#and the two men have become my subordinates and they must do everything i say
theonpilled · 11 months
#another day another really weird dream#at first i dreamt i was watching a movie or a video game gameplay#where the main character was a woman who lived with her husband and two kids in the middle of nowhere#in like a house on the mountains#and one day two alien thingies like take ahold of the house but without her knowing#the husband knows tho amd hes trying to keep cool and give in to their request#and then we find out they approach her and give her the same 'rules' other wise they'd hurt her family#and like theyd drink blood and take samples from her family while she watches but she cant make a sound#she has to pretend everything is fine or they'll kill everybody#in the end the husband finds her#covered in blood with the two aliens dead and with their brains removed and eaten#but we dont kmow what happened. so then the dream changes#and its actually me with my family and im the main character#same stuff happens to me. but they're not really aliens theyre two men with weird powers#one night they give me a final trial. i have to hide from one of them until 5 am or they'll kill me and keep the game going with my family#i manage to hide and run for the whole night and they say i passed a test and me and my family are free#and the two men have become my subordinates and they must do everything i say#so i called the cops on them lmao. but then changed my mind and killed them before the cops came#and the cops were like ah. oh well. cleaned the house and left lol#and then i woke up
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Couldn't one of the recoms have volunteered as a foster family and somehow manipulated the system so that Spider would end up in their care? Imagine Ja/Fike becoming a foster parent and one day Quaricth shows up at the door for dinner lol
Oh my god I love this idea. Truthfully the thought never crossed my mind. They’d have to be really strategic about who they choose because just from my understanding of things it’s really uncommon for single men to be allowed to become foster parents so that would rule out Ja in my fic. Fike is married with two kids who are younger then Spider so he’d be a good choice on paper but the thing is he’s then implicating his wife if they get caught and putting a big risk on his family. And while Quaritch asks a lot of his team risking their families and potentially leading to them having their children taken away just like him is something he’d never even think to ask of them.
But if they could lower the risk by having someone on the inside who could mess with the files to say Spider was in a different home then “loss” all information about Fike once Spider is sent there then I could see this happening. Maybe the team even takes it upon themselves to do this and Quaritch doesn’t even know about it until he shows up for dinner. I imagine this all happened when Spider in around 10-12 so imagine middle school age Spider, it’s his first day in his new home. His new foster parents have been really nice- thought his foster father is a little too nice and seems why to excited to have him there. His foster siblings are around half his age but they’re both sweet and ask him a lot of questions. When it’s time for dinner Spider tucks himself into the table when there’s a knock on the door. Fike goes to open it. It seems they’d be having a guest for dinner. He hears the stranger’s voice, deep and gruff with a bit of a southern accent. It stirs something up in the back of his mind but he ignores it, too focused on the mashed potatoes in front of him.
Then the stranger stops short of fully entering the kitchen. “Miles,” he calls stunned
Spider looks at him equally surprised, “dad?” Before Spider can even process what’s happening Quaritch has him in a bear hug. He’s kissing his hair, mumbling, “my boy. My boy. My precious boy,” sounding on the verge of tears. Spider just freezes, not knowing what to do with himself.
Since Spider is younger he has a little less animosity towards Quaritch. He knows his dad was on the other side of the war but Norm still hasn’t found the right way to give Spider all the details and so he thinks Quaritch was kinda like Jake without the redemption arc. Just a grunt following orders. He has no clue that his father was actually the commanding officer. He also doesn’t exactly know why he’s not supposed to be around his dad. He knew his dad went to jail for a year but doesn’t know what for and he’s been told his dad is dangerous and that he should stay away from. But this guy? The guy hugging him like a life line who’s ready to cry from how overjoyed and relieved he is? Spider couldn’t imagine this guy being dangerous.
Spider is still stunned as Quaritch pulls away. His dad cups his face, looking at him with a soft smile. He just stares at him for a moment drinking in his son’s image, occasionally stroking his hair. Fike and his wife are smiling at the surprise reunion. Spider is the first to speak, “dad,” the word feels so strange on his tongue. Quaritch’s eyes light up when he’s called. “How are you here?”
Quaritch’s brow furrows slightly, “that I don’t know,” he looks up to his subordinate, “what did you do?” Spider looks up to his latest foster father and realizes immediately that he must be his father’s friend.
Fike explains everything ending with saying, “little Miles will have to stay here but you can come see him whenever you want. Hopefully now that you know he’s safe you can focus on other things. Like re-appealing your court case to get back custody.”
The whole conversation is pissing Spider off. They’re talking about him like he’s not even there. Like he’s an object to be won. “Hey! I’m right here! What about what I want! What if I don’t want to go with you!”
Quaritch is shocked, “I’m your dad. Why wouldn’t y’a want to come home with me?”
“I don’t even know you! I barely even remember you!”
Spider can see the devastation on his father’s face and it makes him feel a little bad. Quaritch recovers then sadly pats Spider’s cheek. “That’s fair. And I’m sure this is a lot for you. So how about you think about what y’a want. I’d appreciate it if you consider givin’ me a chance. Because I want to know you. A day hasn’t gone by where I didn’t miss y’a like crazy and wished for us to be a family again. But I get it. I haven’t been a part of your life and because of that your life has been mighty hard. So whatever you want to do…” Quaritch then goes to leave but before walking out he says, “I love you son.”
Quaritch decides to immediately get the ball rolling on regaining custody now that he knows his son is in good hands. He gets a better lawyer the next morning who puts a case together by noon. By the end of day they’ve got a date to petition the court. Their argument is that since Quaritch’s court order therapist Max Patel is a friend of his arch enemy Jake Sully then all of Dr.Patel’s conclusions on Quaritch should be thrown out and he should be granted a new unbiased therapist to judge whether he’s mentally fit to be a parent.
Spider thinks about all of this for days eventually deciding to give his dad a chance. Quaritch shows up as soon as Fike tells him Spider’s decision. It’s awkward at first. Spider doesn’t know what to say but then decides, screw it, and blatantly asks, “why are you dangerous?”
Quaritch just laughs, “that’s what they told y’a? I ended up in jail for attackin’ your mama’s killer.”
That changes Spider’s whole perspective. His dad was avenging his mom’s murder. How could that be bad?
So they talk. Quaritch gives Spider a sugar coated version of events to win his son over. Spider doesn’t immediately warm up to his dad. It takes weeks of Quaritch coming by every day for Spider to slowly start to let his defensives down. His dad is alway just so excited to see him. He takes interest in everything Spider does. He patiently helps him with his homework and is really encouraging when the problems make Spider feel like he’s stupid. It makes him think that maybe living with his dad would be pretty nice.
It takes nearly a year of court hearings and therapy sessions and mental assessments and then more court hearings but eventually Quaritch gets his parental rights reinstated. Spider is thrilled with the news but doesn’t immediately get to go home. First they have supervised visitations (they’re both laughing there asses off over this) when those go well they move up to unsupervised visitation, then a weekend stay and then finally they have one last court hearing where 11-13 year old Spider is asked if he wants to live with his father. “Yes,” he says with a smile and zero hesitation. The judge gives Quaritch full custody. Father and son hug each other tight all of team Deja Blue there to celebrate.
Cut to the start of the new school year. Spider and his dad had had a truly epic summer. Dad had taken him on a two week trip to Disney world right after their court case. All summer long they went on camping trips, had beach days, went to the zoo, and museums and loads of other local attractions. They went to the movies almost every week. And dad loved to watch Spider at the skate park. Spider had never imagined his life could be so good. He confidently strides into his new school- an expensive secular private school. There he meets Kiri, Lo’ak and Neteyam who quickly become his best friends. Of course over the semester the truth of all the terrible things his father has done comes out and Spider is devastated. Loads of family drama ensues all culminating on Quaritch going on a redemption arc for his son’s sake.
Anyway I got really carried away with this lol. I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for the question 💞
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bb-editing · 2 years
ROXANA (Chapter 65)
*E/N: I miss Cassis... reunion when... 😞
“Where are you going so hurriedly?” One of the Agriche officers shook Roxana’s shoulder. Upon seeing her face, however, he blushed and his footsteps stammered. “Th-the employees aren’t there- they’ve convened at the annex.” 
Unfazed, Roxana tilted her head. “I know. I’m not feeling too well, so I just wanted to be alone for a while. Okay?”
“Y-yes, yes.” His face was white. Roxana nodded; he seemed unwell. “You’d better take a break.” Her gentle voice flowed through his ears like a breeze, and he felt both reassured and guilty for cheating Roxana again.
“When you wake up, everything will be all over, so you don’t have to worry about anything… anything at all.” He didn’t dare ask what she meant. “So close your eyes and rest.” Her smile melted my sight, and the sweet scent that wafted over his face when she touched his cheek made his head spin.
* * *
“Father’s still the same, even until the end. Though I can’t say I’m surprised.” Roxana laughed lightly, crumpling a letter in her hand. There must have been no time to contact people on the outside and yet, Lanche’s message still found a way out. She wondered what other emergency protocols had been put in place. After all, he hadn’t used his usual, trusted servants, but an inconspicuous one that blended in well. Worse still, his absence and presence would neither raise nor calm alarms. 
However, all of Lanche’s blindly loyal subordinates had already been dispatched, so maybe he had just run out of options; he probably had no choice but to use someone like this.
Roxana’s cold gaze fell across the man lying below her. As soon as she’d closed the distance between their faces, he’d fallen unconscious.
In reality, Lanche did not allow Roxana to seduce other men as per the novel, because Roxana’s whole body was like a deadly poison in itself. Having consumed such large quantities of poison after rearing her butterflies, merely mingling her breath with another would cause them to exhibit symptoms of poisoning. 
Of course, she was able to contain some of the poison in her body, but it would be impossible if intimate contact was required. 
Where Sylvia’s kisses healed people, Roxana’s killed. 
“Bertium’s made his appearance again.” Roxana tilted her head in thought. She knew early on that Lanche wanted to form an alliance with Bertium, but was it a relationship that would require the provision of troops? 
Regardless of the actual answer, Lanche seemed to think so. And if that were true, then it meant a secret connection had been formed between eh two families- it meant Lanche had given Bertium a valuable incentive to help in this situation. 
Didn’t he have doubts about Bertium ‘resurrecting’ Cassis at the reunion meeting?
Though, it wouldn’t be strange for Lanche to now distrust every word exiting Roxana’s mouth after she’d just betrayed him like this. She pondered the situation for a while, but soon gave up; it was useless.
“Sister!” Jeremy appeared at the end of the hallway. As he stepped toward her, his eyes fell on the man lying on the ground.
“What is Emily doing?” Roxana asked. “And is she alone?”
“I did what you asked; I sent her to Mother.”
Just like when he faced his father in the courtroom earlier, he was now feeling slightly confused. Though he was unhappy with Dion clinging to Roxana’s side, with a single command from her mouth, he refrained from touching Dion.
Unlike in the past, he never felt like he would lose to Dion, though he would never dare to act against Roxana’s wishes and pick a fight with him. 
The last time he had acted of his own accord was when he accidentally put Roxana’s toy, Cassis Pedelian, in danger three years ago.
Now, he wanted to become a truly useful person to Roxana and stand by her side proudly.
If Roxana wanted to control Agriche, he would bring the entire household to her. If she wanted to kill Lanche, he would lead the way. But what she asked of Jeremy after overthrowing Lanche was strange… it was like controlling Agriche wasn’t the main goal, and she was after something larger.
“Yes, good job. Would you please take this person away and come back to me?” Roxana spoke strongly, as if unaware of Jeremy’s doubts. He swallowed his thoughts and said, “Yes, I will.”
Regardless of his questions, Jeremy was always willing to help Roxana. He picked up the fallen man and walked towards the annex, where the cleaning and disposal crew had been summoned. 
Roxana watched Jeremy’s back disappear into the distance, before burning the letter on a lit candle sconce.
She then placed the burning paper, lined with embers, onto the large curtain by the window.
The flickering flames traveled across the thick fabric. Roxana gazed at the flames as they gradually expanded across the wide interior. At the same time, intruder alarms had started ringing in the hallway, and a loud noise echoed in the distance. As she walked away, the fire behind her appeared to swallow the inside of the mansion. As per usual, surviving in this house would only be for the fittest. 
* * *
The Pedelians broke through the black Agriche gates, and the clang of weapons and armor shattered the silence of the night like an ear-splitting winter wind. The Pedelian knights launched an onslaught from all directions, surrounding the Agriches completely. 
The Agriche soldiers were unable to respond to such an unexpected attack. 
“Don’t chase those who flee! The capture of Lanche Agriche is our top priority!”
True to this command, those who escaped or were weaponless were not pursued- after all, the Pedelian knights’ mission wasn’t to annihilate the Agriche.
In the midst of the fighting, the padlock to the feeding pen had broken, releasing monsters into the area. Cassis lifted his head, and caught someone gazing at him from the building that was aflame. He knew immediately who it was. 
Even if the Agriche surrendered, Cassis knew he wouldn’t stop. As he cut open a monster with a single swing of his blade, he turned towards the Agriche soldier below him, now caked in the beast’s blood.
“Where is Lanche Agriche?”
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scuttling · 3 years
Badass Wife
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 3,297 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Dad Bod Hotch, Daddy kink, Dom/sub, Dirty talk, Unprotected sex, Rough sex, 69, Come eating/sharing, Oral sex, Fingering, Subspace, Aftercare, Semi-public sex Summary: Just some kinky Dad Bod Hotch 🤤 Continuation of "Trophy Husband" *Requested by anon.
Link to AO3 or read more below! “Is that my beautiful wife I hear?” Aaron calls from upstairs as you enter the foyer. You hang up your jacket, set your bag on the bench by the door, kick off your shoes, and head up the stairs.
“It’s me, where are you?” you call, and he sticks his head out of the home office with a grin you just have to kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he hums against your lips, deepens the kiss so you break apart feeling hungry. “Hello, handsome.”
“Hello, gorgeous. Remind me again how you were able to get the afternoon off?”
“I told them I had an appointment,” you say with an innocent shrug. “I didn’t specify that it was a dick appointment; do you think I should have?” Aaron laughs, something full and lovely, and you can’t help but smile. You love when you’re able to make him laugh; that feeling is second only to loving when you’re able to get him hard without so much as a touch.
“No, probably not. We’ll just keep that as our little secret,” he whispers in your ear, and you shiver instantly. “Daddy has plans for you. Do you want to hear them?” You swallow, nod your head. “I thought you might. Everything we do we’re going to do on that couch right there.” He nods to the small gray sofa in the office, which you’ve had many orgasms on throughout its time there.
Even after being married for more than a decade, your hottest fantasies are still the ones where Aaron is your boss and you do dirty, naughty things in his office—even becoming the unit chief yourself, the highest position you’ve ever held, doesn’t stop you from wanting to be his needy little subordinate, a desperate slut who would do anything to please her superior.
“First, I want you to lay on top of me with your pretty pussy in my face. You’ll suck on my cock for as long as you can, but I know you get distracted easily, baby; you’re just a horny mess when daddy eats your pussy, aren’t you?” He slides his hand between your legs, over the thin fabric of your usual black dress pants, and you squirm in his embrace, whine a little.
“Yes, daddy. I try my best, but I get too distracted by your mouth, so you just let me lay there and feel good.”
“That’s right, baby. You know I like to take care of you.” You nod, because that’s something you both love, and he moves to unbutton your pants, to untuck your white button up and slowly open it, his thick fingers purposefully avoiding your skin. “Maybe this time you can kiss my stomach, since you liked that so much last week. You liked kissing my stomach so much that you made a mess on daddy’s thigh, didn’t you baby?”
You close your eyes, reliving that night of super hot sex and again feeling a little embarrassed at that fact that you’d rubbed off against his leg. He loved it, though, has brought it up more than once since then, so it makes sense that it would be part of his fantasy now.
“Yes, daddy, I was messy, but I love your stomach; I want to kiss it again.” He gets your top off, unhooks your bra, and kisses a wet trail from your neck to your lower belly as he crouches to take off your pants.
“Good girl. I’m going to let you. Then, when you’re nice and wet for me, I’m going put you over the arm of the couch and fuck you while you beg for more. You’ll beg to come again, baby, because you’re so needy when you’re on daddy’s cock, and if you’re good, I’ll let you. If you’re bad, I’ll fill up your pussy and not let you come at all.”
“I’ll be good, daddy; I’ll be so good for you.” He smiles up at you from his position in front of you, and even though he’s on his knees, he has all the power, as always. He knows it, too, looks a little smug.
“Oh, I know you will, sweetheart. You always are.” He slides your panties down, leans up to take one soft, teasing taste between your legs that makes you sigh, and then he makes a noise of contemplation, leans back. “Actually, we’re going to change that up a little. I want to fuck you first. Do you want to know why?”
“Why daddy?” He started getting you off first during sex back when you started dating, because having an orgasm under your belt made things easier, a little smoother when it came time for penetration; it’s not a requirement, but something you’re both used to, so you’re curious why he’s switching it up now, though you know the reason must be good.
“Because I’m not coming inside you, I’m coming on my stomach so you can clean it up. You’ll like licking daddy’s come off his stomach, won’t you, good girl?” You take a rough breath, lightly nibble your bottom lip. There’s a reason this man has ruined you for all other men—many, many reasons, really, but this one’s up there.
“Oh, yes, daddy, I’ll really like that.” He rises to his feet, fully dressed where you’re bare naked, and you work quickly to get his pants off, his underwear down while he shrugs out of his t-shirt. “I’m ready, I’m really ready,” you say, which means let’s forget the foreplay and get straight down to business. Aaron smirks, because you both love foreplay, but sometimes one or both of you are too fucking horny for it, and he probably knew that talking about you licking him clean would get you there.
“Oh, you are, baby? You think you can handle daddy’s big cock already?” He gets his hands around your waist and you know what he wants; you jump into his arms and kiss, hot and steamy and sensual, scraping your neatly trimmed nails across his back. “Okay, let’s see, sweetheart. Be good for me.”
You’re used to being bent over the arm of the couch, either for spanking or oral or to be fucked—it’s a thick arm, comfy, short, which is probably the reason Aaron chose it in the first place. He always buys new furniture with sex in mind, which is easily in the top ten hottest things about him.
Today is different, though, because he doesn’t bend you over; he walks both of you over to the sofa and eases your body against the cushions, in the corner. Your head and shoulders are on the couch and your ass is up on the arm, your legs in the air. Your Aaron—always innovative. He wraps both hands around one of your thighs and pushes into you; it’s a little bit of a stretch, since you didn’t prepare, but nothing you haven’t worked through before.
“Good girl,” he praises, and you tip your head back, moan, as he starts pounding his cock inside you, his grip tightening on your thigh. You press one of your hands against the couch for leverage, bring the other to rub at your pussy, and stare up at him as he fucks you, breathing hard, his belly shaking a little with each hard thrust against you. Your tits are bouncing too, and your moans grow louder, longer; he’s giving it to you so good, just like always, and you feel slutty in this position, sexy, as he uses your body.
“Oh, daddy, yes, daddy,” you breathe, rubbing over your pussy, spreading your wetness around the hard shaft of his cock. He groans at your touch, fucks harder, and it feels like he brings you off in no time, calling his name and clamping tight around him. When it’s over, you sink against the sofa, closing your eyes and catching your breath. His big hands move to your tits, squeezing them roughly, earning a ragged whimper, and then he lifts you up, holds you in his arms, whispers how good you did, how beautiful you are.
“Time for the rest,” he says after a minute or two, and he sets you on your feet, lays back on the sofa, and helps you climb on top of him. He pulls your soaked pussy close to his face, spreads your ass with his hands and licks at you where you’re sensitive; you jolt forward, which puts his cock in your face, and you hum, wrap your hand around it, and start to suck. “Mmm, fuck, baby,” he says, making wet sounds as he mouths at your lips, and you take him deep, hollow your cheeks, and suck hard at a medium pace. If you were trying to get him off quickly, you’d go for fast and shallow, but he likes when you draw it out as much as you can most of the time.
Moaning around his cock is always a great way to get him to eat you a little sloppier when you’re in this position, and you like sloppy, like the way you feel when your wet sounds echo in the room. You both work to get each other off this way for a few minutes, but eventually you’re too close again, and you’re hazy, unfocused, your mouth and hand moving at a lazy, irregular pace.
Aaron groans, and you’re sure your mouth is wetter around him, so it probably feels awesome even if it’s not moving exactly the way he’d like. He moves one hand off of your ass, slides it up between your bodies, and encourages you to lift off of him; you do, sitting up a little, hands pressed to his thighs, and he wraps his hand around his cock and jerks it, which is so sexy and you love to see it, can’t stop watching him.
“Mmm, come daddy, come on your belly for me daddy, please, daddy,” you ramble, fuzzy and eager to come and to lick his come and do whatever he asks you to. “Hungry, let me.” That does it, and he climaxes, thighs tensing beneath your hands. He comes in hot spurts all over his stomach, dripping into his belly button, clinging to the trail of hair, and you lean forward like the greedy slut you are, swiping your tongue over him, dipping it inside his belly button to scoop it into your mouth.
You’re moaning like a whore, licking and kissing his stomach, his salty, tangy come on your lips and your cheek, and he leans up, pulls you toward him, his eyes dark and hard and sexy. He grabs your chin hard, makes you whine, and you meet in the middle for a kiss; it’s wet and messy, his come makes its way from your mouth to his, and his tongue tastes like you, and you want to get off again so bad your pussy aches with need.
“Oh please oh please,” you beg against his lips, and he moves you so you’re laying along his body again, your head between his legs. He presses his fingers inside you, two and then three, pumping them in quick and deep until you’re coming all over them, hands on his thighs, wailing and trembling in his grasp. He licks you up, licks you clean, and pulls you close for another dirty kiss, your come in your mouth this time. It’s only fair.
You’re like dead weight on top of him, fucked-out and barely functional, and he lifts you off, pulls you into his arms, and takes you to your master bathroom so he can draw you both a bath while you curl into warm, happy subspace. You sink into hot, foamy water, your back against his chest, and he kisses your neck, murmurs his love and admiration, holds you close until finally drift back to him.
“Love you,” you murmur, and he turns your face toward his for a soft, sweet kiss.
“Love you, sweetheart. Perfect girl.”
When you’re done soaking, you rinse off, dry off, and slip into one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers; he pulls on boxers only, and you follow him downstairs for some lunch, can’t help the way your eyes roam over his bare torso while he moves about the kitchen. Somehow—you’re really not sure how—you ended up with the hottest husband in the universe, and you prop your elbow up on the counter, rest your chin in your hand, and marvel over how wonderful life has become. A few days later, you’re sitting in your office waiting for your 1:00 appointment, which Anderson had scheduled for you without explaining in the slightest, when you hear Derek say, “Hey, man!” You walk to your doorway and see Aaron and Derek shaking hands down in the bullpen. Aaron is looking extremely delicious in a criminally tight polo and khakis—he must have gone golfing before coming over, one of the many perks of retirement—and you’re suddenly feeling ravenous.
You absently wonder if you can move your appointment, and then you put two and two together and grin.
“If you’re my 1:00, you’re early,” you call down, arms crossed in front of you, and he turns to look at you in such a way that you can practically feel your panties disintegrate. He manages to shoot you a private look that lets you know you’re in for something special, then schools his expression to something fit for public consumption within the same second.
“Maybe I missed you.”
“Maybe you missed Derek,” you tease, and your phone rings, so you head back to your desk. It’s a sheriff in Alabama, someone who heard from someone else about the BAU and is practically demanding that your team comes down to help with a case.
You’re in the middle of politely standing your ground when Aaron slips into your office, shuts and locks the door behind him. You’re a little angry at the douchebag on the phone, so you’re hot already, but he gives you a look that only makes you hotter.
“I appreciate the circumstances, sheriff, believe me, but we can’t consult on every single homicide case your department faces. There are requirements that need to be met.”
Aaron walks around your desk with purposeful strides, and you look up at him, ready to roll your eyes in regards to the conversation, but… he gets on his knees, turns you and your chair to the side, and then sticks his hands up your dress and yanks your panties down. Your free hand grabs the armrest, and it’s all you can do not to gasp out loud.
He grins, the bastard, and then mouths payback.
Okay, that’s fair. You’ve sucked him off in this office at inconvenient times more often than you can count.
He guides your ass to the edge of the seat, lifts your legs to hook them over his shoulders, and puts his head under your skirt.
“Uh huh, absolutely,” you breathe into the receiver. “I’m not trying to downplay what your community is going through at all; it’s very unfortunate.”
You do feel bad, but it’s hard to sound properly sympathetic when your husband has two fingers and his face buried in your pussy. He fucks them into you fast and smooth and you squeeze your eyes shut, take a deep breath.
“Maybe I can recommend your case to the organized crime unit at the—the Birmingham field office, if you think it's gang-related.” You tuck the phone between your ear and shoulder and reach down, fisting your hands into this hair, tugging roughly in retaliation. It doesn’t really count, you guess, when he enjoys it. “Yes, I have your number here. I’ll pass the information along and they’ll be in touch. Mmm—maybe, maybe they’ll be able to help. Okay, will do. Uh huh. Goodbye.” As soon as you hear the dial tone, you let the phone fall away and you arch your back, groan aloud, but not too loud. JJ’s office is next to yours now, and you’ll never hear the end of it if she hears any of it.
“Are you alright, baby?” Aaron asks, peeking out from beneath your skirt, his lips wet, and you close your eyes, lick your lips.
“Fuck you,” you mutter, no heat at all to your words, and he pulls his fingers out; your eyelids flutter open, and he sucks on his own fingers, licking you off of them. You groan again, and he smirks.
“If you insist.” He moves to stand, leans over you, and you wrap your arms around his neck, let him lift you into his strong arms. He holds you with one arm—one perfect arm—and pushes your paperwork to one side, then lays you back on the desk and pushes up your dress. He undoes his belt, unbuttons and unzips those fucking khakis, and then guides himself inside you; you groan together this time.
He plants his hands on either side of you, your thighs spread wide around his hips, and he fucks hard, holding you in place with his body. You wrap your hands around the edge of the desk and move against him, thighs jiggling against his, tits once again bouncing and barely confined by your dress.
“Oh, fuck, oh fuck. Fuck me, daddy, harder, daddy,” you murmur, overheated and wet and desperate to come, and Aaron grunts, leans further forward and pounds inside you, quick and deep and frantic. “Just like that, just like that.”
“You might be the boss, but you’re not my boss,” he reminds you with a wink, and you sigh, reach up to touch his face.
“Baby, I’m absolutely the boss of you; everywhere but the bedroom.” He licks his lips, brings a hand up to squeeze your tits, and you move your hands to his waist, digging your fingers into that polo that fits his new body so well. “Mmm, gonna come all over your cock, daddy,” you say, looking up at him, and he grits his teeth, comes, which makes you want to come; a few more pumps of your hips against his and you do, loudly.
His hand comes up to cover your mouth, and you moan into it; when you’re appropriately silent, he moves it to your clit, still railing you like you didn’t just both get off five seconds ago, and after a couple of minutes your pussy can’t take it, and you come again, loud on purpose so his big hand will shut you up.
You curl together and kiss, wrapping your legs around his ass so he’ll stay inside you, sharing breath while you try to calm down; you sweep your hands over his arms and chest and sides, humming happily.
“Why did you make an appointment to come see me today?” you murmur, blissful and dopey, and he smiles, reaches behind you for your nameplate and rests it on your stomach.
“Because I realized we hadn’t christened this office since it became your office, and I felt it was long overdue.”
“Very long overdue,” you agree, and you cuddle until it’s time to get ready for your next meeting. You both clean up quickly and then Aaron walks you downstairs so you can hit the restroom before your next appointment. He kisses you soft and slow, tells you he loves you before he goes.
You meet your 2:00 in the lobby, walk them up to your office—which you’ve aired out, you think—and ask them to take a seat. When you walk around to your chair, you see your panties on the ground, panic internally for a moment, and then kick them under your desk with a heel and offer your visitor a perfectly normal smile. Taglist ❤️: @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
Could I get a fluffy and maybe flirty Childe imagine set during his story quest? Instead of the Traveler and Paimon accompanying him, the reader (who works at the Northland Bank as one of Childe’s subordinates) gets slapped with the duty of babysitting Teucer and covering for Childe and his façade as a toy seller in Liyue.
"I must say that your brother is quite cute, sir."
"...I guess it must run in the family."
"Hm? Did you say something, comrade?"
"Oh. Um. Nothing, sir."
Of course, being the perceptive man he is, Childe heard all of what they said. What he ends up doing or saying to the reader? Seeing the magic you’ve worked when anon previously gave you the liberty of it, I leave it entirely up to you. :)
featuring: childe x gn!reader
warnings: a teeny bit suggestive at the end
published: april 27 2021
form: imagine
a/n: i’m gonna be real with you, i was stuck on ar35 for the longest time because i was too cowardly to level up my world so i finally did it today and i jumped from 35 to 41 T_T and now my enemies are stupidly strong. but anyways i just started the childe quest today so im just gonna stick to the part when they’re still in liyue and there’s no fighting wwww
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“teucer, i swear to celestia-” you muttered under your breath, as the little redhead slipped from your grasp yet again, running ahead to go look at some kite vendors. “come back here, kid! otherwise you’re gonna be in a heck of a lot of trouble!” 
earlier in the day, you were out running errands for the bank, under tartaglia’s orders, when you had come across rumors of a ruin guard running amok. figuring you would use your spare time and save some local liyue citizens the trouble of having to deal with the feral robot, you defeated the machine with efficient ease. however, in the vicinity, you discovered a lone child showing great excitement at a deactivated ruin guard, jumping and leaping while calling it “mr. cyclops” with a strange elation. 
you figured the boy was snezhnayan, what with his features and clothing reminiscent of the cold climate of your homeland. but why in the world was he out by a ruin hunter all alone? he kept mentioning his brother, a toy seller in liyue, but you could think of absolutely nobody that fit that description. 
so, out of the goodness of your own heart, you decided to take the little boy-- teucer, he called himself--back to liyue harbor with you, and see if you could find this older brother of his. 
however, once you arrived back in the city, your plans were quickly derailed as the little brat seemed to have the attention span of a fruit fly, and was constantly trying to weasel his way into some other dangerous situation without you knowing. 
“god dammit teucer”, you huffed, trying to keep up with the child. who let children have so much energy? your age must finally be catching up to you, you thought. “how about we go back to northland bank? you might like it there” you thought taking him back to your headquarters would stall the boy for enough time for you to find someone who might know the whereabouts of teucer’s brother. there weren’t too many snezhnayans in liyue--whoever his brother is, he can’t be far.
the little boy looked up at you with his big, blue puppy eyes, but you knew his act by now. “no buts, kid. if you’re lucky, we’ll be able to track down you’re brother there.” he sighed, relenting to your orders and following you back to northland bank.
the two of you climbed up the stairwell leading to the entrance of the bank on the second floor, teucer clearly dejected and pouting like a baby. exhausted, you pushed open the doors that you were so familiar with, and ushered the child inside.
much to your surprise, you see tartaglia talking with ekaterina in the lobby. it had been quite a while since you had seen your superior in person, and the surprise certainly was not unwelcome. sometimes you couldn’t stand the man’s smug attitude, yet there was something in his rogueish charisma that you simple couldnt deny attracted you to him.
teucer also seemed to be excited by this sighting of the red-headed harbinger, the little boy’s eyes lighting up with unbridled excitement.
wait. was tartaglia the older brother teucer had been talking about all along?
childe turned around, distracted by teucer’s voice, and upon seeing the little boy, his eyes lit up—first with surprise, then with confusion.
“teucer? what the heck are you doing here in liyue?”
he left the fatui agent with a befuddled look upon her face, and ran towards the child. teucer jumped up into his brother’s broad arms, and they grasped each other in a tight hug, like they had not seen each other for at least an eternity.
ruffling teucer’s hair, tartaglia softened, with an expression unlike anything you had really seen him wear before. he really must care about his family, you thought to yourself.
“so you’re the older brother this little tyke has been talking nonstop about”, you teased tartaglia, elbowing him in his side. “you know, he’s thrown me for a loop this entire day. i didnt think babysitting was part of the job requirement.”
the red-head chuckled abashedly, scratching his head. “sorry about that, [y/n]. the little guy can’t seem to bear being away from his favorite big brother.”
teucer laughed. he truly looked so happy to be with tartaglia again, which made you wonder what the harbinger was like when not on the job. you had known him to be a ruthless war machine, a hedonistic killer who thrived off of the rush battle and bloodshed gave him. childe could take down a dozen men, twice his size, in a matter of minutes, hardly breaking a sweat. yet seeing him interact with teucer, almost a little mini-sized version of himself, his gentleness and care surprised you. perhaps there was more to the man than you had initially thought.
teucer finally detaching himself from tartaglia, looked up at his brother with those same puppy eyes, now full of admiration. “are you here to sell toys to the liyue children, too?”, the child asked. toys? what toys could he possibly be referring to? you and ekaterina, both, looked at childe with confusion.
tartaglia stuttered for a moment. “oh! uhh— yes! yes i am! i was just talking with the nice lady, ms. ekaterina, on how many toys we can sell to all the children in liyue!” he responded, hardly missing a beat. did teucer not know what childe’s actual occupation was?
“wow! my brother really is the coolest person ever!” teucer leaped up and down, hanging onto tartaglia’s pantlegs. looking at this young, untainted innocence, you begun to understand why childe might try and shield the child from the truth.
childe detached the excitable child from his clothing, and beckoned ekaterina over. “ms. ekaterina, would you do me the grand favor of watching teucer for the rest of the day? i’d hate to burden our friend [y/n] after they have already brought him to liyue from celestia-knows-where.” he turns to teucer, telling him “big brother ajax is going to sell many, many toys now! so you need to behave yourself when i’m gone, okay? miss ekaterina will be watching you, and she’s very nice.” he pinches his brother’s cheek, teasing him lightly, and ushering him away with the fatui agent.
it’s now just you and tartaglia in the bank, as the sun was setting and all the other employees had gone home for the day. you heaved a sigh of relief, glad to be rid of baby-sitting duty, after having to deal with teucer’s antics for several hours now.
“i’m really sorry about all of that. i had no idea he would be coming, as a stowaway, no less.” the man looked at you with genuine gratitude. “i don’t want to imagine what might’ve happened to the little brat if you hadn’t been there.”
you chuckled, not quite used to seeing such sincerity coming from the harbinger. most of the time, you had been accustomed to his charismatic facade that he puts on when he becomes childe, the eleventh and one of the most dangerous members of the fatui harbingers.
“don’t worry, it really was no problem. your brother is certainly a handful, but undeniably adorable”, you said, mindlessly gathering your belongings again as you prepared to head out again. “he takes after his older brother quite a bit, i must say.”
“come again?” childe looked behind him, eyebrow cocked.
“oh— nothing. i didnt say anything”, you muttered. shit. you really need to get better at keeping your mouth shut. you refused to be known as the insolent fool with the puppy-love crush on the goddamn eleventh fatui harbinger.
“oh? that didnt really sound like nothing, my dear [y/n].” he smirked. whenever he called you “my dear”, you knew you were in for major teasing. he was definitely having fun with this. he strode towards you innocently, with that usual swagger of his, that tinted everything he did. his walk, his talk, his appearance all oozed confidence, and it was utterly intoxicating.
tartaglia now looked at you with a glint in his eye, the same look he gave enemies before he was about to utterly obliterate them. it was frightening, yet terribly alluring, and you despised how much you fell for it.
suddenly, you felt your back hit the cold, marble wall. you hadn’t even realized that tartaglia had cornered you against a gold pillar, his mere presence forcing you to unconsciously move away from him as he approached you, calculatedly. a lump growing in your throat, you couldn’t bring yourself to even utter a single word in defense, only feeling your cheeks grow hotter and your legs grow weaker.
tartaglia leaned his arm against the pillar, dangerously close to your head, effectively propping himself up with only you between him. you were far too aware of the space—or rather, the lack thereof—separating the two of you, the man’s hot breath audible in the dead, echoing silence of the golden bank.
tartaglia smirked, bringing his face close to yours. “you flatter me greatly, [y/n].” smirking, his breath grazed against your neck, his stare burning into your flesh. the way your name sounded on his lips made your breath hitched in your throat. too hot, you felt way too hot. it was impossible for a hydro user to make you feel such unbearable heat.
“seems as if your clever words aren’t of any use to you now, hmm?” you could feel the mans lips brushing against your jaw, each touch against you leaving a stinging trail. he brought his free hand to caress your own, fingers clasping yours as if you were made of a delicate porcelain, the finest kind liyue had to offer. slowly, as if dragging out each second as long as he could, tartaglia brought your hand to his lips, and planted a long, slow kiss to the back of your palm.
your eyes widened at the sheer eroticism with which he kissed your hand—an act commonly of etiquette somehow being much more lustful, even debauched when tartaglia did it. all you could feel was where his lips met your hand, the phantom burn it left, the slight string of saliva connecting his lips to your hand as he left it, the dark gaze in his eyes as he looked back up at you, clearly aware of how vulnerable you were in his grasp.
“thank you again, my dear. i hope we can continue to work together in the future.”
a/n: jesus christ this got really horny at the end LMFAO anyways i hope you like it! its kinda long but wtv
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shinicalstorytime · 3 years
X Drake x reader - Report
You walked through the beautiful, colorful streets of Wano. There was no denying it, the land looked gorgeous, or at least certain parts of it. Of course, you were aware there were parts of this country that weren’t as nice a sight. Especially where the factories were located.
Sadly, however, you would leave this beautiful sight behind soon and take a boat to Onigashima, which didn’t look as inviting as the Flower Capital. You had no choice though, as you had to report to your captain: X Drake. After having tailed the CP Aigis 0, it just so happened that they landed on the island your captain was doing undercover work himself.
You left the beautiful capital and quickly reached the port. A ship from the Beast Pirates was waiting for you, as Drake had instructed them to pick you up. Of course, your captain had lied and told everyone that you would swear your allegiance to Kaido, since all his subordinates were under his service.
You quickly met with the captain of the ship and verified your identity, quickly getting on board as you saw he was in a bad mood. Then again, you’d be too if Kaido would be your captain.
Onigashima came into view and your mood dropped instantly. How could this place be located so close to something as beautiful as Wano? Why was Drake even there, couldn’t he do his undercover work on the beautiful mainland instead?! The things you did for your captain.
The boat arrived and you hopped off the ship after quickly thanking him for transporting you. He only grunted in response. Geez, such nice company. You left the boat behind you and started towards the living quarters of the Tobi Roppo, using the instructions Drake had given you in his latest letter.
On the way, you noticed many of the Beast Pirates, all drinking, laughing and partying. You were glad to at least see they had a better mood than that ship’s captain. If you would have to spend your undercover time looking at moody faces you’d go mad and become sour yourself. You wanted to leave this country with your sanity.
Finally, the living quarters of the Tobi Roppo came into view in the distance. Honestly, you’d be glad to rejoin your captain and your old crew. Tailing CP Aigis 0 had been quite lonely and boring. Besides, seeing him always made you happier.
At least, you finally reached your destination. It also didn’t take you long to notice which one was Drake’s since it was the most barren place. You walked over to the door and knocked. No answer. Of course, Drake wasn’t here. Why would it be easy?
“Can I help you?” You jumped and turned around at the person from who the voice came. It was a rather tall man with light blue hair which hung in a weird pompadour in front of his face.
“Uh, I am looking for Drake…” you said. After all, maybe this person knew where your captain was. The man smiled at you as he took you in. Did he see through you? Did he know you didn’t really belong here?
“Ah, you must be his subordinate right? He is currently in a meeting with Sasaki, but I could keep you company until then.” You looked at him a bit confused and you wanted to put distance between the two of you. You didn’t like where this was going. The man seemed to catch on as to what you were thinking. “Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I am Kyoshiro, and I just want to keep you company since Drake doesn’t tend to hurry.”
You decided to try and trust him, for now. After all, you had to be on good terms with the Beast Pirates and their associates. Thus, you followed this Kyoshiro to a bar nearby where he treated you to a cup of sake.
After a few cups, Kyoshiro became very good company. He seemed quite entertaining and knew how to keep a conversation going. “So, tell me. What is with you and Drake?” he asked. Confusion hit you. What did he mean with that?
Kyoshiro could see the confusion and chuckled. “Drake’s demeanor changed completely when he knew you were coming to Wano. He’s been more distracted and making sure everything would be in order for your arrival.”
Those words surprised you. Drake had been looking forward to your arrival then? You didn’t think it would make much difference for him, after all you were just his subordinate. The notion made you warm inside. Apparently that started to show on your face as well as you became red, much to Kyoshiro’s entertainment.
Kyoshiro of course had caught on to Drake’s change the past few days and it was easy to see why, seeing you in front of him. It was even more amusing to him to see the effect mentioning Drake had on you as well. He could easily tell there was more going on than just a captain and crewmember type of relationship. At last, he had a chance to enjoy himself and play cupid for a bit.
You noticed a mischievous glint in your company’s eyes and couldn’t’ help but wonder what that was about. “So, when do you think Drake will be back?” you asked him. You really wanted to get the report out of the way so you can get some rest from your long trip.
Kyoshiro shrugged. “No clue. But I am not in a hurry. Besides, Sasaki is also in that meeting and he is my usual drinking partner. I quite enjoy your company anyway.”
“Well, that is easily solved.” The voice made your heart skip a beat. Only now you had realized how much you missed that voice. You turned around and met the blue eyes of your captain. However, they were focused on Kyoshiro with murderous intent behind them.
Kyoshiro only looked amused. Oh how easy his job would be here. “Done already? That’s not your usual way of working.” the blue-haired man said, a teasing grin on his face.
Drake kept his eyes fixated on the man. How dared the try to woe his crewmate! “Sasaki is ready to be your drinking buddy again.” The anger present in your captain’s voice surprised him. Why was he in such a bad mood? Had something gone wrong in the meeting?
Kyoshiro sighed, but couldn’t hide his amusement even a little. “Such a shame, I was really enjoying my new company.” The man turned to look at Sasaki, who had been stationed next to the angry Drake, silently observing. “No offence.”
Sasaki laughed a bit, having caught on to the little devious plan of the yakuza. “None taken, my friend. I would also prefer company this pretty.” This was the last drop for Drake. Something inside him exploded.
Drake turned to you and grabbed your wrist. “Come on, (Y/N). It’s time to go.” and with that, he dragged you out of the bar. You were so confused and gave the two other men an apologetic look. Something told you you’d best keep them on a friendly side.
As Drake was dragging you through the streets of Ongashima, seemingly without a destination in mind, you were gathering your thoughts. “Okay and now we’re going to stop!” you shouted as you stopped in your tracks and effectively stopping your captain as well.
“What on earth was all that about?!” Drake didn’t know how to answer that. Well, he knew the answer, but he didn’t want to admit that he was jealous. After all, you were supposed to be by his side again now that you two were reunited.
“Drake?” His silence was starting to worry you. Was he sick? The man sighed. He knew there wasn’t a way around it. He supposed it was time to finally admit it.
“(Y/N)… I missed you.” Your cheeks warmed at those words. He did? You had missed him a lot as well. “I missed you too, Drake. But what does that have to do with that display in the bar?” you questioned. You didn’t see the correlation.
“Those guys don’t know how to treat a lady properly.” You laughed a bit. “And you do?” Sure, you loved Drake a lot but he was by no means great with the ladies.
Drake grumbled at that. “Perhaps not, but I do know how to treat you. And that is the only lady I need to know how to treat.” You were speechless. What were you supposed to say to that? Guess he did know how to woe a woman if he tried.
Your captain gained some confidence witnessing the flustered state you were in. “You’re not denying it, so I am assuming I am right?” You blushed more and nodded. “Perfect.” Drake said. God, you didn’t know how to handle it if Drake showed his more confident side.
However, you wouldn’t indulge him too much. “So, do you have time for my report now?” you asked, hoping to change the subject. “Of course I have time for you… but the report can wait.” Drake said with a smirk, taking your hand and leading you back to his living quarters. It would prove to be an interesting night for the two of you.
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littlesniggy · 3 years
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Anon: IT‘S OPEN AGAIN! 🎉 im the Anon who asked for the Sakazuki request at the 100 followers event. Would you do a scenario where he takes female readers virginity ? I just can’t imagine him being the best choice for it but maybe you have a different take on it! Love your work so much and thank you!!! 💖
Sakazuki taking reader‘s virginity Anon here! I’d say maybe reader is not in a relationship with him but if you can’t come up with a scenario where this could be the case then can also be in a relationship. It’s up to you! Thank you so much !
Well...this is rather long and I apologize. I couldn't come up with a scenario where he would take reader's virginity without them being in a relationship except for this one. It has a lot of story in the beginning so feel free to skip to the dirty part if it's too long....anyways, I hope you like it and let me know!
Warning: 18+, nsfw, masturbation, superior x subordinate
Parining: Sakazuki x female reader
Word count: 4.1k
He had saved you when you were a child; kidnapped by pirates and to be sold off to god knows where. He, a Vice Admiral at the time, and his men caught the pirates off guard like a sudden storm, the outlaws not having anywhere to run. You watched him from afar, barking orders at his men and not paying you any attention. He scared you more than the pirates did, with his cold eyes and his unapproachable aura.
You joined the marines when you were old enough, wanting to stop piracy and the suffering pirates caused to innocent citizens. Oddly enough, Sakazuki became like a role model to you in his consequent behavior even though you had no interactions whatsoever. It was also no surprise to you when he was promoted to be an admiral. You admired him, wanting to climb the ranks like him and in the process became somewhat ruthless in your pursuit of pirates as well though not to the extend he was.
He came to the base you were stationed at, ordered by Sengoku to help catch the rising numbers of pirates sighted in this area. Apparently, he was not amused about it, thinking all of you had done a terrible job of letting this happen. First thing he did was give an angry speech to everyone, scolding you for the lack of effort in catching the pirates. The Vice Admiral’s got an even bigger scolding; everyone leaving the meeting room smaller than before.
You were called into his office a couple of days later. One of your superiors had recommended you to become Sakazuki’s assistant for the time he was here, not wanting to do it himself. You felt excited to be even thought of, wanting to see the admiral in action. So, you knocked on his door, waiting for him to call you in.
“Hello, Sir. I’m-“
“You’re late, marine.” His voice was harsh and annoyed, his eyes boring into yours, making you swallow. To say he was intimidating would’ve been an understatement – he was terrifying! You were taken back to more than ten years ago when you first saw him. You felt like a small child that did something wrong and was to be scolded by their parent.
“Sit down.” He ordered you, gesturing to the empty chair in front of the desk. You nodded, hurrying over and sitting down, not wanting to let him wait any longer. Your enthusiasm had dropped significantly; you weren’t even able to look him in the face, your hands fidgeting in your lap. You felt his eyes mustering you in irritation and it made you even more uncomfortable.
“I’ve heard you were the right one for the job but when I look at you I’m wondering what kind of marines work here when you’re the best they can offer as an assistant.” His words stabbed you like a knife in the heart. But he was right? The moment you entered the room you felt so nervous, not even a kid would take you seriously. Taking all your courage, you looked up and right at his face, feeling the need to look away immediately but pushing this urge away.
“Don’t you have anything to say, marine?” he got more irritated by your silence and you could understand; you were not making a good impression on him. “I’m sorry I was late, Sir. It won’t happen again.” You finally managed to say, trying to sound more confident than you actually felt. “That’s what to be expected of a marine. I don’t need any half-assed assistant who I can’t even rely on being punctual. Next time this happens you’ll be punished.” He said, meaning every word he said. You swallowed again, nodding at him. “Understood, Sir.”
From then on you spent a lot of time together. You were mostly ordered to run from A to B to collect reports or documents for him and being yelled at when you did the smallest mistakes. The first time you boarded a ship with Sakazuki, however, was the most exciting moment in your life so far. Over the last three weeks you’ve been his assistant for you have gotten used to him and somewhat could anticipate which mood he was in (most of the time not in a good one). Your admiration for him never really wavered; just the respect you had for this man grew even more.
“Y/n, is everything ready for departure?” he asked, standing at the bow of the marine ship, arms crossed in front of his chest. “Yes, Sir. Everything is set and we will leave any moment.” You informed him. Akainu simply nodded, turning around and walking towards a Vice Admiral, talking to him. While he was gone you were following your own train of thought. You never told him that he was the one who saved you and you doubted he actually remembered. You wouldn’t even know how to address it, never finding the right moment. You also doubted he actually cared enough to listen to what you had to tell him so you made the decision to not mention it at all. At least at the moment.
“The admiral wants the reports from today. Bring them to him.” Your Vice Admiral told you, handing you the reports his subordinates had written over the day. You nodded, making your way over to Sakazuki’s office. Cold wind blew inside the small room when you entered, closing the door behind you.
“Do you have the reports, Y/n?” he asked, not looking up from his desk. “Yes, Sir. They’re all here.” You replied, handing them over to your boss. He nodded, not acknowledging your presence any further. You were about to leave when his deep voice caught you off guard. “Have I told you to leave?” he asked, still not looking up. You were confused, stopping in your tracks. “No, Sir.”
“I want you to take a look at this an tell me if you find anything suspicious.” He said, holding a piece of paper up. You nodded, still confused but took it and sat on the other chair, starting to read. You felt his eyes on you, watching you while you read and it made you feel nervous. It was hard for you to concentrate, your eyes looking up at him from time to time, needing to find where you had left before and taking unnecessarily long. Of course, he noticed.
“Is there a reason why you stop reading all the time?” he wanted to know, a scowl on his face. “N-no, Sir. It’s just difficult to concentrate.” You mumbled, pressing your lips shut after realizing you said it out loud. The admiral raised an eyebrow. “And why is that?” he insisted. You shook your head, trying to let the topic drop. “It’s nothing, Sir.”
“I want to know why my assistant is getting distracted when I gave her an order. It must be something very important when it takes up your mind this much.” He narrowed his eyes and you knew you had to tell him something believable. But coming up with a lie was rather difficult with his intense stare so your only option was the truth. “I-it’s just a little distracting when you….look at me like this. It makes me feel nervous.” You admitted.
Sakazuki was silent for a moment, making the whole situation even more unnerving for you. Then he huffed, leaning back in his chair. You looked up at him again, his stare now even more intense than before and with a blush you lowered your gaze again. “If I make you nervous I suggest you get used to it.” He just said. “I guess so, Sir.” You mumbled, trying so hard to focus on the sheet in front of you.
Out of the corner of your eyes you saw him get up from his chair and walk around the small room, waiting for you to finish reading. You felt his presence behind you, your body tensing unconsciously. You imagined his eyes wandering over you back up to your neck, creating small goosebumps on your skin. You wondered what he was thinking about. Your mind all of a sudden went crazy, the most bizarre scenarios played in your head and you lost your focus completely.
Your face as beet red at the thought of him possibly considering you attractive, him thinking about seducing you, him thinking about touching you – all those thoughts and you didn’t know if they were actually true. Your mind was playing tricks on you; the time you’ve spent together apparently had you develop feelings towards this man behind you and you caught yourself more often than not imagining being intimate with him.
There was this one time where you accidentally saw him shirtless in his office, after he had spilled something on his shirt (he denied it of course) and was changing into a new one. That night you had your first wet dream about him but you tried to play it down, telling yourself it was just the close proximity you two were sharing that naturally made you feel sexually attracted to him. But it never stopped. Soon, you actively fanaticized about him and you felt ashamed about it.
“Are you done, Y/n?” he brought you back to reality and you slowly shook your head no. “I-I’m sorry, Sir. I don’t seem to be able to concentrate. I think I might be too tired.” You said, hoping he believed you. You didn’t dare to turn around and look at him but you put the paper down on the desk in front of you, showing him that you were being honest. Akainu huffed. You heard footsteps coming closer to you until you saw his shoes next to your chair.
You looked up at him unsettled, anticipating his scolding.
“You seem awfully tense around me the for the past week. Is there something you need to tell me? If not, I suggest you get over it and take your job seriously. I don’t need someone who gets distracted so easily.” You couldn’t possibly tell him that you were thinking about him being naked and between your legs!
“I just wanted to say how thankful I am for getting this opportunity serving under you, Sir.” God! This sounded wrong! What if he thinks I want to have sex with him? Well, technically I do but he mustn’t know!
Sakazuki didn’t know what was going on in your head but just nodded. You were sure he didn’t believe you but also knew you wouldn’t tell him. So, he left it at that. “If you can’t do a better job tomorrow, I will replace you.”
You were ordered to stay on the ship today for whatever reason. The admiral was probably still not pleased with your performance yesterday that he wanted to punish you for it since he kind of knew how much you wanted to fight. Besides you there were a handful of other marines still on the ship but it was quiet over all. You had the order to organize the various reports in his office.
When you couldn’t find one you were sure you had seen yesterday you looked for it in his entire office. When you still couldn’t find it you thought that he might’ve taken it with him last night to his room. You were not allowed to enter his room but maybe this was an exception? Plus, he wasn’t here yet and it probably wouldn’t take long. But when it was gone, he would know that someone was in his office. But maybe he wouldn’t be too mad…
Before you knew it you had opened his door (surprisingly it wasn’t locked) and stepped inside his room. It was dark and you needed to turn on the lamp. The dim light barely illuminated the room but you could see enough to find your way around. On the nightstand you saw them – the five missing reports. You hurried over and picked them up, you were almost out the door when a thought hit you. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned around, looking at his neatly made bed. It was huge.
You slowly walked back, stopping in front of it and contemplating with yourself. You should just leave and never come back here! But you really wanted to lay down in his bed – just once – and see how he was sleeping. Without thinking twice you laid down on his big bed on your stomach and pressed your face into his pillow, closing your eyes. It smelled like him; he had this distinct smell of musk and a hint of cologne that made your knees go weak every time you were close to him.
Unconsciously, you let your hand wander down and between your legs, pushing pat the restraints of your uniform pants and panties. You felt your sex getting wet the more you smelled the pillow, your finger starting to rub against your folds, spreading your slick on your cunt. You moaned into the pillow, imagining it being his hand stoking you, his weight pressing down on you and his hot breath tickling your neck.
Your fingers entered your core, moving in and out, imagining his thick dick taking you as he pressed your head into the pillow. Another moan, this time a little louder, when you entered a second finger, spreading them inside of you. You’ve never had sex but you liked to imagine what it would feel like. His dick going deeper and deeper, taking your virginity as he praised you how good you were making him feel.
You turned on your back, pulling down your pants, spreading your legs, and taking the pillow from under your head, pressing it to your face with one hand while the other one entered your core again, thrusting inside of you. Your mind was in a frenzy, now imagining how he would take you like this, his cold eyes looking down at you with this cold gaze. You shivered, your fingers thrusting in and out faster.
“What do you think you’re doing there, Y/n?” You stopped dead in your tracks, your body tensing at the sound of his voice. Why was he back yet? He wasn’t supposed to be back for at least another hour! You were frozen in place, not being able to move, not wanting to pull the pillow aside and look at the man that was standing in the room, watching you fuck yourself on your fingers in his bed.
“I asked you a question.” You could hear his footsteps coming closer and soon after the pillow on your face was being lifted, making you look at your superior. “Are you having fun?” he asked, his harsh eyes staring right at you. He’s gonna kill me! Your mind screamed. A huge lump had formed inside your throat, making it impossible for you to answer. He let the pillow fall next to you on the bed, his eyes not leaving your face.
“If you need to masturbate this badly, why don’t you do it in your own bed, Y/n?” You couldn’t reply, shock was written all over your face. His gaze now wandered down your body to where your fingers were still buried in your went cunt. You didn’t know what he was thinking, his face this unreadable mask. He didn’t sound mad but he didn’t sound pleased either. But maybe this was a good sign.
“Don’t you have to say anything to your defense? Nothing like ‘Oh, my bed is broken so I used yours, Sir’?” Your face turned red and you slowly pulled your fingers out, his eyes following the motion. “I…..” you started but didn’t know what to say. “I should throw you out just like this, making everybody see what you’ve been doing in here.” He mused.
“P-please, don’t do this.” You found your voice, horrified at the possibility of him going through with this thought. “And why shouldn’t I?”
“I-it was a mistake, Sir! I was just….I wasn’t thinking!” Akainu huffed and amusement, his eyes finding yours again. “Is that so. What made you think it was acceptable to masturbate in your superior’s bed? Does it give you some kind of kick?” You shook your head and were about to pull your pants up but his next words stopped you.
“Were you thinking about me while you fucked yourself on your fingers?” mortified, you looked at him. “Were you thinking about how it was me fucking you?” you didn’t know what to say, too horrified to answer. “What makes you think you could handle me, Y/n?” still, no answer.
Sakazuki tilted his head to the side, watching you in slight amusement. “Take the rest of your clothes off.” His order caught you off guard. “S-Sir?”
“Did you hear me stutter? I said, take the rest of your clothes off.” His tone was harsher, leaving no room to argue.
With shaky hands you sat up and unbuttoned your uniform blouse, revealing your bra which followed soon after. You weren’t sure what he wanted to do; maybe he would throw you out like this, completely naked and humiliated. But you weren’t prepared for what came next. The admiral unbuttoned his shirt as well, revealing his muscular chest and more of his tattoo. Your eyes grew wide in disbelief. What was going on.
“I take it if I fuck you now you’ll become more focused on your tasks again, right?” he asked while opening his pants, pulling out his still soft member. You were afraid of your eyes popping out at the sight, inching away from him by instinct. He kneeled down on the mattress, towering over you.
Your heart was hammering in your chest when he positioned himself between your legs, pulling you closer to him. His hand started stroking himself. You watched in amazement as his dick turned harder and harder until it laid heavy in his hand. “Let’s get it done and over with, shall we?” he made it sound like a transaction at a crowded supermarket where he just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“W-wait! I…You…you shouldn’t…” but he pressed a hand over your mouth, shutting you up. “What I should and shouldn’t do is none of your concern.” He positioned himself at your wet entrance, sliding his dick over your folds, making you mewl in response. He took his hand away and put it right next to your head, kneeling over you completely. When he was about to enter you, you inched away, looking at him scared.
“P-please….be gentle….” You pressed out, realizing that his dick was way bigger than you had imagined. It would hurt, you were sure of it. Akainu pulled you closer again; you could feel his thick mushroom head at your entrance again. “Please…! I….I’ve never had….I’ve never done it before…” you stuttered, averting your eyes. The admiral’s eyes narrowed in response, looking your body up and down again.
He didn’t answer, you only felt his weight press against your entrance, his dick slowly but surely sliding inside your body. Your whole body tensed up, pain filling your core as he pushed further and further. You grabbed his arm next to your head with you hand, clawing at his skin in discomfort. “S-Sir! Please…give me some time!” you pleaded, eyes tightly shut.
You could hear his slightly uneven breathing and felt his big member slowly fill your up. The stretch was more than uncomfortable and your body tried to move away from him with every new inch he added. You felt a hand come up to your breasts, playing with them and squeezing them. You opened your eyes a little, looking up at his stern face. You looked down, seeing your hips raised to meet his dick, ass hanging in the air. You saw his dick not even buried half inside of you and it made your heart skip a beat in fear. This was never going to fit completely!
He pulled out a little before moving back in. “Ungh!” you gasped, your grip on his arm tightening at the feeling. He repeated the movement, each time pushing in a little further. His hand moved down from your breast and between your legs, finding your clit and circling it lazily with his thumb. You legs twitched at the feeling and you wanted to close your legs but he wouldn’t let you; his hips were in your way so you had to let him do.
“S-sir…..this feels kind of good…” you panted, trying to concentrate on his thumb on your clit. “Just because it’s your first time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be this kind.” His words made your stomach tingle inside. So, he at least cared a little about you. Your legs slowly wrapped around his hips as good as possible and you pulled him a little closer, looking him in the eyes while you did it.
Sakazuki grinned a little, starting to pick up his pace. His thrusts became deeper and deeper, filling you out more and more. His thumb pressed down in your clit, adding a little bit of heat, making you moan out in pleasure. “S-sir!” you panted, grabbing at his wrist. “You want me to stop playing with you clit?” he asked, about to pull his hand away. “N-no! Please, keep doing this!” you begged, looking at him desperately. “Then let go of my wrist.” He replied.
You let your hand lay next to your head while the other one was still grabbing the arm right next to your head. Akainu’s thrusts became harder, the fabric of his pants scratching at the back of your thighs and his heavy balls slapping against your ass. He was filling you out all the way, your cunt pressed flush against his pelvis.
Your moans got louder, the uncomfortable feeling already pushed to the back of your head thanks to his thumb on your clit, adding heat from time to time. You saw your tits wiggle at his thrusts, you back arched when he hit a special sweet spot inside of you. The admiral groaned above you, slamming his dick inside of you without mercy.
He put his hand that was next to your head on your hip and hold you in place, panting heavily while he fucked you without any hesitation. Since you needed a new source of support to grab on you reached over your head to head of the bed, grabbing the the mattress and clawing your fingers into it.
Sakazuki closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing him with every thrust, ready to milk him. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to make you cum, being it your first time but he was honestly more fixated on his own at the moment. His hips snapped back and forth, your moans filling his room your writhing body underneath his – it all was really appealing to the older male. He wouldn’t say it out loud but when he found you lying here on his bed with your legs spread he would’ve loved to take you at once but his self-control was stronger than his instincts.
“I…I think I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum, Sir!” you moaned, raising your hips more to meet his thrusts, your legs pressing him closer to you to feel him even deeper. He watched you trow your head back, your small body tensed underneath him before your muscles spasmed around his dick, clenching and unclenching as you came with a loud moan, your back arching, you tits bouncing a little.
The admiral huffed and groaned deeply, joining you in your orgasm soon after. Before he came he pulled out though, mind not clouded enough that he might forget it. His slick semen was covering your stomach, his hand stroking himself eagerly to let every drop of his seed come down on your body.
You were panting heavily, watching thick ribbons of cum cover your stomach. You reach out, collecting some of it on your finger and licking it up, tasting him on your tongue. It was salty and bitter, nothing like you expected but it was somewhat good nonetheless. You bit your lip at his stare, feeling so shameless and dirty to just taste his cum like some whore but you simply couldn’t help.
“Are you gonna be able to focus on your tasks from now on, Y/n?” he asked while he pulled out, inspecting the mess you two have made. Blushing you nodded shyly, pulling your legs to your body and closing them. “Good. We wouldn’t want this small incident to repeat itself, now would we?” you blushed even deeper at his smirk, knowing this probably wasn’t the last time. After all, this mission would take at least another month.
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bleachhaven · 4 years
Soutaicho’s Secret Admirer (Shunsui x Reader) — Part 2/6
Here is the highly requested Part 2!! I know I said it was going to be a 2-part series but it turns out I have a lot to say about Shunsui getting the romancing he deserves...so it’ll be a bit longer than expected.
I’m always excited to hear your feedback!
Read Part 1 first!
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Dear Shunsui,
It’s been a while since I last saw your face, and I find myself missing you.
I confess, thoughts of you have me distracted. I keep looking for you no matter where I am, hoping to catch just a glimpse of you.
She found herself staring at the parchment for a while, contemplating the dilemma she was truly in. She was in the process of writing another letter to him. Another one that he might not even read let alone take seriously. It had her sighing at the hopelessness of the whole situation.
In the end, a letter or two snuck into the Soutaicho’s office would be as close as she would get to romancing him. He was the most powerful man in the Gotei 13. She, a lowly third seat, had no hopes of catching his attention let alone his love. To him, she might as well be a newborn shinigami who had no clue about anything.
What hope did she really have? None, that’s what.
But to her...he was more than just the Soutaicho. So much more.
It brightened up her day to see him in that ridiculously pink kimono. He was probably the most handsomest man she had ever seen. While most men look almost too pretty, Shunsui was so manly. The hair smattering that chest, peaking through his uniform did terrible things to her. The way those grey eyes would look at someone...not that she’d been truly privileged to have them on her in her time as a shinigami. Maybe a passing glance at best. Direct eye contact might have had her bursting into flames on the spot! The eye patch didn’t make him seem any less. In fact it seemed to add just a bit of a dangerous aura to him that only worked to make him seem even more attractive to her.
He was always kind to everyone, always teasing, always smiling that lazy smile of his. She had been sad to notice that he smiled less and less nowadays.
She had been slowly falling for him while he was still in the Eighth. Even then, he was way out of her league but now they might as well be from two different planets. Their statuses in life felt that far apart.
Her being hopelessly and endlessly in love with Kyouraku Shunsui was the reason why she hadn’t been able to date anyone in over a decade. Not that she minded. Any man she knew couldn’t hold a candle to what he made her feel.
She didn’t begin writing these love letters for the Soutaicho because she had any hope of him reading them and reciprocating her feelings. She maybe naive and romantic, but she wasn’t stupid enough to have such foolish hopes. She knew there was no chance of him finding out who she was. She wouldn’t get in any trouble. So it just felt like a safe way to brighten up his day and give an outlet for her pent up feelings. But then one letter became two. Then two letters became a weekly thing that she looked forward to — sharing her thoughts with him even if he had no clue who she was.
It was still hers. This was just theirs. And maybe it could be enough. If this was all she could have, it had to be enough.
She was so deep in thought, contemplating the futility of her love story, that when someone walked into the room, she was completely taken off guard. But realizing who exactly it was had her blushing like a startstruck fool while she rushed to hide the parchment she was writing on. For there stood the object of her affection himself squinting down at her in confusion.
“Soutaicho!” She gasped.
Oh. My. God. She felt like she couldn’t breathe. Oh good lord. How embarrassing would it be if she actually passed out and that ended up being his first ever impression of her? This was the worst thing that could ever happen to her. The absolute worst considering she could feel her cheeks flush even redder.
— — —
Shunsui wasn't Yamaji. He wasn’t one to sit in an office or be strictly all business. It wasn’t in him to be that way.
In fact, even Nanao-chan insisted that he try to stick to being his wandering self so that he could hold on to the truest parts of himself while he was handling the responsibilities of being Soutaicho, without having the title absorbing him whole. He wanted to cultivate his own traditions in the Gotei 13 rather than adhere to the old ones, doing everything exactly the same way they had been done for a millennia or more. Rigidity could spell death. For the Gotei. And also for his sanity.
One of his favorite traditions so far would be his impromptu visits to the other divisions. It wouldn't ever be formal, though the other Taichos never seemed to get that memo. He just liked to know if the Gotei was doing alright under his care. What better way to know than to see it for himself?
Kuchiki Rukia had just become the Captain of Squad 13, and that squad held a special place in his heart after all. Why wouldn’t he want to check up on her?
Fine. Who was he fooling? That was not the reason he was here at all. The moment he left his office, his feet were drawn to Squad 13 and the ugendo purely out of habit. It wasn’t until he was already there, startling the squad’s third seat out of some paperwork that he realized where he really was.
“Soutaicho!” The third seat, whose pretty face he remembered but the name he couldn’t recall, stood up instantly, shuffling her papers around hastily. “I...I..uhm...I didn’t realize...”
The door opened and Rukia walked out interrupting the poor girl’s stammering. “It’s alright, _____-san. I think he’s here to see me.”
“I thought I forgot a scheduled inspection, Taicho!”
Rukia looked at him as if to ask if that was the case, but they both knew it wasn’t. After all, it wasn’t the first time that Shunsui had wandered only to end up here.
Just the same, he wanted to put them at ease. “You’re not in trouble,” he said with a smile. “I just felt like a walk and I thought I’d come see the new Taicho.”
The third seat, still probably mesmerized by Shunsui and the fact that she was actually standing before the Soutaicho of the Gotei 13 itself, stared at him with wide eyes. She was a tiny little thing. Barely reaching even the top of his shoulders. And in that moment, she looked a bit like a doe caught in headlights.
“You go on ahead, _____-san,” Rukia said gently, taking pity on her subordinate. “The workday is already over. We can finish the rest of the paperwork tomorrow.”
“Oh! Uhm...yes, Taicho!” _____-san said. Then she turned to Shunsui and bowed before making a very hasty exit.
The scent of lemons that softly teased his nostrils as she rushed past him was the first breadcrumb. Looking back at that moment, he would think so. But in that moment, he didn’t really make note of it all.
His mind was too busy trying to think of an excuse to give Rukia for randomly showing up. One that wouldn’t have her feeling too sad for him.
Besides it made perfect sense when Rukia offered him lemonade that the third seat usually made for the squad once in a while to keep up their morale on summer days. What else would smell like lemons if not delicious lemonade?
When Shunsui reached back to the office to see if Nanao-Chan had anything more he had to attend to before he headed out, the office was empty.
But there at the center of his desk was a carefully placed envelope with his name written in the same beautiful handwriting he had grown to know so well and wait for with anticipation.
Dear Shunsui,
It’s been a while since I last saw your face and I find myself missing you. I confess, thoughts of you have me distracted. I keep looking for you no matter where I am, hoping to catch just a glimpse of you.
And in the rare moment that I do, I wish I could just run up to you and greet you with a kiss. As if you were truly mine.
I see the sadness you hope no one would notice. I see how it lingers even when you smile. You could never know how much I wish I could take away the pain but I know that is beyond me.
So I wish I could just hold you close and maybe make you forget the rest of the world and the weight upon your shoulders. I wish I would get a moment to make you smile just so I can kiss the curve of your lips.
But my love must remain confined here to ink and paper and that breaks my heart.
Your Secret Admirer
This one tugged his heart in the strangest way and had him holding the letter close to his chest.
He did indeed have people around him. People who respected him. People who revered him. People who flirted with him and the ones he flirted back with.
Yet he longed for the kind of companionship in which even proximity could offer comfort. In which even silence could soothe him.
These letters started out silly and romantic and seductive...all things he definitely enjoyed.
But now, on a day like this, when he felt too low and too alone, this letter had him yearning too. It had him hoping, and wishing in a way he hadn’t felt the need to in a millennia.
He had to find her. He just had to.
Read Part 3 next.
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linkspooky · 4 years
A Mafia Member Who Doesn’t Kill
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Bungou Stray Dogs chapter 88 has made it clear to me just how strong the Akutagawa and Odasaku parallels are. They are both orphans, raised to kill and taught their only value is the strength of their abilities that they use for killing, only to slowly unlearn that behavior over time. They are both characters who value life above everything else. I’m going to explore the connection more in depth, under the cut.
1. Origins
The temptation might be to parallel Oda to Atsushi, and Akutagawa to Dazai. Not only is Akutagawa Dazai’s first and direct disciple, and currently wearing his coat, but Atsushi has always been “the good one” of the pairing. The one obsessed with being good, and saving people in the way Oda was. Oda is also the closest thing Bungou Stray Dogs has to an example of living the life of “a good man” that all the main characters are currently striving for. However, I would say that it’s Akutagawa who parallels Oda’s life far more than Atsushi. 
Of course Akutagawa parallels Dazai’s life quite a lot as well.He was recruited by Dazai the same way Dazai was recruited by Mori,wears Dazai’s jacket as his most precious possession, but he shares so much in common with Oda too including his origin. 
In their youth they’re both referred to as killers who kill without showing any emotion. They start out completely empty and dead to all feelings inside, because neither of them have experienced anything to give them a reason to value life. 
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Fukuzawa suddenly recalled a rumor he had heard about a young redheaded hit man who wielded two pistols, and killed his targets while never showing any emotions. - BSD LN 3
They both kill because they’re strong, and that’s all they’re seen as. Both boys, orphans with nothing else to live for have been gifted with incredibly strong abilities. They kill, they don’t relish in it, they don’t gain anything from it unlike men in positions of power like Mori Ougai because they are ultimately tools, but they kill nonetheless. 
“I’ve been working alone as an assassin for as long as I can remember,” he began. “I’ve never wanted friends or a boss... but seeing a martial artist like you compromise your principles to save one of your men... It makes me kinda jealous. He must be the happiest guy in the world to have you as a boss.” - BSD LN 3
They both start killing as a means of survival, because they are both orphans who have no one to care for them and look out for them. However, they also slowly over time begin to kill as a way to demonstrate their worth. Akutagawa was an orphan who lost the small amount of friends he was protecting, Oda had no organization he was working for, no connections their lives are utterly empty except for their strength so they come to understand killing as something that gives their life meaning and value. If only because there is nothing else for them. 
However, for both of them killing isn’t enough. It’s merely surviving not living. Which is why no matter how strong they become they both remain empty, and they both feel insufficient, and even jealous of others. Oda is jealous of Fuzukawa’s connection to his subordinate, Akutagawa is jealous of Atsushi who is valued and connected to everyone around him and treated better by Dazai. This jealousy is also a realization that they are missing something in themselves but they don’t know what. 
Most skilled hitmen looked down on others as if they were insects. Their eyes were cold and lacked compassion. But this boy’s were different. They weren’t cold or any temperature. They were just empty. Not only was there no compassion or kindness, there was no hate or passion to kill. His eyes were those of a person who had given up on hope and despair - the eyes of a person who had removed himself from emotional things. - BSD LN 3
Both Akutagawa and Oda start at a point where they are killing, not because they enjoy it, or they’re particularly sadistic, or think they are just or right. They kill because it’s the only thing they’re good at. They kill to demonstrate worth. 
This kid’s different from the old me. Perhaps he never felt any joy from killing others. He was probably only killing because he had nothing to do. - BSD LN3
This also plays into a fundamental misunderstanding that Atsushi has of Akutagawa. He basically views Akutagawa as a bully who kills people to flaunt his strength in front of others. 
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He doesn’t realize that Akutagawa is strong yes, but that’s all he is. He clings to that strength, because he’s been given no other alternative. He hasn’t been given nearly the opportunities that Atsushi has. If there is a difference between Oda and Akutagawa, Akutagawa is noticably angrier, more resentful, but that’s because anger is the first emotion he ever definitely felt. 
I feel hatred.  I am no longer a dog. I have become a human being with feelings of my own. -’A Heartless Dog’
Akutagawa and Oda are both boys who lived considerably empty lives, that is until they meet somebody who shows them an alternative and changes their lives forever. Oda and Akutagawa meet someone and from then on they want to find meaning in their lives. 
2. An Assassin Who Doesn’t Kill
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Akutagawa kills without hesitance, and yet I would say he’s the only character in the manga who values life as much as Oda does. This might seem like a paradox but both of their characters are built around this paradox. That’s why they become mafia members who do not kill. 
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Akutagawa’s response to the old man in the latest chapter seems sassy, but Akutagawa’s never sassy, he’s overly serious and sincere about everything. He’s saying what he really thinks. All people are equally alive. Akutagawa is someone especially aware of the value of life, because in the past his life was treated as something so worthless. 
He was not afraid to die. He was thinking perhaps even hell would be a better place to live then here. JJust continuing to live in this state was suffering, after all. 
What’s the point of our lives? He had once asked travelers in their place this equestion. Why Must I go on living?
It’s because they have both lived through the absolute worst circumstances, that they value life more, and go on searching for these answers. Akutagawa equally treats life as worthless (kills people without hesitation) and also values life (tries to give people a reason to live, tries to justify his own life, tries to fight against the idea that someone from the slums lives a meaningless life). 
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When Kyouka finds a reason to live even though he’s not the one that gave it to her, he’s genuinely happy for her. Because Akutagawa values life, and wants people to find a meaning in life even though he kills. 
Akutagawa is currently on the same path Oda is on. The lines in this scene are vague because they’re meant to apply to both Dazai and Akutagawa. He met a certain person, joined a certain organization, and the hope for death in his eyes vanished. 
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Oda gave Dazai reason. Dazai gave Akutagawa reason. Oda was also given reason when he met Natsume. All three continue on with a life of empty killing until an outside force intervenes and teaches them there could be something more to life. 
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They both come across someone who tells them that there is more to life than just killing. That they are capable of more than that, and they actually follow through and stop killing. Because, Akutagawa, and Oda deep down respect life. As cruel and heartless as they can be, Akutagawa is also one of the most heartfelt and respectful characters in the series when he opens up. 
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Akutagawa and Oda are people who understand other people on a level deep down, because they’re genuinely interested in the lives of others. Akutagawa is the only person who thinks about Atushi in a deep way, in ways Atusshi doesn’t even really want to understand himself. Oda is the first person to treat Dazai like a person, behind the genius. They understand, even the ugly parts of people because they don’t really look away from the dark parts of the world, of life, because no one’s experienced life’s cruelty like they have. Oda sees Dazai for who he is, and tells him that helping people probably won’t make him feel good, and that he’ll never feel good, but he should help people anyway because he’s capable of doing good. 
Oda is the one who started the journey in an assassin trying to find meaning in life, but he didn’t finish it. In the end Oda’s character arc ends tragically, and his path is half finished. Because, Oda eventually chooses death. 
I think a lot of people don’t realize this character flaw of Oda, because he’s usually such a good example, but he chose to kill again, chose to become a martyr to Dazai because he genuinely gave up on living when it became too hard for him again. 
“Odasaku...” Dazai said softly. “Forgive me for the absurd wording, but - don’t go. Find something to rely on. Expect good things to happen from here on out. There’s gotta be something...” - BSD, Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era
Oda died because of tragic circumstances yes, but Oda also dies because he chose death. He chose the escape. He chose the easier path. There were still people that needed him even after he lost the orphans, people like Dazai, and Akutagawa who were orphans in need of help as well and Oda chose to let go of them. 
Oda gave up on his attempt to find meaning in life, because the best way to find meaning in life is simply by living it. 
‘People live to say themselves, it’s something they realize right before they die, eh?’ - BSD, Osasmu Dazai and the Dark Era
Oda chooses to die for the sake of someone else, rather than living for himself. While that’s a tragic choice it’s also a bad choice with consequences, because now there’s nobody around to help Dazai and Akutagawa who also appeared in light novel two and who both needed him to some extent. 
In that sense Akutagawa can be stronger than Oda. Their lives are parallels but they’re also exact opposites. Akutagawa starts out by losing every orphan he was trying to take care of. Oda finishes his life when he loses the orphans who he was trying to raise and protect. 
The choice they make in those moemnts is the opposite ones. Akutagawa tries to choose simply revenge at first the exact same way as Oda did, but when he meets Dazai he realizes there was something he wanted even more than revenge. 
The question resounded in Akutagawa’s heart, and a single answer floated to the surface. Something he qished for. His heart’s desire.  The lowest of the low. In a world that was the lowest of the low, it was a wih that could never possibly be granted.  Akuagawa had to force the words out of his dry, trembling throat. “I want to find a reason... a meaning to my life.” - SHORT STORY A HEARTLESS DOG
Akutagawa wants to live for himself, stronger than even Oda did. Whereas, Oda stops wanting everything. 
Dazai paused before continuing. “I would be able to find something - a reason to live.” 
I looked at him; he looked back at me. 
“I wanted to be a novelist.” I said. “I thought I wouldn’t deserve such a life if I killed someone during a mission. That’s why I never killed anyone. But that’s all in the past. There’s only one thing I want now.” - BSD VOLUME 2, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era
Oda’s words to Dazai to conitnue to live are meaningful, but he’s also a hypocrite to those words. He tells Dazai to live on, when he made the choice to go off and die. While, Akutagawa as dirty, and arduous as his path is, is the one who keeps struggling to live no matter what like a stray dog starving in the streets.
Which is why Akutagawa is the one who is going to finish what Oda started so long ago, and be the true inheritor to his will. Utlimately, I predict, that’s the path his character development and arc are going to take him. 
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bard-llama · 3 years
WiP Wednesday: Rorveth, Isendain, AND Thronebreaker Snippets + Some Headcanons
I couldn’t decide what to do for WiP Wednesday, so uh... have lots of stuff! We’ve got an Iorveth/Roche snippet, an Isengrim/Eldain snippet, a Throne3 (Meve/Reynard/Gascon) snippet AND a little bit about some Thronebreaker headcanons me and @moonlights-ordinance​ came up with today.
This is the beginning of an angsty fic wherein Iorveth pines and finds out some unpleasant news. The actual plot of the fic is Iorveth trying to get rid of his feelings, but we’re not there yet.
Iorveth really should’ve known that this day was destined to be hellish the moment that he was jolted from his paperwork daze by the rambunctious shouts of his Scoia’tael outside his office. He sighed, scrubbing his hands down his face, then checking that his bandana covered his scar properly. Only after that did he open the door to see what was sowing chaos amidst his ranks.
No one… actually seemed to notice his presence, which to be frank, was not a problem Iorveth typically struggled with. He was quite good at appearing intimidating and infuriated even when he wasn’t particularly trying. 
But it seemed his elves – and a few of the dwarves – were far too involved in their own gossip to notice him as he walked through the crowd.
“Have you heard–?”
“No way.”
“Guess he loved Temeria so much he married it!” someone chortled.
“Ha! From Cocksucker in Chief to Consort. He must be real good.”
A bout of cackling followed that last remark, and Iorveth had his first premonition that the day was going to suck. But he still didn’t have answers, so he walked straight forward into what would become his own personal hell.
In the center of the crowd, surrounded by countless elves and dwarves, Iorveth was not at all surprised to find his two favorite subordinates – who were rapidly losing that classification. He stepped up next to them, crossing his arms and waiting for them to notice the trouble they were in.
Really, he should have known it would be these two. Rinn, for all that she was nominally well-behaved and quiet, was extremely mischievous, especially when it had the potential to cause minor problems for Iorveth. He would not be surprised if she had planned this. Her companion, Ky, may have been more innocent in that she may not have intended to draw a crowd – but she was absolutely the one spreading the gossip far and wide.
It took a while, but slowly, the chattering grew quieter and quieter as more people took notice of his presence. Finally, Rinn caught sight of him and poked Ky, who was still loudly expounding on something about marriage.
“Something you need to tell me?” Iorveth asked, eyebrow arched high and disapproving scowl firmly in place.
Ky winced, but Rinn looked entirely unrepentant as she signed, the Temerian King made an official announcement today that I caught during my shift.
Iorveth looked at the way more than a few people were biting their lips and avoiding his eye and hummed. “And?”
“Roche is getting married!” Ky burst out as if she physically could not hold it back anymore and Iorveth felt everything freeze.
Married? Vernon Roche!? The erstwhile commander of the Blue Stripes and proud pain in Iorveth’s ass? Who the fuck would he be marrying and why would it be a royal announcement!?
Even though Iorveth himself still felt like he was encased in ice, time seemed to resume for everyone else and chattering rapidly commenced, elves whispering back and forth between themselves and each other.
What was it someone had said earlier? ‘From Cocksucker in Chief to Consort’?
Was… was Vernon marrying King Foltest!?
Rinn must have seen the question on his face, because she nodded and passed over a paper missive.
It felt like moving through molasses to extend his arm and accept the notice that would forever change his life.
The Ancient Royal Line of the Temerian Dynasty Announces the Wedding of
Foltest, King of Temeria, Prince of Sodden, Sovereign of Pontaria and Mahakam, and Senior Protectorate of Brugge and Sodden
Vernon Roche, Commander of the Elite Blue Stripes Special Forces Unit, Pacifier of the Mahakaman Foothills, and Right Hand to the King
to take place at the year’s end on the Winter Solstice
Iorveth stared at the announcement, static fizzing through his brain. Vernon. And Foltest. They were getting married!? 
His eye shot up to meet Rinn’s almost imploringly, hoping this was all some big joke. But there was no mischief in her eyes, and her forehead creased with worry as she watched him, clearly wondering what was wrong.
She, at least, appeared to be the only one who had noticed anything amiss in his reaction. The rest of his Scoia’tael were back to loudly gossiping about their enemy’s new status in life.
“Wait, I thought human men couldn’t get pregnant. Isn’t the whole point of a royal marriage to produce an heir?”
“Nah, I’ve heard the whore has a cunt,” someone laughed. “Can you imagine only having one? Sounds lame as fuck. But yeah, supposedly our dearest Commander Roche can make royal babies for King Fuckface.”
Iorveth’s heartbeat stuttered and he inhaled sharply through his nose. He… hadn’t known that. Sure, he’d heard rumors, but the rumors about Vernon were wild and extreme and ranged from his background as a whore to his imaginary sideline in child abduction to his preference for blunt force weapons.
Was this one… true? As he looked back at Rinn for the answer – aside from being the primary spy assigned to Vernon, she also seemed to just inexplicably know things – he could hear the conversation around him moving on.
“Hey, do you think that’s why they’re getting married? Maybe the idiot king knocked up his whore and now he’s gotta marry him!”
“I dunno, did Roche look pregnant at our last fight?”
Rinn nodded the slightest bit and Iorveth brain returned to static. Vernon. Pregnant. That – he hadn’t been aware that that was something he was emotionally invested in, but the storm of feelings racing through his veins proved that he was. He wanted – he wanted to see that, wanted to cause that, wanted to discover what Vernon’s cunt would be like and feel it stretched around him and–
He’d – he’d always assumed that Vernon had a cock, even though he wasn’t quite sure what a human cock looked like. But whenever he’d picture a different future – one where he could choose his own happiness over his cause – it hadn’t mattered that he didn’t know what a human cock looked like. His imagination was more than delighted to fill in whatever he wished, and coming up with different ideas was all that got him through the night at times. 
The idea of Vernon with a cunt was startling. It had never occurred to him before, and now he wondered how he could’ve possibly been so shortsighted. The things that he could do with Vernon’s cunt were limitless and Iorveth’s mind got stuck on that for probably far too long.
He was brought out of his daze by Rinn choking, wide eyes locked on his face. With sudden dread, he understood what she must have seen. What she must have realized.
Iorveth swallowed hard, jerking his head, “give me a proper report.” He turned to head back to his office without looking at her and he wasn’t sure if he was hoping she’d follow or that she wouldn’t.
(the rest under a cut to save your dash)
This is a fluffy bit from a get together fic set post-Reasons of State and we start with Isengrim mourning Dijkstra and Dijkstra’s betrayal.
There was a knock on his door and then Eldain’s voice spoke. “Isengrim? Um. I know you aren’t feeling great, but would you come with me for a bit?’
All of a sudden, then blankness fled under a wave of confusion and curiosity. “What?”
“I – um. I have something for you. But you gotta come with me for a bit. And if you don’t like it, I promise I will not get in the way of your grief, even if that means hiding out in here.” 
Eldain sounded nervous, of all things. Isengrim hadn’t actually known Eldain was capable of feeling nervous.
Why was he nervous?
Isengrim frowned at the door. He wasn’t exactly going to get an answer lying here. And maybe Eldain could keep him from thinking about Sigi and all the pain associated with him for a bit.
It was worth a shot. Besides, he’d come to rather like the other ex-commander quite a bit over the course of working together. Not that they hadn’t worked together before, but there had always been a formality dividing them. Eldain looked up to him, he knew that. Not that Eldain would ever say it, but it was the way Eldain looked at him. A soft regard that one could almost mistake for love, but was truly nothing more than hero worship. He’d seen the same look on the faces of all the young Scoia’tael, but from Eldain, it felt like the thorn of a rose – he hated it, knowing that Eldain would never feel the same, that he was destined to die alone and miserable and a beautiful young musician like Eldain could never be his. But at the same time, he coveted it, coveted Eldain’s regard, because even if it wasn’t what he wanted, it was something. 
He would give anything to have Eldain in his life in any form.
Swallowing hard, Isengrim rubbed his face, then opened the door. 
Eldain was on the other side of the door and his shoulders were slumped in defeat that quickly turned to confusion, one shoulder cocking upwards. 
“What?” Isengrim asked.
“I – no, I just. Thought you’d say no,” Eldain said awkwardly. 
“Does that mean you do want me to go with you somewhere or not?”
“Yeah!” Eldain shook himself, smiling at Isengrim, and it felt as though the sun had emerged from cloud cover, because instead of the nothingness-pain from before, now he felt – too much, really. And some of it hurt, but more of it was pleased to just bask in the rays of Eldain’s smile.
He was only half aware of following Eldain through the house, still a little dazed from the blinding light. But when Eldain came to a stop in front of a closed door, the world seemed to snap back into focus, and he looked to Eldain expectantly.
Eldain fidgeted, feet shuffling. “Um. Like – like I said, if you don’t like it, I won’t force you to stay, but um–” his adam’s apple bobbed and then Eldain opened the door and motioned for Isengrim to enter.
Isengrim took two steps through the doorway and froze. All around him, the room was lit up with dozens of little lights – some up high, some down low, others around his hips. Those ones on the floor guided him towards what looked like a raggedy old blanket draped over the wooden flooring.
“It’s not exactly a starlit picnic,” Eldain shrugged, setting down a basket he hadn’t even noticed Eldain was carrying, “but since we’re laying low, I figured this was as close as we could get.”
“I–” Isengrim was breathless, uncertain of what to say. Awe spread through him as he looked over the dozens of lights, each coming from candles in small lanterns that were hanging from the ceiling all over. He couldn’t think of any words to portray what this meant to him, what it meant that Eldain would go to all this trouble for him. So he was as surprised as Eldain when his mouth said, “isn’t this a fire hazard?”
Eldain rocked back as if he’d been hit, smile abruptly falling from his face.
“No,” Isengrim tried to recover, cursing himself. “I – this is amazing. Is. What I mean. Um. Am trying to say. I – you did this for me!?” If there was disbelief coloring his tone, it was only because he could hardly comprehend the idea of anyone going to so much trouble just to cheer him up.
Eldain’s jaw was clenched, and his expression was a neutral mask that Isengrim hated having put there. Why did he always hurt the people he cared for? Was he truly so tainted that anyone he touched was at risk of infection? Was simply being around him enough to ruin what could be an incredible life for a beautiful young musician like Eldain?
“You don’t have to stay,” Eldain murmured, and Isengrim felt like crying, uncertain whether he wanted to leave and spare Eldain the risk of contamination or if he wanted to stay and bask in this incredible gift that Eldain was giving him.
Never before had Eldain wished that Isengrim would leave his presence immediately. But if he stayed much longer, then it was entirely too likely that he would witness Eldain falling apart.
Eldain had always known his silly little crush would never go anywhere . He was even almost fine with that. But he’d thought – he’d thought that Isengrim at least considered him a friend. And yes, this whole production was a little over the top for friendship, but hey, Eldain was an over the top kind of guy.
There was always the possibility Isengrim would hate it. And he’d worried about that and fretted over it, but he hadn’t really expected it to happen. Even if Isengrim was uncomfortable, Eldain would’ve guessed that he’d be polite enough to grin and bear it. Which was far from ideal, but right now, Eldain really wished that he’d done that, because instead it felt like he’d reached into Eldain’s chest and ripped his still-beating heart out, leaving him bleeding and doomed.
“Thank you,” Isengrim said, and Eldain startled. Of all the words he’d expected, those were not even on his radar. 
“Thank you. I – you clearly went to a lot of trouble to give me something beautiful. Thank you.” Isengrim said the words easily, and Eldain was confused. That… didn’t sound like Isengrim hated it. “So, what are we eating?”
Eldain’s smile grew slowly, but as Isengrim continued to look expectantly at him, he found that he couldn’t hold it back. He waved Isengrim towards the blanket – one probably as old as the house was, but all the good blankets were in use. “Bread and cheese. Fruit. Some veggies,” he narrated as he pulled the items out of the basket. “Wasn’t sure how much appetite you’d have, so I wanted to keep it light, but if you’re hungry, there’s still some venison in the storeroom.”
Isengrim looked at the objects laid out around them. “I – I don’t know what to say except thank you,” Isengrim said, a smile growing on his face that made Eldain’s heart beat fast. “This is very thoughtful and sweet.”
Eldain flushed, reaching into the basket to pull out the last item. “And, of course, some wine. It’s not exactly high quality, but we’re slumming it tonight anyway.”
The huff of laughter Isengrim let out made it feel like there were wings on his heart, letting it slowly rise. He’d made Isengrim happy. If that was all he ever did in life, he could be content with that.
Throne3 (Meve/Reynard/Gascon):
The porn tags for these 3 are sadly lacking, so... have some porn XD The premise here is that they’ve just escaped the Lyrian capital through the sewers and now they’re all washing off in the first river they came across.
They all knew what the venerable Count Reynard Odo was getting up to with Queen Meve upriver. But while the deserters from the Lyrian army and the Strays seemed content with gossiping about it, Gascon felt compelled to seek out more.
Sneaking past the guards ensuring their queen’s privacy with her boytoy even now was honestly pathetically easy. But then, they were probably used to looking the other way for their queen.
Gascon didn’t really know what he was planning, but he knew that he needed to see Meve in the throes of pleasure. The fierce and enchanting queen was currently being ‘serviced’ by her top aide and everybody knew it.
How could he possibly be expected to resist?
But instead of satisfying him, the view before him only made him crave more, because Meve and Reynard were standing about shin-deep in the water with him wrapped around her, hands stroking over her body as her head rested back against his shoulder.
But moreso than the picture they made, what truly drove Gascon over the edge was hearing Reynard tease his queen.
“So eager, your majesty,” Reynard murmured softly. “Could it be that the company of the ever so honorable Duke of Dogs,” his voice was heavily sarcastic, “has gotten you excited? Are you curious what that infuriatingly charming mouth would feel like against your skin?”
Meve arched as Reynard’s fingers skirted just short of touching her clit. “Reynard,” she growled.
Gascon wasn’t certain when his fingers had slipped inside his trousers, but the touch against his cock had him shuddering, already overwhelmed at the very idea that Meve could be fantasizing about him.
“Have you thought about pushing the arrogant bastard to his knees and showing him his place?” Reynard continued and Gascon bit his lip hard against a moan. “Have you pictured him, lips stretched around your widest strap, eyes tearing up from the effort of it?”
Meve whined softly, reaching up to tug Reynard into a kiss.
Gascon had never seen a filthier kiss in his life, and he stroked himself faster, picturing what he would do if he could join them. She may not have a strap handy to gag him on, but he was sure they could come to a compromise.
“Do you imagine him kneeling before you, begging for you?” Reynard rumbled and Gascon almost missed Meve’s sound over his own. Which meant that Reynard knew he was there when the Count continued, “I’ve no doubt the crass mutt is a marvel with his mouth.
Later, Gascon would claim that he spoke before he could even think about it, proclaiming, “I am.”
In reality, he spent a long moment contemplating how to respond. Getting caught spying on sex typically ended one of two ways: either you got invited to join in or you got beaten to a pulp.
He was fairly hopeful that the first option was more likely than the latter, but he wasn’t sure, and in the seconds of silence that followed his words, his heart pounded in his chest and pulse raced and he felt on the edge of either agony or elation.
“In that case,” Meve’s voice broke the quiet with all the firmness of having made a decision, “come pay homage to your queen, Gascon.”
Even though he’d hoped this was how things would go, he still felt utterly amazed that she had actually said yes. 
He stepped through the buses, trying not to look like he’d been caught with his hand down his pants. “Your Majesty,” he bowed his head with a playful smirk and then sent her a wink just to top it off.
Meve looked every bit the dignified queen as she held out a hand that should have held her signet ring. They had taken that from her when she’d been captured, but Gascon found himself licking his lips, taking her hand and kissing her ring finger as if he were a knight pledging her fealty.
Her gaze was hot on him as he slowly kissed up her arm, and unlike the two of them, he still wore his armor – which meant that he could pretend no one saw the way that his cock twitched when Reynard reached out and knocked his hat off, tangling fingers in his hair and pulling his face down into Meve’s chest.
Obediently, he applied himself to worshipping Meve’s tits, taking Reynard’s lead and only giving her glancing brushes across her nipples, denying her touch.
Meve growled in frustration, grabbing his hips and pulling him into her until the bulge of his cock rubbed over her pelvis. Her cunt greeted the contact with a gush of slick, staining Gascon’s pants and making him pant with arousal. 
“Fuck,” he gasped, grinding into her. She arched with a cry, fingers digging into his ass and Gascon desperately wished that there wasn’t a layer of fabric between his cock and that glorious cunt. But how could he pull away to fix that when his time could be better spent licking and sucking and biting at Meve’s glorious tits? Gods, they were beautiful, plump and sensitive, to the point that nipping at one nipple while squeezing her other tit was enough to make Meve’s body jerk, bucking into his hips as she utterly drenched his pants.
“Fuck,” he whimpered again, then dropped to his knees and buried his face in her cunt.
Thronebreaker Headcanons:
Okay, so as I’ve been getting to know Meve, Reynard, and Gascon and have started writing different plots with them, I’ve decided a few things. There’s going to be 1 universe of fics that falls under the “homophobia exists” universe that I talked about here. However, I know that’s not everyone’s boat and like, sometimes I just wanna write context-less porn, so definitely not all fics will! But I have several ideas already in that ‘verse, especially looking at the chronic pain Reynard has as a result of things.
So, specific to that ‘verse, one headcanon is that Reynard was whipped specifically for being queer and almost died from it. The wounds healed, but not... well, not the greatest. There wasn’t a lotta care taken with it. Which means that his back pains him A LOT and there’s a lotta things that he has to do different. For example, I’ve decided he sits in chairs like Riker does, keeping his back straight so that he doesn’t stretch the scar tissue. His range of motion is also limited in a lot of ways, but he’s found ways to compensate and hide it over the years. (just as an FYI, Riker sits like that, ‘cause Frakes had a back injury and doing that was less painful)
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Okay, now WITHOUT the homophobia that led to chronic pain - I’ve decided that each of the Throne3 need to have a niche hobby that occupies them in their limited spare time (developed with much help from @moonlights-ordinance​). Sooooo:
Meve likes sewing. She doesn’t like people to know she likes sewing, because it’s closer to a traditionally ‘feminine’ than she usually aims for, but she actually really enjoys it. 
On their journey, this comes out when Gascon’s shirt gets ripped and when he complains about it a lot, she just grabs it and mends it. This leads to her spending the evenings mending all the different clothing from the soldiers and the Strays.
I think she learned sewing from her father and he taught it to her in an attempt to get her to just sit still for five fucking minutes!! 
Not directly related to sewing, but because her mother was busy being queen, she was largely raised by her father, who was an Ofieri Marquis (like, 2nd level nobility, under a duke) whose family paid a substantial sum in order to win the match. He was not popular at court and therefore found himself largely shunned by the peerage, but it left him with basically all of his time to devote to his children. (Does... does Meve have sisters?? Queen Kalis supposedly bore several girls???)
Reynard likes to crochet. Specifically, he likes to crochet little plushies. He’s not too picky about what he makes, and whoever is in range when he finishes it will likely end up gifted with an unexpected plushie.
At one point, he finished making a stingray, only for a passing soldier to dub it a Sting-Rey. Thus, Lieutenant Sting Rey was born. The troops listen to Lt. Sting Rey better than they listen to General Odo lmao.
He has a habit of crocheting in the evenings in the mess (maybe with Meve mending nearby) and random soldiers (and Strays) like to sit around his feet so that when he finishes a lil plush, they might get it. And when he starts a new one, he might take requests.
I could say so much more about the plushies he makes for Gascon and Meve, but I guess I’ll save that for a fic. But I gotta share these pics, ‘cause they’re so fucking cute. So: a donkey for Gascon (’cause he’s an ass) and a Lyrian eagle for Meve (’cause it’s Lyrian lol).
Gascon likes dancing! Specifically, he was trained in ballet from a young age (like literally a year old is when you start, apparently) and was trained as a ballerina (meaning he will be lifted/led instead of doing the lifts/leading). By the time he ended up on the streets at 12 (8 in canon, but my guy needs to at least be 20), he was pretty damn good at it - and so he ended up teaching the Strays
The Strays have a ballet troupe that puts on performances for the gang on occasion as like, a bonus to music night or something. Semi-spontaneous and very fun.
Gascon is SCARY flexible (like, to the point that Reynard is a little horrified that the human body can do that) from dance and he definitely uses that to his advantage.
He 100% gets everyone to dress up all fancy and put on makeup and do their hair and shit. After all, they steal all this fancy shit from the nobles - why SHOULDN’T they enjoy it?
And there you have it! Sorry for the super long post, but also... enjoy?
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voidcat · 4 years
– a case of bad luck
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1. spoke too soon
m.list ; prev ; next ; wc:1.7k
a/n: i’m trying to write one chapter ahead to have a little schedule in the near future so there’s that. there are no songs for this chapter. and i still hate writing dialogues + action based scenes. Oh and I don’t proof read so I may forget to type some verbs once in a while.
a/n 2: I know the title says “1” but this is actually the second chapter!!! ch1 is numbered “0”. This chapter probably doenst make much sense w/o its buildup
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Crouching down to check on the boy, the one with bandages get up, his gaze directed at you. Like the boy, he seems young too, not any older than you most likely, but something about the way he holds himself contradicts what’s expected of someone in his age.
“Even Rashoumon is cast asleep before he got the chance to attack.” He leans in to touch his wrist and lets out a small hum at the lack of reaction on the boy’s part.
“Now let’s see how you got here.” And you take it as your cue, going back all the way you got through leaves a stale taste in your mouth, a feeble defeat, but your gut tells you to wait and talking like you did with the others will only make it worse with him.
Climbing all the way back, this time without being pushed by someone, feels like a walk of shame on itself. There really isn’t much to stop you from turning and running away. From the looks of it, the boy down by the door will be staying like that for another hour. And really, what can a possibly 18 year old boy do to you in the dead of the dark? A part of your brain screams at you. You didn’t spot any guns on him either nor any movement on his part, a hand at ready to draw out a weapon. And yet from the way he talks, looks around and talks, he is off. Everything about him is off and your brain keeps screaming ‘danger! Danger! Danger! Run for your life! Or die in the process.’
And he is awfully calm the whole way up, first coming behind you, probably a measure to make sure you won’t try to get away and by the time you reach the floor, he steps ahead, walk directly to the door you exited moments, maybe half an hour, ago as if he placed it there. Creaking it open and leaning in slightly, he examines for a second.
Then he pulls back and flashes a smile “Now go on, let’s see what you’ve created!” he says, tilting his head towards the door.
The sight of him is more unnerving with a smile.
Ambling to where he stands, you hear someone clearing their throat.
“Who were they?” you ask as you step inside, gaze locked onto him as he follows.
“Some small gang in the area, probably getting high schoolers involved with drugs.” He shrugs. Hah, it’s almost silly to have a somewhat victory in whatever you found yourself in but you want to smile at it anyway, look him in the eye and go ‘I knew it, I was right all along!’
The smile dies before it can make way to your face as you see his disfigured body cast aside, the other men laying around the room, all discarded as mere trash bags.
The smell of reaches you again, this time it’s worse, like a rock just fell right into your stomach.
The bandaged up boy squatting in the middle of the room, probably observing one of the men as you stare at the boy you saw several times before. When did they do this to him, what did they do, was the same going to happen to you-
The dizziness comes again and you take a step back to regain your composure. The bandages stand up then, you try to make something out of his expression but you can’t drag your eyes off what has become of that man.
If you were to ask another question, your words would die on the way out.
“Not sure.” He says, as if he hears the unspoken ‘what happened to him?’ in your eyes.
“It looks like his insides were carved out, not something that could be done without making a mess or cutting him out.” He sounds exactly as you first heard him. With nothing in his voice, not a part of identity or emotion. Like he’s just commenting on the quality of a food he has been served or a project he’s been presented.
“Which bears the question… aside from the obvious ‘what is your ability?’. What did you say to him exactly to create quite the work?”
Another step back.
You’re closer to the door, it’s unlocked and standart. The other boy still must be unconscious but can you make a run for it? Or does he have some inhuman power to get to you quick, maybe speed or teleportation, maybe something to grant control over you or objects around you.
Running away doesn’t seem to be a good option, when you’re unfamiliar with the area, not to mention it’s nighttime. But staying with whoever this is seems a lot worse.
The previous men were simple, easy to predict, open; but he is cautious, vary of his surroundings and it’s that smile that keeps popping up on him that creeps you out. You don’t want to imagine what might happen at the hands of him, especially if you try and get caught eventually.
The tapping brings you back, his foot this time, and he scrunches his nose. He asked a question after all.
“What do you mean ‘ability’?” you pronounce the last word as if it’s foreign. That only seems to annoy him apparently.
“Your ability! The thing you used to make-“ he turns sideways to show him with his hand “-this! And possibly to get out of here as well. This might be a low type gang but it’s not possible to make it out alive,-“ he takes a step toward you “-without a scratch,” another step in, you take one back, “-while everyone else is dead and a guy’s insides out like a carved pumpkin.” His voice drops with each word.
Another step in and he’s standing right in front of you, too close, his height over you makes the screaming inside your head worse, everything about him screams ‘red!’ now.
“So tell me again,” he nods with his head to where that guy was sitting hours ago, “was it the tragic death of your boyfriend that drove you to this?”
“he is not my boyfriend.” You whisper.
“was it witnessing his torture that did it?” his tone changes.
“I didn’t even know his name.” you look away.
“what was his last words? Maybe a declaration of love? Maybe a fight beforehand and his words were an apology for that? Maybe it was not proclaimed until now, wouldn’t that make things sad?” The more he adds on, the chirpier he sounds, almost enjoying this, ignoring each of your denials -maybe not even hearing them, too caught up in the story he fabricated.
“I didn’t know him!” You tell before he can continue his rambling. Eyelids halfway down, he looks down at you.
“No wonder you saved your own skin.” The coldness comes back.
Turning away, he walks toward the pile of red again “but it doesn’t explain how-“ he grabs something in the shape of a stick, “you managed to pull this off.” He punctuates as he raises what you assume is a part of the intestines with the stick.
“I told you, I don’t know. I fell asleep by the time they started questioning him and that was it.”
Throwing another glance at you, pitiful maybe?, he takes off to a table with stack of papers spread around.
“Here, they have information on your boyfriend. I’m assuming you attend the same school- someone has been studying.” Throwing the papers back, he strolls to you.
“It won’t take long to get information on you. You probably live on the opposite side of the city. With parents, I assume.” He leans in, “-a pet, maybe few? And a little poking around would provide enough on your parents and friends as well. But we wouldn’t want that.”
Raising his hand to your face, an arrogant smile takes place.
“And I’m sure you’d not want to see what my subordinate below would do, especially when he realizes he has been knocked out by a high schooler.-“ his hand, now standing right next to your face, you pull away before he can touch.
All the fear and the lights in your head have already made way to anger, “I don’t like being touched.”
“Who does?” He says with a tiny laugh, hand by his side again.
And just like that, he takes a step back as if the last five minutes never existed in the first place. “It’s late, let me escort you to your house.” He waits by the our, one arm stretched out to make way for you.
And learn where I live? Hard pass. The two of you start walking back, him a step behind you. The halls feel emptier now somehow. Not a single ray of light creaking in. “I don’t need the help of some douche from-“ you stop.
“Mafia executive, Dazai Osamu.” He keeps walking as he throws the title into the air, the word executive echoing in your ears. Isn’t he too young to be in a position like that, let alone the mafia?
Taking a step over the still body of the boy -his subordinate, as he called him, he stands right outside the door just like you first saw him.
How long ago was it? It feels longer than it should be.
“Stop loitering around, we got a long way back! You can tell me all about your ability as we go.”
He is younger than you, you’re sure. Appears to pale too, and what you can make of his outfit from all you see plays into the whole sick Victorian era child look. despite his age, he must be as dangerous as this man, Dazai, is, if he is a subordinate tailing along with no other back up. And yet, his form looks defenseless, vulnerable.
“Leave him behind, that’s what he gets for not being alert-“ “And for being defeated by a mere high schooler, yes we get it.” You cut in, jump over the boy and follow the man everything in your body tells you to run away from.
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cybernaght · 3 years
Guardian rewatch: episode 10
The tone of this recap is going to be the crackiest so far. The production quality plummets dramatically here, in a way which is as unintentionally hilarious as it is endearing. I have very little of import to say on events of this episode, and there is nothing much for me to hyper focus on, so a lot of this write-up are snark and bad jokes. Apologies in advance. I would not be getting annoyed at a show I did not care about. 
Day two of the Road Trip starts with Zhao Yunlan waking up with a splitting headache and his own jacket draped carefully over him. I choose to believe Shen Wei left it there. 
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Zhao Yunlan wakes up - and discovers that Wang Zheng had slipped a sedative into the party’s water, effectively knocking them all out. He even discovers that she left her doll-body behind as a decoy; thankfully, it’s still Li Siqi and not the blow-up doll from the previous episode. 
With the daunting realisation that he’s been betrayed, Zhao Yunlan instantly spirals into hurt and anger, and this is the moment Shen Wei chooses to appear out to nowhere. He enters offering comfort, his entire focus on making Zhao Yunlan feel better by assuring the man that his subordinate is not one of the bad guys, but rather one of the self-sacrificing ones. How SID manages to function when it’s full of people with non-existent sense of self-preservation is beyond me. 
“Professor Shen, why are you okay?”
Zhu Hong narrows her eyes. Zhao Yunlan’s look is the one of vulnerability, not suspicion, almost as if he is silently asking to please not be betrayed by his newest partner.
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“I didn’t drink the water she gave me.”
Another thing I would like to question here is the reasoning behind Shen Wei waiting until the morning with this. He knew that Wang Zheng was about to do something, since he refrained from drinking the water she offered. Everyone else being unconscious would be a perfect opportunity for him to go full Hei Pao Shi on her, or follow her quietly, or do literally anything but wait for the morning. 
“What is your purpose of coming here?” Shen Wei asks because he needs to know how much Zhao Yunlan knows. He does so with a perfect set of puppy eyes. 
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We cut to Wang Zheng entering the chamber which houses the pillar/totem, and witness the absolute devastation of her hearing her love’s voice for the first time in a century, as he mistakes her for the enemy and calls her a rat.
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I should say that while I’m not always on board with Li Siqi in this show, props to her for acting her heart out opposite a literal pillar. Her reunion with Sang Zan is incredibly touching; she really is wonderful here.
Flashback 1. The execution of Ge Lan. 
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This method of execution seems so inefficient, I actually tried to find if it has any legs in history. As my research yielded exactly no results, I am guessing this is the producers showing hanging without actually showing hanging. They kind of accidentally made the whole affair infinitely worse. People are weaker than gravity, the angle offers no possibility of the neck being broken, so this would be a very slow, and very painful death. Yikes, is all I can say. 
Flashback 2. The montage. 
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This imagery is so carelessly contemporary it’s killing me. I’m not saying it’s completely impossible for the heart shape to have been known to represent love in this fictional tribe on a fictional planet. I’m just saying it’s a boring shorthand for romance, made worse by the fact that so much of the show’s imagery is otherwise fairly intelligent. I am not angry, I’m just disappointed.
Wang Zheng and Sang Zan’s reunion triggers another earthquake, which is felt all the way back in the village, and shortly thereafter Zhu Jiu interrupts the couple, knocking Wang Zheng out. This - her being knocked unconscious - cuts to Zhao Yunlan wincing while clutching at his temples, which almost implies that he can feel it when his people are in danger. Which would be very cool if true. 
Shen Wei, in the meanwhile is remarkably good at keeping his Professor’s mask on the whole time, offering enough information without betraying his own knowledge or motives, but it is clear by now that Zhao Yunlan starts to see right through it. 
The chief sprints into action when Chu Shuzhi and Guo Changcheng arrive, instructing the two to join him in investigation. Shen Wei opens his mouth to volunteer to come with, but ends up hesitating before saying anything out loud. 
Zhu Hong, too, makes a move to go after the three men, but is firmly instructed to say behind and look after Shen Wei. She proceeds to loudly explain that this is the wrong time and place to be fussing over this guy. 
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Shen Wei looks like he has no idea what to do with this display of emotion. 
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Zhao Yunaln whispers to Zhu Hong to watch the professor for him: which could equally be him manipulating the Yashou into staying, or a sinking realisation that Shen Wei will actually try to join them either way, or genuine desire to find out what the professor will do next. Or, indeed, a combination of the above. Zhu Hong will attack her task with conviction. 
Sure enough, Shen Wei finally voices his desire to go with the group. Zhu Hong reminds him that he has his own people to look after and instructs him to return to the house with barely contained resentment. 
Shen Wei will predictably try to sneak out very shortly afterwards, and will be, equally predictably, caught by Zhu Hong. Why the man who can teleport would not just teleport out of the house before proceeding on foot is anyone’s guess. 
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“He surprisingly views you as a good friend”, says Zhu Hong when she stops Shen Wei from leaving. “You surely noticed it, right?”
He certainly did, although he will always have trouble realising that he is actually cared about in a way which is anything but casual. 
Shen Wei obediently sits down and follows Zhu Hong’s instructions as she attempts to hypnotise him. Those instructions are anything but subtle. 
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“Professor Shen, look at the flame closely”.
Meanwhile, the other party has successfully deduced the location of the Hanga tribe cave/shrine, and heads there, only to find no visible entrance. Thankfully, gaining access to the mountain is not particularly hard for the party. Mostly because this part of the mountain is made of foam.
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This is where I want to metaphorically pat Guardian on its non-existent head, cooing, “Oh, Guardian. Baby. What have you done.”
On the bright side, this is also where Guo Changcheng accidentally shocks Zhao Yunlan with the Fear Stick, and Chu Shuzhi literally gives him a thumbs up. Those two are a duo for the ages. 
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Youchu appear to fight our heroes, and after the first wave is eliminated, Zhao Yunlan decides to go inside, leaving the other two fend them off near the entrance. Considering that the beasts are all hiding inside the cave, rushing in without backup seems incredibly ill advised. Zhao Yunlan instructs Chu Shuzhi and Guo Changcheng to run away if the danger becomes too great. Which he must know surely that they would never do: his department does not leave people behind, and his subordinates will never abandon him. 
To no one’s surprise, the cave is crawling with Youchu. Zhao Yunlan goes on the offensive, kicking the feet out of the monster, but failing to incapacitate it. I am going to do my best to ignore how the scale of the beast fluctuates as it falls down, and focus on Bai Yu’s excellent reaction when his character realises that he is about to very much die.
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Luckily for our protagonist, Hei Pao Shi sends a ward his way with a note, warning him of the danger ahead and ordering him to return. Zhao Yunlan makes no move to do as instructed and uses the upper hand he’s gained on the Youchu to get out his gun. Before he can fire however, he once more experiences the painful flashback of the devastation this gun carries, and freezes.
This is when Shen Wei shows up in person, jumping in front of the gun and gutting the beast.
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The jumping in front of the gun part of the action is sweet, because it indicates, albeit indirectly, the absolute trust Shen Wei must have in Zhao Yunlan’s instincts, knowing that the man will not accidentally shoot him in the back. 
The gutting itself happens in reverse grip, with Shen Wei being easily within reach of the beast’s long stabby claws, and as such really questionable to me in terms of logic. I would have not minded it if he had been moving through the space in front of the beast, slicing it while passing through. That would be at least an indicator of both speed and dexterity enough to make me believe Shen Wei made a clever avoidance of the claws. But he doesn’t: he just materialises dead-on in front of the monster and the later just.. lets itself be killed. 
Let’s just say that maybe the beast is supposed to be deliberately slow here, and park the long essay in regards to the bladework until the next episode. 
“Chief Zhao, are you alright?”
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Everything about Hei Pao Shi in this moment screams of Shen Wei-ness. Well, maybe not the sword. But the obvious concern, the tone of voice, the general air: it’s all Shen Wei. It’s remarkable that Zhao Yunlan does not see it. Or maybe, I suppose, he does, without even realising it. His cheeky grin suddenly appears; the corners of his eyes crinkle, as he goes into a very long-winded, almost flirtatious away about thanking Hei Pao Shi, teasing him for not always arriving on time. 
Unperturbed, Shen Wei chides Zhao Yunlan for not listening to his warning, and Zhao Yunlan defends himself in a very playful kind of manner, adding that he’s not leaving his people behind. To Shen Wei, this is to be expected, so instead of arguing he goes into a lot of detail on how the road ahead is dangerous, as if he is not really expecting Zhao Yunlan to accept help. 
He is wrong of course: proud though he may be, Chief Zhao knows when he is outgunned and outnumbered, and only grins, happy for the Envoy to join him on his mission. 
Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan exploring the cave is interspersed with pretty damn harrowing scenes of Zhu Jiu torturing Wang Zheng as her trapped lover screams for mercy. It’s a lot; in fact it’s so much even the cave ghosts attempt to intervene, because while they may be very much pro-murder, they are evidently anti-torture. 
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As the two keep exploring, they bump into another three of the beasts, which Shen Wei slays in three slick moves. It’s actually pretty cool, despite slightly sketchy teleportation effects.
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(Apparently, this “wow” made Zhu Yilong corpse so much he nearly laughed his mask off. Which sounds adorable)
Shen Wei proceeds to inquire Zhao Yunlan about the gun, party to confirm that it is indeed the dark energy weapon he knows, and partly having noticed that the other man failed to fire it. I wonder how many times Zhao Yunlan froze in the past, considering how easily he once again slips into his mask of playful deflection, claiming that he never planned to fire the gun at all. It’s almost tragic how this person keeps feeling like he needs to prove his own capabilities over and over again. 
Interestingly enough, in this particular case Hei Pao Shi actually does own up to a weakness. It’s calculated: he knows this is something Zhao Yunlan must already be aware of, but still, “full disclosure” is not something Shen Wei usually does when it comes to his own capacities. 
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What he admits to, on the other hand, does not seem very consistent with the rest of the show. He says that he can only use half of his power above ground, which - okay. But he also states that he can’t spend a lot of time here, and I am a little bit… confused? He lives above ground. He spends absolute majority of his time here. I really don’t want to think of this as a writing inconsistency, so please let me know what I have missed; I’ll appreciate it. 
Hearing the admission, Zhao Yunlan grows serious for once, asking which they they should be going next. Shen Wei barely smothers a smug smirk seconds before he scries the surroundings with unbelievable panache.
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Show off
Unfortunately, his search does not yield any result, as whatever readings he is getting are muddled by the Hallow. Luckily for them, and to Shen Wei’s great dismay, Zhao Yunlan has the Dial on him which he is uses as a compass. 
Shen Wei’s wordless reaction conveys a million questions from “what the hell?” to “are you completely stupid?”
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Instead of asking any of those things, he settles for a more neutral “I’ve told you not to use the Hallows.”
“You are very much like a friend of mine”, remarks Zhao Yunlan. 
Which is, incidentally, also the title of this episode. 
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Even behind the mask it’s clear to see Shen Wei’s blind panic as he realises he may have just blown his cover sky high. Fortunately, Zhao Yunlan reads the reaction as bashfulness rather than existential despair, and laughs it off. 
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Now that they know which way to go, they finally make it to the chamber which houses the pillar/totem, which now has Wang Zheng tied to it. 
This show sure does like tying their characters to totems containing souls of people significant to them, huh?
In all seriousness though, as parallels go, this one is… uh… unparalleled. 
(I am so very sorry.)
Zhao Yunlan makes a move towards his trapped subordinate, but Hei Pao Shi, again in a way which is extremely Shen Wei-like, grabs at his arm, stopping him in his tracks. 
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Zhao Yunlan obediently halts, and calls Zhu Jiu out, correctly guessing that the Undergrounder lured them here deliberately. Shen Wei, on the other hand, relays in a hushed tone information what he had observed so far: namely, that the Hallow stored here is the Dire Awl, and that something is incredibly fishy about Wang Zheng.
As he does so, he is staring at Zhao Yunlan’s lips. It is neither the time, nor the place, but hey, I’m not complaining.
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They have a brief discussion about the next moves, in which Shen Wei just says he would like to try something, and Zhao Yunlan nods, letting him do it without asking for any details. 
Flashback 3: the Backstory. 
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We hear the full tragic tale of Ge Lan and Sang Zan: how they met, representatives of the warring sides of the conflict, two people from two different worlds; how their love did not stop the awful bloodshed; how it could not be enough to overpower the politics; how it lead to Ge Lan’s death, and, finally, how Sang Zan could not bring her back to him. They hear how the man changed once he lost the only person he cared about. 
Zhao Yunlan is visibly moved by this story, recognising echoes of it in himself. 
“The most basic dignity of a man is to ensure that the person in his heart stays safe. If the person I love gets destroyed in my own hands ruined under the system I established myself, it’s very likely I’ll hate these people more than I hated the former tribe leader.”
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How much did he harden after his mother was taken away from him? How much of his initial hatred of all those from the Underground stems from that day? And, of course, how much will it break him when he will not be gifted this dignity in his own future? 
Shen Wei is near vibrating with how much his very soul resonates with the tale he has just heard. He, who has met someone from the other world, who was lost that person, is visibly weighed down by his own memories.
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“That’s right. Even if they’re cut into a myriad of pieces, the hatred would be hard to dissolve.”
Zhao Yunlan stares at the other man, astounded, wondering what hardships and losses the Envoy endured in his long and eventful life, as the episode draws to a close.
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And I am left here trying to soothe my aching heart, bruised once more by this show’s relentless fatalism. 
Next up, episode 11: Oh Boy Do I Have Sword Opinions 
Look. It’s been a long week okay. Besides, I am basically marathoning my way through Zhu Yilong’s entire filmography. 
The normal service in terms of analysis will hopefully resume next week. 
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jakermeyer · 4 years
“Puts on film lover costume”
Okay, readers it’s time to buckle up as we talk about film.  I love film and I love everything that has to do with it.  Film is this amazing art form that I can talk years about.  I love the symbolism and the nuances that film can have it in and I hope.  I am hoping with my writing you will enjoy film more and maybe expand your critical eye!
I want to talk about a very specific film today and that is Taika Waititi’s JoJo Rabbit.  There is a lot you can say about this movie and I feel that this movie will be an important classic in film history.  
One of the things that made this film very important is the characters and how Taika designed them and how the actors and actresses portrayed them.  All of them did such an amazing job that you can write endlessly about it. 
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However the character I really want to focus on today is Sam Rockwell’s take on Captain Klenzendorf or Captain K.  There is a lot to this character but the most important thing to note is Captain K wants to be a hero.
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This becomes a strong motivator for him through out the film.  Now before we get into this I must warn you this will be spoiler heavy.  So log off and go nerd watch this film or if you don’t care or already seen it continue on.
Warning Spoilers Ahead
Captain K is a man that desires to be recognized as a hero but doesn’t have a way to earn it.  He is stuck at home station and can’t be in the frontlines of war.  He is stuck monitoring the town and strumming up support for Nazi Germany.  He sees this as a waste and expresses his frustration about this.  The thing is Captain K isn’t being true to himself and that is hinted throughout the film with his interactions with Finkel.
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Finnkel is Captain K’s subordinate and is hinted throughout the whole movie to be his lover.   You can see just how close they were to each other in the film.  Captain K and Finnkel never come out of the closet in the film because it does not make sense for two gay men to come out in Nazi Germany.  From the seat of the viewer you are put into the notion that you are a civilian during this time and you can’t really be trusted.  This is a great move on Taika’s part. 
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As we see more of Captain K we see that he is loosen up and enjoying his time at homestation with Finkel.  This is important because during the first part of the movie you think that Captain K is the main villain as Scarlet Johansson’s Rosie is a spy.  We get the sense that she is operating underneath Captain K nose but in reality he knew Rosie is a spy.  
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This is never really confirmed in the movie either because an acknowledgement of her being a spy would lead to his death and his team’s death. Captain K sees Rosie as this all accepting person and knows that Rosie would accept him and Finkel for who they are.  However he can’t always protect Rosie.  The secret police has come rolling in looking for all those that oppose them and all that are different.  They start destroying the characters lives and are investigating Rosie’s son, Jojo closely. They go into JoJo’s house looking for Elsa, the jewish girl that is hiding out there.  Magically Captain K also shows up during this time to help look.
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The above shot perfectly shows how stifling this group is and how powerful they are.  JoJo is panicked and doesn’t know how to protect Elsa. Elsa fakes being JoJo’s dead sister and Captain K orders her to hand over her papers.  During this time Elsa gets the information wrong and Captain K says she is correct.  However this isn’t confirmed until after the Nazi’s leave.  
This is a mind blowing part because if you think about it Captain K most likely knew the whole time about Elsa.  He knows Rosie well and knows about the loss of their eldest daughter.  He went out of his way to protect JoJo and Elsa from the death.  Captain K starts embracing the one thing he always wanted and that is to be a hero.  He protects those that are different like him.
Later the War storms through town and Captain K joins the fight.  They end up losing and the allied forces are rounding up the remainder of the Nazi’s to execute them.  JoJo gets captured and finds Captain K.
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Captain K finally gets to do the one thing he always wants and that is die as a hero.  He knows what he must do and that is protect JoJo they have a final goodbye before he screams get this Jewish kid away from me.  This is saving JoJo and JoJo is no longer seen as part of the Nazi army.  JoJo is walking and way and hears the gunfire that ends Captain K.  
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Thank you for reading this far.  I hope you enjoyed me nerding out over Captain K.  Let me know if you liked it and hopefully you will get to enjoy this masterpiece of a movie and my love for Captain K.  
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luckhound · 4 years
— best laid plans.
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pairing.  dino/gender neutral reader
genre.  humour, fluff
request.  OHH for the dates gone wrong prompts, Dino and the crabs one?? slfndkdj THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WRITING!! —@what-the-fuck-khr​
description.  you’ve been stressed as of late, but your boyfriend comes up with a plan to fix that. because your boyfriend is dino cavallone, it doesn’t go as expected.
note.  so this has been collecting dust in my drafts for months now, but i finally got the inspiration to finish it and post it. hope that makes up for the wait :^)
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Sometimes it’s easy to forget who Dino is. He’s a total dork, has a tendency to trip over both his words and his own two feet, and rarely takes himself seriously.
Then he does something that reminds you just how important and influential he is, like fly you on his jet to a private island he owns. All because you complained about how stressed you’ve been feeling lately once.
“I thought you could use a vacation,” he’d said when you expressed your shock, grinning widely. “It’ll be just the two of us!”
As suddenly as he’d sprung the idea, it was still sweet of him to plan it for you. So you had smiled back, his excitement infectious and sparking your own...
Which was when Romario cleared his throat and clarified that he and Dino’s subordinates would be accompanying you. Obviously, you tell yourself later. It’d be dangerous for him to travel alone, especially with a civilian like you, who can’t fight.
It can be easy to forget, but Dino is the Cavallone boss. He’s not just your boyfriend. You made your peace with that long ago, because you know he has his obligations, and there are many.
But he never lets you feel like an afterthought, or unimportant. That’s why you love him anyway.
Plus, it’s not too bad, all things considered. At least Dino can keep both his feet under him with his men with the two of you. You enjoy that privilege as you stroll along the beach, hand-in-hand with your boyfriend, inching close to the shoreline and jogging away once the waves reach you. His subordinates are nearby, but they’re enjoying themselves as well and far away enough that you have some semblance of privacy. You’ll take what you can get.
Dino squeezes your hand, prompting your attention. “How is everything so far?” he asks. “Are you feeling a bit better?”
You squeeze back. “I’m feeling much better. Thanks for bringing me here.”
He beams at your response. “Of course! I know when I’m feeling stressed, a change of pace helps me out. I thought it might do the same for you.”
This is more than a change of pace, in your opinion, but you understand the intention behind it. So you nod and swing your joined hands, closing your eyes and breathing in the fresh air. The tranquility of the moment washes over you. Waves crash against the shore, seagulls cry out as they soar in the sky, and Dino breathes quietly beside you...
Then he yelps, and the tranquility is gone.
“Dino?” You turn to him, alarmed when you spot tears gathering in his eyes. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“My toe!” he cries out, confusing you further.
When you look down, though, everything becomes clear.
Since you’re at the beach, both of you had long taken off your sandals to walk barefoot on the warm sand. Which left Dino’s feet vulnerable to pests, like the crab that has the skin of his big toe pinched between its claws.
“Oh!” you say, at a loss for words. The times you’ve frequented the beach, you’ve never had to deal with something like this before. “Uh! Why don’t you, um. Shake it off?” That should get rid of the crab, surely?
“R-Right!” He lifts his foot and shakes his leg, looking completely ridiculous. Worse, the crab just dangles from his toe, refusing to let go. He cries out again. “Ack! Now it hurts even more!”
You look around, perplexed, then realize Dino’s screams must have alerted his men. They might have a better idea of what to do. You glance over your shoulder.
Only to find them staring in your direction, not moving a muscle to help their boss, in hysterics. One of them even appears to be holding his phone up, recording.
...Okay, you should’ve expected that. And, seeing as your boyfriend isn’t in any real danger, it is kind of funny. You thought situations like this only happened in comedies. The corners of your mouth twitch, but you resist the urge to smile.
Unfortunately, Dino notices. “Hey! Don’t laugh. I’m in pain over here!”
“I’m not laughing!”
“But you want to! I can tell!”
“Don’t you have bigger things to worry about right now?”
“Yeah! And you’re not helping!” Dino looks down at his foot, grimacing. Then his eyes widen. “Oh, no. No.”
You follow his gaze. To your horror, you see, scuttling across the sand, a crab inching its way towards the two of you. But the crab is still hanging off Dino’s foot. Which means there is more than one.
You scan the ground, your thought proven correct. An army of crabs are advancing on you, their pincers held aloft and practically gleaming in the sunlight. You stumble backwards. Thankfully, they don’t follow after you. It’s as if they don’t even notice you’re there.
Because they’re too busy following Dino.
“What the...” He hops away once, then twice, but they only hurry to close the distance. “Where did all of these crabs come from? I didn’t even do anything to them!”
Whatever the reason, the crabs are gaining on him. One swipes at him with a pincer, but he manages to hop away before it succeeds in the attempt.
“Guys!” Dino calls out. To his men, you realize after a beat. “A little assistance, here?!”
Instead of springing into action, his subordinates cup their hands over their mouths and shout encouragements. Behind them, Romario reclines on a folding chair, sunglasses perched on his nose and completely at peace.
“You got this, boss!”
“We believe in you!”
“Keep at it! You’re almost safe!”
“Man, the others are gonna love this...”
Still hopping away, Dino yells over his shoulder, “At least throw me my whip, you assholes!”
As you watch, in disbelief at what you’re seeing, he hobbles down the beach, followed closely by the crustaceans. He’s still flailing his foot, hoping to dislodge the crab on his toe, to no avail.
You stare. Then you bend over in laughter, clutching at your stomach.
This isn’t what you were expecting when Dino proposed a romantic getaway to his (one of several) private island. But it worked. Stress is the last thing on your mind right now.
And it’s all thanks to your loving boyfriend. In a way.
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josefavomjaaga · 4 years
Letters from Naples. 1813
All these letters are still from the first half of the year, before Murat (for the last time) joined forces with Napoleon in August 1813. Most of them are only postscripts to “official letters” (which were likely to be opened and read by secret police), some even using an extra secret cipher not used on other occasions, if only to give you this special “007″-feeling.
Translated again from “Helfert, Joachim Murat”.
Mier to Metternich [French, in ciphers].
Naples 16 March 1813.
My Lord Count!
The sort of mystery put from the beginning into the sending of Prince Cariati to Vienna, and the rumours which circulate in the public on the object of his mission, can only cause offence to the French government and will necessarily increase the bad blood of the Emperor Napoleon towards the King, which is already sufficiently pronounced without it. Since his arrival in Naples the king has not received a word from the Emperor; the queen has had two letters, but she thought she had to conceal them from her husband because of their content. The Duke of Berthier told the king at the moment of his leaving the army to return to Naples, that he believed him to be too good a Frenchman not to be sure that he would willingly sacrifice his crown if the interests of France required it. This statement, which the King supposes to have been ordered by the Emperor to prepare him for what he must expect, has increased his distrust and anxiety for the preservation of his kingdom. Knowing the King's character, I fear that this will lead him to some step contrary to his position and his true interests, and will give France a pretext of necessity for the realisation of a project which perhaps for the moment should not yet be put into execution. The departure of the Queen would be in this respect a real calamity for this country, because she prevents by her wise and reasoned advice, and her pleas, many steps dictated by the first movement of the King's hot temper, and which would end up by completely dividing him from the Emperor. At first, on his return, he intended to summon the Estates or Deputies of the kingdom and have himself crowned of the Two Sicilies; it was only by dint of persuasion and entreaties that the Queen succeeded in turning him away from this project.
Accept etc
Prince Cariati was Murat’s special envoy sent to Vienna  to start negotiations with Austria, apparently behind Caroline’s back.
Metternich to Mier [French, concept; original in ciphers].
Vienna, 20 April 1813. By Neopolitan courier.
Prince Cariati has acquitted himself to me of the commission he is charged with. He told me that the King desired only the preservation of the throne of Naples; that he would renounce his claims to Sicily and was not aiming at any acquisitions; convinced, however, that his existence would sooner or later be threatened by the great preponderance of France, and knowing the liberal views of our august master, H. M. wished to have a guarantee which would ensure his future existence; that this guarantee could only be given to him by Austria, and that the king was ready, on the other hand, to support our approach, if necessary, by all his military forces.
I answered Prince Cariati that the policy of the Emperor did not require to be commented on, that it was sufficiently known in Europe to be generally appreciated at its just value. That we desired only a state of peace deserving of the name; that far from any excess in our designs, and not subjecting the good to the prospects of an often illusory better, we had succeeded in winning the confidence of all the great powers to the point of seeing them, France not excepted, solicit us to change the subordinate attitude of a merely intervening power into that of mediator. That consequently His Imperial Majesty was assembling great military forces to support his words of peace and to bring them to a successful conclusion; but that the mediating Power had no longer any choice; that he could only hope to succeed in so far as he was actually prepared to support his words by war.
As Prince Cariati kept repeating to me that this was undoubtedly the King's way of judging these questions, and that His Majesty had only the most pronounced desire to prove to us that he would be able to uphold, against all odds, the commitments which he had made, I asked him if he had sufficiently precise instructions to enter into a real negotiation with us and full powers to complete it. He replied that he did not; that he felt that full powers were necessary for our own safety, but that as for the instructions I could be assured that the King's views were invariable, and that those which His Majesty had expressed to him at the time of his departure from Naples were confined to the widest possible latitude.
The present courier (an officer of the guards who accompanied Prince Cariati here) is sent by him in secret to Naples. He asks for full powers. You will not have, Count, to meddle in the substance of an affair which is very delicate in itself, and you will keep strictly to the terms of my answer to Prince Cariati above, without taking a step to engage the King to send the document requested by his envoy. You will add, however, that the Emperor nourishes particular feelings of esteem for the King; that His Majesty's policy is entirely conservative, and that he only wishes to see the King rule the people who have devoted all their attachment to him, and that His Majesty is very sensitive to the marks of confidence which this Prince gives him. You can be sure that no evidence of this feeling has ever caused regret to any power.
As Prince Cariati is making his report to the Duke of Gallo, you can speak to him about the present communication, and you will testify to him with the confidence which we personally have in him the conviction that, if we are ready to listen to the King, it is up to him to provide his Envoy with all diplomatic guarantees.
You will also satisfy yourselves that by virtue of the present instructions you have little to add to what I have lately prescribed to you.
If I’m not mistaken the “Duc de Gallo” was minister of foreign affairs in Naples. His ... ability to adapt to several consecutive goverments at odds with each other would later result in a rather awkward situation for him: He refused to go to Vienna for the Congress of 1814 because there he would have met his ex-queen, Maria Carolina of Habsburg.
Mier to Metternich [French, in special ciphers, "très sécrèt"].
Naples this 27 April 1813.
On the return of the King I will carry out your orders, I distrust the minister too much to speak to him about it. He is persuaded of the forthcoming reunion of this country with the great Empire, and always thinking more of his own interests than those of his country and his sovereign, he does everything possible to win the goodwill of the new French government in advance and thereby secure lucrative positions for himself under the new reign. He is known as such from the past and his present conduct has not earned him an appreciation. X. also advised me not to confide in him too much.
I have the honour to be ut in litteris
Yes. “X.” would mean “Joachim”. We have literally reached the level of a Bond movie now.
Mier to Metternich [French, in particular ciphers, "très sécrèt"].
this 30 April 1813.
We have consulted with X. about what to say to his wife. I will always keep strictly to your orders, but do not let me miss your instructions. X. requests your friendly advice on what he should say, do, ask, stipulate, promising to follow your advice in everything. All that is required is the preservation of the present fortune and independence.
I have the honour etc.
The book’s author adds a footnote here with an interesting remark:
In Nicomede Bianchi "Storia docum. della Diplomazia europea in Italia I" p. 2 we find the assertion that Metternich had already made contact with Caroline Murat in Paris, and that he had succeeded in turning her away from her imperial brother; Caroline had thus become "nelle mani del principe di Metternich il migliore instrumento per sospingere il re di Napoli a passare nel campo de' nemici della sua patria e del suo benefattore".... Since the "X" of the despatches I reproduced can only refer to King Joachim, and "sa femme" is therefore Caroline Murat, who at that time cannot yet have been fully aware of the contacts with the Viennese Cabinet, this results in the opposite of Bianchi's assertion, which, incidentally, would also be in irresolvable contradiction with other facts and circumstances.
My personal footnote to the above letter: May I find it a little piquant to see Murat ask Metternich for advice on how to break the news to Caroline? “Dear Metternich, as you have slept with my wife, how do you think I should got about this?”
Mier to Metternich [French, in ciphers, postscript 1].
Naples 29 June 1813
My Lord Count!
The article of the Moniteur relating to the isle of Ponza has enraged the King, to the point of making him ill. He has sent Mr. Durand, Minister of France, a very strong note on this subject which states, among other things, that this is the second time that the French gazettes have taken it upon themselves to insult him, and that at the third such article he would respond by dismissing the Minister of France from his State.
The Emperor Napoleon intends to ask the King of Naples again for 20,000 men.
His Majesty gave a negative answer, declaring that not a company of his army would leave the kingdom unless commanded by him in person.
All these measures of the Emperor persuade the King more and more that Emperor Napoleon nurses hostile designs against him and that he would have already put them into execution if he were not too busy on another side. Not omitting any occasion to humiliate him, doing everything to finally weary his patience he has the air of provoking him and finding a pretext of his annihilation in the resistance to his will.
The King sets himself up for any event, and I am convinced that only one Senatus Consult is needed to deprive him of his kingdom.
I have the honour to be ut in litteris
Once more we have Murat getting ill when under stress or in great emotional turmoil. And this time, Mier even has an extra secret postscript to the secret postscript:
Mier to Metternich [French, in special ciphers, 'très sécrèt', postcript 2]
this 29th June 1813.
Napoleon has had the Queen informed that war with Austria was inevitable; that he needed troops; that consequently she should engage the King to place 20,000 men at the disposal of the Viceroy of Italy. Their Majesties await with impatience the answer to Cariati's proposals in order to know the course to be followed in the event of war between Austria and France. The King is still determined to support our interests
Please give me your instructions on the conduct I should follow in the event of war with France
I have the honour etc.
If this is true, if it really was already known in Naples by the end of June that Napoleon wanted war with Austria (which means that Napoleon must have been decided already at the beginning of the armistice and a long time before his meeting with Metternich in Dresden), this is diametrically opposed to the claim of Napoleon-friendly historians, who tend to accuse the allies of not having been sincere in their peace proposals in mid-1813. And it makes me feel like crying, considering how many people at this point put all their hopes in Napoleon making peace. Which he apparently never even seriously considered.
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hawksward · 3 years
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Ch. 2: Your Heart is an Empty Room (Childe/OC)
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Since being granted a vision at the tender age of 10, Irina has owed her life to the Tsaritsa and dedicated herself to rising through the ranks of the Fatui. In becoming a top-ranking diplomat she’s received her easiest assignment yet: ensure the 11th Fatui Harbinger remains ignorant of La Signora’s plan to obtain the gnosis of Rex Lapis. A simple task for someone who’s made a career out of lying.
Unfortunately, even the simplest tasks can go awry when feelings get in the way.
Rating: E (For eventual smut)
Warnings: None that I can think of for this chapter, there will eventually be smut
Two weeks had passed since Irina first arrived in Liyue. Signora was out of the city that night, gone to some other far-off place to complete her work. As for Zhongli? Since he hadn’t made any request pursuant to the contract she hadn’t seen him either.
Her days were mundane, filled with bank paperwork and pointless meetings with the Qixing to source where they hid the gnosis. Which she already knew they didn’t have. It was impossible to say when Zhongli would be satisfied with his end of the contract and until then she would keep up the song and dance to avoid suspicion by a certain ginger harbinger.
Who once again burst through her office door without the courtesy of knocking.
“I have a new recruit orientation at the docks and I need someone to come do the paperwork.” His expression was the same as always, a charming smile that never quite reached his eyes “Put down whatever you’re doing, we need to leave in five.”
Irina sighed before returning her attention to the stack of papers on her desk “I have a mountain of paperwork here, surely you can find someone else to handle the new recruits.”
She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Childe’s hand slamming against the table. She looked up through her lashes to see the same fake smile at eye level.
“It’s not a request.” He walked around her desk and pulled out the chair with her still in it “With how pale you are you could use some time in the sun anyway.”
“First you give me all of your loan paperwork, now you want me to go do different paperwork down by the docks? It’s a task so simple a hillichurl could do it” Irina stood from her seat to look him in the eyes “a particularly stupid hillichurl.”
She watched as Childe’s smile only grew bigger
“Then it’s perfect for you.”
She didn’t have time to be offended before he shoved a clipboard in one of her hands and grabbed her other wrist, leading her down the staircase of the bank and out the door.
“Look at that.” Childe looked to the sky before looking back at Irina with a cocky smile “The sun’s out and you’re not even melting!”
“Ha. Hilarious.” She struggled to keep up as he continued to pull her by the wrist down to the docks “You must have women lining up for you.”
He chuckled
“Someone sounds jealous.”
“Not even slightly.”
The docks were bustling with midday activity, but the ship waving the Snezhnayan flag was easy enough to spot. Six Fatui skirmishers stepped off the boat, which Childe greeted enthusiastically before easing into a grand speech about serving the Tsaritsa.
Irina was left to sit on a crate and process six diplomatic visa applications for extended stays. It wasn’t lost on her how unglamorous her job was in comparison to Childe’s flaunting.
If she were more suited to combat she might have considered killing him for his position.
Unfortunately, life wasn’t fair. Although the Tsaritsa had blessed her with a cryo vision she was never really suited for combat. Over the course of her training with the Fatui it was clear that her talents were in shields and healing. She was probably one of the few Fatui vision users who didn’t end up in a combat position.
“Daydreaming on the job?” She looked up to see Childe hovering over her, a trail of new recruits behind him “We might have to consider docking your pay”
His frown was clearly fake. He was enjoying making her look incompetent in front of those who didn’t know any better.
“On the contrary, considering how long your speech took, I finished ages ago.” She shoved the stack of papers into his chest “If that’s everything Lord Tartaglia, I’ll be going back to the bank to finish my previous work.”
“Ah.” He held out an arm to stop her before turning his attention to the recruits “You there. Take these papers and file them with the milileth. They’re located in the gaudy building in the center of the city. You can’t miss it.”
Irina stared at him expectantly while the recruits followed the man holding their paperwork. She wasn’t sure why she was surprised that Childe had once again sent new arrivals off with zero directions.
“ We ” he emphasized “Aren’t going back to the bank. I have a business dinner that I want you to attend as well.”
Irina perked up. He was asking her to do a real task? Not just busywork? Surely there was a catch.
“You want me to attend?” She pointed at herself “You’re not going to make some grand statement about how you don’t need my help?”
“Not today” he laughed “I can’t tell if this particular business partner is immune to my charm or just isn’t into men. A more feminine touch might help.”
He wanted her to be a honey trap. Of course.
“It’s probably just you.”
Dinner was of course at one of the two nicest restaurants in town. Liuli Pavilion and Xinyue Kiosk were rivals for the higher-end business in Liyue Harbor. Even in her limited time in the city, Irina already heard ravings from the bank staff about how it was worth blowing some extra paycheck money. Her mouth was already watering at the prospect of a nice meal after eating from street carts since her arrival.
The moment she stepped through the door of Liuli Pavilion it was clear that Childe was flaunting his wealth. The rich woods paired with a gold inlay made it look like it was fit for royalty.
“Master Childe,” The host greeted him with a bow “Your private room is ready and your guest has already arrived. Please, allow me to escort you to your table.”
Childe gave her a wink before following the host down the hall and to a secluded part of the restaurant.
“Apologies for the tardiness, I brought a friend.”
Irina turned the corner into the room to see a familiar face sitting at the table.
Mr. Zhongli.
For just one moment, the surprise was written all over her face. Childe knew exactly what Signora was up to. That she was just a proxy. She was going to lose her job. Her life.
She pulled herself together, a smile crossing her features
“It’s a pleasure sir, my name is Aster. I’m an associate of Childe’s at the Northland Bank.” She moved across the room to the seat next to Zhongli, who rose to meet her and pulled out her chair “And he’s a gentleman” she flashed a smile to Childe, whose expression was of course, unreadable.
“The pleasure is mine.” Zhongli returned to his seat “My name is Zhongli, I’m a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.” he directed his attention to Childe “When you mentioned you may have a guest I assumed it would be the traveler again.”
Childe took his seat next to Irina at the large, round table “I happen to associate with more than one other person.”
The conversation was mundane, but pleasant enough as the trio waited for the food to arrive. It was a common skill in the Fatui to be able to carry the conversation while still saying nothing of importance. Irina did her best to pepper in some flirtatious side glances and arm touches to Zhongli whenever it was clear Childe was watching.
Not like Zhongli looked remotely interested.
Then again she wasn’t exactly putting in the effort either.
Plate after plate of food arrived at the table. It was clearly a show of extravagance from Childe. Although she couldn’t quite tell if it was meant for Zhongli or to remind her that he was the top agent in Liyue and had the mora to prove it.
Irina didn’t hesitate before taking a bite of the first plate she could reach. Sure enough, everything on the table was delicious. She chatted with Zhongli as the two went from plate to plate, marveling at the chef’s expert use of spices. Until she noticed that Childe had eaten nothing.
She looked over to see him grossly misusing his chopsticks. Every time he managed to get them into position, one would slip through his fingers or collapse onto the other.
Irina let out a sigh, moving closer to him in her chair “Here, let me help.” she reached out her hands, gently touching his fingers before he immediately recoiled.
“What are you doing?” he demanded
“Helping. If you keep holding your chopsticks like that you’re going to starve to death.”
“I’ve got it.” he pulled his hand away from her, still fiddling with the two foreign objects in his hand.
“If you insist.” she moved back to the center of her chair, clearly ignoring the struggles of the man next to her.
The rest of the meal was painfully uncomfortable. Irina and Zhongli spent the rest of the time doing their best to ignore Childe as he frequently dropped food short of his mouth. By the time they had finished, she wanted nothing more than to go back to her hotel room and pretend the whole thing never happened.
Except maybe for a clever jab here and there.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Zhongli, I hope we meet again in the future.”
“As do I, Miss Aster. Allow me to escort you back to your hotel, it’s gotten dark since we’ve arrived.” Zhongli held open the door for both Irina and the suspiciously quiet Childe to exit.
“Oh thank you, but you really-”
“I’ve got it from here. After all, she is my subordinate and I’d hate to see anything happen to her.” Childe was back to his normal, cheerful demeanor. Although that just seemed to unsettle her even more.
“Of course. Have a pleasant evening, both of you.”
Childe waved as Zhongli disappeared from view, then turned his attention to Irina. She knew this wasn’t going to end well. Zhongli wasn’t interested in her playful flirting, which was admittedly half-assed and on top of that there was the matter of her trying to help with his chopsticks.
“So are you going to tell me what that look was at the beginning of dinner?”
Irina raised an eyebrow, trying to consider every ‘look’ she gave since the moment they walked through the door of the restaurant. “What look?” She asked
“I saw your expression when you first saw my contact.” All traces of his previous smile were gone. He wasn’t hiding the fact that he was all business now
“Ah. That.” her thoughts raced as she tried to come up with an excuse. Clearly, she couldn’t say that she’d met him before “Normally when someone wants to use my services for seduction it tends to be for some old bureaucrat. Your contact is young and handsome.”
Childe shook his head, clearly disappointed in her answer. But at least he seemed to believe it. “Don’t go falling in love on the job.”
“Don’t worry. I have no heart.”
She gave away her heart the moment she signed her life away to the Tsaritsa.
The two maintained eye contact for longer than what either was comfortable with, each too stubborn to back down. It was impossible to tell how much time passed during their unspoken competition.
“Shall we head back?” Childe asked, finally averting his eyes to the road ahead.
The walk to the hotel was short but silent. Crowds moved for them, people stared, parents pulled their children closer as they walked by. It was the same in any country that wasn’t Snezhnaya. The Fatui were always seen as a threat, which in defense of the people, they were. Most of the time the fear in their eyes didn’t phase her, but it was nothing compared to having a harbinger by her side.
“What’s with the long face?” Childe asked
Irina snapped out of her own head to notice that they had already made it to the hotel.
“It’s nothing.”
“Don’t give me that. I’ve got sisters, I know that look.” He chuckled quietly “The ‘the weight of the world is on my shoulders and no one else could possibly understand’ look”
She laughed, “It’s really nothing. Just a long day is all.”
He looked lost in thought for a moment “The mail boat arrives at 10 tomorrow. Why don’t you take a couple hours in the morning before that for yourself.”
Irina was shocked. Sure, Ekaterina and Vlad and the others at the bank all spoke highly of him but she’d never seen it for herself. She just assumed they spoke highly of him because they had to.
“You don’t have to do that. I assure you whatever is going on in my head will never impede my ability to do my job.”
Childe let out a long sigh before rubbing the back of his head. It was a gesture that looked both human and unsure. Two things she knew he wasn’t.
“That’s not what I’m insinuating. Just...take a break. That’s an order.” He opened the door to the front of the inn, ushering her inside “If I see you at work before 10 I’m going to be pissed. Goodnight.”
Irina watched from the window as the man disappeared down the street, still confused by what just occurred. For two weeks since she arrived he either outright ignored her, berated her, or made fun of her in front of the rest of the bank employees.
Maybe his delusion had finally caused him to go insane.
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