#where the main character was a woman who lived with her husband and two kids in the middle of nowhere
theonpilled · 8 months
#another day another really weird dream#at first i dreamt i was watching a movie or a video game gameplay#where the main character was a woman who lived with her husband and two kids in the middle of nowhere#in like a house on the mountains#and one day two alien thingies like take ahold of the house but without her knowing#the husband knows tho amd hes trying to keep cool and give in to their request#and then we find out they approach her and give her the same 'rules' other wise they'd hurt her family#and like theyd drink blood and take samples from her family while she watches but she cant make a sound#she has to pretend everything is fine or they'll kill everybody#in the end the husband finds her#covered in blood with the two aliens dead and with their brains removed and eaten#but we dont kmow what happened. so then the dream changes#and its actually me with my family and im the main character#same stuff happens to me. but they're not really aliens theyre two men with weird powers#one night they give me a final trial. i have to hide from one of them until 5 am or they'll kill me and keep the game going with my family#i manage to hide and run for the whole night and they say i passed a test and me and my family are free#and the two men have become my subordinates and they must do everything i say#so i called the cops on them lmao. but then changed my mind and killed them before the cops came#and the cops were like ah. oh well. cleaned the house and left lol#and then i woke up
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His Silly Princess | Bucky (Oneshot)
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Character: Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
Words Count: 1,671
Summary: A modern royal love story. A naive princess who wants to get away from an arranged marriage. She never knew that her guard had loved her since the beginning. 
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Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Zylovia is a country where monarchy still exists. It’s a developed country located near Western Europe. 
It’s a prosperous country, and the number of unemployed is also the lowest. Tourists love coming here for the casino, race car, and music festival. 
But this country has one outdated rule. It didn’t apply to the citizens. Only for the royal family. 
“If the female royal member marries a commoner, she will lose her status."
You learned that rule when you were 12 years old as the youngest siblings and Princess Zylovia. You didn't put a deep thought into it. 
But now, when you are almost 30 years old, and your older siblings are already married, you think this is good for you.
Because you realize you’re not fit to do the duty as a princess. 
Your oldest brother has prepared since he was a kid to be the king. When he reaches the age of 40, he will be crowned as the king. Your second brother will be the second commander in the military. 
While you have a job as a painting conservator at the museum, your duty as a princess is to welcome the official foreign guest at the castle. You learned some languages, but you’re not allowed to give any opinion on politics.
You don’t hate being a royal, but sometimes you feel like living in a golden cage. 
And finally, you had enough because, on your recent birthday, your parents talked to you about marriage. 
The king and queen don’t want to be separated from their youngest daughter, but they hint that they wish for her future husband from the royal circle. In other words: arranged marriage. 
You clenched your jaw while smiling at your parents. If the man from the royal circle is a real gentleman, you wouldn’t mind. 
But the problem is, please pardon the harsh language; none of the men from the royal family are your type. 
Your type of man must have a stable job, look good in suits, and have a nice body. 
That’s why, for a couple of days, you’ve made a list of potential future husbands. After you write it, you realize most of the men are from the knights. Perhaps because you always went to meet your second brother at the military training ground, so you know some people. 
Steve Rogers
[Friendly, not married, nerd, loves to paint like me]
Ari Levinson 
[Funny, beautiful hair, handsome]
‘Knock, knock!’ Suddenly, someone knocked on your door.
“Come in.”
You didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. You have known him for years, and your ears are familiar with the sound of his footsteps. 
The person who walked into your room has been your exclusive bodyguard for years - James Barnes, but you always call him Bucky his nickname. 
Bucky is a commoner and an elite soldier. If there’s a shooting competition, he will be in the top three. Your second brother always hates him. 
He has received many medals of honors, but he rejects a knight title from your father. You don’t understand why he declined the offer. If he received it, he could enter politics, and he doesn’t have to follow her around anymore. 
He’s tall, handsome, with perfect blue eyes and has fine muscles on his body. Bucky also has a primarily female fanbase when he wears the military uniform and rides a horse at the independence ceremony. 
He became a celebrity overnight.
But you have never seen or heard any rumor about him with a woman. 
“Your highness, in two hours you are going to attend the tennis tournament.” 
You dropped the pen and dropped your head to the table. “Urgh. Do I have to?”
Bucky chuckled when he saw you unwilling to go. One thing you hate about your duty is to be the guest at the tennis game. You prefer to watch the race car, but it's reserved for your brother's. 
Even though you didn’t want to go, you still dragged your feet to the dressing room to grab your coat. 
When you were searching for the right outfit, you suddenly remembered. “Oh no!” You didn’t hide the potential list that you just wrote. You wish you could dig your own grave and disappear. 
And you were right; Bucky saw your writing. He furrowed his eyebrows while he read your paper. “What’s this? Potential man for marriage?”
You stand beside him; you don’t know why you feel scared. This is the first time you have seen him like this. 
His slender, pointed fingers scratched the two names with his nails. There’s a big X on your paper. 
“Don’t marry any of those men.”
A small smile appeared on his lips, along with a soft voice, “Steve hasn’t moved on from his last girlfriend, and Ari, he loves to drink alcohol. I know you hate the smell of alcohol.”
You felt disappointed; you crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash.
“Marriage? Why all of a sudden?” There's an annoyed tone in his voice.
You rubbed your head and muttered, “I need to get married sooner, or my parents will arrange marriage for me, their friend's kid. And you know the truth, I had enough of being a princess.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “But, why them?”
He clenched his fist; Bucky stared at her with an annoyed expression. “Why didn't you put me on the list?”
You waved your hand. “It doesn’t matter, as long as I got married.”
“So, would you like to marry me?”
Are you having hallucinations? Did Bucky just propose to you?
Bucky got on his knees. “Let’s get married.”
You still haven’t come to your senses. Bucky started talking again. “Think about it. Both of us have known each other for a long time. We’ve known each other's likes and dislikes. We’ve been through many things together.”
He’s right. He’s the safest choice if you want to marry someone. You shrugged your shoulders and accepted his hand. “Alright.”
Bucky's beautiful smile appeared on his face. Before he shook your hand, he felt you slightly pull his hand. When you saw him smile, your heart raced. “But, if in the end, we don’t like each other, please wait after three years, then we could get a divorce.”
Bucky chuckled; his attractiveness is not just in his physical appearance but also in his ability to manage his emotions gracefully and restraintfully. He leaned closer to you, and his hands gently grabbed your chin. 
As his calloused hand touched your skin, a subtle warmth spread on your cheeks. You could feel you're blushing. “Silly girl, it will never happen.”
[Bucky P.O.V]
Then he rests your arms on his. “Then you have the excuse to skip the tournament.”
“We should inform this first to His Majesty and Her Majesty.”
“Oh, right.” You nodded, then looked straight into his blue eyes again. “This soon?”
When both of you walk through the hallway to meet the King and Queen, Bucky tries his best to calm down. He almost lost his common sense when he saw you write another man's name, and there’s a word of ‘potential husband.’
He looks at you and thinks ‘his silly princesses didn’t realize his feelings for her.’ 
Didn’t she know he declined the offer to be a knight so he could be her guard?
If he became a knight, he would work with her second brother. That’s the last thing he wants to do. 
“So, Bucky, don’t worry about money. When I resign as a princess, the kingdom will give us money.”
Bucky chuckled, seeing his sweet princess worried about their future, “That’s so sweet of you. But you don’t need to worry about that.” He gently patted her arms. He wants to tell you that he owns the famous casino in this kingdom and 5-star hotel chains in a few countries.
When both of you are married, Bucky will ensure you don’t have to work anymore. He is pretty sure that her parents will give their blessings even though he’s a commoner (and he’s super rich). The royal family has outdated rules, but because of it, he could marry you. 
Both of you arrived at the king's office room. The guards bowed their heads to greet you. Then you said, “Princesses Y/N and her guard. Wait… and her future husband, James Barnes wants to meet the king.”
The guards and the butler who opened the door lost their composure. They should have known from your body language walking here together hand in hand when usually Bucky always stands behind you. 
This news is shocking compared to the crown prince, who got caught partying too hard and the second prince, who had a messy love life before he got married. 
It seems like your father, the King, hears your voice. Before the castle butler tells him, you hear the gentle voice, “Come in.”
[2 years later]
<Former Princess of Zylovia Y/N, blessed with male twins>
It's the biggest headline in the country after you gave birth. You feel overwhelmed; you can't believe that you're parents now. 
The King and Queen hold your oldest son, while Bucky has the youngest son in his arms. 
Bucky's eyes are full of love, looking both at his sons. He was almost scared to death since you gave birth one month early. But the doctor assured both of you this is normal since you're pregnant with twins. 
Even though you're not a princess, you're still surrounded by your family. 
And Bucky still treats you like a princess. You almost lost your mind when he told you his business, which turned into your parents, and your brothers already know it, too. 
You want to knock your head; you didn't even know Bucky's business helped increase the country's GDP. 
Everyone said Bucky was the lucky guy to marry the former princess, but they were wrong. It's you who is lucky to marry him.
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thekingofwinterblog · 7 months
Soul Eater Episode : 39 - Totally Uncool
Soul Eater has a number of great episodes, with the crowning jewel the series had being the finale to Maka's second fight with Crona.
However there is another episode that in my opinion is easily the second best, that being episod episode 39, where Crona's finally snaps regarding betraying Maka and the rest of the main cast to Medusa.
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It's a very great episode, but the single best part is the way it connects both Maka and Crona rejecting their abusive mothers, just in different ways, while also using that to strengthen the bond between the two of them.
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The first critical moment of this takes place in the early part of the episode, where Crona(Who is reeling with internal pains about Medusa, and betraying everyone) and Maka have a conversation where Maka bares her soul to Crona... Sort of.
Both of the two of them have massive, massive issues with their respective abusive mothers. While Medusa is an abusive mother who forces her child to dance to her tunes, and gasslighting Crona to believe nobody except her will ever show "forgiveness and kindness" Maka's mom instead very deliberately fought her exhusband for custody... Then after having achieved this symbolic victory over her husband, she took off, and abandoned her own child, only making contact with her through one sided postcards despite having every opportunity, and frankly a duty as Maka's legal guardian to look after her own kid.
Both of these women left deep, deep mental scars on their own children, just in different ways.
With Crona it is very, very obvious what Medusa has done, and is doing to her own child, as the episode is very much about confronting the effects of that abuse, but with Maka it's a bit less spelled out, and you have to read the subtext.
Maka puts her mom on a pedestal, mentally projecting her as a perfect woman who can do no wrong, not really being able to addmit to herself that her mom has left her and is not coming back. She instead projects all her frustration about everything to other people, more speciffically at the closest male figures in her life, Spirit and Soul.
It's a deeply, deeply unhealthy way of handling cope, and fuels a lot of her character flaws through the series, with both her relationahip with her father(Who though a terrible husband is not exactly the worst dad in the world) and her partner Soul being painted by hyper agression, a short temper, and a mental inability to give them any benefit of the doubt.
Interestingly enough, though chrona doesn't really push the point, it is Crona who is the person in the series who come the closest to realising directly just how fucked up Maka's relationship to her mom actualy is.
The most interesting part of their conversation though, is when Crona asks Maka what her best memories of her mother is, which Maka replies was when she divorced her dad, at which she saw her mom at her coolest.
This is a really, really fucked up thing to say for any child... But when you actually break it down, it gets even worse.
Maka blames her father rightfully for everything that went wrong in her parents marriage... But this divorce was a deeply fucked up thing. Her mother fought with her father for custody and won... Not because she actually wanted what was best for her child, but just to spite her husband. She wanted to rub it in that she won, and got the single most precious thing she could take from him... And having achieved this goal, she left, leaving her daughter behind in the same city her exhusband lived in, and effectively acting as her father anyway.
Its not exsctly clear why she did this. It could be that despite Maka's rose tinted glasses about her mother, her parent never actually loved her back nearly as much as she did her. It could be that she secretely came to resent her kid for a variety of reasons. Or it could be that she simply was too much of a coward to confront and live with the remains of her broken life, so she abandoned the most obvious reminder of that life.
Regardless, despite Maka's assessment that this was the coolest thing she ever saw her mother do, while the divorce itself was justified, what she actually did with it was the cowards way out, and left her daughter with a shit ton of issues, which she frankly was nowhere near able to recover from by the time the anime ended.
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Regardless of her intentions though, her baring her soul to Crona about her(in denial) feelings about her mother does not help Crona, who still runs away from Death city, and has a breakdown of sort(a much smaller one than the one that will immediatly follow) after leaving the city and wandering to find a place to be alone.
Feeling completely alone, guilty, and with a massive case of selfloathing, selfhate and fear of rejection, Crona essentially shuts down, while thinking about happier days, the days with Maka and the rest of the gang.
It's here in this sandpit that Crona finally loses it due to guilt and lays it all out as Maka and Soul catch up.
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Crona at first rejects Maka's request to come back home with them, angrily shouting that Maka doesn't know anything about Crona's real self.
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It is here that Crona really, really loses it and lays out everything, poisoning Stein, still following Medusa's orders, the words, the tone and body language making it abundantly clear that Crona is absolutely wracked with self hatred for all this.
What Crona wants in this scene is for Maka to come down there and reinforce everything that Medusa has ever said, every lesson ever drilled in through long, hard, abuse. That Crona is a horrible, horrible person, who does not deserve sympathy or forgiveness, who frankly cannot be forgiven.
It's not what Crona actually wants deep down, but it is what the horrible words being said should logically lead to. It is the easy way out. The cowards way out.
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And at first it seems to work, because Maka gets absolutely pissed, and storms down there to confront Crona directly, with Crona not offering a hint of resistance... Only for Maka, rather than punching Crona in the face for betraying her, instead say this.
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Maka calls Crona out, but not in the manner she has so often done with her father or Soul.
Instead, rather than act with anger, or rage, lashing out because she feels angry and betrayed, she forces Crona to confront the fact that Crona neither wants to be a bad person following Medusa's orders, nor is completely devoid of virtues, quite on the contrary.
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Maka is in this moment, doing the exact opposite of what her "Cool" mom did with her.
After experiencing a brutal, hard betrayal from her husband, rather than take the risk of opening herself up her heart again to anyone, she instead left her old life behind, and after one, final display of anger and rage, she left her own child behind after lashing out at her husband.
She took the cowards way out.
Maka does not take the cowards way out. Instead, after experiencing betrayal from a person she loves and understands, she makes the concious choice to take the hard road. To embrace the seeming madness that is opening her heart again to that person and risk facing betrayal again, despite Crona's words.
Its an extremely powerful moment, not just because it serves to show Maka's growth, how much Crona really means to her, but also for how in the end it ties her thematically to Asura, and the ultimate point of the series. Bravery and madness are two sides of the same coin.
It is madness to open yourself up to someone else, to bare your heart and soul, knowing fully well that action can lead to betrayal and hurt unlike any other... But it is also something that only those who are brave are able to do.
It is something Maka's mother, and Asura was never able to do... But Maka did, and through that, she's able help Crona begin the road to actual recovery as well.
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blindmagdalena · 8 months
What do you think Homelander’s attraction to Becca was? It’s not like at the Christmas party she was the only woman there, and by that point he had no idea who Butcher was. The actress that plays her is attractive, but the later scenes (season two and even just their initial introduction) between them suggest there’s something more to his attraction.
It’s obvious in the season two scenes that Homelander and Becca have, he has some lingering attraction. I think that’s primarily led by the fact that they have a son together and Homelander desperately wants a family, and also that Homelander is looking for a new woman to attach himself onto since Madelyn died. Perhaps he just wants what he can’t have especially knowing that she’s still in love with Butcher and he wants someone to love him that unconditionally. The main reason I thought of this is because in my opinion, Homelander isn’t the type of character to do something without a reason. Usually he has one even if it’s not a good reason.
ah yes, potentially one of the most contentious/controversial plot points in the fandom. canon gives us VERY little to go on here, so excuse me while I just ramble my take on the whole situation. i extrapolate a good amount. everyone you ask is going to have a different answer, and each one is as valid as any other. this is simply mine!
Homelander's greatest sin isn't wrath or pride. It's envy. He is a bottomless well of yearning for what he doesn't have, and he is viciously covetous. We see this play out most plainly in his one sided beef with a literal baby.
When he meets Becca, she's beautiful, quick witted, strong willed and independent. A career woman. Not only that, she's helping manage his career by handing his social media, which is part of his public perception. Very important to him! He already has a ton of wires crossed when it comes to the women in his life acting as both coworkers/Vought employees and emotional surrogates, i.e. Maeve, Madelyn and Vogelbaum. Plus who knows how many nanny mommies.
At this point, we don't know how long he's been with Maeve, but we have at least another 6 years before the pair breaks up. He's enjoying Maeve, but he wants more. He always wants more. Maybe he wants a wife, and she's refusing him that.
But Becca is a wife. He sees that ring on her finger and it boils his blood that he doesn't have that classic, romantic symbol of commitment. Of love. Worse yet when he meets her husband! The figurative boogeyman. The baby stealing his mommy and her milk. We're not there in the story yet, but we do see a trend here. It likely didn't start here: imagine what it was like for him to find out Vogelbaum had kids. Kids he loved. I bet that gutted Homelander. It should have been him.
Homelander, in his mind, can never win. Can never have enough. Anyone else having means they are directly taking away what should be his. It could be that it was never really about Becca specifically so much as the archetype she represented.
That carries us into season 2 where Becca takes on an additional archetype that Homelander is now lacking: mother. I think you're right on the money that a good amount of his attraction comes from the fact she's the mother of his son.
He falls pretty deep down the fantasy family rabbit hole with Becca, though. He not only inserts himself into their lives and routine, he takes a renewed interest in Becca. He snoops through her things, smells her clothes, and engages with her well beyond just interacting with Ryan. Then comes the scene where he finds her hidden stash of Billy merch, and the fantasy is shattered. She's still in love with another man. She's a wife, but she's not his wife. She's the mother to his son, but she's not someone who will fulfill those emotional needs for him. I've made this comparison before, but it's very reminiscent to the breakdown he has when he sees his baby blanket in his fake childhood home. He moves on VERY easily to Stormfront when she not only presents herself as a mother to her own child, but a potential mother for his child.
I'm backtracking a little here, but when Maeve called Homelander over from Billy and Becca at the party, I always got the vibe she was doing so quite purposefully. I wonder how much of their early relationship was Maeve feeling like she was performing damage control. Managing him, curbing his destructive behaviors. Did she see that covetous edge in his eye when he would look at Becca, at her ring? Did she try to tell him to leave her alone, play it like a joke?
We have the deleted scene where Maeve says the reason they broke up was because he couldn't keep it in his tights, but we don't really have any other explicit instances or even mentions of Homelander liberally sleeping around. Did she know about Becca, or at the very least did she make an educated guess when the woman disappeared? Maybe she felt like he did it to spite her. Did she know about Madelyn?
Ultimately we know Maeve becomes complicit in his crimes. She feels her hands are dirty with the same blood. She becomes jaded, she's no longer the hero. She's just an accessory. I definitely don't think it started that way, though.
anyways, I hope this somewhat answered your question! I have a tendency to jump around a lot and word vomit, but this generally covers my take on why that all went down the way it did.
Honestly, I would love to write a fic someday that digs more into my thoughts here. Becca deserves so much more than what she got from the narrative.
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horizon-verizon · 2 days
What is your opinion regarding the leaks of B&C ?
From what I’ve read, it’s going to be extremely different from the book version. No Maelor and no Sophie’s choice, Haelena doesn’t offer her life but offers some necklace and then leaves the room whith her daughter, leaving her son alone with two assassins (so technically, she doesn’t see B&C beheading Jaehaerys), the main target of B&C is Aemond instead of Helaena’s sons. Ultimately, Condal tones it down to the ground.
If all this is true--Horrible. They siphoned much of the emotional weight & horror of that moment by not doing, as you say, the Sophie's choice thing. A kid's death, esp murder, is always terrible and horrific. What made this particular moment so unique and its character of horrifying was that Sophie's choice where Helaena is forced into--somehow, someway--value one child's life over the other or risk ALL her kids' lives. What should be an impossible choice becomes very possible. What is taboo, Helaena is forced to be complicit in one of her own's kids' murders (we have to imagine these kids, too, as they look to her for safety in fear, perhaps crying their eyes out or maybe quiet & hoping...). It transforms from one taboo act into another, arguably more viscerally disturbing one: filicide (murder of one's own child) & particularly the filicide of an actual child. (Yes, I know that B&C likely always planned to make her choose, but we the readers AND she didn't...it was supposed to be a twist. Unless you read AWoIaF, which still doesn't include the raw details & dialouge F&B does.)
Yes it was not willful murder on Helaena's part, but again, any loving parent who was told to choose or suffer terrible consequences to another child with no way of knowing how to get out of of said situation/no defense/no strategy, and they decide they have to choose...only for the murders to traumatize the already fear ridden chosen child by making it a point to them their mom was fine with their death for another child even for a second and that she chose...It's maddening. Of course Helaena went mad. Even with her being coerced, she would have to learn how to reconcile with the fact that she made that choice AND thus she would feel she was an actor in her kid's death! And she just couldn't.
The guilt and fear, her already being so young when she had the twins and basically not having that much support from Aegon (yes I know he's a princess and would have servants and nurses take a lot of the care, but the fact your husband can and is doing fuck all--can't even be bothered to really stay around his kids presents its own sort of "mental load"). In terms of how she'd be able to pull herself together, there was a lot was stacked against her and the ability to do that.
Helaena is already a nonperson in HotD, the show fails to actually make her interesting with how they used her dragon "dreams" that are not dreams. In the orig story, sorry to say, this moment was also one of her only distinctive moments. And if it is true that she runs and finds Alicole fucking, she is sharing that already limited reality/space/importance/personal action to a the woman they still don't really know what o do with. Helaena, to me, seems as if she's automatically is either/both not characterized but a device to characterize Alicent & Cole AND loses more of the very little subjecthood she had both in book and show--again, bc that choice she makes is a CHOICE. As much under pressure as it was. A choice that determined how her and the surviving kids lives would look like when faced with those such as Blood & Cheese.
Yes, I don't really think "cry" that much over Helaena, but it is more than obvious that she and her kids were totally innocent . those with the least agency allowed or available to them. Why remove what little there was or take away some of that valence for a tawdry sex scene that could have been anytime else? (Again, if Alicole fucking at this time exists in the season.)
It seems the writers really don't like their characters making plot-forward or character-affective choices (a few critics, some fans. and I've said this for some time now).
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lyledebeast · 3 months
The Women at Home Vs The Women back Home in Robert Rodat's War Movies
Since I realized that Saving Private Ryan (1998) was written by Robert Rodat the same person who wrote The Patriot, I've been curious about how the two films would compare, but it wasn't until this past weekend that I finally rewatched the first. I've compared The Patriot to a lot of other vastly less-related things in the interim, probably because Saving Private Ryan was the first R-rated movie I saw in a theater, and I remain scarred by it. The violence, particularly during the landing on Omaha Beach, is so harrowing it makes The Patriot look almost kid-friendly by comparison. That is not the only respect in which Rodat's 1998 film is more grounded in reality than his 2000 one.
When I first connected the two Rodat movies, I vividly remembered the frame narrative of old James Ryan visiting a Normandy cemetery where Captain John Miller, one of the men who gave his life to save him, is buried. At the end of the film, he turns to his wife with tears in his eyes and says, "Tell me I lived a good life." It's a demand, not a question. She, of course, provides the required assurance. Charlotte Selton provides a similar assurance, unprompted, when her brother in law arrives unexpectedly with his children and absolutely covered in another man's bodily fluids. "You've done nothing to be ashamed of." Apart from the fact that Mrs. Ryan actually knows what she's talking about--she has adult children with this man and knows what kind of life he's had; Charlotte was certainly not in the woods when Benjamin Martin took his literal blood bath--the two women play very similar roles. The differences, though, overwhelm the comparison. Mrs. Ryan has spent many years with James, but they are entirely off screen. She only occupies about five minutes of total screen time, most of it observing her husband weeping at the grave of a man she's clearly never heard of. Charlotte's first appearance is about ten minutes into The Patriot's run time, and she is in its final scenes and a number of important scenes in between. She is there, and yet she has roughly the same amount of depth and development as Mrs. Ryan.
Women occupy two different roles in Saving Private Ryan: French victims displaced by the horrors of war that seek assistance and protection from American soldiers and symbols that represent the pleasures of civilian life. A majority of the main characters in the movie have a story involving a woman. One is the carelessly treated victim of a prank Ryan pulled on one of his three brothers killed in the Normandy invasion. Another is the objectified patron of Reiben's family's clothing store. Then there's the hardworking and unappreciated mother of Wade, on whom he calls as he's dying from a gunshot/morphine overdose, a callback to the unnamed American soldier who calls for his momma with his intestines spilled out on the ground during the Omaha Beach invasion. All of these women are individually important only to men who evoke their memories (Ryan's Alice Jardine isn't even that!), but they are collectively important for what they represent.
These stories about women ultimately tell us much more about the tellers than the subjects. For all we know, Alice Jardine is back in America living her best life as a factory worker, experiencing for the first time being regarded as something other than an easy lay, a girl who "fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down." Other stories reflect the men's desires and regrets from the lives they led prior to service. The one that stands out most is Captain Miller's vague description of his wife "pruning roses in my work gloves." Women wearing their husbands' clothing often carries sexual implications, but Miller's wife is her using them to care for something that belongs to her. Even sweeter is Miller's protectiveness of his wife's memory. When Ryan asks to hear more about the wife with the roses after his incredibly sexist story about Alice, Miller declines: "I keep that for me." I get the sense that he's protecting her from more than just Private Pervert. He's protecting her from Robert Rodat, whose only interest in women is what they reflect about men. What else would we expect from America's sweetheart, Tom Hanks?
There is no such protection for women in The Patriot. Apart from Charlotte Selton and Abigale, the two caretakers of Martin's children, all of the adult female Patriots are dead by the end of the movie, most of them in the church fire Colonel Tavington's men set. These women are not relegated to an idealized "back home;" they are the line of defense between the South Carolina militia and the Green Dragoons. it is only after the church burning, far too late for protection, that the militia directs any violence against the dragoons. The French women in Saving Private Ryan are presented as something of a nuisance and do not occupy a main focus, but we see some women displaced by the destruction of their homes walking tiredly alongside the Airborne unit Miller's company encounter, and Caparzo is killed by a German sniper while trying to help a French family by taking their daughter, who reminds him of his niece. The American' GIs do more to protect French women and children they have never met and will likely never see again than the militiamen do to protect their own wives and children. Moreover, the only person in Miller's company who is fighting for vengeance is Mellish, and there is a vital difference between him and the militiamen. Jewish American GIs could not have prevented the Nazis' systemic violence against European Jews.
In both of these films, women have far more value as symbols than as people, but in The Patriot they are part of the main action, portrayed by flesh and blood actresses who spend most of their screentime watching men ride away. There was ample opportunity to make them nuanced characters with hopes of their own for America's future, but Rodat and Roland Emmerich chose not to take it. The most striking similarities between the two films come in their final scenes. Martin watches the construction of his new home with his wife and children standing silently behind him, and Ryan cries over Miller's grave with his children and grandchildren standing silently behind him. Apparently for Rodat, the accumulation of silent women is the ultimate proof of a successful life.
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Julia Vancer (@aubadeempress / @aubadeatelier) vs. Heather Lucille Valentine (@derelictheretic)
Julia Vancer info:
Description: Standing at a whopping 5'8" on heels with bright orange hair and yellow-hazel eyes, Julia adorns herself with purple and red makeup and high-end dresses that hug her form and need to be accessorized with the best jewels and smoking device of choice (you know, to blow smoke at the protagonist's face)!
Julia Vancer is the former Deputy-Head of the Hunter Organization and the "widowed" wife of Lavb Cherlyle, the previous Head of the Hunter Organization that hunts after supernatural beings. Between the two, there are 4 children: (in order of eldest to youngest) Frey, Dieter, Rosolei, and Eris. By the time of the story, they're all adults in their 20s, but Julia's messed them all up in one way or another. At first glance, she is put together, noveau riche, affluent powerful woman who would harm others with the flick of a wrist or a whisper. But she is capable of taking things into her own hands, having been trained as a hunter with a strong emphasis on seals that have a variety of effects (from stopping movement to causing a shock-collar like effect to suppressing powers and more!). Whenever she says that she is doing something for the sake of her children and family, it's never quite at their permission nor their views in mind. Her will is true and final. Deep down, all of her behaviors come down to paranoia towards a shadowy boogeyman that has hunted down members of both House Cherlyle and House Vancer in times past. No one knows what they truly look like or what their motive is, but Julia's heavily determined to kill the boogeyman, even if that means harming the people she's supposedly trying to "protect".
All of them? Alright! Let's go! ♛ Married a guy just because his golden retriever energy was too strong, but eventually wants him out of her life (permanently) because he wouldn't let her do what she wants. ♛ Uses the blood and parts of supernatural beings for her skin care routine, makeup, and her seal-making pen (what she is holding in the image). ♛ When she was ousted from her position of Deputy-Head, she terrorized her and Lavb's kids. ♛ Pressured all four of her children to be high-achievers to the point of burn out, sickness, and harm. This woman is the CEO of 'Live Vicariously Through Your Children'. ♛ Got so angry when her husband confronted her, that she threw hot water from a kettle toward the direction of their kids-- instead of you know?? the person she was arguing with??? Or the best third option: don't throw hot water at anyone at all! (Dad shields all of the kids, don't worry, but this is where Julia really becomes unhinged) ♛ Did I say the kids were okay? Um… about that. Julia makes one 'disappear' by selling her out to a military organization to hone her into one of their experimented soldiers. She does survive this, but with irrevocable damage to both her health in all aspects. Her siblings look for her for several years in grief while handling pain of their own (courtesy of Julia). ♛ Forced her youngest daughter Eris to go through a medical procedure that undid a procedure done at her birth that was meant to ensure she didn't get her father's partly supernatural blood. Julia hates supernaturals, but she makes her exceptions. A main point about her character /is/ her contradictions. ♛ Also, placed suppression seals on said daughter + made her forget her memories of Julia's wrongdoings so she'd love her mom again (of course, this gap just gets filled with more horrible memories later on + Eris eventually regains her memories) ♛ Pulled strings during her daughter's high school Hunters Academy years to manipulate her into becoming the darling of the Hunters Organization cause and make her a teen heroine with her face plastered all over media. ♛ Threw aside her eldest son, Frey, when he lost his friends/teammates while hunting a highly dangerous supernatural that left him as the only survivor. ♛ She hates supernatural beings so much that she killed her husband for the ability to lead a highly-specialized organization that was meant to originally help with co-existence, only to turn it into a free-for-all, media-influenced, quota-based mess that churns out hunters with a bloodlust for supernatural beings of all kinds. ♛ The kicker? Some of her children are partly supernatural! Eris is part nymph and Frey is literally a werewolf, both from genetics. ♛ Extra kicker! Julia herself is supernatural. She talks about using 'seals' as her main weapon, but it's literally just magic-- she's a witch. A witch hunting witches and everything else. This woman is the epitome of "Only for me, but not for thee". ♛ Tried to marry her daughter off to a royal family of vampires just because she thought it would be nice to have 'royalty' in the family. Yes, she didn't care if it contradicts her. As long as it's for the benefit of her family (herself), she'll do it. ♛ Literally enlisted the help of an angel from heaven to mess with the woman she thought her husband was having an affair with by you know… putting that woman's very young son in a long-term stasis that puts him to slumber for a long while. ♛ Always tries to harm or assassinate the Magistrate, who also used to be friends with Lavb, because deep down she can't accept the potential that 1) her husband had female friends 2) that there ever was another option than her. ♛ Partly responsible for people ostracizing her younger sister who was a half-supernatural by spreading the information around the Hunters Academy without her permission. ♛ And MORE!
Other notes from the submitter: N/A
Heather Lucille Valentine info:
Description: Heather is a Far Cry 5 OC, she is a narcissistic, deceptive, femme fatale with a god complex who despite having a wonderful (albiet strict) cushy home life growing up and the ability to go to harvard and become a successful lawyer has decided everyone else is out to get her and every bad thing that happens is someone else fault. She manipulates everyone around her and has a facade of a sweet, eloquent woman with a kind heart while behind everyones backs she's pulling their strings and using them all to achieve her own goals (if they get hurt in the process, good, it's a life lesson). She joins a cult to get revenge on her ex lover and enemy #1 and in that cult she lies, cheats, steals, maims, psychologically and physically tortures people with glee. She's absolutely broken in the head by the end of her story and her only regret is not killing her ex when she had the chance.
Crimes: It began with tax evasion, falsifying court documents, destroying core evidence and ended with torture and murder.
Other notes from the submitter: She is the worstest, no remorse for her actions, she will let her pet python and tarantula bite people and gives them treats for doing so. She wants world chaos and destruction <3
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doumekiss · 4 months
2024 Book Recs - 7-10/?
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7. The Bluest Eye (Toni Morrison)
This book tells the story of Pecola, a black girl living in a small town in the usa during the forties who wishes to have blue eyes, it’s also about the people around her, the kids who study with her, her neighbors, her parents and other people who cross her path. And it’s one of the most depressing books I’ve read in my life, beautifully written but by god it’s brutal for your feelings. It’s a book that I begin reading believing I knew what it was going to be about and I was wrong, though it deals with the damages that racial beauty standards can have what really struck me is the vulnerability of children, and how cruelty towards them can be normalized or trivialized. The protagonist's desire for blue eyes in the end is less about being considered beautiful, and more about wanting to be cared for, loved and allowed to be a kid. 
Recommended for: people who want to feel touched by a story and its characters even if it brings them sadness. But trigger warning this book deals with some really heavy themes, besides racism there is csa and rape so be careful. 
8. Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir)
This book tells the story of a man who wakes up alone in a spaceship without any memory of how he got there and who he is. And it’s so fun and hopeful, it really was just what I needed after finishing reading The Bluest Eye. It’s hard sci-fi but still manages to have this sense of wonder that attracts me and so many others to speculative fiction. It reminded me a lot of the extremely underrated movie Moon at first, but then it went in directions I really wasn’t expecting, and the end was just so different from what I predicted, but it felt so right for the protagonist and the story.
I won’t say much because I do think it’s one of those books where it’s worth going in knowing as little about it as possible and figuring out what happens together with the protagonist. 
Recommended for : sci-fi nerds and people interested in narratives about unconventional friendships 
9. Say Nothing : A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland (Patrick Radden Keefe) 
This is a nonfiction book is about The Troubles in northern Ireland during the last century, choosing to tell the story by focusing not so much on the big picture historically but by focusing on different people on the sides of the conflict, with two main narratives, the first focusing on Jean McCoville a woman kidnapped and murdered by the IRA for suspicions of being an informer to the british, and the second one about Dolours and Marian Price two sisters who became volunteers to the IRA, and eventually how those two narratives are connected. I had very high expectations for this book due to Empire of Pain by the same author, and they were thoroughly met, which is quite impressive considering this is a book with way less clear villains and heroes. 
Recommended for: true crime fans and people interested in irish and XX century history
10. Redemption in Indigo (Karen Lord) 
This book is about Paama, a woman who decides to leave her foolish husband, and ends up attracting the attention of the djombi who gift her the Chaos Stick, which allows her to manipulate the subtle forces of the world. This book is inspired by a lot of african folklore with part of the plot being inspired by a fable from senegal, it was quite humorous at some points and in others just enchanting, it reminded me a lot of American Gods and Anansi Boys (Anansi actually makes some appearances, what pleased me a lot because I always love stories about trickster gods meddling with the lives of mortals). And the ending surprised me in a positive way. It’s the first book by this author I’ve ever read and I already put a lot more of her novels on my to read list.
Recommended for: fantasy fans, people interested in african folklore, people who like the writing of Neil Gaiman and Octavia Butler. 
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Bridgerton Rewatch S1E2 - Shock and Delight (Part 1)
Hey y'all. I'm back with episode 2 of my Bridgerton rewatch.
Every time a birth scene happens in Bridgerton I am reminded of why I don’t want kids. This one is the worst, I think.
I know Sarah and Lady Danbury are said to be close friends and Lady Danbury is the Queen’s closest confidant, which explains why she was there for those births. I get that. But I have this stupid little headcanon that Lady Danbury was present for the birth of every kid on “their side” after they were given titles and peerage.
Sarah’s last words being “I finally gave him a son” fucking haunts me. It hammers home that, even in her dying breath, she has been living and breathing for her shitty husband. Like, the second she fulfilled her duty, she was wiped from the Earth.
Rege-Jean Page is such an amazing comedic actor. The disdain in his voice when he says “promenade” has me cracking up every time.
Violet is beaming about how she has prepared Daphne for everything married life has to offer. Violet, my girl, you haven’t prepared Daphne for ANYTHING.
More acting praise. Phoebe Deynover and Rege-Jean Page have such easy chemistry. They flow together so well.
If there’s anything this show gets right, it’s shitty siblings. Philippa and Prudence are the archetypical bitchy older sisters.
The Baroness Lady Portia Featherington looked her daughters straight in the eyes and told them that pregnancy is contagious. Hilarious, iconic, I love it.
The whole “birds and bees” plot line in the first season intrigues me. I didn’t know a lot about the show when I watched it the first time other than it being steamy and taking place in an alternate regency era where racism is solved. I wasn’t expecting this close examination of the importance of comprehensive sex education, especially in regard to hard conversations between mothers and daughters.
The scene in the parlor when Eloise comes in and asks how women get pregnant lives rent-free in my brain. I can quote along with it at this point and I feel no shame.
Anthony Slander is back. The way that Anthony treats Daphne is so indicative of how he almost ruins his relationships in the next season. This happens a lot but I am specifically referencing when Daphne (with the signature Bridgerton Sass™) reminds Anthony that Berbrooke never actually proposed to her. Anthony immediately equates that playful jab with disrespect. To him, this ADULT(ish) woman having thoughts about who she is being promised to is disrespectful. He drives me nuts in this season, holy shit.
Quick sidebar, the look on Daphne’s face when Anthony says “Colin’s [danced a couple of times together at a ball] with Penelope Featherington” is so great. It’s almost like she’s putting the pieces together of “oh, they’d actually be really cute together” and I love it.
I love the texture the bare-knuckle boxing scenes give to the show. It doesn’t feel out of place. It all belongs in the show. The scenes with Will/in the ring add depth both to the world and the characters. 
Speaking of Will, I don’t know how much he was in the books, if at all, but he is such a good character. His position in society adds layers to the world, especially with the way his story has been developing.
Something that Shonda Rhimes does really well is quick wit. That is on full display when Anthony gets into the ring with Simon. The dialogue in that scene is so punchy (no pun intended) and shows a lot about how these two characters feel about each other. Also, I think it’s very interesting that the only way Anthony can land a blow on Simon at all is when he distracts him. From what I can tell/remember, that’s the only time Anthony hits Simon.
Minor thing, there was a lot more swearing in season 1 than there was in season 2. That was kind of disappointing.
I’d like to take this time to shout out the casting director. Beyond the main cast (which is fantastic, don’t get me wrong), the kids who play the younger versions of Simon are incredible. They’re all so adorable that it makes all the shit he goes through even harder to watch, which is impressive given we’re watching a child with a neurological disorder be abused by his shitty father.
Penelope is such a complicated character and I love that for her. She does care for the people she loves and is very kind. But she has been abused and neglected for so long that the only way she can think to regain any power is by becoming Lady Whistledown. This isn’t excusing her behavior, she does truly vile things with the power she has. But it makes her so much more than just another sweet wallflower, which is a really flat character on its own.
It would be so funny if the Bridgertons just stopped being surprised when Queen Charlotte invites Violet for tea at some point later in the series.
Again, this will come in 2 parts because I talk to much for Tumblr.
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s1mpa1 · 1 year
I just wanna talk about Anime!
2. Clannad
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How I came to find Clannad
Long story short, I came across a YouTube video ( forgot from who ) that talked about sad animes. And guess what? Yes. Clannad was there.
I watched Clannad on YouTube, but was only able to find up to episode 10 for some reason, and I was IN LOVE. So I did what any anime lover would do….ask my parents to buy it for me. There’s an anime store where I live, and surprise! They had it!
65 dollars! (/ _ ; ) I got it for Christmas!
64 dollars again when I found out there was a season 2…got it for my birthday.
BOY DO THEY PUNCH. My feelings. I’ll never be able to see Dangos the same. EVER.
MINOR SPOILERS! (Mainly for S1) You have been warned!
Characters who made me stay :
Akio Furukawa
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Husband goals tbh. This man raised my husband expectations way too high, that I know damn well I’ll be single forever. I blame him. I blame it ALL ON HIM.
He’s just such a good dad! (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ) Knowing he gave up his dream of being an actor, for Nagisa. And him yelling at Nagisa, that it wasn’t her fault. That he did it because he loves her, and- UUUHHGGG my heart! He just loves his daughter so much, and is always down to joke around. He’s funny, and to what we see, is so in love with Sanae. The fact that they both do their dramatic “quarreling”, where Sanae runs off “crying” and Akio runs after her, just to bring some joy to their daughter??? Like???? That’s beautiful??!! I’m in tears.
Oh, and him being like a dad/ bestie with Tomoya- *chefs kiss* makes me ugly cry.
Youhei Sunohara
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One of the funniest characters out there, I swear this boy never failed to make me laugh.
Seeing his friendship with Tomoya, was honestly so fun to watch. Both are good people, who are just a little lost at this moment of their lives.
While he may have come across as annoying at times, and always getting in some sort of problem, I would have liked to see more of him and his personal life. We mainly got a few glimpses of his personal life, and how he cares for his sister. Aside from that, I still very much enjoyed his presence in the first season of Clannad.
( I know it’s kinda blurry, but I just love this moment. Just two bros being bros)
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Tomoya Okisaki
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Our protagonist all throughout the anime.
Honestly, I wasn’t expecting him to be the protagonist, I thought it was Nagisa, but I didn’t complain. I was interested to see where his life would go, and how he would grow.
I found it sweet that he wasn’t some Highschool perv, or a cold asshole towards the woman kind. His interactions with the girls, all seemed friendly and genuine to me. With Kotomi, he’s like an older brother. With Fuko, he was mainly just playful and teasing with her. Treating her like a little kid, and never overstepping any boundaries. He didn’t really overstep any boundaries with any of the girls. Respectful boi.
For the first season, he mainly started to change his “delinquent” ways, for Nagisa. Cute start, yes. But in Season Two???? My god, this poor boy can’t catch a break. Like- why man? WHY!? Why was life like that to him!?
For a high schooler who saw the world as only monotone, he grew so much. Honestly, he reminds me of my brother. Maybe that’s why I felt some instant attachment to him. My brother too, during Highschool, was lost. Skipping, getting into trouble, not caring about much, but seeing him change when he’s surrounded by people who genuinely love and care for him, he’s a good person. And Tomoya just reminded me of him.
Clannad : After Story
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What can I say? I haven’t seen such a perfect second season in any romance anime- ever.
Clannad Season 1, was just the appetizer. Season 2! Is the MAIN COURSE!
Everything that went down in S2, broke me. Tore me to shreds, put a bandaid over me, and then continued to stomp on me!
I honestly don’t want to spoil much of what happened, because Clannad is one of those Animes that I ALWAYS recommend, so I didn’t want to go too deep into it. With Season 1, I’m fine spilling a few things here and there, but Season 2? My lips are sealed. 🤐
Just know…
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It’s worth watching. Please, believe me! It’s truly a life changing anime.
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thumpercloudbright · 2 months
I prolly should've made an entry post when I first got here, but hey, ya live and ya learn☆
Howdy there! I am Thumper Cloudbright! It's the name of my fursona that I'm gonna post here soon. Ya can call me Thumps, or simply Thumper, or Twilight, the name of my wof sona.
☆Info Blurb☆
I am an adult, my age is 21
I am a bigender woman with she/her and he/him prounous, and am perfectly fine with being called either or hehe (you can also call me dude or bro)
I have sensory processing disorder, and possibly a form of adhd (spd was verified by psychologist, and me and my parents think I got adhd from how some of my quirks work)
I am pan, all genders are beautiful, a trans ally, and therian ally! In my eyes, as long as who you are doesn't hurt others or yourself, then you are free to be you!
I adore stories that have animal characters, monsters, dinosaurs, mythical creatures, nature aesthetic and vibes, anything of the sort! Mushrooms are one of my absolute favorite little beings, they're just so cute☆
Horror is one of my favorite genres, with how you can bend designs and make things creepy or scary. Fav colors are dark purple, black, blues, greens, and brown, and I am a practicing artist. I've made some good things, but I can definitely grow in my craft, and I certainly plan to.
I want to be a novelist, just gotta work through some life stuff to get there. I try to be a positive force, as there's already plenty of negativity going around, and I don't want to be all doom and gloom. Just not how I roll dude.
The Fandoms I Am Part of!
Wof (Main thing I do on this blog, I adore dragons)
Tmnt (Loved them since I was a kid, should make some art of them soon. They're what got me into anthro characters hehe)
Warrior Cats (Just starting to get into them, they're pretty neat)
Fnaf (It's what got me into horror)
Pokemon (First game I ever played was Soul Silver, love the franchise to pieces, have all the games from gen four and up!)
Cult of the Lamb (I love this game it's so good and the art is dope!)
Mlp (Casual fan, didn't watch the gen four show, but I like the art, and I watched the old movies!)
Undertale and Deltarune (Casual fan, in love with the sprite art of both, the story, and music!)
Sonic (My eldest brother made me one xD I might post my ocs here one day)
All Tomorrows (It's so beautiful in a cosmic, horrifying, existential crisis way)
Furry Fandom (More casual on my side, haven't been to a convention, but I do enjoy it. Kinda wished it was more chill tho-)
Niche (An awesome indie game on Steam and Switch! You control the genes of your nichelings and help them survive their world)
Amphibia (My newest fandom, I really dig the art style and characters. Yet again, my other older brother got me into it lol)
Projects I'm Working On!
Wof: A Fierce Legacy: Au where Fierceteeth becomes queen after proving herself to Glory against other candidates. After some time, she has three dragonets: Two sons named Shadowglider and Sharpmind, and one daughter named Direclaws, who hatched under two blood moons. Now Fierceteeth has to grapple with the fact her daughter will one day challenge her for the throne... and Direclaws has to grapple with seeing that future.
Wof Legends: Alternate Past: Legitimately was made to give poor Foeslayer a better IceWing husband, then I noticed how much would change, so it's gonna be interesting alright xD It's also gonna be huge. Lots of stuff to cover.
Wof: A Moon Taken By Rain: A curious idea I had for an au where Secretkeeper wasn't there on time, thus Moonwatcher is taken and raised by a RainWing named Macaw. Also RainWings get a big rework, because I think it would be more interesting if they weren't uh... well what they are in book three lol. Don't get me wrong, I love my hippie dragons, but I think it would be better if did have a queen earlier on who whipped them into shape.
Wof: RainWing Succession: The story here is that Queen Grandeur of the RainWings has six daughters, and all of them want the throne for various reasons. The sisters are:
Princess Abundance, Princess Blissful, Princess Cassytha, Princess Divine, Princess Felicity, and Princess Luxurious.
Only one of these dragons is worthy of the throne, and she will have to work for it... and find out why one of her sisters has mysteriously disappeared.
This is gonna be a precursor to the Moon Taken By Rain story!
Tmnt: Beast's Embrace: Something I've been playing with for years lol. It is an Au that goes more in depth into what all mutagen can do, where it came from, and how it effects mutants, on more than one plane of existence. It's a bit of a mix of ninja turtles and Bloodborne, hence why it's called Beast's Embrace.
The brothers are quite different from their more canon selves too, because I feel like it be more interesting and make it stand out.
Mike is the oldest at 19, and the leader of the team, therapist, and the main muscle. He is still goofy and fun loving, but also much more serious and level headed, and quite noble. He is based on the Big Headed Turtle.
Raph is the second oldest at 19, though a couple months behind Mike, and he is second in command, helping plan out strategies, along with being a mechanic, often helping Don. He is more stoic, with a calm energy, though is also very brutal when out fighting. He is based on the Northern River Terrapin.
Don is third eldest at 16, and is the doc and brains when it comes to anything mutagen related, robots or chemistry. He is the most severely mutated due to using mutagen he carefully made to make himself "better", and more himself. Very eccentric, his default expression is a smile, and it takes a lot to make him change expression. He makes a lot of friends. He is based on the Roti Island Snake Neck Turtle.
And finally, Leo is the youngest, at 16, being a couple months younger than Don. He is the fastest and most stealthy, able to sneak in just about anywhere. He is very morbid and sadistic, but grows to be noble and just, as he looks up to Mike. He is based on the Bog Turtle.
Ask box is open if you wanna send me asks and all that👍 I'm thinking of allowing wof dragon art requests, like ocs, though still on the fence about it, as I do want to make sure I am decent at drawing them first lol
I'm also starting to do free wof adopts! I like the joy of creating them, then sending them out into the world for others to enjoy🎉
Wednesday, Thursdays, and Fridays will be the days I schedule for adopts when I have some planned out, I find an old character I'm willing to make into and adopt, etc. Not every week will have adopts, but in general they are the days I will post them when I got some made and ready!
Oh and I also gots a Toyhouse! You can check out what all I do here☆
Pedos & Zoophiles (Still have no idea how these two clowns exist-)
Anti Lgbtq
Anti Neoprounous
Anti Furry (I promise I am not a raging horny maniac on the loose lmao)
Proshippers (gonna be more specific here: I'm talking about the extreme kinds that think shipping kiddlets with adults is "pErFeCtLy AcCePTaBlE!!" And harras people over it. As long as you don't do that, and don't harrass others over shipping and don't endorse what you consume, you're in the clear and may interact if you'd like. Just don't bring drama and we're ok)
If any of ya do interact, you will be instant blocked, and I will get to move on with my life, forgetting your name :3 (the more dangerous of you will be ☆reported☆)
And that takes care of that! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my content. Adios for now!
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deliciousangelfestival · 10 months
Every Time You Lie - Ch 3 || Lloyd Hansen
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x female!reader, dark!Husband Lloyd Hansen x Wife!reader.
Synopsis: Any woman is jealous of you, especially with the status of being the wife of Lloyd Hansen—the CEO of the biggest pharmacy company in the country. From the outside, everyone sees you as a perfect family, a successful husband, two kids, and living in a big house. 
But the truth is different. You are trapped in this marriage because of the mistake you made. You are willing to give everything you have to get your freedom. Free from him. Free from your vicious mother-in-law. Free from your snobby son.
Both of them shouldn’t be together.
Warning: Betrayal, suicidal thought, harsh language, tragedy. Minors do not read. 18+
Author Note: I do not consent to copying or translating my work. 
Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 ,Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 ,-
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
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‘You’re not my type.’
Lloyd gritted his teeth; he held back the anger. You used to be obedient and never disrespect him like this. Now you turned into your old self. You said the same things the first time you met him. 
He brushed the back of your hair gently. His touch made you shiver and you uncomfortable. Lloyd lifted his finger to show you the ring.
“You married me, my love. You must be shocked. I understand it’s difficult for you to accept the fact. Don’t be afraid, I have hired the best doctor to treat you.”
Then he brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles; his mustache tickled you. “So we could go back as we used to.”
You pulled back your hand after he said that: his gaze, actions, and everything he did scared you. You don’t understand why, but you feel helpless towards him. 
Lloyd, seeing you being silent made his heart ache more than ever. He’s afraid to kiss your lips and bring you into his arms. After being married, this is the longest time he is separated from you. He doesn't want you to see him as a creepy person. 
Both of you are husband and wife, for God's sake.
Everything he built has turned into a mess now. The empire he have, turned crumbled when there was no queen beside him. 
“I’ll leave and come back tomorrow.” Lloyd showed a sad smile and left you. 
You look at his back, he looks depressed. You want to feel sorry for him, but you can’t. Because right now, the one who needs to feel sorry for is you. 
Imagine you suddenly wake up and become a wife and mother. Your body is 42 years old, but your mind is still 21 years old. You don't know who your husband and your children are. To you, three of them are just strangers. 
The only people you want to see are Mia, Theo and Amelia.
Where are they? They’re not worried you got amnesia?
A lot of questions in your mind right now. You need to get out of the hospital. You hate it here.
“Urgh.” You growled with pain because when you moved your feet, it hurt so bad. You tried to press the button to call the nurse.
“Mother, what are you doing?” You turned your head and saw Emily and Lionel together. 
“Umm…” You feel awkward with them. It felt like a dream you have a grown up kids standing infront of you. 
“I want to walk, but it’s really painful.”
Emily immediately approached your bed, and she stopped you to make another move.
“You’re in a coma for four months. Because of the accident and lack of movement, it will hurt when you move any muscle. I will made appointment for physical therapist for your treatment.”
You looked at her and felt familiar. Her nose, her jawline, the way she speaks, and the little mole near her left eye. She looks just like you. 
“Thank you.”
Emily shook her head. “Don’t say that. You shouldn’t say that. It supposed to be me who…” She stops talking since tears from her eyes start dropping to the bed sheets. “I’m so glad you’re awake. I thought…. I lost you.”
After she said that, Lionel dropped to the floor, facing down, and cried.
Seeing both of them crying at the same time made you confused. You decided to open both of your arms and said, “Come here, both of you.” 
In just a second, two of them are in your arms. But it was Lionel who got all the space. He rested his head on your shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around you, “I’m sorry mother. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”
He keeps repeating these words. Since the accident, the guilt is eating him alive. He wished that it was him instead of you on that day. 
You want to cry when you hear his voice; you stroke his head. “It’s fine. I’m alright.” 
You sighed heavily, accepting the fact the moment you wake up you became a wife and a mother. 
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"Shit, that fucking hurt." 
"I never heard her curse in my life." Lionel whispered to his sister. He and Emily are watching you exercising your leg with parallel bars. You tried to regain your strength and balance. 
Emily patted her brother's shoulder. "Anyone who just escaped death will have their personality to changed.”
Lionel saw you slipped away from the parallel bars. He moves fast to catch you. But you slapped his hand. You felt you hurt this boy's feelings. You apologize to him "Sorry, I'm still not used with this."
Lionel made a small nod and backed away. What you mean by 'with this' is you still can't accept the moment you wake up, and you become 40 years old without any memories.
He looked at Emily again, wanting to cry. All of this happened because of him. He decided to walk away and get some fresh air. 
Emily saw her brother leave the room. She felt bad seeing him depressed, but he needed to learn the consequences of his mistakes. It wasn’t his fault the car hit you. But if he didn’t insist to grab that damn shoes, none of this would’ve happened. 
It hurts her when she hears you have amnesia.
The way you look at her is also different. But Emily thinks it's a good thing. Because you became someone else. You seem confident and brave even though you still can't accept reality. She never sees this side of you. 
Before, you used to say yes to everything Lloyd said. You're an obedient wife. 
You're the best mother she ever knew, and she is grateful for that.
But how Lloyd, Krystal, and Lionel treated you is unfair. 
The life she had found out to be a lie. Emily used to see Lloyd as an awesome, strong, smart, and successful father. And he loves you so much. But after she grew older, she realized that what happened between both of you was not love.
It’s obsession and stubbornness. 
And her grandmother, Krystal. Emily never being close to her. She always heard her friends' stories about how their grandmother was so nice, always giving them allowance food and staying with them.
With Krystal, she doesn't have anything like that. There’s no such thing as a connection with her own grandmother. Even with all her high grades, trophies, and certificates, she never heard any compliment from Krystal. 
Lloyd and Krystal used you to get what they wanted, and they did. But they have to pay a price. That's the biggest secret in this family.
That's why she left. She felt ashamed of the horrible lie she had known for the rest of her life.
Lionel is almost the same as them, but Emily hopes he will change for good because of this accident.
Emily grabbed her phone and saw the name was Dr. Gabriel. He’s a senior doctor who is also in charge of you. “Good afternoon doctor.”
“Come to my office. There’s an annoying patient at my office right now. Could you check on him? I’m still giving class at the moment.”
Emily widened her eyes, she had never heard Dr.Gabriel sound annoyed and disrespectful towards any patients. He always being professional. She became curious about who the patient was. 
She turned off the phone and approached you. “Mom, I need to go. Don’t trained to hard.”
You nodded at her. “Yes. Don’t worry.” In your eyes, she’s a great kid. You’re grateful for having a smart and kind daughter. 
After Emily left, the therapist asked, “Do you want to rest?”
You shook your head and wiped the sweat from your head and hands. “Continue.” 
Even though it’s painful and you hold it in. It’s nothing compared with the feeling of knowing your father had died and you don’t have any memory of it. 
The doctor told you to have a bed rest for a few days before practicing to walk again. But you said no because you want to leave the hospital as soon as possible to see your father's grave tomb with your own eyes. 
You want answers.
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Emily walks faster to Dr. Gabriel's office room. When she arrived, the nurse immediately gave the patient record to her. She opened the door, and a man was already sitting on Dr. Gabriel's chair, facing the window.
Since he’s a senior doctor, his space is bigger than anyone. Most of his patients are also rich and famous.
No wonder Dr.Gabriel sounded annoyed at the phone. This patient already makes this room like his own. She could feel the arrogance from afar. Seems like the patient noticed someone walking into the room. He turned his chair. “You’re late.”
The patient was taken aback for a moment because he had mistaken someone.
Emily cleared her throat. “Dr. Gabriel still giving a lecture righ now. He send me instead. I hope you don’t mind, Mr. Drysdale?”
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ionalottabookmarks · 1 year
Duela Origin: Version Two
So we’re gonna go back after this and do her full 70s run, but since we’ll meet a new version of Duela tomorrow night on Gotham Knights, I thought it would be a good idea to cover her 2nd origin first. (We might also have a post on Gotham Knights Duela, if I either like her or hate her - neutral feelings don’t generate blog posts.)
Duela’s second origin is provided in a flashback, basically (granted, a nearly issue-long flashback) in Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Crime Society in 2007. By this point, Duela has been murdered. This issue is set in Earth-3, which Jason Todd, Donna Troy, and Kyle Rayler are visiting in search of Ray.
Earth-3 is an alternate universe where the characters have swapped moralities. This story follows Jokester, the good Joker, who fights Owlman, the evil Batman, and Talon, the evil Robin.
Jokester used to date a woman named Evelyn Dent, who eventually disappeared. Years later, she reappears with two new personalities, a husband, and a teenage daughter - Duela.
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(Sorry, I think part of a panel got cut off here)
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(I do think this was a clever nod to Duela’s original thing of pretending to be different villain’s daughters - here, she’s Two-Face’s (well, Three-Face’s) daughter, Joker’s (Jokester’s) daughter, and Riddler’s step-daughter.)
This little intro establishes that Duela sometimes hops universes without understanding what she’s doing or how. Her presence in the wrong universe - the main one - is what ultimately leads to her death. Which is an event we’ll cover someday, probably.
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Jokester really enjoys having a daughter, until she introduces her boyfriend to the family.
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Duela and Talon run away together, eventually landing in our main universe. I don’t know what happened to Talon there, since he barely made an appearance (we’ll cover that eventually, too), but Duela, as previously established, died.
Shortly after, Riddler, Jokester, and Three-Face get in a fight with Owlman, where Riddler dies, and Three-Face seems to, though we find out at the end of the issue that she’s still alive.
With nothing else to live for in his home world, Jokester joins Jason, Donna, and Kyle, hoping that Duela has gone to some other universe, and he’ll be able to find her again.
That’s where this issue ends - later, he’ll find out Duela is dead, and then die himself.
This is by far my favorite post-70s Duela appearance, which is unfortunate since it’s, you know, post-mortem.
(I don’t think this appearance is consistent, as far as characterization, with her appearances in the time leading up to her death - immediately-pre-mortem Duela is violent, erratic, and insane, where this one seems a little weird, likely due to her accidental universe hopping, but ultimately like a sweet kid. To be fair, though, we have no idea how much time passed between running away with Talon and the events leading up to her death, or what ended up happening to Talon in that time. It’s possible that several years have passed and she’s been through significant trauma. She doesn’t appear to be significantly older, but her aging went way wonky in the 80s, and that’s briefly addressed in at least one later comic, so it’s possible that’s still in play and she’s several years older than she looks.)
Anyway. Come back next time, when we hop back to the 70s and Duela meets the Teen Titans. (Unless I do a Gotham Knights Duela post first.) (Or I don’t have the energy to write something in time, in which case we’ll go with a pre-loaded collection of Duela appearances.)
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kokomatdoroshi · 1 year
literally just a list of my favorite webdramas and short-run tv dramas bc this is my house
My Fuxxxxx Romance (2020)
messy not-really love triangle where four people become friends in a bar. two of them start screwing around while the guy prefers open relationships and the girl's friend is hella toxic and in love/obsessed with her so she starts sleeping with the guy to prove he's shitty. the 2nd guy is there to be the foil/naiive one that's new to this whole world tbh. it's just a really great drama where there isn't a single character you're meant to like or cheer for. they're all sucky people in their own way lol. anyway, it was literally made around and to promote Park Won's album of the same name.
Please Find Her (2017)
it's CUTE, it's an ad for Itaewon, you learn some Korean at the end of every episode lol. about a mixed Dutch man named Jan who flies to SK to find the girl he fell in love with. the plot's a little all over the place, but it's an ad. and it's cute >:( Lee Hyun Jae is the love of my life. Hayoung and Hyungwon are there
You Raise Me Up (2021)
a man is going THRU IT with his life and self confidence and anxiety and everything genuinely sucks for him. his urologist and old gf (Hani) brags about him being this super amazing and jealousy-worthy first love bc her current boyfriend sucks. lots of emotional vulnerability and growth. i love it sm
The Witch's Diner (2021)
honestly this one's just fun! i love every single main actor, i love the dark witchy aesthetic. each ep follows a different main subject who needs their lives fixed in some way. but ofc if you make a deal with the devil/a witch, it's not gonna go exactly how you expected. idk i love this one, it's got my mother Song Ji Hyo in it
Little Mom Scandal (2008) and Little Mom Scandal Season 2 (2008)
a very old one that i watch yeeears ago but it still holds a special place in my heart. super real, less fairy-tale idealistic romance, as most 2000s dramas were. it's about an 18-year-old teen mom and her struggles with raising a baby, being a wife, and trying to live her life. the friendships in this one are what stuck out the most tbh. they're the primary focus, despite the title/attention grabber.
Birthcare Center (2020)
this one's about a successful career woman who suddenly finds herself pregnant. she spends the time after giving birth in a birthcare center, common places for moms to get help when starting out. she's self concious about being much older than the other women but makes a bunch of friends in the other mothers who have stories and struggles of their own and she actually has a healthy relationship with her husband. we love to see it. uh, found family :( <3
The Killer's Shopping List (2022)
about a guy who has an incredible memory and is locally praised for stopping a dangerous robbery when he was a kid but struggles to pass his civil service exam. he's determined to make it while working at his mom's convenience store. but a murder happens at the apartment building he frequently delivers to and they're huge suspects bc the delivery bag at the victim's house. so he, the market workers, and his cop gf (Seolhyun) try to solve the serial murders themselves. it has good queer rep imo, not gimmicky but not so subtle it might as well not be there.
Our D-Day (2023)
big tw for suicide mention, attempts, and ideation. tw for abuse, as well
it's still airing! one week left. but it's about a suicidal 30-year-old and his friends all trying to navigate their lives. he literally spends the entire drama so far trying to figure out how to end things and you slowly learn why throughout. it's pretty dark right from the beginning tbh but they balance it with humor that might not be everyone's taste. tbh it just feels real to me, so that part doesn't personally bother me. i do know why it would affect someone else, though. definitely not for people sensitive to the subject matter.
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 months
Separation, Shakira-style!
Nortey Dowuona: FC Andorra are 7th in the Segunda Division; Karol G is on the Barbie soundtrack. I say this divorce was the best thing to ever happen to them. [9]
Peter Ryan: A comprehensive public clobbering, an icy-caustic bookend to the relationship that wormed its way into her discography with the ebullient "Me Enamoré", stuffed with double entendre indictments sharp and specific enough to preemptively render any rebuttal pathetic. Structurally it ranks among her most ambitious, all polyrhythms and quasi-freestyle character, the latter part no doubt owing to the BZRP Music Sessions format. There's catharsis in her kicking open the door on the private strife about which she'd previously stayed tight-lipped, and in the meta-narrative of the megastar shaking off the dead weight and finding creative reinvigoration. While they've become fewer and farther between in the last decade, she hasn't lost her knack for creating a Moment -- I heard this at the corner store, wafting out of passing car windows, on the dancefloor -- she wasn't kidding about cashing in. [9]
Alex Ostroff: The main attractions here are Shakira's righteous and yet somehow still icy fury and her impeccable wordplay. She wishes her ex the best with her "supuesto reeemplazo", but makes it absolutely clear that nobody is capable of actually replacing her. In someone else's version of this revenge-pop anthem, your husband absconding with a woman half your age might be a source of insecurity, but for Shakira it's another sign of his cluelessness -- at 44, she's worth two 22-year-olds and presents it as a simple and obvious fact. Bizarrap initially seems to take a backseat, but he brings plenty to the table, evolving his production and adding details that accentuate and complement hers. Tonight, I'm obsessed with the way he brings in that reggaeton-esque percussion right at "Me dejaste de vecina a la suegra/Con la prensa en la puerta y la deude en Hacienda" and how that propels the song into Shakira's triplet of creíste/heriste/volviste rhymes. Shakira's best material in the post-Fijación Oral era of her career has consistently been her Spanish albums, but until the restructuring of streaming and Billboard chart metrics in recent years, their popularity (and pop excellence) was never properly reflected. Of Pique's many, many sins, the one I'm most angry about was causing Shakira to relocate to Spain -- away from her main collaborators and recording studios -- and thus keeping her away from the radio at a time when audiences' engagement with global pop (and especially music in Spanish) seems much bigger and more permanent than the limited crossover moments of the 90's and early 2000's. Her post-BZRP releases have mostly been collaborations with an extremely varied list of rising Latinx stars in a wide range of genres, from a reggaeton heartbreak diss track with Karol G to a regional Mexican polka track with Fuerza Regida about labor rights and Pique firing the nanny who snitched on him for cheating. I have absolutely no idea what to expect from Shakira next, and I couldn't be more excited. [10]
Harlan Talib Ockey: 1) Cultural reset. 2) I love mess. 3) We now go live to Pique stepping on a rake. 4) Infinitely more energy than "Te Felicito" or "Monotonía". 5) Actually, Shakira hasn't sounded this forceful in a long time. 6) Bizarrap at the top of his own game rather than trying super hard to make corridos, for example. 7) "¡LAS MUJERES YA NO LLORAN, LAS MUJERES FACTURAN!"="margin:> [9]
Aaron Bergstrom: As a non-Spanish speaker, I'm probably missing out on some of the nuance here, but allow me to offer a brief letter of recommendation for 1) listening to this for the first time with minimal context, 2) focusing only on Shakira's inflection and intonation, 3) picking out a few lines where she sounds especially pleased with herself, 4) thinking "ooohhhh, I bet these are daggers," and then 5) looking up the English translation and confirming that every single one is just as vicious as you'd hoped. Because let me tell you, it is a delightful experience. [8]
Jessica Doyle: Cuando era niña, en mi escuela podría estudiar solamente francés; no empecé a aprender hablar español hasta desde cuatro o cinco años. Hoy tengo una cita cada día con Duolingo y puedo comprender unas frases, pero quiero apreciar el idioma mucho más, y lo que me motiva, es esta canción. Shakira canta como sus palabras tienen pesos y formas; se puede esucuchar y sentir cuando ellas se chocan con el suelo--"mastique' y trague', trague y mastique'," "con la deuda a la Hacienda." Además, ella gana confianza y acelera, asi que cuando ella canta, "Yo valgo por dos de 22," no es un cope defensivo, es una declaración de hecho. El idioma es su arma y su poder. Y el ritmo es único; ella no lo podría haber canto en inglés. Entonces, escribí este blurb en español; no lo escribí en inglés y traducé. Sé que hay muchos errores (Google Translate me dice que "I translated" no es "traducé," es "traduje"), pero creo que sería un error más grande hablar de esta canción en inglés. La escucho y me hace querer estudiar y aprendar más. [8]
Will Adams: An undersung aspect of what makes "Pa Tipos Como Tú" so compelling is how Bizarrap's beat switch-ups throughout the song propel it forward. It begins as an icy breath of Italo that recalls She Wolf's more delirious moments. Midway through the second verse, the floor caves in to reveal a heavy, rhythmic groove, as if gathering power for the next attack. The second chorus arrives with a walloping synth bass, reminiscent of "Padam Padam" but even more menacing. It makes for one of the most exciting listening experiences of the year, instilling an uncertainty of where this thing is headed next. All the while, Shakira floats on top, mercilessly delivering a brutal takedown that leaves nothing in its wake. [8]
Tara Hillegeist: The last time anyone on Shakira's level tried to write a song about how mad she isn't like this, it was over a decade ago, and "Irreplaceable" that effort absolutely wasn't, drowned in goopy self-affirmation and breathy lack of confidence. Compare the liquid contempt swirling around every syllable, here, the bared-fang sharpness of the enunciation as she howls "You thought you'd hurt me, you only made me stronger/Women no longer cry, women get paid". Shakira's fury isn't the fury of a woman left abandoned, with only scorn as her cold comfort -- as one of pop's inarguable queens, she has an entire country at her back. It's only natural that she can't simply settle for destroying her ex's memory alone, when there's an entire dancefloor waiting to destroy it in her honor instead. Pity Shakira's ex-husband, who will go down in pop-cultural history as nothing more than the expertly character-assassinated trophy this song leaves behind to hang on the she-wolf's wall, alongside all the others who thought to make a prize of her instead, only to find, as ever, that it's not their world to rule, but hers. Or don't; the viperous specificity with which she approaches the subject matter in question makes it readily apparent that from her perspective, this reckoning was only ever held at bay by the love he squandered in the first place. The other woman should probably count herself lucky Shakira only holds her accountable for thinking herself entitled to taking Shakira's place in his affections; if there were any other reasons, Shakira clearly wouldn't have hesitated to include them. Let the dancefloor show mercy, then, if there's any to be found. [9]
Katherine St Asaph: Shakira's hips don't lie; their involuntary sway, she's said, is how she identified Bizarrap's track as a Depeche Mode homage too chilly to pass up. And yet the track is not nearly as cold as the way Shakira vaporizes her song's targets from on high. That her specific complaints are relatively petty -- basically, that getting cheated on has stuck Shakira with a lot of rich person problems -- is beside the point. Repeatedly, she drops the real names of two real-ass people, syllable by syllable via careful wordplay, as if putting a scope into place. Her vocal is mixed loud, processed past any human timbre, and arranged to fill all space in the track. She sounds less like an individual jilted woman than a metallic weapon, than the genderless, pitiless, all-judging voice of God. Finally comes the killing smite: "and now you're with someone just like you." It's not often that experiencing a punching-down feels this bitter and inevitable, this compelling and correct. [10]
Rose Stuart: I said in my review of Olivia Rodrigo's "Vampire" that, in the year of breakup songs, hers was the only one that wasn't full of posturing. This is the only song where that posturing feels earned. Where other songs made neither their pain nor strength convincing, Shakira comes out triumphant, coming for blood with each finely picked detail in every savage line. The song never stops going in, even using the name of her ex's partner for some masterful wordplay. I've heard many breakup songs that try to go at the singer's ex, but this is the first time I've actually felt sorry for the song's subject -- after all, it must be hard to show your face in public after being roasted this thoroughly. [9]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: A swaggering, sexy encounter that has me simultaneously wanting me to say "I'm too good for you, bitches!" and "Step on my face, mother!" [9]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: lol hell yeah [8]
Alfred Soto: With any insignificant number of synths per track signifying as "1980s" the response to this track was a given, but the thudding insistence of its beat muscled past those assumptions. As alert as a burglar with good tools, Shakira talks so much shit that the judgment fades before the verdict. Imagine if they'd released this at the height of the 2010-2011 EDM epoch. [8]
Jonathan Bradley: Bizarrap's sleek, gleaming disco sets off the lack of adventure in Dua Lipa's 2023 comeback; these cool synths glide with a propulsive sense of drama. Shakira, uncharacteristically, is the weak spot though, allowing herself to recede into the background. She doesn't always command attention, but even her reserve is usually compelling all on its own. Here, she's content to vibe, waiting for someone else to make something happen. [5]
Brad Shoup: Impeccably imaged: we're used to that from Shakira. But the chilliness is something else: a brisk disco kiss-off that fogs up the anguish she's audibly fighting. The way she paces herself is really cool: icy pop in the first verse, a switch to reggaeton cadence at the end of the second that fully detonates in the third. She's acting as her own feature rapper: just another power move. [8]
Ian Mathers: I was the high mark last time we covered Shakira, but even if I was going to be here (doubt it!) it'll clearly be for very different reasons. With "Don't Wait Up" it was that fucked-up little organ (or whatever) riff, and while Shakira was good, her performance wasn't specifically what drew me to the track. Here, while the production is good, it's her performance that's much more central. Even before my monolingual ass looks up a translation you can kinda just tell from the vibe that someone is getting it in the neck, and/or Shakira is feeling her oats ("and," as it turns out) and then once you do... "Sorry, I already took another plane" is a hell of a way to start. Plenty of specific detail lurking in there, but the repeated "I was too big for you and that's why you are with a girl just like you" fairly blisters as it goes past. [8]
Taylor Alatorre: All else aside, it must really suck to not only have the Tsar Bomba of diss tracks dropped on you, but to have that track sent out to the world with this podcast episode-ass title. Like, at least Jay-Z can boast that he's part of the reason we all say "ethered" now; no such consolation here. The tossed-off nature of the release, while adding insult to injury -- you don't even get an album track! -- makes it harder to admit this into the pantheon of the greatest diss songs of all time. But I get the sense that legacy is not really what Shakira is concerned with here. This is a crime committed in the heat of the moment, in broad daylight, and everyone will remember where they were when they witnessed it. For her, that is enough. [7]
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bastardhalfspider · 8 months
about ashley parker barton as told by ashe
MAIN VERSE / MAIN SETTING -> The Wastelands Earth, inspired by the original Marvel Wastelands material and original version of Ashley Barton, now being developed by @crisispider & @oceansfirst's as an original character. Ashley Parker-Barton is a half-OC child of Clint Barton and Peter Parker || she will have a 616 verse // crossover verse // spiderverse // multiverse // time travel verse, open for interaction -> so everyone love on her too
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❝ Fuck, fine, I'll do a futzing origin story. You can call me ASHE, or Ashley's fine too I guess. My alias? That would be just Spider. ❞
❝ My birth is kind of a strange story. My sperm donor is Charles Bernard Barton, which I'm sure SOME of you may know the name. Trickshot once, complicated brother of Hawkeye? ⸻ No one really knows the story, it's all word of mouth from the chick who hadd my egg or whatever, DAD WHO RAISED ME has her name or whatever ⸻ ❞
❝ Anyways, turns out Barney blew up his life or something. Chick he was living on a private island with dumps him and keeps the islandd for her, her kids, and these FREAK kids that got dropped off by DAD WHO SHOULD BE DEAD ⸻ So, Barney Barton is some-fucking-where until he meets this girl and she gets pregnant with me, and than she doesn't tell him and he's gone anyways. ⸻ I did mention my story is a fuggin' shitshow, right? ❞
❝ She decides she wants to keep the baby, which really maybe she should have regretted that earlier than she did ⸻ TASTELESS JOKE? You should see the world I come from now ⸻ Girl thinks she's gonna keep me until, well, she has me. She's holding this baby me in her hands, and must realize shit, this kid's unlovable or something. Remembers that the dick who got her pregnant had a superhero brother, and takes me to Clint Barton and Peter Parker's residence, and well? ❞
❝ Maybe the only happy part of this story and I don't even remember it since I was like four months old or somethin' ⸻ Turns out Dad 1 and Dad 2, were talking another baby. See Dad 1 had a kid already from his ex-wife, who like he tell me Mary Jane Watson is my god-mom or auntie but whatever, so I literally fell in their lap. Woman didn't even really give me a name, she tried. ⸻ They name me Ashley ❞
❝ Now the Parker-Bartons are a family of four and half, or three and half. My big sister Mayday's got three parents, or two and a half. However, you wanna count it. Clint and Peter, married. Clint being the bonus dad to Mayday, when she's with her Dad, our dad and I'm ⸻ something there too now. Adopted by my technically blood-uncle, but I'm suppose to call him Dad or Papa, and adopted by Dad, Peter Parker. ❞
❝ This is all stories told to me by Dad, that's the Spiderman one, I never knew Hawkeye. HE DIED, or so we thought. I was just a toddler, not old enough for memories when V-DAY happened, and the entire country than world went nuclear. Heroes being slaughtered left and right, Spiderman took me, big sis Mayday, and Mayday's mom MJ and went deep underground and into hiding. ❞
❝ WE SURVIVE. Spiderman technically dies that day, because if any villain knew Spiderman was alive. He'd be one of the largest targets. Dad thinks his husband, that's Hawkeye is dead. ⸻ So I get one Dad, HIM, one parent. I also get my sister Mayday, but like she's the good kid. The lucky one, she had three parents and a baby sister, and only lost one. I had, well, her and DAD. ❞
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❝ Dad gets Mayday's mom somewhere safe, and we go to visit her every few months over the years. Mayday's always had powers, so staying stationary too long could be dangerous. SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SUPER VILLAINS WOULD KILLS US. ⸻ I'm just extra luggage, but I grew up learning everything from Dad, and like I do love him a lot, 'kay? ⸻ So now you're looking at me and like why the spider suit, how'd you get powers thought you were some normie. ❞
❝ When I was eleven, I was dying. Losing a lot of blood, and Mayday and Dad are a mess about it ⸻ Dad takes a risk, saves me and transfuses blood to me. That's how I got the powers, Dad's mutated blood mutated me. Saved my life, made me more durable. I still can't stick to walls like Mayday or Dad could, but whatever. ❞
❝ The world's been fucked for most of my life, getting worse, Vilians fighting over territory, corpses of dead giants, Amerika turning into a wastelands. Dinosaurs from the savage lands loose, wild symbiotes, mollods, thing keep getting worse. Gangs popping up, country turning to dust and this is happening everywhere. ⸻ I don't think I'm a superhero, Dad tries to tell stories, so does MJ when we visit for Mayday to see her mom. ⸻ But I like the stories about the suit, about the heroes, and Mayday's in agreement with me. ❞
❝ So we both made our own spider suits, matching, and like Dad thinks its risky, stupid as well, but like if anyone comes for Spiderman? You bet our asses we could take them, and I'd lob off their heads ⸻ Mayday likes the suits cause she believes in superheroes, what they stood for. I like them cause I feel powerful behind the mask, cause I don't really know who I am under it. ❞
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The symbol/logo I mashed together for Ashley Parker-Barton.
No official hero name besides Spider or Ashe is accepted.
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