#and then Heaven finds a way to get them back to Sir Pentious
allastoredeer · 1 month
The Egg Bois have no one to take orders from after Sir Pentious dies. Then they see Lucifer and immediately follow him around and unlike Alastor who didn't like being tailed by the annoying yappy yokes, Lucifer is enthralled by them because they are like little ducklings forming a line as if Lucifer is their mother
One egg boi, Frank, is the only one that stuck to Alastor, and Al makes it clear he wants him to go away but Frank stays with him. One time when Al was cooking, Frank asked if he could help and Al thought for a moment, grinned, picked up the egg, and plopped him in the boiling pot. Unfortunately, Frank did not hard boil, in fact, he enjoyed the hot bath, and the rest of the egg bois ran inside as Lucifer entered the kitchen and screamed in horror at the display but the rest of the eggs hopped around Al's feet, pulling at his trousers asking to join the bubble bath.
Alastor trying to boil Frank is just fogjwenweln 🤣 I can see that. The fact that it's not working AND Frank's enjoying himself AND the other eggbois want to join in makes it all so much better.
Also, the other eggbois following Lucifer around like ducklings 🥺 that's adorable.
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deadghosy · 3 months
How would (Separate) Hazbin hotel (Demons &Angel) react to a green thumb gardener whose elegant, classy and attractive and she went to hell by mistake but it was a happy one (She's not completely weak as she has her plant to protect her and everything)
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prompt: a common mistake made demons and angels swoon over a gardener who just wants to take care of her/his plants
cw! Sir Pentious is alive for this so he can witness your beauty in flowers💗
note! I listened to Lana Del Rey while making this lol.
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You didn’t know you were supposed to be in heaven as you started your own flower shop. It was the biggest know hell flower store with actual flowers.
You were practically poison ivy, but more kind and definitely calmer. Hell, even some of your regulars call you poison ivy. Mostly because if people touch you metaphorically the wrong way, then you technically show them a harsher side of you. Literally, a plant impaled a sinner trying to rob your store. 
What you didn’t except to get friends or even people interested into you as you just have a normal as shop you dreamed of before dying.
“Welcome to my flower shop, what can I help you with?” You said with a soft smile as a flower vine is watering other flowers in the background. Some imps, sinners, and hell borns go all the way to just see you and your flowers.
I can see you wearing a flower crown or just flowers in your hair. Like dead ass giving rapunzel. Possibly so, your alive flowers and vines had made that for you as you worked.
You most definitely wear those cute gardening outfits like overalls or those dresses if you prefer one of them or both.
See this is what I can imagine, I can imagine the whole damn hotel having a flower competition and you show up with a big ass plant with a neat pink bow on it 😭. You definitely had a smile as you drank tea with a secret smirk.
I can see you visiting the hotel Charlie has as she invited you to do some flower decor for a reopening of the hotel.
Imagine how pissed you were when a couple of sinners came in to make your shop look like shit. But you wasn’t gonna stand for it as you raised your hand grabbing the sinners by their necks with vines. “If you want flowers, I wouldn’t mind making you a funeral for you to have some.” You said with venom as the sinner practically shitted themselves as they were thrown out the windows of your shop.
A sinner had thrown a Molotov cocktail once in your shop all because he thought it was weird to have a “girly” flower shop in hell. As the fire spreads in your shop, you sighed having plant vines cover you in a big ball as one of the vine slither to find the culprit. After finding the culprit, you forced them to clean your shop since killing someone for such a petty crime like that in your opinion isn’t worth killing. You can always make a new shop and fix it.
Vaggie most definitely knows you as you hooked her up with flowers that Charlie might like. You told her Charlie seems like a simple girl would just like roses since they represent romance. And basically it was Vaggie and Charlie’s date night. And it was a success.
Angel dust loves how you don’t judge him for who he is by his work. But he definitely loves how you two gossip over some tea, well he drinks while you drink tea or water. You are like an older sister/brother figure to him. He loves resting in your bean bag you have in the back, he could just come in and and lay down straight.
I headcannon your whole palette to be like green, pink, yellow and white. Literally just spring ass colors to seem classy with your flower shop.
I can imagine you having the personality of applejack but more of a flower and gardening person as gardener! Reader were most definitely born in the south. Like I can imagine reader to be a mix of applejack, rarity, fluttershy but 100% of applejack’s honesty and a lot of Rarity’s elegance.
Niffty adores you! Literally she goes in your store to rant about she wants the hotel to smell fresh and ready. And you hook a sista up with how you give her scented plug in. She immediately starts worshipping you like Alastor which makes Alastor raise a brow seeing a shine of you in her room and drawings of you.
Charlie immediately loves how vaggie and angel ador you and find you as a loyal friend. She would love to have you at the hotel as a resident. She could even beg Alastor or her dad to make a flower shop for you to even stay longer by briding. She would also try to become your friend for her to succeed.
Sir Pentious went to your store to apologize again to Alastor as he felt that Alastor didn’t forgave him. He was scared you weren’t a kind “sinner” that only had a flower shop to scam people for their money. But when you spoke with kindness and care towards the snake demon. He felt calm in your presence, to the point when he got his flowers. He gave you one which made you smile at him and put it in your hair. He blushed and ran off.
The egg boiz love too appear in your store as their boss, penthouse is very nervous to talk to such an attractive person like you. You welcome the eggz to your humble store as you give them flowers to give back to the hotel staffs.
Angel and Cherri most definitely asked you to give them flowers to match their personality. You gave them both a Carnation flower which you thought was good for their personality. Or even a Lilly.
Husk kept seeing the crew leave the hotel to see them come back with flowers. He grumble confused at why they kept getting flowers. That is until he asked Charlie, and Charlie ranted about what a beauty and how kind you are. Husk raised a brow thinking you were putting up an act, so he went to see you. Let’s just say he got a rose coming back with a soft smile and a purr.
The Vee’s heard about you, Vox heard about you first and looked you up to see you are a popular florist and gardener with the power of Chlorokinesis. The power to mentally and physically control flowers. Vox smirked hearing about your 5 star rating shop. If it was that high ranked with people commenting it on yelp saying you were the best business to be at. You definitely got his attention at most.
Lucifer went to your store for some flowers to give to his daughter, and when he heard how amazing your store was. He went to se it himself. He definitely felt your pure spirit making him stumble into confusion on why you weren’t in heaven already. But he got his flowers and felt with a cup of tea you gave him. He shortly came back at the end of the day to give you his own flowers as he smiled with a snake smile and left leaving a note that says, “you’re welcome to come stay at the hotel! :)”
Alastor finally decided to meet you after hearing all the good things you did for the hotel and for the staff. He must say he was jealous how you won their hearts so damn quickly. He went to your store to see what’s all the fuss about and got hit with a lavender scent in his nose. He covered it as he wasn’t use to such sweet smell in hell as it’s filled with fire and blood. And there you were sitting there with a smile as warm plate of teas sat by you. You welcomed him as he made chat with you to find your heart pure with gold. He also left with a rose and a genuine smile.
I imagine how sweet you get your own flowers by regulars and your friends at the hotel as they love your passion about plants.
Headcannon on Gardner! Reader to be a Lana Del Rey fan as the song to match her/him is “born to die” 💗🦆
Vox was obviously the first Vee to meet you face to face as he had researched you so many times on the internet to get any scoop of you to only end up with an empty hand. So he decided to see you in person and smile with a charming one to see you greet him with a smile and show him the recommended flowers for loved one and family. He was not into the flowers as he watched the plant vines in the back work like hands. He smirks trying to use his hypnosis, but failed greatly as a flower in a vase covered his sighting of you. Thanks to your plant vines.
Velvette was the second one to come to your store as she was not impressed at how “boring and plain” it was in your shop. She was snarky about the decor and gave you tips on how to make it “pop” in here. You just smiled, and with a snap of your fingers, the decor changed to a more fashionable flower place. It made the female Vee almost drop her jaw and composure. But she can’t let some flower store shock her. So she left with one last snarky comment under her breath.
Valentino definitely came in last to see what was up with your whole popularity of your “business” of flowers as he was so busy working his porn industry. So when he walked in yo see you reaching for some flower seeds to get for a customer. He grabbed your waist, wanting to seem flirty only for it to backfire as a vine punches him away from you. You already knew who this bastard was, and you weren’t gonna let him get you like how he got angel. So during his entire visit at your shop, you made it a living hell. Literally.
I can see the Vee’s coming back every weekday to try and get you to be their little flower pet, but you ain’t buying it. 😘
You most definitely have a vine hammock in the corner of your store as you just sit there and nap during your breaks.
Imagine how cool and sweet you are to the imp and hell born children that come to visit your store for father day and mother day. Hell, even valentines days
I can headcannon that gardener! Reader has once in their hell life down there had to drag out a rude Karen ass bitch by their hair. You fuck with their plants, you fuck with them.
Imagine how chill you are just sipping tea as your plants and vines attack some dude trying to steal your sunflower seeds. Yeah, no one gets out without being traumatized by plants 😍
You came into the hotel once and immediately got love bombed by everyone. But not in a manipulate way, they just appreciate how amazing you are to people even the staff at most. They go as far to throw you a “welcoming” party 💗
Lucifer had most definitely sent ducks with mini flower crowns and a Gardner duck to you as he finds you very elegant and beautiful in your own way. He even accidentally tries to court you with his wings when he leans against at the front desk of your store staring into your eyes.
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Adam had eventually was sent to take you back into heaven as sera realized her mistake. You willingly went with Adam who smirked at your sweet smile and took you up by your hand. Like, let’s say whatever happened in the hell section didn’t happen as you just had a bad time in hell itself.
St. Peter immediately greets you, making feel welcome to your new home. He even baked you cookies with a smiley face. He tries to make chit chat with you when he isn’t on duty getting people into the gates. He literally visits your workplace in the flower store you own, bringing cookies, making sure you are okay. Hell-, I meannn heaven gods..he must be a househusband cause GYATT DAMN this man is making sure you are well and healthy in heaven’s care. 💗💗
Sera most definitely have showed you around heaven with a please smile to see a Gardner. You would’ve been great for the Garden of Eden, is what she says in her head as you smile at the trees and potted plants around. You even showed the seraphim your powers, and she must say that she was pleased and made you a gardener around heaven and even your own garden shop and house.
Emily most definitely tries to go visit you everyday to try and find flowers that match you so you can be surprise when she buys you flowers herself. You and Emily definitely have a sibling relationship at most because of how she looks up to you in a gardening way as she also wants to impress you by making her own garden and green house. She also makes sure you take breaks as she wants to help with the customers as you take a break in the back. Your friendship with her is so wholesome and lovely.
Adam likes how classy you are, you don’t even cuss him out when you are angry at him. You just put your hand in his face and walk away. Sassy, but classy enough to not curse someone the fuck out. Yeah sure that might’ve turned him on a bit at how hot and “bitchy” that was of you. Cause no one has ever rejected the “Dickmaster”. So it was his duty to make you his friend…sorta😨. But it’s all fun and games at how you guys are like frenemies at most since Adam actually can’t stand you, but still flirts at how attractive and kind you are. Hell even strong minded.
The angels absolutely love coming in your store! They find every single plant and flower you made incredible. You practically almost run out of business when it’s Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. But you can’t complain when they leave so much heaven bucks for you to get more plant seeds and such. The angels also love how pure of gold your heart is as you even give some off free for the heaven borns and winners.
Big headcannon on how your Gardner outfit in heaven, the palette is a soft green and pink pastel. But Adam and Sera had thought about you wearing a gold, white, and blue type of Gardner outfit. They want you to stay pure and mighty.
Since i headcannon that Gardner! Reader to be a damn Lana Del Rey fan, their song that matches them in heaven is “young and beautiful.” As you are young and beautiful and mostly, you’re in heaven.
Literally imagine Adam just shows up to just degrade you, but it doesn’t work as you just sit there reading your daily newspaper or on your phone to just see plant and gardening instagram from earth and heaven. Adam pouts or even scoffs before taking your phone and acting like a fussy cat wanting attention.
You really don’t give a fuck about Adam but he definitely gives a fuck about you.
The angels sometimes ships you with Adam, but they also ship you with st.peter at how he is basically the house husband and you are the girl boss who works their ass off😭
Lute and Adam are definitely the type to be those teens who visit their local market..dead ass when they are free they just come to your store and just start “window shopping”…but really they just either want to mess with you or actually know about your day.
I can see you literally just chilling, and Adam busts open the store door that has that jingle bell on it so harsh and all he says is. “Wassup bitch!” With his usual grin and a soda cup as you just groan annoyed.
St.peter literally tried to work beside you ok his days off to just see how “calming” your job is. Until rush hour comes😭 that’s when hell itself unleashes with people wanting to grab any scented flower candles and flowers for theirselves. Have mercy on Peter’s soul that he doesn’t get grabbed and clawed all because he said that the last product was in the back. 😭😭
Imagine how cute your damn angel wings must be. Cause I imagine them to be some god damn fairy wings to match a beautiful aesthetic with your flower and gardening store.
I headcannon you actually had thrown Adam like how vaggie thrown the staff like in the episode of “scramble eggs.”
lol I can see you just slapping Adam with your plant vine because of one misogynist joke he made. He had the most whip lashed mark on his face. He stopped making those fücking jokes like that as he just flinches as a vine comes near him. “WALK HIM LIKE A DOGGG!!” 😘😍
Sera loves gaining flowers from you as the angelic guards bring them in as she is doing her work.
Emily also feels the same way as she smiles and makes the guard send you flowers as well for a thank you. 💗🥺 please give this sweet baby a note back saying you appreciate her damn note so much..
Imagine having a whole tea and cookie station by your front desk where people pay. Like they get a nice drink and a snack in case they were hungry and thirsty from their trip to here. 😘☀️ you care about your customers and regulars deeply.
St. Peter had one time mistook the glass doors to be opened and fell back so dramatically onto his ass, he might as well confirm himself as dead 💀
Emily most definitely actually tried to grow a plant or flower to show you how much she learnt from you, only for the damn thing to fail. She wanted to cry and shrivel up in disappointment, but you taught her and help fixed her mistake on what she did at most.
Lute most definitely acts better without Adam, of course she could act better with Adam. It’s just that Adam is her home dog, and she is Adam’s homegirl. So of course they are besties. So with Adam not interfering with you and lute talking one on one for the first time. You two get quite long to the point she grabs your hands and smile. Leaving with a flower you gave her.
Your plants just causally changing into the liked flower of the customer or regular due to your plant magic on sensing what flowers they like supposedly💗
Headcannon on how short you are. Literally you are shorter than lute to Adam and Emily. It’s really funny but to you, it’s annoying asf since Adam picks you up like a stray cat found at the front porch ready to be taken in.
Emily and sera would have tea time with you definitely. Or coffee if they prefer. You don’t gossip of course but just lift each other up and talk about hanging out later in the days or weeks later. Heck even the day later maybe if Emily is very eager.
Lute most definitely had thrown flowers in your face as she isn’t use to showing affection towards a person she actually admires. Yeah she admires Adam, as a boss and best friend. But there is something about you that makes her stumble on her words.
You had to actually stay home once, forced by sera who got told by Adam you were overworking yourself. Adam and sera hated it as sera showed go to your job looking serious. Forcing you to stay in bed until you had a good sleep for the week.
Imagine just gardener! Reader literally accidentally making Adam spit out a four leaf clover as they were saying a spell in Latin to have four leaf clovers for St. Patrick’s day.
I headcannon Adam sometimes tries to court you with his wings, and you are confused as hell as you aren’t use to being courted by some fucking feathers.
I can see you having a potted plant pet beside you. It was practically a sapling as it smiled with heaven magic and told positive affirmations to waking customers. It’s so fuckin adorable
I imagine you just sleeping as your overworked at your store and Adam comes in pissed off you didn’t come home. So he literally picks you up over his shoulder and walks Home. He has the damn key to your house but he decides to just go to his house and lay you on his bed as he sleeps on the couch grumbling.
St.Peter, after that little incident with him walking into a glass door. This mofo literally puts his hands out towards any glass door 😭 like a little kid being traumatized after a glass maze. It’s so funny but so sad.
A young heaven born had brought you back a freaking flower crown in your most favorite flowers and you were so amazed. You gave the small little angel a flower crown of their own.
The visits are always welcomed to your store as Adam brings you his own set of flowers to try to impress you. 💗 you snickered seeing the note that says, “i hope you like it..bitch. *middle finger drawing* I heard this plant was your favorite.” Sweet, but sour ass motherfuker. 😭😭
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signedmio · 3 months
Heyy! I loved the request you wrote about reader finding Hazbin Hotel characters crying and then comforting them, I was thinking, could you write a pt. 2 adding some other characters? maybe Charlie, Husk, Sir Pentious and Adam, or anyone else you’d like 💓💕💞💖
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OMG TYSM!! honestly, that is one of my works that i am EXTREMELY proud of and hearing people enjoying that one is just 😭😭
but yes i can certainly do that haha hope you enjoy!!
also side note, since i got two requests that are pretty similar, i’m doing a two-in-one sorta thing!! so i hope this makes it to the anon who requested it :)
Warnings: Swear Words, S1 Spoilers, Mentions of Battles/War, Mentions of Possible Death, Mentions of Deals, Mentions of Degradation, Not Proofread
Adam, Charlie, Husk, Sir Pentious x Reader
Reader finds them crying HCs
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Adam was never one for tears, he was a man, the first one at that! His pride would never let himslef ever be perceived as weak.
But once he got sent to Hell, after his death during the extermination, while that damn snake was in his place — the only feeling he felt was weakness.
Adam had stayed in his room in the hotel ever since he came, begrudgingly that is, he didn’t want to be here. He shouldn’t be here.
But somehow, Charlie somehow let him come, much to his surprise, as well as dismay, but let’s be real here, he’d he pissed either way.
He curled up against the pillow, sighing, shakily, as hot tears slipped down his cheeks. “Damnit.”
Unbeknownst to him, a knock came from the other side of the door, Charlie made you drop off Adam’s ‘Welcome Package’ — When you didn’t get a response you creaked open the door.
“Adam?” You called from the other side of the room. He didn’t look at you, he couldn’t look at you.
“Leave.” He said, his voice cracking, despite the fact that he was attempted to hold back his sobs.
You set down his basket from Charlie on his nightstand. He felt his bed dip as you sat next to him. “It’s cause you’re here right?”
“The fuck are you talking about?” Adam sniffled. “Why you’re upset. It’s cause your here, right?” You elaborate.
He doesn’t say anything. You rub his knee, in attempts to comfort him. “I promise, it’s not as bad here as you think.”
You sigh. “I didn’t think it’d be great here when I first came here either, but this became my home - my family. You’ll get used to it, with time.”
Adam didn’t say anything. But deep down, his heart felt just a tad bit warmer from your words.
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Due to the upcoming extermination, Charlie was more stressed than ever, she was upset with herself. Upset that her and Heaven couldn’t band together. Upset that it had to end in this way.
Apart of herself grew to worry that maybe if she had been different, more normally, less singy-songy, Adam would’ve agreed.
Then no second meeting would’ve been necessary, no war would be needed.
The night before the battle was a tough one for Charlie, she loved and appreciated everyone she had met throughout her time, and within the blink of an eye, there was a 50/50 chance it’ll all be gone this time tomorrow.
“Charlie?” You called out to your girlfriend, who was crying infront of Angel’s door, “Sorry…” She mumbled, “I’m just so scared…” Her voice cracked, you’ve never seen her so… out of sorts, before.
“What if we lose?” She asked, rhetorically. “You’ve already done so much, Charlie.” You start, pulling her close, cupping her face.
“You’ve touched the hearts every soul here… Regardless of whether or not they admit it.” You run you fingers through her hair, you were scared to, scared shitless, but you put on a brave face. A brave face for her.
“So if it turns out that we don’t make it, there’s something that I’ve been dying to say.” You pull her into a hug, before mumbling in her ear, “You need to know I love you more than anything.”
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You had caught Husk in his vulnerability at a private time. You knew about his deal with Alastor, but never knew the extent of it.
“Good talk, my good man, always nice to catch up!” Alastor said, leaving Husker defenseless, shaking on the floor, as you hid on the other side of the hall.
Husk got up, slowly, and then leaned against the wall, muttering a small ‘Damnit…’
You approached him, “Are you okay?” You ask, very hesitantly, you know Husk is more of a listener then someone to vent, but there was no harm in trying.
Husk sighs, low and gruff, but so hurt, it hurt you. “Made a shitty deal I regret, and I can’t take it back, y’know.” Husk answered, using his claw to wipe a few tears from under his eyes.
You’re unsure of what to do, you’ve never seen him like this, you smile at him softly, and open your arms for him, “Hug?”
Husk chuckles at your innocent antics, “Seriously?” He asks with a smirk, “Totally seriously!”
He sighs jokingly, clambering over to you, accepting your embrace. “This is so stupid.”
“You know you love it!” And you’re right, he did.
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Sir Pentious
It was no secret that Pentious wanted to be an equal to the Vee’s, at least, before he officially started staying at the hotel.
And when Vox called him a ‘miserable failure’, it hit hard.
When Sir Pentious entered his room for the night, he shooed his eggs away, left with a sour taste in his mouth from Vox’s words.
A knock comes from Pentious’ door, he goes to answer it, trying to sniffle away his tears, he opened the door to see you.
“I just wanted to say you did a good thing, you’re willing to change even after you fucked up, and honestly I admire tha— Pentious, are you okay?” You rambled on, before getting a good look at his face.
He sniffled. “Y-Yes, I just.. don’t appreciate what Vox said about me.” He said, holding back his sobs, although not very well.
Your heart ached for the poor snake, you pulled him into a hug and patted him on the back, “If he can’t see the amazing Pentious I see, then he’s not worth it, we only met today, but I can already see what a wonderful person you are.”
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liulith · 3 months
Sir Pentious & Alastor: an underrated dynamic
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"Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face--! Oh, there you are. FACE MY WRATH!"
Sir Pentious has been in Hell for much longer than Alastor. That means he was there when the Radio Demon appeared, and he's been trying to overthrow Alastor for decades! We know what Alastor is capable of, and what he could do if he truly wanted Sir Pentious to stop. He obviously doesn't register Sir Pentious as a threat, but that doesn't mean he's not annoying (like when he interrupts his song in the pilot and destroys a wall in ep2). Yet in all those decades, Alastor always let him go with the equivalent of a slap on the wrist, considering what he's done to other sinners in his broadcasts.
And why is that? Why, he must find Sir Pentious very entertaining, of course! Even though he calls Sir Pentious forgettable (to rile him up), there's no way a narcissist like him doesn't LOVE being the main focus of Pentious' "evil plans", as pathetic as they are. Not only does he give him the attention he deserves (like Vox), he's a true "architect of evil" who constantly reinvents himself to try and get the upper hand on Alastor. To Alastor, Pentious is like a sillier, weaker, more immature version of Vox with close to ZERO survival instincts but twice the creativity. Even Vox, who made a whole diss track about Al, wouldn't dare speak to him the way Sir Pentious does if they were face to face.
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"SILENCE! Now cower! For when I've ssslain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal."
He does have some "oh shit" moments when he sees he crossed a line/is about to get Team Rocket-ed, but he still gets back up and attacks him again with all the unearned confidence of a man who has no idea how easy Alastor goes on him.
Just like Alastor, Pentious is attached to the aesthetics and technology of the time period he knew when he was alive, and still manages to innovate with those limitations. I think Alastor could respect that.
"You whores have no class! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most style!"
It's also funny that to Pentious, Alastor is the young, modern one. Some phrases Alastor uses are "young people slang" to him!
Pentious asking Alastor questions on his "modern" radio technology...
Alastor is one sarcastic bastard, and Sir Pent is one of the most naive characters in the show. He takes a lot of things way too literally (#autism?). That's just PERFECT for comedic misunderstandings between these two!
Before s1 was released there were quite a lot of ace!Pentious headcanons. I think we could still make a case for closeted ace-adjacent!Pentious in canon! Possibility even aroace!Pentious, if we interpret his crush on Cherri as compulsive heteronormativity (he loves her creative genius and is fascinated by her explosive contraptions; surely that means she's the one, right?)
Ace4Ace Alastor & Pentious would be a fun duo in my opinion. They could bond over their shared experience
On the topic of bonding... ("I have feelings for you" (Narrator voice: the feeling was friendship, but he had ever experienced it before)
Seriously, imagine Sir Pentious spending more and more time around Alastor because of the hotel, taking his sarcastic and mocking remarks literally and thinking they're becoming closer... And then being like. WAIT. Do I have feelings for him?? and trying to seduce him like he does with Cherri Bomb. The absolute shenanigans... Rizzlord Pentious strikes again.
Accidental fake dating scenario that only exists in Vox's head, where Vox, being the stalker that he is, spies in the two of them bonding and reaches all the wrong conclusions
Once Sir Pentious dies for the second time and ascends to Heaven, he could meet Alastor's mom 👀
EDIT: OH and How could I forget the Egg Boiz?? Egg Boiz babysitter!Alastor is canon and he definitely babysat them multiple times in the few months Sir Pentious spent at the hotel. Joint custody :3
AND let's not forget the important information that Frank the Egg Boy reported to Sir Pentious lol. The one Charlie made a deal with Alastor for. I can imagine Alastor considering killing the Egg Boiz/ Sir Pentious after learning Frank didn't keep quiet (Imagine Sir Pentious trying to engage in a conversation w/ Alastor and telling him what Frank told him as a joke akfkkd), spending a whole afternoon trailing after them and making plans, only to realise that the Egg Boiz say insane shit all the time and Sir Pentious was in fact NOT playing 4D chess by telling him he knew (and probably already forgot all about it)
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bloodreddemons · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 1-4 Hot Takes! ~
They finally dropped. They are finally here, and I have A LOT to say. (Good & the bad, my opinions of course.)
Episode 1 was kinda boring and it just seemed overall weird and off. It didn't really pick back up that well, or align with the pilot too much, and the pilot slapped.
I feel like for those who haven't seen the pilot would be so confused with what is going on or who the characters even are. It feels like you also have to do a bit of digging to actually figure out other details.
I wasn't expecting to like Adam he was funny asf and I loved his singing. Love Alex Brightman he's great.
I can see what people are saying now when they were talking about the premise changing or being different, it definitely seems that way. It just feels like it's all over the place and there's multiple things happening at once. A bit confusing.
Charlie just looks weird to me I don't know why, I kinda like how she used to look.
Sir Pentious new voice is better. Again, love Alex Brightman. Lol.
Loser, Baby, Hell is forever, Poison, & Respectless are the best songs so far. Stayed Gone is ok too tho.
I'm interested in finding out why Lilith & Alastor were gone for like 7 years. I wonder where they went and it just makes me wonder if the war against heaven was possibly planned?? 🤔
I love Brandon Roger's but I didn't really like him as Katie Killjoy I think I liked the other VA. I just don't hear Katie, I hear Bryce Tankthrust.
I wish Vivzie designed Sir Pentious with more of a steampunk look since that's what era he's from so he's not wearing almost the same exact suit every other Overlord has.
Nifty is literally fucking iconic. I enjoyed her every time she was on screen even if it was for a short time. She's so funny.
I was expecting Vox & Valentino to have deeper voices but they still sounded great.
Velvette fucking ATE I was pleasantly surprised by her. I love her so much. She's my favorite of the VVV's and her singing is so good.
Charlie & Vaggie's fight wasn't that impactful, it kinda just came out of nowhere and seemed like something that should have happened way later. It didn't even seem like such a big deal either to be an argument.
I don't really like Vox as a person for letting Valentino treat Angel Dust the way he does. Just trash. He has to know about it.
Vox is just too obsessed with Alastor. He wants his cock soooo bad it's kinda crazy. It's the most fakest beef ever. Bad meat.
I like the new VA's they're amazing, but I do really miss the old ones. Most of them.
I think Vaggie's singing is better than Charlie's and that's fucked up because singing is like her whole thing.
Camilla killing the Angel wasn't that impactful because we don't really know who she is.
I don't really care to know how they will be trying to redeem people...idk I always thought that those parts would be boring.
So far I don't think the show was worth a 4 year wait....
Huskerdust WILL be canon at this rate. They might just be the best couple.
Charlie should have lit Valentino's ass up for treating Angel Dust the way he was. She shouldn't have listened to Angel and just fucked him up. Stop crying omfg!
I get that Husk & Angel are like in the same boat & all but....is being Alastor's minion really as bad as being constantly knocked around by Valentino?
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chaoticace2005 · 2 months
So, I haven't slept all night and now I have a migraine so I took some Excedrin which has caffeine meaning I am W I R E D and have nothing better to do than spend an hour + make this timeline of Hazbin Hotel mostly by memory:
I have it separated based on events of Sinners vs events mainly impacting angels because it was getting too clogged anyways and I reformatted it too many times to go again.
(This is based on information revealed in the show as well as in livestreams, so it’s possible the livestream data may be outdated, for now I’m gonna keep it in because it gives us a better timeline. Also, I’m assuming that the events of the show begin in 2019.)
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Below I'll post the text of what's basically listed in the table:
10,000+ years ago:
-Heaven existed
-Lucifer existed
-Heaven made Adam and Lilith
-Lucifer met Lilith
-Tempted Eve with the apple
-Evil was brought into the world, Lilith and Lucifer expelled to Hell
1500-1700s (presumably, based on way of speaking): Zestial lived and died
200 years ago (1800s): Charlie was born
Early-mid 1800s: Sir Pentious was born
1800s-1910s: Rosie died
1888: Sir Pentious died
Post 1888: Egg Boiz made (assuming Pentious didn’t somehow just find them)
1890-1900s: Alastor was born
1900-1910s: Husk was born
1910s: Angel was born
1910-1920s: Vox was born
1920s: Mimzy died
1928-1937: Niffty born
1933: Alastor died (aged 30-40s)
Post- 1933: Alastor killed overlords and claimed power. Sir Pentious battled him numerous times over the years but wasn’t very memorable.
1947: Angel died (aged 30s)
1950s: Niffty died (age 22)
Post- 1950s: Niffty met Alastor and sold her soul (?) to him
1950s: Vox died (aged 30-40s)
Post- 1950s: Vox met Alastor and two worked together for a bit
1960s: Cherri was born
1970s: Husk died (aged 60-70s)
Post- 1970s: Husk gained power as an overlord before later losing it and selling his soul to Alastor
1970s: Valentino died (age unknown)
Post- 1970s: Valentino gained power as an overlord and Angel sold his soul to him
1980s: Cherri died (aged 20s)
Post 1980s: Angel and Cherri met. Cherri and Sir Pentious began rivalry at some point.
2012 (assuming show takes place in 2019): Charlie’s mother left. Vox asks Alastor to join his team. Alastor leaves. Husk gets his seven year break from Alastor.
Post 2012s: Lilith goes to Heaven and makes some kind of deal involving Lute
Before 2016: Vaggie work as an exorcist
2016 or before: Vaggie meets Charlie
Two weeks before pilot: Angel accepts offer to live at hotel, leaves Valentino
Pre-pilot: Alastor returns. He’s kind of just lurking for whoever long.
-Extermination occurs, Carmilla kills an angel
-Post- extermination: Adam and Lute find out about the dead exorcist
-Charlie goes on TV and it goes badly. Angel and Cherri fight Sir Pentious. Alastor comes out of the shadows to cause drama.
-Niffty is brought from the firey pits and Husk’s seven year break is over
-Sir Pentious blows a hole in the hotel #1
-Alastor fucks Pentious up #???
Five days later, episode 1:
-Lucifer gets contacted by Heaven asking to meet
-Lucifer hands this off to Charlie, bad meeting occurs. Six months taken off schedule.
Pre-episode 2: Valentino finds out Alastor is back.
Some time later, episode 2:
-Sir Pentious blows a hole in the hotel #2
-Alastor fucks Pentious #??? +1
-Valentino throws a fit about Angel leaving
-Valentino tells Vox Alastor is back, Vox proceeds to throw a fit on live television
-They contract Sir Pentious to spy on hotel
-Sir Pentious attempts to, that night he is caught
-Alastor taunts Vox and then we as the audience proceed to not hear from Vox for several months
Pre-episode 3: Overlord meeting scheduled
One week later, episode 3:
-Sir Pentious one week anniversary
-Vox gets Velvette to go to the Overlord meeting
-Overlord meeting
Some time later, episode 4:
-Masquerade occurs, all in one day
-Pre-episode 5: Husk and Angel seem to get closer to a point that they share popcorn and Husk serves Angel drinks without asking.
-Pre-episode 5: The entire hotel gets closer
-Pre episode 5: Hotel efforts not working
-Pre episode 5: Mimzy takes a car and runs over a loan shark’s girlfriend
Some time later, a month before the next extermination (4 months or so since pilot):
-Charlie panics and finally calls dad
-Lucifer comes an hour later, singing ensues, Mimzy arrives
-Loan sharks arrives, Alastor fucks them up (while Vox is probably salivating while watching it all on camera)
-Lucifer agrees to get Charlie her meeting with Heaven, leaves
-A month before extermination 2: Angel has to go to work a 16 hour shift. Texts Cherri during it.
-16 hours later: Angel returns. Cherri arrives. Vaggie and Charlie go to Heaven.
-Hours later: the courtroom shit happens, Angel tells Val off
-The girls are kicked out of Heaven
-A bit later: Charlie goes to her room and Vaggie explains what happened
-Charlie makes deal with Alastor
-Vaggie tells rest of crew they can leave
-Vaggie and Charlie rally forces. Crew decided not to leave.
Later that week (presumably): Angel “pays for it” at work with Val
Over course of a month: Angelic weapons made, Cherri agreed to fight, cannibals prepare, everyone prepares for war, Vox sits back and laughs
Day before extermination 2: Final rallying of troops, celebrate last night.
Pre-Extermination 2: Vox convinces Velvette and Val to watch the footage with him on a TV
Extermination 2:
-Alastor gets pwned and fucks off
-Sir Pentious blips out of existence
-Post- that: Sir Pentious arrives in heaven
-Dazzle is killed, Lute and Vaggie fight
-Charlie and Adam fight
-Some point before this: Lucifer is alerted to what is happening
-Lucifer swoops in
-Niffty stabs Adam
-They decide to rebuild hotel
Post all that: Lute tells Lilith that Adam is dead
Some time later:
-Rebuild hotel, Husk gets another break from Alastor
-Vees sing about how evil they are
-Alastor is angy
-Hotel is rebuilt and Alastor comes back and Husk’s break is again cut short
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blitzor0de0 · 2 months
That Saint Peter fic was so cute! Like really, REALLY cute! Maybe you should consider continuing it? With Reader being redeemed and going to heaven? Maybe they die like Sir Pentious when fighting against Adam and spawn in heaven?
this one kinda flopped in my mind, but I hope it's bearable to read !! enjoy!
cw: gn reader, spoilers of episode 8, a little gore to the reader (reader death),,, uhhh lmk if there's something I missed, not proof-read at ALLL!!
word count: 1.8k
part 1 part 3 part 4
Daylight (Saint Peter x Redeemed!Reader)
The final battle was upon you, flurries of executioners surrounded the hotel. But thankfully due to Alastor’s shield, you alongside your fellow residents were able to kill them, one after one after one.
Your heart was racing, adrenaline pumping through your veins, the stench of the angel’s golden ichor singed your nostrils.
But before you knew it, Sir Pentious had sacrificed himself, immediately being blown to smithereens by Adam’s power. You couldn't stand to watch it, your weaknesses bubbling up as you choked back a sob.. The remaining Egg Boiz, would they be okay? Were they okay? You snuck off to see if any reminder of Sir Pentious was still around, allowing a few stray tears to fall.
Unbeknownst to you, alongside everyone else at the battle site, there was one stray angel, grasping onto their last moments of life, as you called out for the Egg Boiz, you found none of them, cracked eggshells seemed to be everywhere you looked. It grew harder to swallow, there had to be at least one..Right?
Dashing through some rubble your search was about to continue but you felt a sharp pain. You froze in place, looking down, breathing stuttering. Piercing your chest was one of the angel's tridents…Straight through the heart.
“What…?” You weakly spoke, turning with whatever energy you had left to face the angel, a dark smile on their face before they succumbed to their injuries.
It didn't take long for you to fall to your knees, gasping for whatever breath you could find. Your mind was in a panic. This couldn't be it. You can't die alone, you never even got to tell Charlie or the others goodbye.
Silent tears streamed down your cheeks. At least you tried your best. Right?
People in life always lied when they said death was painless, your first one sure as Hell wasn't, and neither was this one. You guess it's just their way of dwelling the fear of inevitable death, if only they knew.
A warm heat overtook your senses as brightness enveloped your vision.
Looking around you saw the two Serafim you met a few months back and…Sir Pentious?
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit it worked!
Redemption worked! Charlie's a fucking genius.
Sir Pentious called your name in surprise, “You're here too? Oh no, that must mean.. Did Adam get you too?”
“I.. Pentious..” You were utterly speechless, but so were Sera and Emily. Not one but two sinners redeemed in such a small period of time. Perhaps they really did underestimate Charlie’s ability to fulfil her dream.
After relaying what happened to you after Pentious died, the Serafim discussed how to assimilate to your new lives, Emily in particular helped the two of you get situated.
And within enough time, you were ready to start your second afterlife.
It took you a few days to get yourself situated, too busy dwelling and moping about, lost in thought about your old life. You wondered how long it took everyone down in Hell to notice you had died, if they even felt sad, or even remorse. But you couldn't live in this rut for the rest of your afterlife, you were in Heaven now, everything screamed optimism and positivity. You had to get out there and mingle, make new friends. With a huff, you made yourself presentable before leaving your new home.
Wandering the streets, you heard whispers,
“Has anyone seen Adam recently?”
“No seriously, it's been a little too quiet around here.”
“Forget him, did you see how battered up Lute was? Missing an arm and everything!”
Well that was certainly interesting information, it filled you with a sense of pride. Charlie must've won! Adam had to be dead, but Lute survived? Probably at the hands of Vaggie, you thought.
Before you knew it, you were somewhere familiar, the plaza. Not only that, the ice cream parlour you went to with Saint Peter was just across the street.
Your eyes widened. Wait.. Saint Peter! You hadn't seen him yet since your arrival, a fault on your behalf but still, you had to find him. Would he be pissed that you were here, or happy?
Approaching some friendly looking angels you asked, “Excuse me! Have you seen Saint Peter around?” Voice wavering in anxiousness.
“Hmm? Oh Peter? Oh about this time he should still be at his post but should be taking a break in liiiike five mins or something so if you wanna wait for him by the gates, go ahead!” One angel replied, grinning.
“Thank you so much!” You quickly turned on your heel, heading in the direction of the gates, hearing a small comment from the other angel,
“I woulda thought they would've been looking for a loved one, not Peter of all people. Weird. OW! Hey, I'm just saying!!”
That angel was correct, by the time you made it to the gates -a little out of breath from the speed you were walking- Peter was heading inside for his break.
He was humming to himself but halted as he set eyes upon your new form.
He called out your name, “What.. What are you doing here? If you were visiting you should've come through the gates like you did last time. Besides what's with this new outfit? Looks gorgeous on you, but it looks as though you're cosplaying an angel!....Ooohhh” The realisation of the situation just slapped him in the face. Hard.
Approaching you and holding your face in his hands, he took a real good look at you, causing a blush to spread across your cheeks from the sudden contact.
“Haha.. Hi Peter. Um, guess it happened I got redeemed..? All it took was me dying..again.”
He releases his grasp on your face, eyebrow quirked. You pouted from the loss of contact before meeting his concerned gaze. “But!! It's nothing to worry about! Haha.. Just.. A surprise attack from an exterminator. I guess all that hard work in the hotel came in handy, huh?”
Peter's look of concern refused to falter throughout your explanation, his eyebrows furrowed, almost as if he was lost in thought.
“Y’know, once you left last time there were all sorts of rumours about exterminations and Adam being heavily involved. I refused to believe they were true, why would my fellow angels do such a thing but… I suppose it was true all along. Oh, dear I'm so sorry..” His peppy attitude seemed to completely fade as he spoke, you felt guilty for even unloading it at him, seeing the angel upset made your heart pang.
“But,” He continued, a hand coming up to caress your cheek, “at least that redemption worked, I knew I could believe in you. I'm so proud!” You leaned into his touch, who knows how long it had been since you were treated as if you were a porcelain doll, so fragile, so tender.
“Thank you.. Really. I think your belief in me when we first met really helped.. In fact, the thought of you brought me great guidance in rough times, but that's embarrassing to admit..” You nervously laughed. The stars in Peter's eyes as you spoke didn't go unnoticed.
You had gathered from your initial meeting that Peter wasn't typically the one to be on the receiving end of attention, let alone compliments. After all, you were the first being to have asked his name at the gates.
“Also,” You continued, “It probably looks pretty strange to others just seeing us chat just outside your post, c’mon, let's go get some ice cream like last time, my treat this time okay?” With that you took his hand and started heading back towards the plaza.
Peter stared at where your hands connected, uncharacteristically quiet.
Truth was, ever since your meeting, he had hoped and wished for you to show up at the gate again, for another meeting, being redeemed or even just to see him. Logistically, he knew it was impossible for that last option, you didn't have the ability to open the portals between the two worlds, but a part of him hoped that you would just appear before him one day.
And you finally did, despite his earlier ramblings, Peter felt almost shell shocked, he dreamt of the two of you meeting again, but now it was finally happening, all rational thinking had left his mind.
After you had left the ice cream parlour to go to the Serafim meeting, some angels approached Peter with demeaning questions.
'Why were you being so friendly to a sinner? You know they're down in Hell for a reason.'
'They were probably feeding you lies and sob stories weren't they?'
'Don't let them get to you, Saint Peter, we can't have you falling.'
But falling he did, not in the sense of turning to a life of sin, how could he ever? Without your knowledge, you had the Keeper of the Key wrapped around your finger.
Before he even realised, the two of you had made it to the parlour, feeling a small sense of déjà vu.
The two of you ordered and took your seats, everything seemed to be identical to your first meeting, and your conversations were as fluid as thought, almost as if the two had known one another for your entire existence(s).
What you found was that Saint Peter’s life seemed rather monotonous, yet he still managed to keep such a peppy attitude, guess that's how he became an angel in the first place, a lust for life.
Saint Peter’s break came and went in the blink of an eye. It almost disappointed you when he spoke about heading back to work. Did this moment ever have to end? You wondered to yourself.
Being the kindred spirit you were, you walked him back to the gates, fingertips occasionally brushing one another, but it didn't feel awkward. No, in fact it felt natural, as if there was some sort of invisible string pulling the two of you together.
“Do you have to go?” You spoke softly once the two of you reached the gates.
“You know I have to, besides, it's not like it's our presumed last meeting like last time, right?” He chuckled.
“Yeah.. I suppose so, we could see each other every day if we so wanted.” You smiled, not noticing the gap between the two of you closing.
Tentatively, he pressed his lips to yours. You could feel your heart flutter, it felt like one of those romantic kisses in a fairytale despite only lasting a few seconds. The kiss was filled with the warmth of a thousand suns embracing you in a tender hug.
"Peter.." You gasped out, face growing red as he pulled away.
"That wasn't too much was it? Ahhh sorry!" He panicked, but before he could sputter any more apologies, you pressed your lips to his, a chaste one, just to quiet him down.
“I'll see you once your shift is finished, okay?”
Peter’s mind was spinning, he could only nod pathetically, causing you to giggle. If his pupils could turn to hearts they would.
You turned on your heel, waving a little goodbye to him. “See you soon, Peter!”
“See you…”
Needless to say, Saint Peter’s mind was quite occupied for the rest of the day, causing many frustrations amongst the newcomers.
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Yandere Sir Pentious | General Headcanons
Since no one else is doing it, I will >:(
Ps. I take requests ;)
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● He may not be the smartest or strongest, but he's got the spirit alright.
● In this scenario, you met him first at the Hotel. Maybe you were a sinner looking for redemption? Maybe you were Charlie's friend or in a leash? Or maybe you just were there for the free housing? Either way, this man fell in love with you on first sight, believe it or not.
● He walks in all sad and pitiful `redemption redemption' and you don't buy his lie and goddamn it he doesn't know why but the glare you are giving him gives him the chills. And not in a bad way mind you.
● Like you're just standing there glaring at him, and he just locks up when he sees your eyes on him. `Who is this?` `What's their name?` `WHY ARE THEY SO GODDAMN SEXY?!`
● Eventually (literally on the first day lmao) when Angel Dust discovers the "hidden" camera and you walk in, dropkick him and stand on his back with one leg to keep him down he almost moans right then and there. Like wtf why are you so good-looking while beating the shit outta him???
● You ain't even gotta be stronger than him. When you lay your hands on him (or literally any part of you), he just locks up and lets you throw him around.
● The Egg Boyz are gonna call you 'mom' 'mama' 'momma' or any possible alternate regardless of your gender (or lack of).
● Like the Egg Boyz just are too dumb to comprehend anything. In their eyes, the boss loves likes you, you care for the Egg Boyz (whether out of your own volition or not doesn't matter), and you keep their boss in line. To them, you're a mother because a mother's role is to care and keep the daddy in line, right? (Why Egg Boyz, why).
● Anyways, as a yandere, Sir Pentious is more capable of showing his feelings for you than in the show. Instead of saying, "Because I'm buying drinks for everyone," he goes "because you are my first ever friend" or something like that.
● Though he certainly isn't the strongest demon out there, he ain't the weakest either. If some random demon happens to be messing with you, they just might find themselves in a bit of a pickle when Sir Pentious pays them a visit <33
● "You better bow down trash. You're in the presence of a RULER." (He's talking about you, btw) he worships the ground you walk on. You can't do any wrong in his eyes (even though you are in Hell for a reason)
● You could literally blow up an orphanage, and he would go "Yeah well the orphanage was in their way."
● In the final battle, you had gotten hurt, and he couldn't stand it. In his eyes, someone so powerful and mighty (even though you may actually be weaker than him) couldn't be defeated by something as simple as a hit from the first man ever, right? Right?!
● There are two ways we can go from here.
● One is that Sir Pentious sacrifices himself for you. He sees how hurt you are and filled with rage and the thirst of revenge he gets a confidence boost and kisses you deeply, declaring his undying love for you in front of EVERYBODY.
• Then he powers up the machine, dies an embarrassing death and yada yada. Now in Heaven, he will literally fight tooth and nail to either get back down to you or to bring you up there with him.
● If it so happens that he can't remember anything, then he would feel deep longing for something or someone that he can't quite place. What is this painful feeling in his chest? Why does he feel like he is missing someone important?
● Alternatively, if it so happens that YOU end up dying in the final battle, then Holy Hell.
● Seeing your lifeless body fills him with pure heartbreak that he didn't know he was even capable of feeling.
● He would kill himself then and there. He doesn't care who he will leave behind as long as he gets to die, too, while holding your hand or hugging your body close to his. He can't live without you, even in Hell. To him, the only way to be loyal to you now that you are dead is to be dead with you.
● Even in death, you can't escape your diehard fan <3
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luciferlightbringer · 3 months
Talk to Me
Chapter 3
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Lucifer x Fem Fallen Angel Reader Word Count: 3.5k CW: Angst, trauma, swearing, slow burn, enemies to lovers(ish?), mistrust, lies, curiousity
Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4 (Updated through Chapter 5)
Before long, it was time for Lucifer to teleport back home for the night. He hugged his daughter and Vaggie goodbye, and gave a quick glare to Alastor before teleporting back home in his usual swirl of red smoke.
Once he was home he flopped on the bed and let out a long sigh. Lucifer was happy to be rebuilding his relationship with Charlie, the awkwardness of their reunion a few weeks ago had been slowly melting away, and he was really feeling like they were starting to get to know each other again. He just wished it was not on the brink of a war with Adam and his exorcists.
He had worried that Heaven would try retaliate at Charlie’s rehabilitation idea like they had with his many many years ago… but not like this. He felt the anxiety and frustrations start to rise in his body. Feelings of wishing she had just listened to him and not tried to push things with Heaven… but it was no use. He knew she was right. Things needed to change but he had just been too scared to fight, Heaven had beaten the passion out of him, leaving him with the fear of losing more. But, somehow, Charlie had been reigniting that spark in him. It was beautiful and utterly terrifying.
This upcoming battle put a new stressor on him that replaced the old stressor of how much he had missed his daughter, which somehow felt easier to manage, but in many other ways left him struggling within his mind in new ways. For so long he had be plagued by his past, watching sinners abuse the gift of free will he had given them, the separation of him from Lilith over the past seven years, the estrangement of his own daughter for what felt like most of her live. It left him dazed and disconnected from the world in general. Had left him with a growing void between himself, his kingdom, and the sinners he ruled. Sinners that he was ashamed to admit he despised at times. Having Charlie in his life again made it a little more tolerable, but if this upcoming battle did not pan out well, he was running the risk of losing her and everyone else for good, which would send him even deeper into the pit of his own mind.
But, in a way, that was another small new blessing in his life though, finding others to care about. Sinners even. He had been working on getting to know the other residents and staff at the hotel, and he enjoyed… most of them. He had been worried about that pornstar, Angel, trying to get up on his daughter, but he didn’t seem to do anything outside of a few pet-names for her, and him for that matter. Lucifer had also noticed Angel put a lot of their focus on Husk, the bartender. Lucifer crackled a small smile, he liked Husk, he was a no nonsense kinda guy but seemed to have a good heart, and a soft spot for others at the hotel. Sir Pentious was… interesting, an intelligent fool, which he could relate to. Niffty was… well she was good at cleaning, and a little terrifying. And Alastor… ugh, he couldn’t stand the guy, he clenched his fists at the thought of him. Lucifer knew that guy was up to something, and was not fond of how close his daughter had gotten to him… but he had to admit that he had been a big support to Charlie. He just knew that his actions were not selfless and it was all a fun little game for grabbing power.
Lucifer shook his head, he needed to be careful, he could get heated and obsess over his distain for Alastor if he was not careful. But the resident he was most curious about, was his daughter’s girlfriend, Vaggie. A fallen angel. It was odd because their falls had both been very different, his a physical fall from Heaven, her’s in an instance on the grounds of Hell themself, her status torn from her in a moment. But the mental pain of it all still the same. To have her wings torn off by those monsters, Adam and Lute, disgusting how they can be in the highest ranks of Heaven while people like her suffer, for sparing a fucking child!
Lucifer took another breath to slow down his thought process. That was a topic he needed to be careful about, his fall. That was a panic attack waiting to happen, a trauma he could never full process, even with Lilith even though she also fell with him. He pushed those thoughts away, as he always did, and decided it was probably time to get ready for bed. He went to go wash his face and change into pajamas.
His thoughts drift back to the hotel, then to what Charlie had mentioned about you, the newest addition to the hotel. His heart hurt to hear you had barely just arrived in Hell before getting attacked by other sinners so brutally. He had been curious about you, but understood that you might need some time to acclimate to Hell. He was just glad that you had found the hotel so soon after getting here. What sort of soul would be so keen on redemption soon after arriving in Hell? He tried hard not to immediately jump to thoughts of suspicion. All he knew is what Charlie told him, that you arrived sounding scared and hurt, and he hated that. He hating that he had created a realm that did that to people. He sighed, whenever you were ready to meet him, he wanted to do something nice to welcome you. He didn’t know what, but he would figure it out. For now, it was bed time.
The next day, you were awoken by a knock on your door. You stretched and hobbled your way over to the door and opened it to find Charlie.
“Evening! How are you feeling?” She asked with a perky smile.
You cocked an eyebrow and yawned “A little better. Oh, is it dinner time?”
“Yes… but like… of the next day… it’s been over 24 hours since I last saw you… I left notes but you didn’t come out. I just wanted to make sure you were ok,” Charlie gave you an anxious grin.
Your eyes went wide, “24 hours?!” You looked at the ground and saw the few notes on the floor, “Oh Heav- I mean… Hells! Charlie, I’m sorry, I was asleep that whole time.”
Charlie laughed and swatted a hand “Oh gosh, it’s no trouble. If that’s all it was I’m just glad you were resting and healing, that’s all. I didn’t want you to miss out on eating so I just thought I would knock this time. Are you hungry?”
You were about to answer when your stomach did with a loud gurgle that was loud enough for both of you to hear. You both looked at your stomach, then at each other, then laughed.
“Is it uhh… is it ok if I eat in here though? I’m… still not ready to be out with others,” you asked sheepishly.
“Of course! We are having the last big rally before the battle downstairs so, it would probably be a bit overwhelming out there anyway. Let me go get you some food,” Charlie closed your door and ran down to the kitchen to grab you some of the food. You hated to admit it, but you were growing more tolerant of Charlie, possibly even enjoy her, though parts of your brain still worked to warn you about her. She seemed really genuine, and she couldn’t help but remind you of Emily. She seemed like someone who wanted to care for people and make them feel happy and safe.
Charlie came back with a bowl of soup and some bread, “Here we are!” She handed you your food.
“Thanks!” You said, taking the bowl and plate from her and going inside your room to set it down on a small table.
“Hey so… the extermination is tomorrow… will you have your place set up for you to be safe at during that time? If you don’t have a place, I always have my dad…”
“No! No, please, I have it taken care of, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, I have a place to go. I’ll… probably just eat this, get some more sleep and be out of here early before the angels come. Ok?”
Charlie nodded, “Ok, if you aren’t up by like 8 am, I’ll come kick you out.” She gave you a wink, “Stay safe, ok?��� then closed the door.
You let your curated smile deflate as you started to eat alone in your room. You didn’t realize you had put on a mask for her until she left. You couldn’t deny how much you were still working to keep up appearances around her, how much you fought with the idea of trusting her. On the other hand, you lied to her, about several different things, and that definitely did not make you feel good. Most currently, on the full belief that you had a place to stay during the extermination. You were hoping that Claire would let you hide in the Embassy, but that’s only if it is even open that day. It was all a gamble.
The next morning you woke up early and snuck out of the hotel and down to the Embassy, where one again you found Claire sweeping. She looked up to see you enter and smiled.
“Well good morning! You are looking a bit better I see, didn’t expect to see you back so soon. You doing ok at the hotel?” Claire asked as she continued to sweep.
“Uhh… ya! It’s been just fine. I’ve been asleep most of my time there. Got some actual wraps for my broken bones that have helped a lot. But, I’m here because… well…” you took a moment to collect your thoughts “The Princess’ hotel has gained the negative attention of Heaven it seems… and I am in no place to fight… so I need to hide… can I stay here? Please? I promise I won’t cause any trouble and you can kick me out at any moment if I do,” you pleaded. You hated having to beg to a hellborn, but Claire had already earned some amount of your respect and you were desperate. You knew she had probably already broken several rules when it came to you.
Claire looked around and smiled before whispering “If someone were to ask, you have a complaint and are personally coming to talk to me, got it?” She winked. You cracked a small smile, nodded, and winked back. Claire then led you back further into the Embassy, past elevators, meeting rooms, all empty, until you got to a small office with a sign that said “Clarisee Emberstone, Facilities Manager”. You were curious who else was here to even comment, but you knew Heaven had eyes everywhere. Claire opened the door and you both stepped in. It was small and cramped, full of tools, cleaning supplies, papers, a desk with a chair, and a small couch. Claire gestured for you to take a seat, and you did.
Claire sighed, “It’s not much but-“
“No no! It’s perfect. Thank you…” you smiled at her. “Thank you for being so nice to me. How can I ever repay you?” You asked.
Claire shook her head, “Nothing, I want nothing from you. I just don’t want people to suffer more than they already do.” Claire thought for a moment, “Tell you what… if you can find a way to make the most of your time in hell, to make the lives of other sinner’s a little more tolerable so that they don’t get hurt in the way you have, that’s how you can repay me, ok?”
You blinked, and nodded. That made sense, you would have to think about that, but that was an idea. An idea that tugged and churned your stomach at the thought of helping sinners, but still a good one.
Claire smiled and nodded, “Now I must get back to my cleaning, I’ll come get you when the dust settles.” You nodded and Claire closed the door behind her, leaving you once again alone with your thoughts.
You sighed and lounged on the small couch, you were thankful for the well hidden room, but your mind still had plenty to leave it cloudy and worried.
Swirling emotions that still lacked names engulfed your thoughts and the pit of your stomach. It almost hurt. You understood the fear and worry, but not worry for yourself, worry about others. You were worried for Charlie and Vaggie, worried for the sinners that you had been in hotel with that you had yet to get to know, worried about the angels that came down for them, worried about Adam and Lute, worried about how Emily was feeling, but you also hated feeling worried about them. You felt like you were worried and hated that you worried about everyone. This felt like pure madness inside your head. Nothing made sense anymore and all you knew was confusion and fear. Is this how sinners always felt? Is this what it’s like to live through an extermination? Is this what Heaven was doing to people? At least you had a place to hide, how many others didn’t?
Your head ached, you tried to focus on your breathing. And then you started to feel it, the rumbles. The angels were here. You were helpless to do nothing besides desperately sense for any tremor, any sound or shift, though you didn’t know what any of them meant or how close they were. They didn’t feel like they ever got much closer to the building you were at, but they felt more powerful at times. An occasional beam of holy energy and you could still sense from all the way over where you were.
The biggest shock came from another holy blast, and a large earthquake that felt as if the ground was cracking apart, followed by a few quick shakes… and then.. stillness. It was so still and quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat, loud as a drum, your breathing quick.
There was a knock on the door, and you jumped. Claire opened the door and gave you a smile, “Relax, we are all clear.”
“All clear?”
“Ya… the angels are gone. Portal opened back up and they all high tailed it out of here,” Claire said “Come on I’ll show ya.”
You got up and followed Claire back out to the lobby, you looked out the window, and gasped. All you could see was the rubble and remains of the building you had been sleeping in hours before, along with patches of golden blood littered along the hillside. The blood of dead angels.
You got close to the window and look for any signs of movement. You had to really squint, but you were able to make out a few figures, one with long blonde hair and one with white. You sighed with relief, Charlie and Vaggie were ok. Your attention was then also caught by another individual that was flying around, with red and white wings… six of them?! You pressed your face against the glass to try to get a better look, did an angel survive?!
“You see him too? Pretty magnificent huh? He doesn’t come out in public much,” said Claire.
“Who? The angel?” You asked still looking out the window.
“Yes, Lucifer.”
You looked at Claire with shock and then back out to the seraphim outside, then put a finger to the glass in his direction.
“That? That seraphim is Lucifer? But I thought he was a demon?” You asked.
“Oh he is, he’s both, in a way. I don’t know his story super well but I just see the bits about him in magazines. Factly, from most of what I have seen of him, he looks more like an angel than a demon most of the time.”
You were mesmerized and drawn in by the slight of those wings, how he dipped and dived with them. You have never seen a seraphim with white and red wings, and you guys you never really connected the idea that he was a fallen seraphim until now.
You continued to stare out the window as the small image of him landed in the distance. You could not pick out any details about him other than the wings and a hat of some kind. You hated how much your curiosity continued to grow when it came to him. You were starting at hate a lot of things. Well hate was a strong word… feel conflicted was probably a better term.
You were about to start thinking about what you should do now that the hotel was destroyed, when you saw the distant angel soar back into the sky and start to zap the ground with magic. Soon the beginnings of a new building were starting to form. Was he rebuilding the hotel?!
That was exactly what he was doing, and with the help of the other hotel residents, it was not long before a brand new Hazbin Hotel stood atop the eastern hill of the Pentagram. Bigger and brighter than the last. You just stood and stared out the window as it formed, dazzled and enchanted by its creation.
Eventually, you felt ready to head back to the hotel. You thanked Claire and said goodbye before you made the journey back home. The streets of hell were filled with parties and debauchery, singing the praises of the King and his Princess for fighting of the “angel scum”. Normally a comment like that would make you mad, but now… it made sense. Their view of Heaven and angels made sense.
You made it back to the hotel, and found Charlie standing outside, marveling at her new hotel with Vaggie. You walked up behind them a ways.
“Room for one, please?” Charlie and Vaggie turned around at the sound of your voice, Charlie’s eyes started to water as she ran to you.
“(Y/fn)! You are ok!” She said, enveloping you in a tight hug, “I was so worried! I’m glad you are safe.” You smiled and hugged her back.
“I’m glad you guys are ok too. What all happened?”
Charlie and Vaggie went over the summary of the battle, the dome Alastor made, Adam being Adam, Sir Pentious, who was another resident you did not get to meet, was killed, Charlie’s guardian, Dazzle, being killed, then Lucifer showing up at the end to put a stop to Adam, but that it was Niffty that killed Adam.
You blinked, “Adam, the first man, is dead?” Charlie nodded. Some thing in your heart was both broke and soared hearing that, you grabbed your shoulder when you still felt the pain of your missing wing, and furrowed you brow.
“Good… that piece of shit had it coming…” Charlie and Vaggie were surprised by you words, so were you, “I mean… look at all this trouble he has caused! He sounded like a complete asshole!”
“Yes! He was!” Charlie proclaimed. You all laughed.
You looked around, “Your dad still here?”
Charlie shook her head, “No, he went home. Fighting and using as much creation magic as he did makes him tired very quickly. Look at all he made!” She said gesturing to the hotel.
“It really is marvelous, you’ll have sinners knocking door these doors to get in for sure!” You looked around. Something about this magic felt familiar someone, but you couldn’t quite pin how it felt familiar.
Charlie laughed, “I sure hope so!”
You looked over at her, it’s wild how much of a beacon of hope she was. You grabbed her hand and she looked at you with surprise.
“Charlie… thank you, for everything. How can I ever repay you for your kindness?”
Charlie smiled and held your hand back “Just do your best while you are here, for yourself and others. I still don’t have proof that rehabilitation actually works… but if it does, I want us all to support each other as best we can!”
That sounded very similar to what Claire had said earlier. You didn’t think it was possible to redeem sinners, but even if they couldn’t, you all can work to make Hell a better place. You smiled “I will Charlie, I’ll be the best that I can, and I’ll figure out what I can do you help others too. I’ll just need to time to figure out what that is…”
“It sounds like a great start” Vaggie added, “Now come on! It’s dinner time and Alastor is breaking in the new kitchen.” You followed Charlie and Vaggie inside, ready to fully start your new life inside the hotel.
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hazbininlove · 3 months
Hopelessly Devoted - Chapter 4
-about 7.2k (these chapters are slowly getting longer omg) now with music! You’ll know when to play the song, I promise.
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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A week passes quickly before Lucifer even realizes it. Esther visited a few days after, though it was more so to speak to Charlie about Sir Pentious and deliver some letters between them. Lucifer had been busy at the time, in his manor.
Apparently Sir Pentious was asking mostly about his egg bois and wanting to find a way to bring his minions to Heaven with him. Lucifer doesn’t think it’s possible for artificial demons to make it to Heaven, so his best bet would be to make some new ones.
It bothers him a bit that Esther didn’t visit him. Charlie says that she asked about him, but when Charlie had offered to call, Esther had turned the offer down.
He wasn’t sure if he said something wrong the last time, or if it was something else. As emotional as the conversation had been, he thinks they’d ended on a good note. That note being a kiss on the cheek from Esther that had left him flustered for days.
He felt like a freshly created angel. He was far too old to be acting like this.
Lucifer groans when his phone rings, hoping it’s not one of the other sins. He’s not in the mood to deal with Mammon’s whining or Bee’s party invites that she knows he’ll never attend.
He lists his phone to his face and nearly topples over in his chair when he sees it’s Charlie calling him.
“Charlie! Hey! How’s it going?”
“Heeeeey dad,” she says nervously. “You have to promise not to freak out.”
“Char char, apple pie, that’s a terrible way to start a conversation,” he says, leg already shaking anxiously. “What’s going on over there?”
“You have to promise,” she replies quickly.
He sighs and rubs his temple with his empty hand. “Charlie, I’m not going to promise anything if you’re potentially in danger.”
“Nooo! No! Nope! No danger here! Just Uncle Azrael visiting again and wanting to speak with you! With Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Uriel?” Charlie’s voice lowers in tone so much in the end that Lucifer nearly doesn’t catch her mumbling.
He feels his whole body vibrate with rage and feels his horns and tail whip out from him. “What did you say?” He can hear his voice layer as his eyes shift to red, glowing bright as his irises disappear.
“Okay, so we’re freaking out! How about some breathing exercises to help us relax and then we can sit down and talk,” Charlie says through the phone.
Lucifer barely hears her as his phone is crushed in his hadn’t and he lets his magic swirl around him ribbons or red smoke and golden sparks. One moment he’s staring down at his desk and the next he’s in the hotel lobby, standing in front of his daughter with wings spread nearly wall to wall.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here unannounced?”
Azrael steps forward, hands help up in a reassuring manner as Uriel and Gabriel remain in their place. Lucifer barely spares them a glance as Azrael moves closer to him.
“Lucifer please, let us talk peacefully. We had a good time during my last visit, did we not?”
“I tolerated you here because of Esther, and because I know you wouldn’t start a fight. I never said I wanted to see them too,” Lucifer snaps back, tail whipping harshly behind him in anger.
“Well we’re here, so are you going to settle down and talk like the adult you’re supposed to be or are going to keep up this tantrum?” Uriel asks bluntly, lilac eyes dead set on him. She tucks a strand of her short white hair behind her ear as she speaks.
He growls at her in response but makes his wings smaller, at the very least.
“Forgive me if I’m not keen on three Virtues barging into my place and approaching my daughter while I’m not present,” Lucifer responds through grit teeth. Azrael takes another step towards him.
“Ignore Uriel, you know she can be brash. I understand what this may look like but we weren’t aware that you weren’t here. That is why I had Charlie give you a call,” Azrael replies. Lucifer calms his tail and allows his golden irises to return as he turns to his daughter.
Charlie nods in confirmation to Azrael’s words and places a hand on his shoulder. Lucifer closes his eyes and sighs, feeling his horns and tail recede and his eyes shift back to their usual red irises. He rolls his shoulders and retracts his wings as well before looking back up at his siblings.
“Thank you,” Azrael says. Uriel and Gabriel step closer to him as he continues. “Now, I came down because I wanted to get the chance to speak more with you, as I spent most of my time with Charlie during my last visit. Gabriel is here because he wanted to personally deliver a message to you, and Uriel… well I hope you remember how she is?”
Uriel pushes past Azrael at that, moving herself into Lucifer’s personal space throwing her arms around his shoulders in a bear hug. She squeezes him tightly, and he feels his bones ache at her strength.
“I can’t finally visit my little brother? Thousands of years and I’m finally getting the chance to come here, you bet your ass I’ll be here,” she says as she continues to squeeze him. Lucifer isn’t really sure how to respond, arms stuck at his sides due to Uriel’s tight hold and eyes blown wide.
“Uriel, I think you might break him if you continue,” Gabriel speaks up behind her. She scoffs but gives him one last squeeze and let’s go, her hands resting on her shoulders.
“Haven’t grown much in all these years I see, and your eyes are red now. I like it, they match your marks now,” Uriel says, one hand patting at his face.
Lucifer just stares at her incredulously. He wants to say a lot of things, but he knows Charlie would be disappointed and Azrael has already calmed him. He doesn’t want to test his brother’s seemingly endless patience. He knows better than most that every virtue has a vice, and Azrael is the eldest of his brothers. While he’s never fully fallen to his wrath, even during Lucifer’s time in Heaven there were vague rumors of Azrael’s anger, and one whisper of thousands of wings was enough to ensure he never wanted to be on the receiving end of it.
“Don’t give me that look,” Uriel says as she stares back at him. She uses the hand that was holding his cheek to flick his forehead. He winces away from her and rubs the spot. “Just as you aren’t allowed back up there, we weren’t allowed down here. But, since those idiots Adam and Sera decided to break that rule for their little power play, and Father allowed Esther down here, we figured we’d come down for an overdue visit too!”
“So I’m allowed back up there?” He asks.
“Absolutely not,” she replies, her smile still wide but her tone sharp. “I love you, little brother, truly, but don’t forget that Hell is a punishment of your own making. You are a Sin now, not a Virtue. If you are ever to enter the first gates, you’ll need permission from Father, and you know how he is.”
“So forgiving,” Lucifer replies sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her.
“Cheer up! Your soul’s redemption may not be possible but at least sinners can be redeemed! And your love life apparently,” she teases.
Lucifer gives her a glare but doesn’t move away from her or the next hug she gives him.
He hates to admit how much he missed them all. Uriel isn’t the first of his sisters he expected to see again, he’d actually expected Ramiel, but he won’t complain too much.
“Yeah about that, that’s why I’m here,” Gabriel spoke up, stepping forward.
He removes Uriel from on top of him and takes her place. Gabriel’s hug is much quicker than her’s, though still just as tight.
“Hey Sammy,” Gabriel says, patting his back as he does.
Lucifer wants to protest the usage of that name, but hearing it from Gabriel doesn’t sound as patronizing as if it were Michael saying it.
“Hey Gabriel,” Lucifer replies. Gabriel gives him one last squeeze before letting him go.
“Well, I came down because I did want to see you, but also because I have a message for you from Michael.”
And just like that, Lucifer’s mood sours again. He hears Azrael laugh a bit at the frown that has overtaken his features once more.
“Don’t give me that look. You’re lucky Michael had the sense to ask me to deliver it and didn’t come personally himself,” Gabriel says, seeing the look on his face.
Lucifer looks away with him, knowing he’s right but not wanting to admit it.
“Yeah, whatever. What does he want? And why couldn’t Esther just tell me this? Where is she?” Lucifer asks.
Gabriel winces a bit and Lucifer’s eyes narrow. “About that, it’s sort of related to the message. Michael has been worried about her. She said something to him and I guess after her last visit, he wanted to be sure she wasn’t rushing anything. So he has her doing some other tasks at the moment to keep her busy.”
Lucifer feels his eye twitch and the admission, has to make an effort to keep his horns and tail from coming out in anger again.
“So he’s keeping her from me,” he replies. Gabriel laughs a bit nervously at that.
“Not necessarily! He’s respecting her wishes for the most part. He just wants to make sure she’s thinking clearly.”
“He wants to keep her from seeing me.”
Gabriel says and rubs at his temples. “Sammy, you know it’s not that simple. Her being with you means she would fall, and as much as we want to see her happy, you have to remember that Michael is Heaven’s protector. It’s his job to keep all angels safe. And I don’t know what she said to him but it’s had him stressing out. He hasn’t stopped her from coming here, but he is trying to limit how often she comes.”
“He wants her to keep a level head,” Uriel speaks up again, joining Gabriel in front of him. He vaguely sees Azrael move closer to Charlie. “Your little love told Michael she’d fall for you, and he’s not too happy about it. The only reason he hasn’t locked her up again is because her coming down here is an order from Father.”
His heart shouldn’t flutter like this, but it does, knowing that she wants to be with him. It must show on his face because Uriel’s eyes narrow at him.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” she says to him, flicking his forehead again. “Believe it or not, I’m with Michael on this one. I’m not too keen on seeing her fall after the things you’ve pulled. But ultimately it’ll be her choice! I just want to make sure she makes that choice when she’s completely sure of herself.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” Lucifer replies, tone dark as he narrows his eyes at her. He grits his teeth and she smirks at him.
“Maybe not, but you sure may need to explain yourself to Michael,” she responds. She leans closer to him and whispers so the others don’t hear the next part. “She may forgive your actions but I do not, and forcing her to be around the product of your infidelity seems a bit cruel, even for you, little devil. Lust may not have been your sin but you sure embraced it when you had the chance.”
“You leave Charlie out of this,” he growls.
Uriel smiles down at him. “I don’t blame the Little Star for your failures. In fact, I’d like to get to know her, since Azrael already got the chance. From what I hear, the little star is quite the big dreamer! I like it!”
Uriel skips away from him and Gabriel steps in before he can stop her from getting closer to Charlie.
“She won’t hurt your daughter,” Gabriel says quickly, blocking him from going towards them. “Now I’m going to make this quick because I have other things to do. I wish I could catch up but unfortunately duty calls. Michael wants to caution you. He’s aware that Esther’s choice will ultimately be her own, but he will judge for himself when the time comes whether or not he feels it’s the right choice.”
“You know he won’t approve if she chooses to stay,” Lucifer replies.
“He won’t,” Gabriel agrees, knowing their older brother well. “But at the end of the day, even Michael has to obey father, and he seems to be leaving the choice open to Esther. Honestly, I think he’s more concerned about you hurting her again.”
“He says that like I chose to fall.”
“Actions have consequences,” Gabriel warns. “Choose your actions carefully this time, and Michael shouldn’t give you any trouble.”
Gabriel sighs as he turns away, heading towards the door.
“Why can I never win?” Lucifer asks him, though he knows the question isn’t really for Gabriel. “I’m created to temp sin, but also destroy it, and in the end I became it and was punished for it. Now it’s either Esther falls and I face Michael’s wrath for it, or I remain without my other half forever but I have my peace from Michael. Were the thousands of years we spent apart not enough?”
“Believe it or not, Michael does love you, little brother,” Gabriel says instead. “Everything he does, he does because he wants to protect us, even if it’s from ourselves.”
Lucifer watches as Gabriel opens a portal to Heaven and walks through without another word. As it closes, he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Azrael smiling at him. He sees Charlie sitting on the couch with Uriel, talking animatedly no doubt about the hotel as Uriel nods along.
“Come along. I’d like to catch up with you, and Uriel means no harm. You know her bark is far worse than her bite,” Azrael says, pulling him along the lobby and towards the elevator.
Lucifer does know that, but it doesn’t make her words hurt any less.
Uriel has always been blunt. She’s never one to mince her words and though she never means to be hurtful, she also doesn’t shy away from causing pain.
Her words are never meant to hurt, but if they do, it just means there’s truth behind it.
He knows Esther said she has no issues with Charlie, and he believes her because Esther wouldn’t lie to him, she never has, but she never said it didn’t hurt her. And as always, his thoughts turn to their relationship.
It had never been put in words before his fall. They weren’t married, they weren’t engaged, they weren’t dating, they were just together. They were in love and they were together. There were no other words back then to really describe it.
And though he understood as time went on what their relationship truly was, it hadn’t stopped the stupid decision he and Lilith made.
He forces himself to stop talking about it as he and Azrael walk together. His eldest brother mentions things about Earth, about how society has progressed, new animals have been created, and anything else he’s come across during his visits. It doesn’t surprise Lucifer too much, since sinners here typically bring the knowledge of their time alive down with them. Hell changes whenever Earth does. Lucifer recalls the days when everything was just small wooden homes, but everything was hand washed, food was found and caught just for that day, and it repeated. When technology started apparently on Earth, it didn’t take long for it to appear in Hell as well.
Hell mirrored Earth, it just only reflected back the worst aspects.
“I have missed you,” Azrael says to them as they sit in his workshop. He thankfully didn’t comment on the rubber ducks, but Lucifer can see some amusement in his eyes. “I know it doesn’t change what happened. Saying that we were only following orders doesn’t make it right to you, and though I’m sure you understand, that doesn’t mean you don’t wish it could’ve been different, or forgive us for it.”
“Yeah, well, we can’t all be a rebel. What’s a family without drama?” Lucifer says as he shrugs. Azrael chuckles a bit at his antics.
“I know why you didn’t, but I wish you’d have spoken to one of us before agreeing to Sera’s ideas. Even if it wasn’t Michael you spoke to, I wished you’d have at least spoken to me.”
“It’s not that simple,” Lucifer starts. “Just because I don’t think you’d start a fight doesn’t mean I don’t think you’d do anything else.”
“What else I would do, I’m unsure of. But the more I learn of Sera’s reasoning, the more I question why you agreed. Hell is not capable of an uprising, and I don’t say this because I think sinners or hellborn are weak, I say it because no one besides you and possibly the Ars Goetia would have a way to access Heaven.”
Lucifer doesn’t meet his eyes, but he feels Azrael already knows the answer he’s looking for. Esther seemed to have already caught on as well.
“Allowing the death of sinners won’t change the past,” Azrael says to him, a knowing look in his eyes. Lucifer hates it.
“Maybe not but it’s what they get for being stupid enough to choose evil,” Lucifer replies.
Azrael scoffs at him and moves closer. “Hell is their punishment. Anything further is just sadistic. I know you don’t enjoy death like this.”
He doesn’t. He hates the exterminations. He just hated sinners more, at least at the time. He was bitter and hurt and he thought that maybe if he allowed this, he’d one day be able to make up for his mistakes and go home.
Clearly it wasn’t the case. Ten thousand years and he’s still stuck here, and all the exterminations did was ruin the one friendship he had and drive a wedge between him and his daughter.
Charlie really was too good for this cesspool of madness.
“And if you want to cause problems for Heaven, you would’ve done so. You’re more than capable. You may not be allowed to enter but that wouldn’t have stopped you from forcing your way through.”
“Yeah, except I didn’t want to repeat the beating I got last time. I never wanted war with Heaven, I never wanted to see it fall. I just wanted a chance to prove I wasn’t evil. Barging in would kind of go against that,” Lucifer says.
Azrael nods along. “We are still debating Sera’s punishment, by the way.”
Lucifer looks at him incredulously. It’s been almost two months now since the extermination and they still haven’t figured out what to do? He thought they’d be quicker about it, but then again, in a place still so stuck in their old ways, he isn’t entirely surprised.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Azrael says, narrowing his eyes a bit. “There is much to discuss. While she should fall for her treason, we aren’t sure that dropping another powerful seraphim here won’t just cause more problems for you. While she knows what she did is wrong, she doesn’t seem very remorseful for anything other than the fact that she was found out. I fear she may try to bring harm to you or Charlie should she fall.”
“So should she continue to enjoy paradise in a cell, or should fall? She probably wouldn’t stay in the cell long. She’d probably be put on probation rather quickly and then back to her usual activities in no time! But if you drop her here, I can’t guarantee she'll remain alive.”
“Lucifer,” Azrael warns.
“Don’t start,” Lucifer snaps back. “After everything she did, if the sinners don’t get to her first, if she so much as looks in Charlie’s direction the wrong way, I can’t promise I won’t do something.”
“That is precisely why we’ve been debating her punishment for so long. Is the loss of more souls truly the goal here?”
“After the millions she’s killed? I don’t think anyone down here would cry over her death. Actually, there might be a parade! There were a lot of parties down here when Adam died,” Lucifer says, snickering to himself.
Azrael rolls his eyes at him, unamused by his lack of care. Though he never liked Adam, reveling in someone’s death was never something he enjoyed.
Well… he can admit there are some deaths he didn’t feel too bad about. But he didn’t enjoy it either.
There was a bit of amusement seeing their faces when they were denied access to Heaven but he’d keep that to himself. He never understood the self righteous people who thought committing atrocities under the guise of his Father’s name would grant them access to paradise.
“Enough of this. I wanted to also speak to you about Esther,” Azrael says. Lucifer’s eyes narrow at him again.
“What about her?”
“Don’t worry about Michael,” Azrael says to him. Lucifer’s eyes widen. It’s certainly not what he’d expected. “Father has already given Esther the choice. He knows he can’t keep you apart. The only reason she hadn’t fallen sooner is a combination of your misunderstanding and Michael’s interference. Should she choose to fall now, Michael will have to accept it. I’ll see to it.”
“Why? Why help me? Michael won’t be happy with you about this.”
“Michael can whine all he likes. At the end of the day, what Father has already made his choice. There is nothing to protect her from. Maybe protect her heart, should anything go wrong, but I trust that you’ve learned from your mistakes and will do better this time around.”
“I did,” Lucifer says, voice filled with conviction. “I won’t lose her again.”
“See you to it that you don’t,” is all Azrael says about it.
They continue to chat and catch up with each other about miscellaneous things. Azrael makes a few jokes about their time working together, and Lucifer can admit that he misses it. Michael may have been the brother he looked up to most, but Azrael was definitely the one he’d been closest to besides Uriel and Cassiel.
Ramiel spent a lot of time with Michael, and Gabriel was always busy. The other Seraphim were cool, but besides Sera who’s sphere was so close to his, he’d never spent much time with them. There were other angels with the title of Archangel as well, like Raphael who’d taken his place as the Virtue of Humility, but he never was around often, and even now from the sound of it, he spends most of his time on Earth instead of Heaven.
There was also Jophiel, the archangel of art and beauty, but she was usually with Metatron, guarded by Seraphiel. Lucifer was always in some kind of trouble, he wasn’t going to risk going anywhere near the highest of angels, the Chief of the Seraphim.
Michael may be the leader of Heaven’s army and above even some of the Seraphim due to his status as Father’s right hand, but Seraphiel was beyond a doubt the one to truly fear.
Back then, Lucifer feared going near him. Now, he’s pretty sure he’d burn even if he so much as glanced in Seraphiel’s direction.
The more he thinks about it, the worse it gets. If Seraphiel was ever ordered to, his power could probably wipe all of hell from existence.
Which really makes you wonder, if Father had wanted to get rid of evil, why hadn’t he used Seraphiel’s power of purification. It likely would’ve eradicated the evil that found its way onto Earth. He might’ve still fallen for his actions but at least there likely wouldn’t have been as many sinners, if any at all.
But no, apparently because Lucifer fucked up, Earth had to suffer with him Hell wouldn’t truly be a punishment if he wasn’t surrounded by his own unwilling creation.
Sinners really were the worst. Just because he supports his daughter’s ideas doesn’t mean he agrees with everything she says.
Once Azrael leaves, thankfully dragging Uriel with him, he spends the rest of the day in the lobby listening to Charlie and Vaggie brainstorm new redemption ideas.
It’s become clear that it’s likely Sir Pentious’s willingness to sacrifice himself for others he cared for that lead to his redemption, but they couldn’t clearly recreate that scenario.
Azrael had mentioned the possibility of a retrial, though they’d have to find a way to do that without making them die a second time.
Cassiel would likely be in charge of that. He was always the best judge of character between all of them. Which just reminded him that he’d have to face more of his siblings.
Thousands of years and he still didn’t feel ready for this. It felt like he’d inevitably have to face Michael eventually and he really didn’t want to.
Once Charlie and Vaggie retire to their room, Lucifer moves to the bar. Husk looks nervous in his presence but doesn’t say much but ask what he wants to drink.
Lucifer doesn’t even know. He asks for a glass of red wine and ignores Husk’s look of contempt for the drink. It gets placed in front of him anyway in a nice glass.
He swirls the liquid around a bit, unsure if he even wants to drink it, and looks up at Husk.
“If you had the chance to be with someone you love, but at the risk of getting the shit beat out of you, would you do it?” He finally asks. Husk looks confused that he’s even being spoken to, looks around a bit, before sighing and pointing at him.
“First of all, I don’t know why you’re saying it like we don’t all know who this is about. Second of all, if you really love her, getting the shit beat out of you by your brother should be worth it,” Husk says to him. Lucifer laughs a bit at his words and takes a sip of his wine.
“If a beating is what it takes, I’ll take the beating, even though I could take Michael in a fight. Bastard just had a whole army with him last time. No, my problem is that it’s Michael.”
“Daddy issues. Brother issues. Mo- wait do you have a mother?” Husk asks curiously.
Lucifer shakes his head. “Nope. Dad created us all, though he used different things to do it, which is why not all of us are related. We all just kind of woke up into existence. We never really had a childhood the way mortals or Hellborns do. The Seven Virtues and a few other Archangels and I were all created from the same material, which is why we all consider each other siblings, even if we aren’t all the same type of angel. Esther was created from a different material,” he answers. He adds the last part because he knows Husk still wonders about Lucifer and Esther’s connection, seeing as so many of the older angels are related. It’s a valid question, though still one that makes his stomach recoil at the thought.
“Makes sense I guess. So it took a whole army to take you down, huh?”
“I mean, I had some people to help me, who do you think the other sins are? They weren’t virtues or seraphs, but they were angels,” Lucifer answers.
Husk chokes on the bottle of whiskey he’d started drinking from and coughs as he pounds on the bar top for air.
“The fucking Deadly Sins are angels too?!”
“Why do you think they’re so much stronger than everyone else?” Lucifer asks incredulously. “They’re angels who agreed with my ideas, were tried, found guilty, and followed me down here. Lilith and I were the first ones down, and I’m without a doubt the unfortunate creator of this shithole, but they were the next beings to inhabit Hell. Satan in particular was the first to join. The order of the rings is the order they arrived in. Creating the imps was his idea, which I obviously helped with since I’m the only one with the power of creation. It’s why they all worship him.”
“How come they don’t look like angels?”
“Because they gave up their angelic forms,” Lucifer answers him. “I didn’t always look like this, you know. I mean, close but not quite like this. My eyes were gold, my feathers were mostly white with a bit of gold too. And obviously I didn’t have the horns, or tail, or snake. Well, I was always able to turn into a snake but my halo changed from gold bands along my hat to the snake and apple after my fall as a reminder of what I did and what I’ve become as the first demon.”
“What the fuck?” Husk asks.
“Yeah it’s a lot,” Lucifer agrees.
Husk stares at him incredulously for a solid minute before chugging his bottle again. Lucifer laughs and drinks more of his wine. He doesn’t have to ask Husk to refill it, the man is already opening the wine as he sets the glass down.
“I thought my life was a shitshow, and I lost my soul to a sadistic sociopath,” Husk says as he finishes pouring Lucifer’s new glass.
“Yeah well, billions of years alive leaves room for a lot of shit to happen.”
Husk taps his bottle to Lucifer’s glass and raises it in a mock toast before drinking. Lucifer lifts his as well before taking another sip.
“So, a whole army?”
Lucifer laughs again. “Yeah, it didn’t go well. Some Seraphim had to get involved eventually. I’m not the King of Hell for nothing,” he says smugly, giving Husk a prideful smirk. “I wasn’t God’s favorite for nothing. I wasn’t the strongest of the angels, I’m pretty sure if Azrael wanted to he could end me, but I was up there. I was a Prince, I was in line to take over Heaven should Father ever step down, I was the one given the power of creation, even if everyone thought the power should’ve been Michael’s.”
“Then why did you never use all that power here? I mean, you’re the king, by no offense, you rarely do shit.”
“Because Hell is as much a punishment for me as it is for you. I never wanted to create this place, and quite honestly, I still couldn’t give less of a shit about the sinners down here. Lilith cared, she loved sinners, but she’s also technically the first sinner so I’m not surprised. It’s why I let her run things. I’m more than content to let the rest of them destroy themselves with their own made up problems. If I stepped in, I wouldn’t be a king, I’d be a dictator. Hell might end up being a bit more peaceful but only because everyone would live in fear of stepping out of line. No, it’s much better to let you all live your lives as you see fit. At least then you’d have your freedom.”
Husk looks like he wants to ask more, even though he looks a bit more wary of Lucifer’s presence in front of him. Lucifer doesn’t blame him. If he had his way, Hell really would be much different. Overlords like Alastor would have no real power. But Lucifer gave humanity the gift of free will for a reason. If he led the way he wanted to, for his own peace of mind, there would be no point in that free will. He’d take it away from them as quickly as he gave it. Maybe it’s a bit sadistic, maybe becoming a demon truly did change him, but his hatred for humanity hasn’t changed in years. It isn’t about the change now just because he’s grown a soft spot for the ones in this hotel.
A knock at the door is what stops their conversation. They look between each other and the door before Lucifer stands to answer it.
He doesn’t expect to see Esther on the other side, but his eyes widen and his cheeks flush at her appearance. She smiles down at him, as beautiful as ever even in the lowlights of Hell’s reddish nights.
“May I come in?” She asks. Lucifer nods wordlessly and steps away to let her in. She nods in thanks and does so, waiting until he’s closed the door to continue. “Azrael told me of his, Uriel’s, and Gabriel’s visit, as well as Gabriel’s message. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
He shakes his head. “Not your fault that Michael’s an ass. But uh- not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought he gave you some annoying tasks or whatever to keep you from coming.”
“Oh, that,” she says, rolling her eyes and making a shoo-ing gesture with her hand. “I finished that. Michael underestimates my work ethic. And I’m quite tired of his games. I’m here to stay for a few days, if that’s alright. I want to work a bit more with Charlie on her plans for redemption.”
Lucifer’s heart warms at her words. He isn’t sure what makes him happier; the fact that she’s willing to go against Michael or the fact that she wants to spend time with Charlie.
He thinks back to Uriel’s words, about it being cruel to make Esther be around Charlie. It’s been on his mind all day, despite Azrael telling him not to worry about it. Hearing Esther say now that she wants to spend time with his daughter fills him with a warmth he wasn’t prepared for.
She truly is perfect for him in every way.
“Just here for Charlie?” He asks coyly, smirking up at her. She laughs at his antics.
“Perhaps I can be convinced to spend time with others,” she teases back.
“Should I expect a certain someone to come down here looking for you?”
She knows he’s talking about Michael, and shakes her head. “I left a nice little note for him, and told the others where I was going so he should have no reason to. Now, it’s been a long day for the both of us, I’m sure. Could I trouble you for a room for the night?”
“My room?” He asks, despite knowing what her answer will be. As he predicts, she gives him a blank stare, no longer as amused.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I still haven’t gotten my dance.”
He grabs her hand, looking over to the bar where Husk is still watching, and nods to him before leading her to the elevator.
He takes her over to his side of the hotel, up to his tower. He doesn’t take her to his room, but to the closest room to his. Lucifer leads her in, shows her the amenities, and stands there as she moves around the room.
He should leave, he knows he should, but his feet feel stuck to the ground.
“Did you need anything? Do you have enough pillows? Or blankets? I can get some more for you, if you need? Or some books maybe? I know you liked to read before bed and-“
“Lucifer,” she says, cutting him off. “Something tells me that’s not really why you’re still here.”
She moves closer to him and holds his hands in hers. It steadies his thoughts, but not enough.
“I don’t know if I have the words for what I want to say,” he replies.
She smiles softly at him. “So don’t speak,” she says.
Had it been anyone else, he’d take it as being told to shut up. Be he knows her, and she knows him, and he smiles gratefully and snaps his fingers.
The lights dim and a clone of his own appears with a guitar. She looks between him and the clone with a skeptical look, though amused all the same. He moves on hand to her hip, the other still held tightly in hers as he lifts them. Her other hand that isn’t in his moves to his shoulder without needing to be told.
“When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise, well there’s so much they hold,” he sings, leading her into a waltz. She follows his lead effortlessly as they move, his clone singing lightly with him in the background.
“And just like them old stars, I see that you’ve come so far, to be right where you are; how old is your soul?”
She chuckles at his last line, knowing he’s even older than her. Not by much, granted, but still. Seeing the smile on her face makes him happy.
“Well, I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up.”
He twirls her away from him, watching as her other hand stretches out and she pulls against his hold, trusting that he’ll keep her steady and pull her back in. He does just that, bringing them closer again, this time with his hand resting on her shoulder blade.
“And when you’re needing your space, to do some navigating. I’ll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find,” he sings to her. He moves them to dance side by side, his arm around her waist and letting her lean her weight on his, before he moves in front of her again to list her by her waist and twirl her.
“‘Cause even the stars, they burn. Some even fall to the earth. We’ve got a lot to learn, God knows we’re worth it! No, I won’t give up.”
They move back into a standard waltz as he continues, hoping he’s conveying everything he can, as well as he can, for her sake. It almost pains him to mention his Father, doesn’t want to give his Father any credit in this, but she wouldn’t exist without him and if he’s allowing her down here to be with him, then it must mean something. He doesn’t want to think of the possibility of his Father not hating him anymore, not now, not with her in his arms, but he’ll allow this, if only so she understands how fully committed he is.
“I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily, I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make! Our differences, they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake! And in the end, you're still my friend, at least we did intend for us to work, we didn't break, we didn't burn! We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in. I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not and who I am!”
He twirls her again as he sings the last note, staring into her beautiful dark blue eyes that shine back at him with an intensity as strong as fireworks.
He pushes her away as she spins, moving forward to hold both her hands again as they move around each other, arms coming over their hands and around each other's shoulders. He moves her so her back is to his chest as they sway a bit together.
“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up. I’m still looking up!”
He dips her a bit, staring down at her before raising her again to lift her by her waist once more. She holds his shoulders as he does so before he lowers her back to the floor and spins her under his arm once more.
“Well I won’t give up on us! God knows I’m tough, he knows! We got a lot to learn! God knows we’re worth it!”
He presses closer to him, moving them back to the end of their waltz, hand resting on her hip again as he leads them gently around the room.
“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up.”
He lets both hands fall to her hips before moving them around her waist. Esther’s own move to his shoulders, clasped behind his neck. His clone has disappeared and the music has faded as they continue to sway, foreheads pressed together and eyes closed.
Lucifer doesn’t want to let go, and Esther doesn’t seem ready to let him go either.
“Music has always been one of your better talents,” she says, breaking the peace and quiet. He groans a bit and pinches her side. She squeals a bit but laughs.
“Don’t act like you can’t sing. You just choose not to,” he says, resting his head on her shoulder. She takes his hat and tosses it across the room, using one hand to run her hands through his hair.
“I much prefer hearing your voice,” she replies. “Maybe next time I’ll join you.”
He lifts his head, a sparkle in his eyes. “Next time?”
“I told you I’d be staying for a few days, didn’t I?”
“You did,” he agrees, a giddiness at the idea of it. “I can give you a tour of hell. Not much to see, no where near as beautiful as Heaven, but that’s really just the Pride Ring because all the sinners are stuck here. We can go anywhere. Gluttony’s Ring is especially nice. So is Envy, but I’d much rather deal with Bee than Lev.”
“Slow down there,” Esther says, interrupting him. “I’m here to help Charlie, remember?”
“Right, yeah, that too,” he replies quickly. Esther chuckles and moves them to sit on the couch in front of her bed, facing the fireplace. He makes a motion towards it and it lights with a warm flame.
“How about we sit for a while and you can tell me about the others,” she asks.
He nods and they sit close, hands held together over her lap as he tells her about the other rings and the Sins that rule them.
He tells stories of each one, the good and more annoying ones, anything to keep her entertained. In response she tells him about her time in Primum Mobile. She hasn’t been back to their Sphere since his fall, something she seems to regret now, but she tells him about the other Archangels and Seraphs, and the new stories about them. She tells him more about Emily, the Seraphim of Joy that Charlie has befriended.
Time passes without either of them noticing. He isn’t sure which one of them falls asleep first, pressed together on the couch. Her head rests on his shoulder and his over hers as they sit there, exhausted but content.
The position is awkward and his body feels stiff when he wakes, but he hadn’t slept that well since before his fall.
Hurray! Another chapter! As always, I apologize if there’s any spelling or grammar errors.
Fun fact! While reading up on facts about the Archangels for this, Azrael was definitely the most interesting, and I think that’s why I like writing him the most, though I’m loving Uriel too. I’m headcanoning Azrael as the oldest of Lucifer’s siblings, because when I was reading about him, it said that not only is he from the third Heaven, but it’s believe he had about four thousand wings. And with life always comes death, which is why I see him as being the oldest of the siblings, though not the oldest angel.
I’ve also seen a lot of back and forth about whether or not Michael and Lucifer are twins, and most things said no, they aren’t even brothers. But, I like to think that even though they aren’t twins, as I’ve made Lucifer here the youngest of his siblings (and as the youngest of my siblings, I feel like this is accurate) I feel like when Lucifer was created, he was created in Michael’s image, which is why I think they’d look the most alike. Though their hair colors are different, I think Lucifer styles his hair the way he does because it’s similar to Michael’s. And as I mentioned I believe Lucifer’s eyes and wings would’ve been gold before his fall, I think Michael’s are the same. Technically all the siblings are royalty, but I like to think Michael and Lucifer were the favorites, Lucifer in particular as he’s the only one of his siblings who is a Seraphim, the highest rank of angels. So as always, I’ve included a little doodle of what I think a few of his siblings would look like! I also drew a more detailed picture of Esther but I’ll save that for next chapter.
Let me know if you guys like the inclusion of music! If not, I’m okay with removing it. I can make the story work both ways, but I wanted to try something new (and I’ve already collected a playlist of potential songs).
Thanks again for reading! Please let me know what you think! See you next chapter! ❤️
Taglist: @dreamcatcher62 @art3misa635 @cimadreamer
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shootingmorningstar · 3 months
Can we get a platonic headcanon for Vaggie and Fallen Angel!Reader?
I've been so excited to write this one .ᐟ Vaggie deserves all the love, platonic and romantic alike.
Vaggie and a Fallen Angel Reader -- Platonic HCs .ᐟ
At first, I think she'd be wary of you. She knows she shouldn't be, you'd fallen to Hell just as she has, so surely you're also out of Heaven's favor. An outcast just like her.
She just can't seem to trust that, though. At least not initially. Not after the latest extermination where Adam had killed one of her friends. And this isn't even beginning to mention they killed Adam. Heaven is likely more furious at them than ever before. The very first man has been taken from them, and Vaggie's terrified of the strength at which she fears Heaven is planning retaliation.
How can she tell you aren't part of that retaliation .ᐣ What if you falling was nothing more than an act and Heaven had sent you to infiltrate their ranks .ᐣ The information you could report back to them could be devastating.
She doesn't even recognize you from her time in Heaven. That means you likely aren't an exterminator -- your job could be even more significant. The role of spy could easily be entrusted to you. This wouldn't be the first time someone had came to them and turned out to be a spy.
They were just lucky the first attempted spy was . . . well, the way Sir Pentious was. Is, but she doesn't know that. You could be far more lethal, you could be trained for this. And until Vaggie is completely sure you mean no harm to her, to the Hotel, to Charlie .ᐣ She's watching your every movement, every step.
Charlie was more than likely the reason you'd found the Hotel, anyway. She seems to have a knack for finding fallen angels at this rate.
You can't help but to accept the Princesses invitation -- you have lost everything. Your life, your friends, your status, even who you are was ripped away from you when you were sentenced to fall. You have nothing, and Charlie seems so earnest. It's strange, she's a demon, hellborn and the spawn of the devil.... but it's almost as if you can see a halo above her head.
And so you accompany her back to the Hotel. You'd heard tales of Vaggie -- one of Adam's favorite exterminators that had spared a citizen of Hell. She'd grown weak and disobeyed Heaven's rules, being forced to pay the ultimate price in exchange.
She was the furthest thing from what you expected. You'd heard she'd fallen for an act of mercy. It had inspired you, actually. Weren't angels supposed to be merciful .ᐣ Vaggie's act of kindness was what had spiraled your thoughts on Heaven's judgements and what had ultimately been your downfall, just like her.
You looked up to her. Even lost, heartbroken and confused as you were, you'd be lying if you weren't just a little excited to meet the same fallen angel who had shown you the way, even if indirectly.
Where was her mercy now .ᐣ Her eyes were so cold when she looked at you. You'd hoped to have someone who understood, who you could talk to and understand.
Again, it's Charlie who assumes the role of reason. She talks to Vaggie privately -- Vaggie didn't see how devastated you'd looked when she first found you. The golden blood that had soaked your feathers. They're partners, so Charlie asks her to trust her judgement.
It's also Charlie who pulls you aside and talks to you. She knows Vaggie better than anyone, explaining the way Vaggie was treating you isn't born of malice, it's fear. Just like you, Vaggie lost everything. Charlie is everything to her, and she's afraid your presence is going to endanger her.
You start to understand Vaggie a little better after that. Bit by bit, you're realizing just how cruel Heaven can be, and you suddenly get why Vaggie was so wary of you.
It takes time and patience, but she begins to come around. She sees just how attached you've grown to the Hotel and its cause and the hurt clouding her mind begins to clear. You're a soul treated cruelly by Heaven, just like her. Open up to her, tell her you fell because you thought all souls could be worthy of mercy.
She'll begin to open up to you, too. You become a secondary confidant to her. A lot has happened since she fell, so the information you offer her is priceless, too.
Vaggie loves Charlie with all she is, but it's so nice to have someone that's been in her shoes. You understand.
The best friend bond you build with Vaggie is so good for the both of you.
You give Vaggie another reason to maintain strength against Heaven in all that may come. They'd hurt another person she loves, and that keeps Vaggie fighting.
I loved getting to write this one .ᐟ Platonic relationships are just as meaningful as romantic ones, and it's wonderful getting to show that. As always, let me know what you think .ᐣ
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s-creations · 3 months
Comes in Waves - Canon Divergence
Entries for the 2024 RadioStatic Week.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Cursing, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'll try and write a good mix of both happy and sad, They're both idiots when it comes to love.
For the record, Vox thought this was a fucking stupid idea. 
He and the other Vees should be back at the tower. Watching what was about to go down instead of being on the front line. But Velvette just had to put her foot in all of their mouths. When Carmilla had ‘graciously’ informed the other Vee what was going to happen at the hotel, finishing with “Surely your attitude could lend some help on the field.” ,Velvette just had to make her stand. Which also meant that Vox and Valentino were roped into this as well. 
Fucking Hell, this was horrible. But there was little Vox could do about it now as he watched the portal to Heaven open up. Heart racing as numerous Exorcists poured out and headed directly to the hotel.
“Here they come.” Someone unhelpfully provided, but Vox didn’t turn to find out who. 
He was already charged, fangs bared as the first Exorcists engaged. The Cannibals took down the first few easily. Those flying after directed to the main group. 
Vox barely dodges the sword’s arch, gaining enough of an open to dig his claws into the angel’s skin. Delivering a high voltage to his attacker that caused them to scream in pain and step away.
Leaving their sword stuck in the ground. 
Vox didn’t waste time. Picking it up and plunging it straight through its original owner's heart. Taking small satisfaction in watching them drop. 
That was forgotten for a moment as a dark dome encompassed the area. Vox watching as those Exorcists who were about to enter were either cut in half or squashed when they ran into the obstacle. 
“Step one is lowering numbers and separation. They’ll be sending their fastest fighters first to deal out quick damage before the heavy hitters come in. Alastor will create a barrier around the hotel to cause that separation. While it’s up, focus on taking down the numbers that got in.”
Vox let out a huff as he scanned the battlefield. It was a mess of different fractions struggling to survive and come out on top. Velvette and Valentino had teamed up, the former providing cover while Valentino shot his way through. The same could be said about Charlie and Vaggie, just replace the gun with a spear. Husk was providing arial support, with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb delivering massive ground coverage. 
Niffty was running around, gleefully stabbing angels that had already fallen. Sir Pentious barked orders from the balcony while his Egg Minions rushed around to offer aid. The Cannibals were honestly just biting the closest thing that moved. Thankfully, it seemed to alway be an Exorcist.
And Alastor…
Vox’s attention flicked to the top of the hotel, where he knew the Radio Demon stood. Watching. Waiting. Eyes no doubt trained on the largest angel up there. A small part of Vox felt that he shouldn’t be so worried. It was Alastor after all, the Radio Demon. He could handle himself. He’d proven that time and time again. This was just another stoll for him. 
Except he’s never fought an angel before. Let alone fucking Adam of all souls.
“Oi, Vox!” 
The Media Overlord winced as an Exorcist was shot in the head. Taking a step back to avoid being downed by the dead angel. Heart hammering, he looked back to find Valentino blowing the smoke from the gun barrel. Velvette glaring at the Media Overlord, clearly pissed.
“Get your fucking head out of your ass and focus.” She shouted before they went off to take down a few more angels. 
Taking a few deep breaths, Vox attempted to find a target or someone to help.
Only for his attention to go do the barrier after a loud ‘crack!’ sounded around them. Worry grew as the protection started to crumble away. Adam’s face cracked into a triumphant smile as he instantly went for the rooftop. 
“Fuck…” Vox whispered out. 
Alastor was by himself. 
By himself facing Adam. 
“If the barrier is broken, and it probably will be, Alastor is our best bet to keep Adam busy. No offense to the rest of you Overlords, but I’ve never seen you in battle before. I know Alastor’s power. Plus, with him making the barrier, Adam will be gunning for him, no doubt. All you have to do, Alastor, is keep him busy.”
“Are you saying I can’t take this angel down on my own?”
“I’m saying that we need to play this safe. Especially if you’re taking him on, alone.”
Before he could really think about what he was doing, Vox was running towards the hotel. The brick and mortar on the side of said building crumbling away as live wires sprouted from the newly created hole. The Media Overlord grabbing onto them the next second and launching himself up to the roof. 
It wasn’t the most graceful of landings. Having to do a random tuck roll to avoid smashing his screen. But he was saved from the embarrassment given the fact everyone was too focused on their own fight. Vox ducked behind the hotel’s sign and rooftop windows as he searched for Alastor. 
Well, ‘searched’ wasn’t the best word. More watched in fascination as Alastor faced Adam. While it was pretty clear the angel was used to just swinging his weapons around at random, Adam wasn’t used to an actual fight. Against someone who could fight and had to fight on an almost daily basis to survive. 
Even the dialogue swapped between them wasn’t comparable. Alastor was smooth and to the point, able to hit right where it hurts. 
Adam continued to flounder, grasping at such basic insults that all he could really blurt out was, “Fucking Red!”
Between the barrage of attacks and his inability to focus, Adam wasn’t prepared as a familiar shadow tentacle to wrap around him. Sending said angel in the hotel’s sign. 
Vox was very happy that he had inched away from there as that impact almost split the sign in half. 
Alastor didn’t hold back on the mocking laugh, “Poetry! What a way with words you have.” 
Emerging from the floating debris and electrical sparks, Adam got back onto his feet easily. Ax held tightly in hand,  he took to the skies once more. “I’m going to wipe that shitty smile from your face. Because radio is fucking dead!”
Vox barely had time to duck down behind his cover before Adam’s attack landed. Feeling the actual building beneath him shake. Taking a deep breath, the Media Overlord peeked out again…only for his heart to stop. 
The roof of the hotel now carried two deep gashes in the roof, dug out on either side of Alastor. It was clear that whatever the Radio Demon had done was enough to keep himself safe. But his microphone had not fared as well. Completely in half with black essence dripping from it, which hissed softly when it made contact with the building. 
“What just happened?” Alastor asked to the open air, eyes eventually landing on his broken tool. “...Fuck.”
To caught up in his loss, Alastor seemed to have missed the point where Adam was winding up for another attack. The angel’s ax sparking with more power than the previous charge. 
But Vox saw. 
He was fully aware as to what was about to happen. 
Alastor’s not going to survive this.
Why wasn’t Alastor looking up? He was still in the middle of a fight. Look up you idiot!
This is going to kill him.
How can you claim to be so powerful yet so oblivious during such an important fight!
He wouldn’t survive this if it landed. 
Was Alastor really going to let himself be taken down by an angel after that show?
Wait…if it landed.
That moron. 
He’s a moron. 
Fuck it. 
With clarity like he’d never held before, Vox ran out from behind his barrier. Neither of the other occupants had seen him. Which was a small blessing as he now held an element of surprise to use for his advantage. 
Just as Adam swung his ax, Vox had wrapped his arms around Alastor. The Radio Demon finally looked up from his broken toy to fix Vox with a look of confusion. Unable to get out his question before a barrier of wires erupted between the Overlords and the angel. 
Vox knew it wouldn’t be enough. But it was the best he could make. 
Adam’s attack sliced through the wires like it was nothing, but did thankfully reduce the damage it could cause. It didn’t make it hurt any less when Vox’s back was sliced open. At least he and Alastor were still alive. 
The blow caused both Overlords to fly back, hitting the back of the hotel’s roof with a pained grunt. Vox found he couldn’t move. Either because the attack damaged something vital or he was in too much pain. Left to lay against Alastor uselessly as the Radio Demon attempted to recover quickly. 
“What the fuck did you just do?” Was the first thing out of Alastor’s mouth. 
Vox just let out an exhausted laugh as he looked up. He couldn’t catch his breath. “W-What? You upset you c-can’t cause this kind of…d-damage to me? …F-Fuck this hurts…”
The Media Overlord let out a groan as the world shifted around him. Now cradled in Alastor’s arms as he frantically looked the injured demon over. Who noticed how pinched the smile was, how Alastor’s hands gripped him tightly. 
“H-Hey, don’t freak out Bambi, I-I’m okay.”
“Your back is sliced up and you can’t move,” Alastor hissed, “You expect me to believe that.”
“...Kind of?” Vox smirked back. The uncomfortably familiar taste of copper filled his mouth. That’s not good. “I-I’ll be okay, really… You need to f-focus…”
“I’m not leaving you like this.”
“I-I think you have to…” 
“Aww, well isn’t this fucking cute? NOT!” Adam landed on the roof before the two demons. Pretending to gag before continuing. “This your little boy toy? Little sacrifice for you, turning you on? …Demons are into that, right? Sacrifices and what not.” 
The air around them became filled with static. Vox watched as the familiar dials replaced Alastor’s eyes as the Overlord glared the angel down. The Media Overlord pulled closer as if to get him further away from Adam. 
“I̳̿͟͞ w̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞g̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞.” 
“Oooh, big tough guy got his feelings hurt cuz I broke two of your play things?” Adam laughed, “If you actually put up a decent fight, maybe this would have turned out differently.” 
Alastor let out a hiss, teeth bared at the angel. Vox tensed slightly, feeling a cooling sensation beginning to envelope him. Worried that he’d been further injured than he’d originally thought. Only to relax as shadows began to enclose around him and Alastor. 
“I hate to take a break in the action,” said Alastor with as much disdain he could squeeze into his words, “But we’ll have to take a short commercial break before the show can resume.” 
As they sunk into the shadows, Vox heard Adam’s condescending “Bye bitch!” before being swallowed by the darkness. When he could see again, he found they’d been moved to the entrance of the hotel. Mainly at the top of the stairs, tucked away in a dark corner. 
Vox couldn’t help but hiss in pain as a hand just barely touched the gash. “E-Easy, I’m already in enough pain.”
“Shut up.” Alastor snapped back.
“I’m fine-”
“Stop talking.”
“Seriously, I just n-need to-”
“W̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ b̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ q̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ f̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ o̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞b̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ e̳̿͟͞x̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ a̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞d̳̿͟͞ l̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞!” 
Vox snapped his mouth closed as Alastor glared down at him. Okay, so, maybe the Radio Demon was more upset than he’d originally planned on. Which, to be honest, he didn’t think Alastor would be upset period over seeing his rival in pain. Vox fully expected to be tossed aside to let Alastor get his second wind while the Media Overlord escaped to lick his wounds. 
This…was not in his original plan.
Mismatched eyes flickered up to Alastor’s ears. Which were pinned back as far as they could go. “Y-You’re really upset…”
“...You fucking idiot.” Vox didn’t fight it as he was pulled close once more. Even allowing himself to relax into the hold as Alastor pressed his forehead against the flat screen. “What were you thinking?”
“T-That you weren’t going to s-survive that…” 
Alastor let out a humorless chuckle, “And you were?”
“H-Hey, I’m still breathing.”
“I’ll b-be fine.”
“You keep saying that.”
“Because it’s true.” 
They fell silent as an explosion sounded from outside, quickly followed by a roar. 
“You n-need to get back out there.” Vox said, trying to prop himself up. 
“I need to make sure you’re okay first.”
“This isn’t up for discussion Bambi.”
“You’re right, it’s not. So stop moving so I can see how bad it is.”
“Would you-” 
The moment was interrupted once again when something large and heavy came barreling into the front of the hotel. Vox was pulled back against Alastor as the shadows swallowed them once more. The former just making out a downed winged beast and Vaggie falling into the lobby proper before he was consumed into the darkness once more. 
Light returning showed they were now in the surrounding forest. Vox still able to see the hotel and battle, but far enough that he doubts he’d be in further danger. Unless the Exorcists won and left the confines of the hotel. 
“You’ll be safe here. At the very least…you’ll be far enough away that I can focus better on the fight.” 
Vox let out a hiss as he was laid down. Watching as Alastor removed his jackets, folded it up, and placed it behind the other demon’s head. A hand lingering to rub a thumb along Vox’s screen. Who had no issues leaning into the touch. 
“...Kick their asses, yeah?” Vox offered in a small whisper. 
“That was the plan,” Alastor replied with a gentle smile, “I’ll be back for you once this is over.”
“You’d better be…” Reaching up, Vox gently took the hand resting against his screen and brought it closer to his lips. Pressing the back of Alastor’s hands to them before letting go. “I’m expecting a show until then.” 
“Well, I’d hate to disappoint.” 
Vox could only watch as Alastor sunk into the shadows once more, alone this time. Leaving the other demon to rest against the tree. Who was fighting to remain conscious, eyes following what was happening below him as best he could while his vision blurred. 
A strange chirping pulled Vox away from the battle. Finding a familiar formed shadow hovering over him. 
“Ah…Alastor sent you, didn’t he?” 
The shadow didn’t reply back. 
“Okay… I’m okay…” 
He fell into the awaiting darkness. 
He let out a small groan feeling something touch his back. 
“I have you…”
He heard people talking. About what, he couldn’t say. But he couldn’t seem to care.
“I wish you could hear this nonsense…”
He felt something brush against his screen.
“You can wake up now… Please.”
He was warm. Comfortable. 
“Don’t make me wait too long for you…”
He felt someone holding his hand. 
“Vox… You need to wake up…”
Vox let out a small groan as he powered on his screen. His limbs felt heavy as he moved them to rub his eyes. As best he could anyway. The whole screen thing made it rather difficult. Moving slowly, he sat up, barely paying attention to the sheets that slid off him and pooled into his lap. Taking a deep breath, Vox finally opened his eyes to look around. 
He was in a bedroom. It was decked out in varying hues of deep reds with accents of black. He was currently resting in a large canopy bed, the curtains drawn and tied back with gold rope. Large armchairs faced the fireplace, which was currently unlit. An overstuffed bookshelf had been placed opposite from the foot of the bed. Next to it was a large wardrobe with a full length mirror. 
The walls were filled with numerous pictures and mounts of both animal and demon heads. Only bare for the furniture and the ornate black door that no doubt led to some kind of exit. 
“Not my first choice in decorations…” Vox muttered softly. He pulled the blankets off and shuffled over to the large mirror. 
He looked horrible.
The wound had been dressed, with wrappings covering his entire middle, leaving just enough room for his arms to be exposed. His skin, which was usually a deep navy blue, was ashened. The embedded lights flickering weakly. His face was barely visible, due to how low the light on his screen was. He didn’t have any more energy to light it further. 
Giving a small scoff to himself, Vox made for the door. 
He paused before gripping the handle when he heard music coming from the other side. Jazz, Vox guess, songs that he’d not heard before.
There’s no way he was…
Vox opened the door and stepped into a parlor. Same design as the bedroom, deep reds with black accents. It was spacious and comfortable, homey. The closest you could get when in Hell. A small kitchen that was connected to a dining area. Enough room for two to three people at a time to move around comfortably. Further along, the room changed to that of an open bayou. Vox smells the damp earth and even hears the chirps of creatures that he knew weren’t actually there. 
Sitting at the small dining table, cup half way to his lips, was Alastor. Red eyes wide as he stares Vox down. Who can only look back, frozen to the spot. 
“Um…hi?” Vox weakly offered. 
“...Hello. Care to join me?” Alastor offered, gesturing to the chair across from him. 
Realizing he didn’t have much of a choice, Vox took it. Closing the bedroom door behind him. He cautiously approached the table, eyeing Alastor before sitting down. Thankful that the chair was padded and didn’t bother his wound. 
Vox twitched in surprise when a plate appeared before him. It was filled with small tea cakes and sandwiches made with ingredients that he couldn’t recognize. Picking one up, Vox looked it over before casting his eyes over to Alastor. 
“None of it is sinner meat,” was the quick reply, “I’m not that cruel.”
That was enough for Vox. His composure to look put together fell away when he took the first bite, stomach squeezing and moaning as if to signify how long it had been since he’d last eaten. He didn’t care how he looked as he tried to stuff as much into his mouth as possible. All Vox could focus on was keeping his mouth full. Unaware that the plate continuously filled itself back up with every piece that was eaten. 
The music continued on.
Vox only slowed down long enough to down some water, by some it was a few glassfuls worth, before going back to eating. 
Alastor didn’t say a word as he nursed his own cup of tea. Eyes pointedly looking away to let Vox eat without an audience. 
Eventually, Vox leaned back into the chair, hand on his stomach as he finally reached his fill. Eyes closing as he settles in to let it all digest. 
“Feeling better?” Alastor asks, placing his cup down. 
“Yeah… Thanks.” 
“Good. With that out of the way.” 
The calming atmosphere suddenly disappeared when Vox found himself trapped in the chair. Wide eyes going up to the Radio Demon, whose face was already beginning to twist. Alastor leaned closer with his hands digging into the chair’s arms. 
“Where do you get off,” Alastor hissed out, “Taking an attack for me.”
Vox frowned back, “You’re telling me you wanted to die?”
“You have no proof that would have happened.” 
“That attack only did the damage it did to me because I was able to make a barrier. You didn’t even have your magic raised! You were just a sitting duck, you moron!” Vox’s bravado fell away when Alastor let out a hiss, inching closer. 
“Mind your words.”
Vox frowned softly, turning his attention away from the other. “...Why are you upset?”
That caused Alastor to pull away, putting on an air of standoffishness. “I’m not.”
“You almost went full Radio Demon on me and you expect me to believe that? Why are you upset? Is it because I stole your thunder?”
“Because I saw you lose?”
“I didn’t lose.” 
Vox rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever…” 
He shifted to sit better in the chair, involuntarily letting out a small hiss of pain. Looking back up, Vox froze, finding Alastor’s eyes had returned to him. Ears flat on his head while red eyes darted around the Media Overlord. 
“...Were you…scared for me?”
The music continued on.
“...Alastor…I said I was fine-”
“Do not.” Alastor hissed out. Not out of anger towards Vox, but out of fear. The Radio Demon turned away so his back faced Vox.
The record scratched. The music stopped. 
“You were…passed out when I returned to the forest. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how deep that gash was. You didn’t respond to anything I tried. We didn’t have a hotel to return to, it had been destroyed during the fight, but you needed somewhere safe to recover.” 
Vox slowly stood and cautiously made his way over to Alastor. Whose back was still facing him. 
“I overreacted, I know I did. Your business partners wanted to take you back to your stupid tower. I should have let you go, but the thought of you being so far away from me was… I hated it. So I fought for you to stay here. More like threatened to bite their hands off if they reached for you. But the warning did its job well.”
Still moving cautiously, Vox moved to stand next to the other. Turning to look Alastor in the face as best he could. Finding the other demon’s eyes closed, a comforting smile weighing on him. 
Alastor’s eyes snapped back open, causing Vox to take a tentative step back. The Radio Demon followed until the other had his back pressed against the wall. Holding back a flinch as a hand reached up to brush across his screen. Involuntarily, Vox closed his eyes as he leaned into the touch, sighing softly. 
“If I was…scared…how would that make you feel?” Alastor asked, his voice barely a whisper. 
“...Confused?” Vox weakly started, “Because I have no reason to believe that you should be worried about me.”
“I should say the same about you. You left the battlefield specifically to oversee my fight against Adam. I fully planned on facing him alone, I was ready to handle the outcome delivered to me. Yet here you come, racing over to act as a shield for an attack meant for me. Someone you called a rival.” 
Vox looked away, still allowing the hand to rest on his screen. “You broke us off all those years ago…and then left… I thought you wanted to get away from me. I thought you hated me.” 
“...I don’t.” 
A heavy sigh sounds, “Sure feels like it.” 
“...Have I ever told you why I smile?”
Vox looked back up at that, brows furrowed in confusion. “No…”
Letting out a small hum, Alastor gently pulled Vox away from the wall. With a wave of his hand, the music returned once more, filling the air with a slow waltz instead of jazz. Vox didn’t argue as one of his hands was claimed, flushing slightly when Alastor’s other one rested on his waist. The Media Overlord resting his free hand on the Radio Demon’s shoulder. 
As if they’d only done this just the other day, they easily fell into step. Vox felt a little tense at first but relaxed as the second song came around. 
“I smile because it’s a weapon like anything else,” Alastor said softly, “I keep everyone on their toes when I’m around because no one knows what I’m thinking. A smile makes everyone assume that I’m in control of the situation. A smile can offer comfort or terror depending on who it’s directed to.”
Vox frowned, “Okay…” 
“I always hold my cards close to my chest. Always. I never like anyone having something over me. Manipulation is my tactic, no one else’s.” 
“What point are you trying to make here?”
“I thought I was playing my game as safely as I could. Perhaps in my stubbornness I became a little…short sighted.” 
Vox frowned, “Is…someone blackmailing you?”
“In a way.” 
That caused the Media Overlord’s heart to freeze. “Wha- Who? Who in all of Hell would be dumb enough to tangle with an Overlord. More specifically, you.”
Alator’s smile thinned as his eyes flickered away. 
“...Is it not someone from Hell? Did you run into an angel? Alastor-”
“I left because I became…short sighted. In my attempts to appear untouchable, I loosened my grip…and someone stole a card from my hand. Yes, I left our relationship and I disappeared because of you. But not from hate or displeasure. The time I had with you is not something I would trade for anything.”
Alastor turned his attention back to Vox, “Come now, you’re not that dense. I can’t always spell things out for you.” 
“You never have.” Vox argued back, but muddled over what had been said. Figuring Alastor wouldn’t be ‘allowed’ to offer more insight to his predicament. 
His eyes widened slightly in understanding. Raising his screen to stare Alastor down. 
“Did…someone threaten me?”
The tight smile returned. “I had unknowingly painted a bullseye on your back.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, I’m ashamed to admit, I panicked. I just had a desire to put as much space between me and you. When I returned, I figured it would be better to have you hate me to keep that distance. …I didn’t think you and your business partners would have joined this fight.” 
Vox rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when Velvette runs her mouth… You were really okay with me hating you for all eternity just to keep me safe.”
“You…fucking idiot.” Vox laughed softly, shaking his head. “How can you be a serial murderer yet a martyr at the same time?”
“I care for only a few lives in this place. I will always act as a shield for them.”
“Bleeding heart.” Vox couldn’t stop the yelp that left him as he was suddenly dipped down to the floor. Shifting his hand on Alastor’s shoulder to now wrap the whole arm around the other demon. The Media Overlord looked up with wide eyes. 
“Those are the best kind to devour.” Alastor commented smoothly. 
“Yeah, I remember that…” 
Vox was slowly brought back up onto his feet once more. Relaxing as he found his balance. Both demons were content with just swaying slowly where they stood. 
“I hope you understand that, now that you’ve told me a bit as to what’s going on, you’re not getting rid of me.” Vox stated definitely. 
“I figured as much.”
“And you’re not going to run away again. Are you?”
“It was not in my immediate plans, no.”
“I suppose that’s the best I’m going to get…” 
“Suppose so. …How about this as consolation?” 
Vox tensed suddenly feeling lips cover his, relaxing the next moment as he kissed back. Arms moving to gently wrap around the other, eyes closing as Alastor’s hands rested on his hip. Both didn’t seem to hear the static as the music paused in its progression. 
When they pulled apart, Vox kept his eyes closed. Content in allowing Alastor to press his forehead against the screen.
“How was that?”
“Better than I remembered.”
And the music continued on.
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1anxiousbeancrying · 3 months
New au alert! (Recalled angels au) I like dark aus I've realised.
Due to all issues heaven has been having with hell the elder angels finally decides to do something. I can imagine after another large fight with hell a few of the elders come down to hell to stop it.
What heaven have realised is that most of the issues that have arrived have come from angels that have been sent to hell.
Lucifer: is actively now fighting more against heaven now than when he was in heaven. Him fighting sparks more sinners to want to fight.
Vaggie: an exorcist who's been left in hell, sharing her abilitys and knowledge about heaven with the people in hell.
The exorcists : Adam and so many exorcist angels died because they entered hell to fight.
The elders make a decision to recall every single angel back to heaven, were they will be punished. This doesn't go over well with Charlie or anyone one else in the hotel but they don't have a choice because the elders are far stronger than anyone in hell.
Lucifer looses his title as king of hell when he's forced back to heaven, he is then striped of many of his major powers to make retaliation less likely. He has to say with his brother's at all time to ensure he doesn't try anything though he and Emily are trying to find a way to help those in hell and get in contact with Charlie.
After Adam spills the news of the exterminations at the trial the rest of heaven becomes outraged, but since Adam has died the only ones left to be punished for it are the exorcists, when vaggie is forced back to heaven she is sent back to the exorcists much to lutes dismay. Not every exorcist hated her so she still had at least a few comrades who welcomed her.
But wanting to punish the exorcists also come with an issue. The exorcists were literally created to hunt and kill sinners, it's there only purpose and many winners wanted to punish the angels who created them but no action was taken. The exorcists were also to violent to be brought into the normal city of heaven. The exorcists were seen to have to much blood on there hands and so every single exorcist (yes this includes vaggie) looses their hands.(There's some brutal punishments in the bible so i don't put them past this, it even says if your arm causes you to sin they cut it off, and the killing the exorcists did definitely counts as a sin), there then later replaced with ones if angelic steal.
The exorcists now live extremely far away from the main parts of heaven only entering if a higher ranked angel wants new body guards or the need lute for a meeting (the new leader of the exorcists)
They would all be gone from hell for around 5 to 10 years and in this time Charlie would be the new queen of hell still trying her best to help everyone, though she is heavily depressed due to vaggie and her dad being gone, the only good thing to come from this is the confirmation that her hotel works, as she was told by the elders before they left , she hopes if she does enough good she would be able to she them again.
Emily tried extremely hard to keep happiness in heaven but it's difficult when a lot of winners lose trust in the higher ups. She hangs round with sir pentious and Molly a lot and they help her with her duties. Emily tries to visit the exorcists as much as she can, Sera hates this but Emily wants to help them because their struggling greatly and also wants to talk with vaggie, with a lack of purpose and an inability to fly unless there on duty for a higher up or a high class winner has caused them to become more aggressive, depressed and overall a bit stir crazy with is very bad for a large flock of birds because it means a lot of pulled out feathers.
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
id like to request sir pentious x reader headcanons where the reader is sir pentious’ and of course went with him to the hotel to spy on the hotel crew for the vees (let’s just say he wasn’t caught on day one for this..) and the reader starts feeling bad so they take down all of the cameras set up. once pen finds out, he’s absolutely pissed and upset, so he refuses to talk to the reader for about a few weeks, and ends with the reader apologizing (or at least attempting to) and some fluff?
thanks a bunch!!
(I swear I love sir pentious more than life itself he’s such a silly lil thing)
OMG YESSS! Sir Pentious was such a comfort character for me; he deserves the world. Most of my friend group hasn't watched Hazbin yet, and I always get caught lacking because of my "It Starts with Sorry" mini-phase. His parts are actual pieces of heaven to me-
(Post-writing process note: I wrote the best parts while listening to "Christmas Kids" and every time that one pops up on my playlist, I cook really hard with whatever it is I'm writing-)
Enough said, I'm gonna make this a tiny bit of a slow burn. Because... yeah :>
Reader is gn! due to no specification of gender being made in the request.
Sir Pentious X gn!Reader Fluff
Here are your headcanons!
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You had found work under Sir Pentious some decades ago. He wasn’t exactly the most successful overlord, but you were happy to not be part of the lower end of the food chain.
He didn’t own your soul and truly had no interest in such a thing. But you were like an assistant of sorts. Not quite an egg boy, not quite an equal to the man himself. 
Despite this, you thought he was quite charming. While he was not destroying half of Pentagram City, he was sitting in the main hall of his steampunk zeppelin drinking tea and conversing with you. It was a very comfortable life.
And thus, as it was routine for the both of you, he began to pick a fight with Alastor again (a sort of fight which he always lost, but when did that stop The Great Sir Pentious). You stood ready to shoot. Your hand on the only lever the egg boys could not reach.
Pulling that lever was literally your only job. The only reason Sir Pentious had hired you in the first place. That’s just how enjoyable your company was to him.
Alas, the fight with Alastor was another failure, but he didn’t go down without ripping a piece of his coat. Action that Alstor didn’t seem to take kindly. The whole ordeal ended in Sir Pentious being flung out across the Pentagram. Of course, you ran off to find him.
Once you found him, you checked if he was alright. “Sir! Are you alright? That was quite the hit the Radio Demon gave you…” you mumbled at him, checking his person to make sure he was alright. He’d put himself together quite well, so you let him be. 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine Y/n. I must persist in this endeavor! We mustn’t flail in our pursuit of power.” He called out, a statement at which you nodded. 
You two tried to walk back to where the zeppelin had landed, but before you could make it there, in front of an electronics store, the both of you saw a TV light up with a very recognizable face. 
Through that TV, Vox (one of the overlords Sir Pentious was trying to catch the attention of by attacking Alastor) explained to both of you that he had a mission for them. To infiltrate into the hotel, blend in, and spy on Alastor and Charlie.
(Valentino butted in to ask that they spy on Angel too-)
The both of you were thrilled to accept this mission. Immediately finding the Zeppelin and making your way back to the Hotel (this time in conditional peace).
Sir Pentious knocked on the Hotel’s main entrance and you waited beside him. 
When Vaggie opened the door, you did NOT get punched. Sir Pentious however, did not get the same luck. 
You both pleaded your cases. Saying that you’d spoken about the possibility of redemption and had considered it the best idea.
Of course, Charlie just couldn’t resist taking you two into the hotel (much to Angel and Vaggie’s dismay). 
That same night, both you and Sir Pentious began to set up Vox’s cameras. You almost got caught, but thanks to your amazing deception skills, you two got away with it (Angel saw you guys, and you pretended you’d lost something).
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As the days passed, you seemed to get more used to the way things were. The egg boys, Sir Pentious and you loved it at the hotel. 
You became friends with Angel Dust and found Niffty oddly endearing despite her psychotic tendencies. Vaggie’s protective nature made you feel safe, Alastor was good company, Husk was very interesting to talk to and Charlie was the sweetest person you’d met!
And after speaking to Charlie a couple of times on the subject of your dynamic with Sir Pentious, you realized that you were very much in love with him. 
After such a revelation, your mindset completely changed. Charlie had helped you realize that truly, you didn’t just follow and care for Sir Pentious because he was the overlord you worked for, but because you genuinely cared about him. How could you live with the guilt of betraying, spying, and intruding on the privacy of such a sweet person as well as her friends? Yes, this mission meant a lot to Sir Pentious, but you… you couldn’t do it anymore.
One night, you snuck down to the lobby. You knew exactly where all the cameras were, and you began to carefully take every single one of them down. And just as you were on the last one, you were faced with the last person you wanted to see: Sir Pentious.
He stood in front of the last camera, looking at you in disbelief. “What are you doing messsssssing wissss the camerasssss?” He whisper-yelled at you. Demanding an explanation.
“Sir… I… I can’t with this anymore… They’ve treated us so well… and we’re betraying them.” You argued, trying to keep it as quiet as he was.
“What? Why would you do that? I’m not letting you back out of thissssss. You’re not acting with ssssensssse.” He hissed back.
“Sir Pentious, please… I… We are gaining nothing from this.” You argued.
“Nossssing? Y/n, we are working for Voxssss. That’ssss exsssactly where we’ve been trying to be for the passssst five decadessss. You’re not gonna throw all of that away, are you?” He frowned. He felt so offended that you would even suggest you both ditch the plan.
“No that’s not what I-, Sir… I… hand me the camera, please...” 
“Absssssolutely not.” He spat back. 
“Stop being so loud, we’re going to get caught.” You responded, “Please… let’s talk this over, Penty…” You mumbled. An old nickname you hadn’t called him in ages. It was more of an inside joke between the both of you, but you definitely meant it as a term of absolute endearment.
“No. I don’t care what you call me. I’m not going to fall for it. I don’t know what they told you, but I sssssee now that I’ve losssssst your pledged loyalty. Do not ssssspeak to me, ever again, you traitor.” He responded bluntly.
Normally you would find his melodramaticism funny. But this. This one he meant it. You looked at him, a tear rolling down your cheek. You couldn’t take the pain of the wound his words inflicted on your heart. You loved him, and he hated you now. He deemed you as a traitor. So you ran away in an attempt to spare yourself from him seeing you cry. Running up the stairs, you stumbled into your room. Crying in a corner as you looked at the (now deactivated) cameras that you’d taken down. You sobbed bitterly on the floor until you eventually were too tired to remain awake.
The next morning, you crawled into your bed. You didn’t want to leave it. Perhaps it was a bit dramatic of you, but you’d been around Sir Pentious for so long that you didn’t know if it even was far-fetched. But all of that aside, you couldn’t bear to show your face. You felt that if you saw him, you’d start sobbing on the spot. So you simply stayed tucked below your blankets. 
Charlie came in to check why you hadn’t left your room, and you simply told her you felt sick. 
She had Niffty bring you some stew.
The egg boys went to check on you. You didn’t tell them about the argument you had with Sir Pentious.
They offered to bring you the next bowl of stew. They really cared about you 
(Carl has definitely accidentally called you his parent-)
After three days of moping around, you decided you would go downstairs and sit in the lobby. 
Once she saw you, Charlie asked you if you felt better now and you told her you felt much better.
However, at some point, you were left alone with Sir Pentious. You knew that you had to approach him. From the very depths of your heart you knew that you loved him and that if you stopped talking to him, you would live in misery for the rest of your eternal existence. 
So the second you felt ready, you walked up to him with an apologetic look.
The second he saw you in his field of view, he turned away from you. Letting out a resentful huff, he tried to ignore you. However, you were determined to fix things.
“Sir Pentious… I… I didn’t mean to upset you. I know Vox’s attention means a lot to you… but this place made me realize that… you can be happy without him. We can be happy without him. Here in the hotel! In Heaven!” You exclaimed, begging him to listen.
“We? What do you mean by we? You’ve never sssspoken to me like this before.” He asked, still a bit undignified but still turning to you, confused by your choice of words.
You paused, thinking of how to come clean to him. “The reason why I took down the cameras was… because I felt bad. Charlie and I have been talking about feelings and things of the sort… and she made me realize that… That I love you… And, I’m so thankful for the clarity she brought me that it felt like betrayal. But I guess I… I didn’t stop to think how that would make you feel…” You mumbled. 
He gave you a look of bewilderment. He had no words; he was flattered. And suddenly, it all made sense to him as well. The reason why he’d felt so betrayed was because of how he valued you. 
“The last thing I wanted was for you to detest me…” You mumbled at him, feeling tears build up in your eyes.
He gave you a look of sympathy. It clicked in his mind that you did it out of love for him. He didn’t know how to feel about your affection towards him, but he was sure he cared about you and that the feeling was at the very least partially reciprocated. But right now, the feeling of betrayal was still fresh on his mind. 
“I… I forgive you, I sssssuppose… I can’t stay mad at you after such a heartfelt confessssssion…” He mumbled, blushing, turning away. This time, not out of grudge, but out of embarrassment. 
It wasn’t quite long until you two decided to take all the cameras down for good (after you two were discovered by Angel Dust about a week later) and dedicate yourselves to redemption. 
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
How each resident in the Hazbin Hotel feels about Adam during my vignettes:
Charlie: At first was worried that Adam would just wallow in self pity in his room. That changed when she brought him up a plate of BBQ ribs since she remembered he liked them so much. Adam hadn’t liked her because he saw her as Lilith’s daughter, but once he got to know her he saw her more as Lucifer’s daughter instead. Now they get along well and see each other as family.
Angel Dust: The two quickly became friends once Adam got more involved with the hotel. Angel Dust even calls Adam Dickmaster as a term of endearment. Adam also regrets mocking Angel Dust and calling him the porn demon during Charlie’s visit to Heaven.
Vaggie: Things are awkward between Adam and Vaggie since he used to be her boss. But is willing to be cordial towards him for Charlie’s sake.
Husk: Mostly neutral towards Adam, but is starting to warm up to the guy ever since Adam befriended Angel Dust.
Nifty: She is fascinated by Adam in the way someone would be fascinated by a bug they want to study. Adam is absolutely terrified of Nifty because of the fact she stabbed him in the back multiple times and he just finds her off putting.
Cherri Bomb: Hates Adam because he killed Sir Pentious and Adam understands why she would feel that way. They mainly avoid each other because if they spend too much time around each other, it would end in a screaming match.
Alastor: They have mutual hatred for each other. But unlike Cherri Bomb, who he actively avoids, Adam loves to push Alastor’s buttons. Adam especially likes to mess with Alastor because he knows Lucifer hates him too and he likes seeing Lucifer smile and laugh after seeing the radio demon get annoyed at Adam messing with him.
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beababoobies · 4 months
Omg, you did the request for angst- YIPEEE, TEARS!!!
I couldn't save my tears, I drank them, so have my blood instead, queen 🍷
Anyway- after good angst, fluff comes to the rescue for a smile!
So maybe by some magical reason, or pure determination on Cherri's party, She gets redeemed and goes to heaven. She spends her days there just chillin livin her life, then she bumps into sir Pentious? Maybe when they meet, Sir Pentious just stands there like a deer in headlights, and she goes over to him in her usual sass, but in the inside, she just wants to cry to him or smthn.
Then maybe, Sir Pentious gathers his courage and asks her out?
Happy ending! Maybe.
I want them to be happy damnit-
Yes. Sobs. Yes. I want them to be happy too. Thank you for the blood, it has a lil sweetness to it, yummers!!! Here’s some cherrisnake FINALLY BEING FUCKING HAPPY in return. Enjoy my love! 
Together Again
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Cherrisnake my beloved, words : 1k.
After nearly ten months of rehab, seeing most of the other residents achieve angelic status, even being clean for four of those months (because Charlie and Vaggie took away her drug stash, but wtv, still counts losers!) she had went to sleep the same way as she usually did, saluting Pentious’ portrait and as she had starting doing, blowing a little kiss to it, going outside to drop some flowers at his grave and finally tucking herself into bed, she fell asleep. 
But this felt… different. She felt like she was only asleep for maybe a couple seconds before she felt the thud of warm marble floors beneath her, scrambling to her feet and reaching into her back pocket for an emergency bomb - only to find nothing there. She opened her eye, only to have to close it quickly because of the shining golden light of the ceiling above. Then there was an excited squeal, and an Angel rushed towards here
“A new sinner! A new sinner has reached rehabilitation!” She squealed out, reaching out to help Cherri with her bearings, only for Cherri to flinch away, staring at her, completely bewildered. She knew she had been making progress, but she had no clue it was this much progress. She almost felt disappointment that she was here already.
“Oh! Where are my manners?” The sarafim chirped excitedly, reaching out her hand for Cherri to cautiously shake, only to pull back in shock when her hands were now laces with hints of gold. “I’m Emily, or Em, or - just call me whatever! I’m the second sarafim of heaven, congratulations on making angelic status!” She said with a big smile. Cherri nodded slowly, still taking in her bearings. She would miss Pentious’ portrait. 
She spent her first couple days walking around aimlessly in the golden-rimmed, shiny palace that was heaven. She found out you could still fight in heaven, but it was a safe sort of contest, or sport. And there wasn’t any deadly weapons, either. It was safe. She couldn’t lie and say there wasn’t nothing in Hell she missed, but it was comfortable up here. Like the calm after the storm. 
At the end of her first week, she decided to finally go out for drinks at a popular angelic bar. There was no hangovers here, Em had explained. And the liquor, she had found out, tasted unbelievably pleasant. No one was knocking into her, or groping her. No one was cornering her at gunpoint. People would come up and talk to her about more than just trying to get into her pants. 
And the best part? You could still go to town on the dance floor. And unlike she had originally joked, they still had catchy music and her favourite songs playing at clubs. That became most of her nightly routine, to try and start to recover from the pain of losing Pentious as quickly as she got him. Dancing out and about with angels, because she still, secretly, couldn’t think of herself as one. 
That was, until she accidentally bumped into a tall stranger, falling back slightly before she started apologizing, which was something Charlie had taught her about while she was still in rehabilitation. She thought she was quite good at it by now. She thought that until the tall stranger turned around and stole all the words from her throat for a second.
He was even more handsome, gold accents now covering his body as his eyes grew wide, words seeming to get stuck in his throat as well. She chuckled softly, snapping herself back out of her bewildered state. Be cool, Cherri. She thought. It was one kiss. She told herself. He’s probably forgotten now. 
“You fucker!” She chuckled out with her usual tone, punching him playfully and lightly in the arm, looking up at him with her eye that let him see right through her words, right into the rope that was squeezing her heart so hard it felt like it might burst. “You look even worse than when you last sacrificed yourself for us!” She tried at another sarcastic hit, only to be met with the same shocked silence, before his face melted into pure adoration.
“Don’t give me the goo-goo eyes, pleassseee.” She jokes, trying to avoid them, because she knew she’d melt just the same, swallowing thickly as he put his hand on her cheek, tilting her face to look up at his. Her bottom lip trembled.
“I didn’t know how you could look even prettier.” He mumbles out quietly, watching tears start to form in her eye as she tries to blink them away to no avail, blush spreading over her cheeks, just the same as the day he’d kissed her. “But you’ve gone and proved me wrong, Missss Cherri Bomb.” He mumbled out softly, leaning in slightly, eyes trailing to her lips and back up to eye, now a beautiful ocean blue. 
She sniffles softly, words stuck in her throat before he scoops her up by the curve of her back, dipping her down as he kissed her - just like months ago, his hand squeezing at her like she would slip out of his grip at any moment. She melted into the kiss, pressing her lips back against his, feeling back in the moment. Feeling a missing piece of her click back into place, finally. 
He finally pulled his lips off her, looking down at her with adoration swimming in his eyes, and she just smiles, blushing as she finally looks him in the eyes. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that again, Miss Cherri.” He mumbled out softly.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to do it again, Pentious.” She replied with a smile, tears in her eye finally breaking and a small stream of her tears running down her cheek as she put her hands onto the back of his head, eyeing his lips.
“One more time for good measure.” 
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