#and then Jay had to take over for years and then cheri came back but didn’t know they were cheri until
cherrysnax · 5 months
havin the weirdest crisis of my life
#this is like. did related so im gonna sound completely uh#what’s the word. odd and shit for a sec okay? okay#so I’ve been here. hi im cheri silver yknow me for about 20 years total but jay used to front for years when we were in middle school#im not the. original host I guess but I’ve been around since#we were in the early single digits and never left#so im the host right? I existed to go thru the Trauma#but. it’s been my life for so long. my parents don’t know Her#they’ve only known me#but like. we’re finally starting to let go of that trauma#errr not let go but make peace with it. and we’ve been holding onto it for so long. I’ve been holding on to it for so long#but.. who am I without it? like yes that’s my trauma but also. is my purpose over?? is that why we haven’t been able to draw?#I’ve been the host for 20 years this is my life#my friends my gf my life my hobbies it’s mine not anyone else’s#I let others take the wheel when I can’t (or they forcibly do it for me) and jays been gone for like 3 years he only came back because I’ve#been being traumatized everyday recently. but like. will I have to go too??#reintergration is not really our goal. never has been but like#if we do. will I be here or will She come back? we’ve had false alarms before but it’s mostly been decided that it’s my front my life#maybe im just triggered all the time and that’s why I feel extra out of it#less myself#New Traumas are happening to us everyday#but yeah. I dont talk abt this aspect of my life much but it’s so scary to think about#I’ll talk to Chevy when they get off of work tomorrow abt it if it’s still like. freaking me out#I am me. we are a bunch of niggas but I am me.#did niggas when the identity disorder makes them dissociate smh#😫
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ilyamatic · 4 years
Echoes: In Another Life
Hey y'all! I'm bouncing around @arcana-echoes to bring you a glimpse into these Ayitians' alternate lives:
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Tiny hands dug into the rich soil. It was days like this that Andrico remembers that he could be happy. It was hard otherwise. Sure he was a hero, damn near a national treasure but the people’s adoration did little to quell the unrest in his heart. Almost 13 years after the war the smell of blood still lingered wherever he went. His fallen men still visited in his dreams, angry and rotting. He should have done more. He could have done more. If he wanted to win so badly he should have sacrificed himself. Instead he led his men to slaughter while he lived the cushy life. No matter how tormented he lived it, how unfulfilled. A life full of politics and policy when his soul craved sweat and soil.
But out there in his garden that didn’t matter.  All that mattered there was him, his little Fabienne, and the sunshine. Her wide gapped-toothed smile could chase away his most stubborn demons. It was a shame that she could never stay.
“Are you ready to clean up for lunch Fabi?” He asked as he pet her hair.
The little girl began to pout. “But Papa, you promised me we would plant all the flowers today!”
“Your mother would be very cross if I let you go hungry.”
Not that she wouldn’t find something else to be cross about, he thought bitterly.
“You don’t usually stop for anything when you’re in the garden,” Fabienne argued as she crossed her arms. 
“Haven’t you heard Fabi? Se yon neg andeyo mwe ye!”
“Maman says that you are a country bumpkin.”
Andrico could feel his eyebrow twitch.
“Good thing she found a nice city boy to marry, hm?”
Fabienne made no comment as she stuck her hands back into the dirt. He should press harder, be a little more authoritative. But everyone, including the girl in question, knew that Fabienne had him wrapped around her little finger. There was no point in fighting it. All she had to do was look up at him with those coffee black eyes, eyes that were so like her mother’s, and he was a goner. Moreover, he wanted to pretend just a little longer. He didn’t want to be General El-Saieh. He didn’t want the nightmares, or the panic attacks, or the failed marriage, or the strained relationships with everyone around him. He wanted the sweat and soil and for his little daughter to remember her papa as a man who loved the earth and the people on it. Who kissed booboos and chased away monsters and sang her to sleep on the nights she stayed with him. So Andrico kissed the top of her head and handed her another bulb.
Lunch could wait a moment or two. 
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She should head left. There is nothing stopping her from going left. It wasn’t like there was anything worth staying here for. She was tired. Tired of the expectations, the lessons, the everything. She should leave her teacher behind, go left, and see where life takes her.
Jasna took a few steps and stopped. She could go left.
But what about my family?
Could she live with not seeing them again for years? Possibly ever?
The path she was on was irritating at best, stifling at it’s worse. But it was sure. Jasna knew where she was going, where she would end up. The idea of starting over was tempting. All her life all she ever wanted was the option to choose. And there it was, presenting itself as a caravan heading to a city called Vesuvia.
She could go left.
“Jasna,” her tutor Frantz called out from their wagon. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she answered. “Just needed to stretch my legs.”
With that she turned on her heels and headed right.
Jai, Andrés, and Marie-Carmel under the cut
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They watched as the shoreline got smaller. The Augustine Regime had fallen Their uncle was dead, beheaded by a ‘young upstart who just learned to wipe his own ass.’ Jai felt no sympathy, no remorse. They did not bat an eyelash as their family uprooted themselves in the middle of the night, fleeing onto a boat towards hopefully friendlier lands.
It’s what they deserved really. Their uncle for being an absolute tyrant, their parents complicit to the horrors, and them… and them for their silence. But not any longer. No, they refused to hold their tongue ever again.
They could hear light footsteps come up behind them. Their mother called out a name that never fit, never belonged to them. They squared their shoulders.
“Jai,” they called back.
They could feel their mother’s confusion.
“My name is Jai,” they continued. “That person you’re looking for is not here. My name is Jai, I go by they, and you will address me as such.”
Their mother walked up and stood next to them. From the corner of their eye Jai could see their mother’s exasperation, anger, and grief.
“Must you do this now?” She practically spat.
“Yes. If not now, then when?”
They could feel her eyes bore into the side of their face.
“I have lost my home,” her mother said quietly. “ I have lost my home, my friends, and my country. Must I lose my daughter too?”
Jai could feel giggles and tears war in their gut. They could argue how their mother has not lost her child at all, that they were there, it was just that she had refused to see them for who they were. Jai could laugh in her face because all that her mother mourned was gained on the backs of a suffering nation. Instead they turned to look her in the eye and parroted her words from years ago.
“You cannot lose something you never had, cheri.”
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The High Priestess bathed the infant in a tub full of hibiscus petals and fragrant oils. Blessing babies was meant for the acolytes, a routine job regarded beneath her station. However, Andrés could hardly find it in herself to give two shits.
As the human embodiment of the All Mothers, was she not to embody them? Was she not to walk in humility and kindness? To treat everyone with respect? If the All Mothers hadn’t hidden their spirits away in their realm Andrés would find the sisters that came before her and give them a tongue lashing. As if any task at the temple was beneath her. As she would ever pass up giving out The Mothers love. Idiots, the whole lot of them. But those were worries for another day.
Andrés gently wrapped the squirming baby in a soft linen cloth and handed them back to their parents. 
“Go, my children. The love and the light of your Mothers will see you through to the end of your days.”
Teary eyes looked up to her gratefully. Often she wondered what people saw when they looked at her. Did they see a living goddess? Did they see power? Did they see The Divine Feminine in her?
Or did they see her, Andrés? A young woman thrust into adulthood too soon? Someone without all the answers but who tries her best for everyone? Do they see her regret?
“High Priestess,” an acolyte called from the doorway of the shrine. “The next family is ready.”
Andrés nodded as the previous family left, praises to the All Mothers and their Chosen Daughter heavy on their lips. She stood tall as the next family walked in, took their tiny baby in her arms with confidence, and began her blessings. In the presence of her children, there was no room for doubt.
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“I love you,” he said as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. Marie-Carmel smiled lightly, enjoying the sun and the fresh air. She rested her head against her husband’s shoulder. It was a beautiful summer day. Her dear husband decided it would be the perfect day for a carriage ride. It was nice. It was romantic. She could not stop the words from spilling out. 
“I love you too,” she said quietly and today it felt like she meant it.
It was terrible, she knew. Martine was not a bad man, not by a long shot. He was kind, generous, and smart. He was what anyone would want in a spouse. It was what she wanted in a spouse. And yet.
She does her best not to think of the loves of her past, the gentle Claudine or the funny Francois. They were all kind, generous, and smart but Mimi always found them lacking. And now Marie-Carmel was there, married to a man her Mimi adored but she found herself loving only on occasion.
Marie-Carmel does her best to not think of the notice on the community board.
Best Divorce Lawyer in Town!
Jean-Jacques Deroleaux Esq.
5555 Gardenia Street, Port Joyeux
Get your appointment today!
Her ‘friends’, all people of high society as her Mimi intended, were properly scandalized. She played the part, titterting behind an open fan at the depravity of it all but in her heart she wondered.
Her Mimi would be so disappointed! She would lose her friends! And Martine, poor sweet Martine. Oh he would be so heartbroken!
And yet.
Marie-Carmel rested her head on her husband’s shoulder, the flyer burning a hole in her dress all the while.
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
Day Dream
Through the help of my office mate, I was able to retrieve a copy of some of my previous writing. This is one of them, which I hope you’ll enjoy. 
To be honest, I didn’t know what I was thinking – this just happened like a daydream. Yes, the pun was definitely intended.
Here’s an edited outtake of Jaehyun from the same song that appears in their Neo Zone album. 
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Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
Summary: This is inspired by Essie and Jaehyun’s steamy affair. I can’t believe I write smut for Jaehyun, but not for Johnny. How come, self? 
POV: 3rd person since this is quite new, meaning this was written pre-quarantine this year. 
Word count: 720 + words. I think this is the shortest so far? Let me get back to you on that soon. 
Warning: This is as smutty as I’m going to get for now. 
Recommended listening: Sorry if I’m going to ruin your thoughts on their song, but I did write this while listening repeatedly to it. 
The longer Jaehyun and Essie went on with their trysts, the more it felt like a dream.
She lost count on what day it is – was it the third or fourth day? – as they made out on her couch.
Johnny was in Chicago while Mark was in London, so they were confident enough to do this at her apartment. Jaehyun felt that his soul was watching above their bodies and observing what it must feel like to have her as his.
“Oh Jay, please don’t stop,” she said breathlessly as he peppered kisses from her neck down to her collarbone. “No, I won’t, baby doll,” he murmured, his lips now at the edge of her shirt’s collar.
He thought that they would spend the days just hanging out and kissing, but it turned out to be a carnal affair. They couldn’t help but fuck each other, and then end the day acting like a regular couple.
They ended up naked on the couch, their clothes scattered on the floor. Before Jaehyun entered her, he lay above her and took in her naked glory with his hungry eyes. “You are so beautiful, Miss Jessica Park,” he breathed, his hands pinning her wrists down.
“And you are a beautiful man yourself, Jeong Yoon Oh,” she replied in the same manner, giving him a smile that made him pound her immediately with reckless abandon. It was the first time they were doing it without any protection, and damn the consequences for he wanted to feel her raw.
Her moans were music to his ears, and he loved it especially when she screamed his name.
“Scream for me more, baby,” he grunted, thrusting quicker inside her. “P…please Yoon Oh, fuck me some more,” she said, almost at her limit.
“I can’t hear you,” he taunted, his hands now snaking on her throat. “More, baby,” he pleaded, giving his all in thrusting into her.
She screamed his names loud and clear, forgetting that her neighbors might hear her screaming another name other than her boyfriend’s. Essie didn’t give a fuck right now – she had to admit that Jaehyun satisfied her sexual desires more than Johnny.
When they both came from their sexual highs, he peppered her whole body with kisses. “You are the best, Jay,” she said, arching her back a little so he could have more access to other areas of her body.
“Really? Am I better than Youngho?” He looked directly into her eyes as he asked this, hoping that she gives him a brutally honest answer.
“Oh, definitely,” she replied, one of her hands ruffling his hair. “You do me like nobody else.”
“I’m glad that you think that way, mon amour,” he said, kissing her inner thigh before hovering over her again. “Let’s take a shower, yes?” When she nodded, he pulled her up and carried her bridal style to the bathroom.
As much as they wanted to take a bath normally, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They had another round inside the shower stall, and unbeknownst to Essie, he came inside her. She couldn’t tell because they were both damp with soap and water, and she was exhausted.
He carried her again toward her bedroom (she still has a separate room in case she doesn’t want to sleep on Johnny’s bed) and both dressed each other. Jaehyun helped her get into a pink slip dress (and no underwear, of course), while Essie dressed him in a pair of boxer shorts and a black shirt.
“Loving you feels like I’m dreaming,” he sang to her as he caressed her cheek. “I can say the same too, darling,” she said, mimicking his action.
“I love you so much, and I wish you were mine for real,” he pressed his forehead on hers and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Oh ma cherie amour, je t'aime tellement que ça me fait mal.”
“Touché, mon cheri,” she replied softly, tilting his chin to look at her. “But I don’t want to think about reality right now. I want to be in this dream with you.”
He responded by kissing her, which felt more comforting than sensual. It was as if she was comforting him that he couldn’t have her, and the only thing he could do was just to give in for now.
Did you find out the translation of Jay’s badly-translated French statement? 
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sammyhale · 7 years
J2 ChiCon 2017 Main Panel
*Reminder: if possible, watch the panel videos for full context/info.
Boys make their entrance and do their jump onstage. 
The dick tweet from last night is brought up. Rich, Rob, and Jensen are all teasing Jared lol. Someone in the crowd yells, “Size doesn’t matter!” Jared: Yes it does! Jensen to the fan: That’s just what people say who don’t have it. 
Jared: I got my phone stolen last night. Well, it wasn’t stolen, I gave it away like an idiot. Jensen: After you tweeted something very personal. Jared laughs and jokes: Oh crap, I hit send here hold this! Everyone cracks up. Video
Fan sneezes. Jared: Chuck bless you. 
ChiCon is special since it was the first convention that started it all. Jared: It’s where we started realizing what this family is. 
Fan: You’re the Power Rangers. Jensen: Wrong show. That’s down the hall. 
Jared: I’ve watched more Power Rangers in the last 2 months than my whole life. Jensen: Why? Jared: ‘Cause Tom and Shep... Jensen: They don’t watch. You MADE your kids watch that. 
Jared: Never had anyone yell “You’re Power Rangers” at me. Jensen: Why would you? Jared: They just did! Jensen: THEY ARE IN THE WRONG HALL. 
Jared to a fan: What are you wearing? Fan: It’s a blanket. Jensen: It’s a serape. 
Fan: Most difficult thing about raising twins? Jensen: Our four-year-old. The twins aren’t moving yet. Jared (behind Jensen) freezes like he’s not moving with his arms in the air lol. 
Jensen to Jared: I can see you on the screen! Ain’t my first rodeo. 
Another tweet: Jared imitating the twins not moving. Jared: Oh you can see me on the screen? Jensen: Yeah I can! *busts out laughing*
Jared: Someday JJ is gonna see these videos and be like “Hey!” Boys are cracking up.
Jared: What if in 15 years kids see these videos and are like WHAT DO YOU MEAN I WAS THE DIFFICULT ONE?!
Jensen says Bram is a mini him and Arrow is a mini D. 
Jared says favorite brotherly moment to film was the end of Sacrifice. 
Likes “I got your back” episodes. Jared will always be proud of defining brother moments.
Jensen: When we took the pickaxes to the wall at the end of last season. It was a cool moment for the brothers and me and Jared when we broke through the wall at the end of s12. Fun for them. 
Jared: It was a poignant moment, the brothers talking about their legacy and it could have been me and Jensen [talking about themselves] on SPN. 
Jensen: Because we’ve lived with these characters for so damn long, it’s hard to tell us apart sometimes. 
Jensen: In Baby arguing about the burrito wasn’t scripted, that was me and Jared alone in the car.
Fan apologizes for how she’s asking her question because of her anxiety. Jensen: You’re doing great so far. 
Jensen: People don’t usually try to prank us out of fear of retaliation. The hell we will rain down on them. 
The only person who never feared pranking them was Kim Manners. He did things like dump freezing water on them in that manhole in s2. Crew came up to them with elaborate excuses about why they needed to take J2′s phones before that because they knew what was coming. 
Lots of teasing happening (lots of references to the dick tweet lol). 
They were talking about sit-ups and push-ups in scripts, etc. Jared: I have a pretty long torso- Jensen: So that’s where that length went.
Jared changed it to Sam doing pull-ups not sit-ups. Jensen: So you’d look all elongated *rimshot*
Jared teases back: In all the Days of My Life- Jensen: I was a child! Not a man responsible for my actions! 
Jensen chooses middle of the road success and win an Oscar when he’s 50 lol. Jared teases him about his age: Gonna win an Oscar last year?? *mic drop*
Cutest things kids have done? Jensen: Exist. 
Jared about Odette: “My girl is perfect.” 
Tells a story about Tom and how he picked up a habit of saying, “That’s what I’m talking about” from someone at school and it cracks Jared up. 
Jared talks about how Shep looks up to Tom so much. 
Jared: Tom, what was your favorite thing today? Tom: Walking in the park with you. Shep: Me too! Jared: You were home napping lol. 
Jared to fan, clarifying info she’d mentioned: You have one kid? Her: just one. Jared: That you know of!! 
Fan asks about their favorite monster to kill. Jared says the one he ended up marrying lol. Talks about how that will be awkward with the kids in a few years: “Why is Uncle Jensen holding mommy while you stabbed her??” 
Jared talks about killing Death. Jensen. I did not like killing Death. Jared: Cause he’s awesome. Jensen: Well yes, he is awesome, but, those types of scenes are technically difficult to shoot. Jensen likes to kill monsters with guns ‘cause it’s easy.
Jared is sitting backwards on his chair with one of his legs hoisted up, showing off his flexibility lol. Jensen talks about how Jared sits like that at a nice restaurant, will use his knee as his plate :P 
A fan starts to ask the question: How different are you in real life to your characters? There’s a pause and then she adds: Musically? Jared: Wait, what? Jensen: Answer the question in song. Jensen sings a bit. Jared jokes about being thrown off by the pause in the question lol.
Jensen: What’s your favorite Bieber song right now? Jared: All of ‘em. 
There’s a song Jared has been listening to a lot lately that reminds him of Gen but is having a hard time remembering the name. Thinks the band’s name is Skyline. (Possibly the Austin-based band Skyline x). 
Jensen: Dean likes classic rock. Nothing else is playing in his ears. Jensen loves classic rock, some country, some hard rock, a little bit of everything. Whatever he’s in the mood for. 
Fan says her sister is obsessed with Jared. Jared: She’s awesome! Fan’s question is for Jensen though lol. 
What advice would Jensen give Beyonce about twins? Jensen: B, let me talk at you real quick...Jared: What advice did you give her? Jensen: Let me check my texts lol. Jensen says to sleep when you can, mentions that duct tape is handy because it can fix anything, including your children lol. Jensen’s advice for Jay-Z would be to ask B: “What can I do for you?” 
Jared starts quoting lyrics from Destiny’s Child’s song Bills, Bills, Bills: pay my bills, pay my automobills, maybe we could chill. 
Favorite pie? J2 are arguing over the pronunciation of “pecan” lol. Jensen says Dean likes sweet cherry pie ;) Jensen’s favorite is banana cream. 
Jared’s favorite is pecan. Say Sam has a favorite and starts reciting Pi off the top of his head. 
Pet peeves about each other? Jared: I don’t waste gum! 
Jensen goes off lol. Talks about how “we hang out with each other a lot” and when Jared will come to his trailer every time he’ll take his gum and put it on Jensen’s counter and walk to his fridge to get a drink. Then when he’s done, he picks it up and puts it back in his mouth. Jared: I don’t wanna waste gum! Jensen used to call him out on putting gum on surfaces that aren’t the trashcan. Jared: The gum’s still good! Jensen: There’s no excuse!..Drink your drink with your gum in your mouth. The crowd says eww. Jensen: Oh, that’s ew?! 
Jensen talks about how whenever he and Jared go out to a restaurant, bar, etc, there will be either paper coasters or napkins and Jensen watches in amazement because while Jared is talking Jared, without noticing, has ripped the coaster and/or napkin into little tiny balls and had made a pile and eventually pushes it onto the ground. Jared: Multitasking. Jensen: What is that, though? Jared is just smiling. 
Last question: Fan starts talking to Jared, turns, sees Jensen on the other side. “Oh, hi!” Jensen: I’ve literally been here the whole time lol. 
Four things the colt can’t kill? Lucifer, God, Amara, and the Winchester Brothers. Jared: Wouldn’t that be cool?
This video from the last question shows Jared looking up in the air while standing next to the fan because he felt water on his arm. Jensen notices and without Jared saying anything he tells Jared that the fan is flicking water from her cup (because she was gesturing around in excitement lol) and Jared collapses laughing on one knee saying, “Oh, God!” Jensen: “Jared thought it was raining”- Jared: I was like, what is going on here?!
J2 share their traditional fist bump and thank the fans <3
Info via: Fangasm, Cherie, Carry On, Kristin, Adina, iwinsoiwin, Becky, Christina, Sil’s livetweet list, Audio
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rapfornication · 8 years
A List of a Bunch of Songs We Liked by Siya Mbatha & Norman
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2016, what a year. Included in this list are the emotions and memories that came with these songs. Here is a list that attempts to consolidate a most uniquely strange year .Fuck Donald Trump and enjoy the links to other pieces we thought you might enjoy too. And also fuck Donald Trump. 
Danny Brown – When It Rain 
Produced By Paul White Album: Atrocity Exhibition
One of the more left field songs that still somehow has an underlying jitty foot-light feel to it. It sounds like ‘Dip’ if it grew up in a dark basement and suffered from crippling anxiety. Danny Brown matches the atmosphere with some of his most vivid, impressive writing to date as he describes Detroit as a city that sees no change but gentrification, grannies getting robbed and more guns than necessary. Unforgettable.
Kendrick Lamar - untitled 02 | 06.23.2014.
Produced By Yung Exclusive & Cardo Album: untitled unmastered.
Cornrow Kenny brought out the circus tricks without losing his seriousness. The build-up is one captivating performance but once his voice swings into high pitched, the stunting and trumpets go into overdrive and you’re left pleasantly stunned. Get God on the phone.
Fat Joe & Remy Ma Feat. French Montana & Infa Red - All The Way Up
Produced By Cool & Dre & Edsclusive Album: Plata O Plomo
They say regionalism is dead but this all NY affair begs to differ. Cool and Dre provide the bass and unforgettable horns and the legends (plus Montana) rip it apart like a swaggier version of The Avengers. Remy Ma came back and ignited desperately needed fire.
Fat Joe & Remy Ma Feat. Infa-Red, Jay Z & French Montana -  All The Way Up (remix)
Produced By Cool & Dre & Edsclusive
 Lean Back left a lasting legacy, even for the millennials like my whack self who remembers slogans like Terror Squad, before Khaled was Billy Ocean, back when Fat Joe had the red parka in the video
"Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is". Lemonade the album that I still haven't listened to has just dropped and every beyhive fan on Twitter was up in arms mad that Jay Z was getting his lemonade from a woman named Becky -if you're into that kinda thing. And that’s all Hov was gonna do in terms of speaking on it. One more time, let it sink in. Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is. He pretty much ethered Beyoncé if you think about it.
Rihanna – Needed Me
Produced By Kuk Harrell & DJ Mustard Album: ANTI
For the first time in her long career, Rihanna sounded liberated. ‘Needed Me’ amplifies the dark, sexual charisma she always displayed in ways that feel less put-on (Rated-R, basically) and more like self-expression. A fantastic wonky Mustard beat gives her room to remind her past flame who really was doing who a favour. Savagery personified in one song. Oh, that shot of Robyn in a lacy blue dress, gun in hand, looking out to the beach? Iconic
BBNG Feat. Samuel T. Herring – Time Moves Slow
It’s been great watching BBNG grow into their own. The legendary Sam Herring lends his heartfelt voice to this perfectly crafted number. Personally, it got me through a messy situationship. Unreciprocated love makes it feel like time is moving slow.
Kid Cudi Feat. Travis Scott - Baptized In Fire
Produced By Mike Dean & Plain Pat Album: Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin'
This is the most Kid Cudi Kid Cudi has sounded for a long time. And it's scary to figure that your preference for an artist is derived in their articulation of their personal pain and struggles, I mean it's why we fuck with a Basquiat right? But here, here it's like Cudi just wanted to make his number one fan Travis Scott happy. The reserved role that La Flame takes in this feels like that, like he's soaking the moment in. The production overall sound is very reminiscent of Man On The Moon, if not a remake considering Plain motherfucking Pat, Mike Dean, La Flame and Cudder were all on this, SQUAD.
Schoolboy Q – JoHn Muir
Produced By Sounwave Album: Blank Face LP
Deadly basslines and triumphant horns score Q’s coming of age tale to churn out one of the best songs on ‘.Blankface’. Can’t help but poorly crip walk when this album cut comes on.
Kemba – Already
Produced By Frank Drake Album: Negus
Honestly, one could have chosen any song on Kemba’s often brilliant LP, ‘Negus’ but ��Already’ takes the cake for two reasons: it’s Frank Duke’s hardest beat since ‘Fuckin’ Up The Count’ and the artist sounds angry, dissatisfied and wounded by the awful recurring problems surrounding race. Isn’t that how we all felt in this bizarre year?
Samiyam Feat. Earl Sweatshirt - Mirror
Produced By Samiyam Album: Animals Have Feelings
This song was supposed to come right after Faucet but looking in this in totality it's fitting that it only dropped in 2016, a year later. A resolute Earl spits his way through his insecurities and imperfections "despite how they praising your face I'mma make do!". Earl's raps are never really about us, mans just telling his story and again we find ourselves in it. Looking in the mirror, seeing the only the nigga we wanted to be. It's not angry, it's aggressively encouraging.
Isaiah Rashad – Park
Produced By Park Ave. & D. Sanders Album: The Sun's Tirade
Trying to follow the topics Rashad dives into is genuinely exciting. In lesser hands, it just wouldn’t work but he’s always saved by the mere fact that he’s a compelling writer. Over fluttering hi hats and knocking sparse bass, he compares himself to Nicki Minaj and Guwop, reveals sexual infidelity while denouncing his savagery and still sneaks in discerning bars about fatherhood and religion. What really trips one out is how effortless it all sounds.
Noname – Freedom Interlude
Produced By Phoelix & Saba Album: Telefone
Out the shadows, Noname took her spot as one the more talented rappers of her generation. ‘Freedom Interlude ‘  is all her strengths wrapped in one warm song. Her intricate soliloquies spill over some steady drums and calming chords as she wanders and aches about Bill Cosby, perception, motherhood, becoming and everything in between.
Jeff Chery – Salty
Produced By Stefan Green
The cliché goes: if you don’t have haters, you aren’t doing anything noteworthy. So, naturally, songs about them are probably my favourite. Nothing like glorious flexing as a defence mechanism to truly propel a song and Chery leans into his naysayers over woozy bass and autotune.
J. Cole – Neighbors
Produced By J. Cole Album: 4 Your Eyez Only
Certain people will always let prejudices rule their perception of others. As a young black man, the hurtful reminders creep up on you every time who walk pass a car and the white person inside frantically locks their door or when you call your friends for a get together and your racist nearby residents bring the police to your doorstep to break it up. Cole explores this reality in a way that’s both relatable and fittingly hopeless. No matter who or where you are, the burden of being black is sometimes too heavy.
DJ Khaled Feat. Drake - For Free
Produced By Jordan Ullman & Nineteen85 Album: Major Key
I didn't want Khaled and Drake to have another anthem so they made another anthem. And as audacious as Drizzy Drake Rogers might be, as irritating as his love "Serana, Rihanna and JLo in one year" life might be, this is a really nice song. Like those moments after when you're feeling yourself, appreciating your agility wanting to ask the person next to you “... Is this sex so good I shouldn't have to fuck for free?"
Ma-E & AKA – Lie 2 Me
Produced by: Brian Soko, Mr Kamera & Ma-E 
Ma- E is basically your uncle who tries way too hard to look/sound ‘hip’ but still somehow pulls it without coming off corny. This ‘Township Counsellor’ gem hides the lingering insecurity of being rich/famous and always wondering if people like you for you or what you offer. Roping in SA’s erratic egoistic makes perfect sense as the pair smash this one out the park.
Ka – Just
Produced By Ka Album: Honor Killed the Samurai
Gangster turned firefighter, Ka writes like how one would imagine if they found themselves in a ‘I Am Legend’ type world. Even the pragmatic, bare-knuckle beats can’t dull the emotionally profound bars about backstabbers, dead loved ones, poverty and unfulfilled potential. Guilt more than anything invades this samurais’ nightmares.
Lil Yachty - One Night (Extended) 
Produced by TheGoodPerry Album: Lil Boat
It's really the most pleasant mean way to tell a hoe she ain't no wifey, matter of fact to tell anyone she ain't no wifey. But the video is tight tho, very Odd Future 2011-esq and very much Lil Yachty's assertion that he's pretty much here to do whatever the fuck he wants with this hip hop thing, and even scarier is that you actually can't stop him. Hook hella catchy tho.
Cousin Stizz Feat. Larry June – Down Like That
Produced By Puff Daddy Album MONDA
Billed as a showcase of star potential, Stizzy breaks out of the seriousness that drives ‘MONDA’ for some old fashioned hijinks. But Larry June truly murks this sizzling beat with one of the verses of the year. Who else can deliberately rap off beat, admit and end the bar with cold ‘fuck rap’?
Belly Feat. 2 Chainz, The Weeknd & Yo Gotti - Might Not (Remix)  
Produced By Merlin Watts, DaHeala & Ben Billions
Between the time the original and now Belly had delivered consistently cold bars embodied in solid projects twice. And hip hops heavy hitters and OGs aren't asleep to this, Belly's signed to Roc Nation. Everyone on here does their part but it's 2 Chainz who steals the show with his playful but vicious flow with audacious lines like, "IF YOU LOVE ME TAT MY NAME ON YOUR UTERUS!". Belly comes through cold tapping into the drug taking, model fucking persona The Weeknd had before he went full pop on us. And while Yo Gotti's verse is otherwise forgettable, mans didn't go down without a fight. 
Young Thug - Digits/Swizz Beats
Produced By Wheezy Album: JEFFERY
Thug’s output makes it hard to pick a favourite but these two highlight why I love Slime’s style. He’s a unique, eccentric singular voice that constantly defies rap norms and conjures up memorable hooks with ease.
A$AP Mob Feat. A$AP Rocky, A$AP Ant, A$AP Ferg, A$AP Nast, A$AP Twelvyy & Juicy J  - Yamborghini High
Produced By Hector Delgado Album: Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends
First off, s/o and daps to A$AP Mob for executing skits on a tape the way we remember skits on a tape, niggas too fucking cozy. It's the type of contextualising taking us back to Pesos. A corner store in Harlem. Second, you gotta want to believe that Yams in heaven tripping the fuck out not only watching the most tumbler-esque video but fact that the whole tape is not only an ode to Yams but also the preservation of his legacy.
Denzel Curry – ULT
Produced By Finatik N Zac, Nick Leon & Ronny J Album Imperial
The most gifted pick on 2016’s XXL Freshmen List. ‘ULT’ is the perfect song if you’re unfamiliar with Curry’s work. It’s high tempo and ferocious coupled with unyielding intelligence. Denzel sounds unflinching in the face of racial profiling and police brutality as he basks in the idea of unity. The chorus carries its 2Pac influence proudly. Revolt music.
Chance The Rapper feat. Saba - Angels 
Produced By The Social Experiment & Lido   Album Coloring Book
Chance is that guy, he either irks you or like Obama he's on your playlist(s). So this song found its way onto mine. This is the soundtrack to my success, the background music to scenes of triumph, the sound of joy, a thugs prayer of gratitude ..that's this song. Pain is beautiful but it takes real skill to articulate happiness. 
 ASAP Mob - Telephone Calls Feat.  Yung Gleesh, Playboi Carti, Tyler, The Creator & A$AP Rocky
Produced By Plu2o Nash Album Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends
The best thing about this song outside the quotable, outside Tyler stepping his flow up, outside walk Gleesh walk and outside "POST MAN, who dis?" is A$AP Rocky's verified lyrics where he writes about Tyler "I wish I knew this nigga my whole life" ❤
Frank Ocean Feat. KOHH – Nikes
Produced By Malay Ho, Om'Mas Keith & Frank Ocean Album: Blonde
Frank’s writing displays vulnerable humanity that we all try and tap into on our best days. ‘Nikes’ is filled with hilarious shit talking, short eulogies to passed peers and kin, lines about doing lines and trying to stay young. Life in your 20’s captured in 5 minutes.
Isaiah Rashad - Free Lunch
Produced By Cam O'bi Album: The Sun's Tirade
 Damn, I hate to say this but drugs and depression gave depth to this man’s music and made it interesting. After Clivia Demo, I had feared that under the shadow of TDE/Kendrick hype, that like other almost kinda famous sorta artists we were going to lose him, collateral damage so to speak. But instead Rashad in the most cliche of ways turned tragedy into triumph. 
Skepta – Man(Gang)
Produced By Skepta Album: Konnichiwa
The appeal of grime is its ability to be entertaining and aggressively haughty simultaneously. Skepta comes for everyone’s head on this ‘Konnichiwa’ standout. Fake fans and friends, washed rappers &wannabe fashionstas; no one is spared. London boyz made noise in 2016.
Childish Gambino – Me & Your Mama
Produced By Ludwig Göransson Album: "Awaken, My Love!"
The signal to the stars. Sitting through this ever mortifying gospel-rock joint feels transient. A shift from dick inspired punchlines to channeling Parliament Funkdelic; Donald Glover is proof of the rewards of artistic progression.
Danny Brown - Dance In The Water 
Produced By Paul White Album: Atrocity Exhibition
I'd like to think that this song would fit perfectly in a Tarantino film that's already been made, maybe that one about the car with Rosario Dawson and the lady who did stunts for Uma Therman. I'd like to think those things, a perfect middle between the old world and new. Danny Brown, at his peak, paints the most perfect picture of curated chaos.. 
Saba & Noname – Church/Liquor Store
Produced By Cam O'bi Album: Bucket List Project
Two of Chicago’s more gifted writers take us on a ride through their hometown. Saba is insightful, sorrowful and clear headed as he tackles addiction, gang violence, gentrification and the school to prison system. Noname acts as the perfect foil. It soars with gorgeous keys and beautiful choir worthy voices that only add to the misery
Earl Sweatshirt & Knxwledge – Balance
Produced By Knxwledge Album: 2016 Adult Swim Singles
A sensible union. Two talented non stars whose styles fit each other like big feet & AF’s 1.Earl’s attention to detail add a personal touch to universal gripes of being young, black & confused. His mumblings feel at home over Knxwledge’s lush, anxious phrases.
AKA ft Yanga – Dream Work
Produced by KJ Conteh
Sampling ‘Street Fighter’ should already make this a classic but AKA takes it a step further by rightfully staking a claim to SA rap’s crown. The hook is masterful; Yanga’s voice complements the thumping bass perfectly and AKA sounds focused, sharp and agitated. A continuation of a 5 year streak that doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. Long Live Supa Mega.
Terrance Martin – Valdez off Crenshaw
Produced by Terrace Martin Co-Produced by Robert “Sput” Searight
Modern music would be less great without Terrace Martin. One could go on an endless tangent listing countless accolades and contributions but rather we stick to this one moment on “Velvet Portraits”. It’s a mesmerizing piece of jazz leaning funk that contains an electric guitar solo that’s so beautifully over the top you can’t help sit in awe. An experience.
D.R.A.M Feat. Lil Yachty – Broccoli
Produced By J Gramm Beats Album: Big Baby D.R.A.M.
There's this phenomena taking place where new kids want to be their own, don't want to inherit problems, keen to dictate their own narrative. This song is a prime example of this. D.R.A.M is on here with his puppy hugging positive healthy outlook on life bars and Lil Yachty is here in his whole self. The millennials Big Pimpin', I’m calling it.
Kadhja Bonet – Honey Comb
Produced By Kadhja Bonet Album: The Visitor
‘Classical music’ can be an off putting label. But Bonet puts a modern spin on the genre and breathes new life into it. It sounds so good it possess the power to you cleanse all your proverbial sins. Gorgeous piece of music.
 Solange Feat. Lil Wayne - Mad 
Produced By Troy "R8DIO" Johnson, David Longstreth, Sir Dylan, Solange &Raphael Saadiq Album: A Seat at the Table
Very rarely are us folk, black folk, worldwide given the space to be angry. Our sorrow, our pain and small glimmers of happiness have their time, designated hours. So when you're mad, you're mad on your own, you're carrying it on your own .. and when you finally exhale it's a lot. Mad about inabilities and inadequacies of the self. It's always just too much to never have someone ask "why you mad son?". It's a relief to have a song like this affirm that anger. Affirming the experience of holding on anger only for it to be dismissed, invalidated to be "why you always be so mad"-ed. I praise Solo for speaking this truth. 
Rae Sremmurd Feat. Gucci Mane – Black Beatles
Produced By Mike WiLL Made-It Album: SremmLife 2
Mannequin challenge aside, ‘Black Beatles’ was destined to be a hit. Swan Lee sounds like a fallen angel; cautious and courageous. Jimi admirably keeps up and Gucci is his outrageous melodic self. Mike Will brings out the trademark ear wormy tunes and you’ve got a stellar song that celebrates youthful exuberance like no other this year. Rae Sremmurd > The Beatles
Rich Chigga - Dat $tick 
Easily the hardest bars and hardest beat of the year, or the 2nd Quarter.  Upper Echelon bars. YOUR FAVORITE RAPPER WAS SHOOK WHEN HE HEARD IT. 
DJ Esco Feat. Future & Rae Sremmurd - Party Pack 
Produced By Southside & DJ Esco Album: Project E.T. Esco Terrestrial
 If you questioned the longevity of Future's "glow up" or how Rae Sremmurd would navigate beyond being the cute small guys then this song stands as testament. On this song Future sounds energized, he sounds damn near competitive on a song that features another well executed Swae Lee hook and a very well placed Slim Jxmmi.
Boogie – Nigga Needs
Produced By Keyel Album: Thirst 48, Pt. 2
Boogie has a knack of simplifying nuanced thoughts and conflicting feelings. Coupled with a video of him as a bleeding centrepiece in an art gallery, The Thirst 48 rapper tries to come to terms the difficultly of self-improvement in a world that conspires against him.
Travis Scott Feat. NAV - Beibs in the Trap
Produced By NAV Album: Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight
 Ay, millennials finally get our own cocaine raps, that tight. But say no to drugs. Drugs ruin lives. Drugs also cost way too much money to pick it up as a habit. Also, who actually does cocaine anymore. Isn't tripping on anxiety meds, though troubling cos clearly in the purest sense of self we have proved incapable of dealing with the realities of this world, the wave? I dunno, just don't do crack kids. That's not glamorous. Neither is crushed up Ritalin on your gums. Great song though 5/5 shout outs NAV for the harmonies and production s/o Justin Beiber.
Westside Gunn & Action Bronson – Dudley Boyz
Produced By The Alchemist Album: Flygod
Wrestling and food references? Boasting about hardness and superior garments over velvet soft chords? Why didn’t this collaboration happen sooner? Old heads need to pay more attention to Westside and stop complaining about mumble rap.
DJ Khaled Feat. Jay Z & Future – I Got Keys
Produced By Jake One, G Koop & Southside Album:Major Key
The God MC came down a couple of times this year to bless his subjects but this Future – assisted joint was a highlight. Not a world beater but admirable considering it is a 42 year old taking a jab at a relentless Southside banger.
2Chainz – Ounces Back
Produced By DJ Spinz Album Daniel Son; Necklace Don
This Christmas, I’m thankful that the most entertaining rapper on earth was inspired all throughout the year. A performance littered with ludicrous lines about forgotten apartments in Jupiter(???), expensive jewelry and his upper echelon sex game. The flow is never forced or out of pocket over dreamy bass and stuttering keys. How is he over 40 and more inventive than rappers half his age?
21 Savage – No Heart
Produced By CuBeatz, Southside & Metro Boomin Album: Savage Mode
The line between fantasy and realism grows blurry with each social media update. We continue to laud rappers who seem to draw from real life experiences more than the ‘posers’ and that what makes ‘No Heart’ so great.21 is way too specific & menacing not mean any of his threat- filled lines. Metro Boomin’ matches the dead eyed feel with his most minimalist work to date and the end product is as enthralling as it is terrifying. 
Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne - No Problem 
Produced By BrassTracks Album: Coloring Book
Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne - No Problem Produced by: Album: Coloring Book  Coloring Book is one of those polarizing projects, you either felt it or you didn't .. I didn't. But he made songs like this that didn't make you feel like you were at Christian Rap Camp, some menacing statements were made on here echoed by your mum’s church choir. Wayne told us about freeing the choir, Chance threw threats about labels meeting the real south side and 2 Chainz? Man that man effortlessly floated just right on this pleasant song that even this weird iPhone class project video even is enjoyable.  ZBo8QA/K2O8
Migos Feat. Lil Uzi Vert – Bad & Boujee
Produced By Metro Boomin Album: CULTURE
An ode to classy fly women that even Uzi Vert couldn’t ruin. Offset’s show-stealing hook sticks in your mind like a deferred exam. A shining example of the power of Migos as a hit-making collective.
Kanye West Feat. Kendrick Lamar -No More Parties in LA
Produced By Kanye West & Madlib Album The Life of Pablo
It's only fitting that the most flagrant and audacious bars would find themselves sitting on this masterpiece. It's almost felt like a battle rap, Kendrick urging Kanye to rap again and Ye coming the fuck thru, "that God for me!" Pablo declares triumphantly and the song is so good, it's such a Kanye signature sample old heads the energy in the recording studio is crazy with McDonald's and Hennessy. Crazy. Fucking magical is what it is.
G.O.O.D Music Feat. Kanye West, Big Sean, Quavo, Gucci Mane, 2 Chainz, Travis Scott, Desiigner & Yo Gotti - Champions
Produced By Kanye West, A-Trak, Lex Luger & Mike Dean Album: Cruel Winter
Briefly, for but at least a second it looked like Kanye, Pusha T, fucking Kid Cudi, La Flame, 2 Chainz and even Big Sean .. it looked like the gang were back together. This single came as a result of hysteria, a just released Gucci, Kanye West finally releasing an album, a Quavo in his prime on a fucking MIKE DEAN track. In this moment, with the whole world in a frenzy doing everything they could do to somehow get their hands on these super stars, we were reminded that this label, GOOD Music, is a home to champions.
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cherrysnax · 4 months
oh yeah we were also wondering why we flock to media with dead kids that haunt the narrative both figuratively and literally and uh :) yeah we know why
#child death tw#rowan seemed so much older when we were kids#but realistically she was barely like 14#maybe even 12 or 13#Jason Todd chara and asriel. them mfs from fnaf and maria#they’re dead kids but at the end of the day they’re all apart of someone else’s story#and a lot of them come back. in one way shape or form#with the exception of maria they all come back wrong and hurt and twisted by their deaths#but still deserving of love. still craving it more than anything#being a vessel for someone else’s opinions. barely even themselves#rowan died. and a part of us died with her#that was probably uh.. yknow. That guys last real time being here#cheri took all the stuff as kid. all of it happened to them but buddy boy was still kinda around#and then rowan died and then. She did too#and then Jay had to take over for years and then cheri came back but didn’t know they were cheri until#like they were 17 because they just repressed repressed repressed#and obviously those are very shallow views of those characters#but to a hurting kid who resonated so much with them they were everything#I have no clue why I’m so introspective tonight#but my friends do call me the emotion guy so#I guess it means something. but yeah something died in us when rowan died#but something was also born. rowan was a person. a little girl who should’ve grown up and that’ll never change#but I think this year is the year that we learn to let her go#im happy i got the chance to know her when we did#I hope she’s a fucking butterfly or something really cool like an alligator if her next life#also we already knew why we flocked to this media because duh. but like it helps to know which part of us needs more healing#who needs a therapist when you have me ;)
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