#but to a hurting kid who resonated so much with them they were everything
cherrysnax · 4 months
oh yeah we were also wondering why we flock to media with dead kids that haunt the narrative both figuratively and literally and uh :) yeah we know why
#child death tw#rowan seemed so much older when we were kids#but realistically she was barely like 14#maybe even 12 or 13#Jason Todd chara and asriel. them mfs from fnaf and maria#they’re dead kids but at the end of the day they’re all apart of someone else’s story#and a lot of them come back. in one way shape or form#with the exception of maria they all come back wrong and hurt and twisted by their deaths#but still deserving of love. still craving it more than anything#being a vessel for someone else’s opinions. barely even themselves#rowan died. and a part of us died with her#that was probably uh.. yknow. That guys last real time being here#cheri took all the stuff as kid. all of it happened to them but buddy boy was still kinda around#and then rowan died and then. She did too#and then Jay had to take over for years and then cheri came back but didn’t know they were cheri until#like they were 17 because they just repressed repressed repressed#and obviously those are very shallow views of those characters#but to a hurting kid who resonated so much with them they were everything#I have no clue why I’m so introspective tonight#but my friends do call me the emotion guy so#I guess it means something. but yeah something died in us when rowan died#but something was also born. rowan was a person. a little girl who should’ve grown up and that’ll never change#but I think this year is the year that we learn to let her go#im happy i got the chance to know her when we did#I hope she’s a fucking butterfly or something really cool like an alligator if her next life#also we already knew why we flocked to this media because duh. but like it helps to know which part of us needs more healing#who needs a therapist when you have me ;)
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mstase · 3 months
some of these are based on the people I’ve met, so you may not resonate with some of it. there are also probably other aspects in your birth chart that say otherwise, so please read this with a grain of salt.
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♨️ aries moon - such people have a subtle yet sharp look, often with a prominent feature like a wide forehead or a generally strong build. their fiery emotions are written all over their face, and you can spot their short fuse from a mile away. they’re not the type to bottle things up; it’s more like they need to let it out, erupting like a volcano. these folks are impulsive, prone to sudden outbursts, but surprisingly, they don’t hold onto grudges—they move on as fast as they flare up. they tend to have mood swings, being all emotional one minute and totally chill the next. there’s this childlike energy about them—they get hyped up easily and are full of passion. but just like kids, they can be pretty immature when it comes to handling their feelings. when they were young, they might have fought a lot due to their impatient nature and tendency to react quickly and get frustrated, but they eventually grow out of it. i know some aries moon peeps who get physical when they can’t calm down like throwing stuff, kicking around, or yelling and screaming to let out that frustration.
🍥 taurus moon - they’re really laid-back to be around, always giving off a calming vibe. picture doe eyes and soft, prominent cheek, kind of like a bambi. these individuals are typically grounded and don’t easily get irritated, but they know when to assert their boundaries. they prefer doing their own thing and steer clear of drama. however, they can be quite stubborn and once they’re fixated on something, it’s hard to sway them. emotions tend to linger with them for a long time because they manage them steadily and slowly. one thing about them: they despise being rushed. like typical taureans, they take their time with things and enjoy a slower pace. when they feel emotionally unsettled, they seek comfort, even if it’s not always the healthiest option, it helps them escape. they thrive in cozy, gentle environments, feeling most at ease when they’re at home. quite possessive people and can come across as controlling at times, especially with those they like; they tend to be fond of physical touch.
🗣️ gemini moon - they have really expressive eyes that light up when something catches their interest. always cracking jokes and endlessly curious, they’re a blast to be around. a bit scattered sometimes, but they’re great at keeping a conversation going. sharp as a tack, they might seem like a clown sometimes, but they’re actually deep thinkers. they are prone to mood swings; their minds are constantly buzzing with a million thoughts, which also impacts their mood. however, they don’t really express or dwell on these emotions much because their minds are wrapped up in their interests, which can make them come across as emotionally closed off. at other times, they tend to rationalize their emotions rather than genuinely feeling them. these people get extremely bored easily, constantly needing mental stimulation. hence, they have a need to always ask questions, to know everything and understand how things work, in order to keep their minds busy. they could be the type who has trouble sleeping because their minds won’t quiet down, and the same goes for their mouth.
🦀 cancer moon - very emotionally receptive, they can easily read and understand others just as much as they crave understanding for their own feelings. they feel things deeply and take it all to heart, often needing space to process. naturally nurturing, they care very deeply and want it to be acknowledged. they might be the one looking out for their siblings or the ’mom’ figure in their friend circle. when upset, they can be passive-aggressive, but most of the time, they keep their pain to themselves. their heightened sensitivity makes them get hurt more easily than others, which is why they sometimes come off as defensive. these people have a hard time moving on from the past and like to reminisce a lot. they remember every single thing, the good and the bad stuff people did to them, and when they’re not feeling right, they tend to hold onto grudges.
⚜️ leo moon - they are all about expressing themselves creatively, typically through singing and/or dancing. they are incredibly generous and always there for the people they cherish. however, i’ve noticed they can struggle with self-esteem, leading them to seek validation and acceptance. they have fragile egos and are extremely sensitive to criticism, often feeling challenged in their accomplishments or goals, even when that’s not the case. when they feel validated, they bring good vibes, filling up the room with warm, loving, and super enthusiastic energy—that’s just how they give back. they are prone to dramatic displays of emotions, often without realizing it, due to their naturally expressive and fierce nature. i’ve also noticed that they tend to talk a lot about themselves and may unintentionally interrupt or overlap in other people’s conversations. this can make them appear conceited, but they are just really eager to share a lot about themselves.
🔍 virgo moon - they’re super helpful, sometimes a bit too much, and very responsible. it’s like they think no one else is gonna sort stuff out, so they always step up as the “fixer” even when it’s not really their problem. they’re just really big on analyzing everything to get to the bottom of things. they can often seem all critical and constantly nitpicking, but really, it’s their way of helping you improve and showing they care. they notice every tiny detail, and if something’s off, it bugs them big time—total perfectionists. they’re pretty hard on themselves, likely due to early expectations and responsibilities weighing on them. they worry a ton, even about the small stuff, sometimes to an unhealthy level of obsession. they need a lot of alone time to process these thoughts, as they’re highly sensitive to their surroundings, which doesn’t quite help with their anxious tendencies. they can be self-conscious and prefer to keep their emotions in check, often analyzing their surroundings to gauge if it’s safe enough to express how they feel.
🧁 libra moon - these people are easy to hang out with—chill, laid-back, and down-to-earth. they prefer to keep things peaceful, so they can be somewhat passive and struggle to say no because they dislike upsetting people, which heavily impacts how they feel about themselves. confrontations aren’t their thing either, and setting boundaries isn’t their strong suit. they value fairness, detest any kind of injustice, and adhere to their morals. they’re open-minded, always looking at things from different angles, which makes people feel comfortable talking to them about anything. (they are also great listeners). they can be overly concerned about how they appear as they have a strong need to feel ”pretty” and liked. when decisions need to be made, they’re very indecisive and tend to let their friends choose for them. they dislike aggression and are put off by unnecessary meanness, as they themselves keep their less pleasant emotions in control without necessarily suppressing them. most people i’ve met with this have good facial harmony and are pleasing to look at.
🦂 scorpio moon - they might not seem like they’re paying attention, but believe me, they’re tuned in. you’ll be amazed by the random stuff they pick up just from quietly observing things and people. sometimes they don’t even have to actively watch; they just get it with one look, seeing through the facade because they operate similarly, like hiding behind that secretive and mysterious wall that they cling onto. they have zero tolerance for dishonesty, and the ones i’ve met with this are extremely blunt. nothing gets past them; they can sniff out lies or insincerity from a mile away. like all water signs, they’re super sensitive but get triggered easily. oh, and they can hold a grudge forever. they’ll remember what you did to them five years ago and still think you haven’t changed. they might seem chill on the outside, but inside, there’s a whirlwind of intense emotions that can erupt suddenly. they probably struggle with talking about their feelings and, with their secretive nature, you’ll never really know what’s going on with them.
🎃 sagittarius moon - adventurous folks who are always down for a good time, even if it gets them into trouble. they find optimism and humor in everything, so it’s pretty easy to lighten up their mood. they’re strong-willed and passionate about their feelings, not holding back when they speak their mind. sometimes they crack jokes at the wrong time or in a way that might offend—it’s just their impulsive nature. despite that, they’re incredibly cheerful and goofy, always ready to laugh and spread their enthusiastic energy. sometimes they can come off as ’know-it-alls’ without trying to be arrogant; they’re just super into their optimistic wisdom. many of them may have travelled a lot growing up or just liked to wander outside instead of staying indoors—the type who were always out exploring the city. they dislike uptight, dependent people; they need someone who can loosen up and loves freedom as much as they do. being tied down in any way is their worst nightmare, so good luck trying to control them.
💼 capricorn moon - these people can keep their cool even in tough situations. they’re not into big emotional displays and often come off as closed off or shy. it takes them a while to open up because they don’t think it’s necessary. although they are not unemotional; in fact, they care and love very deeply but are more private about it. they probably grew up in a household where showing emotions was restricted, or they had to grow up fast due to responsibilities. they might also have a hard time showing vulnerability and are super protective of themselves. they’re incredibly self-reliant and independent and sometimes feel guilty about asking for help. they give the best advice, but don’t count on it to cheer you up because they’re all about logic and practicality. sometimes, they keep their problems to themselves because they don’t like feeling like a burden to anyone, or they simply feel like no one cares.
🌀 aquarius moon - constantly feeling misunderstood, they feel like people talk more than they know. are humanitarian, but at the same time, they hate people. they are highly observant and can naturally grasp people’s minds and behaviors. they cherish their independence and personal space, which means they don’t do well with clingy people. consequently, they keep most people, including friends, at arm’s length. these people are pretty good at hiding their emotions. they aren’t likely to be very grand in expressing how they feel, which is why they can sometimes come across as detached. at times, they just process their emotions differently. i see them as being more rational and logical in their approach. also, they may find it challenging or uneasy to cope with deep feelings of vulnerability. very super accepting of people because they’ve been there themselves—being the odd one out. intelligent people can sometimes be very stubborn and think they are always right.
🐟 pisces moon - they are very empathetic and compassionate, making them great listeners. however, they often feel emotionally overwhelmed because they easily absorb other people’s pains and problems. sometimes, they struggle to understand and express their own emotions due to their impressionable nature. highly sensitive to their surroundings, they pick up on every subtle detail that others often miss, which can be overwhelming. they also find themselves easily drained in busy environments, constantly absorbing the emotions and energies around them. therefore, they require ample downtime in peaceful, quiet settings to recharge. they can feel like their needs get ignored and that they end up giving way more than they get back. one thing about them, though, is they tend to be very passive to the point where they can easily be taken advantage of, which is something they need to work on to build more assertion. the people i’ve met with this moon were exceptionally talented, whether in art, writing, or any other form of expression.
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chantiying · 5 months
Message from your inner child
Before to start, sorry for any mistakes or grammar error. English is not my first language. How to choose? Think of something you liked when you were a child (a game, a toy, a smell, a candy, your favorite stuffed animal) and try to remember you as a kid, take a deep breath and when you're ready, you and your inner child choose the image that drawn to you. Remember tarot is not set on stone and you can change your path whenever you want. This is for entertainment purposes. This reading is general so if it doesn't resonate with you just let it go
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: ¨·.·¨ :
` ·. 🦋
(˚ˎ 。7
TW. Direct or indirect mention of abuse, bulling, violence, familial violence, broken family among others.
Ok, let's go!!!
Hello my friend :) Do you remember how disastrous our childhood was? Do you remember that there were some people who hurt us? Remember when we were pushed aside from parties? Do you remember when we found out that sometimes the "love" of a couple is not two but three? Remember when we found out what infidelity meant? Come, here and close your eyes for a moment, because I want to tell you a secret but I don't want you to see me are you ready? Yes? Ok: the infidelity of our parents marked me
I know since then we don't know what it means to love or how to make a relationship work. I know it's a lot harder for you than it was for me. I know sometimes you wonder if you're loving too little or too much, I know you're scared of being harmed like mom and dad did. Do you still feel that strange feeling of isolating all noise with music or the TV on while we sit on the floor of the room begging for it all to end? I do love you, my friend :) I know it seems a little difficult, I know it seems a little hard to say and hear, I know you may not believe it because they made you doubt what it means to love someone, but, I'll let you in on another secret: I don't feel alone anymore. I've learned that sometimes we have to leave where the water overflows to build a better castle. I learned to be smarter and not to argue when it's not necessary, to stop talking where no one listens, to live with myself and with you.
Please, I know it's not easy, but I want you to start again, on your own, I want you to leave everything behind, to let the dragons (they are not bad I already talked to them and they said they are on our side) I want you to let them destroy what hurts us, and to start building your own fortress. I want to be your first beautiful relationship. I want that you love me because I love you and I will always love you. Please love me, okay? Let's be you and me (km little you, hehe) against everyone. I want to be your partner in crime and have us laugh together. I promise you that after that, we're going to smile more and forget what they did to us.
You also have to eat well, did you hear me? Oh and don't tell anyone, but, I'm craving our favorite sweet treat from when we were little, can you eat it for us?
I'm always with you, don't forget me, I'm you but in little. Oh, something else, let's pretend it's your birthday, yei ! let's be happy for today and close your eyes again and make a wish
Francis Forever Mitski, Innocent Taylor Swift. Grey, Purple, Blue. Leaves & Streets. Orange juice?, Music, Cartoons, Headphones, Magic Wand. Mulan (I'll Make a Man Out of You)
🧸🎂🎈🍫 🧸🪄🎈🍫
Hey!!! What's up, buddy? I am very happy, I feel that I have arrived where I needed to be, I feel that the sun has finally risen, I feel that all the changes I had to go through have now paid off. The knowledge, the peace, the beliefs, everything I needed to cultivate is bearing fruit. See? I even speak as someone cultured and intellectual 😸. At first I didn't notice it, I was incredulous, but then I started thinking and thinking and thinking, and I realized that the change started in the interior. I know, you don't have to tell me, it sounds very cheesy, it sounds silly, but, I must admit, even if it's a little embarrassing, that sometimes dreaming and being cheesy is kind of fun SO DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME 😾😹. Ok, let's be serious, mate. We went through a time where we didn't believe in anything and we didn't even know if we should believe but I kept doing it. I kept looking until I got to where I needed to and BOOM it all made sense. Our lives are going to get better, we're better now, we're brave, we're smart, we're strong, we're cool !! We still have to keep learning, we still have a long way to go, but I learned that learning is also fun. DON'T GIVE UP, OK? Ok. I know it's hard to grow, but we've always wanted this, we've never bowed down, we've never given up, we've always looked forward and we'll continue to do so
Keep in your heart the ones who help you and give you happy moments, then let's continue writing our story
No matter how many steps forward you take, whether it's one or two or a thousand, I'll always be there proud of where you've taken us and what an amazing person you've made us. I only ask you to never forget where you come from and where you are going, don't forget to be grateful, don't play with anyone's heart or time, that's not good 😾. I want you to appreciate the time and I want that, when you think that the world is against you, or that everything is going wrong, you can change it. Don't worry, I don't want you to blame yourself for everything, but I also don't want you to always blame it on others. I know sometimes it's hard, keep trying again and again, even if you're scared don't don't victimize yourself because heroes don't do that, and you and I have the prettiest cape, we have the cutest glitter and we have the best superhero story just for us, and don't be afraid, because superheroes can do anything and if we can't our superhero friends will help us 😼
Let's be great, let's be epic!
Disney, A lot of changes or currently changing something, Happiness, Beach, Comics, Sun, Summer, Ice cream, Watch, Hats, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, Hannah Montana, Vacation, Pop en español (Pop in Spanish), Extrovert, Mischievous, Spider man? Funny, Tangled (the movie)
🦸, 👨‍🚀, 🐱, 🚀
There are two of us, we are yourself and I, and it has always been like this ☺️, do you feel confused? Because I do, a little bit, you won't get mad if I tell you, right? You'll understand, right? I feel like everything is going so fast, I feel like I can't stop, I feel like I want to rest, I feel like when I wanted the geography or math hour to end and go out for recess to get some fresh air. why is everything going so fast? I want to understand what's going on, I want to, I really want to, but I can't. Do you no longer feel distrustful? Do you believe in other people yet? Because I don't do it yet 🥺, do we have friends yet? Or are we still alone? Are they still hurting us? Are we still unsafe? I don't want to be like that anymore, I promise you, (crying?) I want to have a lot of friends, I want to be loved, I want to play, I want to have fun, but I can't believe in others, do you? I don't want to be alone, I know I said it was you and me, and I still believe it, it's you and me against the world, but I also want us to be more against the world. I want someone to turn on the light and hold my hand, would you? I want you to hug me, talk to me, I feel like you're mad at me, at the little you from a few years ago, did I do something wrong? Do you think it was my fault that we were treated like this? Do you think it was my fault that we were disappointed? I'm a little annoyed with you too, not gonna lie. you know what? I was a kid but you have everything to change what happened to us, you pretend that it doesn't hurt anymore and that's a lie! you're still upset and scared, listen, it's ENOUGH! Do something for us. At least I'm angry but I want us to change this, I want us to be happy. I want us to be together and happy, I want us to be one, I want you to remember me, but not only the bad but the good as well, remember what we like, remember the watercolors, the music we liked, remember the sun, the window, remember the yard, remember the stories that mom/dad used to tell us. Remember Mom/Dad. Remember the puddles after the rain. Please, I'm not asking you to want to be a child again to do everything differently, I'm asking you to connect with me so that our creativity flies, so that you know where to go, so that you can start something new.
The magic is in us, accept us, what you don't want to let out, is what makes us most beautiful
You will get what you want, but don't want everything, don't be ambitious. Don't forget us, don't forget you, never forget yourself.
Sadness, Grudge, Sobbing, Poverty (both spiritual and economic), Pranks, Bullying, Grass, Secret place, 8 years? Cold, Scams, Rain, Mirror, Emojis. Monsters, inc. As a child, Madeline The Person. J's lullaby (darling I'd wait for you), Delaney bailey. All I want, Kodaline. Rises the moon, Liana Flores
ꗃ🗝₊˚⊹♡ 𓉞 . ⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. To be honest I struggle being consistent in what I do, but I'm trying (no, I'm really trying) to be more consistent.
Today, is children's day in my country, so I decided to do this spread for you all, because I consider that connecting and embracing our inner child is one of the most healing things we can do. So happy Children's Day !!
Alic (Chanty) 🪽
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diazsdimples · 3 months
@hippolotamus and I were bouncing around ideas the other day about Bucktommy gaining custody of Tommy’s younger sibling and it got me thinking. Full credit to Hippo for this idea.
What if Tommy had a much MUCH younger brother (say, 14 years old compared to his 42 years) who he wasn’t allowed to see. Tommy’s parents are Bad Parents, and they abused Tommy his whole childhood, so imagine the gut-wrenching panic he would feel what he finds out that somehow, his mom is pregnant again. The only thing he knows about this kid is his birthday and his name, and that’s it. He itches to meet the kid, to protect him from their parents but he can’t because they forbid him from coming to visit. They cut off all contact with Tommy, and he spends the majority of his 30’s wondering what happened to his brother and if he’s safe.
Fast forward 14 years, Tommy is happily in a relationship with Buck, they’ve moved in together and are contemplating taking the next step in their relationship (💍). Tommy’s happy, happier than he’s been in years. He’s found his family, he’s doing well in his career, he’s in love, life is good. Until one day, he gets a call out of the blue from his lawyer, who tells him that he now has sole custody of one Dillon Kinard. Tommy listens as the lawyer informs him of his parents’ arrest, and how they’re set to be charged with counts of abuse against his brother. As Dillon’s only other relative, he falls into his custody. And Tommy has no clue what to do. Of course, Buck immediately tells him that they’ve got to take the kid in. He sympathises with Dillon (I think his story resonates with Buck a little) and can see the hurt in Tommy’s eyes whenever they talk about the kid. So Dillon comes to live with them and Tommy and Buck get a sudden crash course in parenting a teenager.
Only problem is, Dillon doesn’t want a thing to do with Tommy. He’s spent his whole life hearing about this almost mythical older brother who never came to visit and never one reached out to them. All he knows is Tommy left him, and he hates Tommy for that. Tommy tries to explain that he wasn’t allowed to see him, that he would have killed to lay eyes on the kid just once, to know he was safe, but every step he took to reach out was thwarted by their parents. And Tommy doesn’t know what the fuck to do, but he knows he is going to love this kid and care for him and provide him with the safe, loving home he needed from the day he was born. So every day, he tells Dillon the things Tommy wanted to hear as a teenager. That he’s safe, that’s he’s loved. As Dillon slowly warms up to Buck and Tommy, he sees that Tommy did care. Tommy shows him the letters he wrote Dillon every year on his birthday, and how they got sent back to him every year. Tommy finds that loving Dillon and helping him heals Tommy’s inner child, the kid that had craved nothing but love and his parents’ approval.
Buck though, Buck is stressed. How the heck can he be a good pseudo-parent to his partner’s 14 year old kid brother? He feels like he’s barely old enough to be his father, having only been around 18 when Dillon was born. And Buck’s never been a dad before, he feels so out of his depth, so he pulls away. He doesn’t run, because he can’t leave Tommy, but he retreats into himself a little bit as he tries to process everything. And that hurts Tommy, because right now he needs his partner’s support, and he feels as though he doesn’t have it. Tommy thinks Buck doesn’t want Dillon in their lives and that hurts more than anything. They have an argument about it, and Buck gets so frustrated because he can’t explain what he’s meaning and he knows he’s hurt Tommy, so he runs to Eddie and begs his best friend to help.
Eddie immediately goes about talking some sense into Buck. He sits him down, listens to Buck rant and ramble about how he’s not good enough, and how he’s going to fuck everything up, and how he doesn’t know how to be a dad. And when he’s done, Eddie very very patiently explains to Buck that he is, in fact, a father. That he’s been a dad to Chris for over half the kid’s life now, that he’s loved his son unconditionally. And that he knows Buck loves Dillon just as much. He contemplates roping Chris in to back him up but figures he should probably leave the kid out of it. Instead, he lets Buck cry, gives him some water and some food, and then frog marches him back to his and Tommy’s home, where he sits the two men down and gets them to actually talk to each other, goddammit.
Tommy and Buck might not be perfect parents, and they’re not going to get everything right all the time, but they’re a damn sight better than Tommy and Dillon’s parents, and that’s all that matters. And sure, the 3 of them have difficult days as Dillon pushes boundaries and is just a typical teenager, but at the end of the day, they love each other and they want happiness for their kid.
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sepublic · 10 months
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It's really surprising to think about it, but it occurred to me that throughout the entire show, amidst all of her accomplishments, we technically never see Luz make a single human friend. This obviously doesn't count her parents, who are blood relations and (should be) friends by default. And it's not as if Luz didn't try, she quite explicitly did, although her attempts were dismissed by everyone else.
I don't think this is really a bad thing at all for Luz, because she has plenty of witch and demon friends, after all, and there's no meaningful existential distinction between humans and the Demon Realm's inhabitants by the end of the day, contrary to what others might claim. Likewise, there's the pretty obvious implication given by Yesterday's Lie that Luz could've made friends at the Reality Check camp, given how well Masha and co. resonated with Vee there and managed to retain their identities.
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There's also those two kids (whom I named Mike and Bridget after the crew members they were based on) that invited Luz to the Halloween hayride, although Luz obviously had too much on her mind at the moment to be receptive. I wonder if Luz ever became properly acquainted with them once she started healing during the time skip, as the existence of the Earth and Demon Realm exchange program suggests that other humans have also been introduced to the Boiling Isles.
It's implied that Luz grew distant with Masha and co. after taking Vee's place, on account of technically having never been close to them to begin with; And like with those two kids that invited her, I suspect it had to do with Luz's trauma and the awkwardness of secrets creating a gap between them, in addition to Luz needing to help her friends adjust to Gravesfield. Under other circumstances Luz would've been eager to embrace her fellow weirdoes, but with her guilt over everything (including depriving Vee of her friends, I imagine) it just wasn't the time.
Again, I find the introduction of Masha and co. to be really effective because I think it rattles Luz's sense of self by making her question her decision to stay in the Boiling Isles; Because seeing Vee and her friends just suggests to Luz that maybe the Reality Check camp could've worked out, and she'd have been able to get friends without having to lie to, hurt, and be separated from her mother in the process. Which makes Luz second-guess herself, and in addition to Camila making her promise to stay, causes Luz to begin mistakenly regretting her decisions.
But as we all know, if Luz DID go to the camp, so many terrible things including genocide would've been allowed to happen without her, and so many people would've continued suffering. And she also got to live out her dream of being a witch, which you can't really blame her for attempting when she got the opportunity. What happened already happened and it's not as if Luz can be blamed for it, because how could anyone anticipate the chain of events, and ignore others who certainly did much more, with actual malice, to contribute to the trauma? Luz had to see things the whole way through and she did; Choosing herself helped others, it didn’t hurt them like Luz thought!
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Anyhow, it's basically canon that Vee got to reconnect with Masha and co., and more than likely reveal her true nature and history, especially with Gus leading an exchange program she’s part of. So I like to think Luz DID make human friends in Masha and co., as well as the two who invited her to their hayride; I love how they seem to lowkey adore Luz as a fellow weirdo, and tbh, it's not as if Luz needs human friends when she already has human connections, because witches and demons are no less 'real' in terms of being people and all.
But it'd be nice if Luz ultimately found it reassuring, the realization that there were weirdoes in Gravesfield like her, and that she could've been friends with them; Especially if it did happen anyway because Luz chose both worlds and not just one. My point being, we need a lot more content with Luz meeting Vee's friends, and especially hanging out with Mike and Bridget, since we actually saw human strangers like Luz for being Luz!!! They’re canonically fans of Luz from her chaotic reputation (not the one Vee made) and were curious to see if she’d do a crazy costume again like last Halloween!!! And their existence reassures viewers that they needn’t go to another realm entirely to find weirdoes like them, because they exist right here on this Earth!!!
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 7 months
"What did he want?" 
“The fae. What did he want to get you here? " Bruce clarified. 
"It's not important."
"It is. Has he asked the same thing to Dick? "
Superman's face ribbed, "No, he asked him ... something else. I couldn't let him do it."
So he had prevented Dick from being the deal and had taken the honour of the agreement on him.
Clark had always had a martyr complex.
“This doesn't answer my question. What did the fae ask in return? "
"Bruce ..."
"Don't you think I have to know?"
"It's not important now."
“It is if you have decided to do everything you and prevent Dick from participating in the agreement. What did he ask you? "
Clark's lips crawled in a thin line, "He wanted Dick's memories of his parents. There would have been no way to recover them. It would have been as if the Graysons had never existed. And I know how important they were for him, and I couldn't ... I couldn't let him lose them forever. "
"And you? What did you have to give up? "
"Just you don't want to let go, huh?"
"I have to know what to blame myself," he said with veiled sarcasm.
Clark's face darkened, "it's not your fault. If you want to blame someone, blame the fae. "
"I'm the reason you did."
“I would have done much more. I would have given up my powers if he asked me. "
The worst thing? He was not lying.
“You still have your powers. So he didn't want those. What did he want? "
He bit his lip, "My fortress is no longer in the Arctic."
“The fae asked what bound me to my legacy. He didn't destroy it but, in his words, relocated it. I will never find it again. "
Bruce knew what the Fortress of Solitude for Clark meant. Inside there was his house, his legacy. Heck, there was what remained of his damn father. And now everything has disappeared.
"You have given up on your past," Bruce said slowly, incredulously, "For me. Why?”
"You are my friend."
"I am?"
"What kind of question is it?" Superman asked, confused.
“Clark, the last time we saw each other, we fought. Very violently. I told you horrible things, and you ... you agree to lose the Fortress, for me? I didn't even think I still considered myself your friend. "
"You didn't mean those things," the alien said with confidence. Where it came from, God only knew it.
"It doesn't change that I hurt you."
Clark smiled, "Fortunately, I'm indestructible."
"You are a fool."
"They often tell me."
"I don't deserve your sacrifice."
"Bruce ..."
He never knew what Clark was about to say: Tim's scream interrupted their moment. They turned, and they saw gigantic wolves surround the Kid.
Their heart moment to heart could be sent back. Bruce rose to animals like lightning, and Superman followed him shortly after. Even as he fought, Clark's words resonated with him.
For you, I would have done much more.
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
santiago garcia x reader
summary: you're moving out. santi helps you packing, and it's the perfect occasion to finally talk about everything unsaid between the two of you.
warnings: mentions of sextoys for some reason....... don't look at me like that. sexy times mentionned and implied, the fic fades to smut so it kinda starts but nothing too steamy
tags: f!reader, mutual pinning, friends to lovers
word count: 1.8k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
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“Heard you needed help. I’m your man” were Santiago’s words before he winked at you and stepped into your half empty apartment.
You moved out at the beginning of next week, and because the laziness got the best of you you now had to rush to finish packing your stuff. 
You had started when you were determined, all energy gone once your back hurt at the end of your first day of packing, and you hadn’t continued since. And this was your mistake.
You could have been wiser and you could have started packing gradually, a bit every day but no– procrastinating had sounded so much better to your “it’s cool, I still have time” ears. 
You had started panicking when you realized it was Saturday already, so you had called your friend group in hope that they could help you get this covered, except they all happened to be conveniently busy. Except for one of them.
“I heard Santi’s available” was Frankie's casual reply when you called him to ask for his help, and you swore you had heard him smirk over the phone when he said this.
You honestly doubted Frankie, Benny and Will all happened to be busy, and you firmly believed that for a good reason; they had been doing their best to isolate you and Santiago since you had kissed at Benny’s birthday party.
Even though you had tried to resonate with them by telling them that you were both drunk and that this kiss probably didn’t mean much to Santiago, they had been actively keeping on trying to get the two of you to have a conversation about it.
Except as of now, packing was your priority. 
“Thank you for coming to help me. I’ve been procrastinating doing this and I don’t know if I’d be done by tomorrow night doing this all by myself” you sighed, picking up an empty cardboard box and throwing it to Santiago. 
He caught it and pinched a smile.
“No problem hermosa, you know I’m more useful helping you here than watching TV naked on my couch. Where do I start?” he asked, walking through your living room and looking at the boxes you had already packed used to support the TV, since you had already emptied and packed your TV stand.
“Would be nice if you could finish the bookcase next to the couch. You can put the CDs with the books, just name the box with both” you instructed, picking up the marker from the floor and handing it to him.
“Yes ma’am” he smiled taking the marker from your hand in a swift motion, determined to start his job and to do it right. Maybe the other boys not being here would actually profit you and you would be faster with your task, no distractions around.
“You know you’re not getting out of here without explaining why you watch TV naked” you said going back to the kitchen where you had started packing all your cooking tools. It was a kitchen opened on the living room, so you were not far from each other.
He chuckled. “Well because why not” he replied as he sat on the floor to empty the lower part of the bookcase.
“Why” you insisted, placing your cooking tools strategically in the box so everything would fit perfectly.
“You know I’m not the only one who does it. I mean– staying home naked. Frankie does it too. Well not anymore since his daughter was born but he used to do it”
“Bless that kid” you chuckled. “Still doesn’t answer my question” you asked looking back at him.
“It’s comfortable” he shrugged. “Things swaying freely” he said turning to look at you, a smirk on his face.
“Okay I’ll stop asking questions” you laughed shaking your head.
An hour and a half later Santiago had finished packing your living room, leaving only the couch and TV surrounded by cardboard boxes. You were also almost done with the kitchen except for a few cabinets and of course still leaving out the essential: a few forks, knives and spoons, and a few glasses and plates.
“Need help for the kitchen?” he asked, sitting on the counter.
“Yep, I was about to empty my mug cabinets. I have a lot” you nodded. You grabbed another cardboard box and sighed when you looked around but didn’t find what you were looking for. “Fuck can you get me the bubble wrap? I must have left it in my bedroom when I was packing the perfume bottles in my drawers”
“Sure be right back” you thanked him before starting to get the mugs out of the cabinet, placing them on the counter waiting for him to come back to start wrapping them.
Santiago went into your room and searched for the roll. 
Walking towards your bed, he saw something looking like what he was looking for peeking out from under your bed, it had probably rolled and gotten under there accidentally. 
He kneeled down to pick it up, noticing a black plastic box placed under your bed. He chuckled to himself before the pain in his knees reminded him that he couldn’t stay in this position for long, grabbing the bubble wrap roll and standing back up.
“Nice sextoys collection” he threw with a smug smile as he came back to the kitchen, handing you the bubble wrap roll.
You almost dropped the mug between your hands. “Wha– don’t tell me you–”
“No, but now I have the confirmation that it’s really your toy box” he laughed, and even harder when he saw your startled and slightly embarrassed face.
“You want a medal or something” you chuckled, taking the roll from his hands, your own hands not even capable of functioning correctly. You would definitely be losing some mugs after that.
“Hey don’t be embarrassed” he nudged your side. “Ever used them with someone else?” he asked leaning against the counter.
“Jeez Santi” you laughed. You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “Tried to. The guy didn’t want to because he saw it as its enemy. Turns out its enemy did a way better job than him afterwards” you explained wrapping one of your least favorite mug so you wouldn’t regret it if it slipped from your slightly trembling hands. 
“Mh I see” he said reaching to grab one of the mugs to help you wrap them. “You just haven’t tried with the right guy yet” he sighed, turning to look at you.
You focused on arranging the box correctly to avoid his gaze as your cheeks heated at his words, trying to discard the feeling. “Probably” you mumbled. Probably.
Santi plopped down on your couch, a low grunt leaving his mouth as he did so.
You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, exhaling in relief.
You were done. It seemed impossible, but here you were, everything packed.
“Wanna drink something as a reward?” you offered before you could sit down for good.
“Got a beer?” he asked raising his eyebrows.
“Yup” you said turning around to grab them from your refrigerator.
You uncapped them and sat down on your couch next to him, handing him his beer. He clinked his bottleneck against yours and you smiled, taking a sip before letting out another sigh of relief.
“Seriously, thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you” you declared smiling at him, and he finished his sip before smiling back at you.
“Eh if I hadn’t helped you who would have?” he rhetorically asked, chuckling.
“Right” you sighed, remembering the sarcastic exclamation point at the end of Benny’s message when he said he couldn’t come, Will’s fake pondering face when he did a quick review of his schedule when you called him on facetime, and of course Frankie suggesting Santi’s presence.
“You know they’re not really busy right” he questioned, turning to you and leaning his arm against the back of your couch. You threw a single nod before taking a sip of your beer. “You know they just want us to figure out what’s going on between us, right?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed and looked over at him. “I know. I think they made that obvious”
He scratched the light stubble on his chin and put his beer down on the floor before returning to his previous position.
“Then what’s going on between us?” he asked tilting his head, and he smiled when he saw you chuckling. “What? I think we should give them what they want or they’re never gonna stop” he shrugged.
“Okay.” you cleared your throat before going further. “Well, I don’t know what’s going on between us but I liked kissing you” you admitted, immediately taking a sip of your beer after delivering your words. You were almost embarrassed at how fast your heart was beating.
He smugly smiled and looked you up and down.
“As friends?” he asked playfully, throwing his chin at you.
“Dunno, you?” you asked, mirroring his smile, putting your beer down on the floor too. You looked back at him and he shrugged.
“Well all I can tell you is I was drunk but I think I know what I was doing” he said with a single nod, pinching his lips into a small smile. “And I enjoyed it.”
“That’s good to know” you replied playfully, your gaze going back and forth between his lap and his face. “You’d do it again?”
“Do what?” 
“Kiss me, idiot” you chuckled, planting your elbow against the back of the couch.
“Question or order?” he asked rhetorically, a smirk plastered on his face. You playfully hit his arm when you realized you had been tricked, and he nudged your side. “Answer the question”
Your face inched closer to his, and you tilted it slightly before answering. “Order” your voice was barely louder than a whisper. 
His thumb and forefinger grasped your chin after your implied consent, and it took him a very short time to press his lips against yours once he was sure you both wanted it.
He kissed you and he knocked the air out of your lungs, your hands buried in his graying curls and his hands traveling up and down your curves. 
You made out intensely, laying down on your couch, his body hovering over yours as he practically fucked his tongue into your mouth.
“If that wasn’t abundantly clear, not as friends, no” you panted against his slightly swollen lips once you pulled away for air.
“Good. Good choice” he said biting down on his bottom lip, laughing when you yanked his face down to kiss him again. He kneaded one of your breasts while his tongue plunged in your mouth, his thumb brushing against your hard nipple, and you moaned in his mouth as a result.
He pulled away from your mouth, his own shifting towards your ear.
“Hey I thought maybe we could make some use of that box under your bed. It’s not packed yet after all” he whispered, unable to cover the devilish grin on his face or the excitement in his voice. 
And in his pants, too.
masterlist | taglist | ao3
triple frontier taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mystinky-butt @beccabecs521
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ofmermaidstories · 7 months
(This is all about ''Something (just like this'' :], i apolagize in advance)
Theres an auther (you, i'm thinking of you) that has given sutch weight to the simple human pains everyone has, let them cary a greaf in every breath they're mentioned, i can't help but ache with the mc as one because i get it, i understand and even if i handn't felt the same pain that crushes your hope of ever being loved in the same way you do, if i hadn't though myself cynical and bitter the way she does i still think i'd get it.
I still think i'd be able to see myself cradle my heart like an infant, even though it's an old ugly, terrable creature.
The plots so ritch it's unbalivable that i get to read your works for free, like i knew it was her bestfried the second our artist glaced over her sholder and saw her drawing kids with guns in masks. But it was her best-fucking-fried, who dies without answering her livid questioning.
It's her constant self awair bitternes to the person she is that just-
Chefs fucking kiss.
Like the way she views herself and everyone else she thinks threatens the few things she sees as good in her with a sort of cynicalnes, but through herself that is bloody perfect.
Shes insane for the shit she pulls, Gods i love her.
I cannot expres enough of my love for the way you craft your words, the story and the way you put so mutch care into it makes me ill.
Izuku is caprured so well, his whole being being intertwined with Katsukies-....i am going feral as we speak.
Also her being an artist so acuretly presented, it's insane, the way she is about her skill, her talents, her works and her instuments and the way there are these little moments she wants to capture is so stupidly accurate to how i see the world as a creative. Always hungry and always craving to make, even when im no where near a peace of paper or even the shittiest of pens.
Im grinning and in fucking tears. (As i was writing all of this in my notes i wasn t even that far into the last chapter.)
Holy fuck, god i fucking despise Hana. And i get why, and im amazed at how her resoning, her pain and anger dosn't justify(?) shit when i've seen a lot of things where someones inhumane actions get swept under the rug cus they were hurting quietly, or something.
She was like a quirk nazi. Nothing redeams(?) that, y'know?
Auther i am shaking you by the sholders, and im sorry if my nails dig in too deep but holy fuck. Breathings hard, fic so good my rib cage has started to feel too small for my heart, and my lungs, and the hole your story has carved inbetween all of it.
Fic so good i haven't even gotten to the end and i want to thank you for, for all this has done to me. I'm shit with fics where there are a lot of words, no matter how mutch i love the characters and yet, and yet somehow this is one of the 100k + fanfics i have enjoyed every gut wrenching second of.
I feel like vomiting
In fact
I might.
They all need therapy after this, methinks.
(I know this is long and loopy, and my english (my second language) is not great, and that ultametly i kinda said nothing but i needed you to see (at least a little bit of) how insanely wonderful your craft is)
Anywho, i still haven't finished, and that was a lot of words, but i hope you have a lovely 24 h, i wish you the best with all of your future works. "Something (just like this)" has...given me brain damadge i'm guessing.
Blue, there is nothing to apologise for, I think you are wonderful. 🥺 You said everything. 🥺 From this message alone—from you taking the time to write it, and send it, I can tell you that there’s nothing about your heart that’s old or ugly or terrible. If anything, I think it’s golden—like the afternoon sun, reflecting all that good light back until it’s too much to hold. 🥹🫀✨
But okay, lemme try and do the thoughtfulness of this ask some justice. 🥹💕 God, to be honest I kinda worried about Hana, and her place in the story. Like—knowing how it was going to end. I think a lot of us will end up parting ways with people in our life that were important—and some, unfortunately, for ugly reasons. Hana’s betrayal is like, so extreme, so dramatic and terrible. And it doesn’t just hurt Reader, it hurt other people, kids. Like sure, Hana was hurt—but then she turned around and hurt others, willingly. And there’s no justice for the ones she directly affects. You’re right, Blue. You can’t redeem that—you can only pick up the pieces around it.
Tbh, I think Reader’s bitterness would’ve made building a life after it all that much harder, if it weren’t for other people. 🥹 Like—Scribbles cynical nature was such a fun part of writing the fic, lmao, and it absolutely would’ve made life that much harder for her in the aftermath if she didn’t have support. 🥹 I think someone like Scribbles, who barely trusts themselves, was a good match/contrast for Izuku who—like, even in canon is learning to overcome the worst of his most fear-driven habits. It gives him the ability to see Scribbles in a way that—that she needed. 🥺
Bluey!!! You’re an artist too??? Like our Reader. 🥹 The need to document everything is so real lmao. Like—it’s constant!! An insatiable way of looking at the world. 🥹 How do I capture this, how can I do this. I literally just had that feeling the other night, driving home under a perfectly straight trail of cloud like a comet’s tail. The sky was that perfect, indigo glow, and there was a single star alongside of it and it genuinely looked like the trail of a meteorite streaking over the sky and I wanted to remember everything about it. I wanted to draw it, write it, anything to keep it.
Blue, you have said so many kind things about my writing. 🥺 Either in this ask or in the tags of other things. And!!! It means so much to me, every time. 🥺 This is what I mean when I say you have a reflective, golden heart. 🥹💛🌿 I’m always going to be glad that like, I could write something that made you wanna reach out and say hello, lmao, but mostly I’m just glad you’re here. ☀️
(Also, as an aside—you mentioned a song, in the tags of one post a little while ago. I wanted you to know that I immediately ran to spotify to try and find it, lmao, and listen to it and like, now it lives in my likes and every time I listen to it I think of you and also of maybe trying to write a Bakugou worthy of the association, lmao. It’s such a sweet song, Blue, thank-you for the new music 🌷)
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risette-blast · 1 year
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(oh there are also traitor spoilers for P5 in here, but I feel like anyone who has played P2 has also played P5 already lol)
so last night, I finished P2IS. the ending still hurts by the way lol. but i've had a bit of time since then to think about the game in retrospect. so i wrote up a thought dump with sort of my "initial" thoughts on the game on twitter. afterwards, i decided to repost it here but with more detail since i'm not constrained with a character limit the same way I am with twitter (it's still gonna be in bullet points bc I don't really want to structure this like an essay haha)
this game's ending really was brutal. this is the main thing I've commented on ever since finishing the game, but it truly is awful. Maya is stabbed and killed, Lisa can't even heal her with Dia no matter how much she tries. the Earth is destroyed by suddenly stopping its rotation, causing the resultant inertia to instantly kill everything. in the end, it just turns out to be a rigged game between Philemon and Nyarlathotep (god that name is hard to spell lol). and then the entire cast is forced to go back in time and forget their memories with each other and everything to prevent the world from ending again. it's truly a cruel fate for them, I really did want them to have a happy ending so it just really hurts. 😭
a lot of this game's moments hit hard due to how good the OST is. this has honestly gone up to being one of my favorite Persona OSTs, and given how strong its competition has been, that's a noteworthy feat.
the gameplay was ass lol. I can't pretend it was good, it's worse than P1 in some areas which is wild (still liked IS more overall though, 1 has some very questionable mechanics)
now apparently this is specific to the PSP version, but man the menus were so slow. thankfully I was playing on an emulator so I even had this option but I genuinely just sped up the game somewhat frequently just to get through the menus more quickly
it was also probably the easiest Persona game I've ever played. P5R is genuinely harder. i'm not even kidding. I've gone on and on about how easy P5R is (on twitter), but P2IS makes P5R look challenging in comparison.
the characters were great. i didn't think I'd care about them as much as I did. they all had wonderful bonds with each other. personally I felt like yukino was the "weak" link, and like she doesn't have the bonds the other do so it only makes sense. and even then? she has some great moments and is genuinely well written too. I had played P1 before this but yukino wasn't in my party so she essentially disappeared; it's nice to actually get to know her.
that said, I don't rly like how P1 and P2 both kinda hide extra character details behind very optional dialogue that's easy to miss. it's not nearly as bad in IS though bc they get more characterization in the main story, so a lot of the characters in IS resonated with me more on a first playthrough than 1's characters did.
I've heard some people say P2's shadow encounters are better than P4's. I'm not sure I agree with that at least just from IS, but I thought they were pretty competent. I did like that they built up to the shadow encounters throughout the game, it's an interesting approach.
...personally I still like the P4 shadow encounters more overall. I just also really like the way the IS shadow encounters were handled too especially in the context of the story.
the dialogue about personas and masks was really cool. I wish the new Persona games did acknowledge that everyone has multiple masks they put on. the only characters from P3-P5 who really explore this imo (as far as I can remember) are Rise and Akechi, and even then, it's not nearly as substantial as 1/2. Rise's arc is more about her accepting that she can have multiple selves that are all her, and with Akechi, while he has two different masks that represent both the facade he presents to society vs his true nature, it's just a case of facade vs true nature, whereas IS acknowledges that everyone has multiple masks they present to society that form a full self.
I personally wasn't too invested in the romance options, and the game clearly didn't consider them super important either seeing as they barely affect the story or interactions, but I really did like that Jun was presented as a genuine, serious option. also it's not like P3-5 where it's kinda subjective, I feel like Jun just fits the best especially in retrospect.
I now truly understand why newsona's mechanics (calendar, s.links, etc) wouldn't work at all. there's no room in the story for that.
I didn't think the pacing was the best tbh. it feels like not a lot happens at first, then they throw a ton of story at you halfway through the game, then a lot more near the end. it could've been distributed a little better. I hear EP is better with this though.
I do have a few issues with the way the plot was presented. tbh it was just a little absurd lol, and also revealing that the whole story was Philemon vs Nyarlathotep (again, tough name to spell lol) at the very end was kinda mid. maybe I'll like it more with the context of EP. but what really made the story for me was ultimately the characters and their development, not so much the actual events in the plot itself, if that makes sense.
I love the ending theme, kimi no tonari. when you realize that the sumaru city (and a lot of songs in the game) share the same general leitmotif it just makes you sad to hear them in retrospect 😔
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Hello! Again, really glad you're back we missed you but thankfully you feel better and that's all that matters. The party on Saturday was really fun and then really embarrassing so I've been trying to erase some parts from my memory😅 (I really need supervision when I drink). Anyways, here's a bunch of theories and little things I can't stop thinking about and I wanted to share. Here's a new list!
Theory: Lucifer will change a canon event and for some reason I think one of them will be Asmodeus dying
The reson Bella ran away from Kincaid is because she felt Arthur, who maybe has magic powers over animals like snow white or something and that's why he loves animals so much (a little ridiculous but then I imagined him cosplaying as Snow White and he would be so cutee😍)
One of the indirect consequences of Other Max is that Max starts trying to time travel and getting obsessed with warlock math earlier?
Theory: Okay not much of a theory but I'm pretty sure everyone will find out about Other Max for sure- and what a clustefuck that could be
Theory:Lucifer did all those things before in Other Max's timeline (like help Kincaid get born and save Selena) and now Other Max is trying to make these canon events happen without his help
Is Lucifer only one or does multiple versions of him exist like there are David and Other David and how does he work in the time travel concept
Why did Other Max visit David when Max wasn't there?
Theory: Other Max doesn't talk to Max because he misses himself and the way he was when he was with David like he told David in IALS
Who stopped David from leaving Max in Other Max's timeline? Did someone stop him? Or did Max run around trying to find him in the mundane world?
If there was no Other Max in Other Max's timeline, how did they explain the demon attacks?
I think that everything is the same in both timeliness up until Max meets Mallory and David takes over the institute, that's when Other Max started visiting their reality and when the two timelines started to get different, right? Or where there differences from before that?
Okay this one hurts to think about, it's more like an observation, but remember how Rafael used to tease Mavid when they were little and were very in love but pretended not to be? That should have been Lance with Arthur and Kincaid. But it's not. And wow that kinda hurts a lot so I'll leave it to that.
Okay, I'll just say it, the shadowhunters are in the wrong and Lexi is in the wrong period. And it's not just because it's Lance and we love Lance. No matter who it was, it's a kid, their nephew for the love of God. Are you telling me that Lexi will fight Max? Or David? Because that's really really fucked up. I'm with the sealies on this one, sorry not sorry
Max doesn't talk to Rafael after finding out about the wards, yeah I'm okay, definitely not crying over that in the bathroom
Lexi being jelous of Madeleine kinda warms my heart because I really love siblings and their dynamics and that's why the Rafe/Max drama hurts like hell and I need more Lexi/David content and honestly I need Lexi to be like "I prefer to let Idris get destroyed than to hurt Lance and fight against David and Max" and that's probably not gonna happen but here's to hopeless dreaming
The demons are waiting for Lance oh why do I get the feeling that that's not going to end well?
Okay, super important question. What's Leviathan's relationship with Other Max? I recall him telling Max once that their relationship doesn't start for a very long time and now I'm scared. Is Leviathan only one or are they two like we have two Maxs?
Okay I'm done for now, LBAF V has the most interesting and complicated plots I've seen like ever and I love it can't wait to read more! Don't forget to take care of yourself and not push yourself too much, lovee you🌷🩷
Oh, Vicky. Thank you so much for this. I had a rather difficult day (my physio said the recovery time for my injury is 2-4 weeks and I'm having a hard time accepting that because I don't like being ill sigh). But in good news, this means I won't go out of the house (because my lower mobility is restricted) so no physical meetings or events for October yaaaaaay.
So, yes. Really. Thank you for this. It made me smile for the first time today. I'm glad the party went well. Also, if you're embarrassing yourself a lil bit at a party, then it means you aren't having a good time (sounds like something Max would say hehe)
Now. Moving onto your theories and questions. I'll try answer what I can. Do bear with me if I ramble a lil bit.
Assmodaddy coming back is CURSED. Although I feel this would impact Magnus (and David??) poorly.
I love this. Arthur does have a very intimate connection to animals! And i looooove the Snow White cosplay (we know he loves Disney!!!) Also you know how snow white sings (she has a weird way of singing hehe I can see arthur imitating that flawlessly) PS - WHY IS THIS ARTHUR????? i literally imagine him talking like this sweet boy
Yep. That's correct.
Reminder they already found out once hehe and yes they might find out again (Except this time it could get more complicated hehe)
Why would Lucifer make sure Kincaid is born? 👀 (Since Kincaid is gonna kill Lance??)
This is a very good question (might get spoiler-y here). I consider Lucifer - and all angels and princes of hell and god(???) - to be omnipotent creatures who exist beyond time. This is why someone mentions Asmodeus (or Belial) isn't 'dead dead'. He can't be dead - like any demon. He is simply in the pandemonium and will return in like 5000 years or something. This is also why Leviathan knew about Other Max before Other Max came to the second timeline. Because he knows what happened in the previous timeline. So, there isn't an Other Lucifer or Other Leviathan or Other Raziel. They exist in their own dimension that isn't affected by time and space and reality. BUT (This is where we get spoilery) - not all angels and demons are aware of every dimension and what's going on. That's too much knowledge. No one is aware of what's happening in every single timeline - except for Lucifer. It's his 'superpower' of sorts. He can see everything (this is what i explored in FMF with the whole camera thingy). This is also why Nico can see the future (because it's a power he inherited from Lucifer. Okay. Enough for now.
I didn't get this question. You mean why was he 'stalking' David? Because he wanted to...see David? Other Max's visits to david have nothing to do with Max. He's just there to see and help David That's all. Unless I misunderstood the question.
Aw :( (yall know more later)
You'll find out about this. We'll learn about Other David and you are not ready for that shit.
You see, in the Other Timeline, there were no demon attacks. Because the demon attacks were because of the time travel thingy. So, that whole thing didn't happen.
I think that's right. The differences only start when Other Max starts visiting - and that changes the two timelines completely (as evidenced by the response question 10)
I too will take the side of the seelies and their army (never side with shadowhunters!!)
LBAF V should be called Lightwood Brothers All Fighting (or something)
Lexi really said "i can forgive madeleine for being a revenge-seeking maniac but i will not forgive her for trying to steal my brother" (kidding!!!!)
It never ends well, bebe.
Only one Leviathan like I said. What Leviathan was referring to is actually the present timeline and the clusterfuck waiting to happen. There is a scene with Leviathan and David in LBAF 4 that gives a lot of context:
“Why are you helping me?” David asked, feeling suddenly nervous. “What do you want?”
“I want you to do what you were born to do,” Leviathan whispered.
“Destroy the nephilim?” David swallowed.
“Love Max,” Leviathan replied. “The rest will fall into place.”
What Leviathan wants, more than anything, is chaos. Literally. And Other Max is doing just that. He is fucking up the timeline supremely and it's just going to get worse and worse. And all for David oof. Leviathan knows that and he is enjoying that. He sees Other Max as a weapon of (self-)destruction of sorts. But. I gotta say he is secretly scared of Other Max because we know he is unhinged.
Okay. I have rambled enough.
Thanks again. i looooooove you.
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carito-dorito · 1 year
The way Billy parentifies Max reminds me how much I had to "parentify" my own younger brother (He's AFAB, so he grew up being seen as a girl)
I saw this other post on how antis say Billy was supposedly "isolating" Max when he didn't but just picked her up. That is a teenager doing what he was ordered by an authoritarian figure rather than someone who wants to hurt her entirely.
My dad would have this weird view within me and my older brother of: "take care of your sibling but do not discipline them" to a point it was frustrating because him being the kid outside his marriage he'd give him more stuff and attention he gave to us because he has ADHD but also being so permissive to a point whenever he did a mistake or made us feel bad my dad excused him for everything.
Also the infantilisation of Max by Neil is an interesting point to analyze since he allows her to go and see her friends to a certain point. Enjoy comic books and movies her age, something Billy wasn't. Everything I did as a kid was criticised by my dad, my hobbies, my interests, etc. He even allowed my brother to play instruments while he criticised me for wanting to choose violin and piano making me lose complete interest on playing instruments (despite my dad being a complete fan of classical music) Even showing basic emotions to my dad was something "childish" and "vile", but those childish things were okay for my younger brother.
And yeah we also did react like Billy did to Max but because we were tired of always being conditioned to just serve to our younger brother and being unable to understand neurodivergency at all even when we (me mostly, adhd+autism) were also neurodivergent. I remember pulling my younger brother's long hair at the time because of a prank he did or just hitting them because I was tired of being his nanny and my resentment towards him (and how I was raised by my mom and treated at my schools which was mostly hitting) and my older brother also used to hit me as well whenever he tried to give me some discipline and I couldn't say anything about it.
My older brother went misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and went through a series of bad treatments that damaged him a lot + being kicked out of university was a very damaging thing going on our family. So I had to assume this role of being the scapegoat of my dad meanwhile my younger brother was given this treatment of "don't tell him anything bc he's disabled" and letting him do whatever he wanted and wished while I couldn't.
Last time with my therapist when I mentioned her how I reacted with reactive abuse in my family because of generational trauma she told me: "sometimes is done by people who are not trying to do damage." and it resonated with me, because many people will repeat those cycles involuntarily and not willingly like Neil's. Billy had serious issues dealing with behavior and temperament but that's because he was carrying this role of caregiver. Neil used physical abuse as a dynamic to terrorise Billy and have him under his control while Billy was reactive.
And honestly even tho my dad never reacted physically with me, but he threatened me and gaslighted me a lot I grew up confused, exhausted and broken because of given roles I wasn't supposed to take at all.
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twocubez · 2 years
Deltarune and Strangerhood
For the best reading experience, listen to Born a Stranger from To the Moon.
There's this feeling that I keep coming back to whenever I talk about Deltarune. It's a little bit tricky to put it into words, but I want to try anyway, because I'm not sure if I've seen anyone express it in relation to DR.
So, in Undertale, you're frisk and frisk is you, more or less. You don't know the world you've entered, or who anyone is, their history, their baggage. You have no clue about any of that stuff, and as a human in the Underground, no one expects you to know. You can just be yourself, discovering this new place and making new friends.
In Deltarune, it's different. You can't be yourself, because you're stuck with kris. People have expectations for kris, because Kris has lived here for their whole life and they already know everyone. They are connected to their home in a way that you aren't. You're alienated from everyone and everything, and worse yet, you're alienated from them too. They are a whole person, and you have no idea how they feel about you. Judging from how they act with you, though, surely those feelings can't be too positive. But it's not like you have any way of telling them you aren't happy either, you're just stuck this way.
The-hard-to-describe-feeling that Deltarune gives me is that of strangerhood. Of knowing very deeply that no matter what you do, you'll be a stranger. You're alien, both to the world, and your assigned partner.
The outsider feeling is why I'm so fiaxted on Noelle and Berdly's trainwreck of a friendship. There's just so much about Noelle that Berdly probably doesn't know, and he's so bad at picking up on social cues and she's so bad at just saying how she feels that there's this giant rift in communication between him and his closest friend. No matter what he does, it'll be hard for him to be as good a friend to Noelle as Kris is. No matter what he does, he'll be a stranger.
Additionally, the outsider feeling comes back whenever certain things, people, or memories are brought up by the characters. Like Dess. She's a stranger to me, but clearly someone really important to everyone, and she's gone. Situations like that are hard for me. I've always been afraid of having to console a grieving person because it seems like something that's so easy to mess up, especially when you never knew the person they lost. And you can't just say or do nothing, because that could hurt them too! Kris would probably know what to say, but they can't, because I'm here. Or with Asriel, I kind of know him... but the Asriel I knew didn't live a life even remotely like that of Deltarune Asriel, so he's functionally a total stranger. Kris clearly has all kinds of feelings about their older brother, who they were incredibly close to and lived in the shadow of, but right now it's impossible for them to just talk to us about those feelings.
I'm very curious as to whether Deltarune makes anyone else feel this way. I should mention something personal that I think is really important here: I'm autistic. I grew up not knowing how to read people in the same way that it seems like most people can do effortlessly. I've always felt like an alien, trying to figure out the rules of Earth, and I've also been quite socially isolated because of it. I'm in college now, and still learning how to establish and maintain friendships, making up for the practice that I missed as a kid when I figured that trying to reach out to my classmates would be too hard and too much work and that I could just entertain myself during recess by reading my favorite books or just watching everyone else. Deltarune resonates with me a lot because of that.
I'm not sure if the feelings it gives me were intentional, and I haven't seen anyone else talk about getting these feelings from the game either. That's part of why I made this post, I want to know if anyone else feels the same way. Thanks for reading.
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justafriend-ql · 2 years
hi mel i'm here to aid u. who are ur top 5 bl characters of all time (with or without reasoning)??
mint, my savior!! thank you <3
i'm bad at picking favorites, but here are 5 that i love very dearly (in no particular order):
gun (my school president): of course, he's very cute and squishable, but that's not what i like most about him. the way he feels every emotion so intensely - so much so that it often overwhelms and/or frightens him - resonates with me a lot. it's been deeply healing to see him gradually open up to his loved ones about the feelings he harbors inside and for him to actively ask for and receive support from them.
palm (never let me go): my babygirl/babyboy (depends on my mood lol)!! i love how unfailingly kind he is despite being neglected and denigrated for much of his life. i always fall hard for characters with a strong sense of duty and devotion toward their loved ones (bbc merlin i blame you), so i knew i'd adore palm from the start. i'm also obsessed with pond - not just because he's pretty (which he is), but because he is so fucking real. he's a k-pop stan that wishes his idols a happy birthday. he is terrified of pigeons (just like me fr). he chose to study biomedical engineering because the name sounded cool. he says he is "an engineer who knows very little about engineering." in an interview, phuwin said every time he sees pond, he's either carrying a box of donuts or on his way to buy some donuts. see? Real.
pran (bad buddy): my beloved babygirl. one thing about me: i'm gonna kin a character who's been secretly pining for years. i also relate to his struggle with expressing his emotions more broadly (as evidence by all the emoticons in his room that aid him in doing so); as a kid, i actually had a door hanger very similar to pran's smiley/frowny face one that i would flip according to how i felt that day. i hugely appreciate the subtlety with which nanon portrayed his character.
cake (my only 12%): the bestest boy to ever exist?? i died every time eiw and him cuddled together. he is so caring and tender with eiw, even though he is painfully ignorant about eiw's feelings at first. i liked seeing the shift in his demeanor after the time jump once he had realized his feelings for eiw and started getting jealous. he's emotionally intelligent to recognize his possessiveness as something that's not fair to eiw but struggles realistically with those feelings nonetheless. and his love speech?? hands down the best one i've ever seen. "i love everything about you" shut up shut up shut upppp
akk (the eclipse): my poor repressed baby boy :(. the way he shoulders way too much responsibility and constantly blames himself for ruining things hurt me on a personal level. it was such a privilege to see him gradually open up and accept himself over the course of the series with the help of ayan and his friends. i cried when he came out to his parents; i was so happy for him. the glimpses of his playful side that we got to see were delightful! i hope we'll see more smiley akk in ourskyy2.
i'm not gonna dwell on the fact that all my faves are repressed little beans, hopeless romantics who pine in secret, and/or babygirls with issues expressing their emotions lmao.
thanks again for the ask, you lovely human!!
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nate0u0 · 2 years
This is very late but I really want to thank you for making such a great video on the harmful messages of Wof and analyzing how it perpetuates a lot of harmful tropes in fantasy novels. While not surprising in fantasy, it's relieving that the fandom is also more welcome to see Wings of fire specifically a more critical light these days on here too.
I had actually grown up with the novels, and while I used to love them and enjoyed them since the first book, I always have felt uncomfortable with the Tui's shortcomings as a writer clearly leaking through. As a mixed kid reading about Sunny, sometimes it felt hurtful and mean how she was spoken of as a complete abomination and a stunted prototype of the dragonet they were supposed to have. While dragons that talked about her like that were viewed negatively, it felt strange to me how her being a hybrid is treated as this big surprise in the Brightest night and no dragon even thought "hey maybe she just has some mixed heritage"
When reading about glory as well, I felt disappointed and hurt that the rain wing racism all along was somewhat justified and w the night wings were planning and they're suddenly moving in with them with no soldiers or other damn scientists than Dr m*n*gele- I mean Mastermind having any visible punishment. In book 14, Rainwings are STILL described as lazy by Snowfall. And clearly aren't taken seriously unless you're Glory, Mangrove, Grandeur, or Kinkajou. I was infuriated at the clear holocaust imagery and colonliast plotline being used to make the Nightwings "cool and dark"
Arc 3 for me was the last straw. Pantala was/is literally based on AFRICA too, like..ugh. As a black person who grew up on this series, It's when I no longer enjoyed reading and lost a lot of my love for it. Tui's escapist fantasy no longer felt like a safe space- it felt very harmful to me. And I felt alone in experiencing this, as other fans I interacted with online were usually white. When you described your experience as a Jewish kid with fantasy, I realized I felt a similar way towards a lot of fantasy novels I have read. But I feel like wings of fire stands out. Something I grew up with and loved that I know was never meant, and never will be for people like me. Again, thank you for that video. Sorry if this is a bit long!!
No need to apologize at all for the long message! I'm really happy to hear that my video was cathartic for you! I always appreciate hearing feedback on my stuff.
I'm really happy my video could speak to others who can relate to how potentially alienating a lot of escapist fantasy can be. I'm also glad to hear my video could resonate with people who grew up with the series. To be honest, part of me was a little worried that my perspective as an adult going into the series with "sympathy nostalgia" was a little esoteric x3
I'm sorry if my response is a little short here, but I don't have much to add, you put everything so well! And I'm super grateful for this kind message, thank you! :3
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deepperplexity · 2 years
PLEX! Clearview Cove maam ????  Break out the sparkling grape juice and chocolate because oh my are we going to be here for a while!!! I- just there are so many things I can say (and I will don’t worry) but honestly a few fitting words would be, amazing, captivating, startling, and just down right lovely (don’t forget heart stirring) Now onward to me rambling and screaming :D
First of all Kate😭. Sweet Kate I just want to hug her and tell her all is going to be well because wow, the amount of shit that she had to endure with her ex is absolutely heartbreaking. Some of the things you mentioned especially when it was about her size and him attacking her about these things had me :”(. It made me tear up a bit and I’m so happy that she found a partner in Ray who believed she was absolutely perfect regardless of her size. I know there were also so many other horrible things that he who shall not be named did to her but this really resonated and also her retail therapy coping mechanism hoo boi. Just the amount of strength she had to escape multiple times even if the first attempts didn’t pan out is just amazing and it was a bit heartbreaking when she realized that she would actually be okay with dying as long if that meant she didn’t have to go back and I just 🥺. Also I chuckled but also wept a little when even though she was half passed out she was ready to molly wop Ray with a candle holder.
Okay okay now Ray I just 😩😩I would like to know all of the folks you were thinking about when creating him because I was just like 👀👀👀 where, who , how, and can I get one?  His initial description had me like 🤔 🤔 🤔 and I lowkey thought of a person that I scribbled on the page but that’s neither here nor there. Such a grump with a heart of gold and his back story and his lost loved again made me go 🥺🥺 (you sure know how to make hearts wabble don’t you!). Everything about him is just so good and lovely even with his shield. And his inner thoughts and monologues when he meets Kate and such are so funny and I love how that contrasts with his outer sternness. The way he wants to protect Kate even though he is just meeting her, and the way he gets angry at her for putting herself in danger it’s just everything maam. And the little things of moving her shoes for her, cooking for her how angry he gets when he learns of her abuse I just it’s too much for my soft sooooul. But also not him leaving his rifle both times when it was needed like sir get it together lol.
Now both of them!!!! I just they were meant for each other. The hurt they both suffered the way they just match yet fit with each other just like a puzzle piece. I just love love love the age gap trope you know that ahah and just the way he wanted to protect her and the way she wanted to help soothe his hurt even if she didn’t know what it was and it was everything Plex🥺🥺🥺 And the smut girl the smut, it was so sweet and intense and the way they were basically enamored with each other from the beginning and how he was like ‘no I’ll only touch you if you verbally say it’ CONSENT KING is what Kate deserves and needs and he gave it to her and soooobbs I just love how it flowed so well with the story like it wasn’t the main thing but it tied the pieces up so well a nice little treat that accentuated an already interesting story😭😭🥺 Then the I love you’s!!! Crying, sobbing, screaming. OH ALSO WHEN SHE WAS LIKE YOUR EYES ARE BROWN and he was like :D? I laughed and thought it was so cute. I love the funny moments that were sprinkled in between even with the circumstances!
Okay but wait! We can’t forget the good girl Stella!!! I love her!! German Shepherds are one my faves and everytime she appeared I was like give her pats 🤩🤩. And her wiggle and waggles haha I got so excited and how she just loved Kate from the get go. Doggo sensed that she needed protecting and love and I just 🥺🥺 But then when Stella got injured and then the sudden cliff hanger I gasped and was like oh shit John Wick part 5 let me throw hands to???? Honestly the end of chapter 12 and then chapter 13 had me like ahah here it is the other shoe dropping things were going to well and was just waiting for stuff to pop off. And they sure did :”D
Oh and finally he who shan’t be name. fuck him the way I way I cheered at his ending like yea eat his ass up we love to see it that’s all that shall be said.
Quotes: And of course you know I had to give you just a few of my favorite quotes because I highlighted a bunch of them but here have four lol
“I’m going to fucking bust”
That just made me laugh straight up. Like I know she is struggling but I’m sorry that tickled me.
“You make me feel small..”…”No I love it I’ve never felt small”.
Girl maam. You know I love this. I feel like I don’t have to elaborate to just have to make you feel protective and consumed with loved and jfc (when will I have this the yearning Plex THE YEARNING!!)
“Then again you’re young and life is a long adventure” “An adventure I would like to share with you”
My heart can’t take it. I love them I need them to be together forever.
“I didn’t like big open spaces….hated the giant wall-sized windows that allowed every neighbour to see right through the house.”
Okay this had me like was this written on purpose (I’m sure it was) and had me like oh, because even though she lived in such a see through house no one could see the abuse that was happening :”| and that just had me like wow.
My view was finally clear
I see what you did there. And I fucking love it.
TLDR: Everything about this story was so good. The characterization, the way folks reacted to things that made sense (ex Kate’s reaction to the gunshot and her trauma), the description of just everything?? From the environment to the emotions that hurt me at times ahaha. The relationship these two (three if you count Stella because she is family of course) built in 140 pages was amazing and just sweet and the way they were protective and supportive of each other in their own ways even though they had just met just had me like🥺🥺😭 because then they just absolutely melted for each other (it do be cold in the mountains) no matter the walls they had up to protect them
Emoji Summary: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😡😡🤔😂🙂🥴🥵😥😭😍😍🥰🥰🥰 (just a range of feeling I had reading)
I loved this and I’m sorry for talking so much lol I hope all of this is coherent but this was just so damn good and I’m excited for more of your original works!! Gives you all the hugs!!
P.S the way you have formatted everything you did such a great job???!
Bonus Part Because I'm Nosy:
The names Ana and Sarah! Did you pick them because they were common names and no one is gonna be like huh?
Also the clearing of doors from shoes and such was it Ray’s military training, the fire ptsd or something else? I was lowkey thinking that it was going to end up being a plot point!
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Girl you weren't kidding about me needing to grab a drink and settle in - WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS GIANT THING?! 😱😂👏👏👏
And first of all, THANK YOU! I am so so so happy you loved Clearview Cove - for those wanting Clearview Cove for free simply join my newsletter HERE and get your copy - but this "...even though she was half passed out she was ready to molly wop Ray with a candle holder..." had me fucking cackling 😂 It's one of my fav scenes in the entire thing 😂👌So glad you adored Kate and resonated with her, that means so much and at the same time I am so sorry love 👀😅❤
Now, Ray... hooo boy... I LOVE HIM. And he's not made while thinking of any one specific person even if I of course drew inspiration from several ppl as one always does but he's mostly just himself and not a concoction of other ppl. Basically, my vision of a grump with a slightly comedic heart made for caring 🥰 and this "...and I lowkey thought of a person that I scribbled on the page..."?! WHO?! Let me know girl! I'm curious af now 😂
I adore them together and I'm so happy you saw all the little things tying them together - it's often the little things that I find interesting and what matters the most to me when I write couples - and these two were absolutely made for each other, they are salvation to one another and I absolutely love how they have entirely different backstories, personalities, traits etc but still have a few things that are the same (like music taste) yet their trauma matches up even if the causes are entirely different (patting myself don't the back a little here, one is supposed to do that - right?)
oh, oh, and this "...OH ALSO WHEN SHE WAS LIKE YOUR EYES ARE BROWN and he was like :D? I laughed and thought it was so cute. I love the funny moments that were sprinkled in between even with the circumstances!..." YAS!!! 😂😂😂 I went for a little more hidden comedy in this book and it was so much fun 🥰
"...Oh and finally he who shan’t be name. fuck him the way I way I cheered at his ending like yea eat his ass up we love to see it that’s all that shall be said..." <- You'll love the second edition even more then 👀 I'm currently working on it along with huge news I'm releasing in my newsletter this Sunday (2023-02-26) 😍💌
I'm so so so very thankful for this thick review and lowkey smiling too widely over here... So glad you thought I managed to do well with all of it in such a short span of words/pages - you know how hard that is for me 😂👍 And love the quotes you picked! ❤
I've done everything on this book, from writing it to the cover to the formatting and I gotta admit I'm quite pleased with it - did you see the bonus material? The floorplan and playlists too? 👀🥰
Because you're curious about my thoughts on the matters: - Yeah, just common names but I've also always loved the name Sarah ^^ - Both his military training and PTSD, he's also a very organized guy in general except when his brain malfunctions because of his emotions, then the idiot runs out of his house without bringing his rifle 😂😂😂
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netherlady · 2 years
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My childhood was not happy.
Picture this. It’s 1992. You’re a kid. Your abuser lives a wall away, and your parents chose to protect them instead of you. You’re very much alone. You hate yourself. You wish everything would just end.
And a movie happens. Batman Returns. It’s the only the greatest thing you’ve ever seen. Selina Kyle speaks to your young broken heart in ways you won’t understand until you’re older with therapy. And Batman feels like an unobtainable strength you wish you could sit in the dark shade of forever.
Things don’t get better at home. But you have them at least. You have these movies playing on repeat in your head for three months. Then on September 5th, 1992, Fox Kids premieres a new show. Batman the Animated Series. You don’t know it at the time, but the episode The Cat and the Claw was not the actual start of this madness. But it didn’t matter. There they were. The same feeling the film had, but brighter, deeper, on beautifully painted backdrops and grainy noir color.
And there was Batman. That same monolithic shadow of justice, with a voice that resonated in your bones. But he was different. Not bad different, just…different. Brooding, heavy, and restless—but with a hand of kindness other heroes didn’t seem to have. Adults didn’t seem to have. Something called compassion.
It changes you so entirely. Episode after episode. Show after show. Adventure after adventure. You hated yourself, really and honestly—but this man, who tried so hard to save a city that didn’t love him back—this man who refused to give in to hatred and anger, who would extend a hand to anyone, even a man like the Joker, if it meant saving a life—this man who cared so so much, and lived on a policy of empathy…he made you feel like, no matter how awful a kid you were…Batman would still save you. Batman would still care.
Kevin Conroy is the definitive voice of Bruce Wayne and Batman. To this day, there’s few sounds that bring me the same joy and comfort he could. I always meant to meet him somehow, to tell him what he did for me in my darkest years as an angry, lost, hurting little kid. That this show was one of the only things that made my youth less miserable. That his Dark Knight gave me hope in a hopeless place. But I never got the chance.
Thank you, Kevin Conroy. I know there are more kids out there that were like me, who needed Batman in their lives. You shaped a generation. You changed him forever. You changed me forever.
I love you from far away, and I hold everything you made in the deepest part of me. Batman is my hero. Thank you for giving him to us.
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