he most definitely didn’t. She’d given him a reason not to... right?
You’re knee deep in the planning for your boyfriends 19th birthday. Everything needed to be perfect. He’d given you so much, made you happy again, and had done everything to keep you happy. He gave you his all and you gave him everything that you could in return.
Besides just the regular planning, you wanted to get all of his far away friends and family to him. Which meant coordinating flights and accommodating times for people.
Then, you wanted to get him his dream snake. You’d found the perfect breeder. Reliable with a good reputation and animals that were kept in good conditions. The snake was beautiful, you’d hand picked the snake. Knowing exactly what color, size, and gender that Chase was hoping for.
He hadn’t gotten his hands on one because of just how expensive they were. Retailing for more than he could comfortable spend in one setting. Plus he hadn’t been able to find a breeder. You only had because of just how much research, time and effort you had put into this.
You’d had to withdraw from your boyfriend, for the mere fact that you were bad at keeping secrets and it wouldn’t be a surprise if he KNEW about it. You’d even turned your location off because if he checked, the secret would be blown. And of course you missed him terribly but you’d get to be back to spending every single day at his house as soon as you got this all figured out.
Every time you turned around, something would go wrong that you’d then have to fix.
The party was tomorrow, and you couldn’t wait to pick up your boyfriend and surprise him.
Chase’s POV
He knew exactly where to go. The girl that had always given him too much attention, the girl that he knows Y/N despised. He’d always blown her off, made it clear that he wasn’t available or interested but now, now he could go to her.
He strategically posts on his story about being at his favorite burger joint. And barely minutes later, her snap comes in. She asks if she can hang with him. Normally Chase would ignore the message and show Y/N so they could both roll their eyes together.
But this time.. he says yes and sends her the exact location.
And, she shows up. She’s in a top thats way too revealing, and she immediately clings to him, dragging her disgusting fingertips through her hair in a way that feels nothing like hers. He grimaces, but when she leans in to kiss him... he lets her. And of course she gets the entire thing on camera. He knows that it’ll be all over the internet ridiculously soon and that his girlfriend would see it soon. Which is exactly what he wanted. To throw her the way that she did him.
It’s her best friend that brings it to her attention, a somber look on his face. He holds his phone out to her and she knows exactly what shes seeing but at the same time she doesn’t know. It’s her boyfriend... but its not her. He’s... not kissing her. It’s the girl that he’d always trashtalked and shut down. The one that he was always telling her not to worry about.
You hear the broken noise that leaves you, and then a feeling of anger washes over you. Here you are, putting your all into something for Chase and he dares disrespect you this way? All the years the two of you had together thrown away for... for what exactly? Her? The shallow girl who wanted fame and wanted to spread her legs for him. What did he even see in her?
In an instant you’ve reached over, grabbed your best friend and pulled him into you. Your lips touch his and you kiss him roughy, sliding your hand up his shirt. You need to exact revenge upon your boy- well, you suppose that after this he isn’t your boyfriend anymore. Your best friend is tense as your other hand reaches for his belt and you pull.
And then in an instant he’s yanking away from you, wiping furiously at his lips.
“Y/N, you’re hurting. I know you dont mean this.” And then he moves back next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You collapse into him sobbing.
“C-cancel all of-of it. It’s o-over.”
He nods and rubs your back sympathetically.
You’re standing at Chase’s door, trying to hold in the tears. You’ve bribed yourself by putting on makeup, as a way to keep you from losing it and beginning to ball in front of him. He needed to see you strong. Next to you are the trash bags full of the stuff that he had left at your house. As well as clothes that he’d given you and you had taken from him, and all the gifts from over the years.
You had planned to just leave it at his door and run, but some small part of you needed closure. You needed to know WHY. Why he would through years away for this random girl. And just how long had it been going on between the two of them?
With a shaky hand, you press the doorbell. It rings with a loud clang. Seconds later, the door opens revealing a very ragged looking Chase Hudson. His eyes go wide when he sees you and then they go cold.
“What the hell do you want?” He spits at you.
Immediately your voice rises in pitch. “Excuse you!? How DARE you talk to me that way after all that you’ve done.”
“Are you kidding me? What about what you’ve done?!”
“What have I done Chase? PLEASE tell me what I’ve done so badly to make you throw away our entire relationship!”
“You cheated on me!” He yells, at a volume that the entire neighborhood can probably hear.
“Only AFTER you cheated on me!” You scream back.
“Don’t play dumb with me Y/N, you know you did. That entire week, distant, you were acting suspicious because you were cheating on me!”
“I was planning a surprise birthday party asshole!”
“Y-you-“ he stutters.
“YES! Yes I was Chase. Setting up flights for your family, tracking down your snake, monitoring every detail, for you. And then YOU cheated on ME. I only kissed him after he showed me the picture.”
Chase stutters and you gesture at the bags on the ground.
“That’s your stuff. We’re over. Screw you Chase.” And you whip around, striding down the steps and holding your breath in an attempt to keep the tears at bay.
“Wait!” He calls, but youre at your car now and you dont want to have to listen to anything he has to say.
You fling your car door open, jumping inside and starting the engine. You release the parking brake and speed out of his driveway, in the process you hit one of his garbage cans and it goes flying but quite honestly you could care less.
You speed away from his house, away from the boy you loved. For what very well could be the last time.
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