#and then I had strawberries dipped in chocolate sauce and ice cream for dessert
I know I don't have the energy for it all the time but I love when I cook for myself. 1) it's sexy, 2) I'm not as bad of a cook as I always say I am, and 3) I always make a lot of food, so either I have food for several days or, if I'm in a feeding mood, I can eat a lot at once
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obscure-imaginations · 5 months
Chubformers oneshot with Megatron! Mixed with Mayternity for ultimate indulgence in kinks I want to practice writing. No specific Megatron used. Reflected on AO3.
18+ only. Contains: pregnancy, eating, rapid weight gain, vaginal masturbation. Happy ending.
Megatron’s pregnancy had been going well so far. He’d not had any sickness, his bodily pains were at a minimum, and he was… content. Of course, he was still fairly early in his pregnancy, but he decided to not focus on that.
However, there was one problem that Megatron kept to himself. His cravings were embarrassing to him. He hated to admit it (and he never would out loud), but he craved… human foods.
Megatron had resisted at first. He drank energon more often, even eating the jellies and iced energon to try and curb the want for solids. But it was all for naught, as he finally gave in and snuck a feast into his personal quarters.
His holoform and the Decepticon reserve of human currency came in handy- two things he never thought he’d need. He could thank the others later (or not, like usual), for now he was starving!
The first on his plate were a generous serving of fried potatoes, coated in grease and salt. He ate about half before remembering the sauces that were provided. He didn't bother reading the labels, he just tore a pack open and began dipping his fries.
Once that was finished, Megatron was actually content with the flavors human foods provided and was surprisingly excited for more. He pulled out a juicy burger- three layers of hamburger patties and all the fixings. His sharp denta bit down and for a split second he could swear he was in the Well of All Sparks, for how the flavors flooded his senses.
He finished it in record time. Two more burgers and servings of fries were topped off with a whole pizza and, of course, dessert.
A whole chocolate cake, slathered in cream cheese frosting, filled with bits of chocolate chips, and a few decorative strawberries. At this point, Megatron still felt like he was starving, so he grabbed handfuls of cake instead of opting for the plate and fork he brought. Frosting coated his servos but he didn't care. He ate and ate until he finished the cake, then spent the next half a megacycle carefully licking his servos clean. He didn't need evidence of this heinous act, after all.
Once all the trash had been burned to remove the evidence, Megatron plopped down on his berth. He rolled to his left side to lay down, as Knockout had instructed him to lay during his pregnancy- and noticed something odd. He had to lay more in the middle of the bed rather than the side, to accommodate his belly. Was his pregnancy tummy really that big?
A servo carefully rubbed over where the spark was growing, and Megatron grimaced. In his overindulgence, he had eaten his protomesh to full. It was quickly adapting to form rolls of fat that bulged under his chassis and spilled over the bed. Megatron grunted in annoyance but kept rubbing his tummy as it felt pleasurable to do so, much to his surprise. He undid his chassis and popped out the protomesh components growing there, as they were beginning to ache. They were much bigger than Megatron remembered, the last time he checked. It felt so very relieving to free his new breasts!
He groaned in relief as the food in his belly settled and his rubbing servo brought satisfaction to his senses. He massaged the rolls of fat and brought his left servo up to gently rub his aching breasts. He closed his optics with a pleased sigh.
Megatron noticed his thighs and arms were chubbier than he last remembered, as well. The left servo remained on his breasts and the right servo moved down to rub his thick thighs. A groan of arousal came out as the touches shot feelings of pure pleasure to his valve, and he instantly began to drip.
With sudden urgency, Megatron threw off his genital covering and rubbed the lips of his valve with desperation. Fluid leaked out onto his sheets. He stifled a whimper as he rubbed his clitoris, his sensitive nub overloading his senses. With the fastest jerk-off session Megatron had ever committed, he shuddered and moaned, long and loud. His valve pulsed in pleasure and shot tingles through his fattened abdomen and up his swollen breasts. He groaned once more before settling back down with a sigh.
Megatron placed his servos on his belly and gave a rare smile. Perhaps this whole pregnancy thing was extraordinarily better than Megatron ever thought.
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
Hello!! Here to spread the love on nice ask day!
If you could have any dessert, what would it be?
Hi Sara, thanks so much for taking the time to send me a nice ask. I really appreciate it! 🌷
Any dessert...tricky tricky because I have a sweet tooth--just ask my dentist. 😂
Normally, I would give a list because choices are hard for me. Yet, my brain supplied a single dessert with startling clarity, considering who I am (know thyself, etc.)— that’s surprising lol.
If I could have any dessert, it would be Churros. For anyone not familiar with churros, they are long pieces of fried dough topped with cinnamon and sugar and fried to perfection. So the exterior is crispy, but the inside is fluffy and tender. 😍 Sometimes they can come with filling—strawberry, or chocolate. I prefer the plain ones so you can then dip them into sauces: chocolate, caramel, etc.
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I can't find them as readily as I can ice cream or donuts (another beloved dessert). There used to be a small business panadería (bakery) near me that would make them fresh every morning, and you had to get there early if you wanted some. I built them into my Saturday morning routine, but sadly, they closed during the pandemic and never reopened. It's been a little harder to find them freshly made, but whenever I see them on a menu, I order them!
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Pairing Deep-Fried Oreos & Twinkies With More Chocolate
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Deep-fried Oreos are a classic fair food, but they're also easy to make at home. And when you pair them with Nutella, you have a match made in heaven!
The key to making perfect deep-fried Twinkies & Oreos is to use good quality oil. We recommend using an oil with a high smoke point, like canola or vegetable oil. You'll also want to make sure your oil is nice and hot before frying the Oreos. If it's not hot enough, the cookies will absorb too much oil and be greasy.
When it comes to dipping the cookies in the batter, we like to use a fork so that we can get a good coating on all sides. Then, it's just a matter of frying them until they're golden brown and crispy.
Once they're done, be sure to drain them on some paper towels before dipping them in the Nutella. And that's it! You're ready to enjoy your deep fried Oreos & deep fried Twinkies with Nutella. Yum!
The Best Topping For Deep-Fried Oreos & Twinkies 
This is a popular topping for Deep-Fried Oreos that can be found at many fairs. Fruits and cream go together so well and it gives the Oreos an extra bit of sweetness. You can use any type of fruit you like, but we recommend using fresh berries.
The sweetness of the fruit pairs well with the richness of the cream, making for a delicious treat. While there are many different ways to prepare fruits and cream for frying, the most important thing is to choose a good quality oil for frying. This will ensure that your fried dessert comes out crispy and full of flavor.
1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream
1/2 cup (125 ml) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pint (500 ml) fresh berries, such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries
In a large bowl, whisk together heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract until thick and creamy.
Rinse the berries and pat them dry.
Dip the Oreos into the cream, then coat with berries.
Serve immediately. Enjoy!
Food Expert's Recommendation On Toppings
What's the best topping for deep fried Oreos and deep fried Twinkies? We asked four experts and here's what they had to say.
"A simple dusting of powdered sugar is all you need to bring out the flavor of these fried treats." - Chef John, Food wishes
"I like to add a little bit of cinnamon to my powder sugar for an extra bit of flavor." - Aarti Sequeira, host of Food Network's Aarti Party
"If you want to get really fancy, you can make a dipping sauce by combining some melted chocolate with a little bit of cream." - Alton Brown, host of Good Eats
"My personal favorite is to top them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and some chocolate sauce." - Sunny Anderson, host of Cooking for Real
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justanothercookery · 3 years
Birthday lunch
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A Mexican-themed lunch for 35 on Saturday 21 August 2021
For my uncle’s 70th birthday party, my cousins and I laid on a Mexican-themed birthday lunch. Everyone enjoyed themselves enormously and in terms of catering for a crowd, this was very straightforward. (Yes, I find army-style cooking relatively easy, but this really was simple.)
We had tortilla chips set out on tables with pico de gallo, soured cream, and some shop-bought guacamole while people were arriving, saying hello, and getting drinks. For the buffet lunch, there were three burrito mixes: one vegetarian, one milder meat, and another spicier meat. There was a spicier red rice, a plain red rice, and a boiled rice. We had pico de gallo hot or mild, and with or without coriander. There were hot and mild smashed avocados. Oodles of sour cream and grated cheese, and corns on the cob.
For dessert, there was a choice of strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla ice cream with sauces, sprinkles, sweeties, and chocolate brownie. Okay, so maybe that isn’t very Mexican, but how can you argue with constructing your own sundaes? My cousin made the most beautiful strawberry and vanilla cake, and everyone was happy.
This, therefore, is how you cook for a crowd. My top tips: use the food processor to do as much heavy lifting as you can, and opt for pastes and purées where possible. Using a garlic purée will not compromise on flavour, but it will save your sanity when you have to peel and mince multiple bulbs, let alone cloves, of garlic. 
Do all of the onion in one go in the food processor. Weigh a peeled, trimmed onion for a rough weight, then weigh out the chopped onion according to each part of the recipe. Store each portion in airtight containers or labelled ziplock bags.
Do not baulk at the washing-up generated by mise-en-place. Measuring out three ramekins of the spice mix for each version of the burrito stuffing in one go is much easier than measuring out tablespoonfuls of spices each time you need to add them.
Very importantly, if you are using an ‘ordinary’ family recipe and scaling it up for the masses, always write out the multiplied version and work from that. Do not try to do the maths in your head as you go along. You will either forget or make an error.
Finally: stay calm and manage your kitchen. Ask for help when you need it and send people out of the kitchen if they are in your way or making you stressed. Remember to eat and drink, too.
Vegetarian burrito mix for 10 to 12 people
240g green lentils, washed and soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes
240g red lentils, washed
3 small-ish onions - chopped in the food processor
6 teaspoons garlic purée
1 1/2 tablespoons ground coriander
1 1/2 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
1 1/4 teaspoons dried oregano
3 cans chopped tomatoes (about 1200g)
3 cans black beans in water (about 1200g)
1/2 - 1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Oil for frying
Cover the base of a very large casserole dish with oil. Fry the onion until it is soft, adding a sprinkling of salt to stop it from burning. This will take about 10 minutes.
Squeeze in the garlic purée and stir it through for 30 seconds.
Tip in the coriander, cumin, chilli, and oregano. Stir thoroughly and fry for a minutes.
Add the lentils (drain the green ones) and mix them through the spices before pouring over the tomatoes and combining. Season with salt and pepper, the sugar and the vinegar. Bring to the boil and cook for five minutes. 
Pour in the black beans with their liquid and stir very carefully but thoroughly. Bring back to the boil and then reduce to a simmer. Cook covered for about 45 minutes, until the lentils are tender. Given the quantities, it might take closer to 55 minutes. Do not be alarmed. If you are worried it will dry out, add some vegetable stock.
Stir periodically to prevent sticking.
After 45 minutes, remove the lid and test and adjust for seasoning. Cook the mix for approximately another 10 minutes, but possibly longer, to reduce to a thick, rich burrito stuffing. 
Then either cool and refrigerate, reheating it in a hot oven for about 45 minutes when ready to serve. Or serve immediately.
Milder meat mix for 10 to 12 people
1.2kg best minced steak 
3 small-ish onions - chopped in the food processor
6 teaspoons garlic purée
1 1/2 tablespoons ground coriander
1 1/2 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoons red chilli powder
1 1/4 teaspoons dried oregano
3 cans chopped tomatoes (1200g)
3 cans black beans in water (1200g)
1/2 - 1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Season the meat with salt and fry it over a high heat in a large frying pan until it is browned all over.
Remove it to the bowl of a large slow cooker, leaving the fat in the frying pan.
Cook the onion in the beef fat with a touch of salt until it is golden. Then add the garlic purée and cook it for 30 seconds more. Stir in the spices and oregano and cook for a minute before adding the vinegar and sugar. Mix well and then pour over the meat in the slow cooker. Mix again.
Add the tomatoes and black beans to the slow cooker bowl and season with salt and pepper. Mix everything very well and then cook it on high for four hours or low for six to eight hours. Check for seasoning and if you need to cook it for a while with the lid off to reduce it, so be it!
Spicier meat mix for 10 to 12 people
It’s the same ingredients and method as the milder mix, but triple the spices. So that’s 4 1/2 tablespoons each of cumin and coriander and three teaspoons of chilli powder. You can always put Tabasco or Mexican hot sauce on the table, too.
Spicy red rice for 10 to 12 people (this is sufficient for inside burritos, you’ll need more if serving as a chilli)
300g long grain white rice, soaked in cold water for 30 minutes
3 red onions, finely chopped in a food processor
3-4 teaspoons garlic purée
3-4 tablespoons tomato purée
1 tablespoon chilli paste
1 litre very weak vegetable stock
1/2 tablespoon salt
Neutral oil
Cover the base of a very large saucepan with oil. Fry the onion for 10 minutes until it is a soft mush.
Squeeze in the garlic and tomato purées and chilli paste and stir through the onion for a minute before tipping in the drained rice and coating it in the red mix. Salt it.
Pour over the stock and bring it to the boil. Stir well. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce to a simmer on the lowest flame. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed and the rice is tender.
For the red rice, just omit the chilli paste.
Plain rice for 10 to 12 people
For the plain rice, bring a large pan of water the the boil. Salt it. Tip in 300g of long grain rice that you have soaked for 30 minutes and then drained. Cover the pan. When it returns to the boil, set a timer for four minutes. When the timer beeps, test the rice. If it’s ready, drain it very well and transfer it to a greased serving dish and cover it with foil if it has to wait for a few minutes. If it isn’t quite done, cook for another minute and test again. It shouldn’t take much longer. Do not let it overcook. 
Pico de gallo for 30 to 35 people for burritos (you’ll need more for tortilla chip-dipping)
Some people like it spicy. Some do not like coriander. This caters for all of them.
16-20 large tomatoes
4 red onions, finely chopped
8 tablespoons lime juice
Bunch of fresh coriander, chopped
4 (or thereabouts, depending on strength) red chillis, minced
Mark each tomato with a cross on the base and place in a large bowl. Cover with boiling water and leave for a minute. Drain.
Slip the skins off of each tomato and then quarter them, core and de-seed them, chop finely and place in a sieve.
When the tomatoes have drained, transfer them to a large bowl. Add the onion and lime juice and sprinkle with salt. Mix well and taste it. You may need more lime or salt. This is Bowl 1.
Remove half of the mixture to a clean bowl. This is Bowl 2. Into this second bowl, mix the finely chopped chilli. Halve this chillied mixture again, with half going into a fresh bowl, Bowl 3. To Bowl 3, add two tablespoons (or more, depending on your preferences) of chopped fresh coriander.
Back at Bowl 1, with the original tomato-onion-lime mix, halve it. You now have Bowl 1 and Bowl 4. Add two tablespoons or more of chopped coriander to one half, which will be Bowl 4.
You should have four bowls of pico de gallo:
And the rest
You will need at least two tortillas a person as well as soured cream, grated cheese, and avocado. We bought ready-smashed avocado, some with lime and some with chilli and lime. It meant we didn’t have to worry about ripe-or-overripe avocados. We also put out a bowl of salad as well as Tabasco and a Mexican hot sauce. There were mini corns-on-the-cob for those who wanted them, too. All they required was dunking in a pasta pan of boiling water for a few minutes. Sure, grilling them and smothering in soured cream, chilli, and cheese would have been delicious, but completely impractical. Know your limitations.
One of my cousins mixed margaritas, and we had wine, fizz, fizzy water, cordial, and juice. If we missed anything, and I really don’t think that we did, it wasn’t for a want of trying.
Now go forth and rock and roll.
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punfit · 3 years
Breakfast - serving of smoothie (avocado, green capsicum, spinach, cashews, yoghurt, sultanas, honey), sweetened black coffee.
Snack - serving of cheesecake slice, sweetened green tea.
Dinner - serving of mixed steamed veggies, potato bake, beef curry, and 0.5 toasted beef curry+cheese sandwich.
Snack - serving of salted popcorn.
Water - 1.6L, alright.
Exercise - none.
Breakfast - serving of smoothie (avocado, green capsicum, spinach, cashews, yoghurt, sultanas, honey), sweetened black coffee.
Snack - serving of cheesecake slice, sweetened green tea, serving of salted popcorn.
Dinner - 6 pieces mini spring rolls, 1 serving sausage roll, sriracha mayo.
Dessert - 2 small pieces chocolate mudcake, sweetened green tea.
Water - 1.6L, alright.
Exercise - none.
Another day of watching Netflix.
Breakfast - 1 whole avocado with honey, 0.5 serving of granola, sweetened black coffee.
Snack - serving of cheesecake slice, sweetened green tea.
Dinner - 2 servings fried rice with Mongolian lamb curry, serving of diet coke.
Snack - green tea.
Water - 1.6L, alright.
Exercise - none.
Celebrated a successful semester by having dinner out with my parents. :)
Breakfast - 1 whole avocado with honey, 0.5 serving of granola, sweetened black coffee.
Dinner - 1.25 servings roast chicken with 2 servings stuffing, serving of mixed steamed veggies, spicy sauce, 1 steamed dim sim.
Dessert - serving of Sri Lankan fruit cake, green tea.
Snacks - serving of fruit gummies, salted popcorn, green tea.
Water - 1.8L, good.
Exercise - none.
Breakfast - 1 mandarin, 1 cheesestick, 1 LCM bar, serving of salted cashews, sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - 1.5 servings migoreng with egg and leftover sweet+sour and satay beef.
Snack - sweetened green tea, packet of sesame snaps.
Dinner - serving of white rice with instant chicken soup and beef and vegetable stew.
Dessert - serving of sticky date pudding with strawberry ice cream and biscuit crumb topping.
Water - 1.8L, good.
Exercise - none.
Breakfast - serving of smoothie (avocado, pomegranate, cashews, raspberry tea infused coconut water, strawberry jam, 3 glace cherries), sweetened black coffee.
Lunch - toasted roast beef and cheese sandwich with sriracha mayo.
Snack - 1 mini ANZAC biscuit.
Dinner - 3 egg omelette with 4 mix cheese, 2 slices fried streaky bacon, serving of cheesy potato bake, serving of cola.
Dessert - 2 servings jaggery, sweetened green tea.
Water - 1.6L, alright.
Exercise - none.
Okay so I ate more than I had planned to, but there are Reasons.
The smoothie was planned, but wound up tasting like strawberry yoghurt and looking like The Grey Stuff from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I really thought the pomegranate would turn the thing bright red, but nope, it was cancelled out by the avocado's greeness. I stuck some glace cherries on there for a little sweetness, and because they've been sitting in the pantry since like, December, and should probably be finished before the year is up.
I burnt some toast intended for someone else, so I turned down the toaster setting, made them new toast, and used the crispy slices of toast for myself. That threw my plan to exercise out the window.
Then, because of the roller-coaster that is the reappearance of lockdown in my state, it turns out that we will no longer be contributing to the catering for a family-organised event, so we now have 36 extra large eggs sitting in the fridge. Excluding the 3 I used in my dinner omelette. So we'll ne living in egg based meals for a while. 😂 (Also the bacon is probably close to it's best-by date, as is the potato bake, so they need to be used up too). The cola came from a take-away meal that my parents bought without my input, so I'll be eating my share of that tomorrow night.
Tldr; I'm definitely exercising tomorrow, no matter what, and the weigh-in is definitely going to show gain.
16/7/21 Weight
SW: 80KG
CW: 63KG
GW: 60KG
0.4KG up from last week. Expected.
Breakfast - serving of smoothie (avocado, pomegranate, cashews, raspberry tea infused coconut water, strawberry jam, 3 glace cherries), sweetened black coffee.
Dinner - 2 small servings fried with spicy sauce, lamb burger with 0.5 avocado, sriracha, slice of cheese and gherkin dip in large white bread roll.
Dessert - 3 servings jaggery, sweetened black tea.
Water - 2L, excellent.
Exercise - 20 mins on the treadmill at 3km/h and incline of 10%, 25 roll-ups, 25 half push-ups, 25 double leg raises, 25 donkey kicks (each side).
Some nice gentle muscle work today. My goals for this routine are to reach 4.5-5km/h at 10% incline, and 50 reps of each exercise. It's gonna hurt. X)
Still, at today's 3km/h, I was reminiscing about how that speed at a low incline used to get me out of breath. I breezed through it. How things change.
And yeah I didn't complete the last ab calendar I started, because it started getting boring despite being challenging and some of the moves were uncomfortable for my neck and shoulders. I got pretty close though, I only had two days left!
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jabbers-of-jay · 4 years
Strawberries and Cream
Guess who’s back, back again? Yeah okay, that was corny. I really want strawberries and cream... but I do not have any cream. So I gave it to Courf and Ferre. Not my best work, but it’s been awhile since I’ve written something :P.
Okay. I’ll stop talking now. Here, have some Courferre
Courfeyrac and Combefere sat in the middle of their kitchen, the room a total disaster. Courfeyrac was a giggling mess and Combeferre gave a good natured sigh, before he joined his boyfriend in laughing as Combeferre cleaned his glasses off. 
Courfeyrac couldn’t tell you how it happened exactly. Like most things where he was concerned, it just happened. Combeferre, on the other hand could tell you exactly how it happened. 
It had been a long week and the two had decided they needed a date night. No distractions. Work and phones hidden away, and the only people that existed in the world was them. Combeferre had wanted to take Courfeyrac on a proper date because they hadn’t been on one in awhile and he just wanted to treat his boyfriend to a date. But by Thursday night, Courfeyrac could tell Combeferre had had a rough week and was tired of dealing with people, so he had quietly canceled their reservations and gone to the store around the corner. Combeferre had given him a curious look.
“Courfeyrac? What are all these groceries for? It isn’t grocery day.” He said was he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek as he flitted around the kitchen putting everything away.
“I know! It’s for our date!” He said, ushering Combeferre to the bar stool and pushing a cup of coffee into his hands.
“But we have, we have reservations.” He said around a yawn after a particularly rough night of call.
“I know. But I thought we could have a nice night at home instead! Just us!” He said happily. Combeferre eyed him closely.
“Well… if you’re sure.” He said slowly before letting it go and the two had gone about their normal days.
When date night arrived, Courfeyrac insisted they both get dressed like they were going on a date and Combeferre made Courfeyrac wear an apron. The two chatted about their week, moving in sync around the kitchen, Courfeyrac would already have whatever Combeferre needed before he even asked for it. 
“I’m you’re kitchen aid!” Courfeyrac laughed at one point, which had earned him a kiss on the nose from Combeferre. The kiss on the nose had turned into a soft kiss on the lips and it wasn’t long before the two were making out. The smell of garlic made Combeferre quickly step back though he had a slightly unfocused glazed look in his eyes. Courfeyrac giggled and snuck another kiss before Combeferre was picking Courfeyrac up and depositing him on some empty counter space.
“Stay there and stop distracting me.” He said, pointing a spatula at him while Courfeyrac giggled. Combeferre continued to cook their meal before he opened a bottle of wine and passed a glass to Courfeyrac. He smiled at Combeferre and blew him a kiss. 
The two enjoyed their dinner in peace, the candlelit evening becoming more mellow as the sunset. The dinner was delicious, as always, and the exact date the two had been aching to have. Then came dessert. Ice cream, strawberries, and a few sundae toppings were on the counter top and the two had started to build themselves some ice cream sundaes. A mischievous glint entered Courfeyrac’s eye and after he topped off his sundae with whip cream he squirted some directly into his mouth.
“Courf.” Combeferre said with a good natured sigh, but there was a smile on his face. Courfeyrac simply winked back.
“Open up! Your turn!” He said. Combeferre, used to his boyfriend’s antics by now, obediently opened his mouth. Courfeyrac would swear up and down that he didn’t really mean to do it, but just as Combeferre started to enjoy the whip cream in his mouth, he found Courfeyrac spraying a striped down his face while Courfeyrac giggled. Five years ago, Combeferre would have stood there in shock, but he was used to this kind of act. Without missing a beat, Combeferre dipped his finger in some chocolate sauce and flung it at Courfeyrac. Courfeyrac’s mouth opened and he stood there looking at him in shock.
“You…. sauce… me.” He said pointing between them and the chocolate sauce while Combeferre smirked at him. It only took a few seconds before Courfeyrac launched another whip cream attack and tossed a strawberry at him, and then the two were in an all out war.
Courfeyrac giggle hysterically as he dodged another attack of chocolate and he ducked behind the bar. He glanced sneakily up before racing back around and grabbing sprinkles to toss at Combeferre. But, before he could toss them Combeferre’s hands easily found Courfeyrac’s ticklish spots and showed him no mercy as he let go of his hand full of sprinkles. 
“S-s-stop. I co-concede!” Courfeyrac finally said through his giggles. Combeferre laughed along with him before bending down kiss Courfeyrac’s lips. The two men sighed happily before they broke apart to look at the mess in their kitchen. Combeferre took off his glasses and started cleaning them, a few chuckles escaping as he watched his blurry boyfriend giggle.
“Maybe we should just stick to the usual strawberries and cream.” He suggested it.
“The cream is what got us here in the first place.” Courfeyrac retorted with a smile, before looking over and falling into another fit of giggles and pointing at Combeferre. “You’re covered in… well… everything!” He said laughing again. 
“And whose fault is that?” Combeferre asked with a rueful smile.
“Sorry, sorry.” Courfeyrac said between giggles. Combeferre pretended to give an exasperated sigh but Courfeyrac knew there was no heat behind it.
Eventually the two recovered and Courfeyrac pushed him down the hall.
“You go get cleaned up, I’ll clean up the kitchen he said.” as he blocked off the kitchen. Combeferre started to complain.
“No, no. I started the mess, I’ll clean it up.” He said with a smile.
“Hmmm, don’t take too long.” Combeferre said with a wink before finally agreeing. Courfeyrac shook his head and gave a heartfelt sigh.
“What I’d ever do to be so lucky?” He asked the empty air before turning to the messy kitchen. 
Fifteen minutes later he walked back down the hallway, strawberries and in cream in hand. 
“I come with a peace offering.” Courfeyrac said as he joined Combeferre.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
The Extremely Large Tag Game
ATagged By: @dreamystuffers​ thank you sweet pea and HOLY SHIT THIS REALLY IS THE ULTIMATE TAG GAME BUT I AM READY.
SECTION ONE: First and last tag: post the first line of a wip as well as the last line you’ve written so far!
So I have several Wips at the moment and whelp, I’m gonna do them all lol.
The Size of a Heart: Wonho and Reader (Drabble)
First Line Written: The sky was burning as the sun set for the night, cloaking the city in its familiar darkness.
Last Line Written: “I tell myself that it’s better if it hurts, but I…I can’t anymore…I can’t.”
Tentatively Falling: Vampire Jongdae and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: Strobe lights flashed around the dark bar, drawing your attention every now and then when they went wild as the bass dropped.
Last Line Written: It was more than you ever thought, but it was exactly what you dreamt about hearing him say.
Heavenly Father: Boyfriend Yoongi, Priest Jimin, Alter boy Jungkook, and Reader (Smut Crack Drabble - Title May Change)
First Line Written: The stain glass windows in the Church were a sight to see during the day, the sunlight streaming through and bringing life to the images during the service, and brought a sense of comforting to those during times of trouble.
Last Line Written: Jimin groaned and your eyes watered when your nose was pressed against the base, his dick down your throat.
Knitting You a Home: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: The wind howled while rain pelted your house as the storm refused to let up.
Last Line Written: For the moment, his thoughts were cleared, allowing him to fall asleep with you safely in his arms.
SECTION TWO. Enter 15 of your biases and put them in this order to discover the story of your life
Parent: Hongjoong
well I mean he is pretty daddy at times
Sibling: Jongdae
Grandparent: Sammy
Haunts you: Vernon
Significant other: Jooheon
Ex: Yuta
damn that’s...that’s a change
Best friend: Chanyeol
Proposed to you: Yoongi
Was this before Jooheon or after Jooheon? Who’s my ass with?
Your boss: Taeyong
Random person you meet a the bar: Seonghwa
Rival: Bang Chan
First kiss: Namjoon
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Wonho
Played seven minutes in heaven with: Felix
Gave you your favorite dessert: Jackson
I...I can see this one. He’s sweet to do that
SECTION THREE. Describe your bias by their vibes as if they were someone in your life. (I’m doing my Ults, 1 from each group.)
Jongdae (EXO): The guy that everyone knows because he’s the one with that distinguishable laugh. The class clown that knows the limits and only crosses them on rare occasions. You think you know him but then he’ll say something that you never knew about him. Craves his independence but is the quiet one when in a large group, smiling as he watches the more energetic ones run about. An old soul trapped in a young body.
Yoongi (BTS): The one who devotes himself to his work and rarely sees the light of day. His room is littered with empty to go cups of coffee mixed with his own assortment of coffee mugs Coffee ring stains on furniture. You think he’s not listening or paying attention but when you least expect it, he’ll quietly do something or hand you a gift that he knows you treasure. He’ll never ask for cuddles, but he’ll always give them to you and refuse to let you go when you try to get up. Wise beyond his years because he’s suffered and doesn’t wish it on anyone else.
Yuta (NCT): The popular guy that at first everyone warns you about, but once you get to know him yourself, you don’t know why they warned you in the first place because he’s a total sweetheart. The guy who flirts with everyone and anyone, but remains loyal to his girl. He’s never without his iced coffee, and he’s dyeing his hair in the bathtub with a friend to help make sure it doesn’t go too wrong. Will entertain your drunk texts. He’s the one to text at 2 am when you’re feeling alone and down and he’ll do what he can to lift you back up with nothing but the truth.
Hongjoong (Ateez): He’s the guy who doesn’t give a shit about trends or styles, he creates his own. The guy who does the piercings at the local tattoo shop knows him by name because he’s gotten so many of his piercings done there. He is the Fashion DIY King. Will roast his friends the hardest  because he loves them the most and takes it when they dish it back. Somehow manages to rock hairstyles - long live the mullet - that no one thought should have ever existed. Don’t let him cook though. If he cooks you’ll end up with food poisoning. He’s the one who will let you try makeup tricks and new products on him. Secretly amazing at painting nails.
Wonho (Monsta X): He’s the guy friend that you never expected to be friends with. Him? You? Total opposites on a physical scale. On completely different levels. Once you get to know him, he’s a total teddy bear. Doesn’t question it when you suddenly appear and hug him without saying a word, he’ll simply hug you back while maintaining the conversation he had going. Or he’ll simply surprise you with a hug because he likes them.
Bang Chan (Stray Kids): He’s the one that always has his earbuds in even during class. Like he’s the guy that has the earbud going through the sleeve of his hoodie and is pressing his palm against his ear to listen to the music. Listens to everyone, even if he doesn’t know them that well and gives really good advice if they ask for it.
Jackson (Got7): The guy that you can hear a mile away. Hyper. Can’t sit still to save his life. He was the guy that you’d see doing laps in the hallway with his friends when he should have been in class, but he was the nice one. Passionate and when you ask him about what he’s working on, he’ll talk about it for hours. Will also apologize multiple times for going on but then continue to go on.
SECTION FOUR. Search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make yourself a moodboard
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SECTION FIVE. Make a normal and fantasy version of yourself using this !
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SECTION SIX. Writing tag game!
What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
A quiet office where I can play music softly in the background and be at a desk with a comfortable chair.
 What Genre do you prefer to write?
Slice of Life, Young Adult, College Age.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
Make a note of it in either my notebook or in the notes section on my phone.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Jimin and Hoseok
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I like to do both. Honestly, it’s kinda like a mix of both. With some of my fics, the only thing that makes them fanfics are that I’m using the real person’s name, and I’ll pin point on certain aspects of their physical features. In Brotið Hjarta, the only thing that connects to it being Namjoon is his name, and maybe his hair style/color and ear piercings, everything else was what I imagined it to be.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
Yes. Strawberry Cream and BBQ
How often do you get ideas?
From everyday life, sometimes I’ll be daydreaming and it kinda morphs into a story or a fanfic and so I’ll make notes so that I don’t forget it.
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
Yessss, all the time.
What is your least favorite plot?
I don’t know about least favorite plots, but I do hate it when fics dive straight into a story without any background or anything. Wait, so maybe that’s pwp fics????? I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but even with my fics that primarily focus on smut, I still add in those background details and give them a teeny tiny plot.
SECTION SEVEN. Put your music on shuffle and reveal the first ten songs that come on.
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall out Boy
In the Dark - Bring Me the Horizon
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
All In - Monsta X
To the Beat - Ateez
Shot - Lil’ Jon
Daechwita - Agust D
Treasure - Ateez
Adore You - Harry Styles
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
SECTION EIGHT. Questions tag:
Relationships: 2
Break-ups: 2
Kids: Right now? 0
Brothers and Sisters: 1 older brother.
Pets: 0
Surgeries: 0
Tattoos: 0
Countries you’ve been to: 0
Been in an airplane: yes
Been in an ambulance: yes
I sing karaoke: hell no.
Ice skating: I like it but I suck at it and have only been able to go during school events in the past.
Been on a cruise: hell no
Driven a motorcycle: nope
Ridden a horse: yes
Stayed in a hospital: nope
Favorite fruit or berry: Raspberries
Favorite color: Magenta
Last text: “Perfect! I’ll let you know when I am able to send yours out!” - I do pen palling and was letting someone know when I could send them a post card in exchange for the one I’m getting.
Cat or dog: Cat
Favorite pizza: White sauce pizza with chicken and feta cheese
Met a star: nope
Flown a helicopter: nada
Been on TV: nope
Broken my leg: nope
Seen a ghost: don’t believe in them.
Been sick in a taxi: nope
Seen someone die: no
SECTION NINE: Fifteen questions tag:
One ; it’s your birthday! what did you ask for?
Gift cards, um...(this is bad because my birthday is actually coming up) maybe some things from my Amazon list?
Two ; what was the last song / album you listened to?
WAP by Cardi B
Three ; what is your go to snack when you’re hungry?
Chocolate, cookies or cookies dipped in peanut butter
Four ; what is your morning routine?
Wake up, check messages on my phone while still in bed, get up, make coffee, maybe eat breakfast, drink coffee in bed, listen to music/watch videos or read on phone while drinking coffee, get dressed, brush teeth and skincare routine, make bed.
Five ; what mythical creature would you be?
An Elf? Or a Forest Witch. Something that has to do with the Earth and nature.
Six ; how do you interact with someone you don’t like?
I give short and straight to the point answers, if I’m working on something and they come up to me I’ll pointedly focus on that task instead of them.
Seven ; how do you define a toxic person?
Someone who lies, who makes you feel bad about the things that you do, that puts you done while lifting themselves, who is constantly bragging about their own things, who puts down others, who acts like they’re better, who acts like they’re way of life should be the only way of life.
Eight ; have you ever been to a concert or a fan-meet? if not, would you want to?
I have not, but I would like to one day because they seem fun and it would be nice to see a performance in person.
Nine ; do you believe in astrology? why or why not?
I do, mostly because it’s fun and interesting and I tend to find that I do a lot of the things and act like my zodiac sign without realizing it (aka I’m a Virgo).
Ten ; if you could have only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you keep?
Eleven ; who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
At the moment, BM from Kard.
Twelve ; if you could talk to your favorite celebrity for a limited time, what would you tell them?
How do you keep going when it gets hard?
Thirteen ; I’m taking you out on a date. where are we going?
Maybe an art museum, or somewhere with flowers?
Fourteen ; do you prefer sweet or savory?
Fifteen ; do you have any Merch from any of your favorite artists?
I have several BTS albums and an EXO album.
I AM Tagging: @mygsii @myforeverforlife  @peonybane  @hobicomeholla29  @loser-dot-com @jeonsdear @namsjoon  @kpopcinnamonswirlroll @eashmo201 @1997jk @soulofatiny @cherryeoo​ @minniepetals​ @minniesmarshmallow​ @yoongi-sugaglider​  @crystaljins​ @taestfully​  @hyyunjins​ @i-am-delaney​ @worldwidebt7​ @flurrys-creativity​  @apurpledheart​ @holyfluffly​ @yunception​ @boymeetsweevil​ @chans-chair​ @brokecollegenerd​ @jinyoungsir​ @writersrealmbts​ @kpophoneybunny​ @actuallythatwaspromise​  @ladyartemesia​ @haylo4ever​ @ggukcangetit​ @kpopfanfictrash​ @wwilloww​ @jingabitch​ @kigurumu​ @jamaiskook​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ot7always-main​  @hauntedlilies​ @koophoriia​ @lorealchanelll​ @sweetheart--sannie​  @sweetae-tae​ @iniquitouspoppy​  
7 notes · View notes
A Never-Ending Feast
Yes, it is me again. Really we all should have expected this, but when Jester pulled out Heroes' Feast in episode 105, my friend alixcat basically said, yeah, you are writing a fic about Jester using Heroes' Feast right? And I was like....yeah, you right. I'm back on my Labor of Love bullshit 24/7. This one's for you!
Jester often shows love through acts of service, OR 5 times that Jester summoned a feast for others and the 1 time she made a feast for herself.
Bon appetit!
Read on AO3
The trudge to the inn was a terrible one. It was one of those summer days that clung to your skin and sowed misery with the humidity. It was almost a relief for it to start raining, but as soon as it did the wind howled and shook the trees with intensity, and the sky cracked open with lightning and thunder. Yasha looked unbothered by the storm, but Beau grumbled and trudged her way through the front door of the inn looking like she had been personally insulted. It didn’t help that when they ordered food, all they received was burnt chicken and wilted vegetables coated in oil. 
“I can’t believe we spent money on this shit,” Beauregard snapped, her temper hot and lashing like a whip. She cast a dirty look to the innkeeper, who plainly ignored it and continued on with their day.  
“I know what will make us all feel better,” Jester said, fluttering her fingers with her excitement. “I have that new spell that makes the food! Everyone, let’s go upstairs to our room and I’ll make us a feast!” 
“I’m down,” Fjord said, picking up a particularly sad looking green bean from his plate and watching it flop around in an extremely unappetizing manner, not that Jester ever believed that beans were good. They were one of those things that Mama swore were good for her, but if they were so good for her then maybe they ought to taste good too! Regardless of her feelings about green beans, the Mighty Nein all followed Jester up to their room, where she settled down on a blanket and pulled out her jewel encrusted goblet. For a moment she prayed, and then the Traveler’s energy pulsed through her. 
What kind of feast shall it be today? Jester heard the Traveler ask. 
I’m thinking...summer! The kind of things you would eat on a beautiful summer day, the kind of summer day that Beau would love, not whatever this shitty day is!
Magic overflowed from the goblet, and out from the ground plates patterned with flowers, and bowls of porcelain began to appear like they were sprouting flowers and tall grasses. Strawberry shortcakes with dollops of indulgent creams that were scented of vanilla and the zest of lemons, peach crumbles with layers of streusel flavored with the warming spices of ginger and cinnamon to give it just a punch of flavor. Scoops of coconut ice cream covered in toasted coconuts and topped with pineapple sauce and bright cherries. Bananas dipped in chocolate and covered in toasted nuts and strawberries, slices of banana cream pie and rhubarb pie. 
Veth picked up a glass bowl containing a trifle half the size of her body, layers of cake soaked in rum, blueberry sauce, custard, berries, and jelly that was arranged like a large fruit display. Caleb began cutting slices of a pavlova, sweet toasted meringue garnished with kiwis, passionfruit, strawberries and cream. Yasha and Fjord were busy sharing a pineapple upside down cake and coconut ice cream, as Beau worked on her own plate that she stacked high with pies baked into jars. 
“I’ve never had iced tea before,” Caduceus said, taking a long indulgent sip from a glass.“Would you like some?” 
“Oh yes!” Jester said as she took the glass. It was iced tea as her Mama made it, the signature Nicodranas brew layered with black-citrus tea with sweetened condensed milk and coconut milk. Jester sighed as the flavors mingled on her tongue. She took a mouthful of streusel next, sighing as the tender peach melted her in mouth with the brown sugar and coconut and made the flavor of summer. She dipped forkfuls of banana cream pie in pineapple sauce, cut chocolate covered bananas to add to her slice of pavlova. She took indulgent sips of different drinks to refresh her palate and add more flavor, watermelon tea or frosted lemonade or fizzing fruity floats with scoops of ice cream that melted into foam that lapped at the edge of goblets the size of bowls. 
By the time the hour was up and the feast vanished, Jester had truly eaten her fill. She sighed as she settled into bed that night. For a moment she swore she felt Beau’s eyes on her. 
“Thanks Jester,” Beau said, voice rough with feeling. “That did hit the spot.” 
“Of course,” Jester said with a smile that Beau couldn’t see. “Any time.” 
They sat camped outside the dungeon, in the bubble as Caleb meticulously casted. The villagers there had complained about something coming up from the depths of the old abandoned mine. Jester wondered idly if it could be gnolls again, but based on what Fjord and Beau had discovered while snooping about it seemed to be something far more...trickey. 
“We just don’t know what we are gonna be walking into,” Fjord said worriedly as he balanced the Star Razor across his knees. Yasha who had been minding the perimeter came back and settled down, looking a bit unnerved. Jester felt a quiet sense of concern for her. It really was awful how she kept getting mind-controlled all the time! Jester would need to talk to the Traveler about that some time to see if she could help. 
“If we hit it hard enough, it’ll fall,” Veth said, cocking her crossbow confidently. 
“It might not hurt to prepare ourselves though,” Caleb said as he sat himself down next to Veth. Caleb then caught Jester’s attention with an awkward wave.  “Jester, would you be, perhaps, capable of creating that feast again? To...ah...bolster our efforts?” 
“Yeah, yeah yeah yeah,” Jester said thinking about it. “I can do that today!”
“Can you include some meat?” Veth said, picking at her teeth. “Any at all?” 
“I have to give Caduceus something to eat!” Jester said, reminding Veth as she pulled out her bowl. 
“Aw, that’s nice,” Caduceus hummed as he fixed his sleeping bag. 
Jester settled it on the ground, and as she had done before she called the Traveler’s power to her. 
What kind of feast shall it be today? Jester heard the Traveler ask. 
I’m thinking...warm and filling! Something crisp like an apple on a brisk fall day, and the flavors of a Harvest Close Festival. 
And there on plates and bowls patterned with leaves in brilliant autumn colors was their feast. A whole roast duck glazed with orange sauce and served on a platter on a smear of plum applesauce with skin so crispy that it cracked when Caleb took his first bite. Bowls full of sunny pumpkin soup topped with crisped onion, that paired perfectly with loaves of bread that were stuffed with fennel-pork sausage that Beau downed so quickly that Jester was half sure it would be more effective to just raise the bowl to her lips. Rabbit in rosemary-wine sauce, served with sides of potatoes mixed together with a spicy savory mustard, and mushroom risotto with rice so tender it brought tears to the eyes. 
And then of course dessert, which Jester was mostly concerned about and wouldn’t dare to stint on the servings. Apple pie with cinnamon-sugar dusted on crumbling crusts. Baked apples covered luxuriously thick caramel sauce and covered in peanuts, and elephant ears swirled in cinnamon and drizzled with frosting. There were slices of smooth and glossy pumpkin pie and crunchy and delicately sweet pecan pies topped with dollops of whipped cream, and sweet potato cheesecake with gingersnap streusel crumbled on top. Goblets were full of apple cider, or hot chocolate with toasted marshmallows and drizzled with salted caramel, and coffee made buttery and rich with swirls of cream and brown sugar and even pumpkin. Butterscotch cookies pressed into the edges of large glasses of milk were what caught Jester's eyes first and foremost. 
"This is my favorite thing," Jester said as she dipped the warm cookie into the glass of milk that had a rim encrusted with chocolate dust and cinnamon sugar, sighing as the butter, crunchy edges of the cookie, and the sweetened warm milk melted together in perfect harmony. Veth pressed in close to her, finishing off her plate before grabbing a glass of milk and cookies. 
"This reminds me of when I was a girl," Veth laughed, her eyes misty. "But my mother wasn't nearly as good of a cook as your magic is." 
“Aw, thank you,” Jester chirped, trading her now empty glass for a new plate and taking bites from pecan pie and long sips from cream-pumpkin-coffee. She gave Veth a side hug that Veth gladly leaned in to. 
"It really is lovely," Caleb said, with a soft reflective look of his own as he stopped up soup with a piece of bread. His dark fingers sweeping around in a well practiced movement before popping the last piece of bread in his mouth. 
“Hey, save some for the rest of us,” Beauregard teased as she elbowed Caleb. 
“There’s plenty to share,” Veth argued with no heat. “I’ll make you a plate.” 
Jester said nothing, but cuddled more firmly against Veth's side as she enjoyed her cookies in milk, thinking of a time with her own mother and perhaps something like this. 
The ship rocked them back and forth as they gathered in the captain’s quarters. Jester had been full of energy ever since she learned that today was Fjord’s birthday. He had asked for nothing big or special, trying to argue that he couldn’t know his actual birthday and that he was getting too old for celebrations, but all of them had gotten him gifts regardless. Small little useful things, because Fjord would have surely refused anything more than that. Once the others had finish gifting things to Fjord, which he took with an increasingly tender and misty-eyed expression, Jester pulled out her jeweled goblet and set it upon the table. She casted the spell as she usually did, feeling her chest fill with the energy of her god.  
What kind of feast are we having today? The Traveler asked curiously. 
A celebration! Jester responded exuberantly.  A fancy dinner party!
Upon the table that Fjord had set up, the plates and bowls and trays appeared, bubbling up from the spell like little boats buoyed on the water. A sweet and creamy lobster bisque, besides a tray of mussels steamed in white wine garlic and lemon juice, and nestled between buckwheat galettes made of salmon, capers, and dill. Mashed potatoes that were made smooth and rich with exorbitant amounts of butter found a place next to plates of mushrooms and gnocchi in a tomato cream sauce, and spicy butternut squash soup. Crispy crab cakes with a rainbow of dipping sauces in bowls shaped like shells and baked oysters dusted with spices and cheese. There was even a whole braised octopus in the center of the table, arranged among slices of lemon. 
“I’ve never had anything like this,” Caleb admitted as he looked at the perfect slices of raw tuna in a loose approximation of a raw bar. “Is this supposed to be raw?” 
“It tastes pretty good,” Veth said, scooping up her own serving of the ceviche of raw tuna marinated in lime juice and tossed with onions, tomatoes, avocados, and cilantro. She slurped down mussels at an alarming rate and did her best to encourage Caleb to cry the crispy calamari with the garlic aioli and the steamer swimming in butter. 
"Look, our favorite!" Fjord said, sharing a knowing look with Beau and Yasha as he motioned to the plate full of fried fish and potatoes with tartar sauce. Beau and Yasha laughed as they loaded up their plates, pressing the flaky white fish into sandwiches made from the warm fresh white bread. 
“What’s for dessert?” Caduceus asked curiously. 
“Chocolate! You can’t really have a birthday without a chocolate cake,” Jester said excitedly as she moved to cut slices of a decadent chocolate cake, moist and sweet and filled with chocolate cream and raspberry sauce, settled besides saucers of chocolate mousse, and crisp cannolis filled with sweetened ricotta and chocolate chips. Chocolate covered strawberries were gathered in a luxurious array of white, milk, and dark and covered with nuts and candies. Stacks of salted caramel millionaire’s shortbread with crisp butter-cookie sandwiching layers of caramel and covered in chocolate, even bubbling pots of chocolate and caramel fondue with a wide array of fruits and snacks to dip into the heavenly smelling liquid. 
“Thank you, Jester,” Fjord said with a wide smile that had lantern-light glinting off his tusk. “Thank you all of you. This has really been the best birthday I have ever had.” 
“Don’t forget to blow out your candles!” Jester said, offering him a slice of his cake. Beauregard reached over to the goblet and pulled out a candle, passing it to Veth who planted it on his cake. Caleb reached out to punch the candle and it lit and began to glow. 
Fjord blew out his candle, and closed his eyes to make a wish. As she took a bite of her own slice of cake and then dipping a forkful in the chocolate fondue, she wondered if any wish could top this simple pleasure as she pressed it against the top of her mouth so it could just melt away bit by bit and she could savor it. She would try to savor it all, for as long as she could. 
No one enjoyed trudging through a swamp, especially not Caduceus. Jester knew the Wildmother was a powerful god god, but it seemed to her that she could look out for Caduceus a little better. Jester found that the task often went to her, and of course she didn’t mind. Caduceus was steady as a rock, let Jester braid his hair, and listened intently whenever Jester rambled. The least Jester could do was yank Caduceus out of muck puddles whenever he fell in them, in return for being such a good friend. Jester could tell though that Caduceus was relieved when they stopped for the night, and Yasha who had fallen into a bush of prickers was just as excited to be bedding down. They would have a hard day ahead of them the next day, this Jester knew. So when Yasha quietly asked her if she could cast Heroes’ Feast to aid them, Jester already knew what was on the menu. 
What sort of feast tickles your fancy, my dear Jester? The Traveler asked her. 
Now seems as good a time as any to have an afternoon tea!
At night?
Of course, duh!
I do love the way you think. The Traveler chuckled as the goblet summoned for them their feast, spreading it about the dome.  
Their afternoon tea was spread out on three tier and four tier porcelain stands decorated in flowering vines, kettles appeared and whistled merrily as they did as did beautiful tea sets in a variety of flowering colors and painted with rabbits and ducklings. Nestled among the kettles and tea cups were pots of toppings, from sunshine yellow lemon curd to vibrant marmalade and a treasure trove of jams to clotted cream and thick yellow custard. There was a stand of finger sandwiches all cut in diagonals, like cucumber and herbal butter, watercress and fluffy egg salad, prosciutto and goat cheese, and smoked salmon and cream cheese.  One that Jester scooped up was a fluffernutter that made Jester smile. The next stand was a twisting array of scones filled with fruit or berries or nuts or spiced with cinnamon in turn, hearty spiced pumpkin muffins, blueberry muffins, lemon-poppy seed muffins, and danishes filled with jams or sweet cheeses and dusted with sugar or drizzled with vanilla frosting. And then of course, the cookies. Trays of cookies from madeleines with their shell-like filigree edges to smooth as button macarons to stacks of simple butter cookies and shortbread surrounded them like patches of wildflowers. 
“Oh Jester, this is wonderful,” Caduceus sighed into his cup of tea. “Let me pour you a cup?” 
Jester nodded enthusiastically as Caduceus poured her a cup of ruby-red tea. Jester took a sip and was immediately struck by the gorgeous strawberry almost malty note of it. Dipping in a shortbread cookie and eating it made her whimper with the sublime pleasure. The shortbread simply melted into her mouth like a dream, like it was meant to be together. 
“It’s too bad we can’t stop for an afternoon tea every day,” Jester sighed as she excitedly cut open a scone to layer it with clotted cream and blueberry jam and lemon curd. Caleb watched her do this and mirrored it, though adding far less then she did of all three toppings except the lemon curd. Jester didn’t understand why he was being so stingy, but not everyone could truly appreciate sweets as she did. 
“I can’t eat rich food too often,” Beauregard admitted as she cornered the market on tiny finger sandwiches. “It’s a nice once in a while thing, but otherwise it screws up my workout routine.”   
“This is magic food though,” Veth pointed out. “Does it really count?”
“Tastes the same, and feels the same in my stomach,” Beauregard said with a shrug. 
“What are these tiny orange things?” Yasha asked as she eyed a canape. 
“That would be salmon roe,” Fjord explained and when seeing Yasha’s befuddled reaction further explained, “fish eggs.” 
“Tasty,” Yasha said, offering no more explanation on that as she popped it in her mouth. 
“All we need now is a fancy place to sleep,” Jester said excitedly as she poured another cup of tea and tried that one. This tea was bright and citrus and with a strong floral note, that perfectly matched the lemon-poppy seed muffin and was smoothed by the lemon-vanilla frosting on top. “You guys have got to try this tea! I’ll get everyone a cup!” 
“It tastes like flowers,” Veth said, doing that thing where it sounded like she was complaining but she really wasn’t.
“It does, doesn’t it?” Caduceus asked, smile sweet on his face. Yasha smiled too, but didn’t say a word. 
In Jester’s nightmares, there was a different kind of feast. 
The room itself was familiar, and Jester could almost feel like she shouldn’t be there but couldn’t remember why in the haze of the dream. There was a single window above the door, casting the glow of a red and violet twilight across the room that was cluttered with bottles and jars and strange books and drying herbs. The only other light was fat candles of yellow-beeswax, choked by glass and made dim, and the dying embers of a hearth. The table was set for two, and yet as Jester looked around she was the only one in the cramped little home. Even the ceiling cages swung empty and creaking amongst the wooden slots. Jester took a seat, and just as she did she saw her goblet sat in the center of the empty table. 
Her goblet overflowed, and out of the spreading liquid came a menagerie of sweets. Jester set herself upon them all with a reckless abandon. A strange sludge in a crusty bowl ended up being blueberry soups with dollops of sweet cream, overturned cups ended up being creme brulee with glistening caramel crusted on the tops, casseroles full of bread pudding steaming with cinnamon and drizzled with butterscotch and topped with ice cream flecked with ice cream. There was a bouquet of flowers that filled the air with their sugary scent, that as Jester plucked a beautiful pink bloom melted into her mouth with the flavor of rosehip and fairy floss. Forks melted in between her fingers and she realized they were made of chocolate, and the placemats were now made of crunchy honeycomb. She bit into her glass only to realize it was made of shards of sugar flavored with mint and the liquid within like pressed and sweetened lemons and melons. She took more ravenous bites, filled her plate high and yet somehow treats continued to spring from that never-ending goblet-
The liquid from her goblet splashed and overflowed as it turned over under the weight and gushed out like a strange pulsing wound, dripping off the edges of the tables and onto Jester’s skirt and seeped in. She recoiled from the sensation, scurrying away as she swiped at it with her fingers. With her vision and the dim light she could see that the liquid was a oily black. The candles all flickered as if shuddered by a breeze, the smoke hazy and twisting as it tickled the low-hanging herbs that were drying from the ceiling. The liquid began to splatter onto the scratched and dusty floor, pitter-pattering at an ever-increasing rate.  
“Now, now my dear,” a familiar croaking voice said as a large hand settled upon her shoulder, fingernails slicing past layers of her cloak. Jester could hear the cracking of dusty-joints and the lumbering crunch of her footsteps. “You have prepared such a feast for me.” 
“I...uh…” Jester squeaked as she felt a too long finger mind her neck. She didn’t dare to move, afraid that such a movement would slit her own throat, but let Isharnai tip her chin up and back so Jester could see the witch hunched over her.  
“Such a precious giving girl,” Isharnai cooed, and her strange face came into focus, dull green eyes searching Jester for some truth that Jester desperately didn’t want to admit. “So full of misery. What a treat you are.” 
“I’m not,” Jester said, her heart pulsing quick and fast in her ears. Her fingers were slick with the black liquid now, it was up to her thighs now bunching and collecting her skirts and glueing them to her legs. But it was her fingers-suddenly she couldn’t move them, as if she had gone numb at the wrist. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe as suddenly the panic overtook her. Where were her friends? Where had everyone gone-? 
“We are friends. Friends don’t lie to each other,” Isharnai said, voice cruel with softness. “Now come, don’t you want your last cupcake?” 
-Jester looked up to the table again and saw wilted flowers and cracked bowls and something bleeding-it was a heart and it was still beating and the whole home contracted and pulsed like it was a thing alive and in the center of it all there was a single cupcake that glistened with gold and-
What a horrible dream! The Traveler’s voice swept across her mind like the wind on a winding path. For a moment she felt like she was falling and yet she didn’t fear as the wind carried the scent of autumn. No need for this, sleep now Jester and know I am with you. 
And so the color of her dreams changed, and she slipped into something safe. 
The girl behind the counter was a teenager, fresh faced and with her hair in twin braids. She had a dusting of freckles across her thin nose and smiled happily when Jester walked through the door of the little bakery in the nowhere town that they had stopped in for the night. It was bright and early the next morning, and Jester had snuck out apart from her friends in hopes of finding something that answered her prayers. The Traveler truly was with her in this endeavour. 
"What can I get you this morning?" 
"What do you have?" 
"Would you like savory or sweet?" 
"Sweet, always sweet," Jester said seriously, because sweets were no laughing matter at all. 
"We have muffins, blueberry, cinnamon swirl, and cornbread. We also have cinnamon rolls, and we do have cupcakes." 
"What kind of cupcakes?" Jester asked excitedly. 
"We have a honey-apple cupcake, gingerbread cupcake, and a carrot cake cupcake. The carrot cake is our topseller." 
"Carrot cake," Jester grumbled, feeling her nose scrunch. She knew that it was a popular flavor, but she just couldn't wrap her mind around a vegetable in a cake. But she did know from Beau's grumbles that she enjoyed carrot cake even though, as Caleb had pointed out, it was rather nerdy and old-fashioned of her. Beau had given him a solid punch in the arm at the teasing and had disagreed in the way she did where she wasn't really disagreeing but more arguing for the sake of arguing. "Alright, I'll take a dozen, but like a mixed dozen. Four of each flavor?" 
"Absolutely, that'll be four silver." 
Jester slid the girl six silver and smiled. 
"You keep the change," Jester told her and watched as the girl's eyes widened and she nodded vigorously. The girl quickly packed up the cupcakes and tied the box with a string before handing it off to Jester. She smiled and thanked her again before heading off. Jester walked for a little bit, finding the apple tree just outside of the inn that they were saying. Carefully she set her box on the ground as she pulled out her own handkerchief and settled it amongst the roots. She carefully opened the box of cupcakes, careful not to jostle any of them. She lifted one out from the box, the honey-apple cupcake Jester assumed based off of the drizzle of honey that covered the swirl of vanilla buttercream. 
“I thought we might share this,” Jester said as she crossed her legs, feeling the morning dew and the sunshine dappling her face as the trees shifted with a breeze. She lifted the cupcake to her lips and took a bite. She sighed at the flavor of the sweet floral honey infusing the cake with its buttery undertones and mellow vanilla crumble, the sharp flavor of the apple-filling that was syrupy and made decadent with brown sugar and cinnamon and the tang of lemon, and of course the melting buttercream frosting that dissipated like a vanilla cloud. Jester felt a hand touch hers, and a shoulder bump against her own. 
“Thank you, Jester,” the Traveler said whispered and when Jester blinked there was a second bite taken out of her cupcake. 
Jester laughed, and went to take another bite. 
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
Give Me a Little Midnight Sugar
Some days are terrible.
Some days are bad and somedays he aches and he skitters like an abused cat if somebody gets too close. He can’t sleep.
Some days all he can hear is Obadiah’s voice and the betrayal is so strong it makes his stomach heave.
He’s healing. That’s what his Pepper-appointed therapist says. That he’s healing, and Tony knows that, but it doesn’t mean that somedays aren’t terrible.
He’s found though, when it gets really bad, that roaming the streets of New York at two in the morning help.
It’s cool and crisp and the well-worn secret streets are empty. There’s no one to recognise him because the few odd people about are like him- lost, looking to escape their demons and not ogle over tech-giants. The pigeons that crowd the streets in the day time are gone from their masses, and only one or two remain; pecking at discarded chips and wrappers in the hopes of a meal.
Tony walks and marvels at the distorted shadows that follow him courtesy of streetlights and billboards.
Out here, in the night, he feels like so much is possible. There are no restraints. He could do anything. He could be anything. During the day, when the sun reigns, and he sits in the board room and listens to his COO try to nudge him back towards the lab, Tony feels trapped.
He can’t be in the lab right now.
Obadiah’s taken that joy from him.
Every time an invention comes to mind, or the urge to tinker with a circuit board blossoms, all he can see is the greed shining in Obie’s gaze and all he can think is what he thought in that moment on the couch: was I ever loved at all?
He takes a new turn every night. He’s not scared of getting mugged or anything like that. He’s not sure he can be frightened after all that’s happened, and besides, he has his gauntlet. He keeps that with him all the time.
The moon is probably up in the sky, but it’s hidden by slate clouds and Tony feels rested. Refreshed in a way that conjures up images of dew and fresh rain.
He’s about to turn to start the long walk home, when a shiny purple beacon in the distance catches his eye.
Treat Yourself! The sign demands, and Tony smiles a little. Alright. He will.
The rest of the shops on the street are closed, and as he gets nearer, this little bubble of mint light glows ferocious and proud into the dark.
It’s a dessert parlour.
24 hours of deliciousness! a sign in the window sings, open every day (and night!) but Sundays.
He looks inside.
It looks like it was transported right out of the 80s. There are vinyl pink booths tucked against the wall, and tables with swirly, lava-lamp designs and a sleek silver bar with magenta stools with metal feet that gleam in the gold light.
Behind the counter is a young man.
He’s eating ice cream and swinging his hips in time to a song Tony can’t hear.
He’s beautiful.
The whole place is- the whole place is beautiful. The 80s vibe promises thick chocolate milkshakes and warm crunchy goodness, so he pushes open the door and marvels at the quaint little ring of the bell above him.
He might be dreaming. 
Inside the smell of spun sugar and melted chocolate hits him, and his body sags the way it does after a good massage. He feels safe. Now he’s inside, he can hear the song playing: some pop station he doesn’t really recognise. But it’s synthetic pop. For a moment, he wonders whether he actually has travelled back in time.
On the walls there are hyper-realistic paintings of crepes and candy and everything ties together so perfectly he wants to hand the designer of this place an award. Or a grant. He could do that. He has more money than he knows what to do with. Even if he is afraid of making more.
The boy looks up in surprise, and Tony just stares at him for a moment. He’s beautiful. Skin like milk and cream, eyes of hazelnut and lips like strawberries, he can’t be older than eighteen, and Tony glides over to him like he’s being beckoned by a siren. “Oh!” The boy says, beaming, before hurriedly shoving away his ice cream like he hasn’t just been caught eating the stock. “That was- mine.” He blurts, “I- brought it from home!”
Tony laughs. He tips his head back and laughs for the first time since all of this has happened, and he eases onto one of the seats at the counter. It’s comfy and plush and the perfect height. The boy’s eyes sparkle delightedly in response, and he wipes his hands on his black apron and rocks on his heels.
“What’ll it be, Sir?” Asks the lovely voice, and Tony’s eyes flicker up to the menu. It’s written in white, elegant chalk, and they all look equally delicious.
Food has always had a special place in his heart. Food can make a mole hill of disaster.
He dips his head, and feels so relaxed it nearly hurts. Nothing bad could ever happen in a place like this. “Whatever you recommend.” He murmurs, and the boy bites his lip thoughtfully before beaming again like he’s an actual beacon of sunlight.
“Extra large Oreo waffle.” He declares, drumming his fingers against the counter, “with nutella sauce.” He waits a beat, before adding more quietly: “On the house.”
Tony opens his mouth to object, but the boy gives him a stern look, and starts mixing up some batter out of nowhere.
Maybe Tony looks worse than he thought.
And on that strain of thought- “Do you recognise me?” He asks, and he hates how small he sounds. How broken.
The boy pauses, before he resumes mixing batter and smiles, and he has dimples like a real-life angel, and he says wisely: “I see someone who needs an extra-large Oreo waffle.” He nods, and Tony thinks he might fall in love.
It’s cryptic and sweet and- perfect.
Just like the waffle.
When it’s set down in front of him, it’s so heavy with deliciousness it bends the purple plate that says Treat Yourself! in big pink letters on the underside. It smells like heaven and the boy stares at him and hands him a knife and fork with excitement and Tony grins and takes a bite.
Sweet and perfect.
The Oreo’s crunch against his teeth and the flavour bursts across his tongue and he groans and the boy nods. “The waffle god’s will do that to you,” the boy quips and Tony nods, mouth full of sugar and hope.
He finishes it without taking a breath, and swiftly orders another. “I’ll pay this time,” he grins, pretty sure his teeth are stained with chocolate.
The boy grins, and starts mixing batter.
The next one is decorated with strawberries and as he eats, they talk.
Peter is a student at NYU and he’s trying to set his friend Ned up on a date. Peter is torn between Chemistry and Journalism. Peter works here at Treat Yourself! during the night shifts and his Aunt and Uncle own the place. Peter volunteers at the animal centre on weekends and Peter is-
Tony spills more of himself over the counter than he cares to admit. Tells secrets to a stranger with kind eyes because he can’t help himself. And if feels good. 
When the sun rises, Tony is exhausted, full, and he feels like maybe when he gets home- he’ll be able to sleep.
He leaves with Peter. Lingering on the sidewalk under the dawn as the boy locks up. Peter still has ice cream on his chin, and Tony wants to kiss it away.
“I’ll come back tonight.” He promises, and Peter smiles at him, bashful and pleased.
“Okay. But I want a picture. One thing you make in the lab. It doesn’t have to be complicated but-“
“Something.” Tony promises, already a little excited at the thought of building something for Peter. He’s scared too- he still feels a bit sick at the thought of Obie’s greed, but then there’s a warm hand on his wrist and gentle hazelnut eyes-
“Only if you can.” Peter murmurs, and Tony’s voice breaks:
“I’ll come back tonight.”
Peter laughs. “You said that already.” He points out, eyes glinting, as he tucks the key into his pocket. “I’ll be here. A milkshake waiting for you.” He pauses consideringly. Tony waits. “And maybe a kiss.”
Cloud nine is made of candy and promises of kisses from pretty dessert parlour workers. Tony sleeps the whole day; sun burning in the sky, and when the moon comes out-
He knows he’s in for a good night.  
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honestsycrets · 5 years
Icy Cold
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❛ summary | Can I get a sexy evening in and reading each other deserts with Bjorn for 5cw please 😂 thank you. @bonniebird
❛  warnings | improper use of ice cream nsfw
❛ pairing | Bjorn x Reader [ modern ]
❛ type | One shot
❛ sy notes | Did not go as I expected it to go Bonnie!
Your family owned an ice cream shop.
One of those little ones on the corner of the pier, swirling together all sorts of wicked flavours, toppings, and designs. Cheesecake ice cream with chunks of strawberry and cheesecake, a rich strawberry sauce and dusted in a graham cracker. That was your personal favourite. But your boyfriend’s?
You hold onto Bjorn’s arm, setting your head on the side of his firm shoulder as he spoke to his brother. Hvitserk blinked, once and then twice, grabbing Bjorn’s typical dark chocolate cone-- with peanuts, and nothing else. You were already lapping away at your ice cream cone as tall as the length of Bjorn’s palm.
“Why are you always so boring?” Hvitserk teased, flicking his wrist in order to swirl the ice cream up in one smooth motion. He comes back to the counter. Hvitserk hands over the small size in a pretty cone.
“Not a huge fan of ice cream,” Bjorn says like the grouchy older man you deem him to be. At twenty-five, there was at least a good ten years of difference between you and him-- but no one could seem to get you away from Bjorn.  
“How can someone not like ice cream?” Hvitserk sets his elbow on the sticker-covered pink counter. Bjorn perks his eyebrow up at his small brother, holding out a ten dollar bill. Hvitserk plucks it from his fingers and rings it up, giving him a few coins in change.
“It’s just not natural.” He shakes his head and heads out to restock freshly made cones in the back. The sun was setting on the beach and by now, most people had cleared out. You, on the other hand, had nowhere you rather be with a fresh cone of ice cream but the beach. Any reason to keep Bjorn half-dressed was a good reason for you. Being on his arm made you feel a little more secure about yourself in that bikini, a sheer wrap covering your hips.
Midway down the beach, the lifeguard’s shack flies a red flag. No lifeguard, swim at your own risk! Your toes shift in the salty air, digging up small chunks of the firm beach. Bjorn plops directly in front of it and you join him, sitting on one of his firm thigh’s as if you were some princess.
“You’re making a mess.” He notices your sloppy licks. Dribbles of cream drip down over his chest, rolling down toward his abs. “All over me.”
“Oh, it's not that bad.” You giggle, deliberately twisting the ice cream around, letting pink icy drips drip all over his trunks.
“Now you’re doing it on purpose.” He hums, leaning in.
“Maybe.” You lean in to kiss him playfully, coating his tongue in a taste of the strawberry sauce. “But you’re not going to do anything about it.”
Bjorn leans back on his elbows, letting you slide between his legs with your ice cream. You paw his half-hardened cock in your palm, grinding him to hardness. He glances over his shoulder and finds there is still a few people upon the beach watching the last rays of the sun escape the horizon. The cool day has run away those on the beach.
“Don’t you want to go home?” Bjorn asks. He flinches when you lean your cone down, slathering his cock in strawberry and cheesecake. “Fuck that’s cold!”
“After dessert!” You say loud enough that he tenses, thinking another couple upon the beach might have heard you. You knock his legs apart, his black trunks kicking up itchy sand. Bjorn reclines back on his forearms, bringing his dull vanilla ice cream cone to his mouth as you take his sticky and cold cock into your warm mouth. The coolness of the ice cream and the warmness of your tongue makes his cock bob, twitching delightfully in your mouth.
You run your tongue up his cock toward his tip, flattening your tongue as you take him in and soothe him of the cold. Just as he thought that he might be pleased with your warmth, you lift up to mash remainder of the ice cream on his shaft and balls just after yanking his trunks down the rest of the way. Bjorn caresses his tongue along the side of his ice cream, bringing the other on top of your head.
Sand shuffles-- someone is trotting away.
“Keep going, princess.” He sets the cone down on the sand below him. “Finish me off.”
Every long rake of your tongue against his skin makes him all the more cognizant of the coolness, and the warmth that you delight him with. Your mouth is warm, bringing his balls into your mouth for warm and pleasant suckles, jerking the cream around his cock. His half lidded eyes catch you running one long stripe up to his tip, fondling his balls that feel tight. You shift down over his cock, taking him in your mouth with one long and slow slide of your lips. Your lips pop off and his cock pops from your lips with an obscene smack, newly wet and glistening. The ice cream settles fondly on your tongue.
“Okay Daddie, I could use some ‘sauce’ with all that ice cream.” You giggle and then dip back down. The pad of your thumb massages between his legs, against smooth and pale skin. You swallow him deeply again, teasing with every sweep up to his tip.  His breath becomes heavy and weighed down by the impact of your warm mouth taking him so deeply. His body feels as if its thrumming with excitement when you swallow him down again. His hips jutter forward under the grinding and fondling of your fingers and he cums, long and hard down your throat.
You shift off of him just as his body relaxes, feeling weightless and distant from his ice cream blowjob on the beach under a peachy sunset. He feels almost as boneless as Ivar is, reclining back. He’s distantly aware of your tongue cleaning him up, lifting his muscular hips up to replace his trousers up on his sticky crotch.
“Now can we go home?” Bjorn whispers, patted by grainy sand. You hop back up and yank him to stand on legs as jiggly as jello. He runs his hand through the beachy blonde hair on the top of his head when you respond.
“After we get another ice cream! I’m next!”
@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok, @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @cbouvier23, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @icarus-fell-in-spring, @end-of-night, @gruffle1, @lol-haha-joke @arses21434,  @smileyparrots, @Moosemittens13, @miss-artemis-wild, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @wonderwoman292, @wish-i-was-a-mermaid, @fangirls94, @mcuimxgine, @killerb00sdeath, @heartbeats-wildly, @boo20017, @acacheofstrange, @shaelyn102, @astoryoffireandlight, @smokealone, @shaelyn102 @laketaj24, @peaceisadirtyword, @ly--canthrope@cris101071 @daughterofthenight117 @unassumingviking @ladyofsoa, @inforapound @wichesterwife27 @sincerelysinister
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deardes24 · 4 years
Food. Survey 2
1.     How do you feel about golden oreos?
-I use to love them. 
2.     What is your favorite dessert topping?
-Whip Cream.
3.     What is your favorite flavor/brand of bubble gum?
4.     Favorite cheese?
YUM. Cheddar.
5.     Favorite Lunch Meat?
6.     Favorite ice cream flavor?
-Vanilla or Strawberry <3
7.     Best looking food?
-Pasta :)
8.     Best food to put cheese on?
9.     Best sexual food?
-Whip Cream.
10.   Best tasting drink in the summer?
-Tequila lol.
11.   Best tasting drink in winter?
-Hennessy lol no JK Vanilla Chai Tea.
12.   Best food for a night out with friends?
-Mm, It depends :/ 
13.   Best foods to eat with a roll?
-Grilled Chicken and Mozz Cheese. 
14.   Messiest food, in your opinion?
15.   Easiest food to prepare?
16.   Cheapest food you ever ate?
-$1 Hot dogs in the city.
17.   Most expensive food you ever ate?
-Authentic Louisiana Style food. 
18.   Stinkiest food you ever ate?
19.   Favorite dipping sauce?
20.   Best pizza topping?
-Chicken or Spinach?
21.   Favorite potato chip flavor?
-Salt and Vinegar blue bag or flaming hot Doritos
22.   Most toxic substance you ever ate?
- ?? HUH
23.   Most calories you ate in one meal?
- Im sure 1000 plus out a restaurant. 
24.   Favorite soda?
-Ginger Ale.
25.   Favorite flavor of juice?
-Yellow Gatorade
26.   Favorite Vegetable?
-Broccoli or Beans.
27.   Favorite fruit?
-Avocados and Raspberries. 
28.   Worst canned food?
- Mushy sweet corn
29.   Best side dish?
- Spanish Rice or Baked Mac and Cheese.
30.   Worst fast food restaurant?
-Um... Maybe KFC
31.   Best restaurant?
-Taco Bell or ChicFila
32.   Best smelling food?
-Grandmas Cooking.
33.   Favorite appetizer?
-Potato Skins or Mozzarella Sticks
34.   Favorite cookie flavor?
-Sugar Cookies
35.   Favorite cake flavor?
- White or Yellow
36.   Favorite pie flavor?
- Pumpkin.
37.   Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
-Neither but if i had to choose rainbow.
38.   Ketchup or Mustard?
-  Both, but maybe mustard.
39.   Best food to have on a date?
40.   Most share-able food?
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blankdblank · 5 years
In the Boot Pt 6
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - 
All –, @pineapple-banana-pie
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78
X Thranduil - @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf
“Ada, honestly…” Oropher once again was holding up a dark grey dress vest as a match for the charcoal pants his son was wearing under a pale green dress shirt.
Oropher swatted his hand away then eased it off the hanger to help him into it, “I insist. You will be publicly seen together, in a date setting.” When that was buttoned he watched the King enter his closet to peer at the drawer of rolled up ties. “Choices, choices.”
Thranduil couldn’t help but chuckle and enter the doorway to lean against it brushing his hair over his back feeling his vine ring shifting around his finger that he had dropped by the guards when he was taken in hopes it wouldn’t be stolen from him. “It’s as if you hadn’t doubted Jaqi at all.”
Oropher glanced back at his son with a pale silver tie in hand with a stags head stitched into it he brought over to him and eased around his neck under his collar stirring a curious smirk on Thranduil’s face. “My doubts on her motives are one thing, but clearly you have a bond and Legolas clearly knew her heartbeat. Doubts aside she is meant to be in your lives, time will ease any worries.”
Thranduil chuckled and raised his chin a bit while the intricate knot was finished and tightened around his neck, “I can’t remember the last time you’ve been like this.”
Oropher smirked at him and turned his son saying on their path to the door, “Come now. Don’t leave the Princess waiting.” Patting him on the back while adjusting the front slit on his floor length dress robe easing his path to the door.
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Outside of which was Taule in a matching silver gown and matching crown beside you in a sleeveless mint green dress held up by a ribbon secured choker with a sheer panel over your shoulder blades revealing your surrogate’s mark of Ursa Major. A set of small buttons ran down your back with the layered skirt stopping just above your knees accentuating your legs seeming longer. With the tall nude heels matching the hair pins holding up the braids pulling back the top half of your hair with a trio of rose gold leaves shining brightly in your pitch black curls laying flat over your back.
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Frozen in place Thranduil looked you over with a straight face that split into a wide grin chuckling as you pointed at him saying, “I swear, if you say we have to wear our crowns I am going to scream.”
Thranduil, “Why would we? It is only the two of us.”
You nodded then said, “Then we should hurry before Galadriel manages to dig something up. Last time she lent me a tiara it took out a chunk of my hair trying to take it off after about an hour of trying to free it from my curls.”
Thranduil chuckled and moved to Taule’s side hugging her as she said, “We’ve got Legolas, enjoy your dinner.”
Oropher grinned saying, “Oh, and I added something special for after.” Thranduil raised a brow, “Wine and dessert on the river boat for the riverside view back.”
Your lips parted then a distant shuffling was heard and Thranduil eased his hand around your middle chuckling at his parents hopeful grins, shaking his head guiding you to the end of the hall where, after your turn, he leaned in to purr by your ear, “Simply superb Darling.” In your glance up his eyes lowered to your lip stain coated lips from your subtly lined eyes making them shine brighter.
“Thank you. You look quite the marvel as well.” Biting his lip in his hungry gaze lingered on your lips making you smirk, “So, is this one of those I’m not going to kiss you till the date is over things? Because if you keep staring at me like that I think we might make the wrong sort of headlines.”
Releasing his lip he purred by your ear after pressing a warm kiss next to it, “It is a conundrum, that lipstick of yours makes your lips look oh so irresistible, and yet I don’t want to spoil them just yet.”
Lifting your hand you trailed a finger along his jaw until lulling him to lean in, “It’s lip stain, smudge proof.” Curiously he glanced behind you then took a quick step to cut you off and cup your cheeks as he planted his lips on yours. Humming against your lips one of his arms lowered to hold you against him upright at the tilt of his head to deepen the kiss. All too abruptly he nipped at your lower lip and slowly inhaled trying to steady his breath again while holding you steady until you regained control over your legs.
“Not a smudge, impressive.” Again his arm smoothed around you in his gentle nudge to keep going again, “I’ll be enjoying testing that stain again in the future.”
Weakly you giggled and exhaled leaning into his side still feeling your legs trembling at that stunning kiss. Out to the waiting car you eased into the back seat with Thranduil behind you and guards in the car after you.
Waves of flashes cut off behind the doors to the restaurant and straight to the back room you went. Right to the candle lit table with wine list set out. Glasses were filled with plates shuffled between courses as the deeper your smiles dug in. Between the longing glances from him at your lips once again when you drank, licked a particular lingering bit of sauce from your lips, your cheeks all but burned in this candlelit cozy little room just stirring awed reactions from the few staff able to see you. Always either trading silent challenging glares when his longing glances grew too heated melting into bubbling laughter stunning them altogether at the sight of their normally mortally serious Prince who had never seemed to crack a smile in public until his son was born.
An event all but breaking the hard shell of the seemingly lonely Prince. Only adding to the press spinning with comments of how he had the heir and now needed a wife to share all the special markers in his son’s life. Though that brought on the topic of a future Queen bringing on doubts of her temperament and desire for power in the meantime with their healthy and still young King. All worsening the underbelly of seedy thoughts concerning safety of the King if the worst came about. And yet here the Prince sat, altogether seemingly very much attached to a mystery woman who seemed to be charming the Prince quite easily already without ever having been seen before.
What you stirred up in mystery you calmed with your polite demeanor to each and every serving staff member who you encountered stirring awkward yet flattered grins from them as the Prince seemed to follow suit. Through the dinner the other diners tried to sneak glimpses of the bubbly couple until the bill was paid and you walked out under Thranduil’s arm sensing his struggle not to dip his hand any lower than your upper back while in front of the cameras. Back into the streets you were led and casually you strolled in the circle of guards, remaining by their side while he slipped away to greet the few brave children along the way eager to greet the Prince. But always he’d rush back again with a wide grin at getting to admire you on his approach once again and claim the right only he bore to wrap his arm around you again.
It wasn’t long until you were passing down by the end of an intricate bridge where you went down the steps and onto the lowered plank bridge to climb onto the riverboat. Behind you Thranduil stole the chance to keep his hands on your hips across the wobbly plank bridge with only a flimsy rope lining each side until you were safely on deck. As soon as you were aboard you couldn’t help but look around noting the lantern lit deck with a single table set up and benches above for the guards to keep watch and give you something close to privacy. Deeply Thranduil chuckled and led you to the rail opposite you to watch the boat take off under the bridge just past it though a giggle left you at his folding around your back with a pleased hum at being able to hold you in his arms.
Steadily his arms eased around your middle drawing yours to rest over them and a tilt of his head while your fingers inched over his forearms enabled him to steal a peck on your cheek starting up another wave of flashes from the photographers on the river banks and second bridge ahead. A gentle tug came after his glance back towards the table hearing the uncorking of a bottle of wine. “My Darling, time for dessert.”
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Splitting his arms one lingered around your back while the other dropped to his side on the walk to the table ahead. With ease he helped you into your chair then settled into the one conveniently beside yours a covered tray making you nip at your lip again triggering the same act from the Prince looking at you adoringly before flinching his eyes to the Elleth filling his glass of wine. The proud chef grinned moving the tray carefully onto the table while your head tilted to peer on at the odd blue liquid on fire back on the cart beside him. A chuckle came from the chef when he uncovered the dessert that quirked a confused grin onto your face while you giggled. In a glance up at him you caught his excited grin while raising the flaming liquid in the silver sauce boat he held over the large chocolate dome surrounded by strawberry slices and a smaller set of balls.
“Wait for it.” He quipped then poured the liquid over the large dome coating the full thing with blue flames melting the dome revealing a molten cake inside with a caramel drizzle and small scoop of ice cream on top under a gold coated heart shaped dome. The small wave of melted chocolate mixed with the small bit of flaming liquid that poured down onto the smaller ball revealed a small red velvet cake cut into the shape of a heart with a white chocolate swan on top making you giggle and curl your fingers over your mouth for a moment. Peering up at the chef again you giggled and said, “Wow.” His brow ticked up at your next giggle then dropped as he chuckled when you said, “I can’t imagine just making the dome. I saw this clip once of bakers using balloons to dip in chocolate, all I can picture if I tried would be the balloon popping coating me in chocolate. This, is marvelous, thank you.”
Nodding his head he back stepped once Thranduil had complimented it as well with a spreading grin rendering him silent in his back stepping path into the kitchen only to halt when Thranduil raised the gold ball in his fingers looking it over carefully. Looking up he caught the Chef’s eyes when he said as he mimed his hands along saying, “Open it.”
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Again you giggled curiously only to watch Thranduil find a hidden switch securing the hidden seam on the golden heart box he opened carefully and just about dropped seeing the pair of diamond coated bands with swans on them. Peering up at the Chef he asked, “Do these always-?”
The Chef nodded, “It’s part of the package, custom rings. These were the first swans we’ve given out, surprisingly.” He nodded his head again and slipped inside the covered cabin to hurry back to his aids and sneak glances at the pair of you from his hiding spot inside.
Setting the box between you Thranduil chuckled, “I knew Ada had something up his sleeve.”
Softly an awkward giggle left you and you caught his eye saying, “He really does know how to spoil someone.”
Thranduil chuckled and nodded claiming his spoon as timidly as you had for your first tastes, “Yes he does.” Wetting his lips he added hastily, “I swear I didn’t know.”
You giggled and shook your head lifting your spoon, “I doubt you could keep it a secret if you had. You just about screamed you made brownies for our first date when I got home.”
Making him chuckle as you eased the spoon between your lips and hummed softly, “True.” Taking his own taste and joining you in the soft hum then he led you in trying each of the parts of the dessert between sips on the wine until the plate was cleaned and he was free to hold your hand on your lap.
A glance too many at the heart made you giggle and reach out to open it again, playfully asking, “So, which finger do you think would be safe for these?”
He chuckled saying while his thumb stroked the back of your hand in his loving gaze at you, “I believe the middle finger should be safe. The stones only add to speculation of something serious.”
You giggled again lifting the bigger band you offered to him he extended his palm for and chuckled unfolding his middle finger on the hand clutching yours to ease it into place while you added yours to your free hand without moving the other. A pop over head made you flinch then look up at the rippling wave of green fireworks stirring the Prince to stand, “Here, we’ll have a better view over there.”
At the crackle following it fading you were on your feet and led back to the end of the boat while he one handedly carried a chair he settled down then sat in making you smirk down at him. A gentle hand over the small of your back drew you closer to sit in his lap and cross your legs to rest against his while looking out at the light show over the glowing city reflecting the stars between the flashes of color. More and more it built up until a great flash of white exploded into several swans that rushed together to form two large swans in a giant heart making you giggle and cover your face for a moment, “Wow. If I didn’t know better I’d think he wanted people to assume you were proposing.”
Thranduil chuckled and kissed your cheek, “Oh no. No risk of that. I doubt it would have the proper effect without an actual band of swans to try and steal away with the ring.”
Making you giggle again and turn your head at his fingers stroking along the base of your jaw, “Ooh, a man willing to battle for the right to propose.” Making him chuckle and lean in slowly melting his lips against yours stirring up a distant wave of flashes to capture the moment that ended at your joint flinch at the massive red bang making you peer up and start laughing at the giant heart outline with dozens of tiny exploding red hearts going off around it. Turning your head you rested your forehead against his shoulder trying to muffle your squeaking laughter behind your hands while his head fell back at his loud laughter in his stolen chance to wrap his arms around you. At his settling he held you close to his chest pressing gentle kisses to your forehead while stroking your arms and back purring lowly, “Warm enough Darling?”
You nodded shifting slightly so you could look out at the city with distant masses along the shore cheerfully waving and bowing their heads to you both while the city returned to its starlit glow. “I am. It really is beautiful here.”
Unable to help but grin he replied, “I am glad you like it. Naneth was curious if you would prefer it over Lothlorien.”
You groaned, “Don’t even get me started on the stairs. So many stairs and bridges. How they ever decide on children I have no clue.” Deeply he chuckled nuzzling his head closer to yours, “I always insisted on one of their below the root guest quarters. It is always a bit chilly but the chipmunks passing through are so sweet and a pleasant guest if you have to eat meals alone.”
“Really now? I always got placed in the treetops and these weird birds would always be in the kitchen when I woke up.”
“I prefer chipmunks. Had twelve of them as roommates before I left. All very polite, though particular about how to spread jam on their morning biscuits.” Your head turned at the boat’s horn sounding only to be echoed by another at the royal docks you were nearing. The growing palace shimmering like diamonds under the moonlight made you turn fully, “So beautiful.”
Outside in the overlooking gardens the Lords and Ladies joined Taule and Oropher out into the night to wave at the ship with chuckles at the billowing curtains around the lantern posts revealing the shimmering swans etched into them. Shaking his head Thranduil chuckled, “He just had to add the swan banners.”
“I think it’s sweet. He’s trying at least not to be upset with me still.”
Thranduil rolled his eyes while the boat docked and he moved his arms to cradle your back and under your legs keeping your dress in place as he raised you in his arms making you giggle and wrap your arms around his shoulders, “Oh he’s doing more than trying. I’ll get you across the bridge Darling.” Steadily he carried you across the wobbly bridge with ease and then lowered you to your feet again and eased his arm around your back to guide you towards the group waiting in the gardens.
Once there you grinned and went to accept a hug from Celeborn and Elrond after him while Thranduil inched closer to his father’s side subtly whispering, “You could have warned me about the rings.”
Oropher chuckled and replied stealing a glance at you while Celebrian claimed your hand with a giddy squeak making you giggle and roll your eyes until Legolas let out a whine and was shifted from Taule’s chest to Thranduil’s stirring hushed hummed sentiments to the infant nestling against his chest between the kisses left to the top of his head. Not long after you were shown inside and back to your room for the night with another stolen kiss from Thranduil along the way in his reluctant turn away from you to head back to his apartment trying to calm Legolas.
Unable to sleep you found your way out to the garden outside your shared apartment. A soft rustle and groan turned your head to find Thranduil walking over to you with a weak grin patting Legolas’ back.
Weakly he chuckled saying, “Looks like he’s back to not wanting to sleep.” Wetting his lips he asked, “I, um, I was wondering, earlier, it seemed he took to you. Let out a noise-?”
You chuckled, “Gimmie.” Your hands rose to claim the boy making Thranduil grin handing him over, “Must be our shared mark, similar heartbeats.”
With him in your arms you followed Thranduil into his nursery at his near instant calming, readying to lay him down in his crib only to find yourself between the Prince’s legs on the lounge. Legolas still across your chest contently snoozing with Thranduil’s arms holding you both in place, grinning as he sat up humming softly to you both stroking Legolas’ back and hands until Oropher came in hours before sunrise.
Carefully he eased Legolas out of your arms, noticing your sleepy peek at him before releasing the baby, and shifted him into his crib then turned to cover you both after Thranduil hummed out shaking his head at Oropher’s glance to see how to move you without waking you, “I don’t want to let her go.”
Lowly Oropher said settling the blanket around you, “Just rest your arms over the blanket.”
Thranduil smirked moving his arms, ensuring your back was covered, “No need for that we have an understanding. Nothing past kissing and holding her.”
“All the same.” He leaned in patting his son on the shoulder, “Get some sleep.” Stealing a glance at you while your head nuzzled more against his neck widening his sleepy grin.
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Breakfast was simple and among your family while the Prince was taken for an early morning interview. It seemed all day you were occupied by your relatives who seemed all too eager to distract you from something, though by noon you found out what it was, you were all heading to the opening gala of the new wing of the art museum. With a sigh you rolled your eyes at the fanfare arrival of your crown jewels, flown in especially from Lothlorien. Letting your head fall back you sighed and followed Galadriel back to your assigned room where a servant with a garment bag was joining you with an eager grin of her own. Already inside Queen Taule in another pale green gown, this time glittering, with a matching wrap draped around her under a pale green intricate crown with a wide grin beside a box of shoes making you pause and force a grin at her motioning you closer.
Around you the garment bag was hung up with jewels set out on the bed while you eased your feet out of your simple wedges. A tug on your waistband freed the metal fastener for your jeans followed by the zipper freeing you from the denim layer you folded and set on the foot of your bed. A glimpse of your peach lace panties under your peach blouse. A few buttons later you eased your shirt open and shrugged out of it and added it on top of your jeans. In the room you felt eyes scanning over your middle, the mithril belt and piercings stunning the Queen and servant looking on, all feeling a sense of calm at what they stood for and what it meant, your intentions for the Prince really was genuine. A hint of a grin from you brought one servant forward with a nude colored corset top.
In a reach back you unhooked your bra and covered your chest with an arm easing the other up for the strapless top to be eased around your torso and folded over your chest. Removing your hand you held your bust in place while she walked around you to start securing the snaps from your navel upwards. A final adjustment of your bust later you eyed the gown being revealed, a merlot floor length gown, off the shoulder with a sheer white gem accented layer in the middle of embroidered floral patches. While it was being straightened Taule passed you the first of the merlot colored tall wedges covered in straps from the toes up to your ankles you buckled up one at a time then stepped into the gown, easing your arms in after.
A shift of your hair later you felt the gown being zipped up over your back. Wetting your lips you moved to the vanity you sat at and started on your simple makeup while the servant eased your hair back into a bun secured by shimmering hairpins topped by diamond feathers and pearls shining even brighter in the wavy hairstyle accentuating your curls. Lastly you watched the addition of the white gem necklace with a strand of joined leaves branching down to a large teardrop shaped gem paired with the half circle of long strips of the white gems rounded at the top growing shorter on either side of your head.
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On your feet again you subtly smoothed your finger over your swan ring from the night before in your path to the hall, where Thranduil in his formal silver robe and matching crown froze once again understanding why his mother insisted on his wearing his merlot colored wrap. In his arms Legolas was in a silver get up of his own staring up at Oropher clad in dark green adjusting the collar on his little robe. A turn of his head later you felt Oropher’s eyes on you and he grinned saying, “Princess, we have one more surprise for you.”
You raised a brow then asked, “What else could you possibly-,”
He chuckled moving closer to offer his hand you rested yours in and joined him in the walk towards the next hall over. A familiar towering figure halted your steps and your lips parted looking up and down over the lilac coated Elf with bright white golden hair resting over his back in thick curls secured by overlapping strands of braids with beaded clips to hold them in place. Paired with the rose gold crown tucked around his head coated in overlapping feathers accentuated with patches of flowers all around beside a woman in a matching lilac gown with matching crown and necklace in rose diamonds over her bared chest. Softly you whispered, “Gramps?”
With a deep chuckle the tall figure looked you up and down with a deep purple silver flecked pair of eyes mirroring yours and closed the distance to raise you in a tight hug speaking in Vanyar, “There you are Lady Bug.” His lips found your cheek when you drew your head back to meet his eyes, folding your arms around his neck in his stolen peck on your nose, “I heard you found your One. I came to meet the lad myself.”
You struggled to withhold your tears asking, “But, the ban-?”
He chuckled replying, “I have been away too long, and no Princess deserves to march through a courtship alone. Besides, my brother has enough heirs in Doriath to build an army, rarely enough duties to go around. Plus,” he gently let you down and motioned to his wife who leaned in to accept and return a tight hug from you as well, “Nin and I are expecting, and, girls?”
He glanced around and three girls barely knee high hopped out in a line making you giggle at the identical trio to you all fixing their hands on their deep purple dresses in a shallow dipped attempt at a curtsy greeting you formally while Elmo said, “We thought it time they meet their Niece. Plus, your brothers left a table open for family that needs filling.”
You giggled and crouched down extending your arms for the trio to crash into you with tight hugs, in a glance up at him you asked in your rise again while the girls accepted their mother’s help in adjusting their rose gold circlets and wraps again. “You came all the way out here for a wedding?”
Elmo chuckled and replied, “It is an amazing match for your brother, I doubt they would have accepted if not for his connection to you. They expect a High Princess to attend, just imagine their mood after hearing we will be attending as well.” Making you giggle again.
Turning fully in a glance over your shoulder he locked eyes with the King who had accepted his last minute arrival with a grin and he bowed his head that stood a good half a foot over the others and he said in the common tongue, “I suppose we’ve taken up enough time. We shouldn’t keep the plans up any longer.”
Oropher chuckled and guided the group nearer to your relatives while your grandmother Marya helped to ease a merlot sheer jeweled wrap around your waist and up over your shoulder on the path out to the waiting cars while you chatted with them between glances at Thranduil, who stole each chance to inch closer to you only to begin the questions from your grandfather.
The large museum lit up as flashes grew capturing the High Prince and his youngest heirs arrived for the opening. Their appearances all linked you to them wordlessly and sent the rumor mill into a spiral at just what union could be forming between the two dynasties. And the fact that Oropher’s line to the throne was not so direct it only raised the stakes on just what might be expected of him and Thranduil to secure the union to your family’s liking. Inside the lavish building you felt a familiar arm resting around your upper back signaling Thranduil had snuck away finally to help guide you into the start of the exhibit, still casually answering Elmo’s questions while stealing glances at your young aunts, all giggling in their toe top reach to stroke their mother’s stomach at the kicks she was feeling.
Each piece was more dazzling than the last turn brought you to the largest display in a full room of connected pieces unfolding around the room. By then Thranduil had been stolen away for a moment and at the tiny hand locked in your hair you accepted Legolas into your arms and grinned at his giggle peering up at Elmo when he stroked his back. A few minutes later Thranduil was back again and grinning as he fixed your wrap sliding off your shoulder and joined into the conversation with the artist. Halfway through you couldn’t help but grin and nip at your lip when Legolas had fallen asleep. Though in the middle of a serious discussion you felt all eyes shifting to you at your attempt to muffle your giggle.
Shaking your head you weakly said trying not to giggle, “Sorry, he’s drooling.” Around you weak chuckles sounded and the Elf finished his statement in your glance down at the sleeping boy.
Thranduil chuckled reaching into his pocket drawing out his handkerchief he passed to you to dab the line of drool sinking lower from the smushed faced baby boy asleep on your chest. Subtly you dried it and dabbed his lip then held the handkerchief over your other hand resting under his bottom while Thranduil eased one arm around your back covering it with his wrap while his other hand settled on his son’s back while the discussion picked up again. All night you stayed by his side through the exhibit and small dinner after where you snacked on what was offered while Thranduil fed his son and then ate himself for the short time left until you were to be driven back again.
Back again at the palace when you had all changed the topic of the extravagant pool in the main courtyard got brought up stirring the girls into a frenzy of bouncing and begging you to swim with them. In a giggle you nodded and agreed when Thranduil had kissed your cheek and sent you a matching pout to get you to swim with them.
Rolling your eyes as the gown slid off, the hanger was pulled off the knob on the wall and fit the gown perfectly leaving just your jewels to seal in the case you had for them. Your heels were left under the gown and you rinsed off your makeup, easing the hair pins out releasing your bun before you turned to pull your two piece out of your bag.
The simple green pair with a halter top covering your cleavage fully, wetting your lips you left your ring in your bag and turned easing a silk robe Taule had mentioned leaving in your room earlier. Down to your knees it hung and you twisted your hair up into a simple braid on the way giggling as Thranduil trotted up behind you planting a kiss on your cheek guiding you through the palace to the pool. Out around the pool you spotted the cameras still off in the distance capturing what pictures they could of your relatives and the visiting Lords.
A burst of giggles sounded at the girls in their purple frilly one pieces with shimmering scales etched onto them in their leap into the pool at Elmo while Marya sat with her feet in the water. Other than your relatives the surrounding Lords and Ladies especially turned their heads as you left the robe you slipped out of on one of the loungers beside Thranduil’s towel and followed him in jumping into the pool. Hours you all swam and played with the girls until you all lounged and hung out enjoying the fruit and snacks brought out for you all.
The first two days you were granted time to spend with Thranduil and Legolas, even watching Legolas while Thranduil was sent out on a few meetings and public outings. Through which Elmo and his brood took the train up to Haldir’s cottage on your shared land leaving you to sit and wait wandering through the lavish palace wondering when Thranduil would be back again. Though by the fourth day as Elrond and his family flew back to Rivendell he was off with them holding Legolas for the busy schedule ahead, promising to return as soon as he was able while you assured him you would explore the city as best you could to distract yourself.
Not long after Celeborn had left for his home, the last of the visitors with Oropher along with him as Taule was off to Dale the day after. Nightly calls back home mingled with sporadic calls and texts from Thranduil only worsened things as you finished your second meal alone without any word from his family on when any would be returning.
A late night up led to a single call and an unplanned trip to your guards’ quarters, by the next hour you had packed and were out the side gate into the waiting taxi van you all squeezed into. Blankly you sat in the bench surrounded by your guards and sighed when you saw Elanor’s number reading across the screen of your phone you pulled out of your pocket. Answering the call you raised the phone to your ear as you wet your lips, “Elanor.”
Hastily through the line her voice blasted angrily, “Jaqi! What on earth do you think you are doing! That second generation Prince is not on the list you were given! And that belt-!”
“Elanor,” you cut her off curtly in Vanyar unknowingly making her expression drop at your serious tone, “Let me make this abundantly clear, I have never once met the woman who donated her egg for my existence, I have no wish to. And as for her opinions on my love life and possible children in my future she can keep those to herself. I was replaced easily enough and the centuries the borders were open gave her ample enough chances for being anything close to a mother. With that said, should there be a wedding in my future neither of you are invited. I am certain my ten brothers will be distraction enough for creating heirs for her. She made her choice, and I am making mine eventually she will accept that, until then have a nice day.” Plainly you hung up the phone and blocked her number then eased it back into your pocket unable to help but grin at the poorly muffled chortle from the guard on your right.
Sliding back into the bench you were on you stared up at the screen silently revealing a random cartoon show you couldn’t place. But it was distracting enough until your train pulled up. Shouldering your bag you were grateful you left the dresses and shoes you were gifted by the King there. Keeping only the ring from your first date on your finger you kept absently stroking in the wait and in the empty passenger car of the train you used to your advantage to lounge across a row of seating with your guards filling the rows behind you chatting among themselves as you napped.
The short ride eventually ended and cars were waiting to take you back home again, though over the radio you had heard in the short time you were gone the council of Lords had heard of Elmo’s moving into your land and had brought up the notion of handing rule of Northern Greenwood to him as their new King. A decision no doubt difficult to reach after the centuries their former King’s line had been wiped out, and no doubt the appeal of having a High Born King would secure their place as they continued to find their footing after the remnants of the great wars all lands were still settling from.
Pt 7
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57 Easy Gluten Free Recipes for Summer Picnics and Potlucks
New blog post! Now that the weather is finally (sloooowly) warming up and holidays like Memorial Day and Fourth of July are right around the corner, I know that summer picnics and potlucks are just as close. But when you have celiac disease or dietary restrictions, summer entertaining can feel a little more complicated.
That's why this year, I thought I'd scope out some of the best gluten free recipes for summer picnics and potlucks. Whether you're looking for healthy appetizers, gluten free lunches fit for a picnic or easy paleo desserts, this round up should give you some delicious ideas. Not to mention, it should make bringing a yummy and gluten free dish to every summer get-together a whole lot easier!
Gluten Free Sides
1. Bacon Cheddar Jalapeno Cornbread (Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free) - Raia's Recipes  
Trust me. If you show up with gluten free bread at a summer potluck, you're gonna be the life (or at least the taste buds) of the party.
2. Easy Potato Salad with Egg - Bubba Pie
Give your potato salad an extra boost of protein with hardboiled eggs.
3. Hawaiian Macaroni Salad (Vegan, Soy Free) - Spabettie
Pineapple, vegan mayo, sweet pickles and pickled carrots give this macaroni salad a unique, Hawaiian twist.
4. Broccoli Apple Slaw - Noshtastic
Change up the traditional cabbage slaw recipe by using broccoli and apple instead!
5. Creamy Pea Salad - Recipes From a Pantry
If you're looking for a seriously easy low carb side dish that is still sure to peas (ahem...please) a crowd...this is it! All you need to make it are fresh (or frozen!) peas, bacon, cheese and a few other ingredients for the sour cream dressing.
6. Black Bean and Corn Salad with Balsamic Vinegar (Dairy Free) - The Welcoming Table
Add grilled chicken or pork to make this gluten free salad a meal, or serve it as a side dish or dip!
7. German Cucumber Salad - Casserole Crissy
For any gardeners out there, this is the perfect recipe to use up any leftover cucumbers.
8. Asian-Inspired Sesame Cilantro Carrot Salad (Paleo and Vegetarian) - Natasha, The Artisan Life
Even carrot haters will be won over by the Asian flavors in this gluten free salad dressing.
9. Bone Broth Pesto (Nut Free) - Casey the College Celiac
Enjoy the creamy, tanginess of pesto with the added protein and nutritional benefits of bone broth. Serve with veggies, gluten free crackers or roasted sweet potato rounds (which are also included in the linked recipe above)! 
10. Watermelon Mint Salad with/out Feta (Dairy Free Option) - Finding Zest
Who knew that watermelon and balsamic vinegar made such a tasty pair?
11. White Bean Salad (Vegan, Soy-Free, Nut-Free) - Happy Healthy Mama
Fresh basil, cherry tomatoes, avocado and lemon juice turn plain white beans into a side salad everyone will be digging into.
12. Zucchini Roll-Ups (Vegan, Paleo) - Claudia Canu 
These roll-ups are super simple to make but that doesn't make this combo of veggies and gluten free hummus any less delicious!
13. Goat Cheese Cucumber Bites (Keto, Low Carb) - The Keto Option
Gluten free Everything But the Bagel Seasoning dresses up these mini goat cheese and cucumber sandwiches.
14. Creamy Sweet Potato Salad (Paleo) - Cathy's Gluten Free
Is there any occasions sweet potatoes aren't perfect for?!? I don't think so...
15. Focaccia with Olives, Sundried Tomato & Rosemary (Grain Free, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free) - Emma Eats and Explores
Like I said before...you seriously can't go wrong with bringing homemade gluten free bread.
16. 5-Minute Guacamole (Vegan, Keto, Paleo, Oil-free, Whole 30) - Veg Annie
Homemade salsa gives this homemade guac an extra kick of freshness and flavor.
17. Mexican Street Corn - Confessions of a Fit Foodie
Like corn on the cob, only a lot tastier and less messy to eat!
18. Spicy Mango Dip (Vegan) - Fun Food Frolic
Serve this gluten free and vegan dip with some gf bread or pita, and it'll disappear in no time. You can whip it up in 15, minutes, too!
19. Easy Tuna Spread - Goodnesst 
This gluten free spread only requires three ingredients, five minutes to make and is delicious when served with crackers, veggies or tossed in a salad.
20. Red Potato Salad with Avocado and Egg - Attainable Sustainable
Typical potato salad gets an upgrade with some healthy fats from avocado in this gluten free side dish.
21. Curried Cauliflower Mac and Cheese (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
If you want to add some hidden veggies to a family classic, you'll love my curried cauliflower mac and cheese, which only takes five ingredients to make.
Gluten Free Mains
22. Avocado, Asparagus and Chicken Salad (Paleo, Mayo Free) - Tasting Page
If mayo ain't your thang, you'll love this paleo chicken salad, which gets its creaminess from avocado and a homemade dressing.
23. Corn and Zucchini Pie - A Simple Pantry
If a quiche and a frittata had a baby, this would be it. Plus, this cheesy pie only takes an hour - including 45 minutes of it doing its thang in the oven - to make.
24. Melon Mozzarella Prosciutto Salad with Arugula - Taste and See
Combine classic Italian ingredients with a traditional Caprese salad, and you end up with an ideal summer entertaining dish.
25. Grilled Balsamic Lamb Kabobs - Foodal
I'll admit, I've never tried lamb before, but these kabobs would definitely have me digging in.
26. Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad - Spice Cravings
Traditionally, tabbouleh salad is a Middle Eastern vegetarian salad featuring ingredients like parsley, mint, Bulgar wheat, tomatoes, onion, cucumber and a lemon dressing. This gluten free version replaces the bulgar wheat with quinoa, which not only makes it allergy friendly but also packed with extra protein!
27. Zesty Smashed Chickpea Salad Sandwich (Vegan) - Moon and Spoon and Yum
The best kind of sandwiches have a mix of different textures and flavors...and this smashed chickpea salad has ALL the flavor punches you're looking for.
28. Southwest Quinoa Salad (Dairy-Free Option) - Mama Knows Gluten Free
You can't go wrong with a bowl of quinoa dressed up with avocados, black bean, corn, grape tomatoes, mozzarella and a cilantro honey lime dressing.
29. Shrimp Pasta Salad - Hot Pan Kitchen
Olives and sun-dried tomatoes give this cold gluten free salad an extra boost of flavor.
30. Spanish Waldorf Salad - Zestful Kitchen
This Spanish twist on a classic Waldorf salad complements a variety of different meals, and you can prepare all of the different ingredients ahead of the time.
31. Easy Cheesy Loaded Cauliflower Casserole (Low Carb) - Wholesome Yum
This gluten free casserole has all the flavors of a baked potato, minus the carbs. And you can't go wrong with bacon!
32. Tuscan Pasta Salad (Nut Free, Egg Free) - Meaningful Eats
Just 'cause you're gluten free doesn't mean you can't enjoy a very delicious pasta salad on a pretty summer day.
33. Cauliflower Salad (Vegan, Low Carb, Keto) - Cooking Journey
Cauliflower just got a very tasty upgrade with this easy, raw salad recipe.
34. Easy Cucumber Tomato Feta Salad (Vegetarian) - Mom Foodie
You can't go wrong with a classic...
35. Kale Quinoa Salad + Cider Vinegarette - Pass Me Some Tasty
Make sure you use gluten free cranberries and walnuts, and the sweet and savory mix of flavors will be a major winner in this salad.
36. Chickpea Thai Quinoa Salad with Peanut Dressing - V Nutrition and Wellness
Add a creamy peanut sauce to a salad with quinoa, chickpeas, carrots, cabbage and cilantro and you have a Thai feast tastier than any take-out.
37. Prawn & Avocado Salad (Whole 30, Paleo) - Recipe This
If you know Whole 30 or paleo diners will be at your summer picnic, this salad is sure to be a hit.
38. Broccoli Salad with Bacon (Keto, Low Carb) - Whole Lotta Yum
Broccoli has never looked so good...
39. Sweet Potato Black Bean Burger (Vegan) - Evolving Table
This black bean quinoa burger only takes an hour to make and is easy to personalize for whatever beans, sweet potatoes or spices you have on hand. 
40. The Best Homemade Chicken Salad (Paleo, Keto, Whole 30) - The Organic Chicken
Serve this salad on greens, gluten free bread or even half an avocado.
41. Loaded Potato Wedge Nachos (Paleo, Vegan Options) - Casey the College Celiac
'Cause who wouldn't want to dive into a plate of nachos on a beautiful summer day...especially when the base is fluffy roasted potato wedges?!?
Gluten Free Desserts
42. Paleo Strawberry Rhubarb Pie (Low Carb) - The Banana Diaries
I don't know about you, but I will always say yes to a slice of gluten free pie!
43. No Bake Peach Cheesecake Bites (Vegan) - Delightful Adventures
Make sure you use gluten free oats and almonds, and you'll have one heck of a tasty gluten free dessert.
44. Chewy Pumpkin Popcorn Balls (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
There's something crazy addictive about that sweet and salty combo. 
45. Pink Lemonade Cupcakes - Fearless Dining
Because is there anything more summer-y than pink lemonade anything?!?
46. Red, White & Blueberry Shortcake Parfaits (Paleo) - Living Loving Paleo
No one will believe that you whipped up these paleo shortcakes from almond flour and a handful of other ingredients you threw in your food processor!
47. Avocado Brownies (Vegan) - Vibrant Guide
Even avocado haters won't be able to get over how thick and fudgy these brownies are...
48. Cream Cheese Pound Cake (Low Carb, Keto) - Fit to Serve Group
Who says you can't eat a keto or low carb diet and eat cake too?!? 
49. Scotcharoos - My Gluten-Free Kitchen
Gluten free puffed rice cereal, peanut butter, chocolate and butterscotch combine into one heck of a tasty no-bake bar.
50. Oatmeal Creme Pies - Hunny I'm Home
Chewy gluten free oatmeal cookies + delicious buttercream icing = dessert heaven.
51. Orange Cake with Almond Meal (Dairy Free) - The Foodie Journey
This cake is only made with a few ingredients and can be prepped to bake in just 10 minutes!
52. Blueberry Muffins (Vegan) - Rhian's Recipes
You can't go wrong with a fluffy blueberry muffin, especially when it's gluten free, vegan and only takes 35 minutes to bake! Plus, there are tons of ingredient options and swaps, so you can probably whip up these muffins with whatever is already in your pantry.
53. S'mores Ice Cream Cake (Vegan) - Pink Fortitude
Ummm...a gluten free and vegan ice cream cake?!? I don't think I need to say anymore...
54. Chocolate, Beetroot & Raspberry Cupcakes - Attachment Mummy 
In case you want to sneak a few veggies into your gluten free dessert.
55. No Bake Cheesecake (Keto, Low Carb) - Low Carb Yum
You can't beat a no-bake cheesecake base topped with fresh summer berries.  
56. Chocolate Chip Coffee Cookies - Think About Such Things
Chocolate chip cookies just got a caffeinated twist! 
57. Blueberry Lemon Bundt Cake (Dairy Free) - Allergy Free Alaska 
I was sold at blueberries...
What I Hope You Remember During This Summer's Potlucks, Picnics and Parties
I know that when you have celiac disease or food allergies, the words "picnic" or "potluck" can cause more fear than excitement. But rest assured - as long as you use one of these gluten free recipes for guidance, you know you'll have at least one delicious meal you can happily enjoy. What are your favorite summer meals or recipes? Tell me in the comments! via Blogger http://bit.ly/2E6xmYR
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puzzled-zebra · 6 years
I really like the “Aliens eat weird Earth food combinations” trope and I hope that Voltron does that. Say for example...
Allura, with all the daintiness and sophistication of an Altean royal, dipping fries into a milkshake while Lance just stares at her like she’s the most beautiful creature in the universe.
Actually, just crank Allura’s thing for milkshakes to 11 please.
“Oh stars, Lance! This ‘pizza’ is absolutely scrumptious!”
“Heh, had a feeling you’d dig the ham & pineapple.”
“You know what? I just came up with the best idea! Lance, we should make a pizza milkshake!”
“......B-brilliant idea Allura. I, honestly, would have never thought of that...”
Allura acquires Lance’s love for Italian food in the strangest of ways.
Lance doesn’t know how she can happily dip pickles in marinara sauce, but he’s glad that she is smiling.
Ah, yes, fettuccine with salad dressing. Makes perfect sense.
Romelle would just be Buddy from Elf.
Romelle...why are you?...You don’t...you don’t put honey on hotdogs...
Remember that spaghetti monstrosity that Buddy made? Add strawberry jam to that, and you’ve got Romelle’s Special Dessert Pasta.
No, milk duds and ice cream do not make for a well balanced breakfast, hun.
She really likes sweet condiments.
Jelly or jam on any and all sandwiches. Yes, especially burgers.
I’ve heard of people adding ketchup to eggs, but never chocolate sauce.
“What do you mean ‘Maple syrup isn’t a beverage’? It’s a drinkable, sweet liquid in a bottle! How is this different than one of your ‘sodas’?
Speaking of sodas she’d probably chug a liter bottle and belch like Buddy too.
She won the contest that the boys were having, as well as won their respect and friendship, and was titled the Queen of Soda Drinking.
She probably thinks it’s an Earth sport.
Everyone is concerned that she’ll get diabetes within a month of being on Earth. Please stop this beautiful sunshine child.
In this trope Coran would just be Coran!
He’d experiment with all sorts of things to recreate the taste of Altean dishes.
Hunk was horrified watching Allura’s strange combinations, but Coran really takes the cake...and cuts it in half to use it as bread for a tuna sandwich with extra mayo.
Please...stop...no one wants to witness you mix marshmallow fluff and relish to make a “new and improved” sweet potato salad “This time with pineapple!”.
The only “normal” strange combination that he is addicted to is cantaloupe with pepper.
He sometimes eats things that aren’t technically food...or even edible by anyone’s standards.
Yes, he has accidentally consumed dish soap. It wasn’t that bad, it could just use some salt!
Stop eating the chapstick Coran, it isn’t candy. Neither is the lip gloss.
Look, I KNOW it says it says 100% natural, and that the first three ingredients are mango, algae, and grapefruit extract, but that is a skin care creme, and NOT something you should be spreading on a bagel.
He also delights in the finer beverages on Earth like wine...Rice wine.
He’s also crazy about condiments and pineapples in general.
No, he isn’t eating a plate of 7 different sauces, that was a steak. A steak he COVERED in 7 different sauces like a heathen.
Pineapples for breakfast, pineapples for brunch, pineapples served in any way to compliment his lunch.
He also likes pineapple on his pizza...which has been drizzled in several different sauces, and then coated entirely with ranch dressing.
Keith and Krolia have the same weird as hell tastes.
Neither of them care if they are in a town with a Walmart or 7/11, it’s huntin’ time!
Fresh roadkill? Heck yeah, free lunch!
Beef jerky is great and all, but have y’all ever had rabbit jerky? OOH or snake jerky!
A well-marinated and carefully cooked heart, can be just as good as any steak.
Scorpions can be plenty tasty if you season them just right! And crickets are basically like eating sunflower seeds only free and with more protein.
Galrans. Freaking. Love. Ketchup.
Krolia put her lover in the awkward position of buying 3-5 bottles of ketchup per week. The grocery staff spent countless hours wondering what he used all of it for.
They would add ketchup to everything if they could.
Keith: *drenches pancakes in ketchup!”
Keith: “I know.”
Lance: “Wh-why are you putting ketchup on pancakes?! That’s disgusting!
Keith: “No it’s not! That guy over there is doing it too!”
Lance: “Keith, that guy is putting it on his omelette.”
Keith: “Meh, same difference.”
They put as much ketchup as possible on both burger buns, and then DIP THE BURGER IN ADDITIONAL KETCHUP FOR EACH BITE.
No writing cute messages or drawing pictures on their omelettes, they will just COAT the omelette in ketchup.
Keith first had ketchup when Krolia let him slobber on her ketchup covered fingers after she had some fries.
This discovery helped her encourage him to bottle feed by dipping the nipple in ketchup.
Krolia’s lover was SO concerned about her sodium levels when they were together. Many years later, Shiro is experiencing that same concern with her son.
“Marinara sauce is like ketchup...but fancier.”- Krolia or Keith at some point in their lives.
Yes, in case you are all wondering, Lotor would love ketchup too.
And all of his former generals as well.
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megwritesfanfiction · 6 years
whipped cream, momo and todoroki~ 😈
A/N: … I don’t even know what to say for myself anymore… 
“This seems a bit excessive.” When his girlfriend had suggested they make an ice cream sundae, he hadn’t been sure what to expect. Todoroki figured there would be ice cream. It was the logical foundation of the dessert, so he hadn’t minded the array Momo had picked for their confection. The chocolate, cookies and creme, and vanilla ice creams had blended together perfectly, better than he expected really.
At the first sight of the three different flavors, he’d been worried that they’d gone overboard. The first taste of the three mixed on his spoon had erased any doubt. The toppings, however…
He’d expected chocolate sauce and sprinkles. Todoroki hadn’t been shocked by the cherry jar sitting next to the large bowl, but the pretzels, nuts, and gummy bears had thrown him for a loop. Nose wrinkled, he watched with confusion as Momo sprinkled gummy bears atop the cold dessert.
“Trust me,” she smirked eyes bright and mischievous as she grabbed the jar of marshmallow fluff.
Todoroki trusted her with his life, but he wasn’t sure his stomach held the same confidence. “Is that everything?” He questioned looking at the large bowl between them.
Momo tilted her head, curling her fingers around her chin as she stared at the bowl in front of them. “I think so, but I can’t help but think we’re missing something,” she huffed as her eyes scanned over the ingredients on the counter.
“I think we have everything and then some.” Todoroki was sure they couldn’t possibly fit anything else in the bowl
They had ice cream.
Marshmallow fluff.
Banana slices.
What could they have missed? They’d used all most everything in the pantry to create this treat.
“Oh,” Momo shouted as she dashed toward the fridge. “We need whipped cream.”
“We have marshmallow fluff.” Was there even room in the bowl for another topping?
“But it’s not whipped cream,” she told him seriously as she shook the can. Momo positioned the nozzle over the bowel and squirted a generous portion of whipped on top of their dessert. She dipped two fingers in the mix of cream and sweet fluff.
He watched her give her fingers a shy lick before presenting them in front of his lips.
The innocent command caused a blush to creep over his cheeks.
“It’s good.” She assured.
It always was. Locking his eyes with hers, Todoroki guided her fingers into her mouth drawing his tongue around her fingers. The corners of his lips twitched hearing her gasp as his tongue traced the seam of where her two fingers met. “I think-” He mumbled, sliding her fingers out of his mouth slowly.
Momo watched at his dug his fingers into their dessert.
Todoroki presented his fingers in front of her lips, “I think you were right about the whipped cream.”
They decided sundaes were best enjoyed without spoons.
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