#and then a couple of yall followed me here anyways <3 <3 <3
yuridovewing · 11 months
Gotta say it's really jarring to see how big WoF has gotten. I was there when the fandom was really small and there were only like 3 youtube channels that had the characters. i had a canon url. it was easy. and then i look at the series now and its got a comic series and theres apparently a netflix adaptation. and my college store has them too apparently??? like they thought wof deserved to go along with common YA series like the hunger games?? what on earth happened how is this already feeling larger than warrior cats. why is wc only just now getting a comic adaptation of the original story sdlkfjskdlf
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
Contextualizing whats going on with my blog atm
Ok so i'll explain a bit of the phenomenon of whatsup with my art. So first off, my twitter is dead. The algorythim has found me and blocked me, so i dont get more followers anymore, theres no room for growth, (and as we love to say in capitalism, endless growth is the only way) so since its a dead website, i don't have any incentive to draw things that would originaly help me grow there. which wasnt smth i would usualy do, ive always been more of an original content artist. Either way, this means i barely focus on posting there, and with good reason! it doesnt matter; i get a few commissions there, and thats it. And make no mistake, comms are my livelyhood, i pay my bills and groceries with them, so having fewer does suck. But the website is dead for me, so I have no incentive to post daily like i usualy would. (and you think imma post my poetry on twitter? no fucking way lmao) Meanwhile, here on tumblr, i had never grown or gone viral, i have got a couple thousand followers, thats it, if you think im famous i take that as a compliment, but trust me, im not exactly thriving, lmao. Theres never been a particular trend to follow to be famous on tumblr, and if there was, nah. idc. This is still my primarly posting website anyways. but here's the thing. There is nothin i can do to improve the situation and get more comms or famous or whatever. So if there's nothing i can do... Then i can do Whatever i want. This year is a blank page for me, and i've decided: I'm going to do whatever i want with my art. Jack of all trades. No more regrets, no more fears, no more hesitation. Poetry, fanfiction, erotic art, Personal ocs, titty ocs, fanart of MLP (like now), comics, memes, YTPs, maybe even video essays, whatever the hell i want. If nothing matters than all we do matters! I'm following my whims now. it's time for hedonism and hedonism only! Looking forward to see how yall get weirded out by all i do this year :3 Bye bye!
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teenytinyjimin · 5 months
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snow day (k. seokjin)
summary: being snowed in isn't always the most fun, but when you're stuck with the love of your life, there's very little you can complain about.
pairing: seokjin x reader
word count: 1.7k
tags: fluff, romance, winter fic, lots of cuddles (it's cold, what else are you meant to do?), chef!seokjin (as expected), teasing (in the lighthearted and romantic way), kisses!!!!! lots of kisses!!!!!
warnings: none! enjoy some sweet fluff!
author’s note: hey guys!! finals are this week (bleh) and then i’ll be on vacation two-ish weeks from now so i won’t be posting a lot i’m afraid :( i’ll plan to have another fic out by tuesday next week and then i probably won’t post again for a week or two after that. hope yall enjoy what i make in the meantime but im sorry it won’t be a lot :(
anyway, this is dedicated to @kskskskskskskskss i hope you enjoy my love <3
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
There was no doubt that winter was your favorite season. Despite the gloom it tended to cast across your cozy town tucked into middle-of-nowhere Korea, it was always wintertime when its true beauty shone. The glimmering streetlights making the snow look like glitter falling from the sky was one of the most beautiful sights, especially on days when the sun was struggling to peek through the clouds and left the town dim.
Alas, the beauty of the snow on this particular day didn't take away the fact that it was completely snowing you in, to the point where you were afraid that opening the front door would cause a mountain of white powder to fall into the entryway of your warm abode. Actually, you were more than willing to leave the house and go enjoy the beauty of winter, it was just your boyfriend, who is too overprotective for his own good, who persuaded you into not leaving and just enjoying it from the comfort of your own home.
So here you were, peacefully obliging to your darling Seokjin's wishes to stay inside. If you were to choose between the snow outside and the love of your life, it would be him a million times over again. So at the cost of not making snow angels, you were instead sprawled across the couch, cuddled into a cozy blanket with your eyes shut as you listened to the sounds of him cooking in the kitchen. You weren't quite sure what he was making, but you knew it had to be good because nothing he ever made was anything less than perfect.
The only other thing you could have wished for in this very moment was to be in front of a crackling fireplace – that would have made this snow day beyond extraordinary. But alas the heat radiating from the furnaces spread out throughout the house would have to be good enough for now. Wishful thinking, you thought. Maybe one day we can live in a nice little home with a beautiful fireplace.
"Alright, you ready for some absolutely incredible kimchi jjigae?!" Jin called from the kitchen, his voice enthusiastic and bright. Mm. Kimchi jjigae. Your mouth was practically watering just at the thought of the delicious stew. However, your body wasn't as enthused at the thought of having to move from the comfort of the couch.
You let out a groan. "Mmh, can't move," You sighed in frustration, pulling the blanket over your head so that you could bury yourself into an even deeper state of comfort. This was followed by silence except for the sound of a few dishes clinking, before you heard a pair of footsteps come your way. "Come, dear, you need to eat,” Seokjin said softly, nudging you with a gentle hand. You refused to pull the blanket down from your face and remained silent, causing your partner to let out a deep sigh. "Alright, I'll just eat it all myself. More for me."
The last sentence set you off as you let out a desperate and breathy whine. You wanted to eat, you did, but that involved sacrificing the state of bliss you were currently in. Silence ensued yet again for a couple of minutes, to the point where you couldn't even hear your own breathing, before you were suddenly lifted off of the couch, blanket and all, and into Jin's arms. Letting out a squeal, you pulled the blanket down from your face to look up at him, his beautiful features a mere couple inches from your own as he now had you lifted up in bridal style.
Rather than wrapping your arms around his neck for support, you decided to drape yourself over him like a limp doll, causing the silliest of smiles to creep onto his face. "You know, I can carry you to the kitchen with no problem like this, but I'm not going to feed you like a baby. Even though you're cute like one." Ignoring his words, you let out a deep sigh, inhaling the scents that flooded the house. "It smells amazing in here. If I were to die right now, I'd be completely happy."
As you arrived at the kitchen, Jin pulled out one of the dining chairs with his leg and propped you onto it, giving you a soft kiss on your nose before bringing you a bowl of jjigae. "Please don't do that. I need you to clean the dishes." Letting out a gasp, you glared at your boyfriend, who appeared to be pretty proud of his last statement. "Excuse me? Is that all you take me for?" You asked, feigning offense. As he pulled the chair next to you out and sat himself in it, he grinned and shrugged. "Well, you're also a good girlfriend."
"With that attitude, you might as well call the couch your bed for tonight. And you'll be doing the dishes." As you went to go scoop up your first bite of jjigae, you were stopped by a swift hand that took the bowl away from you. You let out a shocked noise as you looked over to Jin, who had absolutely no intention of giving you the food back. "Looks like I was right about there being more for me," He said, beginning to playfully spoon at your bowl.
"Hey! No, I'm sorry," You tried to bargain with him, even going as far as to give him puppy eyes. When it came to food, you did not mess around, and you were ready to take everything you said back if it meant that you'd still be able to eat. As you watched him take a spoonful of your portion into his mouth, you let out a pleading whine. He looked over at you with confusion, pretending that he didn't hear a word you said. "Huh?" He asked. "Sorry, did you say something? I was enjoying my jjigae."
"Give me my bowl back," You insisted, no longer playing around. If this went on any longer, you'd be declaring war. Smug look on his face, he pretended to innocently tilt his head. "I'm going to need something in return…” He said, his voice trailing off towards the end as he continued to spoon at your jjigae. You knew exactly what he was asking for and unfortunately there was no way that you were going to get that food back unless you gave it to him.
Letting out a soft sigh, you reached over to caress his cheek and guide his face towards yours before planting a soft kiss to his lips. And then another. But just as you were about to pull away and kindly ask for your food back he grabbed your face and pulled you in again for a gazillion more kisses. Squealing between each one, you attempted to playfully push him away but he just kept going, kissing your lips, and then your forehead, and then your cheek, and then back to your lips again, all the while a bright red blush creeping to your cheeks.
“J… Jin! The jjigae will get cold!” You finally got out, successfully pushing him away. He let out a defeated (and quite sad) sigh as he pushed your bowl back to you and returned to his own. “I could’ve reheated it…” He muttered, but you shushed him with a firm squeeze to his knee from under the table as you both began to dig in to the delicious meal.
Following the initial playful moment that you two shared during your meal, the food was nothing short of amazing and you both thoroughly enjoyed your dinner ‘date’. After every couple of bites you never failed to compliment Seokjin on his incredible cooking, each and every time resulting in a shy giggle erupting from his throat. He never knew what to say when you complimented him – although his confidence was never bad, hearing such high words of praise coming from the love of his life never failed to make him timid and unable to react. It was the fact that he saw you as absolutely perfect that made him unable to comprehend how you could feel the same about him, because hearing such kind and honest words come from someone he’s head over heels for is like hearing the sweetest song in the world.
After you took the time to clean up the dishes your chef used to create such a fantastic meal, you found yourselves flopped down onto the couch. With two bodies plus the blanket that was previously covering you before dinner, it was simply impossible to see which limb belonged to whom because you were tangled up with one another. The only thing that mattered to you, though, was that you felt safe, loved, and extremely cozy.
"I don't think I'll be moving anytime soon," You huffed out, head on your boyfriend's chest. "I can hardly breathe with the amount of food in my stomach right now." Letting out a satisfied hum, Jin brought a hand to your head as he gently brushed through your hair with his fingers. You felt him move slightly as he turned to look out the window and you did the same, admiring the snow that continued to fall outside. "It really is pretty," You commented, taking a deep breath as you not only tried to make yourself feel slightly more comfortable but also took in your lover's scent. "Never as pretty as you." Jin hummed without skipping a beat. "Plus it's cold. You're warm. Warm is always better."
"Are you telling me you'd rather be warm than cold?" You asked. In your mind, being too warm was a lot more unbearable than being too cold. As you felt Jin wrap his arms around you and give you a tight squeeze, he sighed. "No no, being cold is better. Because that means I can warm up by cuddling with you. The best cuddler there ever was." You let out a soft giggle as you buried your face deeper into his chest and he tightened the grip he had on you. It didn't feel too tight or restrictive in any way, shape, or form – being so tightly wrapped in his arms felt more comforting than anything else in the world.
"Thank you for spending the day with me," You mumbled into his shirt as you felt his lips gently kiss the top of your head. "There's nothing else I'd rather do, my love."
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onismdaydream · 5 months
HII!!! for the past like two days I have been scouring your account for your yuuji content.. because it's SOOO GOOD. And I can NEVER find yuuji fics! ><!
I just love how you write, and it's kept me thirst for him quenched but I just- HAVE to get this out there. I guess it's a writing request..
I have this one specific thirst that just. UGHHH. Basically, I loveee yuuji fics, and it's common knowledge that he has sukuna inside of him. (Lol) sukuna, who can basically manifest as a mouth. DO YOU SEEE WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS?? there is just so much potential. And we already know the the mouth can manifest literally anywhere! His cheek, his.. HAND.
Like just imagine like- being with yuuji, and barely getting into the 'intimate' parts of your relationship. And I mean barely (once or twice), and at first sukuna is annoyed after, bc like- OF COURSE HE IS! How dare yuji, a little brat, do such things when he KNOWS he can see everything! Nobody wants to see some new inexperienced couples fucking? (Me) nobody!
But.. if you can't stop them, join them.. right?
So, maybe he tries to convince yuji to let him have some fun with you. Though yuji immediately says no, that's totally weird!
Won't stop sukuna though. So next time you guys start to have fun.. worked up from a mission, unable to keep your hands from eachother.. which lead to yuji having two of his fingers knuckle deep inside of you, pumping in and out, hitting that spot that makes you see STARS.. when all of a sudden, you feel a tounge lap at your clit! 🥺🤭 whaatttt!!
It catches you so off guard, it takes a minute for you to register what's going on, but when you do.. you wrap your hand around yujis wrist, tugging him away.
"Whats wrong?"
!!! How do you even begin to explain? There's SO many things wrong. Starting with the fact that SUKUNA, the person who literally hates both your guts, literally tried to eat you out.. to the fact that, you liked it.. it felt good!
"I think.. I don't.. basically-"
What do you say? What CAN you say? What if when you tell him, he stops? Ughh this is just so- UGH!
"Whats wrong brat? Use your words."
Followed by a dark chuckle, like he's laughing at you. Coming right from yujis cheek. GOD he is so annoying.
"Sorry, brats, just had to have a taste.."
OKAY ANYWAY. This is getting too long BUT it would probably be followed by a small little argument between yuji and sukuna, but thankfully sukuna convinces yuji.. probably by saying that he could either use his mouth, OR take over yujis body and have his way with you ♡🤭 and OBVI yuji chooses the first one bc he doesn't want you to get hurt..
at first he acts like he doesn't like it, but that facade doesn't last long, you hoth love all the new opportunities that come with this.. i mean like, youre both new to all this so maybe when he isnt sucking on your clit, he could talk you both through it teaching yall sime jew tricks along the way 🥰♡
you see what I'm saying, right?
Finish it, if you want, I would LOVE to see your take on this, but I just HAD to get this out there, otherwise I would go crazy..
But anyway, how was ur day? 🥰🎀
-your horniest yuji lover!♡🎀
omg??? first of all, thank you!! you're so sweet and this literally made me so happy when i saw it this morning !! i'm sorry i didn't respond earlier, i've had a kinda shitty work schedule + being a little sick so i haven't had much time here <3
UGHH I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!! i've seen similar concepts (sukuna joining/forcing) and it's always so HOT!! i especially love the idea of sukuna licking at your clit and yuji not even realizing... like he's so distracted by the pretty faces and beautiful sounds you're making that he doesn't feel the way his palm morphs or just how much wetter it gets from sukuna's spit..... it's just sooooo good!!
sukuna makes a deal that if he's allowed to fuck you the way he wants, then he'll tell yuji what to do ("the proper way to fuck a woman") and yuji feels a little guilty for considering it but he really really wants to treat you the way you deserve and he has his own selfish reasons of wanting to feel you come around his cock. and maybe it doesn't take much convincing because sukuna's mouth is back on you and making you see stars that you both agree lol
and i don't mind at all if you ever wanna dump your ideas here <3 i think we all need a space to put our thoughts before they make us go crazy! that was what i did before i started this blog :)
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greasegotahold · 3 months
Kind of alluded to it in my first darbit post but yall the way that of the two oldest brothers one has to work but then the other is. Pretty consistently around to keep an eye on Pony when his bio brothers can't. Two-Bit who could leave high school is instead aging himself out, conveniently placing him as the one older member to willingly supervise the baby of the group in the place where soda and Darry cannot physically go. Two Bit being initially non comittal abt the drive in but just so happening to come through and walk pony and Johnny back safely into their side of town. I put this as its own point in my earlier post too but just. Two Bit trying to drive out to Texas to get the boys back. Two Bit coming over to see Pony once he's out of the hospital. Two Bit volunteering himself to chaperone Ponyboy when his brothers have to go back to work. Two Bit going from giving Pony a busted bottle to being scared when Pony busts one himself. Two Bit sharing Darry's (and Soda's) sentiment that this kid is something special, but he needs to keep away from their habits so he can get out. Two Bit our favorite mama hen who's also the wine aunt.
And it's just so interesting to me that Two Bit is there p consistently but Pony has little to really say abt him. That tracks with the half of the gang who he kinda considers seconday-tertiary friends. Dally is connected to Pony through Johnny and isn't given much until he becomes more significant to Pony. Steve is Soda's best friend, and infamously he and Pony are Beefing all the time. But Two Bit? Again, I opened my darbit post with this, it's pair the spares, but it does kinda follow with the boys Pony doesn't have much insight on being the ones who are closer to other ppl in the gang. And anyway yeah Two Bit is the one who is most active and involved with watching Pony; he has the time and the freedom to be the more or less (usually a bit less) "Adult" with Pony, and he consistently shows up to do that, and idk how to close this off but. I do think it's funny if the gang is actually just these 3 couples that evolved over the years and also Pony is here, missing All of The Cues bc it's the 60s and they're all just a bunch of boys being guys and Johnny is just weirdly glowing towards Dally and Steve is just weirdly clingy towards Soda and for some reason Two Bit gets defensive of Darry and also won't stop watching Pony from kind of afar, but also close enough that he can pull him back by his collar if he needs to, and he seems worried about Darry approving of him hanging around and like. Is trying to do a decent job watching after Pony. And also he keeps spending nights at the Curtis' even tho his house is available and his situation isn't so bad or volatile as Johnny or Steve's. Huh. Weird, lol. Anyway, about this latest Paul Newman movie.
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brokeaesthetic · 7 months
I bet yall( There's literally no yalI l have like 0 followers.)won't believe this, but I've got a new mf im obsessed with..... guess who???? it's tangerine from bullet train, bitch im literally sick🤪!!!. It's every couple of months with me I swear!!!! I'm such a lil weird ass freak in a good way of course. Like you all know that clip of Britney Broski, where she's fighting herself for being weird (here it is) https://youtu.be/o-uBYfodkDc?si=J-MZtcPSNXRDAJJO literally me. I'm such a weird ass freak in a bad way😮‍💨😕. "And then you get this picture, AND THEN I TAKE IT TO MY PENT HOUSE AND FREAK IT". Sorry, but does anyone else feel crazy guilt when they're reading these fan fictions abt characters, And then you're simping, and then you realize that this is actually a real person with a family. It literally makes me sick and wants to stop everything I'm doing. But alas, I'm a weird ass freak😈😛😉. I need to seek fuckin help. But anyway, aaron taylor johnson is so bbg( I absolutely despise that term, but I feel like it's fitting). And I wish him nothing but success on his acting journey and career path. By the way, yall please, please, please, please please check this video out on YouTube. I watched it literally yesterday, and I can't stop rewatching it. This is to all the Aaron Taylor Johnson girlys watch this video NOW. https://youtu.be/sQNJC1i4eDU?si=YxtLRlkBJe1-7JRa Also, I'm so sorry to all the writers whose notifs I've blown up, But yes, I have stalked your page. And yes, I have read every single one of your fan fictions about tangerine. Typing that out actually made me sick, and I needed to really start to re-evaluate myself. But this is really nothing new. I've gone through this like a million(3) times. Anyway, I'm here yet again to complain about the amount of fan fictions about this character.( I say this as if I haven't scoured the deep dark depth of tumblr to read every single fantic I can about him.) I'm such a flipping weirdo fr hashtag I need to do better and punch in the side of my head. By the way, I also wanted to add that like every time I make one of these post and I go to whatever tag to read more fanfics about whatever characters. I just cringe whenever I see my post, like I cringe extremely hard. But you know, I have Tumblr for a reason, and I want to vent so what better place right. And I just want to give a thank you to all the writers who have been fulfilling the deep dark hole that is my new obsession. Wishing you all nothing but luck and happiness. Thank you for reading my rant, autism diagnosis coming in soon🤗💋. Later when I come back to this post I will be so utterly humiliated I will delete it, so please enjoy reading, What might be one of the most humiliating things? I will ever put on the internet.🤳🏽👋🏽.
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vidawhump · 3 months
I was daydreaming again and then the characters in my head (they normally look like an idealized version of my art style) became creepy
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I drew them and they kinda look like Mandela cataloge alternates meet that one sentient mask scp thing
Anyway, status update (verry long)
For artfight: I have realized that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and the site as a whole is kinda confusing and scary so while I am gonna set up and link my artfight acc, I'm probably just gonna "attack" yall by making a post and tagging you lol (EACH MUTUAL WILL BE ATTACKED AT LEAST ONCE. THERE MAY ALSO BE A COUPLE TARGETED DOODLE DUMPS. IF YOU ARE A NON AUTHOR/ARTIST MOOT I WILL SIMPLY DRAW YOU INSTEAD. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, FINLEY. I'M GONNA GET YOU /silliy/pos)
For Whumpmas in July: Things actually aren't going terribly, but I am a bit behind. Definitely going to work on that a LOT more during the last week of June. I also renamed Brilla and Nilalang's story if anyone noticed that. Name change or not, they're still the main focus for my Whumpmas in July.
For Library Lockdown: I'm not quite sure where I'm going with the current plot, and I'm kindof falling out with the story I'm working with. Don't get me wrong, I love Reese (/p). They're my lil guy. But I don't really know what I'm doing with it anymore. I'm probably going to go in and start scrapping pieces, and reworking the entire plot. It's still going to be CYOA academia whump, but I'm making a genre change to domestic/urban fantasy and dark academia. Or maybe light academia. I'm still working out the vibes on that. Anyway, I'm going to make a post later (later being anywhere from two days to this time next year lol) and I'm gonna tag everyone that was on the original taglist to see if yall still want in on it. No hard feelings if you don't hop on the taglist, I just want to rework Library Lockdown into something I'm much more enthusiastic and passionate about. (It's probably gonna get a name change too)
For Featherbound: I SWEAR I haven't forgotten about the blorbos but between all the other shit going on and the big pile of laundry on my dresser that is staring at me menacingly from across my room as I type this, I don't have the spoons or general motivation to work on Featherbound :/. What's gonna push me over is probs gonna be something like I make a cool ass art of them or I see something that reminds me of them and I motivate myself to get over the tedious shit and get into the plot heavy stuff and also the whump. Especially the whump.
For general stuff (both paragraphs are going to have 0 continuity and be very disorganized but I need to dump out the words somewhere. And that somewhere is Tumblr aka. the one diary my brother can't snoop through) down here
Relevant stuff: Between all of the above and just the general batshit lack of routine or motivation, I am pretty burnt out. I am very much tied up between the need to be creative and the need to relax and recover (I might manage to do neither). I'm trying to hold my shit together but it's still kinda rough :/
Not so relevant stuff (warning: 0 continuity. 0 organization): I'm reading Angels Before Man right now and it's soooooooo good I love it (crep i think you write the religious trauma type shit, right? I think you'd like this book :3 /nf). I ordered a green crossbody bag on amazon and its gonna come in sometime between july something-teen and august 5th and the hunt for one that's good was hard bc my laptop is big as shit and it needs to fit in the bag and most of them are teeny tiny but I found one that I think will work!!!! I'm excited for that :3333 The laundry pile is still staring at me I'm scared but I don't wanna put it away but it keeps building up I don't like this :((( Jay I meant to message u abt this earlier but I kept forgetting and i didn't know how to bring it up but remember the one crossover drawing I made with Dew and Hell Followed With Us (another very religious trauma one)? Another book by the same author, The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White, has a lot of the same vibes as Blood Runs Cold, at least in terms of mechanics. One of the main things in the story is the existence of "the veil" which is the barrier between the alive people and the ghosties and that reminds me a lot of what's going on with Aspen, if u wanna check it out! /nf :333333 Uhhhhhhh what else. I have an XC long run (probs 30 minutes for me) tommorow. Idk what I'm gonna do when I get home tho. Might make another poll for that. Its like 8;30 over here I should probably go asleepy haha. My bday is july 27 btw :333333333 definitely have to make some sort of art for that. There's probably also a couple character bdays in july that I dont remeber off the top of my head but I know they're there. Ok I go alseepy now byeby :3333
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manonamora-if · 9 months
Retrospective 2023
Like last year, long image below, with the text of the image under the Read More. You can find all the mentioned works or relevant links on my pinned post.
The format for this retrospective will be similar to last year, save for the image design (it's good to switch it up a bit). There will be a lot, so I'm making it digestible again :P
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The goal for this year was to:
Get things off my desk and shelf it for good.
Because I had too many ongoing WIPs and games whose state I wasn't completely happy. I also wanted to avoid creating new projects (if I could stop myself) to focus on those projects.
As the infographic above shows... I didn't really manage either? I've shelved a couple more projects (Goncharov Escapes! mainly) but also added many more titles to my name through the comps and jams happening this year.
On the plus side: I've finished stuff!... by making tiny IF bites xD - I think I've achieved a new level of understanding of SugarCube through making the Guide, the templates, and experimenting with it. - I also tried a handful new IF programs (Adventuron, Ink, Binksi/Bitsy), which makes me want to try other programs - there are a lot of fun ones out there!
More importantly, I think I made last year one of my best game so far: DOL-OS. I was pretty happy with it when I submitted it to the Concours (and won first place!!), but this remastered version really made it into something I am incredibly proud of. I don't know if I'll ever make a game this good - I hope I do. Anyway, go play it, peeps.
This new year's expectations are fairly similar to last years: finish the WiPs, shelve remastered version, and update the large projects. Hopefully The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt is MelS gets back his free time. And if time/frustrated, make a few short bites. I'm also going to continue organising jams (@seedcomp-if currently, and with the @neointeractives) and review more IF games (esp covering jams) over at @manonamora-if-reviews.
Anyway, thank you for the continued support last year! Thanks to yall reviewers, commenters, raters, likers, and lurkers! <3
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Retrospective 2023
As you can see... I've barely followed my 2023 Resolutions. Although it has been a very busy year, I did not manage to finish or Update many older projects... But Here's What I've Done!
SeedComp! : End of Round 1, start of Round 2.
Release of Chapter 3 of The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt
Release of the Settings Template for SugarCube
Release of DOL-OS, for the French IF Comp
P-Rix - Space Trucker now available on mobile
Release of The Rye in the Dark City
Start of Code-Fix of CRWL
Release of the Space/Tech Template for SugarCube
DOL-OS won the French IF Comp
SeedComp! : End of Round 2, Voting starts
Release of The Roads not Taken, a parser made in Twine for the SpringThing
Announcement of the Results of the SeedComp!
Release of À la Campagne.
Interviewed for DOL-OS and AlC.
Released source code of old MtP versions.
Release of Chapter 4 of The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt.
À la Campagne ranked 2nd in the Twine Server Spring Jam.
Start of the Anti-Romance Jam.
Start of @manonamora-if-reviews.
Release of Entre-D'oeufs Coquilles + An Eggcellent Preparation (translation)
Release source code of SPS IH, EC, TRNT
120+ entries submitted to the Neo Twiny Jam
Release of Mission: Anti-Romance (Prompt)
Release of Collision, Intersigne and Clarence Street, 14. for the Neo Twiny Jam.
Pre-release of The SugarCube Guide
Start of the Single Choice Jam
Release of the VN-lite RPG template
Update for the SugarCube Templates and the Tweego/CScript Guide
Update of Clarence Street, 14. (V French)
Release source code for Collision, Intersigne, and Clarence Street, 14.
Update forThe SugarCube Guide
Release of Goncharov Escapes! The Remaster.
Release of The Dinner.
Release of the Remaster and Translation of DOL-OS (English translation + New content)
Start of the Bare-Bones Jam.
Release of In the Blink of an Eye
Start of reviews of the IF-Comp
Release of La Petite Mort The Remaster
Start of the first Round of the SeedComp!
Release of Tower of Sleep
Reviews of the InkJam, EctoComp and BareBones
Start of the ShuffleComp
Release of Ode To Pissaladière [Zine]
Release of the Character Creator Template
Release of multiple prompts for the SeedComp!
Start of the Second Round of the SeedComp!
Completed Release of The SugarCube Guide
Release of the Title Page Template
Release of Dévoiement
Actual Completion of WiPs, namely Exquisite Cadaver, P-Rix and The Rye
Finished Remaster for The Roads not Taken, An Eggcellent Preparation (EN + FR), The Dinner
Update of other WiPs (CRWL + TTATEH) at least one chapter
Some Short Game/Content Release (for short jams)
Returning and NEW IF game jams (SeedComp! and Neo-Interactive Jams)
More Game Reviews (especially Comp/Jam coverage)
More Templates? Maybe another Guide?
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mydoctor · 10 months
Tagged by @catalogercas
Rules: list your ten favorite albums of all time and tag ten people to list theirs!
There is absolutely 0 order to this. Also I did 11 because I thought of all of these and then kept going back and forth about which one to eliminate and I couldn’t do it!! They’re all here for different reasons so I’m saying fuck the rules everybody lives! I am an absolute Album Listener like I’m usually in the mood for a specific album and I’ll listen straight through(but maybe skip a couple songs here and there)
1. Montaigne- Complex (This is the first year in like 3 years that Montaigne hasn’t been my number 1 or 2 artist on wrapped but all their albums still absolutely rule but this one is my fave.)
2. The Killers- Sam’s Town (I’ve been a Killers fan since I saw Somebody Told Me on the vh1 top 20 video countdown ✌️Hot Fuss is a banger but Sam’s Town holds a special place. Remember when we had song ringtones? The song Sam’s Town from the album Sam’s Town was mine for so long in high school.)
3. Punisher- Phoebe Bridgers (the soundtrack of my 2020 I used to come home exhausted from work and sit in bed and listen to punisher straight through and read fanfic to unwind. In hindsight not a Great Time but in the moment it kept me sane)
4. Coheed and Cambria- In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth 3 (the amount of Coheed I listened to in college was astronomical. For a while they got linked to a shitty time so I couldn’t listen but seeing them in the line up for WWWY is bringing me back babeyyy. Honestly big respect to Claudio Sanchez for making a whole band and multiple albums around his little OCs)
5. My Chemical Romance- The Black Parade (truly do I have to explain)
6. Petey- Lean Into Life (Petey made up 28% of my top 100 songs this year alone so he’s earned his place)
7. The Wombats- Glitterbug (I was torn between this one and Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life but Headspace being on Glitterbug means it wins)
8. Metric- Live It Out (Another HS/College banger. I used to get so anxious during boss/big enemy fights in video games so I would listen to this album and sometimes specifically Monster Hospital on repeat. Sad I don’t like any of Metrics stuff post Fantasies but their early albums are great)
9. One Direction- Made In The AM (if yall haven’t been here for long you missed the 1D years and tbh I’m sad for you it was a fun time. Glad I got in as a fully cooked adult so I could avoid the extremely toxic parts and just have fun. Anyway last album best album when is the hiatus ending boys!!!!!!!!!)
10. Rilo Kiley- The Execution Of All Things(back to HS/college woohoooo! Truly is there anything better than screaming A Better Son/Daughter I DONT THINK SO)
11. Modest Mouse- We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank (Missed The Boat is one of my favorites songs of all time. This is another band that got stuck in the Associated With Bad Person zone for awhile but I just relistened a couple years ago and we’re so back baby)
tagging @pixiestickers @lookforanewangle @captainshakespear @bishakespeares @cassiefisherdrake @varricandhawke @thychesters @ursanic
11 albums 8 people I’m a great rule follower
Also if you see this and want to do it this is blanket permission to just say I tagged you ✌️
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
It's a topic you already discussed previously but now we got many new infos I hope you will answer this.
Even in latest vlive Jimin told he's setting up an alarm and waking up - which means he's alone.
He's ordering food from outside and it's really a mess to clean up - there's no one with his who knows to cook.
He's working full time on music and when he rarely gets out it's alone - means there's no one he spends much time with.
RM told he's going to meet jimin now multiple times- I.e they are in same apt complex and only jimin lives there.
K army having zero spotting of jikook now - it used to happen when they were living together in nineone which JK rented.
But some big jkk blogs, including you, are still spreading misinfos like Jikook live together. I think you should change that statement by now as many new armys are following you. They may have lived together in 2020 when Jimin didn't had his apt or JK haven't rented brunnen. But things obviously changed now so you still sticking to old things is not right. It's no different from Tkkrs spreading lies saying it's their opinion and their own account. Or not stopping shipping tkk when it's almost obvious Tae maybe dating another woman now.
Okay, well I don't really CARE if jikook live together or not. Which is something yall keep really wanting me to care about. If they do or don't, it changes nothing about my opinions on anything else. And in every other post about this. I've said "we DONT KNOW if they live together or not." That's not misinformation. If I said, jikook live together and it's fact, you could call that misinformation. But you know. You tried. And here is the thing. We STILL DONT KNOW IF THEY LIVE TOGETHER OR NOT. lol you don't know either. You just think they don't. And that's FINE. So, take my response to this in the good faith that I mean it with. None of your bullet points here hold up as proof of living alone. And that is not me saying it's proof or not proof that jikook live together. They might. Or they might not. But you can't pull these facts from your ass and act like it's the end all be all of the "discussion" that I keep saying I don't care about having and yall keep trying to make me have. Lol but sure, let's get into it.
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1) Waking up to an alarm doesn't mean you live alone. 😅😅 literally what?? I set an alarm when I need to be up by a certain time and im not confident the other people in my house will be up by that time and therefore end up waking up me anyway. And I live with MULTIPLE other people, not just my spouse. My partner sets an alarm a lot more often than me. Anytime he needs to be up earlier than normal for work or for an event he has planned with his friends, he sets an alarm. If I'm having a particularly bad health week, he will even go sleep in his home office and set his early alarm since he wouldn't want to risk disrupting my sleep if he needed to get up early on a week where it's clear I need more rest than normal. Does this mean we don't live together? Please a poll at how many couples who live together use an alarm (either together or seperately) or even just how many roommates do too 😅
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2) Ordering food for most of your meals means you are busy and don't have time to cook or sit down for a meal even. Which, we know Jimin is. And I know we all joke about JK being Jimins cook and blah blah blah. But Jimin DOES know how to cook for himself too. He manages just fine. Lol and complaining about the mess of cleaning up either from take out or cooking, again. Doesn't equate to living alone OR living with someone else. "No one there who knows how to cook" lol EXCEPT FOR JIMIN HIMSELF?! Please go run a secondary poll about how many cohabitating couples order way too much takeout on overly busy weeks. Please also ask them if this means they don't know how to cook 😅
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3) how hard Jimin is working again doesn't mean he lives with someone or alone. And saying he rarely has time to go out with people, doesn't mean never nor does it mean he isn't staying IN with anyone either. Plus, it's discounting the few times we have seem him go out and about with his FRIENDS. Lol like the soccer game he went to with Jhope. Or when he went and celebrated JKs birthday with him. Or all the times RM (which you bring up next) said he went to go visit Jimin. Not going out, but staying in.... so what does visits with friends or hanging out with others in the rare bouts of free time this year have to do with who he does or doesn't live with?
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4) RM said he is going to visit Jimin multiple times, ie, only he lives there and it's in the same apt complex. Thats alot of assumptions, love. Lol just a lot of assumptions. And again, saying you have plans with a friend doesn't mean that friend lives alone or lives with someone either. Nor does it mean that Jimin was at home. Jimin ALSO said he had been practically living in the studio. Various studios. Even spending long late nights in the studios. Please tell me where Namjoon said he was going to go see Jimin at Jimins house where Jimin was there alone? For all we know Jimin was at the studio with his wife actually. Thank you very much. 🙄🤣
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5) K army, the good ones, tend to keep their spottings of the members to themselves ALOT. You think the members only get spotted the very few times it ends up leaking onto the timeline and shared? Wow. They must be better master's of disguises then I thought! Not to mention, I've already done a post over this! I hope you'll read it
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Everyone knows for fact about if someone is spreading misinformation over things like translations or an event like a kiss backstage that never happened. That's not an opinion. Your opinions over if jikook live together are other peoples are allowed to be different. There is not fact anywhere nor is it hurting anyone or disrespectful to a language or culture for other people to disagree with your opinion. And fyi, I'm not a big jikook blog. There are many many others that are much larger and do much more in ways of content than I do. I have my little corner of the internet and i stick to it. Nor do I tend to like to associate my opinions with the opinions of the "jikooker masses." I have my own, I'm willing to share them. I don't care if you agree with me or not. I'm willing to correct myself and be corrected if and when I'm presented with facts about ANY of my opinions. I think living together discussions aren't necessary. And I'm tired of repeating myself.
Thank you.
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minty-bubblegum · 1 year
i just realized i have so many of yall :0 LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU <33
@duskymrel - my first moot on here besides moon!! :D a lovely person 💘💓
@twistwonderlanddevotee - an absolute sweetheart!! go give sofia love she deserves it <3
@silvers-numberonefan - kei !! another sweetie <3
@angelhairpastawithherbs - ROSE!! he helps explain a lot of shit for me,, and shes also very patient w me and not afraid to lmk their boundaries and im really appreciative for that <3
@eynnwwyjth - we havent interacted much but you seem very sweet!! :D
@citrusitonit - a very mean shithead (affectionate) anyway THEY STEAL ALL MY JOKE UNFUNNY STAR COMDEIN!!!
@dove-da-birb - another wonderful person!! excellent writing and i like to learn things from them too :3
@vtoriacore - ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL WRITING MWAH MWAH!! very kind too, give them a follow !!
@red-viewe - DEMONIC CRITTER THAT NEEDS TO BE RESTRAINED. makws very pretty writing and viette is pretbby.........
@carmensdia - we've interacted a couple of times and they're fabulous :D
@h3apm3ch4n151m - BELOVED SOMEWHAT. :3 i like them i can smell the silliness through the screen
@xxoomiii - kind soul!! her posts somewhat introduced me to ikemen :3 also i was informed by her that floyd wouldve have never been known w/o me being silly 😍
@leonistic - im still new moots with them but !! THEIR WRIITINB !??!/// HWO ARE WE EVEM MOOTS THEYRE ETHERLA
@haruhar-u - always sends in stuff whenever i do ask games!! i like his poetry its beautiful!!!!
@saturnslastgoodbyes - silly goober!! im still getting to know them :3
@twst-om-lover - new moot!! cool guy :3
@theleechyskrunkly - literally the loml 🙄 we twinning w the silliness ong
@the-banana-0verlord - i havent interavyeed with them much but theu seem cool!!
@cheezy-moon - bitchless hoe love u
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So I watched Across the Spider-verse some time ago and here’s my thoughts:
Btw this is coming from a girl who watched Into the Spider-verse once and never rewatched it so I personally liked the recall thing at the start
DISCLAIMER: Spoilers are ahead, I do not know nor claim to know psychology or the comics, feel free to correct me on either of those topics and the fact that I have not watched the first one in a really long time
I love how we got a bit of Gwen’s POV and everything
The coloring was so good oh my god
You know the scene at the beginning ish when Gwen comes home to her dad and goes to her room?
So yeah that happened
Moving on,
That cliffhanger? Did not see it coming at all
But to be fair I did not know it was gonna be a two part thing so I was fully prepared for a full swing NOT LEAVING RIGHT AFTER MILES GETS CAPTURED BY HIMSELF.
Also I think Miles has such good reasons to be mad at Peter and Gwen and I think after they like save everyone woohoo, they need to sit down and talk because keeping that big of a secret from your friend is life changing dude
And literally my heart was gonna burst when Peter told Miles that he wanted a child because he wants a kid like Miles and just UGHDKSJDJF
That whole chase scene was so funny though because there were like a bajillion Spider-Man’s who could hypothetically stop Miles but they just. didn’t.
And I find that so funny
I also find funny that a random girl who Miles had never met before until like a couple hours ago helped him escape rather than his only friends. And like I get it, loyalty woohoo but also your friend is going through smth rn and as a 15 year old Spider-Man, y’all should be grateful he didn’t take it harder tbh
And now miguel o'hara.
Okay look at the start I loved him, he seemed like an Oliver Queen type who gets shit done but just is so easy to tease it’s funny
But then ya know he blew up
So just a disclaimer I know nothing of psychology and I won’t claim to, but here’s what I think
Miguel should NOT be leading a group. Like sure maybe in the future but now? Hell no
So I don’t know how recent the whole ‘messing with canon and destroying my whole family and myself in a universe thing’ was but it’s obviously very unresolved for him
There’s no way he can get closure for it, and also he’s very open about it so I feel like he’s aware that it will garner a sympathetic reaction and uses it on people to manipulate them and in turn thinks his trauma is resolved but really he’s just trying to squash it down with all this spider team for anomalies and stuff.
It’s not working.
He’s very prone to anger, pretty egotistical if he never listens to anyone but himself, apathy, probably sees himself as a monster, never trusts anyone, and basically he’s a dangerous gremlin who’s also the Hulk at the same time.
I think with his past (I have also never read any of the comics so feel free to correct me on any of this) hes very structured and just like ‘no mistakes’ which is understandable but really sad
He isn’t a good guy and he’s not a bad guy and he’s kinda like the police in like every superhero movie ever where they’re trying to tell you to follow the law/canon and everything, but it still doesn’t work.
Also Hobie? Top tier, he is the goat
So yeah that’s my thoughts in a brain dump
Personally, I already want the third one but that’s a whole 9 months away so
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk if you’ve made it this far
Enjoy the gif
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
hey yall mondo here
so uhhhhh sprigg went back to sleep (im assuming theyll wake up at like idk 3 am or smth) and that just
leaves me and toorie
at night
i guess
Hey , At Least The Stars Are Super Pretty , Right ?
Ooh , Look At That Constellation ! It Kinda Looks Like One Of Dizzie’s Hoops :O
(Toorie looks at another “constellation,” except it looks more like a jumbled mass of dots rather than a beautiful pattern.)
Look At That ! It Looks Like Spilled Coffee !
looks more like my room to me
Uh , What Do You Mean ?
remember back on cold island where you and sprigg stayed in my room
Oh , Riiiiiiight .
Well , Uh , My Room On Earth Is Kinda Like That Too , Haha …
wait it is
Mhm ! Pretty Sure Sprigg’s The Only One Of Us Who Has An Actually Tidy Room , Actually .
what about mauna
she seems like shed have a clean room
Not So Sure About Her , But Yeah ! Probably .
(Suddenly, one of the stars seems to fall down, leaving a trail of “stardust” behind it. can we pretend that airpl)
Oh , Wow ! A Shooting Star !
Don’t Think We Get Much Of Those Around Earth , Haha .
back on cold its basically obligatory to make a wish whenever that happens
Oh , Uh-
Hold On A Sec , Let Me Think Of One …
Aha ! I Wish For A Fun Adventure With Tons Of Friends Made Along The Way .
thats nice
What About You , Mondo ?
oh uhhhh
… Huh ? What ?
(man i wish toorie knew how i felt about it)
Huh ? You … You Didn’t Say Anything .
oh uh
they say wishes work better if you dont say them out loud
… Oh .
dw yours will work
Yay !
(Mondo smiles at Toorie. She notices and smiles back at them. The two of them share a moment of silence.)
o shit nows my chance
Yeah ?
(yeeeeeees. do it mondo do it you cringefail loser)
i uhh
Hm ?
AH !
(god FUCKING dammit)
(Awdajeeo rushes in and picks Avani up before she can bite anyone.)
oh, i am SO sorry if we were interrupting something—
Nonono , No Need To Apologize !
(Mondo glares at Avani in fear. He doesn’t notice they’re clenching onto Toorie’s arm for dear life.)
i don’t know why she’s been like this lately, haha… avani’s just been growling and barking at random monsters for no reason at all.
well from what i know somethings DEFINITELY wrong
uh, what?
Apparently , Critters Act SUPER Aggressive Towards Others When Something Is Off Around The Island .
Trust Me , I Know From How The Critters Act On Earth Island Whenever Dizzie And Her Friends Are Pulling Pranks .
(Suddenly, a purple blur speeds past the 3 Monsters and 1 Critter.)
wait, is that flitz?!
if theres anything being a cold islander taught me its that tweedles only squawk when somethings wrong
maybe we should go follow her!
yea probably
Let’s Go !
(Awdajeeo picks up Avani, and scuttles as fast as he can as Toorie and Mondo run after Flitz.)
sorry not sorry for the confession fail 🥰🥰🥰
all jokes aside, I plan on developing Toorie and Mondo’s mutual pining a little more before ACTUALLY turning them into a couple lmao
anyways hooooooo boy I wonder what’s wrong on Faerie Island 👀👀👀
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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ovydka · 1 year
I see you've been making a lot of OC art/posts recently, and they seem really interesting from what you've shared so far, so I was wondering if (or where) I can learn more about them? (No pressure if you're not done with their stories yet, but if there's anything you'd like to share, I'd be interested to hear it!)
hi!!! so theres no place to learn more because i havent worked out most of the story and worldbuilding in a concrete way yet but heres some basic info and fun facts i can give yall now:
it takes place in 1980's soviet lithuania in a secret research facility with the security of a missile launch base (like literally because im basing most of the security around the cold war museum in lithuania)
most of the stuff surrounding the facility is like an absurdist satire on soviet nomenclature, bureaucracy and compartmentalization
the scientists are all divided into departments and are blindly following orders from the higher-ups without having much of a clue on what sort of man-made horror theyre creating
the facility is made up on one normal ground floor and a ridiculous amount of underground floors that hold more important creations and departments the deeper it goes. going any deeper than is allowed by your higher-ups is ridiculously difficult (its sorta like trying to get into the castle in "the castle" by kafka)
the archivist character is based on an unhinged man in my town that looks and acts like jesus and everyone calls (town name)'s jesus. his personality is wildly different, i just based his appearance on him because ive been looking for a reason to paint our jesus for years now
most of the main characters are queer! (a lesbian couple thats had their shit together since uni and a messy gay couple that just met a few years ago and figured out their feeling even later)
also fun fact lina and arvydas are sibling! arvydas is older by 2-3 years
you can also listen to the character playlists ive made for the main 4 on spotify! its music that reminds me of them, not music they would listen to lol (although most of them would fuck with the smiths if they managed to get some of their music)
it would take me 5 business days to explain their characters so this is easier at the moment lol
(i hope this link works but if it doesnt, just look up ovydka and you should technically find me)
anyways thank you for asking, ive been waiting for an excuse to infodump about my ocs for a while now :D
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baycitystygian · 4 years
was reminded of a song/artist I LOVE but I know if I post about them literally no one will know that artist and that saddens me, I’m not trying to be a hipster I just like musicians with underrated talented friends 🥺
#if you’re curious here’s how this chain follows:#1) got into Bay City Rollers™️ 2) got into the Duncan Era™️ rollers#3) massive crush on Duncan 4) discovering that he’s friends with a couple that also have a band of their own called Tyrants In Therapy#TIT is sooooo weird but so GOOD I scant explain their aesthetic but it’s a mood sometimes#also both AbbeAbbe and Michael Jaye follow my shitposting Instagram account and it makes me a little unsettled but also majorly excited#anyways stan AbbeAbbe she’s a queen and a legend and her voice is AMAZING even though she’s around Duncan’s age#maybe a few years younger idk#spoken weird is SUCH A GOOD ALBUM YALL ARE SLEEPING ON THEM#‘Too Tuff To Cry’ was a big song for them I think#it’s a poppy dance number but it’s cool#I also recommend ‘Kiss My Fist’ ‘That Guy Is History’ & ‘You Are The One I Love’#they’re all solid bangers#and whenever Abbe raps it’s weirdly good for a white gal#like in Sicka Bein Sick or another song that escapes me at the moment#okay I’ll stop going off now#stan T.I.T. y’all#if your sense of humor is pseudointelligent weirdness you’d like them#OH AND DUNCAN SINGS WITH THEM SOMETIMES YOU CAN HEAR HIM ON THAT GUY IS HISTORY#HE JUST GOES FERAL AT THE END AND IT IS TOO DAMN CUTE UGHHHH#and the Facebook videos from like a year or two ago with them in the studio with Duncan messing around is just *chefs kiss*#they are friendship GOALS UGHHHHHH#okay I’ll REALLY STOP#last thing the song I couldn’t remember is literally called ‘Nothing to Rap About’ imma go yeet myself now
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3416 · 4 years
THE way im abt to make a spreadsheet with all my mutuals bdays......... u think im KIDDING?
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